Appreciate she walks in beauty


2019.08.21 01:42 PakiBeauties

Showing the Beauty of Pakistan in a different way đŸ‡”đŸ‡° Appreciate your favourite beauties here ❀

2012.11.13 03:21 Morbidly Beautiful

/morbidlybeautiful is for people who can find the beauty in morbid images. Come to look. Come to appreciate.

2020.08.25 05:43 𝗕đ—Čđ—źđ˜‚đ˜đ—¶đ—łđ˜‚đ—č đ—œđ—»đ—±đ—¶đ—źđ—» đ—Șđ—Œđ—șđ—Čđ—»

A community for Redditors to share, celebrate and appreciate the beauty of women from Indian subcontinent or popular in the Indian subcontinent.

2024.06.09 10:17 Confusedaircooler GF is starting to wear me down with the way she handles her insecurities

My GF is amazing. We've known eachother on a deeply personal level for 3-4 years and have dated for almost 1.
I don't want to lose her, and I enjoy her company very much. She's very good to me. However, for the entire duration we've known eachother she's always had the same recurring insecurities that (I'm sure) are not uncommon, most prominently her weight which I will use as the example for this post. (and just for context: On any BMI scale, she's in the healthy range for her age & height)
This topic/insecurity comes back every month or 2 and it will destroy her entire mood for a few days to weeks. I've tried everything I can think of:
No matter which route I take, I always make sure to remind her that I find her absolutely stunning, which is true.
Nothing helps. She'll rebuke my support and compliments. I call her beautiful and she'll tell me "well that's just your opinion, I don't think I'm pretty". She asks me if I can notice she gained weight, I tell her I don't notice any weight gain and she'll tell me I'm lying to spare her feelings. Even though she refuses to use a scale so there's no evidence she even gained weight besides her self-image when she looks in the mirror.
I offer solutions like exercise and she'll refuse them saying "she's no good at sports". She asks me what a healthy food is she can use for dieting, I'll recommend something like chicken since it's healthy, low in saturated fats and keeps you full and she'll say "I don't want to eat too much chicken" without any plausible reason, "just because".
It's gotten to the point that (because I cannot offer her any sort of consolation) it's wearing me down and I get this "Oh boy, here we go again" feeling of frustration when I notice her mood dropping due to this cause.
However, if I DON'T actively engage in talking about it with her (as in: I don't ask what's wrong when she obviously wants me to notice her declining mood) she will instantly start to question our relationship and that "things have changed".
She means so much to me and I don't want to be selfish, but it's really wearing me down being stuck in this carousel of having to engage with a problem I cannot provide any relief or solutions in.
We're both early 30's, I don't think this is an age where we should still be playing this cat & mouse game and not being able to handle our insecurities in a healthy manner.
I really just needed to vent but any sort of advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Confusedaircooler to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:10 Ancient-Chemist-8122 Do men care about romantic gestures from women they’re seeing?

For example, do you care that she kisses you on the cheek after your first date? Or if she texted you how she appreciated you for taking her to nice places? Do you also care if she gives you a tight hug when she sees you (kind of like in anime when a girl grips a guys chest with her arms.) Does it mean anything to you when you’re walking at the park at night and there are a group of guys passing by and she squeezes your hand tightly as if she is sure you’re going to protect her. How much do these things matter to you? And do you tend yo forget about them?
submitted by Ancient-Chemist-8122 to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:06 Ancient-Chemist-8122 Do guys care about genuine romantic gestures from a girl they’re seeing?

For example, do you care that she kisses you on the cheek after your first date? Or if she texted you how she appreciated you for taking her to nice places? Do you also care if she gives you a tight hug when she sees you (kind of like in anime when a girl grips a guys chest with her arms.) Does it mean anything to you when you’re walking at the park at night and there are a group of guys passing by and she squeezes your hand tightly as if she is sure you’re going to protect her. How much do these things matter to you? And do you tend yo forget about them?
submitted by Ancient-Chemist-8122 to datingadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:01 Genesisgothic F***** around and about to find out

Soooooo I feel like a fool. Turned 40 in March. Started dating someone new who is amazing and TBH is better than all of my ex's combined to me. Not really hard to do. I'm an idiot and pretty much been in an abusive relationship most of my adult life. So smart that I went from one to another and stayed with each for way too long. I hope my persnickety pissed off attitude is coming through because I am not this person. I fall into guys dick sand apparently I have recently discovered. Anywho my bf(41m) has been in one other relationship, fell for the first girl that came along and he wanted so he followed her like a puppy until she gave in a year later(we were teenagers), he settled down, got married, had kids and pretty much everything except the actual white picket fence. Bf fucked up and got in trouble and sent to jail. Nothing terrible just bs that he they threw the book at him for and he got screwed. Welcome to the system where they preach about rehabilitation and a make believe place because it doesn't exist and they are there to fuck you and get as much money as they can out of you amongst other things. He knows he did but he didn't deserve what she did and she is still doing to him.
Hubby is in jail and what does she do but slides his "best friend" in and is cheating on him and stringing him along. She did it for 5 years in jail and then she played him to get whatever she wanted. Welcome to the terrible world of horrible people isn't it beautiful. Wow I am one pissed off, jaded, sharp tongued, quick witted, instant come back(I am not) son of a bitch right now.
They were together a long time. I'm a very insecure person and I have run into things in my life that I have learned from the hard way. I don't make the same mistake twice. I make it three or four times just make sure it's the wrong one. It's intimidating and he still loves her in some aspect because she is the mother of his children and he gave her everything and worshiped the ground she walked on. I fought with us getting together because of it. I was completely upfront and honest and I still am. I don't even think about her now because I got over it.
Trying to keep it short. I was upset about something the other day and he could tell. He said what is up with you today? I know that there's something bothering you. He said if you are worried about me running back to her then you can stop because you are dead wrong.
Woah horsey!! I wasn't even thinking about that at all. Honestly I was just floored that he brought it up. Fuck backstory so the BFF she was "not" cheating with or ever with or anything whatever with gets caught stealing gasoline on multiple occasions from the township building that his dad is an elected official of, he is already on parole, and going away for a long time with his rap sheet IF he gets charged properly. Like 5-7 years I believe. Bf told her to Fuck off when we got together. She only had BF and BFF to use and BF is not and now BFF is going away. Like O M G Becky did you see her panic bc OMG who is she going to use now?
I bet you can guess who and he said he would not he was done with her. I asked him a few times if she was blowing him up like the low life she is and he said no nothing.
He has been acting weird. I knew something was bothering him and he was really struggling and stressed out about it. We both have a lot going on and it just keeps on getting worse but at least we have each other. He was snapping on me left and right about the most asinine things. I saw his phone and she was right there in the last 5 text messages and he hates texting. Something about him leaving her $5 and her being like OMG like I didn't know who this was lollll. I didn't look or touch it or go through his phone but I said something to him. He was completely ignoring me and I felt like I just didn't exist and he was getting message after message and hiding his phone from me. He said I was a liar and grimy mofo because I went through his phone and I didn't and he stormed off. He shows up several hours later with his tail between his legs and it's whatever.
Until.... it's 230am in the fucking morning and his phone rings. It's bfs ex at this hour and he won't wake up and I know nothing is wrong with the kids that she will not let him see but what if and I wake him up and he doesn't care.
5 minutes later does she not call back again and I wake him just in case and nothing right back to sleep. The code for his phone is changed and I don't know what it is or when he changed it but he did it on purpose because he is hiding something and I already know in the pit of my stomach what he is hiding messages or calls or whatever.
Y didn't I fucking answer the phone. Y didn't I trust my gut. Y did I let this happen again. Y does My heart get completely ransacked and destroyed. I can't breathe. I'm having a panic attack. I feel like such an idiot. WTF is wrong with me. Y didn't she call again? Y couldn't I have thought about answering the phone when it was ringing. Ughhhhhhhh
Am I circling out of control and just go to sleep and it's really nothing?! Is my gut feeling right?! How do I react to it?! Am I going to cut a bitch?! And on and on. Please any advice, what you think of the situation, what I should do etc please and thank you
submitted by Genesisgothic to datingoverforty [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:54 CinnamonEnchantress Reasons Why Chanel Ayan is the Fan Favorite (Spoilers)

  1. Her confidence and flamboyance-
  1. She actually tries to get along with the women who don't like her-
  1. Her story-
submitted by CinnamonEnchantress to RealHousewivesOfDubai [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:33 Hobosam21-C My college crush came back and I'm scared P.1

“Your girlfriend’s here” my brother and roommate called from across the house in an obnoxious tone. I didn’t feel like getting up see what he was talking about. I didn’t have a girlfriend, my social anxiety wouldn’t allow it.
With an exasperated sigh I got off the couch. “What are you talking about? Who’s at the
My brain froze, she was standing there. Her, Rachel. The girl. She had barely changed, she still had those big brown eyes that had pulled me in a decade ago. She was as beautiful as the last time I had seen her.
Oh God. No.
The memories came rushing back, the memories I had spent years repressing. I had all but convinced myself that night never happened.
I had been a freshman in college, away from everyone I knew for the first time. Making friends wasn’t easy but I was far from a loner.
Rachel and I had some class together, I don’t remember what it was for. We were bored and swapped each other others Snapchat IDs.
We talked occasionally over the next few weeks, commenting on each other’s stories and stuff. Then kind of out of the blue she asked if I wanted come over her place. Her and some friends were having a movie night.
“Heck yeah” I replied with a smiley emoji. “Awesome! We plan on watching the entire LOTR trilogy, pull an all nighter but you know how that’s probably gonna go lol”.
At the time I would have barely considered us friends, but if she wanted to explore things past that I was totally cool with the idea. She was fun, kind and really pretty.
The night came and sure enough the living room floor in the house her and her friends were renting was covered in mattresses.
She greeted me with a hug, it was nice. I think that was the first time we had had any sort of physical contact. After some introductions to the people already there we settled down to watch the movie.
It's funny what your brain locks onto. Shit went to hell right after the troll is killed. Three guys and a girl abruptly stood and starting walking backwards until they were each against opposing walls. Their eyes were blank, almost clouded over.
Rachel was standing in the hallway, the Whiteclaw she was holding fell to the floor but she didn’t seem to notice. Her eyes were wide, she glanced at me for just a moment.
A few people kind of chuckled nervously, the room had a weird tension to it. Like we all knew something wasn’t right but we didn’t know what to do about it.
Each of the four took off their shirts, they threw them to the side never blinking those awful eyes.
Energy was surging through me, I needed to go. I needed out. The girl next to me screamed, I turned to see the chest of the guy standing nearest her bulging. His skin split up the center revealing writhing mass inside him!
Others began to scream and stand, all of the four who stood glassy eyed now had gapping chest cavities. With a wet squelch tentacle like appendages burst out from them!
My heart skipped a beat leaving me gasping painfully for breath. The girl next to me was lifted from where she sat and pulled towards the nearest tentacle monster.
I didn’t help her, I didn’t help anyone. Others tried running but were snatched up and entangled in those wet dark green arms!
Unlike the others I didn’t run for the door. I scrambled up the stairs, pulling myself up with my hands as my feet tried to keep pace. I lost my fingernails but I didn’t care, I needed out!
Rachel didn’t move, she didn’t so much as glance my way.
I didn’t have time to think about that. I reached the top of the stairs just as one of the creatures started up after me. I ran into the nearest bedroom and closed the door behind me.
Running on pure adrenaline I ripped open the window and climbed onto the roof. I stopped myself from jumping down, I was directly over the front door. I could see light spilling across the front yard, the door was open.
Grabbing the gutter and praying it would hold I pulled myself up above the window. I had just cleared the window when I heard the bedroom door shatter. I ran across the roof at a reckless speed.
I didn’t think, I just jumped. The house was on a hill, that fact might have been what saved me. I fell what was probably thirty feet but landed on my ass on an incline.
Rather than shattering my legs I slid down the hill. Until my foot caught something and sent me tumbling head first through the ferns and brambles.
Once I caught my footing again I ran to the bottom of the hill. I found a road and followed it. At some point I cried myself to sleep under a tree.
I never went back. I didn’t even pack my things. Somehow my car ended up back at my dorm. After searching it I climbed in and drove two states back to my parents house.
I told them I flunked out and couldn’t afford my dorm. They were pissed but I didn’t care. I should have gone to therapy but I felt like that would have been like admitting it was real. I just couldn’t do it. I buried the memories by self medicating. I lived by leeching off others for years before I started getting my life back together.
Before convincing myself that night had never happened.
“Dude, that was ridiculous”. My brother’s voice pulled me from my memories, my dream? I was back on the couch. Rachel was nowhere to be seen.
“Seriously man, she’s cute and all but passing out because a girl talked to you? That’s next level bro”. I sat up looking around “where is she?” I demanded.
“Chill man, you probably freaked her out when you went all limp. Don’t worry, not only did I catch you and drag your heavy ass to the couch I got a note from her”.
I ripped the paper from his hand. “She took off pretty quick, she looked spooked. Anyways I have to get going, someone needs to pay the bills around here”.
I ignored him, my entire focus was riveted to the hand written note.
“I’m sorry to barge into your life like this but we need to talk. It’s urgent”.
She left an address and said to be there Saturday at noon.
I don’t know what to do. My memories of that night have to be false, there was no police reports, no missing people. It had to have been in my head. Maybe Rachel can clear things up for me, give me the closure I need.
submitted by Hobosam21-C to TheHobosLair [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:17 PersianKitty1 I need advice

I recently moved to my father’s place in a new state. I moved a week and two days ago. I drove here with all of my belongings because my mother and I weren’t talking anymore. My dad said he would help me out. The very first day we spent together was a big red flag. He kept driving and texting, not paying attention to cars or people, and anytime he say anything and I followed up with any feedback he started getting mad at me and telling me to let him finish talking. When he would start getting defensive I would tell him to not curse at me and just communicate and he would immediately respond with “well, you too!” That night I told him I didn’t want to meet his girlfriend or family that live here because I’m not mentally prepared for any of that and he seemed to be understanding.
I ended up meeting his landlord and my dad’s attitude changed. I asked him what happened and he said that he was “jealous” that I started talking to that man when he wasn’t even talking to me. I think it’s not jealousy. I just don’t know what it would be called. Two days later his landlord told him he could stop by and give me the keys to the main entrance and my dad told me that he thinks the landlord wants to hit on me. I noticed that anytime I talked to any man he would start talking over me and trying to be the center of attention. He then started talking about his girlfriend and comparing my reactions to hers. I was getting really irritated and I had a feeling he was doing it to try and make me want to meet her. It got to the point that I told him I didn’t care to know more about her and he was visibly upset. He stopped talking to me and spending time with me. He’s been really short with me, cursing at me and ignoring me.
Today he told me last minute she was coming over to help him out with something. I once again told him I wasn’t going to meet her and he told me whatever and walked away from me. He brought her in to his room and left an hour later.
Idk if I should talk to him about the way I’m feeling because I believe he will shut me down, but I need him to know that he crossed a boundary.
I am praying for guidance, but if you guys also have any tips on how to have a voice that would be greatly appreciated. I’ve always been afraid of him because he never showed he loved us (his kids and my mom), and for some reason after nine years of not seeing him I truly believed things would be different. I keep wondering if I’m triggering something in him from his past life, but I also know that I do not deserve the way he is treating me. How should I confront him? Do I just act like nothing happened and suck it up til I can move out? Which most likely would be in a year from now if I don’t find a good job. I really want to learn how to stand up for myself when it comes to him. Please and thank you.
submitted by PersianKitty1 to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:59 TheWorstThingy [MS] Prosopagnosia v. Cotard's Syndrome

