A potion to turn into a mermaid

Lions and tigers and leopards, oh my!

2014.07.20 07:06 holdenwook Lions and tigers and leopards, oh my!

A place to see incredibly pathetic roars than eventually turn into cute yawns.

2018.07.22 11:02 toast888 He looks very polite

Cats that Bruce Landlord would consider polite

2014.03.12 12:36 CrayonsForBrains Corrupting children's coloring books.

Get some crayons and a coloring book to turn adorable pictures into twisted and or hilarious corruptions of their former selves.

2024.06.09 17:49 ItsDjustin Free Story Content Suggestions

I've decided to share my suggestions for the game on Reddit starting with my suggestions for future Free Story content. I hope you like it!
Skull Rock
Merlin comes to us and tells us that he finally solved the mystery of Skull Rock and how to enter it. He tells us to talk to the Forgotten. While finding The Forgotten in the Dark Castle, they tell us that they found the key to opening Skull Rock. They tell us we have to create an bigger and upgraded variant of the Miracle Pickaxe potion and tells us to craft it using the normal pickaxe potion and some other ingredients found in the Dark Castle & the Valley. After crafting, we meet Merlin and the Forgotten on Skull Rock Island. We use the upgraded pickaxe potion and break the rocks blocking the entrance. Inside we find an mysterious island looking oddly familiar & full of ruins. When exploring the oddly-looking island, we find Peter Pan who'd been trapped in Skull Rock since the start of the Forgetting along with 2 other Villagers. He tells us that Tinkerbell got kidnapped by Captain Hook and that we need to find an way to rescue her. After gaining Hook's trust and convincing him to give Tink back, Peter thanks us and starts exploring the rest of Skull Rock along with Tink and Hook. After rescuing Tink, the Forgotten tells us that they finally remember what Skull Rock used to be. It used to be the entrance to Neverland, an place the Player visited everyday before abandoning the Valley. Merlin then tells us that when the Forgetting started, Neverland started to fall apart and turned into an island full of ruins. We decide to help the Forgotten and our new friends with restoring Neverland to its former glory. After restoring Neverland to its former glory, our new friends ( Peter, Tink & Hook ) decide it's time to return to Dreamlight Valley and we help them resettle in the Valley and give them their old lives back.
The Forgotten
After regaining access to Skull Rock, the Forgotten tells us they're ready to move back to Dreamlight Valley. We help the Forgotten move back by building an house for them ( or letting them live in our house / one of our house skins ), giving them an new look & name and we give them their old life(s?) back. After completing their friendship questline we decide to start exploring the rest of the Forgotten's world ( the Valley we see after going through the portal in the Plaza ) and make it an better place to live ( Curse you, Gothel! Go live there instead! )
The Dreamscape
We help the Fairy Godmother by replacing the bad memories of the Forgotten found in the Dreamscape ( Gothel teaching us to rip out the orbs, Scar telling us to plant the Night Thorns etc ) with our good memories ( Returning to Dreamlight Valley, bring back old friends etc ), and we turn the Dreamscape into the Forgotten's home, a place with our happy memories instead of the Forgotten's depressive memories.
These are all my Free Story Content suggestions for now, let me know what you think and if i should share this with the developers or not.
submitted by ItsDjustin to DreamlightValley [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:40 AndiDragon [F4TF/NB} Princess Sees You, the True You [Trans Identity Story] [Medieval like-setting] [Closeted but seen] [Hiding your true self but being found out-in a good way] [Unconditional Love and Support] [Choosing to be free of shackles (metaphorically)] [Pet]

Hey there!
So this is my first ever script and is sort of based on some fantasy scenarios that I have been using to help myself sleep since going on HRT last year (Wooo!) A lot of Trans stories I see in the ASMR community are about those who are just coming out or are dysphoria comfort etc.
And since its Pride month I thought I may as well share one of my own comfort scenarios in case anyone else may also find it so
Since, for my own personal journey, I just wish that someone could have seen the me that I hid behind the shell and veneer I showed to the world for 16 years after coming to terms with being Trans back in High School in like 07-ish. And hence why this is written this way. Anyone enough about me
To be clear, the listener does indeed know they are Trans feminine/Non-binary. I have tried to leave that a bit ambiguous, using only they/them/their pronouns from the speaker in regards to the listener. I am also fine with ANYONE voicing this regardless of gender identity and changing the speaker to fit such (Eg; Prince instead of Princess) and with this being explicitly labelled for TF or NB etc. Just please give me credit for the script if used
You may monetise this on any platform, if you do please give me a link.
I would also love any and all feedback and constructive criticism. (Spelling is in Australian English)
I think that's everything, so THE SCRIPT!!!
First Extra Details:
-dashes- indicate sfx (optional)
Names in [brackets] are fine to change
Princess Lee=P
[Mira} is optional lines for a second voice if wished but are COMPLETELY optional and the script should work with or without them.
[Mira] and Princess [Lee] share 1 short line that either or both can speak.
K=Knight/unnamed listener’s lines, Obviously these are unspoken but have “marks” to illustrate them as separate.
-knocks on a door-
(slightly muffled)
Princess: You may Enter.

-Opening door creak-

P: Ah finally! You are the last one you know? Of course you do. I’m sure the disappointment of not being selected to be my personal guard has been spreading through all the other nominees as they returned to the barracks rejected, yes?

“K: It has your highness.”

P: (stifled chuckle) …Well then, take a seat on my couch, opposite me please. (give a few second pause for them to reach the couch and sit) As you may have guessed then, as the last potential candidate, you have been selected though to be honest it was always a bit, uh, rigged from the start?

“K: Rigged?”

P: Yes, you see, well, as I’m sure you are aware, all of us in the Royal Family already have our own specially trained Shadow. A personal right-hand to be our guard, our confidant…our friend. [Mira] over there on the recliner is mine…as again I am sure you are well aware. Apologies I am a bit more flustered than I thought I had prepared myself to be.

(Take a deep Breath)

P: You see these tests and checks we’ve been doing for the past month are … not really for choosing my additional guard for my time in the [Magic University] after all it is a very secure facility, and [Mira] would be able to accompany me to all classes and locations there anyway. Rather these were all tests to confirm whether my suspicions regarding you were true.

“K: What suspicions?”

[Mira]: Suspicions was probably the wrong word [Lee].

P: Oh no! I do not mean to accuse you of being a spy or anything of that sort! I trust with my entire being that you are more than loyal to this kingdoms’ people and my family. Rather I was referring to a … secret I believed you were withholding or, at least, one that you were not actively voicing or embracing of a more … personal nature to you. And if I am right, which I believe I am, then I fully understand. But before I say any more please know, whether I am right or wrong, this conversation will not leave this room. You are safe here either way. You have my WORD on that.

[M]: Both of our words.

P: You see, yes these tests have all been of a social engagement variety not only due to the environment at the [Magic University] not only to see how you would all behave as guards during such settings, but also as guests. After-all it is a primarily social form Academy, with the majority of students and teachers being women, and noble born ones at that. And as such rather than war rooms or sparring sessions, as you and the other knights would be used to, tea parties and balls are more of what would occur over the 3 years there.

[M]: You should probably elaborate more on the why not the school Lee.

P: Yes, you see this common knowledge was a helpful subterfuge for our actual tests. To see how well you could and would perform as the “guests” for the guards. And I do mean YOU specifically. Whilst we did pay attention to your fellow knights, it was mainly you we were paying attention to. How at the tea parties you sat so demurely and smiled, paying so much attention to the stories. Sitting with proper etiquette. How at the ball you hung back clearly uncomfortable in your suit … and your skin. Then when the dances came up, and we were partners… You let me lead.

[M]: Don’t worry, no one really noticed. Except for us, and even then, it is only because we were looking.

P: Your face during it. Your expression. You were so at peace. At all of these when you could fade into the background and enjoy yourself. Your face was always so … Happy. Whenever you didn’t have to play the knight. Having to be strong in front of everyone. Winning duels so that you can keep your hair as long as you like. Refusing promotions and the like so that you could stay safe and hidden. Turning down dates because they could only see the Strong Sir Knight resplendent in their masculinity…. But that’s not you is it? Not really.

[M]: Maybe you should start from the beginning Lee?

P: I began looking into year about 6 moths ago, when you turned down the promoting to lead your own platoon. I found it odd at first given that it would be quite an accomplishment for a knight as fresh as you into adulthood. But thought you were just holding out for something more or trying to just not be separated from your current squad yet. Being so involved in my own studies I didn’t think much more. UNTIL I was on a stroll through the gardens with [Mira] one afternoon as a break. When we came across you. Napping with your hair down in a very secluded spot. (warm giggle) with a cute flower crown and matching bracelet on.

[M]: No sword in view anywhere. Not often even a baby knight doesn’t trigger my alert or even “careful” radar. And ESPECIALLY one who has won even duels to keep their hair that long. Wouldn’t have seen you if we hadn’t decided to meander through the flower field

P: At first, we didn’t recognise you. You looked so different. So … androgynous and cute…. So feminine. So vastly different in comparison to how you hold and present yourself with the other knights. You were at so much peace then too. Not like the quiet conflict I realised you were showing all other times. In the following weeks we looked more into you as the sight became so burned into my memory.

[M]: Nothing too invasive. Well except….

P: [Mira] investigated your room in the barracks. Just a spot check. Comparing to the other knights. She didn’t go through your draws or anything. It was bare. No Decorations. No displayed gits or ornaments. Just some books, haircare products and a chess set. So barren and empty, in stark contrast to your fellow knights. No mirror either. Your Commander said you had it removed as it reflected the lights poorly and hindered your sleep.

[M/P]: But that’s not true, is it?

P: In truth, you find looking in the mirror to be stressful and/or weird. Like something doesn’t fit right. And it’s your reflection, isn’t it? It’s not what you see you as in your own head is it? It began to click for me at that time. Then we found out the knights had taken you in as one of their recruited volunteers from the Orphanage to help make space there for younger children. They took you in and raised you. Trained you to be the knight sitting before me. A path you would not have chosen otherwise, I’m sure.

[M/P]: Stuck in a role you do not want. With nowhere to return to. No other skills to utilise or survive on. Trapped.

P: But here is where I can offer you an escape. Another chance. Another way. First, I will let you know that no matter what, [Mira] and I will not be returning to the castle again. My Elder siblings can all fight for the throne, they are well aware that I will not come for it unless they hurt or threaten the people of our kingdom with malice. So this deal is a one time thing AND you must decide pretty much now. As such…

-clinking glasses-

P: In this vial that I will place to your right is a potion that will give you amnesia from the events of the last 24 hours. You will not remember this day, or this conversation [Mira] and I will claim that you tested a wine for me and discovered it was poisoned, saving me. We will leave the palace immediately with the rest of our wagon to [the Magic University], whilst you will be hailed as a hero and able to return to your current life.

-more glass clinking-

P: Whilst in this vial I will place to your left. If you choose this one you will come with us. We will still leave in the but in the morning, and you will have a new future and a chance to live. However, the reason we will leave in the morning rather than immediately? This is due to the vial containing a very potent potion that will flow your mana into me and WILL cause you to pass out. But by drinking this your mana won’t become mine but rather it will be…subservient to mine I can loan it or grow it with my own, but I will also be able to find you for the rest of our lives. And by choosing this you choose to become mine. For all intents and purposes you will be essentially be My Possession. My Pet. My Property. If you wish you can even be MY Princess. A new life and chance. But you must choose it.

**Give a 5-10 second pause here**

P: You are hesitating. Which in itself is an answer, isn’t it? Hey look at me. Here let me hold your face - Huh your check is so warm, and your eyes so beautiful... I promise you, By taking this yes, you will become mine, but that does not mean I will force you to become or do anything that you do not want to do. I want to you to be by my side yes. I want to watch you live and grow and become so much more than the knight-shell that sits before me. But YOU get to make that choice. I can only offer you it. As well as the unconditional love and support of having us there to help you become …well YOU.

-Glass clinking as the left vial is taken and drunk-
-Ruffling and moving as Princess Lee rushes to their side-

P: Oh, thank you for trusting me. Here Let my hold you as you drift off. I promise you that everything will be ok now. You can be whoever you need to be. And I will be there to love you my pet. Whoever you are. Whoever you will be. Tomorrow your new life, your true life can begin.
submitted by AndiDragon to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:01 ibid-11962 Worldbuilding and Touring [Post Murtagh Christopher Paolini Q&A Wrap Up #10]

As discussed in the first post, this is my ongoing compilation of the remaining questions Christopher has answered online between August 1st 2023 and April 30th 2024 which I've not already covered in other compilations.
As always, questions are sorted by topic, and each Q&A is annotated with a bracketed source number. Links to every source used and to the other parts of this compilation will be provided in a comment below.
The previous post focused specifically on inspirations and other media. This installment will focus on Worldbuilding and Touring, how Christopher constructs his worlds, and how he goes about promoting them on tours. The topics aren't actually linked, but they both fill up around half a post and so are being joined here. The next and final post will focus on miscellaneous questions about the real world.


Creating Magic Systems
Did you have a research process when you were writing the Inheritance Cycle? I put a fair bit of thought into the story itself of the Inheritance Cycle, and then some general stuff as to the society and just kind of where things were in the world before writing it. I put a medium amount of thought into the magic system before I started writing, and then as I wrote the implications of it became much more apparent to me, and I really sort of dove deep into it. In retrospect, were I to create a fantasy world from scratch now, I would really put a lot of attention into that magic system and the society beforehand, just to have a good feel for that before I even start chapter one. I would put more restrictions on the magic too. I think the more restrictions, the more interesting, even the more realistic in some ways. [3]
If I were designing a magic system from scratch nowadays I would put way more restrictions on it because I find that the limitations are useful, I don't want the characters getting overpowered, but also just from a storytelling standpoint, incantations, rituals, spells, prayers, potions, all of those mechanical things are just kind of interesting and of course they give lots of opportunities for things to go wrong if you don't follow the correct steps. So I think if I were designing magic from scratch right now I'd put a lot of restrictions and rituals associated with it. So costs, more costs. [25]
What kind of hacks do you have to developing a magic system? Once I have a general idea of the setting, whether science fiction or fantasy, the first question I ask myself is how does it diverge from physics as we know it? Because that is a fundamental question that's going to determine what is possible in this world. It might determine what's possible with warfare, with politics, with industry, manufacturing, travel times, it could affect everything depending on what type of divergence you have. In the World of Eragon, the divergence is that living creatures have the ability to directly manipulate energy using their minds. The reason for that is kind of handwavy, although I have an explanation for it, but that is the divergence and then I tried to be as consistent and physically possible with it at every step of the way past that. When people play games you always get people who are looking how to exploit it. "What's the most I can get out of this game? What's the most I can do?" That's basic human nature. Science is a speedrunning nature I think. So the same sort of thing. You assume that if magic existed there's going to be someone sitting in their basement who's absolutely obsessive about it and is going to figure out every single advantage that that divergence gives them. And you have to be realistic and work that into your world and say "Well people aren't stupid. They are going to figure this out and use it in this way, and what are the implications, socially, physically, and everything else?" Once I have that then you can think about society and culture and everything else, but that basic physical difference from our reality is just to me fundamentally important to understand before I even begin to write. [25]
With standalones you're not dealing with continuity or what rule did you break or things like that. That's interesting, because I would say that writing a sequel for me is faster than writing a standalone. At least for me, the more I know the characters and the world, the faster, like I don't have to do the groundwork of creating a magic system, creating a society, creating the gods and the history. All that's done for me, so I can just slip into it like slipping on an old glove. [33]
Creating Religions
A socio-political religion in your world helps drive characters or stories or die-hard fanatic characters forward. How do you go about developing those? Have the courage to let your characters actually believe the things that they are supposed to believe. If you look back historically people really did truly believe these different religions and different systems. Too often I think with modern stories we have people only giving lip service to the supposed belief and instead having very modern attitudes toward it which perhaps doesn't always work. That's understandable if you want a character to be relatable to a modern reader, but there are so many examples of interesting belief systems throughout the world. To me that's something fascinating to write about. But the main thing is just accept that when people truly believe something they're genuine about it and then you can follow that from a logical and storytelling standpoint. What I'd also say is, if you're writing about something that is very different from your own belief system, assuming it's not like completely evil, to try to approach it with a sense of charity. With the understanding that everyone is searching for meaning and understanding. I've always had a soft spot for the old television show Babylon 5, because although I don't believe that the creator J. Michael Straczynski is religious, he writes all of his characters with great sympathy and understanding, he's never cynical about it, and he's not putting up straw man arguments or criticizing any of the characters. He's like "They're searching for meaning. They're struggling with the great questions as we all do, and each one is trying to solve those questions in their own way." And I always really appreciated that he wasn't being cynical about it or really shallow. [25]
Creating Languages
Did you think of the ancient language, not just as a mechanic, but also as a parable of our own language? I was thinking about how language itself feels like magic to me. You can write a story, you can convey information. Language in many ways is our greatest tool and makes us human along with, I would argue, our hands, our ability to manipulate objects and use actual tools. But one without the other wouldn't really work and wouldn't allow us to be a technological species. We could have language with no ability to handle tools, and then we wouldn't be what we are now. But I find language fascinating and I find the function of language incredibly interesting. And there is this idea in the real world going back to the beginning of time, that to name something is to understand it, and gives you a certain amount of power over it, whether that's a person or a physical object. And the ancient language is just taking that idea seriously. And I'm not the first author or tradition to do that, but is it a parallel? Is it a metaphor? I don't know if I'd go that far, but it definitely ties into the use of language and my ideas about it. What's crazy to me is there is a theoretical arrangement of words right now that would give us a massive breakthrough in science and physics. There's a theoretical arrangement of words that were I to write it or anyone else would influence how people think about the next presidential election to such a degree that it might actually changed the election. These are all theoretically possible and you can think of many many other things that you could do with language. We just lack the knowledge of what those arrangement of words are, and so we're constantly clawing our way toward new knowledge and new uses of language. [19]
The languages that you were playing around with in The Inheritance cycle, they were Germanic, Anglo Saxon based? The ancient language, the magical language, is based very strongly on Old Norse, which of course is Germanic or related to Old High German. The Dwarven language was invented pretty much from scratch although it is an agglutinative language like German is. And then the other languages have not appeared very much in the series. They're just little scraps here and there. To be clear, I am not a linguist, and I have not devoted the time and energy to developing these in a formal or rigorous way, the way that Tolkien did. Tolken was a linguist and that was his forte. I got far enough down that path while working on the Inheritance Cycle that I really began to appreciate how every word has a history and that history is inexorably tied to the history of the land. It's often said that Tolkien created Middle-earth just to explain his languages, as a setting for the languages. Which isn't entirely true, but there is truth to that. That's what I was encountering and I was realizing that I could spend 20 years, 10 years, just working on the languages and building this out. It might have been a worthwhile venture, but the tradeoff would have been no more books published during that time. I want to tell a story. [28]
What I would do these days, or what I did with other languages, is come up with a couple of words that sort of had a general feel that I liked and then extrapolating from those invented words, figuring out what consonants and vowels and clusters thereof that I wanted. Come up with some more sample words based off that and then start working out some grammar. Grammar is probably my weakest spot since at the time I wasn't really aware of non-English grammar systems and I've put some more attention in that since then. [34]
The language and culture that you describe in the books seem very real. How do you start inventing a language? You shamelessly steal from Germanic mythology and Scandinavian mythology, just like Tolkien did. But I'm no linguist, I did my best, I have a copy of the Nibelungen up on my shelf along with the Eddas, and I based one of my languages on Old Norse, which gave it a nice sound and feel. So the main thing is picking things that make sense for your world and then trying to be internally consistent. [2]
Creating Maps
At what point in your writing process do you start creating the map? I've created the maps at different times in different books. At first I thought I didn't need a map because I thought that a good book should be perfectly understandable without a map. You shouldn't need to rely on anything outside of the text in order to enjoy it. And I still think that's generally true, but a map can add a lot. So for Eragon, I did it partway through the book. If I were to do a stand-alone fantasy novel, I would definitely want to work out the maps and stuff before writing it. [12]
The map for Eragon, the original black and white map, I did about halfway or a third of the way into Eragon. My idea was, and I still kind of believe this, that a well-written book shouldn't need a map in order to understand the story. You should be able to keep your bearings just based off the text. What I ran into though was that I was getting lost in the world myself with the amount of places and things after a certain point. And so I drew a map. [34]
For me I think if you're creating something in the real world obviously that gives you certain constraints and certain advantages but if you're starting with something from scratch, I find creating a map right up front is really helpful because your story is not going to visit every square inch on your map so by filling in those other details on the map you're going to get more story ideas and also ideas for potential conflicts, travel distances. It all feeds into the realism of the story as well as potentially future stories. It's fun stuff. The downside is you could spend your whole life worldbuilding. There's a there's a book from World War Two called Islandia, and the guy just spent his whole life creating this island and its culture to the point of working out the actual layers of geography of stone in the island. I've never actually read the book, I don't know if it's any good, but I know it was fairly popular when it came out. [25]
What hacks do you have for for creating geography and points of interest within your world? When I was creating the map for Alagaësia I actually used a old National Geographic Atlas and traced over various coastlines and then distorted them and pasted on top of each other in order to get sort of a natural feeling coastline. Please don't compare the island of Vroengard to the outline of Greece. Please don't do that. And then you have Robin Hobb who just turned Alaska upside down for her map which I always love because I've lived in Alaska twice. I think she told me that she never actually expected the book to get published, but then she got stuck with that because everything was tied to the geography that she started with. [25]
I think that a good map ought to have lots of points of interest, and the tricky bit is, without getting so detailed that it becomes cluttered. You see that sometimes with real world maps, like atlases and stuff, where there's a ton of place names, city names, river names, road names. All of which are useful and necessary, but it can actually visually get in the way of the art, perhaps the artistic effect that you would want a fantasy map to have in a book or a movie or even a game. [12]
There are world generators that you can just click through. It's really easy nowadays with technology to build worlds just by snapping your fingers. Even with those tools, if you have the time and inclination, I think there is some benefit to redrawing or painting the maps in your own style. I don't know about you, I love seeing when the maps are from the author themselves. I remember Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn by Tad Williams. Tad did all the maps himself, and I love that. Even if it's imperfect or a little amateurish it just gives it a really nice feel. I love Tolkien's original art for the same reason. [25]
Creating Dragons
You are the creator of your own world. Do you feel that you have follow certain canons of fantasy worlds, for example, dragons have four legs and wyverns have two? Or do you feel that you can practically do whatever you want because it's fantasy and you create everything? Yes and no. No because I have already established rules and traditions and precedence in The World of Eragon, so I have to be consistent with that. But if I were writing a new fantasy, I would not feel beholden to any tradition. If I wanted to write a world where the dragons have three legs or feathers or something like that then I would feel free to do that. That's the great thing about speculative fiction is it gives you the freedom to write and create whatever you want to. The thing is when you have a genre where anything is possible it actually reveals the limitations of your imagination. And there are very few authors, myself included, who really make full use of that. But at the same time, limitations can make your fiction more interesting. I think it's important to pick some limitations and that will help actually improve the quality of your work. [7]
Why did you decide to have your dragons have a saddle? I was around horses growing up. And the thought of actually physically being on a creature with very hard scales was rather terrifying if thought about in a practical sense. And so it just seemed to me that there had to be some protection. [33]
When you're writing fantasy and you include dragons, especially a dragon rider fantasy, depending on how many there are there, it's actually quite a difficult thing to not solve all your problems with dragons. I think the solution to that is you focus on the problems that dragons present, which balances out the advantages. And of course people are smart, whether we're talking about humans or elves or dwarves or any other invented species. If dragons were real, you'd come up with counters to them, whether it's a bunch of giant ballistae on your walls, or building domed fortresses, or building underground. You would come up with solutions and it would negate those advantages. And that's always my issue with writing fiction with dragons in the real world. If it's a slightly more modern, then you have to ask, well, why isn't everything different in history? Like if dragons were a constant part of our world, architecture would be different, warfare would be different, politics would be different. Well, no, politics would be the same. What am I saying? [30]
I'm sure all of us have seen the fantasy paintings of like a knight in armor with a lance on a horse facing off against a dragon. Now, to be fair, a lance moving at a decent speed at a horse galloping will have enough kinetic energy behind it to punch through just about anything. It could do a lot of damage. But any decent sized dragon would move so fast and be so strong, you wouldn't have a chance with a lance. You'd need a giant crossbow. That'd be your only choice. The size of a dragon, intelligence of a dragon. Until you get to projectile weapons, you have no chance. [30]
We all know what any creature gets when they bond with a dragon. They get a dragon. But why would a dragon create that bond? Why would they do it? Is it the bond, is it their nature? I think for me, having other species bond with the dragons was essentially a way to keep the dragons from getting wiped out. Because dragons are such a huge threat. If you imagine in the real world, we don't suffer giant predators to be constantly predating and disrupting our world. We remove that threat. Especially if there's magic involved, the ability to remove that threat gets even bigger. So in a way I viewed the bond between rider and dragon as essentially self preservation for the dragons, if not the other species as well. Without some sort of symbiotic relationship, coexistence becomes very, very difficult. That, or the dragons have to be smart enough to just essentially remove themselves from the world and live off in the far off places. But that gets really difficult when you start considering how much they need to eat. I remember reading the Live Ship Trader series and I remember the end of that spoiler alert where it's become clear that true dragons have returned now. And it really was kind of an oh crap moment because you start thinking about what that actually means for there to be dragons in the world again. It's kind of like Reign of Fire. [30]

