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2012.12.17 21:17 request gifts, randomly gift

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2024.06.08 19:17 tharealbigjc22 You Know What Angers Me?: Birthday Emails

It's my birthday today, so here’s a rant. The internet these days has a birthday problem. It's not the enthusiastic, cake-and-balloons kind of problem, but a relentless, data-hungry one. Every website and service you encounter feels like it's shoving a virtual birthday cake in your face, demanding your birthdate in exchange for some "special offer." It's the internet equivalent of that bakery that relentlessly pushes stale donut holes on your birthday – a hollow gesture that leaves you feeling a little sad and a lot hungrier for something more meaningful.

Here's why these birthday emails sting:
Look, if a company truly wants to celebrate my birthday, here's a radical idea:
Until then, I'll be deleting those birthday emails faster than you can say "phishing scam."
Because birthdays are about celebrating with loved ones, creating memories, and maybe even indulging in a slice of real cake. They're not about collecting digital coupons for things you don't even want. Give me a friend with a funny card and a bad rendition of "Happy Birthday" over a generic email any day! Birthdays deserve better than the internet's current approach of hollow gestures and manipulative marketing.
submitted by tharealbigjc22 to rant [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 12:23 1abking KMS Showcase Simplified Translation

KMS Showcase Simplified Translation
Milestone Showcase (from showcase not KMST patch notes)
translated by drew c:
hi it me, dude that made maplescouter vid and kaling guide support me (ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ sub pls n ty): https://www.youtube.com/@drewgms
TL;DR Roadmap
- showcase https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8I2hFxWjVY
KMST 1.2.173 Update Patch Notes - https://maplestory.nexon.com/testworld/news/all/44
*Roadmap for June-November\*
Note: This is not ALL the content we plan on pushing. There may be more content and content dates may change as well.
*Aran and Shade Remaster Event + Hyper Burning*
*Hyper Burn + Tera Blink (6/20~10/16)*
*Some Milestone QOL*
*Summer Event: One Page in a Memory*
*Hyper Burn + Tera Blink*
*Burning World*
*Item Burning*
*Event List QOL*
*Some Milestone QOL*
*Summer Event: One Page in a Memory*
*New Boss: Limbo*
*Brilliance Boss Accessory Set*
*Exceptional Enhancement Changes*
*HEXA Stat II*
*Maplestory Cafe*
*Fall Event: ??? (related to talahat)*
*Epic Dungeon 2: Angler Company*
*Fall Event: ??? (related to talahat)*
*New Area: Talahat(?)*
*Azmos Canyon*
*Maplestory x IP Collaborations (Dave the Diver)*
*Maplestory x IP Collaborations (Demon Slayer)*
//Unknown Date
*Grand Athenaeum: Chapter 8 Von Leon's Story*
*Cygnus Cash Shop Set*
*Heroes Cash Shop Set*
*PC Bang Event*
*Maplestory Partners*
//Remaster (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=HxyyqByPGRzXIC0z&t=890)
-> Plan on remastering more classes in the future, please wait a bit longer [Quality Control]
Aran -> Main Focus - Adrenaline (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=llG\_IdMOGlZlm\_JB&t=1842)
Shade -> Main Focus - Survivability (? They didn't pick one point specifically like Aran) (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=yDPnOfQLanXd06MA&t=2352)
*Aran/Shade Hyper Burn Benefits* (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=o1NQJklvzgi\_U3UE&t=1280)
-> NEW!! Unique Emblem
-> NEW!! Strawberry Farm 1x Entry Coupon
-> NEW!! Aran/Shade Hyper Burn Title [Pink Bean Title Stats (Perm)]
*Aran/Shade Remaster Event* (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=FBxWQeQnmLVW8qf6&t=1404)
-> Good Quality Remaster
-> Hyper Burning + Tera Blinks [Meant for Aran/Shade ONLY]
-> Chairs, Damage Skin, Custom Character Background, Pets, etc.
-> IRL "Story" Book available for purchase [Likely Not in Global Stores] (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=YoPhZJU5s0n0ePPB&t=1495)
