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2024.05.22 02:58 Junior-Hotwater PSA: Watch out for EcoShield Pest Control going door to door

They may or may not be effective, I'm not sure as I ended up not using their services, but to me it felt like their sales/business practices were dishonest/ethically in the gray area, so I've decided to share my experience with my fellow Kansas Citians.
I had one of their sales reps turn up on my doorstep the other night. He claimed to be in the neighborhood giving an estimate to a neighbor's house, and since he was planning on coming back in a few days to treat the neighbor's, he would also gladly treat mine at a discount. He pointed out a small wasp nest on my front porch (honestly a smart sales tactic, although I'm sure they train their reps to look for nests when going door to door), so that put me in the mindset that I could use some pest control help.
He went through a quick spiel about a quarterly treatment plan, had me sign some things on his iPad, and went on his way. I went inside and started doing some research on the company. The more I thought about it and the more research I did, some red flags jumped out at me:
  1. There are a bunch of reviews online of people saying they had a rep tell them the exact same thing my rep told me: That I was getting a discount because he was already nearby working on a neighbor's house. In hindsight, that was probably bullshit, but if it were true, it doesn't make sense from a business standpoint. Why would they give me a discount instead of my neighbor? If that were actually the case, then they would be shafting the customers that brought them to the neighborhood in the first place. My neighbor was the first guy to call them, so he doesn't get the $200 discount (if it were true that they actually were treating my neighbor).
  2. It should have been a huge red flag when the rep had me sign a contract, but I didn't really think anything of it at the time. The contract locks you in for 2 years, and you have to pay a $200 cancellation fee if you want to stop service at any time outside of the 2 year period. Luckily, there is a law in most states requiring door to door sales contracts to have a 3 day cancellation period, during which I could cancel services without being charged anything. I actually found an article saying that they were required to add the 3 day cancellation section into their contract by the Michigan Attorney General (not sure if MO/KS has the same law, but that section was still in my contract). Also, this 3 day cancellation period was never mentioned to me, I had to find it myself when I went through the contract later.
  3. I quickly decided that I didn't want to be locked into a 2 year pest control contract because I made a snap decision based on a small wasp nest that I could easily remove myself, so I went about attempting to take advantage of the 3 day cancellation period. But you can't cancel any services using their website. I ended up calling their customer service line the first thing the next morning to cancel, and the customer service rep says that it's company policy to transfer me to the sales rep before I cancel. So I have to talk to the sales rep again, and he offers me an even more discounted rate (confirming that he wasn't trying to get me the best value in the first place. Not surprised though), but he eventually cancelled the service. Just to be safe, I removed all info from my online account prior to cancelling.
So, it seems like EcoShield's sales strategy is to go door to door in a neighborhood, claim to already be there for a neighbor, which is meant to build trust. They then offer you a discount that I guess your poor neighbor isn't getting, and push you through until you've signed a contract locking you into 2 years of pest control service, which requires you to pay $200 to cancel if you don't cancel within 3 days. Then in order to cancel, you have to call customer service during business hours and haggle with the sales rep once again.
To me this seems rather dishonest and a little slimy. I did not enjoy dealing with this company, so my hope is that if any of you guys run into EcoShield in the wild, you'll know more about them as a company than I did, and that you won't have to deal with the same headaches that I had to.
(Also kind of ironic that a company claiming to eradicate pests is sending out door to door salesmen)
submitted by Junior-Hotwater to kansascity [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:53 therealmegluvsu I reimburse my SO for my health insurance - is it possible to claim the payments on my taxes?

So I'm in an..interesting situation right now. I am currently insured under my Significant Other's employer health insurance as a "Non-Qualified Dependent" because we aren't married, meaning the portion of the premium to add me is NOT tax exempt on his paycheck. If we're reading the policies correctly, he pays the Spouse Premium, the fed/state income taxes on that amount, AND the fed/state income taxes on the value of the Employer's share of the premium.
I then transfer him the difference every month (he's salary so it was easy to figure out, OldPaycheck - NewPaycheck = MyInsurance).
I know when you itemize your federal taxes, it asks about out of pocket premiums. I also understand that this is usually for people who purchase insurance directly from an insurance company.
Since 'my share' of his payroll deduction is taxed, and I am then paying him back with my after-tax money, can either of us claim this?
submitted by therealmegluvsu to tax [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:52 codepants Push Notification when Pet Water Bowl Empty

Push Notification when Pet Water Bowl Empty
This has been done already a few different ways, I thought I would share the way I did it. This is a show-and-tell and a bit of a how-to but not a detailed tutorial/walkthrough.
In action
Close-up, wifi connection light on
From the back, board isn't screwed in yet
  • The case is 3D printed.
  • The float switch is here:
  • There are fishing weights at the bottom to keep it upright.
  • It pushes to Pushbullet which then sends a notification to my phone.
  • I also created a dead man's switch using Google Scripts. If the device doesn't check in, Scripts notifies me.
I am not a professional coder, just a hobbyist, so my code could probably be optimized. Suggestions welcome.
Here's the python (removed wifi and Pushbullet tokens for obvious reasons):
import machine #pico device from machine import Pin #need to specify the switch is a pull-up resistor import network #for wifi from time import sleep #notify less fast than we can run an infinite loop import json #for pushbullet notification import urequests #for pushbullet notification import gc #garbage collection to prevent overloading PIO memory, which will cause "OSError: [Errno 12] ENOMEM" ''' SETUP: Use pin labels on the back of the device (ex. GP0). This way GP# matches the 0-indexing pin numbers for coding purposes. - Attach float to pins labeled GP0 and GND. - Attach LED for refill needed to pins labeled GP5 and GND. - Attach LED for wifi connection pending to pins labeled GP9 and GND. - Input wifi SSID and password below. - Input pushbullet key below. - Set debugging to false (if not debugging). ''' #Wifi ssid = "ssid" password = "password" #Pushbullet pushbullet_key = "key" url = "" headers = {"Access-Token": pushbullet_key, "Content-Type": "application/json"} data = {"type":"note","body":"Luna's water needs to be refilled.","title":"Luna's Water Bowl App"} dataJSON = json.dumps(data) #watchdog watchdog_url = "google script url" #Debugging options debugging = False sleep_time = 21600 #6 hours if debugging == True: sleep_time = 5 #Inputs and outputs led_onboard = machine.Pin("LED", machine.Pin.OUT) led_refill = machine.Pin(5, machine.Pin.OUT) led_wifi = machine.Pin(9, machine.Pin.OUT) float_status = machine.Pin(0, machine.Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_UP) #Function to connect to wifi def connect(wlan): wlan.connect(ssid, password) tries = 0; while wlan.isconnected() == False: tries += 1 for x in range (11): if led_wifi.value(): led_wifi.value(0) else: led_wifi.value(1) sleep(1) if debugging: print("Waiting for connection...") if (tries % 10) == 0: wlan.disconnect() sleep(10) wlan.connect(ssid, password) #Give some feedback to an external user that we're up and running led_wifi.value(1) led_refill.value(1) if debugging: led_onboard.value(1) sleep(1) led_wifi.value(0) led_refill.value(0) if debugging: led_onboard.value(0) #Start by connecting to wifi sleep(10) #give a bit for system to get going wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) connect(wlan) led_wifi.value(0) for x in range(3): #give some feedback that we've connected led_wifi.value(1) sleep(0.2) led_wifi.value(0) sleep(0.2) if debugging: print("Connected!") time_until_next_notification = 0 #Run forever while True: # Check connection and reconnect if necessary if wlan.isconnected() == False: if debugging: print("Disconnected. Reconnecting...") connect(wlan) #Check float status and take appropriate action if debugging: print(float_status.value()) print(float_status.value() == 0) if float_status.value() != 0: #float up, no refill needed time_until_next_notification = 0 #reset notification time led_refill.value(0) #turn light off if it's on if debugging: led_onboard.value(0) urequests.get(watchdog_url) #check in with watchdog sleep(sleep_time) #Check every 6 hours else: #float down, needs refill if debugging: led_onboard.value(1) #push to pushbullet if time_until_next_notification <= 0: urequests.get(watchdog_url) #check in with watchdog if not debugging:, headers=headers, data=dataJSON) time_until_next_notification = sleep_time time_until_next_notification -= 1 #pulse light if led_refill.value(): led_refill.value(0) else: led_refill.value(1) sleep(1) gc.collect() #prevent overloading PIO memory, which will cause "OSError: [Errno 12] ENOMEM" 
Here's the Google Script. checkAndClear is set to run every 6 hours. tryTryAgain is a function I wrote to "try again" when Scripts throws an error like "Service unavailable, try again later."
var pushbullet_key = "key" function doGet(e){ checkIn(); var params = JSON.stringify(e); return ContentService.createTextOutput(params).setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.JSON); } function checkIn() { tryTryAgain(function(){ PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty("checkIn",1); }); } function checkAndClear(){ var sp = tryTryAgain(function(){ return PropertiesService.getScriptProperties(); }); var checkedIn = tryTryAgain(function(){ return sp.getProperty("checkIn"); }); if(!+checkedIn){ var url = ""; var data = { "method" : "POST", "contentType": "application/json", "headers" : { "Access-Token" : pushbullet_key}, "payload" : JSON.stringify({ "type":"note", "body":"The Raspberry Pi Pico W for Luna's water app missed a check-in.", "title":"Luna's Water Bowl App" }) }; UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,data); } tryTryAgain(function(){ sp.setProperty("checkIn",0); }); } /** * Given a function, calls it. If it throws a server error, catches the error, waits a bit, then tries to call the function again. Repeats until the function is executed successfully or a maximum number of tries is reached. If the latter, throws the error. * * The idea being that Google often asks users to "try again soon," so that's what this function does. * * @param {function} fx The function to call. * @param {number} [iv=500] The time, in ms, the wait between calls. The default is 500. * @param {number} [maxTries=3] The maximum number of attempts to make before throwing the error. The default is 3. * @param {Array} [handlerList=getServerErrorList()] The list of keys whose inclusion can be used to identify errors that cause another attempt. The default is the list returned by getServerErrorList(). * @param {number} [tries=0] The number of times the function has already tried. This value is handled by the function. The default is 0. * @param {function} inBetweenAttempts This function will be called in between attempts. Use this parameter to "clean up" after a failed attempt. * @return {object} The return value of the function. */ function tryTryAgain(fx,iv,maxTries,handlerList,tries,inBetweenAttempts){ try{ return fx(); }catch(e){ if(!iv){ iv = 1000; } if(!maxTries){ maxTries = 10; } if(!handlerList){ handlerList = getServerErrorList(); } if(!tries){ tries = 1; } if(tries >= maxTries){ throw e; } for(var i = 0; i < handlerList.length; i++){ if((e.message).indexOf(handlerList[i]) != -1){ Utilities.sleep(iv); if(inBetweenAttempts){inBetweenAttempts();} //*1/27/22 MDH #365 add inBetweenAttempts return tryTryAgain(fx,iv,maxTries,handlerList,tries+1,inBetweenAttempts); //*1/27/22 MDH #365 add inBetweenAttempts } } throw e; } } /** * Returns a list of keys whose inclusion can be used to identify Google server errors. * * @return {Array} The list of keys. */ function getServerErrorList(){ return ["Service","server","LockService","form data","is missing","simultaneous invocations","form responses"]; } 
submitted by codepants to raspberryDIY [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:41 SelectionOptimal7348 🌍 Build Your Global Empire with Our Bitcoin Payment Button dApp! 🚀

🌍 Build Your Global Empire with Our Bitcoin Payment Button dApp! 🚀
Hey there, future crypto mogul! Are you ready to take your business to the next level and build a global empire? Well, you're in luck because we have just the tool for you: the Bitcoin Payment Button dApp! This fantastic decentralized application will revolutionize the way you handle payments, making it easier than ever to accept Bitcoin from customers all around the world. Ready to dive in? Let's go! 🌐💰

What is the Bitcoin Payment Button dApp? 🤔

The Bitcoin Payment Button dApp is an innovative tool that allows you to integrate a Bitcoin payment button directly into your website or online store. It's designed to be user-friendly, secure, and efficient, making it the perfect solution for businesses of all sizes. Whether you're a small indie shop or a multinational corporation, this dApp has got you covered.
Check it out here: Bitcoin Payment Button dApp

Why You Need It 🚀

  1. Global Reach: Bitcoin knows no borders! By integrating our payment button, you can accept payments from anywhere in the world. Expand your customer base and watch your business grow.
  2. Lower Fees: Traditional payment processors often charge hefty fees. With Bitcoin, you can significantly reduce these costs, putting more money back into your pocket.
  3. Fast Transactions: Bitcoin transactions are quick and efficient, ensuring you get your funds faster than traditional banking methods.
  4. Security: Bitcoin transactions are secure and transparent. Say goodbye to chargebacks and fraud, and hello to peace of mind.

