Sample letter of recommendation to tech school

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2024.06.09 13:44 Sad-Context-7844 32 F (Australia) - Seeking Penpal

I'm seeking a long-term letter writing friend, preferably someone who is LGBT+ friendly and not someone under 20 years of age.
It would be cool to share stories, swap recipes, have a mini book club and recommend each other our favourite films, whatever makes us happy. Just want to share the joy of getting to know someone slowly through letter writing.
A little about me:
I'm a ceramics art student, and a swimming teacher. I enjoy writing (fantasy), reading, cooking, playing DnD and video games.
I have a PO box, and would prefer we only exchange letters. If you're interested at all, please don't hesitate to DM me.
submitted by Sad-Context-7844 to penpals [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:39 Virtual-Youth3970 HELP I already accepted a college offer, paid the acceptance fee, but I don't want to go anymore

I recently got accepted into Luther College. But in the wrap up of High School my plans have changed to the point I had a small midlife crisis on the AP Lang exam. I keep telling my family I don't know what I want to do, but I want to go into Interior Design Luther doesn't offer that as a major and I would have to be either an Art major or an Art History major. I come from a very low income family who pulled 300 dollars out of nowhere and can"t be refunded for it. I already sent my FAFSA and only have to pay around 4K. My plan at the moment is to go to Luther for a year, and then transfer out to a tech school so I can at least say I went to a prestigious College and don't get the FOMO of what college is like. I'm going to be first generation with no prior experience to college hense why this conundrum is so big for me.
My alternative plan was to go to a tech school around Iowa for Interior Design and work a job at night when I'm not in classes to go for my Tech school tuition.I know to go to change schools I still have to tour and find one I like the faculty of so I'm not going in blind, but I'd also have to send my FAFSA there and wait to get accepted (with they're almost all 100% acceptance rates lol). Technically you don't need a degree to be one, but I feel like I would get more opportunities even with an associates under my belt. I'm not sure what to right now so I bring my issue here. My family and I are not that close anyways so speaking to them about this situation is a struggle as well. if anyone can help me that would be amazing!
submitted by Virtual-Youth3970 to college [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:38 Dry_Transition_2132 "Internship Opportunities at Pehchaan The Street School: Experience the Joy of Giving Back"

The internship provides us with the joy of giving back and experiencing the profound joy of giving back and experiencing the profound joy and satisfaction that comes from contributing to the betterment of society and helping children achieve their potential. It serves as a factor of personal growth, as well as we feel personal fulfillment and experience the intrinsic rewards of making a tangible difference in the lives of underprivileged children and their communities.
As we all know an Internship is a temporary position offered by an organization to students, recent graduates, or individuals seeking practical experience in a particular field. Internships can be part-time or full-time and are typically offered for a specified duration, which can range from a few weeks to several months. It has some key aspects like gaining experience, skill development, community engagement, career exploration, networking, mentorship, etc.
Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of underprivileged children?
Pehchaan The Street School offers a range of internship opportunities that allow you to do just that. By joining our team, you can gain hands-on experience, develop valuable skills, and make a meaningful impact on the community. Our internships provide a unique chance to contribute to the education and empowerment of children in need, while also experiencing the profound joy that comes from giving back.
Pehchaan- The Street School is a 9-year-old nonprofit organization, started is 9-year-old non-profit organization, started in 2015, the sole purpose of its creation was to help as many children as possible who don’t have access to basic amenities like education, food, etc. Pehchaan-The Street School primary form of help is to provide students with education because the Pehchaan The Street School believes that education is the noblest form of help we can offer to a child. Education gives children the ability to change their lives for good and grow up to be successful and socially responsible citizens of the globe. Pehchaan The Street School has over 7 centers in the region of Delhi and Delhi NCR with approx 1500 underprivileged children studying and about 400 active volunteers working on the ground.
It offers two kinds of internships that are:- Online Mode as well as Offline Mode. Online Mode comprises Content Writing in which you have to publish your articles on various websites you have a target of a certain word limit for every week and they are posted on websites like Medium, Quora, WordPress, Reddit, Linkedin, Instagram, Twitter, etc, Fundraising Intern in which you have to raise fund for the organization, Online Community Outreach Interns who connect with the people in online mode, Social Media Intern in which you handle social media management and propagate the thoughts about the organization through reels, edits, posts, blogs, etc on Instagram, Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Human Resource Intern through various websites, and social media handles, where you contact different people and recruit them for Pehchaan The Street School, communicate about the vacancies about any internship, and find various interns interested in being part of the community.
Offline Mode Internships offer on-ground work in which your physical presence matters; you can work in any of the centers of the organization which you find suitable. Teaching Intern is one of the finest forms of offline mode as you handle a group of students and enlighten them. There are certain criteria for hours of teaching that you have to complete in your internship. Social Media handles in offline mode where you shoot various reels; and pictures make videos and raise awareness, drive engagement as well and increase followers. Community Outreach where they engage with the local people and make them aware of the importance of education, organize and participate in various community events, workshops, etc. Fundraising in offline mode in which you organize various events, fundraising events such as charity dinners, auctions, and community fairs, coordinate logistics, including venue selection, vendor arrangements, and volunteer management, and promote events through local media, and community networks.
Benefits of Internship Opportunities at Pehchaan The Street School There a lot of benefits of Internship Opportunities at Pehchaan The Street School but most specifically are firstly you gain Hands-on experience engaging with children directly and participate in educational activities, It increases your skills and enhances your teaching, communication, organizational skills, preparing oneself for better career opportunities in future, you connect with local communities and understand their challenges and aspirations you strengthen your resume with the valuable experience, you receive a certificate of completion and a letter of recommendation upon successful completion of your internship, providing formal recognition of your contributions. The most important benefit is to provide us with the joy of giving back and experiencing the profound joy and satisfaction that comes from contributing to the betterment of society and helping children achieve their potential.
Interning at Pehchaan The Street School is more than just a professional opportunity—it's a chance to make a real difference in the lives of underprivileged children. Whether you work online or offline, you will gain valuable skills, experience personal growth, and contribute to a cause that truly matters. Join us in our mission to provide quality education and support to those who need it most. Experience the joy of giving back and become a part of our dedicated community striving for positive change.
For more details, check it out:-
Instagram page link –
Email id – [](
Youtube channel –
Twitter –
submitted by Dry_Transition_2132 to u/Dry_Transition_2132 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:36 Change-AgentRP Tech stack recommendations and management website?

