1man 1jar video

Darth Jar Jar: The key to all this.

2015.10.31 15:09 onemananswerfactory Darth Jar Jar: The key to all this.

This subreddit is dedicated to exposing and discussing the consistently shady and ambiguous nature of Jar Jar Binks, and the expanding (Darth) Jar Jar theories created by fans of the Star Wars prequels. If you want to know more then please read the pinned post: "The Darth Jar Jar Holocron (updated)"

2012.11.22 21:57 One Punch Man

Hello there! Welcome to OnePunchMan, the subreddit for all things related to our caped bald hero. Please read the FAQ before posting! Beware of manga spoilers! Check the sidebar for information.

2017.07.01 12:58 109488 Miniscule worlds in the wild

For the tiny places you discover (or make) that look like they could be a world of their own.

2024.05.25 22:49 horizon-gamer Grand Master training

Dear Grand Masters,
If you want to aspire to be a Grand Master, what are exercizes you could so in the training? For the ones not familiar yet with the difficulty, it is the game on Master difficulty with additional modifiers (Stronger enemies ans Enemies don’t take turns). This video explains it very well
I saw something by 1ManArmy a video to do parry exercise in the training. But maybe you have specific combos you know give you that edge.
Personally I am nowhere near Grand Master difficulty, but it is nice because I geniunly believe that these exercises/tips can help the community in general.
Much appreciated.
submitted by horizon-gamer to SifuGame [link] [comments]

2024.01.13 02:11 AardvarkSimilar4930 Master Difficulty with Stronger Enemies and Unlimited Threats!

Hey, fellow Sifu disciples! New to reddit. Do any other players use these mods for the story and/or arenas? I've seen 1ManArmy (shoutout, friend!) and Hiro post videos with it. Full disclosure: I also dabble in this amped difficulty on my youtube channel, though I'm not here to promote as much as I am to interact with a community that centers on this game.
I go by screenwriterdave on YouTube (I'm stuck with AardvarkSimilar on Reddit). If anyone's interested: https://youtu.be/0YJOQT7HU5U?si=zDtxg3CxDpCGsN0b
What are everyone's thoughts on Unlimited Threats? Stronger Enemies? In general?
Where's everyone at in the game?
submitted by AardvarkSimilar4930 to SifuGame [link] [comments]

2023.12.07 10:03 MoondoggyCO SWG Legends Credit Farming, Macros , Tips & Tricks - Master Post

Welcome to "The Bucks Stops Here" where we are going to do an expose on Star Wars Galaxies (Legends) primary Credit Grinding practices, locations, and issues! That's right - no more heavily guarded secrets, the truth hereforth shall be known for all to partake.

Problem Statement: The player economy in Star Wars Galaxies since the early 2000s has always been borked, this is even true for SWTOR as well. For the past several years, Legends staff have been doing their best to curb bad actors in the economy - but as well all know, veteran or new, that access to and division of credits is obtuse at best due to Gatekeeping.

The largest problem, which has always held back our player community from expanding is: ACCESS. For all too long the greedy, the venturists, and the smug have held on tightly to the method of acquisition, locations for acquisitions, and the economy itself by exploiting the share of credits to mainpulate as many markets as possible. This has stifled, if not completely prevented new arrivals from enjoying the game. Those who stay cannot/have a hard time prospering without acquiescing to those who exploit and leverage economic controls (Gatekeepers).

The single largest problem is GREED, and not in the way you would think, but rather - Credit Sellers. Besides purposefully exploiting the in-game economy to make desirable items nearly impossible to access (other than Supply & Demand which happens naturally). Unlike live however, this credit selling comes from within the community itself (not chinese agencies running bots). This is largely perpetrated by players you would rarely ever see, or hear of unless you're in the "right circles", or have "deep cash/crypto pockets". Credits have been sold for 2-3$ or more on sites, with people just blately advertising their amounts and offers, and thanking clients publically, as recently as last month.