How It Works 🛠️

Integrating the Bitcoin Payment Button into your website is a breeze. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
  1. Visit the Website: Go to Bitcoin Payment Button dApp.
  2. Create Your Button: Customize your payment button to match your brand's look and feel. You can choose the text, style, and even the currency amount if you prefer fixed pricing.
  3. Generate the Code: Once you’re happy with your button, generate the code. This is the magic snippet that you'll add to your website.
  4. Integrate: Paste the generated code into your website’s HTML where you want the button to appear.
  5. Go Live: Hit publish, and voila! You’re now ready to accept Bitcoin payments.

The Benefits of Going Crypto 🤑

Tap Into a Growing Market 🌱

Cryptocurrencies are no longer just a fad; they're becoming a mainstream payment method. By accepting Bitcoin, you’re tapping into a growing market of tech-savvy consumers who prefer using digital currencies. This can give your business a competitive edge and attract a new customer base.

Enhance Customer Experience 🎉

Customers love convenience, and offering Bitcoin as a payment option provides just that. It’s fast, easy, and secure. Plus, it’s a great way to stand out from the competition and show that your business is forward-thinking.

Hedge Against Inflation 📈

With traditional currencies subject to inflation, holding Bitcoin can be a strategic financial move. As the value of Bitcoin has historically increased over time, accepting it as payment can potentially grow your wealth as Bitcoin appreciates.

Real-Life Success Stories 📖

Don't just take our word for it. Here are some real-life examples of businesses that have successfully integrated the Bitcoin Payment Button dApp:
  • Indie Fashion Boutique: This small online store saw a 30% increase in international sales within the first month of integrating the Bitcoin Payment Button. Customers loved the new payment option, and the boutique saved money on transaction fees.
  • Tech Gadget Shop: By accepting Bitcoin, this tech store attracted a loyal customer base of cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Sales skyrocketed, and the store became known as a go-to place for crypto-friendly shopping.
  • Global NGO: A nonprofit organization used the Bitcoin Payment Button to accept donations from around the world. This increased their funding sources and allowed them to support more projects globally.

Getting Creative with Your Bitcoin Payments 💡

The Bitcoin Payment Button dApp isn't just for traditional businesses. Here are some creative ways you can use it:
  • Fundraising: Planning a fundraiser or a crowdfunding campaign? Accept Bitcoin donations to reach a global audience.
  • Subscriptions: Offer subscription-based services? Use the Bitcoin Payment Button for seamless, recurring payments.
  • Freelancing: Are you a freelancer? Get paid in Bitcoin for your services and enjoy faster, lower-cost transactions.

Join the Revolution 🚀

The Bitcoin Payment Button dApp is more than just a payment tool; it’s a gateway to a global market and a brighter financial future. Whether you're looking to expand your business, save on transaction fees, or attract a new customer base, this dApp has you covered.

Ready to Get Started? 🔗

Integrating Bitcoin payments into your business has never been easier. Join the revolution and start building your global empire today. Visit Bitcoin Payment Button dApp to get started.

Spread the Word 📣

Love the Bitcoin Payment Button dApp? Share your experience with the world! Use our official hashtags and let everyone know how this amazing tool is transforming your business.
Hashtags to Follow: #BitcoinPaymentButton #CryptoPayments #BitcoinRevolution #GlobalBusiness #BitcoinEmpire

Conclusion 🎉

In today’s digital age, embracing cryptocurrency is a smart move for any forward-thinking business. The Bitcoin Payment Button dApp makes it easy, efficient, and cost-effective to accept Bitcoin, opening up new opportunities and markets for your business. Don’t get left behind—integrate the Bitcoin Payment Button dApp and start building your global empire today!
For more information and to get started, visit Bitcoin Payment Button dApp.
Here’s to your future success and global domination! 🌍🚀
submitted by SelectionOptimal7348 to BitcoinQR [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:39 WittyWizard666 36 M Seeking a Genuine Connection! Join Me on Life's Adventure

I'm the Witty Wizard, a 36-year-old guy from Vancouver Canada who believes in cherishing life's moments and the people we share them with. I'm at a point where I feel grounded and fulfilled, both financially and emotionally, and I'm excited about the possibility of finding a meaningful connection.
Nature is where I find solace and inspiration. Whether it's biking through trails or casting a line into the water, I cherish the tranquility of the outdoors. Exploring new places is a passion of mine; there's something magical about discovering the beauty of our world, whether it's in bustling cities or remote corners.
But I also appreciate the quiet moments, like losing myself in the pages of a good book or indulging my inner geek with comic books and gaming. It's these simple pleasures that add depth and richness to life.
What I'm truly seeking is someone who shares my enthusiasm for life and is ready to build something genuine and lasting. Honesty and open communication are paramount to me, as I believe they form the foundation of any strong relationship.
If you're someone who values authenticity and is ready to explore the possibilities of a committed partnership, I would be thrilled to get to know you better. Let's embark on this journey together and see where it takes us.
Warm regards,
submitted by WittyWizard666 to vancouverdating [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:37 WittyWizard666 36 [M4F] Seeking a Genuine Connection! Join Me on Life's Adventure

I'm the Witty Wizard, a 36-year-old guy from Vancouver Canada who believes in cherishing life's moments and the people we share them with. I'm at a point where I feel grounded and fulfilled, both financially and emotionally, and I'm excited about the possibility of finding a meaningful connection.
Nature is where I find solace and inspiration. Whether it's biking through trails or casting a line into the water, I cherish the tranquility of the outdoors. Exploring new places is a passion of mine; there's something magical about discovering the beauty of our world, whether it's in bustling cities or remote corners.
But I also appreciate the quiet moments, like losing myself in the pages of a good book or indulging my inner geek with comic books and gaming. It's these simple pleasures that add depth and richness to life.
What I'm truly seeking is someone who shares my enthusiasm for life and is ready to build something genuine and lasting. Honesty and open communication are paramount to me, as I believe they form the foundation of any strong relationship.
If you're someone who values authenticity and is ready to explore the possibilities of a committed partnership, I would be thrilled to get to know you better. Let's embark on this journey together and see where it takes us.
Warm regards,
Witty Wizard
submitted by WittyWizard666 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:36 WittyWizard666 [36/M] Seeking Genuine Connection: 36-Year-Old From Vancouver Canada

I'm the Witty Wizard, a 36-year-old guy from Vancouver Canada who believes in cherishing life's moments and the people we share them with. I'm at a point where I feel grounded and fulfilled, both financially and emotionally, and I'm excited about the possibility of finding a meaningful connection.
Nature is where I find solace and inspiration. Whether it's biking through trails or casting a line into the water, I cherish the tranquility of the outdoors. Exploring new places is a passion of mine; there's something magical about discovering the beauty of our world, whether it's in bustling cities or remote corners.
But I also appreciate the quiet moments, like losing myself in the pages of a good book or indulging my inner geek with comic books and gaming. It's these simple pleasures that add depth and richness to life.
What I'm truly seeking is someone who shares my enthusiasm for life and is ready to build something genuine and lasting. Honesty and open communication are paramount to me, as I believe they form the foundation of any strong relationship.
If you're someone who values authenticity and is ready to explore the possibilities of a committed partnership, I would be thrilled to get to know you better. Let's embark on this journey together and see where it takes us.
Warm regards,
Witty Wizard
submitted by WittyWizard666 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:35 WittyWizard666 36 [M4F] Seeking Genuine Connection: 36-Year-Old From Vancouver Canada Ready for Something Real

I'm the Witty Wizard, a 36-year-old guy from Vancouver Canada who believes in cherishing life's moments and the people we share them with. I'm at a point where I feel grounded and fulfilled, both financially and emotionally, and I'm excited about the possibility of finding a meaningful connection.
Nature is where I find solace and inspiration. Whether it's biking through trails or casting a line into the water, I cherish the tranquility of the outdoors. Exploring new places is a passion of mine; there's something magical about discovering the beauty of our world, whether it's in bustling cities or remote corners.
But I also appreciate the quiet moments, like losing myself in the pages of a good book or indulging my inner geek with comic books and gaming. It's these simple pleasures that add depth and richness to life.
What I'm truly seeking is someone who shares my enthusiasm for life and is ready to build something genuine and lasting. Honesty and open communication are paramount to me, as I believe they form the foundation of any strong relationship.
If you're someone who values authenticity and is ready to explore the possibilities of a committed partnership, I would be thrilled to get to know you better. Let's embark on this journey together and see where it takes us.
Warm regards,
Witty Wizard
submitted by WittyWizard666 to Kikpals [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:34 WittyWizard666 36 [M4F] Vancouver Canada Seeking a Genuine Connection! Join Me on Life's Adventure

I'm the Witty Wizard, a 36-year-old guy from Vancouver Canada who believes in cherishing life's moments and the people we share them with. I'm at a point where I feel grounded and fulfilled, both financially and emotionally, and I'm excited about the possibility of finding a meaningful connection.
Nature is where I find solace and inspiration. Whether it's biking through trails or casting a line into the water, I cherish the tranquility of the outdoors. Exploring new places is a passion of mine; there's something magical about discovering the beauty of our world, whether it's in bustling cities or remote corners.
But I also appreciate the quiet moments, like losing myself in the pages of a good book or indulging my inner geek with comic books and gaming. It's these simple pleasures that add depth and richness to life.
What I'm truly seeking is someone who shares my enthusiasm for life and is ready to build something genuine and lasting. Honesty and open communication are paramount to me, as I believe they form the foundation of any strong relationship.
If you're someone who values authenticity and is ready to explore the possibilities of a committed partnership, I would be thrilled to get to know you better. Let's embark on this journey together and see where it takes us.
Warm regards,
Witty Wizard
submitted by WittyWizard666 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:21 Runieman [Online][5e][Other][RP Heavy][New-Player-Friendly][Long Term][Homebrew][18+] - The Continent of Altaria - Seeking 1 Player

I made this post the other day however have had another player drop out with potentially another one, I am looking for an additional player. MUST have a microphone.

As a heads up The first session is tomorrow Thursday 22/05/24 11AM AEST (I know it may be fast and I apologise)

Welcome everyone!
I'm a relatively new DM who has had some very brief experience running as a DM during my highschool years and have recently become engrossed back in the world of DnD. I have been experimenting over the past several months with running a game with some old friends and have been having a blast, due to the long gaps between sessions I am setting up a second campaign alongside my homebrew world of Altaria!
The game is going to a traditional medieval fantasy/classic adventuring tale within the lands of Altaria, with a focus on political intrigue and consequences between kingdoms which can be influenced by the players and their actions. A focus will be on role play. I am continuously updating the lore of the world with new organisations and locations. For your commitment I will always try to create a handcrafted map or battlescene for the session.
I have 2 friends who are already keen to join and am looking for another 1 players to join along.
Session Outline
I plan on running a D&D campaign via a mix of Foundry VTT and discord. The sessions will run most likely every week, Due to my employment in emergency services my roster is constantly changing making setting a specific/regular session difficult and will require everyone to be slightly flexible.
I will try to have sessions set up every week or 2, most likely on Wednesdays or fridays, session start times ranging from ~1100-1700 AEST. Depending on everyone's availability. the Session length itself I am aiming for is ~4 hours with a break in between.
I am planning on having this be a long-term campaign if you do not believe you can commit please reconsider applying
New players are most certainly welcome! If you need I will help guide you both with setting up characters, teaching you rules and how to use the programs.
World Setting/Description
Discovering Altaria, a continent veiled in mystery and allure, marked a pivotal moment for explorers from the old world. Millennia ago, these adventurers first set foot in what is now known as Wavecrest, but it was the fertile expanses of the mainland that truly captivated their ambitions. Cities and towns emerged along bustling trade routes, flourishing rapidly and soon overshadowing the initial settlement on Wavecrest. The burgeoning civilizations reached heights of prosperity previously unimaginable, until the world was shaken by the "Great Evanescence." Communication with the old world abruptly ceased; ships that set sail to reconnect vanished into the void, sparking fears of a catastrophic demise of the old continent or the wrath of divine or malevolent forces.
In the ensuing chaos, the Eldorian Empire rose to prominence, leveraging its control over fertile lands and the allegiance of migrating nobles and craftsmen to establish a new order. This era of uneasy peace, upheld by Eldoria's military dominance, persisted for centuries. However, complacency and neglect, coupled with the earth-shattering discovery of a new mystical metal, Atherium in the Mountains of Last Ridge within the provence of Verdantia, set the stage for upheaval. This arcane material, promising wealth and power, ignited the flames of envy, particularly in the eyes of the waning Eldorian Empire main counties. The empire's attempts to monopolize Atherium sparked a fierce rebellion by the now new Kingdom of Verdantia, plunging the realm into a devastating conflict known as "The Great Sundering." The war raged, reshaping landscapes and redefining borders, with neither side securing a decisive victory.
The stalemate was broken only when the combined forces of Stoneshield, the Timorian Realm, and Wavecrest intervened, presenting an ultimatum that ultimately led to a grudging peace. In the treaty that followed, Eldoria relinquished control of the western territories, paving the way for the formation of the "Three Leagues," to manage distribution of Atherium through the continent, while Verdantia gained the right to retain control of Atherium production and retaining its new found sovereignty. Although peace has prevailed for five years, unease simmers as reports of raids along the kingdoms' borders escalate.
Amidst political tensions, the presence of magical and monstrous beings adds layers of complexity to the realm. While sightings are rare in civilized areas, the increasing frequency of such encounters has prompted many to form adventuring groups or guilds. Magic, revered for its power, remains an uncommon and dangerous art, commanding respect and fear in equal measure. Those who dare to underestimate its potency often face dire consequences.
In this intricate tapestry of alliances, rivalries, and arcane mysteries, Altaria stands as a realm teeming with potential adventures, challenges, and untold stories, waiting to be discovered by those brave enough to venture into its depths.
18+ content is allowed within reason - Gore and NSWF are allowed. However, nothing extreme eg. sexual assault, rape etc.
No PVP, Exceptions depend on the situation and both parties must consent.
Be respectful towards myself and other players, Try to be a team player, do not steal or ruin the game for everyone else (that includes fudging roles)
No meta-gaming, please try to put yourself into the mind of your character. try not to yell out at other players during their turn.
Let me know if there is an issue, dont let it brew. whether it be from something I'm doing, or if it is another player. This is a game where we are all trying to have fun and I will try to make it the best I can.
Ultimately the rules are up to my discretion, I may make a decision in a situation that is not strictly allowed for either comedic value or for the fun of the game (TLDR Rule of Cool)
Please try to show up on time for our sessions, I know life can get in the way. If something does occur or you have another event please let me know beforehand. if you frequently do not show or respond I will take it as a sign of your disinterest and remove you from the party. I will give you fair warning before this occurs.
Know your characters abilities and how they work, if you are new again I can run through it with you before the session.
DEATH RULES - I am going to take inspiration from Critical role regarding death rules, if a character dies there is going to be a chance that they stay dead. They are able to be revived however it will be both an expensive and laborious process with a chance of failure! (remember retreat is always an option!)
I will not be fudging roles, I believe that the game becomes much more enjoyable if there is a chance of failure, creating suspense and risk.
RP will be a key element of the game, however you can't justify a blatantly evil action as "its what my character would do"
Pay attention when playing, I am putting extensive effort into creating this world and game for you, this includes in combat try to have your turn prepared before it reaches you.
Righto almost done with the wall of text :P, if you are interested either message me on reddit or my discord name (Runieman),
Continent of Altaria -
Continent of Alaria Political -
World Description -
Eldorian Empire -
Kingdom of Verdantia -
Three Leagues -
Timorian Realm -
Stoneshield Dominion -
Petty Kingdom of Wavecrest -
The Whitevale -
Thanks for reading!
submitted by Runieman to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:21 artandgardenal What is it called when my friend does this?

