Adderall hcg levels

I’m going to put out aware ness as well I have a theory

2024.05.21 22:40 MathematicianTime475 I’m going to put out aware ness as well I have a theory

I am in the midst of a two week sleep state that I have to do to show doctor with Apple Watch data on what truly actually happened to me every time I fall asleep and continues with no change and will continue longest. I’ve done is month and a half right now. About a week and a half. Two hours two hours two hours two hours, four hours two hours. Basically that the entire time vividly dreaming. Multiple realities. Due to stress
I completely know what’s really does get foggy completely redoing my last post so that everyone understand what I’m saying
And will get more into when of sound mind back on meds not having to one eye concentrate and talk my text.
I am creating a not for profit For narcolepsy awareness my route through just getting tested alone after pleading for them was absolutely fucked because slim percentage and was assumed depression and titled multiple times
I do believe that not all cases but Since medication has came out for ADHD and very little restrictions on children literally just a max recommendation for all.
Me not knowing how to express myself as it’s eight year-old
Stating that when some of the side effects have went away increasing the dose on the correct dose considering side effects shouldn’t always be there once you get used to the medicine
If you cannot agree that Adderall has a possibility of fucking with your brain chemistry especially to develop
And they’re being a study that one on Adderall takes two years for dopamine levels to return to normal without in adults
Narcolepsy not having anything Different about our make up in our DNA or chemistry
As well as huge increase in cases since the medicine for ADHD has been out.
Therefore, I believe messing with my brain chemistry while developing causing my narcolepsy one with cataplexy I think was at one point narcolepsy two however, going untreated and stress on my brain due to lack of sleep turned into one with cataplexy many years ago that I blocked out of my mind due to me thinking it was something to do with me cutting weight, terribly as a wrestler
I don’t understand how people are OK with putting basically meth in their children and thinking it’s not going to fuck with their chemistry or their make up I truly think more stipulations and restrictions need be put in place. It is already titled as. Highly addictive. So already of been put in place by now due to possibility of creating multiple drug addicts.
Actually, don’t understand how dumb Union Carpenter is putting two and two together
I do not believe it’s a bad drug if implemented differently
Especially with the studies and Parkinson’s the drug could be amazing
However is implemented right now
Is simply causing a child to grow and need the rest of their life so a client forever with very little testing
Will it be hard for children with ADD and ADHD absolutely however, it being highly addictive said children need to learn to cope with disability so at the age of 18 can choose to take the meds for help rather than feel a need to
Prove me wrong facts even though a theory I have the information showing increase in diagnosis of narcolepsy as well as the case study I speak about dopamine
Instead of saying I’m an idiot or has nothing to do with how about we see how many people people took Adderall throughout their childhood that has diagnosis through he took Adderall throughout their childhood that has diagnosis through her alone? Here alone! No, I am not saying it causes all. Just that majority of the increase of cases. And a possibility of.
My not for profit will have no affiliations or talk on this manner will only be for awareness of narcolepsy
However, I do want to move forward in theory as well separately
For a plural term of us how do you guys like naracalites
And no way a term I am making it up to have goofy shirts and fun with our disability whether then 90% of hurt struggle and I believe 10% of maintaining because if you tell me, you’re completely 100% happy on the medication you were on for the rest of your life and power to you, but majority aren’t I don’t want anything. I wanna be normal. I hate feeling like I have to take something to function properly, even knowing the disability. Try to. At times. I have to. And will never try again. Due to car wrecks.
Let’s have a factual based argument on the manner and if this is readable, I have my text going back to sleep continuing realities only to have to prove myself once again. I want my route. Max of 90 mg of Adderall. Consisting of 30 mg XR. 2-15 mg Xr and 1 30 mg ir because I have tried other meds and had very bad reactions on so I don’t see how my dose I’ve been on since 5 the grade 30 mg of 2 to be spaced out all thru day and splitting the 30 IR in half taking 30 minutes prior to driving along myself basically too good drives in a day
No clue how I feel. This is not a valid route as well as I’ve got multiple sources. Showing such as well as multiple cases actually taking way more due to. A lot of narcolepsy patients. Being. Tolerance to speed. I found cases that cocaine has no effects on some narcolepsy patients no one route or no one body is the same need to stop treating it. Patient as if everybody is maybe take a little bit more time and finding the route.
submitted by MathematicianTime475 to Narcolepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:38 DrawingAlarming4212 Anaztrozole Stopped Working?

