Sample check register

/r/Favors: Where the karma is real

2009.12.13 02:52 kleinbl00 /r/Favors: Where the karma is real

We're all about favors from redditors to redditors. We're totally against ditch-digging and liking stuff on Facebook. The rest of it is in the FAQ.

2011.03.13 16:32 DrJulianBashir /r/ScenesFromAHat, where everything's made up and the points don't matter

Welcome to the official unofficial community for the game Scenes from a Hat, as played in the popular improv comedy show "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" Create hilarious scene responses to some recent prompts, or post new scenes and see what the community can deliver! Just make sure to create a scene with your response; Reddit has enough of that from AskReddit ! For a sample of how the game is played, check this video: Also, make sure to check the rules. Bzzzzzzzzz!

2011.06.26 15:58 dominikK Mitsubishi


2024.06.10 01:17 aw1219 10 Ways to Avoid Work from Home Scams

Avoiding work-from-home scams is crucial to protect yourself and your personal information. Here are some tips to help you identify and steer clear of potential scams:
  1. Research the Company: Thoroughly research any company offering work-from-home opportunities. Look for reviews, testimonials, and information about their reputation. Legitimate companies will have a clear online presence.
  2. Check for Contact Information: A reputable company should have a physical address, phone number, and email contact. Be cautious if the only means of contact is through a generic email address or if there's no contact information provided.
  3. Verify Job Offers: If a job offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. Be wary of offers that promise high earnings with little effort or require payment upfront. Legitimate employers typically don't ask for payment from employees.
  4. Beware of Unusual Payment Requests: Scams may involve asking you to pay for training, materials, or software. Legitimate employers usually cover these costs. Avoid jobs that require you to pay money to start working.
  5. Check the Website's Legitimacy: Examine the company's official website. Legitimate companies typically have professional-looking websites with clear information about their services, products, and job opportunities.
  6. Research the Job Requirements: Be cautious if the job requirements are vague or if the company is willing to hire you without any relevant skills or experience. Legitimate employers usually have specific criteria for their job postings.
  7. Look for Red Flags in Communication: Poor grammar, spelling mistakes, and unprofessional communication can be indicators of a scam. Legitimate employers usually maintain professional communication standards.
  8. Avoid Unsolicited Job Offers: Be cautious if you receive unsolicited job offers, especially if they come via email from unknown sources. Legitimate companies typically post job opportunities on their websites or reputable job boards.
  9. Check for Business Registration: Verify if the company is registered with relevant business authorities. Scammers may operate under different names or provide false information.
  10. Trust Your Instincts: If something feels off or if you have doubts about the legitimacy of a job offer, trust your instincts. It's better to be cautious and avoid potential scams.
Remember that genuine work-from-home opportunities do exist, but it's essential to be vigilant and conduct thorough research before committing to any position. If you're uncertain about a job offer, seek advice from trusted friends, family, or online communities.
Check out this latest video for legitimate companies now hiring people to work remotely
submitted by aw1219 to onlinejobsforall [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:57 shykaliguy Spring Finals Week

Today is the start of the last week of Spring Semester!!! If you need to doublecheck when your final is scheduled, you can do so via the link below:
Exam Calendars - Calendars - Pasadena City College
The Library is open Monday - Thursday: 730am - 9pm & Friday: 8am - 3pm. Make sure to return your books and calculators on/before Friday 6/14 to avoid fines or holds on your account. This is especially important for those graduating this week. Holds will prevent the school from issuing your degree and possibly in sending your final transcripts.
If you have any study tips, please share below!!
Don't forget to register for Summer classes & check your Fall Registration dates. Fall registration will start late June/early July.
If you have lagged on filing your FAFSA, do so now or follow up on it as needed. FAFSA has been a pain in the @$$ due to the update but it should be resolved by now or very soon!!
Good luck to us all & Congrats to everyone graduating later this week!!!
ETA: library hours & grammar fixed.
submitted by shykaliguy to PasadenaCityCollege_ [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:56 Terra_Tea Server does not work in the browser

Hi, I am trying to host a website on my ipv6 only laptop server. I have configured my router's firewall and ports 22 80 443 are in theory online. I know that from port testing websites and ssh just works. however when trying to connect with a browser I get "not found" and the request does not register in the firewall logs (those port testing websites do). Why is that, what router configuration should i check. Dns works with ssh. SSL/TSL works on local network
submitted by Terra_Tea to selfhosted [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:55 Kindly_Pause_8522 Looking for help on an open source scheduling platform [Backend, Frontend, DevOps, IT all needed]

Agile Planner is a robust, dynamic scheduling platform that provides unparalleled automation for students seeking to generate both daily and weekly planners. It is the only scheduling platform to date that provides its own Object Oriented scripting language fully integrated with a CLI interface for streamlining the pipeline even further. Additionally, Agile Planner offers plenty of proprietary software such as logging, scheduling algorithms, serialization, and as stated before, a custom scripting language. The goal is to continue expanding upon the current CLI iteration and eventually offer a website component.
If this sounds of interest to you, check out our repo here and consider joining our slack group. I've attached a screenshot of a sample session to give an idea about what it looks like to run.
Tasks that we have planned for this month:
submitted by Kindly_Pause_8522 to ProgrammingBuddies [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:46 Thatguy_97 Alexa 1st gen issues (see below)

Hello I don't really use reddit to post stuff like this but I'll give it my best shot.
So my Mother has been using the 1st gen Alexa, (the massive tall cylinder one) but ever since we've changed broadband connection to Sky Max hub, all the other small little Alexas connect within the Household but this one specifically in the Kitchen the massive tall cyclinder one which I believe is 1st gen, hasn't connected since we've switched to Sky
I'll keep reading up multiple threads in hopes one might work, but this is very frustrating nevertheless. I told my Mother I could give it a crack because maybe I can look up stuff and try more options she hasn't tried, but alas nothing works! Whenever I enter setup mode sometimes I can get it to connect to the device, which allows me to speak to her perfectly, but after about 5-10 minutes the Alexa will just start spinning a blue circle, I can't speak to her when this happens, literally will not respond.. Eventually it flashes red and says that she can't connect to the device.
Even in the app itself, it says App is unrecognized in which I've re-installed the app, updated the app, reset my broadband, I've also unregistered and re-registered on multiple phones, the phones I'm currently using are;
HUAWEI Mate 20 Pro
And I believe my Mother has Samsung something not sure the exact model would have to check.
(I can't do any of the iphone trickery people have mentioned before)
The only thing I read up was something about gen 1 not supporting 5g? So if your broadband has 5g something along those lines it wont work, I need some sort of step-by step of an actual fix for android + sky for this alexa to work, it was working before so obviously it's the new wifi, but then I just get the classic response, "Oh it's not on our end it's Amazon" so you go back to Amazon, "oh it's not our end if it was working before your new service provider, go back and talk to them" which jus ends up being a constant loop.
I've also read up somewhere that they had a fix 3 months ago which was essentially just turn off your router, turn off all wifi devices, then they said in your phone setup for the WiFi router, use the same name and password but change it to 2.4Ghz only and "WPA2-PSK", I have zero idea where to locate any of that within the WiFi settings,
This was the comment for reference:
I've yet to follow through it all as this is my last resort basically. Should I stop trying, is this just dumb to continue this?? Can someone help me out here, thanks in advance.
submitted by Thatguy_97 to amazonecho [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:43 Little_Inspector11 Seeking Advice from Service Workers or Anyone with Experience Getting Cigarette Smell Removed from Car Which I Just Purchased

Just purchased a Gold Certified 2022 RAV4 yesterday. Unfortunately, after coming home and leaving the car parked for about an hour and a half, I left to run an errand and could smell cigarette smoke. The previous owner must have been a smoker, unless one of the service workers who took it for a test drive had a smoke, but I'm pretty sure dealerships are very strict about not smoking. It's still a possibility so not ruling that out since I didn't really notice the smell on the test drive on Wednesday.
I didn't notice the smell when I went on the test drive on Wednesday, it has been in the high 90s this week and the AC was already blasting when we got in the car. I didn't get to pick up my car until today because they had just received it and still needed to complete the 160 point check to have it registered as Gold Certified.
I did kind of notice a strong odor today, but I thought it was possibly a cleaner that they used to clean the car to get it ready for me. But like I said earlier after coming home and then leaving again to run an errand I could smell cigarette odor.
Just pretty disappointed that I am experiencing this considering the fact that I am spending a lot money on this car and put more than 50% down on it. I didn't leave with the car on Wednesday after the test drive and paying a down payment since they still needed time to complete the 160 point check, do an oil change, replace the air filter, tire alignment, etc. They had 2 1/2 days to deal with the odor or like I said maybe a service worker had a smoke in it since I test drove it on Wednesday...?
I am planning on calling to speak to the service manager tomorrow morning so I just want to have a better idea on what to expect and have a better understanding so I prepare what to say.
Service workers- What is the protocol that you all follow when you receive a trade in from a smoker? Is there a typical cleaning procedure you do? Thinking it could benefit from a steam cleaning. I read a few previous post in the subreddit about a couple of treatments people have done on their own. For example, using a hydroxyl generator, cleaning the evaporator box with BG Frigi-Clean, an ozone treatment, etc. So might need a combination of the two to fully get the smell out of the carpets and seats.
Car owners - Has anyone experienced this and what did the dealership do?
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my post and have any advice given!
submitted by Little_Inspector11 to rav4club [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:41 nartagalicious Lisle Violin 4/4 Cello "Chaconne" Sound Sample

Lisle Violin 4/4 Cello
Disclaimer: This is no longer my cello. This is my younger brother's. Someone here had asked for a sound sample.
I do not believe this is worth $3,000 (and based on past transactions, I can assure you this cello wasn't that pricey!)
Got it a couple years ago while I was in middle school. I think it's a great intermediate/beginner instrument, but not enough to do well in TMEA, unless you just so happen to be the greatest of all time. The high registers sound confined although the bass end does sound quite acceptable for $1,750.
Bonus points to whoever names the excerpt lmao
submitted by nartagalicious to Cello [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:40 knaak Airspy & RTL_433 Plug-in works, RTL_433 on its own does not

