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2024.05.16 10:39 AdPleasant5166 genybet

Paris sportifs
Les paris sportifs sont une forme de divertissement et de mise en jeu d'argent qui gagne en popularité à travers le monde, y compris en France. Les parieurs ont la possibilité de parier sur une variété de sports tels que le football, le tennis, le basketball et bien d'autres encore. Paris sportifs offrent aux amateurs de sports une expérience excitante et interactive tout en leur donnant la possibilité de gagner de l'argent en prédisant les résultats des événements sportifs.
Les paris sportifs en ligne sont devenus de plus en plus accessibles grâce aux plateformes de jeux en ligne qui offrent une grande variété d'options de paris et de cotes attractives. Les parieurs peuvent suivre en direct les événements sportifs et placer leurs paris en temps réel, ce qui ajoute une dimension supplémentaire d'excitation au jeu. De plus, les paris sportifs offrent la possibilité de parier sur une multitude d'aspects d'un événement sportif, allant du résultat final au nombre de buts marqués, en passant par les performances individuelles des joueurs.
Il est important de jouer de manière responsable et de ne pas miser plus que ce que l'on peut se permettre de perdre. Les paris sportifs peuvent être amusants et excitants, mais il est essentiel de garder à l'esprit que ce n'est pas une source fiable de revenu. En étant informé sur les règles et les risques associés aux paris sportifs, les parieurs peuvent profiter pleinement de cette forme de divertissement tout en limitant les conséquences négatives potentielles.
Courses hippiques
Les courses hippiques, également appelées courses de chevaux, sont un sport de compétition où les chevaux sont montés par des jockeys professionnels et s'affrontent sur des pistes spécialement conçues pour cette discipline. Ce sport équestre est très populaire dans de nombreuses régions du monde, où il attire des milliers de spectateurs passionnés.
Les courses hippiques sont réputées pour leur ambiance électrique, alliant l'excitation des paris, le spectacle des chevaux en pleine action et l'adrénaline des courses serrées. Les spectateurs peuvent ressentir toute l'émotion de cet événement en direct, en encourageant leur cheval favori à franchir la ligne d'arrivée en premier.
Les paris font partie intégrante des courses hippiques, offrant aux spectateurs la possibilité de miser sur le cheval qu'ils estiment le plus performant. Les enjeux sont élevés, ce qui ajoute encore plus de suspense et d'engouement à ces événements.
Les courses hippiques sont également un univers à part entière, avec ses champions, ses écuries renommées et ses événements prestigieux tels que le Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe en France ou la Melbourne Cup en Australie. Les passionnés de ce sport peuvent suivre de près l'actualité des courses, les performances des chevaux et des jockeys, et vibrer au rythme des compétitions.
En somme, les courses hippiques sont un spectacle unique où la beauté des chevaux, la compétitivité des participants et l'ambiance festive se combinent pour offrir aux spectateurs une expérience inoubliable. Que l'on soit un fervent amateur d'équitation ou simplement en quête d'émotions fortes, les courses hippiques sauront séduire un large public.
Pronostics turf
Les pronostics turf sont un outil essentiel pour les amateurs de courses de chevaux, qu'ils soient débutants ou chevronnés. En effet, le turf est un univers complexe où de nombreuses variables entrent en jeu pour déterminer le vainqueur d'une course. Les pronostics turf permettent de prédire avec plus ou moins de précision le classement des chevaux en compétition.
Pour réaliser des pronostics turf efficaces, il est important de se baser sur plusieurs éléments. Tout d'abord, l'analyse des performances passées des chevaux est essentielle. En examinant les résultats antérieurs des chevaux, il est possible de déterminer leur forme du moment et d'anticiper leur potentiel lors de la course à venir.
De plus, d'autres critères tels que le type de terrain, la distance de la course, les conditions météorologiques ou encore l'expérience du jockey peuvent influencer les pronostics turf. Les parieurs les plus avertis tiennent compte de ces éléments pour affiner leurs prédictions et augmenter leurs chances de succès.
Il est également possible de consulter les pronostics turf proposés par des experts spécialisés ou des sites internet dédiés. Ces prévisions peuvent apporter un éclairage supplémentaire et aider les parieurs à faire leurs choix en toute connaissance de cause.
En résumé, les pronostics turf sont un outil précieux pour les passionnés de courses de chevaux, les aidant à maximiser leurs chances de gains et à apprécier pleinement l'excitation des paris hippiques.
Jeux d'argent en ligne
Les jeux d'argent en ligne sont devenus de plus en plus populaires au fil des ans, offrant aux joueurs la possibilité de parier et de tenter leur chance sans quitter le confort de leur domicile. Que ce soit sur des sites de paris sportifs, des casinos en ligne ou des plateformes de poker, l'univers des jeux d'argent virtuels est vaste et varié.
Les avantages des jeux d'argent en ligne sont nombreux. Tout d'abord, les joueurs ont un accès illimité à une large gamme de jeux 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7. En outre, les plateformes en ligne offrent souvent des bonus de bienvenue attractifs et des promotions régulières pour fidéliser leur clientèle.
Cependant, il est important de jouer de manière responsable et de connaître les risques associés aux jeux d'argent en ligne. Il est crucial de fixer des limites de dépôt et de mise, de ne jamais jouer en état d'ébriété et de consulter des ressources d'aide en cas de besoin.
En conclusion, les jeux d'argent en ligne peuvent être une activité divertissante et excitante pour ceux qui y participent de manière responsable. Il est essentiel de se renseigner sur les règles et les réglementations en vigueur dans votre pays et de choisir des plateformes de jeux réputées et sécurisées. Que vous soyez un passionné de machines à sous, de paris sportifs ou de poker en ligne, l'univers des jeux d'argent virtuels n'attend que vous. Amusez-vous et jouez prudemment !
Bookmaker en ligne
Les bookmakers en ligne sont des plateformes de pari qui permettent aux utilisateurs de miser de l'argent sur des événements sportifs ou d'autres types de compétitions. Ces sites offrent une grande variété de paris, allant des sports populaires tels que le football, le basketball ou le tennis aux événements plus exotiques comme les compétitions de surf ou de fléchettes.
Les bookmakers en ligne offrent souvent des cotes attractives et des promotions pour attirer de nouveaux joueurs. Ces plateformes sont également connues pour offrir une grande flexibilité en termes de montant des mises et de types de paris proposés. Les utilisateurs peuvent parier sur le résultat d'un match, le score à la mi-temps, le nombre de buts marqués, et bien d'autres options.
En plus des paris sportifs, de nombreux bookmakers en ligne proposent également des jeux de casino tels que le poker, la roulette ou les machines à sous. Ces plateformes offrent ainsi une expérience de jeu complète pour les amateurs de jeux d'argent en ligne.
Il est important de noter que les bookmakers en ligne sont réglementés par des autorités compétentes pour garantir la sécurité et la fiabilité des transactions. Il est recommandé aux utilisateurs de choisir des bookmakers réputés et de jouer de manière responsable en fixant des limites de mise et en évitant de parier de grosses sommes d'argent.
submitted by AdPleasant5166 to u/AdPleasant5166 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:52 AlexanderHood Wednesday After Action Report - What it cost them to keep GME from hitting critical mass

Wednesday After Action Report - What it cost them to keep GME from hitting critical mass
Putting the pieces together after today's price action, trying to understand what's happening. Yes, it was a red day, but there's a silver lining here. Let's talk.
Today we saw them use a TON of short exempts, almost 2 million, which indicates they are shorting the stock without having any stock to actually short it with. These usually become FTD's later. The first large batch of these way back on May 6th, when they were trying to keep the stock down after the 30% Friday pop caused a lot of calls to ITM. Monday May 13th, another cool million short exempt.
Short Exempt = New Naked Shorts
They don't have the shares, but they're desperate to keep it down.
For any other stock, no, but For GME with no shares available, yes, I'd interpret this as a proxy for how much real buying pressure (covering) is coming in from whoever is buying the basket. I think it's UBS, but could be another HF.
IV 700%
Also saw something we haven't seen in quite a while, a TON of ITM Puts being purchased in order to drive the stock down. These may indeed have been what created the short exempts as the MMs hedge these new puts.
Short note, the IV has been kept pinned at 700% to keep Retail FOMO out of the chain. Someone doesn't want us buying options, or a Petterfy once put it, global armageddon. 95% of the volume is fake anyways, it's all just smoke to hide the real vol which contains useful information they don't want us to see, but the volatility is also totally fake. They are trying to protect the secondary exhaust port located just below the main port.
This is an old tactic and truly a desperate one, these are all for Friday, and all insanely expensive at 700% IV. This was over $100M in puts, just to knock us down to $35. It's a delaying tactic at best, and if the buying pressure, or retail pressure, pushes us back to $57, every dollar they spent is a complete loss.
It's ray shielded, so you'll need to use torpedos
With still 229k of Calls ITM, the drop today isn't enough to keep them out of danger if a lot of these calls aren't hedged, naked. Only a MM that feels like it can control the price action enough to risk writing naked calls would do such a thing.
We should expect a life or death battle Friday as they try to put it at $30 and nuke the lions share of calls. It gets to $57 and it's just Game Over man.
Setting the stage for the battle of $30.01
The ENTIRE basket of stocks has been moving in sync the last three days. That means someone is buying and someone is selling the basket. Look a the price action, it's almost too perfect, where some other stocks that are massively diluted are clocking in the same percentage gains and losses. Uncanny.
Finally, there's the Floor calls monsieur Le Tits was raving about earlier, see his post on this for more background.
Very rare type of call, a Floor Trade. Who are you friend?
Aside from his colourful description, I just want to point out what "Floor" means here. One of the reasons Floor Trades are still done in this day and age is for confidentiality purposes. But, who would want to hide a $100M buy you ask?
This could be how UBS is covering, discretely. (I'm saying UBS bc the news lately has the Swiss putting pressure on them to de-risk post-Suisse and we suspect they have the Archegos GME short position in there. And it's big dollars, not a small HF.) $100M, or at ~$50/share about 2M shares. Which is about the number of Short Exempts we have today.
(Anyone know how big Archegos GME bag is, comment below pls. Let's see how much buying pressure is coming in.)
Might be a coincidence, of course. If you believe in coincidences.
Another possibility is that with GME at $10, GameStop was a fat cash Piñata for any firm with enough capital to move the price action high enough to trigger a squeeze.
So, what's going on here. Retail FOMO over a meme posted on X? Nope.
Is this really 2021 all over again? Well, it's a massive Short Position and a spark. Different spark and double the original short, but yes, yes it's exactly the same setup.
To me this looks like UBS is covering the Archegos short position, under pressure from the Swiss. The buy pressure over the last 8 days is steady but consistent, they're trying to cover ... slowly, ~2M a day. One of the MM's is facilitating the exempts for someone who really wants to keep the price action down.
Why would Citadel step in here, and not let UBS cover at whatever insane prices Retail decides they will sell for? Well, we already saw the price going to $80, retail wasn't selling and Citadel was likely in real danger of being called. Even if not them, a few dozen other small HF's getting called would also start an avalanche. How long can Citadel keep taking on Archegos bags, if they're already using ITM puts?
So, here we are.
Can Citadel carry all the bags? How much more does UBS have to cover? Tune in Friday for the exciting conclusion!
submitted by AlexanderHood to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:07 PossibleTopic2560 roland-garros 2022 vainqueur

