Trumpet mario


2009.01.28 19:46 Trumpet

Reddit's community about trumpet, and all related instruments: Cornet, Flugelhorn, Bugle, Etc.

2014.01.15 00:10 rockincellist Nintendo Music: Timeless Games, Amazing Music

The place to share, (re)discover, and discuss the magic that is Nintendo music!

2012.09.29 18:32 Kfeild DAE Snarky Puppy?


2024.05.30 14:41 ramblinroseEU72 What the heck is up with these trumpets

I'm trying to get into the '80s Dead. I really want to enjoy the dead in the '80s as I enjoy the early '90s dead but I just can't handle these trumpets And horns. Who was like, "Oh yeah, you know what we should do. We should take one of the best. Freestyle guitarists in this era and make his guitar sound like a French horn."
What the hell is the logic here? It's god-awful in my opinion and ruins any flowing jam with two-bit shenanigans. That sounds like it should be in a Mario kart game.
Edit- I didn't mean any negativity by the descriptions of how the MIDI made me feel I was just expressing my thoughts in the moment and trying to be comical. Nor way I saying someone couldn't love and enjoy the use of them. To each their own they beauty of the dead is how much variety there is to choose from. What you might like I might not and what I might like. You might not, but we can all agree that we love the music in one way or another
But that's just my opinion.
submitted by ramblinroseEU72 to gratefuldead [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 02:58 sudowoodo_enjoyer Matio madness gtid elimination game day 46 but it's the FINAL FIFTEEN

Matio madness gtid elimination game day 46 but it's the FINAL FIFTEEN
I didn't kill MAltig because the limit was five
Here are rules: Top comment is picked. You can eliminate up to three people. Revive a character as long as their still on the grid. Add a gimmick to the board that eliminates,removes or dose, anything else to characters and lasts multiple days . Only gimmicks can remove characters from the board. Add a Mario related character. Change or move a character or add something to them.
submitted by sudowoodo_enjoyer to FridayNightFunkin [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 06:11 St_Fargo_of_Mestia Names for Band Instruments:

This is not an official list by any means, but I’m generally the one who hands out instrument names for instruments at school; and these are the apparent favorite names:
Henri, Xaver, August
Lulu, Fufu, Erika
Clarence, James, Brian
Charlie, Georgia, Elizabeth
Bass Clarinet:
Jamison, Sampson, Julio
Gretel, Isabel, Bella
Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Baritone:
Harold, Bertram, Sims, Ellington
Sofia, Wanda, Andromeda, Lucio
Benson, Samson, Hans, Hannover
Luigi, Wario, Mario, & Waluigi
Waldo, Vladimir, Nikolai, Boris
Heinrich, Angelo, Octavian
Angelica, Francesca, Cleo
Alexander, Benson, Carlton
Olivia, Andaluciá, Johanna
George, Branden, Caesar
Charlotte, Emma, Veronica
Horn in F:
Brandenburg, Marseilles, Florence, Moscow, London, Madrid, Kyoto, Seoul
Famous People: Eiffel, Mahler, Wagner, Toscanini, Verdi, Puccini, Beethoven
Santiago, Jesus, Austin, Frank
Sandra, Jayme, Zara
Boris, Vladimir, Josef, Erich, Dieter, Hannover, Fredriech, Franz
Bertha, Greta, Wanda
Double Bass:
Harvey, George, Charles
Bella, name of the local children’s orchestra organization, Alexis
Harry, Bart, Greta, George, and Tim (in that specific order going from lowest to highest)
Bell types:
Apollo, Plato, Andromeda, Galileo
Mallet Keyboards:
Socrates, Baldwin, Charlemagne
Bass & Snare
Hercules & Romulus
Gerald & Franco
Set & Babi
Jim Bob
submitted by St_Fargo_of_Mestia to Bandmemes [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 20:33 Cautious-String7076 [TOMT][TV SHOW][LATE 1980s]Syndicated show about boy in apartment basement w puppet

An American TV show that I believe would be aired around the same time (and possibly channel) as Super Mario Bros. Super Show, probably just one season. Boy hung out in apartment building basement with, I believe, a puppet.
Two key episodes that should help disambiguate it:
submitted by Cautious-String7076 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 20:02 JeffreyRBarker [Complete][45K][MM Contemporary Romance]Love by the Lake

I'm looking for feedback on the unedited novella prequel to my published novel, Love on the D-List, which reviewers describe as, "Emotional and laugh-out-loud funny." I haven't written the official blurb yet, but here's a mockup of one:
Sixteen-year-old Theo Young plans to spend his summer in the city playing guitar and convincing his secret crush—another boy—to kiss him. But Theo’s father, who is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s, drags Theo to a redneck campground in Vermont to hangout with an old buddy and his teenage son, Brady. Though Theo and Brady were inseparable for the first four years of their lives, like twins, after Theo’s family moved away, Brady became the gold standard Theo couldn’t measure up to, the perfect son who was not only athletic and popular with girls, but smart, too. Will these two boys find the close bond they shared as young children or will they continue to resent each other?
Here is an excerpt of the first three chapters:
Chapter 1
I cuffed the bottom of my jeans and slid on Uncle James’s old Adidas jacket. It was spectacularly hideous, a prototype that had never made it to production. The body was made of light brown corduroy, and the sleeves were cobalt blue with red stripes down the sides.
I didn’t wear it very often, not wanting to overexpose its garish brilliance. But tonight was a special occasion. Tonight, I was going to Austin Cavanaugh’s party. He’d invited me himself.
There were only a handful of openly gay kids in my school, and none as hot as Austin, who was not only hot, but also class president and captain of the soccer team. We weren’t friends, exactly. But we weren’t strangers, either. We just ran in different circles.
Austin was a jock and a nerd, and all his friends were rich and connected, like Raj Reddy, who spent his summers at his grandparents’ villa in the south of France. I, meanwhile, slummed it with the other lowlifes whose parents couldn’t afford to buy them BMW’s and designer handbags. The only reason I got to attend Worldview Academy was because my uncle dog-sat for a woman on the board of directors.
But things were looking up for me. Austin had recently broken up with Chad Hollister, the second hottest guy in school, and I’d recently gotten my braces off. My star was on the rise, and tonight was going to be epic. I’m talking, like, first kiss and first boyfriend epic.
“Theo, come here,” Dad called from the living room, his voice uncharacteristically animated. “I’ve got something to tell you.”
I rinsed out my mouth and pulled my gaze from the mirror. I’d been too skinny before my recent growth spurt, and now I just looked like a well-dressed hat stand. But my new smile was on point, my new glasses were trendy as fuck, and I was in a band, so all was not lost.
“What?” I said, entering the living room. “I already told you there’s not gonna be any alcohol at the party.”
There was definitely going to be alcohol at the party. Stephanie Wallace’s older brother was bringing two kegs, not that I was planning to drink. I didn’t need alcohol to lower my inhibitions.
Dad smiled and ruffled my hair. “Guess where we’re gonna spend the summer.”
“Uh, right here.” Dad knew my band, Puddle of Heart, had two gigs lined up, not to mention practice every day. He also knew not to touch my hair.
“Guess again. Dave’s mom broke her hip, and she’s lettin’ us use her camper for the whole month of July. It’s already paid for and everythin’.”
“You’re gonna love this campground. It’s right on Lake Burnham, and there’s a swimmin’ pool and a miniature golf course. Plus, Dave just bought a motor boat, so we won’t have to fight over who gets to be captain. We can both just sit back and relax. And Brady will be there, so you’ll already have a friend.”
Brady was not my friend. Brady was the opposite of my friend. He was my enemy. Well, maybe not my enemy. He was more like the gold standard I could never measure up to.
Our dads were best friends. And since Brady and I were only two weeks apart in age, we’d spent our whole lives being compared to each other. Apparently, before we’d moved to the city, Brady and I had been inseparable, almost like twins. We’d even napped together in the same crib. But that had been twelve years ago. We were sixteen now and polar opposites.
Brady was athletic, smart, and classically handsome. I was uncoordinated, easily distracted, and goofy-looking. In third grade, while I’d been in remedial reading, Brady had been cruising through chapter books. In middle school, while Brady had been dating girls and going to dances, I’d been playing video games in my best friend’s basement. Now, in high school, I got to hear all about Brady’s game-winning goals and stare at his well-defined muscles in the newspaper clippings Dad stuck to the fridge.
“We can’t go camping,” I said. “I already have plans for the summer.”
“Well, change ‘em.”
“I can’t change them. I’m the guitar player. Without me, there’s no band.”
“It’s only for the month of July. You’ll still have all of August to screw around in Baxter’s basement.”
“We don’t screw around.” Dad never took Puddle of Heart seriously.
“Come on, I thought you’d be excited. Don’t you wanna get to know your roots? We can even take a trip to see the old house.”
“I can’t go, Dad. I can’t do that to my bandmates. I made a commitment.”
Dad’s smile vanished, and my stomach twisted. Dad rarely smiled these days.
“But you should still go,” I said, hating the sullen look on his face. “I’ll just stay here with Uncle James.”
“You can’t. Jimmy’s goin’, too. Come on, it’s gonna be fun. We gotta make these memories while we still can. And you were born in Vermont. It’s in your blood.”
Dad’s words brought the sting of tears to my eyes, but I was too mad to cry. How could he do this to me? How could he ruin my summer and then use his illness to guilt-trip me into not being upset about it?
“I know it’s not what you had planned. But sometimes, the best things in life come from ruined plans, from takin’ a chance on somethin’ new.”
I was too angry to respond, so I pulled out my phone and checked Instagram, which was already full of pictures from the party. “Is Uncle James around? He said he’d give me a ride.”
“I’m right here,” Uncle James said, strolling into the room. He stopped when he saw the looks on our faces and sighed. “You ready?”
“Yeah, let’s go.”
Chapter 2
After ten minutes of awkward silence, Uncle James cleared his throat and said, “Can’t you just pretend to be excited?”
“No, the band needs me.”
“So does your dad.”
I gritted my teeth and stared out the window. Neither of us spoke for the rest of the drive.
Dad had early-onset Alzheimer’s, and his symptoms were starting to get worse. Not send-him-to-the-nursing-home worse, but this-is-really-happening worse. Like, he’d forget what you just said to him, or he’d put all the dishes away in the wrong places.
“Call me when you need a ride home,” Uncle James said as he pulled up to Austin’s white-bricked mansion.
“Okay.” I climbed out of Uncle James’s 4Runner, a hand-me-down from one of his celebrity clients, and smiled. My first high school party!
Unfortunately, the first person I encountered was Raj Reddy, my freshman year lab partner.
“What are you doing here?” Raj asked from Austin’s gigantic foyer. Seriously, Austin’s entryway was bigger than our entire apartment.
Like Austin, Raj was a super-hot soccer boy. But unlike Austin, Raj was a dick. The guy hated me. We’d been lab partners freshman year, and he blamed me for the erlenmeyer flask exploding. And, yes, maybe I should’ve removed the stopper when he’d asked me to. But, to be fair, the scar on Raj’s neck was barely visible anymore.
“Austin invited me,” I said, smiling at Raj like we were best friends.
“You know he only invited you to make Chad jealous, right? He invited Mario Alvarez, too.”
Hmm, interesting. Competition. But that was okay. I could handle this. I was just as hot as Mario Alvarez. And way taller.
“I’m not trying to get with Austin,” I said.
“Good, because it’s never going to happen.”
I really hoped Raj was wrong. Austin Cavanaugh was the perfect guy to lose my kissing virginity to. He was hot, nice, and always chewing gum.
Granted, I could’ve lost my kissing virginity ages ago. Loads of girls wanted to make out with me. Cecee Reynolds once said I had amazing eyes. But I didn’t want my first kiss to be with a girl. My ancestors weathered centuries of violence, marched in pride parades, and watched eight seasons of Will and Grace so I wouldn’t have to pretend to like girls. Sure, Baxter said he’d kiss me, but I didn’t want my first kiss to be with a straight boy, either. I wanted my first kiss to be passionate and steamy.
Raj left me, muttering something under his breath—probably tender endearments—and I spotted Chelsea Matthews in the living room with her clique of popular girls. Chelsea and I weren’t exactly friends, either, but she played trumpet in the jazz band, and I played guitar, so close enough.
“Theo, what are you doing here? I didn’t know you went to parties.” Chelsea raised her red plastic cup in greeting. “You want a beer?”
“I’m good, thanks.” If I was kissing Austin tonight, I needed to keep my wits about me.
As if reading my mind, Austin strode into the room and asked, “Who wants to play seven minutes in heaven?”
Fuck yeah! Chelsea and the girls were just as excited as I was, and Austin went about setting the ground rules, explaining his twist on the classic game.
“Okay, so here’s how we’re going to do it. I’ll pick a name at random from this bowl, and whoever I pick will go into the closet and wait. Once inside, I’ll pick a second name, and that person, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, will join the first person in the closet for exactly seven minutes. But here’s the twist. Instead of both people leaving at the end of seven minutes, the second person will stay behind and wait for a new name to be drawn. And then the process will start over from there. Get it?”
“Wait, so fourteen minutes in heaven, then?” Chelsea asked.
“Yeah, exactly. This way, each person will get one make out partner who’s a total surprise.”
Kylie Rodrigo’s name was pulled first, and she stepped into the closet with a nervous giggle. I liked Kylie. She played baritone sax, the sexiest sax. But that didn’t mean I wanted to be trapped in a closet with her. Kylie was a huge gossip, and I didn’t want to have to explain to her that I was saving myself for Austin.
Luckily, the next name drawn was Raj’s, which couldn’t have been a coincidence. Everyone knew Raj had a thing for Kylie. Austin must have rigged the game, which boded well for me, especially since Mario wasn’t even playing.
Seven minutes later, Kylie emerged, her hair a disheveled mess, and everyone laughed.
“Next up is”—Austin made a show of slowly unfolding the paper—“Theo.”
Okay, interesting. But there was no need to panic. Probably, in seven minutes, Raj would leave and Austin would draw his own name.
“Is this some kind of sick joke?” Raj asked the moment I stepped into the surprisingly roomy closet.
“If it is, I forgot to knock. But feel free to ask who’s there anyway.” The door closed and we were plunged into inky darkness.
“I’m not making out with you,” Raj said. “And it’s not because I’m a homophobe. I just don’t like you.”
“Really? Because I’m in love with you. I think we might be soulmates. Please, let me prove it to you with sweet, tender kisses.”
“Fuck off.”
I slumped against the wall opposite Raj and let several minutes of awkward silence pass. But since silence and I weren’t exactly simpatico, I couldn’t help asking, “So, any big plans for the summer? I assume you’re going to your grandparents' villa in the south of France, where you’ll eat foie gras and drink Champagne with a capital C.” Raj was always bragging about his summers in France.
“That’s right. And I assume you’re going to stick around here and help your dad clean out porta potties, maybe refill the hand sanitizer?”
“He doesn’t clean them out. He’s the manager.” If Raj was trying to make me ashamed of my dad, he was shit out of luck. Sure, my dad wasn’t an investment banker or the CEO of some huge multinational corporation, but he was a good dad and a published author.
The timer went off a couple minutes later, and Raj bolted from the closet.
“Thanks for rocking my world, Raj. You’ve got a magic mouth.” I made sure to project my voice so everyone could hear.
The door closed behind him, and I licked my lips, readying myself for Austin. But when the door opened again, it wasn’t Austin who stepped into the closet, but Chelsea Matthews. What the fuck?
“Hey Theo, it’s me, Chelsea.”
“Hey,” I managed to say as all my fantasies came crashing down around me.
Chelsea used the glow of her cell phone screen to light her way over to the wall I was leaning against. “If it turns out Raj is a better kisser, I’m going to need you to lie and tell everyone he’s not, okay?”
“We actually just sat here in silence for seven minutes. But I’ll happily lie for you.”
“Really? I figured you’d be all over that. You’re gay, right?”
“Yeah, super gay.”
Everyone at school knew I was gay. It was only my family who didn’t. It wasn’t that I thought my dad would disown me or send me to conversion therapy. Dad wasn’t like that. Uncle James was gay, and he and Dad were best friends.
I just didn’t want Dad to feel left out or to think I loved Uncle James more. Ever since Dad had started getting sick, Uncle James had started taking over his parental responsibilities, going to my parent teacher conferences, taking me to doctor's appointments, stuff like that. He’d even become my legal guardian.
It wasn’t that I didn’t love Uncle James like a dad. I did. But Dad was my dad, and I didn’t want to give him another excuse to pull away.
“We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to,” Chelsea said. “We can just sit here and talk.”
“Really? That would be awesome!” I sighed heavily and let my head thud against the wall.
Chelsea laughed. “Jeez, you don’t have to sound so happy about it.”
“No, it’s not like that. I’m sure kissing you would be awesome. You’re a really good trumpet player, so you must have amazing lips. Like, seriously, was that a high D you hit the other day?”
“E, but close enough.”
“Exactly, and you probably have fruity lip gloss and good breath. I’ve just never kissed anyone before, and I was kinda hoping my first time would be with another dude.”
“You’ve never kissed anyone before? Oh my god, that’s the most adorable thing I’ve ever heard.”
“No, it’s pathetic.”
“Of course it’s not pathetic. It’s romantic. But why did you want to play seven minutes in heaven if you didn’t want to kiss anyone?”
“I don’t know,” I lied.
“Wait, were you hoping it would be Austin and not me?”
“No, of course not.” Man, I was such a liar. It was a wonder my pants didn’t spontaneously ignite.
“Well, I think you two would make a cute couple, way cuter than Austin and Chad.”
I pictured Austin and I sitting shoulder to shoulder at the same lunch table, glad it was pitch black in the closet so Chelsea couldn’t see me blushing.
“Can you not mention the whole kissing virgin thing to anyone?” I asked. “It’s kinda embarrassing.”
“Of course not. Your secret is safe with me. And there is no reason to be embarrassed. You only get one first kiss, right?”
“Right!” Finally, someone who got it. Most of my friends were in a race to collect as many sexual experiences as they could, like they were in some kind of x-rated Easter egg hunt.
A few minutes later, the timer went off, and I wished Chelsea better luck with her next partner and headed for the door. The moment I opened it, I came face to face with Oscar Montague III, Chelsea’s ex-boyfriend.
“Hey Oscar—“
Oscar’s fist made contact with my face, and I staggered back against the doorframe. I’d never been punched before, and it took me a minute to figure out what had happened. My whole face throbbed. My eyes watered. And my nose ran. Was that blood?
“What the fuck, Oscar? We’re not together anymore,” Chelsea screamed. “And Theo and I didn’t do anything. He’s saving himself for Austin.”
“Are you okay?” someone asked, and my vision cleared just enough to watch Austin drop Mario’s hand and rush towards the closet. And here I thought this moment couldn’t get any worse.
I didn’t know how to answer Austin’s question, so I reached up and removed my glasses. Yup, they were definitely broken. Fuck. Dad was going to kill me.
I wasn’t blind without my glasses, but pretty damn close. I made a dash for the bathroom and tripped over something, a foot perhaps. I stumbled, trying to catch myself, but I was all arms and legs, like a newborn horse, and I collided with the wall. Glass shattered and rained down on the floor. At first, I thought I’d crashed into a picture on the wall. But, no, it was a fucking mirror. Wasn’t the seven years of bad luck supposed to start after you broke the mirror?
“Oh, shit,” Austin said. He’d been trailing after me, trying to wipe up the trail of blood I was leaving behind. But at the sight of the broken mirror, he froze and started hyperventilating.
“You’re such a fucking menace, Theo.” Raj took my arm and guided me towards the bathroom.
“It’s okay,” I said, swallowing thick globs of blood. “I’ll buy him a new mirror. I just gotta clean up first.” I hurried into the bathroom, and Raj closed the door behind me. Fat crimson drops fell from my nose and plopped onto the white porcelain counter.
Thirty minutes later, after Oscar had been kicked out and Chelsea had promised to hook me up with her mom’s plastic surgeon, I sat on the wall outside next to the stone buttress of a lion and waited for Uncle James to pick me up.
Austin came out and kicked nervously at the bark chips surrounding the rose bushes. “How are you feeling?”
“I wasn’t really saving myself for you, you know. I just didn’t want my first kiss to be with a girl or a straight guy. And I’m really happy for you and Mario. Mario is the coolest. And I’ll get you a new mirror, so don’t worry about that. Just tell me where your mom got it.”
“That’s okay. Raj looked it up, and it’s, like, fifteen hundred dollars.”
If my eyes weren’t swollen shut, they probably would’ve bugged out like some cartoon character’s. What the fuck? I only had five hundred in savings, and that wouldn’t even cover half of it.
“Okay, well, I can give you five hundred now and the rest later.” Raj was right. I was going to have to spend my summer cleaning porta potties.
“Don’t worry about it. I know money’s tight for you, and that your dad is—”
“It’s fine. I’ll figure it out.” I refused to be Austin’s charity case. He may not have wanted to kiss me, but he had invited me to his party, and that wasn’t nothing.
Austin looked like he wanted to argue the point, but he held back. “I hear Puddle of Heart is playing at the summer carnival this year.”
I was surprised Austin remembered my band’s name. Other than last year’s variety show, we’d never played out before. “Not anymore. My dad is dragging me up to Vermont for the entire month of July.”
“Really? That sucks.”
“Tell me about it.”
Uncle James’s 4Runner tore up the drive, and he jumped out, ready for a fight. “Where is the little shit?”
“Relax, he’s not here anymore.” I stood and tried to give Austin back the ice pack.
“Keep it,” he said, giving me a weak smile. At least, I assumed it was a weak smile. Without my glasses, I couldn’t really tell.
Chapter 3
I liked to get up early on Sundays and make brunch, and today was no exception. I couldn’t see very well. Blood from my broken nose had drained into dark sacks under my eyes, and my glasses were busted. But I still managed to whip up a quiche with the meager offerings from our fridge—spinach, mushrooms, garlic, and copious amounts of feta. I also made monkey bread and fruit smoothies.
I was just finishing up when Esther, Uncle James’s best friend, arrived.
“I brought the—” Esther’s jaw went slack, and the champagne in her hand fell to her side. “What happened?”
“Nothing, I just—“
“He got caught hookin’ up with some other dude’s girl.” Dad squeezed my shoulder as he walked past. He sounded proud.
“Do I need to bail James out of jail?” Esther asked.
“No, he’s in his room,” I said. “Oscar was long gone by the time Uncle James got there.”
“Oscar, eh? What’s his last name?”
“I’m not telling you.”
Esther shrugged, and the sly uptick of her mouth said she didn’t need Oscar’s last name to track him down. She was a reporter, after all. Well, really more of a tabloid journalist, but same difference.
Uncle James came out a few minutes later, and his face contorted in anger the moment he saw my matching pair of black eyes, which looked badass as fuck. They were all dark and colorful like an oil slick.
We managed to make it all the way through brunch without talking about the party or camping in Vermont. But the moment Uncle James and Esther went to get some fresh air on the roof—read, smoke weed—Dad pounced.
“Brady's girlfriend might be hangin’ with us some, too, so now you’ll have two friends up in Vermont.”
“Great! I’ve always wanted to be Brady’s third wheel. Maybe he’ll let me hold his girlfriend’s purse and take pictures of them making out.”
Dad sighed, and guilt stabbed into my gut.
“I guess we don’t have to—“
“No, we’re going,” I said. “You haven’t seen Dave in almost a year, and I’m sure I can teach Priyanka a watered-down version of the guitar parts.”
“You sure?”
I wasn’t sure, but I nodded.
“Who knows, you might meet someone up there,” Dad said. “Did I ever tell you about the summer I went to basketball camp and—“
“Yes, like a thousand times.”
Dad held up his hands and took a step back. “Okay, sorry.”
They didn’t call Vermont the Green Mountain State for nothing. The whole place was just one big mountain range. Everywhere you looked, there were trees. Though, not just trees. There were also stone walls, dandelions, cemeteries, old white churches with old white steeples, dead deer on the side of the road, horses, cows, and corn that was supposed to be knee high by the fourth of July. But you know what there wasn’t? Reliable cell phone service.
It was late afternoon when we pulled into the campground, and I had to piss like a racehorse.
“You checkin’ us in?” Dad asked as I bolted from the car.
“No, I gotta pee.” I made a beeline for the bathroom. When I came out, Uncle James was standing at the counter, talking to someone.
No longer about to piss myself, I took in the breezy lobby, which sold concessions—popcorn, pizza, and ice cream sandwiches. A door led out to the pool, where families screamed and splashed about.
“There’s no alcohol or glass bottles allowed in the pool area,” the guy behind the counter was saying, and I froze, recognizing his voice.
I stepped around a loud box fan and peered over Uncle James’s shoulder. No fucking way! I had to be hallucinating. “Raj? What are you doing here?”
Raj Reddy met my gaze, and a symphony of emotions played across his face—surprise, fear, anger, annoyance, embarrassment—before settling on one that could best be described as you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.
“You two know each other?” Uncle James asked.
“Yeah, Raj goes to my school,” I said. “We used to be lab partners.”
At the mention of lab partners, Raj touched the faint scar on his neck.
“Wait, is this the kid you sent to the emergency room because you’re a dumbass?”
There was no use denying it, so I said, “Yup, and he’s never forgiven me for it.”
This was too weird. Raj was supposed to be in the south of France, not working concessions at a white-trash campground in northern Vermont.
“You’re in D12,” Raj said through gritted teeth, marking the spot on a black and white map of the campground. “The road is one way, though, so you’ll have to drive around the long way to get there.”
I stopped listening and escaped back to the car. This had to be the mirror’s doing. Luck didn’t get this bad without help. But, on the bright side, I only had six years and eleven months left to go.
Uncle James slid back in the driver’s seat a few minutes later and smirked at me in the rearview mirror. “Did Theo tell you he already has a friend here?” he asked Dad.
“He’s not my friend.”
“What?” Dad turned to look at me.
“He’s just someone I go to school with. We barely know each other.” This was terrible. What if Raj told Dad and Uncle James I was gay?
“It’s the kid Theo sent to the emergency room two years ago. Apparently, his grandparents own the place,” Uncle James said. “They bought it five years ago.”
“What are the chances of that?” Dad asked.
“Can we please just go,” I said. “I gotta get dinner started.”
submitted by JeffreyRBarker to BetaReaders [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 23:31 GroundZero1987 Why did my UI change and why are my recommendations not reflective of what I watched before it changed?

