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2024.06.08 12:48 Heerokun [Tokyo Joshi show primer] TJPW PRISM '24 Kourakuen Hall - 06/09/2024

[Tokyo Joshi show primer] TJPW PRISM '24 Kourakuen Hall - 06/09/2024
Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling will air its 6/09 Kourakuen Hall show live.

Those with Wrestle UNIVERSE can watch the show here.
Opening bell for the event is 11:30 am on Sunday, June 9th in Japan. That's 10:30 pm Saturday, June 8th Eastern US time and 7:30 pm Saturday, June 8th Pacific. (I believe it’s 3:30 am Sunday, June 9th in the U.K.)

If you are new to Tokyo Joshi and would like to know more about the promotion you can check out my "Beginner's guide to Tokyo Joshi" It’s just slightly out of date, however it should give you the gist of things.

​6/9 card:
Main Event – PuriPuri championship match.
  • Miu Watanabe (Champion) VS VertVixen (Challenger)
Semi-final –– International princess championship match
  • Yuki Arai (Champion) VS LA Taylor (Challenger)

Match 6 – 8-woman tag team match
  • Shoko Nakajima, Mizuki, Rika Tatsumi & Yuki Aino VS Wakana Uehara, HIMAWARI, Shino Suzuki & Toga

Match 5 – Special singles match
  • Moka Miyamoto VS Hikaru Shida

Match 4 – 6-woman tag match
  • Aja Kong, Yuki Kamifuku & Kira Summer VS Maki Itoh, Mahiro Kiryu & Kaya Toribami

Match 3 – Special tag match
  • Nao Kakuta & SAKI VS Raku & Harajuku Pom

Match 2 singles match
  • Chika Nanase VS Uta Takami

Opening match – Tag match
  • Daisy Monkey [Suzume & Arisu Endo] VS Haru Kazeshiro & Runa Okubo


  • It may be the beginning of the rainy season in Japan but ToJo is gonna steam things up with their PRISM show. This show will take place in its standard venue of Kourakuen Hall and will contain 8 matches.
  • Match order may be different than how it is listed here.
  • The card subject to change depending on participating wrestlers’ physical conditions.
  • For Miu’s next challenge, a familiar face was announced. Vertvixen who has fought in Tokyo Joshi on a number of occasions last year and also participated in the Tokyo Joshi USA show earlier this year will now fight for ToJo’s top prize! Vertvixen’s battle record in ToJo is quite impressive. She has been on the winning side in all of her matches except her battle for the International Princess championship against Rika Tatsumi, a competitor for whom Miu thus far has also had no answer. This will be an interesting match due to the two competitors’ similarities. Both boast a strength and power-based offense and so its likely that neither of these competitors’ weights will be an issue when it comes to hoisting one another, rather, the problem in move execution will come whenever one or the other have the wherewithal to muscle out of a technique. However, where Vertvixen holds a notable advantage over the PuriPuri champion is size. Vertvixen holds a roughly 5 inch height advantage over the champion. The greater reach of the challenger could easily be a problem for Miu if she attempts to play a striking game. That said, Miu has an experience edge having debuted a year prior and having nearly double the amount of documented matches. She’s battled some big veteran names in the business and will in all probability be ready to react to any battle strategy Vertvixen plans to employ. Also of note, Miu just debuted a new submission she’s calling “reverse paradox” which supplements much of her offense by focusing on the small of her opponents back. Will this new submission come into play during the match? Was it a mistake to debut prior to the match and give Vertvixen a chance to develop countermeasures?
  • In the semi-final, the blue belt is on the line as with another 6 foot monster entering the the ToJo title picture. British wrestler LA Taylor has made a name for herself over the past 4 years in various promotions across the U.K. She has managed to acquire a number of titles over her career and looks to add the International Princess belt to her list of accolades. Champion Yuki Arai is one of the taller wrestlers in Tokyo Joshi but she still gives up a near 20 centimeter (7 inch) height advantage to the challenger. Thus, it will be difficult for Arai to employ much of her big boot offense while Taylor is upright. The possible good news for Arai is that Taylor’s fight style doesn’t appear to be one of using her reach advantage to keep her opponents at bay but rather one where she uses her immense size as a weapon and throws herself at her opponents or uses her impressive power to lift her enemies high into the air and drive them down. This at least gives Arai a fighting chance at a win. Arai has fought giant monsters and more experienced fighters before and somehow come out on top, her key to victory thus far has been capitalizing on mistakes made by her opponents and hitting them with her “Finally” kick when they were downed. “Finally”, to date has been Arai’s strongest weapon and if she hits it, it almost guarantees a win. The question is will she be able to repeat her success with LA Taylor or will we see a new International Princess champion.
  • A number of the brightest up and comers of ToJo will be forced to test their mettle when they face off against some of the top names in the promotion. Wakana, HIMAWARI, Shino and Toga all with just over a year’s experience in the ring will have to pull from all of their experiences and more if they want to have any chance against the team of Shoko, Rika, Mizuki and Yuki Aino. Outside of experience these two teams match up surprisingly similarly. Each team has a power fighter (Yuki and HIMAWARI), and 2 faster more technique and speed users (Shoko, Mizuki, Wakana & Shino). The fourth wrester on each team is where they are divergent. Over her short career, Toga has developed a solid striking offense that can’t really be seen on the other team whereas the fourth veteran member, Rika, while being a bit difficult to categorize given her penchant for bouts of insanity, is usually classified as a primarily technical wrestler. Now the problem comes in when you realize that while the rookies fit firmly into specific categories, the veterans have the ability to “wear more than one hat” as the expression goes. Meaning that while they each have their main style, they all have at least one other set of skills and abilities from which the can draw. Aino while best at using her strength and size to run into, drop onto or throw opponents, also has a number of submissions she can employ and is also known to go into a brawling style from time to time. Shoko is best known for her speed and high flying, is also a master mat wrestler with and unexpected power game as seen in her spectacular battle against PuriPuri champion Miu Watanabe last month. Mizuki, also known as a speedy striker, can change things up by using a submission game as well as a reactive countering game. Using opponents’ speed, bodyweight or even their own techniques against them. Lastly, as touched upon earlier, Rika’s style often changes with her disposition; floating from technical wrestler, to makeshift high flyer to striker to brawler as it suits her. The only thing that remains unchanged through her sojourn through temperaments is her in ring IQ and gamesmanship remains second to none. All and all this means that any of the four veterans can match up against more than one if not all the rookies and feasibly come out with the advantage. The rookies only have 2 advantages on which they can rely, 1 being more of a corollary of the first. The rookies are very close with one another, they prepared for their debuts together and consistently train together and fight with one another. They know each other very well and can potentially use that familiarity in teamwork that the veteran team does not have. The veteran wrestlers have all of course tagged with one another on various occasions but none of them works on the regular with any of the others. In addition to this of course is the Mizuki and Rika factor. Rika is known for her intense enamor for Mizuki. When working side by side, Rika often becomes uncontrollable with a desire to tandemly work with the sugar rabbit and this need often hinders the team as she will stop other teammates from working with Mizuki and even go so far as attacking them. If the rookie team can find a way to take advantage of this at the right moment, you could be looking at a major upset victory.
  • A big star was announced for a singles match on this show! AEW’s 3 time women’s champ, Hikaru Shida will be in action. Shida last appeared in ToJo in 2022 where she participated in 3 matches. One of those matches paired her with fellow martial arts practitioner, Moka Miyamoto, against 121000000, the powerful tag team of Maki and Miyu. Now the pair will be pitted against one another for a special match at Kourakuen Hall. Moka has been rising through the ranks of ToJo earning a few title shots in the last couple years, gaining opportunities to work overseas and working with a number of high profile opponents. She did however suffer a small setback when her tag team partner, Juria Nagano, graduated from Tokyo Joshi earlier this year. This singles match against Shida will likely help push her star even further towards the top of the card. Moka is an accomplished striker. Her signature attack are knife edge strikes, a powerful straight punch and her jumping leg lariat which she often brings out late in matches. Shida, also an accomplished striker, is equally proficient in foot and hand attacks making her slightly more dynamic and giving her an advantage in the match. Moka is full of heart and fortitude but she will need all of that and potentially more to put one over on Shida.
  • More multi-woman tag action as Kamiyu again pairs with Aja Kong on the heels of their team-up at her hometown show. The two also add Kira to their group as they battle Kamiyu’s good friend Maki, her regular tag partner, Mahiro, and a bird. Maki, Mahiro and Kaya is a very strange team and neither Kaya nor Mahiro pair up with Maki very often so it will be exciting to see how these three function together. This will also be Kira’s first interaction with Maki.
  • We are now less than 2 months from Nao Kakuta’s graduation as a professional wrestler and ToJo management has started indulging many of her last requests in terms of partners and opponents. This time she matches up against nonsense dream team: Raku and Pom. To help seize the win, Nao is joined by former co-worker and current leader or the joshi wrestling unit, Colors, SAKI. Many ToJo fans will remember SAKI from her appearance at the Tokyo Joshi show in Philadelphia this past spring, however she has also made appearances on 2 inspiration shows in previous years. Prior to her departure from ActWres Girlz in 2020, Nao and SAKI worked together in the AWG promotion for a couple years and developed a friendship. Nao wanted to work with SAKI again before her graduation. For those less familiar with SAKI, she is a veteran wrestler of over 10 years and debuted alongside Mizuki in the LLPW-X promotion. SAKI is extremely talented but years of working in promotions like Gatoh Move, YMZ, WAVE and of course her current group, Colors has given her the ability to roll with all kinds of weirdness without flinching. Seeing her and Nao face off against pom and Raku will be nothing short of a laugh riot.
  • Match 2 will be an exciting singles match between 2 of ToJo’s newest members. Chika will take on the white Up Up Girl, Uta. This will be the first singles battle between these two and probably the opening salvo of a career long rivalry. Tokyo Joshi historically is known for the strong bonds of friendship and competition between women of the same class and this class is shaping up to be no different. Neither wrestler has managed to get a 3 count on an opponent. So, with both Uta and Chika looking for their first win, expect both of them to pull out all the stops and make use of everything they’ve learned in their training and their match experience thus far in the hopes of capturing first bragging rights over their classmate.
  • At the last Kourakuen Hall show in May, the tag team champions, Suzume and Arisu Endo, took on a challenge from what are generally considered the standout members of the ToJo rookie class of 2023. They were able to pass that test and while not a tag title match, the champions will now take on another pair of 2023 rookies, Runa and Haru. Runa and Haru are Tokyo Joshi’s youngest members. Both have been getting big match-ups against some of ToJo’s current and former big stars and now they have an opportunity, albiet not for the titles, to battle the tag champs. Haru has been establishing herself as a technical and agility-based wrestler. Runa however has gone the route of a heavy striker and potential power figher. She’s still early in her career but her forearms are starting to become fearsome. Haru and Runa seem to be close outside of the ring, Due to Runa’s age, she currently has no social media but when she has something to say, Haru allows Runa to communicate it through Haru’s own social accounts. Due to their closeness outside the ring and the numerous times they’ve teamed together inside the ring, the high school duo is bound to have some surprises in store for the champs. Will they be ready?
  • English commentary this time around will again be provided by Mr HAKU and Gaia Hox.
  • For any foreign fans attending this show, the signing after the show will be held off site but just across the way from Kourakuen Hall in Tokyo Dome City Prism Hall. Just in case you need map info you can check that here.
  • Nao Kakuta will graduate from Tokyo Joshi on July 25th, 2024. Her final show will be at ShinKiba 1st ring. The details for this show are yet unknown, however prior to her retirement, a Nao Kakuta self-produced show named CROSS has been planned. This show, also set at 1st Ring will take place on July 6th and will be a celebration of her 9 year career and some of the people she worked most closely with throughout it. Former ActWres Girlz coworkers, Saori Anou, Tae Honma, Maika Ozaki, Kakeru Sekiguchi, Himeka Arita (AKA Himeka), and Natsumi Maki (AKA Natsupoi) are scheduled to appear as well as freelance wrestler Cherry.
  • It was announced that Up Up Girl Hikari Noa who hasn’t been competing since December of 2023 has decided to Graduate from both the Up Up Girls (Puroresu) and Tokyo Joshi. Hikari Noa debuted on January 4th, 2018 as just “Hikari” alongside fellow Up Up Girl (Puroresu) members Miu (Miu Watanabe) Raku (now stylized differently) and former member Hinano (Pipipipi Pinano) before changing her ring name to Hikari Noa in December of that year. Hikari was extremely popular with fans and through them was able to successfully produce a photobook and solo song via crowdfunding. She was a former International Princess champion and Princess Tag champion until the belts were relinquished as a result of her hiatus. Hikari was best known as a tag team specialist and formed popular teams with Natsumi Maki (Pandemic Boo Boo) with Shiori Sena and finally with Nao Kakuta (Free WiFi). Hikari was a huge fan of deathmatch wrestling and was one of only a select few ToJo members who participated in any kinds of matches using weapons. Probably most notable was her appearance in an exploding bat deathmatch at DDT’s Peter Pan show. Hikari’s 6 year career in Tokyo Joshi was unique and extraordinarily memorable and she will be greatly missed.
  • Miyu Yamashita is also slated to return at the June 15th Kobe show.
  • Hyper Misao and Neko Haruna are currently on the disabled list. Timetable for return is unknown.
  • A group of 4 Tokyo Joshi stars have been announced for the collaboration show with EVE pro wrestling in England. Miyu Yamashita, Raku, Mahiro Kiryu and HIMAWARI are now slated to appear at the show on August 24th. It is unknown whether or not if other talent will be added to this list, but they will also need talent to fill their shows in Japan on adjacent days.
Those attending shows are always welcome to DM me questions or ask here.
For everyone wanting to follow along or comment on social media during the live stream, use the hashtag #tjpw
submitted by Heerokun to TJPW [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 09:29 thereal_snakesolidus Nasi Lemak Wau, EkoCheras Mall