-> Secret Punch King Event "Burning World" for Aran/Shade [Likely Not Coming to GMS] (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=zf85MyIMfSOpGyVN&t=1699)
//Hyper Burn + Tera Blink Benefits (6/20~10/16)
-> Can start using TyphoonExtreme270 Potion on Hyper Burning Characters
//Item Burning (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=SmV07x1urXG71kfz&t=8517)
-> Item Burning is run in parallel to Hyper Burning
-> Clear Bosses (quests/challenges) on your Hyper Burn character to gain "Challenger" items
Can receive up to 3 Set 18* "Challenger" CRA + 5 Set 18* "Challenger" AbsoLab [8 Set Challenger Set]
//Burning World
-> Normie Shit
//Milestone QOL (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=dqK87H7uC2k5sPna&t=3159)
*Maple Scheduler\*
-> Basically a "Reminder"
-> In Game Notifier for Unfinished/Finished Content for Dailies/Weeklies
Use this instead of using Excel Sheets/External Sites :KEKW:
*Level Up Changes for 1-200\*
-> Making improvements for leveling in the "lower" levels
-> "MAIN QUEST" From Level 30~Level 200 you can follow quests to level instead of spending time training
Many "STORY QUESTS" have been updated in addition to the "MAIN QUEST"
*Maple Guide Changes\*
-> No longer need "400 Kill Requirement" to teleport to the specific maps
Only pre-quest to be completed
*Character Preset Additions\*
-> Keyboard Preset Added
*Mu Lung Dojo - Fog Forest Training Center\*
-> Buffs can be used similar to Boss Practice Mode
*Buff Finder\*
-> See what/how buffs are being applied to your character
My Class Skills, Other Class Skills, General Skills, Items
-> Buff Encyclopedia System
See Cooldowns, Buff Benefits, etc.
*Fast Character Switcher\*
-> Makes it easier to swap between characters without having to 'Exit->Server->Find Character->Log In'
*Boss Cutscene Skip\*
-> Boss Cutscene Skip selector prior to entering the boss
*V Matrix Changes\*
-> Basic Slot (Level 200) 7 Slots -> 12 Slots
-> Max Slots (Level 260) 25 Slots -> 30 Slots
-> Can craft your own "Perfect" Trios
*6th Job Changes\*
-> Requires -85% EXP for Completing the 6th Job Pre-quest [70B EXP]
*Genesis Quest (Liberation) UI\*
-> New UI added to help with the Genesis Quest progression
-> No longer requires 'Black Mage Remnant' for Genesis Quest Only need Black Mage clear monthly
*Spell Trace Fever Time (Reg Server)\*
-> Changed from Sunny Sunday Only to Friday+Saturday+Sunday
*Pet/Android Transparency\*
-> Additional Settings from Pet+Android Transparency for your character and other characters [Pretty sure GMS already has this]
*macOS Maplestory Beta Test\*
*Bonus Potential Changes\*
-> Can purchase Bonus Potential Cubes with Meso [GMS unlikely to get this as we aren't even getting Magic Wand]
-> White Cubes will be pushed into sales
//New Boss: Limbo (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=8ZLpN7-3plt1mTjh&t=5598)
-> Level Entrance: 285 (Carcion)
-> Difficulty: Normal Hard
-> 3 Phases (?)
-> Reward: Eternal (Shoe Glove Cape) NEW BOSS SET Ring (Level 250)
Note: We will be trying to push more end game content (mainly bosses).
//Eternal (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=Xvwus2OcwUAM3t\_9&t=5986)
6 Set
Attack/Magic: +40
Boss: +15%
7 Set Max HP/MP: +2500 All Stat: +50 Attack/Magic: +40
Boss: +15%
8 Set
Attack/Magic: +40
Boss: +15%
//Brilliance Boss Accessory Set (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=vkZzINQYhmX4KNZ7&t=6129)
NEW RING from Limbo
These items will slowly replace Pitched Boss Set
//Exceptional Enhancement Changes (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=SdBHaUWGTXs8VOxP&t=6313)
We will only continue to push exceptional enhancements for "Pitched Boss Set"
-> Parts will be changed to "Hammer"
This new "Hammer" can be applied and then removed/extract it from your items.
Pushing the extract feature to not upset whales that have already spent a lot in Pitched Items with the new boss set coming out.
Whilst "Pitched Boss Set" Items can only be enhanced once with the Exceptional Enhancement, the "Brilliance Boss Accessory Set" items can be enhanced 3 times with Exceptional Enhancement.