I’ve been on the same protocol for over a year. 160mg Test-C a week along with HCG, and .25mg Anaz twice a week. My E2 could not get a reading before I started. It just stated that it was lower than 11. E2 3 months ago was 20. My nipples have been extra sore and puffy lately so I just got bloods done again and my E2 was only 24. All other levels were fine. Total T 834.
Not too sure what’s going on. Anybody have this experience?
submitted by DrawingAlarming4212 to trt [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:29 slightlystoopidSkye Need to vent (tw: possible mmc)

I’m 9 weeks 1 day today and last Friday my HCG levels didn’t raise even close to the extent they should have (was 52k something the week before and they only went up to 61000). Ive had spotting throughout this pregnancy and lost my most prominent symptom (sore boobs) on Saturday.
I had an ultrasound this morning and where I live (Ontario Canada) the tech doesn’t show you the screen and can’t go over any of the details with you. I have to wait until tomorrow to go over the results with my doctor which I know isn’t a long time but the wait feels excruciating. Im so terrified to be told what I’ve been dreading but at the same time want to get it over with if that’s the case. How are other people coping with the wait to go over their (possibly not positive) results?
submitted by slightlystoopidSkye to CautiousBB [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:16 Critical_Tumbleweed3 Adhd meds and Rexulti

I’ve noticed that Adderall only works to a certain extent since I’ve been in Rexulti 2mg for 2 yrs. I’ve taken Adderall prior and it always worked and was much stronger than now. Even if I take extra dose of Adderall it’s like it plateaux’s at a certain level. Anyone else this is happening to?
submitted by Critical_Tumbleweed3 to Rexulti_Brexpiprazole [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:07 leoyosemite Is it a miscarriage?

I and my wife went to the doc after 6 days of the period being late. She checked her and did an ultrasound, but couldn't see anything. So she gave us an hCG test. We did it and took the result back to the doc, she said my wife is pregnant because the level was 51. 47 mUI/ml. She gave her some meds, and asked us to repeat the test after 48h to check.
We did the test again, and this time the level dropped to 41.87. Also, my wife is bleeding.
Is this a miscarriage? Is it something, I dunno, that can happen?
submitted by leoyosemite to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:41 Terj_Sankian Episode 180 - take a chill pill!

Hey all,
Just wanted to see if anyone got extra nervous listening to Episode #180 - Heresy and God Kings. Paula White-Cain (who Dan mentions talks non-stop, as if on adderall) truly does not stop or slow down. I almost can't listen to this. I know Dan felt nervous putting this into words (because of the mysgonistic implications), and that's what I'm thinking through right now, but holy fuck this lady needs a valium or a drink or something.
And you know what, it is the content of it too -- her talking about Trump praying for 6 hours is such hollow bullshit, and when she throws that at you at 200 wpm it's painful on a psychic level
submitted by Terj_Sankian to KnowledgeFight [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:05 Maximum-Ad705 Positive test after miscarriage

I had a complete miscarriage a few weeks back with my first pregnancy at approx 5w4d. Had an ultrasound to confirm no evidence of pregnancy. We were assured by our doctor we could continue trying again. Fast forward 3 weeks I have very painful breasts and cramping. I did two tests today and they’re both positive ! But I feel it’s too soon after miscarriage to be real? I only started bleeding exactly 3 weeks ago now. Feels too soon to be true, could hcg levels still be floating around even if they were steady falling at the time ?
submitted by Maximum-Ad705 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:39 serenessence Feeling lost and constantly looking for answers why this happened.

