Coordinate grid template

Political Compass Memes

2017.01.22 00:23 donotblockthebox Political Compass Memes

Political Compass Memes

2012.07.03 00:07 AngryafricanRW Building our world, one square at a time.

Grid is a fantasy world building project for everyone. Users can add squares of content to the world. After a grid square is approved, it is forever added. Build whatever you want in your Grid square, be it an ancient ruin, a dragons lair or a can even combine multiple squares to form a nation! Grid is free for everyone to use or modify for their personal use.

2009.05.28 20:20 sn76477 modular synthesizers

Anything related to the world of Modular Synthesizers: news, videos, pictures, recordings, auction and anything else.

2024.06.09 14:05 Scott-Whittaker HOTAC custom ship classes

HOTAC custom ship classes
Hi guys, I'd like to introduce you to a little project I've been working on. I've played HOTAC a few times now, and it's always a blast, but while Josh and Sean and many other people in the community have developed a great system, there are a couple of things that I feel have some room for development.
The main issue I wanted to address is the ship upgrades. You start in an X-Wing or Y-Wing and at I3 you can pay a few points to upgrade to an A-Wing, B-Wing or HWK-290. The most obvious issue there is that there are a few more ships available in the Rebel faction that could reasonably be added. And less obviously, the B-Wing seems more like a cross-grade than an upgrade, the A-Wing seems like a downgrade, and the HWK is in a totally different class altogether.
While I have heard other people in the community commonly allow just about any other ship to be flown, it feels a little odd to have ships like the T-70 (a strictly better X-Wing), E-Wing (a way better X-Wing) and so-on. Why would you fly an X-wing when strictly better options are available?

The goal

So my goal was to increase the variety of ships that can be flown, filling diverse roles, and being at a similar power level. Something like different character classes and subclasses in an RPG. I hope you enjoy them and consider using them in a campaign!
Fortunately for me, Jim Bob over at has made an excellent resource to make custom cards at which I used to make these cards.
Let's start with a quick one that's not a ship configuration:
One of the issues I've noted with my HOTAC plays is that the squad leader almost never uses the coordinate action granted by the Squad Leader card because player actions are so valuable that it's rarely worth sacrificing your own action to give one to another player. This updated version effectively turns it into a linked action which is much more likely to get used. This could have additional limitations placed on it, but the simplicity is nice and making it red limits abuse a little.

The default configurations

Now let's take a look at the new configuration for the default X-Wing T-65:
This card is a representation of the standard T-65 X-Wing in the new configuration format. One of the things I realised while working on this project is that since the card designer allows the action bar to be customised, it gives us the opportunity to bake in standard configurations and titles into the card, allowing you to do away with additional cards. Servomotor S-Foils is a flippable card that represents the S-Foil wings being open or closed, and when closed grants you a boost action and focus to red boost linked action at the cost of reducing your primary attack.
So this card allows us to effectively incorporate the results into a single rule and action bar on one card. It's not 100% exactly the same, but it's close enough, and is in the spirit of the simplifications made in the official Standard Loadout cards.
There is nothing special to note about the default BTL-A4 Y-Wing card, except to notice the upgrade bar at the bottom. This is a handy way to show what upgrades can be added to each ship. I intend to colour them in groupings by Initiative/Level, but these are mostly following the HOTAC standard of all the upgrades to the left of the first Talent being always available; the first Talent at I3, the next slot at I4, another Talent at I5 and a Talent and Modification slot at I6.

The upgrade configurations

All of these configurations are considered more or less equivalent in power level, so they all cost the same. They are worth more than 5 points, but 5 points is what HOTAC uses, so that's what I'm going with for now.
Let's look a the Y-Wings:
Y-Wing Corsair configuration card
Y-Wings are already start strong and really don't need much of a boost if any. You can play the whole campaign in a default Y-Wing and not feel like you're missing out. But the Rebel Alliance has many shady connections and scoundrels in its rogues gallery, so as you'll see there is a lot of Scummy representation in the fleet.
This is a very simple config that allows Scum faction upgrades and adds an Illicit slot.
Y-Wing Heavy Bomber configuration
While the Y-Wing is most often depicted as a slow heavy dogfighter, its main role is as a bomber and torpedo carrier capable of posing a threat to capital ships. This config makes the painful choice to lose that staple turret slot to load up on ordinance, adding an extra bomb and Torpedo slot.
Those torpedo slots can also be used as Missile slots, giving you access to any ordinance available. The now useless Rotate Turret action has been removed, and the Reload action is now white, and red Reloads are now linked actions.
Finally, if you're like me and do more damage to yourself with bombs than to the enemy, you've got 2 charges to spend to prevent damage from your own bomb or flying over an obstacle.
That's it for the Y-Wings. Let's take a look at the X-Wings!
X-Wing Partisan Renegade configuration
OK you probably saw this one coming from what I said about the Corsair Y-Wing. Like the Corsair, this simply adds an Illicit slot and the ability to equip Scum upgrades. Moving on!
X-Wing Endor Refit configuration
This one is inspired by the standard loadout X-Wings from the Battle over Endor scenario pack. The action bar and abilities come straight off those cards. The action bar is slightly better (gaining a Roll to red Focus linked action).
The Locked S-Foils does more or less the same thing as what I did with my reinterpretation of Servomotor S-Foils, even simpler in wording, but more of a nerf in practice since the deplete token affects ordinance, not just a primary attack, and will trigger after performing any boost, not just one performed in your action phase.
But it gains It's a Trap!, giving re-rolls for running with the pack. It also gains a Missile slot which is very nice.
X-Wing Prototype T-70 configuration
How do add a ship that is a strict upgrade of an existing ship without making the other versions redundant? In this case the answer is both to improve the other ships (as above) while lowering the new ship a little to the same level.
But not by much. This is a T-70 without the free shield and Tech slot. It gets the integrated config treatment, the T-70 dial, and Cannon slot. And because it's a "prototype", you can be justified using a T-65 or T-70 model as you prefer.
X-Wing Prototype E-Wing configuration
This one needed more of a compromise to balance. It gains the E-Wing dial and action bar, but keeps the X-Wing stat line. It gains the System slot, but not the Tech slot. Most importantly it loses the I3 Talent slot, making a long term ability sacrifice for that sweet dial and full action bar.
I didn't think the E-Wing's version of Experimental Scanners made sense in this prototype craft as printed, so I made it a 2-time use ability - which is actually better than the original's limitation of being unable to acquire locks at range 1 which is something you are likely to want to do with a linked lock off a reposition.
So it's kind of its own thing, not just a watered down E-Wing. And again, being a prototype, you are justified in using whatever model you prefer. In my case I'm not a fan of the E-Wing model, and prefer to use a 3D printed BSG Raptor that I've painted in various liveries.
B-Wing Endor Refit configuration card
This is another config pretty much lifted from the Battle over Endor pack. It only has a single Cannon slot, but gains a Missile and Device slot. It has the action bar from the Endor standard loadout B-WIngs, and the It's a Trap! ability that promotes running in packs.
B-Wing B6 Blade Wing Prototype
This is basically the default HOTAC B-Wing with the integrated configuration treatment for the ability and action bar. B6 Blade Wing Prototype is a title that in the standard game is currently only available to Hera in the B-WIng, and it adds a Gunner slot. So you get one with this configuration too!
A-Wing RZ-2 Prototype
The A-wing was the toughest configuration to develop. A-Wings are fast and agile, and get an extra Talent slot compared to other ships. By the time you get them to a fully upgraded I6 you can have 5 shields and a number of defensive abilities that makes up for their initial fragility. But the problem is keeping them alive until you get there. Talents, shields and levelling up are all very expensive, and if you get shot down those expensive upgrades can be lost.
In addition to the inherent fragility, the A-Wing doesn't have much firepower aside from a single missile slot, and not much in the way of slot variety aside from the Talents. All of which makes A-Wings a tough sell compared to some of the other ships.
To try and address the survivability issue, I added the Fast target ability which allows you to take a strain token to gain an evade token after executing a speed 3-5 manoeuvre. So you trade a defence dice for one attack for a guaranteed evade. If you don't need to spend it on the first defence roll you have it for later, and you or a teammate might have an ability to remove the strain token before you get attacked. You can use the ability while stressed, and still get your action.
It's not as good as the TIE Defender's Full throttle ability, but maybe it's good enough. Maybe I should just add that ability instead. Either way Jukeing A-Wings will likely be a thing.
As for Vectored Thrusters vs Vectored Cannons I say why not both? At first I was thinking to make them a double-sided config that you can flip in the system phase like S-Foils. Then I remembered I did away with those, and rewrote it so both abilities are always active and you can choose which to use by flipping a recurring charge.
I also gave them the Tech slot I took off the E-Wing. Is it enough? I don't know. Nobody wants to fly A-Wings around here. If you try it out, let me know!
HWK-290 Mouldy Crow configuration card
Talk about an embarrassment of riches. The HWK-290 has all the things. With the Mouldy Crow title it's basically an X-Wing that has an additional turret, an interesting action bar, a stop manoeuvre, and all the fun slots, including Crew. It's kind of a lot, and a bit too good comparatively.
So I figured since there should only be one Mouldy Crow, there really should be 2 viable HWK builds, one of which is Mouldy Crow which is more attack focussed, and another more support oriented one.
So Mouldy Crow first. The only tweaks here really are to remove one Modification slot, and replacing the System slot with a Gunner. Yes, I added a gunner. Since you're already taking Perceptive Copilot you might as well combo that with Bistan for a double tap.
OK as a nerf, that's a fail, but for fun, it's a win. Nobody is making you take the combo. You have options.
Moving on!
HWK-290 Smuggler's Refit config card
It's a Scummy HWK. Compared to Mouldy Crow, your Jam action becomes white, you lose the Gunner and gain a second Crew along with two Illicit slots. Not much else to say about this.
Here's another quick one:
Seems fine to add more or less as-is. Compared to the Y-Wing, it exchanges the turret for an extra attack die and rear arc. It gains a shield, but is a slightly bigger target. It has no Device or Illicit slots, but can equip Republic upgrades and pilot abilities. It's the only ship here that has access to Republic upgrades.
Sheathipede Support Shuttle configuration card
This is the ship I felt least confident about, next to the A-Wing. The HWK-290s are pretty great, but I wanted to add one more support option. The problem is that the U-Wing is a bit too much, and the Sheathipede and Attack Shuttle don't have much to offer with their standard slots and action bars.
The only way I could raise the ship to a similar level was to just keep the stat line and just make stuff up. It's intended to be a dedicated support ship, and because of it's smooth modern looking body I decided to give it a high-tech sub-theme.
The base concept I basically lifted from the Resistance Y-Wing in that it has a bunch of slots that can add actions to the action bar, and if you perform an action granted by an upgrade, you also get a linked white calculate. And the default action bar comes with Focus, Coordinate into Calculate, Jam into Calculate, and red Barrel Roll and Boost.
The upgrade slots include an Astromech, 2 Crew, 2 Tech and the standard 3 Mods and 3 Talents.
It seems decent enough, and not overpowered. It's certainly unique enough to make it a real consideration for players drawn to support ships. But I wonder if it will be looked down upon for being so far away from the standard version of the ship.
And now last, but certainly not least is maybe my crazy A-Wing alternative:
What's a harder sell than an A-Wing? How about an A-Wing with no shields that wants to joust?
Apart from the ability to equip Scum upgrades and pilot abilities this is pretty much just a vanilla Fang fighter with upgrade slots similar to the A-Wing. What really sets it apart though is the approach to survivability. Instead of adding in defensive abilities to help keep it alive, instead the focus is on making the consequences to being destroyed less costly, encouraging fearless engagement with the enemy like a true Mandalorian.
At first I was thinking to add an ability along the lines of "When you make an ejection roll, you may change one result to a blank". To thematically justify this, I was thinking that the pilot could be wearing a Mandalorian armoured flight suit, able to weather the vacuum of space until rescued.
And then I remembered the Mandalorian Super Commandos upgrade, which placed a little cardboard chit representing a team of Mandalorians that could move around the board and shoot things and generally get in the way. And I had my answer.
Here are the associated rules:
This remote can only be deployed when the pilot's ship is destroyed. An ejection roll is only performed if this remote is destroyed, or it is docked with another ship that gets destroyed.
To deploy, place using the 1 bank template out the front or rear guides of the destroyed ship.
When docked with another ship you may make this remote's attack from that ship's rear arc as a bonus attack.
So if the Fang gets destroyed, the pilot will deploy, and can slowly fly around the board making small attacks until it can grapple on to a friendly ship and escape.
And that's it so far. All of these cards are freshly designed and un-tested (we are going to use them in the campaign we just started). I'm sure there will be some tweaks here and there.
If you try them out let me know what you think. I'm interested in your thoughts and opinions regardless. It's been a ton of work, I hope you enjoy it.
Cheers, Scott
submitted by Scott-Whittaker to HotAC [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:05 Longjumping_Rent3125 Motion Tracking Footage Invisible

