How can a teacher make money online


2015.01.31 18:13 comunication HowMakeMoneyOnline


2018.05.17 15:32 CosmicBreadBox Tutorials, News, and Networking

You know that people make millions online, but you aren't sure how to they do it? Browse the many tips and tricks that successful web entrepreneurs have proven time and time again to be winners. Feel free to network and do what you need to build your online empire!

2013.07.30 00:31 Work Online

A place to talk about making an income online. This includes random jobs, online employers, sites that pay you and ways to monetize websites. These are sites and strategies that will yield the user minimum wage or better and allow them to provide for themselves.

2024.05.16 06:29 ridemygravybus I never really cared but now I do and I’m 30+

Okay so it goes like this,
In elementary, this guy was obsessed with me, ohh Ethan.
In middle school, I was apart of the cool kids and felt confident. Mid 6th grade year, I was moved to a school with no diversity. I was called a cow and treated horribly after confessing my liking for someone. I kinda just shut down after that.
In high school, this one guy would “talk to me” online but once we met in person, he disappeared. This other guy called me “an African Queen”, lol.
College, I got so engrossed with my goals, time passed and I didn’t really PAY ATTENTION to my interactions with people if that makes sense. I would just be myself and live life
Adulthood, again, I would just be myself, didn’t pay attention but then things started to happen that I couldn’t explain and I started paying attention. For example, met this group of people, we had dinner but then when I saw them again in a public setting, literally ignored me, like I didn’t exist. What confirmed it? One dude apologized after. I took this course and the dudes were much more rough with me than other girls. I could never put my finger on it, I just felt “crazy”.
Now I’m in my 30s and something clicked, I’m ugly and not conventionally attractive and many people have treated me poorly because of it. With this explanation, I was able to put so many things together, this is why my friends would never post me when we hung out, I always thought it was weird but didn’t mind it. I had a close group of friends and they never invited to certain things…I just never “thought” about it. But now that I’m self actualized lol, i know what was going on.
What do I do? Usually when people get to this age, they are already aware of their shortcomings, this is a realization that hit me like a ton of bricks. I cry at least once a week because…It sucks and there is nothing I can do about it. I wish I knew sooner. This is me. How can I maturely grow from this? Like it really sucks and I’m sad I’m never put the pieces together sooner. And now it’s hard not to connect every single thing to this truth.
….has anyone had this happen? I wish I was still ignorant
submitted by ridemygravybus to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:22 healthquestin 3rd Year Mech -> Tron Worth It?

I’m entering 3A mech, and I’m debating transferring to tron next term. I have the average (90+) so that’s not a concern for me.
I haven’t looked too much into how much I’d need to redo, or how much I’d need to overload (I don’t expect it to be more than a term, I know people that went into tron in 2B and had to do like 3 more classes).
Where my unsurety lies is on if this will change my job prospect outlook
Currently I’ve done 3 coops revolved around manufacturing and I don’t enjoy it. The ideas of robotics, embedded systems, or a lot of roles mechatronics revolves around sounds really interesting to me. The mix of electrical obviously appeals to a lot of mech students, and is why some tend to transfer.
What I’m not sure about is whether changing programs would gear me much more towards these roles or not.
My experience and resume is just manufacturing so I’m not sure whether the transfer would open opportunities up like I expect it to.
I know I can do projects and stuff to support that, but say I purely do course work - does this change make a meaningful difference and gear me towards those roles? I’ve landed solid coops so far, but they just lean towards mechanical heavily.
Or am I already too deep, and have too much of a foundation in mech for that to be the case?
TLDR: Worried if I transfer that since my experience is so mech focused that I still won’t be able to land tron roles
submitted by healthquestin to uwaterloo [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:21 Sea_Button8246 What is Mandatory, if not, what can she do,?

My friend in ph high school was forced by her school to pay for TV that spoilt due to wear(long usage). The teacher said if they don't replace it, they can't graduate, although they did not spoil it. They also demand her group to make a nice booklet for their research paper, where the cost is close to 5.5k and the teammate did not split it. Furthermore she also need to paid 1k for graduation, and other event they also make them paid for celebrations. She did not ask me for money btw, hence likely not a made up story. In a separate incident, she lost her personal and expensive study material, after reporting to the school, the teacher said it was her fault although the teacher did not lock the classroom during their break.
submitted by Sea_Button8246 to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:20 Biaterbiaterbiater Title: AITA for refusing to contribute to my boss's retirement gift because he gave me a poor performance review?

Hi Charlotte,
Long-time fan. I'm hoping you can give me a final judgement on this work situation.
I work at a mid-sized company, and my boss, Mark, is retiring at the end of the month after 30 years with the company. Mark has always been a decent boss to most people, but we've had our issues. A few months ago, he gave me a poor performance review, which I believe was unfair and has affected my prospects for a promotion and a raise.
Recently, our office manager sent out an email asking everyone to contribute towards a retirement gift for Mark. The suggested amount is $100 per person because they want to get him something really nice, like a high-end watch. I understand that Mark has been with the company for a long time, but after the way he treated me, I don't feel comfortable contributing to this gift.
When I voiced my concerns, the office manager said I was being unprofessional and that this was about showing respect for Mark's years of service, not about personal grievances. Some of my coworkers have been supportive, but others have called me petty and immature. They've started a fund, and every time they collect money, they make a point of mentioning how generous everyone has been. It feels like they're trying to shame me into contributing.
I don’t want to seem cheap, but I also feel strongly about not rewarding someone who I believe has treated me unfairly. And besides, why should I be responsible for his retirement gift anyways? But my coworkers seem to all disagree. I admit he is very popular. AITA for refusing to contribute to my boss's retirement gift because he gave me a poor performance review?
submitted by Biaterbiaterbiater to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:19 WendyBold [Get] 1 Minute Master – The Holy Grail Forex Strategy – 7 Setups To Conquer The Kingdom Download

