Capacity worksheets

AITAH for being too tired to clean my room

2024.06.07 17:48 GremlinDumDum AITAH for being too tired to clean my room

Slight tw for mentions of kms (i'm better now)
I have a tiny desk, roughly about 2 feet long, which is not enough for all of my school stuff and other things for my hobbies, mainly writing and drawing. The desk is always a mess, there's papers everywhere, textbooks and notebooks are piled in a way that even a nudge would cause the whole desk to fall. My brother is a menace so sometimes he's barge in my room which is now my dad's room and take my stuff and break it apart while my dad would just lay there, watching him try to destroy them.
Last sunday (school days are from sunday to thursday here), my dad told me to clean my desk after I got home and keep all of the important stuff but I was way too tired and overstimulated to do it. Throughout the rest of the school week, I was in a bad burnout and didn't speak which is something I do when I'm overwhelmed.
I knew my dad cleaned my desk on tuesday, and when I checked, there was only an old bag and two mostly unused notebooks left. There were important notes and worksheets there which would greatly help me for my exams and give me extra support when studying, so I was upset that he threw them away but they weren't too important. I did get a mini-panic attack of sorts when I saw that all 32 of my notebooks and sketchbooks were gone but I thought that my dad wouldn't be as stupid to throw them away.
The week after that (this week) I was pushing myself at school and studying to my full capacity and barely had any free time and couldn't ask my dad about where he kept the notebooks because of the amount of school related things I had to do.
So today, I was really looking forward to just sit down and write the newest version of my book. As he was going for a business trip or something, I asked him where my notebooks were, and he sort of smiled and told me that they were gone. I didn't process it well so I repeated, asking where the books I wrote and drew in were. He said he threw them all away. All of them.
I immediately broke down. I started writing in 2019 to escape from burn out. I was inspired from one of my first ever true friend, and I made more friends who I named, drew, gave personalities to, gave hobbies and interests, gave backstories and goals and feelings, and an entire world full of plants, ecosystems, languages, infrastructure, cultures and an entire universe I spent 5 fucking years developing. I started seriously teaching myself how to drawing in 2022 because I wanted people to shut up about how I wasn't studying enough, but I still wanted to see my characters.
I don't know how long I had ugly-cried for but I haven't felt such pure sadness since when I was 12 and decided the day I'd die. My mom immediately realized something was wrong. She asked me which notebooks I was talking about and when she realized what I was talking about. My dad told her that he didn't know that they were important and that he'd given me months to take the important things aside even though he didn't. I don't understand why he would've thought they weren't important, because my mom had previously tried to stop him from throwing them away when they were moving to another place after they got married. The covers had stuff like "writerly antics", "sketch book #6", "misty and dez only" (not real named, just some cringe codenamed me and my best friend had for each other) and was clearly loved. My mom and I both thought that my dad would atleast realize that I'd keep a cringy ugly drawing of a catboy from 5 years ago for a reason but he just blindly threw them all away.
I feel... disgusting for a lack of better words. I wish i had cleaned my own desk. I wish I hadn't taken a break that day. I wish that he could've at least asked if i did set the important books aside. I know it wasnt intentional but I'd rather that my dad who makes fun of me for all of my interests read the entire first draft of my book or look into my anatomy studies of shirtless men rather than to throw them all out.
I only have a few digital drafts and one full book from 2022-2024 and a couple of pictures and one 36-paged sketchbook, so I didn't loose them all. Except I did. That was 5 years of work. I spent 5 fucking years on it. I decided to live for the sake of it. It was cringe, it was messy, it was rough and bad and the art was terrible. But my silly little world I made up when I was 10 is the only place I wasn't scared to express myself. It's the only part of my personality that I like. My best friend did say she has all of my drafts fromy digital drafts from 2020-2021 saved on her device but I'm not sure If i even want them anymore because I don't have the motivation to write or draw anymore. It just feel pointless that no matter how many nights i've stayed awake, no matter how many hours I've spent on youtube, google and various research websites to write my book and and teach myself how to draw, someone could just accidentally throw it all away to a dumpster so that the only proof of a single creative thought in my brain are just memories.
I feel like an asshole of a wannabe writeartist for waiting so long to see if those notebooks were still there. I should've just cleaned it up even though it's easier for my brain to handle the messy desk when I can just tell where everything is. I don't know how I'm gonna move on from this, it feels like a part of me died. I know the post is long but I'd at least like to know if AITA since it might be easier if I blame it on myself so that I can accept that I messed up.
submitted by GremlinDumDum to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:57 MundaneLeague4438 Creating a factory simulation/game?

Hi everyone. I’m wanting to create a game/simulation for myself to help me better understand the concepts I’m learning in an operations/supply chain class. We played a simulation (Littlefield Labs) that was very helpful, and I’m hoping to create something like it in Excel (although I realize it won’t be as robust, and I may be pushing the limits of Excel). I think the biggest challenge - which is what I need help with - is somehow getting it to run over time.
I want to create a game that simulates a factory. Orders come in at random times, and each order has to go through a number of stations (I’m thinking just 2 or 3 stations to keep it simple), and each station has a number of machines (or workers) that process the order.
I would use the random number generator to generate values which would be the amount of minutes between order arrivals.
Each station takes a certain amount of time to process the order (and once processed, the order moves to the next station). But the more machines or workers at the station, the higher the capacity the station has for orders, and therefore the more orders that can be processed simultaneously at that station. (Part of the game would be adjusting the capacity of a station to match the workload of orders.)
If a station is currently processing an order and another order arrives, a queue will build at that station. Thus, say Station 1 takes 10 minutes to process an order - Order #1 arrives, then Order #2 arrives 7 minutes later: Order #2 is now in the queue for 3 minutes while Order #1 is being processed. Once Order #1 finishes being processed at Station 1, it moves to Station 2, and Order #2 begins being processed at Station 1, etc.
I want to be able to make adjustments to the stations by adding or subtracting machines/workers to increase (or decrease) that station’s capacity, depending on how many orders there are. For example, say a lot of orders arrive at the same time, and there’s a bottleneck at one of the stations: I can add more machines to that station to relieve the bottleneck.
The goal is to be able to work through the orders by adjusting each station’s capacity. Maybe something like: you always want your stations to be operating at about 90% capacity - if it is higher, then you risk a bottleneck which causes a backup, but if it is lower, then you’re using too many machines (you could imagine that each machine has an operating cost and so you only want to run the lowest amount possible).
I’m not interested in creating a table that has this data. Rather, I’m wanting to create a simulation that runs over time, such that I can “play” it as a game by adjusting things - this way I’m forced to react to the changes as they happen.
The time within the simulation does not have to be equivalent to actual time - in fact, it is better if it isn’t, otherwise I’d be playing the game all day. (Something like, say, 10 seconds of actual time is equivalent to 10 minutes of time in the game.)
Making it run over time like a game is what I don’t know how to do. Maybe have the worksheet automatically refresh every minute?
Can anyone tell me if this is feasible in Excel and, if so, how? Are there any resources out there that would be helpful?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by MundaneLeague4438 to excel [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 16:29 vanillamoonlight Purchase advice- multifunction printer for worksheets

What would you like to accomplish?
I work with kids and often need to print things like handwriting templates, colouring sheets, etc. I also sometimes need to print financial documents.
So far I like the look of the Brother inkvestment models best, but I’m finding it hard to find straightforward answers about the differences between the different models.
Minimum Requirements:
Budget: Absolute max of $350aud, would prefer cheaper, but I also do really want to make sure that the cost per page Is good value.
Country: Australia
Color or black and white: Colour
Laser or ink printer: Laser is better I’m sure, but not available in my price range for the features I want
New or used: New is fine
Multi-function: Yes, scanning is very important, and I will need to have a feeder rather than scanning sheets one by one on a flatbed.
Duplex Printing: Yes, duplex scanning would be a bonus but I don’t think it’s realistic to expect at my price point
Home or business: Home, for work also though- I work away from the office two days per week
Printing content: Worksheets, colouring sheets, parent info sheets- super high quality printing isn’t something I need
Printing frequency: A few times per week
Pages per minute : don’t mind so long as it isn’t absurdly slow
Page size: A4
Device printing from: Laptop
Connection type: Wi-Fi
Any other details: I’m interested in large capacity ink things since it’s more environmentally friendly, cheaper, and more convenient since I will need to purchase and install ink less often and spend less time with my printer in the annoying almost-out-of-ink stage.
I am incredibly uninterested in any form of subscription, membership or other ongoing costs- I’m perfectly happy to buy my own ink.
I have owned and liked Brother products before, but am certainly open to other options. I’m looking for something reliable and that will serve me well for many years- definitely not something disposable.
Thanks very much for the help!
submitted by vanillamoonlight to printers [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:25 Hisbejeneb Am I an INTJ or ENTJ?

