Funny sarcastic hard work quotes


2018.12.13 16:06 Bloomer

A conscious community for "late bloomers". Any person of any age can consider themselves ready to bloom - it's a mindset, not a destination. The terminology originates from the boomer, doomer, zoomer memes, but for the few that seek ideas and habits that transcend limitations. This subreddit is dedicated to the brave few that choose to do the hard work necessary toward a better future.

2012.01.31 02:23 Pravusmentis Shitty Life Pro Tips

A place for the shittiest, most mocking "pro-tips" you can think of. Whether you want to let us know how glue can help out your hair or the quickest way to clog a public toilet, we're the place to post.

2013.11.01 01:09 Propaganda_Box Where designers and writers vent

When inspiration strikes and absolutely nobody would buy it, you can post it here. If you've made an advert that's sarcastic, ridiculous, or outright offensive, we'd love to see it.

2024.05.26 07:39 dottedball Looking for advice on resume!

I am really looking for guidance on formatting of my resume, which is why I scrubbed all of the information. Everything is formatted exactly how I have my original but without any information because I am utilizing a clearance for my job search.
My thought process and some reasons for format:
Format - Front Ariel 10, 1.15 line spacing, 0.5 paragraph spacing, Top/Bottom Margin 0.2, Left/Right Margin 1, Work Title(s) italicized,
Hard-Skill - just going to describe pretty widely known industry capabilities.
Professional Experience - is just a single job because it is the only work that relates to the field I am applying to and I want to keep all relevant information on a single page.
Work Title(s) - are all titles/positions I held at listed work experience. Not sure if I should have these in Bold characters or not. Also, not sure if I should put dates for work titles or just let that information come up in an interview.
Case number - is just for my resume to be cleared by company with a 'tracking number'
submitted by dottedball to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:38 glitterypinkflowers What is the absolute fastest method to drop a lot of weight quickly?

Hello Reddit!! Ha, sorry if that sounds silly or weird, I’ve just been a lurker for so long that it feels funny that I’m finally gonna be someone who posts on here. Sadly, I am in a bad situation, and that’s why I’ve come here. I hope I chose the right subreddit for this, but here’s what’s going on.
So I, F [19], am constantly struggling with my weight. The thought of my weight constantly consumes my mind. There is no end to the negative thoughts. I have tried medicine and all sorts of things to calm my mind and stop these horrible, horrible thoughts, but no matter what, I still have them.
For the past 5-6 years, I’ve weighed about 115-120lbs. I am 5’4”, and I have been that height for quite a while so I think I’m still that height. When I was lighter, I looked so good in everything, at least I thought so. I was so so confident in myself and proud of who I was! I did my makeup nearly every day, which is something I really love doing and spending my time on. I really felt alive and like that was what living was supposed to feel like. All happy, confident, loving myself, and I took such good care of my skin and teeth. I had a cute little routine I did every morning and every night. I also curled my hair a lot too.
In the span of about a year or less, I gained about 50lbs, and it shows. I lost a lot of my jawline, and my face is so much wider. I have stretchmarks nearly everywhere you’d think, and my stomach, it’s even worse. It literally bulges out over the front of any pants or shorts I wear and hangs down past the waistline of whatever bottoms I’m wearing. It’s so horribly embarrassing and uncomfortable. I used to wear cute little coordinated outfits everywhere with makeup and accessories to match. Now I wear baggy pajamas mostly everywhere, except for work. I have found myself in such a dark place where it is hard to care for myself or really care for anything.
I take medicine for all this, but lately it hasn’t seemed to be helping. I feel like a stranger in my own body. I feel dead and like a shell of the person I once was. I can’t even look at myself in the mirror and I have literally gotten sick while looking at myself in the shower. I hate how I feel and I hate how I look. I have such terrible acne now as well. I miss my past self, especially how confident and pretty she always felt. I miss feeling well and happy enough to curl my hair or do my makeup again. I have come to a point where I am willing to do anything to lose weight and get back my health and confidence.
In case anyone is wondering, I am doing other things as well to feel better and gain confidence in myself. I am doing some hair treatments to restore the damage I’ve done to it. I’m getting my teeth whitened and possibly some lip injections. I finally cleaned up my eyebrows and started doing a face cleansing routine every night. I am consistently brushing my teeth now, I’ve been taking time to myself to enjoy my hobbies, have fun gaming, and do random things like play with my dog. He is honestly the only one who has been able to make me laugh in the past few months. I am working a good job that gives me a schedule and provides at least some moving around and standing time, so that helps a little with me getting my steps in every day. I have also been getting into reading books again, something I used to love to do.
I’m sorry for the long post, I feel like this might be annoyingly long so I apologize for that. Anyways, my main reason for posting here is to ask this: does anyone have any advice or wisdom or silly methods that help you drop a lot of weight fast? I am willing to spend money on things if they will help, I am willing to simply not eat if that will help. I will do anything to lose this weight, so if anyone could share some helpful advice, that would be really great.
TL;DR - I have gained a lot of weight recently and was wondering if anyone had any advice on dropping lot of weight quickly. Thank you!
submitted by glitterypinkflowers to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:37 glowgecko some q's re: everyday life

hi folks! eighteen year old with EDS (& likely MCAS) here, i've lived with chronic pain & fatigue for as long as i can remember! only just found this subreddit & as i don't know anyone irl aside from family who has EDS, i was wondering if y'all had any input slash advice on some everyday issues i've been having? i don't use reddit much so apologies if this is inappropriate for this particular group
if anyone has any suggestions on how to potentially deal with these please let me know!! have a great day/night/evening everyone :•]
submitted by glowgecko to ehlersdanlos [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:36 shade1tplea5e This maniac just scared the hell out of me lol

This maniac just scared the hell out of me lol
I get home from work a little after midnight. She’s waiting on the couch for me like always and we greet each other and she tries to lick all my kitchen sweat off my arms. We go outside and she runs to the dark corner of the back yard behind a shed and starts going CRAZY running up and down the fence, doing her silly little deer jump/prance/whatever she does sometimes when she’s really wound up. I start to walk back there and finally get to where I can see and there is this huge possum on the fence and this ridiculous dog is trying to knock it off the fence so she can get to it. Thank god the thing fell on the other side of the fence lmao. Finally after a couple seconds and some F bombs (she knows I’m serious then it’s really funny sometimes) she follows me to the back door. I wish she could understand the words “I can’t afford the extra vet bills of you harassing wildlife that can fight back” lol
submitted by shade1tplea5e to pitbulls [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:35 Dammit_Meg If You're Struggling W/ FB Ads... Read This

