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2011.02.28 08:42 thomas533 Make Your Own Gear

Join our community to learn and share how you make your own gear (MYOG). Tents, tarps, hammocks, stoves, packs and anything else you can think of outdoor gear related.

2010.04.30 21:21 make your own bow

Reddit's friendly bow making community. Talk bows and archery, share your creations, and get help from fellow bowyers. Topics include bows, archery, woodworking, woodcarving, artwork and finishing, DIY crafts, wood selection, tree identification, history, archeology, experimental archeology and much more.

2010.07.12 17:30 hmhgmr Handspinning: make your own yarn

Handspinning is an old form of twisting together fibers to form yarn that can then be used to create clothing, and other items. Use this subreddit to discuss everything related to Handspinning. Asking for Advice, sharing tips & tricks, participating and creating meaningful and valuable discussions; you name it! Post it all here.

2024.05.19 07:46 bazmonkey A prometheus exporter for pi-hole version 6

I just wanted to share a prometheus exporter I've been working on that uses the new API in the version 6 beta of pi-hole:
I've also got a dashboard that uses most of the metrics. I just updated the screenshots but the dashboard listing is slow to update. If you click on it in the next few hours and only see one screenshot, that's the old one.
Why another pihole exporter? People have written a bunch already...
Two reasons: first, I couldn't find one that uses the new API in the upcoming version 6. It's undergone a lot of changes. This one uses HTTPS and possibly an app token.
Second, an annoying thing I find in a lot of the existing exporters is that they only provide the per-24h stats that the admin dashboard mostly uses. Tracking that number over time is useless. You see a lot of the "ads blocked over time" graphs are jagged lines instead of increasing ones... that's because they're actually reporting the ads blocked over the last 24h (to the hour), which makes it jump down every hour and never go up overall. With only rolling 24h stats it's difficult/impossible to derive what was actually happening over time.
So, in addition to reporting those numbers (for use as quick-stats), I'm also collecting the counts of queries by [client, type, status, response, upstream destination] per minute, so that you can actually look up how many queries of some kind happened over arbitrary amounts of time, as opposed to merely what the 24h count was at that time. You can look at the cumulative stats and aggregate stats-over-time for the hour, the week, etc. It's simply more useful data.
What's Prometheus?
It's a system for gathering metrics (numerical data) off computers and putting it into a time-series database for analyzing and looking for trends/problems/etc. Usually it's used along with grafana (a web app for making pretty graphs and dashboards based off that data), and it's often used alongside Loki (a similar system for gathering log data). Folks also use it to generate alerts (e.g. I get slack alerts if I have updates available, or if a user is logged in, or if available memory is too low or CPU pressure too high too long).
While you can host your own prometheus/loki/grafana servers (it's open-source), Grafana also offers a cloud service that hosts it for you. The free plan (free-free: don't gotta give them payment method or anything) is plenty of space for a few raspberry pi and their logs. They also offer Grafana Alloy, an agent that handles sending up your data securely so you don't have to deal with that aspect. AND, they have a pre-built Raspberry Pi integration that is pre-configured and ready to go.
Aaaanyway, any feedback is welcome!
submitted by bazmonkey to pihole [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:38 Jealous_Leadership76 JWs are counting white swans

The problem of induction is a philosophical issue concerning how we can derive general laws from individual observations. A simple example: if we see many white swans, can we then confidently say that all swans are white? The problem is that we can never see all the swans in the world, so we can never be absolutely certain that there isn't a black swan somewhere. How can we solve this?
Approaching this problem by trying to count all swans is rather foolish. Imagine yourself googling: “Where do most white swans live?” and travelling through all of Europe and the US to count them and prove that indeed all swans are white. You might even get emotionally invested because you put so much of your free time into travelling and proving it.
It’s much easier to try and find a black swan. You would google instead: “Are there black swans and where do they live?”. You would instantly find out that many black swans do indeed live in southeast and southwest Australia and Tasmania. Boom – there’s the solution to your problem. The theory is falsified and the problem solved. Not all swans are white.
What I’m trying to say is: JWs are counting white swans. They are taught to feed their confirmation bias and count white swans all life long. “Making the truth your own” is nothing but looking for a distinct number of white swans an individual needs to accept the religion as true. Some JWs need to see 300 swans, some only 50, and some only 10 to accept it as true. But it’s the foolish approach because it will never solve the problem. They will never look for a black swan and if they randomly find one they will ignore it due to their emotional investment. “That’s not a real black swan” they might even argue in order to get rid of cognitive dissonance. Apostates painted it black of course.
Karl Popper argued that we cannot prove scientific theories through counting white swans; rather, we can only falsify them. His idea was that we should formulate theories that are testable and falsifiable. Instead of trying to prove them, we should try to test and disprove them. If a theory withstands many critical tests and is not disproven, we can tentatively accept it, but we should always be open to the possibility that it could be disproven in the future.
Popper addresses the problem of induction by suggesting that we should not rely on confirmation through repeated observations but instead propose theories that we rigorously test and attempt to falsify. If they withstand the tests, they are provisionally accepted but never conclusively proven.
submitted by Jealous_Leadership76 to exjw [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:32 rallome My ethos for the better, a response to those who cry out

I often times feel overwhelmed and broken by the strife of the world we live in. I have spent a great deal of time reading other peoples cries of desperation online in mental health forums, and wanted to formulate a thoughtful response that could help people see hope for the future, as more and more these days hope seems to dwindle in the shadow of secularity.
Everything posted/said in cry of desperation, whether here or anywhere else, all prove the point that I have always tried to live by. The world in which we live and has come to be is one of gratification, either instant or deluded to serve a twisted purpose via its degrees of separation. We do not directly earn our keep, instead most often serving capital and material lust, instead of collectively serving a more humanitarian purpose.
All because we cave towards our primal tendencies to secularize over trivialities, religious superstition, physical appearances, social sects, fervorous emotional tendencies.
But I believe we are better than that. I believe the people I see here are better than that. I believe humans are capable of anything if we put our minds to it. You people here who have experienced the various traumas and torments of such secularizations are proof, as the greatest teacher after all, is failure, whether direct or indirect. After all your hardship, you are still here, you still persevere. Why? I think, and so desperately hope for all, because for at least one moment of your life you experienced love in its most raw form, devoid of pretense, devoid of ill-fueled fervor, superstition or physicality.
All that matters is our love and energy from love we all directly innately possess. The world in which we live advertises the antithesis of this ethos, but I believe one day we will collectively find harmony and balance as a species. I do not believe we will see it in our lifetimes, but my point in writing this lies in that very definitive. We must lay down our arms of pretense and accept the one true underlying fundamental we all share, love. I believe one day we will collectively reach this point and become truly incredible as a whole. Until then, all we can do is fight for the better.
Keep the love in you alive, make it your weapon against the evils of reality. Be as kind as you can to everyone you meet. Help others as best you can to be free of their strife and burden. Work everyday to be as loving towards other humans with just your own bonafide existence and no other pretense. Try your hardest to lay down your arms of secularization, overzealous ill-willed fervor, superstition. Find love in the perceptual here and now and nurture it. Do it for your own love, for the grandeur and splendor of nature, for those who will surpass you and experience everything you have.
I hope we will all one day come to this point together out of love. Some days it feels overwhelmingly impossible to see or hope for the better. Shed yourself of pretense. Never forget those moments of genuine love, let them be the catalyst of the change you want to see in the world. We are all beautiful and deserve that pure love.
submitted by rallome to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:31 PoemOpen I finally had a much needed discussion with my SO today.

I have commented here a few times but never posted. It's long so i get if you dont want to read. I just have some feelings to let out! I've been with my(27f) SO(29m) for 4 years. He has a son(12) whom I met when he was 8. I am child free and have no interest in being a mother myself. However, I felt being a stepmom/cool aunt would be fine bc I don't have that big of an issue with kids and my SO only has SK EOWE (he now keeps SK 3 weekends a month bc SO's mother can't not stick her nose where it isn't wanted) I made the mistake of trying to be too helpful at the beginning of our relationship bc I am a people pleaser who didn't know better and wound up being main caregiver every weekend SK was here due to SO's excuse of having to work. For a little while it was fine bc SO had started a new, very fruitful and life changing job and I wanted to help him succeed and i was under the impression after a while he wouldnt be expected to work them as much. I picked up SK from BM's house after my own long day/week at work every weekend my SO had custody, I would pick up food for SK, even paid for groceries for SK when SO failed to get any for the weekend, cleaned up messes and was the only ear around for SK to yap into oblivion. HUGE MISTAKE!!! After a while (like 2.5 years) of this going on, no thanks or appreciation and then getting criticism from SO's father for literally parenting SK when no one else was, I threw my hat down and said I'm done taking care of SK for SO and would step back. Last year I had started to slowly nacho and do less and less as my resentment towards both SK and SO grew larger. At this point in time, SO was CHOOSING to work these weekends instead of being required to; and choosing to pick up extra OT (an extra 8 hours on top of the 16 he is working that weekend) on some of these weekends while taking off on weekends we didnt have SK. This grinded my gears and I had a discussion with SO about how unfair it is to expect me to be completely responsible for SK when I am not his parent. That resulted in SO's mother taking SK for one weekend a month and SO apologizing and saying he won't do that anymore. Now, maybe I should have been more clear, but SO took this to mean that he could work these weekends, but no OT. That is not what I meant. I meant for SO to not work when he has SK. It came to a big head when just 2 weeks after we had our initial discussion, SO texts me from work telling me he not only had signed up for the weekend, but asked for an additional 12 HOURS that weekend since it would be extra pay for working on a holiday without talking to me on a SO custody weekend. He had the audacity to tell me "dont be mad." I lost it. I told him that this behavior was disrespectful to me and a huge slap in the face given the conversation we practically just had a fortnight ago. He apologized, said he won't do it again but it wasnt good enough for me until i saw real, consistent change. I told SO he needs to get his mother to watch SK that weekend because I will not be doing it. He tried but SO's mom was out of town. I was pissed and told him if it happened again there would be a serious change in our relationship, either I move out or we split and that he will be making up for this for a long time. Things were fine for a little over a month. SO was taking off weekends he had SK like I asked and had someone watch SK if SO wanted to work. All is good. Then this weekend came. SO signed up this weekend despite SK coming over and didn't communicate with me. I was mad but kept quiet, when I shouldn't have. Today we were talking and deciding whether to go workout today since if we did we would have to rush around before SO had to leave for work. SO said something along the lines of: SO: "what do you want, then?" Me: "for you to not go to work tonight." SO: "So we can go to the gym?" Me: "Yea....among other things.." I think he knew what I meant. I could tell his tone got defensive. I know that was passive aggressive of me but tbh we had been having some rough times lately and I was so tired of being frustrated with him so it just kinda came out. I told him the same things I had been saying: not my kid so why am I expected to take care of him? I don't mind helping but I am not SK's mother or father, he has those. This did not bode well in SO's brain because even though I stayed level headed to express myself, he immediately jumped on the defensive, got loud and told me that since I am at home that it "shouldn't be too much to expect me to watch his kid." And just no. Absolutely not. I DID NOT PUSH THIS KID OUT OF ME OR BUST A NUT IN THE WRONG PLACE!! I put my foot down and I told him straight up I did not get into this relationship to be anybody's mother and if that is what he expected of me then we will not work. After A LOT of getting him to calm down🙄🙄🙄 he began to understand what I was saying(Or at least put on a damn good show of it if not). I tried my best to make him feel that I do not hate or really even dislike his son or wish him to be gone(I prefer Sk not be here but it is what it is and I try not to have SK feel that way bc it's not his fault) but I am very resentful of the amount of work I have put in and am expected to do for a child I did not have and isnt my responsibility. I also sited his lack of communicating efficiently with me about his work schedule. I said I know I get visibly irritated when SK comes over and SO decided to ask "well if I do this will your attitude towards SK change?" Which like...what bad faith question honestly. I told him "yea, most likely, with time and consistency from you." Overall, we are doing well as of right now and I feel like things are slowly changing, which is good. Not exactly how I wanted but that's reality, ya know? I love SO very much. He is an amazing partner and is the only place I have felt safe in my life. His child is just a really tender spot for us as SO does not want to be a father but feels stuck. I understand that but we have to wake up to our reality and not just push responsibilities off onto others. I hope things will continue to get better from here but I also wouldn't be surprised if this is what eventually breaks us up if we spilt ever. Apologies for the length. I've had a lot of feelings for a while and don't have anywhere to let it out but this subreddit has really helped me understand my own feelings and feel less like I'm the bad guy for how I feel.
submitted by PoemOpen to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:30 NotSoSmort [WTS] Nomad LTI CCU $55

Info about this particular CCU:
The Nomad Warbond/LTI CCU was an accident: CIG put LTI on the token. This allows the owner to apply LTI to their non-LTI ship if it is added to your chain.
Like me, perhaps you want to use your starter pack ship for a CCU chain but hate that it only has 3 or 6 months insurance. Or maybe you want to sell your old starter pack with S42 since you are a concierge and get S42 for free, but no one is interested in buying your pack because of that 3 month insurance. Or maybe you want to upgrade ships to LTI in another pack you own. Regardless of the reason, this CCU allows you more options.
Purchase Process:
  1. PM me if you would like to buy this CCU. Please include your verified PayPal email address in the PM
  2. Reply to this thread with "PM'd", so I can verify your buyer status
  3. I will send the invoice to your verified PayPal email address
  4. After your payment has cleared, I will send the CCU to the PayPal email address.
  5. You will receive an email from RSI with the title "Someone sent you a gift from Roberts Space Industries"
    • Make sure to be logged into the CORRECT RSI account before you open the link
  6. I will post in the "[PSA] Confirmed Trades thread" thread confirming the sale
  7. After you confirm you have received the CCU, please reply to the "[PSA] Confirmed Trades thread" post with a "+verify"
  8. Proof of delivery is provided by the Hangar Log on the RSI website.
submitted by NotSoSmort to Starcitizen_trades [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:27 Elysium94 HBO Max's 'Batman': Or, how to adapt the insane scope of DC Comics' Batman mythos by way of a big-budget, live-action series (Part 1, the Pitch)