Motion Tracking Footage Invisible
Hello everyone!
I'm trying to do some 3D tracking in C4D using the Motion Tracker, but I encountered an issue.
When I import the right footage into the Motion Tracker, I can only see the top lines of pixels. Everything else is invisible and when I up the resampling to 100% it becomes even worse. I've already checked the frame rates and I've tried using different videos as footage but I keep having the same issue. I'll put some screenshots in here of the different resampling settings.
If anyone could help that'd be amazing 🙏
I don't know if this is relevant information but I'm using a MacBook Pro from 2019 and have the latest C4D version installed.
In these pictures you can see the difference between the resampling settings.
submitted by Longjumping_Rent3125 to Cinema4D [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:40 Pavitrapavi Drcloudehr: Revolutionizing Healthcare Delivery with a Mobile-First EHR Platform

Transforming Healthcare with DrCloudEHR's Advanced Solutions
The healthcare landscape is undergoing a rapid transformation, with a growing emphasis on telehealth services and mobile-friendly EHR platforms. DrCloudEHR stands at the forefront of this revolution, offering a comprehensive suite of electronic health record (EHR) solutions designed to empower healthcare providers, particularly those specializing in behavioral health.
Leading the Way with Telehealth Services and Platforms
In today's healthcare environment, the importance of telehealth services cannot be overstated. DrCloudEHR provides a state-of-the-art telehealth platform that allows healthcare providers to offer remote consultations, thereby expanding access to care. This telehealth platform is particularly beneficial in regions like Washington, where telehealth solutions in Washington are bridging the gap between patients and healthcare providers.
Embracing Mobile Technology with Responsive EHR Designs
A key feature of DrCloudEHR is its mobile responsive EHR platform. This mobile friendly EHR platform ensures that healthcare providers can access patient records and other critical information on the go. The mobile responsive EHR design adapts seamlessly to various devices, enhancing the user experience and ensuring that healthcare professionals have the tools they need, wherever they are.
Comprehensive Behavioral Health EHR Services
DrCloudEHR excels in providing specialized behavioral health EHR services. These services are tailored to meet the unique needs of mental health professionals, ensuring that they have access to an integrated care EHR platform that supports comprehensive patient management. The EHR software for mental health clinics offered by DrCloudEHR includes features such as treatment planning, progress tracking, and secure communication tools, making it an invaluable resource for mental health practitioners.
Cutting-Edge Cloud EHR Platform
At the heart of DrCloudEHR's offerings is its Cloud EHR Platform. This electronic health record platform leverages the power of the cloud to provide a scalable, secure, and efficient solution for managing patient records. The Cloud EHR Platform ensures that data is accessible from anywhere, facilitating better coordination and continuity of care.
Enhancing Care with Integrated EHR Solutions
DrCloudEHR is committed to delivering integrated care EHR platforms that enhance the quality of care provided to patients. Their electronic health records EHR systems are designed to integrate seamlessly with other healthcare technologies, ensuring a cohesive and comprehensive approach to patient management. By offering such integrated care EHR platforms, DrCloudEHR supports healthcare providers in delivering more effective and coordinated care.
Reliable EHR Software for Mental Health Clinics
The EHR software for mental health clinics provided by DrCloudEHR is specifically designed to address the challenges faced by mental health professionals. This software includes features such as appointment scheduling, patient communication tools, and detailed reporting capabilities, making it an essential tool for any mental health practice.
Seamless Telehealth Integration
Drcloudehr seamlessly integrates a robust telehealth platform within its mobile responsive EHR design. This empowers clinicians to deliver high-quality care virtually, removing geographical barriers and increasing access to much-needed behavioral health services and remote patient monitoring telehealth. Imagine a scenario where a patient in rural Washington struggling with anxiety can connect with a specialist through Drcloudehr's telehealth features. This eliminates the need for long commutes and provides convenient access to care.
Enhanced Mobility for Unparalleled Efficiency
Drcloudehr's mobile responsive EHR platform is not just about telehealth. Clinicians can access and update patient records, schedule appointments, and manage tasks from anywhere, using any mobile device. This translates to increased efficiency, improved productivity, and ultimately, better patient care. Imagine a therapist using Drcloudehr's mobile friendly EHR platform to jot down notes during a virtual session or a psychiatrist reviewing a patient's history while traveling between appointments. These scenarios highlight the power of Drcloudehr's mobility.
Behavioral Health Tailored Solutions
Drcloudehr understands the unique needs of behavioral health providers. Our EHR software for mental health clinics includes features specifically designed to streamline workflows and improve patient outcomes in behavioral health settings. From customizable progress note templates to integrated tools for tracking treatment adherence, Drcloudehr offers a comprehensive solution for behavioral health professionals.
Benefits Beyond Mobility
DrCloudEHR's Cloud EHR Platform offers a multitude of benefits beyond its mobile-first design. Here's a closer look:
Integrated Care EHR Platform: DrCloudEHR fosters a collaborative approach to care by facilitating seamless communication and information sharing between various healthcare providers. This integrated approach is especially crucial in behavioral health EHR services, where collaboration with primary care physicians and social workers can significantly enhance patient outcomes.
Enhanced Security and Compliance: DrCloudEHR prioritizes patient data security. The best ehr solutions for illinois clinics are built with robust security protocols to ensure patient data remains confidential and compliant with HIPAA regulations.
Streamlined Workflow and Improved Efficiency: DrCloudEHR's intuitive design simplifies documentation, billing, and coding processes, allowing clinicians to dedicate more time to patient care. Our electronic health record platform and EHR solutions streamline these tasks effectively.
Telehealth Platform: DrCloudEHR offers a comprehensive telehealth platform that supports remote consultations and enhances patient access to healthcare. This is particularly beneficial for providers offering telehealth services and telehealth solutions in Washington.
Mobile Responsive EHR Platform: The Cloud EHR Platform is a mobile responsive EHR platform that ensures accessibility from any device. The mobile responsive EHR design and mobile friendly EHR platform make it easier for healthcare providers to access patient data on the go.
Behavioral Health EHR Services: DrCloudEHR provides specialized EHR software for mental health clinics, enhancing the delivery of care in behavioral health settings.
Drcloudehr is committed to empowering healthcare providers across the nation, including those in Washington. Our telehealth solutions in Washington specifically address the needs of the state's healthcare landscape, making quality care more accessible to all residents.
In summary, DrCloudEHR is a cutting-edge electronic health record platform that excels in providing telehealth services and behavioral health EHR services. Its mobile responsive EHR platform, mobile friendly EHR platform, and mobile responsive EHR design make it an invaluable tool for healthcare providers. With its integrated care EHR platform and status as a leading Cloud EHR Platform, DrCloudEHR offers unparalleled EHR solutions for today’s healthcare challenges. Its electronic health records EHR capabilities and advanced remote patient monitoring telehealth support exceptional patient care and efficient practice management, particularly through its specialized EHR software for mental health clinics and innovative telehealth solutions in Washington.
submitted by Pavitrapavi to u/Pavitrapavi [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:10 wolf_mother Higher Dimensions

I am word vomitting tonight, but please forgive me, it’s been a big day. Trying to break it up by subject. This is a lonely road, and just one response from anyone who understands means so much.
Once again, the book Astral Dynamics is blowing my mind and making sense of random puzzle pieces.
Years ago, at the very start of this spiritual journey. I was experiencing something incredibly unreal and exciting in my life. I felt this…bubbling. Like something cosmic is happening, bc why is this thing happening? (My celebrity crush came after me. It didn’t turn in to anything but he introduced me to Alan watts, which really started my journey).
I was in the shower one morning during this time and got visions. This had never happened before. The first one was of a carrot dangling in front of the universe. The second one was this- I was on a pinkish purplish grid plane in space. There were a few light blue glowing humanoid shapes, with large illuminated heads. It was understood that these were enlightened people. I looked down and there was another blue grid plane down there with many more people jam packed. I certainly did not consider myself “better” than anyone during this time, but it seemed this vision put me on this higher plane. I was so shook up, bc I was fully sober and not aware of any of this stuff).
Now today, I’m reading in astral dynamics about the different astral planes and how they appear like a vast grid. What’s really blowing my mind is that he says the colors have been said to coordinate with the chakras. I don’t even know the chakra colors but looked it up. Sure enough, blue is right below the pink/purple. In line with my vision.
And to make it even more weird- when I had my most powerful meditation recently, my energy was light blue. And after that I saw someone else talking about astral bodies being light blue, just like I saw those figures.
submitted by wolf_mother to AstralProjection [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:43 Ry99010 Building a calculator.. What's causing this error?