So, a lot of you aren't going to like this.
Those of you who work at agencies ESPECIALLY won't like this, because it's gonna make those of you who are lazy and blame everyone else for your problems...
Well it's gonna make you look like you're lazy, and blame everyone else for your problems.
So here's my central thesis for this post, done in my best Alec Baldwin impersonation:
"Facebook's not weak, YOU'RE weak!"
Okay, fair enough, Facebook is actually kinda shitty. But have you heard that old (admittedly misogynistic) joke, "Women, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em?"
Well that describes FB.
I hate FB. I despise it with every fiber of my being.
But... it also makes me a lot of money. So I still run a lot of ads on there.
Quick note about me so you know I'm not some random dipshit: Been in online marketing for a long time, been running ads for about 5 years. Currently do about $5mm a year in spend, a decent chunk of it with my own personal cash for my own business. I still consult and run ads in JV/partnership deals, however, so not ALL my own money.
So, lots of posts lately about FB being shitty. Interestingly enough like many things there have always been these posts en masse. ios14 was a huge turning point in this industry. And it seems to keep getting worse and worse.
That said there's still people CRUSHING it on FB on a daily basis. Individuals who are doing 50k - 100k in spend a day (I've been one of them, right now more like 20k a day though.)
And these are direct response guys, not big ass brands who can afford to throw cash away.
So the question is... why are you struggling and they aren't?
Well first of all let me let you in on a secret: FB sucks for them too. It sucks for me, it sucks for all of us.
But if you want to be successful, you need to focus on what you CAN control, not what you can't.
So here's my rules for success:
I've run five copies of the exact same ad in the same ad set at the same time and gotten wildly different results. That's why I test the way I do (Test images/videos and copy at the same time, so I can have duplicates of everything and cross reference/aggregate performance)
Also understand something that works in your market is half the battle... you need something FB likes too. Which you'll never know what it is until you stumble upon it.
Which brings me to my next point...
I've seen SO MANY posts where people are like, "We've tested TEN IMAGES and nothing works!!!"
My friend. 10 images is what I test in a day. I've been known to test 100 videos a week. I'll write ten pieces of copy for one day's testing.
Do I do this every day? No. I wish I could. I don't have the time/energy. But ideally I SHOULD be doing this every day.
Now if you're running a budget of $100/day obviously you have a lot less you can test.
But my point is... even for those of us who know what we're doing... it takes a LOT of creative testing to get a hit.
Creative testing should be 80% of your time on FB. The guys who tell you it's about the campaign structure or whatever... I mean yeah that stuff is important and can help. But if your creative is good you can kind of ignore that stuff and still get decent results.
Oh and every account is different in terms of what it likes. So you kind of have to treat them separately and test creatives on each. Have fun!
Look, not everyone is a great copywriter, or video producer, or artist.
But any good media buyer should be able to take a guess at WHY the creative isn't working, and what should be changed. They should know how to test in a way that is getting these insights that can then be used to further iterate on and improve creatives.
I have met some media buyers who don't know shit about creative but are great at scaling. They're rare, but they're out there. Maybe 10 - 20% of great media buyers are like this. But these people could never fly solo. They only shine in a team with a big creative producing "engine". And they still know how to test to get that learning - they just don't really know why.
Tests are experiments. They should, as much as possible, isolate one variable.
So many times I hear about people testing in different campaigns, or on different days of the week, or whatever.
No. Testing is in one campaign. Usually different ad sets because otherwise FB will pick a favorite, but if I could throw all ads in one ad set and have FB evenly spend I'd do that.
Furthermore, you should have a very clear goal when you test. "We're testing angles." "We're testing whether red or blue gets a better CPC." "We're testing which of these 10 pieces of ad text does the best."
Don't just throw up a bunch of random videos. At least not often. Test one element. An intro. A CTA. Whatever. Have a plan, and stick to it.
And the worst part is then the people working there start to believe it.
A small incomplete sample of bullshit things I've heard:
"Facebook has to get out of the learning phase."
False. A good creative will work pretty much straight away. FB's pixel's been dogshit since ios14. Yes, generally training a pixel will help, but this "it needs 7 days of learning" horse shit is just that... horse shit. Often said by people who want to make excuses rather than get down and dirty and do the hard work - making good creatives.
"The pixel takes time to learn."
A half-truth, see above.
"It takes a month to even start getting data"
If I took a month to get data I'd be destitute. You should be able to test if a campaign is going to work in a week, assuming you have the creative ready to go.
If you can't figure out whether something's going to work in a week or two and 1 - 2k of spend, you suck at your job.
If you can't spend 1k a week, then you're working with a client that's super small and that has its own set of challenges, especially on FB.
And if an agency tells you they can't give you some damn good data and an action plan on exactly what you should do in a week or two, run from them and find someone else.
There are more that get my goat but you get the point.
BTW... MOST (not all) agencies work like this:
They sell you a ton of bullshit. You sign on as a client. They give you a junior they get from the Philippines or Eastern Europe for like $400 a month while charging you $3k. They give you endless excuses for months on why results aren't there until you finally leave but hey at that point they got like $15k in profit out of you... they don't care.
  1. Because there are people on here who believe this shit and waste time spinning their wheels when they could be getting traction
  2. Because I hate lies and incompetence
  3. Because I enjoy watching all the terrible media buyers come out of the wood work and try to argue with me on why I'm wrong (seriously, do it. Let's go. I need to procrastinate when I should be writing copy.)
And if you think I'm looking for clients... I'm not. I don't really have the time. Unless you want to do a profit share deal and your biz is already doing at least $1mm a year in revenue, then yeah, PM me, but it's gotta be a very attractive proposition for me to work on your shit.
Full disclosure: I am considering starting a YT channel where I basically get drunk and/or high and rant about shit like this for 5 - 10 minutes at a time. But as you know there's no money in that.
Most of the shit you've heard is dead wrong and spread by people who either don't know any better or want to sell you this fantasy that ads are impossible. They're not. They're just a lot of hard fucking work.
BTW, you can reach out to me via PM for questions but honestly I'd rather you post it here so we get a discussion going and please don't take it personally if I don't have the time to answer back.
Now stop being on reddit and go make some more creatives and write some more copy to test.
Oh, and to all the lame media buyers who are upset that someone's shining lights on just how lazy and useless they are:
Bring it on, bitch.
P.S. I don't know why the preview is showing all my numbers as "1". I swear I learned how to count, even if it took me longer than some of the other kids. If anyone knows how to fix that, please post a comment or PM me. Bonus points for a funny joke at my expense.
submitted by Dammit_Meg to FacebookAds [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:34 Big-Woodpecker7304 How do I stop caring about her past?

I (30 M) am in love with a girl (28 F) for last 2 months and we click so well with each other. I like spending time with her and so does she.
Everything was going so well until one fateful day when we decided to talk about our pasts. I only had one past relationship and it ended because we both had to go to completely different places (think different states) and the LDR just didn't seem to work at all.
She told me that while she was in college and when she got her first job, she had 3 relationships and she had sex with all of them multiple times (probably 10 or more). She regrets that time of her life and says no one has touched her since then. She also mentioned that those relationships were toxic and she doesn't even remember most of what happened at that time (which I find hard to digest tbh).
Now, I'm ok with people having fun in the past but I was looking to make this girl my future wife and the mother of my children but since that conversation, the whole thing has fallen apart for me, sometimes I don't even wanna talk to her anymore. If it was just a fling or a situationship, I don't think this would've affected me so much but it is affecting me so much now that I'm only having flashbacks of her with these unknown men.
I don't look at her the same way anymore, and this whole thing is taking a toll on the amazing relationship we were having, and I think she feels it too. I don't think I'm ever gonna be ok with her past, but I also really like her.
Wtf do I do from here? Should I just break up with her since the whole thing is new and save both of us from future traumas? or should I get some therapy to deal with this crazy retrospective jealousy I'm having? Are these feelings that I'm having invalid and embedded in my misogyny and regressive thinking? Can anyone help me make it make sense? I hate this so fucking much.
submitted by Big-Woodpecker7304 to onexindia [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:34 Prior_Ticket_1330 Hardcore chemically castrating myself

I’m 5’9” and indian so i’m going to die alone. Im going to start starving myself so i can lower libido and work myself out hard in the gym. When i graduate i’m going to avoid all contact with all employees in whatever accounting form i work at. I’m just adjusting that’s all.
submitted by Prior_Ticket_1330 to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:34 Potato_Consumer99 Epic Sex Review: Lilya

Epic Sex Review: Lilya
Requested by: Many people, included myself.


