Vomiting,diarrhea,aches,ear pain, sore throat

Reddit, what's wrong with me?

2009.02.14 09:10 Reddit, what's wrong with me?

Does your back hurt and you don't know why? Got a bump that you can't identify? Or, on the other hand, do you love scouring the internet about medical information and diagnoses? Then you've come to the right place. Reddit MD is a site for you to crowdsource your medical questions to the rest of the community, and answer others' queries.

2014.09.19 01:24 healthyalmonds Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria that can live in the nostrils, ears, mouth, tonsils, and skin. It may cause or be associated with your congestion, swollen lymph nodes, sinus problems, sore throat, eczema, rosacea, acne, cystic pimples, folliculitis, bowel disease, chronic fatigue, diabetes, lupus, weight gain, hair loss, and other diseases. Chlorhexidine, iodine, or Triple Antibiotic Ointment (Neosporin) may stop the Staph infection. See inside for more information.

2024.05.15 15:09 GayBro97Yo Delayed seroconversion on PreP?

26M here.
I’ve done a post about this already but wasn’t quite specific enough so I do apologise.
I’ve had an exposure to someone HIV positive and about 13-14 days later started having a sore throat, swollen lymph nodes in my neck only, vomiting, headache and a temperature of 39.5 that lasted only a few hours.
Before meeting the person I was on prep for about 3 weeks but about 3 days beforehand I’ve stopped it and only took two pills an hour and a half before I met him.
I’ve had a negative test at day 19. My question is with delayed seroconversion would I have experienced my symptoms after 14 days? Assuming if I am positive and that’s as in fact seroconversion, would prep delay the production of antibodies or would it delay and seroconversion symptoms as well? It’s hard to explain but what I’m asking is if it’s possible that I’ve had seroconversion symptoms “on time” and yet not have antibodies?
I’ll also post a separate question about p24 and antibodies.
submitted by GayBro97Yo to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:06 GayBro97Yo HIV delayed seroconversion on Prep?

I’ve done a post about this already but wasn’t quite specific enough so I do apologise.
I’ve had an exposure to someone HIV positive and about 13-14 days later started having a sore throat, swollen lymph nodes in my neck only, vomiting, headache and a temperature of 39.5 that lasted only a few hours.
Before meeting the person I was on prep for about 3 weeks but about 3 days beforehand I’ve stopped it and only took two pills an hour and a half before I met him.
I’ve had a negative test at day 19. My question is with delayed seroconversion would I have experienced my symptoms after 14 days? Assuming if I am positive and that’s as in fact seroconversion, would prep delay the production of antibodies or would it delay and seroconversion symptoms as well? It’s hard to explain but what I’m asking is if it’s possible that I’ve had seroconversion symptoms “on time” and yet not have antibodies?
I’ll also post a separate question about p24 and antibodies.
submitted by GayBro97Yo to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:04 celestebcg My amazing Bi-Salp Experience at 25!

