Torture and punishment in elizabethan times

Le roi est mort, vive le roi!

2013.01.03 08:11 obdp Le roi est mort, vive le roi!

2020.02.16 03:30 gulag1man PenisPoopTheGreat

We are a religion that is based on shitting pissing and cumming and we also are based in Venezuela death to WOSHšŸ˜»

2012.09.25 02:55 Kvothe24 Green Dawn Global Takeover

A mission to spread the great green word across the land. Place your troops in public places and post here. Over!

2024.05.01 11:15 hgclyde How Gay Christian Men forced to stay in the closet in late 20th century.

Hi folks, I'm reflecting my life was affected in my teen and young adults life and still impacted my life today and the lives Gay Christian men in 21st century.
I was born in 1967. Life as black kid fun Saturday morning cartoons, bikes ride, school and waiting for dad for shore leave from the Vietnam War. In the 1980s I was high school. I had no idea of about my sexual orientation. But time period in world history affected me and millions of gay and bisexual Christian men to stay in closet. In 1979 I went from Elementary to Junior High. And something an unknown illness was infected hundreds of young men. Doctors called it H3TLV virus. It was a medical mystery. Two years later in as I was heading into High School in Southern CA. The Centers for Disease Control rename H3TLV virus to HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The advanced version of the virus is acquired immune deficiency syndrome or AIDS. The disease impacts gay and bi men sexual activities, the sharing of dirty needles. Women passing the virus to their children after being infected by their closeted gay or bisexuality husband.
Church pastors and ministers across America and arround the world were having a field day attacking gay men. Many gay men in the church routinely being pummeled by their leaders about AIDS. AIDS was Godā€™s punishment to the Gay community they said. Ex-Gay ministries are growing by leaps and bounds.
It was safer to stay in the closet. This let to the growing of mixed orientation marriage. Obedience was the order of the day. The pressure on Gay and Bisexual Christian men was so strong for most. Gay and bi Christian men forced themselves to remain mixed orientation marriage that last 10 to 20 years. Many men used porn, seeking bathrooms, bath house for hook ups. When wives found out that their husbands had been tested positively for HIV the women immediately went tested for HIV.
I remembered glancing newspaper obituaries in the LA Times and San Francisco Chronicle with hundreds of gay and bi men in college. I was shocked by it every though it mention on TV shows like ABC News 20/20 and CBS News 60 Minutes and NBC News Dateline . In the 2000 I made the decision to staying the closest. It also didn't help the me my younger brother and sister wanted to be in show business. My mom was afraid I would be turned Gay. Ha the jokes on you Ma. I am and Hollywood didn't do this to me. Over the last 10-15 years I started thinking that I am not straight. In the 8 years I realize that I wasn't straight. In 2010 I had a dream that I was on date with a woman and for sem reason I admit that I was gay. I woke up crying any chance to be a husband to woman and father to her children was gone. I couldn't even talk to my family about this. When my parents died Dad in 2016 and Mom in 2020 I whisper to them When I said my good by that I was gay. I didn't have the guts to come out to out of fear. I was a coward. I still haven't come out my Christian friends and church family. Afraid of condemnation and rejection keep me in the closet. Only my brother and sister and nieces know. Being black, Latin and gay is a harder because church is so ingrained in to us.
I wonder if others were impacted by this black, white, Asian and Latino like I was.
submitted by hgclyde to GayChristians [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 11:13 20Keller12 Your child is not "bad"

I just saw yet another post by someone talking about punishing their 5 year old child for being "bad" and I absolutely hate it. Because the vast majority of the time, your child is not "bad", they are not being "bad".
They are being naughty, or they're misbehaving, or they're being defiant or stubborn. They're not being "bad" and telling a child that they are is more hurtful and detrimental than most parents seem to realize.
In our home, we do our absolute best to never use the word bad to describe our children, because they aren't. They're just children, doing childish things.
submitted by 20Keller12 to breakingmom [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 11:12 lostpirateship A weird dream

Throwaway account. Iā€™ve been drinking for almost a decade. This Sunday, made me realize how many beautiful women Iā€™ve lost to my addiction to alcohol. How many chances I couldā€™ve had at landing better opportunities. How many times Iā€™ve screwed up. How many times Iā€™ve hurt other people.
It got to the point where I would just buy end up leaving the club, event, hell even dates early. Simply because I would rather get to my room early, lock myself in the room and just finish a bottle before going to sleep.
This Sunday, and I know this can sound cringey, but this time it was different. I was drunk in my dream alone in a room. Floor didnā€™t even have tiles, or vinyl plank. Just raw and dust concrete.
In this dream a voice spoke to me saying that if I donā€™t stop drinking, I will eventually end up in a thorny path that can resemble hell. The drunk and cocky me, tells this voice that Iā€™m already happy where I am as long as I retain these bottles. Also, that I donā€™t believe in hell.
This voice said Iā€™m not anywhere remotely close to understanding the concept of hell. I laughed and said ā€œoh please show me.ā€ This voice said ā€œblink for me.ā€
I blinked. I was alone near a fireplace. I saw people getting close, but they all had blurry faces. For some reason I wasnā€™t scared in this dream. I know I would in real life just thinking about it. I later realized it was my friends and family all crying. It made me panic that I could tell who each was, by their other physical traits and voices, but their faces were blurred when I was 2 feet Infront of them.
Voice said ā€œblink again.ā€ I did. I was back in the same room. Now all the walls were closing. It started shaping itself as a maze. I was trying to run.
The voice gets deeper and says ā€œblink againā€. I do. Iā€™m transported into a realm where I see drunk men getting tortured and begging for the demons to stop.
I realized then I was just dreaming, it all has to be a nightmare. ā€œI know I can get out of this.ā€ I get sleep paralysis on my bed now. Maybe itā€™s just another realm or Iā€™m half away awake and halfway dreaming.
I feel a hand and hear my dad crying, whom is a man where alcohol ruined him and he died a few months back. I instantly lose my shit, wake up and Iā€™m covered in sweat. Among this whole magic-nightmare experience the only thing that made me cry is that I know that was my dadā€™s hand that grabbed me.
It feels like that was his only warning that he could give me in the afterlife. I miss that man. I think Iā€™m quitting alcohol for real now.
submitted by lostpirateship to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 11:11 Impossible-Case1736 AITA for telling my dad and stepmom their home isn't my home?