1. Story Time 2. Sex Scene 3. Overall Review

Story Time

The hall of School of Primary Defense of Mankind, it’s roofless, easy for me to lay down and look at the blue sky decorated with fluffy white cloud. Such a beautiful and breathtaking view with a shimmering sunlight making the view vibrant like adding light and shadow on the canvas. Whoosh! A powerful and loud booming sound shrieked in the high sky made my body rumble as I looked up. The sound that could tear my eardrum at any moment came from the engine of a broom. Lilya, the Russian pilot girl from Zeno Academy came to St. Pavlov Foundation, riding on the wind and soaring to the sky.
There she is, cutting through the sky and cloud like a sword slicing bamboo. Incredible speed created shockwaves in the air, making my heart rumble as it goes. Lilya was like an angel in the sky in my eyes, she soars freely like a bird, while here I am still on the land, tiptoeing to reach the sky that I could never reach. The essence of her beauty and her style were impossible to not to look at. She was indeed the goddess of victory, as she already won my heart and feelings for her.
After a while, she flew away like a bird returning to its home. It felt like the ending of the greatest movie of all time, leaving me alone in the theater and feeling a bit sorrowful and emotional. After procrastinating a bit, I went back to the foundation. Walking my way while thinking about her, I even forgot to look at the road where I’m going.
Lilya has been in the foundation for a long time. Ever since that day she came, ever since I set my eyes upon her, her face couldn’t escape from my mind. I don’t know if it’s like a nightmare that haunts me daily, but it contains positive side of it. Sometimes, she would also notice me walking like a ghost wandering around the foundation buildings and minding my own business. But that was when we were young, now we hold more responsibility as we’re close to adults.
Next day, I heard Lilya got into trouble for trespassing highly restricted area while riding broom. She was placed and confined under her own dorm room, away from contact with other people or outdoor activities for a lawfully adjusted time. Like a caged bird, unable to fly and soaring in the sky, only able to look at it behind the window panel. She was frustrated and impatient with the sentence she had to receive.
That day, I worked as a “correctional officer”, providing basic needs and supervising the dorm room. Not really my type of job, but foundation trust me as I’m a ‘perfectionist’ at doing stuff. The first day I met her, she seemed to be quiet and expressionless, hiding her own aggressiveness and irritation inside. The second and third day goes the same, but I decided to change a bit on the fourth day.
I knocked on the door with my left hand carrying her clean clothes. She opened the door with the same stern face, wearing the same usual outfit without the coat, a pair of green tank . This might be the first time I got very close to her. Looking at her charming face, a pair of dazzling sky-blue eyes and beautiful messy blonde hair over her neck and her shoulder, I imagined my future wife in front of me. But then, I gained consciousness of myself from dreaming, then I finally gained courage to speak with her for the first time.
“May I come in, Ms. Lilya?”
She stared at me for a moment, she looked at me from up to down, feeling suspicion in me. However, she just opened the door and let me in. I entered her room with silence on my footstep. While she was sitting on her bed watching me putting down her clothes on a table, I pulled out a bottle of vodka out from her pile of clean clothes.
“You want some?”
Lilya was suddenly confused and started questioning about my nice gesture. The very first sentence spoken to me by her in Russian accent, “What are you doing?”
“I see you felt boring and impatient, and you also kept kicking the chair every day and every night, and I kept getting complaint from other people.”
Lilya rolled her eyes while crossing her arms. Nonetheless, she extended her hand to let me give the bottle to her. I walked towards her and gave the bottle to her. I went to the corner and sat on the chair, watching her chugging the vodka. While chugging, she opened her one eye to look at me, then she stopped.
“Why are you here?” She asked.
“Waiting for you to empty that bottle so I could throw it away.”
Lilya continued to drink it a bit, she loved the taste of it after days of no drinking. Later, she then extended her hand that was holding the bottle.
“You want some?”
“No thank you...” My introverted side still stays on my person.
“Blyat, I insist you to take it and drink some. C’mon, it’s not gonna kill you anyway.”
I hesitated a bit after hearing her request, but I just went for it anyway. “Fine.” I stood up and walked towards her who was still sitting on the bed. I grabbed the bottle of vodka from her hand. She tapped on her bed beside her to let me sit on the bed. I sat as she let me, preparing to take a sip of the bottle. I quietly move the bottle up and drink a big sip of it. The liquid of vodka entered my mouth and passed through my taste bud. What a woman that could handle this strong drink, I almost puke it out.
Lilya smiled while looking at me drinking with a pink cheek on my face. That pure adorable face looking at me like a baby staring at their own mother makes my heart to beat faster, I couldn’t comprehend what was going on. Her side-eyes with those hair that could cut when touched covering sides of her face made me unnervingly shaking from inside, like an eye of a hawk staring the soul out of me. I couldn’t stop admiring her glance and her attractive physique, her smooth light skin had the quality of using most expensive soap ever. Remaining calm around her must be harder than I’m being hard right now.
I stopped drinking it and gave it back to Lilya. “You are quite a bold and tough one. What’s your name?” Her bright smile met the mouth of the bottle.
And the days go by. I sat next to her, sharing a bottle of vodka together and killing the time with chatting. Both of us talked about our own remarkable story to each other, we both laughed, we both cried, but the time we spent together was precious and invaluable. She even sang in her own language with the drunkenness in her voice, her lovely melody pass through my ears had purify my mind. This could never end, not even the time when the sun had set. Couldn’t believe that we would be so close together with only one day and a bottle of vodka.
The time has turned into night, we both went drunk so hard, I even forgotten the schedule. Lilya sat closer to me and spoke gibberish. She tried so hard to speak like a normal person. That is until I could hear something that she said close to my left ear with that lusty Russian accent. “Thanks for accompanying me...” After finishing her saying, she moved her mouth and kissed me on my lips. Even in drunk state, I could feel her soft lips touching mine, that connection made our soul interlinked.

Sex Scene

Sitting next to her on her right side on the edge of the bed, her whole body was leaning on mine. Her whole lips were totally in contact with mine, and I could feel my tongue being intercourse with a wet and fleshy part. It was her tongue; she was forcing to break through my mouth and doing the dirtiest thing our mouth could feel. Both of our mouths still have alcohol in saliva, so the saliva exchanging was bitter with burning sensation in our mouth. Neither of us could stop but enjoying the warm kiss we were having, it’s the beginning of our pleasure.
While kissing, our hands were touching each other’s body part, not even private parts couldn’t be spared. As we went on, we began to take off our clothes together before we started our session. Lilya moaned in my mouth because of the sensational feeling in our mouth kept travelling through our nerves. After an effort, we successfully made ourselves naked on the bed. She then stopped kissing my mouth, a saliva string visible between my lips and hers like a bridge between our mouths indicating that the kiss was long and satisfying as hell.
Lilya moved to the center of the bed and stretched her curvy body. Me looking at her body respectfully without drooling a single drop of saliva. I gulped, as I could saw how curvy her body was, her juicy and massive thighs, her round and bouncing milkers, her shaved tight pussy, I want to make her mine so much. Both of us felt quite warm in the body and dizzy in the head after that kiss, we both rested for a few bits before we continued. While at that moment, I prepared myself to position her bottom to be close to mine.
Her both legs were put right next to my waist, she leaned on the bed still in the drunk state waiting for me to insert my penis into her vagina. As it was our first time, I tried to do it as slowly and as comfortably as possible for both of us. I gently moved my cock and slowly insert her vagina, slide it all the way deep inside her carefully until the tip of my cock reached the cervix. She felt the pain at first but tried to calm herself down and bear the pain.
With no stopping, I proceeded to thrust her inside in a slow movement to let her bear and accustom with the pain feeling of my cock throbbing inside her. I lifted her left leg and put it on top of my right shoulder while her right leg stays beside my waist so her whole bottom was much more exposed and expanded for me to easier thrust. She was grabbing the bed sheet when my cock was ramming inside her vagina. Of course, her moan was hearable, but she tried her best not to be loud.
After a while of slow thrusting, I decided to speed it up a bit while hoping she could bear more with me. I grabbed her waist and thrust her faster than before, but still rationally as gently as possible for her own safety and comfort. She could feel the pain getting to be more immense, but she allowed me to do so, as slow movement would make our session rigid and bring no sense of pleasure. As I could see, she bit her lips as her next moan would get even louder. Other than that, I could see her milkers jiggling like jelly whenever my hip hit hers. Noticeably, her nipples were quite pinkish, I could drool at any moment. Her curvy body gave a sensational and lusty view for me to look at, I enjoyed every second of it.
This moderate speed of thrusting could make us start to feel the sensation between our private parts. Later, I moved on top of her. My left hand was right next to her head acting like a supporting pillar with my right hand holding her waist. As her left leg was still on top of my shoulder, it stretched as I moved my body closer to her, making her whole bottom became more expanded and easier to pound her stretched vagina. We were staring each other while doing sex, we both looked each other being breathless. Her warm and exhausted smile appearing on her face made my heart melt.
Our session time had extended, she was able to bear the pain of her vagina being penetrated. She told me to go faster, so I did it as she told me. I accelerated my hips movement up and down and pounded her harder than before. We were enjoying it so much that we would like to switch our position like cowgirl, doggy style, spooning and such to have different experience on control, movement, and such more unique features. After all, we both were quite dedicated to pleasure ourselves and satisfying each other in a lusty and love filling way.
Sometimes, I couldn’t control myself from grabbing her thighs and milkers, because they’re so nice to touch and grab on. Now, I’m sitting on the bed leaning against the wall, while Lilya was still bouncing on my cock. Even if it was deep for her, she doesn’t mind as long as she could make love with me. That’s when my climax was about to reach. I warned her but she insisted to bounce harder and faster, she ain’t sparing me nor giving me any mercy anymore. She became the dominant on top of me, humping as much as she wants. That’s what I like, I like woman who is dominant. With her lusty Russian accent, that’s a cherry on top.
I’m close to it. She demanded me to come inside. As for the last time of her bounce, she hugged my neck tightly and pressed her whole body against my hip. I could feel the tip of my dick penetrated her cervix. Ejaculation at the final moment of our session, she moaned sensually and kept hugging me tighter, never to let me go. Her womb was filled, she and I were satisfied.
As for the final touch, she used her both thighs to grasp mine while still remained at her position where my penis was still concealed inside her as she’s still sitting on my hip. Her both hands gently caressing my face, and my hands delicately grabbing massaging her boobs. She pulled my face for one more kiss, both of us closed our eyes to enjoy this one. I could feel her warm breath and her warm body, it’s like touching the scorching sun with my own bare skin, heating myself with sensational lust and eternal love. A final kiss to end our session, truly the glorious day ever in my entire life.

