Strep carrier clindamycin

Strep carriage

2024.06.04 06:49 Truck-Intelligent Strep carriage

I'm a long hauler who has partly recovered, but hit a plateau with smell and nasal congestion ramping up after my kids got strep. I didn't think I had it, but my kid and I got severe fever and head pain recently and he tested positive for strep. I am taking doxycycline for the strep and a skin cellulitis that appeared too but it isn't doing jack for the congestion and smell issues. I am wondering if anyone has tried more radical approaches to remove strep carriage such as clindamycin, etc. and if it brought relief from constantly inflamed nose, sinus and ears and smell reduction long hauling with possible strep infection ? And if this could be why the symptoms seem so recalcitrant to things that helped other symptoms of long COVID such as repairing the gut. I also wonder if anyone has found a nasal prebiotic- I have seen nasal probiotics now but there is nothing I can find other than rinsing with saline and xylitol that would possibly prefer beneficial over pathogenic bacteria.
submitted by Truck-Intelligent to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 15:56 No-Following-3531 Strep is getting worse after 3 days on antibiotics

22F I tested positive for strep on Friday and have been on clindamycin for 10 days since as I’m allergic to penicillin. One side of my throat since starting the antibiotic is completely better but the other has gotten wildly worse. I can’t open my mouth, I can’t speak, I have to force myself to swallow anything, I’m in probably an 8/10 pain. I also last night developed a fever that I didn’t previously have. This is all with consistently taking ibuprofen and Tylenol. I called back the urgent care I went to and couldn’t get a word in once the lady heard I still had antibiotics left. My issue is while I understand I have to finish the full course of antibiotics I don’t feel I should be doing significantly worse than I was when I originally went to urgent care. I’ve had strep before and experienced nothing like this where one side of the throat got better after medicine while the other got worse but I guess my question is has anyone seen this? Would this be considered at all normal? Because this has me down for the count and I can’t afford to do it for 7 more days hoping it’ll get a little better if I need to just go back to the doctor now
submitted by No-Following-3531 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:06 CSMGuy123 Strep treated with clindamycin? Did my doctor make a mistake?

I’m a 34 year old male, normal weight and no other major health issues.
For the last 5 days I have been dealing with strep A confirmed by throat culture.
I supposedly had a penicillin allergy when I was young so my doctor is reluctant to provide anything related to it. He gave me 300mg clindamycin 3 times daily.
However I’m now reading online that many times this antibiotic doesn’t work for strep.
I’m now 16 hours into taking it and my fever is gone but my throat is still incredibly sore.
Do i just need to wait to see if it clears up with this antibiotic or should i ask my doctor to put me on something else? Is clindamycin appropriate for strep?
submitted by CSMGuy123 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 00:56 the_dainty_sea Strep Throat- The Current Bane of My Existence

Hello all! F29, 5’3, 95lbs. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke. No medications, only 5000iu vitamin D daily. No current diagnoses. As a child, I had many cases of strep throat, however it was much better after I had an adenotonsillectomy at 18. Up till recently I only had it one time since the surgery.
April 15th of this year I was diagnosed with strep throat, having caught it from my son who got it from daycare. I was given 500 mg Amoxicillin twice daily for 10 days, that didn’t kick it. So then I was given 350 mg Clindamycin twice daily for 10 days, and even though my throat didn’t feel 100% after finishing that course, I didn’t think much of it with it being allergy season. Today is day 12 of me having an incredibly sore throat, only other symptoms are an earache and swollen lymph nodes that came up a few days ago. So I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with strep throat AGAIN and I was given Azithromycin as a Z-Pak. Is there a good chance this will kick it the first time? I’m so tired of dealing with this. And also a little scared that I won’t be able to kick it and this will eventually kill me. How dramatic, I know.
Also, how can I avoid this in the future? I’m very mindful of washing my hands, cleaning my home, and I even changed my toothbrush after my last bought. This is more antibiotics than I’ve taken in the last 2-3 years combined.
P.S. I’m so incredibly appreciative of all those in the medical field and I vocalize that with every interaction I have when being treated. Thank you thank you for what you do.
submitted by the_dainty_sea to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 06:07 LucyAriaRose New updates to: AITAH for believing my daughter over a “grown man”?

I am still NOT the Original Poster. That is u/amme04. She posted in AITAH, poor and TwoXChromosomes
Previous BORU posts are here, here and here. I removed some of the relevant comments to save space. New Updates start with ****\*

A reminder that this sub has the 7 day waiting period, so the last update is 7 days old. This is a LONG, dark post.