Content Warning: This story contains themes of mental health issues, suicide and physical violence.
Prosopagnosia v. Cotard's Syndrome
My new doctor - a bright and friendly guy named Sarbjit - took the time to explain his diagnosis to me. He told me my condition was mental, not physical, but it was hard to pay attention to everything he said because my left arm was numb and rotting from the inside out. I smiled and nodded and then when I got home I looked up Cotard’s Syndrome online. Here is what Wikipedia had to say on it.
“Cotard's syndrome, also known as ‘Cotard's delusion’ or ‘Walking Corpse Syndrome’, is a rare mental disorder in which the affected person holds the delusional belief that they are dead, do not exist, are putrefying, or have lost their blood or internal organs.”
I don’t know. Sounded extremely strange to me. I just knew my left arm was dying. Maybe my liver too. I used my right arm, the good one, to open my mail. Most of it was just the normal stuff but when I saw the letter from the Supreme Court of the State of New York I got a little worried. I was here legally - a citizen for almost ten years now - and I knew my rights but being summoned to testify at this criminal trial was a bit unnerving. I didn’t like it. I just try to do my best in this life and mind my own business and not cause problems for others.
When my trial appearance date arrived two months later I took the subway downtown and left my assistant, Stavvy, in charge of the office that day. I sat there on a hard wooden bench in the courtroom all morning listening to the testimony of other witnesses but I wasn’t called to the stand until sometime after we returned from lunch. Eventually, the lawyer for the defense called my name.
She mispronounced it of course - people here always mispronounce Albanian names - so I wasn’t surprised when she called me Mister Shka-Rell-Eee. My surname is Shkreli, after the place where my family comes from, and the proper pronunciation contains only two syllables - Shkrell-Eee. I was trying to hold my left arm in place when she asked her opening question.
Where was I at the time of the murder?
“Well, Miss Anderson” - I pronounced it Ahnd-REE-Sawn, drawing out the first and last syllables while placing too much emphasis on the middle one, intentionally - “I am not entirely certain. That was over a year ago and I travel all around this city on a daily basis for my job. I work in computer repair and IT support and I have customers in all five boroughs.” (This wasn’t exactly true. I wasn’t really willing to travel to Staten Island.) We had spoken four months earlier when she informed me of the questions she intended to ask at trial but I was fairly oblique then and I intended to remain so now. I had bigger problems. Could these people not see that my left arm was rotting away?
She looked at me with a furrowed brow and briskly walked back to the defense table, picked up a leather-bound notepad and opened it.
“Mister Shkreli, when you and I spoke on June 18th you confirmed that you were just leaving a client’s office, TRG Commercial Realty, located at 223 Broome Street here in lower Manhattan at approximately 3:30pm that day, shortly before the incident at issue took place less than one block away. Is that not correct?”
I turned up my native eastern European accent a bit and repositioned my left arm in my lap. I could barely feel it at that point. What was wrong with these people?
“If you say so. Like I said, that was over a year ago and it was just another workday for me.”
She stared at me for a beat or two longer than necessary and then flashed a quick look towards the jurors before continuing.
“Well yes, Mister Shkreli” - again it was Shka-Rell-Eee - “You did tell me that and I do have a recording of our conversation, which you consented to before we began, if the court would like this to be entered into evidence?”
She looked at the judge and the judge looked at me.
“Mister Shkreli,” - he too pronounced it Shka-Rell-Eee - ‘Are you refuting the testimony that Miss Anderson is referencing during your preliminary deposition or can we just move on at this point? If counsel for the defense claims to have this recording I am fairly certain this is true. Will it be necessary to enter this recording into evidence at this time or are you willing to acknowledge Miss Anderson’s claim?”
I repositioned my left arm in my lap and nodded.
“That’s fine, Your Honor. As I said, it was just another workday for me but if Miss Anderson says that is what we discussed I am sure she is probably right.”
The judge nodded back at me. “Very good. Let’s proceed then.”
Miss Anderson walked back to the defense table and dropped the leather-bound notepad before continuing with her final question for me, looking annoyed.
“Picking up where we left off, Mister Shkreli, can you please describe for the court what happened immediately after you left the offices of TRG Commercial Realty at 223 Broome Street on the date in question, October 22nd of last year?”
I didn’t like the way that she was trying to fence me in but I wasn't particularly concerned. I had bigger problems.
“Well, like I said, I don’t really remember that day. There was nothing memorable about it. It was just another day.”
She stared at me for a few seconds then flashed a quick look at the jury box with her eyebrows raised before returning her attention to the judge. “No more questions, Your Honor.”
I was dismissed from the stand but asked to remain in the courtroom as she called her next witness; a small, frail woman from Queens about my same age named Maureen Stewart. She had an odd, twitchy nature about her. I wanted to get home. I wanted to relax.
“Miss Stewart, can you please tell the court where you were on October 22nd of last year at approximately 3:30 in the afternoon?”
The witness looked down for a moment and then glanced towards the judge before removing the slightly confused look from her face and responding in a semi-automated tone.
“Yes, Miss Anderson. At that time, I was just leaving my day shift at the FedEx Office Store (she pronounced it ‘Staw’ in her thick New York accent) on Broome Street and I was walking towards the station for the Six Train to begin my ride back home.”
The attorney for the defense took a momentary pause and then asked her next question.
“And can you please tell us what happened then?”
The witness looked down again and then looked back at the judge, then the jury and, finally, at me. I didn’t like the way she looked at me.
“Yes, as I was leaving my workplace I crossed the street and I remember walking past the entrance to a narrow alleyway where I heard a commotion taking place. It made me stop and look for a second or two but I didn’t want to get involved so I just kept on walking towards the subway and I didn’t think too much about the whole thing until the Homicide detectives contacted me a few days later after they pulled the security camera videos. I came down to the police station the day after that and gave my statement. That was just over a year ago.”
Miss Anderson took a moment to stare at me. I didn’t like that either. I adjusted my left arm in my lap. It was completely numb.
“Thank you, Miss Stewart. Can you please be a bit more specific about what you saw occurring in that alleyway?”
Again, the witness looked down at the floor and then her eyes shot all around the courtroom before she responded.
“Well,” she said, before taking a brief pause. “At first I thought it was just a little scuffle but when I saw the shorter man in the black jacket punch the tall man in the belly a few times I saw some blood starting to spread on the side of his white button-down shirt and I saw what looked like a small knife or something in the shorter man’s hand. The tall thin man looked like he was starting to fall. I remember looking around for a police officer but I certainly wasn’t gonna do anything about it by myself. I mean, what could I do? When I didn’t see no one who could help I just kept on walking towards the subway. I guess I should have done more but I was scared and I just wanted to get back to Forest Hills to pick up my daughter from daycare before five o’clock.”
I glanced at the defendant seated at the table on the left. He looked both hopeful and nervous at the same time, but in a subtle way, like he didn’t want to appear to be either. He kept his head down and never once glanced towards the jury box. Miss Anderson asked her final question.
“Thank you, Miss Stewart. And do you see the man in the black jacket who stabbed the victim, Mister Baronston, on that day last October here in the courtroom now?”
Again the witness looked down at the floor between her feet for a moment and then looked back up, right at me. I felt my blood stop flowing through my veins, or at least through my left arm and the top of my right leg, when she raised up her hand and pointed her index finger at me.
“It was that man, there,” she said.
Miss Anderson nodded and paused for a moment, satisfied, letting it sink in for the jury members. I was stunned. The stylish defense attorney in the toney, expensive clothing began walking back in my direction and she too pointed an accusatory finger.
“If it pleases the court, let the record show that Miss Stewart has identified Mister Jack Shkreli as the attacker who she witnessed in the-”
Just then the witness on the stand, Miss Stewart, pointed her finger at the judge without really looking at him and suddenly blurted out, “Or him. It might have been him too. I’m not 100% sure...”
Miss Anderson paused, clearly nonplussed, and just stared at her witness. The judge also looked baffled for a second or two and then leaned over and whispered something to his court assistant and the two of them shared a quiet smirk.
Then the witness pointed at one of the jurors, a man in the front row about my size.
“Or him. It could have been him. I’m just not sure...” Then she went silent, as did the rest of the courtroom for a few moments. The State’s Attorney, a heavy-set bald man, broke the silence pretty quickly as he rose to his feet.
“Your Honor, the State would like to move to dismiss this witness along with all previous testimony.” He paused briefly and took a deep breath, choosing his next words.
“While we appreciate Miss Stewart’s willingness to appear at trial today, I think it’s clear that her recollection of events is
uncertain at best.” He glared at the defense table for a moment, then added “I’d just like to remind the court that Mister Shkreli” - and God bless him, he pronounced my two-syllable surname correctly - “is not on trial here and if this witness cannot distinguish the man she saw that day from yourself or a random member of our jury panel I don’t think we can accept this testimony or any further testimony from this witness.”
He hung his head respectfully, with the tiniest little smile on his face. He already knew he had won this argument and the judge quickly agreed, telling the jury to disregard what they just heard. Miss Stewart was dismissed from the stand and the defense had no other witnesses left to call. Less than two hours later the jury returned a guilty verdict against the defendant on all counts and the courtroom was cleared. The sentencing hearing would take place at a later date and I was not required to be there. My right leg was starting to feel numb by then but I still managed to get back to the office in time for Stavvy to head home at the end of his shift to make dinner for his kids. His wife was killed in a car accident two years earlier. He was a hard worker and I really liked him.
That night, back at my apartment, I did some research online and learned about a rare mental disorder known as Prosopagnosia. Here is what Wikipedia had to say.
Prosopagnosia, also known as face blindness, is a cognitive disorder of face perception in which the ability to recognize familiar faces, including one's own face (self-recognition), is impaired, while other aspects of visual processing (e.g. object discrimination) and intellectual functioning remain intact.
It all sounded pretty strange to me but if the doctors say it’s real who am I to argue? Apparently it is well documented in the DSM-5. I don’t know if this is the reason why I was able to walk away from the courtroom without consequence at first but I think it is the most likely explanation. I only know that when I left my client’s offices at TRG Commercial Realty on that day just over a year ago and hailed a cab I was stunned and confused when Mister Baronston, a complete stranger with a hostile face, suddenly attacked me, claiming that it was his cab and not mine.
He was bigger than me, tall and thin but strong, and I would have just given up the cab and caught the next one but he was clearly already very angry about something. When he backed me towards the alley, shoving me and then punching me around my head and neck, my backpack tumbled open and I saw my wallet and phone and some other items come crashing out onto the pavement. It was just a stupid and unnecessary altercation, the kind of thing that probably happens on the streets of this city every day, sadly. Too many people, not enough space. I did my best to fight back and protect myself but he was a good deal bigger than me.
Then I was getting punched some more and thrown against the alley wall as people passed by, disinterested, and I just instinctively reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out the pen knife that has been attached to my keychain for years. Before I really knew what was happening it was open and then my right hand was growing warm and red and slick with his blood. Then I was moving again, not looking back.
What an odd thing. I remember seeing Miss Stewart stopping there on the sidewalk to look from the mouth of the alley that day. Of all the passers-by, she was the only one who paused to look at us, at me, right as I desperately punctured Mister Baronston’s rib cage for the fifth or sixth time with my little penknife and he began to drop, but she averted her gaze after a few seconds and moved on and then I was rapidly heading in the opposite direction. This is a huge city and I never expected to see her face again. Fortunately, she was apparently never really able to see mine.
Anyway, I have more important problems to worry about at this time. Stavvy received a letter from the Manhattan DA’s office yesterday ordering him to appear at a grand jury hearing next month related to my involvement in Mister Baronston’s death. He showed it to me. More importantly, my left arm is just about gone now, my right leg is quickly starting to feel the same way and in just the last day or two I have begun feeling that strange tingling sensation in the tips of the fingers on my right hand. I know my liver is failing. It won’t be long now.
I scheduled a meeting with my lawyer in the morning to legally put the business and the rest of my assets in Stavvy’s name in my will. I have no family here anyway and almost no relatives who I remain close with back in Albania or Montenegro anymore. Stavvy is a good man and he has kids to feed and I have already lived a full life.
So yes, I will just leave it all to him and after that’s done I think I will get the old Ford minivan that we sometimes still use for the business and drive it out to the George Washington Bridge while I am still able. I know that when I stop it and get out and leave it there on the center-span I will screw up traffic badly and inconvenience a lot of people but I can’t worry about that. I have to do what I have to do. There’s no point in waiting for this to get worse. I can barely feel the fingers on my right hand and I don’t have much time left.
Maybe I should have told the truth at the trial. I don’t know. I think I was just too distracted by all of my health problems. I didn’t really have any choice at the time. I don’t have any choice now. I’m actually surprised that I lasted this long. I was certain that I would already be gone a few months ago but I feel I have done my best with this life.
As my people back in Albania say, Mos pyet si vdiq, por si rrojti!
“Do not ask how he died, but how he lived!”
submitted by TheWorstThingy to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:48 unimaginative_ghost Roommate hiding cameras throughout apartment

I recently started noticing my roommate slowly putting up cameras in the shared areas of our apartment. Prior to moving in together, we had agreed not to have cameras only one of us could access in the shared spaces. He’s stuck to that for the last couple months, but I noticed a camera notification on his phone the other day. I went looking and found a camera hidden in a window facing outside. The window has stairs leading to the upstairs apartments in front of it and is off to the side so you have to look for it to notice it but it has a full view of the front porch area and some of the parking. Fast forward a few days and I notice another one in the living room. The position covers the entire inside of the apartment. I mentioned it and he said he had just put it down there while moving things and it wasn’t plugged up. After he left, I checked and it was plugged up. I said something again and he said he’d put it back in his room. This morning (a few days since mentioning it) I had an odd feeling and started looking around. He had taken the camera and hid it so that it still had a full view of the apartment but you would have to search for it to see. These cameras record video and audio. We kept cameras in our bedrooms but he would always shut my door if I left it open when I would leave even if the camera was off. However, if I shut his door, he would get mad and we’d argue over it. He wants cameras covering everything but only wants them accessible to him because he is cheating on his girlfriend and doesn’t want anybody having proof of it. One of the girls he cheats on her with had walked in my bedroom and was talking to me for a minute and he freaked out because she was somewhere that had a camera that I had access to. I don’t check my camera often. I keep it up because of the amount of people he has in the house that aren’t exactly trustworthy. I’m at work 9 hours during the day and he has people in and out during that time and up until 6/7 in the morning when he goes to bed. On the other hand, he is constantly watching his. Before he moved in with me, he lived with his family. He had put cameras up there too. He intentionally put them to where he could see everything inside and outside their house. I had a conversation with his grandma when he wasn’t there and he texted me after I left about the things we had talked about. This happened multiple times. Is this okay or should I say something? And if I do how do I bring this up? Should I keep unplugging them or just put my own up and see what happens? Any advice would be appreciated
submitted by unimaginative_ghost to badroommates [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:15 Afraid-Star-1557 Covert Incest or sexual abuse?

Hey all, I’m F20, this is my first time ever posting to Reddit so I’m sorry if this isn’t clear or worded well. I’m using a throwaway account for obvious reasons. Also I’m sorry for the long post but I just wanted a clear answer on whether this is just covert incest or possibly more. Also keep in mind most of this took place when I was around 11-16.
Firstly, my mom would often talk about her sex life in great detail, especially what sex was like with my dad before they stopped. When I was maybe 14 she found out I was masturbating and took me to a sex toy store and gave me several vibrators. She’s also bought me lingerie before. She has always made comments on my body, especially my boobs. She would call me sexy and tell me I was her “fertility goddess.” Shes also made sexual jokes about me and a male teacher who I really like, going as far as to “joke” about me in lingerie getting spanked by him. When I told her it made me uncomfortable she told me I was too sensitive. She also walks around naked a lot and pees with the bathroom door open. I’ve told her this makes me uncomfortable and she’s responded with “this is my house too!” Or “I’m your mother it’s perfectly natural.” She would also vent to me about her and my dad’s marriage, telling me about him cheating and how he’s abusive, which often ended in her sobbing uncontrollably and me having to comfort her, and she often told me I was the only thing keeping her happy and she sacrificed her life for me. She’s also always been very dismissive of my feelings and gets very angry when I try to set boundaries with her.
Now my dad is 100% a blatant narcissist and was emotionally absent for most of my life. When I was about 11 or 12 he began to make sexual jokes about innocent things I’d say, often responding to my innocent comments with “that’s kinky!” When I was about 13-14 he would slap my butt with rolled up newspapers or magazines and if I laid on my stomach he’d walk in and snap the elastic of my shorts/underwear and laugh, he’d snap my bra straps too. There were also plenty of times too when he would call me “mommy” or “mistress.” There were also incidents of him flashing and wiggling his butt at me. Most disturbing of all for me were the times I’d be in my parents bedroom and he’d step into the walk-in closet to get dressed and he’d make weird comments like “I know you want to look” or “sorry you can’t join me.” Also, as an art student I took a life drawing class that involved drawing nude models, and the nude models were often women. I tried to show my dad one of my drawings and he said “oh, you want to show me your tits?” (Referring to the boobs in the drawing?” My dad was also extremely verbally and sometimes physically abusive.
I’ve been diagnosed with C-PTSD and OCD which my therapist attributes to their abusive behavior although he also said I check nearly every box of someone who was sexually abused, so I’m wondering is this emotional / covert incest or something more? I’d really appreciate any opinions or advice.
submitted by Afraid-Star-1557 to CovertIncest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:14 Throwra-girlsnight My (23f) lies caught up to me, ex-fiancé (28m) broke up with me and just dropped me and my stuff off at a temporary apartment - is there anything I can do to win his trust back?

