8 gaue gold earings

Chronic head tension

2024.06.10 01:04 Original_Budget_5862 Chronic head tension

Chronic throbbing head and heart palpitations
Hello everyone who is dealing with health anxiety.I have had this problem and it’s been like this 5 months.It started one night when I went to sleep my whole head started throbbing so fast with pressure and I felt my heart beating like crazy like my whole body was shaking.It was a nightmare for me cause I thought I was about to get a stroke.When I woke up tomorrow I thought it would have been gone but its been constant now without any day or moment off.I even feel really sensitive to my ears.Did a MRI scan T1 T2 flair (only a disc degeneration in my cervical zone)and blood tests everything’s fine.The neurologist said just stress,went to a physiotherapist he only once did me a session just massaged my face cause he said my whole face and neck muscles were really tense even he said you have stress and need to try some activities
This guys is really draining cause it has reduced my sleep quality which tomorrow may make me feel tired and sometimes unfocused.I just want to feel again relaxed.Even the fact that I dont know where it comes from and how to prevent it makes me really sad.Everyone says its managable but they dont know how my head beats like its about to explode and my heart shaking my whole body.These are even day when Im on the verge of sleep and my body wakes me up with a twitch of my body mainly my right leg.Idk how to deal with this.I can deal with it when I move during my uni days but when I am home and now mostly for my final exams I am so uncomfortable everyday.Sleeping at 2 am and waking up at 8 30 am.
I hope someone can relate and I hope nobody experiences a feeling like this🙏
submitted by Original_Budget_5862 to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:56 Original_Budget_5862 Chronic throbbing head and heart palpitations

Hello everyone who is dealing with health anxiety.I have had this problem and it’s been like this 5 months.It started one night when I went to sleep my whole head started throbbing so fast with pressure and I felt my heart beating like crazy like my whole body was shaking.It was a nightmare for me cause I thought I was about to get a stroke.When I woke up tomorrow I thought it would have been gone but its been constant now without any day or moment off.I even feel really sensitive to my ears.Did a MRI scan T1 T2 flair (only a disc degeneration in my cervical zone)and blood tests everything’s fine.The neurologist said just stress,went to a physiotherapist he only once did me a session just massaged my face cause he said my whole face and neck muscles were really tense even he said you have stress and need to try some activities
This guys is really draining cause it has reduced my sleep quality which tomorrow may make me feel tired and sometimes unfocused.I just want to feel again relaxed.Even the fact that I dont know where it comes from and how to prevent it makes me really sad.Everyone says its managable but they dont know how my head beats like its about to explode and my heart shaking my whole body.These are even day when Im on the verge of sleep and my body wakes me up with a twitch of my body mainly my right leg.Idk how to deal with this.I can deal with it when I move during my uni days but when I am home and now mostly for my final exams I am so uncomfortable everyday.Sleeping at 2 am and waking up at 8 30 am.
I hope someone can relate and I hope nobody experiences a feeling like this🙏
submitted by Original_Budget_5862 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:51 schmoralx A casual encounter of 1st place Flex-Challenger in low diamond. Why is blatant elo-boosting in Flex still allowed and tolerated?

A casual encounter of 1st place Flex-Challenger in low diamond. Why is blatant elo-boosting in Flex still allowed and tolerated?
Me and my mates had the unfortunate encounter to play against the rank 1 challenger flex-queue player.
How is that possible with me having an emerald I elo right now? Am I that good? ...
Of course not!
This is the after game lobby:
The Lee Sin player has 2362 LP after this game. How is it possible that him playing with 4 high elo playing dudes with downboosted accounts to inflate his elo is still not trackable?
If we take a loot at the Syndra account you can see a really unfortunate remake/losing streak... And she is not the only one. Irela, Corki, and Nautilus also had some really unfortunate 10 games in a row remake/losing streak.
All Jokes aside, here is clearly something going on that was pledged to be negated. I hope this can gather some attention and also some action.
submitted by schmoralx to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:50 Reagh_1 Haven’t lost a pound in 3 months

Good day ya’ll! Here looking for a little advice since I’m struggling to lose weight.
A little about me: 31 years old. 295lbs, 6ft2in tall.
Exercise routine: - heavy weights 4 days a week. My workouts are split between a chest/back day. Shoulders/arms day and a leg day. 4th day is for hitting my weak zones and focusing on core and low back and glutes. I start every weight day with 5 minutes of running as fast as I can on the treadmill. My record for distance has been .6 miles (1Km) in that time. - I run a 5K every week. Average speed 6.8mph -yoga twice a week. Hot yoga at Torch Yoga here in Norfolk.
Diet: -ground turkey/thin cut pork chops/chicken for protein -bagged salads at dinner and mixed frozen veggies at lunch (with an above protein) -breakfast is 4 eggs, homemade sourdough toast, 2 peanut butter with a little jam -2 Protein shakes a day consisting of 2 scoops of gold standard whey and 3 TBSP of collagen powder (each shake) -one cheat day with the wife on the weekends.
Since starting this routine back at the end of march I’ve definitely gained strength every week, so the muscle is building, endurance and stamina have skyrocketed and the flexibility is improving. The clothes fit looser as well.
However, the scale hasn’t changed. (I understand muscle is more dense than fat thus weighing more) I figured by now the scale would start to go down as the muscle continues to build and the fat continues to burn but it’s not going anywhere. And by and large my stomach fat has remained unchanged even though my arms and legs have firmed up and toned up from all the exercise.
Anyone have any recommendations for shredding these pounds off and getting down to a nice 265-270?
Beyond weight my summer fitness goals are as follows: -bench 225 for 50 total reps (up to 35) -run a mile in under 8 minutes (reached 7:49 a few weeks ago) -comfortably do plow pose in yoga. (No where near that flexible yet)
Thanks for the help! 😊
submitted by Reagh_1 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:50 Zealousideal-Dog-352 Cheating in Oceania

This is weird to me because I started in OW2 in Season 6 I think it was and so I'm kinda new to the game, having escaped Counter-Strike because nearly every game had cheaters—legitimately 70% of games had one. I was 23k ELO at the start since I came from CS where I was global, but I slowly dropped to 16k due to rage hackers.
I nearly gave up on FPS games since I didn’t like Valorant. My friend recommended OW2 and assured me that there were barely any cheats, that the community was good at calling them out, and that bans actually happened when you clicked "report."
The last two weeks have been crazy. I've had outright spin botters, Pharahs that hit every direct shot on my team's Echo mid-air, and Tracers that can one-clip despite it being much harder with the HP increase. The worst of all are the Genjis with Mercys crawling up their assholes.
Before someone says "they're a smurf, get over it," I've got two GM friends who live on the East Coast. We are four hours apart and barely play together, and they’ve told me that in AU’s top 500, like 30% of games have a cheater. They’ve watched my replay codes in games where I felt like the person wasn’t a smurf because their movement and use of cooldowns didn’t make sense, and they always dive or target the lowest HP target instantly in a fight.
I’m confused about what happened to whatever anti-cheat there was. I know paid cheats can bypass them, but I've spent two weeks reporting in-game cheaters with my mate, who I queue with (both of us are plat), and we've had a couple of games where we reported a thrower or in-game voice/chat abuse and received messages in the chat when logging in that those people had been banned/suspended for missconduct.
Yet, not a single one has come back reporting a cheater, not even for the Widow that was spin botting on Antarctic Peninsula, OT touching point, killed three people, 2-3 weeks ago. My entire team supposedly pressed report, and the other team even tried helping us by giving info on where he was.
I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced a rise in suspicious players and, if you are certain they are cheating, are there any dead giveaways you have found? One I’ve noticed with Hanzos that get perfect dragons is that they don’t use recon before doing it, yet they line it up perfectly with no info beforehand.
My belief is that cheating started to pick up around the time the game was released on Steam. It brought in new players, and I hate to sound biased, but my experience is that most people who cheat are like 16 to 21. As you get older and more mature, you lose interest in doing stuff like that because it’s a waste of time.
Also, the increase in cheaters seems due to the rank reset. It seems that, according to the forum, a lot of people are frustrated with the quality of matchmaking and their loss streaks, or that they used to be diamond and want to get out of plat, which is a dumping ground for smurfing, casuals, cheats, and end-of-season alt accounts. Climbing takes like 20 wins and 5 losses to go up one rank since some people have bottomed out their accounts with too many 50/50 games, making it impossible to climb higher.
I myself use to be Diamond 2 on dps in season 8 and gold on my other roles... I dont care about dud team mates or that I'm in plat... I just want fair games... why's it so hard for a billion-dollar company to run a ban wave by downloading the popular paid cheats themselves... do a silent update to patch them and detect who's launching it then hardware ban the losers....
submitted by Zealousideal-Dog-352 to OverwatchUniversity [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:48 KolboMoon Norsca Wishlist and Suggestions

