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2018.04.27 14:55 6PoundsSoft A home for food across the UK

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2017.10.18 20:31 Nympho_Ninja High-Quality Verified Foot Models

High-Quality Verified Foot Models

2014.04.28 18:19 Agothro Internet Parents

Ask the internet about things your parents never taught you.

2024.06.09 15:49 _darkchocolover Hello po sa mga nagjojogging

Good day, people. I am planning to start jogging as part of my hobby kaso I have one problem: hydration. I am planning on getting y'alls insight on how you deal with hydration tuwing nagjojogging kayo. 'Di ko kasi 'ata keri ang 'di mag-bring ng water bottle if I'm planning to execute jogging, kasi, 'diba, nakakauhaw tumakbo? 😭. How do you guys do it ba? Like, do you bring water bottles with you? If so, how? Salamat po. Your insight will help me very much.
submitted by _darkchocolover to PHRunners [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:48 throwawayacct3768 rundown and questions at the end

I was diagnosed at 14 originally was on meds and then got off them and stayed off them for close to 10 years and l lived a very 'normal' life not really any crazy highs or lows, some bad days and bad decisions but I functioned well. 3 months after my pregnancy everything changed. I was depressed all the time, like the bone crushing I dont want to even live any more kind of depression. I tried to just tough it out I had in my head that post-partum depression was common and would maybe last a year. I coasted through life and at the year mark it was still here.
The anxiety got awful I was disassociating for hours at a crack I was hanging by a thread with my job (a very good job I couldnt afford to lose)I was exploding at family, my boyfriend, pretty much anyone who would speak to meust snapped I couldn't keep it together anymore. I felt like I was going crazy. I went on a grippy sock vacation to get put back on some meds before I did something stupid. Here I am 3 months later, a bit better but starting to go down that slippery slope again.
How long do depressive episodes last? Will i ever feel normal again? Is this hereditary, will my daughter end up with this too? How many meds do most people take? I'm on 100 of Lamictal and 2 of abilify currently but feel like I need a higher dose.
I've been told I catastrophise by my psychiatrist when I tell her I feel like im about to go crazy or like im on the brink of insanity. Is this true of could I be some kind of phycosis?
submitted by throwawayacct3768 to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:47 monkaSman How to Do the Log Press for Massive Overhead Strength and Power: log press muscles worked?

