Voyageur colonial schedule

I'm almost giving up and don't know what to do with K Electric anymore!! Such a failed institution!

2024.05.17 06:47 JoshPinho92 I'm almost giving up and don't know what to do with K Electric anymore!! Such a failed institution!

I'm almost giving up and don't know what to do with K Electric anymore!! Such a failed institution!
K electric's been targeting our area with harsh loadshedding and they've been doing it for months now!!!
submitted by JoshPinho92 to karachi [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:52 onfirealot Standing, not idle, works scheduled, no mods

I've noticed that 2 of my pawns have just started to stand all day, not doing any tasks, even when scheduled. I can force them to sow for example, but they do the one and then stop. It is their number one tasks, but can't get them to work. I don't have any mods installed, over than the DLC. I was wondering why I was running out of food, as these 2 were my made sowers. Any ideas? Colony has 9 pawns and has been running without an issue so far.
Edit: just noticed another one. I'm sending 2 out and see if they come back and do anything.
Edit 2: Found dev mode and logs, I just noticed that the seed i had planted was not there anymore, might be causing a problem?
SOLVED: I planted the other seed I had and they've strung back into action. Very odd!
Hairy started 10 jobs in one tick. newJob=PlantSeed (Job_2853267) A = Thing_GauranlenSeed655806 B = (142, 0, 63) jobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_Work jobList= UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace () Verse.Log:Error (string) Verse.AI.JobUtility:TryStartErrorRecoverJob (Verse.Pawn,string,System.Exception,Verse.AI.JobDriver) Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:StartJob (Verse.AI.Job,Verse.AI.JobCondition,Verse.AI.ThinkNode,bool,bool,Verse.ThinkTreeDef,System.Nullable1,bool,bool,System.Nullable1,bool,bool,bool) Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:TryFindAndStartJob () Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:EndCurrentJob (Verse.AI.JobCondition,bool,bool) Verse.AI.JobDriver:EndJobWith (Verse.AI.JobCondition) Verse.AI.JobDriver:CheckCurrentToilEndOrFail () Verse.AI.JobDriver:TryActuallyStartNextToil () Verse.AI.JobDriver:ReadyForNextToil () Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:StartJob (Verse.AI.Job,Verse.AI.JobCondition,Verse.AI.ThinkNode,bool,bool,Verse.ThinkTreeDef,System.Nullable1,bool,bool,System.Nullable1,bool,bool,bool) Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:TryFindAndStartJob () Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:EndCurrentJob (Verse.AI.JobCondition,bool,bool) Verse.AI.JobDriver:EndJobWith (Verse.AI.JobCondition) Verse.AI.JobDriver:CheckCurrentToilEndOrFail () Verse.AI.JobDriver:TryActuallyStartNextToil () Verse.AI.JobDriver:ReadyForNextToil () Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:StartJob (Verse.AI.Job,Verse.AI.JobCondition,Verse.AI.ThinkNode,bool,bool,Verse.ThinkTreeDef,System.Nullable1,bool,bool,System.Nullable1,bool,bool,bool) Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:TryFindAndStartJob () Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:EndCurrentJob (Verse.AI.JobCondition,bool,bool) Verse.AI.JobDriver:EndJobWith (Verse.AI.JobCondition) Verse.AI.JobDriver:CheckCurrentToilEndOrFail () Verse.AI.JobDriver:TryActuallyStartNextToil () Verse.AI.JobDriver:ReadyForNextToil () Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:StartJob (Verse.AI.Job,Verse.AI.JobCondition,Verse.AI.ThinkNode,bool,bool,Verse.ThinkTreeDef,System.Nullable1,bool,bool,System.Nullable1,bool,bool,bool) Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:TryFindAndStartJob () Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:EndCurrentJob (Verse.AI.JobCondition,bool,bool) Verse.AI.JobDriver:EndJobWith (Verse.AI.JobCondition) Verse.AI.JobDriver:CheckCurrentToilEndOrFail () Verse.AI.JobDriver:TryActuallyStartNextToil () Verse.AI.JobDriver:ReadyForNextToil ()
submitted by onfirealot to RimWorld [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:40 CompassWithHat Top Lasgun: Broadsides

This product is a fanfic of the Sexy Space Babes/Between Worlds product of u/Bluefishcake and one I highly suggest you read. It was created with permission, but give the OG works some love.
Imgr gallery of Comissioned and Fan Artworks
I'm Back Bitches! Again!
Junior Systems Engineer First Class Che’keero knelt before a semi-sparking control panel and sighed. She, and a large band of her fellow Engineers with Marine support, had boarded the pirate frigate with the singular goal of ensuring that the pirates didn’t scuttle their floating hulk and doom the slaves aboard to a, if they were lucky, a swift death in space.
The problem, of course, came with the pirate’s maintenance schedules and decisions to forgo certain… safety measures when it came to repair.
Like the panel before her. Usually a perfectly functional control system for the reverse-magnetic bulkhead doors that ensured void seals in power outages, some pirate at some point in their dumb, dumb life decided to fix the panel blowing a fuse… by ripping the fuse out and replacing it with a high density power cable. Which meant the entire thing was one massive shock hazard and actively sparking as the reactors deep in the ship flickered and surged due to damage.
Che’keero swore as an arc of electricity flashed towards her face after a tool that was not supposed to be magnetized, cheap dick WaDepth requisitions, caught a magnetic field, fusing the entire system shut and turning the formerly barely functional control system into nothing but pretty, decorative wiring and cheap solder. She punched the now utterly unfunctional control box and toggled on her radio. “Three-Two to Three-Lead, this door’s fried. You’ll need to bring in the cutters if we want to get to the rest of the ship. Might as well also bring in an inflatable airlock, I’m not liking how some of the metal strain sensors are flashing at me.”
A semi-synthetic voice replied back to Che’keero, “Three-Lead copies. I’ll be over there shortly with the stuff. Double check those sensors, I’m not getting the same readings, so let’s make sure something isn’t blocking errors from reaching me.”
“Copy that Three-Lead, Three-Two ou-” Something tapped against the back of her helmet and Junior Systems Engineer First Class Che’keero mentally swore.
“Now, now, lassie, how about you sit right there and don’t move.” A nasally, unfamiliar voice called out to her while tapping what a camera she set up to watch her back revealed to be a laser pistol to Che’keero’s helmet. “I think that you’re going to be our new best friend and way off this dead end ship.”
Che’keero paused, letting the situation settle in her mind, “Wait, what? Are… are you taking me hostage?”
“Yes!” The pirate replied.
“Why what?”
“Why are you taking me hostage? This won’t work, none of the shuttles are jump capable and if you try anything, you’ll just end up jumped by marines. They specifically train to deal with pirates taking their engineers hostage. If you want to survive, you should just surrender and take the penal colony when it’s offered.” Che’keero mentioned, shrugging and continuing her inspection of the door.
The pirate seemed baffled at the sheer nonchalance of this response, the pistol slowly falling to merely point at her upper back instead of her head, “You… you really aren’t taking this seriously. I’m a pirate! I’ve killed people! I’ve killed boys, and you’re just sitting there like this doesn’t mean anything!”
“I mean… I wouldn’t say that.” Che’keero replied.
“THEN WHAT DO YOU MEAN!” The pirate screamed, the pistol moving away from Che’keero’s body by a fraction of an inch during an angry gesture.
It was at that point, a ceramic alloyed, carbon steel blade punched clean through the back of the pirate’s suit, slicing through their central nervous system and striking with enough force to shatter the faceplate of said pirate’s helmet on the way out. Muscles twitching, the laser pistol fired off randomly, missing Che’keero and slagging a chunk of bulkhead.
“I’m just buying time,” Che’keero replied cheekily.
“You really need to remember to check your cameras,” The semi-synthetic voice of Ventures Forth Bravely Into Great Unknowns commented as the ex-pirate fell to the ground and blue blood dripped from the long blade sprouting from her right arm and a toolbox hanging from her left hand. “This isn’t the first time you have been flanked, and this one wasn’t during training.”
“Look, I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.” Che’keero replied a bit testily.
“I’m sorry…” Ventures Forth prodded.
“I’m sorry, Ma’am.”
“Much better. Right, now what do we see in this- yeah you were right on it being fried.” Ventures Forth gently shoved the Junior Systems Engineer aside and took her place at the control panel. “Do a sweep of the strain systems. I don’t want this section of the ship breaking apart. Feel free to call up our hull patches. We’ve got plenty to share and this might have to be a lifeboat.”
“Aye, ma’am aye,” Che’keero replied with a crisp salute before rushing off to her duty.
Deeper inside the ship, Ventures Forth could hear laser fire, clashing of metal on metal, and cries for help.
The pirate ship was doomed, it was shattered and broken, but it was not destroyed. Not yet. \
And if she had her way, Ventures Forth Bravely Into Great Unknowns would keep it that way.
Roshal stood still as her steward continued to clean the dark blue and rapidly congealing blood off her armored form. “Comms,” She called out, “Do we have any contact with the shuttle we sent to the station?”
“Negative, ma’am.” The comm officer replied. She wasn’t the same one that was present when Roshal left to fend off the boarders. At the unspoken question, the woman continued “Communication’s Mate Second Class Lev’tal, ma’am. My superior got a concussion when the pirate ship rocked our ship during boarding. Strap snapped, prior damage. I took over.”
Roshal nodded approvingly, “Good initiative. Send a message to the station, see if we can’t rai-”
“Ma’am! Contact!” One of her sensor techs called out, “Belay that, two contacts. First contact, nav point 782 spinward, possible bogey, cruiser weight. Unknown movements. Second contact, nav point 102 coreward, aerospace assets inbound. Small flight. Hard to determine numbers due to damage. No less than two, no more than five.”
“Focus on getting a hard contact on that possible cruiser. Weapons, what is the status of our anti-aerospace.” Roshal demanded, holding her sword arm out for the steward to scrub at a particularly clotted chunk of blood splattered over her wrist.
The weapons officer shook her head, “If we’re lucky, then we’ve got 20% coverage on half our sides. If we’re very lucky, I might be able to bump that number up to 35%. Not going to quote doctrine, but that’s not nearly enough to fend off a flight of Aerospace assets on a strike run, and that’s assuming they don’t hit us on an unprotected flank.”
Roshal nodded once more, “Sound general quarters and get weapons and tactical back online. Tell the damage control parties to not be distracted and focus on critical systems first. Engine room, report. Can you give me maneuvering thrust?”
The nearby ship phone chimed in with a staticy hiss, “Negative, ma’am. The shot we made with the spinal mount tripped breakers up and down the reactor room. This isn’t an engine problem, we need to make sure our reactor doesn’t blow up when we siphon power. Before you ask, emergency power is still flowing and none of their circuits tripped, but that means we’re down to life support, basic systems, and dockyard thrusters. It will take at least 20 to get the reactor in a safe state. If you want 10, send the chaplain down so we have someone praying for good luck. The fact most of our structural engineers are doing an EVA boarding to ensure the pirate ship next to us doesn’t go critical and render the entire exercise moot isn’t helping matters at all.” The engine room replied Roshal bit down a bit of annoyance at the snark, but engineers were always a finicky sort with authority. They were the first to remind uptight officers that while the Captain’s word may be iron law, it was their work that truly moved the ship.
“Confirmed, engine room.” Roshal instead replied. “Chaplains will be arriving shortly. Do what you can and inform me when you’re three minutes out from full power.”
The engine room didn’t even bother replying, just sending over the affirmative light as they got to work. Roshal approved of that. Sometimes, you just had to insult someone in order to get it working right.
“Captain, we have confirmation on contact. He’s an Alliance Karcharidon class Heavy Cruiser on intercept course. Energy readings are spiking… they’re charging their guns, ma’am!”
“Issue a hostile challenge and give me a firing solution with any gun still functional.”
“No response, ma’am. Hostile Karcharidon is increasing speed. Hard contact in 15 minutes.”
Roshal snarled, emotion breaking through her mask. “Of course, the pirates had one more vessel. Helm, fire our maneuvering thrusters, use the pirate hulk as cover. Weapons, get whoever’s left of our Interceptor flight to engage the enemy. Comms, get me in contact with the merchant fleet, tell them to evacuate. We’ll provide cover.”
“Aye ma’am.” The Communications Mate Second Class said with a shiver in her voice. “Sending-”
“Update on Aerospace assets!” Her sensor tech called out.
“Deliver!” Roshal demanded, cutting off the comms officer with a slice of her hand.
“Weapons fire. Definitely less than four contacts. Seems to be two grou- negative, only two contacts remaining- weaponsfire- one contac- IFF received, oh goddesses, IT’S RUNOFF THREE! FRIENDLY AEROSPACE INBOUND!”
Milk gripped her crash harness hard as Cookie slammed the Interceptor’s fusion torch clean past its safe thrust marker and into the red as g forces crushed her chest. “Last target down.” She reported after Cookie’s final laser burst hit something critical inside the final Aerospace fighter’s frame. “That’s 20 for 20. All enemy bogeys down. All standard munitions are in the black. Static drive is 48%, dump core ejected. All we’ve got left is our ASM and front laser.”
Cookie flashed back an affirmative signal.
“We going for that cruiser?”
Another affirmative.
“Well, I’m braced and ready on the release. Ready.”
“Ready.” Cookie spoke, his voice horse.
It’s funny what people think when their lives are on the line. Because charging towards a fresh enemy Heavy Cruiser, nothing but a single anti-shipping missile worth a damn, no allied support but the faint glimmer in IFF screens of their fellow flight doing the same… all Aoibhinn McDermott could think of was a poem she had read at least a decade ago or more at the Naval Academy.
Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the Valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
Ventures Forth Bravely Into Great Unknowns could do nothing but furiously swear as the basic sensor system her engineering team had restored on the thoroughly ventilated secondary command bridge of the pirate hulk revealed an enemy Heavy Cruiser bearing down upon their homeship.
“Weapons are trashed. We cored their reactor, anyway.” One of the tangential engineers reported, “Other teams are calling in. Things are worse where they are. We’ve found the slaves, though, luckily it was one of the few airtight bays. Also, have some more captives, but that really doesn’t matter right now.”
“No shit.” Ventures Forth replied, “Can we do anything?”
The engineer looked back to her, visor depolarizing so the Gearschilde can look into the black and yellow eyes of her Shil coworker.
“Pray.” The woman replied simply.
Ventures Forth Bravely Into Great Unknowns did just that.
Low chanting filled the engine bay as a small group of priests stood around the engine praying to whichever god that would listen to allow them one more shot. One more fight.
Around them, black handed engineers scurried, ripping out blown fuses and replacing them with soldered in high strength wire. A final measure of desperation. Sparks flew as engineers swore and chaplains prayed, power still remaining in circuits needing to be bled out before bypasses could be installed, turning every bit of solder and every ripped out fuse into a deadly gamble.
Already, someone was lying on the ground, no longer twitching.
They didn’t have time to check on their fallen comrade, the work was too important.
A clock ticked down. Four minutes elapsed.
Lieutenant Commander Cenywyn swore as she watched Runoff 2 die.
Their single Interceptor had mistimed a maneuver and had been caught dead in the middle of an Anti-Aerospace array, shredded in an instant. The only consolation she could take was that, seeing as the first shot went clean through the cockpit, they didn’t even notice they died.
“Runoff 4, stay in formation.” She ordered over the radio, “We’ll lead you in for the run.”
“Yes ma’am.” The hesitant voice of Junior Flight Lieutenant Griogill replied. She swallowed, “We’re- we’re ready when you are.”
“No fear, Lieutenant,” Cenywyn called back to the child she was leading to her death. “We’re pilots in the Imperial Patrol. We do our duty. No fear.”
A clock ticked down. Six minutes elapsed.
“Talk to me!” The last remaining senior engineer in the reactor bay called out to anyone who was able to reply.
Someone, she didn’t even bother looking to see who, called back “We’ve bypassed 60% of the fuses. Should be able to give ourselves a burst of combat power. No more than 10 minutes of it before the entire system overheats and we either die, or the reactor shuts off.”
“Any chance we can get more than 10 minutes?”
“Not before that Heavy Cruiser delivers us straight to the stars.”
“Fuck it, good enough.” She slammed her fist on the ship phone’s dialing button resting near the console the engineer had just ripped the last safety override out of. “Captain. We’ve got your power. You give us the word, and we’ll give you ten minutes.”
Roshal breathed in, breathed out, and nodded. 10 minutes of combat power before the entire ship shut down into uselessness. She’d done more with less. She couldn’t remember when, but she had. Luckily, this was a Patrol Carrier instead of a standard ship, so it was more than capable of combat maneuvers with nothing but RCS thrusters. That should give her some time.
Movement, movement was going to be the key.
“Comms, tell the engineering crews on the hulk that they are ordered to figure out anything that could draw the attention of the Heavy Cruiser,” She began, “Systems, break our mooring lines. We’re going to have to split from the hulk. Helm, prepare for maneuvers. RCS only. We are going to have to do this carefully. Engineroom, prepare for power activation, but hold until my command.”
This needs to be perfect, Roshal thought, A single mistimed action ruins it all.
A clock ticked down. Ten minutes elapsed. The Karcharidon had entered maximum weapon’s range.
He of Slender Tail shivered where he stood. The secondary command bridge was silent as Roshal began giving orders to fight. This was… this was insane.
They were in a ruined ship with nothing but a merchant fleet beginning to flee and a three thirds dead pirate hulk on their side against a fresh Karcharidon class Heavy Cruiser.
They couldn’t win.
This was suicide.
They would die here.
\ So why didn’t He of Slender Tail feel afraid?
He stood at his post, a secondary bridge console where he would relay orders to other departments, freeing up the other Watchkeeper to collate those orders, there was nothing he could do to help win this impossible battle, and yet…
And yet he felt heat blossoming inside his chest with every single order delivered.
“Mooring teamsss, you are to cut your linesss immediately.” He relayed to a crew of Shil scurrying around the ruined bulkheads, “Damage control, prepare for electrical firesss and arcsss.” He commanded, switching between teams instantly.
He didn’t feel fear. He could see his Watchkeeper shiver every time the sensors reported the enemy contact was still closing, but he didn’t feel the same.
What he felt… was indignation.
How dare this pirate scum threaten his vessel, his crew. How dare they ambush this valiant ship after they had fought so hard to win. How dare they.
He let his fangs fold out as he spat the next order, “Anti-Aerossspace teamsss, prepare your batteriesss for grouped fire. Gunnery calculationsss are on their way.”
How dare they stand up to him.
A clock ticked down. 12 minutes elapsed. Weapons fire.
Roshal swayed slightly as she could feel the ship beneath her feet move. Movement is life in naval warfare, movement is death. “Right RCS fire, bring us clear of the hulk. Bow thrusters, up twenty.”
“Aye, ma’am, aye, right standard and bow up twenty.” The Helmswoman replied.
“Confirmed. Next maneuver, give us rear thrust-”
“Torpedo!” The sensor operator called out in a shrill voice, “Two marks on intercept course! Range, twelve K and closing fast!”
“Decorum!” Roshal snapped at the panicking sensor technician. “Comms, order Runoff flight to divert and intercept those torpedoes. Rear RCS to full, give us momentum.”
Roshal turned away from the bridge as affirmations were shouted, and the ship began to move, “Engineering, prepare to activate combat power on my mark and prepare for hard maneuvers. Mark in five.”
Griogill swallowed bile and tried not to feel too thankful that the enemy vessel had fired torpedoes at their home ship. Being diverted from an attack run had a much higher chance of survival than striking through an AA bubble.
“Runoff 4 engaging far torpedo. Moving in for intercept. Bre’kas, give me lock.”
Griogill’s backseater muttered something, and a target lock appeared on the far torpedo as Runoff 1, their previous Drill Sergeants, dashed by in a hard burn and blazed away at their own target.
“Right. We can do this. We can do this. No fear.” The rookie muttered as the sight of her friends in Runoff 3 being turned to vapor echoed in her mind. “I can do this.”
The target locked. She fired. The torpedo detonated.
A clock ticked down.
“Mark in four.”
The Heavy Cruiser loomed closer as the comparatively tiny Patrol Carrier spat its defiance in the form of two Interceptors dancing between the stars.
As a pair of torpedoes detonated, four more were launched, the anti-shipping weapons built for this specific purpose. Destroying disabled vessels.
And so the last two remaining Interceptors on CAP dove into the fray, risking themselves against an ever approaching AA bubble in order to save their ship.
A clock ticked down.
“Mark in three.”
All Cookie could do was stare and push his meager aerospace fighter further on its nuclear thrusters as shimmering dots of torpedoes lanced out from the Heavy Cruiser attacking his new home.
He pushed his hand forward and felt the throttle once more push back against him, the lever pushed all the way past safe thrust and into the further setting on his console.
The Interceptor was fast. It didn’t feel fast enough.
And so he spoke the words he spoke once before, back when he’d had to listen to his backseater’s screams of pain and the rush of wind after shrapnel pierced his fuselage, and the hospital was so, so far away.
Father, I pray that you will not hide your face from me. Whenever I pray, Lord please hear me and answer me speedily in Jesus' name. God, I pray that you will grant me speed through your help.
A clock ticked down.
“Mark in two.”
The Heavy Cruiser shifted, engine flaring and it began to close the range. A single disabled ship on emergency RCS thrusters and a pair of Aerospace fighters was nothing it would have to deal with.
It fired a third spread of torpedoes.
A clock ticked down.
They took the bait. Roshal thought with a vicious grin.
“Mark in one.” She paused, “Execute.”
In an instant, power flowed through the ship, emergency lights flickered off as the burning red boarding lights returned their fiery glow. The entire ship shook as the main thruster came back online, and capacitors began to charge for maneuvers.
“Hard burn, full thrusters, right, on my mark.” Roshal watched as the Heavy Cruiser began to react to her movements, the enemy ship was alive, you needed to roll to broadsides to begin bombardment, come on come on…
Roshal watched as a torpedo flickered out of existence, Runoff 4 gaining another kill.
Come on, dammit, you don’t get put in charge of a Heavy Cruiser without- THERE!
The Heavy Cruiser flinched, turning her bow away from the no longer stricken vessel, preparing for broadside.
The Captain’s grin showed more teeth than smile. “Execute! Full right thrust!”
“Full right thrust! Aye ma’am aye!” Her helmswoman called out as maneuvering thrusters dead cold roared to life and physically threw the vessel to the side, causing everyone not strapped in on the bridge to rock as a barrage of fire flew past their former location, manual targeting systems in play since the automatic systems would still be getting warmed up.
“Full thrust forward, prepare to divert all power to secondary weapons. Weapons, give me a firing solution.” Roshal commanded, hand raised and pointed at the enemy’s display as if she were commanding from a tall ship.
A chant of “Aye ma’am aye” flowed out across the bridge as the weaponsmistress was silent before calling out. “Port side is up to 45% secondary fires and 32% point defense. That’ll be our best bet.”
Roshal nodded. “Make it so. Target their main weapons. Helm, get us that facing.”
“Ma’am. We’re getting a call from Runoff 3. They are entering the AO and are asking for a target.”
Roshal smiled, “Weapons, shift target. Aim for the anti-aerospace systems. Let’s give Runoff 3 the opening they need.”
A clock ticked down.
“Cookie, we’ve got a targeting path.” Milk called forward. “Putting it up on your HUD.”
“One second… I’ve got it. Moving to comply. Did the Captain give us a plan?” her front seater replied, causing her stomach to do funny things as the Aerospace Fighter maneuvered while under high thrust.
“Something like that. She asked for a munitions report and specifically about our anti-shipping weapon.”
Cookie paused.
“Ah.” He finally said.
“Yeah.” She replied.
“Well, let’s hope they’re able to open us up to a window of opportunity. Or this will be a short charge.”
“Not our place to question why.”
“Just our place to do and die.”
Time to target… three minutes.
Into the valley of Death, rode the six hundred.
A clock ticked down.
Two vessels, three Aerospace fighters, one chance.
Six minutes of power remained. All actors took their places on the stage.
One hundred kilometers, close enough to check the weld quality of hull seams, the two ships danced across from each other. Maneuvering.
Five minutes of power remained.
The Karcharidon Heavy Cruiser rolled itself trying to keep the vulnerable top deck away from the Patrol Carrier’s presumably still working main gun as Roshal’s vessel jumped to the side. Thrusters roared.
Four minutes of power remained.
Runoff 1 and 4 shot towards their formerly separated comrade, forming up behind them in a wedge. The trio climbed towards the sun as their captain continued to chase and harass the Karcharidon.
Three minutes of power remained.
Roshal spoke. The lances of her vessel fired. Laser blasts carved across the hull of the enemy ship as it rolled.
The rolling ceased. A helmswoman swore as a full broadside caught the Patrol Carrier in the flank. The port hangar pod was ruined, armor shattered and all inside exposed to hard vacuum. Those who could scream died the fastest. The Interceptors had their opening.
Two minutes of power remained.
Silent wings swept through vacuum as three Interceptors began their dive, their formerly speedy arrowhead shape giving way to an inverted t as their wings swept out for stability, the ASF dove and dove and dove.
Five Kilometers away.
The range was too wide. They had one shot. It had to be perfect.
One minute of power remained.
The Into Harm’s Way spat its defiance into the world, limited power drained to give her pilots a seconds more of time.
30 seconds of power remained.
Three Kilometers.
Hard Lock! Milk shouted from the back seat of Runoff 3. Cookie was silent. The range was still too wide.
15 seconds of power remained.
Two Kilometers.
The Karcharidon seemingly began to roll before the Patrol Carrier once more fired, its last remaining weapons spouting their defiance against the world. Deep in engineering, systems began to blow, wires that replaced fuses sparked power and delicate circuit boards shorted out into useless scrap.
The lights went out.
No power remained.
Roshal, in her head, began to count down as lances of light began to sweep across her ship. Damage control did what they could, but the beams began to cut like an overly enthusiastic shipbreaker.
One Kilometer.
Cookie’s thumb depressed the firing stud as the Interceptor screamed at him.
The ASF launched its deadly payload.
Three Interceptors pulled back hard on their sticks to avoid colliding with the deck.
The thruster of the anti-shipping missile roared as it rocketed the point blank aerospace distance to target.
The armor piercing tip of the missile punched into the upper deck plating of the Heavy Cruiser, classified alloys allowing it to pierce into the armored plating just enough to allow the shaped charge to open up a hole as momentum kept the weapon moving.
Within the frame of a single second, the warhead of the missile had entered the ship and, before the alarms even had time to sound, detonated.
A new sun appeared in the void for a split second as a plasma-fusion warhead detonated inside the Karcharidon heavy cruiser’s hull.
Roshal allowed herself to breathe a sigh of relief inside her head as the emergency power lights flickered overhead and the gravity ever so slightly lightened. What was left of their sensor arrays showed the enemy vessel powering down. “Engineering. Good work, your 10 minutes were just what she needed.” She called out, picking up the ship phone.
There was no answer from engineering.
She signed externally before pointing at one of the marines guarding the bridge, “Find a crewmate in a void suit. I have need of runners.” The marine clasped a fist to her chest before leaving to execute her captain’s commands. “Comms, do we have any contact with the engineering teams on the pirate hulk?”
The Comms officer held up a hand, Roshal waited, “No, ma’am. We aren’t getting- wait. We’ve got visual on flashing lights from the hull. Apparently, something shorted, so they’re having to rebuild broadcast arrays. They can receive just fine, though.”
“Good, once we can maneuver, bring us broadside of them. What’s the status of the merchant fleet?”
Navigation spoke up now, “Still heading for the Jump Point. Should we send the recall order?”
“Not yet, we are still unsure if the area is safe. If we have any sensors remaining, begin sca-”
The mentioned sensor technician interrupted Captain Roshal, “Ma’am, new contact, signature unknown. Just jumped in from outside the starlane!”
“Give me details. Course, range, and speed?” She demanded.
“Signal confused, can’t get a lock!” Navigation called out, “Can’t tell if confusion’s from them or us.”
Not another one… Roshal sighed, “All forces prepa-”
“Ma’am, we’re being hailed.” Communications called out.
“On squawk.”
“This is Captain Al’yosha Cal’rada of Her Imperial Majesty’s Ship Spear of the Knyaginya, responding to Merchant vessel distress calls. Imperial Patrol Carrier, are you in need of assistance at this time?”
Roshal recognized the voice. A junior officer from her days in the Navy and a fellow Sevastutavan. The memory of the fresh faced girl when she’d joined her as an Ensign straight of the Naval Academy flashed before her eyes. “Captain Cal’rada. Your timing is impeccable as always.”
Admiral?” Roshal could hear the shock in her old protege’s voice.
“That’s Captain, now, Al’yosha. I require your aid in ensuring the disabled vessel still glowing from an ASM strike remains disabled along with Search and Rescue teams for our sister Carrier.
“Whatever you want, you’ll have it, Admiral_… Helm! All ahead flank and plot course to intercept. Launch gunships and prepare to deploy Bluejackets. We’ll test our _Orcas’ teeth today!”
The line cut out a moment later than it should have, and Roshal nodded in approval.
“Captain, I still don’t have a read on new contact. What is it?” Sensors asked.
“A Drep’na inspired vision, come to life.” Roshal watched, feeling an odd sort of parental pride as Al’yosha’s experimental warship began closing the distance towards the Karcharidon at breakneck speeds. “A swift sailing vessel and ten carriage guns…” Roshal murmured the line from an old Vaasconian poem from the ancient Age of Sail. She had heard Cal’rada had succeeded in petitioning the Navy to build her dream-ship, burning every favor and passing out favors to any and everyone to see the program through. Now, there she was, standing on the bridge bearing down on a ship twice her size, but if the rumors were true, only half her guns.
“Ma’am, contact is still not resolving, but IFF confirms Imperial Navy designation. An Akula Class Attack Transport. I’ve… I’ve never even heard of this class.”
“Perhaps we shall hear of them more in the future. Fortune favors the active.”
“Contact is disgorging multiple signals, moving at speeds consistent with aerospace assets.”
“That is our signal we may disengage. Comms, inform the merchant fleet that the area is secure and to begin refueling procedures. Helm, get us alongside the pirate hulk, we have people to recover. Marine, get me a runner to the MP’s, we shall need the port hangar prepared for an old tradition the Navy has regarding pirate prisoners…” Roshal commanded. The fight was over, it was time to begin the cleanup.
So… that took a while. Sorry about that.
Turns out when a combination of writer’s block, decision paralysis and LIFE hits you over the head, it becomes a touch difficult to get your shit together long enough to write something down.
On the plus side, we are out of the “unplanned bits” and right back into the parts I have brainstormed, so I won’t be staring at a screen trying to think how to make things connect as much anymore. On the other hand, that means we are now entering the epilogue of book 1 of Top Lasgun.
Don’t worry, the story isn’t ending, I’ve got “three” books plotted out in my head, so we’ll see how that shakes out, but for the most part, this is where I start wrapping up plot threads, laying down threads for what comes next, and all that other good stuff.
So yeah, next chapter is going to involve everyone wrapping up what happened here, some fun little Military Justice, and potentially a bunch of plot. Also, I’m planning on starting a “rewrite”/edited version of this to go up on AO3, so keep an eye out for that. Early installment weirdness is a bitch and I’m not proud of what the older stuff looked like.
Well, I hope you have a wonderful morning, afternoon or evening whenever you read this and I will see you next chapter.
submitted by CompassWithHat to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:14 King_brus321 How to force kids to learn

