Compare and contrast elements in multiple texts

Religious Fruitcake

2018.01.25 20:50 empress_of_pinkskull Religious Fruitcake

religiousfruitcake is about the absurd, fringe elements of organized religion: the institutions and individuals who act in ways any normal person (religious or otherwise) would cringe at. (subreddit twitter handle: @rreligiousfrui1)

2015.03.05 21:45 BayLeaf- READ RULE ONE PLEASE JESUS

The osu! sub for all your skinning needs.

2017.08.03 05:07 Thevisi0nary Boss fight

Pictures of things that could be boss fights, any kind of picture, gif, or video may be used. Come up with a boss name for the title, and if desired add some stats and or back story in the comments. Make your title as creative as possible, something more than "lord of x", or "B'oss".

2024.05.16 20:43 Joshh170 Rockstar Co-Founder Developing AAA Open World Game

Rockstar Co-Founder Developing AAA Open World Game
A recent job listing from Rockstar Games co-founder Dan Houser's new studio, Absurd Ventures, seemingly confirms development is underway on a AAA open-world game. Houser began Absurd Ventures back in 2023, with many speculating over what his first independent game would look like after leaving Rockstar Games. As it turns out, it may not be very different compared to his past work.
In 2020, Dan Houser parted ways with Rockstar Games, the studio he co-founded and where he played a pivotal role in creating iconic open-world titles like Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption. While many worried about how Houser's departure could impact GTA 6 and future Rockstar titles, it marked the beginning of a new chapter for the renowned creator. He established Absurd Ventures alongside several other former Rockstar veterans, including popular figures like Lazlow Jones, Michael Unsworth, and Adam Tedman, bringing with them a wealth of experience in open-world game design.
It appears those talents will come in handy, as a Lead Gameplay Designer job listing on Absurd Ventures' website reveals that the studio is developing an open-world action-adventure title. It's also understood that this will be a AAA project, as per an older LinkedIn post from Michael Unsworth, Absurd Ventures' Head of Story and Creative Management. The qualifications for the role hint at melee and shooting mechanics being a part of the game, as well as "non-combat forms of action gameplay," which are specified as driving, climbing, mounts, platforming, etc. These requirements could allude to a modern setting for Absurd Ventures' game.
Absurd Ventures' AAA Game Could Feature Multiplayer
Mentions of multiplayer combat design and "multiple game modes" can also be found in the listing, seemingly implying that the studio may be considering an online component for its debut game. Interestingly, Absurd Ventures released its first two projects, a graphic novel titled American Caper and a 12-part audio drama series called A Better Paradise, as part of a crossmedia storytelling approach. However, the job listing makes no mention of any connection to those projects, which is odd considering they were meant to introduce two separate universes which the studio's future projects would explore.
Houser has worked on some of the best games in the industry, and while his latest venture may not be a complete breakaway from the types of games he's known for, it shows that he and the team are sticking to their strengths. It's currently unknown whether the project is being funded by a publisher, but with the talent and experience on offer, Absurd Ventures would most likely not have any issues procuring funding, if required. As unbelievable as it may sound, GTA 6 could have some stiff competition in the future.
submitted by Joshh170 to GameGeeks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:43 Feeling_Lack_1047 Is this abusive or just a really bad fight?

How do I (F19) deal with a fight that occurred with my bf (M20)?
Recently, me (F19) and my bf (M20) of 2.5 years are both done with finals and decided to go to a park and get ice cream and catch up a bit more since we haven’t spent a lot of physical time together. I am also leaving for an internship to help me with med school in a few days so I wanted to make sure that I spent a lot of time with him before I left. He picks me up and he talks about how he feels like he doesn’t have everything figured out and feels behind when comparing himself to others in his age group, he also wants to pursue an M.D. He was also speeding, slammed the brakes, and honked that the other car for no reason. I reassured him and it seemed like he was getting hangry so we stopped to get some food.
Then after we went to the park, we we’re having a good time. Fast forward, he gets a call from his mom about car troubles. He didn’t know when to change the oil in his car and his mom was explaining the process to him and he thought she was saying that, in his own words, “he was stupid and doesn’t know how to do anything” I tried to reassure him and tell him that she just wants him to know to check his oil. He then hangs up on her and I told him to call her back because what he did was rude. He then calls her back and says, “because of when the majority told me, I called you back” and I thought that was even more rude! I don’t know what his mom said, but he just told me to get to the car to drop me off. We get in the car and he was speeding again. I don’t remember exactly what was said then but he was stressed about the car and changing the oils, he then almost hit another car and began to punch the steering wheel. I told him that he needs to pull over and we found a parking spot. I told him that he needs to calm down because this is not safe.
He then tells me because he doesn’t have his metal music on he’s acting this way since I don’t like that genre of music. I told him that if he had on he would still act this way and he has before every time he’s upset in the car. I was thinking to myself, just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean that I’m not going to tell you to not play it in your own car. He then starts yelling at me about how he always does things with music since middle school. At this point I started to just say, “I don’t care” I know I should’ve said something better but when people yell at me I’m not going to yell at you back and I will just stonewall because that’s something I don’t tolerate and we have had multiple conversations that I do not tolerate yelling. Then told me to get the f out and I did, I started to break down and the only thing I could say was f you to him and I got out. I pulled out my phone and began to order an Uber. He then yelled at me again and then sped off.
I was lucky enough that I was at a location I was familiar with and went inside a Walmart to wait for my ride. As soon as I was inside I started to block him on everything. His mom called me and asked if I needed a ride and I told her that I already got one. She followed up the question with saying that, “he’s melting down” and “doesn’t want to lose me.” Additionally, “he has ADHD so it’s hard for him to interpret emotions and everything that’s going on” however she was also saying that she’s been in similar situations so she can empathize with me but he’s not making excuses for him?
I just thanked her for calling and told her I just need some space. This isn’t the first time he did this. The last time he was speeding and I told him that I felt unsafe and he stopped the car and told me to go, it was late at night but luckily I was in my neighborhood to walk back home. I don’t know how I can navigate/put up with this? If I should talk to him before I leave for my internship since it’s out of state? I know I’m in the wrong for saying f him and saying I didn’t care. I just want to know what do I do now? I’m too out of sorts to actually determine if it’s just a really bad fight or not so I’m out sourcing.
TLDR: Boyfriend is stressed about that future and recklessly driving in the process. When other issues are involved he also gets stressed which leads to another instance of speeding. Then when trying to intervene it leads to him yelling, something I don’t tolerate and he yells at me to get out of the car and speeds off. I had to find other ways of transportation and want to know what to do now?
submitted by Feeling_Lack_1047 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:42 INFJPersonality-52 Chapter 723, Mobile Home Communities