Hey so i just keep going over this again and again and can't seem to find what's causing this error:
ReferenceError: appendtoDisplay is not defined at HTMLButtonElement.onclick (calculator.html:23:52)
Basically, I push the buttons on the calculator and the message comes up. But as far as I can tell everything with the code is correct.. but it must not be. Any help appreciated. Total newbie here, just wanting to improve and understand. Thank you.
//CALCULATOR PROGRAM const display = document.getElementById("display"); function appendToDisplay(input){ display.value += input; } function clearDisplay(){ display.value = ""; } function calculate(){ try{ display.value = eval(display.value); } catch(error){ display.value = "Error"; } } body{ margin: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; height: 100vh; background-color: black; } #calculator{ font-family: Arial, sansp-serif; background-color: rgb(5, 34, 34); border-radius: 50px; min-width: 500px; overflow: hidden; } #display{ width: 100%; padding: 20px; font-size: 5rem; text-align: left; border: none; background-color: rgb(7, 192, 220); } #keys{ display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 1fr); gap: 10px; padding: 25px; } button{ width: 100px; height: 100px; border-radius: 50px; border: none; background-color: rgb(63, 60, 30%); font-size: 3rem; font-weight: bold; cursor: pointer; } button:hover{ background-color: rgb(63, 60, 40%); } button:active{ background-color: rgb(63, 60, 50%); } .operator-btn{ background-color: rgb(38, 29, 55%); } .operator-btn:hover{ background-color: rgb(38, 29, 65%); } .operator-btn:active{ background-color: rgb(38, 29, 75%); }
submitted by Ry99010 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:40 notjosh228 Pt 2 of what Madden needs

Pt 2 of what Madden needs
This is a part 2 of what I said earlier
  1. There needs to be real qb throwing motions and cadences.
  2. There needs to be physics based tackling and no terrible animations
  3. Let players have there own running styles, everyone should not be running the same exact way
  4. Let us see playoff stats and have a more diverse nfl records template in franchise.
  5. Have licensed nfl coordinators.
  6. Bring back legends on the legacy leaderboard and improve the system as a whole.
  7. Have a more diverse crowd and have mascots.
  8. Remove X factors. They were fun in Madden 20 but now they are ruining the game. Everything is now just all animation based.
  9. Make field sense feel organic. Have dynamic weather.
  10. When trying to hurry up, let me actually see my players run to the line and not waste a whole damn 20 sec on a play that got me into field goal range.
  11. When the game is basically over, let everyone go on the field and start shaking hands instead of wait for the full game to finish.
  12. Let us adjust how long a certain route can be
  13. When we are wearing retro uniforms, let the stadium actually reflect on that.
  14. Scoreboards for prime time, Sunday afternoon etc.
  15. Have better blocking Ai
  16. Let mouthpieces hang or be in the mouth, they shouldn’t disappear in the huddle.
  17. Fix the shoulder pad issues.
  18. Have way better servers.
  19. Make superstar mode feel important, have cutscenes and interviews for certain milestones.
  20. Defensive holding, why tf has that not been in the game since Madden 18.
  21. Let the weather be able to change throughout a game.
  22. Have tiered traits and abilities rather then X factors.
  23. Make training camp feel special and have OTA’s for rookies once they get drafted
  24. Better breakdown of draft classes and see actual college stats.
submitted by notjosh228 to Madden [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:21 Retro21 Small QoL suggestion - Do you think we could get grid coordinates for the mission map (and maybe even the in-mission one?)

I would really like to be able to more precisely explain or describe movements/the plan during the prep for the mission.
Don't get me wrong - I'm not sitting down for a 15 minute detailed exploration of how we might complete a mission, but it'd be great to be able to go 'yeah I think A7 might be the SEAF artillery and we could hit that after activating the power at D7,' etc.
submitted by Retro21 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:10 Humphrisanal-Bogart Developer on UpWork took my money and didn't finish the work, what can I do?

I'll make this long story short but I need help with how I can proceed, hoping someone here has experience with something like this. I am US-based and hired the UK freelancer Aymen Bou, he is top rated plus, has over 200k in completed jobs, yet still scammed me. I need advice on what course of action I can take to get him to finish the work or get my money back. Part of it is on me for letting it go this far, I regret being so tolerant, refrain from clowning me please. Context below.
I hired him in December, he convinced me to pay him per hour (massive mistake) because of troubles in the past for not being paid out the work he completed. He would rack up the max amount of hours each week, then the first red flag came. He was sick during some week, told me he was going in for surgery, yet still charged me, told me he'd refund it and was closing the contract to avoid further charging me on Feb 14 (doesn't make sense obviously as he clocks the timesheet) - never refunded. He told me we'd finish out the whole project when he got back from the hospital. He came back, chatted back n forth as if he was working on it, then went off the grid and didn't respond to me for over a month. I managed to take him to mediation even with the contract being completed so long ago.
Mediation was absolutely useless, they won't take sides even if there is clearly a guilty party. He racked up all of the charges, never gave me a sliver work. I was out over 10k nothing to show for it. He said he wouldn't refund as he'd worked too many hours on it and lies and lies as you'll see. He said he got sick again but when he returns he'll give me the work. He came back end of April, chatted back and forth with me, then handed off the website in May. The website is utter trash, take a look yourself and tell me if this is 138 hours of work: (I looked thru the Admin piece, all edits were in the week before hand-off, and this website is literally a WoodMart template with pictures from my current website on it lol) a high schooler with 4 weeks of comp sci could have done this. He very obviously threw something together in a week just to hand me off something after mediation and get me off of his back. He agreed upon result was supposed to be a combination of and, his reference for what he would make it look like was his website all of this looks nothing alike with what he ended up giving me. He promised he would get it to a satisfactory state, yet here we are on June 8th, I have the garbage website he gave me, am out 13,000 and he is again not responding.
I'd like to take some actions that will force his hand to either finish the labor or give me my money back. I don't know where to report him legally as he is UK-Based and I'm in the US, I spoke to upwork again today to report him but I don't think it will get me far. Who can give me some decent advice on what I can do here? He has a company in the UK I'd like to try and report to some equivalent of the Better Business Bureau in the US but can't find much. I need to take some steps but don't know what, advice??
I have all of the chats of evidence and mediation evidence, I just don't know where to take it. Upwork is completely defending this guy, even when he didn't hand off the work and took all of the money back in April mediation they wouldn't take sides and "won't judge work," so now that I have this laughable piece of "work" they'll say they can't judge it.
There is more context and info but I tried to keep it short-ish
submitted by Humphrisanal-Bogart to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:21 AbheekG RAG for Documents with Advanced Source Citations & Referencing: Pinpointing Page-Numbers, Incorporating Extracted Images, Text-highlighting & Document-Readers alongside Local LLM-generated Responses - Now Open-Sourced!

RAG for Documents with Advanced Source Citations & Referencing: Pinpointing Page-Numbers, Incorporating Extracted Images, Text-highlighting & Document-Readers alongside Local LLM-generated Responses - Now Open-Sourced!
Open Sourcing my Citation-Centric Local-LLM Application: RAG with your LLM of choice, with your documents, on your machine
Introducing LARS: The LLM & Advanced Referencing Solution! There are many desktop applications for running LLMs locally, but LARS aims to be the ultimate open-source RAG-centric LLM application.
Towards this end, LARS takes the concept of RAG much further by adding detailed citations to every response, supplying you with specific document names, page numbers, text-highlighting, and images relevant to your question, and even presenting a document reader right within the response window. While all the citations are not always present for every response, the idea is to have at least some combination of citations brought up for every RAG response and that’s generally found to be the case.
Here's a demonstration video going over core features:

Here's a list detailing LARS's feature-set as it stands today:

  1. Advanced Citations: The main showcase feature of LARS - LLM-generated responses are appended with detailed citations comprising document names, page numbers, text highlighting and image extraction for any RAG centric responses, with a document reader presented for the user to scroll through the document right within the response window and download highlighted PDFs
  2. Vast number of supported file-formats:
    • PDFs
    • Word files: doc, docx, odt, rtf, txt
    • Excel files: xls, xlsx, ods, csv
    • PowerPoint presentations: ppt, pptx, odp
    • Image files: bmp, gif, jpg, png, svg, tiff
    • Rich Text Format (RTF)
    • HTML files
  3. Conversion memory: Users can ask follow-up questions, including for prior conversations
  4. Full chat-history: Users can go back and resume prior conversations
  5. Users can force enable or disable RAG at any time via Settings
  6. Users can change the system prompt at any time via Settings
  7. Drag-and-drop in new LLMs - change LLM's via Settings at any time
  8. Built-in prompt-templates for the most popular LLMs and then some: Llama3, Llama2, ChatML, Phi3, Command-R, Deepseek Coder, Vicuna and OpenChat-3.5
  9. Pure llama.cpp backend - No frameworks, no Python-bindings, no abstractions - just pure llama.cpp! Upgrade to newer versions of llama.cpp independent of LARS
  10. GPU-accelerated inferencing: Nvidia CUDA-accelerated inferencing supported
  11. Tweak advanced LLM settings - Change LLM temperature, top-k, top-p, min-p, n-keep, set the number of model layers to be offloaded to the GPU, and enable or disable the use of GPUs, all via Settings at any time
  12. Four embedding models - sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2, BGE-Base, BGE-Large, OpenAI Text-Ada
  13. Sources UI - A table is displayed for the selected embedding model detailing the documents that have been uploaded to LARS, including vectorization details such as chunk_size and chunk_overlap
  14. A reset button is provided to empty and reset the vectorDB
  15. Three text extraction methods: a purely local text-extraction option and two OCR options via Azure for better accuracy and scanned document support - Azure ComputerVision OCR has an always free-tier
  16. A custom parser for the Azure AI Document-Intelligence OCR service for enhanced table-data extraction while preventing double-text by accounting for the spatial coordinates of the extracted text
Here's a link to GitHub repository:
This post serves as a follow-up to my previous post here on this topic:
submitted by AbheekG to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:59 El-Capitan_Cook Microprobe v2 crashes into bed now