Nasi Lemak Wau, EkoCheras Mall
Crispy Paru and Beef Rendang is good
submitted by thereal_snakesolidus to MalaysianFood [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:30 tulongplease Heart Evangelista posted a clarification regarding the Senate Spouses Foundation Inc. (SSFI) Philippines 😉

Heart Evangelista posted a clarification regarding the Senate Spouses Foundation Inc. (SSFI) Philippines 😉
Ayan na, Heart made a statement. 😉
To Heart, I'm wishing you all the best! Give it your all 🔥 Ignore the noise and focus on helping people.
Nawa'y madaming madaming tao (sama na natin animals 🐶😺) ang matulungan ninyo.
May every endeavor of yours bring light and hope to countless lives.
submitted by tulongplease to HeartEvangelista [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 15:15 TELMxWILSON Huge week for new DnB! High Contrast, Andromedik, Current Value, Fred again.., Hedex and more! Reviews for some heavy dancefloor from Circadian and some melodic tech out on DIVIDID [+weekly updated Spotify playlist] New Music Monday! (Week 23)

Weekly updated Spotify Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass
Soundcloud Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass Soundcloud
Youtube Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass Youtube
Youtube Music Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass YT Music
Apple Music Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass Apple Music
Retroactive Playlist H2L: Retroactive New DnB
Last Week's list
Follow us on Instagram TELMxWILSON, lefuniname, voynich

Picks Of The Week (by u/lefuniname)

1. Circadian - Energy In Motion [Sleepless Music]

Recommended if you like: SOTA, Junk Mail, Tantrum Desire
Alright alright, after this one, we simply have to talk about Circadian. Sorry for appropriating your phrasing there, UKF.
While the project has only emerged in April of 2023 and is thus still a rather new name, it's hard to picture the current DnB landscape without crowds all over the world hollering along to Circadian tunes. Circadianthems, as I like to call them. After debuting with the ever-present and already-VIP'd Body Work, which saw so much support across the Dancefloor scene at large it's probably easier to list off the people who didn't play it since its release, we've seen collaborations with Koven, Dirtyphonics and man of the hour and season-haver SOTA, and remixes for Basement Jaxx's legendary Good Luck and Remember off of Friction's latest album, across both Elevate and Monstercat. It's hard to overstate how omni-present and hyped-up every single one of these tunes have been. Of course, there's a reason why this particular newcomer is this amazing.
It's not even any hidden reason or anything, but I've learned that surprisingly few people seem to know this: The man responsible for it all is none other than Brighton-lad Chris Garvey, in other words one former half of The Prototypes! Even if you were somehow not in the know about this, in my ears it's basically obvious from the insanely high production level, the immaculate talent for catchy melodies and the sheer danceability all across the board - but back to the story at hand (don't worry, we'll do a proper deep dive eventually). How did we get here? Well, you see, after years upon years of widespread international success, basically smashing every goal you could possibly have as a drum and bass act together with his Prototight buddy Nick, it was a particularly bad brush with full-blown hospital-visits-causing anxiety, exacerbated by, you know, the worldwide pandemic and all that came along with that at the time, that lead him to pull away from the project.
However, the more fun and upfront nature of the contemporary DnB of the past few years brought him right back in - this time ridin' solo though. Inspired by the strange sleep schedules you end up with as an internationally touring DJ, something he vividly got reminded of during one of the pandemic-era tours through Oceania, Chris decided to rebrand himself as Circadian. Like the rhythm, you know. Now, approaching this whole DnB thing from a whole 'nother (Circadi)angle, he's once again blowing me and the whole scene away with one banger after the other.
The latest one being the already infamous Energy In Motion! In classic Garveyian fashion, we ease into this instant classic's auditory landscape with an atmosphere so thick even your finest machete couldn't make a dent into it. Oscillating synths so entrancing you might space out on the sentence you were gonna write for you review paired with a classic neuroscience-themed documentary type vocal sample lead us into what might be my favourite call-and-responses of 2024, a back and forth I can only describe as BAM BAM BAM DUDUDU DUDUDU. If you don't know what I mean by that, then go listen to the tune already, what are you even doing just reading this without listening?! After teasing us with said straight-up legendarily catchy formula, Chris effortlessly flicks on the hyperdrive (emphasis on hype), launching us into orbit, before unleashing this incredibly addictive elixir of pure madness onto the masses, violently janking us back down onto the Dancefloor again. Plus, that little fakeout on the DUDUDU part of the drop is just delightful! No wonder this one's being released via Wilkinson's immaculate Sleepless imprint, I certainly could not find any sleep since this release dropped.
A (Circadi)endlessly replayable, (Chris Gar)playfully danceable, pure dose of dopameanness. I love it.
Other Dancefloor from this week: - Andromedik, RANI - Bleed The Same - Various Artists - Future Fiire Vol.4 - The Prototypes - Hyperspeed - Flowidus - Berlin Sex Club (great track title)

2. MIYAMORO - Your Love / Dream (Enough) 💎 [DIVIDID]

Recommended if you like: Niallo, [BORDERS], The Outsiders
Another week, another out-of-this-world debut release on DIVIDID.
While the W's that the Dutch imprint with a penchant for only the most musically well-rounded, superbly produced and crazily futuristic drum and bass out there have been extremely common in recent times, most of which I featured on here, I will not stop talking about them anytime soon. Not when they're this good and coming from this talented of newcomers. So who's the brilliantly gifted producer debuting on ABIS' watch this time? MIYAMORO, this week's Hidden Gem Of The Week™️!
Of course, you know the drill of these Hidden Gems by now, say it with me: There's always more story to tell, even when it's their literal first release! To cover the whole musical history of the British lass behind this excellent project, Alicia Ann Mills, we need to back to 2020. Oh, wait, that instagram caption seems to be wrong, we actually have to go to 2017, because that's when she started DJing and producing, according to the caption on her Dynamics guest mix. But why does her artist page go all the way back to 2014 then? As is sadly quite usual, with every rebrand, most of the actual information about the previous aliases is simply scrubbed from all the socials, so I'm gonna do what's called a pro gamer move: I'll guess a whole lot. I'm slightly sorry for the incoherence that's about to follow.
While the artist page goes back to a time when Alicia was going by her real name, my first guess is that this page used to be a place for a different creative endeavour of hers, and was simply retooled when she started her career in music. My second guess is that the first artist name on the page, Milque, that was in use from 2015 to 2016, was also still not music related - here we are entering very unsure territory though. What I'm slightly more sure of is that in 2016, with the advent of her second artist name M O N T E M E, we slowly but surely saw some musical activity, but the real kick-off arguably only came when the Miya Moro rebrand arrived in 2018.
As part of Bristol-based collective Concrete Jungyals, she brought her fable for the more eclectic side of bass music in the 160+ bpm ranges to stages all around the drum and bass capital, and even to the sunny shores of Hospitality On The Beach. Plus, 2018 also saw her production debut, Ghost, make a freely downloadable splash on the late and great Fuck About!'s debut release, further complicating the whole timeline here. At the tail end of 2022, Alicia got chosen as one of the mentees for Overview and Dynamics' collaborative Womxn mentoring program, following in the footsteps of the likes of Sequent, [IVY] and many more. Not only was she able to level up her production skills through the countless music production and theory lessons provided by the programme, she was also able to learn about the business side of things, making (what I assume to be) valuable connections across the scene along the way.
Now, after all this mess of a backstory (sorry again), freshly rebranded as MIYAMORO and nowadays Manchester-based, Alicia makes her first official splash on the scene, with Your Love / Dream (Not Enough) on the mighty DIVIDID. A debut so good, she already earned herself a UKF upload! So let's check this one out then, shall we?
Gentle piano chords echoing out into the distance alongside fading memories of children playing outside already prepare us for the emotionally charged journey we are going to go on with Your Love, but only when the wonderfully hyperpop'd vocal sample comes in do we grasp the direction it'll all take us. A controlled arrangement of otherworldly basses and spliced-up-and-back-together vocal bits and bops smoothly flows into the wildfire storm of in-your-face syncopated drumwork and fluttery ray-of-alien-sunshine synth stabs that is the drop. What a statement of intent! Continuing on with the fusion of nostalgic and futuristic, Dream (Not Enough) treats us to sharp string-like stings, another delightfully distorted vocal and warm, vibey bass whomps, while the audio audibly crackles on in the background. Of course, Alicia knows that a dreamy intro is (not enough) for you bass-craving lot, and promptly unleashes a heavily breaky riddim, with all sorts of catchy vocal choppin', brain-tickling vibrating basses and fantastically fantastical synths to go along with it.
Ridiculous rhythmic arrangements, dissonant yet pleasing melodies crafted through mindbending sounddesign, unusual in all the right ways. I want MIYAMORE.
Other techy stuff from this week: - INVOLVER - Lost - DIVICIOUX - Lose My Breath - Maze - You Proved Me Wrong - Dapreme - You - Aksel - FAE 💎 - Malixe - Jaded

New Releases

General DnB / Mixed

submitted by TELMxWILSON to DnB [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 13:19 imletterz i have friends but i dont have "FRIENDS"

just got home from a gala, i got invited to my friend's birthday together with my other friends/classmates din however everytime na i go out with my FRIENDS parang i dont feel like i belong. palagi akong na le-left out di ako makasabay sa energy nila (well they're rlly loud even in public places to the point na pinagtitingnan kami and i get the secondhand embarrassment bcs of that) i admit yes mahiyain ako, im very formal person, and the rest of my friends happy go lucky lang parang walang mga worries sa buhay.
going back to the main point, this is not the first time i felt this every after gala or even during sa gala mismo. im just that "quite friend" in the corner and i just wanna go home immediately kasi im so uncomfy na around them. whenever may chika sila di ako nakakasabay, if taking pictures di ako kasali bcs sila yung main circle of friends. I have friends i think, but they also have other friends na they treat as their main. Like sa big circle may small circle pa and small circle, and i belong sa big lang. ika nga ni TS, a friend to all is a friend to none. And i felt that.
I know i shouldnt feel bad, but i always feel like ive been betrayed, bcs when i treat someome as my friend FRIEND, they also have other friend FRIEND.
and im so tired of this honestly. my mom always tell me that i should stop the 'barkadas' na (i wouldnt even call them as my barkada) they're good for nothing, they will just turn their bsck on me if they don't need me anymore just like what happened to my sis.
pero ba't ang hirap e drop sila? i value memories a lot and even though i feel hurt sometimes i cannot deny the fact that i get happy din around them. i'll start college na this SY and we'll part ways na din i think the circumstance/situation nang bahala. probably, di pa sila yung friends FRIENDS ko, there will be, in the right time.
ps. this is my first time na mag vent dito bcs im afraid i cant organize my thoughs coherently so sorry in advance if naguluhan po kayo:D
submitted by imletterz to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:17 Shiawase_Rina Queerplatonic mentioned in Is Love the Answer~

I read the German edition of "Is Love the Answer" today and had a very good time!
Especially Ume (guy in the picture) hit hard for me. He's an alloace guy who forced himself to be a "normal" guy society wants him to be, despite being sex-repulsed.
In this scene our protagonist Chika (Aroace) is trying to convince Ume to not completely isolate himself and to stay close to her. And Ume is trying to figure out what she actually wants from him. In the end there is no specific word for it for her. People can be important to you without a label!
Love that Ume mentions queerplatonic partners as well! The manga already has a Aroace NB person marrying their best friend so they can care better for each other. But mentioning the words directly makes it easier to research further`
submitted by Shiawase_Rina to asexuality [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 10:28 Erakond 35mm Film pictures from last year Belgium concert.