My parents had me and pretty soon after they divorced. My parents divorce was not amicable. I (16f) don't know all the details obviously, but I know that bad blood exists on both sides. And if you want my suspicions. I think they divorced so badly because my dad wanted to set up his own business but my mom didn't want that to happen right after me. My dad owns his own business ,actually he owned two and the first one he had to close up. The first one he started right after the divorce which is why I suspect what I do. My dad also complained once or twice that mom never supported him.
So there are issues between my parents. When I'm with my mom you would never know it. She does not vent about dad, badmouth him, or try to hide the fact they were married and had me together. She has some photos of us before the divorce in our living room among the rest of the family photos. And while I have issues with my stepdad and he's not my favorite person ever, he has never complained or tried to erase the fact he married a woman who had a kid with someone else. He never got that part wrong despite our issues.
But my dad's house is so very different. It got worse after he married my stepmom. I'm not supposed to mention my mom at all, they don't let me have anything there that my mom bought, even my favorite plushy that mom bought me as an infant. I can't have a single photo of my mom or my half siblings on her side. I used to have a little pinboard of photos and my dad and stepmom went into my room in the past and removed all traces of mom. My stepmom even said she burned the photos of mom. They have told me in their house they do not want to see my mom and my room is not a compromise. So of course I don't like being here. I spend 50% of my time here, and no the courts won't let me stop coming and they would punish my mom if I stop and the judge told my mom if she does not force me to go, and stay, she would pay. After our last attempt a few months ago dad started telling me I don't treat my room like my room or I don't act like it's my home. He asked me why I wanted to leave "our home".
On Sunday my dad and stepmom told me I act like I'm a guest in their house instead of part of the family and that it's my home. I told them it's not my home, it's their home. I told them I can't mention my mom or keep a photo of her in my room. I can't do whatever I want with my room like they claim so no, all of that means this was never my home. I told them I am a guest here half my life and that's all I will ever be. They told me I was being melodramatic and my stepmom called me manipulative.
submitted by Impossible-Case1736 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 11:09 thatonegirlwith2dogs My puppy attacked my other dog. Did I do the right thing? Please help, Iā€™m really stressing out about this.

I think this is more traumatic for me than it is for my dogs, but I truly didnā€™t know what to do in the moment.
I have three dogs & I take turns giving them treats. One for you, one for you, and one for you. Once in a while, Butter (my 1.5 yo 10 lbs mini poodle) will snap & attack Baxter (my 6.5 yo 22 lbs moyen poodle) if she thinks thereā€™s a morsel left & Baxter got it. Because sheā€™s so small, I just pick her up & separate the two, and also, because Baxter is such a love bug & loves his baby sister, he just licks her face while I hold her to calm her down. (Itā€™s always her who attacks him, never him to her. It tends to happen when I give them a treat while in bed.)
Tonight, the midnight snack attack got me so I went to grab a butter roll. I decided to eat them in bed since they were small & meant to be a quick snack. Like Iā€™ve done before, I gave them a very small bit of my bread, literally 1/4 the size of a dime. I ate the last bit & told the dogs, okay, no more, time for bed!
All was good for the next two mins, but out of no where, Butter attacks Baxter & they scuffle, right on top of me (Iā€™m laying in bed). This time seemed a little more intense from Baxterā€™s side (he usually just bark defends himself & then kisses her when I pull them apart). I grab Butter to calm her down & separate them, but Baxter seems really agitated this time. He doesnā€™t kiss her like normal, but instead, growls at her.
Thatā€™s when I notice the blood in his mouth & I freak out because, at first, it seems like a lot of blood & itā€™s also the first time I saw any blood coming from any one of my dogs. He jumps off the bed & hides under a chair where I put one of the dog beds.
Iā€™m freaking out, I grab some wipes, and start to wipe his mouth. I then see blood on his ears. Iā€™m crying because I donā€™t know how to help, but Iā€™m trying to calm him down. Heā€™s clearly very anxious & is making growling noises. I try to talk to him, telling him Iā€™m here & Iā€™m sorry this happened, while attending to his wounds.
I give him a moment of space so I can clean off the blood from the bed & thatā€™s when I see a chunk of his hair with a little bit of skin attached to it. Butter mustā€™ve taken a small chunk from his ear during the attack. It seems that Baxter also bit his tongue, which was the reason for the blood in his mouth (small cut at the tip of his tongue).
At this point, Iā€™m a mess, crying & pissed at Butter for what she did. I tell her Iā€™m upset, call her a bad bad bad girl, & told her to go in the crate (I only have one crate in the bedroom, which the dogs share, but none of them sleep in it). I close the door to the crate, but donā€™t lock it so she can get out if she wants to.
I could tell she knew she did something bad & didnā€™t even protest her punishment. I never crate trained her & this is her first time sleeping in the crate, so I was surprised at her lack of a reaction to the crate. She just laid down in the crate & didnā€™t try to get out.
I tended to Baxter a little more, gave him some dog treats, & laid down with him while I petted him. He seems fine now, but kept licking himself for 45 mins.
(Bucket, my other dog, just watched the whole thing play out while laying down on my pillow lol)
I know I didnā€™t handle this well because I was so freaked out. What should I have done to better handle this situation? How should I have disciplined/treated Butter in this case? Was putting her in the crate the right move? What can I do to reduce the chances of Butter attacking Baxter in the future?
100% I will no longer be eating snack & giving them treats in bed.
Any & all criticism & advice would be helpful. Thanks so much all.
submitted by thatonegirlwith2dogs to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 11:06 Shiv788 [Update 2] I posted twice before about the landlord who cancelled my viewing knowing full well I was travelling across the country the to view it because they "wanted to up the price". I finally got a decision from the RTB 10 months after complaint was made