As a startup founder I have been thinking about the tech stack and set of tools I should be using. I also have so many subscriptions I have purchased (or signed up for) that I need to keep track of. I was watching a video from Greg Isenberg where he recommended 7 tools to use as a startup. It made me wonder about a tool that could be used to share tech stack recommendations as well as manage tool subscriptions as a foundestartup. Think about being able to search your type of business, the audience you are targeting, the stage of your biz, etc. and being able to see recommendations from the community - also being able to track all the account/subscriptions/purchases you have made to manage your own stack. Does anyone know of this exists?
submitted by Change-AgentRP to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:28 uncuredguy Struggling to get a decent job here to survive . Need all of your help .

Im a 22 years old , a recent graduate in biomedical Lab sciences with gpa of 3.9 . I have been an excellent student throughout my degree and little to no surprise I'm struggling to find a job .
What are the ways one can find a job here ? I have given my CVs at schools but unfortunately they pay very less for instance 10k per month average which is barely enough to pay your bills let alone support a whole family .
So what are the other options i can persue to get a job here ? If Anyone is working in a hospital or at a lab and looking for a lab tech , i can work as a lab tech with a little training .
I have good communication skills , and I'm fairly well in spoken English (have a good accent as well lol ) .
This may seem like a job advertisement but please enlighten your struggling brother with ways i can look for jobs and support my fam as soon as possible.
submitted by uncuredguy to pakistan [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:22 Dazzling_Ferret3985 1970 cup final replay

1970 cup final replay
Photo of my model Stamford bridge for attention!!
Hoping someone here can help. My grandad was at the 1970 FA cup final replay vs (dirty) Leeds at Old Trafford and didn't come home for 3 days, my Nan had his bags packed ready to kick him out... after the game he ended up in a club drinking with the Chelsea boys and George Best and has the ticket stub signed by a few of the Chelsea lads as well as George best. I can't post a photo of it as my dad has it somewhere but I’ll try to get a photo when I visit him next incase anyone is interested (not looking to sell it, just tho I people may like to see it)
Anyway I'm rambling.... I would love to be able to watch this game, I know it's meant to have been one of the most brutal games even by the standards back that. My dad reckons there would be about 2 players left at the end if you judged it by today's standard. I've found highlights of varying length on YouTube but if anyone knows where to watch the full match that would be great.
Im in my late 20s so started watching football properly in the early 00s when I was about 6/7 (yes I know I’m so lucky with the era of Chelsea I got the experience as a kid - I was at the 05/06 game vs Utd in the shed) but because of my age I’ve not seen much proper old school football that I always heard my dad and grandad talking about so would love to be able to watch it.
Also are there any other old games you’d recommend fans go back and watch even if it was miles before there time?
Thank you blues - keep the blue flag flying high 💙
submitted by Dazzling_Ferret3985 to chelseafc [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:18 No_Relief_6560 i don’t know if i like her or not.

