Vinyl light mounting block

Am I the asshole for cutting off my sisters?

2024.05.05 23:39 RealisticMagician276 Am I the asshole for cutting off my sisters?

I 30F am married happily to 30M. We live away from all of my family which is a first for my extended family. I live about 20 hours away from my sister Joan (28F) and about 12 hours away from my other sister Jenna (22FtM, maybe?). Jenna lives with our parents still and is getting her therapy degree, at least I think that's the degree? We don't talk so I have no idea tbh.
That's where the topic comes in. Jenna came out to us (our parents and both sisters) as possibly trans back in November. I don't have any issues. You do you as long as you aren't hurting yourself or pushing your ideals into someone else's face or trying to get someone else to 100% agree with you or they are "dead" to you.
My parents are stubborn and so are we. We are all strong-willed and when we form an opinion it is hard to get us to change it. I'm less that way than my other sisters and parents but still stubborn.
When Jenna came out to me it was over text. They came out with a new name and specifically said their old name "Jenna" (in this case) was their deadname and that they use they/them pronouns.
A lot to wrap my mind around but it is what it is. Again, if you aren't hurting anyone, you do you.
I didn't react as mature as I wish I would have and apologized shortly after. I was going through a lot because back in November (beginning) I found out I was pregnant on a Tuesday and by the Friday I was spotting and I miscarried that weekend. That weekend was the weekend before Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving day our Grandmother passed away at 93. It was expected but still very sad. I was also interviewing to move jobs to a better paying one and I started a new one first week of December. So that whole month was a whirlwind of emotions. I am not excusing it, just explaining. I shouldn't have reacted as I should I was an asshole for that. I will admit.
I was very hard on her because I wanted to make sure she really researched this and wasn't just trying to fall into a crowd and regret it later in life. I was trying to look out for her but I didn't show that in the best light. She blocked me for a bit and around Thanksgiving unblocked me (due to the circumstances).
Her birthday is also around that time and I wished her a Happy Birthday and this was her response to that:
One last chance. If you want to follow through with respecting me, then use my new name and pronouns. I am Jack. I go by they/them pronouns. Jenna is my deadname. Calling me that upsets me. Please respect this.
This is how she acted the entire time I was asking her questions before she blocked me. She said I disrespected her by asking her questions like the following:
While I didn't say those questions in that way, that is the gist. I also had other issues like how there are reports of LGBTQ-whatever people (the name is getting way to long for me to remember so later I will refer to them as "the gang" I don't mean anything negative by it, it is just tiring to type out) saying "We are coming for your children!" in marches and stuff so I brought that up.
She just thinks me having a differing opinion and wanting the best for her (and her to not make a medical mistake by cutting her boobs off and later regretting it when she is my age or later) is disrespecting her.
We were never close growing up cause of the age difference and I was always jealous that her and Joan were close. So, Jenna and I haven't talked since end of February and I don't think we will except for special occasions.
During that whole process my dad (62M) blocked me on Discord due to how I reacted and my opinions on everything. He unblocked me after medical issues happened with him and he was able to think about it but now I know that if he finds out about something happening with my sisters, I could lose him too. Which sucks.
Anyway, Joan also blocked me because she thinks the gang could do no wrong and doesn't believe the countless news stories I sent her. We have talked up until Wednesday but I am going no contact with her now. Lately, I would text her something like:
Hubby said I can't use our future Subaru for work so I want to start being petty with him with the car. I need ideas lol We paid off my car this week btw. Yay!
She took it seriously, like we weren't communicating and being silly. Hubby doesn't care and it isn't that big of a deal. We share everything. Our communication is great and while it wasn't at first we worked on it and have gotten 1000x better.
She responded being hostile:
Yay for paying off the car. How about you work on communication or you know...since your the one paying for it you get the car...
I'm the primary income earner cause hubby has Autism and it works for us. He will be the stay at home dad when we have kids and we have no issues.
I've since asked her about that and she agrees she shouldn't have said this but since I said I wanted to be "petty" she thought the lol didn't mean anything and just went towards us having an issue in our marriage. I showed Hubby while we were texting (when this was originally happening back in February) and we were both shocked.
Last we talked I tried to clear the air and I tried to talk to her about how she always comes at me and I feel (used those words exactly) as if I come at her with a joke or something not serious and she punches me in the face without asking me if this is serious or a joke first. She just comes swinging.
It has been like this since the Jenna situation back in November.
What started this whole thing was me trying to get another perspective on why people were outraged over the whole Farm Folks' tweet about boob jiggle physics. I find it hilarious but she was insulted by it and I was trying to ask why and she would just attack me when I was legit trying to understand. I was even screenshotting the texts as it was happening and asking my friend and my friend could tell I was trying to get another POV (cause my friend also thinks it is just funny) and also didn't understand why Joan was coming out swinging.
So, I cut it off. I don't have her blocked but message notifications are silenced and if she calls (doubt she will) I will just let it go to voicemail. She wanted me to call (cause this was during work) and clear the air but there is nothing that I could say or she could say that couldn't be said over text. We have differing opinions and while we used to be close, we are close no more.
I cut them off for their lack of trying to understand my perspective as well as just being hostile towards me because I have a different opinion than they do.
Am I in the wrong for cutting them off? How do I tell my parents this has happened? They are coming to visit soon so I want to do this in person.
My mom (62F) is a people pleaser and just wants to keep the peace so she will try to talk to my sisters but I want to make it clear that there is nothing they could say (my sisters) at this point that will help. Should I be worried about my dad cutting me off? It seems like he is on the same side as Joan where the gang can do no wrong. I realize it isn't all of them, in fact, there are A LOT, including myself (I'm bi), that disagree with the whole children thing and just want them to stop forcing their views on the rest of the world. Just let people live.
TL;DR I cut my sisters off because they weren't trying to see my perspective on 22FtM coming out as trans and 28F was just hostile to me ever since. Dad 62M blocked me and then unblocked me on discord (where we talk primarily) due to my views as well as so he seems on the same board as 28F and so I am worried about losing him too. Am I in the wrong for cutting them off? How do I tell my parents this has happened? They are coming to visit soon so I want to do this in person.
submitted by RealisticMagician276 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 23:33 RraaLL Shreddit - various bugs, lacking features, and other inconveniences from a moderator's perspective

Here's a list of various shreddit issues I've encountered which (for the most part) make moderating more difficult.


  1. There's a bug where trying to edit some posts or comments removes their content, making it impossible to edit them on this interface. Video Link + Link to a comment that is not in the video
  2. There's another bug where the edit button sometimes doesn't even show up on this interface. Video Link
    1. I had reported this previously as part of another bug, but it's possible it's been overlooked.
    2. I think this also happens to some comments, but I can't find examples in my saved right now or I've waited too long and examples got archived already.
      1. Speaking of which, comments that are locked archived can't be edited on this interface. Video Link
  3. Trying to edit any message automatically forces Fancy editor, which means any markdown-specific features/formatting is lost. For a technical community that heavily relies on the use of inline code and code boxes, forced fancy editor is a real inconvenience.
    1. Having been using markdown for years, the use of backticks is just ingrained in us. I've been trying to use this interface for the past couple of months, yet I regularly have to edit comments after submission because I forget to switch to markdown and use that syntax in fancy.
      1. The fact that the markdown button is hidden by default makes things even worse.
      2. After switching to markdown the editor collapses to a minimum until you type anything, which is very distracting and can make you lose your train of thought.
    2. Enabling inline code or code boxes via menu items is very inconvenient. And like above, they're hidden by default.
  4. Editing code boxes is sometimes buggy too.
    1. The contents inside can get switched around. Video Link - Link2 - Link3
    2. Or something weird I just found - the edit box shows up ABOVE the contents of the comments. The edit box doesn't work. It thinks it's always empty. So this is basically worse than the "wipe" bug. Video Link - Link2 - Link3
      1. To be honest, I'm not sure if this bug is limited to comments with code boxes. That's what I was looking checking, so that's what I found.


  1. Selecting text of a comment and pressing Reply no longer quotes it, like it does on "old" and "new". Quoting now takes a lot more effort than it used to.
  2. Selecting text and dragging it to a text box is no longer possible. The text gets reselected instead of being dragged.
    1. I understand it's probably because you added the embed feature... I'll never use that feature. I have no use for it. There should be a setting to disable it. Why don't you add a Quote button next to it? That is something I'd (and likely many others) gladly use.
    2. The problem with it is that I rely heavily on dragging text, whether to do partial quotes, grab content from the Rules sidebar or even to copy the ban reason (which seems to be hidden from users) to the message to the user.
  3. On mobile, the Reply button is hidden in the 3-dot menu. And it's not even the first option under it when clicked. Seems like an awful obstruction to one of the most used features on the site.
  4. Replying to a locked or archived thread (as a mod) is not possible on this interface (similar to the edit section above).


  1. There's no flair editing on this interface. We can only choose premade flairs or switch to another interface.
  2. Flairs are hidden under the mod menu and are not easily available outside like on new.reddit. This is a huge inconvenience for mods who need to change flairs sometimes multiple times per post (depending on the progress).


  1. Posts removed by automod don't have the "confirm removal" button inside. They look like normally removed and can only be approved. To confirm removal, I need to get back to mod queue.
  2. Removed or spammed posts cannot be changed to the other like it's possible on previous interfaces.
  3. Removal reasons are highly buggy. After choosing one of the reasons, "cancel" or "[X]" submits the removal reason. Here's a post where I tested this yesterday.