Credentials & Experience: First and foremost, I worked on these types of issues with SOE on live - which included investigations, tracing, surveillance in/out of game and much more. I played from launch until a month before closing. I've since played (ugh) SWTOR since, and been on Legends since 2017, amongst many other titles i've played and/or worked on. Further, I myself am a dev (not related to SWG), and have observed/experienced these issues as they developed over time on Legends (although it is not limited to Legends, all games pretty much have this problem except maybe ff14).
The devs here have done a great job to curb most economic exploits and issues, with major attention applied in recent months that have had a severe and obvious impact that benefits the community as a whole. All in all, this equates to 20+ years of experience inside and outside the game and the community as a whole. I've also spent much of my time on Legends working towards developing community to the best of my ability when and where I can.
= = = =

"The Buck Stops Here" is intended to be used as a Universal Resource that will approach underlying issues, while at the same time explore all the options and preparation needed to be able to participate in the economy and ultimately the game without feeling bad, exploited or otherwise "less" than others. We will not however make this a witch hunt, will not make this about staff (they are helping), nor will we be here to dredge up history, rumors, or otherwise depraved things.

This post and the posts that follow will serve as a resource - what you as the community do with it is completely up to you. Failing to utilize this guide will empower bad actors to further exploit knowledge, rather than having the info end up in the right hands - the exploited and downtrodden within the community. This post and all that follow serve to empower you so you can further experience SWG to its fullest, and to prevent you from having to pay Gatekeepers for a resource that is easy, free, and available to all.

To make my point, there are locations that generate from 300million to 600million credits A MONTH, equating to 10-20mil credits daily. This is available to anyone AND everyone, good, bad or indifferent. Right here, right now.

With that being said, there is no uniformity across locations. Each place has its various caveats. Some are more suited to newer players, others are suited to geared players, others are suited to large partying - ideally between friends/guildmates. Understanding this, we will also build a guide on self-preparation, a topic that is constantly complained about by new players on discord - how to get started, where to go, etc. This type of information is not easily found, and is obfuscated intentionally to "keep the poor - poor, and the rich - rich".
= = = =
Before delving into this further, a basic understanding of economic classes, game theory and philosophy should be understood before deep diving. Given the Western Nature of the game and the west's capitalistic roots, class system philosophy should be taken into mind, as it applies into the game theory of how SWG breaks down. The philosophy is imperialistic, with a tinge of rebellion (as it should be for this time frame).

Lower Class: The lower class is restricted the best it can be so they have to constantly overpay and live on the edge of what little they can acquire. The means of production is not even a thought to most, its just about getting by day by day.

Middle Class: The middle class have some capital from which to operate. Most generally operate closer to the principles applied to the poor class, however those wise enough or have time enough to sit and think, and educate themselves - realize that they need to apply their limited capital to acquire greater longer term success, including acquiring means of production. Think living paycheck versus investment and stocks.

Upper Class: The wealthy. They have it all, and will likely do what they can to keep it that way. They understand controlling the means of production and maintaining their capital to continue to grow and succeed. They choose to live off their investments rather than on the day to day, and on the backs of others. They understand how the financial funnel works and exploit it / leverage it to their benefit. Mrals/Ethis are for the poor, power is right is their philosophy.

Each of these class type stereotypes is Imperialistic in nature. Further, capitalism is one of the foundational pillars for imperialism, hence why legends is the way it is - it has largely been under imperial control for the most of its lifespan. As we have seen with the way the economy tanked on swg live, and then now on swtor, we can understand more about why - due to the way economics work in an imperialistic environment.
The first thing imperials guilds do, is secure the means of creation in swg. First they seek out the locations that generate credits - super easy to accomplish, especially when done in coordination. Second is the means of production, in this case - resources. These two pillars are what underlays most of the game and its economy. Simple Game Theory.
Players can trade creds sure, but those who control the nodes that GENERATE CREDITS have the POWER. The same speaks for those who control production, aka RESOURCES. Sure we can buy/trade/sell those things, but those who control their ACQUISITION and GENERATION have the POWER.
Now sure anyone can do this, but the point being is that for 7+ years now, a controlled, intentful focus on acquiring these types of POWER (and there are others) leads to the ability to manipulate the prices on the market. Now other illegal means of acquiring these things have happened as well, which also snowballed the issue greatly. Game Theory, and large scale coordination/conspiracy.