I've posted twice before here about this situation and wanted to give a final update.
Last year after accepting a job in Limerick hospital, myself and my partner were a few days away from homelessness and finally got a viewing. The landlord would not facilitate a virtual viewing so told her I would take time off and travel across the country the next day to view it.
While I was on the bus I received a text message to say she was taking it down for "renovations" to increase the price and it would be advertised. It was back on daft within a week with a significantly higher price.
I took peoples advice here and made a complaint to the RTB who then began an demonstration in incompetance. They asked me "was it occupied currently" to which I linked them to their own website showing it was registered. I then was asked if I could provide confirmation of the old rent, to which I told them again it would be data they had.
From there it was pretty much them ignoring me until I reached out to a number of TD's, with Paul Murphy being the only one to step in, and would you believe after months of hearing nothing immediately after his email, I got a response and the investigation was underway.
In Janurary I got an email from the RTB to say that there would be no investigation needed (7 months after the complaint was made) because the landlord had admitted it, and it would now go to a decision maker to make a final judgement.
April 29th I received final confirmation from the RTB 10 months after my initial complaint. The landlord (or at least solicitor acting on their behalf) while acknowledging they illegal raised the rent had claimed they did it because it needed substantial work to fix a leak (which was apparently fixed in a week) and that in 2019 they had also had to repair it, and that it was costing them too much so they felt they could increase the price as high as they wanted on that basis.
The decision from the RTB: The landlord has confirm she has reduced the rent back to the RPZ maximum as of April so no further action was taken but a warning given to the landlord that she may face a fine if she does it again.
So there it is, 10 months of the higher rent kept in her pocket, and not even a slap on the wrist. 10 months for the RTB to investigate something somebody was admitting to, all the while lining their pockets while they sat with their hands in the pockets doing fuck all.
I think most people know the RTB are useless and have no intention of actually punishing landlord breaking the law, but from this situation its hard not to feel like they are intentionally ignoring and downright encouraging illegal behaviour by failing to put in place any real sanctions against landlord.
submitted by Shiv788 to ireland [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 10:59 ZhenyaKon Bleeding after LEEP?

Hello folks, I luckily got back biopsy results that say CIN 2, not precancer, but this still seems to be the best sub to post on because so many people on here have experience with LEEP procedures. I just want to ask advice.
*Before I describe my situation, let it be known that I'm a trans man, but I haven't gotten lower surgery yet, so I still have a uterus, cervix, etc. If you respond, please take note of this.*
I had a LEEP at my local Planned Parenthood on 4/17. The procedure went extremely smoothly with just local anesthetic. The first week or so after it I was pretty much fine, just some weird-colored discharge. I started bleeding a little after that, but it was regular period levels of blood, so I shrugged it off and wore pads to catch it. 4/26 after my shift at work I started bleeding so much that I soaked 4 pads in as many hours and it scared the hell out of me - I never had a period that bad. Drove myself to the ER at 3AM, where they stopped the bleeding with gauze and drugs, then went back to Planned Parenthood, where they confirmed that the bleeding had stopped and told me to hang in there, because some people bleed more than others. After this the bleeding started up again, but it was back to reasonable levels.
Then, today (technically yesterday, 4/30) I started bleeding badly at work again. Not as bad as 4/26, but since I only had one extra pad I ended up bleeding through my pants and turning into a biohazard - not what you want while working at a medical lab - so I had to leave an hour early. As of now, almost 2AM, it's calmed down on its own (and I don't work Wednesdays, happily) but I'm super anxious about this situation repeating.
I haven't inserted anything into my vagina, I haven't done exercise of any kind since 4/26, and I'm on light duty at my job. Last day of last period was 4/16, right before the LEEP, and my periods are fairly regular (and also much, much lighter since being on testosterone). What the hell is causing this heavy intermittent bleeding? I know testosterone can slow healing, but this seems insane. They did bloods at the ER and I wasn't anemic, so I imagine I haven't lost that much blood, but the sight of it, the worry about bleeding through my clothes, and the dysphoria are mental torture.
Has anyone else had a remotely similar experience, and if so, how did you get through it? How long did it last? I can't lie in bed all the time because I have a whole horse to take care of and a job to do so I can afford to feed her. I just want to heal . . .
submitted by ZhenyaKon to PreCervicalCancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 10:59 Chump2412 Punishment for leaving games or dodging draft simply isn't high enough

I have spent hours of time just going through drafts and incredibly long loading screens only to be met with a remake, or similarly sitting through an entire draft for someone to dodge at the last second. Even just this morning, i've had two games where someone left 4-5 minutes in (granted easiest 50lp ever, but the enemy team loses lp for something that simply wasn't their fault)
I've only dodged maybe one draft and that was due to an emergency at home. But I was punished for 5lp, similarly leaving a game I only had to play 5 unranked games.
Coming from Heroes of the Storm where if you left you lost 600 ranked points for either a dodge or a leave, (equivalent to losing 3 games, so 80-100lp). It was hurtful but it discouraged doging and leaving significantly more.
I do think leavers should be punished harder. Is the community on the same wave as me or do people think that the system is fine?
submitted by Chump2412 to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 10:59 EgyptianCapybara Your thoughts on the MARD party's MANifesto?
Unlike other political parties, winning or losing elections does not matter to the Mera Adhikaar Rashtriya Dal (MARD), which has jumped into the electoral battle to be the voice of the 'mard' and to defend men's honour.
MARD has lost deposits on all seats it has contested so far since it was formed in 2018 but its leaders say they are undeterred by elections losses.
The party has released its MANifesto' for the ongoing Lok Sabha polls with the slogan "Beton ke samman me, mard' utre maidan me" (In honour of sons, men have stepped on to the battleground). The party has so far announced candidates for three seats - Lucknow, Ranchi and Gorakhpur.
"We have jumped into the fray in honour of men, to raise the voice for those who are harassed and exploited in the name of women's security. Winning and losing does not matter to us," MARD party national general secretary Ashutosh Kumar Pandey told PTI.
They want to make all civil laws gender neutral and make schemes like Beti bachao gender neutral. Also make the adultery law gender neutral (currently only punishes men) and institute a ā€œMen and Family Welfare Ministryā€.
Personally I think there's a lot to be said about how gynocratic and anti-men some laws in India are. Any organization which raises awareness about it should be supported IMO. Obviously they're not going to win any seats, but I'll still commit voter fraud to vote for them multiple times in Lucknow.
submitted by EgyptianCapybara to IndianModerate [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 10:56 MountainsAndSnow Can't forgiveyself for betraying myself

I made a really big mistake. I trusted someone I barely knew and let them take advantage of me and it hurt me in a really bad way so that i have had PTSD for a long time. I hate myself for being so STUPID, for not thinking straight, for not PROTECTING myself and not using my brain. I am so STUPID and I absolutely HATE MYSELF for being so trusting. I hate being in this body. I hate myself, I despise myself. I can't forgive myself for letting someone do whatever they wanted to me without having a voice. I HATE MYSELF. I DESERVE TO BE PUNISHED with PTSD coz I was so fucking STUPID!
submitted by MountainsAndSnow to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 10:55 Ic3b3rgS After almot a week of play. My 10 main problems whith manor lords.

