Gums hurt


2010.02.27 05:23 Meades_Loves_Memes r/teenagers

teenagers is the biggest community forum run by teenagers for teenagers. Our subreddit is primarily for discussions and memes that an average teenager would enjoy to discuss about. We do not have any age-restriction in place but do keep in mind this is targeted for users between the ages of 13 to 19. Parents, teachers, and the like are welcomed to participate and ask any questions!

2015.05.22 13:25 iamapizza Ask Dentists

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2016.03.01 07:18 blessedbe Canker Sores

This is a subreddit for people to share their pain and experiences with canker sores, a type of oral ulcer. You can talk about how long you've had, share your tips, or ask questions.

2024.06.09 15:59 Alone-Abrocoma3560 Is this an infection or something I can take care of at home

I’m 6 days post op. My left side looks like it’s gone back to normal (no swelling and no redness, just the white blood clot) but my lower right has been irritating me. I only have a very dull pain in my left that only bothers me when I don’t take the pain meds, with pain meds it goes away, but the right hurts nearly as bad as it did the third day and the inside of my cheek is so swollen my mom says it looks like I’m chewing on the inside of my mouth (from what I know, I’m most likely not, probably because it’s just really swollen) it’s really red in one area next to my gums. There’s also some kind of string that was kinda white now is turning yellow and when I use the monojection thing to clean around there it hurts really bad, I did eat string cheese two days ago so I’m hoping it’s not that but I don’t want to touch it in case it is stitches. In the picture I have to pull back on my cheek to expose everything. When I was doing that I also realized that I can pull the gum off my back tooth 🫠. I forgot to mention, yeah the yellow on my tongue won’t go away I keep scraping at it with a tongue scraper it’s not working. I was also not able to open my mouth too much until literally just a few hours ago. I still cant open it alllll the way. Another thing I forgot. Bad taste in my mouth. Just did a breath check and idk smells like normal breath to me(idk what my breath usually smells like tho). Also accidentally smelt my finger after it was in my mouth and I gagged Sorry for the bad hygiene, I’m bad at brushing my teeth in general plus I have not been able to brush back there for six days.
submitted by Alone-Abrocoma3560 to wisdomteeth [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:09 fueledbyponies Why was I so neglected as a kid

I remembered this while reading other post and wanted to vent about it
When I was 10 years old I spent the summer with my dad, where one of my molars started hurting really bad. I'm autistic, so I've always been really picky with food.
So, my molar started hurting just after my dad forced me to eat meat (I've always hated it) so he thought I was faking it. The pain went on and off for all the vacations. When I went back to my mom, the pain was terrible, but it is not the end of the story.
Few days after returning to my mom's house (the pain was on and off) an earthquacke hitted my country. It was terrible, you can google 2010 earthquacke on Chile to see details.
Just after this event my molar started hurting so bad I couldn't sleep, I was basically passing out because of the pain. My mom had to carry me to a hospital even tho the country was on curfew and she had my 1yo brother with her.
They had to perform emergency surgery in my gum, because the infection was all over it. That's not the worse tho.
The country was in a power outage and medical crisis, so they had to perform this surgery without anesthesia and without the correct equipment in general, and eventually had to remove my molar.
It was so, so painful, I passed out multiple times ans barely remember details, because I was traumatized.
So yeah, I was really neglected as a child and I don't talk to my dad anymore.
submitted by fueledbyponies to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:20 tinyrhinodontcare HamdenFest Half Marathon - Getting to the Start was the Real Goal A

Race Information


Goal Description Completed?
A Finish Yes
B No Walking Yes
C Sub 2:00 Yes


Mile Time
1 8:34
2 8:15
3 8:24
4 8:12
5 8:03
6 8:06
7 8:00
8 8:08
9 8:09
10 8:14
11 8:14
12 8:15
13 7:48


