
AKA zolpidem

2020.11.06 02:36 EXlST AKA zolpidem

A place to discuss everything Ambien (generic name zolpidem).

2020.11.21 22:42 MyPupper Zopliclone

☁️💤A Sub-Reddit for those that use Zopiclone / Zolpidem , Recreationally or Medicinally ☁️💤 (Wouldn’t let me put the subreddit name properly)

2008.01.25 07:47 insomnia

Posts and discussion about insomnia and sleep disorders.

2024.06.02 17:19 Sleepyblue Is Nardil insomnia related to its half life or its irreversible disabling of MAO?

When I first starting ramping up my dose of Nardil I didn't notice any effect on my sleep until many weeks later when I reached a therapeutic dose, which for me was 60mg.
I'm currently in the process of reducing my dose, and I am now back down to 20mg. However, my insomnia has persisted.
Due to the mechanism of how it works, in that it does not necessarily need to be present in the blood at all times for its effects to be sustained, I'm not sure at this point if the insomnia is related to the daily dose I am taking, or it's longer term disabling of MAO.
Skipping a day's dose doesn't make it any easier to sleep that night. However, I've been taking a range of different sleeping aids for so many years (Quetiapine, Zopiclone, Zolpidem, Melatonin), that my reliance to on them to nod off could also be part of the problem.
If the insomnia is only related to it's half life (11.6 hours), then in theory I should now be able to reduce my reliance on the sleeping aids. However if it's due to the disabling of MAO then this might be a pointless endeavour.
I often read about how people take their full dose in the morning to avoid insomnia, however if it's to do with MAO over half-life, then would this even have an effect?
At 20mg I still feel enough of mood balancing effect to keep taking it, and my last persisting side effect is the insomnia. It would be fantastic if I could stay on this dose whilst ditching the sleep aids, but I don't want to go through the struggle-some endeavour of weening myself off them if it won't make a difference due to the way Nardil works.
submitted by Sleepyblue to MAOIs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:23 NoAstronaut3528 zolpidem and concerta

Have any of you notice that If you take ambien to sleep and then once you wake up you take your concerta It is more likely to cause some anxiety? Usually concerta doesnt give me side effects, I just feel more relaxed and thats it, but if I have taken zolpidem the previous night, I feel it makes concerta weaker and side effects are worse too.
submitted by NoAstronaut3528 to Concerta [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:55 LegalAd6233 Zolpidem 10mg

Zolpidem 10mg submitted by LegalAd6233 to arethesepressies [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:12 x-files-theme-song Zolpidem CR Shortage?

Pharmacy could only give me a 6 day fill today, they said zolpidem tartate 12.5 CR (generic for ambien extended) is on shortage nation wide :(
submitted by x-files-theme-song to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:31 ResidentOk2606 Ajuda com medicamentos?

Vou tentar ser breve.
tenho 19 anos, sou tratado a 4 anos com quadro de TAG, que acabou evoluindo para um quadro de depressão profunda. Me receitavam até o ano passado escitalopram e clonazepam para dormir, conclusão: o escitalopram me fez ter pensamentos psicóticos, fiz uso abusivo de clonazepam e no final do ano passado tentei auto extermínio. Vários meses se passaram, comecei com a fluoxetina e tem respondido muito bem, sinto muito mais ânimo para viver, socializar, ir em busca de objetivos e etc.
Porém, esse remédio eu sinto profundamente que tem atrapalhado meu sono e concentração. Me sinto mais disperso quando tento concentrar em algo,, e o sono, bem, eu era receitado com clonazepam para dormir, foi retirado esse remédio de mim e agora tenho que dormir no seco. Recentemente, por amigos, tive acesso a 2 medicamentos que me deixaram MUITO bem: Ritalina e Zolpidem. O Zolpidem das 5 vezes que tomei me fez ter as melhores noites de sono desde que comecei a me medicar, e a ritalina foi a primeira vez em toda a minha vida que as vozes com os pensamentos intrusivos ficaram quietas, eu tive vontade de chorar de tão feliz que fiquei.
Porém, não tenho receita de nenhum desses remédios, próxima terça-feira tenho psiquiatra, o que eu devo e como devo falar para meu psiquiatra? e além, é correto eu como paciente querer o uso desses medicamentos só por que eu considerei benéficos pra mim?
submitted by ResidentOk2606 to TDAH_Brasil [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:25 hookerdolphin Mirtazapine (F20)