I have been trying to understand what is going on and I am hoping for some advice and recommendations. I have finally narrowed it down to rtl_433 not working when running it from the command line (not in windows, not in Linux) but working by way of the plugin in Airspy.
I will spare you the trials and tribulations of repeated attempts to get rtl_433 working but it included running it on my raspberry pi (install from repo and compile from source), and downloading it on my windows devices. The results are always the same, no signals detected.
Its only when I installed the RTL_433 plugin in Airspy that I finally realized that the problem was not the RTL-SDR v4, or the antenna or anything else.
I've tried a number of parameters in RTL_433 and nothing seems to make a difference.
Anyone using an RTL-SDR v4 running on Linux or on Windows have any advice on what I can check? I am out of ideas. I don't even know what to tell you to help me debug... i run the rtl_433 with or without any params and the result is the same, no detection.
One thing that I did notice was that in Airspy I can only detect 433 or 915 when I have "quadratic sampling" selected and I don't see a way to do that from the command line.
submitted by knaak to RTLSDR [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:38 PY_Jaguar Site for creating and sharing DCF valuations

Hey everyone!
I am launching a new site where you can create and share valuations for companies in the S&P 500. Here’s what you can do on the site:
Here's a sample:
I also created a Twitter account to post about valuations:
Your feedback is incredibly valuable to me, so please share your thoughts and suggestions.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
submitted by PY_Jaguar to GrowthStocks [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:33 phsinternational The Politically Homeless Society

These are OUR VALUES. 1.First and foremost, we are a society which creates and discusses SOLUTIONS TO RECOGNIZED ISSUES AND CHALLENGES. 2. If the organization or individual is not hurting anyone, not destructive to the environment and is not causing undo harm then we don't care. 3. We support Responsibile and verified Gun ownership. America's Founders gave the explicit right for citizens to bear arms. We know and have recognized the unconscionable pain guns can cause and the process is far too easy. We support background checks, registration and licenses. (We never heard someone registering a car then yell they're going to take my car!") 4. Immigration system is broken. We should absolutely fix it to allow the orderly immigration of as many people as possible. What? Estimates show the average Tax contribution of that group is in excess of $3400/ year. Look, we have unprecedented inflation, need workers and quite frankly could use the tax revenue. 5. Truth and accurate interpretation. Often there is one Truth but multiple perceptions of that truth. Honest discussion. 6. Abortion. The belief that our Citizens are perfectly capable of making this decision for themselves. 7. Support Term limits for all elected officials and hold those public servants accountable. Public Service is a privilege not a career. 8. Financial Responsibility is paramount. Stop the greed and celebrate those who excell with integrity.
submitted by phsinternational to politicalsolutions [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:09 J_A_Emory Tapping on the window

The blaring of the fire alarm woke me from my sleep. I swore loudly as I dragged myself out of bed. The alarm had been malfunctioning since early evening and this was the third time it had gone off since I had decided to go to bed for the evening. Each time I had checked everywhere for any sign of a fire and each time I had found nothing. The landlord would not come to fix the problem until the next day and I was not willing to take the risk of taking out the alarms.
So it was that I decided to put on my housecoat, grab a blanket and head out to sleep in my car for the night. Perhaps this was not the best idea. Perhaps I should have gone to a hotel, to gone to stay with a friend. However, I was exhausted both from lack of sleep and the previous days’ work, and my brain was not really working at full capacity. As such, I decided to sleep in my car. If I had known what would happen I would probably have just tried to suck it up and sleep through the fire alarms.
Needless to say, trying to sleep in my car was no fun. It was hard to find a comfortable sleeping position and, even with my pajamas, my housecoat and the blanket, it was cold. I am pretty certain that I spent at least two hours uncomfortably laying in the driver’s seat, trying to sleep and getting increasingly frustrated with my inability to do so.
At that moment, it started to rain. It had been overcast for most of the previous day and the forecast had been for overnight showers, so I suppose I should not have been surprised. Nevertheless, it came as a shock when I saw the flash of lightning and, about twenty seconds later, heard the thunder, followed by the tap, tap, tapping of raindrops on the roof of my car and on the windows. The already cold weather got a little bit colder and I contemplated going back inside, but then I heard the distant sound of my fire alarm once again going off for several seconds before stopping and decided not to do so.
And so I remained where I was. Lying in the driver’s seat of my car, a decidedly uncomfortable position. Clutching my blanket to myself and trying in vain to escape into unconsciousness, to ignore the discomfort of my impromptu bed, the discomfort of the cold, the sounds of the thunder and the tapping of the rain. And deep down inside, I felt, though trying to suppress it, the slight gnawing sensation of fear, a deep-buried, primal fear of the storm outside, the sort of fear that most can ignore, sheltered behind walls and doors when the bad weather comes out, but from which I had only the limited protection of the metal and glass box which I normally used for transportation but which had now become my shelter.
It was at that moment that I heard another tapping. At first I could not distinguish it clearly from the raindrops but eventually I started to tell it apart. A light tapping, regular and persistent, coming in a sequence of three, then a pause, then another sequence of three, then another pause, then another sequence of three, and so on. At first I tried to convince myself that it was nothing, just the rain. After a time, however, I could no longer convince myself of anything other than that somebody must be on the other side.
Part of me thought that perhaps it was somebody who needed help, or maybe someone who had noticed me and had gotten worried. I thought for a moment that perhaps I should look and see if one of these things was the case. However, the other voice in my head, the frightened one, was stronger and overruled in my thoughts. I wondered if perhaps it was a burglar, or someone on drugs who might attack me. And deep down inside, I feared something else. The persistence, the fact that there had been no interruption to the regularity of the tapping, the fact that nobody had called out my name and, possibly, something else, all made me wonder what could be on the other side of the glass. While the rational part of my mind told me that it was just a person or, more likely, a tree branch being blown by the wind or some such thing, some part of me, buried deep in my mind, feared the source of the tapping, feared that it might be something far worse than human, and did not dare to look.
But I did look, eventually. The tapping just would not stop and the worry would just not go away. I do not know how long, it felt like hours but it was probably not more than thirty minutes, all while the rain kept coming down. The tension kept building and building as the tapping would not let up and I clutched by blanket to myself like a frightened child. In the end, it was simply too much and I uncovered my face and stared through the driver’s side window.
What stared back at me was not human. A face, white as paper, oval-shaped and far wider near the top. The entire top part of the face was dominated by two circular, lidless eyes, solid silver glinting in the streetlight save for small black pupils rimmed by red irises, no nose and a wide mouth stretching in a grin from one pointed, bat-like ear to the other, revealing what must have been more than a hundred needle teeth. There was a strange quality about the apparition, which I do not know how to properly describe, something insubstantial, as if it were a reflection in a pond. Except for the eyes. Those were solid, silver disks with black pinpricks staring at me with hatred and nothing can convince me that they were not real.
As I stared at the creature, stiff with terror, the pale white fist that it had raised to knock once more stopped and opened slowly as the grin on its face grew even wider. Moved by a sudden realization of how much this thing resembled a reflection, I turned suddenly to face the passenger side, fearing that it might be in the car. Noticing that nothing was there, I breathed a sigh of relief, turning back to face the driver’s side window, only to see that the creature was on the other side of the glass, in the car with me.
I did not have time to scream before it was upon me, one hand covering my face, claws digging into the flesh of my cheeks, the other holding me down by my chest as its mouth filled with needle teeth opened wide, slowly approaching my neck.
I had accepted, in those seconds, that I was about to die, when suddenly the force of the creature’s hands bearing down on me seemed less solid, almost as if it were fading somehow. The expression in those terrible eyes which had been one of sadistic glee, suddenly turned to one of frustrated rage as the horrifying mouth which had been slowly approaching my neck rushed in that direction, as if the creature were desperate to finish what it had started. The needle teeth were barely able to break the skin, however, before they faded along with the rest of the creature.
After my attacker had vanished I looked about, bewildered, wondering how I had suddenly survived this attack. I noticed in that moment that the rain was beginning to die down. Looking out of the window, I even perceived a few stars. I was not able to register anything else, however, before I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.
The sound of tapping on my driver’s side window caused me to wake, screaming, only to realise that it was my neighbour wondering if I was all right and why I was sleeping in my car. Tired from my poor night’s sleep put relieved that this had apparently all been a dream, I lowered the window and explained to him the situation with my fire alarm.
I was about to exit my vehicle and return indoors to get myself ready for work when my neighbour asked “what happened to your face and neck? Did someone attack you?”
I felt my spirits sink as I asked “what do you mean?”
“You’ve got scratch marks on your face and neck,” he answered.
Looking into the rear view mirror, I noted with growing horror the puncture marks and scratches breaking the skin where the creature’s claws had cut into my cheeks as it held a hand over my face and where its teeth had broken the skin on my neck. The proof that what had happened last night had not been a dream, that it had all been real. Struggling to come up with an answer, I simply mumbled something about having been fallen and scratched my face before returning indoors and calling in sick from work.
There is not much more to say, really. My landlord showed up that day and fixed the fire alarm, which worked fine up until I moved eight months later. I am living in a new place now and doing all right.
There are a few more things which I would like to say, however. I did some research about what had happened to me the day after this horrific experience, to try and get some explanation. Most of the results which I got online were related to sleep paralysis and night terrors and in truth part of me believes that that is what happened to me that night.
However, in my research I came across two news articles. One was about a woman found dead in her car one morning seven years before my experience, having died the night before. Her throat had been torn open and a wild animal was suspected of being responsible, even though her doors had all been locked and the windows were up. The front driver’s side window was shattered, though police investigation suggested that it had been broken from the inside. The other story was from twelve years before my experience. This was about a man who was fatally attacked one night. He was found by a pedestrian running down the street, clutching his bleeding neck, then collapsed and died before he could say anything. The man was found to have run from his car which was parked beside the road, and blood stains indicated that he had been attacked while seated in the driver’s seat. Both attacks had taken place at night, during heavy rainstorms, while the individuals in question were alone. I will not provide their names out of respect for the deceased.
Whatever attacked me that night, I think it can only manifest itself at dark and in heavy rains. I also think it meant to kill me and that I only survived by chance, from the storm letting up just in time. I also firmly believe that it has killed before and intends to kill again. This is a warning to everyone to be careful when alone at night in the rain. That is when it hunts.
For my part, I rarely go out at night these days and never when rain is forecast. I especially avoid driving. I furthermore have always shut my blinds when it has gotten dark or overcast ever since that night, and when it rains and I hear the tapping of raindrops on my windows, I never look in their direction, especially when I hear a certain regular tapping that does not quite sound like rain.
submitted by J_A_Emory to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:07 J_A_Emory Tapping on the window

