Anatomy and physiology lab final exam

Subreddit for Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Body 101

2011.04.26 06:46 Subreddit for Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Body 101

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2012.07.21 21:44 InfinityFlat Science Olympiad

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2011.05.13 03:47 The_Warbler Science Olympiad

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2024.06.09 16:39 Gonjanaenae319 Machine Learning exam

For those who took this subject last year (COMP30027), how was it? how much behind the scenes mathematics do I need to know for these models and memorise these formulas for the final exam? I'm not sure not having notes allowed makes it better or not.
I feel like 2022 and previous exams aren't good indication due to covid and exams being online. Any insights would be lovely
submitted by Gonjanaenae319 to unimelb [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:31 Therealestyasta Question

Hello everyone, I’m currently in year 10 and I sat my final foundation maths exam it was very easy. I do have a concern tho, I want to do higher maths gcse next year so I can continue to do A level maths. Will my teacher allow me to take the higher paper or is it too late ?
submitted by Therealestyasta to igcse [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:30 Relative-Obscurity I'm blind, and operate an elevator for a living. My passengers keep disappearing.

Last year, when my ten year prison "stint" was finally up, and I re-entered society, I encountered some... obstacles.
Obstacles like.. Lack of upward mobility. Prejudices and stigmas. Wages and earnings lower than the general population. Undesirable and oftentimes dangerous jobs. And lack of protection from wrongful termination.
Not to mention, an already tough job market, and the fact that my parole required that I maintain steady employment, or face re-incarceration.
Which is why, when I finally got a job offer, after six months of aggressive job hunting, I jumped at the opportunity, giving absolutely no fucks as to how I was actually making ends meet.
"Ever operate a freight elevator before?" Mr. Winfred, the manager of "The Cornelius" and my new boss, asked me my first day on the job.
"No, sir." I replied honestly, as I ran my fingers along the doors of the antiquated contraption, the only remaining evidence of the recently renovated luxury building's ancient past.
"Normally these old things aren't used for passengers, but the building's pretentious designers thought it might add a certain charm to its otherwise sterile decor. Which is where you come in." He continued, as I heard him slide open the freight elevator's outside doors...
...Followed by its scissored metal inside doors.
I heard Mr. Winfred step inside and, using my cane, scanned the interior of the rather large elevator, which must have been eight feet by eight feet, and followed him in.
Instantly, my nose was hit with an overpowering, musty scent, like the kind you'd smell in a basement, combined with your grandmother's attic.
He then closed both doors behind us.
"Now this here." Mr Winfred added, taking my hand and placing it on the handle of a lever, "Is how you move the elevator from floor to floor. Up for up. Down for down. You'll hear a click when you reach each floor, which will be helpful for someone like yourself." He said, clearly calling attention to the fact that I'm blind.
Someone like myself? I scoffed internally. You ignorant, entitled piece of shit.
Truth is, I've always had a bit of a short fuse. Which I guess, looking back on it, is what got me into prison in the first place.
But in my ten years of incarceration, I was given tools to combat my anger issues. Tools like reminding myself that it was nothing new. Assholes like him were always dropping unintentional microaggressions. It had been something I'd grown used to, and given my probation, wasn't a battle worth fighting.
"Yes sir." I replied through my teeth, as I begrudgingly swallowed my pride.
"Now, why don't you spend today practicing. Our first residents don't move in until tomorrow."

In just a matter of a week or so, as the doors of "The Cornelius" opened to its new tenants, I learned pretty much everything I needed to know about the job.
Said tenants were rich. Very rich. And most of them acted as such. Entitled. Obnoxious. Holier than thou. Especially given my own social class. But a few of them weren't so bad, and tipped well.
Mr. Winfred's assistant, Jane, was a lovely human being. Patient, kind, thoughtful, understanding. Especially when compared to both the building's uptight residents, and Mr. Winfred himself. It had been years since I had dated, and the very thought of meeting a partner stressed me out to no end, but if I was to find someone, I hoped she'd be like Jane.
The elevator didn't open on the basement level. As I'd learned countless times, it was possible to go there, but the doors simply wouldn't open.
The old freight itself was finicky as fuck. Stop the lever one second too early, or one second too late, and when the doors open, you're halfway between a floor. But eventually, I got used to it, to the point where most of the building's tenants assumed the role of freight operator had always been my job. And when you're good at your service job, and do it with a smile on your face, the tips start flowing.
And so, all was well for the first couple weeks on the job...
...A seemingly refreshing return to normalcy, after ten long years...
...The disappearances started happening.

I was just arriving to work one day, when I heard about the first disappearance.
"Have you seen - I mean, have you been in contact with Elizabeth Davis? From room 401?" Mr. Winfred asked, after correcting himself. Something he did often, which continued to annoy me.
"Um." I replied, unsure of where he was going with the question. "Not since yesterday. She got back from work, and I brought her up to the fourth floor. But come to think of it, I don't think she rode the elevator down this morning. Like she usually does."
"Interesting." My boss replied, before continuing. "She disappeared yesterday."
"Disappeared?" I asked.
"Yeah, husband said she never came home last night."
"Hmm. Well I know for certain that I brought her to the fourth floor. Did you check the hallway surveillance footage?"
"Not yet. Unfortunately the building inspector's in today, and I won't have time until tomorrow. Let's hope she just went somewhere, or got lost. In the meantime, keep an eye out - I mean - just, let me know if you hear of anything suspicious."
"Yes sir," I replied, once again resisting the urge to snap on him, before heading for the elevator, where I started the day's shift.
That day, I did my best to do as Mr. Winfred had asked, and listened carefully for any signs of mischief.
But the day went on, business as usual and by the end of the day, I hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary...
...Except... The only thing of note was a difference in Mr. Lawrence's demeanor. The tenant of room 805, he was a salesman, and acted like one. When I say the man could talk, the man could talk. To a point where whenever he was a passenger in the old freight elevator, despite the long ride from floor one to floor eight, I'd rarely have a chance to get a word in.
But this time... was different. This time, Mr. Lawrence entered the elevator chatting away, just as he always did. But about halfway up, he just... stopped talking. And the thing about my job is, if someone chooses to talk or not talk, it's their decision, and none of my business. So I left him alone, and when we reached the eighth floor, I simply said goodnight. To which, he didn't reply.
Must be going through something. I thought to myself, having been unable to truly get a sense of his composure, without being able to see him, before closing the double doors and heading off to help the next passenger.

Later that night, Mr. Winfred called me into his office, and asked me to take a seat beside his assistant, Jane.
"Mr. Owens. Are you aware of the situation that's going on in the building?" He asked, in an interrogating tone.
"Um... yes, you told me about it yesterday. The disappearance, sir." I replied.
"Disappearances now. Plural." He said sternly.
"But... who else?" I asked.
"Mr. Lawrence."
"What happened to him?"
"Well, to be honest, I was hoping you could tell me. Cause much like Ms.Davis, the last place he was seen was going into your elevator."
"What about the cameras in the hallways?"
"I'm afraid that after reviewing the tapes, after stepping into your elevator, neither Ms. Davis, or Mr Lawrence, ever stepped out."
"But that's... not... possible."
"Mr. Owens. I'm going to give you an opportunity. Is there anything you want to tell me? I know you have a sordid past."
"Mr. Winfred!" Jane interjected, clearly offended by his words, and implications.
"Quiet, Jane." He scolded, before continuing. "Answer the question, Mr. Owens."
I didn't know what to say. I was so shocked, so flustered, by what he was implying, that I simply froze.
"Mr. Owens!" He screamed.
"I... I... don't know!" I cried out, as I heard Jane squirm in her seat. "I'm telling you, the last time I heard from either of them, I took them up to their floors. But I'm-"
"You're what! Blind?"
"Well, yes sir. I don't see what goes on inside the elevator. I just let them on and off."
"Mr. Owens. If they got on your elevator, and never got off, where could they possibly have gone?"
"I... don't... know." I replied, at this point, wanting to grab him by force, demand that he never speak to me that way again, and scream out my innocence. But my next parole appointment was the following week, so once again, all I could do was just bite my tongue.
Mr. Winfred paused for a moment, took a deep breath, and regained his composure.
"Mr. Owens, I could go to the police now. And that would be very bad for someone like you."
Fuck. He's right. I thought to myself, realizing, that if he went to the police, and I was even remotely suspected of what was going on in the building, it was back to prison for me.
"But lucky for you," He continued, "There are things going on in the building that I wouldn't want to bring unwanted attention to. And for that reason, I have decided not to go to the police... yet. But consider this a warning. And know, that I have a repairman coming first thing tomorrow morning to install a security camera inside the freight elevator, so I can see what exactly it is that you're doing in there."
I had know idea how to react to Mr. Winfred's continued accusations. So I simply remained silent.
"Now get out of here and go home! We'll reconvene on this tomorrow." He said dismissively, before Jane walked me out of the room, down the hall, and outside the building, where I planned to return home for the night.