HBO Max's 'Batman': Or, how to adapt the insane scope of DC Comics' Batman mythos by way of a big-budget, live-action series (Part 1, the Pitch)
Hope lies in the night
Hey, there!
Been a while since I've taken a crack at this. Had one heck of a busy spring, ready to enjoy the summer and get back to writing these fun pitches.
A couple years back, I pitched the ideal setting for a modern adaptation of DC Comics. A live-action shared universe on HBO Max, telling definitive stories of DC's flagship heroes with an emphasis on specific genres.
Essentially, imagine if the CWverse and other live-action TV series were to be hypothetically replaced by one unified vision, which broadcasted on one network. In this case, HBO Max.
(Which probably means imagining Max launched a few years earlier, somewhere around 2016 or 2017)
Having dived into two of DC's iconic Trinity (Superman and Wonder Woman), it's time to round them out with the Dark Knight himself.
Batman's one heck of a juggernaut isn't he? I can't think of a medium that hasn't covered this hero. There's some definite standouts for sure, like the beloved animated series of the 90s and the masterpiece that was Christopher Nolan's trilogy.
And yet, so much of what we've gotten in live-action has just barely scratched the surface.
That's where this idea comes in. Taking the story of Batman, and adapting its sheer volume and scope on a platform big enough to cover it.
First airing in 2020, in some world other than this one, it's...
An HBO Max original series.
Picture, if you will, a series which picks up well into this hypothetical "Maxverse" I've laid out the past couple of years.
Batman is a superhero family drama spanning several years, from 2014 to 2018 in-universe. It covers a veteran Batman, and his alliance of costumed heroes, as they face several terrifying threats to their home of Gotham City.
Major inspirations for this series include runs by-
  • Frank Miller
  • Jeph Loeb
  • Judd Winick
  • Scott Snyder
  • Tom King
The story of this imagined reboot/adaptation isn't just about Batman and his family, it's about Gotham itself. Its history, the hidden players behind it, and how far its defenders are willing to go in order to protect it. Batman himself is put to the test many times, both regarding his commitment to the city and his bond with his family.
As with the rest of the stories in the Maxverse, this Batman series is slapped with a TV-MA rating. Given the subject matters often featured in Batman comics, this particular TV-MA would be earned and then some. No sanitizing or watering down to be found here, this show would be dark.
Covered in three seasons, the major arcs are
1: The personal journey of Bruce Wayne as Batman.
2: Batman's several proteges doing their best to live up to his example, while also making their own paths as heroes.
3: A slow uncovering of Gotham City's hidden history.
4: The looming question of what kind of life Bruce Wayne could live, without Batman.
Much like the Superman series of this universe dives into alternate history regarding its primary locale, so too does Batman.
As Metropolis in this setting was born from what was once New York City, Gotham sprang from what used to be Jersey City. The two cities sit across the bay from each other, sister cities and yet almost complete opposites.
Gotham is a city with one foot in the past, and another in the future. Visual and thematic inspirations for the setting could ideally draw from depictions both old-fashioned and modern. Gothic and futuristic. In many ways, Gotham could be as much a character as the lead cast themselves. Its mythology and mystery hangs heavy over the entire series, and the unraveling of its origins drives a considerable amount of the plot in Season 3.
Other locations of note could include
  • Bludhaven, a smaller city neighboring Gotham
  • 'Eth Alth'eban, lair of the feared League of Assassins
Lead Characters & Performers
Leading off the massive ensemble are the power couple that is Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle. AKA Batman and Catwoman.
The actors I'd choose to portray them are well-known in geek circles. Whether they by Star Wars fans, or fans of various horrific works by Mike Flanagan.
Sam Witwer
Kate Siegel
As Batman is a family drama, Bruce and Selina are the resident patriarch and matriarch respectively.
Much like the character as featured in the DCEU, this Bruce Wayne has been in the game for a long time. In this case, twelve years. He's got a lot of scars to show for it, physical and mental, and while the Bat-family or his friends abroad in the Justice League keep him balanced, Bruce is starting to show the wear and tear of his long crusade.
Selina, for her part, is a woman who's long since left her life as a criminal behind. Having come from a marginalized background, she has seen both the best and worst of Gotham and its people. More than fighting criminals, her mission is helping the poor and oppressed of her city and giving them a better life than the one she was born into.
Background Story & Supporting Cast
As the series has a lot of history behind it, one could expect various tie-in materials to expand on said history.
  • A film or limited series adapting Year One.
  • Comics and books on the major players.
I've drafted a document detailing this abundance of lore, feel free to give it a read.
Legends of the Batman
As for the rest of the ensemble cast, I've compiled a list.
For both heroes and villains alike.
(Light spoilers by way of certain inclusions and naming, all will be elaborated on in future posts)
The Bat-Family and Allies
Enemies of the Batman
And that's what I got!
Happy to be back writing these posts.
Next weekend, I'm gonna finally pick back up on my revising of the MCU and other Marvel film properties.
Hope you enjoyed this! Let me know your thoughts, and how you'd even start to tackle Batman on television.
submitted by Elysium94 to fixingmovies [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:27 Independent-Bend-138 Will my estranged cousin and I talk again…….

Hello, this is my first time being on here and I’m so excited and hope someone can help me gain some clarity and some understanding from my situation. Me and my cousin have been estrange from each other going on two years three years now and I would like to know if we will ever be in contact I would also like to know Her initials are AAO and mines is T.T thanks and please get back to me. If you can I would really appreciate it. It’s something that has been on my heart for a while now. I would love to know what the future holds for me and our relationship thank you
PS: if you’re not a reader, please don’t comment on my post asking for a free reading it’s rude make your own and ask💀
submitted by Independent-Bend-138 to GetFreeTarotReadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:23 DC_Legend1 Vange: Abandoned Knight v2.05.70 MOD APK (God Mode, Red Stone)

Vange: Abandoned Knight v2.05.70 MOD APK (God Mode, Red Stone)
Name Vange : Idle RPG
Publisher Picture Soft Inc.
Genre Simulation
Size 210MB
Version 2.05.70
MOD God Mode, Red Stone
👆👆👆👆Download Link👆👆👆👆
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Vange: Abandoned Knight emerges as a game dripping with allure and wrapped in enchantment in a land steeped in mystery and dripping with intrigue. Through painstakingly designed skill trees and ground-breaking equipment enhancement systems, this game immerses players in a world where they can craft their destinies and experience immersive gameplay with limitless potential.


Explore Vange: Abandoned Knight’s nuances to seeing how the skill tree transforms into an artist’s canvas. Players carefully hone their abilities, building a skill tree that reflects their preferred gameplay styles. The wide variety of active and passive skills available through this tailored approach to skill acquisition allows players to shape their gaming strategies into their experiences, making each foray into the game’s universe uniquely their own.


A true example of the innovation present in Vange: Abandoned Knight is the game’s unbreakable equipment evolution and enhancement system. Players use steel to create equipment that has never before been this powerful. Development eliminates the inconvenience typically associated with enhancement failures by having a 100% success rate. Enhancement scrolls are available for those who want even more power, promising to upgrade their gear without running the risk of damaging it.


Beyond conventional limitations, the equipment synthesizes system seamlessly integrates, easily elevating equipment tiers. Four pieces of equipment of the same level can be synthesized by players, significantly improving their gameplay. The game’s generosity is evident in its free automatic and batch synthesize features, which further enhance user experience and open up new possibilities for equipment customization and improvement.


In this game’s richly detailed world, character development is emphasized through badges and artifacts, which give players an advantage in their quests. The journey does not stop there, though! The realm is overflowing with opportunities for players to create their avatars, complete with charming outfits, adorable pets, and regal mounts. The character’s appearance can also be altered by ordinary equipment, adding another level of customization.


With more than 1300 hunting grounds, Vange: Abandoned Knight offers an infinite amount of content updated almost weekly to keep the adventure exciting and new. New hunting grounds become available every Friday, and daily gem mining opportunities abound for those looking for more resources. The game also includes various expedition content, such as defense battles and dungeons, to keep players interested and their thirst for adventure sated.


From 9 PM to 3 PM (UTC), daily gold events offer a 2x gold drop event to make the gameplay more enjoyable. It functions like a true idle RPG, allowing automatic hunting even when you are not logged in, and it also has a power-saving mode and screen protection to keep your smartphone safe. Use the discount codes THANKS, HAPPY, LUCKY, 3, 33, 333, and 3333 to improve your visit to this magical world!


Vange: Abandoned Knight is a true gem in the gaming industry, providing a tailored experience for each player thanks to its delicate blend of strategic planning, extensive customization, engaging content, and rewarding experiences. This game has something to pique your interest and keep you coming back for more, whether you’re a strategic planner, a customization enthusiast, or an adventure seeker.
submitted by DC_Legend1 to Modifiedmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:16 ExcitingBelt The Best Medieval Castles to Visit in the UK

Entering a medieval castle is akin to turning the pages of a historical narrative. With its rich history, the UK is home to some of the world’s most magnificent and historically significant medieval castles. These castles provide an amazing, educational, and immersive look into the past for anyone interested in history, photography, or just having a fun day out. We’ll take you on a tour of the top medieval castles in the UK in this blog post. Get ready to be mesmerised by their ageless beauty, enthralled by their grandeur, and fascinated by their history.

1. Windsor Castle

History: The world’s oldest and biggest inhabited castle is Windsor Castle, situated in Berkshire. Since William the Conqueror’s original construction of it in the eleventh century, British royalty has continuously resided there. Over the centuries, the castle has undergone multiple renovations and expansions, resulting in an intriguing fusion of various architectural styles.


Windsor Castle presents a singular fusion of royal magnificence and historical significance. For visitors, it’s a convenient day trip due to its close proximity to London.

2. Edinburgh Castle

History: Scotland’s capital’s skyline is dominated by Edinburgh Castle, which is perched atop Castle Rock. Based on archaeological findings, it appears that the location has been inhabited since the Iron Age. As a royal residence, a military stronghold, and a representation of Scottish power, the castle has played a significant role in Scottish history.


In addition to providing stunning city views, Edinburgh Castle delves deeply into Scotland’s turbulent past. Because of its central Edinburgh location, it’s easily accessible and a must-see.

3. Warwick Castle

History: Constructed in 1068 by William the Conqueror, Warwick Castle is among the best-preserved examples of a medieval English castle. It began as a wooden fort, evolved into a stone fortress, and finally became a stately home over the ages.


Warwick Castle is ideal for both families and history enthusiasts because it blends historical authenticity with contemporary attractions.

4. Tower of London

History: As part of the Norman Conquest, William the Conqueror established the historic castle known as the Tower of London on the north bank of the River Thames in 1066. It has had a variety of uses, including armoury, treasury, prison, and royal palace.


There is a lot of history and legend surrounding the Tower of London, from the beheadings of queens to the ravens that are incorrigible. For those who are interested in England’s royal past, this is an intriguing place to visit.

5. Leeds Castle

History: Leeds Castle has been called the “loveliest castle in the world.” It is located in Kent on two islands in a lake created by the River Len. Constructed in 1119 initially, it housed six mediaeval queens before turning into a private home.


Leeds Castle is a wonderful place for a leisurely but educational day out because of its beautiful surroundings and array of attractions.

6. Alnwick Castle

History: The Dukes of Northumberland have had their residence at Alnwick Castle in Northumberland for more than 700 years. Originally constructed in the latter part of the eleventh century, it has undergone numerous renovations and restorations over the years.


Because of its appearances in popular media, Alnwick Castle is not only a historical treasure but also a cultural icon. The vast gardens enhance the attraction.

7. Caernarfon Castle

History: Edward I constructed Caernarfon Castle in North Wales as a part of his campaign to subjugate the Welsh. It was finished in 1330 and is well known for its imposing walls and polygonal towers.


Medieval fortress Caernarfon Castle is one of the most impressive in the United Kingdom due to its dramatic architecture and rich history.

8. Bodiam Castle

History: A typical example of a medieval moated castle is Bodiam Castle in East Sussex. During the Hundred Years’ War, Sir Edward Dalyngrigge erected it in 1385 with the intention of defending against French invasion.


Bodiam Castle, which offers the ideal fusion of beauty and history, is one of the most photographed castles in England because of its fanciful appearance.

9. Dover Castle

History: Dover Castle has a rich and illustrious past and is referred to as the “Key to England” because of its advantageous location. It was established in the eleventh century and has been vital to England’s defence over the ages.


Dover Castle is a fascinating place for people of all ages because it provides a unique blend of military history from the 20th century and medieval history.

10. Cardiff Castle

History: The history of Cardiff Castle in Wales dates back more than two millennia. It began as a Roman fort and evolved into a Victorian Gothic mansion and a Norman keep.


Cardiff Castle is a must-see attraction in the Welsh capital because of its rich history and convenient location. For anyone visiting Cardiff, it is a must-see.


With their distinct histories and allure, the medieval castles in the United Kingdom provide an enthralling window into the past. These castles, which range from the imposing Windsor Castle to the well-known Tower of London, are more than just crumbling strongholds; they are dynamic tributes to the history and cultural legacy of the United Kingdom. These castles ought to be at the top of your list, regardless of whether you’re organising a focused tour of UK castles or just want to give your vacation a historical touch. Prepare to discover the finest medieval castles the UK has to offer by packing your bags and grabbing your camera!