  1. Notifications don't get marked read when clicked or opened in a new tab. Sure, clicking a notification shows it being marked read, but after a page reload or opening the notifications list in another tab, it shows the notifications as unread again.
    1. I don't want to click "Mark all as read", because that's gonna be annoying to do every single time. Also, I sometimes leave notifications unread on purpose when I don't have the time to reply and want to circle back later.
  2. Notifications to comments containing images don't display the comment's text. Just some "check it out at (subreddit)".
  3. Notifications linking to comments in posts that were removed by us (mods) cannot be clicked because "the content is not available anymore" (or something like that). No problem in a new tab though.
  4. If a user has a broken avatadead external link, they're not given a broken icon in notifications. Alt text is used instead. Due to limited width the text stretches under the previous notification too.
  5. There is no longer a modmail shortcut in the toolbar, meaning no separate modmail indicator. Relying on a single notification that leads to the latest message (or sometimes doesn't even show up), whatever it is, isn't reliable enough and might lead to missing some important messages. And having to open mod tools to then navigate to modmail you might want to search or so you can contact other mods, seems like an unnecessary step.


  1. User settings don't exist for SHreddit. It opens new reddit's, which are not honored on SH. Other than occasionally needing to open a pinned post, I don't want to sort the sub I mean moderate by "Hot". Unfortunately, all links leading to it, even leaving mod tools resets it back to "Hot".
  2. Post creation doesn't exist either. Not a big deal for desktop since it launches new reddit's, but the mobile version is way too bare-bones. And selecting communities is broken there.
  3. While viewing profiles (even one's own) it's nearly impossible to open comments in new tabs. You can only use the timestamp for that. That's not very convenient... If you click on one comment itself, you get redirected. Obviously, going back will not bring back you back to the same place you were before (if you were past the initially loaded comments).
  4. There is no option to disable these ridiculous, often half-a-screen (or more) thumbnails that SHreddit grabs from external links. Most of the times the added images have nothing to do with the actual post content. Even if you include images yourself, if there is an external link used before the image, the random preview will get added at the end of the post. And so what that the image it grabs is tiny? It'll still force expand it to match the width of the post. Video
    1. At least it doesn't seem to show up on mobile.
  5. No following posts or comments.
  6. Theming is kinda limited and used the same values for both color modes so you can only choose semi-good values for either dark or light mode, not both.
    1. It doesn't seem to work for everyone. E.g. I have an account I use for testing automod, etc., and the theme only shows up for a split second there, then it disappears. No way I could find to enable it. Video
      1. Similarly, the account seem to autocollapse removed comments (doesn't happen on "new" or "old"), when the sub itself is set to not collapse them. (Shouldn't be part of theming, but I don't wanna create a separate point for that.)
  7. There is no way of hiding that left side menu other than zooming about 200% or resizing your browser window. There's really not many links I might want to use there. And the collapse section buttons are totally useless since they reset on a page refresh.


All of these have significantly impacted my moderating such that my activity dropped from the long time 2nd (sometimes 1st) position to 4th (sometimes lower), even below that of automod.

There's probably more issues I've yet to find. I haven't paid mobile much attention either. But I've been postponing the submission for too long already - 80-90% of this was drafted about two months ago, I just didn't have time to finish this (gather examples, etc.)


I wasn't sure if I should submit this as a bug report in bugs since it involves multiple bugs (some might be related though) and other things that might not be considered as such.
submitted by RraaLL to help [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 23:26 MirthlessJester Vindictive neighbors are the worst

Vindictive neighbors are the worst
Our neighbor beside us moved in about 3-4 years ago. I don’t remember the exact year. Since then he’s made enemies with just about everyone. When he first moved here, he would let his dogs roam the neighborhood and the dogs are aggressive. They would go up to doors and charge at people in their yards. We installed a fence in our front yard to protect our own dogs, it got so bad. The dog attacked a neighbor once and got shot. Animal control in my area is not the best at controlling animals. So people started hating him for his dogs behavior. He solved this by building them a kennel on the side of the house and that’s how they live their life now. Perfectly legal in my state. Unfortunately a few weeks ago, his dog got to mine under the fence and bit my dogs paw. I was on the couch and heard her screaming from outside. She’s ok, but I still wanted it in record as she was bleeding a bit and limping. He had to quarantine his dogs for 10 days but nothing else was done. Fine. A week or so goes by and my gourds in the front yard suddenly start dying. That’s weird. So I plant some pumpkins in their place and install a camera. Not long after the camera is up, it catches the guy dumping something into my yard near the pumpkins. I call the police and show them the video and explain my yard is a certified habitat and I do not want anything whatsoever sprayed near my food or yard at all. All the cop did was talk to him for a minute and left. We were told “it’s only bleach water.” But bleach will kill my plants and dogs … whatever. NOW, he has a very bright blue/white light installed right in front of our living room window and we have a pool of yucky bright light all over our back patio and spilling into our living room. It’s obnoxious and very obviously intentional as there’s no reason to point a light at our fence. There’s nothing to shine a light on on his side - it’s wall then our fence. So now I’m having to spend more money to build a privacy wall and block this stupid light. I hate childish men so much.
submitted by MirthlessJester to BadNeighbors [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 23:24 Bartgames03 Am I the only one that has a bug with the flywheel instancing engine?

I have yet to see a post where someone has a lighting bug where some create blocks are just black. I read that it is an issue with the flywheel instancing engine and I thought it was strange that I haven’t seen other people have the same problem.
submitted by Bartgames03 to CreateMod [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 23:24 gasssss31 [WTS] Aimpoint T2 1.93” scalarworks mount

Good evening! Looking to part ways with some lightly used gear. I can take more pics upon request, just ping me what you want to see more of. Looking for PayPal F&F, Venmo or Zelle and all prices are shipped and OBRO.
Aimpoint T2 Scalarworks 1.93” mount $110 - rattlecanned - mounting screws - original tool for install
submitted by gasssss31 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 23:16 SabineRitter [ROUNDUP] UFOs, and BoB Universal Object Tracker. Countries:🇺🇸🇨🇦🇬🇧🇳🇿🇳🇱🇧🇷🇯🇵🇵🇭🇩🇰🇱🇰🇦🇹🇮🇹🇮🇩🇧🇸 Colors seen this week: 🔴

