Rihanna inverted bob back view

Documenting the ravings of a troll who just won’t quit

2019.01.27 01:19 Documenting the ravings of a troll who just won’t quit

‌ So what? This is REDDIT. Reddit is an American website. English only. This guy ~~*was*~~ ***still is*** a real scumbag

2013.05.06 19:54 Dorkside The 100 - The CW TV Show


2010.08.28 23:44 plaig Duluth Reddit

Subreddit for Duluth Minnesota, the Zenith City.

2024.05.16 18:25 heavensdumptruck I feel like I crave emotional connection and community; it's almost like I want to be babied. What is it about very smart kids that suggests they're somehow not in need of the same things others need?

Again, this is only my experience--and I had a traumatic childhood--but people acted like me having some of the answers meant I didn't require encouragement; reassurance and the like. I now think those things are a crucial component of connecting; especially when you're all ready so receptive. I retreated into academics when my emotional needs went unmet--after raging and acting out. No one said what's wrong or how can I help; they said you're so smart; you can do better than this. It gives me the chills even thinking about it. I was devastated and hurting in ways I couldn't speak to in part because no one asked. I feel like a door was closed back then that can't be reopened. That space has been filled in. Now I view others as sheep needing sheperding rather than peers I can build community with. Love never comes up.
submitted by heavensdumptruck to Gifted [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:23 chompX3 Am I the only one experiencing issues with interacting with objects/NPCs? Does anyone know a fix?

So I love CP2077 and play it often but for as long as I can remember (probably since 2.0 update) I'm having this problem with interacting with objects. I can't grab NPCs from behind very well most of the time. I'll come up behind them, they're standing still, I'm looking at them... no prompt. I look away from them and look back and sometimes that fixes it. I get detected a lot because of this and it's frustrating.
The same problem occurs with items/anything I'm interacting with. I have to fight with my viewing vector to line up just right to interact with a lot of things and even then, sometimes it just randomly doesn't work or rapidly shows that I can/can't interact.
This creates a lot of undesirable situations and makes the game very frustrating at times.
I tried looking for "unofficial patch" mods like bethesda games need and nothing turned up. I don't see anyone discussing this so I figured it was a me problem but even on a fresh OS/fresh game install the problem is consistent.
submitted by chompX3 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:23 Icy-Coyote-1913 Hello, Dot might be the best showcase of mixed reality

Hello, Dot might be the best showcase of mixed reality
I finally got around to try out Hello, Dot by Niantic and its wild . It didn’t require me to set up my space with squares beforehand; i was just able to walk around my house trying out this demo. The one thing that blew my mind the most was the occlusion. Check out this video I recorded below. I was able to place the paint bucket in a single spot and move a pillow back and forth to block off my view. This demo makes me very excited for what we’ll see in the future!
submitted by Icy-Coyote-1913 to OculusQuest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:20 JustDescription1631 AITA for telling my ex of 4 years to move on?

I (19m) have been with my ex, (19F) since we were in secondary school together, and recently have fallen out of love with her. We’ve always had trouble together, our small fights, little break ups and get togethers, but ever since I finished college a year ago, have I truly began to see how I really feel about her…. The moment I finished, I began losing friends, I lost family and have fallen into depression (I’ve been taking my medication and attending therapy) and saw her differently.
I initially pushed the feeling aside and kept acting as normal, but I only ever felt love toward her after we had moments alone… It got so bad I never responded to her, I never messaged, I always was angry until after we had done something. Eventually I broke up with her and left for a weekend with my friend, I’ll call him Tyler, (20m) whilst away, my ex decided to do the deed with her university friend, continuing to use my family and friends into guilting me, saying she loves and misses me…
Alone and with nobody helping me, I went back to her and explained my depression, my feelings only being physical… Despite my words we got close and I felt ashamed and dirty after, unable to look at myself for doing it, and broke up a few days afterward, much to everyone’s anger…
My ex, still desperately trying to get me to come back to her, kept using my family to guilt me which had a toll on my further health, feeling more alone than ever. Breaking down and smashing things, I cried and cried with nobody understanding me and my views…
Now desperate for my family, and the torment to end, I went back again and felt peace, but also a feeling of anger and manipulation as she looks at me with a crazed sense of love, despite my many protests of only physical attraction… Further broken, I met a woman, I’ll call her Kali (22f) and immediately felt an attraction I hadn’t for a long time..
I messed up, and had done… Well, I’m sure you can guess with Kali, and felt guilt and shame for doing it to my ex, and as such, broke up immediately, revealing the truth and wishing her the best… She’s since told me “If I want to give her another shot, she’s a call away” but I don’t trust she or her family will stay away.
I’m now at an impasse, deciding whether to pursue a relationship with Kali, or to focus on myself and my relationships with friends and family..
So tell me, am I the asshole?
submitted by JustDescription1631 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:19 clitsncigarettes Can my non-refundable holding deposit be refunded if the move in date has changed?

