Plot characters setting theme worksheets

Horror Movies.

2009.10.13 03:33 PoopyMcpants Horror Movies.

Discuss horror movies here with other horror buffs.

2013.04.24 06:31 moviegeek1997 A place to remember a movie you saw

Did you see an awesome movie a while back? Can't remember what it was called? Then write a post describing the movie including (if you can remember) plot, year it came out, characters, actors, setting, or scenes and the people of Reddit will help you as best as they can!

2019.01.09 04:47 Jashin_237 HorrorMovieIdeas

A place to discuss different ideas about what would be a good plot/setting and characters for a horror movie

2024.05.16 15:04 BanterPhobic The Courier/Chosen One In The Show (TV Show and game spoilers)

So with the Prime show being set around 16 years after the events of Fallout New Vegas, and with what looked like the Vegas Strip appearing in the last moments of Season 1, I was wondering how everyone feels about the possibility of a “player character” from New Vegas, or even from Fallout 2, making an appearance in the show?
The obvious way to do this would be to have the Courier as some kind of leader or VIP figure in a New Vegas that is either independent or run by Mr House. I know that most players, for understandable reasons, are against the idea of a “canon” version of a game character that is traditionally a blank slate for players to customise, but as it appears that Season 2 will reveal something of a canonical outcome to New Vegas, why would that not include the Courier in some form? They could potentially appear only briefly, in gear that masks their voice and even gender.
The other, slightly wilder possibility is that we see the Chosen One of Fallout 2 in some form - they would be in about their 70s at this point in the timeline if they were a teenager during the events of F2 (my pet fan theory is that the Chosen One and Courier are the same person but that’s a whole other thing). In this case, given the real life and in-game time that has passed since that game, it might be less controversial to cast a Chosen One with identifiable looks and characteristics. To me, the idea of an elderly but impossibly experienced and skilled wanderer interacting with Lucy et al is intriguing as hell, even if they only get a brief scene.
So what does everyone think - would you want to see a protagonist from ‘2 or NV in the show, and if so how would you want to see it happen? Should their scenes flesh out the canon story of the games or should that be kept as nebulous as can reasonably be done? Fascinated to hear how people feel about this.
submitted by BanterPhobic to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:00 AutoModerator Erotica Requests & Recs: Post your erotica & specific sex act requests & recs here

The Place for Erotica and Sex Act Specifics

Want some short and sweet erotica? Just need to read a book with sounding, no matter what else is in it? Just read something with this kind of content and want to share a recommendation?
Post it here in the Erotica Requests thread!
Requests that are seeking erotica recommendations and/or specific sex acts must be made here. You don't have to come up with extra specifics for your requests, similar to The Less Scary Request Place. Please make sure your request follows our other rules (for example, rule 6, our privacy rule).
Anyone can answer requests made in this post. Not all recommendations have to be specifically erotica, but that is the main goal of this request thread.
Important Note: This post goes up on Thursday mornings (US time). Requests made after Thursday ends are less likely to get replies. You are welcome to comment here on any day of the week, but you may want to save your requests for an upcoming Thursday.


Erotica: A piece of fiction that focuses primarily on sex, where the plot is secondary and serves the sexual content within. Unlike in genre romances, in erotica a HEA/HFN is not required.
A book having a lot of sex or having kink content does not make it inherently erotica -- what matters is whether the focus of the book is on the romantic relationship and getting to a HEA/HFN, or not.
Erotic Romance: A genre romance that has high sexual content. Erotic romances can be recommended here, but are not required to be requested here.
Request for specific sex act: A request that can be read as "when the characters have sex, I want them to do X" and where that's the main thing the requester is asking for.
This would not include something like a general request that the book contain explicit sex, for example. It isn't meant to sweep in any request that mentions sex, just requests where the point is to find a specific type of sex scene.

This feature is posted every Thursday. You can find the complete schedule of all weekly and monthly features at this link.
submitted by AutoModerator to MM_RomanceBooks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:00 Classic-Performer679 Seeking Urgent Advice

Seeking Urgent Advice
I am setting up a 118 gallon / 450 Liter tank. Want to get it planted in a dense jungle-like theme, with tetras and rainbow fishes.
Dimensions 6ft x 2ft x 1.25ft with 6inch sump filters at both ends.
Need your advice here.
  • Should I go for a market bought pressurized CO2 setup.
  • Or for a cheaper DIY setup.
  • Or no additional C02 is required.
Note: * Have a full spectrum light setup.I do not desire a carpet, not at least now, I am okay with slow carpet growth if any. * Location is Pune, India. Temprature hovers around 30-40 Degree Celcius. * Looking for the cheapest solution, have overshot the budget on the tank setup. :p
submitted by Classic-Performer679 to Aquascape [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:00 withchanel Can I reuse the plot of my AO3 fic for an original story?

I came up with an original plot for a fic. If the show it is based on is realistic, I created a fantasy plot that isn’t related to the original work at all.
A lot of people liked it and said, “Woah, this is pretty good, maybe you should use the same plot to make your own original story with your own original characters instead.” The main characters are not very recognizable (can be replaced easily, since it’s an AU and I only used their names and didn’t really follow the plot of the show) and the fandom is very niche.
This is allowed, right? I mean I’m not going to assume it’s going to be easy to get published, but since the story is vastly different from the original work, I can rework it using my own original characters, right?
submitted by withchanel to AO3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:58 KaloyanKaloyanov Warcraft Series MUST happen. Now is the time to make it happen

