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Slowcooking: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

2010.11.03 18:01 mmmyum Slowcooking: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Slowcooking is a food-related subreddit for sharing ideas, recipes or pictures in which a "Crock-Pot®" style slow cooker was used. Slow cooking is an ideal method for cooking less expensive portions of meat to make them more tender and tasty than by other forms of cookery. Vegetarian and vegan dishes can also be made via slow cooking. - crockpot, slowcooker, crock, crock-pot, slow cooker

2011.12.21 18:11 kingedwardxiii Truckers

The best trucker subreddit out there.

2012.12.09 12:39 Baconated_Kayos Student Nurse: tips, advice, and support

Practically anything and everything related to nursing school.

2024.05.29 04:29 Krixwell Homebrew Outsider: Mannequin

"I want to pick *points* this player and *points* that pl— oh wait, that's just a mannequin in similar clothes."
Mannequin (Outsider): Once per night, when a player chooses a player, they might register as choosing you instead, if legal. You then learn the real chosen player.
The Mannequin quietly takes the place of one player in up to one choice each night.


I don't know why you'd do this as an ST, but the Butler ability doesn't work unless the Butler knows who they're choosing and why, so it needs a jinx.


The Monk chooses to protect the Fortune Teller. The Mannequin is protected instead, and learns the Fortune Teller's name.
The Fortune Teller chooses the Imp and the Soldier. The Fortune Teller receives a no. The Mannequin wakes to learn the Imp's name.
If the picker chooses multiple players, the Mannequin only replaces one of them, and only learn the one they replaced.
The Vigormortis chooses to kill the Sage. The Mannequin dies instead, and does not learn the Sage's name.
The second part of the ability never resolves because the Mannequin lost the ability partway through.
The Alchemist Poisoner chooses to poison the No Dashii. The Mannequin is poisoned instead, and may or may not learn a player's name.
This poison does not undo the "choice" of the Mannequin instead of the No Dashii. The poison does however come into effect before the Mannequin would be told who was really picked, so they may learn the wrong player or nothing at all.
The Alchemist Devil's Advocate chooses the Poppy Grower. The Mannequin is protected from execution. The next night, the Alchemist Devil's Advocate chooses themself. The Mannequin cannot replace this, because the ADA would have chosen them two nights in a row. (The ADA could also legally have chosen the Poppy Grower.)
"if legal" prevents the Mannequin from being "chosen" by a character that shouldn't be able to choose them tonight.
The Lunatic chooses to "attack" the Ravenkeeper. The Mannequin learns the Ravenkeeper's name. The Lleech learns that the Lunatic chose the Mannequin. The Lleech follows suit and kills the Mannequin.

Why does it learn?

Even working only once per night, this seems like it would be a rather destructive form of misregistry, likely enough that most players with this ability would self-nominate day 1.
But I also want getting rid of the Mannequin to be a valid option for the good team, for the same reason. Thus, no "even if dead".
So how do we keep it from being unfun to stay alive longer than necessary?
The information part of the ability is a carrot for the Mannequin. If the Mannequin can work out who was affected, it can be used to reverse engineer how and why the ability was used, and facilitate some amount of confirmation between the Mannequin and players whose abilities were redirected.
It also acts as a balancing measure against STs using the ability in certain overly punishing ways.
For example, imagine you're the Mannequin in the Fortune Teller example above, and you manage to connect with the Fortune Teller. Hmmm, kind of interesting that the Storyteller used the ability to redirect an FT's pick away from the Imp player, isn't it? That's arguably more suspicious than an FT yes on its own, considering the existence of the red herring mechanic and the ambiguity of which of the two players is giving off the yes. But only if the FT and the Mannequin are able to trust each other.
This also makes it potentially useful for ST's to occasionally use the Mannequin ability even when it wouldn't actually change the result, for evil players to bluff having picked the player the Mannequin is claiming to have learned, or for Minions to bluff being the Mannequin (wouldn't recommend it for Demons without a backup life).
In short, I think the Mannequin learning who they replaced is far more interesting for everyone involved, including the Mannequin themself. It gives the Mannequin something to do while alive and a chance to mitigate or even utilize the damage their ability does without necessarily sacrificing an execution and a good player's democratic powers.


Many Minion interactions are more likely to be relevant to an Alchemist than to the actual Minion, because this is an Outsider and should ideally be used to interfere with good more than evil. As such, I will treat the Minions below alignment-agnostically unless otherwise noted, with good ones probably being Alchemists.
Demons in general (with a couple exceptions) can have their kills redirected to the Mannequin. This is mostly useful if they were about to kill a landmine character.
Most Travelers can't be affected by the Mannequin because they either don't make picks or pick in the daytime.
submitted by Krixwell to BloodOnTheClocktower [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:40 Ok-Bus1922 Do they have an angle?

My car was deemed a total loss after being hit in the wheel/door during an accident (I was going 0 mph and other people were making selfish, short sited decisions but that's not the point). Was offered a payout but it's not a lot and I'd still be out quite a bit even buying a cheap car. I want to have it towed to my own mechanic to see if he can fix it and what it cost (if it's only a little more than what I get from insurance payout, it's worth it). I went to the collision center and asked them to break it down for me. They say there's no way to know what kind of damage until they really start working on it (tie rods, bearings, steering?). The guy I talked to really discouraged me from having towed or trying to fix it. He was talking about "think of the safety of your family" kind of stuff. So I guess I'm wondering ... does he have an angle? Like, does the collision place get any more money if I don't opt to retain it? Does the insurance get more if I let them have it? Who has an interest in what decision I make? I just don't trust anyone but maybe I need to just chill. I feel like I'm being very swayed in all kinds of directions now. Thanks.
submitted by Ok-Bus1922 to caraccidents [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:37 Mini-Cthulhu2002 AITA for being mad at my boyfriend for hanging out with his friends?

I (21F) live with my boyfriend (21M). He works away from home and is only back for a short period, he usually spends his days off hanging out with friends, playing video games, or taking me on dinner dates/spending time with me.
In no way does he make me feel unappreciated or ignored, I understand when he is home he wants to hang out with his friends and I am not jealous of the time he spends with them. When they go to bars I am not worried about having to be there either, I trust him and that he is faithful to me. He is an amazing guy.
The problem is that he and his friends ride motorcycles. Now I don't have an issue with motorcycles, my family rode motorcycles and he actually just took me on my first motorcycle ride which I actually enjoyed. I just worry about him on the road because accidents do happen and in the case that he's riding back home alone and an accident happens I worry that I won't be able to find him. I don't like having each other live location all the time, when I was in a past relationship I found checking their location addicting and it wasn't very healthy for me so I tried to limit it by not seeing his. This was fine until he started riding his motorcycle, now I feel like I need his location, so I asked him to please turn the location of his phone on while he's riding just in case of an accident but in case he doesn't have his location on I am his emergency contact in his phone.
He hasn't been turning his location on when he goes riding, I think it's mainly because he forgets, I don't want to say that he doesn't turn it on purposefully. He does send me snapchats every time he stops though just to tell me that he is safe. This week he has been working in a city 40 minutes from home so he gets to come home after every work day. Today he rode his motorcycle to work which I was fine with, I thought he was just riding to work and back home. It takes him about 40ish minutes to get back to our house from his work and they usually end at 5 when they are in city jobs but sometimes go a half hour later.
I am a generally paranoid person, I have epilepsy and take medication which can cause a side effect of paranoia and a whole bunch of other things. So because I was paranoid for his safety I watched the clock, I put on a show and I did fall asleep, work was draining for me. When I woke up it was 6:40, I called my boyfriend to see where he was and it went straight to voicemail, I checked his Snapchat and it said he hadn't been active for 3 hours. My initial thought was something bad happened. My dad always stressed to me the dangers of riding a motorcycle and how easily a simple accident can be fatal if you're on a motorcycle, I was scared. I waited around ten more minutes and decided screw it, I'm gonna go try to find him, hopefully, I pass him on his way home.
Just as I get into my car his name pops up on my phone and I answer right away. He told me that he went with his friends to bike night and is staying there for dinner. I just said K and hung up. Immediately I broke down and started crying. He texted me asking if I was mad to which I responded yeah. I texted him how I thought something bad happened and I was worried for him. I haven't gotten a response yet, it's only been an hour and he doesn't look at his phone often. I feel like an asshole for being rude and mad at him for hanging out with his friends since the time he has with them is limited. AITA?
submitted by Mini-Cthulhu2002 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:14 redlight886 February 1998 PLAYBOY Interview with Conan O'Brien [additional content]

