Lemonade used car canada

Volkswagen GTI

2012.04.27 20:56 iPodAddict181 Volkswagen GTI

GolfGTI is a place for enthusiasts to discuss, ask questions, and share information about the best car that can be had for less than $40K. We entertain beauty shots and thrive on discussing mods whether they're cosmetic, functional, or both. We welcome discussion of all things about the VW GTI as well as other VW hot hatchbacks. GolfGTI is best viewed with dark/night mode.

2014.02.27 02:49 Eaders Volkswagen Swaps and Restorations

A place to post your swaps, restorations, and major projects. Everything from professional jobs all the way through to home mechanics. Post your pictures, troubleshooting questions, or repair problems.

2020.01.12 01:08 ThievingRock Two Under Two

A place to discuss the trials and tribulations of raising children with a close age gap

2024.06.09 23:42 PresentIndication843 A few months ago I made a post about my mom’s driver and I got so much hate for it…

I actually regret deleting that post because every thing I was called entitled for saying or told I was lying became true. It’s annoying how people just choose to attack people because they enjoy to. I came to Reddit because I needed an advice on something I was really worried about but I got hate instead why because I cared about the safety of mine and that of other people? I said this driver almost hit a child, we got into a accident which was his fault and we almost ended up in an accident that would have ended up fatal if I hadn’t stopped it but I guess a lot of people thought oh some rich kid being entitled. Those comments made me so depressed that I felt like I was drowning anytime I got into my mom’s car with the driver that I preferred to use Uber or bolt instead. One day we had a family event so I had to get in the car with my siblings but I broke down and started crying and told my sisters and they said well you know a lot of people believe every one who has drivers or maids are evil because that’s what Hollywood has taught them they will never believe that someone who they consider rich can be a good person besides we live in a country where even people who aren’t rich have maids and drivers it’s a common thing here but it’s not over there so you can’t expect them to think the same way. If you had made the post somewhere where most of the users are from this country a lot of people would have related and understood you because they have probably gone through the same. Every time he was driving I would always pray, I don’t even pray on a normal day but fear made me pray
Anyways I mentioned that this dude knew nothing about traffic regulations,he didn’t even know that green meant go but I guess no one here believed me. One day my mom decided to have him interviewed because she also didn’t think he was honest at first he tried to lie but when they told him they would investigate so he better talk honestly he confessed and said he lied about driving for 7 years, he only learnt a month before he got the job, he never learnt anything about traffic regulations, lied about going to school. We have never treated any worker badly, my mom gives them extra money every day apart from their salary, she gives them money everytime they need help, whatever my mom buys to eat she buys for them as well, my dad has bought a house for everyone who has worked for him, some of them he even bought houses for their parents, he treats them as if they were his biological kids even better than he treated his own kids. So I felt so bad when I was called entitled for complaining about someone being bad at their job, like was I the one that told him to be bad at his job?
Also I used to feel bad about having drivers or maids or nannies but not anymore because this people have families to care of and they aren’t a lot of job opportunities in this country so having any sort of job is better than none. Imagine those who didn’t even get a chance and they have families the only thing I don’t like is maltreatment and my parents never maltreated anyone an neither did we. I once begged my dad that I wanted to travel to Saudi with him and he said no he didn’t want to waste his money but then he paid for his driver to go with him twice. So my parents never treated anyone badly and I didn’t get angry at anyone because my parents were good to them so tell me why I would get entitled over a driver who was putting my life at risk as well as other people all because some random weirdos believe anyone with a driver is wicked or something and this driver never felt bad for anything infact if i hadn’t screamed at him that day he would have actually hit that kid, when I confronted him he said can’t the kid see, I would have hit him maybe next time when he sees a car coming he will get off the road. And this is someone people where trying to defend here? Someone who didn’t care if his actions would affect others over someone who was worried about others. Sometimes I wonder what kid of sick people are on Reddit. I was so depressed for months because some strangers didn’t believe me, now that I think about it I’m angry at myself for letting anyone feel bad about being honest and worried
submitted by PresentIndication843 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:42 PresentIndication843 A few months ago I made a post about my mom’s driver and I got so much hate for it…

I actually regret deleting that post because every thing I was called entitled for saying or told I was lying became true. It’s annoying how people just choose to attack people because they enjoy to. I came to Reddit because I needed an advice on something I was really worried about but I got hate instead why because I cared about the safety of mine and that of other people? I said this driver almost hit a child, we got into a accident which was his fault and we almost ended up in an accident that would have ended up fatal if I hadn’t stopped it but I guess a lot of people thought oh some rich kid being entitled. Those comments made me so depressed that I felt like I was drowning anytime I got into my mom’s car with the driver that I preferred to use Uber or bolt instead. One day we had a family event so I had to get in the car with my siblings but I broke down and started crying and told my sisters and they said well you know a lot of people believe every one who has drivers or maids are evil because that’s what Hollywood has taught them they will never believe that someone who they consider rich can be a good person besides we live in a country where even people who aren’t rich have maids and drivers it’s a common thing here but it’s not over there so you can’t expect them to think the same way. If you had made the post somewhere where most of the users are from this country a lot of people would have related and understood you because they have probably gone through the same. Every time he was driving I would always pray, I don’t even pray on a normal day but fear made me pray
Anyways I mentioned that this dude knew nothing about traffic regulations,he didn’t even know that green meant go but I guess no one here believed me. One day my mom decided to have him interviewed because she also didn’t think he was honest at first he tried to lie but when they told him they would investigate so he better talk honestly he confessed and said he lied about driving for 7 years, he only learnt a month before he got the job, he never learnt anything about traffic regulations, lied about going to school. We have never treated any worker badly, my mom gives them extra money every day apart from their salary, she gives them money everytime they need help, whatever my mom buys to eat she buys for them as well, my dad has bought a house for everyone who has worked for him, some of them he even bought houses for their parents, he treats them as if they were his biological kids even better than he treated his own kids. So I felt so bad when I was called entitled for complaining about someone being bad at their job, like was I the one that told him to be bad at his job?
Also I used to feel bad about having drivers or maids or nannies but not anymore because this people have families to care of and they aren’t a lot of job opportunities in this country so having any sort of job is better than none. Imagine those who didn’t even get a chance and they have families the only thing I don’t like is maltreatment and my parents never maltreated anyone an neither did we. I once begged my dad that I wanted to travel to Saudi with him and he said no he didn’t want to waste his money but then he paid for his driver to go with him twice. So my parents never treated anyone badly and I didn’t get angry at anyone because my parents were good to them so tell me why I would get entitled over a driver who was putting my life at risk as well as other people all because some random weirdos believe anyone with a driver is wicked or something and this driver never felt bad for anything infact if i hadn’t screamed at him that day he would have actually hit that kid, when I confronted him he said can’t the kid see, I would have hit him maybe next time when he sees a car coming he will get off the road. And this is someone people where trying to defend here? Someone who didn’t care if his actions would affect others over someone who was worried about others. Sometimes I wonder what kid of sick people are on Reddit. I was so depressed for months because some strangers didn’t believe me, now that I think about it I’m angry at myself for letting anyone feel bad about being honest and worried
submitted by PresentIndication843 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:42 Legitimate_Big_9876 Highway fuel economy of the 2.5L Hybrid

