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2024.05.15 04:57 miirshroom Examining Tolkein: Gelmir, Faroth and Beyond

Examining Tolkein: Gelmir, Faroth and Beyond
It has been said that the Lord of the Rings is the origin of the high fantasy genre. I would consider Elden Ring to be something of a deconstruction of high fantasy tropes. A very instructive step of a deconstruction (or of duplicating results) is to look at a thing and examine the elements it is made of. The more general the better - the goal is to find the things that inspired the thing:
  • The setting is inspired by research into many real world mythologies and folk tales. And Tolkein's religious beliefs as a Catholic.
  • Tolkein invented full language systems that were used to add extra significance to the names of people and places
  • The personal history and psychology of the author had an undeniable influence on the themes of the story (when Tolkein writes about the devastation of war it is from a place of sincerity - because he lived it)
So, these are the ingredients of a successful fantasy story that also apply to Elden Ring - draws parallels to previous fantasy stories including mythology, use of bespoke words and naming schemes that are internally consistent as parallel to the real world, and incorporates psychologically-driven themes (in the case of Elden Ring I believe that it is less of the psychology of a person and more about drawing on the psychology of the gaming company FromSoftware...but that is beyond the point of this post).
And regarding the influence of Tolkein there are a few more explicit parallels to be drawn. Which for legal reasons regarding the rights to adapt Tolkein's Legendarium will likely never ever be confirmed by FromSoft. But as I see it getting references under the radar of the copyright lawyers is a time honoured tradition of deconstructive fantasy stories and parodies, so I will attempt to explain these connections as I see them, regardless. Also note that I am writing from the perspective of someone who has been familiar with the Lord of the Rings but never before looked at the extended mythology.
A linguistic connection is formed in the space between two main points that I am aware of: Gelmir of Nargothrond as the possible naming inspiration for Mt. Gelmir, and geographical region "Taur-en-faroth" containing part of the name used for Fort Faroth.


"J.R.R. Tolkien has become a sort of mountain, appearing in all subsequent fantasy in the way that Mt. Fuji appears so often in Japanese prints. Sometimes it's big and up close. Sometimes it's a shape on the horizon. Sometimes it's not there at all, which means that the artist either has made a deliberate decision against the mountain, which is interesting in itself, or is in fact standing on Mt. Fuji." - Terry Pratchett
First addressing Gelmir - literally the volcanic mountain is a reference to Tolkein. As clear of a declaration as possible that Elden Ring intends to stand on Mt. Fiji.
Gelmir in the "canon" version of the Legendarium was an elf of Nargothrond who was captured by the forces of Morgoth at the "Battle of Sudden Flame" which was the fourth great conflict in the War of the Jewels (the war over the 3 silmarils for which "the Silmarillion" is named). He was subsequently blinded and tortured for 17 years until his death - after having his limbs cut off to taunt his brother Gwindor into attacking recklessly - at the start of the fifth great conflict known as "The Battle of Unnumbered Tears". Gwindor himself was captured and held prisoner for an additional 17 years after this battle, before escaping at the expense of having a hand cut off and eventually dying in another battle of the war. He was in love with a golden-haired elf maiden named Finduilas (name meaning "hair of spring leaf") who he also called "Faelivrin" meaning "Gleam of the Sun on the Pools of Ivrin" ("Pools of Ivrin" being a location in the land called Beleriand). She was killed before the end of the war by being nailed to a tree with a spear.
For context, the sixth great conflict was called "The War of Wrath" and was the final one. Morgoth brought dragons to the battle to blast the battlefield with fire and lightning - which had never been done in any previous battle - and the outcomes were that Morgoth was beheaded and kicked through a portal into the void and the northwest corner of the map including almost all of Beleriand (an area equal to the size of the entire Middle Earth map at the time of the Lord of the Rings story!) sunk into the ocean.
There is a lot to work with here already - first being Gelmir's associations with flame and imprisonment and torture that are shared by both Tolkein's and Elden Ring's purposes. Blindness is noteworthy, considering how often this is a theme with Elden Ring characters and even partial blindness is enough to cause madness as indicated by the Prisoner Helmet. Taking a few lateral steps arrives at a golden haired maiden who shares the method of execution used for Marika. And her name meaning "gleam of the sun on the surface of the water" exactly describes the imagery seen in the Elden Ring item "Memory of Grace".
But there's still more to spin from this line! Because Finduilas had another lover named "Turin Turambar" who was a friend of Gwindor and whose family had been cursed by Morgoth. Turin owned a magic helm upon which was perched an image of the Golden Dragon Glaurung - similar to the style of helmet worn by Elden Ring's Banished Knights) - and which allowed him to survive dragon fire. Turin found on the grave of Finduilas a naked woman who he called "Na­niel" or "Maiden of Tears" - because she had lost her memory and was crying - and wed her with neither knowing that they were estranged brother and sister (this is based on the Finnish story of Kullervo, with which Tolkein was especially fascinated). This was revealed to them later to be a machination of Glaurung when Turin was in the midst of slaying the dragon, and subsequently both Turin and Naniel killed themselves. Before meeting his end, Turin also described himself in (probably) poetic terms as having blindness being the curse placed upon him by Morgoth, which is assumed by readers to be more a matter of tunnel vision or short sightedness rather than literal blinding. He is also apparently prophesied to return to life someday in the supplementary materials.
What this means exactly for Elden Ring is up to interpretation. A story could be spun by combining Gelmir, Gwindor, and maybe even Turin into a single character who are motivated by unrequited and/or incestuous love for Finduilas/Naniel also made into a single character - to fill in the empty spaces around the characters of Marika, Radagon, and Godfrey. Or there could be some other purpose for naming the mountain "Gelmir". There is room for more nuance here because there are the alternate Gelmir's to consider.
In one version, Gelmir was king of the gnomes, by which Tolkein was inspired by the Greek "gnome“" meaning "thought" or "intelligence". But this was dropped due to the cultural confusion with gnomes being wrinkly little creatures.
In another version Gelmir was the same character as Finwe, an elf who was born during the "Years of the Trees" that preceded the era called the "Years of the Sun". At this time, the light of the world was confined to the Lands of the Valinor (a pantheon of Creator types) in the west provided by the female golden tree named Laurelin in the south and the male silver tree Telperion in the north. Finwe's wife was a weaver named Mi­riel Therinde and his son Feanor was responsible for forging the Silmarils and jealously guarding them (And also he invented the 7 palanti­ri scrying stones + 1 master stone, and the Tengwar writing system). The grandson of Feanor and last of his line was Celebrimbor, meaning "silver fist". Celebrimbor forged the three rings for the elves (named for air, fire, and water) that were subject to the One Ring but never corrupted by it. So, it's possible that "Gelmir" is selected for being a deceptively niche character who was actually in another lifetime very closely connected to these core events of the history. The appearance of a character named "Miriel" is also interesting in the context of Elden Ring's Miriel, Pastor of Vows.
As a side note, something else of interest from this Tolkein deep dive was regarding the relationship between the silmarils and the world trees of the Valinor. The 3 Silmarils contained the remaining light of the two trees that were destroyed and had the sun and moon forged of their fruits by blacksmith Aule. When the trees were first made they were sung into existence by Yavanna and watered by the tears of Nienna (who was a teacher of the wizard Gandalf and in earlier versions of the Legendarium called "Queen of Shadow"). Nienna again wept healing tears upon the trees to grow the fruits when they were dying. Morgoth stole the Silmarils and set them into his Iron Crown, and upon his defeat the stones were pried out and the crown beaten into a collar for his neck (in the brief period of time before he was kicked into the void anyways). One Silmaril was thrown into the sky where it became the Evening Star. Another was cast into the sea. And the third was cast into a firey pit in the earth along with its possessor.
And as an addition, it is not farfetched that Morgott = Morgoth is an intended spiritual parallel. Considering that Morgoth was indirectly responsible for the blinding and killing of Gelmir (brother of Gwindor) in Tolkein's mythic history. And in Elden Ring this seems expressed in the Shattering War though Morgott pursuing Mt. Gelmir most fiercely. In a more broad sense, Morgoth was the identity taken by Melkor after he was released from the chains made to bind him by Aule, which is somewhat similar to Morgott/Margit using alternate names depending on the circumstance (and Margit's Shackle paralleling Melkor's binding chains).