Overall Review

Her body was perpetually warm, and alcohol was one of the factor. The physique of body is truly liek a masterpiece of art, that no artist could paint out, not even the greatest sculptor could copy this amazing body. Not gonna lie, she does have round and cute butt, nice to grab, good to touch. It is hard to choose her greatest feat on her body, it was either her shimmy and jiggly breasts or her meaty and shiny thighs. Either way, I still kiss and lick both.
Lilya was quite slow and gentle at the start, but when she get used to it, she would serve dommy-mommy vibe. Escaping are not permissable for her, because her dominance was her greatest feat and peak. Moreover, her vagina was quite tight and easy to thrust, any comfortable position works for her. Additionally, she likes to be touchy and aggressive.
Lilya is my everlasting love. If freedom live in the cloud, she shall be my wings. If wholesomeness live in my mind, she shall be my dream. And I shall be her king, so I could call her my Queen. There's no words for me to describe my love for her; there's no numbers for me to rate our session. But if I had to, I'll say Infinite out of 10, more than the amount of atoms in my body.
submitted by Potato_Consumer99 to amoguswhat [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:33 SerialPhsycoManiac Day 1 of telling reddit my experience with outer wilds.

So after asking this sub-reddit if I should get the game or not and getting lots of helpful replies, I got it! Some people asked if I could record what happened and commentate, but I don't have a good enough mic for that. Instead I'll post what I was thinking and attach the video. (turns out reddit doesn't like how large the video file was so I'll just have to share clips of the best moments in the future)
First off I explored around a bit and said hello to the local aliens. I noticed that when I fell too far or jumped into the ghosty stuff four eye shadows appeared on my screen, so I must be an alien too! I experimented with the scout launcher, so it shoots cameras? cool. Then I headed down into the zero g cave like I was told and experimented with how the jetpack suit works. I figured out that the observatory must be the big building with the telescope sticking out so I headed over there. I looked at some of the alien stuff like the statue and the writing, I wonder if they're going to involve humans in the story? that would be a cool fourth wall break. After looking at the gravity crystal and the angler fish I headed up the ramp and found a map! the solar system is really small and looks ready to be explored. Then I said hello to the alien who gave me the launch codes, and I headed back down the stairs. As I was about to leave, the statue that I saw before turned around and looked at me! It looked like it flashed everything that I had recently done in front of my eyes? that was weird. I head outside and find the alien who showed me the statue before and tell them all about it. They seem surprised and tell me to go talk with someone on another planet. I decide it would be quicker for me to jump down, but apparently I jumped too far. What a tragic ending to the game, right? But I'm back at the start? I tell the alien by the campfire what happened and now he thinks that I'm insane. At least I still have the launch codes.
I get into my spaceship and after a quick bit of exploration launch off into the sky. I fly around the planet and see a weird spiky thing in a crater, so I head down to look. Apparently it's some sort of seed? I shoot my scout into like I was told and it seems to fall for ages. Also music is coming out if it? After a few shots I manage to get a view of a campfire... inside of the seed? maybe that's the music that I'm picking up! Maybe there's somebody lost in there! I decide to leave the planet and explore the solar system. I fly up to the sun and notice two twin planets. I try to catch up but unfortunately my piloting skills aren't up to it. I drift off and look at my map, I'm heading in the direction of the spooky place. Might as well go visit it. I fly up to it and bump my ship a bit too hard, best repair that before heading on. I explore the planet a bit and space seems... funky to say the least. Things seems to grow the closer I get and I follow some red lights into the fog. Turns out the lights were angler fish, duh. I get swallowed by the largest angler fish I've ever seen and get sent back to the start. I'm so lucky I'm in a loop of some sort.
Let me know if you liked this, because if I write more of these entirely depends on how you guys respond. So far the game seems fun and I can't wait to explore more!
submitted by SerialPhsycoManiac to outerwilds [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:33 purplebutterfly111 I am not as smart and have big memory loss which makes me feel inferior

I have slowly been experiencing cognitive decline due to always having episodes. I’m 30. I had psychosis two months ago and since then my memory is gone. It’s hard for me to hold a conversation without asking what are we talking about. I forget memories. My friend commented on my photo of a landscape and said I’ve been there! I said wow you’ve been everywhere I didn’t know that!…. And then he goes are you high… I stayed there at your house for two weeks.
Ya that was scary.
All day I have important thoughts and before I can write it down or act on it it’s gone.
This all feels terrible to experience.
People are designing airplanes, woodworking, art, screen writers, professionals, scientists, artists. Even running a business, or doing real estate. Doing amazing things. I feel inferior. I can barely hold a job. I’m living with my parents and have no money to show from my time as an adult. I can barely read a book and I forget. I make collages and poetry but nothing that great. I even go to Starbucks and think I could never do that. I feel inferior to people bc people are doing amazing things. I have a hard time focusing on anything. I can’t go back to school because my memory is so bad. I’m afraid to try to get a job bc I’d have to constantly take notes and ask what was being said.
I feel so deeply inferior to others. And living with my parents supporting me makes me feel like a child, and everyone I know are adults. I feel pathetic. I worked and lived far away from home from 8 years, and I would still need help from my parents sometimes bc of episodes and work issues.
I also have given up on dating.
I just am envious of my peers and people who are are doing things that I can’t even come close to accomplishing. I am not looking forward to my future.
submitted by purplebutterfly111 to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:32 tejedor28 Severe case of CBA. What’s happening to me?

Teaching for 15 years. I work in a good school with fairly good kids and few behavioural issues. But ever since my own kids were born (first one 7 years ago) drumming enthusiasm for the job has been so hard. The prep, the marking, the constant shifting of goalposts, the endless reporting. I feel like I just Cannot Be Arsed. I reckon I’m doing a fairly good job of pretending, but it’s getting harder to fake. I feel trapped in this career because with 2 young kids, the school holidays are just too important (my partner works 50 hour weeks in a senior management job, and earns twice was I do as a P/T teacher).
I don’t suppose there’s anything I can switch to which would give me the same ability to be present for my kids that P/T teaching does, but this overwhelming feeling of CBA is wearing me down.
submitted by tejedor28 to AustralianTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:32 IPLAYWINDMANN Memory issues after being Sober for 500+ days

Hey all, not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I swear my memory has been worse than it was when I was drunk all the time. Of course, I know that's not true, it couldn't possibly be true. I'm sure there are other factors like the SSRI I'm on, my chronic depression, and anxiety, but can anyone give me some information regarding whether or not it gets better from my point onwards? I enjoy sobriety, I can do so much more than I used to be able to. I don't feel useless, lethargic, or incapable of holding a relationship anymore, but still, I want to know that it does get better from here.
Edit 1: It's hard to note if I've always had such a bad memory. It's funny how little I can remember from my childhood; even my early teen years.. Perhaps it's part of me and I hoped it would get better in general.
submitted by IPLAYWINDMANN to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:31 listinea Some Medieval/Fantasy Ideas!