Why did my UI change and why are my recommendations not reflective of what I watched before it changed?
Last night around midnight the UI changed go this and I can't get it to go back. But sometimes for a second when the app is loading it shows how it used to look. And now my recommendations seem very random and are very old from 6 mouths ago go 11 years. And seem to be just anything that I have ever watched on YouTube so pretty much just random stuff often under 2 minutes. Does anyone know a fix?
submitted by GroundZero1987 to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 14:28 musicofgow Another one off my “Want List “ John Wright “the last amen” NEW JAZZ 8322

Another one off my “Want List “ John Wright “the last amen” NEW JAZZ 8322 submitted by musicofgow to Vinyl_Jazz [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 16:48 CartoonFan1024 The Many Voices of Dee Bradley Baker

Here are the voices of Dee Bradley Baker in many films and TV Shows.

Dee Bradley Baker Voices:

Pixar Animation Studios:

Blue Sky Studios:



Other Voices:

submitted by CartoonFan1024 to movieideas [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 16:02 TheOutcast06 Discussion of the Day: Online PFPs

What profile pictures would the characters use?
Legion: * Cap: Random images of animals * Lily: Night sky depicting the full moon * Monica: Cherry blossoms * Joanne: A pair of axes in crossbones formation * Carrie: A screenshot of her playing Demoman in 2fort * Sylvia: Ingo from Pokemon/Tomoko from Watamote * Corey: Emmet from Pokemon/Selfie with filters
Momentum: * Tracy: A picture of her at the top of a mountain * Melissa: Fly agaric * Mason: Aoi from Aikatsu * Yvonne: A peregrine falcon * Lloyd: A drawing of Wilson * Leslie: Yukari’s gap * Undrawn: Freddy the Forecaster
Eientein’t: * Tsuki: Fanart of Kaguya from Touhou doing “O kawaii koto” * Yamako: Mokou fanart * Rey: Moon rabbits pounding mochi * Terese: A pit trap * Iris: Her ready to shoot an arrow
Unofficial Science Club and Trick-Stars: * May: Pixiv art of the Kuchisake-onna * Shenton: Moose * Jade: The elemental symbol for Iodine with the background having a jade texture * Kass: “helo” fish * Venezia: Pillar John from Pizza Tower * Honey: A cropped image of the Donkey Kong LEGO set for LEGO Mario, only showing LEGO DK and the word “Expand” * “Pyra”: Ui Hirasawa from K-On
Magus Night Coven: * Minoa: Herself made with Picrew * Cara: Selfie with filters * Rochelle: Suigintou from Rozen Maiden * Manny: D&D 5e Wizard * Percy: The exterior of the Tseung Kwan O Public Library * Marisa: Witch of Scarlet Dreams from Lost Word
Other O-Type: * Allegretto: Selfie with filters (ayo rule of three) * Surname: The Mega Chessatron * War Duo: Chito and Yuuri from GLT (Rocket uses Chito and Azuki uses Yuuri) * Verity: Reimu fumo with a knife like that Kirby image * Inagami: Senko from Senko-san
Treasury: * Zafer: Goblin Barrel from Clash Royale * Iridium: A pickaxe besides a minecart * Tiamat: D&D Tiamat * Jabberwock: The illustration for Jabberwocky * Dragon Turtles: Their numbers * Lawrence: Larry the Lobster * Tarrasque: The fibreglass Tarrasque used in festivals
Misc: * SSC: Crewmates matching their colour * Rokkappa: Smash 4 Mega Man * Skelmet: A skeleton playing the trumpet * Mau Tim: Default
submitted by TheOutcast06 to YDAFT [link] [comments]