[Get] 1 Minute Master – The Holy Grail Forex Strategy – 7 Setups To Conquer The Kingdom Download
Bottom line: Get the step-by-step information that you need for the strategy and be up and trading by tomorrow.
No bullshit. No false promises. No flashy shit. Just real, war-tested information that’s crafted the best trading strategy you’ve ever seen. The truth is – there’s no way in hell you’re going to get rich over night or master trading over a weekend. Anything that’s really worth it is going to take time and dedication. Whatever you put in you’ll also get out. The issue is that up until now you’ve been putting a lot of effort into bullshit strategies. What have you gotten out? Bullshit results. It’s time to make your time and effort count for something. What I’ve put together here has helped a lot of people and it’s what I use on a daily and weekly basis.
I’m literally going to tell you what I do each day to profit consistently. There won’t be any guessing games or ‘what should I do next’ syndrome. Everything is here. And like I said – you can literally be looking for trading opportunities within a day or two.
I’ll show you STEP-BY-STEP How to fucking slay the market – predictably. I did it live for 3 months.
If you’re a tire kicker and unsure, move on. This isn’t right for you. BUT.. if you’re ready to FUCKING-GO – then let’s do this now.
submitted by WendyBold to u/WendyBold [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:16 midigxd Mice

I transferred to a new store a few months ago and they’ve had a mouse problem at least for as long as I’ve been there. I reached my breaking point today because I found mouse droppings behind and next to the ovens, as well as the POS. I feel sick thinking about it.
I was told to put on food prep gloves and wipe the areas down. After going home, I learned that that was in no way the proper way to handle it and that the droppings can make you sick. I see traps around the store, but they’re clearly not working. I would really love advice on how to proceed from here.
submitted by midigxd to starbucks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:16 juliagreenillo In case you get this giant packet from Citizens Alliance of Idaho

In case you get this giant packet from Citizens Alliance of Idaho
I got this 10 page essay from Matt Edwards of Citizens Alliance of Idaho. It's all about how Idaho has changed and what we can do to make it like it used to be (aka donate money to them).
The funny thing is, this is written by a guy that moved here from LA back in 2020. He's not even from here, or put in enough years to be having this discussion. He's one of the reasons Idaho is changing for the worst.
So in case you got this garbage in the mail too, just know it's from a carpetbagger.
Here's an article about him and his wife moving to North Idaho from LA.
submitted by juliagreenillo to Idaho [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:13 Dry_Possible_1792 Looking to connect with others

Over the last 3 years I’ve been pretty depressed daily. It started randomly one day and hasn’t went away since. It’s not situational. I have an amazing life, loving family, etc. one day I just woke up and all my emotions were gone, I became hopeless and started experiencing a ton of symptoms.
I’m 24 now. I’ve had pretty bad anxiety my whole life so prior to the depression I had been on medication for anxiety but came off of it about 6 months before this all started.
I’m not going to mention what I’m diagnosed with because I want unbiased responses. However, I haven’t been officially diagnosed with Bipolar 2 yet. My psychiatrist has her suspicions but doesn’t like diagnosing before 25 she says.
Anyways, everyday I go through a lot of different emotions for no reason. I’ll be sitting down and I’ll feel super down and depressed, overthinking, then 5 minutes later I’m hopeful and fine again, then I’ll be irritated all within a span of a very short time.
Also, everywhere I look, “hypomania” appears to be high moods etc and I NEVER have this. I’m always depressed or neutral pretty much; but never happy. However, every few days I go through these phases. I find a hobby so to speak, I obsess over it, I research it, I spend money on it, etc and this makes me feel happy!
Some days I have tons of energy and get so much done and other days I can barely get up in the morning because I’m so tired.. it just doesn’t make sense to me.
I’m on 3 different medications for the anxiety and depression and my anxiety is pretty much gone, but the depression just lingers.
I’m constantly trying to find ways to spend money I don’t have to feel better and out of sheer boredom. I don’t know I guess I’m just venting.
I’m hoping I get this figured out because it’s exhausting always trying to figure out what’s causing me to feel a certain way.
submitted by Dry_Possible_1792 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:13 iamradagon Anyone please help.

This is my first time on reddit and I honestly dont know where to go for this im 19 (m) recently just failed another semester of college, only have one friend (who’s from online), and still have no clue what to do with myself. I don’t really know how to start off.. I guess my relationship with my mom isnt perfect but its not great either single mom 4 kids lots of stress. I still get mouthed out for my weight and how Im the main cause of her stress and how I should help more around the house I thought helping with half the bills and basically giving her my money would help with seeing im not a waste of space. Shes said some harsh things to me the usual “youre lazy”,”i wish you would just run away and make my life easier”,”Why havent you killed yourself yet” yk the normal stuff but again shes just under alot of stress and the beating and threatening to beat my siblings as a punishment for me is probably because of the stress to. Right? I want to move out and figure things out on my own but the guilt of leaving my siblings behind kills me each time and knowing my moms gonna be back on the struggling track again just makes it worse for me. Im not gonna lie I am suicidal I honestly dont wanna live everyday I wake up, get dressed, head to work, sleep and repeat. I take depression medication for those thoughts to be tucked in but they get louder and louder and im just scared. Now with my friend she’s recently became friends again with a very toxic past friend who was very weird towards her and her boyfriend mainly her she would just plain up try and kiss her and just a bunch of other weird things and to sum it up im just scared of losing her scared of her being distant with me and just ghosting me forever.
submitted by iamradagon to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:09 NefariousnessPast760 High demand careers that are not saturated and will hire you with ZERO experience?