I hope i can be short and simple. This is not a hit piece. It isnt a complete review either as it would take considerable more time to do one and at such an early stage, i dont think its worth it. This is just a list of my personal 10 biggest gripes whith manor lords atm so that Lord Greg can perhaps adress it if he agrees.
I love manor lords. Played the demo and waited patiently ignoring the hype. Manor lords is essentialy what i expected, perhaps a bit less polished than i was hoping for, but its early access after all. I can only salute the single developer for making it this far. The game has huge potential, but please if you read this, this project cant be finished by you alone in my opinion. Even if you dont want or trust other developers, you have some in the comunity that can and will help you pretty much for free. I think this game would have benifited from being tested not by youtubers and reviewers, but by the core fans that could actualy provide solid feedback instead of overhyping it to their audience. It was great for marketing, but not for the polish of the game.
Everything in the list might be fixed soon, as the developer clearly states its work in progress, but this is only my sugestion on the most important topics to adress.So the list:
  1. There is no point or even much fun in expanding past one region. The barter system isnt enough. Building a second town feels mostly like repeating a task since towns need to be self sufficient in the current build of the game. Trading between regions is exremely hard. When i took a first glimpse at the regions, and the perk system, i expected each region to specialize in something, and then expanding would make regions compensante their shortcomming whith other regions products.This is clearly the developer idea, i can see it. And i know that is why the barter system is there, it just... doesnt work at all. Regions feel disconected, and speciaizing in a couple local products punished. Starting a second region should be much more dynamic and your past wealth should be reflected in your second, third or whatever region. This is one of the priorities imo.
2.Raids that start in your border whithout notice are ridiculous. Im sure its not intended, but i dont even have time to rally the army. If they happen to spawn in a second region im starting, my army that comes from the first region has no hope of getting there. I end up whith a always deployed retinue just in case.
3.The baron has been getting a lot of controversy but the feedback people get is unreliable and tainted whith some players misunderstanding of it. Yes its anoying that we dont see a single building from the baron, but that is work in progress. The reason the baron snowballs, is because he clears bandit camps much faster and much more easility than the average player can hope for. And that makes his influence very high. Also, i imagine he has infinite money cause thats the only way to explain how he buys and keeps all the mercenaries in the region. Piority fix as well. So the fix actualy is how bandit camps work. Bandit camps should spawn in all regions, inclduing yours. and baron owned They should give less influence when defeated (will help whith baron snowball), and they actualy straight up should be stronger when they show up late stages. Baron needs an explanation in where he gets his money from. Either that, or a nerf to his treasury. All of this will make the baron make more sense and lead to less player frustration.
4.Speaking of player frustration. This game is desperately needing explanation of its features. A tutorial would be nice, but that isnt even what im talking about. Im talking about easy lines of text that should be there and arent. Like i had to find out 6 is the max number of militia units, not because there is a number warning me, but because i hit the cap and couldnt build more. Btw retinue counts as a unit, so make sure as soon as you start the game you "reserve" those 6 militia, otherwise you screwed up the save. But it isnt just this. This is everywhere in the game. Understanding what the livestock meant, what happened when i designated an ox to a place, what crafting materials the workshops are using, (i assume shoes come from leather, but the building certainly doesnt say that), and many many other small issues that would be fixed very quickly if this game was tested by real players and not reviewers.
  1. More buildings could and should have livestock space instead of having to build stables everywhere. Its realistic and makes gameplay sense. WHy doesnt farmhouse have one for example? Why doesnt the trading post have a couple of mule space? And many other buildings could be mentioned as realistic candidates.
6.Combat system. Actualy is more functional than i expected. Besides removing the unit limit, which im sure is a techical issue to prevent problems for now, we need to talk about AI. It simply breaks all the time. Archers always go for this weird flank doing nothing. And meele units also always attempt to flank even if they dont actualy have a center themselves. Which is... dumb. Everyone complains about archers, because they cant kill anything. That is not completely true. Archers do a lot of hp damage. The main problem is something else. 1.Archers should have better mobility then the average unit. 2.The meele combat is wayy to quick. Slow it down. At normal speed, when i start the flank the combat is already over. Even whith best armor spear militian at stand your ground, they start loosing men very quickly even when they win the combat. Something in the engine is calculating stuff too quickly. If meele combat was 50% slower, archers would actualy serve a point. And whith mobility buffs, also serve their skirmishing historical role
  1. I want more region imbalance. Regions dont need to have all the resources. Straight up remove iron and clay and stone from some of them. (Please do this only after fixing regional trade). Make me want to expand/go to war not because i feel like it. But because I NEED it. I need that resource.
8.Logistics. Besides the bugs of villagers not doing what they are suposed to do. There are a lot of code that needs fixing. 1 log at the same time per sawpit? Realy? Who thought that was a good idea? Also. Granaries and storehouses put a lot of priority on peddling and setting up shop, sometimes they forget to actualy pick the things they should be storing at, you kow... the storage. If they had a dedicated ox/mule slot would probably help as well. I noticed the trading station hoarding resources that they shouldnt realy be hoarding. Its an intermediary. All resources should end in the storage.
  1. Trading. Whats that import tax, and why does a simple perk COMPLETELY remove it? Would be fun if i could have a town as a dedicated trading hub where all other towns send their resources for foreign export, but since there is this huge focus on regional independence, that oportunity is lost. Since i need regional wealth in all my regions, specialy early on in the towns life. So trading is at a weird stage between being OP (Someone already wrote the strat somewhere in reddit), and being awfull. The difference between both being a simple perk. This doesnt get help by what im saying as my next and final point.
  2. Give players more control. Not only some artisans make their products at an insane rate, i have absolutely zero control in what they are doing and how much of it they are doing. Feels awfull. (Not the first to complain about this i know, but its too important to be left out). The core fans of this genre like having control over what the town is doing. Yes, its complex. But that is the point of these games. If somoene is complaining this game is too complex, they probably are playing the wrong genre in the first place. Besides artisan control, we also need more farming control, when villagers plant and replant and all that. Also, when a family isnt working because either because i dont want them to, or their work is seasonal, setting up a priority system similar (doesnt need to as deep as it) to going medieval would be an interesting choice. Just a primary and secondary job would probably be interesting alone, although i assume that would demand a lot of coding and lead to some bugs.

Overall, i wish the best to the developer, and i hope he finds people that can help him in this journey. I dont think he will acomplish it alone. I did my best to not talk about bugs or work that is clearly just placeholder stuff, but some of these points i think are important enough that a discussion is needed to shape what route the game should take going forward. I am more than happy to discuss whith other players what they think of this list, how it is right or wrong, or hear other problems people have whith the game. Take care, best of luck.

submitted by Ic3b3rgS to ManorLords [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 10:47 Dense_Law928 Are psych nurses allowed to show their personal opinion on patients habits?