Chapter 723, Mobile Home Communities
Welcome to Condo Corner, where we explore the intricacies of community living in Florida. Today, let’s compare and contrast cooperative associations governed by Chapter 719 and rental communities regulated by Chapter 723 of the Florida Statutes.
Cooperative associations, governed by Chapter 719, operate under a unique ownership structure where residents own shares in the cooperative corporation rather than individual units. In contrast, rental communities, regulated by Chapter 723, typically involve tenants who lease their living spaces from a landlord or property management company.
One key difference between cooperative associations and rental communities lies in ownership. In cooperatives, residents have a vested interest in the cooperative corporation, entitling them to certain rights and responsibilities as shareholders. In rental communities, tenants have a contractual agreement with the landlord, granting them temporary occupancy rights without ownership stakes.
Another distinction pertains to governance and decision-making. In cooperative associations, residents elect a board of directors to oversee the management and operations of the cooperative. These directors are responsible for making critical decisions and enforcing rules and regulations within the community. In rental communities, the landlord or property management company retains control over decision-making, with tenants having limited input in community matters.
Cooperative associations often foster a strong sense of community and shared responsibility among residents. Since residents collectively own shares in the cooperative corporation, there is a vested interest in maintaining the property and ensuring its long-term success. In contrast, rental communities may lack the same level of community engagement, as tenants may invest less in the property’s upkeep and maintenance.
From a legal standpoint, cooperative associations and rental communities are subject to different regulations and statutes. Chapter 719 governs cooperative associations' formation, operation, and governance, outlining specific rights and responsibilities for shareholders and the cooperative board. Chapter 723, on the other hand, addresses landlord-tenant relationships in rental communities, including lease agreements, rent payments, and eviction procedures.
Despite these differences, cooperative associations and rental communities play vital roles in Florida’s diverse housing landscape. Whether you’re considering purchasing shares in a cooperative or renting a unit in a community, it’s essential to understand the unique characteristics and legal frameworks governing each type of housing arrangement.
At Condo Corner, we’re committed to providing valuable insights and resources to help you navigate the complexities of community living in Florida. Stay tuned for more expert analysis and informative articles related to condominiums, cooperatives, and rental communities.
As always, this is not legal advice, here is the link to the Florida Statute:
submitted by INFJPersonality-52 to Condo_Corner_Kelly_Ke [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:42 its_true_world Anti imperialism

Lenin say : imperialism is as much our “mortal” enemy as is capitalism. That is so. No Marxist will forget, however, that capitalism is progressive compared with feudalism, and that imperialism is progressive compared with pre-monopoly capitalism. Hence, it is not every struggle against imperialism that we should support. We will not support a struggle of the reactionary classes against imperialism; we will not support an uprising of the reactionary classes against imperialism and capitalism
Stalin say : The unquestionably revolutionary character of the vast majority of national movements is as relative and peculiar as is the possible revolutionary character of certain particular national movements. The revolutionary character of a national movement under the conditions of imperialist oppression does not necessarily presuppose the existence of proletarian elements in the movement, the existence of a revolutionary or a republican programme of the movement, the existence of a democratic basis of the movement. The struggle that the Emir of Afghanistan is waging for the independence of Afghanistan is objectively a revolutionary struggle, despite the monarchist views of the Emir and his associates
Is this a contradiction?
submitted by its_true_world to DebateCommunism [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:38 1jjwrld Will her and I get back together one last time? Is this relationship reconcilable/redeemable after me messing up so many times? Is this really permanent or not? Did she just speak out of emotion or did she mean all that she said? Will Time and Space help? What advice can you give me?

