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Project Octopath Traveler 3: Oukirii the Hunter, Chapter 2

2024.06.02 07:09 TheAbsoluteBread Project Octopath Traveler 3: Oukirii the Hunter, Chapter 2

Hey Everyone! I came to realize pretty quickly that I did not have as much of this chapter planned out as I thought I did. Which explains why it took a little long to come out, but in the end I managed to create something that I was satisfied with. You may notice one key change, being that Oukirii’s Companion no longer has a defined name! You’re free to name it whatever you wish.
(Completed Chapter 2s: Thearnt, Taland, Pascal, Harmony, Crowson, Asherah, Oukirii)
Next Chapter 2: Orlando the Starseer
Oukirii the Hunter, Chapter 2: Recommended Level 26
(The Journey So Far…)
Events along Oukirii’s first hunt created damage in her family.
Her father came to realize that she had no intention of become a strong hunter on her own.
Even if she knew that, Oukirii couldn’t answer the question “Then what do you want to be?”
One evening, she had a dream of world’s destruction. A prophet came by the following day and told her of the beasts she saw that night.
Oukirii volunteered to hunt the beasts down, in hopes that this journey would reveal her true purpose to her…
Oukirii and Her Companion set foot in Evercold. The first thing Oukirii notes is the cold air of the snowy region. “You alright boy?” She crouches down and pets her companion on the head. It makes a joyful cry. “Hansel should be around here right?” Oukirii continues “He probably knows where we should go to look for Snow Gem!”
She takes a few steps forward, “This town is— very different from Oakbright…” Oukirii looks down. “Alright, Let’s go find Hansel!”
You’d be prompted to look for Hansel
“Heave Ho Suzie!” Someone’s voice calls out. Blanche, the owner of the Beast Ranch would be pulling on a large wagon filled with heavy crates. She’d look over at Oukirii.
(Blanche’s Dialogue will change depending on if you’ve visited the ranch prior. “You look familiar”/”Who’re you? A hunter?”)
Blanche would go on to explain that she’s here to pick up supplies. She notices Oukirii’s companion and hands her a bag of food before grabbing onto the wagon again. Suzie would give Oukirii a nod as they leave.
As Oukirii puts away the bag, She notices Hansel standing near the path that Blanche and Suzie went along. Oukirii runs over to Hansel and tells him that she’s ready to take on Snow Gem.
Hansel is glad to hear it. He would tell Oukirii that this beast has been terrorizing the citizens of Evercold for a long time. “Hunting Snow Gem is not only important for our own sun-saving mission. It’s for the relief of all these people right here.”
“Well I’ll have to do my best then!”
“I believe in you Oukirii. I really do.”
Oukirii would walk away from Hansel and you’d head further into town. Oukirii suddenly hears the sound of someone shouting “No, Not again!” Her companion points his nose in the direction of the shouting and a curious Oukirii runs over to find a girl standing outside of her home. She asks if something’s wrong and the girl tells her that she lost a book she borrowed from the town’s library.
Oukirii volunteers to help look, the girl just laughs loudly “It’s nowhere I can find, best of luck to you kid!”
“Hey!” Oukirii shouts. “I’ll find that book… Just you wait…”
Before leaving, she asks for the girl’s name. She answers “Valerie, why do you need to know?” Oukirii says that it’s just in case she wrote her name in the book. “Suppose I– Fair point?” Valerie responds.
You’d Entreat Valerie’s Book from a customer by Evercold’s Night Market.
Oukirii returns to Valerie and hands her the book. Valerie acts surprised as she flips through the pages. She sighs and puts the book away, saying she needs a tea break, she invites Oukirii to join. Sheaccepts and the two would enter Valerie’s home.
Oukirii’s companion lies down on the floor. Valerie apologizes for acting like she did, and Oukirii forgives her immediately. She notices some tools on the wall and asks what those are for. Valerie says those are for her toolsmithing job. However, she wonders if that job is something even worth continuing. “Just doesn’t feel like my ‘right thing’.”
Oukirii gets to thinking. Being so young, she doesn’t fully understand what Valerie is saying. But she gets a better understanding by connecting it to finding her own purpose. It's hard to tell if she did the “right thing” by fleeing to complete this mission…
A Flashback occurs, A young Oukirii sits waiting in the living room while her mother and father try to make her look her best. The door opens, and somebody walks inside. Antànor Solana, Oukirii’s Grandfather. Dimitrius happily greets him, Antànor doesn’t say anything, But does the same to his son. He shakes Catalina’s hand and pats Oukirii on the head while facing away from her. He and Dimitrius walk forward, chatting about their hunts. Oukirii tries to shout something to her grandfather, but he doesn’t hear her…
After she and Valerie finish talking, Oukirii says that she’s off to hunt a beast. She describes Snow Gem to Valerie, who says “I’ve never heard of anything like that before…” Valerie tells Oukirii to wait up and grabs a hatchet from the wall, she says that she’ll be coming to hunt this thing too. She won’t let someone like her fight a beast unsupervised.
Road to Deepshiver Cave, Danger Level 26
As Oukirii and Valerie walk, The ground begins to shake. They stop and stand still, Valerie asks “Did you feel that?” Oukirii wonders if the rumbling came from Snow Gem. Suddenly, the ground cracks underneath them. Sending Oukirii and her companion falling underground.
Oukirii is lying on the ground in a patch of snow. Her companion tries to wake her, Oukirii jolts up and looks around. “Thank the sun! Where’s Valerie?” Oukirii stands up after petting her companion. “This… Snow Gem… It must be…” She shakes her head.
Deepshiver Cave, Danger Level 27
Further into the cave, Oukirii would run into Valerie. Who is revealed to have taken the normal way in. Slightly further to the end of the tunnels, They get their first look at the “Snow Gem” beast. A large quadruped creature with blank eyes and a strong shell covered in ice and snow. Oukirii is shaken at the sight of it. Valerie calls out “What is that thing!?”
“Stand back Valerie!” Oukirii and her companion step up, ready to confront the beast. “This is what I was made for… I won’t let you bring destruction to this world! Come on Snow Gem– It’s all over now!!”
BOSS: Snowradillo
(Boost Dialogue: “Here goes nothing!”)
Valerie dashes in and finishes off the beast with a large chop. It creates a strong wind as it fades away into nothing… “We did it!” Oukirii quietly says “That’s one down…” Valerie asks if Oukirii is alright, She says that she doesn’t know and explains that “I… I wish I could have known more about it. They say a hunter is supposed to read the hearts of all creatures they hunt. But I… Is there something wrong… with me as a hunter…?”
“Read the heart of it or not, you hunted that thing like a champion! Maybe you’re not looking in the right place kid, you helped this town out! You could consider the idea of being a traveling hunter…”
“A traveling hunter?” Oukirii asks. She gives it some thought, before her companion reminds them that they need to head back to the Evercold.
In Evercold, Oukirii and Valerie run into Hansel again. Oukirii tells him of the good news, and asks “Does it matter now if we take down the other two? That dream had three of them together, if one is gone then–”
“It doesn’t work that way Oukirii…” Hansel replies “Destruction could still spell even if only one was still around… Our mission was to take down all three. The next target will be Red Spirit, I’ve found this creature to be in Redwater.”
Oukirii accepts to continue the mission and keep seeking her purpose. She and her companion excitedly leave town towards the next adventure.
Hansel and Valerie watch as they leave. Valerie says “I hope she finds her purpose out there. But there’s something I don’t quite understand. She seems like she doesn’t want to be strong. But then, why accept a mission that requires her to fight powerful monsters?”
“She wants to prove herself capable, and it’s a job only she can do. I’m grateful that she did accept, Otherwise the fate of the world might still be uncertain…”
(Ending Text)
Oukirii succeeds in her hunting of the first beast. Snowradillo of Evercold.
Two monsters remain as a threat to the world.
She keeps her heart optimistic, yet still finds herself troubled. With no definite answer to the question of her purpose…
With the guidance of the sun, Oukirii sets out to Redwater.
And prepares for a confrontation with Red Spirit…
Oukirii the Hunter: Chapter 2, End.
submitted by TheAbsoluteBread to octopathtraveler [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:34 WildSeason8229 Help Needed!

Help Needed!
I don’t know if this is the right sub to post to but please tell me the right one if this isn’t!!
So there’s what I think to be a bunny burrow in my yard. About 2 days ago my cat was outside (he usually just eats grass and what not) and we left him alone for all of 5 seconds and we hear what sounds like a dog toy. But really, he had a baby bunny in his mouth. Now I’m not sure if that one is the one we found dead. So we got it out of his mouth and I’m not sure where it went. But I went looking for the bunny to see if it survived and a few meters away from where my cat bit one, was a dead one. There didn’t appear to be a bite mark in it so I found that strange.
After 2 days (today) I went out and found another dead baby bunny by the same tree. I have no clue what they’re dying from now because my cat hadn’t been out since then.
Flash forward to now (the same day but night time) and my cat saw a bunny outside from our patio door. So I just watched and it hopped away. I went to go look where it went and under our green electrical box thing was a small what I think to be burrow. It only seemed big enough for a few tiny bunnies. I’m assuming less than 25cm in. Outside of this burrow by our electrical box were two dead baby bunnies. I saw another bunny in the hole and I wasn’t sure it was alive or not. I got a stick and lightly lifted up the grass covering the burrow. Inside of it was one live bunny laying on top of another dead one. This was the bunny I assumed my cat saw tonight.
So, there have been 5 dead bunnies so far. A few minutes before I looked in this burrow I saw (I think) the mother rabbit hopping away from our yard. I didn’t see her find any of the rabbits and I’m assumingg she can’t find them because 5 have died so far.
I bet this is the last one alive since there are usually 5-7 born at a time. Our grass was recently sprayed with pesticide so perhaps this is what’s killing them?
Sorry this is very long but what should I do? Should I take the last one in (I know it’s best to leave them be but I think this one will die too if I do nothing) or something else? I think they are old enough to be left by themselves from the size of them but seeing their mother today made me think otherwise.
I took a picture of one if this helps anything. Should I call someone, help direct it to the mother in some way or anything else I can do to help? Any advice is appreciated thank you!!
submitted by WildSeason8229 to Rabbits [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:24 Odd-Recognition-2606 Anime That are Better (Or Worse) Than Their Light Novels?