roland-garros 2022 vainqueur
Pronostic vainqueur Roland-Garros 2022
Le tournoi de Roland-Garros est l'un des événements les plus prestigieux du monde du tennis, attirant chaque année les meilleurs joueurs de la planète. En 2022, les pronostics vont bon train pour déterminer qui sera le vainqueur de cette édition.
Les principaux favoris pour remporter le titre à Roland-Garros cette année incluent certains noms bien connus du circuit, tels que Rafael Nadal, le roi de la terre battue, qui a déjà remporté le tournoi à plusieurs reprises. Novak Djokovic, numéro un mondial, est également un prétendant sérieux, ayant montré sa forme exceptionnelle sur toutes les surfaces de jeu.
D'autres prétendants potentiels incluent des jeunes stars montantes comme Stefanos Tsitsipas, Alexander Zverev et Daniil Medvedev, qui pourraient créer la surprise en s'imposant sur la terre battue parisienne.
Cependant, le tennis est un sport imprévisible et tout peut arriver lors d'un tournoi majeur comme Roland-Garros. Des joueurs moins renommés pourraient également créer la surprise en réalisant des performances exceptionnelles.
Les amateurs de tennis du monde entier attendent avec impatience de voir quel joueur soulèvera le trophée tant convoité à Roland-Garros cette année. Une chose est sûre, l'excitation et le suspense seront au rendez-vous jusqu'à la fin du tournoi.
Favori tournoi Roland-Garros
Le tournoi de Roland-Garros est l'un des événements sportifs les plus emblématiques de l'année. Chaque printemps, les amateurs de tennis du monde entier se rassemblent à Paris pour assister à ce tournoi prestigieux. Les meilleurs joueurs et joueuses s'affrontent sur la terre battue du Stade Roland-Garros dans l'espoir de remporter le titre convoité de champion.
Ce tournoi, qui fait partie des quatre tournois du Grand Chelem, est réputé pour son atmosphère unique et sa tradition riche. Les courts de Roland-Garros sont le théâtre de matchs intenses et spectaculaires, où les joueurs rivalisent pour atteindre la victoire finale. Les spectateurs sont captivés par le talent et la détermination des athlètes, créant une ambiance électrique et passionnée.
Outre le tennis de haut niveau, Roland-Garros offre également une expérience culturelle inégalée. Les spectateurs peuvent déguster des mets délicieux, explorer les stands de produits artisanaux et profiter de l'ambiance festive qui règne dans les allées du stade. C'est l'occasion idéale de vivre pleinement la passion du tennis tout en découvrant la culture française.
En somme, le tournoi de Roland-Garros est un incontournable pour tous les amateurs de tennis et de sport en général. C'est un rendez-vous annuel qui allie compétition acharnée, émotion intense et moments inoubliables. Que l'on soit passionné de tennis ou simplement amateur de sensations fortes, Roland-Garros saura combler toutes les attentes et offrir des souvenirs impérissables à ceux qui auront la chance d'y assister.
Cotes paris sportifs Roland-Garros
Les cotes des paris sportifs pour Roland-Garros sont un sujet brûlant pour les amateurs de tennis du monde entier. Chaque année, ce prestigieux tournoi attire l'attention des parieurs qui cherchent à prédire les performances des joueurs sur terre battue. Les bookmakers proposent une variété de cotes pour chaque match, offrant aux parieurs la possibilité de placer des paris sur des résultats divers.
Les cotes des paris sportifs pour Roland-Garros sont influencées par de nombreux facteurs, tels que le classement des joueurs, leur forme récente, leurs performances passées sur terre battue et les conditions météorologiques. Les parieurs chevronnés analysent ces éléments pour prendre des décisions éclairées et placer des paris stratégiques.
Certaines cotes des paris sportifs pour Roland-Garros peuvent être considérées comme des valeurs sûres, offrant des opportunités de gains intéressantes. Toutefois, il est essentiel de se rappeler que le tennis est un sport imprévisible et que les surprises ne sont pas rares lors des tournois du Grand Chelem.
En conclusion, les cotes des paris sportifs pour Roland-Garros ajoutent une dimension excitante à l'expérience des fans de tennis. Que vous soyez un parieur chevronné ou un novice, suivre de près les cotes et les fluctuations du marché peut vous aider à maximiser vos chances de gains tout en appréciant l'action sur le court.
Parcours joueur victorieux Roland-Garros
Le tournoi de Roland-Garros est l'un des événements sportifs les plus prestigieux au monde dans le monde du tennis. Chaque année, les meilleurs joueurs et joueuses se disputent le titre sur la terre battue du Stade Roland-Garros à Paris. Certains joueurs ont marqué l'histoire du tournoi en réalisant des parcours exceptionnels et victorieux.
L'un des plus grands joueurs de l'histoire du tennis, Rafael Nadal, est un véritable maître sur la terre battue de Roland-Garros. Surnommé le "Roi de la terre battue", l'Espagnol a remporté à plusieurs reprises le tournoi, réalisant des performances extraordinaires et des parcours victorieux qui resteront gravés dans les mémoires.
Un autre joueur légendaire à avoir marqué Roland-Garros est Björn Borg. Le joueur suédois a remporté plusieurs fois le tournoi dans les années 1970, impressionnant le public par son talent et sa détermination sur le court.
Plus récemment, des joueuses comme Serena Williams ont également réalisé des parcours victorieux à Roland-Garros. La joueuse américaine, considérée comme l'une des plus grandes de tous les temps, a remporté le tournoi à plusieurs reprises, montrant sa force et sa maîtrise du jeu sur terre battue.
Ces joueurs et joueuses d'exception ont su briller à Roland-Garros en réalisant des parcours victorieux qui resteront à jamais gravés dans l'histoire du tennis.
Analyse performance gagnant Roland-Garros
L'analyse de la performance du gagnant de Roland-Garros est un exercice fascinant qui permet de décortiquer les clés de la victoire sur la terre battue. Chaque année, ce tournoi de renommée mondiale attire les meilleurs joueurs de tennis de la planète, prêts à en découdre pour remporter le Graal du Grand Chelem.
Pour remporter Roland-Garros, un joueur doit non seulement être techniquement brillant, mais aussi mentalement fort. La capacité à gérer la pression des grands matchs, à rester concentré pendant de longs échanges intenses et à s'adapter à différents styles de jeu est cruciale pour sortir vainqueur de ce tournoi exigeant.
L'analyse de la performance du gagnant de Roland-Garros passe également par l'étude de ses statistiques. Que ce soit en termes de premières balles, de pourcentage de points gagnés sur les seconds services, ou de break points convertis, chaque détail compte dans la quête de la victoire.
Enfin, l'aspect physique ne doit pas être négligé. Roland-Garros est un tournoi éprouvant qui teste la condition physique des joueurs sur plusieurs matchs consécutifs. La capacité à récupérer entre les rencontres, à gérer la fatigue et à rester en forme jusqu'à la finale sont des éléments déterminants dans la performance du gagnant.
En définitive, l'analyse de la performance du gagnant de Roland-Garros est une étude approfondie qui met en lumière les compétences techniques, mentales et physiques nécessaires pour briller sur la terre battue parisienne. Seul le joueur le plus complet et le mieux préparé peut prétendre soulever le trophée des Internationaux de France.
submitted by PossibleTopic2560 to u/PossibleTopic2560 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:34 a-i-cant-fix-that De Telegraaf editie 2027 wanneer het eigen risico eindelijk gehalveerd is

De Telegraaf editie 2027 wanneer het eigen risico eindelijk gehalveerd is
Tweede is een herupload, maar ik heb de oude verwijderd. Graag niet verspreiden als waarheid, FAKE staat er rechtsboven. Het zal je verbazen hoe goed gelovig enkele medelanders zijn.
submitted by a-i-cant-fix-that to PolitiekeMemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:53 Independent-Head-112 nunibet

Paris sportifs en ligne
Les paris sportifs en ligne connaissent une popularité croissante en France, offrant aux amateurs de sport une nouvelle façon d'apprécier leurs compétitions préférées. Que vous soyez passionné de football, de tennis, de basketball ou de toute autre discipline sportive, les paris en ligne vous permettent de vivre l'excitation du jeu en direct et de gagner de l'argent en même temps.
Les sites de paris en ligne proposent une variété de paris sportifs, allant des simples pronostics sur le vainqueur d'un match aux paris plus complexes impliquant le score exact, les performances individuelles des joueurs et bien d'autres options. Ces plateformes offrent également des cotes attractives et des bonus pour encourager les nouveaux parieurs à se lancer dans l'aventure.
Parier en ligne présente de nombreux avantages, tels que la praticité (plus besoin de se rendre dans un bureau de tabac pour valider son ticket), la diversité des paris disponibles et la possibilité de suivre les rencontres en direct tout en pariant. De plus, les sites de paris en ligne sont sécurisés et régulés par l'Autorité nationale des jeux (ANJ) pour garantir une expérience de jeu équitable et transparente.
Il est cependant important de parier de manière responsable en fixant des limites de mise et en évitant de tomber dans l'excès. Les paris sportifs en ligne doivent rester un divertissement et non pas un moyen de gagner de l'argent facile. En suivant ces recommandations, les parieurs peuvent profiter pleinement de l'expérience des paris sportifs en ligne dans le respect des règles et des lois en vigueur.
Cotes de paris en direct
Les cotes de Paris en direct sont un moyen populaire pour les parieurs de suivre et de parier en temps réel sur différents événements sportifs. Que ce soit pour le football, le tennis, le basketball ou toute autre discipline, les cotes en direct offrent une expérience interactive et excitante aux amateurs de paris.
En consultant les cotes de Paris en direct, les parieurs peuvent ajuster leurs pronostics en fonction des performances des équipes ou des athlètes pendant le déroulement de l'événement. Cela leur permet de prendre des décisions plus éclairées et potentiellement plus lucratives.
Les plateformes de paris en ligne proposent généralement des cotes en direct pour une large gamme d'événements sportifs, offrant ainsi aux parieurs une grande diversité de choix. De plus, les cotes en direct peuvent également être accompagnées de statistiques et d'analyses en temps réel, permettant aux parieurs de mieux comprendre le déroulement de l'événement et d'affiner leur stratégie de mise.
Il est cependant important de parier de manière responsable et de se fixer des limites, car les paris en direct peuvent être particulièrement captivants et entraîner des risques accrus. En suivant les cotes de Paris en direct avec prudence et discernement, les parieurs peuvent profiter pleinement de cette expérience immersive et passionnante.
Bonus de bienvenue
Les bonus de bienvenue sont des offres promotionnelles attrayantes proposées par de nombreux casinos en ligne pour attirer de nouveaux joueurs. Ces bonus sont généralement accordés aux joueurs dès leur inscription sur la plateforme et peuvent prendre différentes formes, telles que des bonus de dépôt, des tours gratuits ou même des crédits gratuits.
Les bonus de bienvenue sont un excellent moyen pour les joueurs de découvrir un casino en ligne sans avoir à dépenser trop d'argent de leur propre poche. En effet, ces offres permettent aux joueurs de tester les différents jeux disponibles sur le site, de se familiariser avec l'interface et de se faire une idée de l'expérience globale proposée par le casino.
Il est cependant important de noter que les bonus de bienvenue sont généralement soumis à des conditions de mise et à d'autres restrictions spécifiques. Il est donc essentiel pour les joueurs de lire attentivement les termes et conditions liés à ces offres afin de savoir comment en profiter au mieux.
En résumé, les bonus de bienvenue sont une excellente façon pour les joueurs de découvrir un nouveau casino en ligne et de profiter de jeux populaires tout en maximisant leurs chances de gagner. Il est recommandé de comparer les différentes offres disponibles avant de faire son choix et de toujours jouer de manière responsable.
Jeux de casino en ligne
Les jeux de casino en ligne sont devenus de plus en plus populaires ces dernières années. Accessibles à tout moment et depuis n'importe quel endroit, ils offrent une expérience de jeu unique aux amateurs de sensations fortes.
Les casinos en ligne proposent une large variété de jeux, tels que les machines à sous, la roulette, le blackjack, le poker, et bien d'autres encore. Chacun peut trouver son jeu préféré et profiter de graphismes de haute qualité ainsi que d'effets sonores immersifs.
L'un des avantages principaux des jeux de casino en ligne est la possibilité de jouer gratuitement ou avec de l'argent réel. Cela permet aux joueurs novices de s'entraîner sans risque avant de se lancer dans des parties payantes.
De plus, les casinos en ligne offrent généralement des bonus attrayants, tels que des bonus de bienvenue, des tours gratuits ou des programmes de fidélité. Ces offres spéciales permettent aux joueurs d'augmenter leurs chances de gains et de prolonger leur temps de jeu.
Il est important de jouer de manière responsable et de connaître ses limites en matière de jeu. Les sites de jeux de casino en ligne proposent des outils de gestion du jeu, tels que des limites de dépôt ou d'auto-exclusion, pour aider les joueurs à jouer de manière responsable.
En résumé, les jeux de casino en ligne offrent une expérience de jeu divertissante et immersive, accessible à tous les passionnés de jeux d'argent. Que vous soyez un joueur occasionnel ou un amateur aguerri, il y a toujours un jeu passionnant à découvrir dans l'univers captivant des casinos en ligne.
Service clientèle disponible 24/7
Le service clientèle disponible 24/7 est un avantage précieux offert par de nombreuses entreprises pour garantir une assistance constante à leurs clients. Que vous ayez une question en pleine nuit ou un problème pendant le week-end, savoir que vous pouvez contacter le service clientèle à tout moment est rassurant.
Cette disponibilité ininterrompue permet aux clients de se sentir pris en charge et écoutés à tout moment, renforçant ainsi la relation de confiance entre l'entreprise et sa clientèle. En cas d'urgence ou de problème technique, il est rassurant de savoir qu'une assistance est accessible à toute heure pour apporter une solution rapide et efficace.
Les entreprises qui proposent un service clientèle disponible 24/7 démontrent leur engagement envers la satisfaction de leurs clients. Cela témoigne d'une volonté de fournir un service de qualité et de répondre aux besoins des consommateurs en temps réel.
En offrant un service clientèle disponible en continu, les entreprises renforcent leur image de sérieux et de professionnalisme. Les clients se sentent ainsi valorisés et écoutés, ce qui contribue à fidéliser la clientèle et à développer la réputation de l'entreprise.
En conclusion, le service clientèle disponible 24/7 est un atout majeur pour les entreprises soucieuses de la satisfaction de leur clientèle. Cette disponibilité constante constitue un gage de qualité de service et renforce la relation de confiance entre l'entreprise et ses clients.
submitted by Independent-Head-112 to u/Independent-Head-112 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:40 danielduran_05 Recomendaciones, ayuda plis

Recomendaciones, ayuda plis
Una cuenta Fake de tik tok me escribe hoy y me amenaza que sabe todo de mi
Motivo de la amenaza? Dice que acoso a las peladas en los micros, y lo que hago es cuando veo una pelada que es de mi gusto, simplemente voy y le hablo y ahí queda. Eso lo hacía haces meses atrás y nunca tuve cita ni encuentro con esas peladas, peor si una pelada tiene novio tampoco le escribo literalmente hablo con puro hombres jaja.
Es la primera vez que me pasa esta amenaza de tal grado que sepa en qué zona vivo, que gym voy y en que universidad estoy (re calco que todo esos datos lo subi a redes sociales tiempo atrás)
submitted by danielduran_05 to BOLIVIA [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:07 chillinnotavillain Must de cartier real or fake?

submitted by chillinnotavillain to Realorfake [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:00 NaTrave [Post-Match Thread] Taça Conmebol Libertadores: Alianza Lima 1 x 1 Colo-Colo

[Encerrado] Alianza Lima 1 x 1 Colo-Colo

Gols Alianza Lima: Barcos (41/1T) Gols Colo-Colo: Vidal (32/2T)
Alianza Lima (4-3-3) Colo-Colo (4-4-2)
Ángelo Campos (Saravia), Jiovany Ramos (Huamán), Zambrano, Garcés (D'Arrigo), Freytes, Sebastián Rodríguez, Arregui (Waterman), Cabellos, Serna, Zanelatto (Neira), Barcos Cortés, Bolados (Zavala), Saldivia, Falcón, Wiemberg, Pavez, Vicente Pizarro (Opazo), Leonardo Gil (Amor), Vidal, Palacios (Paiva), Damián Pizarro
Suplentes: Suplentes:
Vílchez, Lagos, Moyano, Jesús Castillo, Aldair Fuentes, De Santis, Guzmán De Paul, Bruno Gutiérrez, Ramiro González, Castellani, Lucas Soto, Benegas, Moya, Cepeda
Técnico: Alejandro Restrepo Técnico: Jorge Almirón
Arbitragem: Yael Falcón (Árbitro Principal), Juan Pablo Belatti (Assistente 1), José Savorani (Assistente 2), Andrés Merlos (Quarto Árbitro)
Alianza Lima Estatística Colo Colo
41% Posse de Bola 59%
0.79 Gols Esperados (xG) 0.14
3/12 (25%) Finalizações Certas/Total 1/4 (25%)
6 Finalizações Erradas 1
3 Chutes Bloqueados 2
0 Defesas de Goleiro 2
3 Chances Claras 0
205/277 (74%) Passes Certos/Total 346/405 (85%)
2 Escanteios 2
14 Cruzamentos 13
3 Impedimentos 0
11 Tiro Livre 9
13 Arremessos Laterais 17
24 Ataques 23
16 Ataques Perigosos 6
10 Faltas 12
18 Desarmes 9
4 Tiro de Meta 11
3 Cartões Amarelos 3
0 Cartões Vermelhos 2


Match Thread: https://www.reddit.com/futebol/comments/1csydm5/match_thread_taça_conmebol_libertadores_alianza/
submitted by NaTrave to futebol [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:54 SnooChipmunks4981 Lettre à mon ex évitant