Trigger Warnings: attempted murder; domestic violence; stalking; possible child predation; attempted kidnapping
Mood Spoiler: bleak and will make you hate the justice system
Original Post: November 30, 2023
I don’t know if i watch too many crime shows or if I’m just paranoid so I’ve come here to ask. Last week I made chicken gnocchi soup. When it was almost done I started helping my daughter with a school project. She got us both a bowl and a few seconds later my bf runs into the room with a bowl and tells me to eat the bowl he has. I told him it was all the same and he insisted that he wanted mine because it had more chicken. Thinking back now I don’t know how he would know that considering my daughter dished it out. My daughter took the bowl he gave me and said she would eat it. He yanked it out of hand and said “no it’s for mom”.
I took the bowl and he went to the living room. I continued doing my daughter's project and told her not to eat the soup. 20ish minutes later I walked into the kitchen to pour the soups out and he was still eating his. He asked why we didn’t eat any and I said the cat got into it while we were waiting for it to cool down. He screamed “WHAT!? Was it your bowl !?! Cats can’t eat that!?”. I told him it was only a lick but he has been stressed out watching the cat like a hawk, obsessive even. His reaction was very weird.
These "accidents" all happened before the soup incident over the span of 6 months. It wasn't one after another in a short period of time. Since then my emergency money has gone missing. I keep money hidden just in case. I lost my older sister because she wasn’t able to escape a dangerous situation and I literally swore on her grave I would never be in that position. After the soup incident I went to get my money and it was gone. It was hidden and I changed the location every few months. I asked my daughter if maybe she found it and that if she took it I wouldn’t be mad because I knew she couldn’t have spent it. She said no. A few hours later she tells me she forgot but the other day her and my bf got pulled over and she saw my pink wallet in his glove box. I did not tell her which wallet it was in or that it was in a wallet.
I decided to ask him if he found it by accident. He asked me why I was hiding a large amount of money, “you know you could never leave me” and laughed. (He has never said anything like that before). I told him it was for my daughters Christmas. He said no he didn’t find the money but could use his credit card for gifts. I didn’t tell him about my daughter seeing my wallet in his car. Now here are a few other things that have happened in the past few months that seemed random at the time but now they don’t.
I have a severe allergy to latex. One day we were about to have sex and I glanced at the mirror we have by our bed and saw the condom wrapper was a different color. I stopped him because it wasn’t latex free and he said it was a mistake and just an older one he had. We have been dating for over 2 years and he knows how serious my allergy is. My epipen that I keep in my room is missing and I didn’t realize it. I didn't realize it was missing until I was searching for my money.
Another odd thing is one day he was following me down the stairs while I was carrying laundry and he kicked the back of my leg and I fell. He said he slipped but the stairs are wood and he was wearing his steel toe boots. At the time I thought it was an accident.
Am I overthinking this? My anxiety has been at an all time high. Do I watch too much true crime? Here is why I think I might be the asshole. We have a good relationship. He loves my daughter like she is his. We split all shared bills and we both pull our own weight around the apartment. We don’t fight. He has never so much as raised his voice at me. We are paycheck to paycheck but bills are paid.
I thought about going to my moms house for a few days and asking him when I get there when I’m safe about the money but I don’t have money to do that now. She is on a fixed income and can't help. I feel stupid for being scared. Last night I decided to check his car for my wallet and he caught me. I asked him for my money back and he tried playing dumb. I told him my daughter saw it there. He told me she was lying. I told him I never told her about the money or what wallet. He said he was a grown man and kids lie all the time. I asked him once more for my money and he said “I’m not giving you money to leave me”. I waited until he was in the shower to grab my cat and my daughter and we left.
I can’t take my cat with us to a shelter and the DV shelters are full. I was able to get us a night at a cheap motel. This exact situation is why I had money saved. I did everything right and now I’m screwed. I feel like I just blew up my entire life.
Yes I'm using a burner account and reading all the comments that I can.
Relevant Comment:
Several people accuse this of being obviously fake because events escalated too quickly and why would she be posting on reddit for advice:
"I'm not a character in a anonymous fucking story. I wasn't looking for advice, I was looking for confirmation I wasn't paranoid. You bet your ass I left as soon as he said my daughter was lying. Fuck off"
There is no consensus bot on AITAH, but it was pretty obviously NTA
Update Post 1: December 4, 2023 (4 days later)
A TL:DR; I think my boyfriend put something in my soup. After that incident I remembered a few months ago he almost used a latex condom knowing I’m severely allergic and I also remembered when he “accidentally” knocked me down the stairs. I started piecing things together and realized my epi pen was gone as well as a large amount of money I had hidden. My daughter saw my old wallet in his glove box and he denied it.
My post got alot of attention and my account was shadowbanned for a few days. I was able to appeal and get my account back because I’m not a bot or some AI. Now for the update.
The day after we left he sent me a picture of my epi pen and tried telling me it was in my nightstand the whole time. I tore that room apart looking for it so I KNOW for 100% fact it wasn’t there. He took it. He tried getting me to come back telling me I scared myself stupid and watched too many true crime TV. Something didn't feel right so I told him to put my money and epi pen in the mailbox. We went back and forth and he denied having my money. He then said “If we broke up you and Maria (my daughter) are no longer allowed in my apartment and will be treated like trespassers” and sent me a pic of his target practice sheets. I went to the police about the money and was told it was a civil issue. I was upset but wanted the rest of my stuff so I asked for an escort.
Yesterday I finally got an escort into the apartment with a cop and my landlord. He destroyed everything of my daughters and he ruined the laptop charger I use for work. No epi pen. My daughters medication and back up medical supplies were ruined. Our landlord let me off the lease without having to pay an early termination fee which is great considering I have no money. Motels are expensive. I don’t want to get rid of our cat. All shelters are full and this is scary as shit.
I’m sorry this is a shitty update but I know people wanted it.
Relevant Comments:
There has to be something that can be done about your daughter's meds:
"I'm beyond angry that nothing can be done. Insurance won't cover her medications or supplies until next month. She JUST got refills. I can get her meds but I'll pay out of pocket. I have no money. Since I couldn't prove my money existed I can't prove he stole it. I'm livid."
Restraining order?
"Nope not unless he gets physical with me. I should have let him hit me and I would have a lot more help available which is so fucked up."
Update Post 2: December 10, 2023 (6 days later, 10 days from OG post)
My OP got a lot of attention but then my account got shadowbanned and was temporarily removed. I just updated 5 days ago but this will be my final update because there is nothing anyone can do. I was encouraged to go back to the police station after my last update.
On Saturday December 9th I went back AGAIN. This time I printed out the threatening text messages that included the target practice sheets he sent, I explained in detail about the “accidents” proving he was trying to hurt me, and I even had my landlord put in writing that he believed our lives were in danger after seeing everything I was showing the police and let me leave my lease early. I brought in the destroyed medical supplies and medications.
The police said they had already talked to him and said he didn’t do any of it. He told them my daughter probably destroyed her stuff because she is “special ed”. She has very mild Asperger's but doesn’t destroy things! Since it was his word against mine they believed him. I didn’t have proof he stole the money or that it even existed in the first place. I was told the epi pen was my responsibility and they won’t do anything if it’s lost. I was told to “let it go” and acted like I was bothering the police with my “petty civil issues”.
I am so defeated and angry. My daughter isn’t going to have gifts for Christmas because I have to save for a new deposit on an apartment. We have been staying in motels while I was reaching out to DV resources. I can’t get help without a restraining orde police report. Every place is out of funds. He is getting away with everything and I’m so glad we got out because there is no doubt in my mind he would have gotten away with my murder.
I know this sounds like my last update but that is what happened…nothing new. No justice. No repercussions for him. He gets to stay in the apartment. My landlord offered me another unit across town but I can’t afford to move in. This exact situation is why I had money stashed away because no one has ever cared about me/us and I knew that. There is nothing else I can do.
Editor's note: OOP posted in another sub with the exact same information as above and no new update. However, she did add this clarification about shelters:
"All shelters are full. I found an organization who helps DV victims with housing but only if you have a police report and a restraining order. I guess they are tired of victims going back to their partner, safety reasons, or something. I was denied a restraining order because I had no proof. I’m scared, exhausted, and disappointed."
Update Post 3: December 28, 2023 (18 days later)
Title: I thought we were safe
Alot of people wanted a update so here it is. On Christmas he slashed my tires knowing I would have to pay out of pocket to replace them which I don’t have. Today he threw a heavy patio chair through the window of the place we were staying at to let me know he knew where we were and I was asked to leave for everyone's safety.
Except my daughter and I aren’t safe. I walked in the sleet/snow with my daughter and our cat and I felt vulnerable and like open prey so we came back to the police station to sit in the lobby until morning. Shelters are still full and I now have to disclose that he is dangerous anywhere we go. Police couldn’t find him but I know he has to be close.
I don’t know what his end game is.
Relevant Comments:
Can police direct you to a DV shelter?
"The shelters here are full so we are just sitting in the police station lobby. We are at least safe and warm so I'm grateful for that."
On donations:
"Donations aren't allowed here and my post could get removed because of it. I'm trying to stay awake and really just venting. I'm so frustrated that he keeps getting away with this shit."
Do you know how he keeps finding you? Have you checked for trackers?
"I honestly have no idea! He is supposed to have a new girlfriend too so IDK why he is messing with me and destroying property"
Reset your phone to factory settings:
"I got a cheap burner after we left. He doesn't have my number nor have I used it to call anyone so IDK how he is tracking me."
You said he sent you a photo of the epi pen after you left. How did he communicate that to you?
"He sent it through my email before I blocked it."
Update Post 4: January 1, 2024 (4 days later; a bit over 1 month from OG post)
Title: I found the air tag in the cat carrier
Please read my other posts for more context but a tl:dr; I’m pretty sure my ex was/is trying to kill me. There were a few instances that I wrote off as “accidents'' until I think he poisoned my soup that was specifically for me. On Christmas he found where we were staying and slashed my tires and threw a heavy patio chair and planter through a window. He still hasn’t been caught.
I checked everywhere I could think of and still couldn't figure out how he was tracking us. I blocked him on everything including email after he sent me pics of his target practice sheets among other things. I got a cheap burner phone. My daughter was out of school for winter break so he didn’t follow her or anything. I checked my car for a tracker. Still nothing.
I do not have an iphone so I couldn’t check whatever app a air tag is attached to. My cat is harness trained and wears a collar but there was no tracker. Until today I decided to “feel up” (sorry only way I can describe it) the carrier. I ran my fingers over every inch of it and felt a bump on the bottom soft side. There was no new stitching or obvious cut. He had to use a seam ripper along the stitching. It was undetectable and I almost missed it. He had to have had help because I’ve never seen him sew anything. Probably the same person who is letting him hide now.
If his excuse for the air tag was to track my cat he would have put it on his collar or harness because that is what he would wear when we go on walks/car rides. My cat would never go in his carrier unless I was planning on leaving for more than a few days. I have no idea how long it has been there nor do I know how far the tracker works but now we aren’t safe where we are, AGAIN. I feel disgusting and I feel like hunted prey. This is so unnerving and I’m so uncomfortable. Who the f*ck was I living with?
Relevant Comment:
I’m sorry but I don’t find it believable that he tracked you with an AirTag.
I don't know how airtags work and didn't say that is how he is tracking me, just that I found one. It doesn't make sense how he knew where we were.
Update Post 5: January 7, 2024 (6 days later, 5.5 weeks from OG post)
Title: I finally got the restraining order!
I’m hoping this update will make everyone as happy as it makes me! I was finally granted the restraining order. And we get the keys to our new apartment on the 11th. A place I can afford monthly and comes partially furnished. It’s in a super safe area right by my daughter's school. There is security!! We will spend our time living in our car until then and of course it has to be snowing but we are together and we have our kitty. This nightmare is almost over.
Update Post 5: February 2, 2024 (almost 1 month later)
Title: A restraining order didn't stop him
This morning he found me.
I've been sick as hell so after I dropped my daughter off at school I went straight home.
I didn't drive around to make sure no one was following me. I messed up.
He broke my nose and shattered my orbital bone. He is in jail. Sorry for this update ya'll.
Relevant Comments:
"Staying in the hospital for the night, I was pretty sick before this happened. My daughter is with a friend for the night. My landlord fixed the door as best he could and told me my cat wasn't in the apartment so I'm worried sick. I thought this was over, I'm so so so tired."
"I'm sure his mom will bail him out. Why can't he just move on? He took my money and my peace, what more can he take until he is satisfied?"
Commenter: Please pull your daughter out of her school and leave the state ASAP.
OOP: I so wish I could do this but we just moved into our new place. I should have just stayed with my mom (she lives in another state) but I didn't want to disrupt my daughters life too much. I have three dollars to my name so I can't leave.
You often can break leases without penalties in DV situations:
My previous landlord let me out of my lease without a penalty and my new one will too I just can't afford to move.
Update Post 6: February 4, 2024 (2 days later)
Title: Not being able to move even if my life depends on it
I know the importance of having money saved and I live within my means. How many of us is one disaster away from losing everything? A fire, job loss, a bank screw up, a late paycheck, illness, or someone stealing from you. I had money saved because I knew that any one of those things could happen and I wouldn't have anyone who could help me. And it did. Two months ago my ex tried poisoning me and stole the money I had saved. It’s been hell since. I was able to break my lease and leave. I went to my moms over Christmas break but I came back because I didn’t want to disrupt my daughters schooling and I underestimated my ex.
I was able to get an apartment through DV services very quickly which was a miracle. I know how hard it is to find housing and then try to come up with all the deposits a new place needs. I did it, the cards fell in my favor. But then I fucked up. On Friday I took my daughter to school and wasn’t diligent. I will usually drive around to make sure I’m not being followed. To be honest I started feeling crazy, paranoid, and angry I was wasting gas. Plus I have pneumonia and strep that I haven’t been able to pay for the antibiotics so I just went home to my bed.