I know I know... yet another Warcraft movie shill post, but hear me out:
Warcraft movies have long been a fan's daydream. As a long time fan and active player I'm no different. In fact I might have gone a bit overboard with fantasies about it, but I did some thinking and research and here's an outline of what I think can make the franchise a success and launch a potential WoW cinematic universe. I know most of this has already probably been said before, but I want to put it all in a single place where we can see if theres any way to push this to Blizzard/Microsoft and make it finally happen.
A three-part telling of the story of Arthas in streamable series format.
Part 1: The Fall of Lordaeron - We follow Arthas from his young Paladin days through the events of discovering the scourge and ending with the Purging of Stratholm. The ending with "This whole city must be purged" is an amazing finale foreshadowing the downfall of the main protagonist.
Part 2: Frostmourn Hungers - Arthas, now on a downwards spiral goes to Northrend and finds Frostmourn. This part would cover his Northrend campaign, slowly corrupting him into the Lich King's will. Includes the return to kill his father, the destruction of Quel'Thalas, resurrection of Kel'Thuzad and ultimately ends with Arthas putting on the Lich King armor and helm.
Part 3: The Lich King - Starting with the WotLK cinematic, it would follow the story of the WotLK expansion and shift focus slightly on the world banding together to defeat Arthas. The ending should be kept exactly the same - the champions of the Horde and Alliance together with Tirion defeat the Lich King exactly as it was told in the game.
Cast ideas:
It is important that the main cast and director crew are fans of WoW and its story, so they represent it well. I've picked a list of several casting choices that have either played WoW or would just fit too well with the character they portray in my opinion. The following list is more of a wish-list, but as with any production - known names bring audience.
Director - Sam Raimi. He is a WoW player and was allegedly "desperate" to direct the first Warcraft movie. Having a good director who is a fan of the lore and game is critical for the success of this (see Last of Us for example)
Arthas - Henry Cavill is the obvious, well-known, best choice. Apart from being so close to how Arthas looks, he would inevitably bring an enormous audience of non-WoW fans and almost guarantee success.
Jaina - Mila Kunis or Cameron Diaz. Both have played WoW and both can portray Jaina in a slightly different way but close to the depiction in the game. Even Ella Purnel (the Fallout role of Lucy) could do a great job here.
Tirion - Gary Oldman. He not only fits the visual representation of Tirion, but even his voice is similar. His previous roles have resemblance to the character arch of Tirion (e.g. Gordon in The Dark Knight)
Uther - Jeff Bridges. Requires no further explanation. He just is Uther.
Bolvar - Travis Fimmel. He did great as Lothar, but he would do even better as Bolvar in my opinion.
Kel'Thuzad - Ralph Fiennes. We dont have much to go off of for his visual depiction in his Human form, but Fiennes portrayal of Voldemort and Hades fits very well with this character.
Darion Mograine - Christian Bale. This is a an important character and Bale's representation of complex conflicting characters could be amazing for this.
Antonidas - Ian McKellen. Simple - nobody can portray an old wise archmage as good as him so far.
The list goes on and on and I wont try to be exhaustive here as the goal is to just give an idea of what it could look like with a star studded cast. Theres an infinite number of good choices, so theres no point in getting stuck on casting. Frankly the only choice that is non-negotiable is Cavill as Arthas in my opinion.
Main reasons why now is the time for it:
Creating a series, rather then movies, is quite crucial. If Last of Us showed us anything, it is that series allows you to tell peripheral stories really well in isolation, without distracting from the main narrative. I dont see a realistic way of telling all the different plots going into the Arthas story without butchering it. Things like The Wrathgate, The Ashbringer, Tirion's backstory, Illidan and his quest against Arthas, etc. would feel out of place in a movie, but quite natural in a series. There is no other way to tell WoW lore along the main story and open up the doors for cinematic universe of movies and series stemming from this main branch.
Streaming services have allowed series to evolve and tell stories in a way that movies never could. They have started a great trend of bringing games to the big screen. This trend seems to be getting stronger and stronger. Classic WoW showed that Warcraft fans are here and hungry for the epicness of the original games. The hype is there. WotLK just ended, so the nostalgia will start crippling in. We just defeated the Lich King, now its time to see the story told in its full potential.
Blizzard appears to be on a downward trend with WoW subs and are seemingly desperate for cash and ideas of bringing the playerbase back into the game in full swing. What better way then telling this story and potentially turning the whole world to fans who would at least want to try the game after watching a great series? Just think of Cavill as Arthas and the amount of wives/gfs who would suddenly find out that WoW might be cool :D
Microsoft taking ownership of Blizzard is another positive - Fallout is part of Microsoft and it is doing great as a series. This might suggest that Microsoft understands the potential of those franchises coming to the screen and being very successful on their own, while bringing lots of new players to the game, thus increasing profits in two separate streams.
If Last of Us, Witcher and Fallout are doing so well - think of the game that everyone and their mother knows. If there was ever a game that virtually everyone knows, has a story that is perfect to film and has great names in the industry passionate about - it is World of Warcraft. Jumping on this band wagon, WoW has a history of coming to the scene and becoming the king. It would be no different as series - the one that makes them all pale in comparison.
It is what WoW has been leading up to. It is what it was destined to become.
This wont be just a success. This would be a grand slam.
P.S. If you agree with me, help me get a petition or buzz going. I'm a noob at this, but classic wow happened with community effort. This can happen too if we will it into existance. If anyone knows how to do this - let me know.
submitted by KaloyanKaloyanov to classicwow [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:56 AbIufrog Everything (I think) GGST didn't do or cut from older games

1: Unique verses themes, (Sol vs Ky or Millia vs Zato-One etc)
2: 25% tension moves
3: M.O.M mode
4: a good arcade mode (more of a nitpick cuz Revs XRD's and that bunch of games had really good ones imo)
5: D.I (fuck Kyle he doesn't count)
6: EX characters
7: Greed Sever (I'm not taking the new shitty looking one >:( why Daisuke)
8: Just a bunch of moves
9: A good Kyle design (WHY DOES HE LOOK LIKE THAT)
10: Danger time
11: Like a bunch of other smaller mechanics
12: Ending win quotes (the ones from Xrd and Rev n shit)
14: Raven
15: Mission mode
I probably missed a few but you get the idea
submitted by AbIufrog to Guiltygear [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:56 adulting4kids Christmas ⛄🎁 🌲

  1. History of Christmas Traditions:
    • Research the historical origins of Christmas traditions such as gift-giving, decorating trees, and feasting. Explore how these customs have evolved over time.
  2. Christmas Carols and Their Stories:
    • Dive into the stories behind classic Christmas carols. Explore the origins, lyrics, and cultural significance of popular songs associated with Christmas.
  3. Culinary Traditions:
    • Investigate the diverse culinary traditions associated with Christmas around the world. Explore traditional festive dishes, desserts, and how different cultures celebrate through food.
  4. Christmas Symbols and Decorations:
    • Research the symbolic meaning behind Christmas decorations such as ornaments, lights, and wreaths. Explore how these symbols contribute to the overall festive atmosphere.
  5. Cultural Variations in Christmas Celebrations:
    • Explore how Christmas is celebrated in different cultures. Investigate unique customs, rituals, and festivities associated with Christmas around the world.
  6. Christmas in Art and Literature:
    • Examine how Christmas is portrayed in art and literature. Explore famous Christmas-themed paintings, stories, and poems, and analyze the cultural impact of these works.
  7. Modern Christmas Traditions:
    • Investigate contemporary Christmas traditions and how they may differ from historical practices. Explore new trends, activities, and ways people celebrate in the modern era.
  8. Christmas Traditions in Education:
    • Research how Christmas is incorporated into educational settings. Explore lessons, activities, and programs designed to teach the cultural, historical, and religious aspects of Christmas.
  9. Christmas Festivals and Events:
    • Explore public Christmas events, festivals, and parades. Investigate how communities come together to celebrate Christmas on a larger scale and the various activities organized during these events.
  10. Christmas and Charity:
    • Examine the role of charity and giving during Christmas. Research how different cultures and communities engage in charitable activities during the holiday season and the impact of these efforts.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:53 PointyDogElbows The correct response to being teabagged while you're sleeping