Bonjour à tous,
C’est mon premier j’écris ici, je ne sais pas trop à quoi m’attendre et quel genre de réponses je vais recevoir. J’ai hâte de vous lire !
J’utilise des noms fictifs.
Pour un peu de contexte, j’ai écrit la lettre ci-dessous pour mon « ex », je ne sais pas si je peux vraiment utiliser le mot ex. Nous avons toujours qualifié notre relation comme étant simplement David & Mathieu. Quand les gens nous demandaient si nous étions en couple, nous répondions que non, c’était seulement David & Mathieu.
Nous avons été amis pendant 1 an et demi avant de commencer une dynamique différente. Ce n'était ni prévu ni voulu, c’est juste arrivé très naturellement. Il a toujours été quelqu’un de spécial pour moi, je ne sais pas comment l’expliquer, mais d’aussi loin que je puisse me souvenir, il a été spécial pour moi et je lui disais.
Deux choses à savoir sur lui, c’est qu’il a un style d’attachement évitant, lui-même le reconnaît. Alors c’était parfois compliqué, il ne me rassurait jamais sur rien, avait des blocages du style nous ne pouvons pas nous voir en semaine, et très souvent je ne pouvais pas le toucher (affectueusement) parce qu’il avait besoin d’espace. Mais je sais qu'il a fait des efforts et qu'il est sorti de sa zone de confort pour nous. Il a commencé de lui-même à me tenir la main en public, à s’ouvrir de plus en plus et m’a présenté à des personnes importantes pour lui. Ça ne semble pas être grand-chose, mais pour une personne avec un type d'attachement évitant, c’était déjà beaucoup.
Ce qui rendait la situation encore plus compliquée, c’est qu'il était fraysexuel aussi. Alors plus la relation évoluait, plus nous étions proches, plus il perdait l’intérêt sexuel envers moi. Il avait toujours besoin de sexe, mais avec moi, ce n’était pas possible. Là encore, il était conscient de comment il était et nous en avons toujours parlé ouvertement.
David & Mathieu ca duré 7 mois, ce qui a fait en sorte que ça se termine, ce sont des disputes que nous avons eues vers la fin. J’ai commencé à être insecure par rapport à sa sexualité, le fait qu’il était de retour sur des applications de rencontre (il me disait que c’était juste pour baiser) - je le crois, mais ça me mettait quand même insecure et il avait de la difficulté à me rassurer. Il se fâchait et disait que je mettais sa parole en doute. De plus, j’ai ramené des choses du passé, comme un gars avec qui il a vécu quelque chose en parallèle de nous deux durant le premier mois de David & Mathieu. De plus vers la fin, il me verbalisait son besoin d’avoir de l’espace et de minimiser les contacts, j’ai eu aussi de la difficulté à lui offrir sa. Je crois être du type d’attachement anxieux, alors pour moi c’était compliqué de répondre à certaines de ses demandes. Mais quand nous étions ensemble c’était vraiment bien, nous nous le disions souvent que les meilleurs moments ensemble c’était ceux où nous étions juste nous deux seuls.
Bref, il n’a donné comme raisons d’arrêter nous, le fait que je mettais trop souvent sa parole en doute, que je ramenais trop le passé et qu'il avait l’impression de ne pas pouvoir faire des choses qu’il avait le droit de faire (coucher avec d’autres) et le fait que jetait pas capable de lui donner l’espace dont il avait besoin. Il a toujours été honnête sur le fait qu’il ne voulait pas perdre sa liberté. Je n'ai jamais eu l’intention de lui enlever, mais parfois j'avais besoin de discuter pour me sentir bien, lui avait de la difficulté avec ça.
Bon, voici enfin la lettre. Ça fait maintenant une semaine que nous n'avons plus de contacts. Nous n'avons jamais vraiment eu de discussion pour clore le tout, il m’a partagé, sa décision au téléphone, j’ai mal réagi, j’ai essayé de le convaincre de changer sa position et voilà.
Le lendemain de l’appel téléphonique, il a tout de même accepté de venir faire une activité avec moi, mais il m’a dit seulement parce que je lui avais dit que ça me ferait du bien et suite à cette activité il m’a redonné les choses à moi qu’il avait chez lui.
Moi j’ai encore des choses avec moi. Dites-moi ce que vous pensez de la lettre.
Je respecte et je comprends ton choix.
J’me suis posé la question à savoir si c’est aussi ce que je voulais et que maybe j’étais vraiment juste delulu de penser que non.
Je ne suis pas dans l’attente ni le besoin que tu répondes à ce messages. C’était important pour moi de te partager mon constat à tête reposée et non pas en étant dans des émotions irrationnelles. Je ne suis pas dans la culpabilisation, je ne prends pas tout le blâme sur moi mais je parle de ce qui m’appartiens. Je ne suis pas fâché, déçu et je n’ai aucun sentiment négatif à ton égard. J’le sais que tu es une bonne personne avec des bonnes intentions et que tu n’as jamais eu l’intention de me blesser.
Ta décision, je l’accepte beaucoup plus facilement à tête reposée et depuis que j’ai finalement pu comprendre que d’avoir contact avec moi te fessais maintenant plus de mal que de bien. J’ai toujours voulu ton bien et te faire sentir spécial. Tu sais ce que je pense de toi, ce que j’te disais, ça jamais été fake ou pour te faire plaisir, c’était simplement la vérité. Pour moi, quand j’étais avec toi, c’était toi le plus…you know et j’avais aucun intérêt à détourner mon regard. J’ai jamais joué de game avec toi ni essayer de te vendre du rêve. J’suis conscient que ça pouvait jouer maybe contre moi et je m’en tape. Mais honnêtement je n’ai jamais eu le sentiment que tu prenais avantage de ça.
Je ne sais pas comment tu vies la situation mais j’espère que tu vas bien. Pas que je pense que tu care about that, mais j’ai déjà arête de parler au dude à qui je parlais durant notre dernière activité ensemble. Je ne suis pas le genre de personne qui saute dans autre chose pour ce sentir mieux, je ne trouve pas ça sain ni respectueux et c’est tout simplement pas moi.
Désolé d’avoir perdu l’important de vu et d’avoir trop souvent focus sur le passé et des choses qui n’avaient aucune cibole d’importance. Désolé de ne plus vers la fin avoir été dans le respect et l’écoute, d’avoir donné le sentiment que j’te fessais pas confiance/je voulais te restreindre/d’avoir pas su mieux te comprendre/de ne pas avoir assez affirmé mes besoins et de ne pas avoir su te donner l’espace dont t’avais besoin. Quand jte disais que nous étions mieux que ça, et ben j’ai fail et je t’ai laissé tombé d’une certaine façon, j’le reconnais et j’en suis désolé. J’ai foirré et c’est correct de faire des erreurs. Tsé l’être humain est parfois mal fait, perdre force à réaliser des choses qui étaient pourtant évidente.
J'ai du travail à faire sur moi-même sur plusieurs aspects. Je dois apprendre à croire, éviter de me faire des scénarios, laisser le passé là où il est, verbaliser plus clairement mes besoins et limites, apprendre à réaliser que ce que j’ai devant moi est vrai et apprendre à dire : 'Cette chose me fait peur, je ne sais pas comment l'apprivoiser, je ne sais pas comment ça va nous affecter, parlons-en.' Je suis toujours le même dude qu’il y a une semaine, je n’ai pas déjà magiquement changé, mais ce que je peux te dire en toute confiance, c'est qu'il y a eu une prise de conscience et que j'ai un réel désir d'être meilleur.
Je sais que pour toi, nous, c’était un challenge et maybe sometime déstabilisant, ça te sortait de la zone de confort. J’aurai pu prendre ça plus en considération et m’assurer que tu te sentes bien au lieu de te rajouter de la pression et des frustrations.
Moi et toi nous sommes des personnes particulières, pour qui c’est pas easy de bâtir certaines dynamique, nous méritions d’avoir ce que nous avions, mais avec les enjeux d’la fin, parfois ce n’était pas facile.
Je n’ai jamais voulu quelque chose de conventionnel. Pour moi, répondre à la question 'Êtes-vous en couple?' par 'Non, c’est juste David & Mathieu' j’en étais fier et j’aimais ça, pour moi y’avait pas besoin d'explications supplémentaires.
Je n’ai jamais demandé ou espérer que t’ailles les même exigences que celles que je m’imposais à moi même. J’ai toujours été conscient de tes besoins. Le fait que pour moi c’était important de ne pas me faire toucher et tout le tralala par d’autres, ça m’appartenais juste à moi, j’aurai aimé que nous puissions naviguer dans ça plus sainement.
Avoir essayé David & Mathieu n'était pas une erreur pour moi, cela a été positif sur bien des aspects. Et comme je te l’ai déjà dit ce qu'il y avait me suffisait, toi tu me suffisais. Les enjeux de la fin pour moi étaient pour la plupart prévisibles et tous surmontables et pesaient moins dans la balance comparativement au reste. David & Mathieu c’était particulier, imparfait et parfait en même temps, le fait que les bests moments étaient ceux où moi étions seuls day & night, que y’avait ce sentiment que main dans la main c’était nous vs le reste et le sentiment de fierté. Je nous souhaite de retrouver tout cela.
Quand tu me disais que tu étais chanceux de m’avoir, j’ai aussi été chanceux de t’avoir et j’espère que tu sais pourquoi.
Laissons-nous du temps, au bon moment et si nous le voulons tous les deux, essayons de voir s'il est possible de reconstruire une dynamique dans laquelle nous nous sentirons tous les deux bien. Nous avons toujours réussi à bâtir du mieux avec le passé, espèrons que ce sera encore le cas. Nous formons une bonne équipe lorsque nous sommes dans le respect et l’écoute.
Btw, j'ai la bague de ton grand-père. Je la portais au doigt quand je suis sorti de ta voiture. Si tu veux que je te rende tes affaires rapidement, fais-le moi savoir. Sinon, ne t'inquiète pas, je vais en prendre soin.
Ça me fera toujours plaisir d'avoir de tes nouvelles, mais je comprends que toi et moi avons besoin d'espace pour le moment. Oui, moi aussi j'en ai besoin.
Si un jour nous reprenons contact, je n’ai ni le désir ni le besoin de reparler des enjeux que nous avons vécu. Moi mindset c’est d’aller vers du mieux, pas de retomber dans le négatif.
Peut-être qu'un jour j'écrirai une chanson de 10 minutes sur un David qui laissait toujours 56 000 trucs chez moi, qui sait. 🤷🏻‍♂️ (Il adore une chanson de 10min de Taylor S qui parle d’un ex, alors c’est une référence à ça)
Je ne t'oublie pas
Bye for now
submitted by SnooChipmunks4981 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:55 GoldWhale Ivan Demidov: The Debate for #2 that Never Should Have Been