• How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself.
-I am a 17 year old male from England and I’m currently studying philosophy, sociology and ancient history at college.
• Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow?
-I was diagnosed with autism at age 12.
• Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?
-I am an only child and lived in a secular family consisting of just me, my mum and my dad. Both of them were very laid back regarding discipline. One thing that could be said is that they gave me too much unconditional love, especially my mother. This, in turn, resulted in them not really teaching me important life skills and independence for fear of putting me in harms way. Thus, in the past 2 years I’ve had a bit of an awaking and have become hyper independent to remedy the lack of life skills and lessons taught during my early childhood.
• What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?
-My ideal employment, realistically, would be a teacher. I really like the idea of taking on a task and being able to enforce original methods to attain the best possible results. That process is the general principle behind a lot of my interests and teaching is a job where it is present.
• If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?
-I Would feel refreshed. I get really tired when I’m around people. I think that may come from the fact that I tend to put on an act when I’m interacting with others in order to make them like me. This is a favourable result as the more people you are on good terms with, the more likely they are to be a potential asset to your life as opposed to a possible hinderance.
• What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities?
-I enjoy topics that are synthesised with progressing my main goal(s). For example, I enjoy learning about mbti because it is a component of my main goal to understand myself and thus can help me achieve happiness more effectively as I believe this is the main assignment of life.
• How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?
-I would consider my pursuits of curiosity to be loosely filtered through what may be useful to attaining a personal goal and I don’t often get carried away with ideas that have no overall importance to it. I say loosely because I can’t be certain what will be of importance to my pursuits, so for this reason I sometimes stray a from things that I know will be personally beneficial in the long term for things that could be useful, by virtue of the interconnectedness of everything.
• Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?
-I would really like to take on a leadership position. I think I would be good at figuring out solutions and assigning them to people based on an overall objective. However I do not think I’d be very good at leadership in practice. This is because I’m not very quick at making decisions. Thus, my leadership style would be less about leadership and more being a personal adviser to members of a team to ensure they are all going in the same direction.
• Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?
-I don’t feel as though I’m very physically coordinated. I often have to focus on my environment and my movement at the expense of deeper thought. I’ve never really resonated with the popular notion that walks are therapeutic and thought provoking. For me, they are stressful and prohibit any other thoughts than the ones related to keeping my movement and environment in check.
• Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
-I enjoy art that operates under the pretence that art is a language. I like art that communicates meaning. The reason why I like this type of art at all when it just seems like, if communication is the primary source of my investment, I should just focus on objective language rather than something as convoluted and prone to misinterpretation as art. To this I say, art elicits emotion and creates an immediate reason to care about the message. Thus, making the point carry to greater extent.
• What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
-Most of my time is devoted to figuring out how to get to a desirable destination in the future. By the same token, the present is also very important to me as it is paramount to the aforementioned goal. The past is the timeframe I spend the least time thinking about when I’m happy. It’s not that I don’t consciously recognise it’s value in being a possible example for the future, it’s just not something I have a propensity to think about. I really only dwell on the past when I’m feeling down.
• How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
-My main reason for helping someone echoes an above mentioned sentiment. I would really only help someone to build good will with them, because it lowers the chances they will be a destructive force in your life. Moreover, they are indebted to you for a time which is always handy.
• Do you need logical consistency in your life?
-The primary system of logic I use is what has utility to achieving a goal. I’m not too bothered about logic for logics sake. I don’t live in the details of subjects and thus don’t care about the underlying logic, just what has the most personal utility.
• How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
-They are both really important to me. I like to see results. I always feel unfulfilled by the notion; I probably could achieve x and therefore there’s no point in doing y. I might switch to this mindset if I’m burned out as a coping mechanism for me not being able to express my desire to be productive. But that just emphasises it’s importance to me if I’m willing to change my beliefs to avoid the sadness brought about by unproductivity.
• Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
-I control others implicitly by acting overly polite and sometimes resort to people pleasing to gain favour with them. This helps with the fact that I’m pretty dependent on what others think of me and their perceptions of me often supersede or coexist with my own beliefs and observations about myself, even if I can logically reason reason them to be erroneous judgements.
• What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?
-As mentioned in the desired career question, I enjoy hobbies that revolve around implementing original strategies to attain a desirable outcome. Because of this, I enjoy strategy games such total war and chess. once again, as mentioned previously another reason why I enjoy some hobbies is because they contribute to a larger goal. Such as my interest for mbti because, it allows me to understand myself, so I know how best to attain happiness and in turn, fulfil what I consider to be the primary objective of life in its most general form.
• What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?
• How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
-I prefer to have a plan before action. I like to feel as though most things have been decided beforehand and I’m just reading off a to do list written by past me.
• What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally?
-My professional aspirations are a means to an end. I want to get a job that I enjoy, is stable and provides an income, in the hope that I can stop thinking so much about it and can focus on the more personal aspects of life. Like figuring out how best to achieve happiness after I’ve stabilised my external life.
• What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?
-I really fear upsetting people. Partly because I’m scared of how they will react. Especially in ways that could de-stabilise my life. Moreover, as I mentioned previously, I unfortunately have a propensity to need gratification from others and if I upset people I might begin to feel insecure in myself. A lot of what I do can be chalked up to an attempt to attain the admiration of others. I also fear not being able to make my plans and goals come into fruition.
• What do the "highs" in your life look like?
-The highs in my life often involve a dedication to a goal that gets me up every day. I’ll constantly be excited to get one step closer to achieving it. The goal when I’m happy revolves around a more thought out desire for the long term. Furthermore, this is accompanied by a disregard for the appearance of things. In these times I just focus on the character of things and perceive things through a lenses of principles and ideas. Moreover, the type of gratification I seek revolves around my capacity to think.
• What do the "lows" in your life look like?
-By contrast, my lows are aimless at best and destructive at worst. When Im considering the future in these moments I tend to forget about happiness and in turn have a bleak outlook on the future. This leads me to being generally quite unproductive. My gratification seeking becomes much more shallow aswell. It tends to revolve more around appearance and wanting others to view me as attractive. As a result of this I developed anorexia as a byproduct of trying to look more attractive in a period of stress. Moreover, it gave me something to control as I feel an excessive need to do this when I’m stressed.
• How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so?
-I do daydream, Though not as much as I used to. When I daydream it’s usually to test how something I wish to do might go if I were to do it.
• Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about?
-I would consider the main reason for my beliefs again and make updates to it that would eventually trickle down to actionable changes. If I didn’t manage to find any faults in my beliefs and principles of conduct I would keep my goal the same and think about things I could do to achieve it.
• How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
-It usually takes me a little while to come to a decision, particularly if it has long term consequences, as I like to look at the external factors and see if they would suit me internally and/or if it would be beneficial to me in the future. Once I’ve come to a decision on a matter, ideologically I think it is best to stick to it because you can maximise the benefits that a particular path can provide. However, if the evidence changes and it contradicts the original reason for making the decision I will change my mind.
• How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
-It usually takes me a while to figure out my emotions. They often appear feint and undefined even though I know there’s something there. When I felt really down for months I couldn’t seem to validate my own emotions. To remedy this I tried to keep a journal collecting statistics including whether I cried, how many times? For how long? Have you self harmed in any way? this created a picture from which I could derive a conclusion. However, I have recently begun to value emotions much more than I did. Previously, I would’ve consciously neglected them. However, ever since I developed anorexia and had a really long period of time where I felt negative emotions I realise how powerful they are and how they must be utilised in your favour otherwise life wouldn’t be worth living.
• Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?
-This is something I do quite often with people I’m not acquainted with, as I value the utility of a social connection more than convincing a few people of my beliefs. However, it happens less with people who I know well enough to comfortably make the assertion that an ideological disagreement wouldn’t jeopardise the relationship.
• Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?
-I avoid rule breaking that could lead to excessive repercussions. Since I purvey my conduct with the main intention of long term personal fulfilment some consequences that impede this mean that I generally obey rules. However if the consequences are avoidable and/or inconsequential I have no problem breaking those rules. Like cheating in exams for example.
submitted by Hisbejeneb to entj [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:19 Hisbejeneb I’ve been trying to figure out what my type is. I would really appreciate some help.