Fifteen minutes later, we were at a bar down the street, where Jane apparently frequented.
"But where could they possibly have gone?" I asked her, my hands trembling at both the thought of people disappearing in the elevator, and that it was happening under my watch.
"Thing is," Jane said, as she finished her beer. "There's something you should know about the building."
""The Cornelius"?"
"No, from before it was called that. It used to be a factory of some kind."
"Is that what Mr. Winfred was talking about when he said that there were things going on in the building? That he didn't want to bring unwanted attention to?"
"Well, yes and no. Yes, in a sense, that Mr. Winfred cut some corners, and rather than fully renovate the entire warehouse, he simply walled off entire sections of the old structure. Like the basement."
"And no?"
"No, in a sense, that even Mr. Winfred doesn't know what's really going on in the elevator. Sure, it'd be easy to pin it on you, especially with your criminal record - no offense... but even he knows that it's probably something... else."
"Something else?"
"See, that's where things get hazy. Because no one knows what exactly went on at the factory, before it became "The Cornelius." But rumors have it... it was laboratory of some kind, and some fucked up shit went on inside there."
"Like what?"
"That, my friend. I don't know. But what I do know is... I better be getting to bed."
"Fair enough. Well, thanks for the drink, and the support." I said with a smile, as we made our way out of the bar.
"Yeah, don't let Mr. Winfred get to you. And try not to worry too much."

Contrary to Jane's suggestion, that night I worried... a lot. About the disappearances, what might be causing them, whatever may have gone on in the factory, and most importantly, about everything getting pinned on me.
I couldn't fall asleep, tossing and turning in bed as my mind raced. And each time I finally passed out, I'd wake up in a panic attack, my heart pounding, short of breath and in a cold sweat.
But it didn't stop there. The uncomfortable feeling of terror and fear, accompanied by the vibrating sensation of adrenaline pumping through my body, remained well into the next morning, when I stepped back into the elevator, terrified by what might be going on inside there.
Please don't leave me alone in this fucking thing. I thought to myself.
And within a matter of minutes, my prayers were answered.
"How goes it?" The surveillance installation worker called out, his cheery disposition contrary to mine.
"Um... not too bad." I replied, lying through my teeth, as he stepped inside.
But after a minute or two of sharing the elevator with him, my fears lessened and my body relaxed, comforted by the positive conversation, and the metallic, clinking sounds of the installation.
Everything's okay. The doors are open. And he's talking. I thought to myself.
But eventually, the man finished installing the camera, and began wrapping up the job.
"Well, that's it! Camera's all installed and running now." He called out. "Let's just take the elevator for a spin and make sure we don't lose the signal."
"Yes, of course." I replied, before reaching for the double doors...
..And moving the lever up.
We started moving.
"Fascinating job, I must say, elevator operator. But I suppose you could say the same for mine."
"Pays the bills." I replied, feigning a chuckle.
If he's here, and he's talking, then I'm safe. I continued to reassure myself.
But a few minutes into our ascent, just like Mr. Lawrence... the man... suddenly stopped talking.
"Alright, looks like it's working fine. We can head back down and-"
"Hello?" I asked.
But he didn't respond.
Fuck. I thought to myself, realizing that whatever caused Ms. Davis, and Mr. Lawrence, and seemingly now the repairman to disappear, could still be in the elevator with me.
Standing there, shaking, sweat rolling down my brow, I backed myself into the corner of the elevator, as I reached for the lever, pressed it down, and the elevator began to make its descent back to the ground floor.
When I finally reached the lobby...
I scrambled to open the doors...
...And darted out, gasping for air, expecting to find a safe haven.
But instead, all I heard was the sound of Mr. Winfred's voice. "Where is the repairman?"

A few minutes later, I was once again sitting in Mr. Winfred's office, next to Jane, this time attempting to explain what had happened.
"...And then he stopped talking! Just like Mr. Lawrence."
"You know what, Mr. Owens. I'm tired of your excuses. And now that we have a working camera in the elevator, it's time to find out what's really going on inside there." He threatened, as I heard him clicking away on his computer, clearly reviewing the footage.
"Please do!" I cried out, "I'm telling you, it's not me."
That's when... Mr. Winfred, and Jane, both went silent.
"Hello?" I called out, unable to see what was really going on. Given the fact that my passengers had recently been going silent, the thought crossed my mind that they too had disappeared, but I could still hear their breathing in the room. Breathing, that sounded like it was increasing rapidly...
...Until they broke the silence.
"Oh... my..." Jane said, struggling to catch her breath.
"That can't be. Let me rewind the tape." Mr. Winfred mumbled, the most scared I had ever heard him.
"What is it?" I asked, as they seemingly played back the video.
I would later find out from Jane that the footage would show myself and the repairman in the elevator, as a slithering, grotesque, humanoid figure, suddenly climbed down from the roof of the elevator, wrapped it's slimy arms around the repairman, then somehow hopped back out of the elevator, and pulled the man up with it. Leaving me standing there, completely unaware of what had just happened.
But in that moment, Mr. Winfred must have realized the... complications associated with reporting such a bizarre phenomenon, and instead decided to finally pin it on me.
"Mr. Owens, you shouldn't have done that!" He cried out.
"Mr. Winfred, what are you talking about?" Jane asked, "You and I just watched the same footage."
That's when I heard him drag a file to his computer's trash and delete it.
"Stay out of this, Jane. This man has killed three people in the elevator. I knew I shouldn't have hired an ex con!"
"But sir, I didn't-" I tried to reply, before he interrupted.
"Mr. Owens, I'm picking up the phone, and calling the police. I'd suggest you just stay put."
"But Mr. Winfred, I'm telling you, I didn't do anything!"
"Yes, is this 911? I'm the manager of "The Cornelius" and I'd like to report three murders in my building."
"We'd better go." I heard Jane say, as I felt her place her hand on my shoulder.
"And yes, I have reason to believe the killer is our elevator operator, an ex convict, who is sitting right in front of me."
"Come on, let's go!" Jane screamed, as she tugged at my shirt, I hopped up from my seat, and she led me out of the office, down the hall, and into... of all places... the old freight elevator, as she explained to me what she had seen on the surveillance tape.

"Take us to the basement!" Jane called out.
"But the basement is walled off." I replied.
"Just do it!" She insisted, before I moved the lever down and the elevator began to move.
I spent the ride catching my breath, until we finally reached the basement level.
"Now what?" I asked.
But Jane didn't reply.
Oh fuck. I thought to myself. The monster.
That's when I turned to the center of the freight elevator, where Jane had been standing, reached out into the unknown...
...And sure enough, felt the cold, slimy, skin of the creature, wrapped around Jane's face, preventing her from making a sound.
Not knowing what else to do, I gripped its disgusting appendages with both hands, and slowly pried it off Jane, as she let out a...
...And the monster's arm quickly slithered away, back up through the roof of the freight.
Jane dropped to the ground, coughing violently.
"You okay?" I asked her.
But rather than responding, she simply handed me something...
....I opened my fist, to find a pair of keys.
"The lock above the lever. Unlock it." She instructed, still coughing, as I felt around the lever, found the lock, inserted the key, and unlocked it.
"The doors. They should open now." Jane said, as she stood up, having finally caught her breath.