I have been going out clubbing on girls night about once a month, and it morphed into me sitting on the couch while my friends flirted and made out with guys. I would talk to the 'spare' guy, but absolutely no flirting, kissing or touching.
I know two of the girls in the group from uni, and the rest of the girls are friends of friends. We would go clubbing (where I live has quite the night life, and my city is a bit of a tourist destination, so it's always busy), have a few drinks and dance, then head home. The last few times I went with them (I usually only go once a month, but most of them seem to go every week, or even twice a week), my friends have been meeting guys rather than just dancing, and then going back to someone's place to flirt and make out. One of the group, who I have dubbed Barracuda (she honestly scares me and totally gives off that vibe) lives with her bf, but when he was away for work was when the girls would invite guys back to her house. Barracuda has been doing a lot of flirting with the guys who come back with our group, and more than once she has gone to one of the bedrooms with a guy for an hour or so. I'm honestly a bit naive and always assume the best of people, but even I'm guessing she has cheated on her boyfriend. She doesn't kiss or make out with anyone in the public areas of the house where I can see, but what else would they be doing in a bedroom for that long?
It gets a little worse. My girl friends never wanted me to bring along my fiancĂ©, because he'll "cramp their style" for what's basically become making out with guys. I get pretty bored sitting around waiting for my friends to finish flirting or kissing these guys, so I would sometimes sit and talk with the 'spare' guy who wasn't paired up with one of my friends. I felt super guilty about hanging out with these guys when my fiancĂ© is waiting for me at home, but I also feel guilty about leaving these guys sitting there waiting on their friends. I never flirt or touch them or kiss them, but the thought of my handsome, kind, generous fiancĂ© sitting at home while I'm chatting to guys had me twisted up with guilt. I don't know exactly how I got into this situation, but my fiancĂ© has gently pointed out to me a couple of times that I can be a bit of a people pleaser, so there's that. đŸ„Č
So based on many comments on my first two posts, and some hard thought on my end, I decided to claim I was busy (not hard since we are part-way through my exam block for uni) and not attend the next girls night, until I could figure out how to tell my fiancé what was going on. In my last two posts, I got some good advice on how to broach the topic, so I was just figuring out the best one to suit me.
I told my fiancé that I wasn't going out for girl's night this weekend because some of the girls made me uncomfortable, but he just nodded and didn't say anything, staring off into the distance. I was kinda bummed because I was hoping that would prompt some questions which would lead to a conversation in a natural way. I tried again by telling him I was cutting contact with the girl group, but he didn't really react to that either.
Frankly, he seemed kind of out of it all week, really distracted and giving short answers, staring off into the distance a lot. He hadn't rejected me when I hugged him or snuggled or kissed, but he never initiated this last week, which isn't normal. I figured he was stressed from work, but his behaviour kinda weirded me out.
Come the night of girls night, I was sitting in the lounge room watching some reality TV (trashy, I know, but I was really on edge and needed a distraction) and idly going through my notes for my upcoming exams. My fiancé had been in his study all day (catching up on work even though it was a Saturday) when he finally emerged. He stopped dead, his expression surprised, and asked me what I was doing. I told him I was waiting for him to finish work so we could spend some time together. He got this really weird expression on his face, and didn't seem to know what to say. I reminded him that I had decided not to go to the girls night out, and had told him earlier in the week. He still didn't seem to know what to say, and didn't ask any questions.
Eventually, he told me that a friend of his needed some help, and he'd be gone a few hours. I asked if he'd like me to come, and I swear his face got an almost terrified expression on it. I told him I could change if he needed me to (I was dressed in some jeans and a t-shirt), but he said it would be best if I didn't get involved. Which was a super weird thing to say, but this week has been super weird all up. He then left, and I took the opportunity to finish writing my thoughts out and prepare for how to tell him. An hour or so after my fiancé left, I started getting weird text messages from a couple of my girl friends. Apparently, Barracudas bf came back in a surprise visit, and caught her red-handed. I got some accusatory text messages asking if I set her up or something. I texted back for more details, but then I think I got blocked.
At first, I thought I was lucky I hadn't been there, but it gets more complicated.
My fiancé came home around midnight, and I rushed to the door to give him a hug and let him know what was going on with my girl friends (at least what I could figure out). But he held me at arms length, which really hurt. I asked what the hell was going on, in a fairly straightforward manner (not usual for me), and he looked startled, but asked me to come with him to the lounge room. We sat down, and he dispassionately told me about Barracudas bf installing a door cam, and figuring out his gf was cheating on him. He'd planned to catch her in the act by pretending to fly to work the day before and stay in a hotel, but he also contacted my fiancé since I was the only other attached girl in the situation. My fiancé planned to turn up and catch me in the act if I was cheating as well.
At this point, I burst into tears because I don't handle confrontation well, and I couldn't get any words out between sobs. I was an absolute mess - this wasn't a couple of tears and glimmering eyes like in the movies. It was an ugly cry with snot and my entire face blotchy. I couldn't explain myself and just shoved the paper I'd been writing my thoughts out on at him while blubbering incoherently.
He found me a box of tissues, and I tried to clean myself up while he read through my somewhat disjointed notes. In the end, he asked me point blank if I had ever cheated on him, and I remember shaking my head vehemently, and trying to deny it through tears. He nodded, saying some of my girl friends there that night has vouched for me, though they seemed convinced I had ratted Barracuda out to her bf. He asked me if I had known what Barracuda was up to, and my tears had subsided enough that I was able to explain that I suspected what she was up to, but hadn't seen anything myself.
He rolled his eyes at that, looking exasperated, and asked me what would anyone think at that point. I started crying again, but managed to get out that I hadn't felt it was any of my business, but that I had wanted to tell him, and that's why I had drafted the notes.
My fiancé raised his voice at this, and started shouting about how he would want to know if he was being cheated on, and people who know about cheating and don't say anything are almost as bad as cheaters. His voice was still loud as he told me he was really angry at my lack of boundaries, and staying there to talk to guys had violated his trust. I was shocked at this point. My normally quietly assertive fiancé was shouting, and I couldn't recall that ever happening before. Sure, we'd had some arguments in three years of dating, but we rarely even raised our voices and always kept things civil. This time, his jaw was clenched and veins were standing out in his neck and forehead. His eyes were wild, and I admit I got this little tingle of attraction that I couldn't explain. I should have felt worried because I'd never seen him so angry, but I still felt totally safe with him.
He calmed himself down pretty quickly, and I thought maybe we'd start sorting things out. But then he looked at me, and it was really sad, combined with some betrayal and a tiny bit of contempt. He'd never looked at me like that before, and suddenly I knew we were NOT okay. I started sobbing again, and he told me he was sleeping in the guest room, and we'd talk more in the morning.
I honestly think I was still in shock and reacting slowly, because before I knew it, my fiancé had collected his pillow and phone charger, and the guest room door was locked. I pounded on the door a bit, and begged him to talk to me, but he ignored me. I eventually went to sleep in our usual bed, wearing his favourite hoodie that smelled like him. In the morning, my fiancé was waiting for me in the kitchen/informal dining area.
He told me that I had broken his trust by hanging out 1-on-1 with guys instead of having him there, and not reporting what was happening in terms of cheating. What really sucks is that he wasn't even a tiny bit wrong. I know that now, and my guilt earlier kinda told me I knew earlier as well. I apologised profusely, saying I would never do anything like that ever again. I asked him what I could do to earn his trust back, and his answer had me flabbergasted. He said I needed to move out, "get my crap together", get some counselling, and build better boundaries. After that, he might be able to trust me again, when he'd seen that I'd made some big changes, but it wasn't an automatic thing, and we might not get back together.
I felt like I was in an alternate universe. I managed to stammer out that I didn't have money for counselling, or enough to pay for food, petrol, and bills, let alone rent. Couldn't I stay here and make it up to him?
He refused, saying I needed to move out on my own and go to counselling. That it would be an important first step in building some proper boundaries. I burst into tears again at this point, and begged him not to break up with me and kick me out, that I loved him and wanted to be with him. He said he loved me too, but it hurt to look at me right now, and he needed space.
It took me a couple of minutes to calm myself down. Once I could talk coherently again, I told him I understood, and wanted to give him that space, but I had nowhere to go. I know there's a worldwide housing crisis, and many fellow Redditors will be familiar with the problem of finding housing. Where I live, it's a common practice to outbid others on rent by simply offering to pay more. Apparently, there's some legislation coming soon to my state to fix that, but it sure ain't here now, and finding affordable housing at short notice is practically impossible. I am also halfway through my exam block (which I've been studying hard for, but still have two exams left), and this was going to be incredibly disruptive to my studies. Honestly, I was trying not to hyperventilate - my fiancé was breaking up with me, I had to move out with zero notice, couldn't think of anywhere to live, I was halfway through super stressful exams for my Masters, and I wouldn't be able to pick up more work shifts with my current study load for at least another week.
My fiancé said he'd organised some short term accommodation for me, and I needed to pack some bags. I was in shock. He walked to the bedroom and pulled out my suitcases as I followed him on autopilot, then we packed almost silently together. It was the most surreal feeling as I watched most of my belongings make their way into my luggage. I realised just how much my fiancé had bought for me over the three years we were together - clothing, shoes, make-up. My phone and laptop had been gifts, as he wanted me to have the best to do well at uni. He'd bought me entire outfits so I could feel beautiful while helping him schmooze at his business parties. My smart watch, that I really only wore at the gym. Some noise cancelling headphones so I could focus on uni assignments and exam prep. He'd even bought me the luggage we were packing in, for a couple of overseas holidays we'd gone on over the years. I managed to sneak his pillow in place of mine, and I was still wearing his hoodie from sleeping in it.
Before I knew it, all my stuff was in the backseat of my little hatchback, and he took one look at me and said he'd drive me to the temporary accommodation. He gently pushed me in the passenger side and did up my seatbelt, then got in the driver's side and started driving. He drove north a few suburbs, getting closer to my university, and pulled into some underground parking for high rise apartment buildings. He parked, we got some of my luggage out, and took the lift without saying a word. I was still trying to process everything, but suddenly realised I was about to lose my perfect fiancĂ© over stupidly keeping my mouth shut when I shouldn't have. I managed to get my arms around him, and clung on like a baby koala and wouldn't let go. I was blubbering that I loved him and would do anything, even wearing all the lingerie he had bought for me. đŸ«Ł He was blushing at that, but managed to push my luggage out of the lift, and then lumbered down the hallway with me clinging on him with both my arms and legs wrapped around him. A family with young children was coming out of their apartment and saw us, watching shocked as I clung to him, blubbering and making wild promises of all the things I would do to him in bed, as he tried to open the door to my temporary accommodation. He got it open, and then the husband of the little family helped him get all the luggage from the lift and inside the door as I continued crying and begging him not to break up with me. He thanked the man, then got the door closed, and waddled with me into the bedroom. We flopped back onto the bed together, and I started kissing his neck and giving the little nibbles he likes on his neck and ears, although the effect was kinda ruined as I'd been crying a lot, and was snotty again at this point. He got me some tissues from the night-stand next to the bed, and I cleaned up, but still had my legs locked around his waist. He managed to disentangle me, then stood up. I was about to grab him again, but his face was kinda cold, and I shrank back, feeling humiliated.
He asked for the engagement ring back, and the waterworks started again as I struggled to get the ring off my finger with shaking hands. I managed it, then threw it at him in a pique of anger. That beautiful diamond and white gold ring hit him in the chest, but he just caught it on the rebound, and it didn't even hurt the heartless man at all. He said he'd text me all the details I'd need for where I'm now staying, and that I should reach out to my work to see if I could get more shifts to make ends meet. I was just getting angry at this point, and told him to get lost. And with that, he left, the door banging shut behind him.
It's mid-afternoon, and so much has gone down in such a short time. The entire course of my life has changed in what amounted to one evening and a morning. Less than 24 hours. I'm sitting on the tiny balcony that this one bedroom apartment has, huddled in my ex-fiancé's hoodie to keep warm from the stiff sea breeze, about ten floors up and looking out at the blue-grey sea. True to his word, he texted me the address of where I'm staying, details on how to pay the rent and bills (he was careful to say twice that I didn't need to pay any rent for the next two weeks due to my studies), details on the included parking space and the code for the parking lot gate. He must have got all this ready during the week leading up the night I'm now referring to as 'Operation Barracuda'. No wonder he was standoffish.
Ugh, I can't start crying again. My eyes hurt, but my heart hurts more. I just completely blew up my life with some lies of omission, and destroyed my ex-fiancé's trust in me. At least I have a counselling session to look forward to. He texted me the details of my first session, which he carefully booked around my uni classes and exams. He said the first dozen sessions are already paid for. He's broken up with me, but still looking after me. Dammit, I'm crying again.
So, Reddit, is it really over with my ex-fiancé? Is there anything I can do to get back together with him, or is it truly over? I know I need to focus on my studies, especially since I'm partway through my exam block, and I need to pick up a lot more work shifts when my vacay starts in mid-June. I have counselling lined up. What else should I be focused on? What pieces of my life do I try and pick up? Do you think there's anything constructive I can do with my ex-fiancé?
TL;DR I had been going out clubbing on girls night about once a month, and it morphed into me sitting on the couch while my friends flirted and made out with guys. I would talk to the 'spare' guy, but absolutely no flirting, kissing or touching. My fiancé found out from another girls bf, who was being cheated on. I had hesitated to tell my fiancé about it, as I had previously felt it wasn't any of my business. I had plans to tell my fiancé, but he found out first, felt I had poor boundaries, then broke up with me and kicked me out with less than a day's notice.
submitted by Throwra-girlsnight to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:50 ItsEsmeJones [AM4A] Centaur Cowboys [Strangers to ?][Scared Centaur Speakers][Helpful Rancher Listener][Greek Mythology x Southern Charm][Fantasy][Centaur Cowboys][Two Himbo Horses][Ranch-Life][AU][Mild Comedy][CW: Mentions of Trafficking/Injury]