My college friend really needs help and has for about 10 years. Despite trying a lot of tactics to help her, she just isn’t interested in sobriety or therapy. The past few years she seems to be devolving into what I can only describe as alcoholic rambling, general madness, and randomly lashing out.
When she calls me, it typically goes something like this: she tells a story or talks at me, reminisces about the good old days, remembers something that upset her, yells at me, says she loves me, reminisces again, and then I try to exit.
I think it would help me to have a few terms to describe her behavior and maybe mine too… My husbands friend was a total jerk to me behind his back for years and no one believed me. Understanding what “gaslighting” is helped me frame that behavior and be able to talk about it!
So that’s why I’m posting and would so appreciate any comments.
—-—- here’s the long version:
My friend is a 37-year-old living in a rural area with her parents and grandmother with dementia since COVID. My friend is an alcoholic, workaholic, and has ADD. She also really smart, funny and social. Shes amazing at her job in sales/recruiting and really defines herself by it. Her parents are both alcoholics, kinda conspiracy theorists, and often mean to each other (yelling in the background, belittling, hiding things from eachother, etc). She feels obligated to help with her grandma and is kinda resigned to change nothing. Clearly the environment is bad and rubbing off on her.
For example, last week she called me frantic and crying because her dog killed a bird. She talked for about 30-45 minutes, jumping between the current bird and other bird stories, of which there are many. I barely uttered a mmhmm the whole time. Eventually, she asked what’s up with me. I mentioned that I’ve been depressed and struggling to find a job, which is putting stress on my marriage so overall I’m feeling really low. Since she’s in recruiting and knows my work history, I asked if she knew of any job openings. She then launched into a story about how competitive she is with her coworkers and how it’s all a game to get the biggest commissions on placements but those are for engineers. So I take that as a no and by the end of her monologue she was back on the topic of birds. I tried to exit the conversation, and she said to call her the next afternoon if I wanted to talk about job hunting and she may have ideas.
The next day, I called her, optimistic to see the side of her that shines and hoping for some jobs she can refer me to. Instead she pulled up my LinkedIn profile and started telling me what I should change. Which wasn’t want I wanted but sure if that’s her approach she’s the expert. Then she became critical, loudly laughing at my picture, saying my hair was covering part of my face and I looked like a villan, untrustworthy. She’d never hire me based on that photo. She was kinda manic laughing as I was kinda tearing up (I’m aging and avoid photos so I thought the one take by my hairdresser was a high quality headshot and my hair looked cute). Okay sure I’ll change it. The critique wore on roast style with the justification of this is just tough love, the way we talk to each other is unfiltered and she just always around guys.
She brought up networking and remembered introducing me to a coworker, Sally. I said I didn’t remember what ever happened with Sally because it was two years ago. To which she got very heated, accusing me of dropping the ball and never following up. She started screaming, how she put her neck out for me and I couldn’t be bothered. I tried to talk her down and eventually hung up. I later checked the old email thread and saw that I had followed up with Sally, but she was going on vacation, so it didn’t go anywhere. My friend kept calling and texting, so I eventually picked up. I told her I didn’t mess up, and I didn’t want to be spoken to like that. So she apologized for yelling. Then she went back to criticizing my LinkedIn, pointing out a spelling error and calling me stupid. I told her I wasn’t in a great place and that her feedback style was hurtful.
She then veered off into a story about how she loves me and has saved the letters I wrote her. I cut her off, saying that while I appreciate it, those notes aren’t relevant to this conversation and let’s focus on job talk. She got upset, saying I don’t value our friendship and was using her just for a job so fuck you blablabla…
After a few more hours of texts and calls, I let her know I’m going to prioritize my own feelings and block her number but I’ll check in with her in 3months. I’ve tried to support her but also keep my distance but I need to be firmer in enforcing that. I’d say forever but that feels like canceling her when I know she needs help. ——- Rewriting this, feels as long and draining as that conversation was so I’ll stop there.
All of this to say, what kind of pattern is that? Is it something she’s doing because her parents do it to her? Am I crazy to keep picking up her calls? I feel like if I had a name or terminology to unpack all these conversations it would be easier to process them.
submitted by artandgardenal to therapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:18 AutisticTeacherThrow Autistic Burnout and Being a Bad Husband

Hey! So I'm really struggling and could use some advice from other autistic adults. For context, my wife and I have been together for about eight years now (married for one) and she's the best person on the planet. Genuinely my best friend, favorite brain to pick, life partner, and someone who I deeply love. She had ADD and I have AudHD, depression, and anxiety.
I just recently found out that I'm autistic in the past few years. I only found out because I was having frequent shutdowns and ultimately had to do some intensive outpatient therapy to avoid being hospitalized. Finding out that I was autistic was a huge game changer. It contextualized a lot about myself and my relationship. I also found out that a significant portion of my depression is autistic burnout (explaining why depression was medication treatment resistant). My partner has been my biggest supporter. She's spent countless hours researching autism, burnout, and trying to understand the way I work. In addition, she has picked up a considerable amount of slack around the house and is doing virtually all of our combined finances. I left my solid paying job to soul search and find something that would be more compatible with who I am. Unfortunately, truly taking time off was not an economic option.
Ultimately, I decided to follow my passion to become a teacher. It has been great, it's routine oriented, comes in spurts, always has an end date, and gives plenty of time off. I am looking forward to celebrating my first summer break of my adult life (and teaching career) in the coming weeks. The only problem, is that in addition to being a first year teacher I had to go through the certification process. This was extensive. I took a half dozen test, a bunch of undergrad classes in my subject, and 30 graduate credits - all in a little over a year.
This was a crazy schedule and, predictably, left me more burnt out. I have now graduated with my masters, finished the licensure process, and have settled into my role. Over course of this process my wife has been nothing short of amazing. As I mentioned above, she took on the lions share of the work and assured me that it was to help me get to the finish line, get better, and be able to recover over the summer. As time has gone on, doing all of this is starting to, very understandably, leave her burnout. She's made it clear to me that “just because an action has a negative consequence doesn't mean it's wrong.” However, seeing ten stress she has been under and her burnout increase has absolutely ruined my already shaky confidence and ability to feel like an equal partner. To be frank I haven't been one. I simply have not been able to. Everytime I try to add more housework, or even just little things for my wife like making her coffee in the morning, my burnout induced demand avoidance makes my fight or flight kick in. As we get closer to my break, the cracks in her facade of being OK with taking on such an extra burden has begun to appear. To be clear, I do not begrudge her for that. She's doing so much for us, and just for me.
I am really struggling to find things I can do to help her feel valued and to take back on more of the household load. I know summer about to start and things might change then, but the idea of taking on even something as innocuous as the litter box or dishes absolutely terrifies me. I want to do these things, and so much more, to lessen her load and make her feel appreciated but simply fail at being able to turn that will into action. As a result, this has made me very insecure about our relationship which only frustrates her more.
I really don't know if this is a rant or if I'm asking for advice - either way I appreciate you for making it this far. I just really want to be a better partner but feel so limited in the ways I can do so. I feel terrible as my wife will suggest things that aren't household load/management related like planning nice dates but my brain turns even those into demands that need to be avoided. In many ways I feel like I have become like an injured pet she needs to take care of rather than a proper husband. I hate feeling like this. I'm afraid that when summer comes I won't magically have more spoons and it'll continue like this. That will only make us both more frustrated as it's definitely not fair for her to be working, paying our bills, and doing the housework while I, uh, do nothing over the summer. I need to figure out how to step up and be the husband deserves.
Since being diagnosed, I have found so much autistic joy and many strategies to make my life better. This is truly the one area that makes me feel lesser than for being autistic. Even then I feel like I am just autisming wrong somehow and that this is a personal failing.
If you have any advice on how to set myself up for success, recovery, and being a better partner this summer I would love to hear it.
submitted by AutisticTeacherThrow to AutisticAdults [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:17 YelloHD Selling some vinyls in the EU

Hi, I've been collecting anime ost vinyls since covid started, but I realized it a while ago that I haven't even listened once to some of them and so I decided to downsize my collection. All of the vinyls I'm selling are unplayed. I did open some of them, since I originally didn't plan on reselling and I changed out the original inner sleeves with this one (usually I also kept the original sleeves):
I sorted out my collection and made a google sheets file more than half a year ago, but ended up not posting it (probably thanks to my ADD). Finally I decided to check the value of them and try to give a fair selling price. Since I made this list I had preorders arrive so I will most likely update it in the future with a few more like Tamako Market, No game no life, Saya no Uta...
About the items: The discogs link should take you to the vinyl's correct variant page, "-" means there were no variants. Condition of these are all unplayed, "new" and "like new" means the same = opened, sleeve changed to the better one and put inside a record sleeve.
About the prices: I looked at sold discogs, ebay items and tried to give a fair estimate.
About the transaction process: I will send you a paypal goods and services invoice. I don't charge extra for paypal fees. You can pay in euro or usd.
About Shipping: I only shipped figures before and not vinyls, but shipping cost to EU countries should be around 15-25 euros. I can ship outside the EU, but it's usually expensive 35-50 euros. Local pickup in Budapest, Hungary is also an option :) I bought some vinyl mailers, kept some good quality ones from hhv, blackscreenrecords and the expensive ones will be shipped bubble wrapped in a box, like how cdjapan ships them.
About contacting me: Feel free to dm me if you would like to check how much the shipping cost would be to your country. I can also send pictures of the vinyl, but please only ask for it if you really are interested in buying it. Since I'm planning on putting these up on discogs/ebay I wouldn't really want to lower prices for a few weeks, but I'm still happy to listen to offers.
Sorry about the long post, also I couldn't figure out the table formatting, check the google sheets file for a cleaner look and discogs links:
Elfen Lied Repress,Pink and Black Marbeld [Lucy Marbled] New 35
Dropkick on My Devil! - New 35
Made In Abyss (Original Soundtrack 2) Clear Magenta Splatter & Clear Blue Splatter New 130
Made In Abyss Original Soundtrack Grey / Blue, not numbered unplayed, 1 bent corner 350
Demon Slayer: Gurenge / Homura - New, never played 65
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (TV Anime) - Sealed 125
Puella Magi Madoka Magica Ultimate Best - Seald 140
Evangelion: One Last Kiss Japanese release, Limited Edition Sealed 45
Evangelion Finally too long, see discogs page :) Sealed 70
Anamanaguchi – Miku Teal Sealed 28
bôa – Duvet - Booklet opened, vinyl unplayed 380
Yakushimaru - Unknown World Map - New 20
Mori Calliope – Your Mori. - New 300
Mori Calliope – Unalive - Sealed 105
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon The 30th Anniversary Memorial Album Pink Translucent with sticker Sealed 65
Grave Of The Fireflies Soundtrack Collection Reissue Sealed, 2 corners damaged 20
Tsukihime -A Piece Of Blue Glass Moon- Theme Song E.P. - New 30
Heart Of The Woods Original Soundtrack Green Translucent & Clear New 38
Needy Girl Overdose Soundtrack Purple Translucent New, Sealed? -
Ado – Kyōgen - Sealed 270
Twinkle Heart OVA Soundtrack - used 35
Roujin-Z - like new, unplayed 35
My Neighbor Totoro - bent corner, unplayed 30
Petshop Of Horrors like new, unplayed 25
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time - like new, unplayed 35
Demon City Shinjuku Purple marbled like new, unplayed 16
Oshi no Ko - new 45
3x3 Eyes: Legend Of The Divine Demon Blue w/ Brown like new, unplayed 15
Weathering With You Reissue like new, unplayed -
Your Name Reissue, Clear like new, unplayed -
Suzume Limited Edition? like new, unplayed -
Bocchi the Rock / Kessoku Band - Sealed 60
submitted by YelloHD to ANIMEvinyl [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:14 Delicious-Horse-4967 RDDT 🚀🌖

