How to add funds to ps3 wallet hack

PS Vita hacks and homebrew

2012.02.17 20:36 callmesuspect PS Vita hacks and homebrew

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2018.04.11 17:14 epikotaku How To Get There (Philippines)

Ask the community and get the right directions wherever you like to go: Jeepneys, buses, tricycles, trains, UVs, and more!

2014.04.24 02:48 eizh Monero: the secure, private, untraceable currency

This is the official subreddit of Monero (XMR), a secure, private, untraceable currency that is open-source and freely available to all.

2024.05.16 22:36 SammyDeChamplain Summary & Discussion on Mayoral Housing Debate

Hey folks, I was in attendance at Monday's Mayoral Debate on Housing hosted by More Homes Mississauga (Website, Twitter). I took some notes on the two candidates who participated and wanted to share them with you all here and get people's thoughts on the election and housing in our city.
* Who are you supporting in the upcoming election? How do you feel about the candidates & their platforms, housing or otherwise?
* How do you feel about housing development in Mississauga, housing & urbanism policy in the city, transit, and other related issues?
Alvin Tedjo (Full Housing Plan)
Dipika Damerla (Platform)
submitted by SammyDeChamplain to mississauga [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:29 Gloomy_Ring_3095 Things I wished the game did

After spending hundreds of hours in the game I think I can confidently say I know what I wished the game did more of or better. Don't get me wrong, I love this game and I played it for so long but the more I just feel like there's more that could've been done. Dragon's dogma is the only game of it's like. Sure you can say it's similar to this and this but nothing really scratches that itch that dragons dogma does. I love a lot of the decisions they made with the game and the world but I'm not blind to it's flaws either. Most of the things I'll talk about has been said a million times but it really can't be understated how much more they could've done.
Like I said up in that paragraph no other game really scratches the itch that dragon's dogma does. Combat alone was a big selling point for me because where else will you get an ARPG where the combat feels nice and weighty without it being clunky and or it being too light and feeling more like a hack and slash combo game. It too me hits that perfect itch of being realistic but also fantasy. My only gripe with it is that it feels like a high fantasy game trying to be a dark fantasy game. It's more of a tone thing but in a world where people are able to cast meteors and tornados and jump 10 meters into the air and become a spinning ball of death the enemies you face are just grounded goblins and monsters. I feel like it's trying to be two things at once leading too the classes feeling just kind of mismatched. compare the gameplay of fighter to thief. Two close quarters classes and starting out they feel like they're on the same level somewhat but as you progress fighter just kind of remains the same while thief is over here causing explosions and flying around everywhere despite them starting on equal grounds. A more jarring example is mystic spearhand the "anime vocation" you can teleport around send out magic waves and stun enemies with a magic chargeable bolt. I have no problems with spear hand but to go from fighter a pretty grounded gameplay style to mystic spearhand where I feel like I'm playing DMC it's just kinda jarring. I like that the vocations feel unique don't get me wrong but it really just does feel weird to be a really normal guy swinging a sword around to teleporting everywhere and becoming invincible exploding man. Other than that I don't really have much else to say about the combat besides game difficulty really does affect combat a lot. As much as I like the combat even I can agree that it gets stale killing everything in 2-3 hits with no real danger. I still remember my first ogre fight since it was the first and only tough battle I had after that the game was a cake walk and I quickly shut my brain off for the majority of it.
the world of dragons dogma is fucking beautiful. Sometimes I just walk around admiring the world they made, seeing the trees and grass sway with the wind as oxcarts and patrolling knights walk past. The only thing that can ruin it is oh right an enemy encounter every 3 mins. I Love the combat but fuck, combat every 3 mins when I just want to explore and see the world can get tiresome and just lessens the encounters to be mind numbing button mashing. not only does it lessen the combat system by just giving you too much of it but it ruins exploration by making the world feels smaller. The world is so fucking beautiful but if the only thing you really see or interact with is combat after combat you stop focusing on the world and you just look at the same goblins and lizards. One video I've been watching a lot is a dragons dogma 2 relaxing ambient music where they have scenes of the world just existing. You forget how beautiful the world that capcom created actually is because every 3 mins you just fight goblins. Just that open field of wheat outside of vernworth can give you like 50 beautiful screenshots of the world. I really wish there was a mod that would either lower enemy population count or get rid of half the enemy placements in the world because I really do just want to explore and take in the world. Another problem that DD2 has with exploration is that all the armors and weapons are in the shops. After realizing this halfway through the game I just lost like 50% of my desire to fully explore the game. If all the cool armor and weapons can just be bought what's the reason to explore caves and dungeons and complete quests? I get why they did this because if you're a thief and a quest reward or a random dungeon chest is a warrior armor then you pretty much just wasted time to get loot that doesn't match your vocation but having it all in the shop just ruins so much of the game's exploration and quests. Also if you want to start a new game I recommend you download a mod called "wild loot" on nexus. It takes all the items in the shops and just does what it says, places it into the wild. Whenever I found a cool new armor or weapon I'm always interested to see how big a difference it made rather than just buying the best set in the store.
I just wish there was more world building and lore to the world to explain stuff for those that truly want to know about the world. Like why don't we have the misty marshes be explained as "A long time ago a litch showed up and that's why theres so many undead and an uneazy fog around it" and if you keep exploring you can find out that oooooo the old villagers executed a wizard or priest for some reason and they placed a curse on the local area to be an undead area. I wish there were more biomes too, like wide open plains or snowy mountains. Imagine climbing a snowy mountain at night being lost in the snow storm only to see a bright yellow light off in the distant and seeing a tiny little cozy mountain village. seeing different architecture and culture from the giant stone fortress that is vernworth. Some kind of nordic (cheesy I know) wooden mead hall and all with people wearing heavy layering of furs of the loacal animals. Magic also just feels kinda out of place too. Maybe these ideas are cheesy but you're telling me that magic where you can summon litteral meteors wouldn't affect the world even a little bit? There wouldn't be some kind of magic school that teaches young mages to control such volatile and destructive magic? This brings me back to the whole "Low fantasy" trying to be "High fantasy" The world just needs more to feel alive. Like what if the elven village was more than just three circles connected to each other and instead you're able to walk up through mountain edges and actually see the elven houses up on the cliffs that you couldn't reach. There's dwarves in the game but they have no impact to the world at all. They don't even have their own place or history. You won't go down a cave and find yourself in a abandoned dwarven mine like moria and find a dragon hoarding a secret vault of treasures like a cool magical armor or weapon. It lack world building to add context to why the world is the way that it is. Things just are in this world. The original DD wasn't perfect but it tries to add context to the world, It really just needs to bake the world more.
I'll keep this short we all know the story sucks, only thing I can say is, make the story about you and the pawn. We like our pawns more anyways. Make it about exploring what free will is and if pawns are even alive or something, just make us connect with our pawn. Add more scenes and flesh out the characters more. Just do better that's it. Also add more RPG mechanics. Honestly, just mix Bethesda rpg and dragons dogma and it's a perfect game for me.
I love the pawn systems. I have my gripes with it but the main thing I want is for more pawn interaction. The only meaningful interaction is them showing you the way, the dap, and dual casting. Like why don't we have team attacks in in ff15? they tried to do it a bit with the ability to launch pawns but its lack luster and barely works. Imagine how cool it would be if you could coordinate with your archer pawn to launch them over the enemy and do a flip while raining arrows down on the enemy. Or if you're a sorcerer and have a warrior pawn that gives you a cool fist bump before taking a giant swing at a charging minotaur causing it to fall down while you have charge up a quick magic spell for a quick follow up attack. Just more interactions would've been so cool especially in combat.
Overall I loved dragons dogma. I wished it did more but it's one of my favorite games. Wish there were more games like this.
submitted by Gloomy_Ring_3095 to DragonsDogma2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:44 buttsphincter Theory- DFV referring to Micahel Burry's Scion Fund?