I have two kids in my colony and they have mood debuff "learning deprived" instead of learning they are hauling things or just wandering. I removed in work tab every job for them and scheduled "anything". I have everything that they need in order to learn. They are both 4 years old
submitted by King_brus321 to RimWorld [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:30 Ben_Elohim_2020 The Nature of Family [Chapter 17]

Credit to Blue for the wonderful cover art of Trilvri
Thank you to:
u/SpacePaladin15 for creating the Nature of Predators universe.
u/EdibleGojid, author of Dark Cuts, for proofreading.
EmClear, aspiring author, for proofreading
You, the reader, for your support. I love reading your comments.
Please consider reading the works of my proofreaders as they’re all authors of excellent stories and be sure to check the links below for more of my work and beautiful art from members of the community.
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Memory transcription subject: Sawvek, Junior Extermination Officer
Date [standardised human time]: October 5th, 2136
Hard foam presses uncomfortably up against delicate pressure points situated across the length of my entire body, building up to an unbearable ache that makes me shift and turn against the thin mattress pad. I yank at the rough old blanket I’d taken out of storage and clutch it even tighter around my body, trying to keep out the chill. The best racks, the ones near the heating vents, had already been claimed long before I’d decided to move into the Guild House’s Barracks and it doesn’t seem likely that the current occupants will be giving up their spots any time soon.
My mind is still racing from the events of last paw, replaying the scene over and over again in my dreams and in my head. The way my brother had looked at me… That look on his face when he’d seen the real me…
My paw gives a sympathetic throb in memory, still aching from where it had met the wall, but at least I had been able to wrap it up a bit and stop the bleeding. I feel like I should take it as a small miracle that it isn't broken. More medical bills are the last thing I need right now.
I turn about in the bunk once more, rolling around in vain to try and find a comfortable position that doesn’t seem to exist. Through a conscious act of will I try to empty my mind and sleep, but the very act of trying not to think about things only brings them bubbling back up to the surface of my thoughts. My heartbeat echoes in my ears, a damnable drumming sound brought about by the exertion of my own restless tossing and turning. Out in the hallway I can hear the muffled shuffling of feet and murmurs of conversation. The Guild Hall never sleeps, and it seems that neither would I this paw.
Electing to abandon the attempt as hopeless, I cut my rest claw short and get up, venturing out into the hallway. If I can’t sleep anyway then I might as well start my waking claw early, maybe get in a little exercise. It’s not so bad when it’s self-directed, almost fun in a way. If our family had the money to support it then maybe I could have been an athlete of some variety growing up. I had always possessed something of a natural physicality.
“Stop wasting time with worthless questions about what could have been, Killer.” The voice interjects, early and active today by the sound of it. “You’ll never amount to anything more than a wild predator kept on a leash.”
There’s nothing to do but sigh and carry on. It was right after all. This is it. This is my life now.
Making my way down the hallway towards the gym I find myself walking past a row of private offices assigned to some of the more veteran officers on staff. Most are empty at this claw, their occupants either asleep or off doing other work. One room in particular catches my attention though, the one belonging to our newest PRED Team Commander.
The door leading inside is open and ajar, seemingly forgotten in the midst of more pressing business and granting me a look inside. The entire room is a mess, papers and binders strewn about everywhere with official looking documents littering the floor. A map of the city decorates the otherwise unadorned and impersonal space. On its face it hosts a variety of multicoloured pins, all connecting seemingly arbitrary locations as well as photographs of people and places from the records department. The face of the former PRED Team Commander, Vrienna, looks out at me once again with the same cruel eyes that decorate the memorial wall. Beside her photo are another pair of eyes, a pair I recognise, but not one I would have expected to see here.
Trilvri, my brother’s creepy coworker, the one who’d brought him home the night he’d drunk himself into a stupor, stares out at me from the wall. He was younger in this photo, barely of age, if even that, and dressed in a regulation space corps flight suit, but I could still recognise him. Trilvri’s eyes appear somehow more lively than when I had met him in person, though it does nothing to improve his overall disposition, looking, as they are, as if behind them resides only hatred and a feral desire to kill and rend. Come to think of it, he had mentioned he used to be in the corps hadn’t he? ‘Used to’ being the operative word. When I’d asked he hadn’t seemed particularly fond of his time in the service…
Situated as he is next to Vrienna like that, their pitch-black wool and evil-looking eyes bear a striking resemblance. It was the exact same sort of predatory expression that bore into your soul, the kind that made me feel weak and exposed, the same kind that was worn by-
“What do you think you’re doing in my office?” A voice asks from behind, nonplussed, but with a casual depth of power and authority behind it that makes me freeze on the spot.
“Commander Glagrig, Sir!” I turn about on the spot, fixed at attention in the doorway as I stare up at the man himself. “I’m sorry to intrude. I noticed someone had forgotten to close the door so I was just going to secure it.”
“I see.” Glagrig doesn’t seem to believe a word of it, but neither does he seem inclined to press the issue. “At ease. Tell me, do you recognise the man in the photo there? Have you ever seen him before?”
“No, Commander.” I lie reflexively as I shift to a parade rest, not fully knowing why, but knowing that whatever is going on I want no part of it, for me or my brother. It’s only after the fact that it occurs to me that lying might be worse than telling the truth.
“How… regrettable.” The prestige officer says plainly and I can’t tell whether he believes me or not. “If you do ever catch sight of this individual, then be sure to let me know immediately.”
“Y-Yes, Commander.” I subconsciously swallow with apprehension, hoping that he doesn’t notice. I want nothing more than to run away as quickly as I can, but I haven’t been dismissed yet.
“Junior Officer Sawvek, was it?” Glagrig carries on, looking me up and down, dissecting me with his eyes. “You have quite the interesting record on file and Officer Intalran is quite adamant about your potential. Your simulator results speak for themselves, even if they are just simulations.”
“Thank you, Commander.” I can feel myself growing dizzy as I answer with uncertainty.
“Don’t thank me,” the all-consuming void in front of me replies with no hint of warmth, “just remember that your performance is under evaluation. It’s in my interests to keep note of promising young aspirants who might someday join my team, and I would hate to see you squander your talents.”
“I-I understand, Commander.” I flick my tail in agreement, straining not to look away towards the floor.
“Dismissed.” Glagrig brushes past me as he enters his office, moving to shut the door behind himself.
“Um, Commander?” I ask just before the door shuts, feeling a beckoning call of curiosity that even the predatory prestige exterminator couldn’t crush. “If you don’t mind me asking… Why do you have all that stuff up on the wall there?”
The door opens again, just a crack, and I can feel my superiors' weighty presence bearing down on me, almost suffocating in its intensity. “It’s simply a personal matter. I have reason to believe that the prior investigation regarding the kelach incident was conducted according to… insufficient standards. The predator responsible was never found and I intend to remedy that deficiency.”
“How hard could it be to find a kelach?” I tilt my ears in confusion. “They're huge!”
“Despite initial reports,” he answers with an ominous, cold tone that sends a chill up my spine, “it may be possible that we're dealing with something far more dangerous than just a kelach.”
“T-Thank you, Commander.” I flick my tail in appreciation and the door closes.
I breathe a sigh of relief as the malevolent aura recedes. That was too close.
“And you’re a complete moron going back to ask him more questions afterwards, Killer.” The voice rises with amusement. “What? Do you want him to figure you out and turn you to cinders? Only a matter of time, Killer.”
“Ugh, shut up.” I mutter under my breath, quickly turning back around to make sure Commander Glagrig didn’t hear me, but when no reprisal comes I quickly depart. If I’m gonna be stupid I should at least try not to do so right in front of his office.
As the imminent threat of our in-house prestige exterminator dwindles so too does the energy driven by the adrenaline of the encounter. It figures that the moment I roll out of bed I want to take a nap again, but I know the moment I lie back down I’ll be back to full wakefulness in an instant. That’s just how that sort of thing works. With that in mind there’s really only one solution, a big, steaming hot cup of tea.
Making my way towards the tea machine I spot Jonsco, the feisty little primitive that mans our dispatch centre, smacking the top of the dispenser with a clenched paw while holding a mug underneath it.
“Is the tea machine fixed?” I ask as I pull out a mug from the cabinet myself.
Jonsco sighs heavily and shoots me a combative glare. “For the last time it’s not my brahking job to fix this damn tea machine! You got a problem with that then you can go pester someone else about it!”
I shrink back under the harsh rebuke. Jonsco may be small, but there was as much rage and fury condensed into that little package as anyone else in this department. Maybe more.
“I… I didn’t mean to imply…I just wanted to know if it was working again or not… Sorry.” I sputter out, feeling properly admonished as I look away towards the ground.
Jonsco looks at me quizzically, his hard glare softening somewhat as he seems to truly see me for the first time before returning to his usual scowl.
“Right…Whatever you say…” With one final smack the machine coughs and chokes, sputtering to life with a struggle, and a small trickle of freshly brewed tea begins to fill Jonsco’s cup. “The machine is on the fritz again as usual, but if you hit it just right, do a little percussive maintenance, then you can get it started again.”
“Thanks, Jonsco.” I lean back against the wall and watch as the mug slowly fills, impressed by the primitives know-how. “That's actually pretty smart of you.”
“For a ‘primitive’ right?” The words are barbed and spiteful, but lack his typical enthusiasm, more of a simple statement of fact than a real question. I couldn't exactly deny it, those had been my thoughts, and so the silence drags on awkwardly, marked only by the splash of tea falling into the steadily rising pool.
“What are you doing here at this claw anyway?” I eventually ask, dodging the question entirely. “We’ve still got at least another half-claw until our crew's shift is supposed to start.”
“I could ask you the same thing, you know?” The angry little dispatch operator retorts. “I'm here early working an overtime shift so I can afford to put food on my family's table. It's expensive feeding that many mouths. What's your excuse?”
“I had a fight with my brother…” I rub the back of my neck as I turn away abashedly, “moved out of the apartment and into the barracks full time… couldn't sleep…”
“Well then you should hurry up and work on patching things up with him.” Jonsco looks at me with an uncharacteristic hint of sympathy in his eyes. “Your family are the only ones who might actually care. This Gods-damned place is a slyther’s nest and no one here gives a speh about you or your problems. If you want my advice, you should do your best to spend as little time in this cesspool as possible.”
With his cup now full, Jobsco steps back from the machine and begins walking out towards the main hall.
“Thanks, Jonsco.” My words stop him in his tracks as he walks away from me. “I appreciate it.”
“... You're welcome.” He says after a short pause, glancing back to look at me one more time before leaving. “See you around, Sawvek.”
Taking advantage of the tea machine while it’s still mostly working, I fill up my own cup and drink deeply of the warm, fragrant beverage. The taste is bitter and unpleasant, just about the quality I would expect of this Guild Hall, but even at the first taste it’s evident that it’s been loaded with an extra strength dose of caffeine. I down the drink quickly and rinse out the cup before continuing on my journey towards the training hall. Fatigue begins to fall away as I walk, bit by bit as the drug makes its way into my bloodstream, blocking off sleep receptors and energising me. I know I’ll probably pay for it later, no amount of caffeine can actually replace sleep, but for now it feels good and I can see how some people can get addicted to the stuff.
A loud, metallic clanging emanates from the gym as I approach, something unexpected for this time of paw. No one's reserved space in the gym for this claw and not many people are industrious enough to sweat on their own initiative. Peeking my head inside the door I spy Bikim, the perfect, privileged, ‘holier than thou’ brahkass occupying the otherwise empty weight room. His irritatingly handsome face is taut with strain as he performs a series of weighted squats, his back and leg muscles straining underneath his short-cropped wool, and he pants heavily under the exertion.
I’m half tempted just to leave and go back to bed despite the fact that there’s no way I’d be getting any sleep with the tea running through my system. It’s too early in the paw to deal with Bikim’s speh. Before I can slip away unnoticed though, he spots me. I give a heavy sigh and continue my way inside. There's nothing to be done for it now. Trying to back out now would only make things worse later, a sign of weakness.
“What… Do you want… Predator?” Bikim asks between gulps of air as he reracks his weights, practically hanging off the bar to support himself on shaky legs.
“Good paw to you too, Bikim.” I say, forcing civility into my tone. “I’m here to use the equipment. Same as you. I'm allowed.”
“Whatever…” He eyes me with suspicion. “Just keep your distance… I don't want to catch any of your taint.”
“Believe me,” I flick my tail out in irritation, “I intend to.”
Looking around the room for available spots, I march my way over towards a cable machine on the opposite side of the room. Not nearly as far from Bikim as I would like, but the farthest I can get without leaving the weight area entirely. Bikim watches me all the while as I seat myself down and begin adjusting the machine. Eventually he grows tired of watching me fumble around with the machine and returns to his own exercises with a displeased flick of the tail, quite obviously judging me for my lack of experience with the equipment.
A tense sort of quiet settles over the room as we each go about our business, trying our best to ignore one another. Bikim slowly winds his way around the room, cycling from station to station to exercise all the different parts of his body in sequence before repeating it all again. He seems to bypass my corner of the room, glancing over at me with each repetition of his pattern. For myself, I stay put where I am, taking advantage of the varied exercises offered by the versatile machine to experiment with different muscle groups. Occasionally I slip up, dropping the weights with a loud clang that always draws Bikim’s ire. Every time he seems just a bit more disgruntled, a bit less patient. Eventually, the constant disruption reaches a tipping point and the pompous, self-entitled jerk walks over to confront me.
“Do you always do this?” He asks rhetorically. “If you keep slamming the weights like that you're gonna break it. Your form is speh so either fix it or lower the weight so you don't have to keep compensating. Better yet, just leave. You’ve been monopolising the cable machine for almost half a claw now. I don't know why you're even here in the first place.”
“Oh, look at Mr. Know-it-all thinking he can just go around telling us what to do, eh Killer?” The voice rises to the challenge. “Where does a guy like that who's been handed everything his whole life think he can get off with telling us how we should be doing anything?”
“Brahk off Bikim!” I don't even try to reign in the predator inside, feeling justified in letting it roam free for once. “I didn't ask for your advice and you don't get to kick me out of the weight room just because you can't wait your turn! I'm here because I don't have anywhere else to go! Ever since Intalran dragged me into this stupid Guild this brahking job has taken over my entire life! I don't even have a home to go back to anymore!”
Bikim's body tenses at my tirade and his tail flicks out aggressively like a whip.
“That's your own damn fault, predator!” He shouts back, eager for the excuse to vent his own frustrations. “Maybe if you weren't just some blood-starved beast out roaming the streets then you wouldn't be here right now! I’ve read your file! You got a history of herdless behaviour and physical altercations! Someone should have institutionalised you a long time ago, but someone took pity on you and let you slip through the cracks because of your poor dying mommy! They should have known it would come back to bite them! A normal, functional member of the herd wouldn't even think to pick a flamer up off the ground and burn another person to death with it! But you? You did it instinctively! You revelled in it!”
“You think that was easy for me!” I get up and walk towards him as I yell incredulously. “You think I asked for that to happen! You think it was fun for me to get choked out and almost eaten! That thing I burned wasn't even a person anymore! It was a predator in the middle of a feeding frenzy! So yeah, I did what I did, and you know what? It's a good thing I did! If I wasn't a freak of nature then that thing would have kept on going and kept on killing! Last I checked, preventing that sorta thing was supposed to be your job, but I had to be the one to step up! Now I have to live with the consequences of my actions every paw, knowing that I’m a Protector-damned killer that doesn't belong anywhere! Maybe you, in your infinite wisdom, would've known the perfect thing to do in that situation, but I’m not you! I’ve had to work and struggle for every little thing I have! Not just had it handed to me on a silver platter!”
“Oh, so you got me all figured out do you?” Sarcasm drips from Bikim's mouth as he looks down on me. “You don't know me. You don't know my life or what I’ve been through, how hard I’ve worked to get where I am. You just see the end product from cycles of effort and assume that it's always been that way, that it's always been that easy. It hasn't.”
“Yes, I’m sure you had it so hard growing up Bikim.” Saying it aloud almost makes me laugh. “You’re such a child of privilege that it drips off of you with every move you make and every word you say. I hate people like you, thinking that you're better than everyone else just because you were lucky enough to be born into wealth and status. Try living like the other side for a change, scrounging for every credit just so you can afford to eat, and then try to tell me how hard you had it with a full belly and a warm home!”
“You’re right, predator,” Bikim says contemptuously, “I am a child of privilege. My family has a long and decorated military tradition, my father is a captain for the space corps, a brahking hero, and I’ve reaped the benefits of that. That privilege came at a cost though, and that’s called expectations. Second best is not good enough and I've had to put in ten times the effort as anyone else my whole life just to meet standards! At least you grew up with a father who was there for you and loved you without the condition that everything you do is perfect!”
“All that talk about reading my file and you didn't even get past the first page did you?” I snap at him with a snarl. “ I didn't grow up with a father at all! He's been dead since I was in elementary school! Killed in action! I barely even remember him anymore!”
That one seems to give Bikim pause, but I’m not done yet.
“If you and your whole family are such a bunch of brahking heroes then how come you're here, working as a common garrison exterminator in a run-down backwater city like this?” I taunt. “Shouldn't you be out gallantly fighting the Arxur with one of the fleets or on a colony pacification force rather than making my life here harder than it already is?”
“That's the price for failing to meet expectations,” Bikim quiets down, drawing away from the world and into himself, “the price for knocking up a beautiful, wonderful girl right after graduation and refusing to get rid of it afterwards. You get cut off. You lose that privilege, and you do whatever you have to in order to provide and try to be a good role model for your son.”
Now that one threw me for a loop. In the short time I’ve known Bikim I’ve had a lot of thoughts about him, few of them good, but never would I have expected him to be the type to take responsibility… For anything. Still, there is one thing about his story that doesn't line up…
“Oh really?” I take a step back as I watch for his reaction closely. “I seem to recall Jonsco mentioned just the other day that your wife had left you for a Human.”
“Don't you bring that brahking primitive into this!” Bikim's anger flares in an instant before returning to a subtle simmer of regret. “We’ve just been having a… a rough patch in our relationship. I’m not giving up on us. I’ll win her back. She's just… confused and being taken advantage of! It's all that damn predators fault!” Bikim sighs and sits down on a nearby bench. “You're not the only one whose had something taken from them because of this job. You're not the only one without a home to go back to.”
Looking at Bikim now, a sad, pathetic man moping on the bench with nothing better to do on his rest claw than to try to externalise his inner pain… I find it hard to stay angry at him. He's still a narcissistic brahk ass and a complete jerk, but it's hard to truly hate someone when you actually know them. I had made quite a few assumptions about him when we first met, and he certainly hadn't helped my impression of him since, but… perhaps I was wrong to judge him so harshly?
“Nah,” the voice chortles, “he’s a piece of speh that got what he brahking deserves for being an insufferable prick.”
Overhead the intercom crackles to life and I can hear Jonsco's voice reverberating over the airwaves.
“Officers Vaesh and Sawvek please report to the briefing area for assignment. Repeat. Officers Vaesh and Sawvek please report to the briefing area for assignment.”
“Sounds like it's time for your first field assignment, Kid.” Bikim says, staring up at the intercom. “At least it gets you out of my wool. Try not to brahk it up and make the rest of us look bad.”
“Hmph.” I turn to leave, muttering to myself. “Stupid brahkass.”
A/N - Hello! Sorry this one took a while. Like I mentioned before I got delayed working on my Ficnapping chapter as well as a crossover One-shot that's still in progress (but hopefully will be done soon). In other news we have new art of Sawvek's life-changing encounter in the Builder's Lane Bloodbath as drawn by Miglove and you can still find that and everything else Nature of Family in the new Master Post linked up above.
If you like the story then please remember to upvote, comment, and use the “!Subscribeme” function to be alerted to all new posts. I post as often as I can but real life has a tendency of getting in the way and my job makes it almost impossible to keep to any kind of schedule. Your engagement and support go a long way towards helping to keep me on track and motivated, so thank you very much for reading and I hope you'll stay tuned for next chapter!
submitted by Ben_Elohim_2020 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:14 ImaMasterDebator Good afternoon Boston, I am back with a list of things to do this weekend - May 16th - 19th