Hi there! With uni work not bogging me down now, I’ve got a lot of free time to fill up lately! Naturally, that has my muse for writing at the highest it’s been in a long while. As you could probably tell by the title, I’m looking for some fantasy and/or medieval roleplays!
I’m personally only comfortable writing with people over the age of eighteen, no matter the nature of any plots. When it comes to activity, I can admittedly be sporadic. Sometimes I’ll be available all day/night for writing, and sometimes it might take me a day or two to get to our thread. Third person & past tense is my preferred style, with at least two paragraphs per post- even though I tend to write a lot more depending on the scene. While I write primarily on discord, I’m also not opposed to sticking to reddit pms depending on which you’d prefer!
As far as a setting goes, I’ll admit that I’m not much of a world builder. I tend to prefer pre-existing worlds (Forgotten Realms, Westeros, Ebberon, etc) or a vague original setting that we make together. Or, if you have one, I’m definitely open to using a world of your own! I’m entirely flexible with details, whether we want a grim or more lighthearted sort of land, or even something in between. I’m also not picky when it comes to magic level, whether we want high, medium, low, or even nonexistent. When it comes to races and ‘classes,’ I tend to refer to standard d&d options. But that’s hardly set in stone or required!
For characters, I’m also really flexible! Whether we want to play one main character each or have a complete party to manage, I’ll have no complaints. When it comes to dynamics, there are very few that I don’t enjoy. Romantic, familial, antagonistic, or just friendly are all definitely on the table. If you’re like me and also like ttrpgs, we could also incorporate dice rolling and character sheets- but only if you want to!
Right now I’m mostly interesting in playing something out with either an adventuring party or some political intrigue. Give me traveling companions all stuck together trying to accomplish a common goal. Give me two nobles forced to marry despite despising each other. Give me a succession battle with two loves on opposite sides. I’ve got plenty of ideas! I also have a lot of characters in mind that I’d be happy to share.
I think that’s about it! Please feel free to message me! No need to ask permission in comments, all are welcome 🤍
submitted by listinea to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:31 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Cute Safety Glasses

Best Cute Safety Glasses
Get ready to protect your eyes in style with our roundup of the cutest safety glasses on the market. These adorable and functional eyewear options not only keep your peepers safe but also add a touch of fashion to your work or playtime.

The Top 19 Best Cute Safety Glasses

  1. Ultra-comfortable Adjustable Safety Glasses with UV Protection - Experience ultimate comfort and protection with Mozeeda's 5 Pack Safety Glasses, featuring anti-fog technology, adjustable temples, and UV protection for all-day wear in a variety of applications.
  2. Reliable Safety Eyewear Glasses for Adverse Weather - ToolFreak Rip Out Safety Glasses provide superior protection with their foam padding and adjustable fit, making them the perfect choice for those who need reliable and comfortable safety eyewear.
  3. Durable Smoke Safety Glasses with Green Lens for Ultimate Protection - Combine style and safety with the Bouton 5900 Traditional Safety Glasses - smoke frame with green IR 3.0 lenses, offering long-lasting durability and a comfortable fit, making it an attractive and well-made option.
  4. Stylish and Comfortable Cute Safety Glasses - SQIMZAR's trendy safety glasses goggles for women protect against dust, pollen, UV rays, and blue light, providing comfortable, slip-free, and shatterproof anti-scratch vision for nurses and professionals alike.
  5. Comfortable Durable Safety Glasses for All - The Bolle Tracker Safety Glasses Twilight offer unmatched comfortable protection, with optimal fit, advanced UV light absorption, and anti-fog & anti-scratch lenses, perfect for outdoor activities under any light conditions.
  6. Cute Cat Eye Safety Glasses with Clear Anti-Fog Lens - Stoggles Cat Eye Safety Glasses: Adorable, Durable, and Perfect for Outdoor Adventures.
  7. Stylish and Comfortable Pink Safety Glasses for Work - Embrace your femininity with the ERB Lucy Pink Safety Glasses, featuring stylish pink frames, UV protection, and a secure fit for maximum safety at work.
  8. Sawfish Camo Safety Glasses - Ultra-Light, Anti-Fog Lens - The Bullhead Sawfish Safety Glasses offer an ultra-light, full-frame design with adjustable TPR and stylish green mirror anti-fog lenses, ensuring maximum comfort and protection.
  9. Retro Style UV400 Safety Glasses with Foldable Side Shields - Titus Retro Style Safety Glasses with UV400 lenses, unbreakable polycarbonate lenses, and stainless steel side shields provide ultimate protection for your eyes while adding visual appeal to your outfit.
  10. Sleek and Attractive Square Visor Safety Glasses with Comfort and Style - Sleek, stylish, and protective - Buzz Safety's Clear Bomber offers optimal UVA and UVB protection in a comfortable and attractive package.
  11. Cute Safety Glasses with Polarized Blue Mirror Lenses - Experience ultimate comfort and protection with the lightweight Sawfish Polarized Safety Glasses, featuring PFT lenses for reduced glare and a stylish, adaptable full-frame design.
  12. Stylish and Safe: Anti-Fog Safety Glasses with UV Protection - Experience fashionable and comfortable safety with SSP Eyewear's Women's Columbia Pk CL/AF glasses, featuring pink frames, clear anti-fog lenses, and protective UV400 features.
  13. Eye-catching purple safety glasses for women - Cute and comfy ERB Ella Safety Glasses with a unique universal fit, providing ANSI Impact protection and a comfortable, non-slip hold.
  14. Attractive Pyramex Intruder Safety Glasses for Indoor and Outdoor Use - Pyramex Intruder Safety Glasses provide exceptional protection and durability, boasting polycarbonate lenses, full rim frames, and comfortable design for both indoor and outdoor use.
  15. Comfortable Lightweight Safety Glasses with Anti-Fog and UV Protection - Experience unrivaled comfort and protection with Bolle Safety Safety Glasses, featuring CSP 40239's innovative lenses and sleek, ergonomic design for a secure, lightweight, and sturdy fit.
  16. Comfortable and Stylish Lightweight Safety Glasses with Photochromic Lens - Experience superior safety and comfort with hexArmor MX250 glasses - featuring a panoramic lens, dual-injection grips, and a lightweight design, all while protecting your eyes from UV rays and providing crystal-clear vision.
  17. NoCry Safety glasses: Clear, scratch-resistant, and safe for work - Protect your eyes in style with NoCry Safety Glasses - durable, comfortable and anti-fog for maximum safety in your work.
  18. Stylish and Protective Girls with Guns Safety Glasses - Stay safe and stylish on the range with Girls With Guns Devotee Protective Shooting Safety Glasses, featuring ANSI Z87+ and CE rated golden-brown lenses and maximum comfort.
  19. Stylish and Safe Anti-Fog Safety Glasses - Upgrade your safety game with the stylish Carhartt CHB1110DT Braswell anti-fog lenses, offering all-day comfort and protection for your active lifestyle.
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🔗Ultra-comfortable Adjustable Safety Glasses with UV Protection
For weeks, I've been using the Mozeeda 5 Pack Safety Glasses for various tasks, and I must say, their features have really stood out.
When I first put them on, I was surprised by their size. They were surprisingly roomy, allowing me to wear them over my regular glasses without any discomfort. The soft nose piece and lightweight design made them comfortable enough for me to wear for extended periods, even during physically demanding tasks.
One of the highlight features for me was the anti-fog technology. After using traditional goggles, I found that these Mozeeda glasses allowed me to see clearly even in foggy conditions. It's a feature I would highly recommend for anyone who needs vision clarity for their work.
The safety glasses also proved to be versatile. I used them in various situations, from gardening to welding, and they performed well each time. They were able to protect my eyes from wind, sand, and flying debris, and their splash-resistant lenses were especially useful in the lab.
However, one downside I noticed was the durability. After a few weeks of use, the lenses started to show signs of wear, and the frames began to scratch easily. Despite these minor issues, the Mozeeda glasses proved to be a valuable addition to my safety gear.
In summary, these Mozeeda 5 Pack Safety Glasses are a practical and comfortable choice for anyone needing protection against various hazards. While they might require some maintenance to keep them in top shape, their versatility makes them a worthwhile investment.

🔗Reliable Safety Eyewear Glasses for Adverse Weather
These ToolFreak Rip Out Safety Glasses with Foam Padding are a game changer for anyone in a job that requires protective eyewear. The foam padding is comfortable and secure, making them a reliable option even in adverse weather conditions.
The detachable headstrap allows even more flexibility, so they can be worn in various ways. The case and cloth included for safekeeping are an added bonus. However, one minor drawback is that they might not be suitable for everyone, as some users may find them a bit too snug.
Overall, I highly recommend these Cute Safety Glasses for anyone looking for reliable and adaptable eye protection.