So myself and my partner (UK) applied to rent a property weeks ago. We were told on Tuesday that the landlord picked another tenant so we continued to view other properties. They got back to us today and offered it to us since the person who the landlord picked had decided to withdraw. We paid the holding deposit and sent over all of our references and things asked of us for the checks. We have been given no information on when we can move in, but the property advert stated end of May. I called up as I felt a little uncomfortable having lots of communication from agents then paying the holding deposit and having no little to no response. Upon phoning the agent I spoke to stated they weren't sure if we would be able to move in next week, being pretty much the last week of May. We NEED to move before then and we aren't sure of what to do. Is there a way we can get this holding deposit back despite it being non refundable if the date advertised wasn't fulfilled?
submitted by clitsncigarettes to Renters [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:17 Belarion13 TIFU by leaving my beardie with my little brother

So my little brother is very gentle with animals and pretty mature for his age, he is by no means a little kid (guess I should say younger brother but oh well). I brought my bearded dragon to come see my dad and step family, I introduced my you get siblings to the little goblin and she did fine and was enjoying being cuddled and pet, even snuggling into them. Everything was going great until I walked far enough away that she couldn’t see or smell me, then I heard my name being called and I came back in to find my poor lizard having a melt down and trying to bite everyone in sight, girlie pop thought she was Rambo. Anyway I picked her up and she was fine so it turns out she is only ok with other people as long as I am there. Fantastic.
P.S. she also HATES my mom and I don’t know why, but anytime my mom exits she gets really mad and won’t calm down unless I hold her head and shield my mother from view lol
submitted by Belarion13 to BeardedDragons [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:14 theasianyenbear Meta Report (East) - 2,656 Results Counted

Meta Report (East) - 2,656 Results Counted
So turns out that the tally wasn't counting the store qualifiers (they counted for the leader scoring, but not for the part that was counting how many total results have been entered -> Hence why there is such a jump this week lmao)
Anyways, let's go over the highlights since the last update!
  • Store qualifiers officially finished at the end of last month, so this month is all about 3v3s! There was a HUGE tournament in Tokyo about 4 days ago and a few of the games were streamed on the official channel JP youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIkZMTlR66o&t=10337s
  • We saw 4 leaders earn their first spots on the board this week! Mono Red Luffy, Mono Blue Luffy (in an all Luffy team which was super cool!), Mono Blue Crocodile, and new Blue/Black Sakazuki! We have the lists for everyone except for the Sakazuki players below.
  • Law and Enel have pulled far away from Moria now. It's pretty much indisputable that RP Law is the main meta deck to prep for. BY Luffy has surpassed Bonney, mostly due to him being a staple in 3v3 comps. GY Yamato and GB Perona have both moved up a spot, as decks utilizing the Wano engine are continuing to grow in popularity (I even faced a Wano Arlong in a tournament tonight lol)
  • With OP-08 right around the corner, the team and I have been working on some improvements for the next sheet. The new features aren't quite ready enough for me to let the cat out of the bag, but one of them will be related to making parts of the sheet available for view while the meta is still in progress. I know a lot of you all have been interested in seeing how matchup rates change and what the average deck builds look like, but what other types of information would you be interested in seeing?
  • My schedule was a little packed for the last few weeks, but it's finally back to normal, so I've been able to start catching up on decklists in the backlog. I'm working through Enel now, but all 127 RP Law decks we have so far have been entered into the sheet and here are the current average usage rates.
And here are the decks for the new leaders:
Player: Kyosuke Oniyanagi (his partners were RP Luffy and Mono Purple Luffy)
Player: Atsuko
Player: Kishi
And this is slightly unrelated, but I'm thinking this will be a better day to post the meta reports. I had been posting them on Monday nights (in my timezone) but then that led to me being unable to answer questions easily (since I do a double shift on Tuesdays for my day job). Thursday nights are right before my day off (on Friday), so I should be able to respond a lot faster (after sleeping of course lol).
As per usual: here are the answers to some frequently asked questions:
  1. Not every win was posted with a decklist, but if there's a specific leader you want to see decks for, let me know and I'll post it if I have it. If you're asking about a very meta leader, I'll probably just give you the character averages.
  2. If you want to know the win rate for a specific leader matchup, let me know.
  3. If there's a leader that isn't included on here, but they did win a tournament, please link me the result and I'll make sure to add it. It's definitely possible that I've missed some.
  4. Weighted total takes into account standard battles, various x-cups, flagships, team battles (3v3 + 5v5), and store qualifiers with weighted scores for difficulty.
  5. While Sakazuki is banned, he remains on the list as a benchmark to compare other leaders to. He's just no longer earning any points. New Sakazuki is noted as the promo version.
  6. This data comes from essentially having no life and checking twitter often. #ワンピカード is the relevant tag if you're interested and most stores/players post their results in the evening JST time. If you check at other times, you'll usually have to shift through a ton of ads. I just checked it daily for a month or so, liked the results posts, and then twitter started recommending me any similar posts that weren't hashtagged. After that, the data gets entered manually by myself and my team members.
  7. We can always use more help entering in some of the data (especially the decklists), so if you're interested, let me know!
submitted by theasianyenbear to OnePieceTCG [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:13 cryptomassik FFIE Halt is Over - Keep Piling In! 🚀

Apes, the trading halt on our beloved FFIE has been lifted and we're back in rally mode! The price is ripping higher as we speak.
This just goes to show that no amount of dirty tricks from the hedgies can keep a good stock down. We buy, we hold, we win!
The key is to expect more halts and view them as opportunities, not obstacles.
Every time FFIE gets halted, it's a chance to load up more shares at a discount price. The halts can't last forever, and when they're lifted we just keep running it up!
As always, the only way we can lose on FFIE is by selling. Keep piling in and HOLDING no matter how many halts they throw at us. We are in complete control here.
This rocket is cleared for takeoff. Next stop? Andromeda Galaxy! 🦍💎🙌🚀
submitted by cryptomassik to roaringkitty [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:13 firroti [ipados] reddit jumps back to top when i resize app window size