My Own Dark Fantasy Realm

Hi there, fellow fans of dark fantasy! Thanks to your unflinching support, our blog — which is packed with tales and inspirations of dark fantasy — is making waves on TikTok, Pinterest, and YouTube. Even more thrilling is the fact that we’re creating a captivating Trading Card Game to further engross you in Twilight Citadel’s eerie mysteries. Explore the depths of the shadows with our website, where you can get eerie yet lovely phone wallpapers and posters. Furthermore, we’ve got you covered with free resources like desktop wallpapers and profile pictures to make sure your gadgets are brimming with eerie fantasy atmosphere. Come along with us on this surreal adventure, where fears come true and shadows dance. Are you prepared to welcome the gloom?
submitted by ExcitingBelt to talesofgwyn [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:13 AKKAG An introvert friendly meetup app

Hi all, some of you might have seen my post last month. I am a Vancouver based founder of Connectcz, a meetup app I designed keeping my own struggles in mind. I drop one post here every month letting more people struggling with making connections in Vancouver know about it. If you find trying to make friends at crowded meetup events intimidating/draining/hard, here is how the app can help:
  1. It facilitates small (1-5 people), casual, and low-key hangouts, instead of formal events and large gatherings allowing more in-depth conversations.
  2. You control when, where, how many, and who you meet, instead of waiting for meetup events that align with you.
  3. You can connect spontaneously whenever you feel like it, instead of committing weeks/months in advance.
  4. You can filter invitations and nearby users by interests, language, etc. and connect with whoever you think you would feel most comfortable with.
  5. Anyone can initiate an invitation in a few taps and it is free, instead of paying monthly charges if you wanted to create your own "low-key" meetup events.
We have about 300 users in Metro Vancouver. For next week we have someone who wants to connect with someone learning Japanese, someone who wants company for watching Messi play in Vancouver, and a few drinks/coffee invites. Do check them out.
Thanks, and have a great rest of your weekend! 🍻
submitted by AKKAG to Vancouver4Friends [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:11 cleavage-2-beaver M4F - Straight On Until Morning [Peter Pan Inspired] [Dark Romance] [Violence] [Crime] [Thriller]

This is my first script. Please be kind. If it sucks, it sucks, but I had fun writing it nonetheless.
Please link me if you use/fill it. I would love to hear your take on it. Free to monetize, Youtube, Patreon, whatever, I just want to hear it. :)
Please give me credit: RE: My Darling / Remy Darling

Scene setter: Italics
SpeakeVA: Bold text with "quotes" outside of the sentence/phrases
Internal monologue: Bold/italics
Action of character or SFX: ((Double Parenthesis))
Response from a character: ((pause))

Speaker: You are Killian James a.k.a. Hook. Your eyes are the color of the sea, your hair is dark as night, and you are dashing, troubled, and flirtatious. The lilt of an accent gives you a melodic tone, and your personality is dark, playful, and direct. You are comfortable in three-piece suits, and are a dangerous man with many secrets.
Listener: Your name is Wendy. Your friends have convinced you to go to a bar downtown in the more dangerous part of the city due to rumors, only they end up bailing without you. You are going to go home after you finish your drink. The bar is called Never Land, Where, according to your friends rumors, the owner is a mysterious man that they all seem fascinated with. Apparently, he is tall, dark, and handsome – a devil of a man that goes by a strange name. They call him… Hook.

((SFX – The club is above this basement 'torture chamber' area-you can hear the music of the club playing muffled. The basement area is clean and not dungeon-y but is more of a modern torture chamber with drains for easy ah… clean up))
SCENE: There is a man chained/tied up. Hook enters the room, looking almost bored that he needs to be there. He takes off his jacket, handing it to one of his henchmen, leaving the vest on, before he unbuttons his cuffs and starts rolling the sleeves up.
“I’m not pleased that our shipment is late, Mr. Jukes. It was supposed to arrive on a super yacht named the ‘Jolly Roger’ today with a bunch of rich snobs who were none the wiser. Your men guaranteed me that it would arrive with the staff and be loaded off on the dock shortly after, however, that is yet to come to fruition, and I am not a patient man.”
((SFX: VA puts on leather gloves, stretches fingers and gets comfortable in them))
“I am aware that they have taken a detour due to a storm, Jukes – but your mismanagement of my time, and my money, are not to be forgotten. Bad form, Jukes! Bad form!”
((SFX: dragging knife sound – //our character uses a tactical Hook knife. It’s typically for gutting deer – not really necessary to know, it’s just to flesh out the character for you//, Hook approaches slowly))
“I know it won't happen again. Don’t worry, Jukes, since this is your first time having erred with me, I shall simply leave you with a small reminder. I expect the shipment to be directed to our port swiftly, otherwise, I won’t be nearly as lenient again.”
((SFX chains straining, screaming that becomes muffled screaming, as Hook takes his knife and leaves the man with a Cheshire Grin/Glasglow Smile up one side of his face, heavy breathing for a moment, as he returns and throws his knife down on the table))
“Get me my other three-piece suit from my office and a clean shirt. I’ve got this bastard’s blood all over me. He's not to be given his freedom until I hear that the shipment has come in from the Jolly Roger. If it does not go to plan – we will have to take further, more drastic actions and I don’t want to have to find this cad, Mr. Jukes, again. Do I make myself clear?”
((henchmen answer))
((SFX – him pulling off the leather gloves and getting changed))
“One of you stay here and watch him. Tonight I’ll be on the club floor. I’m not to be interrupted until The Crocodile has made contact. Is that understood?”
“Good. That is all.”
((he leaves))

((SFX – transition to this however you like))
\*modern day, bar scene/sounds (*no* jazz or classical music - it's a nightclub), people mingling in the background. In enters our VA/Hook.*

“Tinkerbell, pour me my usual, will you, dear?”
((Tink is quick, and slides him his drink. Sip, sigh, and pause as he looks around)) (( This internal thought is not necessary but if you want to, go for it ))
\*internal thought*\** Who’s this? Oh my, sweet lamb, you are definitely in the wrong place.
“Tink, one last thing, could you possibly tell me anything about that young woman there? The one in light blue.”
((listening intently for a moment))
“Hm. Lovely. Thank you, dear.”
((SFX – he puts down his drink, footsteps/fine Italian leather shoes approaching the young lady who is at the bar))
“Well, well, well… Isn’t that a beautiful dress on an even more beautiful woman. That color of blue really suits you. You… are a piece of art. A fascinating and intriguing piece of art. However, you don’t quite seem like you belong here.”
“Someone as divine as you, as *innocent* as you, dressed as you are, doesn’t really seem to fit in. Not in this kind of place. You look more like you would fit in one of the high-class jazz lounges uptown. Martinis, a piano player, velvet couches and the like. Do you think that you fit in amongst these gentlemen of fortune and these women dressed in their slinky club clothes? Look around, do you see the patrons here?”
((short pause as she looks around))
“Don’t you see? You are simply dressed too elegantly for a place like this. No, you, my dear, are definitely not the type that belongs amongst these fiends. You belong uptown. Not here, amongst the dregs of society like us. Your mannerisms are too graceful, you walk with pride and your chin up – this is not the body language of one of my people.”
“Well, I happen to own this establishment, Never Land, so I am rather familiar with the likes of the people who tend to come through its doors, and I have never seen you before. You seem quite unforgettable. Could I have the pleasure of having your name?”
“Wendy… What a lovely name for such a lovely woman. Well, Wendy, darling – my name is Killian. My friends call me Hook.”
“So many questions! What an inquisitive slip of a thing you are. Perhaps, we could talk over a drink?”
((*VA snaps fingers* Bartender Tinkerbell approaches immediately and waits)) ((ListeneWendy begins to decline))
“Don’t fret, darling. It’s just a drink. Should you find yourself not interested in our conversation or in me, you are more than welcome to leave and go back uptown to the *safe* areas of the city, where the likes of people like me and my ilk will be of no bother to you ever again. But should I pique your interest, perhaps allow me the grace of your presence again in the future.”
“Just one drink. And nothing more.”
((ListeneWendy accepts))
“Delightful! Tink, if you could get us another round. One of whatever the lady was drinking, and my usual.”
((short pause as he takes her in before sighing and leaning in closer to speak to her))
“Darling, do tell me, why have you wandered into the seedy underbelly of our city? What is it exactly that you are searching for? Mystery? Intrigue?"
((whispers // into her ear))
((VA leans back and there is a sly curling of his lips into a crooked smile))
“Mm, that blush really does make me think that you truly are as innocent as I originally thought, Darling. Albeit, I am sure you knew what kind of danger you could get into coming to a place like this. You may be looking for danger, but it seems danger has found you instead.”
“Oh, yes, danger. There is plenty of danger here. However, it seems like that’s something you seem to be searching for. Should I inquire as to –“
((VA leans in once more))
“What *kind* of danger you are looking for? See, Darling, that’s the thing about danger… You may only want a little but you never truly know how much you’re going to get.”
((VA - practically whispered across her lips or ear, you imagine how close you want to get))
“Ah, yes, Wendy, darling. I happen to be very… Very… Dangerous.”
((Listener steps back))
((he gives a low chuckle))
“Do I … make you … Nervous?”
((short pause and VA steps forward as Listener shakes her head defiantly))
“Or perhaps, I am not the kind of danger you are looking for?”
“Do you even *know* what you are looking for, my little lamb?”
((dangerously close to her))
((drinks come at this time delivered by Tink – VA returns to less invasive persona))
"Ah, thank you, Tink. You’ve impeccable timing. Shall we? I’d love to take this to a VIP booth I prefer to sit in. It will give us a little more privacy and won’t be as loud. Come now, pet."
((footsteps/music/whatever SFX have them move to a slightly quieter place, sit in a booth))
"Do you mind, Darling? I’d much rather be sitting next to you than across the table. That way I can hear you better. Yes, that’s it, just move in a little further."
((this gives no escape for Listener as James/Hook is between the easy exit and her – SFX of her moving over if you want to get technical and him sitting next to her))
“Ah, *that*. The name Hook… It is simply from a childhood long ago. Raised in an orphanage with many other lost boys like myself. It’s a truly heartbreaking story, I’m sure, but I’d like you to remember our first meeting in a different light. Not melancholy and deep, dark secrets. Not yet, anyway. Perhaps, if you decide to embark on a journey with me in the future, or are willing to grace me with your presence again, we can discuss it then.”
((Listener nods, nervously))
((he leans in))
“But you, Wendy, darling –“
((whispered // reaches out to draw a finger down her jawline as he looks from her eyes to her mouth))
“You still haven’t answered me.”
“About what *kind* of danger you are looking for…”
((pause // leaning in))
“Are you looking for something – just a wee bit threatening? Perhaps something that will get the heart pumping momentarily?”
((pause // leaning in))
“Or perhaps, a singular thrilling night before the sun rises and the fun is over?”
((pause // leaning in))
“Or… are you looking for something darker? Something much more dangerous. Something soul shattering that will devour you whole? Something that makes you question your morals… Your boundaries… Something that will burn you to ash and will leave you begging me for more even once I break you?”
((kisses Wendy))
“Do you know what kind of danger you want yet, darling? That last one… It is not a wise idea for a sweet little lamb like you, but I promise... You’ll love it.”
submitted by cleavage-2-beaver to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:11 Tall_Orchid_5609 I want to be a dad - it’s much more rewarding

Okay my old acc got perma banned (not cuz of what i posted here but a comment on another sub). This acc probably just gonna get banned too but idc. I need this place to rant and i want to hear others thoughts too. (So sorry if i dont reply to your comment).
There is no reward or pride in being a mom. Dads are the ones with all the prides. I never want kids but i want to be a dad so badly. I would have kids if i could have been the dad.
All women are just disposable baby making machines and surrogates! No pride in that! And i want no part of it! This is not a bash on moms btw. More of a bash on society so dont get the wrong idea from my post.
Plus when you are a mom. You are JUST A MOM. But if youre a dad, then you’re life doesn’t change at all and you are still seem as your own person separate from your kids. You have your own identity while moms are just moms.
submitted by Tall_Orchid_5609 to femalepessimist [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:06 Phantomdog50 To my ex

I’d like to start off by saying I don’t expect a response, but I want to take full responsibility for my many wrongs throughout our relationship and offer the clarity and apology I failed to give you during our breakup. I’ve had time to think about our relationship and realize I at least owe you this.
During our relationship, I was lazy, emotionally unavailable, and failed to give you the support you deserved. I was so selfishly wrapped up in my own life, I didn’t truly acknowledge how little I was putting in and how much it was affecting you. When I should’ve been happy for you hanging out with friends, I made hurtful jokes due to my own insecurities, which put you through completely unnecessary stress and anxiety. When you needed my affection most I couldn’t even display it which must’ve made you feel horrible and so under appreciated. When you actually needed me most, I should’ve been there helping you progress as a person, but instead, I dragged you down, despite you showing me so much affection and support. You deserved so much more than how I treated you, and I should’ve never put you through that much pain and suffering.
No one should ever go through the heartbreak and disrespect I caused you. I’m so sorry for betraying your trust in the many ways that I did. After you trusted me so much to even be your first, I betrayed you because of my stupidly corrupt mind. Even if I didn’t plan on taking further steps, the fact I interacted with her in the first place was a complete betrayal of your trust and betrayal to our relationship. I’ve thought about some things that I believe led me down that path of not only betraying you but my own morals and have completely removed them from my life.
I often was too self-absorbed to even text you when all you were asking was the bare minimum, for me to check in with you throughout the day or text you back while with friends, and it made me realize how much I need to work on myself as a person. Not only work on how I need to treat others, but how I recognize and receive the affection and appreciation others give me so I never make someone feel as undervalued as I made you feel.
I’m writing this to take responsibility and to show the immense shame I feel for myself and my actions. If there was any doubt at all, I want to make it clear that everything was completely my fault. Because of my past experiences, my lack of respect for my time to heal, and my failure to acknowledge my unhealthy habits, I ended up hurting you. When I look back at our relationship, I reminisce about the amazing moments we had, but I am disgusted by the person I became towards the end, and can’t blame you for seeing me the same. I see now I was ignoring all the signs telling me I was doing things wrong out of my own foolishness, thinking that I was at peace.
You were the first person to ever show me unconditional love, and although I didn’t know it until it was too late, it showed me to appreciate everyone in my life while they’re in it as much as possible, because it can change in an instant. When you said, “I know you never said it, but I loved you since before we started dating,” it showed me how broken I really was. You gave me your all, and I couldn’t even recognize that.
After talking to my therapist, I’ve come to find out that I have a really hard time acknowledging and accepting affection because I’ve had a hard time giving it to myself. You treated me like nobody has before, and all I could give back was a half hearted job, broken trust, and had you questioning the reality of our relationship. I’m truly sorry. I wish I had correctly expressed myself during our time together so you knew how much you really meant to me.
The things I said in those messages weren’t my true thoughts or plans about our relationship. In the desperation to escape the situation I created, I said anything I thought might deescalate it. I’m sorry. I hope you didn’t think for a second I wanted to give you up so easily as I did, but I knew after what I did, I was in no position to ask for anything and wasn’t worth going back to as the person I was that day. I know I broke your heart, but if you ever give me the chance, I would spend every day for the rest of my life putting it back together. If you ever feel open to allowing me to show you the person I've been working to become, I think you’d be proud of the progress I’ve made and what’s to come as I don’t plan to stop. Regardless I would be deeply grateful for the opportunity to show you and to listen to your perspective whatever it may be.
I’m currently 45 days free from porn as I partially blame my addiction for my decision making and all drugs so I can be true to myself at all times. I’ve been working day to day to improve myself as a person, from my everyday life to my personal relationships with the ones in my life, with help from a therapist, because I’m serious about my change.
I hope this letter finds you well, if you take anything from this please understand that I’m truly ashamed and sorry for my actions and all the pain I’ve caused you, I’ve genuinely been working my hardest to change as a person, and if not for me, you are worth changing every bit of myself for.
Regardless of what the future holds for us thank you for all the love, support, and happy memories you gave me, and with my most sincere apologies, I’m sorry it ended the way it did and for all the way’s I’ve wronged you.

submitted by Phantomdog50 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:01 AutoModerator Challenge 10 of 24 - Shiny and Sparkly

Don't get distracted by the shiny objects in this fortnight's challenge!