He found me and broke my nose, shattered my orbital bone, and I have a concussion. I had a restraining order and he was arrested. I shared this on another sub and everyone telling me to move, leave, RUN. Except I can’t do that. It’s hard trying to explain that to people for them to understand because it sounds like excuses, like I like living in fear or something. I can’t pull money out of thin air. My credit card is maxed. I contacted DV services at the hospital and because I just got help, I can’t get it again.
The thing I didn’t know about abusive men is that they don’t just move on or stop. There are DV shelters but they are full. I wish people would understand that I know how serious this is but money doesn’t grow on trees. Even if a life depends on it.
Relevant Comments:
Will your parents really not help you?
I only have my mom who lives out of state. She is on a fixed income so she can't help me. We could stay with her but at this point I'm out of luck and nothing worth a damn to sell.
You need to disappear:
Honestly how? I'm not going to get anywhere on foot.
Update Post 7: February 15, 2024 (11 days later, 2.5 months from OG post)
Title: He was with me to get to my daughter
It all makes sense now. If you need more context please read my past posts. In my first post I said how we had a normal relationship and he was never abusive, controlling, never raised his voice. The money that he ended up stealing was money I had hidden since before he even moved in. I was not hiding money to get away from him. I was not afraid of him. I lost my sister to DV and swore I’d never have that happen to me only to end up in that exact situation. We didn’t have this spectacular love that was filled with insane chemistry, nowhere near a “love of my life” situation which is why I was so confused by how desperate he got.
After he got arrested his mom went on a social media rant because I “got her baby locked up” and knew we were sleeping in my car so was telling her followers that if they find me to call her. Very bold and insane. One of my exes friends saw this and commented “Idk if you should be sticking up for him, he needs serious help”. I don’t know how I caught it before it was deleted but I reached out to him on my fake facebook.
Every time they were drinking he would talk about her and then laugh it off. It made his friends uncomfortable but they chalked it up to the booze. Two weeks ago when my daughter came to see me in the hospital she was distraught. It made sense because I looked like hell but she kept repeating over and over asking me why he did this to me. I think there was more to this and I’m frightened to my core. Remember he stole my epi pen and money but he destroyed almost everything of hers and I didn't understand it because she had nothing to do with the breakup.
Why did he destroy her medicine? Why did he destroy her clothes? Fucking why? Dont abusers threaten their victim into not saying anything or something is going to happen to someone/something they love? I’m sick to my stomach even writing that out. I don’t know where to go from here, how do I even begin a conversation about this with her? We are safe. I’m not worried about him finding us because he is still in jail which is great because I’m out of money. He wasn’t desperate and crazy because he was losing me, I think it was because of her.
Update Post 8: February 20, 2024 (5 days later)
Title: My ex is getting bailed out tomorrow
I'm so angry and scared.
I wish I had faith in the justice system and with cops because they are supposed to protect, right? Except that isn't always the case.
I'm tired of being hurt and I'm tired of being scared. Anxiety is on 100.
It's exhausting fearing my daughter and I's life.
Update Post 9: February 28, 2024 (8 days later, 3 months from OG post)
Title: How can I feel safer at home?
I know a lot of people are following my posts and will be disappointed in hearing that my ex was bailed out. I’m still healing from when he broke my nose and shattered my orbital bone. I know a restraining order is just a piece of paper because he ignored it when I was attacked and the police aren’t going to save me. For security I only have a door bar that slides under the knob. I don’t have a ring camera and I can’t buy a pew pew until I have extra funds. He made me sell it a year ago because he was “uncomfortable” with it being in the house. Another red flag I missed.
My question is what can I do to feel safer that doesn’t require money? Every night my daughter and I push the couch in front of the door but I’m worried that if there is a fire we can’t get out. I have myself worried sick to the point of painful stomach ulcers. I tried talking to my nearest neighbor but when I started explaining my situation and how it would be great if she could let me know if she sees anyone around my apartment she got weirded out. Which I get.
Just looking for some peace of mind, will that ever exist in my life again?
Update Post 10: March 6, 2024 (1 week later)
Title: AITAH or was this just a mistake?
Editor's note: I removed the first part of this as it is a recap of the previous posts
I know this is all I post about and if you want more context you can read my past posts. I feel like I need to tell someone what is happening so that it makes it feel real and that I’m not just upset and crazy for nothing. My ex got out on bail last week. My daughter and I already left the new apartment we had moved into after he attacked me.
My daughter's school knows about my situation and knows I have a restraining order. Today my daughter got a call from the front office at school. The secretary told her that the pickup car had changed from mine to a new car. She was being told this so that when school let out she wouldn’t get upset when she didn’t see my car. The “new car” is the same one as my exes. It is a rare cacolor and she told me she knew it was his car. She didn’t say anything to the secretary or her teacher because she was instantly scared. It breaks my heart that she was in fear because she thought he had got me and was going to get her.
She was given the message hours before school let out so she spent all that time worrying. The last ten minutes of the day is when the kids can use the bathroom and clean up. She started crying infront of her whole class and when the bell rang she refused to leave her classroom. I was in the carpool line when I got the call from her teacher.
I have never seen her so upset and that is saying a lot because she was so upset when she visited me in the hospital. Face beet red, hyperventilating, snot everywhere, she had cried so hard she got a nosebleed. After they told me what happened I was livid. It all sounded like bullshit because the secretary never should have relayed the message without talking to me first since she said it was a male on the phone. As soon as the secretary looked my daughter up to find out which room to call she should have seen the message I thought I had saying no one should ever pick her up but me. No information should ever be released.
“He was never in contact with her so it’s not that big of a deal, it was a mistake” is what they told me. All he had to give was her full name and what grade she was in to get a message to her. They said that to me with a straight face while the bruises he gave me were very visible proving he is a violent man. I’m so f*cking angry. She told me she knew I didn’t get a new car because as much as I try to hide it from her she knows I’m broke. She thought she was going to have to go with him. She has been so traumatized and I don't know what to do. She wants to switch to e learning but since it’s not a medical reason and not a school wide restriction I would have to pay to rent the laptop. Which I obviously can’t.
The school is calling it an innocent mistake and didn't even apologize. I know I'm the only one responsible for my daughter and I’s safety but damn if people could stop jeopardizing it like it’s nothing and then acting like I’m the asshole for being upset because it was a “mistake”. He wasn’t there after school but he could have.
Update Post 11: March 7, 2024 (Next Day)
Title: He is never going to stop terrorizing us
Editor's note- This is an almost word for word repost of the above post. I've kept it here for the timeline but also to include relevant Comments.
Relevant Comments:
Commenter: I hate to blatantly ask but did you ever find your cat?
OOP: Hi yes I have my cat!
Commenter: Have you contacted your mother, does she know what’s going on? I don’t know what your relationship with her is like but would she willing to help in any capacity
OOP: The only thing she can assist with is a room for us to stay in which is great but not if I can't get there. My daughter is refusing to go to school. I don't know what to do.
*****Update Post 12: April 1, 2023 (3.5 weeks later)****\*
I've had a few people asking so I wanted to update. I can now confidently say that my daughter, cat, and I are safe and will continue to be from here on out. I can start rebuilding without fear. I'm not okay but we are safe.
Update Post 13: April 23, 2024 (3 weeks later, almost 5 months from OG post)
Title: I’ve spent the last 4 months running for my life
I just want to say that if anyone is going through something similar to me, you can vent to me. This is something you have to experience to understand how hard it is. I know there are DV resources but they are extremely limited. I had someone on here “checking in” with me and when I explained what was going on I was asked “why aren’t you stable yet” and it kinda took me off guard. Only a few people knew I was pregnant through this.
I left my home with basically nothing and went to a hotel and he found me, I went to another hotel and he found me, I went to a safe house for two nights where I was asked to leave because my ex was dangerous, slept in my car with my daughter, went to my moms out of state, came back to my home state because that is where DV resources helped with a apartment, he followed me back to my apartment from my daughters school, I was hospitalized when he broke my nose, shattered my orbital bone, and gave me a concussion. I had to leave that apt, back to hotels and sleeping in my car, and finally back to my moms. So much money feels wasted. I have the opportunity to be added onto her new lease but it’s a bigger unit and requires a first/last deposit (impossible unless I rob a bank). The pet deposit is already paid.
But I only have until the 1st or we are back to living in the car because we have exceeded our “visitation” days. A year lease where my rent would only be $500 a month, utilities maybe $150? I’d be saving so much money and be able to rebuild my life. We would all have our own rooms which means privacy! Even though we are all female, privacy is precious. I haven’t slept in a bed since the hotel beds but even then it wasn’t “my” bed. It’s been my car, hotel bed, or the couch. Even when we were briefly in our new place I still slept on the couch with it pushed against the front door.
I know all my posts are about the same thing, one thing after another, and yes it IS exhausting and repetitive but think about how I feel. I’m desperate for stability and I can’t get it because he took so much from me. It wasn’t until I was out of “our” house and away from him for me to see how much power he had over my life. It’s embarrassing. Even if I have to go back to living in my car I’ll still be around to talk and I’ll still be optimistic because I deserve good things to happen to me that aren't only in my dreams.
Clarification on the air tag:
There was! Someone helped him put one in my cat's carrier because he knew if I was going to leave, I'd never leave my cat behind.
Update Post 14: May 21, 2024 (1 month later, almost 6 from OG post)
Title: The vet gave my abuser my location
I want to say this was a genuine mistake and not done with malicious intent but I still need to vent about it. Just like my daughter's school letting my abuser give her a message, this was an accident but accidents put my life in danger and I’m exhausted. I post about my situation alot and despite a few users thinking my ex would find my reddit, I’m not worried about that. However, I am terrified of him knowing where I am. He has gone through a restraining order, police don’t scare him, and when he got/gets arrested he will just get bailed out. I knew the only way I could live a normal life was getting as far away from him as possible.
So I took my daughter and cat and moved in with my mom a few states away. I was 100% confident that he didn’t know where I was because they never met, we were actually estranged for a few years before my ex and I even got together. I started feeling safe. I stopped jumping when I heard loud trucks. I was starting to get comfortable even though not alot of time had passed.
A few days ago my cat's back legs stopped working and he lost control of his bodily fluids.I was working but my mom rushed him to the ER vet. There were questions she couldn’t answer so they asked if he was chipped. He is but I changed my number a few times lately so one of the two numbers was out of service so they called the second one. I forgot to remove his number, I know this is my fault. The vet called him to get information and he didn’t give any information and hung up on them. The receptionist said he called back about 5 minutes later and said “I know she doesn’t have money. Tell her I’ll save her cat if she comes home”.
He knows how much my cat means to me. He found me the first time I left because his mom helped him sew an air tag into the lining of the cat carrier. He knew if I was to ever leave him I wouldn’t leave my cat. One time my ex threw him out of the house to hurt me while I was at work he refused to leave the porch. My ex then tried squirting him with a water bottle and when that didn’t work, he sprayed him with the hose. He basically got waterboarded and still would not leave.
He is my soul cat. When I got to the vet and they told me what happened I had one of the worst panic attacks I’ve had in awhile. I’ve had my cat for ten years and he has never gotten sick or injured. He has a UTI and a fractured foot from falling. The vet thinks he probably got his foot hurt first and that led to the UTI since he wasn’t using the litter box. I noticed he was slightly limping a few days ago but I couldn’t get him into the vet yet. The UTI developed quickly. I was naive in thinking the vet would save a pet's life even if the owner can’t pay upfront but it isn’t like a human going into the ER.
I’ve spent so much money and time trying to get away from my ex while also trying to live a normal safe life for my daughter. Once again something happens and he now knows the city we are in. I’m not running again because I can’t. I don’t think he will drive up here because like I said I’m a few states away but man did this bring back my paranoia and irrational fear.
I changed the chip information but the damage is done, I was a fucking idiot for not doing it sooner. This is my fault, I'm so damn tired.
Relevant Comments:
Commenter: Why did they use the microchip to get your number? Did your mom not have your most recent number to give them or something? Could you not be reached at work? That’s just weird to me.
OOP: My mom was flustered because she knew the ER vet was going to be expensive and knew I couldn't pay but she couldn't answer any questions because she didn't know. Didn't know how old he was or if he had his shots. I can't take my phone into my work building and she didn't know the manager's phone number.
I was able to pay partial with scratchpay but not all which is heartbreaking. A broken heart and frustrating anger is what I feel too.
Commenter: I just don’t understand why the vet would go through the trouble of scanning the chip and calling the numbers on there instead of just asking your mom for your number?? Seems like a lot of grief could have been avoided and the clinic had to do more work to call a company and get the phone numbers.
OOP: I've had to change my number over 6 times in a three month time span, my mom didn't know it off the top of her head.
Commenter: If you are communicating with your mom it would be in her phone. If it changes so often, the last number in her phone would be more accurate than a microchip which is less likely to be updated. This is very strange.
OOP: I was at work, I can not have my personal phone on me and my cat was having a medical emergency. My mom didn't know how old my cat is or if he had his shots. They had alot of questions she had no answer to so they scanned the chip to get information.
Editor's note: Some people commented on the first BORU that OOP's ex was a police officer. However, I can't find anything in OOP's posts or comments that confirms this, nor has she said anything about it. (Nothing shows up when checking deleted comments either.) It's definitely possible, but I just wanted to address it here since it was brought up so often.
submitted by LucyAriaRose to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 00:56 MatildaDiablo Strep C diagnosis

