Proxy server school unblock


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2024.06.09 12:44 thirty1_ Configure Plex to route outgoing traffic through a SOCKS5 proxy?

I'm running Plex in Docker on an Ubuntu host. Is there a way to force Plex to use a SOCKS5 proxy? Idea is basically for all remote streaming traffic to be routed through this proxy server. TIA.
submitted by thirty1_ to PleX [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:39 KokoHekumatiaru Beginners guide to Soulmask, with no BS.

Hello there. If you are like me, you might also be a bit allergic to all the guides out there, that start with "please hit like and subscribe", followed by 10 minutes of chatter around what you need help with, for something that could`ve taken 30 seconds to explain.
With that out of the way, welcome to my No-BullS#$t guide to Soulmask, outlining everything I`ve learned in 80 hours playing on a server rented from G-Portal.
I am going to assume that everyone is somewhat accustomed to the bare basics of the game and how it plays so I will stick to only highlighting things that I learned myself.

1 There are 5 Tribes: Claw, Flint, Fang, Outcasts and Plunderers.

-Everyone can be deterred except Plunderers and Elites (The ones with a unique name and a silver border around their health bar).
-The Claw tribe has the best overall fighters for every weapon school
-The Fang tribe specializes in Remedies, healing and Poisons (Alchemy) so they make for great Alchemists overall, but do very well in relation to ranged combat so make for decent companions, if you prefer having a ranged helper along, they are good for this.
-The Flint tribe are supposedly the clever ones who are all about evolving and furthering their tribe's development so naturally, they make for great crafters.
-The outcasts don`t belong to any tribes and their stats as such are completely random. You can find great ones of course but expect a lower chance of finding what you need, compared to if you were chasing the more specialized tribes.

2 Proficiencies of barbarians go from 1-125+ in each respective school and what they have is based on a lot of factors as well as the low chance of them being a uniquely titled barbarian that can give them various perks outside of the proficiencies themselves.

-The level of the deterred barbarian ONLY affects what the overall proficiencies' start at when you deter them. with the higher the level the better the proficiency.
-Source: Personal experience after deterring roughly 800 Barbarians and while I know the pool isn`t very big, but it is high enough for me to be positive that the level of a deterred barb does not affect their max proficiency level, only what it starts at.
-Labourers are great at the collection of materials: Logging, Mining, Harvesting
-Craftsmen: Any crafting, completely random which ones they are given. Also supposed to unlock various tribes medium/advanced clothing and costumes if they are found in a fortress(Only 3 fortresses at the minute.) Potentially bugged right now though as I`ve deterred 50+ Craftsmen of varying levels from Novice to Master Craftsmen in a Flint fortress with 0 unlocks as of yet).
-Porters: Good at working the Kiln and or Furnace but they are also Great at transporting large quantities of items over longer distances as their weight limits are different and they have positive traits that affect how having more weight makes them move faster etc. (Unlocks the first tribe clothing too. Level 20-25 area barracks)
That`s it for now, if there`s anything else you want to know, just ask in the comments and I will add it to the guide too. But these are some of the things I see being asked the most, so instead of commenting in each post and repeating myself, I will update this one with new info.

3 Mysterious Tisane, dropped by bosses will reset the attributes of your main aka the Vagrant Novice character, but the Mysterious body shaping pill will reset the attributes of any of your deterred tribesmen.

4 The Basic Portal that you can craft yourself will not let you teleport to unlocked teleporters, only to other basic teleporters. (Please for the love of god change this.)

submitted by KokoHekumatiaru to PlaySoulMask [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:17 JarifSA Standalone games similar to WynnCraft?

I used to love this server back when I was in middle school. 9 years later, and I'm about to start again but I was wondering what games are similar to Wynncraft? Preferably post like 2013.
submitted by JarifSA to WynnCraft [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:14 Complete-Composer458 Medkey vs Anki

Hi everyone,
I'm excited to share that I'll be joining Yale Medical School in Fall 2024 after graduating from MIT this spring with a double major in neuroscience and computer science.
During my MCAT preparation, I developed a tool called MedKey that significantly helped me achieve a score of 524. MedKey is a flashcard deck powered by AI, designed to improve understanding rather than rote memorization. Unlike traditional flashcards, which often lead to correct answers based on familiarity with sentence structures rather than deep understanding, MedKey uses MCAT-style examples to test your comprehension.
Example generated from medkey:
During a team meeting, everyone seems to be in agreement about a new project proposal. Even though you have reservations about certain aspects, you decide not to voice them because you don't want to rock the boat and disrupt the harmony within the group. After the meeting, you realize that you missed an opportunity to provide valuable input that could have improved the project's outcome. This is an example of ___________.
With MedKey, you'll never receive the same scenario twice. Each practice session offers a unique scenario, ensuring you understand various aspects of the concept.
I'm currently seeking a small group of 30-40 people to test the beta version of MedKey and provide feedback to see if people will be interested in using this for their MCAT prep. If you're interested in participating, please let me know in the comments and DM me your email address to be added to the email list. First come first serve basis since our servers can not handle many users.
submitted by Complete-Composer458 to MCATprep [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:09 Any_Watercress_2462 How seeds really work - had a chat with an employee