TL;DR : (M18) turning 19 in August and (F20) This is our 3rd time breaking up along with our 2nd cancelled engagement with plenty of separations and rekindling throughout our entire 4+ years knowing eachother. We’ve done a lot of growing up together as well as apart and over the years we’ve both done eachother wrong but we’ve also done so so so much for eachother as well. However, it was always me who was less mature and messing up more. I recently messed up once again and in a state of high emotion on both sides, she was fed up and said We were never getting back together. Will I ever get one last chance with her?
Please, I miss her so much and I’m willing to do anything just for one final chance. I love her and I’m IN love with her with all my heart and soul bro. I am extremely attached, connected, and emotionally invested in this girl and we have been through so much together. I desire(more than anything else in the world) a future with her.
For more context:
Our first time breaking up, I had just turned 15 and she was 16. Her and I barely even dated for a couple months before I had indirectly and immaturely broken up with her by leaving it “upto her” because of me wanting to talk to other girls, but her and I still ended up talking and being flirtatious anyway. But then we had separated because of me getting my phone taken away for months. She had started talking to someone else who was MUCH MUCH older than her and was grooming hevery toxic to her but out of strange obligation, she stayed with him anyway although she really just wanted to be with me. Her and I still remained as close as ever although she had to turn me down twice when I wanted to rekindle things. Later on, I had got my phone back and as we entered into the next school year( she turned 17 and I turned 16) we grew closer and closer and feelings developed stronger and stronger meanwhile her relationship with him was getting worse and worse and they were having multiple breakups as well. She even at one point expressed to me that she was on the verge of breaking up with him and very bluntly hinted at as well as indirectly told me she wanted to leave him for me. But ultimately after she knew that my hopes were all up and everything she ended up just choosing him over me anyway and leaving me hanging. a couple months afterwards she posting vulgar things on social media with the caption “I’ll suck my man d#%k fr” or something along those lines. That’s when I fully moved on and went on to get in multiple relationships/“situationships” over the course of that year. Until fast forward to November 2023, she comes back and we very very quickly rekindle/get back together. over the course of that year, because of my porn and masturbation addiction we’ve separated as well as had many issues interfering with my attraction of her because of my skewed image of women and interfering with us having proper sex or intimacy without my fetishes being involved. Fast forward to August, I ended up falling into watching porn for almost my entire birthday week behind her back while she was working so hard to eventually bring me gifts on that day which I later confessed to the following month. We separated for 3 days and this is when I finally started taking my walk with the lord seriously.(she began months ahead of me and she was the one that even introduced me to Christianity in the first place)(her entirely family is Christian) 2 months pass and a couple days after I propose to her for the first time and posting about it? a girl I used to talk to had replied to my iG story congratulating me and as we talked and catched up, I fell to temptation once again and ended up saying more than I should have/inappropriate things but by the time I realized what I was doing and ended it. It was too late and I confessed to her immediately. after a couple of days, she took me home from work and broke up with me. We talked about it over text an hour or so later and agreed we would be going no contact for a month, but over that period we constantly broke it(I even indirectly tried killing myself with alcohol and drunk texted her to which she was very sympathetic to and when I ended up blacking out she was terrified and prayed all night over me and even reached out to friends of mine to make sure I was okay.) fast forward, she ends it early and we rekindle. Fast forward to either late March or April 2024, I fall into looking at iG couples art and ecchi aesthetic art aka softcore porn and I confess to her afterwards. She’s initially upset but she stays with me.
Later on down the line I begin to question my faith entirely and my foundation crumbles after following the teachings of fallible men/cult leaders and mainly doing it for her and because I loved hewanted to bond with her and not actually seeking the truth for myself(although I had my moments of genuinely being curious and wanting to discover it for myself.) However, she was still just as firmly rooted in her faith as ever and maturing even more. On the contrary, I grow weak and undisciplined in my flesh, I fall back into bad habits, I stop reading the word, praying, fasting, I isolate myself from fellowship. And as it gets harder and harder to resist my sexual urges and with her unwavering on her boundaries of no sex before marriage and etc. I fell back into masturbation but eventually back into porn as well(softcore stuff again mainly but I slipped into some fetish stuff too) and it was over the course of a couple days again with me feeling very guilty and being afraid to tell heI just wanted to repent of it and be done but she ended up getting dream a about it and asked me about it the very next day to which I was honest with her and confessed. Then after however many minutes go by and her breaking up with me a third time with her saying “We are done.” and “We will see” “Love you, Bye” instead of taking the advice everyone was giving me and giving her time and space from jump. I pressed her, begged/pleaded, and blew up her messages making it worse and aggravating her until she followed up with the next day with telling me “Sure I’ll let you know where we stand”We are never getting back together.”
I panicked and went into a high emotional state myself and went to her house late at night(1 or 2 am), and pressed her even more begging and pleading. But this made it worse as well and she had said “what us? there is no us” “go home” “you did what you did”and etc while pushing me out and slamming the door in my face. She originally only talked to her mother about it but because of my stupid decisions while being emotional I unintentionally involved everyone else in it. Her older sister’s husband went through a very similar situation with the older sister and had offered to talk to me about it along with everyone else. But when I followed up later on that day it created a misunderstanding and I ended up getting blocked by him and her older sister after she texts me on her older sister’s phone saying the same exact hurtful and cold/seemingly detached things and after begging and pleading to call, we did but it only made it that much worse. I tried to explain my side of things the best I could while being highly emotional but she didn’t want to hear any of it and proceeded to say even more hurtful, cold, seemingly, detached things, cussed me out, then hung up in my face and blocked me. This whole breakup was very messy and happened over the course of barely 3 days.
I’m still in contact with her mom and I recently contacted her dad as well(parents are divorced) and he had told me she never even mentioned anything to him about it which goes to show I made things worse/unnecessarily involved other people in it that otherwise might not have been involved.
Now I’m giving her proper time and space but I’m still extremely anxious/uncertain about where things will go from here.
(I ask that you be honest but also open minded/considerate in responses please, this all happened over the span of a couple of days and I’m still very fresh in the grieving process)
What do you all think about this situation? (I especially want to hear from a female perspective)
submitted by 1jjwrld to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:38 Ilantaiebmusic There is something about the big guitars and drums from the rock world that fits just perfectly with elements from the pop world such as slightly more pleasant vocals, catchier texts and melodies. Together it's an amazing combination. Israeli pop-rock, the biggest playlist in the field.

There is something about the big guitars and drums from the rock world that fits just perfectly with elements from the pop world such as slightly more pleasant vocals, catchier texts and melodies. Together it's an amazing combination. Israeli pop-rock, the biggest playlist in the field. submitted by Ilantaiebmusic to ProjectListen [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:36 Ilantaiebmusic There is something about the big guitars and drums from the rock world that fits just perfectly with elements from the pop world such as slightly more pleasant vocals, catchier texts and melodies. Together it's an amazing combination. Israeli pop-rock, the biggest playlist in the field.

There is something about the big guitars and drums from the rock world that fits just perfectly with elements from the pop world such as slightly more pleasant vocals, catchier texts and melodies. Together it's an amazing combination. Israeli pop-rock, the biggest playlist in the field. submitted by Ilantaiebmusic to PlaylistExchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:36 Ilantaiebmusic There is something about the big guitars and drums from the rock world that fits just perfectly with elements from the pop world such as slightly more pleasant vocals, catchier texts and melodies. Together it's an amazing combination. Israeli pop-rock, the biggest playlist in the field.

submitted by Ilantaiebmusic to shareyourmusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:36 Ilantaiebmusic There is something about the big guitars and drums from the rock world that fits just perfectly with elements from the pop world such as slightly more pleasant vocals, catchier texts and melodies. Together it's an amazing combination. Israeli pop-rock, the biggest playlist in the field.

There is something about the big guitars and drums from the rock world that fits just perfectly with elements from the pop world such as slightly more pleasant vocals, catchier texts and melodies. Together it's an amazing combination. Israeli pop-rock, the biggest playlist in the field. submitted by Ilantaiebmusic to telaviv [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:36 Ilantaiebmusic There is something about the big guitars and drums from the rock world that fits just perfectly with elements from the pop world such as slightly more pleasant vocals, catchier texts and melodies. Together it's an amazing combination. Israeli pop-rock, the biggest playlist in the field.

There is something about the big guitars and drums from the rock world that fits just perfectly with elements from the pop world such as slightly more pleasant vocals, catchier texts and melodies. Together it's an amazing combination. Israeli pop-rock, the biggest playlist in the field. submitted by Ilantaiebmusic to SpotifyHub [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:36 Ilantaiebmusic There is something about the big guitars and drums from the rock world that fits just perfectly with elements from the pop world such as slightly more pleasant vocals, catchier texts and melodies. Together it's an amazing combination. Israeli pop-rock, the biggest playlist in the field.