//HEXA Stat II (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=4ikVLzjabTXp6D99&t=6578)
-> Requirement: Level 265 HEXA Stat I Level: 20
-> Cost is different from HEXA Stat I
//Summer Event: One Page in a Memory (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=X0bOH\_AUeYtN0\_kD&t=6721)
-> Theme: Behind the Dimensional Library Story of Von Leon
Main Event (Daily): 5 Times a Week (Check-In)
Main Event (Weekly): Once a Week
-> Black Cubes + White Cubes have been readded (KMS issue with cube scandal) -> New!! Coin Shop for Punch King [Optimized for Character Strength]
Boss Coin Shop has been replaced by the "Punch King Coin Shop" [Reduce "Service"]
-> New!! Flame (MINIMUM T5) in "Hard Punch King Coin Shop"
-> Most things are normal like every event (coin shop, exp skill, temp stats, etc.)
-> Gold Richie's Safe...
"Level 5 OZ Ring Selector Coupon"
-> Star Force Stage (Basically Guild Castle Enhancement Room)
"Donate Mesos to person tapping" :OMEGALUL: (Reg Server Feature)
//Grand Athenaeum: Chapter 8 Von Leon's Story
-> Will be added after the summer update/event
//Event List QOL (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=\_dl4Dr9cbahGdahD&t=8170)
-> QOL similar to the Maple Scheduler
//Cygnus Cash Shop Set (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=HpJyuUBrCn1XxRec&t=8742)
-> Similar to the recent sale of the "Explorer Cash Shop Set" they will be selling character matching NX
//Heroes Cash Shop Set (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=Vn-8gBnCnYK\_vaKt&t=8803)
-> Similar to the recent sale of the "Explorer Cash Shop Set" they will be selling character matching NX
//PC Bang Event (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=mtv3GvVx-vMXHUiG&t=8946)
Not for GMS zzzz
-> Increased Sol Erda Drop from Bosses
-> Spell Trace Fever Increased
-> +50% EXP
-> PC Bang Event Shop
-> Rewards: 2 Extreme Growth Potions 5x Sol Erda 400x Sol Erda Fragments
//Maplestory Partners (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=s9gXMp3v3l7-faEe&t=9099)
-> OpenAPI expansion
-> Supporting creators that use Maple's OpenAPI
//Maplestory Cafe (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=E0fpacmeKFBxTlYT&t=9334)
-> IRL Location in Jeju Korea
//Epic Dungeon 2: Angler Company (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=7-wtEhmzFz2LuOm2&t=16031)
-> Entry Level: 270+
-> Choose: EXP+Sol Erda or EXP Only or Sol Erda Only
-> P2W for EXP+Sol Erda (3x? 5x?) [Like normal? didn't specify]
-> P2W for EXP Only or Sol Erda Only (4x 8x)
//New Area: Talahat(?) (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=VKfKf60rmv\_Nc7wh&t=10375)
-> Level Entry: 290
-> New GRAND Symbol
+50% EXP +15% Meso +15% Drop +SAC
Trying to help push more endgame content like bosses (eventually)
im not spoiling story n shit, gl lore discord
//Fall Event: ??? (related to talahat) (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=9bj327CgENfmvc24&t=10804)
-> Similar scale to summer event (as previously mentioned in one of the maple lives)
//Azmos Canyon (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=nzskhapYPtVY44Fb&t=11049)
-> New Content: dude not spoiling
ursus replacement(??? guesses from the community)
-> Content to help further your character's progression (meso/items?)
//Maplestory x IP Collaborations (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=m4PWaW1rIWLSPHBQ&t=11334)
-> New Collab soon?
-> 2 collabs
maybe collab with other nexon ip's or with some other popular ip
-> Maplestory x Demon Slayer (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=In06ItD9QKJd79hY&t=11370)
-> Maplestory x Dave the Diver (https://www.youtube.com/live/e8I2hFxWjVY?si=0HqmJNWjlAmIHVGr&t=11531)
edit: fix mistake added rough timestamps add showcase link add korean summary add kmst patch notes
submitted by 1abking to Maplestory [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:10 Hallelujah289 Ben & Jerry’s Strawberry Cheesecake and Impretzively Fudged (thanks for recommendations!)