Link to flickr
Noticed some pictures in here from concerts. So decided to post some photos from last year Antwerp concert.
They are shot on 35mm film(Cinestill t800) with point and shoot camera. Thats the reason for questionable quality. unfortunatley Chika was in darker place and wasn´t able to get decent shots of her :(
submitted by Erakond to Hanabie [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 00:27 Diotoiren [CLAIM] JAPAN 日本国 ALL UNDER THE MIDNIGHT SUN

Find previous issues of The Mainichi here
A Better Society

The Mainichi

Economy International Politics National Power Opinion English 日本語

Hello // The Wonder Child // Imperial Prime Minister, the Princess Alice

"The beginning of her government, the beginning of a Grand Empire, the world only the Wonder Child sees."

BY: Takei Madoka (format credit to _Penelope__)
A star has been born in the sky...
That is not an ordinary star, my son.
That star is the tear of a warrior, of a soul who has started her battles...
A star who wishes to rest amidst the lofty realms of the Empire.
Long and illustrious have been the governorships of our Prime Ministers, from the Father of the Nation whom ushered us through the dark days of war, to the Empire Builder whose inspiring might brought forth a new era of the Sun, even the Tyrant who entered Japan into its age of Imperial Will. And yet, amidst these giants stands one taller than the rest, sitting among those who have reached the greatest heights this Empire, this Nation, and His Majesty's people have ever seen. We of course, refer to only one person, who like her father before her came from the icy-lands of Scandinavia, with her traditional Japanese replaced by the sing-song creole of our Nordic brethren. She is, the Wonder Child, the one who has uplifted the Empire to even greater heights, our Imperial Princess Alice of the House Yamato. Having studied under the tutelage and guidance of King Valdemar, the brother of His Imperial Majesty, our Wonder Child is the product of generations of study, experience, and wisdom.
Despite being the second-born daughter to His Imperial Majesty and Her Imperial Majesty, the Imperial Princess Alice has excelled since the moment of her wonderous return, quickly being named not just to His Imperial Majesty's privy council but also rising to the position of Imperial Prime Minister, through the unanimous approval of the Three Ministers of Empire. She has in her short life thus far at only 37 years old, has been one filled with triumph after triumph.

GALLERY: The Imperial Princess Alice pictured recently in Hokkaido

Even as rumors continue to grow over a possible love affair, or rather, courtship between our Imperial Princess and the future King of the UNSC, our Imperial Princess has remained stalwart and hard at work - launching some of the largest economic investments in Japan's long history. Largely conducted through the WONDER Consortiums, this has culminated in the apex of Japanese industry and the founding of the City of Fuyū, located in the IAS Oceania region of the Ross Sea. Likewise, through SAFER, AIDE, and QUARTET - our Imperial Prime Minister has launched a multitude of efforts to revitalize every ally, every portion of the splendid Empire. She is perfect, the successor of our elder statesmen that we had hoped for - one to lead us, and guide the Empire into glory, prosperity, and vast splendor. It is likewise clear, that His Imperial Majesty the Emperor Hisahito thinks similar, as he works closely with the Imperial Princess and his heir, the Imperial Prince Masahito.
Perhaps however, the current Imperial Prime Minister's crowning achievement has been, much like the Honorable Nakano Kanna before her, the expansion of the Imperial Will to even greater heights. In the wake of the Alfr-Civil War and collapse of the Caliphate as it was known, Her Imperial Highness has overseen the expansion of Empire in Oceania, the Sierra, Siberia, and even the heart of Europe itself through the remnants of an Alfheim once ruled by the deceased Aesir Dederick von Lohengrin. In addition to the vast splendor the Japanese people now enjoy, has come with it loyal and unwavering allies. To this day, and perhaps in large thanks to the kinship shared between our peoples - the once Commonwealth of Nordic Kingdoms now the United/Irish-Nordic-Siberian-Cypriot Confederation continues to stand by the Empire's side, behind His Imperial Majesty in this New World. Many wars, conflicts, and days have been spent as allies, may they continue forevermore. And alongside our kin in the North, also come our loyal allies in Argentina, the punished Slayer, and now even GIGAS Custodianships in Mexico and Italy.

GALLERY: The extent of the Empire / 2073

In the past, we would with such grand achievements be saying goodbye to such a Prime Minister who would have seeing the work, and seeing it was good, entered into retirement to allow the next generation a chance to further our Imperial Will. And yet, our Imperial Prime Minister is just getting started. The fall of the Alfr, of the Caliphate, has given rise to an Imperial Golden Age the likes of which have never before been seen. At no time in this world's great history, has any empire achieved the magnificent splendor that the Midnight Sun now enjoys. Even the bastions of Rome, of Macedon, have never even imagined a world like the one now under our Midnight Sun - even American Hegemony, in those dark years of Presidential Rule, none could have imagined this future we find ourselves in.
The Midnight Sun, our Empire, our Japan, has entered into an era of unprecedented power, splendor, size. Some, even now, would question the motives of our vast Empire, and yet as the author Ryoji Kihihara who first coined the term All Under the Midnight Sun once put it, "I remain confident that history will not repeat itself." The Japanese people are the force that ushers in this era of peace across the Pacific, now, across the world. And the rest? Certainly they will follow suit, of that we are sure. For what other light is there now? Other than that which is cast by the Midnight Sun.
Tokyo, Japan

All Under the Midnight Sun: The Empire in 2073

STATE DOCUMENT Issued January 1st, 2073 - 12:00 Tokyo, Japan
  • The Empire of Japan - 2073
  • The 1st Imperial Administrative Zone (Japan)
    • Population: 200,317,194
    • Population (Children of the Whales): 112,000,000
  • The 2nd Imperial Administrative Zone (Kawaii)
    • Population: 6,500,000
  • The 3rd Imperial Administrative Zone (Taiwin)
    • Population: 67,348,953
  • The 4th Imperial Administrative Zone (Southern Japan)
    • Population: 213,899,333
  • The 5th Imperial Administrative Zone (New Caledonia, Polynesia, Wallis/Futuna)
    • Population: 3,800,000
  • The 6th Imperial Administrative Zone (Paradis)
    • Population: 40,234,053
  • The 7th Imperial Administrative Zone (Koma Kulshan)
    • Population: 39,888,900
  • The 8th Imperial Administrative Zone (Nenshō Tochi)
    • Population: 88,434,953
  • The 9th Imperial Administrative Zone (Reunion)
    • Population: 3,500,000
  • The 10th Imperial Administrative Zone (Manchuria)
    • Population: 488,358,833
  • The 11th Imperial Administrative Zone (Yangon)
    • Population: 83,453,333
  • The 12th Imperial Administrative Zone (Sichwin)
    • Population: 122,953,033
  • The 13th Imperial Administrative Zone (Northern Manchuria)
    • Population: 162,843,546
  • The 14th Imperial Administrative Zone (Southern Marley)
    • Population: 23,388,305
  • The 15th Imperial Administrative Zone (Antarctica)
    • Population: 7,854,000
  • The 16th Imperial Administrative Zone (Tibetwin)
    • Population: 843,533
  • The 17th Imperial Administrative Zone (Oceania)
    • Population: 76,853,033
  • The 18th Imperial Administrative Zone (Death Valley)
    • Population: 20,420,000
  • The 19th Imperial Administrative Zone (The Redwoods)
    • Population: 56,954,000
  • The 20th Imperial Administrative Zone (Siberia)
    • Population: 18,530,000
  • The 21st Imperial Administrative Zone (Caribbean)
    • Population: 6,430,000
  • The 22nd Imperial Administrative Zone (Wewelsburg)
    • Population: 202,439,000
  • The Empire of Japan
    • Population: 2,047,224,002
    • GDP (Nominal): $201,796,046,500,000 (not including Oceania)
    • Notes: The Empire has seen a major slowdown to economic growth, with the fringes of recession beginning to form. This however has been backstopped by ongoing "backroom trades" being allowed to persist, particularly in Southern Marley.
Category Percentage Allocated Funds
Imperial Office of the Interior 34.00% $27,444,262,324,000.00
Imperial General Headquarters 19.50% $15,740,091,627,000.00
Imperial Office of Industry and Trade 15.00% $12,107,762,790,000.00
Imperial Office of Education, Culture, Sports Education, Technology, Science, Space, Culture 15.00% $12,107,762,790,000.00
Imperial Liaison of the ATLA 9.00% $7,264,657,674,000.00
Imperial Office of Stability 6.00% $4,843,105,116,000.00
Imperial Office of the Viceroys 0.50% $403,592,093,000.00
Imperial Office of Foreign Affairs 0.50% $403,592,093,000.00
Imperial Office of Law 0.50% $403,592,093,000.00

SWP Álfheimr Institute for International and Security Affairs

 German: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) 

EMPIRE / / The Maw of Madness

"Once there was competing Empires, now as Madness opens its gaping Maw, there is only Empire."

January 1st, 2073
Finn Böhm
Published: New York, The Republic of New Alfheimr
The following has been written by Alfheim political-theorist Finn Böhm, senior Research Fellow and expert in Geopolitical Theory and Foreign Policy. This piece has been published by the SWP.
Issue One: Madness / Japan through the Looking-Glass
Issue Two: Madness / The Burning Lands
Issue Three: Madness / Welcome to Paradis
"There she finds that, just like a reflection, everything is reversed, including logic." ~ Description of Alice's new World in Through the Looking-Glass.
This is an excerpt compiled from the last letters written by Finn Böhm before his arrest and later execution at the hands of Japanese officials in Wewelsburg. It is an incomplete, brief, yet poignant written work by one of the few non-Bandung authors writing on the subject of the Midnight Sun.
I am recording this, because it may be the last thing I ever say.
It's over, there was efforts, we - my colleagues and I tried warning you. There is only madness now, a shadow of rot that festers, breathes evil across this and every land. No hands are clean. The Bandung Pact has sided with the Devil, Scandinavia our fair-haired brethren with the Devil they lay. Even Russia, o' mighty Goliath you once where, the Devil now is your friend. Even our father, Dederick, was a fool to have ever trusted the haze of the Midnight Sun and now look at him...the bottom of an ocean so far from home, his Kingdom, his Berlin, swallowed like all the rest, by the gaping maw of madness that sits filling its glutinous viscera in the Pacific. Too think, that even the so-called Bandung Pact and its calls of humanity, rights, and liberty has elected to lay with the, entirely laughable.
But there is no time to mourn, no more tears to weep. Like they came for South Afrika, for Paradis and the Amerikas, what they ordered us to do in's to late for all of that now.
They are coming to take me away, I and countless others...we'll be off to some debt camp in Paradis no doubt. Let no one say they had not been warned.
The SWP in its final publication, has also attached multiple files alongside this excerpt.
These documents have been carefully selected having been retrieved from the Caliphate Archives before its collapse. The SWP has curated these sources in particular as one final "whistle blown".
MOD NOTE: For meta purposes, while disputed by Japan - the information above is now fully public. Noting that Japan has a "Great Firewall" so its citizens are either supportive of the actions taken, or otherwise don't care about said document releases.
submitted by Diotoiren to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 16:46 AffectionateLet2430 What should I do with this feeling?

