Passport template for teachers

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2010.02.01 01:29 livingdead Peace Corps

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2016.09.23 21:18 AquaAcuar PokemonCreate

We're a subreddit dedicated to generating Pokémon at the request of the community. The dedicated staff members work fervently to complete any request, given that the Pokémon is legal, and send the completed product through the GTS.

2024.06.01 13:35 GeneticsGuy I am in the BYU-Idaho pathway program - Technically a full BYU-I student now, graduate in 1 year. 4.0 GPA. I feel like all of my grading feedback and professor emails are 100% boiler-plate templates or AI generated. Is it like this in all classes? It's just weird, especially in the REL classes.

What I am wondering is if it is like this for all BYU students, or is grading/professor communication basically done like this for Pathway students only as a way to basically save expenses and manpower since this is a lower-cost program.
I mean my religious courses have been astoundingly bizarre, basically where the teacher would have some little blurb about what they learned, and then intermixed into this email would be a "And I liked how you said this," but it's basically clearly a template email where it was inserted. It feels very unnatural and bizarre in how it is structured and it's like they are trying to give an illusion it's personable, but it's clearly anything from that and often just makes it feel like no one actually read what I wrote. I don't even care about the feedback. I'd be totally happy just to get the grade over the bizarre fake responses that seem like they are trying to deceive me into believing they are personable and real responses. Why even bother doing that? Especially in spiritual things it's even more weird.
Even both of the software development courses I am in, the responses from the professors are basically completely fake generated. For example, there is no penalty for being late on assignments. I have a 4.0 GPA across all my classes, so it's not a bad student thing. But if I turn in an assignment at 1am that was due at midnight the day before, zero penalty. But, the grade calculator will say, now give you a 0/50 placeholder on the assignment until it's graded usually within a week or so. If that ever happens I will often get some weird boiler-plate email from the professor that talks about how even though I am probably unhappy with my current grade, they noticed the good work I have been doing, and that if I just work harder on the next week's assignment I can boost my grade. Lol wut? Clearly the automatic response logic isn't doing a check to see if an assignment has just been submitted but not yet graded.
Anyway, it's not really a big deal, I am just really curious if this is a phenomenon of the BYU Pathway program or this is BYU in general. When I attended the University of AZ and a community college before I transferred credits to BYU, I never experienced anything like this so it just feels weird.
submitted by GeneticsGuy to byu [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:19 boaber Looking for advice on starting a web-based learning game.

Hi everyone, totally new here as I've never done anything like this before.
I have a pretty solid idea for a web-based learning game which would be pretty similar in style and accessibility to the JeopardyLabs site (I have no affiliation with them but I've used the game many times and it's wonderful). It's a very different game in its play and functionality but the general idea of its simplicity aligns with JeopardyLabs.
It's a game I've been using and developing as an ESL teacher for the last 6 years. It's a very simple game and although I've used it only for ESL education, the game template itself is plain enough that it could easily be used for just about any subject. I've taught thousands of students in my time and they have pretty unanimously loved it, from primary to high school age. Many of my colleagues and friends have begun using it in that time too. So that gave me the idea that it might be something worth pursuing as a startup. I've also searched around and didn't find any other web-based games like this.
Similar to JeopardyLabs, I want it to be mainly free and for anyone to be able to create a new game which would automatically be put into a database which users can then search through for games created by others. Eventually I want to add a premium membership feature which would allow users to pay a one-off fee in order to make an account and have access to more game-customisation features.
Problem is, I have absolutely no experience with either front or back-end development. I'm currently getting some quotes from full-stack developers on Fiverr to build a prototype site. I also have no experience in creating a website, company, copyright or anything else regarding startups.
I want to ask if you guys have any advice about this. The idea of the game is pretty complete and solid but I need to know what other things I need to consider.
Any advice would be hugely appreciated and thanks for taking the time to read my post.
submitted by boaber to startups [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:07 Spinnybuns Color Alchemy Masterclass - An online in-depth dyeing course on color theory, color matching with dyes to digital colors, color palette curation, and organization

Color Alchemy Masterclass - An online in-depth dyeing course on color theory, color matching with dyes to digital colors, color palette curation, and organization
Registration For An In-Depth Online Dyeing and Color Theory Course, Color Alchemy Masterclass Ends Next Friday 6/7/24!
Unlock Your Color Matching & Dyeing Potential with the Color Alchemy Masterclass!
Are you a yarn dyer looking to delve deeper into the world of color theory as it relates to dyes? Join my in-depth online course, Color Alchemy Masterclass, and learn how to transform your yarns into stunning, custom colored projects.
What participants are saying about it:
When I first began dyeing, it seemed like nothing ever came out the way I had envisioned it. Alanna’s class completely turned that around and now when I plan a color and dye for it, it’s the results that I wanted in the first place. - Tess C.
This course is amazing, the system you developed is mind blowing! My understanding of color grew so much that I will never feel frustrated again when dyeing a specific color. I now feel confident I will be able to dye every color I want just the way I like it to be. - Loesje H.
If you're serious about color, take this course. You can't find a better opportunity to really delve into color, how to see it, and how to create it. It will change the way to live with color all around you, in and out of the dye studio and you will never have a teacher who is willing to do whatever it takes for you to succeed like Alanna. Hands down! - Debbie A.
Why Join?
  • Master Color Matching: Learn how to create vibrant, repeatable hues directly from your favorite photographs.
  • Boost Your Confidence: Gain the skills to achieve consistent results every time you dye, ensuring your projects turn out exactly as envisioned.
  • Organize & Optimize: Efficiently manage your dye recipes and streamline your dyeing process to save time and materials.
  • Curate Stunning Palettes: Develop the ability to curate beautiful color palettes from photos, enhancing your creative projects.
  • Predictive Dyeing: Anticipate how colors will turn out, minimizing surprises and maximizing satisfaction in your finished pieces.
  • Business Benefits: If you run a fiber arts business, the course tuition can be counted as a business expense.
Course Details:
  • Dates: June 25th Orientation - On-demand content from June - September
  • 4 live sessions: September 10th, 17th, 24th and October 1st 6:30-9:30pm ET
    • (Fully on-demand available as well)
  • Materials: A custom curated assorted fiber and yarn dye kit is included along with a copy of the book Color Alchemy: From Digital to Dye (only available to course participants). In addition, dye calculators, templates, and over 30 hours of on-demand content are included for you to work through at your own pace.
    • Additional materials such as dye studio equipment are listed prior to the beginning of the course
  • Course discussions and support take place via a private online community on Discord for one-on-one and group feedback.
  • Registration Ends: June 7th or when seats are full.
  • Price: $1477 (includes shipping of kit to continental US, international shipping is extra). Payment plans are available.
  • Learn More & Register: Visit or send me a DM with any questions
submitted by Spinnybuns to YarnDyeing [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:01 Direct-Caterpillar77 I (18F) just found out I have a half sibling