At popular request you can now get this as a newsletter. Sign up and help support these posts!
My friend Yan is putting on a comedy show at Cloud & Spirits this Thursday. Tickets are limited; go check it out I promise you'll have fun.


Tapered Expectations XXI: "Above the Clouds" - A Standup Comedy Event @ Cloud & Spirits @ 7PM Acquired Taste Comedy is back at Cloud & Spirits with another signature Standup Comedy Event. Catch a carefully curated selection of the area's funniest comics along with a special musical guest at a breathtaking cocktail bar in Central Square!
Red Sox vs Rays @ Fenway Park @ 7:10PM
Asi Wind’s Magic Show @ The Wilbur @ 7:30PM Being one of the most-watched magicians in the world, Asi Wind presents a new show where he pushes the limits of belief even further with unbelievable mind-reading and astonishing magic.
Candlelight: A Tribute to Adele in Concert @ Temple Ohabei Shalom @ 7PM / 9PM
Marc Martel & One Vision of Queen Concert @ Symphony Hall @ 7:30PM The Pops will rock you when Marc Martel brings the iconic anthems of Queen to Symphony Hall.
Diana Ross @ Wang Theatre @ 7:30PM See the iconic and legendary Diana Ross perform the hits that have defined her career.
Cooper Alan @ Paradise Rock Club @ 8PM With Thomas Mac
Lords of Acid @ Brighton Music Hall @ 6:30PM
Ben Beal @ City Winery @ 7:30PM


Bruins vs Panthers @ TD Garden
Madeleine Peyroux @ The Wilbur @ 8PM
Neil Young & Crazy Horse @ Xfinity Center @ 7:30PM
Wild Child @ Paradise Rock Club @ 8PM
Soen @ Brighton Music Hall @ 8PM
Tye Tribbett and Friends @ Orpheum Theatre @ 7:30PM
Galantis @ Big Night Live @ 9:30PM
Hermanos Gutiérrez @ Royale @ 6PM
Tinlicker @ Royale @ 10PM
Buck Meek of Big Thief @ Crystal Ballroom @ 8PM
Anders Osborne Trio @ City Winery @ 7:30PM


Watertown Porchfest @ Watertown @ All day
Revolution vs Philadelphia Union @ Gillette Stadium @ 7:30PM
Dancing on the Charles @ Marsh Post #442 @ 3PM Montreal deep house DJ Fred Everything headlines this marathon outdoor dance party, running from late afternoon into the night.
Ales & Tales @ Stone Zoo @ 5:30PM Walk on the wild side while enjoying local craft beverages. This popular beer tasting event is a favorite among animal and beer lovers alike!
Kite & Bike Festival @ Franklin Park @ 12PM This Boston tradition brings families together to enjoy picnicking, kite flying, bicycles & music.
Ongoing - Artisan Market @ Rose Kennedy Greenway @ 11AM
Kevin James Comedy Show @ Chevalier Theatre @ 4:30PM / 7:30PM
Jimmy Failla Comedy Show @ Shubert Theatre @ 8PM
‘Encanto’ in Concert @ Symphony Hall @ 2PM Disney’s Academy Award-winning film comes to life in a concert event, featuring the entire feature-length film with a full orchestra performing the score.
The String Cheese Incident @ MGM Music Hall @ 7:15PM
Robyn Schall Stand Up @ The Wilbur @ 7PM
Sorry Papi @ House of Blues @ 9PM
James Arthur @ Roadrunner @ 8PM With Forest Blakk
The Music of Talking Heads & More for Kids @ Paradise Rock Club @ 11AM *Presented by The Rock and Roll Playhouse
Orgy + COLD @ Brighton Music Hall @ 8PM
Gimme Gimme Disco @ Big Night Live @ 5:30PM
Arty @ Big Night Live @ 10:30PM
The Messthetics and James Brandon Lewis @ Crystal Ballroom @ 8PM
Chris Smither + Peter Mulvey @ City Winery @ 7:30PM


Celtics vs Cavaliers @ TD Garden
Kite Festival @ Revere Beach Kick off beach season with a fun day for the whole family complete with build-your-own kite stations, professional kite flyers, live music, and other activities!
Ongoing - Open Market @ SoWa @ 11AM One of the largest open-air farmer and artist markets returns this summer season!
‘Dropouts’ Podcast Live @ Paradise Rock Club @ 7PM Come see internet stars Zach Justice, Tara Yummy & Jared Bailey discuss latest hot topics, celebrity gossip, and personal dramas live!
Electric Callboy @ MGM Music Hall @ 7PM
Deko @ Brighton Music Hall @ 7PM With Yameii
Mk.gee @ The Sinclair @ 7:30PM
Guppy @ The Rockwell @ 7:30PM
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy @ The Wilbur @ 7PM
Compaq Big Band @ City Winery @ 7:30PM


FRIDAY & SATURDAY - Amanda Seales Stand Up @ Laugh Boston
FRIDAY & SATURDAY - Zach Brazao Stand Up @ Nick’s Comedy Stop @ 8PM
SATURDAY & SUNDAY - ‘Bluey’s Big Play’ Show @ Wang Theatre ‘Bluey’s Big Play’ is a brand-new theatrical adaptation of the Emmy award-winning children’s television series featuring new music and new character adventures.
All weekend - Jukebox The Ghost @ The Sinclair @ 8PM
All weekend - Nantucket Wine & Food Festival Enjoy food and drinks tastings, seminars, brunches, and parties as the annual festival uncorks the island for the summer!
All weekend -’Hallyu Hits: Korean Films that Moved the World @ MFA See the best of Korean cinema including ‘Oldboy,’ ‘Parasites,’ and ‘Burning.’
All weekend - ‘Spring Experience’ Ballet @ Citizens Bank Opera House LAST CHANCE - Explore Boston Ballet’s dynamic and captivating Spring program composed of three masterful ballets featuring classical and modern dance elements.
All weekend - ‘BABYBABYBABY’ Dance Performance @ Calderwood Pavilion This contemporary dance production taps into the feeling of falling in love and reflects on the human impulse for connection and intimacy.
All weekend - ‘A Strange Loop’ Musical @ Wimberly Theatre Winner of Pulitzer Prize and a Tony Award, Michael R. Jackson’s blisteringly funny masterwork exposes the heart and soul of a young Black artist grappling with desires, identity, and instincts he both loves and loathes.
All weekend - ‘Jersey Boys’ Musical @ North Shore Music Theatre LAST CHANCE - Featuring legendary hits, this award-winning musical tells the behind-the-scenes drama of the international sensation boy band The Four Seasons.
All weekend - ‘Toni Stone’ Play @ The Huntington Theatre The Huntington’s season finale is a beautiful, rich portrait of a trailblazing woman. Follow the inspiring and life-affirming story of baseball legend Toni Stone.
All weekend - ‘Romeo and Juliet’ Play @ Calderwood Pavilion Brought to life by Actors’ Shakespeare Project, Shakespeare’s most famous duo return in a flurry of forbidden love, exhilarating fight scenes, and tragic fate.
All weekend - ‘Mermaid Hour’ Play @ Arrow Street Arts LAST CHANCE - Fast-paced, funny, and heartfelt, ‘Mermaid Hour’ follows two parents and their trans teen kid as they all seek to understand who they are and who they wish to be.


Ongoing - Immersive Disney Animation @ Boch Center Step into the art and legacy of Walt Disney Animation Studios and celebrate the music, artistry and animation from the creators of Frozen, The Little Mermaid, Big Hero 6 and many more.
Ongoing - Musical Shows @ MoS Planetarium Museum of Science puts on special experiences adapting the music of Pink Floyd, Rihanna, Beyoncé, and The Divas to immersive visuals in the Charles Hayden Planetarium.
Ongoing - ‘Firelei Báez’ Exhibition @ ICA One of the most exciting painters of her generation, Báez explores the multilayered legacy of colonial histories and the African diaspora in the Caribbean and beyond.
Ongoing - ‘Wordplay’ Exhibition @ ICA Highlighting the rich interplay between imagery and text, the exhibition showcases how contemporary artists have played with words to animate and expand their art practices.
Ongoing - ‘Hallyu! The Korean Wave’ Exhibition @ MFA Enjoy an immersive and multisensory journey through Korea’s fascinating history, and celebrate its contemporary vibrant creative force.
Ongoing - ‘Dress Up’ Exhibition @ MFA Through more than 100 works from the MFA’s collection including 20th- and 21st-century clothing, jewelry, accessories, illustrations, and photographs, this exhibition explores adornment and its role in the creation of a look.
Ongoing - ‘Comrade Sisters: Women of the Black Panther Party’ Exhibition @ MFA This exhibition brings together 27 powerful photographs by Stephen Shames that feature the women of the Black Panther party and showcase their crucial work for the movement.
Ongoing - ‘Thinking Small: Dutch Art to Scale’ Exhibition @ MFA Featuring 15 intriguing objects from 17th-century Netherlands such as paintings, prints, silver medals, and books, this exhibition compels viewers to reconsider their relationship to the world around them.
Ongoing - ‘Raqib Shaw: Ballads of East and West’ Exhibition @ ISG Museum Shaw’s images of magic and mystery combine Western artistic tradition with ornamental elements derived from the Japanese, Persian, and Indian cultures that he vividly remembers from his youth.
Ongoing - ‘Picasso: War, Combat, and Revolution’ Exhibition @ Harvard Art Museums The exhibition explores the dictator Francisco Franco’s Spain, imagery of death, struggles of good and evil, political and artistic revolution, and issues of desire and capture.
Ongoing - ‘Our Time on Earth’ Exhibition @ Peabody Essex Museum This traveling exhibition from the Barbican Centre in London celebrates the power of global creativity to transform the conversation around the climate emergency.
Ongoing - ‘AI: Mind the Gap’ Exhibition @ MIT Museum MIT Museum presents its latest riveting, interactive exhibit exploring the tremendous promise, unforeseen impacts, and everyday misconceptions of AI.
submitted by ImaMasterDebator to boston [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:23 PhantomFuck [WRITE-UP]: Experience with Dream Body Clinic (DBC) in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Last Week