Norsca Wishlist and Suggestions
Norsca is....a bit incomplete, I think we can all agree on that. Wulfric, the various Fimir, the Skinwolves, the mammoths and the generic shaman hero basically carry the whole faction, but there is only so much they can carry before their backs start to break.
So here is a list of things and additions that I think would improve the faction considerably ;
  1. More generic lords. Norsca only has one generic lord, aside from the two you can get if you devote yourself to Tzeentch or Nurgle, and there is only so much of Beardy McBeardface I can tolerate before I start daydreaming about how lovely it would be to start another Dark Elf campaign where I have access to four generic lords and six legendary lords.
Beardy McBeardface, in the flesh.
I think a female norscan lord would be cool. Valkia was originally a chieftain of a Norscan tribe, after all. A magic-using shaman lord would be nice too.
The COOLER Beardy McBeardface. You have no idea how much I love this guy and his voice.
According to Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, the current leader of Skeggi, a partially cosmopolitan Norscan colony in Lustria, is a woman named Adella of the Thousand Mouths. She is never making it into the game, of course-but my god she looks sick. Just an absolutely incredible design.
  1. More legendary lords. They only have two, and one of them is disguised as Throgg. I think Sayl the Faithless would be a decent candidate. I used to think otherwise, but not because I disliked Sayl. I like Sayl.
Just look at this fuckin' guy. No wonder Chaos is so popular, with guys like this walking around. Bit of a shame he didn't come with Tamurkhan.
But aside from Sayl, I'm not entirely sure who else would be appropriate. There are plenty of fun and unique characters to draw from Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, but CA exclusively sticks to characters who have models in the tabletop wargame.
( sidenote ; as I'm doing a bit of light "research" on Norsca, I found an Exalted Hero of Nurgle called "Dónalegur of Many Eyes". That one stood out to me because I'm Icelandic and in my language, Dónalegur means "Rude". What's next? Inconsiderate of Many Ears? Ungentlemanly of Thirty Fingers? Who writes this shit? )
  1. A generic yellow line for the one generic lord that Norsca has. He doesn't have one, believe it or not. Seriously, go start a Norsca campaign and check it out yourself if you don't believe me.
  2. Access to Marauders of ( insert god here ) after you have pledged to the Hound, the Eagle, the Serpent or the Crow. And I mean both Devoted Marauders and regular ones. It wouldn't hurt, at least. Sure, many of those god-aligned Marauders don't come from Norsca-but then again, many of them do.
  3. I also think you should get an Exalted Hero and an Exalted Legendary Lord of ( insert god here ) after you have pledged your faction to said god. That may sound a bit greedy, but as it stands you're basically incentivized to only pledge your faction to Tzeentch or Nurgle and ignore Slaanesh or Khorne. You only get one Daemon anyway, so a bit of variety wouldn't be a bad thing, now would it?
  4. Wulfric ( and I mean ONLY Wulfric ) should have access to a shipbuilding mechanic and a teleportation mechanic.
Why a teleportation mechanic?
Because he can literally do that. It's his whole thing. His ship-Seafang- can literally fade into the Realm of Chaos and then emerge back into reality on the other side of the planet.
Admittedly, summoning Seafang to absolutely wreck a frontline of very unfortunate Empire spearmen is one of the most fun abilities in the game.
"Don't enough lords have a teleportation mechanic already? Are you really suggesting that it be given to everyone?"
He can literally do that, it's literally his whole entire gimmick as the Wanderer and The Eternal Challenger.
And why shipbuilding? Two reasons- shipbuilding is fun, and it fits him thematically. It's as simple as that.
  1. Give Throgg more Trolls. He's the Troll Guy, the Troll King I mean. Fuck it, give him ALL the Trolls. That way you'd be more inclined to do some Trollin'.
  2. As for the Norscan roster - I don't know. It could do with some fleshing out, but as for what units would be appropriate- I don't know. Maybe Norscan shieldmaidens? If there are any, I mean.
And that's about all I have to say. Norsca is not my favorite faction by any means- but I have played with them a whole bunch, and they do have units that I really am super fond of. So it would be nice to see them get a bit more love.
submitted by KolboMoon to totalwar [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:44 Tasty-Performance275 what’s your ear ache taylor song??

hey guys! what’s the taylor song that makes you want to rip your ears off?? mine would probably have to be:
submitted by Tasty-Performance275 to swiftiecirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:42 ThrowAwayGay0892 AITAH for being offended by the f slur?

Throw away account. This is also my first reddit post so I'm sorry if formatting or wording is wrong.
I just want to start with some context. I [31M] am gay. I also have BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder.) I will be the first to admit that I can feel pretty heated if I think someone is doing something offensive that can be harmful to others. I know that there have been times where I've overreacted to things in the past, and I have been in therapy for years to help me get my emotional disorder under control. I want to say I have a pretty good handle on it now, but I know that there are still times where I slip up and let it get the better of me.
The next bit of context you should know is that this story involves my friend [24F] who I'll call Lacy. I met Lacy through her boyfriend [24M] who I'll call Steve, about a year and a half ago. From the moment Lacy and I met, her and I hit it off extremely well. She is an amazing person, the type who would literally give the shirt off of her back just to help someone in need. She can also get along with just about anyone. I consider her to be one of my best friends, and we even joke around that her and I get along better than Steve and I do sometimes. I literally call her my wifey, and she calls me her gay husband. Lacy and Steve have owned a Discord server together since shortly after I met Lacy, and I was an admin in it up until about an hour ago. This server is full of their friends, some of whom I am also friends with, and others who I don't know too well but get along with just fine. This group of friends is a bit of a mixing pot. Lacy is black just for some more context, but there are people of all different races, genders, and sexual orientations in this group.
On to the last bit of context here. There have been occasions in this server where I will be in one of the VC's (voice chats for anyone unfamiliar with Discord) and people have used some type of (what I consider to be) slurs in normal conversation. I have heard the r slur (the one usually used against those with intellectual disabilities,) the n word, both with and without the hard r at the end (the one used against black people,) and the f slur (the one used against people in the queer community.) Whenever any of these words have been said, it always leaves this knot in the pit of my stomach. I just feel like nobody should be made to feel bad about something that is out of their control, like with mental capacities, race, or their sexuality. I honestly hate confrontation though, because I definitely have trouble staying calm due to my BPD when I get worked up sometimes.
Now when it comes to the n word, while I am not comfortable with anyone other than black people using that word (even with a "hall pass" so to speak,) I typically don't say anything (I'm white btw) because that is a word that Lacy does not take any issue in other people using. If it were something I heard someone saying on the street, then I would absolutely call someone out for it. To her though, it's just a word, and that's just how her and her friends interact with each other. (They use insults as a form of showing love. Not really my thing, but as long as no insults are thrown at me, I could honestly care less how other people show their love to one another as long as it's consensual, lol.)
The problem arises when I hear the r and f slur being used. Typically in that group, if they find someone or something to be stupid, they'll use the r slur instead of just calling it/them stupid (And tbh, it's a word that is said a lot on the internet, not just in that server alone. Regardless, it's a word that has never sat right with me because I know that there are people out there who would use it as a way to insult and belittle someone, and I don't think that that's morally right. It's a word that I don't really like hearing.) Now with the f slur, I will say that technically it hasn't really been directed *at* someone in the server. It's mainly been when people are playing competitive games with people online and lose. They'll call their opponents the f word. I have called people out for using both words before, but it tends to be an "in one ear, out the other" situation because those words are still used despite being told they aren't really good words, although they aren't used *as often* as they used to be. I have mentioned in the past to Lacy that those types of words make me uncomfortable, and to her credit she has been really good about reaching out to the people who use them to have more in depth talks with them and to let them know how it can be offensive to others.
Okay, thanks for bearing with me on the context. Now onto the story:
A few nights ago, I hopped into VRChat to hang out with Lacy (think public or private chat rooms but with avatars in VR) She was hanging out with two of her friends (I'll call them Tony and Kate.) Now I had not met Tony or Kate before that night, but they seemed like decent people. Definitely fit into the "insults to show love" crowd that my friend Lacy likes though. Everything was going fine until Tony was talking to Kate and called her the f word. Kate dished it right back and called him the f slur back. That's when I got super uncomfortable. I did not know these people, I have no clue what their sexual orientations are, but from context clues through the night it seemed like they were into one another. I definitely did *not* get the vibes that Tony was interested in men at all, but again, not my friends, I don't know them well enough, so I bit my tongue. I logged out shortly after since it was almost time for me to go to bed anyways.
The following night, I was in the server VC with like 8 other people. Both Lacy and her boyfriend Steve were in there as well. Two of those people happened to be Tony and Kate, who I did not know were both in the server until that night (Again, it is my friend's server and she is allowed to invite whoever she wants, obviously.) We were all just kind of chilling and playing our own games while talking to each other, when out of nowhere, Tony calls Kate the f slur again. Now I'll admit, I was a tad tipsy at this point. I spoke up this time and basically said that that's not a nice word to use, that I'm not comfortable with it because people in my community have been targeted with that word. And there was silence after that. Neither Lacy or Steve said anything. Steve tried to distract me and change the subject, but I was so uncomfortable and pissed that I just kind of left the VC in frustration. I messaged both Steve and Lacy to let them know why I'd left and went to bed. I woke up and Lacy's only response to me was "I understand." I was still a bit upset so I messaged her back. (I'll copy and paste what I wrote to her because I'm not the best at paraphrasing. Names are edited for privacy):
"No, like I honestly don’t think you do. Because the other night in the movie world, both Kate and Tony said it as “insults” to each other, and I had to bite my tongue because they’re your friends and not mine. It’s a word that got used in my face time and time again whenever someone would push me “jokingly” in school before I even knew/accepted that I was gay. It’s a word that gets spat into gay people’s faces before, during, or after they get unjustly attacked or even killed simply for holding their partner’s hand in public. I don’t think you actually understand the weight that that word holds for people in my community. It’s literally the equivalent of someone calling a black person the n word with a hard r simply for being black. And the two owners of the server said nothing. Absolutely nothing after that word was dropped like it’s just casual conversation."
I waited all day for a response and didn't get one from her. In fact, I was still waiting until an hour ago when I decided to leave the server altogether. *That's* when my friend decided to message me. She asked why I'd left, then immediately called me. Talking with her, I found out that she did have a chat with Tony (okay, how was I supposed to know this if it wasn't communicated to me?) She never responded because she honestly wasn't quite sure how to. Because as the server admin, she was put in a bit of a bind. According to her, Tony's response was that that's just how him and his friend Kate interact with one another. (Side note, she doesn't know Tony's sexuality, but Kate it bisexual.) And now here's where I'm wondering if I'm the AH. Lacy reached out to not only some of the other people who were in the VC that night who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community, but also other server admins who are a part of the community as well. None of them seem to have any issue with the word at all. They also think that it's just a word and that it doesn't hold any power unless you let it. And while I completely agree with that sentiment, it's unfortunately not that easy for me to look at it that way. That word is a trigger, both from religious trauma and bullying in my past. So Lacy fees like her hands are tied, because I'm saying that it's an offensive word while others in the server are saying it's not that big of a deal.
So reddit, AITAH? Did I overreact? If no one seems to have an issue with it, then is this just my BPD making me think/feel irrationally again? As it stands, I have no intention of returning to the server. Regardless of my judgment, this is something that doesn't sit right with me, and even if I'm wrong, I don't want to go back and get triggered again, so for my own mental health, I know that staying away is probably for the better. I was just always taught not to judge others for their appearances, and that includes using words that could be considered offensive to others. But now I'm wondering if I'm overreacting. So am I wrong?
submitted by ThrowAwayGay0892 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:40 TownNo3169 Haven’t advanced leagues