Hi! 21F. May someone ako 26FTM (transman) and before, we had a talk na regarding this girl na nakakaclose niya last year pero he treats as a sibling lang. He reassured me before na there is no feelings involved or whatsoever, and this ate girl already has her own “someone.” Ate girl and her someone (male) even lets my guy tag along with them. That’s how close they are. I know I shouldn’t be bothered by it na but there are times parin na nabobother ako so sabi ko kay partner, for my peace of mind, ayoko nalang na-iuupdate niya ako if related kay ate girl. Although na sad siya kasi want niya rin ako ipa-meet kay ate girl, pero sabi ko di ako ready esp may ganito akong bothered feeling towards her. He did what I said naman so mas naging okay kami.
Fast forward to this year, may nakakaclose na friend group itong guy ko, bilang friendly talaga siya as a person and he makes chika naman almost all his ganap kahit sabi ko it’s okay lang na kahit di everything. Then napansin ko is mas nababanggit niya itong isang ate girl, 24F sa mga kwento. Initially okay lang knowing na taken si ate girl. But 2 weeks ago, kwinento niya sakin love life ni ate girl na nakipagbreak na siya sa 10-year boyfie niya. Tapos she is trying to “explore” her options daw.
Yesterday, magkasama kami ng guy ko and he was making kwento how ate girl’s friends made her a bumble account. Tapos nirereto siya sa ibang girls narin. Like random updates lang siya sa mga recent ganaps ganon. So ayun nakikinig lang naman ako.
So I asked nalang din na wait, what’s the orientation of ate girl? Sabi niya is, based sa kwento ni ate girl, hs palang siya is may nafifeel na siyang iba pero di niya binigyan pansin kasi nagka bf na siya. Now that she’s out of the relationship, she wants to explore her options nga raw pero not through reto. Ate girl confirmed that she is bi.
Going back, my guy then showed me yung pictures nung girls na nirereto kay ate girl. Parang pinacheck sa kanya if okay daw ba. Syempre no reaction me. I mean if close tayo as friends pwede naman talaga gawin yung ganon like asking for opinion. I asked lang ano ba bet ni ate girl, if femme ba or masc. Sabi ni guy is masc. Then he showed me yung pics na sinend sa kanya ni ate girl. First pic, medj bet daw ni ate girl kasi malakas dating. Tapos yung 2nd girl naman is more of pabebe naman daw since nakausap niya na. Pero wala yung bet na bet niya pa talaga. So my guy asked, ano ba raw bet ni ate girl. Ate girl answered na yung mga medj chubby daw para masarap sandalan if magcocommute (uhm okay not to overthink pero my guy is slightly chubby kasi pero trying to lose weight now) then my guy just said na ayun lang bet mo? Pano if naka car kayo edi di mo masasandalan ganon. Tapos nag-iba na sila ng topic.
Idk if it’s just a hunch on my end or overthinker lang ako as a person pero I think she may be somewhat developing a crush on my guy? Di ko alam if need ko na ba to agad sabihin or if need ko pa ba ibring up sa guy ko kasi he always reassures me na ako lang naman daw which I believe naman since it wasn’t easy for him to get my attention.
Then, may gala today si ate girl with her friends and sinasama si guy ko. Eh si guy ko, niyayaya niya ako to formally introduce me to them. I don’t feel comfy sumama sa kanila kasi based by his kwentos is di sila yung type of people I usually mingle with. And gala naman nila yon. Di naman ako nagrerestrict sa partner ko sinong dapat niya lang makasama. But ayern. I kinda have a hunch na magkatabi sila lagi sa car or sa place kung san sila kumain. He sent pics naman and ayun confirmed. So idk what to do. Alam ko ate girl will be relocating naman by July kaya idk if it's worth bringing it up pa ba or gumagawa lang ako ng gulo between us. :((
Please give advices. he is my first partner so i'm still navigating how to handle this kind of relationship things. thank you in advance.
submitted by AffectionateLet2430 to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 23:58 GoinCakeLess19 [SALE] Figure Sale!

[SALE] Figure Sale!
Hello everybody!
Listed below are all the figures that are up for sale, I am selling 25 total figures. If you would like more pictures of the figure(s) you are looking to purchase, feel free to DM me and I will provide more pictures. All figures are in excellent condition and were regularly dusted and kept in a smoke free home. Boxes and all original contents are included. (The A2 play arts figure has minor damage and that will be listed below.)
All figures are priced in USD and shipping is included for orders within the continental United States. Payments will be done through PayPal G&S.
If you have any questions let me know. I hope you all have a good rest of your day/night!
Sakurajima Mai - Coreful Figure - Knit Dress ver. (Taito) $15 MFC Page
Fujiwara Chika - Coreful Figure (Taito) $15 MFC Page
Darling in the FranXX - Zero Two - Nendoroid (#1820) - Childhood Ver. (Good Smile Company) $55 MFC Page SOLD
Darling in the FranXX - Zero Two - Nendoroid (#952) (Good Smile Company) $45 MFC Page
Arknights - Texas - Nendoroid (#1551) (Good Smile Arts Shanghai, Good Smile Company) $50 MFC Page
Arknights - Exusiai - Nendoroid (#1352) (Good Smile Arts Shanghai, Good Smile Company) $45 MFC Page
NieR: Automata - Pod 042 - YoRHa No. 2 Type B - Nendoroid (#1475) (Good Smile Company, Square Enix) $45 MFC Page
NieR: Automata - YoRHa Type A No.2 - Nendoroid (#1656) (Good Smile Company, Square Enix) $45 MFC Page
Fujiwara Chika - Nendoroid Doll (Good Smile Company) $45 MFC Page SOLD
Shinomiya Kaguya - Nendoroid Doll (Good Smile Company) $45 MFC Page SOLD
Nekopara - Chocola - Pop Up Parade (Good Smile Company) $35 (SOLD ALSO AS SET FOR $200) MFC Page
Nekopara - Vanilla - Pop Up Parade (Good Smile Company) $35 (SOLD ALSO AS SET FOR $200) MFC Page
Nekopara - Azuki - Pop Up Parade (Good Smile Company) $35 (SOLD ALSO AS SET FOR $200) MFC Page
Nekopara - Maple - Pop Up Parade (Good Smile Company) $35 (SOLD ALSO AS SET FOR $200) MFC Page
Nekopara - Cinnamon - Pop Up Parade (Good Smile Company) $35 (SOLD ALSO AS SET FOR $200) MFC Page
Nekopara - Coconut - Pop Up Parade (Good Smile Company) $35 (SOLD ALSO AS SET FOR $200) MFC Page
NieR: Automata - YoRHa Type A No.2 - Play Arts Kai - DX Edition (Square Enix)$100 (Came damaged to me. Hilt of Greatsword is glued into the sword, and hilt of smaller blade is missing. She can still hold both swords though. More pictures available upon request.) MFC Page
NieR: Automata - Pod 042 - YoRHa No. 2 Type B - Play Arts Kai - DX Edition (Square Enix)$120 MFC Page
Darling in the FranXX - Strelizia - Moderoid (Good Smile Company) $50 MFC Page SOLD
Fujiwara Chika - Dream Tech - 1/7 (Wave) $130 MFC Page
Atelier Ryza - Lila Decyrus - Lucrea - 1/7 (MegaHouse) $110 MFC Page
Sakurajima Mai - 1/7 - Water Gun Date Ver. (Chara-Ani, Good Smile Company) $95 MFC Page
Gotoubun no Hanayome - Nakano Nino - 1/8 (Kotobukiya) $85 MFC Page
Genshin Impact - Mona Megistus - 1/7 - Astral Reflection Ver. (Good Smile Company, Wonderful Works) $120 MFC Page SOLD
Date A Live Fragment: Date A Bullet - Tokisaki Kurumi - KDcolle - 1/7 - Oiran Ver. (Kadokawa) $125 MFC Page
submitted by GoinCakeLess19 to AnimeFigures [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 21:55 RoastedCat23 Who do you think will be the inaugural champions in Marigold?

I'm a new fan of Stardom and don't know much about Rossy's booking tendencies. I'm also unfamiliar with wrestlers from outside of Stardom. I'm curious how involved Gulia and Sareee will be in the initial world title picture, given that seemingly neither will have a full-time future with the company.(?) Hayashishita being an inagrual singles champ feels like a safe bet.
It seems like Bozilla will receive a big push due to her huge crowd reaction and the obsession shown by fans in the Wrestle Universe chat, I really can't understate the chats obsession haha. I wonder if she would be a good inaugural tag champion due to being green, or if she will go straight into a singles title picture because of her popularity.
Two other wrestlers, Kouki Amarei and Chika goto, who I hadn't heard of before, also received a surprisingly relatively big response from the chat. They are deceptively tall and I'm wondering if they could be inaugural tag champs. I have no clue about their history. Additionally, I might be overanalyzing like crazy, but I found it interesting that Kouki Amarei was designated as #9, which is a prestigious football/soccer shirt number. 😂 Gulia got #10, the most prestigious one.
Also, just because I didn't mention a wrestler doesn't mean I dislike them, I just realized this post was way too long as is lmao.
submitted by RoastedCat23 to stardomjoshi [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:05 pimpme_dzaddy Anthony Jennings' Girlfriend joining the Get Together

Anthony Jennings' Girlfriend joining the Get Together
May kumakalat na chismis sa X (Twitter) na ung jowa daw ni Anthony Jennings ay sumama sa Get Together nito for his 4th year anniversary in the industry. Apparently, hindi ito nagustuhan nung ibang fans. Masyado na raw atang nage-gate keep ng jowa ang rising actor.
Pati pagpopost ng picture ni jowa with the rising actor ay unti-unti nang napupuna. Ang chika? Nakakawala daw ng kilig. How true kaya sa ibang fans?
Anong say niyo rito? Nakakasama ba ito sa rising career ni Anthony at maging hindrance kaya ito sa mga susunod niyang projects?
Hindi ba parang kawawa naman ang jowa ni rising actor sa mga narereceive nitong pambabash while ang gusto lang naman niya at to fully support si rising actor?
submitted by pimpme_dzaddy to ChikaPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:58 Hour_Definition_ Hey

How are you?
I noticed you changed your profile picture recently, and you look lovely. I love how happy and joyful you seem in it. I know I shouldn't text you anymore, and it's probably for the best. But when you said "great progress" earlier today, it made me so happy. I wasn't trying to seek validation, but your words truly made my day. Thank you for that.
I hope you're doing well. I know things haven't been going your way lately, but I really hope they get better for you. When I saw your new picture and realized I don't follow you anymore and can't ask how the party went, I broke into tears, remembering all the old memories with you. Listening to the Chikas, hearing you talk, you bossing me around, and watching you sleep through the night after a long, tiring day, sending memes and reels to eachother all day. I just loved you, maybe a bit too much.
I miss us.
submitted by Hour_Definition_ to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:21 bleepnbloop Whenever I pray it’s like nakikipagchikahan lang ako kay Lord

well the title says it all. Every night bago ako matulog, ever since I was a kid, nagp-pray ako. Nung bata-bata pa ko I think of it as a sagabal sa sleeping time ko kasi dati nung sa kwarto pa ko ng mga magulang ko natutulog, binabantayan talaga ako ni mama to make sure na nagdadasal talaga ako bago matulog. Kaya hanggang sa ngayon na nasa college na ko eh nakasanayan ko na siya. First and foremost pala, di ako religious person ha. Like nagsisimba ako tuwing linggo (Catholic ako) and that’s it. Pero bago ako humimbing imbis na yung mga nakasanayan na Guardian Angel’s Prayer or Our Father or Hail Mary, eh nakikipagchikahan ako kay Lord. As in all out chikahan. I would tell him about my whole day as if nirerecap ko lahat ng juiciest details and Idk it makes sleeping so much lighter for me.
Dati kasi yung prayer ko lang eh yung Guardian Angel’s Prayer lang eh. Ngayon, diretso na ko chika like “Lord bat ganon noh…” o kaya “Grabe Lord ang laro ng mga happenings ko today ha, galing ng pa plot mo this episode” AS IN GANYAN. Ewan parang lang ako nagcacatch up sa bestfriend ko. Try niyo guys makipagchikahan kay Lord. Sa una tingin mo mukha kang tanga na nakikipagchikahan sa hangin ganun rin ako nung una. Pero idk how to explain it pero eventually nafeel ko na pinapakinggan niya talaga ako. Di ko nilalaro si Lord ha, pero I picture him with a mug of coffee or tea seated sa sofa tapos all ears sa kwento ko. Napakacomforting niyang gawin 🫶 I would rate chikahan with Lord 10000/10
submitted by bleepnbloop to CasualPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:43 Constant_Analyst_359 ABYG if bibilhan ko ng insurance lola ko