"Faroth" is a Sindarin word meaning "hunters". The "Hills of the Hunters" (Taur-en-faroth) was a location in West Beleriand, the aforementioned western part of the continent that sunk into the ocean at the end of the War of the Jewels. In these hills was hidden the secret elven city of Nargothrond on the Narog River. The same from which Gelmir of Nargothrond is associated. The city began as a Dwarven Hall for the petty dwarfs (exiled and unsociable dwarfs smaller than typical dwarfs), was conquered and ruled by the House of Finarfin (a son of Finwe), and was sacked and turned to the lair of the dragon Glaurung some time after The Battle of Unnumbered Tears. And then fell into the ocean.
At this point there are too many names, which is why I sketched a family tree of all of all these elves that is attached to this post.
Some general trends:
  1. Of the 3 family lines the middle one has significance for being the one to produce the Numenor Kings of Men
  2. The family lines at the two sides have plot significance as discussed in the Gelmir section, but then their lineages die off.
  3. Typically continuity is maintained through the male lines, with sole exception of Idril in the 3rd generation removed from Finwe. The origins of the women spouses are typically left vague (with 3 exceptions near the root of the lineage: Indis has a famous uncle, Nerdanel has a significant blacksmith father, and Earwen's extended family has some substance to it)
If a writer wanted to do a legally distinct take on this mythology while borrowing from it for whatever reason, it would be easy to condense the feats and characterization of these 3 lineages into one truncated one. Maybe fuse Finduilas with Idril - two blonde ladies with minimal character - and also fuse together their lovers and you have a Marika + Godfrey. The narratively satisfying thing about Finduilas being associated to Gwindor (who may as well be made the same character as Gelmir) is that it creates a closed loop for the whole lineage when GwindoGelmir is substituted for Finwe, which is a very attractive proposition for a story like Elden Ring where time is a wheel and return to the origin point is a principle of the Golden Order.
Also this region calls attention to the significance of the river Ringil. That word comes up as: 1) a mountain river through Taur-en-Faroth that is tributary to the Narog river, 2) a sword held by Fingolfin (another son of Finwe), and 3) as the primordial tower - sometimes made of ice - upon which sat the south lamp Ormal (an orb containing the gold light of the world in the First Age that would later pass to the gold tree Laurelin in the Second Age). In an earlier version of the writings. The blacksmith Aule created the lamps at the request of Yavanna, who was herself responsible for the growth of fruits and trees. The end of the "Days before Days" (which preceeded the "Years of the Trees") occurred with the breaking of the lamps by Melkor, after a period of time where he had poisoned the land and caused the things made by Yavanna to rot.
I will note that the early timeline was a bit difficult to follow. I gather that there are spans of time lit only by the stars between the destructions of these various sun/moon light sources, a period of time with Yavanna singing all living life to sleep due to the lack of light. The First Age is also called "The Awakening" but it appears that much of the war between Morgoth and the elves began prior to the beginning of the First Age. There is an aside in which Aule was also responsible for creating the "Seven Fathers of the Dwarves", but he made them too early and they had to go to sleep so that the elves of Iluvatar could be the first sentient mortal life. I found interesting this additional context for the lamps:
"In the middle of Arda, where the light of the lamps mingled, amid the Great Lake lay the Isle of Almaren, where the Valar dwelt." - The One Wiki to Rule them All
"In J.R.R. Tolkien's older writings (not used in the published version of The Silmarillion), the Valar sought peace with Melkor, asking his assistance with fixing the lamps upon Arda. Melkor, still envious and hateful of the rest of the Valar, agreed to give them a strong, sturdy substance. He gave Aule ice. Melkor permitted the Valar to do as they wished until the fateful day when the Lamps' light and heat finally melted the ice. The pillars crashed upon Arda, flooding it with water and darkness." - The One Wiki to Rule them All
I suppose that if I have a point here it is that Radagon's Sore Seal talisman is found at Fort Faroth, which through the winding etymology of words is tied to Mt. Gelmir. Perhaps the blind Radagon was a hunter on a fruitless quest seeking the lost light of the Golden Sun that stood on the ice pillar of Ringil from the days before days - guided by the distant memory of the reflection of it's light on the water. Perhaps there is other meaning to be found. I acknowledge that after a certain point any interpretation found through these linguistics should be cross-referenced with everything that can be learned from all other sources of information in the game.

The Rings of Power

The big brazen choice - in my opinion - was to name the big metaphysical artefact "the Elden Ring"...and then draw actual direct parallel to the Rings of Power. Not the 3 rings granted to the Elf Kings under the sky - I've yet to identify how or if those are expressed in game. Not the 9 rings granted to Kings of Men either - those are seemingly represented in the 9 Night's Cavalry (and possibly the 9 weapon talismans that each feature a ring at the top of the head) . What I find most relevant here are the 7 Great Runes matching "seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone".
The first critical part of that phrase is the reference to "stone", for I find that the shattering of Marika's Hammer equates to the shattering of the wisdom of stone. But the second point of note is that the dwarf lords of Tolkein received their own curse from holding their rings of power - obsession with gold. A similar obsession is seen in Elden Ring where all of the demigods are corrupted by their great runes and covet the grace of gold.
The arrangement of the Elden Ring also has some synergy with the arrangement of its runes - 6 of the 7 dwarf lords pair nicely through the even numbers. The Seventh Dwarf Lord was the chief among them "Durin the Deathless", who was reincarnated 7 times by being reborn as one of his own descendants. His clan also was generally known to absorb members from all other clans due to his central importance. The first Durin (one of the 7 original fathers of dwarves) built the underground city of Khazad-dum that would later be called Moria after a creature of shadow and flame that may-or-may-not have wings (a Balrog of Morgoth) was uncovered in its depths by Durin VI. Durin III was the one to receive the Ring of Power from Celebrimbor, and Durin IV was contemporary to the first rise and defeat of Sauron. Durin VII is appears to be from the timeframe of the Lord of the Rings and second defeat of Sauron, though he did not participate and seems to be known instead for reclaiming Khazad-dum from the orcs.

Why Examine Tolkein?

So what's the point of the elaborate Tolkein parallel? There may be 7 ring-shaped great runes, but there is also clearly one ring that rules them all - the Elden Ring. Examining Tolkein is one of several avenues of analysis reaching the conclusion that the ring is a dangerous object that corrupts everyone who touches it and must be destroyed. Of the six endings the only one that understands this is Ranni's Age of Stars. And in the Lord of Frenzy Flame ending the Tarnished succumbs to the power of the ring with head becoming a ring of flame matching the firey beacon on top of the Frenzy Flaming Tower - itself visually recalling a depiction of the Eye of Sauron atop the tower of Barad-dur as seen in the 2000's Lord of the Rings trilogy adaptation.
And even more, there's one ring bearer in particular who provides another piece to the puzzle of Radagon and Marika's dual identities. The dissociative identity of Gollum and Smeagol can completely describe the relationship between Marika and Radagon. Two thoughts in one body. With this lens I think that Radagon/Marika were likely not separate entities at the time of their Shattering and may have never had a separate existence. They can appear to hold conversations with each other through reflective surfaces, such as a very shatter-able mirror.
It is quite possible that another Great Rune (or more) will make an appearance in the DLC. If this does happen, I'll re-evaluate Ring of Power theory based on the nature of the added rune.
One last note which, again, is oblique enough for plausible deniability. The end of Patches questline would have the Tarnished deliver the Dancer's Castanets to Tanith, inside the volcano. If you know anything about castanets, they are typically made of hard materials such as wood or ivory (or plastic) and carved into a pear shape. Not so for the Dancer's Castanets. From a visual examination these are made of metal cast in a circular shape and with a ring shaped engraving filled with filigree. A metal ring-shaped object delivered to a volcano, echoing the One Ring delivered to Mt. Doom in the Lord of the Rings.
submitted by miirshroom to EldenRingLoreTalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:55 Euphoric-Dingo6369 I have never seen a more edifying redemption arc than Trisha Paytas’.