39f, 120lbs, non smoker. I’ve had a very sore throat and cough for about 5 days, and now sinus congestion but no fever. Was diagnosed with “scant growth of group C strep”. I am confused as all sources say strep c is extremely rare in humans and that strep doesn’t usually cause cough or sinus issues but does cause fever. My throat and tonsils also look fine and glands aren’t swollen. Just wondering how I could’ve gotten this rare form of strep and if it’s “scant” might I just be a carrier and my symptoms are from just a cold? I’ve been prescribed antibiotics but don’t want to take them unless absolutely necessary as I have a very sensitive stomach. Would appreciate any advice!
submitted by MatildaDiablo to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 22:34 Mental_Expression_22 why I’ve been so much worse??

why I’ve been so much worse??
I lost my last safe food last night. I’m getting swollen throat cheek and inside of ear, Benadryl + Pepcid doesn’t help I even started cromolyn & I went to er bc I thought I had strep bc I was positive a month ago and never got it treated (they tried to say I was a carrier and never gave me antibiotics) but my strep test came back negative and my urine looks superrrrrrr infected. Also my SGOT (ast) level is 49…. Ugh I’m tired of this lol antibiotics r what made me like this I hate that I probably have to take them again.
submitted by Mental_Expression_22 to MCAS [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 10:30 uppercasenoises I had group b strep as an infant