A lot of write posts about peoples experience with their Bi-Salp helped me prepare for mine so I thought I would post about my personal experience!!
So about three years ago, I got my copper IUD placed. I didn’t want to try any hormonal birth control because I tend to be hormone imbalanced, considering I got my period when I was nine years old and I already had ovarian cyst when I was 12 I didn’t want to add to the mix. For the first two years of me having it because my wedding ended up getting postponed due to Covid January 2023, I got married started my first year with the copper IUD being actually sexually active. I always loved my IUD because of the presence of no side effects. Other than the fact that my periods were terrible my periods would fluctuate from being seven days to eight days to 14 days to 20 days long. Throughout the month, I would always spot and have random cramping and then on the day cycle or the day leading up, I was already spotting a lot.. I would take 800 mg of ibuprofen every four hours for the entirety of my period because I could not Barrett all of this medication definitely affected my gut health. Towards the fall of last year, I felt like my cycles were getting a little lighter. Finally I thought I’m about to be three years with this may be it will be regulating a little more soon even with the copper had an extreme paranoia of anxiety, but I didn’t realize how extreme my anxiety is now that this risk of getting pregnant I felt was so prevalent, even though I had a obsess over people and I didn’t use any other form of birth control like condoms because I didn’t really like how it felt. I was always paranoid sitting on the toilet for hours waiting for everything to come out not doing anything for two weeks out of the month I include my period and then my ovulation week because that would also make me more paranoid. The last few months of a light cycle I got the worst cycles I had ever gotten they lasted about three weeks with giant clotting and in general I would always be having to wear. Diapers. I would wear a diaper with a pad on the inside of it and I would go through that every hour and a half so my blood loss was intense after my cycle I would get super lightheaded and the worst part is that I have always been chronically anemic my whole life I’m also vegetarian. I don’t eat meat.. It was a perfect storm. The anemia was being affected by the IUD blood loss and then I was diagnosed with heavy menstrual hemorrhaging. so in January, I decided to go to the doctor and see if there was any other options. Still, I knew that birth-control with hormones was not some thing I wanted. I was referred to a minimally, invasive, OB/GYN surgeon, and I asked about getting a Bi-Salp. he spoke to me about the whole process, and I was very excited that day we decided to take my IUD out, which thankfully was not as painful as the torturous insertion. His plan was let’s see how my natural cycle after. Take the IUD out if my bleeding regulates and I’m not losing as much blood. Would be a good option, but then it will be evident that the IUD is not the cause and that it’s a further issue and then they were considering doing a hysterectomy so that I would no longer get a cycle and I wouldn’t have to worry about my anemia by taking the IUD out sure enough my cycles got better two months and my cycles went from a two week. 22 Would be a good option, but then it will be evident that the IUD is not the cause and that it’s a further issue and then they were considering doing a hysterectomy so that I would no longer get a cycle and I wouldn’t have to worry about my anemia, but by taking the IUD out sure enough my cycles got better two months and my cycles went from a two week period to a 2 to 3 day. to 3 day period. Not even days after removing my copper IUD I felt so much relief. I felt a fullness disappear that I didn’t even realize was there in the first place and a lot of other things changed to my skin got clear and overall I felt less anxious. I believe that the copper in the IUD had been causing me some sort of copper toxicity. so after two months, I called the doctor and told him that my period had gotten better so I went back and we schedule the Bi-Salp. So I went two months without any birth control and stayed away from my husband. Lol, thankfully at the end of the two months I was able to get my surgery and a week before my surgery. I went to a regular visit with my OB and they did an ultrasound and they saw that they’re good possibly be a polyp on my uterus so when they went in to do my procedure, they also did a Oppie with to see if there was any polyps and remove the polyps that were there. They also found some cysts that they removed and I also had some endometriosis growing on my left tube and ovary thankfully they were able to remove! For the surgery and leading up to it, I stayed away away from any foods that would make me gassy and anything that would constipate me. I was drinking MiraLAX in my tea every night for the week leading up to the surgery.
Surgery day of: On the morning of the surgery, I was advised to not take my Vyvanse, which I use for anxiety and ADHD. So I skipped it and just drink water since I have been fasting since 10 PM the night before. When I arrive to the hospital, I was able to go to the bathroom thankfully and then started getting prepped for surgery. They obviously had me do a urine test and then got me set up with my IV where they would insure all of my meds this was very painful, but I sat and waited before I was feeling loopy. They gave me the anti-stress and anxiety medication before they administered the anesthesia and suddenly I was knocked out. All I remember is walking into the surgery room and thinking wow this is like Grey’s Anatomy and then knocking out next thing, I remember I wake up in the room and I am very groggy and out of it. Thankfully, the anesthesia did not cause nausea. The hardest part during this transition was getting me to pee because I kept wanting to fall asleep so badly but they kept telling me if I didn’t pee then I wouldn’t be able to go home to finally sleep so I was bloated and swollen And I finally peed the second time. After that, I was discharged and my family did a great job at trying to keep me awake while we drove home because I was asleep in the car that could get nauseous and throw up, which would hurt my belly from making those kind of movements. Thankfully, I got home and I knocked out on the couch. I woke up dazed and confused but feeling a lot better and refreshed. I felt good for about an hour and then the pain started, but not any sort of abdominal pain from the surgery itself. It was just the Thankfully, I got home and I knocked out on the couch. I woke up dazed and confused but feeling a lot better and refreshed. I felt good for about an hour and then the pain started, but not any sort of abdominal pain from the surgery itself. It was just the pain from the gas pain from the laparoscopic surgery. This pain was definitely intense and it progressed my worst day was the day after the surgery. But that same night after the surgery was difficult because I could not find any position where I was comfortable. I was taking Gas-X every two hours charcoal pills every two hours and ibuprofen and Tylenol alternated every four hours. They gave me OXY if I wanted to take it, but I never did because I didn’t wanna get constipated and I really didn’t feel any pain that the oxy could resolve pain medication does not resolve gas pain. First night I slept propped up with a lot of pillows around me holding my belly holding me from every position where I could put more weight to add pain to my body well, I didn’t really sleep that night, but I tried to sleep, but I rested upright on the couch and I was up maybe every hour going to pee and walking around because the best advice I could give is just walk as much as it hurts. Everything hurts with these gas pain so I feel better to be walking around in pain than to be sitting down, knowing that I’m not actually resolving any of the gases that is the only way the gases will escape your body. That was exhausting because I could not sleep as much as I wanted to. the day was extremely painful trapped in my ribs. It felt like someone had a split my ribs but again I had no tenderness or soreness in my abdomen no cramping anything like that. I complain the most and the most uncomfortable part of everything was just being very very bloated and not being able to suck in my stomach. I’m naturally a very thin person so having my stomach was frustrating because none of my clothes fit me comfortably. The bloating started from the top of my rib cage all the way down. But I kept up with charcoal pills and Gas-X, and I’m thinking the charcoal definitely help because I would notice a difference after taking that even more so than the Gas-X. I finally was able to go to the bathroom after the surgery and thankfully it was a smooth transition to going into the bathroom. I’m sure the MiraLAX helped because of that and I had hardly been eating because my stomach was so swollen and were so severe that even one bite of food in my stomach would make everything swell up even more and it it would hurt me. So those first few days I kept it very light. The second night after the surgery was another miserable night. I almost cried that night because I thought I was gonna lose my mind. I hadn’t slept or napped all day because the pain would prevent me from being able to rest in a comfortable position and then all night again, I did not sleep, those were the hardest 2 nights. The following day I saw a tiny bit of progress with the gas pain. But eventually, I think I got used to it by Saturday surgery having been Monday. I felt significantly better still very swollen but better. Sunday I left the house for the first time got ready put normal clothes on. The loosest clothes that I had. And that was nice to finally leave the house and try to do something normal, came back and was definitely exhausted and rested for the rest of the day by this point I was no longer taking any pain medication. Just the charcoal pills. By Monday I was feeling significantly better. I had gotten my cycle over the weekend and it was not a very painful cycle. Just a little bit of mild cramping and bleeding but nothing crazy on Wednesday. I had my follow up appointment a week and a half after surgery and I was cleared for all activity and just told to be careful with how heavy things are when I lift them to stay away from anything more than 30 pounds. I had sex for the first time in three months because of the fact that I had no birth control before my surgery for those two months when they had taken my IUD out. It was a little bit painful because my body had gotten used to sex and no penetration at all. Very quickly my bodygot used to it again. And I enjoyed it so much. I was scared to have an orgasm because I had heard online that some people complained of cramping after the orgasm, but I had no cramping at all only enjoyment. The fact that I was able to do everything I wanted without any anxiety that I would get pregnant without having to do anything to prevent that was liberating and it literally has improved my sex life incredibly and just the short amount of time today I am 2 1/2 weeks postop. And I feel great. My incisions are healing really well and I’m about to start using scar tape for the scars. I have barely any gases. My stomach is as flat as it normally is, and I’ve been feeling wonderful. The only thing I noticed after my surgery was a little bit of breaking out right after the surgery, but they said that that was normal since a lot of the drugs and medicine they put into your system for surgery is basically detoxing after you come out of surgery so it comes out of your body in different ways. I do not regret this surgery. It has completely changed my mindset towards life. I feel free finally. I’m sure my age has a lot to do with my recovery time and overall I’m a very sickly person for my age so I was expecting for this recovery to take me weeks to months, but I am feeling wonderful. I’m about to be the maid of honor for a wedding this Friday and I feel no restraint and dancing or anything of this sort. I’m grateful I didn’t get any soreness or pain in my abdomen after the surgery and that all I had to deal with was the severe gas pain. I know that is not everyone’s experience, but that was mine and I’m very happy with it. Just wanted to share some details on how everything went and hopefully this can be helpful to someone. Thankfully, my insurance covered most of the procedure and all I had to pay was $1,500. I have never been happier with a decision in my life.
submitted by celestebcg to sterilization [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:01 Inner-Salamander-626 1 week post botox

I got botox done with Dr. Low in Pittsburgh last week. The first day I didn't burp at all, but had a lot of gurgling sounds as usual. I had a sore throat and a cut in my mouth (probably from the tube), but at that point not really any difficulty with swallowing.
I woke up the next morning with a huge lump in my throat and it was still sore. I had a bagel for breakfast and started having a bunch of mini-burps. Swallowing became very difficult, so I have to take small bites, chew very thoroughly, and drink water after each bite and usually I still end up with food stuck in my throat and struggle to get it to go down.
The second day after the procedure I started having full burps! My sore throat was mostly gone at that point.
I'm now about a week out and burping normally but still have a very difficult time swallowing food. Overall I'm already feeling much better without the intense build up of gas in my throat and I've been much less bloated and nauseas. I just hope the effects last, but overall it has been a success so far!
submitted by Inner-Salamander-626 to noburp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:50 wildflowerr59 Umbilical Hernia - experience thus far. Do you think I can start doing yoga next week?