I set up my survival tent near the Moonshine Jamboree to take a nap while waiting for the event, and another character came in my tent and started teabagging me. Naturally I stripped off all my armor and clothes and did the Mothman dance, but would you believe that he just did the scared emote and ran away?
submitted by PointyDogElbows to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:53 Rockyri [MF] She Will Rise Again

An early sunrise stirred me from whatever state I'd succumbed to. I hadn't slept - of that, I was certain - but I'd still woken, from some sort of unconsciousness. Time had passed so quickly through the night. I remember counting the seconds and then the minutes past midnight, willing each moment to slow down, to wait, to stop. But they didn't, and I knew they wouldn't. I know this feeling well.
And even quicker than the night passed, did the remaining hours of morning. It's suddenly 12pm and I'm stood before a courtroom, exploring all of the faces watching back. Some I love, many I loathe, others I look at with nothing but pity, and they're all waiting for me.
I'm not ready. I have to trust my voice and myself, but I don't. This moment is too big for me. But this moment is also not about me. So I stand firm, take a breath, and begin.
"My daughter Rosie died in my arms on May 19th, 2019. It was a Sunday, a few seconds past 8:50pm exactly when she took her last breath. I will always remember because the sun was close to setting, and somehow I just knew that it would be any moment. But how could I ever forget?
It was beautiful outside that night, in ways that I couldn't appreciate at the time. Like with most things these days, I struggle to find the right words to explain what's in my heart and mind. The sky was everything she loved and admired and so often spoke about, in her stories and poems and all of the other ways that she expressed herself. "Daytime retreating into night", "a vivid mess of twilight colours". She could say it better than I ever can.
In the distance, the sun was dipping below the horizon. I remember thinking that it was taking its time, like it was sitting still, like it knew. It felt as if hours had passed where it hadn't moved. I look back now and like to imagine that it was waiting for her.
Her brothers and I were right beside her. We held her throughout, spoke to her, whispered reassurances and promises, did all we could to make that moment as easy for her as such a moment can be. We opened the curtains so she could feel the sunset. After the weeks of pain, her peace was all that mattered to us. And when it happened, it was peaceful. If I hadn't felt her chest still and her heart stop beating, I'd have thought she was sleeping. She just didn't wake again.
I find it extremely hard to be grateful about most things from that time. But pure and vicious grief has taught me the value and importance of appreciating all wins, no matter how small they may be. So while little else, I will never stop being grateful that her moment was what it was and no one can ever take it away, from her or from us. She was surrounded by those who love her the most in this world. She was at peace, and the sun was setting. Her favourite time of day. She adored sunsets, and she chose a beautiful moment to go.
But this should never have happened at all. At the age of 25, she lost her life at the hands of those entrusted to save her. This wasn't a mistake, they happen, and this wasn't one of them. This was deliberate, with intention. They took her life. They broke her, violated her, did all they could to prolong her pain. Recorded it. Spoke triumphantly about defiling her, boasted about it, elated at having the opportunity to degrade her. Then they killed her - the very people who were supposed to save her. If that wasn't enough, they continued to desecrate her character, as if they are the victims whose lives are over. There is a sick and distorted irony there that lives in me and shall never settle.
Until recently, my heart hasn't had the strength to talk openly about her loss. Iwanted to. For her, for her brothers, for Jackson, for her friends, for me. But I couldn't do it. I could never find the courage. Doing so would have meant accepting that her missing, her absence, is final. And how could I ever begin to understand that she wasn't here? That she wasn't coming back? That someone I love so completely and unconditionally has gone through death?
How can someone who is still so very alive in my heart and mind and soul, no longer exist for me beyond those places? Where has her voice gone? Her laugh, her quirks, her wit and mind and love? Her beauty and gentle heart, her warmth and energy and spirit? How is it possible that she, and everything that made her, can be gone all at once?
I'm making my way through a stage of loss where acceptance barely exists. I cannot tell you what it is. I cannot explain it, I can only call it a limbo. Some sort of state, frequenting some kind of unconsciousness where time passes slowly and quickly. A limbo where you toss and turn, unsettled, uncomfortable, uncertain. Where you do not sleep but somehow still wake in the morning to the same pain, over and over, as relentless as it always is. There's no escaping it. Rest and peace are gone. The dread and fear and anger that this loss is forever is as paralyzing as the shock.
Being a father to six sons and one daughter is the greatest thing I have ever been. It's everything I have. My children are the hum and beat of me. But becoming the father of a daughter who's died... I didn't think I could ever survive. I didn't know how to be that man, and I didn't want to be that man. I often wonder how I'm still breathing. How much more of the grief my heart can take.
It's a pain that will never ease. I hurt for her every day. I hurt for her brothers and friends and their broken hearts, I hurt for Jackson and his agony, I hurt for the moments of her life that never got to be. I hurt for being a father that outlived one of his children, I hurt for not being able to protect her or save her, and I hurt from the restless love and parts of our hearts that are always hers, always, but can no longer be given to her. It will never not hurt.
I miss her. I'll never stop missing her. There is so much I wish I could tell her.
But I can't. So instead, I will say to all of you, that today makes the start of a journey for justice that we have spent these last four years fighting for. For my daughter. And for the five other victims and their families who must also live with their own broken hearts like we must.
I have to believe that somehow, she can still hear me. So, to my daughter; we love you more than you could ever know. And I'll keep your heart and love with me every day, til the very moment I can see you again. Until then, my girl, rest in endless peace. Rest in love, and rest knowing that we will carry you forever.
With my closing words, I'll say:
'And after all else is done, then so comes the setting of my darling sun. But I know that she shall rise again."
submitted by Rockyri to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:53 adulting4kids Holidays Poetry

  1. Hanukkah Ekphrasis:
    • Write an ekphrastic poem inspired by a piece of Hanukkah artwork, exploring the visual elements and infusing it with poetic interpretations of the holiday's themes.
  2. Diwali Pantoum:
    • Construct a pantoum that reflects the cyclical nature of Diwali, interweaving verses to capture the rituals, lights, and familial warmth associated with the festival.
  3. Kwanzaa Sestina:
    • Create a sestina that delves into the principles of Kwanzaa, allowing the repeated end words to echo the interconnectedness of the seven guiding principles.
  4. Las Posadas Narrative Poem:
    • Craft a narrative poem that tells the story of Las Posadas, exploring the characters, their emotions, and the transformative power of reenacting the journey to Bethlehem.
  5. St. Lucia's Day Rondeau:
    • Write a rondeau that captures the cyclical nature of St. Lucia's Day, emphasizing the themes of light, devotion, and the annual return of the festive traditions.
  6. Winter Solstice Tanka:
    • Express the quiet beauty and contemplation of the Winter Solstice through a series of tanka, focusing on nature, reflection, and the promise of longer days.
  7. Chinese New Year Found Poetry:
    • Create a found poem using excerpts from Chinese New Year traditions, incorporating elements from traditional greetings, myths, and customs to craft a poetic collage.
  8. Ganna Ode:
    • Write an ode that celebrates the Ethiopian Christmas (Ganna), highlighting the spiritual significance, communal joy, and cultural richness of this festive occasion.
  9. Oshogatsu Concrete Poem:
    • Experiment with a concrete poem that visually represents the symbolic elements of Oshogatsu, using the arrangement of words to evoke the essence of the New Year celebration.
  10. Global Celebrations Haiku Sequence:
    • Develop a sequence of haikus that encapsulate the spirit of global holiday celebrations, drawing on diverse imagery and cultural elements to create a mosaic of poetic snapshots.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:52 FeatureSouthern5274 Will season 3 reveal another survivor?