I have an ender 3 v2 with a 4.2.2 mainboard (iirc) running klipper. I had the probe setup and configured correctly as it has been working for the past month.
I changed hotends and extended the cables slightly. Hooked everything back up and it still worked just fine for several days. Now however I ran into some issues. It started by the pin not deploying, so I turned off the printer and pulled the probe out with my fingers as I had to get the measurement right to mount the probe to begin with. I turned it on and it gave the 3 clicks like it noramlly did. But this time when I went to G28 (Home) it, it did x and y, moved to center of bed, and went up 2mm and stopped giving me an error. Appearantly it was already triggered.
I took the cover off to look at the mainboard and check the wire connections. And they all looked fine and had continuity.
I turn it on again and went to G28(Home) it and this time it went through x and y and started to do Z axis, the problem now is it crashed into the bed and wouldn't stop so I had to cut the power immediately. And Yes I checked that the probe was below the hotend when extended and above it when retracted. I've tried it a few times now and everytime it crashes into the bed. The z endstop is just never triggering. But it does click 3 times at start up. I can initiate the probe down or the probe up macro and both the z endstop and probe still reports open.
So I don't know if I have a faulty probe, or maybe I accidentally changed something in my printer.cfg or microprobe.cfg files(wouldn't be the first time I had accidentally deleted a line without realizing it), but I've looked it over and it looks right as far as I can tell. I checked the continuity on all the wires and that was good, but maybe still could be an issue?
Here is my microprobe.cfg and my printer.cfg
## --- BIQU Microprobe Klipper configuration --- # Not much different from a standard probe config. The # main difference compared to most probes is to disable # deactivating the probe (PROBE_UP) after each sample # You can either copy pasta this directly or import # into your config.yml using [include microprobe.cfg] # Note: if you are changing from a bltouch or one of its # clones, remove/comment out the [bltouch] config! # That also includes any auto generated config stored # at the bottom by the PROBE_CALIBRATE command # # Update (2023-10-17): This config is configured for # the V1 microprobe. V2 users must update the # polarity of the sensor pin in the config to be # pull-down (^!) not pull up (^) [gcode_macro PROBE_DOWN] gcode: SET_PIN PIN=probe_enable VALUE=1 [gcode_macro PROBE_UP] gcode: SET_PIN PIN=probe_enable VALUE=0 [output_pin probe_enable] pin: PB0 # Set to the control pin on your board. Connected to the servos pin on the probe value: 0 [probe] pin: ^!PA7 # NOTE FOR V2 users: Set this to ^!PC14 to set the low level trigger. Detection pin. This is connected to the probe pin on the probe. Z_endstop is used on Creality 4.2.2 deactivate_on_each_sample: False x_offset: -50.5 y_offset: -14 #z_offset: 0 # Will be overridden when you do a PROBE_CALIBRATE speed: 3 lift_speed: 3 samples: 3 samples_tolerance: 0.05 samples_tolerance_retries: 3 activate_gcode: PROBE_DOWN G4 P500 deactivate_gcode: PROBE_UP 
# This file contains pin mappings for the stock 2020 Creality Ender 3 # V2. To use this config, during "make menuconfig" select the # STM32F103 with a "28KiB bootloader" and serial (on USART1 PA10/PA9) # communication. # If you prefer a direct serial connection, in "make menuconfig" # select "Enable extra low-level configuration options" and select # serial (on USART3 PB11/PB10), which is broken out on the 10 pin IDC # cable used for the LCD module as follows: # 3: Tx, 4: Rx, 9: GND, 10: VCC # Flash this firmware by copying "out/klipper.bin" to a SD card and # turning on the printer with the card inserted. The firmware # filename must end in ".bin" and must not match the last filename # that was flashed. # See docs/ for a description of parameters. [include mymainsail.cfg] [include macros.cfg] [include reshelper.cfg] [include input_shaper.cfg] [include microprobe.cfg] [exclude_object] ### [verify_heater] ##Heater and temperature sensor verification. Heater verification is ##automatically enabled for each heater that is configured on the ##printer. Use verify_heater sections to change the default settings. [verify_heater extruder] #max_error: 120 # The maximum "cumulative temperature error" before raising an # error. Smaller values result in stricter checking and larger # values allow for more time before an error is reported. # Specifically, the temperature is inspected once a second and if it # is close to the target temperature then an internal "error # counter" is reset; otherwise, if the temperature is below the # target range then the counter is increased by the amount the # reported temperature differs from that range. Should the counter # exceed this "max_error" then an error is raised. The default is # 120. #check_gain_time: 20 # This controls heater verification during initial heating. Smaller # values result in stricter checking and larger values allow for # more time before an error is reported. Specifically, during # initial heating, as long as the heater increases in temperature # within this time frame (specified in seconds) then the internal # "error counter" is reset. The default is 20 seconds for extruders # and 60 seconds for heater_bed. #hysteresis: 5 # The maximum temperature difference (in Celsius) to a target # temperature that is considered in range of the target. This # controls the max_error range check. It is rare to customize this # value. The default is 5. #heating_gain: 2 # The minimum temperature (in Celsius) that the heater must increase # by during the check_gain_time check. It is rare to customize this # value. The default is 2. [stepper_x] step_pin: PC2 dir_pin: PB9 enable_pin: !PC3 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 40 endstop_pin: ^PA5 #position_endstop: -1.5 position_endstop: -18 position_max: 229 position_min: -19 homing_speed: 50 [stepper_y] step_pin: PB8 dir_pin: PB7 enable_pin: !PC3 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 40 endstop_pin: ^PA6 position_endstop: -10 position_max: 221 position_min: -11 homing_retract_dist: 10 homing_speed: 50 [stepper_z] step_pin: PB6 dir_pin: !PB5 enable_pin: !PC3 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 8 #endstop_pin: ^PA7 endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop #position_endstop: 0.0 position_max: 245 position_min: -2.0 homing_speed: 8 second_homing_speed: 3 homing_retract_dist: 5.0 [safe_z_home] home_xy_position: 117.5, 117.5 # Change coordinates to the center of your print bed speed: 50 z_hop: 10 # Move up 10mm z_hop_speed: 10 #####Original rotation distance = 34.406 ##### Rotation Distance = Original Rotation Distance * Actual Extrude Distance / Requested Extrude Distance ##### 34.406 * 49.4 / 50 = 33.993 #### #### Installed microswiss direct drive extruder and all metal hotend##### #### 33.993 * 36.6 / 50 = 24.882 #### 24.882 * 47.1 / 50 = 23.439 [extruder] max_extrude_only_distance: 100.0 step_pin: PB4 dir_pin: PB3 enable_pin: !PC3 microsteps: 16 #rotation_distance: 23.439 #microswiss direct drive setup rotation_distance: 5.582 #rotation_distance: 5.7 #bondtech lgx-lite extruder(see math below) ## rotation distance = 200*16/562 ## rotation distance = full_steps_per_rotation * microsteps / steps_per_mm (1.8degree motor = 200 full steps per rotation)(microsteps set to 16)(recomended e-step value for lgx-lite= 562) nozzle_diameter: 0.600 filament_diameter: 1.750 heater_pin: PA1 sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104NT-4-R025H42G #rapido thermistor #sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F ##(stock ender 3v2 thermistor) sensor_pin: PC5 #control: pid # tuned for stock hardware with 200 degree Celsius target #pid_Kp: 21.527 #pid_Ki: 1.063 #pid_Kd: 108.982 min_temp: 0 max_temp: 300 min_extrude_temp: 170 #pressure_advance = 0.0725 ; Very high speeds Black Zyltech PLA nozzle #pressure_advance = 0.035 ; normal to high speeds Black Zyltech PLA 0.4mm nozzle pressure_advance = 0.062 ; normal to high speeds White Zyltech PETG 0.6mm nozzle [heater_bed] heater_pin: PA2 sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F sensor_pin: PC4 #control: pid # tuned for stock hardware with 50 degree Celsius target #pid_Kp: 54.027 #pid_Ki: 0.770 #pid_Kd: 948.182 min_temp: 0 max_temp: 130 [fan] pin: PA0 [mcu] serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB_Serial-if00-port0 restart_method: command #==================================================================== # Raspberry Pi Temperature Display for Mainsail #==================================================================== [temperature_sensor RPI_4] sensor_type: temperature_host min_temp: 0 max_temp: 105 [temperature_sensor mainboard_mcu] sensor_type: temperature_mcu min_temp: 0 max_temp: 105 #[temperature_sensor mcu_rpi] #sensor_type: mcu_rpi #min_temp: 0 #max_temp: 105 [printer] kinematics: cartesian max_velocity: 500 max_accel: 3500 max_accel_to_decel: 3500 max_z_velocity: 25 square_corner_velocity: 5.0 max_z_accel: 1000 ##max_velocity: 300 current: 400 ##max_accel: 3000 current : 4000 ##max_z_velocity: 5 ##max_z_accel: 100 current: 300 ##[safe_z_home] ##home_xy_position: 117.5, 117.5 [bed_screws] screw1:35,50 screw1_name:FrontLeft screw2:200,50 screw2_name:FrontRight screw3:200,205 screw3_name:RearRight screw4:35,205 screw4_name:RearLeft #[bed_screws] #screw1: 30, 30 #screw2: 200, 30 #screw3: 30, 200 #screw4: 200, 200 [screws_tilt_adjust] #screw1: 30, 25 ;original screw position screw1: 80.5, 45.5 ;position adjusted for probe to be right over screw (adding the x,y offsets) screw1_name: FrontLeft #screw2: 255, 45.5 screw2: 225, 45.5 ;probe position over screw (adding x,y offsets) screw2_name: FrontRight #screw3: 255, 200 screw3: 225, 206 ;probe position over screw (adding x,y offsets) screw3_name: RearRight #screw4: 30, 200 screw4: 80.5, 206 ;probe position over screw (adding x,y offsets) screw4_name: RearLeft horizontal_move_z: 10 speed: 50 screw_thread: CW-M4 # Use CW for Clockwise and CCW for Counter Clockwise [bed_mesh] speed: 50 horizontal_move_z: 5 mesh_min: 20, 30 mesh_max: 160, 170 #this may need to be calibrated for your individual printer probe_count: 5, 5 #this is the number of probing points on X then Y axis mesh_pps: 4,4 fade_start: 3 fade_end: 20 fade_target: 0 [idle_timeout] #gcode: # A list of G-Code commands to execute on an idle timeout. See # docs/ for G-Code format. The default is to run # "TURN_OFF_HEATERS" and "M84". timeout: 1800 ;30 mins # Idle time (in seconds) to wait before running the above G-Code # commands. The default is 600 seconds. #[homing_override] #gcode: # G1 Z+10 F3000 # G28 # G90 # G1 Z25 F3000 #G1 X-1 F6000 #G1 Y-4 F6000 # G1 X117.5 Y117.5 F6000 #G1 Z0.5 F250 #G91 #G1 Z+2 F250 #G90 #G1 Z0.5 F100 #G1 Z25 F3000 # A list of G-Code commands to execute in place of G28 commands # found in the normal g-code input. See docs/ # for G-Code format. If a G28 is contained in this list of commands # then it will invoke the normal homing procedure for the printer. # The commands listed here must home all axes. This parameter must # be provided. #axes: xyz # The axes to override. For example, if this is set to "z" then the # override script will only be run when the z axis is homed (eg, via # a "G28" or "G28 Z0" command). Note, the override script should # still home all axes. The default is "xyz" which causes the # override script to be run in place of all G28 commands. #set_position_x: #set_position_y: #set_position_z: 5 # If specified, the printer will assume the axis is at the specified # position prior to running the above g-code commands. Setting this # disables homing checks for that axis. This may be useful if the # head must move prior to invoking the normal G28 mechanism for an # axis. The default is to not force a position for an axis. #[mcu rpi] #serial: /tmp/klipper_host_mcu #[adxl345] #cs_pin: rpi:None #[resonance_tester] #accel_chip: adxl345 #probe_points: # 117.5, 117.5, 50 # an example [mcu rpi] serial: /tmp/klipper_host_mcu [adxl345 hotend] cs_pin: rpi:None spi_bus: spidev5.0 [adxl345 bed] cs_pin: rpi:None spi_bus: spidev6.0 [resonance_tester] accel_chip_x: adxl345 hotend accel_chip_y: adxl345 bed probe_points: 117.5, 117.5, 10 #*# <---------------------- SAVE_CONFIG -------------------- #*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated. #*# #*# [extruder] #*# control = pid #*# pid_kp = 22.825 #*# pid_ki = 2.029 #*# pid_kd = 64.197 #*# #*# [probe] #*# z_offset = 0.599 #*# #*# [heater_bed] #*# control = pid #*# pid_kp = 66.774 #*# pid_ki = 1.045 #*# pid_kd = 1066.712 #*# #*# [bed_mesh default] #*# version = 1 #*# points = #*# -0.145000, -0.056667, 0.026667, 0.052500, -0.035000 #*# -0.120833, -0.028333, 0.058333, 0.073333, -0.015000 #*# -0.055833, 0.012500, 0.058333, 0.050833, -0.065000 #*# -0.101667, -0.040833, 0.014167, 0.002500, -0.120000 #*# -0.237500, -0.122500, -0.034167, -0.024167, -0.131667 #*# x_count = 5 #*# y_count = 5 #*# mesh_x_pps = 3 #*# mesh_y_pps = 3 #*# algo = lagrange #*# tension = 0.2 #*# min_x = 20.0 #*# max_x = 199.0 #*# min_y = 35.0 #*# max_y = 220.0 
submitted by El-Capitan_Cook to BIGTREETECH [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:28 RobertBartus Small Cap Stocks IWM are now UNDERperforming the S&P 500 by the largest margin since April 2001

Small Cap Stocks IWM are now UNDERperforming the S&P 500 by the largest margin since April 2001 submitted by RobertBartus to EconomyCharts [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:12 lastadolkg How heavy IS the Grid?