Are the nurses in mental hospitals even allowed to have visible opinions on patients habits ect? And i mean harmless habits. I am a woman, (not a minor.) I have been in for quite a long time already, and i have this child of mine. A doll i cary with me wherever i go. And my nurse, an older gentleman shows visible disgust towards him(the doll), he has multiple times asked me am i not embarrassed to have the doll with me, He has mocked his appearance in multiple occasions and the nurse usually grabs him and puts him into my room whenever he can. I have multiple times told him not to do that. And yes, he's the only nurse in my ward that does this towards me and him.
I think it's unfair that i have also gotten punished for 'protecting' my doll. I once grabbed the nurse's wrist with my nails when he took my doll, and as a punishment he cut my nails short (i had grew out mu nails for a year.) i don't think i did anything wrong there?
submitted by Dense_Law928 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 10:36 crazyretics Since the prophet Jonah was not condemned when Nineveh's destruction did not come to pass, is the Watchtower correct in that it should not be condemned as well, for its prophetic errors of 1914,1925 and 1975?

What the Watchtower does not reveal is that the destruction did not come to pass because Nineveh repented and what the profit Jonah said was absolutely correct in that he was just reciting the warning of the Lord. In short he was repeating for the Lord what his actual words were and was not making any false prediction based on how the responded God withdrew the threatened punishment.
In short Deuteronomy 18:20-22 (false prophets make false predictions)does not apply to Jonah.
Can the Watchtower who now claim that their admission of the "human" error somehow excuses their Organization, who still maintain that they are the "prophet" of Jehovah.
"This 'prophet' was not one man, but was a body of men and women. It was the small group of footstep followers of Jesus Christ, known at that time as International Bible Students. Today they are known as Jehovah's Christian Witnesses."Watchtower 4/1/1972, page 197
In short, since Jonah spoke only the words God gave himā€” and since God withdrew his judgment against Nineveh based on the principle in Jeremiah 18:7,8- it is illegitimate for the Watchtower to cite Jonah's prophecy as justification for continuously setting fourth false predictions.
Information obtained from "Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Jehovah's Witnesses" by Ron Rhodes pp. 373-375
submitted by crazyretics to JehovahsWitnesses [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 10:36 Alguienquemeayude Do you regret being in the closet?

I came out quite late(ish) in life compared to most of my queer friends, maybe at 23-24 to my family and friends who were not my best friends and now that Iā€™m 26 I feel like my life wouldā€™ve been easier If I came out sooner, my family is very accepting of my sexuality and I live in a country where LGBTQ+ people have it fairly easy compared to other countries. I basically didnā€™t come out because of a personal decision of not ā€œsharing my personal lifeā€ but that also meant every time someone who wasnā€™t my best friend asked about my sexuality (although not many people did) Iā€™d just say I was straight. But now that everyone knows, I feel like I could have lived a happier life If I came out sooner, hiding my sexuality was hard af and made me anxious and even took me to therapy a couple of times. Iā€™m trying not to torture myself but Iā€™m curious about otherā€™s experiences.
submitted by Alguienquemeayude to ActualLesbiansOver25 [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 10:34 SelfLoatherSimo Horror of an Accidental projection

How do i even begin, What happened to me is beyond of what i imagined i hope someone can explain concisely. Even now i feel an inssane power rushed through me after this insane projection.
Now i'm actually only a novice i started for like 2 months and still haven't projectzd only this morning I got close since i didn't slept at night but failed still i felt an insane numbness over my body parts, I rolled and slept but what fucking happened is, I actually dreamt of a dream in a dream and i woke up by it and I was so fucking frightened the atmosphere was so lovecraftian that i was traumatized by it in the dream, i screamed at the top of my lungue i woke up my sister in the dream but eventually i went back to sleep, then this happened, I fucking spinned so hard in the kitchen that i projected inside of the dream, I literally left my body in the dream but there was this blankness and i came back to my body and tried to talk (similar feeling to dream paralysis only this time it wasn't).
What happened next is i saw my fucking grandma and someone in my salon covered and man i tried to even conceal that shit in my dream until i burst out with tears and even heard someone say that's fucking creepy, I saw my Grandma laughing while she died like6 months ago. Fuck even now i got chills anyways i woke up again in the dream everyone was angry. Then someone reminded me of a lost part of my memory then I woke up.
I don't even understand at this point what the fuck was this, I would've believed it was a nightmare but I actually projected and even i fucking was in it getting tortured.
submitted by SelfLoatherSimo to AstralProjection [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 10:34 ValuableBreakfast527 Kendrick's diss track and my first thoughts