SHORT : I am 4 weeks post emergency surgery to remove my left fallopian tube with an unruptured pregnancy. I have ulcerative colitis but I am well in remission. Before the surgery I was told they will look at all my organs to find what risk factors I might have that caused the ectopic. But after the surgery the surgeon visited and said all my organs are very healthy and so was the tube they removed. In the surgeons own words, what happened to me was "pure bad luck" and this has left me so sad and for the lack of a better word "unsatisfied" with that conclusion. My mind is not at peace and I spend hours on google/reddit to figure out what could have caused it. It was a planned pregnancy so I have been taking a very good care of my diet and routine and taking the supplements needed. So.. what went wrong? :( Everyone takes their own time to heal but I dont want my family to feel I am dwelling in the trauma.. but I really cant get past this... please help <3
LONG: At 5 weeks pregnant I experienced a very sharp pain on m y left side and spotting. I went to doctor to get my Hcg levels checked. It was 310 , and after two days it was 479. I was only having brown dischage and no fresh bleeding so we did another Hcg and it was 645. My doctor said it seems something is not good since Hcg is not doubling and sent me to the ER to check for an ectopic pregnancy. The ER diagnosed me with Pregnancy of Unknown location as there was nothing in my uterus but they saw a mass on the left side which was too small to conclude for it to be an ectopic. At the hospital my Hcg came out to be 1294 which was double of the last test (Within 2 days) and kind of surprising and a way of hope..? But the hospital said to come back in 4 days for another ultrasound, When we came back the hcg was only 1807 and again nothing in the uterus so they said again to come back after one week as its too early. At 6 weeks 3 days for the next ultrasound, Hcg was 7000 and they found the fetal pole in the left fallopian tube with a heartbeat. I heard the heartbeat on the ultrasound.. and was told to get admitted right away and they performed the surgery after 12 hours of being admitted in the hospital. We have been trying since last year but took a break after my last pregnancy was chemical. We were excited to be pregnant again but this whole episode and how it lasted so long and going through the surgery and being told your tube needs to be removed.. it was all so traumatic.. How does one even cope when its just your luck.. and now you are 10% more likely to have another ectopic! Our summer has so many events, weddings, 1st birthdays, family gatherings..and you have sit there, hide your pain... smile and hold other babies.. My husband has been so so supportive and stayed close to me when i was writhing in pain after the post surgery period cramps (which honestly I felt like I would die in pain, excruciating!) I am finding it hard and very difficult to get over.
submitted by serenessence to EctopicSupportGroup [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:18 lydiaroselalor choriocarcinoma

i was diagnosed with stage 3 choriocarcinoma (mets to lungs) after giving birth to a healthy baby. i went through 5 cycles of chemo EMA-CO, hcg levels are now negative.
after getting another ct scan, i still have multiple lung nodules. my oncology team says that they don’t matter. the only way to monitor my cancer is by the hcg levels.
does anybody know- if i am to get pregnant again, will the lung nodules grow with the presence of hcg in my body again?
what is the likelihood that choriocarcinoma will happen again to me?
submitted by lydiaroselalor to cancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:03 Defiant-Pin8580 Feeling hopeful but trying not to get my heart crushed

Feeling hopeful but trying not to get my heart crushed
I’ve only been keeping track for two months so I don’t have a ton of data to look back on but last month my temp dipped by today and this month it hasn’t 🤞🏻tested 10dpo and saw what appeared to be an indent or evap and then 11dpo didn’t notice anything. Not going to test again until and if af is late.
submitted by Defiant-Pin8580 to TFABChartStalkers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:21 I_LIKE_FLAT_ASS Trt, hcg, and anavar help

Hello. I am on trt of 200/mg a week, injected twice a week. I am also on hcg 500/iu a week injected twice a week. I wanted to start cycle of anavar for 8 weeks at 50 mg a day. I have lab work for my trt clinic in 6 weeks. Will the added anavar affect my next lab work? I am concerned about the t level being affected. I don't want the doctor to decrease my trt dose. I know the lipids will be affected. I plan to use liver support and taking fish oil, that was recommended by my trt Dr.
Thanks for any input/advice
submitted by I_LIKE_FLAT_ASS to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:17 seasianty Boooo!

Can anyone offer me any encouragement for this cycle or should I nip out for a box of tampons this weekend?
submitted by seasianty to TFABChartStalkers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:52 BlueMaroonLaflare Ectopic Pregnancy

I’m currently 6 weeks and I’ve been doing blood tests since finding last week when I was 5 1/2 weeks. Totally unexpected but happy that I’m pregnant. I have a medical history that causes me to be monitored more closely. My first HCG and progesterone tests were normal. I just got results back that my progesterone levels have dropped at least half from the last test and I more than likely have an ectopic pregnancy. I’m devastated. This is my first pregnancy and I feel like I failed. I know it’s not my fault but I was excited to have the little bean. We called them Baby Bean or BB for short. I’m a mess right now. I have an appointment this Thursday, one day before 7 weeks, and I know I won’t be able to keep the little bean. I already miss them. I already love them. I’m sorry Baby Bean.
submitted by BlueMaroonLaflare to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:50 KrystleOfQuartz Spiraling.