We arrived in the dark basement to smell the same, musty odor from the freight elevator.
After her eyes adjusted and she scanned our surroundings, Jane informed me that this floor looked nothing like the other eight, newly renovated floors, with their modern feel and minimalistic designs.
Instead, the basement was a window into the building's former self, when it had been a factory. Its walls brick and crumbling, its floors concrete and cracked.
And scattered everywhere, were the dusty remnants of laboratory equipment. Devices, machines, tanks, most of which were destroyed, or disconnected, or both.
"What went on down here?" I asked.
"From the looks of it, something inhumane," Jane said, after she picked up a few tattered pieces of paper from one of the lab stations, and told me what was on it.
"The first page looks like some sort of a diagram, of a man being pumped with chemicals from tanks. And the second, a drawing... of the creature from the elevator. In pencil beside it, someone appears to have labeled it "The Silencer.""
Silencer. I thought to myself, before remembering that the creature seemed to always silence the sounds of its victims, and to have been repulsed by Jane's scream. At the same time, it had never bothered me in the elevator, as I tended to stand there in silence.
But before I could dwell too much on the thought, Jane interrupted.
"If you don't mind my asking. What did you go to prison for in the first place?" She asked.
"It's okay," I said, surprised she had waited this long to ask, before contemplating the best way to explain what had happened. "’Cause of my temper. Some guy was being a dick on the train platform. We got into a scuffle, and he accidentally fell into the tracks."
"Over what? Did he insult you? Your blindness?"
"No, I'm afraid not." I replied, "We were drunk... and arguing over... a basketball game, of all things. He was... my friend."
"Oh my God. I'm so sorry."
"It's okay."
Jane put her hand on my shoulder, and we stood there in silence for a moment...
...Until suddenly, we heard the sound of Mr. Winfred, and the police approaching, as they ran down what must have been a hidden set of stairs from the ground level to the basement.
"Come on, follow me!" Jane called out, as she took me by the hand and led me into what I'd soon discover was a labyrinthian network of old passages, while the police and Mr. Winfred both called out to us.
"This is the police! Put your hands on your head, and turn yourself in!"
"You're trapped, Mr. Owens! Just confess your crimes, and you'll simply go back to jail!"
We continued to run deeper and deeper into the passages, as our pursuers began to close in on us, their footsteps getting closer... and closer... and closer...
...Until suddenly, the sound of their footsteps was replaced by that of...
...And they suddenly went...
"What the?" Jane whispered.
"The creature." I whispered. "It must be down here."
That's when we hatched a plan.

Having found our way out of the labyrinth and back to the entrance of the laboratory, where we had arrived in the old freight elevator, I found myself standing alone, waiting, as I nervously tapped my cane on the basement floor, Jane having gone off on her own.
That's when I heard Mr. Winfred emerge from the passages, alone, and call out to me.
"Mr. Owens! There's nowhere to run! Even your beloved elevator is gone. You're cornered." He taunted, as I backed towards the elevator and tapped at it with my cane, its doors open, its shaft empty.
"What did you say?" I asked, encouraging him to talk louder.
"What are you, deaf now too?" The ignorant old man snapped back. "I said, you have nowhere to run!"
"I'm sorry, you'll have to forgive me," I said sarcastically, pointing to my ears. "Can you repeat that again?"
That's when Mr. Winfred began approaching and screamed, "You worthless, ex con! I knew I shouldn't have hired you in the first place! And now, you'll go back to where you belong!"
But suddenly...
...Mr. Winfred went SILENT...
...As the creature must have wrapped its slimy tentacles around his face.
That's when I seized the opportunity, ran over to Mr. Winfred, gripped the cold body of the creature, which was indeed wrapped around him, turned, and flung them both behind me, into the hollow elevator shaft...
...Before hitting the "Up" button on the wall, and calling the freight elevator down.
Suddenly, the gears of the elevator above could be heard turning away, and the machine began its quick descent down.
"Mr. Owens, no!" Mr. Winfred cried out, clearly now separated from the creature.
I froze for a moment, as my mind raced back to the night of the tragic accident, when my friend called out to me from the train tracks, and I was unable to save him in time...
....Until I eventually snapped myself out of it, and willed myself to save Mr. Winfred, no matter how evil the asshole's intentions may have been, reaching out my hand out, and pulling him up and out of the elevator, just as the freight car came crash down to the basement level.
"RAAAAAAAARRRRR!" The slimy beast cried out, as it was crushed under the old elevator's weight.
The basement fell SILENT for a moment, until...
...Jane stepped out and said, "Going up?"
But the joke was met was silence. I simply stood there, shaking, as Mr. Winfred did the same, clearly shocked by the events that had just occurred.

A few weeks later, after the authorities had done a full sweep of the basement, and cleared out all traces of the building' old laboratory, I found myself once again back in the manager's office.
"Mr. Owens. This is the last time I'm gonna tell you this!" Jane joked, as I heard her recline back in what was once Mr. Winfred's chair, having been named interim manager since her boss's recent and... ironic... prison sentencing.
"Who's the convict now?" I said with a smile, before making my way out of the office.
"Wait." Jane said, stopping me at the door. "You sure you want to go back to operating the elevator? After all that's happened? Like I said, the doorman job is yours if you want it."
"What's the worst that could happen?" I replied with a smile. "There's another one of those creatures in the building somewhere?"
submitted by Relative-Obscurity to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:28 Fit-Perception-5444 Dream about David Lynch

I had a dream about David Lynch last night. He was teaching a creative writing class and was known for having the hardest final exam. The dream began with me packing a suitcase to bring along to the exam. Evidently, besides clothes and toiletries, I was expected to pack some dishes and other weird things that were apparently necessary. I was worried I was going to be late for class because I had to wash everything I was packing and I was running out of time. Apparently cleanliness was very important.
But I make it to class. Lynch is going over the questions for the test first before handing out the exam. "Question number three: Can you write a story without an antagonist? Write a story without an antagonist? I can't live without one!"
And then I woke up.
I felt it was important to share this.
submitted by Fit-Perception-5444 to davidlynch [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:23 monkaSman How do they bicep tendon anchor?