When you want to build head-to-toe strength — and you want to look awesome doing it — there are few lifts that can compete with the hardcore nature of the log press. The unstable, unwieldy log bar will have your entire body working in overdrive to clean it off the ground, up your belly and chest, and heft it into the air. Meanwhile, the neutral grips inside the bar allow you to do all of this with your shoulders in a less compromising position than they would be with a barbell lift.
Whether you’re looking to compete in strongman or just to add another strength-building lift to your repertoire, the log press can set you on the right path.
A shirtless, bearded person performs a log press.
Credit: Dmitriy Khitrin / Shutterstock
It’s got a heftier buy-in than a regular barbell press. Whereas barbells typically weigh in at 45 pounds, eight-inch diameter log bars weigh 50 pounds; 10-inch log bars come in closer to 72 pounds; and 12-inch bars get as heavy as 134 pounds. Not for the faint of heart, the log press will not only showcase your strength — it’ll build it, too.
How to Do the Log Press
Benefits of the Log Press
Muscles Worked by the Log Press
Who Should Do the Log Press
Log Press Sets and Reps
Log Press Variations
Log Press Alternatives
Frequently Asked Questions
How to Do the Log Press
Learning the log press may seem intimidating, and not without reason. To lift the 10-inch bar alone, you’ll need to be comfortable pressing over 70 pounds above your head. But if you’ve got that covered, all it takes is a little know-how and a lot of practice.
While strict presses are also possible, this guide discusses a push press version, where you get increased engagement — and loading potential — from your lower body.
Step 1 — Pull the Log Off the Floor
A person wearing pink shorts prepares to deadlift a log implement.
Credit: Worlds Strongest Gay – Rob Kearney / YouTube
Start in a deadlift position, hinged at your hips with bent knees. Position your feet a bit wider than shoulder-width and turn your feet slightly outwards. The log should be touching your shins. Grip the handles and pull your shoulder blades back and down. Drive through your legs to pull the log to your hips.
Form Tip: Tilt the log away from you by driving your wrists forward. You won’t scrape your legs and it’ll be easier to lap the log (see next step) as you can rotate the log into your hips.
Step 2 — Lap the Log
A person wearing pink shorts cleans a log bar into their lap.
Credit: Worlds Strongest Gay – Rob Kearney / YouTube
Once the bar is at hip level, squat down until the bottoms of your thighs are parallel with the floor. The bar should sit on top of your thighs, and your elbows should flare outwards. This position is referred to as, “lapping” the log.
Form Tip: Keep the log pressed firmly against your chest and stomach. If there’s any space between your body and the log, it’ll make the clean more difficult to execute.
Step 3 — Clean the Log
A person wearing pink shorts supporting a strongman log implement in the front rack position
Credit: Worlds Strongest Gay – Rob Kearney / YouTube
Though it’s called a “clean”, cleaning a log is mechanically different than the barbell variation. From the lap position, explosively stand up, driving you hips forward and rolling the log up your stomach and chest. As the log ascends, bring your elbows in and under the implement so that you end up in the front rack position.
Form Tip: You want your elbows up as high as you can get them, which means the bar will needs to sit on your upper chest and press into your neck. It’s not the most comfortable position, but it should last only but a few seconds.
Step 4 — Press Overhead
A person wearing pink shorts locks out a log bar overhead using a jerk technique.
Credit: Worlds Strongest Gay – Rob Kearney / YouTube
There are two primary ways you can lock out the log overhead. First, you can implement a split jerk, where you simultaneously drive the bar under head and dip under it by staggering your legs. The other option is the more standard push press, where you dip down a few inches and then explode up, using that leg drive to lock out your arms.
Form Tip: If you’re new to the log press, we suggest sticking with the push press option as it’s technically easier to master.
Step 5 — Lower With Control
A person wearing pink shorts lowers a log bar to their chest.
Credit: Worlds Strongest Gay – Rob Kearney / YouTube
Lower the log with control so it falls in front of your face (instead of onto your face). Catch the bar on your chest with a generous bend of your knees so your body can absorb the weight. Reset and repeat.
Form Tip: If you’re lifting a max effort press or are completing your last rep of the set, you can drop the log by letting your arms swing down in front of your body and dropping it onto the pads.
Benefits of the Log Press
The benefits of the log press are legion — as are the bragging rights you get when your lifting buddy films you crushing a new log press personal record. It’s not just about building more strength and power, either (though it is about that). The log press also puts your shoulders in a relatively stable position, making this a potentially more accessible form of overhead pressing than barbell pressing for those with shoulder issues.
Massive Pressing Potential
Unlike a barbell, the log bar has neutral grips. Since your shoulders won’t be in such a compromised position — that is, flared outwards — you’ll potentially increase the load you’re able to press by quite a significant sum. You can use that neutral grip to build your overhead strength even more than you could with your shoulders locked into the position a barbell puts them in.
Your body and muscles can therefore become accustomed to moving much bigger weights. As such, when you do go back to the barbell, you may well be able to handle pressing significantly heavier loads.
Full-Body Hypertrophy
The log press may be an overhead press at heart, but it won’t only challenge your shoulders. This move also taps into your triceps, lats, traps, core, and even leg strength in a huge way.
You’ll build muscle across your entire body, particularly your upper body. When training the log press for hypertrophy, you’ll go a bit lighter than you will when you’re going for max strength. But either way, working under such an intense stimulus will challenge your muscles to grow.
More Shoulder-Friendly
Although the log press is an intimidating lift, keep in mind that you’ll be using neutral-grip handles. This means that your shoulders will be in a less compromised position than they are during a barbell press, where your grip is horizontally-oriented. So you can lift even heavier in a position that’s better for your shoulders — a win-win for strength and longevity.
Full-Body Power and Conditioning
If you’re using a push press or jerk to heft the log over head instead of performing a strict press, you’ll need to generate huge amounts of power throughout your entire body. Everything from your toes to your fingertips need to be working together in an explosive fashion to successfully complete this lift.
Because this move requires you to generate so much power throughout your entire body, you’ll get your conditioning work in, too. From pulling and rolling the log bar into the rack position to using a full-body leg drive to lock it out overhead, you’re being both explosive and controlling your form all over your body. With so many moving parts, even one heavy rep can make you breathless — stringing together multiple reps can become a solid part of your conditioning routine.
Muscles Worked by the Log Press
The log press taps into so many different parts of your body. Here are some of the big movers.
Since this is, at the end of the day, an overhead press, your shoulders might be the first thing that comes to your mind with this lift. Sure enough, the log press requires and will develop very strong and stable shoulders.
You can’t lock out heavy weights without some pretty powerful, well-developed triceps. In order to not let your triceps become a quick limiting factor to your log press, make sure you’re not neglecting them in the rest of your training.
In order to support the weight of the log overhead — and to help your shoulders out in the front rack position and with the end of the clean — you need strong traps. Without engaging your traps, you’ll have a difficult time setting up this lift properly and stabilizing it on top.
As you’re pulling the bar from the floor to your lap and rolling it up your body to set yourself up for the actual press, you’ll need your lats. They’ll help drive the pulling that begins this lift and — as they do in the bench press — will help you stabilize the lift during the pressing part of the movement.
Falling over during your log press would not be optimal, to say the least. To keep your body steady, you’ll need a strong core — which is exactly what the log press will help you develop. Your core will also help you transmit force from your legs to your upper body when you’re using your leg drive to hoist the log bar overhead.
Finally, the log press will help you develop powerful quads. Sure, they won’t work them to the same extent that barbell squats will, but you’ll still be squatting in unstable conditions to get up into starting position. Then — unless you’re strict pressing — you’ll need your quads to generate a whole lot of power through your leg drive.
Who Should Do the Log Press
The log press doesn’t mess around when it comes to how much power you need to generate to hoist it over your head. With a buy-in weight of at least 50 pounds (for the smallest type of log bar), you need to be able to efficiently translate all your body’s power and strength into pressing prowess. A lot of different kinds of athletes might want to develop exactly that.
Strongwomen and Strongmen
Athletes who compete in strongman competitions will almost certainly want to train with the log press.
Not only is this often a competition lift in itself, but it also has direct carryover into other potential competition lifts, like the monster dumbbell press.
Weightlifters will likely want to stick to a majority of barbell lifts, since the technique with a barbell is so specific and different from the log pressing technique. However, both competition lifts for weightlifters involve developing tremendous overhead strength and stability. A weightlifter may be looking for strength-building, shoulder-saving variety in their training during the offseason. If so, the log press might be an effective — and fun — way to do so.
Unlike strongmen and weightlifters, powerlifters don’t overhead press in competition. However, many powerlifters might want to develop their overhead strength in the off-season for well-rounded strength. Overhead work can also help powerlifters develop stronger lats, traps, and shoulders, all of which are important for their big three competition lifts.
Because of the neutral grip provided by the log press, this might be a desirable overhead variation for powerlifters. It’ll be less taxing on your shoulders because of the grip orientation, which is exactly what you might need when you don’t want to set your shoulders up for failure during your bench pressing sessions.
Non-Competitive Gymgoers
You don’t have to be the biggest lifter on the block to benefit from — and enjoy — the log press. If you have access to one in your gym and are able to safely press it overhead, you might benefit a lot from the log press.
Not only will the training variety potentially add a lot of fun to your routine, but learning such a cool lift can be a great confidence-booster that keeps you coming back for more. Additionally, the neutral grip that the log bar provides might be great for non-competitive lifters who are looking for ways to press overhead without compromising their shoulders with horizontally-oriented grips.
Log Press Sets and Reps
Generally speaking, when you’re working with the log press, you’re probably looking to build max strength. That said, the log press has plenty of uses for hypertrophy and even conditioning.
For Max Strength
While you’re still learning the log press, work in the higher rep ranges before trying to max out and work in the lower, strength-building ranges. When you’re ready to develop max overhead strength with the log press, aim for three to five sets of two to five reps. You’ll want the weight to be heavy and approach failure — but make sure you’re able to maintain safe form throughout.
For Building Muscle
When you’re working toward hypertrophy with less involved, lighter lifts, you might be able to push toward failure with rep schemes between six and 12 to 15 reps. But lifting even moderately heavy with a log press might enable you to build a significant amount of muscle using fewer reps.
Because so much of your body is involved and you can move so much weight with this lift, higher rep counts will build muscle but also cross into endurance and conditioning territory. You’ll likely be able to build a hefty amount of muscle with three sets in the five to 10 rep range.
For Conditioning
Because the log press involves your entire body — literally from head to toe — and allows you to lift so heavily, you’re likely to get your heart rate up pretty high. Training the log press for conditioning will help you get stronger and more cardiovascularly fit all at the same time. How you approach this really depends on your experience and overall fitness level.
For some, you might consider eight reps to be more conditioning than you normally integrate into your training. For others, cranking out as many solid reps as possible in 60 seconds would be a more apt form of conditioning.
Log Press Variations
A log bar is such a highly-specific piece of equipment — but that doesn’t mean it can only help you complete one lift. Check out these log press variations to see how you can add even more spice to your log pressing life.
Log Viper Press
If the log press itself isn’t quite enough of a conditioning challenge for you, you might want to try the log viper press on for size. Instead of bringing the log bar back down to the front rack position between each rep, you’ll bring it back down beneath your chest.
Then, you’ll use your hip extension to take the bar in one swift movement over your head to lockout. It’ll look more like a snatch than a push press. This variation involves more hips and even more power than the original version, which you might love if you’re looking to develop as much explosivity as possible.
Strict Log Press
For the log strict press, you’ll be performing a log press — but without any momentum from your lower body. This takes the push or jerk element out of the move, which means you’ll be able to move less weight than you otherwise could.
But just because you’re moving less weight doesn’t mean it’s an inferior move. Being able to strict press build a great deal of core stability, not to mention places an even larger emphasis on your upper body muscles. Sure, they’ll be hefting less weight. However, without assistance from your lower body, it becomes entirely about how much your shoulders and upper body can move on their own.
Block Log Press
Want to eliminate the clean from the move? This way, you can focus solely on upper body strength and power without worrying about the awkwardness of the start of the move. In that case, start with the log on blocks just below your shoulders.
Doing this can serve as a great introduction to the move for beginners who haven’t quite gotten their heads around the awkward clean portion yet. It’s also a great option for advanced lifters who want to load up as heavy as possible for higher reps.
Log Press Alternatives
Don’t have access to a log? Not a problem. There’s another specialty bar that can help you press heavy overhead with a neutral grip. And if your gym doesn’t have any specialty bars to offer, you can still use a good old-fashioned barbell to get the job done.
Swiss Bar Press
While it’s not a log, the Swiss bar has one huge — and hugely important — similarity to the log bar. It comes with neutral grips, too. This means that you’ll be able to move weight overhead with your palms facing each other even if you don’t have access to a log bar.
This preserves the shoulder-saving aspect of the log press while still allowing you to put big weight above you. While it’s still a specialty bar, many gyms are more likely to have a Swiss bar than they are to have a log. In that way, this press is a great alternative for aspiring athletes without access to all the coolest strongman equipment.
Barbell Clean & Jerk
Because the implement is so different, the barbell clean & jerk requires different movement mechanics than the log press. So, it’s not a directly transferable skill. But, being proficient at one can potentially help you develop the body awareness to learn the other.
Plus, the barbell clean & jerk enables you to push a tremendous amount of weight overhead. If you’re looking to push a max amount of weight overhead without access to a log, this lift is an excellent option.
Get Pressing
Looking to compete in strongman and strongwoman events? Learning the log press will be a crucial part of your journey, because you’re likely to come across it as an official event. Even if you don’t have aspirations to compete, you might be looking for a way to push big weight overhead without a punishing shoulder angle. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that this is one of the coolest-looking lifts around.
Frequently Asked Questions
Folks who are just learning strongman and strongwoman lifts often have a lot of questions. And questions are good — they mean you’re paying attention and are more likely to learn what you need to succeed. Here are some questions that a lot of people have about the log press.
Do you need to learn the log press for strongman and strongwoman competitions?
Unlike powerlifting and weightlifting meets — which always feature the same lifts and competition structure — strongman and strongwoman competitions or more unpredictable. They don’t always feature the same lifts and feats of strength. That said, many competitions do feature the log press itself or other overhead variations. So, it’s worth learning if you can.
What if I don’t have access to a log bar?
Maybe you’re trying to compete, or maybe you just want to learn the log press because it looks and feels so darn cool. Whatever your motivations, you don’t have to despair if you don’t have access to the exact equipment the lift calls for.
So many strongman events rely on lifters being able to adapt to moving extremely heavy, extremely awkward implements. If you don’t have access to a log bar, get creative in your training — maybe with a Swiss bar, or maybe with a (sturdy) implement of your own making — to practice getting big weights overhead.
How much do log bars weigh?
That depends. Different log bars have different dimensions and diameters, all of which have their own unique advantages for training. While eight-inch log bars weigh 50 pounds, their 10-inch cousins are closer to 72 pounds. And 12-inch log bars can get as heavy as 134 pounds.
Smaller bars allow you to train with a bigger range of motion. So even though they’re lighter, they might challenge you more since you have to push them through more time under tension due to the larger range of motion.
submitted by monkaSman to MensWellbeing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:47 CapitalChemistry2657 Lessons from an Instacarter