So I just listened to the Kendrick track... Like 3 times,(and yes that important).
And all I gotta say isā€” I'm surprised and pissed off. This.... GodšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø
To make this as less rambly as possible,lemme start with some things:
I'm a big Kendrick fan, infact I'm prolly the biggest more than KendrickLamar combined. I listen religiously to him, and yes I'm a fan of the rap rap stuff he's known for, my top ten verses from him are his verses on;
  1. Look over your shoulders. (I wrote exactly why I loved that verse here ).
  2. Love Game.
  3. Thaat Part(God that rhyme scheme at the end was God tier).
  4. DNA(especially the last part where he went aggressively dancing over the beat, I can write a whole essay why I love that).
  5. Black Friday
  6. His remix of Lupe's Dumb it down(shout out to Lupe fans btw, hope y'all havard graduates lol).
  7. The Blacker The Berry (I'm a fan of aggressive rapā€”Kim is my best hip-hop songā€” so that'd definitely make the list, especially when it's done with top tier lyricism).
  8. For Free(On my 100+ day of trying to learn this.. pity the fool in me).
  9. Feel.
  10. His verse on Control.
I went through this listing just to get it out of the way that I'm not an oVo DiCkRiDeRā€”I've not even listened to Drake except by features or accident, I've never opened my Spotify to type ā€œDrake...ā€(not cause of hate tho, just indifference), that is until this beef started. Now being both a Kendrick and Eminem fan, I have a unique perspective, which I discussed here, the gist is that Kendrick fans, for the most part, are a reincarnation of 2018 Kamikaze Eminem fans ā€”the "real rap" "fuck mumble (c)rap" shit, with Drake being the mumble rap of course,.. THAT added with some pretentiousness.(I understand this very well cause I had a fUcK mUmBlE rAp phase). So during this beef, I've been kinda rootin for Drake, probably to spite Ken fans.
Now back to Euphoria.
This is is just mid asf, and I'm not even gleeful, I'm just mad. Look: 1. Kendrick started it. 2. People have been building up hype towards Kendrick's response given his silence, especially saying stuff like "Ether took 3 months"
Yeah about that last part, I hope Kendrick fans that said that realize that Ether is just not any dissā€” it stands in the pantheon of godly diss songs. Are you telling me Kendrick recycling Twitter comments on Drake stands anywhere near Ether, Story of Adidion, No Vaseline?? The sexy Redd line which is the meme of Drake being zesty, the seeking of black acceptance being something Pusha did years ago.. that has been done to death on internet discourse.
Please prove me wrong, please quote a an Euphoria line I haven't heard elsewhere. Cause I've listened to this track like 3 times,(and I'll return to it after writing this)ā€” I'M NOT SEEING A SINGLE GOD TIER DISS!!!.
Now I know some of y'all might say stuff like, "tHe BaRzzzz tho" ... and that's the fuckin problem!
Yunno why Push Ups was great even for a light jab? He wasn't just doing barsā€” he was making actual disses and polishing them into bars!!!
For instance: "What's a Prince to a king he a son nigga". "What's this, a 20v1 nigga?"
He said something not said before, not just that, he literally flipped what is being said into something new and manipulated narratives. When Metro dropped the 2 albums, the consensus was Drake is doomed as everyone is onto him, the sinner is finally getting the punishment from the culture. But yunno what Drake did with that line? He flipped the narrative to make it look like he's the underdog attacked my pathetic jealous people. Also he made the Prince and Mike comparison stale with the first. It wasn't just bars for bars sake.
In Kendrick's case however, if he doesn't say anything new, the only option we're left with is: He's hiding behind bars to cover up for his lack of actual disses!!!.
I can make a separate post about this particular point, but to you Kendrick fans that claim to be so hip-hop, you're not getting it.
Disclaimer tho, I'm not of the opinion that Drake shouldn't respond, I think he should by technicality of exchange of songs, not that he needs to respond tho. (Plus I don't want to cope like a particular fanbase did some days ago...) Look, when Pushups dropped, a lot of narratives shifted with Kendrick, for example some of that "real rapper" image was burned at the end of Taylor(the quintuple entendre) made where he basically implied Kendrick is a lyrical miracle trying to hide behind entendres to cover up for the lack of scathing content. But... what has Kendrick done with this?? He's literally just dropped a drop in an ocean of narratives, it's not like he cause a drought!
Yunno what, I'm so shocked that I want to cope for Kendrick: Maybe this is all a light jabā€” a set up, a trap for Drake to drop. Cause think about it, you and I.. and Drake,were expecting Story of Adidion 2.0, but Kendrick failed, apparently, so Drake can get all confident and lose his guard, then Kendrick swoops in a does a lethal surprise attack.
References to "Island"(the pedo stuff), " I know some shit about niggas that make Gunna Wunna look like a saint" maybe him alluding to having a real heater tucked under, waiting for Drake to foolishly empty his clip. Perhaps this is a half-assed track (I mean he responded kinda soon.. didn't take 3 months like Ether).
But again didn't he mention not having time to go dig around dirt?
Honestly I'm just sore and disappointed mehn, I was expecting a Story of Adidion, yet I get something slightly worse than Rap devil??
submitted by ValuableBreakfast527 to fantanoforever [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 10:33 crazyretics Since the prophet Jonah was not condemned when Nineveh's destruction did not come to pass, is the Watchtower correct in that it should not be condemned as well, for its prophetic errors of 1914,1925 and 1975?

What the Watchtower does not reveal is that the destruction did not come to pass because Nineveh repented and what the profit Jonah said was absolutely correct in that he was just reciting the warning of the Lord. In short he was repeating for the Lord what his actual words were and was not making any false prediction based on how the responded God withdrew the threatened punishment.
In short Deuteronomy 18:20-22 (false prophets make false predictions)does not apply to Jonah.
Can the Watchtower who now claim that their admission of the "human" error somehow excuses their Organization, who still maintain that they are the "prophet" of Jehovah?
"This 'prophet' was not one man, but was a body of men and women. It was the small group of footstep followers of Jesus Christ, known at that time as International Bible Students. Today they are known as Jehovah's Christian Witnesses."Watchtower 4/1/1972, page 197
In short, since Jonah spoke only the words God gave himā€” and since God withdrew his judgment against Nineveh based on the principle in Jeremiah 18:7,8- it is illegitimate for the Watchtower to cite Jonah's prophecy as justification for continuously setting fourth false predictions.
Information obtained from "Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Jehovah's Witnesses" by Ron Rhodes pp. 373-375
submitted by crazyretics to exjw [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 10:29 HangryHoweenie AITA for the Way I Broke Up with Him?