PLAYBOY Interview With Conan O'Brien Interview by Kevin Cook For Playboy Magazine February 1998
A candid conversation with the preppie prince of "Late Night" about his rocky start, his show's secret one-day cancellation and how David Letterman saved the day.
He was polite. He was funny. He gave us a communicable disease.
At 34 Conan O'Brien is hotter than the fever he was running when we met in his private domain above the "Late Night" sound stage. A gangly freckle-faced ex-high school geek he is "one of TV's hottest properties" according to "People" magazine. The host of "Late Night With Conan O'Brien" has become his generation's king of comedy.
Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. Congested too, but O'Brien has far more to worry about than his head cold. A perfectionist who broods over one bad minute in an otherwise perfect hour of TV, he worries he might be anhedonic, "I have trouble with success," he says, "I was raised to believe that if something good happens something bad is coming." Sure things look good now "Rolling Stone" calls "Late Night" "the hottest comedy show on TV." Ratings are better than ever, particularly among 18- to 34-year-olds, the viewers advertisers crave.
But O'Brien only works harder. Despite his illness he taped two shows in 26 hours on three hours' sleep. He smoothly interviewed Elton John then burst into coughing fits during commercials. Later in his crammed corner office overlooking Manhattan traffic Conan the Cool gulped Dayquil gel caps. He coughed spewing microbes.
"Sorry, sorry," he said. Of course O'Brien can't complain. He came seriously close to falling to being banished behind the scenes as just another failed talk show host.
At his first "Late Night" press conference he corrected a reporter who called him a relative unknown, "Sir I am a complete unknown," he said. That line got a laugh, but soon O'Brien looked doomed. His September 13, 1993 debut began with O'Brien in his dressing room preparing to hang himself only to be interrupted by the start of his show. Before long his career was hanging by a thread. Ratings were terrible. Critics hated the show. Tom Shales of "The Washington Post" called it as "lifeless and messy as roadkill." Shales said O'Brien should quit.
Network officials held urgent meetings discussing the Conan O'Brien debacle. Should they fire him? How should they explain their mistake?
In the end of course he turned it around. The network hung with him long enough for the ratings to improve and the host of the cooler-than-ever "Late Night" now defines comedy's cutting edge just as Letterman did ten years ago.
Even Shales loves "Late Night" these days. He calls O'Brien's turnaround "one of the most amazing transformations in television history."
O'Brien was born on April 18, 1963 in Brookline, Massachusetts. His father, a doctor, is a professor at Harvard Medical School. His mother, a lawyer, is a partner at an elite Boston Law firm. Conan, the third of six children became a lector at church and a misfit at school. Tall and goofy, bedeviled with acne, he tried to impress girls with jokes. That plan usually bombed, but O'Brien eventually found his niche at Harvard where he won the presidency of the "Harvard Lampoon" in 1983 and again in 1984 - the first two-time "Lampoon" president since humorist Robert Benchley held the honor 85 years ago.
After graduating magna cum laude with a double major in literature and American history he turned pro. Writing for HBO's "Not Necessarily The News." O'Brien was earning $100,000 a year before his 24th birthday. But writing was never enough.
He honed his performance skills with the Groundlings, a Los Angeles improv group. There he worked with his onetime girlfriend Lisa Kudrow, now starring on "Friends." But Conan was not such a standout. In 1988 he landed a job at "Saturday Night Live" - but as a writer, not as on-air talent. In almost four years on the show O'Brien made only fleeting appearances, usually as a crowd member or security guard. His writing was more memorable. He wrote (or co-wrote) Tom hanks' "Mr Short-Term Memory" skits as well as the "pump you up" infosatire of Hanz and Franz and the nude beach sketch in which Matthew Broderick and "SNL" members played nudists admiring one another's penises. With dozens of mentions of the word that hit was the most penis-heavy moment in TV history. It helped O'Brien win an Emmy for comedy writing.
In 1991 he quit "SNL" and moved on to "The Simpsons" where he worked for two years. His urge to perform came out in wall-bouncing antics in writers' meetings. "Conan makes you fall out of your chair" said "Simpsons" creator Matt Groening. O'Brien's yen to act out was so strong that he spurned Fox's reported seven-figure offer to continue as a writer. He was driving for the spotlight.
By then David Letterman had announced he was turning shin - leaving NBC taking his ton-rated act to CBS. Suddenly NBC was up a creek without a host. The network turned to Lorne Michaels, O'Brien's "Saturday Night Live" boss. Michaels enlisted Conan's help in the host search planning to use him in a behind-the-scenes job. But when Garry Shandling, Dana Carvey and almost every other star turned down the chore of following Letterman, Michaels finally listened to Conan's crazy suggestion, "Let me do it!" Michaels persuaded the network to entrust it's 12:30 slot which Letterman had turned into a gold mine to an untested wiseass from Harvard.
O'Brien was working on one of his last "Simpsons" episodes when he got the news. He turned "paler than usual," Groening recalled. The Conan moseyed back to where the other writers were working, "I'll come back with the Homer Simspon joke later. I have to go replace Letterman," he said.
NBC executives now get credit for their foresight during those dark days of 1993 and 1994. They snared the axe and now reap the multimillion-dollar spoils of that decision. In fact, the story is not so simple. We sent Contributing Editor Kevin Cook to unravel the tale of O'Brien's survival, which he tells here for the first time. Cook reports:
"His office is chock-full of significa. There's a three-foot plastic pickle the Letterman staff left behind in 1993 - perhaps to suggest what a predicament he was in. There's a copy of Jack Paar's 'I Kid You Not' and a coffee-table book called 'Saturday Night Live: The First 20 Years.' His bulletin board features letters from fans such as John Watters and Bob Dole and an 8" x 10" glossy of Andy Richter with the inscription: "To Conan - Your bitter jealousy warms my black heart. Love and Kisses Andy."
"Of course it's all for show. From the photos of kitch icons Adam West and Robert Stack to the framed Stan Laurel autograph, from the deathbed painting of Abraham Lincoln, to the ironic star taped to Conan's door - they're all clever signals that tell a visitor how to view the star. Lincoln was his collegiate preoccupation: stardom is his occupation. Somewhere between the two I hoped to find the real O'Brien.
"As a Playboy reader he wanted to give me a better-than-average interview. I wanted something more - a definitive look at the guy who may end up being the Johnny Carson of his generation."
"Here's hoping we succeeded. If not I carried his germs 3000 miles and infected dozens of Californians for no good reason.
O'Brien: Yes, this is how to do a Playboy Interview -- completely tanked on cold medicine. I'll pick it up and read, "Yes, I'm gay."
Playboy: We could talk another time. O'Brien: (coughing) No, it's OK. I memorized Dennis Rodman's answers. Can I use them?
Playboy: You sound really sick. Do you ever take a day off? O'Brien: No. The age of talk show hosts taking days off is over. Johnny Carson could go to Africa when he was the only game in town -- "See you in two weeks!" But nobody does that now. I will give you a million dollars on the first day Jay takes off for illness.
Playboy: Do you ever slow down and enjoy your success? O'Brien: If anything, the pace is picking up. Restaurateurs insist on giving me a table even if I'm only passing by, so I'm eating nine meals a night. Women stop me on the street and hand me their phone numbers.
Playboy: So you have groupies? O'Brien: Oh yes. And other fans. Drifters. Prisoners. Insomniacs. Cab Drivers, who must watch a lot of late night TV, seem to love me lately. They keep saying, "You will not pay, you will not pay, you make me happy!"
Playboy: How happy did your new contract make you? O'Brien: Terrified. The network said, "We're all set for five years." I said, "Shut up, shut up! I can't think that far ahead." Tonight, for instance, I do my jokes, then interview Elton John and Tim Meadows. We finished taping about 6:30. By 6:45 my memory was erased and my only thought was, Tomorrow: John Tesh. And I started to obsess about John Tesh. Sad, don't you think?
Playboy: Not too sad. You got off to a rocky start but now you're so hot that People magazine recently said, "that was then, this is wow." O'Brien: I try not to pay much attention. Since I ignored the critics who said I should shoot myself in the head with a German Luger, it would be cheating to tear out nice reviews now and rub them all over my body, giggling. Though I have thought about it.
Playboy: Tell us about your trademark gag. You interview a photo of Bill Clinton or some other celeb, and a pair of superimposed lips provide outrageous answers. O'Brien: We call it the Clutch Cargo bit, after that terrible old cartoon series. They saved money on animation by superimposing real lips on the cartoons. I wanted to do topical jokes in a cartoony way -- not just Conan doing quips at a desk. TV is visual; I want things to look funny. But we're not Saturday Night Live; we couldn't spend $100,000 on it. Hence, the cheap, cheesy lips, You'd be surprised how many people we fool.
Playboy: Viewers believe that's really the president yelling, "Yee-haw! Who's got a joint?" O'Brien: It's strange. You may know intellectually that Clinton doesn't talk like Foghorn Leghorn. Ninety-eight percent of your brain knows the president wouldn't say, "Whoa Conan get a load of that girl!" But there are a few brain cells that aren't sure. When Bob Dole was running for president we had him doing a past-life regression: "My cave, get away." And then back further, "Must form flippers to crawl on to rocky soil," he says. There may be people out there who believe that Bob Dole was the first amphibian.
Playboy: Do you ever go too far? O'Brien: The fun is in going too far. It's a nice device because you get Bill Clinton to do the nastiest Bill Clinton jokes. We'll have Clinton making fart noises while I say "Sir! Please!"
Playboy: Are you enjoying your job now, with your new success? O'Brien: Well, there are surprises. I hate surprises. Like most comics, I'm a control freak. But I am learning that the show works best when things are out of control. Tonight I ask Elton John if he likes being neighbors with Joan Collins. He says he isn't neighbors with Joan Collins. He lives next door to Tina Turner. So I panic -- huge mistake! But Elton saves the day. "Joan Collins, Tina Turner, it doesn't matter. Either way I could borrow a wig," he says. Huge laugh, all because I fucked up. Later he surprised me by blurting out that he's hung like a horse. The camera cuts to me shaking my head: That crazy Elton. What can I do? Of course, I'm delighted that he went too far.
Playboy: That "What can I do?" look resembles a classic take of Jack Benny's. O'Brien: There's an old saying in literature: "Good poets borrow; great poets steal." I think T.S. Eliot stole it from Ezra Pound. Comics steal, too. Constantly. When I watched Johnny Carson, I noticed that he got a few takes from Benny and Bob Hope. When a comedy writer told me how much Woody Allen had borrowed from Hope, I thought, What? They're nothing alike. Then I went back and watched Son of Paleface, and there's Hope, the nervous city guy backing up on his heels, wringing his hands and saying, "Sorry, I'll just be moving along." Now look at early Woody Allen. You see big authority figures and Woody nervously saying, "Look, I'll just be on my way." Of course Woody made it his own, but he must have watched and loved Bob Hope.
Playboy: Who are your role models? O'Brien: Carson. Woody Allen. SCTV. Peter Sellers. When Peter Sellers died I felt such a loss, thinking, There won't be anymore of that. There's some Steve Martin in my false bravado with female guests: "Why, hel-lo there!" And I won't deny having some Letterman in my bones.
Playboy: You were surprise as Letterman's successor. At first you seemed like the wrong choice. O'Brien: I didn't get ratings. That doesn't mean I didn't get laughs. Yes, I had a giant pompadour and I looked like a rockabilly freak. I was too excited, pushed too hard, and people said, "That guy isn't a polished performer." Fine! But it isn't my goal to be Joe Handsomehead cool, smooth talk show host. Late Night with Conan O'Brien is supposed to be a work in progress, and now that we've had some success there's a danger of our getting too polished and morphing into something smoothly professional. Which would suck.
Do you know why I wanted this show? Because Late Night with David Letterman played with the rules and it looked like fun. Here was a place where people did risky comedy every night for millions of people. We had to keep this thing alive. There should be a place on a big network where people are still messing around.
Playboy: How bad were your early days on the show? O'Brien: Bad. Dave left here under a cloud: his fans and the media were angry with NBC. Then NBC picks a guy with crazy hair and a weird name. And the world says, "Harvard? Those guys are assholes." I sincerely hope that the winter of December 1993, our first winter, was the worst time I will ever have. I'd go out to do the warm up and the back two rows of seats would be empty. That's hard to look at. I would tell a joke and then hear someone whisper, "Who's he? Where's Dave?"
Playboy: You had trouble getting guests. O'Brien: Bob Denver canceled on us. We shot a test show with Al Lewis of The Munsters. We did the clutch cargo thing with a photo of Herman Munster. Unfortunately, Fred Gwynne, who played Herman, had recently died, and Al Lewis kept pointing at the screen, saying, "You're dead! I was at your funeral!"
Playboy: For months you got worried notes from network executives. What did they say? O'Brien: They were worried. The fact that Lorne Michaels was involved bought me some time. But Lorne had turned to me at the start and said, "OK, Conan. What do you want to do?" Now television critics were after me and the network was starting to realize what a risk I was. Suggestions came fast and furious. I kept the note that said, "Why don't you just die?"
Playboy: Did they suggest ways to be funnier? O'Brien: They were more specific and tactical. The network gets very specific data. Say there was a drop in ratings between 12:44 and 12:48 when I was talking to Jon Bon Jovi. I'll be told, "Don't ever talk to him again" Or they'll want me to tease viewers into staying with us: "You should tease that -- say, 'We'll have nudity coming up next!'"
Playboy: You did come close to being cancelled. O'Brien: We were cancelled.
Playboy: Really? You have never admitted that. O'Brien: This is the first time I've talked about it. When I had been on for about a year, there was a meeting at the network. They decided to cancel my show. They said, "It's cancelled." Next day they realized they had nothing to put in the 12:30 slot, so we got a reprieve.
Playboy: Were you worried sick? O'Brien: I went into denial. I tried hard not to think, Yes, I'm bad on the air and my show has none of the things a TV show needs to survive. We had no ratings. No critics in our corner. Advertisers didn't like us. Affiliates wanted to drop us. Sometimes I'd meet a programming director from a local station where we had no rating at all. The guy would show me a printout with no number for Late Night's rating, just a hash mark or pound sign. I didn't dare think about that when I went out to do the show.
Playboy: Are you defending denial? O'Brien: How else does anyone get through a terrible experience? The odds were against me. Rationally, I didn't have much chance. Denial was my only friend. When I look back on the first year, it's like a scene from an old war movie: Ordinary guy gets thrown into combat, somehow beats impossible odds, staggers to safety. His buddy say, "You could have been killed!" The guy stops and thinks. "Could have been killed?" he says. His eyes cross and he faints.
Playboy: How did you dodge the bullet? O'Brien: There were people at NBC who stood up for me. I will always be indebted to Don Ohlmeyer, who stuck to his guns. Don said, "We chose this guy. We should stick with him unless we get a better plan." He was brutally honest. He came to me and said, "Give me about a 15 percent bump in the ratings and you'll stay on the air. If not, we're going to move on."
Playboy: Ohlmeyer started his career in the sports division. O'Brien: Exactly, his take was, "You're on our team." Of course, it wasn't exactly rational of Don to hope I'd be 15 percent funnier. It was like telling a farmer, "It better rain this week or we'll take your farm away."
Playboy: What did you say to Ohlmeyer? O'Brien: There wasn't time. I had to go out and do a monologue. But I will always be indebted to Don because he told me the truth. Wait a minute -- you have tricked me into talking lovingly about an NBC executive. Let me say that there were others who were beneath contempt -- executives who wouldn't know a good show if it swam up their asses and lit a campfire.
Playboy: Finally the ratings went your way. Hard work rewarded? O'Brien: Well, I also paid off the Nielsen people. That was $140,000 well spent.
Playboy: Ohlmeyer plus bribery saved you? O'Brien: There was something else. Just when everyone was kicking the crap out of the show, Letterman defended me.
Playboy: Letterman had signed off on NBC saying, "I don't really know Conan O'Brien, but I heard he killed someone." O'Brien: Then I pick up the paper and he's saying he thinks I am going to make it. "They do some interesting, innovative stuff over there," he says. "I think Conan will prevail." And then he came on as a guest. Remember, this was when we were at our nadir. There was no Machiavellian reason for David Letterman, who at the time was the biggest thing in show business, to be on my show.
Playboy: Why did he do it? O'Brien: I'm still not sure. Maybe out of a sense of honor. Fair play. And it woke me up. It made me think. Hey, we have a real fucking television show here.
Of six or seven pivotal points in my short history here, that was the first and maybe the biggest. I wouldn't be sitting here -- I probably wouldn't even exist today -- if he hadn't done our show.
Playboy: The Late Night wars were hardly noted for friendly gestures. O'Brien: How little you understand. Jay, Dave and I pal around all the time. We often ride a bicycle built for three up to the country. "Nice job with Fran Drescher!" "Thanks, pal. You weren't so bad with John Tesh." We sleep in triple-decker bunk beds and snore in unison like the Three Stooges.
Playboy: You talk more about Letterman than your NBC teammate Leno. O'Brien: I hate the "Leno or Letterman, who's better?" question. I can tell you that Jay has been great to me. He calls me occasionally.
Playboy: To say what? O'Brien: (Doing Leno's voice) "Hey, liked that bit you did last night." Or he'll say he saw we got a good rating. I call him at work, too. It can be a strange conversation because we're so different. Jay, for instance, really loves cars. He's got antique cars with kerosene lanterns, cars that run on peat moss. He'll be telling me about some classic car he has, made entirely of brass and leather, and I'll say, "Yeah, man, I got the Taurus with the vinyl." One thing we have in common is bad guests. There are certain actors, celebrities with nothing to say, who move through the talk show world wreaking havoc. They lay waste to Dave's town and Jay's town, then head my way.
Playboy: You must be getting some good guests. Your ratings have shown a marked improvement. O'Brien: Remember, when you're on at 12:30 the Nielsens are based on 80 people. My ratings drop if one person has a head cold and goes to bed early.
Playboy: Actually, you're seen by about 3 million people a night. Your ratings would be even higher if college dorms weren't excluded from the Nielsens. How many points does that cost you? O'Brien: I told you I'm an idiot. Now I have to do math too?
Playboy: Do you still get suggestions from NBC executives? O'Brien: Not as many. The number of notes you get is inversely proportional to your ratings.
Playboy: What keeps you motivated? O'Brien: Superstition. We have a stagehand, Bobby Bowman, who holds up the curtain when I run out for the monologue. He is the last person I see before the show starts, and I have to make him laugh before I go out. It started with mild jabs: "Bobby, you're drunk again." Bobby laughs, "Heehee."" Then it was, "Still having trouble with the wife, Bobby?" But after hundreds of shows, you find yourself running out of lines. It's gotten to where I do crass things at the last second. I'll put his hand on my ass and yell, "You fucking pervert!" Or drop to my knees and say, "Come on, Bobby, I'll give you a blow job!"
"Ha-ha. Conan, you're crazy," he says. But even that stuff wears off. Soon, I'll be making the writers work late to give me new jokes for Bobby.
Playboy: Did you plan to be a talk show host or did you fall into the job? O'Brien: I was an Irish Catholic kid from St. Ignatius parish in Brookline, outside of Boston. And that meant: Don't call attention to yourself. Don't ask for too much when the pie comes around. Don't get a girl pregnant and fuck up your life.
Playboy: Were you an alter boy? O'Brien: I wanted to be an alter boy, but the priest at St. Ignatius said, "No, no. You're good on your feet, kid," and made me a lector. A scripture reader at Mass. He was the one who spotted my talent.
Playboy: What did you think of sex in those days? O'Brien: I was sexually repressed. At 16 I still thought human reproduction was by mitosis.
Playboy: How did you get over your sexual repression? O'Brien: Who says I got over it? My leg has been jiggling this whole time.
Playboy: What were you like in high school? O'Brien: Like a crane galumphing down the hall. A crane with weird hair, bad skin and Clearasil. Big enough for basketball but lousy at it. My older brothers were better. I would compensate by running around the court doing comedy, saying, "Look out, this player has a drug addiction. He's incredibly egotistical."
I was an asshole at home, too. My little brother Justin loved playing cops and robbers, but I kept tying him up with bureaucratic bullshit. When he'd catch me, I'd say, "I get to call my lawyer." Then it was, "OK, Justin, we're at trial and you've been charged with illegal arrest. Fill out these forms in triplicate." Justin was eight; he hated all the lawsuits and countersuits. He just cried.
Playboy: Were you a class clown? O'Brien: Never. I was never someone who walked into a room full of strangers and started telling jokes. You had to get to know me before I could make you laugh. The same thing happened with Late Night. I needed to get the right rhythm with Andy and Max and the audience.
Playboy: So how did you finally learn about sex? O'Brien: My parents gave me a book, but it was useless. At the crucial moment, all it showed was a man and a woman with the bed covers pulled up to their chins. I tried to find out more from friends, but it didn't help. One childhood friend told me it was like parking a car in a garage. I kept worrying about poisonous fumes. What if the fumes build up? Should you shut off the engine?
Playboy: For all your talk about being repressed, you can be rowdy on the air. O'Brien: The show is my escape valve. When I tear off my shirt and gyrate my pelvis like Robert Plant, feigning orgasm into the microphone, that shows how repressed I am -- a guy who wants to push his sex at the lens but can only do it as a joke.
Playboy: Aren't you tempted to live it up? O'Brien: I always imagined that if I were a TV star I would live the way I pictured Johnny Carson living. Carousing, stepping out of a limo wearing a velvet ascot with a model on my arm. Now that I have the TV show, I drive up to Connecticut on the weekends and tool around in my car. I could probably join a free-sex cult, smoke crack between orgies and drive sports cars into swimming pools, and my Catholic guilt would still be there, throbbing like a toothache. Be careful. If something good happens, something bad is on the way.
Playboy: Yet you don't mind licking the supermodels. O'Brien: At one point a few of them lived in my building, women who are so beautiful they almost look weird, like aliens. To me, a woman who has a certain approachable amount of beauty becomes almost funny. It's the same with male supermodels. They look like big puppets. So while I admire their beauty I probably won't be "romantically linked" with a model. I'd catch my reflection in a ballroom mirror and break up laughing.
Playboy: The horny Roy Orbison growl you use on gorgeous guests sounds real enough -- O'Brien: Oh, I've been doing that shit since high school. It just never worked before.
Playboy: Your father is a doctor, your mother an attorney. What do they think of their son the comedian? O'Brien: My dad was the one who told me denial was a virtue. "Denial is how people get through horrible things," he said. He also cut out a newspaper article in which I said I was making money off something for which I should probably be treated. So true, he thought. But when I got an Emmy for helping write Saturday Night Live, my parents put it on the mantel next to the crucifix. Here's Jesus looking over, saying, "Wow, I saved mankind from sin, but I wish I had an Emmy."
Playboy: Ever been in therapy? O'Brien: Yes. I don't trust it. I have told therapists that I don't particularly want to feel good. "Repression and fear, that's my fuel." But the therapists said that I had nothing to worry about. "Don't worry Conan you will always be plenty fucked up."
Playboy: When a female guest comes out, how do you know whether to shake her hand or kiss her? Is that rehearsed O'Brien: No, and it's awkward. If you go to shake her hand and her head starts coming right at you, you have to change strategy fast. I have thought about using the show to make women kiss me, but that would probably creep out the people at home. I decided not to kiss Elton John.
Playboy: Do you get all fired up if Cindy Crawford or Rebecca Romijn does the show? O'Brien: I like making women laugh. Always have, ever since I discovered you can get girls' attention by acting like an ass. That's one of the joys of the show -- I'm working my eyebrows and going grrr and she's laughing, the audience is laughing. It's all a big put-on and I'm thinking. This is great. Here is a beautiful woman who has no choice but to put up with this shit.
But it's not always put on. Sometimes they flirt back. Sometimes there's a bit of chemistry. That happened with Jennifer Connelly of The Rocketeer.
Playboy: One guest, Jill Hennessy, took off her pants for you. Then you removed yours. Even Penn and Teller took off their pants. O'Brien: Something comes over me. It happened with Rebecca Romijn -- I was practically climbing her. Those are the times when Andy and the audience seem to disappear and it's just me and this lovely woman sitting there flirting. I keep expecting a waiter to say, "More wine, Monsieur?"
Playboy: Would you lick the wine bottle? O'Brien: It's true, there's a lot of licking on the show. I have licked guests. I have licked Andy. Comedy professionals will read this and say, "Great work, Conan. Impressive." But I have learned that if you lick a guest, people laugh. If I pick this shoe off the floor, examine it, Hmmm, and then lick it, people laugh. I learned this lesson on The Simpsons, where I was the writer who was forever trying to entertain the other writers. I still try desperately to make our writers laugh, which is probably a sign of sickness since they work for me now. Licking is one of those things that look funny.
Playboy: Johnny Carson never licked Ed McMahon. O'Brien: We are much more physical and more stupid than the old Tonight Show. Even in our offices before the show there's always some writer acting out a scene crashing his head through my door. A behind-the-scenes look at our show might frighten people.
Playboy: One night you showed a doctored photo of Craig T. Nelson having sex with Jerry Van Dyke. Did they complain about it? O'Brien: I haven't heard from them. Of course I'm blessed not to be a part of the celebrity pond. I have a television show in New York, an NBC outpost. I don't run with or even run into many Hollywood people.
Playboy: You also announced that Tori Spelling has a penis. O'Brien: I did not. Polly the Peacock said that.
Playboy: Another character you use to say the outrageous stuff. O'Brien: Polly is not popular with the network.
Playboy: You mock Fabio, too. O'Brien: If he sues me, it'll be the best thing that ever happened. A publicity bonanza: Courtroom sketches of Fabio with his man-boobs quivering, shaking his fist, and me shouting at him across the courtroom. I'm not afraid of Fabio. He knows where to find me. I'm saying it right here for the record: Fabio, let's get it on.
Playboy: Ever have a run-in with an angry celeb? O'Brien: I did a Kelsey Grammar joke a few years ago, something about his interesting lifestyle, then heard through the network that he was upset. He had appeared on my show and expected some support. At this point my intellect says, "Kelsey Grammar is a public figure. I was in the right." Then I saw him in an airport. Kelsey didn't see me at first: I could have kept walking. But there he was, eating a cruller in the airport lounge. I thought I should go over. I said hello and then said, "Kelsey, I'm sorry if I upset you." And he was glad. He looked relieved. He said, "Oh, that's OK." We both felt better.
....See my other post with the last third of the interview
submitted by redlight886 to conan [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:14 Either-Slice1496 Had to contact the SOR office to get an acquaintance removed from the registry in NV. Make sure you do your part when its time to be removed.

I recently helped someone i met in group therapy get removed from the registry after he had been holding a non-registerable offense for the past 3 months. Long story short he was able to plead down to a non-sexual and non-registrable offense once he completed probation. This month he contacted me regarding some questions and he revealed that he didnt check if he was still on the registry as he assumed the court/state removed him once he was pled down at his court hearing.
I go look and voila, he's still on the SOR for our state. 3 months after pleading down! I found it odd as all the stories of being removed from the registry here speak of the court/state doing it once they rule your time on the registry served or voided. I got him the contact number for the department of safety here (they handle the SOR stuff here) and tell him to tell the office his situation immediately. He said the person taking his call was nice and told him to just fax the court disposition over to them and theyll handle it. 2-3 business days later and he was removed!
So, when the time comes make sure you do your part and ensure that you are off of that registry. or anything regarding the state for that matter. have your own back and make sure things are going as they are supposed to. hopefully this helps someone in the future.
submitted by Either-Slice1496 to SexOffenderSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:04 Batfan610 How would you 30M respond if a friend 31M asked for a favor that could be “cashed in” at any time?