There is something about the big guitars and drums from the rock world that fits just perfectly with elements from the pop world such as slightly more pleasant vocals, catchier texts and melodies. Together it's an amazing combination. Israeli pop-rock, the biggest playlist in the field. submitted by Ilantaiebmusic to CrowdSourcePlaylist [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:36 Ilantaiebmusic There is something about the big guitars and drums from the rock world that fits just perfectly with elements from the pop world such as slightly more pleasant vocals, catchier texts and melodies. Together it's an amazing combination. Israeli pop-rock, the biggest playlist in the field.

There is something about the big guitars and drums from the rock world that fits just perfectly with elements from the pop world such as slightly more pleasant vocals, catchier texts and melodies. Together it's an amazing combination. Israeli pop-rock, the biggest playlist in the field. submitted by Ilantaiebmusic to culture [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:35 Southern-Ad-9105_4 The name of Christ is Joy.

Jesus was confused with Satan by some cultures and even worshipped as such – despite the fact that he was considered a "good" Satan and a "positive" Devil that sided with the weak and vulnerable and betrayed the "powerful ones" in order to dedicate himself and his life completely to the poor.
This is apparent in the fact that the Hebrews for example did not recognize Christ as the Messiah and they even called him "evil" and applied to him the title "Satan" (from the Hebrew: "śāṭān" meaning: "adversary, enemy"). The definition of "evil" here is relative – because since Jesus went against the teachings that the Hebrews held as sacred and he also went against the teachings that the Muslims for example also regarded as sacred (and he went against many other cultures as well for that matter; because the figure of Jesus was pagan and it actually belonged worldwide to all cultures of the world and he was claimed to have opposed all of them trying to reform them) – he was thus called "evil" in relative terms by some of these cultures; meaning an "enemy" or "adversary" of those doctrines. Originally not even the Christians considered Christ as a positive figure; because Christ professed a lot of ideals that were inconceivable and impossible to apply according to the mentality of the powerful castes that rule society – like the priesthood for example; because Jesus claimed many times that the wealthy ones must renounce everything they have, they must give their money to the poor and then and only then – will they be allowed to follow Christ.
But the Church completely ignored and bypassed this teaching of Christ because they knew that if they had started preaching this to their believers; they would lose all believers in one second since no one wants to give up their house, their wealth and their life to follow the Church. So even the Church had to rearrange and modify a lot of the teachings of Christ while straight up censoring and ignoring others; in order to create a religion out of it. The only difference is that the Christian Church decided that it was worth investing their time and money in turning Jesus into the symbol of their faith and into a figure that would appeal to the masses (basically deifying him and using his name and memory to attract people into the religion) – while the other two religions (Judaism and Islam) completely disregarded Jesus altogether and considered him a madman instead and even went as far as to call him "evil" and a "Devil" precisely because he had preached such revolutionary notions that were just impossible to accept for the rich and wealthy. (Another reason for this is also because Judaism had a different idea of the Messiah altogether and they followed a different Messiah – and this other idea of the Messiah along with other Messiah – were also very different from the "Jesus Christ" concept altogether – but that’s besides the point).
The symbology of the spring refers to the blood of Christ which gives life and makes vegetation grow on the earth much like the water of a spring; but it also holds literal meaning because the pagan figures who correspond to "Jesus" were all claimed to have met their demise or to have had a life-changing experience happen near a spring or near a water-source more generally speaking. Such is the case for Hermaphroditus who was rendered female by his union with Salmacis near a spring; or also the castration of one of the gods called "Uranus" – because according to Cicero in his "De Natura Deorum" there were multiple Uranuses and one of them was the "younger" one – and he’s the same who was said to have been castrated near a spring by Phoenician mythology. (The fact that Hermaphroditus was joined to Salmacis thus becoming definitively feminine near the waters of a spring – refers to the confusion that happened in the myth due to the nature of the two characters taken into analysis; because Hermaphroditus and Salmacis were actually brother and sister in other iterations of the story and they were claimed to have been conjoined thus essentially making up a single being who was a "man-woman" united. But then after their birth they were separated and their bodies were not conjoined anymore; although the male – in this case Hermaphroditus – was claimed to have been castrated in further iterations of the story so it looked as though he had returned to being a female and was thus "rejoined" to his female nature which is why the Greek myth confused it and claimed that Hermaphroditus lost his manhood but he lost it by being rejoined to his twin-sister Salmacis. In reality he was castrated near the waters of that spring – the "conjoined" part referring instead to the myth of their birth, but the two accounts were later confused and amalgamated into a single story for the Hermaphroditus myth; thus confusing also the timeline on when exactly was it that the two siblings were conjoined – whether it was at the beginning of their lives or at the end of it as in the case of Hermaphroditus and Salmacis).
The god Attar of the planet Venus was worshipped as "Atarsamain" (Attar of heaven) by the Arabs and equated with Allat i.e. Athena. He was furthermore equated with the goddess Anat in the form of "Ninurta" – because the Mesopotamian warrior-god Ninurta being equivalent to Attar (and Atarsamain) himself – he was directly equated with the Canaanite goddess "Anat" and the name of Anat was also written as "NIN.URTA" in cuneiform. There is an epithet of Anat which calls the deity: "the strength of life" and this particular epithet is applied to Ninurta continuously throughout Sumerian mythology because he’s consistently called the "strength of Enlil" – the "one with superior strength" – the "son in whose strength the father rejoices" – the one with the "strength of a lion" and Ninurta was also in charge of ditches and canals being the one who created the canal-system in Sumer and who was claimed to have brought to everyone the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers as a result. The epithet of Anat – in this case referring to the male Anat who was though still worshipped as female regardless because the god possessed androgynous qualities (and not coincidentally the term "Nin" which comprises the name "Nin-urta" is actually more often than not utilized for female goddesses in Sumerian culture; for example "Ninhursag", "Ninisina", "Ninlil" etc. as it usually means "lady" – but in this case the word assumes a neutral meaning and its connotation is given by the context; so since the god is male it’s translated as "lord" – but the androgynous aspect of this deity is still kept intact nonetheless by using "Nin" instead of "En" ("En" being more traditionally used in Sumerian to mean "lord") – and the title thus refers for the concept of "the strength of life" to the strength of life as a life-giver; because Ninurta being associated with water and with the fertilizing effects of water having been the one who brought canals and ditches to Sumer; the meaning of the term thus acquired such connotation.