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/Wide-Hamster-7057
I (18F) just found out I have a half sibling.
Originally posted to survivinginfidelity
TRIGGER WARNING: infidelity, manipulation
Original Post May 24, 2024
I (18F) just found out I have a half sibling from my dad and I’m in shock.
My dad and my mom have been happily married for over 30 years. I have a sister who is 21 but as far as I knew, she was my one and only sibling.
Today, my dad asked if I could come by his office and talk to him about something serious. I didn’t take it seriously, because my dad will sometimes call me into his office and nag me about school or just chat with me because he misses me.
From the moment I stepped into his office, I could tell something was wrong. His eyes were bloodshot as if he had just finished crying and he was very quiet. He told me to take a seat and said he had something very serious to tell me. At this point, I thought that he was going to tell me had cancer or that someone had died. Not even close.
He proceeded to tell me that he cheated on my mom 10 years ago and slept with another woman, and that he has a 9 year old daughter, my half sister. She lives across the country with her mother. He said that my mom already knows about everything, but that he hasn’t told my sister yet. My sister is very ‘emotional’ I guess you could say so he thought I would handle the news better than her, since I’m very easygoing and I don’t get upset at things.
At this point, I was kind of in shock because it hadn’t fully processed. He told me her name, and told me that she would be coming this Sunday with her mother. He explained that they were coming so he could sign his daughter’s passport, and that he would love if I could meet her and get to know her. He stressed that it’s not the child’s fault at all, (which I completely understand) and that he would like me to be a part of her life.
He called the girl in front of me just so I could hear her voice, and it absolutely broke my heart when she answered the phone and said “hi daddy”. That was when it definitely became a reality to me. She asked my dad when she would be able to meet ‘her sisters’ and it made me tear up a little bit.
I gave my dad a hug and I told him that I would need some time to process things, but that I love him and this doesn’t change the love I have for him.
Things still haven’t properly processed yet— I feel like it was all sprung onto me so quickly. I’m mad, sad, confused, and disgusted—- I don’t know what to feel. I knew my parents didn’t have a perfect relationship, but this was the last thing I expected.
When told to support her mom, not her dad
My dad just told me about it yesterday while my mom was at work, I haven’t seen her yet since he broke the news to me. He also told me that it’s a very difficult subject for my mom (which is completely understandable) so I don’t know how to approach talking about it with her.
I’m not supporting my dad’s actions, all I did was give him a hug and tell him I still love him. Despite the news I found out, he’s still my dad. Maybe it hasn’t quite processed fully but it’s hard for me to accept that my dad who has been so loving to me and my sister, could do something like this. I am upset and devastated for my mother, but my parents made the decision to stay together despite the affair years ago. What do you want me to do? Am I supposed to slap my dad across the face and call him a dirty cheater, am I supposed to encourage my mother to leave him and move out of the house?
Obviously what my father did is horrible- but there’s very little I can do now but figure out how to process, move forward, and show my support to my mother in a way that won’t rub salt into the wound
Update May 25, 2024
The other day, my dad asked if I could come by his office and talk to him about something serious. He proceeded to tell me that he cheated on my mom during a one-night stand 10 years ago and that he has a 9-year-old daughter, my half-sister, who lives across the country with her mother. My mom has known ever since the woman was pregnant and stayed with him for the sake of me and my sister. He even asked if I could meet his daughter.
When he told me, it didn’t really process in my mind. I gave my dad a hug and told him that I would need some time to process things, but that I love him and this doesn’t change the love I have for him.
Now that it’s processed, it’s really killing me. I’m in distraught.
The woman he cheated with was from his old job, when my family still lived in a different state. You know what breaks my heart? I used to go to that job with my dad all the time, sit on his lap when he filed paperwork, say hi to everyone there—I probably even met the woman a few times. She knew my dad was married. She knew he had kids. My dad knew he was married. My dad knew he had kids.
He said that he only had one child with the woman, and that she has another child, a 6-year-old boy. He told me that the boy is under his name legally, but it’s not his son by blood. I don’t even know if I can believe anything he says anymore. What if he’s still seeing the woman? What if that son is his? How can I believe a cheater?
My mom is one of the most loving, sweetest people in the world. Her kindness and compassion make people love her almost instantly. I don’t understand how or why he would cheat on the woman who loved him unconditionally. Was my mom not enough of a reason for him to stay faithful? Were my sister and I not a good enough reason for him to come home for the night?
I just feel so disgusted. I texted him a series of hateful messages, basically telling him that I’m disgusted and that he ruined my views on what a father is. I used to look up to him, I was so proud to have him as my dad, but now all I can feel is disgust and resentment.
I will never meet his kid. I don’t care. I know it’s not the child’s fault, and maybe I’m being immature, but that child is living proof of the betrayal towards my mom.
I’m not going to let my mom know that I know yet; her health isn’t the best and I don’t want her to have a heart attack from springing it onto her too suddenly.
I can’t be around my dad right now. I feel so unbelievably nauseous whenever I see him. My birthday was next week—I had things planned, but I cancelled it all. I’m gonna be living with my aunt for a little while (my aunt has known about this for years) until I can process this somewhat. My teachers are allowing me to do all my assignments online and I found cover for my job, so I should be set.
If anyone has gone through something similar, please give me advice.
When told to talk to her aunt, she may know more
I definitely will. My aunt and I can have our disagreements sometimes but one thing I know we share whole heartedly is our love for my mother. My aunt also thinks that the son is his and he’s not telling the truth.
It’s hard for me to remember my parents are actual human beings that make mistakes- but I just don’t understand how my dad could make such a big mistake. I’m gonna stop with the hateful messages and just lay low with my aunt for a while. Seeing him everyday isn’t helping me at all tbh.
Don’t be pressured in meeting your half-sister. Process your feelings first before doing something you don’t want to do.
Also, don’t believe the words of the cheater. Looks like the affair continued even after the birth of your half-sister, hence the boy. Legally, that’s his son and is entitled to support and inheritance.
Your mother might have not known at all. Or maybe she only knew about the daughter but not the son. Be there for your mom. If I were you, I’ll encourage her to leave your father.
I truly believe he’s lying to me and everyone else about the son, because then it would prove the affair wasn’t a one time thing like he claims it is.
Thankfully my mom does know about both- a quick debrief with my aunt (her sister not my dad’s) confirmed that she had known ever since the woman was pregnant. My aunt said my mom also suspects that the son is his. The amount of child support he is paying is apparently really high, my aunt said that my mom found a piece of paperwork where he’s paying for both of the children
I'm very confused on why the boy has your father's name, your dad has parental rights/ authority, pays child support or equivalent. Those are all things the bio dad or adoptive dad would do, but it doesn't make sense to trickle truth one kid and not both.
I’m very confused too. My dad said that he was just helping the woman out since the kid’s father wasn’t in the picture— but I don’t believe it. I have my suspicions that the affair continued afterwards as well and that it is his biological son.
That communication confirms that he's continued a relationship with his mistress more than just to co-parent the girl. There is no reason for him to have contact or a relationship with the boy, naming him and financially, if that wasn't his child. If he wasn't still cheating, then he shouldn't have two children with his name getting financial assistance from him. Any financial help he provided outside the daughter would have been taken from your family.
You should definitely speak with your mother and help her if she's not gotten help.
I don’t even know if I can believe the mistress is in another state as my dad claims. She could a few blocks away from us for all I know. How can I believe anything he says at this point? The trust I had in him is long gone.
When I go to my aunt’s house this coming Monday, I’m going to bring my mom with me. My aunt is gonna be the one to break the news to my mom that I know about everything, so it’s not as hard on her.
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:17 UnnecessaryEpic How to Structure Practice for Students