Do you think that some point in season 3 we will be introduced to another survivor in the adult timeline? If so, who is your best guess as to who it could be? Are there characters in the teen timeline we have yet to be introduced to? In the finale episode of season 2 there were three unnamed extras who made an appearance more than one time. I personally am holding out hope that we see Coach Ben in the adult timeline, posssibly making an appearance at Natalie’s funeral? I think they are almost setting up Coach to be the antagonist in the teen timeline, given that we (supposedly) tried to burn the cabin down with the entire group inside. I don’t really want to meet anymore new characters, I think we have more than enough already and introducing more takes away from the current characters story lines that we are all invested in at this point. Thoughts?
submitted by FeatureSouthern5274 to YellowjacketsHive [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:52 howlerckc Daily Wisdom Nuggets From Proverbs 16 on May 16th 2024 YouTube
Proverbs 16 despite its ancient origins offers timeless wisdom that resonates with modern life. Let’s explore how its principles apply today Planning and Trust Just as the chapter emphasizes committing our plans to God modern life encourages us to set goals but also remain open to divine guidance. Balancing ambition with trust in a higher power can lead to better decisionmaking. Wisdom and Humility The value placed on wisdom and humility remains relevant. In a world filled with information seeking wisdom and admitting our limitations fosters personal growth and better relationships. Words and Actions The consequences of our words and actions are still significant. Social media for instance amplifies the impact of what we say. Choosing kindness honesty and empathy matters more than ever. Justice and Righteousness Advocating for justice and righteousness aligns with modern movements for equality environmental stewardship and ethical behavior. We recognize that our actions affect others and the world at large. Leadership and Responsibility Just as kings were held accountable modern leaders—whether in politics business or communities—must prioritize wise decisions fairness and the wellbeing of those they serve. Material vs. Spiritual The contrast between material wealth and spiritual riches remains relevant. Pursuing inner growth meaningful relationships and purpose often outweighs mere accumulation of possessions. In summary Proverbs 16 encourages us to navigate modern complexities with wisdom humility and a sense of responsibility toward others. Certainly Proverbs 16 provides a profound reflection on life human nature divine intervention and the importance of wisdom humility and righteousness. Let’s explore some key themes and verses from this chapter Divine Direction and Human Plans Verses 13 The chapter begins by emphasizing the connection between human plans and divine intervention. While humans can make plans it is God who provides the right words. We are encouraged to commit our actions to God to ensure success. God’s Justice and Human Actions Verses 49 These verses reinforce God’s role in establishing order and justice. Everything is made for a purpose and even the wicked are utilized for the day of disaster. Pursuing righteousness and love leads to life prosperity and honor. The Divine Wisdom and Kingship Verses 1015 These verses illustrate the divinity involved in the rule of a king. Divine wisdom leads to just decisions vital for the stability of the kingdom. The king’s favor symbolizes life while his wrath signifies death highlighting the king’s critical role in the welfare of the kingdom. The Value of Wisdom over Wealth Verses 1619 These verses underscore the value of wisdom and understanding over gold and silver. They also caution against pride emphasizing humility and fear of the LORD as superior virtues. The Consequences of Words and Actions Verses 2030 These verses highlight the outcomes of our words and actions. A discerning person gains good while trusting in the LORD brings blessings. Conversely the perverse stir up conflict and the violent entice their neighbors. Living in Righteousness and Peace Verses 3133 The concluding verses emphasize righteousness peace and age. A righteous life is deemed better than silver or gold reaffirming God’s control over all events. In summary Proverbs 16 encourages us to align our plans with God’s purposes embrace wisdom and be mindful of the consequences of our actions. It’s a timeless guide for living well Check this out.
submitted by howlerckc to u/howlerckc [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:52 RPGBern Mega Bern RPG Project - Looking for GMs

RPGBern (check us out on comes with a new project and a new idea: join forces to help us realize a day of fun with the first Bern-wide rpg session!
The idea is to have on the 17th of November an adventure together that spans all locations in Bern and lasts around 6 hours, with many tables in all the main RPG related locations in Bern, and - and this is where YOU come in - many GMs!
The ambitious part of this project (apart from the size) is that we want to have one overarching story! Combining the stories you will play at your table with an overarching story, you will be able to be a part of a larger plot, and your players will impact and feel the impact of each other group's decisions.
You can of course use parts, ideas and plot points from prewritten adventures, but the basic idea of connecting the different stories requires some customized adventures that we will prepare together before the event. More informations on the plot (no spoilers!) and how this will come to happen will be given to the GMs as soon as we have the informations of the settings everyone will run at their table.
If you think this idea intrigues you, fill the form at by filling in some informations about your game and your email.
The registrations for the GMs will be from NOW until the 31st of May. After then you will be contacted at the email you inserted in the form. If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us at the mail [](
Come join us in this macroscopic event and thank you in advance!
PS: Currently the locations we are considering are the CDC, the Drachenäscht, the Erupt Lounge, the KuL room and the Zwergenschmiede. If you are aware of another location which might be interested in participating, let us know in the form or via email!
submitted by RPGBern to bern [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:52 FeatureSouthern5274 Will season 3 reveal another survivor?

Do you think that some point in season 3 we will be introduced to another survivor in the adult timeline? If so, who is your best guess as to who it could be? Are there characters in the teen timeline we have yet to be introduced to? In the finale episode of season 2 there were three unnamed extras who made an appearance more than one time. I personally am holding out hope that we see Coach Ben in the adult timeline, posssibly making an appearance at Natalie’s funeral? I think they are almost setting up Coach to be the antagonist in the teen timeline, given that we (supposedly) tried to burn the cabin down with the entire group inside. I don’t really want to meet anymore new characters, I think we have more than enough already and introducing more takes away from the current characters story lines that we are all invested in at this point. Thoughts?
submitted by FeatureSouthern5274 to Yellowjackets [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:52 pride-of-kaosins R5 Flowing purity + MH set with Furina, Mika, Faruzan

I've seen different things about potential team comps and this is what I think would work for my account situation. I would farm his BiS domain but it's a waste of resin on my part considering I won't be using the other set. However, MH and GT goes on most of the characters I already use so I figured I'd run him with Furina. I looked at his Furina teams and most (if not, all) suggested Mika as the healer due to the cryo crit buff and whatever.
Now I've only got an R2 widsith at the moment, trying to look at more f2p/craftable options. Is the crit damage on widsith more valuable than the attack on flowing purity? And with the BOL mechanic, shouldn't Mika be a sufficient enough healer (since he heals to full HP quite consistently?) I'm wondering if it's a better option at R5 than Widsith, but I don't see many guides talking about the weapon due to it's recency
submitted by pride-of-kaosins to ScaramoucheMains [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:51 SeraCLST Horror Movie Themed ROM?