Written by u/GoldWhale & u/JD397
Thanks everyone for your patience with us getting this written up. Much appreciation to my co-author u/JD397 for his work, scouting analysis, and comprehensive background knowledge on where Demidov sat compared to historical players, and the international analysis. Please note, this analysis won’t focus on why Demidov>Levshunov. In terms of BPA, Demidov is nearly unanimously over Levshunov based on consolidated rankings. With the Blackhawks publicly saying they want to go BPA, we hope to establish a case as to why Demidov truly stands above the rest, by a good margin. We hope that this was worth the wait, and we haven’t disappointed anyone who may have wanted more. We’re amateurs, give us a small break 😉
When Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly flipped the decisive card to reveal the number one overall pick, Blackhawks fans were disappointed. They were going to miss out on Macklin Celebrini, the consensus number one center and number one overall player in the draft. After winning Connor Bedard the prior year, many fans were hoping for a one two punch down the middle, their own version of McDavid and Draisaitl, Crosby and Malkin; this was not to be.
Despite the initial dismay, fans were still happy. The Blackhawks won the second lottery, and with that, the rights to select a franchise player at number two overall. Immediately, though, there was debate. Swirling on social media there were rumors that the Blackhawks were predominantly looking at two high end prospects: Ivan Demidov (RW/C) and Artyom Levshunov (D). On one hand Demidov is an elite prospect at wing with excellent hands, creativity, and legitimate top line wing with PPG+ upside. On the other, Levshunov is a dynamic offensive defenseman with a stellar shot, solid size, dynamic skating, and most importantly right-handedness.
The Blackhawks, realistically, need both positions. Last year the Blackhawks iced one of the worst offenses in the entire league, scoring the second least goals behind only San Jose. They also had the fourth worst defense, surrendering 290 goals on the season. Neither are acceptable in the push for a playoff spot in the coming years, but ultimately with number two, you can only choose one of the two players. After our hours of analysis, u/JD397 and I believe there is no debate – as good as Levshunov is, Demidov is closer in skill and projection to Celebrini than anyone else in the draft is to him.
So who is Ivan Demidov? He’s an 18 year old forward playing for SKA 1946, a MHL affiliate of SKA of the KHL. Since the 2023 draft the big story out of the KHL was the dominance of Matvei Michkov. This was a kid who destroyed the MHL by putting up 38 points in 22 games and going PPG+ in the playoffs his D-1 Year. Michkov then outperformed Connor Bedard by putting up 16 points in 7 games at the IIHF U18s in 2021. Michkov was, and still is, borderline generational but there was someone else waiting in his shadow. In his D-1 Year, Ivan Demidov put up 62 points in 41 games, and scored 1.3PPG in the MHL playoffs. While putting up a lower PPG pace than Michkov, Demidov’s game was substantially more well rounded and scouts started to take notice of another potential franchise winger in Ivan Demidov.
Demidov exploded in his D-0 Year, putting up a literal 2.0 PPG pace in the MHL the highest pace ever for a player 18 or under, and the third highest PPG in league history. In the playoffs, despite an injury, Demidov posted a ridiculous 28 points in 17 games. This production was unheard of beforehand and bested Kucherov’s 1.87 point pace at 18. Not only did Demidov have better production AND two way play, but he also did it nearly 7 months younger. Demidov remains a bright spot who is able to elevate his play to the competition. Before talking about playstyle, strengths, comps, projections, etc. it needs to be noted just how dominant Demidov was on the scoresheet.
Now that fans know who Ivan Demidov is, let’s address the elephant in the room. Demidov is Russian and with the political climate worldwide, being a Russian is associated with an inherent risk of a prospect not coming over. Rest assured – there is no such concern in this case. Last year, rumors swirled around Michkov not coming over due to three factors:
  1. Michkov did not meet with more than two teams and actively told specific teams he would not play for them.
  2. Michkov was incredibly difficult to get ahold of predraft and it made scouts and front offices skeptical on his character and desire to come to the NHL.
  3. Michkov had 3 more years left on his contract with SKA.
Demidov, on the other hand, is actively engaging with teams. He’s hosting a workout in Florida before the draft for multiple teams to attend, and is actively having his agent coordinate interviews and meetings with interested front offices. Demidov has publicly declared his intention to come over to the NHL as soon as possible, even venturing so far as to say he’s looking at options for getting out of his KHL contract to get to the NHL for the 24-25 season. Finally, Demidov only has 1 year left on his contract so there isn’t long term concern about losing the ability to develop him internally. An interesting note that we found during analysis was that Demidov’s agent, Dan Milstein, is “hated” in the KHL because of how consistently he pushes for his clients to leave Russia and transition them to the NHL. Even if Demidov is stuck in Russia all of next year, there’s almost zero risk he doesn’t come over.
On Demidov, the other large question that looms is his lack of play in the KHL, and SKA’s decision to play him in the MHL. Despite being the one of the best players in MHL history, Demidov only saw action in 4 KHL games and scored a total of 0 points which has also turned off many scoresheet watchers. Let us reassure you – Demidov was predominantly the 13th forward and played an average of 3-5 minutes per game with unfamiliar linemates. He did not have a chance to play enough to succeed, and built no chemistry with the teammates he was playing with in his limited time. SKA is notorious for handling their prospects poorly. Young players are consistently given limited ice time, especially when they’re expected to leave Russia. Michkov, despite his skill, couldn’t crack the SKA roster in his D-0 or D+1 simply because of this bias. All said, this is not a concern scouts have when it comes to the potential drafting of Demidov.
With the Russia question answered, we believe there is no doubt that Ivan Demidov is the pick to make in the 2024 draft. Ivan Demidov is really really good. He is the complete package for what you look for in a franchise winger. Demidov has excellent hands, dynamic edgework, elite hockey IQ, high end compete and energy, a relentless forecheck, creativity in the offense he provides, solid two way play, and finally rapid speed in terms of release and puck control. There is no one like him in this draft who offers such an elite skillset with no obvious flaws in his game outside of his build. He can also play center when needed which gives him additional offensive flexibility and adds even more dynamism to his game.
While analytics don’t tell the full story, they can often be a useful baseline to build from. The first item we want to call attention to is Byron Bader’s model, which projects Demidov as the best #2OA prospect since Eichel.. Let's again be clear, we don’t put much merit into this due to the low gradings of Carlsson and Laine, but it’s important to contextualize how Bader’s model works. It compares prospects to the league they’re in and projects them out. Demidov dominated the MHL to such a degree that the model favorably views him due to being almost untouched in play, and setting multiple records. Continuing with Hockey Prospecting and Bader, who is an active NHL draft consultant, they project Demidov to be an absolute STUD based on production. No forward who they’ve ever given 99%s to has ever been less than PPG+. Demidov has a very comparable offensive game to Celebrini, and is all but guaranteed to be a star due to his production and skillset. Alanen also projects Demidov to be elite in all 3 zones, and gives him a total RARE grade of 100, due to his next level offense and transition, and above average defensive work despite his assignments. Again, analytics aren’t an end all be all by any means. They’re just an exceptional base to build from when scouts, data scientists and NHL draft consultants unanimously believe a player to be elite. From our research, no prospects with comparable profiles have busted or not succeeded in the NHL.
Whilst reading multiple articles, watching videos on Demidov, and going through tape, we compiled the following scouting report.
Physical Attributes:
Demidov is not very physically imposing, or even one of the most physical players in the draft. He’s expected to show up to the combine around 6ft tall and weighing 170lbs. Admittedly one knock that some scouts have for him is his build and need to bulk up. Thankfully, this is easy to build at the professional level. Nonetheless, Demidov has sturdy base that enables him to dominate around the boards and in front of the net due to his rapid twitch movements and lower body power. Demidov is able to outskate and outwork larger and stronger players by being smart with his legs and driving to the inside consistently when in transition. His remarkable agility and lower-body strength allow him to outmaneuver opponents and maintain possession in tight spaces, or separate for quick attacks or desperation back checking.
Demidov's skating is characterized by irregularities; while he exhibits great power on his edges, his transitions suffer due to a wide stance, leading to questionable but explosive pivot work. Despite this, his rapid acceleration and agility enable him to navigate through traffic seamlessly, while his powerful stride generates significant momentum, making him a constant threat in transition. Let’s clear up a misconception; Demidov is not a bad skater. He’s got decent speed, a good handle on body control, power on the inside of his edges and with quick crossovers, etc. His posture and stance need work, but this is something that looks completely fixable at the NHL level. It doesn’t require a rebuild of his skating style, rather a retool that can utilize his edgework as a base. Instead of hunching over at the end of a shift and losing speed and energy, Demidov can rely on quicker small movement cuts on for rapid movement and longer, albeit slower strides while holding himself higher to preserve energy while covering distance. While the 10 and 2 skating that Demidov employs isn’t conventional, it allows him to see a good deal of the ice, and when in close provide breaking speed towards the play. Fixing the reliance on 10 and 2 also offers faster top level skating and easier quick pivoting in a 200ft game, rather than a longer turn. Again, his skating is unorthodox – but it isn’t bad. It’s not mechanically sound, but it can be polished to a high level without a large amount of concern. Because of how unpredictable his skating is now, scouts across the board acknowledge that it potentially even grants an advantage as his body is harder to read.
Scoring Ability:
A natural sniper, Demidov possesses a lethal shot with pinpoint accuracy and a lightning-quick release that catches goaltenders off guard. Whether he's unleashing a blistering wrist shot from the slot or wiring a one-timer on the power play, Demidov consistently finds the back of the net with precision and finesse. One really underrated part of Demidov’s scoring ability comes from the aforementioned elite edgework. Due to how rapidly he can change directions while holding full control over the puck, he can create scoring lanes with almost zero room, and his accuracy is again one of the best we’ve evaluated as amateur scouts in the last few drafts. When there isn’t an immediate opening or shot, Demidov is patient, draws coverage where he wants, and again has no qualms about firing the puck to the net. If there’s one question about his ability to score, it’s his slapshot. He hasn’t had to use it in almost any occasion due to how the offense is structured on SKA 1946, and therefore it’s not as developed as his snap or wrister. This is a relatively minor knock, though. Demidov can take slapshots and find twine without much difficulty, it’s just the least refined part of his goalscoring ability.
Playmaking and Elite Hands:
Demidov has the best hands that we have scouted. Better than McDavid, better than Fantilli, better than Hughes, better than Bedard, better than Michkov, and yes, better than Patrick Kane as a prospect. Yep, that good. Hadi Kalakeche, one of Dobber’s lead scouts says, “…he has THE best handling skill I’ve seen… he’s the closest thing we’ve seen to Pavel Datsyuk since Pavel Datsyuk.” The rapidity of his movement, the purposeful puck placement, the astounding protection rate, and his ability to pull defenders off of him without moving his body is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. Again, he has the most individual puck skill and innate offensive talent in the draft. These skills with his hands allow him to become an absolutely next level playmaker. Demidov is crafty, and has a history of faking shots to make a pass, or vice versa to help his team. He’s able to create lanes and take advantage of his puck control by having absolutely next level zone entry to set up the offense on a consistent basis. While his decision making needs some work when it comes to choosing the best move, he almost always makes the right one, and is able to think through solutions when there’s no apparent move forward. Whether it’s a drop pass, running the puck up the boards, a regroup, finding a teammate with a perfectly slotted pass, Demidov has no real ceiling. The only question remains is whether these skills will work as well at the next level. All said though, there’s no real debate between scouts that he’ll be a franchise winger.
Creativity and IQ:
Demidov is electrifying, brilliant, dynamic, innovative, transcendent, and any other adjective you want to use. There is no prospect in this draft with Demidov’s offensive upside, including Macklin Celebrini. As mentioned above, Demidov has been compared to Datsyuk: he is stellar at opening up lanes with his body or finding passes, even if they’re banked off the boards. While Bedard is a guy who was expected to shoot first, Demidov is a passer. This works in his favor, though. Demidov certainly doesn’t lack a scoring touch. His positioning and body will tell goalies and defenders he’s planning to pass and he’s able to quickly change direction using his edges to put a shot on net. His ability to think several steps ahead of the play allows him to execute highlight-reel passes and capitalize on scoring opportunities that others on his team might miss, or simply not have the skill to execute. He’s unpredictable because his vision is at such a high level. He’s got a game reminiscent of Jack Hughes and Patrick Kane, and the way he views the game has scouts absolutely over the moon about his pro projection. There really is nothing that Demidov doesn’t have the ability to do – this year in the MHL he took advantage of the strength of competition and tested it out. Demidov tried different reads, different styles, working more heavily down the middle, shooting, playdriving, etc. We’re blown away by the flexibility that he shows across every facet of the game. A really fun quote to mention from Lassi Alanen, EP’s director of Euro scouting is, “I still have like 100+ unused clips of Demidov's play from this season. He must be the most clippable prospect I've ever watched. Something eye-catching happening almost every shift during his second half of the season.” Demidov’s highlight reel isn’t really a “reel” – that’s just how he plays the game on most shifts that he takes.
Physicality and Defensive Awareness:
Demidov's physicality extends well beyond his height, as he isn't afraid to throw his weight (all 170lbs) around and engage in board battles to win possession. His defensive awareness is equally impressive, as he uses his size and reach to disrupt passing lanes and apply pressure on opposing forwards both in the defensive zone and in the neutral zone, showcasing a commitment to playing a complete, two-way game. As briefly mentioned, Demidov doesn’t exclusively play wing – he plays center too. While he’s not going to be Patrice Bergeron he is capable of handling both ends of the ice, and has consistently improved his defensive play throughout the year.
Work Ethic and Engagement:
While almost all prospects “work hard” to play their best on the ice, Demidov does that little bit more. Despite being a winger, he’s consistently one of the first players up and down the ice. He rarely coasts and drifts around but is engaged rather consistently all around the ice. One thing that’s often hard to teach prospects is how to be aggressive and assertive without being risky. Demidov never worries about challenging his opponents, fighting hard board battles, or giving his all to get back into a play after he’s low after driving to the net. This is something that the Blackhawks LOVE in their players, and should hopefully encourage GMKD to pull the trigger, if everything else didn’t sell him. As we see Demidov continue to improve in skating with NHL coaches, this should only give him more energy to expend in the 200ft game, and improve his engagement across plays. He’s an absolute workhorse, and consistently pushes to improve which evidenced by the massive improvement across this season in the MHL. There’s no reason to think this same drive can’t come through on the NHL level.
Areas to Improve and Questions:
With all the hype around Demidov, it’s hard to initially understand why he’s considered a lower end prospect than Celebrini. Digging in, though, it becomes more clear. While Demidov has the higher ceiling, he also has a much lower floor. The number one factor that limits Demidov is his exposure to higher end competition. The MHL is a good league, but Demidov was ready for the KHL last year. Since he wasn’t exposed to higher end competition there is still question on how much of his skillset will translate when playing higher level men’s hockey. There isn’t an expectation of a problem, but when a player lacks that experience, it undoubtedly makes them more challenging to project. Remember, Demidov didn’t really play meaningful KHL minutes when he got 4 games this year. He got 13th forward exposure and didn’t play with the same linemates that he worked with in the pre-season. Nonetheless, he wasn’t perfect. He did see some questionable decisions while trying to adapt to higher competition. There’s little concern that this is an actual issue, but Demidov needs to grow and play against men, even for a few games, before coming to the NHL. Thankfully, he should have the entire season in 2024-2025, and I haven’t read a single scouting report that expects him to have an issue putting up Michkov+ numbers.
The second factor is skating. Demidov is a good skater, but he’s unorthodox at best. While this skating relies heavily on his edgework which gives him amazing playmaking ability, his pivoting, high end speed, position and stride could all use refinement and improvement. While these are all skating mechanics that are easier to fix, skating is NOT a guarantee. If he’s unable to improve his skating with NHL skating coaches, it could limit his upside. He is still expected to be a top line winger, but it could be the difference between 70+ and 100+ points if skating doesn’t develop. Remember, some scouts view his skating as a “hidden” upside in his game, but improving skating not only gives him more offensive flexibility, but also defensively. There’s room for improvement, and it could be an easier lever to correct to see high rewards from.
The third factor is decision making. Demidov is creative to a fault, but just like in art, not every project works out. With such an advanced toolkit, Demidov needs to work with video coaches to better understand which moveset is appropriate in which scenario and when to deploy it. There’s a difference between decision making and IQ. Decision making is hard to fix when a prospect is set in their ways based on playstyle, but if playstyle is more flexible, then there’s much less of a concern. IQ, on the other hand is uncoachable, and Demidov has arguably the best offensive IQ in the draft. There’s no reason to believe that he can’t fix this, but due to being stuck abroad, and potentially even the MHL again next year, it could take him a bit longer to get up to NHL speed.
The final factor is defense. While it seems that every single forward prospect has a knock on their defense, we can qualify Demidov’s specifics a bit more easily. Demidov is a competent defender, and a very good well rounded player, but again decision making plays a factor in the challenge of projecting him here. While players like Celebrini are dominant both ways, Demidov often doesn’t make the right choice when defending – he has a lot of offensive instincts which have him sit higher on the blue, and while he is always engaged on the puck, he needs to be more responsible in coverage rotations. Off the rush, Demidov doesn’t always read the play correctly, and the inconsistency can create shooting lanes for his opponent. Just like Michkov, he can also cheat on plays where he finds himself a bit further away from a play and loses sight of his defensive assignment. He’s extremely energetic and consistently pushes to get back, but working with him on understanding when to cheat will be important for his development as well. We again want to reemphasize that Demidov plays solid defense and a good two way game, especially for a wingecenter. But there’s room for improvement in terms of bridging the gap between him and other recent prospects like Celebrini, Carlsson, and Johnston.
Pro Projection:
While he doesn’t have the skating that Jack Hughes had, he’s still a great projection and comparable. A smaller but nimble player who isn’t afraid to get involved on the rush, around the boards, or in transition. Demidov’s offensive upside is similar as well – like Hughes, the defense isn’t the best, but he’s able to run an entire offense both on the wing and playing center. He’s creative to a fault, has a great set of hands, and the toolkit to be a consistent top 5 player at his position in the NHL. Pro projections are always hard because you can never guarantee how a player will turn out, whether they’re undrafted or a #1OA, but Demidov is truly all but a sure thing. His creativity rivals players like Nikita Kucherov and Mitch Marner in their ability to think ahead of where the play is, his handling rivals Kane and Datysuk, his defensive play is above average for a winger, he has a great shot comparable to players like Matt Tkachuk, and is a bitch to get off the puck. Even when Demidov is literally on the ground, he’s consistently able to hold possession and find a play with no room left. With a toolkit like his, decent size at an estimated 6ft, there should be no reservations that Demidov should succeed at the next level. Most scouts see his floor around 65-70 points, and his ceiling closer to 120. I stand by the Jack Hughes comp I made earlier. While they differ in skating, they play very similar games, and should expect similar success at the next level.
“He’s got the best hands in the draft… and has made more one-on-one skill plays so far this season than almost any prospect I’ve scouted for any draft. He’s also a pretty engaged off-puck player who keeps his feet moving, hunts pucks on the forecheck, and can turn a steal into a game-breaking play in an instant.”
Scott Wheeler, The Athletic
“Demidov is already a game-breaking forward who can move the puck effortlessly and there’s no question he’d be a fantastic partner to some of the best prospects in the NHL today. His production in the MHL is comparable to Patrick Kane’s 2006-07 season with the Ontario Hockey League’s London Knights… Demidov is a bonafide first-line winger who will score tons of goals.”
Dayton Reimer, The Hockey Writers
“In a vacuum he’s the most talented forward this draft class has to offer outside of Celebrini. Demidov possesses many of the same traits Celebrini does, only his track record is against younger, more unproven talent."
Sam Cosentino, Sportsnet
“The talent of Demidov is impossible to deny. His raw skills might be the best in terms of offense in the entire draft. His puckhandling, shot, passing, and even skating makes him a unique hockey player and prospect. There are many great offensive players, but not many quite like Demidov. Especially who will also have a great drive and motor to play a strong 200 foot game… he could easily be a point per game player in the NHL on most teams first line.”
Frederik Frandsen, Last Word on Sports
“At the end of the day, what you get in a player like Ivan Demidov is a generational offensive dynamo with the mind of a master chess player. Each time he gains possession of the biscuit, his ability to think many steps ahead of the opponent, find creative solutions involving his puck handling abilities, as well as creating tremendous execution at creating space with his skating or precisely hitting the net is considered to be up to par at the NHL level.”
Tyler Ballesteros-Willard, Draft Prospects Hockey
“Any forward that has ever had the type of equivalency we’ve seen from Demidov in his pre-draft year and draft year, going back to the ’80s, has turned into a point-per-game-plus superstar over their careers… You need stars to compete and contend in the NHL, and Demidov is almost guaranteed to be that.”
Byron Bader, Hockey Prospecting
“Demidov is the most dynamic, verstatile, and creative [puck] handler we’ve seen come through the draft in recent years. Elements of his on-puck decision-making remain raw, but his upside as a 100-point top-line winger is supported by decent off-puck and defensive engagement and lightning-quick processing of the game. His elite-level of on-puck intelligence and his trifecta of dynamic handling, playmaking, and goalscoring tools give him the foundation to become an electrifying creative force and offensive driver.”
Sebastian High, Dobber
“Demidov breaks defences. He spots a tiny gap in coverage, bursts right through, and blows it open. He plays mostly a finesse game, but does so hyper-aggressively, attacking everything he can. Demidov succeeds at pulling off plays that most prospects can't. He plans, processes, and anticipates faster than he can stickhandle. He's a pure creator with the puck, making plays out of nothing.”
David St. Louis, Elite Prospects
“Demidov is the more dynamic and flashy prospect [Than Michkov].Demidov is the single-most gifted handler in the entire 2024 class. He projects to be the superior one-on-one attacker…someone who can single-handedly create out of thin air. When it comes to passing ability…Demidov’s ability to chain together handling sequences into following passing plays is second to none.”
Lassi Alanen, Elite Prospects
“It’s a no brainer[at #2OA]. It’s Ivan Demidov all day, every day, 24/7. You run to the stage and pick him… if you ask me, Ivan Demidov is better than Matvei Michkov… He’s the only prospect in our rankings who we gave a 10 grade to for a specific ability. It’s not just the handling skill in isolation it’s the creativity. He comes up with solutions no one can expect.. his motor is underrated, puts in work defensively… it’s a no brainer there.”
Hadi Kalakeche, Locked on NHL/Dobber
Our Scouting:
Clip 1:
As we talked about prior, Demidov has a great IQ and the ability to create lanes and plays out of nothing. Demidov pushes up the ice and enters the zone with pressure closing onto the side. He uses his hands to pull in control, but more impressively, puts his body between the defender and the puck. He uses his edgework and breaking speed to push past the defender, then is patient enough to draw 3 defenders towards him, away from his teammate. When he sees the trailing defenseman waiting, he immediately finds a tight pass for a wide open teammate to capitalize.
Clip 2:
There’s a difference between a safe move, and then there’s an insane move. Watch as Demidov comes up on the left side. He sees that the defender is getting desperate and goes for a large poke. Demidov slides the puck under the Dman’s stick and once again shows off his patience. Instead of going for a quick shot he reads that the other defender is slowly coming across the crease to prevent a passing lane. Instead of just shooting like most players, Demidov baits the goalie into thinking he’s going to run into the defenseman, and in that second, puts the puck in the net.
Clip 3:
Small play, but this is just about how slick his passing is. He slides the puck through a very tight lane while baiting the defenseman into sliding due to not knowing where the play is going to be.
Clip 4:
While we can put on nonstop highlights, it’s also important to see how smart Demidov’s game is. Demidov and the other SKA players move the puck around a bit trying to find an opening until they give it to Demidov. Demidov reads an open play and passes the puck down, but instead of immediately following the puck or staying at his spot, Demidov uses his high engagement to instead move to the other side of the net down low to offer accessory support for his teammates on his anticipated cross crease pass, should there have been a rebound.
Clip 5:
Not every highlight is going to be a goal. One really underrated part of Demidov’s game is how well he’s able to read the offense. As he holds high initially, he’s able to help move the puck out in order to reset the offense when the play fails. His motor keeps him in the play and with his excellent edges, he’s able to make a quick pivot after rushing around in order to step up and create an open shooting lane. While his teammate can’t make the pass to get the puck to him, Demidov read where the play WOULD be, not just where it was. Those IQ aspects really can’t be taught, and are part of what makes him so special. By anticipating the open play rather than following the puck, he establishes himself as a play driver by creating options rather just following and executing structure at a high level.
Clip 6:
We're not even going to analyze this one. It’s just fucking fun. Talent oozes.
Clip 7:
This video has a ton of highlights, which I’d definitely recommend watching, but we’re going to focus specifically on the play at 0:45. We can post clips of Demidov scoring goals, finding breakaways, etc. all day long, but when thinking about translation to the NHL, IQ and decision making is what we’re really drying to drill down on. Demidov arrives in the zone through to middle and pushes the initial F1 to the F3 spot and changes the rotation. The puck is dumped to him and the initial F1 leaves a drop pass for Demidov approaching the goal. As soon as Demidov gets the puck, at 0:47, you can see him primed and in a good shooting position. The bigger defender misread the play and has drifted too far towards the center of the ice, leaving Demidov with a nearly unobstructed shooting lane as the netfront defenseman is also too far toward the middle. Instead of taking the shot, he instead waits to draw over the netfront defenseman, and the bigger defenseman closer towards him, leaving his teammate literally untouched across the crease. Demidov trusts his hands and ability with an extremely quick and accurate pass through the stick range of three defenders to find his teammate wide open. His decision making has been progressively improving and his ability to look off the shot to find an elite pass will translate extremely well to the next level.
Clip 8:
Another play where you can just be excited about Demidov. The puck is wrapped up around the boards and the defenseman sitting at the top of the blue just pushes the puck back into the zone without a clear target, or a player who has an explicit opening to the puck. If anything, the puck is put in the middle of all 5 Karpat skaters. Despite starting on the outside, Demidov’s engagement shines through where he uses his edgework to get a rapid explosive burst of speed, and pushes through both defenders in front of him to gain possession. Once he gains possession, his ability to control the puck, and his handles help to demonstrate just how strong of a prospect Demidov is. Even when the defender is falling onto him, Demidov is patient, makes the netfront defender bite to believe he’s going wide, creating a lane (effectively bypassing 3 separate Karpat players) to get to the goalie unobstructed. Then, his hands come out and he absolutely undresses the netminder with moves that the video literally cannot fully capture. He makes highlights like this look routine, every single game.
Clip 9:
Sometimes when you see a play it’s hard to say anything but wow. Demidov leads the rush through the neutral zone and reads the coverage a much less conventional 1-4 scheme. The offensive rush is a bit unconventional as well, but can offer a smart solution. By having 3 attackers, two concentrated up the middle and one wide, it allows for quick movement up the middle, and post defensive collapse onto the puck, a pass to the outside for a clear entry lane and shot. Demidov passes to his teammate directly across the center of the ice as he expects that teammate to immediately get puck to their teammate on the outside as coverage collapses. Demidov gauges where the openings are pre pass, as evidenced by the head movement. Unfortunately, instead of immediately passing again to the outside for an open lane, his teammate runs into pressure, and panics. He passes back to Demidov who is less than 8ft away and will inevitably will run into immediate pressure as well. Somehow, this is no problem for Demidov. He collects the puck with the literal tip of his stick, uses his body push the defender off, and then pulls the puck in while facing the wrong direction to slip past the defender. Despite being placed in a no win situation his hands and creativity shine through and he creates a clean lane to shoot the puck at the net. It’s almost inhuman what he’s able to do with his hands. When he gets to the net, he’s patient, baits the goalie, pulls wide, and then puts in a clean backhand. Some of these highlights are literally awe-inspiring.
Closing Thoughts:
If this scouting report doesn’t get you excited for Demidov, we don’t think anything will. He’s truly the most electric player in the draft with absolutely ridiculous hands, compete, dynamic play, and highlight reel performance. His IQ is next level, and his hands allow him to do truly amazing things with his skillset and competency. Demidov’s vision is absurd; he consistently makes passes to his teammates without looking, or sends a pass before a teammate has a clean break by using anticipation. These RARELY lead to a turnovers and are often not only creative but unorthodox methods to continue to move the puck up ice. Although his skating is unorthodox, he’s explosive, able to create comprehensive offensive maneuvers due to quick transitions, and make off angle passes with ease due to his edgework. He is elite in transition and able to run a breakout, an offense, and play any of the F1/F2/F3 roles when the situation calls for it. Despite his expected size of “only” 6ft 170lbs, Demidov knows how to use his body and hands. He not only protects the puck on offense but can draw defenders away from his teammates in predictable patterns, once again opening up space for him to capitalize. The same goes for defense where he's able to use his positioning to get the edge on his opponents for a rapid takeaway or a box out off the rush.
As we mentioned earlier, Demidov’s game isn’t limited only to offense, he has a decent understanding of the two way game as well. He’s a relentless forechecker, aggressive on the boards, and also always willing to use his high running motor to jump back into a play that leaves the zone, even if he’s right next to the net. Demidov has the most skill and raw talent out of any player in this draft, including Celebrini. Had Demidov not been demoted to the MHL due to SKA’s poor management, there is almost no doubt that he would be considered nearly neck and neck with Celebrini. As it is now, Demidov is ranked #2 on most boards, and the overall #2 in the consolidated ranking. Demidovs don’t come around often; people last year were genuinely considering whether Michkov was at Bedard’s level. Demidov rivals Michkov if not exceeds him.
You can nitpick the analysis we have of any one single aspect of Demidov. Not everyone buys analytics. Not everyone buys playmaking in a lower league. Not everyone likes irregular skating. Not everyone is on board with the MHL stat sheet, our hype etc. etc. We get it. Really, we do. But at the end of the day, when you step back and appreciate the full body of work, the comps, the analytics, the rave scouting reports, unanimous love, models, stat sheets, skill, work ethic, and more that ALL say that this kid is elite, there’s fire beyond the smoke. Demidov is THE guy. There should not be a debate at #2.
For those of you who made it to the end, thanks for reading! Ultimately we know there will be inevitable debate about a prospect, but we appreciate you hearing us out, and at least letting me, u/GoldWhale, spam the sub over the last few weeks in love of Demidov. Whether or not you agree with our analysis, we encourage you to do your own scouting, read from the authors we've included, watch through all the highlights in the linked videos, and draw your own conclusions!
We appreciate everyone in this community, and will try to answer any questions that you may have in the comments. If you so choose, please feel free to crosspost to other subs, edit, or utilize this writeup anywhere you like (forums/blogs/youtube etc.), just link back to our original post! For those in professional media who have contacted us with the hope of utilizing our writeup, feel free, again just link back to the original post as well. Thanks again!
submitted by GoldWhale to hawks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:35 Nevermind2031 Golpe no discord