I am curious to hear from teachers how they structure practice for beginner or earl-intermediate students. Is it all about specific time spent on a song, playing a song so many times? What kind of warmups do you have them do on a weekly basis? I am also curious if you use a template for marking down assignments or just a standard composition notebook.
submitted by UnnecessaryEpic to piano [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:12 Spinnybuns An online in-depth course on color theory and color matching with dyes

Registration For An In-Depth Online Dyeing and Color Theory Course, Color Alchemy Masterclass Ends Next Friday 6/7/24!

Pictured are the results from a Color Alchemy Masterclass participant and the inspiration photo they used to create their dyed yarn
Unlock Your Color Matching & Dyeing Potential with the Color Alchemy Masterclass!
Are you a knitter looking to delve deeper into the world of dyeing? Join my in-depth online course, Color Alchemy Masterclass, and learn how to transform your yarns into stunning, custom colored projects.
What participants are saying about it:
When I first began dyeing, it seemed like nothing ever came out the way I had envisioned it. Alanna’s class completely turned that around and now when I plan a color and dye for it, it’s the results that I wanted in the first place. - Tess C.
This course is amazing, the system you developed is mind blowing! My understanding of color grew so much that I will never feel frustrated again when dyeing a specific color. I now feel confident I will be able to dye every color I want just the way I like it to be. - Loesje H.
If you're serious about color, take this course. You can't find a better opportunity to really delve into color, how to see it, and how to create it. It will change the way to live with color all around you, in and out of the dye studio and you will never have a teacher who is willing to do whatever it takes for you to succeed like Alanna. Hands down! - Debbie A.
Why Join?
Course Details:
submitted by Spinnybuns to dyeing [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 06:46 FriendsFan30 Becoming disengaged at work

Recently at work (1.5 years) I've been becoming disengaged. My main job is to follow the news and send relevant stories to the our email list
We also summarize government news releases and create draft templates for offices to use in responding to constituents.
The issue is that the department was database management and monitoring the news when I started before we switched over to communications (form letters and press release summarys).
I'm learning but am not enjoying these new tasks and not picking up key accepts of these new roles quickly. My manager has been patient and a great teacher but I'm realizing there isn't much room for growth.
Since we are on a rotating shift system everyone in my department is on a different lunch system. We can talk whole working but would be nice to get lunch with co workers while not having work hang over our heads so to speak. We haven't had an office lunch for awhile either.
This has made me feel disengaged and it feels like it's hard to make a connection with people, I'm going to invite some coworkers from other department's to lunch tomorrow and see how that goes/how's it received
I have a weird ennui where I feel like things are going well but am bored with it all. The great co workers and office atmosphere keep me here though. But I feel disengaged since it's very repetitive
I just feel stuck is the best way to put it and feel like I can stay here and coast but not sure what I want anymore and have no career plan. I'm happy and can stay here for awhile.. overall just feeling lost and looking for advice
I have hobbies such as reading, walking and traveling. Might plan a trip soon to look forward to something
submitted by FriendsFan30 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:17 RestAtMidnight Thinking of my future steps.

