Zoloft 50mg tablet

Is it worth sticking with?

2024.05.22 02:17 0ddFront Is it worth sticking with?

I’m (23f) starting my 4th week of Zoloft (50mg) and have noticed some things I’m concerned about. My appetite is decreased, surprisingly, but I’m still having a lot of stomach issues, I’m tired all day but can’t seem to sleep at night, and I’ve noticed my sex drive drop.
I’m wondering if I should stick it out for a few more weeks to see if things improve, or talk to my doc about switching. However, other meds I’ve tried haven’t worked for me at all (Wellbutrin, Prozac, Lamictal). Mentally, I feel alright (pretty unmotivated though), but a little more prone to irritability and generally a little more blunted.
submitted by 0ddFront to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:57 alondra2027 Weaning off 100mgs

I’m in the process of trying to wean myself off of my Zoloft. I’ve been on it for 2 years with gradual increases over the years. I’m currently at 100mg. I’m supposed to be at 200 but I personally did not want to go to that high of a dose. My pills are in 100mg tablets. I bought a pill splitter and was going to attempt to go down to 75mg by splitting the pills in half and then splitting one of the halves in half but I’m not sure that’s a good idea. My primary doctor who prescribed the medicine cannot see me until July but I have been feeling really bad the last couple of months and have been wanting to wean off of the medicine for a while now.
I’m not sure how to taper down by 10% when my pills only come in 100mgs. Is going from 100 to 75 too big of a decrease? If so the best I can do is try to call my primary tomorrow and see if the nurse will speak to the doctor on my behalf and send a new prescription.
Thank you in advance. 🫶🏼
submitted by alondra2027 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:47 Hellohihello97 28 days on Zoloft

Hello! I’ve been on Zoloft for 28 days, 25 mg for 21 days and a week on 50mg.
Before I started Zoloft I had about 5 months of consistent anxiety that progressed to panic attacks (hard to work, sleep, literally do anything. Was triggered by everything). Also depression symptoms. I also have a history of this in the past (most of my life).
The past couple weeks I’ve had way more good days than anxious ones and even when I have anxiety it’s way more manageable. I truly have been noticing a difference after HORRIBLE onboarding side effects.
I’m now a few days out from starting my period and my anxiety is starting to ramp up again. Not like before but still prevalent and fairly consistent for a couple days now.
Does anyone else experience this close to their period? Do we think it’s also still getting regulated in my body?
Zoloft is truly making a difference for me! Just a little bummed to feel kinda meh again.
Thank you thank you!!
submitted by Hellohihello97 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:04 SticksOfButter21 Psych. Doc visit went well. Valium increase + started Prazosin. Zenzedi stabilized.