- Taking your power back. The only way to recover, heal, and balance the process - is to TAKE YOUR POWER back. None of these nodes are able to be owned by anyone. However a widespread controlled effort to control these means of production (A Valid Strategy of course) requires a counter effort of the same. Unless you want to play other games because u cant get by here, or if you feel the need to drop money on these power mongers (risky), everyone needs to engage on both an individual and a collective approach - FIGHT BACK against the monopolization of these resources. This game isn't for the feint of heart - to really acquire and enjoy things, you'll need to be focused on pushing back against the Gatekeepers.
Easier said than done, but its this journey that will make the Legends experience even more satisfying than even. (This ultimately applies to real life as well)

The following information will cover most of the basics on how to prepare and start this process - both for yourself and your guildmates/community. (If you are a veteran, you can easily skip to the intermediate or expert prep tips).

Beginner: (0-20 million)
  1. Ideally make a Discord Account if you haven't already.
    tip: prepare yourself to receive false or inaccurate information to sway you away
  2. Once you have made your characters, get out of the dog pen that is Mos Eisley.
    tip: if you plan to level manually, do the legacy quest here first
  3. Determine how to spec all five of your characters (can have 3 logged in at once)
    tip: 3 combat characters and 2 support (Entertainer and a Crafter)
  4. Determine which Combat character you should use your level 90 instant token on
    tip: Make a lv90 medic/bm, which can then carry your other two combat characters
  5. Gear Up - This will be covered in an article in the future - weapon, armor, buffs, items
    tip: join a guild that offers crafted gears and supplies and helps newer people
  6. Flash Speeder - Everyone gets a free 2 seater vehicle, type "/flash" to receive yours.
    tip: You can get replacement flash speeders for 20k each time u type it
    tip: for under 200k, you can now get speeder kits that max all values of speed/turn etc
  7. Beast Mastery - Beasts are an amazing addition to any player, let noone sway you on this.
    tip: Tortons are excellent starter pets. Check the Beast Master tab on discord.
    tip: I will be writing an entire article on Beast Mastery to help everyone understand
  8. Spec & Respec - You can change your characters class and spec for free several times
    tip: There are three types of stored exp: Combat, Entertainer and Crafter
    tip: Respeccing too many times costs $$$ but you get 1 downgrade per month in cost
  9. Pre-Quests - To Get Heroic Jewelry, you will need to do Heroics. Pre-quests are required.
    tip: Grab a friend, or schedule a group approach to make this easy. Cl90 required
  10. Understanding Buffs - You can selfbuff with class and items, also Entertain, Officer & Medic
    tip: Get Medic Buffs in the Med Center for an additional 30 minutes on the timer
    tip: Entertainer Buff "Second Chance" heals you when you get hit, a must have