Thank you everyone who recommended flavors on this request post I made yesterday asking for two Ben and Jerry’s flavor recommendations.
I ended up getting a flavor I hadn’t listed, Strawberry Cheesecake, as I saw it was recommended on this Ben and Jerry’s review podcast, The Flavorcast. I also checked out some of the flavors I had posted in my request post there, including Oat of this Swirled, Dublin Mudslide, Dirt Cake, etc etc. I agree with some of the reviews for flavors I already tried (Vanilla, Change is Brewing, etc). I recommend the podcast as it also begins each episode with a segment of the history of each Ben and Jerry’s flavor tested.
I would have gotten Pecan Pie as many of you recommended, but my store was out. I worry the flavor has been replaced by another limited time batch flavor, Marshmallow Sky. Hopefully not!

Strawberry Cheesecake

Impretzively Fudged

Other recommendations:

If you like Ben and Jerry’s Strawberry Cheesecake: * Haagen Dazs - Strawberry. Great natural strawberry taste. 9/10 * Haagen Dazs - Summer Berry Cake Pop. Strawberry and sweet cream ice cream, cake pieces, raspberry sauce. ?/10 (it’s been a while) * Helados Mexico - Strawberry ice cream bars. Like Haagen Dazs. 8.5/10 * Tillamook - Marionberry Pie. Some pie crust pieces but sparser, lightly flavored, has cinnamon. My tub had some mix in issues (restituted however as Tillamook sent compensation coupons); would rate higher otherwise. 8/10 * Perry’s - Banana Graham or Key Lime Pie. Both have the same graham cookie I enjoy. Less buttery than Ben and Jerry’s. Banana Graham is probably the more similar dessert experience as it’s like banana pudding. 8.5/10
If you like Ben and Jerry’s Impretzively Fudged: * Haagen Dazs Double Belgian Chocolate Chip - also a semi-sweet chocolate flavor. Has plentiful fine shavings of rich tasting Belgian chocolate chip for a nice, light crunch. Sweeter though (and Impretzively Fudged is already sweet). 6-6.5/10 * Private Selection - Mexican Style Hot Chocolate. A flavorful chocolate cinnamon base; chocolatey. Has marshmallow (not to Phish Food extent) and large pieces of cinnamon chocolate. For the intense flavor seekers. 7/10 * Private Selection - Extreme Denali Moose Tracks. Admittedly the chocolate base is a bit bland milk chocolate. But is an acceptable background flavor for the lightly salted and tasty fudge swirl. 6/10
submitted by Hallelujah289 to icecream [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:56 Crackheadvibes- Thoughts on Lowe’s foods?

Thoughts on Lowe’s foods?
I’ve been to Lowe’s Foods 3 times and can say that I’m not impressed. So far, I’ve bought old garlic, freezer burnt chicken and today, an over 3 week old cake.
I know I should have checked the sell by date before purchasing (my fault) but to come home and see “sell by June 14th” grossed me out. But honestly it was in the freezer section (of the bakery) so this must be there way of passing it but I’m definitely returning it. Is this normal for cake places? Does Harris Teeter do this? I don’t even think DQ would keep a cake this long in there freezer 🤦🏼‍♀️ but maybe I’m clueless lol.
submitted by Crackheadvibes- to GreenvilleNCarolina [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 07:21 Lily_McAllister 👇 SWEET DEAL 👇 $25.99 WITH COUPON ON SITE! Joyreal 46 PCS Ice Cream Beach Toys - Sand Toys with Collapsible Bucket, Ice Cream & Cake Sand Molds and Shovel, Sandbox Toys with Storage Mesh Bag, Summer Outdoor Travel Toys for Boys Girls

👇 SWEET DEAL 👇 $25.99 WITH COUPON ON SITE! Joyreal 46 PCS Ice Cream Beach Toys - Sand Toys with Collapsible Bucket, Ice Cream & Cake Sand Molds and Shovel, Sandbox Toys with Storage Mesh Bag, Summer Outdoor Travel Toys for Boys Girls submitted by Lily_McAllister to HomeDealsCa [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 07:21 Lily_McAllister 👇 SWEET DEAL 👇 $25.99 WITH COUPON ON SITE! Joyreal 46 PCS Ice Cream Beach Toys - Sand Toys with Collapsible Bucket, Ice Cream & Cake Sand Molds and Shovel, Sandbox Toys with Storage Mesh Bag, Summer Outdoor Travel Toys for Boys Girls

👇 SWEET DEAL 👇 $25.99 WITH COUPON ON SITE! Joyreal 46 PCS Ice Cream Beach Toys - Sand Toys with Collapsible Bucket, Ice Cream & Cake Sand Molds and Shovel, Sandbox Toys with Storage Mesh Bag, Summer Outdoor Travel Toys for Boys Girls submitted by Lily_McAllister to SweetDealsCA [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 00:18 No_Hippo_1472 Blind Boxes Now at Joann’s!

Blind Boxes Now at Joann’s!
Blind boxes, the strawberry cake roll, macaron, ice cream sandwich, and small grey pusheen plush are all available at Joann’s now and are coupon eligible!!!! There is a 50% off coupon running right now. If you use one off the app and one off the main website, they are considered separate and can be used in the same transaction!!! You must buy them in store to use those coupons. Otherwise they are only 20% off online.
I was able to get two more blind boxes and finally got my banana!!!! 🍌 I also got another strawberry 🍓 which was perfect for my little wooden crate. Now I just need the grape for a complete set. 🍇
Location: OH, USA
submitted by No_Hippo_1472 to pusheen [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 00:09 Boxingambient Birthday coupon

I’ve worked for Publix for two years, I’ve signed up for rewards and put in my birthday still have never received my bar cake coupon 😭 I want my cake goddamnit
submitted by Boxingambient to publix [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 22:46 r3crac ALIEXPRESS Deals (6.6.2024)!

