Antler mounting plaquesntler mount

Royal Canadian Legion members clean veterans section at Mount Pleasant Cemetery

2024.06.11 06:49 CaptBloggins Royal Canadian Legion members clean veterans section at Mount Pleasant Cemetery

Royal Canadian Legion members clean veterans section at Mount Pleasant Cemetery submitted by CaptBloggins to caf [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:48 Excellent-Visual-653 My SS SHAGUAR RIZZWAGON SHIT BOX 2.4 TWIN CAM (96 Cavalier LS)

Got a few questions for anyone who can offer some knowledge.
  1. Been zipping her up stress testing her and replacing things as they go, before I rebuild the engine I wanna make sure I can find a transmission for it that can handle 600 or more horse power but I cannot seem to find any or differentiate between a OEM transmission vs a performance one so any tips on finding a well built transmission would be appreciated.
  2. Saw that I could put this bitch on an S10 frame super easy just cut off like 4 inches of the back of the frame and cut down the driveshaft. But I can see older blazers are also on the S10 frame Does anyone know if the alignment for mounting the cavalier to an S10 frame will be the same alignment for mounting it on a Blazers S10 frame? Asking because I can buy those for pretty cheap around here compared to some s10 trucks and better clearance and tires on them. Since I'll be buying land in the mountains soon.
  3. What's the best way to remove or smooth rust to not eat into a frame to prep it for coating?
  4. What is an affordable but good way to help rust proof an old frame? I see places do powder coating, nickle or zinc plateing. Wouldnt powder coating wear away and chip off after awhile of use/abuse?
  5. They discontinued the supercharger for my model but made one for the cobalt that looks identical if I can get it to align with the pulleys and the intake it should be fine right?
submitted by Excellent-Visual-653 to CarRepair [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:47 Ok-Possession-8713 For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant,

For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and they that escape out of mount Zion: the zeal of the LORD of hosts shall do this.Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning the king of Assyria, He shall not come into this city, nor shoot an arrow there, nor come before it with shield, nor cast a bank against it
submitted by Ok-Possession-8713 to u/Ok-Possession-8713 [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:44 BadManParade Dovetail RMR mount

Dovetail RMR mount
Greetings my fellow nerds and virgins 🤓🤓 I’ve come nearing great news. After many hours in the labs I’ve discovered a new technology. Printed RMR dovetail mounts.
I printed about 15 of these to confirm they do in fact fit the best orientation for me what with the 2 alignment posts facing up.
Printed with Polymaker Polylite PLA at 210° I typically print at 215 with this filament but forgot to change the default setting. Mine were set to 10% infill because they’re gonna be throwaways and I wanted to print them in under 25 minutes so I wouldn’t spend all night on this but I’d probably raise it up a bit for actual use. the one I’m printing now is at 60%
Sorry it took me a bit long to pop these out the oven I do all of the designing etc. in prusa slicer so it takes a bit more time, please enjoy responsibly
Ps. Never ever EVER search for thing:6657354
submitted by BadManParade to fosscad [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:42 Slight_Machine1687 How to find best solar companies in arizona?

How to find best solar companies in arizona?
How to find best solar companies in arizona?
This article was originally published at:

The adoption of solar energy has been steadily increasing across the Arizona, with its abundant sunshine, is no exception. Homeowners in Arizona are increasingly considering solar panels not only as a way to reduce their carbon footprint but also as a means to increase the value of their homes. However, when it comes to making the switch to solar, there are several important factors to consider.
In this blog post, we will explore whether solar can increase your home value in Arizona, the decision between hiring a professional installer or going the DIY route, what to look for in a solar installer, and why Sunny Energy stands out as the best Arizona solar companies in Arizona.

Will solar increase my home value in Arizona?

One of the most common questions homeowners ask when considering solar panels is whether they will see a return on their investment in terms of increased home value. When solar is done well, the energy produced results in the need for less energy from the grid, and substantial cost savings, and these savings equate to increased value of a home with solar. Studies have shown that installing solar panels can indeed increase the value of a home, and in a sunny state like Arizona, the potential for added value is even greater. Not only do solar panels reduce energy costs for homeowners, but they also appeal to eco-conscious buyers who are willing to pay a premium for a home with renewable energy features.

Should I hire a professional solar installer or DIY?