Hey. I'm a long time Train watcher and I made a reddit account just to post this.
I'm personally not a tech guy and know absolutely nothing, but I have no reason to believe the information I have is false. In fact, it's probably as authentic as I could imagine it to be coming from the gambling industry.
I went to school ~20 years ago with a guy who I recently met at a summer activity. We ended up chatting and I found out he worked for a game operator for a decade, working on back-end of online slots and even leading an entire team for a time. He quit during covid and has since moved on to other things meaning he's not affiliated with anyone, so I instantly thought of Train's gambling adventures and saw my opportunity to ask any questions I could squeeze in. He was kind enough to reciprocate.
Now he hasn't worked in the industry for a few years, so some things could've changed, but he believes the main principles are still the same.
I believe I learned how slots work for real, and no, there's no tricks to win. However what I learned I haven't heard before, so I'm assuming most people don't know half of it. One thing is for sure, slots don't work the way Train thinks and I think re-wiring his brain would benefit him so much to last longer.
Before I explain, keep in mind Stake originals don't work like this. They're provably fair games and different, the entire idea being you get generated a seed that you stay on until you change it, and they don't even use RNG. Stake has an article on this on their website. Regular slots operate under RNG.
So with that out of the way, components to online slots:
Game Server - the brains. handles everything including RNG, network activity and balance. Typically a physical desktop computer. There are many of them, and different slots from the same provider can use the same one.
Load Balancer - acts like traffic control, sends you to one of the servers when you open a game and ensures servers won't be overloaded.
True RNG - a piece of hardware installed into the server. Generates actual random numbers based on something like white noise.
Pseudo RNG - deterministic algorithm, a software. Gives us numbers that the slots then use to generate results.
Apparently implementations can differ, but the core idea is always the same.
Ideally, they would use the True RNG for every single spin we make because that's actually random. But it's too slow, and that's why they have to use a Pseudo RNG that's as fast as you need it to be. However, it's deterministic, meaning if you ran it from beginning to the end and make a graph, it would always end up doing the same thing, and naturally, could be exploited.
So what they do to counter this is they use the True RNG to "seed" the Pseudo RNG. So seeding exists, but it's not at a player or account level. It's literally the software itself that gets seeded.
What they can do as well, is use another Pseudo RNG to seed it further, by using a string of things such as stake, currency, server time and date.
What's more, is that this process actually occurs quite often to increase randomness. So if you play a slot for an hour, you've been on multiple seeds.
Now it's all just numbers, and there's no concept of good or bad, and different slots use different numbers for results. This is why slots will never make sense. You can play a particular game and be on a disgusting run of losing for hours, ie. repeatedly get "bad" seeds. You can also play a slot for 2 hours and it just keeps paying, repeatedly getting "good" seeds. But there's no math to it in the short-term. Seed won't turn good just because the last one was bad. And because different slots use different numbers, that bad seed could've been good on another game.
Even if you believe none of this, thinking there's 1 seed in general makes no sense since you're playing different servers. Server A doesn't have anything to do with Server B. Then you would have to think you have your own seed on every single one of them.
You can actually find out what server you're playing by opening up browser console, network tab and clicking on your spin and checking the IP address.
They can store your information in a cloud, like your game history, but this has nothing to do with the RNG. They need this information to be able to double check results if need be and provide replays, or in specific games save your progress if there's a progressive feature. So if your info is reset, again it's not "a seed reseted".
I didn't fully understand this part, but apparently other players playing on the same server (regardless of slot) affects game results as well, since they're cycling through variables. Again, I don't know how this precisely works, but I didn't want to pry too much.
However, when they simulate the RTP for a slot, the simulation is done on an isolated server. Meaning the simulation will get everything the RNG gives it, good or bad. If max win numbers line up next, the simulation will get it. Wins and losses aren't (unevenly) divided amongst people if that makes sense. This is why after a certain amount of spins the RTP starts to stick, and eventually when you do billions of spins quantity takes over and the math hardly changes even if the simulation hits back-to-back max wins. So the simulation is reliable, just not really reflective of real gameplay since there are less variables.
I think that's pretty much it.
How all this applies to Train's usual habits:
Yeah sometimes it can turn if a slot is doing bad and you sit on it, but the wins aren't based off of previous losses. So I think Train should chase the slots that do something good, rather than chase wins on a slot that's doing bad. Sitting on slots that are eating hand you by far the biggest losses the fastest.
That's all for me. I felt like it was worth getting this out there if it helps anyone.
submitted by Any_Watercress_2462 to Trainwreckstv [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:54 svnh__ What is your opinion on the use of trigger warnings (TW)?

To give you some context, I am part of a community on Twitter dedicated to women, where we discuss various topics such as feminism, makeup, fashion, religion, and much more. Recently, a member of our community asked, "What is your favorite position?" without including a TW // SEX.
This provoked a strong reaction from some women who felt that this type of question could be disturbing for those who suffer from vaginismus, are asexual, or have been victims of sexual trauma. The person who asked the question responded by saying that talking about sex is an integral part of women's lives and she didn't see why she should add a trigger warning.
This situation has divided the community. On one side, some members believe it is important to add trigger warnings for sensitive topics to protect the most vulnerable. On the other side, some feel that the use of trigger warnings has become excessive and that people can't be forced to include them everywhere.
Also, the first time I encountered the concept of trigger warnings (since we French didn't use this notion at all), was on a server I moderated with a friend at the time. The English-speaking members explained the importance of using TWs, which I accepted because I can completely understand, but at one point, we ended up adding TWs for "absent fathedivorced parents" or "repeating a school year," which became unmanageable. The community exploded because people felt they had to constantly walk on eggshells and couldn't talk about any heavy/serious topic without being reprimanded.
Some say 'it's a matter of empathy and that it only takes a few seconds to add a trigger warning at the beginning of a message' and others answer 'okay but where do we draw the line, and is it really an obligation for everyone? because i don't feel like adding them and that doesn't make me a bad person'
I would be curious to hear your thoughts on this issue.
submitted by svnh__ to kpopnoir [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:13 Jordan_Yeet [Crossplay Server] Scub's Trios [Cluster] [12x, Modded, Nets, Taming, Weight, Speed, Cryo]

Scub's Trios is a new cross-play 3-man PvP cluster on ARK: Survival Ascended! It currently has 4 maps in the cluster:
More will be added as they are released!
submitted by Jordan_Yeet to SurviveTogether [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:51 Jordan_Yeet Scub's Trios [12x, Modded, Nets, Taming, Weight, Speed, Cryo]