I think I posted a race report with the same HM goals about a year ago. Well - since then I sustained a pretty severe stress tibial stress fracture (July probably but then I ran on it for a month because what is pain but a minor inconvenience?), spent 3 months on crutches (mid August-mid November), started PT (December), completed a return-to-run program (February), and then slowly ramped up mileage while battling complications with just about every other part of my left leg (which had decided to retire while I was on crutches).
Because of my schedule, I ran 5 easy miles before work on Thursdays and Saturdays, long run (got up to 11 miles) on Mondays, and another 5 miles on Tuesdays which started out as more easy miles but turned into some low key speed workouts towards the end. My peak week was 27+ miles and I didn't really taper - ran 8 last Monday, 5 on Tuesday, and a quick 5k shake out on Thursday. I also did 30-45m of mobility/PT every day, an hour of strength training daily, and rode the exercise bike on the days I didn't run.
Getting to the start line was really the A goal; I didn't have any illusions of grandeur (or PRs). My PT thought it was unlikely I could run sub 2:00 which I thought was a little out of touch given the paces I ran during my long runs, but I was also battling big mental challenges around trusting my left leg so I was trying to keep pace goals out of it.


Got up at 5, did some mobility, and then had breakfast (bagel/pb + coffee). Did a little rolling then headed out. I had some LMNT on the drive over. This was not a big event (like 150 starters in the HM) and only 20min from my house, so very low stress. The weather was absolutely beautiful with a light breeze and low humidity. I had plenty of time to check in, walk around, do some dynamic warmup, change shoes, etc. I had half a bag of Skratchers gummies about 30min before the start and a piece of MEG caffeine gum about 10-15min before the start. I carried a handheld water bottle and my own fuel even though there were aid stations.


90% of this race was on a paved canal trail that I run all the time, so I was already familiar with most of the course (part of the reason I chose this race).
Mile 1-4 - I was relatively near the front to start (not that hard, not that many people), but the race started across some not manicured grass and rocks which is super fun in road shoes (adidas pro 3 - decidedly not off-roading shoes lol) and then went to a narrow paved trail that was about 2 people wide. We popped out onto the main canal trail after about .25mi(ish) and went right up a small steep hill and then it was just pretty flat. I had already decided to not look at my watch for the duration so I just settled in and cruised along. The turnaround was around 3.5 and I took a couple SaltStick chews around Mile 4.
Mile 5-8 - I had my first gel (Maurten 100) at Mile 5. Around 6 we crossed paths with the turnaround for the 5k that started 30min after us. There was a little congestion until we passed the point where they turned back into the park but not too bad. At Mile 8 I checked in with myself and felt really good - everything felt smooth and no pain.
Mile 9-10 - This was the toughest part for me because it took me down the canal trail further than I've ever run and I had no idea where the turnaround was (still hadn't looked at my watch and there weren't markers at every mile). We did eventually turn around at about 9.5 and I had another gel at 10 (Maurten 100 Caffeine).
Mile 11-12 - Starting to feel ready to be done; getting a little hot and feeling a little slow but nowhere near hitting a wall. I was running all alone and definitely lacking the motivation to push too much without company.
Mile 13 - I came down the last little decline and suddenly had someone running next to me. When she didn't fly by me I realized I could keep pace with her if I pushed just a little. It felt easy - smooth and sustainable for at least a little while. We ran side by side until we re-entered the park on the narrow trail, at which point I'd actually had enough and chose to maintain while she kept pushing faster. Once we got over the uneven grass and rocks and onto the flat grass, I had enough left to kick on to the end - and got my first look at my time.
I crossed the finish line and grabbed my medal, then glanced at my watch and saw that it was reading a little short (not surprising since it had buzzed late for every mile marker I passed) - so I weaved through some people and kept running down the access road until I was at 13.2 (overkill, but whatever).


Walked back to my truck, had a banana and some water, checked the live results online and saw that I was 3rd in my age group so changed shoes and walked back to the start to pick up my award glass. Walked back to the truck, had a BCAA/electrolyte drink, did a little stretching, and then drove home where I had a nice epsom salt soak.
The plan is to take a down week (no running/exercise bike only, switch up the strength routine to something different for a few days), and then jump back in to get ready for a HM in mid-September. My goal is to add a 5th day of running, get more dialed in on workouts, and build to 35-40mpw (basically where I was at when I got hurt).
Made with a new race report generator created by herumph.
submitted by tinyrhinodontcare to running [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:59 Raccoon_Tail33 Have I accidentally damaged my bone graft?