Detailed experience and some questions about an umbilical hernia post op here.
Mid March 2024 I felt a small lump on the top part of my belly button. It was never there before so I went to an urgent care, they said nothing to worry about because it causes no pain, some fat got stuck and it will contract/ expand. They did not call it a hernia, and when I asked if it was a hernia, they said no. There was 0 pain or any issues involved other than it poked out a little bit so since they said its fine, I went on with my life.
Fast forward to April 10th and my friend and I did a 30 min yoga session and a 30 upper body dumb bell workout (dumb bell weights being 1 10lb if exercise uses 1 weight. 2 8lb if one was being used in each hand) around 9am. (Side story, in 2021 I was in a T bone car crash so now I have L3-L4 in my back that's herniated and scoliosis. Since then after after PT for that incident I have done stretching/yoga everyday for 20-45 mins a day and my whole life ive been active and in sports so I like working out so I do workouts 5x a week. It was a whole rebuild post car crash and took a while to get to where I am now but my back hurts a lot and ive tried many treatments for it.) All was normal, she left and then I was going to chill for a couple hours before work that afternoon. Around 11am a sudden sharp pain hit me while I was sitting at my desk, I was thinking it would pass, well it did not . The ache/ pinching feel did not stop and I texted my RN friend around 3pm and he said its the hernia from weeks before and to go to urgent care. I hate going to the doctor and also do not have insurance (story for another day) but it was 5pm , still in severe pain so I drove to a different urgent care 1.5 miles away. They sent me to the ER because as soon the dr had me lay down and she barely touched the lump I started crying due to pain, said it could be strangulated and they dont want to touch it w/o imaging. My BF ,now home from work, took me to the ER where they gave me morphine, hated the feeling of that, and then did a catscan. Results was a fatty umbilical hernia. They said not strangulated and a piece of fat got stuck and then it couldnt retract back in, surgery is the only way to fix it. I asked how I got it , they said most likely born with it and it never caused a problem until now. I read that this is mostly due to pregnancy's (never been pregnant) , overweight (my whole life ive been 105-110 lbs) and heavy weight lifting (which I dont do.) They said in a few days the pain should slowly die down and dont worry its highly unlikely to be anything worse, just painful. I went home in the middle of the night.
They said follow up with with a gastrologist, which I did 5 days post ER visit (learned those people are in demand I called 6 offices in the area and that was the soonest they could get me in.) He confirmed I need surgery. Then 2 days after that saw the surgeon, he discussed my options of open vs laparoscopic and mesh vs no mesh. He suggested open , no mesh because its small and a very standard operation . Since hes the DR and specializes in this, I said ok.
Surgery was April 23. Was only at the hospital from 10am-3pm. They said I was under for 45 mins, all went well. Post op that day I was surprised I didnt feel more pain was only minor(due to whatever they gave me), they wheel chaired me to the car and I got a smoothie and so tired. Throat hurted a moderate amount, from the tube. Pretty much slept then on out til the next day.
Post OP day 1, horrible all over. pain in the ab area, was super sleepy, getting up/down from bed was a whole situation and hurt. For medication i could take ibuprofen and acetaminophen and oxycodone for the first few days, im not a codone fan so just was doing ibuprofen and acetaminophen. Throat was so sore, I didnt finish the smoothie until halfway thru this day. Took like 3 naps and was just tired.
Day 2-4 Pretty much the same thing. Very very sleepy, just walked around the apartment to try to get the blood flowing, very very slow. Abdominal area swollen. Barely ate, even brothy soups did not want to go down. Sore throat (had to get liquid OTC med cause i could not swallow the pills.) The strange thing was I was unable to hold sentences, talking took everything out of me. Around sentence 3-5 I would just be out of breath. Weight was 98 lbs due to not eating (pre surgery for the 2ish weeks I ate half of my normal meals because it would push after eating and hurt .) Day 3 was horrible constipation like severe, my BF even took me to see the surgeon for this and about the breathing. He said the breathing will get better over the next few days and to take a bottle of miralax. So the miralax helped but i got hives all over my sides from it(first time taking a laxative.) Pre surgery no one told me to get on a stool softener.
Day 5-8 slow improvements, the same issues as above but less bad. sore throat was gone by this point but talking was still not normal, better tho. I was doing 2-3 walks outside for 10-15 mins. Back was killing me, because im slouching all the time due to the abs, my back was on fire with pain, esp standing up and walking. Honestly this point back hurt more than front when walking.
Day 9-12 Breathing normal. Can talk normally now. Walking 4 times a days for like 20 mins, walking speed slower than normal . Back still hurting so much. I was icing my back more than my front . Fatigue wearing off. Eating regular meals, smaller portion than normal.
Day 15 I had my 2 week checkup, he said healing is great. Should be no issues. Do not lift more than 15lbs for another 4 weeks(til this point he said dont lift more than 10lbs) I can now go swimming . I asked about when can I do stretches and yoga because my back is bad, he said wait another 2 weeks, start slow, do not work the abs, anything like a crunch move is a no go. Then in another 4 weeks slowly resume workouts and build up from there.
Day 16 - now everyday the hernia area is improving, I can bend down mostly ok now. Getting up and down from bed is still not normal, I do a turn to the side and push myself up with my arm to get up from laying down. Fatigue gone. Walking 3-4 miles a day . Most of the day the incision does not bother me but i get the occasional tug / ach here and there. Still mildly swollen, DR said it would be 4-8 weeks before completely not swollen. The biggest pain right now is my back from bad posture and I assume the abs making the back work more.
So thats my detailed hernia story.
Questions being when and what moves do you think I can do for stretching as the dr was not specific at all other than if it hurts dont do it and dont use your abs. When walking my back is on fire after about a mile and I sit and rest, just due to back. I would get acupuncture but I cant lay on my front. I did chiro, some meds a while back and both didnt do much. To those of you who had surgery, did you also feel the major shortness of breath for a week or so post op?
TLDR: Open surgery for fatty umbilical hernia. first week was hell but now onto week 3 its been improving. What kind stretching do you think is safe for now? Doctor said you can start stretching/ yoga that does not use the abdominal area around 4 week mark. I'm so stiff.
submitted by wildflowerr59 to Hernia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:49 ThrowRA3909462 What is this? Accompanied by 2 swollen lymph nodes in jawline, no fever or sore throat. 20F, no smoking/no drinking

What is this? Accompanied by 2 swollen lymph nodes in jawline, no fever or sore throat. 20F, no smoking/no drinking
I went to the dentist today because of this. He said it might be from my toothpaste which contains SLS. Ive also been very academically stressed for the past several weeks.
Dentist said the lymph nodes are very unlikely connected to this, he thinks I may have a viral infection. But I have absolutely no sign of sore throat, fever, sickness.
Lower gumline painful if i touch them.
submitted by ThrowRA3909462 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:37 postvasectomy calle30: Depends on how lucky you are. Had mine done 10 years ago. From time to time I still get pain.