I know there are a billion posts about group b strep, but most are regarding testing positive or being a carrier as an adult. I had group b strep as a baby (late onset, 10 days old) and almost died- this was before testing mothers was standard (mid 90s). I am wondering if that has any impact on if I should have antibiotics during labor? I believe that if you have it for one pregnancy, they will give antibiotics for all future pregnancies even if you test negative. So I am wondering if anyone has been given antibiotics in labor due to having GBS as a baby even if I test negative. I have asked my doctor and she was very unclear, so I need to follow up with her again to get some clarity. May be totally dumb, I’m not sure, but I was just curious if anyone else has been in this situation.
submitted by uppercasenoises to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 21:07 Cathoryn Experience with Strep A?

I just got my Evvy results back and I got 47% Strep pyogenes, which is Group A, the same strep that causes strep throat. I believe the results because 1) My kids and I have had strep throat twice this school year; 2) in addition to strep throat, my son had STREP ANUS which, yeah, who knew that was a thing. It was misdiagnosed as fungal so he suffered with it for a long time. It makes sense that I would pick it up from sharing the same bathtub etc and kids are just gross.
Just wondering if anyone had any experience with treating this. I do not have any symptoms except for 2 periods in a row when I have developed burning and itching. So I'm guessing my system can somehow keep it in check until menstruation screws up my pH.
I'm also wondering if my husband will need to be treated. I know it's possible to have symptom-free strep throat and maybe he has that? It's kind of crazy that both kids and me would have strep throat and he never has caught it, but maybe he's a carrier and gave it to me during oral.
submitted by Cathoryn to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 20:16 No_Sir2334 GBS for 9 months now, please help

Hello! I am a 22 yo female who has been struggling with group b strep for 9 months now. My main issue is that I am very itchy every day. I have been on Keflex, Clindamycin, and Keflex again and the Keflex works for about a week and then the itchiness comes back. Any suggestions help! I am very sick of living like this. Thanks.
submitted by No_Sir2334 to obgyn [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 15:25 CityDevices White spots on uvula

I 34F in England was hoping someone could advise me.
I have seen a Dr twice but generally they just give me what i ask for and maybe i am not asking for the right thing.
I have IBD, undetermined whether it's ulcerative colitis or crohn's. I get a lot of mouth ulcers.
I started treatment with adalimumab and azothiprine a few months ago and mouth ulcers largely cleared up.
8 days ago i felt a sudden discomfort in the roof of my mouth, went to have a look amd it was peppered with white spots. I initially thought they were mouth ulcers. (although my mouth ulcers aren't usually white) Also worth mentioned my skin was covered in large painful spots.
Over the next few days, my throat began to hurt more and more. I went to Dr 4 days ago as i suspected strep and that my spots were bacterial and I got prescribed clindamycin. Skin got better but throat got worse. Went back to Dr yesterday and got perscribed co-amoxiclav.
My sore throat is maybe less sore? Not that confident in saying that though. I've been uncomfortable for so long that it's hard to say if I'm getting better or just wishing i was. Objectively, my throat is still covered in white spots.
Is this something to wait out or should i be trying something else?
submitted by CityDevices to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:15 ryanaks19 Bumps on both elbows