I had my third dental bone graft on the bottom right section of my mouth three months prior. Last week, I was eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and some accidentally got stuck in the deepest pocket of that section. It didn't hurt, but I was worried that saltwater rinses wouldn't dislodge it.
As gently as I could, I took my floss pick and slowly coaxed it out. There was no bleeding, swelling, or intense pain. All that resulted from it was very mild spirts of pain.
The problem is, I haven't been allowed to floss back there yet. I meant no harm when I did, but I also know it clearly wasn't the smartest thing to do. I'm feeling better now, plus the floss picks I used are designed for people with sensitive gums, I barely touched the gum, and I did my best to cause as little discomfort as possible. My gut tells me I only agitated it slightly.
A day or two later, I called my periodontist and asked if I could gently floss back there. They obviously said no, but told me something I didn't know about saltwater. They said the salt grains latch on and help pull the food out.
Yeah...never pulling that stunt again. Those little spirts of pain were punishment enough.
submitted by Raccoon_Tail33 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:49 ireallylovalot At what point should one consider going to urgent care, ER, ED for infection symptoms? Dentist closed until Monday but I started course of antibiotics prescribed thru Teledoc about 4 hours ago. Timeline, pictures, and details in post body.

At what point should one consider going to urgent care, ER, ED for infection symptoms? Dentist closed until Monday but I started course of antibiotics prescribed thru Teledoc about 4 hours ago. Timeline, pictures, and details in post body.
Any responses will be taken in good faith and I understand that decisions on treatment, seeking care, etc are my own responsibility.
I (33M) had a crown replacement on my lower second molar (with temporary) on Thursday before feeling a bit better if not still a little sore yesterday.
No fever, dizziness, or confusion, or trouble breathing. Any of these would make me get up and seek care, but are any other things I should keep an eye out for until I can contact my dentist? Can this likely be considered managed for now since I am on antibiotics?
Some details:
This afternoon, I started feeling some very mild shooting pain in my ear, slight headache, and additional soreness around my gums so I was seen on Teledoc and prescribed a course of amoxicillin-clav, which I was able to take 125mg of with 200mg of ibuprophen about 4 hours ago.
Since then, my gums and mouth have become more swollen and I am experiencing a bit more pain and tingling in my jaw and face. It’s not unbearable but is more like a warm persistent ache. Ear is also stil hurting intermittently. The gum tissue behind the crown (where wisdom tooth would be if I had them) is now making contact with the gum tissue of my upper jaw if I close my mouth completely.
submitted by ireallylovalot to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:13 opheeliacontent Exposed nerve from receding gumline

My very last molar on the top right side of my mouth has exposed nerves from gum recession. When it’s exposed to air, cold anything, or touched it hurts like HELL. My dentist did a desensitizing treatment (was extremely painful and I was thrashing in the chair) and told me to rub prescription fluoride tooth paste on it every night before bed. I did that for about 2 months and didn’t feel much improvement. I got braces put on 4 days ago and told the ortho assistant to be gentle with that tooth. She tried, but the drill and air on it again had me whipping my head away and thrashing in my chair.
What can I do? I’m on Medicaid in Wisconsin so I don’t think a graft would be an option. Should I just get it extracted at this point, or is there a better solution?
submitted by opheeliacontent to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:05 bobish5000 Pain question

For background info I had a small crack in my back molar that my dentist said could be fixed eith a filling. During the filling she tried to numb me three different times and it still hurt. I ended up just dealing with it.
Its been two weeks. I noticed when eating popcorn my tooth start to get sore. They mentioned a filling could fix it but a crown more sure. I went with the filling because it was less intrusive.
1) could it be just my gums and it was too soon. It's been about 2 weeks. I was told there may be se sitivity but I'm not sure what that means.
2) I'm kind of scared to go back and get a crown. Just because it really did hurt. Is there any suggestions to make it feel better. They had used lidocaine.
3 does a crown hurt less?
submitted by bobish5000 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:20 kiramekki Swish Dental messed up my cavity fill, resulting in an open contact. Do I let them fix it?