While the idea of saving money by installing solar panels yourself may be tempting, it’s important to consider the complexities involved in the installation process. Hiring a professional solar installer ensures that the job is done safely and correctly, minimizing the risk of damage to your property or system malfunctions down the line. Additionally, many solar companies offer warranties and maintenance plans that provide peace of mind for homeowners. Ultimately, the decision between hiring a professional installer or going the DIY route depends on your level of expertise and comfort with the installation process. Plus, a good solar panel installer will offer a warranty of as much as 25 years, that can be transferred to a new home owner when the house is sold.

As an Arizona resident, what should I look for in a solar installer?

When choosing best Arizona solar companies in Arizona, there are several factors to consider. Look for a company with a proven track record of successful installations in the area and positive reviews from satisfied customers. Additionally, make sure the installer is licensed, insured, and certified by reputable organizations such as the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP). Finally, consider the quality of the products and equipment the installer uses, as well as their customer service and warranty offerings.

What is the most important factor in choosing the best Arizona solar companies in Arizona?

Choosing the right solar company which is best Arizona solar companies in Arizona is a crucial decision that can significantly impact the performance, longevity, and overall satisfaction with your solar energy system. While cost is undoubtedly an important factor to consider, it should not be the sole determinant in your decision-making process. Instead, several other key factors should be prioritized to ensure you select a reputable, reliable and best Arizona solar companies in Arizona that meets your needs. Let’s delve deeper into these considerations:

1. Quality of products and services:

The primary concern when selecting a solar company should be the quality of the products and services they offer. This includes the type and efficiency of solar panels, inverters, mounting systems, and other components used in the installation. High-quality equipment will not only improve the performance and reliability of your solar system but also contribute to its longevity and return on investment.

2. Reputation and customer satisfaction:

A reputable and best Arizona solar company in Arizona will have a strong track record of satisfied customers and positive reviews. Researching customer testimonials, reviews on independent platforms, and referrals from friends or family can provide valuable insights into the company’s reputation and customer satisfaction levels. Companies with a history of professionalism, integrity, and excellent service delivery are more likely to meet or exceed your expectations.

3. Professionalism and reliability:

Professionalism and reliability are essential attributes of a trustworthy solar company. This encompasses aspects such as timely communication, transparent pricing and contracts, adherence to industry standards and regulations, and punctuality in project timelines and appointments. A reliable solar company will prioritize your needs and ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience from initial consultation to post-installation support.

4. Customized system design:

Every homeowner’s energy needs and property layout are unique, necessitating a tailored solar system design. A good solar company will conduct a thorough assessment of your property, energy consumption patterns, and sustainability goals to design a customized system that maximizes energy production and savings. They should also consider factors such as shading, roof orientation, and local regulations to optimize the system’s performance and aesthetics.

5. Ongoing support and maintenance:

The relationship with your solar company does not end after installation. Ongoing support and maintenance services are crucial for ensuring the long-term performance and durability of your solar energy system. Look for a company that offers comprehensive warranties, monitoring solutions, and periodic maintenance checks to identify and address any issues promptly. Additionally, responsive customer support and assistance with system upgrades or expansions can enhance your overall experience as a solar customer.
In conclusion, while cost is a significant consideration when choosing a solar company, it should be balanced with other factors such as product quality, reputation, professionalism, customized design, and ongoing support. By prioritizing these aspects and selecting a reputable and reliable solar company, you can ensure a successful and satisfying experience with your solar energy investment for years to come.

How is Sunny Energy the best solar company near me?

Sunny Energy stands out as the best Arizona solar companies in Phoenix Arizona for several reasons. With years of experience in the industry and a team of highly skilled professionals, Sunny Energy has a proven track record of successful installations and satisfied customers. They are fully licensed, insured, and NABCEP-certified, ensuring that you receive the highest quality service and craftsmanship. Sunny Energy also uses top-of-the-line products and equipment from trusted manufacturers, and they offer competitive pricing and flexible financing options to make solar accessible to homeowners of all budgets. When evaluating why Sunny Energy is regarded as the highest rated solar companies in Arizona, it’s essential to consider several key factors that set them apart from competitors. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what makes Sunny Energy the best choice for homeowners seeking solar solutions:

1. Experience and expertise:

Sunny Energy boasts years of experience in the solar industry, providing them with a deep understanding of the technology, market trends, and local regulations in Arizona. Their team comprises highly skilled professionals who have undergone rigorous training and possess extensive knowledge of solar system design, installation, and maintenance. This wealth of experience ensures that Sunny Energy can deliver top-notch service and tailored solutions to meet each customer’s unique needs and preferences.