• How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself.
-I am a 17 year old male from England and I’m currently studying philosophy, sociology and ancient history at college.
• Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow?
-I was diagnosed with autism at age 12.
• Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?
-I am an only child and lived in a secular family consisting of just me, my mum and my dad. Both of them were very laid back regarding discipline. One thing that could be said is that they gave me too much unconditional love, especially my mother. This, in turn, resulted in them not really teaching me important life skills and independence for fear of putting me in harms way. Thus, in the past 2 years I’ve had a bit of an awaking and have become hyper independent to remedy the lack of life skills and lessons taught during my early childhood.
• What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?
-My ideal employment, realistically, would be a teacher. I really like the idea of taking on a task and being able to enforce original methods to attain the best possible results. That process is the general principle behind a lot of my interests and teaching is a job where it is present.
• If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?
-I Would feel refreshed. I get really tired when I’m around people. I think that may come from the fact that I tend to put on an act when I’m interacting with others in order to make them like me. This is a favourable result as the more people you are on good terms with, the more likely they are to be a potential asset to your life as opposed to a possible hinderance.
• What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities?
-I enjoy topics that are synthesised with progressing my main goal(s). For example, I enjoy learning about mbti because it is a component of my main goal to understand myself and thus can help me achieve happiness more effectively as I believe this is the main assignment of life.
• How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?
-I would consider my pursuits of curiosity to be loosely filtered through what may be useful to attaining a personal goal and I don’t often get carried away with ideas that have no overall importance to it. I say loosely because I can’t be certain what will be of importance to my pursuits, so for this reason I sometimes stray a from things that I know will be personally beneficial in the long term for things that could be useful, by virtue of the interconnectedness of everything.
• Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?
-I would really like to take on a leadership position. I think I would be good at figuring out solutions and assigning them to people based on an overall objective. However I do not think I’d be very good at leadership in practice. This is because I’m not very quick at making decisions. Thus, my leadership style would be less about leadership and more being a personal adviser to members of a team to ensure they are all going in the same direction.
• Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?
-I don’t feel as though I’m very physically coordinated. I often have to focus on my environment and my movement at the expense of deeper thought. I’ve never really resonated with the popular notion that walks are therapeutic and thought provoking. For me, they are stressful and prohibit any other thoughts than the ones related to keeping my movement and environment in check.
• Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
-I enjoy art that operates under the pretence that art is a language. I like art that communicates meaning. The reason why I like this type of art at all when it just seems like, if communication is the primary source of my investment, I should just focus on objective language rather than something as convoluted and prone to misinterpretation as art. To this I say, art elicits emotion and creates an immediate reason to care about the message. Thus, making the point carry to greater extent.
• What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
-Most of my time is devoted to figuring out how to get to a desirable destination in the future. By the same token, the present is also very important to me as it is paramount to the aforementioned goal. The past is the timeframe I spend the least time thinking about when I’m happy. It’s not that I don’t consciously recognise it’s value in being a possible example for the future, it’s just not something I have a propensity to think about. I really only dwell on the past when I’m feeling down.
• How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
-My main reason for helping someone echoes an above mentioned sentiment. I would really only help someone to build good will with them, because it lowers the chances they will be a destructive force in your life. Moreover, they are indebted to you for a time which is always handy.
• Do you need logical consistency in your life?
-The primary system of logic I use is what has utility to achieving a goal. I’m not too bothered about logic for logics sake. I don’t live in the details of subjects and thus don’t care about the underlying logic, just what has the most personal utility.
• How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
-They are both really important to me. I like to see results. I always feel unfulfilled by the notion; I probably could achieve x and therefore there’s no point in doing y. I might switch to this mindset if I’m burned out as a coping mechanism for me not being able to express my desire to be productive. But that just emphasises it’s importance to me if I’m willing to change my beliefs to avoid the sadness brought about by unproductivity.
• Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
-I control others implicitly by acting overly polite and sometimes resort to people pleasing to gain favour with them. This helps with the fact that I’m pretty dependent on what others think of me and their perceptions of me often supersede or coexist with my own beliefs and observations about myself, even if I can logically reason reason them to be erroneous judgements.
• What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?
-As mentioned in the desired career question, I enjoy hobbies that revolve around implementing original strategies to attain a desirable outcome. Because of this, I enjoy strategy games such total war and chess. once again, as mentioned previously another reason why I enjoy some hobbies is because they contribute to a larger goal. Such as my interest for mbti because, it allows me to understand myself, so I know how best to attain happiness and in turn, fulfil what I consider to be the primary objective of life in its most general form.
• What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?
• How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
-I prefer to have a plan before action. I like to feel as though most things have been decided beforehand and I’m just reading off a to do list written by past me.
• What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally?
-My professional aspirations are a means to an end. I want to get a job that I enjoy, is stable and provides an income, in the hope that I can stop thinking so much about it and can focus on the more personal aspects of life. Like figuring out how best to achieve happiness after I’ve stabilised my external life.
• What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?
-I really fear upsetting people. Partly because I’m scared of how they will react. Especially in ways that could de-stabilise my life. Moreover, as I mentioned previously, I unfortunately have a propensity to need gratification from others and if I upset people I might begin to feel insecure in myself. A lot of what I do can be chalked up to an attempt to attain the admiration of others. I also fear not being able to make my plans and goals come into fruition.
• What do the "highs" in your life look like?
-The highs in my life often involve a dedication to a goal that gets me up every day. I’ll constantly be excited to get one step closer to achieving it. The goal when I’m happy revolves around a more thought out desire for the long term. Furthermore, this is accompanied by a disregard for the appearance of things. In these times I just focus on the character of things and perceive things through a lenses of principles and ideas. Moreover, the type of gratification I seek revolves around my capacity to think.
• What do the "lows" in your life look like?
-By contrast, my lows are aimless at best and destructive at worst. When Im considering the future in these moments I tend to forget about happiness and in turn have a bleak outlook on the future. This leads me to being generally quite unproductive. My gratification seeking becomes much more shallow aswell. It tends to revolve more around appearance and wanting others to view me as attractive. As a result of this I developed anorexia as a byproduct of trying to look more attractive in a period of stress. Moreover, it gave me something to control as I feel an excessive need to do this when I’m stressed.
• How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so?
-I do daydream, Though not as much as I used to. When I daydream it’s usually to test how something I wish to do might go if I were to do it.
• Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about?
-I would consider the main reason for my beliefs again and make updates to it that would eventually trickle down to actionable changes. If I didn’t manage to find any faults in my beliefs and principles of conduct I would keep my goal the same and think about things I could do to achieve it.
• How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
-It usually takes me a little while to come to a decision, particularly if it has long term consequences, as I like to look at the external factors and see if they would suit me internally and/or if it would be beneficial to me in the future. Once I’ve come to a decision on a matter, ideologically I think it is best to stick to it because you can maximise the benefits that a particular path can provide. However, if the evidence changes and it contradicts the original reason for making the decision I will change my mind.
• How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
-It usually takes me a while to figure out my emotions. They often appear feint and undefined even though I know there’s something there. When I felt really down for months I couldn’t seem to validate my own emotions. To remedy this I tried to keep a journal collecting statistics including whether I cried, how many times? For how long? Have you self harmed in any way? this created a picture from which I could derive a conclusion. However, I have recently begun to value emotions much more than I did. Previously, I would’ve consciously neglected them. However, ever since I developed anorexia and had a really long period of time where I felt negative emotions I realise how powerful they are and how they must be utilised in your favour otherwise life wouldn’t be worth living.
• Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?
-This is something I do quite often with people I’m not acquainted with, as I value the utility of a social connection more than convincing a few people of my beliefs. However, it happens less with people who I know well enough to comfortably make the assertion that an ideological disagreement wouldn’t jeopardise the relationship.
• Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?
-I avoid rule breaking that could lead to excessive repercussions. Since I purvey my conduct with the main intention of long term personal fulfilment some consequences that impede this mean that I generally obey rules. However if the consequences are avoidable and/or inconsequential I have no problem breaking those rules. Like cheating in exams for example.
submitted by Hisbejeneb to typeme [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:15 Hisbejeneb I’m trying to discover my type and I think I might be an INTJ. Would anyone be willing to help?