I am 29-year-old American male and I recently visited DBC last week to receive 300M mesenchymal stem cells administered via IV. I also received a NAD+ and Vitamin C infusion after the stem cells.
My liver and I are trying to become friends again.
For the sake of brevity, I will be keeping this write-up short and segmented into different categories for easy reading.
TRANPSORTATION: I arrived in Puerto Vallarta on Southwest Airlines and landed at PVR on Tuesday, May 07. When you land at PVR, collect your bags, and go through Customs you will be swarmed by local taxi cab drivers/companies trying to give you a ride. Ernesto from DBC was already in contact with me via WhatsApp and told me he would be at the Information Desk. Sure enough I found him, and he hailed a cab for me. Ernesto also provided me with a folder containing my transportation schedule and who my drivers would be. The drivers were nothing short of excellent and arrived at the all-inclusive I was staying at on time for days of treatment and transportation back to the airport.
BLOODWORK/PAYMENT: I was picked up at 8AM on Thursday, May 09 for my bloodwork and payment appointments. I received instructions not to take any pain medications or drink alcohol within 24 hours of my bloodwork and to fast eight hours beforehand. I arrived at the Clinic and was taken to the third floor where I underwent a typical triage exam by a nurse. My blood was taken (three vials), barcodes containing my information were attached, and I had to complete a sign-out form basically indicating that my blood would be taken for analysis. Next, I was led to the rooftop of the clinic where I was offered complimentary coffee/tea and snacks. I snapped some photos of the view and then completed my payment via credit card. The price for my treatment was $10,890 USD (exactly as advertised).
RESULTS/DOC CONSULTATION: I was picked up at 10AM on Friday, May 10 for treatment. I met with Dr. Liz for my bloodwork consultation where she went over five pages of bloodwork with me (extremely detailed). We also discussed what supplements I am currently taking, my medical history, and she explained that I should get repeat labs done in six to eight months to see how things have improved. My bloodwork was interesting because she made note that my TSH levels were high and she recommended that I see an endocrinologist when I got home (unbeknownst to me—add it to the payroll, I guess! Lol). I also received the Certificate of Analysis for the batch of stem cells that I would be receiving. The cells were prepared the day before and had a bioavailability of 99.80%. The sources of the MSCs were placenta and umbilical cord. She also explained that I might experience some tiredness or fatigue later in the day and that this was normal.
TREATMENT: I was asked if I needed to use the restroom and was then taken to the treatment area. The treatment area was very clean and sterile, exactly like something you would expect in a hospital in the United States. I sat in a reclining leather lounger that was quite comfortable. A blanket was also offered just in case I got cold. I met the nurse, Rebecca, who took my vitals and then prepared my IV site. Dr. Liz then came into the room and unsealed three vials of stem cells (each containing 100M). I asked if I could see the stem cells and she had no problem showing me the vials and the gelatinous looking goo inside them. She explained that what I was looking at was the colonies. She said the IV would take about two hours, the nurse came by with a QR code for the WIFI, and two hours later the cells were done. Josh, the owner, came into the treatment area for about an hour and sat in the lounger beside me. We had an interesting conversation and I came to learn his brother lives in the same city as I do. Dr. Liz came back with the supplements vials and administered those. This process took exactly 28 minutes. The nurse came back, removed the IV site, and applied a band-aid. My driver was waiting and took me back to my hotel.
POST TREATMENT: This is my third time getting stem cells via IV (first time at DBC), so this isn’t my first rodeo. I didn’t have any adverse reactions; however, I did get hit with a wave of substantial tiredness about five hours after treatment. I was getting ready for dinner and got so tired that I decided it was best that I lay down and rest for a bit. I had an hour and a half nap which fixed the problem. No other remarkable side effects. A driver picked me up on Sunday, May 12 and took me to PVR for departure.
All in all, it was a smooth and efficient treatment process. I can’t remark on treatment outcomes yet, but I will be sure to follow up later after my next set of labs. The one thing I will make note about is that the facility is multiple stories so if you have trouble with stairs, you might have a rough time. I had a complete hip replacement done last November and I would have had difficulty navigating the facility if I had gone a few months earlier.
As an aside, I stayed at Secrets Bahia Mita Surf & Spa Resort since I am a World of Hyatt member. Absolutely a first-class resort through and through. I also visited Sayulita, Mexico and did a RZR tour which was fun as hell. I treated my guest to Rhythms of the Night on Saturday evening and had a great experience too.
EDIT: Here is the COA for the Lot of stem cells that I received
submitted by PhantomFuck to stemcells [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:55 LordGreim225 Beginning of the Great Assault (Operation: Rolling Erosion)

Beginning of the Great Assault (Operation: Rolling Erosion)
It had been too long. Far far too long since they had a command meeting.
(Like seriously really sorry this took so long.)
‘The situation had been developing for some time, & for a time Greim had no idea how to recover the situation as it evolved. Now however he had a plan. Not the best or most sophisticated Plan. But they were against the clock & the situation would only get worse if they waited too long.
”Ladies & gentleman. It has come to my attention that the High lords will not be sending further support for this campaign for the foreseeable future. With numerous wars against the Tyranids and the Indomitus crusades, we will have to make do with what we have. What’s more, word has reached the wider T’au Empire of our invasion of the system. We are unsure if they will be dispatching a Fleet and further military support at this time. As such we are against the clock here. If we take this system & bring them to heel at the negotiation table we can ultimately be victorious on the field & let the negotiators and politicians ensure we keep what we take. As such we will review what I have gathered From our situation.
Older situation map.
”As far as I’ve gathered we have very little progress in our assaults on the defensive lines of Camburg. We have taken the Sanguine Bridge & made ground toward but not taken the Firekeep. Ka’esh Fortress, the T’au’s primary military airbase is still operational. I’d have hoped we had taken more ground, but given our situations that occurred it’s remarkable we did not lose more ground. With the clock ticking & our pool of manpower no longer going to be increasing or replenished as easily we need to hit the T’au’s primary nerve in the Gryllus system before we are too weak to do so in the future. I had hoped further forces from other fronts could aid in this, but we are out of time & would lose ground elsewhere we can’t afford to give anymore.”
’The dark briefing room of the Strategiums holo map lit up with new icons of their situation.’
Opening maneuvers
“This plan is not very complicated in its opening moves. We will hit the T’au with sudden overwhelming force wherever we can. They need both these fortresses to maintain the defense of Camburg. Firekeep is situated on one of the only land crossings, & with Ka’esh fortresses air bases operational crossing the river with pontoons, or fording with vehicles would be far too costly, as such the Kestrels will cordon & destroy the airbase utterly. It is of T’au design & as such unsalvageable, it is to be utterly razed to the ground. The titans & a Large contingent of Aironautica will provide assistance & heavy fires support. But this is a very well defended target. We believe several T’au super heavies to be present. This mission is their atonement for previous transgressions & to prove their loyalty as good guardsman, if they succeed they will be rewarded. The large support elements is to try & mitigate the losses as much as possible & give them a fair fight. The fortress also hosts a large garrison of T’au auxiliary infantry & conscripts alongside Fire warriors, so be advised. We estimate their strength at 5,000 Fire warriors & 9,000 auxiliaries & conscripts. However the air power is their greatest strength. We will send numerous hydra flak battery squadrons to further assist in this assault.”
’He scrolled toward the Firekeep.’
”The rest of the army will hit the firekeep in force. This is a major training center for T’au fire warriors & we expect stiff resistance here. They know they’re the last line against us & Camburg itself. T’au infantry & human auxiliaries will be the bulk of their defenses. This was once an imperial installation & its architecture shows.
Example of the Firekeep curtain walls.
While this fortress could theoretically be resanctified & saved, that is no longer a concern. This fortress & its defenders must be silenced & we can’t cordon them off like Ka’lesh fortress. So its destruction is likely necessary. The Krieg 5th will bombard the fortress as will all available heavy guns not used for the destruction of the T’au airbase. The 5th will use its breaching drills to create passages to breach the curtain walls & storm the outer gates from the inside to open the gates for our forces. Once inside clear the fortress top to bottom, regiments that specialize in this type of environment will take point. If the drills fail we will bombard the fortress till it is rubble & storm it traditionally. The Titans will relocate once the airbase is most in ruin & is unable to be threaten our flanks any longer. Once the airbase is cleared our forces can also ford the rivers & begin moving on Camburg itself.
Phase II of the operation:
The holodisplay projects the capital city of the T’au Empire’s government in the Gryllus System
Camburg is a major city, the largest in the system in fact & primary seat of power for the T’au Prelate ruling over this system. It is heavily defended by both Fire Warriors, Human Auxiliaries, Kroot, & even hosts a Demiurg population alongside other client races. This isn’t going to be an easy nut to crack. While not a hive city it is still a damn big one. Multiple levels exist in certain districts that go into the earth some nearly a deep as the buildings are tall. Its population estimates vary, but we estimate several tens of millions at minimum. The city is several thousand kilometers in length as well.
A T’au entertainment Dome, a popular attraction in one of the eastern city Parks This one is primarily used by the water caste, where public debates into philosophy & questions are discussed at length for hours & hours on end in a unique sort of Diplomatic debate Sport that seems popular among the caste.
The largest subterrainain district in Camburg in the older human districts. T’au technology & human culture blend. This area is the entertainment
A Auxiliary conscripts sketch of Mesme Districts Curtain walls. The T’au primary Barracks and Fire Castes living quarters are situated in between the T’au made eastern portion of the city & older human settlement next to the Etherel prelates primary residence & government building. Security is tight as such & these walls are a major line of defense for the leader of the Gryllus system. The artist was captured in a recent raid & this was found on her person. She has since been taken for further questioning & is scheduled to be sent to the Penal Colony Agri World in thanks for her cooperation.
The Aun Reach Compounds view of the city. This is one of the most heavily defended regions & buildings in the entire system.
An Artists depiction of the local peacekeepers of Camburg. This station is run by both humans & T’au. Despite what one might think, water caste primarily makes up the bulk of law enforcement in the T’au empire. Their diplomatic skills
One of the T’au loading bays & Battlesuit Armories. The heaviest suits that are more akin to flightless walking tanks are stationed in Camburg as a last line of defense. Though not numerous, there destructive power is equal & or super-passes any Imperial superheavy & some are even designed to hunt the might god engines if rumors are true.
As stated in a previous debriefing. The T’au Auxiliaries defense corp has taken its toll in this war & its numbers once in the millions of volunteers are now being supplemented by conscripted soldiery. These troopers are given quick rudimentary training & their equipment now shows it. Once wearing full combat suits able to help regulate temperatures & have built in comms. Now these fresh soldiers are given basic fatigues, a chestplate, & a padded kevlar like hood designed to protect them from shrapnel & weather. Their primary weapon a “Pulse Defender” is a semi auto Pulse weapon with no stock or advanced scope beyond basic iron sights
‘The intelligence dockets were detailed & more information could be provided if asked but the lord general continued.’
Icons lit up once again like before one the map with new objective markers highlighted in gold for priority & green for non essential or secondary.
“Our assault on Camburg will be absolute & to hammer home our advantage in numbers We still have we will strike with force on the Western half of the city. This is primarily the older settlement from the original human colonists. As such the architecture will primarily be imperial of origin in certain areas. However expect Xeno buildings & designs added as well. If things go well enough attacking the airbase Kestrel & titan forces will join us from the north, though this plav can operate without them. As we approach the city, first blood will go to the Astartes, if they are willing. Any space marine compliments available will attack the Spaceport in a rapid shock assault via however they wish. Anti air is present but I doubt that can stop angels of death for long. Their mission will be to destroy any T’au air assets capable of defense & reduce the spaceport or any ships present to nonfunctional. This will eliminate the threat they can evacuate their leadership before we can reach him. After they have caused enough damage they can withdraw at their discretion.”
’He panned over the guards & knight elements.’
”We will begin with a bombardment of the outer defenses & target troop staging areas such as Barrack’s & Aun‘s Reach. This is a civilian rich environment. They will likely try & flee from other gates. Hopefully in the east where they are out of our way & hamper the T’au’s movements. Once we have a breach alert all personnel to increase pressure & pour all available units in. Once we are inside the fun part starts. We expect stiff resistance, barricades by conscripts. Murder holes, emplaced T’au turrets & every vehicle & battlesuit they can throw at us alongside infantry. This will be a war of Rats, warrens & destroyed buildings will become fortresses in their own right. My regiment is specialized in shock assault & hive warfare, this will be our element. Many of you I know it will be the same. I will make my headquarters in Alexia‘s Mercy Basilica as it’s old, large & sturdy & capable of holding what I need Being close enough to our lines in the north for further resupply. Our greatest challenge will be Aun’s Reach. This is the resident of the T’au Prelate Aun’Ui Vior’Shi, they will do anything to defend him. He is priority one, take him alive, if we do. We could force the entire system wide T’au force to surrender, We expect other Ethereal to be present as well, kill or take them alive if you can. That massive structure is the central nerve of the T’au forces here in the system. Speaking of Ethereal's there is a target of interest regarding that.
’He pointed to objective J.’
”This which we have dubbed Seekers Rest, is a facility reserved for a T‘any sub group called Yasu'caor or Seekers in gothic. This seems to be a philosophical concept but its administrative one is something analogous to an T’au equivalent of an Inquisition.“
‘There was a pause with such connotations.’
”It’s members are exclusively of the Ethereal caste & while I suggest you research them with data that can be provided, they will often be accompanied by retinues of varying backgrounds including there client races both of militant & other backgrounds. As such capturing this facility & its occupants would be a valuable asset. If needed I’m willing to provide rewards to the soldiers who bring them in, & no it would be open to units who assisted them as well equally. This mission may require a more subtle hand but I’m open to suggestions.”
“The T’au military commander is one named Stoneguard. There are other forces present alongside fellow T’au military leaders. Stoneguard believes in a patient hunter tactic of his species. He is patient & calculating & usually defensive, a dangerous combination for a defensive commander. Goad him as much as you can but do not fall for easy traps. Draw him in & lure him to situations he can’t win either way. We won’t take the city in one swift strike likely. But if we do this, we could cripple its defenses & make the other half much easier to take. I will now open the floor to discussion of tactics & methods for making this a reality.”
‘He sat down & let the projection stay.’
(Estimates for enemy forces to be determined. We should outnumber them in most scenarios but they will be dug in more often then not.)
submitted by LordGreim225 to war_for_Gryllus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:01 Zappingsbrew A post talking about 400 words