I have a friend who I’ve known for over a decade now. We used to be very close in school and spent most of our time together. I spent my 20s bouncing between dead-end jobs, but I shaped up and got on a stable career path just as I am now entering my 30s. (He is still figuring out his career path; currently working retail and restaurant gigs to make ends meet) When I began my job search, he joked that I should “buy us a meal to celebrate” when I finally landed it.
Some time after I signed my job offer, he said we should come to “an agreement” that at any time, for any reason, either of us could come crash with the other one for an indeterminate length of time. I spoke to family, friends, and anyone who would listen and they all unanimously agreed this was not a good idea. I am single now, but I would like to have a family one day, I can’t imagine telling my future wife that my friend would be living with us on short notice and that he’d be staying “as long as he needs”.
He was shocked when I told him this. Honestly, I would never ask that of any friend if I were in such a situation myself. And I might think differently if a friend needed a place for a couple weeks, but asking for it ahead of time and specifying any length of time made me feel very uncomfortable, like I was just a safety net.
After I turned down this agreement he persisted, “Well how about XXXX dollars” (between 1-2 thousand) at any time? Again I turned him down. Maybe this is normal in some friend groups (which is fine) but I would never think of asking a friend for this either.
By the end of the conversation he said (jokingly?) he should have asked for a shorter period of time like a few days and then just asked for more time in the moment, which really made it feel like he didn’t understand why I was uncomfortable.
It has been 9 months since this conversation, I had a talk with him a couple weeks after that to reinforce my stance on things (also because he had been persistently asking for my exact salary and I needed to ask him to stop). He gave me a genuine apology.
Since then, we have talked every other week and he hasn’t mentioned anything since. We even got a Panera lunch and he insisted on paying for it (I was a little uncomfortable with this as I prefer to pay my own way, but I feel like he was trying to make a nice gesture).
What kicked off this post, was a conversation where he said I could afford to treat myself more often, but after everything hearing him suggest what to do with my money really bothered me. I know the usual Reddit advice is to distance yourself, but there’s a lot of shared history, we got along without a real hitch for a decade, and he apologized. At the same time, this is a massive cause of stress for me to the point people at work ask me if I’m okay (I think about it daily). What would you do in this situation?
submitted by Batfan610 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:02 HeWearsTheMagicHat My (35M) mind keeps changing. Is she (31F) the one, or do I need to admit there are issues I can't get past here?

Hi folks,
I’m looking to get some healthy, real-talk relationship input from kind strangers who are successfully married or have kids etc. I’m at a bit of a fork in the road and need some advice.
I am a mid-30s male, who got out of a decade-long relationship almost 2 years ago to date.
I dated on and off for 18 months, some semi-serious relationships with good people, some more short-term. All in all I “dated” probably 20-25 people, accounting everything from just a coffee meet-up to people I saw for a few months within that number. In that time, I didn’t date anyone I could see a long-term future with.
However, six months ago, I met someone who I really care about, and who is a fantastic woman with a very gentle soul. She ticks a lot of the boxes of what I am looking for in a long-term partner.
There is a school of modern pragmatic dating advice that stresses not looking for perfection, or overly focusing on the superficial, but looking for shared values, great communication, life goals, and character traits etc. Their line of thinking really resonates with me and makes sense. Logan Buchy, Mark Manson, and others espouse this general philosophy, which is a bit of an antidote to the illusion of choice/ grass is always greener symptoms of modern dating.
I bring this up because I am questioning aspects of the relationship that might fall under their “this doesn’t matter too much” advice. However, I don’t want to forge ahead trying to build the relationship, only to realize 1-2 or even 10 years down the line it isn’t going to work for me, which would be exponentially more painful.
I’d like to hear from people as to how they felt about aspects of their now successful life partner relationship at a similar stage to help me contextualize.
Finally, I find my feelings toward her have oscillated between (1 - yep, this is great, this could be it 2- I’m not sure about this) 8-10 times over the past six months. Has anyone else experienced these wavering levels of attachment? Is this normal, a portent of doom, or a me thing I need to figure out?
I guess I am struggling with weighting the great aspects with my reservations. There is so much great here that I don’t want to be that perfectionist seeking idiot, but at the same time, are these actually deal breakers for me that if I ignore I will cause an absolute mess.
submitted by HeWearsTheMagicHat to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:00 Batfan610 How would you respond if a friend asked you for a favor that could be “cashed in” at any time?

I have a friend who I’ve known for over a decade now. We used to be very close in school and spent most of our time together. I spent my 20s bouncing between dead-end jobs, but I shaped up and got on a stable career path just as I am now entering my 30s. When I began my job search, he joked that I should “buy us a meal to celebrate” when I finally landed it.
Some time after I signed my job offer, he said we should come to “an agreement” that at any time, for any reason, either of us could come crash with the other one for an indeterminate length of time. I spoke to family, friends, and anyone who would listen and they all unanimously agreed this was not a good idea. I am single now, but I would like to have a family one day, I can’t imagine telling my future wife that my friend would be living with us on short notice and that he’d be staying “as long as he needs”.
He was shocked when I told him this. Honestly, I would never ask that of any friend if I were in such a situation myself. And I might think differently if a friend needed a place for a couple weeks, but asking for it ahead of time and specifying any length of time made me feel very uncomfortable, like I was just a safety net.
After I turned down this agreement he persisted, “Well how about XXXX dollars” (between 1-2 thousand) at any time? Again I turned him down. Maybe this is normal in some friend groups (which is fine) but I would never think of asking a friend for this either.
By the end of the conversation he said (jokingly?) he should have asked for a shorter period of time like a few days and then just asked for more time in the moment, which really made it feel like he didn’t understand why I was uncomfortable.
It has been 9 months since this conversation, I had a talk with him a couple weeks after that to reinforce my stance on things (also because he had been persistently asking for my exact salary and I needed to ask him to stop). He gave me a genuine apology.
Since then, we have talked every other week and he hasn’t mentioned anything since. We even got a Panera lunch and he insisted on paying for it (I was a little uncomfortable with this as I prefer to pay my own way, but I feel like he was trying to make a nice gesture).
What kicked off this post, was a conversation where he said I could afford to treat myself more often, but after everything hearing him suggest what to do with my money really bothered me. I know the usual Reddit advice is to distance yourself, but there’s a lot of shared history, we got along without a real hitch for a decade, and he apologized. At the same time, this is a massive cause of stress for me to the point people at work ask me if I’m okay (I think about it daily). What would you do in this situation?
submitted by Batfan610 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:35 Hamiltonfan25 Why On Earth Did Joey Tell Stephanie to Watch His Car??

I like Joey, I think the show is often unkind to Joey, however, Joey was 10000 percent the only one in the wrong in “Honey, I Broke the House”.
I understand that things were different regarding safety in the late 80’s/early 90’s in regards to things like leaving the keys in the car and not having to watch kids 24/7, but Joey SPECIFICALLY told Stephanie to “watch his car” with no indication of how long he will be gone/what watching his car entails. Stephanie was 7 or 8 years old at the time and the start of the episode made it clear that she was feeling very chatty/high energy and no one was making any time for her. That’s fine, but Joey’s solution is to give her an incredibly boring task/no set amount of time he’s gonna be gone/no instructions on how to do the task “correctly”. It is one thing if you don’t want to listen to her eye crusty story, but give the kid something to do that requires her energy/spunk.
Stephanie’s been shown she doesn’t need much to make her own fun like when she organized her own wedding/the pet show/Comet’s party, but instead Joey gave her the most boring task and only gave himself the bare minimum blame while Stephanie completely spiraled.
Added point, in the context of her having to go to dance class shortly after the incident, I do feel bad that she couldn’t get even a little attention from her family to tide her over before going to her class.
submitted by Hamiltonfan25 to fullhouse [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:19 Little-Equipment-235 Jumpscareless horror game recommendations?

As somebody who loves horror and hates jumpscares id like to pool together some knowledge with people in the same boat as me.
For the sake of clarity I define a jumpscare as a sudden change in visuals accompanied by a loud noise.
It's been slow going but here are the games I've been able to enjoy without jumpscares:
Home safety hotline, Little Goody Two Shoes, Inscryption, Pony Island, Milk inside a bag of milk, Yume Nikki (I guess)
As you can see the list is short, so I'd love to see what other people have to recommend :)
submitted by Little-Equipment-235 to HorrorGaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:49 nivthefox Alyssa's Tale, Ch. 1 and 2 (2nd Draft, Critique Wanted)

Chapter 1

Alyssa awoke with saltwater in her mouth and nose. She hacked and sputtered, only to realize she was sinking deeper into a pitch dark pool. She closed her eyes against the water's sting, and as her panic rose she flailed with arms and legs. She was desperate to regain bouyancy, even as she choked out the brine from her burning lungs. Determined, she broke to the surface again, gulping in air between ragged coughs as she fought to stay afloat.
Treading water, she opened her eyes and nothing changed. The darkness in the echoing chamber was complete, and she had to fight down another surge of panic as she took in the precariousness of her situation. The cold water sapped her strength, and her heart raced as a sudden scream of terror welled up from within.
Alyssa winced as her own scream echoed in her ears. She choked out the last of the salty water, then took a deep breath, trying to force herself to calm. "Okay, okay," she soothed herself, voice trembling slightly despite her efforts, "we're okay."
After another steadying breath, Alyssa began building a mental catalog of her situation. Her clothes were soaked through, but she wasn't finding treading water to be too difficult, yet; a future problem. Other than her lungs, nothing hurt, and those were recovering. She could still feel her toes and fingers on both hands, meaning no paralysis, that she could find. Nothing seemed to be seriously wrong, except that she had no idea how she'd come to be in a pitch dark echoing chamber filled with water.
Calmer, now, Alyssa tried to recall what she had been doing. The last thing she remembered was walking along the shoreline, feeling immensely lonely. The sound of the waves coming in, closer and closer, was still vivid in her mind. She could still remember the coarse feeling of the sand between her toes. The saltwater air had filled her lungs as she wondered how she could be in such a beautiful place, and still feel so sorry for herself. With a bitter laugh, Alyssa lolled her head back in the water and stared into the endless void. Well she certainly had reason to feel sorry for herself, now. Still, the memory of how she came to be here was distressingly absent.
Drip … Drip … Drop.
As her adrenaline faded, Alyssa could hear the slow, steady fall of water into the pool. Was the water level rising? She couldn't tell without knowing more about the chamber she was in. Determined to push back against her growing despair, Alyssa decided to explore her environment more thoroughly. A shiver coursed through her spine as she felt out to either side as far as her arms would go and couldn't find a wall, nor did she find purchase beneath her feet. After a moment of hesitation, Alyssa expanded her search. She swam forward, keeping her hands ahead of herself.
She didn't have to go far before she bumped into an uneven stone surface. Alyssa wasn't sure in the dark, but judging by the smoothness of the rock she guessed it was some kind of river stone. She followed the stone wall around for a ways before deciding it was curved inward. Pushing off, Alyssa turned and reached for the other side, then followed along the wall and repeated the crossing a few more times. She decided that the cavern was roughly circular, perhaps half again as wide as her armspan at its widest stretch, though without light she couldn't be certain she had ever crossed it straight. She considered her options as she clung to the side of the chamber.
Drip … Drip … Drop.
The steady sound was maddening in its repetition, and Alyssa let out a huff of annoyance. Thinking on it, though, she was sure the water had been steadily falling into the chamber the entire time she was here, and she didn't think the water level had risen. Not that she had any way to really know for certain, but if she was right, it implied there was some way for the water to get back out. Could she get out the same way? Taking a deep breath, Alyssa ducked beneath the surface and swam down. Her kicks were hindered by her sodden skirt, but following along the cavern wall as she descended, Alyssa felt the cavern floor after a depth of maybe twice her height. Ten feet wasn't even as deep as most home swimming pools.
Alyssa gulped down air as she returned to the surface, thinking hard about what she'd found. Another shiver coursed through her veins just before she dove down to explore the bottom further. Like the walls, it was uneven but smooth. She could feel some small cracks, and feel the water rushing past her fingers near one or two of these. That, then, was where the water was escaping to. Frustrated, she resurfaced one more and banged her fist against the stone wall. "Damnit." She knew she wouldn't be swimming her way out of here.
For the third time, Alyssa shivered, and she realised that she was starting to lose feeling in her toes. The water temperature wasn't frigid, but she could feel it sapping her strength. Was it ninety-six degrees for hypothermia? Ninety-five? She couldn't recall, but it wasn't important, without a thermometer. She was going to die, here, if she didn't find a way out, and soon.
Drip … Drip … Drop.
Straining, she tried to focus on the sounds around her once more. The incessant dripping of the cave was her only remaining hope of finding a way out, and she had no idea how to reach the ceiling. Alyssa squeezed her toes in an attempt to restore some feeling, while she thought about the problem. After a moment, she began exploring the cavern walls again, this time searching for something to stand on rather than just learning about her environment. After a few turns about the chamber, she found a small shelf just a few feet beneath the surface, large enough for her to put a single foot on.
She pushed herself up, trying to go slowly as she felt along the wall for anything to grip onto. She couldn't find purchase before her momentum carried her too far from the wall, but she did feel roughly how high the ceiling was just before she splashed back into the pool. "Yes!" she celebrated the small victory as she surfaced, fueling her hopes of an escape with that realization that she could probably wedge herself between the ceiling and the shelf if she was purposeful about it.
Returning to the wall, she tamped down on the urge to shiver again, then surged straight up, putting her hands above her to try and catch the ceiling. Water cascaded around her in a torrent, her water-logged clothing threatening to drag her back to the depths, but she held on until she was steady. Alyssa allowed herself a small smile for her success, though some part of her thought it felt more like a grimace, before she began feeling along the cavern ceiling with her hands. Like the rest of the chamber, the stone was smooth and uneven, but it had sharper protrusions here and there that might serve as handholds. Alyssa was reminded of the wall climb at the local mall. She'd never been great at it, despite her friends dragging her to try it every other weekend during high school.
As she continued exploring the ceiling, another involuntary shiver wracked her body, and she set her teeth against the growing chill. "I'm going to get out," she promised herself, just as her hand found open air where she'd expected stone. She nearly fell, but she caught herself and explored the edges of the hole. She couldn't even reach the entire thing from her perch! The ledge was rugged and sharp, and just barely far enough from the wall that she had to strain to reach it. She explored as far around the hole as she could, certain it was large enough for her to fit through. Excited, Alyssa grabbed onto the ledge with both hands and tried to pull herself up, but her grip wasn't solid enough. She immediately slipped back into the water with another splash.
Alyssa surfaced with a growl, feeling a surge of determination and stubbornness. Reclaiming her perch on the shelf, she pushed up to the roof of the chamber once more. This time she knew her target, so rather than wasting time and grip with exploration, she just focused on steadying herself, there. After a few breaths, she reached up to grab the ledge again, trying to find solid hand-holds.
As she swung out from the wall, her sodden skirt trailed through the water, weighing her down. She held on for longer this time, uttering a harsh noise as she strained to pull herself up. She managed to get her chin to her fingers before her grip failed her again, and the feeling of freefall sent her heart thrilling before she splashed into the cool water once more.
When she surfaced, Alyssa let out a frustrated growl. "I had it!" she admonished herself, before finding the ledge once more. A third time, her efforts were fouled and she fell into the water. In frustration, she peeled her skirt off her legs and abandoned it to the murky brine. With the drag gone, she had an easier time holding onto the ledge, and on her fourth attempt she nearly managed to pull herself all the way up before her arms gave out and she slipped back into the water with yet another scream of frustration.
She knew she was close, but she obviously wasn't going to make progress while her muscles were burning with fatigue. Floating on her back, Alyssa glared up into the darkness as her emotions swirled around her, threatening to drag her into despair. Hope and frustration warred within her, each trying to gain the upper hand. She clung onto the determination that she had almost made it, but as she dwelled on the problem above her, doubts began to surface. What if she couldn’t pull herself out? What if there wasn’t a way out above?
Anger surged through her at that thought, hot and fierce. She refused to accept that fate. Closing her eyes, she focused on the anger and used it as fuel for her resolve. She just needed a moment to catch her breath, relax her muscles, and try again. She was going to get out.
When she swung out for the fifth time, Alyssa’s fingers gripped tightly to the rock above. She pulled herself up into the black with a roar of determination and frustration. She got her chest over the lip, then reached one arm forward hastily in search of a better hold. She found purchase, then pulled a leg up and got one foot on the ledge. With a scream of exultation, she pushed herself the rest of the way out of the chamber and into the tunnels above.
With a feral noise of triumph, Alyssa slid onto the cool, damp stone of the tunnel, then rolled onto her back and lay gasping for air. Her muscles were twitching, and she was still cold, but she was no longer in the water, and that was a massive improvement, even if the dark and damp of the unknown was around her.
Alyssa wasn’t sure how long she lay there on the stone, but as her panting and muscle spasms gave way to shivering and goosebumps, she admitted to herself, “I have to move.” But it was hard to keep going; her body felt heavy and drained from the exertion of just climbing out of the chamber below, and she wasn’t even sure where to go next. With a groan, she pushed herself up to a sitting position, fighting the exhaustion and mounting sense of dread that threatened to claim her.
Carefully, she crawled forward on hands and knees, every movement an effort. She could feel the edge of the hole she’d just emerged from, but that was obviously a deadend. Instead, she pressed on, hunting for an alternative. The rough stone scraped against her palms and knees as she inched along, her progress painfully slow.
The cavern descended, and Alyssa's heart sank when her hand plunged into another pool of water. She pulled back, relieved that the bank was shallow enough she could easily get back out of this pool. Nevertheless, she paused to consider her options, then turned to explore in the opposite direction. After several minutes of fruitless searching, she realized that the water-filled passage was her only way forward.
Alyssa let out a heavy sigh of frustration as she lowered herself into the tepid water. She gritted her teeth as the cold crept back into her bones, but willed herself to keep moving. The tunnel continued its descent, and soon the ceiling plunged into the pool, forcing her to submerge if she wanted to continue. Alyssa hesitated, barely holding back her desperate tears. Swimming blindly through the flooded passage seemed like madness, but what choice did she have?
Taking a deep, gasping breath, Alyssa plunged beneath the surface and swam forward with powerful kicks of her legs. She kept one hand on the stone above and the other stretched out in front of her, searching for obstacles. As her lungs began to burn with the need for oxygen, panic threatened to overwhelm her. What if the tunnel never resurfaced? If she went much further, she was certain she would not be able to make it back. Still, she had no alternatives; no other way to proceed. So she swam forward into the unknown, gambling her life on an exit while desperately ignoring the growing panic in the back of her mind.
A subtle glow in the murky water caught Alyssa’s attention, and the tunnel veered sharply upward. Desperate for air, she kicked towards the light, discarding caution as she propelled herself forward and up with both arms and legs. Hope surged through her as she swam towards the surface.
When she emerged from the water, gasping and sputtering for air, Alyssa let out a cry of relief. Mushrooms! Glowing mushrooms filled the room, their glow dim but omnipresent. She marveled, letting out a delighted laugh at the sight of the water’s reflection erupting into a cascade of colors on the cavern ceiling. Alyssa took a deep breath, and although the air was musty and stale, it had a sharpness and movement to it that the previous chamber hadn’t. Where there were mushrooms there was life, and where there was wind there was an exit. For the first time in hours, Alyssa smiled, as she pulled herself out of the pool onto the bank.