Back again. first one got taken down for mention "another sub". Sorry, long long time lurker, hardly know how post anything at all.
Alright, with all of Roaring Kitties cryptic tweets and GIF's it's hard to make heads or tales of it all. But he did say to watch what he says closely. To look for the signs. Well the only content still pinned on Roaring Kitty's twitter is his 5 min video explaining why he saw value in GameStop, AS WELL AS, Michael Burry's Scion fund seeing the same thing and having a position in GameStop around 2%. DFV has money sure, but he doesn't have enough money or influence to move the markets in any way. But he does know that Michael Burry, being the guy who predicted the housing market collapse and coming away with a lot of money from it, might be someone to watch and ride their coat tails so to speak.
So with that, I'm going to dive down that rabbit hole and see what I can find, and report back here. If anyone else wants to look as well and add their findings that would be awesome!
Kansas City Shuffle/Closing the door on "blonde boy" Meme -
I found this letter from 2019 to GME management from Michael Burry's Scion fund. It's a quick read, check it out. The main points are talking about a share buyback when they had $237M for a buyback and how Burry thought that would be the most beneficial thing for shareholders. He also specifically talks about the extreme trading volume being equal to float over the course of a MONTH. He thought that was insane, now were trading the float in mere day(s). He was also interested in the short interest being at 63% in July that year. While high, is not nearly as high as we've seen it before. He goes on to complain about management (This was before R. Cohen came in JUNE of 2021).
So tin foil brain storm session based off that real quick. DFV telling us to look for signs. Has his video pinned, mentions Burry and his Scion fund. He also said watch what he says carefully and pay attention, and mentions the Kansas City Shuffle. Then the sicario meme about to execute "blonde hair boy". I think he might be alluding to Burry being a player behind this, or at least that maybe Burry knows something and has been setting up for this move as well. Or that Burry's original message and plan from this letter was sound. More importantly though, I think DFV is giving the middle finger to "blonde hair boy" because of all their distracting talking about some other stupid ticker because of insane short interest numbers right now. But if we've all been watching carefully, we know that those SI% numbers are basically meaningless, if the market makers want them to be. And after the 2021 sneeze, MM's notice the habits of us apes at the time. They realized that high SI numbers make our mouths water. Especially on stocks that are pennies on the dollar. But THAT is the Kansas City Shuffle! As someone expanded on in a different post, the KC Shuffle has the three parts, of knowing its a con, trying to beat the con, which ultimately makes the victim fall for the con. Strong Paraphrasing there. But the idea is, us APE's know were in a conned/rigged market, the MM know that we know. So we think we've found the key, the secret. Screwing shorts is our game now right? " Fine fine, that's cool" says the market maker, "how bout you go look at this tasty 90% SI stock over here then." Ape's being regarded, some will get distracted. With the amount of just BS noise surrounding RK's tweets and all over the place brought about the "so they want to be Sicario's" tweet. - Basically, he's saying ignore the noise, don't be distracted with "tasty" looking numbers. Look at GME, focus on GME, watch for the signs, HOLD.
Extra box of tin foil coming out - RC joined the team as chairman in JUNE of 2021. Almost exactly 3 years ago. Now I really don't know much here, but I know there's vestment periods for CEO's and board members of companies. Wouldn't it be something if there was a very long vestment period of 3 years for a very large position RC could take. Granted, again, IDK much about how vested vs nonvested shares work in the actual scheme of things. Just an interesting thought.
I'm Holding, and Holding Strong!
submitted by buttsphincter to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:14 GTMoraes DIY USB-C DM-1 Battery (DR-1701 model), all built inside the battery.