we started being friends a few months before 2023 ended and i feel like i’m catching feelings but i don’t know if it’s actually a crush or i really like the friendship. she’s the nicest person i’ve ever met, she always lets me know that i can talk to her about my problems and actually cares/offers me food when i’ve not been eating. i also relate to her a lot and she understands things that many people get mad at me over. we have the same interests so we can talk about that a lot and she recommends me loads of shows that i now love. we also sometimes hold hands in the hallways at school or just randomly which i find super comforting for some reason, and would always be offering each other to go first through doors. i don’t know if i feel this way because of my past experiences but she’s probably the bestest friend i could ever ask for, she makes me smile and being around her is just soothing even if we aren’t even talking.
if it does seem like i like her, is there any way i could let her know or show signs without “saying” or ruining the friendship? since we’re already pretty close it’s hard to tell her i like her without actually telling her. i know she would be understanding if i did tell her and she wouldn’t make it a big deal if she didn’t feel the same way, but i still feel as if it’s going to be awkward whenever we talk. i don’t want to ruin what we already have since this is probably the healthiest friendship i’ve ever had. i was thinking about sending a wlw video about it to let her know without saying, but i still think it’s risky and i’m pretty confident she just sees me as her best friend.
submitted by No_Relief_6560 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:06 PlasmicSteve 10 Bad Typography Habits that Scream Amateur (Medium article)
A short, helpful article with visuals. Not written by me.
If your website is filled with center-aligned text, understand that it's generally a bad practice to do that in most cases and project descriptions are one of those cases. There's a reason the author of the article made it his #1 bad typography habit.
Center-aligned text is generally wrong because it's harder to read, as the reader's eye has to find a new starting point for each line. Because of this, it's considered to be a bad practice, so professional designers trained in typography avoid center-aligning text – except, as someone recently pointed out here on the sub, for some special cases like wedding invitations and wine bottles, as their teacher told them.
If your portfolio descriptions are center-aligned, anyone reviewing it who's trained in typography – which will be most people – is likely to see that as a lack of training in typography or a lack of following any training the designer has had. So if you want a better chance of getting hired for a design role, left-align your project descriptions.
The other two critical issues I see violated on portfolios submitted for review here on this sub are Line Length and Justification.
The maximum recommended line length, and this is not just for portfolios but for any project you create, print or digital, is 75 characters per line. Once you go beyond that, the viewer struggles to read the full text and will often skim or skip paragraphs completely.
Justification is when each line of text is forced to end at the same point on the right. I don't see many portfolios themselves using justification (probably because it's not a default), I do see it done in many projects, and done poorly.
Justification can work well, but it works best with wider blocks of text, and I often see it used on very narrow text columns in 3- and 4-column layouts on LetteA4 sized pages intended for print. And in addition to justifying wider columns of text, the settings that I see used most often only add space between each word, not each character, which gives amateurish results. Again, likely the default setting being used without question.
There's nothing wrong with having a ragged right block of text (this is the term for an irregular right margin), and in many, probably most instances, it's preferred.
Also, to be clear, there's no such thing as Left Justification and Right Justification. It's Left Aligned, Right Aligned, Center Aligned, and Justified. The terms are often used incorrectly, but Justified means what it's described to mean above.
What I often see is people following the defaults of whichever program or platform they're using and not questioning those defaults, which in my view is a bigger concern than any of the specific issues mentioned above. As designers, we're responsible for every element we put into our work so there's no justification (lame joke) for including elements that weren't given consideration.
Don't include images in your design without thinking about how they might be color adjusted, or cropped, or rotated, or modified in any other way to improve the results in whichever context they're being used.
Don't place a logo on a background that doesn't give good contrast without thinking about how you can modify the logo and/or the background to improve results. Maybe the background needs an overlay to make it slightly darker, or lighter, or less saturated. Maybe the logo should be all white, or all black, or all some other color, or it should get a subtle drop shadow or outer glow. Try different things and see which works best.
And don't just dump text into a program without looking at it objectively and considering how it can be modified to improve results – typeface, leading, tracking, alignment, margins, etc. If you don't know any of those terms, you should be looking them up immediately.
Typography is the core of graphic design – you can create a functional design with only type – and because of this, the use of typography in design is viewed more critically than any other element. Violating commonly accepted rules is an instant red flag to anyone reviewing your work. If you follow best practices, you'll be in better shape to get hired for a design job, to get freelance clients, and to generally be viewed as a professional.
submitted by PlasmicSteve to graphic_design [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:06 No_Lychee_679 [TX] Identity Mixup