2024.03.23 21:15 newmusicrls Best New Tech House Releases 22-Mar-2024 (333 Tracks)
45KE - Drugs & Dungens (Original Mix) 05:47 127bpm 11A Abraham (ES) - Fuk U (Original Mix) 05:49 127bpm 1A Abraham (ES) - Salsa Picante (Original Mix) 05:37 128bpm 8A AESTASIADO - Mis chicas (Original Mix) 05:40 127bpm 8A AESTASIADO - No party no dance (Original Mix) 06:38 127bpm 8B AESTASIADO - Yeah vida loca (Original Mix) 06:05 126bpm 8A Alex O'Clock - Check (Extended Mix) 04:45 128bpm 10A Almo, Mason Young, CiDE, Michael Kurt - Feel It Coming feat. Almo (Extended Mix) 03:28 127bpm 12B AMPRS&ND - Feel (Original Mix) 05:43 126bpm 12B Andre Salmon, DJ Bookum - Lil' Brighter (Jordano Roosevelt's Dub Mix) 05:13 131bpm 8B Andre Salmon, DJ Bookum - Lil' Brighter (Original Mix) 05:49 128bpm 4B Andres Marquez - Rolling (Original Mix) 05:36 126bpm 5A Andres Marquez - Subsonico (Original Mix) 05:32 128bpm 12A Andruss - Vai Caralho (Do togo) (Extended Mix) 05:18 130bpm 7A Andruss, Maesic - Frikitona (Maesic Extended Remix) 04:32 125bpm 10B Angel Heredia - Jatar (Original Mix) 05:46 128bpm 11A Angel Heredia - Serenade (Original Mix) 06:03 128bpm 10A Angelo Raguso, FAW9 - Oblivion (Original Mix) 05:42 129bpm 5B Angelo Raguso, FAW9 - Sectumsempra (Original Mix) 05:54 130bpm 8A Antho Decks, KEFFI - Que Mire (Extended Mix) 06:14 126bpm 11B Banito - Bokowo (Original Mix) 04:31 123bpm 1A BARUX - Bi (Extended Mix) 04:13 130bpm 10A BARUX - Body (Extended Mix) 04:43 132bpm 9A BARUX - Equador (Extended Mix) 04:00 130bpm 1B Baum - Sinnerman (Bastian Bux Remix) 06:20 130bpm 10A Baum - Sinnerman (Original Mix) 06:31 130bpm 10A Ben Kim - Raw Frequency (Original Mix) 06:04 127bpm 8B Bessey - Boombox (Extended Mix) 06:01 128bpm 1A Biscits, TOBEHONEST - I Am The One (Original Mix) 05:55 127bpm 9A Bkay - 20 Girls (Original Mix) 03:22 126bpm 1A Bkay - Afters In Beirut (Original Mix) 03:05 126bpm 8A Bkay - Big Bad Bass (Bonus Track) (Original Mix) 01:33 87bpm 7A Bkay - Club Diary (Original Mix) 03:05 126bpm 8B Bkay - Mr.Freak (Original Mix) 02:24 125bpm 4B BLK&WHT - Soul Spirit (Extended Mix) 04:51 126bpm 4B Bloody Good - Brining It Back (Original Mix) 06:04 128bpm 8B Bloody Good - Toxic (Original Mix) 05:10 124bpm 12B Br!tch - Breathe (Original Mix) 06:40 125bpm 6A Bruno Furlan - Sugar Daddy (Original Mix) 06:07 128bpm 8A Caique Carvalho - Like It Bass (Original Mix) 05:37 128bpm 6A Carlos Agraz - Body Shaker (Extended Mix) 05:37 126bpm 2A Castle J, Arkins, Fatboi - Mamate (Extended Mix) 05:00 128bpm 10A Cave Studio - Feel The Tempo (Extended Mix) 03:52 128bpm 7B cesco. - No Me Avises (Original Mix) 05:16 128bpm 2A cesco. - V Town (Original Mix) 05:33 128bpm 3B Ciszak - Sentinel (Original Mix) 05:11 127bpm 2B Ciszak - Space & Time (Original Mix) 05:43 130bpm 1B Cloonee - Sippin' Yak (Original Mix) 06:35 127bpm 1A Close To Us - Wiiru (Original Mix) 05:13 128bpm 4A CLUBRIDER - No Love Lost (Original Mix) 03:29 130bpm 6A Clyde P - El Barrio (Original Mix) 05:08 131bpm 9A Connor Hunter - My Boogie (Original Mix) 04:28 130bpm 9A Cordoba (ARG), Ruso Eyh - Wuh (Original Mix) 06:12 130bpm 1A Cordoba (ARG), Ruso Eyh - Wuh (Spega Remix) 05:13 130bpm 12A Costa UK - Funky Town (Extended Mix) 05:03 128bpm 6A D'Amico & Valax, Ashton Adams - A Little Less Conversation (Extended Mix) 03:13 125bpm 8A Dani Masi, Santos Garcia, Mc Th, Mc Menor Thalis, DJ Zigão - Faz o Sinalzinho RMX (Extended Mix) 05:48 128bpm 4A Daniel Kazuo - Iron Groove (Extended Mix) 05:27 129bpm 4A Daniel Kazuo - Time Is Money (Extended Mix) 05:45 128bpm 7B Dapadi - Kaye (Original Mix) 06:07 127bpm 1A David Aguilera - Poky (Original Mix) 06:01 128bpm 8A David Cueto (ES), Maty Badini, LeoK - Millonaria (Original Mix) 06:13 126bpm 4A David Jager - Circus Trumpet (Original Mix) 05:33 128bpm 12A David Jager - Me Gustas (Extended Mix) 05:20 128bpm 8A David Jager - O My God (Original Mix) 05:42 127bpm 6A Davide Mazzilli, Krispino Krs - NOBODY (Extended Mix) 05:17 127bpm 4A Declan Knapp - Go (Original Mix) 04:31 131bpm 2B Deeve - Cherry (Original Mix) 02:48 123bpm 5A Defex, Jade PraiZe - Bite Me Back (Instrumental Club Mix) 06:25 125bpm 6A Defex, Jade PraiZe - Bite Me Back (Radio Mix) 03:10 125bpm 6A Defex, Jade PraiZe - Bite Me Back (Vocal Club Mix) 06:25 125bpm 6A Dero, Funk D - Do It One More Time (Extended Mix) 04:03 126bpm 1A Dickie Clare - Bandicoot (Original Mix) 06:24 125bpm 7A Dickie Clare - Jungle Lagoon (Original Mix) 06:40 125bpm 9A Dickie Clare - Landscape (Original Mix) 06:19 128bpm 10B Diego Palacio, Juan Valencia - O Bandido (Original Mix) 06:30 128bpm 12B Diego Sosa - Make You Dance (GreenThump Remix) 06:33 128bpm 5A Diego Sosa - Make You Dance (Original Mix) 06:31 128bpm 9A Dillon Marinez - Ecstatic (Original Mix) 05:00 128bpm 12B DIRZU - Ha (Extended Mix) 05:01 128bpm 9A Diskreet - Bad (Original Mix) 04:42 129bpm 11A Diskreet - Tambourine (Original Mix) 04:39 128bpm 4A Divine, Fleur Shore - In Your Soul feat. DiVine (Extended Mix) 04:58 129bpm 8B DJ Hern - Wishing on a star (Chamacos Remix) 05:11 128bpm 11A DJ Hern - Wishing on a star (Original Mix) 04:45 128bpm 11A DJ Ody Roc - Corpora (Original Mix) 06:21 128bpm 6A DJ Ody Roc - Do U Like It (Original Mix) 05:44 123bpm 9B DONT BLINK - RUDEBOX (Original Mix) 05:22 126bpm 7B DONT BLINK - TAKE YOU HOME (Original Mix) 06:08 125bpm 5A Dot N Life - Fiko Loco (Extended Mix) 04:22 128bpm 12A Dove & Serpent, Justin Brautigam, Bendr, Leo Zan - Lean Back (feat. Dove & Serpent, Leo Zan & Justin Brautigam) (Original Mix) 04:47 127bpm 12A Dropbusterz, Edson Faiolli - Bandolera (Extended Mix) 04:08 128bpm 5A E. Vega - Lick it (Extended Mix) 05:35 126bpm 3A Ede - Your Love (Seth Troxler Remix) 06:33 124bpm 4A Edgvr Romero - Break It (Original Mix) 06:14 123bpm 9A Edgvr Romero - WYW (Original Mix) 06:11 124bpm 12A Fab Massimo - Red Pepper (Original Mix) 06:16 128bpm 12B Fab Massimo - Repeat After Me (Original Mix) 05:37 126bpm 2B Faccu Correa - It's Over (Original Mix) 06:15 128bpm 9B Federico Guttadauro - Wakanda (Federico Grazzini Remix) 05:52 126bpm 3A Federico Guttadauro - Wakanda (Original Mix) 05:27 126bpm 7A Filex - Phat Beat (Extended Mix) 03:50 125bpm 8A Fleur Shore - I Take No (Extended Mix) 05:31 129bpm 10B Floor Vision - The Funk (Extended Mix) 05:31 128bpm 9A Franz Colmer - Feel your need (Original Mix) 04:11 126bpm 4A Franz Colmer - Nasty (Original Mix) 04:05 127bpm 1B Franz Costa - Out Of My Head (Original Mix) 06:25 128bpm 6B Franz Costa - Yes I Do (Original Mix) 07:35 128bpm 10B Freenzy Music - Gimme That Beat (Original Mix) 05:39 130bpm 3A Freenzy Music - My Drip (Original Mix) 05:39 130bpm 7A FREMONT (US) - Tell Me (Extended Mix) 03:40 125bpm 7B Fresko (US) - Sexy Jazz (Extended Mix) 06:38 130bpm 3A Froex - Heeey (Extended Mix) 05:31 128bpm 2A Gabry Sangineto, Jame Starck - Deep Fever (Extended Mix) 05:33 125bpm 1A GAWP - Resonance (Original mix) 05:42 130bpm 7B GAWP - Resonance (Tyler Hill 772 Re-work) 06:01 130bpm 7B George Privatti, Kiubbah Malon - Tamo Chucky feat. Kiubbah Malon (Original Mix) 06:02 128bpm 8A George Privatti, Mosby - Chapotea (Original Mix) 05:44 129bpm 10A Gio Lucca, Casey Zanni - New Luv (Original Mix) 06:02 128bpm 8A Giometrik, Refilled - Tugu (Original Mix) 03:35 127bpm 6A Giovanni Foggetta - Gigi (Original Mix) 06:52 128bpm 9A Giovanni Foggetta - With Money (Original Mix) 06:30 128bpm 1B Glowerz - Feel Alive (Extended Mix) 04:07 126bpm 5B Greedo - Some More (Original Mix) 05:56 130bpm 2B Grenno - Closer (Original Mix) 05:42 126bpm 9B GROSSOMODDO - Mirage (Extended Mix) 06:30 120bpm 4A Guezmark - Mandla (Original Mix) 05:30 125bpm 12B Gustaff, Hector Diez - Crash Baby (Original Mix) 05:54 130bpm 4A Gustavo Koch - Mi Passion (Original Mix) 04:38 130bpm 9A Hassio (COL), Corrales - The Pearl (Delanene Remix) 06:19 130bpm 10A Hassio (COL), Corrales - The Pearl (Original Mix) 06:00 128bpm 10A Hudson Biondo, Mc Th - Vidro Fume (Original Mix) 06:03 128bpm 10B Igor Zanga - Get Weird (Original Mix) 06:05 128bpm 1A Ivan Lopez - Hasta La Mañana (Original Mix) 07:19 131bpm 1B Jack Tonelli - Myrtle Av (Original Mix) 05:08 124bpm 5A Jackie Hollander - The Afterparty (Loco & Jam Remix) 05:17 128bpm 4B Jaecjoss - Without You (Original Mix) 06:10 127bpm 3A James Hype - Wild (Extended Mix) 05:40 130bpm 1B Jamie Coins - Pompy (Crewcutz Remix) 05:42 129bpm 3B Jamie Coins - Pompy (Original Mix) 05:15 128bpm 10B Jamie Coins - Pompy (Reelow East London Remix) 06:20 131bpm 1B Jamie Coins - Representz (Original Mix) 05:48 128bpm 1A Javi Colina - Bien Buena (Julian Collazos Remix) 05:00 128bpm 3A Javi Colina - Bien Buena (Original Mix) 05:31 128bpm 11A Javi Colina - Rebelion (Original Mix) 05:34 127bpm 2B Javi Torres, POMATA - Ritmo (Original Mix) 04:21 127bpm 9A Jay de Lys - Babylon (CAAL Remix) 05:34 128bpm 11A Jay de Lys - Babylon (Original Mix) 06:35 128bpm 7A Jay de Lys - Freaky Things (De La Swing Remix) 06:26 130bpm 5A Jay de Lys - Freaky Things (Original Mix) 05:59 130bpm 2A JB Martinz - Con Voucher (Original Mix) 05:46 128bpm 9A JB Martinz - Hot Baby (Copasetic Remix) 06:02 128bpm 7A JB Martinz - Hot Baby (igor zanga Remix) 06:23 127bpm 8A JB Martinz - Hot Baby (MartinoResi Remix) 07:00 126bpm 3B JB Martinz - Hot Baby (Original Mix) 06:48 128bpm 6A JB Martinz - Like the Old Days (Original Mix) 06:47 129bpm 5B Jewel Kid - Lizard King (Extended Mix) 05:42 130bpm 3A Jhojho - BUSTED (Original Mix) 05:44 130bpm 9B Jhojho - Killerman (Original Mix) 05:33 127bpm 2A Joeski - Now Hear Dis (Original Mix) 06:39 125bpm 7B Johan S - Lucky (Extended Mix) 04:35 128bpm 1B Jolyon Petch - Insomnia (Extended Mix) 05:14 125bpm 10A Jonathan Jaramillo, Giovanni Cather - Tuki Bahh (Original Mix) 06:19 129bpm 2A Jordan Peak - Exclusive (Original Mix) 06:06 126bpm 10A Jordan Peak - Feeling Good (Original Mix) 05:17 131bpm 6A Jordan Peak - Oh Baby (Original Mix) 06:09 130bpm 5A Joshua James - Body (Original Mix) 05:53 