• How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself.
-I am a 17 year old male from England and I’m currently studying philosophy, sociology and ancient history at college.
• Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow?
-I was diagnosed with autism at age 12.
• Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?
-I am an only child and lived in a secular family consisting of just me, my mum and my dad. Both of them were very laid back regarding discipline. One thing that could be said is that they gave me too much unconditional love, especially my mother. This, in turn, resulted in them not really teaching me important life skills and independence for fear of putting me in harms way. Thus, in the past 2 years I’ve had a bit of an awaking and have become hyper independent to remedy the lack of life skills and lessons taught during my early childhood.
• What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?
-My ideal employment, realistically, would be a teacher. I really like the idea of taking on a task and being able to enforce original methods to attain the best possible results. That process is the general principle behind a lot of my interests and teaching is a job where it is present.
• If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?
-I Would feel refreshed. I get really tired when I’m around people. I think that may come from the fact that I tend to put on an act when I’m interacting with others in order to make them like me. This is a favourable result as the more people you are on good terms with, the more likely they are to be a potential asset to your life as opposed to a possible hinderance.
• What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities?
-I enjoy topics that are synthesised with progressing my main goal(s). For example, I enjoy learning about mbti because it is a component of my main goal to understand myself and thus can help me achieve happiness more effectively as I believe this is the main assignment of life.
• How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?
-I would consider my pursuits of curiosity to be loosely filtered through what may be useful to attaining a personal goal and I don’t often get carried away with ideas that have no overall importance to it. I say loosely because I can’t be certain what will be of importance to my pursuits, so for this reason I sometimes stray a from things that I know will be personally beneficial in the long term for things that could be useful, by virtue of the interconnectedness of everything.
• Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?
-I would really like to take on a leadership position. I think I would be good at figuring out solutions and assigning them to people based on an overall objective. However I do not think I’d be very good at leadership in practice. This is because I’m not very quick at making decisions. Thus, my leadership style would be less about leadership and more being a personal adviser to members of a team to ensure they are all going in the same direction.
• Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?
-I don’t feel as though I’m very physically coordinated. I often have to focus on my environment and my movement at the expense of deeper thought. I’ve never really resonated with the popular notion that walks are therapeutic and thought provoking. For me, they are stressful and prohibit any other thoughts than the ones related to keeping my movement and environment in check.
• Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
-I enjoy art that operates under the pretence that art is a language. I like art that communicates meaning. The reason why I like this type of art at all when it just seems like, if communication is the primary source of my investment, I should just focus on objective language rather than something as convoluted and prone to misinterpretation as art. To this I say, art elicits emotion and creates an immediate reason to care about the message. Thus, making the point carry to greater extent.
• What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
-Most of my time is devoted to figuring out how to get to a desirable destination in the future. By the same token, the present is also very important to me as it is paramount to the aforementioned goal. The past is the timeframe I spend the least time thinking about when I’m happy. It’s not that I don’t consciously recognise it’s value in being a possible example for the future, it’s just not something I have a propensity to think about. I really only dwell on the past when I’m feeling down.
• How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
-My main reason for helping someone echoes an above mentioned sentiment. I would really only help someone to build good will with them, because it lowers the chances they will be a destructive force in your life. Moreover, they are indebted to you for a time which is always handy.
• Do you need logical consistency in your life?
-The primary system of logic I use is what has utility to achieving a goal. I’m not too bothered about logic for logics sake. I don’t live in the details of subjects and thus don’t care about the underlying logic, just what has the most personal utility.
• How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
-They are both really important to me. I like to see results. I always feel unfulfilled by the notion; I probably could achieve x and therefore there’s no point in doing y. I might switch to this mindset if I’m burned out as a coping mechanism for me not being able to express my desire to be productive. But that just emphasises it’s importance to me if I’m willing to change my beliefs to avoid the sadness brought about by unproductivity.
• Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
-I control others implicitly by acting overly polite and sometimes resort to people pleasing to gain favour with them. This helps with the fact that I’m pretty dependent on what others think of me and their perceptions of me often supersede or coexist with my own beliefs and observations about myself, even if I can logically reason reason them to be erroneous judgements.
• What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?
-As mentioned in the desired career question, I enjoy hobbies that revolve around implementing original strategies to attain a desirable outcome. Because of this, I enjoy strategy games such total war and chess. once again, as mentioned previously another reason why I enjoy some hobbies is because they contribute to a larger goal. Such as my interest for mbti because, it allows me to understand myself, so I know how best to attain happiness and in turn, fulfil what I consider to be the primary objective of life in its most general form.
• What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?
• How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
-I prefer to have a plan before action. I like to feel as though most things have been decided beforehand and I’m just reading off a to do list written by past me.
• What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally?
-My professional aspirations are a means to an end. I want to get a job that I enjoy, is stable and provides an income, in the hope that I can stop thinking so much about it and can focus on the more personal aspects of life. Like figuring out how best to achieve happiness after I’ve stabilised my external life.
• What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?
-I really fear upsetting people. Partly because I’m scared of how they will react. Especially in ways that could de-stabilise my life. Moreover, as I mentioned previously, I unfortunately have a propensity to need gratification from others and if I upset people I might begin to feel insecure in myself. A lot of what I do can be chalked up to an attempt to attain the admiration of others. I also fear not being able to make my plans and goals come into fruition.
• What do the "highs" in your life look like?
-The highs in my life often involve a dedication to a goal that gets me up every day. I’ll constantly be excited to get one step closer to achieving it. The goal when I’m happy revolves around a more thought out desire for the long term. Furthermore, this is accompanied by a disregard for the appearance of things. In these times I just focus on the character of things and perceive things through a lenses of principles and ideas. Moreover, the type of gratification I seek revolves around my capacity to think.
• What do the "lows" in your life look like?
-By contrast, my lows are aimless at best and destructive at worst. When Im considering the future in these moments I tend to forget about happiness and in turn have a bleak outlook on the future. This leads me to being generally quite unproductive. My gratification seeking becomes much more shallow aswell. It tends to revolve more around appearance and wanting others to view me as attractive. As a result of this I developed anorexia as a byproduct of trying to look more attractive in a period of stress. Moreover, it gave me something to control as I feel an excessive need to do this when I’m stressed.
• How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so?
-I do daydream, Though not as much as I used to. When I daydream it’s usually to test how something I wish to do might go if I were to do it.
• Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about?
-I would consider the main reason for my beliefs again and make updates to it that would eventually trickle down to actionable changes. If I didn’t manage to find any faults in my beliefs and principles of conduct I would keep my goal the same and think about things I could do to achieve it.
• How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
-It usually takes me a little while to come to a decision, particularly if it has long term consequences, as I like to look at the external factors and see if they would suit me internally and/or if it would be beneficial to me in the future. Once I’ve come to a decision on a matter, ideologically I think it is best to stick to it because you can maximise the benefits that a particular path can provide. However, if the evidence changes and it contradicts the original reason for making the decision I will change my mind.
• How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
-It usually takes me a while to figure out my emotions. They often appear feint and undefined even though I know there’s something there. When I felt really down for months I couldn’t seem to validate my own emotions. To remedy this I tried to keep a journal collecting statistics including whether I cried, how many times? For how long? Have you self harmed in any way? this created a picture from which I could derive a conclusion. However, I have recently begun to value emotions much more than I did. Previously, I would’ve consciously neglected them. However, ever since I developed anorexia and had a really long period of time where I felt negative emotions I realise how powerful they are and how they must be utilised in your favour otherwise life wouldn’t be worth living.
• Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?
-This is something I do quite often with people I’m not acquainted with, as I value the utility of a social connection more than convincing a few people of my beliefs. However, it happens less with people who I know well enough to comfortably make the assertion that an ideological disagreement wouldn’t jeopardise the relationship.
• Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?
-I avoid rule breaking that could lead to excessive repercussions. Since I purvey my conduct with the main intention of long term personal fulfilment some consequences that impede this mean that I generally obey rules. However if the consequences are avoidable and/or inconsequential I have no problem breaking those rules. Like cheating in exams for example.
submitted by Hisbejeneb to intj [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 15:25 Hisbejeneb Would really appreciate some insight from the community. Thx