Chapter 2

For the second time in several hours, Alyssa lay on the ground catching her breath and allowing her muscles to relax. The swim through the watery airlock–she couldn’t think of any other way to describe that tunnel–had been far more mentally taxing than the physical exertion of pulling herself up out of the first chamber. Nevertheless, it required a great deal of effort and she was exhausted.
As she lay on her back, Alyssa tried again to remember how she got here. She remembered vividly her walk on the beach, and then … water. There was nothing in between. She wasn't even sure how much time had passed, but judging by the way her stomach was starting to groan in protest, and by the fullness of her bladder, she was fairly sure it had been several hours. On the other hand, she could account for at least two of those since she found herself in the chamber, unless her estimate of time was very off.
Her deliberations were cut short by a small squeaking noise, not far away. Alyssa eased herself up and turned towards the noise. There in the field of mushrooms was a small white and brown mouse, cast in an eerie glow by the mushroom's bioluminescence. Alyssa watched in awe as the mouse nibbled on the mushrooms, waiting to see what would happen. She didn't know enough about mushrooms to judge their safety for herself, but if the mouse could eat them, she figured they were probably safe for her to try, as well. After all, weren't mice used for drug testing all the time?
The mouse seemed oblivious to Alyssa’s presence, and she held her breath as best she could while she counted the seconds, trying to decide how long she should wait before trusting the results. Hours, probably, if she was honest with herself. Just when she was about to give up on the idea, a sudden movement caught her eye. Beyond the mouse, swift as could be, a slithering figure stole towards the unsuspecting rodent. “No!” she called, and her hand found a rock. Hastily, she threw it towards the onrushing creature. The rock went wide, but the serpent’s stealth was spoiled, and the mouse quickly darted away from its assailant, deeper into the mushrooms.
The snake let out a hiss of annoyance, and Alyssa was briefly overwhelmed by a sudden feeling of immense displeasure. She wasn’t surprised the snake was annoyed, but the sheer vehemence she felt was almost as if sensing her own emotions. Its lunch foiled, the serpent turned and slithered away, leaving Alyssa and the mouse alone in the chamber once again.
Alyssa waited, still and quiet, as the chamber settled back into silence. She wondered whether the little mouse had escaped the field of mushrooms entirely, or if it was still here. But something told her to wait; a sense of hesitance and uncertainty that felt sourceless and yet compelling.
Eventually, her patience paid off, and the little mouse poked its head back out of the mushrooms, staring after the snake. It emitted a soft, hesitant noise, then furtively darted out of the field into the open. There, it paused to stare up at Alyssa, studying her with a raw curiosity that nearly overwhelmed Alyssa as much as the snake’s displeasure had. She also sensed gratitude from the little mouse, though how she knew that’s what it was feeling she could not say.
“Are you hurt?” she hazarded, as she leaned in towards the mouse. The little creature took a quick step back, and the curiosity was immediately replaced by uncertainty.
Alyssa straightened up to give the mouse space. The feeling of uncertainty slowly faded, and she tilted her head in curiosity. “Why can I sense what you're feeling?” she asked the mouse, though of course she knew it would not reply.
The mouse watched her for several more moments before taking a single daring step forward. Alyssa sat very still, and after another moment it took a few more steps towards her. Soon, it was near to her knee, its little nose twitching incessantly as it sniffed at her dampened skin.
“I’m afraid I don’t have any food on me,” Alyssa said, still not moving but to talk. The mouse sat back and stood up on its hind legs to peer up at her. Alyssa could sense its curiosity turn to acceptance, and then, before she could protest, the little mouse leapt up onto her leg. She gasped in startlement, surprised at the feel of its soft fur and the tickle of its little claws brushing against her bare skin.
When it reached her hip, the mouse scurried under her tee shirt, and Alyssa made a choking noise of displeasure as it crawled, with quick movements, up her back and out of the tattered collar. When it came to rest on her shoulder, Alyssa held her breath, not daring to move. She watched the mouse out of the side of her eye, and a sense of appreciation flooded into her perception. Slowly, she turned her head to see the mouse staring at her. With a twitch of its whiskers, the little creature poked its nose against her cheek, cool and damp, before turning to look at the mushrooms.
“You think they will be safe for me?” she asked quietly, as she turned to follow the mouse’s gaze. “But raw mushrooms …” she complained, with some disdain. The mouse touched its nose to her cheek once more, and Alyssa sensed insistence. With a sigh, she mumbled, “Why am I trusting a mouse?” before ever so slowly–so as not to dislodge her guest–she leaned forward to collect a handful of the morsels.
Alyssa straightened and studied her collection of mushrooms thoughtfully. Arranging them by size, she selected the smallest and glanced at the mouse out of the corner of her eye once more. "You're sure about this?" she asked, her voice echoing in the damp cavern. The mouse couldn't speak, of course, but Alyssa felt a strong sense of certainty from her tiny companion. Or maybe that was just the discomfort of hypothermia, exhaustion and her painfully full bladder talking.
Hesitantly, Alyssa popped the smallest mushroom into her mouth. It had a surprisingly rich, earthy flavor, reminiscent of the forest after a rainstorm. As she chewed, the spongy texture yielded, releasing a burst of liquid that filled her mouth with a strange, electric tingle. The sensation was not unpleasant, but definitely unfamiliar. She swallowed, marveling at how easily it went down despite her reservations.
Emboldened by the lack of immediate ill effects, Alyssa quickly consumed the other mushrooms. With each one, the tingling sensation spread, until her whole body hummed with a kind of vibrant, restless energy.
Cupping her hands together, Alyssa scooped up some of the cool water and drank deeply. The liquid soothed her throat, but did nothing to quell the building sense of excitement and unease. She leaned back against the rock, trying to steady herself as the mushrooms’ effects took hold.
It wasn't hallucinations, but a profound shift in Alyssa's perception. The cave seemed to come alive around her; the rocks and water pulsed with a subtle, resonant energy. She felt a surge of confidence and clarity, as if a veil had been lifted from her eyes. With trembling hands, she tore a strip from the bottom of her t-shirt and fashioned it into a makeshift pouch. She wasn't sure what lay ahead, but having a source of food could prove useful. She filled the pouch to the brim with the glowing caps, marveling at their strangeness, before tying it securely to her hip.
"Okay," Alyssa whispered, her voice sounding strangely amplified to her own ears. "I guess we follow the snake." The thought of the serpent sent a ripple of fear through her companion, but she reassured him, "Don't worry, I won't let it get you." The little mouse was still afraid, but it seemed to understand her meaning, and nestled up against her neck, soft fur gentle on her skin.
With a deep breath, Alyssa rolled to her knees and stood, her legs trembling slightly. The mouse clung to her, its small heartbeat echoing her own. Alyssa could feel its mix of curiosity and trepidation, mirroring her own complex emotions. "Come on," she muttered, "let's go." She started forward into the gloom, following the serpent's path and the promise of fresh air. Using the glowing bundle on her hip as a makeshift light, Alyssa navigated the narrow tunnels with confidence. Her bare feet found easy purchase on the cool, damp stone. She progressed at a much more comfortable pace than the slow, exploratory crawl she'd been limited to in the submerged chamber. As she followed the winding tunnel, it sloped gradually upwards, and a light fog crept in, curling around her ankles. Alyssa's heart quickened. She dared to believe she was nearing open air, and a potential end to this nightmare.
Yet even as hope blossomed in her chest, each step brought a growing unease from the small, furry companion on Alyssa's shoulder. The mouse huddled closer to her neck, its nose twitching incessantly. As they rounded a corner, a new scent filled Alyssa's nostrils: earthy mud and a hint of ozone, in stark contrast to the mineral-rich dampness of the caverns. The tunnel widened sharply ahead, seeming to fall away into a murky expanse. Through the haze, the silhouette of a massive tree trunk promised an escape from what she had almost believed might be her tomb.
"We made it," Alyssa breathed, a swell of triumph surging through her. The mushrooms' influence still thrummed in her veins, confidence mingling with her own burgeoning anticipation. She quickened her pace, emerging from the cave mouth into the cool, damp air. Alyssa paused there, one hand on the stone wall, as she breathed in the scent of her freedom.
A twilit forest stretched out before her, dotted with towering trees that reached for an unfamiliar sky. Alyssa tilted her head back, marveling at the stars glimmering above. Their patterns were strange, yet mesmerizing; their strangeness only matched by the comfort they brought her. Alyssa knew the constellations were wrong; that they matched nothing she'd ever seen before, but right now all that mattered was the comfort in knowing that she would not die in that cave.
A squeak of pure terror from the mouse jolted Alyssa from her reverie. The force of her companion's fear nearly knocked the wind from her. Alyssa swiftly sought the source of the mouse's fear. There, beside the nearest tree, stood a tall, gaunt figure, a serpent slithering up its leg. The figure's cold blue eyes glared at Alyssa with a chilling intensity.
As the snake continued its ascent, the figure lifted a hand, guiding the snake to wrap about its too-long neck. Subtle, thorny protrusions emerged from the figure's chin, and the snake rubbed itself against them, hissing as it impressed its displeasure upon the figure, no doubt casting Alyssa as the villain in its tale.
"H-hello," Alyssa stammered, suddenly acutely aware of her vulnerability. She took a guarded step back and brought her hands up defensively. The figure's presence was oppressive, suffocating. Even in her desperation, Alyssa knew she wanted no part of any help they might offer. Still, she needed time to think. She had to find a way past them without provoking their ire, and an attempt at being polite was all she could come up with in the moment.
The figure spoke, its voice a grating rattle. "You have violated the ancient agreement, and trespassed beyond the barrier." Alyssa was sure she didn't know what any of that meant, but before she could say so, the figure continued, "There are consequences for your meddling, child, and I am come to deliver them."
submitted by nivthefox to writers [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:40 No_Relation_7662 (Very) Short Story: Reflections of a Distant Self (894 words)

This is a sci-fi short story I wrote the other day, hoping to get some constructive criticism as its the first thing I have properly written, it is quite short even for a short short story but I just wanted to get something finished. I have had one piece of advice already which was that the repeated sentence seemed a bit out of place the first time round which I get but I was wondering what other people thought about it.
At some point in the not so distant future, despite the warnings of the media and general populace, scientists create a device that allows people to see their alternate lives and temporarily view the results of alternate past choices. Initially the device and its use was reserved for the most successful and important people in society due to the extortionate cost of the technology. Those with access were those whose choices in life hadn’t been half bad, good financial decisions and a reputation of charisma and skill that brought them to the very top of their respective fields. For them, the technology was a chance to feel good about how far they’d come and get a good laugh out of those of their alternate selves who had neglected to read the fine print on a dodgy business proposal or to check for toilet paper before unzipping their fly. All while tactfully avoiding those of their possibilities who had achieved more.
But as the technology developed and became more affordable it filtered down through the social ranks. Down through those abundant middle classes who could not help but notice the difference between their own lot and those of their more successful alternate selves. A funnier you with a slightly bigger house, maybe a smarter you who landed that extra $10,000 signing bonus you dreamed of. But for every self who was better off there existed a pitiful alteration of themselves to mock, those who had succeeded in neither career nor hobbies, academics nor lovemaking. One who struggled to keep it up in the bedroom or suffered an addiction the users of the device found laughable.
This is when the technology took a turn for the worse, when it fell into the hands of those with nothing. Those who had been taken advantage of, abused, tricked and left in the very worst of situations gained access to it. Those who were homeless, trapped in prostitution, drowning in debt, loveless and alone.
And so the true downfall began.
For them, life had been a depressing series of twists and turns, each darker than the last. For them it was near impossible to find a worse future. For them every alternate version experienced was a pisstake, happiness and fortune greater than they could ever dream of in the hands of someone fundamentally the same. They saw the joy each unlucky streak and every unfortunate decision had wrenched them away from and they were broken. This was where the problems started to arise. Suicide, rampant depression and a sudden but not entirely unjustified rise in the publication of books promoting nihilism. Life seemed to lose that tiny amount of purpose it still had when compared to the successes of alternate selves and their happy lives.
Several years later, the next great advancement in the technology arose, scientists managed to reach further into those other worlds and take more than just the photons needed for a video feed. A new headset designed to take something more, the brainwaves of those other selves could be copied and transferred into the brains of the user. This allows for more than just watching alternate lives but for experiencing them too. The greatest advancement in technology since fire, the ability to reach across dimensions and take something tangible.
And so the true downfall began.
Why put effort into your own life when you could experience the excitement and fulfilment you’ve already gained? Why progress in your own career when you could experience the excitement of getting a promotion without any of the hard work and disappointment? Why find yourself a spouse and risk rejection when you’ve done it infinite times already?
Within only a few months, most of the working population were addicted; leaving their unhappy, dead end jobs to parasite on the lives of their infinite other selves. Piggybacking on alternate neurochemicals. Entire industries collapsed under the loss of workforce. Globally, the economy came crashing down, more people turned to the new technology to cope, the cold steel of the headsets offered an escape to a world, infinite worlds, where everything worked out better. This caused an exponential decay in every aspect of life, the more people fled to the bliss of the headsets, the more were doomed to follow.
Collapse on a global scale, food shortages led to mass starvation and death, with no one to maintain the very systems causing the collapse, bugs started to occur, glitches spread like wildfire, destroying the safety mechanisms in the headset designed to wake up the user for food, sleep and other necessities. The population wasted away, their consciousnesses stuck in their headsets, falling silently into endless existence as a parasite living someone else’s life. Those that escaped the prison of the headsets saw the state of the world that was left and quietly gave up, placing the cold steel back on their heads and surrendering.
Across the multiverse, other worlds started to stumble on rips in the fabric of spacetime, starting their first tentative explorations of the immaterium between dimensions. Scientists found the first alternate dimensions floating through the space between space, infinite bubbles floating in an infinite sea, endless possibilities. Eventually, they manage to copy photons from these other worlds and transport them back to their own dimension to take the first glimpse at alternate selves.
And so the true downfall began…
submitted by No_Relation_7662 to writers [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:36 No_Relation_7662 [894] Reflections of a Distant Self

This is a sci-fi short story I wrote the other day, hoping to get some constructive criticism as its the first thing I have properly written, it is quite short even for a short short story but I just wanted to get something finished. I have had one piece of advice already which was that the repeated sentence seemed a bit out of place the first time round which I get but I was wondering what other people thought about it.
At some point in the not so distant future, despite the warnings of the media and general populace, scientists create a device that allows people to see their alternate lives and temporarily view the results of alternate past choices. Initially the device and its use was reserved for the most successful and important people in society due to the extortionate cost of the technology. Those with access were those whose choices in life hadn’t been half bad, good financial decisions and a reputation of charisma and skill that brought them to the very top of their respective fields. For them, the technology was a chance to feel good about how far they’d come and get a good laugh out of those of their alternate selves who had neglected to read the fine print on a dodgy business proposal or to check for toilet paper before unzipping their fly. All while tactfully avoiding those of their possibilities who had achieved more.
But as the technology developed and became more affordable it filtered down through the social ranks. Down through those abundant middle classes who could not help but notice the difference between their own lot and those of their more successful alternate selves. A funnier you with a slightly bigger house, maybe a smarter you who landed that extra $10,000 signing bonus you dreamed of. But for every self who was better off there existed a pitiful alteration of themselves to mock, those who had succeeded in neither career nor hobbies, academics nor lovemaking. One who struggled to keep it up in the bedroom or suffered an addiction the users of the device found laughable.
This is when the technology took a turn for the worse, when it fell into the hands of those with nothing. Those who had been taken advantage of, abused, tricked and left in the very worst of situations gained access to it. Those who were homeless, trapped in prostitution, drowning in debt, loveless and alone.
And so the true downfall began.
For them, life had been a depressing series of twists and turns, each darker than the last. For them it was near impossible to find a worse future. For them every alternate version experienced was a pisstake, happiness and fortune greater than they could ever dream of in the hands of someone fundamentally the same. They saw the joy each unlucky streak and every unfortunate decision had wrenched them away from and they were broken. This was where the problems started to arise. Suicide, rampant depression and a sudden but not entirely unjustified rise in the publication of books promoting nihilism. Life seemed to lose that tiny amount of purpose it still had when compared to the successes of alternate selves and their happy lives.
Several years later, the next great advancement in the technology arose, scientists managed to reach further into those other worlds and take more than just the photons needed for a video feed. A new headset designed to take something more, the brainwaves of those other selves could be copied and transferred into the brains of the user. This allows for more than just watching alternate lives but for experiencing them too. The greatest advancement in technology since fire, the ability to reach across dimensions and take something tangible.
And so the true downfall began.
Why put effort into your own life when you could experience the excitement and fulfilment you’ve already gained? Why progress in your own career when you could experience the excitement of getting a promotion without any of the hard work and disappointment? Why find yourself a spouse and risk rejection when you’ve done it infinite times already?
Within only a few months, most of the working population were addicted; leaving their unhappy, dead end jobs to parasite on the lives of their infinite other selves. Piggybacking on alternate neurochemicals. Entire industries collapsed under the loss of workforce. Globally, the economy came crashing down, more people turned to the new technology to cope, the cold steel of the headsets offered an escape to a world, infinite worlds, where everything worked out better. This caused an exponential decay in every aspect of life, the more people fled to the bliss of the headsets, the more were doomed to follow.
Collapse on a global scale, food shortages led to mass starvation and death, with no one to maintain the very systems causing the collapse, bugs started to occur, glitches spread like wildfire, destroying the safety mechanisms in the headset designed to wake up the user for food, sleep and other necessities. The population wasted away, their consciousnesses stuck in their headsets, falling silently into endless existence as a parasite living someone else’s life. Those that escaped the prison of the headsets saw the state of the world that was left and quietly gave up, placing the cold steel back on their heads and surrendering.
Across the multiverse, other worlds started to stumble on rips in the fabric of spacetime, starting their first tentative explorations of the immaterium between dimensions. Scientists found the first alternate dimensions floating through the space between space, infinite bubbles floating in an infinite sea, endless possibilities. Eventually, they manage to copy photons from these other worlds and transport them back to their own dimension to take the first glimpse at alternate selves.
And so the true downfall began…
submitted by No_Relation_7662 to DestructiveReaders [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:35 roselymonster Can't work in my field anymore... What do I do?