132bpm 8A Joy Marquez, DiMO (BG) - American People (Extended Mix) 06:07 124bpm 7B Jungle Jack - Jungle Rythm (Original Mix) 06:06 129bpm 4A Jungle Jack - My Jam (Original Mix) 06:39 126bpm 8B Kamino, Ky William - Gravity (Original Mix) 06:11 130bpm 11A Kapuzen - Bling Bling (Original Mix) 02:04 125bpm 5B Karl Lingard - Let It Roll (Extended Mix) 06:24 94bpm 9B Karl Lingard - Step On (Extended Mix) 06:06 127bpm 9A KPD - OQP (Original Mix) 05:37 125bpm 7B Labeeb - Let You Go (Original Mix) 03:12 125bpm 4A Lady Bee, Gian Varela, Vikina - Corazon (Extended Mix) 03:49 127bpm 2B Léo Franco - Lúcia (Original Mix) 03:50 127bpm 5A LeoK - A Girl Like You (Extended Mix) 06:22 126bpm 11B Lexlay - Clandestino (Original Mix) 06:19 131bpm 1A Liam Tav - Bonito Suena (Original Mix) 05:04 126bpm 2A Liam Tav - Egypt Fest (Original Mix) 06:00 128bpm 10B Liam Tav - Little Closer (Original Mix) 06:33 127bpm 11A Liam Tav - Rave After Rave (Original Mix) 06:36 126bpm 2B Litmus - Profiterole (Original Mix) 06:53 130bpm 8B Litmus - Round And Round (Original Mix) 07:08 130bpm 7A Litmus - Talkie Walkie (Original Mix) 06:53 130bpm 7A Litmus - The Rippers (Original Mix) 06:50 132bpm 5B Little Fritter - Ready To Ride Baby (Original Mix) 05:00 132bpm 11A Little Fritter - Watch Dat Mun (Original Mix) 04:10 133bpm 12A Little Fritter - Yes Yes Y'all (Original Mix) 05:07 133bpm 11A Local Singles - Come Rewind (Extended Mix) 05:12 130bpm 5B LouLou Players - I Like To Make You Dance (Original Mix) 05:13 125bpm 8B Lowderz - Sarra (Extended Mix) 05:28 130bpm 7B Lowjess - Bounce (Original Mix) 05:36 126bpm 3A Lowjess - Bring My Back (Original Mix) 05:02 128bpm 12A Lowjess - Closed (Original Mix) 05:40 127bpm 12A Loz Seka - Run It Up (Wait For Me Remix) 06:00 128bpm 7B Lucas Orosei - Unwanted (Original Mix) 05:39 128bpm 12A Maese - Maetrip (LeoK Remix) 05:31 128bpm 2A Maese - Maetrip (Martin Minnucci, Beta (ARG) Remix) 05:35 128bpm 9A Maese - Maetrip (Original Mix) 05:10 128bpm 12B Maliki - Bomb Digss (Original Mix) 05:30 128bpm 8A Maliki - Burnout (Original Mix) 05:35 126bpm 11B Maliki - Cosmos (Original Mix) 05:23 126bpm 6A Maliki - Discography (Original Mix) 05:36 127bpm 7A Maliki - Fuzion (Original Mix) 05:40 127bpm 9B Manuel De La Mare, Luigi Rocca - Cuba Libre (Extended Mix) 05:07 128bpm 1A Manuel De La Mare, Luigi Rocca - Drop (Original Mix) 05:21 127bpm 9A Marco Tropeano - Chipster (Original Mix) 07:37 128bpm 2B Mare, Groove Aspect - Right Away (Extended Mix) 03:03 128bpm 12A Mario Del Regno - We Back (Original Mix) 06:00 130bpm 4A Mario Del Regno - We Back (Tony Metric Remix) 05:34 129bpm 5A Marlon Sadler - Have Some Fun (Original Mix) 06:21 128bpm 10B Martin Mendoza - Groove Town (Original Mix) 06:18 128bpm 7A Matias Ricardes - Lover Boy (Original Mix) 05:03 128bpm 8A Matias Ricardes - Pushing On (Original Mix) 05:01 128bpm 12B Matroda, Madam Parker - Boombox (feat. Madam Parker) (Extended Mix) 04:01 128bpm 11A Matteo Vitale - Renegade Master!!! (Original Mix) 03:13 124bpm 9B Matthew Dear, Matt Sassari - Our Lovely City (Hands Up For Detroit) (Extended Mix) 05:25 128bpm 5B Mattia Antonazzo - Energy (Original Mix) 05:37 128bpm 6A Maur, Rose Moncado - Say It Right (Extended Mix) 06:04 129bpm 4A Max Mash, Keeld - Brasero (Original Mix) 04:07 128bpm 8B MF Productions, Garas - Estaba Bailando (Original Mix) 05:30 125bpm 7A MichaelBM, Glassick - Vem Que Vem (feat. MC K9) (Extended Mix) 05:15 128bpm 5B Mitchell Frederick - Latino (Original Mix) 03:32 129bpm 4B Moyan - Contento (Extended Mix) 04:49 124bpm 9B MRJ, VELESS, The Blu Mantic - Leave It On The Flo (Lambert & Handle Extended Remix) 06:36 127bpm 8A Murphy's Law (UK), Guy Mac - PASSION (Extended Mix) 05:40 130bpm 11A Nando X - Métele Sazón (Original Mix) 06:00 128bpm 5A Narkalix - MOËT (Extended Mix) 04:30 128bpm 9A Nausica - Groove Express (Extended Mix) 05:48 127bpm 10B Nene, Norberto Loco - Tech Bitch (Extended Mix) 03:54 125bpm 9A Nico Falla - Eres Para Mí (Extended Mix) 04:43 126bpm 10A Nicolas Guerreno - Revolution (Original Mix) 06:01 128bpm 12A Nicole Fiallo, Jungle Punk, skillaton - Baile Go (Original Mix) 06:30 128bpm 6A NoiseHead - Not The Same (Extended Mix) 04:09 126bpm 11B Oli Hodges, Zander Club - Jokers (Extended Mix) 05:05 130bpm 9B Ollinobrothers - Riverside (Original Mix) 06:33 127bpm 8B OLLVR - 150W (Original Mix) 05:52 132bpm 4B Oravla Ziur - OnlyFans (Original Mix) 06:00 128bpm 8B Oskyal - Glitched Mind (Original Mix) 06:03 127bpm 9A Paul C - Body Strong (Extended Mix) 05:35 128bpm 10A Perso - Funky Sound (Original Mix) 05:31 128bpm 7A Pigmeo, Lollow - TRA K TRA (Original Mix) 05:22 126bpm 12A PINK FX - What Was Dat (Extended Mix) 06:06 123bpm 9A Pleasurekraft - Tarantula (Max Styler Remix) 05:02 127bpm 10B Princess Julia, Joshua James - Vada (Original Mix) 05:29 132bpm 9B Proppa - Clock Out, Black Out (Extended Mix) 05:50 126bpm 5B Q.S.C - I Dont Know That (Original Mix) 05:21 130bpm 4A Q.S.C - Show (Original Mix) 05:34 129bpm 4A raF. - Bip On (Original Mix) 06:02 130bpm 9A Rafa Barrios - Dásela (Original Mix) 05:58 130bpm 9B Rafa Barrios - Feelove (Original Mix) 06:44 126bpm 6A Ragash - Can You Feel It (Extended Mix) 03:02 126bpm 9B Ragash - Chingado (Extended Mix) 04:24 124bpm 6A Randy Biscuit - Bad Dreams (Is This Love) feat. Willoway (Extended Mix) 06:03 126bpm 9B RedVibes - Like That (Original Mix) 05:33 128bpm 10A ReMan, Just Eddie - Dekhana (Original Mix) 03:09 127bpm 7A Rene Amesz - Mind, Body & Soul (Extended VIP Edit) 05:32 125bpm 9B Repiet, RSCL, Julia Kleijn - Echo (Extended Millean. Remix) 05:22 128bpm 1B Revler - About You (Original Mix) 06:36 127bpm 2A Revler - Aisha (Original Mix) 06:19 127bpm 4A Revler - Consequence (Original Mix) 06:02 127bpm 12A Revler - Fashioned (Original Mix) 06:33 127bpm 12A Revler - Got That (Original Mix) 06:03 127bpm 2A Riccardo Gravina - Don't Give Me This (Original Mix) 05:03 125bpm 7B Riccardo Olini - Doing Ya Thang (Original Mix) 05:22 125bpm 7A Rich DietZ - Do It Like This (Extended Mix) 04:03 127bpm 7B RITN - Daddy (Original Mix) 03:16 128bpm 11B RJW (US) - Better Then (Original Mix) 04:16 128bpm 7A Ronnie Spiteri - Bahrain (Original Mix) 05:13 130bpm 4A Rowetta, Sweet Mercy, Hot Since 82 - Reach Out (Original Mix) 05:02 126bpm 12A saint shaf - Falling in Space (Original Mix) 03:06 126bpm 4A Sam Green, Raffa FL - Rakata (Extended Mix) 04:49 127bpm 8A San Pacho, SIDEPIECE - Taka (Extended Mix) 03:41 128bpm 9A SCINTILLATE - Paloma (Original Mix) 06:05 126bpm 9B Seek Arguedas, Ivan Kook - Bararararabom (Original Mix) 06:13 126bpm 2A Seek Arguedas, Ivan Kook - Just Nudes (Original Mix) 06:09 126bpm 1A Seek Arguedas, Ivan Kook - La Cumbia (Original Mix) 06:08 125bpm 6B Seek Arguedas, Ivan Kook - Mami Dale para Abajo (Original Mix) 06:13 126bpm 8A Sergio Bennett - The End (Original Mix) 06:17 126bpm 10B Sergio Blema - Check & Raw (Original Mix) 05:54 131bpm 1A Sergio Blema - No Guest (Original Mix) 05:56 130bpm 2A Sergio Borja, Ralph (VE), Nahum Nieves - Cocoa Tea (Original Mix) 04:07 128bpm 2A Sergio Borja, Ralph (VE), Nahum Nieves - One Man With A Gun (Original Mix) 05:47 130bpm 5A Shift K3Y, DJ Susan - Feel Alive (Extended Mix) 03:58 129bpm 12B Sides of the Sun - Sorry (Extended Mix) 05:15 128bpm 12A SINO - Disco Biscuit (Extended Mix) 04:33 128bpm 4A Sirus Hood, Trangaz - Boothy (Manda Moor Spicy Remix) 05:55 129bpm 3B Sirus Hood, Trangaz - Boothy (Original Mix) 05:41 131bpm 12A Sirus Hood, Trangaz - Ghetto Corazon (Original Mix) 05:33 131bpm 1A Siwell - Just Numbers (Extended Mix) 05:57 129bpm 7A Soul Sour, Renoco - Praah! (Original Mix) 04:16 128bpm 7A Sout Garcia - Sweely (Original Mix) 05:40 127bpm 6A SQWAD, The Melody Men - You Ate That (Extended Mix) 03:45 128bpm 9B Stateeast - Muevalo (Original Mix) 06:03 124bpm 7A Sterium - Sola (Original Mix) 05:15 128bpm 5A Teba - Disco Lights (Extended Mix) 06:00 128bpm 10A Techin - Analogue (Original Mix) 06:30 128bpm 5A Techin - La Noche (Original Mix) 06:30 128bpm 2B Teko, Alex O'Clock - Rápida (Extended Mix) 05:47 128bpm 1A Tektonauts - Repicame Los Tambores (Extended Mix) 05:43 127bpm 4A Tewax - La La (Extended Mix) 04:07 126bpm 12B The Cube Guys, KPD - La Musica (The Best S... Mix In Town) 04:40 125bpm 11A Tokyo T, Fresko (US) - Asesina (Extended Mix) 05:27 129bpm 4A Tolga Sisli - Back Once Again (Extended Mix) 02:53 126bpm 12B Tolga Sisli - C*nsored (Extended Mix) 03:05 124bpm 3B Tolga Sisli - My Neck (Original Mix) 02:09 126bpm 9A Tom Sawyer - Sexy Back (Original Mix) 05:11 124bpm 8A Tony Metric - Rawness (Extended Mix) 05:30 128bpm 11A Trace (UZ) - Fake Friends (Original Mix) 06:03 130bpm 4B Trasko - Hook (Original Mix) 05:29 129bpm 9A Twolate, Elilluminari - Diablo (Que Rico) (Extended Mix) 04:30 128bpm 8B Tyler Coey - Muevelo (Original Mix) 06:43 126bpm 3A VENGA - Go Stupid (Original Mix) 04:09 65bpm 9B Victor Vergara, Seven77, Sandra Silver - So Heavy (Original Mix) 06:20 128bpm 1A Vinny Vincero, Rowan Pierot - Badman Sound (Extended Mix) 06:06 127bpm 7A Vitess - Big Sound (Original Mix) 04:46 132bpm 4B Vitess - Blue Vision (Original Mix) 05:10 131bpm 2A Vitess - Drive Me Crazy (Original Mix) 05:10 132bpm 8A Vitess - First Night (Original Mix) 05:03 131bpm 11B Vitor Minelli, Groove N Hat - Bad Gang (Original Mix) 06:44 129bpm 5A Vitor Minelli, Groove N Hat - Dale Suave (Original Mix) 06:06 129bpm 12A VOKOR - Old School (Original Mix) 06:03 128bpm 1A Walto - Shake That (Original Mix) 05:30 128bpm 3A Warehouse Rats - Feel The Vibe (Extended Mix) 05:36 126bpm 3A Will Medina, Justin Fahrmer - Preach (Original Mix) 05:31 128bpm 9A Will Varley - Oh Yeah! (Extended Mix) 06:15 126bpm 3B XFDS - Circulate (Original Mix) 06:05 127bpm 1A XFDS - Transition (Original Mix) 05:03 127bpm 7A "XY" - Drunk Feelings (Original Mix) 06:01 129bpm 11A Zilka - Baila (Original Mix) 03:39 128bpm 11B 
submitted by newmusicrls to HypeTracks [link] [comments]