I’ve watched her for years and years, and always been a fan. And looking back at the title of this rant, redemption arc might not be the best way to phrase it. But she has grown literally so much as a person and it gives me so much hope. I recognize the flaws that she has as a human, and I see them in myself. And I think that is maybe why it’s so edifying and hopeful to see her now, living her life to the fullest—a life full of love, creativity, family, luxury, doing the things she loves, working hard, and being herself. Seeing how someone who is so endearingly imperfect live a happy and fulfilled life gives all of us other imperfect people a little bit of hope.
submitted by Euphoric-Dingo6369 to trishapaytas [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:34 Tr1111on What handheld power tools should be improved for better wildfire management?

Howdy, I’m an industrial design student currently working on developing a new form of power tool from the ground up. What power tools that you would normally use that are a pain in the ass to handle? Whether it’s having to hold it a funny way or it doesn’t fit your hand well, I would like to know!
On top of this, would there be a market for a modular, portable machine with a toolhead that could be swapped in minutes for another critical part to be complete? I was thinking of something along the lines of a trenchechainsaw combination.
And if anyone who happens to be a hotshot would be available for an online interview for deeper insight I’d love to get in contact with you!
Some examples of questions asked would be:
What is the most time consuming activity in your job? What part is the most labor intensive/fatigues the full crew? What large tools usually mounted on vehicles would be incredibly useful if you could shrink them down and have them be held in your hand? (Think trencher, wood chipper, etc) What comes to mind with this phrase, “oh, if this one thing was changed on this tool, it would be perfect”?
Looking forward to hearing from y’all!
submitted by Tr1111on to Wildfire [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:51 glass_popsicle A little creative help please?

Hey creative minds of Reddit, I could use some help for Father's Day. Some of y'all are a lot better with words than I am and I thought maybe someone could help me. Ok so Father's Day is coming up, and I have an idea but can't quite put it all together. My dad loves coffee. He also loves family, God, and baseball caps. I wanna get a brown baseball cap and embroider coffee beans all over it, and some sort of phrase. Something to the effect of "Love and coffee, the stronger the better" but obviously that sounds weird. Any ideas? Thank you in advance!!
submitted by glass_popsicle to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:49 glass_popsicle I could use some creative help!

Hey creative minds of Reddit, I could use some help for Father's Day. Some of y'all are a lot better with words than I am and I thought maybe someone could help me. Ok so Father's Day is coming up, and I have an idea but can't quite put it all together. My dad loves coffee. He also loves family, God, and baseball caps. I wanna get a brown baseball cap and embroider coffee beans all over it, and some sort of phrase. Something to the effect of "Love and coffee, the stronger the better" but obviously that sounds weird. Any ideas? Thank you in advance!!
submitted by glass_popsicle to words [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:46 Ghostwolfking [Big bang theory] Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory Is The Epitome of Bad Asexual Representation. Sheldon should have stayed single

The writers from the Big Bang Theory infantilized Sheldon for not wanting sex and then shoehorned him into a relationship, reinforcing negative stereotypes in the process.
Whenever asexual representation is brought up in media, one of the first names brought up every time is Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory. I'm asexual, and I personally hated Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory.
I personally hated Sheldon because of how the Big Bang Theory made Sheldon's lack of interest in sex the comic relief, portraying Sheldon as some Peter Pan who's stuck in Neverland.
So often, aces like me are infantilized and treated pejoratively for being asexual. This is because the world sees having sex and being sexual as a rite of passage to adulthood. This is the origin of the phrase a guy "Became a Man" after a guy loses his virginity.
I've been treated like a little kid because I am still a virgin myself. Am I saying I'm perfectly mature? Not at all. However, I'm not going to say that's because I'm not married, considering many people who have sex are also immature.
The Big Bang Theory then goes on to force Sheldon into a relationship with Amy, through forced capitulation by his friends. The show essentially erased Sheldon's asexuality & aromanticism just to make a storyline.
The Big Bang Theory could have kept Sheldon single and asexual, but they didn't. The show mentioned on multiple occasions that they wanted to put Sheldon in a relationship, because there'd be no plot or intrigue in their eyes if he wasn't.
This video below talks about how Chuck Lorre initially wanted Sheldon to be asexual, but the writers of the show decided to pigeonhole Sheldon into a relationship with Amy. The video also mentions that while it would have been interesting to have Sheldon remain asexual and single, they preferred Sheldon with Amy because their relationship gives Sheldon “a sense of growth”.
This essentially says to aromantic & asexual people that our lives are not interesting or intriguing because we don't care for romance or sex.
That statement above also says that aromantic and asexual people simply are infantine human beings, and that they just need the “right person” to “ripen them”.
It again reinforces the idea that sex and romance are what makes you an adult, and those who do not have sex for whatever reason just haven’t reached full maturity yet.
This stigmatization is amatonormativity in action.
Amatonormativity is a term coined by Dr. Elizabeth Brake at Rice University. Brake defined amatonormativity as:
"The belief that marriage and companionate romantic love have special value leads to overlooking the value of other caring relationships."
I wrote about a Supreme Court case in Sweden a year ago for @WeAreQueerAF detailing a case of two partners in an asexual marriage winning their rights as a married couple.
The couple had lived together for years before one person died., After going to court to prove legitimacy of their relationship, Sweden’s Supreme Court made an important ruling in favour of the surviving partner.
The crucial thing, the court emphasised, is that the relationship should be characterised by a close community in personal terms that occurs between married people.
Sweden's ruling was an important ruling to break down compulsory sexuality and amatonormativity, opening the door for aces to be ourselves and to love in our individual style.
So often, aromantic & asexual people are told that we aren't "complete" without a partner, that we are somehow dysfunctional maladroits for not being in a relationship. This eliminates people (like me) who desire to be without a relationship and enjoy being single.
Amatonormativity and its privileges can also pressure people to enter and remain in exclusive, sexual two-partner relationships – even when such relationships are not what that individual needs.
Sheldon was happy and contented being free of any romantic relationships, and yet the Big Bang Theory chose to shoehorn Sheldon into a relationship just for ratings.
Listening to the video I highlighted in my first post, you actually hear the video creators say that bringing Amy in to the show helped give Sheldon's character arc a "sense of growth". This is again amatonormativity, saying aces are not whole without a mate.
This is why I hated the Big Bang Theory as a show, and why Sheldon is a perfect case as to the need for better asexual representation in television.
Society in general needs better asexual & aromantic representation in television, so it can get past the idea that every pot needs a lid, which reinforces harmful stereotypes that prevent everyone from finding the relationships they wish to have in life.
Edit: Leonard, Howard and Raj are the main characters were interested in girl. Sheldon was far more interested in science and his life work then finding love. it would have been nice to see a character that was more interested in their career than finding love. Which is true, even people who are not an asexual, just sometimes prefer being single. I have no idea why the writers for Sheldon into a relationship. He truly had no interest or want of any kind to find love. If anything Raj should have been the one to get into relationship.
submitted by Ghostwolfking to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:17 twisted_platypus I feel like a spinning top starting to wobble over.