TLDR: My ex is accruing debt in my name for not supporting him enough after our dramatic break-up, does he have a point?
Short backstory first, my ex (22m) and I (22f) met in college during a time when we were each struggling with personal issues that definitely should have prevented us from dating. We did, however, and lasted almost 2 years. Things were great in the first year; we went on trips, and each had consistent jobs. We got each other gifts, loved learning about one another, seriously talked about the future, and felt comfortable and secure about the way we supported each other. We used to make a great team, and he made me fall in love with who I was and who he was trying to be.
When we moved in together, the first few months were pretty great. Neither one of us had dated seriously before and we were excited to design our life together. Both of our names were on the lease, a choice I would live to deeply regret.
Things started to go downhill when he lost his job after about 2 months of us living together. On that day, I ended up rushing to his job to pick him up before the police got to him as he allegedly got into a physical altercation over a joke. This became a trend where he would aggressively mishandle situations and get the cops called on him with everyone alleging him to be hostile. I would take his side, believing he was doing his best to de-escalate each time because I had almost always experienced him calm and controlled. His mother would end up saving him from the cops 2-3 more times before I moved out.
In the 9 months we lived together, he only had 2 steady jobs, each lasting no longer than 2 months, and relied on temp work. I wouldn't have had an issue with this choice, even as I worked 70 hours a week to keep up with bills, but he was being so disrespectful. He would play video games all day, ignoring the dishes, laundry, and bathing the dog while "waiting to get an assignment from the temp agency". There were days when we couldn't afford food, so I would share my employee meal with him and that would be all either of us would eat ALL day. I remember one day in particular when I worked a little bit late, I came home to roaches in a sink full of dishes and was so upset because it was the only thing I asked him to do. He just gave me a lazy "Hey babe, same thing for dinner again?" Soon enough, every day was like that. I never said anything about it because I thought he was depressed and needed some time to recover his confidence so I made sure to be extra sweet, told him I believed in him and the only thing he needed to worry about was submitting applications and the dishes.
Eventually, it got to a point where he was receiving hours from the temp agency and using my car to go to work. By that time I was being considered for a promotion, and told him that because of that and the instability of his financials, we would not be able to get a second dog. He went behind my back and adopted one anyway. A sweet baby with heartworms who got his first dog sick, and we could not afford his medication or to feed him. We argued over who had what responsibilities concerning the dog, and he apologized for disrespecting me but told me he believed he had a right to adopt the puppy because it was his house too. I ended up doing everything for that dog, and he ran away two weeks after I left.
We lost respect for each other over the next few months as I focused most of my energy on fighting as little as possible. Which was hard, because there once was a time when we communicated so elegantly, always being careful to leave a convo with the other feeling heard and respected. But the last 4 months before I moved out were awful. We would argue throughout the night, and my coworkers would come to me with concerns about my safety because he would yell at me while dropping me off in the morning. He told me I repeatedly disrespected him by not listening to what he said, and when I asked him what behaviors I could adopt that would make him feel validated and respected, he said to "do more than understand me, you have to APPLY what I'm telling you." For the sake of keeping the peace, I did just that. I stopped disagreeing with him completely. We still managed to argue all the time, but it was him bringing up old arguments while I just repeated his opinions back to him. He had a way of being a bit of a conversation bully, often relying on ultimatums and extreme examples to whittle away the other person's voice.
It all came to a head when it seemed like he had finally found the perfect job. It was the first one that lasted over 3 weeks since the one he had when we first moved in. Instead of arguing, we just didn't talk. It was so tense in the house that I burst into tears when we were trying to have a casual convo and I thought it was going to turn into an argument. He grabbed my face and told me "If you aren't going to talk about why you are upset, don't bother crying at all". For the first time in months, we sat down and started to have a healthy talk about things we needed to fix between us, and I was hopeful. The next day he got fired. Security put him in handcuffs and called the cops on him, but his mom was able to talk him out of trouble with them. He then turned on her, began yelling and punching her car, and then walked 7 hours home. She called me while I was at work, telling me she didn't know where he was and his mental state was bad so she was worried. I drove around looking for him but didn't find him until I went home, where he demanded I go no contact with his mother, punched a hole in the wall, was punching other things, and demanded to use my car to "exact revenge" on his ex-boss. I realized that he had no problem committing crimes with my vehicle, making me complicit and ruining my life, so I snuck out that night and sent a pic of the hole in the wall to my parents. They came to get me with a police escort and I never saw him again.
Unfortunately, he didn't exit my life that day. I stayed in contact with him for 10 more months because the utilities, internet, and various other items and subscriptions were in my name, and I wanted to be sure he couldn't negatively affect me through them. During those 10 months, I tried to offer closure and remain in good standing with him by answering questions about the break-up and helping with transferring the aforementioned items and subscriptions to him. I set firm boundaries when it came to our conversations and told him I didn't feel safe being vulnerable with him, nor did I enjoy talking to him.
The more emotional distance I put between us, the angrier he got, yelling at me saying he at least deserved to talk to me like a friend if he was being forced to get over our relationship (which had been over for almost a year at this point). Since the only thing I would speak of was the house, he used that to stay in contact with me until he was about to be evicted. Since my name was still on the lease (the only way I could remove my name was if he could prove he made 3x the rent by himself or if he got a roommate) I was facing having an eviction on my record and being responsible for the debt he accrued while I was no longer living there. He called to tell me he didn't plan to pay any of the debt to the property management company and it was my responsibility because I didn't support him enough after I left. I blocked him on everything.
Here's where I might be the asshole. I understand I made the right choice by leaving that night, but I can't help but sympathize with him because I left suddenly, the day after he got fired, and he had to scramble to support himself. I left 98% of my belongings there and sent him links to sell my clothes, bags, shoes, and furniture, gave him $300, and paid the internet and mattress bills for the first two months after I left. He's punishing me with the full debt from this eviction and damaging my credit because he feels like "I brushed him aside like he was nothing to me". What do you think? Does he have a point?

submitted by HangryHoweenie to AITARelationship [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 10:28 RatRatRattlingBones The Crown.