This deity is also always associated with physical beauty; for example in the case of Dumuzi (the Mesopotamian god of vegetation) who was called "the one with the beautiful eyes" and even in the form of "Ishtaran" (a form of Dumuzi worshipped as the "heavenly serpent") – where there are several references to his "beautiful face". This notion of beauty is once again reinforced and repeated for all other versions of this pagan god as he was called by many different names throughout cultures – for example also in the form of "Joseph" the biblical son of Jacob; who was claimed to be so beautiful that while a slave in Egypt the women could not resist him – or even in the form of Japheth the third son of Noah (who corresponds still to the same character) – where the word "Japheth" is connected to the root meaning "to be beautiful".
Thus the ideals of "strength and beauty" refer to him. (The pagan imagery of this god depicts him joyous and free as he dances through the flower-springs bringing vegetation to the seasons – often times with ears of corn or garlands adorning his head; as in the example of his Slavic counterpart "Potrimpo" for example).
Christ furthermore corresponds also to the pagan god Dionysus as mentioned in other posts; and Dionysus had a particular epithet in Rome which later ended up becoming his main name (or one of his many names alongside the more renown "Bacchus") and this particular title was that of "Liber" i.e. "the free one", one who embodies "freedom".
In form of "Ishtaran" Dumuzi was worshipped as "Anu" as well – since they called Ishtaran with the epithet "AN.GAL" i.e. "great Anu"; thus meaning that Dumuzi was so beloved and his cult had risen to such prominence at some point – that some local traditions (smaller ones) worshiped him as God the Creator himself and substituted him in place of Anu or at the very least differentiated him from the main "Anu" by calling him "AN.GAL" – "the great Anu" or "greater Anu". This is why Hermaphroditus/Jesus corresponds also in Phoenician mythology to the one "Uranus" who was said to have been castrated near a fountain-spring – Uranus being the Greek equivalent of the Sumerian "Anu" and this is why he was addressed with the name "Uranus" and worshipped as one of the "Uranuses" (the younger Uranus, because the older Uranus is instead the father of Cronus/Saturn and he’s a much older Uranus).
Given how Dumuzi was worshipped as the male Ishtar and as Attar in Canaanite lands (from whom the name "Ishtar" came from because the name of the goddess "Ishtar" is actually in the masculine gender and the goddess inherited that name from the male god who was called "Attar", "Ashtar" and "Ishtar" himself); one has to take into account that the male god was worshipped as androgynous though – which is why he was later equated with the female goddess Inanna in Mesopotamia and became indistinguishable from her to the point that she also came to called Ishtar herself. The rosette is the symbol of Venus and of this male god of Venus who corresponds to Christ himself.
But at the same time the rosette is also the symbol of the female Venus and of the goddess Inanna (the female form of Ishtar) so the rosette refers to both Ishtars; the male and female one referring to the planet Venus in general.
Now, seeing as to how the figure of the "son of god" was worshipped as "the creator" himself by some more local cultures who idolized him to such degree that ended up seeing him as the superior god over others – this explains one of the symbologies present on the modern representation of the apparent "pagan god" of the Templars; where he’s depicted with the head of a goat and the five pointed star facing downward. The five pointed star being a symbol of the divine – the idol depicted thus represents through that symbology the fact that the god in question is not the one who resides in the sky (in which case the five pointed star would have to be pointing upwards instead); but they worshipped on the other hand a creator as "the creator on earth" – so their god was represented by the pointed star facing downwards. (This is for the representations that depict the idol with the star facing down; otherwise in other cases the star is absent altogether).
Now, according to the Atbash cyphering interpretation done on the name "Baphomet" which becomes: "Sophia" – if the interpretation is indeed correct it would make total sense given how the name of Christ himself was actually "Sophia" and the why that is was explained in this previous post: – where essentially there was talk on the Christ’s physical appearance and how the fact that he was born with androgynous traits made it so that he possessed overly-sized pectorals that were rather exposed compared to the rest of his body and were also rounded and protruding; sometimes even resembling female breasts (and that’s where the symbology of the rooster sticking its chest out and of Christ "with breasts" came from: – the rooster in the act of sticking its chest out: – and the depiction of Christ "with breasts" on the Notre-Dame church: And this (physical) androgynous nature of the "son of god" was then explained through metaphors and in spiritual terms by Christianity and Gnosticism with the fact that when Sophia incarnated she incarnated as "Jesus Christ".
But – there was also a female incarnated Sophia; which incarnated as a woman and the figure in question is sometimes identified with the "Thetokos" i.e. "mother of god" Mary – or alternatively substituted by Mary Magdalene the consort of Jesus (being called the "Bride of Christ"). The fact that the Templars were claimed to have worshipped the prophetic head of a female refers to the cult of the pagan goddess who corresponded to the Magdalene – where; she was claimed in pagan mythology to have been decapitated or to have been "half-decapitated" (her throat cut significantly to the point of almost detaching her head from her neck) and the goddess in question possessed oracular as well as prophetic gifts. The notion of Magdalene who corresponds to this pagan goddess was addressed in this previous post:
So essentially the Templars were worshipping both Christ and Magdalene through pagan imagery (Christ being "Sophia" himself and Magdalene being the "female Sophia" who’s the counterpart of the Messiah); something which was not acceptable to the Church – and also because they were worshipping Christ in his real nature as opposed to the heavily filtered and altered version that Christianity gave of him – thus opposing the "official" canon established by the Church altogether.
submitted by Southern-Ad-9105_4 to u/Southern-Ad-9105_4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:34 Joshh170 Assassin's Creed Shadows Size Compared to Previous AC Games