The blaring of the fire alarm woke me from my sleep. I swore loudly as I dragged myself out of bed. The alarm had been malfunctioning since early evening and this was the third time it had gone off since I had decided to go to bed for the evening. Each time I had checked everywhere for any sign of a fire and each time I had found nothing. The landlord would not come to fix the problem until the next day and I was not willing to take the risk of taking out the alarms.
So it was that I decided to put on my housecoat, grab a blanket and head out to sleep in my car for the night. Perhaps this was not the best idea. Perhaps I should have gone to a hotel, to gone to stay with a friend. However, I was exhausted both from lack of sleep and the previous days’ work, and my brain was not really working at full capacity. As such, I decided to sleep in my car. If I had known what would happen I would probably have just tried to suck it up and sleep through the fire alarms.
Needless to say, trying to sleep in my car was no fun. It was hard to find a comfortable sleeping position and, even with my pajamas, my housecoat and the blanket, it was cold. I am pretty certain that I spent at least two hours uncomfortably laying in the driver’s seat, trying to sleep and getting increasingly frustrated with my inability to do so.
At that moment, it started to rain. It had been overcast for most of the previous day and the forecast had been for overnight showers, so I suppose I should not have been surprised. Nevertheless, it came as a shock when I saw the flash of lightning and, about twenty seconds later, heard the thunder, followed by the tap, tap, tapping of raindrops on the roof of my car and on the windows. The already cold weather got a little bit colder and I contemplated going back inside, but then I heard the distant sound of my fire alarm once again going off for several seconds before stopping and decided not to do so.
And so I remained where I was. Lying in the driver’s seat of my car, a decidedly uncomfortable position. Clutching my blanket to myself and trying in vain to escape into unconsciousness, to ignore the discomfort of my impromptu bed, the discomfort of the cold, the sounds of the thunder and the tapping of the rain. And deep down inside, I felt, though trying to suppress it, the slight gnawing sensation of fear, a deep-buried, primal fear of the storm outside, the sort of fear that most can ignore, sheltered behind walls and doors when the bad weather comes out, but from which I had only the limited protection of the metal and glass box which I normally used for transportation but which had now become my shelter.
It was at that moment that I heard another tapping. At first I could not distinguish it clearly from the raindrops but eventually I started to tell it apart. A light tapping, regular and persistent, coming in a sequence of three, then a pause, then another sequence of three, then another pause, then another sequence of three, and so on. At first I tried to convince myself that it was nothing, just the rain. After a time, however, I could no longer convince myself of anything other than that somebody must be on the other side.
Part of me thought that perhaps it was somebody who needed help, or maybe someone who had noticed me and had gotten worried. I thought for a moment that perhaps I should look and see if one of these things was the case. However, the other voice in my head, the frightened one, was stronger and overruled in my thoughts. I wondered if perhaps it was a burglar, or someone on drugs who might attack me. And deep down inside, I feared something else. The persistence, the fact that there had been no interruption to the regularity of the tapping, the fact that nobody had called out my name and, possibly, something else, all made me wonder what could be on the other side of the glass. While the rational part of my mind told me that it was just a person or, more likely, a tree branch being blown by the wind or some such thing, some part of me, buried deep in my mind, feared the source of the tapping, feared that it might be something far worse than human, and did not dare to look.
But I did look, eventually. The tapping just would not stop and the worry would just not go away. I do not know how long, it felt like hours but it was probably not more than thirty minutes, all while the rain kept coming down. The tension kept building and building as the tapping would not let up and I clutched by blanket to myself like a frightened child. In the end, it was simply too much and I uncovered my face and stared through the driver’s side window.
What stared back at me was not human. A face, white as paper, oval-shaped and far wider near the top. The entire top part of the face was dominated by two circular, lidless eyes, solid silver glinting in the streetlight save for small black pupils rimmed by red irises, no nose and a wide mouth stretching in a grin from one pointed, bat-like ear to the other, revealing what must have been more than a hundred needle teeth. There was a strange quality about the apparition, which I do not know how to properly describe, something insubstantial, as if it were a reflection in a pond. Except for the eyes. Those were solid, silver disks with black pinpricks staring at me with hatred and nothing can convince me that they were not real.
As I stared at the creature, stiff with terror, the pale white fist that it had raised to knock once more stopped and opened slowly as the grin on its face grew even wider. Moved by a sudden realization of how much this thing resembled a reflection, I turned suddenly to face the passenger side, fearing that it might be in the car. Noticing that nothing was there, I breathed a sigh of relief, turning back to face the driver’s side window, only to see that the creature was on the other side of the glass, in the car with me.
I did not have time to scream before it was upon me, one hand covering my face, claws digging into the flesh of my cheeks, the other holding me down by my chest as its mouth filled with needle teeth opened wide, slowly approaching my neck.
I had accepted, in those seconds, that I was about to die, when suddenly the force of the creature’s hands bearing down on me seemed less solid, almost as if it were fading somehow. The expression in those terrible eyes which had been one of sadistic glee, suddenly turned to one of frustrated rage as the horrifying mouth which had been slowly approaching my neck rushed in that direction, as if the creature were desperate to finish what it had started. The needle teeth were barely able to break the skin, however, before they faded along with the rest of the creature.
After my attacker had vanished I looked about, bewildered, wondering how I had suddenly survived this attack. I noticed in that moment that the rain was beginning to die down. Looking out of the window, I even perceived a few stars. I was not able to register anything else, however, before I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.
The sound of tapping on my driver’s side window caused me to wake, screaming, only to realise that it was my neighbour wondering if I was all right and why I was sleeping in my car. Tired from my poor night’s sleep put relieved that this had apparently all been a dream, I lowered the window and explained to him the situation with my fire alarm.
I was about to exit my vehicle and return indoors to get myself ready for work when my neighbour asked “what happened to your face and neck? Did someone attack you?”
I felt my spirits sink as I asked “what do you mean?”
“You’ve got scratch marks on your face and neck,” he answered.
Looking into the rear view mirror, I noted with growing horror the puncture marks and scratches breaking the skin where the creature’s claws had cut into my cheeks as it held a hand over my face and where its teeth had broken the skin on my neck. The proof that what had happened last night had not been a dream, that it had all been real. Struggling to come up with an answer, I simply mumbled something about having been fallen and scratched my face before returning indoors and calling in sick from work.
There is not much more to say, really. My landlord showed up that day and fixed the fire alarm, which worked fine up until I moved eight months later. I am living in a new place now and doing all right.
There are a few more things which I would like to say, however. I did some research about what had happened to me the day after this horrific experience, to try and get some explanation. Most of the results which I got online were related to sleep paralysis and night terrors and in truth part of me believes that that is what happened to me that night.
However, in my research I came across two news articles. One was about a woman found dead in her car one morning seven years before my experience, having died the night before. Her throat had been torn open and a wild animal was suspected of being responsible, even though her doors had all been locked and the windows were up. The front driver’s side window was shattered, though police investigation suggested that it had been broken from the inside. The other story was from twelve years before my experience. This was about a man who was fatally attacked one night. He was found by a pedestrian running down the street, clutching his bleeding neck, then collapsed and died before he could say anything. The man was found to have run from his car which was parked beside the road, and blood stains indicated that he had been attacked while seated in the driver’s seat. Both attacks had taken place at night, during heavy rainstorms, while the individuals in question were alone. I will not provide their names out of respect for the deceased.
Whatever attacked me that night, I think it can only manifest itself at dark and in heavy rains. I also think it meant to kill me and that I only survived by chance, from the storm letting up just in time. I also firmly believe that it has killed before and intends to kill again. This is a warning to everyone to be careful when alone at night in the rain. That is when it hunts.
For my part, I rarely go out at night these days and never when rain is forecast. I especially avoid driving. I furthermore have always shut my blinds when it has gotten dark or overcast ever since that night, and when it rains and I hear the tapping of raindrops on my windows, I never look in their direction, especially when I hear a certain regular tapping that does not quite sound like rain.
submitted by J_A_Emory to DrCreepensVault [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:48 Proper-Decision-7015 Fallout4 VR_Mad God's Overhaul_crash report_Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Hi guys! Please try to help.
Can't start Fallout4 VR with Mad God's Overhaul classic, crash report I will attach below
I add DLC files from old fallout 4 to Fo4 VR directory, total weight 32 DLC files 8.74 Gb I purchased the steam version of the game Then i add DLC files from old fallout 4 to Fo4 VR directory, total weight 32 DLC files 8.74 Gb, downloaded the wabbajack, the mods were downloaded. After pressing the launch button in the mod organizer, the fallout 4 vr launch window appeared for a few seconds and closed.
I try copy files from ...mods\Essential Boot Files\root...
f4sevr_loader.exe f4sevr_1_2_72.dll f4sevr_steam_loader.dll x3daudio1_7.dll
to steam game folder and launch f4sevr_loader.exe in steam game folder as administrator. AAAAnnnddd Yayahuu i see grey shades instead of vanilla and i see hands instead Joostiks in shelter after start new game (when you play vanilla you see Joostiks instead hands model). Satisfied, I closed the game and went for a walk.