I have a 2022 Highlander 3.5L V6. I gotta say this car is much more economical than most people think. The last 4 tanks I averaged 8.4L/100km with 70% highway and 30% suburbs.
On a run of ~80% highway I often get below 7.5L/100km, sometimes even below 7 if I'm lucky.
For those who have the 2.5L Hybrid version, I'm curious what kind of fuel economy do you get out of mostly highway driving?
I understand that the Hybrid is more economical in city driving than on the highway.
So is there a noticeable benefit to the Hybrid if I do mostly highway?
P.S. This Highlander I have is even more economical than some smaller cars I've driven with smaller engines. I had a 1995 Jeep Cherokee with a 4.0L engine, which used literally DOUBLE the amount of fuel...
submitted by Legitimate_Big_9876 to ToyotaHighlander [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:41 Wookie-Love 2011 Nisan Maxima V6, 160k miles, troubleshooting brake issue, need advice. Details below.

This is my son’s car so have to get this in tip top shape. A couple weeks ago, randomly the pedal would go to the floor but if you released it, you had brakes on the second pump. My experience says it’s the internal seals on the master cylinder. Got a new MC, bench bled it, installed, bled all the lines. The “double pump” issue is gone but they still just don’t feel firm the way I prefer. Braking doesn’t start till the pedal is around halfway down, then catches and it stops fine but the pedal still feels soft. I’ve changed MC’s in the past and I’m used to have a super hard pedal afterwards with a high catch point.
Can someone please give me some idea on where to look next? It doesn’t seem to be losing fluid anywhere but I don’t know anything about Nissan’s. Thanks!
submitted by Wookie-Love to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:40 icarusfalls2018 domestic abuse

my friend filed domestic abuse to his partner, he is pr,my friend is canadian citizen and she sponsored him. He’s only been living here for a year. They have a daughter and they recently bought a house 2 months ago. They used to live with my friend’s parents basement. They’ve only been married for 2 years and he arrived here last year. For the last 5 years they’ve been away, since she migrated here in Canada, she took all of their financials. She’s been sending him money, he didn’t finish high school and she asked him to stop working and go back and focus in school and she took care of ALL of his finances. The guy barely gave any support to the kid. He denied the kid when she was pregnant. He basically only been a father to the kid for a year. My friend didn’t find out until the husband is here that he is cheating, doing vices and all the lies he said while living in the other country.
They fought so many times.They are both hitting each other but it’s mostly the guy. Once he was punching her while she was driving home bc she wanted to get things settled. The guy has a really big head, ego, disrespectful ever since he came here. He was saying i wish i married someone else. He said they would fight til death before he will go back to his country. He was saying no one will ever believe my friend bc she is fat and gets abused. The daughter is 8 years old and saw them fighting, the guy is hitting her wife on the wall. My friend tried to get help to find lawyers but they said they can’t because her income is too high. She’s still looking for lawyer. She scared she can’t afford the lawyers too. What advices would you guys give? What are the chances of the guy to get his pr revoked and get send home?
submitted by icarusfalls2018 to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:40 Shepherd_Rlyeh Can anyone help identify a car using these pictures?

Can anyone help identify a car using these pictures?
This car took out the main water line where I work and I’m interested if anyone can help us identify the car.
submitted by Shepherd_Rlyeh to whatwasthiscar [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:40 Rain1dog Just wanted to post about Rage 2 and if you enjoy FPS this is a fantastic play.

It is an open world narrative FPS with RPG mechanics. The story is the usual flare in big evil guy must be stopped. Nothing great just helps move the game along so to speak, but where this game shines and excels is its movement and gun play mechanics. The gunplay is top tier in how guns feel, behave, and sound. It is so dam satisfying using the assault rifle and popping heads.
You have a HUGE selection of weapons that are great to use. Awesome rocket launchers, pistols, rifles, grenade launchers.
Then you can upgrade all weapons to have better functionality. Deeper mag’s, higher crit, faster reload, reload once holstered, etc.
Then your movement is great. You get double jumps, burst dash, force push, etc. all can be upgraded to fit your play style.
The vehicles from cars, trucks, dune buggy, flying vehicles all can have serious weapons and handle really well.
The game also, imo, looks great for a 2019 game.
I included a little video so if anyone is interested they can see it in action from an average chump playing the game.
It reminds me of a Just Cause in that it’s about just creating carnage and the game feeeeels great in what it sets out to do.
If you are bored and looking for something to play and you enjoy this genre give it a consideration.
Edit: you can adjust FOV as well. Up to I think 120.
submitted by Rain1dog to PS5 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:39 obtainerofkneecaps Cant ever relax