My visit with psychiatrist yesterday has helped me reach comfort in my mind with a constant anxiety of something I’m sure many are worried about and it is not right (if you can relate to this): the anxiety of your doc cutting, not changing dose and pharmacy rejecting and giving problems with controlled meds.
Both pharmacy and psychiatrist reassured me: allowed me to use 75 + 90 tabs about 1 week after 75 Valium 5mg to dose an extra tab if needed: explained I was on Valium 10mg x3 daily. So I let him know if I can try going daily with Valium 10mg twice daily I think it would be a good start with years of therapy, tapered down, and 4 years in Army as medic now out for about 1 year with fully honorable for medical retirement - I’m happy my discharge is the same as finishing my 4 year contract and did 4 years retired a few days shy of ETS (last day) date.
He gave me Valium 5mg x4 a day and said I can take it as I see fit in my day but not recommended to take all 4 at once like I’m at the dentist or something lol. Can take 3 in morning if I want, 1 at night; 2 and 2, etc.
Started me on Prazosin 1mg and stopped clonidine ER 0.1mg twice daily and took first dose at bed having the morning clonidine in me… ouch lol side effects of weakness had me miss worth and head to urgent care, but got better with time. I felt like I had an ear ache but got better on Zyrtec. So far side effects there, but the daytime effects I can see my trigger response isn’t as overdriven, so med good for daytime symptoms with PTSD too not only good for nightmares which I’ve been lacking a lot regardless. Did not wake up same time of 2:50 - 3:00am as I do like 5/7 nights in a week - great sign for me on its benefit of sleeping being me! I’m on Zoloft 50mg and plan to taper down off of because last VA psych. was only focusing on tapering me off of Valium.
Doctors who taper long term daily benzo’s with compliance AND especially patients who already tapered like myself twice with horrible quality of life: you aren’t even following WHO guidelines if that’s even a concern
Sorry to patients being hassled being on benzos long term. There’s no Suboxone of benzos as they have for opioid users choosing to quit and switch. Klonopin maybe is a similar concept with long duration; maybe Valium too with long half life understood by doctors.
Lastly, the switch from Adderall XR and IR to Zenzedi (dextroamphetamine sulfate) it’s a brand name similar to Dexedrine tablets, more dose options similar to Adderall IR. I am seeing a better amount of benefits with this: no rush sensation, no cold extremities regardless of fluid intake and running 20 - 40 miles/week. Sleeping is easier because the med wears off without the Levoamphetamine continuing to produce nasty PNS (peripheral nervous system) effects.
The pharmacy telling me the doctor choosing whatever he wants to send in, he will fill it. Even mentioning Desoxyn the pharmacist was okay with this.
I’m not used to having a doctor and pharmacy there to be there for me and do their job title. I was always in fear and seeing this 10-11 years later: it’s all fear surrounded around the system that the doctor (now influx of NP/PA especially) follow and limitations unspoken on stop them from helping; seemingly they believe the anti-med information and push stuff like gabapentin - now not so much in several states with controlled status or reporting to PDMP. System nonsense right there.
My post is long but I want anyone to know chat/message for help/support: I’ve played the game and fought for myself been on benzo/stimulant since 13-14 no problems with meds until new docs began taper-happy, extended release happy anti-fast tablet mindset: pressure lead to abuse thinking I was f-worded, but better docs helped my mind slow down abuse knowing stability with each good doc.
I’m here to help if needed: 3 year medic army clinic time helped too.
submitted by SticksOfButter21 to adhd_anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:41 heavydutyspoons Has anyone switched off of Zoloft to something else?

I’ve been on 25mg of sertraline (Zoloft) since March of 2021 for PMDD, then bumped up to 50mg in May 2022, then back down to 25mg as of October 2024 since it was getting more manageable. However, the last few cycles have been awful and I feel like I did before starting birth control and Zoloft!! This past month was the worst and I felt like I was going crazy.
Tomorrow I have an appointment with my gyno and I’m going to see if it’s possible to switch off of the Zoloft to something else because while it worked for a while, I don’t think it’s a good option for me anymore (plus the side effects are killer for me tbh - constantly hungry, tired all the time, insomnia, low libido).
I feel like Zoloft is considered as a “main” medication for PMDD but has anyone have an experience with something else?
submitted by heavydutyspoons to PMDD [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:34 Dizzydad1 Jacks new gig

Jacks new gig
Looks like Jack has already got a new job!
submitted by Dizzydad1 to roosterteeth [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:20 Ancient-Support8050 I finally have some answers…(Bipolar, ADD etc.)