Hello! Medyo mahabang chika but hindi ko malabanan mga thoughts since overthinker ako And at the same time feeling ko mali lahat ng mga actions ko hahaha omg so here it goes:
Last mother’s day, nagcheck in kami sa isang staycation place. Broken fam kami and si mama ay nasa abroad so laking lola talaga kami (from father side naman siya). Naggroup picture kami ng mga kapatid ko and si lola ko. Nung magstory ako, namimili ako ng best photo namin then narealize ko na ang tanda na pala niyang tignan. Nabother ako buong araw & ang lala ng mga naoverthink ko kasi sinampal ako ng reality na tumatanda na siya e mula baby ako na magkasama pa sa bahay mga parents ko e kasama na namin siya. 63 years old na siya, btw.
So ayun na nga, since nagwowork ako sa bank at feeling ko sulit ‘yung isang insurance product sa amin. Gusto ko na istart agad agad kasi kahit may mga anak siya e wala silang sustento sa kanya. Right now, siya pa nga nag-adjust na magpunta sa province ng panganay niya na walang own family (42F) kasi nadisable siya for about half a year last 2022. She’s okay na ngayon pero ayaw paalisin lola ko since ginawa niya siyang tagabantay ng cats. Lagi nagsusumbong si lola ko na napagbubuntungan siya ng init ng ulo and lagi siyang nangungulila doon since sa gabi lang sila magkasama tapos sa sala pa magstay si lola ko habang si tita ko pinagsisilbihan mula pagkauwi habang nasa nakaaircon niyang room. Isa sa inoiverthink ko e mapano siya lalo na sobrang init ngayon tapos wala siyang kakilala doon.
Anyways, ayun inoiverthink ko kasi ayoko siyang matulad sa mga napabayaan niyang older sibs. Even si mother niya na 80 years old e walang plan kaya parang kawawa hanggang burol. I know na may plans naman for burol na pwede iavail or hulugan agad as well as sa mga lupa pero kasi 23 pa lang ako & I am currently striving really hard to save for my future while providing for my siblings. Mas masusulit ko kasi if ‘yung insurance plan sa bank since guaranteed na x3 ng buong ihuhulog ko for 5 years ang makukuha ko once mangyari ‘yun. Alam kong may processing days pa ‘yun pero kaya ko namang abonohin lahat & gusto ko lang mabawi and at the same time mabawasan magagastos ko if ever kasi alam kong magastos ganun. Right now, nasa amin siya pero aalis na neto & hindi ko alam if mali ba lalo na need ng signature niya sa mga forms as insured. Baka kasi nakakaoffend of what.
So ayun, ABYG if kukuhanan ko siya ng insurance policy para maibalik sa akin mga gagastusin ko if ever “that” time will come?
submitted by Constant_Analyst_359 to AkoBaYungGago [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 18:50 Professional-Pipe890 Part 2 of “Bakit sablay ang mga pinoy writers sa pag-gawa ng mainstream teleserye?”

I'm really stoked about all the love my post got last night. Big thanks to everyone who took the time to check it out, even though it was a bit of a novel!
I stumbled upon this super intriguing comment tonight, and this time, I’d love to dive into it — with you guys.
Medyo mahaba ulit ito. Hang tight, please.
Or feel free to keep on scrolling. It's fine with me.
And if you're an up-and-coming writer (shoutout to the person who slid into my DMs about it), hopefully, there's some juicy stuff in here for you to soak up.
If you want to check the part 1, read it here:
A comment from u/TouristPineapple6123:
First time na makarinig ng WFH set up especially sa US na hindi na pandemic. Kamusta ang writers' room diyan? Paano kayo mag-brainstorm at mag-distribute ng susulating scripts? Gaano kabilis ang turnaround time? (In short, pakita ka naman resibo, bruh/girl.)
Hindi sa pinagtatanggol ko ang ABS -- also worked in the local industry -- pero kasi malamang na magkaiba ang industry set up ng Pilipinas vs Hollywood. Napakaraming layers ng approval ang ABS bago magkaroon ng show. Opposite ng set up ng GMA or ng TV5. It shows sa output nila, and napuna mo rin yun na mas daring actually yung other two networks but they don't have the machinery and the gloss that ABS has. Ang ABS may template, iisang hulma ng mga story but they really know how to market things.
My response:
Yes, you read it right. Nowadays, any creative writer can work remotely as long as they have internet access.
Puwede din sa isang isolated island, basta may StarLink.
The year is 2024, and using Zoom or Google Meet for team meetings is the norm.
We also rely on platforms like Discord, MS Teams, and Slack for communication, so this shouldn't come as a surprise to you.
As the head story writer and sometimes a creative consultant, I handle everything from sparking ideas to dumping thoughts, conducting research on the market and target audience, conceptualizing (world-building and character creation), outlining, writing the actual story, proofreading, and editing/polishing (countless times) before pitching my idea to streaming companies.
In short, I own my stories, sell the copyrights, and sometimes serve as one of the executive producers.
If I get lucky, I might even become the showrunner of my own TV show — this is my dream para makagawa din ako ng sarili kong TV series, na dito na sa bansa natin ang setting location.
Then, the streaming executives will hire other showrunners, producers, scriptwriters, etc., to bring my story to life — from envisioning it in my head to actually watching it on my TV screen.
Turnaround time?
Real-time naman. Gising ako sa gabi, tulog sa umaga.
Ever heard of the word “Confidential”?
You really think na magse-send ako basta-basta ng mga details at pictures of my work because someone questioned my credibility?
And as for that other concern...
There’s nothing wrong if i-prioritize ng mga local production houses dito ang kumita. Afterall, hindi naman tayo nagpapaka-hirap para lang malugi, hindi ba?
Bihira lang din ang nagpu-pursue ng kanilang passion and at the same time kumita ng tama — so I consider myself lucky, but I also started from scratch.
Ang main point ng incomplete case study at insights na na-post ko last night, with a few snide remarks, is to raise awareness sa mga local creative writers, maging sa mga producers na din.
Hindi por que hinahabol natin ang kumita eh doesn't mean we have to sacrifice the quality of storytelling and plotting in our local shows.
Isn't it embarrassing enough if a show with poor quality ends up at the top spot on Netflix PH? That's why there's no avoiding the multitude of feedback — both good and bad.
It's also inevitable to make comparisons.
As a creative writer, my motto is to aim for about 90-95% polish in my work — meaning, there's always room for improvement because nothing is ever perfect.
But if you look at our mainstream media, they often hit less like 60-70%. And sometimes even lower. That's why the quality of what they put out isn't always up to snuff.
Parang gumawa lang first draft na may kaunting proofreading, and as a result, tons of details get overlooked, leaving gaping holes in the story.
And to top it off, the scripting is just plain lousy. There's no effort to improve it whatsoever.
Sorry, not sorry!
Although maraming natuwa kasi kahit papaano, na-enjoy nila ang CBML, marami ding na-disappoint.
Unfortunately, it’s part of my job na manood ng mga TV series na may bad storyline and storytelling — it helps to improve my work.
Sabi nga nila, minsan may ginto (pera) sa basura, no pun intended.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with giving our target audience what makes them happy.
But... wouldn't it be even better to raise the quality of our work at least a little by improving it further?
No doubt, ABS-CBN is stellar at marketing their products — I mean, I practically grew up glued to their shows whenever I had the chance.
But I also want to see our mainstream media step up their game because I believe they can do it without breaking the bank.
Pinuri ko ang pagiging risk-taker ng GMA’s creative writers but I didn’t fail to mention na sablay din sila sa maraming aspeto maging sa pag-market ng kanilang mga shows.
Pati nga sa pag-market ng mga artista ng GMA eh, sablay din. Insert: Barbie Forteza.
Sadly, recent lang na-recognize ng marami ang galing ni Barbie sa pag-arte — dahil sa MCAI.
And as for TV5, hindi pa nila nari-reach 'yung paki ko.
The truth is, karamihan sa ating mga Pinoy hindi marunong tumanggap ng constructive criticisms and feedback kaya hanggang ngayon yung quality ng mga mainstream local shows natin is same pa din 20 years ago.
And even if there have been changes, hindi ganun ka-drastic.
There's a serious shortage of new elements in storylines, leading to recycling the same old stuff repeatedly.
Innovation is what they really need.
Since you mentioned that you used to work in the PH entertainment industry, I'm sure you understand how important it is to listen to the viewers' feedback, right?
Paano tayo matututo kung naglalaro tayo palagi ng bulag-bulagan at bingi-bingihan?
Fact: maraming missed opportunities and lapses sa story and plot ng Can’t Buy Me Love — na ginamit kong example sa case study ko — na dapat sana nai-ayos man lang bago mag-roll ang camera.
Hollywood indeed operates on a whole different level, with sky-high budgets for everything from production to marketing.
But you know what? We shouldn't use that as an excuse for poor writing.
Instead, hindi masama na gawing inspiration ang creativity nila for the betterment of our industry.
Example shows:
Also, KDrama:
Our creative folks should really dive into the nitty-gritty of storytelling and plotting in those shows.
I mean, they've won over hearts not just in the US and SoKor but also right here in our own backyard.
Here's another tip: When outlining, throw in lots of "What Ifs and Why Nots."
The crazier, the better. Best believe me.
And you know what?
Reading fiction books is a killer way to sharpen the skills of our local creative writers.
You don't need a fat budget — just crank up the creativity.
So hindi budget ang problema.
My first 'case study' post might be incomplete, but it's harmless — na may kaunting snide remarks. Sorry na! Couldn't help it.
Most of the comments on it are just wishing for some serious upgrades in our mainstream media.
I hope nobody takes it the wrong way.
That's all.
I rest my case.
submitted by Professional-Pipe890 to ChikaPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 02:44 GoinCakeLess19 [SALE] Huge Figure Sale!