I have 2500 shares and adding - don't be scared by the volatility - this will take a few years at least.
Reasons I'm long RDDT:
Sure this is a lottery ticket - but there is a 50/50 chance that a $50k investment right now turns into life changing money.
Do you want to work until your 65 and almost dead or would you rather take a shot at freedom and happiness while your friends are still alive? Hop on the train now.
submitted by Delicious-Horse-4967 to RedditIPO [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:14 AHostOfIssues Can someone explain this behavior of InheritedWidget with screen navigation?

I'm sure behavior is correct. I'm just not sure I understand why it's correct.
This is about rendeBuild() cycles and creation/use of BuildContext objects.
(Warning: had to add lots of code here because setup is complex. Just asking for confirmation of my understanding, so feel free to move on to next post...)
Scenario: Screen 1 has an InheritedWidget. Clicking a button in Screen 1 causes render of Screen 2. Screen 2 can't see/find the inherited widget.
Here's the InheritedWidget definition, just for reference. Nothing relevant (I don't think).
class MyInheritedWidget extends InheritedWidget { final int theIntValue; MyInheritedWidget({ Key? key, required this.theIntValue, required Widget child, }) : super(key: key, child: child); u/override bool updateShouldNotify(MyInheritedWidget oldWidget) { return false; } static MyInheritedWidget? of(BuildContext context) { return context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType(); } } 
Here's "Screen 1" that embeds the InheritedWidget and renders the button.
As expected, while rendering the button container it's in the same context and can "see" the InheritedWidget fine (point A).
class Screen1Root extends StatelessWidget { u/override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MyInheritedWidget( // <-- CREATE theIntValue: 999, child: ButtonContainer(), ); } } class ButtonContainer extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { /* A */ final iw = MyInheritedWidget.of(context); print('At point A, iw = $iw'); // <-- IS OBJECT // Content: ElevatedButton and click handler. Nothing else. return ElevatedButton( onPressed: () { // Now in async callback executed later Navigator.push( context, MaterialPageRoute( builder: (someNewContext) { // Now in builder, executed even later still /* B */ final iw = MyInheritedWidget.of(someNewContext); print('At point B, iw = $iw'); // <-- IS NULL return Screen2Root( ); }), ); // end Navigator.push() }, child: Text('Go') ); } } 
Render pass finishes, Screen 1 fully rendered, button sitting there but not yet clicked.
Output so far is:
flutter: At point A, iw = MyInheritedWidget <-- As expected 
Click the button. The onPressed() callback starts, and executes
() { Navigator.push( ... ... new Screen2Root() widget ) } 
Here's screen 2's widget definition
class Screen2Root extends StatelessWidget { const Screen2Root({super.key}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { /* C */ final iw = MyInheritedWidget.of(context); print('At point C, iw = $iw'); // <-- IS NULL return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: const Text('Test Screen') ), body: Text('Destination screen'), ); } } 
The total output is:
flutter: At point A, iw = MyInheritedWidget flutter: At point B, iw = null flutter: At point C, iw = null 
So the code in the button click handler (point B) fails to find the InheritedWidget, as does everything in Screen2Root widget (point C).
So it appears true that invoking an async event-triggered callback creates a new rendering context that is entirely divorced from the earlier rendering round that rendered Screen 1, and the widget tree that created.
Put another way: Screen 2's root widget is not a child of Screen 1 widgets, or any part of Screen 1.
So... (?) it's rendering a new widget tree for Screen 2, and that will get added to the tree next to Screen 1, but is not a descendent of Screen 1.
Or am I still confused?
This interpretation matches what I see in VSCode's "widget inspector" but I just want to be certain I understand the concept. [As the entire point of what I'm working on is getting an object, wrapped in an InheritedWidget, into Screen 2.]
submitted by AHostOfIssues to FlutterDev [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:08 tevvyline Ask questions and answer questions learning method type combinations.

The ask questions and answer questions learning method has four types: General Question Learning Method (GQLM), Partial Question Learning Method (PQLM), Reading Question Learning Method (RQLM), and Characteristic Question Learning Method (CQLM):
[Rules for combining types]
  1. The square brackets [ ] show the order for combining. For example, you first combine the types inside the smallest square bracket and then you start using the types outside of that bracket to change certain attributes of the types in the smallest square bracket. (Rule 12).
  2. The letter A (affector) is used for types that affect E or M types.Types in a double type combination can not be both affectors.
  3. The letter E (effector) is used for types that get affected by affector types. Types in a double type combination can be both Effectors. Being an effector type bring out the type's natural rules such as choose a number or choose wh- questions in double type combinations, but does not combine them. Two E types can be unusable if there is no A type next to them. Additionally, if every type in a combination is an E type, it can be a switch combination. Switch combinations represent what standard form combinations or type combinations you can switch while learning.
  4. When a type can be both an A and E type, the letter M (mixed) is used. M types can not affect A types, but they can affect E types and M types.
  5. When starting the combination process, you go from left to right. If an A type has an E type next to it, you will combine them both. If an A type has an A type next to it, that A type will "hop" over its A type neighbour and keep hopping over other A types until it finds an E or M type to combine with.
  6. The phrase (number) part time is used to indicate the target of a type (what type they want to combine with). The number starts at 0 in the position of the closest E or M type to the right of the type affected by part time, and it increases by 1 every time you reach another type to the right of it. You need to increase the value of the number to the number of the part time.
  7. Full time is used to indicate that a type's targets are every E or M type to its right.
  8. The symbol / is used to indicate "floors of combinations". When the / symbol is used, some types are sorted into (type)/ and /(type). There are two floors and it is behind the / and after the /. This symbol is used to lower the space required for combining. If a type doesn't have a / symbol and it has neighbor types with the / symbol, it affects them both if they can be targeted.
  9. The multiplication sign × indicates an added rule and the addition sign + and the subtraction sign − indicates adding or subtracting types.
  10. In very specific cases of combinations, there can be an object (OB) that you can either add or subtract to one or more types. A and M types can not affect objects.
  11. Letters are used to simplify the combination process. The letters A for affector, E for effector, M for mixed, and OB for object are added before type letters. Part time and full time are added before the letters A, E, M, and OB and are separated by a space. For example 2PT AG1. [Type letters] GQLM 1 = G1 GQLM 2 = G2 Systemic PQLM = SP Wh- question PQLM = WP (Number) part time = (number) PT Full time = FT
  12. The types outside of the smallest square bracket [ ] can affect attributes in different ways of the combined types in the smallest square bracket. They sometimes do not act the same like the types in the smallest square bracket.
[Standard form combinations] -- [AG1 × EG2] = GQLM 1 -- [AG2 × EG1] = GQLM 2 -- [ASP × EG1] = Systemic PQLM -- [AWP × EG1] = Wh- question PQLM -- [AR1 × EG1] = RQLM 1 -- [ARR × EG1] = Repeating RQLM -- [C1 x EG1] = CQLM 1 -- [TC x EG1] = Time CQGLM -- [AMC × EG1] = Mental image CQLM [Standard form switch combinations] --[[AG1 × EG2] + [AG2 × EG1]] = GQLM 1 and GQLM 2 can be switched. -- [[ASP × EG1] + [AWP × EG1]] = Systemic PQLM and Wh- question PQLM can be switched. -- [[AG1 × EG2] + [ASP × EG1]] = GQLM 1 and Systemic PQLM can be switched. and so on... Standard form combinations are not counted as double type combinations.
  1. When a systemic number is shared between multiple types of questions, it means that the systemic number decreases by 1 every time you let any of those types of questions go unanswered. When a systemic number is non shared between multiple types of questions, it means that each type of question has its own systemic number that decreases by 1 individually for that type of question when you let that type of question go unanswered.
  2. When an ask limit is shared between multiple types of questions, it means that the value of all those types of questions increases by 1 every time you ask any of those types of questions and decreases by 1 every time you let any of those types of questions go unanswered. When an ask limit is non shared between multiple types of questions, it means that each type of question has its own ask limit that the value of each type of question increases and decreases individually when it is asked or left unanswered.
Some of these double type combinations are unusable and may be useful in triple type combinations, quadruple type combinations, and so on. The main reasons these double type combinations can not be used are:
  1. No GQLM 1 or GQLM 2 type in the combination. GQLM 1 is like a "field" for questions. GQLM 1 is commonly modified to make combinations. GQLM 2 can also be modified, but it makes everything become optional. GQLM 2 is used more often to change attributes of types.
  2. One or both of the types have no functions in the combination.
Symbol meanings: [1] all the wh- questions chosen by Wh- question PQLM [2] given a non shared systemic number [3] given a non shared ask limit [4] choose a number [5] choose one or more wh- questions [6] ask questions for every type of information you encounter [7] given a shared ask limit [8] given a shared systemic number [9] all types of questions [1/] mental image questions [1Y] one or more wh- questions can have their ask limit (GQLM 1) removed or one or more wh- questions can have their ask limit (GQLM 2) increased or decreased. [1X] one or more wh- questions can have their systemic number (GQLM 1) removed or one or more wh- questions can have their systemic number (GQLM 2) increased or decreased. [Qu] = questions [Z] asked all the time [F] given a feel like effect (GQLM 2). [R] given a repeating effect (repeating RQLM). [TR] = repeating effect [M] given a mental image effect (mental image CQLM). [A] given a no answer effect (RQLM 1). [O] only [IN] given to
[Non useable double inner type combinations] (No GQLM 1) -- [ASP × EWP] = [12] -- [AWP × ESP] = [13] -- [ESP × EWP] = [4] + [5] [Non useable double outer type combinations] (One or both of the types are useless) -- [ESP × EG1 or EG2] = [4] + [6] or [6F] -- [EWP × EG1 or EG2] = [5] + [6] or [6F] (No GQLM 1) -- [ARR × EMC] = [9RM] -- [EMC × ERR] = + [9RM] -- [ARR × EWP] or [AWP x ERR] = [1R] -- [ARR × ESP] = [TR7] -- [ASP × ERR] = [TR8] -- [AMC × ESP] = [97M] -- [ASP × EMC] = [98M] -- [AWP × ERR] or [ARR × EWP] = [1R] -- [AWP × EMR] = [1M] or [AMC × EWP] = [1M] -- [AMC × ERR] = [9RM] [Useable double inner type combinations] -- [AG1 × EG2] = [6] Standard form combination GQLM 1 -- [AG2 × EG1] = [6F] Standard form combination GQLM 2 -- [ARR × ER1] or [ER1 x ERR] = [9A] + [9R] -- [AR1 × ERR] = [9AR] [Useable double outer type combinations] -- [AG1 × ESP] = [97] -- [ASP × EG1] = [98] Standard form combination of Systemic PQLM. -- [AWP × EG1] = [1O6] Standard form combination Wh- question PQLM. -- [AWP × EG2] or [AG2 x EWP] = [1F] -- [AG2 × ESP] = [92/8F] -- [AMC × ER1] = [9AM] -- [EMC × ER1] = [9AM] -- [AR1 × EG1] = [6A] Standard form combination of RQLM 1. -- [AR1 × EG2] or [AG2 x ER1] = [9FA] -- [AR1 × EWP] or [AWP x ER1] = [1A] -- [AR1 × ESP] = [9A7] -- [ASP × ER1] = [9A8] -- [ARR × EG1] = [9R] Standard form combination of repeating RQLM. -- [ARR × EG2] or [AG2 × ERR] = [9FR] -- [AMC × EG1] = [9M] Standard form combination of Mental image CQLM. -- [AMC × EG2] or [AG2 × EMR] = [9MF] -- [AG2 × EWP] = [1F] -- [ASP × EG2] = [98F] -- [AR1 × EMC] = [9AM]
[Unknown effect or impossible combinations] -- [AG1 × EWP] = ?
Symbol meanings (simplified): [13] all the wh- question chosen are given a non shared ask limit. [17] all the wh- questions chosen are given a shared ask limit. [1Y] one or more wh- questions can have their ask limit (AG1) removed, making those wh- questions asked all the time/one or more wh- questions can have their ask limit (AG2) increased or decreased, making some wh- questions have different ask limits. [12] all the wh- question chosen are given a non shared systemic number. [18] all the wh- question chosen are given a shared systemic number. [1X] one or more wh- questions can have their systemic number (AG1) removed, making them asked all the time/one or more wh- questions can have their systemic number (AG2) increased or decreased, making some wh- questions have different systemic numbers. [98] a shared systemic number is given to all types of questions. [97] a shared ask limit is given to all types of questions. [1Z] all the wh- question's chosen are asked all the time.
[Triple inner type combinations] Currently not enough types. [Triple outer type combination] -- [ASP × MWP × EG1] = [12] -- [ASP × MWP × EWP] = [18] -- [ASP × AWP × EG1] = [98] + [1Z] -- [FT ASP × MWP × EG1] = [12] + [98] -- [AG1 × MSP × EWP] = [17] -- [AWP × MSP × EG1] = [13] [Quadruple inner type combinations] Currently not enough types. [Quadruple outer type combinations] -- [2PT MSP × MWP × MSP x EG1]] = [13] + [98] -- [1PT ASP × AG1 × MSP × EWP] = [17] + [12] [(5) Quintuple outer type combination] -- [AG1 × ESP × ASP × MWP × EWP] = [18] + [97] -- [ASP × EG1 × ASP × MWP × EWP] = [18] + [98] -- [AG1 × ESP × AG1 × MSP × EWP] = [17] + [97] -- [ASP × EG1 × AG1 × MSP × EWP] = [17] + [98] -- [ASP/AG1 × MWP/MSP × EWP] = [17] + [18] -- [1PT AWP × AG1 or AG2 × [AG1 × MSP × EWP] = [17] + [1Y] -- [AWP × 1PT AG1 or AG2 × [MWP × MSP × EG1]] = [13] + [1Y] -- [1PT AWP × AG1 or AG2 × [MSP × MWP × EG1]] = [12] + [1X] -- [ASP × 2PT MWP × AWP × MSP × EG1] = [13] + [12] -- [AG1 × ESP × ASP × MWP × EG1] = [12] + [97] -- [1PT AWP × AG1 or AG2 × [FT MSP × MWP × EG1]] = [12] + [1X] + [98] [(6) Sextuple outer type combinations] -- [ASP/AWP × MWP/MSP × EWP/EG1] = [13] + [18] -- [1 PT AWP × AG1 or AG2 × [1PT ASP × AG1 × MSP × EWP] = [17] + [1Y] + [12] -- [AWP × 1PT AG1 or AG2 × [1PT AG1 × MWP × MSP × EG1]] = [13] + [97] -- [1PT AWP × 2PT AG1 or AG2 × [2PT MSP × MWP × MSP × EG1]] = [13] + [1Y] + [98] -- [AWP × 1PT AG1 or AG2 × [1PT AG1 + MWP × MSP × EG1]] = [13] + [1Y] + [12] [(7) Septuple outer type combination] -- [/1 PT AWP × /AG1 or AG2 × [ASP/AG1 × MWP/MSP × EWP]] = [17] + [1Y] + [18] -- [1PT AWP × 2PT AG1 or AG2 × [2PT AG1 × 2PT MSP × MWP × MSP × EG1]] = [13] + [98] + [97] -- [1PT AWP × 2PT AG1 or AG2 × [ASP × 1PT MWP × AWP × MSP × EG1] = [13] + [12] + [1X] -- [3PT AWP × AG1 or AG2/2PT AG1 OR AG2 × [1PT MSP × AG1 × MSP × EWP]] = [17] + [1Y] + [12] + [1X] [(8) Octuple outer type combination] -- [1PT AWP × 2PT AG1 or AG2 × [3PT ASP/ASP × EWP × AWP × MSP × EG1] = [13] + [12] + [1X] + [98] -- [1 PT AWP × AG1 or AG2/AG1 or AG2 × [MSP/AG1 × MWP/MSP × EWP] = [17] + [1Y] + [18] + [1X] (9) Nonuple outer type combination] -- [2PT AWP/1PT AWP × 3PT AG1 or AG2/AG1 or AG2 [MSP × 2PT MWP × MWP × MSP × EG1]] = [13] + [1Y] + [12] + [1X] -- [1PT AWP/2PT AWP × AG1 or AG2/3PT AG1 or AG2 × [MSP × 1PT MWP × MWP × MSP × EG1] = [13] + [12] + [1X] + [98] + [97] [(10) Decuple outer type combination] Currently none. [(11) Undecuple outer type combination] -- [4PT AWP/3PT AWP × 5PT AG1 or AG2 [AG1 × MSP × 4PT MSP × 3PT MSP × MWP × AWP × MSP × EG1]] = [13] + [1Y] + [12] + [1X] + [98] + [97] -- [2PT AWP/3PT AWP × AG1 or AG2/2PT AG1 or AG2 × [ASP × EG1 × MSP/AG1 × MWP/MSP × EWP]] = [17] + [1Y] + [18] + [1X] + [98] -- [2PT AWP/3PT AWP × AG1 or AG2/2PT AG1 or AG2 × [AG1 × ESP × MSP/AG1 × MWP/MSP × EWP]] = [17] + [1Y] + [18] + [1X] + [97]
submitted by tevvyline to u/tevvyline [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:06 VivienneSection Elevated creatinine but everything else normal - vet diagnosed my cat with Stage 3 CKD??