abandon, ability, able, about, above, absence, absolute, absolutely, abstract, abundance, academy, accent, accept, access, accident, accompany, accomplish, according, account, accurate, achieve, achievement, acid, acknowledge, acquire, across, action, active, activity, actor, actual, actually, adapt, addition, additional, address, adequate, adjust, administration, admire, admission, admit, adolescent, adopt, adult, advance, advantage, adventure, advertise, advice, advise, adviser, advocate, affair, affect, afford, afraid, after, afternoon, again, against, age, agency, agenda, agent, aggressive, ago, agree, agreement, agriculture, ahead, aid, aim, air, aircraft, airline, airport, alarm, album, alcohol, alive, all, alliance, allow, ally, almost, alone, along, already, also, alter, alternative, although, always, amateur, amazing, ambition, ambulance, among, amount, analysis, analyst, analyze, ancient, and, anger, angle, angry, animal, anniversary, announce, annual, another, answer, anticipate, anxiety, any, anybody, anymore, anyone, anything, anyway, anywhere, apart, apartment, apologize, apparent, apparently, appeal, appear, appearance, apple, application, apply, appoint, appointment, appreciate, approach, appropriate, approval, approve, approximately, architect, area, argue, argument, arise, arm, armed, army, around, arrange, arrangement, arrest, arrival, arrive, art, article, artist, artistic, as, ashamed, aside, ask, asleep, aspect, assault, assert, assess, assessment, asset, assign, assignment, assist, assistance, assistant, associate, association, assume, assumption, assure, at, athlete, athletic, atmosphere, attach, attack, attempt, attend, attention, attitude, attorney, attract, attraction, attractive, attribute, audience, author, authority, auto, available, average, avoid, award, aware, awareness, away, awful, baby, back, background, bad, badly, bag, balance, ball, ban, band, bank, bar, barely, barrel, barrier, base, baseball, basic, basically, basis, basket, basketball, bath, bathroom, battery, battle, be, beach, bear, beat, beautiful, beauty, because, become, bed, bedroom, bee, beef, beer, before, begin, beginning, behavior, behind, being, belief, believe, bell, belong, below, belt, bench, bend, beneath, benefit, beside, besides, best, bet, better, between, beyond, bicycle, big, bike, bill, billion, bind, biological, bird, birth, birthday, bit, bite, black, blade, blame, blanket, blind, block, blood, blow, blue, board, boat, body, bomb, bombing, bond, bone, book, boom, boot, border, boring, born, borrow, boss, both, bother, bottle, bottom, boundary, bowl, box, boy, boyfriend, brain, branch, brand, brave, bread, break, breakfast, breast, breath, breathe, brick, bridge, brief, briefly, bright, brilliant, bring, broad, broken, brother, brown, brush, buck, budget, build, building, bullet, bunch, burden, burn, bury, bus, business, busy, but, butter, button, buy, buyer, by, cabin, cabinet, cable, cake, calculate, call, camera, camp, 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coffee, cognitive, cold, collapse, colleague, collect, collection, collective, college, colonial, color, column, combination, combine, come, comedy, comfort, comfortable, command, commander, comment, commercial, commission, commit, commitment, committee, common, communicate, communication, community, company, compare, comparison, compete, competition, competitive, competitor, complain, complaint, complete, completely, complex, complexity, compliance, complicate, complicated, component, compose, composition, comprehensive, computer, concentrate, concentration, concept, concern, concerned, concert, conclude, conclusion, concrete, condition, conduct, conference, confidence, confident, confirm, conflict, confront, confusion, Congress, congressional, connect, connection, consciousness, consensus, consequence, conservative, consider, considerable, consideration, consist, consistent, constant, constantly, constitute, constitutional, construct, construction, consultant, consume, consumer, consumption, contact, contain, container, contemporary, content, contest, context, continue, continued, contract, contrast, contribute, contribution, control, controversial, controversy, convention, conventional, conversation, convert, conviction, convince, cook, cookie, cooking, cool, cooperation, cop, cope, copy, core, corn, corner, corporate, corporation, correct, correspondent, cost, cotton, couch, could, council, count, counter, country, county, couple, courage, course, court, cousin, cover, coverage, cow, crack, craft, crash, crazy, cream, create, creation, creative, creature, credit, crew, crime, criminal, crisis, criteria, critic, critical, criticism, criticize, crop, cross, crowd, crucial, cry, cultural, culture, cup, curious, current, currently, curriculum, custom, customer, cut, cycle, dad, daily, damage, dance, danger, dangerous, dare, dark, darkness, data, database, date, daughter, day, dead, deal, dealer, dear, death, debate, debt, decade, decide, decision, deck, declare, decline, decrease, deep, deeply, deer, defeat, defend, defendant, defense, defensive, deficit, define, definitely, definition, degree, delay, deliver, delivery, demand, democracy, Democratic, Democrat, demonstrate, demonstration, deny, department, depend, dependent, depending, depict, depression, depth, deputy, derive, describe, description, desert, deserve, design, designer, desire, desk, desperate, despite, destroy, destruction, detail, detailed, detect, detection, detective, determine, develop, developing, development, device, devil, dialogue, diet, differ, difference, different, differently, difficult, difficulty, dig, digital, dimension, dining, dinner, direct, direction, directly, director, dirt, disability, disagree, disappear, disaster, discipline, disclose, discover, discovery, discrimination, discuss, discussion, disease, dish, dismiss, disorder, display, dispute, distance, distinct, distinction, distinguish, distribute, distribution, district, diverse, diversity, divide, division, divorce, DNA, do, doctor, document, dog, domestic, dominant, dominate, door, double, doubt, down, downtown, dozen, draft, drag, drama, dramatic, dramatically, draw, drawer, drawing, dream, dress, drink, drive, driver, drop, drug, dry, due, during, dust, duty, dwell, dying, dynamic, each, eager, ear, earlier, early, earn, earnings, earth, earthquake, ease, easily, east, eastern, easy, eat, economic, economy, edge, edit, edition, editor, educate, education, educational, educator, effect, effective, effectively, efficiency, efficient, effort, egg, eight, either, elderly, elect, election, electric, electrical, electricity, electronic, element, elementary, eliminate, elite, else, elsewhere, e-mail, embrace, emerge, emergency, emission, emotion, emotional, emphasis, emphasize, employ, employee, employer, employment, empty, enable, encounter, encourage, end, enemy, energy, enforcement, engage, engine, engineer, engineering, English, enhance, enjoy, enormous, enough, ensure, enter, 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false, familiar, family, famous, fan, fantasy, far, farm, farmer, fashion, fast, fat, fate, father, fault, favor, favorite, fear, feature, federal, fee, feed, feel, feeling, fellow, female, fence, festival, few, fewer, fiber, fiction, field, fifteen, fifth, fifty, fight, fighter, fighting, figure, file, fill, film, final, finally, finance, financial, find, finding, fine, finger, finish, fire, firm, first, fish, fishing, fit, fitness, five, fix, flag, flame, flat, flavor, flee, flesh, flight, float, floor, flow, flower, fly, focus, folk, follow, following, food, foot, football, for, force, foreign, forest, forever, forget, form, formal, formation, former, formula, forth, fortune, forward, found, foundation, founder, four, fourth, frame, framework, free, freedom, freeze, French, frequency, frequent, frequently, fresh, friend, friendly, friendship, from, front, fruit, frustration, fuel, fulfill, full, fully, fun, function, fund, fundamental, funding, funeral, funny, furniture, furthermore, future, gain, galaxy, gallery, game, gang, gap, garage, garden, garlic, gas, gate, gather, gay, gaze, gear, gender, gene, general, generally, generate, generation, genetic, gentleman, gently, German, gesture, get, ghost, giant, gift, gifted, girl, girlfriend, give, given, glad, glance, glass, global, glove, go, goal, God, gold, golden, golf, good, govern, government, governor, grab, grace, grade, gradually, graduate, grain, grand, grandmother, grant, grass, grave, gray, great, green, grocery, ground, group, grow, growing, growth, guarantee, guard, guess, guest, guide, guideline, guilty, gun, guy, habit, habitat, hair, half, hall, hand, handful, handle, hang, happen, happy, harbor, hard, hardly, hat, hate, have, he, head, headline, headquarters, health, healthy, hear, hearing, heart, heat, heaven, heavily, heavy, heel, height, helicopter, hell, hello, help, helpful, hence, her, herb, here, heritage, hero, herself, hey, hi, hide, high, highlight, highly, highway, hill, him, himself, hip, hire, his, historic, historical, history, hit, hold, hole, holiday, holy, home, homeless, honest, honey, honor, hope, horizon, horror, horse, hospital, host, hot, hotel, hour, house, household, housing, how, however, huge, human, humor, hundred, hungry, hunter, hunting, hurt, husband, hypothesis, ice, idea, ideal, identification, identify, identity, ignore, ill, illegal, illness, illustrate, image, imagination, imagine, immediate, immediately, immigrant, immigration, impact, implement, implication, imply, importance, important, impose, impossible, impress, impression, impressive, improve, improvement, incentive, incident, include, including, income, incorporate, increase, increased, increasingly, incredible, indeed, independence, independent, index, indicate, indication, individual, industrial, industry, infant, infection, inflation, influence, inform, information, ingredient, initial, initially, initiative, injury, inner, innocent, inquiry, inside, insight, insist, inspire, install, instance, instead, institute, institution, institutional, instruction, instructor, instrument, insurance, intellectual, intelligence, intend, intense, intensity, intention, interaction, interest, interested, interesting, internal, international, Internet, interpret, interpretation, intervention, interview, introduce, introduction, invasion, invest, investigation, investigator, investment, investor, invite, involve, involved, involvement, Iraqi, Irish, iron, Islamic, island, Israeli, issue, it, Italian, item, its, itself, jacket, jail, Japanese, jet, Jew, Jewish, job, join, joint, joke, journal, journalist, journey, joy, judge, judgment, juice, jump, junior, jury, just, justice, justify, keep, key, kick, kid, kill, killer, killing, kind, king, kiss, kitchen, knee, knife, knock, know, knowledge, lab, label, labor, laboratory, lack, lady, lake, land, landscape, language, lap, large, largely, last, late, later, Latin, latter, laugh, launch, law, lawsuit, lawyer, lay, layer, lead, leader, leadership, leading, leaf, league, lean, learn, learning, least, leather, leave, left, leg, legacy, legal, legend, legislation, legislative, legislator, legitimate, lemon, length, less, lesson, let, letter, level, liberal, library, license, lie, life, lifestyle, lifetime, lift, light, like, likely, limit, limitation, limited, line, link, lip, list, listen, literary, literature, little, live, living, load, loan, local, locate, location, lock, long, long-term, look, loose, lose, loss, lost, lot, lots, loud, love, lovely, lover, low, lower, luck, lucky, lunch, luxury, machine, mad, magazine, mail, main, mainly, maintain, maintenance, major, majority, make, maker, makeup, male, mall, man, manage, management, manager, manner, manufacturer, manufacturing, many, map, margin, mark, market, marketing, marriage, married, marry, mask, mass, massive, master, match, material, math, matter, may, maybe, mayor, me, meal, mean, meaning, meanwhile, measure, measurement, meat, mechanism, media, medical, medication, medicine, medium, meet, meeting, member, membership, memory, mental, mention, menu, mere, merely, mess, message, metal, meter, method, Mexican, middle, might, military, milk, million, mind, mine, minister, minor, minority, minute, miracle, mirror, miss, missile, mission, mistake, mix, mixture, mm-hmm, mode, model, moderate, modern, modest, mom, moment, money, monitor, month, mood, moon, moral, more, moreover, morning, mortgage, most, mostly, mother, motion, motivation, motor, mountain, mouse, mouth, move, movement, movie, Mr, Mrs, Ms, much, multiple, murder, muscle, museum, music, musical, musician, Muslim, must, mutual, my, myself, mystery, myth, naked, name, narrative, narrow, nation, national, native, natural, naturally, nature, near, nearby, nearly, necessarily, necessary, neck, need, negative, negotiate, negotiation, neighbor, neighborhood, neither, nerve, nervous, net, network, never, nevertheless, new, newly, news, newspaper, next, nice, night, nine, no, nobody, nod, noise, nomination, nominee, none, nonetheless, nor, normal, normally, north, northern, nose, not, note, nothing, notice, notion, novel, now, nowhere, nuclear, number, numerous, nurse, nut, object, objective, obligation, observation, observe, observer, obtain, obvious, obviously, occasion, occasionally, occupation, occupy, occur, ocean, odd, odds, of, off, offense, offensive, offer, office, officer, official, often, oh, oil, okay, old, Olympic, on, once, one, ongoing, onion, online, only, onto, open, opening, operate, operating, operation, operator, opinion, opponent, opportunity, oppose, opposed, opposite, opposition, option, or, orange, order, ordinary, organic, organization, organize, orientation, origin, original, originally, other, others, otherwise, ought, our, ours, ourselves, out, outcome, outside, oven, over, overall, overcome, overlook, owe, own, owner, pace, pack, package, page, pain, painful, paint, painter, painting, pair, pale, Palestinian, palm, pan, panel, panic, pant, paper, paragraph, parent, park, parking, part, participant, participate, participation, particle, particular, particularly, partly, partner, partnership, party, pass, passage, passenger, passion, past, patch, path, patient, pattern, pause, pay, payment, PC, peace, peak, peer, pen, penalty, people, pepper, per, perceive, percentage, perception, perfect, perfectly, perform, performance, perhaps, period, permanent, permission, permit, person, personal, personality, personally, personnel, perspective, persuade, pet, phase, phenomenon, philosophy, phone, photo, photographer, phrase, physical, physically, physician, piano, pick, picture, pie, piece, pile, pilot, pine, pink, pipe, pitch, place, plan, plane, planet, planning, plant, plastic, plate, platform, play, player, please, pleasure, plenty, plot, plus, PM, pocket, poem, poet, poetry, point, police, policy, political, politically, politician, politics, poll, pollution, pool, poor, pop, popular, population, porch, port, portion, portrait, portray, pose, position, positive, possess, possession, possibility, possible, possibly, post, pot, potato, potential, potentially, pound, pour, poverty, powder, power, powerful, practical, practice, prayer, preach, precisely, predict, prediction, prefer, preference, pregnancy, pregnant, preparation, prepare, prescription, presence, present, presentation, preserve, president, presidential, press, pressure, pretend, pretty, prevent, previous, previously, price, pride, priest, primarily, primary, prime, principal, principle, print, prior, priority, prison, prisoner, privacy, private, probably, problem, procedure, proceed, process, processing, processor, proclaim, produce, producer, product, production, profession, professional, professor, profile, profit, program, progress, progressive, project, prominent, promise, promote, prompt, proof, proper, properly, property, proportion, proposal, propose, prosecutor, prospect, protect, protection, protein, protest, proud, prove, provide, provider, province, provision, psychological, psychology, public, publication, publicity, publish, publisher, pull, punishment, purchase, pure, purpose, pursue, push, put, qualify, quality, quarter, quarterback, quarterly, queen, quest, question, quick, quickly, quiet, quietly, quit, quite, quote, race, racial, radiation, radical, radio, rail, rain, raise, range, rank, rapid, rapidly, rare, rarely, rate, rather, rating, ratio, raw, reach, react, reaction, reader, reading, ready, real, reality, realize, really, reason, reasonable, recall, receive, recent, recently, reception, recipe, recipient, recognition, recognize, recommend, recommendation, record, recording, recover, recovery, recruit, red, reduce, reduction, refer, reference, reflect, reflection, reform, refugee, refuse, regard, regarding, regardless, regime, region, regional, register, regular, regularly, regulate, regulation, regulator, reinforce, reject, relate, relation, relationship, relative, relatively, relax, release, relevant, relief, religion, religious, rely, remain, remaining, remarkable, remember, remind, remote, remove, repeat, repeatedly, replace, replacement, reply, report, reporter, represent, representation, representative, Republican, reputation, request, require, requirement, research, researcher, resemble, reservation, resident, residential, resign, resist, resistance, resolution, resolve, resort, resource, respect, respond, response, responsibility, responsible, rest, restaurant, restore, restriction, result, retain, retire, retirement, return, reveal, revenue, review, revolution, rhythm, rice, rich, rid, ride, rifle, right, ring, rise, risk, river, road, rock, role, roll, romantic, roof, room, root, rope, rose, rough, roughly, round, route, routine, row, rub, rubber, rude, ruin, rule, run, running, rural, rush, Russian, sacred, sad, safe, safety, sake, salad, salary, sale, sales, salt, same, sample, sanction, sand, satellite, satisfaction, satisfied, satisfy, sauce, save, saving, say, scale, scandal, scare, scatter, scenario, scene, schedule, scheme, scholar, scholarship, school, science, scientific, scientist, scope, score, scream, screen, script, sea, search, season, seat, second, secondary, secret, secretary, section, sector, secure, security, see, seed, seek, seem, segment, seize, select, selection, self, sell, Senate, senator, send, senior, sense, sensitive, sentence, separate, sequence, series, serious, seriously, servant, serve, service, session, set, setting, settle, settlement, seven, several, severe, sex, sexual, shade, shadow, shake, shall, shallow, shape, share, sharp, she, sheet, shelf, shell, shelter, shift, shine, ship, shirt, shock, shoe, shoot, shooting, shop, shopping, short, shortly, shot, should, shoulder, shout, show, shower, shrug, shut, shy, sibling, sick, side, sigh, sight, sign, signal, significant, significantly, silence, silent, silver, similar, similarly, simple, simply, sin, since, sing, singer, single, sink, sir, sister, sit, site, situation, six, size, ski, skill, skin, skirt, sky, slave, sleep, slice, slide, slight, slightly, slip, slow, slowly, small, smart, smell, smile, smoke, smooth, snap, snow, so, so-called, soccer, social, society, soft, software, soil, solar, soldier, sole, solid, solution, solve, some, somebody, somehow, someone, something, sometimes, somewhat, somewhere, son, song, soon, sophisticated, sorry, sort, soul, sound, soup, source, south, southern, Soviet, space, Spanish, speak, speaker, special, specialist, species, specific, specifically, specify, speech, speed, spend, spending, spin, spirit, spiritual, split, spoil, sponsor, sport, spot, spray, spread, spring, square, squeeze, stability, stable, staff, stage, stain, stair, stake, stand, standard, standing, star, stare, start, state, statement, station, statistical, status, stay, steady, steal, steel, steep, stem, step, stick, still, stimulate, stimulus, stir, stock, stomach, stone, stop, storage, store, storm, story, straight, strange, stranger, strategic, strategy, stream, street, strength, strengthen, stress, stretch, strike, string, strip, stroke, strong, strongly, structural, structure, struggle, student, studio, study, stuff, stupid, style, subject, submit, subsequent, substance, substantial, substitute, succeed, success, successful, successfully, such, sudden, suddenly, sue, suffer, sufficient, sugar, suggest, suggestion, suicide, suit, summer, summit, sun, super, supply, support, supporter, suppose, supposed, Supreme, sure, surely, surface, surgery, surprise, surprised, surprising, surprisingly, surround, survey, survival, survive, survivor, suspect, sustain, swear, sweep, sweet, swim, swing, switch, symbol, symptom, system, table, tactic, tail, take, tale, talent, talk, tall, tank, tap, tape, target, task, taste, tax, taxi, tea, teach, teacher, teaching, team, tear, technical, technique, technology, teen, teenager, telephone, telescope, television, tell, temperature, temporary, ten, tend, tendency, tennis, tension, tent, term, terms, terrible, territory, terror, terrorist, test, testimony, testing, text, than, thank, thanks, that, the, theater, their, them, theme, themselves, then, theory, therapy, there, therefore, these, they, thick, thin, thing, think, thinking, third, thirty, this, those, though, thought, thousand, threat, threaten, three, throat, through, throughout, throw, thus, ticket, tie, tight, time, tiny, tip, tire, tissue, title, to, tobacco, today, toe, together, toilet, token, tolerate, tomato, tomorrow, tone, tongue, tonight, too, tool, tooth, top, topic, toss, total, totally, touch, tough, tour, tourist, tournament, toward, towards, tower, town, toy, trace, track, trade, tradition, traditional, traffic, tragedy, trail, train, training, transfer, transform, transformation, transition, translate, translation, transmission, transmit, transport, transportation, travel, treat, treatment, treaty, tree, tremendous, trend, trial, tribe, trick, trip, troop, trouble, truck, true, truly, trust, truth, try, tube, tunnel, turn, TV, twelve, twenty, twice, twin, two, type, typical, typically, ugly, ultimate, ultimately, unable, uncle, undergo, understand, understanding, unfortunately, uniform, union, unique, unit, United, universal, universe, university, unknown, unless, unlike, until, unusual, up, upon, upper, urban, urge, us, use, used, useful, user, usual, usually, utility, utilize, vacation, valley, valuable, value, variable, variation, variety, various, vary, vast, vegetable, vehicle, venture, version, versus, very, vessel, veteran, via, victim, victory, video, view, viewer, village, violate, violation, violence, violent, virtually, virtue, virus, visibility, visible, vision, visit, visitor, visual, vital, voice, volume, voluntary, volunteer, vote, voter, voting, wage, wait, wake, walk, wall, wander, want, war, warm, warn, warning, wash, waste, watch, water, wave, way, we, weak, weakness, wealth, wealthy, weapon, wear, weather, web, website, wedding, week, weekend, weekly, weigh, weight, welcome, welfare, well, west, western, wet, what, whatever, wheel, when, whenever, where, whereas, whether, which, while, whisper, white, who, whole, whom, whose, why, wide, widely, widespread, wife, wild, wildlife, will, willing, win, wind, window, wine, wing, winner, winter, wipe, wire, wisdom, wise, wish, with, withdraw, within, without, witness, woman, wonder, wonderful, wood, wooden, word, work, worker, working, workout, workplace, works, workshop, world, worried, worry, worth, would, wound, wrap, write, writer, writing, wrong, yard, yeah, year, yell, yellow, yes, yesterday, yet, yield, you, young, your, yours, yourself, youth, zone.
submitted by Zappingsbrew to u/Zappingsbrew [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:09 nosleeptillnever Former feral improving very slowly, scared the vet will irreparably damage trust but can't put off spaying her any longer

Hey everyone. I'm not totally sure what to do with one of my kitties and would love any advice I can get. I want to give as much context as possible so I'll leave a TL;DR at the end.
I adopted Cerberus last October after the loss of my late cat. She was living in my friend's backyard in the neighborhood's TNR colony; one of the queens got missed and whoops, kittens. My friends and the people familiar with the colony are not sure who the father is as all the male cats they've seen in the colony are tagged, but the mom, Pepsi, seemed to have gotten them a stepdad, Thor, who was clearly helping her raise the kittens.
I hesitate to even call Pepsi feral because she is so unbelievably friendly. The first time I met her she ran up to me and begged to be picked up. My friend suspects she was a pet who was dumped, but whatever her origins, she clearly has a lot of trust and liking for people. She also was very tiny and we suspect really young when she gave birth, maybe six months. We are fairly certain only two kittens survived, Cerberus and her sister, Arcadia.
Pepsi brought her kittens to my friend's house regularly to eat, usually with Thor, who is more skittish but will easily allow people to approach if they have food and speak/move softly.
My friend didn't really have any takers for either kitten, but both of us strongly suspected Cerberus would be difficult to adopt out because she was so much more skittish than Arcadia. I chose Cerberus because I like problem animals (lol) and I didn't want her to be TNR forever.
I took her home October 13th when my friend estimated she was four months old. Despite my best and most patient efforts, I have never touched this cat.
I knew socialization would be difficult, but I thought with the combination of her mother's temperament and her age that I'd be able to rehab her. The first two months consisted of a lot and I do mean a lot of lying motionless on my stomach peering under the couch and the bed with treats in my hand. If there had been no response to that, I wouldn't have cared as much, but she was screaming every night at the top of her lungs, and I literally never saw her--she did not feel comfortable to move around the apartment, even when I'd been lying motionless in bed for hours. I had to put her food under the bed or couch for her. After those two months I decided I HAD to get her a kitten companion, landlord be damned, because I just felt really bad about her quality of life.
Fortunately Arcadia (her sister) had not been adopted yet, so I took her home in mid December. Arcadia immediately exhibited more bravery than her sister, although she was still initially trepidatious and did her fair share of under couch hiding. She was much more willing to approach me for treats, and by January I was hand feeding her. I'm very pleased with her current progress--she follows me everywhere, pushes her way into my lap, yells for food, is very fond of my girlfriend, and has allowed two strangers to pick her up and pet her and is apparently a little angel for the vet.
Adopting Arcadia was definitely the right decision for Cerberus--since getting her, Cerberus has started emerging to play with her and will take treats from my hand if I am very, very still. She's begun moving around the apartment while I am out and even stays still without running immediately if I stand up and move around, provided I stay at least four feet away from her. She has much less trust in my girlfriend and I admit I have probably had my girlfriend around too much, as Cerberus makes progress faster when she isn't here, although she's definitely warming up to my girlfriend as well. She does hiss literally any time people move too fast or approach her at all, but she's never swiped even when she's really freaked out, she just tends to run and hide. I feel like I can work with this.
However, I'm getting really nervous about how long she's taking to warm up with regards to vet visits. I've already put off her spay three times because I just couldn't fathom catching her and forcing her into a carrier at this point in her progress, and now it's starting to feel more irresponsible to not have her spayed and vaccinated. Arcadia went into heat literally the week before her spay, and I'm getting very nervous that Cerberus could at any minute as she's nine months old now. Her spay and initial vaccines are scheduled for this Thursday.
I've resigned myself to semi traumatizing her getting her into the carrier and have recruited a friend with copious cat experience and motorcycle gloves. I'm really, really anxious about the impact that this will have in her trust in me and how to recover that trust post spay, especially since I plan on confining her to my bathroom while she recovers and obviously I'll have to be in there at some point. The only other place I could confine her to would be my bedroom, which has the same problem. In addition to this, she'll have to go back to the vet shortly after to get her booster shot, and I feel like that will be even worse. It feels irresponsible to put off her shots any longer but I am just so scared for how far back this might set her, especially after how incredibly long it's taken her to get to this point. Help?
TL;DR: my former feral took an extremely long time to make any progress in trusting me and while she's steadily improving, she is still untouchable and I don't feel like I can put off her spay any longer. I'm scared the fact that I will have to force her into a carrier will irreparably damage our relationship.
Edit/update: spent the whole morning trying to get her in the carrier. Luring did not work, she was immediately suspicious. I'm not even sure how many times she bit me. Pretty sure I've fucked up our relationship forever and I'm beginning if she might be better off in the TNR colony she came from--like, I got her in OCTOBER. And I can't even have her vaccinated. I have no idea what to do with her.
submitted by nosleeptillnever to CatTraining [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:36 icallshogun Bridgebuilder - Chapter 88