I saw it online.
On Craigslist of all places. It captured my attention from the very instant I laid my eyes upon it; a Crown, with the seller claiming it was a family relic they were looking to be rid of. All I had to do was message them with an offer.
I loved collecting shit like this, pretty much anything shiny and old I could get my hands on. Watches from when Al Capone ran the booze trade, an obnoxious Samurai Sword from the Warlord era of Japan, a flag from the Qubec Liberation Force, collecting things I realistically shouldn't have was always appealing to me.
Two clicks, and we were talking. The seller claimed the Crown was from one of the various Kings of Swedens short lived 30 year long empire. It was sold to him by a Russian Boat Merchant and they were willing to resell it to me at the "low low cost" of 150,000 US Dollars. I did the hum drum of pretending that I could pay that.
In reality-ville, paying for this junk wasn't my job, housing it was, and I intended to house this relic just like all the rest. I began to type, asking if they'd be willing to deliver it or if I had to come to them, but then it clicked. The story wasn't matching. The description claimed this was a family relic, and now a strange third party sold it to them. Not only did I have a place to ask questions from, but also a way to question their intent and force them to come to me. I started off innocent enough.
"Wait, didn't you say this was a family relic?"
12 minutes passed. I had begun pacing as I waited on a reply, and then I received three.
"Yep, not all of our relics have,,,,stayed with the family."
"I've had to recover quite a few of them."
"But if it worries you, I have ways of proving the Crowns validity :)"
I replied quickly, maybe too quickly. I looked desperate, honestly.
"And how would you do that?"
"Send me your address and I'll head over, easier to show than to tell you."
I sat there for a moment. Having a strange man over would either end one of two ways, me in a box, or getting the crown for free. I didn't know anything about how capable this guy was, and his eagerness to show me a seemingly expensive artifact seemed really weird.
But you don't look gift horses in the mouth often, gotta take em where you can.
I sent the address, and checked my drawer to make sure I still had my gun. This'd be quick, just like last time and before that. Just gotta get over the smell. Couldn't hardly go in the basement anymore after getting that Bronze Star from the last client.
A Half Hour went by, and now I had a stranger in my living room.
This guy looked *strange*, and I've seen some weirdos. I sized him up.
5'8, maybe 10. Didn't have a inch of skin showing besides a small square above the nose where I could see his eyes and forehead, carried a briefcase nearly the size of his torso, and wouldn't break eye contact with me if it'd save his life. But, I guess it wouldn't. Funny.
We made all the small talk normal people did, even though it was obvious we were both hiding something. He asked about the game last week, I told him I was hoping Magic would win the playoff. He laughed and told me they didn't stand a chance against the Cavs. I asked to see what was in the case.
"Hit a nerve?" He asked.
"Nah, just want to move things along. Busy later today."
"Well then let me show you the Crown."
The briefcase opened, and it looked just about how you'd expect. Dirty, covered in grime and rust, and probably horribly fragile. I got scammed, go figures. At least I could let him leave.
"You don't seem impressed, wanna try it on?"
"And get tetanus? No thanks."
"Give it a try, no point writing it off from a glance."
He set the Crown on my coffee table, and against all normalcy and logic, I picked it up and went to sit it on my head. He stared at me harder than before, like way harder.
The Crown went on.
And the seller wasn't there anymore. No imprint, nothing, as if he never even existed. It felt like I had just woken up from a car nap. My neck hurt, my shoulders ached, and I felt groggier than I ever had before.
I got up and walked into my Kitchen, only to see that my house seemed to stop at my living room. There was a large dark void where the Kitchen used to be. I panicked and realized the salesman never even asked about my money.
I booked it to my office, only to see that all the drawers were emptied and everything in my collection was gone. I looked for the gun, but couldn't find it anywhere. Thats when I realized that all my stuff being gone wasn't the only issue with the room. There was a body in my chair. I spun the chair around, and my blood went cold.
It was me, with a nice hole where my brain would usually be.
So that's how I die? Robbed and murdered by a weirdo because of my ego? Because I thought I had him?
Bullshit. I had to be dreaming. I was better than this, way better. I pinched myself, nothing, and then I scratched my head and felt it.
I was still wearing the crown.
I began to pry it off, it felt like a impossible task, it felt almost bolted to my head, simply a part of my skull going forward. But as I tugged and pulled, I could feel the Crown slipping off as blood poured down my head around it. I kept wrenching through the pain, and threw it on the floor.
And then I was back on the couch, in front of the salesman. in front of the coffee table with the crown still on it.
"Told you it works."
He smiled wider than I had ever seen before. The mask from before was gone, figuratively and literally.
"And now that we're on an even playing field, I hope you'll be smart and not use that gun from your office on me. I knew from the moment you messaged me what your intentions were."
He continued, while standing up
"You disgust me. I'll relish this."
And I blacked out. I've only woke up recently, in a dark room that I haven't been able to make much sense of. It feels impossibly large, and yet so claustrophobic. I don't know how long its been.
Sometimes I get to eat from a tray they slide under what I assume is the door. I spend most of my time besides that sleeping, but all I see is the Crown, my punishment made manifest.
I think I'm gonna be here for a while.
Maybe thats for the best. People like me shouldn't chase after what we can't understand.
submitted by RatRatRattlingBones to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 10:24 Lomisnow Apologist and systematic theologians? Minimal and full picture?

As someone who finds it interesting to listen to theological discussions for becoming acquainted with theological thought, I often find it strange that it seems many apologists seems to have a rather minimalist approach regarding faith (I am not bound to that expression/idea even if it has probably been mainstream historically etc), contrary to for example a systematic theologian who will show how different ideas have developed over time and are cornerstones for each other and build on top of each other. To me it seems like apologists merely show the floor (not the whole picture) but systematic theologians try to show the whole building walls and roofs included.
Lets just take the most recent example where I listened to catholic Jimmy Akin and reformed James White who had a two nights debates. While I was generally supportive of Akin who tried to highlight points of commonalities between catholics and protestants in a well spoken manner, I find it very strange that he did not acknowledge traditional points of contentions but almost denied them as when White brought up concepts such as venial&mortal sins, temporal&eternal punishment, treasury of merit and indulgences that are teachings related to purgatory in the catholic theological system. Likewise I think any honest review of the histories of ideas would acknowledge that instantaneous purification have not been the traditional representation of purgatory and especially in the wake of the protestants and catholic counter reformation. To me it seems like some apologists hope both catholics and protestants are unaware of the historical contexts for original conflicts?
submitted by Lomisnow to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 10:18 longsh00ter Why weapons variety in this game if everyone plays the same guns?

Donā€™t get it. Is it fun for you guys to play the same build over and over in order to win? ā€žItā€™s called Metaā€œ .. ā€žget gudā€œ keep that bs please
I wanna find out how to win consistently in CW. Everyone tells me to just go for fire dogs. But thatā€™s pretty boring IMO.
Neither Cyclone builds, nor retchers nor incinerator work. Spend a lot of time fusing those weapons. Now they collect dust, since they ā€šdonā€™t workā€˜.
Whatā€™s the point saving up for relics? I got one Punisher now. Was super happy about that. Now I know I need at least another one, better two more and an Odin in order to keep up in CW. Or just buy dracos and drive. Tbh, in that case just fk it and play something else. Wasted a few months of me life, also about 70ā‚¬, but better now than never, right?
I miss creativity and different builds in the wasteland. Itā€™s like every other shooter then. Accept everyone plays the same class, cause it works better. Thatā€™s boring and sad for a game!
submitted by longsh00ter to Crossout [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 10:09 Dontfckwithtime My kid figured out my secret from health class.

I left my ex husband when my kids were pretty little. My oldest remembers very little, my youngest doesn't remember any of it. He is/was a severely abusive monster. He used to downright torture me (quite literally), strangled me, tried murdering me etc. Like I said, its pretty bad. Regardless, he still gets partial custody. Long story, not my decision. One of his big things is me telling the kids what happened between us. To the point he threatened to sue me for blackmail (he doesnt understand how blackmail works apparently). Well, I haven't said shit. I'm more worried about them then seeking any type of justice or revenge. Especially not doing it through them. They are just kids. Well go figure, my oldest is now in high school and they did a Domestic Violence section in health class . After all this, all this time and all his bullshit, my ex husband is such a classic textbook abuser, that my oldest figured it out. From health class, in the middle of school. My ex did it all himself. From the abuse to essentially telling on himself all because he wanted to "get me" before " I get him". So now, "our secret" is out. I just hope he doesn't find out they/at least our oldest, knows.
submitted by Dontfckwithtime to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]