2024.03.01 10:40 redditduk [Megalist] SG Concerts, Gigs, Raves: Early March (1-14 Mar 2024)

Update 15 Mar: newer

01 Mar, Fri - Esplanade Gemadah Trad Malay Music Weekend

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02 Mar, Sat - Tay Tay

03 Mar, Sun

04 Mar, Mon

05 Mar, Tue

06 Mar, Wed

07 Mar, Thu

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08 Mar, Fri - International Women's Day, Geylang Serai Bazaar


09 Mar, Sat


10 Mar, Sun


Other Events


11 Mar, Mon

12 Mar, Tue - Start of Ramadan

13 Mar, Wed

14 Mar, Thu

I am on telegram: search sg music chat or visit
submitted by redditduk to singaporemusicchat [link] [comments]

2024.02.26 01:12 fractalfay You are my why: Recap of 90 Day Fiance S10E17

The longest vacation in the history of calendars has come to a close, and Igor honors the occasion with a t-shirt that facilitates blowing Nikki’s face out of his ass.
“You see, I hold the blowdryer like this, and then I lower my pants like this,” Igor squats. “And is like farting in her face.”
“Did the printer have any questions about the portrait placement?” Production has a few.
“I simply say I would like her face to be there, but where I do not have to see, yes?” Igor explains things.
“Oh my GAWD you’re so cute!” Nikki stops thinking at her face.
As she packs he makes a bid at shaving the shelf-edge off her butt implants, but doesn’t have the right tools, and rebrands it as a bid to put out a fire. Suffice it to say, Nikki is pleased with the last 24 hours and intends to remain so until her plane lands.
“My coochie’s happy, his pee-pee’s happy,” Nikki previews what she’ll be sharing with all the passengers who don’t speak English.
Nikki’s departure-theater slows them down, which means a planned stop at Igor’s mom’s house will have to be a quick. Igor slows the car down to 10 mph and holds on to the back of Nikki’s pants so she can lean out the window for an in-motion embrace.
“This is a gift for you…it is a nice set with sparkles that you like!” Mom runs alongside the vehicle, chucking a plastic bag into the open window. “I’m going to miss you!”
As they advance towards the airport, Nikki threatens to cut Igor’s dick off if he cheats on her again and she finds out about it, which prompts Igor to say, “How many dicks must you cut to be happy?”
“How many do I have to cut for you to stop acting like one?” Nikki doesn’t say. Yet.
800 minutes later they’re still at the airport, with Nikki requesting that their departure merge every Meg Ryan movie with Paris Hilton’s overall existence and the year 1995.
“I am sad because I wish to have more minutes with The Nikki,” Igor frets.
“More days?” Production asks.
“Very clearly I say minutes, that is all,” Igor makes his way to the car, while Nikki continues slowing walking backwards towards security so she can enter the airport ass-first.
Sophie hires Rob to be her boob-spotter at the gym, and this gives him a new career tract to explore while awkwardly standing around fitness equipment with resting douche-face.
“Boob,” Rob robs. “Boob. Can I get paid now?”
Rob’s sister has everything prepared for their Santa Barbara wedding except flowers, so Rob drops Sophie off so she can shop with Claire while he responds to the day’s harvest of butt pics. Both Claire and Sophie proclaim it a great flower shop, despite virtually zero on display. The florist asks what brings them to this unmarked building where no one else exists.
“Our wedding theme is Gender Reveal Party,” Sophie says. “So we’re looking for flowers, like something pink or blue?”
“That’s good, since all we have are these hot pink roses in the fridge,” Florist responds.
“I thought you were thinking like baby pink, not Barbie pink?” Claire recalls the gender-reveal theme.
“We don’t have a second bouquet,” The florist reminds them. “I can tie a ribbon around some blueberries and cinnamon sticks though.”
Claire’s still spinning over Rob’s profound lack of adulthood, and asks why he didn’t see fit to say hi.
“You know he doesn’t like to be away from his phone for that long,” Sophie reminds her.
“He’s a grown ass man!” Claire insists.
“I don’t agree with that,” Rob objects. “What, you have a bougie-ass calendar now?”
Claire struggles to seize her last opportunity to point out Sophie’s poised to surrender her life-force to a cute instagram boyfriend, and searches for a fable or parable to connect the dots.
“There’s a fairy tale about a prince and a frog…” Claire begins.
“I call him that, frog!” Sophie’s brain flatlines.
“You know in the end the frog doesn’t remain a frog?” Claire’s lost the battle.
“I don’t see it that way,” Sophie Schaenas.
The next day everyone is heading to Santa Barbara for the wedding, so Sophie’s mom plans to spend the night at the love shack to hasten their departure. Claire Family Money arrives to ask where Sophie hid the treasure map, and thanks Rob for putting his grow tent in time-out and letting her camp on the floor. After a few minutes of trying to disrupt Rob’s phone-gaze, Claire runs out of formula for the man-baby.
“I don’t need to be here! I can go to a hotel,” Claire says.
“Really?” Camera #1 asks. “Then why are you here?”
Claire and Sophie go outside to talk so Claire can calm down. Sophie’s priority is making sure she gets married to Rob, and since there’s no chance of him sucking less, she’s pretty sure what needs to change is how everyone responds to his dickery. True to form, Rob gets busy blowing up an air mattress to arrange in front of the fridge, so Claire can count roach traps as she drifts off to sleep.
“I don’t know if my standards for a man can get any lower,” Claire tries. “They’re already underground, and we just keep digging.”
“It’ll be warmer once we’re closer to hell,” Sophie promises.
After Claire agrees to respond to minimal effort with fawning excitement similar to what Sophie will perform for the next five years of her life, they go back inside and throw confetti around mom’s floor spot.
“Are you excited Rob?! You’re going to be a husband!” Claire caps locks.
“I’m been waiting my whole life to be a husband,” Rob mumbles.
“That’s so great!” Claires smiles with tears streaming down her face. “Just stay as you are, sort of lucid on the bed together. That’s all I want. Because that’s the best it’ll ever be.”
In brighter news, it’s Jasmine and Gino’s wedding day, and the whole family arrives at Cornman Farms with a nice zoom-in on the sign to honor commitments stipulated in the endorsement deal. Uncle Marco is on-hand with Gino to promote formal attire traditions that tend to coincide with major milestones, and is excited to walk Jasmine down the aisle instead of her deadbeat dad.
While Gino gets ready, Jasmine’s hair wizard gets to work fashioning her thin hair into a boosted bun with enough muscle to hold a veil. She approaches the mirror to check the success and reports loving it. Hair wizard promises that Gino’s going to see her and start crying, and assures Jasmine’s that totally normal and not a sign he’s got bad news.
“Gino is…special,” Jasmine warns. “I’ll just tell him, ‘Start crying or I’m leaving!’ That is the glue of our relationship.”
From there Jasmine calls her sister Zuellen, and you can tell by the Hair Wizard’s face that she did not realize this event would feature a profound lack of Jasmine’s family, so she skates away and pulls all the tear-blotting tools from her kit.
“Don’t cry because you’ll make me cry,” Zuellen laughs.
“You’re still my maid of honor,” Jasmine sobs.
“Today you have to be beautiful and look divine, so stop crying!” Zuellen does exactly what she has to do to get Jasmine to pull her shit together so she can complete the prep process, and teleports inside a laptop to watch the event from afar.
Michelle also receives the memo about formal attire, and looks straight cute as she steps behind the scenes to help Jasmine prep. Jasmine laughs at her dress crumpled at the bottom of the bag, and Michelle waste no time steaming wrinkles away before zipping Jasmine in. With the veil in place, the photographer captures Jasmine in all her glory.
Cornman Farms sets things up like they do this professionally, and are ready when guests start to file in.
“If anyone arrives dressed for this barn’s original purpose, they’re getting blind-folded and taped to a tractor for a maiden voyage across the open fields,”Cornman Farms is not fucking around.
Both of Jasmine’s sisters and her mom are ready for the streaming event, and Gino tests the connection to make sure they’ll be ready for the proceedings. Meanwhile, Uncle Marco checks in on Jasmine, and she thanks him for being a stand-in dad for her, and says she will always remember this as one of her happiest memories. This reduces them both to tears, and is the kind of grace that makes Jasmine endearing.
“Let’s get married to my gringo bonito!” Jasmine declares.
The officiant asks all able to rise for the bride, and Jasmine’s veil blows in the wind in an inspired moment. Gino says he can’t look at Jasmine coming down the aisle without thinking about Sam’s burst pipe comment, and when she sees the laptop she knows it’s her family and is flooded with joy. After a few compliments that prove Gino can learn, he busts out his glasses to read his vows.
“You are the love of my life and my soul mate,” Gino gets choked up and struggles to go on. “Te amo muchismo. Forever and always.”
“There are two most important days in our lives. The day we are born, and the day we discover why,” Jasmine says. “Gino, you are my why. I will move to the coldest place I’ve ever known just to be with you, because you are my home.”
Jasmine’s family enters the second-circle of squee, because as far as weddings go this one is really fucking good, and they exchange rings and are pronounced husband and wife. The family chants for Gino while they kiss, and switch up the chant for Jasmine, and Coco is hoisted aloft for a victory smooch.
“Next is the wedding in Panama!” Jasmine declares to the laptop, activating Next Season Plan A.
Everyone enjoys the reception and Gino pauses to share one more announcement, because they haven’t done anything awkward yet.
“If 27 weddings doesn’t get us another seasons, we’re going to try for a baby!” Gino trumpets, and everyone claps in confusion before remembering the parties involved, and Next Season Plan B.
The wedding scene wraps with Jasmine’s request for one hatless photo with Gino. He agrees to a single snap, returning his dome-cover in record time, but his bald head isn’t as bad as he fears, and neither are these two.
It’s seven hours until Anali and Clayton’s wedding, and she’s on the phone with her mom. She confesses that Clayton has a habit of blowing things out of proportion, unlike her, who takes a balanced approach to hiding on her wedding day.
“You see, I tend to think more logically, while Anali’s more emotional,” Clayton reminds everyone that they both suffer from chronic self-awareness deficiency.
Anali calls her mom, and mom objects to her impulse to run, and says it would be like throwing away two years, which some of us do five or six times before surrendering to a permanent genitals-jockey.
Meanwhile, Clayton’s amnesia prevents him from recalling the origins of the previous day’s argument, and he’s not sure Anali is going to marry him, since she’s been on the phone all day trying to isolate a second option. He calls to check-in, and leaves a message that closes out with “guinea pig kisses” so he can feel the intensity of her cringe through the closed door.
“That way it’s almost like we’re together,” Clayton explains.
From there he leads Kameron to the chapel.
“This is where the magic happens,” Clayton tells Kameron. “I’m not talking about sex, I’m talking about marriage.”
“I know,” Kameron knows. “Is Anali talking about marriage? Or at all? Is she even going to understand the vows? This fake storyline is not well planned.”
“I got a text from her mom,” Clayton reports. “It says, ‘I need Anali to stop calling me.’ This is a problem I don’t have, so I don’t know what she expects me to do.”
“Did you tell her about guinea pig kisses?” Kameron might have the answer.
The chapel includes a seat designated for the ghost of Clayton’s brother Jeremy, who tragically died in a car accident. Had we known this information sooner it might have partially explained his codependent relationship with his mom and their mutual hoarding habits, but TLC doesn’t like to tickle our empathy glands when we’re supposed to play couch-judge. The memorial spot triggers Clayton, who admits he’s had a rough day, and he’s glad Kameron’s there so he doesn’t have to count on Anali for comfort.
“This is the weirdest wedding I’ve ever been to in my life,” Kameron has had a lot of firsts this season.
Clayton’s got no choice but to proceed, since someone has to direct the hair and makeup person we’re supposed to have forgotten about, and he’s got a suit to put on. His bid to drop ten pounds in one day with jump-squeaks is a bust, so Kam coaches Clayton through closing his fly, before encouraging adding a jacket and dress shoes so he looks less like a ring-bearer.
All that remains is bussing in guests from a nearby county fair, who abandon their beer coolers in the doorway for the rumored free-food occasion.
“I was going to spend $3 on a shirt at Goodwill, but then a scratch lottery ticket was calling my name,” Baseball hat explains.
“I was not told this was a cookout,” the woman in the front row feels weird about her whole dress thing. “Can I borrow your flip-flops?”
“What in the bang-my-cane fuck is going on here?” Fractalfay wears a similar outfit wrangling weeds into the compost bin on trash day.
A bride being 30 minutes late? Not usual. The groom standing there indefinitely while his best man has an out-of-body experience beside him? Unusual.
“Who is this guy again?” Camo dress forgot to read the sign while walking in.
“Well,” Brandi agrees to assist with milking this. “I guess knocking on the door is impossible. You should probably show the scene of her reclining on the bed again…”
Sam’s relieved to have gotten his Muslim wedding out of the way, and now all he has to do is muscle through his Christian one, and then he’ll be DTF.
“Yike,” Citra’s dad objects.
Sam’s baffled that a Christian pastor marrying them is a problem, when he was just Muslim two hours ago. He tries to explain that this pastor is the only option, since Ashley’s his planner, but dad’s not having it.
“I know this is production,” Herman turns his gaze to the camera. “I know this is you.”
“No, I didn’t realize I’d still be Muslim after conversion,” Sam’s lost.
“You’re not going to Bible-tize my daughter,” dad objects.
Citra’s stylist is directed to do whatever to crush this updo, and obliges the bride’s request, while Sam’s brothebrother-in-law Tim coaches him through a shirt collar. Tim reminds Sam that their other brother, Luke, is technically ordained, and has worn his formal backwards hat to the occasion in case his services are required.
“Luke can I talk to you real quick,” Sam approaches Luke, who waits in the front row. “Can you take the fucking hat off? This isn’t a truck and tractor pull.”
“You know it’s been glued on since 2006,” Luke objects. “Man, the sun is in my eyes. If I face the other direction, problem solved.”
With Luke on pop-and-lock, all that’s left is handing Pastor Dan his walking papers.
“Never in my life did I think I’d have to fire a pastor,” Sam says. “I guess Jesus loses this round.”
“Well. That could have been a phone call, and you might have spared me a binder,” Pastor Dan shakes his head, shuffling away.
Sam’s mom arrives and hopes to score JC a win in the second round, but fails to smack the hat off her fallen crotch fruit, thus blooming more atheists. Luke presses pause on Mario Cart and stuffs a fistful of Fritos in his mug, so he could probably wedding if they feel like it.
Citra’s sisters Nanda and Nafa numb their inner-haters, and marvel at how beautiful Citra looks as she prepares to walk down the aisle.
“It’s so gorgeous!” Nanda declares. “I think I’ll marry his hotter brother!”
Dad says she looks like Cinderella, and if Citra’s mom were there she’d be happy, which threatens the perfection of her makeup. He also shares that a pastor won’t be marrying them, but Luke’s hat can’t be removed or his brain will drip on the grass-carpet.
“So that’s why my grass won’t grow back…” Dad Brian finds the missing piece.
“Here I come!” Citra starts her aisle mosey with dad to the soothing sounds of nothing.
“Deer meat behoove-ed,” Luke begins. “We are gathered here today because we said we would and all these chairs are here…”
Sam interrupts proceedings to announce that he has an actual engagement ring for Citra, and was told by Gino that he needs to propose at least three times for good luck.
“Will you marry me?” Sam actually says.
“Yes, I’m here,” Citra reminds him.
After a little vow exchange, Citra and Sam share their first consensual kiss.
“Usually she’s dodging and weaving,” Sam describes how romance works if you’re Weinstein.
Afterwards there’s an outdoor reception with cake and kids eating strawberries, and then Sam carries Citra over the threshold and into their bedroom, promising his burst pipe will shred her flower to pieces.
“Did you poop?” Citra remembers to ask, because that’s love.
NEXT WEEK: 90DF’s production squad exhausts Anali’s surrender pose while Kameron longs for a distant friendship, Ashley turns up to ten while her brother-in-law laughs, Citra’s flower explosion threatens their deposit on the farm rental, Rob jizzes champagne while Claire halts proceedings by pushing Sophie down a hill, and Nikki reports her fake relationship is too expensive for a second season so she’s going to have to Single Life.
Thank you, Patreon supporters!
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2024.02.26 01:10 fractalfay You are my why: Recap of 90 Day Fiance S10E17