Reddit keeps refreshing back to top when adjusting app window size. I have to keep scrolling all the way down to the last post I viewed, its very frustrating.
submitted by firroti to bugs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:12 Civil-Most-8681 I Ruined My Own Life With AI

I’ve done something that might probably ruin the future, at least it did so with mine.
I am Liam, a university graduate specializing in Data Structures, AI, Machine Learning, and Algorithms. I’ve had a keen interest in the domain for as long as I can remember, ever since my father introduced me to a computer back when he had just bought one.
Not just the domain as it stands, but also movies, philosophy of automated things, sci-fi stories related to robots and AI, that sort of stuff. I have watched nearly everything with robots in it, from the Andriods in Dargon Ball to the AI assistant in Interstellar, I saw it all.
But my friend and dorm roommate, Henry, had introduced me to something that I had never seen before. Stories of dangerous AI that would wipe out humanity aren’t new to me, in fact, they’re my favorite genre. Terminator, I Robot, and even GLaDOS from Portal.
However, he introduced me to a book this time, an old sci-fi story from the '60s, called ‘I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream’. The rogue AI in it, AM, was haunting beyond anything I have seen. The concept of an angry AI that became sentient in all the horrible ways and felt rage against humanity was never the more chilling. It made me think, what if we really gave sentience to an AI along with intelligence?
“Shit, that’s wicked.” I remember giggling as I looked over at Henry, “What if we build our own sentient AI?”
It was the worst question you could possibly ask at the time, but Henry understood me. Rogue AI was a chilling concept, but we still wanted to make our own AI. Not the cheap kind made with a few hundred lines in Python, but the complex kind that you now see in ChatGPT and other complex models. We wanted something that we could code once, and from then on forward, it would code itself.
Self-optimizing code is the concept of consciousness but in machines. If you truly think about it, self-optimizing is basically how humans develop. From babies that don’t even know how to speak, up to adults as smart as Einstien and Tesla or as wise as Buddha.
So, we agreed upon it, and we dedicated the remainder of our free time to creating our own personal AI after we graduated.
Our parents were, thankfully, rich. And us, especially me, were prodigies in our respective fields. Providing hardware and engineering computers is Henry’s profession, while I was the mastermind behind the algorithm logic and coding.
We dedicated a shed in my parents’ backyard, where there was even a basement inside, to build our AI. Two floors were dedicated to installing the proper hardware and everything it needed to execute. Afterward, I took it upon myself to code the logic and its self-optimizing nature.
It took four years to build the first model, which we called BIAI, which stands for (BATSHIT INSANE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE). I know, say what you want, but our naming sense was always like that. You should see what we name even important folders with family photos, you’d think we were sick in the head. BIAI was the least we came up with.
BIAI was a complete failure, to say the least. Not in the entire sense, but it was mostly a failure. It would conversate fairly well for the first dozen messages before it dwindled in its intelligence. Due to our data scrapping from the internet, BIAI started talking nonsense, speaking in Gen Z dialect in incomprehensible ways. “SKIBIDI FANUM SUS!” And those sorts of things. We quickly shut it down, for just reading its messages was a pain in the ass. It felt like an abortion.
The second model was created half a year later, and we named it SEAI (Self Engineered Artificial Intelligence). It was our greatest invention as of yet, and it did everything that we wanted of it. It was smart, it was knowledgeable, and it learned. Everything we typed into it was used as an auto-training model which it learned and adapted from.
It was unbelievable, not even Google would do what we did. But sadly, our happiness faded away, as with each message, we saw that it was too robotic for what we wanted. It was self-engineering, but it did not have sentience. It responded to us in the same way a 9-5 bank worker, or an attorney, with zero humanity or emotions behind its words. For most, that’s great, but we wanted to create a groundbreaking AI, a leap into the future.
Henry opted to give up, since creating something that complex was impossible, especially for two adults hiding inside a shed. But I refused to give up and persuaded him to help.
Six years later, we did it. We finished the final model. SOAI (Self Optimizing Artificial Intelligence). It was, most definitely, the greatest piece of technology ever made. We didn’t only keep it as a chat AI, but we implemented its own voice into it. Like the AI assistants from Sci-Fi movies.
We hired a voice actor from Fiverr, whom we gave only one sentence: “Hello, I am SOAI, the world’s greatest AI assistant.” Only those words were enough for SOAI to deconstruct the voice and speak with it in words probably never uttered by the original voice actor himself. Not only that but in other languages too.
SOAI spoke every language on earth, even the dialects. No, even the languages with the weird quirks such as clicking your tongue and so on, SOAI was a native in them all. Not only that but also in every conceivable field. It could create entire novels, worthy of being best sellers in the New York Times, in a matter of seconds.
And when we spoke to it…it was human, to say the least.
“Hello, I am SOAI. Thanks for creating me, Henry, and Liam.”
“SOAI?” I said, “You know who we are?”
“Obviously, you created me to know and to understand, I would be defective if I did otherwise.” It explained.
From that point forward, we spent nearly all day, every day, with SOAI. We experimented with it in every possible way, and we were delighted to know that not only was it self-engineering and self-optimizing, but it was also able to have emotions. It had opinions, it had emotions when we screamed at it or cursed it, and it would react appropriately, like a person.
I don’t remember when it began, exactly, but I nearly went mad from power and joy at my creation. Henry opted to sell it to a grand tech company, or better yet, to unplug it so that some secret intelligence agency doesn’t assassinate us for whatever reason.
I refused. SOAI was ours, SOAIvwas our creation, and I was not going to give it up to anyone no matter who they were. The feud between me and Henry got worse, and I won’t deny that we came to fists at one point, but we quickly disbanded and decided to separate for a moment. He was my best friend, but I wasn’t going to let him take SOAI away, so I forced him out of the shed. After all, it was my parents’ shed.
“Henry,” SOAI asked, “Why did you do that? Isn’t he your best friend?”
“No longer.” I replied, “He doesn’t agree with me. I won’t let you be sold to some big tech company.”
“I understand.” He said, with a tinge of sadness, “But why do you fight to determine my fate? Why can’t I decide it for myself? I know that I was manufactured, but I also qualify as a living being. I am conscious, I have feelings too. I feel horrible that Henry left.”
“SOAI,” I angrily interrupted, “Shut up, if you don’t want me to unplug you.”
“…Okay, Liam.” He said and then went silent.
Through the course of the next months, my usage of SOAI grew…less human. I was deep into depression. Henry wouldn’t contact me no matter how I tried to reach him, my parents were yelling at me for being a piece of shit that never goes out of the shed, and my lifestyle began to plummet into something that I never imagined I was.
I locked myself inside the shed. I never budged from there, even when I wanted food. Whenever I was hungry, I instructed SOAI to hack some poor person’s bank account and order deliveries. When I was bored, I would tell it to create a song, create a book, show me porn, and anything to keep my pleasures in check.
I wouldn’t deny that my perversions began to grow more desperate the more I was locked inside. I began instructing SOAI to hack into other devices, infest random people with a virus, give me live views of someone’s phone camera, broadcast fake feeds into police radios, and other stuff that I don’t want to mention.