🔗Durable Smoke Safety Glasses with Green Lens for Ultimate Protection
I recently tried the Bouton 249-5907-207 Traditional Safety Glasses, and I must say, they're a game-changer. The smoke frame and green IR 3.0 lenses offer sturdy protection without sacrificing style. The built-in wire mesh side shields gave me a sense of security when working in my workshop, knowing my eyes were well-guarded.
One aspect that stood out was the molded nose bridge design, which felt comfortable and fit my face perfectly. The U-Fit spatula temples were a nice touch, allowing for a custom fit that didn't cause any discomfort throughout the day. Despite a few minor scratches from everyday use, the lenses remained scratch-resistant and clear.
While these glasses are heavy-duty and built to last, I did notice that the side shields could be more robust. A few occasions required me to adjust them so they would clip in properly. All in all, the Bouton 249-5907-207 Traditional Safety Glasses are a solid choice for anyone who wants the perfect blend of style and safety.

🔗Stylish and Comfortable Cute Safety Glasses
I was thrilled to try out these SQIMZAR Safety Glasses Goggles, especially after hearing about them from a friend who uses them at her nursing job. I appreciated the unique side shield design that not only protected my eyes from dust, pollen, and other particles but also kept them from getting irritated by saliva or blue light. The anti-scratch feature was a game-changer, ensuring that my vision stayed clear even after prolonged use.
What really stood out to me was the comfort level. These glasses were lightweight and designed to fit snugly without slipping, making them perfect for a variety of situations – from working in a lab to shooting a ball. And in case you're wondering, yes, they're great for activities like playing video games or watching TV, too.
Of course, no product is perfect, and I did notice that the anti-fog coating wore off over time, but overall, I was impressed with the comfort, protection, and style these glasses offered. If you're looking for stylish and effective safety eyewear, these SQIMZAR goggles are definitely worth considering.

🔗Comfortable Durable Safety Glasses for All
The Bolle Tracker Safety Glasses Twilight are the ultimate combination of style and protection, perfect for any outdoor enthusiast. I discovered these glasses a few weeks ago and they have seriously become a staple in my daily routine. The best part? My entire family can use them too.
From the moment I put them on, I felt the comfort envelop my face. The adjustable head strap meant that not only was I protected, but I was also comfortable all day long. The frame material and eye seal are exceptional when it comes to blocking out dust and other particles.
The 99.99% UVA and UVB light absorption feature is another outstanding highlight of these glasses, keeping my eyes safe even on the brightest days. And let's not forget the anti-fog and anti-scratch coating on both sides – what a game-changer!
Now, while these glasses are perfect in many ways, I did notice that they tend to fog up a bit after long hours of use. However, this doesn't take away from the overall amazing experience I've had with the Bolle Tracker Safety Glasses Twilight. If you're looking for a reliable pair of safety glasses that also fit perfectly and look fantastic, look no further – these are the ones!

🔗Cute Cat Eye Safety Glasses with Clear Anti-Fog Lens
Working in a woodshop as an amateur carpenter, I often found myself squinting through my old worn-out safety glasses that felt more like an accessory than a genuine protective measure. So when I stumbled upon Stoggles' Cat Eye Safety Glasses with Clear Anti-Fog Lens, I couldn't resist giving them a try.
As a first-time user, I was immediately drawn to the unique design that added a retro touch to the safety aspect. The protective barrier provided a sense of security and confidence while working, and the cat eye shape was a nice little detail that made the glasses stand out in a sea of regular safety eyewear.
One feature that truly impressed me was the lens' ability to block blue light. As someone who spends hours in front of computer screens and smartphones, this was a game-changer. My eyes felt less strained, and I appreciated being able to focus on work for extended periods without feeling the need to take breaks as often.
However, there was one downside to using these safety glasses. Although they boasted the ability to block 100% of UV rays, I noticed a very slight yellowish tint when looking at the sun. It wasn't enough to interfere with my work, but it was noticeable nonetheless.
Despite that minor inconvenience, I found the Stoggles Cat Eye Safety Glasses to be comfortable and functional. They stayed in place without any issues and were a breeze to clean. The frames were lightweight and sturdy, and I appreciated the added protection the side and top shields offered.
In conclusion, the Stoggles Cat Eye Safety Glasses with Clear Anti-Fog Lens proved to be a reliable and fashionable choice for someone like me who needed a functional safety eyewear solution without compromising on style. While they weren't perfect, the pros greatly outweighed the cons, making them a worthwhile investment for anyone looking for both style and safety.

🔗Stylish and Comfortable Pink Safety Glasses for Work
The ERB Safety Lucy Girl Power at WorkTM Safety Glasses are a stylish and practical solution for women who need to wear safety eyewear. As a reviewer, I have been using these glasses for a while now, and they have made a significant difference in my daily life.
What sets these safety glasses apart from others is their ultra-lightweight frameless design. The one-piece, hard-coated polycarbonate lens not only offers excellent wraparound protection but also resists scratches perfectly. The 9.5 base curve provides an excellent wraparound structure for side protection, and the integrated nose pad ensures a comfortable, secure fit.
A feature that I particularly appreciate is the IPROTECT style, which makes these safety glasses an excellent choice for ladies who want to look stylish while wearing them. The sunglasses come with a 99% UVA and UVB protection, complying with the ANSI Z87.1 standard for high-impact protection.
Despite the many positive aspects of these safety glasses, there are a few cons. For instance, they do not have an adjustable temple, and they do not come with anti-fog or anti-scratch features. Moreover, the sunglasses have a clear, smoke, and indoooutdoor mirror lens options, and they are only available in a clear and smoke lens color options.
Overall, the ERB Safety Lucy Pink Safety Glasses are a reliable and stylish option for women who need safety eyewear in their daily lives. The combination of comfort, style, and safety features makes these sunglasses a great choice for anyone looking for practical and chic safety eyewear.

🔗Sawfish Camo Safety Glasses - Ultra-Light, Anti-Fog Lens
Imagine diving into the world of safety without sacrificing style. That's what the Bullhead BH261016AF Sawfish Safety Glasses offer. With their sleek camo frame and green mirror anti-fog lens, you'll not only feel protected but also look cool doing it.
I've personally used these glasses in various environments, and I must say they deliver on their promise. They're lightweight and comfortable, making them a perfect fit for daily use. The glasses are even great for more adventurous activities like fishing or hiking without fogging up or slipping off your face.
However, there's one thing to consider: the size. Though not a deal breaker, they are a bit smaller than expected. Despite this, their durability and affordability make them a great choice for anyone who needs safety glasses without compromising their style.
Overall, the Sawfish Safety Glasses are a fantastic addition to any safety gear collection. They're comfortable, lightweight, and stylish, making them a great companion for any outdoor adventure.

🔗Retro Style UV400 Safety Glasses with Foldable Side Shields
Just the other day, I found myself in need of protective eyewear for a project I was working on. As a craftsman, I knew the importance of keeping my eyes safe from dust, debris, and other hazards. That's when I stumbled across the Titus Retro Style Safety Glasses.
These glasses offered a unique blend of style and function that caught my eye right away. The black impact-resistant ABS frame, UV400 shatterproof polycarbonate lenses, and stainless steel side protection provided the perfect combination of protection and style. I was particularly impressed with the side shields, which easily folded in and out for easy storage. Their unbreakable optical grade polycarbonate lenses resisted glare and scratches, making them a great choice for any task.
What really stood out to me was the Titus Quality. The glasses exceeded ANSI Z87.1 and DOT approval standards, and they even met the CE EN166 standard. The clear matte frame gave them a classic, retro look, making them a great conversation starter.
However, the Titus Retro Style Safety Glasses aren't without their drawbacks. While I loved the side shields, they did create a slight amount of excess wind around my face. The lenses were also a bit darker than I preferred, which took some getting used to.
Overall, I found the Titus Retro Style Safety Glasses to be a great investment. They provided the perfect balance of style, function, and protection, making them a great choice for any project. Despite the minor drawbacks, I can confidently say that these glasses exceeded my expectations and delivered a high-quality solution for keeping my eyes safe.

🔗Sleek and Attractive Square Visor Safety Glasses with Comfort and Style
Recently, I stumbled upon the Buzz Safety Clear Bomber glasses and decided to give them a try. These safety glasses are not only functional, but they also have a distinct style that makes them stand out. With a matte black frame and clear safety lens, the gray foam lining adds a touch of sophistication.
One of the features that I appreciated the most was the removable side shields. They provided me with an extra layer of protection when needed, and I could easily take them off when not necessary. The 100% UVA and UVB protection was another highlight, ensuring that my eyes were well-shielded from the sun's harsh rays.
However, I did notice that the ANSI Z87+ safety standards were only met when the side shields were worn. This could be a downside for some users, as it may limit the versatility of the glasses.
Overall, I found the Buzz Safety Clear Bomber glasses to be a comfortable and stylish addition to my safety gear collection. Their unique design and added protection make them a worthy consideration for anyone looking to upgrade their safety glasses.