Ive come to realize that after dumping my mentally unwell ex, that he was not the only reason I was in a constant fight or flight state. Whenever one of my parents comes home, I get a noticeable change in mood and get the sensation I used to get when my ex was going to say something that upsets me, an intense chest pulling anxiety and I cant breathe. I have a weed pen and constantly feel the need to smoke till Im too high to care about my parents screaming at me all day, which is unhealthy. I don't want to hurt myself further by becoming dependent on weed to get through the day.
Its summer break for my University and I literally cannot relax for more than 10 minutes because I'm constantly being called down to clean or yelled at.
Even when my parents aren't threatening me or yelling, I can never get out of fight or flight, which is what confuses me. I guess its just the possibility of being yelled at is causing the constant anxiety. If I try to bring this up, however, they don't remember ever being mean to me or yelling and if they do its because I "won't listen" unless they yell.
Im 21 by the way. They still confiscate my phone, unplug the router, and confiscate my car keys. Im trying desperately to get a job so I can afford to move out but I haven't got even a rejection letter from the 20+ places Ive applied to. I know it would be so good for my health and I may be able to get off of SSRIs.
I can move out when my University classes begin since my financial plan will pay for off campus (or on campus but ew) housing. I just need to have a job that makes me money to live off of. I'm not terribly convinced I'll be able to move out since I've been trying for years to no avail.
On a lighter note, if I do get to move out, the first thing I'll do is get a senior cat.
Also, I have a psychiatry appointment set up with an new doctor soon, so I will have someone to tell this all to, this is just a vent.
submitted by obtainerofkneecaps to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:39 RaeKn47 Nuna Revv or Baby Jogger City Turn for a Convertible Car Seat?

It’s time to move on from the Infant Carrier. I’ve been researching. I narrowed down to two convertible car seats.
If you’ve used a Nuna Revv or BJ City Turn I’d like to hear your opinions.
The Baby Jogger has a feature where it is 10” closer to you. Which could be great for a middle seat car seat position.
The Revv has the magnetic out of the way strap holders.
Both seem great.
submitted by RaeKn47 to toddlers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:39 Brilliant-Search7440 What scene I would live imagining myself richer alongside the Story from the Creation book study?

This community is for debating the ideas from my new book called Creation.
Imagine yourself richer on the paradox of Robinhood Trash Bin - green bin's movement to be emptied by bottles' of bullshit and filled with cash money, being inspired by the staff activity from the bar. The staff also placed a table for drawing inside the bar square, where they wrote the words: Buy, Limited, $ACH. These are also my initials in a French spelling $Stan Alin (CH)tefan ($ACH). Also known now as the write of the Creation of $ACH, as a documentary story about the way cryptocurrency is making changes in our judgements, maybe, my story was going in other direction, but the study as its beginning was not about money. It was about the gathering campaigns using the Image of a celebrity, given to the power of her fans. So the intention of starting my newest study was to find a solution to promote the gathering using some fans of a celebrity such as Catherine Zeta-Jones. Why her? I can't explain it well, but it happened because of a nice girl I met in the metro station. She was called Elle. Since that moment multiple challenges appeared for us, seeing her again but driven by the fury of watching me eating a Pho soup, things didn't went well for us. We never saw each other again.
Since that moment, multiple small groups became interested to see if a real effect will happen like in a previous case when I lurked a group of women to meet all at Mailbox making them believe Helen Mirren will come there for shopping or meeting someone possible upper to the BBC studios from Birmingham. It was not an official post made by me nowhere but I wrote before a book about con-artists, so it might had been something we all followed.
I applied the principle of the Guggenheim effect, but here in the Urban space this is called a Cool Dang made on an iconic place, but actually it transformed into an anonymous copycatting action, made be ordinary people on famous personalities, as Helen Mirren.
I followed many ideas to find the destination and time bound of this lurking group who followed the game of Helen Mirren public image, and her friends.
I observed and build new theories significances for the Vogue Effect, and The Red Car Theory.
Why this might make me richer? The paradox of this new money asset sold in a bar, made visualise the possibility to try a bet with a trendy crypto memecoin such as #gme so I did. I made the bet!
submitted by Brilliant-Search7440 to CreationSpark [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:39 shortman5ft2 Who else asked a woman to show you her vagina before she gives you head to make sure she’s really a woman

A few years ago when i used to hang out with this woman. One day she offered to give me head in the car but also said only head no sex. So i told her to show me her vagina just to make sure she’s really a woman because she didn’t get naked
submitted by shortman5ft2 to stupidquestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:38 dropdeadtrashcat Is it just me or have all Starbucks drinks gotten worse over the past few years?

I've never been a coffee or tea snob, still don't think I am? I don't order Starbucks often either.
But I just feel like the past 5 years or so all the drinks I've ordered have been terrible! Not just in that they're low quality sugar bombs, but that they actively taste bad. The matcha is way more bitter, same for most of the iced teas and they leave behind a "dry mouth" feeling. The flavors all taste off or really acidic. I used to love the matcha frappe, iced tea lemonades, seasonal drinks, etc. and every time I get one now I'm just disappointed.
Did they change providers for their ingredients or something? I'm truly stumped on how it's gotten so bad.
submitted by dropdeadtrashcat to starbucks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:37 CptSnow8 New or Used Car?

Hey guys. Here for some suggestions: . I have around 10k for buying a car now. Apart from that, my current monthly income is not enough to pay any loan installments. So, I am thinking about two options:
  1. Use that 10k to buy an used car.
  2. Get a new car with financing. Pay the first year installments with the 10k I have right now. I expext that my monthly income will increase next year which will help me to pay the installments.
At first, I was looking for used cars. But given the used car market right now, I am thinking about the second option. If anything goes wrong, I can always sell the new car easily and pay off the loan.
What would you have done?
submitted by CptSnow8 to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:36 Grandma_Biter Am I Wrong for asking my father to turn his music down, after he blasted it at nearly 2AM?