I have a pretty crazy and super frustrating situation. There's another person who shares my exact full name, birthday, birth year , and even mother's name. Here are the details:
These are some (not all) of the problems I’ve been having:
  1. Insurance Nightmare: Every time I apply for insurance, my name gets mixed up with his. He has a middle name (I don't), but our records still get confused. He has two accidents on his record, so I get sky-high insurance quotes even though my record is clean. I know this because when I asked the insurance is why my quote so so high they tell me it is because I had to at fault accidents. One agent was nice enough to refer me to get my Lexis Nexis record, which leads me through issue number two.
  2. LexisNexis Mess: I got my records from LexisNexis so that I could see what the insurance companies were seeing in regards to my accidents, and they’ve mixed his file with mine. When I say that I mean that they literally sent me a document with his Social Security number all his addresses, all his family’s addresses and a lot more mixed in with a file with all my addresses, my families addresses and my Social Security number as well. Despite disputing this, they insisted the records are accurate, even though the accidents are linked to his driver's license number, not mine. I’ve disputed this twice now with LexisNexis, and both times they have denied my dispute I’m extremely lost
  3. DPS Issues: Almost didn’t get my driver's license because of this mix-up there were some sort of issue that he had, and they had to call in the head of the DPS to verify my social because of the issue
  4. Healthcare Confusion: We use the same hospital system and big pharmacy brand, causing mix-ups in medical records and billing.
  5. College Application Problems: When I applied for colleges, I got his denial letters… one college gave me access to his account instead of mine, which literally gave me access to his Social Security number… I reported this colleges admitted the mistake but never followed up after promising investigations.
This has been going on for years, and it's driving me crazy. I've been overpaying for insurance and dealing with all sorts of unnecessary stress.
Also feel free to comment or ask any questions I’m really lost with this situation.
TL;DR: I have the same name, birthday, and mother's name as another person born 200 miles away from eachother. Our records are constantly mixed up, causing major issues with the DMV, healthcare, insurance (sky-high quotes due to his accidents), and college applications. LexisNexis refuses to correct the mix-up despite clear evidence. Need legal advice and recommendations
submitted by No_Lychee_679 to AskLawyers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:05 greataidan Distinguishing genomics, bioinformatics, compbio

I just finished undergrad with 2 years of wet lab experience and 1 year of dry lab experience. I have experience in Python, R, UNIX, in addition to a lot of bioinformatics packages and NGS. I do not have experience in preparing RNA or ATAC samples for the sequencer, only processing the data with pipeline and then other scripts. I have some machine learning experience.
I’m applying to jobs as RAs in labs doing genomics or titles such as Bioinformatics Assistant if I fit the listing. I intend on doing masters/PhD in the future, but I wanted to get a better idea of what I’m applying to. Genomics jobs often imply a lot more wet-lab than I would like to do, bioinformatics labs sometimes are too exclusively dry-lab such that I don’t have enough experience to apply, and comp bio jobs are out of the question because I don’t have enough coding experience.
What I’m probably missing is the coursework and mentoring that grad school would provide. If anyone’s curious, my main goal in working in bioinformatics is to get involved with some kind of biogenome project and work on assembling genomes. Is that a particular kind of bioinformatics? Could anyone shed light on steps I could take to get involved with that career path? I’ve applied to jobs at labs doing that, hoping I can get in so that I have access to connections within that field. The biggest thing I feel I’m missing as a biologist going in that direction is a probability course.
Sorry if this isn’t straightforward, I can answer any questions and I’ll take any advice
submitted by greataidan to bioinformatics [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:03 mokshitparekh Digital Marketing Courses in South Delhi

Digital Marketing Courses in South Delhi
The Digital Marketing industry in India has experienced exponential growth over the past decade, driven by increasing internet penetration, the proliferation of smartphones, and a tech-savvy young population. This sector encompasses various online strategies such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, and pay-per-click advertising. With the rise of e-commerce and the government's push for digital transformation through initiatives like Digital India, businesses are increasingly investing in digital marketing to reach their target audiences effectively.
The best institutes which offer digital marketing courses in south Delhi are as follows:
  1. IIDE – The Digital School: Ever since its inception in 2016, IIDE has been one of the pioneers of driving digital education in India and neighboring countries such as Nepal & Dubai. They have trained more than 2,35,000 learners globally in various aspects of digital marketing. Taking a future-oriented approach to learning, IIDE ensures that all students, working professionals, or business owners can benefit from their award-winning digital marketing courses. Courses offered in digital marketing are Post Graduation in Digital Marketing and Advanced Certification in Digital Marketing & Strategy.
  2. KR Mangalam University: A private university established in 2013 and accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). KRMU has a wide range of undergraduate and graduate degrees to choose from, including business, engineering, law, pharmacy, and the humanities. KRMU is also known for its digital education. The School of Management and Commerce (SOMC) offers an MBA in Digital Marketing that prepares students for careers in the digital marketing industry.
  3. MISD: is a digital marketing institute located in South Delhi and is ranked #3 on our list. The institute’s core philosophy centers on fostering meaningful connections to ensure effective learning. MISD’s comprehensive, interactive approach ensures that students not only acquire essential skills and knowledge but also develop vital interpersonal skills crucial for success in the Digital Marketing industry. The institute provides students with access to unparalleled tools, enabling them to master the intricacies of the digital landscape.
You can get in touch with the following institutes on their respective official websites.
submitted by mokshitparekh to u/mokshitparekh [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:00 Andrea_Giodice How I Built a SaaS Platform from Scratch in Two Months While Managing School and Other Commitments