Just started mirtazipine 15mg. Woke up today with swollen face and 5xtra pounds water weight. I’m also taking 20mg lexapro. Zolpidem 10mg was working great but gave me bad nightmares- and trazedone wasn’t helping. I’m 5’6” and 113 pounds- I was at 127 pounds 2 months ago but lost a lot due to a bad spell of major depressive disorder. I love the weight I’m at- and don’t want to gain weight. Any suggestions? I woke up today feeling bloated and I read a lot of people gain weight on this med.
submitted by hookerdolphin to sleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:32 Gullible_Can4234 Zolpidem is the only thing who calm my anxiety ?

I don't know if the subject is appropriate (because it's not just about insomnia) but for some time I've been realizing that zolpidem is the only drug that calms my anxiety and soothes my obsessive thoughts. Usually when I take it I sleep at least one or two hours afterwards, and as sad as it is, it's the best part of my day to be able to have a moment like that without the tightness in my chest before sleeping.
So I'm wondering if there are others that have this effect and if those who take treatments for anxiety have been able to find something similar to the effects of zolpidem?
submitted by Gullible_Can4234 to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:41 iwasntalwaysold My wife just got her prescription absolutely messed up by walgreens

I'm looking for advice about a botched prescription and how to resolve. I'm not sure this is the proper sub. Wife and I are leaving on a 10 day vacation away from civilization. Wife had a hell of a time getting a zolpidem vacation refill and got it earlier today. Tonight she opened the stapled bag and it's the wrong prescription, a duplicate one of her others. The fill date on the bottle is 5/15, two weeks ago. She had that filled on 5/22 and has those pills.
So what to do. She got a stapled bag with zolpidem on the tag, but a migraine medicine inside. Also paid full price because, insurance...
How would you approach the pharmacy regarding this? She already gets treated as a druggie for taking zolpidem. It's frustrating and and we have little time to resolve this. Any input would help, my wife has been taking zolpidem for 20 years and sleeps like shit without it...
submitted by iwasntalwaysold to WalgreensStores [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:10 Gwenanigans (Bijna) iedere nacht uren liggen malen

Geen idee of dit per definitie een autisme ding is maar het zit me al zo lang als ik me kan herinneren ontzettend dwars.
Ik (25 v) slaap van nature ontzettend slecht. Als ik het licht uit doe, mijn telefoon weg leg en mijn ogen sluit gebeurt er meestal helemaal niets, mijn hoofd draait nog op volle toeren, allerlei gedachten schieten erdoorheen en ik val maar niet in slaap. Hierdoor word ik ontzettend onrustig (Wat de zaak niet beter maakt) en wanneer ik wakker word (vaak pas tegen het eind van de ochtend of al in de middag) voel ik me ontzettend suf en niet uitgerust.
Het kan van alles zijn dat me wakker houdt. Sommige redenen weet ik al dat ze een rol spelen zoals nare herinneringen, angsten of stress maar zelfs als het best 'oké lijkt te gaan is het gewoon heel moeilijk om in slaap te komen. Ik heb jarenlang melatonine gebruikt met matig succes en recent op recept zolpidem gekregen wat vrij goed helpt maar helaas geen permanente optie is. Dingen als meditatie worden ook vaak aangeraden maar dat lukt me eigenlijk helemaal niet omdat ik te onrustig ben om stil te zitten en mijn hoofd erbij te houden (hoogstwaarschijnlijk comorbibe adhd ding waar ik last van heb)
Heeft iemand hier ook zo'n last hiervan? En ook al heb ik voor mijn gevoel "alles" al geprobeerd is advies altijd welkom als iemand dat heeft.
Bedankt voor het lezen, ik ga na het posten van dit bericht weer een dappere poging wagen in slaap te komen. :')
submitted by Gwenanigans to AutistischLaagland [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:06 Even-Blacksmith-2731 Seeking Advice: Struggling with Personality Changes After Taking Medication