I am a non-native, I’ve got BA and MA in linguistics (English), currently teaching English at the university (got 1 year of experience atm) and doing PhD. But I’ve always wanted to move and teach abroad. So I’m thinking about going somewhere in a year or so. I’ve had a couple of countries in mind but each seems to have some certain issues (plus, as I said, I am not native and also I do not hold an EU passport; my country is also pretty sanctioned right now, so I guess Europe and a couple of other countries are no go).
I’ve been thinking about Turkey but as I’ve read other people’s experiences on that one, seems like teachers earn next to nothing out there these days. China, Taiwan are a good choice but seems like they look for natives to give working visas to. And working illegally on a tourist visa is not appealing to me at all. Right now I am reading about Vietnam, Thailand and they seem to be a pretty decent choice so far with a possibility to make some money for a non-native like me. South America looks promising as well but seems like one needs to be inside the country just to find a job, which is problematic as it is really far from me, so in this case having some certain agreements before coming would make more sense.
Either way, I would be happy to get some sort of advice concerning the possible country, maybe I am missing something. Also, I try to look for something more or less gay-friendly, as it is an important factor for me. Besides, I consider staying and working for a long period.
The other thing I wanted to ask was certifications.
I haven’t passed any official language tests, so what test should I focus on for my future work abroad? IELTS? CPE? or CAE will suffice?
I haven’t got a TEFL certification either, so, should I get it ASAP?
I am just trying to figure out which of these certifications I might really need taking into account my degrees and working experience (by the time I go I guess I will have had ≈ 2 years of teaching English at uni). I’ve read that some positions need either 2 years of experience OR a TEFL certification, not necessarily both. This summer I will have a couple of free months, so I want to get some certification in the meantime.
I am M, in my early-mid 20s, also speak some German and French if it matters.
Thank you.
submitted by RestAtMidnight to TEFL [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 12:39 Background_Gap_9700 Passport Job Title : Work Visa question!

Work visa question
Hello everyone i recently got a contract work in Kuwait as an english teacher but problem is my passport job title is still a student ( i graduated 2023) will that be a problem applying for the visa? Thank you all in advance
submitted by Background_Gap_9700 to Kuwait [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 06:14 Asuhhbruh My Top 12 List of Military Free & Military Discounts, after 5+ years of field research.

I am nearing my ETS and it has taken me 6 years to create the list below of free stuff & heavily discounted stuff for you, young joe who has just graduated from AIT, and of course you, old joe who has just graduated from knee pain to back pain... and all the joes in between. Enjoy :) Comment if you find something new or save a bunch of money, so I can feel like I didn't just waste an hour of my life!
EDIT: The community has reminded me of a few that I forgot about and a few that are totally new to me. The ones I have experience with I have added, ones that I cannot personally vouch for yet are added in a new section "COMMUNITY SUBMISSIONS".
\This post is mostly for AMERICAN SOLDIERS. Canadian soldiers can read on, but for my Australians, New Zealanders, and British soldiers... there is very little, perhaps nothing here for you. Definately skip the free section, but I think you may get lucky with* 1,2,3, and 6 on the discount section.


A variety of free stuff your service has afforded you. Military got theirs, so get yours where you can.
  1. FREE FOOD Veterans Day Food Free and Discount List : Although this link is for 2023, this website puts out a very comprehensive list every year of FREE and discounted food you can get by showing your military ID at certain restaurants. I use it every year to plan a route and hit multiple spots so I can chow down myself and then bring back some dinner to my family!
  2. FREE MUSEUM Blue Star Museums : Here you can find a map and a list of all of the museums nationwide that will let you in for FREE! The vast majority of them also allow you to bring 5 guests with you, so family and friends can join you. I treated my whole family to a visit at the MOMA in NYC to checkout Van Gough's Starry Night and other world famous paintings.
  3. FREE TAX FILING H&R Block Tax Filing : This is just one of the many things you can find on MilitaryOneSource, but I personally think it is the best. The service walks you through everything you need to do in a very easy to understand way, autofills lots of your information, and allows you to call a real certified tax consultant that is trained up on your unique military/reserve tax situation.
  4. FREE TSA Pre-Check : Stop taking your shoes off at the airport! When you buy your plane tickets, simply list your DOD ID number where it asks for you KTN (Known Traveler Number) and use your CAC instead of your passport/drivers license when going through security.
  5. FREE NATIONAL PARKS National Parks Military Pass : Go to any NPS station and they will print you off a Military Pass for free. If you cant do that, or you want it to show your name, use this link and pay the $10 for shipping. You can get into any national park for FREE, and if you hang the card up in your car, everyone you can fit in your car are also in for free.
  6. FREE ONLINE CERTIFICATIONS Coursera : Coursera is an online platform for lessons, training, and certifications from companies and universities on a wide variety of topics. If you go through VTS, you will be able to get access to all courses for FREE instead of paying $20-$60 a month (varies by course and amount of courses and your plan and all that).
  7. FREE-ISH AMERICAN EXPRESS PLATINUM CARD: If you are currently on active duty orders, Amex will waive the ~$650 annual fee for this credit card which, amongst many other things, gives you $20 a month for subscriptions, $15 a month for Uber rides/eats, and access to all luxury airport lounges. You also accrue lots of miles/points that can be doubled or tripled if you convert them to a different rewards program (ex. transfer 100 amex points into 200 delta miles). I was on active duty orders AND I got a referral for the card so I got a ton of extra points on top of no annual fee. I dont know if it is policy, pandemic, or just luck but I was not charged the annual fee for 3 whole years!... Until this past year when they dinged me with the annual fee unexpectedly. I think it is worth getting this card ONLY so long as you are not charged the annual fee! Cancel as soon as that happens or as soon as you anticipate it to truly make this a freebie.
  8. FREE BAGS ON FLIGHTS: Google "<insert your airline here> military bags" many many airlines offer free carry ons and even checked bags to military and vets, yes, even for personal travel and non giant green duffel bags.