[SALE] Huge Figure Sale!
Hello everybody! I am going to be making a huge move in the coming months, so I am selling off the majority of my collection to make the move easier.
Listed below are all the figures that are up for sale and here is a link to a spreadsheet with pictures. I am selling 53 total figures. If you would like more pictures of the figure(s) you are looking to purchase, feel free to DM me and I will provide more pictures. For the figures in the spreadsheet that are pictured in their box, I do not have pictures of the figure outside of the box (I can take pictures of those figures outside of the box if you would like). All figures are in excellent condition and were regularly dusted and kept in a smoke free home. Boxes and all original contents are included.
All figures are priced in USD and shipping is not included. I am located in the US, so keep that in mind if you are international. If you would like a shipping estimate, feel free to send me a DM. Prices are slightly negotiable.
If you have any questions let me know. I hope you all have a good rest of your day/night!
Sakurajima Mai - Coreful Figure - Knit Dress ver. (Taito)$15MFC Page
Hatsune Miku - SPM Figure - Splash Parade (SEGA)$25MFC Page
Fujiwara Chika - Coreful Figure (Taito)$15MFC Page
Darling in the FranXX - Zero Two - Nendoroid (#1820) - Childhood Ver. (Good Smile Company)$45MFC Page
New Game!! - Soujirou - Takimoto Hifumi - Nendoroid (#814) (Good Smile Company)$45MFC Page
Atelier Ryza ~Tokoyami no Joou to Himitsu no Kakurega~ - Reisalin Stout - Nendoroid (#1543) (Toytec)$45MFC Page
Arknights - Texas - Nendoroid (#1551) (Good Smile Arts Shanghai, Good Smile Company)$45MFC Page
NieR: Automata - Pod 042 - YoRHa No. 2 Type B - Nendoroid (#1475) (Good Smile Company, Square Enix)$45MFC Page
NieR: Automata - YoRHa Type A No.2 - Nendoroid (#1656) (Good Smile Company, Square Enix)$45MFC Page
Darling in the FranXX - Zero Two - Nendoroid (#952) (Good Smile Company)$45MFC Page
Arknights - Exusiai - Nendoroid (#1352) (Good Smile Arts Shanghai, Good Smile Company)$45MFC Page
Fujiwara Chika - Nendoroid Doll (Good Smile Company)$45 MFC Page
Shinomiya Kaguya - Nendoroid Doll (Good Smile Company)$45 MFC Page
Nekopara - Chocola - Pop Up Parade (Good Smile Company)$40 (SOLD AS SET FOR $220)MFC Page
Nekopara - Vanilla - Pop Up Parade (Good Smile Company)$40 (SOLD AS SET FOR $220) MFC Page
Nekopara - Azuki - Pop Up Parade (Good Smile Company)$40 (SOLD AS SET FOR $220) MFC Page
Nekopara - Maple - Pop Up Parade (Good Smile Company)$40 (SOLD AS SET FOR $220)MFC Page
Nekopara - Cinnamon - Pop Up Parade (Good Smile Company)$40 (SOLD AS SET FOR $220)MFC Page
Nekopara - Coconut - Pop Up Parade (Good Smile Company)$40 (SOLD AS SET FOR $220)MFC Page
NieR: Automata - YoRHa Type A No.2 - Play Arts Kai - DX Edition (Square Enix)$100 (Issues listed in spreadsheet)MFC Page
NieR: Automata - Pod 042 - YoRHa No. 2 Type B - Play Arts Kai - DX Edition (Square Enix)$120MFC Page
Darling in the FranXX - Strelizia - Moderoid (Good Smile Company)$50MFC Page
Fujiwara Chika - Dream Tech - 1/7 (Wave)$120MFC Page
Fate/Grand Order - Altria Pendragon - 1/7 - Saber, (Alter), Heroic Spirit Traveling Outfit Ver. (Good Smile Company)$100MFC Page
Atelier Ryza - Lila Decyrus - Lucrea - 1/7 (MegaHouse)$110MFC Page
Sakurajima Mai - 1/7 - Water Gun Date Ver. (Chara-Ani, Good Smile Company)$90MFC Page
Arknights - Exusiai - 1/7 (Good Smile Arts Shanghai, Good Smile Company)$200MFC Page SOLD
Arknights - Texas - 1/7 - Elite 2 (Good Smile Arts Shanghai, Good Smile Company)$200MFC Page
Arknights - Hoshiguma - F:Nex - Patrolling Ronin (FuRyu)$220MFC Page SOLD
Darling in the FranXX - Ichigo - 1/7 (Good Smile Company)$130MFC Page
Darling in the FranXX - Zero Two - 1/7 - For My Darling (Good Smile Company)$180MFC Page SOLD
Phantasy Star Online 2 es - Gene - 1/7 - Stellar Memories Ver. (Kotobukiya)$100MFC Page
Darling in the FranXX - Zero Two - 1/7 - Uniform ver. (Aniplex)$150MFC Page SOLD
Phantasy Star Online 2 - Matoi - 1/7 - Nidy-2D- ver. (Kotobukiya)$110MFC Page
Arknights - Skadi - 1/7 - Waverider WR04 Ver. (AniGame)$110MFC Page SOLD
Xenoblade 2 - Homura - 1/7 (Good Smile Company, Max Factory)$130MFC Page SOLD
Xenoblade 2 - Hikari - 1/7 (Good Smile Company)$130MFC Page SOLD
Piapro Characters - Hatsune Miku - 1/7 - Digital Stars 2021 ver. (Hobby Stock, Wing)$200 (Issues listed in spreadsheet)MFC Page
Gotoubun no Hanayome ∬ - Nakano Nino - 1/6 - Date Style Ver. (Good Smile Company)$100MFC Page
Kirara Fantasia - Soujirou - Takimoto Hifumi - 1/7 - Witch Ver. (Good Smile Company)$110MFC Page
Gotoubun no Hanayome - Nakano Nino - 1/8 (Kotobukiya)$80MFC Page
Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi o Suru - Kitagawa Marin - 1/7 - Swimsuit Ver. (Aniplex)$170MFC Page SOLD
Date A Live: Seirei Sairin - Yatogami Tohka - 1/7 - Xinchun Qipao Ver. (Apex Innovation)$90MFC Page
Genshin Impact - Barbara Pegg - 1/7 (Kotobukiya)$110MFC Page
Genshin Impact - Mona Megistus - 1/7 - Astral Reflection Ver. (Good Smile Company, Wonderful Works)$120MFC Page
Blue Archive - Shiromi Iori - 1/7 - Swimsuit Ver. (Wings Inc.)$125MFC Page
Date A Live - Tokisaki Kurumi - 1/7 (Kaitendoh)$100MFC Page
Date A Live Fragment: Date A Bullet - Tokisaki Kurumi - KDcolle - 1/7 - Oiran Ver. (Kadokawa)$125MFC Page
Atelier Ryza 2 - Reisalin Stout - 1/7 (Wonderful Works)$150MFC Page
Atelier Ryza - Reisalin Stout - 1/7 (Good Smile Company, Wonderful Works)$100MFC Page
Atelier Ryza 2 - Reisalin Stout - 1/6 - White Swimsuit ver. (Spiritale, Wing)$130MFC Page SOLD
Atelier Ryza 2 - Reisalin Stout - 1/7 - Swimsuit Ver. (Good Smile Company)$90MFC Page SOLD
Atelier Ryza - Lila Decyrus - 1/7 (Alter)$95MFC Page
EDIT: Removed table
submitted by GoinCakeLess19 to AnimeFigures [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 11:00 NoEqual9689 ABYG if i want to totally cut ties with my friend?

For context, I (23F) met him (23M) online during pandemic. We're both students pa at that time. I was initially looking for kausap lang, specifically nsfw topics. The conversation went on for days until we both agreed to enter an fwb setup.
Eventually, natauhan ako and told him na i don't think i can continue with that setup na. So we reduce the connection to just being friends (but if may urge daw i could just hit him up). It went just like that for months. We grew closer, sa kanya ako nagoopen up kapag stress ako sa school until such time na nagrereview na ako for board exams. But then, I ghosted him. I thought he'll do the same to me pero nagulat ako nung bumati siya after ng boards to congratulate me. So we kind of reconnected. I said sorry for ghosting him kasi tbh I was not in the right state of mind nung mga panahong yun. From that point, I just knew na the bond grew stronger.
I'm a year ahead of him, hence nauna akong makagraduate and magkaroon ng work. 'Pag inaatake ako ng anxiety, sa kanya ako unang nagsasabi and he knows how to calm me down and put me right on track. He knows how to comfort me and he surely knows the right words to say. You could say na I grew emotionally attached to him. That's when I knew na I was falling for him, too. Kasi I can sense peace in him. Pag naman may latest chika at work o kaya gusto kong magrant, present yan siya agad. Hindi ko inamin sa kanya directly na, i'm catching feelings na, though I tried to make advances. Dinaan daan ko lang sa mga tanungan na "what if tayo na lang". Pero he shuts me down agad. Saying na he's not ready to commit yet (best believe ay hindi pa rin siya nakakamove on sa ex niya) and sometimes gave me vague answers lang.
Until such time na nakavisit ako sa bahay nila at pinakilala sa mom niya. Nagstay kami sa room niya and nakacaught talaga ng attention ko yung nakahang na mini bulletin board. Naintriga ako kasi may picture pa sila dun ng ex niya and i guess a couple of receipts na he finds sentimental (baka galing date nila whatsoever). Paguwi ko from that visit, sinabi ko talagang last na yon at di na ako babalik. I made a promise to myself na ibubury ko na lang din whatever feelings I have for him kasi mukhang wala namang chance.
Life went on after that, same same lang minus the advances hanggang nawala na sa sistema ko ung pagkagusto ko sa kanya. I started talking to other people na ulit and then I entered the dating scene. Kinekwento ko sa kanya mga failed talking stages ko and as usual, siya taga console kapag iniiyakan ko na sila. At first parang hindi siya okay about it. Pero what is he gon' do hindi naman niya ako mapipigilan pero he constantly reminds me to take precautions.
Currently, I'm talking to this guy (24M) that I met from a dating app that I am so so head over heels with. I told my friend na this guy wants to court me and we both meet each others parents already. He replied with a confession that he's in love with me. And now that the tables have turned, gusto niya rin akong ligawan. He knew na gusto kong maligawan the old-fashioned way. So gusto niya rin daw mameet ang parents ko para makapagpaalam.
I am in shock of course. I don't know what to say. Nung una hinayaan ko lang muna baka kasi nagjojoke lang siya pero days went on, walang pagbabago. Umabot sa point na naooverwhelm na ako and told him na I can't entertain two people at once. Pero he's really persistent. He told me pa na maybe we can rekindle whatever little to no feelings that I have for him. Bigyan ko lang siya ng chance. I told him na, my feelings are leaning towards dun sa other guy and ayoko maging unfair sa kanya at paasahin siya.
It's been days since we last talked. Nagmemessage pa rin siya kahit walang reply from me. He said na namimiss niya ako and if di kami nagwork out nung guy na kausap ko, bumalik ako sa kanya. How could he be selfless and selfish at the same time?
Out of respect sa guy na I'm on a courting stage with, I wanna cut ties with my friend. We both agreed early on na, if exclusively dating na, we shouldn't be seeing someone else pa. Kasi we're onto building something na with our potential partners.
ABYG if i wanna cut ties with my friend for that or am i being reasonable at least?
submitted by NoEqual9689 to AkoBaYungGago [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 14:03 Gothinthemaking 23 [F4M] "Cupid is so Dumb"

Edit: repost! Hello! So, some of the guys I talked here didnt work out huhu. So let's get straight to the point!
About me:
-Graduating student (very busy but I will dedicate a part of my day to you!)
-Gym Girly (Got back to the gym after thesis szn!)
-More on the curvy/chubby side
-5'2 tall
-Artist and a Designer
-Chronically online
-Short hair w/glasses (blind and I hate long hair, so you will see my hair short all of the time)
-Introverted, you will see me open up and be weird soon. (If ya like weird girls??)
-A type of girl na very cold in public but will be very warm and affectionate in private
-Loves calls, but prefer them once we get to know each other a lot
-Dont want kids (if this is a deal breaker then I completely understand especially in the long run!)
-Loves animals! (you will hear me saying weird facts abt them)
-"Weird Kid™"
-I wear goth occasionally
-I have strict parents, so please be patient with me lalo na when it comes to going out and have dates
-Adik sa coffee
-Will send you funny meme pictures
-Residing in Lower Antipolo
Ayan, haha!
And about you: (these are my preferences!)
-Tall (5'8 above pls)
-Goes to the gym/works out ( +points if ur muscular and love curvy/chubby gals hehe)
-Pleasing to the eyes
-Has substance when it comes to conversations, open to magdaldal and chika HAHA (pls, pls, this is a must!)
-Funny and may sense of humor
-Mabango + may fashion style!
-Open minded
-Aware of social issues
NOTE: Will not entertain "Hello" or "Hi" DMs.
submitted by Gothinthemaking to PhR4Dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 01:34 Eliseed15 My father suddenly passed away and I don't know how I will ever heal