Scub's Trios is a new cross-play 3-man PvP cluster on ARK: Survival Ascended! It currently has 4 maps in the cluster:
  • Svartalfheim
  • The Center
  • The Island
  • Scorched Earth
More will be added as they are released!
  • No item or creature bans
  • Player and flyer speed leveling to give old school ark PvP feel
  • Custom drops
  • No weight limits
  • Custom engram recipes (Tranq Arrow, Bola, ARB, etc)
  • Increased stack sizes
  • Net Projectile
  • Cryopods
  • Managarmrs
  • Griffins
  • Maewings
  • Moros Indomitable Duo (Indominus Rex and Indoraptor)
  • And more!
  • Harvesting - 12x
  • Taming - 25x
  • Hatching - 25x
  • Baby Mature Speed - 75x
  • Exp - 10x
submitted by Jordan_Yeet to playarkservers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:31 mooncakefiber Am I wrong for blocking my boyfriend

Tonight he
-Started talking about how i need to send him bruise picture updates (I have a bruise on my butt right now) in a bent over position when we were sitting right next to a bunch of men, one of which chuckled when he said that. I was the only girl there.
-Told me it was innapropriete for me to try to give him a small kiss in the back of his friends car at the end of the night (but him telling me to send him innapropriete pictures at a loud volume is okay?)
I don’t want to be dramatic and cause problems over nothing, but it felt like all I got tonight was criticism and put downs and not uplifting stuff like compliments which i feel like a relationship should be. I started crying really hard after he said the thing about me not being good at the job Ive been trying to get because all of that listed above was a lot for me. He kept asking me if I wanted to talk about it but I didn’t know what to say. My brother came and picked me up because I just wanted to go home and I could not stop crying.
After getting home I called him way too many times, all declined. I texted him and asked him if he was upset if I left and he said yeah. anyway, i basically sent him a paragraph telling him why I left tn and that I was sorry, and he barely acknowledged it. I blocked him after that. We’ve been together for almost seven years and he does and says little things like this that hurt me a lot. Just last week he ignored me for over an hour when we were hanging out and then was upset when I tried to leave his apartment. I love him but sometimes i feel terrible. I probably make him feel terrible sometimes too. Is it toxic to keep going like this? i already want to unblock him, but i am still very hurt. If he thinks and says these things, what can I do to change them? I love him, but I don’t feel loved. I know relationships aren’t perfect but is this type of put downs normal? Did I overreact? Im sorry for the questions reddit it's 3 am and I am heartbroken :D
I dont know what my goal with blocking him is if I still want to talk to him. it feels like i am trying to call for his attention so he can realize how much he hurt me. I dont know what to do im beside myself.
submitted by mooncakefiber to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:17 IDLP94 Are my concerns valid?

So for reference I am ADHD/ASD, my husband is ADHD (I can definitely see ASD traits in him though), my son (2.5) is ASD, both sides of our family also have varying degrees of ADHD & ASD & I am now starting to worry about my daughter (4).
My husband & I (as well as family) used to joke about how our daughter when she was younger probably has ADHD due to a lot of the traits she had, didn’t think too much into it though because she was young & it could’ve just been typical toddler behaviour. Fast forward to when she was 3 we had child health appointments for both kids (mainly for my son as he started to exhibit very obvious ASD traits), we were told that our daughter actually exhibited a few ASD traits. I thought there was no way she had ASD because she had no problem giving eye contact (she’s just always been shy around new people/people she’s not comfortable with), could make new friends & played with other children well (& did not exhibit the very obvious traits that her brother had/has - she’s quite fear avoidant unlike him too).
Now that she’s older & has been in school for 6 months I am starting to notice that she is slightly different to her peers. She seems to mask at school though & is a completely different child there compared to at home. I will pop a list some of the things I have concerns about. I am wondering if my concerns are valid or if it is just typical behaviour for her age. I’m not sure whether to take it further, because I don’t want her to have to struggle like I had to as a child if she does have ADHD/ASD… But I also don’t want to come across as being paranoid/a hypochondriac by proxy. What are your thoughts? Also, if you got this far thank you!!! 😆
List of “concerns”: - Very rigid/literal thinking (even with play - e.g was playing barbies with a friend & her friend put a checkout in the bathroom, she was very distressed about it & said “no, the bath has to go in the bathroom!”) - Cannot handle unexpected change - will become very distressed or have a meltdown (even over minor change - e.g I had some errands to run & after going to Kmart I said “right, let’s go to Spotlight then Bunnings!”… Made the last minute decision to go to Bunnings first then Spotlight as it worked better coming from Kmart & then heading home - she had a meltdown because I had told her we were going to Spotlight first, not Bunnings - Always fidgeting, running, jumping, climbing, spinning & flapping her arms (flaps them like a bird) - excessively & at inappropriate times a lot. Also needing to chew/suck on things a lot - Acts like a cat/dog often - will also sometimes do it when she is feeling shy or awkward - Very argumentative - Lines up/organises toys &/or objects (even at the shops - once she had to organise these ride on type toys [sticks with a plush head - unicorns, dinosaurs etc] into the same category as they were all mixed together) - Has a very hard time transitioning - Feels like you are walking on eggshells around her - very intense long lasting meltdowns multiple times a day - Has a really hard time doing what she is told unless there is a “reward”, make her think like it’s her idea or make it a game - Appears to get very overwhelmed/executive dysfunction - will also say things like her legs won’t work or she is stuck to the floor - Gets very attached to certain objects/things - Has a special interest in/collects rocks (& sometimes other outdoor items like sticks, leaves, feathers etc) - keeps them in a box & takes them out to organise them/talk about them. Will get very distressed if you don’t allow her to keep them - Very rigid with her routine - will have a meltdown if it is not done the “right” or usual way - We usually have to cut the labels off of her clothes - Has a pair of PJs that she wants to wear every night - had to get more as she would have a meltdown if they were in the wash & she couldn’t wear them - She repeats herself over & over again - Always making noise whether it be vocal stimming or just constantly talking - Her attention span is very short unless it is something she enjoys doing - When asked a question she usually doesn’t answer “appropriately” & gets off track - Very sensitive to smells & loud noises - can sometimes distress hecause meltdowns - Will zone out/stare into space often - Easily frustrated/irritable - Very sensitive in general
submitted by IDLP94 to Autism_Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:43 bubbleobill420 IP Forwarding Message