The majority of this list are websites that offer exclusive, steep discounts once you sign up and prove you are eligible. I have tried to provide some broad categories for your convenience.
  1. DISCOUNT SKI & BOARD SEASON PASS Epic Pass For Military : Quite possibly the steepest military discount after FREE in existence. Its about $160 instead of $600-$900+ for a ski season pass.
  2. DISCOUNT HUNTING & FISHING / CAMPING GEAR GuideFitter : 10%-65% Discounts on Outdoors gear and Hunting/Fishing Trips and Excursions. This website is definately more specifically catering to tactical high performance gear specifically for hunting and fishing, but there is also other outdoor and sporting goods things too. If you are getting value out of this post and want to sign up for guidefitter, consider using my referral code. If you do, I will get an entry into a raffle for some free gear. My code: "vG8H3FYz"
  3. DISCOUNT OUTDOOR GEAR & SPORTING GOODS ExpertVoice : 10%-65% Discounts on Outdoors gear and other categories like fitness and sports. I used it to get 35% off a Biolite camping stove, for example. This link will take you to my referral. If you are getting value out of this post, you can thank me by signing up through my link. Otherwise, just google "expertvoice" to check it out for yourself.
  4. DISCOUNT ON A LITTLE BIT OF EVERYTHING GOVX : 10%-65% Discounts on a wide variety of things, hard to clearly categorize. Lots of outdoor gear, apparel, vacation packages, event tickets, concert tickets, sporting goods, nutritional supplements, and more!
  5. DISCOUNT VACATIONS & EVENTS USAA Perks : 10%-65% Discounts on a wide variety of things, but mostly vacation packages, event tickets, and concert tickets. \* You must have a credit card or other account open with USAA to use this one. **** You should have something, anything open with USAA.*
  6. DISCOUNT ON A LITTLE BIT OF EVERYTHING + PRIVACY BONUS ID.ME : 10%-65% Discounts on a wide variety of things, hard to clearly categorize. Unlike some of the other discount sites mentioned in this list, this one caters to a wider array of folks beyond military and outdoor brand employees, to include nurses, teachers, fire fighters, law enforcement, etc... As such the deals are more general in terms of shopping categories. idMe is also excellent to use because once you verify your military service with them, they have been hired buy many public and private organizations to verify people. This way you can significantly minimize the number of times you need to upload your DD214 or LES and risk breaching your private data across multiple websites. Just do it once with idMe!
  7. DISCOUNT GOVERNMENT RATES ON HOTEL ROOMS : Almost all hotels will give you their lowest possible rate if you can prove your government/military affiliation. There are some websites out there, but I think the safest and most secure thing to do is simply call them directly via phone and see what they can do for you.


I found these in the comments. Thank you for your contributions to the list. Special thanks to u/GoredScientist for provided 2 entire other lists in a very clean note format, 1 of which was made by another user they mentioned, u/Need_Food . It will take me awhile to go through all those.

Thats all folks!

submitted by Asuhhbruh to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 06:06 Asuhhbruh Military Free & Military Discounted: My Top 12 List after 5+ years of field research.

I am nearing my ETS and it has taken me 6 years to create the list below of free stuff & heavily discounted stuff for you, young joe who has just graduated from AIT, and of course you, old joe who has just graduated from knee pain to back pain... and all the joes in between. Enjoy :) Comment if you find something new or save a bunch of money, so I can feel like I didn't just waste an hour of my life!
EDIT: The community has reminded me of a few that I forgot about and a few that are totally new to me. The ones I have experience with I have added, ones that I cannot personally vouch for yet are added in a new section "COMMUNITY SUBMISSIONS".
\This post is mostly for AMERICAN SOLDIERS. Canadian soldiers can read on, but for my Australians, New Zealanders, and British soldiers... there is very little, perhaps nothing here for you. Definately skip the free section, but I think you may get lucky with* 1,2,3, and 6 on the discount section.


A variety of free stuff your service has afforded you. Military got theirs, so get yours where you can.
  1. FREE FOOD Veterans Day Food Free and Discount List : Although this link is for 2023, this website puts out a very comprehensive list every year of FREE and discounted food you can get by showing your military ID at certain restaurants. I use it every year to plan a route and hit multiple spots so I can chow down myself and then bring back some dinner to my family!
  2. FREE MUSEUM Blue Star Museums : Here you can find a map and a list of all of the museums nationwide that will let you in for FREE! The vast majority of them also allow you to bring 5 guests with you, so family and friends can join you. I treated my whole family to a visit at the MOMA in NYC to checkout Van Gough's Starry Night and other world famous paintings.
  3. FREE TAX FILING H&R Block Tax Filing : This is just one of the many things you can find on MilitaryOneSource, but I personally think it is the best. The service walks you through everything you need to do in a very easy to understand way, autofills lots of your information, and allows you to call a real certified tax consultant that is trained up on your unique military/reserve tax situation.
  4. FREE TSA Pre-Check : Stop taking your shoes off at the airport! When you buy your plane tickets, simply list your DOD ID number where it asks for you KTN (Known Traveler Number) and use your CAC instead of your passport/drivers license when going through security.
  5. FREE NATIONAL PARKS National Parks Military Pass : Go to any NPS station and they will print you off a Military Pass for free. If you cant do that, or you want it to show your name, use this link and pay the $10 for shipping. You can get into any national park for FREE, and if you hang the card up in your car, everyone you can fit in your car are also in for free.
  6. FREE ONLINE CERTIFICATIONS Coursera : Coursera is an online platform for lessons, training, and certifications from companies and universities on a wide variety of topics. If you go through VTS, you will be able to get access to all courses for FREE instead of paying $20-$60 a month (varies by course and amount of courses and your plan and all that).
  7. FREE-ISH AMERICAN EXPRESS PLATINUM CARD: If you are currently on active duty orders, Amex will waive the ~$650 annual fee for this credit card which, amongst many other things, gives you $20 a month for subscriptions, $15 a month for Uber rides/eats, and access to all luxury airport lounges. You also accrue lots of miles/points that can be doubled or tripled if you convert them to a different rewards program (ex. transfer 100 amex points into 200 delta miles). I was on active duty orders AND I got a referral for the card so I got a ton of extra points on top of no annual fee. I dont know if it is policy, pandemic, or just luck but I was not charged the annual fee for 3 whole years!... Until this past year when they dinged me with the annual fee unexpectedly. I think it is worth getting this card ONLY so long as you are not charged the annual fee! Cancel as soon as that happens or as soon as you anticipate it to truly make this a freebie.
  8. FREE BAGS ON FLIGHTS: Google "<insert your airline here> military bags" many many airlines offer free carry ons and even checked bags to military and vets, yes, even for personal travel and non giant green duffel bags.