Last week's post
Moon phase waning gibbous, three days before half
Mars Right Ascension 23h 58m 10s
.1 photo, nighttime cloudy sky, contemporaneous report, single light object, flareup observed, was bright white and blinked twice with an additional red 🔴 light, then it just disappeared., vanished, brief duration 5-6 seconds, silent, over water, river, Regio Nijmegen the Netherlands 🇳🇱 elongated,possible oval-shaped, repeat visitor, I already saw near by a similar object this afternoon. Same short appearance. But it was further away and shone twice in a white metallic colour before it just ‘dissolved’.
.2 sighting description and video, near rocket launch, single light object, red 🔴, moving fast, contemporaneous report, backyard, two witnesses, low over treeline, savannah Georgia, trajectory change ,similar sighting in comments
.3 video, nighttime sky, single object multiple lights, one flashing, possible triangle 🔺️ , from car, observed stationary, possibly pacing car, Bristol England the UK 🇬🇧, red and yellow 🔴🟡, downvoted to zero
.4 information, state of disclosure USA information, state of disclosure, Mexico and Peru
.5 video, daytime sky, from car, contemporaneous report, over airport, urban area, Sao Paulo Brazil 🇧🇷, single light object, angular, reddish glow, two witnesses, elongated, vertical orientation, square ⬛️ or rectangular shape original video, link to Google drive in comments , downvoted to zero
.6 sighting description and video, contemporaneous report, nighttime, from car, west coast of Canada 🇨🇦, near water pacific ocean, single light object, flashing erratically or jumpy movement, diffuse, downvoted to zero
.7 video, nighttime cloudy sky, fleet, contemporaneous report, urban area, Albuquerque new Mexico, low over treeline , moving slowly, horizontal trajectory, [GOODPOST]
.8 video, nighttime sky, single light object, repeat visitor, orange county California, contemporaneous report, two witnesses, observed moving and stationary and moving, trajectory change, brightness change, flareup and dimming, witness followed it, vanished, possible military response helicopter, Within a few minutes, a helicopter showed up and was circling the area for about 5-10 mins before leaving.
.9 video, twolights, one bright one dim, diffuse, near Monterey California, one following another, possible chase, silent
.10 photo of monument, historical event, Kecksburg Pennsylvania, local residents in comments, there was an event and the military came. The large transport vehicles were in town, and it went into total lockdown relative to the period.
.11 audio, at home, nighttime, whistling
.12 discussion of experiences
.13 sighting description, military, US army, southeastern Georgia, nighttime, two witnesses, single light object, triangle 🔺️, appeared out of nowhere, moving fast, similar sightings in comments
.14 photo and video, single light object, underwater, green 🟢, near Tomyo-do lighthouse in Japan 🇯🇵, stationary or moving slowly, USO
.15 video, possible USO, from Coronado Island, underwater, San Diego Bay California, hottub, duration two minutes, single dark object, strange waves, two witnesses
.16 information, high school teacher was ex airforce, USAF, I remember the smile, and he said, I can say this for sure it's a lot unknown out there .
.17 photo, daytime sky, single object blackwhite, not seen by eye, Sedona Arizona, hiking, cubensphere, subsequent single light object moving erratically, link to Google drive in comments, downvoted to zero drawing I did
.18 live stream, BoB Universal Object Tracker Beta Version 1.0
.19 video, nighttime sky, contemporaneous report, happening at time of posting, single light object stationary, angular, urban area, Rockwall Texas, multicolored, low over rooftop, Sirius?, similar sightings in comments , duration 30 minutes
.20 sighting description, single dark object moving erratically, two witnesses, Manila harbour the Philippines 🇵🇭
.21 video, daytime sky, north Zealand Denmark 🇩🇰, single light object moving fast and straight, reddish glow, possible metallic sphere, horizontal trajectory, OP comments downvoted, big debunker energy
.22 photo and video, nighttime sky, two witnesses, single light object moving, silent, curved trajectory, floated from north to south west., at home, south of colombo Sri lanka 🇱🇰 , downvoted to zero, OP comments downvoted, big debunker energy
.23 sighting description, daytime cloudy sky, Knoxville Tennessee, I saw the sky open up almost like a tear in the sky but it was completely dark on the inside., brief duration, As quick as it happened, it closed back up., has anyone seen?, similar sightings in comments
.24 experience description, entity, humanoid, possible healing, communication, repeated this 3 time....As long as you have peace in your eyes and love in your heart you will be ok.
.25 video, nighttime sky, fleet, repeat visitors, contemporaneous report, edgewood new Mexico, past few weeks I started to see just one random bright light in the sky. A few nights later there were two lights circling around each other. A few nights later three lights so on and so forth.
.26 photos, daytime sky, single dark object, stationary observed, possibly pacing car, elongated, V-shaped or worm 🪱, plane for comparison observed, witness looked away and looked back, vanished, as the plane went to pass the object, a semi blocked my view. When we got past the semi, the object was gone, and the plane was continuing to fly. , castle rock Colorado, powerlines, low over ridgeline,
.27 video, nighttime sky, st augustine Florida, single light object moving, multicolored, silent, repeat visitor,
.28 ➡️ original compilation, single light object, characteristics, [GOODPOST], discussion of orbs
.29 video, nighttime sky, threelights, line formation, angled from the horizon, from car, contemporaneous report, possibly pacing car
.30 video and video from home security camera, nighttime sky, at home, outside bedroom window, single light object, toward the Capitol building Washington DC, smaller objects accompany it, flashing in pattern, powerlines, very bright, possibly illuminating clouds, [GOODPOST], similar sighting in comments
.31 video, nighttime sky, threelights, close triangle formation, horizontal orientation, horizontal trajectory, low over rooftop, silent, at home, backyard, emotional reaction shock and happiness same OP, different event, video, nighttime sky, single light object moving, low over treeline, tuskegee alabama, satellite?
.32 video, possible metapod type, daytime
.33 sighting description, fleet, appearing and vanishing, plane for comparison observed, possible interaction with airplane, they were waiting for the airspace to clear before doing anymore shenanigans. All of a sudden no activity for a couple minutes, then a plane would fly overhead and once he cleared the airspace it would start right back up., contemporaneous report, Oconee County Georgia, nighttime, duration 10 minutes , trajectory change, one light travel from left to right come to stop for a second and then proceed to travel back in the opposite direction right to left, moving and stationary and moving, brightness change, flareup and dimming, additional single light object low below treeline, possible animal reaction coyotes going crazy and neighbors dogs barking insane right at the time of peak activity.
.34 video, nighttime cloudy sky, just off I5 Los Banos California, single light object, lighting configuration change, splitting, twolights, one stationary and one moving, repeat visitor, downvoted to zero same OP, the next day, video, nighttime, [GOODPOST], threelights, triangle formation, flying in formation, similar sighting same area in comments
.35 sighting description, nighttime, duration 20 minutes, witness followed it, from car, fleet, threelights, from car, Worcester Massachusetts, possible formation change, flying pretty high up when the lights appeared more clustered, and when flying low the lights appeared more linear, silent, circling, it was making large circles above the city. , moving slowly, jumpy movement, when I looked away for a bit it looked like it was off in the distance further than I would expect for how slow it was. There was a red 🔴 light, but no discernible green light. I think there was a blinking white light., downvoted to zero
.36 sighting description, southwest Nova Scotia Canada 🇨🇦, single light object, orange 🟠, trail formed, stationary and moving, witness looked away and looked back, vanished, when I looked back it was gone. I kept looking at the sky to see it and I could faintly see it moving in and out of view, there were no clouds I don’t think but it was faint as it moved out of view around the house., disappeared behind rooftops
.37 video, nighttime sky, contemporaneous report, urban area, Floridsdorfer Markt Vienna Austria 🇦🇹 , single light object moving, possible trajectory change, satellite?
.38 childhood experience description, possible abduction, near Naples Italy 🇮🇹, entities, inside bedroom, repeat visitors, at home, nighttime, witness woke up, fleet, inside bedroom, stationary, These lights were green-ish in color, had the most bizarre shapes, and were slightly fluorescent. , emotion of fear, physical effects goosebumps and paralysis, hyperventilated and started sweating profusely., possible men in black response to telling the story on Reddit, [GOODPOST]
.39 photo, nighttime sky, single light object, trail, haze, curved trajectory, Samara Russia 🇷🇺, rocket launch?
.40 video, nighttime sky, single dim object moving fast
.41 discussion of humans causing electronic effects
.42 video recreation of sighting description, nighttime, brief duration, jumpy movement, plane-shaped, had no dimension to it. It looked more like an image than a physical object. , has anyone seen?, white-blueish, over water, Manahawkin bay new jersey, reposted
.43 sighting description, has anyone seen?,single light object, metallic sphere, stationary, reaction to being observed, vanishing, repeat visitor, made two passes, electronic effects camera can't detect it, I tried to get a better view with my eyes and poof it seriously just vanished. , near USAF, DMAFB, tuscon Arizona
.44 childhood sighting description or dream, at home, nighttime, near water, reservoir, witness woke up, light shining in bedroom window, golden, single object irregular shape, blue 🔵, gigantic flying jellyfish 🪼 with rings of rotating smoky tentacles. The inner ring dropped down and rotated around the surface of the water. the jellyfish was taking on water., dull, sort of golden titanium looking, mirror-type panels that would distort everything in the field of view as they passed., emotional reaction shock, communication, "This is nothing. You should go back to bed.", saw something I wasn't supposed to., compelled to go to sleep, [GOODPOST]
.45 sighting descriptions, repeat visitors, Washington state, single light object moving, pulsating, trajectory change, subsequent single light object moving fast, wavy trajectory, subsequent single light object, trajectory change, contemporaneous report, has anyone seen?
.46 photo, nighttime cloudy sky, single dark object, irregular shape, vertical orientation, stationary, duration 30 minutes, contemporaneous report, happening at time of posting, urban area, Bali Indonesia 🇮🇩, kite?
.47 video, nighttime sky, from home security camera, electronic effects motion detection, northern Wisconsin,single light object moving, descending below treeline, illuminating trees
.48 sighting description and video, nighttime sky, single light object, green 🟢, flashing erratically, repeat visitor, I keep seeing a green light in my neighbors backyard, always around 5:30am, when there are typically no lights back there. , Kalamazoo Michigan
.49 sighting description and reference image, from airplane, east coast USA, daytime, single light object, metallic sphere, moving fast, I saw a metal sphere fly fast, really fast, past and slightly above the airplane going to opposite direction we were flying., possible porthole, similar sightings in comments
.50 photo, nighttime sky, threelights, triangle formation, low over treeline, near airport
.51 sighting description, contemporaneous report, from airplane, from Birmingham the UK 🇬🇧 to Seville Spain 🇪🇸, daytime cloudy sky, single dark object, possible interaction with airplane, witness felt observed, large black object in the clouds. It was tall and rectangular and then kind of went on its side and became thin and wide and flew off away from us., two witnesses
.52 childhood sighting description, Goole in East Yorkshire the UK 🇬🇧, at home, nighttime, witness woke up, flying saucer, outside bedroom window, also had several small bright lights spinning around as it moved in the sky., single object multiple lights, rotating, audio description faint humming sound., event amnesia, For whatever reason however, I quickly forgot about what I saw that night ., repeat visitor or second object, daytime, multiple witnesses, single object, disk shape, approach, flew overhead, emotion of fear in other witnesses, left the area, When I look back to what I think is a "UFO", all of a sudden what I'm seeing isn't a flying saucer, but an RAF fighter jet flying dangerously low before it quickly turns and flies away. , mimicking airplane, similar sighting in comments, [GOODPOST] reference images
.53 original compilation, historical events, light beams, bending or pulling
.54 video, hard to see , spotlights type
.55 video, nighttime sky, contemporaneous report, single light object, diffuse, spiral trail, rocket launch?, Finland 🇫🇮, similar sighting in comments from Sweden 🇸🇪 and Poland 🇵🇱 , Ukraine 🇺🇦
.56 video, nighttime sky, fleet, Pagan Hill in Natick Massachusetts, two witnesses, contemporaneous report, red, submission statement issues, removed
.57 video, daytime cloudy sky, single light object, splitting, submission statement issues
.58 sighting description, downvoted to zero, nighttime, two witnesses, single light object, blue 🔵, approach, moving fast and stationary overhead, possibly rotating, doing sort of a twirl motion., physical effects paralysis, transfixed, emotion of fear and awe, sudden departure upward, zoomed out of view slightly angled and up into the sky going from its original shape to a dot that disappeared into darkness as it went further and faster away., witnesses left the area, we immediately ran back down the driveway to his house. The sense of fear and dread was very real.Near the Devil's Tramping ground in North Carolina, silent
.59 sighting description, Richmond British Columbia Canada 🇨🇦, nighttime, observed moving and stationary and moving, flareup or size change,
.60 video, daytime sky, contemporaneous report, single light object, elongated, horizontal orientation, tictac, horizontal trajectory, moving slowly, plane for comparison, waterloo new York state
.61 experience description, possible abduction, physical effects pain
.62 experience description and video, no craft, from home security camera, single flash, illuminating trees, from the sky in front of me I got hit with a white/bluish laser for a split second, brief duration
.63 photo, daytime sky, contemporaneous report, single dark object, elongated, plane for comparison, angled from the horizon, upstate new York state,
.64 photo, daytime cloudy sky, from airplane, cloud anomaly, disk shape
.65 video, nighttime cloudy sky, diffuse light flashing erratically, silent, lightning anomaly , southern USA
.66 photos, daytime sky, contemporaneous report, airplane anomaly, Richmond Virginia, 2 very, very large rings, with an airplane/jet going straight up. It was going faster than any plane I've seen go across the sky., powerlines, duration 5 minutes
.67 sighting description and drawing, single dark object, jellyfish 🪼, dark black "ballish" drone flying towards me., approach, flew overhead, audio description humming sound, It had tentacles coming out of it. , I saw them expand and contract individually., downvoted to zero
.68 ➡️ sighting description and reference image, airplane anomaly, from car, contemporaneous report, daytime, highway 61 about an hour north of Duluth Minnesota, low over water, lake superior, I saw this plane hovering about 300ft above ground, just offshore over the water, single object, stationary, mimicking airplane, The props were not even moving., two witnesses, emotional reaction freaked out, overwhelmed, shock, Pupils really dilated, couldn't control my body temp, lots of frantic pacing., historical event, Kinross incident, dark green RCAF C47 Dakota., [GOODPOST], silent
.69 video, nighttime cloudy sky, fourlights, diffuse, spotlights type, splitting, circling, merging, long Island New York state, observed duration 2 minutes, felt compelled to look up, something told me to look up and it was very gloomy., felt like something huge was above the clouds projecting these lights.,
.70 video, daytime cloudy sky, single dark object, low over rooftop, elongated, vertical orientation, observed descending, jellyfish 🪼 or squid 🐙 , bountiful Utah, at home , [GOODPOST] , three witnesses
.71 photos, daytime cloudy sky, eclipse day, multiple objects, dark, moving fast, new jersey , downvoted to zero, video analysis requested
.72 video, daytime cloudy sky, single dark object, irregular shape, possible star 🌟 shaped, wobbling, descending below rooftop, balloon 🎈?, urban area, Upper East Side NYC New York state, contemporaneous report, duration 30 seconds reposted
.73 sighting description, three witnesses, Marfa Lights, Marfa Texas, single red 🔴 light blinking., lighting configuration change to threelights, line formation, vertical orientation, appeared out of nowhere , Then directly below it another red light starts pulsating. Then a third until there's 3 lights in a vertical row pulsating, Then they go solid red. And slowly start to hover in all directions. Then fade in and out. , appearing and vanishing, formation change, color change, multicolored, splitting, duration 2 hours, emotional reaction shock, paralysis, transfixed, I was jaw dropped in shock. I had a camera. I'm a professional cinematographer. And I never lifted my camera., felt compelled to look, something told me to "listen" and not document., sudden departure, all 5 lights quickly shot into a horizontal line and turned blue. Then they faded away., apathy in other witness, witness followed it, fleet observed, witness went to sleep, subsequent entities, inside bedroom, At the edge of the bed, was standing 3 tall silhouettes of skinny long, big headed entities. , emotion of fear, sudden departure, repeat visitors, human initiated contact, similar sightings in comments, [GOODPOST]
.74 photo, daytime cloudy sky, single object blackwhite, not seen by eye, possible disk shape with dome, urban area, powerlines, near water Atlantic Ocean, Freeport Grand bahama The Bahamas 🇧🇸
.75 video, nighttime cloudy sky, Kennewick Washington state, single light object flashing in pattern, low below treeline, possible single object multiple lights, stationary
.76 childhood sighting description, entity, repeat visitor, at home, inside bedroom, communication
.77 video, daytime cloudy sky, single light object, splitting, twolights, rotating around each other, plane for comparison, contemporaneous report, urban area, Vienna Austria 🇦🇹
.78 sighting description, contemporaneous report, two witnesses, Hollywood California, single light object, loops, doing something similar to a figure 8 movement, has anyone seen?
.79 video, nighttime cloudy sky, single light object, multicolored, contemporaneous report, urban area, st Petersburg Florida, low over rooftop , near water, gulf of Mexico, possible smaller objects accompany it, as I zoomed in that video I noticed three black dots that seemed to be hovering over the flashing circle in which would become distorted., Sirius?
.80 photo, daytime sky, single light object, elongated, horizontal orientation, tictac, horizontal trajectory, northwestern Ontario Canada 🇨🇦, duration 10 minutes, downvoted to zero in 27 minutes,
.81 video, daytime cloudy sky, contemporaneous report, urban area, North London England the UK 🇬🇧, single light object, flickering, vanishing, plane for comparison observed
.82 video recreation of sighting description, nighttime, from car, unusual route, anomalous silence, two witnesses, Utah, fleet, formation change, sudden departure downward, the formation of stars began to move, they would condense and expand in the space between them. Then, in an instant, they flew down to the earth below.
.83 photo, nighttime sky, single light object moving fast, angled from the horizon, meteor?, plane for comparison
.84 video, nighttime sky, Panamint Valley California, three witnesses, single light object, appeared out of nowhere, yellow 🟡, crescent 🌙 shape, approach, flew overhead, color change to white, flareup, diffuse, haze, The light appeared as semicircular “wings” on either side, with gaps in front of and behind of the object., moving fast, silent, vanishing and reappearing, lighting configuration change, the bright lights were in a ring shape,,SpaceX?
.85 photo, daytime cloudy sky, powerlines, fleet or single object multiple lights, horizontal orientation, powerlines, at home, backyard, south of San Antonio Texas, appeared out of nowhere, brief duration, vanishing, line of light appears and lasts only a brief moment. It looked like they “glistened?” in and out.,
.86 photo, nighttime sky, repeat visitor, new zealand 🇳🇿, single light object, low over treeline,
.87 video, nighttime sky, single light object moving, descending at an angle, plane for comparison, urban area
.88 video, daytime cloudy sky, cloud anomaly, vertical contrail, dark, contemporaneous report, Bath England the UK 🇬🇧
submitted by SabineRitter to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 23:16 clickclackio [GB] Time65 by Fox Lab - The Time is Ticking