TL;DR: I am 24f, and due to a work-caused injury, I cannot work in my chosen field for a few years, if not forever. How do I make money and stay alive?
The longer version: I'm an artist by trade, and I've always loved working with my hands. The great news is, I got a job at my dream company right out of college. The bad news is, I discovered quickly that the company underpays and asks a lot of its employees. I'm talking 50 hour weeks with near nonstop power tool usage at its worst. It's an economy of "emergencies" where they expect you, as a good employee, to jump in and fix instantly.
Last year, I started having terrible wrist pain. It was an 8 out of 10 if I put pressure on the hand. My regular doctor identified it as a ganglion cyst – imagine a lump the size of half a gum ball pressing against the tendons, muscles, and bones at the base of my hand. At the suggestion of my company's safety committee, I opened a worker's comp case about it. They assured me it was work related and that it would be easy to fix.
One genuine year later, my worker's comp doctor says he can't do anything about it. He said he doesn't see how it's work related, despite other doctors and safety specialists at my job saying it is. Two other people in similar roles have had the same problem, and they got it fixed immediately, but I was told "every case is different". I finally got some time off to rest it, but only after having a full-on breakdown in this doctor's office after explaining that there's been no change in three months.
(Skip this paragraph if you don't want complaints, I just need to get this off my chest:) I am still in pain daily. I cut my hair short because it hurts to reach up in the shower, I drive one-handed, I can't cook or clean or push a shopping cart without pain. I have gained weight because of the stress and the pain of exercising, I have trouble building things and drawing the way I used to, and I am having panic attacks the night before work or during lunch because the pain is too much and I am afraid I'll be forced into emergency work that will hurt me more. On top of all that, I am out of sick time halfway through the year because worker's comp doesn't cover appointment time, and I've gone to probably over 80 hours of appointments on my own time over the past year. According to my company's HR team, since it was ever taken as a worker's comp case, I can't fix it through private insurance.
It's clear to me I need to move on from this job, but I can't pursue art again. (One physical therapist summed it up: if I want to keep using my hands past this decade, I'll want to find a different field.) I've applied to 10 or so remote jobs to save me from driving, but none have gotten back to me. I'm just feeling lost, and so burnt out from having my dream slowly crushed. I don't even know how to start over.
I'm lucky to have a partner (24, nonbinary) who will support me for daily chores, but we're just starting out and don't have enough funds for me to not work. Plus, we're hoping to move closer to family within the next year, and to have a wedding in the next three years, and both come with a high price tag.
So.... what now?
submitted by roselymonster to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:32 -dreamcookie_ My (f27) husband (m28) made me feel guilty for bettering my mental health, how should I approach his feelings about this ?

My mental health has been very poor lately. I’m talking bedridden anxiety, I went in to full “flight” mode and trapped myself in my bedroom for several days a week. Basic tasks felt like a mile run. My anxiety has never been this high. I’m in therapy and reading a really helpful self help book along with my therapist and have been making very small improvements. I’ve gotten to the point of being able to get out of bed but just leaving the house can be incredibly difficult without panic attacks.
I recently reconnected with an old friend from high school. We’re both very spiritual people & it was really good for me to get out of the house and hang out with her. She actually works at a metaphysical shop doing spiritual readings & energy based work with people. I know this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but I’m super into it and it’s proven to be very helpful for me. She started doing small things with me as we hung out like just a little group meditation together and just deep conversations about myself, my soul, my energy, etc. Every time I see her, my anxiety is significantly less present. I’ve made extreme progress with her with my mental health in a very short time frame.
So in just a few weeks time, I went from crying in my bed scared to leave my room to making plans to see this friend frequently throughout the week. We do so much more than focus on helping my mental health.. we do picnics with our kids, parks, arts & crafts, etc. Just creating this strong social bond with her has been amazing for me. I haven’t had a good friend like this in YEARS so having plans that aren’t strictly related to the kids is very unusual for me and I didn’t realize how much I needed the socialization as someone who works from home.
I started to notice every time I brought this friend up, my husband started to look annoyed. Initially he was really happy for me to be doing so well. But the more I tell him about our summer plans or what we did that day, he doesn’t really respond anymore just kind of nods his head. I do want to note really quick, that I almost always make plans with her while he’s at work. So it’s not like I’m spending crazy amounts of time away from him to hang out with her.
I asked him this morning what the deal was, because I couldn’t ignore it anymore. He basically said that I’m “rubbing it in his face that she’s helped me so much” and that it’s made him feel useless. He has been EXTREMELY supportive our whole relationship about my poor mental health. He does anything and everything I need him to do when I’m having panic attacks. I’ve always been very grateful for his support and being so understanding. However as I’m truly working on getting AWAY from anxiety rather than just shutting it out like usual, I’ve learned about safety behaviors and honestly everything my husband usually does for me is just enabling the anxiety. Like running all the errands, picking things up from the store for me, keeping the kids entertained for hours for me so I can cope with a panic attack, etc. All great things that I’ve shown gratitude for but it’s only keeping me in my “safe” zone and not allowing me to face daily fears. So during this last month of hellish anxiety, he’s asked countless times “what can I do for you?” And I say “nothing” because truly I don’t know what he could possibly do to help me. I’m just struggling and that’s all I know. Him holding me while I shake and cry is plenty for me, I don’t expect him to cure my anxiety.
When he told me I was “rubbing it in his face” I just started crying my eyes out and couldn’t find any words to say. This is a really off the wall comment for him, he’s typically just so supportive all the time especially with stuff like this. I told him I don’t mean to rub anything in his face at all, when I come home from hanging out with her anything I tell him is just out of pure joy and excitement about how great of a day I had, I have no negative intentions when I tell him anything.
I told him I can understand feeling helpless, I understand he tries everyday to help me. But I didn’t even know what my friend is doing for me would help, so how could I have possibly told him what would help me? I made it so clear to him that his support alone is enough for me. I’ve told him many times that yoga and meditation help me, he’s seen me doing both many times and has never once offered to join despite me telling him he’s welcome to, he doesn’t practice my deep breathing with me or join me in art or gardening that also help me. I’m not mad that he doesn’t join, but when he shows no interest I’m not going to ask him to join along out of pity because I’m an anxious person all the damn time.
I’ve just started making this beautiful and strong friendship with this girl and now I feel like I can’t even talk about her to my husband anymore. We didn’t get to resolve this argument as he had to go to work so now I’m just so unsure of how to approach this when he gets home. I feel like he’s being really selfish and his own insecurities are showing through how he’s reacting. I feel like he should be happy I’m getting out of the house without a breakdown as it’s put a lot of stress in all of our lives including the kids. And now with this friend I’m able to get the kids out of the house a lot more too.
submitted by -dreamcookie_ to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:26 DerpsyDaisy Work attire for female technician.

I just got my first job in an IT related field. I'm so excited! But I have no idea what to wear. I want to look professional and somewhat feminine but it is a repair job so I will probably be spending a lot of the time in the floor reaching for things and also be fixing signs and things outside sometimes. I'll want something comfortable but that I don't mind getting dirty. Here is the dress code I was sent:
Casual business attire is defined as follows: Note: This is not a complete list and is subject to change without any prior notice.
Appropriate - Casual shirts: All shirts with collars. This includes casual shirts and blouses, golf and polo shirts. Inappropriate: T-shirts, shirts with vulgarity, profanity and/or nudity, unprofessional slogans or clothing that contains pictures or writing that may be offensive, tank tops, muscle shirts and crop tops, sweatshirts, or halter tops. Appropriate - Pants: Casual slacks and trousers. Inappropriate: Shorts, Denim (including blue jeans, jackets, shirts), sweatpants. Appropriate - Footwear: Closed-toe shoes or boots. Inappropriate: Sandals, flip-flops, athletic shoes, Crocs or open-toe shoes.
submitted by DerpsyDaisy to it [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:36 IsraelBeauchamp Wallet pouch. 48, Writer, etc. South Africa. #ApocalypseHandbag

Wallet pouch. 48, Writer, etc. South Africa. #ApocalypseHandbag
Wallet pouch, Variation #1. M, 48, Writer, etc. South Africa
Hi all.
Here is a first attempt at a smaller edc wallet pouch for when I don't have a bag.
Comments, thoughts and suggestions welcome. Those of you who have seen my previous posts, I am a no budget, rustic kinda EDC'r who likes to ramble on a bit about it.
Been trying this wallet out for a day or two and depending on the pants, it feels like a comfortable carry.
Went with a necessity theme over a utility demand...? Whatever that means?
Not fighting crime or surviving the apocalypse with this one, just a bunch of essentials for around the office or around town.
Wallet is black cheap pleather with a zipper pouch, side pocket where I put my cards and a belt loop where I clipped a cheap foldable box cutter knife.
ZAR20 for the wallet, ZAR50 for the knife - used the knife to open up some boxes at the office this week, good sharp blade, does the trick.
I also have my vape in the loop for easy access but it easily fits inside if needed.
Items inside include: (AAA battery for scale)
(white rectangle) mini torch, promo corporate gift received free, not bushwacking quality or strength but it can find my car keys in a pinch.
Pen knife, another gift from my wife's late grandpa, two blades only. Super sharp.
(thin white tube) single emergency cigarette. I vape but sometimes need an occasional real deal if the shit goes down. Great with morning coffee.
(one item not pictured but does fit here is a mini Bic.)
Tools: mini spectacles screwdriver with flat and Phillips-star. Have a dozen of these in all my kits, received free when you get a new pair of glasses. Always handy.
Hex key with star screwdriver on the other end.
Nail clippers
Med pack, binded with 2 elastic bands: Short pencil Mini notepad Credit card tool with multiple functions, really love these, can /bottle opener, spanner, blade, etc. A bit heavy but nice to have. Paracetamol tablets. Plasters. Alcohol patches. Wet wipe /towelette (blue rectangle). Antacid sachet. Eno. Tweezers (green) from an old Swiss Army Knife. Safety pin, hair pin, for whatever... Earbuds. Toothpick and toothpick flosser.
Not fitting but maybe one day: Pack of gum. Nasal inhaler tube, for dry winter air. Eyedrops. Coin change, I have 7 cards in the side pocket so not much room for a couple of coins for emergencies. Bigger pen knife, I have a nicer more functional tool knife, but just too bulky for this. The flatter two blade knife however, is just enough for my needs.
Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think.
submitted by IsraelBeauchamp to UtilityPouches [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:32 DukeOfDerpington Duality of Prey-Chapter 12

Huge shout out to u/ryguy637 & u/-Eterox for helping with Brainstorming and Co-Writing this.
As always, all credits for the original Nature of Predators and it's content goes to Space Paladin15, thank him for allowing artist and writers to use his original work of art for their own uses.
Gaian Ref Sheet-Here, Done by the artist u/Roddcherry
As well as a *Huge* thank you for Julian Sky's for filling in for being an editor again for this chapter! This chapter will be pulling away from the subject memory transcription, instead exploring one of the new regions within the Venian Commonwealth. The "Dark Corner"
"This program is a special update to the Thafki Advocacy’s situation on their new home world, Ayzife. Originally we here at WTWN had done a piece a couple of years back towards the last days of the War, and now we wanted to send one of our reporters to find out- has anything changed? With that, we'll let Rux Limpbut take it away for this one. And please do be aware, user discretion is advised.”
The date of my arrival to Ayzife, the new Thafki homeworld, had arrived. It was a part formally called by our government the “New Re-Seeding Sector”, but It had gained a painful nickname as quickly as it was given its government one. “The Dark Corner”.
A group of Thafki, listless and confused, is shown, as a small group of Gaians seem to herd them back into a recently finished project. A Gaian man is showing us around, telling us of the hardships, his face has been blurred for their safety.
“What am I to do?” The thick Mountaineer accent rang out from the man’s scarred face. He was one of the first officers that had come across the cattle ranches and the true extent of the horror that laid within them. “The adults can't speak, they can't learn. The children are really the only hope…” his accented voice trails off as he checked within some of the residences, some of the seemingly adult Thafki, stunted and confused, are being hand fed. They do not respond to any orders, at least not to ones in any other language except that of the prey killers, or that of our Horned and able bodied Sister species.
The children are crowded around their parents, speaking in a mix of Thafki and a Piggish- like squealing imitation of Arxur. One approaches me and the cameraman, asking us a question.
“Savageness?” They eek out. Compared to the parents, the children seem blissfully unaware to what they or what their loved ones went through, their eyes shining brightly, even if they're glazed over in a mountain of unrealized horror. Our guide calls over a shabbily dressed Thafki, in an overly large uniform. Hand-me-downs from our sister species. It has been hemmed to solgalik and back, but it was still painfully apparent that it barely fit comfortably.
The Thafki, as I was to learn later, “Guzifi” or police, takes the child away and back into the building we peered into. Our cameraman zooms into the back of their necks, a painfully visible barcode and scratched in number can be seen. I stand aghast, before our guide comes back to us, his eyes sullen and shrunken into his head, hammered with fatigue.
“As I was saying…*most* of them can't do anything. But the ones like Curzix there-” he gestures to the man, who is now knelt down, stroking the child's hair, a faint giggle echoing in the sparse abode “-He escaped early into his stint, it hardened him. He was one of the first to sign up once we finished the terraforming process at the beginning of this year.”
We are hurried on, “Curzix” soon rejoins us as we continue to inspect and report. Only months ago this entire section we were in was a barren wasteland, only recently finished terraforming. Now? It's crammed with tightly knit buildings, services, and other amenities. But it's not enough. “Reservists” from our Sister species, as they called them, are the majority of people dealing with the Thafki here, only a handful of Guzifi are to be seen amongst the crowds and herd of broken.
Soon we find ourselves in a “rehabilitation” facility, so to speak, the local baker is the first to greet us, head to toe in traditional thafkian garb, and a small basket of baked goods they had made earlier this morning. She gestures for us to take some, which me and the cameraman do.
“And this-” the Provincial-Governor who had been tailing with us begins, before the Thafki finishes for him
“I'm Zaifi.” She sticks her hand out, and I do the same in kind. I quickly noted that she seemed to be the only light in this icker of dark, bitter sadness that assuaged us. She turns around and begins to wander through the halls as we begin to trail behind her, questions outpouring.
“Are you one of the Free Thafkis that came here?” I ask, she nods in response while clearing her throat..
“Yes. I might be one of the few to even go so far as to say my life's been better since I came here.” She responds. I nod along, taking her words in as I take a bite of the customary “Cionn” bread.
It's one of the signs of the Thafki Advocacy's-now Thafki Republic-Efforts to Re-Seeding their culture and themselves. I'm later told it's an offshoot of a more savory dinner bread, softer and less sweet called Uniffin'Dath, although I'm also told that that type of bread is used in conjunction with Striou (not Strayu) soup.
While I do so, however, I take glances behind me and to the sides of me. Behind me, the Gaian Sector-Governor, Halim and the Thafki Republic’s first Councilor, Ralikenn are having a heated discussion. Something our camera notices as he increases the sensitivity on the recording equipment.
“...I can't believe you all….a junta that…” are the words picked up from Ralikenn, as Halim begins to frown heavily, and begins to speak back.
“... Can't you… supplies arrived…” The discussion continues as Zaifi grabs my attention, the cameraman I'm with peering into the doors we pass by.
The camera pans to Thafki children, in various states of appearance, are sat down in school desks. At the front of their rooms either a Gaian or Thafki teacher can be seen, teaching anything from their language, their dress code, etiquette and more. Soon the camera pans back to Rux and Zaifi.
“So while I serve the food here, I also try and show them the history of us and our resilient culture through it. The background of it, how it came to be and how it weaves with us.” Zaifi continues as we walk down the hallway, she veers off into one of the rooms, and hesitantly I follow.
The inside was quite well worn for how new the building was, already indentations, marks, and other scratches and scuffs could be seen. Signs of hard work and labor, something that is unsurprising considering Zaifi and her duties. As she begins to work, it's time for me to ask her about her thoughts on the situation.
“Compared to the last couple of decades, where do you think your species is at now? I mean, a lot has changed. From being a species with the large portion of your population being cattle to now having a government and world handed to you, it's got to be a bit jarring?”
Zaifi nods, the trademark pearls on a brooch around her neck click and clack gently together, the synthetic pearls a sign of what the Advocacy group had been able to hold on to throughout the centuries.
“Well-” she starts off, as she begins to knead a greenish-blue dough on the distinctly brown work surface, the faint smell of Saltwine being smelt from where I was standing. “I wish we got a welcome, as good as the Paltans and the Gaians gave us. I mean, they split half and half on things here and there around the village!”
The camera pans around the room, bits and baubles of Zaifi’s own life being dotted around it. A bottle or two of sea wine, a basket of synthetic pearls, hints of oceanic theming bedazzle the room.
Zaifi begins to portion out the Bread-a serving of Cionn. A serving of the more savory Uniffin'Dath. Both are seasoned with a spice that is only rarely mentioned in some cookbooks, “Izuzdath.” The process is lively, a stark contrast to last year's report at a holding world as they finished terraforming here.
If you were to have told me that a Thafki would be smiling while knee deep in this grime that is misery, I would've called you a liar. But apparently…
“So how long have you been around here? Or rather should I say, with the herd?” I ask. It causes Zaifi to stop and look at the basket of pearls. Each of them are inscribed with a loved or close one that died, and the date on which they did so. Many of them aren't her relatives, rather they are the few Thafki she has bonded with while staying here.
“Physically? Only…a year or two. But mentally-” The dull sound of the bread being put upon a pre-oiled stone, an smoothed coral stone no less, echoed softly while the grinding of such a stone sliding into one of the waiting ovens as it did so was a stark contrast. The clasp of the oven door closing caused her to turn back to us. She sighs as she pats down her apron.
“Centuries. I guess we grew accustomed to being the odd ones out. Now that my herd- my people, have a place to call their own…” She is sullen for a moment, before her eyes meet the window, overlooking a courtyard. The smile reappears just as quickly as it disappeared.
“Ya know. I'll take this for now, the funniest thing ya know-” she gestures to me to come over and look. The courtyard has a simple watery filled pit. A “pool” as our sister species had dubbed it, seemed to be the eye and star of this little facility, at least for the attendee's. A whole gaggle of Thafki children, in a wardrobe of mismatched, shabby clothing suited for the water could be seen as they ran about it. What I could only assume was their teacher watched over them.
“Your saplings are quite the good match. Even they seem to want to bring the water to themselves sometimes.” She says to herself now in a far more reassured tone. As I begin to smile myself, just a little, a tap is felt on my shoulder. It's Curzix, the Guzifi that has been assigned to us.
The camera now zooms out from the pool and the other recreational activities happening in the center of the U-shaped facility, and turns around quickly, now focusing on Rux and Curzix.
“We'll we're ready to go when you are, you all wanted to get the full experience yeah?” Curzix stuffs his paws into the oversized and hemmed coats pockets, the armband with the symbol of Guzifi. He meanders off as we begin to follow him, I say my goodbyes to Zaifi, and she returns them in kind as we are led back out of the hallway.
We start off now checking the facility in depth, taken into one classroom in particular. It is here that our cameraman points out something peculiar. The extreme range of coloring in the Thafki children here. Looking past numerous ranch markings, numbering, and a word inscribed on the arm of each in the Ruinous Lizards language, the Thafki children are striking.
The camera makes cuts to each of the Thafki children in the room. The variety of blues is numerous. Some are in a vibrant luscious blue, other ones have a dull, greyer one. And yet these are the least eye-catching ones. Some have sporadic spots. Some have a sickly greenish blue hue. And yet some are completely devoid of their regular blue, replaced with a dull brown. The camera now returns to overlooking the entirety of the room from the doorway.
As I entered the room the teacher, who had requested that their face be blurred, comes to me and shakes my hand. They gesture to the Thafki pupils, who are in varied state of affairs. Some of them are paying attention, while others are far more focused on their desks or some portion of the wall.
“You came in at a good time, we're trying to teach them Thafki. It's been a bit of a struggle, but we've been making some slow and small progress.” the teacher comes alongside one of the brightly colored pupils, resting their hand gently on their shoulder. The child flinches for a bit, expecting something as they tense up, before they relax.
“Are they a handful?” I ask to the teacher as they themselves point onto a piece of paper in front of the pup, pointing something out
“From time to time. But whenever the horned fellows come along they calm down quite a bit.” the Thafki’s eyes dart occasionally from the paper on the desk to the doorway behind us, looking back shows the Sector-Governor that has been with us this entire time.
The last time we had visited a rehabilitation center-albeit it was just after the war had wrapped up-the facility was in a far more ramshackle situation compared to now, but while the situation is improving, there's still more to do.
With our little visit to the center done our entourage made our way outside. As we did so a rumbler, an armored vehicle used by our other half, came rolling by. A gaggle of Thafki on it, a Gaian within the group giving us a glance as they went by.
It's here where the uncomfortable nature and scandalous portion of the Re-Seeding comes in. The Laborer gangs, seen as a solution to perceived laziness on Ayzife from some of the Ex-Cattle. The concept is basic and rudimentary both in premise and execution, anything simple is offered up to the gangs first, before giving up to the more general labor sections assigned to the planet.
We keep trudging along, the plethora of buildings being assembled or constructed is numerous along the trail we're taking. Along our way, Ralikenn begins to talk about how far they've come in such a short time span. He gestures to the buildings before he begins to speak.
“All of this-” Our cameraman moves and angles his camera to the row of unfinished buildings, in various states of construction. “In just about a year, it's nearly unbelievable to be honest. I had, tearfully, resigned myself to a forgone conclusion to our species. But now?-” They begin to tear up clearly overwhelmed at this point, they attempt to speak but all that happens is their mouth staying agape for mere moments, before closing and just shaking their head.
And yet there's still more to see. More to do and more to make right. I only hope we can do it in time, as a herd.
submitted by DukeOfDerpington to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:30 Saint-Andros Out of Our Elements A NoP FanFic 20