Let me say straight off the bat, I am not the world's best instacart shopper. I am solidly average. Platinum status for the last 3 quarters, avg rating 4.82.
I became an instacart shopper so I didn't starve, myself, after being laid off from tech for almost a year and unable to get a regular job in my area (I applied everywhere, and often). I never set out to be the world's best instacart shopper but I did a solidly good job and I did care about everyone's order that I shopped.
I finally got back into my field, and I'm very happy to hang up my personal shopper card.
The following are some lessons I've learned from the experience. Some are tips but some are changes to the kind of instacart customer I'll be in the future.
Trade tips for shoppers:
  1. Don't be afraid to grab a cart and a shopping basket if you're juggling orders. I went from being embarrassed by my cart and basket to hauling two carts with baskets, no fks given.
  2. Park yourself out of the way. Docking my cart in a corner or hidden in the aisle displays and walking most aisles without a cart was always more efficient than fighting my way through crowds in aisles. Check in with a store employee so they know you're not being shady.
  3. Carabiners. Hang each customer's order from a different color caribiner to keep orders distinctly separate and use the caribiner to carry the order to the door in one trip. I've carried a shocking amount of bags on a single caribiner before.
  4. I didn't take orders without a tip, when I could help it. I don't care how much they tipped but non-tippers give the harshest reviews and they're kind of mean in person, on average, too.
Lessons I'll take with me as a customer:
  1. I'll never rate a good shopper less than 5 stars. I'll never rate an ok shopper less than five stars. Something egregious is going to have to happen for me to rate anyone less than five stars, and it probably still won't happen even then.
  2. I'll never give a bad shopper feedback any other way than in the chat.
  3. I'll never tip less than $20 or 20%, whichever is more. There's no excuse to tip a personal shopper less, IMO. If I can't tip like that I'll take myself to the store to purchase my own groceries.
  4. Add a 20 ounce drink to your order for your shopper. Tell them to replace it with what they like to drink. I've done this a handful of times and no one's ever taken advantage of it and everyone is appreciative.
  5. People who added a cash tip were the best. I can't tell you how many times that was the difference between if I got to eat that day or not.
  6. I no longer care how long it takes for my order to be delivered. I used to watch the clock just because I could.
General feedback: 1. Dear Aldi cashiers- no, you do not have to dramatically dump everything out of my box to ring it up. It's way easier and way less messy if you ring it up from my box and put the items in the cart (just as you'd usually ring them up from the belt and put them in the cart). You don't have to rebox my items for me, and you don't have to dump them. 2. Stores and gig shoppers could be nicer to each other.
It's been, well, not a great time but a solid time. I never made more than enough money to exist from day to day, and some days I didn't really make even that much.
submitted by CapitalChemistry2657 to InstacartShoppers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:47 SullenSatan 19M; Currently abroad and looking to connect with folks online!

Hello all!
As the title suggests, I’m currently living abroad in Spain and will be for the next month. While I do love it here, I’ve begun to get a little homesick for the states (and English in general) so I’d love to connect online!
Here’s a bit about me: - Big outdoors person (hiking, kayaking, and recently off-road biking) - Currently learning Spanish through immersion but only half-decent at it. - Rising senior in college (Business - I skipped ahead a few years) - Hobbies include reading, cooking, writing, aforementioned outdoors activities, and playing video games, though I’m unable to at the moment.
And some fun facts for the sake of icebreakers: - I’ve flown a plane before - I won a moonshine drinking competition by downing seven shots of 100-proof - I spent a week helping out at a horse stable - I’ve been spelunking - I’ve driven heavy machinery
I like to think myself pretty sociable in the right environments, so feel free to reach out to talk about pretty much anything! The reply window may be a little weird due to time zone differences but I’m sure we can figure something out.
Ideally you’d be within two or three years maximum of my age? I’m not entirely sure how to connect to anyone that much older or younger. We can talk here, discord, WhatsApp (very popular in Spain for some reason), or on the phone once I get to know you a bit better. Just avoid boring one-word responses - thanks! 👋
submitted by SullenSatan to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:46 julezmeister TSW3 as a complete beginner

Hi all
Bought TSW3 a while ago but haven't touched it yet. Want to get into it but unsure how difficult the game is. Tried searching for YouTube tutorials but can't find much.
How hard is it to learn the game? Does it do a good job teaching? Seeing cabins with so many levers and buttons seems a little daunting which is probs why I haven't played it yet (but am keen to).
Thanks :)
submitted by julezmeister to trainsimworld [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:45 Fun_Tour4019 I hate ceroba, and it isn't "wahh she manipulate clover she's suck as a character, even though flowey is right there :O"

So recently, there's been a ton of posts parodying a post about hating on ceroba by replacing ceroba with [insert]. And I believe this is the right time to express my opinion on her and the ketsukane. Ceroba: Okay, so people had been hating on her because "she manipulates clover, so that means she stinks as a character." This is the same game where flowey and asgore exist. How do you guys expect people to understand your opinion? No, the reason I hate her isn't because of her morality or something, but because of the execution. The way she was executed sucked. She unnaturally inserted herself into the plot of pacifism.
Her and Starlo never felt like friends or "this person like this person, but can't because of reason" thingy," starlo had been comforting, and tried hard to justified her in flawed pacifist, but ceroba? That ugly lady pretty much said his way of trying to cheer him up suck, and is siding with the stupid four who get jealous of a child. Ceroba didn't ask why starlo is doing this? But starlo does, starlo was a great friend to her, and she just did that to him.
and the way Starlo, Martlet, and Clover forgive her just stinks; there's no acknowledgment of her bad actions; there's no acknowledgment of how Chujin was stupid. There's no punishment; they all just comfort her. WHAT ABOUT STARLO YOU STUPID BI-.l And the fact that she encourages Clover to Kys doesn't make sense. What do you WANT, ugly women? . I just can't give an ugly lady about her. The idea of a grieving mother, who had this moral dilemma, and pretty much the asgore of yellow is great! BUT execution matter more, when it come to story telling I CARE MORE ABOUt execution it doesnt matter if the concept is dumb WHAT MATTER is if the execution is good or not. You know why I sympathize with characters who have done far worse? BECAUSE THEY HAVE GREAT EXECUTION AND WRITING that's what matter. (Or it's just my bias.)
Conclusion: axis is the greatest ketsuka- NO he's to good for the ketsukane.
submitted by Fun_Tour4019 to UndertaleYellow [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:45 Quasar_123 Rail Replacement Service

September 2nd - 07:00 Service to London
The morning commute always felt too early for Simon. Now autumn was rolling in, and the night ate further into the morning, he could barely keep his eyes open. So when he saw it standing across the platform, he was happy to blink and rub his eyes until it was gone.
September 9th - 07:00 Service to London
The same platform, the same spot, shivering. Why had he been this stupid not to bring a jacket? Oxford station was as nondescript as you could get, for a city so beautiful and ancient, it stood out like a big grey concrete thumb. He stood under the canopy sheltering from the rain, sadly it wasn't doing much in the way of protection. Every gust of wind brought icy shards of rain scratching at his face. Looks like he wasn't the only one suffering.
Across from him stood a man. Drenched to the bone, his white shirt clung to him, a tie stained blood red cutting through his torso. With every gust he stood still. Not flinching. Not moving. His eyes locked on Simon. Simon scanned him from head to toe, like a mirror the man responded, tracing his every move. Feeling the rush of a train approaching, Simon took a step back and like a child discovering their legs for the first time, the man stumbled forwards.
Feeling anxious warmth flooded his face, Simon scrambled onto the train. He was safe here. He was safe.
September 16th - 07:00 Service to London
He approached the platform with caution today, yes last week was weird, but it was early and he was tired. When he looked up at the departures the bad mood started. 20 minutes delayed. It was as grey as usual this morning, not raining though, that was a bonus he thought. He stood endlessly scrolling through social media, head locked down. Then he heard it, a high-pitched whistle. His head shot up, and then across from him, there he stood. The same white and red clothed man staring. Simon could feel his heart beating in his throat, his stomach turning in knots. Dark cold eyes were tied to his from across the void of the platform, sucking the warmth from his body. Simon knew he couldn't move, he couldn't bear to watch the man copy him. Breathing heavily he dragged his eyes to the departures, not daring to move a single limb. 3 minutes. He had to hold out for three minutes. He was alone out there, the platform was a lonely headland out at sea, it was just him and the man.
They stayed eyes locked, standing stock still. Simon didn't dare to breathe too heavily. Time was moving, he knew that, but every second was an eternity. Out the corner of his eye he could see a faint light growing brighter and brighter. The train was coming. He would be safe. Then in a split second the man broke his gaze. He was running. His body moved in perfect symmetry flying along the platform, getting closer and closer to the passenger bridge. He can get me. He can get me! Simon's mind was screaming. Alarm bells ringing. The man was getting closer. There was a hollow thud of thunder as the man's feet stormed across the bridge.
The train was pulling in now, its brakes hissing as it glided to a stop. Simon slammed his hand against the button frantically waiting for the doors to slide open, and they did. Inviting him into the warm comfort of the carriage. The man arrived at the bottom of the steps, fixed his gaze on Simon and ran. Gaining on him, 10 metres, 5 metres, 1 metre. The doors slid shut. And the man slammed against them. Simon’s stomach clamped in on itself; he could feel the sour taste of vomit flood his throat and mouth, pouring out onto the floor. His eyes stayed fixed on the glass of the train door. He was looking at his reflection. But this was no trick of the light. The man had his face and he was smiling.
September 16th - 16:34 Service to Worcester
Simon spent his entire day scanning faces. Anyone who crossed his path was a potential threat. He made it through the work day, he would get home, call the police and get answers. Boarding the train with hundreds of other passengers he was shielded, nothing could get him. Every station they passed he checked every face twice. But his mind and body grew tired, he’d spent the day on high alert and he was feeling the effects. His breathing was slowing down, every thought came at half speed and his eyes drooped and drooped until he slipped into a dark dreamless sleep.
The thud of closing doors ripped him from his sleep. He was awake, alert, heart pounding. He could see a station by the window. Charlbury. He'd gone too far, three stations too far. He got up and looked around the cabin and not a single face turned to meet him. He was alone. It’s fine, he thought. He'd get off at the next station and turn around. He'll be home in no time. He sat there pushing every bad thought from his mind, humming a tune he didn't even recognise for comfort. Then in a matter of minutes they were pulling into a station. Standing at the door he surveyed the platform as they slowed. Empty. Completely empty. Then from the corner of his eye he saw it, a flash of white then red, and finally that face. His face. Shit. Shit. Shit. He had to hide. He ran back into the carriage and fell to the floor between two seats, making sure no part of him could be seen above the window. He heard the door hiss shut, and they were moving. He didn't dare to move. Was he alone? He sat still, not allowing a single muscle fibre to twitch. Then like rolling thunder the sound of heavy boots progressed down the carriage. Slow and methodical, they stopped at every row before moving to the next. Fuck it was coming. They were just inches from him. He craned his head up to look.
The eyes staring down at him were pure black. Obsidian marbles studded in the face he saw every day. He tried to scream but his throat clenched shut. A smile stretched across that familiar face. It was no smile he'd ever given. His breath felt like it was coming out in chunks. He couldn't think, couldn't speak, couldn't move. Then out of its pocket something glinted in the light. He saw his own cowering reflection in the blade. Tears streamed down his face. He knew the pain about to follow would be the last thing he'd ever feel.
submitted by Quasar_123 to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:45 asterthetime Baby won’t sleep at night unless held