The biceps is often forgotten as a shoulder tendon. It has a muscle belly on the front of the arm that most people know. However, what most people do not realize is that the upper portion of the biceps has two separate tendons. The short-head tendon attaches to bone outside of the shoulder joint. The long-head of the biceps tendon travels into the shoulder joint and attaches to a soft tissue anchor called the labrum of the shoulder. The biceps acts to flex the elbow, rotate the forearm, and to center the humeral head (ball) in the glenoid (socket).
What kind of biceps injuries can happen and what are their symptoms?
This video demonstrates a Biceps tendon tear
Biceps injuries can include strains (muscle stretch) or tendonitis (tendon inflammation) or tears. It is difficult to differentiate between the different diagnoses as they all cause pain. Typically the pain from biceps injuries occurs over the front of the shoulder or deep within the shoulder. The pain is worsened with lifting activities or overhead reaching activities. With certain tears, patients may complain of a "popping" or "clunking" of the shoulder joint.
Where do injuries occur?
Injury to the biceps complex can occur anywhere along its anatomy but at the shoulder joint, the most common location for the biceps to tear happens at either the:
SLAP (superior labrum anterior to posterior) tear. Biceps anchor tear.
long-head biceps tendon as it approaches the joint or along it's course inside the shoulder joint (see video above)
at its insertion on the superior (top part) of the shoulder labrum. This is known as a SLAP tear of the shoulder (see video)
How are SLAP tear and Bicep tendon injuries diagnosed?
These injuries are difficult to assess, but with a combination of thorough history and physical exam along with X-rays and MRI, they can often be detected.
Patient will often report deep and front pain in the shoulder that is difficult to localize. The pain can be associated with a "clunk" or "pop" in the shoulder with overhead or rotational movements.
X-rays are often performed to rule out arthritis or fracture.
MRI is the best test to see a biceps or SLAP tear. Often, the MRI is accompanied by an arthrogram (dye injection into shoulder) to enhance the ability to see even the smallest tears.
MRI Arthrogram (right) demonstrating a torn biceps anchor or SLAP tear.
MRI Arthrogram (right) demonstrating a torn biceps anchor or SLAP tear.
What are the treatment options for a biceps tear or biceps anchor tear?
Non-surgical treatment
Many injuries of the biceps tendon and its anchor can be treated conservatively. This treatment path may include modalities such as physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, injections, rest, and activity modification.
Surgical treatment is reserved for patients that have continued pain and disability even after a trial of non-surgical treatment
For a biceps tendon tear, very small tears may be debrided or "cleaned up". However, most tears of the tendon are more significant and a surgery is often performed where the tendon is cut within the joint and reattached into the humerus. This is called a biceps tenodesis. This procedure removes the damaged portion of the tendon while still giving the biceps tendon almost normal function and appearance.
For a superior labral tear (SLAP tear), a variety of surgical treatments exist. The choice should be left to the surgeon depending on the degree of the tear, the age of the patient, and the involvement of the biceps tendon. Sometimes, the biceps tenodesis mentioned previously is enough. In other cases, a labral repair can be performed where the torn portion of the labrum is reattached to the edge of the glenoid (socket)...SLAP repair.
submitted by monkaSman to MensWellbeing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:14 Neat_Cold1351 Im(20 M) and my girlfriend(19 M) have been in a relationship for over 1.5 years,now I am trapped in a traumatic relationship. How do i help myself and her?

After going into the relationship about 2.5 months to 3 months i learnt that she has a lot of trauma due to mistreatment. Initially i did not find it as a problem as i thought I'd help her and she would be healthy and be back all fine. As months passed by she started depending on myself for every problem, as she wanted to me to listen to them. And i did listen to them initially and also give quick suggestions to it, but however she hated me giving those suggestions/solutions even if they'd work, she would go all defensive and try to defend herself in such cases and would hurt me in the process. This happened even when i had any problem with her, she would go all defensive and sometimes be rude, and i did too at times. And we had a lot of restrictions in meeting and talking due to parents pressure. And whenever i go out with friends i would not text her muchas i'd be outside , she would get mad on me. But however i hardly went out with friends less than once a month. She would get more mad if there's girls. To help her out , many times i have done so many things so she could feel better but most of the times i felt that i wasnt appreciated much or i felt she did not like them. Once when she asked if we can meet and i could not meet because i had tests coming up next week and i did not want to waste the whole day being outside she got a lottt mad and started comparing with the times i went out with friends(which was 2 months back) and started a lot offf mean things which really really hurt me and almost made me convince those rude things are true. And i really wanted to leave the relationship as she was being extremely harsh and rude, and she tried to suicide threaten me when i wanted to leave, so i couldnt do anything. I really lost a part of me in the relationship here, reduced making time for her, and efforts. Few months later, we were in a verge of breaking up as we couldnt meet in a while and i couldnt go meet her as i was sleep deprived for a week and was tired due to exams. She again said a lot of mean stuffs which really hurt me and during this time i reached out to my friend for help as i did not know how do i fix this as it was happening repeatedly. once my girlfriend came to know about this she got more mad and kept talking about it everynight asking why i told my friend and what would they think about her. But however my friend said its better to break up, but my girlfriend convinced me to stay and give it a try. Then once we were in a call till 5 am in the morning, we were having a good time talking then suddenly she just pulled this friend matter all over again and said few more stuffs which hurt me and slept crying at 5 am in the morning, after this incident i really hesitated a lot to spend late nights talking with her. and the text convo also went really dry from myself as i was kinda scared when she might bring up this incident once again. After this incident i completely stopped sharing anything with my friend or anything to my girlfriend about i feel either as once she blamed me for a problem which i was facing. I felt so trapped and cornered at this moment as im not able to share anything openly or be myself freely. Few weeks later i wanted to go back to instagram( we both disabled it for a year , and i kept asking her if we would activate the account back, but she said no). and i told that im planning to activate my instagram account, she started being extremely mad at me and said a lot of harsh things and next day i had my final exams and i did not know what to do , couldnt concentrate on my exams nor on the fight. As days passed the relationship seemed very dry and no spark in it. After few months , days after complaining saying im not putting efforts , i finally told her i want to leave the relationship as its draining both of us and not happy. evertime we were on verge of breaking up she will try to hold me as far as she could. And same way this time too she tried everything to possible to keep me and not let me know, and now im stuck what would I do now?
submitted by Neat_Cold1351 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:14 Ok-Insect9080 Go down as a fighter

I have started my prep 4 months ago, back then I wanted to crack all three levels in this 1/3rd attempt, I was successfully able to complete the syllabus and revise it once and score decently in the mocks, but for the last couple of weeks, my anxiety got the best of me. I never thought I would be so underconfident to give a competitive exam, just a week before the exam(I've cleared JEE with a decent rank, not that I think they are similar in many ways, but this feeling's so new to me). I wanted to get away from this reality where I'd actually at something fail so badly for the first time in my life, so I have started binge watching Grey's anatomy/ lurking in this sub or reddit in general instead of actually prepping.
Today after a lot of thought it hit me, it's more about the identity, do I want to see myself as someone who gives lack of time as an excuse to not clear the exam : A faultfinde coward/delulu who stays away from reality , or do I want to be someone who understands what the exam demands and try till the last day and give it my all : A strategic fighter. It reminded me of the "Why", when I considered to pursue this career, I cannot be a good administrator without having the satisfaction of knowing I gave everything I've got.
I will fight my demons and the final boss, doesn't matter if I lose. Leaving reddit for now, I just want to put it out here and hope my "epiphany" could be of help to someone. ATB..
submitted by Ok-Insect9080 to UPSC [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:13 native_poppy Will Ox Bile supplement affect liver blood work?

My bf finally joined me in doing a meat-based diet. He had some acid reflux and I suggested he take ox bile, as it helped me when starting. He had his lab work done and his Gamma GT came back at a 75 - quite high. He sees his doctor next week to discuss, but in the meantime he is insisting that it is because I gave him the ox bile. He's overweight, high cholesterol, high BP, it makes sense to me. But I wonder if anyone else had a false inflated number after taking ox bile?
I tried posting this to carnivore but it was removed. Help me if this is also the wrong sub to ask.
submitted by native_poppy to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:09 Ma_em25 My mum doesnt like my almost boyfriend and my dad doesnt even know about him