My wife and I have been married for almost ten years and we have three kids together (8m, 6f and 5f). Since April last year my wife has experienced severe pain, nausea and cramps that has gotten steadily worse as time passed. At the moment she’s effectively bedridden for more than 12 hours a day and when she’s able to be up she can’t do much more than sit. She can’t walk more than halfway around the block before she’s in agony and can’t go further. She was recently diagnosed with PCOS, adenomyosis and endometriosis and will get a hysterectomy around the end of June, along with a colonoscopy and endoscopy in a couple of weeks.
I do all the meal prep, pet care, cooking, washing and cleaning for the five of us. I manage our kids full time on the weekends. On weekdays I start at 630 when the kids wake up and I get them dressed, eating, make school lunches with them, check their bags to make sure they have everything. I wake my wife up at 730 just before I leave for work and I’m there from 830-430. The moment I get home my wife goes to our room to rest while I make sure the kids’ bags and lunchboxes are packed up, make the house tidy, do the rest of their homework with them and cook dinner for them. After that I handle their bathroom routine, get them dressed and if there’s time read a bedtime story. Once they’re in bed I prep dinner for my wife and I and once it’s ready wake her up so we can eat together. After dinner I tidy things away and we talk or watch TV and try to relax. If chores and other jobs need to be done (bins, recycling, dishes, folding etc) I do those while she rests. After that we wash up and are usually in bed by 11 or so.
I chose to take this routine on, because I love my family and right now my wife physically can’t no matter how much she wants to help. I know things will be different after she recovers from surgery, but that won’t be until at least August and if surgery doesn’t get all the endometriosis there’ll be followup surgeries after that. The last week we haven’t been able to touch her without her twitching in pain and every night I’ve stared at the ceiling unable to sleep while she whimpers, knowing I can’t comfort her at all without making her suffering worse. I know it’s only an emotional reaction, but I feel rejected when I try and hold her while I’m asleep and wake up to her nearly screaming and pushing me away. Our intimate life is incredibly spotty and on the rare days where she’s not too bad we try and be together but even then I feel like I need to reassure her that she’s still loved and desired, it’s primarily to emotionally support her.
I don’t rest, or have time to socialise or exercise. The brief moments I have to play games are quickly losing all enjoyment for me. I’ve struggled with depression in the past and I worry that I’m going to end up back in that hole. I don’t know what to do.
submitted by twisted_platypus to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:14 Simple-Lion2971 I hate my autistic littler brother

Im at my wits end, I don’t even know how my mother can handle. My rant is going to be all over the place, I’m sorry for that. I have an autistic little brother, he isn’t non verbal but he talks using simple 2-4 worded phrases. I love him, but it’s frustrating being around him. He always hits and kicks my mom, there are times where I just want to beat his ass for hurting my mom. My dad dosent do anything to help, we are a very traditional household where the men work and the women take care of the house. My brother gets everything he wants, zero consequences. He’s watching YouTube on the living room tv right now as I’m typing this after hitting my mom because the dog barked when I arrived home. I got yelled at causing the dog to bark, but no consequences on his end for his extreme behavior. I want to send my brother to home. My parents are old and when times comes my brother will have to be in my care. Personally I don’t want to care of my brother if this will be the future I have to deal with. This past weekend I want on a trip with my friends, my brother immediately kicked my legs and threw punches my way. All because I went on a trip without him. I’m tired, I just want to take my car, drive somewhere and jump off.
submitted by Simple-Lion2971 to GetOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:12 ByMyDecree Reviewing and Ranking Every Battle: James Bond vs. Austin Powers

Tier List:
Good gravy, these visuals. This is the most visual flair they've ever had in a battle up until this point. More on the particulars later. Unfortunately the music is comparatively pretty weak and unmemorable, with the notable exception of the track that plays during Austin Powers' bits.
So, Daniel Craig Bond's first verse. "[insert Bond villains here] were not as crooked and rotten as your teeth are." that's a decent burn, but man, I always feel bad for Austin Powers when Bond says this. Powers looks genuinely hurt, quit bullying Powers, Craig Bond! "I'll go balls to the Walther on this wack twat in an ascot; Blast shots atcha like gas from the back slot of a fat Scot!" Intellectually I acknowledge that there is some somewhat clever wordplay going on here, but I can't say I particularly care for these lines. The "I'm licensed to kill; you couldn't get a learner's permit!" is an alright diss I guess. The lines comparing their filmography and tying in You Only Live Twice into the diss... I dunno, something feels so rote and lifeless about this burn. It's competent, but it's not doing much for me. The best part of this verse is easily the "B on D/beyond me" diss, fun wordsmithing there. The closer is competent, reference to Golden Gun, sure, that's fine, but I ain't writing home about it. I'll go into more detail about this towards the end, but I'm not a fan of this verse, I think Craig Bond as a rapper is a fairly bland character and that the background visuals are having to compensate hard for his lifelessness.
Austin Powers opens his verse by acknowledging that he has been catfished by Craig Bond, which I think is a ton of fun. The visual of Austin Powers splitting into rainbow versions of himself as his track with the horns starts blaring is just fantastic. "Basil Exposition told me this would be boring; but Jesus, man, even my mojo's snoring!" This isn't a particularly clever line or a powerful diss, mostly seems like an excuse to drop a couple references, but I'm in full agreement with Austin Powers here. Craig Bond's performance was boring. Austin Powers proceeds to mock Craig Bond for his hairless body, contrasting it with his own glorious chest bush. I love how much confidence Austin has in his sexiness despite not being the least bit conventionally attractive. I also love this set with Austin, his buddy, and these women all rocking out. The computer-generated visuals of Craig Bond's backgrounds are impressive, sure, but actually having this wacky set made for the battle really elevates it to a new level in terms of presentation. And all these close-ups of Austin's eyes, mouth, and ass getting slapped... much more flair than their usual fare. Austin Powers threatens to hypnotize Craig Bond with a strip tease and I just... look, I'm not saying these are great lines, on paper Austin does not have the strongest disses, but this verse is just so FUN. The dancing and choreography with Austin's visuals are top-notch, love him slapping his ass on the spinning bed. "You're defenseless, my rhymes can't be deflected, you're like all the sex I've ever had: unprotected!" is genuinely hilarious. "People want a hero with a little personality; no one wants to sit through your gritty reality" is definitely encapsulating the vibe I feel on the question of James Bond vs. Austin Powers. Powers then goes in for a nice blow with the line about them making Thunderball twice. "I'm one of a kind, you're always getting remade" goes hard, even harder nowadays than it did back when this was made. "You can't touch me, double oh behave" is a cute reference, but it's not anything more than that, same tier of verse closer as Craig Bond's.
Then we have the misfortune of returning to Craig Bond's gritty reality. "I can't believe I'm wasting my time with this clown, I should... be on an island with a fucking model by now" is really weak. It feels ad-libbed. You're not too cool for this rap battle Craig Bond, you're actually not nearly cool enough. Craig throws in a reference to the penis pumping joke from Austin Powers, we get a little failed interjection from Powers, and that's fun. Craig Bond does get a strong blow in with "but I'm the original model that your frilly ass mimics"; a powerful argument that you can't take away from Craig Bond.
Until Sean Bond comes in and takes that away from Craig Bond with a cheeky "I wouldn't exactly call you original". Good stuff. The BDSM joke is whatever. "Your performance doesn't stir me and I'm certainly not shaken" is an amusing reference to his famous quote, maybe a little obvious and corny, but what really helps sell it is the way it segueways into "if I wanted shitty acting in my action film, I'd go and watch Taken". Fun! "I don't need a Q to break your balls" is some good wordplay. I remember watching this with my family years ago, and my father groaned at Bond's closing Gold Bond joke and said "That's terrible." and... yeah, I kind of have to agree. It's a good jab and the wordplay isn't without its wit, but there's something so goddamned cheesy about it. Can't help but roll my eyes when he smugly looks at the camera and says 'Gold Bond'. It's the phrasing and line delivery, I think. This joke might have landed better if they refrained from trying to tie it into that famous quote.
Austin Powers makes a valiant effort to get back in the battle, but gets bitch slapped for his troubles.
There's something so... for lack of a better term... beta about the way Craig Bond comes in and touches Sean Bond's arm to get his attention. "The world has had quite enough rug-wearing misogynists" is accurate, albeit not the most clever.
Austin Powers shows Craig Bond up by carrying that line of argumentation further with an amusing bit about Sean Bond being a rapist. I love how uncomfortable Austin Powers seems.
"If they made a mini-me they'd have to cast Peter Dinklage"... that's so lame, guys. Come on.
"Or maybe they should cast a Bond who's actually English" winds up seeming like way stronger of a burn than it is for the fact that Sean Bond takes so much offense to it he feels the need to slap Craig Bond hard for it. Austin's awed reaction in the background is quite funny.
"Why, Pussy, aren't you the cunning linguist?" Har har har.
I like the way Craig Bond takes Sean Bond's wordplay and uses it to mount a counteroffensive, he delivers a couple real solid lines here.
Sean Bond's closer is pretty unremarkable. I guess I could charitably consider it to be of the same caliber as the closers for Craig Bond's and Powers' first verse closers, a cute little reference but nothing more. Austin Powers continues to be the best part of the battle as he rises up into the frame, enamored with his opponents.
Alright, so... I think Craig Bond gives one of the dullest and most unmemorable performances in ERB history. For one thing, his face is just not very expressive here; it's like he constantly has one facial expression. Even when his face is contorting a bit to try and express anger he still looks the same. I don't know to what extent that's just the actor's physical appearance, or if it's a deliberate choice as part of the Craig Bond persona, or what, but watching him perform feels like watching a flat line. It doesn't help that he just looks like some guy. Austin Powers and Sean Bond have very distinct and flashy appearances, but with Craig Bond it looks like they just brought in some random guy off the street and gave him a suit. Maybe that's accurate to Daniel Craig's Bond, but it's a problem for this rap battle regardless. This guy is so nondescript he's regularly getting upstaged by his backgrounds. Another issue I have with this battle is that it clearly does not respect the existence of Austin Powers as a rapper. I could be misremembering, but I believe I've heard that the creators said they didn't like the idea of a parody rapping against the character they're based on, and that this one ultimately got made because they could turn it into a Bond v. Bond battle. Personally I think the idea of having a parody go up against the original is vastly more interesting of a matchup and that Bond v. Bond is the thing that isn't really worth doing. I'd rather this have just been a battle between Austin Powers on one side with two verses and one or both of the Bonds on the other. I also want to say that this is one of the best and most un-NicePeter performances Peter has ever given; I had to go on the wiki and double-check to make sure Peter actually played him. I think Peter has an issue with a lot of his characters sounding same-y, but this sounds nothing like him. It doesn't look like him either; it's not just that the costuming is great, the dancing and mannerisms are real different from Peter's usual stuff. Just look at that pose he strikes on the right at 1:13. So good. One of Peter's best characters.
Anyhoo... I'd put this battle in B Tier, below Ghostbusters vs. Mythbusters but above Robocop vs. Terminator. The Craig and Sean Bonds have their moments, but their parts greatly pale in comparison to Austin Powers... but even then, Austin Powers' verse isn't that great, it's more supremely entertaining than expertly written. It shapes out to being a solid battle that still leaves a lot to be desired.
I don't care what anyone thinks, I'm saying Austin Powers>Sean Bond>Craig Bond. Austin Powers is the entire reason I revisit this battle.
submitted by ByMyDecree to ERB [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:09 karnlng Summer Abroad Internship Experience