Context: You've just moved to a new country to open a ranch and start over. You've heard that, unlike home, this place has monsters, same as the ones your parents warned you about as a child. Well, for the most part... You're about to realize there are monsters out there that you've never even imagined.
Setting: The Listener's Ranch / A cavern - Thessappalachia
Tags:[MA4A][Strangers to ?][Scared Centaur Speakers][Helpful Rancher Listener][Greek Mythology x Southern Charm][Fantasy][Centaur Cowboys][Two Himbo Horses][Ranch-Life][AU][Mild Comedy][CW: Mentions of Trafficking/Injury]
Usage: You may tweak or record this script. Gender flipping is OK! Please credit me if you use this script in any of your projects. If you would like to use this script for a paywalled recording, please note:
Monetization: All forms of monetization are OK with me! YouTube, Patreon, etc. I would appreciate being able to listen to the recording. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!
Check out the rest of my scripts by using the Script Directory
[F] = Foal, a young centaur
[M] = Mac, an older centaur
[Scene opens on a modest ranch in the mountains of Thessappalachia]
[Note: Thessappalachia is a mix of Greek Thessaly meeting American Appalachia :3]
[SFX: The wind rustling / horse hooves coming close]
[You are new to this part of the world, Thessappalachia. You've just opened a private ranch with a range of mountains and a beautiful coastline in the distance. It’s day three in your new home when something
 or, someone
 runs toward you in a panic]
[F] “H-Hey! Are you friendly?! Please be friendly!!”
[SFX: A shotgun being cocked]
[The creature skids to a stop, their lower half horselike while their upper half appears to be humanesque]
[F] “No, no, wait, don’t shoot! Please! I’m a monster, yes, but I mean no harm! Please don’t shoot me!”
[F, nervous] “M-My friend got hurt in a fight
 I don’t got any medicine or ways to help him, a-and I figured a friendly human might be able to help!”
[The young creature’s eyes well up with tears]
[F] “I DON’T have any way to know yer friendly, but my friend is dyin’! And if I’m gonna die, it ain’t gonna be as a coward who didn’t try and help their buddy!”
[. . . ]
[The creature wipes his eyes]
[F] “We were ambushed
 He got shot when we tried to flee
 P-Please, can you just help o-or tell me where I can find someone who will
[. . . ]
[SFX: The gun being tucked away]
[F] “Oh, thank ya! Thank ya! He’s laid out in a little cavern about fifteen minutes from here! I’d offer yer a ride but I think I’m too young to carry a full-grown human
[SFX: Them heading off together after the Listener gathers some supplies]
[F] “So, uh
 Name’s Foal
[F] “Nice to meetcha
 Mac always says not to talk to no adult humans
 or humans at all, but you seem nice, at least.”
[F] “Well
 No, I don’t know nothin’ fer sure. Truth be told, I know a whole lot about nothin’ regardless! But
 Mac said I have time to learn
 He’s my older brother, kind of. We ain’ blood, but
 he and the others helped raise me, and I
[. . . ]
[SFX - Pause Fill - Them traveling / the ambiance of the mountains]
[You walk for a bit with the young creature before he picks up a bit of speed, pointing]
[F] “There it is! That’s the place! Here, follow me!”
[You follow them inside and it doesn’t take long to see ‘Mac’ laid out on his side]
[F] “Mac! I brought help! Please tell me you ain’t dead!”
[The horse
 looks up at you, panting weakly]
[M] “F-Foal
 I dun 
 d-dun told you not to talk to humans!”
[F, panicked] “Yer dyin’, Mac! Yer need help! Please, human! Please help ‘em! You know how to help, right??”
[Mac tenses as you kneel by his haunch, inspecting the wound]
[M] “Nnh
 G-Got shot
 one of them wranglers
 They got my other brothers
 I jus’ trying to get us out past the human parts! The path was meant to be safe, but
 We got jumped
[F, crying] “Y-You
? You don’t know ‘bout the Wranglers? W-Wait
 I thought all the humans were-!”
[Mac belts out a groan, hissing through his teeth]
[M] “I’m done ‘fer
 Ain’t nothin’ havin' it
[. . . ]
[Your spine and upper lip stiffen, and your brow knots, but you know what must be done]
[M] “Just
 Just put me out of my misery
[F, sobbing] “Mac, no! Please!”
[F] “H-Huh
? You can help?”
[M] “
[Long Pause]
[SFX to fill the [Pause - Western ambience]
[F] “Y-You got a cart that Mac could rest his bad leg on at yer ranch
 We patch him up here, get him back to your place, and you’ll lay us up til he’s better?”
[M, unsure] “...Why would you help a centaur
? Thessappalachia is our homeland, sure, but it’s the same ”
[You note the word ‘centaur’ for later]
[F, with a little gasp] “That was a lotta swears
[M, with a chuckle] “You don’t agree with traffickers
 Y’know what? Good ‘nuff for me. What do you need me to do?”
[M] “You definitely think a bone is broken
 Shit. That means you need to set it, huh?”
[Mac takes a deep breath, almost amused]
[M] “Foal
 Might wanna cover your ears real quick.”
[F, wincing] “Golly
[He covers his cute little ears and you do the dark deed asked of you, quickly setting his leg. He muffles a yelp but, otherwise, handles the pain impressively well]
[M] “MMMMMM-Mother Gaia! Tsss
[M] “No worries, human
 I appreciate ya going out of yer way for two strangers.”
[M] “Do we know where the Wranglers take other centaurs
? Theoretically, I reckon
 The big city yonder, where the STYX rail line runs South. I hear there are bands of centaurs that try and jump trains that run that way
 Could be retribution for that. Centaurs could be getting their licks in for being trafficked, too. Nessus knows.”
[SFX: The Listener casually getting the wound dressed]
[F] “Nessus is a centaur legend. I don’t really know much ‘sides he killed some unkillable human, me and Mac aren’t church boys.”
[M, with a laugh] “Reckon this is CarMer?”
[F] “Huh?”
[M] “Ya know
 Comes ‘round, goes ‘round?”
[F] “Ohhh
[SFX: The wound being patched / a few pats from the Listener]
[M] “Ngh
 Damn, that’s good work
 Thanks, human
 How far away is this ranch?”
[F] “It took us bout twenty minutes to get here, Mac! I could run back right now on my own, the way is easy to find!”
[M] “Thas’ a good point
 if they’re trackin’ us, we don’t want to make it easy for ‘em. I don’t know what’s wiser
 You two leaving me here makes more sense. If they find me, there’s nothin’ I can do. If they find me and Foal, I
[F] “...OK
 I’ll go with you, human
 I don’t like the idea of leaving Mac here, though.”
[SFX: The gun being handed off]
[M] “Wh-...? Yer givin’ me yer gun?”
[Mac takes the shotgun, giving it a grim, resolute look]
[M] “...Thanks, human
 Go on! It’s hot this side of the mountains, so the Wranglers should be sticking clear of the path. Them Nyads take a lot of joy in trying to drown ‘em if they approach when the sun is nice, and you’ve got the river on either side
[F] “Stay safe, Mac
 We’ll be back just as soon as we can.”
[SFX: Foal and the Listener heading off]
[F] “...Thanks, human
 It ain’t often that a human will let centaurs on to their land cause of all the problems from Wranglers and whatnot. It’s easier for most of ‘em to turn a blind eye to crimes like this
[F] “I dunno why they want centaur-folk. Ain’t like they tell us when they come chasin’ us down, you know?”
[F] “Huh?? You wanna find out? That’s crazy talk! If they find your ranch has centaurs on it, they might try and burn it to the ground or somethin’!”
[F] “...I hope we can get him home, too
 If we get caught movin’ him, then
 I reckon we’re done for
[SFX: Fade out on them walking / the ambiance desired]
[To be continued
Note: When a meme turns into 16 hours of worldbuilding for fucking REDNECK THESSALY-
submitted by ItsEsmeJones to talkingtalltales [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:49 amie_aimless Very sick rat help

I’m posting on behalf of my mom who isn’t a first time rat owner but this is the first time one of her rats have had these symptoms like this. I went to greet the rats on my visit today and was appalled at the poor thing making me want to create this post.
Her hairless rat Toru’s health has declined drastically over the last two weeks. The poor girl can’t walk, her posture is stuck in a really hunched position, has severe weight loss, and red goopy stuff around her eyes and nostrils. Toru can’t feed herself or drink water on her own my mom has to hand feed her and give her water through a syringe. She flails her upper body sometimes when touched but her lower body doesn’t move which to me indicates she’s in pain.
It makes me very sad because I love all of my mom’s pets and Toru looks like she’s suffering. My mom said she believes Toru had a stroke and is just trying to keep her comfortable until she passes. Any advice or knowledge I could pass on to her would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by amie_aimless to RATS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:41 Sweet-Count2557 15 Best Places to Get Scientific With Kids in Nyc