So, this is kinda complicated. I'm a 19-year-old female living in Germany with my immigrant Russian parents. My dad isn’t really the nicest man, and I've lived through some trauma, which has resulted in me being really scared of him and not really talking to him. But my mum is really nice and is always trying to make me happy.
About 3 months ago, I started talking to this guy who is 20 years old. We were in the same class for about 3 years but only recently started texting. Pretty fast, I realized that I really liked him and he liked me too. I told him from the beginning that my family situation is not really the easiest and that it would take me a lot of time to tell my parents and also to actually start a relationship because it was my first time liking someone.
After texting and calling for about 3 weeks, my mum talked to me and asked if I liked him because she noticed me talking with someone on the phone and mentioning him in conversations a lot. I was really taken aback but told her that I liked him and he liked me too. She was really shocked and told me that guys only want sex and that he doesn’t really like me, which was pretty upsetting. But she quickly calmed down and assured me that as long as I was happy, she was happy too.
Soon after that, the guy and I actually met up for the first time. Since I was really scared of my parents and I knew they wouldn’t want me to meet him, I didn’t tell them and told them instead that I was meeting friends. I know it was wrong, but I really wanted to meet up with him and didn’t know what else to do. We went to a restaurant, and it was really nice. After that, we started meeting up more often, and every time I would tell my parents that I was meeting friends. Sometimes I would actually meet up with friends but then go to his place, or I would only go to his place. We would usually watch movies together and cuddle, which is really nice, or go out to eat or to parks. After about two months, we had our first kiss, and I knew that I really wanted a relationship with him.
This went on for about 3 months, and I made a promise to myself that I would tell my dad that I liked him and that I want to meet up with him. Since I told the guy that I would talk with my dad and that he would not have the nicest reaction, we met up for the last time last Friday. He happened to give me a hickey, which I completely consented to. The day after, I tried to cover it up and hide it from my parents, but somehow my mum saw it and confronted me about it. She was extremely shocked and disappointed in me and kept telling me that the guy is only using me and would never like me for who I am. I tried to tell her that he really isn’t a bad guy and that I am 100% sure that he likes me too, but she still believes that I can’t see the reality and that he will hurt me.
I really like this guy, and I know for sure that he does like me too and not only for my body. But now I don’t know how to convince my mum, and if I should tell my dad about him anyway. I really need help.
To add to this, all of this is happening while I'm in my last year of school, and I'm currently having my final exams. This adds a lot of stress to my situation. Also, for my parents, and especially my dad, it has always been very important that I date a Russian guy. This is another reason why I’m really scared of telling my dad about him.
submitted by Ma_em25 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:06 OneeChaannn guidance for application

i’m presently working and have around 2.5 yoe in tech consulting with bachelors in cs, in parallel i’m doing llb and i want to get a mba/mem from us/uk. my final year llb exams will be in june’25 and expect results to be out by oct/sep’25 if everything goes as planned. will i be eligible for fall’24 or summer’25 intake? or will need to wait till fall’25? TIA
submitted by OneeChaannn to InternationalMBA [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:06 AngelFire01 Why is my doctor so negative?!

I started seeing a new ob/gyn a little over a month ago, an older doc that has been in his field 30+years, and I've heard nothing but great things about him. At first I absolutely loved him. My first appointment was supposed to be a general first appointment, fill out history, etc, my annual exam, and I wanted to discuss fertility issues with him. His nurse came in, asked a few basic questions, and I told her that, unfortunately dear Aunt Flo showed up a little early the night before. She said they would reschedule my exam so that we didn't risk getting abnormal results due to my period. She asked if I wanted to discuss anything specific with him since I was there. I told her about the fertility questions, and she said she'd let him know.
As soon as he came in the room he put me at ease. He just kinda flopped onto his little stool, leaned against the bed (I was in the chair since we weren't doing an exam) and talked to me so casually, like two old friends just catching up and having a conversation. I told him I had had a chemical pregnancy back in October (and a horrific experience with it with a different hospital) and my partner and I had been trying to conceive since with no luck. We wanted to explore testing to see if there was something wrong/something we could do to increase our odds. I just turned 40 in December, and my partner honestly believes he was infertile (due to personal experiences, not medical testing). We have been together almost 2 years, never used protection, and only the one chemical pregnancy in that time. We went through options, he told me to go home and discuss it with my partner and let him know what we wanted to do when I came back in two weeks for my exam.
I went back, he again was amazing, just so calming since I was nervous about the exam. I know not all docs are created equal when it comes to their gentleness. I barely felt anything. I told him we were willing to do whatever he recommended, since he was the professional. He immediately sent me down the hall for an ultrasound to check me out and scheduled a 21 day progesterone test for me and a semen analysis for my partner. I was scheduled for my follow up a couple of weeks later. During that time I realized my cycle was late. I took a home test the day before my appointment and it came up positive. I told them the next day, his nurse did a test in office to confirm, it also came up positive. He came in, made a joke about scaring my body into doing what we wanted, we laughed, and he scheduled some blood work and a follow up in a week to check my hormone levels. They called me two days later (Thursday) to tell me my progesterone levels were borderline too low, so they started me on a supplement to boost them. They also scheduled my first ultrasound for the day before my next appointment based on my hcg levels.
Sunday night I was at work and started spotting. I immediately freaked out when I saw blood, due to the chemical pregnancy in October. I notified my boss, she sent me home and told me to go get checked out. My partner and I went to the ER at a local women's and children's hospital I knew was open (and amazing). They checked my hormone levels and did an ultrasound. They told me everything looked great and put me at 5w2d, explained that the spotting was most likely implantation bleeding.
Thursday we had our scheduled ultrasound at a different hospital, the hospital my doctor uses. Again, the tech said everything looked great, we were right on track. According to the paperwork they placed me at 6w +/-4 days.
Friday I went in to see my doc for results. He came in, "Well, I don't have great news... I'm not trying to scare you, I just want to prepare you just in case. It may have just been too early, but there was no sign of cardiac activity during your scan.". As he walked me out of his office he patted me on the shoulder, said he was sorry, and to call them or go to the emergency room if I started bleeding or having severe pain, like he thought it was inevitable I would miscarry. He scheduled me for another ultrasound on Tuesday, as well as more blood work, and a follow up again the following Friday for those results. It was an AGONIZING 4 days waiting for that next scan. I cried so much, and kept trying to stop stressing because stress is bad for baby, but OMG. Thank God for an amazing partner and a super supportive circle. Tuesday finally gets there, my partner and I go back in for our scan. Again the tech is wonderful and tells me everything looks great. She measures at 6w1d. I tell her why we're there, she quickly (and easily) finds baby's heartbeat and shows us that it's there, beating at a steady 125.
I go back to my Dr. Friday, his nurse informed me that apparently my hormone levels weren't as great as he would have liked the week before, which was why he was concerned (but he told me they were good), but that they looked better this week, I had jumped from 1257 to 20k. He finally comes in, says, "well, it's better news this week. We have a heartbeat, and your hormones levels are in the ballpark of where they need to be, so just keep taking your meds, and keep the candles burning." (I assume a reference to Catholic faith of lighting candles for prayers.) After my appointment my partner researched levels of HCG at the different weeks. The range for 6weeks is anywhere from 1100 to 56k. I'm right in the middle of that.
I get trying to be cautious and not telling me I'm going to be fine just in case, because obviously no one knows, and I'm still early (7w tomorrow now). But DAMN dude, you added SO MUCH stress to my life last weekend and you're still acting like you're just waiting for me to lose this baby. I need more positivity in my journey, not a Negative Nancy.
Sorry for the long rant, just needed to vent. I should include that his entire staff has been nothing short of wonderful and caring though.
submitted by AngelFire01 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:06 violetmoonriot This weekend. I drove my car over 500km for the first time.

I’m an anxious type. After I learned how to drive a car around 3 years ago. I was anxious to get out of my comfort zone. Also I’m not sure about the skill set of myself and the ability of my car. Since the car is totally manual with clutch and it’s also almost 20 years old. (I know, it’s a classic!)
This weekend I had to run an errands for my sister. And I took a leap by just do it. Turn out I was not that anxious when I was driving. The trip was easy and the routes were super simple. Thanks to Google maps. I’m finally pushing through the limit. I know it’s nothing for someone else but for me this is by far the longest time I stay focus apart from the exam I did in the university. And also the longest distance I travel by myself. I’m pretty happy and energized by what I just did.
Now I’m having an adrenaline rush and thinking about my next trip already. (which I didn’t plan yet haha) I really appreciate myself for putting an effort. Learning how to drive is certainly the skill I am glad to I bought myself a course. Worth every penny!
submitted by violetmoonriot to CasualConversation [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:04 Efficient_Camera8450 Elongated uvula in throat. Please help.