Nov 26, 2013
Well, I know for sure they didnt mind the saliva as I had to do one of those [fertility] tests when the wife and me had problems conceiving a couple of years ago.
But those problems were only temporary and now I'm gonna schedule a vasectomy pretty soon.
Mar 31, 2021
Vasectomy isn't the perfectly painless thing they make it out to be, there is some discomfort, you'll be sore for a few days, but it's usually nothing that some tylenol can't fix.
I still have pain, its been 8 years now. Its not always without consequences. Look it up, way more men than you think have pain for the rest of their lives because of a vasectomy.
Fucking no brainer really. Most of the guys I know who seem unsure about it seem to think it will affect performance somehow? No, dude, there's literally no difference except you can't knock somebody up.
Had one 8 years ago. Still feel pain from time to time. Mostly it happens during sex . It does not happen to everyone, but more men than you think have pain for the rest of their lives due to a vasectomy.
Hey, its a woman vs man situation, of course the male is the bad guy.
And before the downvotes start, I had a vasectomy because my ex-wife asked.
Mar 24, 2022
I got snipped. Got plenty of side effects myself. Pain at orgasm, random pains ... and that after 12 [sic] years.
Jun 14, 2022
Not that good. After 10 years it still hurts from time to time. But I guess its a sacrifice I had to make.
Sep 18, 2022
Depends on how lucky you are. Had mine done 10 years ago. From time to time I still get pain. You just need to be lucky.
ID: 0f0eb2f8
Name: calle30
Vasectomy Before: 2013-11-26
Vasectomy After: 2014-04
Source: reddit
First Seen: 2013-11-26
Last Seen: 2022-11-16
Storycodes: LTP,PSX
Months: 106
Resolved: No
submitted by postvasectomy to postvasectomypain [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:33 jawismyworstenemy Possible third round--documenting journey

Just unloading my story here as I'm about to reach out to my orthodontist as I've been unhappy with my current results, both for aesthetic and physical reasons. I really appreciate anyone who can relate or give advice, but otherwise, just want to document my experience. I've had a long struggle with not only my teeth but also my TMJ.
Currently: It's been 2 years since I finished my Invisalign and I wasn't happy with the results even once my treatment finished, but I thought it was just because my teeth themself were small and not great looking and that I should just live with it, but now am realizing I liked my teeth more before so maybe it wasn't the best Invisalign job.
My current concerns with my teeth are
  1. They're not very straight. One mark of this for me is that when I look at the bite mark of my top teeth, there's a wide angle between my front two teeth. Also my bite is not centered--the center of my top front two teeth doesn't match up with the bottom.
  2. I had a problem that I didn't before this round of Invisalign, which is having a lot of saliva and getting caught on my tongue when saying words with the letter S. I don't know how exactly to describe it, but for words like "scared" or "skate", my tongue sometimes gets kinda caught and you'll hear the saliva bubbling up, gross lol!
  3. My teeth are very short from being ground down due to bruxism and I think my Invisalign pulled them back even more--I can feel that when I bite, my jaw closes more than before
  4. I've had TMJ problems for most of my life which I hoped the Invisalign would help with. I thought they might have helped a bit but ultimately I think they've made it worse--for all my life it's just been my left jaw joint that clicks and gets sore, but after this round of Invisalign I sometimes have clicking and pain in my right jaw joint :(
Background: I've had a clicking left jaw as far as I can remember, maybe since I was in elementary school, but it didn't really start bothering me until high school. I had braces when I was 13, didn't wear my retainer because I was a dumb kid. A few years after that, high school time, I also started having severe jaw muscle soreness, probably partially because I would wear my retainer that didn't fit and start chewing on it unconsciously in my sleep. My teeth ended up shifting a ton anyways, my back teeth hardly touched--I definitely needed braces again.
I got my first round of Invisalign when I was 18, which I also hoped would address my TMJ problems. When it was done I was super happy with the results aesthetically, I loved to smile! But I was still having major TMJ and jaw muscle pain. After a few months I went to get an opinion from a dentist who said they specialize in TMD, and they pointed out that even though I'd had Invisalign, my back teeth weren't touching. It was true, my teeth only actually touched in like one place on each side lol. They referred me to a different orthodontist. I trusted their opinion a lot, so I thought, sure I'll go to a new orthodontist, my old one must have been an idiot to finish my Invisalign treatment when my teeth didn't even touch!
So I started my second round of Invisalign with a new orthodontist. Things seemed fine and dandy--unfortunately my treatment got interrupted my COVID which might have caused some complications, but ultimately I finished the round of Invisalign after two years. During treatment I had an issue where my jaw got really sore only when I wore the bottom retainer, but I just wore it at night and I think it was fine. But by the end of the treatment, I thought my teeth looked worse. I wasn't happy like I was after my first round of Invisalign. However, I initially thought this was because my teeth were just decaying (I'd had issues with a sensitivity and exposed dentin during that time) and they were smaller now and would never look as good. Hopefully that's not the case! I also have the issues mentioned above which I think are actually concerning beyond aesthetics.
I will see my orthodontist again and hopefully we'll be able to do something so I feel more comfortable with my teeth--I'm hoping my plan covers stuff like this for an extended amount of time so that I don't have to pay all over again. For my TMJ, I also just had a sleep study done since I do clench my teeth at night, and will see about those results in a few weeks. I also just started physically therapy. Hopefully things will look up for me--my TMJ and teeth problems are so disruptive to my life. They prevent me from focusing, and my jaw gets so sore sometimes that I don't even want to talk, and if I do my jaw spazzes and clicks and looks gross. Hoping for the best for myself!!
Thank you very much for reading if you got to the end.
TL;DR going back to my orthodontist after 2 years because unhappy with Invisalign results, also starting different treatment options for TMJ. hoping to see an upward climb from here in my TMJ/teeth journey!!
submitted by jawismyworstenemy to Invisalign [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:28 Few-Jackfruit-9193 When did you feel like you "turned a corner" after your surgery?

I'm coming up on the 3 week mark post op. Some days I feel really good, almost normal. Other days my chest starts to bark at me a bit (soreness/achiness, not really pain). It kind of feels like a two steps forward, one step back type of deal. I'll think I'm really starting to heal, and then my body will be like NOPE!
How long after your surgery did it feel like you had really made some consistent progress with your healing/discomfort? Fwiw, I've had two post op appts and my surgeon said everything looks great. But he's never experienced having the surgery, I want to hear from those who have. Thanks!
submitted by Few-Jackfruit-9193 to gynecomastia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:26 One_Dress8004 Oral HSV2 transmission auto inoculation

I recently acquired genital HSV2, my primary outbreak lasted almost two months. I am 12 weeks out and still have a constant burning on my left labia. I am taking valtrex daily since this began.
When I was 6 weeks out though my partner who was negative performed oral sex on me when I still had lesions. He didn’t realize I still had lesions, I panicked and had him stop. We continued to kiss after that.
Unfortunately 3 days later I realized he may have transferred my GHSV2 to my mouth because my antibodies hadn’t been sufficiently built up yet. I started to have red dots on my tongue, then tingling over my whole face, nostrils, lips, eyes began to become bloodshot and gritty feeling, my mouth felt like I had burned it. No sores ever develops so there was nothing to swab and my doctor kept saying there is no way and it’s rare. But I’m convinced. Why else would these symptoms start three days after that sexual encounter?
My question is if my partner was able to move the virus from my genitals to my mouth via his mouth do we think he definitely got infected as well or is it possible that he didn’t get infected? He’s waiting until 12 weeks and then getting the blood test for antibodies. He did have some symptoms but not as extreme as mine. His were lip trembling, itchy nose, some red dots on lips and tongue, pain in the jaw. I think that oral hsv2 must show up differently than hsv1 and that the classic cold sore isn’t always the case and maybe it’s not as rare as we all think it is.
submitted by One_Dress8004 to HSVpositive [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:25 FocusOk4371 Thinking I might have eds