• How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself.
-I am a 17 year old male from England and I’m currently studying philosophy, sociology and ancient history at college.
• Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow?
-I was diagnosed with autism at age 12.
• Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?
-I am an only child and lived in a secular family consisting of just me, my mum and my dad. Both of them were very laid back regarding discipline. One thing that could be said is that they gave me too much unconditional love, especially my mother. This, in turn, resulted in them not really teaching me important life skills and independence for fear of putting me in harms way. Thus, in the past 2 years I’ve had a bit of an awaking and have become hyper independent to remedy the lack of life skills and lessons taught during my early childhood.
• What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?
-My ideal employment, realistically, would be a teacher. I really like the idea of taking on a task and being able to enforce original methods to attain the best possible results. That process is the general principle behind a lot of my interests and teaching is a job where it is present.
• If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?
-I Would feel refreshed. I get really tired when I’m around people. I think that may come from the fact that I tend to put on an act when I’m interacting with others in order to make them like me. This is a favourable result as the more people you are on good terms with, the more likely they are to be a potential asset to your life as opposed to a possible hinderance.
• What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities?
-I enjoy topics that are synthesised with progressing my main goal(s). For example, I enjoy learning about mbti because it is a component of my main goal to understand myself and thus can help me achieve happiness more effectively as I believe this is the main assignment of life.
• How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?
-I would consider my pursuits of curiosity to be loosely filtered through what may be useful to attaining a personal goal and I don’t often get carried away with ideas that have no overall importance to it. I say loosely because I can’t be certain what will be of importance to my pursuits, so for this reason I sometimes stray a from things that I know will be personally beneficial in the long term for things that could be useful, by virtue of the interconnectedness of everything.
• Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?
-I would really like to take on a leadership position. I think I would be good at figuring out solutions and assigning them to people based on an overall objective. However I do not think I’d be very good at leadership in practice. This is because I’m not very quick at making decisions. Thus, my leadership style would be less about leadership and more being a personal adviser to members of a team to ensure they are all going in the same direction.
• Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?
-I don’t feel as though I’m very physically coordinated. I often have to focus on my environment and my movement at the expense of deeper thought. I’ve never really resonated with the popular notion that walks are therapeutic and thought provoking. For me, they are stressful and prohibit any other thoughts than the ones related to keeping my movement and environment in check.
• Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
-I enjoy art that operates under the pretence that art is a language. I like art that communicates meaning. The reason why I like this type of art at all when it just seems like, if communication is the primary source of my investment, I should just focus on objective language rather than something as convoluted and prone to misinterpretation as art. To this I say, art elicits emotion and creates an immediate reason to care about the message. Thus, making the point carry to greater extent.
• What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
-Most of my time is devoted to figuring out how to get to a desirable destination in the future. By the same token, the present is also very important to me as it is paramount to the aforementioned goal. The past is the timeframe I spend the least time thinking about when I’m happy. It’s not that I don’t consciously recognise it’s value in being a possible example for the future, it’s just not something I have a propensity to think about. I really only dwell on the past when I’m feeling down.
• How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
-My main reason for helping someone echoes an above mentioned sentiment. I would really only help someone to build good will with them, because it lowers the chances they will be a destructive force in your life. Moreover, they are indebted to you for a time which is always handy.
• Do you need logical consistency in your life?
-The primary system of logic I use is what has utility to achieving a goal. I’m not too bothered about logic for logics sake. I don’t live in the details of subjects and thus don’t care about the underlying logic, just what has the most personal utility.
• How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
-They are both really important to me. I like to see results. I always feel unfulfilled by the notion; I probably could achieve x and therefore there’s no point in doing y. I might switch to this mindset if I’m burned out as a coping mechanism for me not being able to express my desire to be productive. But that just emphasises its importance to me if I’m willing to change my beliefs to avoid the sadness brought about by unproductivity. However, I may procrastinate out of a fear of failure but the task tends to plays on my mind and I don’t find it easy to get distracted from it, even when I’m not doing it.
• Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
-I control others implicitly by acting overly polite and sometimes resort to people pleasing to gain favour with them. This helps with the fact that I’m pretty dependent on what others think of me and their perceptions of me often supersede or coexist with my own beliefs and observations about myself, even if I can logically reason reason them to be erroneous judgements.
• What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?
-As mentioned in the desired career question, I enjoy hobbies that revolve around implementing original strategies to attain a desirable outcome. Because of this, I enjoy strategy games such total war and chess. once again, as mentioned previously another reason why I enjoy some hobbies is because they contribute to a larger goal. Such as my interest for mbti because, it allows me to understand myself, so I know how best to attain happiness and in turn, fulfil what I consider to be the primary objective of life in its most general form.
• What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?
• How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
-I prefer to have a plan before action. I like to feel as though most things have been decided beforehand and I’m just reading off a to do list written by past me.
• What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally?
-My professional aspirations are a means to an end. I want to get a job that I enjoy, is stable and provides an income, in the hope that I can stop thinking so much about it and can focus on the more personal aspects of life. Like figuring out how best to achieve happiness after I’ve stabilised my external life.
• What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?
-I really fear upsetting people. Partly because I’m scared of how they will react. Especially in ways that could de-stabilise my life. Moreover, as I mentioned previously, I unfortunately have a propensity to need gratification from others and if I upset people I might begin to feel insecure in myself. A lot of what I do can be chalked up to an attempt to attain the admiration of others. I also fear not being able to make my plans and goals come into fruition.
• What do the "highs" in your life look like?
-The highs in my life often involve a dedication to a goal that gets me up every day. I’ll constantly be excited to get one step closer to achieving it. The goal when I’m happy revolves around a more thought out desire for the long term. Furthermore, this is accompanied by a disregard for the appearance of things. In these times I just focus on the character of things and perceive things through a lenses of principles and ideas. Moreover, the type of gratification I seek revolves around my capacity to think.
• What do the "lows" in your life look like?
-By contrast, my lows are aimless at best and destructive at worst. When Im considering the future in these moments I tend to forget about happiness and in turn have a bleak outlook on the future. This leads me to being generally quite unproductive. My gratification seeking becomes much more shallow aswell. It tends to revolve more around appearance and wanting others to view me as attractive. As a result of this I developed anorexia as a byproduct of trying to look more attractive in a period of stress. Moreover, it gave me something to control as I feel an excessive need to do this when I’m stressed.
• How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so?
-I do daydream, Though not as much as I used to. When I daydream it’s usually to test how something I wish to do might go if I were to do it.
• Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about?
-I would consider the main reason for my beliefs again and make updates to it that would eventually trickle down to actionable changes. If I didn’t manage to find any faults in my beliefs and principles of conduct I would keep my goal the same and think about things I could do to achieve it.
• How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
-It usually takes me a little while to come to a decision, particularly if it has long term consequences, as I like to look at the external factors and see if they would suit me internally and/or if it would be beneficial to me in the future. Once I’ve come to a decision on a matter, ideologically I think it is best to stick to it because you can maximise the benefits that a particular path can provide. However, if the evidence changes and it contradicts the original reason for making the decision I will change my mind.
• How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
-It usually takes me a while to figure out my emotions. They often appear feint and undefined even though I know there’s something there. When I felt really down for months I couldn’t seem to validate my own emotions. To remedy this I tried to keep a journal collecting statistics including whether I cried, how many times? For how long? Have you self harmed in any way? this created a picture from which I could derive a conclusion. However, I have recently begun to value emotions much more than I did. Previously, I would’ve consciously neglected them. However, ever since I developed anorexia and had a really long period of time where I felt negative emotions I realise how powerful they are and how they must be utilised in your favour otherwise life wouldn’t be worth living.
• Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?
-This is something I do quite often with people I’m not acquainted with, as I value the utility of a social connection more than convincing a few people of my beliefs. However, it happens less with people who I know well enough to comfortably make the assertion that an ideological disagreement wouldn’t jeopardise the relationship.
• Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?
-I avoid rule breaking that could lead to excessive repercussions. Since I purvey my conduct with the main intention of long term personal fulfilment some consequences that impede this mean that I generally obey rules. However if the consequences are avoidable and/or inconsequential I have no problem breaking those rules. Like cheating in exams for example.
submitted by Hisbejeneb to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 23:05 Bleed_Air Inserting a formula into VBA

Hi everyone,
I'm an obvious newb, but struggling with a line and I'm hoping to get the help I need here.
I have a sheet of data and I have a macro that formats this data into the desired format. Once that data is formatted correctly, I need to run a formula to ensure that last names are spelled correctly. The current line I have is:
Worksheets("Name").Range("F2").Formula = "=IF(LEFT(A2,2)="mc","Mc"&PROPER(RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)-2)),IF(LEFT(A2,3)="mac","Mac"&PROPER(RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)-3)),PROPER(A2))))"
It obviously doesn't work (debug error), and the reason is beyond my capacity to understand at this point, lol. Is someone able to tell me where I'm going wrong?
edit: the original line (from recording a macro) was this: ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=PROPER(RC[-5])", but PROPER doesn't consider Mc and Mac names, so it needs to be changed.
submitted by Bleed_Air to vba [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:24 Dizzy_Instance8781 Burned out and smoldering....

I'm not exactly thrilled to confess this, and certainly not proud to say it, but I've hit burnout, and it hit back hard. I've reached a point where my reserves are spent; I have nothing left to offer. These days, I find myself merely occupying my desk, a shell of my usual self. The mental and emotional exhaustion has become so overwhelming that the simplest tasks feel Herculean. I can't muster the energy to hunt down even the most uninspiring worksheet, let alone stand by the copier making duplicates. And as for managing classroom discipline—getting them to put away their phones? Forget it. I endure the idle chatter and malaise.
Yet, amidst this fog of fatigue, I somehow manage to keep one part of my role alive: I still engage with my students. I make it a point to validate their feelings, their thoughts, and their efforts, even if my own spirit feels utterly depleted. It's this connection, however fragile, that I cling to—a reminder of why I stepped into this role, to begin with. I've slipped into a mode of pure survival, passive and disengaged in many ways, but still committed to nurturing their growth, just by being present in whatever capacity I can manage. At least, I hope...
I feel somewhat guilty. But it is what it is,,2-3 more weeks?!
Anyone else feel this way?
surely I can't be alone!
submitted by Dizzy_Instance8781 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:44 Far_Audience_1236 Ref error when Get Pivot function is edited

I have this formula
=GETPIVOTDATA("Seating Capacity",'Seat Summary'!$C$2,"Space Category","Occupant/Tenant Area","Room Type","Individual Workspace","Open-Closed","Open","Dedicated-Shared","Dedicated")
I changed the word within the formula from "Workspace Category" to "Space category", I also made the change in the header that the worksheet resides in, however, this little change causes the entire equation to generate a REF error.
Unfortunately, I cannot share more of the file. My question is outside of using find and replace to change the words from "Workspace Category" to "Space category" is there anything else i have to do? The equation works using the word "Workspace Category" but not when i use "Space category".
submitted by Far_Audience_1236 to excel [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 16:18 atlantic_pacific What is the proper Load Calculation Worksheet for your electrician to use?