The majority of this list are websites that offer exclusive, steep discounts once you sign up and prove you are eligible. I have tried to provide some broad categories for your convenience.
  1. DISCOUNT SKI & BOARD SEASON PASS Epic Pass For Military : Quite possibly the steepest military discount after FREE in existence. Its about $160 instead of $600-$900+ for a ski season pass.
  2. DISCOUNT HUNTING & FISHING / CAMPING GEAR GuideFitter : 10%-65% Discounts on Outdoors gear and Hunting/Fishing Trips and Excursions. This website is definately more specifically catering to tactical high performance gear specifically for hunting and fishing, but there is also other outdoor and sporting goods things too. If you are getting value out of this post and want to sign up for guidefitter, consider using my referral code. If you do, I will get an entry into a raffle for some free gear. My code: "vG8H3FYz"
  3. DISCOUNT OUTDOOR GEAR & SPORTING GOODS ExpertVoice : 10%-65% Discounts on Outdoors gear and other categories like fitness and sports. I used it to get 35% off a Biolite camping stove, for example. This link will take you to my referral. If you are getting value out of this post, you can thank me by signing up through my link. Otherwise, just google "expertvoice" to check it out for yourself.
  4. DISCOUNT ON A LITTLE BIT OF EVERYTHING GOVX : 10%-65% Discounts on a wide variety of things, hard to clearly categorize. Lots of outdoor gear, apparel, vacation packages, event tickets, concert tickets, sporting goods, nutritional supplements, and more!
  5. DISCOUNT VACATIONS & EVENTS USAA Perks : 10%-65% Discounts on a wide variety of things, but mostly vacation packages, event tickets, and concert tickets. \* You must have a credit card or other account open with USAA to use this one. **** You should have something, anything open with USAA.*
  6. DISCOUNT ON A LITTLE BIT OF EVERYTHING + PRIVACY BONUS ID.ME : 10%-65% Discounts on a wide variety of things, hard to clearly categorize. Unlike some of the other discount sites mentioned in this list, this one caters to a wider array of folks beyond military and outdoor brand employees, to include nurses, teachers, fire fighters, law enforcement, etc... As such the deals are more general in terms of shopping categories. idMe is also excellent to use because once you verify your military service with them, they have been hired buy many public and private organizations to verify people. This way you can significantly minimize the number of times you need to upload your DD214 or LES and risk breaching your private data across multiple websites. Just do it once with idMe!
  7. DISCOUNT GOVERNMENT RATES ON HOTEL ROOMS : Almost all hotels will give you their lowest possible rate if you can prove your government/military affiliation. There are some websites out there, but I think the safest and most secure thing to do is simply call them directly via phone and see what they can do for you.


I found these in the comments. Thank you for your contributions to the list. Special thanks to u/GoredScientist for provided 2 entire other lists in a very clean note format, 1 of which was made by another user they mentioned, u/Need_Food . It will take me awhile to go through all those.

Thats all folks... Ill do a chipotle burrito, chicken, guac, and a side of chips and sour cream.

I am going to post this to nationalguard first but I will try to put it on one or two other relevant subs as well. Forgive me if you see it twice in your feed.
submitted by Asuhhbruh to nationalguard [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:57 Inner_Syllabub_6248 A few reminders

With graduation coming up for many of you on here, here are some tidbits of advice, reminders, and everything else
Prior to the convocation date (whether you're going or not):
Ceremony day, if you're going:
submitted by Inner_Syllabub_6248 to yorku [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 04:37 Duhnuhnuhnuuuh Lessons learned in my first year + A request for an addition to the wiki