Hi all,
I went to Swish Dental last week for 2 cavity fills. Swish dental is a US based company, super corporate. Their dentists were all very young. I thought a cavity fill was routine so I let them do it. The dentist drilled a lot on my lower pre molar. A lot compared to the other 2 practices I’ve had cavity fills at. After the fill they took an x-ray and said there was leftover material on both cavities. They said it was close to the gum line on that lower premolar so she suggested she would redo it and it would take just seven minutes. (Red flag?) and I said ok. It was sensitive so they put another needle of anesthesia. My gums really hurt because they used plastic dividers between the teeth (to not get fill resin/ material on other teeth I guess?) this part really hurt despite being numbed.
It’s been 4 days and I flossed for the first time (the premolar gum is very sensitive still) and I realized there is no resistance for the floss, there is an open contact between the premolar and the molar next to it. It looks like she shaved down a bit quite a bit of the side, resulting in the gap. She tested it with a floss before letting me leave but didn’t realize it somehow? I left a bad review and they called me being very apologetic, offering 50% off of what I paid in exchange for taking down the review. They offered to have another one of their dentists look at it. When they see the open contact, I assume they’re gonna want to fix it. My question is, should I go to another dentist, not one of these corporate chains and have someone who is experienced take a look at their work and assess? I’m afraid if I let them fix They’re going to cover it up or make it worse. Not sure what to do?
submitted by kiramekki to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:34 MoonlightKat21 Does he like me or is he am I being making fun of me?

There's this guy in my class and we've talked in class before with this other girl. Our table was mad funny. he asked me if I liked him and said no your really zesty. I think I hurt his feelings bc he looked disappointed. Then I rated him a 7/10 but then lied said I rated him like a 6/10. Which is not true. He seemed disappted again. He came up close to me and started rolling his eyes and sticking out his tounge. He spat gum on me though. When the teacher moved seats he didn't want me next to him and we argued? I don't really remember. He also made remarks about imaging my 🐱.Soon we got separated. But he gives me these glances ever so often. I get caught starting at him. However I posted a story on snap of me doing a bad thing and soon he viewed it in less than 1 minute. It was like 12AM. Soon 30 minutes later more of his friends who I don't have added start viewing my story. Not just like 1 or 2. In total about 7 of his friends viewed it. I heard him saying my name to his friends. Am I being made fun of?
submitted by MoonlightKat21 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:51 Sufficient_Shame9904 4 weeks post wisdom tooth op small bone

4 weeks post wisdom tooth op small bone
4 weeks post op and I just noticed a small bone beneath my gums. Is this normal? I poked it but it doesn't move and it slightly bled but it doesn't hurt. Should I pull it with tweezer or left it on its own?
submitted by Sufficient_Shame9904 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:51 Sufficient_Shame9904 4 weeks post op small bone

4 weeks post op and I just noticed a small bone beneath my gums. Is this normal? I poked it but it doesn't move and it slightly bled but it doesn't hurt. Should I pull it with tweezer or left it on its own?
submitted by Sufficient_Shame9904 to wisdomteeth [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:26 somniax0x Teeth fling out

I keep having this dream when I'm chewing something like taffy and it gets so thick and so much, it's almost like in going to choke on it. So I start to take the taffy out. Its very hard, and stuck to my teeth (like when you chew a jolly rancher). As I'm taking it out. I can feel the teeth being pulled out of my mouth. Feels like pulling a tooth when I was a kid. When the teeth come out, my gums doesn't hurt. Its not all the teeth. Its the ones either of my canine, sometimes my back molars. I have had this dream since a child sporadically and I'm 36 now. Its so realistic that I wake up and my mouth hurts. Not kike I'm grinding or chewing, but in a very specific spot. Then after about 5-10 mins the pain goes away.
submitted by somniax0x to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:23 Kasotter11 Cavity?

My tooth hurts when I bite harshly and I have 2 small black dots I’m worried that they are cavities I’m only 17 but live in the uk so I use the NSH, my next check up isn’t till September. I had one a few months back and they looked at my teeth for a few seconds and said they were fine. I do have a lot of stains on my teeth so it could just be stains and something to do with my gums and I didn’t brush my teeth as much as I should’ve when I was a little younger.
submitted by Kasotter11 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:50 anwthr How bad is my gum recession? 25M

How bad is my gum recession? 25M
25M, not a smoker, recently had a dental cleaning and starting to use an electric toothbrush so I think hygiene wise I will be able to keep things in a good state.
My best guess why this happened is I had jaw surgery a few months ago and during my non chew diet a lot of food got stuck in this area since I couldn’t open much and I had lingual braces, but it hurt too much to floss so I just used waterpik and a manual brush but a lot of plaque probably still remained.
Now that surgery is over, will this be fine if I can get my act together hygiene wise, or will I need gum grafts or something in the future?
submitted by anwthr to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:33 6ananarama 9 month relationship, abrupt end