I understand progesterone levels can fluctuate but has anyone experienced jumps like this?
11DPO-HCg 99 /Progesterone 27.7 / estradiol 88.8
13DPO-HCg 203 /progesterone 33.9 / estradiol 119
15DPO-HCG 488 /progesterone 45.5 / estradiol 2185
18DPO-HCG 2140 /progesterone 22.2 / estradiol 1073
I am literally going into panic mode after having three consecutive losses. 🥺
I’m also on suppositories x 2 a day and oral x2!
submitted by KrystleOfQuartz to CautiousBB [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:24 AspectWorking100 HCG

Hello all,
I had orchi on March 2nd. Markers stabilized in mid April but HCG went up slightly. Went back for a follow up today and AFP is 5, HCG is 7, LDH is 202.
Anyone have similar levels after normalizing? HCG is obviously the concern here.
submitted by AspectWorking100 to testicularcancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:14 STANKMAMMA BBT rising but low LH. Have I missed my chance?

BBT rising but low LH. Have I missed my chance?
Hey everyone!
I’m sure y’all can relate with the face that I am slightly losing my mind over here!
I’ve only started tracking my BBT this cycle (this is our 4th cycle) and like a dumb dumb I thought that when it starts to rise is when you are about to ovulate, not after you ovulate. melting face emoji
I have not gotten a positive LH yet, in fact it looks like it’s plummeting, but my BBT is slowly rising.
We missed a bunch of days to BD because I thought I was going to ovulate earlier, then the app adjusted when my ovulation day would be (moved it from Sunday the 19 to Wednesday the 22) and we didn’t want to overuse my husband’s contribution to this whole thing. lol
Am I out this month or do I still have a chance? Is it possible I ovulated before I started tracking my LH? I’m a mess.
submitted by STANKMAMMA to TFABChartStalkers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:06 Potential_Help_5296 My zoloft experience vs my prozac experience

I started taking zoloft at the age of of 16 from constant over stimulation that had started once i hit puberty at 11 years old. The first few months on zoloft i felt happier than i had ever felt before to a pretty extreme extent. I didnt know this was an odd reaction to ssri’s especially since up to the age of 16 i had never done any drugs. I hadn’t ever even had caffeine before besides the low amount in soda which I rarely ever had. The reason im saying this is because there were nothing in my life i had experienced that was mind altering. This is why i didnt know at the time that i was really, really high on zoloft. Apparently it was obvious to my family who have said it was very obvious something was wrong once I started. I became the most extreme extrovert anyone could ever become. This all lead to me going from a normal 3.0 gpa to graduating with a 1.8 gpa. I became a drug addict in the worst way possible. I had become so impulsive. I went from being a kid who never lies or does anything bad to the guy who lies for no reason. I became a poly addict within months of starting zoloft. I became completely disconnected from not only friends but to my parents as well. This continued for 2 years until i finally stopped taking it at 18. Once i stopped taking zoloft i did a complete 180, well sort of. The addictions i picked up on zoloft for the most part stopped, except for one drug which i still struggle with. That being adderall and vyvanse. Thank the lord i never met anyone with meth during this time. There were other drugs i was addicted too as well while on zoloft like oxycodone, hydrocodone, weed, nicotine, xanax, Klonopin, alcohol and even more. I was addicted to all of these. I couldnt stop thinking about getting high. Its all i thought about. Always thinking of ways to get drugs. My parents had to buy a safe specifically for there prescriptions to keep me from stealing them. Even my own zoloft was in there safe because i would take 4 a day when i was prescribed to take one 50mg. I even abused tylenal(acetaminophen). My parents also couldn’t keep alcohol anywhere in the house since everynight after they went to bed i would search the whole house for it.
 Like i said though once I turned 18 i stopped taking zoloft and just like that all of my hyper focused drug cravings went away, all of them except for amphetamines which i still struggle with today. Also this isnt really related but when i was 19 i tried molly(mdma) with a friend which i had only had gotten because i started abusing amphetamines again which for some reason amphetamines also make me impulsive, but not to the same level as Zoloft though. Anyways when i took the molly, guess what it felt like?! It was literally the exact same head space and just over all feeling i had during the first 6 moths on Zoloft. It felt exactly the same, just it only lasted for a few hourse and made me very umm aroused, and a bit hyped. 
Im about to turn 21 in 7 days so it really hasnt been to long since my manic days.
Second time on ssri’s
Right around when i had turned 20 i began getting my first ever panic attacks. Most of them were the normal panic attacks, well normal probably isn’t the right word. I mean most of the attacks i had i could deal with on my own since they all happened at night when i was alone. One night though that changed. This particular night i felt that dreadful anxiety which i had been feeling for the past couple weeks already but it had never gotten to the point where it was too overwhelming for me deal with on my own. I was just laying in bed going to sleep, then it just happened in less than a second i knew i was gonna die. I knew this was it. I couldn’t breathe or i guess i could breathe but for some reason every time i would inhale it was just like i wasn’t idk. That immediate overwhelming feeling of death is the worst pain i hade ever felt. Worse than any physical pain id ever had, well i guess its the worst thing i’ve ever felt period at least at this point in my life. Because of this i went to the doctor. I refused to take ssri’s for it while also really trying to stay away from benzodiazepines for obvious reasons. So i perscribed Buspiron which is kinda in its on catargory. It’s non addictive and its not an antidepressant. So I took it for just about a month. Made me lowkey feel like shit. Constant headaches along with being really hot which is kinda problem since i work physical labor pretty much only outside all while it’s july. So unfortunately the only other option was ssri’s since im still on my parents health insurance my mom would never in a million years allow me take benzodiazepine which is obviously understandable. So i get a script for prozac cause it’s not Zoloft so maybe it’ll be a little different. Boy oh boy was it different. So basically the prozac ended up doing exactly the opposite of what the Zoloft did. I became more depressed than i had ever been by a landslide. Legit would fantasize killing myself. The first two weeks on prozac i would do nothing. Like straight up nothing but think about how amazing it would be to get relief by meeting up with my favorite tree. Eventually it went away for the most part. Then i stopped taking it 3 moths ago, so i was on it for 9 months total. I just felt normal on it for the most part. The only other thing it did that was bothersome was make me a little short tempered.
Ive just been curious if anyone else has experienced something similar to me.
submitted by Potential_Help_5296 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:04 Potential_Help_5296 My zoloft experience vs my prozac experience