I'm trying to answer the question, does my 200 A electrical panel have enough capacity to add a 40 A (9600 VA) EVSE? I carefully completed two Load Calculation Worksheets with the same information and one says my Total Service Load adding the EVSE would be 216 A. The other (from California) instructs you to deal with the subtotals differently and says that the Total Service Load would only be 141 A. Which one is correct?
submitted by atlantic_pacific to evcharging [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 12:57 Lunara_Misakiaro Special Coworker gets a spicy dish served after taking my silence as a "yes"

I will change names for this one.
TW: Graphic visualization, bad wording.
Warning: I am partially wheelchair bound, please keep that in mind. Its a long one. Better brew a lot of tea.
So this started 3 years ago. I (now 24,f) worked and studied in a BBW (Berufsbildungswerk). It was the school begin in summer and my class got new students.
INFO: In BBW´s you begin either in February or in mid of august. I live, study and work in one same place as 1000 students. The BBW had two onside dorms.
Amongst the new student was a special student, lets call him David (now 22,m). He was your typical macho guy, who had always strong opinions about certain topics and in the very first 3 weeks we got along well....
Well, so I´d thought. There were a lot of red flags that I didn´t notice at the time about him, that made indeed obvious how he came over to me and all the other was just a facade. He often would ask of me to bring, give and take "his" school supplies, worksheets etc. with me because his reasoning was "I don´t have a bag. I can´t carry my books and worksheets".
In other words he wanted me to be his luggage donkey....
I often would ask of him to get his stuff but he always dodged it with replies like he is getting it next week...
He told me on multiple occasions that I was someone good to talk to with...(he mostly talked while I just listened. He didn´t even let me make any comments)
Now the banger in this story was one certain tuesday that I had. It was in the morning, around a 5 minute classroom change where he asked me "Lunara, can we chill this afternoon after school? And drink some beer?".....
I didn´t reply to his question at all, because I was stressed with stuffing my schoolbag and heading to my next class. (Which is probably my fault that he took my silence and me rushing to the next class as a yes. But I digress)
Now you would think by chilling with someone you don´t know at all or barely, you would want to hangout at a place where many people are. Outside... Just not in your room necessarily, or your apartment....
Now I had earlier off from school and decided to do my laundry which was ... underwear heavy and black.... and while I was changing into something comfy the unthinkable happened...
While being half nude, David aggressively bangs on my door and opens the door without getting from me a reply back that he could come inside. Me, half nude stumbles and rushes to the door trying to shut it but David had his foot between the door and doorframe. He went aggressive on me and made a huge scene in my dormgroups hallway.
I remembered David asking the question and handed him a beer outside and asked him if he could wait a bit outside but I couldn´t finish even asking David, because he pushed the door open and I fell butt flat on the floor. I took my clothes that I wanted to change into and rushed into my bathroom.
Coming out, David sat on the ground with the beer I gave him and blasted his music box. 10 minutes passed by and he started to look around in my room. (Mind you, I do take medications. And at the time I stored my treatments in my room, in a lockable rollcontainer.)
David, overcome with curiosity started to go through my stuff on my desk. He noticed that the lockable part of my rollcontainer was locked and demanded that I need to open the rollcontainer. I said no. David got more angry and demanded it again to which I again said No.
Pissed off, David moved onto my laundry basket and went through it. He made comments like "Oh nice black lace you´ve got. What Cup-Size do you wear? I bet it looks sexy on you." It made my skin crawl and I couldn´t utter a word because I was shocked that he went through my laundry basket.
He continued on going through my bathroom, complaining that he doesn´t see many make up products? that it doesn´t look like that the bathroom is that of a woman. David continued his little journey through my pantry which had buldak noodles in it.(This is important later) He asked me if I could make a portion for him. I told him those were really spicy noodles. David told me that he is fine, since they "supposedly" aren´t that spicy and that he can´t handle that much spice. I told him that I don´t mind making him a portion but that I would start cooking soon "since I wanted to go to bed early". (I tried making a reasonable excuse as I felt immensely uncomfortable and wanted him gone as fast as I could without him getting aggressive)
He moved on from my pantry to my wardrobe, where he would make more comments on my underwear and asking me if I was taken if I ever had something....popable... with someone. If I even knew what a pp would look like... Ignoring all his questions I asked David why he would go through my stuff...
His reply you ask?
"Thats what friends do to get to know each other."
I stood there speechless. Unable to reply anything at all, I took the buldak noodles and went into the community kitchen. My caretakers asked if I was fine and assured them that I was. (Which obviously was a lie. But I also didn´t wanted them to worry or deal with David´s aggressive behavior)
INFO: When David came, the caretakers weren´t there and had a shift change.
I asked David if he wanted Cheese or stir-fried eggs in his buldak noodles to reduce the spiciness. But he declined. When I finished making his noodles he ate 3 bites before rushing to the kitchens fridge and downed a whole milk carton down. It wasn´t enough so he ran to the groups pantry room, to the fridge in that room to get butter milk.
David excused himself saying that he wasn´t feeling well. He ran out of the group like a dog running when its mealtime. My caretakers noticed it and asked me again if something happened between me and David. I shaked my head and went with mine and his portion back into my room.
Next day came...
I had P.E.classes with him and while we played badminton together with other people from different classes, David would complain to them about me. The spice level was to much for his body and he apparently sat four hours on the toilette and had to ask his roommate to bring him many bottles of buttermilk. Apparently 7 x 750ml bottles.
David would go on how he would wanna do it with me and how he liked my underwear. At the end of the P.E. lesson, people asked me if I was okay...
I was not....
I was livid, mad and filled with anger and disgust. I went that same day to my supervisor Mr.Magus and told him everything that happened... I originally wanted to let that day slide. Let what happened go...
But David crossed the line....
Actions were taken. David wasn´t allowed to come near to me, talk to me or work together with me. He wasn´t allowed to step foot into my dormgroup and everyone from our department got to know everything that happened between us...
But it didn´t ended there...
5 weeks later on a Friday, I got called in by my caretakers. In their office I see two yellow trashbags and the caretakers from the group that David was staying in.
They apologized to me and told me that today the caretakers did a room inspection on David´s room as the caretakers received complains from other groupmates staying in that group, that there was a nasty smell coming out of David´s room and found out the source of the smell.
The source was my and other women underwear that he had stolen out of our rooms. Those two bags had my underwear in it and I can´t tell you how vile it was. My underwear was covered in a white yellowish sticky gooey substance that smelled abysmal...
I tried washing them but ultimately had to throw them away.
How he got into my room you ask?
He stole from the cleaning personal a general key that opens literally any room in the dorm. He would often come when I was either sleeping or showering.
I was mad and livid. So I went petty again. I went and made a sign that said "Warning!!! I love spicy food! Hide your milk cartons away or they will be gone." printed and laminated the sign and stitched into his chair.
Next day came and all I hear are cuss words and David´s Supervisor giving David a kickout warning if he wouldn´t quiet down. David never got to know that it was me who ghost stitched on the sign on his chair. and he wasn´t able to remove it at all.
In those 3 years, I had multiple issues continuing on with David. variating from SH to sometimes AS the final straw happened 1 month ago.
I was resting in our breakroom as my migrain got worse and saw that in the breakroom, David had his stuff laying around. I knew David would at some point get his belongings and leave the room.
If he had done that he wouldn´t be banned from the BBW and wouldn´t have been demoted to homeoffice. While I laid on the couch on my side, he came inside, around the table and proceeds to slap my butt. Unable to utter a word due to the lack of mental capacity, I put my leg down and David did trip over it. He went mad and said "you b-word!!!" and punches my head. He punched so hard that my migrain got worse and a few seconds later, I got nosebleed as well.
I was in shock and feared that if I said anything rn it would make him again aggressive. So I went 2 days later to my psychologist and told her what happened.
When the class wanted to know where David was I told them what happened and the whole class went into joy. Like someone gave them a hefty raise or a good grade.
It lasted only 2 weeks due to government regulations but I will never forget the cheer Joy the class had.
I deep apologize if this comes over too visualizing. English is my second language and while people do tell me that I speak it well, I´m not so good on wording things. Not even in my own motherlanguage. But I assure you I am working on it.
INFO: Yes I had to go through those bags on my own and Yes the caretakers do know what my laundry/ underwear looks like as I´m physically not always able to reach the washing machine and tumble dryer and am relying on and off on a wheel chair. (both appliances are on shelves, unless I stand up and risk breaking or dispositioning my ripcage, that's how I have to get laundry done)
The caretakers do have to memorize laundry from people bound in wheel chairs or people who have a genetic issues that makes them unable to reach the appliances due to height issue.
They do check up on us asking standard questions if we got new clothes or items with us. New electronic items or even amenities we do have to list to them.
submitted by Lunara_Misakiaro to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 08:53 atlantic_pacific Residential Load Calculation - Where did I go wrong?