10 year old female spayed DSH, London UK. 4.4kg and 6/9 BCS (she is a little overweight but we are working on it). Her appetite is fantastic and she is the least fussy cat I’ve ever met.
I brought my newly adopted (1.5 months now) senior cat in for her first full routine checkup including bloods and urine.
She does not drink much plain water on her own, but I add lots of extra water into her wet food and she also gets cat milk sometimes. So at least 200ml of liquid. She ignores bowls and fountains, tried multiple types of water. Vet said this is normal, a lot of cats don’t drink water on their own. Her urination has always been fairly normal, she goes at least twice a day.
I got a call from the vet about the blood test results today. She says the creatinine is really high and based on that my cat has Stage 3 renal disease according to IRIS staging.
Creatinine: 291 (she said normal is around 170) Urea: top end of normal
Urine test however showed normal level of protein in urine (UPC) and the concentration was also normal (not dehydrated).
Based on the creatinine values IRIS staging says this cat is in Stage 3 Chronic Kidney disease.
I was reading deeper on the IRIS website and it says the staging is based on fasted bloods. Which my cat didn’t do, as the clinic didn’t tell me if I should or not. In fact she ate an entire can of meat only (no filler) pate wet food (80g) that morning around 8am and bloods were taken around 11.30am.
I also don’t know if they did SDMA or not - still waiting for them to email me the actual results. But based on this, should I be asking them to redo the blood test but fasted this time?
Thanks in advance. I am kind of freaked out at the moment. She seems in perfect health otherwise.
submitted by VivienneSection to RenalCats [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:00 VivienneSection Elevated creatinine but everything else normal - vet diagnosed my cat with Stage 3 CKD??

10 year old female spayed DSH, London UK.
4.4kg and 6/9 BCS (she is a little overweight but we are working on it). Her appetite is fantastic and she is the least fussy cat I’ve ever met.
I brought my newly adopted (1.5 months now) senior cat in for her first full routine checkup including bloods and urine.
She does not drink much plain water on her own, but I add lots of extra water into her wet food and she also gets cat milk sometimes. So at least 200ml of liquid. She ignores bowls and fountains, tried multiple types of water. Vet said this is normal, a lot of cats don’t drink water on their own. Her urination has always been fairly normal, she goes at least twice a day.
I got a call from the vet about the blood test results today. She says the creatinine is really high and based on that my cat has Stage 3 renal disease according to IRIS staging.
Creatinine: 291 (she said normal is around 170) Urea: top end of normal
Urine test however showed normal level of protein in urine (UPC) and the concentration was also normal (not dehydrated).
Based on the creatinine values IRIS staging says this cat is in Stage 3 Chronic Kidney disease.
I was reading deeper on the IRIS website and it says the staging is based on fasted bloods. Which my cat didn’t do, as the clinic didn’t tell me if I should or not. In fact she ate an entire can of meat only (no filler) pate wet food that morning around 8am and bloods were taken around 11.30am.
I also don’t know if they did SDMA or not - still waiting for them to email me the actual results. But based on this, should I be asking them to redo the blood test but fasted this time?
Thanks in advance. I am kind of freaked out at the moment. She seems in perfect health otherwise.
submitted by VivienneSection to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:50 MathIsArtNotScience Review of Program from a Graduate - C Track