Your optional weekly writing prompt to write about in your card: What are your top 3 shiny and sparkly things?

**Remember, all cards are welcome be they homemade (any skill level), store-bought (with or without your own personalization), or cards you have received from other users.**

*Please make sure to share a picture of your card(s) as well!*

You may post your card(s) in this thread at any time, however, if you wish to be matched with other participants for exchange you need to have posted before June 2. If you want to be matched, please note where you are sending from and to (ex: From UK to WW or US to US). Please remember that you can only exchange a maximum of 3 cards a week - but feel free to post more just to share!

If you want to know more about card challenges or see the future themes for this year, this post is the place for you:

submitted by AutoModerator to RAoC_meta [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:00 Evandeeebear PSA for Boardwalk Expos

Boardwalk expos are undoubtedly the best farm right now if you’re looking for legendary modules, EXP, stamps (600 stamps for full union armor next big patch in June) and random legendary drops (I got a unyielding SS piece from there). When done right, you get all these juicy goodies AND 20000 completion exp (with lunchbox buffs) under 5-7 mins.
I’ve been hosting my own runs for a while now and just thought I’d do a little tips and tricks for the community.
For newbies:
  1. Join the Fallout 76 discords! This includes the Market76 discord as well. There’s a looking-for-group channel which always has people advertising for Boardwalk groups.
  2. Don’t be afraid to try it out! Fun is subjective yes but it’s free content that’s thrown into the game! If you don’t like it after trying it, no problem! Community is also really nice and will help you out
  3. Don’t worry too much about your gear for now. Build > gear (most of the time) and it doesn’t take much to get set up. Most players in the community are strong enough to solo all the enemies in boardwalk anyway. You can help out by learning objectives and doing them promptly
For veterans looking to get better:
  1. Do the MAIN objectives and leave the emoting after killing competitiors to only AFTER you get into the aquarium. The best way to keep each run short is for the leader to be able to get into showman’s pier as fast as he can. See Overgrown Moonflower? Kill that shit, Unlock Keeper’s prisoner cages? Unlock that shit, fireworks? Wait at the next firework location to minimise time. You can do the competitor killing objective in the Aquarium while waiting for the escortee, waiting at Sharks Den and also while throwing Tatos.
  2. Learn the teddy bear locations. There’s only 5. A quick YouTube search teaches you where all 5 of them will be and their location is always the same. Ideally the Leader shouldn’t be the one getting the teddy bear as he/she will be beelining to Jucchi/Jullian and then to the Aquarium. Thus, team members should be the ones gunning for the teddy bear
  3. Power armor users STAY THE F*% away from the escortee! The escort is probably the worst objective ever and you blocking them in the doorway is only going to make them slower! Instead you can run around opening doors and killing enemies to make the escortee AI smoother. I’ve also tested doing the escort in Private Sessions vs Public Servers and felt that the escortee is smoother in Private Sessions.
  4. Hosts if you are stuck on the bench after waking up after talking to Mother Charlotte, open up your map, hover your cursor to a empty black diamond objective and click “Show on Pip boy” and make sure your view is on the animation where your character actually raises their hand to see the pip boy. It should unstuck you and let you get off the lawn chair.
Ultimately play how you want, the game is easy and casual enough for anyone to hop into but this post is meant for those who want to take it a step higher and maximise your expo runs for that sweet sweet exp or legendary modules.
submitted by Evandeeebear to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:56 Significant-Tower146 Best Canopy Tents with Sides

Best Canopy Tents with Sides
Looking for a versatile and functional shelter for your outdoor events? Look no further than canopy tents with sides! These tents offer both protection from the elements and privacy, making them perfect for a variety of occasions. In this article, we'll explore some of the top choices in canopy tents with sides to help you find the perfect solution for your needs.
From family gatherings to professional events, a canopy tent with sides can provide the ideal space for comfort and enjoyment. Stay tuned as we delve into the world of these practical and stylish shelters, covering everything from features to user reviews, to help you make an informed decision that's sure to impress your guests and keep everyone protected from the unpredictable weather.

The Top 18 Best Canopy Tents with Sides

  1. White 10x20 Party Wedding Tent Canopy - Spacious 10x20 white wedding tent with 4 sidewalls, 2 doors, easy assembly, high-class cloth top, iron tubes, smart workmanship, waterproof, suitable for various events & assembled with necessary accessories.
  2. 10 ft. x 20 ft. Heavy-Duty Canopy Event Tent Outdoor White Gazebo Party Wedding Tent with 4 Removable Sidewalls - This elegant, easy-to-assemble, and highly durable 10x20 tent offers ample space for any event, providing a comfortable retreat from the elements due to its waterproof and UV-resistant features.
  3. 10'x20' Waterproof Canopy Tent with Sidewalls - The Costway 10'x20' Canopy Tent with 4 Sidewalls and Carry Bag provides a durable, weather-resistant, and easy-to-use shelter for outdoor events, offering protection from rain, winds, and UV rays while being suitable for commercial and recreational use.
  4. 10x20 Pop-Up Event Tent with Removable Mesh Sidewalls - The Outsunny 10 ft. x 20 ft. Canopy Tent Gazebo, with its white, powder-coated steel frame and 4 removable mesh sidewalls, provides a practical and elegant solution for your next outdoor event, offering both protection and an open-air feel.
  5. 10x20 Traditional White Wedding Party Tent Canopy - Experience the perfect blend of style and durability with the Winado 10 ft. x 20 ft. White Party Wedding Tent Canopy featuring 4 sidewalls and 2 doors, designed for hosting weddings, camping, and other events with ease and convenience.
  6. White 10 ft. x 30 ft. Wedding Party Tent with 6 Sides and 2 Doors - A 10 ft. x 30 ft. white party tent with 6 sidewalls and 2 doors, perfect for weddings, camping, and other special occasions, offering a spacious and waterproof space with a robust, easy-to-assemble structure.
  7. 10 ft. x 30 ft. White Party Wedding Tent Canopy - This 10 ft. x 30 ft. White Party Wedding Tent Canopy 5 Sidewall by Winado offers a practical, portable, and waterproof solution for wedding, camping, and other gatherings, with its high-grade PE cloth and iron tube frame ensuring durability and stability.
  8. Outdoor White Metal Party Tent with Zippered Windows - Durable and Multifunctional Outdoor Metal Party Tent with UV Protection and Waterproof Top, Ideal for Weddings, Picnics, and Events on Grassy and Cement Surfaces.
  9. 15' x 15' Canopy Tent Blockout Sidewall Kit - Protect your event from wind, rain, and sun with our 15' x 15' Premium Waterproof Blockout Sidewall Kit, including UV-resistant and 100% waterproof sidewalls for added privacy and protection.
  10. 10'x10' Canopy Wedding Party Tent Gazebo with 4 Side Walls - Upgrade your event with this elegant 10'x10' canvas canopy party tent, featuring 4 side walls for added privacy and class at your next special gathering or wedding, although some reviewers found the structure not sturdy.
  11. White 10x10 Pop-Up Canopy Tent with Sides - CASAINC 10 ft. x 10 ft. White Outdoor Side Walls Canopy Tent - Durable waterproof top cover, sturdy construction, and large space make it ideal for parties, weddings, and flea markets, providing long-lasting shelter on various surfaces.
  12. Versatile Pop-up Canopy Tent with UV Protection - Experience the perfect blend of style, convenience, and durability with Outsunny's 10' x 20' Pop Up Canopy Tent, offering effortless assembly, UV protection, and a space-saving, wheeled carry bag for all outdoor events.
  13. Stylish Convertible Sleeper Chair for Modern Spaces - Durable 10'x30' party canopy tent with 8 removable sidewalls, heavy-duty steel frame, waterproof Polyethylene roof, and UV protection for outdoor weddings, gatherings, and camping. Easy assembly in 15 minutes.
  14. 30x10 ft. White Wedding Party Canopy Tent with 8 Removable Sidewalls - Experience the perfect balance of durability, style, and convenience with the ITOPFOX Wedding Party Canopy Tent, featuring a waterproof, corrosion-resistant design suitable for various outdoor events like parties and weddings.
  15. 10' x 20' Blockout Canopy Tent Sidwalls - The 10' x 20' Party & Canopy Tent Premium Blockout Sidewall Kit offers waterproof, UV-resistant, and mold-resistant protection for your event, featuring PVC vinyl construction and adjustable staking loops for a secure, weather-resistant setup.
  16. Pop-up 10'x30' Wedding Party Canopy Tent - Discover the vibrant and elegant 10x30 Wedding Party Canopy Tent from FORCLOVER, boasting 8 removable sidewalls and a sturdy powder-coated tube frame, perfect for temporary outdoor celebrations under favorable weather conditions.
  17. High Quality Canopy Tent with Waterproof Top, Durable, 10x10, For Outdoor Use - Experience a sturdy, waterproof, and UV-resistant 10' x 10' Outdoor Side Walls Canopy Tent, perfect for parties, weddings, and business events, with easy setup and durable construction for a long-lasting solution to your outdoor needs.
  18. Waterproof Pop-Up Canopy Tent with Window and Removable Sidewalls - Spacious 10x10ft Oudiec Pop Up Canopy Tent with waterproof 210D Oxford fabric, removable side walls, mesh windows, and UV protection, perfect for outdoor gatherings, patios, gardens and more.
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🔗White 10x20 Party Wedding Tent Canopy
As a reviewer who has had the opportunity to use this 10 ft. x 20 ft. White Party Wedding Tent Canopy with 4 Sidewalls and 2 Doors, I can confidently say that it's been an exceptional choice for our events. The ease of assembly is one of the key features that stood out for me. With its smart workmanship and high-class cloth top and iron tubes, setting it up took no time at all.
Another brilliant feature that I absolutely loved is its large space. It comfortably accommodated many people and stuffs, making it perfect for big gatherings like weddings or parties. The outstanding waterproof performance also makes it suitable for outdoor usage, which is a bonus.
One minor issue I encountered was a slight instability during windy days. However, the spiral interface between the tubes in its design has made the overall frame more stable, providing a secure environment even during unpredictable weather conditions.
All in all, this tent is a great addition to any event, whether it be a wedding, camping, parking, or a simple party. It's the assembled tent that comes with necessary accessories, making it convenient to carry around on a daily basis.
In summary, this 10 ft. x 20 ft. White Party Wedding Tent Canopy is a versatile, space-efficient, and easy-to-assemble option that doesn't compromise on elegance.

🔗10 ft. x 20 ft. Heavy-Duty Canopy Event Tent Outdoor White Gazebo Party Wedding Tent with 4 Removable Sidewalls

Oh, you know when you're planning that big BBQ party in your backyard and you want your guests to feel as comfortable as possible? Or maybe you need a waterproof shelter for those unexpected rain showers during a camping trip? Well, I just had the chance to try out this 10 ft. x 20 ft. white gazebo party tent, and let me tell you, it's perfect for both!
The first thing that caught my eye was its high-grade PE cloth top and iron tubes. The smart workmanship and reasonable design make it not only incredibly stylish but also incredibly easy to put together. You know how some tents can be a real hassle to assemble? Not this one! It only took me a few minutes, and I was good to go! It's like having your own little pop-up fortress.
One thing I definitely appreciated was the spacious room it provides. I had plenty of space to add a few tables and chairs for my guests, and it didn't feel cramped at all. And speaking of guests, the tent's high-grade materials make sure that everyone stays comfortable, no matter what the weather's like outside. It's like your own personal oasis, except instead of palm trees, you've got a sleek, white tent!
Of course, no product is perfect, and this one is no exception. One small issue I encountered was that the tent can be a bit challenging to take down on your own, especially if you're in a hurry. I also found that the sidewalls can be a bit difficult to remove and reattach, so make sure you give yourself ample time when disassembling the tent.
Overall, I would highly recommend this 10 ft. x 20 ft. white gazebo party tent, especially for anyone who's looking for a stylish, high-quality outdoor shelter that's easy to assemble and provides plenty of room for guests. Just make sure you've got a buddy to help you with the take-down process!

🔗10'x20' Waterproof Canopy Tent with Sidewalls
I recently purchased a Costway 10'x20' Canopy Tent for a backyard party, and I must say, it exceeded my expectations. The tent was easy to set up with the help of my family and friends, and it provided ample shade from the summer sun. The highlight of this tent is its rust-resistant steel frame and durable waterproof polyethylene fabric, which make it perfect for withstanding various weather conditions.
One of the standout features for me was the ease of installation. We were able to have it up and ready within a short period, ensuring that our guests were protected from the elements. The canopy also provided a nice wind block, which came in handy during occasional gusts.
In terms of aesthetics, the canopy tent is quite appealing, with a sleek design that adds a touch of elegance to any event. The quality of the sewing is meticulous, contributing to the overall durability of the tent. Additionally, the tent comes with a carrying bag, making it easy to transport and store when not in use.
However, there are some cons to consider. Some users reported issues with the durability of the tent, with signs of wear and tear after a few uses. There were also concerns about the product's weather resistance, as it may not withstand stronger gusts of wind or heavy rainfall.
In conclusion, the Costway 10'x20' Canopy Tent is a great choice for those looking for a sturdy and stylish shelter for their outdoor events. While some users have reported durability concerns, overall, the tent has received positive reviews from many satisfied customers. I would definitely recommend it for commercial or recreational use, such as parties, weddings, flea markets, and backyard events.