2. Proven track record:

Sunny Energy has built a solid reputation based on a track record of successful installations and satisfied customers throughout Arizona. By consistently delivering high-quality workmanship and exceptional customer service, Sunny Energy has earned the trust and loyalty of homeowners across the state. Positive reviews, testimonials, and referrals from past clients serve as a testament to the company’s commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.

3. Licensing, insurance, and certification:

As a reputable solar company, Sunny Energy holds all the necessary licenses, insurance coverage, and certifications required to operate legally and safely in Arizona. This includes accreditation from the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP), a prestigious certification that demonstrates their competence and professionalism in the solar industry. By choosing a fully licensed and insured company like Sunny Energy, which is considered as a best solar panel installation companies in Arizona, homeowners can have peace of mind knowing that their solar installation is in capable hands.

4. High-quality products and equipment:

Sunny Energy partners with trusted manufacturers to source top-of-the-line solar products and equipment for their installations. By using high-quality components, such as solar panels, inverters, and mounting systems, Sunny Energy ensures the reliability, efficiency, and longevity of each solar system they install. This commitment to quality not only maximizes the performance and durability of the system but also enhances the overall value proposition for homeowners.

5. Competitive pricing and flexible financing options:

Sunny Energy understands that cost is a significant consideration for homeowners considering solar investments. Therefore, they offer competitive pricing and flexible financing options to make solar energy accessible to customers of all budgets. Whether through cash purchases, solar loans, or leasing programs, Sunny Energy works with homeowners to find the most cost-effective solution that aligns with their financial goals and preferences.
In summary, Sunny Energy distinguishes itself as the best Arizona solar companies in Phoenix Arizona by combining years of experience, expertise, reliability, and customer satisfaction with a commitment to quality, professionalism, and affordability. By choosing Sunny Energy for your solar needs, you can trust that you’re partnering with a reputable and reliable company that prioritizes your satisfaction and the success of your solar investment.


Installing solar panels on your home in Arizona can increase its value while reducing your energy costs and carbon footprint. When choosing a solar installer and the best Arizona solar companies in Arizona it’s important to prioritize experience, reputation, and quality of service over cost alone. By hiring a professional installer and the best Arizona solar companies in Arizona like Sunny Energy, you can rest assured that your solar system will be installed safely and efficiently, providing you with clean, renewable energy for years to come. Sunny Energy is the best Arizona solar companies, and with their expertise you can trust that your solar energy system will be designed and installed to the highest standards. Their commitment to customer satisfaction and their extensive experience in the Arizona solar market make them a top choice for anyone considering solar power.
Sunny Energy is not just an Arizona solar company; it is one of the best Arizona solar companies in Arizona. Their team of Arizona solar contractors is dedicated to providing top-notch service and installations. As one of the best Arizona solar companies in Phoenix Arizona, Sunny Energy is among the top rated solar companies in Arizona, known for its exceptional customer service and high-quality installations.
By choosing Sunny Energy, you are not only supporting one of the best Arizona solar companies, but also investing in a sustainable future for your home and the environment. Their commitment to excellence makes them one of the highest rated solar companies in Arizona, and their reputation as one of the best solar panel installation companies in Arizona is well-deserved.
When you’re looking for solar power companies near me or solar companies Phoenix, look no further than Sunny Energy. Their dedication to quality and customer satisfaction sets them apart from other Solar Arizona companies. Join the ranks of satisfied customers who have chosen Sunny Energy as their solar provider and experience the difference for yourself.
submitted by Slight_Machine1687 to u/Slight_Machine1687 [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:38 Unhinged-Pickle17 in the Australian alpine region, horrific things happen after dark.