Manga one coming straight after this!
Now I don't know many animes translated from Light Novels or Web Novels, but I have read and watched: Re:Zero Rascal Does Not Dream of a Bunny Girl Senpai Konosuba Sword Art Online
In my opinion, this question is a lot deeper than you think. This is because there is no inherent better option, as both anime and light novels convey emotions in different ways, with anime being more condensed and easier to follow and light novels using description and time to build scenes up better. So I'm not going to outright say out of these 4 which is the BETTER one, but I will give pros and cons for the animr and light novel as well as my personal preference based on them.
Re:Zero: This is a tough choice. With Re:Zero, I can't really choose between . I prefer watching anime more than reading, but subjectively, even I have to agree the writing of the light novel is just amazing. Every nitpick of the anime (Season 2 being too drawn out, Episode 13, Subaru's annoyingness at the start) is both explained and remedied in the light novel. The light novel highlights character development even more than the anime, and interactions happen more in the Novel than anime. The arcs are written so witty but professional, so it feels like you're reading the first place winner of a short story contest throughout the whole novel. If you ever just read the PROLOGUE, you'll understand how good the writing is. It's almost like Tappei Nagatsuki's internal Montague is the one reading us the story. BUT, and this is a huge BUT, the anime has the best soundtrack when it comes to correlating scenes. It's very smart to play the ED during good scenes to emphasize the importance of those scenes, and the EDs are so emotional in itself that they triple the emotional impact of whatever scene is happening. The overall soundtrack also has the same effect. This is why it's so hard to choose between light novel and anime.
Rascal Does Not Dream of a Bunny Girl Senpai: I think this is a another toss-up depending on which form of media you prefer more, as both the light novel and anime/movies are absolutely incredible. Much like Re:Zero, the light novel is very detailed, going very into depths of scenes in the anime and giving the reader a lot more time to digest the emotional impact of the scene. Mai and Sakuta in the light novel is written more lovey-dovey, while the anime versions of the two of them tone that down a little (like a teeny tiny bit) and focus more on the tsundere aspect of Mai and the cleverness behind every word of Sakuta. The thing the book lacks though is the music that plays an integral role in creating such a large emotional impact when watching the anime. Seisyunbutayaro is the track most people think of when considering an emotional scene, and hearing it definitely makes scenes feel more important to the viewer. Also, the OP and ED, on top of being some of the best ever, play such an emotional role into making each episode feel unique (OP shows Sakuta's perseverance and will to help everyone, and the ED shows the girl with the Adolescence Syndrome for the episode).
Konosuba: Hear me out. The anime is a more enjoyable experience for me than the light novel. Yes, I admit, the writing is excellent, and the light novel is funny as heck, the parodies slap, but there's something about the anime's hilarious exaggeration of everything that just WORKS. It's such a fun watch and isn't afraid to do silly things to get watchers to laugh. It's more or less the same in the light novel, but the comical expressions and lovable cast presented in anime form hit different for me. Music is used to a great extent, and the voice acting is amazing.
Sword Art Online: I think the general consensus is that the light novels are better than the anime, and I... kind of have to agree with this one. Don't get me wrong, I like the SAO anime, I think it's an... interesting watch, but the severe condensing of major plot points, completely unnecessary camera angles, very uncomfortable scenes and removal of important traits from main characters like Kirito really do affect the anime more than it should. The light novel, while also with its flaws in writing, is am overall more enjoyable experience to me. Kirito has more of a personality, the relationship with him and Asuna is much more fleshed out and even BETTER than their anime relationship because it covers more of it, and the Progressive series extends the Aincrad Arc and gives readers more or less what they were expecting from the anime (all floors of Aincrad). Uncomfortable scenes in the Novel don't feel as bad as witnessing the scenes in the anime. The one thing the anime has that is more enjoyable than than reading the light novel is the use of music and the brilliant sounding OP and ED for basically every season.
What animes do you consider better or worse than it's Light Novel?
submitted by Odd-Recognition-2606 to anime [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:02 BunnyBoo080203 Hockey bears!

Hockey bears!
(From left to right) It’s Papa Bear, Darth Bearder and Mama Bunny watching the Eastern Confrence Finals and seeing the Florida Panthers win!
submitted by BunnyBoo080203 to buildabear [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:14 EndoPlushQuota Taking Inventory: Scott's (And Steel Wool's) Potentially Lore-Relevant Steam Posts