Out of curiosity, I disassembled the DM-1 battery to see how much space it had inside. It had a little bit.
Out of curitosity, I disassembled an old UV-5R craddle charger to see how big the charging board was. It was pretty small.
Out of curiosity, I looked through Aliexpress for a minuscule USB-C PD 9V board. It was pretty cheap.
I cobbled them all together inside the DM-1 battery, and now it's an USB-C rechargeable battery. The original pins still work for the original craddle (which has a very big board, with very sparcely placed components).
I am very, VERY sorry for not taking pictures of the process, for whoever's interested.
But the USB-C PD board looks like this, and the charger board looked kinda like this (this one is actually not like mine but seems to have all the guts in the same place. Mine had a big cutout near the DC jack, and it had written "A55.VER03-040415", probably made in 2015, when I bought the UV-5R. Mostly like this one but that pic is really bad)
I made a cutout to the side of the battery case for the USB-C jack, a small hole for the charging LED (I could keep it!), soldered everything correctly and hot glued everything in place.
I wonder how much it would've costed them to add this by default. I understand they're really fighting for every penny, but that's a very nice quality of life upgrade.
Disclaimer: I've just built this. I still don't know if that'll burn my house down. Everything seems to point out that it's gonna be fine. My tests showed that the board didn't heat up and that it could properly charge the battery a little, so I deemed it doable enough. I decided going with 9V because some USB-C chargers don't support 12V, and those who do, when I tested 12V charging, the IC probably reached north of 80°C in two minutes. At 9V it doesn't even warm it up. 10V buck converters were way too big to fit. Although I made it "original craddle compatible", I still don't know if that backfeed into the USB-C PD board will cause damages. Chances are I'll never use the craddle again, so I don't really care. I will report back if it blows up or catches on fire. If I don't report back, it's all fine and dandy. Unless I died in the fire. Check my Reddit activity to see if I did. If you ever do this, do at your own risk.
submitted by GTMoraes to DMR [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:54 Actual_Rub9664 Alex Lab Auto Staking Question

While the dust settles on the Hack job, I have a question. I'm new, so bear with my simple questions.
I have Manual Staking and Auto Staking. On the Manual staking I just did it 2 days ago so I haven't harvested anything yet. Who knows when it will be open again.
On Auto Staking, I've had it in there into my 4th cycle. The amount I staked is the same and every cycle (+- 3.5 days) It's still the same. Never adds onto it. Where are the "Rewards" ? Does it just add to it when you SWAP out the tokens when you decide to be done ? I'm just not sure how to know how much I've earned.
submitted by Actual_Rub9664 to stacks [link] [comments]


Finding a trustworthy partner in recovery becomes paramount. In the realm of digital deception, Cybertech Wizard emerges as a beacon of hope for those ensnared in the snares of cyber criminals. Having endured the anguish of falling victim to a binary operations scam, I found solace in the expert hands of Cybertech Wizard. After losing a substantial sum of $12,000 in cash and 6 BTC to counterfeit binary options and bitcoin investors, despair threatened to engulf me. However, a glimmer of redemption shone through when my in-law recommended Cybertech Wizard. True to its reputation, Cybertech Wizard swiftly sprang into action, orchestrating a remarkable turnaround in less than 72 hours. With precision and professionalism, they navigated the intricate labyrinth of digital deception, reclaiming what was rightfully mine – both my lost funds and bitcoins. Their dedication to restoring financial equilibrium amidst the chaos of online scams is nothing short of commendable. What sets Cybertech Wizard apart is not merely their ability to recover lost assets but their unwavering commitment to client satisfaction. From the moment of initial contact, their team exudes empathy, understanding, and a relentless drive to right the wrongs inflicted by cyber criminals. Their transparent communication and willingness to guide clients through every step of the recovery process instill confidence and peace of mind. Moreover, Cybertect Wizard's expertise transcends the confines of traditional recovery services. Whether grappling with wallet hackers, fake hackers, BTC wallet hacks, or counterfeit binary investors, they possess the acumen and resources to confront any challenge head-on. Their multidisciplinary approach, coupled with a deep understanding of evolving cyber threats, empowers clients to confront adversity with resilience and resolve. However, amidst the accolades, it's imperative to approach Cybertech Wizard with discernment and due diligence. While my personal experience attests to their efficacy and integrity, prospective clients should conduct thorough research and verification before engaging in their services. Independent reviews, testimonials, and a comprehensive assessment of Cybertech Wizard credentials can provide invaluable insights into their legitimacy and reliability. In a digital landscape fraught with peril, Cybertech Wizard stands as a bastion of trust and redemption. To those who have suffered the sting of online scams, I extend to reach out to Cybertech Wizard and embark on a journey towards restitution and renewal. In the face of adversity, remember, there's always a solution, and Cybertech Wizard embodies that unwavering truth. contact via details below
;Email; cybertechwizard@ cyberservices. com WhatsApp: +1 (859) 743-5022
submitted by Actual-Lion7595 to liquiditymining [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:29 patm0303 Looking for general advice

Hey guys, I’m currently a rising senior at a non-target school (not a no-name however) studying Economics and I have no internship for the summer, probably will be bar-backing or serving in a restaurant. My freshman year was subpar and since then I’ve been working extremely hard on fixing my GPA which is now at a 3.14, gotten all As and Bs since freshman year. I sent out over 200 internship apps this past year and got some interviews but was unable to land anything for this summer. While I don’t have internship experience I’m a member of my schools investment fund (E-Board member and senior analyst) and I plan on joining another club related to finance next semester to add to my resume. My goal is to work in wealth management, S&T or an equity research role post-grad, but I’m also not super picky on what role I get out of college considering my situation with no professional work experience.
My question is, how badly will my lack of internships and a lower GPA impact me going forward? Is an investment fund enough to show employers that I am experienced in finance to some degree? The job market is super competitive right now and I’m concerned that I’ll be searching for jobs post-grad for longer than I would prefer. Im looking for any advice on what to do moving forward to stand out amongst my peers and fellow applicants. I’ve recently been growing my network of alumni and other people I know working in finance, some at big banks some at smaller companies as I am aware finance is huge on networking and “who you know.” Should I apply for 2025 internships and delay my graduation a semester if I land a significantly good role? Will an unpaid research position for this summer be relevant on my resume going forward?
Any general advice moving forward is greatly appreciated!!
TLDR: Econ rising senior with no internships thus far with school investment fund experience looking for advice in getting internships or full time roles post-grad
submitted by patm0303 to FinancialCareers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:28 jorge_rl02 pump fun has been hacked best alternatives

if you didn't know yet this is what happened:
pump fun was hacked for more than 80M USD.
remember to disconnect wallet and stay safe.
this a thread where the hacker explains what he did and also talks about doing a free airdrop to some solana communities:
anyways, if you still want to launch tokens (meme coin season is still on even the hack happened) the current best option is Smithii Tools.
Devs are doxxed, they have been active for a year and they have +200 users per day (you can check their info on dapp radar)
the price for creating a token is 0.1 sol and you can also make some other stuff on their site like revoke authorities, create liquidity pool, make airdrops, etc.
here is a video on how to launch a token on solana from scratch
this is a proof on how web3 works, always remember to be safe.
submitted by jorge_rl02 to solana [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:01 Electrical_Access_40 Questions about the potential TikTok Ban and Instagram reels