Hi everyone,
I'm looking for some advice and insight into a situation I've been experiencing. I'm currently taking a combination of medications: Rivotril (clonazepam), Wellbutrin (bupropion), Sulpiride, Propranolol, and Stilnox (zolpidem). Recently, I've noticed that after taking my medication, it feels like a different personality named 'Rocky' takes over. Rocky is much bolder and more outspoken than I am, and sometimes says things that upset others, which leaves me feeling embarrassed and confused when I regain control.
Here are some specific questions and concerns I have:
Has anyone experienced something similar, where a different personality or state of mind emerges after taking medication? Could this be a side effect of my medication, or is it indicative of a dissociative disorder? What steps can I take to better understand and manage these experiences? Are there specific therapies or treatments that have helped you with similar issues? How can I communicate these experiences effectively to my psychiatrist? Any advice, personal experiences, or resources would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help!
submitted by Even-Blacksmith-2731 to DID [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:40 Even-Blacksmith-2731 Seeking Advice: Struggling with Personality Changes After Taking Medication

Hi everyone,
I'm looking for some advice and insight into a situation I've been experiencing. I'm currently taking a combination of medications: Rivotril (clonazepam), Wellbutrin (bupropion), Sulpiride, Propranolol, and Stilnox (zolpidem). Recently, I've noticed that after taking my medication, it feels like a different personality named 'Rocky' takes over. Rocky is much bolder and more outspoken than I am, and sometimes says things that upset others, which leaves me feeling embarrassed and confused when I regain control.
Here are some specific questions and concerns I have:
Has anyone experienced something similar, where a different personality or state of mind emerges after taking medication? Could this be a side effect of my medication, or is it indicative of a dissociative disorder? What steps can I take to better understand and manage these experiences? Are there specific therapies or treatments that have helped you with similar issues? How can I communicate these experiences effectively to my psychiatrist? How do you handle the feelings of embarrassment and confusion that come with these experiences?
Any advice, personal experiences, or resources would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help!"
submitted by Even-Blacksmith-2731 to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 13:45 cityflaneur2020 Am I crossing the line with my psychiatrist?

Was referred to him with major depression and addiction to Zolpidem. The industrial amounts of Zolpidem gave me tonic-clonics seizures for months, until I decided to quit cold turkey, and had the expected withdrawal seizures. Zolpidem is gone, epilepsy remained.
I'm F, he's M, about the same age, but I never experienced any kind of transference either way. He knows I'm single, disenchanted, quite attractive (modesty aside), and have attachment issues. Ah, I also do therapy.
What I know about him: wife, 3 kids, he travels once a year to bike through Europe, like 100km a day or more. As an occasional gym goer that to me is madness, madness.
Here is where I think I crossed the line, blurring that of patient - physician to that of acquaintance.
Last time he said he'd go on vacation to bike in Europe for two weeks, because I asked if he's travel. I asked where to, gushed on the path, and asked if his wife would focus on wine while he biked. He said no, she bikes with me! I was flabbergasted, not that women can't do it, but because I can't imagine a worse vacation in my whole life. I laughed, wish them luck and many beautiful views. He told me he'd tell me about it on the way back. I think he sensee I was enthusiastic, curious and surprised.
Did I step out of line showing so much interest on a personal aspect of his life, his vacations? Should I, as a patient, stop asking about vacations altogether?
submitted by cityflaneur2020 to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 13:38 Pleasant-Plan-922 Buy Zolpidem Online, Treatment to Insomnia

submitted by Pleasant-Plan-922 to u/Pleasant-Plan-922 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 06:43 amyscott214 PSA that is probably common sense but don’t take ashwagandha at the same time as your antidepressant and zolpidem for sleep. Spread them out I guess. I am not ok right now 😵‍💫😔

submitted by amyscott214 to ASHWAGANDHA [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:47 jairorodriguez78 GP's wrong Zolpidem prescription?

Hi all,
I live in the Netherlands and have been desperately seeking help for my awakenings in the middle of the night. I've had weeks of sleeping just 3 or 4 hours every night. I asked my GP for help, and as my most common problem was waking up at around 3 sometimes, he prescribed me Zolpidem-10mg to be taken as soon I woke up that early. It worked indeed. The day I take it I feel my brain super-sharp, and I became more 'outgoing' than usual. However, the next day I felt like trash. I'm afraid of becoming dependant of this, so I try to take it only once a week (two at the most), and now waking up in the middle of the night is the norm, not the exception.
No I I'm not sure that his recommendation of taking this dose of Zolpidem early in the morning was the right one. I found a paper that describes that in my case what I should be taking is a way lower dosage of zolpidem (1.75 to 3.5mg) (Fast-Acting Sublingual Zolpidem for Middle-of-the-Night Wakefulness - PMC (nih.gov)). Now I recall that that day the doctor seemed to be 'in a rush' to somehow solve my problem. I no longer trust doctors here for this problem, they never seem to be interested in exploring the root causes. Could any of you with a background in this subject tell me what do you think about the prescription my GP gave to me?
Thanks in advance for any advice!
submitted by jairorodriguez78 to sleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:42 jairorodriguez78 GP Zolpidem wrong prescription/mispractice?