Last night, at 1:30AM, my father (43M) got pissed off at my mom, because... I (15F) honestly have no idea, he gets mad over everything... at first, he was being reasonably quiet, likely scrolling on truth social or twitter.
At around 1:35, he began to play his music, from his phone, at max volume. Because we live in America, the walls are pretty thin, and sound EASILY travels through the walls, so you could hear it clear as day in the opposite side of the house. Unfortunately for me, my room is the closest to the living room, and I'm really sensitive to sound, due to being autistic. Normally, I don't mind his music, since it's during the day and the house is usually buzzing with noise (our dogs, my two parrots, my parents' chatter, my brother's laughter, etc.) so it's nothing but a background hum to me... especially since it's metal, and I'm used to metal music (black and death, for anyone wondering xD) so it's not really annoying.
But, the nighttime is exceptionally quiet, so hearing him blast his music in the living room, was really annoying. So, I waited until 1:50 to ask him to turn it down... the message I sent said this: me- "It is almost two in the morning 💀" Father - "Yes it is" Me - "Can you please turn the music down? I can hear it clear as day in my room, and I think it’s kind of unreasonable to be loudly playing music in the living room. Not trying to be rude, just trying to communicate."
By 2:00 AM, he turned it off and went to his and my mom's room, and apparently angrily stewed on it. In the morning, he left and didn't come back until around 12:40PM, saying how he felt so unappreciated and felt like shit... all because I asked him to turn his music down. As of right now, his car is parked in the driveway, and he has been blasting trump rap in the driveway, while burning a fire in the fire pit.
I feel a little bad, but I don't think I'm in the wrong. So, Reddit, am I wrong, or am I tweaking?
submitted by Grandma_Biter to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:36 sacrunner916 Tunnel Marathon Race Report: Marathon #7 in 2024 (BQ and unexpected sub-3)

Race Information


Goal Description Completed?
A Have fun Yes
B Sub 3:05 Yes


Mile Time
1 7:17
2 7:33
3 7:07
4 6:39
5 6:56
6 6:45
7 6:47
8 6:40
9 6:46
10 6:46
11 6:49
12 6:38
13 6:52
14 6:46
15 6:41
16 6:46
17 6:42
18 6:48
19 6:47
20 6:47
21 6:49
22 6:49
23 6:41
24 6:29
25 6:31
26 6:25
27 5:51


For background, I (36M) started running in 2020, set the goal of running 12 marathons in 2024 and have completed six so far: Houston (3:12), Surf City (3:14), Napa (3:11), LA (3:25), Eugene (3:06) and Ogden (3:06). Number seven would be the Tunnel Marathon.
After Ogden, I finally started to feel the cumulative effects of seven marathons in six months, dating back to CIM in December. It seemed like every lower body part that could ache was aching -- toes, arches, ankles, achilles and shins -- and recovery took longer than usual.
Even though my body was barking at me, I still felt like I was in good marathon shape, and metathon predicted a 3:06 one week out, which was close enough to a BQ time for me to decide to use the Tunnel Marathon to take a second crack at running under 3:05. With summer having arrived early in northern California, I also told myself that it would be my last PR-type effort for a few months at minimum.
During the three weeks between Ogden and Tunnel -- before beginning a 6-day taper -- I squeezed in one long run of 21 miles and a handful of medium long runs between 12 to 15 miles. My last quality session before the taper was a half-marathon, in which I set a PB of 1:28. While it may not have been the most sensible decision, it gave me a confidence boost that I might be able to hold 7-minute mile pace for a little more than three hours.


I flew into Seattle Friday morning and rented a car to drive to one of the race-affiliated hotels in Issaquah. The hotel was within walking distance to a Safeway where I picked up a box of uncrustables and several pints of ice cream since I have the palate of a toddler.
On Saturday morning, I stuck to my usual pre-marathon 4-mile run and ended up getting a bit carried away, logging two miles at sub-7-minute pace. Afterwards, I noshed on pasta, pizza and cookies until packet pick-up, which was held between 12pm-4pm at a local middle school parking lot. From the time I parked to the time I got my bib, not more than 5 minutes passed, which is the quickest bib pick-up I've experienced.
Race morning, I woke up at 3:15am, had coffee, did some light stretching and set off on a 40-minute drive to the start line at the Snoqualmie Pass. I didn't have an appetite but forced down a few mini graham crackers Southwest hands out during flights.
Over the past few marathons, I've lucked out on the weather, and this marathon continued that trend: low 50's with plenty of cloud cover at the start with highs in the 70's later in the day.


After letting myself get sucked into the 3:05 pacer's race in Ogden, the phrase that kept swirling around in my head at the start area was "Run your race," which to a large extent meant start conservatively. To reinforce that approach, I ordered a pace band from findmymarathon and selected the very conservative start strategy, which had me aiming for between 7:10 to 7:20 per mile through the first three miles.
One of the appeals of the Tunnel Marathons is getting to run through a tunnel for a little over 2 miles, and this is where things got perilous. The terrain in the tunnel is straight out of Home Alone 2 with a litany of booby traps: uneven pavement, huge potholes, mud and puddles of water. Even though I and everyone around me had their head lamps on, someone a few feet in front of me took a nasty fall, and I rolled my ankle due to a pothole.
After making it out of the tunnel, I caught up to the 3-hour pace group, which is not something I've ever done before, and ran with them for about a mile. Due to the near disaster earlier, I decided to pass the 3-hour pace group so I could see the pavement in front of me, and this became one of my primary objectives for the remainder of the race.
And so, from mile 4 on, I was more or less on my own, occasionally passing an early start marathoner or having to dodge oncoming bike riders. I did make a point of taking in the scenery when crossing bridges, but as soon as gravel was underfoot again, I quickly turned my attention to the ground in front of me.
After coming through the half well under 1:30, I thought perhaps I was going too fast and needed to dial it back. I took inventory of how I was feeling, and the effort didn't feel particularly labored, so I just kept clipping off sub-6:50 miles (which feels bananas to write).
At mile 20, I took my fourth and final gel and allowed myself to entertain the thought of running under 3 hours. Given the struggles I've had in the last 5k of marathons, I told myself to take it one mile at a time. As I entered those final miles, my legs were feeling good, so I started to crank down the pace, dropping down into threshold pace for miles 24 through 26. Making the last turn and entering the final straightaway, I could vaguely see 2:50 something on the clock and gave one final push to the finish.