The longest vacation in the history of calendars has come to a close, and Igor honors the occasion with a t-shirt that facilitates blowing Nikki’s face out of his ass.
“You see, I hold the blowdryer like this, and then I lower my pants like this,” Igor squats. “And is like farting in her face.”
“Did the printer have any questions about the portrait placement?” Production has a few.
“I simply say I would like her face to be there, but where I do not have to see, yes?” Igor explains things.
“Oh my GAWD you’re so cute!” Nikki stops thinking at her face.
As she packs he makes a bid at shaving the shelf-edge off her butt implants, but doesn’t have the right tools, and rebrands it as a bid to put out a fire. Suffice it to say, Nikki is pleased with the last 24 hours and intends to remain so until her plane lands.
“My coochie’s happy, his pee-pee’s happy,” Nikki previews what she’ll be sharing with all the passengers who don’t speak English.
Nikki’s departure-theater slows them down, which means a planned stop at Igor’s mom’s house will have to be a quick. Igor slows the car down to 10 mph and holds on to the back of Nikki’s pants so she can lean out the window for an in-motion embrace.
“This is a gift for you…it is a nice set with sparkles that you like!” Mom runs alongside the vehicle, chucking a plastic bag into the open window. “I’m going to miss you!”
As they advance towards the airport, Nikki threatens to cut Igor’s dick off if he cheats on her again and she finds out about it, which prompts Igor to say, “How many dicks must you cut to be happy?”
“How many do I have to cut for you to stop acting like one?” Nikki doesn’t say. Yet.
800 minutes later they’re still at the airport, with Nikki requesting that their departure merge every Meg Ryan movie with Paris Hilton’s overall existence and the year 1995.
“I am sad because I wish to have more minutes with The Nikki,” Igor frets.
“More days?” Production asks.
“Very clearly I say minutes, that is all,” Igor makes his way to the car, while Nikki continues slowing walking backwards towards security so she can enter the airport ass-first.
Sophie hires Rob to be her boob-spotter at the gym, and this gives him a new career tract to explore while awkwardly standing around fitness equipment with resting douche-face.
“Boob,” Rob robs. “Boob. Can I get paid now?”
Rob’s sister has everything prepared for their Santa Barbara wedding except flowers, so Rob drops Sophie off so she can shop with Claire while he responds to the day’s harvest of butt pics. Both Claire and Sophie proclaim it a great flower shop, despite virtually zero on display. The florist asks what brings them to this unmarked building where no one else exists.
“Our wedding theme is Gender Reveal Party,” Sophie says. “So we’re looking for flowers, like something pink or blue?”
“That’s good, since all we have are these hot pink roses in the fridge,” Florist responds.
“I thought you were thinking like baby pink, not Barbie pink?” Claire recalls the gender-reveal theme.
“We don’t have a second bouquet,” The florist reminds them. “I can tie a ribbon around some blueberries and cinnamon sticks though.”
Claire’s still spinning over Rob’s profound lack of adulthood, and asks why he didn’t see fit to say hi.
“You know he doesn’t like to be away from his phone for that long,” Sophie reminds her.
“He’s a grown ass man!” Claire insists.
“I don’t agree with that,” Rob objects. “What, you have a bougie-ass calendar now?”
Claire struggles to seize her last opportunity to point out Sophie’s poised to surrender her life-force to a cute instagram boyfriend, and searches for a fable or parable to connect the dots.
“There’s a fairy tale about a prince and a frog…” Claire begins.
“I call him that, frog!” Sophie’s brain flatlines.
“You know in the end the frog doesn’t remain a frog?” Claire’s lost the battle.
“I don’t see it that way,” Sophie Schaenas.
The next day everyone is heading to Santa Barbara for the wedding, so Sophie’s mom plans to spend the night at the love shack to hasten their departure. Claire Family Money arrives to ask where Sophie hid the treasure map, and thanks Rob for putting his grow tent in time-out and letting her camp on the floor. After a few minutes of trying to disrupt Rob’s phone-gaze, Claire runs out of formula for the man-baby.
“I don’t need to be here! I can go to a hotel,” Claire says.
“Really?” Camera #1 asks. “Then why are you here?”
Claire and Sophie go outside to talk so Claire can calm down. Sophie’s priority is making sure she gets married to Rob, and since there’s no chance of him sucking less, she’s pretty sure what needs to change is how everyone responds to his dickery. True to form, Rob gets busy blowing up an air mattress to arrange in front of the fridge, so Claire can count roach traps as she drifts off to sleep.
“I don’t know if my standards for a man can get any lower,” Claire tries. “They’re already underground, and we just keep digging.”
“It’ll be warmer once we’re closer to hell,” Sophie promises.
After Claire agrees to respond to minimal effort with fawning excitement similar to what Sophie will perform for the next five years of her life, they go back inside and throw confetti around mom’s floor spot.
“Are you excited Rob?! You’re going to be a husband!” Claire caps locks.
“I’m been waiting my whole life to be a husband,” Rob mumbles.
“That’s so great!” Claires smiles with tears streaming down her face. “Just stay as you are, sort of lucid on the bed together. That’s all I want. Because that’s the best it’ll ever be.”
In brighter news, it’s Jasmine and Gino’s wedding day, and the whole family arrives at Cornman Farms with a nice zoom-in on the sign to honor commitments stipulated in the endorsement deal. Uncle Marco is on-hand with Gino to promote formal attire traditions that tend to coincide with major milestones, and is excited to walk Jasmine down the aisle instead of her deadbeat dad.
While Gino gets ready, Jasmine’s hair wizard gets to work fashioning her thin hair into a boosted bun with enough muscle to hold a veil. She approaches the mirror to check the success and reports loving it. Hair wizard promises that Gino’s going to see her and start crying, and assures Jasmine’s that totally normal and not a sign he’s got bad news.
“Gino is…special,” Jasmine warns. “I’ll just tell him, ‘Start crying or I’m leaving!’ That is the glue of our relationship.”
From there Jasmine calls her sister Zuellen, and you can tell by the Hair Wizard’s face that she did not realize this event would feature a profound lack of Jasmine’s family, so she skates away and pulls all the tear-blotting tools from her kit.
“Don’t cry because you’ll make me cry,” Zuellen laughs.
“You’re still my maid of honor,” Jasmine sobs.
“Today you have to be beautiful and look divine, so stop crying!” Zuellen does exactly what she has to do to get Jasmine to pull her shit together so she can complete the prep process, and teleports inside a laptop to watch the event from afar.
Michelle also receives the memo about formal attire, and looks straight cute as she steps behind the scenes to help Jasmine prep. Jasmine laughs at her dress crumpled at the bottom of the bag, and Michelle waste no time steaming wrinkles away before zipping Jasmine in. With the veil in place, the photographer captures Jasmine in all her glory.
Cornman Farms sets things up like they do this professionally, and are ready when guests start to file in.
“If anyone arrives dressed for this barn’s original purpose, they’re getting blind-folded and taped to a tractor for a maiden voyage across the open fields,”Cornman Farms is not fucking around.
Both of Jasmine’s sisters and her mom are ready for the streaming event, and Gino tests the connection to make sure they’ll be ready for the proceedings. Meanwhile, Uncle Marco checks in on Jasmine, and she thanks him for being a stand-in dad for her, and says she will always remember this as one of her happiest memories. This reduces them both to tears, and is the kind of grace that makes Jasmine endearing.
“Let’s get married to my gringo bonito!” Jasmine declares.
The officiant asks all able to rise for the bride, and Jasmine’s veil blows in the wind in an inspired moment. Gino says he can’t look at Jasmine coming down the aisle without thinking about Sam’s burst pipe comment, and when she sees the laptop she knows it’s her family and is flooded with joy. After a few compliments that prove Gino can learn, he busts out his glasses to read his vows.
“You are the love of my life and my soul mate,” Gino gets choked up and struggles to go on. “Te amo muchismo. Forever and always.”
“There are two most important days in our lives. The day we are born, and the day we discover why,” Jasmine says. “Gino, you are my why. I will move to the coldest place I’ve ever known just to be with you, because you are my home.”
Jasmine’s family enters the second-circle of squee, because as far as weddings go this one is really fucking good, and they exchange rings and are pronounced husband and wife. The family chants for Gino while they kiss, and switch up the chant for Jasmine, and Coco is hoisted aloft for a victory smooch.
“Next is the wedding in Panama!” Jasmine declares to the laptop, activating Next Season Plan A.
Everyone enjoys the reception and Gino pauses to share one more announcement, because they haven’t done anything awkward yet.
“If 27 weddings doesn’t get us another seasons, we’re going to try for a baby!” Gino trumpets, and everyone claps in confusion before remembering the parties involved, and Next Season Plan B.
The wedding scene wraps with Jasmine’s request for one hatless photo with Gino. He agrees to a single snap, returning his dome-cover in record time, but his bald head isn’t as bad as he fears, and neither are these two.
It’s seven hours until Anali and Clayton’s wedding, and she’s on the phone with her mom. She confesses that Clayton has a habit of blowing things out of proportion, unlike her, who takes a balanced approach to hiding on her wedding day.
“You see, I tend to think more logically, while Anali’s more emotional,” Clayton reminds everyone that they both suffer from chronic self-awareness deficiency.
Anali calls her mom, and mom objects to her impulse to run, and says it would be like throwing away two years, which some of us do five or six times before surrendering to a permanent genitals-jockey.
Meanwhile, Clayton’s amnesia prevents him from recalling the origins of the previous day’s argument, and he’s not sure Anali is going to marry him, since she’s been on the phone all day trying to isolate a second option. He calls to check-in, and leaves a message that closes out with “guinea pig kisses” so he can feel the intensity of her cringe through the closed door.
“That way it’s almost like we’re together,” Clayton explains.
From there he leads Kameron to the chapel.
“This is where the magic happens,” Clayton tells Kameron. “I’m not talking about sex, I’m talking about marriage.”
“I know,” Kameron knows. “Is Anali talking about marriage? Or at all? Is she even going to understand the vows? This fake storyline is not well planned.”
“I got a text from her mom,” Clayton reports. “It says, ‘I need Anali to stop calling me.’ This is a problem I don’t have, so I don’t know what she expects me to do.”
“Did you tell her about guinea pig kisses?” Kameron might have the answer.
The chapel includes a seat designated for the ghost of Clayton’s brother Jeremy, who tragically died in a car accident. Had we known this information sooner it might have partially explained his codependent relationship with his mom and their mutual hoarding habits, but TLC doesn’t like to tickle our empathy glands when we’re supposed to play couch-judge. The memorial spot triggers Clayton, who admits he’s had a rough day, and he’s glad Kameron’s there so he doesn’t have to count on Anali for comfort.
“This is the weirdest wedding I’ve ever been to in my life,” Kameron has had a lot of firsts this season.
Clayton’s got no choice but to proceed, since someone has to direct the hair and makeup person we’re supposed to have forgotten about, and he’s got a suit to put on. His bid to drop ten pounds in one day with jump-squeaks is a bust, so Kam coaches Clayton through closing his fly, before encouraging adding a jacket and dress shoes so he looks less like a ring-bearer.
All that remains is bussing in guests from a nearby county fair, who abandon their beer coolers in the doorway for the rumored free-food occasion.
“I was going to spend $3 on a shirt at Goodwill, but then a scratch lottery ticket was calling my name,” Baseball hat explains.
“I was not told this was a cookout,” the woman in the front row feels weird about her whole dress thing. “Can I borrow your flip-flops?”
“What in the bang-my-cane fuck is going on here?” Fractalfay wears a similar outfit wrangling weeds into the compost bin on trash day.
A bride being 30 minutes late? Not usual. The groom standing there indefinitely while his best man has an out-of-body experience beside him? Unusual.
“Who is this guy again?” Camo dress forgot to read the sign while walking in.
“Well,” Brandi agrees to assist with milking this. “I guess knocking on the door is impossible. You should probably show the scene of her reclining on the bed again…”
Sam’s relieved to have gotten his Muslim wedding out of the way, and now all he has to do is muscle through his Christian one, and then he’ll be DTF.
“Yike,” Citra’s dad objects.
Sam’s baffled that a Christian pastor marrying them is a problem, when he was just Muslim two hours ago. He tries to explain that this pastor is the only option, since Ashley’s his planner, but dad’s not having it.
“I know this is production,” Herman turns his gaze to the camera. “I know this is you.”
“No, I didn’t realize I’d still be Muslim after conversion,” Sam’s lost.
“You’re not going to Bible-tize my daughter,” dad objects.
Citra’s stylist is directed to do whatever to crush this updo, and obliges the bride’s request, while Sam’s brothebrother-in-law Tim coaches him through a shirt collar. Tim reminds Sam that their other brother, Luke, is technically ordained, and has worn his formal backwards hat to the occasion in case his services are required.
“Luke can I talk to you real quick,” Sam approaches Luke, who waits in the front row. “Can you take the fucking hat off? This isn’t a truck and tractor pull.”
“You know it’s been glued on since 2006,” Luke objects. “Man, the sun is in my eyes. If I face the other direction, problem solved.”
With Luke on pop-and-lock, all that’s left is handing Pastor Dan his walking papers.
“Never in my life did I think I’d have to fire a pastor,” Sam says. “I guess Jesus loses this round.”
“Well. That could have been a phone call, and you might have spared me a binder,” Pastor Dan shakes his head, shuffling away.
Sam’s mom arrives and hopes to score JC a win in the second round, but fails to smack the hat off her fallen crotch fruit, thus blooming more atheists. Luke presses pause on Mario Cart and stuffs a fistful of Fritos in his mug, so he could probably wedding if they feel like it.
Citra’s sisters Nanda and Nafa numb their inner-haters, and marvel at how beautiful Citra looks as she prepares to walk down the aisle.
“It’s so gorgeous!” Nanda declares. “I think I’ll marry his hotter brother!”
Dad says she looks like Cinderella, and if Citra’s mom were there she’d be happy, which threatens the perfection of her makeup. He also shares that a pastor won’t be marrying them, but Luke’s hat can’t be removed or his brain will drip on the grass-carpet.
“So that’s why my grass won’t grow back…” Dad Brian finds the missing piece.
“Here I come!” Citra starts her aisle mosey with dad to the soothing sounds of nothing.
“Deer meat behoove-ed,” Luke begins. “We are gathered here today because we said we would and all these chairs are here…”
Sam interrupts proceedings to announce that he has an actual engagement ring for Citra, and was told by Gino that he needs to propose at least three times for good luck.
“Will you marry me?” Sam actually says.
“Yes, I’m here,” Citra reminds him.
After a little vow exchange, Citra and Sam share their first consensual kiss.
“Usually she’s dodging and weaving,” Sam describes how romance works if you’re Weinstein.
Afterwards there’s an outdoor reception with cake and kids eating strawberries, and then Sam carries Citra over the threshold and into their bedroom, promising his burst pipe will shred her flower to pieces.
“Did you poop?” Citra remembers to ask, because that’s love.
NEXT WEEK: 90DF’s production squad exhausts Anali’s surrender pose while Kameron longs for a distant friendship, Ashley turns up to ten while her brother-in-law laughs, Citra’s flower explosion threatens their deposit on the farm rental, Rob jizzes champagne while Claire halts proceedings by pushing Sophie down a hill, and Nikki reports her fake relationship is too expensive for a second season so she’s going to have to Single Life.
Thank you, Patreon supporters!
submitted by fractalfay to 90DayFiance [link] [comments]

2024.02.23 19:00 Dreyfus2006 Need help identifying the musical style of a couple console generations

Obviously, every Nintendo game has a different soundtrack. However, particularly before Gen. 6 due to the built-in synthesizers on the systems, each console kind of has an iconic sound to its games. I am trying to put a list together of the "sound" of each system, but there were a couple generations that I was having trouble with and was wondering what the community thinks.
Generations 6 and 9 are the ones I am stumped on. There may just be no pattern to find in those generations, but maybe you guys think differently!
I was also wondering which styles the community enjoys, or which ones they don't care for too much. I really love the "sound" of Gen 5 (N64 and GBC), but that could be because I grew up with it.
There's of course a great deal of subjectivity to the following list, but some good examples that show each generation's musical identity:
submitted by Dreyfus2006 to nintendomusic [link] [comments]

2024.02.09 07:03 PDiddy0607 If Mr. SyS' voice was replaced with a different character in Act 4 of All-Stars, who would you want it to be?

The options are:
Super Bad Mario [Bad Day] Luigi's Day Out Mario [Day Out] Racist Mario [Race Traitors] Chris Pratt [So Cool] Grand Dad [Nourishing Blood] Somari [MARIO SING AND GAME RYTHM 9] L is Real [Thalassophobia] John Dick (aka the Parabones with the trumpet) [Starman Slaughter] GX (aka Puppet Girlfriend) [All Stars, Act 3] LG, W4R, & Y0SH [All Stars, Act 2]
It's a tie between GX and LDO Mario, GX for the more logical choice and LDO Mario for my favorite.
Reasoning for GX: It would be a very, very cruel sendoff to have Boyfriend's love of his life, which he already saw as a puppet used by Ultra M, be used one last time, as if to mock him with the very thing he strived to protect and save.
Reasoning for LDO Mario: I actually really like his voice a lot, and I think it would mesh well with Ultra M.
submitted by PDiddy0607 to FridayNightFunkin [link] [comments]

2024.02.05 00:14 bamzing Sunday Modern Challenge 1 Results - Feb 4 2024




134 Sunday Modern Challenge 1 (February 4 2024)
1. Grixis Shadow (10-1) Xenowan @Xenowan
2. Hardened Scales (9-2) StompyRobo
3. UR Murktide (8-2) TheKG
4. Temur Rhinos (7-3) BERNASTORRES @P22Bernas
5. BR Grief (8-1) zarbo
6. Mono B Coffers (6-3) DropRegretRepeat
7. Mono U Merfolk (6-3) batikang
8. Living End (6-3) aManatease @AlexRohan16
9. BR Grief (6-2) Vrym
10. Grixis Shadow [Jegantha] (6-2) _Fortunato_
11. Jund Saga [Jegantha] (6-2) Haiwa
12. BR Grief (6-2) _StN_
13. BG Yawgmoth (6-2) Xerk @Xerk_MTGO
14. Amulet Titan (6-2) FR_GreeDy
15. 5c Creativity (6-2) EiJunCHN @EiJunCHNZhenYin
16. BG Yawgmoth (6-2) L1X0
17. 5c Creativity (6-2) jibeta
18. Temur Rhinos (6-2) SpicyLeche @SpicyLeche_94
19. Mono W Tron (5-3) Bob49 @Bob449449
20. Esper Goryo's Vengeance (5-3) UgandasRankOne
21. BG Yawgmoth (5-3) RobertTheeBruce
22. 4c Goryo's Vengeance (5-3) E_Riot_Rides
23. Mono B Grief (5-3) SorryImSoTilted
24. Temur Rhinos (5-3) JuanmaAT @Ojala_abrazar
25. Living End (5-3) Gabanaci
26. 5c Creativity (5-3) katuo079595 @katuo079595 [Twitch]
27. UW Hammer (5-3) BrofessorDumbelldore
28. Living End (5-3) alemilan19 @alemilan_19
29. UR Breach (5-3) magicwizard17
30. Glimpse (5-3) bobo_el_cheque
31. UR Midrange (5-3) Dazai @Vendilion [Twitch]
32. BR Grief (5-3) Cornichon88
33. BG Yawgmoth (5-3) PlaytoNguyen [Twitch]
34. Hardened Scales (5-3) triosk @serra2020 [Twitch]
35. Mono U Merfolk (5-3) Nikachu @NikachuMTG [Twitch] [YouTube]
36. 4c Rhinos (5-3) wzanotti
37. Temur Rhinos (5-3) Linden_43
38. BR Grief (5-3) klien7
39. BG Grief (5-3) op3n101
40. Jund Carth (5-3) TnTmthos
41. 5c Creativity (5-3) Napoleon_I
42. Living End (4-4) Patriones
43. Hardened Scales (4-4) Hamuda @hamudao3 [Twitch] [YouTube]
44. UR Murktide (4-4) NosonosaN
45. RW Burn (4-4) Janisss
46. Amulet Titan (4-4) Mtty
47. GW Heliod (4-4) Samlg01
48. Temur Rhinos (4-4) Ingrimmsch
49. Temur Rhinos (3-4) Mogged @CKikidis
50. UR Murktide (4-4) _Falcon_
51. BR Grief (4-4) the1_Chas3
52. Mono U Merfolk (4-4) PesterMike
53. Living End (4-4) rerere
54. BG Saga (4-4) oeni
55. Temur Rhinos (4-2) xfile
56. BR Grief (4-4) NAKISHIMA
57. Domain [Jegantha] (4-4) StarwalkeroO
58. RG Assault Loam (4-4) whiterknight
59. BR Grief (4-4) DiamondAtog
60. Temur Prowess [Jegantha] (4-4) Blinkmoth-Nexus
61. 4c Omnath (4-4) joaobelo92
62. Temur Rhinos (4-4) Garganelli
63. Living End (3-3) CaboGrosso
64. 5c Creativity (3-4) Drugo
65. Mono B Grief (3-5) Antarctica
66. Temur Rhinos (3-5) EduFonseca
67. UR Breach [Jegantha] (3-3) Bmadman @benton_madsen
68. RW Burn (3-3) Jokersrwild
69. Jund Saga [Jegantha] (3-5) gummaz
70. Hardened Scales (3-5) xGSx
71. Mono B Coffers (3-3) Toxic1990
72. Jeskai Breach Station (2-4) ArchaeusDota @ArchaeusDota
73. 5c Creativity (3-4) Oceansoul92 @Oceansoul921
74. Temur Rhinos (3-5) bellfy
75. Mono B Coffers (3-5) CanadianNinja
76. 5c Creativity (3-5) Sancho_Mascarenhas
77. BG Yawgmoth (3-5) _Iuriper_
78. Jeskai Sagablade (2-4) gyyby297 @gyyby_mtg297
79. Temur Rhinos (2-3) Xwhale @Will__Krueger [Twitch]
80. 5c Creativity (2-2) GuiltyGhost
81. Grixis Control (1-6) ShadowVangaurd
82. BR Grief (2-5) Yumajpn
83. UB Mill (2-4) tibalt_of_red_sub @TibaltOfRedSub
84. Temur Rhinos (2-2) KLVR
85. BR Grief (2-2) Jeppeapan @Jeppeapan
86. 61-cards Amulet Titan (2-3) MatouSakuraMTG
87. UR Murktide (2-4) komattaman @komatta_man
88. BG Yawgmoth (2-5) unagieel
89. Living End (2-4) indianpancake @indianpancakes
90. Belcher (2-6) JingoJoe
91. BG Yawgmoth (2-4) ddrd
92. Hardened Scales (2-4) matchmachi
93. BG Yawgmoth (2-5) ffxs114514
94. Temur Rhinos (2-4) xhpc007
95. Mono B Coffers (2-5) caio402
96. Hardened Scales (1-2) LordEgg
97. BR Grief (1-2) tzio @Titan_MTG
98. Lotus Field (1-3) CountrytimeCrusher
99. 5c Kethis (1-2) hateatos
100. BG Yawgmoth (1-2) toondoslav @toondoslav
101. UR Murktide (1-4) joker10289 @joker10289
102. BR Midrange (1-3) FedeZano97
103. UR Murktide (1-3) Kanster5566
104. Naya Asmo (1-4) PascalMaynard @PascalMaynard
105. Mono B Coffers (1-2) yriel @YrielPenguin
106. Temur Rhinos (1-2) Junkmener
107. Living End (1-2) Alakai
108. UB Turns (1-2) wutup
109. Amulet Titan (1-3) BuenosLoko
110. BR Grief (1-4) ura_frst
111. 4c Rhinos (1-3) niuwaid001
112. 80-cards 4c Omnath (0-2) joetru @joetruuu
113. 61-cards Hardened Scales (0-2) SakeIzumo
114. BR Grief (0-3) Pardub
115. Jeskai Asmoranimator [Jegantha] (0-2) kiko
116. BR Grief (0-2) FerMTG @FerMTG_2
117. Bant Control [Kaheera] (0-2) AnziD @anzidmtg [Twitch]
118. Mono W Saga (0-2) kristofff
119. UW Control [Kaheera] (0-3) Cantergiani
120. UR Breach (0-2) Notoriouss
121. Amulet Titan (0-4) Dreddybajs @PocketJacesCast [Twitch]
122. BG Yawgmoth (0-4) SoulStrong @Mtg_SoulStrong [Twitch]
123. Temur Rhinos (0-2) astarisk
124. Bant Knightfall (0-2) Allos
125. Temur Rhinos (0-2) MarioBBrega @MarioBBrega
126. Affinity (0-2) Asuteka114
127. 61-cards Amulet Titan (0-3) deftjad @deftjad [Twitch]
128. BG Yawgmoth (0-2) boytriton @SergioGarciaJ12
129. 5c Creativity (0-2) Ant_Are_MTG
130. Naya Creativity (0-2) selesneal @selesneal
131. BG Yawgmoth (0-2) Nidael09
132. 5c Creativity (0-3) _BOI_
133. UR Murktide (0-3) Sebstrika
134. Temur Rhinos (0-2) drcheez
Domain [Jegantha] darbsoma
Hardened Scales finiks
Temur Rhinos poogaloo
Temur Rhinos Laplasjan @laplasjan
Temur Rhinos Tubaba
Scraper by bamzing! ALL deck names are automated, please don't get too angry if the scraper mislabeled something. If your name is on there and you have a TwitteTwitch/YouTube link, I'll add it! But please tag me (u/bamzing) so I can see your request.

