Clomid 100mg 2010

Secondary Infertility first IUI failed

2024.05.19 21:11 Caliigiirl19 Secondary Infertility first IUI failed

I was able to have my daughter naturally. When trying for our second however, has been not been so easy. After a year we went to see a fertility specialist. My husband’s side all looked good. I do have low AMH 0.885. We are both 32.
My first iui just failed. I was on clomid 100mg and the trigger. I did grow three follicles 23,19 and 18.
We are going to have a second IUI. Looking for anyone with success with IUI with a similar situation or if you moved to IVF?
submitted by Caliigiirl19 to whatworkedforme [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:12 Such_Mirror_833 Clinic to urologist changes

Ok so I was going to a clinic for six months they had me starting out on 100mg testosterone and 250iu hcg per week. We Increased the testosterone dose after bloodwork and at the latest I was up to 170mg testosterone and still 250iu hcg but due to some elevated estradiol levels was taking .5 anastrozle injection day and .25 3 day’s later. Overall I was pretty happy with treatment aside from some acne and having to be on ai. Well I went to urologist because clinic was expensive and got blood test the free testosterone was like 1100 and free was 100 roughly and he was not comfortable with that so he prescribed 120mg testosterone and wanted me to take clomid 25mg every other day. I was not comfortable with clomid based on what I read and watched so I asked him about enclomiphene instead to avoid the zuclomiphene in clomid and he said enclomiphiene was banned in 2016 in USA … but nonetheless agreed to continue hcg but said 250iu a week is pointless and a waste of money because of the 36 hour half life and said I would need 500iu every other day . Curious about y’all’s thoughts on all this thanks in advance. I’m 32 and my initial levels were low like 160s total testosterone.. not sure if the clinic tested my lh and fsh initially. I’ve learned a bit over the last 7 months so I’d probably ask more questions if I went back but is what it is no going back. I would like to pull my history to find out because I’m not sure if I’m experiencing primary or secondary hypogonadism … tell me your thoughts please.
submitted by Such_Mirror_833 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:56 the_noise_we_made I'm (45 M) working with an endocrinologist to wean off of trt prescribed by urologist due to my worries about potential long-term effects and am looking for potential reasons about why I have hypogonadism to begin with.

45 (M) I've been aware that my testosterone has been low for 8 years now sitting at around 200-300 (I know this may not be considered low for every lab but were reported as low by Labcorp) I have developed normally and a doctor checked it when I was around 25 for some reason and it was around 750 so it's not a genetic issue. I had become obese (225 lbs 5'9") and pre-diabetic at that point, which was the likely cause, and was put on Metformin. I decided to get back in shape by doing cardio mixed with weights and cutting calories to between 1600-1900 calories per day and got down to 195 lbs. My testosterone did not improve despite this and a urologist put me on Clomid. That got me in the high 300s to low 400s and eventually settling in at around 500. I tried getting off of it after getting fit but my testosterone plunged to 95. Last year my urologist had me switch to trt injections (100mg) weekly and I'm sitting around 700-800. I have mildly elevated hemocrit and hemoglobin. My endocrinologist wants me to wean off of the testosterone which I am doing. I am also on Mounjaro after regaining weight due to a torn rotator cuff and painful neuroma in my foot making working out more difficult (and yes eating too much). I am down to 185 and she wants me to lose 20lbs more. She says my test could possibly return to normal at that weight. If not, she is willing to do more testing. I'm wondering why the urologist didn't do more testing to begin with. I don't want to put myself at risk or permanently damage anything further. I know I am probably not going to feel great withdrawing from TRT but I'm willing to do it to see what happens. I am also prescribed Adderall by a psychiatric nurse and am worried about what it will do to my cardiovascular health. I have PTSD and treatment resistant depression but I'm not sure I have ADHD as those symptoms can overlap. None of this sounds particularly smart to me and I want to get off of the Adderall, too, but I'm scared of being mentally unbalanced withdrawing from all of this and with starting an amazing but demanding new job and making 6 figures for the first time in my life. It's going to be rough going for a while. I'm not looking for solutions but just some guidance about my situation. Thanks to anyone who reads this and can offer any thoughts.
submitted by the_noise_we_made to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:15 Foxtrott11 Labs 12 weeks after starting

Labs 12 weeks after starting
I am currently on 100mg a week of T(injection), AI, and 28 mg of clomid daily. So far I have lost 30 lbs over the last three months and feel better still wish I had more energy. Would you ask to increase T?
submitted by Foxtrott11 to trt [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:49 cfd4540 Starting clomid tomorrow..the Internet is freaking me out