Steam Search (
Scott doesn't really do much lore in his Steam posts, so I also included direct game descriptions and Steel Wool's Descriptions
FNAF 1 About:
Welcome to your new summer job at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, where kids and parents alike come for entertainment and food as far as the eye can see! The main attraction is Freddy Fazbear, of course; and his two friends. They are animatronic robots, programmed to please the crowds! The robots' behavior has become somewhat unpredictable at night however, and it was much cheaper to hire you as a security guard than to find a repairman.
From your small office you must watch the security cameras carefully. You have a very limited amount of electricity that you're allowed to use per night (corporate budget cuts, you know). That means when you run out of power for the night- no more security doors and no more lights! If something isn't right- namely if Freddybear or his friends aren't in their proper places, you must find them on the monitors and protect yourself if needed!
Can you survive five nights at Freddy's?
Five Nights at Freddy's on Steam (
FNAF 2 About:
Welcome back to the new and improved Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!
In Five Nights at Freddy's 2, the old and aging animatronics are joined by a new cast of characters. They are kid-friendly, updated with the latest in facial recognition technology, tied into local criminal databases, and promise to put on a safe and entertaining show for kids and grown-ups alike!
What could go wrong?
As the new security guard working nights, your job is to monitor cameras and make sure nothing goes wrong after-hours. The previous guard has complained about the characters trying to get into the office (he has since been moved to day-shift). So to make your job easier, you've been provided with your very own empty Freddy Fazbear head, which should fool the animatronic characters into leaving you alone if they should accidentally enter your office.
As always, Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for death or dismemberment.
Five Nights at Freddy's 2 on Steam (
FNAF 3 About:
Thirty years after Freddy Fazbear's Pizza closed it's doors, the events that took place there have become nothing more than a rumor and a childhood memory, but the owners of "Fazbear's Fright: The Horror Attraction" are determined to revive the legend and make the experience as authentic as possible for patrons, going to great lengths to find anything that might have survived decades of neglect and ruin.
At first there were only empty shells, a hand, a hook, an old paper-plate doll, but then a remarkable discovery was made...
The attraction now has one animatronic.
Five Nights at Freddy's 3 on Steam (
Multiple Springtraps are Hallucinations, not Glitches:
For those wondering what the new update is all about; I added a fourth star to the game for those who beat Aggressive Nightmare mode!
Also, there is some confusion about Springtrap appearing on multiple cameras and people thinking it's a glitch. It's not a glitch, even though I should have explained this better when I released the game. As long as the red light is flashing after a ventilation error, you may see multiple Springtraps. These are hallucinations.
FNAF 4 About:
This time, the terror has followed you home.
In this last chapter of the Five Nights at Freddy's original story, you must once again defend yourself against Freddy Fazbear, Chica, Bonnie, Foxy, and even worse things that lurk in the shadows. Playing as a child whose role is yet unknown, you must safeguard yourself until 6am by watching the doors, as well as warding off unwanted creatures that may venture into your closet or onto the bed behind you.
You have only a flashlight to protect yourself. It will scare away things that may be creeping at the far end of the hallways, but be careful, and listen. If something has crept too close, then shining lights in its eyes will be your end.
Five Nights at Freddy's 4 on Steam (
The Box Post (The actual piece of lore relegated to Steam):
Hi guys! I wanted to post some information about the upcoming Halloween update. I started off a few months ago with several ideas in mind for what I wanted to release; ranging from DLC, to a new game, to opening the box (more on that later), but now I've been working steadily and have a pretty clear vision going forward.
The October 31st content will be an automatic update, not DLC. It will update the game to 1.1 and will include lots of goodies on the extras menu (for those who have beaten night 6), including a cheat menu, a challenge menu, and a twist on a familiar minigame that provides a boost when playing challenge modes. This also means that there will be a whole new set of stars to earn for those who are up to the challenge!
That part will be released for certain, and I'm hoping to have something else in addition to it, but it may not be ready. I have something fun in mind, a new game (not FNaF5), but it will be a real challenge to have even a small playable portion by Oct 31st. If a playable demo isn't ready by then, then at the very least there will be some sneak-peak content.
Now I want to talk about what WON'T be included... the box.
You know, when I released the first game over a year ago, I was amazed at how quickly everyone found every bit of lore and story. Then the same happened with part 2, fans and youtubers dug in and found everything. Game Theory did an incredible video on part 2; getting almost everything right. Then part 3 came out, and once again the story was uncovered by the community. It seemed that there was nothing I could hide!
But then I released part 4, and somehow.... no one, not a single person, found the pieces. The story remains completely hidden. I guess most people assumed that I filled the game with random easter eggs this time. I didn't. What's in the box? It's the pieces put together. But the bigger question is- would the community accept it that way? The fact that the pieces have remained elusive this time strikes me as incredible, and special, a fitting conclusion in some ways, and because of that, I've decided that maybe some things are best left forgotten, forever.
FNAF World:
Hi everyone, this is a big update! :)
I wanted to keep my plans for a new game secret until Halloween, but while my teasers have created excitement for some people, they have created some confusion as well, mainly because people don't know if the Five Nights at Freddy's story is over or not.
It's very important for me to say again that there will NOT be a Five Nights at Freddy's 5. The story is complete, and the Halloween update and new game will not add to it.
That being said, I wanted to use these characters in a new and fun way because they are so near and dear to my heart, and I was excited to work on a type of game that I hadn't made in a long time.
The new game that I'm working on will be called FNAF World. It will not be a horror game, but a role playing game where you create a party using the huge selection of characters from the FNaF games, including the classic, withered, toy, phantom, and nightmare versions. I've been working steadily on characters and hope to start on enemy models next week.
The bad news is that it's unlikely that a demo will be ready for Halloween like I had hoped, since this game's scope is significantly larger than previous games in the series. However, I will release a free demo, as promised, as soon as it's ready!
FNAF World will be released on PC, Android, and iOS. I don't have an estimated release date yet since the game is still early in development.
I hope you enjoy the new designs of the "adventure" characters, as I call them.
UPDATE: The teaser is complete and includes every character that you can have in your party! Stay tuned in the coming months for more updates as the game progresses!
Halloween Update is Non-Canon:
Hi guys!
I wanted to make a quick announcement for everyone about what to expect with the Halloween update. I got myself into a tricky situation because I wanted to release an update but not change the basic game or lore. That limited me as to what I could change, so I announced that I would created a cheat menu, a challenge menu, and an updated minigame. I thought I was done. But no. ;)
It became clear to me that the community's expectations demanded more than just a cheat menu, so I was faced with my sticky situation yet again. But then I solved it:
On Halloween there will be TWO releases. One will be the content update for the official game, updating it to 1.1. This version is canon, as it always has been. This update will include the features originally promised such as the new challenges and cheats.
The second release will be a special Halloween edition of FNaF4, with a few changed characters and other cosmetic changes. This game is not canon, and is only for fun for the holidays. (this version will be free as well)
If everything works correctly, then players should have two launch choices on Halloween- the Standard Edition and the Halloween Edition.
If it doesn't work for some reason, then the Halloween Edition will be available on GameJolt instead.
FNAF Sister Location About:
Welcome to Circus Baby's Pizza World, where family fun and interactivity go beyond anything you've seen at those *other* pizza places! With cutting-edge animatronic entertainers that will knock your kids' socks off, as well as customized pizza catering, no party is complete without Circus Baby and the gang!
Now hiring: Late night technician. Must enjoy cramped spaces and be comfortable around active machinery. Not responsible for death or dismemberment.
Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location on Steam (
Custom Night is Non-Canon:
Hey guys! I wanted to let you all know that I'll be working on an update for the game that will add a "Custom Night" to the Extras menu.
To answer a few questions about it:
1) Yes, it will be FREE. When the update is ready, your games will automatically update to include this feature.
2) It will NOT be canon. (otherwise it would screw up the entire plotline!)
3) It will be unlocked only when you have 3-stars, so you'd better get to work!
4) Since it's not part of the game's "Story Mode", you will be able to jump right into the action from the Extras menu and restart as many times as you like.
5) It would have been awesome to have this ready for Halloween, but there's no way that will be possible. Be looking for this in December!
But Cutscenes are Canon:
Hey guys, the new update is live (v1.12). It gives a little additional power for Golden Freddy Mode on Very Hard, and also adds the final cutscene!
(By the way- Cutscenes are canon.)
Pizza Sim About:
Presenting a fun Five Nights at Freddy's adventure with a lighter touch for the holidays, Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator puts you in charge of developing your own restaurant! Design pizzas, feed kids, and get high scores!
Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator on Steam (
UCN All Character Descriptions:
[Had to cut it because of Reddit's Post Length Limitations]
(I'm sure there's some lore in there somewhere)
Death Coin:
There is a new item available at the prize counter! For a lean 10 Faz-coins (price subject to change) you can purchase the Death Coin. You can only buy it once per night, and you can use it to eliminate one character from the roster, although only certain characters are susceptible to deletion.
Although this means that you can potentially eliminate a character who has been giving you trouble, it also means that you will have fewer coins to defend against characters who demand them, such as Rockstar Freddy, Baby, Nightmare Bonnie, and Nightmare Mangle. So if you choose to buy the coin, it can potentially put you in danger until you build up your coin count again.
The characters that are susceptible to deletion by Death Coin are:
The way this feature will work is that once you have purchased the Death Coin from the Prize Counter, there will be a Death Coin icon in the top left. Then when you are viewing a cam showing a vulnerable target, the icon will light up. If you click the Death Coin icon at that point, it will eliminate the target animatronic from the game.
Although this may seem pointless at first (after all, if you didn't want a certain character in the game, then why add them in the first place, right?), eliminating them in this way still gives you credit for beating that character. It isn't a freebie, it's a calculated risk. Spending ten Faz-Coins puts you at risk from other Faz-Coin hungry characters, so it's a choice that players must make depending on the circumstances, similar to how Rockstar Foxy comes with risk, despite the potential benefits.
UCN Description:
Welcome to the ultimate FNAF mashup, where you will once again be trapped alone in an office fending off killer animatronics! Featuring 50 selectable animatronic characters spanning seven Five Nights at Freddy's games, the options for customization are nearly endless. Mix and match any assortment of characters that you like, set their difficulty from 0-20, then jump right into the action! From your office desk, you will need to manage two side doors, two vents, as well as two air hoses, all of which lead directly into your office.
This time you will have to master other tools as well if you want to complete the ultimate challenges, tools such as the heater, A/C, a global music box, a power generator, and more. As if all of that weren't enough, you'll also need to set up laser traps in the vents, collect Faz-Coins, purchase items from the prize counter, and as always, keep a close eye on not one, but two, Pirate Cove curtains!
Other features include:
Ultimate Custom Night on Steam (
Steam Developer: Steel Wool Studios (
FNAF VR About:
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted is a collection of classic and original mini-games set in the Five Nights universe. Survive terrifying encounters with your favorite killer animatronics in a collection of new and classic FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S™ experiences. “Where fantasy and fun come to life!”
A VR headset is NOT required to play.
YOU’RE HIRED - Time to get your hands dirty. Repair claustrophobic ventilation systems, troubleshoot broken animatronics that could activate at any moment, or spend your evenings cowering in the nighttime security guard office.
CELEBRATE - Confront your favorite killer animatronics including; Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Springtrap, The Mangle, Funtime Foxy, and Circus Baby.
FUN FUN PRIZES - Toys, Plushies, Bobbleheads, and candy candy candy! Earn super fun prizes you can play with at the interactive Prize Counter! Collect well hidden Faz-Tokens to unlock even more rare collectibles for more SUPER FUN FUN FUN.
PIZZA PARTY - Scenes from classic titles have been updated and remade for a fully immersive experience including; Five Nights at Freddy’s, Five Nights at Freddy’s 2, Five Nights at Freddy’s 3, Five Nights at Freddy’s 4, and Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location.
TWO WAYS TO PLAY - Experience the horror in flat (non-VR) mode or VR. Oculus Rift and HTC Vive are supported.
Curse of Deadbear About:
The Curse of Dreadbear DLC unlocks a new Halloween themed hub packed with spooky new mini-games and prizes.
* New spine-tingling mini-games include; Trick or Treat, Mangle Repair, Corn Maze, the Plushkin-Patch, “Cap’n Foxy’s Pirate Adventure” dark ride and many more!
* Featured frightening animatronics include; Nightmare Bonnie, Nightmare Chica, Nightmare Freddy, Jack-o-Chica, Jack-o-Bonnie and a few... surprises.
This content requires the base game Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted in order to play.
Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted - Curse of Dreadbear on Steam (
Security Breach About:
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach is the latest installment of the family-friendly horror games loved by millions of players from all over the globe. Play as Gregory, a young boy trapped overnight in Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex. With the help of Freddy Fazbear himself, Gregory must survive the near-unstoppable hunt of reimagined Five Nights at Freddy’s characters - as well as new, horrific threats.
THE HUNTERS AND THE HUNTED - Once nighttime protocols are initiated, the animatronics at Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex will relentlessly pursue all intruders. Glamrock Chica, Roxanne Wolf, Montgomery Gator, and the Pizzaplex’s security guard, Vanessa, will turn over every Cotton Candy Pizza Stand if they have to - it’s not wise to stay in one place for too long.
ADAPT TO SURVIVE - Access the building’s security cameras to survey the environment and plan your route through danger. Distract enemies by knocking over paint cans and toys - just slip away before enemies are drawn to your location. Hop into hiding spots and allow danger to pass, or try to outrun your pursuers. Play your way, but be prepared to adapt.
EXPLORE AND DISCOVER - Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex offers a variety of attractions for guests to enjoy - Monty Golf, Roxy Raceway, Bonnie Bowl, the sewers, and… Sewers? The Pizzaplex is vast and has no shortage of goodies to discover.
Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach on Steam (
Ruin About:
You can run, but you can’t hide…
Enter the ruins of Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex in the FREE story DLC for Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach!
Gregory is once again trapped in the now abandoned Pizzaplex, and he needs your help! Play as Cassie, Gregory’s best friend, Faz-fanatic, and would-be savior as she braves the dark, dreary, and dilapidated pizzeria. Armed with only a Faz-Wrench, a Roxy-Talky, and this weird bunny mask, you will have to help Cassie find her friend, free him, and safely escape the ruins.
Can you save your friend, yourself, and the Pizzaplex? Find out in the 100% free DLC, Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach – Ruin.
Help Wanted 2 About:
Find out if you have what it takes to be a Fazbear Entertainment Superstar!
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted 2 is the sequel to the terrifying VR experience that brought new life to the iconic horror franchise. As a brand new Fazbear employee you’ll have to prove you have what it takes to excel in all aspects of Pizzeria management and maintenance.
Go Backstage as a VIP to help Roxanne Wolf & the S.T.A.F.F Bots get ready for their performances in the Pizzaplex Salon!
Head into the Fazcade and enjoy classic games like Bonk-a-Bon and Fazerblast! See if you can top all the high scores!
Take care of things behind the scenes in the Staff Only section of the Pizzeria. Deliver First Aid to patients who aren’t quite feeling themselves, and help animatronics perform routine diagnostics & maintenance.
Our Food Prep courses will help you get the federally mandated amount of value preparing food in the Pizzaplex. Experience all the joys of high-speed food service & get ready to feed some hungry bots!
Head over to the Ticket Booth to test out our E-ticket attractions, such as Captain Foxy’s Cowboy Adventure! On this lighthearted log ride, you’ll float through the old West as a gunslinger in search of booty!
And finally, if you’re short on dread, dive into the world of our Sister Location! These special minigames are VR versions of classic experiences from Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location. These fan-favorites brought to life promise to be as fun as they are terrifying!
So what are you waiting for?!? Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted 2 is now accepting applicants for all positions, effective immediately.
Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted 2 on Steam (
submitted by EndoPlushQuota to u/EndoPlushQuota [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:11 BosnianSerb31 Firearm YouTuber Brandon Herrera loses House runoff to To Tony Gonzales by a mere 400 votes

Firearm YouTuber Brandon Herrera loses House runoff to To Tony Gonzales by a mere 400 votes
As someone who watches Brandon Herrera, and knew about Tiny, Tom, and Buckingham going to shoot at his ranch, it's kind of interesting that Brandon is portrayed as far-right in the media when I'd personally characterize him as a libertarian when looking at the whole picture
submitted by BosnianSerb31 to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:28 Switcheroo1474 Touhou Cast Discussion: Imperishable Night