Partner (30m) was away at work for the last two weeks. I (33f) picked him up from the airport this morning. On our way to his house, he was talking about something (I don’t even remember what it was about anymore), and he made an off-side comment to me, such as “You lack brain cells, and you are a sheep in the flock." I quipped back, saying, “You’re not special"—totally thinking he was playing around with me. Then he flipped out. He called me a b*tch. He said to drive him home immediately, and if I tried to come into his house, he would call the cops on me for trespassing. He told me I disrespected him. I tried to apologize and talk to him, but he wouldn’t listen to anything I had to say, and he told me he didn’t care about me. He proceeded to immediately block me off of all social media and through text. And that’s where I’m at right now, lol. Everything happened so quickly. I feel foolish for making the comment that I did. I just totally feel drained out. This is not what I had in mind for my Saturday. Thoughts? Opinions? Virtual hug?
Update: Hello, everyone. Thank you for taking the time to comment and post in my thread. Your support is very much appreciated. ♥️
I’ll be honest, I have an anxious attachment style, so I did try to reach out to him throughout the day; however, it was met with me being left on "seen." He blocked me on Facebook and through text, but I noticed he simply unfriended me on Instagram, so that’s how I tried to communicate with him today.
Unfortunately, he ended up leaving his AirPods in my car, and I let him know this, but he gave my message a thumbs up emoji, and that was it. He did not respond to any of my DMs, calls, or FaceTime requests. I’ve since deleted all of my social media because I feel like I need to disappear for a while and reconnect with myself. And I’m aware of my insecurities and how I handled my (poor) reaction to him abruptly blocking me/ending things.
My brain is throbbing from being emotional today, haha. I feel completely drained out... I agree with everyone’s sentiments in regards to dodging a bullet. It’s so, so hurtful to be discarded and not feel cared about. Like, I’m some afterthought or the gum beneath his shoe.
I’m not sure if he cheated on me, but he was definitely into women based on some of the comments he would make to me and his following on Instagram (also calling women bitches, at times—so not very respectful). He told me he was coined the “Tinder King” (gross) by his colleagues before he met me.
On a side-note: It’s hard for me to believe that he was intent on ending things. He seemed happy to be home (before the fight) and commented during the week that he wanted me to spend the weekend with him. When we embraced this morning at the airport, it was like a sigh of relief for the both of us. We melted into each other's arms. I don’t know; it felt real and genuine. There's no use picking my brain apart from it anymore, though. :/
Oh, and he never thanked me for the ride. :s
That’s that. Much love, light, and warmth to you all. XO
Update #2: I am rummaging through and rereading all of the comments. Again, I appreciate everybody’s time and thoughts on this. 💕
It’s been hard to sleep. I feel off and weird. I don’t really know how to describe this feeling. I almost feel hollow.
Sadly, he knows my address and where I live, so the AirPod location thing wouldn’t matter. Since I no longer have a way to contact him, I'm going to drop the AirPods off at his house later today. I'll just do a quick knock on his door, leave them on his stoop, and walk away indefinitely.
I also don’t believe he’ll come “running back to me." He has too much pride and ego. Him blocking me means he is done and moving on, and so am I.
Update #3: His AirPods: He knows I have them, and if he wants them back, he can contact me to pick them up. I am not going out of my way to drop them off.
I don’t have much else to say, simply because I’m absolutely drained out, and I’ll probably just repeat myself, hah. I am going to take the necessary steps to heal, learn, and grow from this. Take care, everyone. <3
submitted by 6ananarama to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:32 Every_Math8098 Jaw pain after irrigation

I had my 4 wisdom teeth taken out 5/31. To my knowledge, the operation was fairly simple and the recovery has been easier than expected. I am no longer taking any meds (not even ibuprofen). HOWEVER, after I irrigation my wisdom holes, i have lower jaw pain (sometimes for an hour +). The actual irrigation/site doesn't hurt, just my lower jaw. Is this a concern or within the range of normal?
Not sure if it's relevant but my wisdom teeth holes are not visible when i open my mouth, I have to open as wide as possible and move my cheek out of the way as the hole is more on the side than on the top of my gum- from my understanding the dentist couldn't pull the teeth through the top due to them being parially covered by my jaw bone.
submitted by Every_Math8098 to wisdomteeth [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:14 Particular-Safety-67 Anxiety help