I started taking zoloft at the age of of 16 from constant over stimulation that had started once i hit puberty at 11 years old. The first few months on zoloft i felt happier than i had ever felt before to a pretty extreme extent. I didnt know this was an odd reaction to ssri’s especially since up to the age of 16 i had never done any drugs. I hadn’t ever even had caffeine before besides the low amount in soda which I rarely ever had. The reason im saying this is because there were nothing in my life i had experienced that was mind altering. This is why i didnt know at the time that i was really, really high on zoloft. Apparently it was obvious to my family who have said it was very obvious something was wrong once I started. I became the most extreme extrovert anyone could ever become. This all lead to me going from a normal 3.0 gpa to graduating with a 1.8 gpa. I became a drug addict in the worst way possible. I had become so impulsive. I went from being a kid who never lies or does anything bad to the guy who lies for no reason. I became a poly addict within months of starting zoloft. I became completely disconnected from not only friends but to my parents as well. This continued for 2 years until i finally stopped taking it at 18. Once i stopped taking zoloft i did a complete 180, well sort of. The addictions i picked up on zoloft for the most part stopped, except for one drug which i still struggle with. That being adderall and vyvanse. Thank the lord i never met anyone with meth during this time. There were other drugs i was addicted too as well while on zoloft like oxycodone, hydrocodone, weed, nicotine, xanax, Klonopin, alcohol and even more. I was addicted to all of these. I couldnt stop thinking about getting high. Its all i thought about. Always thinking of ways to get drugs. My parents had to buy a safe specifically for there prescriptions to keep me from stealing them. Even my own zoloft was in there safe because i would take 4 a day when i was prescribed to take one 50mg. I even abused tylenal(acetaminophen). My parents also couldn’t keep alcohol anywhere in the house since everynight after they went to bed i would search the whole house for it.
 Like i said though once I turned 18 i stopped taking zoloft and just like that all of my hyper focused drug cravings went away, all of them except for amphetamines which i still struggle with today. Also this isnt really related but when i was 19 i tried molly(mdma) with a friend which i had only had gotten because i started abusing amphetamines again which for some reason amphetamines also make me impulsive, but not to the same level as Zoloft though. Anyways when i took the molly, guess what it felt like?! It was literally the exact same head space and just over all feeling i had during the first 6 moths on Zoloft. It felt exactly the same, just it only lasted for a few hourse and made me very umm aroused, and a bit hyped. 
Im about to turn 21 in 7 days so it really hasnt been to long since my manic days.
Second time on ssri’s
Right around when i had turned 20 i began getting my first ever panic attacks. Most of them were the normal panic attacks, well normal probably isn’t the right word. I mean most of the attacks i had i could deal with on my own since they all happened at night when i was alone. One night though that changed. This particular night i felt that dreadful anxiety which i had been feeling for the past couple weeks already but it had never gotten to the point where it was too overwhelming for me deal with on my own. I was just laying in bed going to sleep, then it just happened in less than a second i knew i was gonna die. I knew this was it. I couldn’t breathe or i guess i could breathe but for some reason every time i would inhale it was just like i wasn’t idk. That immediate overwhelming feeling of death is the worst pain i hade ever felt. Worse than any physical pain id ever had, well i guess its the worst thing i’ve ever felt period at least at this point in my life. Because of this i went to the doctor. I refused to take ssri’s for it while also really trying to stay away from benzodiazepines for obvious reasons. So i perscribed Buspiron which is kinda in its on catargory. It’s non addictive and its not an antidepressant. So I took it for just about a month. Made me lowkey feel like shit. Constant headaches along with being really hot which is kinda problem since i work physical labor pretty much only outside all while it’s july. So unfortunately the only other option was ssri’s since im still on my parents health insurance my mom would never in a million years allow me take benzodiazepine which is obviously understandable. So i get a script for prozac cause it’s not Zoloft so maybe it’ll be a little different. Boy oh boy was it different. So basically the prozac ended up doing exactly the opposite of what the Zoloft did. I became more depressed than i had ever been by a landslide. Legit would fantasize killing myself. The first two weeks on prozac i would do nothing. Like straight up nothing but think about how amazing it would be to get relief by meeting up with my favorite tree. Eventually it went away for the most part. Then i stopped taking it 3 moths ago, so i was on it for 9 months total. I just felt normal on it for the most part. The only other thing it did that was bothersome was make me a little short tempered.
Ive just been curious if anyone else has experienced something similar to me.
submitted by Potential_Help_5296 to antidepressants [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:01 Potential_Help_5296 My zoloft experience vs my prozac experience