After crossing the finish line, I was in disbelief. Not only did I run under 3:05, but I ran under 3 hours, which frankly is not something I ever thought was in the cards for me. A volunteer handed me a cold towel and cup of water, and I spent a few minutes soaking in the finish line area.
There was an interesting variety of treats, from potato chips to fresh fruit and slices of cake and mixed nuts, but I just grabbed a couple cans of coke and cartons of chocolate milk before hopping on a bus back to the start line.
At the risk of statng the obvious, the Tunnel Marathon is a very fast course, though the terrain does present some challenges. Certainly happy I got a chance to run this marathon and wouldn't hesitate recommending it to others.
Made with a new race report generator created by herumph.
submitted by sacrunner916 to running [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:36 Capital_Coconut4648 Suddenly look about 7 months pregnant with firm belly and having pain. Definitely NOT pregnant

28 caucasian female located in Canada. Height 5'4" Weight 127lbs No medical conditions Don't smoke or use any drugs No allergies Iron supplement for low iron
Since giving birth last year and getting my periods back I've had pretty heavy bleeding with huge clots. Accompanied by fatigue, nausea and significant low back pain. I currently don't have a primary care physician so I received a referral through telecare to a gynecologist and am waiting for an appointment. Also was sent for blood work at this time which showed low iron level and am taking a supplement for that.
My last period was particularly bad. I bled from May 22- 30th and for five of those days I had an excruciating headache I would get rid of with ibuprofen, only to wake up with it again the next day. Severe fatigue. Vomited a few times. I also bloated quite a bit or what I thought was bloating, so I didn't think much of it at first.
But it's stuck around and is more than normal bloating I think. My belly literally looks rounded and feels firm like a pregnant belly. I would say I look equivalent to when I was about 7 months pregnant. I feel a pressure in my pelvic area along with what feels a lot like round ligament pain. Also pain and pressure in my vagina/ vulva and lower back pain. Wearing jeans/ tighter pants is painful, not that any of them are fitting well now.
I haven't been sexually active since pregnancy which was over a year ago, so there is absolutely no way I could be pregnant.
Can anyone tell me what this could be? Should I reach back out to telecare or what to do in this situation? I'm a little bit worried by how my stomach actually looks and feels. Not sure what to do in this situation especially where I don't have a family doctor.
Can add a picture if needed.
submitted by Capital_Coconut4648 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:35 ButterscotchOne1072 I told my mom to “leave as soon as I get home” while she was watching my kids.

This is a long story but I will try and condense as much as humanly possible. Also on my phone so if it’s the wrong format I apologize. I just really need advice from a neutral party.
I 34F have a mom who wasn’t around much when I was a kid. Always chose drugs and men over her 2 daughters. We lived with my dad as he had sole custody. She’s done so much over the years, if I put it all in we would have a novel. My dads parents, my grandparents, helped out so much and did so much with my sister and I. We had more of a “mom and dad” relationship verses a “grandparent” relationship. We had our own bedrooms at there house and they would take us on trips, amusement parks, basically we were always with them. My grandma and I were inseparable.
When I would see my mom it wasn’t very long visits and I’ll use one story as an example of how our relationship was. I was 16, and she was bringing me back to my dad’s. I had just gotten a prom dress and was so excited to show her! To this day it’s still my absolute favorite. When I came downstairs the only thing she did was look at the tag and say “I’d never be able to fit into that, I’m a size 6!” As she’s smiling and laughing too in her world to notice I’m on the verge of a breakdown while looking at my dad he was my rock. Many more things to add but I’ll stop there.
My grandmother who I’ve been inseparable with had gotten diagnosed with dementia a few years ago. My husband and I had been living with her at this time, and had been since my grandpa died 10 years ago to help her and she was never one to be alone so as much as it helped us not have to pay rent or anything it also helped her. We did everything at the house from grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning etc. We started looking for a place when she got diagnosed because we knew with 2 kids it would become to much for her and my sister lived a block away until we found a nursing home. She wasn’t alone long but if anyone’s had to deal with nursing homes and pricing with Medicaid, at least in Ohio, you have to sell literally all your assets and have under $2,000 in the bank at all times. So we were going to have to move regardless and at that time didn’t want to be homeless.
About a year after we moved out I felt bad for my mom as her fiance had unexpectedly passed away. We hadn’t really had a relationship up until this point. She quickly weaseled her way into me and my families lives. My kids 4 and 8 see her often. Every now and then would still make comments about my weight. At this point I was 1 yr post partum. I should also add I’m the only one who has a relationship with her in the entire family.
I have over the last year lost 70 pounds and feel better then ever. I feel like I have my body back. I’m working on toning my “baby belly” now but other than that my stomach is flat! I’m FINALLY confident in myself! Well over the last several weeks my dear mother has made comments about my weight. How I’m now “too skinny” and “don’t lose anymore weight you’ll be too skinny” never happy with how I look basically. How my stomach is flat but I still have a “buldge, but it’s a cute buldge” makes it better right? I should mention she’s no longer on drugs so she herself has gained quite a bit and has all sorts of hip and knee problems.
The last few weeks my grandma’s health has been significantly deteriorating. I’ve gone up everyday and some days my mom has come to sit with the kids so I can go. On Friday, I get back, and my mom was asking “how much do you weigh now?” I said “down to 150!” She said “that’s great, are you done now?” I said “no I’d like to lose maybe 10-15 more”. She then goes, “I’d stop now, you don’t want to be too skinny and look like your on drugs!” I said “I’m gonna lose what I want”. She then looks at me with the most serious look and says “you’re not using drugs to lose weight are you?” I said “what? Absolutely not!” Shocked and appalled she would even ask that. Then looks at me confused, “you sure your not using?” I replied with, “no mom, I’m not. I would never put my kids through what I went through as a kid. It was awful and I’d never” now offended and she said “okay well it’s easy to get into so just had to ask”. She left and I was heated. Mind you at this time I had been over her stuff for a few months now. She’s a legit Karen, those videos online? Yeah that’s her to a T. She’s a full blown narcissist.
So this morning I get a phone call from my dad at 730 saying the nursing home called and it’s not gonna be long. I called my mom asking if she could come now. She said she was gonna get dressed and be on her way. My dad calls back and didn’t have to say anything. I broke down. My grandma had died. So I put myself together as best I can, call her and say don’t rush just get here when you can. She got here at 8/815 and I left to say my goodbyes with my dad, stepmom and sister. About an hour into being there my dad, sister and I get a few messages about there condolences. Weird as we havnt told anyone yet but who? My mom who was watching my kids. SHE MADE A FACEBOOK POST! WTF! I immediately text her and tell her to take it down. She replied with “I didn’t say any names”. I go “you didn’t say any names but mentioned it being your former mother in law and ex husband. Anyone can put two and two together. We don’t need this while saying goodbye.” She said, “okay I took it down”. I just said “thank you.”.
I go back into the room and am just livid. I told them how people knew and was just shaking in anger, grief, disbelief my own mom was trying to make yet again, this all about her. My dad loses it and just starts crying along with my sister as I’m saying “fuck her I hate her how could she”. Made what was an already hard time, losing my grandma who was practically my mom, even harder. About an hour later we’re all leaving. I get into my car just shaking with emotion and I texted her “I'm on my way home, I'm really upset and think it would be a good idea for you to leave when I get home. I don't want to talk about it, I don't want to say anything in front of the kids you should have waited to tell anyone or say anything on Facebook until WE did. I mean we were literally saying our goodbyes as people started texting which is something I, Ashley and dad didn't need.”
She didn’t reply. My husband talked me down as much as he could while at work. I’m normally a person who stays as far away from conflict as much as possible and I bottle things up. The last few months she’s been so jealous when other people come over or we go do stuff, she’s been picking at my weight and more and I just had it. I havnt heard from her since and that’s okay. I just wanted to know if I was TAH for how I handled it. I texted her because I didn’t want to blow up in front of my kids. If you need more info I’m an open book, just ask.
submitted by ButterscotchOne1072 to toxicparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:35 sameed_a difference between mental construct and mental image?