Haven’t advanced leagues
Has anyone else not advanced yet? I qualify for it ):
submitted by TownNo3169 to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:39 hi_goodbye21 How do I make this Scorpio 8th house stellium work for me?

How do I make this Scorpio 8th house stellium work for me?
All this stellium makes me think of is death. Idk how much of it is true but I’m sure there’s a good reason why I have a Scorpio 8H stellium ✌🏽
submitted by hi_goodbye21 to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:36 Ok-Study-8474 What are some notable things about my chart, and why do I seem to have such bad luck/difficulty in love and trying to obtain my career goals?

What are some notable things about my chart, and why do I seem to have such bad luck/difficulty in love and trying to obtain my career goals? submitted by Ok-Study-8474 to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:34 dandelionwine14 TCI vs. HOC winter palettes?

TCI vs. HOC winter palettes?
I got typed as a winter by HOC, and the winter palette given is not specific to subseason, so it’s very much a black/white, very bright, vivid, and saturated. But I believe I sit close to the border to winter and autumn and have less contrast than your average winter.
I noticed this TCI dark winter palette looks very different. The colors look noticeably softer. I had a few questions about it.
-Are true/bright reds not great for dark winters? The reds here look a little softer, a little more berry/brown/maroon leaning than the “crisp, vivid” reds I think of as winter. -Can deep winters wear pretty warm pinks as long as they’re not too salmon/orange? These pinks look fairly warm! HOC has only fuchsia, magenta, Barbie pinks, and icy pinks for winters. -Can dark winters wear brown? I’m having trouble determining if these swatches have brown. Does chocolate brown work? Dark bitter chocolate? Burgundy brown? Brown is popular in fashion now, and I’m trying to understand what works. -Does olive green really work? It seems like such a warm color that it’s confusing to see it on a winter palette!
I wonder if this is why some people find the HOC winter look jarring. I think I agree with my result, yet some bright fuchsia lipstick was put on me which looked so jarring. It’s interesting to see that some systems have winters looking quite a bit warmer and softer.
submitted by dandelionwine14 to coloranalysis [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:34 Healthy_Eggplant91 The perfect song for Eddie (+2 songs for Buddie)