ALIEXPRESS Deals Compilation (6.6.2024)!
Check products in compilation image: https://i.imgur.com/DPmuRQO.jpeg or https://i.ibb.co/CpcSvYq/193efae40bb8.jpg
-1- Dr.isla Breast Pump
-2- Yeelight Smart LED Filament Bulb E27 200-240V
-3- Lenovo Thinkplus TH10 Wireless Headphones
-4- 8BitDo Ultimate C Wired Gaming Controller
-5- Xiaomi Mijia Smart Pump 2 MJCQB06QW
Coupon: SCA4 or another from https://bit.ly/4bEhdry
-6- MIUI Hand Immersion Blender 1000W 4-in-1
-7- HAYLOU S35 ANC Bluetooth 5.2 Headphones
Coupon: SCIP04 or another from https://bit.ly/3yFc4AN
-8- GameSir G7 SE Xbox Gaming Controller [EU]
Coupon: SCIP04 or another from https://bit.ly/3yFc4AN
-9- Worx 4V Electric Screwdriver Set WX242
Coupon: SCIP04 or another from https://bit.ly/3yFc4AN
-10- Xiaomi Mi Band 7 Pro Smart Bracelet
Coupon: $2/2,01 coupon "PEZT8W" + SCIP04 or another from https://bit.ly/3yFc4AN
-11- 1MORE AERO Spatial Audio Wireless Headphones ANC
Coupon: SCIP04 or another from https://bit.ly/3yFc4AN
-12- INSE I5 3 in 1 Handheld Vacuum Cleaner 600W 18KPa [EU]
Coupon: SCIP04 or another from https://bit.ly/3yFc4AN
-13- PRITOM 8 Inch Tablet Android 13 4/64GB 1280x800 IPS
Coupon: SCIP04 or another from https://bit.ly/3yFc4AN
-14- Retroflag SUPERPi 4 Case for Raspberry Pi 4B Pegasus Option 9
Coupon: SCIP04 or another from https://bit.ly/3yFc4AN
-15- MECOOL KM2 Plus TV Box S905X4 2/16GB
Coupon: SCIP04 or another from https://bit.ly/3yFc4AN
-16- P10 10800mAh Folding Portable Fan
Coupon: SCIP04 or another from https://bit.ly/3yFc4AN
-17- MIUI 5L Air Fryer [EU]
Coupon: $3/50 coupon "QV9KLZJ3WH5C" + SCIP08 or another from https://bit.ly/3yFc4AN
-18- Naturehike Cloud Up 1 Camping Tent 20D
Coupon: SCIP08 or another from https://bit.ly/3yFc4AN
-19- ARZOPA 1080P Portable Monitor 15.6 Inch
Coupon: SCIP08 or another from https://bit.ly/3yFc4AN
-20- TEAMGROUP T-Force Delta RGB DDR5 RAM 32GB (2x16GB) 6000MHz
Coupon: SCIP12 or another from https://bit.ly/3yFc4AN
-21- Xiaomi Redmi 10 5G Dimensity 700 4/128GB [EU]
Coupon: SCIP12 or another from https://bit.ly/3yFc4AN
-22- Xiaomi Redmi Note 11E 5G 4/128GB Dimensity 700 [EU]
Coupon: SCIP12 or another from https://bit.ly/3yFc4AN
-23- Honor 70 Lite NFC 5G 4/128GB Snapdragon 480 Plus [EU]
Coupon: SCIP12 or another from https://bit.ly/3yFc4AN
-24- TRIGKEY Green G4 Mini PC Win11 N100 16/500GB Wifi6 BT4.2
Coupon: SCA20 or another from https://bit.ly/4bEhdry
-25- Midea M9 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Mop [EU]
Coupon: SCIP20 or another from https://bit.ly/3yFc4AN
-26- Creality Ender-3 V3 KE 3D Printer [EU]
Coupon: SCIP20 or another from https://bit.ly/3yFc4AN
-27- POCO X6 5G NFC Snap 7s Gen 2 120Hz 8/256GB [EU]
Coupon: SCIP20 or another from https://bit.ly/3yFc4AN
-28- 700C Racing Road Bike Carbon Wheels Set T800 50mm [EU]
Coupon: SCIP50 or another from https://bit.ly/3yFc4AN
-29- Realme 12 Pro Plus 5G 8/256GB Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 [EU]
Coupon: SCIP50 or another from https://bit.ly/3yFc4AN
-30- Google Pixel 7 Pro 5G 12/128GB [EU]
Coupon: SCA80
-31- POCO F6 Pro 5G 12/512GB Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 [EU]
Coupon: $22,28/334,23 coupon "HU8GO9B4J5B4" + "SCA80"
-32- Samsung Galaxy S24 8/256GB Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 120Hz [EU]
Coupon: "SCA80" + $33,42/334,23 coupon "AETOP30"
-33- Xiaomi 14 12/512GB Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 [EU]
Coupon: SCA80
-34- Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 12/256GB Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 [EU]
Coupon: SCA80
Products compilation image: https://i.imgur.com/DPmuRQO.jpeg or https://i.ibb.co/CpcSvYq/193efae40bb8.jpg
submitted by r3crac to couponsfromchina [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 21:43 r3crac TRIGKEY Green G4 Mini PC Win11 N100 16/500GB Wifi6 BT4.2 for 122.88 USD with coupon