Promoting The Books

Touring Hazards
How did you do on your book tour? It was a lot. It was a lot. I did 50 days of touring last year between Fractal Noise and Murtagh. Obviously the majority of that was for Murtagh. And of course I had a couple other trips in there as well. I went to New York Comic Con. I had one or two personal trips. So there was a lot of travel last year. My goal is to not have as much travel this year. In general, the book tours were awesome, great crowds for the Fractalverse, enormous crowds for World of Eragon/Murtagh. I don't normally talk about this stuff, but since we're past it, it doesn't matter. I started touring for Murtagh November 6th and then got home for good on December 16th. But there's always a risk of getting sick while you're traveling. And I did pretty well in the US leg of things. And then over in Europe between the jet lag and not sleeping- I had a really amazing dinner, one of my publishers took me out to a three star Michelin restaurant. The problem was the dinner started at 8pm and didn't finish till midnight. And there were two or three desserts, and the last dessert was full of coffee, and I didn't realize it. Absolutely full of coffee. And I did not get to sleep until like four in the morning. And I only had three hours of sleep that night. So I think I got sick the day after as a result. I got so sick on the European tour that at one of my stops I had to call paramedics to my hotel room at 2 a.m. because I couldn't breathe. Ended up with bronchitis for the first time in my life. But I'll have you know, I did every event. I didn't miss a single event. I managed to do all my presentations and made it through in one piece. I've never, never backed down from doing an event, even while bleeding. Can you tell us a little bit about the time that you were bleeding in an event? Well, I was in Europe. I was touring for Inheritance, I'd already toured North America, and then I started in Europe, went to UK, and then I went to Australia and New Zealand. But first country was Germany, and I think I did Munich and Cologne, and then I ended in Berlin. And in Berlin, they had me in this wonderful theater that's like over 100 years old, which is very rare in the city, considering all the bombing during the war. And I'm backstage, which meant down in the basement of this theater. And there's like 500 people out waiting for me to make an appearance and there's someone introducing me and they say my name and everyone starts clapping. And of course you want to get on stage before the applause dies down. And the way you got onto stage in this theater was through a set of stairs. And it really wasn't even steps. It was almost like a ladder and it was wood. And the steps were so old that they were basically hollowed out from all the people that have gone up and down it over the years. So I'm scrambling up this and about halfway up, my right foot slipped off the edge of one of the steps because it was hollowed out and full speed, full strength, full weight, I slammed my shin into the edge of one of the steps, stumbled forward two more steps and did it a second time. But momentum, adrenaline, I keep going, I get up on stage, I waved to everyone. And fortunately for me, because I was speaking to a foreign audience, they had me sitting at a table with a translator and a presenter. So I got to sit down and the table kind of hit everything from view. And I start the presentation, start the event. And after about, I don't know, five minutes, I'm thinking to myself, okay, I've banged my shin before. We've all banged our shins before, but this really bleepin' hurt. So I looked under the table and the whole front of my jean leg on my shin is soaked with blood. There is blood dripping onto the floor and my sock is soaked with blood. So I poked my translator, the presenter next to me that I was doing a couple of events with, and I said, "Hey, look at this". And he glances under and his face just goes white. And I'm colorblind and I saw his face go white. And he said, "Do we need to call an ambulance?" And I'm like, "No, no, we're going to do this." So I did an hour-long presentation. And then I got up and managed to quickly limp over to a signing table. And no one really noticed that I wasn't feeling so hot. And I got behind the signing table, and I signed books for 400 or 500 people. And the funny thing is, I was traveling with this foreign rights agent publicist for Random House named Jocelyn, who was just an absolute beast of a woman. I love her to death. You have to understand, she did a European book tour with me while eight months pregnant. The woman was and is just very impressive. But she grew up on a farm. German family in the US, grew up on a farm. So I showed her my leg when I was sitting down to sign and she just looked at me and she said, "You need to go to the hospital?" I said, "Nope". She said, "I knew you were country. Good man." Slapped me on the back. So I finished signing and then I went back to the hotel and I had to get into a tub of water to soak my jeans off because the blood had dried and glued them to my shin. And the problem was I had a dent all the way down to the bone. And I really should have gone to a hospital because, sorry for the gory details, but what happens is when you get a dent like that, you lose the fat under the skin between the skin and the bone and it doesn't come back unless you get an injection to help it puff out and heal. And I didn't do that because I was on tour, there was no time. So the next day I had to fly to pretty sure it was Barcelona for the St. George Book Festival, which is a walking festival. So you have to walk from bookstore to bookstore in the city and do signings. But that was a bit rough. That actually took over a year to heal properly. I still have that dent. Stuff happens. I've heard some crazy stories with other authors. I'd rather it's my blood, not the fan's blood. [32]
Touring Difficulties
We've got blood and sweat, any tears from tour? On occasion. The biggest one is just being away from home. And if anything is a bit off for whatever reason, you can't just pop home and hold someone or do this or do that. It's just difficult to be that far away from home for so long. [32]
If you're not familiar with book tours, the way it often works is that you fly to a city, you get to your hotel room, you have a little bit of time to freshen up, maybe get some food and then you go to the bookstore and you do your event. And it has to be after people get off from work, so it tends to be a later evening event. If you have a large number of people show up, that means that that time spent talking and signing pushes fairly late in the evening. You go back, you get dinner, and if you're a semi-introvert like so many authors tend to be, you need some time to decompress, which means you probably stay up a little too late reading or writing. And then in the morning, you got to go get another airplane flight and go to the new city. All of which is fine, but going to the airport, doing those flights, with the time it takes to go through an airport these days, it means that the schedule has very little time in it. When I toured for Fractal Noise, the publisher one of the days had me fly from Tampa to Portland and I still had to do an event that day. Which I agreed to. It was my own fault because they had everything on the East Coast and I said, "Well, what about the West Coast? You know, I have readers on the West Coast. They need to get a chance to get a signed book." It was my own fault. But that can get rough when you're doing it for weeks on end at a certain point. You just can't recover. A day off? What's that? But it's a good problem to have. That people want to see you and want to read your books. It's an awesome career to have. [1]
I'm also a big fan of coffee naps. So I will drink a cup of coffee, usually my second cup of coffee, and then I'll go take a nap, and I will nap for about 30 minutes, because after 30 minutes the coffee wakes me up. And I find that 15 to 30 minutes is the perfect length of a nap for me, and if I go past that, I need to sleep for about three hours, because otherwise I get into the middle of a REM cycle, and if I wake up in the middle of a REM cycle, I'm just like groggy and drugged, and I feel worse than if I hadn't napped at all. And then of course, if you're on book tour, the way I have been for a while, you gain the ability to just close your eyes at any point and take a 10 minute nap 15 minute nap anywhere, and it at least helps you stay upright. [19]
Meeting Fans around the World
You just got back from the U.S. leg of your book tour — who’s making up the crowd? The readership is broad and probably older than it was back in the day. There are still a lot of 8-year-olds, but now there are grandparents, too. I’ve even met some kids who’ve been named after the characters, which is pretty amazing. Because people have been reading the series for so long, I tend to get a mix of incredibly detailed, hyper-focused, deep-dive questions about some of the lore, but also some more general ones about Eragon’s name. [16]
I'm sure you hear personal stories all the time especially at your readings and your your appearances. It must be lovely, and I guess overwhelming to connect with your fans. That's a good way of putting it: lovely and overwhelming. Everyone has their own personal history with these books. I have people showing up who named their children after the characters, or who've gotten tattoos. Oh my goodness, what's the one you get? Multiple Saphiras, Aryas, Rorans, a couple of Eragons. As a writer, you want people to read your stories, enjoy them, be affected by them. If they're affected so strongly they name their children after your characters, you feel pretty good about it. [28]
Are your European fans different from your American fans? I actually haven't met any children here who are named after characters from my books. That seems to be an American phenomenon. The language barrier sometimes makes it a little more difficult to talk to European fans. But the love for Eragon is just as strong in Europe as it is in the US. This is not your first time on tour in Europe. Is there something you're missing here? I actually noticed that hotels in Europe usually don't have ironing boards or irons. This is standard equipment in America. [24]
My great-grandmother was from Sicily and then my grandfather was from Bologna. I just found out recently that my grandfather as a child was tutored by Fellini's wife. [7]
My grandfather was the stereotype of an elderly Italian gentleman. He had a mustache, he cooked spaghetti and he made the most amazing red sauce for the spaghetti. He used too much profanity. He was quite the character. [35]
Amsterdam is a beautiful city, but if I had grown up here I would probably still have written fantasy, but it would probably have influenced the type of fantasy I write. [23]
I was just in Stockholm on book tour for my latest book. And I've sold a really large number of books, proportionally in Sweden, and I'd never been there before. And I was kind of curious what their thoughts and feelings were on it, given the fact that I have shamelessly pillaged, Anglo-Saxon Scandinavian mythology for my own work. And they said native Swedish authors don't write using their own mythology, they go into the more literary veins and they import and translate other authors who are writing about Scandinavian mythology and they enjoy it immensely, but it doesn't seem to be a homegrown thing for them, which is rather odd, I think. [30]
Old Norse is not so far from German, do you speak a little bit of German? I understand a fair bit. When I've done presentations in Germany, I've had children ask me questions in German, and I can sometimes understand the entire question without translation, but I only speak a few words. [Host 2]: Let's try it. Can you ask the next question in German? Of course. Oh dear. [speaking quickly] Herr Paolini, wie viel von ihrer Vision für die ganze Serie hat sich mit der Zeit verändert? Hat es sich überhaupt verändert? Denn wenn man sich die frühen Werke anguckt, erkennt man, dass sehr viele Sachen aus den frühen Werken in den späteren wieder auftauchen. So dass es eigentlich unmöglich sein kann, dass sie das nicht von Anfang an komplett geplant haben? Translation please. That was not fair. But funny. Yeah, I was just asking, when you started writing the book, and it became not just one book, it became a whole world, it became a series, and I don't want to spoil anything, but if you read the first books and you read the later books, stuff comes up again, and it seems like you actually knew where it was going when you started writing, which is again insane because you were 15. Is that something you just got lucky, or did you really plan for a whole series when you started writing the first one? I planned because I tried writing some stories before Eragon, and I never got past the first five or ten pages because I didn't have a story. I would only have an inciting incident, like a young man finds a dragon egg in the forest. Well, fun, awesome, but that's not a story. So Eragon and the series as it was, was a writing exercise for myself to see if I could outline, plot, and then write at least the first book of a series. So yes, if you read the first book, Eragon, there's actually a scene, a dream sequence in the first book. And it is the very last scene of the last book. And I did that specifically so that I could point to it and say to my readers, "See, I knew what I was doing." But of course, it isn't the last book now. [2]
Before he finished signing them all he asked if I read Fractal Noise, I said yes. He then asked how I liked it. I said I liked To Sleep far more. And to be fair I did. But I could've been a little more less brunt about it. All in all I'm sorry Paolini. I hope you see this. Dude -- No need to apologize! I was the one who put you on the spot. I was just curious about Fractal Noise as it's pretty different from what I normally write. That said, I'm a big boy, and it doesn't bother me in the slightest if someone prefers one book over another. [R]
Have you been on TikTok? How do you find it? I have an account that my assistants post content on for me because I don't have the time and I don't want it on my phone, but it has been a really useful way to connect with readers, and I had a lot of people who came up during my book tour end of last year, who said that they found out about the events I was doing from the posts on TikTok. [33]
Outside of the tour, did you do anything to personally celebrate the release of Murtagh? No. Not to sound blase, but this isn't my first book I've released. Going on the tour is the celebration. Getting to meet the fans. It's an enormous expenditure of energy, time, effort, and it's very joyous and touching and meaningful for me. And I think for a lot of the readers. So that's the celebration. My team and I, we all kind of take a moment to pat ourselves on the back every time a book comes out and then it's back to the grind a bit. Also, I got to celebrate my 40th birthday while on book tour, and I got to celebrate it with my editor, my publicist, my former publicist who's been with me since the beginning. So that was really nice. [32]
Being an author is like the best kind of semi-celebrity, because nine times out of ten, no one knows who you are, you can live a nice quiet life, and then you get to go out and meet people who like your work. And that's a real treat. I grew the beard partly to keep people from recognizing me. But then I've had it for so long that it doesn't work anymore. And I got tired of shaving. But the problem is the beard takes so much time and effort to take care of it, it doesn't save me any time. [1]
Did your hat end up getting fixed post-tour? Yup. Fixed it myself with a rivet. [T]
Any advice on how to wear a pirate's hat without it being weird? It's very simple. There's one ingredient. You wear it with confidence. That's all. [36]
Signing Books
People people don't maybe don't realize what an endurance race it is, especially when when books are this big and successful. Like the amount. I once did 9,280 books in an afternoon and a half at a warehouse. I had nine people helping. I stood. I find that if I stand, I don't use my wrist. I can isolate the arm. And I just had someone shove it under me, someone pull it out for me, and everyone else was boxing, unboxing and flapping. But it hurt. It really hurt. I dropped my first name this past year. For the first time in a 20 year career, I finally dropped my first name. Did you feel defeated? Yes. But I have kids now and I just could not afford the time and the strain on my body. I actually got two typewriters. I got really bad inflammation in my right thumb from all the signing and I find that typewriters alleviated that. Also heavier like mechanical keyboards seem to help. So I know like Robin Hobb has suffered some severe problems with her hands with the amount of typing she's done over the years. So yeah, it is an occupational hazard. [33]
I have to say, signing 30,000 sheets is SIGNIFICANTLY harder than mining or placing 30k blocks in #Minecraft. Lol. [T]
Do you have a PO Box or something? I’d pay shipping both ways to have you sign my books. P.O. box is listed on paolini.net. Just include return shipping, please. :D Alternatively, you can arrange signed copies through Conley's Books & Music in Livingston, MT. [R]
If I send a book to a P.O. Box and pay for shipping there and back, would you sign it? Yup. Address is on paolini.net [T]
submitted by ibid-11962 to Eragon [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:32 horniboi_jonas 4 NO GEAR! Eldritch Blasters 100% crit chance! VS ACT 3 Honor Mode. 2 divination wiz/ 2 warlock/ 4 sorc/ 4cleric

if you don't wanna read the guide and just watch the videos, just scroll down to the boss you wanna see and click the links.
Summary - This build primarily relies on Hold person or hold monster, and divination wizard will help guarantee these spells to succeed through use of portent die. I also use LOTS of terazul, a haste potion that lasts two turns but doesn't require bonus action, very powerful and more importantly very easy to farm, cheap too! Buy it from the bartender in nine fingers hide out. You can get around 70-100 in about 20 minutes. https://youtu.be/0mgG-4UM7GI
Making the build - Eldritch blasters always seemed weak to me with limited gear, oftentimes, builds i see solely rely on crit gear and risky ring, so i never thought i would actually make an act 3 no gear run with eldritch blast as my primary source of damage. I only ever considered it cause someone requested it.
I started off with some kind of warlock/thief/fightesorc abomination, it did not end well. Not only was i missing half my blasts, but the damage was pretty damn low as well. A couple of days later i read some people in this sub talking about divination wizards, so i got to brainstorming again, tested it on raphael and it came out pretty okay! A couple more days later, u/Ozymandius666 commented about this item called Terazul, which just happens to be the strongest source of haste in the game. this build would have been considerably weaker without it.
stats - 16 con, 15 int, 17 charisma
4 white dragon sorc - get hold person and invisibility. feat ability improvement +1 int, +1 charisma
4 life cleric - feat +2 charisma, prepare sanctuary, and create water
2 divination wizard - learn scrolls - summon elemental, hold monster. NOTE!: keep portent die reaction toggled off, toggle it on right before casting hold monsteperson.
2 great old one warlock - get agonizing blast and devils sight
BEST SUMMON - earth elemental, this summon has low dex just like your party, so it will have high chance of taking turns together with your characters. can prone, and does extra damage to prone enemies using special multi attack.
you get 2 portent die per long rest, the die number is random, at 16 int your hold monster has a dice check of 15, raphael has +3 to wisdom saving throws, that means you want a portent die of 11 or lower to guarantee hold monster on raphael by replacing his dice roll with your portent die. (11+3 = 14 = fail)
you can bypass legendary resistance by using a portent die, here is how it works:
possibility 1 - enemy fails saving throw, portent die does not trigger, legendary resistance triggers = hold person FAILS!
possibility 2 - enemy succeeds saving throw, legendary resistance does not trigger, you can trigger portent die make saving throw fail = hold person SUCCESS!
so you want gortash/orin to succeed their initial saving throws so you can change it into a failure. worst case is they fail three in a row and trigger legendary resistance three times, even if this happens you can still easily kill them as long as you manage your resources properly.
Raphael https://youtu.be/ewgl3mjfu-0
Cazador - undead, can't hold monster, just cast bless and eldritch blast. https://youtu.be/i_2KXAXHPMM
Viconia - Bait her out of sanctuary with a summon triggering her opportunity attack, then hold person her https://youtu.be/tOUJub0V1Pk
Titan https://youtu.be/emxv73fn3MY
Gortash - watch out for reflector guard, this will return eldritch blast damage to caster. if he still has this, don't come out of sanctuary. https://youtu.be/C8bxfyqep28
Orin https://youtu.be/qtKua8c20sY
High hall - kill the mind flayers asap, they are the biggest threat and are pretty much the only enemies that can make you lose this fight. https://youtu.be/Xl_f2lkC9d8
Elder Brain (red dragon not killed) - for some reason my portent die disappears after the emperor teleports me, i don't know if this is a bug or if its some kind of lore design, which kinda sucks for divination wizards. can't see the future cause the apocalypse is coming??? it sounds pretty cool on paper. https://youtu.be/j9NoHwMI6Dk
ansur - undead, can't hold monster, but you can cheese him with cloud of daggers if you wish. https://youtu.be/5CxqRN48wSk?si=1bpk1zWXQITFcTG2
this is probably my last no gear, Next one will probably be a naked weapon only act 3 run.
submitted by horniboi_jonas to BG3Builds [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:39 KokoHekumatiaru Beginners guide to Soulmask, with no BS.

Hello there. If you are like me, you might also be a bit allergic to all the guides out there, that start with "please hit like and subscribe", followed by 10 minutes of chatter around what you need help with, for something that could`ve taken 30 seconds to explain.
With that out of the way, welcome to my No-BullS#$t guide to Soulmask, outlining everything I`ve learned in 80 hours playing on a server rented from G-Portal.
I am going to assume that everyone is somewhat accustomed to the bare basics of the game and how it plays so I will stick to only highlighting things that I learned myself.

1 There are 5 Tribes: Claw, Flint, Fang, Outcasts and Plunderers.

-Everyone can be deterred except Plunderers and Elites (The ones with a unique name and a silver border around their health bar).
-The Claw tribe has the best overall fighters for every weapon school
-The Fang tribe specializes in Remedies, healing and Poisons (Alchemy) so they make for great Alchemists overall, but do very well in relation to ranged combat so make for decent companions, if you prefer having a ranged helper along, they are good for this.
-The Flint tribe are supposedly the clever ones who are all about evolving and furthering their tribe's development so naturally, they make for great crafters.
-The outcasts don`t belong to any tribes and their stats as such are completely random. You can find great ones of course but expect a lower chance of finding what you need, compared to if you were chasing the more specialized tribes.

2 Proficiencies of barbarians go from 1-125+ in each respective school and what they have is based on a lot of factors as well as the low chance of them being a uniquely titled barbarian that can give them various perks outside of the proficiencies themselves.