15 Best Places to Get Scientific With Kids in Nyc
15 Best Places to Get Scientific With Kids in Nyc Are you ready to embark on a scientific adventure with your kids in the vibrant city of New York? Well, hold onto your laboratory goggles because we've got a thrilling lineup of the 15 best places where young minds can dive deep into the wonders of science.From interactive exhibits that will leave them in awe to STEM centers that will ignite their curiosity, we've got it all covered. So, put on your thinking caps and get ready to explore a world of discovery and exploration that will captivate both young and young-at-heart.Key TakeawaysThere are several top science museums near NYC, including the New York Hall of Science, American Museum of Natural History, Museum of Illusions, Museum of Mathematics, and Liberty Science Center.These museums offer a range of interactive exhibits, hands-on activities, and educational experiences for kids and adults.In addition to museums, there are also science-centered stores in NYC, such as Astro West and Evolution, where collectors can find minerals, fossils, and unique artifacts.NYC also has STEM centers and maker spaces like Brooklyn Robot Foundry, Beam Center, Robofun, Dazzling Discoveries, and The Geek Forest, which provide STEM education, classes, and workshops for different age groups.New York Hall of ScienceThe New York Hall of Science, located in Flushing, Queens, offers an exciting and interactive experience for both children and adults alike. At the Hall, visitors can explore hands-on exhibits and learn about sustainable farming. With over 400 activities and interactive exhibits, there's something for everyone to enjoy.One of the highlights of the New York Hall of Science is the Connected Worlds exhibit. This immersive experience allows visitors to interact with a digital ecosystem, where their actions have real-time effects on the environment. Kids can learn about the delicate balance of ecosystems and the importance of conservation through this engaging exhibit.Another exciting feature of the Hall is Rocket Park Mini Golf. This 18-hole miniature golf course combines the fun of a game with the educational aspects of space exploration. Each hole is themed after a different rocket or spacecraft, providing a unique learning experience as you make your way through the course.But the New York Hall of Science isn't just about fun and games. It also offers opportunities to learn about sustainable farming through its exhibits. Visitors can explore the Science Barge, a sustainable urban farm powered by renewable energy sources. Here, you can discover how technology can help us live more sustainably and learn about innovative farming techniques.American Museum of Natural HistoryAs we move from exploring the New York Hall of Science, let's now venture into the fascinating world of the American Museum of Natural History. This iconic museum, located on the Upper West Side, offers a multitude of interactive exhibits that will captivate both kids and adults alike. Here are five reasons why the American Museum of Natural History is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in science and exploration:Dinosaur fossils: Step back in time as you come face-to-face with the towering skeletons of T-Rex and Triceratops. The museum's extensive collection of dinosaur fossils is sure to ignite the imagination of young paleontologists.Space exploration: Journey through the cosmos at the Hayden Planetarium, where you can witness breathtaking shows that transport you to distant galaxies. Learn about the wonders of our universe and the latest discoveries in space exploration.Hands-on learning: The museum offers a range of interactive exhibits that allow visitors to engage with scientific concepts firsthand. From the Discovery Room, where kids can touch real specimens, to the Hall of Biodiversity, where they can explore Earth's diverse ecosystems, there are endless opportunities for hands-on learning.Educational programs: The American Museum of Natural History is dedicated to STEM education and offers a variety of programs for students of all ages. From workshops and camps to school field trips, these programs provide engaging and immersive experiences that inspire a love for science and exploration.Special exhibitions: In addition to its permanent collections, the museum regularly hosts traveling exhibitions that bring new and exciting experiences to visitors. From exploring the depths of the ocean to uncovering the mysteries of ancient civilizations, these special exhibitions offer a fresh perspective on the world around us.With its interactive exhibits, educational programs, and captivating displays, the American Museum of Natural History is a treasure trove of scientific knowledge. Whether you're a budding scientist or simply curious about the wonders of the natural world, this museum is sure to leave you in awe.Museum of IllusionsGet ready to be amazed at the Museum of Illusions, where optical illusions come to life and challenge our perception of reality. This unique museum offers a fascinating exploration of the science behind illusions, while providing plenty of fun photo ops for the whole family to enjoy.At the Museum of Illusions, you'll have the opportunity to experience mind-bending illusions that will leave you questioning what you see. From rooms that defy gravity to mirrors that distort your reflection, each exhibit is designed to showcase the tricks our minds can play on us. But don't worry, there's a scientific explanation behind every illusion, and the museum provides explanations to help you understand the science at work.To give you a taste of what you can expect at the Museum of Illusions, here's a sneak peek at some of their most popular exhibits:ExhibitDescriptionScience Behind ItAmes RoomStep into this room and watch as people shrink or grow in size right before your eyes.The room is cleverly designed with distorted walls and floors to create an optical illusion of changing heights.Infinity RoomEnter this room and be captivated by an endless reflection of yourself in every direction.Mirrors are strategically placed to create the illusion of infinite space.Rotating TunnelWalk through this tunnel and feel like you're being spun around, even though you're standing still.The tunnel is designed with a spiral pattern that tricks your brain into perceiving motion.With its combination of entertainment and education, the Museum of Illusions offers a truly unique experience for families looking to have some fun while learning about the science behind illusions. So grab your camera and get ready to explore the fascinating world of optical illusions.Museum of MathematicsAfter exploring the fascinating world of illusions at the Museum of Illusions, it's time to venture into the realm of numbers and shapes at the Museum of Mathematics. At this innovative museum, kids can engage in a variety of hands-on math activities that make learning fun and exciting. Here are some highlights of what the Museum of Mathematics has to offer:Mathematical Puzzles: The museum is filled with mind-bending puzzles that challenge kids to think critically and problem solve. Whether it's solving a Rubik's Cube or unraveling a complex maze, these puzzles will keep young minds engaged and entertained.Hands-on Math Activities: From building geometric shapes with magnetic tiles to exploring the concept of symmetry through interactive exhibits, the museum provides a wide range of activities that allow kids to explore math in a tangible and interactive way. They can even participate in live demonstrations and workshops led by math experts.Interactive Displays: The museum features a range of interactive displays that bring mathematical concepts to life. Kids can manipulate shapes and patterns, create their own fractals, and even experience the thrill of riding a square-wheeled tricycle on a specially designed track.Math Art: The Museum of Mathematics also showcases the beauty of math through its collection of math-inspired artwork. Kids can marvel at intricate sculptures and stunning visual representations of mathematical concepts, inspiring them to see the artistic side of numbers.Real-world Applications: The museum highlights the practical applications of math in everyday life. Kids can explore how math is used in architecture, design, and even music. They can also learn about the role of math in technology and innovation, fostering a deeper appreciation for the subject.With its engaging exhibits, challenging puzzles, and hands-on activities, the Museum of Mathematics is a must-visit destination for kids who want to explore the wonders of math in a fun and interactive way. So grab your little mathematicians and get ready for an educational adventure like no other.Science BargeThe Science Barge in Yonkers, New York, offers visitors a unique and sustainable experience that showcases the power of renewable energy and urban farming. As you step aboard the barge, you'll be greeted by a lush and vibrant oasis floating on the Hudson River. This self-sustaining farm relies on renewable energy sources to power its operations and provides a fascinating insight into sustainable farming practices.One of the highlights of the Science Barge is its hydroponic greenhouse. Instead of soil, plants are grown in water enriched with essential nutrients, allowing them to thrive without the need for traditional farming methods. This innovative approach not only conserves water but also reduces the need for pesticides and herbicides, making it an environmentally friendly alternative. Kids will love getting up close and personal with the plants, learning about the science behind hydroponics, and even tasting some freshly grown produce.The barge also features solar panels and wind turbines that generate the energy needed to power the farm. This renewable energy system not only reduces the barge's carbon footprint but also serves as an educational tool for visitors to learn about sustainable energy sources. It's a hands-on experience that shows how we can harness the power of nature to create a greener and more sustainable future.The Science Barge is more than just a farm; it's a living laboratory where kids and adults alike can explore the intersection of science, technology, and sustainability. From workshops and guided tours to interactive exhibits and educational programs, there's something for everyone to learn and engage with.Liberty Science CenterAs we explore the world of science and sustainability on the Science Barge, our next stop takes us to the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, New Jersey. Here, we've the opportunity to dive into a wide range of interactive exhibits with our kids, making learning a fun and engaging experience.At the Liberty Science Center, we can explore exhibits that showcase the wonders of our planet and the universe. From the largest planetarium in the Western Hemisphere to the thrilling Infinity Climber, there's something for everyone. We can learn about the Hudson River ecosystem in the 'Our Hudson Home' exhibit and even participate in interactive skyscraper exhibits to understand the engineering behind these towering structures.One of the highlights of our visit is the chance to learn about sustainable farming, just like we did on the Science Barge. The Liberty Science Center provides valuable insights into how sustainable farming practices can have a positive impact on the environment. We can discover the importance of renewable energy sources and how they can power urban farms, promoting a greener and more sustainable future.Getting to the Liberty Science Center is a breeze, as it's easily accessible via the Path to New Jersey and light rail. And with the center constantly hosting traveling exhibitions, there's always something new and exciting to experience.With so much to see and do, it's impossible to see everything in just one visit. So, let's grab our kids and embark on an adventure of exploration, discovery, and scientific wonder at the Liberty Science Center.Astro WestLet's now explore the fascinating world of Astro West, a store in the Upper West Side of NYC that specializes in minerals, fossils, and meteorites, offering a wide range of unique items for collectors. Astro West is a treasure trove for anyone interested in celestial collectibles and stellar souvenirs. From stunning crystals to ancient fossils, this store has something for everyone.To give you a taste of what Astro West has to offer, here is a table showcasing some of their most intriguing items:ItemDescriptionPriceMeteoriteA piece of outer space that has fallen to Earth, providing a tangible connection to the cosmos.$100-$500Ammonite FossilThe spiral-shaped remains of an extinct marine animal, perfect for fossil enthusiasts.$50-$200Quartz CrystalKnown as the "master healer," quartz crystals are believed to have powerful energy properties.$20-$100Trilobite FossilThese ancient arthropods roamed the seas hundreds of millions of years ago. A true fossil marvel.$30-$150Whether you're a seasoned collector or just starting your journey into the wonders of the universe, Astro West is the place to find unique and captivating pieces. The store's knowledgeable staff can guide you through their vast inventory and help you find the perfect addition to your collection. Plus, their prices are reasonable, making it accessible to all.Astro West is more than just a store; it's a gateway to a world of discovery and imagination. So, if you're looking for celestial collectibles or stellar souvenirs, make sure to visit Astro West and let your scientific curiosity take flight.EvolutionAfter exploring the fascinating world of Astro West and its celestial collectibles, let's now journey into the realm of Evolution. Evolution is the scientific study of how living organisms have changed over time, and it plays a crucial role in understanding the origins and adaptations of all life forms.Here are five key aspects of Evolution that will help you dive deeper into this captivating subject:Origin and Adaptation: Evolution explores how life on Earth originated and how different species have adapted to survive in their environments. It delves into the processes of natural selection, genetic mutations, and environmental pressures that shape the characteristics of living organisms.Genetics: Genetics is a fundamental aspect of Evolution, as it examines how genetic information is passed down from one generation to the next. Understanding the principles of inheritance and genetic variation helps scientists unravel the mechanisms behind evolutionary changes.Evolutionary Biology: This branch of biology focuses specifically on the study of Evolution. It investigates the patterns, processes, and mechanisms of how species evolve and diversify over time, shedding light on the intricate web of life on our planet.Fossil Record: Fossils provide tangible evidence of past life forms and allow scientists to reconstruct the evolutionary history of different species. By studying fossils, researchers can uncover clues about extinct organisms and their relationships to present-day species.Comparative Anatomy: Comparative anatomy examines the similarities and differences in the anatomical structures of different species. By comparing the anatomy of various organisms, scientists can uncover evolutionary relationships and trace the development of traits across species.Exploring the fascinating world of Evolution will open your eyes to the intricate processes that have shaped life on Earth. From the origins of life to the incredible adaptations of different species, Evolution offers a captivating glimpse into the wonders of the natural world.Brooklyn Robot FoundryWe were thrilled to discover the Brooklyn Robot Foundry, a STEM education center in Gowanus, Brooklyn, where kids can explore the exciting world of robotics and engineering through hands-on classes, camps, and workshops. At the Brooklyn Robot Foundry, children have the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning activities that foster creativity, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking.One of the key benefits of STEM education is that it prepares children for the future by equipping them with the skills needed in an increasingly technology-driven world. The hands-on learning activities at the Brooklyn Robot Foundry allow kids to actively participate in the learning process, gaining practical experience and developing a deeper understanding of STEM concepts. By building their own robots and engineering projects, children are able to see firsthand how science, technology, engineering, and math are all interconnected.The Brooklyn Robot Foundry offers a variety of classes, camps, and workshops tailored to different age groups, ensuring that children of all ages can benefit from their programs. Whether it's building a robot that can navigate a maze or designing a circuit that powers a lightbulb, the hands-on nature of the activities at the Brooklyn Robot Foundry keeps kids engaged and excited about learning.In addition to the educational aspect, the Brooklyn Robot Foundry also fosters a sense of community. Children have the opportunity to work collaboratively with their peers, sharing ideas and learning from one another. This not only enhances their social skills but also teaches them the value of teamwork and cooperation.Beam CenterContinuing our exploration of STEM education centers in NYC, let's now turn our attention to the Beam Center, located in Red Hook, Brooklyn. The Beam Center is a unique space that offers a wide range of interactive installations and apprenticeship opportunities for young minds to explore and create.Here are some highlights of what you can expect at the Beam Center:Interactive installations: The Beam Center is known for its captivating and interactive installations. From large-scale sculptures to immersive multimedia experiences, these installations provide a hands-on approach to learning and creativity. Kids have the freedom to explore and interact with these installations, fostering a sense of curiosity and discovery.Apprenticeship opportunities: At the Beam Center, high-school-aged apprentices have the chance to work on real-world projects alongside skilled professionals. Through these apprenticeships, young individuals gain valuable technical skills and hands-on experience in fields like woodworking, metalworking, electronics, and more. It's an opportunity to learn by doing and be part of a collaborative and supportive community.Hands-on workshops: The Beam Center offers a variety of hands-on workshops that cover a wide range of topics. From woodworking and robotics to digital fabrication and coding, these workshops provide an engaging and interactive learning experience. Kids have the freedom to experiment, problem-solve, and unleash their creativity in a supportive environment.Community events: The Beam Center hosts community events that bring together kids, families, and educators. These events provide opportunities for collaboration, networking, and showcasing the incredible work that young minds have accomplished. It's a chance to celebrate the power of creativity and innovation.Science education: Beyond the hands-on experiences and apprenticeships, the Beam Center is also committed to building science educators. They offer training programs and resources for teachers, empowering them to incorporate hands-on and project-based learning into their classrooms.The Beam Center is a place where freedom, creativity, and learning come together. Whether your child is interested in art, science, technology, or all of the above, the Beam Center offers a dynamic and inspiring environment to explore, create, and grow.RobofunLocated in the Upper West Side of NYC, Robofun is a STEM-focused learning center that offers a wide range of classes and workshops for preschool-aged children, igniting their curiosity and passion for robotics and technology. At Robofun, kids have the opportunity to participate in STEM inspired art activities while exploring engineering concepts.Robofun's classes and workshops are designed to engage children in hands-on learning experiences that foster creativity and critical thinking. Through activities like building robots with LEGO bricks and programming them to perform tasks, children develop problem-solving skills and gain a deeper understanding of engineering principles. The center also offers stop-motion animation classes, where kids can bring their own stories to life using technology and their imagination.What sets Robofun apart is its emphasis on combining science, technology, engineering, and art. By integrating art into STEM activities, children are encouraged to think outside the box and approach challenges from different perspectives. This interdisciplinary approach not only enhances their creativity but also helps them develop a holistic understanding of how different disciplines intersect and complement each other.Whether it's constructing a robot, designing a stop-motion animation, or engaging in other STEM activities, children at Robofun are encouraged to explore, experiment, and express themselves freely. The center provides a supportive and inclusive environment where kids can unleash their creativity and develop a lifelong love for science and technology.Dazzling DiscoveriesAt Dazzling Discoveries in the Upper West Side of NYC, we offer a variety of after-school classes, camps, and drop-in workshops for both kids and adults, providing engaging and hands-on learning experiences in subjects like sewing, coding, and more.Here are some reasons why hands-on learning is so beneficial for kids:Active Engagement: Hands-on learning actively engages kids in the learning process, allowing them to explore, experiment, and discover new concepts on their own. This active engagement enhances their understanding and retention of the material.Practical Application: Hands-on learning allows kids to apply what they've learned to real-life situations, helping them see the relevance and practicality of science education. This practical application fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills.Creativity and Innovation: Hands-on learning encourages kids to think outside the box, fostering creativity and innovation. By engaging in hands-on activities, kids can explore their own ideas and find unique solutions to problems.Collaboration and Communication: Hands-on learning often involves group work, promoting collaboration and communication skills. Kids learn to work together, share ideas, and communicate effectively, which are essential skills for success in the scientific community and beyond.Long-lasting Interest in Science: Hands-on learning ignites curiosity and fosters a love for science among young minds. By providing engaging and interactive experiences, kids are more likely to develop a lifelong interest in science and pursue further education and careers in STEM fields.At Dazzling Discoveries, we believe in the importance of science education for young minds. Our hands-on approach ensures that kids not only learn scientific concepts but also develop essential skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.Come join us and let your child's imagination soar!The Geek ForestAfter exploring the benefits of hands-on learning at Dazzling Discoveries, let's now venture into the exciting world of The Geek Forest. The Geek Forest is a haven for geek culture and education, where children and adults alike can immerse themselves in technology and creativity. At The Geek Forest, the possibilities are endless, as they offer a wide range of classes and workshops on video game development, coding, 3D art, and animation.To give you a glimpse into the diverse offerings at The Geek Forest, here is a table showcasing some of their most popular classes:ClassAge RangeVideo Game Development8 and upCoding6 and up3D Art10 and upAnimation12 and upWith these classes, The Geek Forest aims to foster a love for technology while encouraging creativity and critical thinking skills. They understand that geek culture is not just about consuming media, but also about actively participating and creating in the digital world.The Geek Forest is a place where freedom is celebrated. It provides a safe space for individuals to explore their passions and learn at their own pace. Whether your child is a budding programmer or an aspiring artist, The Geek Forest offers a supportive environment where they can thrive.Science-Centered Stores in NYCIf you're in NYC and looking for a unique and educational shopping experience, explore the fascinating world of science-centered stores. These stores not only offer a wide range of products, but also provide an opportunity to learn and explore the wonders of science.Here are five reasons why science-centered stores in NYC are worth a visit:Exploring the science behind optical illusions in NYC: The Museum of Illusions in Chelsea is a must-visit for anyone interested in the intriguing world of optical illusions. This store provides a fun and quirky experience, with explanations of the science behind each illusion. Get ready for some mind-bending photo-ops!Collecting unique artifacts and fossils in science-centered stores in NYC: Astro West in Upper West Side and Evolution in Soho are two science-centered stores that specialize in unique artifacts and fossils. From bones and mounted insects to minerals and meteorites, these stores offer a treasure trove for collectors and science enthusiasts alike.Learning while shopping: Science-centered stores go beyond just selling products. They provide educational resources and information about the items they offer. Whether it's a book on dinosaurs or a kit to conduct experiments at home, these stores are a great way to learn while shopping.Supporting local businesses: By visiting science-centered stores, you aren't only supporting local businesses but also contributing to the promotion of science education. These stores often collaborate with schools and educational institutions, making a positive impact in the community.Inspiring curiosity and creativity: Science-centered stores are filled with fascinating objects and materials that can spark curiosity and creativity in both children and adults. From intricate fossils to colorful minerals, these stores offer a world of inspiration for aspiring scientists and artists.STEM Centers and Maker Spaces in NYCSTEM Centers and Maker Spaces in NYC offer a wealth of opportunities for hands-on learning and creative exploration in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. These spaces aren't just for kids, as there are also maker spaces for adults and STEM programs specifically designed for teens.For adults who are interested in tinkering and creating, there are several maker spaces in NYC that provide the tools and resources needed to bring ideas to life. These spaces often have workshops and classes where adults can learn new skills and collaborate with others who share their interests. Whether it's woodworking, electronics, or 3D printing, there are maker spaces in NYC that cater to a wide range of interests.Teens who are passionate about STEM subjects can also find a variety of programs and resources in NYC. Many STEM centers offer specialized programs for teens, where they can engage in hands-on projects and experiments, work with cutting-edge technology, and learn from experts in the field. These programs often focus on real-world applications of STEM principles, allowing teens to see the relevance and impact of their studies.STEM centers and maker spaces in NYC provide an environment that encourages freedom and creativity. They offer a space where individuals can explore their interests, learn new skills, and collaborate with others who share their passion for science and innovation. Whether you're an adult looking to pursue a new hobby or a teen seeking to deepen your understanding of STEM, these centers and spaces in NYC are sure to inspire and ignite your curiosity.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Special Discounts or Promotions Available for Admission to the New York Hall of Science or Any of the Other Science Museums in Nyc?There are special offers and discounts available for admission to the New York Hall of Science and other science museums in NYC.Promotions for the New York Hall of Science can vary, so it's best to check their website or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information.Other science museums in NYC may also offer special discounts or promotions, so it's worth exploring their websites or contacting them to see what deals are available.Are the Exhibits at the American Museum of Natural History Suitable for Children of All Ages, or Are There Specific Exhibits Geared Towards Younger or Older Kids?At the American Museum of Natural History, you won't believe the incredible exhibits suitable for all ages! From towering dinosaurs to mesmerizing space shows, there's something for everyone.Younger kids will love the interactive learning experiences, like the Discovery Room and the Butterfly Conservatory.Older kids can explore the Hall of Human Origins and delve into the mysteries of the universe at the Hayden Planetarium.Get ready for a mind-blowing adventure that will ignite curiosity and inspire young minds!Can Visitors Take Photographs Inside the Museum of Illusions, or Is Photography Prohibited?At the Museum of Illusions in NYC, photography is allowed! You can capture all the fun and quirky photo-ops with your camera. It's a great way to remember your visit and share the science behind each optical illusion with your friends and family.Does the Museum of Mathematics Offer Any Programs or Workshops Specifically Designed for Adults, or Are They Primarily Focused on Children?At the Museum of Mathematics, they offer programs and workshops specifically designed for adults, in addition to their focus on children. It's great to see that they cater to all age groups, providing opportunities for adults to engage in STEM learning.As for STEM centers and maker spaces in NYC, it's important to note that age restrictions may vary. Some places like Brooklyn Robot Foundry and Robofun offer classes for preschool-aged children, while others like Beam Center and The Geek Forest are geared towards high-school-aged apprentices.Are There Any Restrictions on the Age Range for Children Attending Classes or Workshops at the STEM Centers and Maker Spaces in Nyc?Age restrictions vary among STEM centers and maker spaces in NYC. Some centers offer classes and workshops specifically designed for certain age groups, while others have programs that cater to a wide range of ages. It's important to check with each center to understand their specific age requirements and offerings.Additionally, some centers may offer discounts and promotions for certain age groups or specific workshops. It's always a good idea to inquire about any available discounts when booking classes or workshops.ConclusionIn the bustling streets of NYC, there's a world of discovery waiting for young minds.From the awe-inspiring exhibits at the New York Hall of Science and the American Museum of Natural History to the hands-on activities at STEM centers like the Brooklyn Robot Foundry, children can explore the wonders of science and ignite their imaginations.So, come and join us on this scientific adventure, where curiosity knows no bounds and the love for learning is nurtured.Let's inspire a lifelong passion for science together!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:40 ConsiderationKey277 Decants from Yasmins Perfumes.

Decants from Yasmins Perfumes.
Imagination : Imagine smelling a half open lemon from distance, imagine youre in a nice washroom on a sunny day, imagine holding to some citrusy candy under your tounge and sucking it quick, imagine holding the straw of lemonade between your teeth and thrusthing up the juice thats the smell it projects outs. Its plain just like you would expect a green lemon field on a hill top. Citrusy, lemon raged nothing else just freshness.
After maceration :
Imagination : Pretty linear notes, straight lemon. Projects wise its very good, 2-3 hrs of projection easy on a pretty bad humid and summer day, stays on the clothes for 8+ hours.
Fun story : I was leaving for a vacation wore my fav shirt and nearly poured 3-4ml on me but unfortunately the shirt was torn apart from my door knob so I crumbled and threw the shirt on my bed. You wont believe after 11 days I could smell the scent very vibrantly on the shirt.
Vetiver Sultanate : have you ever smelled kapoor that burns? Its somewhat that. Its dense, like something earthy and I can sense some cold oil which is used in talcum powder. Great mix of a lot of elements, a bit mature i would say. Stays on the clothes for 6-7 hours, projects okay. Vetiver is for more mature nose, not for me.
Mr. handsome : It should be named something else according to me, I mean yeah nevermind haha. Its more of a green, a slight hint of a bit of orange with a beautiful blend of unripe mangoes. Slightly sweet and green. Its a perfume yes and it smells like one. Lingers on you the whole summer day if youre in somewhat controlled environment. Its smells very unique, something like a walk in a mango forest. The unripe mangoes and the tanginess got me mouth watering for the whole day.
After Maceration : Its somewhat magical, like it smells tangy and sweet, I remember me and my friends were starving on a summer afternoon and once i sprayed this on me they started complaning that it amplifled their hunger pangs. Ill get a bigger bottle very soon.
Coffee break : Imagine a young charming person walking by who smells really nice and you give them a side eye. Imagine a sophisticated young lady in an elevator who smells as good as she looks. The perfume has something majestic which screams yes look at me. Sweet, caramel, chocolate and slight touch of coffee, make my brain's nerve wide when ever I take a sniff. Its a smell you would like to eat to be happy.
Performance: has a decent projection and stays on the clothes for 4-5 hours, very less hints of coffee but more of choclate? and vanilla. Smells good.
Amber Aoud: Is that would you call amber? theres a very distintive smell which is dense and light at the same time. you dont get to smell this usually being a normal person, quite diffrent and it somewhat resembles the smell of outisde a religious place. Very unique, bit sweet and charmingly sophisticated. Good performance, okay projection, stays on the clothes for long. Not exactly how the perfume experience describes it, his yapping sold me this. Great buy tho.
Yasmin was kind enough to provide me 2, 2ml decant of Hawas Ice and DG light blue forever. Man i loved Hawas ice, the girls went gaga, even the boys started looking intrigued. BEAST.
What am I getting from Yasmin again?
Mr handsome def, Imagination, Hawas Ice might think about Amber Aoud
Just to let to know, Its true Yasmin's perfumes are bit on the sweet side and I love it. If you get something from him plese let the bottle cook for atleast 3 weeks. The whole scent changes after that, no alcohol blast, super refined notes.
submitted by ConsiderationKey277 to DesiFragranceAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:08 just_someone76 For saying he wanted to go to the beach? (17F) and (18F)