I'm trying to answer the question, does my 200 A electrical panel have enough capacity to add a 9600 VA EVSE. I carefully completed two Load Calculation Worksheets with the same information and one says my Total Service Load is 141 A and the other says 216 A. Where did I go wrong?
submitted by atlantic_pacific to AskElectricians [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:42 shaneka69 DEPRESSION: A NUMEROLOGY DECODE

Let's Decode What Depression Is And More

Today I will be going in depth about depression and decoding the word and reasoning with Numerology. We can already see that depression has a lot of repeated letters which shows there is too much of a focus on one thing and too much of something can usually hinder it or cause imbalance.
Let's break down the word DEPRESSION:
The word has E 2 times, S 2 times
Let's first focus on the obvious! This word has karmic debt numbers for the letters N, P, and S. Let's grab some context from a site that I will link below that explain what these karmic debt numbers mean in detail.
"The 14 Karmic Debt arises from previous actions where human freedom has been abused. Those with a 14 Karmic Debt are forced to adapt to ever-changing circumstances and unexpected occurrences. There is an acute danger of falling victim to drug abuse, alcohol, or overindulgence in sensual pleasures, such as food and sex. Moderation in all affairs is crucial to overcome this Karmic Debt." - credit goes to Karmic Debt Numbers in Numerology World Numerology
"The 16 Karmic Debt – in any area it appears in a chart - means destruction of the old and birth of the new. It is about the fall of the ego and all it has built for itself. It is a watershed, a cleansing. Things the ego has constructed to separate a person from the source of life, are destroyed.
Through the 16, reunion with higher consciousness may be achieved. This can be a painful process because it usually comes after much ego inflation, resulting in a struggle between the ego and higher ideals. Life will present challenges to your grand plans which you may resent and struggle against. It is a losing battle… and you will likely feel humbled in the face of the collapse that follows. However, humility is the key to later success, as you learn to follow the intimations of a deeper reality."
"A person with the 19 Karmic Debt will learn independence and the proper use of power. You will be placed in situations where you are forced to stand up for yourself (and often be left standing alone). One of the central lessons for people with the 19 Karmic Debt revolves around stubbornly resisting help from others. Much of your independence is self-imposed - you simply want to do it your own way.The 19 Karmic Debt can become a self-imposed prison if you don’t recognize the need for interdependence and the mutual need for love.Although you seek to stand on your own feet, you are inextricably connected to others and in need of the support and understanding that all people need - this is the most important lesson for the 19 Karmic Debt." And being personally connected to a lot of 19 energy, this is very true! There is one 19 person I watch on Youtube and he is using this energy pretty well.


Let's take a look at the word. You see it starts with the letter D which is ruled by the number 4 as the 4th letter in the alphabet. 4 energy is connected to privacy, home, family, discontent, restriction, and nonchalant energy. There is many more terms, but you can see where this is going. If you call certain companies toll free, listen to what they say you need to press number 4 for.
What just hit me as I looked at the word is the rest of the word after DE...PRESSION. Maybe there is something needing to be expressed(expression!) that isn't being expressed. All depression is, is suppression of something. D/4 can be suppression and withholding. That's why some jobs want you to fill out the W4 which is a withholding form! Depression comes when someone is choosing to withhold expression of emotions and genuine communication that can help. Taking caution to a whole new level and it ends up being destructive. 4 can point to dissipation which makes sense for destruction to mean what it means.
The word starts with the energy of 4 which is about withholding and suppression and end with the energy of 5 which can be conflicting.
All those letters and we only get to the number 5?!. This word is embedded with the energy of 1 and 9 which means that people who claim or feel depression CAN utilize their personal power to get themselves out of said depression. You have the right to process your emotions and once you do, you can start using your strength and power to overcome. Sometimes it starts with the mind.
Now, based on the letters and numbers with the word, let's see what numbers are missing!
We are missing 2,3,and 8! 2 gives a person a natural comfort within self. It can also make them loveable or easily cooperative with others. The energy of 3 gives a person natural optimism and majestic mental capacity. 8 gives a person a steadfast embedded powerful strength. This 8 energy gives a person unstoppable capability.
Getting over depression is about rising above a situation and having the capability of strengthening your perspective. Your confidence levels are something you have to personally master. Notice how depression ends with O and N which is 6 and 5. That's a backtrack. We're counting forwards, not backwards. 6 is about overcoming problems while 5 is the problems or insecurities. Depression ending with the energy of 5 is a thinkpiece. 5 deals with the uniqueness of a situation or action. You will have to do something different or new to wake up out of whatever this depression was about and understand that everyone's depression won't be the same!
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submitted by shaneka69 to NumerologyPage [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 12:43 joeshmoe010 Cold weather heat pump sizing help - Bryant Evolution Extreme / Carrier Infinity

Hi, folks.
I'm looking at replacing my two zone gas furnace + AC with a Bryant Evolution Extreme 284ANV (aka Carrier Infinity) heat pump w/ supplemental heat strips. I'm trying to decide between a 4-ton vs 5-ton set up. I did my own Manual J calculation that showed heating needs ~70kBTH/h (design temp of 9 degrees). An analysis of gas use suggested ~60kBTU/h. I'm in Boston and the space to be conditioned is ~2,500 sq ft.
So here is my issue: while the 5-ton unit has a higher maximum BTU output at higher outdoor temps, the 4-ton unit appears to maintain its capacity better once temps drop below 17 degrees. I don't really care about the the max output of the system at 47 degrees, but I care a lot about it when it gets really cold.
At 7 degrees, the submittal sheet show the 4-ton has a capacity of ~34kBTU/h vs ~23kBTH/h for the 5-ton. Note that this is in "comfort mode" which I understand is the mode the system actually runs in. Efficiency mode has different numbers, but I understand this to be the mode they use only for performance testing.
Based on the submittal sheet, it seems like I might do better with the 4-ton system than the 5-ton. My installer is recommending the larger system, but they're basing that on a 1:1 replacement of our terribly oversized 5-ton AC. The air handler CFM range for the 4-ton unit is also a better match for our ductwork than the 5-ton.
We're looking at the 9KW heat strip as a supplement here.
Does anyone have any advice here on the 4-ton vs 5-ton question? Anyone have experience using this product line without supplemental gas heat in the northeast?
submitted by joeshmoe010 to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 12:31 joeshmoe010 Cold weather performance data confusion - Bryant Evolution Extreme / Carrier Infinity

Cold weather performance data confusion - Bryant Evolution Extreme / Carrier Infinity
Hi, folks.
I'm looking at replacing my two zone gas furnace + AC with a Bryant Evolution Extreme 284ANV (aka Carrier Infinity) heat pump w/ supplemental heat strips. I'm trying to decide between a 4-ton vs 5-ton set up. I did my own Manual J calculation that showed heating needs ~70kBTH/h (design temp of 9 degrees). An analysis of gas use suggested ~60kBTU/h. I'm Boston and the space to be conditioned is ~2,500 sq ft.
So here is my issue: while the 5-ton unit has a higher maximum BTU output at higher outdoor temps, the 4-ton unit appears to maintain its capacity better once temps drop below 17 degrees. I don't really care about the the max output of the system at 47 degrees, but I care a lot about it when it gets really cold.
At 7 degrees, the submittal sheet show the 4-ton has a capacity of ~34kBTU/h vs ~23kBTH/h for the 5-ton. Note that this is in "comfort mode" which I understand is the mode the system actually runs in. Efficiency mode has different numbers, but I understand this to be the mode they use only for performance testing.
Based on the submittal sheet, it seems like I might do better with the 4-ton system than the 5-ton. My installer is recommending the larger system, but they're basing that on a 1:1 replacement of our terribly oversized 5-ton AC. The air handler CFM range for the 4-ton unit are also a better match for our ductwork than the 5-ton.
We're looking at the 9KW heat strip as a supplement here.
Does anyone have any advice here on the 4-ton vs 5-ton question? Anyone have experience using this product line without supplemental gas heat in the northeast?
The alternative we are considering is two separate Mitsubishi 2.5/3-ton hyper heat systems (one for each zone). This will cost a lot more money and take up a lot more space inside and out.
submitted by joeshmoe010 to heatpumps [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 12:48 Toasty0503 Missing solar energy credit

Missing solar energy credit
Hello! Full disclosure, a family member does my taxes. They work in a tax office. It looks like they use Inuit proseries and it was filed on February 8. When it was being done, the refund estimate was much higher than the refund received.
The account transcripts seem to show no sign of the energy credits. Is there any way to see Form 5695 was received/not received? I did see them fill out the form on the computer. The photo shown says not final because they said I was too early when I went to file on Feb 6 but they printed everything for my records and filed later in the week.
My family member believes the IRS didn’t give me my full refund for whatever reason and to wait for a letter. I told them I think the form didn’t go through.
Do I fill out an amendment? Do I wait? Anyone else have the same issue of the form not being received? Family member making me doubt myself. Any help is appreciated!
submitted by Toasty0503 to IRS [link] [comments]

2024.02.21 12:32 Cute-Preference8819 Jump to today's date on holiday calendar on another sheet

I am currently working on an excel capacity tracker and have a main landing worksheet "Capacity Tracker" and holiday tracker worksheet "Holiday Tracker". I have a formula which jumps to correct sheet but not the correct row or todays date.
Formula I have is =HYPERLINK("#'Holiday Tracker'!B1"&MATCH(TODAY(),'Holiday Tracker'!B7:LE7,0),"Jump to todays date on Holiday Tracker")
Looking to jump to row 7 of Holiday Tracker worksheet, currently landing on row 12. TODAY() formula is also on mainsheet in cell B2 if that is needed info?
Thanks for your time and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
submitted by Cute-Preference8819 to excel [link] [comments]

2024.02.12 20:17 zeimsohappy Towing a Micro Minnie with a Grand Highlander?