For those of yall who are still curious and want to apply or have already applied to this program, I’d love to share my experience with how it went! For context, I attended the Business & Communications Summer Abroad Internship to Tokyo, Japan last year 2023. Feel free to ask me any questions regarding the internship, Japan, tips, etc… and I hope this helps!
Getting the internship (Pre-departure) To start off, I was very scared when I didn’t hear back about whether or not I had a secured internship. Maria from ICC reached out sometime in March and April for an info meeting about my preferences. Communication was definitely very slow but I imagine that ICC was pretty busy with so many students. They were finally able to get back to me sometime in late May to say that I have an internship. The experience varied for each person in the program, some got their interviews early enough, while others desperately waited until June before the program started to have it confirmed. We were all assigned to different companies which were smaller in size and were typically startups. Around 2-4 people were assigned to the same company so definitely reach out to your peers! A couple of people also found out that their internship would be done remotely or hybrid, which is both good and bad, depending on how you would like your experience.
Housing situation: ICC also arranged our housing arrangements. They didn’t get back until either late May or June (I forgot but it was super late) where we would be placed. We were all placed in sharehouses, so you would be living in your own room (thank god) and with fellow interns. There were multiple sharehouses that we were assigned to, but it was a great way to meet people and make new friends to tour around Japan with. Rooms were super tiny with barely enough space, but at least we all had our own mini fridge and AC. The sharehouse itself was also super small unfortunately, but there was a kitchen, enough bathrooms, and laundry machines. There were too different programs that went to Tokyo, Japan during this time (Business & Communications, Computer Science & Engineering) but we were all mixed together. I was in a sharehouse with a bunch of CS people even though I’m in the Business program. Also, be warned that you need to separate your trash on trash day or they won’t even take it!
First week (Language classes): Classes were around 2 hours long each day for a week and were held at a fancy building in Shibuya. It was useful for people who didn’t know any Japanese to learn basic key phrases, but I personally didn’t find it useful as someone who has already learned a good amount. There were also Japanese college students that helped out with the class which was nice. I went to the first class, and then skipped the rest (so pretty much optional), so I can’t give much info about the contents of the class. But, since the classes were short, we all made plans to explore Tokyo after the classes. I highly recommend booking any whole day activities such as Disneyland on this week because you won’t be able to do that once you start the internship. Make good use of this time to explore Japan because the weather in mid-June is like perfect!! I can give more recommendations for places to explore if anyone wants.
The internship: This is different for most people, but my internship was held in-person every weekday from 9-5 which was kind of grueling because I wished I had more time to explore during the day. Those who had remote internships were able to work in cute cafes which made me jealous lol. But while my office was super nice (in a high rise building in Shibuya), there wasn’t much work I had to do, cause supervision was lenient. So I spent a lot of time just doing nothing, but honestly that’s my fault for not putting my all into the internship. At first it was fine, but when you are stuck in an office for 8 hours a day, it gets super irritating. And on top of that the commute was so annoying - I always had to wake up early to rush to the train and commute is ~1 hour for me ahhh. At some point, you start living off the convenience store meals too, because you gotta save money lol. What sucked was that after the day, you are either so exhausted that you just go back home to rest, or walk around and explore the city on your own or with friends. But that also tires you out hella.
The planned trips: ICC took us to a good amount of fun places. It may be different for each group, but we had a trip to Fujikyu Highland (an amusement park) which was crazy fun and some people even decided to stay the night there to climb Mount Fuji! We had a trip around Asakusa where they took us to a restaurant for lunch and then took a ferry from there to Odaiba. We also had a trip to Mother Farm (I didn’t go for reasons I forget) but it was basically a zoo and yes there were capybaras. They also hosted a talk somewhere in Shinjuku with Domino’s pizza and charcuterie. And at the end of our internship, there was a BBQ night. The trips were optional, but you need to tell ICC beforehand. Plus, you paid for it, so why not go?
The assignments: Assignments weren’t too difficult. You mostly had to write a few paragraphs about your experiences and also respond to discussions. I think a few of us turned in our assignments late cause we forget, but you gotta do those annoying essays sigh.
My thoughts: I definitely tried to make use of all my time in Japan. The people in my sharehouse were super nice, we all got along so often went out together to restaurants, clubs, etc. Definitely made the experience so much more fun because of that. Also I recommend booking your flight to leave a few days after the program ends to fully enjoy more of Japan before you head back. It was a pretty expensive program (~$10,000 for the program alone), and if you consider the flight ticket, meals, shopping, and any other fun expenses, its definitely A LOT. You WILL lose a lot of money on this trip, so save up for it if possible. Hope this helps, and seriously ask me anything, I'd love to share more!!
submitted by karnlng to UCDavis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:06 Purple_Tuxedo The Epic of Clyde: The Nuh-Uh King [VERY LONG]

I wasn't entirely sure where to chronicle the wonderous tale of Clyde, because this spans multiple websites including reddit. Not enough drama localized here for it to be subredditdrama , and not enough on the Discord for it to be considered discordhorrorstories, and not enough TTRPG for rpghorrorstories.
Mods, feel free to direct me to the proper place if this isn't it. Anyway, on with the disaster.
Our tale begins on a subreddit in a semi-niche community of the RP side of Reddit, which I won't name because of Rule 9. It's a medieval-themed board where you can post memes if you want, but is mainly known for it's "encounter posts" and long, long chains of IC conversations between the regulars of the sub. I myself love the place, my Doctor Who OC (isn't relevant to the tale so I'll keep info on that brief) is one such regular, having decided to become that planet's Doctor stand-in. Long irrelevant story. Check my comment history, I'm all over that sub. Any references to that character are just to provide examples for how things work there.