🔗10x20 Pop-Up Event Tent with Removable Mesh Sidewalls
In my recent outdoor event, I had the pleasure of using the Outsunny Canopy Tent Gazebo. The first thing I noticed was how easy it was to set up. The rust-resistant steel frame held its own against some gusty wind, providing a safe and spacious shelter for my guests.
One of the standout features was the 4 removable mesh walls. They allowed for an open-air feel while also offering protection from bugs and wind. The water-resistant roof provided great coverage and helped reflect UV rays, keeping everyone cool and safe from the sun.
However, this tent isn't perfect. It can be a pain to take down, especially on windy days when the mesh walls flap around. Additionally, it's not very weather-resistant in heavy rain or strong winds. I learned this the hard way when a sudden downpour brought the party to an abrupt end as the tent collapsed.
Overall, the Outsunny Canopy Tent Gazebo is great for casual events or gatherings. Its ease of setup and breathable mesh walls make it a comfortable choice. However, its lack of durability and poor weather resistance might be a deal-breaker for those planning more intense outdoor events or using it in unpredictable weather conditions.
I hope my experience gives you a better understanding of this product. If you have any questions or need more information, please don't hesitate to ask.

🔗10x20 Traditional White Wedding Party Tent Canopy
As a reviewer who has been using the Winado 10 ft x 20 ft White Party Wedding Tent Canopy with 4 Sidewall and 2 Doors for several events, I can definitely say it's been a game-changer. The high-grade cloth top and iron tubes provide a robust structure that has withstood countless storms and windy days, ensuring my guests remain comfortable and dry.
One of the standout features is its ease of assembly. Even with limited experience, I could quickly set up this tent. The spiral interface between the tubes adds additional stability to the overall frame. Plus, the large space it provides is perfect for accommodating many people and their belongings.
However, there were some cons to consider. The lack of waterproof rating could be an issue in heavy rainfall. And while it's suitable for various occasions, the weight of the tent can be a bit cumbersome for solo setups.
In conclusion, the Winado Tent Canopy has been a reliable addition to my event planning toolkit. It boasts a sturdy structure, spacious interior, and easy assembly. Despite the cons, I'd recommend it for anyone in need of a reliable tent for their next gathering.

🔗White 10 ft. x 30 ft. Wedding Party Tent with 6 Sides and 2 Doors
I had the opportunity to use this beautiful 10 ft. x 30 ft. White Party Wedding Tent Canopy for my cousin's wedding, and it was an absolute game-changer! Its elegant design and spacious interior provided the perfect setting for our guests to dance the night away. The ease of setup and breakdown was a major plus, allowing us to focus on the more important aspects of the event.
One thing that really stood out was the sturdiness of the structure, with its high-grade PE cloth top and iron tubes. Even on a slightly breezy day, it held up surprisingly well. However, I must say that it's not the best choice for super windy or rainy conditions, so make sure to secure it properly.
The sidewall and two doors were also an excellent touch, providing that extra layer of privacy and protection from the elements. Plus, the fact that it can accommodate up to 300 square feet of space means you won't have to worry about cramming everyone inside!
In summary, this Wedding Tent Canopy was a fantastic addition to our event, transforming a simple backyard into a magical, elegant space. While it may not be ideal for windy or rainy situations, its overall quality and spacious design make it a great choice for those looking to elevate their next outdoor gathering.

🔗10 ft. x 30 ft. White Party Wedding Tent Canopy
I recently purchased the Winado 10 ft. x 30 ft. White Party Wedding Tent Canopy with 5 Sidewalls for an outdoor event.
The tent was surprisingly easy to set up following the instructions, and it looked elegant draped in white. I was also impressed by how spacious the interior was, providing ample space for guests.
However, on a slightly windy day, the stability of the tent became a concern as the structure wasn't as sturdy as I'd hoped. Despite this, the tent did offer protection from light rain. Overall, while the Winado Wedding Tent Canopy is beautiful and functional for various occasions, it may not be the best choice for events held in windy conditions.

🔗Outdoor White Metal Party Tent with Zippered Windows
As an avid party planner, I must say that the Outdoor Metal White Party Tent with Windows - 13 x 26 has been a game-changer for my events. It's a multi-functional shelter that provides both shade and protection from the elements, making it perfect for commercial and recreational use. From weddings and graduations to picnics and backyard parties, this tent truly is a versatile choice.
One of the standout features of this tent is its high-quality, heavy-duty white powder-coated steel structure. It's rust and corrosion-resistant and delivers strong support with its 1.5-inch steel tube diameter and 1.66-inch metal connector diameter. Additionally, the thick base offers immense stability and durability for outdoor activities.
The 100% waterproof top uses a 140g PE cloth that keeps guests dry in case of rain. Meanwhile, the removable sidewalls with zippers allow for great cross-ventilation on hot summer days. These sidewalls also block 99% of harmful UV rays, making them perfect for sunny afternoons. The 160-gram PVC windows provide more brightness and a modern look to the tent.
Storing and reusing this tent is hassle-free, thanks to the extra durable 3 x 600D Oxford fabric storage bags included. For added stability on different surfaces, both ground nails and expansion screws are provided. However, it's essential to take preventative measures when wind speeds reach 25 mph or higher.
A few safety reminders include never leaving the tent up overnight or in bad weather conditions. Also, note that the polyethylene fabric is non-fireproof, so always keep it away from sources of fire. To ensure the best experience, safety measures and professional installation are highly recommended.
While the Outdoor Metal White Party Tent with Windows - 13 x 26 has been a wonderful addition to my event planning toolkit, it does have a few drawbacks. The initial setup can be time-consuming, and the weight of the components may make it difficult for one person to handle alone. Additionally, the requirement for additional support structures in windy conditions adds to the complexity of using the tent.
Overall, this tent offers great value and functionality for a variety of outdoor events. Its weather resistance, durability, and versatility make it a worthwhile investment for anyone looking to enhance their event experience.

🔗15' x 15' Canopy Tent Blockout Sidewall Kit
Imagine the disappointment of having your perfectly planned backyard event ruined by sudden rain or unpredictable wind. Our 15' x 15' Premium Blockout Sidewall Kit is here to save the day, designed to help you weather the unexpected and keep your guests comfortable in any situation.
Constructed from 16oz premium blockout PVC vinyl, these sidewalls boast impressive UV resistance and 100% waterproofing. They come in your choice of cathedral or window sidewalls, allowing you to control not only the elements but also the level of privacy and visibility you desire.
One unique feature of our sidewalls is the strapping for staking and securing to the ground, ensuring they stay in place regardless of the weather conditions outside. However, it's important to note that these sidewalls are not recommended for staking during heavy winds, as this could potentially damage your event equipment.
In summary, our 15' x 15' Premium Blockout Sidewall Kit is a reliable and versatile solution for creating a comfortable and private space at your next outdoor event. While they offer excellent protection from the sun and rain, it's crucial to take extra care during heavy winds to ensure their longevity and effectiveness.

🔗10'x10' Canopy Wedding Party Tent Gazebo with 4 Side Walls
I recently used the Segawe 10'x10' Canopy Party Tent for a backyard wedding, and it was quite an experience. The first thing that caught my eye was the elegant design with four side walls, giving our event a private and elegant touch. However, the build quality wasn't as sturdy as I expected. The metal poles didn't feel very strong, which was a bit concerning.
To my relief, the canopy itself is made of high-quality 90G/M2 PE material, providing excellent shelter from the sun and rain. The 4 side walls came in handy for added privacy during our intimate gathering, but they didn't offer much in terms of stability. It would have been even better if the structure had some kind of locking mechanism to make it sturdier.
Despite its flaws, this gazebo pavilion did its job for our one-off event. And considering the affordable price, it might be worth considering if you're in need of a temporary shelter with side walls for your next gathering. Just keep in mind that you might need to reinforce the structure yourself to ensure it doesn't collapse in strong winds.

🔗White 10x10 Pop-Up Canopy Tent with Sides
Once upon a time, I decided to throw a beach-themed party in my backyard. I wanted to create the perfect atmosphere for my guests, so I opted for a Canopy Tent with Sides to provide shade and protection from the elements. As I began setting it up, I was struck by how easy it was to assemble - no tools required! The structure felt sturdy and reliable, which instantly put my concerns about wind or rain at bay.
One feature that stood out was the adjustable height. It allowed me to accommodate taller guests comfortably while still providing ample space beneath the canopy. The white color of the tent not only matched my nautical theme perfectly but also helped reflect sunlight, keeping the area cooler on a hot summer day.
However, there were some cons that need addressing. Firstly, the lack of a storage bag meant I had to find extra storage space for all the parts when the party was over. Additionally, despite the waterproof top cover, there wasn't enough ventilation, making it quite stuffy inside during the peak afternoon sun.
In conclusion, while the Canopy Tent with Sides proved to be an excellent addition to my outdoor event, some improvements could enhance its appeal further. I'd recommend adding a storage bag and improving airflow for those sweltering summer days.

🔗Versatile Pop-up Canopy Tent with UV Protection
I recently used the Outsunny Pop Up Canopy Tent for a family gathering in our garden, and it certainly proved to be a lifesaver. The sturdy construction and large size provided ample shade and shelter during the hot summer day, while the sidewalls and doors ensured that we were well protected from any wind gusts. The assembly process was quite smooth, taking just a few minutes with the help of a friend, and the included wheels made it easy to maneuver and set up in different locations.
One standout feature of this tent is its durability. After weeks of use, it still looks brand new, and I'm confident that it'll continue to provide reliable protection from the elements for many more gatherings to come. However, one issue that I encountered with the tent is that it can be a bit heavy when it's time to pack up and move it to another location. Overall, the Outsunny Pop Up Canopy Tent has been an excellent addition to our outdoor entertaining repertoire, offering both style and substance for a wide range of occasions.

🔗Stylish Convertible Sleeper Chair for Modern Spaces
As a frequent party planner, I recently stumbled upon this 10x30' Party Canopy Tent and it has been a game-changer. The heavy-duty steel frame is not only sturdy but also lightweight, ensuring longevity and easy transport. The high-quality polyethylene roof and sidewalls are tear-resistant, waterproof, and offer UV protection. I appreciate the additional ropes and stakes provided for added stability during those windy days.
The large interior space can comfortably accommodate around 50 people, making it perfect for various occasions like weddings, birthday parties, or family gatherings. The eight removable sidewalls with windows provide ample shade and privacy. It's also incredibly versatile - great for picnics, barbecues, or even as a temporary shelter for your car.
While the assembly instructions are quite straightforward and can be completed in about 15 minutes, it does require some patience and steady hands to ensure the frame is steady before placing the cover. Overall, this Party Canopy Tent has definitely become a staple in my event planning toolkit.

Buyer's Guide
  1. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper assembly and maintenance of your canopy tent with sides, ensuring that it remains in good condition and provides optimal protection.
  2. Invest in additional accessories like sandbags or weights to further secure your tent during windy conditions or heavy rain.
  3. Ensure that all stakes and anchoring systems are properly installed with adequate clearance for safety purposes, and regularly inspect them for signs of wear or damage to maintain their effectiveness in securing your canopy tent with sides.
  4. Store your canopy tent with sides in a dry, clean location when not in use to help extend its lifespan and maintain its performance.


What are canopy tents with sides?

Canopy tents with sides, also known as instant tents or frame tents, are tents designed with extended walls on all four sides for added protection and enhanced privacy. These tents are typically made of waterproof and UV-resistant materials, and they provide shelter from sun, wind, and rain.

What are the benefits of using a canopy tent with sides?
Some benefits include:
  • Protection from sun, wind, and rain
  • Enhanced privacy and added personal space
  • Ease of setup and use
  • Durability and longevity due to high-quality materials

How do I choose the right size canopy tent with sides for my needs?

Consider factors like the number of people you'll be hosting, the amount of gear you need to store, and the available space. Standard sizes are typically 10x10, 10x15, and 15x15 feet, but some tents may have custom dimensions.

What features should I look for in a quality canopy tent with sides?

Some important features include:
  1. Sturdy steel or aluminum frame
  2. Waterproof and UV-resistant material
  3. Efficient ventilation options, like adjustable air vents or roll-up walls
  4. Easy-to-handle side walls with zippers or Velcro attachments
  5. Wheeled carrying bag for easy transportation

How do I set up a canopy tent with sides?

Follow these general steps:
  1. Extend the frame
  2. Attach the roof to the frame
  3. Raise and extend the frame until the roof is fully taut
  4. Attach side walls using zippers or Velcro
  5. Stake down and secure the tent using tent stakes or sandbags

How do I care for and maintain a canopy tent with sides?

Some tips include:
  • Clean the tent fabric using a mild detergent and water
  • Allow the fabric to dry completely before storing
  • Inspect and tighten loose screws or bolts periodically
  • Store the tent in a cool, dry place

How long do canopy tents with sides typically last?

The lifespan of a canopy tent with sides can vary, but with proper care and maintenance, they can last for several years or longer.

Can I use a canopy tent with sides for camping, events, or beach outings?

Yes! Canopy tents with sides are versatile and can be used for various occasions, including camping, picnics, tailgating, outdoor events, beach outings, and even at home for providing shade in your backyard.
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submitted by Significant-Tower146 to u/Significant-Tower146 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:52 lukmapache [F4M] ghost girl wants you to notice her [ghost speaker x human listener] [tsundere-ish] [comedy] [wholesome] [slice of life] An ASMR script by Luk Mapache.