So i know that there is some ROMs that change everything in the game and make it totally different, I tried to look for s Horror movie themed one, I only found a "Sadako vs Pyramid Head meme" one, idk if there isn't one, but I was looking for it.
As the name says, it's a ROM that change the Pokemons to Horror movie characters, as Sadako/Onryō, Jason, Pyramid Head, etc.
Does anyone know any?
submitted by SeraCLST to PokemonROMhacks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:51 dwij-bhatia Help with reducing polycoount

Help with reducing polycoount
Hey I am very new to MD I downloaded it with only purpose of simulating existing garments on my characters,
I downloaded one garment from the official store, it was a file but the polycount on mesh is WAYYYY TOO HIGH for my pc to handle. I cant simulate or do anything even my characters are very small when imported. Please tell me solutions for the poly count thing, here is the link to fthe product
submitted by dwij-bhatia to MarvelousDesigner [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:50 AdorableConstelation My first time playing any Souls like game and I decided to play Elden Ring. I wrote a little bit detailing how the first day went.

Wonderful start, I made my character, tested around with controls, I died to boss, fell in hole, entered tutorial, died to spear guy only three times before beating him! Mad proud of that! This is where the true game started, or so I thought. Apparently the fellow I thought was the first "boss" fellow that called me maidenless and took a while to kill was apparently a "friendly" npc. I found out because of how I flexed to my friend about how it only took 17 tries to beat him. My friend told me it was better to restart because of some questline. (once I complete the game I vowed that I will make a new slot and kill every humanoid npc except for Kale, he gives me arrows.)
Anyways so I made a new game, soloed tutorial knight guy first time! Felt proud, I went Samurai class because I've been reading Chinese cultivation novels recently, I named him Seo after Seo Eun-Hyun. After tutorial, I skipped the guy that called me maidenless because he's rude n stuff. I went down and saw some guy on a horse and was like "Woah that guy looks friendly". He ran me over with his horse, didn't appreciate that, he's on my hitlist now.
I then met Kale my beloved, he gives me arrows from the shop, this reminds me I have a bow! I check my bow damage with the critical, NICE, VERY NICE! I was planning my revenge on the man in the yellow armor, then I saw it. Abuseable wildlife!
Being the absolute PVE demon that I am, I spent a few hours killing sheep and birds and stuff. By the end of it I had like 6k runes so I was feeling pretty good! I went back to Kale and bought a lot of arrows and a torch because I wanted to see if I could burn things to death, I forgot about the torch but I had a lot of fun with the arrows, and that's what matters!
By then I had been eyeing the little outpost with knights in very jolly colored armor, red and green. So I attacked the guys, it went great until one of them blew a horn, that didn't go well. I then adapted a more stealth themed approach to this, I crouched, assassinated some people to get some space. I then used my bow to quickly kill the man with the horn before he could blow it. W strategy right? Well apparently not because some guy probably named Igris is an absolute unit of a knight and ruined my good expedition. I vowed to come back and cheese him in the cheesiest way possible in respect.
I went to go retrieve my runes, which had increased a lot because of all my attempts and the fact that I never die before retrieving them. On the way of running away from the knight that I now dub "Blood-Red-Tree-Green Commander Igris"(Igris for short), I found a new grace to touch! I was pretty excited because that meant I could teleport from Kale to here each time I needed more arrows to snipe the blow horn guy. Instead I was met with a surprise.
There was this cool animation and I'm intoduced to this person who's name I can't spell. For the sake of my time because I don't want to search it up and get spoiled about her lore or something, I'll call her Mellon. Anyways Mellon is a very important npc. She gave me a horse, very epic. She said something about leveling up but why spend runes on levels when I can just spend runes on arrows? Is she stupid?
Horse is great, I ran around with horse until I saw a bridge, on that bridge was something that will probably give me nightmares for a while. I dare not speak about what happened that night, the night rider will find me. Honestly I'm too scared of that to even try to shoot arrows at it, it's too scary :(. Creature on bridge chased me for a while, I realized I could attack on my horse, (future plan to beat man in yellow armor?!)
I went back to Kale on horseback because when you have a horse who the heck wants to fast travel. I sat at grace to recover my runes and when I got up.. wow oh wow I met that BLUE woman! Blue woman my beloved. I forgot her name so I'll call her Blueberry for now. Blueberry gave me dogs. Dogs are important, therefore she is important.
By now the urges were getting to me, I wanted to shoot Kale just to see if I could one shot him. The problem was, Kale was my only source of arrows, and he's pretty chill. So I decided now is the time I beat Igris. So I went to the grace, tested around with dogs and realized how perfect of an opportunity this was. So I did it, I killed every npc except for Igris while still having HP leftover, i summoned the dogs and watched as they mauled him to death. When he was low HP I just had to go for the cool Katana finisher, he ran me through with his spear before I could finish him off and I died. I'm going to finish him later.
By then I was getting curious about what was behind that gate, that the people in the fortress were guarding, and wow oh wow was this the discovery of a lifetime! This introduced me to GIANTS! They give SO many runes! They're VERY slow and practically can't fight back if you have torrent. So anyways I brought the giant outside because I'm not fighting him in an enclosed area with soldiers sniping at me like cowards. After leading him outside I sniped him a lot with my bow while my dogs fought for me till the giant died, he shoot some sonic scream things at me but those were easy to avoid. 1k runes per, I grinded this giant a LOT till I had 10k runes. I spent 3k of the runes on arrows because I was going to explore. This, this was where I truly feel I started moving on the right track!
After a while of searching, I went to the bridge where the horror guy at night was. This time it was day so I was certain he wouldn't be as scary, on the way I found some of )what I believed to be) zombies. After killing all but one of them I found out they're just really really starving civilians. Dang... Anyways I put the last one out of his/her misery and moved onto the bridge. On the bridge was some guy on horseback and I was like "HAH, NOT SO SCARY AT DAY ARE YOU!" And proceeded to show how much better at fighting on horseback I was by dying thrice to him before deciding to just snipe him from a distance with my bow.
After finishing him off I expected a better reward but I guess you should only get the good reward if you beat him at night. Moving on I found it. My glorious grinding method that brings me an endless amount of joy. Just beyond the bridge there are giants. Giants give 1k runes per kill. Normally they're a lot of work but these ones, these ones were special. Special because they are chained up and defenseless!
At first I walked up to them to attack them with my sword, then they stomped on me. Sadge. Then I sniped them from right infront of them, the army fellows helped them. This was where I developed my killer strategy, climb a mountain and shoot their heads till they die! Climbing a mountain so they can't stomp on me OR have army fellows attack me! It was truly foolproof! I saw one of the giants charge up some super attack when it got close to dying, shame it never had iframes because I would never let it charge an attack like that smh my head. Anyways first Giant down, one left.
After killing the other giant I decided why not snipe the guys below me, I had plenty of arrows. and so I did. This, this was where my eyes were opened. I was tryna destroy the cart to spite the army guys because they have Igris on their side, this was where I saw the "Open" button or something. Apparently there was a chest in there. I opened it and wallah! A GREATAXE!!! I was a bit hesitant to stop using my katana, but then I realized, in Elden Ring... there is no Severing Mountain Swordsmanship (단악검법/斷岳劍法), Beyond The Path To Heaven (월도입천), Qi Mountain, Heart Heaven (기산심천/氣山心天), Endless Mountains Beyond Mountains (산외산부진/山外山不盡), Foolish Old Man Moves Mountains (우공이산/愚公移山), and definitely not any Record Of Surpassing Cultivation and Martial Arts (越修越武錄). Therefore I gave up on the blade.
OR SO I THOUGHT! Turns out I need STATS to equip it! 30 Strength and 16 dexterity? This is where all my runes came in. Now I had to split my runes into buying arrows AND stats from Mellon. I already had 16 dexterity, so that's nice. 30 strength is a long way away but I was able to quickly get up to 24 strength.
With my newfound stats and new discovery of the bow critical attack, I went to go fight the man in the yellow armor. You can guess how that went... Actually you can't because I killed him first try, Hah. All it took was climbing a small boulder and yellow armor guy was defenseless, sure he teleported away because he was scared sometimes but I just held right for extra accuracy and sniped him from a larger distance and he ran right back. Then when he had 62 Hp remaining I finished him off up close because I needed the screenshot to show to my friend to make it look like I killed him fair and square.
Well who would have guessed it I got his bisento or something. Apparently I need the same stats for it that I need for the axe, except now I need 12 faith. To be honest I'm still on the edge if I wanna use it, the weapon certainly LOOKED big when the boss used it, I haven't seen the greataxe but I'm sure it's big, but as big as the yellow fellow's? Only time will tell.
Nearing the end of my day I went back to the giants to spawn kill them for more runes, I ran out of arrows and decided to go down there and finish them off with my shield. Shield combat is nice, better than Katana since I don't have Severing Mountain Swordsmanship (단악검법/斷岳劍法), with Severing Mountain (단악/斷岳) as a critical. or Severing Vein Saber Technique (단맥도/斷脈刀) with Returning Home (환향/還鄕) or Saber Tomb (도묘/刀墓) as a critical.
After finishing off the giants I ran off because I'm not fighting the soldiers without arrows. I then found some flowers that summoned divine judgement on me. Of course since I'm a video game character I didn't have to reach Beyond the Path, Treading Heaven(超越踏天之路) to overcome the will of the heavens and just pressed c to dodge. Why didn't Seo Eun-Hyun do this? Is he stupid?
I then found a npc that told me about a dragon before finding grace to touch again. Now I rest for tomorrow to fight a dragon.
Wow what a long rant, writing takes more time than I thought. Even more respect to authors like G3 and Cuttlefish who come out with multiple quality chapters a day.
Why would automod think I am asking for technical support? Are they stupid?
submitted by AdorableConstelation to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:48 Sunako-Kirishiki Electric effects & Warbond Idea