Probably shouldn’t doom scroll but here we are 🥲.
A little back story about me I’ve had pcos since 2019, I would only get my period about twice MAYBE three times a year and I am completely anovulatory. My husband and I have been trying since November using only provera to get my periods started. But that was basically fruitless because I never ovulated during any of those cycles. She is starting me on clomid tomorrow. My first round is 100mg, unmonitored. I felt good about it until I started seeing all this stuff about unmonitored cycles causing cysts and thin linings and triplets and now I’m completely freaked out.
But since I don’t even ovulate naturally on my own, is it even dangerous to do my first round unmonitored? I feel like I won’t hyperovulate since I don’t ovulate at all if that makes sense? But now I feel like I don’t know anything about the treatment I’m about to receive😭 my OB said they also only do clomid cycles every other month to avoid hyperovulation, thin linings, etc. What do you guys think?
submitted by cfd4540 to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 23:26 cola_zerola Possible slow responder?

I went for my first monitoring appointment this morning (day 5 of stims, but had only completed 4 days since I take them at night). My E2 was 256 and I only have five follicles ranging from 7mm to 13mm (four on the right, one on the left). I am on Follistim 375 units, Clomid 100mg, and dexamethasone 1mg, and tomorrow I start Ganirelix. Age 35, AMH 0.86. Can someone talk me off the ledge? Did anyone else have not-stellar numbers to start and ended up with a million beautiful blasts? 😅 Also, I know everyone keeps saying “quality over quantity” but does low quantity often mean high quality? Who’s to say I don’t have either? Anyway. Thank you all for reading, and as always, for the support and sanity checks.
submitted by cola_zerola to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 15:21 Slick_Grimes Cyp vs Clomid monotherapy. Dr wants to switch me from shots to pills.

Started at 280 and am at 588 from ED Cyp 100mg per week and 250iu HCG EOD frequency. Feel the benefits already even though I'm most likely still adjusting. LH and FSH are undetectable. E2 is at 30.5 so about 5% my total level.
Went to a urologist today hoping to get a script and save money. She wants me on Clomid 25mg daily, taking 5 days of the month off instead. She's talking monotherapy here citing concerns about shutting off my production, I'm not sure I care.
The pharmacy has to order it so I have to pin anyway until then. Question is do I go from pinning one day to clomid the next, do I taper my cyp dosage down as I start taking it? Or am I going to be bummed on clomid alone (or at all)? I see some guys run clomid instead of HCG and if insurance will pay for that it's worth considering.
My E2 being where it is despite a low SHBG and high free was great news and I'm reading clomid monotherapy can elevate E2 which would suck. Appreciate any feedback.
submitted by Slick_Grimes to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 22:58 Slick_Grimes Cyp vs Clomid. Doc wants to switch me from shots to pills

Started at 280 and am at 588 from ED Cyp 100mg per week and 250iu HCG EOD frequency. Feel the benefits already even though I'm most likely still adjusting. LH and FSH are undetectable. E2 is at 30.5 so about 5% my total level.
Went to a urologist today hoping to get a script and save money. She wants me on Clomid 25mg daily, taking 5 days of the month off instead. She's talking monotherapy here citing concerns about shutting off my production, I'm not sure I care.
The pharmacy has to order it so I have to pin anyway until then. Question is do I go from pinning one day to clomid the next, do I taper my cyp dosage down as I start taking it? Or am I going to be bummed on clomid alone (or at all)? I see some guys run clomid instead of HCG and if insurance will pay for that it's worth considering.
My E2 being where it is despite a low SHBG and high free was great news and I'm reading clomid monotherapy can elevate E2 which would suck. Appreciate any feedback.
submitted by Slick_Grimes to trt [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 22:02 adult_in_training_ Clomid increase with no ovulation

I got pregnant on 50mg Clomid last year. unfortunately I had a miscarriage and a complicated one at that. I was finally able to start Clomid again in March and have been taking 50mg and ovulating each cycle. However, I would start bleeding 4 days after ovulation each time. My OBGYN says that my luteal phase may be too short and I may put me on 100mg this cycle to try to help extend it. However, I did not ovulate this cycle at all. My progesterone is usually around 27 at CD21 but this time it was 1.9. Has anyone experienced something similar or have any ideas why this has occurred?
submitted by adult_in_training_ to tryingtoconceive [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 22:01 adult_in_training_ No ovulation with increased Clomid