I had a dream last night, a vivid one. I was on a surreal journey, meandering through the heart of a bustling city. Traffic lights. Skyscrapers. The cacophony of car horns and people talking. This tangible scenery, the concrete jungle, it isn’t just an image in my mind, it’s a mental construct, a representation of my understanding of an urban setting.
Conversely, on this journey, I bumped into my third grade teacher, Mrs. Simmons, or at least someone who looked eerily like her. Now, that's a mental image I have- her curly hair, the ever-present scent of her lilac perfume, the stern expression she wore while grading our math tests.
So, you see, the difference between mental constructs and mental images is like that between architecture and painting. Your mental construct is the architectural blueprint of your cognition, an amalgamation of experiences, knowledge, learnt responses that build your perception of 'the city'; whereas your mental image is the painting, a snapshot, like the image of 'Mrs. Simmons,' drawn from memory but lacking the depth and detailed understanding of the mental construct.
Earlier today, I used this mental construct when my friend, who's never been to a city, asked me what it’s like. I didn’t just describe the physical landscape of towering buildings and busy streets, but the feeling of anonymity among the crowds, the sound of sirens and music, the smell of street food and exhaust fumes. But when he asked me what Mrs. Simmons looks like, all I could provide was a mental image- a painting of an older woman with curly hair, glasses, and a kind smile.
So, the next time you describe your childhood neighbourhood or explain the concept of public transport to someone who’s never experienced it, know that you're utilising mental constructs. And when you recall your first pet or your mother's face, you're bringing forth mental images. And now that I think about it, I wonder if Mrs. Simmons even likes cities...
P.S. Just to clarify, this whole situation is completely hypothetical. I haven't run into Mrs. Simmons, and I don't know if I'll ever see her again. It was just a funny way to explain the idea of mental constructs and mental images. So, the next time you dream, remember this story and try to differentiate between the constructs and the images. It could prove to be a very interesting mental exercise!
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:35 Decent_Association68 Family drama - HELP