Nunca nem achei q eu ia chegar tão perto de cair em golpe ou cai e nem sei ainda, sei lá em retrospecto parece meio obvio.
Hj de manhã chegou alguém no meu discord falando que queria jogar lol comigo, até ai tudo bem pq ela estava num server de lol em comum, ela disse q me achou no Duo, tipo achei meio surpreendente que estava no mesmo server de lol mas tem tipo 30k+ pessoas lá então eu relevei.
Conversou e falamos em jogar de noite, ai chega e ela fala q está jogando outro jogo chamado spydeztraitors e pede pra eu ajudar em alguma missão lá. Eu pesquisei esse jogo mas n achei absolutamente nada sobre no google mas por algum motivo n desconfiei mto disso, ela passou o link o site parecia todo certinho, bem feito até com trailer, e eu baixei o setup, cliquei pra abrir e pediu acesso ao meu CMD, eu aceitei e o troço deu erro dizendo que não era compatível com minha versão do windows, instantaneamente me arrependi e desliguei o PC forçadamente pq baixou em mim q eu tinha caído ou quase caído em um golpe.
Abri o PC de novo escaneei tudo e apaguei os arquivos, n achou nada então espero q esteja bem.
Voltei pro site e dei uma checada melhor, o site era 100% fake, os screenshots são de um jogo chamado Fueled Up, os links de discord e twitter são falsos e a companhia desenvolvedora é fake. Lição de moral é n baixe jogos de sites que não podem ser encontrados no google e principalmente n dê acesso ao CMD para executáveis suspeitos esse ai foi burrice mesmo da minha parte que bom que pensei rápido.
Ainda vou fazer um reset de fábrica só pra garantir.
submitted by Nevermind2031 to golpe [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:15 marionas7 [Store] Low to High Tier Knives/Gloves