I've been obsessed with Teddy Swims lately and I was listening to Last Communion for like the 20th time before I looked at the lyrics and realized it's literally Eddie's song (about his wife) and it's really cathartic to listen to given how they ended S7. I just wanna talk about it extensively because my heart hurts for Eddie, so I'm gonna analyze this in Eddie's POV because I am unwell 😭
So this song is part of an album called "I've Tried Everything But Therapy" which is very appropriate as a general Eddie Mood™ ngl. Anyway it's a song that deals with loss of faith, the end of a relationship, and lack of closure that results from it. It literally hits pretty much everything Eddie is trying to work through with his relationship with Shannon right now.
The song opens with:
Used to believe Heaven was bulletproof Only God can turn a red light blue Been cuttin' me deep, dyin' to talk to you Only love can push the blade right through
Right away, it's establishing faith. Even though Eddie's not as religious as his family or Bobby, I think he still believes in the broad strokes of Christianity like a higher power and maybe a heaven and how religion serves to let people deal with the problems that they might need a little bit more spiritual help to overcome. "Only God can turn a red light blue" can be interpreted as the belief that only divine intervention can help change a negative situation (in this case, his wife's death) into a positive one. The stop/go imagery adds the nuance that the situation is something that's holding Eddie back and God/a higher power is the only one that will "permit" him to move on as if "moving on" is completely out of his hands. It also lines up with Eddie's tendency to "search for signs" to move forward, like Shannon's "pregnancy" to propose, or Carla telling him to ask Ana out, or Christopher pushing him to call Marisol. Eddie is hurting himself to talk to or find closure with Shannon. The act of "pushing a blade right through" can mean his love for Shannon put the blade in him in the first place/she's the reason why he's hurting, and only love (someone else's/Buck's) can push it through so the hole can finally heal even if it hurts to do so.
This love's an orphan callin' on deaf ears There's no afterlife, but if there is It's late in the night time, so it's the right time For sleep talkin', sleep talkin'
The orphan imagery in the chorus is definitely supposed to signify that Eddie feels left behind, his love for Shannon is falling on "deaf ears" because she abandoned him while she was alive (he waits for her but she never responds) and literally after she died (he can't talk to a dead person). "Night time, right time for sleep talking" can be interpreted as Eddie hiding his feelings, keeping them to himself in the dark/in private where he can break down his defenses when he's alone, and the only time he processes his feelings is through his "dreams" or his fantasies. This is the bridge so it gets repeated along with the chorus to emphasize abandonment and the hope that he can "talk" to his wife through his imagined fantasy/afterlife/Heaven where she's still "alive".
And now the heart's shot dead Buried under each and every word unsaid 24 hours since 'Goodbye, God Bless' 'Fore we let the ghost get away One last communion babe
This whole chorus is basically painting the abrupt (and emotionally devastating) end of Eddie's relationship with his wife and desire for closure. The second line is self explanatory, there were a lot of things unsaid when Eddie had to let his wife go in the ambulance, I really think he couldn't unload on a dying woman and ask her why she wanted to divorce, why she would think there was a possibility she would never come back to him and Chris, why wasn't Eddie enough for her to stay, etc. This all happened very quickly in the show, I think it was like within one episode of each other, Eddie was asking Shannon to marry him, her refusing, and Eddie choosing to console her as she dies despite how much he obviously still had things to say (as shown when he talked with Bobby).
Before they let the "ghost" of their relationship get away, he wants one last "communion" with her, which can mean "to commune"/share thoughts and feelings, to "break bread" with each other, remember each other's sacrifices, put aside their differences and either part on good terms or try to fix their relationship.
With Shannon's death, it paints Eddie's desire for them both to have one last chance to say the things that haven't been said for the sake of peace. This is the chorus so it keeps repeating and just highlights this desire to resolve their issues and have a proper goodbye. The bridge and the "One last communion" part of the chorus is kinda circular, in the bridge he feels abandoned but still has hope, but when he "thinks" about his relationship, all roads just lead him to the longing of wanting one last "communion" with her in order to fix or to let go. When the bridge-chorus repeats in the song, it just paints how much Eddie is stuck in this loop of hope, devastation and desire for closure.
So I let it go, nobody else around Couldn't watch forever fall face down So I turned my head the second it hit the ground And I felt it, but it made no sound
Again, I'm thinking about the ambulance with Eddie consoling Shannon while she talks about "leaving again" and how Eddie probably wanted to ask why she wanted to divorce him, why they couldn't stay together for Chris if she really loves him etc. He lets go of his problems with her in the moment for the sake of comforting her. I'm also thinking about how Eddie told Bobby that he "forgave her for everything and it wasn't enough", this was something he decided to do likely with no input or advice from anyone else. The second line, I think Eddie really thought he and Shannon would stay together forever despite how shitty their marriage was and how shitty they were to each other. He turned a blind eye to the destruction of their relationship, deep down he probably "felt it"--their relationship was dead--but he refused to hear it because he couldn't watch his "fantasy" of being married to her forever crumble even after her death.
Bridge and chorus play again, Eddie stuck in a loop of hope and devastation every time he ruminates about his relationship with Shannon and lands with wanting closure with "one last communion".
It was a grand old age Oh and yes I know that nothing gold can stay But I couldn't bring myself to turn that page Before I drop a kiss on the grave One last communion babe
God this song is fucking perfect. Eddie built up a fantasy of having a perfect relationship with his wife, and maybe "The Grand Old Age" might have been true during high school and when they were first married to each other. Everything was perfect and golden, in Eddie's words "I loved being married to her" and he might have been blissfully in love with her then and maybe he knew it was never going to last especially when he started running away. But now with her gone, he can't bring himself to "turn that page / before [he] drops a kiss on the grave", in other words, he can't let go of that golden age ideal, to turn to the next chapter of his life, to move on, not before he let's go of his wife--which he can't do because he has an all consuming desire for "one last communion" with her, to make peace and get answers.
It was a childish game Who can light a candle in the cryin' rain No one could know about the mess we've made I'm scrubbing, praying that the blood don't stain I only whisper your name For one last communion babe
This song is literally made for Eddie 😭 "It was a childish game, who can light a candle in the crying rain" in the context of their marriage means they were immature and naive trying to make it work, trying to keep their "passion" or "candle" alive while they were both hurting. It was like an exercise in futility to participate in this back and forth "game" of Shannon lighting the candle under the torrent of Eddie's tears/hurt, and then Eddie trying to light the candle in turn under Shannon's.
They tried to hide their problems from others, they made a "mess" of each other, and the devastation Eddie is left with (his "heart shot dead" from the earlier lyrics) has covered him in blood (grief/trauma/left him broken) and he hopes that the "blood doesn't stain", he hopes almost desperately (scrubbing/praying) the aftermath of his relationship with her doesn't permanently mark him or break him. Now Eddie can only "whisper her name" longingly, it might also be a sign of secrecy, his need to keep his feelings about his wife--which persist even if he might not want it to--hidden from others maybe a little bit because of shame, he wasn't able to fix it. And again, he wants to so badly but he'll never get his "one last communion".
Ugh 😩 It's so beautiful honestly. Like word for word, it sums up Eddie's turmoil so well. This is now Eddie's anthem in my head, I can't separate him from this song.
The next 2 (honestly 3) songs are also part of the album, they're right after one another towards the end. The whole album kinda tells a story of anger, toxic relationships, heartbreak and finally moving on, realizing you're deserving of love and then finally finding it if listened to in order, so obviously I wasn't not going to think of Buck after that Eddie-as-fuck song. I'm not gonna go as heavy on the analysis because they're pretty self explanatory.
First one is Suitcase, and surprise surprise, it's about ✨baggage✨ lmao. It's slow and kinda sad, kinda hopeful, trying to move on even with all the hurt and exhaustion you gotta carry from previous relationships, always afraid you're moving back instead of moving forward but still loving who you can't help loving despite the setbacks and just asking them for a little more time and space to heal. 😭😭😭 From the artist himself: "This is a song about my journey to learn that I am deserving of love and worthy of someone who will love me despite my baggage and insecurities!" So it can read as for Eddie or Buck or both.
This part is my fave:
Every time I stumble for you Two steps back and one step forward And now I'm fallin' down more than I'm fallin' for you But I adore you, I adore you
Next one is Flame!!!! The feel good song!!!!!! Finally moving on!!!!!!! Happy and upbeat, kinda silly:
We should put on our favorite records Pour a little whiskey too early in the day We could blame it all on the weather Swear the connection was better in LA
We could use our imaginations to make up a confrontation For the sake of something goin' on We should put on our favorite records If we're lucky, turn tonight into a love song
It's alright Gonna stay right here 'til it hits us Even if it takes all night Gonna find the flame we've been missing, baby
It's actually "a song about having a hard time writing a song" but true to the lyrics, it literally turns into a love song out of context lmao. It actually feels kinda friends to lovers tbh, two people fucking around in a hotel room trying to have fun with each other, using their "imaginations to make up a confrontation" stirring up fake drama just to get a little "friction" going (this feels very "wanna go for the title?" to me) until they find the "flame they've been missing".
And then Evergreen, an actual love song. After Flame, it just feels like they've "found the spark" and now Eddie at least is falling for Buck, who is obviously the "sun knocking at [Eddie's] door" and the fuel to Eddie's fire and the "evergreen" crashing through Eddie's walls 😭 Just Eddie vibes fully leaning into his new love, finally realizing that he could have a life with Buck:
Took a while to make this bed Tired of livin' in my head The ritual, things I ain't know Never felt like this before
Sorry that my heart's a mess But you keep me from spirallin' And I guess when it rains it pours 'Til the sun knocks at your door
Oh, I think that I could love you Through the darkness, through the cold
'Cause I'm feelin' somethin' when you're next to me You fuel my fire like some kerosene We're intertwined with nothin' in between Cross your heart, promise you'll never leave
I'm feelin' somethin' when you're next to me I have walls up that nobody sees But you crash through me like an evergreen Cross your heart, promise you'll never leave
Thanks for reading this wall of text 😭 Last Communion is a masterpiece honestly, it's been a while since I've heard such heavy lyrics, it was literally begging to be analyzed and it just happened to be perfectly in line with my obsession with Eddie's current arc and now I love the song even more. I really hope they get together in S8.
submitted by Healthy_Eggplant91 to buddie [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:24 Ok-Prize-4032 Better understanding

Better understanding
Hello, I’ve been interested in astrology for some time. I heard about this- so I thought I would give it a shot. I’m looking to see what you guys can tell me about my chart. I have experienced a lot of loss throughout my life, maybe more so recently. As well as some rough, failed relationships. Not sure where I’m going right now with my life. I thought this would maybe give me some guidance. Thank you to anyone who is willing to help. I’m willing to donate 🙂
submitted by Ok-Prize-4032 to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:23 potatoman80 Martins V.V.O. 8 Year

Martins V.V.O. 8 Year
A relative passed away and this ended up in my hands. I’d never heard of it, but after doing some research, it seems that James Martin’s became/was absorbed by Glenmorangie in the 90s. The bottle had never been opened so I was excited to try it to say the least. I’m not super versed in scotch but it’s quite enjoyable. It has a bit of a honey/spice flavor to it and is super smooth. Having some more in a highball now. Anybody have any more knowledge/insight about this?
submitted by potatoman80 to Scotch [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:06 wesmusic bro actually just ran it down

bro actually just ran it down submitted by wesmusic to ohnePixel [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:05 Advancedkarma Fs pwe free bmwt +4$

Fs pwe free bmwt +4$ submitted by Advancedkarma to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:03 AlphaBladeYiII The Courtship of Princess Leia wins Round 11! Now for Day 12: best portrayal of R2-D2 outside of the films.