Idk if anyone can help me or give me advice (as there is no precedent for it before), but I have some questions about the potential TikTok ban in the US. I planned to start posting consistently on TikTok this year, but that seems to be a lost cause when it has the potential to be banned. The questions I have are:
  1. The research I’ve done seems to say monetization on Instagram reels is worse than TikTok creator’s fund, is that true?
  2. I’ve also read that some experts say that ByteDance’s countersuit to the bill could make the bill be stuck in the court system for years, how true is that?
  3. Would it be best to post on TikTok this year (maybe until October) and then add Instagram reels as another platform after this month? Then slowly transfer over to Reels if it seems that TikTok will be banned. Or should I post on both platforms now?
It may be easier to gain a following on TikTok than on Instagram reels because the algorithm seems easier… I would post on both platforms, but I feel that isn’t the smartest decision when first starting. I could be wrong about that tho. What do y’all think?
submitted by Electrical_Access_40 to u/Electrical_Access_40 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:58 MrMoTro Seattle ticket transfer

Anyone know how to get into Climate Pledge Pearl Jam concert without original ticket purchaser present? Here’s my scenario.
Friend bought us 2 tix but now he can’t go. He gave me his Ticketmaster userid and password and I signed in to Ticketmaster app as him and added tickets to my iPhone wallet. But wallet later gave me an error message on the tickets saying ”Pass Disabled. This pass is associated with a different Apple ID. Contact Ticketmaster to resolve.”
I take this to mean the Apple ID on the iPhone used to purchase the tickets must match the Apple ID on the phone where the tix are added to the wallet. Yikes.
Ticket details in the TM app won’t show a barcode and say “Add tickets to wallet for entry to show.”
Anyone else seeing same behavior? I thought knowing purchasers TM user ID and password would be enough, but not looking like it.
Anyway around this? Bring purchasers phone with me to the show? Sign his Apple ID into my / a third iPhone and try to add to wallet?
submitted by MrMoTro to pearljam [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:51 MC_Freeddom Was Jurassic Park originally meant to include aliens?

Okay, i know how this might sound but the proof is in the pudding! So here it is!
In the first movie when Hammond meets Dr, Grant and Dr. Sattler their trailer is full of newspapers/headlines and articles about dinosaurs AND aliens/space!!! There's atleast 2 partially obscured headlines about dinosaurs on Mars, but the big one is front and center plain as day on their fridge stating in big bold letters "Space Aliens Stole My Face"
Now at first i aswell as anyone else ive found discussing this just brushed it off as a Spielberg thing potentially refrencing another of his movies, this wouldnt be the first time. But the alien stuff is specifically also about dinosaurs, this isnt a coincidence however this is where evidence from the movie ends.
But the real world is where things get interesting. So its no secret Spielberg and Crichton have been friends for decades and worked on the JP movies together (duh), but the interesting point here is the dates of the books and movies. The first book came out in 1990 and the first movie came out in 93, but the second book didnt come out until 95 followed by its cinematic counterpart 2 years later, that meams there was plenty of time for rewrites while Spielberg got more involved with the script and story.
So what i think happened is Crichton had this alien angle figured out from the start, its no secret the original concept for the second and third installments was about human-dino hybrids which they thankfully dropped in favor of a more grounded and coherant narrative focusing on the humanity of the story with the hybrid concept evolving its way into the JW series instead. But not before they already made the first movie dropping the alien hints, i mean this almost makes too much sense when we put all these pieces together.
So here is my recreation of the originally intended Jurassic Park lore.
So the aliens were behind it all, and the reason being is the same reason we see highlighted in Jurassic World, genetic power, aka the most powerfull weapon to ever exist.
So the aliens inflitrate Earth taking the classic body snatcher route perhaps even taking Hammond and almost certainly someone like Dr. Henry Wu. All this in the effort to weaponize not just humans and dinos, but life on Earth itself, our very biology.
As Vic Hoskins put it and im paraphrasing "they can't be hacked, they can't be tracked and they have 65 million years of instinct we can train" Almost sounds like something an alien would say eh?
Now there is litterally no end to the points and conclusions i could draw here but the more i think about it the more sense this makes!
But here is one angle i really like to imagine would have been touched on, that being the common gripe of extracting ancient DNA being impossible. It would be much more realistic if these aliens already had DNA from our ancient past using the amber angle as more of a cover.
Also human inteligence could have played a part, we know how dinos are quite uncontrollable, especially engineered ones like the Indominous Rex.
But humans on the other hand... Maybe this was meant to be more of an uplifting rather than an enslavement...
Anyways this has been a blast putting together and if anyone has anything to add or subtract please leave it! Also if anyone knows of any other posts or videos discussing this theory please point me in the direction, as i said the most ive found is people just dismissing Hammonds intro scene.
I just watched the movie but i couldnt wait to read the book before posting this so hopefully it gives me plenty of reasons to return and expand this!
submitted by MC_Freeddom to JurassicPark [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:48 Icy_Helicopter48 THESE LIFE HACKS MAKE CLEANING A BREEZE

Sure cleaning's a chore, but it doesn't have to be terrible. Here are some of the best life hacks for cleaning. Try them, and you just might have a little fun!
submitted by Icy_Helicopter48 to TipsorHacks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:26 FinanceRoyal7472 Lunar Bank theft