Is it possible to have a low symptomatic version of eds? I watched lots of videos and related to many of the symptoms and experiences of people with EDS , except I’m not overly hypermobile.
The symptoms/experiences I suspect are as follows:
Hand tremors, Hypermobile (but not severely), Sprained ankles constantly as a kid, Knee pain, Wrist pain as a child, Blue lips when cold / visible veins on faces (despite being olive skinned, Skin writing, Sore patches of skin (no rash or bite or lump), TMJ - jaw lock, Short sightedness from a young age, Unexplained nausea, Unexplained, Dizzyiness, Occasional fainting spells, Low leaning blood pressure, Constipation (recent), shiver as soon as im a little bit cold (even if not freezing)
None of my symptoms have been particularly difficult except the dizziness nausea and recently constipation. The hand tremors have always been weird but I’ve never seen a doctor about it I consider myself a healthy and fit person in general.
I defo don’t feel or look sickly or fragile which I feel like is the medical signifiers that professionals look for.
submitted by FocusOk4371 to eds [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:22 slowheart1 Nervous that I have ON

So for the past 3 weeks I have been dealing with neck pain. The first day I noticed my shoulder being kinda sore. I didn’t think anything of it and took some Tylenol but the next day my right side neck had this dull pain. Felt like a muscle spasm then became sore afterwards. It’s only on the right side closer to the bottom part of the head and right ear. Any time I get up (sometimes still there) there was a radiating feeling that goes to the right side of my head. Lasts for a few seconds and then goes away. I feel like it’s not even my neck anymore and it’s the back part of my head that hurts now. Walking helps. Laying down helps. I do wake up in the middle of the night though with the pain. It hasn’t gone away. I’m freaking out. I will say I am NOT in constant pain 247. But it’s always there. I’ve been to the ER, PCP and got X-rays. The X-rays came back good. My pcp thinks it’s just super inflamed and it’s muscular. My pcp is making me do PT which I start tonight. My question is what were your symptoms when you were diagnosed with ON? Could this be ON for myself? Thanks!
submitted by slowheart1 to Occipitalneuralgia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:20 BlacksmithNo7768 EOE or Gerd - Suffering without end - 2 months

My Background - It all started when I moved to my native country for a 2 month vacation where I am not supposed to have any environment allergies as I grew up 25 years over there. While on vacation, everyday I tried to walk outside, I felt like pain on the chest and weird feeling of throat tightness. It usually goes away when I come inside the house. But this gradually increased to a point in 4 weeks to becoming fully bloated even if i eat little. This uncomfortable level of bloating and Lying down causing severe acid reflux.

Now fast forward, after vacation I came back to North America where I live now, These symptoms become severe, severe bloating and acid reflux, And after swallowing I feel like something stuck in my throat. only relief for me is wearing mask N95. It reduces the symptom within 15 mins of wearing it.
I have been allergy tested here, and I react to every pollen here and I take allergy shots. I have terrible allergies that any medicine I take will not work except I sit near the Air purifier.
Now I am clearly knowing that when I mask up my symptoms are going away and when I am lying down without mask or being without mask brings the symptom of throat tightness and acid reflux, bloating.
However, my Allergist dismissing that everything is not allergy and I should check the GI. I already have the GI appointment. and I take the cocktail of medicine which included PPI for this now but nothing works except wearing mask.
All my allergies started after I moved to North America and it gradually increases and presents with additional symptoms. Now this abdominal symptoms worse of all.

I am 100 % sure I do not have any food allergy except Shell fish which one time gave me anaphylaxis.

Can any one shed some light about how to deal with it or is it even EOE ? if it is only environmental. And my environmental allergy never clears with medicine and responds very well with mask and being near with Air purifier.

submitted by BlacksmithNo7768 to EosinophilicE [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:19 daveishere7 Ok someone break this down for me

I kind of waited for the right moment until my body calmed down. So I could eat something and see what happens. And what occurred seems to be like a chain of events, from one thing to the next.
So typically when I eat a meal, I'd notice my left side get tight or like a pain. Almost as if there's like a blockage. Then I'd notice other issues Ike my throat would get swollen like as if food is hard to pass and I could feel food trying to come up. I also notice I get this pain in my chest, not like heartburn tho. But more like as if something is pushing up on it, mist likely food I'm guessing.
Then things like brain fog, headache, bloating, losing hearing and train of thought occur. Still would feel this tightness in my throat that doesn't disappear with drinking water and I'd feel this lump like food is stuck. Not sure if this is one of the reasons for my candida or not. But on a day to day it's a hassle that brings on uncomfortable feelings, irritability and disrupting my body functions. And it's making me more stressed to even eat now, thinking maybe I need liquid foods or something.
Do you think a doctor would be able to scan my stomach and see what's wrong? Or does it sound like maybe I might need like a colonoscopy? Because there's multiple issues at hand with my health besides the candida, that need to be addressed. To fix everything as a whole it seems.
submitted by daveishere7 to Microbiome [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:19 throwaway_acc1010 i got my abg done 4 days ago, i hate my doctors and im miserable