I need help! the IP Forwarding message keeps showing up despite everything i have tried. Yes I can connect in-game via. my BungeeCord proxy and I can load to backend servers whilest in-game. I am trying to change the message (when players try connect from incorrect port). I have tried using plugins like onlyproxyjoin, ipwhitelist etc etc. Still persists to keep showing the "if you wish to use bungee please setup ip forwarding".
In my BungeeCord config: online_mode is set to true ip_forward is set to true
In my backend Paper configs: online-mode is set to false server-ip is blank spigot.yml: bungeecord is set to true config/paper-global.yml: online-mode is set to false (one under bungee-cord)
submitted by bubbleobill420 to FlameCord [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:43 bbbyredddd Working with my bf causing me severe rOCD flareups

Hey everyone,
Really needing to rant and possibly get some advice here. My boyfriend and I got a job together at a microbrewery. It was awesome at first, we both focused on being individuals and keeping our relationship private. Eventually, everyone got pretty close (small staff team and they are going for the “family” vibes) so people talk about their partners and their lives. As we got closer with everyone, we told them we were together. They were all super supportive! & most of them had a feeling cuz they could sense our energy/chemistry.
Anyways, i’ve been feeling profoundly insecure about my inability to hold conversations with people. I’m really good at the basics of serving- taking orders, remembering them, getting drinks and food orders out quickly, cleaning, shift duties, etc. My other coworkers have this magical ability to hold LONG conversations with each other, and the guests. Like 20-45 minute conversations. They just all talk, laugh, joke, tease each other, have solid connections, while i’m the one getting all the duties done. Like I’m genuinely the only one completing the shift duties everytime I work.
Now, ever since my boyfriend and I told everyone we are together, my rOCD has been AWFUL at work. When it’s just him and I; i almost always seek reassurance (do i look pretty? Do you like that other server more than me? Do you think i’m a good server?) which (i’m just learning about rOCD but i think reassurance seeking like that isn’t helpful) and also the fact I would like to be more confident and stop seeking the affirmation. He fills up my cup though and uplifts me every single time I ask.
But tonight, was the worst yet. I overthink it all. My thoughts include: They think I deserve better, they think he deserves better, they think I’m a shitty girlfriend, they think he’s a shitty boyfriend, they don’t see the chemistry, they are judging us. (“they” as in my coworkers, who really are wonderful people)
I get secondhand embarrassment from the things he says and does. I feel like he is a representation of me. But that might also be my internal shame spreading. One of the servers tonight, her and my bf are close in age and went to the same high school, and they were laughing together having a great time all night. I got so jealous. It’s not right because they are simply coworkers who are just trying to connect to make the shift fly by. Inside my head i kept thinking you both clearly like each other. She’s more fun than i am. She’s easier to talk to. He likes her more than me. I told him how I was feeling and he reassured me “I just want you. I’m going home with you. You’re my girl and my forever”.
I feel terrible. I get so jealous of him talking to her and then when he tries to talk to me I’m almost mad at him and shut him down. He tries to joke around and have fun, and before, when we were just “coworkers” I was able to be light and fun with him. But I feel like the way I have rOCD thoughts about us every single damn day of my life just reveals itself to our coworkers. I was in an awful mood and kept trying to shake it off. But even then, I didn’t have anything to talk about. I just wanted to curl up and hide away from the world.
I left work as soon as I can. I’m so done. And so exhausted from my own damn brain. Just feeling like I bring nothing to the table and that everyone at work must hate me. And when I withdraw the way I did tonight - people must think I hate them. I wish my brain wasn’t like this.
submitted by bbbyredddd to ROCD [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:25 Sufficient_Radish990 Need advice, feeling hopeless.