Hi everyone!
I wanted to share my journey of building a SaaS platform from scratch in just two months. It was an intense experience filled with valuable lessons, and I believe it might be helpful for anyone considering a similar venture.
Idea and Planning
It all started with a clear idea: creating a platform that allows users to easily build custom web pages. I spent the first two weeks defining the core features and creating a detailed plan. This planning phase was crucial to keep the project on track, especially with my school commitments.
Rapid Prototyping
I used rapid prototyping tools to create an initial version of the platform. This allowed me to get immediate feedback and make adjustments before diving into full-scale development. Prototyping is something I highly recommend to save time and effort later on.
Development and Technologies
I chose a tech stack I was familiar with: Angular for the frontend and Flask for the backend, with MongoDB as the database. Familiarity with these technologies made the development process more efficient. I also used Docker to simplify deployment.
Iteration and Feedback
Throughout development, I involved a small group of beta users (my friends (: ) to test the features. Their feedback was invaluable for identifying bugs and improving usability. I iterated several times based on their suggestions, which made the final product much more robust.
Balancing Commitments
Balancing the development of the platform with school and other commitments was challenging. Time management and prioritization were key. I often found myself working late into the night to make progress while keeping up with my studies.
Although I started the project alone and remained solo throughout the process, I quickly realized the importance of collaboration. Having a designer to enhance the user interface and a marketer to help with the launch strategy would have made a significant difference. Despite the challenges of working alone, the experience taught me valuable lessons about the need for teamwork in future projects.
Launch and Beyond
After two months of hard work, I launched the platform, Seeing users engage with something I built was an incredible feeling. Of course, the work doesn't end with the launch; there are always new features to add and improvements to make based on feedbacks.
Building a SaaS platform in two months was tough but totally worth it. Learned a ton and pushed my limits. Hope sharing my story helps anyone thinking about diving into a similar project. Got any questions or wanna geek out over the tech details? Hit me up!
Thanks for reading!
submitted by Andrea_Giodice to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:52 facyber A few questin regarding the move to Austria

Hello everyone,
Apologize for writing in English as my German us still not that good.
I am moving to the Linz soon, and I was already reading about apartments, renting, areas to live, bookmarked a lot of Wilhaben ads (I need to check also immoscout) but still have a few questions, hopefully someone can help me with.
1) Would it be a smart move to write to renters in German using Google Translate and explain that, but speaking in person in English once I come to see the apartment? Just for the purpose of presenting myself. 2) Where would you recommend buying home appliance (such as wash machine, TV, etc.)? I would prefer some local market where they can also do a delivery for me. I read about MediaMarkt having poor customer service, so not sure if there are more and better ones. 3) Same question but for furniture, if you have some recommendations except Ikea (not sure how popular Ikea is in Austria). I would need delivery and construction service possible by them. XXXLutz seems okay but maybe there are better? 4) If there is anyone who lives in Enns, I would like to know how is life there for young families and commuting to the Linz. Looking at Google Maps, seems it have a lot of greens, kindergartens, schools.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by facyber to Austria [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:52 clairsair What do you see that makes you miss your parent(s) most?