This is the first time I write here. First of all, I don't speak English (but I'm learning), so everything I'll tell you is translated from a page, so I hope the translation doesn't change too much (sorry if it does).
I graduated in early March, and while waiting to find out if I was accepted to university or not, I killed time on the internet, or reading something. One day in April, I saw the statuses of my friends, including that of my friend (now ex-friend) Elena, where she uploaded a photo at the beach, which got me thinking that I would also like to go out to the beach or some other place, because until that moment I hadn't gone anywhere.
Days later, my mom woke me up early asking if I wanted to accompany her to the beach, to which I agreed, and while we were on the way, I sent a message to Elena, telling her that I had seen her statuses and that it made me sad because I also wanted to go out, and now I was going to do it, as if I had manifested it. I thought she would laugh, because that's why I sent her the message. She saw the message, but didn't reply, and I didn't pay much attention to it, why should I?
Months went by without us talking, I didn't pay much attention either, because I'm not someone who spends all day sending messages to my friends. But recently was Elena's birthday, and I didn't find out until she posted photos of her small gathering with our group of friends.
That took me by surprise, and to be honest, it made me very sad.
I asked my friend who went to the party about Elena's birthday, and he asked me why I didn't go, and I replied that I wasn't invited. I asked if he knew anything, and he said no.
He told me to ask her why she didn't invite me.
I sent a message to Elena wishing her a happy birthday, thinking that when she read it she would say something about why she didn't invite me, but instead she just replied thanking me for my congratulations.
My friend insisted that I should ask her, but to be honest, I felt embarrassed to ask her because I thought she would see me as resentful, so instead I downloaded a meme and edited it as an indirect message and put it in my status for Elena to see (all as a joke), in fact, I was laughing along with my friend about it.
I was sad because I didn't understand why she didn't invite me, not so much because I didn't go to her birthday, I'm not resentful about that, what made me sad is that we were supposed to be friends and she didn't consider me. I spent a long time wondering what I had done wrong for her to be angry with me, but nothing came to mind.
The whole night passed and she never replied.
I begged my friend to ask her, but he said I had to do it, but I still felt embarrassed to write to her, so I downloaded more memes, edited them, and put them in my status (they didn't have her name, just things like what represents me in the background and the others representing those who have fun. I didn't see anything wrong with it, they were just that, memes of what I found funny about my situation).
After a while, before my first class started, she replied to me.
She said she didn't invite me because she didn't like what I had written to her last time. I asked her confused about what thing, and she replied about how I had overlooked many things, and that she tried to be a good friend and that she hadn't even treated me badly. I asked her again about which message, and she replied with the message I had sent her about how I also wanted to go to the beach.
I was shocked.
She wrote to me that she didn't like that message, that even though it wasn't her way of being, she behaved like that because of how I had behaved with her, that she was going to invite me to the party but she had discussed it with other people and they also didn't like my attitude.
I was confused, I replied saying that in the message I meant that I also wanted to go out for a walk because I hadn't done it, and that I had no intention of offending her.
She replied saying that my message was out of place and that along with other things that had happened, that's what had made her angry.
She brought up a problem we had in the past to which I had already apologized and never did anything to make her feel bad again.
The problem was this:
Years ago I had a friend, let's call him Alex, he and I became friends in my second year of school through a mutual friend (now ex-friend). Elena came in when we were in virtual classes, and we became friends when we all returned to face-to-face classes.
It was by chance that we started talking because it turned out that Alex and Elena were dating. Great, I didn't see anything wrong with that.
But as time went by, she started having a lot of problems with Alex, and she always vented to me.
It got to the point where I could never say something that made me happy, or that made me sad because she always changed the conversation and made it about something that made her happy, or sad, which I always listened to.
One day, tired of her never listening to me and of her always making the conversation all about her, I told her that if Alex was so bad to her then she should break up with him (I didn't say it impulsively, it was something we had been talking about for a long time, and I didn't tell her to break up with him until she hinted at it first), but Alex found out that I had said that so he ended his friendship with me.
I was very sad because I value my friends a lot.
She took his side and they continued to be boyfriend and girlfriend.
Many things happened, that and including my recent breakup of friendship with another friend, which ended up making me angry.
I admit that I wasn't the best friend to her during that time, I was angry, I was indifferent, and because of her attitude of "I didn't do anything wrong" every time the topic came up, I would talk about how she had treated me and her attitude (I didn't start the conversation).
At that time, I couldn't even recognize myself, I was never mean to her, but I was going through depression (I had just ended a very toxic and manipulative friendship, and along with that, other personal problems), so I wasn't very friendly with her, to say the least (I never yelled at her or insulted her, it's not like I humiliated her in public or anything like that, to be honest, the only thing I did was to say that she had been mean to me), why didn't she make an effort to support me when I supported her? Aren't friends supposed to do that?
On Christmas, she invited all the girls from our group of friends, including me, and I realized that I didn't want to be angry with her anymore.
So I asked her for my most sincere forgiveness, which she accepted.
After that, I was kinder and more friendly, as I really am, but the point is that I thought we had solved everything.
I invited her to all the gatherings we had at my house, and we always had fun. Even after our graduation, we kept texting each other.
Everything was fine until the issue with the message about going to the beach.
She got angry and threw everything back at me.
She wrote to me that she thought I was jealous because Alex was with her, that it seemed like I liked her. To which I made a confused face.
What was she talking about? Nothing of the sort, I just saw her as a friend, let alone being jealous.
She talked about her religion and about God, about forgiveness, and turning the other cheek to those who are mean to us.
She told me all this so that I wouldn't do it again with my friends and so that I would know how to value them.
Damn. I value my friends a lot because I'm someone who has had a lot of bad luck when it comes to making friends, so I value those who have been good to me.
She said she would have liked our friendship to last longer, but unfortunately it couldn't, and she told me to take care of myself and to do well.
I replied that I understood and that I was sorry, that it was never my intention to hurt her. But since she reminded me of what had happened, I reminded her of how much she had hurt me first.
She hurt me a lot, I only responded in a bad way because of how she treated me, and I apologized for that.
To which she replied that this time it wasn't about me, and that what had happened she had already apologized for (not that I remember).
At that moment my class was about to start so I didn't reply quickly, I spent all four hours of classes that day distracted because of what she had told me.
All of that was in the past, our friendship had returned, it never crossed my mind that she was angry about that.
And all because I wrote to her that I would like to go to the beach too. I just wanted her to laugh about it because it was so silly, and she interpreted it so differently, as if I had written an insult between the lines or something like that.
I wrote to my friend (the one I asked about the birthday party that she didn't invite me to) and asked him friend to friend if I had done something wrong, and he replied that he didn't see the point of why she was upset, and that if Elena didn't want to reason with me then I should distance myself.
I apologized for involving him.
I asked another friend (who doesn't know Elena, but I was honest and told him what had happened with her) and he said that there are friendships that are good and others that are bad, and that the people who are bad should be told to go to hell.
So I replied to Elena one last time.
I explained that I didn't want to fight, much less make her feel bad. I didn't understand why she was treating me like this when I thought we had solved everything.
I defended her as much as I could from the people who tried to hurt her, I was always there when she needed me, and I did everything to integrate her into our group of friends.
She always justified her actions with God, and she firmly believed that he would solve all her problems, which made me angry but I never told her, I believe in God, I have the belief that he helps you, but you have to help yourself too.
I wished her a good life full of happiness, but that I didn't want to see her again.
She continued to tell me, throwing in my face why her friendships lasted longer than mine.
She told me it wasn't true that when we talked everything was about her (it was), and she justified herself by saying that when she talked about herself they made her shut up, whereas with me, when I talked about something they never shut me up (I get very excited when I talk so I tend to talk a lot), but that didn't mean I didn't listen when others spoke, because I always paid attention to them.
She emphasized that when past friends hurt her she never stayed stuck, and that you don't die for a friendship (she knew perfectly well what happened with my old friend).
She said she didn't hold a grudge against me and that what I did didn't affect her. She wished me well, and that was it.
After that, I blocked her from everywhere.
I'm still confused.
Did I really have the blame?
She was the one who started it all.
I didn't tell you in more detail what happened between us, but that was a summary of what happened.
She's right about one thing, I'll never understand why all my friendships end badly. My only fault is being too complacent, letting myself be manipulated, and not seeing how bad they were with me until our friendship ended.
I promised myself that I wouldn't let myself be trampled again, so I got defensive when Elena started treating me the way she did.
I had just come out of a friendship that was very bad for me and that literally had me on the verge of death. For the first time I tried to defend myself, all this happened.
I was depressed for months, asking myself if I was to blame for why the people I called "best friend" ended up hurting me worse and worse.
And even though Elena wasn't someone I would consider my best friend, she was someone I loved and appreciated a lot, she hurt me a lot when she put me aside. I faithfully believed that we had solved our problems, why is she coming at me with this now?
Really. Am I the bad one?
submitted by just_someone76 to teenrelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:07 norbit1414 Success story! I'm getting the hang of this!

Success story! I'm getting the hang of this!
Alright guys second successful manifestation here we go!!
This is twice in a day btw.
First one: today in the morning I was really depressed because I wasn't able to figure out how to go about my life and I was feeling a bit lost. I was sitting in Bryant Park in Manhattan and feeling if it's sad about this whole situation. I'm a former student of stoicism and my knee jerk reaction, whenever I get to negative, Is to do whatever it takes to bring my mind to a neutral state of mind. How I do that is, I go into a deep meditative state where I let go of all my problems, myself, my ego. Once there is a blank slate I go ahead and just accept my situation and I calm down.
Instead of doing that, today I decided to take a different approach: after reaching the neutral state I asked myself "what would make you feel good? What situation would make you feel good?" Because my mind was so clear, the answer was super random. "Man I would really feel good if a beautiful woman just smiled at me with the warmest smile." Then I asked myself "what if that happens how would you feel??" I just had the most pleasant feeling right then and there and I dwell in that feeling for like a good 5 minutes.
Moments later I was back to my normal positive self, and I decided to start walking and just walk around New York City. A couple paces later I don't know why I decided to sit down again (I was had started a podcast, had completely forgotten about this whole woman thing).
A few moments later, literally a really pretty woman, In a beautiful sundress sits down with a book in her hand titled "all about love". I look at her and I think to myself huh she's pretty. Then again I forget about the whole thing. Literally out of nowhere a couple pigeons land super close to her and they startle her. She gets all flustered and gets off her chair. And that's when I look at her and out of nowhere she looks straight into my eyes and just gives me the warmest smile ever.
Once again I feel the exact same feeling I felt through before. It was surreal.
After that I just have a really good day and I pretty much walk around Manhattan.
Second manifestation: At this point it's 8:00 p.m. and I'm in lower Manhattan watching the sunset. I don't know why but for a second I feel a little unfulfilled so once again I go into this meditative state, the whole nine yards. "What would make me feel a bit better right now" I go through a list of things: money? nope, sex, nope.
And then I go "what if a really pretty woman who is just perfect for this moment strikes up a conversation with me. She has similar interests as a similar background and we have a really deep conversation and we both enjoy the sunset and maybe we flirt and I get her number."
And this is crazy because this is such a specific manifestation, I've never done specific manifestations they've always been very vague.
Literally 10 minutes later I see a girl who comes and sits a couple yards away from me. She's facing the sunset she's chilling. I don't know why but I have to send a confidence and I just walk up to her and I strike up a conversation with her. (So I moved to Manhattan 3 weeks ago from the Midwest).
Turns out this chick is from Michigan, we end up having a really deep conversation, I'm connecting with her on many levels. I'm studying advertising here she's studying music business: The perfect blend of corporate and creative.
We chill and watch the sunset till 11:00 in the night and then right after that we flirt I ask for her number. And she gives me her number!!!
This has been one of the best days of my life. I am f****** ecstatic right now. I think I have completely figured it out.
Thanks for reading guys let me know your thoughts in the comment section.
submitted by norbit1414 to Manifestation [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:57 Known_Ad_517 Will I benefit from doing the right thing?

I (m19) made the adult decision to marry my wife (f20) about 7 months after graduating high school. We have been through a lot together, living together since I was 17 and traveling the world immediately after graduating (8 countries). I married her because I knew she was the love of my life, showing me things that no other woman could ever fathom possessing. Also, because I knew I planned on joining the military and she could also receive American residency. Those were just a plus. Young and naive, we also faced a lot of challenges; arguing more often than not about stupid things. I also had some mental health issues from my past and trauma that would infect my emotions and cause me to be mean or have an "idgaf" attitude, something I am still trying to work on. She was the sweetest most innocent thing when we met and since then I have showed her a side of a man, or should I say boy, that she's never seen before (growing up in a culture of submissive men). On the contrary, she also grew up being very independent and would try to do everything on her own, not letting me help then would complain about how I don't help her stress (which wasn't true). I wasn't perfect, but I learned and understood that we were young and imperfect and accepted the things she did often that I didn't like, but she was always nitpicking and complaining about how I don't do this or that (things as simple as falling asleep on the couch instead of the bed). Ultimately, in April we had a bad argument, she was usually the one threatening our relationship that she couldn't take it anymore, etc but I never wanted to give up. But the last time, the tables turned and you couldn't have convinced me to be with her otherwise, I was done. In this light, other than being bound by a legal document, for 3 months of being separated I felt and acted single, wanting nothing to do with her. I ended up texting women, nothing more, before I realized that nobody was her and I just wanted to fix what was lost. I ended up getting caught up as she found out about what I had done, now the cards are against me, labeled as a cheater, disloyal, how I never did anything to make her life easier (which again I did the best I could with what I was given, young and dumb) which I totally understand, my behavior was unjustifiable but I was at my wits end and was tired of feeling unneeded, useless, not good enough, etc. However, I want it to work more than anything, I can't imagine living my life with anyone else, anyone raising my children, etc. I plan on joining the marines this month, strengthening my relationship with God, and letting them both destroy and remold me to be the man I want to be and should be in hopes for salvation of my marriage. My question is, how will she make my life easier and better? We were both independent so it wasn't like I was getting any help, but other than being a beautiful woman with a lot of promise for her future, what will I gain in means of support mentally, physically, emotionally, etc. is this a man leads, woman follows type of situation, or am I being too naive? Either way I know it's a gamble worth taking and I wouldn't want it any other way, however I am kind of at a loss being framed as someone I'm not as if I was the only problem. I don't know if I'm just thinking too much or what.
I am a young man lost and don't have anyone else to talk to. I appreciate in advance any concerns, responses, and advice anyone has to offer.
submitted by Known_Ad_517 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:54 SetDifficult1618 My sister says my partner ought to "worship the ground I walk on"

(Seeking support or advice)
I (ftm 22) am in a secondary relationship with a man (M32) who is in an ethically nonmonagamous marriage. We got together about a year ago, and it's all gone really well. I'm also currently looking for other partners or a primary, but haven't had any luck yet, so he is my only partner at the moment.
Today, after a year of being together, I introduced my partner to my family. It went well, but afterwards my sister approached me with her thoughts. She said that he seemed really caring and nice, but that "he's not hot enough to be acting like he doesn't worship the ground you walk on". It is true that he doesn't worship the ground I walk on-- we split paying for dates (neither of us are in great financial situations), I always drive the 45 minutes to his house (because I can't host), he is a messy person and doesn't clean up much for me, and he doesn't give me much verbal affirmation even when I ask for it (he claims to be bad at it).
Recently, I graduated summa cum laude from college, and he didnt get me a card or do anything to celebrate. It's like, as soon as I got home (we were long distance for a few months as I finished up), he was fine to just slot me back into his daily life without really acknowledging all of the big changes that are going on with me.
It's just frustrating. I think my sister has a point, and that my partner ought to be doing more and really taking steps to make me feel loved and appreciated. Sometimes I feel like I'm begging for attention. I really enjoy this relationship, it just isn't giving me everything I need. I know it'd be easier if I also had a primary, but I don't have one and I don't know when I'll get in another relationship.
submitted by SetDifficult1618 to polyamory [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:50 The_Ghost_Reborn AITA for upsetting my newly engaged friend?