-The level of the deterred barbarian ONLY affects what the overall proficiencies start at when you deter them and the higher the level the better the proficiency, the level also affect their attributes.
-Source: Personal experience after deterring roughly 800 Barbarians and while I know the pool isn`t very big, but it is high enough for me to be positive that the level of a deterred barb does not affect their max proficiency level, only what it starts at.
-Labourers are great at the collection of materials: Logging, Mining, Harvesting
-Craftsmen: Any crafting, completely random which ones they are given. Also supposed to unlock various tribes medium/advanced clothing and costumes if they are found in a fortress(Only 3 fortresses at the minute.) Potentially bugged right now though as I`ve deterred 50+ Craftsmen of varying levels from Novice to Master Craftsmen in a Flint fortress with 0 unlocks as of yet).
-Porters: Good at working the Kiln and or Furnace but they are also Great at transporting large quantities of items over longer distances as their weight limits are different and they have positive traits that affect how having more weight makes them move faster etc. (Unlocks the first tribe clothing too. Level 20-25 area barracks)
-Well-made DOCs sheet showing the various difference between the tribes as well as the Perks and Traits people have discovered thus far. Thank you to fatheals for sharing it with us, albeit I do not know the owner and creator of the sheet so if anyone knows and can share that with us, I`d like to add them as well.
Tribe Differences
That`s it for now, if there`s anything else you want to know, just ask in the comments and I will add it to the guide too. But these are some of the things I see being asked the most, so instead of commenting in each post and repeating myself, I will update this one with new info.

3 Mysterious Tisane, dropped by bosses will reset the attributes of your main aka the Vagrant Novice character, but the Mysterious body shaping pill will reset the attributes of any of your deterred tribesmen.

-I have been informed there is a server setting that changes this, letting you reset the attributes of your deterred tribesmen much earlier in the game, effectively making the Mysterious body shaping pill a completely irrelevant addition to the game, so the choice is yours. Make the game easier earlier and or play it the way it`s "meant" to be played. Whatever the choice, as long as you are comfortable and happy with it, that`s all that matters.

4 The Basic Portal that you can craft yourself will not let you teleport to unlocked teleporters, only to other basic teleporters. (Please for the love of god change this.)

Is important to note that you can only teleport with whatever is currently on your action/hotbar and it will not bring anything in your inventory when using this discount portal they`ve provided us with unless you turn on Custom Supply Portal in the right-hand Menu in the server settings.

5 Cooking is one of the most important proficiencies in the world of Soulmask.

-I would highly recommend you get someone who`s good at it and put points towards output when selecting bonuses as they improve.
-You can have 7 different buffs active at any one time. 3 Meals, 2 Drinks, 1 Medical and 1 "unhealthy" one in the Cigar. Types of buffs: Staple Food, Recreational, Beverage, Vegetable/Fruit, Meat, Medical Potion and finally a Cigar.
Thank you u/fatheals & u/tadian for the info.

6 Armor & Weapon crafting

-For traits, select Durability for 30-60 respectively and then Quality once you hit Iron as this is the point where levelling starts to slow down and moreover, you will unlock the Sabre tooth Armor at Awareness 40 once you kill the Berserk Sabre-toothed Predator which is a recommendation to everyone and when crafting the gear it will inherit the stats of the Iron Armor that goes into it. Hence you want to make sure it`s as good as possible as this will be the best Armor you will have access to for quite a while.

7 Modifications make a huge difference

-All these mods you keep looting in chests from barracks and dungeons are not useless, even if the numbers may seem small they make a massive difference so use them.
-Having multiple Armor sets with different mods on them will be a benefit, even though it is grindy. Having one with Heat, Cold, Poison and Radiation protection will be the difference between surviving or dyeing.
-Repairing a Weapon or Armor WILL remove the MOD that is on them, so keep this in mind. Repair first, then put on the mod of choice.
-IMPORTANT: You can in fact have EVERY single mod that fits in each respective category on a single piece of Armor, this includes but is not limited to every resistance for example: Poisonproof, chill proof, heat proof and so on.

8 The hunting Gallery is VERY useful.

-It will show a lot of useful info about the local wildlife and enemies you encounter so I recommend having a look if you are struggling with a specific enemy, perhaps you`re just using the wrong weapon to fight it?.
-One good example of when it helped me was in my first Ancient Ruin Dungeon/Holy Ruin where I encountered an enemy type that took essentially 0 damage until I threw a Corrosion bomb on them so use it and you will find that while doing the classic Unga Bunga works, sometimes. Having a bit more tact does come in handy.

8 Farms inside Barracks & Fortresses

-These farms are incredible if you are looking to get resources for either food and even crafting by way of cotton, needed for a lot of various crafts. What is important to note here is that these farms, IF you empty them out, leave and return at a later time, the crops may actually change. The availability of what they can change into, seem to be dependent on what you find in the chests within the Barracks and or Fortress. In the Flint Tribe fortress, I have collected everything except for Cactus out of their farms.

9 Unlocking Tribe Costumes and Armor

-The first three sets can be unlocked by Deterring the Porters in each respective low-level barrack.
-The higher tiered ones can be acquired by deterring craftsmen from Fortresses, albeit. I have yet to unlock a single one, even after numerous deters and full tames, so this might be something that the devs will need to look into, so if you`ve been chasing it as well, know that you are not alone friend.

10 My Co-Op Server setting, aimed at smaller communities, only the options we`ve changed from their defaults.

-You can open the server settings by hitting the "tilde"-key next to the 1 on the Keyboard for QWERTY keyboards, followed by typing in: gm key "your admin password" and then hitting ENTER
-Right-side options are all active besides Spawning monsters and barbarians whilst a player is inside a barrack. PVP, Friendly fire, Cross-Server and applying output multipliers to the special items.
-General: Barb Taming speed 2.5, Proportion of Daytime 0.8, Tribe recruitment limit 100, Mood increase 1.5, Mood Reduction 0.5, Personal animal Quantity 20. The chest drop level is special in that we tested this out, but changing it will bug certain chests, keeping them from respawning loot over time so we left it at 0.
-EXP & Growth: Awareness, character and mask is 3. Proficiency, Collection, Craft, Monster-Kill and Other Exp multipliers are all 2.5, Kill EXP sharing 1. Max awareness 60.
-Output & Drops are all set to 1.5, Crop growth, Crafting Speed. Chest Drop multiplier, Animal growth and hatching speed are all 2.
-Building: I turned off Building Decay because we hate that mechanic, but if I notice people stop playing I`ll turn it on to clear up the map.
-Refresh: Vegetation Respawn Speed 1
-Combat: Dmg against wildlife 1.3, Dmg from wildlife 0.7, Wildlife quality 2, not touched PVP.
-Consumption: Durability 0.5, Repair reduces the durability 0.2, I don`t want people to craft a single set of items and just endlessly repair it with 0 drawbacks so this is a decent median and whilst I can appreciate some enjoy having 0 durabilities, it adds a little extra and will keep you from just staying out and makes you have to prepare a little before bigger outings which I like. At the end of the day, tweak it as you see fit.
-Invasions: Has seemed fine so far, just remember that there are barriers in the game for a reason, albeit not that needed in lower-level zones.

11 Zone Progression by Level

-Eastern Rainforest, typically where you spawn in and start your journey, followed by the Western and Northern Rainforest, the last two zones scale from 10-25 with level 25 Mobs and Barbarians respectively can be found in the Barracks for tribes located there.
-Mangrove is next which is across the water to the south-west of the Western Rainforest which introduces a lot more "aquatic life" and makes for pretty rough base locations, so it is not really recommended as a spot of operations, but there are some tablets to pick up here though for those adventurous enough.
-Next, we`ll continue heading west into the three zones that all have monsters and Barbarians of varying levels from 21-30+ in the Rocky Bottomland, The Wild and finally Pit Hill. These three places make for decent locations if you are looking to build either a second base and or maybe just an outpost?.
-From here we head North and into the Table Mountains where the level range is 30 - 40, however further to our west is a median zone and one of my recommended locations for your second base if you are 35 and closing in on 40 as the weather is very temperamental and it gets pretty chilly, so you`ll want to have access to the Air Heater(Awareness 40) but you WILL make due if you have level 2 Cold mod on the clothing for your tribesmen to stave of the cold. The zone in question is called the Lakeside Forest(26-35) and west of that is also the Jungle Cave which is a poisonous hellscape with Poison dart frogs, scorpions and other creepy crawlies but also the best place for Iron Ore. The Lakeside Fores also houses the Flint Tribe Fortress, where the levels go up to 50+, so not recommended to go in if you`re lowleveled here as they will turn you into a pincushion very quickly but it`s an excellent place to gather good crafters and labourers later in the game.
-North of the Table Mountain is the Plateau Woodland, sharing a level range of 31-40, I have not explored it a lot but it seems like a rather boring locale for a base, but it holds a dungeon where you need Awareness 40 to enter, so it`s worth exploring once you hit that threshold, just make sure you come WELL prepared.
-We continue our adventure north into the Giant Wood Forest and Great Prairie and honestly, I am considering making a base on the Prairie as it`s beautiful and full of life but some of the enemies here are terrifying, so I won't go there unless I have the resources to make barriers around the entire base first.
-We are now going into the last of the northern regions and reaching the initial level cap of 50 in the Southern Wasteland where we are now dealing with enemies in the 41-50 bracket, sometimes even above. Don`t consider this a base location unless you are ready to deal with the radiation but it`s a cool locale with very varied flora and fauna. You will also find the Fang tribe has it`s Fortress in this area, so it`s definitely worth the adventure.
-Now you are more or less getting towards the end of your journey but if you look at the map, there`s a lot of fog west of the desert as well as the far south of the Jungle Cave and The Wild where we went earlier in our adventure. First is the Volcanic Forest 41-50, which is due southwest of the Wild, followed by the Barren Meadow 41-50+ just South of the Jungle Cave and finally the Scorching Volcano in the bottom left of the map with a whooping 46-55 level range and let me tell you. Unless you have Heat protection here, you will die in seconds the closer you get to the Volcano and you can in fact get inside the volcano as it has an expansive underground system to explore.
-The last zone is the Dark Fores, Frostleaf Grove, Frost Canyon and Alpine Land all of which are as of yet, unexplored by myself, but perhaps someone else can offer some insight about these areas for us?.

12 How to determine if a Barbarian is worth deterring before engaging.

-Press "Y" to open up your Mase nodes tree. Once your Core Functional Module has been activated, continue going right till you reach Perception Enhancement and then the linked node called Quality Assessment. With this node repaired, you`ll be able to view more detailed information about both the Wildlife and the Barbarians, their titles and their potential are among some of the things you can see.
-This should help you find your preferred Barbarians to deter, but keep in mind that nothing is final as there is still a lot of RNG involved and getting the perfect barbarian is still something that we`ll all be chasing for a long time, but best of luck to you all.
Please, if you have anything you would like to be added to it then this is the place, let's make our own little lexicon for those who come after.
submitted by KokoHekumatiaru to PlaySoulMask [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:37 Gloomy-Wedding9837 Oh great, now I'm a dungeon. 13/?

*Writers note* This is as far as I have written, so after this drops will likely slow down quite a bit as my life is, in general, busy and stressful. I hope to write a chapter a week, or more, but it may also be less. My creativity depends almost entirely on how well or ill I feel at any one time. But for now, this is as far as I have written. More is yet to come. Have faith in Ms Stonehill Dungeon to decide to get things going the right way.... ... ... mostly.
Chapter Thirteen: Learning new things.
It took a while to explain the events to Sebastian's mother. She had many questions, and at one point looked troubled when I spoke of the rage and threat I had made to the Inspector. Not that I blame her. A dungeon that had befriended her child, had threatened to kill anyone that entered it's domain. I'd be concerned as well if our position was reversed. However, as I finished relaying everything to her I think she realized that it was her child, that had broken me out of the rage I had been in. She still had her concerns, and in truth, I had my own. I had never been like this befo.... before? Why do I keep feeling like I was someone else before becoming a dungeon? That makes no sense. I'll need to think on that later. For now though... I turned my attention back to the conversation at hand.
While we talked, Sebastian had started exploring the area around my clearing. I know he had noticed the berry bushes I had made just because he liked them, and it wasn't long before his hands and face were stained dark purple from the berries juices as he picked and ate them. It surprised me that I was getting mana from his actions. Not a lot. But every handful of berries he ate, triggered a small mana dump to me. I hadn't know that my resource nodes like the berries would give me mana. I thought they were just there to attract delvers. Now I knew otherwise and the vista's that fact opened in my mind made me change my plans.
Sebastian's mother and Katyogel had now gotten to the end of the recent events, and it dawned on me that I didn't know her name. I nudged my Voice with that thought. “The Prime Minister would like to know your name. She feels that continuing to refer to you as Sebastian's mother, is rude and disrespectful.” To this Sebastian's mother looked startled, and then she blushed. “Oh, please forgive me. I was so concerned for Sebastian that I forgot my manners. I am Carrol McDermott, Alchemist. Please call me Carrol.” I smiled to myself and Katyogel hooted in humor. Carrol it is. “The Prime Minister would be pleased if you would refer to her as Stonehill.” And with that it seemed, we had all become friends. I did have some questions though.
“You stated you were an Alchemist? What are the most useful plants and items for your trade? Stonehill is a dungeon, and The Prime Minister would like to have plants and things that would attract delvers here.” Anddddd she was off. Carrol spoke at great length about the various plants and minerals, as well as creature parts that could be used in Alchemy. Many of them only being available in dungeons. This piqued my interest and I had Katyogel ask for clarification on a few points. “Do fungie like Spellspore, plants like Ochredill, and even parts of dungeon creatures create potions when combined alone, or is mana also needed, or?” Carrol smiles and like Sebastian's smiles, she seems to light up the area around her. “Yes, plants, fungi, creature parts, some minerals, they can all be used to make alchemical powders and potions. Most dungeons make it difficult for these to be acquired and so the price for them is higher than their non magical brethren.” I see. That makes a great deal of sense to me and changes my plans entirely.
Chief Inspector Yohhan Kelger
I am furious beyond belief. That one of my underlings would do such a thing. Betraying everything the Dungeoneers Guild stands for, has my blood boiling. What my young protege has laid out before me is horrible. A dungeon that had been friendly, now turned potentially murderous because of greed and stupidity. This will need to be dealt with. Standing up and composing my face, I strode from my office. I glanced once to Inspector Emberhart, nodded my head to the others, and stepped out into the street. I turned and headed towards the largest structure in the city. The Church of The Shield. On my way to speak to the Cardinal. He was the only mentalist I knew of in the city, and it would have to be him that performs the mind delve. I know how much he dislikes doing that, and would normally never ask it of him, but this... this requires the truth. And the guilty will need to face justice for their actions.
First / Previous / Next
submitted by Gloomy-Wedding9837 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:36 mysterioustimesmag Witches and Weasels

The link between witches and weasels is a rich element in folklore, deeply rooted in historical beliefs about magic, shape-shifting, and the supernatural. This connection is evident in various cultures and periods, highlighting the complex relationship between humans and the natural world. In European folklore, particularly during the medieval and early modern periods, witches were often believed to possess the power of transformation, or shape-shifting, which allowed them to take on the form of animals.The weasel, with its sleek and elusive nature, was a common animal form that witches were believed to adopt. Stories from Scotland and Ireland frequently depict witches transforming into weasels to conduct their mischief. These transformations were often temporary, allowing the witch to carry out her tasks undetected. For example, a witch might become a weasel to slip into a household, steal items, or eavesdrop on conversations. In German folklore, the weasel was seen as a symbol of cunning and guile. Witches in these stories often took the form of weasels to blend into their surroundings and avoid detection by witch hunters or villagers. During the Middle Ages, the fear of witchcraft was pervasive, and animals associated with witches were viewed with suspicion. The idea that witches could transform into weasels was part of a broader belief in the magical abilities of witches to manipulate the natural world. In some witch trials, accusations included claims that the accused had transformed into a weasel or other small animal to commit their crimes. These testimonies were taken seriously by authorities, reflecting the widespread belief in the transformative powers of witches. The sudden appearance of a weasel in a home or village was often interpreted as an ill omen, particularly in communities that believed strongly in witchcraft. People thought that a witch had sent the weasel to deliver a curse or cause mischief. To ward off potential witchcraft, some households would perform rituals or place protective charms around their homes. These measures were believed to prevent witches in weasel form from entering or causing harm. Weasels were commonly thought to be familiar spirits, or familiars, that served witches. These familiars were believed to assist witches in their magical practices, acting as extensions of the witch’s will. Familiars like weasels were thought to help witches gather ingredients for potions, spy on enemies, and even deliver spells. The familiar’s ability to move undetected and its association with the witch’s power made it a feared and respected creature. During witch hunts, the presence of an animal like a weasel near a suspected witch’s home could be used as evidence of witchcraft. This belief contributed to the persecution and execution of many accused witches. Fairy tales and literary works from various cultures often depict witches with animal familiars, including weasels. These stories serve to reinforce the connection between witches and their animal companions, highlighting themes of transformation and supernatural assistance. In some of Hans Christian Andersen’s tales, animals like weasels play significant roles, often embodying traits associated with witchcraft, such as cunning and deception. The belief in the connection between witches and weasels has influenced many cultural practices and superstitions. In some regions, weasels are still viewed with a mix of fear and respect, and their presence is interpreted through the lens of historical beliefs about witchcraft. More modern portrayals of witches in media and literature sometimes draw on these traditional associations, depicting witches with weasel-like familiars or incorporating elements of shape-shifting. In the story of the Witch of Endor from the Bible, while not directly involving weasels, illustrates the concept of witches having control over the supernatural. In some interpretations and adaptations, witches like the one at Endor are believed to summon spirits in animal forms, including weasels. Irish folklore is replete with stories of witches transforming into weasels. One notable tale involves a witch who, after being wronged by a villager, turns into a weasel to exact her revenge. Her transformation back to human form is discovered when she is caught in a trap meant for weasels, revealing her true identity and leading to her punishment. While in The Weasel and the King a weasel enters the king’s palace causing trouble, only to be revealed later as a witch who had transformed to spy on the court and steal secrets. The weasel’s characteristics—its slyness, agility, and ability to move unseen—make it a powerful symbol of the supernatural and the unknown. In folklore, these traits are often exaggerated to highlight the fear and suspicion surrounding witchcraft. The weasel’s dual nature, as both a real animal and a symbolic representation of witchcraft, reflects the human tendency to personify animals with qualities that resonate with cultural fears and beliefs. The association between witches and weasels can be seen as a projection of societal anxieties. In times of uncertainty, people often turn to supernatural explanations for their troubles, and the weasel, with its mysterious behavior, becomes a convenient scapegoat. The fear of weasels and their connection to witches can be interpreted as a manifestation of the fear of the unknown and the uncontrollable aspects of nature and human behavior. The relationship between witches and weasels in folklore is a testament to the power of myth and superstition. The weasel, with its elusive and cunning nature, became a symbol of the supernatural, embodying the fears and suspicions that surrounded witchcraft. This connection has left a lasting legacy in literature, culture, and collective imagination, illustrating how deeply rooted beliefs can shape perceptions of the natural world and its inhabitants.
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2024.06.09 11:14 meitsadavdavidbingss The ultimate deepwoken rant

First off sorry for any spelling errors , i am typeing this on a whim and dont have time to go thru again , i know english i promise . Well where do i even begin with this mess , first lets get roblox jank , gliches , bugs and cheat detection out the way sience thats not up to them . The moderation team fucking sucks at doing their job , if you submit a ticket with proof and all theres about a 90% chance they will decline you without looking at it but its ok , i can deal with that , the biggestthey also abuse their powers (especially in chmie) going in with all kind of unobtainable weapons and enchants , imo that is not ok not to mention those weapons and enchants are absolutely busted , they should be balanced accordingly and made obtainable and while im at it i would like to mention not being able to get lightborn is some real bs , i wish they would maybe hold a tournament between the top 20 chime players that dont have lb or something weekly so that theres an actual way to get it if you work hard , that would be sick but no , they cant spare 30 minutes a week to do something like this for us . And regarding races why the fuck is there no way to reroll races without useing robux ? Like lemme reroll with echos or knowledge at a shrine or something , anything , and also the races are not balanced accordingly and matter very little , they should have tallents that actually change combat , like etreans are suposed to be imune to acid , well thats not the case cuz they cant properly code , they are also meant to get less time on buffs and debuffs , thats also not the case . If it was however for example that would be very cool , you could pull some fun stuff with poison , ignore charm debuffs , not need strong stern or mayne run into a pocket of acid when low but no cause we cant have nice shit can we? And now regarding slots i fullheartedly believe they should give you 3 or maybe even 5 starting out , i guess you can buy them and they are dirt cheap but i still feel like its a very greedy move seen as you need a minimum of 3 to you know , actually play. With revives i also have no problem except that you cant revive without robux . Like maybe let me ask yun shul to give me another shot in fragments and i can use statue for free , or maybe when u max rep with celtor , or for 500 echos , anything really . Some more boring stuff out the way , the activities like fishing mineing and choping trees have no point as the rewards are not worth the time at all , characters are 1 dimensional and only serve to die or give you something for the sake of progressing plot , the world feels dead , the ai is trash and theres way too much chesse . Balance i wont even commeont on , you know it , i know it , its absolute dogshit and thats not gonna change , they claim to revisit the broken stuff and want to rework it ? Yeah right just like you did to jetstriker , i mean its not bad its much better than before but they missed the silver lineing , fighting jetstriker sucked not only because the opponent could run away , it sucked cuz he could just keep you at mid range , use gale and thunder to poke you down with little counterplay if you are not a mage silentheart or blindseer , guess what ? Thats still a problem . The weapons are extremely unballanced as well and so are the atunements mantras and enchants equipment and everything else , if they cared to fix it it would take well over a month of actual daily balance changes not the bullshit they are doing now . Pvp is curently in a 1 shot meta , chime , guildwars , voidwalking , doesent matter the fight always ends in less than 30 seconds thanks to chesse , the infamous ragdoll into bomb that has no counteplay , potions and assassin builds (dont get me wrong im an assassin build enthusiast myself but they are FAR too busted in this game like wtf) . Pve is boring too , everything is eighter easy or unfair , its all easy except for the ocasional stat sponge like a kyrsgarde gangbang or broodlord that do over 1 bar per hit and have as much hp as duke . Theres nothing fun to do except combat , the world feels dead and so very lackluster and boring , the lore sucks sience its not expanded on , altough a great concept . Now lets talk about vw , as a vw myself i dont think it should take a life when the voidwalker kills you , like you die and lose your stuff but you dont get stained for example , but i dont think it should be the same for when you kill the vw sience then he could just level without consequence , vw should also not be able to take bounties on ppl with more than 3 level diffrence up or down and shouldnt be allowed to do to1 , instead their first 5 bounties give 2 levels each if successful , and they should also get like a damage taken from mobs multiplier till max lvl so that you get dettured from pve , that would be great. also i think u should be able to get the tracking outline beep ocasionally on all bounties , not just voidwalk , like do a quest for it and then get it on the slot .that would not make it go to origin , now regarding origins they all have little going for them atm theres no reason to not pick deluvian for pve and vw for anything else . Also we need more goddamn origins like some that start in layer 2 at lvl 10 and you need to kill chaser or start fort merit at lvl 6 or start in voidsea , meteor isle , hive , stuff like that would be so sick but no instead we get ysleys pyre that has 5 crits and 2 passives that all have the special effect of makeing you want to kill yourself . I could talk about so many more issues like no new luminant , no layer 3 for 2 years or no more lore being dropped but ass of now if they could fix all of this by the end of the year i would be ecstatic and truly greatful , its seems they cant and wont learn , they are leting the flame of this game burn out just like they did to rogue a good bit ago . All it needs is a litlle kindeling wich given how much money they have and how many talented pepole wouldnt turn them down should take them a mere 2 months if even that , but then again ragoozer and archmage dont give a shit. Also we love you naktigonis , your music is unreal.
submitted by meitsadavdavidbingss to deepwoken [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:20 Aukrania I'm looking for volunteers to help write my fanfic/reimagination of Ruby Gillman