I am a 27F seeking a new career, all suggestions are highly appreciated. For reasons I do not wish to explain, I have literally zero job experience from my entire life. I can no longer afford to waste time or money, so I want to make sure I choose an option that will likely immediately hire me with nothing to put on my resume.
My guidelines are:
submitted by NefariousnessPast760 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:08 Ok_Door619 My dad passed so much sooner than expected and I'm struggling

Hi. You guys might remember that I posted in here not long ago looking for some advice about looking ahead at my dad's treatment and care.
To revisit, he was diagnosed with stage 4 squamous cell lung cancer, metastases virtually everywhere in his body except brain and spine. We found out at the end of March/maybe very beginning of April. They told him 4-6 months without treatment, up to 18 months with treatment. So.. what happened?
I flew out to be with him and got here on the 15th of April. I took over his full time care. He declined so fast. Tuesday the ​30th, we had an interview with a home based palliative care nurse and he recommended that we send my dad to the hospital. Dad had been getting more and more foggy mentally and having a lot of difficulties communicating, tremors, etc. I questioned this very much and was told throughout the two weeks that I was here that it was probably the pain medication and we alternated through a couple options for pain management up until Tuesday. When the nurse was asking him questions, my dad couldn't remember the date or his address. So we made the call to send him to the hospital because the nurse thought it was more than just the pain medication. He was a complete angel on earth, he stayed with me the entire time until after the EMTs left with my dad and he made sure I was okay.
The doctors found out my dad had hyper calcemia, high calcium levels, which can happen in cancer patients. He had every single symptoms. They tried to give him a bunch of fluids and he got a bit better on day 2. But day 3, Thursday, he was much worse. The physician said, in the kindest way possible, that he didn't think my dad would get better. He tried one more option for a diuretic to help get fluid flowing because dad was having very wet/rattling breathing by that point. It didn't work. I had to make the hardest decision of my entire life to switch my dad to comfort care. It was what he would've wanted and made clear he would've wanted in his advanced directive/polst/etc. He told me for my entire life that if he ever was incapacitated, he wouldn't want to be a vegetable or prolong his suffering, he'd want it to end. Over the past ~month since his diagnosis, he made it clear through his legal forms and telling me/his other family that he would not want to suffer longer for no reason. He was a DNR and he chose "limited intervention" for his preferences. So I did what he wanted, I didn't prolong his suffering since it didn't look like it would help. The doctors and nurses were the most incredible I could've asked for and they gave him a lot of pain medication and meds to help him relax and be comfortable. They were wonderful to me and brought m​e and my family food and water and were just there the whole way through. He passed around midnight Friday morning. He was peaceful and at rest.
I know that I was true to what he wanted. But I'm struggling so fucking much. My heart hurts beyond words. I don't know how to live the rest of my life without him. I'm mourning that he will never get to see my boyfriend and I get married, that he'll never be able to do a first look with me or walk me down the aisle, that he'll never see my boyfriend and I finish our advanced degrees or see my boyfriend's son graduate high school. I had dreams of getting to have an inlaw sweet at our future house to have him with us. Even after getting his diagnosis, I had thought we had so much more time. I feel so lost. What do I do now? How do I cope? I already got his ashes back because he wanted to be cremated, having a celebration of life this weekend. Waiting on death certificates to close out accounts and get things taken care of. I don't know what to do with myself. I felt like I was treading water before, barely staying afloat. Now I feel like I'm at the bottom in the silt, running out of air. It hurts so much. Please share any advice or even words of comfort. I'm trying to make sure I have a list of everything that needs to get done. Thank you. So sorry you're along for this journey too ❤️🫂
submitted by Ok_Door619 to CancerFamilySupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:08 SamuraiPanda3AMP The things I've seen/heard people make about interracial relationships really pisses me off.