Sorry this is a long post, my entire life I've always been tormented by demons, since a young age I had fear tell me that my kindergarten bully would kill me and my family, as I got older around 6 I was introduced to pornography through watching explicit scenes on movies in TV which lead to searching up that stuff. When I got saved still was addicted to porn and had constant torment of blasphemy the Holy Spirit in my head, at 16 I thought I fully committed it and literally felt a weight around my chest from the depression and I couldn't walk. My thoughts twisted to a hatred of the Holy Spirit because I felt it was his fault, I also read in Benny Hinns book that blasphemy was unforgivable because the Holy Spirit was feminine which caused a intense hatred for women and their feminine nature as I felt it was the reason I'm tormented mentally and suicidal. Fast forward I slowly overcome the fear of blasphemy and realize I'm able to be forgiven. But I was still addicted to porn. I found Isaiahs youtube channel about deliverance and joined their server and got in a session. They prayed for me I manifested a demon for the first time. My face contorted without me even trying. However that was just the beginning. Another time a lady prayed for me and its like a light switch was turned on. I started manifesting a demon but oddly it didn't leave and I gained the ability to cause it to manifest through my body at will. The first day of this I allowed it to see what it would do and it did dancing and karate through me. I stopped allowing it to do it after that but I was just curious. However the demons that was exposed spoke and said their names "Perversion, sloth,python, leviathan, lucifer, baal, confusion, jezebel" and some more. During this time of exposure days went by and they were in me, I went to deliverance I coughed up some stuff but the ones I knew were in me didn't go and i could still cause them to manifest to see they are there.I went to minister after minister and still nothing. And of course I renounced and repented, forgave any offense and women. However this entire time span of 2 months I constantly had perverted thoughts and was tempted to masturbate but I stood against it for 2 months. Also during this time I was able to pray in tongues which I got at 15 so I did that at least 2 hours a day. I thought tongues was enough to not fall into sin, I didn't use the word or anything to fight temptation or the truth just thought praying long would give me strength to resist. However after two months I fell and ever since then it's been this cycle. Now this is where the post starts, so since these demons are in me the past 2 years they have caused intense agonizing depression, anxiety, ocd, and really bad Perversion. Since I fell after those 2 months I went in the cycle of praying for a couple days, then watching porn and backsliding into that, then doing self deliverance for a while and coughing but the strongmen exposed didn't leave. Then I remembered where Jesus said this kind comes out by prayer and fasting. I thought maybe that's why they are still here, I have to fast. So this is where the real problem starts, I try to fast, then I'm overwhelmed by this confusion that comes over my mind. It says "You don't have to fast, just eat and live clean" So I quit the fast, watch porn and say tomorrow I start fresh. Then tomorrow comes, I'm overwhelmed by the spirit of Perversion in me and then confusion speaks and says "your suppose to fast to get deliverance, this is why we are still here." So again I watch porn and overeat telling myself tomorrow I will fast. Then the next day comes and I wake up and its like my entire mind just shifted to not fast and confusion says the same thing " You don't have to fast, just stay clean" Then I stop the fast but the reality of all those demons hit with the intense perversion torment me and I think this is to much to resist I must fast. Then finally after this happening many times confusion says" Just cast us out" then I try for hours and they don't leave and then I watch porn again and go through the cycle of confusion. It's been 2 and a half years, I graduated high-school last year, im 19 and still going through this confusion, my life is falling apart, no matter what I choose, confusion is there to make me fast or not fast, then Perversion attacks strongly strengthening the desire to fast to get it out then I feel it's OK to watch porn because I'll just fast tomorrow and the cycle continues. What am I supposed to do?
Edit: Along this journey I learned romans 6 as foundation to not sin but its really that confusion giving me the other option that causes me to fall, also saying "Romans 6 doesnt apply to you since you have demons." This double minded confusion caused to me watch porn and masturbate almost everyday. So really that confusion in my head is affecting me the most in my situation.
submitted by Sufficient_Radish990 to Deliverance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:03 ukpolbot r/ukpolitics General Election Campaign Megathread - 09/06/2024

👋 Welcome to the /ukpolitics General Election Campaign Megathread. Parliament has been dissolved, and Ed Davey is spending his mornings at Alton Towers. Oh! And there's an election on.
This is our new daily megathread for all of the day's news until the election. Polling day is on 4th July, and you need to make sure that you are registered to vote if you haven't already, and that you have a form of photo ID (passport, driving license, etc). If you don't have photo ID, you can apply for a voter authority certificate.
Please do not submit articles to the megathread which clearly stand as their own submission. Comments which include a link to a story which clearly stands as its own submission will be removed. Comments which relate to a story which already exists on the subreddit will be removed, to keep everything in one place. Links as comments are not useful here. Add a headline, tweet content or explainer please.
This thread will automatically roll over into a new one at 06:00 GMT each morning.
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📅 Key dates

from the Electoral Commission, BBC, Sky, ITV
  • 12th June, 7PM BST - 📺 Sky News "The Battle for Number Ten" (Sunak v Starmer live debate - format tbc)
  • 12th June, 7PM BST - 📺 ITV The Leader Interviews - Rishi Sunak - Conservatives
  • 13th June, 8:30PM BST - 📺 ITV multi-party debate (CON, LAB, LD, SNP, PC, GRN, REF)
  • 18th June - Deadline for new voter registration (to be able to vote in this election).
  • 19th June - Deadline for new postal vote applications (for this election).
  • 20th June, 8PM BST - 📺 BBC Question Time Leaders' Special (CON, LAB, LD, SNP)
  • 24th June, 7PM BST - 📺 ITV The Leader Interviews - Reform, Green (England/Wales) / SNP (Scotland)
  • 26th June - Deadline for new proxy vote applications and voter authority certificates (for this election)
  • 26th June, 9PM BST - 📺 BBC head-to-head debate (Sunak vs Starmer).
  • 27th June, 8:30PM BST - 📺 ITV The Leader Interviews - Keir Starmer - Labour
  • 4th July - Polling day. Emergency proxy votes deadline at 5pm. Polls will open at 7am and close at 10pm.


It's almost that time that the parties start putting out manifestos. Manifestos are essentially a set of documents which outline the policies that each party would want to implement if they were governing.
  • 📘 Conservatives: Around 10th-12th June (source)
  • 🌹 Labour: 13th June (source)
  • 🔆 Liberal Democrats: w/c 10th June (source)
  • 🎗️ SNP: TBC
  • 🌼 Plaid Cymru: 13th June (source)
  • 🌿 Green Party: 12th June (source)
  • ➡️ Reform: TBC (view "pre-manifesto")
submitted by ukpolbot to ukpolitics [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:46 rannox No BS, PC multiplayer shooter with healthy player base?

Showing my age... but looking for a shooter with an active player base that doesn't overload me with battle pass crap, or has been "consolized" to all hell. Something with similar gunplay to CoD 1, 2 and 4, or fast paced like Quake 3, UT99, or hell, even something similar to Overwatch 1. Something with active servers in the US and good netcode (All the "boomer" and other old school shooters seem to only have active populations on 200ms+ servers)
I know CS is still popular, but I only ever really liked Gungame in CS:Source.
submitted by rannox to gamingsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:30 Commercial_Lie7367 No, Hardline on PC is not dead.

There has been tons of posts over the last 2 years about how hardline on pc has completely died. Many players come here and see zero players and no servers. We are in the germany server every day, since thats a central location for the playerbase. The default server search settings for battlelog will typically only show you servers in your region. You must uncheck every single box in the search settings, then click "advanced" tab, and uncheck all of those boxes too. Then click " Apply filter". You will now see the full server list, and where the players are. BF4 had this same issue years ago on battlelog. And each time we get a EA / origin update, the search settings are lost and you have to do it all over again. When you find a server, you must save it to favorites, or it might not be on that list tomorrow. About 1-2 months ago, the server was still full every day. However, its now dropped to 30-40 at peak hours during the week, but the weekends can still bring a full server. But you have to account for the time difference . Players typically start joining after school/work, so afternoon to evening ( germany time ) is best time to join.
heres a link to the server
and a link for the discord []
submitted by Commercial_Lie7367 to BF_Hardline [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:17 Public_Smoke9597 AITAH for ending my friendship cuz of my friend’s gf?