I started taking zoloft at the age of of 16 from constant over stimulation that had started once i hit puberty at 11 years old. The first few months on zoloft i felt happier than i had ever felt before to a pretty extreme extent. I didnt know this was an odd reaction to ssri’s especially since up to the age of 16 i had never done any drugs. I hadn’t ever even had caffeine before besides the low amount in soda which I rarely ever had. The reason im saying this is because there were nothing in my life i had experienced that was mind altering. This is why i didnt know at the time that i was really, really high on zoloft. Apparently it was obvious to my family who have said it was very obvious something was wrong once I started. I became the most extreme extrovert anyone could ever become. This all lead to me going from a normal 3.0 gpa to graduating with a 1.8 gpa. I became a drug addict in the worst way possible. I had become so impulsive. I went from being a kid who never lies or does anything bad to the guy who lies for no reason. I became a poly addict within months of starting zoloft. I became completely disconnected from not only friends but to my parents as well. This continued for 2 years until i finally stopped taking it at 18. Once i stopped taking zoloft i did a complete 180, well sort of. The addictions i picked up on zoloft for the most part stopped, except for one drug which i still struggle with. That being adderall and vyvanse. Thank the lord i never met anyone with meth during this time. There were other drugs i was addicted too as well while on zoloft like oxycodone, hydrocodone, weed, nicotine, xanax, Klonopin, alcohol and even more. I was addicted to all of these. I couldnt stop thinking about getting high. Its all i thought about. Always thinking of ways to get drugs. My parents had to buy a safe specifically for there prescriptions to keep me from stealing them. Even my own zoloft was in there safe because i would take 4 a day when i was prescribed to take one 50mg. I even abused tylenal(acetaminophen). My parents also couldn’t keep alcohol anywhere in the house since everynight after they went to bed i would search the whole house for it.
 Like i said though once I turned 18 i stopped taking zoloft and just like that all of my hyper focused drug cravings went away, all of them except for amphetamines which i still struggle with today. Also this isnt really related but when i was 19 i tried molly(mdma) with a friend which i had only had gotten because i started abusing amphetamines again which for some reason amphetamines also make me impulsive, but not to the same level as Zoloft though. Anyways when i took the molly, guess what it felt like?! It was literally the exact same head space and just over all feeling i had during the first 6 moths on Zoloft. It felt exactly the same, just it only lasted for a few hourse and made me very umm aroused, and a bit hyped. 
Im about to turn 21 in 7 days so it really hasnt been to long since my manic days.
Second time on ssri’s
Right around when i had turned 20 i began getting my first ever panic attacks. Most of them were the normal panic attacks, well normal probably isn’t the right word. I mean most of the attacks i had i could deal with on my own since they all happened at night when i was alone. One night though that changed. This particular night i felt that dreadful anxiety which i had been feeling for the past couple weeks already but it had never gotten to the point where it was too overwhelming for me deal with on my own. I was just laying in bed going to sleep, then it just happened in less than a second i knew i was gonna die. I knew this was it. I couldn’t breathe or i guess i could breathe but for some reason every time i would inhale it was just like i wasn’t idk. That immediate overwhelming feeling of death is the worst pain i hade ever felt. Worse than any physical pain id ever had, well i guess its the worst thing i’ve ever felt period at least at this point in my life. Because of this i went to the doctor. I refused to take ssri’s for it while also really trying to stay away from benzodiazepines for obvious reasons. So i perscribed Buspiron which is kinda in its on catargory. It’s non addictive and its not an antidepressant. So I took it for just about a month. Made me lowkey feel like shit. Constant headaches along with being really hot which is kinda problem since i work physical labor pretty much only outside all while it’s july. So unfortunately the only other option was ssri’s since im still on my parents health insurance my mom would never in a million years allow me take benzodiazepine which is obviously understandable. So i get a script for prozac cause it’s not Zoloft so maybe it’ll be a little different. Boy oh boy was it different. So basically the prozac ended up doing exactly the opposite of what the Zoloft did. I became more depressed than i had ever been by a landslide. Legit would fantasize killing myself. The first two weeks on prozac i would do nothing. Like straight up nothing but think about how amazing it would be to get relief by meeting up with my favorite tree. Eventually it went away for the most part. Then i stopped taking it 3 moths ago, so i was on it for 9 months total. I just felt normal on it for the most part. The only other thing it did that was bothersome was make me a little short tempered.
Ive just been curious if anyone else has experienced something similar to me.
submitted by Potential_Help_5296 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:52 ooo7619 HCG monotherapy to raise testosterone