The Courtship of Princess Leia wins Round 11! Now for Day 12: best portrayal of R2-D2 outside of the films.
As a hardcore hater of TCoPL, this win somewhat hurts my soul. But I suppose Threepio was one of the few characters not butchered in that book, and he was pretty fun. Eitherway, it's time for the most badass droid and the ultimate lucky charm in the Galaxy to shine.
Once again, I will turn to Star Wars Tales and choose a rather obscure story called "Free Memory". At the first glance, this is just a short and sweet comic about Artoo sharing some beautiful missing moments and conversations from the films with Threepio. But more than any other story, it captured Artoo's role in the saga; he is the keeper of the story. He is the one who preserves it because he isn't simply loyal, because he genuinely seems to love our heroes. He cherishes those memories and conversations and adventures, always holding on to them and revisiting them.
Honorable Mentions:
  • Star Wars (2015) comics: Someone once said that Jason Aaron wrote Artoo as Astromech James Bond, and I can definitely agree. As I pointed in a recent meme, when Threepio got captured by SCAR squadron, Artoo was immediately ready for the rescue. He stole an X-Wing, stranded Luke in his own X-Wing by intimidating his borrowed droid when Luke came after him, casually boarded an Imperial Star Destroyer, killed dozens of Imperials in creative ways, single-handedly rescued Threepio, and managed to escape by out flying Darth freaking Vader. It's no wonder you're always safe when Artoo is around.
  • Luke Skywalker and The Shadows of Mindor: This book had the best prose PoV for Artoo. Stover absolutely nails the 'mind' of an A.I, and Artoo is badass as hell and ready to save the day. The bit where he threatens his captors by editing them into Luke's ramapge on Jabba's skiff was gold.
Last Round's votes:
  • The Courtship of Princess Leia (8 votes)
  • Star Wars Tales - "Storyteller" (3 votes)
  • New Jedi Order: Star by Star (2 votes)
  • New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos (2 votes)
  • Droids comics (2 votes)
  • The Droids show (1 vote)
  • Revenge of The Sith novel (1 vote)
  • Ahsoka S01 (1 vote)
  • The Poe Dameron comics (1 vote)
  • The Clone Wars show (1 vote)
  • Dark Nest Trilogy (1 vote)
  • Star Wars Tales - "Thank The Maker" (1 vote)
  • Children of the Jedi (1 vote)
submitted by AlphaBladeYiII to StarWarsEU [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:01 shanye-west 4 month old puppy suddenly peeing in crate and on sofa

My 4 month old is all but housetrained with the very very very rare accident in the house. But this past week she has peed in her crate 3 times. Since getting her at 8 weeks she never once peed in her crate, and I crate trained her from the beginning.
It’s never at night, only during the day during her enforced naps. She doesn’t cry or whine to tell me she has to come when she’s gone to the toilet in there, where usually she would bark to be let out, letting me know she has to go. But these three times it’s been absolute silence and I don’t know until I get her up from her nap.
Anyone experienced anything similar? I am also bringing her to the vet tomorrow but just figured I’d post on here before then.
She is drinking a lot more water (but it is summer here) and she was also on a high dosage of oral steroids for about two and half weeks due to an ear infection. But has been off them for a week and up until three days was totally bormal
submitted by shanye-west to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:00 SonicDooscar Just found out my step dad’s cancer came back..

8 years ago, my step dad had stage 4 throat cancer and through radiation and other treatments he made an incredible recovery. He was completely cancer free after that. At that time though, unknowingly the biggest mistake was how much radiation they actually did give him.
Well, today, my mom told me that the cancer came back. He has a tumor in/on the back of his tongue I wasn’t given that level of detail and then it’s in his back. If he has surgery he won’t be able to swallow again..and he doesn’t want that quality of life living with feeding tubes. So the surgery isn’t an option for him. He’s going to be going through a lot of trials and immunotherapy. He and my mom are hopeful, and my mom told me not to be nervous or sad, but I’m obviously going to be very sad and stressed if anyone tells me that anyone I love has cancer. He was told that his previous radiation is the reason it came back again. He had gone to the doctors office on Friday because he had been having an ear ache and a mild sore throat - and with his history it was best he get it checked out. He and my mom went and that’s when he got testing and was told.
I’m very close to both my dad and step dad. My parents were incredible at co-parenting after their divorce and did such an amazing job they are all so great to each other. My dad and step dad both get along. You could say I am super blessed with a loving mom and 2 loving dads. My step dad is honestly my Mothers soulmate and I’m not sure what’s going to happen to her if she loses him. Heck, I’m sad but I’m worried even more for my mom and my heart is really with my mom right now despite caring for my own sadness. They are best friends, share the same interests, have the same hobbies, share the same views, never raise their voices at each other, they even do cute things like order takeout and watch their favorite Netflix shows all of the time. They read the same books together. They also both have their own healthy social lives and honestly have the most balanced, healthy, happy, loving relationship you’ll ever see. My entire extended family loves both my dad and step dad. As was my dad in the beginning, my step dad has also been accepted as forever family by all of my extended family since day 1. He is a really great man and doesn’t deserve this. I am deeply saddened and worried. So many people who never ever deserve cancer, get cancer. It’s cruel. He had a scope in August and was perfectly fine, but I guess a ton can happen in 10 months.
I’ve experienced family members having cancer before and they all made incredible recoveries but for some reason this time just feels different. Before the year even started I had a feeling that some sort of health ball was going to drop in 2024, and that mid to late this year something big was going to happen. I just didn’t know who or what. I know it sounds a bit out there but I always get these premonitions. Everything I feel is going to happen always comes true, good or bad. I was not looking forward to whatever it was. Well, here it is. It was this. :(
We are staying hopeful and strong, and there’s quite a journey ahead…but seriously, fuck you cancer!! You piece it of shit!🖕🏻<- this felt good.
submitted by SonicDooscar to cancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:58 DiamondVoid149404 The Alphaverse Part 2