Hi, my father passed away nung Wednesday. Di namin inexpect kase malakas lakas pa siya. Yun pala may leukemia. This made it impossible for him to fight off yung naacquire niyang sickness such as amoebiasis. Ang sakit talaga. Di ko alam na hirap na hirap na ang daddy. Sobrang close ko kasi sakanila ni mommy kase only child ako. Hatid sundo pako sa sakayan ng jeep at pag puyat ako ihahatid ako sa school mismo. Even during the last month niya na masakit tyan niya, hatid sundo pa din ako. Kaya pala yung edema niya hindi gumagaling at kaya pala nanghina siya ng sobra. Akala namin dala lang ng kulang na kain. Yun pala may ganong sakit na. Kaya pala this past year sobrang saya namin. It felt so ethereal. I always end up finding myself so grateful for my moments with my parents. Yun pala last year na ng daddy. I have so much guilt and what ifs. Pero alam kong my daddy would hate it more if ganito kami kalungkot ng mommy. I'd like to think na andyan lang siya, pero his sudden loss really made us unprepared.
Ang hirap pala mag handa ng susuotin ng daddy sa burol. Ang hirap mag hanap ng picture niya. My dad always takes pics at minsan naiinis si mami kase di kami makakain agad. Ngayon tinignan namin phone niya and punong puno ng memories. I also noticed a sharp decline in his weight. It feels so painful that I have to prepare these things. Nahihirapan din kami mag asikaso kase si daddy ang nag dadrive lagi. Di kami makapag survey ng libingan ng maayos kase need ng car. Passenger queen and princess lang kami ni mami. In the first place di na namin to need gawin kung hindi siya nawala. Mahirap mag asikaso ng papeles at wala na din kaming pera. Di naman kasi kami mayaman. Naubos na pera namin sa hospital tapos di naman nasagot ng insurance lahat ng bills. Pero wala akong pake kahit magkautang pa kami isang milyon kung nabuhay siya. Kung nakasama ko pa.
Pero di ako nagkukanh sa pag lambing sakanya. Kaya siguro mas masakit kasi talagang mahal na mahal ako ng daddy. Mahal ko din siya. Everyone knows how happy I am because of my parents. Nagtatampo pa yan si daddy kapag inuna ko chika bago update sakanya.
The house feels so empty and I have to be strong for my mom. Recently din biglang i had the urge to learn new stuff and to be better sa housework na gawain ni daddy. Wala lang urge lang. Yun pala pineprepare na ako ng universe.
Ang sakit talaga i don't think I would ever move on. People are so kind and helpful sa pag settle ng hospital bills at funeral. Pero honestly, parang tumigil pa din mundo ko. Eversince he died, i feel angry at times na parang normal lang ang araw ng iba while mine is like this. I now envy vids na may involved na tatay. I don't want to live this way. My dad doesn't want me to live this way.
Pero still, my dad will remain my first love. Alam kong tiwala din siya sa boyfriend ko. Grabe kakameet lang ng parents namin despite us being 4 years na. Kaya pala everything fell into place this year. If only I knew. I would trade everything I have just to have my dad back
submitted by Eliseed15 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 15:51 Charity00 The Amazing Race 23 - Review

I’ve decided to rewatch every Amazing Race and rank them all.
SEASON 23 gets a 6/10
This season had some good aspects but felt underwhelming overall so is ranked near the bottom. The cast was average besides 3 teams (Leo/Jamal, Tim/Marie, Nicole/Travis who were all pretty dynamic), the route was average (no new countries or anything unique), challenges were okay but few standouts, winners were very forgettable and drama was okay but nothing special. It was an enjoyable season (so gets a 6) but not much stands out as ‘fantastic’.
General Thoughts
Cast Ranking
1.Leo/Jamal - the Afganimals were the obvious fan favorites! They aren’t for everyone - they do ham it up for the cameras A LOT (Yelling LALALALA, dancing, imitating the elephants and being LOUD) but I still liked their enthusiasm and fun commentary like joking that Ally/Ashley were their race wives (“My wife is flying off with another man” when paragliding). They were also sneaky (such as “My wife is pregnant”) and lied just for the fun of it (lying about not U-Turning Brandon/Adam, lying about the challenge taking hours, lying about Tim/Marie being ahead). But I appreciate teams that cause friction and some drama…while also managing to be likeable and providing some laughs. Also somewhat became a “final boss” at the end where every other team wanted them out and worked together to do so.
  1. Tim/Marie - were the next big characters! Their banter and roasting each other was hilarious (“I didn’t know they made voices as shrill as yours” - “Well I didn’t know they made people as dumb as you” haha) and Marie was such a ballsy and wacky individual who claims she’s “always right” and demanded a 60-40 split of the winnings haha It’s fascinating having 2 individuals who hate eachother (the Japanese host saying “American love story” but Marie calling them “American horror story” haha) but I sort of picture them being fun friends in a way. Besides their bickering, Marie was also pushy at the start trying to leverage the Express Pass at every chance (“Remember we have an Express Pass”) and not afraid to steal a taxi (and blame Leo/Jamal). She was petty and bitchy but also aware of it “I’m mad because they did something I would have done”. Sometimes their fights came off as playing up for the camera but still witty and entertaining! And a pretty strong team too!
  2. Nicole/Travis - had one of the most unique storylines in that they started off as these likeable and dominant “power parents” but the second half they were a disaster - Nicole freaked out at multiple challenges and Travis was impatient and tough on her. Possibly the biggest editing nosedive of a team ever - and I found it fascinating! They weren’t necessarily likeable but I liked Nicole mentioning “Express Pass” EVERY episode, hilariously blackmailing Tim/Marie for it, plus some sassy looks! They got a hypocritical edit where they wanted to be role models for their kids…but were then shown not being that honourable (Nicole trying to cheat off Leo and begging for help is one of my favorite moments) and were carried to the end by their allies Jason/Amy. Also Travis previously mentioned about staying unflustered and wanting their children to see them working together well haha I much prefer a messy team like this than the actual inspirational ones.
  3. Nicky/Kim - had everything needed to be a ‘likeable underdog team’ but I found them hard to root for because they were “baseball wives” rather than “regular people”. But I still liked them. They weren’t huge characters but were very sweet, endearing, and actually quite independent and strategic, like plotting with Tim/Marie and then getting in front of the counter. They weren’t pampered divas AT ALL like many expected. They also felt down to earth with some witty comments such as “she's like Cameron Diaz in my best friend's wedding” at the opera challenge and getting excited “Our cab has pink on it” haha. Some cute moments like “We’re not bunnies anymore…we are ninjas” but after struggling at that wave pool “I think we’ll just go back to being bunnies” haha Enjoyed seeing them scrape through each week.
  4. Jason/Amy - I’m not a fan of the “generic couple” archetype and Jason/Amy were basically just that, and they weren’t that interesting or memorable. However I ranked them higher because of their role in a few dramas like their fight when Tim/Marie stole their taxi, as well as their alliance with Nicole/Travis. Helping other teams at the final 4 created some interesting discussions, especially when Nicole/Travis were a bigger threat than Ally/Ashley. I remember Jason randomly asking if Indonesians were like Asians or Indians haha But forgettable as characters.
  5. Tim/Danny - had the “needs the money” backstory and a very sad elimination with Tim struggling at the choir challenge (arguably unfair because Tim was just a terrible singer so not sure if he could have done much better). Team Oklahoma had some good banter dressing up as the couple (“wanting rock scissors paper” to determine who was the woman, humorously arguing and suggesting things like 1 was smaller or more attractive as a woman) and helped Ally/Ashley with their truck..but nothing special. Not overly memorable but still a likeable team!
  6. Brandon/Adam - another fun likeable male team who always seemed to be enjoying the race…and lived in the woods. A few fun confessionals and making their own fishing rods to fish on the boat in Norway. Started out strong (including a 1st place before their elimination) but had 1 bad leg with a bad Detour choice and a U-Turn. In a way I liked these shock eliminations. Similar to Tim/Danny in that they were likeable but not that memorable.
  7. Rowan/Shane - had some fun moments like “Phil don’t fall asleep” when they finally arrived at the pit stop, “My name is not Rowan for nothing” when rowing and telling Shane to stop talking on the bikes because they are wasting “air” haha. We don’t see “2 older goofy men” often and I like older, unfit teams who are a bit of a disaster. Team Bingo were wacky and funny like a modern Steve/Dave. They had a disaster of a leg - wrong bus, hilariously taking a local shoe shiner’s cart (one of the best moments of the season) and calling Marie “el diablo” haha One of the more memorable early boots and would have been unique characters if they somehow lasted longer.
  8. Ally/Ashley - they were the “dumb blondes” but pretty forgettable and just didn’t have any charisma like Caroline/Jennifer or Liz/Marie. One of them wanted to find love…but was then reminded that she had a boyfriend haha plus calling Abu Dhabi “Abu Dubai” and were edited as just riding Leo/Jamal’s coattails. I actually would have liked them more if they had more dumb moments - they weren’t great racers, but not in a funny way. And Nicky/Kim were definitely the more endearing underdog team. They had a big fight in their elimination episode and would have been more entertaining if they were like this more often.
  9. Naina/Hoskote - felt less mactorish and had a storyline of Hoskote wanting an arranged marriage for his daughter and being old fashioned. If they lasted longer, they could have had a Ron/Christina type storyline with Hoskote showing signs of being “real truth flavour” haha, and there was some very mild bickering in leg 1. However they didn’t really stand out in their 1 leg and didn’t have much of an interesting storyline or a memorable elimination.
  10. ChesteEphraim - seemed fun and likeable in their short stay with “We’re heavy, it’s gonna take a mountain of salt to make us float”, “You were easy to spot - you looked like a military jeep under the parachute” and comparing themselves to the Beekman Boys when struggling at the airport. They came in 1st in leg 2 and were a shock elimination in leg 3 with their bad luck with their flight connections and delays. Were eliminated at the airport after falling a day behind! Usually find it hard to root for alpha male teams (especially former athletes) so that’s the main thing that separates them from the teams ranked just above them (2 blondes and a fathedaughter team).
Leg Rankings
1.Leg 9 - Indonesia (F5 - Ally/Ashley eliminated) - a fantastic leg that sets up the final 5 so well with a chaotic location in Bandung, trains, cultural animal tasks (ram fighting, making birds sing, feeding elephants), drama (Leo/Jamal vs Nicole/Travis over the U-Turn), great detour (Ally/Ashley not going to the market first, teams hilariously trying to fit sugarcane into taxis…the poor taxi drivers), Ally/Ashley arguing and pleading for help, and some placement shifts at both the Detour and Road Block. The best part was the storyline of Nicole/Travis being like “we want to be a beacon for God’s light” and continually critiquing Leo/Jamal for playing unethically….and then ending with Nicole’s hilarious meltdown at the anklung Road Block (hypocritically trying to look at Leo’s, getting frustrated with the children “Don’t laugh, you have to help the lady” haha, Travis groaning in disappointment “She doesn’t know an octave is 8”). Tense ending with Nicole begging Amy to help her with Ally/Ashley getting closer!
  1. Leg 5 - Poland (F8 - Brandon/Adam eliminated) - navigation dramas, great tasks, U-Turn drama, great location in Gdansk, banter between teams, Express Pass used and lots of action. The Express Pass cliffhanger is resolved haha The polish dance was fun with Tim/Danny bantering about being the woman and struggling “I’m a white body with 2 left feet…and I have 3 left feet” haha and the judge “don’t fight with each other” and Tim ripping his pants. The huge apartment building Road Block was basic but had some fun moments between teams - Some teams working together, Tim and Jason randomly dancing, Travis pressing the elevator on every floor for Kim haha and Tim having to warn Marie that you can get a penalty for “bad manners”. Plus some nice interactions with locals. Some navigational issues and Brandon/Adam get tricked by Jason/Amy’s taxi driver haha Brandon/Adam had a disastrous leg after finishing 1st at the “Keep on Racing” (shock elimination). Great episode but misses #1 because it had bigger moments.
  2. Leg 11 - Japan (F4 - Leo/Jamal eliminated) - a very exciting final 4 elimination with some great inter-team drama! A few too many wacky Japanese tasks though rather than cultural tasks - walking vending machines, crazy game shows, jump into a telephone box filled with water, cat temple, capturing a rhino in a suit, and a robot greeter. Detour was too easy for a final 4 (especially answering the phone underwater - awful) and the rhino Speed Bump was embarrassing…but I loved the robot Road Block - placement shifts, Amy and Nicole working together, Amy staying behind to help Nicole who was freaking out again, and Travis ridiculing Nicole afterwards (and Jason frustrated that Amy wasted time helping). It was sad seeing Nicole so sad and disappointed when Travis should have been relieved a team was behind. Great storylines for the final 4 with everyone vs Leo/Jamal (plus losing Tim/Marie while searching the park) and memorable elimination. Unfortunately the weak challenges let it down a bit though.
  3. Leg 2 - Chile (F10 - Rowan/Shane eliminated) - Some drama at the start with Tim/Marie trying to dictate lines at the hours of operation with Afganimals calling them “Pinky and No Brain” haha with teams annoyed by them for the whole leg, Ally/Ashley call her miserable (love this trashy drama). Reading the newspaper on saltwater was one of those “silly” challenges but had Nicky/Kim having a minor meltdown and Nicole “What a lovely way to start my birthday, a salt bath with my husband”. Some Detour switching and Nicole crashing her bike. Some interesting bus scrambles with Rowan/Shane getting confused and picking a later bus. The shoe shining Road Block was fun and tense at the end - Rowan taking a random person’s shoe shining equipment haha (and calling Marie the devil haha), Kim forgetting equipment with Marie not giving her the Express Pass (earlier had an alliance because Tim knows Kim’s husband), Leo/Jamal missing out on 1st because they didn’t pay their driver, and just felt so much more exciting than leg 1.
  4. Leg 10 - Indonesia (F4 - Non elimination) - a fun leg despite being an obvious non-elimination. Challenges weren’t great but the teams made them better than they should have been. Eating the cobras was a lame eating challenge…but Marie being a picky eater had fun moments. Boiling the eggs in the volcanic crater was also a dull challenge…but had teams having to redo it plus Marie freaking out again because she’s never boiled an egg and wasn’t even putting the eggs into the water haha (but surprisingly got it on her 1st try). Painting their partnesearching the fields also had fun moments especially painting the men with Nicole “My husband looks like the sexiest drag queen ever” (and Phil calling him an angry showgirl) and Marie “You’re so metro, you’ll be fine”. Leo/Jamal also lie again and then have to confess (about Tim/Marie being ahead). Felt like a tense ending with Leo/Jamal struggling to find the shears, switching, immediately leaving at “shave your beards” haha but still felt close. More drama in the ones above it though.
  5. Leg 6 - Austria (F7 - Tim/Danny eliminated) - just an “okay” leg but the taxi drama raises it up higher plus the singing challenge at the end. Assembling the chandelier looked interesting but all teams chose matching the masks which wasn’t that difficult or interesting (which Marie said “We did it in like 3 minutes”). Some drama with Jason/Amy trying the bungy jump Fast Forward but choosing to leave due to weather (tense deciding whether to wait or leave with the wind). But the German opera song was a nice tough task with lots of teams together (Tim really struggling and the judge being like “That was terrible” haha). It felt a little bit long and drawn out though. Also a random scene where clowns appear “When you said clowns, I got scared because I thought you meant the Afganimals were here” haha Leo/Jamal also lie about the U-Turn. Tim/Marie stealing Jason/Amy’s taxi and arguing on the mat was the highlight. Would rank higher if the leg was more interesting overall.
  6. Leg 7 - United Arab Emirates (F6 - Non elimination) - another “okay” leg. Some airport banter with Marie complaining about Nicky/Kim chatting on and on with their airport staff, and also Tim getting over the Jason/Amy drama because we’re dudes and then calls Marie a “dude” haha Then visited mosques in Abu Dhabi with a nice scene of Nicky/Kim reflecting on Arab culture and not to judge a group of people by one’s actions. Ally/Ashley also hope Leo/Jamal help them there because “it’s a man’s world” and also “Abu Dubai”. Sorting dates/assembling fishing net were both challenging detours, Tim/Marie hilariously bicker (Nicky/Kim being like “As an American, it’s embarrassing”) and Nicky/Kim keeping one of the locations a secret from the other teams and Nicole/Travis struggle putting together the net (the start of their downfall). The repel and racecar Road Block weren’t that interesting at the end (Kim was scared of heights…and cars). Also the ferries before the Road Block made it obvious that Nicky/Kim weren’t catching up.
  7. Leg 3 - Portugal (F9 - ChesteEphraim eliminated) - a modern season with a classic flight scramble! This took up half the episode…and I don’t mind because I love flights and travel - they’re the heart and soul of the race more than challenges. Aggressively trying to get on standby, a team books the wrong date, a clash between Nicky/Kim and Tim/Marie, a few teams work together (and Tim/Danny don’t trust the Afganimals’ alliance), Marie tries to get information from Tim/Danny, and ChesteEphraim’s bad luck becoming “Beekman Boys part 2” haha Such classic feels! The Lisbon section was pretty dull though with ChesteEphraim as obvious boots and dull tasks (Detour may have been better with teams together), but I also like when teams are far apart from flights and can keep their leads. Ashley is inspired by her Portuguese grandfather with Leo “My race wife is Portuguese” haha Leo/Jamal lying about the tiles challenge taking a long time and Tim/Marie not using the Express Pass were the only notable things though. Average overall!
  8. Leg 12 - USA (F3 - Finale) - a dull finale but not necessarily terrible. Alaska has been done many times before and no challenges stood out as memorable plus boring winners. And there wasn’t any drama between these teams like there usually is, and Marie had no crazy moments. Nicole being a hot mess was the only highlight - failed the supply drop Road Block, dropped her pick on the ice climb haha, Travis told her to stop rowing because she was that bad, and then at the final puzzle Travis just groaned at how useless she was “I’m basically doing the whole thing myself” haha A fitting ending for them! Unfortunately Jason/Amy left the Road Block first and just never lost their lead. That’s also why TAR16, TAR17, TAR19 and TAR22 were also underwhelming finales - the team that leaves the first challenge first never loses their lead. It looked like all teams were together at the final puzzle (remembering the currencies wasn’t a bad idea) but it just didn’t feel tense enough. The last 3 are also boring, but at least this had the excitement of the finish line.
  9. Leg 4 - Norway (F8 - TBC) - had the gimmick of “daytime at 1:00am” but nothing much happened besides Nicole aggressively asking for the Express Pass in return for helping Tim/Marie (who missed their clue). Nicole “I want that Express Pass, I want that Express Pass” with a hilariously sassy look to the camera…and To Be Continued haha. One of the best moments of the season…however the rest of the leg was dull. Both Detours were just “doing boring things with fish” plus hanging up the fish heads was so much quicker that it seemed unfair. The Detour really only had Nicky/Kim “The Cod Queens” struggling to carry the fish and freak out that they’ve lost their clue (but it’s in her mouth haha). Tim/Marie also place the fish on the wrong pole and try leveraging the Express Pass with Brandon/Adam ignoring and mocking her (they may actually need this the next day haha). Jumping into the cold ocean and moving the boulder with your car “Ford product placement” were also boring besides Ally/Ashley almost driving their car over a cliff haha
  10. Leg 8 - United Arab Emirates (F6 - Nicky/Kim eliminated) - didn’t have much happen despite another U-Turn. It had desert scenery but teams were mostly in the same order with no equalisers and Nicky/Kim never caught up. In fact Nicky/Kim’s buggy got stuck in the sand and then got U-Turned and a Speed Bump…so just fell further behind. Preparing the wedding dish/grooming a camel weren’t great. Preparing a camel for a beauty contest was a funny concept I guess, with the camels kicking and teams laughing about their hot camels. The rafting Road Block was boring and easy…even Nicole did it with no problems haha The wave pool Speed Bump was a bit silly but worked well with Nicky/Kim being scared. Some of the U-Turn drama was okay but nothing special - Nicole/Travis strategically using the Express Pass to get to the board first, Tim/Marie U-Turned Nicky/Kim because of a petty rivalry, and Leo/Jamal lying about how easy the cooking challenge was (they switched). But dull overall!
  11. Leg 1 - Chile (F11 - Naina/Hoskote eliminated) - a very boring premiere and very similar to TAR20’s very boring premiere (ep2 is also similar to TAR20’s ep2). A dull heights challenge where the person NOT doing the Road Block is completing the paraglide (same twist as TAR20’s skydive except paragliding is less scary). Following the paragliders (the actual task) wasn’t that hard with the only interesting thing being Marie taking Jamal’s taxi and him saying “Bitch”. The paragliding only had Kim being slightly scared, and doing it for her children…named Spidey and Baboo haha. Then a 2nd dull challenge just like TAR20 (rowing a boat and collecting fish) where the only difficulty was 2 team members accidental doing both Road Blocks. Ally/Ashley tipped off Leo/Jamal about their Road Block mistake. And just like TAR20, not many teams stood out, no drama and it was a dull looking South American city. The only highlights were Nicole/Travis taking a taxi instead of walking and Tim/Danny having a language barrier in the US haha
So the best way of describing this season is - not terrible but not much stands out as “fantastic”. This season needed some more dynamic characters (and less gimmicky/mactorish/camera aware), a more likeable final 3, more interesting winners, and some more memorable moments. Around half the episodes I’d regard as average or dull. It did have some interesting parts due to some drama (mostly due to the polarising characters of Tim/Marie, Nicole/Travis and Leo/Jamal) and some top episodes. I found it similar to TAR4 and TAR15 in that they had a dull feel overall but some fun characters here and there. Enjoyable enough so still scrapes through with a 6/10 which is still “good”.
So after each season I will place it on a ranking:
1.TAR5 - 10/10
  1. TAR3 - 10/10
  2. TAR12 - 9/10
  3. TAR17 - 9/10
  4. TAR18 - 9/10
  5. TAR2 - 8/10
  6. TAR7 - 8/10
  7. TAR20 - 8/10
  8. TAR11 - 8/10
  9. TAR13 - 8/10
  10. TAR6 - 8/10
  11. TAR10 - 7/10
  12. TAR22 - 7/10
  13. TAR14 - 7/10
  14. TAR1 - 7/10
  15. TAR9 - 7/10
  16. TAR21 - 6/10
  17. TAR15 - 6/10
  18. TAR23 - 6/10
  19. TAR4 - 6/10
  20. TAR8 - 6/10
  21. TAR19 - 5/10
  22. TAR16 - 5/10
submitted by Charity00 to TheAmazingRace [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:43 schmexymatcha Ang sarap mahalin ng sobra, my boyfriend’s awesome!!