My friend Mike (M40s) is in a relationship with Nadia (F30s). Mike worked with Nadia's husband and became friends with him, and got to know Nadia while hanging out with them as a couple.
It turns out Nadia's husband was physically abusive to her in private, so she eventually kicked him out. She maintained primary custody of the kids, that were perhaps 8 and 5 at the time of the separation.
Mike appreciates an attractive woman, and Nadia is very attractive, so he made sure he was there for her during the breakup. Nek minnit, they're FWBs. Very casually. He speaks of her as his play-thing for the first few months.
Mike ends up falling hopelessly in love with Nadia. Her face is his phone screen background style hopeless. Can't hang out with friends without Nadia being there. Talks about her too much. Etc. Happy for him in general, but concerned for Mike.
Problem? Nadia's kids. They're mini-Satans. Proper little demon children. Like literally punch her in the face if she says "no more ice cream" type terrors. It's not cute from a 3 year old let alone a 10 year old. The 10 year old knows that she will break before he does, and he can keep escalating knowing nothing will happen to him no matter how crazy he goes. Cops have been called on him multiple times (not by his mother) and he doesn't care. He's 10 and he feels invincible because he never faces consequences he cares about no matter how bad he is. His younger brother is using him as a role-model and other than being his primary victim, is starting to copy him and punch Nadia as well.
It was one thing when they were just dating, but Mike, who I've spoken to about the problems he's walking into before, now tells me they're getting married and he's moving them all into his house.
I let things sit for a while, then to paraphrase asked Mike "what are you going to do when Demon#1 says fuck you and burns your house down? Nadia can't control him, and she's not going to let you handle him the way you want to, so you're literally stuck with a terrorist in your house that you have to walk on eggshells around lest he fuck your shit up. He escalates until he gets his own way, and if you kick him out or do anything to him Nadia's gone too. Do you know what you're getting yourself into?".
I was trying to be a good friend and save him heartache in the long run, but he's really not happy with me. This was happy news he was sharing, and I knew that. I think it's going to end horribly though, and I care about Mike. I don't think he's thinking straight and I don't want to let him fuck his life up without saying anything. Mike's definitely not an asshole for being upset about this, but I'm not sure if I am for not just keeping my mouth shut and letting him make his own life choices without my interference. I knew I'd upset him but chose that as the greater good. Thoughts?
submitted by The_Ghost_Reborn to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:50 brittpeeks Solo Trip Report 5/16-5/25

I expected to have this posted very soon after my trip, but time got away from me! Even the prospect of writing this out is kind of daunting lol so props to all of you who post your trip reports (and I greedily read every word!). Whenever people say stuff like “this is so long, I don’t expect anyone to read this!” I’m always like “of course I’m going to read every word and love it!” But now I am the one telling you guys, this is very long and I can’t imagine who out there is going to read this lol
Thursday 5/16 - Travel Day
Flew to Naples where my friend lives. Plan was to stay two nights with her before we headed to Orlando for one “girls night” before my solo trip began.
Saturday 5/18 - Travel to Disney!
Left at 6:30am to drive to Orlando. It was her and her two girls (age 11 and 5). We had reservations for one night at Beach Club. We bounded as princesses (Tiana, Ariel, Aurora, Jasmine). We walked to Epcot at 11:30am and that short walk was INCREDIBLE. I can’t believe how close the park is!!! Beach Club is amazing for location alone! Here are the things we ate and experienced:
~~Toasted Pretzel Bread (Germany): 20/10 This was absolutely delicious and over the course of the week I think I ate it like 5-6 times lol
~~Raspberry Radler (Germany): same as above, LOVED
~~Harvested a Pearl (Japan): This was seriously THE BEST experience! We all got them put in necklaces. One of her daughters got a gray/blue pearl and it was gorgeous. Lots of attention when she showed mine bc it looked big and she kept moving it up the sizing plate. I ended up with an 8.5mm pearl! It was very exciting and lots of celebration by the workers and crowd. They said it was the largest of the day. Honestly, I recommend this to ANYONE. It was less expensive than I expected, $29 to harvest the pearl, then I think I spent $23 on a cage for it, and I chose to buy a necklace for it to wear right away and that was $26. I am 100% doing it again in September when I go back for my 40th birthday (and I told my hubby he is doing it too and will love it!)
~~Lemon Drop Shandy (The Citrus Blossom): 7/10 good! nothing exceptional, I liked the radler better
~~Cinnamon Roll Bites (Brunchcot): 6/10, I was so excited for these but they were just average. I think maybe if we had a batch that had more frosting it might have been better. They weren’t bad, just not outstanding. Loved the bacon crumbles though!
~~Guardians of the Galaxy: the only reason this is making it into the notes is bc of my Reliefband. I get motion sickness. I tried Guardians last fall (after 2 dramamine) and still had to sit for about an hour afterward to chill and not be sick. I decided to purchase a Reliefband (classic version, Amazon, $129) to try out this trip and see if it would work. I was very skeptical. But I am here to say it worked 1000000000%. I was so blown away. Absolutely ZERO feelings of motion sickness during or after the ride. Kept my eyes open the whole time (it’s the visual speed that usually gets me, screen rides get me too). I am not a big thrill ride person, so incidentally this time around I realized this isn’t the ride for me. I just don’t enjoy it that much, BUT the big deal is to find out that is my ride preference and has nothing to do with motion sickness. It was so liberating not having my motion sickness control me! Ooooo, also, I was absolutely ecstatic that I got the song I’ve always wanted!! Everybody Wants to Rule the World!
We left Epcot at 4pm and went back to the resort to check in. First of all, it’s so gorgeous there. The room was wonderful, the lobby is beautiful and smells amazing. I wish we had the money to always stay deluxe bc I get why people love deluxe resorts so much!
Dinner at Ale & Compass (Yacht Club): 7/10, again, food was decent but nothing exceptional. Actually the Parker House Rolls were 1000% worth the hype, I got the NY Strip Steak though, asked for medium rare and I think it was more medium and that ruined it a bit for me (also taste was just meh)
We spent about an hour and half swimming at Stormalong Bay after dinner. That pool is seriously incredible. I never want to experience anything but a sand bottom pool again. The. Absolute. Best.
18,525 steps
Sunday 5/19 - Girls Leave and Solo Begins
We checked out and then had a Beaches and Cream reservation at 11:30am. We shared the Bacon Ranch Totchos (7/10 tasty but too much topping for me), Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup (grilled cheese 9/10, tomato soup 6/10), aaaaand the Kitchen Sink Sundae (9/10)! Was it smart for us to get this with only two adult women and two children? Probably not. But boy was it fun and delicious and we put way more of a dent in it than I thought we would lol. A little siren goes off in the restaurant when one is brought to a table and there is a back and forth with kitchen staff and customers (they say something about a “whole can of whipped cream” and customers answer back as a group) and it was a very fun vibe! In fact that is one of the reasons I rate it a 9/10 haha, bc I think there is just too much whipped cream and a lot of the ice cream is just buried.
We swam at Stormalong bay for 2 more hours before they dropped me off at All-Star Movies and they headed home to Naples.
Magic Kingdom (solo)
I got into my room at All-Star Movies (Love Bug building 6) and tbh I didn’t mind its distance to the bus stop, maybe bc it was just me, but I didn’t have a problem with it, I thought the walk was quick enough. I was in Magic Kingdom by 5:30pm.
6pm PeopleMover (walk on) 5 min posted
6:30pm Pirates of the Caribbean (walk on) 10 min posted
6:45pm Thunder Mountain (10 min) 15 min posted
7:10pm Enchanted Tiki Room (10 min) 15 min posted
7:40pm Haunted Mansion (20 min) 20 min posted
8:25pm Got the Sweet and Spicy Chicken Waffle sandwich at Sleepy Hollow: 7/10, the taste was great, I don’t like spicy stuff but this wasn’t too spicy. The only con is that the bottom of the waffle was kind of soggy and I didn’t really eat that part.
8:55pm in spot for HEA
9:40pm Peter Pan’s Flight (25 min) 10 min posted
Spent a lot of time in gift shops and doing photopass on my way out of park
11:10pm On bus back to resort
19,626 steps
Monday 5/20 - Animal Kingdom
6:45am On the bus to AK
7:22am Scanned into the park
7:32am Nav’i River Journey (6 min) 10 min posted
8:05am Kilimanjaro Safari (18 min) 25 min posted, was off the safari at 8:45am
9:05am Pongu Pongu - tried the Pongu Lumpia! I know this snack is controversial, it seemed like it was up my alley, but others have said the same and didn’t end up liking it so I was expecting to ultimately dislike it. I enjoyed it! 8/10 would eat again!
9:15am Gorilla Falls Trek, walked for 20 mins
9:45am It’s Tough to be a Bug - this was my first time, honestly, I think I have read articles and seen so many vlogs calling it startling and scary that I think I was expecting the worst so much that it wasn't
.bad? I didn’t mind it? (side note: the ONLY time this entire trip that I wore tennis shoes was the morning of Animal Kingdom. My feet were hurting by the time I went into this show, so while it was going on I switched to my flip flops and my feet took a complete 180 degrees. I wore flip flops the rest of the trip and had zero issues with sore feet. I guess I’m just a flip flop girly???)
10:15am Feathered Friends in Flight - was actually heading to 11am Lion King but a CM I passed was announcing to people that the bird show was starting at 10:30 so I decided to detour there. It was great!
11:00am Maharajah Jungle Trek, walked for 20 mins, this was the most beautiful trail for me, absolutely lovely!
11:30am Eight Spoon Cafe - got the BBQ pork MacnCheese, found a spot to sit down by Drinkwallah and that is my go-to spot now. It is shaded and the carved tables and chairs are so pretty. I really like that little (hidden?) sit-down area!
12:00pm Discovery Trails, walked for 10 mins, then looked around shops in Discovery Island and Asia
12:50pm Rafiki’s Planet Watch (5 min) I did not get off the train, at this point I needed a break but I did not want to go back to resort, so I sat on the Wildlife Train and drank lots of water, I went around the circuit twice, got off at 1:30pm
1:45pm Festival of the Lion King, got in line for 2pm show, this was my first time
it BLEW MY MIND, absolutely loooooooved this. So so much. It was wonderful!
3:00pm Dinosaur (5 min) 15 min posted - first time! Honestly, I have heard so many disparaging comments about this ride I expected it to be terrifying, painful and just not fun. Again, I had an opposite experience! I love dinosaur movies (like Jurassic park) so I really enjoyed this one. I hope it is still there to ride when I am back in the fall!
3:30pm Nomad Lounge (added myself to waitlist on app, there was no “wait” got the text pretty much immediately) This was such an important break out of the heat. I spent an hour here to recharge. I drank a lot of water, had a delicious cocktail Lamu Libation 10/10, Ahi Tuna Poke Bowl 8/10, and Churros 10/10. I was able to charge my phone in an outlet at the bar. It was the perfect break!
5:00pm Left AK and headed back to resort
7:20pm Scanned into Hollywood Studios, walked around, looked through gift shops
8:20pm Catalina Eddie’s: got the Toffee and Coconut Blondie to take with me into Fantasmic! You guys
this is an absolute favorite of mine! My friend got it at NYE and forced me to try it (I didn’t want to bc I am not a coconut fan) but I fell in LOVE. Definitely a 20/10. I was so excited to get it again this trip. If you don’t love coconut, I find it very mild, you should definitely give it a shot.
9:00pm Fantasmic!
10:00pm Got on the bus to All-Star Sports instead of Movies bc in the gift shop at my resort the worker had told me I could find the pin I was looking for at the Sports gift shop. It was the 30 yr Anniversary pin of All-Star Resorts. I bought that and walked all the way back to my building, was back by 10:30pm
31,437 steps
Tuesday 5/21 - EPCOT
10:00am Scanned in at Epcot - kind of embarrassing
I was “that person” to hold everyone up. The past two days I did not need a park reservation, so I didn’t even think anything of it, but they told me one was required this day and he was setting one up for me on his ipad but then it kept erroring out, I felt TERRIBLE.
10:25am - Living with the Land (5 min) 5 min posted
10:50am - Nemo and Friends (15 min) 15 min posted
11:15am - Journey of Water walkthrough
11:40am - bought the Spike’s Pollination Exploration Scavenger hunt, it was nice bc it was 30% off with the rest of the F&G merch and I got my 20% discount on it. I mean it was only $10 regular price but I was still pretty happy lol
11:50am - got food!!! Toasted Pretzel Bread and Raspberry Radler (Germany) still 20/10, Frushi (Japan) 8/10, Fruit Punch Ale (America) 8/10 good but I would get the radler over this every time
1:00pm Frozen (40 min) 60 min posted, I got splashed a lot more than normal this time for some reason! Sat next to a girl who was videoing on a go-pro, asked if she was a vlogger but she said no and then we chatted for a min about our love of Disney vlogs, it was nice!
2:10pm Kringla Bakeri - Viking Coffee, 9/10 excellent!
2:30pm The Honey Bee-stro - Liquid Nitro Honey-Mascarpone Cheesecake, 10/10 LOVED, the cheesecake was smooth and creamy (even while “frozen”) and the tart blueberry compote that comes with it is a perfect pairing. Plus I was able to Pixie Dust someone here! There was a young girl in line in front of me by herself, she was maybe 13? Anyway she was trying to scan her magic band for payment and the CM told her the band was not authorized to be used for payment, she seemed a bit surprised and embarrassed and I stepped in and started scanning my magic band. It was honestly only $6.50. She tried to tell me no and that she would go get her mom, but I just overrode her and said “It’s Disney! Let me!” with a smile. We were both at the window to pick up our items together and when she got hers she unexpectedly leaned in and gave me a hug and thanked me again. I was so surprised and heartwarmed (and also felt bad that I was kinda sweaty lol). But anyway it was a wonderful moment!
2:45pm Bought the Spaceship Earth cookie jar that I have been wanting so badly! I got it with my gift card I got for “mothers day” from our pets :D
2:55pm Spaceship Earth (walk on) 5 min posted
4:00pm Bus back to resort for a break and shower bc it was a very hot day!
6:40pm Scanned back into EPCOT
6:45pm Spaceship Earth (walk on) 5 min posted
Walked around to find Spike for scavenger hunt
7:35pm Toasted Pretzel Bread and Raspberry Radler (again! lol)
8:00pm watched Garden Rocks concert
More Spike hunting!
9:00pm Luminous
9:10pm Started heading out of park
This was my toughest day of my whole solo trip for several reasons. 1) I don’t think I did enough sit down things, I was on my feet a ton 2) I was not being “park smart”. Epcot is huge enough in the first place but I was not navigating the park in an efficient way and ended up walking WAY more than I should have. Around 7:30-8pm I started to feel something pulled in my leg (after googling later maybe a mild issue with adductor tendon?) it was high up in my inner thigh, I decided to leave the park only 10 mins after Luminous started bc I really wanted to not push myself, the next day was going to be my Magic Kingdom day and that is my favorite park and would likely be a long day and I just didn’t want to ruin it.
29,183 steps
Wednesday 5/22 - Hollywood Studios (not Magic Kingdom!)
Woke up before 7am and decided to pivot on my plans bc of my leg. I decided to stay in the resort room until midday to rest my leg, and due to that decision I switched my park day from MK to HS. I figured if I was going to be in a park for less hours of the day I would rather sacrifice time in Hollywood Studios than Magic Kingdom. I bought Genie+ and bought an ILL for Rise of the Resistance for 1:40pm. This ended up being THE BEST decision I could have made. By the time I left my room, my leg was feeling 100% better and I did not have any issues with it for the rest of the trip!
1:15pm Scanned into Hollywood Studios
1:30pm Frozen Sing Along - I love this fricken show, I always want to see it every time I go to HS, I could watch it a million times, I am always impressed by the Arendelle Historians bc they are so funny, and while they will make jokes in a similar vein, they still have so much variety that you don’t see the same jokes when you watch shows with different historians. A++, this will always be one of my faves.
2:15pm Rise of the Resistance ILL - full A mode, also
bc I was wearing my Reliefband I was able to keep my eyes open during the drop with the simulation of flying through space. It was great!!!
3:00pm Smuggler's Run (G+) - okaayyyyyy, I have never been on this (due to motion sickness fears) but I decided to take the plunge. I got all the way to sitting in the seat and tbh I was terrified. I was by myself, I didn’t know exactly what to expect and I was not so much scared that I would be sick, I was confident in the Reliefband, but I was worried I would hate the simulated feeling of flying. That kinda freaks me out. So then, the ride doesn’t actually start and they tell us that a CM will be in to let us out bc it has malfunctioned and we will be given a LL back. I was quite literally SO RELIEVED. I will try that ride, but in September when I am with my husband!
3:30pm Woody’s Lunchbox - Adult Lemonade 10/10 and Raspberry Lunchbox Tart 7/10. I ended up getting two more Adult Lemonades throughout the night bc I thought they were delicious!! The tart was fine, it tasted “good” but nothing unique or outstanding.
4:00pm Beauty and the Beast Live
4:35pm Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway (G+)
5:15pm Toy Story Mania (G+)
6:00pm Baseline Taphouse - Charcuterie Board 9/10 and Blood Orange Hard Cider 7/10
6:30pm Frozen Sing Along - I am not kidding about how much I like this show lol
7:10pm Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway (40 mins) 45 min posted
8:20pm Rise of the Resistance (used the anytime pass I got for Smuggler Run going down) this time around we ended up having to walk down a hallway bc there was a technical difficulty with the 2nd pre show (where you enter the craft and get pulled in by the first order) we skipped that part and walked down a hallway straight into the storm trooper room. Everything else worked except for Finn.
8:45pm Ran my ass through Toy Story land (picked up an Adult Lemonade!) and hightailed it to Fantasmic! This ended up being a very good lesson for me. Getting to Fantasmic! just as it was starting was NOT a good idea. I was in the bleachers in the last section at the top, like with the walkway in front of you. You can hardly see anything back there. I will not make this mistake again. I left just as the floats started bc I could not even see them at all.
Browsed a lot of gift shops!
10:20pm Got on bus back to resort
I go back and forth on whether G+ was worth it today. Ultimately, I side on yes bc I didn’t even get to the park until 1pm, got to walk the park a ton, I did the most photopass spots here than I did on any other day, so Genie+ allowing me to just hop on 3 rides with no wait gave me the time to do all of that (and watch Frozen twice and B&B show), and I had the time to wait for Runaway Railway standby again. Also, bc the Smugglers Run malfunction allowed me to use a “LL” on Rise again, that alone made it worth it!
20,264 steps
Thursday 5/23 - Magic Kingdom
Wooooohoooo! My favorite park! I decided to get G+ today and get an ILL for Seven Dwarfs Mine Train for 7:40pm
9:10 Scanned into MK
9:25am Thunder Mountain (walk on) 10 min posted, this ride has never gotten to me in the past (motion sickness) but I was in the second to last cart and that made this ride feel faster and “dippier” and I did not care for it lol
9:40am Westward Ho - Crispy Chicken/egg/pepper jack breakfast biscuit, 9/10 would get again!
9:55am Pirates of the Caribbean (10 min) 15 min posted
10:25am Enchanted Tiki Room (walk on, got there just as they were ushering people in)
10:45am Enchanted Tales with Belle (12 min) 20 min posted
11:20am Little Mermaid (G+)
11:35am Mickey’s Philharmagic (10 min) 15 min posted
12:20 Carousel (15 min) 5 min posted - tbh this one pissed me off lol, bc I would have never gone on it had I realized I would wait 15 mins, 5 mins was a cruel trick haha
12:50pm Winnie the Pooh (G+)
1:05pm it’s a small world (G+)
1:35pm PeopleMover (8 min) 15 min posted
2:05pm Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin (G+) - I didn’t remember thinking this ride was this hard! But after having just done Toy Story Mania the day before, I did not find this one to be as easy to “play”, I prefer Toy Story Mania!
2:20pm Monsters Inc Laugh Floor (17 min) 10 min posted
3:05 Peter Pan’s Flight (G+)
3:25pm Pecos Bills - slugged some water, had a coke (12/10 refreshing!) and nachos (4/10, I did not remember these being so spicy, I mean I don’t like spice so I am probably a wimp saying this but I did not enjoy these bc of the spiciness, will not get again)
4:00pm Stopped in Columbia Harbour house which was not too busy and found an empty table next to an outlet to charge my phone
4:45pm Haunted Mansion (G+)
Walked to First Aid station for Tylenol (headache)
5:20pm Pirates of the Caribbean (G+)
5:50pm Sunshine Tree Terrace - I tried the I Lava You Float, and I was sure it was going to be too sweet even though I have read many people’s reviews who loved it. I LAVA THIS FLOAT! 10/10 very much looking forward to getting again in fall!
6:05 WDW Train (Frontierland) (6 min) 10 min posted - I felt like chilling for a bit again so I did a full circuit and then went on to Fantasyland
7:05 Mickey’s Philharmagic (5 min) 10 min posted
7:35pm Seven Dwarfs Mine Train ILL - felt the same way about this one as BTM earlier, I was in one of the last carts (row 8) and it felt faster and dippier than in the past, no thanks!
8:10pm PeopleMover (20 min) 5 min posted - this should have been a walk on, but the ride went down as I was in line, I kept debating back and forth about leaving the line and coming back, but I just kept sticking it out a few more mins and a few more mins. Some people in line behind me were speculating if someone had puked on the ride bc of the workers going up. Not sure, doesn’t really matter, PeopleMover is the BEST at night!
8:50pm Seven Dwarfs Mine Train (35 min) 35 min posted - Listen, I wasn’t expecting to be on this ride during HEA, I was just trying to hop in line while everyone was waiting for fireworks bc the wait would be shorter, but the fact that I actually got on it in perfect timing to see fireworks?! Let me just say it is just as cool as everyone says it is! Also, they put me in row 8 again, grrrrr, is that the designated solo rider lane?
9:30pm TRON - I tried getting a boarding group at 7am and didn’t get in. So then my plan was to get in at 1pm but I totallyyyyyyy forgot about it and I remembered at 1:55pm and I was like “crap! I guess I will see if I can still buy an ILL”. I was about to do that and then I thought to myself, “maybe I should just see if the VQ is still open?” AND IT WAS! So I literally got a boarding group at 2pm, an hour after the VQ started, I was shocked and thrilled when I got one! Plus TRON is always so gorgeous at night. I actually have yet to ride it in the day lol And LISTEN, I get that most people prefer Guardians to TRON, I really do get it. BUT bc I am not that much of a thrill ride person, I like easier going coasters. I seriously love TRON so much. It is such a horizontal coaster that it’s like my ideal. You get the thrill from it being fast and a little dippy, but nothing crazy. It’s a fave for me!!!
10:30pm Casey’s Corner - French fries and coke, both 10/10 refreshing and needed the pick me up!
10:45pm Main Street Confectionary - It was on my to-do list to get the popcorn mix from here. I chose Butter Popcorn, dark chocolate sauce, pretzel pieces and snickers. 10/10 definitely recommend. Will be getting a mix again in September!
11:10pm Got on bus back to resort
Friday 5/24 - Bonus Day?!
This was supposed to be my travel day back home. My flight was set to leave at 5pm, but in the morning my husband told me about storms in the midwest and I got an email from the airline about “adverse weather conditions”, so I called and changed my flight to the next day at 7am. (It ended up being the right choice bc my original 5pm flight out of MCO was delayed multiple times until it was finally canceled at like 10:30pm) I was thankfully able to book another night at All-Star Movies and could stay in my same room. I quickly formed the plan to go back to Animal Kingdom to see Festival of the Lion King again bc I had enjoyed it so much earlier in the week and then go to EPCOT to finish the final 4 Spikes that I had not located yet for the scavenger hunt!
11:00am Scanned in at Animal Kingdom
11:50am Mr. Kamal’s - got the Chicken Dumplings that were on my list to try but I did not get the chance to on Monday, also went back to my favorite spot by Drinkwallah, the dumplings were like a 6/10. Idk just pretty average for a potsticker that you can get anywhere, I probably would not get them again
12:15pm walked around Dinoland to really soak it in just in case next time I come it is walled off!
1:pm Festival of the Lion King - man, this is just fantastic! Be Prepared is my favorite villain song and I get so pumped when they do that part!
1:50pm Satu’li Canteen - got the wood-grilled chicken protein bowl, with rice and black beans and the creamy herb sauce. Literally OH MY GOD, this was so flipping good! 20/10!!! Best thing I ate hands-down all week. I wasn’t sure I would eat the slaw in the bowl but that was delicious, the creamy herb sauce was amazing and those little boba balls that add the citrus burst?!?! So so good. I have already altered our plans for September to include two meals here so I can get this bowl twice next time lol
2:45pm Took bus back to Resort
5:30pm Scanned in at EPCOT
5:55pm Living with the Land (walkon) 10 min posted
6:15pm Awesome Planet (walkon, went into theater immediately and show started) This was my first time checking this out, I really enjoyed it! I will def watch again especially in the heat of the day when I just need to sit somewhere cool for a bit!
6:45pm Found Spike (1 of 4 left) by the Butterly Landing!
7:00pm Found Spike (2 of 4 left) in France
7:10pm Checked out the Annual Passholder lounge in Restaurant Marrakesh
7:35pm Gran Fiesta Tour (walk on) 5 min posted
7:50pm Found Spike (3 of 4 left) in Mexico
8:00pm Got another Toasted Pretzel Bread and Raspberry Radler from Germany (dont judge! lol)
8:10pm watched Lit at Garden Rocks concert (who doesn’t love “My own worst enemy”!?!?!?)
8:35pm Found final Spike in Japan!!! - this one was my ultimate nemesis. I had searched Japan on Tuesday, I had searched Japan (twice?) earlier on this day and I was all set to give up bc I couldn’t find the Kokedama garden. I just hadn’t looked up the stone path to the left of Japan. Finally saw it when it was dark out and got my final Spike!!!
8:50pm Journey of Water walkthrough (always better at night!)
9:05pm Shoutout to the photopass guy who I stopped by on my way out of the park, those were the most awkward poses I have ever done in front of spaceship earth but you tried your best and the photos make me laugh every time I see them!
29,941 steps
Overall Thoughts
10/10 Amazing Trip. I found out about people going on solo trips here on reddit late last year and I was immediately certain I had to book one. While I can be a very social person, I am also a loner in the fact that I do enjoy spending time in my own company (not everybody does) so I knew a solo trip was right up my alley. It was everything I hoped for and more. I didn’t have to consult anyone else, I could do what I want, when I want. Also, (not to brag
I’m not bragging I swear) but I am not a complainer. The heat usually doesn’t affect me too much, I have a good amount of endurance so I get tired of course but it takes a lot. I’m pretty unflappable because I’m just happy to BE AT Disney World. Others I’ve gone with are not like this so much lol so it was nice to just be in my own company in the sense that I was always in a positive mood and didn’t have anyone dimming that? If that makes sense?
I am a petite woman. I am 4’10” and 118lbs so I am very aware of my size in terms of my safety. I can honestly say though that I felt safe throughout the whole trip. The one time that I got off the bus at All-Star Sports at 10pm to go to the gift shop and then walked all the way to Movies, that did worry me a bit but only as I was walking through the parking lot sections.
And I did get the crap scared out of me at the resort due to the requirement of a “visual check”. I had not ever heard of this, but I was in my room for a midday break and I had a knock at my door by housekeeping. I thought it was odd bc I had my “room occupied” sign out the whole time bc I didn’t feel the need for housekeeping, it was just me in the room. I said “no thank you” and they knocked and announced housekeeping again. I said “no thank you” louder. (internally I was thinking, can they not hear me through the door????) and they did it again! I finally went closer to the door and I heard the person mumble something about a “visual check” and I very sternly and loudly said “no!” bc I didn’t know what the heck they were talking about. I peeked through the curtain at my window and watched the guy walk past holding a phone in his hand. I think he was wearing a uniform shirt but I couldn’t totally tell. I decided to call the resort in the event this was someone trying to pose as housekeeping staff. They ended up relieving my fears by telling me it was legitimate. Apparently, you have to have your room checked at some point in your stay (I was staying 5 nights) if you choose not to get housekeeping. He explained this has to do with the Pulse Nightclub shooting. I guess they had stockpiled guns in their hotel room and kept not letting housekeeping in. He explained that is why they do the visual check, for the safety of all resort guests. I was 100% supportive once he told me that and I felt bad for yelling at the guy. But also, I am a solo woman and I had no idea what the hell was going on, and to be completely frank, I had just showered so I was in a tshirt and underwear which made me feel even more vulnerable bc I was not fully dressed! I was not letting that person in my room. The guy on the phone totally understood that and apologized for alarming me. I told him to have the guy come back and do the visual check. I apologized to him when he came in. He was in my room for all of 10 seconds and that was it. But it was certainly a crazy ordeal!
I was doing 20-30k steps each day and other than hurting my leg on Tuesday I was honestly fine. I had shin splints too but again, they weren’t terrible and by Thursday they were gone. I brought tennis shoes and flip flops intending to switch on and off throughout the week in order to prevent my feet from getting sore but that never happened. I spent 3 hours in the shoes on Monday before my feet started hurting and I never wore them again. I had 2 different pairs of flip flops the whole time. I guess that is what my feet like!
Backpack vs Loungefly
I typically wear a normal size backpack to the parks, but also I can usually share wearing it with my husband. I didn’t really consider how hard it would be to wear a backpack alllllllll day long. And it wasn’t even heavy, I didn’t put much in it at all, but still it wore on my shoulders and made them sore. On Wednesday I ended up getting a Loungefly even though they have never really been my thing. It honestly ended up being perfect. It felt different on my shoulders and I wasn’t getting sore like I was with a regular size backpack.
Waiting in Lines
I have often read that one of the things that bothers solo travelers the most is waiting in lines by themselves bc it’s boring and they have no one to keep them company. I thought I might feel this way too but waiting in lines was not bad at all to me. It’s so easy to be on your phone that whole time. I was looking at my photopass photos, browsing reddit, and inputting trip notes. I felt like waiting in line was not a hardship for me as a solo traveler.
This trip exceeded my expectations with photopasses! The number of photos each photographer took and the variety of positions and magic shots was awesome. I am assuming part of that is because I was solo? I am not sure but I just felt like the quantity and time spent at each photopass location was better than normal. Special shout out to Hollywood Studios, that day in particular was just awesome. Every photographer was awesome, but especially the ones in Galaxy’s Edge. I was having such an amazing time getting them!
Total Photopasses each day:
MK - 6 photopass spots
AK - 2 photopass spots
Epcot - 3 photopass spots
HS - 7 photopass spots
MK - 6 photopass spots
AK and EPCOT - 7 photopass spots
I can’t wait to do it all again in September with my husband!
submitted by brittpeeks to WaltDisneyWorld [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:50 timidgirlspeaks Grieving and just need to talk about it.