Some short context: I'm a 19 year old black girl born and raised in the United States. Since I was raised and lived around predominantly black areas for all of my life, I'll be speaking from a mostly black perspective.
This is a long one, so get ready. Please correct me if I'm wrong about anything! If there are better places to post this in, please let me know! 🙏🏾
So, I've been wanting to talk about this for a long time, but I had no idea where to put this rant.
Even though I'm not mixed race, I still get pissed off at the things I've seen or heard people make about interracial relationships. Let me tell you why.
I really hate the stigma against interracial relationships, particularly ones that involve black people. The whole notion that people need to keep their races "pure", calling people "sell outs", "race traitors", etc. and all of the other terms make me feel sick. The fact that people still have tribalism, in group-out group ways of thinking pisses me off. That kind of mindset is giving stone-age Neanderthal caveman slug brain. Yes, the history of how black people were treated by white people in the US back then was absolutely despicable. However, people are acting like we're still living in those time periods. It’s 2024, not 1853 or something. In more recent years/times, there are people who are trying to push back against the stigmas. The things I've heard people say to justify being against interracial relationships honestly sounds a little bit like segregation to me. 😬
It seems like the most pushback against interracial relationships seems to be from white men and black men based on my observations. Going back to my previous point where I said about the tribalism mindset. The way how these guys think is that the women who date interracially are "one less woman for them to date, sleep with, and/or impregnate to have same race children". Disgusting, I know. 🤢 Women hold similar viewpoints, but I don’t think it's to the same extent as men. Also, because cis hetero white men are the most privileged group of people on the planet, when they date interracially, they're viewed as conquering and keeping their power. Whenever black men date interracially, they're also viewed as conquering (because they're men in a patriarchal society), but they're also viewed as wanting to keep marginalized women (black women) in a lower tier.
A few weeks ago, I was talking to my mom about interracial relationships and I told her that people who disapprove of them sound similar to segregation. My mom said that my logic is commendable, but she disapproves of interracial relationships and she supports segregation because it makes black people have things that can help us support ourselves without white people having any power over us. I see where she’s coming from, but there are flaws in her logic. We live in a white supremacy. If we want even an ounce of traction for ourselves, we don’t really have much of a choice but to do business with white people, since they’re the ones who created this system and forced everybody to live under it. Besides, it’s not like black people really had a choice but to make spaces for ourselves since white people were adamant on shutting us out, harassing us, and being racist. Nowadays, we can have both; spaces for black people that support black people and we can do that without the dehumanizing aspects of segregation.
If there is something that infringes on basic human rights, then I'm gonna have a problem with it and most likely not be willing to support it.
There’s more I can talk about, but I don’t want to make this post too long. (Or risk making myself seem unhinged... if I haven't already... 😭🏃🏾‍♀️)
Obviously, there’s always gonna be people who are bigoted, uneducated assholes. However, I believe there is just a shred of hope for humanity, judging by the amount of non-black people who were at the protests back in 2020 and the amount of people who support the Cease Fire. (The ones who are genuine about it.)
Let me know what your thoughts are.
submitted by SamuraiPanda3AMP to mixedrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:08 sharpiestories What's your AI chat prompt?Translation practice.

What are your AI chat Spanish practice prompts? I've seen some good ones out there for having a conversation. Lately I've been messing with ChatGBT / Gemini / Bing / Meta quizzing me on translating.
"You're a spanish teacher having a conversation with a student who is trying to learn Spanish in high school. Let's do an activity. This is how it goes: 1) give me a random high school level sentence, 10-15 words long, in English. 2) I will try to translate the sentence that you gave me 3) you tell me if my translation is correct or not and why. 4) topic: travel"
You can change topic to whatever. House, sports, news, dating, etc. I've found that giving it a a topic and changing the tops once in a while helps to keep it from getting stuck and using the same vocab over and over.
submitted by sharpiestories to learnspanish [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:08 BerthramSamuel The ANC has done its best, now it is time for the EFF to do the rest. (An opinion article, January 8th, 2024 by Berthram Beverly Samuel

 The ANC has done its best, now it is time for the EFF to do the rest. (An opinion article, January 8th, 2024 by Berthram Beverly Samuel
The ANC has done its best, now it is time for the EFF to do the rest. (An opinion article, January 8th, 2024 by Berthram Beverly Samuel
In my opinion the EFF and its Leader Commander in Chief and Member of Parliament the Honorable Julius Malema is the best political party and leader to manage and expand South Africa's economy at this time.
The ANC has done its best. It has served South Africa well in South Africa's transition out of apartheid and into an equal vote society, and they should be commended for doing that task and doing it well;
But in my opinion the ANC has shown that it simply does not have the necessary skills to move South Africa into a prosperous economic future for each and every South African.
That is not the skill of the ANC; the ANC was a transitional party very capable of creating South Africa's new democracy; now someone else with a different skill must take South Africa's economy and move it forward for all South Africans, and allow South Africa to have the world position that South Africa should hold economically.
The leader with the necessary skills, strength, and courage to move South Africa forward into economic prosperity for all, and unity in Africa; that lead is the Honorable Julius Malema and South Africa's EFF Party.
I don't agree with the Honorable Julius malema on everything he says; but I am convinced that amount everyone in this upcoming election seeking to lead South Africa, that the Honorable Julius Malema is the best choice.
South Africa can be one of the greatest economies in the world; yet today it can't provide adequate electricity for all of its citizens and its businesses. That is a leadership problem, and the international energy community probably is not taking the present leadership of South Africa seriously. The electricity problem in South Africa can be solved with a new skilled leader with the strength and the courage to make the right energy choices for South Africa.
Too many businesses are closing in South Africa; and too many of its citizens are unemployed. South Africa needs a second chance approach to help business owners, so that more jobs can be maintained and created.
If you Listen to the interviews and the speeches online of the late Honorable Nelson Mandela;
You may conclude that His Excellency the Honorable Nelson Mandela if he was alive today would probably vote for the EFF and the Honorable Julius Malema. To fulfill his hope of an equal economic South African society for all the people of South Africa.
Members of the DA, and the members of the ANC don't have to change parties to the EFF; You can just vote for the EFF on election day to select a new and prosperous South Africa economy for all South Africans. You can vote for the EFF even if you are a member of a different party.
God bless (An opinion article January 8th, 2024 by) Berthram Beverly Samuel Global Business Advisor; Global Biblical Economist;
Reddit: u/BerthramSamuel
submitted by BerthramSamuel to Global_Economics [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:07 molty_insides217 my experience