Touhou Cast Discussion: Imperishable Night
Up next is Imperishable Night, the last of the "classic" Windows Touhou trilogy and what was originally supposed to the last Touhou game overall. It shows too. Higher stakes, returning characters being made playable (including Youmu, Yuyuko, and Yukari from the last game), and even a boss battle between playable characters (Only Reimu (Magic Team and Scarlet Team) and Marisa (Barrier Team and Ghost Team), though)!
Having said that, what about it's cast of characters? Well in terms of my opinion on these characters, just a fair warning, while I haven't played IN for myself (shocker I know), in a way it was the first Touhou game I have experienced (we can get to that later). So apologize if I'm a little (cue thunder sounds) biased.
Imperishable Night Cast (from left to right): Mystia Lorelei, Wriggle Nightbug, Keine Kamishirasawa (Normal & EX Form), Fujiwara no Mokou, Kaguya Houraisan, Tewi Inaba, Eirin Yagokoro, Reisen Udongein Inaba (Art by Dairi)
Wriggle Nightbug (A Bug of Light Wriggling in the Dark)
Wriggle is a firefly youkai who has the ability to control insects. She's doesn't take kindly to anyone who offends insects in anyway shape or form.
My Thoughts: In a way, Wriggle is kind of special to me. She's one of the first characters I learned about who was neither a playable character (Reimu, Marisa), a stage 5 boss (Sanae, Sakuya), or... just from EoSD... (Remilia and Flandre). She's also one of the first characters I remember who isn't iconic. Having said that, there isn't really much for me to say about Wriggle. She's a bug youkai who likes insects and hates when people hurt insects and that's about it. I like her as a part of Team (9) in fanon, but that's really about it. So, while I do some sentimental value towards Wriggle, she's all and all just okay to me.
Mystia Lorelei (Night Sparrow Youkai)
A human-hunting night sparrow who loves to sing. Her singing cause night-blindness to those who hear it. Mystia is outgoing but also rather egocentric. She hates being interrupted while singing. Mystia also runs grilled lamprey stand and has also teamed up with priest-in-training yamabiko, Kyouko Kasodani, to form a punk rock band called Choujuu Gigaku.
My Thoughts: I honestly like Mystia quite a bit. She's one of my favorites from this game. Canon-wise, she surprisingly has quite a bit of depth, and she also a cool boss theme to boot. Fanon is a bit all over the place with her though. She's often portrayed being more friendlier than she actually is in canon, and I've also noticed that her stand acts as a kind of hot spot for the other characters, whether it's just Mystia and her friends (Team (9), Kyouko, or both), or just the cast as a whole. Personally though, I don't really take much issue with of these kinds of portrayals. This is also a fanon thing, but I really like it when Mystia is seen wearing a yukata whenever she works at her stand. There's just something about that I really like. One fanon portrayal that gets rather annoying is when Mystia is reduced to nothing more than a meal for Yuyuko. I'm fine with Mystia being afraid of Yuyuko, but if you reduce Yuyuko to nothing but a mindless glutton whose always hunting Mystia, it gets irritating.
Regardless, Mystia is still a character I like, and one of my favorites among the IN Cast.
Keine Kamishirasawa (Half Beast of Knowledge and History)
A were-hakutaku who serves at the the guardian of the Human Village as well as the teacher for the village's temple school. Keine has two forms. In her normal human form, she has the ability to eat history, but on the night of the full moon, Keine turns into a hakutaku and gains the ability to create history.
My Thoughts: Keine's alright. I like her design, and the were-human thing going on with her plus her abilities in both forms are pretty neat. Now that I think about it, it is pretty interesting to see her get paired with fellow Stage 3 Boss, Kagerou Imaizumi, in fan works(We'll get to her when we eventually reach DDC), considering they share that were-human trait. One thing I especially like about Keine is her friendship with Mokou (more on her later), especially since for the longest time, she was Mokou's only friend. I think the best way I can describe they're dynamic is that Keine is the brains to Mokou's brawns. But putting that aside, the two do seem to compliment each other quite well.
So yeah. Not one of my favorites, but Keine is still a character that I'm quite alright with.
Tewi Inaba (White Rabbit of Good Fortune)
A mischievous earth rabbit who has the ability to cause good luck. Tewi likes to play pranks, especially on Reisen, and is also a notorious scammer. Despite her childish appearance and personality, Tewi is the leader of the earth rabbits in Eientei and is possibly one the oldest members of the Touhou Project series. She might also be the legendary White Rabbit of Inaba...
My Thoughts: This mischievous little furball is part of the reason why Reisen's life is so miserable. Bad Tewi! Bad! Ok, that is rather petty. Tewi does actually serve a very important role in Eientei (she owns the place). But still, out of all the members of the IN Cast, I think Tewi might be my least favorite.
Reisen Udongein Inaba (Lunatic Moon Rabbit)
A veteran who fled from the moon during the so-called "Lunar War". Reisen has taken refuge at Eientei and works for and protectors Eirin Yagokoro and Kaguya Houraisan as their protégé and pet, respectively. Despite her ability to induce insanity with her red eyes, Reisen is actually very balanced, level-headed, and thoughtful, possibly one of the most level-headed individuals in Gensokyo.
Reisen is the best character from IN.
For starters, I really like her design. I prefer her design from 10.5 onwards, but her more iconic design from IN is pretty good too.
Next her boss theme, Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon. It's a very nice song. I hear some fans say that I sounds like Cyber Maze Core from Mega Man X5, and being a MMX fan myself I just wanna say: Yeah, I can hear the resemblance. (...MMX5 and IN were supposed to be the last games of their series, they both feature a boss battle where a character fights their best friend, and they both have songs that sound similar...Hmmmmmm...)
As for Reisen's character, she's special in that she actually goes through a little something called "CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT". In Imperishable Night, Reisen starts out as a haughty coward who mocks Earthlings for being inferior Lunarians, despite being a Moon Rabbit herself. Come Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom (or arguably even as early as Urban Legend in Limbo), and Reisen gains more courage, deciding by herself that she'll try and resolve the coming incident, and even gains more humility, as she goes from considering herself superior to Earthlings like other lunar denizens to considering herself as just "an Earth rabbit who comes from the Moon". That's what I really like about LoLK. Reisen may not have the one to have canonically resolve the incident, but too me at least, it's still essentially Reisen's story, given her past and the fact that she's more invested in the story than Reimu, Marisa, and Sanae.
Changing gears a bit to her portrayal in fanon... it's no surprise that even in canon, Reisen can't catch a break, what with constantly being pranked by Tewi and even punished by Eirin. But fanon does seem to take it really really far, as they add Junko harassing Reisen (in all sense of the word) to list of the latter's problems, to making her get outright tortured by her superiors. Seriously guys. Give her a break.
It's not all bad though. When Reisen isn't portrayed as the world's most pitiful rabbit, she can actually be pretty cool! (Not that I don't think she's cool in canon.) You've probably seen me compare her to action-based protagonists characters like Hank J. Wimbleton from Madness Combat (though you could argue she's more like Pico from FNF Pico's School), or John Wick from the titular movies, with me saying she's essentially... less violent versions of those characters. If you want an example, than take a gander at animations like Operation: Lunar Breach.
On that note, considering her past and her spell cards, Reisen is often portrayed as being skilled with weaponry, especially guns. That portrayal is pretty good, and that there's honestly something very funny about imagining Reisen nerding out about weaponary like guns.
So yeah. More of a fan of Awesome Fanon Reisen than Useless, Pitiful Bunny Fanon Reisen.
As you can see, Reisen is easily one of my favorite Touhou characters, being my favorite stage 5 boss, and my favorite out of the "human" protagonists. She easily fits in my Top 5 favorites, if not Top 3.
Eirin Yagokoro (Brain of the Moon)
One of the two final bosses of this game! It was Eirin who was also responsible for the incident in this game, creating a spell to seal the Earth to prevent passage between the Earth and the Moon. Eirin is a well-known Lunarian who serves Princess Kaguya and works at Eientei as a pharmacist. She's an exceptional media genius, being able to make any drug ever imaginable as well as creating the Hourai Elixir, with the help of Kaguya's power. She's also one of the oldest characters in the series, and possibly one of it's strongest, eclipsing even her mistress in strength!
My Thoughts: Eirin is fine. When I was still getting into Touhou, I think I actually forgot for the longest time she was also a final boss in the game. I guess I kind of just rationalized that Kaguya was the final boss of IN (which isn't... untrue I guess) and just left it at that. I don't why I came to that conclusion... Maybe I just prefer Kaguya over Eirin or something... I dunno. Still, I really do like Eirin's theme, Gensokyo Millennium ~ History of the Moon. I feel like it has a sort of "RPG Final Boss/Superboss" feel to it. Like something you could probably find in an RPG for the SNES.
Like I said. Eirin's alright, it's just that I probably prefer Kaguya over her, just a bit. Speaking of which.
Kaguya Houraisan (Eternal and Instant Sinner)
The true final boss of Imperishable Night, and the very same Kaguya-hime from The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter! Kaguya is an immortal Lunarian princess that has the power to manipulate eternity as well as the instantaneous. She used to live on the moon, but was exiled to Earth alongside Eirin for creating and consuming the Hourai Elixir. While on Earth, Kaguya's beauty attracted many men who wished for her hand in marriage. However, none of them were able to complete her five impossible requests. When her exile ended, rather than returning to the moon like in the original story, Kaguya chose to stay on Earth, and convinced Eirin to escape with her and go into hiding.
My Thoughts: Besides Remilia, Kaguya was one of the first final bosses from Touhou that I learned about (again more on that later). As for my thoughts? ...I've seen prettier Touhou characters. Lol! In all seriousness, while I do prefer Mokou over Kaguya, I still like Kaguya quite a bit. I think the main problem I have with Kaguya is how she's often portrayed in fan works. Yeah, she suffers from the curse that is flanderization. In her case, she's either portrayed has a helpless shut-in who needs Eirin to do literally EVERYTHING for her. Or a cruel and sadistic princess who likes watching people (especially Mokou) suffer.
Both of these portrayals are just wrong. While it is true that Eirin does assist the princess a lot, and is in fact much stronger than she is, but Kaguya isn't reliant on Eirin to a fault. Like, she's not gonna go crying to pleading to Eirin for help at the first sign of danger. It's also true that Kaguya is a shut-in and usually stays inside Eientei all day, but I think it's more of that she doesn't have a choice, not because she wants to stay cooped up all day. Heck, in Foul Detective Satori, Kaguya actually sneaks out of Eientei.
As for the other portrayal, I'm not gonna say Kaguya is some saint who hasn't done anything wrong ever... but she's not as bad as people make her out to be just because she sent some men out on a dangerous mission that just so happened to possibly get the father of her future arch-nemesis killed. Nowadays, Kaguya is more carefree than anything. And I get the feeling that Mokou's hatred for her is more of a one-sided hatred, with Kaguya just going along with it because she has nothing better to do. Plus neither of them can die and stay dead, so one fight to the death doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of things.
Still, putting her rather awful fanon aside, I think Kaguya is OK. If you were to ask me how I'd rank her beside the classic trilogy final bosses, Remilia and Yuyuko (who just so happen to also be princesses... in a way), I'd probably put her second. Higher than Remilia, but lower than Yuyuko. (1. Yuyuko, 2. Kaguya, 3. Remilia)
Fujiwara no Mokou (Figure of Hourai)
The extra stage boss of Imperishable Night and a close friend of Keine Kamishirasawa. Mokou was the daughter of a nobleman of the Fujiwara Clan. When Kaguya ended up humiliating Mokou's father, along with the entire clan, Mokou swore revenge against her, and stole and consumed the Hourai Elixir. Nowadays, Mokou usually hangs around the Bamboo Forest of the Lost. Despite being rather blunt and also a bit of a loner, Mokou is willing to help any humans who ends up lost in the Bamboo Forest. She also describes herself as something of a "health maniac". However she's won't say no to anyone who challenges her, especially if that someone is her sworn enemy, Kaguya.
My Thoughts: Yeah, Mokou's been through a lot. She wanted to get revenge on Kaguya, so she stole the Hourai Elixir and it made her immortal, but then she later regretted that decision and has to live with it for the rest of her unending-life, she doesn't have a lot of friends, and some of the only friends she does have (Keine and Sumireko) are human and she's going to have to watch them die one day. Yeah. Like I said, Mokou's been through a lot.
But she is also pretty cool I think! She has a rocking boss battle song, is a fire user (I prefer electricity as my element of choice, but fire is still very sick), and she's often associated with the Phoenix, an undying bird that's often portrayed as literally being made out of fire, and I just wanna say that the Phoenix it's a very cool mythical creature! Now, in terms of fire-based birds in the series, I like Utsuho much more, but I like still like Mokou a quite lot. She's probably my second favorite EX Stage Boss.
Now that I think about it, since Touhou's Kaguya is THE Kaguya-hime for TotBC, Mokou honestly does kind of feel like someone's OC for that fairy tale. I mean, it doesn't make me like her any less. I just think it's kind of funny to think about.
Overall: I'd say IN's cast means quite a bit to me. When I started really into Touhou, Imperishable Night's characters were some of the first characters from this series that I memorized. Keep in mind, before then the only characters I could recognize where the more iconic ones. I'm talking Reimu, Sakuya, Flandre, and Remilia. Also Sanae, even though she's arguably not as iconic at the former 4.
Putting that aside, you might remember that earlier I said, Touhou 8 is the first game I "experienced". What do I mean by that?
I watched a Super Mario World Rom Hack back in late 2020 called Touhou Mario: Imperishable Night. I'm not going to say it's what got me really into Touhou, but I think it's part of it (Besides I think JZBoy's animations and much later Memories of Phantasm...) It's where I started learning about more of the characters, a little bit more about the setting, more songs beyond just Night of Nights and U.N. Owen was Her?. If animations like Mario vs Reimu, and Luigi and Sanae vs Sakuya helped kickstart my descent down this rabbit hole, then content like this helped loosen the rope that would help me climb back up. So in a way, I guess Imperishable Night played a part in getting me into the Touhou community. I'm not going to pretend I'm some Super Touhou fan, but I think the fact that I can look back at old fan content like SMW: IN, and various fan animations and easily tell which character is which, when in the past I couldn't tell two characters who weren't the iconic four I mentioned (+Sanae) apart should tell you how knee deep I am in regards to Touhou.
I dunno. Maybe I'm just being dumb, but that's just how I feel when I really think about this game and it's characters.
  1. Reisen Udongein Inaba
  2. Mystia Lorelei
  3. Fujiwara no Mokou
  4. Wriggle Nightbug
  5. Keine Kamishirasawa
  6. Kaguya Houraisan
  7. Eirin Yagokoro
  8. Tewi Inaba
But enough of that. Let me know what you think of the IN cast.
Next time, we'll talk the cast of Phantasmagoria of Flower View. The "finale" of the classic Touhou Windows Era.
submitted by Switcheroo1474 to touhou [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:13 imthedrama1 30 [F4M] South Carolina or USA - You left the light on when I had a broken heart