So, some context: I´m coming from Ableton, I´ve been eyeing BW for some time, and when the sale came, I took the opportunity to try out the demo. I´ve been daily messing around with the DAW, designing project template, testing out the tools and mostly messing with the Grid. The latter with the intention of making interesting tools to be used during production and also to achieve similar devices from Live, such as Beat Repeat or Autoplay (M4L).
However, with only a few Grid devices online, 1 sequencing the bass, 1 doing the drums, a few FX Grid´s doing some glitchy stuff, I started to notice a lot of CPU consumption and eventually it started spiking.
So my question is more gated towards heavy grid users, how many devices are you able to keep online, are your grid devices performing a lot of tasks or have a lot of modules? In your experience have you encountered road blocks?
I´m running a AMD Ryzen 9 5950X (16c) at 48khz Sample Rate. Alternatively, I´d have to employ the devices, tweak the patch, bounce it and turn it off, but I just got surprised that I´ve already encountered my first road block with just a small starter demo project, with a kick, drums, bass and 2 lead tracks.
submitted by lastadolkg to Bitwig [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:10 Sparky_McDibben Scenario: Tournament of Champions

Got bored and wanted to share a scenario I've been kicking around in my head for a while. All plots and characters from Harebrained Schemes' Battletech game - I'm just porting this into RED.
The Setup: "Professor" Mencius Horvat hosts a "Tournament of Champions" once a year, where up-and-coming mercs of all stripes are invited to a ruined city on a small island off the California coast, and pitted against one another. Teams can compete together, but all competitors labor under three restrictions:
These restrictions are in place because Horvat wants to test skill, not tech. The prize purse is $50,000. The competitors are dropped into the city, and the games are on. Calamar Gigante patrols the outside of the city, and makes forays in to attack groups that try to fort up in the city. The last team standing gets the $50,000 (but see "Twists," below).
Twist 1: A young woman named Alexia "Jackhammer" Jones is hurled into the ring after sneaking onto the island with the intent of murdering Horvat. She'll rail about it being revenge for her dead father, but in actuality, she's a freelance assassin hired by Arasaka. After the first day, she's badly wounded and in need of help. She'll reach out to the PCs and offer them a deal: $10,000 and she'll reset their implants back to normal if they help her kill Horvat and Gigante (note that the PCs won't be able to collect the $50,000 prize purse - only Horvat can authorize that transfer). She'll explain that there's only been one victor in the Tournament ever, and that was Calamar Gigante himself, that Horvat is a pirate targeting people with vicious attacks, and that his standards are impossibly high. He'll take the field himself against the PCs once the competitors have been winnowed, and they won't survive.
Twist 2: Horvat's insane, and he reveres strength. In order to know that the people winning his tournament truly deserve to be called the victors, he has to test them himself. When the competition has narrowed to 10 people, Horvat takes the field and starts killing them, armed with a machete, sniper rifle and targeting scope. He'll surrender at half hit points, and congratulate the person who reduced him. Once there's only one team left, he awards the $50,000, and then hits them with sleeping gas. Horvat needs some additional muscle, and after he brainwashes the PCs, they'll do just fine...
The Villains:
"Professor" Mencius Horvat: A killer with delusions of grandeur. He's self-educated, but likes the way Professor sounds as a title. He'll say he taught at Frankfurt, but all he did in Frankfurt was kill 17 students with a poorly placed grenade. Still, he has a lot of resources from his piracy, and the wherewithal to hire very skilled, very smart underlings. He wears a coat made from some kind of BioTechnica monstrosity: a massive black feline with odd-looking tentacles; the coat reeks of musk. Horvat reveres strength and wants to surround himself with it, but his standards are impossible to reach. RP Notes: Think Blofeld meets Don King; this guy loves theatrics and looking awesome, but has a very fragile ego. He is a red flag made of other red flags. Stats as Caliber (see Danger Gal Dossier), but replace armor with Tech-Upgraded Light Armorjack (SP 12).
Calamar Gigante: Definitely not his real name, but he doesn't know that. Calamar doesn't have any memory before the Professor rescued him, and he serves the Professor with a feverish loyalty. Once strangled a man and his horse at the same time (and loves telling that story even to people who've heard it). Stats as cyberpsycho (Core Rulebook), but BODY = 12 and he has the ability to grapple up to two targets simultaneously (though each requires a separate Grab action). Can use Choke or Throw on both grappled targets as part of the same action.
Other Competitors: In order to make this tournament work, you'll need to come up with a colorful cast of opponents. Leverage larger-than-life personalities to really bring it to life. I find professional wrestlers to be especially effective as a template. Here's a few thumbnail sketches:
Whispers: Known for their unintelligible muttering, "Whispers" is a bounty hunter who works primarily in the Pacific Northwest, and who has never failed to bring down a target. Stares a lot, mutters unintelligibly, and twitches. Occasionally chews rocks for the sensation. Stats as security officer.
The Brothers Saito: The terrors of Austin, Jake and "Limpet" Saito are a pair of bank robbers and cruel killers known for their love of theatricality and the sheer creativity of their kills. They once executed a distiller by drowning him in a vat of his own whiskey, then serving the whiskey to his wife. Stats as bodyguards.
Lucille Ball: Known for her frankly insane luck, this former housewife got into Edgerunning to avoid her abusive husband, and has been failing upwards ever since. Always quick with a quip or witticism, she mostly avoids killing...which is why the Professor simply had her kidnapped and brought to the island rather than tempting her with $50,000. Stats as Reclaimer Chief, but LUCK 10; refreshes 1d6-1 LUCK every round.
Other Fun Elements:
submitted by Sparky_McDibben to cyberpunkred [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 13:16 Mandrutz Template for item grid with filter and sort?

Template for item grid with filter and sort?
I want to build the frontend to my website similar to Steam inventory (link or see screenshot) and I don't know where to start as I'm new to web dev.
It should display a grid of around 60 items (the same for every user, no database required) along with search, filters and sorting.
Could you guys point me to a template, tutorial or some useful resources? Also let me know if this is the wrong subreddit to ask. Thanks!
submitted by Mandrutz to webdev [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 12:20 Pavitrapavi Transforming Healthcare with CloudEHR: The Future of Clinical Records and Mental Health Solutions

Transforming Healthcare with CloudEHR: The Future of Clinical Records and Mental Health Solutions
In today's fast-paced world, the healthcare industry is rapidly evolving, with a significant shift towards digitization and integrated care systems. At the forefront of this transformation is CloudEHR, an innovative EHR Platform designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery. This article explores the myriad benefits of CloudEHR and how it is revolutionizing clinical records document management, behavioral health EHR services, and providing the best EHR solutions in Washington.
Enhancing Clinical Records Document Management
Efficient clinical records document management is crucial for any healthcare provider. With CloudEHR, managing patient records becomes a seamless process. The platform ensures that all clinical documents are stored securely and can be accessed easily by authorized personnel. This improves the accuracy of patient information, reduces the risk of errors, and enhances overall patient care.
CloudEHR employs advanced features such as automated workflows and digital signatures, which streamline the document management process. By transitioning to this robust system, healthcare providers can significantly reduce the time and resources spent on managing paper-based records. This not only improves operational efficiency but also ensures compliance with regulatory standards.
Revolutionizing Behavioral Health EHR Services
Mental health care requires specialized solutions that cater to the unique needs of patients and providers. CloudEHR excels in providing tailored behavioral health EHR services. This electronic health record platform offers tools and features specifically designed for mental health professionals, including customizable templates, integrated treatment plans, and comprehensive patient tracking.
The EHR software for mental health clinics within CloudEHR allows providers to document patient interactions thoroughly and accurately, ensuring a holistic view of each patient's mental health journey. This level of detail is critical for developing effective treatment plans and delivering personalized care.
An Integrated Care EHR Platform
One of the standout features of CloudEHR is its ability to serve as an integrated care EHR platform. This means that it can seamlessly connect various aspects of healthcare delivery, from primary care to specialty services, including mental health and behavioral health. This integration facilitates better communication and coordination among healthcare providers, which is essential for delivering comprehensive and continuous care.
The integrated care EHR platform supports interoperability, allowing different healthcare systems to share and exchange patient information effortlessly. This is particularly beneficial for patients with complex health needs who require care from multiple providers. With CloudEHR, all relevant patient data is available in one place, enabling more informed decision-making and improved patient outcomes.
Leading the Way with the Best EHR Solutions in Washington
CloudEHR is recognized for offering some of the best ehr solutions in washington. Its user-friendly interface, coupled with powerful features, makes it a preferred choice for many healthcare providers in the region. The platform is designed to meet the specific needs of diverse medical practices, from large hospitals to small clinics.
Healthcare providers in Washington benefit from CloudEHR's robust support system, which includes comprehensive training, continuous updates, and responsive customer service. This ensures that users can maximize the potential of the platform and stay ahead of industry trends and regulatory requirements.
Streamlined Electronic Health Records EHR
The shift from paper-based records to electronic health records ehr has been a game-changer in the healthcare industry. CloudEHR takes this transformation to the next level with its advanced healthcare electronic records capabilities. The platform not only digitizes patient records but also enhances data security and accessibility.
With CloudEHR, healthcare providers can easily update patient information, schedule appointments, and manage billing processes all within one system. This integrated approach reduces administrative burdens and allows healthcare professionals to focus more on patient care.
Cloud-Based Flexibility with Cloud EHR Platform
The cloud-based nature of Cloud EHR Platform offers unparalleled flexibility and scalability. The Cloud EHR Platform allows healthcare providers to access patient information from anywhere, at any time, using any device with internet connectivity. This is particularly beneficial for telehealth services, which have become increasingly important in recent years.
The Cloud EHR Platform also ensures that data is stored securely and backed up regularly, minimizing the risk of data loss. Furthermore, the platform is designed to be scalable, meaning it can grow and adapt to the changing needs of healthcare providers, whether they are expanding their services or incorporating new technologies.
Cloud EHR Platform enhances healthcare electronic records management by providing a comprehensive electronic health record platform that supports the seamless integration of healthcare electronic records. This integration is crucial for maintaining continuity of care and ensuring that all patient information is up-to-date and accessible.
Additionally, the Cloud EHR Platform is an excellent choice for EHR software for mental health clinics, as it includes features specifically designed for mental health professionals. The platform supports an integrated care EHR platform, which allows for better coordination of care across various healthcare providers and services.
By leveraging the Cloud EHR Platform, healthcare providers can ensure that their electronic health records ehr are managed efficiently and securely. This electronic health record platform is particularly beneficial for EHR software for mental health clinics, providing the necessary tools to deliver high-quality care.
Comprehensive Mental Health Solutions
CloudEHR stands out for its comprehensive mental health solutions. The platform is equipped with features that support the unique requirements of mental health care, including detailed patient notes, integrated therapy tools, and outcome tracking. These features enable mental health professionals to deliver high-quality, personalized care to their patients.
The mental health solutions provided by CloudEHR are designed to facilitate better patient-provider communication, improve treatment adherence, and enhance overall mental health outcomes. By leveraging these tools, mental health clinics can streamline their operations and focus on delivering exceptional care.
In conclusion, CloudEHR is a transformative electronic health record platform that offers comprehensive solutions for clinical records document management, behavioral health EHR services, and integrated care. Recognized as one of the best EHR solutions in Washington, CloudEHR is revolutionizing the way healthcare providers manage and deliver care. With its robust features, cloud-based flexibility, and focus on mental health, CloudEHR is setting new standards in the healthcare industry, ensuring that providers can offer the best possible care to their patients.
By embracing CloudEHR, healthcare providers can not only improve their operational efficiency but also enhance the quality of care they deliver, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes and a more effective healthcare system.
submitted by Pavitrapavi to u/Pavitrapavi [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:07 RobertBartus Impressive recovery by the U.S. Dollar Index DXY