FTM with a now two week old baby. She sleeps for three hour stretches in her bassinet during the day but at night is a high maintenance terror. Partner can’t get her to calm down at all and I can only calm her if she sleeps on my chest. I can’t pump or get anything else done because if I move she’ll wake and start the super cry. Would be much more convenient if she were awake and fussy during the day when everyone is awake and she can be held by relatives. How long does this night activity last and can I flip it somehow? Thanks!
submitted by asterthetime to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:44 Historical-Milk-1339 The A.I in WoA is unnervingly realistic.

I've been playing the World of Assassination trilogy for the first time and just finished Hitman one so far. I already have a lot to praise about this series of games and may make plenty of posts about them. But one notable thing I have to talk about is the enemy/npc A.I in these games because.....they really make the assassination jobs more nerving racking in a good way. The way the game programs the A.I is you basically can't aim a weapon or take out an enemy when someone is watching you. You have to be completely out of a person's front side in order to do anything illegal. Like I was struggling to incapacitate a high ranking medical doctor in the last level because he was constantly watched by witnesses.
But it doesn't stop there, you also have to be aware of anyone finding bodies of enemies you've taken out and items that you left lying on the floor. For example during my first time playing the level in Paris, I was trying to figure how to quietly assassinate Dalia Morgolis and there's this one instance where I accidentally left an assault rifle lying on the floor when taking out a guard in her private lounge room. When Dalia came in, she noticed the rifle and confronted the guard outside the room about why there's a weapon on the floor. (Little did she know I was standing right next to her in disguise, lol.) The guard then went in to investigate, which shows how aware the A.I is.
As much I played other games that I think are better or just enjoy more, I think this game has a lot of realistic A.I in terms of how they act and look around areas for anything suspicious. It really sells the point that you have to be very careful with your actions as their are consequences for leaving a mess.
submitted by Historical-Milk-1339 to HiTMAN [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:44 ExtroverTom The Best Debut I Have Ever Seen : In Four Acts