The Australian alpine region, a beautiful part of Australia, which is in both the New South Wales and Victoria states. It's home to the highest mountain in the country, Mount Kosciuszko. As beautiful as this region is, nobody ever ventures there after dark. I learned the hard way as to why.
I was driving in my car, with a friend, who I will call Kate. We were driving through there, near Mount Beauty, Victoria. We had our lights on, and it was an eerie sight, just driving through the mountains, with a pitch black forest on both side. It was awfully quiet. It was actually terrifying, so I put on my Spotify playlist to make it less creepy. We were singing along to 90's classic songs.
Surely this cant be ruined, right? Wrong.
Just as we were singing along to songs from Radiohead, it was cut short by a blood curdling scream. It sounded like a woman in pain. Kate and I immediately pulled over to the side of the road, so we could see if someone was in danger. When we got out of the car, we heard this woman scream "HELP". Immediately, something felt off, I said to Kate "lets get out of here, something isn't sitting right with me at all". Kate was adamant that we find the woman and help her. We ventured into the forest, and we went pretty far. We thought we had found the woman, as we were just able to make out someone on the ground, sitting.
I looked a bit closer. I realized, this thing was NOT human. I watched as whatever this godforsaken beast was, turned around to look at us. It let out a blood curdling scream, and immediately got up and got on all fours, and started racing towards us. I had ran and hid, but unfortunately, Kate wasn't so lucky. The creature had pounced on her and ate her. I lay down, pretending to be dead, while I heard Kate's last scream, as she was being devoured by whatever this was.
I tried not to throw up as I heard the creature chomping down on her body. I could smell this creature from where I was laying down, pretending to be dead. It smelled strong, putrid, rotten. Like rotting flesh, with a little bit of sewage water. I'm not sure where this creature had been before, but it was bad news. I heard the creature searching for me in the bushes. Luckily, it did not. Once the creature had gone back into the woods, I quietly got up and made a swift sprint for the car. I made it back into my car, and immediately sped out of there. I had went to a motel in Mount Beauty, so I could stay somewhere for the rest of the night. I could not sleep at all. I kept wondering if that was a skinwalker, a bunyip, a yowie, a wendigo, or some other cryptid I have no idea about. I absolutely REFUSED to drive at night from that point on.
Now, I have moved into an apartment in Melbourne, right in the heart of the city. I am going through therapy, and am seeking all forms of therapy, and psychology.
The only thing that I can rest assured about, is that I am safe in the heart of the city, far, far away, from the alpine region.
Let this be a reminder, that if you are in Australia and choose to visit the alpine region, please do not be there in any way or form after dark, or you risk being some creature's next meal.
submitted by Unhinged-Pickle17 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:36 thepeakspeaks TINY bluetooth speaker with a bike mount?

Hi all, I'm preparing to be able to lock my bike for at least a few minutes on the street in NYC again, and I've made a LOT of security updates. I have a Mason 140 lock (sold secure diamond, 14mm triangular shackle), and Pitlock skewers securing both wheels, the seatpost, and the stem.
My Fenix BC30 headlight and tiny Cateye tail light can pop off in just a second and I can put them in my pocket, they're tiny.
However, my JBL Wind 3 bluetooth speaker isn't. It's quite difficult to carry in my pocket, and I don't want to have to carry a dedicated backpack when I'm commuting, or take the saddlebag off (only has my tubes 2 allen keys, a cheap screwdriver, and a spare battery in it).
Does anyone know a REALLY small bluetooth speaker that comes with some sort of quick-release mounting system so I can take it off my handlebars easily and slip it into my pocket?
Should note that I don't use headphones because they aren't safe.
submitted by thepeakspeaks to cycling [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:34 CokeZeroAdik Selling Liquors for lesser price. Around Metro Manila

Selling Liquors for lesser price. Around Metro Manila
Only the bottles in the photo are available. Buy 2+ and get more discount Can meet around Metro Manila Near LRT Stations COD or shipping
submitted by CokeZeroAdik to phclassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:34 CokeZeroAdik Selling Liquors for lesser price. Around Metro Manila

Selling Liquors for lesser price. Around Metro Manila
Only the bottles in the photo are available. Buy 2+ and get more discount Can meet around Metro Manila Near LRT Stations COD or shipping
submitted by CokeZeroAdik to classifiedsph [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:33 Cool_Purpose_8136 Will the Xiaomi m365 pro rear mudguard fit the 2 rear screws?

Will the Xiaomi m365 pro rear mudguard fit the 2 rear screws?
Just noticed this morning that the rear fender on my m365 clone (Hendersun pro) has cracked already. Mine has got 4 screw mounting holes not typical on the m365 which has 3 holes. So i was planning on buying a replacement part with the xiaomi m365 pro. Asking if the 2 rear holes would fit the one with 3 holes?
submitted by Cool_Purpose_8136 to m365 [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:33 KreyTrey Can x4 1.5 inch stainless steel hex standoffs be able to carry a 23.4lb (Samsung G95C 49 inch) monitor?