Intermediates (20-50million)
  1. Focus - Stats and Utility is what makes the game possible. Flair and Fancy/Skins later
  2. 35's Attachments - Once you have good armor, a set of 35s costs about 7.5 million.
  3. Capped Weapons - Good Capped Weapons can now cost under 1 million credits.
    tip: Expensive weapons in the dozens of millions are skins, get the base skin for savings
  4. 60 pt DPS Pet - Once youve levelled, seek out a more powerful pet to add to your repoitre
    tip: Check the Beast Master channel on Discord, many times newer players can receive
  5. Sell your Stuff - Unless youre a hoarder or sentimental, sell your stuff! Advertise!
    tip: Theme Park Rewards, Veteran Rewards, and Heroic drops sell for Millions
  6. Lots - Each character receives 10 Lots. Use houses for storage, and harvesters for Materials
    tip: Certain houses have more storage than others per lot, research these.
    tip: consider renting your lots, this was a major income on live fyi!
  7. Transport Hubs - Certain cities on various planets use vast networks of At-At Heads
    tip: Find Cauth Bodva on Rori, its the best starter HUB!
  8. Entertainer & Crafter - Use Crafter to setup a Vendor and sell stuff. Buff people as Ent $$$
    tip: Ent takes 5ish hours to level, Crafter takes a couple hours, Only costs 250k ~
  9. Do Bespin Theme Park for your first big ingestion of credits 13-17mil per character
    tip: You can repeat on opposite faction, and/or delete character to redo on new!
  10. Junk Loot & Multi-statted Clothing - As you begin to afk farm, stack these and sell as bulk
    tip: 3 or 4 statted clothing is ideal. Players have excel sheets of desirable junk in stacks
Expert: (50Million+)
  1. Niche Markets - Begin to research and focus on niche markets for your combats and crafter
    tip: Attachments is prob best Crafter niche. Combat is greta for DWB PLC/BL.
  2. Space Combat - Join a Squadron and work on Master Pilot. Drops can be very lucrative.
    tip: certain squadrons are harder than others to Ace, research which works best.
  3. Bespin Arena: Daily 1man, 2man and 4man event per character. Very lucrative. 30 mins~
    tip: Pets help smash faster, get the floor buffs when you can, and go glass cannon
  4. PvP: Not my favorite but can be lucrative as pvp tokens for items are in demand.
    tip: Thursday nights is pvp night, I believe Bespin for the tokens on top of reg tokens
  5. Events & Activities - Pay attention, events are fun, but also reward awesome stuff!
    tip: Get extra per event, and hold for 3-6 months, then resell for markup
  6. ITV's - Secret of the Syren Quest rewards a multiuse teleport item. Geo Sailor is to home.
    tip: Snowspeeder ITVs can be bought, and Ace Pilot rewards Homing Beacon
  7. Determine Desired Path of Production - Figuring out if you want to be say a Geneticist, or a Crafter for Attachments, or a Specific type of Weapon/Armorsmith or even Space/Droid Crafting. Then, acquiring the underlying means of Production is key to becoming solvent.
  8. Exchange/Trade - Get as much of what you need by ex/trade. This maintains your purchasing power, thus allowing you to buy the harder to get stuff, while trading for common with your less used stuff that others may need.
  9. Buy Low / Sell High - One of the fun aspects of SWG (when possible) is buying and selling stuff for a profit. Learn the market and find niche uses and make some money doing that, or better farm sellables. Jedi's for example need pearls, always, so farm some Krayts and profit.
  10. Look out for Deals - Often on the bazaar and in discord, players will be selling various wares for cheaper than market. Keep your eye out for rares, and stuff thats bartable at 25% or more discount. Tis can help you get ahead, and acquire things that players no longer playing sell, thus keeping it in the community.

Macros - What you need to know, and how-to - the first steps towards independence:

You need approximately 4 combat macros to successfully afk farm, additionally if you are leading a group, you will need 2 additional invite/alias macros. Optionally, you can use a join macro if you are a party member for odd instances.

First, familiarize yourself with the Legends AFK Policy, alot of people have misconceptions about what is/or is not allowable. The policy is robust and has been refined over the years. It is located at this link:
Please keep in mind there are various interpretations and various custom macros out there - below are the most generic and can be (and should be), adjusted as necessary. Regardless, these work "out of the box" as long as your abilities are in similar slots.
Now here is the juicy stuff, Macros:

1. Targeting (c)
2. Attacks (y)
3. Buffs (b)
4. Heals (h)

5. SWG Alias (Alias)
6. SWG Invite (Invite2)
7. Join (j)

8. Advertisement (ad)
9. BeastFeeder (f)

MACRO LIST =============
  1. Targeting (cycles outward from your closest target, includes command to tell your pet to attack, if you do not own or want to use your pet this way, simply cut the 2nd portion of the macro off)

Title: c

/ui action cycleTargetOutward;
/pause 1;
/ui action petToolbarSlot0;
/pause 1;
/macro c