Here is the link (Aliexpress): TRIGKEY Green G4 Mini PC Win11 N100 16/500GB Wifi6 BT4.2
Best price with coupon code: SCA20 or another from https://bit.ly/4bEhdry
(Aliexpress coupons: http://bit.ly/2I1VXQb (All Aliexpress items in my db: https://bit.ly/3lDj9IJ ))
Only real deals and discounts.
Telegram: https://t.me/couponsfromchinacom
FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/CouponsFromChinaCom
FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/couponsfromchinacom/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/couponsfromchina/
Website: https://couponsfromchina.com
Image: https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/Sb2478ed9d00b430081dc94acf5ed64d5D/TRIGKEY-Green-G4-Mini-PC-Win11-Intel-11th-Gen-N100-with-16GB-DDR4-500GB-SSD-1000M.jpg
submitted by r3crac to couponsfromchina [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 17:53 Ill-Asparagus-3651 My Dairy Queen Cakes

My Dairy Queen Cakes
Here’s some cakes I’ve made during my time at Dairy Queen. These did well in the DQ subreddit so I figured I’d post them here as well for feedback and people needing inspiration!
submitted by Ill-Asparagus-3651 to cakedecorating [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:10 FatnessEverdeen34 Under $50 mini SAS haul ✨️

Under $50 mini SAS haul ✨️
I haven't set foot in a B&BW since our mall store relocated, and I made a shopping/sampling list based on Reddit recommendations in this sub. I told myself I didn't want to spend more than $50 (since this absolutely a want and not a need), and it came to $53, with a $10 coupon, down to $43.
I'm really happy with these! Some thoughts:
  1. Iced Lemon Pound Cake really is that girl. After months of hearing about it on Reddit, it really did live up to the hype! I'm not opposed to going back for an ILPC body cream...
  2. I'm very certain Sea Salt Coast is a repackage of Aquamarine (2018, I think?) which I loved. Can any fragrance sleuths confirm? You're all so good at that lol
  3. I think Waikik Beach Coconut is the closest to my all time favorite, beloved 2014 Coconut Water Chill. It's about 65% of the way there. I would be overjoyed if they brought that back 🥥
  4. Cotton Candy Clouds is so much nicer than I expected! It'll layer really well with my other gourmand soaps and sprays. Now, if they'd just bring back their Liplicious cotton candy lip gloss, I'd be golden ✨️
  5. Definitely grab a Blueberry bellini hand soap if you see it! I bought it without smelling it, to go with my upstairs bathroom decor and it's incredible 🫐
  6. I did not care for Firecracker Pop!
Shout out to the Harrisburg, PA location for a clean, well-stocked, friendly shopping experience 🛍
submitted by FatnessEverdeen34 to bathandbodyworks [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:19 lolkatz4 Ice cream cake?

Hello! I'm embarking on making my first-ever ice cream cake and I'm wondering if anyone's done it successfully before and what you used. Do I make some sort of brownie or crust as the bottom layer? How do I recreate those awesome crunchy worm things like the DQ cakes? Do I frost it? TYSMIA!!!!!!
submitted by lolkatz4 to icecreamery [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:50 r3crac Yarboly Handheld Airbrush Kit for 21.99 USD with coupon (Best price in history: 22.99 USD) [only CzechRepublic,Hungary,Slovakia(SlovakRepublic)!]