Ever since I watched Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken, I just couldn't help but feel like the film missed a ton of potential, especially if the writing was given more attention and wasn't so rushed. So, in my free time, I came to be interested in writing my own version of Ruby Gillman's coming-of-age story using the concepts, ideas and themes to the fullest, and although it would be fair to technically call it an RGTK fanfic, my vision for the rewrite is quite different to the degree that it could almost be its own original story. However, due to its undoubted complexity, it'd be very appreciated if some people could help me in planning out the rewrite, as I believe that it could turn out very well if I'm able to get feedback and assistance from others. Now, without anymore dilly-dallying, here's the basic idea of the Ruby Gillman rewrite.
This version of Ruby Gillman is what I'd like to call an early-twentieth-century fairy tale (still PG, of course), which can give me a chance to write a genuinely compelling coming-of-age story tackling prejudice, war, maturity and on overarching great powegreat responsibility message.
Set during an age when the surface world is rapidly industrialising and thus shifting the global balance of power that once resided with the Krakens, Ruby is a humble, fun-loving, 15-year-old Kraken living with a Kraken family in disguise in 1914 in London, a majestic, semi-steampunk-esque city at the height of the Industrial Revolution. For most of her life, however, Ruby's freedoms have been severely restricted by her mother Agatha who especially forbids Ruby from nearing any bodies of water like the Thames.
One day, however, Ruby's disobedience ends with her falling into the River Thames which brings upon the revelation of her being a royal Kraken, setting off a pulse that attracts the attention of her grandmother, Queen Estalia, as well as both old and new threats emerging from the sea and the surface world. 2 major antagonistic forces have their attention drawn to Ruby: 1) the Mermaids, the age-old rivals of the Krakens and the Mad Princess, Chelsea, who seeks to manipulate Ruby into retrieving the mythical trident so that she can get her revenge on the Krakens after her grandmother, Queen Nerissa, was killed by Agatha and 2) a new force of evil coming from the surface world called the mighty German Empire which is rapidly industrialising and becoming more antagonistic and dictated by the Mad Kaiser, Wilhelm II of Germany, who is cartoonishly a one-dimensional, pure-evil villain who only cares about begetting more power than he already has. Wilhelm II seeks to outright capture Ruby to drain her power not just to replenish his life but to also use it to conquer an even more formidable sea creature -- the Leviathan.
Thus, Ruby embarks on her journey of maturity and self-discovery as her enemies compete to use her as a means to their ends. Along the way, Ruby meets an orphan named Connor (Ruby's crush), an intelligent, innovative mind but with a very shy personality who may be hiding his own gift, as well as a minor antagonist named Gordon (also a teenager), a British nationalist who grows to despise sea monsters (a bit like Ercole from Luca). Whether she likes it or not, Ruby must grow up to face obstacles and challenges that come her way as she ponders the question of "going big" to protect her friends and family from the malevolent threats seeking to deal injustice and chaos to the Krakens and the rest of the world.
It's Ruby Gillman against a tyrant Mermaid... and a power-hungry Kaiser.
submitted by Aukrania to RubyGillman [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:32 TaranAlvein I'm currently running Dragonheist, and two of my players turned a run-of-the-mill sidequest into a legendary roleplaying session.

As stated above, I'm currently running the Dragonheist campaign, so if you're currently playing it and haven't at least completed the Zhentarim's second sidequest, I would advise against reading the spoilers.
The stars of this particular tale are a pair of evil party members: The jester, Stitches, and the former Zhentarim thug, Kanno. Stitches is a College of Lore Bard with the Charlatan background, whose favorite con was impersonating others. Kanno is a Fighter, whom I had worked out with the player to be a former follower of Manshoon, who left after a betrayal by his former master. As a result, Kanno was quick to seize opportunities to make money, which he needed for his revenge.
The party has just experienced the beginning of the "Fireball" event, and conducted a fruitful investigation. Afterwards, they were questioned by Barnibus Blastwind and Saethe Cromley. Once the two had left, Stitches' player asked me whether their conversation with Barnibus had lasted for more than a minute. I answered in the affirmative, asked why, and then suddenly realized that he could now impersonate Barnibus. I didn't expect that to come into play so soon, though.
The party's first stop was to meet with Davil, to find out what he knew about the Zhentarim operatives that were killed at the scene of the blast. Since the men who died don't work for him, that lead was a dead-end. However, I took the opportunity to provide the party with the second Zhentarim sidequest, to deliver potions for Skeemo Weirdbottle. Since the party couldn't think of a next step for their investigation, in spite of all of the clues they had gathered, they decided to do the job to make some quick change.
It was here that Stitches began scheming. On the way to Skeemo's, he stopped at another apothecary, and was able to convince the man to tell him what a Potion of Mind Reading looks like. He also explained his plan to Kanno, operating under the assumption that it would be a large shipment, and that nobody would notice if a bottle or two were to "break" or "be confiscated by the Watch" when they made the delivery. Fortunately, they at least had the sense to realize that losing one bottle out of a delivery of four was not feasible. It was my mistake to think that this would be the end of the scheme.
Arriving at the Godcatcher with their cargo, they quickly spotted the intended recipient sitting in a hire-coach. After delivering the box, the woman inspected the goods, then quickly handed the party their reward and told the driver to get out of there. It was then that Stitches acted. Casting Message, he informed the driver, "Eyes are on you, take a roundabout route." While I had originally intended for the driver to take a circuitous route back anyways (I assumed that the woman was already taking precautions, given the nature of the sidequest), I had Stitches roll Persuasion. His result was good enough that I decided that the driver wouldn't tell his client about the missive, assuming that he was being reminded of his instructions by a compatriot of hers.
Meanwhile, Stitches hailed another hire-coach, and informed the party that he and Kanno would be "Following up on other leads", and that he hoped to "Earn a little bit of a bigger tip", or something to that effect. I didn't really want them to try to follow her, especially since what they were planning was obviously going to involve committing a crime of some kind, but I also wasn't going to just give them a hard "No", so I decided to make it difficult.
First, I rolled to see how many turns would pass before they could get a cab, and got a result of 3. Well, that's to be expected, it's a pretty well-travelled area, so cabs should be readily available there. I then had the driver balk at taking them without a set destination in mind, since fares are negotiated and paid before travel begins. Stitches, thinking fast, tells him to take them as far as 1 gold would go, and given the cost of a hire-coach, I had him reply that, "Sure, you've got me for an hour".
Since the module doesn't really contain rules for a vehicular chase, and I didn't want to waste time flipping through the DMG looking for something, I decided to modify the chase rules found on page 72. I had one of them roll a d20 for the outset, and Stitches rolled a natural 20, so they encountered no obstacles leaving the square. But they'd still have to actually find their quarry's vehicle, since it was currently going around the square a few times, and ducking up and down sidestreets. Oh, no problem, a 15 and a 22 on Perception quickly spotted the woman's cab, and a quick lie about their intent set their own driver to following her at a distance of about 100 feet.
I then began a few rounds of rolling d20s to determine how the chase would go. After both their cab and the one they were following rolled well enough to avoid mishap on two successive checks, I informed them that their quarry had finally stopped its erratic travel, and was now moving straight up The High Road, seemingly now on its way back, and called for one more round of checks. My hope was that they would follow her home, see that they were messing with a noble, and back off. Instead, I rolled a 2 for the NPC's coach, while they managed to avoid mishap once again. Since they had just been asking their cabbie about possibly finding a shortcut to head them off, I decided that they would see the hire-coach ahead of them stopping due to a fruit-cart in the middle of the road having a broken wheel. I informed them that the coach they were following was waiting for a break in the oncoming traffic so that it could go around.
Once again, they defied my expectations. Playing their previous lie to the hilt, they departed from their cab and approached the stopped vehicle, where the dice gods granted their blessing upon the absolute Indy Ploy they rolled out. First, the two ducked into an alleyway, where Stitches cast Disguise Self to make himself look like Barnibus Blastwind. Then, using his Performance to do a bit of voice mimicry, he approached the fruit cart vendor, slipped him a silver piece, and started making a big production about "Reckless drivers these days!", and the negligent driving that damaged the wheel on this poor fruit vendor's cart!
I called for Persuasion, and with a 19, the fruit cart vendor decided that he wasn't one to say no to free money, and started playing along, albeit very passively. A Performance result of 23 ensured that not only was Stitches able to do a spot-on impression of Barnibus' voice and mannerisms, but that he was starting to draw the crowd's attention as well, just as he had hoped. Stitches started demanding compensation from the hire-coach driver, who was incredulous that he was being blamed for this. The fact that Stitches was demanding two Platinum as compensation only made him more certain that this was some kind of shakedown, and he adamantly refused to pay for something that he had nothing to do with.
For the lady's part, I rolled absolutely abysmally. A natural 1 on her Insight check led her to also assume that this was some clumsy attempt at extortion, and she chimed in that even if her driver had damaged the cart, he would only have to pay damages to the owner, not the exorbitant fee that Stitches/Barnibus was demanding. She also demanded to know exactly who he was. Stitches obliged.
...And here, ignorance proved to be a strength as well. See, Stitches didn't actually know Barnibus' last name. Nor did he know that Barnibus was only a consultant, and not a member of the Watch. And so, he introduced himself as "Inspector Barney of the City Watch". And the woman, failing yet another check, didn't question the obvious lie. And besides, as a secret member of the city's criminal class, she's not exactly looking for a confrontation with the City Watch right now. And so, the two started talking in circles for a bit, both the lady's driver and the lady herself being a little confused by what exactly Stitches was looking for, since even his own demands were, by design, self-contradictory and bizarre. The only reason they didn't just leave was because the traffic on their side of the road was at a standstill due to the broken cart.
Meanwhile, while Stitches held their attention, Kanno emerged from the alley he was observing from and slipped around to the other side of the lady's hire-coach. After ascertaining from him exactly what he intended to do, I had him roll Stealth, but informed him that there was a fair-sized crowd gathered, and that while the hire coach would block people from seeing him on their side of the road, and the oncoming dray would block the view from the other sidewalk, he would still be visible to the people on board the dray, and that a bad Stealth roll would mean that he's spotted.
So, Kanno steals up to the hire-coach. His intent is to try to sneak up, open the coffer full of potions, and swipe one. He asks where it is, and I decided that it was about a 50/50 that she'd either be holding it in her lap or having it sit on the seat next to her. I rolled a secret d100, got a 4, and had him call high or low. Kanno called low, so to his great fortune, the box was sitting on the seat next to the woman, who was currently engaged in a heated conversation with Stitches over the poor fruit vendor's cart damages.
At this point, I also had the cart vendor realize that this wasn't going well, and have him start to meekly assert that "It's not such a big deal", and that "I don't think they were the ones who even hit me in the first place", to put a time limit on this exercise. On the other side of the wagon, Kanno rolled Stealth once again to try to steal a potion from the box, and Stitches, running brilliant interference, hit the woman with Cutting Words to reduce her Perception check. It ultimately proved unnecessary, as Kanno's Stealth check was good enough to beat the woman's Passive Perception, but I wanted to highlight the move anyways, as it was a great assist.
And so, Kanno slipped away with the bottle tucked into his pocket, giving Stitches a wink to indicate a job completed. Stitches, playing along with the vendor's second thoughts, stated that "Since the man himself has decided not to press charges, I'll drop the matter", and departed. And just for the sake of adding a little flair to the scene, I described to the two how, as they were leaving, they heard the sound of a member of the City Watch arriving to direct traffic around the broken cart while it was being removed from the road.
And so, the two got away with their dastardly scheme. The woman completely fell for Stitches' trickery, and since he played his role so well, she now believes that "Inspector Barney", purportedly of the City Watch, has tried to demand a bribe from her. She never saw Kanno, and nobody noticed him stealing the potion from her box, so all she knows is that the "inspector", and possibly the fruit vendor, coordinated a scam to rob her of her potions. Additionally, since we were playing on Roll20, and I accidentally did a couple of the woman's rolls in the open instead of as secret GM rolls,they now have the OOC knowledge that they managed to get one over on the infamous Black Viper.
It wasn't where I was expecting that short sidequest to go, but it was one of the funniest and most memorable roleplay experiences I've had in a long time, calling to mind the absurd stories of the old ad hoc roleplaying sessions we used to do using the Dragonstrike game rules. I think it's a good example of how your players can disrupt your game in a way that's fun for everyone at the table, turning a nothing task into a fun story. They knew what they were risking, it was entirely in character for both players to do it, and they profited from their daring. And really, while she might be annoyed and want to find out who did it, I feel like The Black Viper could at least appreciate a robbery smoothly committed, and draw inspiration from it. Besides, I can't wait to find out how these two discover that their stolen "Potion of Mind Reading" is actually a Potion of Poison *evil laugh*.
submitted by TaranAlvein to dndstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:08 Easy_Lab15 An Isekai Adventure and an NPC named Gay

So this is my first time posting a DnD story here. I'm not sure how long I can make these but I just think this was funny and so far has been a highlight of my relatively short DnD career.
So I was DMing a 1 on 1 game a few months ago with the premise of the PC and a bunch of people getting isekaid into this fantasy world and accidentally taking over the bodies of people in the forgotten realms. One by one at seemingly random times throughout the month, a random person from our world would die horribly and forcibly borrow the body of a fantasy character. And coincidentally, the PC was thrown into the body of an elven woman with a missing older brother, Eize, who apparently got a nasty reputation after his disappearance. And PC believes that guy might have some clue how to get back home and plus the girl she's accidentally taken the body of, Luna, is now in her head and wants PC to carry out her task and find him. So both of their paths are set on finding this one guy. Perfect. The whole time, the fact that this elf woman was actually this random human from another world hijacking her body was kept a secret to most characters she came across. Including an NPC party member who I just kind of made to guide her through the basics of DnD.
It was her first time playing so I made the elf she was hijacking have an archer roommate friend who tries to see if she can shoot an arrow well, lift, and other stuff that would translate into different rolls at the start. Turns out the PC really liked him so he tagged along to help her find her missing brother not knowing that the person in control of her body and voice was... someone else entirely. Occasionally, since she's in the body of someone who already has a history with the weapon she's using (A bow. She picked a ranger) we'd just let any exceptionally good rolls be explained by the trained muscle memory of the woman whose body she's possessing kicking in and doing the heavy lifting for the PC. And occasionally, said elf woman would appear in her head for commentary, ideas, brief explanations and just another outlook on whats happening. Sometimes even throwing in a random wisdom save for select moments to see if the elf would momentarily take over. Small things like when PC is trying to get drunk, a failed random wisdom save would make the normally lightweight elf refuse to lift that mug to her lips for a brief moment. Or in another scenario when she successfully rescued tutorial NPC from being captured (which is a... whole other story), a failed random wisdom save made PC lunge forward and wrap him in a hug since the actual elf has known him for a long time so naturally she'd want to hug him. Just to remind that these were people with their own lives before they were bodyjacked. But these were just very fleeting moments of free will... fun for flavor though!
But anyways after meeting another isekaid soul who's using his host's magical powers as a means to steal and be a pretty shady dude, PC and Luna get a little tip that the guy isn't on the same plane thanks to a magic map that can track anyone in the world. PC used it on herself and someone she met but couldnt find the one they were after. So where to go next but PC a school of mages that can take her to other planes via a staff they have made specifically for this. But in exchange she has to jot down anything she can find to help them document the creatures since one of the students casted fireball in their library. Its a deal! The downside to this staff was that it needs 24 ingame hours to recharge so she has to make sure she knows where shes going. But... she doesnt. And theres like 16 planes in DnD.
So she guesses! And after a little bit of body horror explaining how the staff melts and sucks the PC into itself before teleporting to the other plane and spitting her out, the PC's sent to an area where only what is directly in front of her is visible. If its a little in her peripheral, it'll just disappear into a void. The main reason for this was because I got bored or lost trying to study what the actual planes are like and just kinda made something up for one of them. But after looking around what was basically a desolate landscape with a few abandoned towns, she finds this tall.... thing just kinda standing in a grassy field looking off somewhere. So of course, she decides now is as good time as any to draw the big fella. Was her first time drawing anything ingame. Nat 20. Turns out the person she took the body of is a Davinci-level artist and she didnt even know it and every single art PC wants to draw after this was an automatic masterpiece
But then, when she turns around to at least look for a resting point, theres something off. Roll perception: passed! Something following her.
Due to the nature of this area, she cant tell exactly what or who unless shes looking directly at it so she cant even sneak a glance over her shoulder. So she turns. Dex check: failed. Nothing.
Instead, her one and only party member NPC pointed behind her. And what she sees is the man of the hour; a big tall creature arching its freakishly long neck and spine downwards to get a better look at her with a huge array of masks with different expressions lining his back and somehow staring right at her. And on its face was a joyous mask described as being akin to one of those old tragedy/comedy plays.
PC asks "who... what are you."
And this is where I finally got to cement the name and the creature answers, "I am Gay... Though, this word has a varying meaning though does it not? Call me Happy."
We did not call them Happy. Because me and the PC were both 12 at heart and Gay is just funnier. So Gay is a Aasfaraaba, creatures who are basically just named an emotion so legally, by the books own admission, I can name a character in the most serious context, Gay. He's Gay. And that just makes me smile.
And despite the PC trying to keep the fact that she's hijacked someones body and the fact that the real elf is kind of just a bystander in her own mind a secret, the first thing Gay does is stare directly at the PC and ask "why are there two of you" completely ignoring the NPC party member and nudging forward the idea that Gay can see both people inside her. And no im not rephrasing that because I dont know how to for this one. Gay gives her some information on where the guy she's looking for is while politely says that Eize and his "parasite" are in a different plane entirely called Baator. Frankly, what else could you call these isekaid bodysnatches if not parasites? And as the creature explains this, the joy mask switched seamlessly to a different one with the only real sign its not just the mask physically changing was the discarded expression suddenly being in their hand. With more being added the more the conversation went on and the expressions had to change.
Despite Gay being a weird eldritch creature, me and the other player loved the dude and the fact that fact that their presence meant i could seamlessly make gay puns. Turns out the dude just like to come here to listen to the stories of lost souls that find their way to this place. And that they just like the weird phenomena like chocolate rain appearing at a certain time and shows off how magic simply touching the air makes a bunch of weird and random effects like summoning a simple ball of light and watching as it slowly morphs into pink strawberry icecream. Dude was just here for fun and noticed these people who dont belong here.
And after a short interaction, Gay said they didnt want to miss the chocolate rain starting soon and asked if PC had any other questions. The NPC party member is freaking out still and the actual elf woman forced as a bystander is weirded out but PC really likes him and says "I like him! Her? Um… do you have a gender by chance we can call you by?" Gay's response?
"What is that?"
Gay was just Gay. And Gay had no gender.
And that was it. A character made from a monster i thought was cool and a joke i thought was funny that quickly became a favorite among me and the player despite the dude not even showing up much. He did appear another time much later after this when she went to a different plane, Baator, which to my knowledge is basically Hell. And Gay was just kinda sitting by a river of blood and rapidly moving, outstretched arms. PC runs over to the mask enthusiast screaming, "Hey! Gay!" which of course got a nice out of game chuckle cause we are once again both 12 mentally, and this dude pulls out a mask with a guy cupping his chin and says "do I know you" And after a short awkward shift in tone with PC thinking she was racist thinking all weirdly tall mask collectors were the same person, Gay cackles, swaps to a mask of wild laughter, and says "Did you appreciate my joke?"
Turns out PC caught Gay sitting by a river of souls, stating they find it "relaxing." And proceeds to turn a piece of one of their shattered masks into a beach ball that gets tossed around by the flailing souls being whisked away. Gay gives her a hint, light plane lore, and directions on where to go when asked at this point, Gay was just the PCs very hands off guide when she goes to other planes so as to give her SOME kind of hint as to which direction her main goal is. But mostly sticking to a few random spots far away and immediately leaving to do whatever they came here for in the first place after a bit of talking.
And the FINAL of the three Gay events happened when PC finally found the elf's brother and bested him in an incredibly close boss fight with a very confused party member. Turns out the one hijacking Eize was body to- somehow successfully gain a pact with nearly every demon including Glasya, who in DnD lore, I think? is a big deal since shes the daughter of the big boss of DnD Satan. And the PC isnt fond of Eize's "parasite" using his body for evil. PC is upset. The elf whos watching her brother being puppetered like this, is upset. And the NPC is completely clueless as he lacks the context of wtf they're both talking about.
But loyal to the end, NPC helps his friend beat up her suddenly evil brother and with just a bit of health left, she tries to teleport them back home...? Back... to the normal DnD plane. i don't know what its called. But she forgot to bring Eize and the NPC tutorial friend. The guy she spent all this time trying to get and several irl months trying to find. Because all creatures need to touch the staff to teleport to a new plane and she thought that simply holding hands with someone else would drag them along. It didnt. So now she has to wait several in game hours while her ally is in literal Hell with the enemy while she has a measly 2 hit points left after the battle. So she goes back to the wizards who give her a health potion and casts a plane spell. I dont remember if thats a thing they can do but i did mention they could do it once months ago so PC just asked them to just teleport her there.
With limited time and limited health, she's spawned right back to where she did before in Baator with Gay still just chilling by the river of souls. PC desperately asks Gay to take her to Glasya's castle where Eize and her friend are still probably laid out. Gay just looks at her and says "...You're still here?"
And so engages an attempt to persuade Gay to help.... and it fails. Because I, in my brief and probably flawed readings, understood devils in DnD to be really into the idea of only helping IF you have something to offer, Gay says, "I must obey the rules of this plane, and that requires me to only help you in return of something of value. However there is nothing of value you have for me. So I cannot aid."
She tries again, saying that if she doesn't get to her brother soon, they could start a massive war against the other planes. Which... didnt need a roll. Aasfaraabas dont really give a hoot about any of that. So that one just automatically failed. "Oh, my sweet girls. The safety or conquer of the planes does not concern my kind." Didnt work either.
So in a huff PC was about to just leave. Then one more idea comes to mind. In the form of the elf shes hijacking asking her to trade knowledge about PCs non-fantasy homeworld. A persuasion roll here and it actually works!
So Gay yells something in another language and just stops time so they can hear her story. For Gay has Wish. Any spell is theirs to use including the one to stop time. "Very well. If you wouldn't mind, I will take my payment now." So they sit down and after telling Gay all about her own world with bikes, trains, cars, and a bunch of technology, And so Gay is content and simply snaps her around the proper location she needs to be. Not the exact area since theres no way to know exactly where to put her but Gay had a general idea and made the trek significantly shorter.
And that was it. Thats the final appearance of the most powerful random NPC i've ever created who just so happens to be a favorite among me and the player AND a very fun character to write. Half of the time, the descriptions of what the guy were just vague and confused as though I, the DM, didnt know what to call him. Saying things like "the tall.... thing stared down at you." "The masked.... thing" The word Aasfaraaba was foreign to the player since i didnt tell her. It was her first game and I wanted things to be naturally told via the game and the species name was never brought up in Gay's 3 whole appearances. Gay was just Gay. It became a little joke that "Gay was just Gay" The other player didnt want to know what Gay was. Didnt need to know Gay's gender. Gay was just Gay.
submitted by Easy_Lab15 to dndstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:08 vanessabaxton All the questions and answers to the Stuart AMA - 2024/06/06 - 2/2