  1. Attacks (player commands to perform on current target)

Title: y

/ui action toolbarSlot12;
/pause 1;
/ui action toolbarSlot13;
/pause 1;
/ui action toolbarSlot14;
/pause 1;
/ui action toolbarSlot15;
/pause 1;
/macro y

  1. Buffs (Activates class buffs from toolbar, avoid consumables)

Title: b

/ui action toolbarSlot00;
/pause 60;
/ui action toolbarSlot01;
/pause 60;
/ui action toolbarSlot02;
/pause 60;
/macro b

  1. Heals (Commands to self heal, heal others, and beast heals/rez)

Title: h

/ui action toolbarSlot23;
/pause 10;
/ui action toolbarSlot22;
/pause 10;
/ui action toolbarSlot21;
/pause 10;
/ui action toolbarSlot20;
/pause 10;
/macro h

For those wishing to run their own afk grind group - the following two macros are provided in the afk policy. However it doesn't explain much about how to use them. Simple activate Macro "alias" first (this is to set the alias), the activate macro "invite2". Make sure to adjust it to match your characters name, and to establish wait period inbetween invite cycles (I generally suggest 300, which is a 5 minute window).

  1. Macro - Alias

Title: alias
/alias ll /invite

(Context: You simply just type "/macro alias" into your chatbar once to activate this.)

  1. Macro - AutoInvite
Title: invite2
/ui action startChatReply; /ui action chatCursorHome; /ui action chatCursorRight; /ui action chatDelete; /ui action chatDelete; /ui action chatEnter; /tell [your name] Auto Invite is running....; <---- replace with your characters first name, delete the brackets /pause 8; /macro invite2;

(Context: make sure to edit your name in and remove the extras. Run this once after running alias to activate it)

Now not everyone should be running a party, nor should everyone want to. In the case you are in areas where instability fluctuates in party design, server connection etc - you can/should always be running a "Join" macro on each of your characters. That way if a party disbands, or the server comes down, you can simply be added to someone else's party.

  1. Join Macro (Optional)

Title: j
/join; /pause 120; /disband; /macro join;

(Context: If only needing to be in the area a short time, keep disband. If you are seeking for long term party addition, take out the disband part)

Now there are two more optional/useful macros that can be set for a wide variety of things, and can also be utilized in afk grinding if needed.

  1. Advertisement Macro (useful for party leaders)(optional)

Title: ad
/say Auto-invite is on a 5 minute timer. Please send tell and wait for the auto-invite to respond. If we are full, you will not be able to receive an invite.
/pause 60;
/macro ad

  1. Beast Feeder (If you do not own an auto-feeder ~10mil $$$)

Title: f
/ui action toolbarSlot10;
/pause 7200;
/macro f;

Context: Beasts generally get hungry every couple of hours. You'll have to determine which is your beast's favorite food, and then put it in the appropiate toolbar slot. This only applies if you don't own an auto-beast feeder which will feed your pet as long as it has a stack any time it is hungry.

Now remember, it is EASY to mess these up. Making sure the semi-colon is at the end of each line is integral to making a macro work. You need to type "/macro" at the end to ensure it loops and it has to match the title such as "/macro j" for the join macro.

*Pause creates a space of time before the next command. You can adjust these, but be careful. Ideally you want to time them to when you want them to fire off, if you make too many too fast, they will both eat your action cost, and will block each other out. This is why I put the cycletarget macro at 1 second along with the pet being 2 seconds total while combat cycles each of 4 abilities at one second each.

*The buff macro and heal macro are also at larger intervals - 60 seconds for each buff, and 10 seconds for each of the heal functions. Honestly you can just use self-heal, and beast heal, and cycle them every five seconds, so that you dont have a 40 second wait period. However that is up to each player to determine.

****** To CANCEL all your active macros, type "/dump" minus the quotes.*****\*
You cannot cancel a single macro, so remember to re-initialize each, every single time. Also, if you are running an auto-invite macro, understand it can cause issues with chat responses, typing and active chat, so be advised.