Hi. This is my first time making a Reddit or posting. I love THT, I’ve listened religiously since the first episode (on patreon too). Truly never thought I’d be in this situation but here we are. During my entire relationship with my fiancé we have been extremely close to his family. We used to see his aunt, uncle, and mom multiple times per week for dinner and almost all weekends. I even went on vacation with his mom and aunt alone just the 3 of us without my boyfriend (at the time). Fast forward to last summer we moved into his aunt and uncles rental property. It was a good commute to work and we were already seeing them multiple times per week (they live on the floor below the rental apartment). They did offer us a slight family discount (less than 300/month discount). Prior to moving in, the apartment did need a lot of work (multiple broken windows - even one held up by a gym weight, new dishwasher piece, new ceiling in the sunroom, etc). None of this was ever completed. The cosmetics did not bother me much because I thought we’d be saving money however due to almost all the windows being broken our utilities bills were through the roof (700+ a month for heating and cooling on top of the rent). We also have two dogs, and we had to walk down the block and across the main road to let them out. It was not the safest area and I was unable to take them out at night without my fiancé. After months of having a high utility bill, as well as the unsafe environment (my car was also broken into, things stolen), and his uncle refusing to fix anything or even get a new dishwasher piece we were frustrated. My fiancé ended up getting an amazing job that required travel.
I voiced my concern to my parents about being alone in the apartment, as well as having to take the dogs out at night on my own. My parents have two houses and most of the time live in another state. They offered me their house in a neighboring town, rent free (we only have to pay utility bills and HOA). This house is in a very safe walkable community with a gym and pool and a lot of perks. We also would be saving over 1500 a month. We also have a wedding coming up in 2 1/2 months and this seemed amazing in terms of paying for the wedding as well. It was an offer we couldn’t pass up. We gave his aunt and Uncle notice in March before rent was due. We said that we would give him a 60 day notice and pay for the full 60 days even though we would be moving out in 30 days. We paid for March and April and ended up moving out beginning of April. This caused a lot of tension in the family and they were extremely upset with us. We caught them talking about us behind our backs which we expected. They talked “shit” about us to multiple family members (someone even sent us a message that wasn’t meant for us). Long story short, we ended up having a discussion with them and we thought we smoothed everything over. In the beginning of May, his uncle reached out to us asking where the May rent was. We were extremely confused. We explained that we gave a 60 day notice and paid for the full 60 days already and if we paid for May that would be 90 days. His uncle said that since we were already planning on staying for March that it didn’t count towards the 60 days and was extremely argumentative through text. I explained that for a normal notice as tenants that you are allowed to stay there even after notice is given. I even apologized if there was any miscommunication and offered to pay for half the month to attempt to smooth things over with his family since we used to be so close. He never responded to the text and did not take me up on my offer. A few days later, we found out that he called multiple family members and was talking about us and asking his other uncle advice on the situation and if we were wrong(his other uncle has been a landlord for 20+ years) The Uncle who is the landlord, ended up telling him that he was wrong and we did give a full 60 day notice properly. A few days after we were at a large family function, and they were normal towards my fiancé, but did not treat me like they normally do. They were blatantly, excluding me, not speaking to me, and not being normal around me. Even my fiance made a comment that they were treating him normally but me like shit. Obviously, I did not say anything in the moment and did not want to cause a scene. The function went on normally otherwise. I have not seen them since. My fiancé saw them yesterday while I was at work and was texting me about it. Basically his uncle would not even look at him or have any sort of conversation with him. They started planning a family vacation in front of him and blatantly did not invite him. When he said something, they said “ oh we thought you would be working”. A few other inappropriate comments were made to him, but my fiancé did not say anything.
So…. Our wedding is 2 1/2 months away. The rehearsal dinner the night before includes our immediate family and both wedding parties. The aunt and uncle did get a room for the night of the rehearsal dinner and I believe are expecting to be invited to the rehearsal dinner. Neither of them are in the wedding. Is it wrong of me to not want to invite them? If I get pushback Should I just let it go and have them come or stand my ground? I obviously don’t want to cause more drama especially at my own wedding, but don’t feel like I should have people there that I don’t want to be there and will ruin my mood. I also feel like they can be fake towards our face and I only want to be surrounded by people who are genuinely happy for us. My fiancé is okay with not inviting them and says it is up to me and whatever makes me comfortable and he is perfectly fine with not having them especially because they aren’t even in the wedding.
My other main question is we are starting to disagree on how to handle this moving forward. I told my fiancé that I am unsure if I want a relationship with them anymore and he said that is fine and my choice and he supports it. He said he doesn’t care to have that much of a relationship with them anymore , and we don’t really see them anymore anyway. However, when comments are made or we are blatantly being treated poorly, I no longer want to just keep my head down. I’m not saying I want to start any drama or a big scene but I do want to somehow put my foot down and make it known that I will not be treated like this. My Fiancé says we should just let it happen and let them act that way and ignore it. I just don’t know if I’m okay letting people walk all over us and letting them blatantly treat us poorly to our faces and behind our backs. He says even if we do stick up for ourselves it won’t change anything or change their behavior. If we aren’t really seeing them often I’m thinking I should just let them act how they want and suck it up. I’m really unsure how to handle this moving forward. I obviously don’t want to cause any big arguments or drama. How would you handle it? Am I overreacting? I’m wondering if I am just being sensitive because we were once so close and I’m hurt. Should I just let it go if it happens in person and maintain some peace? HELP. Also please be nice and I am open to any and all opinions and advice. Thank you!
submitted by Decent_Association68 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:33 pattybenpatty WTS CRK Large Inkosi S45, 2nds Shaman, TRM Hole-less Nerd and Atom, ABW Model 1 V6 Magnacut, custom S90V fixie

TIMESTAMP and a few photos
CRK Large Inkosi Drop Point - S45, Lynch clip ($80), factory clip, box docs and tools. Light user, a few snails, factory edge. Catch and release. Thought I was ready to carry a knife worth more than my first car, but I was mistaken. DOB 9/21/2022 SV $380
S30V Spyderco Shaman 2nds - No cut no carry no box no docs. Looks fine other than a slight variation in the bevel. SV $155
20CV TRM Nerd (no hole) - Slight trail on clip, factory edge. Comes with box and docs. SV $110
20CV TRM Atom - Catch and release. Previous owner sharpened. It is hair popping. SV $160
Magnacut ABW Model 1 V6 - Black micarta. Light use, factory edge. Comes with taco but nothing else. SV $160
Brass Brigades custom S90V fixie - Tiny thing. Made for poking things and looking cool. Ultem scales. No sheath. $90
PPFF no notes.
Will ship tomorrow around 4pm EST.
Only trades I’m interested in:
Spyderco Kapara Fancy Lil Natives Smock ZT 0545 or 0640 Benchmade 940
submitted by pattybenpatty to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:32 Aggravating_Ad9122 Drug use and Anxiety (traumatic experiences)

Hey y’all, I just wanted to make a post about my experience as someone who has seen a decline in their (TW) mental health and self image as well as my experience with drug abuse. As an 18 M who recently just got through their freshman year of college (was much harder than I thought) I went through a huge plethora of traumatic experiences. First it started off in school with a lot of stress from my studies, and to cope if you will I ended up hanging out a lot with friends to distract myself and drinking/vaping and smoking (not cigarettes just vape). I actually started to enjoy drinking which I realize was such a disgusting habit, even though it wasn’t that often but still is something I’m not supposed to be doing. On exactly April 9th I had an extremely horrible experience with edibles (thc+cbd) where I ingested the entire bag which was 800mg this has got to be over exaggerated as I learned the sketchiness of these delta 9 companies. Needless to say I was hospitalized from freaking out, had all sorts of tests done, but ultimately my physical health is fine. I can still feel my heart pound very hard when doing simple things like walking around or taking a hot shower which I hope goes away or else it will be a trip to the cardiologist, but hospital tests say my heart is fine. Anyways, at around the time I had that experience, I crashed my brand new car my parents gifted me for graduating high school and it just felt like the entire world has taken a huge shit on me. Now I think I probably have anxiety, but is not severe enough to treat. Any tips or helpful comments would be appreciated. I feel like a piece of me is missing and I find it hard to enjoy things I used to do such as play video games, hang out with family, or even just playing/making music. It’s been officially two months since what happened, but since my birthday is coming up this month I want to focus on enjoying that. Just a piece of my mind.
submitted by Aggravating_Ad9122 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:32 Annie_Scripted [A4A] [Neighbours] [Speaker!Birthday] [Flirty] [Shy] [Meet Cute]