♦ Mainly interested in trades, but willing to sell on 3rd party markets.
♦ Below is a list of items I have at the moment. I constantly trade, so the list might be outdated and I might have new items.
♦ Buyouts are in cash and they are a reference point to know how much I want for my items in a trade.
♦ Offers is the fastest way to contact me and get a response, but feel free to add me to friends.
Trade Link Steam Profile
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★ Talon Knife Vanilla - 0.3717 - Click me $420 Tradable
Nomad Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Nomad Knife Fade Factory New 0.0115 96.6% Faded. Click me $1,010 Tradable
★ Nomad Knife Fade Factory New 0.0106 95.5% Faded. Click me $995 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Nomad Knife Vanilla - 0.7129 - Click me $365 Tradable
Flip Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Flip Knife Doppler Ruby Factory New 0.0521 - Click me $2,725 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Fade Factory New 0.0105 81.6% Faded. Click me $685 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Lore Factory New 0.0699 - Click me $475 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Doppler Phase 3 Factory New 0.0041 - Click me $475 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Doppler Phase 1 Factory New 0.0327 - Click me $450 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Doppler Phase 1 Factory New 0.0426 - Click me $450 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Marble Fade Factory New 0.0344 - Click me $415 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Vanilla - 0.2843 - Click me $335 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Autotronic Field-Tested 0.3359 - Click me $265 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Autotronic Well-Worn 0.3820 - Click me $255 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Freehand Factory New 0.0620 - Click me $190 Tradable
★ Flip Knife Damascus Steel Minimal Wear 0.1320 - Click me $185 Tradable
Stiletto Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Stiletto Knife Doppler Sapphire Factory New 0.0239 - Click me $2,800 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Stiletto Knife Doppler Phase 4 Factory New 0.0348 - Click me $560 Tradable
★ Stiletto Knife Doppler Phase 3 Factory New 0.0446 - Click me $545 Tradable
★ Stiletto Knife Marble Fade Factory New 0.0221 - Click me $490 Tradable
Classic Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Classic Knife Fade Factory New 0.0340 99.0% Faded. Click me $730 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Classic Knife Crimson Web Minimal Wear 0.0776 4th best float in csgofloat database. Click me $700 Tradable
★ Classic Knife Crimson Web Minimal Wear 0.1328 - Click me $345 Tradable
★ Classic Knife Slaughter Minimal Wear 0.1022 - Click me $280 Tradable
★ Classic Knife Crimson Web Field-Tested 0.2710 - Click me $215 Tradable
Ursus Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Ursus Knife Doppler Sapphire Factory New 0.0046 - Click me $2,100 Tradable
★ Ursus Knife Doppler Sapphire Factory New 0.0088 - Click me $2,055 Tradable
★ Ursus Knife Fade Factory New 0.0345 91.6% Faded. Click me $550 Tradable
★ Ursus Knife Doppler Phase 2 Factory New 0.0335 - Click me $480 Tradable
★ Ursus Knife Doppler Phase 2 Factory New 0.0337 - Click me $480 Tradable
★ Ursus Knife Marble Fade Factory New 0.0505 - Click me $340 Tradable
★ Ursus Knife Vanilla - 0.4994 - Click me $270 Tradable
Huntsman Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Huntsman Knife Gamma Doppler Phase 2 Factory New 0.0226 - Click me $505 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Gamma Doppler Phase 2 Factory New 0.0649 - Click me $490 Tradable
★ StatTrak™ Huntsman Knife Doppler Phase 4 Factory New 0.0325 - Click me $440 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Gamma Doppler Phase 4 Factory New 0.0249 - Click me $420 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Fade Factory New 0.0236 85.2% Faded. Click me $400 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Tiger Tooth Factory New 0.0542 - Click me $235 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Lore Minimal Wear 0.0778 - Click me $230 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Autotronic Minimal Wear 0.1175 - Click me $230 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Vanilla - 0.1933 - Click me $220 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Lore Field-Tested 0.2764 - Click me $175 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Case Hardened Well-Worn 0.4344 - Click me $175 Tradable
★ Huntsman Knife Autotronic Field-Tested 0.2764 - Click me $170 Tradable
Paracord Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Paracord Knife Case Hardened Field-Tested 0.3420 #447 Blue gem. Click me $860 Tradable
★ Paracord Knife Case Hardened Battle-Scarred 0.9608 #294 Blue gem. Click me $560 Tradable
★ Paracord Knife Fade Factory New 0.0157 91.2% Faded. Click me $475 Tradable
★ Paracord Knife Slaughter Field-Tested 0.1672 - Click me $250 Tradable
Survival Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Survival Knife Fade Factory New 0.0146 94.8% Faded. Click me $415 Tradable
★ Survival Knife Vanilla - 0.3113 - Click me $170 Tradable
★ Survival Knife Vanilla - 0.5112 - Click me $170 Tradable
Falchion Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Falchion Knife Gamma Doppler Emerald Factory New 0.0262 - Click me $1,085 Tradable
★ Falchion Knife Gamma Doppler Emerald Minimal Wear 0.0754 - Click me $1,020 Tradable
★ Falchion Knife Gamma Doppler Phase 4 Factory New 0.0002 - Click me $460 Tradable
★ Falchion Knife Tiger Tooth Factory New 0.0279 - Click me $200 Tradable
Shadow Daggers
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ StatTrak™ Shadow Daggers Doppler Sapphire Factory New 0.0117 - Click me $690 Tradable
★ Shadow Daggers Doppler Black Pearl Factory New 0.0288 - Click me $675 Tradable
★ Shadow Daggers Doppler Ruby Factory New 0.0094 - Click me $590 Tradable
★ Shadow Daggers Fade Factory New 0.0128 99.1% Faded. Click me $290 Tradable
★ Shadow Daggers Doppler Phase 1 Factory New 0.0131 - Click me $195 Tradable
Bowie Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Bowie Knife Doppler Ruby Minimal Wear 0.0779 - Click me $985 Tradable
★ Bowie Knife Fade Factory New 0.0324 96.6% Faded. Click me $420 Tradable
★ Bowie Knife Gamma Doppler Phase 4 Factory New 0.0212 - Click me $360 Tradable
★ Bowie Knife Slaughter Minimal Wear 0.0719 - Click me $255 Tradable
Gut Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Gut Knife Fade Factory New 0.0010 83.2% Faded. Click me $215 Tradable
★ Gut Knife Doppler Phase 3 Factory New 0.0271 - Click me $160 Tradable
Navaja Knives
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Navaja Knife Doppler Sapphire Factory New 0.0321 - Click me $500 Tradable
Sport Gloves
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Sport Gloves Pandora's Box Well-Worn 0.3882 - Click me $3,570 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Superconductor Field-Tested 0.1644 - Click me $2,630 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Superconductor Field-Tested 0.1680 - Click me $2,610 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Hedge Maze Field-Tested 0.3666 - Click me $2,565 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Vice Field-Tested 0.1576 - Click me $2,235 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Pandora's Box Battle-Scarred 0.7577 - Click me $1,765 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Vice Field-Tested 0.1943 - Click me $1,650 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Slingshot Field-Tested 0.2251 - Click me $935 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious Field-Tested 0.2641 - Click me $710 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Omega Field-Tested 0.1840 - Click me $550 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Big Game Minimal Wear 0.0960 - Click me $395 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Arid Well-Worn 0.3850 - Click me $340 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Arid Battle-Scarred 0.4703 - Click me $245 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Arid Battle-Scarred 0.7895 - Click me $205 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Big Game Field-Tested 0.1894 - Click me $200 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Big Game Field-Tested 0.2822 - Click me $185 Tradable
★ Sport Gloves Big Game Well-Worn 0.3890 - Click me $155 Tradable
Specialist Gloves
Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
★ Specialist Gloves Emerald Web Minimal Wear 0.1291 - Click me $1,600 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike Minimal Wear 0.1285 - Click me $930 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike Field-Tested 0.1562 - Click me $575 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike Field-Tested 0.1619 - Click me $565 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike Field-Tested 0.2330 - Click me $425 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Fade Field-Tested 0.3640 Clean "E". Click me $365 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Field Agent Field-Tested 0.1703 - Click me $330 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Emerald Web Battle-Scarred 0.7553 - Click me $315 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Foundation Field-Tested 0.2623 - Click me $305 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Mogul Minimal Wear 0.1396 - Click me $300 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Marble Fade Field-Tested 0.2256 - Click me $300 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Marble Fade Field-Tested 0.2275 - Click me $300 Tradable
★ Specialist Gloves Marble Fade Field-Tested 0.2366 - Click me $290 Tradable
Moto Gloves
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★ Moto Gloves Spearmint Field-Tested 0.2093 - Click me $2,700 Tradable
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Driver Gloves
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★ Driver Gloves Crimson Weave Field-Tested 0.1548 - Click me $430 Tradable
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★ Driver Gloves King Snake Battle-Scarred 0.5467 - Click me $155 Tradable
Hand Wraps
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★ Hand Wraps CAUTION! Factory New 0.0664 - Click me $1,040 Tradable
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★ Hand Wraps Overprint Field-Tested 0.3501 - Click me $180 Tradable
★ Hand Wraps CAUTION! Field-Tested 0.1519 - Click me $200 Tradable
★ Hand Wraps CAUTION! Field-Tested 0.1842 - Click me $190 Tradable
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Broken Fang Gloves
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★ Broken Fang Gloves Jade Minimal Wear 0.1459 - Click me $170 Tradable
Trade Link Steam Profile
submitted by marionas7 to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:56 NaTrave [Post-Match Thread] Campeonato Brasileiro Série B: Ituano 1 x 0 Sport

[Encerrado] Ituano 1 x 0 Sport

Gols Ituano: Vinícius Paiva (23/2T) Gols Sport: N/D
Ituano (4-3-3) Sport (4-3-3)
Jefferson Paulino, Léo Oliveira (Léo Duarte), Claudinho, Wálber (Vitão), Eduardo Diniz (Marcel), Miquéias, Rodrigo, Eduardo Person (José Aldo), Vinícius Paiva, Thonny Anderson, Leozinho (Marlon) Caíque França, Pedro Lima, Rafael Thyere, Luciano Castán, Felipinho (Dalbert), Felipe (Alan Ruiz), Fabricio Domínguez (Pablo Dyego), Lucas Lima, Tití Ortíz (Romarinho), Gustavo Coutinho, Chrystian Barletta (Vinícius Faria)
Suplentes: Suplentes:
Wesley Borges, Bruno Xavier, Yann Rolim, Jean Pyerre, Salatiel, Bruno Alves, Zé Eduardo Thiago Couto, Rosales, Alisson Cassiano, Fabinho, Luciano
Técnico: Alberto Valentim Técnico: Mariano Soso
Arbitragem: Jefferson Ferreira de Moraes (Árbitro Principal), Hugo Savio Xavier Correa (Assistente 1), Jordana Pereira Batista (Assistente 2), Ilbert Estevam da Silva (Quarto Árbitro)
Ituano-SP Estatística Sport Recife
30% Posse de Bola 70%
0.6 Gols Esperados (xG) 1.28
2/10 (20%) Finalizações Certas/Total 4/21 (19%)
4 Finalizações Erradas 8
4 Chutes Bloqueados 9
4 Defesas de Goleiro 1
0 Chances Claras 0
160/225 (71%) Passes Certos/Total 461/524 (88%)
2 Escanteios 9
10 Cruzamentos 25
2 Impedimentos 1
8 Tiro Livre 9
16 Arremessos Laterais 25
53 Ataques 138
9 Faltas 9
21 Desarmes 13
16 Tiro de Meta 6
5 Cartões Amarelos 1
0 Cartões Vermelhos 0


Intervalo Ituano x Sport - Melhores Momentos do 1º Tempo (1:57)
Match Thread: https://www.reddit.com/futebol/comments/1csvndc/match_thread_campeonato_brasileiro_série_b_ituano/
submitted by NaTrave to futebol [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:54 NaTrave [Post-Match Thread] Copa Sul-Americana: Athletico-PR 1 x 2 Danubio

[Encerrado] Athletico-PR 1 x 2 Danubio

Gols Athletico-PR: Di Yorio (48/2T) Gols Danubio: Ignacio Pintos (28/1T), Sebastián Fernández (41/1T)
Athletico-PR (4-4-2) Danubio (4-4-2)
Bento, Leo Godoy (Canobbio), Kaíque Rocha, Gamarra (Julimar), Esquivel, Fernandinho, Erick, Zapelli (Alex Santana), Cuello (Christian), Pablo (Di Yorio), Mastriani Goicoechea, Ancheta, Matías González (Lucas Ferreira), Fracchia, Etchebarne, Santiago Romero, Ignacio Pintos (Gonzalo Bueno), Sebastián Fernández, Peralta (Leandro Sosa), Leyes (Silvestre), Tizón (Kevin Lewis)
Suplentes: Suplentes:
Léo Linck, Madson, Marcão, Fernando, Felipinho, João Cruz, Romeo Benítez José Río, Richard Núñez, Monzeglio, Rossi, Novick, Montaña, Sanseviero
Técnico: Cuca Técnico: Alejandro Apud
Arbitragem: Carlos Ortega (Árbitro Principal), David Fuentes (Assistente 1), Javier Patiño (Assistente 2), Robert Cabrera (Quarto Árbitro)
Athletico-PR Estatística Danubio FC
77% Posse de Bola 23%
1.8 Gols Esperados (xG) 0.42
5/19 (26%) Finalizações Certas/Total 4/7 (57%)
11 Finalizações Erradas 3
3 Chutes Bloqueados 0
2 Defesas de Goleiro 4
3 Chances Claras 2
541/634 (85%) Passes Certos/Total 103/188 (55%)
10 Escanteios 2
33 Cruzamentos 6
2 Impedimentos 1
12 Tiro Livre 7
34 Arremessos Laterais 15
122 Ataques 41
49 Ataques Perigosos 10
8 Faltas 12
13 Desarmes 23
6 Tiro de Meta 12
3 Cartões Amarelos 3
0 Cartões Vermelhos 0


Match Thread: https://www.reddit.com/futebol/comments/1csvnbv/match_thread_copa_sulamericana_athleticopr_x/
submitted by NaTrave to futebol [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:52 NaTrave [Post-Match Thread] Taça Conmebol Libertadores: The Strongest 4 x 0 Huachipato