These are generalizations, based off of teaching in a tough school. I was non-renewed, so I didn't do well enough, but here's what I learned in my first year teaching. I started in October, so it was a bit less than a full year, but close enough. I'll provide a rationale for each generalization:
  1. Seating charts are mandatory
  1. Perfect lessons are not mandatory, but consistent lessons can be useful
Having the same, consistent lesson, with a few new features added every so often, has allowed me to pull back from working 10-12 hour days, which burnt me out in the middle of the year. I take a few pre-built computer science modules from a website, put them on the projector, and have the kids type out and run them. It's boring, but it allows me to focus on managing crazy, out of control behavior, questions, and actually teaching a few concepts to the whole class. Quieting the class down is a slow process, but I can do it with 5-10 repeated requests to be quiet.
  1. This last one I'm still thinking about, but here's what I've got: Students will create their own chaotic fun if you do not micromanage them. Even if you do micromanage them, they will get up, wander around your class, bother other people, fight their friends, throw food, destroy your classroom, litter, destroy each other's things, steal each other's stuff, yell and scream, run out of the room, etc.
Therefore, it's very useful to have a discipline flowchart, and rules. This is something I didn't expect when I started teaching, but the kids go crazy unless you create and enforce rules. Not just talking, or being loud, or sneaking a phone out - I'm saying that they regularly are: Getting up, pushing each other off of chairs, lifting up desks, having a giant feast of chips in the middle of a table, trash everywhere, throwing water at each other, spraying water from a sink all over the floor, causing a giant mess and having a giant party, and then just laughing about it. It's sociopathic, and I didn't know that it would happen, especially not every day. It can and does happen multiple times a day. Some of them get mad at me if I tell them to stop.
I have about 15 rules now: No running, playfighting, throwing things, leaving the classroom, phones, being off task, watching YouTube, food, water, drinks, snacks, screaming, yelling, getting out of your seat, moving chairs. There are probably a few more.
Once those rules are created and posted around the room, and communicated 10-20 times, it's time to start texting parents. Most of my parents speak Spanish, so I need to use Google Translate to do this, but that's not the end of the world. Parents don't have emails in our system, and prefer text, is what I was told.
This also means that time outside of contract hours will consistently be spent regulating behavior - documenting misbehavior on paper, then calling parents, then updating student logs, then getting the principal involved when weeks of misbehavior are documented.
I still don't have great student behavior, which is half of the reason I was non-renewed. Many of my students still do the above things.
That's all I can think of for now, other teachers can add whatever they'd like. It would be useful to have a short list of highly upvoted recommendations for new teachers in this subreddit. The wiki has a long reading list, but new teachers are usually busy creating lessons, and having 5-10 heavily upvoted recommendations for classroom management and pedagogy (as well as how to not overwork yourself) would be incredibly useful, in my opinion.
submitted by Duhnuhnuhnuuuh to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 03:49 Yachove When daughter asks where is/what happened to/why do other kids have a mommy at home?

My (M28) Daughter is 23 months and only has one word (no), so this is a future worry. However I feel I best have an answer ready.
My Wife (F30) was arrested 3 weeks ago for DV because she was beating on me. There is a criminal no contact order (which she has violated copiously), and a civil restraining order (which she is dodging service on) against her not only for me but for my our daughter as well (Daughter was present for beating). Thus I have her full time, and I have filed divorce (also dodging service) and expect to get full custody formally there in 6 months or more.
My daughter is developmentally delayed (she is in speech therapy) due to neglect by my Wife, who was a stay at home mother with her up to 18 months. That was until she decided to run off to Vegas with her sisters for her birthday and new years unplanned. This left me to take care of our daughter and miss work.
At this point I realized just how neglected my daughter had been at home. She was still on 100% formula, and her pediatrician described her as a feral child and threatened to call CPS if I didn’t take over parenting. It was at this point I found out how behind she was on her developmental milestones, and realized how badly the childrearing was going. I of course spent time with my daughter, but had been convinced by my Wife that she was doing great. I was concerned that she was getting diaper rashes and spent way to much time in front of coco melon, but I believed that the neglect I saw was only her pushing the parenting off on me so she could have a break. Now I realize that it was 24/7/365, and she could only muster about 30min of mothering a day.
She did not miss her Mother and honestly didn’t seem to notice she was gone that week and a half, and there was no fanfare when she eventually returned.
I got her into daycare before Wife decided to return. I felt is was important so that she could be socialized and nurtured in the ways she clearly wasn’t getting from my Wife, and also so I would have reliable child care and not loose my job (9-5, M-F, $50k, state pension). She went in with no words or hand gestures, where I saw she was the only one with no communication despite being middle age of the class. The teachers have worked hard with her, as has the speech therapist with a little progress to show after 6.5 months. She will lead you to what she wants, grab your legs for up, enjoys high fives, and loves to say No. Still no pointing, waving, animal noises, or names. She also doesn’t respond to her name either, but her hearing is clearly fine.
The daycare would prove valuable when the Wife disappeared again for another week in March to fly to her home county for a visit. Again Daughter was fine in her absence, and hardly noted her return.
Wife was arrested at the beginning of this month, Daughter again hasn’t noted her absence. This time it’s permanent I believe, and so I find myself worrying what to tell her when she eventually asks why all the other kids have a mommy at home.
I know you shouldn’t lie to children, but the truth is ugly. I can’t just tell her “Mommy probably had postpartum depression and refused to get help. She neglected you and got violent with me so she had to leave.” That would be damaging to her, she could feel guilt, shame, or fear. She could feel rejected.
However if I tell her Mommy would love to be with you she would get her hopes up for a relationship I don’t think will ever be there. Mother can’t care for her or be trusted with her. She even still has Daughters Passport, Birth Certificate, and Social Security hidden away likely at her sister’s. Further she has a standing ticket for her and Daughter to her home country, clearly showing her intent to flea the country with her.
So how do you answer these questions when they come up?
Thank you.
submitted by Yachove to SingleDads [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 01:53 neatcrap Z visa questions - what is needed for me?

I (a musician, in the United States) have an opportunity to work in China (as a performer in a show) on a Z visa. I'm currently waiting for the work permit from my inviter in China, and filling out the COVA form. The consulate website says I need the following, in addition to the work permit: passport, passport scan, COVA form, visa scan, proof of residence, where you stay form. Nowhere is it mentioned that I would need a background check or to get my degrees verified, or to be fingerprinted, etc. And my inviter in China has not asked for me to do those things either — they say they have everything they need from me. Yet when I come to this sub, I see tons of questions about these kinds of background checks and verifications as if they are a standard part of a Z visa application. Are these things required only for teachers (which it seems like the majority of people with Z visas in this subreddit are)? Or do I need to do all these things despite neither the consulate nor my inviter indicating that I do? In case it's relevant, I have two previous Chinese visas (an F and an L).
Thanks for the help!!
submitted by neatcrap to Chinavisa [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 01:21 SnooComics4457 Canva for Teachers

I am going to do a training for my district next week. I want to utilize this lesson from the Canva Design School.
Since it is a group of teachers, can I assign it to them as though they are students? And if I do that, will it mess up their account in any way? Basically, what is the BEST way to share this lesson with all of the resources so they can act as students going through it?
submitted by SnooComics4457 to canva [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 18:25 psyritual Am I ready?