Bumps on both elbows
I have these weird bumps on my elbows, only slightly itchy but very annoying. The only things that could have caused them were a tattoo I got recently and I also had strep recently and was taking clindamycin 3x a day.
submitted by ryanaks19 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:05 HatakeIchizokuFujin ENT needed, left ear pain

[37F] I’ve had chronic left ear issues my entire life (I was severely abused as a child and hit often in the left ear, ruptured drum, chronic infections, chronic strep, perforation, attempted surgery to correct, moderate hearing loss, stiff ear drum).
I’ve been having severe sharp stabbing pains lately in my left ear with insane itching. I’ve visited two ENTs in my town, one who did imaging (the one similar to an X-ray that didn’t require me to move metal off my body). Both came back saying everything looked fine although there is fluid in my mastoid (but that’s normal and no cause for concern I was told).
I let both ENTs know that I had surgery graft to repair a large hole but that I pin size hole still remained - I begged them not to put liquid into my ear and both did anyway to “prove” there was a hole. I held my breath and pushed and sure enough, there was bubbles. But I started crying because water inside my ear feels like 10/10 worst pain I’ve ever felt.
I have severe PTSD from ENTs and now manually clean my left ear at home with sanitized equipment because the wax clogs up badly a couple times a month.
That the history - please take a look at my imaging here using an otoscope. Do you see anything that could be causing this sharp horrible stabbing pain? It’s so bad when it happens, I immediately want to vomit.
Edit to add: I am a strep A carrier now, I have a split uvula and chronic jaw pain. Both ENTs told me my pain was probably from my jaw issues and not my ear. The stabbing feels deep in my ear and after the stabbing episode, my Eustachian tube down the side of my neck feels very raw and sore (like a sore throat?)
submitted by HatakeIchizokuFujin to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:43 keamen Living with a Strep Carrier

I am a 52W, 5'9", 160 lbs, caucasian, don't smoke, very light drinking, no drugs. My husband has been diagnosed as a long term strep carrier, and I have had strep three times in six months. My doctor says the best thing I can do is build my own immune system up, and that I might become "immune," or he might lose the carrier status at some point. But what else can we do? I can't afford to keep getting strep, but staying away from my husband also isn't an option.
submitted by keamen to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:35 kkfink Recurrent Strep

7 year old has had recurrent strep every 3 weeks (March, April, May). She has been given different antibiotics each time. We’re currently on Cephalexin for 10 days 2x daily. Amoxicillin allergy as well.
She does have a fever when she gets strep, so I don’t necessarily think she is a carrier as she is symptomatic.
Based on tonsil size (grade 3), ENT had suggested removing them when tubes and adenoids were done. I said no because she never had any issues with strep or breathing issues— and here we are.
Will a tonsillectomy resolve the recurrent strep?
submitted by kkfink to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 08:14 Celmisiaa AITA for asking my (now ex) boyfriend to get a strep throat test after getting sick multiple times in the past month and ruining our relationship.