Some background to understand the landscape:

Character creation is pretty lax there. One doesn't necessarily have to be a knight, (such as my character for example) but most people choose to be. It's gotten some controversies in the past concerning technology limitations to some extent, mainly asking folks to flavor things fantasy-style, such as my character being viewed as an eccentric artificer who lives in a box of miracles. A phrase I see commonly for when people ask questions about this is something like this:
"You can have an F-22 Raptor, but it cannot be an F-22 Raptor. Perhaps a Da-Vinci style flying machine propelled by magic to have comparable speed instead?"
Stuff like that. The community doesn't want to stifle creativity, but also don't want people to ruin the DnD-style universe with technology far outstripping the era (hence why my character must be secretive about his Tardis; Meta-perspective it's to avoid violating the tech rule more than it already does by nature). There's also a no-NSFW/ERP rule (unless its in DMs), which will come into play later.
Due to rulings like this, it has the obvious problem of how to settle things like duels, or how various people groups see each other IC. This caused a mutual agreement over on the discord to have the combatants agree on the terms of the duel beforehand, either in DMs or OOC somewhere. Stuff like, HP per character, highest D20 wins/best of 3, or first to Nat 20. Alternatively, self-hosted Encounter Posts can have their own rules, which must be outlined in the comment section by OP. Here's an example stat block from one such encounter:

Now, where does Clyde come into play?

Once upon a time, there was a user I'll call Clyde. Clyde is effectively the most anime character of all anime characters I've ever seen in my time in that community. To put it bluntly, he refuses to lose. I don't mean like he's very determined or super good at the combat, or a clever RP-er. I mean, his characters (of which the Tupperbox list on the Discord is FULL of, which will come up later), have miscellaneous excuses as to why they can literally never lose any engagement. Not one. Hence the nickname, "The Nuh-Uh King"
Here's a word for word excerpt from the Bio of one of his characters. Keep in mind, he's no troll. I've talked to him in VC before. This is completely, unironically, serious.
She was also born with several vampiric abilities yet none of the weaknesses.
I have plenty of more snippets just like this if not worse, including one that I couldn't relocate to post here that in summary said "can cast Wish as a Cantrip" (Clyde typically prefers to use DnD for organization of his very overpowered moveset.) or claiming to be level 50, despite DnD maxing at 20.
Note: Clyde insists on DnD-puritanism in his interactions, only to immediately violate his own rules.
By far the most cursed of his lineup is the Golden Half-Dragon. This character supposedly can predict the opponent's moves before they make them. Most Encounter Hosts try to make him roll for this, but he insists it's an innate ability that doesn't have to be rolled, and he has "+30 on every roll" (despite the Encounters not typically allowing modifiers) so he cannot fail anyway. Additionally, there is no Saving Throw for the opponent. Using the same justification, you cannot circumvent it. It's always a Critical hit, and he flaunts this totally fair ability to one-shot anyone and anything, including Lovecraftian Elder Gods (We have a Warlock or two who have dark pacts with Outer Beings)
Clyde seems to have no concept of fun for people other than himself. There's been several incidents of him joining other people's threads, of course one-shotting their instance of the Encounter and declaring himself the winner. People often just ignore him, but sometimes people will try to argue with him about it, and he gets very defensive and picks a fight with the person who won't just let him steamroll their combat. Not to mention, the hypocrisy can be smelled a MILE away.
Here's another lovely message in one such argument. TLDR-ed because there was a bunch of anime exposition that I'm not gonna make you read.
"I snap my fingers and the entire army falls dead, (TW: Violence) their heads severed from their bodies in a fraction of an instant with my blade."
The person protests about ruining the fun (Encounter involved liberating an occupied village by stealth or counter-raiding or assassination of the General, a boss. It was open ended, but they asked for creativity in the post. You were allowed to challenge the army, but you couldn't John Wick them, the Host asked that a Tactical victory be done through soldiers of the Commenter's own). They argued that it was overpowered to do that alone and not very fun to host. Posts a hypothetical of what if someone with the same unimaginably powerful level of a character was able to take down his character in one hit and received this as a response:
"If I ever meet a character that strong I won't consider them canon nor interact with them. My characters are too powerful and they can't lose so it wouldn't happen anyway."
Once more, this was without /s, this was without a hint of irony. I've seen trolls do something similar before, but no one has gone to a practically cartoonish level with it. Everyone is pretty tired of it, and he's been warned by the Mods of both the Subreddit and the Discord multiple times, which brings us to Part 3:

Clyde Joins the Discord

Oh, boy. THIS is a story. So the Discord has several separate sections, places where people can interact OOC and talk about games or other interests outside of Text RP. They also have threads for IC stuff if, say, your character wanted to rent a room at the local Tavern, or conduct business at the marketplace, or visit a shop run by someone else.
The moment he discovered that a Discord existed, the Tupperbox creation channel was absolutely flooded with his characters, and ALL of them are almost impressively overpowered in some form or fashion. I won't go into detail, but it's a long list.
Pretty quickly, a nasty habit of "ghost-pinging" or @ ing someone repeatedly and then deleting the messages developed. One of his warnings was due to this habit, and to his credit it happens less often now, but if you don't respond for more than a minute after he continues, the spam begins until you return. Now, I understand sending a reminder to be sure they remember the interaction/figure out if they're ghosting, but this is insane.
The other warning so far was his rampant violation of the No-ERP rule. I'm friends with one of the mods on the Discord, and they showed me a thread of him writing a lengthy scene between two of his Tuppers in the public channels, after being told he couldn't. I've seen a lot worse, but it wasn't pleasant to read over regardless.
This adventure is still ongoing, I'll be sure to post more Clyde Stories if you liked this one. Why he hasn't been banned from both yet, I have no idea, but it makes for amazing tales.
submitted by Purple_Tuxedo to BadRPerStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:48 CanIBeRessedAsADog Weapon Build Catch Phrases

I love learning more and more with the community about different fun builds and honestly I feel most of us are stumbling across them.
Axe Gang Gang, If it's not in the floor block some more. NOT MY IDEA BUT I LOVE IT.
If anyone has any other god runs with other weapons I'd love to hear the catch phrases.
submitted by CanIBeRessedAsADog to Hades2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:26 General-Blueberry978 Experiences with psychiatrist v psychologist v counsellor?

For a different issue (infertility), and in my first session that was just meant to be an informal chat, I just had the best conversation with a counsellor. It was terrible because I’m still bawling but great because I felt so seen and understood.
I’ve never had that with my psychologists or psychiatrists, she just was so reassuring and lovely and practical. And observant - little comments and phrases I used that she picked up on and came back to and asked me about.
I guess I’m wondering if she’s just wonderful or if counselling is different too and more what I need generally? Has anyone had any experiences?
submitted by General-Blueberry978 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:33 WhiteDevil-Klab Everyone loves there child! Or some form of that

I tend to not get mad about internet things easily because well it's the internet and I whole heatedly think most people are miserable because they care to much about stuff in general but that phrase coming from an abusive home puts the rage of the Gods into me.
Honestly maybe it's unfair because I don't have a kid or because I feel incapable of loving anything sometimes but assuming everyone loves or will love there child the moment they become a parent makes me irrationally mad.
I probably don't have much right to feel that way being a teenager without kids but I've been put through some unforgivable things from my own parents and its something I really can't fathom someome thinking sometimes.
submitted by WhiteDevil-Klab to PetPeeves [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:25 neralla Hydronephrosis stage IV

Hi all! Just found this sub and I’m looking for people who might have some experience or have been through something similar.
Got diagnosed with Hydronephrosis stage IV with urethral stenosis about a month ago. I’m translating the diagnosis from Spanish so I’m hoping the phrasing is correct. Had an ultrasound, a CT with contrast, the works. I’ve been told it’s a birth defect and it’s something I’ve lived with all my life and it just hasn’t popped up until now. I’m about to turn 28, in case it’s relevant.
I am now waiting for my kidney scan to determine the function of the affected kidney and then we will see if we proceed with the corrective laparoscopic surgery or just straight up removing the kidney. Honestly I’m feeling quite anxious about the whole thing, mostly because I have never been under the knife but also because the possibility of living with just one kidney simply scares me.
I would really appreciate if someone who has been through something similar could share their experience since I really don’t know what to expect.
Thank you and much love!
submitted by neralla to kidneydisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:16 CelluloidGhost Thinking man's horror movies? Looking for recommendations.