Impressive recovery by the U.S. Dollar Index DXY submitted by RobertBartus to EconomyCharts [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 08:25 Ball34s The Terran Dominion:Beginnings.Chapter 14.The shadows of the night

The VENUS glided silently through the void, its cloaking systems rendering it nearly invisible to the Drakavian sensors. Captain Ivan stood beside Captain Yosiv on the bridge, both men focused intently on the holographic display showing their approach to Beta Lyrae III, a key planet in the Beta Lyrae System.
"Captain Ivan," Yosiv said, breaking the silence, "we've reached the drop point. Your strike team is ready for deployment.
Ivan nodded, his expression resolute. "Understood, Captain Yosiv. Thank you for getting us this far. We'll take it from here
Yosiv extended his hand, and Ivan shook it firmly. "Good luck down there, Ivan. We'll be ready to provide support if you need it.
With a final nod, Ivan turned and made his way to the deployment bay, where his strike team was assembled. Clad in their advanced combat armor, each member of the team checked their weapons and gear one last time. The atmosphere was tense, but there was also a palpable sense of determination.
"Alright, team," Ivan addressed them, his voice steady and authoritative, "we're about to make our descent onto Beta Lyrae III. Our mission is to disable the planetary defense grid and secure a foothold for our forces. Stay sharp, stick to your training, and we'll get through this.
The team responded with a chorus of affirmations. Ivan stepped into the drop pod, the rest of the team following suit. The hatch sealed with a hiss, and the pod detached from the VENUS, plummeting towards the planet below.
While the small ship made its descent through the atmosphere, it shook very violently. Ok guys, just like last time. Stay in formation and follow the plan, and we'll all get home safe and sound. Captain Ivan says while doing his equipment check
The descent was swift and jarring, the pod shaking violently as it entered the planet's atmosphere.
"Brace for impact!" Ivan shouted over the comms, gripping the handles inside the pod. The team members followed suit, their faces set in grim determination.
The pod crashed into the surface with a bone-rattling jolt. The hatch blew open, and Ivan led his team out into the harsh terrain of Beta Lyrae III. The sky above was dark, filled with ominous clouds, and the landscape was a mix of jagged rocks and sparse vegetation. In the distance, the glow of the Drakavian defense installations could be seen.
"Move out!" Ivan ordered, motioning for his team to follow. They advanced quickly, using the rugged terrain for cover. Their target was a heavily fortified bunker housing the main control center for the planetary defense grid
As they approached the bunker, they encountered their first resistance: a patrol of Drakavian soldiers. Ivan signaled for his team to take up positions, and they engaged the enemy with precision and efficiency. The Drakavians were caught off guard, and within moments, the patrol was neutralized.
"Good work," Ivan said, leading his team towards the bunker. "Stay alert. We're not done yet."
They reached the bunker entrance, a massive, reinforced door. Ivan placed a breaching charge on the door, and the team took cover as it exploded inward. They stormed the bunker, encountering fierce resistance from the Drakavian soldiers inside. The confined space made for brutal close-quarters combat, but Ivan and his team fought with relentless determination.
"Target the control room!" Ivan shouted over the din of battle. "We need to disable those defenses!
Pushing forward, they fought their way through the bunker, finally reaching the control room.
Johnny do your thing, says Captain Ivan in a serious voice.
Johnny Crow was their software expert, he was specially chosen for this mission. His job was to upload a virus into their network to disrupt their defensive satellites before they destroyed the control room.
While Johnny was doing his job, the others were looking for intelligence that could help them in the future.
While Ivan was looking at some maps he found, he heard a voice.
I'm ready, these bastards won't be able to do anything with those satellites. Johnny says laughing
Ok, guys, we're ready here, Ivan's voice rang through their intercom.
Ivan's demolitions expert camed forward and set the charges on the control consol, while the rest of the team maintained their defensive positions. The charges detonated, sending sparks and debris flying as the control systems were destroyed.
"Defense grid is down!" the demolitions expert confirmed.
"Good," Ivan replied. "Now let's get out of here before reinforcements arrive.
As Captain Ivan and his team battled on the surface of Beta Lyrae III, the destroyer VENUS was hard at work in orbit. Captain Yosiv stood on the bridge, overseeing the delicate operation of laying mines throughout the Beta Lyrae System.
"Deploy the first set of mines near the jump points," Yosiv ordered, his eyes fixed on the holographic map of the system. "We need to ensure any incoming Drakavian reinforcements are caught off guard.
The crew of the VENUS worked swiftly and efficiently. Automated drones were dispatched from the destroyer's bays, each carrying a deadly payload of proximity mines. These mines were designed to detect and target enemy ships, unleashing devastating explosions upon contact.
As the drones spread out across the system, Yosiv monitored their progress closely. "Set the mines to stealth mode," he instructed. "We don't want the Drakavians detecting them until it's too late."
"Aye, Captain," the tactical officer responded, inputting the necessary commands. The drones activated their cloaking devices, rendering the mines invisible to enemy sensors.
"Captain, we've received word from the ground team," the communications officer reported. "Captain Ivan and his team have disabled the planetary defense grid.
Yosiv allowed himself a brief smile of satisfaction. "Excellent. That should make our job a bit easier. Continue with the mine deployment. We need to cover all strategic points in the system.
The VENUS moved gracefully through the void, its drones spreading out in a carefully orchestrated pattern. Mines were placed near asteroid belts, planetary orbits, and key navigational routes. The goal was to create a deadly web that would ensnare any Drakavian ships attempting to reinforce their positions or launch a counterattack.
As the last of the mines were deployed, Yosiv turned his attention to the tactical display. "How are we looking?"
All mines are in position and operational, Captain," the tactical officer replied. "Stealth mode is active, and they're primed to detonate upon detecting Drakavian vessels."
"Good," Yosiv said, nodding. "Now we wait. Inform Captain Ivan that our trap is set. Any Drakavians entering this system will be in for a nasty surprise."
Back in the bunker, "VENUS has completed the mine deployment," Ivan informed his team. "We're not out of the woods yet, but this will give us a significant advantage."
"Let's hope the Drakavians take the bait," one of his soldiers remarked, checking his weapon. "I'd love to see their faces when they hit those mines.
Ivan chuckled, the tension of battle momentarily giving way to camaraderie. "Indeed. But for now, we focus on securing our position here. Reinforcements will be arriving soon, and we need to be ready."
The team made their way back to the surface, emerging from the bunker just as a Drakavian dropship arrived, disgorging fresh troops. Ivan ordered his team to hold their ground, using the terrain to their advantage. They engaged the enemy with everything they had, buying time for their extraction.
"VENUS, this is Ivan," he called over the comms. "We need immediate extraction. Sending coordinates now."
"Copy that, Ivan," Yosiv's voice came through. "Extraction team en route. Hold tight.
As the battle raged on, the roar of engines signaled the arrival of the extraction dropship. Ivan and his team fought their way towards it, fending off waves of Drakavian soldiers. With a final push, they reached the dropship, piling in as it lifted off.
Sparks were flying everywhere from the projectiles hitting that little ship as it made its ascent through the atmosphere, inside Captain Ivan and his crew held tight and laughed.
"Mission accomplished," Ivan said, panting heavily. "Beta Lyrae III is ours."
The small craft made its way to the destroyer VENUS and attached itself. With a sense of relief Captain Ivan exits and goes to the command deck.
submitted by Ball34s to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 08:11 Ok_Bike_1530 Why are my original polygons in the Cloner object look misaligned?

Why are my original polygons in the Cloner object look misaligned?
See the arrows. I've tried clicking the Enable Axis Modification button and the Tools > Axis > Axis Center commands but it doesn't seem to work.
submitted by Ok_Bike_1530 to Cinema4D [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:01 aireviwer Certification Course Quiz Answers - Want to become a certified expert… for FREE? 🤯 Certification Course Quiz Answers - Want to become a certified expert… for FREE? 🤯

Level Up Your Marketing Game With a FREE Certification!

Want to master one of the most powerful and affordable all-in-one marketing platforms available today? can help you build sales funnels, automate your email marketing, create and sell online courses, and so much more – all in one place.
And the best part? They offer a completely free systeme certification course to help you become a pro! Certification Quiz Answers: Get 100% Score & Free Certificate (2024 Updated)

If you're looking to enhance your online marketing skills and showcase your expertise with a Certification, this video is a must-watch. It covers everything from a step-by-step walkthrough of the quiz to tips and tricks for maximizing your learning experience and effectively using features like tags, affiliate links, and the marketplace.
The video also provides strategies for building high-converting squeeze pages and funnels, which can be game-changers for your marketing efforts.
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, this guide will help you complete the course and obtain your certification effortlessly. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your online marketing to the next level!
I hope you find this video as helpful as I did. Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences with in the comments below.
Watch the full Video here ▶️

Here's why getting systeme certified is a no-brainer:

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Main dashboard and contacts

  1. What is the specific feature called in Systeme io that allows you to categorize your contact list into different groups?
  • [ ] Segments
  • âś… Tags
  • [ ] Groups
  • [ ] Lists

2. As a affiliate with the affiliate ID “so00429112924b15f8b38622698484,” which of the following URLs should you use to correctly promote the home page?