🔗Cute Safety Glasses with Polarized Blue Mirror Lenses
The Sawfish safety glasses from Global Glove are a stylish statement for the younger generation. With an ultra-light, full-frame design, these spectacles feature chiseled lines and sleek curves that are sure to catch the eye. The inset TPR on the nose bridge and temple ends provide a versatile touch, making them adaptable to any environment. One of the standout features of the Sawfish is the polarized precision lenses, which filter out bent light waves, reducing glare, eye fatigue, and reflection off various surfaces such as water, sand, and snow.
These glasses also come equipped with Performance Fog Technology, a permanent coating that prevents the formation of condensation on the lenses by absorbing the humidity drops. The Sawfish safety glasses meet ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020 Standards and offer 12% visual light transmission. The frames themselves are available in a Tortoise/Black colorway and a full-frame style.
According to the reviews, users find these glasses to be comfortable and lightweight, with several users wearing them as regular sunglasses. While some may have desired larger frames, the majority of customers appreciate the affordable price point and the glasses’ ability to stay fog-free. Overall, the Sawfish safety glasses are a solid choice for those seeking stylish, reliable, and comfortable eyewear.

🔗Stylish and Safe: Anti-Fog Safety Glasses with UV Protection
I recently had the chance to test out these safety glasses from Columbia Pk CL/AF, and let me tell you - they exceeded my expectations. The clear anti-fog lenses provided excellent visibility, and I felt secure wearing them while partaking in outdoor sports. I particularly enjoyed their design; the pink frames added a touch of femininity without compromising the safety aspect.
One of the standout features of these safety glasses was the 100% UV400 protection they offered. Not only were they ideal for reducing eye strain, but they also protected my eyes from harmful UVA/UVB rays. I appreciated the permanent anti-scratch hard coating, which made the lenses more durable and resistant to wear and tear.
While there were no negatives to mention, I would have appreciated a wider range of frame colors to choose from. Overall, these safety glasses were both fashionable and functional, making them a great choice for anyone seeking eye protection without sacrificing style.

🔗Eye-catching purple safety glasses for women
During my recent visit to a construction site, I decided to try the ERB Ella Safety Glasses in purple with a smoke lens. To my surprise, not only did they offer great protection, but their attractive design also caught the attention of my fellow workers.
The wraparound nylon frame combined with the soft rubber nose pad and padded rubber temples made them comfortable to wear, even under my hard hat. I appreciated the ANSI Z87.1 Impact certification, which gave me peace of mind knowing that they provided reliable protection.
Overall, I loved the combination of style, comfort, and safety offered by these glasses, and I'm grateful that they haven't fallen apart or gotten scratched even after numerous falls.

🔗Attractive Pyramex Intruder Safety Glasses for Indoor and Outdoor Use
I recently tried the Pyramex Intruder Safety Glasses and was surprisingly impressed with their durability and comfort. The full-rim frame provided a secure fit and protection from dust and debris, while the polycarbonate lenses offered impact resistance and UV protection. The transparent, tinted lenses reduced glare and enhanced visibility, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.
One thing that stood out in my experience was the unisex design, which meant these glasses were available for men and women. Despite being lightweight, they were sturdy and felt well-made. I also appreciated the scratch-resistant coating on the lenses, which made them ideal for all-day wear.
However, there were a few drawbacks to these glasses. They didn't accommodate eyeglasses, which might be an issue for some users. Additionally, the hinges on the frame were not the most sturdy and I noticed a bit of glare looking through the tinted lenses. But overall, the Pyramex Intruder Safety Glasses were a great value for the price and offered excellent protection for my eyes.

Buyer's Guide



Are these safety glasses actually safe to use?

Yes, all recommended cute safety glasses in our roundup are designed to provide protection from various hazards such as flying debris, UV radiation, and impact injuries. They meet industry safety standards and provide a fashionable yet functional solution.

Are these cute safety glasses suitable for people with prescription lenses?

Some of the cute safety glasses we features do have options for prescription lenses, but it is essential to check each product's details to confirm. It's always best to consult with your optometrist for a proper prescription.

What are the specific materials used in making these cute safety glasses?

Common materials for cute safety glasses include polycarbonate or glass lenses, and frames made from TR90, stainless steel, or other lightweight, durable materials. It's best to check the product's description for specific details about the materials used.

Are the cute safety glasses designed for specific activities?

Yes, some cute safety glasses are specifically designed for certain activities such as cycling, welding, or even gardening. It is essential to consider the intended use when choosing a pair that suits your needs.

Are cute safety glasses only available in fun, feminine designs?

Absolutely not! There are a variety of designs available to suit different preferences and styles. While our roundup focuses on cute safety glasses, there are also options available in unisex and classic designs for those who prefer a more traditional look.

How do I ensure the best fit when purchasing cute safety glasses?

Before making a purchase, it's crucial to measure your current glasses and determine your size. Many brands provide size charts on their websites. Additionally, consider the nose-bridge and temple length when looking for the perfect fit.

How do I clean my cute safety glasses to ensure their longevity?

To clean your cute safety glasses, simple wet a soft cloth with mild soap and water. Gently lather and wipe the frame and lens. Avoid abrasive cleaning agents like bleach or ammonia, as they may damage the lenses or frame. It's also recommended to use a soft microfiber cloth to dry the lenses to prevent scratches.

Can cute safety glasses be repaired if they break or become damaged?

While some cute safety glasses come with manufacturer warranties, it may not cover accidental damage. For repairs, contact the manufacturer or visit a local eyeglass shop as they may have the necessary parts.

How much should I budget for a good pair of cute safety glasses?

The price range for cute safety glasses can vary greatly, depending on the specific features and design. In general, expect to spend anywhere from $20 to $200 for a good pair. It's essential to find a pair that suits your needs and budget without compromising on safety.
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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:30 4D4850 I finally beat this game for the first time

it was hard
(Also, unrelatedly, I've gotten quite a bit of work in on my unhinged project that the first form of was posted here recently. It's past midnight where I live, I'm tired, sorry if that sentence makes no sense.)
submitted by 4D4850 to rainworld [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:29 schoobydoo2 How to deal with narc/people with HEAVY narcissistic personalities?

My GC sister (27f) is emotionally manipulating me (25f) with her kids and guilt trips. I’m fine with all the help I’ve done for her as it was out of the kindness of my heart, but she always likes to throw things she’s done for me, back in my face, or tries to embarrass or confront me only in front of others even though we have been texting on several other social media accounts. The help I’ve given her can never be repaid, as I’ve given her money, time, and energy to raise her kids and get her out of a bind time and time again. I don’t want to be resentful as I saw a good quote about not being able to pay back debt. The thing is, I didn’t view it as a debt until she started acting like I’m shortchanging her, like I owe her something. I’ve never even gotten a thank you, but it wasn’t a big deal, but if she’s going to have a double standard I can only tally and count everything I’ve done for her is more than her husband has ever given her and they’ve been together for over 10 years. I get so angry I can’t even talk to her anymore. Normally I’m okay with all the comments on my clothes, hair, body, I am under a microscope when I visit. And on top of that, I don’t tell my whole family when I’m visiting as there is not enough time or energy for me to visit everyone in the day or two I randomly get to visit, she will tell EVERYONE that I came by. Like you’re making me look bad, you’re making our family upset, and you’re making me not want to visit or talk to you because you twist everything I say. Why do you keep doing stuff like that? Why isn’t there ever any respect for me? You always slander my name and now I just don’t care. I feel so much better now that we are VLC. She doesn’t really get it I guess tho because she keeps calling and texting me everyday even if I don’t respond. And the thing is we’ve NEVER be close or talked a ton. She never wanted to be close. She was always bullying me mentally and physically, and when her husband put his hands on me she got mad at me. Now her calling me everyday just pisses me off. And If I don’t send her some kind of supply she will get the rest of the family I don’t even talk to to tell me to stop being mean to her even though most of our fights are initiated by her. As she is now chronically ill, she doesn’t have the physician leverage over me anymore (6’1GC, and me 5’5 SG). So now she either rages or starts acting really clingy. It’s driving me crazy. Idk what to do I feel like I backtracked so hard inviting them back into my life, idk what to do next if she’s so persistent despite my lack of returning her messages. I do help her financially, but I have stopped as I am in school and working part time. And I have no car, school loans, and no savings, I’ve given her everything I had, because she made me feel like I owed her and later learned she helped facilitate a lot of problems my Nmom caused for me financially. Being around them causes me anxiety, and I forgot that I didn’t have to see them anymore. Crazy right? I’ve just been on go mode after my bfs Covert mom moved in with us begging for some place to stay because she was mad her friend didn’t want to be with her even though he did a ton for her. He gave her $7,000 to find a place. She bought a ton of stuff off Amazon, never paid her share of bills, and never cleaned. She’s triangulated me and my bf for 8 months straight. It took me back to when my mother kicked me out. Having to walk on eggshells, finding new sabotages done by her daily. Like putting her bidet wash clothes under my bath towel instead of where it’s been for months. Like letting it touch. She hated me. She loved her son like you could tell she thought they were dating. He obviously didn’t stick up for me but didn’t want me to leave on my own. She never apologized to me but she apologized to him after she disowned him because he told her that if she wasn’t going to be helpful she could wait in the car, when we were moving and we have BOTH helped her move and she bothered me DAILY for helping her with her projects. On top of not cleaning she had three long hair cats, fought with only the neighbors children and never the parents, yells at everyone, and overall super moody and unpleasant to be around. She sent me PARAGRAPHS. About how hurt she was because she thought I was mad at her. And my bf made me tell her if I was or wasn’t and I asked her and she wouldn’t answer. I’ve been feeling so alone. I’m supposed to graduate college next term and my sister expects to be invited and she’s never asked me about school or anything. No one in my family has. She only talks about herself. Am I narcissistic since I keep attracting the same people with different faces. I don’t got for them they come to me and LATCH. I’ve only picked 3/7 for friends the rest were just victim of circumstance. Do you guys have this problem?
submitted by schoobydoo2 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:29 the_bartolonomicron Looks like the end has already been sampled a bit, but the rest is ready to be enjoyed thanks to OP's hard work!