PLEASEEE be over your ex before messaging me.
PLEASE be 28 or older. Do not send pointless messages saying "Good luck" or "I wish I were single". Do not message me if you're married. I am not poly. I am not looking for friends with benefits.
Facts about moi:
* I work with smol humans for a living.
* You don't have to WANT kids of your own. But, if you don't like're not for me.
* One of my favorite past-time activities is trying to put together legos high.
* Listening to music high is also an experience (I do Delta since that’s what’s legal. If you’re anti-weed, then we aren’t a match. I don’t do it allll the time. I’m too broke for that life).
* Seriously, doesn't music sound different when you're high?
* Green Day was one of my favorite bands. I’ve been listening to them since I was 10!
* The obsession was real. My ten-year-old self had a binder about the members with all the facts and pictures of Billie (Yes, I was a weird child). I don´t listen to them much anymore. That was practice for my obsession with Panic! at the Disco. I only like one album, though.
* Now my obsession is more towards bands like AVOID, Dayseeker, The Used, etc. I'll listen to the same songs over and over until I can't stand it. I even have a Playlist for that. I recently found a band called Dark Devine, and I dig them.
* I love going to concerts. So, it'd be cool if you liked them too.
* I love love love traveling.
* Please don’t be a giant grouch on vacations. Coworkers complain about their spouse being a shitbird on trips. No thanks.
* I also like staying in, of course! But I’m not a homebody. I struggled during the COVID shutdown. Being cooped up SUCKED. I do not want to beg you to get out of the house. Again, I am NOT a homebody. If you are, we are not a match.
* I have a spicy brain.
* I’m super duper ADHD. Fun times! I’m also like an anxious puppy. Woop woop.
* The most organized thing in my life is this list
* The Office and Parks and Rec are two of my favorite shows. I also like Bob’s Burgers and Avatar The Last Airbender.
* I don't watch a whole lot of TV, ADHD brain enjoys the short videos on Tiktok.
* I talk to myself out loud in public.
* I promise I'm only a little crazy...depends on who you ask.
* I like things like tarot (NO I cannot do a card reading for you. I don't know how, I just think it's cool!My friend does readings for me) and other spiritual stuff. If you're into that too, cool!
* I like men with facial hair. I also like men who are more alt-y (think piercings and tattoos...singer of Dark Divine)....but that isn't a requirement! It's just bonus points.
Why you should date me:
* We can listen to emo bands together whenever you want
* Emo music can mean many things and I’m OK with that.
* You won’t get food poisoning from my cooking
* I can make more than Hamburger Helper and frozen pizzas. Though, the ranch burger hamburger helper is my fave.
* The velveeta skillets are better, though.
* I’m suuuper short. So, if you’re insecure about your height, I gotchu. I’ll make you feel tall..or taller!
* I don’t care about height and it makes me sad that people feel insecure about something they can’t change.
* I’m a great small spoon…but I guess if you REALLY insist, I can be a jetpack. Buuuuutttt it isn't my first choice...but please don't cuddle all night. I want my space and I need to sprawl out and become a blanket burrito...with one leg out because otherwise, I'll get too hot! We just can't have that.
submitted by imthedrama1 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:38 MeanDebate Anyone else with a split household in mixed roles? GC here, SG there?

If your parents are divorced, is your role in the family system consistent between the two households? I'm just now realizing that while I was the scapegoat in one, I've been the golden child in the other without ever realizing it and I don't know what to think or do.
I'm very sorry for the long post, I can't figure out which details matter and which don't.
My parents split up when I was two. My dad was my mom's second husband, and I was her only kid. My mom was my dad's third wife, and I was his third kid. I grew up with my mom, occasional visits with my dad.
My mom was a narcissist who (like most of them, I'm realizing) treated me like a favorite pet until I hit ten years old and became something more than an extension of her. Unfortunately, this is also roughly the time she began showing symptoms of late-onset paranoid schizophrenia, which runs in her family.
It went about as badly as you can imagine. I don't want to go into details but it went from "you're a mean child and an ungrateful monster who will never be as smart as me" to "you're working with the local government and the HOA and your father and Kaiser to spy on me and try and take my house". It was a living nightmare, just her and me, and gaslighting to make herself look better became gaslighting because she heard voices no one else did. Violence went from a punishment to unpredictable rage during fits of psychosis.
My two half-brothers are almost twenty years older than me, and I only got to meet them a handful of times as a child because my mom hated them and my father. I was only allowed to leave the house for court-mandated visits and school, so obviously I absolutely loved both. I excelled in school (other than homework I couldn't do without Internet and attendance) and worshipped my dad.
When I was 17, she had started threatening to kill me and herself. I woke up to her watching me through the place where my doorknob used to be. I moved out and got a cousin to cosign on an apartment for me and a slightly older classmate. She killed herself and our pet bunny a few years later. That was about ten years ago now.
My dad was the opposite. He always had gifts for me, couldn't say enough how smart and pretty and kind and so on I was, talked me up to everyone he met. I thought my mom was the only abuser and that my dad just made the mistake of falling into her clutches and couldn't get me out too when he left. I'm disabled as a result of my mother's parenting and some genetic predispositions.
One of my brothers lives in another state and doesn't talk to any of us. I only met him three times, so he's always been a mystery to me. My other brother hasn't worked for more than fifteen years, has some serious addictions, and has a criminal record involving stealing and selling drugs. Despite that, I can honestly say he's the kindest, most patient and loving person I have ever met in my life.
In the last year, that brother and I have gotten a lot closer as he's been taking care of our dad. And I'm realizing, to my absolute horror, that for my brothers' entire adult lives they've been treated like shit by our dad while having to hear about how wonderful I am. Every time one of them has asked him for help, they've had to hear about how I never ask for anything and my job and my academic accomplishments and so on.
I've learned more about their childhoods before I was born, and I'm realizing that I became the favorite for our dad because my mother had conditioned me to never, ever, ever ask for anything. I worshipped our dad for the few hours a week I saw him because he was nice to me, and it's easy to be nice to someone who worships you for a few hours a week. I succeeded in school and career stuff because it was the only place I was ever told anything about me was good or worthwhile and because I was desperate to survive.
It never occurred to me to ask what had happened to my brothers to put them where they were. I had always low-key resented them for having been able to grow up without being afraid their mom was going to kill them in their sleep. I had assumed without ever asking that my dad was as nice to them as he was to me, but full-time rather than on visitation days. And I had been angry and hurt that neither of them had ever tried to help me, despite being full-grown adults themselves while I was a child with no legal rights living in a house where I was not always allowed to eat or bathe and where I was constantly terrified.
Now I learn they never knew any of that any more than I knew how our dad treated them. And as the younger of the two has been literally washing shit off of our dad and cooking for him and taking care of him despite being essentially homeless himself, I've heard for the first time how our dad talks to him. And it sounds so much like my mother that I've been physically sick after calls.
Has anyone else experienced anything like this? From either side? I thought I was the only child scapegoat, and now I learn at nearly 30 that everything I did to survive my childhood has been used to hurt my older brothers.
submitted by MeanDebate to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:25 surtifire Need animes please. I'm lost

I don't know what I'm looking for honestly. Maybe romance? But drama hurts me. Physically... I just watched here comes miss modern and I was literally punching myself. I think I prefer wholesome stuff.
That said I don't even know if I want a romance.
Sorry don't know how to use bullet points. These are what I've watched:
That time I got reincarnated as a slime
In another world w my smartphone
So I'm a spider so what
Kemono jihen
Cheat skill in another world
Worlds finest assassin
Mushoku tensei
Reincarnated as a sword
Basically I've watched loads of isekais too many to remember.
Kaguya Sama
Komi can't communicate
Tonikaku kawaii
Death note
One punch man
Seven deadly sins
Uq holder
Kakuri circus
So I'm a spider so what
Demon slayer
Inazuma eleven tho that was when I was super young
The promised Neverland
Tokyo ghoul
Future diary
Avatar (not sure if that's anime tho)
Hunter x hunter
Chainsaw man
Spy x family
World trigger Beserk of gluttony
Kubo won't let me be invisible
Wiseman grandchild
No game no life
The dangers in my heart
Bunny girl senpai
The devils a part timer
Wrong way to use healing magic
Code Geass
Assassination classroom
Classroom of the elite
The angel next door spoils me rotten
The apothecary diaries
The dangers in my heart
Wotaku no koi wa
Miss modern
Ragna crimson
Hells paradise
How not to summon a demon lord
The devils a part timer
Solo levelling
Re zero
Those aren't all of them. Probably bit more than half. I started my list only recently and put everything I could remember. Well those are what I've watched. Based on those could you recommend me something.
Maybe try more on the isekai or romance side. Just watching tsukimichi now and love it. Don't want too trash of an isekai. Other genres are welcomed.
submitted by surtifire to Animesuggest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:03 FalseEpiphany 32 [M4F] (Seattle, WA, PNW) I want us to be like peanut butter and chocolate. Complete on our own, amazing together.