Out of Our Elements A NoP FanFic 20
First Previous Next
Set in the universe created by u/SpacePaladin15
MASSIVE THANK YOU, LIKE SERIOUSLY HUGE THANKS to u/weithbec (this chapter would not be nearly as good if not for your help) and additional thanks to u/Liberty-Prime76 for further proofing on top of Weith's monumental efforts
As always, some appreciation to u/brotanics, u/LeWombat545, and u/JimDandy117 for the art they have done for this little story of mine. It means the world to me to see my characters brought to life. Links to their work at the bottom of the chapter.
Memory transcription subject: Tevri, Venlil Romanticist
Date [standardized human time]: August 17, 2137
In my hands I held the broken halves of what used to be the makeshift chair that Omo had sat me in. The Krakotl lay motionless on the floor, a large violet gash now visible on the back of his head.
There was now a small indentation in the wall, just a few feet away from Jack. The gun Omo had held tumbled to the ground during the scuffle. Smoke still trailed from its barrel, and my sensitive ears rang in the moments following its deafening boom.
The broken bits of chair slipped from my hands and clattered to the ground as I fell to the floor. Both hands rose to my mouth as my eyes watered and my ears fell flat against the back of my head. What have I done?
There was no chance I was going to just stand there and watch as Jack was executed, but the weight of what I just did was made no lighter by knowing I saved him.
This kid very well could have been any of my friends from back on Skalga if not for fate having other plans. Could I even pretend I was still an empathetic person after clubbing a child over the head?
They were right, weren’t they? I’ve been a monster this whole time. All it took was the perfect moment for me to snap.
The voice snapped me back to my senses as I turned and saw Jack looking back at me. Shit!
I scrambled over, kneeling down beside him. At first I reached out with a paw, but as he winced and hissed while shifting around, I pulled it back.
“A-are, you alright?” He asked.
“Wha—am I alright?” I bleated out. “You’re the one with a hole in you!”
His eyes broke from mine and went back down to his abdomen where crimson blood stained his clothes. Despite the circumstances, he offered a weak laugh. “Ah. Yeah. I am, aren’t I?”
“W-we need to call for medical assistance!”
“Oh, don’t worry about that. I already called the first responders. They should be here soon. You still didn’t answer my question though. Are you alright?”
Was I? Being knocked unconscious, then being drugged and dragged through the woods to a shack and being held hostage by a former exterminator probably doesn’t constitute “being okay.”
“I don’t know.”
“Well, do you think you’re alright enough to tie up that kid’s hands behind his back? You got him pretty good but I’d rather not take chances.”
I looked over to where Omo lay and saw that he was still motionless. “O-okay, but you may need to guide me.”
And guide me he did as I took the binds that once held me and wrapped them around the Krakotl’s arms, pinning them behind his back. I followed Jack’s advice, who did all that he could considering his current state. I took advantage of this moment to distract myself from my thoughts by being busy with my paws, but a distraction only lasts so long, and after a few minutes Omo was properly tied up.
I’d occasionally glance towards Jack as he offered instructions, watching as his skin grew more and more pale with every passing moment. Even with the distraction of tying up Omo’s hands, the guilt of knowing there was nothing I could do to help tugged at my heart.
After finishing up, I gingerly picked up the firearm and knife that had fallen aside and brought them to him, handing both over. Jack pressed a button on the gun’s side and something slid out of the weapon. He tossed this aside before pulling back the sliding top of it and pulling out a bullet that he also tossed into the dirt. Satisfied, he lay the weapon down beside him.
“There,” he said with a sigh.
“S-so what now?”
“We wait I guess,” he said, looking at me. He tried to slide closer, but as he did, he groaned and pressed a hand to his side, closing his eyes.
I let out a quiet whine and my ears fell back against my head, my tail wrapping itself around his leg. “I-it’s going to be alright. I promise.”
Despite the obvious pain that wracked his body, a smile touched the corners of his mouth. “You shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep.”
“D-don’t talk like that. Y-you’re going to be fine.”
“I think we’re well past that point.” As he said this, he lifted his hand from the spreading stain at his waist and reached out for me. I took his hand in my paw and offered a supportive squeeze. The hand I took hold of was coated in his own blood. It stained my paws as I laced my fingers between his, doing my best to not wretch at the sensation. I don’t think I could say I had ever seen so much blood in my life. The fight to maintain composure was a struggle that I was only just coming out on top of.
“J-just stay with me. Okay?”
He took a deep breath and squeezed back. “I’m trying my best here. Though I’ve not exactly got a good track record of keeping my word, do I?”
“What? What are you talking about?”
“C’mon Tev, you don’t gotta mince words just cause I’m dyin’ here. I fucked up bad, and you got hurt.”
“It’s okay. W-we can worry about that w-when we’re out of here.”
Jack sank further down the wall behind him, slouching and hanging his head. “I dunno. Not so sure they’ll be able to put me back together after this.”
“You’re going to be okay. You said it yourself. People are coming to help. We just need to wait a little longer. Just keep on talking to me. You can do that, right?”
He gave a slow nod. “I’ll try my best, but it’s hard. Everything’s a little… foggy. Don’t know how much blood I’ve lost. Probably too much though.”
Panic gripped my heart. No, no, no! This can’t be happening. Stars above. Please… I can’t lose someone else. Not again.
“You have to hold on. I need you.”
Jack gave a weak chuckle. “Naw. I don’t think you ever needed me. If anything, you’d be better off without me here to scare you half to death. Hell, if it hadn’t been for me neither of us’d be here in the first place.” The translator was still doing its job, but I could hear his voice had grown weaker. Each word was a struggle.
“You made a mistake. Just another to add to the pile. What matters is that you’re sorry. We’ll sort this all out once we know you’re safe, but for now, just focus on staying with me.”
Jack’s face twisted, his eyebrows furrowing and his face softening. “H-how? How can you still believe in me? You trusted me to protect you and I failed.”
I shook my head. “There aren’t enough seconds in the day to count how many times I’ve failed the people I love.” Gently, I bumped my head up against his shoulder and wrapped my claws around his arm. “But it took me meeting you to realize that we’re more than just our failures.”
“I… glad I was able to help.” The strength of his hand held in mine waned, and I squeezed it tighter to make up for the loss.
“We’re going to make it through this together. We have to.”
“We’ll see.”
We continued to wait like this, each minute dragging on for a small eternity. I didn’t want to sap his strength, so I elected to remain silent. In this silence, the distraction from my thoughts melted away, leaving me exposed.
I shot a glance to where Omo still lay. His body rose and fell as he breathed, so there was that at least, but otherwise he was out cold. Look at what you’ve done. How would your family feel about this? How would your friends feel?
A number of his feathers lay strewn about in a pile around him from the force of the impact. I—I did it to protect him. I had to. There was no other choice!
There’s always a choice.
I couldn’t just let him die!
You may be right, but what does it say that your first thought was resorting to violence? Maybe your parents were right. Maybe something is wrong with you.
No. I will not allow myself to regret this. There was no other choice in the heat of the moment. I did what I did, but it’s done now. All that matters is that Jack makes it out to get the help he needs.
As I stamped out the fire among my thoughts, Jack broke the silence as he softly spoke up.“So. If we do manage to make it out of here, what happens to us?”
I hummed in contemplation. “I don’t know. Do… Do you still think this could work?”
“I’ll leave that up to you. Lord knows whether I deserve to have someone like you in my life after the shit I’ve pulled.”
My ears fell flat against the back of my head. As much as I may have wanted to deny it, he hurt me. He knew the weakness of my flighty instincts and took advantage of them to scare me off in his anger. Sure, he was sorry, but could sorry even heal these wounds? The safety I felt in his presence was wounded by what he had done. Maybe given time, that wound could heal, but would a relationship like ours even have the chance to do so? Time. Yeah. That’s what we need.
“I think we need to give it some time.”
Jack grunted. “A shame it doesn’t seem like we’ve got much left. Or rather, doesn’t seem like I’ve got much left. If it wasn’t already obvious, I’m not doing too hot.”
“Don’t talk like that,” I pleaded.
“I’m sorry it had to go this way,” he muttered. “M-maybe if we’d taken us a bit slower this wouldn’t’ve hurt so much. It was stupid of me. I’ve barely known you all of a week and I’ve fallen head over heels only to throw it all away.”
I squeezed his arm tight. “Please,” I mewled. “Even if what we’ve found here doesn’t last past this week, I still want you in my life. Can you hold on just a little longer for me?”
Tears began to well up in the man’s eyes as a smile crept across his face. “I’ll try my best. How about for now though, I hold on to you?”
He took both arms and held them outward. Considering the stress, the terror, the fear, and the pain that had plagued me today, the opportunity of an embrace was too much to pass up. “I think I’d like that.”
I came in closer, and Jack pulled his hand from his abdomen to wrap it around me, pulling me closer. I let go of his other arm, and he repeated the motion with his other hand, pulling me up against his body with both arms in a tight hug as I lay sprawled across his chest.
My face settled right beneath Jack’s. His deep blue eyes stared directly into mine as we sat there together. He ran a hand across the back of my head, parsing the wool on my crown. His breath tickled my face, causing a bloom of orange to spread across it. Though perhaps fractured and damaged like both of our bodies right now, the sense of safety I felt before when with him began to grow once more within me.
“This is nice,” I whispered.
“Yeah…” he leaned in closer to my face, red rushing to his cheeks as he did so. “I uh, I’ve been meaning to do this for a little while now. Figure it’d be best to do it while I still can.”
Jack leaned in and interrupted me as his lips met my snout, pressing against my mouth and into it. The warmth of his body against me and his breath mixed with mine, stirring up an intoxicating cocktail of conflicting sensations. I had heard of and even seen humans kissing before, but I always found it odd — until now that is. A display such as this, to join your mouth against someone else's, would have once been deemed outright predatory and discouraged by exterminator guidelines. Then again, I never did care too much for such rules.
We both held out for as long as we could until I needed to breathe, then after a quick gasp, I dove back in again. The warmth shared between us was greater than the light of the sun, and so I closed my eyes, allowing myself to bask in its radiance. For this moment, I allowed my worries to melt away as I melted in his arms and we gave ourselves to each other. All good things must come to an end though, and with no small amount of hesitance, I pulled myself away.
I breathed heavily through my mouth, catching my breath to chase away what I now realized was a sense of lightheadedness — one which was most likely brought on by said lack of breathing. “Wow, that was… wow.”
There was no response, only the quick, shallow rise and fall of his chest as I took note of a gentle buzzing that I hadn’t noticed before. Both ears perked upright of their own volition and turned to face the door of the hovel. I could tell that even Jack had heard it as he shifted where he sat and lifted his head to look outside.
“Is that…” As I trailed off, Jack offered an answer, his voice more quiet than the last time he spoke.
“Yeah. I think that’s them. Shouldn’t be long before they show up.” The man offered another weak squeeze that made me realize just how cold he’d grown. Most of the warmth shared between us was my own, but there was only so much it could do to help.
The hope that sprouted in my heart was just as quickly stamped out the moment he spoke. “I-I’m getting real sleepy here sheep. J-just… just stay safe for me, okay?”
“What? No! No, no, no! Hey! Stay with me!” I began to try and rock him back and forth to keep him awake, but he didn’t seem to respond. “They—they’re going to be here soon,” I stammered. “Everything will be alright.”
As he closed his eyes, he whispered one last time. “No… everything… is.”
The tears flowed freely now as I continued in vain to try and keep him awake. “Jack? Stay with me!” I bumped my head against his, shook his shoulders, pinched his arm, and even resorted to pounding against his chest to try and wake him.
“Please, I—I can’t lose someone else. Not like this… not like this…
The sound of the humming had only grown louder during my desperate attempts to bring him back. After nothing I could do stirred him, I curled up against his chest and waited, placing my head beneath his to offer it support rather than allow it to loll forward.
With my ears pressed against his chest, I could hear the faint thump-thump of his heartbeat. I didn’t know how fast a human’s heart was supposed to beat, but if that of a Venlil’s was in any way comparable, it was far too slow for comfort.
His arms no longer wrapped around me, instead lying limp at his side. My tail twined around his leg, and I hugged my chest with both arms, one eye pressed against his chest while the other was stuck on the door leading outside.
The hum had grown to a roar, but soon enough, its growth halted. The thumping in my chest raced as though it were trying to make up for Jack’s own fading heart, or catch up to the constant, rhythmic thrumming.
Without warning, the door burst open and I squealed as blinding lights illuminated the room. I raised both paws to cover my face, but the damage was already done. Everything became a blurry haze. The room was filled with shouting that shot back and forth between different voices. They were gruff and gravelly as their growled words played themselves back through my translator. Before my vision properly returned, I heard a voice break through the crowd of others.
“Ma’am? Ma’am, are you okay?” A hand grabbed my shoulder and gently shook it. I looked up to a figure in a helmet and mask, but I didn’t have the energy to work up a response. Instead, I shifted gently where I lay. “I need to move you if you’ll let me.” Again, I didn’t budge.
Hands scooped me up, with only a slight amount of resistance on my part as I wriggled in an attempt to return to where I lay. I wanted to stay with him, but a human’s strength was something I couldn’t dare hope to surpass — why even bother?
The blurriness faded just enough to allow me a view of what I was leaving behind. Human-shaped figures in dark clothing surrounded Jack, leaning over him to readjust his body. I caught mention of “blood loss,” and “shock” before being whisked outside where the voices died down and the source of the humming became apparent.
Through the darkness of night, lights illuminated the two helicopters hovering in the air. Their blades cut through the air, blowing the bows of the trees below and sending ripples through the grass. Ropes hung from each helicopter, and from one of them, three more of these similarly dressed humans slid down them to join their compatriots.
The human that carried me set me down outside on the ground, where I wrapped both arms around my legs and set my head on my knees. I tried to muster up the energy to do something, anything, but it just wasn’t there.
I flinched as two hands grasped my shoulders, but when turning around, I relaxed. A reflective blanket had been wrapped around me by the same human that had carried me out. Their mask and helmet had since been removed to reveal their piercing green eyes, dark skin, and short curly hair. I wasn’t exactly used to such a sight — their sight — I would have practically wilted under them a week ago.
They walked around, crouching down to an eye level in front of me. “Are you hurt Ma’am?” If their voice was anything to go by, they seemed to be a woman, though it was difficult to say for sure beneath the bulky layers of armor they wore.
I blinked once, then snapped back to focus. “Is he going to be okay?”
She shrugged. “I’m not sure.” The answer wasn’t exactly a comforting one, but after giving it, she placed a hand on my shoulders and locked eyes with me. “But I can tell you this. Our paramedics will do everything they can to make sure he will be.”
Though it was no guarantee, these words did offer some small amount of comfort.
Almost a year ago now, some unlikely friends offered comfort in a similar — if not quite so dire — situation. It was only right that I respond now just as I did then. I threw both arms forward, wrapping them around the neck of this woman in as tight a hug as I was able to offer. “Thank you.”
“Oh. Uh… sure. Glad I could help.” She wrapped her arms around me in turn, scrunching up the blanket she had just offered me.
He’ll make it. He has to.
Cover Image
Tevri in a sweater - By u/Brotanics
Tevri - By u/Brotanics
A Depiction of Jack's Dream - By u/LeWombat545
Tevri (Discord Nitro Exchange Commision >:D ) - By u/JimDandy117
Lil' Goob Tevri - By u/JimDandy117
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2024.05.29 00:11 Sweet-Count2557 Best Babymoon Destinations in July: From Santorini to Hawaii