there was a homophobic middle aged white lady there rude as hell and masking it by saying stuff like "I'm just honest and if you don't like that that's your problem". She got on a tangent about homosexuality and how she still loves you if you are gay but she doesn't approve or believe in it in a really demeaning tone she said more than that but i don't remember as it has been a year since. why would she be stating her opinions on homosexuality in a mental hospital?? obviously me and a few other people reported what she was saying and the next day she came in she got mad at everyone and said whoever wrote that report i did nothing wrong i'm just being honest. I also had another weird experience with her when I got moved to a different wing. We were in a group watching cartoon movies (all movies had to be pg13 and lower) and you know having a good time and what not after the movie finished we had another cartoon movie in mind that we all wanted to watch we told her we wanted to watch the movie and she put on a totally different non-cartoon movie that none of us wanted to watch. when we expressed that we want to watch the cartoon movie she got all mad and raised her voice a little saying "I don't want to watch a cartoon movie ya'll already watched one what's wrong with this movie" and when we told her we had no interest in watching what she put on the tv we wanted to watch what we all already agreed on she got aggressive like "I have to sit here and watch this movie too ya'll already watched one I'm the staff what I say goes" like are you serious YOU HAVE UR PHONE UR ALWAYS ON??it's just irritating i hope she gets fired i can tell she causes so many problems with patients just based on that alone.
-This is my BIGGEST complaint which ended up in more mental distress and suffering when I kept having to get restrained my girlfriend knew and kept calling the front to check on me, make sure i'm okay, calm me down etc and the staff knows my girlfriend is the only person that gives me any type of relief away from the place i'm in and my mental. She kept calling and they were continuously hanging up on her not even telling me she was calling and when they did they made a joke out of it and I clearly needed to talk to her they ended up handing me the phone one time out of all the times she's done that. the only time that was good was when she kept calling and it was cool down time (everyone can go to their beds and chill) the nurse brought me a note that she told him to give to me and it helped a lot i tooked at that note like 24/7 when it wasn't call time wishing i could talk to her. They proceeded to tell my mother that my girlfriend is a "stalker" just bc she keeps calling so much. How fucked it that, she kept calling obviously because she was worried about me and knew what i was going through and knew I needed her voice and her words to calm me. I don't know what else was said to my mother about my girlfriend but my mom is already homophobic it's messed up that the staff said that out of line stuff when they don't even know her or the depth of our relationship. It caused real issues with me and my mom when i got out she called me and told me she was worried bc they told her she is a stalker i got soooo mad and explained that i was going through it and she was very worried and knew that she can calm me down and help me etc and she continued to look at my girlfriend as a stalker from then out. i really wish I could sue TrustPoint for this.
submitted by molty_insides217 to MentalHospitalChat [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:06 ToxicDream- Giving up on license ?