EDIT: Since someone asked for a TLDR I've added one::: Please understand there is a lot of information to have to compact here which I do not believe can accurately fit into a short TLDR but here goes.
TLDR: I had repeated strep throat infections resulting in over a months worth of constant antibiotics. I asked (ex) bf to please get a test for it as well. He refused and seemed angry. Ghosted me for 3 days then came back calling me self-centered. I tried to reason with him and figure out what his point of view is but instead he ghosted me for 3 days before finally saying he was too busy to reply due to work and stressful job changes. We talked a bit and returned to regular conversation for the following 3 weeks. He came over to stay after going to an event together then left suddenly and despite him previously saying we'd spend golden week together. He has since ignored me for another week.
:::UPDATE::: I have my house key back. He came to my house to give it back and we had a small chat about wtf has been up with him. Unsurprisingly he didn't have reasons for things. Only saying suddenly going on dates costs too much money ( I always offer to pay but he insists he has to) and that his job change is too stressful. Therefore we "no longer match". Whatever the hell that means. He also gave weak excuses that we didn't match because I like gardening and he doesn't and then proceeds to say my clothing and the fact I wear makeup doesn't suit 'his' style. Srsly fuck this guy. We parted ways and he was unable to clearly say we're broken up saying he's got a lot to think about. He can go think all he wants but for me obviously it's over. He suddenly sent me a few random messages last night about starting his new job early and how he's got an exam to take in October. Least to say I didn't reply as I see no point and fail to see what he is trying to achieve.
Thank you everyone for your comments and support !!! This whole event has triggered anxiety attacks for me but I'm receiving treatment for that. The doctor also believes after I have finished my recent 2 week course of mild antibiotics I should be cleared of strep throat. It's been a long journey. ‐--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I'd like to start off with I'm a big fan of the podcast and I hope that posting here will help me organize my feelings and perhaps make me see things a different way.
::Warning:: This make take some time to get into the T. Please bare with me and thank you
Starting off I'd like to make it clear that prior to this incident nothing in our relationship seemed out of place. We talked often and despite our busy work schedules would try to meet up atleast once every week or two weeks to spend time together.
About a month ago now, I (30F) was diagnosed with severe strep throat that has reoccured 3 times. Each time I start to get sick the glands in my throat swell up like golf balls so bad that I look like a croaking toad. Swelling and aside it's often accompanied by high fevers close to 40°c (104F). This resulted in trips to the hospital where I was misdiagnosed (This is not uncommon where I live, but that's a separate story) and I ended up just suffering through until my regular doctors clinic would open. During this time my (ex) boyfriend (32M) stood by my side looking after me, changing my cooling pads and made sure my temperature didn't go higher even going so far to take time off his jobs (he has 2) just to look after me through my fevers.
All things seems to be fine again as I began to recover while on antibiotics from my regular doctor. The following weekend we were to meet up for a date and he chose Mt Yoshino, a very popular spot from cherry blossom viewing. I ask him atleast 3 different times if he was sure he'd like to go there as the hike up the mountain is fairly significant. Before we left to go on the trip I checked one last time as I didn't think his shoes were the most suitable, nor his white loose fit pants (as they could get stained) He said there were no issues and we proceeded with the trip. Despite me pre-warning him that it was a long and very uphill hike he solidered on and he later admitted that perhaps he hadn't made the best choice for our date this time. I reassured him that I don't mind at all because I enjoying being around nature and walking and that I'd done this hike once before. He stayed over that evening and everything seemed perfectly fine.
Wednesday morning disaster stuck again as I was hit by swelling and high fevers again. I again went to the doctors to have a check up and was told I have strep again (still) and they would be trying a different course of antibiotics. I was pretty distraught by this as also asked my (ex) boyfriend to please get a test as well. I was worried because he'd spend a lot of time looking after me maybe he'd caught it. He refused and then coldly said "I'm too busy" I replied saying I was worried and to please get one and I'm sorry if it upset him by asking him to also take the test.
This is where I was met with his first ever instance of him ghosting me. Over the 3 days he ghosted me I kept my messages to a minimum trying to accept that he might just need some time to cool off. I thought what I had asked him to do was not so completely unreasonable given how strep throat can easily spread and carriers exists as well.
Well his silence broke 3 days later. He said "I'm not angry. I just think you're being self centered"
I proceeded to try and ask him why he felt that way but he wouldn't give a clear answer. He only said that we shouldn't meet until I'm better because that's how we should deal with infectious diseases. I thought his words and behavior were strange and I tried to explain that by asking him to get a test was I in no way blaming him. It was just a precaution.
He then went SILENT for another day or so and came back said " Sorry my job isn't going well as it's commission based and I have a lot of concerns" He then went on to say again that I was a bit selfish and finished off with this gem a line like Spidermans Uncle "You are free to choose your actions, but with freedom comes responsibility."
At this point I tried not to feel angry since he is showing signs of deep stress. I pointed out that I am here for him and I'd like to support him in anyway I can and that I'm worried about the continous stress his job and my sickness has caused him. I suggested we have a proper sit down and talk so he can express how he's feeling better.
:::: At this point I should mention while I speak English my (ex) boyfriend does not. Therefore we usually converse in Japanese. However, for some reason druning this conversation he chose to use what i assumed was a translation app:::
I also tried to ask him how can I make him feel more comfortable. Did he need more space apart to relax and think. Or had I been asking him to help too much recently. I let him know I'm eternally grateful for everything he's done for me and with me over the past 6 months.
His reply came saying " You told me I should go to the hospital, but you always didn't listen to my advice. And reading your message, I got the feeling that you were only worried about yourself."
I questioned him about this and what he meant by it. As we both know going to a hospital has not worked in the past and my current doctor is the only one who seems to be able to listen to my symptoms and prescribed medicine. I also apologized if my words had made him feel I only cared for myself. I was merely worried about his condition and mine had become so bad. He then said my comments were double standard which I couldn't understand.
The conversation continues and it feels like he's just trying to take hits at me through the messages I'll be honest gaslighting. (If anyone wants pictures I'll try find them)
It boiled eventually to me telling him he had really hurt my feelings by ignoring me for 3 days, and I understand he is stressed but if he needs to have a shutdown moment like that again to please just say I'm feeling stressed/overwhelmed and want to take some time. That in the very least is better than ghosting your partner to wonder what happend.
3 weeks passed and we reverted to somewhat regular conversation, and if I'm being completely honest, I felt that if I pushed him more on the subject he'd have further withdrawn so I tried to draw us back to a happier place. Both of us had been very busy. On top of my continuous doctors trips and different antibiotics I started a new job and was having a good time settling in and realizing my new company treated me 1000% better than what I had left.
We agreed to meet up and spend time together during golden week as he had said he had 4/27 ~ 5/6 off from work which matched almost with my schedule of 5/3 ~ 5/5 We met up during that weekend. I had chosen a meat festival even to go to nearby as he really enjoys eating BBQ and meat. We hadn't seen each other in about 3 weeks and since that initial "fight" so I could tell he looked awkward when we met up. I tried to lighten the mood and play some cute couple hand games and decide what to eat together. His mood seemed to be more relaxed and lifed after this (or perhaps he was just starving up till then, you decide) After the meat festival, we went to a firework event just a bit further out from the city. We were both taking lots of videos and pictures.
IT WAS AT THIS MOMENT that I realized since our initial conflict over the strep throat he'd be hiding his Instagram from me. I had been aware in the back of my head that for about a month I'd not seen any of his stories but had just pushed worries aside, and we'd been messaging still. It got brought to my attention more clearly as I could see him posting to his story which I couldn't view. I turned to him at this stage and tried to casually ask him about it.
Me " Hey I can't seem to view your Instagram posts" Him passive but awkward face Me " did you block me or something?" I asked jokingly as I knew he hadn't. Him "No it's just difficult to explain" Me: "I'll do my best to understand " Him: "No, it's difficult"
Least to say that small pit on anxiety I'd been feeling for 3 weeks sent me sick to my stomach. I tried to reassure myself maybe he's just tired or is being considerate of my language ability. But it continued to nag at my gut as to what possible reason he could have anyway to start hiding it since our initial "fight" 3 weeks ago.
After the fireworks finished we went back to my house for a few last drinks and to go to sleep. The whole night I remember tossing and turning awake because he was wanting to initiate s#x and I was just so exhausted I didn't want any. ( I've mentioned this to him several time that there's nothing wrong I'm just extremely tired and want to sleep first, which he has normally accepted) He got what he wanted in the morning anyway once we were both awake and fairly well rested.
As it was my impression that we had the whole weekend together I said I wanted to go to the home center to get some things for my garden and I'd like a bit of help getting rid of some spiders and this giant 2m thistle that was posing dangers to the road below.
At the home center, I noticed he did not seem enthusiastic at all. I asked him twice if he was okay, was he feeling stressed? That we could go if he didnt like it here and I'm happy to carry the basket and head to the counter . He kept insisting he was fine despite the growing discontent on his face. I tried to quickly finish up and pay as per past experiences over the last 3- 4 weeks he is not wiliing to express his feelings to me.
We arrived back at my house and I asked him if he'd like a break or some lunch. He simply said he was fine and proceeded to sit in the house entryway while I freed the plants from their bags. He stayed sitting down until I asked him for help with a few weeds as I tackled some bigger tree cuttings. He worked for 5-10 minutes before saying he'd sit down for a break. He took a break for 45mins and didn't speak to me, just kept looking down at his phone watching videos or tiktoks. As I was finishing up putting the biggest plant in the ground he suddenly announced he's be going home to shower. I said he's more than welcome to use the one in my house but he continued with wanting to do laundry and play games at home to relax. I became upset by this as it was my understanding we'd be spending golden week together and 50min for some much needed gardening wouldn't be a problem ( if anyone asks, yes he knew I wanted to do a bit of gardening and cleaning up before he came to stay) I finally asked for his help with this 2m long thistle and then I'd walk him back to the station. The whole walk back he just continued to ask if I was angry. At the time I replied yes because he was going home so suddenly.
When we said goodbye at the station, you could cut the tension with a knife. I tried to hold back my tears as we were in public and I just felt so frustrated. We hugged and said goodbye quickly and just like that he was gone.
I felt pretty bad once I got home, and given how things had been going I had wanted to be able to give him a proper goodbye but didn't know of I'd be able to hold back tears. I sent him the following message after we parted ways
「I'm not angry. Im just feeling very lonely at the moment. I've missed seeing you these past 3 weeks. I felt very sad when we said goodbye and had the impression we'd be spending more time together. We haven't decided on when next to see each other, and Golden week is the longest holiday period for the whole year. We don't know when will see each other next. I miss you」
What are your thoughts everyone. Have I really been self centered and not properly considering his feelings? Thank you for taking the time to read all of this.
Edit: Apologies for my crappy spelling and grammar. I've tried to fix some
::::::::::Note::::::::: I feel like this has leaned a bit far from the title at this stage but I'll add that after we met up I went to to doctors again and was told I have strep throat again and am on further antibiotics
Since my last message from above was sent he has not replied and gone full ghost.
This man also has a key to my house that I'd need back
I am a New Zealand F and he is a Japanese M. If that matters to anybody.
I didn't use a throwaway account as I figured there's no possibility of him or his friends seeing this anyway and I'm feeling a bit too down in the dumps to make a separate account. I barely use this one for anything anyway
::::EDIT:::: There are a number of comments expressing concerns about stds and for me to get checked. I get checked regularly as it is the normal thing to do for one's safety. I purely just have reoccurring strep throat infections. No stds here. Thank you all the commenter's who were concerned over this.
submitted by Celmisiaa to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 06:53 helpmeeeeeplzzzzz Prednisone making me, 34f, weird?