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Extended Gallery of Time65
Hello friends, it's been over three years since the release of Time Re 80%, and we've been holding onto the memory of this design. It's been a representative product for Fox Lab, so this time, we've continued the Time style to create a smaller version called Time 65%.

Design Concept

With Time 65's design, we didn't just shrink the 80% version and call it a day. We made many significant changes while retaining the essence of the 80% style. The outer appearance has undergone a significant transformation, shifting from a straightforward design to one with curves and contours, blending curves with a cyberpunk aesthetic.
Previously, the top and bottom cases had a flat structure, with the slope integrated into the top case. However, this design sometimes led to hollow-sounding typing without foam and might not appeal to many female users due to its direct style. With Time 65, we've placed the slope on the bottom case, returning to the traditional slope design, and added fluid curves to the sides. The challenge with this design was addressing the issue of the bottom case being thinner than the top, preventing the insertion of the dial. However, we cleverly resolved this issue, giving the overall appearance a more dynamic feel.
We've also made intricate changes to the dial, adding Roman numeral time scales, simulating the gears and screws found in mechanical watches, and replacing the previous heart-shaped hands with Omega-style sword hands. Additionally, we've added a second-hand and a simulated chronograph dial above. While we'd love to perfect the Time design further, even considering creating an actual watch, consultations with industry professionals have made us realize the immense challenge of creating a mechanical watch movement far beyond our capabilities. Therefore, to avoid regrets, we've focused on making the dial's interior design as realistic and detailed as possible, mimicking mechanical watches' overall structure and details where feasible.
Given Time's retro design style, we've opted not to use a gasket structure for the internal structure design but instead utilize a Top+Leaf spring structure. This decision aims to maintain the authentic feel of the keyboard while also addressing our fatigue with various gaskets and foams over the past two years. Similarly, we've removed the switch shims to differentiate our keyboard's sound and tactile feel from others.
Despite the streamlined design of Time 65's contours, the front bezel maintains a bold and distinctive style. We spent considerable time deliberating over the front design, realizing that neither the elegant and rounded design of the leaf nor the flat and thin design of Key65 suited Time. Ultimately, we chose a design with sharp edges and precise lines, embodying Time's essence. This choice reaffirms that the difference in design lies in the details; a chamfer or a millimeter's distance can drastically alter the overall style.


* Typing angle: 8° * Front height: 19.85mm * Mounting Style: Top mount with leaf spring plate * PCB: 1.2mm non-flex cut, separated daughter board * Soldered Layout, Hot-swap Layout


* Classic black * Sakura pink * Tiffany blue * Moonlight silver * Flame red * Milkshake white * PC

Pricing and Vendors(Price can change depends on your regional vendors)

* Standard: $378 USD * Standard: Flex-Cut Aluminum Plate * Three options for the PCB: 1.2mm non-flex cut Soldered PCB; 1.2mm non-flex cut Hotswap PCB; 1.6mm non-flex cut Hotswap PCB * Extra Plate, only available with flex-cut Aluminum plate: $20 USD * Extra PCB: $40 USD
What is included in the package:
* Keyboard kit (Top case / bottom case, Aluminum single key flex-cut plate, badge, C port accessory block, aluminum weight) × 1 * PCB x 1 + daughterboard x 1 + connecting cable × 2 * 3.5MM poron Plate foam ×1 * 0.5MM ESD Case foam ×1 * PCB stabilizer shims ×10 * Bumpons ×4 * Screws
This is a limited GB!
North America: Click Clack - 200 units EU: Keygem - 50 units UK: MBUK - 50 units Vietnam: Soigear - 50 units Singapore: Ktechs - 30 units KR: Swagkeys - 60 units Indonesia: Mechaland - 50 units
submitted by clickclackio to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 23:10 BrianLevre Any suggestions for mounting my gps to this spot?