The Best Debut I Have Ever Seen : In Four Acts
Before I start, I have to semi-dox myself and say that I am Indonesian. I have to do that because it would add so much more context to this story.
Prologue : The Antlers
I bought the latest Football Manager few months ago while the price was discounted. I was so excited to finally have J-League licensed because playing in Asia have been my lifelong FM dream but without J-League which is arguably the biggest and most competitive league in Asia, it just felt wrong.
I embarked on this year's journey the same way I have always started, to pick one of the top half teams in the league that I wanted to play, so that I get accustomed not only by the league rules but more importantly by the latest features and wrinkles of the game. I usually would play it for a season before moving on to the real long-term save.
This year, the lucky organization is Kashima Antlers. To cut the story short about this club background, you can imagine them like Japanese Manchester United with even less successful history. They have gone years without lifting a trophy but is able to consistently stay on the contention. Now that I said that, I guess they are the less horribly managed Japanese Manchester United.
My one and only mission : bring the J1-League trophy back to the Island of Antlers. Although, whatever it was that I wanted to do, I have to do it within the limitation of only 5 foreign players as per J1 rules and the lack wingers within the club. After hours of thinking and tinkering I came up with a tactic that I believe would work.
The asymmetric 4-3-3 which emphasized the quality of Target Man Kai Chinen and homegrown talent Yuma Suzuki as well as 'hiding' the lack of winger but still be able to offer some width in the field. Saying that, it was still necessary for me to find a better winger for the formation than Yuta Matsumura, which was decent, but not good nor was he well-suited enough with the way I want to play.
Kai Chinen: Our main striker and one of our best player
The stats of Yuta Matsumura which was actually decent relative to the league quality, but not good enough. Also the only wingers other than him were some promising yet raw young talents.
1***\**st* Act : The Reds
J1-League transfer window would be closed on 31 March. By the start of the month I have brought into the team some quality players: Roberto Soriano and Ismael for free and bring creativity in that midfield, and an uzbek guy called Hojiakbar Alijonov, a mature physical attacking right back which will provide those crosses from the right winger-less side of our formation.
I have not found my guy to be put in that left side though, until a young right-footed brazilian had a semi-fallout with his club and get transfer-listed. SC Internacional, his club, asked for two millions euros for whoever wanted to bring him out from Brazil. Having only spent so little, and in nearly desperate need for a winger, I jumped into the chance, and built a 2 millions worth of a deal based on so many installments and bonuses. Finally after some contract negotiation, my long-awaited inside forward has finally arrived on 06 March 2023.
His name is Joao Gabriel Martins Peglow, a 21-years-old who modeled his game after his idol Cristiano Ronaldo. He has good technique as well as physical attributes perfected by almost world class amount of flair. With him running with the ball down our left side, I believe we can outrun and outscore anybody in the league.
Peglow: Our main winger, and he had not even reached his ceiling
and I was not making it up when I say he idolized CR7.
2***\**nd* Act : The Braces
You are forgiven for thinking that this story is about Peglow's debut. But it's not. His debut is mediocre at best. Playing against Urawa Red Diamonds in the J-League Cup (Japanese equivalent of Carabao Cup), he did not offer much. Only attempted 15 passes, produced 6.6 match rating, before I had to take him off in the one-hour mark of the game. In the game where the opponent produced nearly as many XGs from half as many shots, we ended up winning thanks to heroic performance of our first-choice goalkeeper, Tomoki Hayakawa.
Debuts are expected to be rough though. The real glimpse of what Peglow could bring to the team came almost two weeks after his debut. After another stinker which saw him produced 6.4 match rating in the league match that we otherwise dominated, I trusted and started him again in the match against one of the big boys: Yokohama Marinos. He paid that with an impressive return. I had to wait for a while though.
From the get-go, Yokohama's midfield which operate weirdly with two mezzalas in front of the single pivot, clearly got overrun by our midfield led by Roberto Soriano and spearheaded by Peglow. But it was our free agent signing, Ismael and our homegrown striker Yuki Kakita who gave us 2-0 lead before the halftime. In the 2nd half though, it's all Peglow's world and we were just living on it. He scored two goals in the span of 3 minutes before assisting another one in the closing stage of the match to close the game 5 goals to none. What a performance from him and surely, surely from then on, he would be the one leading this club to the promised land right?
3***\**rd* Act : The South-Easterners
All good things must come to an end. Some before it even begun.
I rested Peglow in the following match against lower division club in hope that he would be in peak condition for our next league match against Sanfrecce Hiroshima. Then the news struck.
It was 31 March, maybe around 10 am. Just one day before the league match mentioned before. Peglow was dribbling the ball in training when suddenly he turned sharply and fell. He scream in agony while the emergency radiology found out that he twisted his ankle and out for at least a month. It was far from being a career-ender, but if you pay close attention, it was 31 March. Not only was it just one day before the match, it was also THE transfer deadline. I only had hours to find Peglow's replacement. I had to.
I panicked and scrambled around scouting reports and player search columns. It was extra difficult knowing I had filled my foreigner quotas, so I could not add another foreigner anymore, but the japanese winger available just did not cut it. And there, at that moment, we came back full circle to me talking about the wrinkles of the league.
J-League has this unique registration rules where we could only field maximum of five foreign players, but with a little bit of curveball added. Due to some real life agreements, players from South East Asia countries is treated as non-foreign players. So I could buy and field whatever amount of players from Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, and my real life home country Indonesia, together with other smaller South East Asia countries that I wanted. It did not help me instantly though as there are next to none SEA players that good enough for the top division of japanese league, let alone to be the replacement of Peglow.
That's until just 8 hours before the deadline is closed, a message come to my inbox. Agent recommendation. Candra Firmansyah, an Indonesian agent, notified me about one of his clients. A left winger, just as young as Peglow, does not get the playing time he needed in his club ADO Den Haag and after just 3 appearance in the first team, he thought it was the right time to be loaned out. ADO agreed and he became loan listed. His name? Rafael Struick.
Rafael Struick : Every Indonesian knows who this man is. For you who do not know, oh you will soon do.
I took a glimpse. And I sit there in front of my laptop trying to process it. Not only does the boy good enough for the J1-League, he almost as good as Peglow. I could even argue his technical ability is superior and his physical attributes are comparable. For a moment I got "kicked out" back to real life and thinking not as Hiruzen Hiragana the Japanese manager of Kashima Antlers my alter ego, but as me myself, and thinking "It must be nice to manage my countryman in the biggest competition in the continent."
I might overpaid for him. Giving ADO 200k just for a loan fee seems a bit much and my board felt that way too. But, I need a winger, the deadline was just 4 hours away, I did not have many choices. So I pulled the trigger. The administration team moved fast enough to conclude the deal just in time. In the midnight Kashima Antlers welcoming the promising Indonesian youngster and hopes that he is fit for the match, tomorrow.
Final Act : The Mismatches
Bad news and good news. The bad news is Peglow's injury was not a nightmare nor an SI april mop at all. The good news, Struick was in peak condition to play against Hiroshima. I did not know how he took flight from den Haag to Kashima without took a nosedive in terms of his fitness, but there he is, just hours after signing the contract, wearing red shirt and white shorts, ready for his debut.
Hiroshima was not an easy opponent to play let alone for the first time. They finished in the 3rd place the season before. The attack was dangerously led by brazilian target man, Vieira and the defence was solid under the command of Kansai University alumni Hayato Araki. The road gets steeper due to the fact that heroic Hayakawa got injured, so Karl Jakob-Hein, another emergency loanee, deputized him between the sticks. But, ready or not, it's game on.
From the very first minute, I can see that Struick got cold feet. Maybe from the jet lag, maybe because he was not familiar with the exotic asymmetric system. Whatever it was, he did not look good. My hopes for Peglow to miraculously be healed and playing that day peaked when in just the 4th minute mark, Struick has the ball in the left side on the field and tried to make a field-switching pass to Ismael on the center of the field, but his wobbly legs did not generate enough power and the ball was stolen by Hiroshima's midfielder, Matsumoto.
Who brings the ball upfield, did a 1-2 pass combination into our penalty box, before swiftly pushing the ball in the path of their forward, Kashiwa who then struck the ball behind our net. Kashima 0, Hiroshima 1. In the 4th minute mark.
I encouraged the team, told them that there are still 86 minutes to play. I saw Kai Chinen came over to Struick, maybe to help him calm his nerve. I did not know what Chinen said, but whatever it was, it worked. Just a couple of minutes after did that horrendous pass, Struick again found himself in the left side of the field. This time though, he had more confidence in his heart, and brought the ball way up front.
He then passed to Chinen who quickly gave the ball to Suzuki in the right side. It was Suzuki's show right after. He dribbled past two defenders before hit the ball so hard, Hiroshima's keeper, Osako could barely even react. It's 1-1 and there are still 84 minutes left.
This match is destined to be an end-to-end affair, when after Ismael Silva stopped Hiroshima's passing in the centre of the field, he found Alijonov running full speed on the right side. And running he does. Alijonov picked the ball just inside our side of the field and quickly run near the byline, bringing the ball up ahead.
Without any pressure whatsoever, Alijonov bent a cross into penalty area where all of our forwards are ready to head it home. Some of you might notice that Struick had pretty impressive jumping reach. But I did not notice that until Struick leapt above the right back who man-marked him. And when I say leap, i mean it almost looked like that Ronaldo's header against Sampdoria. Struick headed it home, his first goal, just 10 minute into his debut. It's 2-1 for Kashima Antlers.
That goal gave Struick and the team massive confidence boost. At the same time, Hiroshima looked trembled. Few seconds later, they misplaced a pass and let Chinen stole the ball and slot it home. It's 3-1 after 11 minute.
The game calms down a little bit until in the 35th minute, again Alijonov found space in the right side and bent another cross almost finding Struick. But this time Hayato Araki won the duel and headed the ball for a throw-in. A few simple pass from throw in then ended in Struick's feet who stood just inside the penalty box.
With a few neat moves, Struick found the ball in his right feet and rocketed the ball deep into the low left side of the goal. It's a brace in his debut and it's 4-1 for Kashima Antlers.
After that, I instructed my team to lower the tempo a bit, to conserve energy and retain possession. It resulted in the match gone calm for a bit. After Kashiwa sent an amazing cross to Vieira who headed it past Jakob Hein and Chinen slotted home a penalty kick to make it all 5-2, Matsumura who came in for Suzuki had the ball inside Hiroshima's penalty area before he's getting tackled. Referee pointed out to the spot for the second time. Chinen, the original taker, took the ball and give it to Struick, to let him complete this magnificent night both for him and the team. Struick shot it as hard as he could, it did not fool the goalkeeper, but it blew past him. It's a hattrick in his debut, and it's a dominating 6-2 win for the team.
He ended the night with 3 goals, 1 key pass, won 7 aerial duels, attempted 5 tackles and won all of them, covered 13.1 kilometres the most compared to every other player in the field, and fielded a match rating of 9.9. It was a dream debut for Rafael Struick.
Epilogue : The Reasons
Now some of you might say, "meh, I once have a debutant scored 5 goals and assisted 5 more." And I would not object that. That's why the title is the best debut I have ever seen, not YOU have ever seen. Because from FM standpoint it is "just" a good showing, not a spectacular one.
But this is so personal to me. This is my first save after months of hiatus, and just the pure hype of this game, the roller coaster of emotion just based on finding the right inside forward, it's just beautiful. This story, especially this match, makes me love FM all over again.
submitted by ExtroverTom to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:44 Many-Barber6989 (LONG) Are Males really Inferior & Unhelpful Reproduction-Wise?