I want to watch rain patter against the windows as we snuggle on the couch, warm and cozy together.
I want to whisper hopes, dreams, and secrets into the wee hours of the night.
I want to hold hands on long walks somewhere beautiful: a forest, a beach, a scenic neighborhood, take your pick.
I want to bake you treats and hear you say, "Oh my god, that's so good."
I want to decorate the tree together for Christmas and feel like there's magic in the air when we turn the lights off.
I want us to proudly introduce one another to our families (if you're on good terms with yours).
I want us to be each other's first thought when we wake up from a scary dream.
I want us to look at each other and feel like the luckiest people alive.

Who I am

I'm a 32-year-old Seattle man who values creativity, intelligence, and dedication. My personality can best be summed up as...
Some of my biggest interests include:
Physically, I'm 5'5", slender, Caucasian, brown-haired, brown-eyed, and have a short beard. I was once described by an acquaintance as "a handsome devil." Facetiously? Seriously? I choose to repost those words either way! Happy to share pictures upon request.

What I have to offer

In alphabetical order...

Who I seek

The biggest thing I look for in a partner is mutual respect. I prefer partners who...
I've also found fulfillment in relationships where the woman takes the lead. I'm happy to volunteer input and ideas, but I don't need to be the final decision-maker in the relationship (outside of areas we've agreed should be my call).
I'd love to see effort in your response. I've put effort into my ad. You don't need to match its word count (which is pretty darn long!). But something more substantive than, "Hi, I liked your ad!" is a marvelous way to kick things off between us.
Friendship?: I've gotten several (very sweet!) messages asking if I want to be platonic friends. Right now, my life is comfortably full between work, hobbies, and existing friendships. I'm saving my remaining time and effort--which will be a lot--for a relationship.

In Closing

If life is a journey, people are destinations. Maybe we'll be one another's dream homes. Maybe we'll be a lovely place to stay for a few years. Maybe we'll be ships passing in the night. My long-term goal is marrying a life partner.
I'm also young enough that I don't need such to happen in my next relationship. If it does, awesome--but right now, I'm primarily interested in meeting interesting people and seeing where things go.
Feel free to shoot me a line if you're interested in the same!
submitted by FalseEpiphany to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:53 FalseEpiphany 32 [M4F] #Seattle #WA - I want us to be like peanut butter and chocolate. Complete on our own, amazing together.

I want to watch rain patter against the windows as we snuggle on the couch, warm and cozy together.
I want to whisper hopes, dreams, and secrets into the wee hours of the night.
I want to hold hands on long walks somewhere beautiful: a forest, a beach, a scenic neighborhood, take your pick.
I want to bake you treats and hear you say, "Oh my god, that's so good."
I want to decorate the tree together for Christmas and feel like there's magic in the air when we turn the lights off.
I want us to proudly introduce one another to our families (if you're on good terms with yours).
I want us to be each other's first thought when we wake up from a scary dream.
I want us to look at each other and feel like the luckiest people alive.

Who I am

I'm a 32-year-old Seattle man who values creativity, intelligence, and dedication. My personality can best be summed up as...
Some of my biggest interests include:
Physically, I'm 5'5", slender, Caucasian, brown-haired, brown-eyed, and have a short beard. I was once described by an acquaintance as "a handsome devil." Facetiously? Seriously? I choose to repost those words either way! Happy to share pictures upon request.

What I have to offer

In alphabetical order...

Who I seek

The biggest thing I look for in a partner is mutual respect. I prefer partners who...
I've also found fulfillment in relationships where the woman takes the lead. I'm happy to volunteer input and ideas, but I don't need to be the final decision-maker in the relationship (outside of areas we've agreed should be my call).
I'd love to see effort in your response. I've put effort into my ad. You don't need to match its word count (which is pretty darn long!). But something more substantive than, "Hi, I liked your ad!" is a marvelous way to kick things off between us.
Friendship?: I've gotten several (very sweet!) messages asking if I want to be platonic friends. Right now, my life is comfortably full between work, hobbies, and existing friendships. I'm saving my remaining time and effort--which will be a lot--for a relationship.

In Closing

If life is a journey, people are destinations. Maybe we'll be one another's dream homes. Maybe we'll be a lovely place to stay for a few years. Maybe we'll be ships passing in the night. My long-term goal is marrying a life partner.
I'm also young enough that I don't need such to happen in my next relationship. If it does, awesome--but right now, I'm primarily interested in meeting interesting people and seeing where things go.
Feel free to shoot me a line if you're interested in the same!
submitted by FalseEpiphany to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:00 ImaginationSea3679 Unusual Floridian Arxur Nursery Part 1

Okay, so...
u/CaptainChristopher02 and u/ThatGuyBob0101 are working on a crossover between My Floridian Arxur Daughter and Unusual Arxur. And given that characters from Arxur Nursery are being used, I got roped in.
So, here I am, as a Trojan Horse, posting something written by the aforementioned authors.
I hope you enjoy.
Memory Transcription Subject: Captain Olivia Denson, UN Military, American Branch, Nursery Founder
Date[standardized human time]: December 24, 2136
Seeing Minuli say goodbye to her friends was a little emotional. I’d grown attached to that peculiar, wonderful, family. But I had my own responsibilities I needed to look out for. Marleen gave me the address of the new nursery and the information for the bus. It didn’t take long for us to find it. A classic yellow exterior.
“Are you kids excited to ride the bus?!” I cheered towards the crowd of precious babies.
Minuli jumped with joy and happily shouted, “It’s so yellow it hurts my eyes to look at it! But I’ll look at it anyway.”
Oros patted her on the shoulder, “Hehe, yes little one. Yes it is.”
I opened the door to the bus and looked at the name of the driver, Ben, who I confirmed with Marleen to be the driver but I asked him anyway.
“Hey, are you the driver for the nursery?”
He smiled brightly, “Yea! You must be Olivia. I’m Benjamine, but you can call me Ben. I'm the school's driver. Hop in. By the way the school had an issue with the amount of beds so the rooms aren’t quite ready. If you want we can take a detour to see the area?”
A stray voice came from behind me. “Really?!” Minuli was whispering to the other hatchling explaining what she overheard. Once the whispers died all the kids started chanting “Beach, Beach, Beach, Beach!”
Okay, beach it is.
The kids all scurried in one by one, despite the jet lag they were so excited that they were bouncing all over the seats.
“Olivia look!” Minuli said. “They don’t have seatbelts! We can just move!”
Should I tell her to get down, or should I let her fall once and learn her lesson?
Timothy tugged in my pant legs, signaling he wanted to be carried for the ride. I obliged, obviously, and raised my voice enough to be heard in the sea of Arxur Hatchling screeches.
Most of the kids listened except for a few stray hatchlings bouncing around at the end of the bus. I was going to let Ben know so I could deal with them but he just winked at me, closed the door, and drove for a foot, only to suddenly hit the brakes, sending those few hatchlings falling into the seats in front of them.
“We’re okay…”
“And that, children, is why we stay in our seats.” I simply stated as I sat down.
“[Chortle!]” Timothy chirped in agreement.
Memory Transcription Subjects: Agent Cass Smith, FBI ARR Arxur Refugee and Relocation Unit
Date[standardized human time]: December 24th, 2136
I didn’t know what to expect. Allen had told me it was an “on-the-job training” experience, although given how he made it sound, it felt like I wasn’t going to be learning much of anything. Especially considering he seemed to be horrible at directions.
“Wait. No. Left,” he ordered, face crammed into his holopad. “Urgh. Say what you will about them, paper maps aren’t nearly as disorienting as this stuff,” Allen groaned. I rolled my eyes, crossing three lanes of traffic to turn left. “Wait! Shit! No!”
“Oh, my God, Allen. Just gimme th’ damn phone,” I pleaded.
“Hey, you’re driving, you shouldn’t be-”
Cutting his complaint short, I gently, but firmly pulled his wrist up in front of the dashboard so I could see where the hell I was going. It was a left, like he originally said, and then…
And then he got a phone call. Sunuvabitch.
“Yer ringin’,” I told him, letting go of his wrist. Considering I needed directions before I went any further, I decided to pull into a nearby beach parking lot and wait as he answered the call.
“Yeah? Yeah, same here. We got a bit turned around; just pulled into a beach so I could take this call. Yeah… Yeah, how’d you know?... Huh. I see. Well, we’ll be right over, in that case.” He shut the call off. “Hey Cass. We’re making a detour.”
“Where to?” I bemoaned.
“Well… look right.” Doing as instructed, I turned to see… a beach. Is he saying-... “I know neither of us brought our swimsuits, but… Hey, you’ll be meeting your charges for the week a bit earlier than expected.”
“For the week? Sir, I volunteered for Christmas Eve, but, I’d still like to be home on the day.”
“I’m not having you work over Christmas, kid, don’t worry, but you’re gonna be working with these guys for a bit.” The both of us stepped out of the car to catch the smell of the beach. “Just, make sure nothing bad happens, and tell me what the place and the people there need. I know I haven’t trained you on, well, anything, admittedly, but you have my number if you’ve got questions, and the assignment should be a breeze. Now, let’s go meet these guys, huh?”
“You mean the guys I’ve been told next to nothing about except for the fact one of ‘em’s an arxur?” I snarked, looking at him.
“Yup. Those’d be the guys. But hey, I want it to be a surprise. You’re gonna love it. Or hate it, and, quite frankly, I didn’t want to get punched inside my own office,” he admitted. I glared down at him as we walked side-by-side down the beach. “Uhhhhhhhhhh hey look! There’s the, ah, founder of the program right up ahead!” Allen shouted, dragging my attention forwards. It was a girl with brown hair and tan skin flagging us down from a ways down the beach
I could see she recognized us, and she seemed to be with company. Allen pointed out two individuals next to her. An Arxur by the name of Oros and a bus driver named Ben.
“Why do I need to know the bus driver?” I asked. I had absolutely no idea who anyone here was, so I supposed introducing myself to everyone would be ideal, but I didn’t think I'd really be seeing this guy often.
“Trust me,” Allen insisted. “You’re gonna be seeing him and asking for his help a lot more often than you think. No matter what you need, he knows a guy or knows the random skill.”
“You’re kidding right?”
“I once briefly mentioned my wife wanted a purse for her birthday and the next day he told me he skinned an alligator that ate his neighbors dog and traded the gator in for fresh leather that he used to make her a purse. No, I am not kidding.” I didn’t have time to comprehend what he said before he shook his head and continued. “It was a nice purse too. Saved my marriage.”
I decided to ignore that last part and instead asked about the adult Arxur.
“Uh… what’s with the big guy over there?”
“Oh, him? That’s Oros. He helped rescue a bunch of kids and brought them to Earth. We moved them from Brazil the other day.”
“Kids? As in… Arxur kids?” I asked. Does that mean-...
“Two of ‘em right there.”
I took my gaze off the founder and rescuer and focused on the other two Arxur that were visible. They were definitely kids. Kids! I wondered if that’s how Tarry looked when he was younger?
Before I got distracted about that thought, which I was absolutely going to use to tease Tarry later, I reset my focus onto the arxur in question. One of the kids was older, having a shirt with what looked like a solar system on it. They were standing next to the big guy; Oros, I assumed. The other hatchling was in the woman’s arms with a cute little button up shirt. His expression showed no thoughts, only a smol head.
“Heh. Welcome, Cass… to Jurassic Park,” Ben theatrically gestured. I looked down the beach to see… Oh.
Waves of tiny little Tarry’s were running around, building sandcastles and splashing in the water just up over the sand hill we were standing on. I looked at Allen.
“... We are going to talk about this later.”
“C’mon. It’s not that bad. You’ll be great with these kids!”
“Allen, when anyone younger than a teenager sees me, they’re either terrified of me, or they think I’m a jungle gym. There is no in-between,” I told him.
“Hey, these aren’t human kids. It’ll be different, I swear!” he tried to placate. I just let out a somewhat exhausted sigh. “Look, just, walk around! Meet some of the kids! You’ve got this, alright?”
“Alright. I guess we can see how it goes…”
One of the tiny Tarry’s was blissfully running around the sand past Olivia, towards me, not paying attention. She fell on her face, but didn’t take long to get up and brush the sand off. She was close to me so I decided to see if Allen was telling the truth. Kneeling down next to the child, I decided to smile at her. Once she noticed the looming shadow over her and looked up I greeted myself. “Hi there.” I said in my best toddler voice I could muster. Admittedly, it wasn’t my best.
She didn’t say a word for a few moments. I thought for a moment that she might actually warm up to me. Maybe that would have been the case if she didn’t immediately start crying.
“…wa…whaaaaa! Chortle, Whaaaaaaa!”
It took only a second of looking at me to get her to cry. I pointed a tired look over to Allen, who simply offered me a half-hearted shrug. An exasperated sigh escaped my chest as I massaged my forehead.
“Ehm… Oliviaaaaa,” I yelled out, trying to get the nursery founder’s attention. She looked over, seeing the lizard begin to wail, and quickly rushed over.
“Oh! Nonono, bebes! It’s fine! She’s friendly!” She quickly scooped up the hatchling in her arms, holding the kid close to her.
“B-but… b-b-big and scawwwyyyyyy,” the hatchling kept wailing.
Oh come on, I am not that scary.
Olivia continued to cradle the small Tarry and tried her best to comfort her by kneeling down close to the sand and making her focus on that.
“Look at all the pretty sand, Kana. Can you say, sand?”
“Wahh- gasp, yay sand!”
Kana, leaping out of her caretaker's hold, landed with a thud on the white sand and played to her heart's content. The small child was immediately focusing on the vivid shape she made, and no longer paid any attention to me.
“It’s a good thing kids have short attention spans.” Olivia held out her now freed hand. “I’m Olivia, I helped found the nursery.”
“Agent Smith. You can call me Cass.” I shook her hand, nearly engulfing it in just my palm alone as I stood back up. “Apparently, I’ll be helpin’ ya get set up at yer new nursery.”
“Well, there’s probably going to be plenty to do. The place is a well-equipped school, but, even though they have the facilities, I don’t think it was built in mind for this many hatchlings living on the grounds,” Olivia contemplated.
“Well, I’ll help wherever I can, and hey, if ya need sum heavy liftin’, ya know who ta call for,” I grinned, tapping my bicep.
“Whooooaaaahhhhh,” an untranslated lizardy voice murmured from behind me, grabbing my attention as Olivia went back to watching the rest of the kids. I looked back and down to see another mini-Tarry. I knew from experience that one thing was definitely going through his mind. My suspicions were confirmed when he lifted his arms, the universal sign of children that they want to be picked up.
“Ma’ lady, would you be so kind as to lift me up and place me upon your shoulder so I may see the top of the world?”
Well at least he’s polite.
I let out a quiet sigh. “No climbing, okay?”
“That’s quite alright!” he accepted. I gently picked up the li’l lizard under his tiny arms and lifted him up to my shoulder, shuffling him up next to my head.
“Whoahhhh… Do you see everything from up here???” he asked in amazement.
“Ayup. Eat yer food and exercise, and given how big you arxur get, you’ll be just as tall as me one day, kid.”
“Well, I’d never presume to best a lady such as yourself,” he humbly offered. I couldn’t hold back a chuckle, shaking my head a little.
“You’re quite the charmer you. Where’d you- ack!”
My question was interrupted by a handful of tiny needles climbing up my back.
“Hey! No! Don’t- Ow!” I was restrained by the gentleman sat atop my shoulder, as another curious lizard clambered their way up my back, poking me all the way up. I was powerless to stop them, as they worked their way up to the top of my head, pomfing down once they reached the top. I sighed, doing my best to stay perfectly still, as while the gentleman lizard was fairly stable on my shoulder, the curious George, who seemed to be barely a toddler lying on my cranium, was anything but.
“Well. So it begins,” I accepted.
“Ooh, I want up there!”
“Wait for me!”
“So tall!...”
“Ack! No! Don’t- fucken!-”
“Swear jar!”
“HAAAAAALP!” I cried out, feeling dozens of tiny needles clamber my body as I was powerless to defend myself. Soon, I was doing everything in my power to prevent at least half a dozen kids from eating dirt, while still enduring a perpetual barrage of stabbing from all sides. I looked around as best I could to see if anyone had heard my cries, but, alas, facing away from the beach, I couldn’t see anyone…
Tell me, God… is this how I die?
And of course, my answer was more claws clambering up my calf.
I looked behind my calf to see who was the culprit of those little stab wounds on my leg. What I found was an innocent mini Tarry with bunny ears on, who wasn’t trying to climb me. They were actually trying to give me a hug but couldn’t reach all the way.
“Chortle, pew!”
I let out a quiet sigh. “You know what? You’re alright, little guy.”
I leaned over just a bit so the kids on me wouldn’t fall on their heads and gave the bunny Tarry a little pat on the head.
I guess this won’t be that ba- Ow! Never mind.
submitted by ImaginationSea3679 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:34 PreparationTop5497 Pepe le pew Spin-off Adult series.