Pro-Tip: Make a Macro that initializes all of the macros you want to initialize simultaneously.
Title: m
/macro c;
/pause 1;
/macro y;
/pause 1;
/macro h;
/pause 1;
/macro b;
/pause 1;
/macro j;
/pause 1;

Context: This macro will initialize all 4 basic attack scenario macros, and then set your status to afk. Especially useful when triple boxing. There is no loop, since each of these macros initialize their own loops.

Extra Resources on Macros:

  1. https://swglegends.com/wiki/index.php?title=Macro
  2. https://swglegends.com/wiki/index.php?title=Combat_Macro
  3. https://swglegends.com/wiki/index.php?title=Crafting_macros
  4. https://swglegends.com/wiki/index.php?title=Entertainer_Macros
  5. https://swglegends.com/wiki/index.php?title=Fishing_macro
  6. https://swg.fandom.com/wiki/Macro
  7. https://swg.fandom.com/wiki/Alias_files
  8. https://www.swgemu.com/archive/scrapbookv51/data/20070126182500/ (old)
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDi9S6cpao0
  10. https://swglegends.com/forums/showthread.php?29019-*Friday-Feature-Macros-amp-Alias*

Understanding your toolbar(s):

Currently the game offers 3 visible toolbars. First is the double stack (expand to a second row via options) We also now have a third toolbar, which is vertical. Most people, especially starters will not use all of these, but they are there. Additionally, if you own a pet, there is a separate pet toolbar. Using this toolbar via macros is a lesser known method, but easy to explain.

Toolbars are coded 1 number under which position they are in, with 12 slots per row. Generally with an expanded two row bar, I put my buffs and incidentals on the bottom row, and my attacks and heals on the top row. Now to explain how they macro, simply they works as follows (as seen in the macros above)

/ui action toolbarSlot11

This will fire the ability or item in the bottom right slot of the lower toolbar. Its the 12th slot, but is coded as 11. This is how the toolbars are coded:

12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23
00 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11

Additionally, a lesser known feature is that the pet toolbar can be called as well. These numbers go from 0-9

0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9

/ui action petToolbarSlot3 (for example) (pay attention to capitalization)

The most often used are 0, 1, and the 3,4,5,6 which represent the 4 abilities they can acquire.

Tip: Contrary to popular belief, the Provoke skill has a value when doing afk grinding. When your pet is powerful enough, enable the auto-provoke (by right clicking it) and even consider macro'ing it. This stops the mobs from running all over the place, and you can simply snipe from afar while your pet holds them in place (usually).

I will be posting posts like these, with additional information on each of many topics as a larger guide. For now these will be posted on reddit, but once a large enough base of guides are done, I will also mobilize them to the official forums, and to other media like discord.
I have seen a couple of great youtubers attempting to catalog video guides. If you are one of them and reading this, I'd be willing to work with you to make these guides into an additional video resource. Just DM me, and Ill get back with you when I log on at some point, or just leave a comment (easier).
With that being said, I truly hope these initial points help you figure out your first few weeks in the game, or remind you of your live experience and help you get back in to the loop of things quicker.

May the Force be with you Always!~

submitted by MoondoggyCO to SWGLegends [link] [comments]

2023.08.22 04:54 azka_from_ragnaros Made a Music Video for my imaginary 1man band.

Made a Music Video for my imaginary 1man band. submitted by azka_from_ragnaros to StableDiffusion [link] [comments]

2023.07.06 11:31 O_hai_imma_kil_u So, I wanted to try the character.ai thing too

So, I wanted to try the character.ai thing too submitted by O_hai_imma_kil_u to RonpaAndChill [link] [comments]

2023.05.16 00:48 Extension-Quarter422 Im having an issue with fabric, i cant launch minecraft and i have this error


submitted by Extension-Quarter422 to MinecraftMod [link] [comments]

2023.04.21 19:41 Low-Manufacturer2742 Updated 1Team Iceberg Chart

Updated 1Team Iceberg Chart submitted by Low-Manufacturer2742 to joeyy [link] [comments]

2023.04.21 19:38 Low-Manufacturer2742 Updated 1Team Iceberg Chart

Updated 1Team Iceberg Chart submitted by Low-Manufacturer2742 to ShedTheory [link] [comments]

2023.03.04 14:44 DadShouldHaveBeatMe 'fml.modloading.duped.mod' can someone help me identify the problem mod/s?