i’m 17, was supposed to get this surgery when i was 11 but because of nhs wait times i didn’t get a date until now.
my surgery went well, but recovery has been going horrifically and none of my doctors seem to care. day one after the surgery they kept urging me to get up and walk to the toilet on my own even though i was insisting that my hip was in too much pain to move. i needed to go to the toilet so i tried getting out of bed but just by sitting up i got so dizzy that i started throwing up everywhere. my throat was already in so much pain from the breathing tube and vomiting just made that pain ten times worse. nurse came and just gave me anti sickness meds and left, didnt check in on me after that.
i got better at going to the toilet but it would be so unbelievably painful trying to walk there and it would take me 5 minutes to walk the 1m distance between my bed and the door. the doctors and nurses werent helping me, they’d just stand to the side as i painfully hobbled there and back relying on my mum to help me move. at one point the nurse came to help me move my legs off the bed but when she gentled pulled them about 10° to the left i felt so much pain that i immediately burst into tears and couldn’t stop crying for half an hour. it wasn’t until then that my doctors realised the only painkillers i had been given since coming out of surgery was a paracetamol drip, so they quickly put my on morphine (which for some reason didn’t help).
the next day my doctor came in to see how i was doing and he had the nerve to ask me ‘why do you look so miserable?’. again, i started crying and he just sat there and watched as i tried to piece together the words to say how exhausted i already was with recovery only 2 days in, and that i didn’t want to have to do this for another month. he just said that it will only be a week of recovery and that when younger children get this done they’d usually be home already (this was my second night in hospital, i had to beg my doctors to let me stay another night because i didn’t feel ready to go home and they reluctantly let me stay.) another doctor came in and repeated the sentiment, watched me cry with a blank face then left.
some more doctors came later and thankfully they were a lot more sympathetic to what i was going through. this is how i found out that they had actually done two procedures in one operation (closed the hole and the bone graft) which is why i had been in such extreme discomfort and recovery was going to slow. finding this out reslly pissed me off bc my doctors had been gaslighting me for days (at least that’s how it felt to me) into thinking i was overstating my pain and that i was slowing down my recovery because of how upset i was
final day at the hospital i still didn’t feel anywhere near ready to go home but i didnt bother arguing against it because my doctors were hellbent on me going home because i had already prolonged my stay. i walked around all day because my doctors insisted i would walk to the car myself (didn’t happen, ended up needing a wheelchair). my face and lips were still so swollen that i couldn’t drink water out of a glass because it would all just dribble out but i was vehemently forbidden from using a syringe and nurses would tell me off whenever they caught me.
i got home yesterday in the evening and still going through it. at one point i was so done with everything that i sat fully screaming and crying for about 40 minutes because i don’t know how to cope with this. im not getting any sleep because when im not waking up every 2 hours for meds, im waking up to clean up the blood that has leaked out my mouth down my neck. my face and hair feel vile, and im desperate to shampoo and cleanse the blood that’s still caked onto my hair from the surgery, but i know ill fall if i try to shower and i can’t lean my head back to get my mum to do it for me. worst of all is the hunger, my stomach is in so much pain because i have been starving for days. my diet is limited to melted ice cream and yoghurt and medications, plus soup and custard from the hospital. on my first night i didnt even eat anything of substance because the hospital gave me rice and curry that i couldn’t chew so i had to eat a yoghurt for dinner. now im home and struggling to find filling meals.
sorry if this is a bit nasty but i’ve desperately needed to get this out. i know that a lot of this is my own doing and i need to buckle down and just bear it but im so fucking tired and i wish i had never gotten this surgery at all. my doctors act like compassion and understanding is something i was meant to pay extra for, and whenever i raised an issue they’d bluntly tell me to just do xyz because they won’t ever know how painful and draining it is to drink more water or walk a lap or whatever. i’m only now realising how long this post is so please bear with me. thank you if you read this far.
submitted by throwaway_acc1010 to cleftlip [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:18 Lower-Evening-975 I feel like I’m dying

I’ve just experienced a bad attack and I’m scared that I’m having a heart attack. It started out as pain in my back when breathing in, now I have a pain at the side of my throat on the left, I’ve started to become quite dizzy and my legs feel weak, I also kept getting a very sharp pain on the left side of my chest.
I’ve already been to ER before, and they done all tests including xray but couldn’t see anything wrong.
I am worried that I have some sort of underlying heart condition and I’m going to drop dead.
submitted by Lower-Evening-975 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:17 No_Educator_8529 Rotator cuff surgery rehab

I had rotator cuff surgery 3 months ago to repair a partial thickness tear. I had been doing great with ROM strengthening and minimal pain at rest up until a week ago i when i was doing a PT session and moved my shoulder in a motion i hadn’t tried before, i felt a lot more clicking in that movement which i assumed was due to it being something i hadn’t tried before, ever since that day my shoulder and arm has been more sore than usual even at rest to the extent that I’m using painkillers which I didn’t need before. Ive rested it ever since but it’s still feels the same, the pain is mild but since i didn’t have pain before last week i am a little worried. Does anyone have any similar experience? Is this normal? should i wait it out a little longer?
submitted by No_Educator_8529 to RotatorCuff [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:11 Elderberry_Federal Post - treatment sudden flare up

Just like in the title. I am about 6 weeks post treatment, about to do my test of cure.
1,5 first weeks after treatment were not fun, I had occasional symptoms (burning, sore vag, pelvic pain). They disappeared after period, and I was symptom - free for 3 weeks.
And then, few days ago, symptoms returned, just after period, and I feel they are stronger than before.
Should I be concerned? Has anyone experienced sth like this?
And, has anyone been so afraid to do test of cure, that it was almost paralyzing? I cannot imagine this suffering much longer, if test turns out positive.
submitted by Elderberry_Federal to Ureaplasma [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:02 teller_of_tall_tales Troublemakers: Lay your cards on the table...