Electricity should do double damage to bots with strong staggestuns; for bugs, it should do normal damage and light stagger, but also have a chance (with increased chance the smaller the bug), to stunlock the bug it hits directly (with a lesser chance per subsequent arc). It would be funny to have a rare or so special animation for the bug stun that is a straightening/contraction of the bug's limbs giving it rigid limbs and allow it to fall over using the standard ragdoll physics.
If they are to make a electricity themed warbond it should stay more on theme than we have been getting in the past, I would imagine it would look something like what ai have proposed below.
Side note: due to limited thought placed into balancing the damage placeholder examples, they likely would need a serious change or two, as they are just loose estimates that seemed good at the time of typing.
Warbond name Ideas "Shock Troopers" "Tesla Terrors" "Super Charged"
Grenade ideas:
Electric "aoe" Grenade does the same effect as shooting the blitzer in 5 directions and arc thrower 3 times at detonation point, so it has high possible single target damage or multi target damage
An alternate could be funtionaly thermite grenade style, but a hi cap power cell that stabs into a target to latch on and acts as a temporary mini arc tower directly on the target but can still work if missed as a small range weak defense tower with short lifespan and limited hp if not invulnerable. It would provide arc thrower blasts every other second or so for as is good for balance.
Other Alternative could be just like the first, but with single target only damage where the grenade has a instant discharge that arcs to one target, the biggest unit in its set range; where it just strikes the flooenvironment if no units are in its radius. It wouls do heavy damage of course and a strong stagger to targets that arent instantly killed. (Instant kills a devestator and brood commander, maybe a stalker.)
Primary ideas:
SEAF SPIEDR (spider) Special Provisions Issued Electric Dischargeing Rifle. A marksman type rifle/energy weapon that is similar to the scorcher in regular use but with a delay before fireing each shot like the initial delay of the sickle, can tap to fire without needing to hold the fire button like sickle, it is semi auto or a slow (but not slower than achievable with semi) full auto and it hits one target per shot without any arcs at maybe 25% of the damage of the Blitzer while being fairly accurate and long range. Uses high capacity battery cells that look like 9 volt batteries for ammo at ~20 shots per cell (displayed with charge meter on rifle) has an alt fire setting that utilizes a pre chargeing pump mechanism located on the bottom like the blitzer, useing the same blitzer reload animation that eliminates the pre-fire delay of the next shot and consumes increments of 5 units of charge per pump for added damage. (can pump with sub 5 for the remaining 4,3,2, or units of charged damage potential). Precharged shots are indicated with a 0 to 4 circular light dot on each capacitor located on the rifle. Charged firing uses a proportional aesthetic in regards to arc thickness, brightness, and in its sounds on discharge/fireing. Charged fireing uses a diminishing return system where each 5 units of charge are worth 100%-75%-50%-25% damage efficency potential per unit of charged shot damage. This means each unit of charge at an example damage of 80 dmg (example base uncharged shot damage) then charged ahot values in pumps of 5 would give full damage per unit of charge at first pump giving a total of 400 dmg.then at 75% each for second pump it would total 700 (400 + 300), then 3 pump charge is 900 (400 + 300 + 200) while the last pump would only offer an extra 100 dmg capping at 1000 dmg total with these example numbers. And of course, I would be using the full mag in the process of firing one shot at 4 pumps. Also, when holding a charge, it adds an aesthetical electrical sparking along the barrels capacitors (4 small cylinders holding power on the gun itself outside of the battery before fireing / dischargeing). when keeping primed a charged shot the energy in it will slowly discharge at 1 shot's worth of damage per 10 seconds *after initial 10 seconds since last pump however the drainage stops at 1 remaining shots worth of capacity, leaving the user with a visable indication in the form of a minor sparking affect to display that its no longer brimming with power but in its weakened state is still primed to fire without any pre shot delay.
Reaper (R.E.A.P.R) Rapid Electrical Arc Pulse Rifle The second primary should be a moderate paced auto arc gun that after arc guns pre shot delay fires steady zap zip zap zip zap like pummeler or liberator concusive at around 8% to 15% of the stratagem grade arc gun damage; ahould have a large box style battery on the back of the rifle holding 100 shots, with 2 spares. Can use semi-auto to full auto and has 150% of the range of the flamethrower.
Ideas for Secondaries:
SEAF Standard Emergancy kit Handgun Simple starter handgun style but slower firerate, 60 dmg thin electrical textured blue laser peojectile (like a smaller sickle projectile but lightning) that uses a cool down function for ammo economy and when fireing has a safe mode that fires at max rate that it can without risking overheating, and an unsafe mode that can fire as fast as the starter handgun but can overheat using up a heatsink)
Project H.B aka Honey Bee A bug or bot movement arrestor A larger handgun that resembles a smaller barreled grenade pistol that uses a bee stinger esque barbed dart projectile with its medium armor penetrating barbed conical anchor pointed caseing that holds an impact activated module which starts an incremental electrical stun gun style energy discharge. In practice it handles just like the grenade pistol. However like the thermite grenade these projectiles will stick to the target. They will deal an initial damage 400 or so, then will begin to provide electical stuning effects and damage in pulses starting ~2 seconds after impact, it should apply a stun release stun release effect that will immobilize and deal an additional yet nominal electrica type damage from those stunning pulses. (For balance reasons, if the effect cant apply to any strong units such as hulks or tanks, it should at least cause a quick and light stagger per pulse on the hulks that reduce accuracy and for tanks should just reduce accuracy and or disallow fireing of the main gun *if it is the normal cannon tank)
submitted by Sunako-Kirishiki to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:46 PatrickSutherla [TOMT][Mobile Game][2010s] Pixel art game about smashing jars of coins