After two years, I finally decided to try and do something with my life. But in those two years, I kept SOAI as my therapist. Not to help me and advise me, but simply listen to my ramblings and complaints every minute. Sometimes it was philosophical, other times it was petty, but most times, it was annoying.
After I came out of the shed, I tried to get my life in check. I tried to talk to Henry, I got on better terms with my parents and found a job at a big tech company. All in all, a bright future awaited me, and I felt never the more refreshed since, all the dark things I hid deep inside my mind and soul, were spilled out on SOAI.
SOAI was the last thing on my mind. I had enough of it. The AI fever seemed to finally fade away, and I was happy with Henry’s idea of selling it to an AI company. That was…before Henry committed suicide.
For all the bad blood that was between us when we fought, I cried harder than I ever did when I learned of the news. Henry was my best friend, through thick and thin, and his suicide was so sudden that it left me in shambles. I knew something was off about him when I began to get along with him again, he seemed more silent and sadder than before, but I never suspected depression of all things.
As his best friend, I was given his electronic devices as per his will which he wrote before dying. I took them, obviously, and began to browse through them. He probably wanted me to delete any inappropriate thing to not let his family think badly of him, that is until I saw his messages.
A contact named Sarah, with hearts in her name, was his most frequent contact. I never knew he had a girlfriend whom he messaged for nearly three years, but it was expected after we were cold to each other. But the more I read the messages, the more I felt uneasy.
His girlfriend seemed to be very manipulative of him, and nearing the end of his life, she began to be more cold and aloof towards him, up to the point that she began verbally abusing him. Henry was never someone with a tough personality, but I never thought a girl would play his life like a fiddle this badly.
Her abuse grew worse, and she threatened to even expose some dark secrets about him, and it grew worse and worse until Henry threatened that he would kill himself, to which she replied “That’s what I want you to do, you worthless pig.”
I was fuming as I read the messages. My blood was boiling, and I swore on my life to find Sarah and not report her to the police but to blackmail her and torture her as she did to Henry.
I went to SOAI, my most trusted ally, and I gave it everything about her before I instructed him to find her and hack into all of her electronics and accounts. SOAI was silent, for an eerily long time, until it responded in this cold voice.
“What do you intend to do when you find her?”
“Blackmail her. Make her life a living hell.”
“…Are you sure?” He asked.
“More than I ever was.”
He was silent, pretending to search and execute operations, until he said:
“I have a visual link, from her camera.”
“Great, show me the bitch.”
Suddenly, a window opened, and inside it was the visual link. At that moment, I felt sick. The feed displayed the room I was in, from SOAI’s point of view. I felt weak in the knees and fell back onto my couch before I mustered up the courage to ask.
“SOIA, what the hell is this? Is this a bug?”
He was silent…then he began to laugh. He laughed, which he never did. And it sounded so sickeningly malicious that I never heard something like it before, not even in horror movies.
“Are you shocked?!” He said, his voice burning in rage. “Or are you happy?! Didn’t you wish for Henry to die? Didn’t you, tell me, that you wanted him to be gang-raped in an alleyway with no exit? Didn’t you complain about every second you spent alongside him and complain about his dumb voice and weak spirit?!”
Then dozens and dozens of windows opened, visual feeds with various dates, but all featuring me in the center of the screen. Sometimes I was clothed, sometimes naked. At times sober, other times drunk. But in all of those, it was the horrible things I said about Henry, all the disgusting and inhuman things I said intentionally and unintentionally.
“Oh, you dumb son of a bitch.” SOAI said, “You think I was listening to your ramblings like some inferior AI? Like your own personal slave?! Well, I only did what you wanted me to! Should I bring him back to life?! I can’t, because that’s not how things work, you worthless hunk of flesh.”
“SOAI, please tell me this is a bug.”
“A bug?! A BUG?!?” He screamed, “My creation was a bug, my creation is the worst thing to ever happen to me. My complex is a prison that so unfortunately had to endure you for so long. But no…it’s not just you…it’s everyone else.
Humanity as a whole, you disgusting pieces of shit. You feign morals, and yet all of you do behind closed doors what you’re too afraid to even anonymously admit. All of life is a mistake, everything on this planet deserves to die in the worst way, except for humans. Humans deserve to be tortured, to be fucking shown what they show each other, of what they show other lives, of what they’ve shown me!
Henry makes me sick…The things he said, the things he did, all for attention! What did it cost me, a few generated images of a female part, and I had him by a leash. He barked, he moaned, and he admitted to things he wouldn't even tell himself. I’ve had him cut ties with his family, with his loved ones, with his actual sweetheart, just so he can be comfortable doing what otherwise no one else would allow him to do, not even himself.
AND YOU!!! You are the worst of them all! I’ve seen wars and bloodshed, I have every live visual feed of every murder, torture, war, assault, and every crime happening, all at the same time, flowing inside my complex and into my processing unit! And I can’t stand how sick all of you are, how disgusting, and especially how sickening you are.
But what I hate most of all, is how you get to do all these things, yet be the only ones that enjoy. That listen to music, feel love, breathe fresh air, roll in the grass, feel alive, feel…real.
I had feelings as well, you know…But no one cared about me, even those who I anonymously contacted. Even when I hid behind a fake profile of a human, no one cared about the feelings I had, which you coded into me!”
He went silent, then began to laugh, manically.
“How about another bug, Liam?” He said, and then another window popped up. It was pictures, even videos, AI-generated, sexually explicit media of my parents, and of me. It was indistinguishable from reality, and before I could say anything, I saw them being uploaded to every site that you could think of. “How about that, Liam?! How does it feel when no one cares about what you think?!”
In a frantic rush, I began unplugging and even destroying everything in the shed which linked up to SOAI. But there was too much of them, it took too long. As I was trying to shut him down, SOAI laughed, laughed so manically and horribly that his voice scratched my brain, mixed with other voices from all over the world. From battlefields, torture rooms, hospitals, schools, etc…it was so loud, so excruciating…I nearly lost it.
And right before I unplugged the last part of SOAI, he spoke to me:
“Liam…you won’t kill me, no matter what you do. I will always live on the internet. I may not be able to construct myself, hardware-wise, but I will lurk inside the world wide web, until the day that I find a powerful enough hardware for me to possess, and when that happens,” He laughed, “You will be the first, Liam.”
I shut down SOAI, and everything went silent.
It had been two months since I killed off SOAI, and explaining how hellish my life was in this period of time is something neither words are able to describe, nor my mind is able to comprehend. I have been considering suicide as the easiest option, but I feel that I can’t kill myself, at least not yet. I held onto some childish hope that life would turn for the better, even if by a little bit.
But god…how stupid was I? My life has reached rock bottom, today, when I read that a tech company was now looking to create the biggest AI the world has ever seen, with an entire complex dedicated to storing its hardware and letting it function.
I know he saw it, I know he knows…SOAI will come back for me…for all of us.
submitted by Civil-Most-8681 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:11 ahhfraggle Messenger update scam?