Yeah yeah, an old saying, reproduction isn't the purpose of life and doesn't determine value, but let me explain...
So, I am a 16 Year Old, who was introduced to ""feminism"" somewhere in 2022 (I think), thanks to a friend of mine. It turns out, this was actually Mysandry, in the sense that he shared how some of these "feminists" were trying to get rid of men in reproduction, one example being the "fact" that their vaginas will evolve into penises and clone themselves, except that would probably make them hermaphrodites and should happen with men too...
Nonetheless, I was "invested", since this gave me an idea about the two sexes (which would be used for a fictional piece in the end, just with a bit of spiece from our Universe, lol), since I am quite the brain stormer, not bragging or narcissism, I just come up with a lot ideas in general. But as time went on, I started to suffer from overthoughts and the amount of information I've found, including myths like "We were all Female", "Females came before Males", "Women have stronger legs", "You're Genetically Superior and Flawless due to XX", "Men are the weaker sex", "You were inside your Mother who was inside your Grandmother", "Inteligence is Mother Only", among other things, although that last one wasn't as common though). There are still fools, especially on Quora, who believe that all embryos start out as females, and just look at some individuals on that site like Anonymous04, horrors! I also tried to ask ChatGPT, but it's pretty much declining and INFURIATING! SO MANY WRONG ANSWERS! SOMETIMES IT'S OUTRIGHT LAZY!
These moments got soooo BAD, that I: -concerned my parents -made my dad think I was... drugged (since I acted blank when I was working with him once) -wasted my school-off week by overthinking -replied to many answers that ANNOYED me (arguably still do, and embarrassed myself, perhaps) -kept talking to my online friends-couldn't change the topic and basically made it my entire personality or routine for like the past few weeks (maybe even months!) -had an existencial crisis, outbursts, screaming, $u!c!d@l thoughts, etc. -and evenbecame skeptical and "mad" at God (yes, and screw off with the atheism)
Needless to say... It's quite complicated with me and I could go in-depth a lot more, but I managed to recover from most issues. However, before I settle things up, I need to settle one more thing, and that is reproduction. As far as we know, both Males & Females exist to reproduce genetically diverse offsprings, the only difference is their investments, Females for Offspring Support & Males for Competition or Attraction.
While I've noted and saved many things to read later on (like Seminal Fluids doing much more than just transfering Sperm Cells), I am still a bit concerned, stressed and annoyed, cause it just feels like females are the more favored sex in like existence (oversimplication to say it like that, really), and so, I'd like to ask some few things... Although I am definitely gonna give a lot due to overthinking and concerns:
1.Nucleous: So, as far as we know, both Ovum & Sperm Nuclei fuse to form a Zygote, a new life. Both parents guide the development of the child's characteristics and functions, however, APPERANTLY Ovum Cells have been illustrated to have a 'Nucleous' in their 'Nucleus', and turns out this is some sh!t that Zygotes "apperantly need". It's from this jackshit article from 2008:\~:text=Sperm%20have%20no%20nucleoli%2C%20so,oocyte%20for%20its%20nucleolar%20beginnings. But allas, does this really make sense? No other information has been found or mentioned anywhere else. There's the "Germinal Vesicle" (Nucleus) and the "Germinal Spot" (Nuclelous), but apperantly when the Ovum goes through M II or however it was, the Germinal Vesicle breaks down and dissolves/mixes with the Cytoplasm or so. So is the Germinal Spot the actual Nucleus, and the "Germinal Vesicle" is just one of the ""expensive ingredients"" of the Ovum? Sperm Cells apperantly have Nuclear Vascoles, are those influencal?
2.Cytoplasm: Upon researching more and talking to some Chat Bots (for thes sake of sanity... or INsanity), does the Cytoplasm actually create and give rise to our cells and tissues or is that an outdaded misunderstanding, and it's main & actual function is to SUPPORT the development of the cells created by both parents? ChatGPT has also said that it also gives Building Blocks, Energy, Cell Growth & Differentiation or some confusing crap, but are those words actually referring to the processes of the Zygote's more stable and rapid growth? Is it true that this Cytoplasm is the Cytoplasm in our cells, or since it decreases, is it easily replaced by the production of our cells (combination of mom and dad, as we know)?
3.Organelles: Cytoplasmic components that are apart of the Cytoplasm' support, but again, are those organelles still the same as those in our cells? Shouldn't they decrease like the Cytoplasm and be created by our cells again since (and I am using Google Searches, cuz yes): ---Ribosomes apperantly originate from our Nucleo-lus? ---Lysosomes are formed by the fusion of transport vesciles budded from the trans Golgi network with endosomes ---Endosomes form by the inagination of the plasma membrance and are trigger by the activation of cell surface receptors ---Golgi Bodies originate from the endoplasmic reticulum ---The endoplasmic reticulum originates from the outer membrance of the nuclear envelop during cell division and among other things, but is Mitochondria the only organelle that manages to stay in by it's high number and self reproduction? Is Mitochondria like 90% of the Ovum's organelles hopefully thinking and the other organelles are a small amount compared to the Mitochondria?
4.Cytoskeleton: Apperantly, that is also a thing and it's not an organelle, but apperantly it also has evolved from prokaryotic cytomotive filaments. Even then, Sperm Cells apperantly have a highly specialized cytoskeletal organization or cytoskeletal proteins (like actin, tubulin and spectrin), so?...
5.RNA: Do we inherit more RNA from mom due to the freaking egg, or is it irrelevant because it is transient as the embryo starts to produce it's own RNA and proteins? But ChatGPT has also said this crap: "This maternal RNA helps to jump-start the developmental processes until the Zygote's own genome can take over". It has been said that Sperm has "vanishingly small" amount of RNA compared to the Ovum, but then there have been studies that Non-Coding RNA or so can influence Embryo Development or that Sperm delivers a complex population of RNAs to the Oocyte. Based on a Google Research, I've found this: "6871 proteins have been identified and reported in Sperm, 1376 in the Oocyte and 1300 in the Blastocyst. With a deeper analysis of the sperm proteome, 103 proteins with known roles in the processes of fertilization and 93 with roles in early embryo development have been identified." Can the RNA in seminal fluids/plasma be influential or inherited too? Isn't RNA small?
  1. Is most of our makeup matrilineal and are we therefore more related, connected or like our mothers???!!
  2. Epi-Genetics: Is it true that epi-genetics tend to favor mothers more? ChatFuckingGPT has said that RNA can influence certain aspects of cellular function and gene expression, and that pregnancy and even nursing can cause genes to be expressed or some sh!t, but aren't there studies that say that Mammals are more like their fathers (even if outdaded) and that the sex determination & even seminal fluids can cause gene expression too? Do mothers give us more gene expressions? Are we more like our mothers because of the gene expressions? Or are these outdaded myths?!
8.Paternal Genetic Speciality: If we happen to inherit the mtDNA from Mom, is there anything genetically special about fathers? I know that children inherit more mutations from their Fathers, which would be variable and probably lead to gene expression & epigenetics, but what else can this bring? Even if these mutations can be harmful or neutral, could they be repurposed and changed for future generations? Is there anything unique about inheriting more mutations from Dad? I have heard that male reproductive genes (including expression or specific function) also evolve faster than any other type of gene, including female reproductive genes. How does this help? However, if the Mitochondria Genome is said to evolve faster than the Nuclear Genome or something among those lines, does this abandon the special features of fathers and most mutations don't come from dad, OR as I decided to copy from a helper of mine: The percentage of mitochondrial DNA in the cells is2.5% of total cellular DNA1% of total cellular DNA10% of total cellular DNANone of the above ( There's also this, but I think it's quite the manipulation since every mitochondria is still a copy of each other, right?
9.Paternal Contributions: It has been depicted and said that only the head of the Sperm gets delivered, but apperantly there are articles that say that this is also a misconception that the entire sperm enters the egg, with the assumptions being that the Paternal MtDNA not being transmitted, but apperantly, the Sperm Mitochondria actually enters the egg but needs to be destroyed to prevent issues like the Mitochondrial diseases. With this in mind though, what else does the Sperm contribute to the embryo? Centrioles, Centrosomes & the Microtubule System & Microspindle-... Apperatus needed for mitosis? are done by the Sperm too, and it also brings the Chemical Signal for the Egg to activate it's metabolism and complete meiosis? Does this chemical also do anything like give calcuim to the Egg or anything else too? If the entire sperm enters the egg, what else could it bring to the embryonic development? Can there be any paternal contributions to milk like the Y chromosome presence in women bodyparts due to boy pregnancy and the high estrogen, prolactin & a bit of progestertone in seminal fluids? Are there more Sperm components and organelles that we can't easily observe? Is it possible that the absorbtion of all Sperm Cells can benefit the cells of females if the tail has more than 1000 proteins? Does the Journey, Agility, Adapatations, Variability, Motility & Penentration of the Sperm influence the Nucleus (therefore Embryo) in any way? What about the penentrations of multiple sperms (even if they won't enter or mege with the egg)? Or am I just fantasing, and reality is cruel? What about the chromatin condensation sperm? Are sperm cells, and therefore males, just doomed to be not helpful and more limted?...
10.Male Investment: We know that Males invest time into various behaviors, but how exactly does this help the species? Do they optimize & improve their genes? Do they evolve new traits? Do they mutate more? Are males a great investment for evolution or adaptability? Anything else unique? If more females than males have reproduced, does that mean that males are inferior or not helpful and that nature prefers females more? If males and sperm cells are simpler, does that mean they are inferior, disadvantaged or not special? Do non-reproducing males still help with something (assuming they haven't died)? Do you need to almost always (excluding species like Orange Cats and Calico Cats) have a 50/50 amount of both sexes so you don't cause genetic problems even if fewer males will pass on their genes?
That's all I really have to say, I probably sound like I am being dramatic, impulsive and immature, but I really have been overthinking and so, I'd like if some help could be given. This sure was long, but I think I might have given something interesting and such. I thought this could be used as a last resort to settle this before I grow up more. I hope I didn't seem bad or anything like that. I am just in a "scared and confused" situation from the amount of stuff I've seen. ChatGPT really isn't good when it comes to mental health, lol
submitted by Many-Barber6989 to malementalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:44 Revolutionarybets1 What it feels like to wake up when you are making money in your sleep...

I wake up in the morning and the first thing I do is check how much money I made while sleeping.
It feels good to be me.
I check my account and I see green, after that I get into the shower with the chick I was fucking the night before, I get my mood up and then we get back to the managing the automation.
I work with my workers to estabilish better relationships and more contacts.
Once I am done with this around 12 am, I proceed to get in my baby and drive all the way to my restaurants.
There I start checking if everything is managed properly.
it is usually a walkthrough in every restaurant.
From there I have lunch in one of these restaurants.
Then I go meet up with my mastermind group and we discuss our online strategies, this usually takes a few hours in the office dabbling between what we can do better in our online automated businesses and what we can do to make better businesses and investments.
once that is done, I open up Instagram and hit up one of my women and pick her up and we go for dinner.
As she speaks the usual nonsense while we are eating about what she did in her day which I don't care about, i am checking my twitter to see which crypto coin I should trade next.
After dinner, I head back home do my duty as a man to that woman she goes to sleep.
I head back to my setup and begin calling up my online team to plan the next moves.
I wake her up one more time before going to sleep and go double down with her and then I go to sleep and my online team is printing me money.
It is possible for you to live like me.
You just have to believe and act.
The opportunities exist
submitted by Revolutionarybets1 to Money [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:44 spotted-cat Family Drama