Debated killing myself tonight but had the same feeling I always do when I get close to ending it " you have to stay alive", " you have to stay alive your special compared to others", "no one else could take your place" I get this overwhelming feeling of I'm some sort of God some sort of person the world needs despite me not knowing what I'm " needed" for.
For years I've been working to get my liceanse. Wasn't able to before because of my abusive mom and other issues. I've been driving really well with my boss but today I drove with a co worke fake friend who believes in my mask.
He sees me as this super kind soft spoken gentle person he told me so i used him for his apartment a few months ago to get on my feet after fleeing my horrible living situation. but recently I've been letting my facade slip. Screaming. Being more angry.
Being more vulgar with my words and how I talk about other people around him. Kinda just like being me. Calling people fucking stupid. Saying people should get hit by cars etc. Just all the usual me unmasking stuff.
My co workers car is completely diffrent then anything I have ever driven before. And his gear shift is very strange when it comes to the lay out of the car , his gear shift was surprisingly very hard to understand and just really wonky.
It was a real struggle to tell what gear I was in. It didn't help that he told me to push it in the wrong direction i started driving and I was anxious about looking as perfect as i usually do to my co worker. Prior to today we had many conversations about my driving.
My boss told my co worker I was almost ready for my driving test and that was true. I was kicking ass at driving only needed to work on parallel parking. We'll today when pulling forward I ended up rear ending a car in my co workers car due to anxiety that i never feel unless im in a car especially driving with someone new I've never hit a car before.
I had shifted gears and jolted forward. He started panicking and so did I but I couldn't move gears at first cause he kept directing me to move it the wrong way. I started getting annoyed. And ticked off. Took a deep breath and back off of the car.
He sighed and all the sudden my hearing went fuzzy. My mind went numb and I could feel rage boil up inside me. Then it felt like I just shut down..i completely dissociated, in his now parked car I dissociate when I'm seen as anything but perfect. I then sat in his car staring off into space unable to see the world was real around me.
Like a bomb had gone off and my vision and hearing became wonky. I took a deep breath he asked if I was mentally okay enough to drive after I explained that I was pissed at myself for fucking up when I've been doing fine this entire time. He asked if I wanted to still drive I took a few more deep breaths. Collected myself and grounded myself a little. We then made our way to my house.
It was like I was in auto piolet mode unable to focus on anything but driving forward..that anger had built up and I used it to my advantage. I was seriously driving perfectly and he was praising me. Through deep breaths and internal self talk like " it's okay your still amazing" "it's okay he said it's fine it's okay he said it's fine". The ride was smooth..I kept saying to him " I don't think im gonna get my liceanse,
I'm doing good then I second guess myself then I fuck everything up, I should just give up". A big struggle or mine with driving is taking anyones advice.
This causes issues with teachers and instructors. I can't take criticism because I will treat you like your the worst sack of shit out there if you try to reason with me. I'm aware of that. I think im smarter then instructors even if I know somewhat that I'm not I feel like I am. Same with doctors etc. Ik of my faults atleast some of then.
After getting home I shut the door with a pissed off expression on my face most of the ride was occupied by my stone cold glare. I listened as he awkwardly made commentary on things around us. But I was to annoyed with myself to care. But I also soaked up his awkward uncomfortable rambling. It was nice. His discomfort in a way. His stuttering.
I was also to focused on "being"/ doing better..he told me the first half was rough but I just need more practice despite saying alot more practice privioisly which annoyed me further. I'm over practice I can do this stupid shit. I'm just fuckin stupid tired of instructors going on and on im tired of people correcting me on the stuff they don't even need to be tired of driving. I'm tried to talking to people.
I'm tired of being alone. I'm tired of wanting people around because of chronic boredom but not wanting to give the same shit back. It's lonely and a boring existence.
I just wanna die. But my mind won't let me it's like there's some proficy tied to me in my own fucked up head. I need help. I don't think im functioning anymore. I'm so tired. But if I fail to kill myself then I'm fucked or some sort of failed proficy. I can't get help from a therpist or other professional due to finances and insurance issues.
I've been trying so hard to get my license I've been staying at a job I hate with shitty people just to do it. But now I don't think I'll even be able to get it sitting through months of this shit and having to get an okay from my co worker sounds like he'll in all honesty. Especially because he makes fun of beginners in the work place and everywhere else in life I've noticed.
Before I was driving with my aunt who would shove her hands into my face and scream at me while driving even if the ride was smooth or down a simple clear street etc. I don't know what I'm gonna do if I don't get my license and I'm forced to keep on foot and by bus like I have been for so long in a city that triggers my ptsd everywhere I go because of the constant trauma I suffered here. Tonight ended in me walking around for hours at night. High off my ass. Pissed at myself it ended in me texting him angrily trying to repair my image with him despite him acting somewhat chill about it. Many sad faces. Many guilt invoking comments on my part followed by small spurts of Venting about my license. Engolfing his texts.
I just want my liceanse I've been working so hard and doing so well up until now. I let the mask slip way to much today.
There's so many benifits I could get from getting my license. I don't know what I'm doing anymore.
submitted by ToxicDream- to NPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:05 Commercial_Writing_6 New Insights on Thomas and Harry's Duality via Madeleine L'Engle

I'd just very, very recently recalled Madeleine L'Engles' first sequel to her novel "A Wrinkle in Time" called "A Wind in the Door." Namely, I remembered the Echthroi and Meg. Wiki pedia describes the Echthroi as follows: "The Echthroi are powerful, evil creatures whose desire is to X (i.e. extinguish, unname) creation. Author Calvin Miller writes that the Echthroi are "demonic spirits" that "are always stalking good, making the whole sick, the entire partial, the holy eroded by the contaminated."\3]) The Echthroi reappear in A Swiftly Tilting Planet, trying to prevent Charles Wallace from reaching key moments in history in a bid to save the world from nuclear destruction." What they do is remove creatures from Creation by removing their names or something to that effect. Meg and a Nearly-Biblically-Accurate Angel named Progo can Name things, as described on wikipedia "Meg also learns that she is a Namer. Namers work in the universe to love and Name parts of Creation, and help them to be themselves. This is the exact opposite of what Echthroi do in their Xing or unNaming.
The premise of Naming and counting is inspired by passages in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke which say that God has numbered every hair on our heads and that God is aware of every sparrow that falls." As an example, the character Progo knows the Names of every star in Creation, and emphasizes that they have Names as being more important than to how many there actually are.
I also bring this up because L'Engle's work is heavily Judeo-Christian themed, like C. S. Lewis, but nowhere near as heavy handed.
submitted by Commercial_Writing_6 to dresdenfiles [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:02 InevitableAide8625 how do I ask someone to hang out without looking desperate?

I literally can't stop thinking about him after we hung out but we only hung out yesterday and I don’t wanna seem desperate.
okay so basically he promposed to me and it was super cute, he bought be roses and everything, and then i was like oh do you need a ride home and we was like sure and basically i put his address in and he's like "you just wanna go home?" and im like well we can do whatever in like a flirty way so then we got boba and we chatted at boba for like thirty mins and nothing was awkward at all it was just so perfect omggggg and then we went to my car and just talked for another like thirty mins and we were so close to each other and just playing around it was sooo great.
Even when we reached his house we literally stayed outside for like an hour just talking and UGHHHH IT WAS SO GOOD and he was like "would you like to do this again sometime" AND I WAS LIKE YES???? MY HEART WAS BEATING SOOOO FAST GUYS DJUDIXKSJDJD. As he’s about to leave he’s like “did i forget anything?” And I was like “idk did you” hoping that HE WOULD MAKE A MOVE OR SOMETHING but then I broke eye contact UGHFHFHFHJD MY HEART WAS PUMPING OUT MY CHESTTTT BRO and he even played THE SMITHS FOR ME??? AND HE PAID FOR BOBA??? Might be crushing really really bad rn…
but like what do I do nowwwww like I wanna hang out with him alreadyyyyy BUT IDK HOW TO BRING IT UPPPP I keep like posting shit on my notes on insta and like saying oh "I want (insert food item)" HOPING HED SLIDE UPPPPPP BUR HE ISNTTTT OMG HELPPPPPPP!!!
Should I just make a move myself or is it too early cause we only hung out yesterday so I don't want to seem desperate
submitted by InevitableAide8625 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:02 Regular_Influence_65 Newbie Gardyner in need of tips & advice!