Towing a Micro Minnie with a Grand Highlander?
We have a 2024 AWD gas Grand Highlander. We are looking for a travel trailer with bunks, as we have one child and may have another in the future. We are considering a Micro Minnie 1700BH or 1800BH, but I’m not confident about our towing capacity.
The 1800BH looks like it would be a much better option for us, because it has two axles (tire blowouts seem scary on a single axle trailer), a bigger refrigerator (the 1700BH only has a little mini fridge underneath the countertop), and the AC unit doesn’t seem to hang down from the ceiling right above the kitchen area the way it does in the 1700BH. My husband is 6’2” so that AC would be really annoying for him. Not having to deal with lugging a cooler full of ice with us (and not having all our food get wet in the melted ice water) would be such a nice perk of the 1800BH.
We currently camp in an old Ram Van that we converted to be a camper van ourselves. It has been great and we love it (and have driven it all over the US) but there just isn’t enough room for our toddler to have a dedicated sleeping space in it.
The 1800BH has a dry weight (UVW) of just under 500lbs more than the 1700BH, which makes sense since the trailer is bigger, has a bigger refrigerator, etc. But then the 1800BH has a GVWR of 1300lbs more than the 1700BH, so not just a 500lb difference between the two. Why would the GVWR be so much higher for the 1800BH? The GVWR for the 1800BH puts us over the limits for GCVW and towing capacity.
If we could tow the 1800BH with the Grand Highlander, it seems like this travel trailer will be perfect for us. But if all we can handle is the 1700BH, I don’t want to buy the 1800BH and only realize then that we can’t tow it adequately.
Would a weight distribution hitch help us tow better? Or would that just be additional weight itself, making the problem worse?
We got the spreadsheet in the photos from Keep Your Daydream after watching their YouTube video about what you can really tow.
Tow police, please feel free to weigh in. If anyone has reviews of the Micro Minnies, I’d love to hear them. If there’s another better travel trailer option for our situation that we should consider, we’d like to hear that too!
submitted by zeimsohappy to GoRVing [link] [comments]

2024.02.10 01:10 Helpful_Elk4963 I (f20) feel guilty about my little brothers (m17 and m14) - advice appreciated

I'm in college right now, taking online classes (but the plan is for me to start in person classes soon). I have been homeschooled starting in 1st grade through senior year of high school. Both of my brothers have been homeschooled since the start and still are. When my mom first started homeschooling us, it wasn't too bad. We had a proper curriculum and did several hours of work each day. The curriculum wasn't the greatest - mostly we used Heart of Dakota if anyone here is familiar - but we practiced reading, writing, and math at appropriate grade levels, as I remember.
As the years went on, though, the quality of education degraded. I've had years where I was doing little to no school. Eventually it got to where it was totally self guided with no oversight from her, so I often just didn't do school as a teen. Personal stuff in my mom's life caused her to stop caring about a lot of things, and one of those was letting our education fall by the wayside. Also, as we got into higher levels of things like math, my mom was not prepared to teach it at all. She literally did not know her multiplication tables until pretty recently and I'm still not sure if she does now. Being able to teach me high school level algebra was out of the question, so we often just skipped over things she couldn't teach if I didn't catch on myself from the textbook. I eventually had to study with a math tutor for a while in order to pass my GED.
As we started to get older, it started to become apparent that M17 might have some sort of learning disorder when it comes to reading, which my mom also was not equipped to handle. Since I had always been good with reading, I was delegated to teach him for several years. Identifying letters was a problem, sounding out words was a problem. He could not read for a long time and still isn't reading at an appropriate grade level. I tried to work with him when he was younger, but as he got older and more frustrated he has actually become resistant to learning. He admitted in his own words that he was trying on purpose to zone out or not pay attention while I was showing him basic things like letter sounds or reading simple sentences because he did not want to learn them. I don't teach him anymore - he doesn't respect me at all and I'm tired of fighting him.
When I was about 14 and about to start high school, my mom and I talked about going back to real school because she knew she was not equipped to teach me. She would have let me go, but I stupidly declined and even fought against it because I was afraid of something so unknown. She later revealed to me that if I had gone back, she would have sent my brothers back too, and this is where my guilt stems from. I've ruined their education and possibly altered the course of their lives. They could have had that opportunity and it's my fault. I know you'll tell me it's my mom's fault, but it's my fault too. I could have gone back with them. I deprived them of so much they don't even realize right now.
Fast forward to the current day and the state of things is bad. I've managed to pull myself up, at least educationally. I read a lot as a kid and taught myself a lot, so I am ok. Socially is another matter but that's neither here nor there. My brothers are not so lucky. I have already told you about M17 but M14 is also bad. His handwriting is barely legible, and he cannot spell simple four or five letter words. He also lacks random every day knowledge - I don't think he knows things like the months of the year or the values of coins, etc. Stuff most people learn in elementary. He's a bright kid and I see he has the capacity to learn things, he's just undereducated. Since he's used to playing video games all day, he has a terrible work ethic - often screaming when he's made to do schoolwork or simple chores, though recently I have been able to keep this under control with a little help from my mom.
Their current curriculum consists mostly of simple workbooks labeled for 4th and 5th grades. They often struggle to understand them. M14 especially gives no effort on the worksheets, often writing one or two word answers. No punctuation, no complete sentences, etc. I've started a literature unit with him to improve his writing and reading comprehension and getting him to complete the work each week is pulling teeth but I make sure we get it done.
This is where the advice comes in - what else can I do with M14 to improve him? I've tried to convince my mom to send them to a real school several times and it's not happening. She's full of excuses and usually starts crying about it because she knows she's done wrong by keeping them home this long. Honestly the only thing I think she's right about is that it's probably too late - kids this behind fall through the cracks in the public school system. I still would send them back but I know it won't happen.
I'm looking for concrete things I can do with him to improve, especially spelling and handwriting. I don't even know where to start.
Before someone says this, I am not calling CPS on my mom or reporting her to anything. Even though this post doesn't make it sound this way, she is an overall pretty good mom who takes care of us, and I do love her.
Thank you.
submitted by Helpful_Elk4963 to HomeschoolRecovery [link] [comments]

2024.02.05 02:11 HADR_Institute the Intelligence Cycle: A Dive into the Direction Phase and some key unclassified outputs

the Intelligence Cycle: A Dive into the Direction Phase and some key unclassified outputs submitted by HADR_Institute to craftofintelligence [link] [comments]

2024.01.24 16:52 XLT_66 Running the Numbers - LLC to S-Corp Conversion, Tax Advice in General

Hey Everyone - I've done some poking around and can't seem to find a calculator or formula or way to do an apple to apples comparison on if we should be set up as an S-Corp or not. We enjoy the freedom and flexibility of the LLC and I have some level of anxiety about moving to an S-Corp but maybe that's just silly.
Business is service related in the real estate sector. We typically do about $1.5M-1.75M in revenue and end up with net profits between $350k-$400k. Currently a single-member LLC that was started by my wife about 7 years ago. We have no employees but pay our splits/commissions to a group of 1099 Contractors. I no longer work W2 work but do some engineering consulting on the side along with working for our business...though in no formal capacity on paper. I've always done all the taxes, compliance, payouts, etc.
I hired a Concierge CPA last year with poor results. I guess I was hoping to answers to all my questions and actual help making the changes we sort of talked about...but in the end, maybe I didn't know how to take advantage of her expertise?
Do I need to hire a tax advisor to help with this? Is there a worksheet I can complete to see if going from LLC to S-Corp makes sense? What's the move here? With me not working FT W2 work anymore - am I missing out how we should be structured (maybe a partnership?) or some other setup that works in our favor?
I have more time to commit to this business now that we've decided to step away from corporate W2 work and focus on this business and consulting/contract work.
Thanks so much!
submitted by XLT_66 to smallbusiness [link] [comments]