First Prev
“Alright, so uh...” Alex picked the last larva out of the bowl and ate it. A burst of umami and the unexpected taste of alcohol. Now that it had soaked up some of the spice from the broth, it was pretty good. Not particularly flavorful, but a better eating experience than he would expect from a grub. “Why did Eleya put two towns into a warship?”
“I do not know.” Carbon was less fussy about the variety of ingredients presented, eating without playing favorites. It was what she’d picked out when pressed to recommend something for him, and the speed of the devastation she was enacting on what had been a bowl nearly filled to the brim said that it was actually a personal favorite. “I had heard some suggesting converting retired Naval ships into housing, using a decommissioned carrier as a space station once it could be towed into a proper location. Swapping out launch bays for community towers is not a long bridge.”
“That seems...” It seemed desperate. But given what he’d seen, desperate was where they had been in the weeks following the disaster. Where they still were, even if things were improving.
Were things improving?
“Born out of desperation, yes.” She closed her eyes for a moment. “We did not have many colonies, we had not built so many stations. We only kept old ships for parts as another means of efficiency in our fleets. There had been hundreds of thousands in transit all over the Empire at the time. On their way home, on their way to relieve others who now no longer had a home to return to.”
“Yeah, that-” He shifted some of the shredded cabbage-potato around his bowl, trying to figure out what to say. The ‘that sucks’ he had stopped himself from blurting out felt offensively inadequate. “That does present a huge challenge. Did they end up bringing ships online for that?”
“Oh, we did everything. Any idea that was not completely untenable got the blue light. Repurposing ships, building sealed micro-arcologies on less habitable planets, mining out sufficiently large asteroids, asking the Confederation for help. I saw one proposal that suggested an inflatable space station. I thought it was a completely deranged idea.” She paused and picked up the bowl, slurping out some of the broth. “Then Humans arrive to bring aid, and do you know what the first structure they brought with them was?”
“An inflatable space station.” He saw that coming. Everyone - well, everyone who was sufficiently interested in space ships - would recognize the Redoubt class from that description alone. The very definition of form following function, each ship was little more than a central cylinder with hard points for a dozen habitat modules, and engines bolted to one end. Light, fast, cheap. Once deployed, you had a small space station that could be packed up when you were done. Old technology, sure, but they were everywhere, and the configuration options were extensive.
“Exactly. Forgive me, but I laughed. I knew the intent was to help, but having seen that proposal just weeks before...” She smiled and laughed despite having just apologized for such a thing.
“No I get it, it’s a goofy looking ship.” He could see the humor in the situation as well. Having gone from ‘this is too dangerous’ to ‘of course the Humans brought one’ was pretty funny. It put a smirk on his face and got him close to laughing along with her. “Probably used it as a command post until something heavier arrived. Kind of the primary use case for those in Search and Rescue, which is what I think the aid mission was first considered.”
“I was not involved with that aspect of recovery operations, but it stands to reason.” She set her utensils aside in a very specific way, sliding the bowl towards the end of the table. “I cannot tell you why they put all these people here. My first guess would be that it was a somewhat straightforward swap. The bays are very securely attached to the structure, but they are intended to be removed and replaced. It would be important that Eleya use her ship as a proof of concept.”
“Royals lead?” Seemed the logical jump.
Carbon nodded. “The Sword is recognized as her flagship. It is named after her. The Stronghold is based heavily on the Imperial Palace in Ama’o - may it rest. Taking in civilians, thousands of them, is hard proof that she is not simply hiding in here. Having the senate on board also brings with it the need for support staff, creating a symbiotic relationship. It is... a good compromise.”
“Okay, wait. How is The Sword of the Morning Light named after Eleya?” That legitimately confused him. “All I know is the -ya suffix is feminine.”
“Another name mauled by your automatic translation, though this time it is a portion of the Empress’ full formal titles.” She gave him a pointed look, a little smirk hiding on the side of her muzzle. “The strictest translation would be ‘the sword that is used to cut back the night,’ but that is even worse. If I were doing translations and feeling poetic, perhaps I would call it Dawnsword. It would convey the meaning of the name well enough, I think, without being verbose.”
“Then why do you call it the Sword like we do?” He figured just using the actual Tsla name would be easy enough if Dawnsword was a better translation.
“When in Rome.” Carbon snickered. “The Confederate systems I was working with before leaving for the Haultain were not set up to handle Tsla, and none of the Humans I spoke to recognized the name when I said it, so it became a force of habit.”
“Ah, that’d do it.” He’d ask about the actual name another time - it being one of Eleya’s titles felt like a natural transition to learning the rest of her titles, and he didn’t give a single damn about doing that right now.
“Alright, Eleya needs places to put people, and a place to put a temporary capital until the new location can be properly sorted. Two birds with one stone, I suppose. Wouldn’t staying at Schoen be more of the... leader thing to do?”
“If she were to stay here beyond the end of this endeavor, perhaps so. For now, having this ship - and its civilians - as a base of operations, in what even we consider to be one of the most secure solar systems, is reasonable. Most governing at that level has been done remotely since before the disaster, so it doesn’t impede anything.” She paused to sip her tea. “No one needs a senator to be on site anyway. Their presence traditionally just interferes with real work.”
That did get a laugh out of Alex. “The more things change.”
“The more they stay the same, yes?” She said with a grin.
“It is so. All right, mystery of the Dawnsword’s surprise towns is put to rest.” He stopped talking as Haraya came out of the woodwork to remove Carbon’s dishes, bustling away with even less stiffness than before. Why did he feel like he was forgetting something? “Heck. Did... Did anyone tell you we have an appointment to see a designer about our uh, our insignia?”
“No, but my communicator has been going off like I am being told something like that.” Carbon laughed and leaned back into her chair, fishing the slim black device from her jacket, the screen coming on.
Alex was not intentionally staring at his wife’s abdomen as he pushed the bowl away and set his chopsticks out like she had done. “Zenshen said it was this afternoon.”
“Mmh, afternoon. Another curious translation.” She teased him gently, flicking items off her screen one by one. “Neya says it is with Aetena Lyshen, at three. He has stated that his schedule is open today, and we may come in earlier if we so desire. Oh. How unexpected.”
Three o'clock, Tsla’o time, was probably like a solid five or six hours away. Plenty of time to have a deeply personal conversation about what Neya had told him. Or, perhaps, just go talk to the guy sooner. It wasn’t like he was putting it off... but he was putting it off for now. “What’s up?”
“Neya contacted the Colonel to make sure that Zenshen was attached to your detail properly - it turns out she was. You are both already on the artifact project, so it was just a slight shift of duties. The Empress went through appropriate channels, and Lehnan agrees with her decision.” She glanced up at him as she processed that. “I did not expect it to be so proper.”
“She is trying to turn over a new leaf, at least as far as you are concerned. Ensuring I have the help to not fuck things up, and doing it properly, could be a part of that.” He managed to make it sound like a statement, even though it was very much a question. Did his insistence that Eleya needed to start following through on her words actually sink in?
“It is possible. She will need to do more than fill out a little paperwork to prove herself.”
“Yeah, obviously. It’s just that you seemed surprised, so I was left with the impression that was unusual.”
Carbon stared down at the phone in her hands. “I do not know. From what I have seen, she will normally adhere to formal channels. But in the past, when it has come to dealings with me, she has not. Relied on her word being law to make things happen.”
Like making it legal to marry a Human. Changed who knows how much legal history with a stroke of a pen, to unfold some new machinations. “Zenshen made it sound like she was mostly there to act as a buffer between me and the military, keep me from offending anyone. Which strikes me as Eleya looking after her investment.”
“That is a reasonable assumption. I fear she has more intent sunk into you than we can see, so...” She also stopped talking when their waitress returned for Alex’s dishes, giving the young woman a warm smile. “Perhaps it really is.”
Alex, being privy to at least one plan that Carbon was unaware of, instantly did not want to comment on that. “Like you say, it lies with her to prove... herself good.”
“So it does.” Carbon smiled at his butchering of their turn of phrase before glancing down at her communicator again. “All right. Do you have any further plans for this morning?”
“Not a one. Want to push up the meeting with Lyshen? For that matter, do we have any plans tonight?”
“I do want to get that done. Designers can be particular. Best to get started sooner, and also have a meal that we can excuse ourselves for without appearing rude.” She smirked, displaying a little bit of the knowledge she had accumulated growing up in an elevated class, and started tapping away at the screen with both thumbs. “As for this evening, nothing that Neya has made me aware of.”
“Sounds good to me.” Left the evening open to actually have a sit down with Neya, perfect. “Oh shit, that reminds me. Neya wants us to bring her breakfast.”
“Does she. Very upset about not being able to come along?” The tone she had said that Carbon was familiar with Neya pretending to be put out by that, as did the barely hidden smile and tiny little snort of a laugh.
“Absolutely heartbroken.” He played along. “I had to promise that we’d get her something this morning and that you’d make breakfast again tomorrow.”
“Mh. We will see who is making breakfast when the time comes, but I will have something sent to her and we will proceed to our appointment.” She flipped through the applications on her phone and started typing something else out. “There.”
Carbon slipped the slim black screen back into her jacket and stood, stretching a little bit before walking over to the end of the bar, Haraya hustling out to meet them with a small device like the one Carbon had used to pay in the other little restaurant. She set her palm down on it, it processed for a moment and played a happy little tune.
“Thank you both, it was an honor to serve you.” Haraya bowed again now that the transaction was done.
“You did well, thank you.” Carbon said it in Tsla as she returned the bow, glancing over at Alex to ensure he was doing the same thing.
Sa meha.” He was. Paying attention to what Carbon was doing was getting him pretty far, as was having memorized how to say ‘thank you’ in Tsla.
They turned to leave, but Haraya spoke again before they could take a step. Quiet, and very timid. “May I ask you a question?”
Carbon didn’t even think about it as she looked back. “Of course.”
“I was mostly asking the prince, I am very sorry.” She looked just this side of terrified to be correcting a Royal.
“Oh yeah, shoot.” Alex caught himself speaking in English way too late. He pursed his lips and inhaled, just barely preventing himself from rolling his eyes at that little faux pas. Based on what Carbon had said about Haraya getting her information about how nobles work from movies, she would have interpreted that as aimed at her. He queued up a very quick reply. “Please do.
“After you left, last night.” She glanced over at the bartender, who was not paying them any attention at all. “Adana kept saying a strange word, I assume it to be Human - untranslatable.”
The irony of the translator not being able to digest something in English was not lost on Alex. What had he said to the kid?
Carbon, meanwhile, thought it was hilarious. “It is actually two words, a phrase. Oh, busted. In this case I believe it means that he got caught doing something he should not have been doing.” She laughed, looking up at Alex with a grin.
Haraya’s relief at how this turned out was immediately visible. She was still tense, but didn’t look like she might have just caught an execution. “Adana likes to play with the door controls. They beep and flash, and he can activate the viewscreen... And open the door. That is what he was doing when he found the prince in the hallway, when he should have been in bed. It is not an offensive term?”
Et.” Alex shook his head no. Score another point for knowing the basics.
“It is as he says. A harmless statement.” Carbon picked up the slack from Alex trying not to advertise that he spoke their language yet. She looked over to him again. “Perhaps used to tease a friend when they get caught out?”
He nodded as sagely as he could, a smirk barely suppressed as he caught that shade she was directing at him.
“His mother will be so glad. She has been concerned it was some kind of swearing, or something worse. I told her that the prince had been kind in my interaction with him, but she was-” Haraya exhaled sharply, wide brown eyes darting between them with a hint of that fear creeping back in. “She was afraid despite that.”
“Ah. If that does not settle her, please get in contact with me.” She pulled her communicator out, swiping along the screen for a moment and holding it out to the young woman. “We can arrange a meeting to clear anything up.”
She looked down at a swirling orange circle on Carbon’s phone, “I am not allowed to carry my- May I get it?”
“Of course.” Carbon smiled.
Alex lowered his voice as Haraya hustled away. “You sure giving her your number is a good idea?”
“No. But she is earnest and correct in her assessment of you.” She shook her head, her words quiet and sharp. “That boy learned a simple phrase, and his mother thinks it is a curse? I know why she did. I have met my own people. I think a gentle nudge may be in order to prevent it from being passed along.”
“When you say gentle nudge...”
She held a hand out to ease his concern. “I was thinking tea.”
Haraya returned, phone in hand and followed by an older, grumpy looking male dressed in the same natural fiber clothes save for a vibrant red scarf around his neck, voice raised as he tried to keep up with the excited teen. “You may not use your-”
Akai.” Alex gave what he assumed was a manager a needlessly cheery greeting with a little wave of his fingers. Oh man, he had loved being a shit to managers when he was younger, particularly if they were on a power trip. The opportunity hadn’t presented itself recently, and the urge to abuse the power that he allegedly had now was so tempting.
“Floor boss!” Carbon was a step ahead of him, greeting the gray male in their own language loud enough to draw his attention away from their waitress. “What is it that I may not use?”
Alex’s translator sat unused for several seconds as the sounds that guy made never made it past shocked guttural noises, the realization of who he’d been yelling in the general direction of sinking in. Haraya was too busy getting Carbon’s contact information to notice, or might have just been ignoring this exchange as hard as the bartender was.
“It was- My words- Did not for you.” He held up his hands and backed away.
“Ah, a simple misunderstanding?” Carbon offered him as the phone dinged complete, and she slipped it back into her jacket.
“Yes, of course.” Couldn’t get out of there fast enough.
Haraya bowed again as she hid her communicator, the same black rectangle that Carbon and Alex appeared to have. “Thank you. I hope I will not have to contact you, but that you have offered...”
“The prince has shown me who he is, what is in his heart... It will not do to have anyone doubting his character.” Carbon smiled and returned the bow.
Alex followed suit.
The fear in her eyes was gone, and if anything there was a little bit of admiration in there now as she thanked them again, quietly, before running off to whatever her next duty was.
They left the same way they had come in, through the main dining area. The crowd had shifted, some groups gone, new ones in their place. Conversations to fill boredom, meals he didn’t recognize being consumed at every pace conceivable. Once again, he was pretty sure this was his kind of joint.
It only took the gentlest of questions to get Carbon talking about what she’d been doing all morning as they walked back to the tram, riding all the way to the stop closest to the bow this time. Alex was only slightly familiar about what she was talking about - had something to do with preventative maintenance checks on one of the shuttles. It was interesting to find out they had developed a very similar system to what he was used to, checking in on functionality after so many hours of use.
He didn’t understand the majority of what she was describing, but he enjoyed listening to her talk about things with such enthusiasm.
Lyshen’s office was easily the furthest forward he had been on the ship yet. Took the elevator up to deck 20 and then just walked towards the bow for another five minutes. He must have been as close as one could get to the plate armor and whatever buffer they put between it and the habitable areas. It seemed almost entirely unused - he was sure some of the bulkheads had dust on them.
For Alex, there were two potential reasons for this. Aetena Lyshen preferred the solitude of the area. It was actually very quiet, even compared to the hall in front of their cabin. Or, he had pissed someone off and gotten banished to a spot as far away as possible.
Whichever option, Lyshen had put some work into his workspace. The door was ringed in a delicate gold filigree, a lacework of glittering geometric shapes with his name and title contained in a small banner above the door. They were meeting with a Royal Artisan.
Carbon tapped the door controls and it slides open almost instantly. The young woman with light red fur inside is dressed nearly as formally as they had been last night, though in muted grays. She bows. Not too deep. “Welcome, the Chief Artisan is preparing for your arrival. It should be just a few minutes.”
Chief Artisan. Well. Alex shot Carbon a sidelong glance as the receptionist turned and they followed her through a waiting room. A simple rectangular area, with a few upholstered chairs and benches scattered around. It was the most Human looking area he’d been in so far.
The far wall caught his eye as they walked through, windows looking into a workshop. Alex walked over, the large floor beyond housing a dozen or so Tsla’o, all seated at desks or workbenches, engrossed in whatever they were working on. Almost to the last, they were using hand tools.
Alex had never really seen craftsmen up close, doing their thing. In movies, or videos, sure. But not right here a few steps away, carefully engraving some sort of... Breastplate? Cuirass? Big chunk of metal that looked like it went over the chest.
“I believe that is yours.” Carbon stepped up next to him, a smirk in her voice as she leaned against his shoulder. “To go with your gauntlets, and the rest of the armor that is no doubt being fabricated.”
“What makes you say that?” How could she pick that up from looking at it for, what, three or four seconds?
“Consider the size.” She nodded at it, the artist working on it laying out a star near the shoulder. “Who else would wear such a piece?”
“Huh.” Compared to the guy who was doing the work, it wasn’t exactly massive, but he would need a lot of padding to wear that. This raised a few questions for him about the ethics of receiving such gifts. But he wasn’t a politician... Not as far as the Confederation was concerned. “I guess it is.”
They stood in silence and watched work progress. A woman in the back was carving something, perhaps a chair leg. One guy in the corner making hinges with an induction forge and a tiny, specialized anvil.
Before long, the secretary approached them again. “The Chief Artisan is prepared for you now. Please.” She gestured to the only door that went somewhere other than the corridor.
The Chief Artisan was sitting behind his desk, wearing an outfit similar to his receptionist, pale green eyes switching back and forth between two screens. The primary one was built into the desk, and had been jury rigged to a Human made laptop that sat on top of it, a rat’s nest of cables connecting the two. There was a holoprojector built into the desk, a jumble of images floating over it. He waved them in and gestured to the chairs across from him, “Please, sit.”
Alex was quick to oblige, glad to be just some guy for the moment. Carbon didn’t seem to mind either, taking the seat beside him without a word. Aetena was the first green Tsla’o Alex had seen, sort of a dark forest green with jade stripes visible on his neck. Apparently a bit of a rarity given how often he saw the other colors on the ship.
“I am sorry to keep you waiting, the connection to your Solanet has gone down. Despite that, I believe I have enough saved locally to begin the process.” Lyshen trailed off, lost between the two displays before closing a dozen images from the holo. He picked a pen up from the table and arranged the remaining pictures neatly, four different coats of arms that claimed to belong to a Sorenson. The red enamel barrel blurred into an arc as he spun the pen in his fingers, voice picking up speed as he locked on to Alex. “There is a large amount of heraldry available for your surname, do you know which coat of arms belongs to your particular family?”
There was a deer, a deer head, a rearing horse and a weird shaped star. Maybe it was a flower, or a drip of paint. They were all surrounded by leaves and the occasional knight’s helmet. Alex wasn’t sure what any of it meant and up until now, he’d never even thought about it. Knights and damsels in distress had never really been his thing. “Uh, can’t say that I do, no.”
“Mmh. What geographic region does your lineage trace back to? I could find no significant references to the Berkley Soresons on your Solanet.” He leaned back and the pen continued to trace crimson circles in his hand.
“The name comes from Europe, but the last couple of generations have lived in California, and America before that for who knows how long... We’re from a little bit of everywhere.” It was an inside joke with the family, which had ties back into nearly every corner of the globe at this point. Now they had a relative from somewhere way off the globe as well.
That puzzled Aetena, ears flicking as he turned back to the Human screen and picked over the keyboard slowly. He didn’t like what he found. “All of these originate from the continent of Europe. Do you happen to know which country?”
“No, I’m not sure. Had an uncle do the family tree thing once, but between the civil wars and The Collapse, the lineage got spotty about a hundred years ago.” Alex wasn’t really into the whole ancestry thing once you got outside of living relatives. It was novel, sure, but right now all he really wanted to do was ask if he could borrow that Solanet access when it came back up. The rest of the ship had access to the Confed’s milnet, which tightly restricted what he could be sending across it - he just wanted to download a couple of movies and some music, but milnet barely overlapped with the wider public network.
Lyshen set his hand down and the pen switched back and forth like a metronome, clicking on his desk at the end of each arc. He closed his eyes for a moment, jaw working silently before he closed the images and started pulling up new ones. “Perhaps we should move on to other aspects of this endeavor. As I have been told that you wish to integrate Tsla’o and Human cultures in your marriage, I had intended to blend the existing Tshalan sigil with some of the Sorenson family heraldry. I thought it would be best to use the gear-star surround from the Princess’ family crest as a base to build from. Something that is immediately familiar to Tsla’o, to put the viewer at ease. As it is indicative of starship commands, exploration and the outer colonies, it will solidly represent both of you and the way you met.”
Alex raised an eyebrow at Carbon, “sound reasonable?” He had no idea if it was or not, but it did sound like it. Also, if they were serious about integrating parts of Tsla’o and Human cultures, they needed to actually get on that.
“Yes. I agree, that would be a good place to start.”
“Thank you.” He busied himself bringing up a few more pictures, rough combinations of the ten point gear-star and the various items from the Sorenson crests, bits of decoration and detail work.
The door chimed behind them and Lyshen stopped with a sharp glare. He eyed the clock and sighed, a whispered curse under his breath before he set his pen down and straightened up. “Come.”
There was a soldier partially concealed behind the door, the rank plate on his uniform loaded with details, not that Alex could read them yet. He swept the room with a rifle as he entered, the short barrel ending up pointed just a hair under Alex’s sternum. A pair of soldiers took up positions on either side of the door and covered him, a few more lined up in the waiting room.
When he spoke, it was crisp and authoritative. “Please back away from the Human.”
First Prev
Never a dull moment on that ship.
Art pile: Carbon reference sheet. Art by Tyo_Dem
submitted by icallshogun to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:23 Chen_Geller The Hunt for Gollum: Peter Jackson's Leonore Number 3?

The Hunt for Gollum: Peter Jackson's Leonore Number 3?
I've written before about The Hunt for Gollum for Fellowship of Fans AND for this board, but having had time to think about it, I think a deeper examination of it is in order.
The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum is a film, scheduled for 2026, produced by Sir Peter Jackson and directed by Andrew Serkis, about Aragorn and his tracking down Gollum during the early stages of The Fellowship of the Ring and/or the period leading up to it.
The film is an intriging concept - not least for the participation of all these Lord of the Rings and Hobbit luminaries - including perhaps de-aged cast members - but does raise some concerns: in the pas, these kinds of entries-between-the-entries have done as much a disservice to their respective series as they enriched them: could this film possibly sidestep such issues?

What is it about?

In spite of the name - which is only a working title - this film is NOT essentially a Gollum film like the dreaded video game, but AN ARAGORN FILM: It is based on Aragorn's descriptions (mostly in the Council of Elrond) of his hunt of Gollum. Exactly what the film will entail is unclear: given that Gollum first leaves his cave only a few years after The Hobbit, the filmmakers could use it as license to regail us with much of his travels and those of a younger Aragorn, as well as Gondor tilting towards war, Balin's colony in Moria, and perhaps even Saruman falling under Sauron's spell: The White Wizard is already expected to appear in animated form in The War of the Rohirrim. Even oddballs like Tom Bombadil could be made to fit in there.
The title, however, may well suggest a more focused premise, centering on Aragorn and Gandalf's actual hunting down of Gollum, perhaps much of those earlier events in Gollum and Aragorn's life condensed into a prologue. This would make this NOT be a prequel in the usual sense of the word: rather than take place BEFORE Fellowship of the Ring, such a film will take place DURING Fellowship of the Ring, betwen the 32 minute mark when Gandalf leaves to convene with Aragorn, who suggests hunting Gollum down, and the 34 minute mark when Ringwraiths first approach the Shire. In that case, I mused here on the sub that this might entail the producers opting for de-aging rather than recasting the roles, especially since the films do away with the seventeen-year timelapse that was to occur at this spot.
This is actually a premise that had intrigued Jackson for a long time: Aragorn and Gandalf track Gollum down from the outskirts of Mirkwood to the outskirts of Mordor. Gandalf breaks off for Minas Tirith while Aragorn tracks Gollum (since having gone through Shelob Lair only to be captured in Mordor) to within sight of Minas Morgul and finally catching him in the Dead Marshes, and leading him to the Woodland Realm, where he's finally released from captivity in the mayham of an Orc attack.
Jackson evidentally loved it, talking about shooting it - at the time as more footage to be added into The Lord of the Rings - as early as 1998: "We would write and shoot [...] scenes involving Gandalf and Aragorn hunting Gollum, and his capture by Orcs …" He lamented its absence in the director's commentary to The Fellowship of the Ring. By 2002, while in post-production for The Two Towers, Jackson confided in both composer Howard Shore and Executive Producer Mark Ordesky that he intends to make The Hobbit and a "Lord of the Rings prequel" about Aragorn. The project entered development along with The Hobbit in 2006, but seemingly died out before 2008, as The Hobbit was proving a bigger undertaking than originally concieved.
Nevertheless, Jackson says they still wanted to have Mortensen in the film: "We did try to figure out a way to put... to get a cameo, even if it was a cameo for Aragorn and actually for Arwen, too: we tried to have Liv Tyler in the film." Mortensen suggests he turned an approach down, but for his part Jackson says: "We couldn't think of a way of doing it."