Best Babymoon Destinations in July: From Santorini to Hawaii
Best Babymoon Destinations in July: From Santorini to Hawaii
Ah, July – the perfect time for a babymoon! For those about to embark on parenthood, there’s no better way to celebrate this big life change than with an unforgettable getaway.
Whether you’re looking for some rest and relaxation or a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, these best babymoon destinations in July will inspire your wanderlust and help make memories to last a lifetime.
Imagine sipping cocktails on a breezy beachside terrace, exploring ancient ruins beneath the Mediterranean sun, or taking in breathtaking views from atop snow-capped mountains. These are just some of the experiences that await as you discover what makes each of these special places unique.
With so many different possibilities out there, it can be difficult to decide where to go – but fear not! Here we have rounded up some of our favorite spots around the world that offer something special for soon-to-be parents seeking freedom and adventure while they enjoy their last few months before welcoming little one into their lives.
Santorini, Greece
Santorini, Greece is an idyllic getaway for expectant parents looking to make their last vacation as a twosome extra special.
Blessed with some of the most romantic sunsets in the world and surrounded by crystal-blue waters, it's no surprise that Santorini was rated one of the best islands in Europe by Travel + Leisure Magazine four years in a row.
Exploring wineries has become a popular activity for couples visiting Santorini, and July offers balmy weather ideal for tasting local wines like Vinsanto or Nychteri.
With its stunning views, there's something truly magical about watching the sunset from a vineyard perched atop volcanic cliffs.
Of course, what better way to celebrate new life than sipping on some of nature’s finest creations?
Whether it’s your first babymoon or fortieth-anniversary trip, Santorini provides plenty of ways to create long-lasting memories together before welcoming your bundle of joy into the world.
Costa Rica
Costa Rica is a majestic babymoon destination in July and one of the most affordable options you’ll find.
It has everything newlyweds on their babymoon could want: lush nature, exotic wildlife, secluded beaches, private villas, and more—all at surprisingly low prices.
For lodgings that won't break the bank but still feel luxurious, Costa Rica delivers with its boutique beachfront hotels and family-run guesthouses situated amid stunning rainforest or coastal views.
Adventure activities abound too; from hiking volcanoes to canyoning through waterfalls and exploring cloud forests, there's something for everyone who seeks freedom and adventure during their babymoon holiday.
Plus, if you're feeling really adventurous, some operators offer white-water rafting trips down raging rivers!
This country also offers plenty of opportunities to relax. You'll find numerous spas offering all kinds of treatments (from massages to facials), as well as yoga retreats throughout the region where couples can practice mindfulness while admiring gorgeous panoramas.
With so much variety available here, it's no wonder why Costa Rica tops many people's lists when looking for an unforgettable babymoon experience in July.
Nashville, Tennessee
Nashville, Tennessee is one of the best babymoon destinations in July. A city full of music, adventure, and history makes it a great place to explore with your partner before welcoming your little bundle of joy.
Did you know that Nashville has more live musical performances than any other US city? With over 200 venues dedicated to showcasing some of the world’s greatest talent, there are endless opportunities for exploring music while discovering its fascinating past.
From free outdoor concerts to intimate clubs, every genre imaginable is represented here! Whether you prefer folk or rock, blues or country – this destination offers something for everyone. Plus, visitors can also enjoy delicious Southern cuisine and find unique shopping experiences along “Music City”'s iconic streets.
This vibrant metropolis is perfect for couples looking for an exciting getaway before their lives change forever. Its lively atmosphere will give them a much-needed break from everyday stressors and allow them time to reconnect as they celebrate their new addition on the way.
While visiting Nashville, expect plenty of fun activities that will leave lasting memories well into parenthood!
The Caribbean
The Caribbean is an ideal destination for a babymoon getaway in July.
From the stunning beaches and crystal clear blue waters to the vibrant culture of each unique island, there’s something for everyone here.
Exploring the Caribbean is sure to be an unforgettable experience that parents-to-be won't soon forget!
There are many advantages to taking a vacation in the Caribbean during this special time.
For starters, July offers some of the warmest temperatures throughout most of the region – making it perfect for sunbathing on white sand beaches or swimming in tropical turquoise seas.
Plus, with so much variety between islands, couples can find everything from luxury resorts and quaint beachside cottages to lively nightlife scenes and peaceful nature reserves.
No matter what type of atmosphere they’re looking for, they’re sure to find it in this incredible corner of paradise!
With all these amazing features, it's no wonder why the Caribbean remains one of the top spots for babymoons year after year.
Ah, Hawaii – the magical paradise that's perfect for a babymoon getaway. With its stunning beaches and crystal clear waters, it’s no surprise why many couples flock to this tropical haven every July.
From snorkeling spots to romantic resorts, you and your partner can find everything you need in one place.
If you're looking for quality time with your special someone, then Hawaii is definitely for you! Whether you're lounging on pristine beaches or swimming in serene lagoons, there are plenty of opportunities to create lasting memories together.
Plus, who could resist all the delicious local food? You'll be absolutely spoilt by the incredible selection of seafood dishes available throughout the islands.
And if adventure is more your thing, then explore some of Hawaii's unique rainforest trails or take a boat out into open water to view dolphins up close.
No matter whether you want relaxation or excitement, Hawaii has something for everyone.
Paris, France
With its romantic gardens, intimate cafés, and historic landmarks, Paris is an ideal destination for a babymoon.
Couples can indulge in luxury accommodations and enjoy a variety of romantic activities to make their babymoon memorable.
Romantic Activities
Paris is the perfect babymoon destination for couples looking to enjoy romantic activities together in July.
With its world-renowned architecture, iconic sights, and warm summer days, it’s easy to get swept away by the city's charm.
For those seeking a luxurious experience, there are endless opportunities to indulge in spa treatments and soaking up the sunsets on one of Paris' many rooftop bars or terraces.
You can also explore some of France's finest vineyards and take part in wine tastings from local producers – all while enjoying views that will stay with you forever!
Make your dream babymoon come true without ever having to leave the city; charming Paris has something special waiting around every corner.
Luxury Accommodations
Treat yourself to a luxurious babymoon experience at one of Paris' renowned five star hotels.
Here you can take advantage of the first-rate spa facilities and relax in style with your partner – making sure to make time for some gourmet dining experiences throughout your stay too!
If you want to go all out, why not book a private suite or rent an entire apartment?
There's something special about having privacy while being surrounded by the beauty of Paris - it adds another level of intimacy that simply cannot be matched anywhere else.
So don't wait any longer; enjoy the city's unique culture hand-in-hand as you create memories that will last forever.
Reykjavik, Iceland
Taking a babymoon in Reykjavik, Iceland is the perfect way to relax and explore before your new little one arrives. Located on the southern shore of Faxaflói Bay, this vibrant capital city offers plenty for soon-to-be parents looking for an adventure:
Exploring Icelandic Nature: From beautiful waterfalls to glaciers, volcanoes, black sand beaches and stunning mountain scenery, there are numerous opportunities to go outside and connect with nature. Don’t forget to take advantage of whale watching tours while you’re here - it’s truly a magical experience!
Local Cuisine Experiences: Spend time enjoying delicious local cuisine like freshly caught seafood or traditional dishes like skyr (Icelandic yogurt). There are also plenty of cozy cafes where couples can sit back and enjoy some coffee while they plan their next steps in life.
And if that wasn’t enough, Reykjavik has plenty of sightseeing spots such as Hallgrimskirkja Church or the iconic Harpa Concert Hall so you can create lasting memories together before your bundle of joy arrives.
The options for relaxation and exploration are endless in this captivating destination – what better place than Reykjavik for your babymoon?
Sedona, Arizona
Sedona, Arizona is an idyllic destination for a babymoon in July.
With its stunning red rock formations, awe-inspiring sunsets, and abundance of outdoor activities, this desert oasis provides the perfect escape from the chaotic hustle and bustle of everyday life – ideal for expecting couples seeking some much needed rest and relaxation before their little one arrives.
When it comes to pampering yourself during your stay in Sedona, there's no shortage of spa treatments available that will help you unwind and prepare for motherhood.
From massages to facials to mani/pedis, you can truly let go of any stress or anxieties while relaxing at one of the many spas around town.
And when you're ready to explore more than just the inside of a treatment room, take advantage of the warm weather by going on a hike up one of Sedona's picturesque trails or simply enjoy a leisurely stroll along its well-trodden paths.
Of course if exploring isn't exactly your thing then why not sample some local fare?
There are plenty of restaurants offering delicious takes on Southwest cuisine that will tantalize your taste buds (and make sure they’re well satisfied!).
No matter what activity you choose to partake in while visiting Sedona during your babymoon vacation, you'll be able to create memories with your partner that will last long after those nine months come and go.
Tuscany, Italy
Tuscany, Italy is a prime destination for couples seeking the perfect babymoon getaway.
With its rolling hills, spectacular views, and abundance of pampering spas – not to mention its delicious cuisine and world-renowned wines – it's no wonder why so many flock here each year.
The region has so much to offer; from ancient ruins in Siena and Florence that will take your breath away, to picturesque vineyards (perfect for romantic strolls) you'll never be short on things to do.
And with countless spa resorts and wellness centers offering everything from hot stone massages to yoga retreats, there’s nothing quite like indulging in some well-deserved rest before becoming parents!
New Zealand
Are you and your partner ready for a babymoon adventure unlike any other? Look no further than New Zealand in July.
With its stunning landscapes, diverse culture, and plethora of activities to explore, there’s something special about this destination that will make it the perfect backdrop for you two to relax and unwind before welcoming your bundle of joy into the world.
Planning a babymoon in New Zealand doesn't have to be complicated or expensive.
From visiting national parks like Mount Aspiring National Park for some breathtaking views, exploring one of the many charming towns around the country such as Nelson City with its vibrant arts scene, or relaxing at private beaches where you can sink your toes into soft white sand – whatever tickles your fancy, there's sure to be plenty of experiences awaiting you both!
So what are you waiting for? Get ready to start planning an unforgettable escape full of exploration and relaxation!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is The Best Way To Travel To Each Destination?
When it comes to planning that perfect babymoon, the way you get from point A to point B can be just as important as where you're going.
Of course, packing tips and travel insurance are essential for any trip - especially when you have a little one in tow - but there's no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to transportation.
Whether you prefer taking off on an airplane or hitting the open road in a car, each method of travel has its own unique benefits and drawbacks.
Ultimately, the best way for traveling to your destination is whatever makes you feel most comfortable and relaxed while still getting you safely to your destination!
How Much Should I Budget For A Babymoon?
Budgeting for a babymoon is no easy task.
From the packaging costs to safety concerns, there are so many factors to consider when planning your upcoming trip.
When deciding on a budget, it’s important to remember that you don't have to spend an exorbitant amount of money - but rather invest in experiences and moments that will bring joy.
There's something special about taking some time away from everyday life with your partner before welcoming your little one into the world.
With careful planning and research, you can create a unique and memorable experience without breaking the bank.
What Is The Average Temperature In Each Destination During July?
When planning the perfect babymoon, one of the most important considerations is July weather. Temperatures in many popular destinations vary greatly depending on location- from balmy beaches to cooler mountain resorts.
If you're seeking a relaxing resort with local attractions, you'll want to check out temperatures for each destination ahead of time so that you can prepare for your vacation and make sure it's as stress-free as possible.
From Caribbean islands like Aruba where the average temperature is 81℉ (27°C) to European cities like Paris where temperatures reach 77℉ (25°C), there are plenty of options if you’re looking to escape during the summer months and enjoy some freedom before welcoming your bundle of joy.
Are There Any Family-Friendly Activities Available In Each Destination?
When it comes to finding family-friendly activities for your babymoon, there's no shortage of options!
From childcare facilities to a variety of exciting and unique experiences, you can create the perfect getaway with your little bundle of joy.
Whether you're looking for educational opportunities or simply want to relax on the beach, there are plenty of activities available in each destination that will suit all ages and interests.
And when it comes to travel insurance, many places offer tailored plans specifically designed for families traveling with young children.
So whether you choose an adventurous outdoor trekking adventure or a more leisurely sightseeing tour – make sure to look into any potential childcare options and travel insurance before setting off on your amazing babymoon journey!
Is There A Language Barrier To Consider When Travelling To Each Destination?
When traveling to babymoon destinations, it's important to consider the language barrier and cultural differences that may exist.
It's essential to research each destination beforehand and be aware of local customs in order to ensure a smooth journey.
The best way to do this is by consulting travel guides or tourist websites for useful information.
Those looking for an unforgettable experience should take the time to immerse themselves in the culture and embrace any unique experiences that present themselves - all while keeping safety as a top priority!
It's time to start planning the perfect babymoon getaway for July. Whether you're looking for a beachy escape or an adventurous mountain retreat, there are plenty of great options available.
With a bit of research and budgeting ahead of time, you can find the ideal destination that fits your needs.
On average, destinations in Europe tend to be slightly cooler than those in other parts of the world during this time of year, with temperatures hovering around 75°F (24°C). This makes it easier to enjoy outdoor activities without having to worry about too much heat.
Additionally, many international locations offer family-friendly attractions so everyone can have fun together! Whatever you choose, make sure to take advantage of all that these amazing places have to offer - after all, memories from your babymoon will last forever.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:07 Correct_Secret1789 I need to find a powerbank, preferably with a solar power charging functionality, so I can try to use it in public places and it must be functional to charge my laptop

my laptop model is the HP Elitebook X360 1030 g2,, which uses the following power specifications:
Power supply: HP 65 W Smart AC Adapter HP 65 W Smart AC Adapter EM HP 65 W Smart USB Type-C AC Adapter
Primary Battery: HP 3-cell Long Life Li-Ion polymer (57 WHr) (supports battery fast charge)
and this seems to be the official equivalent powerbank required to be able to charge it: <- this is my laptop's compatible's powerbank configurations:

Product specifications

FeatureDescription Battery capacity20,100 mAh72.36 Wh ConnectorsUSB-C (3 A current)USB-A (2.4 A current) Cell typeCylindrical SDI 18650 35ELGC 18650 MJ1 Voltage10.8 V Rated input60 W (maximum) Rated outputUSB-C power in20.0 V/15.0 V/12.0 V/10.0 V/9.0 V/5.0 V (output voltage)3.0 A (maximum output current)USB-C power out5.0 V (output voltage)3.0 A (maximum output current)USB-A power in5.0 V2.4 A (maximum output current) Fuel gauge LEDYes LED Indicator(4) LEDs/power Indicators100% to 75%(4) LEDs75% to 50%(3) LEDs50% to 25%(2) LEDsLower than 25%(1) LED Charging methodHP 45W USB-C Power Adapter (not included)HP 65W USB-C Power Adapter (recommended and not included) TemperatureOperating 0°C to 45°C (32° to 113°F)Operating (discharging)-10°C to 60°C (14° to 140°F)Non-operating (storage temperature)0°C to 23°C (32° to 73.4°F) for 1 year0°C to 45°C (32° to 113°F) for 3 months0°C to 60°C (32° to 140°F) for 1 monthNOTE: All values follow Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC). Battery recharge timeSystem in OFF or Standby Mode0% to 100% Less than 3 hours
Now, seeking for results on chatgpt, it yielded me this: "When looking for a power bank equivalent to the one specified for your HP Elitebook X360 1030 G2, you need to focus on several key specifications to ensure compatibility and adequate performance. Here are the crucial factors to consider:
  1. Battery Capacity: Aim for a power bank with a capacity around 20,100 mAh or higher to ensure it can provide sufficient charge for your laptop.
  2. Output Power: Ensure the power bank has a USB-C output with similar voltage options (5V, 9V, 10V, 12V, 15V, and 20V) and a maximum current output of 3A.
  3. Input Power: Look for a power bank that supports at least 60W input to ensure fast recharging.
  4. Power Delivery (PD): Make sure the power bank supports USB-C Power Delivery (PD) to provide the necessary power levels for your laptop.
  5. Connector Types: Ensure the power bank has USB-C and USB-A ports with the appropriate current ratings.
  6. Build Quality and Safety: Opt for a reputable brand with good reviews to ensure safety features like overcharge protection, short circuit protection, and temperature control.
Here are some alternatives to consider that generally match these specifications:
  1. Anker PowerCore+ 26800 PD: This power bank has a 26,800 mAh capacity and supports Power Delivery with 45W output, which should be sufficient for your laptop. It includes a 60W charger for recharging the power bank.
  2. RAVPower 20000mAh 60W PD 3.0 Power Bank: With a 20,000 mAh capacity and up to 60W output via USB-C PD, this power bank is a solid choice for charging laptops.
  3. Aukey 20000mAh Power Bank with 65W PD: This power bank offers 20,000 mAh capacity and up to 65W output via USB-C, making it suitable for charging high-powered devices like laptops.
  4. Zendure SuperTank 26800mAh: Known for its robust build and reliability, this power bank supports up to 100W output via USB-C PD, which is more than adequate for your laptop and future-proof for other high-power devices.
  5. Omni 20+ Portable Power Bank: This versatile power bank offers multiple output options, including a 60W USB-C PD port, and has a 20,000 mAh capacity. It’s a bit pricier but offers more flexibility.
Before purchasing, double-check the power bank's specifications to ensure they match or exceed the power requirements of your HP Elitebook X360 1030 G2. Additionally, consider the recharge time, weight, and any additional features like pass-through charging, which allows you to charge the power bank and your laptop simultaneously."
so while looking for the second option, the RAVPower 20000mAh 60W PD 3.0 Power Bank, I found this Technical Specification:
Battery Type: Li-Polymer Battery
Capacity: 20000mAh
Input: DC 5V/2A, total 3.0A
Solar Panel: 5V/300mA
Waterproof Rating: IPX4
could this work for charging a laptop on the go?? what should I be looking for precisely, to attend all my needs? now that I found this type of solution??? what type of powerbank/solar panel charger system do I need for this? also if it could escalate some more wattage, like say 100 watts, so that I could charge other devices aswell, because I'm gonna use this for bikepacking trips.
submitted by Correct_Secret1789 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:56 Sweet-Count2557 Best Beaches in Miami

Best Beaches in Miami
Best Beaches in Miami Welcome to our sunny paradise in Miami, where we've got the best beaches that'll make your heart skip a beat!In this article, we'll take you on a thrilling tour of Miami's top coastal gems. From family-friendly shores with powdery sand to trendy coastlines with vibrant nightlife, we've got it all.So grab your shades and join us as we dive into the beauty and excitement that Miami's beaches have to offer. Let's soak up the sun and make some unforgettable memories!Key TakeawaysLummus Park Beach is a popular and family-friendly beach in Miami, offering a range of activities including sunbathing, swimming, and beach volleyball.South Pointe Park Beach is easily accessible and features a fishing pier, colorful lifeguard towers, and a naturist beach section.Matheson Hammock Park Beach is known for its safe and gentle waters, making it a great choice for families with kids. It also offers activities such as paddleboarding and fishing.Crandon Park Beach, located on Key Biscayne, is a family-friendly beach with calm water and features a nature center, picnic areas, and a carousel.Lummus Park BeachWe should check out Lummus Park Beach because it offers a vibrant and trendy atmosphere with endless views of the Atlantic Ocean. This popular beach in Miami is the perfect destination for beach activities and family-friendly amenities. The sugary white shoreline and sparkling cerulean water create a picturesque backdrop for a day of fun in the sun.At Lummus Park Beach, you'll find a wide range of activities to enjoy. Whether you're into beach volleyball, sunbathing, sandcastle building, or scenic strolls along the shore, there's something for everyone. The beach is also equipped with attentive lifeguards, well-maintained showers and restrooms, and nearby parking for your convenience.Not only does Lummus Park Beach offer a variety of beach activities, but it also boasts a vibrant nightlife. With nearby nightclubs, you can continue the fun into the evening with drinks and parties.If you're looking for a place to stay nearby, we recommend the Casa Boutique Hotel. Located in the heart of South Beach, it offers a vibrant and energetic atmosphere that perfectly complements the beach experience. From people-watching to beach volleyball, there's never a dull moment at Lummus Park Beach.South Pointe Park BeachSouth Pointe Park Beach, located at the southern tip of Miami Beach, offers a stunning blend of natural beauty and urban amenities. With its lush greenery, sandy shores, and crystal-clear waters, the park provides the perfect backdrop for a day of relaxation and fun.As we explore this beach, let's discuss the park's amenities and facilities. The park features well-maintained restrooms and showers, making it convenient for visitors to freshen up after a dip in the ocean. Additionally, there are picnic areas with tables and grills, ideal for enjoying a beachside barbecue with friends and family.The breathtaking scenic views and landscapes at South Pointe Park Beach are truly one-of-a-kind. From the park, visitors can enjoy panoramic vistas of the Atlantic Ocean, the Miami skyline, and the nearby Fisher Island. The park also boasts a picturesque jetty that extends into the water, offering a unique perspective of the coastline.When it comes to dining options, South Pointe Park Beach has you covered. The park is conveniently located near several restaurants and cafes, ranging from casual beachside eateries to upscale dining establishments. Whether you're craving fresh seafood, international cuisine, or a refreshing cocktail, you'll find plenty of options to satisfy your taste buds.With its natural beauty, convenient amenities, stunning views, and nearby dining options, South Pointe Park Beach is a must-visit destination for locals and tourists alike. So pack your beach gear, grab a picnic basket, and get ready to enjoy a day of sun, sand, and sea at this incredible Miami Beach gem.Park Amenities and FacilitiesAt South Pointe Park Beach, the park amenities and facilities include clean restrooms, showers, and a splash pad for kids. These well-maintained amenities ensure a comfortable and convenient beach experience for visitors of all ages.Whether you're taking a refreshing dip in the ocean or building sandcastles with your little ones, having access to clean restrooms and showers is essential. The splash pad adds an extra element of fun for children, allowing them to cool off and play in a safe and interactive environment.South Pointe Park Beach truly caters to families by providing these essential park amenities. So, you can enjoy a day full of beach activities, knowing that you have access to everything you need for a memorable and enjoyable beach outing.Scenic Views and LandscapesWith its stunning panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean and lush coastal landscapes, South Pointe Park Beach offers a picturesque setting for beachgoers to enjoy.The golden sand stretches for miles, inviting us to kick off our shoes and feel the soft grains between our toes.The gentle waves crash against the shore, creating a soothing soundtrack that instantly relaxes us.The vibrant colors of the sky at sunrise and sunset make for perfect moments of scenic photography.The serene atmosphere provides the ideal backdrop for beachfront yoga sessions, allowing us to find inner peace while surrounded by nature's beauty.As we soak in the sights and sounds of this tranquil beach, our appetites start to awaken, leading us to explore the nearby dining options that await us.Nearby Dining OptionsAs we stroll along South Pointe Park Beach, we can't help but wonder what delicious dining options await us nearby. Lucky for us, this vibrant beachfront area is home to a variety of restaurants that cater to all tastes and preferences.Whether you're in the mood for fresh seafood, international cuisine, or a casual beachside burger, there's something for everyone just steps away from the sandy shore. From upscale beachfront restaurants with breathtaking ocean views to laid-back eateries with a relaxed atmosphere, the nearby dining options are sure to satisfy your cravings after a day of sun and surf.Matheson Hammock Park BeachMatheson Hammock Park Beach is a hidden gem nestled within a tropical landscape. With its shallow and gentle waters, it offers a safe and enjoyable beach experience for families with kids.The highlight of this beach is the man-made atoll pool, providing a unique and picturesque setting for swimming and picnicking.Shallow and Gentle WaterWhile Matheson Hammock Park Beach offers a man-made atoll pool with shallow and gentle water, it's one of the prettiest beaches in Miami. The calmness of the water creates a serene and relaxing atmosphere that's perfect for families with children or those who simply want to enjoy a peaceful day at the beach. Here are four reasons why the shallow and gentle water at Matheson Hammock Park Beach is worth experiencing:Safe for all: The shallow water at Matheson Hammock Park Beach makes it a safe option for swimmers of all ages and skill levels. Parents can relax knowing that their children can enjoy the water without worrying about strong currents.Ideal for water sports: The calm and shallow water at Matheson Hammock Park Beach provides the perfect conditions for kiteboarding, paddleboarding, and kayaking. Adventure enthusiasts can take advantage of these opportunities to explore the water and have an exhilarating experience.Spectacular views: As you wade through the shallow water, you'll be treated to breathtaking views of the surrounding tropical landscape. The combination of the clear blue water and lush greenery creates a picturesque backdrop that's truly mesmerizing.Proximity to luxury shopping: After a day of fun in the water, you can indulge in some luxury shopping at the nearby boutiques and malls. Matheson Hammock Park Beach offers the perfect combination of natural beauty and access to upscale shopping options, giving you the best of both worlds.Man-Made Atoll PoolWe can't wait to explore the man-made atoll pool at Matheson Hammock Park Beach and experience its unique features. This stunning pool is a gem nestled within the park, offering a one-of-a-kind swimming experience. The pool's design mimics a natural lagoon, with calm and gentle water that's perfect for both kids and adults.We're excited to take a dip in the crystal-clear water and soak up the sun on the sandy shoreline. The surrounding tropical landscape adds to the beauty and tranquility of the atoll pool.In addition to swimming, Matheson Hammock Park Beach also offers a variety of nearby water activities such as kiteboarding, paddleboarding, kayaking, and fishing. It's the perfect destination for a fun-filled day by the water.Tropical Landscape and MarinaAfter exploring the man-made atoll pool, let's head over to the tropical landscape and marina at Matheson Hammock Park Beach for some scenic views and boating opportunities. The marina activities at Matheson Hammock Park Beach offer a chance to immerse ourselves in the vibrant and lively atmosphere of the beach. Here are four reasons why the marina activities at Matheson Hammock Park Beach will give you those perfect tropical beach vibes:Boating Excursions: Hop on a boat and set sail along the picturesque coastline, taking in the breathtaking views of the turquoise waters and swaying palm trees.Fishing Adventures: Cast your line and try your luck at catching some of the abundant marine life that resides in these waters, creating unforgettable moments and memories.Water Sports: Dive into the crystal-clear waters and engage in thrilling water sports like paddleboarding, kayaking, and kiteboarding, adding an extra element of excitement to your beach experience.Sunset Cruises: Embark on a romantic sunset cruise and witness the sky ablaze with vibrant colors as the sun dips below the horizon, creating a truly magical and unforgettable moment.With these marina activities, Matheson Hammock Park Beach offers the perfect blend of relaxation and adventure, allowing you to fully embrace the tropical beach vibes and create lasting memories.Crandon Park BeachCrandon Park Beach is located on Key Biscayne and offers a quieter and less crowded beach experience for families with children. This hidden gem provides a serene and relaxing atmosphere, perfect for those seeking a peaceful day by the sea. The beach boasts crystal clear waters and a fine sandy shoreline, inviting visitors to dip their toes in the gentle waves. With lifeguards on duty, parents can have peace of mind as their little ones splash and play in the calm waters.Crandon Park Beach offers a variety of beach amenities to enhance your visit. Picnic areas are scattered throughout the park, providing the perfect spot for a family lunch or a beachside barbecue. And if the kids need a break from the sun, there's a playground where they can run, climb, and slide to their heart's content.In addition to the tranquil beach setting, Crandon Park Beach offers a range of popular activities for all ages. Rent a kayak or paddleboard and explore the beautiful coastline, or take a leisurely bike ride along the scenic paths that wind through the park. For those seeking a bit of friendly competition, a game of beach volleyball is always a great option.Overall, Crandon Park Beach is a hidden oasis that offers a quieter and less crowded beach experience for families. With its beautiful shoreline, beach amenities, and popular activities, it's the perfect destination for a day of fun and relaxation.Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park BeachLet's head over to Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park Beach and enjoy the pristine shoreline and clear water. Here are four reasons why this beach is a must-visit:Natural Beauty: Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park Beach boasts a breathtaking natural beauty that will leave you in awe. The shoreline is pristine, with powdery white sand that feels soft beneath your feet. The clear water sparkles in shades of turquoise, inviting you to take a refreshing dip.Historical Charm: This beach is home to the oldest standing structure in Miami, the Cape Florida Lighthouse. It adds a touch of historical charm to the already picturesque scenery. Take a walk around the lighthouse and learn about its fascinating history.Outdoor Activities: Whether you're into fishing, hiking, biking, or wildlife spotting, Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park Beach has something for everyone. Explore the park's trails, cast a line into the ocean, or simply enjoy a leisurely stroll while taking in the stunning views.Tranquility: Unlike bustling beaches like Lummus Park Beach, Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park Beach offers a peaceful and serene atmosphere. Escape the crowds and find your own little slice of paradise where you can relax and unwind.Surfside BeachWe should take a short drive to explore the quiet and pristine coastline of Surfside Beach. Nestled away from the bustling crowds, this hidden gem offers a serene and tranquil escape from the city. As we arrive, we're greeted by the gentle sound of crashing waves and the soft caress of the ocean breeze. The beach stretches out before us, with its soft, powdery sand and crystal-clear turquoise waters.Surfside Beach isn't only a haven for relaxation and sunbathing, but it also offers fantastic surfing opportunities for those looking to ride the waves. The calm water and soft sandy bottom create the perfect conditions for both beginners and experienced surfers to enjoy their time in the water. Lifeguards are on duty to ensure the safety of all beachgoers, adding an extra layer of peace of mind.In addition to its natural beauty, Surfside Beach is also home to a charming town with shops and restaurants. For those looking to stay a little longer, there are beachfront resorts and hotels that offer comfortable accommodations and stunning views of the coastline. Whether you're seeking a romantic getaway or a family vacation, Surfside Beach has something to offer everyone.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Water Sports Equipment Rentals Available at Lummus Park Beach, South Pointe Park Beach, Matheson Hammock Park Beach, Crandon Park Beach, Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park Beach, or Surfside Beach?Yes, there are water sports equipment rentals available at several beaches in Miami.Some of the popular beaches where you can find these rentals include Lummus Park Beach, South Pointe Park Beach, Matheson Hammock Park Beach, Crandon Park Beach, Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park Beach, and Surfside Beach.At these beaches, you can try a variety of exciting water sports activities such as kayaking, paddleboarding, and surfing.Whether you're a beginner or an experienced adventurer, these beaches offer the perfect opportunity to enjoy the thrill of water sports and make unforgettable memories.Are Pets Allowed on the Beaches of Lummus Park Beach, South Pointe Park Beach, Matheson Hammock Park Beach, Crandon Park Beach, Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park Beach, or Surfside Beach?Pets are welcome at Lummus Park Beach, South Pointe Park Beach, Matheson Hammock Park Beach, and Crandon Park Beach. These pet-friendly beaches offer outdoor activities for our furry friends, such as walks along the shoreline and playing in the sand.If you're looking for accommodations nearby, there are several pet-friendly hotels in the area. Enjoy a beach day with your pet and create lasting memories together in the beautiful Miami sunshine.Are There Any Restrictions on Alcohol Consumption at Lummus Park Beach, South Pointe Park Beach, Matheson Hammock Park Beach, Crandon Park Beach, Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park Beach, or Surfside Beach?At Lummus Park Beach, South Pointe Park Beach, Matheson Hammock Park Beach, Crandon Park Beach, Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park Beach, and Surfside Beach, there are restrictions on alcohol consumption. However, these beaches offer a variety of water sports equipment rentals for visitors to enjoy.From kayaking and paddleboarding to fishing and surfing, there are plenty of activities to keep you entertained.Are Bonfires or Barbecues Allowed on the Beaches of Lummus Park Beach, South Pointe Park Beach, Matheson Hammock Park Beach, Crandon Park Beach, Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park Beach, or Surfside Beach?Bonfires vs. barbecues: Which is better for beach gatherings?When it comes to beach gatherings, barbecues are the way to go. Not only do they provide delicious food, but they also eliminate the risk of open flames and potential hazards.To have a fun and safe day at the beach, remember to follow beach safety tips like staying hydrated, wearing sunscreen, and swimming in designated areas.Are There Any Beachfront Restaurants or Cafes Available at Lummus Park Beach, South Pointe Park Beach, Matheson Hammock Park Beach, Crandon Park Beach, Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park Beach, or Surfside Beach?Yes, there are beachfront dining options and cafes available at Lummus Park Beach, South Pointe Park Beach, Matheson Hammock Park Beach, Crandon Park Beach, Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park Beach, and Surfside Beach.These beautiful beaches offer a variety of culinary experiences, allowing you to enjoy delicious meals and refreshing drinks with stunning ocean views.Whether you're in the mood for a beachside restaurant or a cozy cafe, these beaches have you covered for a delightful dining experience.ConclusionNow that we've explored the best beaches in Miami, it's clear that this vibrant city truly has something for everyone.From the family-friendly shores of Lummus Park Beach to the surfing paradise of South Pointe Park Beach, and the tranquil waters of Matheson Hammock Park Beach to the secluded beauty of Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park Beach, Miami offers a beach experience like no other.So grab your sunscreen and get ready to soak up the sun in this paradise by the sea.
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