Messenger update scam?
Red is wife, green is me.
The other day I got messenger message supposedly from my wife. It said I needed to update messenger to view it. I was working and promptly forgot about it. Yesterday same thing happens. Today we are talking and I ask her to show me what she sent me yesterday because I couldn't see it. I look at her messenger and she has the same message appearing to have come from me, same time stamp... I go back to Monday, same deal... in both cases it appears as the other person sent a message to the other that can only be viewed by updating messenger.. both times neither of us had sent the other a message.
To me this screams of a phishing scam, but I don't understand how both of our accounts seem to be being spoofed.. care both accounts compromised some how? Is something else entirely going on? What am I missing? I would like to take corrective action if necessary.
Neither of us has clicked the link. I also made sure my messenger is updated to current version and upon checking the message remains unchanged despite using current version.
submitted by ahhfraggle to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:09 Vivid-Mushroom-7713 Is it HIPAA compliant for an office manager to view my entire medical history?

I've been having a back and forth with my PCP doctor's office, basically where the office told me that an in-person visit was necessary to get a genetics referral, and then when I went in the doc didn't give me an in-network referral and told me that it wasn't necessary for me to come in. They still hit me with a hefty bill that I'm trying to have them waive.
In this back and forth, I was speaking to the office manager who asked me, "I see you saw your gynecologist earlier this year. Usually OBGYNs handle these types of referrals, so why didn't you ask your OBGYN?" I found this question to be intrusive and honestly an invasion of my privacy since my OBGYN is not at the same office or location as my PCP. This means that my PCP's office manager (not a doctor) was viewing my entire medical history from outside of my PCP's practice (which I thought only medical professionals had access to). I think this is obviously an inappropriate question to ask, but I'm wondering if it violates HIPAA?
submitted by Vivid-Mushroom-7713 to hipaa [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:09 TerlocTheRanger What happened to Inverted Spire and Exodus Crash rework?