Ok I couldn't come up with a less pretentious way to phrase that (and I love plenty of normie horror movies) but you know the vibe; Possession, Dead Ringers, Let the Right One In, Spoorloos, stuff like that.
submitted by CelluloidGhost to RSPfilmclub [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:51 Ur_Anemone How Language Influences Your Choices in Online Dating

How Language Influences Your Choices in Online Dating
When a dating app allowed users to mute specific words, phrases and emojis, singles quickly curated their lists. How did a few overused phrases become an “ick” for so many?
Being “fluent in sarcasm,” a love of tacos, an uncontroversial opinion followed by the words “change my mind.” These are a few well-trodden tropes of the online dating world, and there may be a linguistic explanation for why they don’t work on you.
The popular dating app Hinge added a new feature called Hidden Words this month. It allows users to hide the profiles of matches who use certain words, phrases or emojis in their messages.
Online singles were quick to express their eagerness to take advantage of a “mute” button for specific language that turned them off. “I wish I could mute the phrase ‘pineapple belongs on pizza,’” said Mitchell Allen, a 31-year-old in Toronto who uses Hinge and Bumble, and lamented a lack of meaningful connections on the apps. Mr. Allen said he would also mute any phrases relating to love languages and Myers-Briggs typology: “I don’t believe anyone who speaks like that lives in a universe of reality.”
Liking pineapple on pizza is innocent enough — but expressing it, according to much of the online dating world, is intolerable. And those using such clichés may not realize that they’ve consigned themselves to semantic purgatory…
Even if spelling errors and grammar aren’t holistic indicators of a person’s dateability, the best online connections are often forged by finding those who communicate through screens the same way you do.
This is often called “typographical tone of voice,” a phrase coined by Gretchen McCulloch, a popular internet linguist, to describe how online writing has come to contain the same social nuance as face-to-face interactions. It may follow, then, that glib statements such as “no drama” and “since apparently it matters” convey far more than those writing them realize — including an inability to read the (virtual) room.
“A lot of these cliché phrases, a lot of people take them to imply something else,” said Erika Ettin, an online dating coach in New York City.
“‘No drama,’ for example, might be a euphemism for ‘Don’t bring up your issues to me because I don’t want to hear about them.’”*
Having spent years swiping for her clients, Ms. Ettin said she wasn’t surprised to hear that daters could get the ick from an idiom.
“I mean, I could go on all day about the cliché phrases that everyone is sick of,” she said, listing off a series of generalizations of abundant variety — including “I like to go out” and “I like to stay in” — and the bizarrely pervasive love of tacos. “Like, OK, tacos are fine, but gee whiz.”
Adele Goldberg, a professor of linguistics and psychology at Princeton University, suggested that associating a simple phrase and the negative conversations that often follow it might eventually make the two synonymous in daters’ minds...
Ms. Ettin was skeptical that certain words could be divorced from their double-entendres on dating apps and was confident in banning a word like “oral” from exchanges. “I don’t think anyone’s talking about an oral report in the first message,” she said. “‘How was your oral report on Woodrow Wilson?’ I don’t think so.”
Reached for comment, a Hinge representative emphasized that Hidden Words was primarily a safety feature and a means of “giving people the agency to create personal boundaries around the types of interactions they want to have.”
But in a swipe-addled era that has increasingly led hopeful romantics to burn out, app users’ boundaries may be a barrier to interaction itself…
submitted by Ur_Anemone to afterAWDTSG [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:15 vornska (probably a longshot) Looking for specific recording recs for Schubert's E-flat Piano Trio

So I'm currently pretty interested in Schubert's E-flat trio (D. 929), and one of the things that strikes me about its first movement is the contrast between its exposition and development. The development, while it does some wild stuff harmonically, is constructed in very regular 4-bar groups, with occasional 2-bar extensions. This leads to a very consistent alternation of strong and weak downbeats. The exposition, by contrast, is super complicated hypermetrically: lots of conflict between piano and strings, displacement of motives, phrase elisions, 5-bar hypermeasures, and so on.
My feeling is that Schubert plants the seed for this right at the beginning of the movement. The initial 4-bar statement is easy to hear as a 4-bar hypermeasure with a strong first downbeat, and ultimately I think this interpretation wins out by the end of the movement. But I don't think it's the only relevant interpretation of the initial material.
In particular, I think there's good reason to play the downbeats of mm. 1 and 4 as strong beats, which requires treating the downbeat of m. 3 as weak.
Unfortunately, I can't find any recordings of the piece that play it that way. Most recordings are like the one by Trio Wanderer I linked above: the A-flat on the downbeat of m. 3 is played with a decisive accent, and the E-flat downbeat of m. 4 feels very much like a follow-through from the impulse of the previous bar. I'd like to find a recording that does the opposite: somebody who tries to make m. 3 feel as much like an anacrusis to m. 4 as possible.
The closest I've found so far is this performance by Trio Cleonice. Here, at first m. 3 sounds like a strong beat, but they perform m. 4 even louder, inviting us to reinterpret m. 3 as weak. This is pretty good, but I'd love to find a performance that tries even harder not to stress m. 3!
I know this is a long shot, but does anybody know of a recording that interprets the piece this way?
submitted by vornska to classicalmusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:02 e_hawthorne Emilie Autumn Did It Better: Mental Health Edition