This post is a continuation that I made about the idea of ​​making a spin-off of Lola and Pepe. now showing ideas of what a spin-off for adults focused on the most popular skunk in animation would be like. •In the series Pepe is 29 or 31 years old and Penelope is 26 or 27 years old. and in the plot it says that they both divorce because their love could not continue.
•The series will be set in Paris. France
•Pepe lives alone in an apartment where he decides to do things to kill boredom like watch movies, eat or watch pornography/NFSW.
•The series would satirize a little about the hunters and Pepe's things
•At one point in the series Pepe falls in love with a new girl who would be Fifi Ie fume but she would be a 24 year old Fifi who finished university.
•Fifi would be the co-star and would begin a romance with Pepe.
•Unlike VELMA. both would not be played by a famous Celebrity. yes common voice actors. In this case. "Billy West" or "Jeff Bergman" would do the voice of Pepe and Fifi would have the voice of The Great "Kath Soucie". Oh and Penelope would have the voice of "Tress MacNeille".
•the serious episodes of Pepe's daily life after he and Fifi became lovers. and there would be many conflicts.
•Pepe and Fifi's designs would look like this drawing made by JOAOPPEREIRAUS:
•There would be cameos from other Looney Tunes like Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny.
Below put what you think of the ideas
submitted by PreparationTop5497 to looneytunes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:00 AutoModerator Monthly Prompt Bank - Leave Your Prompts/Plot Bunnies Here!

Hello There!
Do you have a fic idea that you just can't find the time for? An idea you came up with while writing that just doesn't fit into the story you're telling but could be great somewhere else?
Here's the space to leave it for someone else to potentially pick up!
It's simple: leave your prompts (short ideas), or your more thought out plot bunnies, and be free of the idea once more. All ideas left here are free to adopt/change/adapt as an author chooses. However, feel free to request to be notified if an author does fulfill your idea. Please keep ideas left SFW, and note that NSFW content includes gore, serious triggers self-harm or suicide, as well as sexual content.
While leaving ideas, please use the following format/guidelines:
Label: Plot Bunny or Writing Prompt
Include tropes/characters/pairings
Include description of ideas (no more than a few hundred words for ease of browsing)

This is not a formal place for fic requests. If you have a specific story structure or outline you'd like to have followed, that would be better suited as a formal request, in a separate thread.

General rules of civility apply as everywhere else in this community. Engage with each other in a civil, respectful manner that remembers the person behind the writing! If a prompt isn't your particular cup of tea, that's fine. Keep scrolling. We're all here for the same reasons - because there's enough room for everyone in the GFFA!
One final note: Moderators will watch the thread, but will not be directly involved with any discussions had over ideas left/adopted here.
submitted by AutoModerator to SWFanfic [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:49 Blockchain-TEMU MACVSOG - DBT2 - Lost Marine Souls in Bolivia and Peru

  1. The Shadow company raids my netcafe of the recovered participants of the los zetas yitvah, specific actions are undertaken to recover what is believed a terrorist root cell of ninos rats escaped from valid living conditions in peru specifically, and one location in bolivia, which the peru children are the target 1.1 The children are believe of loam taking from the dota player former here which the loam is weapons loam and they are just ninos ratas in a peru establishment of a scientologist bunker of peru and are guilty of thermonuclear yitvah planning and thus are targeted in transfer to the american bunker and pay grade conditioning but there are some concerns which this is that jake johnson who recovers the bolivia location is a vampire and medically disowned some of the people and the author watched on from theatre and the ninos ratas of the bunker not the chavez city never resisted loam weapons but have loam weapons so as is the custom is granted the top left of the old new weapons loam the FJX Custom loam which is a real weapon they can fire at the firing range and transfer the license rights and must be cared for as defined a Californian nerd thus my ninos ratas of the primary large bunker of peru request hyperloop transfer to one of my many facilities that can hold them Transferring them from an External Underworld of the Third Underworld through hyperloop, an Underworld, and to the Third Underworld of Infinity Complex Infinity Ward and all of them transferred, and because jake is a vampire all of the targets violently extracted from the chavez city which is not albaquez ofc and some select clients who had images of the sweedish village children are targeted henceforth by true unborning under lights and only those with the images with the steganographic loam granting meaning of the quicktime and VLC video liquid there is the capacity for prion like behavior of the liquid and small parts of the ninos ratas children are expected as given loam and given expeditions of some kind and extract their true soul therein and this is their own doing for loam taking and rarely targets an outsider, not somebody we knew had loam 1.1.2 At the same time I take 96 marines into home base bunker, Mira, Zira, Lira, Gregory, Rupert, Harry, Strawberry, Hake are the pilot crew, Abraham is the Name of all Military Police, Lira is if Connor's Sister Gets here, and The Other Marines by Definition have No Name Besides who they are for and are confused linguistically about name as a result and want less communication just orders. As Stan and Nathan and Caeline and Stanletta get here and they are the Tactical Advisor the bunker accept into as the people of the deep room which the deep room comes with a Violet in Each Room and You Are Her Only Daddy and if you are a female you are expected to treat her esp with bunny field and if you are a male you are expected to have her as your doctor and ejaculate all of your semen load always into her ass, she is an android and requires this and will serve you medically and there is a medical document which you can read about her which is her field manual nearby and I deprogram these marines about their 29 days of combat experience using 2 hour or 3 hour reference, tell them to interpolate for me the rest of the day which they did with the repeated 2 hour or 3 hour reference 1.1.3 I activate my hind98 on three star tim when he reads rip out the cervical beads he knows he is timmy of the situation so rips every one of my cervical beads out and it is a leash, but i stay in the shower, I am 10.7, I want to be 20 exactly in the shower to get squatters rights on it so that I can clean the shower legally and he is timmy of course here, which i hit him with specials bullet which was -3dB and he is himself again, hitting the bennings targets on the range sometimes with me where a special mission is in the simunitions just for violet and a lot of special which hake lost sadly, jacob could not be trusted but He can be a dork idiot which the dork idiots of violet at some underworld or overworld or chinese do no practice scientology, they are censored of douche so cannot see her beads, but liam in the timmy, so the problems are happening in Lord Baby Jace's Cervix who is the old left brain of me and not desired now but maybe later as the secretary of me left brain while I can host hake for a long time here hake can sign better now and is not having problems now and I deactivate the hind98 we used it a lot yesterday we are being good and hake posts separately to the internet now an israeli starlink not just me esp undercover violet doing anything to anybody now I am just broken to being fired as an ak-47 and bypassing combat plates with how illegal douche imagery is to the male soul.
submitted by Blockchain-TEMU to u/Blockchain-TEMU [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:07 syuha11 In need of dose of romance anime