After years of struggling, even more so in the last couple of weeks, I have finally have some answers.
To rewind, I started Zoloft a couple months ago and have seen tremendous benefits from the medication. Initially starting with 50mg, I was soon brought up to 75mg a month later to which I saw great benefit.
Benefits aside, I quickly began experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions. I was warned by this community that something in my behaviour was odd. So after some contemplating, I sought help at the ER. Initially I didn't get the help I needed, and was discharged after waiting for hours and speaking to a doctor. Two days later I once again found myself at the ER, this time extremely suicidal and with a lack of will to live. I was going to take my life.
After feeling like I had lost it all I decided to cling for help, show one last cry of desperation. And so, I had taken an Uber to the ER and told them everything. I said I was suicidal, said how I wanted to end my life and was completely content with doing so. I wasn't put on a hold, but instead they booked me an appointment with the Mental Health crisis team a few days later (little did I know this would change everything). Although I didn't have much hope, the days went by, I pulled through and spoke to the lady over phone, and after telling her everything (with her kindly listening and making me feel heard) I was referred to a Psychiatrist.
That brings me to today, I just spoke to the Psychiatrist and we had a long and meaningful discussion. I told him everything I thought was concerning, everything that came to mind. I mentioned all of my thoughts and concerns, ideas as to what I was dealing with, and the questions I had with his consensus.
Pretty much, he said I had traits of both ADD and Bipolar Disorder. He said, because I'm young, the feelings I'm experiencing are normal, however, the grandiose ways in which my feelings manifest are not. I didn't get a formal diagnose, however, I was told that I'm at an increased risk of developing Bipolar and Manic episodes in the future. Not only that, but he said I have likely experienced a hypomanic episode already. Although I didn't get an official diagnosis I'm still content with the answers I did receive. He is going to put me on a low dose of mood stabilizers to act as a proactive measure, and with some coping mechanisms hopefully I will be set on the right track.
I want to thank everyone for the concern and support you have provided over the last month. This likely wouldn't have happened without this community. I know I was acting a little rash to some of you who were giving advice and for that I apologize. I think we can safely say I was likely experiencing a manic episode. I'm still going to stay on Zoloft (which I'm happy about) and I will be adding the Mood stabilizer in combination with that. Thanks again for the help!
Feel free to ask any questions, vent, express concerns or say whatever else you so desire. If you want someone to talk to, shoot me a PM. There's hope my friends. Reality might be bullshit but at least there is hope. 😊
submitted by Ancient-Support8050 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:50 itomair Is it really placebo effect?? Day 2

I’m on my second day of Zoloft (50mg) and I already notice some differences? The first day I felt pretty spaced out with dilated pupils but feeling pretty calm. Today I also feel calmer and there’s been several times today where I experienced triggers and felt the automatic urge to react but didn’t have any feeling to accompany it. For example - an anxious thought that didn’t cause a surge of adrenaline or things in my environment that would irritate me that didn’t in the extreme way I’m used to. It was really weird to observe this urge without my usual explosive feelings to back it up. I’m so curious if anyone else has experienced that.
I don’t feel cured or super happy or anything like that but I do feel more emotionally stable/flat. I’m confused at it potentially being the placebo effect since my doctor told me that it would likely get worse in the next few weeks before it gets better so that’s what I was expecting.
submitted by itomair to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:32 LoveIsLove75 First day on 10mg coming from Zoloft 50mg

Hey guys,
First post here. Today was my first day on 10mg coming from 5 months of 50mgs of Zoloft. Zoloft gave me lighter sleep, an insatiable appetite (gained 15lbs while lifting 6 days a week) and some minor anger issues. Today has been ok. I noticed that I am less foggy than I usually was on Zoloft and have some increased energy (but not "wired"). The insatiable appetite is still there today. For those of you that made a similar switch, what should I expect I the coming weeks.
Thank you!
submitted by LoveIsLove75 to prozac [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:56 Economy-Stomach-6775 I'm kinda confuse, need your help here

So If I understand, if one or two days I'm not in mood for anything and next day I'm full of energy and ready to go to party etc etc that is cyclothymia ? Isn't that like normal thing ? You have good days, you have bad days. Maybe I'm missing something here is my example you can read it or not, but you can just reply on first part
Everyday for me was weird, worrying about health anxiety because I have some problem and then my friends calling me and I'm in mood to go out with them and don't think about it, feel happy. I'm taking Zoloft 50mg for my anxiety and last 2 days I have weird feeling of euphoria like I havent had a long time, maybe never and it's not like I will jump out of window but I was like thinking maybe vacation would be good for me now, since I would rest there and swim and I would be on beach. Then I read that could be mania and my mind started worring about BP and now I found out about cyclothymia. Euphoric feeling stopped, still planning my vacation ( more like just changing environment) but I'm confused, I mean i'm battling derealization and depersonalization right now because of fear of my health
submitted by Economy-Stomach-6775 to cyclothymia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:06 Potential_Help_5296 My zoloft experience vs my prozac experience