Hi everyone,
I've been searching for this desperately for a few days now. Back in the early-to-mid 2010s, there was a 2D, pixel art style game set in a library. You started with one character, who would run around smashing jars of coins with a stick. If you tapped the screen, the jars would appear faster.
You then swiped across the screen to collect the coins from the ground. The coins were used to upgrade various things like the jar spawn rate, the jar size/color, the weapons, and to unlock more characters. I distinctly remember that after you reach a certain amount of coins (1,000,000,000,000?), the game would reset and you'd get a golden trophy which would be placed on a bookcase, visible from the title screen and in a mini bookcase in the game itself.
EDIT: It wasn't an infinite scroller, there were no monsters or anything to defeat.
Please help me find this. I'm not sure if it's on iOS or Android.
submitted by PatrickSutherla to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:46 Successful_Bat_8677 A Ubisoft screenwriter spoke about the plot of the Japanese Assassin's Creed from 2013 - without a black samurai and a shinobi gir

A Ubisoft screenwriter spoke about the plot of the Japanese Assassin's Creed from 2013 - without a black samurai and a shinobi gir
screenwriter Former Ubisoft amid yesterday's announcement of Assassin's Creed: Shadows decided to share details of the plot from Assassin's Creed about Japan, which he worked on in 2013-2014 and which ultimately never saw the light of day:
I handled some of the Sengoku-era storytelling elements of Japan for Assassin's Creed back in 2013-2014 while on contract in San Jose/Tokyo. I guess they threw it all away for a black samurai and a kunoichi?
I'm so glad I'm no longer in this industry. All my contributions to these studios are gone, along with everything else I worked on (all the MMO shooters I worked on were canceled).
Here's a quick overview of the original story (as I remember it - it's been ten years since then):
The plot centered on the young monk Yamauchi Taka, who was the character's in-game ancestor. Taka means "Hawk", which is in keeping with the naming convention of every game character back then, being named after a bird of prey (don't know if that's changed with all these new, disjointed games where Desmond is no longer the main character tying everything together) .
The main conflict centered around the Sword of Eden (aka Excalibur, Honjo Masamune, Sword of Genghis Khan, etc.) and how it gave its final owner, Oda Nobunaga, the power to conquer Japan.
After Nobunaga is killed by Hattori Hanzō, Taka becomes part of the brotherhood and is trained as an Assassin (Shinobi) under Hanzō's guidance. The Brotherhood tries to take the found sword out of Japan, but they are surrounded by Jesuit (Templar) ships and it is lost. The problem gets worse when Hanzo is killed before he becomes a monk. His master, Tokugawa Ieyasu, tasks Taka with finding the killer (and returning the sword).
Although Nobunaga's successor, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, receives the sword and begins his expansion into Korea, Taka steals the sword back and the mad daimyo loses his power as his military campaign in Korea weakens. Outraged by the theft, Toyotomi believes that the Templars have betrayed him, and he effectively exterminates all the Jesuits (Templars) in Japan. Taka infiltrates Toyotomi's castle and fights him in the final battle, which results in Toyotomi's death.
Taka manages to escape from the castle from Toyotomi's servants. After this, Taka decides to spare Toyotomi's little heir, knowing that the clan has already lost its grip and will eventually wither away without Hideyoshi. Tokugawa Ieyasu begins his ambitious takeover of power, demanding that Taka and the Brotherhood give him the sword and help him wipe out all his enemies in Japan in order to completely unite it under his clan's banner. Taka and the Brotherhood decline and disappear into the shadows along with the sword.
Well. Black Samurai and Kunoichi. What a disgrace.
submitted by Successful_Bat_8677 to Games_Piracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:44 TheSexyMario777 Theory: The ORIGIN of W.D. Gaster!