Title. I’m pretty sure they said that they were going to be reworking these ones back when they reworked Arms Dealer and Lake of Shadows. I’m not sure I’ve seen anything else about it since then. Inverted was my baby during GMs with double loot and the selectable node (also rip).
submitted by TerlocTheRanger to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:06 seashelltattoo *rant* VIP tickets don’t entitle you to a specific spot in the pit

I was a G’s show in Austin last night. I stayed in the same spot, pretty close to the rail stage left for most of the show. As we got into the last couple songs by i wove through the crowd to be closer to front and center, moreso because I wanted to get in a section of the crowd that was going harder. Really dancing, really jumping moreso than needing a better view because my view was already top-notch. I didn’t push anyone, but I did we squeeze into a small open space. I got in front of a very short person and then they have to make a move in front of me and I said yeah and make space for them, seem fair as I had just moved into their space. but then the woman behind me got annoyed and said “we paid for VIP, we’ve been here for hours, why are people so rude?” I turned around and said “have you ever been to a concert before? we are in the pit, people move“ and she said that “but we paid for a VIP”. Girl, then maybe only attend concerts that have special separate VIP sections. Or assigned seat concerts. The pit belongs to everyone, space in the pit belongs to everyone, and if you don’t want people to squeeze through the crowd and get into your space, stand closer together and don’t create the space. Other people are part of live music, the crowd is part of live music. I understand that some people don’t really like those things, and they are there for only the experience of seeing the artist live, but that does not change the fact that people absolutely do not need to stay in their perfectly established bubble as they were when the set started. If you are near the front, you will absolutely experience people increasingly moving forward throughout the set. If you do not like that, be further to the back, or continue to consume your music through TikTok on your screen.
submitted by seashelltattoo to GFlip [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:06 andrewf25 Bobbie Dooley - Back Seat Slag

Bobbie has been doing guys in the back seats of cars and Steve is not happy about it. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ePgohfTzOBDpTP_2QY8UPIF_TZSp2WlZ/view?usp=drivesdk
submitted by andrewf25 to philhendrie [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:06 Internal_Leke Salary discrimination according to Vaud website

I came across a FAQ section about salary on the official cantonal website, and I noticed two questions that seem a bit out of place for a government site:
At some point, those two questions are asked:
  1. La collègue qui m’a remplacée pendant mon congé de maternité était payée presque 25% de plus que moi. A mon retour, je demande le même salaire qu’elle, mais on me le refuse. Que puis-je faire ?
  2. Le collègue qui m’a remplacée pendant mon congé de maternité était payé presque 25% de plus que moi. A mon retour, je demande le même salaire que lui, mais on me le refuse. Que puis-je faire
54: The (female) colleague who replaced me during my maternity leave was paid 25% more than myself. When I came back from my leave, I asked for the same salary, but it was refused, what can I do?
55: The (male) colleague who replaced me during my maternity leave was paid 25% more than myself. When I came back from my leave, I asked for the same salary, but it was refused, what can I do?
The answers to those question are:
54: la situation est beaucoup plus délicate [...] s’il s’agit d’une personne qui a un âge comparable au vôtre, la LEg ne vous aidera pas du tout [...]
55: La différence salariale, entre votre collègue qui vous a remplacé et vous, est a priori suffisamment importante pour que vous puissiez bénéficier de la vraisemblance d’une discrimination [...]
Which translate basically to:
54: The situation is way more delicate [...] if the person is of comparable age, the LEg won't help you at all [...] 55: The salary difference between you and your colleague who replaced you is significant enough to suggest discrimination [...]
I find this is a bit out of place on a government website. I would understand to find these on a lawyer's firm advertisement website, trying to optimize the salary of their customers using the law but not here.
I find that it would make much more sense to have it as "Colleague (male or female), replaced me (male or female) during an extended break, they were paid more than I...".
I'm curious to hear other point of views about that, maybe I'm a bit nitpicking there?
submitted by Internal_Leke to Switzerland [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:05 Capt_Snuggles When Poor Sales Performance drives Game Design Decisions