I started taking zoloft at the age of of 16 from constant over stimulation that had started once i hit puberty at 11 years old. The first few months on zoloft i felt happier than i had ever felt before to a pretty extreme extent. I didnt know this was an odd reaction to ssri’s especially since up to the age of 16 i had never done any drugs. I hadn’t ever even had caffeine before besides the low amount in soda which I rarely ever had. The reason im saying this is because there were nothing in my life i had experienced that was mind altering. This is why i didnt know at the time that i was really, really high on zoloft. Apparently it was obvious to my family who have said it was very obvious something was wrong once I started. I became the most extreme extrovert anyone could ever become. This all lead to me going from a normal 3.0 gpa to graduating with a 1.8 gpa. I became a drug addict in the worst way possible. I had become so impulsive. I went from being a kid who never lies or does anything bad to the guy who lies for no reason. I became a poly addict within months of starting zoloft. I became completely disconnected from not only friends but to my parents as well. This continued for 2 years until i finally stopped taking it at 18. Once i stopped taking zoloft i did a complete 180, well sort of. The addictions i picked up on zoloft for the most part stopped, except for one drug which i still struggle with. That being adderall and vyvanse. Thank the lord i never met anyone with meth during this time. There were other drugs i was addicted too as well while on zoloft like oxycodone, hydrocodone, weed, nicotine, xanax, Klonopin, alcohol and even more. I was addicted to all of these. I couldnt stop thinking about getting high. Its all i thought about. Always thinking of ways to get drugs. My parents had to buy a safe specifically for there prescriptions to keep me from stealing them. Even my own zoloft was in there safe because i would take 4 a day when i was prescribed to take one 50mg. I even abused tylenal(acetaminophen). My parents also couldn’t keep alcohol anywhere in the house since everynight after they went to bed i would search the whole house for it.
 Like i said though once I turned 18 i stopped taking zoloft and just like that all of my hyper focused drug cravings went away, all of them except for amphetamines which i still struggle with today. Also this isnt really related but when i was 19 i tried molly(mdma) with a friend which i had only had gotten because i started abusing amphetamines again which for some reason amphetamines also make me impulsive, but not to the same level as Zoloft though. Anyways when i took the molly, guess what it felt like?! It was literally the exact same head space and just over all feeling i had during the first 6 moths on Zoloft. It felt exactly the same, just it only lasted for a few hourse and made me very umm aroused, and a bit hyped. 
Im about to turn 21 in 7 days so it really hasnt been to long since my manic days.
Second time on ssri’s
Right around when i had turned 20 i began getting my first ever panic attacks. Most of them were the normal panic attacks, well normal probably isn’t the right word. I mean most of the attacks i had i could deal with on my own since they all happened at night when i was alone. One night though that changed. This particular night i felt that dreadful anxiety which i had been feeling for the past couple weeks already but it had never gotten to the point where it was too overwhelming for me deal with on my own. I was just laying in bed going to sleep, then it just happened in less than a second i knew i was gonna die. I knew this was it. I couldn’t breathe or i guess i could breathe but for some reason every time i would inhale it was just like i wasn’t idk. That immediate overwhelming feeling of death is the worst pain i hade ever felt. Worse than any physical pain id ever had, well i guess its the worst thing i’ve ever felt period at least at this point in my life. Because of this i went to the doctor. I refused to take ssri’s for it while also really trying to stay away from benzodiazepines for obvious reasons. So i perscribed Buspiron which is kinda in its on catargory. It’s non addictive and its not an antidepressant. So I took it for just about a month. Made me lowkey feel like shit. Constant headaches along with being really hot which is kinda problem since i work physical labor pretty much only outside all while it’s july. So unfortunately the only other option was ssri’s since im still on my parents health insurance my mom would never in a million years allow me take benzodiazepine which is obviously understandable. So i get a script for prozac cause it’s not Zoloft so maybe it’ll be a little different. Boy oh boy was it different. So basically the prozac ended up doing exactly the opposite of what the Zoloft did. I became more depressed than i had ever been by a landslide. Legit would fantasize killing myself. The first two weeks on prozac i would do nothing. Like straight up nothing but think about how amazing it would be to get relief by meeting up with my favorite tree. Eventually it went away for the most part. Then i stopped taking it 3 moths ago, so i was on it for 9 months total. I just felt normal on it for the most part. The only other thing it did that was bothersome was make me a little short tempered.
Ive just been curious if anyone else has experienced something similar to me.
submitted by Potential_Help_5296 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:04 Potential_Help_5296 My zoloft experience vs my prozac experience