So growing up I got to experience the wonders of parenthood via parentification. Which basically means I was stuck raising my siblings -- especially my sister whose fifteen years younger than me -- and taking care of my family since the age of twelve. At first it was just happy homemaker bullshit -- cooking dinner for me, my brother, his friends, and my grandfather, then doing all the dishes, making and serving coffee to my mom and her friends. Then my sister was born when I was in high school, and my mom went off the fucking deep end because of post-partum depression or some shit. And pretty much every minute of the day when my sister wasn't at daycare, she was with me. Now, I have this super fucked up complex where it's like she's my daughter (she's not) and my sister.
But getting to the point, she's eighteen now and my mom wants her to pay rent. Because on top of everything else our mom is also a gambling addict who can't pay her bills on her own and works three jobs to maintain her gambling habit and being a semi-functional adult. My sister is starting college late in January because she has stomach ulcers and is taking some time off because of that. Then yesterday she told me that she is planning on moving out and has been looking for apartments. At eighteen. And I get that she can technically do whatever she wants, but as a fucking rape and domestic abuse survivor I just feel like an eighteen-year-old girl who never even learned how to wash the dishes or use the microwave until she was twelve should not out on her own and left to her own devices.
So I told our mom.
Then my stepdad found out and surprisingly, hilariously, he did not seem to care at all about my sister's safety. He said that I should have just kept my mouth shut and let her make her own mistakes because now HE was gonna hear about it from my mom. And I just---!!!!
I feel like an asshole, okay, for ratting my sister out, but I'm not fucking sorry that I don't want her to end up fucking homeless or living with a goddamn abuser like I did. And I'm so fucking mad at my stepdad for not seeing the fucking bigger picture here. Like yeah she needs to make her own mistakes -- that doesn't mean she needs to be subjected to fucking abuse. Like JFC.
Okay, I'm done.
submitted by spotted-cat to rant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:44 topofthefoolchain i want to call you

I miss you so much. But you won't answer. When was the last time you answered a call anyways? I'm sure pretty recently but not from me.
How do you just fucking live as if I never existed dude.. You just fucking go from calling me your spouse to not even fucking thinking of me I'm sure in less than a year..
Why did you ever call me that why would you do that if you didn't fucking.. I don't fucking get it you won't fucking explain so I guess some things we are never meant to know
I'm sure you think I'm pathetic. Or you would if I told you a broken I am still. I'm sure you're moved on with someone new and I don't understand how you could just toss me to the side.
Did we not line up well enough? Did we not have the same thoughts about the future and what we wanted in it? Where we not compatible on like every fucking level?
You know what made me cry the other day? A fucking strawberry banana body armor bottle 🤡 I forgot they even existed. I miss buying your favorite snacks. I miss playing music just because I knew you would like it. I miss hearing you sing and rap along, you hate your voice but I never did. Not even when it was yelling at me.
I'm so fucking tired. I just want to be done.
And with some things I am done. I'm done with love. I'm done with trusting people. I'm done with friends. I'm done with family. I'm done giving a shit.
Some days I just feel like smashing my head with a brick. Over and over again into the concrete. Something like that. If my brain is mush I won't think, right? My brain feels like mush anyway except it still does the thinking. I'm so fucking done
submitted by topofthefoolchain to UnsentLettersRaw [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:43 Silver-Honkler PayPal is a bona fide criminal conspiracy to harvest interest-free loans and is a weapon yielded by the rich to kill small businesses

Well, if you want to do a deep dive into PayPal/Venmo and their shady tactics, look no further than the PayPal and Venmo subreddits. It is an endless stream of people who opened small businesses, used these services within the scope of their TOS, and still managed to have their funds seized for an indeterminate amount of time. Alternatively, Google search results will also serve as an endless source of these claims.
I am a coin dealer. I've been doing it in a hobby capacity for the last 10 years and started getting serious about it in 2019. Even early on, I knew something was wrong with PayPal. Every now and again, some god-fearing Christian boomer who had used it for their coin business since their inception, would fly off the handle that their account got shutdown for no reason, their funds seized, and they struggled to get this money back to them. PayPal claims they only hold it for 180 days, but they almost never return this money to people.
Turns out, you can create obstacles for people trying to get their funds back. You simply toggle their account as fraudulent, or as running a money laundering scheme, or claim it is a national security issue or that it falls under some type of weapon, and you can even get the government involved to delay the return of funds even further.
In these high interest environments, these seized funds serve as 0% interest loans for PayPal.
Now I know what you're thinking. The government will surely step in. The problem is, most politicians who could change how PayPal operates own a sizeable amount of shares. Why would they ever go against their own best interests for a bunch of poor people?
Here's how the scheme works. You set up a legitimate small business on etsy or eBay and it takes off like a rocket. It doesn't make sense to pay fees listing on this platform anymore. You setup a private website and need a payment processor. PayPal has attractive fees so you sign up with them. You build a war chest of say, 10k, and wake up one morning to an email from PayPal that they're holding all your money for "180" days. You've somehow managed to fall into a terms of service violation by selling concert tees and handmade mugs.
You try to contact them but get automated AI prompts. If you ever reach a person, they have a loose grasp of the English language and can't help you anyway. In fact, they're not paid to help you at all. They're paid to frustrate you as much as possible so you give up and PayPal can keep the money.
You escalate and finally move it up a service level or two but get nobody helpful. They tell you that you can sue. However, it is expensive to get an attorney and sue someone, let alone a massive corporation with a warchest of everyone else's money. At the end of the day, they also crippled your source of income, so there's no recourse. You wait the 180 days, thinking PayPal will return your money.
Except they don't. I've met people who have been waiting a few years for their funds. PayPal can setup barriers every step of the way as an excuse to not refund them.
You're savvy so you think, you know, I'll just setup a Venmo account and take payments directly. Except, they're owned by the same company and all you've managed to do is jump from the frying pan into the fire. They collect your IP, name, address and social. You rebuild your business, build a 10k war chest, and "randomly out of the blue", your account gets banned and funds seized. You go through the same motions with them that you did with PayPal. You escalate up a level or two and finally get someone who can help. They inform you that they've cross referenced the data and discovered a banned PayPal account and they'll be keeping the funds for "180 days".
I know what you're thinking. Isn't this some type of fraud? Well, when you own the regulators and government and you're never held accountable, the chance of you ever seeing consequences for your actions is low. You toe the line of your terms of service and victim-blame every step of the way. In fact, you should take note the amount of victim blaming that goes on in subreddits and web forums when someone speaks out. Accusations of selling drugs, defrauding people, or working against America as some kind of terrorist come flying at you like a firehose until you delete your post and try to move on with your life.
And of course, nobody lives forever, so this money that is stuck in limbo sometimes belongs to people who pass away. It becomes part of their estate. Surviving family members (if there are any) would have no idea you even had this going on. PayPal pockets the money. It's pure profit.
I've been banned from web-based internet forums for pointing this out. I'm still banned or shadow banned from finance subs here on reddit. If you don't believe me you should go to some of them and start asking questions. Wallstreetbets will absolutely ban you. Turns out the moderators there have huge positions in PayPal.
Anyway, this is turning into a novel, but I think I've hit the nail on the head with this one. I hope I'm not banned here, too. It's really easy for these people to hide under the guise of money laundering, banking regulation, and foreign weapons sales while stealing your money legally and harvesting 0% interest loans from the working class. Baked into their money-grab is the side effect of killing small businesses. You can never have competitors if you kill every small business when it is still a babe in its cradle.
IMO, this is the largest bona fide, actual criminal conspiracy hiding in plain sight since FTX. Additionally, I think eBay got nervous about this in 2022, and is why they switched to eBay managed payments.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
submitted by Silver-Honkler to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:43 Somatic_Dysfunction Sacrificing vacation to do solo cases only

How much time off would you give up in order to go from 100% supervision to 100% own cases? My current job is 14-15 weeks vacation per year and my new offer is 7 weeks vacation plus 8 CME days. The new job (with nearly identical salary) is in a highly desirable location for me and my spouse and I would love to never supervise CRNAs ever again. However I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around a whole two months less time off each year, especially right now as a mother of very young children. Would love input from more seasoned anesthesiologists as I am a recent grad.
submitted by Somatic_Dysfunction to anesthesiology [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:42 After-Ad-2188 Im hopeless