A couple of hours later, I continued the game and did not immediately notice that I had joysticks instead of hands in the game, and when I came to the surface from the shelter, I realized that all the colors were vanilla
Fallout 4 v1.2.72
Buffout 4 v1.31.1 Feb 28 2023 00:32:02
Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF76094DA04 Fallout4VR.exe+01BDA04 test byte ptr [rcx+0x0C], 0x01 `anonymous_namespace'::PersistentStringInfo::PersistentStringInfo(char_*,char_*)_1BDA04)
\[Compatibility\] F4EE: false \[Debug\] Symcache: c:symcache WaitForDebugger: false \[Fixes\] ActorIsHostileToActor: true CellInit: true CreateD3DAndSwapChain: true EncounterZoneReset: true GreyMovies: true MagicEffectApplyEvent: true MovementPlanner: true PackageAllocateLocation: true PipboyLightInvFix: false SafeExit: true TESObjectREFRGetEncounterZone: true UnalignedLoad: true UtilityShader: true WorkBenchSwap: true \[Patches\] Achievements: true BSMTAManager: true BSPreCulledObjects: true BSTextureStreamerLocalHeap: true HavokMemorySystem: true INISettingCollection: true InputSwitch: false MaxStdIO: 2048 MemoryManager: true MemoryManagerDebug: false ScaleformAllocator: true SmallBlockAllocator: true WorkshopMenu: true \[Warnings\] CreateTexture2D: true ImageSpaceAdapter: true 
OS: Майкрософт Windows 10 Pro v10.0.19041 CPU: GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10900KF CPU @ 3.70GHz GPU #1: Nvidia GA102 \[GeForce RTX 3090\] GPU #2: Microsoft Basic Render Driver PHYSICAL MEMORY: 9.74 GB/31.87 GB 
Model: Oculus Rift CV1 Manufacturer: Oculus Tracking System: oculus Hardware Revision: V1.0 Driver Version: Render Model: generic\_hmd Additional Data: Expected Controller Type: Controller Type: rift Display Frequency: 72 Wireless: false Charging: false Update Available: false 
\[ 0\] 0x7FF76094DA04 Fallout4VR.exe+01BDA04 test byte ptr \[rcx+0x0C\], 0x01 \`anonymous\_namespace\'::PersistentStringInfo::PersistentStringInfo(char\_\*,char\_\*)\_1BDA04 -> 1269110+0x224 test byte ptr \[rcx+0x0C\], 0x01 \[ 1\] 0x7FF76094BF27 Fallout4VR.exe+01BBF27 mov \[rbp+0x38\], rax BGSLocalizedStrings::Precache(TESFile\_\&)\_1BBF27 -> 441693+0x117 mov \[rbp+0x38\], rax \[ 2\] 0x7FF7608B03AE Fallout4VR.exe+01203AE mov \[rsp+0x60\], rsi TESDataHandler::ConstructObjectList(TESFile\_\*,bool)\_1203AE -> 1575553+0xBE mov \[rsp+0x60\], rsi \[ 3\] 0x7FF7608AED7A Fallout4VR.exe+011ED7A inc r15d FUN\_14011e8e0\_11ED7A -> 57137+0x49A inc r15d \[ 4\] 0x7FF761512844 Fallout4VR.exe+0D82844 call 0x00007FF7624BECE0 Main::InitTES(NiNode\_\*)\_D82844 -> 708657+0x2F4 call 0x00007FF7624BECE0 \[ 5\] 0x7FF76151AEF3 Fallout4VR.exe+0D8AEF3 call 0x00007FF76151A5A0 \`anonymous\_namespace\'::Main\_InitGameData(void)\_D8AEF3 -> 407290+0x263 call 0x00007FF76151A5A0 \[ 6\] 0x7FF7615337E9 Fallout4VR.exe+0DA37E9 call 0x00007FF76236C510 \`anonymous\_namespace\'::InitGameDataThread::ThreadProc(void)\_DA37E9 -> 1514101+0x659 call 0x00007FF76236C510 \[ 7\] 0x020F4E86754C f4sevr\_1\_2\_72.dll+001754C \[ 8\] 0x7FF76232F94D Fallout4VR.exe+1B9F94D mov rcx, \[0x00007FF76634C6B8\] BSThread::CallThreadProc(void)\_1B9F94D -> 495709+0x2CD mov rcx, \[0x00007FF76634C6B8\] \[ 9\] 0x7FFEE6377344 KERNEL32.DLL+0017344 \[10\] 0x7FFEE82A26B1 ntdll.dll+00526B1 
RAX 0x1C2C1FF5A8 (void\*) RCX 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] RDX 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] RBX 0x61 (size\_t) \[97\] RSP 0x1C2C1FF530 (char\*) "a" RBP 0x1C2C1FF630 (void\*) RSI 0x21080A3C0C8 (char\*) "ksho" RDI 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] R8 0x8 (size\_t) \[8\] R9 0x1 (size\_t) \[1\] R10 0x8000 (size\_t) \[32768\] R11 0x1C2C1FF520 (void\*) R12 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] R13 0x20F4F9AE0D2 (char\*) "ru" R14 0x1C2C1FF5C0 (char\*) "DLCRobot" R15 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] 
\[RSP+0 \] 0x61 (size\_t) \[97\] \[RSP+8 \] 0x21080A3C0C8 (char\*) "ksho" \[RSP+10 \] 0x21080A3C0C8 (char\*) "ksho" \[RSP+18 \] 0x8 (size\_t) \[8\] \[RSP+20 \] 0x1C2C1FF5C0 (char\*) "DLCRobot" \[RSP+28 \] 0x20F4F9AE0D2 (char\*) "ru" \[RSP+30 \] 0x7FF763423B98 (char\*) ".STRINGS" \[RSP+38 \] 0x7FFE5A6F4419 (void\* -> MSVCR110.dll+0034419 add rsp, 0x38) \[RSP+40 \] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+48 \] 0x1C2C1FF598 (void\*) \[RSP+50 \] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+58 \] 0x6188DE7CDD (size\_t) \[418908110045\] \[RSP+60 \] 0x1C693F0841 (size\_t) \[122024822849\] \[RSP+68 \] 0x2105BEA2CF0 (char\*) "a" \[RSP+70 \] 0x1C2C1FF588 (void\*) \[RSP+78 \] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+80 \] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+88 \] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+90 \] 0x746F626F52434C44 (size\_t) \[8390032861075557444\] \[RSP+98 \] 0x2106DC1EC00 (void\*) \[RSP+A0 \] 0x7FF7660C2840 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+5932840 add \[rdx\], al FUN\_142caa2b8\_5932840) \[RSP+A8 \] 0x7FF7608B5797 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+0125797 mov rcx, \[rbp+0x1B8\] \`anonymous\_namespace\'::LoadInStartsEnabledQuestsForFile(TESFile\_\*)\_125797) \[RSP+B0 \] 0x210683A2C00 (void\*) \[RSP+B8 \] 0x1C2C1FF6E0 (char\*) "\_ru.STRINGS" \[RSP+C0 \] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+C8 \] 0x7FF7660C2590 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+5932590 add \[rax\], al FUN\_142caa2b8\_5932590) \[RSP+D0 \] 0x2106D17D440 (BSFile\*) \[RSP+D8 \] 0x1C2C1FF668 (void\*) \[RSP+E0 \] 0x7FF7660C2840 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+5932840 add \[rdx\], al FUN\_142caa2b8\_5932840) \[RSP+E8 \] 0x2105BEA2CF0 (char\*) "a" \[RSP+F0 \] 0x746F626F52434C44 (size\_t) \[8390032861075557444\] \[RSP+F8 \] 0x7F006D736500 (size\_t) \[139639813006592\] \[RSP+100\] 0x2106D17D440 (BSFile\*) \[RSP+108\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+110\] 0x21080A128E0 (BGSMaterialSwap\*) File: "DLCworkshop01.esm" Flags: 0x00000001 FormID: 0x05000AA9 FormType: kMSWP (145) \[RSP+118\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+120\] 0x1 (size\_t) \[1\] \[RSP+128\] 0x7FF7608C7B62 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+0137B62 mov rbx, \[rsp+0x30\] TESFile::TESRewind(bool)\_137B62) \[RSP+130\] 0x1 (size\_t) \[1\] \[RSP+138\] 0xC52444548 (size\_t) \[52919813448\] \[RSP+140\] 0x210683A2C00 (void\*) \[RSP+148\] 0x7FF7660C2590 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+5932590 add \[rax\], al FUN\_142caa2b8\_5932590) \[RSP+150\] 0x1 (size\_t) \[1\] \[RSP+158\] 0x7FF7608C553B (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+013553B mov al, 0x01 TESFile::OpenTES(char\_\*,char\_\*,NiFile::OpenMode,bool)\_13553B) \[RSP+160\] 0x61 (size\_t) \[97\] \[RSP+168\] 0x210683A2C00 (void\*) \[RSP+170\] 0x1 (size\_t) \[1\] \[RSP+178\] 0x21080A128E0 (BGSMaterialSwap\*) File: "DLCworkshop01.esm" Flags: 0x00000001 FormID: 0x05000AA9 FormType: kMSWP (145) \[RSP+180\] 0x21080A128E0 (BGSMaterialSwap\*) File: "DLCworkshop01.esm" Flags: 0x00000001 FormID: 0x05000AA9 FormType: kMSWP (145) \[RSP+188\] 0x7FFEE4219E17 (void\* -> dxgi.dll+0049E17 add \[rax\], al) \[RSP+190\] 0x3B (size\_t) \[59\] \[RSP+198\] 0x22 (size\_t) \[34\] \[RSP+1A0\] 0x2F53474E49525453 (size\_t) \[3410147744412750931\] \[RSP+1A8\] 0x746F626F52434C44 (size\_t) \[8390032861075557444\] \[RSP+1B0\] 0x495254532E75725F (size\_t) \[5283378029097480799\] \[RSP+1B8\] 0x1C0053474E (size\_t) \[120264542030\] \[RSP+1C0\] 0xC2000 (size\_t) \[794624\] \[RSP+1C8\] 0x2105BEA2330 (void\*) \[RSP+1D0\] 0x18 (size\_t) \[24\] \[RSP+1D8\] 0x7FFE5A6F6480 (void\* -> MSVCR110.dll+0036480 jmp 0x00007FFE5A6F644D) \[RSP+1E0\] 0x1D7E (size\_t) \[7550\] \[RSP+1E8\] 0x7FF762353531 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+1BC3531 test eax, eax \`anonymous\_namespace\'::FindEntry\<char\>(BSStringPool::Entry\_\*\_\&,char\_\*,ushort,bool)\_1BC3531) \[RSP+1F0\] 0x22 (size\_t) \[34\] \[RSP+1F8\] 0x7FF7635E2550 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+2E52550 add \[rax\], al FUN\_142caa2b8\_2E52550) \[RSP+200\] 0x52434C445C514553 (size\_t) \[5927665391040021843\] \[RSP+208\] 0x5145532E746F626F (size\_t) \[5856178349452255855\] \[RSP+210\] 0x210683A2C70 (char\*) "DLCRobot.esm" \[RSP+218\] 0x7FF762353801 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+1BC3801 test al, al \`anonymous\_namespace\'::GetEntry\<char\>(BSStringPool::Entry\_\*\_\&,char\_\*,bool)\_1BC3801) \[RSP+220\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+228\] 0x7FF7635E2550 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+2E52550 add \[rax\], al FUN\_142caa2b8\_2E52550) \[RSP+230\] 0x7FF7663D06E0 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+5C406E0 add \[rax\], al FUN\_142caa2b8\_5C406E0) \[RSP+238\] 0x1 (size\_t) \[1\] \[RSP+240\] 0x2106D17D280 (BSFile\*) \[RSP+248\] 0x7FF762365423 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+1BD5423 add \[rbx+0x180\], rax BSFile::DoRead(void\_\*,unsigned\_\_\_int64)\_1BD5423) \[RSP+250\] 0xD0000000C (size\_t) \[55834574860\] \[RSP+258\] 0x2106D101420 (void\*) \[RSP+260\] 0x7FF7660C2801 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+5932801 add al, \[rax\] FUN\_142caa2b8\_5932801) \[RSP+268\] 0x7FFE59F4BDB5 (void\* -> Buffout4.dll+00FBDB5 mov r8d, eax E:\\Documents\\source\\repos\\vcpkg\\buildtrees\\tbb\\src\\v2021.8.0-b8941aa9b2.clean\\src\\tbbmalloc\\frontend.cpp:2567 ?getTLS@MemoryPool@internal@rml@@QEAAPEAVTLSData@23@\_N@Z) \[RSP+270\] 0x210683A2800 (void\*) \[RSP+278\] 0x7FF7660C2590 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+5932590 add \[rax\], al FUN\_142caa2b8\_5932590) \[RSP+280\] 0x2105BEA2CF0 (char\*) "a" \[RSP+288\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+290\] 0x7FF7660C2590 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+5932590 add \[rax\], al FUN\_142caa2b8\_5932590) \[RSP+298\] 0x2105BEA2CF0 (char\*) "a" \[RSP+2A0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+2A8\] 0x2106DC1EC01 (void\*) \[RSP+2B0\] 0x7FF7660C2590 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+5932590 add \[rax\], al FUN\_142caa2b8\_5932590) \[RSP+2B8\] 0x2105BEA2CF0 (char\*) "a" \[RSP+2C0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+2C8\] 0x2106DC1EC01 (void\*) \[RSP+2D0\] 0x21080A3C0C0 (void\*) \[RSP+2D8\] 0x57 (size\_t) \[87\] \[RSP+2E0\] 0x1C2C1FF860 (void\*) \[RSP+2E8\] 0x7FF76094BF27 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+01BBF27 mov \[rbp+0x38\], rax BGSLocalizedStrings::Precache(TESFile\_\&)\_1BBF27) \[RSP+2F0\] 0x21080A3C0C0 (void\*) \[RSP+2F8\] 0x7FF700000000 (size\_t) \[140698833649664\] \[RSP+300\] 0x61 (size\_t) \[97\] \[RSP+308\] 0x7FF700000000 (size\_t) \[140698833649664\] \[RSP+310\] 0x210683A2C00 (void\*) \[RSP+318\] 0x7FF7660C2590 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+5932590 add \[rax\], al FUN\_142caa2b8\_5932590) \[RSP+320\] 0x7FF7660C2590 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+5932590 add \[rax\], al FUN\_142caa2b8\_5932590) \[RSP+328\] 0x21000000000 (void\*) \[RSP+330\] 0x7FF7660C2840 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+5932840 add \[rdx\], al FUN\_142caa2b8\_5932840) \[RSP+338\] 0x210683A2C00 (void\*) \[RSP+340\] 0x2106DBD3400 (void\*) \[RSP+348\] 0x7FF7608B03AE (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+01203AE mov \[rsp+0x60\], rsi TESDataHandler::ConstructObjectList(TESFile\_\*,bool)\_1203AE) \[RSP+350\] 0x2105B0EE81D (void\*) \[RSP+358\] 0x210683A2800 (void\*) \[RSP+360\] 0x2106D101420 (void\*) \[RSP+368\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+370\] 0x2106DC1E000 (char\*) "SItemCardAR" \[RSP+378\] 0x7FF7608B1B2A (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+0121B2A mov rdi, \[rdi+0x08\] TESDataHandler::SetMasterFileLargeBuffer(int)\_121B2A) \[RSP+380\] 0x6 (size\_t) \[6\] \[RSP+388\] 0x7FF7660C2840 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+5932840 add \[rdx\], al FUN\_142caa2b8\_5932840) \[RSP+390\] 0x2106DC1EC40 (void\*) \[RSP+398\] 0x2106DC1EC40 (void\*) \[RSP+3A0\] 0x2106DBD3400 (void\*) \[RSP+3A8\] 0x7FF7608AED7A (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+011ED7A inc r15d FUN\_14011e8e0\_11ED7A) \[RSP+3B0\] 0x57 (size\_t) \[87\] \[RSP+3B8\] 0x7FF7660C2590 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+5932590 add \[rax\], al FUN\_142caa2b8\_5932590) \[RSP+3C0\] 0x2 (size\_t) \[2\] \[RSP+3C8\] 0x7FF7660C2590 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+5932590 add \[rax\], al FUN\_142caa2b8\_5932590) \[RSP+3D0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+3D8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+3E0\] 0x575F444F4C5F5256 (size\_t) \[6295825911461663318\] \[RSP+3E8\] 0x6E756F72616B726F (size\_t) \[7959390453498606191\] \[RSP+3F0\] 0x52565F7073652E64 (size\_t) \[5933034495684193892\] \[RSP+3F8\] 0x6D7365006D73652E (size\_t) \[7886758424966554926\] \[RSP+400\] 0x2E73746F68736400 (size\_t) \[3347146969908995072\] \[RSP+408\] 0x652E52565F707365 (size\_t) \[7290855377681281893\] \[RSP+410\] 0x5020006D73006D73 (size\_t) \[5773615192369818995\] \[RSP+418\] 0x7073652E68637461 (size\_t) \[8102931404563903585\] \[RSP+420\] 0x6D73652E52565F (size\_t) \[30807650867500639\] \[RSP+428\] 0x2106D06A200 (void\*) \[RSP+430\] 0x7FF7614731D0 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+0CE31D0 mov \[rsp+0x08\], rbx TESAudio::DuckingMgmt::InstancedIni::HandleINIChange(Setting\_\&)\_CE31D0) \[RSP+438\] 0x7FF76147762B (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+0CE762B mov \[rbx+0x20\], ax TESAudio::VoiceCategoryMgmt::DuckingModeManager::Update(uint)\_CE762B) \[RSP+440\] 0x9C0 (size\_t) \[2496\] \[RSP+448\] 0x7FF76625DE00 (TESAudio::DuckingMgmt::AttenInstancedIni\*) \[RSP+450\] 0x9C0 (size\_t) \[2496\] \[RSP+458\] 0x7FF76625DF40 (SettingT\*) \[RSP+460\] 0x7FF7614731D0 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+0CE31D0 mov \[rsp+0x08\], rbx TESAudio::DuckingMgmt::InstancedIni::HandleINIChange(Setting\_\&)\_CE31D0) \[RSP+468\] 0x7FF76147762B (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+0CE762B mov \[rbx+0x20\], ax TESAudio::VoiceCategoryMgmt::DuckingModeManager::Update(uint)\_CE762B) \[RSP+470\] 0x7FF7666C3A00 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+5F33A00 add \[rax\], al FUN\_142caa2b8\_5F33A00) \[RSP+478\] 0x7FF76625DF40 (SettingT\*) \[RSP+480\] 0x1C2C1FF9D8 (void\*) \[RSP+488\] 0x1C2C1FF9E0 (void\*) \[RSP+490\] 0x7FF76625DF40 (SettingT\*) \[RSP+498\] 0x7FF761473267 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+0CE3267 mov eax, \[0x00007FF76625DAA4\] TESAudio::DuckingMgmt::InstancedIni::HandleINIChange(Setting\_\&)\_CE3267) \[RSP+4A0\] 0x7FF76625DF40 (SettingT\*) \[RSP+4A8\] 0x2105BEA2CF0 (char\*) "a" \[RSP+4B0\] 0x2105BEA2CF0 (char\*) "a" \[RSP+4B8\] 0x2105BEA2CF0 (char\*) "a" \[RSP+4C0\] 0x2105BEA2CF0 (char\*) "a" \[RSP+4C8\] 0x7FF761463328 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+0CD3328 mov \[rdi\], ebx TESAudio::InitSDM(BSTEventSource\<BGSActorCellEvent\>\_\*)\_CD3328) \[RSP+4D0\] 0x66 (size\_t) \[102\] \[RSP+4D8\] 0x7FF77119A65A (size\_t) \[140700731156058\] \[RSP+4E0\] 0x66 (size\_t) \[102\] \[RSP+4E8\] 0x20F7119A65A (size\_t) \[2265345271386\] \[RSP+4F0\] 0x9C0 (size\_t) \[2496\] \[RSP+4F8\] 0x20F4F9B4800 (SceneGraph\*) Name: "WorldRoot Node" RTTIName: "SceneGraph" Flags: 2000000000280e Name: "WorldRoot Node" \[RSP+500\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+508\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+510\] 0x2105BEA2300 (void\*) \[RSP+518\] 0x7FF763F56930 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+37C6930 push 0xFFFFFFFFF763508A FUN\_142caa2b8\_37C6930) \[RSP+520\] 0x7FF763F56930 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+37C6930 push 0xFFFFFFFFF763508A FUN\_142caa2b8\_37C6930) \[RSP+528\] 0x7FF761512844 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+0D82844 call 0x00007FF7624BECE0 Main::InitTES(NiNode\_\*)\_D82844) \[RSP+530\] 0x2105BEA2A29 (void\*) \[RSP+538\] 0x2106DBAEB00 (PlayerCharacter\*) Flags: 0x00200400 FormID: 0x00000014 FormType: kACHR (65) Object Reference: File: "Fallout4.esm" Flags: 0x00040001 FormID: 0x00000007 FormType: kNPC\_ (45) Flags: 0x00200400 FormID: 0x00000014 FormType: kACHR (65) \[RSP+540\] 0x2105BEA2CF0 (char\*) "a" \[RSP+548\] 0x20F4F9C5480 (NiNode\*) Name: "ObjectLODRoot" RTTIName: "NiNode" Flags: 2000000000280e Checking Parent: Name: "shadow scene node" RTTIName: "ShadowSceneNode" Flags: 2000000000280e Checking Parent: 
Name: "WorldRoot Node"
RTTIName: "SceneGraph"
Flags: 2000000000280e
 Name: "ObjectLODRoot" \[RSP+550\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+558\] 0x20F4F9C5780 (NiNode\*) Name: "WaterLOD" RTTIName: "NiNode" Flags: 2000000000280e Checking Parent: Name: "LODRoot" RTTIName: "BSClearZNode" Flags: 2000000000000e Checking Parent: 
Name: "shadow scene node"
RTTIName: "ShadowSceneNode"
Flags: 2000000000280e
Checking Parent:
Name: "WorldRoot Node"
RTTIName: "SceneGraph"
Flags: 2000000000280e
 Name: "WaterLOD" \[RSP+560\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+568\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+570\] 0x80000 (size\_t) \[524288\] \[RSP+578\] 0x7FF700000000 (size\_t) \[140698833649664\] \[RSP+580\] 0x535C (size\_t) \[21340\] \[RSP+588\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+590\] 0x535C (size\_t) \[21340\] \[RSP+598\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+5A0\] 0x7FF7662CE990 (GameScript::PathingCallbackMgr\*) \[RSP+5A8\] 0x7FF76232373A (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+1B9373A test al, al BSTArrayBase::AddUninitialized(BSTArrayBase::IAllocatorFunctor\_\&,uint,uint)\_1B9373A) \[RSP+5B0\] 0x7FF7662954B8 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+5B054B8 add \[rax\], eax FUN\_142caa2b8\_5B054B8) \[RSP+5B8\] 0x7FF7662954A8 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+5B054A8 or al, 0x60 FUN\_142caa2b8\_5B054A8) \[RSP+5C0\] 0x246 (size\_t) \[582\] \[RSP+5C8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+5D0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+5D8\] 0x210502EF440 (void\*) \[RSP+5E0\] 0x7FF7662954A0 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+5B054A0 add \[rax\], al FUN\_142caa2b8\_5B054A0) \[RSP+5E8\] 0x7FF761B567DB (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+13C67DB cmp eax, 0xFFFFFFFF FUN\_1413c66f0\_13C67DB) \[RSP+5F0\] 0x7FF7662954A0 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+5B054A0 add \[rax\], al FUN\_142caa2b8\_5B054A0) \[RSP+5F8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+600\] 0x2105BEA2CF0 (char\*) "a" \[RSP+608\] 0x35ED3B6F56250000 (size\_t) \[3885827402863280128\] \[RSP+610\] 0x206 (size\_t) \[518\] \[RSP+618\] 0x7FFE59F4B53E (void\* -> Buffout4.dll+00FB53E cmp eax, ebx E:\\Documents\\source\\repos\\vcpkg\\buildtrees\\tbb\\src\\v2021.8.0-b8941aa9b2.clean\\src\\tbbmalloc\\frontend.cpp:2537 ?freeOwnObject@Block@internal@rml@@QEAAXPEAX@Z) \[RSP+620\] 0x535C (size\_t) \[21340\] \[RSP+628\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+630\] 0x7FF763411248 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+2C81248 jo 0x00007FF763411274 hkbInternal::hks::execute\<0\>(hkbInternal::lua\_State\_\*,hkbInternal::hksInstruction\_\*,int)\_2C81248) \[RSP+638\] 0x7FF7662954A8 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+5B054A8 or al, 0x60 FUN\_142caa2b8\_5B054A8) \[RSP+640\] 0x7FF7662CE990 (GameScript::PathingCallbackMgr\*) \[RSP+648\] 0x7FF761B54A26 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+13C4A26 mov \[rsi\], ebx GameScript::PathingCallbackMgr::PathingCallbackMgr(void)\_13C4A26) \[RSP+650\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+658\] 0x2105BEA2CF0 (char\*) "a" \[RSP+660\] 0x2 (size\_t) \[2\] \[RSP+668\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+670\] 0x2105BEA2CF0 (char\*) "a" \[RSP+678\] 0x7FF761B869BA (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+13F69BA mov \[0x00007FF7662CE280\], rax FUN\_1413f69a0\_13F69BA) \[RSP+680\] 0x2 (size\_t) \[2\] \[RSP+688\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+690\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+698\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+6A0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+6A8\] 0x7FF76151AEF3 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+0D8AEF3 call 0x00007FF76151A5A0 \`anonymous\_namespace\'::Main\_InitGameData(void)\_D8AEF3) \[RSP+6B0\] 0x2 (size\_t) \[2\] \[RSP+6B8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+6C0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+6C8\] 0x2105BEA2CF0 (char\*) "a" \[RSP+6D0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+6D8\] 0x7FF7615337E9 (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+0DA37E9 call 0x00007FF76236C510 \`anonymous\_namespace\'::InitGameDataThread::ThreadProc(void)\_DA37E9) \[RSP+6E0\] 0x210320C59C0 (\`anonymous namespace'::InitGameDataThread\*) \[RSP+6E8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+6F0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+6F8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+700\] 0x210320C59C0 (\`anonymous namespace'::InitGameDataThread\*) \[RSP+708\] 0x20F4E86754C (void\* -> f4sevr\_1\_2\_72.dll+001754C mov rcx, \[0x0000020F4E91A580\]) \[RSP+710\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+718\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+720\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+728\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+730\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+738\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+740\] 0x210320C59C0 (\`anonymous namespace'::InitGameDataThread\*) \[RSP+748\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+750\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+758\] 0x7FF76232F94D (void\* -> Fallout4VR.exe+1B9F94D mov rcx, \[0x00007FF76634C6B8\] BSThread::CallThreadProc(void)\_1B9F94D) \[RSP+760\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+768\] 0x1C2C1FFCB0 (void\*) \[RSP+770\] 0x20F4F9AFC90 (void\*) \[RSP+778\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+780\] 0x210320C59C0 (\`anonymous namespace'::InitGameDataThread\*) \[RSP+788\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+790\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+798\] 0x7FFEE6377344 (void\* -> KERNEL32.DLL+0017344 mov ecx, eax) \[RSP+7A0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+7A8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+7B0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+7B8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+7C0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+7C8\] 0x7FFEE82A26B1 (void\* -> ntdll.dll+00526B1 jmp 0x00007FFEE82A26D3) \[RSP+7D0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+7D8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+7E0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+7E8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+7F0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+7F8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+800\] 0x3FFC0A1800000000 (size\_t) \[4610571216716038144\] \[RSP+808\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+810\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+818\] 0x7FFEE5E5E050 (void\* -> KERNELBASE.dll+012E050 mov \[rsp+0x10\], rbx) \[RSP+820\] 0x1C2C1FE600 (void\*) \[RSP+828\] 0x19EA4800007FFEDA (size\_t) \[1867384160344080090\] \[RSP+830\] 0x7FFEDA19EA48 (size\_t) \[140732557552200\] \[RSP+838\] 0x1C2C1FE600 (void\*) \[RSP+840\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+848\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+850\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+858\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+860\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+868\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+870\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+878\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+880\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+888\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+890\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+898\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+8A0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+8A8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+8B0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+8B8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+8C0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+8C8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+8D0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+8D8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+8E0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+8E8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+8F0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+8F8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+900\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+908\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+910\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+918\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+920\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+928\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+930\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+938\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+940\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+948\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+950\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+958\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+960\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+968\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+970\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+978\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+980\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+988\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+990\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+998\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+9A0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+9A8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+9B0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+9B8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+9C0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+9C8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+9D0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+9D8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+9E0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+9E8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+9F0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+9F8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+A00\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+A08\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+A10\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+A18\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+A20\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+A28\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+A30\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+A38\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+A40\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+A48\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+A50\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+A58\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+A60\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+A68\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+A70\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+A78\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+A80\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+A88\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+A90\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+A98\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+AA0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+AA8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+AB0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+AB8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+AC0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] \[RSP+AC8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[0\] 
XINPUT1\_3.dll 0x000000400000 x3daudio1\_7.dll 0x0000713C0000 steam\_api64.dll 0x0000713D0000 SHCORE.dll 0x020F4B4F0000 f4sevr\_1\_2\_72.dll 0x020F4E850000 wintrust.dll 0x020F75FE0000 Fallout4VR.exe 0x7FF760790000 DSOUND.DLL 0x7FFE59B60000 XAudio2\_7.dll 0x7FFE59C00000 VRFpsStabilizerFallout.dll 0x7FFE59C90000 UnlimitedSurvivalMode.dll 0x7FFE59D00000 HighFPSPhysicsFixVR.dll 0x7FFE59D50000 FO4VRTools.dll 0x7FFE59DC0000 Buffout4.dll 0x7FFE59E50000 d3d11.dll 0x7FFE5A250000 dxgi.dll 0x7FFE5A620000 MSVCR110.dll 0x7FFE5A6C0000 MSVCP110.dll 0x7FFE5A7A0000 bink2w64.dll 0x7FFE5F0C0000 X3DAudio1\_7.dll 0x7FFE61070000 cbp.dll 0x7FFE61D40000 openvr\_api.dll 0x7FFE6D550000 vrclient\_x64.dll 0x7FFE6D720000 GLU32.dll 0x7FFE6DDA0000 OPENGL32.dll 0x7FFE6DDD0000 steamclient64.dll 0x7FFE741E0000 vcheck\_patcher.dll 0x7FFE825A0000 gameoverlayrenderer64.dll 0x7FFE87830000 vstdlib\_s64.dll 0x7FFE87C30000 tier0\_s64.dll 0x7FFE87CF0000 usvfs\_x64.dll 0x7FFE8B400000 AcGenral.DLL 0x7FFEB8FC0000 ondemandconnroutehelper.dll 0x7FFEBF9F0000 winmmbase.dll 0x7FFEC14B0000 ncryptsslp.dll 0x7FFEC9270000 WININET.dll 0x7FFEC99C0000 nvwgf2umx.dll 0x7FFECD0C0000 InputHost.dll 0x7FFED11E0000 textinputframework.dll 0x7FFED1570000 Windows.UI.dll 0x7FFED1670000 mskeyprotect.dll 0x7FFED17C0000 nvgpucomp64.dll 0x7FFED1B70000 nvldumdx.dll 0x7FFED3E90000 f4sevr\_steam\_loader.dll 0x7FFED4110000 MSVCP140.dll 0x7FFED4830000 nvapi64.dll 0x7FFED4EC0000 WINMM.dll 0x7FFED67E0000 MPR.dll 0x7FFED68F0000 VCRUNTIME140\_1.dll 0x7FFED7F00000 VCRUNTIME140.dll 0x7FFED7F10000 Secur32.dll 0x7FFED7FE0000 MSVCP140\_ATOMIC\_WAIT.dll 0x7FFED8CE0000 iertutil.dll 0x7FFEDA620000 rasadhlp.dll 0x7FFEDB100000 fwpuclnt.dll 0x7FFEDB110000 srvcli.dll 0x7FFEDBB10000 urlmon.dll 0x7FFEDBD70000 dxcore.dll 0x7FFEDD480000 cryptnet.dll 0x7FFEDE610000 VERSION.dll 0x7FFEDE8D0000 drvstore.dll 0x7FFEDE9C0000 twinapi.appcore.dll 0x7FFEDEE70000 WindowManagementAPI.dll 0x7FFEDF080000 avrt.dll 0x7FFEDF580000 WINHTTP.dll 0x7FFEDF590000 WINNSI.DLL 0x7FFEDFDB0000 MMDevApi.dll 0x7FFEE0390000 AUDIOSES.DLL 0x7FFEE0440000 PROPSYS.dll 0x7FFEE07D0000 WTSAPI32.dll 0x7FFEE0B50000 wintypes.dll 0x7FFEE1110000 d3dcompiler\_47.dll 0x7FFEE1830000 d3d11.dll 0x7FFEE1C90000 CoreUIComponents.dll 0x7FFEE2260000 CoreMessaging.dll 0x7FFEE2940000 apphelp.dll 0x7FFEE2CA0000 uxtheme.dll 0x7FFEE2E40000 resourcepolicyclient.dll 0x7FFEE2FC0000 dwmapi.dll 0x7FFEE30C0000 0x7FFEE3650000 dbghelp.dll 0x7FFEE3DF0000 kernel.appcore.dll 0x7FFEE41B0000 dxgi.dll 0x7FFEE41D0000 tdh.dll 0x7FFEE42D0000 schannel.DLL 0x7FFEE4880000 rsaenh.dll 0x7FFEE4970000 ntmarta.dll 0x7FFEE4A90000 UMPDC.dll 0x7FFEE4D50000 IPHLPAPI.DLL 0x7FFEE4D70000 DNSAPI.dll 0x7FFEE4DB0000 netutils.dll 0x7FFEE4E80000 POWRPROF.dll 0x7FFEE4E90000 MSWSOCK.dll 0x7FFEE50D0000 CRYPTSP.dll 0x7FFEE52C0000 CRYPTBASE.DLL 0x7FFEE52E0000 Wldp.dll 0x7FFEE5370000 NTASN1.dll 0x7FFEE53A0000 ncrypt.dll 0x7FFEE53E0000 msasn1.dll 0x7FFEE5500000 devobj.dll 0x7FFEE56C0000 DPAPI.DLL 0x7FFEE5720000 USERENV.dll 0x7FFEE57E0000 SspiCli.dll 0x7FFEE5810000 profapi.dll 0x7FFEE5860000 CRYPT32.dll 0x7FFEE5930000 cfgmgr32.dll 0x7FFEE5BB0000 win32u.dll 0x7FFEE5C00000 ucrtbase.dll 0x7FFEE5C30000 KERNELBASE.dll 0x7FFEE5D30000 msvcp\_win.dll 0x7FFEE6030000 bcrypt.dll 0x7FFEE60D0000 gdi32full.dll 0x7FFEE6100000 bcryptPrimitives.dll 0x7FFEE6220000 KERNEL32.DLL 0x7FFEE6360000 PSAPI.DLL 0x7FFEE6420000 NSI.dll 0x7FFEE6430000 RPCRT4.dll 0x7FFEE6440000 USER32.dll 0x7FFEE65D0000 OLEAUT32.dll 0x7FFEE6770000 SETUPAPI.dll 0x7FFEE6840000 combase.dll 0x7FFEE6D30000 SHLWAPI.dll 0x7FFEE7090000 ole32.dll 0x7FFEE7150000 imagehlp.dll 0x7FFEE7280000 SHELL32.dll 0x7FFEE74E0000 clbcatq.dll 0x7FFEE7C30000 GDI32.dll 0x7FFEE7CE0000 IMM32.DLL 0x7FFEE7D20000 WS2\_32.dll 0x7FFEE7D50000 sechost.dll 0x7FFEE7F00000 MSCTF.dll 0x7FFEE7FA0000 ADVAPI32.dll 0x7FFEE80C0000 msvcrt.dll 0x7FFEE8170000 ntdll.dll 0x7FFEE8250000 
Buffout4.dll v1.31.1 cbp.dll FO4VRTools.dll HighFPSPhysicsFixVR.dll UnlimitedSurvivalMode.dll vcheck\_patcher.dll VRFpsStabilizerFallout.dll v1.0.1 
\[00\]Fallout4.esm \[01\]DLCworkshop03.esm \[02\]DLCworkshop02.esm \[03\]DLCNukaWorld.esm \[04\]DLCCoast.esm \[05\]DLCworkshop01.esm \[06\]DLCRobot.esm \[07\]Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp \[08\]WorkshopFramework.esm \[09\]SS2.esm \[0A\]SS2\_XPAC\_Chapter2.esm \[0B\]SS2\_XPAC\_Chapter3.esm \[0C\]Fallout4\_VR.esm \[0D\]Automatron Workbench Rebuild.esp \[0E\]M8rDisablePipboyEffects.esp \[0F\]M8r\_Item\_Tags\_VR\_NoDLCs\_Std\_EN.esp \[10\]M8rLargerRollover.esp \[11\]NoFeatureItems.esp \[12\]Ambient Wasteland.esp \[13\]Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp \[14\]Melee Impact Overhaul.esp \[15\]Physics Sound Overhaul.esp \[16\]Project Reality Footsteps FO4.esp \[17\]Enemy Footstep Overhaul.esp \[18\]Realistic Reverb and Ambiance.esp \[19\]Realistic Reverb and Ambience - Physics Sound Overhaul Patch.esp \[1A\]Vivid Fallout - LOD.esp \[1B\]Vivid Fallout - Far Harbor LOD.esp \[1C\]Vivid Fallout - Nuka World LOD.esp \[1D\]Wasteland Illumination.esp \[1E\]illuminated AIO.esp \[1F\]MK\_ComponentsRedone.esp \[20\]RRTV\_RobotModelKits.esp \[21\]instituteproject2k.esp \[22\]laserproject2k.esp \[23\]plasmaproject.esp \[24\]ECO.esp \[25\]ECO\_INNRoverride.esp \[26\]ECO\_ArmorOverrides.esp \[27\]ECO\_LegendaryModificationEnhanced.esp \[28\]ECO\_MythicLegendaryModifications.esp \[29\]WestTek\_Thermal.esp \[2A\]3dscopes.esp \[2B\]3dscopes\_Far.esp \[2C\]3dscopes-nukaworld.esp \[2D\]PipeScopes.esp \[2E\]CBBE.esp \[2F\]KSHairdos.esp \[30\]The Eyes Of Beauty.esp \[31\]keke-bu All-in-one Pack\_1.1.7.esp \[32\]Wasteland Heroines Replacer All in One\_2.0.esp \[33\]DiverseChildren.esp \[34\]Arbitration - Recommended Core.esp \[35\]HipfirePerkReplacements.esp \[36\]CriticalHitsOutsideofVATS.esp \[37\]BulletTimeVATS-VR.esp \[38\]WeaponAccuracyRedoneVRDLC.esp \[39\]BladedWeaponsReduxForVRDLC.esp \[3A\]CheatTerminal.esp \[3B\]EasyLockpicking.esp \[3C\]Faster Terminal Displays (20x).esp \[3D\]SKKCombatStalkers.esp \[3E\]SKKFastStartNewGame.esp \[3F\]SKKQuickPlayerRespec.esp \[40\]AtomicRadio.esp \[41\]3DNPC\_FO4.esp \[42\]3DNPC\_FO4Settler.esp \[43\]SS2Extended.esp \[44\]SS2\_CityPlanPack\_RiseOfTheCommonwealth.esp \[45\]VRCP\_SS2.esp \[46\]NAC.esp \[47\]NAC-FH.esp \[48\]NAC-NW.esp \[49\]VRCP\_NAC.esp \[4A\]Vivid Waters.esp \[4B\]ReflectiveWater.esp \[4C\]ReflectiveWaterDLC.esp \[4D\]Headlight.esp \[4E\]Burst Impact Blast FX.esp \[4F\]UltraExteriorLighting.esp \[50\]UltraInteriorLighting.esp \[51\]Live Dismemberment - RegularNoHeadshots.esp \[52\]SimpleAttackReactions.esp \[53\]DLCVR\_NWFHFixes.esp \[54\]VR\_LOD\_Workaround.esp \[55\]Hide\_Enemy\_Health.esp \[56\]Fallout4\_VR.esm 
submitted by Proper-Decision-7015 to wabbajack [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:24 -RIXSTAR_ Did I experience QI??