Hello everyone,
Im thinking of using x4 1.5 inch hex standoffs to be used as spacers to mount my 49 inch monitor which weights 23.4lbs to the vesa plate Im using.
Would that be safe given the weight of the monitor? I don't know anything about metal, screws and standoffs specific strength etc.
submitted by KreyTrey to AskEngineers [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:31 KreyTrey Can x4 1.5 inch stainless steel hex standoffs be able to carry a 23.4lb (Samsung G95C 49 inch) monitor?

Hello everyone,
Im thinking of using x4 1.5 inch hex standoffs to be used as spacers to mount my 49 inch monitor which weights 23.4lbs to the vesa plate Im using.
Would that be safe given the weight of the monitor?
submitted by KreyTrey to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:31 Indian_Cap What are some good macro lens for D5300 F-Mount. Haven't really been doing photography for a long time so don't know what's new.

I am not looking for macro coverters, tubes etc. I am looking for Nikon brand only. Thanks.
submitted by Indian_Cap to Nikon [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:28 UndeadGodzilla Does only the NZXT vertical GPU mount work in the H6 Flow or can it take any mount?

I think I heard someone say that the CoolerMaster one works too but I don't like the purple cable. Can the H6 take any vertical GPU mount or only certain types? $90 for an ordinary looking GPU mount with no RGB or anything cool is stupid. What kind do you have?
submitted by UndeadGodzilla to NZXT [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:28 Conscious_Balance_56 Challenge run strategizing for a Level 1 Lock Co-op

I haven't even maxed out a character yet in this game despite playing for 15 years, and yet, when you think about it, this challenge is kind of like an endless nightmare deckathalon, but with friends
Rules are simple: level lock at the start of the game as soon as the tutorial ends, and dont ever unlock. Playing solo is either required or advised, unless you're playing with someone else doing the same challenge. I'm doing the latter.
Some unfortunate things that will forever be out of our reach:
  1. Spells with level requirements
    1. As Ice, all we'd get is Frost Beetle, Freeze, Frostbite, and Steal Ward
    2. As Fire, all we'd get is Fire Cat, Fireblade, Steal Charm, Immolate, Choke, and Scald
    3. As Storm, all we'd get is Thunder Snake, Lightning Strike, Disarm, Cleanse Charm, and Wild Bolt
    4. As Life, all we'd get is Imp, Minor Blessing, Fairy, Life Prism, Lifeblade, Guidance, and Guiding Light
    5. As Myth, all we'd get is Blood Bat, Golem Minion, Myth Prism, Pierce, Cleanse Ward, and Blinding Light
    6. As Death, all we'd get is Dark Sprite, Infection, Death Trap, Sacrifice, Poison, Beguile, and Plague
    7. As Balance, all we'd get is Scarab, Elemental Shield, Spirit Shield, Black Mantle, Helping Hand, Hex, and Bladestorm
    8. Everyone can pick up Stun Shield and King Artorius. Many spells after this are tied to the main quest but we can't use them anyway due to shadow pips or school pips
  2. Quests with level requirements
  3. Worlds and Dungeons with level requirements
  4. Treasure cards with level requirements
    1. This includes polymorph TC (the only situation they would be good in), though we have pet cards to be a Moon wizard regardless
  5. Jewels of any kind
  6. Home ownership
  7. Fishing
  8. Gardening
  9. Monstrology
  10. Guilds
  11. Weekly event points
  12. Gravuulum daily rewards
  13. Having more than 15 mana (unless you get a mana pet)
  14. Expecting to survive very long
  15. Not having to buy TC every 10 minutes
  16. Shadow spells
  17. School pips
  18. Winning fights in a timely manner
  19. Getting a critical hit
  20. Not getting critically hit
Now I believe I've narrowed down (with the help of this community) the best gear for this challenge:
Boots: Gorgon Slayer Sandals) // Odin's Boots)
Robe: Royal Fusilier's Dress Coat )
Hat: Shadoe's Hat of the Night)
Wand: Plant Punisher's Spike)
Amulet: Storm Mastery Amulet
Ring: Simple Opal Ring (+20 Health)
Athame: Simple Dirk (+15 Health)
Mount: Storm Ghulture
Deck: Fully upgraded Myth Deckathlalon deck
Pet: We have options here of Phantasmanian Imp or Malefic Strix for pure damage, going for a traditional pet like Clamoring Ghulture for bladestacking or feintstacking for yourself or your teammate, or Ivanenko's Tiger for the good ol' coin flip version of Insane Bolt. I could see any number of pet abilities being useful honestly. Storm Hound item card) + Detonate trained could work just fine (although detonate trained has detonate cast first, so bring a friend)
With this gear, and starting as an Ice wizard, we'd have 1519 Health, 15 Mana, 2% Power Pip Chance, 5 starting pips, +65% Storm damage total (+29% derived from quad mighty pet), +34% Moon damage total (+11% derived from pain giver + pain dealer + mighty pet), up to +22% accuracy counting the spell Guidance.
The interesting thing is that all we would need to do to swap our school damage focus would be to swap the deck, mount, amulet, and pet. Alternatively, grab the Battle Narwhal instead and have all 7 schools on standby.
All this effort equates to doing no more than 701 damage with tempest turn 1. With a regular blade from a friend that goes up to 946. TC Feint on the boss from a friend, 1266.
With Insane bolt, we can expect 1507 damage winning the coin flip. Then 2637 with TC feint. Then 4614 with a pet feint and TC feint. This gets closer to hopeful the more people we have to buff.
Or we just dome ourselves with 13400. With friends, defeat is temporary as long as there aren't constant AoE hits, late penalties, and/or timers.
Anyway, yeah, this is my insane plan to go farther than anyone has gone before at level 1. Thoughts or advice?
submitted by Conscious_Balance_56 to Wizard101 [link] [comments]