Any suggestions for mounting my gps to this spot?
I have a 2021 Prius XLE. I know most people just use their phone for gps, but I want this dedicated unit sitting in this spot, just like you see in the 2nd picture.
(It won't interfere with me seeing the speedometer and other info screens... the picture was taken from much lower than where my eyes are when I'm driving.)
You can see the monstrosity I have employed in my other car to mount it. As ugly as it is, it's rock solid. I had to fabricate a metal plate that I painted and glued to an adhesive backed disc that was stuck to the dash. I didn't feel bad about doing that in the other car... it's 16 years old and has 231,000 miles on it... I don't feel like it's an affront to the aestetic or value, but this Prius is nice and I can't bring myself to glue anything to the dash. Besides, there's not enough room to put that mount anyway.
ProClip makes a center air vent dash mount for that car, and I'm confident I could fabricate something I could screw into it that would let me mount the gps where I want it, but their mount blocks most of the air from the vent, and any fabrication I would attach to it would block all of the air from the vent. That's not something I want to do.
I wouldn't mind shaping a cradle of some sort that I could screw into the dash. Maybe just a couple of screws below the unit to rest on and one to the left would work to keep it from moving around?
I included a picture of the back of the unit to show the proprietary mounting slot that Rand Mcnally uses. It may be easier to find solutions with a Garmin, but this is what I've got.
I'd also like to be able to easily swap it from car to car.
submitted by BrianLevre to DIY [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 23:04 Creative-Living-8844 [Xbox] [2012?] Fantasy game

The only thing I remember from watching my dad play it years ago is that you are in the darkness and you have to light areas up by igniting a golden ram's head mounted on things (if I remember the scene right, one was on the wall of a building and another was on a lamp post), I think there were monsters in the dark to but I'm not sure.
submitted by Creative-Living-8844 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 23:04 FollowingTop8854 Fleetwood Mac – Original “Tusk” Album Cover Artwork.

Fleetwood Mac – Original “Tusk” Album Cover Artwork.
Two extraordinary pieces of original album cover artwork used for Fleetwood Mac’s highly-acclaimed album Tusk, including “the floating collage,” which author Ryan Reid notes in his book Fleetwood Mac FAQ “remains Tusk’s true visual centerpiece.”
Created by acclaimed artist/photographegraphic designer Jayme Odgers, these stunning photographic collages are the result of five separate photo sessions, and were used on two of Tusk’s innersleeves (see the full story below.)
The “floating collage” print measures 17″ x 17 1/4″ (image size 16″ x 15 3/4″,) while the indoor collage measures 16″ x 20″ (image size 14 1/4″ x 14 1/4″.) Both are top-of-the-line Chromogenic prints, with extensive hand retouching, and are absolutely breathtaking in person. Each print is mounted to art board; the “floating collage” matted, and the indoor collage with a cover sheet, and production notations. We acquired these directly from Jayme Odgers, who at our request signed each, adding “Original Album Art.”
With Recordmecca’s written lifetime guarantee of authenticity, and an original first pressing of Tusk on vinyl, with the innersleeves displaying this artwork signed by Jayme Odgers.
From Fleetwood Mac FAQ: All That’s Left to Know About the Iconic Rock Survivors by Ryan Reed:
­­­Jayme Odgers met [Tusk art director] Larry Vigon around 1967 while teaching a graphic design class at LA’s Art Center College of Design, which Vigon attended…in 1978, his former pupil came calling and hired him for an exciting new project.
“On the Tusk album, for whatever reason (probably a lavish budget coming off the immense success of [Rumours]), Larry decided on hiring three different types of photographers: a rock and roll photographer, Norman Seeff; a documentary photographer, Peter Beard; and a fine art photographer, which is where I fit in,” Odgers recalls…
Odgers doesn’t recall being given any instructions. “Larry is a good art director, and by this I mean he understands the trick of finding the right person for the job, then allowing them do what they do best,” he says. “It’s much like the great Alexey Brodovich’s (of Harper’s Bazaar fame) dictum, ‘Bring back something that will shock me.’ I tend to thrive on those conditions. I love to graphically ‘shock.’”
It was the perfect combination: a nearly blank check and the freedom to pursue any radical visual idea. But Odgers quickly realized that working with a band of such diva-like temperament was going to be “highly unusual.”…Then the arduous process began. First, Odgers scouted the city for potential shooting locations. Then he waited. For an excruciatingly long time.
“Their representative advised me they would call when the band was in town ready to be photographed,” he says. “I’d get the call, ‘They’re in town, get ready!’ I’d then set about prepping for the shoot, which was considerable scrambling. And then nothing. It would be a no-show: ‘Sorry, they’re out of town.’ This happened three times over the period of a few of years, as I recall. At a point, I began to wonder if I was ever going to photograph Fleetwood Mac at all. I figured, ‘To hell with it.’ Whenever they called, I was simply going to have Fleetwood Mac come to my then home/studio and photograph them there. No more scouting around—I was done with that. At the time, I was living in the Marion Davies suite at the Los Altos, a building built by William Randolph Hearst. I chose the main living room as the location for the shoot. It was large, had interesting architectural details, and seemed intimate unlike a typical photo studio.”
Eventually he conceptualized the album’s vivid “upside-down” shot featured in the inner booklet [in the vinyl version, the inner sleeves,] a collage that shows the band drifting around a surreal living room scene where ceiling and floor are blurred into one. Christine and John McVie are planted on the ground; Fleetwood clings to a chair above his head; Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham float around in an eye-popping display of antigravity camera trickery. “My photo-graphic work during that period of time involved photo-composing individual elements together into a single image,” Odgers says. “The idea for the Fleetwood Mac shoot was simply to have the various band members floating in a room. I simply thought that would be visually arresting. Gravity-defying objects have always been alluring to me.”
The concept was brilliant for an album like Tusk, which, with its jarring shifts from soft-rock balladry to punk-pop angst, offered a similar sense of displacement. Odgers prepared the space by “visually turning the room upside down.” He stuck plants on the ceiling to hide electric features, covered the floor with a white backdrop to offer the illusion of a ceiling, and placed lighting fixtures on the floor. “It was actually a rather simple conceit rife with potential,” he says.
The band’s part was to simply participate: stand here or lay there, grab this or look at that. But the quintet, seemingly eager to make such creative decisions more of a hassle, didn’t instantly connect with Odgers’s off-the-wall vision.
“Let me say straight away, they hated the idea!” he recalls. “I think they even hated me personally for suggesting such an idea. Perhaps for that reason, they refused to be in the room at the same time. I found this utterly shocking, as I’d never experienced such a thing before, or since. They were exceedingly difficult, even broke things in my house.
They basically were as obstreperous as possible, like intractable mud. Slowly, over a period of time, I had each one come into the photographic area and do something. For example, I had Mick hold a chair against the ceiling: shoot. Later, Lindsey was willing to lie down on a low stool upside down: shoot. All Stevie Nicks would do is lie on the floor: shoot. Each person was a separate photo session!”
The project, and its participants, became so difficult that Odgers eventually felt the band was “trying to scuttle” him. But ironically, by refusing to work together, they played into the photographer’s creative strengths. “Unbeknownst to them, my photo-graphic forte was putting separate images together seamlessly, so I pushed on,” he continues. “Had they all been willing to be photographed together, the image never would have looked like it does. Whatever magic that exists would have not been possible. Their obstinacy is the reason it works. Since I had no idea they wouldn’t appear in the studio together initially, the whole thing turned into an experiment on the fly. The means determined the end.”
Even after finishing the shoot, Fleetwood Mac made Odgers’s job difficult. “Mick Fleetwood confided to me later that when the group took the all the various photographic images to Warner Bros. Records for review, they loved them all—except mine,” he says. “It caused immediate arguments. Mick said two hours later they were still fighting [about] whether or not they should use it at all. He eventually concluded since they were bickering endlessly about this one image, perhaps it should be included for that very reason, that it would incite conversation and discussion. On that they could agree. It was included. I got very lucky, as it almost didn’t happen.”
It’s only fitting that Odgers’s whirlwind story ends with an ironic denouement. In 2016, when Rhino Records released an Alternate Tusk featuring alternate takes and live cuts, the label chose to include a black-and-white version of the “floating” shot as the front cover. Needless to say, the photographer was dumbfounded.
“We never arrived at Rhino’s reason for using it. Clearly it left us questioning,” Odgers says. “Perhaps that’s its secret: The image provides no answers, only questions. It won’t settle down to a comfortable resolution and go away. It keeps one questioning.” Though the floating collage remains Tusk’s true visual centerpiece, the album’s other artwork is equally compelling. The stark cover photo shows producer-engineer Ken Caillat’s dog, Scooter, tugging playfully at his pant leg. (It’s laughable that the band hated Odgers’s high-concept approach but embraced this.) And the inner images blended Norman Seeff’s casual group shots with Peter Beard’s manic collages, inspired by his photographic diaries of Africa.
submitted by FollowingTop8854 to FleetwoodMac [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 23:03 slumqueengorgo subtext is for cowards

subtext is for cowards submitted by slumqueengorgo to GenshinMemepact [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 22:59 Randomizer23 How’s this vertical gpu stand?

Vertical GPU Mount
Will be using it in my 570x case, with my 3090 strix, though I’m wsterblocking it soon with the EKWB VECTOR Block so the size will be smaller. Anyone know if this is good or if I should go with another one? I need one that doesn’t stick out too much to the right of the case (direction towards front intake fans), as I need to fit push pull rad at the front as well as the cylindrical res
submitted by Randomizer23 to watercooling [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 22:59 Randomizer23 How’s this vertical gpu stand?

Vertical GPU Mount
Will be using it in my 570x case, with my 3090 strix, though I’m wsterblocking it soon with the EKWB VECTOR Block so the size will be smaller. Anyone know if this is good or if I should go with another one? I need one that doesn’t stick out too much to the right of the case (direction towards front intake fans), as I need to fit push pull rad at the front as well as the cylindrical res
submitted by Randomizer23 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 22:58 BrianLevre Any suggestions for ways to mount my gps in this spot?