I started taking hcg as a monotherapy around a year or so ago for low testosterone. The clinic suggested this as a way to defer going on testosterone for a bit. I've had reasonably good success with raising my testosterone but have had a lot of issues with anxiety on it. The clinic suggested that it is related to estrogen, and I am taking and AI, but estrogen levels are never high on by blood tests. I was fairly stable on my current dose for a few months but with recent work stress, the anxiety seems to have worsened (not sure if these are related). I'm wondering if hcg does something else in the body related to other hormones that may be causing anxiety.
submitted by ooo7619 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:33 HistoricalMaybe00 should I be worried?

First time ever being pregnant and I’m freaking out a bit. I did bloodwork and the hcg levels are at 11,300, and this is at approximately 5 weeks, 2 days (haven’t had my first appt yet but it is scheduled for when I should be 7 and a half weeks).
Should I be concerned with those hcg levels? From googling it seems like that is high. I’m kinda freaking out
ETA: This was an unexpected pregnancy after more than 2 yrs trying to conceive and doing IVF due to MFI. We were waiting to transfer an embryo and conceived during the waiting period. We were not expecting to have an unassisted pregnancy, so that’s where my anxiety is stemming from
submitted by HistoricalMaybe00 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:30 TankFarts Advantages of S.C. vs I.M. for HCG

I've just started HCG and I was just curious if anyone has found research pointing to whether or not it's more effective to dose S.C. or I.M. when it comes to HCG. I'm seeing one study say that S.C. can result in higher serum and follicular fluid levels than I.M. Buuuuut then I read that I.M. injections are more bioavailable. Anyone have any more information?
submitted by TankFarts to Testosterone [link] [comments]