It's okay to record, post and monetize (as long as you don't put it behind a paywall), just credit me.
Feel free to tweak it, change the roles and pronouns, correct my orthography, just don't change it too much.
Feedback is appreciated.
“hehehe, today is the day”
“Finally, after months of frustration and failed attempts”
“Today is the day I'll scare him!!!”
“I'm sure he is going to say, “oh no a scary ghost, I have to leave this haunted place immediately”, and he will leave my house”
“He... is... late today...”
“He is never this late”
“Could it be that something has happened to him?”
“What if he died?”
“He better not have died before I had a chance to scare him”
(SFX: keys on the door)
“Oh, there he is”
“Okay, put you bag down, just like that and now...”
(SFX: door slams)
“ohohoho, I bet that scared him a lot!!!!”
“He isn’t even startled...”
“Fine, time to get serious”
“I’ll turn off the lights as soon as he walks into the kitchen”
“That should do it”
“It isn’t your lightbulb, when has it been your lightbulb in the past six weeks?”
“it’s me, it’s always been me”
“See me!!! Fear me!!!”
“What do I have to do, push you down the stairs?”
“Actually, scratch that, last time you almost died”
“Oh, he is about to sit, maybe I could...”
(SFX: chair moves)
“The chair moved on its own, surely you at least found that weird, right?”
“No!! No!! No!! No!!”
“don’t just sit on the chair...”
“This wasn’t this difficult in the 80’s”
“What is he doing now?”
“Instant ramen again?”
“He really should stop eating that”
“It can’t be good for him”
“I wonder what they taste like thought”
“Idea, I'll turn on the stove and overboil his noodles”
“As soon as he looks away...”
“What do you think about that mister I fear nothing”
“What is he doing?”
“You are just going to leave with the stove turned up like that?”
“Well, I'm not turning it down...”
“it’s starting to boil...”
“And now is boiling...”
“And now is spilling!!”
“Hey!!! Can't you hear it?”
“don’t you care about your soup? your pot? the kitchen? Your safety?”
“I'll turn it off gee”
“There you are, the kitchen could have burn you know?”
“And you are just going to serve the noodles and move on, because of course you are”
“What do I have to do?”
“I have tried all the tricks, moving objects, making things disappear, weird noises, turning the lights on and off”
“I would appear outside your bedroom wearing a bedsheet at this point”
“I would lose my pride as a ghost if I did that”
“What to do? What to do?”
“Hey where did you go?”
(SFX: tv turning on)
“Oh, it is that time of the day”
“Hey, what are we watching?”
“Is it cartoons?”
“Ugh, I can’t stand this campy 80’s horror movies, I didn’t like them when they were new, and I don’t like them now”
“If you don’t change the channel I will”
“Excuse me, did you just flinch?”
“Oh no, you are not getting scared watching this garbage?”
“You really just screamed?”
“Okay, that is it”
“What was that trick jerry the poltergeist taught me back in 09?”
“haven’t had to do this in a while”
(SFX: static noises)
“Yes, I’m talking to you”
“No, this is not part of your movie, your terrible, terrible, stupid movie, I really am talking to you”
“what’s the big idea dude?”
“For weeks I have been moving chairs and slamming doors, without even getting a single reaction out of you”
“Just to see you get scared and literally scream watching a boring 80’s horror movie, that aged like milk”
“Point is, not cool”
“of course, is only now that you realize I’m here, well about time!!!”
“I’m a ghost, I haunt this house”
“I'm talking through the tv, it’s a trick I learn from a poltergeist that lived in a radio once”
“Yeah, yeah nice to meet you too, whatever moving on”
“How can you not notice the house is haunted? Even I literally pushed you down the stairs that one time”
“Yeah, sorry, that was me”
“I wasn’t trying to kill you or anything, I was just trying to scare you and make you live my house”
“Yes, this is my house, I was born here, grew up here and I died here, it’s mine”
“I am not sharing it with anyone, I have scared off anyone who has moved here”
“First it was the Jeffers in 82, they were a family of five, they were only here for 2 months before they packed up and left”
“I took it slow, saw what they were like before starting doing things”
“They were nice enough; the kids were a little annoying”
“Then in 94, a woman and her daughter, the girl was into spooky stuff, her mom hoped it was just a phase”
“After two weeks of things happening, she took a Ouija board and convinced the mom to have a seance, it only took shaking up the table a little and saying get out, for them to pack and leave the next day”
“Then 2001, a painter, or was it a writer? Doesn’t matter... he thought he was crazy, and that I was a product of his mind”
“Well, he was crazy, but the house was also haunted”
“He didn’t run away though, he was hospitalized... it was better for him...”
“After that it was a couple of newlyweds, a week of moving objects and they set a bunch cameras allover”
“I decided to give them a show, there were out in a week”
“What year it was?”
“2007, why?”
“Anyway, then it was 2012, let’s just say a sorority had to look for a new house, in only three days... that was my proudest moment...”
“Which brings us to you”
“Six weeks and you didn’t even notice there’s something going on”
“Are you that dense?”
“What do you mean you knew?”
“Well yeah, I don’t want to hurt you, but still, I think you would at least get scared, you live in a seclude house, alone, in the woods”
“Why would you willingly live somewhere like this?”
“The rent is what?”
“That is... so little...”
“How dare they rent my house for just that?
“My father spent a fortune building it!!!”
“It pisses me off”
“What valid reasons?”
“Yes, I guess the garden could use some work”
“And the roof is a little moldy”
“Come on, is not as if anyone knows for sure that is haunted”
“It was in the contract?”
“And you still moved here?”
“you’ll really settle for anything, huh?”
“If I, hypothetically, agreed to share the house”
“Under the condition on not putting anymore stupid horror movies”
“And let me watch at least an hour of cartoons”
“And constantly speaking to me even if you can’t hear me when I'm not in the tv”
“Yes, I could move to any other screen”
“What? No, I’m not moving to the screen of your phone, i have seen the stuff you look in it”
“Your laptop isn’t as bad, but you still haven’t answer me”
“Would you do all that?”
“Then, will agree to share the place with you”
“Because this is the first conversation I had in like a century”
“Is rude to ask the age of a lady”
“Hmm... what year is this?
“a little less than a hundred then”
“I don’t speak like an old lady because, I try to keep up with the lingo, why not, I mean, YOLO, you know?”
“Why are you looking at me like that? What did I say?”
submitted by lukmapache to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:51 lukmapache [F4M] ghost girl wants you to notice her [ghost speaker x human listener] [tsundere-ish] [comedy] [wholesome] [slice of life] An ASMR script by Luk Mapache.

It's okay to record, post and monetize (as long as you don't put it behind a paywall), just credit me.
Feel free to tweak it, change the roles and pronouns, correct my orthography, just don't change it too much.
Feedback is appreciated.
“hehehe, today is the day”
“Finally, after months of frustration and failed attempts”
“Today is the day I'll scare him!!!”
“I'm sure he is going to say, “oh no a scary ghost, I have to leave this haunted place immediately”, and he will leave my house”
“He... is... late today...”
“He is never this late”
“Could it be that something has happened to him?”
“What if he died?”
“He better not have died before I had a chance to scare him”
(SFX: keys on the door)
“Oh, there he is”
“Okay, put you bag down, just like that and now...”
(SFX: door slams)
“ohohoho, I bet that scared him a lot!!!!”
“He isn’t even startled...”
“Fine, time to get serious”
“I’ll turn off the lights as soon as he walks into the kitchen”
“That should do it”
“It isn’t your lightbulb, when has it been your lightbulb in the past six weeks?”
“it’s me, it’s always been me”
“See me!!! Fear me!!!”
“What do I have to do, push you down the stairs?”
“Actually, scratch that, last time you almost died”
“Oh, he is about to sit, maybe I could...”
(SFX: chair moves)
“The chair moved on its own, surely you at least found that weird, right?”
“No!! No!! No!! No!!”
“don’t just sit on the chair...”
“This wasn’t this difficult in the 80’s”
“What is he doing now?”
“Instant ramen again?”
“He really should stop eating that”
“It can’t be good for him”
“I wonder what they taste like thought”
“Idea, I'll turn on the stove and overboil his noodles”
“As soon as he looks away...”
“What do you think about that mister I fear nothing”
“What is he doing?”
“You are just going to leave with the stove turned up like that?”
“Well, I'm not turning it down...”
“it’s starting to boil...”
“And now is boiling...”
“And now is spilling!!”
“Hey!!! Can't you hear it?”
“don’t you care about your soup? your pot? the kitchen? Your safety?”
“I'll turn it off gee”
“There you are, the kitchen could have burn you know?”
“And you are just going to serve the noodles and move on, because of course you are”
“What do I have to do?”
“I have tried all the tricks, moving objects, making things disappear, weird noises, turning the lights on and off”
“I would appear outside your bedroom wearing a bedsheet at this point”
“I would lose my pride as a ghost if I did that”
“What to do? What to do?”
“Hey where did you go?”
(SFX: tv turning on)
“Oh, it is that time of the day”
“Hey, what are we watching?”
“Is it cartoons?”
“Ugh, I can’t stand this campy 80’s horror movies, I didn’t like them when they were new, and I don’t like them now”
“If you don’t change the channel I will”
“Excuse me, did you just flinch?”
“Oh no, you are not getting scared watching this garbage?”
“You really just screamed?”
“Okay, that is it”
“What was that trick jerry the poltergeist taught me back in 09?”
“haven’t had to do this in a while”
(SFX: static noises)
“Yes, I’m talking to you”
“No, this is not part of your movie, your terrible, terrible, stupid movie, I really am talking to you”
“what’s the big idea dude?”
“For weeks I have been moving chairs and slamming doors, without even getting a single reaction out of you”
“Just to see you get scared and literally scream watching a boring 80’s horror movie, that aged like milk”
“Point is, not cool”
“of course, is only now that you realize I’m here, well about time!!!”
“I’m a ghost, I haunt this house”
“I'm talking through the tv, it’s a trick I learn from a poltergeist that lived in a radio once”
“Yeah, yeah nice to meet you too, whatever moving on”
“How can you not notice the house is haunted? Even I literally pushed you down the stairs that one time”
“Yeah, sorry, that was me”
“I wasn’t trying to kill you or anything, I was just trying to scare you and make you live my house”
“Yes, this is my house, I was born here, grew up here and I died here, it’s mine”
“I am not sharing it with anyone, I have scared off anyone who has moved here”
“First it was the Jeffers in 82, they were a family of five, they were only here for 2 months before they packed up and left”
“I took it slow, saw what they were like before starting doing things”
“They were nice enough; the kids were a little annoying”
“Then in 94, a woman and her daughter, the girl was into spooky stuff, her mom hoped it was just a phase”
“After two weeks of things happening, she took a Ouija board and convinced the mom to have a seance, it only took shaking up the table a little and saying get out, for them to pack and leave the next day”
“Then 2001, a painter, or was it a writer? Doesn’t matter... he thought he was crazy, and that I was a product of his mind”
“Well, he was crazy, but the house was also haunted”
“He didn’t run away though, he was hospitalized... it was better for him...”
“After that it was a couple of newlyweds, a week of moving objects and they set a bunch cameras allover”
“I decided to give them a show, there were out in a week”
“What year it was?”
“2007, why?”
“Anyway, then it was 2012, let’s just say a sorority had to look for a new house, in only three days... that was my proudest moment...”
“Which brings us to you”
“Six weeks and you didn’t even notice there’s something going on”
“Are you that dense?”
“What do you mean you knew?”
“Well yeah, I don’t want to hurt you, but still, I think you would at least get scared, you live in a seclude house, alone, in the woods”
“Why would you willingly live somewhere like this?”
“The rent is what?”
“That is... so little...”
“How dare they rent my house for just that?
“My father spent a fortune building it!!!”
“It pisses me off”
“What valid reasons?”
“Yes, I guess the garden could use some work”
“And the roof is a little moldy”
“Come on, is not as if anyone knows for sure that is haunted”
“It was in the contract?”
“And you still moved here?”
“you’ll really settle for anything, huh?”
“If I, hypothetically, agreed to share the house”
“Under the condition on not putting anymore stupid horror movies”
“And let me watch at least an hour of cartoons”
“And constantly speaking to me even if you can’t hear me when I'm not in the tv”
“Yes, I could move to any other screen”
“What? No, I’m not moving to the screen of your phone, i have seen the stuff you look in it”
“Your laptop isn’t as bad, but you still haven’t answer me”
“Would you do all that?”
“Then, will agree to share the place with you”
“Because this is the first conversation I had in like a century”
“Is rude to ask the age of a lady”
“Hmm... what year is this?
“a little less than a hundred then”
“I don’t speak like an old lady because, I try to keep up with the lingo, why not, I mean, YOLO, you know?”
“Why are you looking at me like that? What did I say?”
submitted by lukmapache to talkingtalltales [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:49 mualak Something about self-love that I wrote, hope others with similar struggles can find some peace in it.

I've seen many other things with the same message but this is the first time I understood the concept, I hope others can too. Based on a real conversation I had with myself.

Heart to Heart

After another sleepless night, I was watching the sun come up through the window. His gaze caught mine once again, our eyes locked, and for a moment I forgot who he was. I looked into his eyes for a while and I found myself wondering what he was thinking about as if I didn’t know, but at that moment, I didn’t know. As his gaze followed mine, I about forgot the mirror that separated us, and for the first time, I saw him through different eyes. He was so lost, this man I’ve known all my life yet I have no idea who he is, but I’ve always had the feeling that he wasn’t quite right. I stepped into the balcony with him and sat beside him, to talk to him. He looked into my eyes with such emotion and I felt that he was searching for the right words to say.
“You don’t have to do that”
I didn’t have to, I’ve gotten so used to trying to explain myself to everyone I forgot that he didn’t need the context, he was there to witness my whole life with his own eyes, and for the first time, I realized that I was talking to someone who actually gets it. It was surreal, It was a truly freeing moment.
“Why do you keep doing this?”
“Do you have any idea how awful it makes me feel that you keep searching for someone else when I’m right here?”
My eyes were going back and forth between the reflecting window and the floor.
“I’m here, every fucking day I’m here and you try your hardest to act like you are alone.”
“Do you ever think about how I feel? To have the only person that I trust, try to find my replacement every day?”
“Because you KNOW that I’ll forgive you for it. You KNOW that I’m not fucking going anywhere.”
“I trust in you every day, and every day you avoid me. When were you going to talk to me? In your deathbed?”
“But, I’ll be there too.”
A single tear started running down his tired face.
“Can’t you see that I’m the one you’re yearning for? I listen to your bullshit every day and every day I still give you the best answers I can. I follow your dreams with you. I wait patiently as you go on with your life, never letting you miss a beat, never asking why you were away so long. I do everything for you and I give you my all, what else can I give you besides that? I do every single thing you ask me to do and every single time my work goes thankless. Do you think anyone else will go to those lengths for you? Not even a slave could do that. I’m here every day and you act like I don’t exist ”
“I live in the shadow of some unfound, unknown, unreachable love and I am SICK of waiting for you to see me.”
“That explains a lot actually, now that I think about it.”
“The love that you are so desperate to find, the one that you wait for, ever so patiently, the love that you just won’t give up on? That’s how I feel about you. And it breaks me.”
“But I understand you, I always do, and I will keep waiting as long as you do.”
“But I am sick of you getting into your bed every night, realizing you are alone with me once again, wishing you were alone with somebody else, someone you can trust with your life and most sacred thoughts.”
“I need you to start seeing me as who I am. See me like you want other people to see you.”
“Maybe I’d stop feeling this way if you did. Can’t you just try doing this one thing for me? Just this once? That’s all I ask in return.”
He turned his gaze away from me, and I disappeared once again. I’ll see him again soon though. I just hope he understood it this time, but I’m still not going anywhere if he didn’t.
submitted by mualak to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:47 GuiltlessMaple Best Canon Underwater Camera Case

Best Canon Underwater Camera Case
Canon Underwater Camera Cases are perfect for capturing those unforgettable underwater moments. Our article presents a comprehensive roundup of the best models, highlighting their features, durability, and ease of use. Whether you're an amateur or a professional photographer, this review will help you choose the right Canon Underwater Camera Case to protect your camera and enhance your underwater photography experience.
In this article, we'll delve into the top Canon Underwater Camera Case models in the market, discussing their unique selling points and how they cater to different photography needs. Our comparison will provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision and ensure your camera remains safe on your next underwater adventure.