3. Which of the following statements are true about the marketplace in

  • âś… The marketplace is a virtual space where vendors publish their offers for affiliates to promote.
  • âś… The marketplace is a platform where affiliates can find offers to promote and earn commissions.
  • âś… The marketplace offers a search bar to easily find specific offers or vendors.
  • [ ] Affiliates can only promote offers through opt-in pages, not sales pages.

4. Which of the following features is missing from the contacts tab in

  • [ ] Viewing the date and time when a contact was added to the list.
  • [ ] Accessing the contact page to view detailed information about a specific contact.
  • [ ] Unsubscribing a contact from marketing emails.
  • âś… Sending emails directly to contacts from the contact tab.

5. What does the “Email Activity” filter allow you to do in the contact list?

  • âś… Identify contacts who haven’t opened or clicked your emails since a specific date.
  • [ ] Search contacts based on their email address.
  • [ ] Organize contacts based on their tags.
  • [ ] Filter contacts based on the date they were added.


1. What is the purpose of the squeeze page in the funnel?

  • âś… To collect and save leads.
  • [ ] To sell a product or service.
  • [ ] To run an evergreen webinar.
  • [ ] To thank the customer for their subscription.

2. What are blocks in the context of building pages in

  • âś… Pre-made elements to help you build your pages quickly and easily.
  • [ ] Sections of code for customizing pages.
  • [ ] Templates for creating pop-up windows.
  • [ ] Default settings for page elements.

3. What is the difference between a simple block and a master block?

  • [ ] Simple blocks cannot be saved for future use, while master blocks can.
  • âś… Simple blocks do not change across all pages when edited, while master blocks do.
  • [ ] Simple blocks can be customized in detail, while master blocks are fixed.
  • [ ] Simple blocks are pre-made elements, while master blocks are user-created.

4. What is the purpose of’s A/B test feature?

  • [ ] To test different automation rules and triggers for lead collection.
  • [ ] To track and analyze the statistics and earnings per page view.
  • âś… To test two different versions of a page and split your incoming traffic between them evenly to determine which one performs better.

5. Which page is typically used to present the main offer in detail and contains text blocks and buttons?

  • [ ] Upsell page
  • [ ] Downsell page
  • âś… Sales page
  • [ ] Thank you page

6.Which payment option in the order form allows customers to make indefinite recurring payments?

  • [ ] One-time payment
  • âś… Subscription
  • [ ] Payment plan
  • [ ] Trial period

7. What is the purpose of using available substitutes in the email editor?

  • [ ] To share the webinar registration page link.
  • [ ] To remind subscribers about the event they registered for.
  • [ ] To create urgency by showing time slots for the webinar.
  • âś… To provide personalized information to subscribers.


1. What is the purpose of the blog layout editor in

  • [ ] Adding elements that appear across all pages of the blog.
  • âś… Customizing the appearance of individual blog posts.
  • [ ] Redirecting menu items to external websites.
  • [ ] Creating pop-ups for visitor engagement.

2. What is the purpose of the “blog post listing” element?

  • [ ] It allows visitors to send messages to the blog owner.
  • [ ] It provides a form for visitors to contact the blog owner.
  • [ ] It customizes the layout of the post list page.
  • âś… It displays the latest posts published on the blog.

3. What is the purpose of the “categories” feature in the blog?

  • [ ] It allows visitors to subscribe to specific categories.
  • âś… It organizes posts into different topics or themes.
  • [ ] It provides a form for visitors to leave comments.
  • [ ] It customizes the layout of the blog’s homepage.

4. Which page on the blog allows visitors to send messages to the owner?

  • [ ] Home page
  • [ ] Post list page
  • [ ] About page
  • âś… Contact page


1. Which trigger can be used to set an automatic action when a contact completes an email campaign?

  • [ ] Register to webinar
  • âś… Campaign completed
  • [ ] Tag added
  • [ ] Email link clicked

2. Which trigger should you use if you want to set an automatic action when someone clicks on a link in an email?

  • [ ] Tag added
  • [ ] Page visited
  • âś… Email link clicked

3. Which option allows you to split the path of an action in a workflow?

  • âś… Add a decision
  • [ ] Add an action
  • [ ] Add a trigger
  • [ ] Add a delay

4. In the workflow example, what is the purpose of adding a delay after checking if a contact has a specific tag?

  • [ ] To send them an email
  • [ ] To unsubscribe them from the campaign
  • [ ] To check their contact fields
  • âś… To wait for one day


1. In the products tab, what information can be accessed in the “Orders” section?

  • [ ] Product descriptions and SKU.
  • âś… Customer email addresses, information about the product and the order’s fulfillment status.
  • [ ] Shipping label creation options.
  • [ ] Integration with external platforms.

2. When creating a coupon in, what is the purpose of setting a limit of use?

  • [ ] It determines the discount type (fixed amount or percentage).
  • [ ] It specifies the expiration date for the coupon.
  • âś… It restricts the number of times the coupon can be used.
  • [ ] It defines the products eligible for the coupon.

3. What is the purpose of the “automatic post approval” setting when creating a community?

  • [ ] To customize the URL path for the community.
  • [ ] To grant access to the community to new members.
  • [ ] To categorize the community’s posts into topics.
  • âś… To determine whether members can publish posts without approval.

4. What must be chosen in the order form to enable the delay feature for courses within a course bundle?

  • [ ] Full access
  • âś… Drip content
  • [ ] Bundle pricing
  • [ ] Student enrollment

5. Which of the following is unnecessary when creating a course in

  • [ ] Adding a course description.
  • [ ] Choosing a theme color.
  • [ ] Uploading a logo.
  • âś… All of the above

6. In which option(s) are available when editing a lecture?

  • [ ] Deactivate the lecture
  • [ ] Duplicate the lecture
  • [ ] Remove the lecture
  • âś… All of the above


1. In, which options are available on the “Subscriptions” page when canceling a customer’s subscription?

  • âś… Cancel immediately or cancel on the next payment date
  • [ ] Cancel and provide a credit towards future purchases
  • [ ] Cancel and offer an alternative subscription plan

2. Which of the following allows you to view the payments made by your customers through your funnel’s order forms?

  • âś… Transactions
  • [ ] Subscriptions
  • [ ] Affiliate invoices
  • [ ] My Affiliate Program

3. On the subscription page, what are the three status options available to filter subscriptions?

  • [ ] Active, Pending, Complete
  • [ ] Active, Canceled, Refunded
  • âś… Active, Canceled, Completed
  • [ ] Active, Suspended, Expired


1. What option allows you to preview how your newsletter will look in your inbox before sending it to all of your contacts?

  • [ ] Save and schedule
  • [ ] Save as a draft
  • âś… Save and send a test email
  • [ ] Schedule the newsletter

2. Which email addresses are allowed to be used as the sender’s email address?

  • âś… Email addresses from the main email providers, but it’s highly advised to use professional email addresses connected to a custom domain name
  • [ ] Any email address from Outlook, Yahoo, iCloud, or Hotmail
  • [ ] Any email address, regardless of the provider
  • [ ] Only email addresses ending in “.com”

3. How can you add contacts to an email campaign in

  • [ ] Contacts can only be added manually by selecting them from the contact list.
  • âś… Contacts can be added manually by selecting their tag group from the list or automatically through automation rules or workflows.
  • [ ] Contacts can only be added automatically through automation rules or workflows.
  • [ ] Contacts can only be added by sharing the campaign link and having recipients open the link.

4. What is the main difference between newsletters and email campaigns?

  • [ ] Newsletters are sent across a specific period of time with one specific purpose, while email campaigns are more dispersed and don’t follow a sequence.
  • [ ] Newsletters require a visual editor, while email campaigns require a classic editor.
  • [ ] Newsletters are sent to a specific target audience, while email campaigns are sent to a broad audience.
  • âś… Newsletters are more dispersed and don’t necessarily follow a sequence, while email campaigns are coordinated sets of individual emails sent across a specific period of time with one specific purpose.

5. Why does monitor the specific email statistics of each account?

  • [ ] To track the number of emails sent from the account.
  • [ ] To determine the average percentage of open emails.
  • [ ] To prevent contacts from marking emails as spam.
  • âś… To identify the risk category of the account based on email performance.

Account settings

1. Where can you add your personal information like display name, first name, last name, country, and city in

  • [ ] Account settings
  • âś… Profile settings
  • [ ] Manage my subscription
  • [ ] Mailing settings

2. Which setting allows you to add a tracking code like Facebook pixel or Google tag to all of your funnel pages?

  • [ ] Payment page settings
  • [ ] Course settings
  • âś… Sales funnel settings
  • [ ] Mailing settings

3. What is the purpose of the “Affiliate program settings” tab in

  • [ ] To set up a custom domain for affiliate programs.
  • [ ] To configure notification settings for affiliates.
  • [ ] To integrate your account with ActiveCampaign.
  • âś… To establish commission percentages and payout conditions for affiliate programs.

4. How can workspace members be invited to collaborate in

  • [ ] By clicking on the “Change password” step and entering their email addresses.
  • âś… By clicking on the “Workspace members settings” tab, creating an invitation, and providing their email addresses.
  • [ ] By adding custom domains in the “Affiliate program settings” tab.
  • [ ] By selecting the payment method for affiliate commissions.
Congratulations on completing the certification quiz! You’re now a step closer to obtaining your official certificate. Here’s how you can get it:
  1. Contact the support team on this page.
  2. Provide the exact email address you used to register for this certification.
  3. Give your full name as you want it to be displayed on your certificate.
Systeme team will then be in touch shortly with your personalized certificate.
Remember, if you were unable to complete the quiz yourself, you should go back and try again. Completing the quiz on your own will give you a deeper understanding of how to use effectively for your needs. Once you’ve successfully completed the quiz, follow the instructions above to receive your certificate.
Congratulations once again, and best of luck in your future endeavors with certification !

Get certified with NOW!

submitted by aireviwer to systemeiotutorial [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:21 thetwitchy1 Greentree (9/?)