[Encerrado] The Strongest 4 x 0 Huachipato

Gols The Strongest: Rodrigo Ramallo (34/1T), Ortega (15/2T), Quiroga (25/2T), Angulo (45/2T) Gols Huachipato: N/D
The Strongest (4-3-3) Huachipato (4-2-3-1)
Viscarra, Caire, Aimar, Jusino, Daniel Lino, Wayar (Quiroga), Ursino (Leonel López), Ortega (Angulo), Amoroso, Triverio (Bruno Miranda), Rodrigo Ramallo (Chura) Parra, Loyola, Gazzolo, Malanca, Leandro Díaz (Antonio Castillo), Santiago Silva, Sepúlveda (Jorge Sáez), Jimmy Martínez (Julián Brea), Montes, Cris Martínez, Maxi Rodríguez
Suplentes: Suplentes:
Gutiérrez, Careaga, Bustos, Enoumba, Daniel Rojas, Quaglio, Sotomayor Zacarías López, Sebastián Mella, Maxi Gutiérrez, Joaquín Gutiérrez, Imanol González, Cárcamo, Ampuero, Villanueva, Oyarzún
Técnico: Ismael Rescalvo Técnico: Javier Sanguinetti
Arbitragem: Gustavo Tejera (Árbitro Principal), Martín Soppi (Assistente 1), Pablo Llarena (Assistente 2), Alberto Feres (Quarto Árbitro)
The Strongest Estatística Huachipato
53% Posse de Bola 47%
3.09 Gols Esperados (xG) 0.45
9/23 (39%) Finalizações Certas/Total 6/15 (40%)
9 Finalizações Erradas 7
5 Chutes Bloqueados 2
6 Defesas de Goleiro 5
5 Chances Claras 0
244/310 (79%) Passes Certos/Total 222/283 (78%)
7 Escanteios 3
24 Cruzamentos 14
1 Impedimentos 2
11 Tiro Livre 9
15 Arremessos Laterais 19
69 Ataques 74
1 Ataques Perigosos 1
11 Faltas 12
11 Desarmes 11
13 Tiro de Meta 13
1 Cartões Amarelos 4
0 Cartões Vermelhos 1


Match Thread: https://www.reddit.com/futebol/comments/1csvn9b/match_thread_taça_conmebol_libertadores_the/
submitted by NaTrave to futebol [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:42 Weekly_Sense3213 cote R de 8 😓

Bonjour tout le monde, donc oui j’ai eu une cote r de 8 à la session passé, ce qui est horrible et honteux, mais il y a une raison derrière ça. Cependant, présentement je suis à ma deuxième session au cégep et tout ce passe bien je peux espérer une cote r d’environ 28/30.
Ma question est, est ce que la cote r de la première session compte pour beaucoup ? J’ai vraiment peur que ça y affecte énormément et j’ai l’impression que je perd mon temps. Même si j’aurai une cote r de 29+, suis-je toujours en échec ?
Merci beaucoup et ça sera vraiment apprécié si vous pouvez me donner des conseils!
submitted by Weekly_Sense3213 to montreal [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:00 NaTrave [Match Thread] Taça Conmebol Libertadores: Alianza Lima x Colo-Colo

[Encerrado] Alianza Lima 1 x 1 Colo-Colo

Gols Alianza Lima: Barcos (41/1T) Gols Colo-Colo: Vidal (32/2T)
Taça Conmebol Libertadores - Fase de grupos Estádio: Alejandro Villanueva Data: 15 de Maio de 2024, 21:00 Transmissão: STAR+, ESPN 3 Link para Live Match Thread Post-Match Thread: https://www.reddit.com/futebol/comments/1ct20fz/postmatch_thread_taça_conmebol_libertadores/
Alianza Lima (4-3-3) Colo-Colo (4-4-2)
Ángelo Campos (Saravia), Jiovany Ramos (Huamán), Zambrano, Garcés (D'Arrigo), Freytes, Sebastián Rodríguez, Arregui (Waterman), Cabellos, Serna, Zanelatto (Neira), Barcos Cortés, Bolados (Zavala), Saldivia, Falcón, Wiemberg, Pavez, Vicente Pizarro (Opazo), Leonardo Gil (Amor), Vidal, Palacios (Paiva), Damián Pizarro
Suplentes: Suplentes:
Vílchez, Lagos, Moyano, Jesús Castillo, Aldair Fuentes, De Santis, Guzmán De Paul, Bruno Gutiérrez, Ramiro González, Castellani, Lucas Soto, Benegas, Moya, Cepeda
Técnico: Alejandro Restrepo Técnico: Jorge Almirón
Arbitragem: Yael Falcón (Árbitro Principal), Juan Pablo Belatti (Assistente 1), José Savorani (Assistente 2), Andrés Merlos (Quarto Árbitro)


08/1T Tira a Zaga! Vicente Pizarro aparece pra finalizar, mas a bola bate na defesa. 15/1T Tira a Zaga! Serna aparece pra finalizar, mas a bola bate na defesa. 18/1T PRA FORA! Cabellos finaliza, mas não acerta o alvo. 25/1T PRA FORA! Freytes finaliza, mas não acerta o alvo. 30/1T 🔃 Substituição no Alianza Lima: Sai Jiovany Ramos, entra Huamán. 31/1T 🟨 Cartão amarelo para Damián Pizarro. 33/1T 🟨 Cartão amarelo para Garcés. 41/1T Tira a Zaga! Serna aparece pra finalizar, mas a bola bate na defesa. 41/1TGol do Alianza Lima! Gooool de cabeça de Barcos na grande área! 49/1T ⏱️ Termina o Primeiro Tempo!   Começa o Segundo Tempo! 03/2T PRA FORA! Leonardo Gil finaliza, mas não acerta o alvo. 10/2T 🟨 Cartão amarelo para Bolados. 12/2T Tira a Zaga! Serna aparece pra finalizar, mas a bola bate na defesa. 20/2T 🟥 TÁ NA RUA! Cartão vermelho para Damián Pizarro. 25/2T 🔃 Substituição no Colo-Colo: Sai Vicente Pizarro, entra Opazo. 25/2T 🔃 Substituição no Colo-Colo: Sai Bolados, entra Zavala. 26/2T 🟨 Cartão amarelo para Vidal. 28/2T PRA FORA! Serna finaliza, mas não acerta o alvo. 32/2T 🟨 Cartão amarelo para Pavez. 32/2T 🟨 Cartão amarelo para Zanelatto. 32/2TGol do Colo-Colo! Gooool de cabeça de Vidal na grande área! 36/2T 🔃 Substituição no Colo-Colo: Sai Palacios, entra Paiva. 37/2T 🔃 Substituição no Alianza Lima: Sai Zanelatto, entra Neira. 37/2T 🔃 Substituição no Alianza Lima: Sai Arregui, entra Waterman. 40/2T 🔃 Substituição no Alianza Lima: Sai Garcés, entra D'Arrigo. 40/2T 🔃 Substituição no Alianza Lima: Sai Ángelo Campos, entra Saravia. 42/2T 🔃 Substituição no Colo-Colo: Sai Leonardo Gil, entra Amor. 44/2T 🟨 Cartão amarelo para Sebastián Rodríguez. 46/2T PRA FORA! Barcos finaliza, mas não acerta o alvo. 47/2T Tira a Zaga! Sebastián Rodríguez aparece pra finalizar, mas a bola bate na defesa. 48/2T 🟥 TÁ NA RUA! Cartão vermelho para Vidal. 48/2T 🟨 Cartão amarelo para Vidal. 51/2T DEFENDEU! Sebastián Rodríguez finaliza no alvo, mas a chance é defendida pelo adversário. 52/2T PRA FORA! Sebastián Rodríguez finaliza, mas não acerta o alvo. 52/2T ⏱️ Termina o Segundo Tempo!   Fim de Jogo!
submitted by NaTrave to futebol [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:54 SnooChipmunks4981 Lettre à mon ex évitant - vos avis

Bonjour à tous,
C’est mon premier j’écris ici, je ne sais pas trop à quoi m’attendre et quel genre de réponses je vais recevoir. J’ai hâte de vous lire !
J’utilise des noms fictifs.
Pour un peu de contexte, j’ai écrit la lettre ci-dessous pour mon « ex », je ne sais pas si je peux vraiment utiliser le mot ex. Nous avons toujours qualifié notre relation comme étant simplement David & Mathieu. Quand les gens nous demandaient si nous étions en couple, nous répondions que non, c’était seulement David & Mathieu.
Nous avons été amis pendant 1 an et demi avant de commencer une dynamique différente. Ce n'était ni prévu ni voulu, c’est juste arrivé très naturellement. Il a toujours été quelqu’un de spécial pour moi, je ne sais pas comment l’expliquer, mais d’aussi loin que je puisse me souvenir, il a été spécial pour moi et je lui disais.
Deux choses à savoir sur lui, c’est qu’il a un style d’attachement évitant, lui-même le reconnaît. Alors c’était parfois compliqué, il ne me rassurait jamais sur rien, avait des blocages du style nous ne pouvons pas nous voir en semaine, et très souvent je ne pouvais pas le toucher (affectueusement) parce qu’il avait besoin d’espace. Mais je sais qu'il a fait des efforts et qu'il est sorti de sa zone de confort pour nous. Il a commencé de lui-même à me tenir la main en public, à s’ouvrir de plus en plus et m’a présenté à des personnes importantes pour lui. Ça ne semble pas être grand-chose, mais pour une personne avec un type d'attachement évitant, c’était déjà beaucoup.
Ce qui rendait la situation encore plus compliquée, c’est qu'il était fraysexuel aussi. Alors plus la relation évoluait, plus nous étions proches, plus il perdait l’intérêt sexuel envers moi. Il avait toujours besoin de sexe, mais avec moi, ce n’était pas possible. Là encore, il était conscient de comment il était et nous en avons toujours parlé ouvertement.
David & Mathieu ca duré 7 mois, ce qui a fait en sorte que ça se termine, ce sont des disputes que nous avons eues vers la fin. J’ai commencé à être insecure par rapport à sa sexualité, le fait qu’il était de retour sur des applications de rencontre (il me disait que c’était juste pour baiser) - je le crois, mais ça me mettait quand même insecure et il avait de la difficulté à me rassurer. Il se fâchait et disait que je mettais sa parole en doute. De plus, j’ai ramené des choses du passé, comme un gars avec qui il a vécu quelque chose en parallèle de nous deux durant le premier mois de David & Mathieu. De plus vers la fin, il me verbalisait son besoin d’avoir de l’espace et de minimiser les contacts, j’ai eu aussi de la difficulté à lui offrir sa. Je crois être du type d’attachement anxieux, alors pour moi c’était compliqué de répondre à certaines de ses demandes. Mais quand nous étions ensemble c’était vraiment bien, nous nous le disions souvent que les meilleurs moments ensemble c’était ceux où nous étions juste nous deux seuls.
Bref, il n’a donné comme raisons d’arrêter nous, le fait que je mettais trop souvent sa parole en doute, que je ramenais trop le passé et qu'il avait l’impression de ne pas pouvoir faire des choses qu’il avait le droit de faire (coucher avec d’autres) et le fait que jetait pas capable de lui donner l’espace dont il avait besoin. Il a toujours été honnête sur le fait qu’il ne voulait pas perdre sa liberté. Je n'ai jamais eu l’intention de lui enlever, mais parfois j'avais besoin de discuter pour me sentir bien, lui avait de la difficulté avec ça.
Bon, voici enfin la lettre. Ça fait maintenant une semaine que nous n'avons plus de contacts. Nous n'avons jamais vraiment eu de discussion pour clore le tout, il m’a partagé, sa décision au téléphone, j’ai mal réagi, j’ai essayé de le convaincre de changer sa position et voilà.
Le lendemain de l’appel téléphonique, il a tout de même accepté de venir faire une activité avec moi, mais il m’a dit seulement parce que je lui avais dit que ça me ferait du bien et suite à cette activité il m’a redonné les choses à moi qu’il avait chez lui.
Moi j’ai encore des choses avec moi. Dites-moi ce que vous pensez de la lettre.
Je respecte et je comprends ton choix.
J’me suis posé la question à savoir si c’est aussi ce que je voulais et que maybe j’étais vraiment juste delulu de penser que non.
Je ne suis pas dans l’attente ni le besoin que tu répondes à ce messages. C’était important pour moi de te partager mon constat à tête reposée et non pas en étant dans des émotions irrationnelles. Je ne suis pas dans la culpabilisation, je ne prends pas tout le blâme sur moi mais je parle de ce qui m’appartiens. Je ne suis pas fâché, déçu et je n’ai aucun sentiment négatif à ton égard. J’le sais que tu es une bonne personne avec des bonnes intentions et que tu n’as jamais eu l’intention de me blesser.
Ta décision, je l’accepte beaucoup plus facilement à tête reposée et depuis que j’ai finalement pu comprendre que d’avoir contact avec moi te fessais maintenant plus de mal que de bien. J’ai toujours voulu ton bien et te faire sentir spécial. Tu sais ce que je pense de toi, ce que j’te disais, ça jamais été fake ou pour te faire plaisir, c’était simplement la vérité. Pour moi, quand j’étais avec toi, c’était toi le plus…you know et j’avais aucun intérêt à détourner mon regard. J’ai jamais joué de game avec toi ni essayer de te vendre du rêve. J’suis conscient que ça pouvait jouer maybe contre moi et je m’en tape. Mais honnêtement je n’ai jamais eu le sentiment que tu prenais avantage de ça.
Je ne sais pas comment tu vies la situation mais j’espère que tu vas bien. Pas que je pense que tu care about that, mais j’ai déjà arête de parler au dude à qui je parlais durant notre dernière activité ensemble. Je ne suis pas le genre de personne qui saute dans autre chose pour ce sentir mieux, je ne trouve pas ça sain ni respectueux et c’est tout simplement pas moi.
Désolé d’avoir perdu l’important de vu et d’avoir trop souvent focus sur le passé et des choses qui n’avaient aucune cibole d’importance. Désolé de ne plus vers la fin avoir été dans le respect et l’écoute, d’avoir donné le sentiment que j’te fessais pas confiance/je voulais te restreindre/d’avoir pas su mieux te comprendre/de ne pas avoir assez affirmé mes besoins et de ne pas avoir su te donner l’espace dont t’avais besoin. Quand jte disais que nous étions mieux que ça, et ben j’ai fail et je t’ai laissé tombé d’une certaine façon, j’le reconnais et j’en suis désolé. J’ai foirré et c’est correct de faire des erreurs. Tsé l’être humain est parfois mal fait, perdre force à réaliser des choses qui étaient pourtant évidente.
J'ai du travail à faire sur moi-même sur plusieurs aspects. Je dois apprendre à croire, éviter de me faire des scénarios, laisser le passé là où il est, verbaliser plus clairement mes besoins et limites, apprendre à réaliser que ce que j’ai devant moi est vrai et apprendre à dire : 'Cette chose me fait peur, je ne sais pas comment l'apprivoiser, je ne sais pas comment ça va nous affecter, parlons-en.' Je suis toujours le même dude qu’il y a une semaine, je n’ai pas déjà magiquement changé, mais ce que je peux te dire en toute confiance, c'est qu'il y a eu une prise de conscience et que j'ai un réel désir d'être meilleur.
Je sais que pour toi, nous, c’était un challenge et maybe sometime déstabilisant, ça te sortait de la zone de confort. J’aurai pu prendre ça plus en considération et m’assurer que tu te sentes bien au lieu de te rajouter de la pression et des frustrations.
Moi et toi nous sommes des personnes particulières, pour qui c’est pas easy de bâtir certaines dynamique, nous méritions d’avoir ce que nous avions, mais avec les enjeux d’la fin, parfois ce n’était pas facile.
Je n’ai jamais voulu quelque chose de conventionnel. Pour moi, répondre à la question 'Êtes-vous en couple?' par 'Non, c’est juste David & Mathieu' j’en étais fier et j’aimais ça, pour moi y’avait pas besoin d'explications supplémentaires.
Je n’ai jamais demandé ou espérer que t’ailles les même exigences que celles que je m’imposais à moi même. J’ai toujours été conscient de tes besoins. Le fait que pour moi c’était important de ne pas me faire toucher et tout le tralala par d’autres, ça m’appartenais juste à moi, j’aurai aimé que nous puissions naviguer dans ça plus sainement.
Avoir essayé David & Mathieu n'était pas une erreur pour moi, cela a été positif sur bien des aspects. Et comme je te l’ai déjà dit ce qu'il y avait me suffisait, toi tu me suffisais. Les enjeux de la fin pour moi étaient pour la plupart prévisibles et tous surmontables et pesaient moins dans la balance comparativement au reste. David & Mathieu c’était particulier, imparfait et parfait en même temps, le fait que les bests moments étaient ceux où moi étions seuls day & night, que y’avait ce sentiment que main dans la main c’était nous vs le reste et le sentiment de fierté. Je nous souhaite de retrouver tout cela.
Quand tu me disais que tu étais chanceux de m’avoir, j’ai aussi été chanceux de t’avoir et j’espère que tu sais pourquoi.
Laissons-nous du temps, au bon moment et si nous le voulons tous les deux, essayons de voir s'il est possible de reconstruire une dynamique dans laquelle nous nous sentirons tous les deux bien. Nous avons toujours réussi à bâtir du mieux avec le passé, espèrons que ce sera encore le cas. Nous formons une bonne équipe lorsque nous sommes dans le respect et l’écoute.
Btw, j'ai la bague de ton grand-père. Je la portais au doigt quand je suis sorti de ta voiture. Si tu veux que je te rende tes affaires rapidement, fais-le moi savoir. Sinon, ne t'inquiète pas, je vais en prendre soin.
Ça me fera toujours plaisir d'avoir de tes nouvelles, mais je comprends que toi et moi avons besoin d'espace pour le moment. Oui, moi aussi j'en ai besoin.
Si un jour nous reprenons contact, je n’ai ni le désir ni le besoin de reparler des enjeux que nous avons vécu. Moi mindset c’est d’aller vers du mieux, pas de retomber dans le négatif.
Peut-être qu'un jour j'écrirai une chanson de 10 minutes sur un David qui laissait toujours 56 000 trucs chez moi, qui sait. 🤷🏻‍♂️ (Il adore une chanson de 10min de Taylor S qui parle d’un ex, alors c’est une référence à ça)
Je ne t'oublie pas
Bye for now
submitted by SnooChipmunks4981 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:03 zvictord Fake News afirma que Bolsonaro jogou 17 milhões de cima do helicóptero da Havan no RS