'fml.modloading.duped.mod' can someone help me identify the problem mod/s? submitted by DadShouldHaveBeatMe to feedthebeast [link] [comments]

2023.01.26 09:46 Kaelani_Wanderer Wierd problem with modpack server

Wierd problem with modpack server
I'm working on a custom modpack, Halsion Reach: Precipicea, on technic, and for some reason certain blocks can't be broken either by hand or using modded tools. The tools that do work seem almost arbitrary in how disparate they are too :/
Any help in at least locating the most likely culprit would be appreciated, as this renders more than half the tools in the pack utterly useless and also means that kits must be used to get up to the point of EMCing your tools so you can work.
This is the full mod list for the server
submitted by Kaelani_Wanderer to pebblehost [link] [comments]

2022.12.26 16:36 Ok_Currency_5084 Need help with modpack 1.165

Hi, I don't know if someone could help me with this.
I'm putting together a modpack for minecraft 1.16.5 in forge to play. whenver i look for mob's around my world nothing seem's to be there. i only find mob's from spawners and that's it here's my mods
submitted by Ok_Currency_5084 to MinecraftMod [link] [comments]

2022.09.15 18:51 mtdgrafx πŸπŸ–πŸŒ…πŸ›₯ (2022 SUMMER πŸ€‘πŸ’© ANTHEM) Accura 🏎 da Integgra FT. 1️⃣ 1man - β€œGOOe” πŸ“½ Video by bicflame WSHH

πŸπŸ–πŸŒ…πŸ›₯ (2022 SUMMER πŸ€‘πŸ’© ANTHEM) Accura 🏎 da Integgra FT. 1️⃣ 1man - β€œGOOe” πŸ“½ Video by bicflame WSHH submitted by mtdgrafx to AskMusicProducers [link] [comments]

2021.11.22 23:03 BigWillDollaBill πŸπŸ–πŸŒ…πŸ›₯ (2022 SUMMER πŸ€‘πŸ’© ANTHEM) Accura 🏎 da Integgra FT. 1️⃣ 1man - β€œGOOe” πŸ“½ Video by bicflame WSHH

πŸπŸ–πŸŒ…πŸ›₯ (2022 SUMMER πŸ€‘πŸ’© ANTHEM) Accura 🏎 da Integgra FT. 1️⃣ 1man - β€œGOOe” πŸ“½ Video by bicflame WSHH submitted by BigWillDollaBill to InterdimensionalCable [link] [comments]

2021.11.21 03:02 Tweefurd πŸπŸ–πŸŒ…πŸ›₯ (2022 SUMMER πŸ€‘πŸ’© ANTHEM) Accura 🏎 da Integgra FT. 1️⃣ 1man - β€œGOOe” πŸ“½ Video by bicflame WSHH

πŸπŸ–πŸŒ…πŸ›₯ (2022 SUMMER πŸ€‘πŸ’© ANTHEM) Accura 🏎 da Integgra FT. 1️⃣ 1man - β€œGOOe” πŸ“½ Video by bicflame WSHH submitted by Tweefurd to worldpeace [link] [comments]

2021.10.28 16:17 lolgambler So about these events...

Really satisfying clicking these pumpkins
Have you ever seen a 1man not land on a single positive tile? I'm green in the video
submitted by lolgambler to DFO [link] [comments]

2021.09.07 07:41 gakki_sumairu19 BEST SHEILA moment

I was so excited to see kill 1man in 1~2sec with sheila
sheila shot group is too large at 20~30 bullets need to buff
sniping with sheila
submitted by gakki_sumairu19 to apexlegends [link] [comments]

2021.08.03 16:04 EasyHealthyFitness 1 Month, 2 Videos and 100 Subscribers feel like a 1M. Feels great esp. when you are a 1ManArmy handling scripting to shooting to editing.