Full Metagame Breakdown

19 Rhinos (17 Temur, 2 4c) 17 Bx Grief (14 BR, 2 Mono B, 1 BG) 12 BG Yawgmoth 11 Creativity (10 5c, 1 Naya) 8 Living End 7 Hardened Scales 7 UR Murktide 6 Amulet Titan 5 Mono B Coffers 4 Saga (2 Jund, 1 BG, 1 Mono W) 3 Mono U Merfolk 3 UR Breach 2 Grixis Shadow 2 Bx Goryo's Vengeance (1 Esper, 1 4c) 2 BRx Midrange (1 UR, 1 BR) 2 RW Burn 2 4c Omnath 2 UWx Control (1 Bant, 1 UW) 1 Mono W Tron 1 UW Hammer 1 Glimpse 1 Jund Carth 1 GW Heliod 1 Domain 1 RG Assault Loam 1 Temur Prowess 1 Jeskai Breach Station 1 Jeskai Sagablade 1 Grixis Control 1 UB Mill 1 Belcher 1 Lotus Field 1 5c Kethis 1 Naya Asmo 1 UB Turns 1 Jeskai Asmoranimator 1 Bant Knightfall 1 Affinity 

X-2 or better Archetype Breakdown

3 Bx Grief (3 BR) 2 Rhinos (2 Temur) 2 BG Yawgmoth 2 Creativity (2 5c) 2 Grixis Shadow 1 Living End 1 Hardened Scales 1 UR Murktide 1 Amulet Titan 1 Mono B Coffers 1 Saga (1 Jund) 1 Mono U Merfolk 

New Cards (LCI)

Tishana's Tidebinder Molten Collapse Echoing Deeps Sunken Citadel Trumpeting Carnosaur Unstable Glyphbridge // Sandswirl Wanderglyph Bitter Triumph Deeproot Pilgrimage Get Lost Kutzil's Flanker Inti, Seneschal of the Sun Spelunking Tithing Blade // Consuming Sepulcher Warden of the Inner Sky 

Tournament Highlights

  • It's like we're playing Legacy! The winner is Xenowan on Grixis Shadow! Even playing Grief!!
  • StompyRobo is our runner-up and played Hardened Scales!
  • TheKG was on UR Murktide.
  • BERNASTORRES was on Temur Rhinos.
  • zarbo was on BR Grief.
  • DropRegretRepeat was on Mono B Coffers.
  • batikang was on Mono U Merfolk.
  • aManatease rounds out our T8 with Living End!
  • Congrats to Xenowan for taking the tournament down!

Follow me on Twitter!

submitted by bamzing to ModernMagic [link] [comments]

2024.02.01 05:09 Pinorea Who wins in this Battle Royal!

Who wins in this Battle Royal!
We got:
Joe Kure (Dwight Comics)
Sam Gonku (Dandruff Bun E)
Gorge Snowson (Game of Monopoly)
Walter Mario (Decent Mario)
Donaldson Trumpet (Republican Party USA)
Bromean (for the sake of argument not Batgos)(Investigative Novels)
Jackson Seagull (pine of the Caribbean)
submitted by Pinorea to DeathBattleCirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.01.31 02:59 WeeksDW SoS Vs. Chained Echoes

So I saw some comments back and forth about the 2 games. I just finished CE 100% achievements/trophies/platinum etc. which makes both games 100% complete for me.
Some people said SoS the story pace is too slow.
Some people said CE the story is amazing and better than SoS.
Personally I really loved the story of SoS more than CE. But I still liked CE's story for different reasons.
SoS felt like Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG mixed for gameplay. As we all know and it's great!
CE felt like it was FF12 and FF Tactics mixed together with both games stealing a couple of things from FF7.
SoS combat was a bit easier but the elements and spell locks were a lot of fun and never got boring!
CE combat started out really hard. Forces you to focus on debuffs and buffs. Then it gets fun for a while and then it becomes boring when you CANT play the game any other way.... I got really tired of hearing Victors trumpet 2+ time speed battle.... These mechanics should have been reserved for bosses only to make them more challenging. Normal enemies should be able to take down without much worry.
In CE I really liked the overdrive gauge mechanic which was a bit more random and help keep the game from feeling like mundane routine every fight.
The "enhanced combat" as I will call it to avoid spoilers was super cool! Overdrive was less complicated and fun! I also liked how the game keeps a balance between normal and "enhanced combat" areas so you still get to keep a balance of both and once does not 100% replace the other!
Both games offer lots of equipment upgrades for free while in dungeons which is honestly refreshing not having to focus on money grind to afford gear each town! Although the equipment upgrades system in SE kind of almost made it not worth upgrading until you get to the end. Too much equipment too quickly. Constantly swapping out pieces and crystals and upgrading. It actually slowed down the game alot trying to keep up on gear and crystals.
In CE the crystal system is best to just be avoided until the end as well. Huge time sink to get anything good.
Both games were great! Both games are fun! SoS is a bit more casual and smooth gameplay. CE is a bit more tedious and rigorous combat fights to get through. Poison, Bleed, and Toxic are broken! OP!
Anyways I guess I'll just leave it at that and see who agrees/disagrees for anyone who has played both!
submitted by WeeksDW to seaofstars [link] [comments]

2024.01.30 13:36 Dick_Destroyer800 Drake the type of musical mario to play a comically large trumpet whenever someone makes a mistake, and do a cymbal crash on a portable drum set when he tells a joke

submitted by Dick_Destroyer800 to DrakeTheType [link] [comments]

2024.01.27 13:16 untitled_SusHi #5 :- Saturday, 11:27, 27/01/2024

I've had many dreams today, all have some similar feel and a similar item in between and sometimes I was dreaming inside another dream and seeing the same kiddo I took with me in parts of them :) And I think the boy was also in a previous dream I had last year (2023).
Anyways it was great! My father called me and broke the dreams thought so I wish I stayed again. But I'm happy to see the little boy again. I had some other friends too. And again, I was also flying of course xD with wings and all and being chased (classic) and probably looking for something.
Everhthing is jumbled up though. I don't know what clearly went first so I will start woth whatever.
  1. ‐---------
I was driving a car. It felt like a game. There were people driving car. Maybe thugs and all guys chasing me and trying to bump and crush and capture me. But I have no clue, the vehicle and the perspective has been changing in the dream. Like I'm seeing from my view and then seeing it as if it were mario cart.
Also it couldve been a scooter too but most lickly a car. A car that can jump on ledges. The area was like a maze, filled with laberinth thick walls and traps. And I was on the run like an outlaw. There might have even been police involved.
It was great xD I felt like how I always do driving to new places and seeing something beautiful. Like when you look at a large orange moon, you'd melt. It felt like that except I was in an actual adventure, like a fujitive pirate ot something lmao.
I don't remember what else happened. But I didnt get caught. And if my car stopped anyways id keep running and I know Id spraot out wings and fly somewhere. The athmosphere felt like many of my dreams. Like the ones I know I'll get my way and get away and probably fly away.
  1. ------------
The same athmosphere rosed in the next. Not sure why, But my friends and our family or some other stranger were sleeping in the same public area, like a sort of camping trip except indoors, on the couch, on the floors, outside, on the bed, something like that. But all in the same room of something.
A father of a baby, put him on a bean bag that seems like he'd fall over because it wasn't arranged properly. So I told him, I'd keep an eye on him if he gets up. When he left, I took the kid in my arms. Probably when I blink he became an almost 9 year old boy. And I think I saw him in other dreams.
Kind of laughed and asked him "How are you?" "What have you been up to these days?" And literally "You've grown xD". And now that I'm thinking of it. I saw a little boy in real life around his age. And he said hi to me. And I hold him "Nice shoes :)" and he was like "Tanks :))". It might have been like my dream version of him. Or just a coincidence.
I dont remember what exactly he looks like (in dream) but I knew we've met previously.
  1. ------
We were in a festival. Me and my friends going around the place together at first. But as usual, I began to break away from them (I'll blame me cause its just me being me. Being alone is something I love doing).
This festival was so familiar. I remember it in another dream. There was a theatre and a bridge with the guy playing a trumpet. The same stranger I asked for directions. And the same slide down the moving stair. If you slide down the banner, its like a train rush. At the end I would know where to find that big old house that was abandoned with a piano inside that you can only stay there for a few minutes because you can't always stay in a dream.
I went to other attractions with my friends earlier. Like a disneyland, we went on roller coasters and all the up and down stuff. The high bits I mean. Now here Im on my own walking to a larger theatre that I never entered in my previous dream.
There was a play going on and the seats were filled. But I never took noticed at it. But I recognised someone else from another dream and the seat beside her was empty. I never talked to her in the other dreams, but we just shared a hi and left. It was the same for this one. And even in real life, if I knew someone that I met or if its a stranger, I'll sit beside them and either smile if the person had an attention on something else or make small talk if they're looking ahead at nothing. In this case, there was a play.
I saw her, she saw me and we both smiled and I took the seat next to her and enjoyed her company in silence. Then I might have went to sleep and moved to the next dream. It felt so peaceful and I was so comfortable. Might have slept on her shoulder.
  1. -------
The little boy I met earlier was here and I was holding his hand. My friends (this time the same group from real life) were heading to a karaoke room expecting me over. But I saw the little boy and he was alone.
I was like "Fancy meeting you here again u lost or something? Its the third time now lmao". He took my hand and asked me where I was going. So I took him to where we were going to have our karaoke.
Quite like the actual karaoke place, the place was high at the top and you needed to go up and up the stairs to get to the room. But unlike the realife karaoke place, the door we've entered to get there was from the grocery store I've met him in. And the place was much much bigger and much much taller and more like a fancy silver plated stairs from the 90s. Like a ballet pallace. It was really pretty but ver mesmorising going up the stairs. If I didnt have the boy as my company I wouldve gotten lost.
We reached to the top, but then I realised that my friends may have changed the scedule and it was downstairs. Oops. Also the top room suddenly bursed of police telling us to freeze. And I told the boy we'd do something cool. So we jumped from the 20th floor and down at the center. Wind rushed and the we laughed. He didnt seem any scared. We held hands and then I hugged him tight and grew wings to lighten our fall. The karaoke room was at the bottom. We heard all sorts of music going down.
At the bottom we entered a room and locked it. And then entered the block with music sounding from it were I saw my friends who told me what took me so long. I said I brought this kiddo over and he wanted to try. And so we put in a song for him and he shouted it. After one song, he disappeared. I didnt think too much about it and continued my day. Anyways I was going to see him again in some other dream.
  1. -----
I was suddenly back in the theatre room. I might have had a dream in a dream. In my hand was a folder with some drawings. The woman beside me tapped my other shoulder. The play was done and people were leaving. I appologised to her. Kind of embarassing that I met someone else while she had to watch her play with me using her as a pillow.
I left the place and saw a similar marked page in other dreams I had. I remembered seeing it when I was in the karaoke room and when I was on the run in a car. It may have been the reason why the athmospheres seemed the same. It felt like a spell and very similar to a lovable dream I had once.
I looked back to the woman but she was gone now. I felt like I missed my chance again :) But I think she was someone Iet a long time ago in another dream where we had adventures. And since she was a witch, she sent me in more dreams when I was asleep where I couldnt remembered all. My memories are currently fading.
She thought me magic spells too. And this spell circle in front of me, is something that auto happens. Its like a souvenir for todays dreams. Though its fabricated in the dream world, maybe I was in the threatre at first and the dream reoccured in a random pattern. Yet they all felt confortable and fun. I really missed my chance to tell her how much I missed her. Ah again it could've been someone else but I really shluldve spent time with her too. I don't think it's going to be the last like my other dreamworld friends anways. Wait for me ~♡!
submitted by untitled_SusHi to Dream [link] [comments]

2024.01.09 00:30 Desperate_Song_1923 Here are my favorite to least favorite Pokemon Generations and why.