Who is making it?

The film is being produced by Sir Peter Jackson, written by Philippa Boyens, Dame Frances Walsh and apparently by War of the Rohirrim scribes Arty Papageorgieu and Phoebe Gittins. Ken Kamins (Jackson's agent) is executive producing along with Andy Serkis and Jonathan Cavendish and, presumably, Pam Abdy and Michael de Luca. Serkis is to direct as well as reprise his role as Gollum, and had talked about going back to New Zealand to work with Weta.
Jackson had previously said: "You kind of feel a sentimental attachment, a sort of ownership, to the Middle-earth that's been put on the screen." In an interview he says:
Having been happy to hand The Hobbit to Guillermo [Del Toro] and then doing it myself, I definitely ended up with a stronger sense of ownership of Middle-earth than I ever had before, and it would be kind of hard to sit back and watch another filmmaker do stories if they were connected to these ones. If they weren’t connected, then sure. But if it was something connected to this mythology that we’ve done, if I had the energy and the strength then I would really want to do it. Never say never!
This return of the familiar faces is reassuring: even de Luca was one of the executives championing The Lord of the Rings in New Line in 1998. Astonishingly, this will be the seventh (!) film in the series produced by Jackson and, after Rohirrim releases later this year, the fourth produced by Philippa Boyens, and alltogether they'll amount to a good 25 hours (!) of film from these filmmakers in this Tolkien setting.
Andy Serkis had first directed some of his fight with Deagol in The Return of the King, and became the second-unit director of The Hobbit trilogy, and has now been "promoted" under Jackson's producer mantle to direct this film. Along with Weta Workshop and WetaFX, and presumably concept artists Alan Lee and John Howe (hot off of Rohirrim) and perhaps later on composer Howard Shore, this stands a good chance of managing to bottle the same sensibilitiy as the previous films. Jackson had spoken of this for The Hobbit: "We have deliberately tried to pull the same people back again, because they are the sort of the beating heart, they're the spirit of the film."
Never, in fact, has a film series managed to maintain the kind of continuity in the production crew that Jackson had achieved in this film series. At the end of The Hobbit, visual effects supervisor Mat Aitken mused: "I don't know if one team has ever worked on all six films in a series, to the extent that this has all been hand-crafted by one sort of central team of people." The War of the Rohirrim and anchiliary projects like the "Beyond the Door" renovations at Hobbiton have also reunited some of the Lord of the Rings crew, and now this film is sure to do the same.
Putting the de-aging cunundrum to the side for a second, the film is bound to also include new characters, and its as of yet an enigma as to who they would be and who might play them.
To de-age, or not to de-age? That is the question.
The project is completely separate from Amzon Prime Video's The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. In fact, New Line executives say they seek to "stop Amazon blurring the lines" between the show and the films. Having said that, since in its first season the show had also made a concerted effort to draw Lord of the Rings veterans into the fold, there is going to be some overlap in terms of the craftspeople like Weta Workshop. If anything, the show provided them with a dry-run for this film. John Howe is still on the show's payroll and will presumably have to carefully manage his time, or else choose one production or the other, with my bet being that, if called for it, he's sure to go with Jackson.
There's a hillarious bit in the director's commentary to The Battle of the Five Armies:
Philippa: "Aragorn really is one who tracks Gollum and ends up...and finds him eventually in the Dead Marshes, and he's taken to the Elves. And he's taken to the Elves, and because of the kindness of the Elves - and Legolas is one of his keepers...
Jackson: "In Mirkwood?"
Philippa: " Mirkwood, and through their kindness he actually manages to escape. Or has he escaped? Or was he let loose?"
Jackson: "So that's like a seventh Tolkien movie that you've just heard."
Philippa: Yeah, got luck, Pete!
Jackson: "No, its not a film we're gonna... its a film that we'll never make, but you just heard a little imaginative version of it from Philippa Boyens there that you...
Philippa: "The Hunting Gollum through the wild"
Jackson: "The Hunting of Gollum"
Philippa: "and a few other things that go on which are really interesting. Saruman's search for the Ring is also interesting, yeah."
Jackson: "All part of a fictitious film 3.5."

What is it going to be like?

I don't think the portentous comparisons to Star Wars and Marvel are very merited: by the time this film is out, The Lord of the Rings will have a grand total of eight films, while both those series are well into double digits of both films AND tie-in shows. The fact that its crafted by the same people, as I said above, rather than by an army of artisans coming in and out at the behest of an overweening studio, also demarcates it from the standard Hollywood franchise.
Having said that, the film is somewhat akin to the kind of entries-between-the-entries that Star Wars, in particular, had dabbled with increasingly. This is somewhat disconcerting to me because I tend to find such entries very problematic. To quote a fabulous essay about Star Wars:
"The success of 'Star Wars' has obviated a lot of its original virtues. Much of the fun of watching the film for the first time, now forever inaccessible to us, was in the slow unveiling of its universe [...] Subsequent sequels, tie-in novels, interstitial TV shows, video games and fan fiction have lovingly ground this charm out of existence with exhaustive, literal-minded explication: Every marginal background character now has a name and a back story, every offhand allusion a history."
I find that these "interstitial" prequels do the most harm in this regard: there's no surer way to make the Death Star and its blowing of Aldeeran less impressive than to see so much of it in action in Rogue One, and no surer way to make the Ben-Vader duel in the original less effective than turning it into not the second (per Revenge of the Sith) but the fourth confrontation between the two adversaries, as is shown in the Obi-Wan miniseries.
What's more, they can take the time-lapse that exists between entries and trilogies and make it feel condensed by taking all or most of the events that happen offscreen during the interval and dramatising them such that they seemingly happen in a few days or weeks. If this film is set more DURING Fellowship of the Ring then before it, that could help sidestep this issue.
These are, however, issues that I think the Tolkien films had managed to sidestep until now. This film, however, is serious danger of falling right into them: the way Fellowship of the Ring keeps Gollum in the shadows still works after An Unexpected Journey, partially thanks to the big time-lapse between the two. Seeing Gollum through this film at a time more closely adjacent or concurrent to The Fellowship of the Ring, however, will ruin this buildup that is in Fellowship of the Ring. Strider, sitting off to the side in The Prancing Pony, will no longer be able to retain that air of mystique and potential danger he's supposed to have, although admittedly the film (unlike the book) doesn't keep this charade up for very long.
What's more, if the filmmakers don't resist the urge to revisit a lot of the locations of The Lord of the Rings like Gondor and much of Mordor, it will risk "flatenning" the experience of The Lord of the Rings: The Hobbit already reprised (rather harmlessly) Hobbiton, Trollshaws, Rivendell, Amon Sul and Bree. If this film also throws-in Lorien, Mordor, Gondor, Moria, the Dead Marshes and even Shelob's Lair into the mix, it will have an effect similar to what Beethoven feared Leonore number 3 overture would have to Fidelio: by encapsulating many of the tunes to appear in the piece, it effectivelly made the piece itself superflous. Likewise, if we visit practically all the locales of The Lord of the Rings before actually getting to Lord of the Rings, much the air of discovery that is so crucial to the atmosphere of these films will have evaporated.
The only way to sidestep this would be to cast as much of this film as possible into the wilderness. Revisiting the Woodland Realm, by contrast, could be a welcome addition: it would be nice to see Thranduil's realm on better times, with the Elves no longer cooped inside Thranduil's underground stronghold but spread around it and through the Woodland at large. Jackson and Boyens have mused about revisiting Tauriel before, so that's a possibility some fans might not appreciate, but which I think is plausible enough given the setting.
The Woodland Realm: notice the walkway and stairs to the side.
Another way to sidestep it would be to frame it in such a way that it works as a flashback AFTER Fellowship of the Ring, being that its probably concurrent with that film. At the same time, structurally, this film might play better in the middle of the structure, balancing out the two trilogies in terms of length.

So, what next?

Jackson is attached to produce another undisclosed film, rounding up a mammoth eight films in his personal Tolkien oevure, and nine films in his audiovisual realisation of Middle-earth. Being that this first one is one that takes place during The Fellowship of the Ring and that we know Jackson had long wanted to make, it makes sense that the second film will be of a similar sort. This suggest the Battle of Dale as a possible subject matter, concurrent with The Return of the King. Tellingly, Philippa had hypothetically mentioned it in her interview with Nerd of the Rings.
submitted by Chen_Geller to lotr [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 09:27 KristaIsGayAf Advice helping out constipated kittens. (5 days old)

Heya, so I currently have 2, 5 day old kittens, that I'm taking care of(their mother killed the other 2 from the litter so we took the surviving ones away just in case) and neither of them have pooped for the last 24-ish hours since switching to formula(KMR). They're eating okay and I stimulate them to go potty before and after each meal and they're peeing every time, but no poops so far. I'm not too horribly concerned as I know sometimes switching to formula will cause mild constipation, as has been the case with previous kittens I've fostered. If they don't have a bowel movement in the next 24-48 hours or so I'll be taking them to the vet, but was wondering if anyone had some at home remedies/advice to potentially help them out in the meantime? I've tried the triangle method and diluting the formula slightly, but no results so far. They both seem pretty full and mildly uncomfortable, so any advice would be appreciated!!
(For context about the mother, she's a first-time mom within the little cat colony that we have that came to us already pregnant and an appointment has already been scheduled to spay her and she's been separated from our male cats for the time being.)
submitted by KristaIsGayAf to Pets [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 09:26 KristaIsGayAf Advice for helping constipated kittens. (5 days old)

Heya, so I currently have 2, 5 day old kittens, that I'm taking care of(their mother killed the other 2 from the litter so we took the surviving ones away just in case) and neither of them have pooped for the last 24-ish hours since switching to formula(KMR). They're eating okay and I stimulate them to go potty before and after each meal and they're peeing every time, but no poops so far. I'm not too horribly concerned as I know sometimes switching to formula will cause mild constipation, as has been the case with previous kittens I've fostered. If they don't have a bowel movement in the next 24-48 hours or so I'll be taking them to the vet, but was wondering if anyone had some at home remedies/advice to potentially help them out in the meantime? I've tried the triangle method and diluting the formula slightly, but no results so far. They both seem pretty full and mildly uncomfortable, so any advice would be appreciated!!
(For context about the mother, she's a first-time mom within the little cat colony that we have that came to us already pregnant and an appointment has already been scheduled to spay her and she's been separated from our male cats for the time being.)
submitted by KristaIsGayAf to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 00:33 JustMeInBigD Things to Do May 13-19

As always, if you know of an event that's not listed here, feel free to share it (with a link) in the comments. Feedback on events you've attended or plan to attend is welcome.
*Free (or no admission/cover)
--Recurring Event
Noteworthy: May 13-19 is American Craft Beer Week. May 16 is National Barbecue Day.
Weekend & Multi-Day Events
May 13-19 Dallas is Lit (Literary Festival) at multiple Oak Cliff venues
May 16-19 DSO: Rachmaninoff Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini at the Meyerson
May 17-18 Dallas Black Dance Theatre Spring Celebration at Wyly Theatre
May 17-19 Wildflower! Music and Arts Festival at Galatyn Park Urban Center, Richardson
May 17-19 Main Street Fest - A Craft Brew Experience at Historic Downtown Grapevine
May 17-25 Now THAT’s What I Call TV Improv 90s Sitcom at Stomping Ground Comedy
May 18-19 Black Heritage Celebration at the Dallas Arboretum
Through May 27 Scarborough Renaissance Festival, Waxahachie
Through May 18 Fannie: The Music and Life of Fannie Lou Hamer at Bishop Arts Theater Ctr
Through May 25 Echo Theatre: Beyond the Yellow Wallpaper at the Bath House Cultural Center
Through Jun 9 Hamilton at Winspear Opera House
May 17-June 1 Teatro Dallas: Cloud Tectonics at the Latino Cultural Center
*May 11- May 24 Women in Art – A Joyful Journey Exhibition at Art on Main
*Through May 19 The Art of Embroidery from India to the World at NorthPark Center
*Through June 28 Central Library Staff Art Exhibit at Dallas Public Library Central Branch
Monday, May 13
Dallas Mavericks vs. OKC Thunder: Playoffs Round 2 Game 4 at AAC
Dallas Stars vs. Colorado Avalanche Watch Party at Shark Club Sports Bar and Grill
Texas Rangers vs. vs. Cleveland Guardians at Globe Life Field, Arlington
British Film Institute Book Club Presents: Mean Streets at Texas Theatre
“Spider Mondays” The Amazing Spider-Man 2 on 35MM at Texas Theatre
Augustana: Something Beautiful Tour with Valley Boy at Club Dada
*Ryan Glenn at Truck Yard Dallas
*Music Bingo at Guitars and Growlers, Richardson
*Songwriter's Open Mic Hosted by Justin Collins at Dan's Silverleaf, Denton
*Poor David’s Pub Virtual Open Mic on Facebook Live
Tuesday, May 14
Texas Rangers vs. vs. Cleveland Guardians at Globe Life Field, Arlington
*10-Year Destination Master Plan Community Town Hall - West/South Dallas at West Dallas Multipurpose Center
Dallas Winds Concert: In This Circle at the Meyerson Symphony Center
*--Free Rooftop Movie: Easy A at Sundown at Granada
The Variety Show with The Lost Boy Presents at Arts Mission Oak Cliff
Jimmy Gnecco of Ours at Opening Bell Coffee
Qveen Herby at House of Blues
*Book Presentation: An Evening with Andrés Neuman at The Wild Detectives
*Book Signing and Discussion - Jannese Torres: Financially Lit at Interabang Books
*--W.O.W. (Words Over Wine) Poetry Open Mic at Chocolate Secrets
*Just Dance Series - Salsa Lessons at Harwood Park
*Indian Cultural Heritage Foundation Dance performance at Pleasant Grove Branch Library
Wednesday, May 15
Dallas Stars vs. Colorado Avalanche: Round 2 Game 5 At American Airlines Center
Texas Rangers vs. vs. Cleveland Guardians at Globe Life Field, Arlington
Dallas Wings vs. Chicago Sky at College Park Center, Arlington
10-Year Destination Master Plan Community Town Hall - North Dallas at Prism Center
Dallas Architecture Forum Presents: Brian MacKay-Lyons at Dallas Museum of Art
*--Salsa Night/Beginner’s Lessons at Vidorra Dallas
Transformers: 40th Anniversary Event at Texas Theatre
*Nerd Night: Old School Video Games at Celestial Beerworks
*Pat Peterson at The Kitchen Cafe
Swingin' at the Sons at Sons of Hermann Hall
Piano Men: An Elton John & Billy Joel Tribute at Sky Blu Rooftop
Daniel Sloss: Can't at The Majestic
*--Improv Jam at Dallas Comedy Club
Part One Tribe - A $7.77 Show at Deep Ellum Art Co.
3-course Beer Pairing Dinner at Windmills, The Colony
Thursday, May 16
10-Year Destination Master Plan Community Town Hall - East Dallas at Harry Stone Rec Center
Dallas Zoo After Dark Wild Canvas at the Dallas Zoo
*Bombshell Dance Project Performance at Dallas Museum of Art
*Kaleta Doolin in Conversation on Feminist Art History at Dallas Museum of Art
Maifest at the Brewery at Community Beer Co.
Analog Art Show at Flea the Scene
Sip & Paint at Aloft Dallas Downtown
Murder Mystery 3-Course Dinner at Bourbon and Banter
*PNC Patio Sessions - Pretty Boy Aaron at Sammons Park
*Books Signing and Discussion - Noah Gittel, Baseball: The Movie at Interabang Books
The Rhinestone Teardrops Tour at Three Links
Michelle Wolf: It's Great to Be Here at House of Blues
David Slater and Veronica Williams at Sammons Center for the Arts
*Adult Coloring at Mountain Creek Branch Library
HipHop & Healing at Highland Hills Branch Library
Master Gardeners: Taking the Mystery Out of Plant Propagation at Lakewood Branch Library
59th Academy of Country Music Awards at Ford Center at The Star, Frisco
Friday, May 17
Texas Rangers vs. Los Angeles Angels at Globe Life Field
*‘til Midnight at the Nasher Sculpture Center
*--DJ Binosaur at Vector Brewing
Backyard Concert: Meridian Brothers and Elkin Pautt at The Wild Detectives
*Booker T. Washington HSPVA Singer-Songwriters at Opening Bell Coffee
Cinéwilde Presents: The Matrix at Texas Theatre
Larry g(ee) EP Release with Dezi 5 and Cozy Campos at The Kessler
Girls' Night Out Stand-up Comedy Showcase at Dallas Comedy Club
Nimesh Patel: Fast and Loose Tour at the Majestic Theatre
The Reverent Few / Joe Blow / The Brandon Callies Band at The Double Wide
Chap Stick (Cheap Trick Tribute) at Sundown at Granada
*Trey Gonzalez at The Rustic
Dallas Poetry Slam 30th Anniversary Showcase at Oak Cliff Assembly
Aaron Aryanpur Live at the Oak Cliff Cultural Center
Saturday, May 18
Texas Rangers vs. Los Angeles Angels at Globe Life Field
Dallas Wings vs. Chicago Sky at College Park Center, Arlington
Ultimate Frisbee Dallas Legion vs. Houston HAVOC at Jesuit Dallas
*Cycling: Group Ride at Community Beer Co.
Morning Bird Walk at Trinity River Audubon Center
*AAPI Heritage & Dragon Boat Festival at the Bath House Cultural Center
Art Talk: Laure de Margerie at the Nasher Sculpture Center
Discover Downtown Dallas Movie Series: Sweet Home Alabama at Harwood Park
9th Anniversary Brewery Fest at Texas Ale Project
*Pawty on the Patio with Golden Retriever Rescue at On Rotation
*Asian Am., Native Hawaiian, & Pacific Islander Heritage Celebration at AT&T Discovery District
*AAPI Family Weekend at Sammons Park (Dallas Arts District)
Hope Starts Here 5K at Klyde Warren Park
Deep Ellum Wine Walk: Rosé Olé at Discover Deep Ellum
*Conversation and Party: Colombe Schneck and Merrit Tierce at The Wild Detectives
*Art Exhibitions Opening Event at Ro2 Art
*Analog Art Show at Flea the Scene
6th Annual Adult Science Fair at Celestial Beerworks
Andrea Gonzalez Caballero Spanish Guitar Concert at Kalita Humphreys Theater
Pepe Aguilar at American Airlines Center
Sunday, May 19
Texas Rangers vs. Los Angeles Angels at Globe Life Field
Dallas Jackals vs. Seattle Seawolves at Choctaw Stadium, Arlington
State Fair Records: Songwriters Round on The Green at The Kessler
*En Plein Air Painting Demonstration at the Dallas Museum of Art
Dilbeck Architecture Conservancy Homes Tour at University Park
K Pop Music Bingo Brunch at the Sweet Tooth Hotel
Abducted By The 80's at House of Blues
Paint and Sip at Peticolas Brewing
Turtle Creek Chorale: Pages at Northaven United Methodist Church
*Cars for CASA Car Show at Rockwall Courthouse, Rockwall
submitted by JustMeInBigD to Dallas [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 22:16 KyleKKent OOCS, Into A Wider Galaxy, Part 001