I saw someone else did something like this recently and thought that I might have something to add to the discussion to help people figure out whether they think this program is right for them, or for people currently in the program to help them plan out classes.
My background is very heavy in statistics and finance (I'm an actuary), so my grounding in calculus, statistics, linear algebra, and business topics was considerably better than most of the other people I interacted with in this program. Conversely, I'm sure my programming skills were probably about average or maybe a little bit below compared to someone with a more targeted background towards those skills.
I started in Fall of 2020 and just finished up this month, Spring 2024. I started out just taking one class a semester and never changed up that plan, would highly recommend doing the same if you're working full time alongside; there's no reason to rush this program. I got a 4.0 GPA overall, although I never really stressed that much about it and definitely did not shy away from "harder" classes in order to bolster GPA. I did this to learn, not to get good grades. The classes I took, in order (my memory of some of the earlier ones might be a bit jumbled as so much time has passed):
  1. CSE 6040 - I mentioned how my programming background was weaker relative to my mathematical background. However, reflecting on my experience in this class, it was probably still pretty strong. This class is focused on generalized programming skills, you don't really get into the analytics and modeling that much; it's more of a primer on things like functions, recursion, computer memory management, etc. It's been a few years, but I don't remember struggling with this class at all, and most of the concepts covered (object oriented programming, things like byte encoding, hexadecimal forms, recursion, etc.) were things I was already familiar with in another programming language (this class was in Python) or was relatively easy to pick up. From what I remember, the assignments were auto-graded and you had unlimited attempts, not to mention the fact that most of the prompts were to produce some predetermined result... and, as long as you were able to verify that your code produced that result, you got full points. I didn't miss a single point in this entire class. I believe there were "final exams" which were really just timed window coding assignments much like the homework, and you could do the assignments at any point during a 4-day window or something like that.
  2. ISYE 6501 - This class was R-based and focused on basic analytics models. The material was much more applied than 6040. Similarly, the material was not difficult, and I was familiar with a lot of the basic models already (such as GLMs) from having worked with them in my job. The grading was done on a peer-grading framework; based on who anonymously is assigned your homework to grade, you can get someone who's a stickler for every point on the guide, or people who are a bit more lenient. I never really worried much about how things were graded in this class; yeah, I did miss some points arbitrarily, but nothing that made that much of a difference. If you generally put in the work and understand the material, your peers will recognize that. I found this a bit more interesting than 6040 because, rather than a deterministic "right answer", there was some more creativity implied here to solve each problem. There was a final project for this class where you walked through a hypothetical analytics problem and explained how you would go about solving it. I found this an interesting thought exercise and enjoyed this class. The pacing felt a little fast, as you basically had an assignment due each week, but the assignments were small. Like 6040 I found this class to be quite easy but I didn't 100% it due to the peer grading thing.
  3. MGT 8803 - I almost applied to be exempt from this class, as my background intersects a lot with the material. The accounting and finance modules for this class literally did not teach me anything new. Supply chain was new for me and I found it interesting. I'm trying to remember what the other module was. I think it was marketing? I didn't like it. Overall I found this class quite easy for the aforementioned reasons, however I've heard from a lot of the other folks without business backgrounds that this class was pretty tough so take my opinions with a grain of salt. Taking this in the summer cut out one of the modules, normally there are 5 but in Summer there are 4. I figured this made sense to take during the truncated semester because I was unlikely to cover that much new material, and it turns out I was right about that. Each module lasted 2 weeks (I think in a normal semester it lasts 3) and has a timed multiple-choice test at the end. A lot of people didn't like this format compared to ISYE 6501 and CSE 6040; I'm not really sure how else this material could've been covered. This class was OK, the material is not really that deep but it's a pretty good primer on a large number of business topics.
  4. ISYE 6740 - The first class I took that was actually pretty challenging, which makes sense considering the first 3 courses were just the basic core. This is pretty much an intro to machine learning as a discipline, and the first time I remember digging into academic papers that discuss some machine learning topic and attempting to recreate the results (this is something we did a lot in the more advanced classes going forward and incidentally now that I have graduated is probably one of the best ways to go about learning a new topic). I remember this class as having a format similar to ISYE 6501/CSE6040 in that you had large programming assignments to do, as well as open-book "exams" which were really just timed programming assignments. Assignments are not auto-graded; TA's review each one and thus the assignments have much more of a focus on explaining your findings than producing the exact expected output (unlike 6040). Some of the theory questions have you applying complicated matrix algebra rules that I'm not surprised a lot of people struggled with. The TA responsiveness in this class was pretty good from what I remember, but your mileage may vary. I remember getting 3 weeks to do each assignment but I also remember not thinking that was a lot of time, these assignments are very extensive, have many parts, and take a long time to get through. Like with 6040 I ended up not missing a single point in this class but I did find it difficult and spent significantly more time working on it than in prior classes, probably 10-15 hrs a week, give or take.
  5. ISYE 6644 - I was familiar with maybe 50% of the material we covered due to my extensive statistics background, however I was not aware of the exact mechanics of random number generation or the concept of a batched mean, for example. I remember this class having several "check your understanding" quizzes that focused on the mathematical foundations. Didn't struggle with this much in terms of difficulty and found the material very useful. Setting up custom simulation environments is very useful and arena is pretty cool even if it's unlikely you'll ever use it. Some assignments feature similar tools in Python (simpy). There might have been some coverage of R in this as well, or at least the accommodation for people that wanted to use it. There was a project for this class, but you didn't have to come up with the topic on your own, you could pick from a list, and you could do your project on your own if you wanted (which, given the option, was always the choice I made, due to the inherent randomness in picking the right members of a group). However you can do a group project if you want.
  6. MGT 6203 - The first of the classes I took that required a group project. I recommend you are proactive in putting together groups in situations like these, posting threads on Ed/whatever the forum is as soon as the class begins. My group was alright; not everyone in it was great, but we had enough going overall to make up for the weaker group members. The project has some arbitrary guidelines from what I remember - you need to put together a midterm report and video presentation that is no more than ~2 minutes long or something like that (if it's 2:01 you get penalized) and the final report is 5 minutes or less, and everyone in the group needs to speak. I honestly don't remember much else about this class, it was pretty forgettable, but not horrible. Not overall that difficult, another business class so a lot of topics I was already familiar with, but there was more new here than in 8803.
  7. CSE 6242 - Another class with a group project. Again, I was proactive, and again, overall, my group was... okay. Some people who were really good, some who were... not. This class is characterized by a lot of assignments that are autograded, like 6040, but the assignments are a bit more difficult. Overall not that difficult with the exception of the D3 assignment, but that's more due to the fact that I'm not really sure how the autograder works for that; it tries to determine based on some internal structure of your html code whether or not you're fulfilling the requirements. I got a perfect score on all of the assignments, and they give you the chance to score over 100% on I believe either assignment 1 or assignment 2. A lot of people bombed the D3 assignment (I think it's assignment 2) but still did well in the class because it's not that hard to do well on everything else, so keep that in mind. This class does a great job of exposing you to a lot of new technologies, but there isn't that much depth to it. That's not really the point of this kind of class though, it equips you with the tools to explore things deeper if you so choose.
  8. ISYE 8803 - I was a big fan of this class. It's taught in MATLAB but you can use Python if you so choose, you'll see in reviews of this class that you should really just use MATLAB since a lot of the sample code etc. is not in other languages, so that's what I did. However, they must've recently added Python and R code for sample solutions, so feel free to use what you want. MATLAB was interesting, there were parts of one assignment I also used R for (grouped lasso in R is a lot more straightforward). This class is all about high dimensional data and representing it in a more simplified and comprehensive way, think about something like sonar which might have datapoints separated by milliseconds and thus a very dense representation of a signal captured over a short period of time. After ISYE 6740, I found this to be the class that taught me the most up to this point.
  9. CS 7642 - Taking this class in summer is kind of rough. There's 6 homework assignments that are autograded, similar format to CSE 6040. There are 3 projects which are much larger programming assignments for which you'll write papers explaining methodology, results, etc. These projects take a while, particularly project 3. I did well on projects 1 and 2 and decently on 3, although I spent the most time on 3 by far; it involves reinforcement learning to simulate a soccer environment and train agents how to play against an AI developed externally. The AI baselines are hard to beat, and I didn't manage to beat them, but I wrote a decent paper explaining what I did. The final exam for this class should be dropped as it doesn't add value to the class, people regularly score extremely low on it, the average score in the class was something like a 45%. I scored a bit lower than average but still got an A in the class because it was heavily curved. Reinforcement learning is a very interesting topic, though, and I would highly recommend this class as a primer on the material. It's probably a good idea not to take it in the summer, though.
  10. CS 7643 - This class was pretty difficult but I still think 6740 was tougher. The material is extremely dense. There are parts of programming assignments that are autograded, but also short answer portions that are reviewed by TAs. Grading on those were pretty subjective. This is the only class I can remember really needing to discuss things with TAs to understand what was being asked a little better. Unfortunately, the TAs in the semester I took this weren't the best. They seemed more concerned with unintentionally giving away a bit too much information in any of their responses. I can understand this, but it came off as intentionally opaque most of the time. There was a group project for this course as well, and my group was excellent, probably the best experience I had with a group in this program. I can imagine how much this course would've sucked if I would've had a mediocre/bad group. Based on discussions with my group, some of the grading seemed highly arbitrary, with some TAs grading similar responses to the same question differently. Like I said above, though, I never really worried about this. I never once in this program ever disputed a grade, and I continued with that in this class as well.
  11. CSE 6748 - Practicum and final class. For this class you get to choose between a number of pre-determined Georgia Tech sponsors, or form your own project for your own employesome external entity. It was a lot more work to do this, so I just went with one of the pre-determined GTech ones. I really enjoyed this one, I had constant communication with the sponsor as I developed my project and came up with something that I was quite proud of. I wanted to explore a natural language processing task, so I picked a project that I thought would allow me to do this, and was very satisfied with the result. There's a number of videos you have to watch that explain some overarching aspect of analytics that were pretty interesting as well, you can watch all of these in a single day and then focus on the project if you like. It's possible to finish the entire semester's work in just a few weeks, I was able to do the entire project and write the final paper in about a month's time, at which point I coordinated with the sponsor to tailor the work I did to a format that they would be able to implement for their business problem if they wanted to.
I can't comment on the job placement prospects of this program, as I just finished it and was actively employed the entire time I was in it. As an actuary there's not much this program does that my exam certification process didn't in terms of career prospects. However, it did position me much better within the context of the expanding role of data and analytics in insurance going forward, and also opens me up to similarly mathematical roles with a firmer grounding in big data and also some business elements (quantitative finance/data science roles). There were also things I learned in this program that I was able to apply directly to my day-to-day work. If you're considering this program, I would recommend you think about a few things:
  1. I'm pretty shocked at how many people I saw during my program who didn't really think that much about why they're doing this. I get that the barrier to entry is low, but it's a serious commitment if you're actually trying to graduate. Most of the people who start this program don't finish, so consider whether you're ready to spend almost 4 years going to school part-time, or if you're able to double up on classes for some of the semesters. Most of the people I know in the program doubled up at least once, I never did but I was never in a hurry. If you must double up, don't make it your first semester. Dip your toe in the water, see how it is, and then reassess. But, above all else, think about why you want to do this, and use that as your guiding goal to bring you through to the end.
  2. Something I tended to see pretty much without fail in most of my classes - a lot of the graduate students in this program spend way too much time worrying about minute, particular details that don't really matter. Maybe it was just my philosophy that I would probably never dispute a grade, or that I was never really that concerned with getting a perfect GPA, etc. but I was always marveling at what I saw asked in Ed posts. People would ask whether they could use a certain programming language for an assignment, what packages they were allowed to use, would post screenshots of bugs and ask for TA's to help walk them through it, etc. Generally, without fail, the TAs would respond along the lines of: use whatever programming language you want, as long as you can display your output/submit it in a way that we can verify by running ourselves, we'll make the effort; use the debugger to step through your code to find the problem; etc. Generally, in most cases, the assignments and questions are designed in a way to teach you something, to get you to realize/understand some pattern or data concept that has some underlying logic that makes sense. For example, the idea of saliency maps on image processing takes the 3-channel RGB color pixel shading representation of an image and condenses it into a single channel, and, as a result of that, loses some resolution in suggesting parts of the image driving a model result that might be different depending on the channel; i.e., an image with a very heavily blue-shaded part that detracts from a certain result, but with a red-shaded part somewhere else that increases the probability of the modeled result. This was part of a conceptual question on how saliency maps differed from other pixel influence attribution methods in Deep Learning, and is part of what you should logically understand since it reduces the channels of the image representation from 3 (R, G, B) to 1 (usually grayscale). I think people tend to run to the TA the second they have difficulty with something and don't stop for a second to think it through, one exercise I might recommend is to consider: if you ran into this problem out in the world and you didn't have a TA/managesome other authority figure to explain the answer to you, what do you think it might be? Does the answer even matter? If it still matters and you have no idea how to solve it, maybe then you can go to the TA.
  3. In every single group project I worked on, we had an initial planning session where we determined the scope of what we wanted to do. For most of the projects, this was an essential deliverable in addition to the final paper. However, in almost every case, someone in the group was always playing some game of runaway scope where they kept on wanting to add methods/questions to exploration beyond what was initially planned in ways that I intuitively knew would be impossible to manage in just one semester. I often had to say something along the lines of "if we have time we'll do that" or "when we write up our paper, we can put that in the avenues for future exploration section" or something similar. It turns out that we never had time to look into these things, and our initial scope was usually well-defined considering the time we had. I'm not sure why this was always so front-and-center in my focus, maybe since I used to work in consulting and project budgeting/scoping is so unbelievably important in that context. Whatever the case may be, understand that you won't be able to change the world every time you do a project. Make some incremental improvement, reflect on the results, and then include some notes in a "potential avenues for future exploration" section. I was pretty surprised at how many people had so much trouble putting the pencils down at the end. I can practically guarantee that, for the classes where I did a project on my own, I probably did substantially less work than other individual groups for precisely this reason. In general, you probably don't have to do as much work as you think you do.
So, would I recommend the program overall? Absolutely. It's not perfect, I found some of the formats annoying - CS 7642 has no business having that final exam, it adds nothing to the class at all, is arbitrarily extremely difficult and the class is good enough and complete enough with the removal of that exam that its inclusion to me appears to be the result of some arbitrary quota somewhere. I also don't really like the group project format and profoundly disagree with the reasoning that GTech and most other academic institutions give as to why group projects are even good or necessary, however I do acknowledge that from a logistics and resource standpoint it's unmanageable to grade individual projects for every single person in a given class and group projects do decrease the number of papers that TAs will have to read. Considering the scale of what GTech has managed to do, and how many students enroll each year, I'm surprised the program is as well-managed as it is. Yes, it does require a lot of self-teaching, but in most cases you can actively engage with TAs multiple times a week if you're struggling with topics and from what I've seen they were very responsive.
Anyways just wanted to give my perspective as someone who just finished this program and still thinks it's worthwhile despite its flaws.
submitted by MathIsArtNotScience to OMSA [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:42 XeirasR6 H: true auto epr+aligned splitter epr W: aligned auto or aligned stock epr 2:1 trade willing to add items on top if value isnt quite equal

i also need the reflex site
submitted by XeirasR6 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:41 Sweet-Count2557 Best Brunch in Virginia Beach Va