The Top 6 Best Canon Underwater Camera Case

  1. Canon WP-DC40 Underwater Camera Case - Capture stunning underwater shots with Canon's Waterproof Underwater Case WP-DC40 for S60/70 cameras, perfect for depths up to 130 feet, and ideal for rainy, beach, or ski trip photography.
  2. Underwater Case for Canon PowerShot SD700 IS - The Canon WP-DC5 Waterproof Case is a must-have for divers and beach lovers, providing top-notch protection and enabling your Canon PowerShot to capture stunning underwater shots at depths of up to 130 feet.
  3. Waterproof Case for Canon Digital Cameras - Canon's waterproof camera case, designed for EOS and PowerShot models, offers durability and access to all photographic controls, safeguarding against water, snow, sand, and dust, making it perfect for both underwater and land photography adventures.
  4. Ikelite Underwater Housing for Canon PowerShot G9/G9 Mark II - Dive to 200' with Canon G9 X or G9 X Mark II Digital Camera in Ikelite's compact, lightweight underwater action housing, offering access to important camera functions, a scratch-resistant glass lens port, and compatibility with optional accessories.
  5. Ikelite Underwater Housing for Canon EOS M10 (200 ft Depth Rating) - Discover breathtaking underwater photography with Ikelite's Underwater Housing for Canon EOS M10 - perfect for capturing up to 60m depth, compatible with various lenses, and allows for connection of optional external strobes.
  6. Nauticam Canon EOS R5 Underwater Housing - The Nauticam Underwater Housing provides top-of-the-line protection and functionality for your Canon EOS R5, making it easy to capture stunning underwater shots with a variety of Canon EF and RF lenses.
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🔗Canon WP-DC40 Underwater Camera Case
I recently took my Canon camera on a snorkeling trip to Hawaii, and it was nothing short of amazing. With the Canon Waterproof Underwater Case WP-DC40 (S60/70), I didn't have to worry about water damage and could take stunning photos at depths up to 130 feet. The case's intuitive controls allowed me to capture every breathtaking underwater moment with ease.
One of the standout features was the accessibility of all camera buttons and knobs. This made it incredibly user-friendly, even for someone like me who isn't a professional photographer. The seal also proved to be reliable, with no leaks even during my 102-foot dives.
On the downside, the sunlight through the water occasionally made it difficult to see the screen, but it wasn't a deal-breaker. Overall, the Canon Waterproof Underwater Case was a fantastic addition to my camera gear, and I can't imagine traveling without it now.

🔗Underwater Case for Canon PowerShot SD700 IS
As a photography enthusiast, I recently discovered the Canon WP-DC5 Waterproof Case. I've been taking my Canon PowerShot SD700 IS digital camera everywhere, and this underwater case has been a lifesaver. The case is designed to protect my camera from sea water and sand, which means I don't have to worry about damaging it while exploring the underwater world.
Its reliability and ease of use are truly impressive. Using it underwater was a breeze, and it opened up new shooting possibilities that I never thought were possible with a regular camera case. With its help, I've been able to capture stunning underwater photos at depths of up to 130 feet, even on my first dive.
The highlights of this product are its ability to protect your camera from harsh underwater environments and its ease of use. However, it's essential to take care of the lens port and keep the camera open when not in use to maintain the seals. Additionally, some users might experience issues with water droplets on the port affecting their shots.
Overall, the Canon WP-DC5 Waterproof Case has been a game-changer for me. It has allowed me to explore the underwater world without worrying about damaging my camera. Its reliability, ease of use, and ability to capture high-quality underwater photos make it a must-have for any adventurous photographer.

🔗Waterproof Case for Canon Digital Cameras
I recently had the chance to use Canon's WP-DC27 Waterproof Case for my underwater photography explorations. As an avid scuba diver and photographer, finding a reliable case to protect my camera was crucial. The Canon WP-DC27 didn't disappoint. It provides excellent protection against water, sand, and dust, making it accessible for photographers who want to capture dynamic shots in various environments.
The ease of use was one of the highlights of this product. Its compact design and secure seals made the camera easy to load and unload, even with my hands covered in scuba diving gloves. The clear front panel allowed for easy access to the camera's controls, such as adjusting white balance and toggling shooting modes.
On the downside, I did find that the lens port wasn't threaded to accept additional lenses like macro or wide-angle options. While this isn't a deal-breaker for basic scuba diving and snorkeling, it may be disappointing for photographers looking for more flexibility in their shots.
In conclusion, Canon's WP-DC27 Waterproof Case is a reliable and user-friendly option for photographers on-the-go and exploring different terrains. Its durability and ease of use make it a worthwhile investment for those looking to capture their adventures to the fullest without worrying about their camera's wellbeing.

🔗Ikelite Underwater Housing for Canon PowerShot G9/G9 Mark II
I recently got my hands on the Ikelite Underwater Action Housing for my Canon PowerShot G9 X camera, and let me tell you, it has been a game-changer for my underwater photography adventures! With its ability to capture high-quality video and still images at depths up to 200 feet beneath the surface, this compact, lightweight housing has made exploring the depths of oceans and lakes a whole new experience.
One of the standout features of this action housing is its scratch-resistant glass lens port. This ensures full use of the camera's zoom range without any vignetting, giving me super-clear shots even in the most challenging underwater environments. Additionally, the front of the port accepts press-on color-correcting filters and is 67mm threaded for attaching optional accessories, which further enhances the versatility of my underwater photography setup.
Another feature I absolutely love is the custom ABS-PC blend housing with acetyl controls. This material provides strength, UV protection, and fundamentally corrosion-free performance, making it perfect for withstanding the harsh underwater conditions. Plus, its light gray/white color on the front, sides, top, and bottom contrasts with the clear back, making it easy for me to monitor the O-ring seal and rear camera controls at a glance.
The built-in, flat, optical glass lens port with a 3-inch diameter is another highlight. It allows attachment of optional, accessory wide-angle and macro conversion lenses as well as color-correction filters, giving me the flexibility to capture the perfect shot in any underwater environment.
However, there is one downside to this action housing – it lacks a strobe connector and access to the camera's flash. While quality photos are still possible with an optional constant light source at any depth or with available sunlight down to about 60 feet, I would have appreciated more connectivity options for even greater creative control.
In summary, the Ikelite Underwater Action Housing has made exploring the depths of oceans and lakes an unforgettable experience. Its scratch-resistant glass lens port, custom ABS-PC blend housing, and compatibility with various accessories make it a top choice for avid underwater photographers. While it may not have the most advanced features and lacks a strobe connector, the overall quality and performance are worth considering for anyone looking to take their underwater photography skills to the next level.

🔗Ikelite Underwater Housing for Canon EOS M10 (200 ft Depth Rating)
Ikelite's Underwater Housing for Canon EOS M10 is like a trusty, waterproof companion for my beloved camera. It's more than capable of keeping up with my adventurous spirit, offering a depth rating of 200 ft (60m).
The controls on this housing are impressive, allowing me to access all my camera's functions except for the Mobile Device Connection button. A slight negative buoyancy in fresh water means I don't have to worry about it floating away.
But it's not all perfect. The actual buoyancy can vary depending on the lens and port I choose, which can be a bit of a pain. Also, the 1/4-20 thread tray mounting with 3-inch (76mm) spacing is a bit limiting if you're looking for more versatile mounting options.
All in all, Ikelite's housing has been a game-changer for my underwater photography adventures. It's made capturing those magical moments much easier and more enjoyable.

🔗Nauticam Canon EOS R5 Underwater Housing
I recently had the opportunity to use the Nauticam Underwater Housing for my Canon EOS R5. This housing follows Nauticam's innovative approach, offering compatibility with both EOS R lenses and native RF optics using an adapter. The dimensions of the housing are 357mm x 200mm x 161mm (W x H x D), and it has a depth rating of 100m. It weighs 3.5kg in air, but becomes slightly lighter at -0.5kg in water when including the camera body and battery. The port area is of the N120 type.
One of the standout features for me was its portability. Even with my Canon EOS R5 securely tucked inside, the housing felt sturdy and reliable. It's evident that a lot of thought has gone into the design, making it incredibly user-friendly.
However, there were a few cons to consider. While the housing is generally well-built, the included torque screws for the port attachment feel a bit delicate. Additionally, the integrated vacuum system, though a useful feature, can be a bit sensitive to pressure changes and occasionally needs resetting.
Overall, the Nauticam Underwater Housing for the Canon EOS R5 provided excellent protection and control for my camera while underwater. Despite some minor drawbacks, I would recommend this product to any Canon users looking to take their photography skills below the surface.

Buyer's Guide

Choosing the right Canon underwater camera case can be essential, whether for professional photography or casual photography while exploring the depths. This guide will inform you of the crucial factors to consider prior to making your decision in order to equip you with the ideal underwater camera case for your needs.

1. Type of Underwater Activity

Underwater housings are designed to cater to different activities such as scuba diving, snorkeling, or surf photography. For example, some cases are suitable for deep-sea diving whilst others could be for surface water sports. Hence, it is essential to consider the type of underwater photography you're likely to engage in for you to choose the appropriate housing.

2. Depth Rating

The depth rating of a case indicates the maximum depth it can withstand without water seeping into the camera. This detail is critical as it ensures the camera stays protected at your desired depth. If you're primarily shooting above water while surfboard, a low depth rating would suffice. However, for professional divers, a high depth rating camera case would be more appropriate.

3. Lens Compatibility

Lens compatibility could restrict your choices. Some underwater camera cases are compatible with wide-angle lenses, others with standard lenses. Depending on your photography requirements, you should choose a case that fits your preferred lens.

4. Ease of Use

Underwater photography often involves quick action. Hence, it’s necessary to select a model that allows simple and swift movement, particularly during those crucial underwater moments. Features such as ergonomic handling, easy-to-use buttons, and controls would be beneficial for smooth photography sessions.

5. Durability

The durability of the underwater camera cases is another crucial factor to consider. High-quality polycarbonate materials or aluminum bodies are known for their robustness and long-lasting performance. Ensure you select a case designed to withstand the rigors of your photography activities.

6. Price Range

Underwater camera cases can vary significantly in price. The cost is often dependent on factors such as complexity of design, type of materials used, and additional features. While it’s vital to invest in a high-quality case, ensure that you only pay for what you need by prioritizing the features that are most essential for your photography style.

7. Brand Reputation

The credibility and reputation of the brand can be a strong indication of the quality and reliability of the product. Make sure to choose a reputable brand known for producing high-quality waterproof camera housings.
By taking these considerations into account, you will be well-equipped to choose the ideal Canon underwater camera case to suit your specific photography needs.


How deep can a Canon underwater camera case go?

The depth rating varies depending on the specific model and brand of the underwater camera case. Generally, Canon underwater camera cases can withstand depths between 150 to 200 feet (approximately 45 to 60 meters). It's crucial to check the product's specifications to ensure it meets your needs for the depth of water you plan to explore.

Which Canon camera models are compatible with these underwater camera cases?

Almost all the Canon PowerShot series and some EOS DSLR and mirrorless models are compatible with Canon underwater camera cases. Popular models include the PowerShot G7 X Mark III, G5 X Mark II, SX70 HS, and the EOS 90D. Please refer to Canon's compatibility chart for the specific model you own or consider purchasing.

Can I use my Canon camera in a generic underwater camera case?

While it is possible to use a generic underwater camera case for some Canon camera models, it is highly recommended to use the original Canon underwater camera case designed specifically for your camera model. This ensures proper fit, functionality, and protection for your camera, ultimately extending its lifespan.

How do I clean and maintain my Canon underwater camera case?

After each use, rinse the case thoroughly with clean water and thoroughly dry it with a soft, lint-free cloth. Avoid using any solvents or abrasive cleaners. Keep the seals and O-ring clean and free of sand or grit. Lubricate the O-ring with a silicone lubricant occasionally to ensure a tight seal. Regularly inspect the case for wear, damage, or accumulated debris.

What is the best setting to use on my Canon camera when shooting underwater?

Using the underwater shooting mode (typically designated as "UW" or "sea") is often recommended, as it optimizes the camera settings for shooting in low-light, minimizing backscattering, and increasing color reproduction. Additionally, ensure that you shoot in RAW format to have greater flexibility in post-processing.

How do I ensure a leak-free seal on my Canon underwater camera case?

Before each dive or use, inspect the seals and O-ring for any wear, damage, or accumulated debris. Clean the seals and O-ring thoroughly and apply a silicone lubricant. Secure all latches on the case, ensuring they are fully engaged. Perform a "vacuum test" by submerging the case in a shallow pool or tub of water, and inspect for any visible water or bubbles after about 10 minutes. If everything is dry, your case is properly sealed. Always double-check the seals and latches before every dive or use.

What is the difference between a DSLR and a mirrorless Canon underwater camera case?

The primary differences between a DSLR and mirrorless Canon underwater camera case are their size, weight, and controls. DSLR underwater camera cases tend to be larger and heavier, provide more physical controls, and accommodate interchangeable lenses, offering more flexibility for advanced photographers. In contrast, mirrorless underwater camera cases are more compact, have fewer physical controls, but often yield higher image quality relative to the camera size.

How do I prevent fogging inside the Canon underwater camera case?

Before diving or shooting underwater, put a silica gel desiccant packet or anti-fog gel on the inside of the lens port. This helps absorb any moisture and prevent fogging. Make sure the camera, lens, and case are at the same temperature as your surroundings before sealing the case. When changing lenses, ensure the camera is dry and free of any moisture. Avoid touching any lens elements or the interior lens port, as body oils and moisture can cause fogging.