First: https://www.reddit.com/HFY/comments/14vo5lb/troublemakers_deaths_pity/
*previous:* https://www.reddit.com/HFY/comments/1crq34h/troublemakers_buried_secrets_bolster_the_weak/
Go'mon strutted around the command center, a cape of deep purple silk flowing about his shoulders as he wore his gilded armor. An ornate helmet underneath one arm, the faceplate forged into the visage of a snarling Rak'nal beast. He peered over the shoulders of drone pilots, observing the carnage on the streets in front of the mansion. His black scimitar hung at his belt, the palm of his war gauntlet resting on the hilt, eyebrow crests rising as he saw the expeditionary general's Buzzard explode.
"Casualty report on General Gra'vos?"
He stated to the small Geknosian woman who deftly piloted her drone closer to the wreckage to pull data from the onboard recorder. Her eyes sparkled, reflected in the screen as the data was streamed directly into her brain through a neural implant.
"Deceased, Just like you planned, his provided pleasure slave threw him from the craft and stole the det-sphere you clipped to his belt. You seem to know a lot about how these humans fight."
Go'mon touched the small grooves underneath the elastomer skin of his face where that parasite had shot him with a concealed gun. He laughed bloodily and purred.
"Failure is the greatest teacher in the universe, these parasites have taught me everything they know. Now we just need to see what their true fighting strength is."
"Understood sir, orders?"
"Get a view on the inner courtyard and report to the commanders of the second and third waves their positions and weaponry."
A young lieutenant called out.
"Sir! Twelve UHM-60 Blackhawks en-route to the enemy base! Advise!"
Go'mon stalked over, peering over the satellite observer's shoulder as he followed a chevron of twelve helicopters loaded down with ancient, obsolete human war-droids. He rapped the claws of his war gauntlet against the handle of his scimitar with a purr.
"Send orders to Commander Mar'tek to equip three of his Gallicks with anti-air weaponry, and orders for Commander Rak'don to equip his light attack craft with visual lock on missiles."
"Yes sir, relaying orders now."
Go'mon patted his subordinate on the shoulder hard enough to make them wince as he stepped back to gaze up at the massive map of Golgotha on the big screen. Small purple dots converging on a black dot that symbolized the human base of operations. He noticed that Mar'tek's forces were delayed, having only made it roughly halfway to their staging area. Walking over to the Comm's desk he asked.
"What's taking Commander Mar'tek so long to get into position?"
"A small group of human Saboteurs dropped a pair of buildings across the roadway, they're still clearing the rubble sir."
Go'mon nodded, picking idly at his metal teeth with the sharp point of his war gauntlet's index finger.
"Hm... I thought the parasite's response was oddly punctual, color me surprised they had the wherewithal to keep scouts. Move Mar'tek to the rear of the attack plan and tell Rak'don he's up next."
Go'mon chuckled haughtily, exiting the command room and returning to his field office. Setting his helmet on top of his desk he picked up the communication stick for sylva.
"Sylva, Would you kindly deal with that gate once you've landed?~"
There was a pause before.
"I'm too injured to follow that order sir."
Go'mon raised an eyebrow crest at the monotone voice that echoed back through the device.
"you've never refused a command before darling, would you kindly take care of the gate?"
The pause was longer this time, much longer this time. Then, a different, much younger voice came through, filled with fear, but also tainted with determination.
"Fuck you, Go'mon. These are our friends."
The sound of penny whistles and drums accompanied the words before the comms device popped in his gauntlet with the sound of a musket shot. Impossibly thick gray smoke pulsing from the speaker as he snarled and tossed it to the side.
"Bobby, Would you be a dear and retrieve your sister for me?"
The almost seven foot tall brute slowly nodded, eyes dull behind his ceramite mask as he stomped from the command center, bulky combat armor clattering and clunking with each step. Go'mon pressed his metal teeth together with a hiss. That damned warrior corrupted everything he touched with delusions of free will. Go'mon grabbed a fungal cigar from the box General Da'kos had given him as a thank you gift. The sweet, smoky flavor filling his maw as he lit it with the glowing hot blade of his gauntlet's thumb. He relaxed into his chair, flicking his cape out from beneath him as he enjoyed the cigar to relieve some momentary stress. His body suddenly flared with tingling power as the voice of Conquest growled in his ear.
"Kill that boy before he realises your plan. if he finds out your intentions he won't hold back."
Go'mon puffed the cigar and pulled it from his lips, letting it burst into purple flames and crumble away into cinders as he rose from his chair. He stepped out into the command center and commanded.
"Get me a buzzard to that battlefield, Order's from Conquest herself!"
There was a moment of silence as he let his aura roll over the command room, several of the comms officers immediately setting up a Buzzard for his departure.
Dust kicked off the ground as Drake's jump pack slowed his fall meters above the ground, He hit the ground and tore it from his back, whipping it into a group of soldiers and hitting it with a jet of pale flames.
The pack detonated in ball of orange fire that vaporized the soldiers, his cape fluttering in the backdraft before he whipped his sword from it's sheath, keen edges wreathed in pale flames as he took a Geknosian's arm off at the elbow as they tried to stuff a blaster pistol in his face. He snatched the blaster pistol from the air, using it to put a kinetic bolt into the faceplate of a powerarmored soldier with a Warhammer, Crumpling it inwards as he slid a foot back, another warhammer crashing into the ground where he'd just been standing. Another kinetic bolt tore off the soldier's pauldron as the hammer swung up at his face, making him reel back as another hammerhead caught him at the small of his back and knocked the air from his lungs. Another hammer slammed into his faceplate, forcing him to kick himself into a flip to land back on his feet. Ears ringing he deflected a Warhammer with his sword before putting another blaster bolt into the wielder's faceplate. But even as they fell back, another hammerblow hit the side of his helmet and smacked him down. Drake rolled out of the way as twenty millimeter high-explosive rounds shredded his assailants, allowing him to get to his feet as the war-bots formed a lethal semicircle, sending high explosive firepowerinto the rear column of the Geknosian assault at a blistering pace. Drake shook his head clear and vaulted over the back of one, hearing it's gun fall silent as he landed in it's cone of fire. Several flowing chops decimated a small squad of Geknosians as he tried to fight his way to the center of the column where the Gallicks hammered the gate with kinetic penetrators. The armored gate shuddering with each blow as Drake dodged war gauntlets and hammers, retaliating with fast slashes and blinding thrusts. Purple blood drenching him as his heart began to pound with battle lust.
He heard a mighty roar and crackle as one of the flying machines opened up with it's chin gun, harassing a gallick with 20mm High explosive rounds to get it's attention off the gates. It's shadow passing overhead with a Buzzard in pursuit as it slalomed low through the buildings to come back for another gun run. There was a ground shaking Boom! as something exploded beyond the rooftops, a Buzzard, smoking from one engine buzzing overhead and away from the battlefield. Drake quickly returned his focus to the battlefield, Smacking a Warhammer to the side with the blaster pistol before thrusting the blade right beneath the soldier's chin, twisting, and pulling free as a war-bot fell forward, a molten pit of slag glowing in it's back as he turned his head to face another column of armor and armored soldiers as they rounded onto the battlefield, a Buzzard painted the deepest, most royal purple he'd ever seen hovered low in front of them.
A geknosian in gold and purple armor fell from the open door, Cape of purple silk flowing behind them as they landed with one palm against the ground, Dark scimitar slashed out to the side as a crescent blade of purple energy was slung straight at Drake. Death's chosen slashed upward at the crescent, but it flowed around his blade, cutting across his chest and bringing with it a foul, draining weakness as a cold, familiar voice called out.
"That one's mine boys!~ all mine!~"
Drake hadn't recognized Go'mon in the ornate armor, but now there was no mistaking it. He tried to take a step forward but his legs buckled beneath him, sending him to his knees as a festering cold spread from the wounds made by the crescent blade that never touched his armor. He looked in confusion at his sword as the pale flames flickered out, then up just as Go'mons armored shin cracked into the side of his helmet, flinging him through a building as his mind reeled with confusion. He pulled himself from the rubble around him, stumbling to the side as a blade of purple energy sliced through the rubble he'd just been buried in without leaving a mark. He tossed the blaster pistol to the side, bringing the free hand to his mouth, intending to rip a ring off with his teeth. But as Go'mon slung another blade of purple energy with a cackle, He missed the ring, biting off his left index finger, ring and all as a boost of power burned the creeping cold away. He spit the severed digit to the ground as the ring still on it puffed into smoke.
"Feeling weak boy?!~ like your power's been drained?~"
Go'mon purred as he took a step forward, aura swelling with power as he held up the black sword.
"The blade of greed will do that if you let it touch you~"
Go'mon took an unfamiliar stance, Blade arched over his head and pointed down as he fell into a low, wide stance, one arm pushed forward as the blades on his war gauntlet's fingers glowed orange with heat. Drake fell into his peasants guard, gripping his sword in two hands as he glared at Go'mon. His gaze flickered off go'mon for a split second as he thought of everyone still in the mansion and the Geknosian chosen surged forward in a flash of purple light to run drake through before kicking him through the back wall of the building, Drake's power draining away like the blood pouring from the hole in his Lorica. He barely deflected Go'mons black blade as Conquest's chosen surged forward with a brutal slash, unable to focus for the split second required to dissipate a ring and refresh his power. Go'mons aura blooming with power with each blow of that black blade. Drake burst through a wall and into an empty street, tumbling ass over head as he desperately held onto his sword.
Angry red blood spilled from the hole in his armor as he got his elbows under him, a pair of golden boots clomping into view as Go'mon gloated, a softly flickering bloom of pale purple flames in his palm.
"All this power, and you don't even know how to properly control or wield it... Don't worry, you won't have it long~"
Drake manage to dissipate the remaining rings on his left hand, an intoxicating burst of power allowing him to launch himself back away from Go'mon as his wounds knitted closed, severed finger growing back with a crunching, fleshy noise. He could feel Go'mons grin behind the snarling visage of his helmet as he fell into a peasants guard, feeling far too weak for having removed five rings. The two stared at each other silently, one of the flying machines spinning to the ground before exploding into a fireball behind Go'mon. Drake fet a deathly calm fall over him as he twisted his sword up into a high guard.
He had to make it back to his people, no matter what. The thumb and pinkie ring on his right hand puffed into smoke as he felt those corvid like wings form at his back, a cold cage of festering ice around the burning sun of rage in his heart. Go'mon took a simple offensive guard, twirling the scimitar with obvious skill in a figure eight in front of him.
The two chosen launched themselves at each other, Drake wreathed in black smoke as Go'mon exploded with pale purple light; the pavement cracking beneath their feet with the violence of the action.
Martha tended to the mounting wounded in the infirmary as fast as she could, back splayed open as small gossamer arms allowed her to work on several wounded at once. Many of the ex-slave women helped, binding wounds with clean bandages and splinting broken limbs like they had back at the plantations. Hearing the large wooden doors of the ballroom infirmary slam open, she looked up as Destrier and Caz hauled in a pale remin and a Brutalized young woman. Keeping one hand holding a bundle of gauze against the bleeding wound she was attempting to close up, The young man looking up at her with fear, pain, and hope on his face as he helped hold the gauze down. Pointing to two empty beds she called out.
"Set them there! Where's Drake?! We could really use the walking embodiment of Death right now!"
Destrier hoarsely called back, setting Remin into a bed as the old man struggled to keep his eyes open.
"He's fighting his way towards us from the rear!"
Caz helped the battered young woman into a bed where she curled into the fetal position before the Markswoman swept back out of the infirmary, Huntress humming as she slammed a new flechette into the barrel. Martha continued tying off tattered blood vessels, trying to keep the young man from bleeding out as Cassius appeared next to her, shaking his hands dry after scrubbing them with antiseptic to help close up the gnarly gash in the stomach of the wounded man behind her. Martha's heart pounded in her throat as she finally managed to sew the wound closed before hitting the fighter with a sedative to ease his pain and knock him out. She wanted to cry but held in her tears as she turned around to focus on the same patient as Cassius, but even as she did, the young man placed a bloodied palm on her forearm. She felt a lone tear drip down her snout as she looked at the mans deathly stillness, eyes closed in quiet acceptance of his fate, a grim smile on his face.
Her legs felt weak beneath her as she leaned on Cassius, watching Destrier rush out of the infirmary out of the corner of her eye.
"we're going to need a miracle if we want to make it out of this alive..."
She whimpered as the din of battle echoed dully from outside. That was when a wounded man sat up, grunting as he held the bandages across his torso. She rushed over to stop him from tumbling out of bed when he simply fell through the floor, an odd superposition happening where he was there and not for a split second. But when it faded, there was a note left on the ground, scrawled in blood red, blotchy words.
"I'll be back, and I won't be alone."
Martha could only hope that was true as she turned to continue tending the wounded, Despair filling her heart as more wounded were brought in from the ramparts.
Halcyon held the gate, rifle spitting hatred from behind one of the wall's crenellations as one of his Hellions fell next to him, skull split open by gauss slug. Halcyon glanced down at the gate where Thomas and another hulking agri-droid held it against the wall, the gate rattling with each impact of a Gallick's kinetic penetrator, apples of sunlight spreading across the ground where they'd simply sailed straight through. The Geknosian reinforcements turning an already blistering hail of various projectiles and beams becoming an impassable force as several of their light cruisers fired on the helicopters that circled over the battlefield. Missiles streaking upwards and shredding the soft-skinned aircraft, forcing them to take evasive maneuvers and stop the pulse-pounding barrage of their rotary cannons. Halcyon's attention was drawn to the sky as an impossibly loud crash of steel on steel accompanied a streak of pale purple light and void black as they shot into the sky. The black streak getting slammed down by a brutal, unseen strike that made Halcyon's heart leap into his throat. What kind of monster could go toe to toe with Drake, and appear to be winning.
Halcyon, peaked past the cranellation he had his back against, a gauss slug taking his eye out and making him shout in pain as he jerked his head back. Ripping a bundle of gauze from his medi-pack, he rolled it out and bunched it up, pressing it against his vacant and shattered eye socket as a bout of lightheadedness turned the edges of his reduced vision dark.
One of his men crouched beside him flinching when chips of stone exploded from the crenellation they'd been taking cover behind, some sort of heavy weapon having been aimed at them as they darted for Halcyon. Halcyon looked into their eyes, face just as dismayed as he felt, their words barely audible over the din of battle.
"what do we do, sir...?"
Halcyon let out a sigh, shouting over the roar of gunfire.
"Pull back! secure the mansion!"
The fighters didn't need to be told twice as the ramparts were abandoned, leaping from the walls to sprint back to the mansion, The agri-bots forming a phalanx behind them to cover their retreat. But Halcyon couldn't help but feel this is exactly what the Geknosians wanted.
But even as the fighters swarmed into the Mansion, Two figures walked past them.
A hulking man in dark samurai armor wielding an lmg and a smaller woman with a flowing furred cloak and white mask, carrying an ornate rail rifle walked past them through the doors.
Halcyon watched in dismayed confusion as Caz and Destrier stepped out into the sunlight, a jump pack freshly mounted on Destriers back beside his kanabo. Another smaller figure appeared as if from thin air, Cassius spinning the weight at the end of a chain attached to a kama menacingly as the doors closed behind them, massive metal shutters sealing them out as the mansion was locked down. He couldn't help but smile grimly.
There was a reason they were Drake's friends, and it wasn't because they were the best fighters.
It was because when everyone else ran away, they ran towards the fight... regardless of their own safety.
Part 109: will be linked here upon release.
submitted by teller_of_tall_tales to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:58 Willow_CH Sore throat after training