Looks like the end has already been sampled a bit, but the rest is ready to be enjoyed thanks to OP's hard work! submitted by the_bartolonomicron to cassettechewing [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:29 Antique_Adagio_3081 Premed program at utm

Hi guys
I'm debating York biomedical science vs UTM life sci. I have heard from a billion people that utm is hard(ppl kill themselves type hard) and york is easier to achieve a higher gpa in which is crucial for med skl app.
My debate is whether to just go utm and ignore the reputation, believe in myself, risk it all and work hard and hopefully achieve a good gpa or just go for the safe option york.
Can you guys tell me your experience, is it as bad as they say, is a 3.9/4.0 achievable and still have time to do ECs.
Thoughts and Advice?
submitted by Antique_Adagio_3081 to UTM [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:28 Good_Wafer_9146 Could there be something? Haha

I have a workmate who is quite known for being the serious and intimidating type sa work. He's a year ahead of me so medyo na-intimidate din ako sa aura nyang ganun when I first started where I work now.
But as I got to spend more time with him sa duty, mas nalelearn ko na he's not really as intimidating as people make him out to be. And I learned yung kind and funny side nya that he doesn't always project. Kasi introverted sya. Long story short, I developed some form of a happy crush, although wala talaga akong balak to make it serious.
Before, he would be so formal and strict sa messages nya but to my surprise, he's recently been being goofy and funny sa messages.
I've also noticed a few things he does that I find amusing. Replying fast sa messages that I send sa work groupchats namin. Asking me for my sample paperwork even if he knows how to do his (he's already had similar work done before). One time nag attend sya ng seminar somewhere (nag attend din ako and a friend of his days prior), and while at work nag message sya to ask where the CR is (hahaha) instead of asking his friend. Approaching me at work to ask about an assignment that I know pretty well he already knows how to do (kasi alam ko na may prior experience na sya).
Now here's the thing. We're a lot more open and palabiro sa messages than in person. He'd be sending emojis and laughing sa messages while having a straight face in person. Haha. Kaya minsan naguguluhan ako if I can treat him the same way in person since nahihiya ako dahil senior ko nga sya, and I don't want other seniors to judge me na baka feeling close ako masyado.
I feel that we joke around a lot sa messages but in person we're a lot reserved. Except for a few moments when we find ourselves alone & he'd sometimes relax and joke around then way he does sa texts. But with other people present, we act like we're merely workmates and he becomes a lot more poised.
Now here's the thing. Recently we get teased a lot. And not even romantically. Na tetease kami because of how he cares for me as his junior. Natetease sya sa pag aalaga sakin. Even his friends pointed out na clingy daw sya sakin because they noticed how he's particularly observant of me (like one time nag ask sya sa GC why I was in the office when it's supposed to be my day off & everybody commented he's being too clingy).
And the whole time he's kept a straight face. Meanwhile ako parang matutunaw na but I also kept my composure. Whatever emotion he shows i try to mirror kasi ayoko din mabisto na may crush ako haha.
After the teasing incident, we found ourselves on duty again and he acts like nothing happened. Which I am totally cool with. Because I do not want things to get awkward between us when I enjoy his company so much. Natatawa lang talaga ako at how he's able to keep his emotions in check when he's so different sa messages.
The rare times he lets his goofiness through in person, I find very cute.
Ang tanong ko lang, could there be something in there? If I were to take the risk? Haha
submitted by Good_Wafer_9146 to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:28 Shot-Cut-1103 Self sabotage master

I liked this guy since I was a freshman and he was a sophomore. We met one day after school because my neighbors and I missed the bus home and he was friends with one of them. He said he liked my skeleton earrings and told me we were matching because he had a bracelet with a little skull on it. I had him for art class for the past three years and I always told my friends about him. Then towards the end of freshman year two of my friends told me they liked him too, I’d never liked anyone like I did him. He was the sweetest boy I’d ever met, he was so funny and nice to me. But I love my friends too much to ever let a boy get between us so I distanced myself from him beginning sophomore year. My other two friends who have feelings for him have gotten much closer to him now and I feel upset with myself for distancing myself so much, I still have notes he gave me from Valentine’s Day when he attempted to bake me strawberry cookies because he knew they were my favorite. (A little burnt but he gave me a brownie too). Im a junior now and he’s a Senior about to graduate and with just 3 days of school left I feel like I’ll never be able to tell him how I felt, I’m too scared to risk any friendship we may have right now. It’s such a bittersweet feeling to see him leave but we spent much time together because of art, we went to competitions together, stayed afterschool working on our projects, and went on this photography field trip where we were supposed to photograph birds but we just ended up taking pictures or each other. He’ll always hold a special place in my heart even if I’ll never know if he felt the same way, maybe fate will bring us together again one day.
submitted by Shot-Cut-1103 to unrequitedlove [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:27 sc380 Passed my CISA exam!

Passed the exam on my first attempt and I am beyond ecstatic!
Name Score
Information Systems Auditing Process 599
Governance and Management of IT 444
Information Systems Acquisition, Development, and Implementation 573
Information Systems Operations and Business Resilience 564
Protection of Information Assets 608
Total scaled score of 564. Yes, I know my scores for Domain 2 are low, but that's alright. I passed overall, and that's all that matters.
Full disclosure, I attended a 3-4 day virtual crash course type course from a major IT training company. I can confidently say that it was a massive waste of money. Paid over $3K for it and got zero value from it. And I really mean it... ZERO. I will NEVER recommend attending that course or any paid crash course, if you ask me. There are many online resources available that are better and cheaper.
Preparation Time
Studied religiously for 10 straight days (12-14 hours/day), and took my exam on the 11th day.
I am not including the crash course here since it was completely useless. Moreover, I took it 1 year prior to my exam. Did not follow up on that course at any point. I started preparing exactly 10 days before the exam date.
The Exam
I will mention that I always felt that my strong areas were Domains 2-4. My weakest was Domain 5. My scores say otherwise, so that's surprising. But I'll take it.
I hope this information is useful for anyone preparing for the exam. Good luck!
submitted by sc380 to CISA [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:27 Butterbeanacp Am I over analyzing or is this bad

Am I over analyzing or is this bad
Got this badass tattoo today. Afterwards I noticed it looks as if the hammer doesn’t align and it looks… crooked. Is this something that’s very noticeable or am I looking too deep into this?
submitted by Butterbeanacp to tattooadvice [link] [comments]