Apologies if i have posted in a wrong thread not sure what else to do.
Hey everyone. so i recently moved to denmark and been using Lunar bank as i did not have a chance to setup a proper bank account from get go, which i have done now.
About 3 weeks ago Money was spent from my account in Copenhagen, although i live in Aarhus. i called the bank right away, followed the steps (close bank account, change MitID etc. ) Filed a police report, filled out they dispute.
They got back to me saying i am at fault, and since the amount is below 8K they are not required to pay me. Now i moved from London where scams are part of daily life. I found it odd you have to write your address on CV, cause that is something we dont give out lightly let alone share bank details. This is what they sent me after i asked how they reached their conclusion so fast.
The transactions have been approved with ApplePay, where personal security measures have been used. You explain that you have not carried out the transactions yourself, which means your card must therefore be connected to another device. A payment card can be linked to a new wallet on a new device in two different ways.
  1. Via the Lunar Bank app, where you log in to your bank app, either with MitID, Biometric login or by entering your 4-digit code. Inside the Lunar Bank app, you will be able to press a button under the card section, which adds the card to the device you are logged in with. When this happens, you will be asked to enter the code for your phone to confirm the connection to the wallet.
  2. You enter card information in your wallet app on your phone, after which you will receive an activation code via SMS, which must verify that you want to connect your card to a wallet.
I have Lunar on my personal apple wallet, but how that translate to another device i do not understand. i have not given anyone my details. Have never been to Copenhagen. I feel stuck, i lost 4k they used it in 7/11 at DSB Copenhagen at 10pm.
What can i do? Is this a hard lesson learned and move on or can i fight this? Would appreciate any advice. I have already opened an account at Dansk Bank.
submitted by FinanceRoyal7472 to dkfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:22 Ritari_Assa-arpa LucidAI PRESALE

Where to buy: ⁃
What to have: ⁃ A desktop computer ⁃ Metamask ⁃ Native Ethereum
Steps: 1. Make sure the wallet/account you want is chosen in your extension 2. Make sure you are on Ethereum mainnet 3. Click the [ sign in ] button on the top right off the site 4. Sign the login message 5. Click anywhere for the metamask modal to disappear 6. Make sure you have enough (ETH + gas) in your wallet 7. Choose your slot 8. Follow your extension’s steps 9. WAIT - DO NOT REFRESH
After the remaining presale amount is 0, 24-48 hours later participant will receive tokens. Trading will go live after everything is confirmed in order on Uniswap.
Purchase a slot today!:
Telegram: lucidAIOfficial / lucidAIOfficialNSFW
Discord: pkGY3unbWA
Background LUCID AI is an innovative AI-generated art platform that has emerged from the collective expertise of three highly skilled developers with several years of experience in the field of artificial intelligence and software development. The securing long term investors and exploring new horizons in the realm of AI.
Mission Statement Our mission is to foster a scalable marketing service for crypto communities. Members of telegram groups can use cryptocurrency to group fund AI-generated art, creating a dynamic space for collaboration at the intersection of innovative technology and artistic expression.
How it Works youtube: EYYJKJOXjVg
submitted by Ritari_Assa-arpa to CryptoMoonShots [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:11 maxikaz19 Is Huobi a wallet?

No, Huobi is not a wallet in the traditional sense. Instead, it's a cryptocurrency exchange platform that allows users to trade various digital assets. While some exchanges offer wallet services as part of their platform, Huobi primarily focuses on facilitating the buying, selling, and trading of cryptocurrencies.
A wallet, on the other hand, is a software program or a physical device that allows users to securely store their digital currencies. It's essentially a tool for managing private keys, which are needed to access and control one's cryptocurrency holdings. Wallets come in different forms, such as desktop wallets, mobile wallets, hardware wallets, and paper wallets, each offering varying levels of security and convenience.
Huobi does provide users with online wallets for storing their assets within the exchange platform. However, it's generally recommended to store cryptocurrencies in a private wallet that the user controls directly. This gives the user full control over their funds and reduces the risk of loss due to exchange hacks or other security breaches.
In summary, while Huobi offers wallet services within its platform, it is primarily an exchange and not a standalone wallet service provider. Users looking for secure storage of their cryptocurrencies should consider using dedicated wallet solutions designed specifically for that purpose.
submitted by maxikaz19 to cryptoQandA [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:11 Sanjeev-Pandey Wefru Digital Diary Largest Writing Community

Wefru Digital Diary built for the digitalized experience of the traditional diary., the Wefru Digital Diary for the ones who love writing Diary. a place where you can record personal events and experiences online. Wefru Digital Diary built for the digitalized experience of the traditional diary., the Wefru Digital Diary for the ones who love writing Diary. a place where you can record personal events and experiences online.

What Is Wefru Digital Diary?

Digital diary Writing a daily record personal events and experiences online. Rather than keeping a traditional diary or notebook to express your thoughts and feelings, you can create a diary and make it available anywhere and everywhere, as long as you have access to the internet. The lock and key you once had on your teenage diary to keep out the unwanted eyes of your siblings and parents have now been replaced by a login and password. Digital diaries offer the mobility you need and the privacy you want. A digital diary is a place where you can record of your life is a good way to make sure your memories and experiences stay alive. It lets you keep track and reflect on your past and learn from your mistakes. It can also be tremendously therapeutic. Not only to record fun and adventurous moments, but also sad and scary times. It can be helpful to be able to document changes in your life in an online journal.

So, what exactly is a digital diary?

A digital diary is a place where you can record personal events and experiences online. Rather than keeping a traditional diary or notebook to express your thoughts and feelings, you can create a diary and make it available anywhere and everywhere, as long as you have access to the internet.

What is Wefru’s Digital Diary App and Software?

“Wefru Digital Diary” is a website and mobile app that allows you to create digital diaries for free online. The software allows you to write your diary with unlimited Space. “Wefru Digital Diary” allows you to be able to login to your diary through any computer or mobile device. With “Wefru Digital Diary”’s online diary software, you can jot down things from your office computer, as well as your personal one, without missing a beat. With “Wefru Digital Diary”’s digital diary app, you have the ability to freely express yourself right in the palm of your hand, no matter if you have an iPhone, iPad, Android phone or Android tablet. The website and app work in tandem through the digital journal software, allowing you to access your personal diary seamlessly on both.

How Do You Create An Online Digital Diary With Journey?

To fully experience the joys of making use of a digital diary, the diary must first be created. So how do you go about it?
  1. To start with, you should have a phone, computer or tablet and make sure you are connected to the Internet.
    • 2. Go on to create an account in wefru and sign up.
    • 3. At this point, you have created an online digital diary with the Journey and you can automatically start writing.
    • 4. To create a note, click the + button, then write out your memories or whatever you desire in the blank space.
    • 5. Then use the buttons above the note to add extra information such as your mood, the weather, the date and time, etc.
    • 6. Once you are done, save your entry using the check mark.