Best Brunch in Virginia Beach Va
Best Brunch in Virginia Beach Va Are you ready to embark on a brunch adventure in Virginia Beach, VA? Well, look no further! We've got the inside scoop on the best brunch spots that will leave your taste buds begging for more.From locally sourced delights at Bay Local Eatery to nautical-themed brunch delights at Anchor Allies, our city has it all.So grab your friends and get ready to indulge in a mouthwatering brunch experience that will satisfy even the pickiest of eaters. Let's dive in and discover the best brunch in Virginia Beach, VA!Key TakeawaysBay Local Eatery is highly rated for its locally sourced dishes, taste & variety, service, atmosphere, and affordability.Citrus, founded in 2003, offers traditional brunch offerings and has a good rating for taste & variety, service, and atmosphere.TopGolf is a popular destination for golf players and is known for its great taste & variety, service, and affordability.Anchor Allies is a unique brunch spot with a nautical theme and offers all-day brunch menu, specialty dishes, and a separate lunch menu.Bay Local Eatery: Locally Sourced DelightsWe recently tried Bay Local Eatery and were delighted by their locally sourced dishes. The restaurant focuses on using fresh ingredients that are sourced from local farmers and suppliers, which adds a unique and flavorful touch to their menu.One dish that stood out to us was the Citrus: A Taste of Tradition, which showcased the restaurant's commitment to incorporating local flavors. This dish featured a combination of citrus-infused ingredients, including tangy oranges and zesty lemons, which added a refreshing and vibrant twist to the meal. The flavors were well-balanced, and each bite was a burst of citrusy goodness. The presentation was also appealing, with colorful slices of fruit garnishing the plate.The staff at Bay Local Eatery were friendly and knowledgeable, providing excellent service throughout our dining experience. The atmosphere was cozy yet modern, creating a comfortable and inviting space to enjoy our meal.Overall, Bay Local Eatery offers a delightful dining experience with their locally sourced delights, such as the Citrus: A Taste of Tradition, making it a must-visit for those seeking a taste of tradition with a local twist.Citrus: Traditional Brunch FavoritesThe Citrus offers a variety of traditional brunch favorites, including mouthwatering dishes like eggs Benedict and fluffy pancakes. When you step into Citrus, you can expect beachside brunch vibes that will transport you to a relaxed and sunny coastal getaway.Here's what you can look forward to at Citrus:Delicious Eggs Benedict: Indulge in perfectly poached eggs, creamy hollandaise sauce, and your choice of savory toppings like ham or smoked salmon.Fluffy Pancakes: Start your day with a stack of light and fluffy pancakes, served with maple syrup and your choice of delicious add-ons like fresh berries or chocolate chips.Savory Omelettes: Customize your omelette with a variety of fillings, from classic options like cheese and vegetables to more adventurous choices like chorizo or avocado.Freshly Squeezed Juices: Pair your brunch favorites with a refreshing glass of freshly squeezed orange juice or choose from a selection of other fruit juices.With its traditional brunch offerings and beachside brunch vibes, Citrus is the perfect spot to relax and enjoy a delicious meal with family and friends. So, come on over to Citrus and experience the best of brunch in a laid-back and inviting atmosphere.TopGolf: Brunch and Golf ParadiseLet's head over to TopGolf for a fantastic brunch and enjoy a round of golf at the same time. TopGolf offers a unique golf-themed brunch experience that is sure to delight both golf enthusiasts and food lovers alike.Picture this: sitting on a sunny terrace overlooking the greens, sipping on a refreshing mimosa, and indulging in a delicious spread of brunch specials. TopGolf has got you covered with their mouthwatering menu that includes both classic brunch favorites and innovative twists on traditional dishes.Here's a glimpse of what you can expect at TopGolf's brunch:Brunch SpecialsDescriptionBreakfast TacosScrambled eggs, crispy bacon, and melted cheese wrapped in warm tortillas.Chicken and WafflesCrispy fried chicken served atop fluffy waffles, drizzled with maple syrup.Avocado ToastToasted artisan bread topped with creamy avocado, cherry tomatoes, and a sprinkle of sea salt.Eggs BenedictPoached eggs, Canadian bacon, and hollandaise sauce on a toasted English muffin.Fresh Fruit ParfaitLayers of Greek yogurt, granola, and a medley of fresh fruits, topped with a drizzle of honey.Bottomless MimosasEnjoy endless refills of this classic brunch cocktail made with sparkling wine and orange juice.With its vibrant atmosphere, friendly staff, and top-notch service, TopGolf is the perfect place to gather with friends or family for a memorable brunch experience. So why not tee off your day with a round of golf and a delicious meal at TopGolf?Anchor Allies: Nautical Brunch DelightsAnchor Allies: Nautical Brunch Delights is a charming eatery that offers a unique nautical-themed menu with specialty dishes that are sure to delight.With its cozy maritime atmosphere, this veteran-owned and operated establishment provides a one-of-a-kind brunch experience.From the moment you step inside, you'll be transported to a world of nautical bliss, where you can enjoy delicious food and soak in the charming surroundings.Nautical-Themed Menu OptionsWe really enjoyed exploring the nautical-themed menu options at Anchor Allies - they offer unique and delicious brunch dishes that perfectly capture the essence of the sea. The atmosphere was cozy and inviting, with maritime decor and ocean-inspired artwork adorning the walls.The brunch menu featured a variety of specialty dishes, including the Captain's Benedict with seared scallops and hollandaise sauce, and the Sailor's Pancake Stack with blueberry compote and whipped cream. The nautical theme even extended to the cocktail options, with creative drinks like the Sea Breeze Spritz, made with vodka, cranberry juice, and a splash of grapefruit.And to top it all off, the restaurant boasted a stunning ocean view, making it the perfect spot for brunch with a seaside backdrop.Unique Brunch OfferingsWe were delighted to discover not just one, but several unique brunch offerings at Anchor Allies.One of the standout dishes is the delectable lobster Benedict. This dish features perfectly poached eggs atop a toasted English muffin, topped with succulent lobster meat and a rich hollandaise sauce. It's a combination that is sure to please seafood lovers.Another mouthwatering option is the shrimp and grits dish. This dish puts a delightful twist on a Southern classic. It features plump shrimp served over creamy, cheesy grits and garnished with crispy bacon. The combination of flavors and textures is simply irresistible.In addition to these unconventional brunch dishes, Anchor Allies also offers a selection of unique brunch cocktails. From the refreshing Blueberry Basil Mimosa to the spicy Bloody Mary with a twist of Old Bay seasoning, there's a cocktail to suit every taste.Whether you're looking for a delicious twist on traditional brunch favorites or a creative cocktail to accompany your meal, Anchor Allies is sure to satisfy.Cozy Maritime AtmosphereAs we stepped into Anchor Allies, we were instantly transported to a cozy maritime atmosphere that made us feel like we were dining on a quaint seaside ship. The restaurant's cozy maritime decor and charming nautical theme created a warm and inviting ambiance. The walls were adorned with vintage anchors and ship wheels, while the wooden tables and chairs gave a rustic feel. The soft lighting and soothing ocean sounds added to the overall tranquil atmosphere.With the restaurant's waterfront location, we enjoyed a stunning view of the water as we indulged in our meal. It truly was a delightful waterfront dining experience that immersed us in a world of maritime charm.Java Surf Café and Espresso Bar: Vibe District Brunch BlissJava Surf Café and Espresso Bar, located in the vibrant Vibe Creative District, offers beachside brunch vibes and a delightful selection of freshly made sandwiches paired with high-quality coffee and espresso.This cute brunch spot not only satisfies your taste buds but also provides picture-worthy sights that will surely make your brunch experience Instagram-worthy.Beachside Brunch VibesThe beachside brunch vibes at Java Surf Café and Espresso Bar in the Vibe Creative District are perfect for a relaxing weekend morning. Here's what makes it special:Freshly made sandwiches: Java Surf Café offers a variety of delicious sandwiches made with high-quality ingredients. From classic options like turkey and avocado to unique combinations like bacon and brie, there's something for everyone.High-quality coffee and espresso: Start your day off right with a cup of Java Surf Café's expertly brewed coffee or a flavorful espresso. Their beans are sourced from local roasters, ensuring a rich and satisfying taste.Cute brunch spot: The café's charming and cozy atmosphere adds to the overall experience. With its beach-inspired decor and comfortable seating, it's the perfect place to unwind and enjoy a leisurely brunch.Picture-worthy sights: Located in the Vibe Creative District, Java Surf Café offers beautiful views of the surrounding area. Whether you're enjoying your meal inside or sitting outside on the patio, you'll have plenty of opportunities to capture memorable moments.Overall, Java Surf Café and Espresso Bar is a top choice for beachside brunch locations, offering not only delicious coastal inspired brunch dishes, but also a relaxed and inviting atmosphere.Fresh Coffee and EatsWhen we visited Java Surf Café and Espresso Bar, we were immediately drawn to the enticing aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the tempting selection of delectable eats. The café, located in the Vibe Creative District, offers high-quality coffee and espresso, as well as freshly made sandwiches. It is a cute brunch spot with picture-worthy sights. If you are looking for a place to satisfy your cravings for fresh coffee and local eats, Java Surf Café and Espresso Bar is a great choice. Here is a table that highlights some of the other brunch spots in Virginia Beach:Brunch SpotHighlightsBay Local EateryLocally sourced dishesCitrusTraditional brunch offeringsTopGolfUltimate haven for golf playersAnchor AlliesVeteran-owned and operated with a unique nautical themeDoc TaylorsKnown for traditional Southern breakfast mealsWhether you're in the mood for locally sourced dishes, traditional brunch offerings, golf-themed ambiance, a nautical experience, or Southern breakfast meals, Virginia Beach has a variety of options to satisfy your brunch cravings.Instagram-Worthy Brunch SpotOur favorite Instagram-worthy brunch spot is Citrus, known for its traditional brunch offerings and 5/5 rating for atmosphere. When you step into Citrus, you'll be greeted by a bright and airy space, perfect for capturing those brunch photos.Here are some tips for capturing the perfect brunch photo:Lighting: Sit near a window or outdoor seating area to take advantage of natural light.Composition: Arrange your plate and drink in an aesthetically pleasing way, using the rule of thirds.Props: Add some colorful flowers or stylish cutlery to enhance the visual appeal of your photo.Filters: Experiment with different filters or editing apps to enhance the colors and mood of your photo.Citrus is just one of the many trendy brunch spots in town, where you can enjoy delicious food and create beautiful memories to share on Instagram.Doc Taylors: Southern Breakfast ClassicsWe absolutely love the classic Southern breakfast options at Doc Taylors. The restaurant offers a cozy atmosphere and friendly staff, making it the perfect spot for a satisfying morning meal.Doc Taylors is known for its traditional Southern breakfast classics, which include dishes like biscuits and gravy, shrimp and grits, and chicken and waffles. The menu also features nautical-themed options, adding a unique touch to the dining experience.Guests can enjoy dishes like the 'Shipwreck Platter,' which includes fried shrimp, scallops, and oysters, or the 'Captain's Catch,' a seafood omelette filled with fresh ingredients. The prices at Doc Taylors are affordable, making it accessible for everyone to enjoy these delicious breakfast options.Whether you're in the mood for a hearty Southern meal or want to try something with a nautical twist, Doc Taylors has something for everyone. So grab a seat, indulge in some classic Southern breakfast fare, and start your day off right at Doc Taylors.The Bee and the Biscuit: Farm-to-Table Brunch ExperienceLet's try the farm-to-table brunch experience at The Bee and the Biscuit for a taste of fresh ingredients and homemade jams and spreads. This charming eatery offers a unique dining experience with a focus on locally sourced ingredients and a commitment to sustainable farming practices.Here's what you can expect at The Bee and the Biscuit:Fresh Ingredients: The Bee and the Biscuit takes pride in using the freshest ingredients available. From farm-fresh eggs to locally sourced produce, every dish is prepared with care and attention to detail.Homemade Jams and Spreads: Indulge in the delectable flavors of homemade jams and spreads. From tangy fruit preserves to creamy butter, these accompaniments add a burst of flavor to your brunch experience.Outdoor Seating: Enjoy your meal in the great outdoors with The Bee and the Biscuit's outdoor seating option. Bask in the warm sunshine as you savor your farm-to-table delights.Rustic and Cozy Atmosphere: The Bee and the Biscuit exudes a rustic and cozy atmosphere, creating the perfect ambiance for a leisurely brunch. Whether you're dining with friends or enjoying a solo meal, you'll feel right at home in this charming establishment.Experience the best of farm-to-table dining and embrace the freshness and flavors that The Bee and the Biscuit has to offer. Don't miss out on this culinary gem that combines quality ingredients with homemade goodness.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Prices Like at Bay Local Eatery?At Bay Local Eatery, the prices are reasonable and offer good value for the quality of food and service. They've a diverse menu with options for all dietary preferences, including gluten-free options. The prices are affordable and the portion sizes are generous.Bay Local Eatery is known for using locally sourced ingredients, ensuring freshness and supporting local businesses. Overall, it's a great place to enjoy a delicious brunch without breaking the bank.Does Citrus Offer Any Gluten-Free Options for Brunch?Yes, Citrus does offer gluten-free options for brunch. They've a variety of traditional brunch offerings and prioritize using fresh, locally sourced ingredients. With a 4/5 rating for taste and variety, Citrus provides a casual and relaxed atmosphere with friendly staff and affordable prices.On the other hand, Bay Local Eatery is known for its locally sourced dishes and has received a 5/5 rating for taste, variety, service, atmosphere, and affordability.Are There Any Vegetarian or Vegan Options Available at Topgolf's Brunch?There are vegetarian and vegan options available at TopGolf's brunch. They offer a variety of plant-based dishes that cater to the needs of plant-based eaters.With their focus on taste, variety, and service, TopGolf is one of the best brunch spots in Virginia Beach for those looking for delicious options that align with their dietary preferences.Whether you're vegetarian or vegan, TopGolf has you covered with their flavorful and satisfying brunch options.What Are Some of the Specialty Dishes Offered at Anchor Allies?At Anchor Allies, we offer a variety of specialty dishes that are sure to satisfy any brunch lover. From our unique nautical theme to our all-day brunch menu, we strive to provide a memorable dining experience.Some of our standout dishes include our delicious crab cake Benedict, savory shrimp and grits, and mouthwatering lobster omelette.With a cozy atmosphere, friendly staff, and delectable menu options, Anchor Allies is truly one of the best brunch spots in Virginia Beach.Does Java Surf Café and Espresso Bar Have Outdoor Seating Available for Brunch?Yes, Java Surf Café and Espresso Bar does have outdoor seating available for brunch.Along with their high-quality coffee and espresso, they offer freshly made sandwiches and a cute brunch spot with picture-worthy sights.The outdoor seating adds to the ambiance and provides a lovely setting to enjoy your meal.With their menu options and the option to dine outside, Java Surf Café and Espresso Bar is a great choice for brunch in Virginia Beach.ConclusionIn conclusion, Virginia Beach offers a plethora of options for brunch enthusiasts. From the locally sourced delights at Bay Local Eatery to the nautical-themed experience at Anchor Allies, there's something for everyone's taste.Whether you're in the mood for traditional brunch favorites at Citrus or a unique farm-to-table experience at The Bee and the Biscuit, this coastal city has it all.So gather your loved ones and embark on a brunch adventure that will leave your taste buds satisfied and your heart full.
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2024.05.22 01:36 IcyIndependence2526 A theory that gives way to new ideas hopefully.