Number Question Answer Topics Answer Link
51 What happened to the coc/supercell support? They are just closing the Tickets (to many cases bla bla.) There's been an unfortunate bunch of situations behind the scenes that have impacted our support recently. It's not good enough and its frustrated us on the Clash team too. Supercell's Player Support team does have a bunch of great smart people and with recent new joiners, I believe they will figure out better ways to give you all the high quality support you deserve. Player Support Issues https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dg3so/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
52 Do you guys have some idea or plan to update the XP system in Clash of clans I mean other supercell games have already done that so, can we see some updates to the XP system? Also are you guys planing to add more leagues in the game? Your individual player XP isn't very meaningful or important in the game. I'm not sure we'd remove it but it's more likely make it less prominent and not on the main screen than make it more important. Player XP System https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dk9l3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
53 The last couple AMAs you guys talked about the Invitation of new members getting a revamp, can you give us a little bit more info about that? We've been working hard on this and had been hoping to get this in for our June update. Unfortunately it wasn't quite done in time. We probably will share the idea in the next few eeks and get some feedback before launching it in a future update this year. Quality of Life https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7d1lm9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
54 Hello Stuart. What is the difference between a general manager and a community manager? Do you make the updates for the game? Also when will customer support for clash of clans be improved? People have been complaining about customer support and how hard it is to actually get to a human to help them with their problem My role as General Manager is to make sure we have the right team to take care of everything that goes into making and running Clash, and making sure the team has everything they need to do their best work in all of their individual fields. Our Community managers are focused on being the bridge between our team and you players. Making sure we hear your thoughts on what we're doing, as well as making sure you hear what we're up to. Whether that's through our own channels directly or by helping our creator community. The only hands work for updates I do today is writing a bunch of the in-game texts still. The funny jokes, those are the ones I write honest, the ones that aren't funny, yeah those are somebody else. 😅 Quality of Life https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7d392x/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
55 Esteemed Sir I do beseech thee, with all the humility and earnestness of my heart, to consider the addition of a confirm button for the purpose of signing up to the revered "Legend Leagues" within thy esteemed game. Such a feature would surely be a boon to all who partake in the grandeur of thy creation, providing clarity and assurance to the valiant players.Thy consideration in this matter would be met with the deepest gratitude and enduring loyalty of thy devoted community. Yours in earnest supplication, Andy Esteemed Andy, I must kindly ask, is this a problem one has been encountering since farming in "fake legends" to get that little bit extra sweet ore? Your faithful servant, Stuart Quality of Life https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7d4wd5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
56 Why does quick army queue fixed troops, instead of building the army I want, discarding and recylcling what's already there ? We've got revamps to army training planned which should solve this problem for you (and some others). It'll probably launch alongside the TH17 update if things go to plan. Quality of Life https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7d62fa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
57 Can we perhaps see more QoL changes/editions to clan capital in the future such as co leaders and above being able to see who donated last to a building (to see if there are trolls purposefully putting their gold in expensive stuff/obstacles that the leaders don't want to invest into for now), being able to save army compositions, buttons to help navigate through the districts more efficiently, among other things? 1.5. When capital hall level 11 comes and new buildings and district hall levels being added, where do you think players would get the new buildings? Are we gonna be getting a shop of some kind for those, since having more ruins wouldn't make much sense and could ruin base layouts? 2. With the recent balance changes nerfing a lot of the defenses, players have been complaining that the game is getting too easy and the strategic aspects of the game is being compromised in favor of catering to a more general audience that doesn't have the time to learn complex attack strategies. What do you think about that, and do you think you guys can find other alternatives to create a balance between being strategic gameplay and casual appeal? 3. What year do you think was the greatest for Clash of Clans, and has 2024 been a great year for the game so far? 4. Do you keep any pets, and if so, what is it? 5. What do you think about the mobile gaming scene nowadays, and what factors do you think have made Clash of Clans be able to stand out from its competitors? 6. Are there any concepts that you (or the team) really like, but ultimately couldn't make it into the game due to it having fundamental issues that makes it either very difficult to balance, going against the game's inherent designs, or other reasons? Picking a few to answer We're currently focusing on the Home Village but figuring out how we'll keep on top of Capital QoL and other improvements. 1.5 In the past we've talked about doing some kind of defence swapping mechanic where you could move defenses between districts (similar to swapping defenses in Builder's Base). There'd need to be some kind of restrictions as we do like each district having its own identity and specialities. We had a troop concept based on the Blob, which absorbed things and got stronger and stronger. It was impossible to balance as it was getting stronger whilst the base got weaker. Quality of Life, Clan Capital https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7d8frz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
58 Thanks Stuart for this AMA. I have a few questions: Will supercell continue to cater towards the casuals? I understand that casuals are the high spenders but back in the days, coc used to be a strategy based game. Let's say you have the capacity to make any changes to the game you want. What would you change and why? I'm sure you play the game. Do you support strategic rushing or maxing every townhall? Why? How exactly are balance changes done? Like based on what data? Can we expect another collab anytime soon? Clash has and always will be a game for a ton of different people for different playstyles. We'll do our best to keep adding things for different folk and let people customise their own experience. I'd love for Clash players to be able to make their own troops + defenses and come up with their own wild creations. This is a game where y'all make stuff for one another and it'd be great to go even more in that direction. I've always moved up to the next Town Hall when I feel done with the current one. I think that's the best way to play and that's gonna be different for different players. It's a combination of subjective feedback and looking into the use and 3 star rates of different things. Root Rider isn't the troop with the highest win-rate in legends, that's Super Barbarian, but it is used more often. We never want one strategy to be so dominant that you feel you must play that way. Quality of Life, Game Development https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dbkoy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
59 Hello there Stuart, thanks for taking the time to do an AMA, I have several questions, both in and outside the game. I'm an Alliance Admin, can we see changed to the reddit recruitment system? I have spoken with many different large and small families or alliances, we all agree that the Reddit Recruitment System needs changing, some moderators seem to abuse their power and only favour Recruitment posts from Reddit based clans, many alliances and families have been banned from recruiting there without much reasons. Root Riders. They have been a challenge to balance, have you ever considered changing the housing space capacity? I don't understand how Root Riders are 12 housing space less than Electro Titans. Any plans to potentially revert a nerf or two and increase the housing space? That would balance the meta out and see other attacks shift back into the meta. Coming from an Alliance point of view, can we see love for the larger Alliances and Families in the community, currently supporter codes are only for Clash Content Creators and other significant parties like Clash King, but I feel like us Alliances and Families do create strong communities and provide a lot for the community. If the larger communities could be allowed Creator Codes we could create more events and host more giveaways for our members. Long story short, any plans to add larger Communities to the Supporter Code system? Or working with the larger Communities in other unique ways that can be positive both on a small and large scale? What is the Clash Teams plans for Quarter 3 and 4 of the year? Anything big we can keep our eyes out for? We'll keep an eye on how the Root Rider does after the current balance changes. But housing space adjustment is for sure an option, and it's been something we've done in the past. Recruitment, Troops, Alliances https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7d51eq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
60 Why is Supercells activity on Reddit so low since Darian left? I just went over to Ferri and Frame's desks to pass on this message and they promise to be more active! Reddit Activity https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dgake/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
61 will there ever be some reduction in the time/cost of laboratory upgrades, or possibly an opportunity for a 2nd lab upgrade slot outside of just using the goblin builder? lab upgrades tend to take longer for me than anything else. secondly, in town hall 16 i can see an attempt to save space in the base by combining defenses. are there more planss to compress the base further so new defensive buildings can be built without overcrowding being a problem? finally do you think there will be a crimson and black themed town hall because that would be sick Lab times take a bit longer than buildings because most players don't use every troop/spell/siege so don't worry about finishing those before moving on up to the next Town Hall. We added Research Potions for Raid Medals so players wanting more balance could get there. But we'll keep monitoring player progress to make sure this stays healthy (and there's definitely some Town Halls more unbalanced than others). Research Upgrade Times https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dkv7a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
62 Hey I’m pretty sure you already heard this but the RR nerf didn’t work. It's early days but in the stats it does seem to be working. We'll see where it settles and decide what to do next. RR Nerf Effectiveness https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dqape/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
63 Any plans to increase the 30s scout time in legends league / friendly challenges? With all of the decisions to make at th16 it’s becoming increasingly difficult to come up with a suitable plan in time We have something coming in the June update that can help you use the scout time more effectively. But we discussed increasing it at the same time and ultimately decided not to. The worry of having too long a scout time is everyone feels they have to use it, and attacking takes longer. We will see how things go after the June update and decide if further changes are needed. Scout Time in Legends League https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dpq8q/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
64 Will we ever get more housing space for spells? We don't plan to but I'd never say never. Spell Housing Space https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dn703/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
65 Would you consider allowing players to use one supertroop per week for free? I feel like they are very underused due to the 25k DE price, and this would make attacks more fun Yeah we're not happy with the Super Troop system either. Trying to think of how we'll change it so they're more widely enjoyed. Super Troop System Changes https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7de3gn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
66 Is there going to be a possibility to test out new equipment on a high/maxed out level before having to invest resources into them? For example in friendly challenges? Or with a magic item that maxes equipment for a certain time period? I was thinking about letting us play with them in the playground like super troops That's an option we've been thinking about too. Testing New Equipment https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7diop?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
67 Hi Stuart, do you plan on implementing a tournemant mode or some other kind of mode, where troops and buildings are differently balanced, so it is more challanging for the top players and the casuals are still able to have fun? Answered this elsewhere but we're adding a Hard Mode for this purpose. Hope you enjoy it. Tournament Mode https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dboqa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
68 How far in advance do you think of the next town hall’s theme? Our art team had something rough in mind even while thinking of the TH16 theme. They started refining that more earlier this year. Town Hall Themes https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7ddt4t/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
69 Was the design of any of the troops based off anyone that worked in Supercell? For example, if the giant was an exaggerated caricature of a large redhead in the Clash team I don't think so, but I only joined in 2017 so didn't meet everyone who was here in 2012 Troops https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dabhx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
70 Hey! Why don't we have the Clash of Clans user interface good looking as any other supercell games out there. I mean every other supercell game animations and user interface are an absolute pleasure to watch. How do you feel about these things to be added into the game. Redesigned Clan Chat with better functionality and animations. Emotes availability in clan chat, War spectating etc. Clan Name Change Clan Banner Change with some sort of animations and other added features. Do you think the overall game user interface needs an overhaul. I think it has become sort of boring interacting with the same user interface over the years. Adding specific eye candy elements could make it a little bit more eye pleasing. Thanks! We're one of the company's oldest games and we also have the most screens and features. We have recently hired some more folk to help us improve our UI/UX and are also working on some technical improvements to make it easier and faster for us to refresh our UI + UX. UI/UX Improvements https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dp6gu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
71 Maybe think of other creative ways to merge defenses, like turning wizard towers into superwizard towers, maybe 2 teslas into a megatesla and so on, the more unique defenses in the village, the better! [ Removed by Reddit ] Unique Defense Ideas https://www.reddit.com/ClashOfClans/comments/1d9ggko/comment/l7dillj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
submitted by vanessabaxton to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:18 Stormcoming7 [F4M] Making a Monster Girl Tierlist with Your Writer Girlfriend [Goofy] [Nerdy] [Monster Girls] [Objectively Correct Opinions] [A Little Horny] [Okay Strike That Very Horny]

Intro: You’re in the middle of something pretty damn important when your girlfriend walks in. What does she want this time?
Summary: Speaker asks Listener a question, which leads into a long discussion.
Go ahead and monetize, it's fine. Word count is about 1700.
If you fill this or plan to fill this, please notify me. Please don't make edits without asking first.
Line breaks represent the listener talking or space where no one talks and should be short pauses, words within {brackets} represent the speaker’s tone or sfx. At ellipses, the speaker trails off, and at dashes, she is either cut off abruptly by the listener or by herself.
Author’s Note: So, before another long, emotional note ensues, let me just say: this is why I shouldn’t be allowed to write. This script right here. Back to the subject at hand, though, holy hell! I’ve hit a year! Yup, one year to the day since I posted my first script, and damn, what a journey it’s been. 43 scripts, which doesn’t sound like many but felt it, 198 fills at the time of this posting (so damn close!), a ton of friends made and fun projects worked on, and all of the chaos. I can’t bring myself to regret a second of it. For anyone reading this, thank you! Even if you choose to ignore this script and pass it by, just by reading this, you’ve become one of the people who makes this whole hobby of mine so rewarding. I’m genuinely, sincerely grateful for this little world I’ve found and all the fun I’ve had in it. To celebrate making it to a year, I think I’ll finally start working on some much-requested Part 2s. (Might even get back to Fangs, hopefully?) As always, to anyone who might see this, have a wonderful day, and keep kicking ass at whatever it is you need to do. You got this, buddy! (And now my Writer character, who I brought out in celebration and to EDUCATE y’all unwashed masses, shall go back into her little box until I hit another milestone. Don’t worry, she likes it in there.

If you want to read this somewhere other than Reddit, it's also here.
All right, honey, question for you:
Wha- yes, of course it’s important! Come on, do you really think I’d interrupt your… whatever this is for something less than absolutely crucial?
Well, I’m not. I really need to know your answer.
Right, here we go: Lamia. Smash or pass?
Yes I’m serious! This is necessary. I have to know whether you would bang a snake girl or not.
Don’t ask why, just answer the question.
No, no, I promise, this isn’t some kind of test or relationship trap. Believe me, I know you wouldn’t cheat on me with a lamia. And I’m not gonna judge you for it, I’ll be answering too.
{sigh} We’ve already gone over this. Just because I’m straight doesn’t mean I can’t get women. And at the very least, I have opinions on monsters.
Umm… Nooooo? I… haven’t spent excessive amounts of time contemplating the fuckability of different monster girls? That’s totally not a thing I would do- anyway, let’s just move on. I already asked you the question, I’m going to require an answer.
Uh-uh, no. You don’t get clarifying questions. Personality doesn’t matter, there are no extenuating circumstances. Just smash. Or pass.
Yeaaahhhh, that’s what I thought! Nice.
Oh, yeah, in a heartbeat, smash. I mean, was that even a question? Come on, she can coil you up…
Shush, you, there’s no need to bring that up now. Next question: arachne.
Did you really think I’d stop at one? We’re making a list.
Yes, we must. My apologies about your whatever this is, but it’s now a whatever this was.
Yes, thank you, I was planning that one. Took me a whole ten minutes to come up with it, I think I’m going to be using it a lot.
Yup! We are. Arachne, smash or pass. Remember to consider, she could tie you up…
Really? A pass on that? Your loss, I’m taking the smash.
Oh, I see how it is. You’d rather trap the spider in her own web? Interesting… Okay, so, since we disagreed, I’m putting her in B tier.
Yes, obviously I’m assembling a tier list. Again, was that even a question? I need to soapbox the objectively correct opinions into people, but I want some kind of visual aid to help me do so. Hence, tierlist. I thought I’d get your input because your opinions usually aren’t terrible, even if they’re not always as right as mine.
Shut up and take the compliment, don’t make me regret including you.
Hey! No! No turning this wholesome! We are being horny today, come on. Monster. Girl. Tier. List. Lamia obviously goes in S tier, because of course she does. Arachne in B tier, because I like her and you would like her without the tying up bit, correct?
Fantastic. Next: mermaid.
Really? You would?
I think you’ve been watching too many Disney movies, honey.
…Or reading too many Xanth books, okay. But like… no. She’d smell like dead fish.
Well, I never thought I’d hear the phrase “make the mermaid take a shower.” Congratulations, I think you just invented a new sentence.
You’re gonna want her high tier, aren’t you?
All right, how about this: since she can be made to smell better, she’s not instantly relegated to the bottom tiers, but since her default state is “smells like fish” and in a vacuum - which is how this is supposed to be considered - that’s what you’d be stuck with, she goes in C tier? Sound reasonable?
Hmm… okay, I like the thought, but no, having gills doesn’t mean that she doesn’t need to breathe, only that she can breathe in water. While on land, she’d still require just as much oxygen as a human. Maybe a little more, to support her particular… physiology.
Don’t look at me like that, as far as you know I’m talking about the tail.
Shut it. We’re agreed, mermaid in C. Next one is pretty obvious. Neko, Inu, Kitsune. I’m lumping these together because they’re basically the same, anyway.
Yeah, I figured. They’re just generically bangable, yeah? Couldn’t not go in A tier. Nothing much to say, there. Let’s move on to harpies. I’m gonna say it: smash.
No, no, think about it. She’s got wings, the feathers are gonna be soft, she’s probably pretty athletic from flying around all day, she doesn’t have a beak or anything crazy, I’m not seeing the downside here.
Okay, I’m hearing a lot about birds, but harpies aren’t birds. They’re bird girls. Surely the human half would win out over some of the more… grotesque avian instincts. She’d be clean.
That’s… all right, look, mermaid went in C tier, and that debate was basically the same. C for harpy?
Fantastic, I can live with it also. Maybe we’ll come back, but for now, how about centaur? Now, personally, I’d be willing to try, but I can understand why you might be… somewhat reluctant.
I- ooh, yeah. Either way that goes, it’s not so good for you. I’m guessing you want D tier?
All right, F feels a little excessive. Consider the human half.
Look, I know you’re thinking about it. There’s gotta be some way to make it work, right?
Really? Adamant on that? Well, I’m putting her in D tier anyway. Still not great, but at least I’m willing to try.
Oh, shush, it’s my tier list. You get input when you’re not wrong.
Uh, excuse me, we’ve established that my opinions are the objectively correct ones here. On to dragon girls!
Umm… yes? Dragon in human form, with just a few draconic features. Horns, probably wings, a few patches of scales-
Damn, that was forceful. S tier, then?
I’m gonna have to agree. She’s a dragon. We should all aspire to be Donkey.
I mean, I’m sure there’s a lot of reasons that sums up, I’m just not taking the time to elaborate on them at the moment. “She’s a dragon” is enough for me.
I concur. Now, what haven’t we gone though… Hmm, lamia, arachne, mermaid, neko, inu, kitsune, harpy, centaur, dragon…
Ooh, that’s a good one! Succubus. Well, not sure she exactly counts as a monster girl, but close enough. And all right, since you asked first, I think I’m gonna say pass.
Excuse me, I happen to like my soul where it is. It might be beat-up and dingy, but it’s mine, dammit.
Okay, no, obviously if she didn’t take my soul, automatic S tier. I mean, come on, an actual demon of lust? Hell, yeah- literally! But she probably takes my soul. Most versions of succubi I’ve read about do this thing.
We’re not talking about the books I read, we’re talking about the monster. And look, I assume you like your soul, too?
As I thought. So how about a compromise? Since she’s a conditional smash, B tier?
C is what we went with for the previous compromises, yeah, but come on. I don’t need my soul that badly.
Wonderful! B it is. In the vein of succubus, how about a vampire?
How dare you. Imagine relegating a Dark Lady, Mistress of the Night, all-powerful vampire Queen to “spicy human.”
No, I know you’re not wrong! That’s the worst part!
Look, A tier, that’s my final offer. Take it or leave it.
Good, then.
God, what’s left? I feel like we’ve run through a lot. Oh! We did vampire, we have to do werewolf, yeah? Smash or pass.
As I figured. No matter how the shapeshifting works, she always at least has a human form, and I’d bet quite a lot that headpats and “good girl” carry over.
Well I know I’d like ‘em, whichever form I was in, if that helps.
Hey hey hey, calm down there. We need to finish this list without any werewolf-related distractions, come on.
I told you, I require a visual aid! For soapboxing! So I’ll have to write all this down… later. Eh, I’ll do it later. I probably won’t forget. Now, what other kinds of monster are there? Slime? Have we done slime?
Ah, perfect.
…I’m gonna say no, not an acidic one. I would’ve thought that’d be obvious, but I understand why you felt you had to ask. Nothing melty, just slime.
Really? Still that low? You don’t think it’d feel good at all?
Okay, so it’d be a little messy. Whatever! It couldn’t be that bad to clean up.
…Why do you know that.
No no no, why do you know how hard this situation would be to… sanitize? Inquiring minds want to know. I’m very curious.
All right… but we’re coming back to that later. I will find out what secrets you’re keeping from me about sticky things.
Of course I will. But later. A lot of things, later. So, D tier? You sure?
All right, fair enough. I had some other ideas, but nothing super relevant in that context. In that kind of vein, though… eldritch.
No, no, consider: tentacles.
You’re not considering hard enough. Tentacles.
Keep thinking about it, it’ll grow on you.
I- all right, yes, my mind might collapse into madness, but that’s supposed to happen anyway if it’s good enough, right?
{laughing} All right, all right, kidding! Put that down!
Menacing me with a pillow is rude, I hope you know. So I take it you’re not a fan of insanity?
Yeah… I suppose if you can’t enjoy it, there’s no point.
Really? F tier?
Okay, I can see that. I suppose we needed something in there, anyway. And that’s pretty good, fourteen monsters and only one in F? Sounds pretty objectively correct to me.
This is the only time Princess Bride quotes aren’t applicable, honey. Don’t you dare.
…You said it. You weren’t supposed to say it.
Take it back, I absolutely know what I’m talking about! Do I need to soapbox you first? I’ll harangue if I have to. Are you prepared for that, you unwashed mass, you?
Hey hey hey! That was not the time for a dirty joke, I- ohhhh. Okay. I’ll admit, that’s clever. Never do it again, but it was clever.
Wait, wha- what now?
Uh, lamia and dragon were the only two, I think, why?
Whaddya mean, “make me feel like one of them,” I’m not particularly reptilian?
I- wait, what? I’m not sure I count as S tier…
Wait, how could you- OH-
submitted by Stormcoming7 to talkingtalltales [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:17 Stormcoming7 [F4M] Making a Monster Girl Tierlist with Your Writer Girlfriend [Goofy] [Nerdy] [Monster Girls] [Objectively Correct Opinions] [A Little Horny] [Okay Strike That Very Horny]