1 Month, 2 Videos and 100 Subscribers feel like a 1M. Feels great esp. when you are a 1ManArmy handling scripting to shooting to editing. submitted by EasyHealthyFitness to GetMoreViewsYT [link] [comments]

2021.07.24 15:48 Ordinary_Fig_9344 why so many disturbing up vids were uploaded in the early 2000s

maybe messed up videos get uploaded all the time but but i belive that the 2000s had the most like 2 girls 1 cup-1man1spoon-chechclear- 1man 1jar...why
submitted by Ordinary_Fig_9344 to AdkReddit [link] [comments]

2021.06.06 16:02 obeliskpvp is Lucretia worth Gazing early?

Hey guys im a returning player, i stoped playing when ch24 was considered late game, LB/Shemira golden age, and i recently came back into the game on a fresh server.
Now i have some questions, i see that Lucretia is a 1man army so i was wondering if i should just start saving diamonds and make her ascended first or i should continue to focus on 4faction? i been seeing Volken videos and all he has is an ascended Luc and he is very high on campain so it makes me want to only use scrolls on 4faction and save all diamonds for Luc, what do you guys think?
Im on Chap 15 right now and i have 3 mythic heroes (Daimon, Fareal, Roan) and low spendef2p
submitted by obeliskpvp to afkarena [link] [comments]

2021.04.24 00:06 subredditsummarybot Your weekly /r/PsychedelicRock roundup for the week of April 16 - April 22

Friday, April 16 - Thursday, April 22

Top Media

score comments title & link mirrors
296 20 comments Carlos Santana at Woodstock β€˜69. Definitely a β€œpeak performance” if you know what I mean
259 26 comments Me - 'Filter' (My humble attempt at being a 1-Man Psych-Rock Band)
147 13 comments Tame Impala - Innerspeaker (Live 2021) 1080p
91 7 comments Naxatras - Space Tunnel [Sp] [AM] [SC] [YT]
86 14 comments The Murlocs - Francesca (2021) [Sp] [AM] [SC] [YT]
76 12 comments Paul McCartney, Khruangbin - Pretty Boys (2021) [Sp] [AM] [SC] [YT]
42 5 comments Sugar Candy Mountain releases new Music Video and new album coming May 28, 2021

Top Remaining Posts

score comments title & link mirrors
514 30 comments Pink Floyd in Paris, 1969
489 181 comments best psych-rock songs featuring the flute? hit me in the comments
127 14 comments I love this album so damn much!
94 3 comments Iron Butterfly, circa 1970
90 5 comments Hawkwind / Hall Of The Mountain Grill
37 3 comments CAN - Paperhouse (1971) [AM] [Dzr] [SC] [YT]
36 0 comments Happy Bicycle Day fellow enthusiasts!!!

Top 5 Most Commented

score comments title & link mirrors
31 29 comments Any appreciation for Melody’s Echo Chamber?
19 20 comments Daily tune. This is a tune I had in mind for a long time. But I really struggled with the right sound for this. What do you think, guys?
35 10 comments The Entrance Band - You Must Turn [Sp] [AM] [SC] [YT]
2 10 comments Looking for recommendations
1 8 comments One of the tunes i am working. I can't wait to share them with you guys :) hope you enjoy
submitted by subredditsummarybot to psychedelicrock [link] [comments]

2021.04.10 03:10 HollowDiablo New video is out..1man vs army of demons

New video is out..1man vs army of demons submitted by HollowDiablo to youtubepromotion [link] [comments]

2021.04.10 03:03 HollowDiablo New video is out... 1man vs huge army of demons...hope you guys enjoy

New video is out... 1man vs huge army of demons...hope you guys enjoy submitted by HollowDiablo to GetMoreViewsYT [link] [comments]