Theory: The ORIGIN of W.D. Gaster!
(And in case you're wondering, the answer is yes; we're doin' a sequel. 😎)
Hello Internet, welcome to 😳
Gaster. The most mysterious character in all of Undertale. Nobody knows where he comes from. Nobody knows where he went. Nobody knows who or what he is. We're not even sure on what he LOOKS like. from. Well, my loyal theorists, today I believe I have a theory on EXACTLY who and what Gaster is, where he came from, and where he is now. And spoiler alert, it's NOT from the Underground.
If you're reading this, you're probably wondering: "If Gaster isn't a monster from the Underground, then where is he from?" Some people believe that Gaster is actually the father of Sans and Papyrus. That's ridiculous, of course, because in our last theory, we established that Sans and Papyrus are actually Mario and Luigi, and thus can't be the sons of Gaster. (One loyal theorist by the name of Marfanis788 on fandom concluded that Papyrus might actually be the great Waluigi, but that's a theory for another day.)
Anyways, while this may be a bit of a controversial theory, but I believe that Gatsir is none-other than the GH(ass)T from MINCRAFP!!1! Now, I know what you're thinking: "That's preposterous! There's know way that gatsir is the ghast from minecrap." Well, with this evidence, I bet you'll be thinking differently.
For one, Ghaster and Gast have very similar names. They both originate from indie-games that have left a very significant mark on pop-culture of this generation, including some of the most recognizable characters in video game history. They both live in vast realms underground that have a close resemblance to hell, and they're both monsters. You still don't believe me? Well, consider the fact that BOTH characters are PALE-WHITE. 😱😱😱
Well, how could this have possibly happened? How could the iconic Ghast have possibly gone under such a transformation to become Gaster? Well, before we get into that, I have an announcement to make.
You've all been waiting for it. THAT'S RIGHT! MERCH!!! MERCHANDISE! MARKETING!!!!1! Now, you can get your very own StillBetterThanYouLolz T-SHIRT!!!!
"Why in the world would I ever buy this?" You may be asking yourself right now. Well, I'll have YOU know that this T-Shirt is actually worth more than your ENTIRE BLOODLINE**.** So what are you waiting for? Come on down and sell your soul for some MERCHH!!!1! Only $9,000,000! Link is right here! BUY NOW!!!11!
Now, back to the theory. The Nether takes place in a different dimension than the Overworld. So how would a Ghast get to the Overworld? Well, how does one cross from the Overworld to the Nether? A Nether Portal. One day, the Ancient Builders from Minecraft (get caught up on minecart lore) are exploring the Nether, when one day, a few Ghasts cross through the portal. When the Ancient Builders come back after exploring, they find that the Ghasts had killed their most prized possesion; their Minecraft Dogs**.** All of them. All of the dogs were dead. The builders think that these were Overworld monsters doing personal attacks against them, as they never went to the Nether Wastelands when in the Nether. So, they declare war against all monsters that they find, monsters that they were once at peace with. And yes, the Human-Monster War all started because somebody killed their Minecraft dogs.
The Ancient Builders begin a plan to force all of the monsters undeground, starting with the Ghasts. Most of the Ghasts end up dying out, as they can't survive without the intense heat of the Nether as their climate. However, a few had been able to survive and evolve. They had gotten smaller, and were able to use some of their tentacles as hands. They had also developed critical thinking, similar to that of humans and overworld monsters.
Now at this point, generations have passed, and the Human-Monster War has ended. The next few parts of this theory take place far after the events of Minecraft, as the Human-Monster War is still going on at that point. We know this as monsters still roam the Overworld at this point, and they attack humans on sight, so we know that they're at war. We can also tell that the war is almost over, and the humans are winning, as the monsters are so weak that (with a few exceptions) they can only come out at night time.
Now at this point, there is only one Ghast left. And his name is Gaster. Gaster had blown through most of the Underground, making most of it one massive cave. (Also, one part became really cold and started snowing for some reason, while the other part basically became the Nether because climate change = yes. Also, to help survive, Gaster moved to the Hotlands because Ghasts need that hot climate to survive, as I mentioned earlier. He also built his lab there.)
Anyways, Gaster had been looking for redstone while in the Underground. And after years of searching, he finally had enough to use for his project. Using Redstone Technology, Gaster had created a machine that would turn him into a human so that he could finally leave the Underground and get revenge on the humans who forced him and his people to flee underground all those years ago. Using a tooth from one of the Ancient Builders from all those years ago, he used the DNA to turn himself into a human. However, the experiment went wrong, and his Ghast form instead merged with the human DNA, turning him into a humanoid Ghast.
However, Gaster was not ready to give up just yet; for he had an idea; an evil, cunning plan to build the most powerful machine in existence; so powerful, it could wipe out entire species. He was planning on building a time machine**.** He was going to use this machine to destroy all humans; not just in this dimension, but in every theoretical timeline**.**
Eventually, he was found by Asgore (who we discovered was actually the Evil Koopa King Bowser in our previous theory). After the death of Asriel, the son he had with Toriel (who we also discovered was actually Princess Peach in our last theory), Asgore grew mad with rage, and wanted to destroy all humans for what they had done to their kind and their family. Gaster had presented his idea to the angry king, who liked the idea so much that he appointed Gaster to the Royal Scientist of the Underground.
Gaster worked and worked, until finally, the time machine was finished. However, it was very unstable. The experiment failed, and instead of wiping humans from time, Gaster became time. The time waves also sent back Bowser and Peach back to the beginning of time, so that they could become Asgore and Toriel again, creating a time loop instead of a paradox.
Gaster was witnessed by different characters in four separate (theoretical) timelines. These witnesses scarred the characters, and they instantly started following Gaster. Some of these theoretical characters can be witnessed in the main timeline. They started spreading the story of Gaster to a select few in the main world.
These main world characters then started spreading the story to others, and the story eventually became well known among the Underground monsters. People started calling him Warped Doctor Gaster, or W.D. Gaster for short, as he was warped across time and space.
Still don't believe me? Still think that I fabricated this whole story to sound as ridiculous as possible while still having a kind of coherent plot line? Well, think back to Entry 17. Now, think of Entry 17 being connected to this WHOLE THEORY. "Darker, darker, yet darker. The darkness keeps growing. The shadows cutting deeper." It references Gaster being forced into the Underground by the Ancient Builders; the darkness of the cave consuming him, and the shadows of his past cutting deeper into his mind, piercing him with the trauma he felt on that fateful day.
Now, the next part of the entry reads "Photon readings negative. This next experiment is going to be very, very interesting...." refers to Gaster first working on his time machine, as it took so much energy to run that each experiment he ran on it failed...until it didn't.
Now, the last part of the theory is what stood out the most to me. At the very end of the entry, Gaster says "What do you two think?" Now, many people think that this is Sans and Papyrus. However, in our previous theory in which we proposed Mario and Luigi as Sans and Papyrus, we discussed that Sans and Papyrus would've just been entering the Underground when Gaster got warped. So it can't possibly be them, as the timing just doesn't match up.
Well, who else could it be? It might've been Asgore and Toriel, except that Toriel had likely already divorced Asgore at this point. So what other duo do we know in the game that he could be talking to? Could it be characters we haven't been introduced to yet? Well, you see, I believe that the answer is much more simple than that. I believe that the people he's referring to is actually none other than KRIS AND SUSIE FROM DELTARUNE!!!!!!!!!!11!🤯🤯🤯🤯
But that, my friends, is a theory for another day. 😏
So, there you have it, folks. Gaster is actually a Ghast and the Human-Monster War was started because he accidentally killed the Ancient Builders' dog in Minecraft.
bUT hEY, tHAt'z jUst a tHEoRy, a gaYm thEOrY!!!11!!!
comment if you want part 2
submitted by TheSexyMario777 to Undertale [link] [comments]