Assassin's Creed Shadows Size Compared to Previous AC Games
Ubisoft has confirmed the approximate scale of the Feudal Japan map in Assassin's Creed Shadows, by comparing it to the size of other maps featured across the franchise. Gamers have learned plenty about what they can expect from Assassin's Creed Shadows of late, but the size of the map has been a burning question for many players out there.
The recent reveal of Assassin's Creed Shadows has generated a ton of hype. The most recent release in the franchise, Assassin's Creed Mirage, was a great return to form, hearkening back to the older games in the series with a reduced scale and a renewed focus on the stealth elements that made Assassin's Creed so popular in the first place. However, it has been almost four years now since the release of Assassin's Creed Valhalla, so there's definitely a part of the fanbase ready for the next huge RPG experience in the series. According to Ubisoft, that's exactly what players are in for.
In an interview with IGN, the creative director of Assassin's Creed Shadows, Jonathan Dumont, confirmed that the game's map size will be "in line with the latest Assassin's Creeds that we've done," with Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla. However, Dumont confirmed that "On a scale level, maybe we can compare it a little bit more to the size of Assassin's Creed Origins." For many, this will be fantastic news. As Assassin's Creed transformed into an RPG across several iterations, the scale of the maps consistently increased. It was a common criticism of both Odyssey and Valhalla that there was perhaps too much to explore, leaving many feeling overwhelmed in these vast worlds.
Assassin's Creed Shadows Will Be Similar in Size to Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla
If Assassin's Creed Shadows strikes a perfect balance between the map size of the old and new titles in the series, it could prove a good sign for things to come from the game. Open-world games with dense maps are great, but going as big as possible isn't always the best route forward. Dumont also went on to share a few more interesting details about the map, claiming that the studio "did want to have a much closer to real life scale ratio. So because castles took a lot of space, and we really wanted the mountains to feel like mountains, [we've made] the environments feel wider in the game."
Gamers will likely hear more about Assassin's Creed Shadows at the upcoming Ubisoft Forward event, which is set to take place on June 10. The game isn't confirmed for the event, but given it's set to be released this year, it's a safe bet to make an appearance. Hopefully, players will get a glimpse of the Assassin's Creed Shadows map in action, and Ubisoft could also clarify a few of the rumors surrounding the game at the moment. One rumor claims that Assassin's Creed Shadows will have battle passes, and it'll be interesting to see if this is confirmed at the event.
submitted by Joshh170 to GameGeeks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:32 Dense_Ad_8298 Should I (19F) break up with my bf (25M) after finding texts between him and an ex?

i don’t know what to do, i am a 19 Y/O female who has been with my boyfriend, who is a 25 Y/O male, since January of this year. for context of this story, my boyfriend is divorced with two kids with his ex-wife. last night when i was over at his place, i had gone through his phone because i was having one of those, “something is up” intuitions. i went through his messages with his ex-wife thinking that what was what was wrong, but nothing. i then went through his deleted messages and found an unsaved number with multiple deleted texts and recovered them all. him and this number were talking about problems with his ex-wife, his kids and about me. i started slowly packing up my things to leave and when he noticed he questioned me, i showed him the messages and he confirmed it was an ex of his. he called her and she confirmed that she was an ex, but that she was engaged and had her own loving family and that her and my boyfriend weren’t anything. my boyfriend told me that he just needed someone to talk to who had also been divorced and had kids because i was inexperienced in that sort of thing. in the messages he talked proudly about me, but still tried to hide this from me, we had had a talk when we were first getting to know each other that talking to exes was a huge no, so he knew what he was doing was something i wouldn’t approve of. he apologized and told me it was stupid of him to do and to hide from me, what should i do? the texts weren’t sexual and were about me, but he hid it from me so my trust is kind of broken, please help.
submitted by Dense_Ad_8298 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:32 1jjwrld Will her and I get back together one last time? Is this relationship reconcilable/redeemable after me messing up so many times? Is this really permanent or not? Did she just speak out of emotion or did she mean all that she said? Will Time and Space help? What advice can you give