Any suggestions for ways to mount my gps in this spot?
I have a 2021 XLE. I know most people just use their phone, but I want this dedicated unit sitting in this spot, just like you see in the 2nd picture.
(It won't interfere with me seeing the speedometer and other info screens... the picture was taken from much lower than where my eyes are when I'm driving.)
You can see the monstrosity I have employed in my other car to mount it. As ugly as it is, it's rock solid. I had to fabricate a metal plate that I painted and glued to an adhesive backed disc that was stuck to the dash. I didn't feel bad about doing that in the other car... it's 16 years old and has 231,000 miles on it... I don't feel like it's an affront to the aestetic or value, but this Prius is nice and I can't bring myself to glue anything to the dash. Besides, there's not enough room to put that mount anyway.
ProClip makes a center air vent dash mount for that car, and I'm confident I could fabricate something I could screw into it that would let me mount the gps where I want it, but their mount blocks most of the air from the vent, and any fabrication I would attach to it would block all of the air from the vent. That's not something I want to do.
I wouldn't mind shaping a cradle of some sort that I could screw into the dash. Does anyone know if there is anything sensitive behind the dash in that area?
I included a picture of the back of the unit to show the proprietary mounting slot that Rand Mcnally uses. It may be easier to find solutions with a Garmin, but this is what I've got.
I'd also like to be able to easily swap it from car to car.
submitted by BrianLevre to prius [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 22:53 unknown-user-717 Broketey-broke it to Brokesville...

I’ve been waffling back and forth about what to say. There is so much in me that needs to come out. I miss you terribly, and I have absolutely no clue how you are doing. It’s like you died. It has been seventy days of complete and utter silence. No calls, emails, DMS, letters or texts. No updates on any form of social media. No updates from friends or colleagues. Not even any Google Street View updates to give me any clues. I haven’t gone looking, though – I’ll be honest.
I could ask our friends, but I don’t. I could drill down, FBI-style, but I don’t. I need to be gentle with myself. I unfriended you and blocked you on social media to keep ME from looking for evidence of YOU. Not to keep YOU away from me. I needed to remove the temptation to search for you, to wonder about you, to obsessively rake the dirt for pieces of you. You dropped me, and even though I know that you instantly regretted it, I had to move forward as if you meant it. I’m not playing games with you, and I’m not going to second-guess you or do you the dishonor of not taking you seriously when you do and say something with as much weight and gravity as you did.
You dropped me, you insulted me, and you made me feel like I did not matter. You did it on purpose to ensure that I would not follow you out the door. You did it to intentionally break me.
But the thing is – you did it to ME.
Don’t you know who sent me? Don’t you know why they sent me to you? You prayed for this. You wished on the full moon for this. You picked up pennies and put them in your shoes for this. You blew out birthday candles with your eyes closed for this. You bobbed up and down on your board, staring at the sunrise horizon with tears in your eyes, with ragged breath, begging for this. You’ve sat at the edge of your bed wondering why it never came. And here it is – right in front of your face.
I knew, the moment you arrived that night, that this was not going to play out well. That this would probably turn into a horrible, grim lesson for you. How long would it take you to realize what was actually in front of you? What would it take for you to remove the diseased lens of your past in order to see clearly – that love it not a threat; that love does not take from you, or demand your freedom. Love does not want to hold your balls in a vice grip. That view is a filter, a misperception, a distortion, an old wound disguised as the truth. You have believed it so long; it has become your truth.
You know when people get in car crashes and they hold the steering wheel so tight that they cannot, will not let go, and the rescuers have to use the jaws of life to cut the steering wheel off of the car, and load them into the ambulance with the steering wheel still in their white-knuckled grip – because fear will not let them release the wheel? This is how I saw you that night. It made me so sad. It hurt me more to see your fear and to see you sabotage yourself than to hear the things you actually said to hurt me.
My tears were about your fear, and you not understanding love.
It was that night that I realized that really and truly, you had never experienced love. Not once in your nearly forty-five years. You might have experienced admiration, desire, attraction, affection, friendship, infatuation, attachment… but love? To let somebody in, to be truly vulnerable, to let them see your ugliness, your weakness, your flaws, and to let them love you and accept you anyway? To not resent them for seeing these flaws, these imperfections? To not resent them for embracing you in spite of what you, yourself, cannot embrace? To let somebody take you by the hand and lead you to a lighter place, step by step, with patience and forgiveness? Inconceivable – but:
Here it is – right in front of your face.
It is not a fantasy. It is not a fairy tale. It is real, and this is love. There are people in this world who will offer you love. I was sent to you to offer you this love. Like you asked.
While it is true that perhaps you were not expecting it when I arrived, and perhaps because of that, you were not prepared for it, nonetheless you rejected it, and rejected it harshly. But I know why I was sent to you, and I have a wider perspective here, so I stepped back and away. When you left, there was one gift in the bags you took with you: a letter you had not read. A letter that would shed some light on love, and perhaps pry a finger or two off of the steering wheel you’re still clinging to in the metaphorical hospital. I have no idea if you read it, of course, because all there has been is silence.
In good faith, I wrote another letter to you after I had a disturbing dream about you (contemplating) harming yourself. The dream was very vivid, very real, and I was in the room with you in real time when this was happening. It was then that I knew that in all likelihood the diseased lens had fallen away, and perhaps you were starting to see clearly. Perhaps you were starting to realize what you had actually done, and what you had actually pushed away. Who you tried to break. But you were so despondent; there was no reaching you, energetically, in the dream. I wrote you a letter and emailed it to you. I received no response. I wondered if you had blocked my email – maybe it went to spam? Maybe you never got it? Maybe, if my dream was correct, there were bigger forces at play as to why I could not reach you.
I saw a story in the news that your job was shut down. That must have come as a huge blow as well, and I’m so sorry to hear about it. You are so good at your job, and you deserve to be working constantly. I’m sorry things have been so rough. It doesn’t seem fair.
While I really would like to talk with you, it is up to you to reach out. I’m not going to poke you. I know you’re not on Reddit, so I also know this is a safe space to blow it out my a$$ and just give wings to my feelings without consequence. I’m not going to chase you. We are adults. You broke it, you fix it. And Babe, you done broketey-broke it to Brokesville.
I am still so sad that it appears that you do not understand love. But I have not gone anywhere; I am still here. You are in my dreams, you are in my thoughts, you are in my heart, and you are not going away (to my chagrin, I might add). I have made peace with the fact that this is not leaving me any time soon. But where are you? Are you sleeping? Are you getting enough to eat? Promise me you’re not eating a solid diet of Panda Express and Taco Bell. I miss you so much and I just want to snuggle with you in silence while the landscape guys blast their noisy tools all around the yard. I want to get lost in the galaxy of your eyes and forget what I’m supposed to do the rest of the day. I know you need a hair trim. I want to shock you with my cold feet on your legs. I want to pull you close and bite your deltoid. I want to laugh at your dirty grandpa humor; ugh how I miss your mind. I want to feel your heartbeat.
Where are you?
PS: I’ve done the dishes and put away the laundry. I know. It’s a miracle.
PPS: When I get to the part where I have to choose "Flair", I pause now. It's been ten weeks. I can't seem to choose "Exes". It doesn't feel right. I can't call you my Ex. This is a separation - is this what we will eventually call it? A glitch? A blip? A break? so I choose "Lovers".
submitted by unknown-user-717 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 22:52 MKVI_Moses Spire Coil Shock issues

Alright, so I’m in my second (and a half) season on my spire and I just cannot get the coil shock to feel good. I recently had a progressive rebound and medium compression tune added which definitely helped, but I’m still having the following issues and questions.
Setup: 2023 Super Deluxe Ultimate Coil, 400 or 450lb spring. Caveat: I do have one of the frames where the shock mounts are misaligned. Transition said it shouldn’t effect the shock stroke, they were really only having issues with the lateral load on the Float X2s, so I didn’t bother with it. Also just replaced all of my pivot bearings, so shouldn’t be an issue there.
Issue: I’m a little baffled by the spring rate on this bike. I weigh 200 lbs and a 400 lb spring has me at about 28% sag. Which seems slightly on the stiff side, but I absolutely blow through the travel. I’ve also run a 450 lb spring (which still seems light for my weight) and it has me at about 25% sag. I don’t blow through the travel, but it feels waaaaay too stiff and my rear wheel pinballs all over the place unless I’m absolutely nuking. I’ve tried and tracked just about every combo of rebound and compression settings as well.
Questions: 1.) I’m curious what other people are running for spring rate/sag, because the correlation between spring rate and sag for my weight seems way off.
2.) are the things I’m feeling just normal?
3.) any other coil shock setup tips for the spire you may have.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by MKVI_Moses to TransitionBikes [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 22:52 KyleKKent Out of Cruel Space, Part 993