Intro: You’re in the middle of something pretty damn important when your girlfriend walks in. What does she want this time?
Summary: Speaker asks Listener a question, which leads into a long discussion.
Go ahead and monetize, it's fine. Word count is about 1700.
If you fill this or plan to fill this, please notify me. Please don't make edits without asking first.
Line breaks represent the listener talking or space where no one talks and should be short pauses, words within {brackets} represent the speaker’s tone or sfx. At ellipses, the speaker trails off, and at dashes, she is either cut off abruptly by the listener or by herself.
Author’s Note: So, before another long, emotional note ensues, let me just say: this is why I shouldn’t be allowed to write. This script right here. Back to the subject at hand, though, holy hell! I’ve hit a year! Yup, one year to the day since I posted my first script, and damn, what a journey it’s been. 43 scripts, which doesn’t sound like many but felt it, 198 fills at the time of this posting (so damn close!), a ton of friends made and fun projects worked on, and all of the chaos. I can’t bring myself to regret a second of it. For anyone reading this, thank you! Even if you choose to ignore this script and pass it by, just by reading this, you’ve become one of the people who makes this whole hobby of mine so rewarding. I’m genuinely, sincerely grateful for this little world I’ve found and all the fun I’ve had in it. To celebrate making it to a year, I think I’ll finally start working on some much-requested Part 2s. (Might even get back to Fangs, hopefully?) As always, to anyone who might see this, have a wonderful day, and keep kicking ass at whatever it is you need to do. You got this, buddy! (And now my Writer character, who I brought out in celebration and to EDUCATE y’all unwashed masses, shall go back into her little box until I hit another milestone. Don’t worry, she likes it in there.)
If you want to read this somewhere other than Reddit, it's also here.
All right, honey, question for you:
Wha- yes, of course it’s important! Come on, do you really think I’d interrupt your… whatever this is for something less than absolutely crucial?
Well, I’m not. I really need to know your answer.
Right, here we go: Lamia. Smash or pass?
Yes I’m serious! This is necessary. I have to know whether you would bang a snake girl or not.
Don’t ask why, just answer the question.
No, no, I promise, this isn’t some kind of test or relationship trap. Believe me, I know you wouldn’t cheat on me with a lamia. And I’m not gonna judge you for it, I’ll be answering too.
{sigh} We’ve already gone over this. Just because I’m straight doesn’t mean I can’t get women. And at the very least, I have opinions on monsters.
Umm… Nooooo? I… haven’t spent excessive amounts of time contemplating the fuckability of different monster girls? That’s totally not a thing I would do- anyway, let’s just move on. I already asked you the question, I’m going to require an answer.
Uh-uh, no. You don’t get clarifying questions. Personality doesn’t matter, there are no extenuating circumstances. Just smash. Or pass.
Yeaaahhhh, that’s what I thought! Nice.
Oh, yeah, in a heartbeat, smash. I mean, was that even a question? Come on, she can coil you up…
Shush, you, there’s no need to bring that up now. Next question: arachne.
Did you really think I’d stop at one? We’re making a list.
Yes, we must. My apologies about your whatever this is, but it’s now a whatever this was.
Yes, thank you, I was planning that one. Took me a whole ten minutes to come up with it, I think I’m going to be using it a lot.
Yup! We are. Arachne, smash or pass. Remember to consider, she could tie you up…
Really? A pass on that? Your loss, I’m taking the smash.
Oh, I see how it is. You’d rather trap the spider in her own web? Interesting… Okay, so, since we disagreed, I’m putting her in B tier.
Yes, obviously I’m assembling a tier list. Again, was that even a question? I need to soapbox the objectively correct opinions into people, but I want some kind of visual aid to help me do so. Hence, tierlist. I thought I’d get your input because your opinions usually aren’t terrible, even if they’re not always as right as mine.
Shut up and take the compliment, don’t make me regret including you.
Hey! No! No turning this wholesome! We are being horny today, come on. Monster. Girl. Tier. List. Lamia obviously goes in S tier, because of course she does. Arachne in B tier, because I like her and you would like her without the tying up bit, correct?
Fantastic. Next: mermaid.
Really? You would?
I think you’ve been watching too many Disney movies, honey.
…Or reading too many Xanth books, okay. But like… no. She’d smell like dead fish.
Well, I never thought I’d hear the phrase “make the mermaid take a shower.” Congratulations, I think you just invented a new sentence.
You’re gonna want her high tier, aren’t you?
All right, how about this: since she can be made to smell better, she’s not instantly relegated to the bottom tiers, but since her default state is “smells like fish” and in a vacuum - which is how this is supposed to be considered - that’s what you’d be stuck with, she goes in C tier? Sound reasonable?
Hmm… okay, I like the thought, but no, having gills doesn’t mean that she doesn’t need to breathe, only that she can breathe in water. While on land, she’d still require just as much oxygen as a human. Maybe a little more, to support her particular… physiology.
Don’t look at me like that, as far as you know I’m talking about the tail.
Shut it. We’re agreed, mermaid in C. Next one is pretty obvious. Neko, Inu, Kitsune. I’m lumping these together because they’re basically the same, anyway.
Yeah, I figured. They’re just generically bangable, yeah? Couldn’t not go in A tier. Nothing much to say, there. Let’s move on to harpies. I’m gonna say it: smash.
No, no, think about it. She’s got wings, the feathers are gonna be soft, she’s probably pretty athletic from flying around all day, she doesn’t have a beak or anything crazy, I’m not seeing the downside here.
Okay, I’m hearing a lot about birds, but harpies aren’t birds. They’re bird girls. Surely the human half would win out over some of the more… grotesque avian instincts. She’d be clean.
That’s… all right, look, mermaid went in C tier, and that debate was basically the same. C for harpy?
Fantastic, I can live with it also. Maybe we’ll come back, but for now, how about centaur? Now, personally, I’d be willing to try, but I can understand why you might be… somewhat reluctant.
I- ooh, yeah. Either way that goes, it’s not so good for you. I’m guessing you want D tier?
All right, F feels a little excessive. Consider the human half.
Look, I know you’re thinking about it. There’s gotta be some way to make it work, right?
Really? Adamant on that? Well, I’m putting her in D tier anyway. Still not great, but at least I’m willing to try.
Oh, shush, it’s my tier list. You get input when you’re not wrong.
Uh, excuse me, we’ve established that my opinions are the objectively correct ones here. On to dragon girls!
Umm… yes? Dragon in human form, with just a few draconic features. Horns, probably wings, a few patches of scales-
Damn, that was forceful. S tier, then?
I’m gonna have to agree. She’s a dragon. We should all aspire to be Donkey.
I mean, I’m sure there’s a lot of reasons that sums up, I’m just not taking the time to elaborate on them at the moment. “She’s a dragon” is enough for me.
I concur. Now, what haven’t we gone though… Hmm, lamia, arachne, mermaid, neko, inu, kitsune, harpy, centaur, dragon…
Ooh, that’s a good one! Succubus. Well, not sure she exactly counts as a monster girl, but close enough. And all right, since you asked first, I think I’m gonna say pass.
Excuse me, I happen to like my soul where it is. It might be beat-up and dingy, but it’s mine, dammit.
Okay, no, obviously if she didn’t take my soul, automatic S tier. I mean, come on, an actual demon of lust? Hell, yeah- literally! But she probably takes my soul. Most versions of succubi I’ve read about do this thing.
We’re not talking about the books I read, we’re talking about the monster. And look, I assume you like your soul, too?
As I thought. So how about a compromise? Since she’s a conditional smash, B tier?
C is what we went with for the previous compromises, yeah, but come on. I don’t need my soul that badly.
Wonderful! B it is. In the vein of succubus, how about a vampire?
How dare you. Imagine relegating a Dark Lady, Mistress of the Night, all-powerful vampire Queen to “spicy human.”
No, I know you’re not wrong! That’s the worst part!
Look, A tier, that’s my final offer. Take it or leave it.
Good, then.
God, what’s left? I feel like we’ve run through a lot. Oh! We did vampire, we have to do werewolf, yeah? Smash or pass.
As I figured. No matter how the shapeshifting works, she always at least has a human form, and I’d bet quite a lot that headpats and “good girl” carry over.
Well I know I’d like ‘em, whichever form I was in, if that helps.
Hey hey hey, calm down there. We need to finish this list without any werewolf-related distractions, come on.
I told you, I require a visual aid! For soapboxing! So I’ll have to write all this down… later. Eh, I’ll do it later. I probably won’t forget. Now, what other kinds of monster are there? Slime? Have we done slime?
Ah, perfect.
…I’m gonna say no, not an acidic one. I would’ve thought that’d be obvious, but I understand why you felt you had to ask. Nothing melty, just slime.
Really? Still that low? You don’t think it’d feel good at all?
Okay, so it’d be a little messy. Whatever! It couldn’t be that bad to clean up.
…Why do you know that.
No no no, why do you know how hard this situation would be to… sanitize? Inquiring minds want to know. I’m very curious.
All right… but we’re coming back to that later. I will find out what secrets you’re keeping from me about sticky things.
Of course I will. But later. A lot of things, later. So, D tier? You sure?
All right, fair enough. I had some other ideas, but nothing super relevant in that context. In that kind of vein, though… eldritch.
No, no, consider: tentacles.
You’re not considering hard enough. Tentacles.
Keep thinking about it, it’ll grow on you.
I- all right, yes, my mind might collapse into madness, but that’s supposed to happen anyway if it’s good enough, right?
{laughing} All right, all right, kidding! Put that down!
Menacing me with a pillow is rude, I hope you know. So I take it you’re not a fan of insanity?
Yeah… I suppose if you can’t enjoy it, there’s no point.
Really? F tier?
Okay, I can see that. I suppose we needed something in there, anyway. And that’s pretty good, fourteen monsters and only one in F? Sounds pretty objectively correct to me.
This is the only time Princess Bride quotes aren’t applicable, honey. Don’t you dare.
…You said it. You weren’t supposed to say it.
Take it back, I absolutely know what I’m talking about! Do I need to soapbox you first? I’ll harangue if I have to. Are you prepared for that, you unwashed mass, you?
Hey hey hey! That was not the time for a dirty joke, I- ohhhh. Okay. I’ll admit, that’s clever. Never do it again, but it was clever.
Wait, wha- what now?
Uh, lamia and dragon were the only two, I think, why?
Whaddya mean, “make me feel like one of them,” I’m not particularly reptilian?
I- wait, what? I’m not sure I count as S tier…
Wait, how could you- OH-
submitted by Stormcoming7 to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:12 Queasy-Tap8658 So concludes my Death+Master mode playthrough

So concludes my Death+Master mode playthrough
I've started this playthrough quite randomly straight after the update drop. As I usually don't run 2 different worlds and I was and still am in the middle of my Infernum playthrough, the world happened to generate with Infernum active (so I had to cheat in Terminus because even when I enabled Infernum there was nothing at the bottom of the Abyss, no Terminus, no Jared, nothing, literally, not even the normal abyss minibosses besides Eidolists, who came in clutch when I wanted to skip Golem). I really took advantage of this as The Wayfinder is by far the GOAT of this playthrough, because dying in pre-hm and early hm really was a common issue and Wayfinder could be used to drop a return gate almost instantly. Also Infernum came in clutch when I couldn't progress past Skeletron (I made an entire post dedicated to it) and dropped the difficulty to the Master+Infernum with the Mm Infernum patch. Luckily no other boss felt so unfair, and I didn't even use the Dungeon drops to progress. Other bosses just were very chonky and did stupid damage (almost oneshot by barely touching a DoG body segment). Death count is in 900's (911 to be precise last time I checked) with Skeletron and the Desert Scourge (surprisingly, most of them were not to him, but to his fuckin minions) claiming the most kills on me with 90, and Queen Bee, Skeletron Prime and Ceaseless all sharing the second place with 70 on average. There were also 2 more memorable boss fights besides the ones I already mentioned: First - Plantera, who turns the arena into a gas chamber with spiky mines that made me get an Omniscience potion. Seeing all this I used the weapon most suited for the occasion - a flamethrower, more precisely Havoc's Breath. Second - SCal, whom I destroyed first try with full-warding loadout and Chalice of the Blood God, because when I tried to use my glass cannon loadout, no matter how far I've got, I'd get ohko'd by a stray brimstone dart. I really wanted to no-hit her, but busted Stoic Payday 2 strikes again and ruins the balance even in Calamity. But can we really talk about balance on the highest difficulty™? Last 3 screenshots show the final loadout and final playtime. Surprisingly, both Noxus and ND took me 2 attemts each (thanks to the Frame Skip: Subtle, because that little bit of smoothness and speed reduction can really enhance your ability to dodge). All of the accessories here are refoged to Lucky to utilize Soma Prime's supercrits. Really wanted to use the ULTRAKombo™ with Tyranny's end and Marksman rounds, but it was quite underwhelming in terms of damage even with Daawnlight Spirit Origin. Sadly, after the nerf of Midas Prime and bullseye marks combo it is still fun, but certainly not effective in any way, even the dps is still the same. However, DSO came in clutch when I randomly summoned poor Polterghast and killed it first try in under 4 minutes by abusing bullseye shots and Vortex armor set bonus. Auralis and DSO are now my favourite post-Providence combo, if only it could do +RICOSHOT. So, my final opinion on the Master+Death is: If you don't find fun in pure suffering - don't do it, you will regret it, or at least wait for it to get balanced in the coming updates. If you want better experience go play Infernum. It is less punishing and is by far a lot more fair to the player, as all bosses have their patterns and attacks are better telegraphed. If you really want to beat it, well, good luck, as you will need it.
submitted by Queasy-Tap8658 to CalamityMod [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:19 psychoactive-drug "Solo" Levelling - a Sung Jinwoo Build (2/10 Vengeance Paladin / Necromancy Wizard)

**This post contains spoilers.


There's a popular webtoon / anime called Solo Levelling with a main character that dual wields daggers, who can resurrect slain enemies as his summons. It's essentially the Animating Spores class action, but unfortunately, player characters can't learn this.
Anyways, I wanted to make a similar build, so I took some inspiration from
Honor mode 10/2 Smite Swords Bard (SSB) complete build guide :
Baldur's Gate 3 Build Guide Death Knight Ultimate Melee Necromancer (youtube.com)
One difference from this build and the ones linked above: we're going DEX instead of STR. No particular reason aside from initiative and not wanting to use the DEX gloves.
This build is probably best suited for a solo run, as it will have quite a few summons and the rounds are going to take some time. Also it's in the name so it's only fitting.
Late game, we will have a Mummy, four Flying Ghouls, a Myrmidon, a Deva, two Mephits, and five walking Ghouls. If enemies make it past our summons and into melee range, we'll smite them until they go away.
Some combos that we can try to pull off:


At level 1, take Paladin for the heavy armor proficiency. Take Oath of Vengeance (Inquisitor's Might -> Dazed with no save (!) will help our Hold Person / Hold Monster land more consistently).
8 STR / 16 DEX / 14 CON / 17 INT / 10 WIS / 8 CHA
Straightforward stat spread - max DEX/INT, rest into CON. We're going 17 INT with the intention of hitting 18 later in the game (unfortunately getting the item that gives us the +1 INT will break our oath, so have some gold ready to pay for our sins). No CHA because we're already spread too thin.
At level 2, swap to Wizard.
At level 3, pick the Necromancy School subclass.
At level 5, grab that second level of Paladin. Defense is the only relevant fighting style, as we will be dual-wielding daggers. We have smites now, and arcane recovery for more smite slots.
At level 6, we're going back to Wizard and staying there. We finally get our first feat - take Savage Attacker for more consistent smite damage.
At level 10, we get our second feat - take ASI +DEX +DEX. Sentinel could also be interesting, especially as opportunity attacks let us swing with both daggers when dual-wielding.
At level 12, we will have two levels of Paladin and 10 levels of Wizard. We'll have one level 6 spell slot, which we can refill with the Spellcrux Amulet, Markoheshkir, and the Staff of Spellpower.

Spell Selection

Paladin Spells
Wizard Spells
Spell Scribing


Act 1
The Speedy Lightfeet - not many item choices in the early game. The lightning charges give us a +1 to hit and some extra damage. While we're in the Blighted Village, we will of course grab the Necromancy of Thay.
Breastplate +1 - just a nice medium armor that we can steal from Dammon (why doesn't he sell it?).
Broodmother's Revenge - pretty hard to get this solo (I called in the ogres), but it adds a d6 of poison damage on heal, a big deal when our enemies have only ~15 health. Use Shovel to attack health pots on the ground next to us for the healing mist. We can even set up some 'healing zones' pre-combat, just be aware enemies can also walk in.
The Sparkle Hands - throwing javelins somehow counts as an unarmed attack, and we get advantage on armored enemies afterwards.
Steelforged Sword, Hunter's Dagger, Worgfang - just grab any +1 shortsword or dagger for the first bit of Act 1. Honestly, we are more likely to be running away and taking shots with Hand Crossbow +1 than we are to be in melee range.
Ring of Protection - goes without saying, we need all the AC we can get
Boots of Stormy Clamour - we get these late Act 1, they will apply reverberation if we inflict a condition. If we choose to use illithid powers, Ability Drain should trigger this. If not, the Adamantine Splint Armour inflicts Reeling. Maybe in some cases we could even trigger the Reeling condition by intentionally taking an attack of opportunity. Reverberation (Condition)) is great for two reasons:
  1. It's a -1 to physical saves (STR, DEX, CON) for every stack - not so useful for now, but in later acts, our summons will impose DEX and CON saves (Muddy, Paralysis, Prone...)
  2. After 5 stacks the enemy can fall Prone (DC 10 CON save) - all our summons will have advantage on attacks against Prone enemies
Gloves of Belligerent Skies - will help us to stack reverb from smites
Knife of the Undermountain King is probably the best 'dagger', even for all of Act 2. Adamantine Scimitar can be helpful for certain bosses that are resistant to piercing.
Strange Conduit Ring - d4 of psychic damage, self explanatory. If we break concentration, we can reactivate it with a bonus action Shield of Faith.
Diadem of Arcane Synergy - it's either this or the The Shadespell Circlet, and I think I prefer having more damage over +1 Spell Save DC.
Act 2
Sword of Life Stealing could be worth picking up. We aren't going to be able to Hold Person or Claw Paralyze the undead in this act, so the critical hit effect won't proc very often. Still, it is a +2 weapon and our DEX is only 16.
Amulet of the Harpers - free Shield and advantage on WIS saves if we aren't playing a Gnome. Alternatively, Periapt of Wound Closure. The problem is everything is immune to poison in Act 2, so Broodmother's is no longer good.
Cloak of Protection - the good thing about a solo run is that none of the universally good equipment is contested
Ring of Spiteful Thunder - very important ring for this build. Can Daze reverberating enemies if we deal Thunder damage, which we will get from Thunderous Smite, Shatter, or
Drakethroat Glaive - we can twin cast Draconic Elemental Weapon with a sorcerer hireling, but maybe this is against the spirit of a solo run. Alternatively, we will ourselves apply the Thunder damage to our offhand weapon (equip glaive, throw dagger on floor, enchant dagger). The idea is to bonus action offhand attack, hope to inflict Dazed, and then land a Hold Person / Hold Monster with our main action. The saving throw is DC 13, but with max reverb stacks, the effective DC increases to 17. Of course, this is only after having used up Inquisitor's Might.
Dazed 13 base DC, with the max reverb penalty of -4
Helmet of Arcane Acuity - I tested this build in Solo Tactician with acuity stacking, but maybe we can get away with not using this and instead keeping the Diadem of Arcane Synergy equipped.
Killer's Sweetheart - guaranteed crit is very nice for a paladin, just don't take it off by mistake. Probably replace the Strange Conduit for this one.
Act 3
In the final act, there's a lot of busted gear. First thing, head over to Sorcerous Sundries and just steal all of Lorroakan's stuff. He doesn't seem to mind. In particular, we need Markoheshkir for the free 6th level spell, Scroll of Bestial Communion for our Deva, and The Tharchiate Codex to unlock Danse Macabre.
Onto things we'll actually equip:
Hellrider Longbow - stat stick, helps us go first and if we ever fire an arrow (of many targets, perhaps) we can apply Fiendish Fire to help our summons land attacks.
Crypt Lord Ring - allows us to cast Create Undead once per long rest, granting us a Heinous Mummy. This ring can replace the Killer's Sweetheart, depending on the encounter. The mummy is weak to fire but hits really hard (2d6 + 3d6, twice), if the enemy is Frightened from the Deva or the
Helldusk Helmet - useful for a certain blinding fight and the crit immunity. Also a chance to frighten, to help out the mummy.
Amulet of Greater Health - advantage on CON saves is so valuable, and we can get this for free with some Indiana Jones antics in the House of Hope. While there, steal the Staff of Spellpower for another free 6th level spell.
Cloak of the Weave - need to pump that Spell Save DC up somehow. Alternatively, Cloak of Displacement to be harder to hit.
Armour of Persistence or Bhaalist Armour (getting this re-breaks our oath unless we can steal it) - the Bhaalist Armor's Aura of Murder counts as a condition for our reverb stacking.
Rhapsody - goes in the main hand. Ideally, we will kill three hostiles before boss fights for the +3 to attack and spell save DC. This dagger also lets us guarantee one critical hit.
Bloodthirst - in the off-hand for True Strike Riposte.