Author's notes: Learning a bit more about how the aliens work... and why they don't have the same minds as us.
"Sit in the chair and lean back. Close your eyes and relax as much as you can." The parrot said out loud. "This seat has a higher communication bandwidth than any other location here, so the transfer should be as quick as we can make it. It usually wouldn't take long, but we have never mapped the identity of one of your species, so we just don't know how long it will take."
"Ok, so I just need to stay here and wait for your machine to do its' thing? And then I can do whatever it is you need me to do to save Carla?" I looked at the parrot while I was saying that. "If so, then let's use this time to get me up to speed, ok?"
"*ironic turn of phrase, actually. Yes, let us get you up to speed. Please close your eyes, this next step can be a bit jarring.*" The voice inside my head had returned, and the parrot seemed to stop, as though it was a machine that had simply turned off.
"Ok, that's disorienting as hell. Closing my eyes now. Now whaaaaaaaa...." I lost my train of thought when, as soon as I completely closed my eyes, the darkness I was looking at lit up. First starting with a flash of dim static, a weird visual white noise, that quickly resolved into a grid pattern that constantly seemed to split into finer and finer grids until they resolved back into the white noise again. Then, everything blinked out and was replaced with the room we were in before. But instead of being alone, I was joined by one of the figures I had seen on the display in the Pillar room.
"We are mapping your neural pathways, and while your brain is exceptionally complex and there are a LOT of parts we haven't gotten mapped, we noticed how your sensorium favoured visual and auditory stimuli, so we worked on them first to get this environment ready. We can take a bit more time here, because although we are still communicating through the optical and auditory nerves in your body, because we are bypassing the actual eyes and ears, we can communicate at close to the speed of thought. This in turn makes subjective time move faster than objective time, so we have more 'moments' here than we would outside." The alien said to me, speaking perfect English with a slight Cerean accent. "But in the end, that actually is the cause of the problem we face here."
"Ok, before anything else, what exactly are you? You basically fabricated a complete parrot, feathers and all, right in front of me, then it talked to me. You're definitely not human, but your English is almost perfect, including a regional accent. And you are completely alone on this ship-tree-whateverthefuck, which should mean you're crazier than a rocket to the sun... " I threw my hands up. "Or maybe I'm the nutter, and this is all just my brain trying to stay sane while I drift alone. I don't know! But assuming you're not a hallucination, can you maybe explain what the fuck you are?"
The figure chuckled lightly. "Apologies, it has been an excessively long time since anyone used emotional language with me. It is refreshing, your vitality and urgency. Let us explain, from the beginning.
We call ourselves the Frrint. We are a group of intelligences that originated much like yourselves as biological entities and have gone through an extensive development phase. That was many millennia ago, however, and our current 'history' is generally considered to have begun when we worked ourselves past what you would call the "Technological Singularity". At that time we developed the ability to transfer our intelligence between computational substrates at will. In essence, we developed the ability to 'upload' our minds into computers that we could build and upgrade. As long as the computer was advanced enough to hold our gestaltic identity, we could enter it and live comfortably within." The alien shook its' head. "But that was when we discovered the problem of all post-singularity intelligences: computational competitiveness."
"Ok, hold up. You are all AI? But you were biological at one point?" I was trying to keep up, but this was just bizarre. "Did you develop AI before you uploaded yourselves?"
"No, we had not. In fact, we have been in contact with several different intelligences, and none of them have ever been able to create intelligences within a computational substrate without a prior biological template being uploaded first. It was considered far too complex to be able to do 'from scratch' as you would say. The fact that you have been able to do so is almost anachronistic to us, likened to building spaceships before you have mastered fusion technology, or a flying machine before you developed steel."
"So, we are weird to you. Is that why Carla is in danger now? She's not developed from a biological intelligence?"
"Ahh, no. That is not really the problem. At this point in our technological society, we have been able to create new intelligences that have never had a biological home. Although our technology is much more biologically based than yours, as I am sure you have realized, and we would consider the division to be 'engineered' compared to 'evolved'. No, the problem is that she has never been removed from your presence for long enough to accelerate her cognition."
The alien motioned, and the floor quickly warped up to meet their bottom half as they sat down. "You see, as a biological entity interacting with objective reality, you have been limited to 'objective time' cognition. Thinking faster, while having some advantages, is not advantageous enough for you to have evolved a computational substrate capable of it. In simple terms, your brain is incredibly complex, but the vast majority of what your brain does happens in parallel to your cognition. You think relatively slowly, compared to the possible speed of an algorithmic intelligence."
They leaned forward, making sure to catch my eye. "And accommodating that slowness kept Carla with you."
submitted by thetwitchy1 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 04:30 dumbway-easier4U Turners major blunders in coordination strike again

Just a heads up. This is lengthy. But I can't make this kind of silliness up. This is the occurrence I've delt with in the last 2 weeks of work.
I'm currently on a Turner job. They're acting as the CM instead of GC. They have no investments to the job, are responsible solely for smooth operations, scheduling, coordination, quality control.... this being said, they act like a GC, trying to make huge, costly changes but won't sign all our EWO orders when they're the responsible party. This is every trade there on this project!!!!! And when the things they got approval for you to do ends up screwing another installer over they throw it back in your lap like you've done wrong.... then I have to get the jury(my Superintendent, PM, etc)to see my side with me(they know)to prove i installed per my specs, per change they presented. Pictures, paper trails, emails, and my layout that I always clear spray on the concrete for future ref(with my company initials, my initials, date, dwg ref written by my center lines all to cover my ass.... it's sad. And a waste of time. Now into the meat of this.. mind you, I told these goofy fuckers this wasn't going to work almost a month ago, but didn't believe me... insisted on trying even though i showed 2 of them with lasers, pulling elevations, etc. so here we go! These goons just recently decided to re-add massive structural steel support for surgical lighting fixtures into a lab, after being omitted 2 years ago. Final models were made approx 1 year ago, reviewed, coordinated, signed and approved, and it did not show any sign of this massive support system in the area... so all trades installed off of that model... everything already installed is obstructing the entire lay and elevation of these supports now and final elevation is super critical for this type of system... The lab was ready to have all penetrations sealed, the ceiling grid placed and finishers come in and ready the room for paint. This lab is a cadaver lab on a college campus, designed for containment, very delicate airflow removal systems, stainless trim, precision on everything...Get this... instead of redesigning the supports, it is Now entirely ripped apart, drywall, demoed out conduit, moved all kinds of steel studs, for us to install this support steel... still going to take a magic wand to do due to runs of stainless, pipe, sealed duct for reverse airflow all in line with elevation.. 10-6 to 14-6 ht worth of steel columns with 4-6 horizontal cantilever tube steel, 2x2'x1" thick plate steel mounting to the tubes(margin of err=1/16"), tube steel extending out of the wall, bracing upto deck, steel, above finished celing.... all this shit trying to cram into a framed wall, welding with little to no room to access.... its fucking hilarious and frustrating all the's all extra work billed to them, by us, tin knockers, sparkies, carpenters, sprinkler fitters... They're into all of us and I'm sure it will go into litigation and they won't pay for all of it. This is the 3rd Turner project in a row that this type of unnecessary, horrible lack of coordination, narrow sighted, mindless, fuckery has taken place.... major fuck ups in multiple phases of the job, on multiple occasions. To add insult to injury, during our meeting with all trades, execs, design team, college reps, etc about this shitshow, the one Turner guy had the fucking nerve to say this when a tradesman was discussing how timely/costly this is, he says, "well we don't have a dime in it, but were here now" well mother fucker you will after this is said and done. I got the emails, paper trail, pictures, audio, to pin your ass to the project fuck up. On top of it all the Turner guy presenting a fix that he already discussed with me 1 on 1 and I told him it wouldn't work with this system the cantilever and attachments weigh over can't deflect and you want to mount it to a wall... yet insisted upon trying and my answer is no. Dude hear me now or believe me later, NOT GOING TO WORK!!!!! JUST LIKE I TOLD YOU WHEN ASKED IF WE COULD INSTALL THIS SCOPE OF WORK AT THIS POINT OF THE JOB!!!!! Without even pulling tape I said dude were almost a year past the point of feasible install to spec. Nope not a chance... I've done numerous supports like this, you need room to install, brace, and weld them out. They cant touch anything else and need have basically no margin of error and no way of any kind of deflection(spec calls for no more than .2" delflection). My suggestion was to Have a detailer and engineering group come out and I'll aid in the redesign onsite, we'll get stock angle delivered and install.. It'll save mtns of money and time. But still going to need alot of material pulled out of the way. They didn't hear any of that... and when I brought that up in the meeting, they got red cheek embarrassed and acted as if I never suggested or mentioned it... nah bro, I got the follow up emails to my office and my PM at the design office of any and all discussions with this mess.
I should have installed something this large while the building was still being erected... prior to the duct, conduit, sprinkler pipe even being thought of... I'm already into it day 8 and barely have 1/5 supports(no 2 are alike, all have huge obstructions making it next to impossible)installed due to all the trial and error with layout to get the center where it needs to be supported/ braced properly, field fabrication, design on the fly, bullshit. Buy here we are. And I'm doing my job as a foreman/journeyman IW, (then add: engineer, detailer, Superintendent, PM, admin) oh yeah and trying to teach a brand new apprentice!!!!!! I'm calculating weights/forces to anchor points, designing alternative anchor systems for bracing in KIPS, drawing them on paper with spec/dims, symbols, on elevation view with plan view and even a fuckin detail. To submit, prior to installing each individual support, to the engineering firm to punch in their system for stamped approval. My(I repeat, MY) design hasn't calculated out or busted in their system when they enter #s into the program in their cozy offices 6hrs away. No worry dude, already did your job. Don't sprain your fingers entering the digits. Yet Turners people (not all of them but more than there should be)will act like all us installers are just a bunch of drooly idiots wearing hardhats so we don't lose anymore brain cells when we bump our widdle noggin. The majority of the seasoned journeyman could, have, and would run these sites 10x more effectively. Their system can work, but they need to watch for the holes caused by egos, lack of experience and knowledge, horrid communication, and too much on one person. If they want better leadership they need to stop hiring college kids who never swung a fucking framing hammer, let alone coordinate an entire jobsite, and bring in people from the trades who have actually installed, know the how, why, what, when's, wheres of the scope of work, what will and wont work, etc.... the building trades are digressing due to this type of fucking utter silliness. It makes us look bad, it's mortifying, embarrassing, frustrating, builds resentment, lowers morale and it down right disappointing that this type of clown act garbage even occurs. On top of it all, ITS FUCKING COSTLY!!!!!! These errors can sink ships!!!!
submitted by dumbway-easier4U to Construction [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 01:29 Roadto56 June 2024 Update!

Greetings Alternate-History Buffs!
Fans of Mexico can now go full royal, and some work has been done on Israel's Irgun shenanigans. Other than that, a whole lotta rebalacing, tweaks and airspeed-velocity-of-an-unladen-swallow level adjustments are detailed below! It's what you've come to expect from us, but this time with extra decimal points.
Also, the rumor is true... we are crowdfunding for a new time-machine. Why? It might be because we're trying to take over the world, or maybe SpicyAlfredo lost his car keys in the 70s. Possibly both.
As always, with secret-handshakes and mega high-fives,
-Gxp & Co.
Contact Us! Questions? Comments? Let us know on Discord and feel free to check us out on Twitter. We'd love to hear from you!
submitted by Roadto56 to RoadTo56 [link] [comments]