Hi! I’m a little new to this. I was gifted two gardyn systems and some of the add on’s by my mom coworker after she couldn’t sell them online. I started the germination stage last Friday in the gardyn nursery. At the time neither system was set up, so I set them on my counter over night and that morning set them on my back porch to get some sunlight. By Saturday afternoon one of the systems was set up (it was then in that moment I realized one system was more than enough for me and shared the kindness with someone else who would use it😂) and I had set it to germination mode and the seeds have been sitting on the water tank in front of the lights. I followed all the directions for germination, but I haven’t noticed any activity in my nursery. I know time can vary but I wanted to use this as a good reason to ask you guys for any and all advice you have for using the system, germination, and everything in between! I have mild gardening experience (It’s my second year growing my own plants and experimenting with it, so still very new) but no hydroponics experience so anything you could give me tips on is very welcome!! And please feel free to let me know any mistakes I’ve made and how to do better! TIA!
submitted by Regular_Influence_65 to Gardyn [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:02 RT_Barbara It has been an honor and a privilege.

I’ve been reading everyone’s incredibly moving posts over the last 2 months, thanking Rooster Teeth for the years of entertainment and for helping them find joy and belonging. After reading all these stories of how Rooster Teeth has changed your lives, I wanted to share mine.
Today is incredibly surreal. My last day at RT was this past weekend, but today our website shuts down- 21 years of content, of memories - going to that farm to play with all the other old content sites. At times it feels like I’ve spent my whole life being entrenched in RT, and at others it feels like 21 years flashed by me in the blink of an eye.
December 12, 2011 was my very first day at Rooster Teeth - just over 7 years after I joined the community website in October of 2004. I remember getting ready to go into the office on that first day… what should I wear? Are people going to be happy that I’m there? Will I be accepted? Do I even deserve to be here? Am I going to fuck this all up?
Jury’s still out on a lot of those questions, but it’s safe to say I definitely fucked up - a lot. I’ve done and said many things that I greatly regret. But like all of you reading this, I am not the same person I was over a decade ago. 5 years ago. 1 year ago. Yesterday. I am proud to have grown up, and to have become who I am with the help of this community.
There were a lot of low points over my time at RT. It’s not easy to put yourself out there in front of millions of people. On the Internet. There were many days I wanted to leave; where it just became too much for me to handle. But my colleagues and friends always had my back, and so did a lot of you. I will never forget those of you who supported us through our highest highs and lowest lows. My time at RT wasn’t always easy, but you all made it worth every second of it.
Saying goodbye to Rooster Teeth is something I knew, realistically, was inevitable – something I knew I would have to do eventually. It’s truly heartbreaking to be here writing this, experiencing it, realizing I never truly prepared myself for it. I know a lot of you feel the same way, and I’m sorry. It’s a very unique kind of grief.
Despite it all, the one feeling I’m left with as these days get further behind us is overwhelming gratitude. Gratitude for getting to make you all laugh (or groan, depending on one’s enjoyment of puns); gratitude for the countless opportunities to learn new things, meet new people, and travel the world; and gratitude for getting to do this with the coolest fucking people on earth.
Today, closes its internet doors, leaving one final goodbye message. I am honored to have helped write that final message- I hope it stands as a reminder of the joy Rooster Teeth once brought you.
As we move into this next chapter of post-RT life, I hope you’ll still be looking out for what we all do next. We love what we do too much to let this stop us, and hope you’ll be there to support in whatever ways you can.
Good things come to an end, but what good is it if we don’t look back and see all the beauty and joy it brought us? If you take just one thing away from all of this, I hope it’s newfound gratitude for the good in your life, and recognizing it before it’s gone - because sometimes it might last 21 years, but feels like it’s gone in the blink of an eye.
Thank you for spending your years with us.
What a gift it was.
submitted by RT_Barbara to roosterteeth [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:02 Direct-Caterpillar77 my boss enlists me in hiding his multiple affairs from his wife