We’ve been living together for a year now, and grabe yung consistency niya when it comes to taking care of me 🥺
On the top of my head, here are the things he do for me:
  1. Siya nagbabalat ng hipon for me, at naghihimay ng isdang ulan namin hahaha
  2. Kapag mas maaga uwian niya, susubukan talaga niyang sunduin ako.
  3. Always brings me matcha drink or snacks kapag galing siyang work
  4. Siya nagsusuot ng medyas at sapatos ko
  5. He INSISTS on sharing locations, would still update with pictures and videos
  6. Lagi iniingatan personal grooming ko, aayusin hair ko kapag magulo
  7. Side walk rule!!
  8. Still opens doors for me and pull out chairs kapag kakain sa labas
  9. Lagi pa din ako nabe-baby at araw-araw nasasabihang maganda and sexy 🥹
  10. Minsan kapag aakyat na kaming kwarto, sasabihin niya “Sige na, love. Akyat ka na at mag-aircon, ako na magliligpit dito at magllock ng gate.”
  11. Always treats me kapag sahod na niya!
  12. Demands minsan na mag matchy kami ng color sa damit 🥰
  13. Overheard him praying for me nung may sakit ako.
  14. May times na akala niya tulog ako pero nararamdaman kong nilalambing niya ako at kini-kiss 🥺
  15. Has a diary about how much he adores me, kinukwento niya ata yung first meet until now e
  16. He always massages me kapag di okay nararamdaman ko, he’d even take a day off kapag di ko kaya or pag need ko magpa check up.
  17. Once, he waited for me sa job site for 10 hours during a 1-day-process interview.
  18. Ineedit-an ako bigla ng video ta’s ppost sa socmed 🥹😭
  19. Encourages me to eat, and grabe yung saya niya kapag enjoy na enjoy ko kumain
  20. Always always chinichismis sakin mga ganap ko sa work and always ready din siya sa mga chika ko 🤭
  21. Refers to me as “asawa ko” to other people
  22. Lagi fineflex mga niluluto kong pagkain/baon for him!!
  23. Almost every day schmex >.<
  24. Every morning, we have a routine… He’ll always say “Good morning, beautiful.” then ako naman, “Good morning, handsome!”
  25. Nagtatampo ‘pag hindi naccuddle or nakkiss, kahit half asleep siya he pulls me closer at night
And many more, medyo antok na ‘ko now e di ko na maisio yung iba HAHAHAHA
Sobrang sarap matrato ng tama, sana kayo din!!
submitted by schmexymatcha to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]