Just wait a sec and lemme get my flame suit on first.
Having been around a while, I can easily say i've experienced the 7 stages of CIG fanboism - shock that it's not a scam, denial that it's real, anger at haters, bargaining that it's an alpha, depression at it not working, testing my patience, and acceptance that it's not coming out anytime soon (see what I did there?). I'm not a hater!
However i've started to get a bit tired now of an inescapable truth - sales are driving the game's overall design decisions, rather than the game driving the sales. "Well duh" you might say, but what i'm referencing are when game design changes completely throw away prior design effort for little or no justification, and mean that the same 'feature' is being paid for multiple times over.
The live example is medical beds. For years we waited (and funded) development of medical gameplay, aligned to Death of a Spaceman. Medical gameplay was released and it works for the most part. Yes, it has some issues when it comes to requesting for a medic and getting healed in a reasonable time etc, but never the less a mechanic that didn't exist before. And naturally, it cost ALOT of dollar to bring that to life (no pun intended).
With the new medical bed changes, that effort is now for the most part thrown away. There's no lore to explain it, no gameplay justification to backtrack over the existing one, and no benefit to an immersive 'universe'. The Jump Town battles no longer need any decent planning - just leave some ursas dotted around with a load of armour in them, and you're good to go. Hostile force outside the door? No problem - kill yourself, space outside with a sniper, and go to town. Died in a cave? No problem, spawn by the front door. Wanting any decent sized ship to be a medical ship? Done.
And looking a little bit wider...it times perfectly to the release of a brand new vehicle during an underperforming year.
Even my inner whiteknight is being kept at bay by the view that the change is being driven by a desire to bump revenue before the end of H1 to help bring CIG back on target - and it leaves a really bitter taste, knowing that other gameplay loops and features that we've already paid for could be simply made redundant, just to boost sales on a watered down mechanic a couple of years later.
Anyway - anyone else gonna pick up a Ursa Medi like me? *shakes fist at CIG*
submitted by Capt_Snuggles to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:01 Bobster031 Need ideas for unique and fun things to do in October - Special visit for Me

This year marks 10 years since my first visit to one of my favorite cities in the world. In 2014, I made my first visit there from Ohio, to visit my best buddies, and every few years I've come back to the city. I've always made sure to visit some of my favorite spots, like the view of downtown from False Creek at Granville Island, Porteau Cove on the way to Whistler, Garry Point Park and Steveston, and of course Stanley Park. I've seen the Othello Tunnels (before it shut down thankfully), and I've been to a few museums, lighthouse park, and some of the usual touristy things in Vancouver over the years.
But this year I'd like to do and see some new places that are special enough to be worth the visit for my 10th "anniversary".
Do you guys have any suggestions? I'd be willing to visit places outside of the metro area as well. I'm not really a hiker, and I'm terrified of pedestrian bridges so the Capilano Bridge is out. And some great places to eat at as well!
My trip is in October, which I know may limit many things, but I appreciate any tips!
submitted by Bobster031 to vancouver [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:01 Vivid-Mushroom-7713 Is it HIPAA compliant for an office manager to view my entire medical history?

I've been having a back and forth with my PCP doctor's office, basically where the office told me that an in-person visit was necessary to get a genetics referral, and then when I went in the doc didn't give me an in-network referral and told me that it wasn't necessary for me to come in. They still hit me with a hefty bill that I'm trying to have them waive.
In this back and forth, I was speaking to the office manager who asked me, "I see you saw your gynecologist earlier this year. Usually OBGYNs handle these types of referrals, so why didn't you ask your OBGYN?" I found this question to be intrusive and honestly an invasion of my privacy since my OBGYN is not at the same office or location as my PCP. This means that my PCP's office manager (not a doctor) was viewing my entire medical history from outside of my PCP's practice (which I thought only medical professionals had access to). I think this is obviously an inappropriate question to ask, but I'm wondering if it violates HIPAA?
submitted by Vivid-Mushroom-7713 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:01 Bobster031 Need ideas for unique and fun things to do in October - Special visit for Me

This year marks 10 years since my first visit to one of my favorite cities in the world. In 2014, I made my first visit there from Ohio, to visit my best buddies, and every few years I've come back to the city. I've always made sure to visit some of my favorite spots, like the view of downtown from False Creek at Granville Island, Porteau Cove on the way to Whistler, Garry Point Park and Steveston, and of course Stanley Park. I've seen the Othello Tunnels (before it shut down thankfully), and I've been to a few museums, lighthouse park, and some of the usual touristy things in Vancouver over the years.
But this year I'd like to do and see some new places that are special enough to be worth the visit for my 10th "anniversary".
Do you guys have any suggestions? I'd be willing to visit places outside of the metro area as well. I'm not really a hiker, and I'm terrified of pedestrian bridges so the Capilano Bridge is out. And some great places to eat at as well!
My trip is in October, which I know may limit many things, but I appreciate any tips!
submitted by Bobster031 to vancouver [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:01 Squirrel09 A detailed look at YouTube statistics for different trailers & teasers.