Fake News afirma que Bolsonaro jogou 17 milhões de cima do helicóptero da Havan no RS
O zap dos veio não para!
submitted by zvictord to brasil [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:01 Sikhdiviner Mixing Traditions and Appearances

Mixing Traditions and Appearances
Based on other posts, some of you think i mix traditions and I do not. As much as i have shown my altars online, you will never Find my Shrines without their own Section or without a Visible partition.
Because all spirits from different traditions are different spirits even if they have the same name or same tribal root.
This is a foto i Found on a vodou Facebook page. I know nothing about this person, other than they have black Skin but i Will show you How i dissect it based on What i know.
Inside that glass bottle on his knee contains Alcohol, Visible peppers, Visible leaves and some other material inside. Só right off the bat, It’s not for ghede, It’s not african vodun because that is not How vodun bottles are constructed, It’s not quimbanda or jurema, and it’s not traditional isese Medicine because they do not usually use peppers Outside of ataare in their medicinal Preparations in Alcohol. The bottle is more characteristic of the drink called Chamba used in Cuban Palo Mayombe.
He has Custom lukumi (because brazilian and african style are not like that) beads in the Color Pattern of elegua around the bottle. Kolyes and bandera de Palo are not like that. You have similar lukumi beads of red black and white on the statue on the right.
On his wrist, you have an isese esu ide, an isese ifa ide, a Custom ide with 2 red beads and cowrie shells ??, a fabricated dice bracelet that is not usually seen in brazil but dice usually signify a malandro entidade within the umbanda, catimbo Systems, and a red ide for Egungun or oya (should be coral if oya).
To the left side in corner you have a elegua style beaded garabato cane. To the right, you have a plain exu ferramenta with angular trident configuration signifying a Brazilian Exu instead of the round trident for pomba gira. Yes there exist trident usage in other systems including gorovodou, mami wata, African Vodun in benin, togo, ghana as well as in some ogboni houses in nigeria but never in that configuration which has Brazilian umbanda/quimbanda origins and made by a Brazilian metal smith. Very cheap and sold in every city. The ferramenta is bare, unseated. And there is nothing with it.
The two statues are both bantu, the right being bakongo from central Africa holding a spear in protective configuration but with no cavity therefore, even though authentic and old, it was created for sale to tourists. Therefore it is not technically a minkisi nor alive. And the one on the left with the cowrie shell eyes at first glance gave the impression that it was a cuban replica but the wood is African and the cowrie shells are the species with the hard shell with righted only found in africa.
So looking at this display, this person is combining a lot of purchased items from multiple countries all together with no foundation behind it. He is trying to portray himself as an American palero and even a sad attempt at as a quimbandeiro but there is no settled shrine there. It is cosplay and since he is wearing 2 fictitous ides on his wrist, with the esu ide first, it makes me think all of it is fake.
Just showing how I know when someone is fake and/or doesn’t know what they are doing in various traditions in one photo.
I rarely explain all this when I give my conclusions, takes a lot of study and experience and I always divine before I open my mouth about another spiritualist on the internet, no matter who says what about whom.
I hope this is educational in identifying bad techniques and wrong altars in atrs.
submitted by Sikhdiviner to Isese [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:51 Sikhdiviner Oh the Confusion: Multiple Traditions in the Same House

Oh the Confusion: Multiple Traditions in the Same House
Based on other posts, some of you think i mix traditions and I do not. As much as i have shown my altars online, you will never Find my Shrines without their own Section or without a Visible partition.
Because all spirits from different traditions are different spirits even if they have the same name or same tribal root.
This is a foto i Found on a vodou Facebook page. I know nothing about this person, other than they have black Skin but i Will show you How i dissect it based on What i know.
Inside that glass bottle on his knee contains Alcohol, Visible peppers, Visible leaves and some other material inside. Só right off the bat, It’s not for ghede, It’s not african vodun because that is not How vodun bottles are constructed, It’s not quimbanda or jurema, and it’s not traditional isese Medicine because they do not usually use peppers Outside of ataare in their medicinal Preparations in Alcohol. The bottle is more characteristic of the drink called Chamba used in Cuban Palo Mayombe.
He has Custom lukumi (because brazilian and african style are not like that) beads in the Color Pattern of elegua around the bottle. Kolyes and bandera de Palo are not like that. You have similar lukumi beads of red black and white on the statue on the right.
On his wrist, you have an isese esu ide, an isese ifa ide, a Custom ide with 2 red beads and cowrie shells ??, a fabricated doce bracelet that is not usually seen in brazil but dice usually signify a malandro entidade within the umbanda, catimbo Systems, and a red ide for Egungun or oya (should be coral if oya).
To the left side in corner you have a elegua style beaded garabato cane. To the right, you have a plain exu ferramenta with angular trident configuration signifying a Brazilian Exu instead of the round trident for pomba gira. Yes there exist trident usage in other systems including gorovodou, mami wata, African Vodun in benin, togo, ghana as well as in some ogboni houses in nigeria but never in that configuration which has Brazilian umbanda/quimbanda origins and made by a Brazilian metal smith. Very cheap and sold in every city. The ferramenta is bare, unseated. And there is nothing with it.
The two statues are both bantu, the right being bakongo from central Africa holding a spear in protective configuration but with no cavity therefore, even though authentic and old, it was created for sale to tourists. Therefore it is not technically a minkisi nor alive. And the one on the left with the cowrie shell eyes at first glance gave the impression that it was a cuban replica but the wood is African and the cowrie shells are the species with the hard shell with righted only found in africa.
So looking at this display, this person is combining a lot of purchased items from multiple countries all together with no foundation behind it. He is trying to portray himself as an American palero and even a sad attempt at as a quimbandeiro but there is no settled shrine there. It is cosplay and since he is wearing 2 fictitous ides on his wrist, with the esu ide first, it makes me think all of it is fake.
Just showing how I know when someone is fake and/or doesn’t know what they are doing in various traditions in one photo.
I rarely explain all this when I give my conclusions, takes a lot of study and experience and I always divine before I open my mouth about another spiritualist on the internet, no matter who says what about whom. A lot of y’all should try that.
I hope this is educational in identifying bad techniques and wrong altars in atrs.
submitted by Sikhdiviner to Vodou [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:42 LintyCarcass 1. Question about hierarchical tags. 2. Feature requests

Part 1: A sincere question about hierarchical tags.

What exactly is the point of these???
The only use I see for them is simply to restrict a group of tags to a specific deck or deck set. For example, putting all of your tags for your German cards into a tag like German::Chapter1 and German::Chapter2. Or putting all of your Math tags into a main Math tag like Math::Trigonometry and Math::Integrals.
Context: Anyways, I've recently been enlightened (I finally read the Anki manual) and discovered the versatility of tags (I did not know you could choose to study a specific set of tags). I'm studying German and decided to restructure my deck to remove any redundant cards as some word lists have reoccurring words.
I have a bunch of Kapitels (chapters) and each Kapitel has multiple word lists, depending on the CEFR proficiency level of the word (for example an A1 word or a B1 word). See this pic of the tag sidebar:
I was using dots to sort the tags into a hierarchy. Then I found out about hierarchical tags. I tried them out because it's basically native support for something I was already doing in a janky way and it should be way more useful right?
The Gripe
Then I looked to see how Anki dealt with hierarchical tags, and boy was I disappointed. It just lists them all with their full path! You can't even collapse them! And worst of all: the tags are automatically localized to its parent tag instead of staying a universal tag, which is in my opinion... bad!
If I want to study say, all A1 CEFR proficiency level words from all Kapitels (chapters), I can't just click the A1 tag. I have to click all KapitelX::A1 tags. To me, this seems counterproductive and basically makes hierarchical tags useless (except for the use case discussed earlier, to declutter the gigantic list of tags you might have if you have more than half a dozen different decks on your profile.)
So my question is: are there any more use cases for hierarchical tags? Perhaps I just don't understand them well enough. I couldn't find many useful resources that talked about them in detail with use cases.
Another Gripe In addition, as I was using my fake hierarchical tags (my dots method) I noticed an abominable parity issue. On the sidebar of the card browser, tags are sorted just like the first picture. But... you know those sorting columns at the top of the actual card browser? Tags are sorted differently there. See pic:
The bar to the complete right is the tag list. The tags should be sorted the following way (as they are sorted in the sidebar):
-DE->NL -German -Lernliste ..Kapitel1 .A1
Instead we get:
.A1 -De->NL -German ..Kapitel1 -Lernliste
The sorting algorithm for the Tags column in the card browser, seems to neglect special characters like the dot (.) or the dash (-), if you ignore those you can see it's alphabetically sorted, A, D, G, K, L.

Part 2: The potential of hierarchical tags, feature requests.

Ultimately, I humbly ask someone with an account on the user forum to create a feature request. I know it's lazy of me but I also know there are a lot of you out there who wish to see Anki grow and become even more useful. Furthermore, I am not fully familiar with Anki and I feel someone more experienced would be better at expressing or creating the feature request in a more feasible/logical way.
So, if someone has any time on their hands I'd love to see the following 3 features implemented:
1. A parity change to the sorting of the Tags column in the card browser.
Currently, the Tags column does not sort tags the same way as the sidebar Tags list. I personally like the sidebar version more.
If this is unintended the change is a no-brainer.
If this is intended, I'd like there to be an option for people who prefer either sorting algorithm.
2. When using hierarchical tags: the ability to collapse them.
The same way you can collapse decks with sub-decks, or hierarchical tags in the sidebar of the card browser. This just makes sense and is probably already a feature request or maybe even in the works (please inform me if the latter is true!).
3. When selecting hierarchical tags in the custom study window: the ability to choose (perhaps with a ctrl+click) to only select a sub-tag, WITHOUT automatically requiring the parent tag.
This would mean the tag would include ANY cards of tags with the same name, whether it's under the parent tag of the selected tag, or under a different parent tag.
This could be implemented in a way that hierarchical tags are only visually hierarchical, in the sidebar of the card browser and the custom study window.
Talking about the custom study window: If the user clicks normally, it would select cards based on the currently implemented behaviour of hierarchical cards. The selected tag would simply be searched together with all parent tags of the selected tag. This is basically just the AND operation that's automatically done when ctrl+clicking multiple tags in the sidebar.
But, if the user uses a certain keybind and click, they can instead search exclusively for the sub-tag. Any cards, regardless of if they're in a different hierarchical tag, will be included in the search as long as they have the same name of the selected sub-tag.
Additionally, under the tag hierarchy would be a new list. Here, all tags are listed once, without any hierarchy. This way you can still easily find all tags that are available in the selected deck.
If implemented and once adopted, the tag sidebar would be less cluttered as you can close tags that aren't of concern, they're all separated instead of being in a gigantic list, just like decks are currently.
Example of this feature if my explanation wasn't adequate:
Say you have the following tag hierarchy:
German -Chapter1 -A1CEFR -A2CEFR -Chapter2 -A1CEFR -A2CEFR 
When doing a custom study:
Say you want to learn Chapter 1's A1 words. Then you just click on A1CEFR under Chapter1. The behaviour hasn't changed for indifferent users.
Now say you want to learn all cards that are A1 level, from both chapters at the same time. You just {keybind} click on one of the A1CEFR tags. If the tag is visible in multiple hierarchical tags, we can light up every instance of the tag to provide feedback that you are learning all A1 level cards.
If you don't know which sub-tag has a specific tag you're looking for, just scroll down and all available tags are listed in alphabetical order.
Final note
Lastly I would like to profusely apologize if I just don't understand hierarchical tags and made you waste your time by allowing you to read this post. It could definitely be shorter, I decided to make it fairly concrete because I am now quite invested in my feature suggestions. I might even make my own forum account to post them there myself.
Anyhow, if I'm just plain wrong about something, please tell me. Thanks for reading all this!
submitted by LintyCarcass to Anki [link] [comments]