Hey folks. I've made several posts here the last couple weeks and I truly appreciate everyone who contributed and helped me on this journey. I've secured a US job offer for a Software Engineering position and plan to head to the land border in the next few days with all my documents to apply for the TN Visa. The employer is a fairly small startup and I prepared all my documents myself (no lawyer). As for the support letter, I sent a draft (using templates online) to the HR rep and she signed on the company letterhead and sent it back to me. Posting this as a final readiness check wrt everything that I'm carrying with me:
My support letter includes:
I'd appreciate any and all input here. Is there anything obvious I'm missing ?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by psyritual to tnvisa [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 17:49 PinkPrincess-2001 Work Culture in the UAE

Been living in the UAE since I was a kid, now in mu early 20s and I wake up more to the realities over time. I had a good childhood but I never quite fit in with people. Yet I have it good compared to everyone else.
I went to the UK for uni and I think I've been spoiled in work culture. People are professional and respectful. Everything is by the book. You don't have people morally or legally wasting time and energy. I find that really useful for my autism. But this is the bare minimum. I would get paid on time and would never have to chase anyone up.
But in this country? I have to chase HR for the simplest shit and they dodge you. Bosses and HR are always trying to undermine you professionally. They let me go because they no longer needed my services even though they admitted they needed a teacher. To absolutely nobody's surprise they called me back. I don't want to get into specifics but I taught special needs kids with behavioural challenges.
Fortunately my line of work is personally fulfilling but I think a lot of work here is soul crushing.
Other people in my family who work in IT at a senior level don't get paid on time in this country. It is a joke and people are just supposed to be okay with it. In the UK they would pay me on the last Monday of every month, would provide a calendar stating pay dates and email a payslip in advance. This was for a minimum wage job. Like, people have bills to pay.
I know there are laws but I don't think they are strong enough. I don't think the culture and willingness to change are strong enough.
I'm not sorry that I have standards, I am fortunately looking to become a Psychologist and take no shit from people. I'm about to start my Masters.
I am a NRI but I have one of the best passports in the world, unfortunately I don't think that helps because I am still Indian. Maybe it will get me some leverage in my home country.
submitted by PinkPrincess-2001 to dubai [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 16:21 Technicallysane02 AI CourseCentric Review - Create & Sell courses with AI

Just how many of you have thought of creating online courses to start earning a side earning and then gave up finding it difficult to research and create an engaging course? I get it not all of us are subject experts or tech-savvy educators.
But AI CourseCentric is changing the game, making creating and selling courses easier than ever.
Before, getting into online courses needed you to know a lot about popular topics. But now, AI CourseCentric makes it simple. You can dive into any subject, like digital marketing or AI, without needing to be an expert.
So, how does it work? It uses artificial intelligence to make creating courses easy.
Here is a step by step guideline:
  1. Pick a Template: Choose a ready-made template or make your own course from scratch.
  2. Customize Content: There's lots of stuff like images and videos ready for you to use.
  3. Choose Themes: Make your course look cool with different themes.
  4. Stay Safe and Connected: Keep your content safe and link up with payment systems and email services.
  5. Get Insights and Share: Use AI to see how well your course is doing and share it on social media.
And it's not just for courses! You can also make eBooks and sell them too.
So, what's the bottom line?
AI CourseCentric is a must own for online teachers. It makes making courses quick and helps you make more money. Whether you're a pro or just starting out, it's got what you need to succeed in online teaching.
Don't wait! This new AI tool is right now on one time price. You can learn more about it here before purchasing
submitted by Technicallysane02 to growthguide [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 14:11 pwenker Introducing Prompt Teacher: A Practical Tool for Mastering Prompt Engineering with LLMs

Hello learnmachinelearning community,
I'm excited to share a resource that could be a game-changer for those of us working with large language models (LLMs): the Prompt Teacher. This tool is designed to help users learn the art of prompt engineering—crafting, refining, and optimizing prompts to elicit better responses from LLMs.
What is Prompt Teacher? Prompt Teacher is an interactive web app that provides an educational interface for learning and practicing prompt engineering. It offers a variety of "metaprompts" which are templates and strategies to enhance the way you interact with LLMs. These include techniques for expanding details, condensing information, incorporating feedback, and much more.
Why Use Prompt Teacher?
Getting Started: You can try out Prompt Teacher directly via Hugging Face Spaces at this link: Prompt Teacher @ Huggingface Spaces. No setup is required to start experimenting (you just need an OpenAI or Anthropic API key)!
For those interested in deeper customization or offline use, the tool is open-source. You can clone the repo from GitHub: pwenkeprompt_teacher and follow the setup instructions provided.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences with this tool!
submitted by pwenker to learnmachinelearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:07 Tahar46 Citizenship through teaching abroad.

Hi all, I am an international teacher with full credentials and a good IB teaching background.
Since my passport does not allow me to go anywhere basically, I find it really hard and sometimes embarrasing to even go to IB workshops when needed. Therefore, I am interested to know about ways I can get citizenship by working in a country for a long period of time.
I was looking at fastest way of Argentina but the economical situation there is alarming.
I would like to hear if anyone was able to get a second citizenship while teaching. thank you!
submitted by Tahar46 to Internationalteachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 17:23 ct_0208 Typo on Product

I know I know I’m already beating myself up that my product has a typo!!! I make teacher planners and a customer reached out that on one of my months has 6 dates that are wrong. She said don’t worry about fixing it or a refund, just letting me know for future planners. I went to my templates and on ALL of my different templates those dates are wrong. I’ve sold a bunch of planners that now have this typo and don’t know what I should do. Should I reach out and refund these people or should I not say anything? Please help!! I’ve finally started doing good with my Etsy store and now have this HUGE problem.
submitted by ct_0208 to EtsySellers [link] [comments]