My mom died from liver cirrhosis back in December, and toward the last stage of Liver Disease it can cause dementia like symptoms. She was diagnosed in 2018 when I had just finished my associates degree, and throughout the process it felt like I lost her a few different times, but there was always underlying hope up until her last hospital visit back in October when things really took a decline. She was 45 when she passed and 20 when she had me. As her only daughter and having a young mom, we felt so close at times, more like sisters most of the time.
Our biggest way of bonding was watching shows and movies, which I didn’t even realize until she was gone. We watching anything from trashy reality shows like all the Real Houswives, Below Deck, Jerseylicious (the first one she ever showed me) to 80’s and 90’s classics like Heathers, Dirty Dancing, Cry Baby, too many to count.
Around the holidays, she would always force us to watch Wizard of Oz on thanksgiving eve, and every year she would threaten to never do it again because my dad, brother and I did nothing but make fun of it. It was on every year though besides the one year dad put on The Wiz instead (she hated every adaption of the wizard of Oz). My mom died a week before Christmas, the last movie I got to watch with her before she went non verbal was Love Actually the morning before I had to go back home from thanksgiving break. I still remember the first time she showed me Love Actually, I was only 10 (probably too young) and I’ve watched it every year since, I have no idea how or if I’ll watch it this year or any of our other favorites like White Christmas.
While I’m lucky enough to be engaged to someone who loves movies and pop culture all around as much as her and I did, no one can ever replace the memories I shared with her. I’ll always remember her visiting me every other weekend when I moved an hour away and binging housewives all weekend and getting fresh pretzels and pickles from the farmers market down the road from me. Or the 2 week hospital visit back in 2019 when I stayed with her all through the week besides work (I would shower at the gym) and we binged Project Runway the entire time.
Even when I was 3 hours away at school, she would recommend movies for my roommates and I to watch. I remember watching Steel Magnolias my first semester all by myself and crying so hard, not only because of the movie but because it made me miss my mom so much.
My mom also lost her mom when she was 25, and she spoke often about how she didn’t want us to be sad or cry when she died, and to my surprise that has been the case for the most part. We weren’t religious growing up, but I do like to believe she’s now with her own mom and dad again and even our childhood pets, and I will meet her again someday. But every time I see any sort of reference to the 80’s or even see drag queens (she LOVED RuPaul’s drag race) I can’t help but to get a little teary. I haven’t been able to watch real housewives since then, the last time we watched it together she was at the hospital for the last time, we got two episodes into Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and I see that every time I login to my Peacock account.
I miss her wit, charm, and humor, I miss being able to say my parents, and I miss my built in bestie.
TL;DR I get so sad when I even see glimpses of 80’s/90’s movies, Real Housewives, and Drag queens because it makes me miss my mom so much it physically hurts at times.
submitted by clairsair to ChildrenofDeadParents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:52 Stranger_unknown104 Good Institues for LLB in twin cities?

I am looking for a good institute for The University of London LLB in the twin cities... I think Tills and TMUC are out of reach due to their high fees... what other good colleges are there? I ve seen Lords college is it any good? How about SiL School of international law and others?
Can you recommend me any?Plus what shall i be considering before getting into this degree and these college
submitted by Stranger_unknown104 to islamabad [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:51 bipbloop Looking for some advice

I don’t know if it’s the right subreddit for it so if not I’ll delete the post, just let me know.
I am a high school student and I want to become a game dev in the future. I would like some advice regarding two questions:
  1. What should I do to get started? I’m learning some code at school but it’s c# and nothing that is directly related to game development so some recommendations to how to learn coding for game dev (with YouTube videos, some kind of a course, etc) would be much appreciated.
  2. Should I learn some basic drawing skills? I have zero art skills and I want to focus mainly on the code part of game making in the future but I was wondering if it’s necessary or would help me later on.
submitted by bipbloop to gamedev [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:46 Crafty_External148 summer/part time jobs

hello! a college student here na gusto lng gyd maka earn while in school. pandungag na pd sa tuition and other gastos. any jobs na pwede ninyo ma-recommend? 😅 or any tips how to find jobs? how to prepare for it? in need of funds lang gyd. kanang legit pls, thank you!! :))
submitted by Crafty_External148 to cagayandeoro [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:44 Joshismegacool Which airline do I go with?

Hi everyone, I plan on attending university in Dallas, TX in the fall and want to stick with an airline so I can get status and hopefully maximize my travel potential (in terms of miles and stuff) and wanted to know what airline do you guys recommend I stick with as I will be flying in and out of either DFW or DAL every august (start of school), November (thanksgiving), December (Christmas break), March (spring break), and May (end of school). I know it will probably be easier to probably go with United as their flights can be booked for cheap through lifemiles but I don’t know if there is a better option I’m missing with either Delta or American. To be honest Delta looks amazing but I cant seem to find a life miles equivalent to book cheaper flights and the same problem with American (which sucks because American has a hub in DFW). I really want to get to the point I can either book buisness or first for cheap with points through some program or can just get upgraded consistently since I will hopefully have a decent status. By the way I want to get the status as soon as possible so I have no problem flying from my home airport (BWI) and having 3 or 4+ stops each time I fly in between the two airports for my first year so I can achieve status fast. anyways thank you all so much!
TLDR: incoming college kid doesn’t know what airline to give his allegiance to and flies between BWI and either of the two Dallas airports.
EDIT: I am looking to get my first credit card as well (preferably travel) and if you guys have any recommendations please feel free to share!
submitted by Joshismegacool to awardtravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:44 Dear-Performance-394 Does a newly grad with high grades but no direct finance experience have a chance at finding a job?