my boss enlists me in hiding his multiple affairs from his wife
Originally posted to Ask A Manager
TRIGGER WARNING: infidelity, abuse of authority
Original Post Jan 30, 2017
My boss is having multiple affairs. I am his assistant, so I know about all his visitors and his schedule. He is married, but he often has visits from two different women, and he outright told me to never tell his wife about them. When either of them visit, he locks his door and tells me he is not to be disturbed. This happens almost weekly.
He sometimes asks me to book local hotel rooms for an hour or an afternoon, and he sometimes buys jewelry and flowers for the two women he sees regularly. I know this because he sends me out to pick up the jewelry (which I later see them wearing) or asks me to have the flowers sent to them. He never does anything like this for his wife. One of the women just had a baby who is named after my boss and has his surname.
One time, his wife showed up for a surprise visit to take him out to lunch, and he directed me to lie that the woman who was in his office was there for a job interview. He also submits expenses from his business trips (where he has traveled alone) and I have to re-calculate everything because he has upgraded the company-provided hotel room to a better one on his personal credit card and bought breakfast for more than one person the next morning. When this happens, he tells me he had “company.” There was also an incident where he came to work panicked because he said he accidentally used his company credit card at a strip club. He sent me to retrieve it and pay his tab with cash, but the address he sent me to was actually a massage parlor.
Normally I honestly don’t care what people do in their own private lives, but I hate that I’m part of his lies to his wife. She is a nice person and she is dealing with a heart condition that just required surgery. I know they don’t have an open relationship because my boss lies to her and also directs me to lie to her about his actions. He says she can never know. I get sick whenever I think about what he is doing. I know a way I can out him to his wife anonymously. Do you think I should let her know, or is this none of my business and I need to stay out of it?
Update March 9, 2017
Two days after you published my letter, my boss was served with divorce papers here at work. His wife publicly outed his affairs, and she sent copies of emails and text messages sent between him and the two women he was having affairs with, as well as one of the escorts he was seeing regularly, to some people here at our office (including me), his relatives, and some of their friends. She also sent these to the two women and the escort, and some of their relatives and colleagues at work. The texts and emails prove that all three of them not only knew he was married but that he was seeing other women besides each one of them. They also include his acknowledgement he fathered a child outside of his marriage and evidence he used funds from the joint account and his wife’s pay to spend money on them, as well as for the random women he cheated with when he was out of town on business.
His wife has filed alienation of affection lawsuits against the two women and the escort he was cheating with regularly. All of three of them kept calling and coming to see him here at work to confront him after they were outed to people and served with the lawsuit papers, and I heard them talking (sometimes yelling) about it each time and him saying his wife moved out the day he was served with divorce papers and he has no way to contact except through her lawyer (hey have no children and apparently she has cut all contact).
I played dumb the entire time and no one, including his wife, has accused me of knowing anything or asked me if I did.
Before all of this happened, after reading your response and the responses in the comments, I decided to seriously start looking for another job. The same week my letter was published, there was an opening inside my company for a receptionist in a different division. The company usually posts jobs internally before they look externally, and since I’m classified as admin and the posting is for an administrative position, I didn’t have to apply and could just put in for a transfer.
They gave it to me, and I have been in my new job for two weeks now. I love it so far. I spend all day on the phone with people or talking with people who have come in to see or meet with my colleagues. The division has over 100 people, so while I have a screen where I can search for people by name and receive memos and things through email, I don’t have a computer that I am stuck staring at for hours a day. It’s definitely not for everyone but I love dealing with people all day and having no other responsibilities or a mountain of tasks or paperwork to do. My new colleagues have been welcoming and while everyone is talking about what is going on with my boss, no one has brought me into the drama and it only gets talked about around me the same as it would any other person. I don’t engage in any gossip and I certainly don’t talk about what I know, even though no one has asked.
I now have set hours, don’t ever have to work outside of those hours (no overtime or weekends or holidays) and no company cell phone. Since all my work involves dealing with people during working hours at work, I couldn’t do work at home even if I wanted to. Work is now separate from home, and overall I am much more relaxed because I have a clear line between working and not working and I don’t have to deal with my boss and his drama any more.
Thank you for your response to my question and to all the people who were supportive in the comments. I felt better knowing my feelings were valid and I wasn’t overreacting or wrong to be upset.
(Also there was some speculation in the comments about whether my boss could be engaging in some kind of embezzlement or falsifying because he had me separating expenses. There was nothing like that going on. The company has a policy where they will reimburse business expenses put on personal debit or credit cards. Non-work expenses are not allowed to be on company cards. So if the company paid for a hotel room when my boss traveled on business and he upgraded to a better room, the company would only reimburse or pay the original room price and he would have to pay for the rest of the upgrade. I would separate personal and work expenses before submitting them. This is in line with the company handbook and everyone always does it this way. There were no issues with him or me because of it. As for him using the company credit card at the massage parlor, they are legal where we are and since he had the charges reversed the same day and submitted proof of the reversal, the company never had an issue because he followed policy and hadn’t used the card for anything illegal.)
Final Update Oct 20, 2017
My former boss was fired. His wife outed a fourth woman for sleeping with him, same as the others. She works here. Having an affair with a subordinate and the multiple yelling matches with the other three women here at the office was enough to get him fired. The fourth woman was married (unlike the other three) and her husband filed for divorce after she was outed. She took job somewhere else but left amicably and was not fired like my former boss was. At least two of the women his wife was suing are settling with her to avoid it going to trial. The yelling matches he was having made it clear she wasn’t using the lawsuits as a bargaining chip and would not drop them in exchange for stuff from him.
Now that both he and the woman from here that he was having an affair with are gone, things have calmed down. No one has mentioned the affair in weeks and everything here is boring again. I don’t mind the lack of gossip and am still enjoying my new job and great colleagues. I got a small bonus at my yearly review because my boss was so happy with my work. I love my new colleagues and they have been nothing but welcoming to me.
(Also there was speculation in the comments in my first update about whether his wife outed the escort for her affair or being an escort. The answer is both. I don’t agree with her actions but I empathize with how much pain the affairs have caused her.)
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:01 Shybella_1114 Looking for a server to host your favorite game?

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submitted by Shybella_1114 to Bananaservers [link] [comments]