This is my first time posting on Reddit so if I've made any mistakes in content or formatting, please let me know. Also, this is my first time writing an ASMR script, so please feel free to add any comments or feedback (but please be nice about it, I’m a sensitive soul lol). I really appreciate any help or suggestions the community can offer.
A note on my story formatting: … indicates a pause where the listener’s dialogue would be. Additional pauses and breaks in the conversation are marked as (Pause). Actions/direction are written out in the following formatting; [Speaker runs away].
However you want to add SFX, ad-libs, and additional breaks is up to you. All I ask is that you keep any changes small and SFW.
I'm fine with anyone using this script for recording and/or monetization but please do not reupload this script anywhere. If you use this script, please make sure you credit me in the description of your video or post. And, if possible, please link the content under this post.
Thanks bunches!
[Speaker knocks on a door. There is no answer. Sigh. Try the next door, no answer, sigh again. Finally knock on a third door and it opens after a brief pause]
“Hi! I’m so sorry to bother you so late. I swear I wouldn't normally do this but it’s kind of an emergency. Well, not a real emergency, sorry, it’s actually a (Pause) baking emergency. I live a few doors down the hall and this is gonna sound so silly but could I borrow a few cups of flour?”

“Yeah, I made it halfway through a recipe before I realized I was forgetting the most important part. Hard to bake a cake without flour, you know? I’d run out to the store and get it myself but everything around here’s closed and I don’t even know if the buses run this late. Sorry, I shouldn’t even be knocking on doors at this time of day, I probably woke up half the floor.”
“Seriously? You’d do that? Thank you so much, you are a lifesaver. The last thing I wanted to do was have to start googling those nonsense flour-free cake recipes, you know? Not that there’s anything wrong with those, obviously, just… Not what I was hoping for.”

“I’m [Insert name here], by the way. Sorry, I didn’t even introduce myself. What’s your name?”

“It’s really nice to meet you. I think you’re actually the first neighbour I’ve really met face-to- face in the building.”

“It’s kind of embarrassing to admit, but I’ve lived here for about a year, actually. What about you?”

“Hey, look at us, twins. And somehow I don’t think I’ve ever bumped into you in the elevator before.”

“Oh. Are you sure that’d be okay? I don’t want to come in if it might make you uncomfortable.”

[Laugh] “I promise I’m not a serial killer. Here, pinky promise.”

“Don’t laugh at the pinky promise! That’s unbreakable, it’s like the law. And I’ll have you know I always follow the law. I don’t even jaywalk. (Pause) Most of the time. (Pause) Alright, I did a few days ago but there was an ice cream truck across the street and work really kicked my butt and I swear there weren’t any cars coming.”
[Speaker walks in and closes the door behind them.]

“Sorry, we have almost the exact same apartment layout but yours is so… I don’t know, it’s just so much nicer. It feels like a proper home in here.”
“It does! You should see mine. I still haven’t unpacked half of my stuff since a year ago, it probably looks like no one even lives there.”
[Speaking under their breath] “Huh? Is that an invitation?” (Pause) [Stammer] “Oh! You mean, I guess, I mean, maybe if you, I, Yeah. Yeah, it could be.” [Laugh]
“What? I’m not blushing!”

“I’m not! I’m just… warm, I guess. Is the heat on in here? It feels like the heat’s on in here. It’s warm.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be getting the flour, not teasing me?”

“Oh, you like to tease? [Stammer] That’s, you, okay.” [Laugh]
“Shut up, I’m not blushing! Ah!”

“You know, you’re lucky you’re cute.”

“Yeah. Yeah, I did. I called you cute. What are you gonna do about it, huh?”

“Oh, now who’s blushing? Not so high and mighty anymore, are you? Now that the tables have turned. That’s what I thought.”

“Don’t blame me, you started it.”

“Gosh, who knew I lived down the hall from such a menace?”

[Laugh] “Alright, alright, truce?”

“Good. Let’s seal it with another pinky promise.”

“It’s not dumb, come on. Pinky up.”

“There we go, thank you.”
[Listener collects flour for the speaker, pots and pans and kitchen supplies clatter]

“Hm? The cake? Oh, it’s for me.”

“Yeah, I guess it is for a bit of a special occasion. I mean, not that special.”

“I’m not being cryptic. Maybe you’re just being nosey.”

“No, no, it’s okay. Sorry, I’m just teasing. Not that I’m a tease! That’s your job.

“Tomorrow is actually my birthday.”

“Thank you. You’re the first person to wish me a happy birthday this year. It’s a little early but much appreciated.”

[Sigh] “I don’t think I’ll do much. Probably just go to work, maybe buy a bottle of wine, have my cake.”

“My friends? Nah, they’re all busy. I mean, I guess I didn’t really ask. I do have friends, I swear. But they’ve all got partners and kids and fancy careers. They’re busy, you know? I don’t want to bug them with my stuff.”

“It’s fine, really. I usually just stick to myself for my birthday. And hey, you know what, I’m spoiling myself. It’s not everyday I eat a whole double chocolate fudge cake by myself.”

“It’s even more delicious than it sounds. If I ever get my flour.” [Laugh]

“Pardon? (Pause) You want to try it?”

“I think that sounds like a great idea.”

“Don’t even start, I am not blushing! I don’t blush!”

“If you keep teasing me, I’m withholding delicious, ooey gooey cake from you.”

“Ooo, now see, that got you, didn’t it?”

“No, don’t blame me, you started teasing me again first, you betrayed the pinky promise before I did. All heck’s broken loose at this point.” [Laugh]
“The important thing is now I know I can use treats to bribe you into behaving yourself.”

“Oh you always behave? Is that so? I only just met you and I already know better than to believe that.”
“Yeah, I do.”

“You’re gonna prove me wrong? I’ll believe it when I see it. How about you prove me wrong tomorrow night? That’d be quite the birthday surprise.

“Alright, it’s a date. [Stammer] I mean, a deal. It’s a deal. I definitely said deal.”

“I’ll the bring cake, I promise.”

“Yes, and the wine. See? Just can’t behave at all. Bossy.”

“Okay. I will see you then, yeah?”

“Cool. (Pause) Oh! The flour! I almost forgot” [Laugh]

“Thanks. I’ll see you soon. Goodnight.”
[Speaker closes door]
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ End ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
submitted by Annie_Scripted to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]