Okay this is not specifically Taylor AND Travis, but I feel this sub would get where I am coming from.
Now I am not one to ever compare one individual's mental health conditions that may be with another person. Everyone has their own struggles and challenges they go through, even if the severity differs. However, in this situation, I would like to put my two cents in on a subject many of us already have started to discuss: Taylor's usage of mental illness, mental institutions, and just overall angst she has been harbouring since TTPD's announcement to present times. As others have pointed out before me, it has never been confirmed if Taylor has any medical condition or has any mental disorder. She did confirm back in 2019 though I believe, she has never gone to therapy as she sees her mom as the only therapist she ever could need (if it has changed since then, please let me know). To be honest, yes, it's not our place to know if she doesn't want to share, about anything involving herself, especially like mental health, as it's a personal subject for many, whether famous or not. Also I truly think therapy while super helpful for some, may not be the right for others in contrast. It genuinely depends on each individual on what they need and what works best for them. Alas, whatever we want to call Taylor is doing for the TTPD era with the usage and imagery of mental illness, personally I'm not only over it but disgusted by it.
For starters, we are led to think all this imagery and wordplay and overall presentation of mental illness and mental institutions and lobonomies etc are solely due to her broken heart over a former love (popular suggestion says it's for Matty Healy but some think it's still Joe and some think it's for other people completely or even other situations). We're left with solely her songs and her choices in words both in songs and in real life, to theorize what they could be alluding to. I have seen many Gaylors suggest these are influenced by the LGBTQIA+ was and have been treated in mainstream society. How, homosexuality was even listed an actual illness not so long ago unfortunately.
But for the sake of calling a spade a spade and being simplistic, I am just going to follow the popular belief that this era is just her choice of showing her reaction and feelings towards some ex-lover and feeling scorned by them, most likely it's Matty. Or least the grand majority of the songs seem to lean in his not so favour. That being said (and as someone who has been there with Taylor since Debut), she could have honestly chose a better direction. Mental illness isn't a joke to make people laugh at parties. It isn't a trend or the latest accessory to buy at the mall. It's not something you can just shake off and pretend it's done by the next album. It's real and it's really affects your every day life. Just as mental institutions are no joke. They're not fun playgrounds to meet potential besties at. It's literally a place that originally people were sent to against their will. Even in present times, some people are still sent to them against their will. Yes, some go now voluntarily, but it isn't always the case. I understand being heartbroken and something like ghosting can make one feel emotionally vulnerable and hurt on a multitude of levels. I just wouldn't justify making chronic word usage of "asylums", "madhouses", phrases like "they sent me away" or referencing coming straight from the hospital if she just meant it "symbolically". I get she could have easily meant Hollywood and stardom especially like she has experienced, is a crazy experience to endure, but in that case, it seems like her previous analogies of a circus works better without offending potential parties or people with actual experiences with mental institutions and/or mental illness. It reminds me of how several people say something like "I always wash my hands, I'm OCD" or "War time flashbacks, I got PTSD from *names a very underwhelming situation that disturb a person slightly*", It's careless and callous wording all around. The fact we have even seen some of Taylor's so-called fans start to make their own medical bracelets to play up this theme is disturbing in my opinion. Again mental illness isn't some necklace to show off like a diamond studded piece.
I'm not saying Taylor couldn't have felt maddened in a way by her experiences that inspired TTPD thus how she chose to display this era and such. In my own personal experience without going too much into it, I had my own ghosting experience a few years back that wasn't fun in any way, and it was with someone, who reassured me for months on end that they were going to stay and we'd always be in each other's lives so obviously my trust and faith were both shaken when I noticed one night, I got blocked from all their social media and they didn't answer any call or text I left. However, I didn't go around not only acting like a tortured Victorian woman, who was imprisoned against her own will in a sanitarium but marketing myself as one and even trying to trademark a term I clearly didn't create. Granted say Taylor hypothetically went through a whole bunch of worst case scenarios: loved ones dying, friends leaving her when she needed them the most, people she care for getting sick, potential bankruptcy, etc then fuck, I get her reason behind using all this theme and the imagery as well. But I am going to take the benefit of the doubt and say she really chose a serious topic and things associated with it, just because something went awry again with her and some person she dated unfortunately. And what makes it even more vulgar in my opinion is it's not even like her first break up. It's much more than her first rodeo at this game yet she chose to display all of her feelings for it this time in perhaps, one of the worst ways. She is being insensitive to the ones who actually have been in mental institutions, whether by choice or not, and/or are suffering from mental illness. Again maybe she has something too, maybe not but regardless, she seems tone-deaf to the bigger picture here, similar to her using soldier terminology despite never been at war or even in service.
Many musicians have used this imagery before as we've established but it doesn't make it any more right. Several artists in comparison have been public with their mental health situations and don't even choose to use this type of imagery for themselves. They'll mention it time from time, but it's definitely not treated like a personality trait from them. It's just an aspect of them but not the whole picture. The fact she's even referring to herself as "The Chairman of The Tortured Poets Department" sounds like the combination of one of the most pretentious and woe is me crock I have ever heard. We don't see Morrissey calling himself, "The Pope of Mope" (yes, the fans do but he doesn't) and I doubt we'd see Robert Smith call himself, "The King of Sad". Yet Taylor who has had what seemed like a well off childhood and many good things happen to her and never seemed to brand herself as anything less than cheery adjectives for more over a decade, it just sounds so off-putting now she's trying to play the tragic role like it's natural or genuine.
I find it important to note, one particular musician named Emilie Autumn, has been inspired by the Victorian era for her whole career and real life "tortured" writers , along with incorporating the whole asylum analogy long before Taylor, but in sheer contrast, it was documented she actually went to a psych ward in a book she published in 2009. In the book itself, she discusses what it was in both a fictional way and factual way of what she went through as well showcasing how women were treated there in present times compared with the 1800s hasn't changed that much. She wanted to write the book to empower women though and to rise above the turmoil and be stronger because of it. She was no victim here (nor trying to just use it "alt points"). She has since (and even before the book) been very open about her experiences with mental illness (she's openly bipolar and the abuse she's endured over the years, as well her songs show she's not afraid to tackle the harder subjects) and what's it really like to be in a psych ward. I feel Emilie Autumn accomplished making mental illness a subject we can understand and even relate to, without it feeling gimmicky or a cash grab until she comes up with another aesthetic. Again I'm not saying Taylor's life story has been nothing but peaches and cream though, I recognize it hasn't been. And again she isn't expected to tell us her entire medical history and every blemish she ever had, but I don't support nor think her going around at her concerts with her dancers dressed as nurses and doctors and her using mental institutions as settings when she has been so mum on the subject of mental health, whether hers or in general, is a good look especially if she's just doing it to songs about how a guy stopped pursuing her and they weren't even together for that long. It comes off disrespectful and even condescending to the ones, who really have mental conditions and we can't just shake it off with a dance number. I'm sorry she got hurt (whether she still is or was is debated), but it doesn't give her a free pass to use something as heavy as this as just an aesthetic and equally turning a blind eye when some of her fans think it's just a lighthearted thing too. I will never get over how so many are now using asylums so loosely, like "OMG this album makes me crazy, send me to an asylum next". That's fucked up to say the least. Ultimately, I just hope this phase changes fast, and hopefully, Taylor can heal from whatever she is or isn't singing about, and more people step in when an idea is just isn't a good one.
submitted by e_hawthorne to travisandtaylor [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:39 thongofthyme [M4F] Send me a starter!

If your usual reply to a roleplaying prompt is a comment reading, "hey, let's RP," this post isn't for you.
If your wheelhouse of responses is a one-line remark that expresses interest, but not why, or, better yet, some plot threads of your own that you'd like to chase, this post isn't for you.
If you're all about stories told from a first-person perspective, written in single-sentence bursts, this post isn't for you.
If you prioritize "getting to the next good part" instead of trying to make every part the next good part, this post isn't for you.
I hope each of you do find the exact-right storytelling partner to build the narratives you most enjoy! And I'm sorry for coming across (most likely, against my better phrasings) as an elitist roleplaying snob worthy of a post on the Bad RPer Stories subreddit. I'm sure you're all fantastic folks! It's just that, y'know, this one isn't for you.
If you're still left reading this and haven't rolled your eyes too much at my incidental airs of pretension, welcome! I'm a mid-twenties writer looking for partners in storytelling who revel in and relish the joys of advanced-literate-to-novella back-and-forths. The crackle and shimmer of lead characters with chemistry and charm. The well-rounded shine of a collaborative setting populated by enchanting side characters. The poetry of clever dialogue, the deft touch for detail and description, the breeziness of a lighthearted story, well-told, burnished by emotional stakes.
The always-exhilarating sense of anticipation for the next installment of the story, and the enthusiasm for responding in kind.
I'm not coming into this post with any pre-conceived prompt ideas or plots, which is where you come in! I'd love if you'd just send me a starter. The best, most entertaining one you can dream up.
And I promise, guaranteed, I'll knock your socks off with a response.
(If you're reading this, include the phrase "I see London, I see France" somewhere in your opener!)
All I ask is for a generally lighthearted vibe (with plenty of space for conflict and drama), a willingness to write in a universe not too dissimilar from our own (sorry, too, to the high fantasy and hard sci-fi fans still reading!), and be up for a story with a playful romance between our protagonists.
Oh! And also be at least 20 years old, please.
If this catches your eye, please feel free to send a message my way! I've had the thrill of writing with pitch-perfect partners back in the day, and I'd love to rekindle that passion for collaborative writing with some of you.
submitted by thongofthyme to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:06 xxxglitterkid Keyword intent question

Previously, I would run phrase match terms such as “Kitchen Installation”, “Kitchen Renovation” etc
I’ve read about adding more intent to these keywords if I’m going to keep them on phrase by adding terms such as ‘near me’ ‘company’ ‘services’.
It’s not been too long of a test but so far it seems our CTR has increased drastically but conversions have either lower decreased or are flat. We have a very tight negative keyword list.
Would love to hear other experiences / input.
submitted by xxxglitterkid to PPC [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:39 Kris_Lord Octopus free National Trust entry - limitations

Octopus free National Trust entry - limitations
I was looking at going to a national trust property with the free pass I got from Octopus.
It mentions some properties are excluded.
I read the small print and the list of places excluded is bloody massive.
I also hate this phrasing:
“Unfortunately, not all of our properties are able to participate in free or discounted admission promotions”
I’d love to know why properties that NT own can’t participate in their own promotion.
Anyway rant over, hopefully this means someone avoids making plans to go somewhere they can’t use their pass.
submitted by Kris_Lord to OctopusEnergy [link] [comments]