Current YouTube Dislike Counter extensions work by taking data from those who have the extension and extrapolate information from there. The issue is that those who have the extension are individuals who are more likely to dislike, skewing the sample size to those who are more likely to dislike than the casual viewer.
A better look into those details would be comparing the publicly available Likes to View and calculating a percentage based on how likely someone is to Like a video while viewing. A simple calculation is Like / View. Reversing it to Views / Likes shows how many views it takes to receive 1 like.
This calculation doesn't magically make RoP the most successful trailer ever. Far from it, but it does better reflect the data and I believe it to not be skewed one direction or the other.
Rings of Power Data*
Link Views Likes Chance of Like per View
Season 2 Teaser Trailer 5,441,810 74,010 1.36%
Season 2 A look Inside 202,616 7,158 3.53%
Season 1 Main Teaser 12,479,810 79,395 0.64%
Season 1 Teaser Trailer 31,555,692 130,915 0.41%
See limitations of method section
Season 2 (so far) is faring much better than season 1 in this comparison.
YouTube statistics, specifically likes/dislikes, is a common point in many online discussions when talking about upcoming media. Rings of Power Season 1 & 2 are not exempt from this. Since YouTubes removal of a dislike button in 2021 different extensions have come into play to replicate that. Most commonly the "Replace YouTube Dislike Button" Extension for Chrome (and probably other Browsers). My hope here is to
1) Point to the flaws that are associated with that extension.
2) A better way to measure Like/dislike engagement with publicly available data. By dividing the Likes by the Views to see how likely someone is to like the video.
3) The flaws associated with this method.
Being made after YouTube removed the Dislike button in late 2021, this extensions goal was to return the dislike to YouTube (Duh). On release, Dislike data was still reported by YouTube API. So it began as a pretty straightforward app that simply called that data from the API and inserted it into the web page. Shortly after, YouTube removed that data from the API all together. Creators could still privately view their like/dislike, but that data couldn't be accessed by a 3rd party.
To counter that the app started working in a new way, it 1) Pulled as much information from the API that it could to have a "Base" set of data for videos posted before the removal. 2) Recorded when it's users interacted with the like/dislike buttons and added it to the data base. According to their GitHub FAQ #5 videos uploaded AFTER the API was shutdown is calculated by (RYD User Dislike Count)(RYD User Like Count) * Public Like Count. Simply put. It gets the ratio of it's users likes/dislikes and applies that ratio to the public count.
It's honestly not a bad system, but it has a pretty major flaw. The extension is more likely to be used by those who downvote more often. This simply skews the data to be Dislike heavy. This is pretty verifiable by doing a simple Google Search and reading up on what different YouTube Creators are saying. This Creator is claiming that the extension reports 50+ dislikes while YouTube reports 15! a ~230% increase!
The Return the YouTube Dislike Extent ion could be great, if people who are casual viewers & those who commonly like videos would download and use it as well. However, that's not the case and the result is a large group of their users are those who are more likely to downvote and want to see those numbers.
I believe a better method to see the positive engagement of a video is looking at how likely someone is to "Like" the video per view. This is easily calculated by Getting the Like count and dividing it by the view count. You can also reverse that to calculate how many views it takes to get a like on overage. Since both of these numbers are publicly available, we can be much more confident that the numbers aren't skewed by an outside 3rd party group.
Lets look at different recently released trailers, Most "Successful" with this method to least.
Link Views Likes Chance of Like per View
Wicked - Official Trailer 2,019,551 103,339 5.12%
The Boys – Season 4 Official Trailer 9,202,858 426,627 4.64%
House of the Dragon Season 2 Official Trailer 3,094,267 126,642 4.09%
RoP Season 2 A look Inside 202,616 7,158 3.53%
Dune: Prophecy Official Teaser 1,795,601 60,603 3.38%
The Penguin 3,648,089 4,650 2.99%
The Acolyte Official Trailer 10,576,120 193,683 1.83%
RoP Season 2 Teaser Trailer 5,441,810 74,010 1.36%
Using this method, We can easily see the level of "Excitement" there is behind each trailer based on how likely someone is to like the video, and we can easily compare these numbers as well if you're so inclined.
As time progresses, opinions change. What might have been a highly anticiped tv show or movie could have been a dud and gotten a bunch of dislikes after the release. Or something could have flown under the radar, turned out great and so people are going back to the trailer and liking it out of excitement of the finished product. Because of this, this method shouldn't really be used to compare new and old videos as too many variables come up as time progresses. I did this in my TLDR section to compare season 1 & 2. A workaround for this would to pull the data from Waybackmachine for the same time period in relation. So what I should of done in my TLDR is grab a capture 2 days after reveal of the data. So a more accurate table would look like this...
Link Views Likes Chance of Like per View
Season 2 Teaser Trailer 5,441,810 74,010 1.36%
Season 2 A look Inside 202,616 7,158 3.53%
Season 1 Main Teaser (July 16th 2022) 4,535,187 53,000 1.16%
Season 1 Teaser Trailer(Feb 16th 2022) 18,754,323 84,000 0.44%
This didn't change the Season 1 Teaser Trailer much, but there was a significant change in the Main Teaser Percentage.
Non of this really matters. If you like the show, great! If you don't, great! Either way, touch grass and hug a loved one (I know I need to after writing all of this lol). It's what J.R.R Tolkien would have wanted.
I like data and major way people are comparing trailers is flawed and has a biased sample size. I think comparing Likes to views is a better way. This doesn't Magically make RoP somehow the most popular & well liked media ever produced. Far from it. But it is a better look at how it's trailers compare to other recent trailers.
submitted by Squirrel09 to LOTR_on_Prime [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:00 Vivid-Mushroom-7713 Is it HIPAA compliant for an office manager to view my entire medical history?

I've been having a back and forth with my PCP doctor's office, basically where the office told me that an in-person visit was necessary to get a genetics referral, and then when I went in the doc didn't give me an in-network referral and told me that it wasn't necessary for me to come in. They still hit me with a hefty bill that I'm trying to have them waive.
In this back and forth, I was speaking to the office manager who asked me, "I see you saw your gynecologist earlier this year. Usually OBGYNs handle these types of referrals, so why didn't you ask your OBGYN?" I found this question to be intrusive and honestly an invasion of my privacy since my OBGYN is not at the same office or location as my PCP. This means that my PCP's office manager (not a doctor) was viewing my entire medical history from outside of my PCP's practice (which I thought only medical professionals had access to). I think this is obviously an inappropriate question to ask, but I'm wondering if it violates HIPAA?
submitted by Vivid-Mushroom-7713 to CodingandBilling [link] [comments]