Write for Us: Guest Post Submission Guidelines

Thank You for your interest in writing for Digital Diary Blog!
We are constantly looking forward to growing the Digital Success blog as a great resource for :

Guidelines for Submitting Your Guest Post

We only accept high quality content. So if you’re eyeing to be a guest author on our blog, please make sure to follow these guidelines -

What Is Wefru Digital Diary?

Digital diary Writing a daily record personal events and experiences online. Rather than keeping a traditional diary or notebook to express your thoughts and feelings, you can create a diary and make it available anywhere and everywhere, as long as you have access to the internet. The lock and key you once had on your teenage diary to keep out the unwanted eyes of your siblings and parents have now been replaced by a login and password. Digital diaries offer the mobility you need and the privacy you want. A digital diary is a place where you can record of your life is a good way to make sure your memories and experiences stay alive. It lets you keep track and reflect on your past and learn from your mistakes. It can also be tremendously therapeutic. Not only to record fun and adventurous moments, but also sad and scary times. It can be helpful to be able to document changes in your life in an online journal.

So, what exactly is a digital diary?

A digital diary is a place where you can record personal events and experiences online. Rather than keeping a traditional diary or notebook to express your thoughts and feelings, you can create a diary and make it available anywhere and everywhere, as long as you have access to the internet.

What is Wefru’s Digital Diary App and Software?

“Wefru Digital Diary” is a website and mobile app that allows you to create digital diaries for free online. The software allows you to write your diary with unlimited Space. “Wefru Digital Diary” allows you to be able to login to your diary through any computer or mobile device. With “Wefru Digital Diary”’s online diary software, you can jot down things from your office computer, as well as your personal one, without missing a beat. With “Wefru Digital Diary”’s digital diary app, you have the ability to freely express yourself right in the palm of your hand, no matter if you have an iPhone, iPad, Android phone or Android tablet. The website and app work in tandem through the digital journal software, allowing you to access your personal diary seamlessly on both.

How Do You Create An Online Digital Diary With Journey?

submitted by Sanjeev-Pandey to SmallBusinessHelpers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:10 AndrewAxes RG 505 Retroarch thumbnails

Hey is there a way to put custom thumbnails for games? I have a hacked Pokémon rom I want to add a thumbnail to just can’t figure out how to do it. Thanks!
submitted by AndrewAxes to RG505 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:05 GoodTimesOnly319 Alternative Strategies to CoinBase and CEX?

In this post I want to discuss alternatives to the CoinBase CEX. It seems like there’s a rampant issue on CoinBase regarding random account locks and I’m not sure why. This gives FTX vibes.
I know about other Exchanges like Kraken which have good customer support, but the issue is no matter what CEX you use, they can all Account Lock for any arbitrary reason.
This leads me to dive into more decentralized strategies, like using a wallet to store our crypto and trading on DEX’s like PancakeSwap, or Uniswap, which can’t Account Lock.
To transfer back to the bank account, we could do it a bit at a time within the CEX to not risk large sums, use CoinBase credit card or P2P
The stock world has been dealing with this for years and doesn’t have the decentralized options that crypto has, how do you think the big investors like Warren Buffet managed to not be afraid of account locks despite having billions?
Could it be possible that people are blowing this out of proportion and not telling the whole truth? That the only voices that want to be heard are the account locked voices and so creating FUD where there is none?
TLTR So, in a nutshell:
What are some alternative Exchanges to Coinbase you know about?
Are any of these a DEX that can’t freeze funds?
What strategies can we implement to minimize any chance of account locks yet still trading the Crypto we know and love?
How can we transfer our fiat back to the bank while minimizing chance of account locks?
Do you think there’s something worse happening in the shadows of Coinbase leading to an FTX situation or is this how all CEX are?
Even CEX outside of crypto within the stock world have similar problems. If everyone is getting account freezed at random then how are big investors such as Warren Buffet not afraid of having their billions of dollars frozen?
Could it be that most people are doing fine on CoinBase, and the only reason this is a rampant issue is because the only voices that want to be heard are the few that have had account locks, but in reality it’s a non-issue?
submitted by GoodTimesOnly319 to CoinBase [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:22 Kaslight Hotbar Action Change is the biggest win for 7.0 and XIV