Paradox, Viciate, and Lorenzo continued on their descent into the castle to the Well of Wisdom. A sacred place bestowed on the Alphaverse since its creation. A well that possess the most valuable wisdom from across the Megaverse. Paradox had his group stop in one of the chambers for he assumed his prisoners will be awaking from the poison soon. He then had his chains wrap around King Alexander, Venessa, Cross, Tray, Selena, Malissa, Lucrest, Leoped, and Phonix. Viciate deployed several drones that aimed their weapons at the chained prisoners with Paradox standing resolute holding the Matrix of Eternity in his hands. The prisoners eventually woke up one by one and were greeted by crude words and jeers directed towards them. The chains that bound them prevented them from utilizing their powers to break their bonds and even if they did, the bullets from the drones will prove extremely lethal to their weakened state. Paradox ordered the prisoners to be placed in a line on their knees as he snapped his fingers which summoned imps and more infernal warriors to act as guards. King Alexander, "You can't restore the Matrix in the Well of Wisdom, it will shred you to pieces." Paradox smugly, "Maybe, but that's why I'll have each of you go in for me and see who can withstand the Well." Malissa, "He's going to sacrifice us! Where is Joan? Did she escape?" Paradox, "Oh I believe Tray knows the answer to that." Everyone turned wondering where Tray could be until he finally spoke, the others were shock at his new appearance for he appeared otherworldly to them. Tray did not lift his eyes towards the group, but rather hung his head low. Paradox's eyes beamed with sadistic delight as he spoke, "I guess one can say your sister is now very OPEN MINDED!" It took a few seconds for this joke to register in the minds of the prisoners, but when it did, all of them violently shook the chains in order to be free. "Go ahead use all your powers to break those chains, it only transfers your power levels into my soul. Lockjaw was right, all of you are complete fools in underestimating these accursed chains!"
He grabbed Phonix as his victim but stopped when what seemed to be an earthquake began to shake the foundations of the castle. The earthquake only intensified the longer it went, Venessa, "Does anyone else hear bass boosted music?" In a spectacular explosion of dazzling lights and rifts across space and time, Diamond's glowing body appeared in a giant hole in one of the castle's walls while blaring Hit Me Baby One More Time. Everyone was left speechless when they saw Diamond, believing it to be a ghost. "PARADOX!!!!!" In terror Paradox began to back away, "Impossible, I scarred you for life! HOW ARE YOU EVEN STRONGER THAN BEFORE?!" "It is not for you to know the circumstances that brought me here before you today. Regardless I am back. AND THIS TIME THERE IS NO POWER IN THE MEGAVERSE OR THE NETHERWORLD THAT IS GOING TO STOP ME!" Paradox ordered Lorenzo, Viciate, and the rest of his minions to dispose of Diamond as he journeys deeper to the Well of Wisdom. Viciate used his powers to generate clones of his allies as he slowly approached Diamond. Observing this, Diamond began to smile, "How about I even those odds." After finishing his sentence, 20 identical clones of Diamond manifested themselves behind him. Unlike other clones or copies, these 20 were able to act independently as a collective hive mind. The original Diamond attacked Viciate head on while the duplicates attacked the other clones and others attempted to free the prisoners. Viciate attempted in drawing his sword to strike Diamond in an exposed position, but Diamond's intense senses was able to prevent Viciate from using his sword. In a matter of seconds, Diamond punched Viciate to a bloody mess before leaving him stuck on one of the walls.
His abilities alerted him of several imps closing on his position, and in a swift motion, Diamond created a new Sword of Light, which was far longer and sharper to simultaneously decapitate all of the imps that circled around him. While watching all of this unfold before her very eyes, Selena could not help but smile at seeing Diamond restored to his former self, "He's back." A clone of Diamond randomly appeared next to her, "Nice to know I'm no longer on house arrest." The clone was able to free Selena from her chains and started to free the rest of the prisoners. After freeing them, he gave the group a new set of orders, "I may not know all of you, but focus your abilities in taking down those devilish warriors over there. I'll handle Paradox." The clone soon vanished alongside the other copies leaving only the original Diamond left. Just when Diamond started to follow Paradox's trail, Lorenzo used his acidic whip to suspend Diamond in place. Lorenzo was successful in his attack and used this advantage to expel fatal toxins into Diamond's lungs. "Ugh. Dude, you got some serious oral hygiene problems. Here take a mint!" Lorenzo's mouth was open due to him being stunned seeing his foe unphased with his lethal toxin. The supposed mint landed on his tongue, which resulted in a strong electrical shock being sent all over his body causing him to black out. "Nice whip though, I'm for real going to take this for my collection." Diamond bent over and collected the whip before resuming on his mission to destroy Paradox. Paradox was nearly at the entrance of the Well, but felt his body frozen in place, no matter how hard he tried to move. He finally realized he was frozen by Diamond's soul manipulation, yet when he made this realization, Diamond was already floating horizontally whispering into Paradox's audio receptor, "I think I am going to show off my newfound abilities."
Paradox tried to slice Diamond with a chain along his back, but Diamond vanished before he could land a hit. He reappeared behind him and with a simple flick, Diamond sent Paradox crashing through the castle's walls and ceilings. Paradox regained his stance as he morphed into Astros as he stopped a punch from Diamond which sent shockwaves, shattering any neighboring glass. Paradox kicked Diamond at his shin before hitting him with brute force across his face. He summersaulted backwards a few yards as he morphed into the Ice King. He then summoned several frozen daggers and sharp projectiles as he sent them flying towards Diamond at light speed. Diamond noticed the projectiles flying towards him as he achieved speeds that made time around him slow down several seconds. It was if things were occurring to him at a quarter speed, so with a wave of his arm, he took control of the projectiles and had them float around him before resuming time and sending them back to Paradox. Paradox moaned loudly as the projectiles lodged themselves in tight crevasses of his body and interfering with some of the vital mechanisms. The two teleported away from the castle into the depths of the grand city where they continued their battle. Paradox changed into Shen the disgraced Shogun as he desperately tried to slice off Diamond's limbs and head. Diamond casually dodged each attack with ease he summoned the Sword of Light which has grown longer and sharper to reflect his reunion with the Light. The two blades collided with each other, but Paradox was no match for Diamond's swordsman skills.
Diamond noticed Paradox's right arm malfunctioning from one of the ice projectiles and taking advantage of this weakness, he punched Paradox repeatedly in the chest before kicking him to the floor. He then created a revolver from his nanites and fired four bullets consecutively into his weak spot. He knew his bullets succeeded in wounding his opponent, for the sound of loose air began to hiss from broken wires and Paradox's arm glitching by morphing into many different appearances before changing back to its default appearance. Diamond smiled smugly as he released that Paradox was truly terrified in that moment, "Where has your self-confidence gone? Are those appearances not making you comfortable in your mechanical body?" "SHUT UP!" Paradox then changed into Mecha-Diamond as he was able to grab Diamond by his throat and threw him into multiple buildings. The two eventually landed on top of a commuter train before Diamond could free himself. Diamond sliced his opponent's arm to free himself and used his thrusters to fly backwards as he observed Paradox's body shifting gears to re-forge the missing arm. While in the form of Mecha-Diamond, Paradox had four mechanical tentacles grow out of him, which resulted in Diamond activating his suit to grow tentacles of his own. The two opponents had their tentacles wrap around each other as they fired their blasters at each other. Diamond tried to create two clones of himself, but Paradox's tentacles grabbed him and tossed him into one of the train carts as the civilians screamed in terror. He gradually regained consciousness as he prepared to find Paradox, but for a long minute, he could not sense Paradox. It was not until a lady screamed of a large spider approaching them from the other end when Diamond released it is Paradox crawling on all fours with great speed. Paradox shifted back to full height in a most grotesque fashion as his body spun in different ways before his head shifted back to its normal size. Diamond yelled at the passengers to run to the other cart as he dealt with Paradox. While the passengers fled, two extra mechanical arms began to form on Paradox's appearance of Mecha-Diamond as all four of arms ignited red plasma blades. "Attack Diamond!" The four arms began to spin in opposite directions of his body in quick movements as he rapidly approached Diamond that it was impossible to strike him above or behind.
Confused on what his next move should be, Diamond noticed parts of Paradox's chest plate were loose as it was glitching in and out. Out of options, Diamond swung at Paradox which he swiftly blocked with the four blades, but Diamond was able to have his nanotech grow on Paradox's arms as he then had the nanites send an electric shock on the foreign host, which granted him an opening in tearing off the chest plate and firing two blasts from his repulsers into Paradox's chest. This stunned Paradox as Diamond charged at him and began to tear all the vital wires, buttons, and controls that operated Paradox's mechanical body. Paradox's voice box became affected as it began to shift into different tones and voices as he tried to speak, "No, I will.....not.....be bested a.....second......time." Paradox was able to gain control of his arms as he threw Diamond out of the train cart out into the city's skyline. Diamond was able to shoot a grapple around Paradox's legs as he pulled both of them out into the air as his body began to glow golden with pure Light. Paradox descended towards him with chains around his body as he prepared to strike fatal blows on Diamond's body. Diamond closed his eyes as he extended his right arm while having his fingers form a finger gun. He whispered silently with firm conviction, "Through the power of Heaven's Light all things are possible......grant me the power to send this foul demon of a man back to the infernal depths where he belongs." Diamond then fired a large blast of pure Light towards Paradox as his enemy screamed in anger, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" The power caused from this blast was so strong and hot that it started to melt the metal on Paradox's body and causing any remaining circuits to fry.
Diamond floated towards the ground as he stared at a ball of fire fall towards the ground as it created a large crater. He stepped forward and saw Paradox's mangled body as his soul still held possession of it. Paradox was still able to manipulate his body to change into whoever he chooses, and as a last resort he changed to Diamond's mother. "Trevor.......how could you do this.....to me......your own mother.......after all your father and I have done for you this is how you repay us?" "Quit your bull you pathetic character of a soul. If I had the power to judge you in the afterlife, I would create a separate place for sadistic manipulators such as yourself so all you scoundrels can do nothing more than hurt yourselves for your sins!" Diamond then used his power to lift Paradox in the air and was about to crush his body and seal his soul permanently, but as he did so a blazing portal appeared as a pitch-black arm reached out and snatched Paradox before Diamond had time to react. Dumbfounded, Diamond de-activated his suit and left his Light form in order to process what happened. Realizing there was nothing else to do he traveled back to the castle. When he arrived, he saw how the group of heroes easily defeated all of the devilish creatures and were tossing all the dead bodies into a giant pile. Only one thing concerned him, the fact Lorenzo and Viciate's bodies were both missing from the battle. He reasoned they managed to escape, but with the injuries they sustained, it would be a long while before they would show themselves again. After making this assumption, Diamond's family greeted him with open arms and hugs, yet even Diamond did not recognize Tray's new body. Tray had to explain his entire story again to Diamond so he would understand why he looked like "A living glowstick." Hearing Tray's story about Joan made Diamond sorrowful and offered to help in making sure Joan's body receives a proper burial. King Alexander and Diamond hastily organized the funeral and gave Joan's family time to grieve and remember their youngest member that was stolen from them.