Prednisone making me feel weird??
I'm getting over bad strep and a tonsil abscess. I had it for a couple days before my doc prescribed prednisone. I couldn't sleep until 6a the next am and now, the next night and another dose, I can't get to sleep after only 2 hours of sleep this am. I feel like I'm on a stimulant. Is this how it is supposed to be? I'm glad to feel alive again but probably need sleep right?
Also on clindamycin but has slept all evening and night when on that only.
P.s. I ate some weed gummies to see if that would chill me out but they're barely impacting me! It's so weird!
submitted by helpmeeeeeplzzzzz to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 05:47 frenchfriedfart85 Minute clinic test for strep carrier?

Will minute clinic test me for strep if I think I might be a carrier? My daughter keeps getting strep and I want to make sure no one in the house is asymptomatic and passing it to her. I didn't know if they would test me without symptoms even though I'm paying for the visit.
submitted by frenchfriedfart85 to CVS [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 18:08 megs02787 Recurrent strep throat?

My 8M child has had strep throat/tested positive multiple times over the past few months. Usually he has no symptoms (no fever, sore throat). He had tonsils/adenoids removed last summer. I was under the impression that without tonsils/adenoids you could get strep but recurrent infection was rare. Is he just a carrier? Today I noticed some unusual bumps on tongue - almost like strawberry tongue. When he’s had that before though his tongue is lighter colored and/or the bumps are white. No c/o pain discomfort. No fever. Drinking and eating well. He recently started Prevacid and periactin for cyclical vomiting syndrome. No other meds at this time. Could this be a side effect from these meds?
submitted by megs02787 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 01:36 A_Toxic_User MoistCritikal (Charlie) is a fantastic moron (Effort Post)

This is the greatest conspiracy brain-rot of all time
Hey what’s up guys, A_Toxic_User here. Now I know we’re currently obsessing over Israel/Palestine but I wanted to address a very wacky and silly claim made by an extremely popular and influential creator. 4 days ago, popular influencer Penguinz0/MoistCritikal (Charlie) put on a video on Boeing titled “Boeing is evil”\_qBqiRo
Summary of video: Penguinz0 covers the death of the second “Boeing whistleblower” (I put this in quotation marks since it may be the case that they weren’t technically a whistleblower from Boeing) and states that he is certain that Boeing assassinated Joshua Dean and that all other Boeing whistleblowers are in danger because Boeing is evil and is assassinating them as well.
Link to the article he cites:
Here’s what I am not arguing: I am not arguing that Boeing is a great company. By all accounts and reports, Boeing seems to have a history of shady and shitty practices, of which they are currently being investigated for.
However, Penguinz0’s whole basis for his huge inflammatory video and really grand and confident proclamations hinges on his belief that Boeing assassinated Joshua Dean. It should be noted that he doesn’t actually provide any evidence for his claim, just a whole lot of “isn’t it weird that-“ and “It sooo obvious that-“. You know, your standard conspiracy brain-rot language. He does not actually provide any evidence as to why the official “narrative” is false and that Boeing actually assassinated the guy.
So, what is the official narrative?
So now, according to the article, Joshua Dean was previously healthy, then developed a strep throat, which worsened to the point that he needed to go to the ER, where he tested positive for Influenza B and MRSA. He later died from pneumonia and possibly a stroke.
There is absolutely nothing suspicious about this at all. Charlie doesn’t even actually attempt to disprove or provide any evidence as to why this story is so obviously bullshit, and it is very obvious that he has not put any (Moist)critical thinking into this at all. However, I will provide evidence as to why this is entirely possible.
(So I’m drawing from a bunch of sources and background knowledge regarding how MRSA infections work, so I’m not going to link a source for every medical statement here, but if anyone doubts any of the following medical statements made, Just ask and I’ll link a source).
First, MRSA infections are definitely a big thing ( In 2017, there were nearly 120000 Staph bloodstream infections and 20,000 associated deaths. MRSA is widely recognized as an ongoing health issue in the United States. According to the CDC, one in three people carry S. Aureus in their nose, with 2 in every 100 people carrying MRSA (so probably over 3 million people in the US are carriers of MRSA in their upper airway). It is entirely possible that Joshua Dean was one of these people. MRSA infections that reach the bloodstream are extremely dangerous, with fatality rates ranging from 10% to 30% to even above 60%. MRSA infection leads to a wide variety of nasty symptoms such as pneumonia, lung abscesses, empyema (hence the nasty appearance of the lungs), septic shock, and cerebral vasculitis (hence the possible stroke). In addition, MRSA progresses rapidly, and some strains can kill in around 24 hours. It is entirely within reason for someone with a MRSA infection to die within 2 weeks due to the above symptoms.
Now, how did he get the MRSA infection? We don’t know. There are a wide variety of factors that may predispose one to being susceptible. Perhaps the influenza B weakened his body enough to allow the MRSA to spread. Maybe he had an unknown chronic condition that put him at risk, such as vascular disease or being immunocompromised. Maybe he was just unlucky.
But how could he not have known of any potential risk factors for developing an MRSA infection? Well, as his own article states: “Dean, whom his family described as a "health nut" and someone who didn't have a regular doctor because he was never sick, checked himself into an urgent care because he was having trouble breathing”.
You know something that a regular doctor does? Regular health checkups, where they can prescribe tests and check stuff like your WBC counts and other factors to make sure your immune system is functioning normally. Whatever Joshua Dean was, he was most definitely not a doctor, and thus there is no reasonable basis by which he alone could determine how healthy he actually was (no matter how much of a health nut he is claimed to have been).
So no doctor means no way of knowing that he wasn’t at risk for developing a fatal MRSA infection, which means that all the claimed “health stuff” doesn’t disprove anything at all.
So, in short, we have a man who didn’t regularly see a doctor, who becomes sick and dies, and the hospital attributes the cause of death to a bacteria that kills people in a way that matches exactly what killed Joshua Dean, and that is an ongoing health issue within the US.
Not too sure what’s so obviously wrong about this.
In short, Charlie is making an extremely wild accusation without providing any actual proof, and instead demonstrating the same stupid conspiracy-brained symptoms that people like Andrew Tate and Alex Jones demonstrate. Predictably, his millions of followers do not attempt at all to challenge his statements and instead follow his brainrot conspiracy.
Charlie should just stick to drama and dildos.
That’s about it, see ya.
submitted by A_Toxic_User to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 07:27 ThrowAwayJessK Strep after tonsillectomy?

I think the guy I’ve been seeing is a carrier for strep because every time I see him I get strep after. If I get a tonsillectomy can I still get strep from him? Do/have any other girls have/had this issue?
submitted by ThrowAwayJessK to Tonsillectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:00 kendansu Recurring staph: am I missing something?

Been dealing with chronic staph reinfection for around three months now. First started in Thailand after some close contact with a carrier. 5 days of augmentin, 7 days of clindamycin (both of which the strain resisted as per a wound culture), and 14 days of doxycycline + hibiclens and mupirocin in the nose to no avail. Every time it seems to disappear from somewhere, it re-emerges somewhere else. I’m seeing an infectious disease specialist tomorrow but I’m utterly stumped. What am I doing wrong here?
submitted by kendansu to Staphacne [link] [comments]