AITAH for ending my friendship cuz of my friend’s gf?
I(28F) have been friends with with Kevin(26M) for almost 4yrs. I’ve been with my boyfriend Daniel(24M) for 4yrs so naturally Daniel & Kevin became close like brothers. Daniel, Kevin & I have been living together for 3yrs. Kevin has been dating Natalie(22F) for less than a year.
 At first we loved having her over she was sweet,talkative, friendly and I was looking forward to having a new girl friend. Until we started to notice her toxic behavior. I’ll give some examples: she goes thru his phone, if he came to our house instead of hanging out in the living room with the rest of us she’d go to Kevin’s room and if he didn’t follow her she’d pick a fight, if he didn’t respond to her texts sometimes he did warn her ahead of time cuz he’d be busy with work, school or helping us out with something she’d blow up his phone and would cry and yell hysterically, if he had class on her day off she would sit in her car in the school’s parking lot for the 5hrs he’d be in class. What really concerned me was she went thru his posts, likes and comments on Instagram, she began to stalk and harass (a girl he actually knew not a random girl) cuz he made too many comments on her posts( long before they got together). She ended her friendship with Kevin cuz of Natalie’s harassment. After noticing this behavior we have asked him if he’s happy he admitted he isn’t but isn’t willing to give up on their relationship. We don’t want to butt in and give advice cuz we don’t think it’s our place and we don’t want her to think we’re advising him to break up with her. But later Daniel found out that she looks down on our relationship cuz of our sense of humor and how we shit talk to each other and she has called Daniel some derogatory names cuz after hanging out Kevin didn’t go to her car right away cuz he got caught up in a conversation with Daniel(not about her). She later “apologized” and claimed she said it out of anger. Then I noticed that when I would text Kevin about household related things (ie rent & chores) he wouldn’t text me but would tell Daniel the answer to my question and ask him to pass it to me. I admit I became paranoid that Natalie was stalking my social media even though she knows who I am and that I’m with Daniel but my concerns got the best of me so I blocked her. A few days after I blocked Natalie I tried to message Kevin on Facebook and it said “15 mutual friends. You and Kevin are not friends on Facebook” so I told Daniel and he questioned Kevin about it & he had no clue. It turns out that Natalie went thru his social media and unfriended me on all his accounts cuz I blocked her, she claimed she did it out of anger. I unblocked her and limited my contact with Kevin to ease her issues. But he hasn’t tried to add me back or replied to my texts but will still answer them thru Daniel, nor has she tried to apologize for going thru his social media. I felt like she put an end to our friendship so I sent him a lengthy text apologizing for blocking Natalie cuz I didn’t know it would trigger her, that I couldn’t continue being friends with him due to Natalie’s toxic behavior and me feeling unsafe & uncomfortable and I would block him to ease her issues. He replied saying that this is coming out of nowhere, how Natalie never had an issue with me, that she wasn’t stalking my social media, claimed I only blocked her after finding out what she said about Daniel, she’s never done anything to make me feel unsafe or uncomfortable and that she’s always been respectful. I haven’t responded. AITAH for ending our friendship? 
submitted by Public_Smoke9597 to dustythunder [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:02 Dissolve_blu Ex viewed my story

I am the one who broke up with my ex over 6 months ago as I felt we were not being respectful to each other and nothing was helping to make things better. Ever since then we have been no contact and I blocked him but a month or so ago I unblocked him, I had been feeling good about myself and thought I was over him and that unblocking him would be my way of letting him go for good; very stupid choice on my end.
Since the break up I have been spending more time with friends and actually making more friends, going to the gym, doing better in school, and actually posting more often than before.
A couple days ago tho I went to a concert and posted some stories of it on IG. Didn’t see him as a viewer so I didn’t think much of anything. The next day tho after my mom picked me up from the bus station (he introduced me to the bus since that was how we saw each other often and easiest way for me to get to my hometown from school), I saw him walking while I was in the car (not too sure if he saw me tho). After seeing him everything came back to me and ended up crying that night and made the stupid choice of looking up his name on Ig.
On IG I could only find his main account and not his secondary account which means he blocked me. The next day after the post had expired, I again didn’t see him as a viewer. Went to work and then on my lunch put the story in my highlights and all of a sudden saw his name as a viewer and could see his second account when looking him up.
I’m very conflicted with this, he blocked me so I wouldn’t see that he viewed my story and pretty sure he is still dating someone (the girl he told me was just a friend while we were dating). Does it mean he saw me? He hasn’t seen any of my posts before I saw him the other day
submitted by Dissolve_blu to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:00 ProjectEcoMC ProjectEco New Season [PVP] {Prison} {NON-OP} {Classic} {OG}

ProjectEco - Remix of Classic Prisons Server
⚙️ Server Overview: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ This server is completely NON-OP and is a twist on classic prison servers from back in the day. Although the server is based around old-school prison servers, we have many updated and enjoyable features, including a fun story of quests to take you through your ranks. This server features custom content such as custom quests, custom enchantments, custom drops, custom fishing and cosemtics in order to ensure your experience at ProjectEco is unique. NEW SEASON JUST RELEASED ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ IP: Discord: Version: 1.20+ 💡 Gameplay Highlights: ⏰ NEW Content - Experience fresh content with our server updates every day, week, and month! 🎮 Fair gameplay - Our server gives all players a fair chance to succeed; nothing is locked solely behind a paywall 👥 Friendly & Active Community - Forge new friendships and create clans to play alongside others and escape the mines 🔧 Anti-Cheat - No need to worry about hackers while playing on the server 🛠️ Dedicated Support - Our active & trained staff team ensures you have the best gameplay possible 
submitted by ProjectEcoMC to ProjectEcoMC [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:18 SignificantSpirit253 The League of Extraordinary Fictional Gentlemen: CFB 25 Online Dynasty with a D&D Twist (Xbox Series S/X)