So today I finally got my doctors to get my STD panel blood works,I’ve took many test prior to my 90 days and I am having so much anxiety evening going to get checked my body was shaking and my penis was hurting more like throbbing I’ve tested negative for everything in past. Feb 28 the event happened I used protection not for oral throughout the stages I’ve experienced many anxiety events such as my penis urethra get inflamed but tested negative First march -2 Second march -15 Third - 30 STD
HIV 1+2 AB+HIV1P24 AG, CLA Normal value: Nonreactive This type of information cannot be graphed. Date Data table ^ Value Normal Range Mar 20, 2024 Nonreactive Nonreactive Mar 15, 2024 Nonreactive Nonreactive Mar 2, 2024 Nonreactive Nonreactive
CHLAMYDIA TRACHOMATIS RNA, URINE, QUALITATIVE, NAA Normal value: Negative This type of information cannot be graphed. Date Data table ^ Value Normal Range May 13, 2024 Negative Negative Mar 15, 2024 Negative Negative Mar 2, 2024 Negative Negative
NEISSERIA GONORRHOEAE RNA, URINE, QUALITATIVE, NAA Normal value: Negative graphed. This type of information cannot be Data table ^ Date Value Normal Range May 13, 2024 Negative Negative Mar 15, 2024 Negative Negative Mar 2, 2024 Negative Negative
Another HiV test oral at home kit Negative twice
Syphis negative on the 15th march
What’s the odd of me having anything or it’s anxiety
Penis throbbing once in awhile especially when anxiety Cankor sores on gums had them in past but not like this but never had experience anxiety like this my teeth weren’t the best but they managed to get kinda bad but with brushing it’s gone away but not as fast I’ll like and in the back of my tongue I have white which is hard to brush away mind I have cankor sores and smoke weed pen
I also got x-rays I tested positive for tuberculosis latent inactivate
What’s the odds of my having anything or it’s anxiety
Going to Kaiser today 4th gen June 8th
This is such a life lesson. Any feedback will be amazing This is the longest I’ve ever wrote I’ll appreciate it and I’ll to share my experience with others
submitted by Particular-Safety-67 to hivsymptoms [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:23 3151willow Paul "pretending" to be remorseful & ashamed MAKES ME SICK!

Just the sound of Paul's voice & his manor of speech is so irritating but this convo between him and Trish he is really laying it on thick to her.
He speaks as if he is being punished for stealing a pack of gum and is pushing- Shanda is the dangerous one. "I don't want her on the outs where she can hurt anyone ever again".(Crickets from Trish) Like he's not dangerous? Like people want him loose in society? Does he not realize he bullied, torchered and killed his brother?
The more and more I watch or listen to him (because there is so much of him out there due to him not being able to STFU).
He repeats what Trish says - she said "Shanda could have called if Timothy was too much"...later Paul repeats that- "yes and I should have called as well" ..."It's good to know people hold this against me because I still (still?!??) hold this against myself and have a feeling I will for a while"...for a while? Not for the rest of my life? He thinks by saying he's regretful he is not as bad as his mother. She's dangerous, he's not?
Judge Kacel was SPOT on! 🙏
IMO he has ZERO remorse. . saying things like- "When this is all over".
"I want justice for Timothy" (He did that to Timothy!!!)
Paul would like this to be over and go home to leech off someone/anyone and move on. He would have always been the ball and chain to his family if he wasn't locked up. It really is a scary thought - him walking amongst us. I apologize for the rant but his lack of remorse hits a nerve with me & all his s BS.
submitted by 3151willow to shandaVanderArk [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:06 LeadEmbarrassed3703 I had to put my 9 year old Chocolate lab down