Can I use third-party strobes with my Canon underwater camera case?

Yes, you can use third-party strobes with some Canon underwater camera cases. However, compatibility depends on the model of your case and the specific strobe. Some strobes may require a dedicated adapter or sync cord to connect to the camera, so it's essential to consult the manufacturer's guidelines for proper installation and compatibility.
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2024.05.19 06:47 Wooden-Detective616 Weekend Away just one big advertisement

Weekend Away just one big advertisement
Honestly, I can’t get over how sickening this woman is with all of her free/grifted things. This entire weekend was just an infomercial for her cottage. And like has everything been gifted to her. Stop giving her stuff. She makes no content, she barely makes sense when she opens her mouth.
I’ve been to lots of cottages and you know what the common denominator is even amongst ones owned by some really wealthy families is that they are usually decorated with hand me downs, mismatched cutlery and knitted afghans to wrap around your legs on a chilly night on the dock.
I am an unapologetic pink loving girlie, but this Barbie fantasy house she’s created just a metaphor for her life, plastic exterior filled with cheap tacky crap.
submitted by Wooden-Detective616 to birdspapayasarah [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:41 Sweet-Count2557 Best Restaurants in Rapid City Sd

Best Restaurants in Rapid City Sd
Best Restaurants in Rapid City Sd Welcome to our culinary adventure through Rapid City, South Dakota! Prepare to indulge in a smorgasbord of flavors as we uncover the best restaurants this vibrant city has to offer.From the aromatic spices of Everest Cuisine to the sizzling steaks at Delmonico Grill, there's something to satisfy every craving. Quench your thirst at Independent Ale House or satisfy your taco cravings at Eddies Tacos RC.Join us as we embark on a gastronomic journey through Rapid City. Let's dig in!Key TakeawaysEverest Cuisine, Kathmandu Bistro, and Qu Pasa? Cantina offer authentic Indian, Nepalese, and Tibetan cuisine with must-try dishes like vegetable samosa, mixed vegetable curry, chicken tikka masala, and fish tacos.Delmonico Grill is an upscale steakhouse known for its romantic setting and seasonal meals crafted by chefs. Must-try dishes include bacon-wrapped shrimp, soup of the day, and On Green Dolphin Street Ribeye.Independent Ale House is a laid-back tap house with a wide selection of beers, pizzas, and salads. Must-try dishes include handcrafted beers, Alien with an Attitude, Caesar salad, and spicy chicken pizza.Tallys Silver Spoon is a landmark dining place since 1930 that offers sumptuous meals made with fresh ingredients. Highly recommended by locals, it is known for sourcing ingredients from local food growers.Everest Cuisine, Kathmandu Bistro, and Qu Pasa? Cantina: Authentic Indian, Nepalese, and Tibetan CuisineOur favorite restaurants in Rapid City, SD for authentic Indian, Nepalese, and Tibetan cuisine are Everest Cuisine, Kathmandu Bistro, and Qu Pasa? Cantina. These establishments offer unique dining experiences with a diverse range of tastes.At Everest Cuisine, you can indulge in traditional dishes like vegetable samosa, mixed vegetable curry, and chicken tikka masala. For those seeking a more adventurous palate, Qu Pasa? Cantina serves up alligator tikka masala and combo biryani. Kathmandu Bistro offers a fusion of flavors with dishes like shrimp Kadai and reshmi kebab.Everest Cuisine, located in downtown Rapid City, provides a welcoming atmosphere with friendly staff. The restaurant's interior reflects the rich cultural heritage of Nepal and India. The menu is filled with mouthwatering options that cater to both vegetarians and meat lovers. The fragrant aromas and bold spices will transport you to the streets of Kathmandu or the bustling markets of Mumbai.Kathmandu Bistro, also located downtown, offers a cozy ambiance with warm lighting and authentic decor. The chefs at Kathmandu Bistro are skilled in the art of creating flavorful dishes that showcase the best of Nepalese and Indian cuisine. From the first bite, you can taste the freshness of the ingredients and the care that goes into each dish.Qu Pasa? Cantina, situated in the heart of Rapid City, is a two-floor Mexican restaurant that stands out for its wide selection of tequila. The simple yet attractive architecture adds to the overall dining experience. The must-try dish at Qu Pasa? Cantina is their fish tacos, which are bursting with flavor and served with all the traditional toppings.When it comes to places to eat in Rapid City, these three restaurants are top contenders for anyone craving authentic Indian, Nepalese, and Tibetan cuisine. Whether you're a local or a visitor, you won't be disappointed with the flavors and dining experiences they have to offer.Delmonico Grill: Upscale Steakhouse With a Romantic SettingFor an upscale steakhouse with a romantic setting, Delmonico Grill offers a dining experience like no other. Founded by local chef Pete Franklin, this fine dining establishment is known for its exquisite seasonal meals and elegant ambiance. From the moment you step inside, you'll be greeted by the warm and inviting atmosphere, perfect for a special date night or anniversary celebration.Delmonico Grill takes pride in sourcing the highest quality ingredients to create their culinary masterpieces. Each dish is carefully crafted by their talented team of chefs, ensuring a delectable and unforgettable meal. Start your evening with the tantalizing bacon-wrapped shrimp, a perfect combination of smoky flavors and succulent textures. Pair it with the soup of the day, a comforting and flavorful option that changes daily.When it comes to the main course, the On Green Dolphin Street Ribeye is a must-try. This perfectly cooked steak is tender and juicy, offering a melt-in-your-mouth experience that will leave you craving for more. Accompanied by a variety of handcrafted side dishes, such as creamy mashed potatoes or grilled asparagus, each bite is a symphony of flavors.The knowledgeable and attentive staff at Delmonico Grill are always on hand to guide you through the menu and offer recommendations. Whether you're a steak aficionado or looking to explore new culinary horizons, they'll ensure that your dining experience exceeds your expectations.With its upscale atmosphere, exceptional cuisine, and romantic setting, Delmonico Grill is the ideal choice for those seeking a special dining experience. Indulge in the finest cuts of meat, savor the exquisite flavors, and create lasting memories at this remarkable steakhouse.Independent Ale House: Known for Beers, Pizza, and SaladsWe can't wait to tell you about Independent Ale House, known for their wide selection of beers, delicious pizza, and fresh salads. Here's why you should pay them a visit:First true tap house in Rapid City: Independent Ale House takes pride in being the first establishment of its kind in the city. With 50 beers on rotation, they offer a diverse selection that will surely satisfy any beer lover's cravings. Whether you prefer a hoppy IPA, a smooth stout, or a refreshing cider, they've something for everyone.Laid-back atmosphere with friendly bar staff: The moment you step into Independent Ale House, you'll feel a sense of freedom and relaxation. The laid-back atmosphere, combined with the friendly and knowledgeable bar staff, creates an inviting environment where you can unwind and enjoy your time with friends or family.Must-try dishes: While Independent Ale House is known for its beers, they also offer a mouthwatering selection of food. Don't miss out on their handcrafted beers, such as the popular Alien with an Attitude. Pair your drink with a fresh Caesar salad or indulge in their spicy chicken or chicken, bacon, and ranch pizzas for a satisfying meal.Now that you know what Independent Ale House has to offer, get ready to satisfy your cravings for great beer, pizza, and salads. But before you head out, let's move on to the next section about 'Eddies Tacos RC: Family-Owned Mexican Food Truck'.Eddies Tacos RC: Family-Owned Mexican Food TruckBut don't overlook Eddies Tacos RC, a family-owned Mexican food truck that offers a unique setup and a menu filled with tasty options. This hidden gem is a must-visit for those craving authentic Mexican flavors in Rapid City. Eddies Tacos RC is known for its vibrant and flavorful dishes that are sure to satisfy your taste buds.The food truck is run by a warm and welcoming family who puts their heart and soul into every dish they serve. The setup is simple yet inviting, with colorful decorations and a friendly atmosphere that adds to the overall dining experience. Whether you're grabbing a quick bite or looking to cater a special event, Eddies Tacos RC has got you covered.When it comes to the menu, Eddies Tacos RC offers a wide variety of options to choose from. Their all-meat combo burrito is a fan favorite, packed with juicy meats and topped with fresh salsa and guacamole. If you prefer tacos, you can't go wrong with their taco plate, filled with your choice of meat and accompanied by flavorful toppings. And for those who love quesadillas, their meaty quesadilla is a must-try, oozing with melted cheese and savory fillings.As we transition to the next section about Tallys Silver Spoon, another iconic dining place in Rapid City, it's worth mentioning that Eddies Tacos RC perfectly embodies the freedom and diversity of cuisine in this city. With their mouthwatering Mexican dishes, this family-owned food truck adds a unique flavor to the culinary scene of Rapid City.Tallys Silver Spoon: Landmark Dining Place Since 1930As we delve into the topic of Tallys Silver Spoon, a landmark dining place since 1930, we're transported to a bygone era of culinary excellence in Rapid City, SD. This historic restaurant holds a special place in the hearts of locals and visitors alike, offering a taste of tradition and a glimpse into the past.Here are three reasons why Tallys Silver Spoon continues to be a beloved dining destination:Rich History: Tallys Silver Spoon has been serving the community for over 90 years, making it one of the oldest restaurants in the area. Its longstanding presence is a testament to its commitment to quality and exceptional service. Stepping inside the restaurant feels like stepping back in time, with its charming decor and vintage ambiance.Upscale Dining Experience: Over the years, Tallys Silver Spoon has transformed from a humble cafe to an upscale eatery. The restaurant prides itself on using fresh ingredients sourced from local food growers, ensuring that every dish is bursting with flavor and quality. From delectable seafood to mouthwatering steaks, the menu offers a wide range of options for every palate.Local Recommendation: Tallys Silver Spoon comes highly recommended by locals, who appreciate its rich history and consistently delicious food. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a regular patron, the friendly staff and warm atmosphere make you feel right at home. It's a place where memories are made and cherished.Texas Roadhouse: Popular Steak Restaurant Founded in 1993Let's explore Texas Roadhouse, a popular steak restaurant founded in 1993, known for its savory American dishes and friendly staff.Texas Roadhouse is a favorite among locals and tourists alike for its delicious steaks and lively atmosphere. As soon as you step inside, you'll be greeted by the mouthwatering aroma of seasoned meats sizzling on the grill.The menu at Texas Roadhouse offers a wide range of options, from juicy steaks cooked to perfection to fall-off-the-bone ribs that are sure to satisfy any carnivorous cravings. One of their most popular dishes is the Prime Rib, a tender and flavorful cut of meat that's sure to leave you wanting more. For those looking for a taste of the South, their Fall-of-the-Bone Ribs are a must-try, slathered in a tangy barbecue sauce that will have your taste buds dancing.But Texas Roadhouse isn't just about the steaks. Their handcrafted side dishes are equally as impressive. From their buttery mashed potatoes to their crispy seasoned fries, each side dish is made with care and attention to detail. And don't forget to save room for their famous homemade rolls, served warm and accompanied by a delicious cinnamon butter.What sets Texas Roadhouse apart from other steak restaurants is its friendly and energetic staff. The servers go above and beyond to make sure you have a memorable dining experience. They engage in lively banter, perform line dances, and even let you choose your favorite songs on the jukebox.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Vegetarian Options Available at Everest Cuisine, Kathmandu Bistro, and Qu Pasa? Cantina?At Everest Cuisine, Kathmandu Bistro, and Qu Pasa? Cantina, we offer a variety of vegetarian options.At Everest Cuisine, you can try the vegetable samosa, mixed vegetable curry, and the combo biryani.Kathmandu Bistro has delicious vegetarian dishes like the vegetable samosa and the mixed vegetable curry.Qu Pasa? Cantina offers vegetarian options like the Caesar salad and the spicy chicken pizza.These restaurants provide diverse and flavorful vegetarian choices for those seeking a meat-free dining experience.Can You Provide More Information About the Seasonal Meals Offered at Delmonico Grill?At Delmonico Grill, we offer a delightful array of seasonal meals that are crafted by our talented chefs.Our fine dining experience is set in a romantic ambiance, perfect for a special occasion.From the bacon-wrapped shrimp to the On Green Dolphin Street Ribeye, our must-try dishes are sure to tantalize your taste buds.With a commitment to using fresh and quality ingredients, Delmonico Grill is a top choice for an unforgettable culinary experience in Rapid City.How Many Different Types of Beers Are Available at Independent Ale House?At Independent Ale House, you can choose from a rotating selection of 50 different types of beers. We offer a diverse range of craft beers, ensuring that there's something for everyone's taste.Our laid-back atmosphere and friendly bar staff create a welcoming environment to enjoy your favorite brews.Whether you're a beer enthusiast or just looking to try something new, Independent Ale House is the perfect spot to indulge in handcrafted beers and delicious food.What Are the Catering Services Offered by Eddie's Tacos Rc?Eddie's Tacos RC offers catering services for special events. They're a family-owned and operated Mexican food truck, known for their unique setup and tasty menu.Whether it's a birthday party or a corporate gathering, they can provide delicious Mexican cuisine to cater to your guests' tastes. From their all-meat combo burrito to their mouthwatering tacos and quesadillas, Eddie's Tacos RC will bring the flavors of Mexico to your event with their exceptional catering services.Can You Recommend Any Specific Dishes at Tallys Silver Spoon Made With Fresh Local Ingredients?At Tally's Silver Spoon, we highly recommend trying their sumptuous meals made with fresh local ingredients. As a landmark dining place since 1930, Tally's has been sourcing their ingredients from local food growers, ensuring the highest quality and supporting the community.Whether you're in the mood for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, Tally's offers a diverse menu that's sure to please your taste buds. Don't miss out on this local favorite for a truly unforgettable dining experience.ConclusionAs we conclude our culinary journey through Rapid City, South Dakota, one thing is for certain - this city is a food lover's paradise.From the exotic flavors of Everest Cuisine to the classic elegance of Delmonico Grill, there's no shortage of dining options to satisfy every palate.Whether you're in the mood for a laid-back atmosphere at Independent Ale House or the historic charm of Tallys Silver Spoon, Rapid City has it all.So, what're you waiting for? Come explore and indulge in the best restaurants this vibrant city has to offer.
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