Here are my favorite to least favorite Pokemon generations and why. This is all my opinion, So please don't hate me, I'm very sorry if your favorite Gen is at the bottom of the list.
  1. Generation 4 (DPPt, HGSS)My all time favorite Gen, I'll admit it had a rough start with Diamond and Pearl, But Platinum and HeartGold and SoulSilver are my favorite games in the entire series and are quite enough to save this Gen for me, I love Platinum so much! It remains my favorite Pokemon game and probably always will be, It improved on Diamond and Pearl in every way possible like having access to the new evolutions before the post game, And expanding the dex and adding more Fire Type Pokemon. It has some of the best Pokemon designs ever and I love the story too, Team Galactic is still one of my favorite evil teams and also has my girl Cynthia, I also love that it included new evolutions for past Pokemon that really needed them, The Distortion World is an amazing thing too, I just wish it was more than just a generic strength puzzle, But whatever, And who can forget the Physical/Special split? Easily one of the best things to happen in Pokemon, Such a blessing. It also has one of the best if not THE best post game in the entire franchise along with Emerald and BW2 which is the Battle Frontier, God I hope they bring that back one day, Sinnoh is easily my favorite region, I love it so much! The Creation Trio is easily my favorite Legendary Trio in the whole franchise. HeartGold and SoulSilver are still the best remakes in my eyes and my other favorite games along with Platinum, Sure it still has flaws from the original Gen 2 games like the level curve still being bad and some Johto Pokemon like Houndour and Sneasel only being available in Kanto/The Post Game, But that doesn't stop these games from being masterpieces, They're packed with content like the Pokeathalon, Platinum's Battle Frontier etc etc, I also love how it included Pokemon Crystal's plot with Suicune, That was amazing, Silver is also a GOATED rival, I also love how Kanto feels more fleshed out here than in the originals, Gym Leader rematches are also an amazing thing, And that battle with Red on Mt. Silver is still super satisfying to beat, And Pokemon following you is also a great thing, Man....Gen 4 was the best!
  2. Generation 3 (RSE, FRLG)This Generation was also GOATED, Ruby and Sapphire were pretty good start off games, But Emerald just prefected the Hoenn region with so much to do in it, It is one of my favorite games in the entire series, The music is also fantastic with the trumpets and everything, It also introduced abilities which makes battling much more strategic and fun, It also has my favorite Starter trio of all time, Sceptile is my all time favorite Pokemon ever and Swampert is my favorite water type ever, Blaziken is also an amazing Pokemon, A lot of the Pokemon designs in this Gen are just really great, There are some bad ones yeah but then again, That applies for every Gen, Contests were also introduced, Those were pretty fun but also pretty forgettable, The rivals in these games were also not great, Brendan and May have no personality and Wally was very forgettable, Team Aqua and Team Magma are pretty cool and also pretty funny for how dumb they are lol, Having two seperate evil teams depending on which version was a neat concept and a part of me wishes they did that more often, The Weather Trio is another GOATED Legendary trio, I love all 3 of them, And the fact you can catch all three of them in Emerald is just a Chef's Kiss. I don't know how I feel about Wallace replacing Steven in Emerald as the champion though, I don't mind it but, I just don't know how to feel about it, Also, The Post Game in Emerald is like I said with Platinum, The BEST post game in the entire franchise! I LOVE the Battle Frontier! I love that there's many different battle facilities all with different rules, And I love how challenging they are, BRING BACK THE BATTLE FRONTIER DAMMIT GAME FREAK! Emerald and Platinum are pretty much everything a third version should be. FireRed and LeafGreen were also amazing games and the best way to experince the Kanto region, The Sevii Islands were a great and very underrated addition, Gen 3 rocks!
  3. Generation 5 (BW, BW2)Good ole Gen 5, When these games came out, They got so much flak for the lazy designs like Garbodor and Vannilish, But me, I never thought that was a problem, To say 2 bad designs are the reason the game sucks is just a very dumb reason to hate the game, Every Gen has their bad designed Pokemon, Even my favorite Gen 4! But enough of that, Gen 5 was an AMAZING way to end of the DS era for Pokemon, I just love the Unova region so much as it's the first region to not be set in Japan, It's set in New York which I love! I love the beautiful cities and characters in these games, N is one of the best written characters in the franchise, What's not to love about him? Team Plasma is also a very badass evil team and probably the most evil in the franchise with Ghetsis being probably THE most evil character in the franchise, Them taking over the Pokemon League was so awesome and it really blew my mind, These also had Seasons which were pretty much the Day and Night cycle of these games as you can catch certain Pokemon in a season, I though that was very creative and interesting, Can also be annoying if you want a Pokemon but you can't catch it in the current season you're in. These games have such a good story and easily the best story in the series, I love it! The music is also top notch! Also introduced infinite TMs which was a major blessing, A lot of the Pokemon designs are great too even though there are some bad ones like every Generation, BW2 is one of my top 3 or 4 games in the series, There's just so much to do from Join Avenue, The Battle Subway, The Black Tower, The White Treehollow and another amazing post game, The Pokemon World Tournament! My God this was peak! A tournament where you fight all Gym Leaders and Champions from previous regions? How amazing is that?! Gen 5 had so much going for it where It's so sad people didn't see how amazing these games were, Gen 5 is amazing!
  4. Generation 6 (XY, ORAS)Gen 6 is a very underrated Gen and deserved way better, X and Y are great games with so much missed potential, If only Pokemon Z was made, Could've easily made this Gen even better than it was, But unfortunately....That wasn't the case..The games were piss easy yeah, Which is a major flaw yeah......The story, While not the greatest was still pretty good in my eyes, The only bad characters I can think of are Tierno and Trevor, Everyone else is actually pretty good, Serena and Calem are pretty underrated rivals. I also really like the introduction of Fairy Types, Very good type! And this Gen also introduced one of the best gimmicks in Pokemon, Mega Evolution! My God Mega Evolution was awesome! Sure it made the game broken but it was still really cool, I love the designs of most Megas, Team Flare was also a decent evil team and Lysandre is an interesting character, A lot of the Pokemon designs in this Gen are also very good and underrated, Greninja is one of the most badass Pokemon ever! It really sucks people don't give these games enough credit, They're actually pretty good, ORAS are great remakes of Hoenn and easily my favorite 3DS Pokemon games, I love the addition of Soaring on Latios and Latias and the ability to catch every Legendary is awesome! The Delta Episode was also very amazing and probably the best thing in the game. My one major gripe about these games is that there's no Battle Frontier, That's a big loss in my opinion, The Battle Frontier was the best Post Game in the entire series and the fact they cut it in the remakes makes me so sad, Part of the reason why I like Emerald more than this, But they're still great games nonetheless and the 2nd best remakes after HGSS.
  5. Generation 2 (GSC)Gen 2 still remains a classic to this day, I still love it, Yes it has flaws like the level curve and Johto Pokemon like Houndour, Sneasel, Slugma etc only being available in Kanto/The Post Game, And inaccessiblity to evolutionary stones, But that doesn't stop me from really liking these games still, HeartGold and SoulSilver are still way better than these but these are still classics, I love the Day and Night Cycles as they're very creative, The introduction of Dark and Steel types is great, Two really great types, Also made Psychic types less broken than they were in Gen 1, Has some amazing Pokemon introduced in it as well like Scizor, Heracross, Tyranitar etc etc. Legendaries like Ho-Oh and Lugia are still really awesome and among the best Legendaries ever, It also introduced breeding as well which is amazing for competitive Pokemon, It's also the only Gen where you travel to two regions instead of one which I think is still really awesome, Even though Kanto feels kind of empty in this game, Baby Pokemon feel kind of unecessary even though a lot of them are cute, I do like the Battle Tower in Pokemon Crystal, Pretty good Post Game, And the Battle with Red on Mt. Silver, While not as good as it is in HGSS, It's still really good here.
  6. Generation 9 (Scarlet & Violet)I wanted to rank this higher as these games actually have a pretty good story (With Arven that is) And amazing Pokemon designs, But...The fact that it's one of the most if not THE most flawed game in the series is really saying something, The games run like total shit, The framerate is atrocious, And the vast amount of glitches is super annoying, And could ruin the game for some people, Paldea is the most uninspired and boring region design wise and the graphics look like a PS2 game, I've seen someone say the whole map of Paldea looks like a Super Mario 64 level, And honestly, They're not wrong, I can't unsee it now, The story is good don't get me wrong, Arven is a very well written character and the story with his sick dog was very sad, And the reveal at the end with his "Parents" actually being AI clones was mindblowing! definitely a great story! But if we're talking about outside of that, The story is not very good, Victory Road is literally just typical Pokemon, Defeat all the Gym Leaders, Defeat the Elite Four, Become the champion yadda yadda yadda, There is Nemona's character development, Which is pretty good I actually do like Nemona a lot as a character and she's one of my favorite rivals, But that's really all it had going for it, Starfall Street.....Oh God.....I liked it when I first played the game don't get me wrong, I thought it was wholesome, But....looking back at it....It's garbage lol, I'm sorry, Starfall Street is not a good storyline and by far the worst in the game, It was predictable as all hell, Penny being "Cassiopeia" was the most predictable shit ever, They did a terrible job at hiding it and "Clive" being director Clavell was also way too obvious...The Team Star Bosses were cool though, I did like their designs and they actually had a backstory unlike Penny whom we don't know much about until Area Zero which I'll get to later, Gameplay wise it was just so boring and repetitive with all the Auto Battles with random ass Pokemon and then beat up a car, Speaking of Auto Battles, I actually do really like that they added that, It's a great feature, Terastallizing is a very unique mechanic and actually makes battles somewhat strategic, It's way better than Dynamax from Gen 8, The music is great as well and the characters (Except Penny) are great as well, I love Nemona and Arven a lot, The Gym leaders are also great and full of personality, Larry is the GOAT! The most relatable character in the franchise and I will die on that hill, What I also don't like is that they brought back single use TMs again....Why would they get rid of infinite TMs? That was one of the best things they ever could've come up with and they got rid of it....Thanks Game Freak....I also don't like how Paldea as whole feels so empty, You can't enter most buildings in the cities which kills a lot of the world building, And there's no side activities at all, Previous games were packed with content, What does Scarlet and Violet have?....NOTHING!....Yeah....NOTHING!....All you can really do outside of progressing through the story is catch Pokemon, Yeah, That's about it.....There's not even a Battle Tower, What the fuck?? Why?! Even Gen 8 had one! Why not this one?! The Post Game is also a huge letdown as well, All it is is just rematches with the Gym Leaders that you can only do once, Not unlimited like HeartGold and SoulSilver, And a tournament at the academy, Which I guess is fun at first, But gets old really quick, One major flaw in this game that I think is bigger than performance issues is.....NO LEVEL SCALING!....Yup....There's no level scaling whatsoever in this game...That REALLY holds this game back for me, It's still better than the ones above it, But man....The lack of level scaling really brings this game down, How do you call this Open World when there's no level scaling?! You're still technically forced down a linear path disguised as an open world, Kind of misleading actually...Also Geeta is the worst champion in the franchise, Move over Diantha! But, I do like the concept of Titan Battles, Those were neat, And regardless of all the flaws these games have, They're still great games nonetheless and I still enjoyed them for what they are, Even though from all that I wrote above it doesn't seem like I did, But I did enjoy Gen 9, Believe me, Also I never played the DLC, But I heard good things about it so I might check it out eventually, Gen 9 is great, Just extremely flawed, Please no hate.
  7. Genration 7 (SM, USUM, LPLE) I don't know if this is a controversial placement or not, But I'm so sorry Gen 7 fans, This is not my favorite Gen, I'm not the biggest fan of it, I can see how it appeals to others with the story being pretty sad with the Aether family, Lillie and Gladion are great characters and their mother Lusamine was a great villain, Kukui was a great character as well, Team Skull is by far my favorite evil team in the series, They are fucking hilarious! Guzma is definitely my favorite evil team boss in the series as well, IT'S YOUR BOY GUZMA!!! Sorry I had too lol, There's also some pretty great Pokemon designs this Gen as well, I do really like the addition of regional variants, And the fact they got rid of HMs was amazing, The Music is also awesome for the most part, Guzma's theme still goes hard! But now onto why this Gen isn't my favorite, I personally wasn't a fan of the whole multiple islands thing and the island challenges and all that, Sure they are unique and can be challenging, But I still just wasn't too crazy about them, Other parts of the Alola region are just so forgettable to me and I just wasn't a big fan of the region in general, I don't see myself going back to these anytime soon, Z Moves are also not that great and not a big fan of them either, The Post Game is nice though don't get me wrong, The Battle Tree is a good challenge and the return of Red and Blue was unexpected but cool, USUM I never finished actually, I guess it could be because I didn't even want to bother because I wasn't the biggest fan of the orignal games, I've heard good things about the post game though, With Ultra Space, The Team Rainbow Rocket plotline and the Ultra Necrozma battle being the hardest battle in the series, Maybe one day I will go back to it to play those, But Idk, We'll see. The Let's Go games are literally just Pokemon Go for the switch except you're in Kanto. I'm probably gonna get so much hate for this aren't I? Again I'm so sorry Gen 7 fans, Gen 7 is just not my favorite Gen, I like it, But it's not my favorite.
  8. Generation 8 (SWSH, BDSP, Legends Arceus)Gen 8 is not the best Gen I'm sorry, Sword and Shield are among the worst games in the series, Not that they're bad, I just don't think they're the greatest, The graphics are awful, Everyone looks like clay, The designs of the Pokemon are the weakest in the series by far, Even though there are some great ones like Toxtricity, Grimmsnarl, Obstagoon, Eternatus etc etc, But most of them don't really appeal to me, The Story is pitiful and the villian is a complete joke, I do like some of the characters like Bede, Marnie, Leon, The Gym Leaders etc, But even then, They barely had character arcs, And Team Yell is the absolute worst evil team in the entire franchise! They have no purpose other than being simps for Marnie, Like geez! Leave the girl alone! Hop is a 50/50 character for me, I mean....I don't mind him I guess, But I can definitely see why people don't like him. Dynamax is also the worst gimmick in the 3D Pokemon games, Like oooh the Pokemon turns Giant and they use Giant move.....So creative....Some of the Gigantamax Pokemon do look really cool though ngl, But still not enough to save this shitty mechanic. Galar is also a very poorly designed region as the Wild Area takes up WAY too much of it, I guess the British arhitecture is pretty nice is the region is set in the UK, But the Wild Area is too big to notice it, SWSH were just not very good games in general and I wouldn't play them again, I don't think they're terrible, Just not very good, As a big Gen 4 fan with Platinum as their favorite Pokemon game, I was severly disappointed with BDSP, They're actually the worst remakes in the entire series, Like many others, I don't like the chibi artstyle and the fact there was no Platinum content crushed my heart, Before you say "It's supposed to be a remake to the original Diamond and Pearl! Not Platinum!" That's a terrible argument, HeartGold and SoulSilver were remakes of Gold and Silver, But they also had content from Pokemon Crystal, Those games were packed with content and there's many reasons many consider them the best in the series. BDSP Has none of that! The Grand Underground is good but it's not enough to save these dumpster fires of remakes, The only good thing these games did besides the Grand Underground was make the Elite Four and Cynthia harder than the originals, That's about it, Other than that, These games are nothing short of cash grabs. There is one good thing to come out of Gen 8 though, One of my personal favorite games in the entire series, Pokemon Legends Arceus! Boy this game was amazing! It has some of the best mechanics in the entire series, Being able to catch Pokemon without having to battle them is a dream come true! The fact you can catch Pokemon in the air is amazing! The story and characters in this game are also very great and I love the new regional variants, It was very nice to see the Sinnoh region for what it was in a distant past, I love this game so much and I would love another Legends game, As a Gen 4 fan, This game makes me so happy! But.....I don't think it saves the entire Generation as a whole as most games in it were not the greatest.
  9. Generation 1 (RBY)Yeah I'm so sorry GenWunners, This Gen is not the best, I get it's what started it all and we wouldn't have this amazing franchise because of it and they were great for their time, But nowadays, I don't see any reason to play them over any of it's successors which are all better than them, It's still iconic don't get me wrong and still has some of the best Pokemon designs ever, Even though there are some really bad ones, But again, That applies for every Gen. Pokemon Yellow is still a good classic but Red and Blue.....Yeah not the greatest. The fact that Game Freak themselves keep bringing it back in pretty much every game is really starting to get annoying, Like we get it! It's what started it all and we weouldn't be anywhere without it! Quit shoving it in our faces Game Freak!
And there you have it, That's my opinion on every Pokemon Generation from my favorite to least favorite, Let me know what yours are, Again, This is all just my opinion, Please don't hate me!
What are your favorite to least favorite Gens?
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