A theory that gives way to new ideas hopefully.
I've tried to post this theory so many times. This theory was made before the spoilers. It was made before the Kendrick Lamar and drake beef. Please excuse my grammar I wrote this theory several times changing many things and going back into the draft to add many ideas. I added one detail then realized if I kept adding stuff I'd have to write a fanfic at this point. The theory isn't about getting it right It's about the romance that breeds curiosity and new concepts that will hopefully be explained later. Thank you.
I think the sea devil was the creator of devil fruits and they were in the ancient kingdom. The ancient kingdom was evil they created the ancient weapons but could only use Uranus. The species like: Fishmen, Lunarians, Buccaneers, Giants, Winged Human, Giant Elephants, and Etc were used by the ancient kingdom to oppress the 20 Kingdoms. Pirates of the one-piece world were established from ancient or recent history just like in our world, so the oppressed people in the 20 kingdoms became like pirates. Not all became pirates just some, but that impressed Joy boy or Nika because Nika is his actual name or maybe it's Binks? Anyways Binks or Nika wanted to venture out to the seas to join the pirates and the kingdoms, but the ancient kingdom were like the celestial dragons so once you leave the noble status behind you can't rejoin. As punishment for him leaving they turned him into rubber believing it was a cruel joke and a good punishment for him, but it impowered him. He began to play jokes on the ancient kingdom his antics reached the lives of many around the world.
His power transformed islands just like long ring long land, he freed the oppressed, and he told the secrets of the ancient kingdom to the people because without his influence they would have stayed a non-advanced kingdom so they could compete with the ancient kingdom somewhat. Haki was introduced to people's lives, and it gave them power to believe in themselves to change the world and become free from tyranny in a world that these "Humans" Could live in. They became stronger and their numbers were Colossal, but something began to change, something that the ancient kingdom could never account for. The same "Creatures" the ancient kingdom used to oppress the people began to want a will of their own. Joy Boy introduced this to them, and that changed Everything. Zuniesha, The Giants, The Mink Tribe, The Lunarians, and Etc began to turn on the ancient kingdom. The Invincible Enormous Brilliant Ancient Kingdom was losing a war that a rejected joke of a rubbery man started then turned the tides against them using laughter, hope, love, and will for a better tomorrow. The ancient kingdom began using the weapons but wait one of the weapons didn't respond. Poseidon now had a will of their own and they wanted to be free, so they helped Joy Boy, but the ancient kingdom still had Pluton, and Uranus. The weapons were a real problem Joy Boy had to think fast so he had a certain clan build the Ark for not just humans, but for all the species that don't survive underwater like the fishmen. Joy Boy told his comrades about the weapons and that helped them identify the weapons. During the war one clan was so wreck less they managed to pull off a huge heist. The Kozuki Clan managed to steal Pluton before it could cause huge damage to the world, they took it off the battlefield and returned to the allied kingdoms.
Uranus was used during the war and was a death sentence to unsuspecting parts of world it decimated continents leaving remnants behind. With only one of the ancient weapons in use Joy Boy and his allies had to confront the person using it, and that was the SEA DEVIL. Joy Boy and Saint Nerona Imu confronted the Sea Devil, but something was off about him. It seemed like he was different from regular humans it looked like he hasn't slept in a long time, and his body appeared weird. The Sea Devil took damage from both combatants, and even though it damaged the sea devil they kept fighting until it was revealed that it was the Sea Devil that gave Binks or Nika the Rubbery powers. The Sea Devil began using their Powers. The two barely beat the Sea Devil through their own will they managed to defeat The Sea Devil, but The Sea Devil had a plan. If the ancient kingdom were to ever fall, they would rather sink into the bottom of ocean selfishly keeping their treasure than to give it to the rest of world and with that The Sea Devil began to use Uranus to destroy the ancient kingdom. With that Joy Boy and Saint Nerona Imu escaped and the Sea Devil was cast to the bottom of the ocean selfishly keeping their treasure. Parts of ancient kingdom was cast to the depths of the ocean, but some parts of it floated above still. The war was over, and people had to do some Greving. After the war Nika or Binks was exhausted forever from that war. Nika or Binks had been given the name Joy Boy, and he was recognized across the world. In light of the tragedy that occurred Joy Boy proposed something. He said, "LETS THROW A PARTY!" His allies rejoiced and they had fun. The species that the ancient kingdom created had nowhere to go and now had a will of their own. They came to Joy Boy and wanted to know what to do, and Joy Boy said do what you want.
The Created Species began to occupy different islands, and they created their own kingdoms, and cultures, but they had the knowledge of the ancient kingdom with them still. The 20 Kingdoms didn't realize that Joy Boy had supported the created species in the past so that fueled their anger. The 20 Kingdoms history with the ancient kingdom was embarrassing, and now the one man that gave them hope is the same man who helped the creatures. The same creatures that oppressed them? The kingdoms began to plot a plan against Joy Boy and all that oppressed them. The kingdoms found that there was a castle was found in the middle of the ocean a massive castle. They began to go inside, and they learned that it was from the ancient kingdom. The castle held untold knowledge, but the text was unreadable to them. They enlisted the help of ancient kingdom remnants, and the kingdoms learned the language. They learned some of their technology, about the history of the world, the creation of the species, the Eve tree, and some taboo methods, and etc. Most of all they learned that there was a devil fruit index containing information of all devil fruits and their functions, also they learned that devil fruits recycle after the user dies, but they also learn the weakness of it. The information is handed down to Imu. The Kozuki Clan learns the language, and the information inside the castle. They also learn about the ancient weapons, and how to use them. The 20 Kingdoms began to use the Castle as their place of importance, then they began to have a discussion on how they're going to betray Binks this includes Lily and the Kozuki clan members. The idea of becoming a world government is introduced and they plan to go along with it, but Binks is all that stands in the way. Lili sneaks away with the information, and contacts Binks and his crew to tell them about the betrayal. Binks unafraid challenges the world to a fight. Binks and his crew go around the world adventuring and meets new people and establishes a bond with people as well, one of those is Poseidon. Binks and his crew are welcomed in Poseidon's kingdom. Binks explores the kingdom. Binks meets a woman who can fortune tell like madam Sharley. He's amazed so he asked her about the future, and she says in 800 you'll return. He laughs and thanks her. Poseidon and Binks talk as he tells Poseidon that he's going to be betrayed, but he promises that he'll win, and when Poseidon comes up to see the sun it'll be Binks and his crew welcoming them. During or after this period in time the 20 Kingdoms have the first reverie before they become the world government. At the Reverie Imu goes into detail about how they are going to defeat Binks, and that is with Uranus.
Imu wants to cleanse the earth of their history and those who oppressed them, but some of the kingdom reject the idea not because of good morale value, but because they can be used. Imu hears them out and allows them that usage. Lili is present there also, and she's scared because Uranus caused huge problems to the world like making the sea level rise, not only that but, although the ancient kingdom oppressed them, she doesn't want to destroy all of the created species. A specific sea monster cat she and her kingdom has taken a liking to. So, she sneaks away once again, and tells Binks what is about to happen. Binks is horrified that Imu would use Uranus after what they saw the ancient kingdom do. He then thinks that The Noah needs to be used again. Poseidon asks Binks if they could do anything, and He responds that they could help deliver the Noah for it needed to be used again, so Poseidon orders the sea to bring the Noah to the fishman Kingdom. Binks tells Poseidon that when the time is right Binks will count on Poseidon to bring the Noah back up to surface to save the people that no longer have a home to return to, and Poseidon says they'll wait for Binks's word. Binks wants to play a prank on the 20 kingdoms now. Binks and his crew play prank after prank on the 20 kingdoms. Binks and his crew travel across the world building allies. A specific Giant asks the Kozuki clan to craft a sword for them. That sword would be named the Kietsu. Binks then told the Kozuki the history of world, the function/history of the weapons, and the and told them to write it and spread it across the world. While that was happening a clan in Wano decided to betray Binks and the kozuki clan, and that clan was the kurozumi clan. They leaked the information to the 20 kingdoms. Imu then tasked Lili to stop them. The sea monsters, the sky people, The Mink tribe and etc all helped deliver the Poneglyffs. During this time, they created the song binks sake. Binks and his crew personally want to deliver the Poneglyff to Lili. They sailed all the way to her kingdom but was met with a military obstacle. They were conflicted because to them Binks was Joy Boy the one who freed them. Joy Boy bulldozed his way through the army because their will wavered, and he met with Lili with tears in her eyes. They talked and Joy Boy successfully delivered the Poneglyff to her kingdom. Binks and his crew traveled the seas also delivering poneglyffs until they came across a remnant of the ancient kingdom. a remnant that shouldn't exist but here it is. He delivered his tale about the truth of the world and told his tales across the seas as a pirate. His message was kept there. He and his crew prepared for war. The 20 Kingdoms did the same. Joy Boy and his allies traveled to the Castle to stop the 20 Kingdoms from Using Uranus. Imu meets him on seas and told him challenging them is like challenging the world. The war began as Joy Boy said he wasn't afraid, and He screams at the top of his lungs "BRING IT ON" His hearted pumped and produced the sound of war.
The battle was fierce each side losing members, but the 20 kingdoms still had numbers, despite that the Joy Boy alliance was still putting up a fight and if it wasn't stopped the 20 kingdoms would lose. Imu then started to use Uranus recklessly, it took out his allies and Joy Boys. The war came down to wire and despite all odds Joy Boy was going to win, but he got exhausted. He used up his life during the war, and the Joy Boy alliance and the 20 Kingdoms watched as Joy Boy was dying. Imu came to Joy Boy as he was dying. Joy Boy laughed and got back up his heart beating like a drum he awakened, and in a scene like from the one-piece movie film Z he gets back up and fights Imu and the 20 Kingdom while laughing and smiling giving some of his allies' time to escape while some of his crew stayed. In the end the 20 Kingdom crying watched him lose his distinctive look and he lost all energy and started to die. Imu bloodied once again appeared to Joy Boy thinking about their past together sharing moments and fighting against the ancient kingdom and the sea devil together. Imu closed their eyes and walked away and said goodbye Joy Boy it was fun while Joy Boy lied there smiling as wide as the sky. After the war the 20 Kingdoms established the world government. They go around enslaving people and cover up the history of their embarrassing past. They enslaved the giants that helped Joy Boy and make them Pull continents together. This creates the Grand Line. A specific giant with the kietsu named Oars was forced to do this. It took nearly their entire lifetime, but they do it. Not wanting to be a slave anymore they revolt and managed to flee. but Oars is hurt. They hunt him down, but he makes it back to Wano where he begins to die from his injuries while remembering Joy Boy he smiles and then dies. The Tontatta's are enslaved by doflamingo's ancestor. Zuniesha who aided Joy Boy is forced to roam the earth forever because he aided Joy Boy. Lili is soon found out to have helped Joy Boy and before she disappears, she delivers a message that Joy Boy gave her. The ancient Robot who helped Joy Boy soon shuts down because he no long has the will to carry on without the one who gave him freedom. Wano keeps Pluton hidden from the world government and creates a border between them and the world. The sky people leave earth and go to the moon with ancient kingdom technology balloons while crying because the world government rejected them. They write about the ancient weapons and what they did to the world. They long to return one day when they can put their feet back on the soil. The Giants remember Joy Boy and tell his tale whenever they can. Etc Etc Etc Etc You Get the point now. I'd been thinking of this theory for a while. I had to choose between this one and two others. One where Loki is Usopp and he has belief powers not lying powers, also another one that Luffy is literally Joy Boy from the same void century. But it takes so long to write these. The point of my theory is to hopefully provide a new idea to the Era just before the Void Century.
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