Just graduated college with a double major in finance and marketing, but I’m definitely more finance oriented. I worked my ass off in college, getting a 3.94 GPA, only to realize it doesn’t matter at all, like not even one bit. I didn’t have a finance internship, due to a professor recommendation and a high pay, I was convinced to do more of a economic related internship. I didn’t realize how big of a mistake that was until I started looking for jobs. It’s by far my biggest regret of my life. It feels like I’m literally no more qualified than I was with just a high school degree for any job I’m looking for. I don’t think it’s even possible for me to get a good job. I think my only shot is to do another internship, but most listing for that require you to be a student still. I have no idea what to do. I cant even sleep because of this, as it is 6:37 a.m at the time of typing this. I also don’t have connections, a consequence of my severe anxiety.
submitted by Dear-Performance-394 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:40 IceCreamSocialism What are you favorite classes as a grad student?

Currently a grad student at the business school, and I want to cross register for a few classes from other schools for the fall. Does anyone have any recommendations for their favorite classes they've taken?
Also as a side note, I want to get more involved with the Columbia community as a whole, outside of the business school. What would be the best way for me to do that? I would feel weird going to undergrad events since I'm a few years out of undergrad, so are there events that grad students plan/host? The business school is on its own campus and though there are so many events every single day just for the business school, I don't feel like I am part of the Columbia community outside of the b-school.
submitted by IceCreamSocialism to columbia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:39 KokoHekumatiaru Beginners guide to Soulmask, with no BS.

Hello there. If you are like me, you might also be a bit allergic to all the guides out there, that start with "please hit like and subscribe", followed by 10 minutes of chatter around what you need help with, for something that could`ve taken 30 seconds to explain.
With that out of the way, welcome to my No-BullS#$t guide to Soulmask, outlining everything I`ve learned in 80 hours playing on a server rented from G-Portal.
I am going to assume that everyone is somewhat accustomed to the bare basics of the game and how it plays so I will stick to only highlighting things that I learned myself.

1 There are 5 Tribes: Claw, Flint, Fang, Outcasts and Plunderers.

-Everyone can be deterred except Plunderers and Elites (The ones with a unique name and a silver border around their health bar).
-The Claw tribe has the best overall fighters for every weapon school
-The Fang tribe specializes in Remedies, healing and Poisons (Alchemy) so they make for great Alchemists overall, but do very well in relation to ranged combat so make for decent companions, if you prefer having a ranged helper along, they are good for this.
-The Flint tribe are supposedly the clever ones who are all about evolving and furthering their tribe's development so naturally, they make for great crafters.
-The outcasts don`t belong to any tribes and their stats as such are completely random. You can find great ones of course but expect a lower chance of finding what you need, compared to if you were chasing the more specialized tribes.

2 Proficiencies of barbarians go from 1-125+ in each respective school and what they have is based on a lot of factors as well as the low chance of them being a uniquely titled barbarian that can give them various perks outside of the proficiencies themselves.

-The level of the deterred barbarian ONLY affects what the overall proficiencies' start at when you deter them. with the higher the level the better the proficiency.
-Source: Personal experience after deterring roughly 800 Barbarians and while I know the pool isn`t very big, but it is high enough for me to be positive that the level of a deterred barb does not affect their max proficiency level, only what it starts at.
-Labourers are great at the collection of materials: Logging, Mining, Harvesting
-Craftsmen: Any crafting, completely random which ones they are given. Also supposed to unlock various tribes medium/advanced clothing and costumes if they are found in a fortress(Only 3 fortresses at the minute.) Potentially bugged right now though as I`ve deterred 50+ Craftsmen of varying levels from Novice to Master Craftsmen in a Flint fortress with 0 unlocks as of yet).
-Porters: Good at working the Kiln and or Furnace but they are also Great at transporting large quantities of items over longer distances as their weight limits are different and they have positive traits that affect how having more weight makes them move faster etc. (Unlocks the first tribe clothing too. Level 20-25 area barracks)
That`s it for now, if there`s anything else you want to know, just ask in the comments and I will add it to the guide too. But these are some of the things I see being asked the most, so instead of commenting in each post and repeating myself, I will update this one with new info.

3 Mysterious Tisane, dropped by bosses will reset the attributes of your main aka the Vagrant Novice character, but the Mysterious body shaping pill will reset the attributes of any of your deterred tribesmen.