No special consideration for consumables with this build, the universally good potions / elixirs will be good for us too:
Oil of Accuracy - helps our chance to hit, but clashes with Broodmother's Revenge (dipping in general doesn't work with the Venomous Revenge) buff)
Elixir of Guileful Movement - very handy for getting out of some cursed vines, especially as we don't have Freedom of Movement
Elixir of Bloodlust - great for clearing large groups of weak minions like the goblin camp
Elixir of Battlemage's Power - probably chug this one before battle starts, should help us land our control spells
Elixir of Heroism - concentration-free bless until long rest is pretty great, and we can buy these in Act 1
Elixir of Vigilance - for when we really need to go first to burst down some enemy
Elixir of Universal Resistance - like Warding Bond, but for loners. We won't have these universal ones early, but we will have elixirs for specific damage types (like poison for the cave spiders)
Potion of Angelic Slumber - I won't bother to list the obvious health and speed pots, but these slumber pots can be situationally useful (they don't reset the Killer's Sweetheart or the Drakethroat Glaive though, so long resting is better)
Potion of Flying - mobility matters. Some enemies like shoot at your from up high, and concentration-free flying will help you get there
Terazul - you can just snort this powder to become hasted without a bonus action? It stacks with haste??


Some final tidbits:
Try to build up reverb stacks, prone enemies, auto-crit with Hold Monster, and in general, enable the summons. There's a surprising amount of synergy here. If all else fails, a few max level smites should solve the problem.
It's only a slight twist on a very popular build, but I think it's different enough to share. Give it a try and let me know what you think!
submitted by psychoactive-drug to BG3Builds [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:26 CatherineL1031 The Calm Before the Storm [Catherine the Witch Lorepost Part 5]

The Calm Before the Storm [Catherine the Witch Lorepost Part 5]
Hello there again, my Arcane and magical colleagues. Once again I am here to interrupt your scrying with a continuation of my life. Those who read, thank you for your time, I know I tend to ramble when I start talking, but it means a lot that I get to confess my previous sins in a safe place.
After murdering and dissolving the Goradel bloodline and stealing their entire workforce, I wanted to drive home the point that this was revenge from the hells coming back to bite them in the ass. As the manor collapsed into a pile of cinder and kindling, my hands started to glow as I shaped the flames into a skull.
“The blood of Goradel has been dissolved. The hells cheer as they welcome the newest occupants for all eternity!”
I turned back into my kitty cat disguise as people stared at the laughing fire skull, even putting some soot onto my fur to give the impression I had just run out of the place and was lucky to survive. I ran through some nearby flames to make it even more believable. I bolted the gathering crowd with a terrified meow, rolling into a puddle. I felt so gross, but I had to cover my tracks as much as possible.
What's worse is one of the village kids saw me and tried to approach me to help. She looked so sweet and just wanted to help, but I had to play the part of “scared and terrified animal”, so I had to hiss and swat at her as she approached. She seemed so brokenhearted, but I again had to hiss and book it away as fast as I could. I ran into the forest, and once I was out of eyeshot, returned to my normal form. I smelled so absolutely horrible, but whatever, at least no one would expect me of anything!
I pulled the last teleportation scroll from my hat, drew the final rune with my finger, and teleported back home. Once I was gone, the skull and flames disappeared from the burning kindle. Not only did no one suspect a thing, but now the blame could be pushed onto the hells quite easily. They saw a creature from the hell's attack and a skull just like the one from before, who else could have done that besides someone from the hells? Hehehehe…
Once I returned home, I gave Mona a kiss and started crying. I informed her of the situation that had happened with my leaving. I decided to tell her the ‘truth’ of where I had been, admitting that I had actually gone to the Goradel house for revenge and that revenge came in the form of stealing their servants and fucking up their garden, but that soon after I started burning the garden the manor was attacked! I told her about the bird, and the skull, and she held me close.
You know, looking back on it, I really was becoming a monster…Mona and I were engaged at this point- Oh, shit, that’s right, I forgot to say. Mona and I had gotten very close as roommates, and that relationship elevated to girlfriends after our first year of knowing each other. She proposed to me a few months back, and I happily said yes.
Regardless, we were engaged, and I had just told her a lie of this magnitude. We told each other small little lies as all couples did, “No no that dress is so cute”, “I can’t even tell you spilled something on that skirt”, “Of course I don’t mind if your brother stays with us a few days, family is important!” Your standard relationship lies. But this…I was a murderer, and now I was telling her I was a victim and letting her love me to comfort me!
Gods…I truly didn’t deserve her…
Word spread quickly of their death, and even more quickly that the hell’s had been the ones to do such a thing. Even in our town we were quick to learn the news, I think it had been a few weeks and someone informed us. I had done really well to hide my tracks, nobody even thought to suspect sweet Catherine Louise. To the outside world, I was still the witch who helped her townsfolk and occasionally protected them with her partner Mona. The servants were shocked to hear their old employers had been killed, and were just so grateful to me that I had saved them from a fiery fate…and I told them it was no trouble, that I’m just lucky they left when they did…
Don’t be like me at this time. If you’re like this now, maybe get some help, because this is not the kind of person you want to be in life, I really hope.
Life at Mardul Castle started to improve once our helpers got to work. They were quick to get a feel for things such as duties, who would be living where, what was expected of them and all that stuff. Even more impressive, our town was really coming to be quite the town! Before we knew it, Mona and I had officially been granted the title of Ladies of Mardul. We were ‘nobles’ in a way, but really it was just a title to us.
It felt very, very strange being granted such a title. Mona’s dad was a barkeeper, and my parents (gods rest their souls) worked manual labor and as a cleric. Neither of us had any noble blood in us, or had butlers, footmen and maids. It was a pretty big adjustment for us, especially having to call Mona by her full name when we were in polite company. I had always called her Mona or Emerald (Emmy for short), cause she was beautiful like an emerald, and she always called me Cookie because I loved baking for her. So, going from our pet names to “Ah yes, this is my wife, Lady Desdamona Torres of Mardul, and I am Lady Catherine Louise of Mardul” was so weird. 
As the years started to pass, Mona and I became a bit more involved in the higher society of things. We would visit other towns to spend time with the lords and ladies and try to find allies in case we needed help with anything, we were invited to elegant balls and soirees to eat, drink and dance with others of the upper class. Most of them were very kind, and I could tell they deserved their titles. I know it’s easy to hate on Nobles and Royalty, but there truly are some wonderful people in there. However, there was always the standout from the crowd…
We met many truly awful people who clearly were like the Goradel’s, coasting on their blood and using it as an excuse to treat others so horribly simply because they viewed themselves as superior. I think one of the worst was Torence Maris, he and his fucking asshole son…you don’t invite someone to dinner, and then try to seduce their wife while discussing plans! I almost killed that man when I saw Mona return almost in tears and say ‘we’re going, now’. Gods, my poor Emmy cried so hard that night…
Well, that part of me that desired to punish those who did wrong had started to come back again. Thankfully, it was not near as bad as it was years prior, but I did want to cause them some kind of pain or grief. This time, however, I cleared it with my wife and let her know my plans. She told me it was a bad idea, and that getting caught could be very damaging to our city’s image, but I told her not to worry as I was going to be in an entirely different form. She didn’t want to admit it, but I saw the little smile on her face as I listed off the names of the assholes I was going to be fucking with. I told her that I was not planning to cause them any bodily harm, just harm to their property, maybe even do like I did with the Goradel’s and steal their best workers. I promised to cause no bodily harm to them, and gave her a kiss as I started to work out my plans.
My plans were much simpler this time, and having multiple people to collaborate with my story made it even easier to cover my tracks. I would inform Mona and my lady's maid, Jezebel, of who I planned to ‘visit’ that night and the two of them would cover for me should anyone show up seeking information on my wearabouts. Was it the most noble thing to lie so I could do what I wanted and face less consequences, potentially even causing two unrelated people to join in my potential arrest and conviction? No, and as stated MANY TIMES BEFORE, this does not make what I did right. I am not a hero or arbiter of justice, I am just one mortal who was starting to become drunk with power.
But, regardless, I began my misguided quest for revenge against people I didn’t like. I started with Torence, and knew I needed to be smart about what I did. He had just harassed my wife, so if anyone was going to point fingers, he would have an easy reason. So, I started very small. I took on a monstrous form, either that of one of the many wyverns I had cut apart and studied, the Hell Cobra, or the Nightmare Corvid. It started simply enough, roaming the forests of their estate at night, causing people and animals to panic as I let out nightmarish noises to keep them up. Once they were sufficiently worked up, phase two of the plan took effect. I would watch them from their yard, and just stare. Nothing is more terrifying than seeing a 30 foot tall bird just staring at you from the front of your grounds, and then when you call someone to help it’s just gone. Finally, I’d start harassing them. I would swoop down at them or chase them when they were outside, I would damage their windows with rocks or branches, or destroy some of their outside possessions like carriages and gardens. Once I felt they were sufficiently harassed, or had spent a ton of money trying to get rid of me, I’d leave and move on to the next one. Again, THIS IS NOT HOW THINGS SHOULD BE DONE! Please, for the love of the gods, understand that! Either way, that was my schedule for each asshole noble that we encountered. I even got a name for myself, I was simply known as “The Beast”, or “The Shifter”. I liked the beast better, personally, because then that gave me the chance to make lewd and unladylike jokes to my wife. (Yes, penis jokes, and they’re still funny). 
The next few decades seemed to fly by so fast. If you’re wondering, Mona and I had discussed the possibility of children, but very early on in our relationship she let me know that it was not safe for an Archmage of Alchemy to house children in her body due to the amount of things she had to drink and test. She joked that she wasn’t even sure she could have kids at all with the amount of mixtures and tonics she drank in the past. Instead of children, we did as many of our arcane siblings had done in the past, and decided to become teachers for apprentices!
I’ll admit, it was a very busy life at this point. During the day I was Lady Catherine of Mardul, greasing shoulders and hosting parties to earn or give favors to those who needed help or we might need help from, during the evenings I was Mistress Catherine, teacher to novice mages, and during the night I was known as The Beast. I would find a target during our social outings, learn all I could about them, and then haunt them with all sorts of horrid forms. I spent my time
None of them were every hurt physically, but mentally I fucked with them, socially I stunted them, and monetarily they had received a slap to the face. This is how I should have done it before, but, you live and you learn. This does not make it okay, mind you. I was harassing people who were assholes, but there were definitely better ways I could have gone about it. At least I had a beautiful wife who helped me remember what I wanted to keep, and some adorable family. Vex had had two sons and a daughter, and Har’s daughter Athena was now a woman with her own little boy! I felt so old every time I saw Athena, I held her as a little girl and used to play with her, now she’s this woman and has a kid…ugh, time. Ralin and I kept in close contact, she was and still is my best friend, but she did like me and took on a mentorship role instead of a parental one. We got drunk and I asked her about it once, she said it wouldn’t be fair to the child or herself to watch them grow old and die. I couldn’t argue with that, that’s not something any parent should have to experience in their life.
This was my life for well over a century, and it was truly an amazing life. I did have to say goodbye to many of my close friends and family during this time, but…such is the price of Immortality. It truly never gets easier. Mona had remained as beautiful as the day I met her through it all, we had a network of apprentices and students that went on to do some truly amazing tasks, and I had reached my Grandmaster’s rank in Shifting and Polymorph magic! I was now able to shift between forms in only a few seconds, and had mastered my ability to speak and cast Expert level spells while shifted! I’m not just being nice when I say Mona stayed beautiful, by the way. Her Elf Blood was strong and it looked like she had only aged a few years, and I remained unchanged to time due to my immortality.
During our time together, and my time terrorizing Nobles, we found that many of those with horrid blood had raised their children up to be better to avoid being targeted by The Beast. I barely even needed to bring that form out anymore, all the higher class people on our side of the continent were now shaping up! So, with one enemy down, my stupid ass set sight on another enemy. There was one enemy that caused absolute havoc when they appeared, one who was loyal to their code and their code alone.
I was setting my sights onto the hells, and their denizens.
Mona and I had been discussing it for some time, there had been villages raided by devils and imps for refusal to pay for protection, or because a Warlock had an honest mistake and had ‘broken the contract’ without meaning to in the slightest. They were cruel, twisting their ‘deals’ to benefit them in a way where they could do whatever they wanted. So, we decided it was time to make them pay, and show that mortals are not to be messed with. Mona and I decided to come out of retirement from adventuring, and start to protect our lands from forces that sought only to do it harm!
This, my friends, is what we would usually call ‘poking the bear’. It’s generally not something that is encouraged if you want to, you know, continue living a decent life. But, we were young, dumb, full of fight and ready to try and kick the asses of hellions for the betterment of our world. It was a noble goal, but as is very apparent with my entire godsdamn life, there were much better ways we could have gone about it.
So, we started to fight. I was just shy of 242 years old, Mona was 160, but we still looked damn good and were at our peak! We started to do our research on what to avoid when fighting devils, what worked best, how to deal with them, everything we needed to take them down as effectively as possible. Once we had a bit of knowledge under our belts, we decided it was time to start our journey of becoming devil slayers! I thought we were going to be demon slayers, but apparently demons do not come from hell. Demons are their own, separate entity from a place called The Abyss. I know this is common knowledge now, but at the time I was very surprised to learn this. I know I use Devils when referring to them previously, but that’s because I now know.
We decided to start small, just to see where our power truly lay and if we even could fight these things. We had read about imps, the lowest of denizens of hell, and knew where a few currently were. The city of Sclaire had become the victims of imp raids randomly during the night, so we figured we’d do them a solid by trying to push back against this problem. We set out for the town, the Lord Ross and his husband Barrin agreeing to house us while we undertook this task.
I don’t mean to brag on our strength, but these imps were truly nothing compared to our might. Once they arrived, Mona threw a concoction of holy water and divine fire onto one of them and it melted in a matter of seconds. After that, I turned into the red canine wyvern form I had used to fight back the monstrosities of hell and made quick work of my share of them. The ground was stained with the blood and viscera of the imps in a matter of minutes, those who ran vowing revenge on us in the future. I turned back to normal, and set the bloody scene on fire to clean it up. My flames burned away the hellish remains of our foes, and then it was over.
We looked at each other, a bit underwhelmed by this display and kind of disappointed overall. But, we had to remind ourselves that these were basically fodder for hell. Imps aren’t hard enemies unless they swarm in numbers, and even then they go down fairly easily. We were a Grandmaster and Archmage, we were incredibly overpowered for the enemies we had just faced. But, it still felt good to know we had done a service to the town! We were now technically certified devil hunters, but neither of us really felt we had deserved it. So, we started doing our research for the next job. We learned more about the hierarchy of hell, who had control over who, how they commanded them, how things moved up in the ranks, all that. We were upset to learn that killing a devil in our world does not actually kill them for good unless you do something special like a soul-trap or soul destruction. Their soul returns to hell, gets recycled through the machine and implanted into a new body of equal strength to the one they had just lost. So, those imps were definitely going to come back for revenge, I guess. Eh, whatever, it takes a long time to move up the ranks and we’d just continue killing them. Maybe some research into stopping that would be a good idea… We started moving our way up the hierarchy ladder slowly, making sure to build up our name as an annoyance of hell as best we could. Our first year was very easy, we spent our time hunting imps, spined devils and chain devils that we were way too outclassed to give a fair shot. I’m not going to say we wiped the floor every time, we did have moments where they were able to get a good hit on us or were able to cause us some damage, but overall it was a very easy fight. One annoyance, though, was their immunity to my flames. I had to rely solely on my shifting magic and protection magic to be able to fight properly due to them being immune to fire. It was annoying, especially since the majority of my offensive spells were fire spells! I started to do some research on the topic, hoping I could find something that could overcome their fiery immunity or even shut it off completely. My search came up dry, however, so it was back to turning into cool beasts I had killed and dissected and using their forms to maim a bunch of terrified devils. I had considered dissecting and studying the make-up of devils, but once I opened up a bone devil I quickly learned that their forms were mostly just houses for their infernal magic. Without the flames of hell burning inside them, these were just weird looking vessels made of flesh, bone and organs. Plus, probably wasn’t a good idea to be running around in a form that most people feared and wanted dead, so that line of thinking and studying was quickly abandoned. Once we had reached what I guess would be considered the level of Sergeant for the legions of hell, we had begun to acquire quite the name for ourselves in hell. We had not taken out incredibly high ranking members of hell, but we had been able to take a lot of them out in such a short time-frame. As powerful as those on top think they are, a large portion of their strength is having disposable fodder to throw at problems and handle most things for them. We were causing that number to decrease, which was causing problems up the ladder. 
After our first year, we finally got them. We had a bounty on your heads!
We found out after a bone devil appeared in our bedroom one night. He held two wanted posters, one for Shapechanger Catherine Louise and the other for Potion Master Desdemona Torres. We had a price of 250 soul coins on our head together, quite an impressive sum! We were a real annoyance to them, it seems. We couldn’t help but cheer, even hugging the bone devil and thanking him for telling us the news! He was incredibly confused, pushing us off as he attempted to spear through us with his tail. I shifted my teeth into sharp daggers like a wyvern, grabbed his tail in my teeth and bit it clean off. Mona followed with a special explosive concoction she had been refining that seeped into the body of the devil. Even with their fire immunity, that didn’t mean they couldn’t be lit on fire. I threw a spark at his chest, the concoction lighting him on fire and causing the potion to heat up. It seeped into his skin as he screamed out in pain, his body starting to bulge and swell as the concoction did its magic. We didn’t want a mess to clean up, so I cast a spell of force to push him out the window. He shattered through, his body starting to crack and blister with energy as he continued screaming out in pain. In a brilliant flash, his body exploded into a glitter of magic and faded into nothingness. Once his corporeal form was gone, I decided it was time to test out my research. My hands began to glow as I set an area around the area where its soul would be. 
Immediately I started sweating, my hands burning as I felt the magic not course through me but more be forced through me. I had done a good bit of research on the magic of the souls, but none of them spoke of what I was currently feeling! I fell to my knees as I continued concentrating, the bone devil’s soul appearing as a floating orb in the area of my spell. I yelled out to Mona as the area around it contracted around it, now starting to tremble. “Get the bottle ready! This is our one chance!” It hurt so badly, it felt like my skin was splitting as I pulled the soul back to us. Mona uncorked one of her bottles, and in went the soul. She corked the top, a barrier of sealing surrounding the bottle as she placed it on her belt.
My arms ached as I laid on the ground, burns on the tips of my fingers as I cried out in pain. It seems in my eagerness to test my studies, I had overworked myself almost immediately and caused myself some rather serious mana burns…I’ve felt the burns of flames, I’ve felt the burn of hellfire, I’ve felt the burns of fires from the Fire Plane. This was a burn that I could not heal away, and I felt it running through my body. I tried my best to stand up, body shaking as all I could think about was getting back in bed and sleeping off this burning in my body. My muscles ached, I was drenched in sweat. I flopped back in bed as tears started to fall, just praying to whatever gods were listening that this feeling would end soon. Sweet Mona tried to help, but nothing seemed to make my symptoms any better. I couldn’t use my phoenix flame to numb my nerves for risk of causing further damage, so I had to just ride it out.
I didn’t get much sleep that night, even trying to get out of bed and sleep in the dressing room that connected to our bedroom so that I could let Mona have some peaceful rest without my crying and screaming. She wouldn’t let me leave, though, making me stay by her side. I wanted to hold her, I always felt better when she was in my arms, but just feeling her body against mine felt like knives scraping against my skin.
Morning arrived after what felt like years, my body at least not burning anymore, but it was still shaking. I could barely eat any of the breakfast our cook, Miss Graham, had prepared and spent most of that day sleeping it off. It took a full two days before my body finally returned to normal, but thankfully in that time Mona had started to do some experimentation with the soul she currently housed in her bottle. She began to study it, hoping she could find a way to keep it contained or even harness its power in some way.
As I’m sure is a surprise to no one, souls are an incredibly powerful source of power. We had heard tale of people being able to capture a soul and use it to power machines of war, or use it as a sort of mana battery that could be drawn from in a time of need, but no solid research could ever be found. We wanted to try and expand this research as best we could, but after seeing the catastrophe that was the simple process of getting a single soul into a container, we decided that this one soul was going to be all we got for the time being.
Remember what I said about poking the bear before? Yeah, we had moved from that to now slapping the ass of the bear and calling it a bitch. We had a soul from hell in our possession and were currently experimenting on it like mad scientists. This is what any denomination, organization, or species would consider a ‘dick move’. I’ve done a lot of magic in my time, but soul magic is definitely one that I would consider the most heinous act of them all. The soul is a sacred object, and trying to tamper with it is an act that you cannot take back. If anyone does not understand the soul, allow me to try and explain it as simply as possible.
The soul is like a pile of sand. The experiences and time we have with it in and on various planes shapes that sand into a new shape, or a new pile. Each grain is placed in a certain point for a certain reason, it has been shaped for the specific purpose of being what it is. I mentioned at the beginning how I felt the disconnect between my soul and my body, either through some divine mix up during my creation or whatever. My soul was designed in an exact way by the forces of magic, or the universe, or a god, or whatever to be the way it should be and I had to fix the other part with my own strength. Those experiences helped my soul take shape more effectively, cementing in it the truth of who I was and who I should have been from the beginning. I’d like to go off on a tangent real quick, if I may.
As many know, at the time I send this into the OrbNet, it is currently the celebration of sexual and gender expression known as Pride Month. Many like myself have faced the pain of uncertainty, discrimination and the occasional hatred for what we are. I did not express it in the beginning, as I did not want to write about my experiences too deeply (and yet here we are now, having taken up so much of your time already and definitely going to take more), but I experienced my fair share of hatred as well during my youth and studies.
Before I could fully harness Biomancy, as I now know it to be called (thank you for informing me, Percy), I would cast disguise on myself in my day to day life to try and alleviate the discomfort of existing. However, there were many with what is colloquially known as ‘Stanky Old Wizard Eyes’. These allow wizened magic uses to see into realms beyond our own and even see through things like illusions. So, while some would see me in my female disguise, there would be the old wizards who would berate me, saying that I ‘wasn’t a real witch, just a wizard pretending’ and that I was just misguided by ‘new age thinking’. Yeah? Well, guess who’s still young, beautiful and has a smoking hot wife while you’re probably a pile of dust and worm food, you crotchety old prick…
Anyways, sorry, this is all to come to one very specific point: My soul is the way it is because of my experiences. Every grain of sand was purposefully placed exactly where it needed to be. I know it sounds strange, but going through that experience allowed me to see the suffering people go through that are afflicted with problems beyond what I experienced as well. It taught me empathy more than I could have ever learned on my own, and helped me to see people not by their form or their past, but by who they are inside and who they are in that moment.
And right now, we were shoving our hand into the pile of sand that was this bone devil’s soul. It doesn’t matter that it was a devil, it doesn’t matter that it had tried to kill us days before, we were fucking with something that should not be fucked with. Sure, with some fiddling we could shape it back into how we found it, but this soul would be irreversibly changed for the rest of time due to our interference and prying. Don’t fuck with souls, you truly do not know what you’re messing with and one single grain of sand moved can cause the entire thing to collapse.
After the capture and imprisonment of the bone devil’s soul, the forces of hell started to take us as a more serious threat. Before we were just an annoyance, but now they started to view us as a real deal threat. Larger and more dangerous foes were starting to come after us. We were able to fend them off for the most part, thankfully, but it was starting to get much scarier. Whereas before we would escape with minor bruises or cuts, now we were starting to have serious injuries that needed to be healed. Bone devils upgraded chain devils, which upgraded to Ice Devils, who I could finally use my Pyromancy against! It was still a difficult fight each time, but now we at least had the upper hand when we fought them.
Another year passed, our names now cemented as opponents of hell. Our bounties had been increased to 500 soul coins each and an upgrade to Lieutenant to whichever devil managed to bring us in. Our efforts had been paying off so well, though. Hell Raids had slowed down immensely as hell focused their resources on trying to stop us, our crusade even inspiring others to take up the mantle of Devil Hunters and fight back against the lesser members of Hell’s Army. Through the year, we were even able to gather information and figure out how to harness the soul of the Bone Devil. We learned more about it including its name, rank, we even learned what Archdevil they served.
They were named Belgranon, they were a Commander in the army of Dispater. They primarily commanded imps, succubi, incubi and lesser winged devils, but they seemed to be a trusted member of Dispater’s forces. As we studied up on the Archdevil in question, we learned he was quite the paranoid Archdevil. He was very selective of who he allowed into his circle of trust, only taking those he could trust fully into his army. Devils often tried to backstab and cross each other for power or favor, so he had to be completely sure he could trust in someone that they wouldn’t attempt to betray him.
As we started to pry deeper into Belgranon’s soul, it started to lose its shape very slowly. What was once an orb started to flicker and occasionally turn into more of an ectoplasmic goo before attempting to return back into an orb. We thought nothing of it, thinking it might just be trying to escape, so pressing on with our next experiment. Once we had learned to harness the power of the soul, we decided to test it in Mona’s potions. We hooked the soul as a power source to her alchemical workstation, and she began brewing.
Belgranon immediately started glowing as potions were brewed, a distinct glow about them that even Mona herself couldn’t have accomplished. I decided to be the test for her first potion, a simple mana potion that she had brewed thousands of times. I stepped out into the yard, and my hands began to glow a bright red. My pupils turned into slits as my body started to expand, brown scales covering my body and a tail sprouting forth from my back. I was casting my strongest Biomancy spell, taking on the body of an Elder Earthen Wyrm. I let out a loud, intimating roar that echoed through our city and the neighboring towns. I held my head up high to the sky, my strongest pyromancy flying from my mouth as I exhaled a plume of dragonflame into the sky. The clouds dissipated from the sheer force of my flames, but it was already starting to wear on me. I quickly turned back to normal, my mana drained in only a few seconds. That was another of my ‘only in insane emergencies’ spells, as it gave me a single shot before I was completely spent.
I walked back in, head pounding as if I had a horrible migraine, and happily downed the potion without a second thought. As it flowed through me, I could immediately feel its effects. My mana went from empty to nearly full in an instant, my body erupting in a burst of flame as my Wildfire Avatar form took hold. It seems even my body knew it had to burn off the excess mana I had consumed, and I burned for well over 5 minutes in a form that would usually only last at most 2 minutes at full mana. The flames extinguished, but I still felt incredible, as if I had never cast any spells to begin with! Mona and I cheered as we saw the potential of soul harvesting, sharing a kiss and an embrace. She began to brew and brew more potions that afternoon, a fire of passion burning inside her that I hadn’t seen in decades. She made dozens of basic potions, now enhanced to levels no one could ever imagine thanks to the harvesting and usage of Belgranon’s soul.
However, after a passion filled day of brewing, we saw the effect it had on Belgranon’s soul. What was once an orb that filled the entire bottle and glowed bright had been reduced to but a small, burning and dying ember. We had created enough potions to last any normal person a lifetime and then some, but we saw the cost. As we watched the soul together, it eventually faded from the bottle. It wasn’t an explosion, or a bright flash, it just…disappeared. We uncorked the bottle, and truly saw that the soul had been destroyed by our meddling. Not only had we shifted the sands, we had taken it apart. There was not a single piece of Belgranon left, even the potions we had created did not hold a piece of him. He had been erased not just from hell, but from existence itself. The bear was now awake, and it was mad…
Thank you again for your time. I know it’s a lot to get through, but please know that it means the world to me that people find any interest in my story and allow me to get things off my chest and in the open. For those keeping track, my crimes now were as follows: Tricking a lich into giving me immortality, murder of the Goradel bloodline, harassment and destruction of property of several nobles and royals, and now the tampering and destruction of a soul.
The next part of my story is going to be a different one. I was able to find a log from one who…well, you’ll see. I was able to find a recollection that I think would give a better picture of this next part better than I could ever explain it. Just know that the next part of my story will be detailed from the perspective of another, but will still be part of my story. Thank you again, I love you all so much.
submitted by CatherineL1031 to wizardposting [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:02 ScoutKard A Valheim Lover's Dream