I hate this being my first post on reddit ever but the grief is like nothing I’ve ever felt nor the guilt. For weeks he was acting weird but it wasn’t different for him, he wasn’t eating food regurarly which he always did in the summer time so we thought it was just him being him, he did t every summer his whole life, but when I could see his ribs I knew something was wrong, and then all of the symptoms came so quick, his nose was sticky, his gums were white, we thought it was maybe a uti, I expected to bring my pretty boy home from the vet, I didn’t go there with the mindset I would be leaving without him, I didn’t do enough for him, I didn’t give him a final snack. We took him to the vet and a x ray showed it was something far worse, he had cancer, an aggressive form on his spleen and he was bleeding into his stomach, they offered surgery but it could’ve killed him on the table, whether I he had surgery or not it would’ve been nothing but pain and I could see the pain in his eyes but he was still his normal happy self, he was the strongest dog I ever had, not once was he sick in his life until the very end, I feel guilty for taking his life from him, being hit with the choice of surgery or putting him down was the hardest decision I think I ever had to make. He had the prettiest brown eyes and the kindest soul, 9 years on this planet and he never hurt anyone or anything, I wish I could’ve did more maybe one final car ride, one final meal, I held him while they gave him the shot he even fought that he gave them a fight for it, cause he was the strongest, he gobbled down a cookie from a vet tech which he never did, leaving him in that room alone was so hard knowing it would be the last time I see his pretty face. I feel like without him I’m losing my spark, like a piece of me died with him, I had it him since I was 8 and I’m 18 now, that old guy saw everything, I held him while crying more then I could count, he saw every low point in my life but I think now I’m at my lowest and he’s not here for me to hold him, I can’t look at those pretty brown eyes, I can’t kiss his head, or give him his favorite butt pats, I mean it makes me feel bettter knowing now he’s free and will have no more pain I did it for him, I didn’t wanna be selfish, it was so aggressive and so quick, I knew something was very wrong when he couldn’t even hop in the car for his favorite activity, car rides. So many nurses told me that they would’ve done the same thing, I would do anything to keep him around, I was so excited to watch him turn a decade old next month. He was so hard headed more then you could ever believe, even fighting me to carry him to the room, I let him fight with me for as long as I could cause me and him were always bashing heads, one final head bash. I just wish I knew what was wrong sooner, I feel like I failed you Tucker and I’m sorry for that may you rest easy and have all the strawberrys you ask for, you’ll be the first thing I look for buddy I promise, I hope you know how much I love you, I did up until your last moments and I always will, I’ll take you every where with me buddy.
submitted by LeadEmbarrassed3703 to Petloss [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:10 unhappilydeleted After sexual encounter 2 days later my lips were burning and tinglinging

Before the encounter i brushed my teeth really hard had mint lip balm on that does get tingly on the lips and I chewed gum as well as had mints. He did mention that my breath wasn't the freshest when we first met so I wanted to make sure the second time we met it would be okay I am not sure if I have oral thrush. I went to the dentist and i told them my gums had small little bubbles on them and they said it was because i brushed too hard. We used a condom and i gave oral with a condom on. There was lube used so I'm not sure if I was allergic to the condom or lube 2 days later. We kissed so im not sure if it is oral herpes. I went to the dr and the dr said it was allegeric dermatitis and that it was not herpes. I took a test 4-6 weeks later and everything came up negative. About a month later I used mouthwash and my inner lip had a red spot with a very tiny bump about a pen mark size that did not hurt but can feel that it was there. The sore was underneath my top lip. I'm not sure if I am allergic to anything. Then later on again I got tingling on my lips in a section, my throat was alittle sore then I ate food and my lips started to burn. I have seasonal allergies so my throat does have that little grit to it from pollen. I am not sure what is going on with my lips but I am going to take another test at the 90 days mark June 21st. I also had small itchy bumps on my face so I'm not sure if that had anything to do with my lips with the weird rash like sore with the pen mark bump showing up. I'm just really exhausted trying to figure out what's wrong with me. I never had problems with my lips before and im not sure if it is herpes. I also have athletes foot going on not sure if i touched my mouth at all.. I will update once I go to the dr but anyone ever dealt with something like this before?
submitted by unhappilydeleted to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:50 Curious-Ad9488 I'm pregnant & I have a painful broken tooth.

Everything I eat, drink or swallow my broken tooth gum hurts so bad. I want to get them filled bc I can't eat properly, drink or swallow . It's terrible. What should I do to ease the pain before I go to the dentist?
submitted by Curious-Ad9488 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 08:05 Juplication Gum Replacement

I have braces currently, and have an issue with picking my gums. I don't want to hurt my mouth any more. I found a really good alternative is plastering mint gum against my gums in my mouth and feeling the sting. It feels the same but appears not to hurt my gums? Is this healthy?
submitted by Juplication to Dermatillomania [link] [comments]