price is as shipped
Dibs applies
will try to ship out tomorrow if everything gets snatched up
Psa Nitirde 10.5 FSB upper in 5.56 1/7 twist, with nitride bcg and charging handle. Has magpul rear sight that the distance peep was cut, will also come with a magpul front sight. Also has a midwest industries quad rail where the top back part was cut. Around 200 rounds through the barrel, but the bcg is new, never used.-$300
holousun 510c w/riser. Like new, mounted but never used, it comes with the box -$221
aero breech ch-$50
Sba4, black -$60
Elfman ar15 push button saftey-$20
submitted by zxdreddxz to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:26 Peeecee7896 Billionaires behind new California city drop details about their project as opposition mounts

Billionaires behind new California city drop details about their project as opposition mounts submitted by Peeecee7896 to CAPoliticalNews [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:25 Turbulent_Button1154 Question About Solar Panel Installation in BC - Code Requirement

Hi everyone,
I’m hoping someone more knowledgeable than I am can answer a question about solar panel installation in BC. I have a roof mount array and I've noticed that the wires coming from the panels and connecting to the microinverters are not managed nicely. Many are hanging down and some are even touching the roof.
Is this against code? Should I be concerned about this setup?
Thanks in advance for any insights!
submitted by Turbulent_Button1154 to solarenergycanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:25 Boring-Elderberry730 Missing mounts?

Missing mounts?
Anyone else missing a bunch of mounts after update? I know I’m missing some unlocks and some that I bought what happened with update were they removed from game? Blue gem horse no longer here?
submitted by Boring-Elderberry730 to Diablo4Transmog [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:24 StretchedEarsArePerf The Hushed Saint can eat dirt

Idc how many times i kill this dude, he is an awful “mounted enemy” fight. When you attack his horse it does no damage even if you hit the mans legs, it does no stagger damage so you can’t do any damage to him during the horse slam attack, his horse will run through you even when you parry him, doing half your health in wither damage, and even when you get him to his second phase, he can one shot you with four of his moves even with 26 levels of vitality.
I hope he breaks his favorite mug.
submitted by StretchedEarsArePerf to LordsoftheFallen [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:22 ovrtaker [US-CA] [H] IMK Corne with extra soldered PCB [W] Paypal

Selling an R1 IMK Corne without tenting - it is fully built so here are the specs:
Pricing (shipping not included):
$250 - IMK Corne with what's listed above
$50 - Fully assembled Corne v2 Cherry PCB with hotswap sockets, pro micros, and oleds
If you are interested, comment below and send a DM - I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
P.S: I will update this when items sell, so you'll know when an item is sold.
submitted by ovrtaker to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:21 onibras Cycle results for MD only reapplicant with nontraditional research interests (crossposting)

Cycle results for MD only reapplicant with nontraditional research interests (crossposting) submitted by onibras to mdphd [link] [comments]