We are looking for 11 more users (for a total of 25) to run an online dynasty on Xbox Series S/X.
I'm a (wanna be) creative who loves NCAA Football and is excited for the new game as anyone. Like many people in this subreddit, I like to have head cannon and storylines for my players, assistant coaches, rivals, etc. During the early days of the pandemic, I joined up with an NCAA 14 OD for awhile where most of us made up funny coach names/personalities which we then used as our Discord server names.
As we came up on the new game's release this summer, in my boredom, I went about making up a coaching resume using real teams/players/stats for a two-person dynasty my friend from college and I will be doing. I genuinely had so much fun perusing NAIA, FCS, D2/D3 programs of the last decade or so to create a coherent backstory that I thought it would be fun to set up a bigger dynasty with more D&D character coaches.
For an example of what these would look like for each user, here is the one I'll be using:
Jessie Osteen (Air Raid/Tactician)
2015: Baylor, SA
2016: Texas Tech, GA
2017: Oklahoma, QC
2018: Oklahoma, OA
2019-20: HBU (FCS), OC/QB
2021: Stephenville HS (TX)
2022-23: DeSoto HS (TX)
2024: Sam Houston, OC/QB
Career highlights:
• ⁠As the black sheep of the Osteen dynasty, Jesse refused to enroll at Texas (the fam’s fav school), opting instead to go to Texas Tech to drink and shoot feral hogs with his friends for course credit. • ⁠Transferred to Baylor as a senior to serve as Student Assistant under Art Briles. • ⁠GA under Kliff Kingsbury for 2 years at Texas Tech. Stood next to Patrick Mahomes as he threw for 5000 yds with 53 total TDs in ‘16. • ⁠Pissed off the fam even more by going to arch rival Oklahoma. Quality Control then Offensive Analyst for Lincoln Riley at OU in ‘17 and ‘18 working as an assistant QB coach. ⁠• ⁠2017 - Baker Mayfield: Heisman, 4900 total yds, 49 TD ⁠• ⁠2018 - Kyler Murray: Heisman, 5300 total yds, 54 TDs. • ⁠OC at Houston Baptist. In 16 games, Bailey Zappe: 5600 passing yds, 50 TD passes to 16 INTs. In ‘20, lost at Texas Tech by 2. • ⁠Took 1st HC job at Stephenville HS in Texas in ‘21. Followed up previous coach's 6-6 record in 2020 with 16-0 perfect season capped off with a 4A Division 1 State Title. ⁠• ⁠QB Ryder Lambert: 133.4 QBR, 4,275 pass yds, 52 TD-8 INT, 64%; 831 rush yds, 11 TD ⁠• ⁠WR Coy Eakin: 93 catches, 2,140 rec yds, 31 TD; 231 rush yds, 4 TD (3-star Texas Tech commit) ⁠• ⁠WR Reece Elston: 94 catches, 1,352 rec yds, 11 TD • ⁠HC for national power DeSoto HS in TX. In ‘22 and ‘23, won 6A Division 1 State Titles. ⁠• ⁠QB DJ Bailey: 7700 pass yds, 98 TD to 6 INT, 600 rush yds, 10 TD in 2 years as starter (3-star Sam Houston State commit) ⁠• ⁠WR Johntay Cook (‘22 SR season): 85 catches, 1,530 rec yds, 22 TD (4-star Texas commit) • ⁠After compiling a 46-2 record and 3 State Titles in 3 years as a TX HS coach, took SHSU OC job and brought Bailey with him Position • ⁠Position Specialties: QB, TE • ⁠Favorite bands: AC/DC, Guns 'N Roses, Iron Maiden, Olivia Rodrigo • ⁠Aliases: El Bandito Gringo, Clit Eastwood, The Wang From Waco, The Prodigal Son, The Big O, The Lakewood Lobo, The Houston Habanero, Art Briles 6.0
Restrictions on coach resume:
• ⁠CANNOT be a current IRL FBS/NFL coach OR take on the specific resumes of current IRL FBS/NFL HCs (ex. CANNOT have been the OC at Indiana when Kalen DeBoer was, but CAN be a GA/analyst/position coach under him at that time to say you worked with Michael Penix) • ⁠Resume should make sense leading into being a low-level coordinator
I will send each person a list of questions to help them create a dynasty avatar including their fictional coach's name, coaching resume, backstory, personality, etc.) up until the game drops on July 19th. If you have any specific ideas such as the position your coach specializes in, the marquee coaches they have worked undesystem they run, or which NAIA/lower division school they got their start in coaching with, write it down.
Dynasty Rules:
• ⁠Heisman difficulty • ⁠6 minute quarters • ⁠Custom playbooks are allowed (cheese and game exploits not allowed) • ⁠Twice-a-week advance schedule • ⁠Start as coordinators with non-P5 programs who had losing records in 2023 (must be AAC, C-USA, MAC, or MWC) ⁠• ⁠AAC: Charlotte, East Carolina, Florida Atlantic, Navy, North Texas, Temple, Tulsa, UAB ⁠• ⁠C-USA: Florida International, Kennesaw State, Louisiana Tech, MTSU, Sam Houston, UTEP ⁠• ⁠MAC: Akron, Ball State, Buffalo, Central Michigan, Kent State, Western Michigan ⁠• ⁠MWC: Colorado State, Hawai'i, Nevada, New Mexico, San Diego State • ⁠Additional rules will be discussed/voted on as necessary by the whole squad once more details come out about settings, sliders, etc.
If this sounds like something you want to be a part of, I'd love to hear from you via DM so we can discuss. If you have an idea of how you want to design your coach, great! If not, I will gladly help you figure out the character based on the scheme you're plan on running, position specialties, etc.
On the eve of game's release, we'll have a reveal show via Discord introducing each coach. If there's anyone interested in joining who is also proficient in PhotoShop or AI art, please let me know as that will make our reveal show even better.
Our chatting and user-game coordination will also occur via Discord. Among the features that will make this dynasty unique:
Hall of Fame for user players: At the end of the career of any player on your team who you believe should be immortalized for their achievements on the field, you can nominate them for induction into our HoF to be voted on by all users. A two-thirds majority vote will land that player in our Discord channel HoF.
Annual awards show for user players/teams: On Week 12 of every season, I will send out a Google Form for the nominations of 15 categories like Offensive/Defensive Players of the Year, MVP, and Coach of the Year. At the conclusion of the season, ballots will be sent out (once again via Google Forms), tallied up, and winners revealed in our Awards Show. Winners will be recorded for posterity in another channel within our Discord.
If you're looking for a moderately-paced but active dynasty with a little pizzazz, please DM me with your gamertag, Discord username, and team selection. As the team picks come in, I will edit this post, adding in each one till all slot are filled.
Teams taken: Sam Houston State, Florida International, Hawai’i, Temple, East Carolina, Navy, UTEP, Florida Atlantic, Louisiana Tech, North Texas, Kennesaw State, Ball State, Charlotte, New Mexico
submitted by SignificantSpirit253 to FootballCoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:08 Fynn3gan WI-FI!!!!