HHH/Herbert’s Hundred Harem
“But I have to...”
“It’s your lunch. You’re off the fucking clock for the next hour and a half and if I see you near a hot zone that didn’t appear under your feet then there’s going to be trouble.” The current leader who’s chosen codename is simply Eight tells Herbert and he sighs. He won’t be in the command position for at least twelve hours and until then is a field agent.
“Just get going.” Eight says and he sighs before checking his communicator. “I will shoot that thing out of your grip if that’s work.”
“I’m checking my wives schedules. A family meal sounds amazing right now.”
“It does. Get going.” Eight tells him and he nods. “I suggest a shower and a change of clothing. You smell of arson.”
“You tend to smell like the things you fight.” Herbert replies and rolls his neck. “I’ll take a shower at home. It’s not like we can hide the fact that The Undaunted are beating out wildfires that are popping up all over Centris.”
“True. Now, out.”
“I’m still going to defend myself and my family though. If someone tries anything, they’re getting shot.”
“Well, duh.” Eight replies and Herbert smirks before leaving.
“Not in the mood.” He says pointing a gun in the face of a Cloaken who was on the approach as he leaves The Dauntless. The invisible figure that is nonetheless completely obvious to him backs away. He looks up towards the sky, past the ring of vaguely visible light from the plates and into the galaxy beyond the blue sky. “Hell of a time to leave Sir, but wherever you are, I’m sure you’re causing thrice the chaos we have here. No doubt I’ll have the news of what you’re up to fall on my lap long after it’s too late to do anything about it.”
Many, many, many lightyears away a very handsome man with a chiselled jaw and short but feathered dark hair thanks his waitress with a smile and sends the woman off in a daydream as he browses the options on his newly received menu. Well... not really. He already knows what he’s going to order and is using it as a visual block for his browsing the news. He looks like he stepped off the more... appropriate cover of a titillation magazine and then buttoned up his shirt. To say he had everyone’s attention was an understatement, but that just meant that no one was paying enough attention to see the near invisible distortion of a scanning drone slowly going around and giving everyone a surreptitious scan.
“Well then my boy, it seems you’ve found some entertainment. Good for you.” He notes to himself with a dazzling smile that the state officer that’s trying to get useful information on him finds VERY distracting. It was the fun thing about tyrannical regimes. They rarely employed true competence and as such it was very easy to subvert them.
Herbert hums as he walks into the kitchen, freshly scrubbed, newly dressed and therefore in more business casual. He buttons up the last button on his vest and casually steps over an attempt to trip him and then does a bit of quick footwork to scoop up and launch a Purriz at the woman in question. All without even looking at her.
There’s a squeal of surprise and he laughs.
“Sorry Mirara! I’m a little on the alert side today!”
“You’re always on the alert side!” Mirara protests.
“I am especially alert today then!” He corrects himself as he heads to the fridge. “I’ve been moving hard though so I need to eat something. Can I make you anything?”
“Oh! Are you grilling?”
“Maybe, our meat stores are pretty good right?” He asks opening the ‘fridge’ it’s more a many sectioned stasis chamber. Stasis sicknesses could be lethal, but would preserve a body flawlessly. But to preserve food the only issue was if the stasis effect clung to the item in question. But it would take a toddler, or someone with the mind of a toddler to be unable to wipe it off.
“We still have a Sea-Quake tail?” He asks in surprise as he pulls out the shrunken drawer. The gigantic shrimp tail was a colourful thing before being cooked, but also dirty, grit sticks to them easily to camouflage them. But clean them off and their a rainbow of colours.
“We do! Oh my goodness yes!” Mirara exclaims and he grins.
“Alright, grab me the cooking oil and I’ll fry this beauty up. Sea-Quake steaks for the feasting.” He says and the ‘hidden’ girls on the ceiling start dropping down with exclamations of ‘steak!’ and a few of them demanding to know if their ambush was off.
“Ambush was never on to begin with girls.” Herbert replies pointing to the shining counter top and it’s rounded edge. “I saw you all when I walked in. Now who wants some sea-quake steak?”
The answer is everyone, meaning that there’s only a small portion for each of them. He makes up his own with water infused with nutrient powder. It’s mildly gritty and far from filling, but having an overly full stomach when you have to run around, sneak and fight is just asking to vomit if things start going even slightly wrong.
“Excuse me.” He says as he grabs a Valrin woman around the waist and vanishing with her before returning and doing the same to the stunned Lutrin she had been talking to and only after he’s cleared out the area, and then another quarter second later, does the falling aircar finally crash down.
There are several sonic booms as a figure that’s nothing more than a blur opens the door to the sabotaged vehicle and extracts the survivors of the bomb going off and removes the dead body as well to lay her down near her loved ones.
The sound of the booms and crunching of metal, shattering of class and breaking of plastic all hit around the same time and the unholy cacophony assaults the senses even as Herbert finally stops moving and pants. At his small size moving at those speeds is not recommended. It’s not about energy or friction, Axiom takes care of that. But whenever he’s fully phased in he’s so small that the resistance of the relatively still air pushes down on his chest and stomach like being trapped in a vice grip.
Needing to move fast is one thing, needing to do it while barely able to breathe is another. He needs more inflexible armour on his front. Or armour that can harden to stop things from pressing down on his chest or stomach.
“Alright, all of you get under... right, Slohbs can’t move without the muck. Sorry.” He begins to say as he picks up the clearly traumatized and horrified Slohb that’s producing lime green slime from the core he rescued. He gives her enough time to get a thin layer at least and picks her up. “Make one bump if you want somewhere dry, two if you want something wet.”
Two bumps rise up as he leads the living further away from where the aircars are zipping around. A nearby restaurant has people cowering in it and he requests a pitcher of water and then uses it to help hydrate the Slohb woman a bit before placing her down on a table when she has enough slime to make a tendril that reaches into the pitcher to let her drink at her own pace.
She drains it dry in five seconds and he gets her a refill before opening up a wrapped nutrition brick that she grabs from him and absorbs to start producing more and thicker slime that quickly starts to take the form of a small child.
“Well, that was the scariest thing that ever happened to me.” The Slohb states and Herbert shrugs.
“I suppose. Now if you’ll excuse me miss, I need to get moving.” Herbert says. “All of Centris has gone mad and there’s this kind of silliness all over the place.”
“I just tore your vital organs out of your body and you’re getting better after a drink and a snack. That’s freaking weird.” Herbert says in his, ‘Oh gosh the galaxy is so weird!’ routine to engage people and get them thinking again and past any sense of shock.
“Anyways, gotta go! You girls be safe now!” He says before rushing off and after another hotzone.
“You stupid cops just don’t know when to stop!” The woman screams as she hurls the car straight at them. Something impacts it from the side and it crunches into a space the size of a marble while venting raw energy out the top or bottom before detonating in a shower of thin, tiny effects.
“Love this thing.” A broad shouldered man riding a warform Takra-Takra says as he slots another round into his strange gun.
“But miss lady here won’t love what comes next for that stunt.” A tiny voice says from behind her and she turns to look and only gets a glimpse of an itty-bitty little figure of a boy that she somehow hadn’t sensed balancing on the ridge of her tail.
Then the Jorgua is knocked right the hell out and the local police busy themselves and arresting her despite the cells already being cartoonishly full.
“Today just isn’t going to end anytime soon is it?” Chenk asks and Herbert shakes his head before tossing him further ammunition for his Caster Gun.
“No, no it’s not. Best of luck I...” His communicator goes off again and he looks at it. “Hunh... That’s a self sorting problem.”
“What is?”
“Some idiot is in the middle of the former council building and is threatening to blow herself up if they go through their plans to demolish it. With explosives.” Herbert says.
“Legally she has to be stopped.”
“But it’s really tempting not to.” Herbert says before taking a breath. “Alright, I’m off.”
“I’d tell you to kick ass, but there’s just so many right now.” Chenk says in a dramatic tone.
“I KNOW right?” Herbert asks before teleporting away.
Everything was falling but nothing was landing. Something had happened to the stabilizers and there was sabotage in the plate. They were falling and not only would the vast majority of the residents die, but the sheer damage it would cause to the nearby spires would...
The world SHIFTS as SOMETHING grabs onto the Axiom and makes it OBEY. Gravity is back, everyone hits the ground and not even the most delicate of glass structures are so much as scuffed. SOMETHING is here, SOMETHING is not amused and whatever that SOMETHING is. It’s just saved billions of lives.
Reality twists and suddenly a gigantic Nagasha is there, a royal hood flaring out and a stern outfit covers her up. It’s nothing less than The Trytite Lady and under her immense will the entire Plate floats back into position. A few moments later a tiny human appears next to her.
“Backups restored ma’am, main engines are coming online and the damage is contained. Thank you for the assistance.” The adorable little man says and she nods. Then reality itself warps in front of her and she slithers through to return order to this chaotic world.
“Damn, they really are the big girls on campus.” Herbert notes to himself before looking to his audience. “And... yeah you just literally found god. God damn.”
Then he’s gone as well as she’s just left staring there.
The problem with breaks, is that if you’re in the flow it breaks just that. And when they’re mandated for mental health purposes you don’t get to just ignore them. Even though being forced to sit still while everything was still going completely berserk around you was exactly the kind of thing to drive people insane.
The system still needed work and was erring on the side of doing everything it could to stop The Undaunted from going mad. Which while a nice thing to do, was not the kind of thing needed in the middle of a planetary scale borderline rebellion.
So he’s trying to centre himself a little more and is sitting on top of The Dauntless and takes a few deep breaths before leaning to the side and then flipping off whoever sent that at him even as it deflects off the hull.
The next four seconds are very fast and while his forward charge is ill advised it’s just a distraction as it’s an illusion as he approaches from the side while the opposing force tries to get a bead on him.
“Hello stupid.” He says as he grabs their gun and drop kicks the woman in the face before turning around and breaking the weapon against them as he baseball swings it to slam her into the far wall.
“Fun.” He notes as she charges with a large trytite knife.
~First~ Last
submitted by KyleKKent to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 22:48 Flat-Sky7088 Is this a partial (conscious) seizure? I’ve never had one other than tonic clonics that I’ve known and no idea what it a like but I’m scared

I have had 2 tonic clonic seizures in January and none since but have had a really weird experience earlier, I can’t say if I’ve had partial seizures before cause no one has ever told me and don’t know what they feel like. But I had something really strange/scary happen to me earlier today and I still feel really out of it. I went to go lay down for a nap and I pulled my eyemask over my eyes, I had my eyes closed but I felt like I was seeing rapid flashing blue and red lights. With my eyes still closed it was like I was tripping on drugs or something because I felt like my mind was collapsing. It was like I couldn’t control my thoughts (my eyes still closed) and I could see visuals that looked to be abstract and were expanding, shrinking, compressing and then growing and were very distressing because i wasn’t thinking about anything in particular it just was happening as I laid there with my eyes closed. It felt like any thoughts I were trying to have were being blocked by these visuals and I was worried I was about to have some type of seizure or I was having a stroke and I couldn’t get my thoughts together. I don’t know how long it went on for, but eventually I took off the face mask and opened my eyes and rolled over, to then I just sort of laid and stared blankly at my wall, I was conscious but I don’t know why I didn’t get up. It felt like it was hard for me to breathe and my breathing was shallow and I kept swallowing a lot + drool. I don’t know if I did fall asleep at some point or what it was literally like a mini drug trip and when I did get up it’s because I all of a sudden felt like I was gonna piss myself and that’s when I went to my mom and told her I was scared, I checked my phone and saw it had been almost 45 minutes since I went to lie down and it didn’t feel like it had been that long especially because I didn’t think I fell asleep, I was just laying there.
Since then (it’s been about 3 hours since i went to lay down) I don’t feel right, my head feels cloudy and I feel disoriented and just out of it and I’m really unnerved and read online about partial seizures where you can remain conscious and again I am asking here because I am on medication for seizures (Oxcarbazepine 450mg twice a day) and as far as I know have only had 3 tonic clonic seizures and nothing since January. Is this in anyway related to my epilepsy (I did write it down in my log that my neuro wants me to keep) but I feel silly trying to describe what happened to me and scared as well.
submitted by Flat-Sky7088 to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 22:45 2Sense83 [WTS] Spring Cleaning parts clear out