TL;DR : (M18) turning 19 in August and (F20) This is our 3rd time breaking up along with our 2nd cancelled engagement with plenty of separations and rekindling throughout our entire 4+ years knowing eachother. We’ve done a lot of growing up together as well as apart and over the years we’ve both done eachother wrong but we’ve also done so so so much for eachother as well. However, it was always me who was less mature and messing up more. I recently messed up once again and in a state of high emotion on both sides, she was fed up and said We were never getting back together. Will I ever get one last chance with her?
Please, I miss her so much and I’m willing to do anything just for one final chance. I love her and I’m IN love with her with all my heart and soul bro. I am extremely attached, connected, and emotionally invested in this girl and we have been through so much together. I desire(more than anything else in the world) a future with her.
For more context:
Our first time breaking up, I had just turned 15 and she was 16. Her and I barely even dated for a couple months before I had indirectly and immaturely broken up with her by leaving it “upto her” because of me wanting to talk to other girls, but her and I still ended up talking and being flirtatious anyway. But then we had separated because of me getting my phone taken away for months. She had started talking to someone else who was MUCH MUCH older than her and was grooming hevery toxic to her but out of strange obligation, she stayed with him anyway although she really just wanted to be with me. Her and I still remained as close as ever although she had to turn me down twice when I wanted to rekindle things. Later on, I had got my phone back and as we entered into the next school year( she turned 17 and I turned 16) we grew closer and closer and feelings developed stronger and stronger meanwhile her relationship with him was getting worse and worse and they were having multiple breakups as well. She even at one point expressed to me that she was on the verge of breaking up with him and very bluntly hinted at as well as indirectly told me she wanted to leave him for me. But ultimately after she knew that my hopes were all up and everything she ended up just choosing him over me anyway and leaving me hanging. a couple months afterwards she posting vulgar things on social media with the caption “I’ll suck my man d#%k fr” or something along those lines. That’s when I fully moved on and went on to get in multiple relationships/“situationships” over the course of that year. Until fast forward to November 2023, she comes back and we very very quickly rekindle/get back together. over the course of that year, because of my porn and masturbation addiction we’ve separated as well as had many issues interfering with my attraction of her because of my skewed image of women and interfering with us having proper sex or intimacy without my fetishes being involved. Fast forward to August, I ended up falling into watching porn for almost my entire birthday week behind her back while she was working so hard to eventually bring me gifts on that day which I later confessed to the following month. We separated for 3 days and this is when I finally started taking my walk with the lord seriously.(she began months ahead of me and she was the one that even introduced me to Christianity in the first place)(her entirely family is Christian) 2 months pass and a couple days after I propose to her for the first time and posting about it? a girl I used to talk to had replied to my iG story congratulating me and as we talked and catched up, I fell to temptation once again and ended up saying more than I should have/inappropriate things but by the time I realized what I was doing and ended it. It was too late and I confessed to her immediately. after a couple of days, she took me home from work and broke up with me. We talked about it over text an hour or so later and agreed we would be going no contact for a month, but over that period we constantly broke it(I even indirectly tried killing myself with alcohol and drunk texted her to which she was very sympathetic to and when I ended up blacking out she was terrified and prayed all night over me and even reached out to friends of mine to make sure I was okay.) fast forward, she ends it early and we rekindle. Fast forward to either late March or April 2024, I fall into looking at iG couples art and ecchi aesthetic art aka softcore porn and I confess to her afterwards. She’s initially upset but she stays with me.
Later on down the line I begin to question my faith entirely and my foundation crumbles after following the teachings of fallible men/cult leaders and mainly doing it for her and because I loved hewanted to bond with her and not actually seeking the truth for myself(although I had my moments of genuinely being curious and wanting to discover it for myself.) However, she was still just as firmly rooted in her faith as ever and maturing even more. On the contrary, I grow weak and undisciplined in my flesh, I fall back into bad habits, I stop reading the word, praying, fasting, I isolate myself from fellowship. And as it gets harder and harder to resist my sexual urges and with her unwavering on her boundaries of no sex before marriage and etc. I fell back into masturbation but eventually back into porn as well(softcore stuff again mainly but I slipped into some fetish stuff too) and it was over the course of a couple days again with me feeling very guilty and being afraid to tell heI just wanted to repent of it and be done but she ended up getting dream a about it and asked me about it the very next day to which I was honest with her and confessed. Then after however many minutes go by and her breaking up with me a third time with her saying “We are done.” and “We will see” “Love you, Bye” instead of taking the advice everyone was giving me and giving her time and space from jump. I pressed her, begged/pleaded, and blew up her messages making it worse and aggravating her until she followed up with the next day with telling me “Sure I’ll let you know where we stand”We are never getting back together.”
I panicked and went into a high emotional state myself and went to her house late at night(1 or 2 am), and pressed her even more begging and pleading. But this made it worse as well and she had said “what us? there is no us” “go home” “you did what you did”and etc while pushing me out and slamming the door in my face. She originally only talked to her mother about it but because of my stupid decisions while being emotional I unintentionally involved everyone else in it. Her older sister’s husband went through a very similar situation with the older sister and had offered to talk to me about it along with everyone else. But when I followed up later on that day it created a misunderstanding and I ended up getting blocked by him and her older sister after she texts me on her older sister’s phone saying the same exact hurtful and cold/seemingly detached things and after begging and pleading to call, we did but it only made it that much worse. I tried to explain my side of things the best I could while being highly emotional but she didn’t want to hear any of it and proceeded to say even more hurtful, cold, seemingly, detached things, cussed me out, then hung up in my face and blocked me. This whole breakup was very messy and happened over the course of barely 3 days.
I’m still in contact with her mom and I recently contacted her dad as well(parents are divorced) and he had told me she never even mentioned anything to him about it which goes to show I made things worse/unnecessarily involved other people in it that otherwise might not have been involved.
Now I’m giving her proper time and space but I’m still extremely anxious/uncertain about where things will go from here.
(I ask that you be honest but also open minded/considerate in responses please, this all happened over the span of a couple of days and I’m still very fresh in the grieving process)
What do you all think about this situation? (I especially want to hear from a female perspective)
submitted by 1jjwrld to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:31 Choice_Upstairs4576 I (28F) do not feel loved or supported by my bf (31M) of five years. Do I keep trying to communicate or cut my losses?

My (28F) boyfriend (31M) and I have been together 5.5 years, lived together for almost four of those years.
Bf is not a romantic type. He likes to get people gifts whenever he feels like or finds something for them and dislikes/ignores societal constructs for gift giving like birthdays and holidays.
He’s never planned a date or a vacation for us. Around the house he does zero cleaning or cooking; his chores are to take out the trash and cut the grass, both of which he waits as long as he possibly can to do (sometimes longer). He often makes plans with his friends on the weekends without telling me and is gone for half the day or more. He hates cell phones so he doesn’t charge his regularly and it happens more often than not that his phone will die while he’s with his friends and doesn’t come home until 1-2 am.
I’ve tried expressing to him for about six months that I feel unsupported and unloved and that I need more quality time, communication, and help around the house. He says he’ll try to do better but then never does. He’s got some serious depression and anxiety which I try to be aware of — I can’t start an emotional conversation the night before he works or he’ll not go into work and sleep all day.
About a month ago I started feeling very distant from him. He came home one night (about four hours after he said he’d be home and his phone had been dead so I wasn’t able to reach him) and I asked him where he’d been and if there was any reason he could think of why I’ve been feeling this distance. After a lot of arguing, I asked to look through his phone. He denied, which of course made me more suspicious. Eventually he agreed and I found deleted text messages between him and a female friend/ex of his. They had hung out at her house around the time I started feeling distant. On that night he lied to me saying he was with his male friend and turned off his phone so I couldn’t see his location, claiming it died.
He’s known this girl since grade school and they briefly dated right before we got together. He’s lied about hanging out with her in the past and I forgave him but made very clear rules that he has to tell me they’re hanging out BEFORE they hang out and they can’t hang out alone at her place.
When I found out he lied I wanted to break up. I’ve given him so many chances and been very clear in my expectations. I still am not sure if I can forgive the deception. I gave him the option of breaking up or following strict rules and making changes for our relationship moving forward, including that he is supposed to help around the house, download Life360 so we can track each other, and block the girl and not hang out with her at all. We’re also supposed to have a weekly check in to talk about our feelings.
This was two and a half weeks ago and nothing has changed. He blocked her and downloaded the app after I reminded him multiple times (still hasn’t logged into the app so it’s useless) but has not lifted a finger or done anything to attempt to make me feel loved or supported. He even had a perfect opportunity when my car was having issues and it was two easy things he’s more than capable of doing but he acted like it was a huge inconvenience for him to fix and I ended up going to a mechanic.
Is it worth continuing to try to get him to see my needs? Or has he shown me what he thinks of me and this relationship and I just need to get out now before I waste any more time?
submitted by Choice_Upstairs4576 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:30 Dense_Ad_8298 Should I (19F) break up with my bf (25M) after finding texts between him and an ex?