Reminder! We're taking a temporary break from the last arc as The Inevitable gets fully introduced, then it's back to our regularly scheduled madness.
The Dauntless
The man he sees is of Asian descent and at the age where age is starting to hit him, but clearly has hit back hard enough that it’s backed off.
“Good to meet you Admiral...?” Admiral Cistern attempts and the man’s naturally narrow eyes narrow further.
“I am no Admiral. Until we determine precisely what has happened we will be working rather closely however. I am Observer Damian Wu. Your actions have necessitated the creation of an entirely new posting. Congratulations.” Observer Wu says.
“So they believe me?”
“The governments of Earth are uncertain. However the private and properly encrypted confirmation of implicitly trusted soldiers coupled with the samples and eyewitness testimonies of the first group has bought you time.”
“Time, time for what precisely?”
“Time for me to see. The Accounts of Sir Masterson, Mister Engel and several others have raised very interesting points. Furthermore having numerous agents sent back de-aged as punishment for failing a simple operation was... eye opening. To say nothing of the intact cadavers and entire barge of wealth.” Observer Wu says before there is a sudden thump behind him and an old woman in a stern charcoal grey outfit walks into view.
Her eyes are the same size, but there is the impression that one, or the other, is bulging out of her skull as she glares at them. She licks her teeth and for a moment there is the impression of a forest of iron nails protruding from her gums. But no. Just the yellowed teeth of a senior citizen.
“Madam Stepanova. Has anyone ever said it’s good to see you again?” Admiral Cistern asks.
“Not for months, and don’t you dare break that streak.”
“Good to see you again!” Herbert immediately chimes up. He gets the full glare.
“... I see Philip has gone out of his way to finish up with you.”
“Not just me!” Herbert chirps.
“I was to ask about the child.” Observer Wu notes plainly.
“I’m in my thirties. Advanced healing techniques also de-ages the subject. When it was still relatively unknown to use on humans I was hit with it the first time and lost over half my physical age. The second time it was much more refined, but the sheer damage I took meant I still was damn near forced backwards through puberty. As it stands I’m just barely on the edge of the first growth spurt.” Herbert says before saluting. “As it stands I am Intelligence Operative and Administrator Herbert Jameson, I’ve also earned the alien honours of Huntsman and Grand Patriarch for my efforts across multiple worlds.”
“I see, you were mentioned in the reports. A hundred brides?”
“Yes sir.”
“And openly living in the embassy of another political entity.”
“My wives and children are citizens there, and through marriage and fatherhood so am I.”
“I suppose congratulations are in order then.” Observer Wu says. “Now then, your information package including a warning about a political firestorm currently raging across the planet upon which you now stand. What has happened?”
“Operative Jameson discovered an absurdly large cache of an obscenely rare and dangerous material during a routine observation mission. The sheer rarity of the substance, coupled with the horrific method of it’s manufacture was so severe we had to share it with numerous other organizations. Which has led to a quiet panic across the entire planet, as of this moment there are...” Admiral Cistern checks his communicator. “Seventy four active conflicts my forces are aiding in quelling.”
“I see. It is severe enough that the entire planet is on alert?”
“It is severe enough that the living goddess of a major religion is perhaps moments away from declaring a crusade.” Admiral Cistern returns.
That revelation takes a moment to process.
“I see things have gotten rather exciting.”
“They have. Much of which I do not care to discuss across intergalactic communications. They’re far to easy to hack in my opinion.”
“Are they?”
“I assume that any communications I do not have in person as public information. I would recommend a similar outlook on operational security, our capacity to keep out spies and bugs is limited to the physical or direct messages, mail or recordigns on isolated devices.” Admiral Cistern says and Observer Wu nods.
“Prudent. Now this...” He begins before someone starts speaking very quickly in Korean. “Really? Then put them on screen. Let’s see them.”
Admiral Cistern has time to only raise an eyebrow before a screen opens in the call and the image of Lady Ticanped can be seen smiling at the camera. “Good. There you are. You received the proper payment I take it? Have your governments honoured their side of the bargain?”
“It is an unusual bargain to have a fortune placed in orbit of our world with a message of what is wanted in exchange.” Observer Wu notes.
“If there were any other method of having my wishes known, I would have used it.”
“How many people have been in contact with Earth?” Admiral Cistern asks as his mind whirls.
“A fair few I’d wager. We cannot enter ourselves, but that does not preclude us from sending care packages or making special requests. We know where your world is, and can easily calculate all the trajectories required to safely put an automated ship in orbit of your Earth.” Lady Ticanped says. “Now... did you bring them? Did they accept?”
“... They did.” Observer Wu states. “It also inspired numerous of our governments to send... other such individuals.”
“... I’m not sure I appreciate being left out of the loop.” Admiral Cistern says, he’s fairly certain of what’s coming. But he doesn’t want to voice such hopes.
“Your sons. Edward and Peter. And I presume other family members?”
“Some others yes. A few declined but sent personalized messages. We had to reduce the number of soldiers on this ship to ensure we had room for the packages, messages and passengers.” Observer Wu states before grinning. “It’s being used as a test to the viability of shuttling people out of Human Territory. Incidentally, if you are indeed the August Speaker of the Council...”
“I am.” Lady Ticanped preens.
“She is.” Admiral Cistern confirms.
“Then I would like to note, before I arrive on Centris officially. That Earth and her governments has declared all of Cruel Space as it’s Sovereign Territory and lay claim to all mining, salvaging and colonial rights within the reach of The Natural Null Repository.”
“You will not find opposition to such a proclamation. I assure you.” Lady Ticanped says.
“Good, because the first hints of colonization have begun. The ship designs that were sent to us are being tested and the rail system to place things in orbit is being upgraded as we speak.” Observer Wu notes. “But that is neither here nor there. We are here, we intend to investigate things further so we can finally and conclusively confirm things one way or the other. So until then, I have a distraction for you.”
“You know, stating that something is a distraction isn’t the best of...” Admiral Cistern begins to chide Observer Wu before the man steps to the side to show two people entering The Inevitable’s Bridge. “Edward? Peter?”
Herbert almost smiles as he’s forced to think as fast as he wants to move. He claps his hands and gets the attention of the bridge.
“I think we can afford the admiral a few minutes alone with his sons, don’t you all!” He says and people start to stand. Observer Wu looks suddenly off balance. “No not like that! Observer Wu my good man! Perhaps you could escort the young men to your own office to let them speak to the Admiral as he returns to his own office? After all, a reunion between father and sons is a special thing I think we’ll agree.”
“We have important business to attend to.”
“Then why bring in a distraction?” Herbert asks with a disarming laugh. “Everyone sit back down, good grief. Transfer the stream to the Admiral’s office please! Come on people, we’re professionals here!”
“You are every inch his student.” Madam Stepanova states plainly and Herbert beams at her. “Stop that, I will find a way to whack you from this distance.”
“Just jot a note down and I’m sure you’ll get all your recreational caning out of the way. Although my wives are certain to be upset with you if you take up the fun time.” Herbert sends back.
“I wonder if you’ll stay this brave when I’m in shooting distance.” She asks and he imagines that if it were only thing glass between them a gun would be out to emphasize the point.
“... Theoretically, if you get the math right, I am.” He glibly notes.
“It’s a bit on the easy side to dodge a shot that takes so long that the post would be quicker.”
“Sad but true, imagine if we could though, oh man assassinations would be easy.” Herbert remarks.
“Artillery are not assassination weapons.” She chides him.
“Anything can be an assassination weapon.” He counters.
“That’s Sir Philip speaking.”
“I am his student.” Herbert remarks.
“Yes you are.” She says with narrowed eyes. Then there is a smirk. “How is that girl doing by the way? His other student?”
“Currently? She’s keeping dozens of potential hot zones from heating up. Saving time, lives and money.” Herbert says.
“Good. At least one of you is doing something useful.”
“Well if her majesty wasn’t demanding so much of my attention I would be heading a massive investigation and defensive action. But some people need personal handling.” Herbert replies. “But that’s neither here nor there, my Streams are hard at work keeping things together. Besides, I’ve reached the waiting portion of today’s operation. My data analysts need to earn their paychecks after all. It’s good for the soul.”
“I see... Tell me boy, that title... What is a Grand Patriarch?”
“It means that an entire species has been shaped by me. That I’ve reached out and changed the very course of a people’s history. I have primed the Jallick Birds to speak to each other. To share their thoughts beyond basic hunting cries or mating rituals.”
“... So you basically taught birds to talk? Like parrots?”
“No, like teaching crows to have an actual conversation. Not mimic, speak.” He says.
“And I suppose you did this out of the goodness of your heart in between shifts while waving the union jack like a good pawn of Philip’s?”
“Actually I was outright forced into a family vacation by Grand Huntmistress and Grand Matriarch Yzma. My grandmother in law and living legend. She was curious about humanity and it was her way of poking at us to see what would happen. She liked it.” He says. “Of course, most people who get to multiple thousands of years of age are either obscenely rich, storied or skilled. Side effect of all that experience isn’t it granny?”
“If you want me to skin you with a rusted spoon just say so.” Madam Stepanova states.
“I want you to try.” Herbert challenges and there is a slight flicker of approval.
“And give you that much of my attention? Are you trying to stop me from doing my job?” She asks.
“Depends entirely on what your job is.”
“And that depends on your job.”
“You know what it is.”
“So it hasn’t changed since I departed? Field man being groomed for command?”
“Field man who takes numerous shifts of command. Oh, and my Identity as Private Stream is very, very widely used now as a low profile field agent. In fact we have a whole army of what appear to be child soldiers but are in fact assassins and bodyguards of the highest order.”
“And what’s the difference between the assassin and bodyguard variants?” Madam Stepanova asks as she smiles despite herself.
“A single lawful order.” He says and the very slight smile widens. She really liked that.
“Good.” She says before scanning the bridge. “There are several non-humans among your bridge crew. Are they properly vetted?”
“They are.”
“Are you certain?”
“I am.” He says with narrowing eyes.
“Madam Stepanova. You have not been sworn in as any part of this organization and are not currently on loan to us. Any further inquiry into our hiring standards, practices and the like are going to be met with refusal from this point.”
“Good. You let me in too far as is boy.”
“Nonsense, I gave you enough to form entirely inaccurate conclusions while still remaining accommodating and polite before our hacker audience.” Herbert says examining his fingernails. “Now, is there anything else?”
“Where is Sir Philip?”
“His loan period to us expired. He’s off following his additional orders. And no, I officially do not know what those orders entail.” Herbert says and Madam Stepanova’s smile widens ever so.
“A hunt then? Good.” She says. “I look forward to it.”
“The eyes of Mother Russia?”
“I do not answer to you boy. But I am no enemy and will occasionally be on loan.” She says and he nods.
“Good to know, unfortunately you’re not technically on loan to us yet as you’re still a week, perhaps two away.”
“Yes, which means I do not have to tell you about the passengers or the like.” She replies and his eyebrow goes up as a woman who had been scheming in life or death situations before he was even conceived and never actually stopping tries to bait him.
“No you don’t.” He concedes instead and her eyes narrow. Now the game truly begins.
~First~ Last Next
submitted by KyleKKent to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 13:01 FelicitySmoak_ On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - May 12th

On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - May 12th
1973- The Jackson 5 perform at the Special Events Center (now Jon M. Huntsman Center) in Salt Lake City, Utah
1979 - On their Destiny Tour, The Jacksons play the 3rd & final night at the Celebrity Circle Theater (now Arena Place) in Houston, Texas
1984 - Michael visits Shirley MacLaine backstage after her performance in the stage show of Broadway
1993 - Michael attends the World Music Awards with Jordy, Lily & June Chandler
He wins three awards ( Best Selling American Recording Artist Of The Year, World’s Best Selling Recording Artist Of The Year & World’s Best Selling Recording Artist Of The Era) presented by Michael Douglas, Prince Albert & Princess Stephanie
1999 - Judge Mario Frigenti, in Rome ruled that Michael, in composing his song "Will You Be There,'' plagiarized an Italian songwriter. The judge immediately suspended a $2,200 fine, but ordered Michael to pay court costs (which could be high as the case has taken four years to pass through court).
Singer & songwriter Al Bano first claimed Jackson stole part of the musical motif to his song "I Cigni Di Balka (The Swans Of Balaka)" in 1993. The trial began two years later.
Michael said he has never met Bano & had never heard of his song until the suit was brought. His lawyers argued simple similarity did not constitute plagiarism.
The court heard an expert say that 37 notes were the same in each song.
One of Michael's lawyers, Alberto Seganti, said he will appeal. "There is no proof of plagiarism". In a hearing in Rome two years ago Michael told the court there was some similarity between the two songs, "but it's completely coincidental."
After the verdict, Al Bano invited Jackson to join him in performing a concert for the children of Kosovo.
"The criminal court's ruling was groundless and a travesty," Jackson's copyright lawyer Eve Wagner said at that time. "The criminal court had not only ignored the previous rulings by six other judges in Jackson's favor but also the opinion of the court's own expert that there was 'no possibility of plagiarism.'"
In the previous year, Bano lost a civil case for copyright infringement against Jackson & was ordered to pay expenses. Bano has also brought numerous civil cases against Jackson but has failed to win any of them.
In the past, Michael has been cleared of plagiarism allegations in the United States involving his Dangerous and Thriller albums.
In March of 2001, a Rome appeals court overturns the lower court’s decision, clearing Michael of plagiarism allegations.
2005 - Trial Day 51
Michael goes to court with Katherine & Joe
2008 - Dr Tohme calls Tom Barrack to wire $23 million in order to save Neverland from a foreclosure auction. In exchange Barrack and his company, Colony Capital received 50% ownership of Neverland.
In a press release, Michael stated:
“I am pleased with recent developments involving Neverland Ranch and I am in discussions with Colony and Tom Barrack with regard to the Ranch and other matters that would allow me to focus on the future"
2009 - AEG issues a press release to officially announce Kenny Ortega as the show producer. Along with the press release is a new picture of Michael & Ortega during the rehearsals.
The streets of Hollywood are buzzing; Michael Jackson mania is in full swing 5,500 miles away from The O2 arena – the home of his historic 50 concerts this summer.
Kenny Ortega, the renowned Director, Producer, Choreographer and creative talent is hard at work collaborating with Michael Jackson in the overall design and direction for the upcoming ‘This Is It’ concert shows. Ortega previously worked on Michael Jackson’s Dangerous and HIStory tours, some of the most spectacular shows ever staged. Last week, thousands of dancers flew in from every corner of the globe including Japan, Australia, South America and Europe to audition for Jackson and Ortega – all of them were chasing their dream of winning a spot to perform on stage with their idol Michael Jackson.
Even after the selection process narrowed the competition from thousands of submissions to over five hundred top international dancers, there was still no dance space large enough in Los Angeles or New York to house the auditions. The producers ended up booking LA’s Nokia Theatre L.A. LIVE, part of the site where the Grammy Awards are held each year, to handle the unprecedented numbers of performers who flocked to these auditions.
Ortega, having once been in partnership with Gene Kelly, is most recently known for his work as the Director and Choreographer of Disney’s, High School Musical 1, 2 & 3. Ortega also Produced and Directed the Barbra Streisand’s Millennium concert tour and is a two time Emmy award winner for his work as Director and Choreographer of the 2002 Winter Olympics opening and closing ceremonies in Salt Lake City, Utah.
In receiving the phone call from Michael to lead the team, Ortega said, “My answer without a beat was nothing could keep me away. Collaborating with Michael on the Dangerous and HIStory tours were two of the greatest creative experiences of my life, to be invited to partner with him again is a dream come true. Working with Michael is always a true and full partnership, he is a creative mastermind, he assembles top professionals to lead his team and then inspires each and every one of us to climb to new places, break out of the box and conquer new challenges. He is the most significant artist and entertainer of our generation.”
“This Is It” is a spectacular concert experience incorporating iconic Jackson songs and choreography mixed with original new works. Ortega says, “Our show goals are to create more than a concert but a complete theatrical musical experience with a dynamic balance that features Jackson in both spectacular production and intimate settings. The stage set, choreography, costumes, lighting, effects and overall production will be of the highest standard and pushing the state of the art.” Michael is dedicated to every detail and aspect of the show working closely with his creative and talented production team. He is “tremendously excited” about sharing his stage show with hundreds of thousands of fans this summer in London. Ortega goes on to say, “It has been over a decade since Michael and I worked on the HIStory tour together. We had been in discussion in the last couple of years about finding a new project to work on. When I got the call to join him for these concerts I was in-between gigs, catching my breath. I had just finished a World Press tour for High School Musical and was about to start a new film. In accepting the invitation I had to move a few mountains to clear my schedule, but I’m thrilled to say I’m fully on board.”
Casting is in final stages for dancers and the band. The dedication, passion and determination of these performers, who are all personally inspired by Michael Jackson brings an unprecedented intensity to the stage. Michael Jackson, The King of Pop, has influenced a generation of performers through his music, dance and stage shows impacting an art form. This week with rehearsals in full swing the impossible has become possible as details to this complex and dramatic show are being put together. And when moments get intense and exciting in rehearsals an age-old British tradition has been adopted – a tea break!
Ortega adds, “I go to work each day with a huge sense of joy just knowing what is in-store. Michael, the team and I will hash out a creative idea, we’re ready to implement it and Michael will say let’s sleep on it. The next day he is back in studio raising the bar to the next level and pushing us further for greater dynamic results.” Randy Phillips, President & CEO of AEG Live, commented, “The unprecedented demand for these shows turned a normal public on sale into a cultural phenomenon and pushed the boundaries by which we measure success. Michael and Kenny are creating an escapist adventure that will take the audience on an entertainment experience only imagined in dreams or big budget motion pictures. This is the perfect pairing on unique creative talents with the greatest repertoire in contemporary music.”
Ortega concludes, “I am looking forward to the creative days ahead as we build a Michael Jackson experience like no other, and to ultimately arriving at The O2 - a magnificent venue and a worldly place. I am thrilled to be a part of the team that once again is bringing Michael Jackson, the greatest entertainer of our generation, back to the stage and into the light and love of his devoted fans.” By the end of the 50 concerts, 1 million fans will have witnessed one of the greatest musical events in history. This will be the last chance to see the King of Pop in London in what will be a historic stage show, and once in a lifetime concert experience - this really is it!
Note To Editors – One of the world’s most popular entertainers, Michael Jackson has sold over 750 million units worldwide and is one of the very few artists to be inducted twice into the US Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The Guinness Book of World Records has recognised Michael Jackson as the Most Successful Entertainer of All Time and Thriller as The Biggest Selling Album of All Time. Jackson won 13 Grammy Awards and received the American Music Award’s Artist of the Century Award.
Michael's This Is It 50 concerts sold out in a matter of hours on March 13th smashing box office records.
2009 - Conrad Murray placed his third order of Propofol
submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to WhereWasMJToday [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 08:03 pinkjellykins An Adivasi scholar’s death and the myth of casteless Bengal

An Adivasi scholar’s death and the myth of casteless Bengal
“Kotal belonged to the Lodha Sabar community, which was classified as a criminal tribe in the colonial era and is at present recognised as a Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group – a sub-classification of Scheduled Tribes, comprising groups that have higher levels of deprivation and vulnerability. Kotal had made history as the first woman graduate from her community.”
submitted by pinkjellykins to u/pinkjellykins [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 13:11 Think-Interview Abyssalite decided to boil the cold biome

Abyssalite decided to boil the cold biome submitted by Think-Interview to Oxygennotincluded [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 12:08 Weary_Consequence_56 Leftist now want forced intercaste marriages . Reservation in marriage and gib your daughter memes are getting real by these parasitic rapey commies with their weird fetish for women from another caste ,that they want them by force now .

Leftist now want forced intercaste marriages . Reservation in marriage and gib your daughter memes are getting real by these parasitic rapey commies with their weird fetish for women from another caste ,that they want them by force now . submitted by Weary_Consequence_56 to indiadiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 17:10 specialistdeluxe Black Hole Error ~800 cycles in

Pretty bummed about this one, i'm ~800 cycles into this run and it's the best/furthest colony i've ever built. Sadly, I Hopefully someone here can help me unwrap this so i can continue my build. It appears to have something to do with regolith. I'm trying to remove some hot regolith from my base storage to outside base storage.
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Storage.Flatten (Tag tag_to_combine) (at <3d436e4ec1d5455793674ec559b0cc77>:0) Storage.TransferMass (Storage dest_storage, Tag tag, System.Single amount, System.Boolean flatten, System.Boolean block_events, System.Boolean hide_popups) (at <3d436e4ec1d5455793674ec559b0cc77>:0) ComplexFabricator.SpawnOrderProduct (ComplexRecipe recipe) (at <3d436e4ec1d5455793674ec559b0cc77>:0) ComplexFabricator.CompleteWorkingOrder () (at <3d436e4ec1d5455793674ec559b0cc77>:0) ComplexFabricator.Sim200ms (System.Single dt) (at <3d436e4ec1d5455793674ec559b0cc77>:0) SimAndRenderScheduler+Sim200msUpdater.Update (ISim200ms updater, System.Single dt) (at <3ca21dc18eae422d87255277091f8593>:0) UpdateBucketWithUpdater`1[DataType].Update (System.Single dt) (at <3ca21dc18eae422d87255277091f8593>:0) StateMachineUpdater+BucketGroup.AdvanceOneSubTick (System.Single dt) (at <3ca21dc18eae422d87255277091f8593>:0) StateMachineUpdater.AdvanceOneSimSubTick () (at <3ca21dc18eae422d87255277091f8593>:0) Game.SimEveryTick (System.Single dt) (at <3d436e4ec1d5455793674ec559b0cc77>:0) Game.Update () (at <3d436e4ec1d5455793674ec559b0cc77>:0) Build: U51-600112-V 
submitted by specialistdeluxe to Oxygennotincluded [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 07:12 Some_xs A Nakba commemoration event in the Netherlands got cancelled because Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta is a guest in it

A Nakba commemoration event in the Netherlands got cancelled because Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta is a guest in it submitted by Some_xs to Palestine [link] [comments]