Hi all,
I live in the Netherlands and have been desperately seeking help for my awakenings in the middle of the night. I've had weeks of sleeping just 3 or 4 hours every night. I asked my GP for help, and as my most common problem was waking up at around 3 sometimes, he prescribed me Zolpidem-10mg to be taken as soon I woke up that early. It worked indeed. The day I take it I feel my brain super-sharp, and I became more 'outgoing' than usual. However, the next day I felt like trash. I'm afraid of becoming dependant of this, so I try to take it only once a week (two at the most), and now waking up in the middle of the night is the norm, not the exception.
No I I'm not sure that his recommendation of taking this dose of Zolpidem early in the morning was the right one. I found a paper that describes that in my case what I should be taking is a way lower dosage of zolpidem (1.75 to 3.5mg) (Fast-Acting Sublingual Zolpidem for Middle-of-the-Night Wakefulness - PMC (nih.gov)). Now I recall that that day the doctor seemed to be 'in a rush' to somehow solve my problem. I no longer trust doctors here for this problem, they never seem to be interested in exploring the root causes. Could any of you with a background in this subject tell me what do you think about the prescription my GP gave to me?
Thanks in advance for any advice!
submitted by jairorodriguez78 to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:11 Pale_Bike8589 My plan

I'm gonna take 3150mg carbolitium and 250mg Zolpidem, that can kill me?
I did this one year ago and how you can see I'm still alive, so I want to finish that Job so please asnwers
submitted by Pale_Bike8589 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:40 Cherelle_Vanek Sleep aids are mandatory for recovery. Don't freak out and go to the hospital. Once you can secure your sleep then you can plan on recovery like diet etc. No sleep = Panic, Panic = Hospital and the Hospital may give you Anti-psychotics. Which will not help anything at all and make everything worse.

Sleep aids are mandatory for recovery. Don't freak out and go to the hospital. Once you can secure your sleep then you can plan on recovery like diet etc. No sleep = Panic, Panic = Hospital and the Hospital may give you Anti-psychotics. Which will not help anything at all and make everything worse.
Antipsychotics are neurotoxic and not helpful here. At all. They won't know what else to do. They'll just say you're psychotic. You're freaking the fuck out. And if you're suicidal like me, you will be forced to take them due to being a threat to yourself. Most states have forced hospitalization if you're a threat to others or yourself.
You have a chance to recover with lionsmane only, but once they give you anti-psychotics you may not recover. I probably won't just being honest.
Look if you can't sleep it's due to your brain being overactive. And that's due to GABA not working right. Force it to work right with sleeping pills. Zopidem or Doxylamine will let you sleep in the night. If one doesn't work try the other . I don't know about taking both at the same time. Ask your physician.But you can't use it for weeks and weeks otherwise you become dependent on it and you'll get insomnia from NOT having zopidem in your system. Probably like 2 weeks or something. I don't even know if they're habit forming. Ask your physician. If that doesn't work then there's acetylcholine which might be the reason and for that there's Doxylamine. Don't use the l-theanine all that shit. Respectfully fuck that supplement shit, I'm saying this because freaking out and can't sleep it can make you suicidal like me and that lead doctors to giving you antipsychotics. it's too scary the first day it happens you need to be able to have a peace of mind that you can sleep or you will freak out like me. L-theanine or GABA supplement might not be enough, they don't cross the blood brain barrier as good as sleeping pills active ingredients do. They do help though, but watch out for drug interactions with the sleep aid. I'd ask biohackers about mixing sleep aids with supplements. And reading things here might make you freak out too but the body is made to be balanced and in homeostasis, it will fix itself over months. Just get your sleep, and eat well. That's why people are saying they're fully recovered nothing is permanent. This is a day to day recovery. Marathon not a race. Being impatient will send straight to hospital where they give you drugs that can permanently fuck you up, give you diabetes, make your cognition bad( mental retardation) etc just ask me I have neuropathy from anti-psychotics. I freaked out so bad that all I had to say is I can't sleep and I'd be fine, they'd give me a sleep aid. But it was too late, I was suicidal and I had a eye twitch. It was over for me as soon as I walked into the hospital. They diagnosed me as manically depressed and now I have to live with that forever.Please learn from me. Sleep aids are mandatory for recovery. Please heed my warning. Lion's mane can leave you in a altered state where all you want is the hospital to save you because you think you're going crazy, your body is overwhelmed and will balance things out by for example lowering acetylcholine. It may take weeks, months but it will happen. Please trust and believe me. As long as you're experiencing overactive brain, that means something is out of balance ( gaba or acetylcholine) and if something is out of balance, your body is naturally going to lower it so things are balanced and you're in homeostasis. One year is probably the time for recovery, for everyone. I don't know how long the recovery time is for anti-psychotics. This is serious. Very serious. I may not ever be myself now, and I'm pretty sure those anti-psychotics took 10-20 years away from life. Patience over panic. Patience over panic. Patience over panic you have to sleep be calm. You must be calm. You just over blew your brain somehow and you have to relax there's nothing permanent about your condition.
submitted by Cherelle_Vanek to LionsManeRecovery [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 17:12 TreacleHaunting2134 Cycling Sleep Medications - Trazodone & Zolpidem/Ambien