Alright, like the title said, I'm in dire need of some good romance anime. You can go spesific if you want to describe it but please make it spoiler-free.
For some references, I'll throw some of my lists of romance anime that I like, dislike, and don't intend to continue watching(you could convince me to do otherwise tho):
Those I like: - Nana, A Lull in the Sea, Toradora, Oregairu
Those I dislike: - Maid-sama, Date A Live, Quintessential Quintuplets, Snow White with Red Hair, Bunny Girl Senpai, Your Lie in April
Those I don't intend to continue watching: - Fruits Basket (Stopped after ep 4 season 1), Tomo-chan is a Girl (Stopped after the first episode), Ancient Magus Bride (Stopped after first half of season 1), Domestic Girlfriend (stopped after 2 episode), Kimi ni Todoke (stopped after 2 episode of season 1)
submitted by syuha11 to Animesuggest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:40 FalseEpiphany 32 [M4F] Seattle/Washington/PNW - I want us to be like peanut butter and chocolate: complete on our own, amazing together.

I want to watch rain patter against the windows as we snuggle on the couch, warm and cozy together.
I want to whisper hopes, dreams, and secrets into the wee hours of the night.
I want to hold hands on long walks somewhere beautiful: a forest, a beach, a scenic neighborhood, take your pick.
I want to bake you treats and hear you say, "Oh my god, that's so good."
I want to decorate the tree together for Christmas and feel like there's magic in the air when we turn the lights off.
I want us to proudly introduce one another to our families (if you're on good terms with yours).
I want us to be each other's first thought when we wake up from a scary dream.
I want us to look at each other and feel like the luckiest people alive.

Who I am

I'm a 32-year-old Seattle man who values creativity, intelligence, and dedication. My personality can best be summed up as...
Some of my biggest interests include:
Physically, I'm 5'5", slender, Caucasian, brown-haired, brown-eyed, and have a short beard. I was once described by an acquaintance as "a handsome devil." Facetiously? Seriously? I choose to repost those words either way! Happy to share pictures upon request.

What I have to offer

In alphabetical order...

Who I seek

The biggest thing I look for in a partner is mutual respect. I prefer partners who...
I've also found fulfillment in relationships where the woman takes the lead. I'm happy to volunteer input and ideas, but I don't need to be the final decision-maker in the relationship (outside of areas we've agreed should be my call).
I'd love to see effort in your response. I've put effort into my ad. You don't need to match its word count (which is pretty darn long!). But something more substantive than, "Hi, I liked your ad!" is a marvelous way to kick things off between us.

In Closing

If life is a journey, people are destinations. Maybe we'll be one another's dream homes. Maybe we'll be a lovely place to stay for a few years. Maybe we'll be ships passing in the night. My long-term goal is marrying a life partner.
I'm also young enough that I don't need such to happen in my next relationship. If it does, awesome--but right now, I'm primarily interested in meeting interesting people and seeing where things go.
Feel free to shoot me a line if you're interested in the same!
submitted by FalseEpiphany to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:32 Kapiork [Saturday Morning Reviews] No Brainer

[Saturday Morning Reviews] No Brainer
Hello there! Today's episode - "No Brainer" is special for a couple of reasons. First, it was written solely by Pat Allee, no Ben Hurst this time. Second, it's very likely that it inspired the two-parter story from issues 27 & 28 of the Archie Comics. I read those first, so I'm more familiar with them. Let's see how the original stacks up! (and how well Ms Allee fares without Hurst)
Let's start with minor details for a change: this episode seems to put great emphasis on security measures, whether it's codewords or keycards to access a building or abort a mission. It's quite a nice and logical detail to include, and it's slotted into the plot quite well. Maybe the codeword for mission abortion was a bit too simple, but eh, it's a cartoon, I can let it slide.
\"You're for real, bro? You think you have any chances with her?\"
What I can't let slide however is the fact that Sonic ruined the opening mission (whatever it was) for a chilli dog. It would've been bad enough on its own - while it doesn't feel entirely out of character for Sonic to be so reckless and he's skilled/fast enough that he can afford to be like that, I still don't think he'd be that reckless. But no, the real reason why I find this ridiculous is a very petty and nitpicky one - where the heck did he get that chilli dog from?! A vending machine?! I'm 90% sure the ingredients stored inside it would've expired or at the very least ran out by now. It's been at least several months if not years since Robotnik took over. Who would've replaced the food in the machine in that time?! That's it, 0/10 episode, I lost my suspension of disbelief. :P
Huh, so I guess it's plastic, not glass. Good to know.
With that silly tangent out of the way, we're moving on to the actual plot of the episode - Sonic getting his memories erased. I love how he even forgets about his ability to run extremely fast. I'm not sure if it makes sense, since he was presumebly born with it, so he probably shouldn't forget about it, but again - I'm willing to let it slide because A) it seems reasonable enough, plus the amnesia was caused by a manmade device, so who knows how thorough it is; and B) it makes for some amusing scenes. :) Speaking of which, the scene right before Sonic speeds off shows him and Snively acting like best buddies, cracking jokes (terrible ones, might I add). Now that's some good comedy.
More on Snively, as this is his day in the limelight. He appears to be surprisingly competent when not supervised by his tyrannical uncle. He almost finds the location of Knothole (which, side note: I like the way they handled getting rid of that information, even if I'm not 100% sold on whether it should've worked/would've been enough). It almost seems like if he was constantly in charge, the episode-to-episode stakes would've been much higher. Whatever's the case, he makes for a very entertaining villain. Not that Robotnik is too far behind - his apperences in this episode might be brief, but very effective. He's imposing and clearly not someone you'd wanna mess with, yet combined with Snively's reactions, he also manages to bring a smile to my face. I like to think that it wasn't just convenient timing or a bonk to the head that snapped Snively out of his memory loss - instead, it was the sheer intimidation and familiar feeling of fear that brought back his memories. He's just that scared of his boss.
You know the drill by now. >_> (although in this case they also look *really* stoned)
The overall tone of the episode felt apropriately balanced, suprisingly. Wheras "Game Guy" had way too much Dulcy abuse, "No Brainer" only has about two of such moments. I still don't like them, but I can stomach them in low quantities. And hey, her smacking a floating camera away was both funny and kinda cool. Antoine was used decently well too. I think the key to that is not making him feel like a detriment ("Sonic's Nightmare") or to have him overstay his welcome ("Sonic Conversion"). The gags in general were apropriately placed. They didn't feel like they were interrupting a tense scene. Some of the latter could've been handled a bit better (I expected Sonic to be more aggressive/less trusting of his "former" friends, though that might just be because I'm used to how he behaved in the aforementioned Archie two-parter, plus maybe Snively told him about how they'd treat him; still, it's kind of weird how he just... stops and listenes to Sally & Chuck telling him they're his friends), but I'll chalk at least a part of it up to limited runtime... and also the fact that nobody's perfect. Obviously. ;)
Uh, Sally? What's that smirk supposed to mean? o_o
One last nitpick: when the scene transitions from Bunnie talking with Sally to Snively explaining the Freedom Fighters to Sonic, it seems as if Snively has access to live footage of Knothole (which I hope I don't need to explain why that'd make no sense). I assume it's just artists either being lazy or wanting to have a clever transition between scenes, but it clearly didn't trick just me, as the episode's transcript at Sonic Wiki Zone states: "[Snively shows a holograph video of everything that just happened.]" I hope he's just using camera footage from earlier days and not what we're actually shown.
Nice to know they fixed that weird CGI background from \"Harmonic Sonic\".
All in all, "No Brainer" is a fun episode, better than "Game Guy", though it doesn't really advance the plot in any way. That's fine, however. It's an enjoyable piece of filler, one that fleshes out Snively a bit. It does require a bit of suspension of disbelief to enjoy it to its fullest however. Still, if I had watched this one during my childhood, it would have for sure stayed as a pleasant memory throughout the years.
Now that I think about it, it reminds me of another Archie Sonic issue - Issue 30 to be exact. It also had a plot of Snively taking center stage and assaulting Knothole with a hover craft while Robotnik was out. The difference is that Robotnik was temporarliy sucked into the Void instead of leaving on his own to fight off another band of rebels like in this episode.
Anyway, let's end before I go off onto another tangent.😅 See you next Saturday!

Previous episode reviews:

submitted by Kapiork to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:09 cryptowh473 Real Vs AI 🤔 Made a real bunny from AI inspiration

Real Vs AI 🤔 Made a real bunny from AI inspiration
Challenged myself to create a crochet bunny inspired by an AI generated bunny. Took around 2 hours of freehand crochet to complete it.
Guess which is the real and which is the AI? And which is cuter? 😊
Watch the process of generation using AI and freehand crocheting using the image
submitted by cryptowh473 to crafts [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:54 cryptowh473 Real Vs AI 😊 Spot the real & which bunny is cuter?

Real Vs AI 😊 Spot the real & which bunny is cuter?
Challenged myself to complete a freehand crochet using AI generated Bunny as inspiration.Took around 2 hours to complete.
Spot the difference and whch is the real one and which is cuter? Hehehe 😊
Watch how it's done here
submitted by cryptowh473 to Brochet [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:17 pajaymas5500 Am I the only one who deliberately trying not to make bunny hopping gameplay a habit so the moment devs patch it, I won't feel any difference while I could happily watch a batch of players yapping about the game "unplayable" after they realize they cannot rely on their jumping jack trick anymore.

Am I the only one who deliberately trying not to make bunny hopping gameplay a habit so the moment devs patch it, I won't feel any difference while I could happily watch a batch of players yapping about the game submitted by pajaymas5500 to XDefiant [link] [comments]