Here is the link: Yarboly Handheld Airbrush Kit
Best price with coupon code (apply in the cart!): BGhobby5a
Current price is 21.99 USD. The lowest price in my database is 22.99 USD. There're already 2 records in DB. Price monitoring since 30.4.2024!
Notes (coupon may work only in selected countries): CzechRepublic,Hungary,Slovakia(SlovakRepublic)
Damn, coupon doesn't work anymore? Currently best price is here: https://couponsfromchina.com/yarboly-handheld-airbrush-kit-coupon-price/ You can also set price alert there. Have a nice day!
I think it's a nice deal with good discount.
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submitted by r3crac to couponsfromchina [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:34 mermaid_songs AITAH for ghosting my friend with absolutely no warning.

We meet at the cafe and she spent the whole time complaining about her issues.
I got home and I realized... that what essentially happened was that I had to bribe and negotiate with my FRIEND in order to convince her to not go to the cafe where I was laid off. I remembered how when she broke up with her boyfriend, we spent an entire four months avoiding his part of the neighborhood and where she had memories with him. I remembered how when I was short on money I wouldn't bring it up, and I would just not order a drink for myself and meet up where she would want to. I realized that she was just an incredibly selfish person who only thought about herself, only thinks she's the only person in the world that's going through a "hard" time, only cares about herself and wants attention nonstop from others.
I was so stressed out from being laid off that week. Not to mention my team and I were not sleeping for a week preparing for our follow up meeting with our boss. We've been going to lawyer firms and making sure that we can protect our rights. It was pretty much hell for a week and all she does is just complain about her life. When it was all over and settled with my company I messaged her "It's over... I think I really need a break now... I'm really burnt out... I need a vacation." She found my reaction cute and funny.
I just... stopped picking up her phone calls. I stopped looking at her messages. For a week I was dead silent and she had called me multiple times every day and spamming my messages. After a little while longer I told her I was back at my parent's house and that I'm dealing with problems at home. Then she told me she would wait for me and she stopped contacting me for a while, but then she still calls me every now and then and leaves me a message saying to contact her when i'm back and when i have the chance that she misses me...
For a year of our friendship I was her on call therapist counselor friend ... hot line that she would just call like 5+ times day to complain to. OH believe me, I tried establishing my boundaries, I spoke up, told her about how her constant complaining was affecting me negatively. That she can't call whenever she wants to that 4am was an inappropriate time to call unless it was an emergency. I'm burnt out from her I can't imagine go back to that friendship. I ghosted her without any warning. Like she wrote in my messages... "you disappeared"...
submitted by mermaid_songs to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:04 LOTSofBOTTS Temu No more im Done with donating my life data time and exhausting my frend and family with temu messages and invites scam scam scam to the broke man lol

Title: Beware of Temu: A Scam that Preys on Your Time and Sanity
I'm writing this as a warning to others: Temu is a scam that promises free gifts and bonuses but delivers nothing but frustration and disappointment. I've spent countless hours playing their games, inviting new users, and participating in their promotions, but I've yet to win anything but a flash light and nail clippers cus that’s what it gave me to pick out of sowing string and sponges screws for glasses and glitter so I picked that but they give you just e of time on the promotions to get real close to winning like I’ve lost all my on going gifts coupons promotions due to 1. And they add to it every hour or 1. Turns in to a nother doller then 3 cents turns into 6 and they end up wanting new users at the last 99.99 then it expires and they caked like nothing happend then the fish and farm land games take forever just to tap and feed and grow f all that I’m shure people win but I think they are people that have mony and lots of computer skills that earn and I doubt there’s a lot or there all bots that win also we should be milking temu for as much ass we can there taking all our mony to where ever foreign country and there putting all or American stores out of bisness selling us there recycled trash they turn in to cheap tech that we’re suckers for we are loosing our capitalist ways of earning mony do to these foreign companies and yeah they have kool things but they are gona make our doller worth nothing with these monopoly board tactics we should band together and really get them for every free gift we can by creating a real American site that uses bots or ai to scam them 24hrs every day lol
Their tactics are clever, using psychological manipulation to keep you hooked. They dangle the promise of free gifts, bonuses, and rewards, but it's all a ruse. They're designed to keep you engaged for as long as possible, sucking up your time and energy.
I've tried everything: the fish game, Farm Town, and the "pick 5 free gifts"top hat the fishing the coupons the 100% back credit they all are sucumbiste of time the only gift they give u is the lowest of the low and honestly your better off just buying what u want and use promotion. But no matter how hard I try, I never win. It's like they're taunting me, dangling the carrot of victory just out of reach.
But it's not just the lack of wins that's the problem. It's the sheer amount of time I've wasted on this platform. Time that could've been spent on meaningful activities, time with loved ones, or personal growth. Temu has taken a chunk of my life, and I'm not alone.
So, beware of Temu. Don't fall into their trap like I did. They may promise the world, but they'll leave you with nothing but regret and a deep sense of disappointment.
submitted by LOTSofBOTTS to TemuCodesUSA [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:06 bridget14509 When Shrek does “the deed” does it come out green?? 🤔