Hi everyone, I (mtf) have been voice training for a couple weeks
After the first session I noticed some soreness, even though I felt relaxed in the throat while doing it
Since then I’ve dived into trying to reduce tension in my jaw, tongue and throat but it’s still happening.
Also, since realising all this tension, my throat gets sore from any talking, fem or masc. I’m not sure if it’s in response to my vocal cords no longer being helped out by other muscles or what but I’m at my wits end here.
What would you recommend for trying to troubleshoot this?
(I am planning on getting vocal lessons with Adi but it’ll be a few weeks til I get paid yet)
submitted by Willow_CH to transvoice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:56 Lilmiss82 Pain is getting worse

Hi all, I've been following the bland gastritis diet for over a week now and I'm getting more pain than ever before.. pain was never a symptom for me but since going on the diet its really sore just under my left rib... almost like a lumpy feeling in the area... has this happened to anyone else?
submitted by Lilmiss82 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:52 GymMama97 Rook ring hurting

Hey so I’ve had my rook pierced for about a year and a half. My idea was always to eventually put a ring in because I love the look. Anyway I put a ring in about 5 days ago and it’s just been painful ever since. The main thing is it hurts so much to lay on but after several nights of sleeping it’s just sore all the time now. Should I take it out and put the curved barbell back in or persevere and it will eventually settle down? Absolutely gutted because this was my plan from the start!
Thanks x
submitted by GymMama97 to piercing [link] [comments]