I started taking zoloft at the age of of 16 from constant over stimulation that had started once i hit puberty at 11 years old. The first few months on zoloft i felt happier than i had ever felt before to a pretty extreme extent. I didnt know this was an odd reaction to ssri’s especially since up to the age of 16 i had never done any drugs. I hadn’t ever even had caffeine before besides the low amount in soda which I rarely ever had. The reason im saying this is because there were nothing in my life i had experienced that was mind altering. This is why i didnt know at the time that i was really, really high on zoloft. Apparently it was obvious to my family who have said it was very obvious something was wrong once I started. I became the most extreme extrovert anyone could ever become. This all lead to me going from a normal 3.0 gpa to graduating with a 1.8 gpa. I became a drug addict in the worst way possible. I had become so impulsive. I went from being a kid who never lies or does anything bad to the guy who lies for no reason. I became a poly addict within months of starting zoloft. I became completely disconnected from not only friends but to my parents as well. This continued for 2 years until i finally stopped taking it at 18. Once i stopped taking zoloft i did a complete 180, well sort of. The addictions i picked up on zoloft for the most part stopped, except for one drug which i still struggle with. That being adderall and vyvanse. Thank the lord i never met anyone with meth during this time. There were other drugs i was addicted too as well while on zoloft like oxycodone, hydrocodone, weed, nicotine, xanax, Klonopin, alcohol and even more. I was addicted to all of these. I couldnt stop thinking about getting high. Its all i thought about. Always thinking of ways to get drugs. My parents had to buy a safe specifically for there prescriptions to keep me from stealing them. Even my own zoloft was in there safe because i would take 4 a day when i was prescribed to take one 50mg. I even abused tylenal(acetaminophen). My parents also couldn’t keep alcohol anywhere in the house since everynight after they went to bed i would search the whole house for it.
 Like i said though once I turned 18 i stopped taking zoloft and just like that all of my hyper focused drug cravings went away, all of them except for amphetamines which i still struggle with today. Also this isnt really related but when i was 19 i tried molly(mdma) with a friend which i had only had gotten because i started abusing amphetamines again which for some reason amphetamines also make me impulsive, but not to the same level as Zoloft though. Anyways when i took the molly, guess what it felt like?! It was literally the exact same head space and just over all feeling i had during the first 6 moths on Zoloft. It felt exactly the same, just it only lasted for a few hourse and made me very umm aroused, and a bit hyped. 
Im about to turn 21 in 7 days so it really hasnt been to long since my manic days.
Second time on ssri’s
Right around when i had turned 20 i began getting my first ever panic attacks. Most of them were the normal panic attacks, well normal probably isn’t the right word. I mean most of the attacks i had i could deal with on my own since they all happened at night when i was alone. One night though that changed. This particular night i felt that dreadful anxiety which i had been feeling for the past couple weeks already but it had never gotten to the point where it was too overwhelming for me deal with on my own. I was just laying in bed going to sleep, then it just happened in less than a second i knew i was gonna die. I knew this was it. I couldn’t breathe or i guess i could breathe but for some reason every time i would inhale it was just like i wasn’t idk. That immediate overwhelming feeling of death is the worst pain i hade ever felt. Worse than any physical pain id ever had, well i guess its the worst thing i’ve ever felt period at least at this point in my life. Because of this i went to the doctor. I refused to take ssri’s for it while also really trying to stay away from benzodiazepines for obvious reasons. So i perscribed Buspiron which is kinda in its on catargory. It’s non addictive and its not an antidepressant. So I took it for just about a month. Made me lowkey feel like shit. Constant headaches along with being really hot which is kinda problem since i work physical labor pretty much only outside all while it’s july. So unfortunately the only other option was ssri’s since im still on my parents health insurance my mom would never in a million years allow me take benzodiazepine which is obviously understandable. So i get a script for prozac cause it’s not Zoloft so maybe it’ll be a little different. Boy oh boy was it different. So basically the prozac ended up doing exactly the opposite of what the Zoloft did. I became more depressed than i had ever been by a landslide. Legit would fantasize killing myself. The first two weeks on prozac i would do nothing. Like straight up nothing but think about how amazing it would be to get relief by meeting up with my favorite tree. Eventually it went away for the most part. Then i stopped taking it 3 moths ago, so i was on it for 9 months total. I just felt normal on it for the most part. The only other thing it did that was bothersome was make me a little short tempered.
Ive just been curious if anyone else has experienced something similar to me.
submitted by Potential_Help_5296 to antidepressants [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:01 Potential_Help_5296 My zoloft experience vs my prozac experience