When Shrek does “the deed” does it come out green?? 🤔 submitted by bridget14509 to shitposting [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:08 stylelifecourse One Plus Discount Code for June 2024

Visit this page for One Plus Discount Code for June 2024. The website offers a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly, just visit the website to find the perfect one for you.
submitted by stylelifecourse to PawinDiscount [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:07 stylelifecourse OnePlus Discount Code for June 2024

Follow this link for OnePlus Discount Code for June 2024. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by stylelifecourse to PawinDiscount [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 04:28 Ill-Asparagus-3651 Cakes I made!!

Cakes I made!!
Not the greatest but I did have fun making cakes at DQ!!
submitted by Ill-Asparagus-3651 to DairyQueen [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 04:26 mooncatch SAS Haul/Review

SAS Haul/Review
Things I picked up at this SAS:
Warm Madagascar Vanilla (FFS & Cream) - I’ve seen lots of comments about this not smelling like vanilla. I’ve also seen comments that explain that Madagascar vanilla just isn’t supposed to be that edible vanilla most would probably expect, but rather a more floral vanilla. I would’ve joined in on this debate but was too astonished by how much WMV reminded me of Twilight Woods. It maintains that cozy musky floral/fruity vanilla but without the woodiness — a daytime rendition of the beloved Twilight Woods IMO. I will treasure this FFS. The cream, however, is all right. It can layer well with the mist but unfortunately has that plasticky scent that some of the creams have upon initial spread.
Iced Lemon Pound Cake (FFS & Cream) - 100% yes. This is a citrusy edible gourmand that resembles a slice of creamy lemony vanilla cake on a silver plate. I’d say it’s photorealistic to lemon pound cake, and I get why that’s not for everyone. I had my brother smell it and he was like “nah that’s rancid” 😂 meanwhile it’s my favourite scent from this SAS. After the dry down, the lemon becomes less prominent and leaves a warm cake batter scent. The cream and mist are consistent on this one.
Cotton Candy Clouds (FFS & Cream) - Can come across a bit sickly sweet/juvenile for some, but I loved it! Smells like straight up light and airy pink bubblegum or candy. In the same vain as Sweet Pea but minus the florals. Dries down to a more syrupy laffy taffy feel. I haven’t tried the cream yet but find the super sweet fragrances tend to be consistent throughout their body line.
Vacation Vibes (FFS) - This wasn’t a part of the SAS, but it helped me reach the amount to use my coupon. This is supposed to be a dupe for Sol De Janiero’s Cheirosa ‘62, which I have in the body mist and EDP. I compared them with Vacation Vibes and can say that they are extremely close! ‘62 definitely has a smoother opening and ever-so-slightly creamier finish. But if I smelt either one out in public, I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.
submitted by mooncatch to bathandbodyworks [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 23:30 Cute-Ad3686 Barely anyone showed up to my oldest bday party

We just had my oldest daughters bday this last weekend and out of the 30some people she handed out invites to the only ones that showed up were the ones from her girls scouts troop but I also was able to text them the invite. If I wouldn't have sent the text literally nobody would have shown up and it hurts my momma heart to have the friends she really wanted to go not show up. It was still a fun day for her but I know she wanted some of her classmates there. She went to a few of their parties like the least they could do is show up. Even if they didn't have a gift she would have been happy to see them since school is out for the summer. I guess next year I'll just be texting the parents whose numbers I do have and hope that they will come.
We got her a huge ice cream cake from DQ and thankfully we waited to go get pizza after seeing how many people will show up otherwise we wouldn't have gotten the right amount probably would of been too much. She even picked out $100 worth of party favors thinking she was going to have a lot of her friends there and so we just let the kids that were there take whatever they wanted and extra even let one girl grab a favor bag for a friend she had coming to her house just to get rid of everything even put out what was leftover from last year. At least we know who will really be there for her even if she doesn't stay good friends with the kids all those parents will be helpful
I'm just trying to look at the positives of this and not let her know how bummed I was for her that her friends didn't all show up!
If you've read all this thanks for taking the time to read my rant
submitted by Cute-Ad3686 to Parenting [link] [comments]