So I could have sworn I lost my airpods about 6 months ago. And recently, I found them under the seat of my car, which is strange because I deep clean my car weekly inside and out. Whats stranger is that the case had full battery, after being lost for 6 months..? And I have my airpods registered on the find my app. Every time I checked it said that the airpods were completely dead and unable to be found. Also I park near my house, so they would have shown up on there. This is honestly freaking me out…
submitted by -RIXSTAR_ to QuantumImmortality [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:15 Ambitious-Caramel-78 Transfering a save file in repentance

let me just start off by saying that, yes i had the pirated version and yes i currently do aswell. Im not proud of it and i would buy the game in a heartbeat if i could and I plan to in the future.
My problem is that i recently had to reset my computer, deleting everything on it. I have my Documents > My Games > The Binding Of Isaac, folder saved. yet now when i transfer the contents of that folder to new one, it does not register that anything has changed in the game and my saves arnt there. i checked and there is no SteamCloud in the new folder. the backup just has a bunch of numbered files, the newest one has .rep_persistentgamedata1.dat on the end.
submitted by Ambitious-Caramel-78 to bindingofisaac [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:13 elezet4 Updated: Inpainting only on masked area in ComfyUI, + outpainting, + seamless blending (includes custom nodes, workflow, and video tutorial)

Updated: Inpainting only on masked area in ComfyUI, + outpainting, + seamless blending (includes custom nodes, workflow, and video tutorial)
It's been several weeks since I published the Inpaint Crop&Stitch nodes and I've significantly improved them.
Check the updated (5--minute-long) tutorial here:
The main advantages of inpainting only in a masked area with these nodes are:
  • It's much faster than sampling the whole image.
  • It enables setting the right amount of context from the image for the prompt to be more accurately represented in the generated picture.
  • It enables upscaling before sampling in order to generate more detail, then stitching back in the original picture.
  • It enables downscaling before sampling if the area is too large, in order to avoid artifacts such as double heads or double bodies.
  • It enables forcing a specific resolution (e.g. 1024x1024 for SDXL models).
  • It doesn't modify the unmasked part of the image, not even passing it through VAE encode and decode.
  • The nodes take care of good blending.
Example workflow:
Many things taking place here: note how only the area around the mask is sampled on (40x faster than sampling the whole image), it's being upscaled before sampling, then downsampled before stitching, and the mask is blurred before sampling plus the sampled image is blend in seamlessly into the original image. The tutorial shows more features.
You can download them from ComfyUI-Manager (inpaint-cropandstitch) or from GitHub:
submitted by elezet4 to StableDiffusion [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:12 blebyboy Any Cashiers Have to Walk Up to The Racetrack to Pull Guests Into Checklanes?