I started taking zoloft at the age of of 16 from constant over stimulation that had started once i hit puberty at 11 years old. The first few months on zoloft i felt happier than i had ever felt before to a pretty extreme extent. I didnt know this was an odd reaction to ssri’s especially since up to the age of 16 i had never done any drugs. I hadn’t ever even had caffeine before besides the low amount in soda which I rarely ever had. The reason im saying this is because there were nothing in my life i had experienced that was mind altering. This is why i didnt know at the time that i was really, really high on zoloft. Apparently it was obvious to my family who have said it was very obvious something was wrong once I started. I became the most extreme extrovert anyone could ever become. This all lead to me going from a normal 3.0 gpa to graduating with a 1.8 gpa. I became a drug addict in the worst way possible. I had become so impulsive. I went from being a kid who never lies or does anything bad to the guy who lies for no reason. I became a poly addict within months of starting zoloft. I became completely disconnected from not only friends but to my parents as well. This continued for 2 years until i finally stopped taking it at 18. Once i stopped taking zoloft i did a complete 180, well sort of. The addictions i picked up on zoloft for the most part stopped, except for one drug which i still struggle with. That being adderall and vyvanse. Thank the lord i never met anyone with meth during this time. There were other drugs i was addicted too as well while on zoloft like oxycodone, hydrocodone, weed, nicotine, xanax, Klonopin, alcohol and even more. I was addicted to all of these. I couldnt stop thinking about getting high. Its all i thought about. Always thinking of ways to get drugs. My parents had to buy a safe specifically for there prescriptions to keep me from stealing them. Even my own zoloft was in there safe because i would take 4 a day when i was prescribed to take one 50mg. I even abused tylenal(acetaminophen). My parents also couldn’t keep alcohol anywhere in the house since everynight after they went to bed i would search the whole house for it.
 Like i said though once I turned 18 i stopped taking zoloft and just like that all of my hyper focused drug cravings went away, all of them except for amphetamines which i still struggle with today. Also this isnt really related but when i was 19 i tried molly(mdma) with a friend which i had only had gotten because i started abusing amphetamines again which for some reason amphetamines also make me impulsive, but not to the same level as Zoloft though. Anyways when i took the molly, guess what it felt like?! It was literally the exact same head space and just over all feeling i had during the first 6 moths on Zoloft. It felt exactly the same, just it only lasted for a few hourse and made me very umm aroused, and a bit hyped. 
Im about to turn 21 in 7 days so it really hasnt been to long since my manic days.
Second time on ssri’s
Right around when i had turned 20 i began getting my first ever panic attacks. Most of them were the normal panic attacks, well normal probably isn’t the right word. I mean most of the attacks i had i could deal with on my own since they all happened at night when i was alone. One night though that changed. This particular night i felt that dreadful anxiety which i had been feeling for the past couple weeks already but it had never gotten to the point where it was too overwhelming for me deal with on my own. I was just laying in bed going to sleep, then it just happened in less than a second i knew i was gonna die. I knew this was it. I couldn’t breathe or i guess i could breathe but for some reason every time i would inhale it was just like i wasn’t idk. That immediate overwhelming feeling of death is the worst pain i hade ever felt. Worse than any physical pain id ever had, well i guess its the worst thing i’ve ever felt period at least at this point in my life. Because of this i went to the doctor. I refused to take ssri’s for it while also really trying to stay away from benzodiazepines for obvious reasons. So i perscribed Buspiron which is kinda in its on catargory. It’s non addictive and its not an antidepressant. So I took it for just about a month. Made me lowkey feel like shit. Constant headaches along with being really hot which is kinda problem since i work physical labor pretty much only outside all while it’s july. So unfortunately the only other option was ssri’s since im still on my parents health insurance my mom would never in a million years allow me take benzodiazepine which is obviously understandable. So i get a script for prozac cause it’s not Zoloft so maybe it’ll be a little different. Boy oh boy was it different. So basically the prozac ended up doing exactly the opposite of what the Zoloft did. I became more depressed than i had ever been by a landslide. Legit would fantasize killing myself. The first two weeks on prozac i would do nothing. Like straight up nothing but think about how amazing it would be to get relief by meeting up with my favorite tree. Eventually it went away for the most part. Then i stopped taking it 3 moths ago, so i was on it for 9 months total. I just felt normal on it for the most part. The only other thing it did that was bothersome was make me a little short tempered.
Ive just been curious if anyone else has experienced something similar to me.
submitted by Potential_Help_5296 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:44 Economy-Stomach-6775 Is it normal to feel little bit high on Zoloft/Sertraline