4 The Basic Portal that you can craft yourself will not let you teleport to unlocked teleporters, only to other basic teleporters. (Please for the love of god change this.)

5 Cooking is one of the most important proficiencies in the world of Soulmask.

-I would highly recommend you get someone who`s good at it and put points towards output when selecting bonuses as they improve.
-You can have 4 different food buffs active at any one time, including one medical remedy. Staple, Recreational/Beverage, Vegetable/Fruit and finally Meat based meal.

6 Armor & Weapon crafting

-For traits, select Durability for 30-60 respectively and then Quality once you hit Iron as this is the point where levelling starts to slow down and moreover, you will unlock the Sabre tooth Armor at Awareness 40 once you kill the Berserk Sabre-toothed Predator which is a recommendation to everyone and when crafting the gear it will inherit the stats of the Iron armor that goes into it. Hence you want to make sure it`s as good as possible as this will be the best Armor you will have access to for quite a while.

7 Modifications make a huge difference

-All these mods you keep looting in chests from barracks and dungeons are not useless, even if the numbers may seem small they make a massive difference so use them.
-Having multiple Armor sets with different mods on them will be a benefit, even though it is grindy. Having one with Heat, Cold, Poison and Radiation protection will be the difference between surviving or dyeing.
-Repairing a Weapon or Armor WILL remove the MOD that is on them, so keep this in mind. Repair first, then put on the mod of choice.

8 The hunting Gallery is VERY useful.

-It will show a lot of useful info about the local wildlife and enemies you encounter so I recommend having a look if you are struggling with a specific enemy, perhaps you`re just using the wrong weapon to fight it?.
-One good example of when it helped me was in my first Ancient Ruin Dungeon/Holy Ruin where I encountered an enemy type that took essentially 0 damage until I threw a Corrosion bomb on them so use it and you will find that while doing the classic Unga Bunga works, sometimes. Having a bit more tact does come in handy.
submitted by KokoHekumatiaru to PlaySoulMask [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:35 Uhduh_08 soap opera situation

My PM is giving me a non-renewal and has kicked other tenants out ( I assume because she had a stack of these letters and half of the people in my part of the building are gone since receiving the letter in April)
I'm having a hard time finding an apartment. I trashed my credit due to bipolar disorder and constant job loss due to my illness. I have been in this cycle of paying them off when employed and running them up and becoming delinquent when unemployed. I admittedly listened to bad advice a couple of years ago at 24 to file for ch 7 as this isn't the first time I've been in financial ruin. so I now have a bankruptcy and a trashed credit score.
I also have the issue that I had to live with my sister due to illness and it was her first time renting and she wasnt good at paying her part so we had many times where the rent was late. I recently combed through our ledger and it seems as thought we had a running balance the entire 3 years (although, im not sure because the PM definitely said she was renewing this year because we were never late last year) There is also no way to see who paid what besides combing through bank statements.
ALSO my sister may have to live with me that may cause some problems. Our brother committed fraud in her name. He got evicted from an apartment in her name, ran up peoples gas, and comed. so her credit is wrecked and she won't even do anything about it!
But, The good thing is I have gotten a subsidy for those with mental illness, but my adverse credit/score is getting in the way with big companies. Is there anyone who can recommend companies ,private landlords etc who will rent to someone like me? NOTE: I used to work as a housing specialist for a similar subsidy and I know there are neglectful PM/landlords when people have subsidies. I don't remember what companies they used but I do know that I want to avoid Cagan as they were notoriously hard to get a hold of.
Is there someone you know of that will overlook credit/bk if they know the rent will be paid for an entire year? Also, I'm looking in Uptown, Edgewater, I may even go to rogers Park or West RP (these areas specifically because my sister goes to loyola and I was worried about the trains and coming back down to Lakeview and looking for more diversity) If there are any other neighborhoods that are easy to get to and from loyola as a woman safely and easily by public transit and diverse I would appreciate any suggestions!
I'm desperate a there is a time crunch of August 31st. It just always seems when things go right something goes wrong 😕 This is causing serious stress while trying to do graduate school myself and regaining how I used to feel prior to diagnosis with meds and extremely good therapy! I have realized the traps of credit and what NOT to do when manic to not have this happen again and working on keeping a job through crisis😊
*** sorry for the sloppiness typed fighting through ambien 🤣🤣
*** I am currently unemployed but looking for a job preferably that could pay for school as a current grad student as I'm running out of aid. or I am attempting to apply for SSI or AADB (if anyone knows any tips for this I would appreciate it as well!!!!)
Thank you for any of your help and advice, and guidance 🙏🏽 anything mentioned will be researched and pursued like a bloodhound 🤣
submitted by Uhduh_08 to chicagoapartments [link] [comments]