i don’t know what to do, i am a 19 Y/O female who has been with my boyfriend, who is a 25 Y/O male, since January of this year. for context of this story, my boyfriend is divorced with two kids with his ex-wife. last night when i was over at his place, i had gone through his phone because i was having one of those, “something is up” intuitions. i went through his messages with his ex-wife thinking that what was what was wrong, but nothing. i then went through his deleted messages and found an unsaved number with multiple deleted texts and recovered them all. him and this number were talking about problems with his ex-wife, his kids and about me. i started slowly packing up my things to leave and when he noticed he questioned me, i showed him the messages and he confirmed it was an ex of his. he called her and she confirmed that she was an ex, but that she was engaged and had her own loving family and that her and my boyfriend weren’t anything. my boyfriend told me that he just needed someone to talk to who had also been divorced and had kids because i was inexperienced in that sort of thing. in the messages he talked proudly about me, but still tried to hide this from me, we had had a talk when we were first getting to know each other that talking to exes was a huge no, so he knew what he was doing was something i wouldn’t approve of. he apologized and told me it was stupid of him to do and to hide from me, what should i do? the texts weren’t sexual and were about me, but he hid it from me so my trust is kind of broken, please help.
submitted by Dense_Ad_8298 to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:29 ustinj [GB] Play Tray V2

Hi everyone, wanted to share here some news on an upcoming group buy for Play Tray V2! The first offering was fairly well-received, so I decided nearly two years later another run would be viable - but I've made some changes and improvements to the design as well.

What's new with V2

Sale information

For full information, renders, and color options, feel free to check out the product page.
There are 6 color options, 3 of them allowing for an optional engraved interior featuring a newly-illustrated sleepy cat.
US group buy pricing is $48 USD, roughly 15% below expected in-stock MSRP. The group buy will be open from May 18th to June 1st, for about two weeks (or until capacity is reached). Generous estimate for fulfillment is Q1 2025.

Also available at the following...

Thank you! For more information please check the product page. Any questions feel free to ask, or consider joining our Discord server.
submitted by ustinj to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:29 MilkCryptographer903 Why do people place their tvs so high on the wall?

I genuinely don’t understand it. I see people do it even when they don’t have to. For instance they will have a tv stand on the ground, then still hang it high up on the wall above the stand. It seems illogical on multiple levels.
In my opinion… It looks weird, risks hurting your neck when watching it, and is flat out uncomfortable to view when compared to looking roughly straight ahead / eye level.
Am I missing something?
submitted by MilkCryptographer903 to TooAfraidToAsk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:28 Feeling_Lack_1047 How do I (F19) deal with a fight that has occurred with my bf (M20)?

Recently, me (F19) and my bf (M20) of 2.5 years are both done with finals and decided to go to a park and get ice cream and catch up a bit more since we haven’t spent a lot of physical time together. I am also leaving for an internship to help me with med school in a few days so I wanted to make sure that I spent a lot of time with him before I left. He picks me up and he talks about how he feels like he doesn’t have everything figured out and feels behind when comparing himself to others in his age group, he also wants to pursue an M.D. He was also speeding, slammed the brakes, and honked that the other car for no reason. I reassured him and it seemed like he was getting hangry so we stopped to get some food.
Then after we went to the park, we we’re having a good time. Fast forward, he gets a call from his mom about car troubles. He didn’t know when to change the oil in his car and his mom was explaining the process to him and he thought she was saying that, in his own words, “he was stupid and doesn’t know how to do anything” I tried to reassure him and tell him that she just wants him to know to check his oil. He then hangs up on her and I told him to call her back because what he did was rude. He then calls her back and says, “because of when the majority told me, I called you back” and I thought that was even more rude! I don’t know what his mom said, but he just told me to get to the car to drop me off. We get in the car and he was speeding again. I don’t remember exactly what was said then but he was stressed about the car and changing the oils, he then almost hit another car and began to punch the steering wheel.
I told him that he needs to pull over and we found a parking spot. I told him that he needs to calm down because this is not safe. He then tells me because he doesn’t have his metal music on he’s acting this way since I don’t like that genre of music. I told him that if he had on he would still act this way and he has before every time he’s upset in the car. I was thinking to myself, just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean that I’m not going to tell you to not play it in your own car. He then starts yelling at me about how he always does things with music since middle school. At this point I started to just say, “I don’t care” I know I should’ve said something better but when people yell at me I’m not going to yell at you back and I will just stonewall because that’s something I don’t tolerate and we have had multiple conversations that I do not tolerate yelling. Then told me to get the f out and I did, I started to break down and the only thing I could say was f you to him and I got out. I pulled out my phone and began to order an Uber. He then yelled at me again and then sped off.
I was lucky enough that I was at a location I was familiar with and went inside a Walmart to wait for my ride. As soon as I was inside I started to block him on everything. His mom called me and asked if I needed a ride and I told her that I already got one. She followed up the question with saying that, “he’s melting down” and “doesn’t want to lose me.” Additionally, “he has ADHD so it’s hard for him to interpret emotions and everything that’s going on” however she was also saying that she’s been in similar situations so she can empathize with me but he’s not making excuses for him?
I just thanked her for calling and told her I just need some space. This isn’t the first time he did this. The last time he was speeding and I told him that I felt unsafe and he stopped the car and told me to go, it was late at night but luckily I was in my neighborhood to walk back home. I don’t know how I can navigate/put up with this? If I should talk to him before I leave for my internship since it’s out of state? I know I’m in the wrong for saying f him and saying I didn’t care. I just want to know what do I do now?
TLDR: Boyfriend is stressed about that future and recklessly driving in the process. When other issues are involved he also gets stressed which leads to another instance of speeding. Then when trying to intervene it leads to him yelling, something I don’t tolerate and he yells at me to get out of the car and speeds off. I had to find other ways of transportation and want to know what to do now? Edit: formatting
submitted by Feeling_Lack_1047 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:28 Omegleh How good is the ai for long chats or complex plot?

Rate and compare with other AI. I would say than is pretty better at the start.
The ai have a good compresion about physics and reasonable reactions. You know, in Character.AI the bot can hold you with both hands while writte a text and brush his hair.
Figgs usually remember those details like "i have both hands" Thats very cool.
But at the end the figgs still forgot some things like if i am hurt, if i have no limps and that.
Like i have no shirt and 3 messages after say something about grab me by my shirt.
I think than this is a problem with all the AIs bit figgs is actually the best one.
submitted by Omegleh to FiggsAI [link] [comments]