While the mourners were conversing with themselves, the king wanted to lead Diamond through the many rooms and wings of the enchanting castle. He wanted to show Diamond the inner secrets and history of this castle, so he very discretely led him down a flight of stairs into an older section of the castle where even most of the king's court were not allowed to enter. The two stepped through two enormous emerald doors and continued on through the darkness. The king ignited a turquoise flame from his hands and led Diamond to a large wall. King Alexander, "Stare at these murals Diamond. Notice the story they tell." Diamond stared at the murals and paintings on the wall trying to understand the history behind them. He saw what appeared to be angels directing two races. To the right were humans with their leader baring a resemblance to Alexander with folded hands in prayer as their eyes gazed at the Heavenly specters, in addition it appeared that swords and shields were descending towards them. To the left were the ancient race of Enders who also had their gaze towards Heaven, but descending towards their hands were scrolls with quills, signifying their role to write and document. At the front of the line of Enders stood none other than Ranfus, although significantly younger. Diamond continued down the wall as the next scene involved the leaders of the humans and enders being coronated with the two leaders' hands being locked in agreement. The next scene depicted what was either a battle or war where many humans and enders were dead, brough to their demise by rebellious humans. It depicted how after the battle Ranfus took the remaining enders away to a place that could supervise the entire Megaverse free from human interaction. The last scene showed the battle worn king of the humans siting on his throne with a tear in his left eye, while his right side remained stoic. His left arm pointed downwards to a decree while his right arm pointed upwards with a grand castle and city floating in the palm of his hand. "The Enders used to dwell with you?" "Indeed, for you see, the king in those murals is actually my great-grandfather. Time goes by very slowly for us here, not only that but we tend to live for thousands of years. Originally, after the first man and woman were created and fell into sin, we were created in the aftermath of that event. We bear the same weaknesses as other humans after the fall, but we were created to protect the Enders, who would document the shifting tide of Creation across the Megaverse. Our special duty connected us more in tune with the messengers of Heaven and we strived to live up to our mission of acting as the second example for the Megaverse, the Main Omniverse being the first. Yet, a few of the humans of my great-grandfather's time were seduced by the powers of evil for the many fallen angels, now turned demons, preyed upon their fallen status and sparked division between human and ender. Eventually a genocide broke out where rogue humans wanted the power of the Enders to themselves and would slaughter anyone who opposed them. My great-grandfather and Ranfus ultimately triumphed, but the damage had been done for the Enders no longer trusted us and collectively agreed humans everywhere were unpredictable and destructive. Ranfus left this Omniverse with the survivors of his race, thus leaving us as the sole inhabitants of this realm. From the ashes of the old kingdom, my great-grandfather led the creation of a new one as you can see here, but the reason why his left side is sad is the fact he did not kill the leaders of the rebellion. He did not want to take their lives, so instead he banished them to the wildness of the Megaverse. After casting them out of this Omniverse, he placed a ban where no one will be able to enter or leave. Using his divine gifts, he was able to practically make it seem like this Omniverse was erased and could not be discoverable unless him or another king wills its borders to open up once again."
"And what happened to the exiled ones?" "Most of them died across the Megaverse but their main leader, Mek'el continued following the path of evil and grew stronger in the powers of darkness. This granted him an unnatural talent of cheating death, but when an event in Omniverse 63,745 occurred when that Omniverse's Celestial had an offspring with that Omniverse's name for an angel, Mek'el sensed the potential of such an offspring." "Hold on, that's the Omniverse the Megaverse Council and I had named Evangelion. Yeah, those creatures they call angels are definitely not real angels, but you mean to tell me that this Mek'el influenced The Devourer?" "No, Mek'el BECAME The Devourer. He transferred his soul into the newborn soul of the deadly offspring, completely fusing with the new soul. In response to this, my great-grandfather on his deathbed, ordered my grandfather to create a device that could end Mek'el once and for all. That device was the Matrix of Eternity. It was hastily crafted before my grandfather sent it to Omniverse 63,745 hoping it could destroy Mek'el there. Unfortunately, it did not fulfill its original purpose due to Mek'el fully becoming The Devourer and traveled across the Megaverse eating the Core of whatever Omniverse he entered. His travels would take a long time to reach his next destination, but nothing could stop him. The Matrix continued to grow with wisdom in Omniverse 63,745 before an apparition of an Ender ordered a singular person to send the Matrix in the direction of the Main Omniverse. Eventually, the Matrix landed in your Omniverse, but was kept hidden for a long time with only glimpses and rumors of such a treasure of untold power being passed on from dimension to dimension. Finally at last, you found it in 2021 just as The Devourer arrived in your Omniverse. Little did you know, but upon his defeat when you unleashed the power of the Matrix, it sent shockwaves across the Megaverse. Myself along with my people celebrated when we felt the destruction of The Devourer, finally knowing a dark piece of our history has been put to rest." "When I traveled to Omniverse 63,745 last summer, it was promoted that they created the Matrix of Eternity." "Their leaders simply changed the story and wiped our part out of their history books, for the select few who told you it was their ancestors that created it are not at fault. For they too believe this error, this is simply a mistake on their ancestor's part and nothing more. Come along now, let's head back up a few stairs back to where there was an intersection, there is more I need to show you."
The king led Diamond to a room with many floating orbs that had different colors symbolizing a different Omniverse. "I am aware that you and the Megaverse Council have a broad idea to all the soldiers at the disposal of our enemy. But I want to show you some specific souls that are.......unique. The person known as The Ageless managed to recruit several corrupted versions of the strongest beings in your Omniverse's hierarchy. Among them consist of a fallen Omniversal Tribunal, Protectors, Insanity Trio, Bad Time Trio, many alternate timeline versions of you, and other powerful individuals from the Megaverse. The Ageless and Demonic Council calls this elite group the Bad End Friends. King Alexander brings forth an orb that displays the souls of those fallen humans. This reveals the true thoughts of their soul and what their soul really says." Diamond leaned forward to hear the cries of their souls and was surprised to hear their souls cry out in unison. "We just wanted to heal but now our nightmares are real, and we'll never wake up for we're torn apart! We want freedom! Freedom! Freedom!" Diamond could not believe what he heard, for it caused him to step back to avoid their cries. "Secondly, I want to briefly touch on the Ageless' story. Thousands of years ago lived a man born with unnatural gifts, he could enter into violent places and leave with minor bruises. He was able to kill the celestials in his world with his mere hands and crude weapons. Yet, he was not satisfied, he wanted more power and more entities to kill, for he enjoyed the bloodlust. This led to him being sought out by the fallen Seraphim now named Black Hat. He offered him more power and an entire place beyond his imagination to live the rest of his days as a butcher. The man agreed and henceforth became an unwavering servant directly to Black Hat. Eventually, he earned a reputation by parading himself as a savior wearing polished white and gold armor, in order to win the trust of many defenders who protected their native Omniverse. Once he won their complete trust and learned their secrets and fears, it would be too late for that Omniverse. For it would be a matter of time before complete carnage would be unleashed on all the helpless souls in that Omniverse. Thus, he was given the title Harbinger of the End.......a human who is an undisputed champion in gladiator battles with a mind to match his muscles.......a man always youthful, laughing at the hands of time........The Ageless."
"The last thing I want to reveal to you is the location of our enemy's base. The Megaverse Council has discovered it and that is Omniverse 6,666,666. That Omniverse had so many events that ran parallel with your Omniverse it was almost an exact copy. However, before your Omniverse was assaulted by Black Hat's forces in 2021, they won a resounding battle in that Omniverse. Everything that could have gone wrong in that final battle, did indeed go wrong." King Alexander used his powers to generate a vision of that fateful day. The scene pans to a bloodied and defeated Diamond with a shattered Sword of the Omniverse with Black Hat towering over him. The two listened intently when Black Hat spoke, "The Initiative has fallen. Its members......lost. You have been deceived......betrayed.........purged." The vision hovers over countless bodies of Initiative members that had died in the battle with some of their corpses disfigured and mutilated they were unidentifiable. "I can feel you are scared of judgement day. You led millions of souls to their grave. Your lukewarm faith shaken due to your pleas and petitions being ignored. So, I offer you a choice. Join us and postpone the judgement day, have all the pleasures of the world handed back to you, and avoid living the life as a failure!" The defeated Diamond raised his teary eyes and spoke, "I......accept!" The crowd around him chuckled as Black Hat stepped away with Alastor taking his place, "It's a deal!" The defeated Diamond shook his hand and became controlled and a vessel for Alastor until his original body could be restored. After this moment a large echo of thunder echoes across the battlefield with a bright light shining in the distance. The Ageless, "What is that?" Black Hat, "The veil of the Main Omniverse has been lifted. We are no longer kept out! We must seize this opportunity before it's too late." Ageless remain here with Alastor's vessel." "Why?" "If things go sour for me and my forces in the Main Omniverse, I want us to still have a strong foothold here in the Megaverse. This Omniverse will be perfect. I will be taking half of our forces with me." "What of the few people who survived this battle, should I find them and use them as prisoners and entertainment?" Black Hat had a sadistic smile, "There are no survivors!" The vision then played the sounds of screams with Diamond begging Alexander to end the vision. "That's enough! I cannot watch nor listen to this vision anymore! Please end this nightmare!"