Hey all, trying to clear up some space (wife says I have too much 💩 laying around). Most items are in like new condition and all prices include shipping. Buyer pays any G & S fees, unless you're buying 4 or more items, as that saves total shipping costs. All items will ship within 1-2 days.
PSA AK-V OEM 35rd Banana mags. Only used about 3-4 times before I sold my AK-V $25 each
PSA branded Midwest Industries 7" free float MLOK Handguard: $55
SB Tactical 12ga Remington Tac-14 pistol stabilizing kit. Was used (installed and sat in safe, save for one range trip) as a hold over till Form 1 was approved: $125
SB Tactical SBM4. New in box: $30
SB Tactical SBA3. Great shape, vert light salt: $45
VISM Shotgun Scabbard. Bought a few years ago for a shotgun I no longer have and never used it: $30
Mischief Machine Macro Grips. Grenade Pattern in black. Sold module and they wanted the OEM grips I had for it, installed for fitment check only: $55
Burris Fastfire 3 red dot. Includes mount and sunshade. Sunshade caught some CLP overspray and lightly stained the top, otherwise no issues: $100
Ghost Inc Glock drop in 3.5 standard trigger. Got in trade, never used: $15
1911 US-GI Aluminum Grips. Got in trade, brand new: $30
Dead Air P-Series Fixed spacer. New: $30
Wilson Combat Bullet Proof Sear Spring and 3pk extended base pads. New: $12
If you're wanting multiple things, am open to making deals. Dibs takes it and NO chats. PM only.
submitted by 2Sense83 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 22:45 ImplementEfficient28 Good buy?

Good buy?
Looking at getting a 1988 Four Winns horizion 210. It has a 5.7 OMC Cobra that has 1,712 hours on it. He has had it well kept and maintained every year. It’s going for $4,200. Does that seem like a good price?
submitted by ImplementEfficient28 to boating [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 22:42 ImJustSoTired1 I'm afraid of what will happen when I fall asleep

Hello readers of nosleep! My younger brother recommended that I come on here for some advice, but I am admittedly a skeptic. Hell, if I wasn't so desperate I wouldn't have even considered it, but I feel like I'm on the verge of losing my fucking mind.
For some basic context, my wife and I purchased/moved into our first home together a year ago. Everything was going great besides the occasional giant bug and the torrent of ridiculous mosquitos coming from the swamp just behind our modest backyard. The neighborhood wasn't the fanciest, but there was no HOA and the police station was only a block away. We, naively, believed that we would be free to live our peaceful couch potato existence in peace. As of about a month ago, I'm convinced that something is messing with me and my wife.
It started out subtle, as these things seem to tend to do according to the little I've read. To be frank: the house started to smell like shit. For three nights we woke up sometime after midnight to the most wretched gut wrenching stench you can imagine. At first we thought that Rosie, our 90lb 11 year old pup, had just had some horrendous gas, but it was simply impossible given the location and ferocity of it. After about an hour on the first night, it subsided in what seemed like mere seconds. That morning, I checked the toilets, sink, and attic for anything that could've possibly caused the smell. I thought that maybe something had died in the chimney or the walls somehow, or even that our shitty city's sewer line was backed up.
Then it came back the second night (at around the same time, my wife and I can't agree on what time we had been awoken. She SWEARS that it was at 1:12 am every night, but I clearly remember it being more like 2:30), and it definitely freaked us out. That night carried on just like the night before it, just with a little less initial confusion and a lot more anxious pacing. The third night really fucked with us, and even Rosie started freaking out when the smell came.
I called a handyman that my mom recommended as soon as possible and practically begged the guy to prioritize my house like some selfish asshole. Luckily, the guy was a family friend and could see that I was starting to lose it.
He looked everywhere and found nothing.
The smell hasn't been back since, but it has been replaced by something.
Horrible, fucking insane nightmares. The kinda stuff you would see in some twisted cartoon on YouTube. For me the nightmares mostly consisted of being tortured by these little goblin creatures in a cave. It was so trippy and honestly still has me freaked out. They started out random, the only oddity being that my wife and I seemed to get shitty sleep on the same random nights for a couple weeks. We just assumed it was because of the sketchy delta 9 vape we bought and the amount of melatonin we had become to rely on. It wasn't pleasant, and it was certainly weird as hell, but it wasn't every night and it only lasted a couple hours at most.
That is until a week ago, when after a few hours of what felt like sweet dreams, I woke up in the middle of my backyard. I was sprawled out in the wet, unkempt lawn beside our small gardening shed that came with the home. It was pitch black outside, and I immediately started freaking out. I looked down at my naked body, despite the fact that I had been wearing shorts to bed. How the fuck did I get outside? Am I about to get murdered? My gut instinct was to get inside to relative safety, and I quickly ran to my backdoor.
How the fuck did I get back here if the door is locked from the inside? Did I really piss my wife off? I knew for a fact it wasn't anyone's birthday or anniversary. Regardless, I didn't have a key so my only hope was to bang on the glass and hope it woke my wife up. I yelled to her, probably startling a few neighbors as I knocked on the screen door. My wife, confused and horrified and definitely pissed off that I had woken her up, came waddling to the door wrapped in a blanket and quickly ushered me inside. A confused bout of anxious yelling ensued until my wife had heard the whole story. I was truly shaken and had no idea what to do. My wife didn't notice anything. Our security system hadn't been disabled until my wife woke up to let me in. So how the hell did I sleepwalk into my backyard and decide to lay down? We had a few large windows that could be climbed through if you slid aside the screen, but that would've been detected by the security system. The only reasonable explanation was sleepwalking, but it just made no sense.
I did it again last night.
After 5 days of peaceful sleep, I was startled awake by a mosquito tickling my cheek, its disgusting proboscis (or whatever its called) looked so imposing when I first opened my eyes that I thought I was on an operating table staring down on a massive needle before my vision could adjust to the lack of light. My legs and arms felt numb, and I struggled to move my hand as it seemed like all of the strength had been sapped from my body. I watched through gritted teeth as the mosquito gorged itself, piercing the skin on my cheek and slowly filling itself with crimson nectar. It didn't hurt, but the sheer helplessness I felt in that moment was beyond surreal. it was like I was being tortured and I had no idea why.
After a what seemed like hours, I felt my strength return to my limbs and I was able to slowly pull myself to my feet, solemnly wrapping against my back door in defeat. I fought back tears as my wife rushed to my aid, embracing me as a sobbed against her shoulder. She stayed awake with me. I was too afraid to go back to sleep.
My wife and I have been taking turns having fearful breakdowns all day, and have no idea what to do. We can't afford much right now, so a trip to a psychologist is going to have to wait. We are going to set some security cameras up in the hopes that we can at least figure out how I am getting outside.
It's become hard for me to fall asleep. I'm terrified of what, or who, is bringing me outside. I'm just so tired, and I feel like can't think straight anymore. I know I'm a skeptic, but if there is anything I can do to keep everyone safe or get to the bottom of what's going on, I'm all ears.
submitted by ImJustSoTired1 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 22:40 Winter_Ambition_2604 (WTS)Eotech, Aimpoint,10.5 Upper, AR Parts,Risers, Mags, SF Switches,Slings,Triggers,etc

All include shipping continental US and PayPal G&S. Will not ship mags to any ban states.DIBS then PM. Thanks for looking.
Red Dots
Eotech EXPS3-0 Tan Like New-$575 Serial-
Aimpoint ACRO P2- BNIB $515 Serial-
10.5 Upper- $850 30 rounds through it, but rail is scuffed a bit, KAC 10” URX4, Criterion Barrel(with Headspaced bolt), FCD Thermal Fit Upper, Dead Air Flash Hider, Aero GB and Tube
Kastle Group Eotech Riser-Light scuffs on one of screws-never run on rifle and otherwise perfect.$120
Unity Eotech Riser FDE Perfect Condition-$75
AR Parts
JP SCS-Standard- No Retainer $100
Burn Proof Gear Rail Wrap-M81- $60
DD Mk12 Gas Block-Never Mounted-Missing 1 Screw-$65
Magpul MOE SL-K- New $40
Triggertech Safety with Ugly Screws-$35
Slings Magpul MS4-Dual QD Sling-$50
M81 Citizen Gear Co Padded Sling with swivels-$40
Tape Switches
Surefire SR07-$70 Surefire ST07-$40 Steiner DBAL Tape Switch $50
Misc Haley Strategic Micro Chest Rig-M81 Discontinued and Rarish- $300
2X- Timney Remington 7 Calvin Elite-$75 each
Unity Saras-$40
G&G IWB Staccato C2-$35
Glock 19x Barrel-$45
Glock 43x Shield Arms Mag-$25
Magpul Glock 3x 27 Round -$50 for all 3
Magpul Glock 2X 21 Round -$40 for 2
Magpul Glock 2X 12 Round-$40 for 2
ESS V12-$40
Add ons-Available with any of the above
Reptila Grip $10-New
BCM Grip $15- Light use
SF- Z68 $15
SF Scout Light Pro Pic Mounts(2x)-$20 each
Multicam Citizen Gear Co Padded Sling-$20
Safariland UBL Mid-$10
Amend 2- Mod 3 $10
submitted by Winter_Ambition_2604 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]