Anyone have success with cycling Trazodone and Zolpidem/Ambien every other week for sleep? Trazodone no longer works after a week for me. I’ve now been taking Zolpidem (5mg) for the last 7 nights, and after night 6, it has stopped working. Since you can build a tolerance to both medications over time, I’m hoping cycling would help?
submitted by TreacleHaunting2134 to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 12:16 sletsappie Positive Tapering Experience

Hi fellow Effexor users/sufferers! I've appreciated the support and sage advice on this subreddit for a long time, which is why I want to share a little hope today.
I recently tapered from 150mg Venlor to Serdep and managed to do it in one month without the beading technique, and the withdrawal zaps and bouts of crying have ceased at last. There were some dark moments where I felt this all-consuming rage about absolutely everything - that was the scariest side effect I had.
I believe one of the reasons I managed the quick taper is because I knew I had no choice. I'm emigrating next week and HAD TO get off this stuff before going. I saw my psychiatrist today and she's happy with my state of mind. I know myself, and I know I'm doing okay now.
Benadryl eased the brain zaps, and limiting coffee and alcohol also helped. Azor and Zolpidem took care of the increased anxiety and insomnia.
I'm not saying it's just mind over matter. I'm not saying 'if I can do it, anyone can' - we are all very, very different. And I'm not saying I'm out of the woods yet. Just that it CAN be done and you don't have to be deathly afraid to try.
Soft landings to you all. x
submitted by sletsappie to Effexor [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 07:45 fallotstetralogy Hey guys need help quitting ambien

Hey guys i have been making posts about ambien everyday now because even though it makes me sleep i don't want to rely on it for long.
Long story short i had a massive anxiety attack after h pylori and gastritis and doc put me on melatonin 3mg plus 5mg zolpidem. Today has been 19 days.
He said you can take it for 2 more weeks but everyday i try to sleep without it, lie in bed for 2 hrs then take it and sleep.
I am thinking of getting melatonin and ambien seperately and taking melotonin with half of 5mg dose. Any advice is appreciated.
submitted by fallotstetralogy to sleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 07:45 fallotstetralogy Guys need help quitting ambien

Hey guys i have been making posts about ambien everyday now because even though it makes me sleep i don't want to rely on it for long.
Long story short i had a massive anxiety attack after h pylori and gastritis and doc put me on melatonin 3mg plus 5mg zolpidem. Today has been 19 days.
He said you can take it for 2 more weeks but everyday i try to sleep without it, lie in bed for 2 hrs then take it and sleep.
I am thinking of getting melatonin and ambien seperately and taking melotonin with half of 5mg dose. Any advice is appreciated.
submitted by fallotstetralogy to insomnia [link] [comments]