So i factory reset the computer, and now i can‘t connect to the wifi! I could before and it worked just fine.. but now it doesnt?? I can‘t even search for a wifi network.
submitted by Fynn3gan to computerhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:52 Esu-ji Stop online bullying and harassment.

Stop online bullying and harassment.
Hi! My names eunji, keep in mind throughout this story that me and my friend are both young children and extremely uneducated and immature, i am here to talk about my encounter with doxxing (the leaking of personal information), and the app discord.
If you’ve heard about discord you know it’s not a safe place and there are weird people on there, which is EXACTLY WHY you should NEVER EVER SHARE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION ON THERE.
okay dating back a few months ago, me and my best friend rin picked up a new sense of humor, we thought it was humorous to make racist jokes, Nazi jokes, and say racial slurs we couldn’t reclaim, we were uneducated and didn’t know how it deeply we would effect people around us. A few months into us having this humor, we would joke publicly in discord servers, saying the n word around our friends, and making fun of ALL races, not just black people however black people were our target for most of these jokes. After we had drama with another person in our community my discord account got banned and I found out people were mass reporting me, after a post about it, a few weeks later a bunch of accounts with the usernames along the lines of “laiylish, exposingesu, exposingeunji” popped up in my followers, and I was being tagged on videos with screenshots of some of the things I said, so immediately I began to realize how serious what I was saying was and I did some research on the holocaust, racism, segregation, and other sensitive topics that were what my jokes revolved around, after getting educated I immediately apologized to the communities I offended however the harassment wouldn’t stop, the user laiylish had already been harassing me months prior by the way. And after I apologized I made sure to stop making racist jokes, and even educated my friends too. But the harassment still wouldn’t stop even after I told everyone I would change and I was in the process of maturing, a few days after my apology, my best friend rins face got leaked on these accounts, however she was doing blackface in this video and singing the racist song “celebrate our differences” remember that was recorded probably a month ago, before we changed but it was sent in the server and if you know discord you can look at the media tab and see any videos or images from whoever long ago. - [ ] So a spy in our server sent this video to laiylish and she posted it, other accounts too saved the video and posted it, luckily we got laiylish banned on her main TikTok account and rin apologized for the blackface, but it did not stop there, laiylish started posting on instagram and continued to leak more of our personal information, she leaked multiple photos of rin, a few of them were of her doing “chav makeup” and the other was the video of her blackface, after these were posted I spiraled into a depressive state and constantly talked about ending my own life because of the guilt I felt, (which laiylish posted screenshots and claimed I was threatening to take my own life for attention). About two days after the Orginal video of rins blackface was posted, my own face got leaked on the account too, it wasn’t my full face however it was my nose and mouth (but I didn’t know that until later) I woke up to a notification and call from rin, where she told me my face got leaked, I immediately started hyperventilating and making decisions on impulse, I recorded a video of me pouring dish soap into a water bottle and sent it in a group chat with my closest online friends, soon after I drank a little and swallowed it, my throat started burning horribly, (this wasn’t my first time drinking dish soap as an attempt of suicide, but it was my first time actually swallowing it) and after I started drinking a lot of water to flush it out of my system, realizing what picture was posted, it wasn’t even a full picture of my face, but it still took a large toll on my mental health and I was terrified, and the previous day rin showed me a dm of them telling her what her own school was so I was scared laiylish had more photos or my own personal information, about an hour after I attempted I came out to my mom about the situation and my attempt, I wasn’t rushed to the hospital nor got medical help because I felt fine then. The following day we confronted a few close friends who showed signs of similar humor to laiylish, after we confronted our two “friends” hinata/lunette/chaiya (she has like 3 names) and sayaka, the laiylish account posted that they quit that account because their identity was found out. Today i saw a few posts, one claiming I was going to leak someone’s information, one saying I’d forced them to be racist, and more posts about the things I’ve said in the past. I reactivated my account because people were believing these lies even though I said I’d never return to the community. That’s the story so far, I doubt the harassment will end anytime soon, I’m currently posting my story on multiple platforms, you can find me on these socials (Also After laiylish quit she deleted everything except my face leak.) There’s more things she did like lied about us having cp, deleting my reply to a proactive comment that clarified it was a joke and more, I just can’t type it bc reddits laggy. • TikTok - esu.ji • TikTok - tilidwck6i3 • insta - spreading.4wareness.x Those are all the socials I’ve posted about my situation on. Spread my story please.
submitted by Esu-ji to cyberbullying [link] [comments]