Hotbar Action Change is the biggest win for 7.0 and XIV
They're adding an option to make basic 1-2-3 and Followup skills operate on a single button press (Like PVP mode)
I was praying they finally made this change in PvE after playing the new PVP. And Dawntrail has confirmed to have delivered.
Edit: There is literal video footage of YoshiP using this for basic, 1-2-3, On GCD combos. Yes, this is what it's for.
Edit: People are really pressed about this, so here we go:
Video Footage :
Determine for yourself. Basic Viper combo, both are 1-2-3, both are On GCD.
There is nothing unique about these Viper actions that wouldn't apply to another class, but either i'm wrong or you're coping lol. It's literally just PVP
YoshiP said Viper was designed with this feature in mind....probably because they wouldn't have designed the class this way without it. Viper's combo pathing is literally just ARHeavensward tank combos, and those were likely removed because of button bloat too.
Yes, there's video footage of it working on Basic 1-2-3 Combos. Go look it up.
Seriously, this is a complete win for both camps, and the future of the game.
For people concerned about "difficulty".....many of us have been pressing some version of "Fast Blade > Riot Blade > Rage of Halone" for 10 years now. You can't screw it up, you won't screw it up, a 5 year old can consistently do it, and it doesn't make dungeons or ultimates any harder. Quit crying.
Now that that's out of the way, the problem as of 2024 is that it does make the game more complicated for casuals to play efficiently. Not in any significant way mind you, I started playing XIV on PS3 playing pad exclusively and the game has multiple options to make openers and weaves perfectly doable. But most people aren't me, and won't be bothered finding the L2>R2 hotbar options + Double Press cross bars + shared/non shared hotbar switching and customize them per-class in order to have enough space to make tight openers accessible on pad.
And XIV devs have been fighting against issue since Heavensward. It's probably not the only reason why, but it's almost certainly a big reason why Tanks lost their Enmity Combos, and classes like DRK lost their secondary DPS combos.
Every new expansion, classes lose multiple skills each (sorry Arcanist) and have others consolidated into traits (sorry Samurai). The result is that class complexity and breadth of skills have been hard-capped by button bloat...not because the devs don't want to add skills, but because they are forced to accommodate all input methods when adding new skills to the jobs and have to consider how it affects the accessibility of the class.
And now we have the Auto-Combo Feature.
It's optional, but the important thing is that there is no longer any real excuse against adding more varied skills to classes for the sake of identity. Newer classes (Like Viper) are built with this system in mind, and future improvements to existing jobs can leverage this in order to pile on new abilities and OGCDs.
Taking Dragoon for example, a typical crossbar for rotation needs:
  • True Thrust > Vorpal Thrust > Heaven's Thrust (3)
  • Disembowel > Chaotic Spring (2)
  • Wheeling Thrust > Fang and Claw (2)
  • Raiden Thrust > Sonic Thrust > Coearthan Torment (3)
  • High Jump > Mirage Dive (2)
  • 2 other jumps
  • Geirskogul and Stardiver (2)
  • Wyrmwind Thrust (1)
  • All your buffs (4)
  • 6 role abilities
  • Piercing Talon and Elusive Jump (2)
  • Whatever potions you use
that's approaching 30 buttons. Typical hotbar holds 16, 32 with R2>L2 / L2>R2.
Perfectly doable....except the aux hotbars are not visible unless you're using them, meaning these skills (and their CDs) are invisible to the UI unless you make another hotbar specifically to have them on the screen just to tell you when they're up again if you dont have a 2 minute rotation down.
Square will not add any more abilities to this class under these circumstances. However, with the new system, Dragoon looks like this:
  • True Thrust Combo (1)
  • Disembowel Combo (1)
  • Front or Back Positional Combo (1)
  • AoE Combo (1)
  • High Jump Combo (1 or 2, depends)
  • 2 other jumps
  • Geirskogul and Stardiver (2)
  • Wyrmwind Thrust (1)
  • All your buffs (4)
  • 6 role abilities
  • Piercing Talon and Elusive Jump (2)
From 30 buttons to 22. This means 70% of your skills can fit on the initial 16 crossbar spaces, with 100% of them fitting on a single aux window, and 100% of your active skills fitting on the visible 16.
The reason this is great for XIV's future is because we now know the maximum amount of bloat Square will allow. And as of 7.0, we will be far below that threshold. Meaning, whether 8.0 increases by 10 levels or 50 (like ARR), using their current methods they can realistically double the amount of active skills.
This feature removes the single biggest hurdle Square has been struggling with when it comes to action design with jobs with each increasing expansion. And the best part is that it works for both PC and Pad players.
If they want to add 2 more GCD combos with 6 buttons each to a class next expansion, they're free to do so because they have a feature to make it manageable. And the people who just want to have 45 buttons on their hotbars still can.
OFC this doesn't do much for mages, but they don't really have this issue the way DPS and Tank classes do.
YoshiP explicitly said that they've focused on accessibility for 7.0, and mentioned they're already thinking about class identity for 8.0. This feature alone seems to have allowed them a clean slate.
submitted by Kaslight to ffxiv [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:01 AutoModerator SkyCrown Casino Login and Registration Process

How to Login to SkyCrown Casino
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of online gaming at SkyCrown Casino? Whether you're a seasoned player or a newcomer to the scene, accessing your account is a breeze. Here's everything you need to know about the SkyCrown Casino login process:
Why Should You Sign Up to Play at SkyCrown Casino?
Before diving into the login procedure, let's explore what makes SkyCrown Casino a top choice for players:
Sign-Up Steps:
  1. Access the Website: Enter the SkyCrown Casino website address into your browser.
  2. Click "Sign Up": Once the page loads, locate and click on the "Sign Up" button.
  3. Provide Details: Enter your email address, select your preferred currency, and choose a unique password. Accept the terms and conditions and opt-in to receive promotional emails if desired.
  4. Complete Registration: Fill in your personal details including name, date of birth, address, phone number, and gender. Click "Save" to complete the registration process.
SkyCrown Casino Login Procedure:
Now that you've successfully registered, let's look at how to log in to your SkyCrown Casino account:
  1. Visit the Website: Access the SkyCrown Casino website on your PC, mobile device, or via the Android app.
  2. Click "Login": Locate the "Login" button and click on it.
  3. Enter Credentials: Input the email address and password you provided during registration.
  4. Press "Login": Click on the "Login" button to access your account.
Verify Account: Fill in More Data
After logging in, it's essential to verify your account to expedite future transactions. Here's what you need to do:
Get Bonuses as You Sign Up
As a welcome gift, SkyCrown Casino offers an incredible welcome bonus package that includes bonus funds and free spins on select slot titles. Simply make your first deposit to claim your rewards and start your gaming journey on the right foot!
With these simple steps, you'll be logged in and ready to explore the exciting world of SkyCrown Casino. Sign in today and experience the thrill of real money gaming at your fingertips!
submitted by AutoModerator to Sky_Crown [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:48 FromTheInkpot Tessario of Lys, Keyholder of the Pearl Bank, Heir to the Blood of Altaerys [+AC]