So I've been takin 50mg ( I have 130kg btw) for about 7 days now. Reason why I started zoloft because of high anxiety which caused Derealisation and deperosnalization. I know it's to soon for meds to start working but I feel very bad first 30min - 1 hour after taking it and then all of sudden I feel high? Like little bit, like its not me, me. So I don't know if this is some side effects of Zoloft, but because of that and because I suspect that its boostin my DR DP I think I will stop using them ( of course after talking to my doc). I dont know if this is regular side effects and it will stop in few weeks, but I don't like being under something, and when I wake up it's still me like effects dropped
submitted by Economy-Stomach-6775 to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:44 Economy-Stomach-6775 Is it normal to feel little bit high on Zoloft/Sertraline

So I've been takin 50mg ( I have 130kg btw) for about 7 days now. Reason why I started zoloft because of high anxiety which caused Derealisation and deperosnalization. I know it's to soon for meds to start working but I feel very bad first 30min - 1 hour after taking it and then all of sudden I feel high? Like little bit, like its not me, me. So I don't know if this is some side effects of Zoloft, but because of that and because I suspect that its boostin my DR DP I think I will stop using them ( of course after talking to my doc). I dont know if this is regular side effects and it will stop in few weeks, but I don't like being under something, and when I wake up it's still me like effects dropped
submitted by Economy-Stomach-6775 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:31 Economy-Stomach-6775 Is it normal to feel little bit high on Zoloft

So I've been takin 50mg ( I have 130kg btw) for about 7 days now. Reason why I started zoloft because of high anxiety which caused Derealisation and deperosnalization. I know it's to soon for meds to start working but I feel very bad first 30min - 1 hour after taking it and then all of sudden I feel high? Like little bit, like its not me, me. So I don't know if this is some side effects of Zoloft, but because of that and because I suspect that its boostin my DR DP I think I will stop using them ( of course after talking to my doc). I dont know if this is regular side effects and it will stop in few weeks, but I don't like being under something, and when I wake up it's still me like effects dropped
submitted by Economy-Stomach-6775 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:22 InevitableSound9165 Vitamin Overload due to Health Scare? Advice pls

Hello nutrition people / doctors / dietitian's / vitamin munchers
Brief Background - I had a health scare recently. Mainly due to inflammation inside the body. So I hit up amazon and got as many inflammatory tablets as possible to trial and error. Now I'm taking the following below list for about 2 weeks - 5 days per week with 3 days off. Ps. I've been veggie for 8 years and just started eating chicken twice a week.
Vitamins I take daily =)
My 2 questions =)
Am I just wasting money?
Could this cause me more damage?
Thank you (L)
submitted by InevitableSound9165 to vitamins [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:27 worthyducky Officially 21 days, just a week more until I get to talk with my psych again