Alexander ended the vision as the two were brought back to reality. Alexander spoke with sympathy to Diamond, "I did not show you that vision to torture you. I revealed it, because you need to understand exactly what to expect from our enemy and take deep root in your faith." "Why did the pleas and petitions of that Diamond go unanswered?" "Truthfully, that Diamond did not pray for deliverance, he instead wanted more glory and praise. When he was in public and prayed, it was for show, and he was not sincere in the words he said. Even at the last moment, he received a message from Heaven begging him to repent from his prideful ways and deliverance would come. Yet, in that last moment, he refused with his soul saying no it has to be my way and I do not want to change the life I am living and that's final. It was his fault no Heavenly aid came, now he has no one else to blame other than himself for his misdeeds and wickedness." Diamond's body had a series of goosebumps when King Alexander finished speaking. He always wondered what would have happened in the final battle for his Omniverse if there was no intervention, now he wished for this catastrophic example to leave his mind.
After this event, King Alexander led Diamond to a sacred place called the Veil of the Celestial Plane to speak with his angelic friends. Along the way, King Alexander explained to Diamond the difference between True Balance and Perfection. How True Balance is the perfect imperfect form of Perfection, because as mortal creatures that are finite with flaws no person alive can reach True Perfection. He explained how demons fear True Balance and how the demons only focus on temporal goals not eternal, for all that awaits them in eternity is eternal punishment. (This is a footnote, because at the end of this post in the comment section I will share the entire conversation in greater detail, for some reason the Sub-Reddit automatic rules count it as a rating post no matter how hard I rephrased the dialogue. Very weird that happened because it never happened before, but hopefully I will be able to share that conversation in full under this post, because it took a lot of effort in composing the dialogue.)
Filled with courage and zeal from their conversation, Diamond entered into the Veil and soon found himself in a vast empty white plain where numerous figures of light floated around him before manifesting themselves as angelic beings. He observed how each of the nine choirs of angels were present. "The Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels. All present here at this very moment." A Seraphim spoke up, "Why do you wish to commune with us?" "I am here seeking advice from my Heavenly friends in these trying times. I'm sure all of you are very much aware and can sense in the Celestial Cosmic Plane that the forces of evil are growing ever so powerful. I can feel it within my being that soon a final confrontation may happen." Saint Michael the Archangel, "You already possess all that you need. You know the prayers for deliverance and aid. Furthermore, you know how your enemy thinks." "With all due respect, this time it is different. Different than the way it was for the fate of the Main Omnvierse. This....is the fate of the Megaverse....of everything that had exist, currently exists and will exist. Please there must be some advice all of you may be able to bestow upon me." A Virtue floated towards Diamond's soul to speak, "These particular demons feast on fear, chaos, and revenge. They want nothing more than to see the righteous fall, yet their common weakness is the sin of pride." Uriel intervened, "Pride, that ancient sin which was the sole root that led a third of our former brothers and sisters into disobedience. Fully rejecting the True Love of the Father and willingly following the arrogance of the fallen light bearer, who now brings darkness and death to everyone." Azrael quickly followed up with Uriel's statement, "When they fell from grace, they still retained their position and powers. Now with their leaders nearly having their bodies restored before their fall, through the power of The Seed, they are more of a threat to the Natural Order."
Diamond came to a sudden realization, "With Cloaked Shadow having control of the Dark and shadows in general, does that mean he was a Power before he fell?" The choirs nodded as Diamond responded with his hands near his mouth deep in thought. "I see, well if pride is their weakness than surely arrogance is a key factor in their personalities. Perhaps if the Matrix of Eternity is re-loaded with the knowledge accessible from the Alphaverse, it could overwhelm them." A Cherub, "Yes! The knowledge from the Alphaverse can restore the Matrix and used to harm the demons!" Saint Gabriel the Archangel, "Do not be afraid in this next step in your journey, Trevor. Since the fall of man, the Devil and his minions have actively been at war with mankind, searching for ways to snatch souls from Heaven. Yet, in the history of not only the Megaverse, but your own world, you know that God conquers all, even in the darkest times. From the persecution of the early Christians under the rule of the Mad Emperor Nero, deadly heresies, scandals, political and religious wars, the French Revolution, Napoleon Wars, Russian Revolution, Mexican Revolution, World Wars, down to the present. The demons worked through man to not only bring ruin to the face of the Earth, but to attack the Church. However, both the Earth and the Church have endured and will continue to endure until the end of time when God will come in all His splendor and glory and reward the just while punishing the wicked. For they will receive their reward." A Throne, "There is one more thing that will surely turn the tide of the war, but only as a last resort." Diamond, "What is it? Please share." A Seraphim, "The hypothesis of you being able to fuse with your friends Ben Tennyson and Xavier is true. If Xavier is fully in tune with his scarab and enter into his phase known as Sacred and Tennyson into Alien X, you three will become the singular most powerful entity in the entire Megaverse." Saint Michael the Archangel, "Be warned for this should only be used as a complete last resort. For there can be no going back when you three become a singular entity. There might be potential for you three to separate from this final form, but if there is, it will be certain death for no mortal can yield that much power. Arise young warrior, take courage, and have total faith on the Lord, He will hear your prayers. Remember we are at your side and every warrior in the final battle will have their guardian angel with them at all times."
The Heavenly beings once again became balls of bright light, which slowly blinded Diamond before he awoke from his vision back in his own body just before the Veil of the Celestial Plane. King Alexander stared at Diamond before helping him to his feet. Diamond, "I know what I must do. I must re-load the Matrix in the Well of the Megaverse." Alexander, "That's suicide. For you to be exposed to so much power and knowledge, it will vaporize you." "Believe me, it will work. Just help me recover the pieces of the Matrix and I will reforge it with the nanotech from my suit." Diamond sprinted with great haste through all the flights of stairs Alexander had them take, back to where the pieces of the Matrix laid. He had Alexander hold the pieces together in their proper position as the nanotech from his suit crawled around the broken pieces and fused the Matrix back together again. During this time the other heroes caught up to Diamond and Alexander and decided to watch as Diamond would enter the Well of the Megaverse. King Alexander led the group to the entrance of the Well where everyone wished him good luck. Diamond transformed into his Light form and entered the Well. This form allowed him to withstand the pressure around him as he opened the Matrix to collect wisdom from all corners of the Megaverse both the good and bad. When he did this, thousands of images and lifetimes flashed in his mind causing him to scream, in order to avoid his mind from overloading he constantly switched to different forms and phases every 30 seconds. Everyone waited anxiously outside after hearing Diamond's screams and began to fear for the worst, but just when their hope wavered, a silhouette started to walk towards them. From the depths of the Well emerged Diamond holding the restored Matrix of Eternity firmly in his right hand. King Alexander, "Welcome back Diamond!" "Thanks. With the Matrix restored and the new alliance your Omniverse has made with the Megaverse Council, hope for our victory has reached an all-time high." The heroes only stayed for a few more hours at the Alphaverse before returning back to the base of the Megaverse Council. Upon arrival, the Council members were stunned to see the return of their leader, and with swift orders, Diamond once again regained leadership of the Megaverse Council.
In a desolate place with abandoned buildings in Omniverse 3. "Volxi, can you head downstairs into our storage to bring some refreshment to our party?" "You got it sis!" Volxi entered into one of the chambers to find a spare stash of spiked beverages but was startled when she heard a voice echo in the darkness. "Time's running out Vol." She leaned over to view where the voice was coming from until her eyes landed on a glowing dark green warrior. She gasped as she recognized it was her old friend from Omniverse 8. "Cayden what happened to you?" "That name no longer has any meaning for me." "You look so different. Your skin is green and your eyes black. You look like......" "A ghost? Phantom? Condemned Soul?! Truly a miserable fate I have fallen into. Given a body constantly degenerating and repairing itself, allowing me to phase between matter but how painful it is feeling my cells destroy themselves before regenerating and repeating the process all over again." "Is this a dream?" "No." "I thought not, if it was there would be something to replenish my throat." Cayden hands Volxi a bottle. "Thanks mate. I still have a cup on me. Here it's on the house." Cayden took a long sip before speaking. "We haven't seen each other since the destruction of your people's original home. A lot has happened since then. Last year a terrible event plagued the Megaverse and I tried to stop it. I made my own device that enabled me to visit other Omniverses. I could sense something sinister causing many Omniverses to die. I took my weapons and went to who I thought was responsible. That man was so strong and talented, he mortally wounded me without taking our fight seriously. I thought at that moment when I laid dying that I would give anything to get a second chance at life. To see my friends and family again. My requests were answered by a figure in black business attire and a top hat."
Volxi groaned for she knew who he was referring to while Cayden continued on with his speech. "I accepted his offer and became what you see before you. The only part that was positive is in our contract, I managed to still own partial control of my soul. Perhaps it is through this partial ownership that causes me to experience great pains and desperately seek liberation." "And you came back to your friend for aid huh?" "No, I came as a messenger." Volxi stared at him with concern. "You struck a deal with him too, Volxi. A deal before your home, the ninth Omniverse was destroyed, causing you and all the survivors to wander throughout the Megaverse." "I forgot all about that deal. It can't happen this soon, he did not even stay true to his promise." "Is that really a surprise?" "DANG IT! Alright I'll wager my way out of it. I always do." "You can't talk to yourself out of this one!" "How long do I have Cayden?" Cayden stepped close to Volxi where he was only a few inches away from her face. "That name has no meaning for me, I'm The Shameful now. You have only a few hours. He will send his terrible leviathan to drag you, your sister, and this entire Omniverse along with you! Already his army sets their eyes on this world, drawn by ravenous hunger, by the one who bears the crimson scar." The Shameful laid his hand on a piece of Volxi's face that was not covered by cybernetics. "Make peace with your losses and may it only be a swift end and not a contract of servitude. Alas, he always comes to collect what is his." In that moment The Shameful vanished from her sight and without a moment to lose, she started running back upstairs into the settlement screaming for everyone to pack their things and prepare to leave. Her sister, Val stopped her, "Did you fall down the stairs giving you that slash across your face? What's coming after us?" Volxi stared deep into her sister's soul, "We need to run as far as we can and get our people to safety before it's too late." From a few hundred yards away The Ageless stood waiting for the perfect time to strike with Maestro Zorro summoning the nightmarish Leviathan.
submitted by DiamondVoid149404 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:56 david_rohan What does this chart suggest for my career?

What does this chart suggest for my career? submitted by david_rohan to AskAstrologers [link] [comments]