GOAL:Help me convince my parents to change my school.
Help anyone,first i was doing so well in 2023 in this government school,the only mistakes i made were venting to my parents and sometimes talking back(what teenagers do innit)i vent to my parents because i dont have anyone else to talk to about school problems and etc(BIG MISTAKE). AS usual my parents took the vents wrongly and thought I would do better at boarding school since I'm "undisciplined" and "lazy".They shifted my school from this government school thats really good and i know alot of people and have alot of friends in to a private boarding international school in another STATE .After 3 months i convinced them to change my school and they did.I was so focused on getting out of the school that i didnt really focus on choosing the school that I was going to go to(BIG MISTAKE).Now in that school as soon as I got in and sat in the hall a random guy came up and slapped the back of my head (not too hard) and said im sorry sarcastically and laughed with his freinds after.I dont feel like I belong in the school and I talked to my parents about it.I just cant cope in other schools that i dont have freinds in now. My graduation is in 1.5 or less years and I even thought of dropping out of school because I tried so much to convince my parents to send me back to my old school and theyre so skeptical and they want me to study here and said that they dont care if i fail my exams or not i just need to study here.They also said that they want a school that is nearby and easier for them.Shifting houses is also one of the reasons why they chose this school as it is nearby.Ive already found a transport for me to go and come back from if i shift back to my old school and study there.I have more motivation to study there and happy.I have school on monday and i dont wanna go im not mentally ready and im really deepressed I just wanna go back to my first school and everything will go well for me.I only wanna study if i go back to my old school, i have an exam coming up and i have no motivations to study for it in this school.The reason on why this school is bad is because theres an apartment/flat beside it which the government gave to poor people and most of them do drugs and gangsterism happens there which is one of the things that makes the school bad there have been cases like people having sex in school and people taking drugs too(according to one of my neighbours that has been studying there for 3 years and is going to shift schools next year).I havent done anything wrong in my previous school.
So the question is if there is anything i can do to convince them other than talking to them and trying to talk to them cuz ive tried. i really need someone to help or save me because i dont have anyone to talk to or discuss this topic with.Pls help me asap before monday because i really dont wanna go and try because im mentally tired of these racists and problematic idiots. thanks for reading all of this i really appreciate it.
you dont have to read this part below but its just how well i did in my previous school
ACHEIVEMENTS: -played for the schools football team and won 3rd place -got into the states selection for football( didnt get selected sadly as i wasnt prepared and had conjunctivitis too during the selection) -started playing chess and was going to play chess in 2024 for the schools chess team IF my parents didnt change my school -First time being a class topper in my exams for subjects like( history,geography,maths,english etc -Entered several competitions( robot building competition got 7th in the schools 5km compeetition(Idk if its bad luck but i overtrained and got acid reflux 1 week before the 5km because i wasnt eating well during training.I did a showcase for how green houses help the planet.
submitted by After-Ad-2188 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:42 PFTA987 Considering purchasing land to build a house on in a couple years, things to know about the process?

I have located a piece of property that I am considering purchasing with the intent to build on sometime in the next 2-3 years, and I am looking for advice around how the whole process would play out. My primary concern is making sure that the property has all of the necessary components to build on and that there arent random easements or something that would torpedo the process. I would assume that if I were to go to the bank to get a construction loan, those things would all be investigated in the underwriting process, but I am concerned if that is different if I got a land lot loan and in the future went to get a loan to build.
  1. The property is undeveloped, but based what is listed on zillow there is electricity/natural gas/sewewater available but not connected, however I know zillow isnt gospel. I assume that a relator would be able to help sort through to make sure that those are actually available? Or is that something that I would be better off working with a builder to investigate?
  2. If I am not building for a couple years, I am guessing that builders are probably not really going to be interested until I am ready to start writing checks. Would a builder help with kind of an initial high level plan for future development? I am thinking of like verifying utility hookup viability, a rough idea on the layout of the house on the property, and understanding any local zoning rules/requirements that could impact how the build would go?
Is there some sort of detailed guide on this general process that you guys know of? I am out of my element here, so it just seems like there are so many risks here that I dont really know how to mitigate.
submitted by PFTA987 to Homebuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:42 zzzojka While non-autistic people cash on our autism (autism mom merch, charity merch), I can't imagine an autistic person cash grabbing by doing "autism labour".

I spent my two brain cells on this title! These things are hard to put to words, but I hope I can English out my point of view.
There was a post about "autism high heels" recently that made me feel things, lol. It's mentioning a mother of autistic child selling print on demand merch with "autism acceptance" logo on different goods. I don't blame her for making a living any way she can while caring for a disabled kid - do whatever you need to survive in this economy, dude! But I still have feelings about double standards in this type of commerce and I'll allow myself to discuss them.
This allistic mom can sell "autism heels" because her child is autistic and she's an ally, that money would buy him food. This product's main value is this "autism support" both in terms of monetary support of autistic individuals (indirectly) and overcoming stigma. Autism merch looks appropriate to general public. But if her son grows up to become a cobbler and make some nice shoes, how would it look if he put out his professional work as "autism shoes"? I honestly can't imagine that.
People with disabilities don't make extra profit by adding their disability label to the labour they provide for money. No "diabetic accountant", "cerebral palsy plumber" or "epileptic dentist" is going to get more money simply for the label. I once did autism construction engineering, lol, doesn't it inspire confidence?
I understand there's a difference between autism-themed and autistic-produced product in my previous examples, but I have more.
My birth country has a very beloved allistic managed autism organisation that sells cute/inspirational postcards and items with silly quotes of autistic adults in wonky font. I can't imagine selling my "autistic quotes" as inspirational and cute, deliberately framing how "pure" and "special" I am. Autism seems to be an appropriate marketable product only when removed from an autistic carrier and handled as an observed curiosity by a "normal" person.
I am a professional, autistic, I suffer from stigma and I'd like to be supported and included and acknowledged as an autistic person who creates value. But I can't imagine non-ironically selling "autism earrings" or offering "autism metalwork classes". It would sound comedic and reductive. If anything, it's autistic people who should have been granted support, inclusion and monetary benefits by attaching autism sticker to their work. But instead it is perceived to discredit our professionalism, humanity and agency because of infantalization. While people who use the label on our behalf don't get to compromise their professional image, their clients won't question if they are capable to provide service.
submitted by zzzojka to AutisticAdults [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:42 Dr_Pillow ADHD in RTS

TL;DR: The accessibility issue of RTS is not in the mechanical control aspect, it is in the attention-splitting demands. This is exacerbated in people with ADHD. Therefore, the best way to make RTS accessible to the average person without impacting skill ceiling is by introducing accessibility options the same way as for other medical conditions. Providing tools that help us effectively direct our attention to important tasks among all the chaos would be the most significant innovation to make RTS less daunting to the masses and thus more mainstream.

I think the real problem with RTS is it's inherent inaccessibility to ADHD-like brains, and nobody has really tried to address this with a real "disability"-accessibility approach (even though I know disability is probably a strong word for ADHD).
For my personal experience, on my own I can't handle the number of disjointed tasks that require attention like going back every 13 seconds to build a worker, every 30 seconds to build a pylon, fixing idle workers, floating money, make sure army production is constant, keep track of upgrades. THAT is the real barrier of entry for most people, even without ADHD. Not the mechanical execution aspect. And that's what needs to be addressed if you want a truly accessible RTS.
So, no matter how much innovation they do with the QWERT command card, or making it so you don't need to select a worker to build a structure... The core issue remains of having to keep all these tasks in our attention, in direct friction with our difficulty with executive functions.
I think everyone has the right to experience games regardless of ability. You might say it's just not a game for me, and yes: I accept I won't master it. But if there's a chance to let more people experience it, why not take it? I think of it like gatekeeping color-blind people from playing games like Tetris, Splatoon, Talos Principle, instead of implementing color-blind graphics options; or like telling blind people to avoid crossing the streets instead of implementing sounds on pedestrian traffic lights.
Uncapped games certainly have an interesting approach with Battle Aces, removing all the arguably unnecessary busywork of building supply depots every 30 secs "just because". I think I agree with it and will for sure try it. But many people would argue they like the base management aspect of RTS and you shouldn't have to remove it. Indeed, removing buildings from society just because wheelchair-bound people can't access them is not a realistic solution.
So how do you improve on the accessibility aspect? I'm not sure, my point is that nobody has really thought about it. Probably some experts should be consulted, but I think it could look like some of the following examples:
For the elitists out there, this would not do anything to lower the skill ceiling. If you want to express your skill by selecting a worker and building a pylon, you can still go for it. If you think it will even the field between your glorious hard-earned multitasking ability and my lack of skill, it won't. At the end of the day, having ADHD will always make me much worse than you at keeping up with those global cooldowns, cursor alerts, or when the automation couldn't build the pylon cause there wasn't enough money cause I let it build 200 workers without noticing. This is not changing anything about the core game, but only giving extra tools for accessibility to those who have a natural disadvantage. The hope is not to even the playing field - It's to let us get closer to experiencing the game.
submitted by Dr_Pillow to Stormgate [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:42 petershawwastaken Im confused about my feelings for someone i met.

Whilst away on a work trip i got grouped with some other leads from different areas. Anyway 1 of these people, a female, we got on immediately and cracked on with the job, after everyone went for drinks and food, we sat together and spoke all night, the next morning we decided to go for a walk, ( we had mentioned how we both like walking ) we spoke for a couple more hours. Heres my confusion, there was no flirting, but now we have both kind of mentioned how it was a missed oppurtnity.
We message each other every day. Every time i hear certain songs i think of her. I wake up and think of her. The messaging is 100% both sides. I get messages from her early doors. She sent me a picture with a quote on, calling me her sunflow. This had words like " you make me feel like me" and you are making me feel like the best version of myself.
We have agreed to meet up with some of the other groups for food and drinks in a couple of weeks.
Me and the female havent really spoke aboit anything other yhan it going to be good to see each other. Am i looking too much into things? Does she like me more than a friend?
I feel strong sense of happiness when we talk,
There is a problem, she is in a relatonship and is 10 years younger than me.
Im not sure what im asking here guys but i suppose im asking are we in trouble?
submitted by petershawwastaken to Advice [link] [comments]