(27) (male) (6’1) (215 pounds) Sometime in February I noticed my uvula was elongated and had almost a tag hanging from it. I saw urgent care and PCP. Neither were concerned. Due to my severe health anxiety, I continued to worry about and saw my PCP again. I was referred to ENT.
Today I saw a NP at the ENT. She said I had a deviated septum but importantly, did a quick exam on the uvula. She said that she had seen it before and it looked like it could be an anatomical variation. Further, she said that she didn’t think it was cancer because it was the exact color of my uvula and I had no risk factors. She did suggest I see the physician in 6 weeks to discuss surgery for the septum and to have more eyes on the uvula.
Due to my health anxiety, I can’t stop worrying. I have to wait another 6 weeks thinking I could have cancer. I’ve had this for at least a year with normal lab work in between, but I’m still insanely stressed.
I have pictures on older posts in my profile but I can link again. Any help is greatly appreciated.
submitted by Efficient_Camera8450 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:00 aftovoulos Is scoring good grades without studying possible?

I've been having a really tough time this year due to depression and other mental health issues, plus multiple epilepsy seizures, so I ended up not attending most of my classes (I am in my final year of highschool) I'm curious, have you ever gotten good grades after doing horribly in an exam or not studying at all? I have a physics exam tomorrow, and I'm really struggling to focus and have been dealing with memory issues lately. Any trustable subliminal suggestions would be really appreciated (:
submitted by aftovoulos to Subliminal [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:51 EyeSpecial5634 Does this girl still like me, i'm very confused

I'm currently at university in first year (UK) and there is a girl i used to do group work with in first semester. After this group work was finished we did not really talk to each other for a while but recently i found out she likes me, and by the way she looks at me every time i see her, it's pretty obvious she does (and of course i like her aswell). We recently finished exams and after the last one she finally came up to talk to me, we spoke about the exam but the conversation was cut short by my friend interrupting by yapping about how he thinks he failed, when he did this he also grabbed my shoulder to turn me round, which would have looked really rude from said girls perspective as i had her back to her. After my friend stopped talking i turned around to carry on the conversation but she had already given up waiting and put her headphones on.
I tried to follow her on insta to say sorry but she hasn't accepted and its been 2 days, although i don't think she uses insta often so she might not have seen it. Do you think she would lose interest that much from the interaction? or am i just overthinking. Any idea on what to do?
submitted by EyeSpecial5634 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:51 monkaSman Wide Stance Deadlift vs Narrow: Understanding Deadlift Stances?