I love this game. Over 1000 hours in it, absolutely hands down my favorite survival game of all time. I love the immersion, I love the world, I love the building, the fighting, almost everything. I love having exciting adventures paired with cozy home prep sessions dancing back and forth to fill me with a sense of constant progression and fulfillment.
But with all this love, comes a passion to see this game be something so much greater. Valheim does so much right, and i cannot commend that enough, but I feel it is harboring a few weird blemishes that constantly show and test my love.
I have come up with a list in no particular order of grievances that my peers and I have with this game, that I would love to see addressed in the future. For many of these issues, yes, mods can help alleviate, but that is a solution not available to console players, and setting up can sometimes be a bit of a headache for groups of friends. I understand my grievances may not be shared with everyone, and i do not want to invalidate anyone else's personal opinions, but I know I am certainly not alone.
-UI/Inventory- The crafting menus are... not good. I won't linger on this too long because it's been widely agreed that it sucks and I think(?) it's on the devs list of things to fix. Nevertheless, it is very tedious to find recipes in the crafting menus, both tables and build hammer, and just needs a total overhaul IMO. The problem only gets worse and worse the more recipes you unlock. I would love if new recipes were flagged someway to show the player "hey, this has never been crafted before" to instantly identify what you should probably be making next. The player inventory is also just in need of major love. I understand the philosophy of trying to make the player feel that they can't grab every single thing they see in the wild and haul it back in one trip, and I'm not saying we should be able to do that, but man does it just feel awful to have you effective inventory space get smaller the more you progress in game. Getting armor is -1 slot per piece, an accessory is -1, Potions reduce space, ammo, food, bombs, weapons (a sword and shield is 2 spaces compared to a 2-hander). Separate slots for equipables would honestly just alleviate a lot of this. I don't expect tp be able to travel with a full arsenal all the time and expect to have room for a huge bounty, that's fine, but in mistlands and especially Ashlands this issue just becomes a bit annoying. On the topic of equipment slots, I wish changing gear sets was more convenient. This could be achieve by making Armor Stands have a "swap loadout" function, where with a simple key press and small channel time you can easily swap out your gear with whatever you had equipped to the stand. This alone would make me far more willing to both use armor stands AND change into hildr base clothes or a Fenris foraging set.
-Sloped Terrain Combat- This obviously probably isn't intentional, but man is it just tedious to have all your attacks miss just because you were standing on a 30° slope. Sure by now I instinctively try to seek out the flattest terrain nearby before I even attempt combat, but it just cracks my immersion a bit each time I find myself doing this.
-Furnace/Windmill Filling- I know I can just hold down the button to fill, but it just feels really slow and tedious. The windmills are especially tedious to fill. A max-fill button or even just having the fill speed ramp up the longer I hold it would help a ton. I understand wanting the home chores to feel a bit chorey to promote a sense of satisfaction when you get it done, but you can achieve this and still let me have a little endorphin hit when I see the kiln ramp up in deposit speed when I hold my button on it. The alternative currently is to just mash the hell out of your fill key and that's just.... ugh
-Farming- Currently it is just actual carpal tunnel simulator. Surely there are ways to make planting a large field take time but not genuinely grind away at my hands. This is one of the worst for me. I usually enjoy the slow pace of the house chores, but I genuinely dread when it's time to harvest and replant. I don't make absurdly large crop fields either, and if that's the reason for this very tedious system, than I guess it's working well... Would love if farming had some upgrades associated with, like eventual multi-plant or something.
-Gaps in Weapon Tiers- I just don't understand this one. Once a weapon is introduced, it should have a way to obtain in every tier. It is criminal that you get blessed with something as wicked as a battleaxe in Iron, teased with an even cooler one in the mountains, and then... gone forever. Don't even get me started on the fist weapons (and a set of armor that even boosts them in arguably the quickest biome you pass in the game). I've seen some philosophy floating around that the gaps incentivize trying new weapons but... I think the opposite is true. I would love to try fists or battleaxe for awhile, but I simply don't both because I know it will just go away. They don't need to all be obtained the same way. There's already a great example of this in game: Abyssal gear. The Abyssal Knife and Shield act as the knife and shield for the Iron and Silver ages respectively, and I think it's really cool that you have to go on a little side quest to get your preferred weapon or shield of that tier. Perhaps future updates similar to the Frost Cave update or an Ocean update will come to fill these gaps for us. (Small side note, the ashlands gems are very unbalanced currently. Give some lifesteal to the blood gems plz, I would love to use them sometimes for non-meme reasons)
-Skills- Just needs a total overhaul IMO. Skills should obtained in completely different ways and offer more than just flat boring scaling. There's so many cool directions this could go, but almost anything is better than what we have now. A skill overhaul alongside filling weapon gaps would be great. Would be cool to see weapon classes be lumped together as well even, like atgeirs, battleaxes, and greatswords just be one "heavy weapon" skill for example. Treasure/quests in the world sometimes being skill rewards would be great, a light perk system would be cool too but not necessary. Stuff like "gain a bit of move speed temporarily after getting a knife kill" or "every minute your mace will guarantee stagger on the next power attack" or something would just make me love it so much more. Permanent character progress that isn't instantly erased after a rough few days trying to get an Ashlands beachhead. I won't say much more on this because it's pretty open to what direction they can go here. But the current awkward skilling and skill loss system is just not satisfying to me at all, to the point where I see people either ignore skilling entirely or just get really upset to see their character get weaker with every death.
-Sailing- Once the novelty of your first few sailing adventures wears off, this really feels like the genuine worst part of the game to me. There is nothing engaging for me to be at total mercy of the wind and just sitting there occasionally turning for 30 minutes at a time. Serpents are cool sure, but after a point you just ignore them because they simply aren't worth the attention. I'm praying an Ocean update just totally overhauls the sailing. It feels especially awful in multiplayer where every passenger is doing literally nothing. Again, the initial novelty is cool, but it fades quickly, at least in my circles it did. I make every effort to minimize sailing as much as possible in every playthrough. The Serpent meat isn't worth it :(
-Quests lacking payoff- Hildr sells just about anything meaningful you'd want from her immediately without completing a single quest. The unique dungeons and mini-bosses are neat, but I felt 0 incentive to attempt Hildrs Quest after my first time. Idk what should change here, but the rewards is a good start. Same issues with the new Lord Reto quest. A unique but ultimately mediocre sword after doing an honestly very lame fight. It's just a giga-stat boosted Charred Warrior that you either cheese entirely or get one-shot. Was really disappointed with how this "quest" ended up turning out. To be honest I don't even mind the sword just being a trophy, I just wish the fight was worthwhile.
-Fishing- I legit almost forgot to add this one because of how forgettable it is. Super tedious to skill up, and provides just totally unnecessary recipes. I can survive easy without the additional fish wraps or fried angler. I fail to see a realistic scenario where ever use triple stamina foods. Needs a total overhaul as well IMO. I would love to find the urge to catch myself a big trophy fish to hang on the wall, but I just cannot with the current system.
Again, this game is amazing even with all these criticisms. All of the issues come entirely from a place of love and passion. I couldn't see myself making a post like this for any other game currently. If none of this is ever addressed (I'm certain some of it will be) then I'd still probably continue revisiting this game for years to come, though probably exclusively with mods, and a smidge of disappointment. Thanks for taking the time to read, I will be curious to read your thoughts. Cheers
submitted by ScoutKard to valheim [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:39 stoatsoup YAVP: 8-rune (4xPan) Stoat Soup 0.23ish VSWz^Usk

I was pretty pleased to get this combo home first time; I'm not a big fan of vine stalker book starts where when your starting MP are cast away you're horribly fragile with no help from potions. Of course, it's another matter once you're up and running and biting is constantly topping up your MP for casting, but you've got to get there...
I found a selection of gods on D:2 and took Usk as the best-looking choice. A D:6 orc arrior was the best performing monster of the game - HP 1/40 - so this could easily not have been a win. I had about three near-misses with that orc warrior, even assisted by a FDNe ghost, before polishing it off.
D:7 gave a +7 randart longsword of freezing, which was well ahead of any short blade I had; learned Searing Ray, which was a mainstay for a while; found a D:9 armour shop with all of boots, cloak, gloves, dwarven roundshield. (This was too much shield, and I'd struggle on with poor spell failure before finding a buckler later, then a decent kite shield).
Lair gave me a quick blade, Fulminant Prism (another spell that performed well early), and HP 4/61 to a black mamba... then Snakebite! This was clearly amazing at this stage of the game (although I wondered for a bit about it versus a +0 QB) and I'd be glad I'd trained the M&F when I got a sacred scourge much later in Pan. Hit a labyrinth on Lair:5, getting a decent randart ring {EV+4 Str+4 Int+4}.
Orc was not too much trouble with meph cloud to confuse the orcs, OTR to nibble away their HP, and fulminant prism to blow them up as they blundered around, and I bought the robe of Vines in a shop. This was very solid for a while - regenerating 4 HP a turn is amazing any time you've got a clear line of retreat; I'd find the moon troll leather on D:13 and dither over that for a bit (but stuck to Vines) - much later found a +11 randart scale mail on V:1 but it would take me a while after that to decide I actually wanted to wear it, perhaps only around the time I got Regeneration (the spell) online.
Down the main dungeon to be Abyssed by a wizard on D:14 - nervous but I got out OK - and peeked into D:15 but decided it was too nasty and went to Snake. Snake:1 had five shops and around here I started to wonder just how many shops this game was going to have - I'd already seen 11 in the Dungeon. (There were nine more coming, and I finished with a huge number of consumables...)
Snake was moderately nasty with no very good way to deal with shock serpents and a bad tangle with salamander firebrands on S:4 (fortunately the longsword gave rF+, which was my only source of rF) - Swamp by comparison was quite straightforward, and I had two runes.
After this I cleared D:15 and learned Ignite Poison and Velakast's Superior Radiance (a Stoat Soupism - level 6 Hexes/Poison, tries to make everything rPois- as a hex before an OTR-like toxic radiance) - it was a while before I'd get Velakast's online but it turned out even OTR and Ignite Poison is amazing, especially since I went to Elf first where nearly everything nasty isn't resistant. I can't believe I haven't tried this before - duvessa's spell guide says '"roughly 2x to 3x" as much damage as just letting the poison run its course' but you get it right away, killing things and building Usk piety. OTR (or Velakast's) then Ignite a few turns later was a mainstay for the rest of the game, right up to drac packs in Zot.
Elf, as such, was cleared with little effort - the Hall of Blades was the worst bit, and it wasn't awful. I'd learn Insulation there but shortly afterwards I hit the Fleshworks on Vaults:2 and found the hat of the Alchemist. I'm not usually a fan of the hat of the Alchemist, but when all the resistances you have is rings of poison and fire resistance (and two good stat/AC/EV rings to wear), it looks pretty attractive. It also served to discourage me from unwisely wearing the Ponderhat.
Vaults to V:4 wasn't too bad, although I did have to remember Ignite Poisoning a hell knight just does it a favour. Then to Depths, buying a randart scarf with {RMsl, rPois Int+4}, finding the Spriggan's Knife (which I decided I didn't want, but did have to consider), and learning See Invisible clearing up the one thing the Alchemist doesn't do. (I had been wearing a helmet of see invisible, and was rather missing it).
V:5 was no trouble at all and I'd learn Orb of Destruction, slightly feeling the lack of straight up damage spells. Next was Slime, Grand Finale-ing the Royal Jelly and then blinking out, getting another decent randart ring.
Now I wanted at least one extended rune. I cleared out the Vestibule of Hell (Murray turned up, but wasn't a problem) but actually I thought Pan would be better (and I did Hell last win). I did notice I hadn't cleared out the Crypt - no problem, even with Bai Suzhen.
Pan started with Mennas, who it turned out I could just tab down; he dropped a sacred scourge and I regretted enchanting up a second QB (of freezing, so not useless, but the scourge was clearly going to be far more use). I did get it up to +6, but there was a missed opportunity there.
The demonic rune turned up in the ghost moth / eye of draining vault (no real issue) and almost next was... holy Pan. I did consider just bailing out of it with no rune to find, but I decided to have a crack at it, found I could pretty easily beat down corroded daevas (and I finished with 11 wands of acid thanks to the huge numbers of shops), Grand Finaled the seraph, and used the exit from holy Pan to drop off various goodies I'd found (my inventory was pretty full).
Back to Pan, learning Iskenderun's Undoing (a Gooncrawlism, level 9 Conjurations, fires 8 orbs of destruction one in each direction but all targetted on one victim, hilarious fun) which I hoped to get online for Zot. (In the end, I didn't use it much - but I did use it on almost every OOF I saw and it made pretty short work of them).
Lom Lobon turned up soon... but sportingly had positioned just enough guards outside their door that I was on full faith the turn I spotted them. Boom. Quite a few panlords went down to Grand Finale but this was the most satisfying.
Cerebov was not much more trouble; I exited through the Abyss very quickly (again, to make some inventory space) and plunged back in. As usual, Gloorx Vloq's pet curse skulls were more problem than the panlord.
Finally, to Zot! The first draconian pack was surprisingly nasty (I find this is often the case) but after that it was pretty easy going. The lung of the orb vault I picked was almost suspiciously empty - a bunch of Orb Guardians, an electric golem, Killer Klown, drac pack, and a handful of orbs of fire, but nothing to really trouble me. Grabbed the Orb and off I went, seeing two panlords both of whom I killed.
Next is MDAE (old MD), who will be hoping books with Fire or Earth spells turn up...
submitted by stoatsoup to dcss [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:19 Shamski420 Mermaid Tattoo into a sleeve

Mermaid Tattoo into a sleeve
So I just got this mermaid Tattoo that I absolutely love but eventually I want to turn this into a sleeve. Only thing I know I want to add so far are some seahorses to represent my daughters. My question is, do I just simply find an artist I like and tell them I want to turn this into a sleeve, or do most of you know what you want added to a sleeve in advance?
submitted by Shamski420 to TattooDesigns [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:02 The_Hij The View from the Ground

The View from the Ground
The legs of his chair scraped against the ground and he leaned forward heavily in his seat the street side stall where he was eating. The owner had kindly allowed him to borrow an old Orb- since he didn't have one of his own- to watch the Council election speeches over the Orbnet. After a stressful night spent navigating the Undercity and avoiding its more unsavory denizens, it felt good to be in sunlight again.
It was strangely comforting to see the parade of familiar faces step up to the podium one by one, delivering speeches and campaign promises- some earnest and well meaning, and some downright maniacal. Ah... good ol' Council politics. Even if he never set foot near the Citadel again, it felt good to see people coming together in the spirit of cooperation if not camaraderie
Until of course the shouting started. Views on the orb began to shift rapidly from one to another. A fiery ball burning in the void of space hurtling towards the gala, a cackling madman hijacking the feed to proclaim that all candidates had been poisoned with some kind of... mind switching potion?
With wide eyes he watched completely enthralled, barely breaking away to see where his basket of chips were as he shoveled them into his mouth
"Every time... something like this happens every time." the stall owner said, shaking his head and turning back to his cooking pan.
It was true, he had to admit. Events like this were alarmingly frequent back home. Still, as entertaining as it was... he had people he still knew up there. And here? He'd met a few but still felt like a stranger in a strange land. He felt around in his satchel for the items he'd gotten yesterday. A devil's card, a memory potion, a map of the Undercity...
"Well, I guess it's a good thing we're down here eh?" he said to the cook, who only grunted in response.
Still, the last time something like this happened, was the first thing he remembered. All the fire and smoke, the shouts and howling wails... He hoped the chaos would stay far away this time, and leave his mind untouched. Maybe he shouldn't keep watching...
submitted by The_Hij to Asfelaeia [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:19 Garresh Alchemy Theme Build Advice

So I've been playing in MP with 2 separate groups, using Spore Druid because it's fun. Something I've found increasingly potent(which has been covered here before) is that you can drop a potion as a free action, use halo of spores as a reaction to blow it up, and heal in a small AoE as a result. So far so cool.
But it also seems that you can turn a single haste potion into an AoE, as well as use the dime a dozen healing potions to proc on heal effects? A lot of casters(wizard/sorc excluded) have no real use for their reaction, and even still reactions refresh at the end of your turn so if you really need a counterspell/shield, you'll still have it available.
I'd like to take this build to the extreme by making an alchemist themed build, WITHOUT using Withers hirelings.
So far, I've got the idea of a Rogue 1(Expertise Stealth and Medicine, Crossbow Prof), Wizard 2(Transmuter), Druid 2(Spore), with a Githyanki race for the extra mage hand to maneuver potions around. From here, I'm uncertain where to build it out further. It's already stretched pretty wild, and going 2 more levels in Rogue for extra crossbow attacks with riders *could* be interesting, particularly with the crossbow that does extra damage to burning targets. Could fire a flame arrow with the main attack, then follow up with offhands stacking riders.
I could leave Druid at just level 2, because Halo of Spores works fine without symbiotic entity enabled. Potions have only 1 HP and can't be missed.
Currently, I'm thinking either go 9 levels in Druid and focus on more summons I can AoE haste at will, or 7 druid 3 rogue for more crossbow attacks. The other option would be just go max wizard and use scribe spell to make up for lost levels. Regardless, it's a weird build and I'm uncertain on the best approach. It is by no means optimal, but it's surprisingly fun which makes me want to experiment with it further, at least outside of Honor Mode.
submitted by Garresh to BG3Builds [link] [comments]