I've been working as a cashier at Target for about a year now and came back from 1st college semester for the summer, my TL's have been telling me that we need to step out from the registers, walk up to the racetrack, and pull customers into the lanes to check them out which I didn't have to do before I left. I'm wondering if any other Targets have been enforcing this cause I haven't seen anything about it on here. I think it's kinda stupid like guests aren't smart enough know whether a lane is open or not, and god-forbid the cashiers have a moment of downtime. I work in one of the remodeled targets if that helps.
Sorry if the formatting is weird, I don't use reddit a lot.
submitted by blebyboy to Target [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:03 elezet4 Updated: Inpainting only on masked area, outpainting, and seamless blending (includes custom nodes, workflow, and video tutorial)

Updated: Inpainting only on masked area, outpainting, and seamless blending (includes custom nodes, workflow, and video tutorial)
It's been several weeks since I published the Inpaint Crop&Stitch nodes and I've significantly improved them.
Check the updated (5--minute-long) tutorial here:
The main advantages of inpainting only in a masked area with these nodes are:
  • It's much faster than sampling the whole image.
  • It enables setting the right amount of context from the image for the prompt to be more accurately represented in the generated picture.
  • It enables upscaling before sampling in order to generate more detail, then stitching back in the original picture.
  • It enables downscaling before sampling if the area is too large, in order to avoid artifacts such as double heads or double bodies.
  • It enables forcing a specific resolution (e.g. 1024x1024 for SDXL models).
  • It doesn't modify the unmasked part of the image, not even passing it through VAE encode and decode.
  • The nodes take care of good blending.
Example workflow:
Many things taking place here: note how only the area around the mask is sampled on (40x faster than sampling the whole image), it's being upscaled before sampling, then downsampled before stitching, and the mask is blurred before sampling plus the sampled image is blend in seamlessly into the original image. The tutorial shows more features.
You can download them from ComfyUI-Manager (inpaint-cropandstitch) or from GitHub:
submitted by elezet4 to comfyui [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:45 notanvidiafanboy Registering a modified Luxembourgish car

I am in the process of buying a car that is currently registered in Luxembourg.
The owner offered that I keep the plates that are currently on the car, and transfer them to my name. I read the guide on MyGuichet, but I haven't understood if that is possible or not?
The car has had some lighter modifications (sports exhaust, bodykit and coilovers) installed by the owner before the current owner (also in Luxembourg). The current owner has showed me the Tüv papers that came with the modifications. Since the car did its last CT in April, and the modifications are older than that, does that mean they are already registered to the cahow can I check? Will I need to do another CT?
EDIT: I have been going through old threads on this sub and found one about modified cars in lux. One of the commenters said "Only exception: cars built before 1998, there you only have to have the TÜV papers but you don‘t have to register the mods at the SNCA" is this correct? (my car is a 1994)
submitted by notanvidiafanboy to Luxembourg [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:44 SevereExit1563 APLAPOLLO STOCK ANALYSIS #NSE

I am sharing my analysis of this equity for educational purposes only. I am not a SEBI registered individual or a certified analyst. Please do not make any buy or sell decisions based on my analysis and AI . Conduct your own research, as I am not a certified professional. Thank you, and enjoy! (ANY DETAILS MENTIONED BELOW PLEASE RE VERIFY IT WITH NSE SITE BECAUSE AND DO DOUBLE CHECK ANY FACT AND IF YOU FIND ANT MISTAKES DO MENTION ME THAT TOO) ONLY EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE DON'T BUY OR SELL ON MY RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS

1. Strong Financial Performance

  • Revenue and Profit Growth: APL Apollo has consistently shown strong revenue and profit growth, indicating robust operational performance.
  • Improving Margins: The company’s ability to maintain or improve profit margins can signal efficient cost management and pricing power.

2. Market Position and Expansion

  • Market Leader: APL Apollo is a leading manufacturer of steel tubes and pipes in India, commanding a significant market share.
  • Expansion Plans: Ongoing expansion initiatives, including new product launches and capacity expansion, can drive future growth and market capture.

3. Industry Trends

  • Infrastructure Growth: The growing infrastructure and construction sectors in India boost the demand for steel pipes and tubes.
  • Government Initiatives: Supportive government policies and investments in infrastructure projects can positively impact APL Apollo's business.

4. Technical Indicators

  • Price Patterns: Look for bullish technical patterns such as moving average crossovers, support and resistance levels, and bullish candlestick formations that can indicate potential upward movement.
  • Volume Trends: Increasing trading volumes often precede price moves, indicating rising investor interest in the stock.

5. Valuation Metrics

  • Reasonable Valuation: If APL Apollo is trading at a reasonable valuation compared to its peers, it might offer a good entry point for swing traders looking for upside potential.
  • Price Targets: Analyst price targets can provide a benchmark for potential gains. If the stock is trading below its average target price, it could indicate upside potential.

6. Sectoral Strength

  • Steel Industry Strength: The steel industry in India is robust with strong growth potential, benefiting companies like APL Apollo.
  • Economic Recovery: The post-pandemic economic recovery and increased industrial activity support higher demand for steel products.

7. News and Developments

  • Positive Announcements: Any recent positive news such as strategic partnerships, new product developments, or strong quarterly results can act as a catalyst for the stock price.
  • Regulatory Environment: Favorable regulatory changes impacting the steel industry can be a positive for APL Apollo.

Risk Considerations

  • Market Volatility: Swing trading involves exposure to market volatility, and external factors such as economic downturns or adverse news can impact stock prices.
  • Raw Material Prices: Fluctuations in raw material prices, especially steel, could affect profitability.


Buying APL Apollo for a swing trade could be strategic if the company demonstrates strong financial performance, favorable market conditions, positive technical indicators, and reasonable valuation. However, it's crucial to conduct thorough research, consider the broader market environment, and set stop-loss orders to manage risk effectively.
submitted by SevereExit1563 to Themarketcult [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:36 SevereExit1563 METROPOLIS STOCK ANALYSIS #NSE

I am sharing my analysis of this equity for educational purposes only. I am not a SEBI registered individual or a certified analyst. Please do not make any buy or sell decisions based on my analysis and AI . Conduct your own research, as I am not a certified professional. Thank you, and enjoy! (ANY DETAILS MENTIONED BELOW PLEASE RE VERIFY IT WITH NSE SITE BECAUSE AND DO DOUBLE CHECK ANY FACT AND IF YOU FIND ANT MISTAKES DO MENTION ME THAT TOO) ONLY EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE DON'T BUY OR SELL ON MY RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS

1. Strong Financial Performance

  • Revenue and Profit Growth: Metropolis has shown consistent revenue and profit growth over recent quarters, indicating strong operational performance.
  • Margin Improvement: Consistent improvement in profit margins can indicate efficient cost management and pricing power.

2. Market Position and Expansion

  • Leading Position: Metropolis is one of the leading diagnostic service providers in India, with a strong brand reputation and extensive network.
  • Expansion Plans: The company's ongoing expansion in tier 2 and tier 3 cities, along with its focus on expanding test offerings, can drive future growth and capture more market share.

3. Industry Trends

  • Growing Healthcare Spending: Increasing healthcare spending in India, driven by a growing middle class and higher health awareness, can boost demand for diagnostic services.
  • Rising Preventive Healthcare: A growing trend towards preventive healthcare and regular health check-ups can increase the demand for diagnostic tests.

4. Technical Indicators

  • Price Patterns: Look for bullish technical patterns such as moving average crossovers, support and resistance levels, and bullish candlestick formations that can indicate potential upward movement.
  • Volume Trends: Increasing trading volumes often precede price moves, providing a signal that a stock is gaining investor interest.

5. Valuation Metrics

  • Reasonable Valuation: If Metropolis is trading at a reasonable valuation compared to its peers, it might offer a good entry point for swing traders looking for upside potential.
  • Price Targets: Analyst price targets can provide a benchmark for potential gains. If the stock is trading below its average target price, it could indicate upside potential.

6. Sectoral Strength

  • Healthcare Sector Strength: The healthcare sector in India is robust with strong growth potential, and companies with a strong foothold like Metropolis are poised to benefit from sectoral trends.
  • Pandemic Impact: The ongoing emphasis on health and diagnostics post-pandemic can sustain higher demand for diagnostic services.

7. News and Developments

  • Positive Announcements: Recent positive news such as strategic partnerships, new service offerings, or strong quarterly results can act as a catalyst for the stock price.
  • Regulatory Environment: Favorable regulatory changes impacting the healthcare sector can be a positive for Metropolis.

Risk Considerations

  • Market Volatility: Swing trading involves exposure to market volatility, and external factors such as economic downturns or adverse news can impact stock prices.
  • Competition: Intense competition in the diagnostic services sector could impact Metropolis's market share and profitability.


Buying Metropolis Healthcare for a swing trade could be strategic if the company demonstrates strong financial performance, favorable market conditions, positive technical indicators, and reasonable valuation. However, it's crucial to conduct thorough research, consider the broader market environment, and set stop-loss orders to manage risk effectively.
submitted by SevereExit1563 to Themarketcult [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:28 throwaway765338u Feeling guilty about saying hello to a client at a bar

I went to an event last night and noticed one of my clients at the front entrance dealing with coat check. We made eye contact and I continued on without acknowledging him. At the end of the night when the lights came on, I saw him again and went over to say briefly say hello. I debated it for a second, but I thought it would be fine. This client works in a similar field that I do, he volunteers with my nonprofit, and he's also talked about how he lives his life openly about substance use. But I feel guilty about it now. He was probably high and he could have felt uncomfortable with me there. Maybe it was a buzzkill or it felt intrusive to have different parts of life suddenly merged? It just wasn't my place to make that call. He is both a volunteepeer and a client, so I wanted to have good rapport with the volunteer part, but I'm worried this was inappropriate for the client part.
If he mentions it, I will be apologetic. But I don't think I should bring it up, right? WWYD? I think I should wait to see if he even has thoughts about it.
For context: I run a peer support program. I'm a social work student, but not a registered social worker yet.
EDIT: Thanks everyone. I'll reach out and chat with him about it and his boundaries. We've had a similar check-in about running into him at his workplace (similar field), but I think a bar is a very different context. I'm debating sending an email because I likely won't see him for a couple weeks and it's more private than trying to pull him aside from the group, but I'll think about this a little more. Y'all can give your thoughts on email vs face-to-face convo.
Ugh, I knew it wasn't a great idea - it should be the client's role to initiate - but I still did it. I'll listen to y'all about not beating myself up about it and take this as a good lesson for next time. Let's not make decisions about this kind of stuff when high at a bar lol. Duh, obviously lol. Other people have developed these guidelines for a reason.
submitted by throwaway765338u to socialwork [link] [comments]