I met my boyfriend now husband on Tinder over 7 years ago. I had zero idea that saying yes to a date to a man on a dating app would shortly make me become a dog mom to the best dog in the world.
I met Errl (my soon to be dog) a mini schnauzer mixed after my 5th date on Valentine's when my then boyfriend now husband invited me over to cook me dinner and we painted tiny canvas. Errl was so sweet and loving when I first met him. Full of energy and loved to cuddle! A year later I was moving in! I brought my kitty with me too and they cared for each other but never got super close. I some how convinced my now husband to start letting Errl sleep with us every single night on our bed. I spoiled that dog every chance I had. Shortly after my now husband started working a lot more and my bond with Errl had gotten so much stronger. We were basically connected to the hip! We gotten so close that Errl would always sleep on my side. By then my now husband always jokes "you stole Errl from me! Jk" And it's true, he was my soul-pup. I always thought I would pick my soul-pup but it turned out he was just waiting for me. Errl was there with us through it all the big mile stones and even the tough times. We bought a house and got married. We lost family and friends. The world testing us but every night Errl was there. By our side. We have so many memories! Camping, cuddling, snacking together, walks, the tricks, your fake peeing because you wanted to mark your scent every where! I even dedicated a song to Errl. The song "My girl" by The Temptations. But instead of "my girl" I would sing "My Errl!" I'm a at home cake decorator. There were countless nights where I was up all night long finishing a cake order and Errl NEVER wanted to leave to go to bed with dad. He stayed in his bed until I was finally able to rest. He was my assistant and sometimes my cake taster.
After 7 amazing years with my soul puppy, he started to slow down. Stopped eating. Stopped drinking. He could no longer hold his bladder or even go to the bathroom by himself. My puppy that used to greet me at the door was still laying on his bed across the room because he couldn't walk anymore. The dog that used to hop up on my legs just to get that extra pet and love. The dog that used to run to me when he heard my voice. The barks he used to shout when he thought he heard an intruder(when it was just the heater kicking on)... just stopped. He wasn't the same. I know he tried to hold on as long as he could for us. But my 14 year old puppy was ready. Two days ago we took him to a beautiful park. Fed him all the works, I am a pretty good cook so I made him one of my favorite chicken dishes he never got to eat. Gave him a piece of my cake. Ordered him a happy meal. Got his favorite treats and lots of peanut butter. And lastly he ate a chocolate kiss. We even played "my girl" as he fell asleep and went to heaven. It was the day we had to say goodbye to our perfect dog Errl... 💔
I have not stopped crying. I can't sleep. The guilt I have. Was it too soon? No he was in pain. The vet said he wouldn't have much time even if we did surgery. Why do I feel like I made a mistake? Who's going to stay up with me when I make my cakes? Who will sleep at the foot at my bed or my side? I cry when i realize I no longer have to make sure I take a big step so I don't step on my dog. I cry when I realize I no longer have to fill his bowl. I cry when I realize I no longer need to wake up early to let my dog out to potty. I cry when I hear "my girl" but why do I keep playing it? I feel like the house is empty without him. I'm heart broken. I underestimated how hard this would be.
Thank you for reading my story. Any advice would be appreciated!
submitted by timidgirlspeaks to Pets [link] [comments]