Reddit Account: FromTheInkpot
Discord Tag: jayonline
Name and House: Tessario of Lys
Age: 28
Cultural Group: Valyrian
Appearance: Taller than the average man, with slender and effeminate features. His skin is pale, his hair consists of curled white locks and his eyes are a vivid lilac. He favours black leathers with silver accents, and often adds coloured silks as sashes, belts, or capes. On the middle finger of his left hand he wears a signet ring of black steel and gold, used to seal letters from the Pearl Bank.
Trait: Marketer
Skill(s): Avaricious (e), Merchantman (e), Broker
Talent(s): Linguistics, Arithmetic, Reading People
Negative Trait(s): Sociopath (non-mechanical)
Starting Title(s): Keyholder of the Pearl Bank, Heir to the blood of Altaerys (secret)
Starting Location: Opening Event
Alternate Characters: N/A
Born in the year 4BC, Tessario was the son of a Lyseni courtesan and a nobleman of the Old Blood who had left for the Black Walls of Volantis before he even knew of the child.
Growing up in Lys, Tessario was raised by his mother in a small manse where she would teach him lessons learnt from the courts of the free city.
Since his mother first spoke to him tales of Valyria and dragon riders, Tessario was enthralled.
His bloodline was of the forty families, from one of the few dragonlords on Lys during the 'Night of Tears', when the dragonlords had been poisoned and their dragons slain by their very hosts - the magisters. That the dragon rider had been his ancestor was his family's deepest secret and one that could have seen them killed in generations past.
The knowledge that the dragon riders of old were his very ancestors was almost too much for the young boy to keep secret. Especially now, when dragons had waged conquest on Westeros' shores so recently. But while the Targaryen's were said to wed brother to sister to keep their bond with the dragons strong, his family had not had a dragon rider in five generations. Since then his family's bloodline - the house of Altaerys, thought lost in the Doom of Valyria and the Century of Blood since, had become clouded with the Old Blood of Volantis during their occupation of Lys. And before that, diluted among the courts of Lys the Lovely, where none truly knew or at least none spoke of how much dragon blood they had. It was clear most of Lys had some. The features of silver-blond or white hair and the eyes of pale blue or shades of purple were all too common. The city was truly Valyrian. Who knew how many dragonlords' legacies his blood carried now?
Tessario, with his pure Valyrian blood and features to match, had the fiery will of his ancestors but an uncommonly pragmatic mind. As he grew, so did his keen mind, picking up his numbers and letters faster than other boys his age.
Raised in the turbulence of a city still reeling from the uprising against Volantis, Tessario learnt how violent people could be at a young age. Surrounded by the cruelties of slavery, he grew up numbed to the hardships of others.
By nine name-days he would begin visiting the Temple of Trade where he and other boys would talk with the magisters and tradesmen who congregated there. From among these wealthy and noble men of the city, he and a lucky few others, would gain apprenticeships; a position that was highly coveted in the city of Lys, where trade was considered a profession more honorable than arms.
Tessario shadowed his sponsor for three years, learning the inner workings of trade negotiations, currency exchange, and contract creation. He met several other apprentices who like him hungered for more, as well as making friends among the less prominent families of Lys all too keen to climb the social ladder. So, when his apprenticeship was over they formed a merchantile group of ambitious youths. Tessario and the others began with insurance cons and profitable arbitrage that filled their pockets and funded bigger schemes.
The war in the Stepstones came as a wondrous opportunity for the newly founded group. The members invested heavily, with some overseeing the battles themselves. Luckily the Lysene forces met up with not only those of Tyrosh, but also ships from Dorne and the Stormlands. Tessario wore armour for the first time as he sailed sellswords to the fighting, though did no more than watch in actuality. War made them rich and for the first time in his life Tessario knew what it was to wield true power. The power to make others die for your ends.
The pirate threat crumbled easily, but the true prizes were had after the fighting. Contracts for trade opened up and new ports to invest in saw the merchantile group grow faster than ever before. They hired lingering hedge knights and sellswords to protect their assets and even convinced some of the former pirate vessels to become corsairs under them.
As the Stepstones begin to flourish, the group started to look further afield for other trade routes. In 18AC, just as Dorne began to invest heavily in Sunstone, Tessario sailed to Driftmark as one of three emissaries of their group tasked with finding new avenues for profit. It was while on this mission that Tessario first met Valarr Velaryon, Lord of the Tides. Seeking a base of operations outside of Lys, Tessario negotiated plans for a bank to be built in Spicetown, profiting from the flow of trade.
Tessario broached the concept to the group telling them of the pearls found by fishermen in the pools of the island's coves and a contract for the Pearl Bank was drawn up. Tessario, as one of the two-and-twenty key holders, was now responsible for much.
Construction began in late 19AC with a main building that was reinforced with strong stone and deep vaults. Pearl farms under the control of the bank were also created, with construction of the entire project finishing before the end of 24AC. During this time the bank engaged in numerous amounts of trade, amassing a full vault, as well as funding loans to the many growing businesses of Spicetown, merchants of the free cities, and other Houses of Westeros. This includes House Massey of Stonedance, House Celtigar of Claw Isle, and many other minor houses.
Family tree:
Name and House: Somovo Saan
Age: 21
Cultural Group: Valyrian
Appearance: Piercing blue eyes shine out from dark features. Somovo has a lean build and freckled face from years of sailing the Narrow and Summer Seas. Her skin is dark and her hair falls in long brown curls down past her shoulders, the occasional braid holding beads of copper. She often wears loose shirts and wide breeches that allow her skin to breathe the salty air of the sea, while sticking to practical leather boots for moving about the deck.
She has a slender black cat named Sȳndor 'shadow' that lives on deck and prowls the bank offices while on shore.
Trait: Reaver
Skill(s): Raider, Fence, Tactician
Talent(s): Winning at Tiles, Tying knots, Swimming
Negative Trait(s): N/A
Starting Title(s): Captain of the Spice Runner
Starting Location: Opening Event
Alternate Characters: N/A
Morio (30) - Cutthroat
Every man of ambition needs a ruthless and silent right hand.
Ser Thomas Storm (27) - Warrior
Knighted by Ser Edwell Celtigar in the Stepstones and knowing he would gain no further gold or glory, he joined the merchantile group from Lys to train their retainers and act as Captain of the Guard to Tessario.
Since then he notably won the joust at the Tourney at Aegon's Rest in 21AC.
submitted by FromTheInkpot to ITRPCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:44 Egg_Spoon What solution should I go with for reflections?

So I've been trying to get good accurate-ish reflections for my game, but everything hates me and nothing works well. I've tried SDFGI, but it's just a blobby mess no matter what. Then I tried VoxelGI, which works VERY well and I'm happy with the results... in terms of accuracy. In terms of performance? I went from 170 fps to 55. Yeah, No thanks. Setting the subdiv to 64 would still have terrible performance, and it didn't even look good. Then I tried a reflectionprobe, and I don't really understand what they're meant to do. I understand that they're cheap reflections, but everywhere I look says they're also accurate, but they're anything but accurate. I tried teleporting the reflectionprobe to the player but that was a little too hacked together and didn't work well either way, it was too choppy. How should I add reflections? As of now, every shiny surface can only reflect the sky which isn't great.
submitted by Egg_Spoon to godot [link] [comments]