Background: Severe debilitating OCD that's ruining my life. Not really pure O, the compulsions are there as well, but it's the obsessions that are actively destroying any possibility I've had of a normal life. 21 days is way too short of a time period for me to judge this medicine, but it's also the best I've felt in what feels like years. I've had the good days and the bad days, I had the uppity two weeks they talk about, I still have anxiety but the way this makes me feel makes me wish I had started it years ago. I look forward to taking my pill every day, currently at 50mg but low-key hoping my doc decides to increase it a little bit, we shall see, still early for this. My advice for going into taking Zoloft? Stop reading the side effects. At this point we should all know the power our brains have in ruining our lives. Go into it without reading any side effects that are possible and you'd be surprised how many of them your brain can't make up for you because it doesn't know about them. Anyway thanks to all the scientists that spent their lives developing medicine like this. For the first time in my life I feel like one day I might be normal.
submitted by worthyducky to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:29 Party_Orange_1921 Am I the only one not dreaming?

I'm reading all about crazy vivid zoloft dreams. I've been on 2 weeks of 50mg Sertraline. I don't think I've dreamt at all. Every night I suddenly wake up from very deep sleep, but can't remember any dreams at all. I then lie awake for hours.
submitted by Party_Orange_1921 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:34 I_am_tresh98 Not consistent but frequent sciatica pain…what do I do?

I’m currently 25M about to be 26 and I’ve been dealing with sciatic nerve pain along with other back problems since I was about 14/15… both mom and dad have bad backs/sciatica flare ups as well as myself being a bit overweight my entire life, gaining and losing the same 50 pounds for the last decade lol… I know I’m only just scratching the surface as far as back pain. I’ve tried tramadol before and it works wonders, especially getting me to fall asleep and comfortably at that, although I have to take 2 50mg tablets as soon as I wake up as well as some Tylenol but then I’m good to go for the next several hours. It comes and goes, the pain that is. I’ve noticed the sciatica flares up with the change of seasons and if I don’t take care of myself it’ll last a month or more, getting worse and worse; shooting down my leg and up to my shoulder and neck. Walking becomes legitimately impossible and laying down & sleeping become the bane of my existence. Again, it doesn’t last too long especially if I take care of myself. But I have dealt with it for 2/3 months at a time before in some cases. I’m only ~26 and I fear it’s going to increasingly get worse, even though I’m at a lighter weight than I was when I was 15! Luckily I haven’t had a severe flare up this year (yet) but I would love to get some thoughts on my situation before I do.
Should I attempt to find a doctor that will prescribe me tramadol as that’s the only medication I’ve found that works most efficiently? What should I expect by going to a doctor with this type of pain? And what in the world does the change of seasons and the flare ups have to do with each other?! lol. Thanks for any and all the help!
TLDR; Male 26, Sciatica pain has come and gone consistently for a decade and I’m desperate…would greatly appreciate tips & tricks, and thoughts on tramadol experiences if any as well as asking doctor for this medication? Thank you!
submitted by I_am_tresh98 to Sciatica [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:08 Begairat Facial rounding and stomach bloating

Hey. I have had this problem where randomly my face used to get so round and bloated which in return used to mess up my mental health, it used to last anywhere from 7-15 days, after going to a psychiatrist, he prescribed me 25 mg Zoloft for the first week and then up it to 50 mg.
After upping it to 50mg, the facial bloating WENT SOOOO BADDDD that even my little cousins told me how round my face looks!!!, i had to stop taking it and after 3-4 days, everything went back to normal.
Now i am starting again but will stay at 25mg, on day 2 and i have started to feel "roundy" again.
How long do the side effects lasts?
submitted by Begairat to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:46 gw00142 Morning anxiety

I've been on 50mg zoloft now for 4 months and every time I get a 'trigger' for my anxiety, the morning anxiety is the first thing to come back. I think all in all I've had a month where the mornings where ok. Is this normal?
submitted by gw00142 to zoloft [link] [comments]