Deadlift stances can make a significant impact on your exercise performance, comfort, safety, and results. Choosing the proper stance for your body type and athletic level is essential for getting the most out of your deadlift.
But the question is, how wide should you stand, where should you place your feet, and which areas of your body will be most affected depending on your choice? Let’s find out.
What is impact of deadlift stances? Deadlift stances determine the type of exercise you’ll get. Wide stance deadlifts have a shorter range of motion (ROM) and hit different muscle groups than a typical narrow stance deadlift. Experimenting with different deadlift stances can diversify your workout and help you hit new goals.
What Is Deadlift Stance (Why Is Important, What Does It Affect)
Deadlift stances refer to the foot placement and leg position when performing a deadlift exercise and its variations. In general, we categorize them under narrow or wide stance deadlifts.
Even slightly altering between different deadlift stances can noticeably change the overall exercise dynamic. The deadlift stance width is an important point of consideration. This affects several exercise aspects, including the range of motion, the amount of weight you can lift, the primary muscle groups targeted, the distribution of forces throughout your body, your center of gravity, and even the risk of injury.
A wider stance typically has a shorter range of motion than a close stance deadlift. This can give you more leverage with your hips, but it also forces you to lean forward more during the initial portion of the exercise, which can impact your balance and stability. Meanwhile, a narrower deadlift has a longer range of motion, but it starts in a more upright position and will target your quads and posterior chain more.
Your deadlift feet position can change which muscles you’re working out, too. For example, if your toes are straight, such as with a conventional deadlift, you should feel more “burn” in your quads and hamstrings. Meanwhile, if you point out with your toes at a larger angle, such as with a Sumo deadlift, you will be using your hips and adductors more.
Finally, it’s important to note that a wider stance may put more stress on your hips and lower back, while a narrower stance puts more stress on the knees and quads. Keep this in mind so you can adjust your stance to better fit your workout goals and your physical health.
WBCM Deadlift Exercise
Where Should You Feel Deadlifts?
Based on the targeted muscle groups, the area where you should feel deadlifts hit the most is your posterior chain. This primarily includes your lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. Additionally, you should also experience activation in your quadriceps, core muscles, and calves during various stages of the lift. Lastly, since grip strength is a crucial part of deadlifts, you can expect to feel robust muscle activation in the lower arm – particularly your forearms and fingers- especially during an olympic bar deadlift.
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What Is The Difference Between Common Deadlift Stances?
  1. Conventional Deadlift Stance
The conventional or standard deadlift stance is the most fundamental and widely used variation of this exercise, making it a staple in many strength training programs. Beginner lifters typically start with this stance, so it should be familiar to you if you’ve done deadlifts before. Although this is considered the most basic variation of deadlift stances, it’s by no means easier than the others and requires practice to perform correctly and safely.
To assume a conventional deadlift stance, you first need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, although some athletes may opt for a slightly wider or narrower stance depending on their body shape and size. During this stance, your feet should be pointing forward under a slight outward angle of no more than 10-15 degrees, which you’re free to adjust based on your foot size and comfort.
How to Do A Conventional Deadlift Correctly
The conventional deadlift stance targets muscles in the lower body and posterior chain, including the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. As you lift the barbell off the ground, you should feel the tension build in your hamstrings and glutes. As the bar passes your knee point and your upper body starts to rise, the tension should transfer over to your core and lower back. At the height of the exercise, also known as the lockout phase, you should feel weight distributed throughout the entire body.
  1. Sumo Deadlift
The Sumo deadlift stance is a popular variation of the deadlift exercise. To assume the sumo deadlift stance width, you need to stand with your feet at or slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with your toes pointing outward at an angle of roughly 45 degrees. This stance requires greater mobility in the hips, groin, and ankles, which can make it more challenging than a conventional stance depending on your mobility and flexibility.
The sumo deadlift stance targets many of the same muscles as the conventional deadlift, including the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back, but also puts more emphasis on the adductors and quadriceps. However, thanks to an overall shorter range of motion (ROM) compared to conventional deadlifts, it puts less stress on the back and more on the hips and knees, making it a preferred compound exercise for lower body development.
As you lift the bar off the ground in a sumo stance, you should feel the tension build in your adductors and quads. As the bar passes your knee point and your upper body starts to rise, the tension should transfer over to your glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. At the lockout phase, the weight should feel evenly redistributed throughout the entire body, just like in the conventional deadlift stance.
  1. Deficit Deadlift Stance
The Deficit deadlift is a variation of the conventional deadlift that requires standing on a raised platform, usually 2-4 inches high, to increase the range of motion for the exercise. This increased range of motion demands more force when lifting the barbell, making the exercise more challenging and recruiting additional muscle fibers in the legs and back.
Research indicates that deficit deadlifts can help improve strength and muscle activation in the lower body, particularly in the hamstrings, glutes, and erector spinae muscles. Additionally, the increased range of motion can help improve mobility and flexibility in the ankles, knees, and hips. However, this variation is better suited for experienced lifters who are well-versed in deadlift variations.
Deficit Deadlift
To perform a deficit deadlift, simply find a 2-4 inch elevated surface to stand on. Most lifters you see doing this variation either stand on the edge of their lifting platform or use a thick weight plate. Place the barbell on the floor below you and simply perform a regular olympic bar deadlift from this elevated position.
  1. Squat Stance Deadlift
The last variation worth mentioning is the Squat stance deadlift. This is an emerging term for an exercise that’s not yet widely recognized, although it has its advocates in both coaching and physiotherapy. As the name suggests, the exercise requires you to perform a deadlift from a squat stance, which means standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, with toes pointing very slightly outward.
DEADLIFTS MADE BETTER!!!! Squat Stance Deadlift
The overall stance, including the exercise’s range of motion and impact on the body, is practically identical to the Sumo stance. However, due to the forward-pointing toes, the Squat stance deadlift requires a greater amount of mobility in the hips, knees, and ankles, increasing the overall risk of injury in these areas. This makes it difficult to recommend for most people over Sumo deadlifts. That said, it’s worth mentioning simply because anatomy varies from person to person, so it may be worth trying to see if it works better for you than a typical Sumo stance.
How To Choose The Deadlift Stance (Factors To Consider When Choosing The Stance For You)
The last variation worth mentioning is the Squat stance deadlift. This is an emerging term for an exercise that’s not yet widely recognized, although it has its advocates in both coaching and physiotherapy. As the name suggests, the exercise requires you to perform a deadlift from a squat stance, which means standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, with toes pointing very slightly outward.
The overall stance, including the exercise’s range of motion and impact on the body, is practically identical to the Sumo stance. However, due to the forward-pointing toes, the Squat stance deadlift requires a greater amount of mobility in the hips, knees, and ankles, increasing the overall risk of injury in these areas. This makes it difficult to recommend for most people over Sumo deadlifts. That said, it’s worth mentioning simply because anatomy varies from person to person, so it may be worth trying to see if it works better for you than a typical Sumo stance.
WBCM Deadlifting Athlete
How Much Can The Average Man And Woman Deadlift?
  1. Muscle Engagement
Deadlifts tend to hit the same primary muscle groups regardless of the variation.
That said, altering between deadlift feet position and stances changes up the total ROM, letting you put more emphasis on certain muscle groups. As previously discussed, the longer ROM stances – such as the conventional or deficit deadlift – target the posterior chain to a greater degree. Meanwhile, shorter ROM stances, like the Sumo or Squat deadlift, are better at targeting the lower body, particularly the hips and adductors.
  1. Athlete Size
Research suggests that one of the most important factors to consider when choosing your deadlift stance width is your shape and size. According to the study, athletes with larger body sizes and longer limbs tend to feel more comfortable with deadlift stance variations that have a larger range of motion, such as the conventional or deficit deadlift. On the other hand, athletes with shorter limbs and a shorter torso relative to their limb length find the shorter range of motion stances, like the Sumo or Squat stance, more comfortable.
  1. Personal Health
The most comfortable deadlift feet position for you may depend on your personal health, such as your injury history and chronic pain. When selecting your stance, keep in mind that a wide leg deadlift generates more force from the hip and knee area and puts less stress on your back, while the opposite is true for narrow deadlifts. Based on your medical history, it should be easy to determine which is best for you, however, consulting a doctor or physical therapist is always a good idea.
WBCM Deadlift Workout
  1. Fitness Level
Your overall fitness level may play a role in determining which deadlift stance is best suited for you. For beginners, it is recommended to start with a standard close stance deadlift to learn the proper exercise technique and familiarize themselves with their maximum weight.
Experienced athletes can experiment with various deadlift stances to find what works best for them. However, their joint mobility, particularly in the hips, knees, and ankles, can impact their ability to assume the correct starting position. If someone has limited mobility, they may need to adjust their stance to compensate.
Deadlift Stance Common Mistakes
  1. Barbell Distance
In a proper deadlift stance, the barbell should be directly over the midfoot during the starting position, and even lightly touching or grazing your shins as you lift it up. Placing the bar too far from your legs during your initial stance will require greater power output from your lower back, which is a common reason for deadlift injury.
  1. Back Arching
Another common mistake when lifting dead weight is not maintaining a straight spine. If you need to arch your back to reach the barbell when assuming the starting position, then the stance you are attempting may not be adequate for your current mobility and flexibility level.
WBCM Deadlifting Correct Stance
  1. Hip Height
To assume a proper deadlift stance, it is essential to position your hips at the right height. If you place your hips too high, generating power from them will become challenging, and your back will bear most of the initial load. This can result in difficulty lifting the weight and may lead to injury. On the other hand, if you place your hips too low, you will create a longer range of motion, placing stress on your lower back and hamstrings, and making the lift more challenging.
Therefore, the ideal height level of your hips for your body size is slightly above your knees. This position helps keep your back straight while aligning your shoulders, palms, and feet correctly. Proper alignment will help ensure that you can generate power from your hips while maintaining good form, reducing the risk of injury and allowing for safely and effectively lifting dead weight.
WBCM Deadlifting Stance Review
Should Your Deadlift Stance And Squat Stance Be The Same?
No, the deadlift and squat are two separate exercises with distinct objectives. In a regular squat, a wider stance is adopted to enable the hips to move downwards to or below knee level and then upwards again, all the while maintaining an upright torso position and keeping your balance. Conversely, in deadlifts, the hips remain at a relatively similar level and only flex forward and backward, while the torso sways back and forth.
That said, there is a hybrid exercise called the squat stance deadlift. However, this wide leg deadlift stance is unique and has its own purpose, as discussed above. In general, your standard deadlift and squat stances won’t be the same.
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Start now and boost your deadlift results! 💥💪
What Is Better Conventional VS Sumo Deadlift Stance?
The conventional and Sumo deadlift overlap in terms of strength development and health benefits. In terms of results, the sumo stance tends to be slightly better at lower body development, while the conventional narrow stance deadlift works your overall posterior chain, particularly the lower back.
More importantly, research suggests that athlete size can also determine the best type of deadlift on a person-to-person basis. According to the study, athletes with lengthier proportions performed better in the conventional deadlift. Conversely, those with shorter proportions showed increased performance in the sumo deadlift.
Where Should You Point Your Toes In Your Deadlift Stance?
During a typical close stance deadlift your toes should be slightly pointed out, no more than a 15-degree angle. This slightly angled toe position creates external rotation at the hips, which helps with stability and explosive power. Additionally, when you point your toes outward you should feel higher muscle activation in the glutes and hamstrings, which are two major muscle groups targeted by deadlift.
During Sumo deadlifts, the ideal toe spread is roughly 45 degrees. This wide leg deadlift stance points the knees and hips outward and allows them to stay in line with your feet and flex naturally, improving your balance, increasing your weight max, and preventing injury.
How Much Can An Average Person Deadlift?
Depending on the individual’s build, a man can typically deadlift anywhere from (77 kg – 131) 170 to 290 pounds when performing a traditional variation of the exercise. The typical average deadlift weight for female is around half of their body weight, while intermediate lifters are able to deadlift approximately 1.5 times their body weight.
In-Depth Deadlift Stance Breakdown - Live Seminar
The deadlift stances you use will determine the type of exercise you will get. Your leg width and foot placement affect the range of motion, targeted muscle groups, maximum capacity, center of balance, force distribution, as well as injury risk. Trying out different deadlift stances can help you find the one most comfortable based on your physical health and preferences.
Wide stance deadlifts reduce the range of motion and increase lower body development, while also reducing stress on the back. Conversely, a narrow stance deadlift has a longer range of motion and puts more exercise focus on the posterior chain.
Do you practice deadlifts as part of your workout routine? If so, which stance do you prefer? Leave a comment to let us know and don’t forget to follow our social media pages where we post lots of valuable fitness content.
submitted by monkaSman to MensWellbeing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:37 Various_Positive_759 H.M. Classes: The Best Coaching Classes in Malad

In the vibrant educational hub of Malad, H.M. Classes has emerged as the leading coaching institute, renowned for its exceptional teaching standards, diverse course offerings, and a commitment to student success. Catering to a wide range of academic and professional courses, H.M. Classes has built a solid reputation as the best coaching classes in Malad.

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Founded with the mission to provide high-quality education and personalized guidance, H.M. Classes has consistently delivered outstanding results across various courses. Whether it's school-level tutoring, competitive exams, or professional courses, the institute's dedication to excellence is evident in the success stories of its students.

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The cornerstone of H.M. Classes' success is its team of highly qualified and experienced faculty members. Each instructor is a specialist in their field, bringing a wealth of knowledge and practical insights to the classroom. The faculty’s commitment goes beyond mere instruction; they serve as mentors, offering career guidance and personal support to help students navigate their academic journeys.

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H.M. Classes offers a diverse array of courses tailored to meet the needs of students at different academic levels. Some of the popular courses include:

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H.M. Classes stands out as the best coaching institute in Malad due to its expert faculty, comprehensive course offerings, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and a proven track record of success. Whether you're a school student, a competitive exam aspirant, or a professional course candidate, H.M. Classes offers the perfect blend of academic rigor and personalized support to help you achieve your goals. For those seeking excellence in education, H.M. Classes is the ultimate choice in Malad.
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submitted by Various_Positive_759 to u/Various_Positive_759 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:36 FluffyMumbles What is *THE* correct/best source material for a chosen path?

I really hope I don't get downvoted into oblivion for this, as I'm genuinely in a bit of a state and pulling my hair out...
TL;DR - I have two main queries here...
  1. Where is the current place where someone can look up and check they're following the correct path(s) for their choice of Azure accreditation?
  2. What are the best sources and methods for getting there?
I completed the Fundamentals accreditation last year and have since decided to follow the path to the Architecture (AZ-305) accreditation. I plan to work through the Administrator and Network accreditations on the way.
I'm not even sure if that is the correct path as I can't find anything that appears to be up to date showing the "map" to follow for AZ-305.
I went through the Microsoft Learn modules for the Fundamentals, completing everything. Then sitting the practice exams multiple times until I felt I really knew each area. But I was very disheartened when I came to take the real exam as the format was nothing like the official practice exams and I barely scraped through (I feel).
I work best when I have a plan I can set aside time for a stick to, but I do not want to waste days of time, pouring myself into learning resources that turn out to be complete garbage. Even the search results within Microsoft Learn bring back hundreds of potential hits.
I have access to Udemy, LinkedIn Learning, as well as others through my current employer. I've also been following John Savill's videos, but I'm not sure how relevant his past videos are for a learning resource. But whenever I enquire about what's best, each answer seems to crap on the previous one. And some of the videos in the above portals feel very thrown together, as if they just want views reading off a script.
I also don't have any working access to an Azure tenant to play with (my previous employer allowed us some lab time) so practicing could be tricky.
So, I want to dedicate time. I want to know I'm following the correct path. I want to know I'm pouring myself into decent learning resources. I just need something that states "If this is what you want to achieve, you following these steps using this material".
Why is it such a mess out there? Getting myself away from generic Sys Admin and into an Azure-based career path shouldn't feel this convoluted... right?
submitted by FluffyMumbles to AZURE [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:32 arorocks Is he eligible for degree?

My friend took admission for Masters in July 2019. He gave the exams and failed in 5 subjects. And then covid, and job etc happened and he forgot to take the exams. Now finally he is going to appear in June 2024 TEE. Now the catch is, the admission cycle is shown as July 2019-June 2024. One of the exams is on 10th of July. He has the admit card with all the dates mentioned on it. Even the July one. So is this out of the prescribed time period or is he still eligible for the degree now? And if yes, can he reappear anymore if he failed now?
submitted by arorocks to IGNOUdistancelearning [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:31 Medical_Flan5080 Sophia

Finished 7 courses in 2 weeks with Sophia Learning. Tired but worth it.
submitted by Medical_Flan5080 to SophiaLearning [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:27 renwill Supervisors have taken 1.5 years to read my manuscript

Hey guys, I'm looking for advice on what to do about this ridiculous situation that I'm in. I'm sorry that this is gonna be a long post.
Basically, when I was an undergrad, I worked on a project (astrophysics) under the supervision of a tenured prof and an assistant researcher at a US university. The assistant researcher was the one giving me more direct supervision, and the tenured prof was the head of the research group as a whole. Most of the work I did day-to-day was solo. My analysis started to produce some fruitful results, so my supervisors suggested I write up a paper and publish the results as the primary author. It's nothing particularly groundbreaking, but still impressive for something led by a bachelors student. While I was finishing this analysis and drafting the paper, I graduated from my undergrad university and moved onto a Masters program in another country. At the same time, the assistant researcher also moved to another country for a professorship and had a baby.
Once I was done drafting the paper, I had a hard time getting the former assistant researcher to actually read through it. It took around 7 months of reminding him via email until he finally pulled through. Admittedly, I think I should have been more frequent with my reminder emails. I just get uncomfortable about seeming pushy. Besides, I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt because heck, he and his wife literally moved across the world, have a baby to take care of, and he started his new job, so he was understandably busy. Anyways, he finally finished reading the draft and gave me some useful feedback. I adjusted my draft, and we ended up bringing 2 more coauthors into the loop in August 2023. The tenured professor sounded enthusiastic about the paper and said he'd read through it shortly. He is the last one who needs to read it before I can start the publishing process.
Since then, things have been at a complete standstill. I have politely emailed reminders to this professor numerous times. He has apologized for being busy and promised multiple occasions to read the manuscript 'tomorrow' or 'next week' but nothing ever happens. And lately he hasn't responded to my emails unless I send 1-2 follow-ups. All my reminders have been a quick polite 'just checking in' email every couple months. A week ago though, I finally sent him a longer email where I basically just expressed my concern with how things have been going. I didn't take an angry tone, but just communicated my disappointment and reiterated how important publishing my work would be to me. I'm applying to PhD programs this fall, and having a first-author publication would undoubtedly help my profile. I also would just love to have something concrete to show for all the effort I've put into this project. So far, I've gotten no response from him, even after an additional follow-up message. I then consulted the other professor and we decided we'd do a joint zoom meeting with the three of us, but it can't happen until the tenured professor acknowledges our email. I think a zoom meeting would be a good idea -- I think he needs to see my face and recall I'm a real human being, and not just a pest in his inbox. I also recently remembered that I actually have his personal phone # saved. Would it be a bad idea for me to contact him on his phone? And just be like hey, can you read the email I sent you?
Professors are busy people. I know I shouldn't be taking any of this personally, but it's hard not to. I didn't do anything in particular to anger him, I don't think, and I'm not a controversial person. Heck, before I graduated, he even said I was the best student he's ever had in his lab group! So what happened? I just feel like nobody cares what happens to me anymore. If I were still a student at the same university, I'd have gone to the department chair over this. But I'm not a student there anymore, and I'm pretty sure technically nobody owes me anything now.
And this might sound silly, but I'm really close to my mom and I've kept her updated on the situation. She's been urging me to get more aggressive, since she knows I struggle with advocating for myself. But I don't want to burn bridges with my former supervisor especially when I'll need a rec letter from him for my PhD applications. Getting constant inquiries from my mom and being 'coached' by her is also wearing me thin. I just want to put this paper out and move on with my life.
What should I do next? Get the other coauthors (who I have never met IRL) involved? I think posting on Arxiv or just submitting to the publisher anyways would be a bad idea, ethically.
submitted by renwill to AskAcademia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:23 NextPainter8393 Lqb186 lqb187 final exam

I’m just wondering if you have to pass the final exam for these units cause I’m already sitting at a 50% for lqb186 and lqb187 so do I even show up?
submitted by NextPainter8393 to QUTreddit [link] [comments]