I got pregnant on 50mg Clomid last year. unfortunately I had a miscarriage and a complicated one at that. I was finally able to start Clomid again in March and have been taking 50mg and ovulating each cycle. However, I would start bleeding 4 days after ovulation each time. My OBGYN says that my luteal phase may be too short and I may put me on 100mg this cycle to try to help extend it. However, I did not ovulate this cycle at all. My progesterone is usually around 27 at CD21 but this time it was 1.9. Has anyone experienced something similar or have any ideas why this has occurred?
submitted by adult_in_training_ to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 19:23 mrg13010 Light line anxiety

I recently tested positive at 12/13DPO. We’ve been ttc for some time but had struggles due to annovulation. This past month was the first month on Clomid 100mg, and confirmed ovulation with ultrasound, blood test, and at home tests (opks/temping). Lh surge was on CD19, today is CD35. I was really trying not to get my hopes up and was not really expecting to get pregnant on my first cycle of Clomid. Imagine my shock when I saw those lines!! The lines at 12/13DPO were fairly light but definitely there and did not require squinting. Fast forward to today, 14/15DPO and I tested again this morning and the lines seem about the same. Fairly light (no lighter but seemingly no darker though). Woke up with swollen feeling breasts and some nausea throughout the day, but not sure if that is because of nerves.
Feeling a bit anxious because I was hoping for darker lines today. I’ve been using wondfo and easy@home, but ordered some FRER that should come in tomorrow. It’s really hard to get excited when you are obsessing over lines.
Am I being overly worried? Anyone else with light lines at 14/15DPO?
submitted by mrg13010 to CautiousBB [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 19:48 FreeBird094 Clomid second cycle

So, this is my second cycle with Clomid, this time the doc increased the dose to 100mg. I tested progesterone on Day 21 and it was 39.3 nmol/l. It shows in the lab report that ovulation is from 14 to 30 nmol/l but I assume that I ovulated this monthZ previous cycle progesterone was 0.4!
Today is CD27, I am in pain (right overy, lower abdomen, butt, and my nipples are sensitive) and I feel that my period is coming . Does that mean that I am out this month?
submitted by FreeBird094 to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 18:06 Lumpy-Cantaloupe1439 Best medicine/supplements to cambat mental ED and depression/anxiety.

Hi guys. 23 year old male, 5’8” 160lbs. Been dealing with erectile dysfunction for 4 years now (started at 19 years old).
I have gone to countless doctors throughout this years. I have gone to 3 urologists, I got scammed 5400 for shockwave therapy, and like 10 different visits between 3 clinics including a mens clinic.
Every doctor that has evaded me has said that I’m good physically. All lipid and hormonal panels have come out fine. Most recently I did an Doppler ultrasound to see if there was an issue with my penile arteries. Urologists showed me the ultrasound while he was doing it and he said my levels could not be more perfect. He showed both arteries pumping. And the ultrasound the waves were perfect. He said there’s no issue physically and that it’s all mental.
He told me to try a low dose of antidepressants, I told him I’m scared because antidepressants give you ED but he said it’s not true and he prescribed them all the time. This was the 3rd visit with this urologist.
It’s the second time I hear the antidepressant opinion, first time was a GP who told me to take fluoxetine. The urologist didn’t prescribe me any but in a podcast he mentioned he usually prescribed sertaline (I think that’s how you spell it).
I am too scared of antidepressants. There is a subreddit dedicated to permanent sexual dysfunction from antidepressants called pssd. But I just don’t know what else to do. I feel like I’m running in circles. These last 4 years have brought the most pain I’ve ever experienced, I haven’t woken up a day without wanting to kill myself due to this disease. This ED has taken my life away. I want to enjoy life but it’s impossible.
Things that I have tried are: clomid 50mg, taldalafil 5mg daily and 20mg as needed, sildenafil 50mg and 100mg, zinc 50mg, vitamin E, Viramin D, L-Cirruline 1200 mg, triple omega, ashwaganda, iron, magnesium, vitamin b12. Nothing has worked.
To clarify, my issue isn’t just performance anxiety. I cannot get hard alone, I cannot get hard to porn or imagination. My penis is completely dead.
I’ve heard buspar and Wellbutrin are good options but wanted to hear more.
submitted by Lumpy-Cantaloupe1439 to Biohackers [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 00:55 Professional_Mix_596 Deployment

I have a military deployment coming up where injectable test is No-Go. Currently on 100mg Test-c every 4 days with great results. It was prescribed by my urologist (was sub 220 before). Looking at alternatives:
  1. Cream/Gel: Could come in the same issue for resupply as it is still a controlled substance. And no it is technically illegal to have mailed from home directly to me. Could possibly have Tricare ship on express scripts. Amazon will not ship to an APO (where I currently get my RX from)
  2. Clomid: Could this be an option as it is not controlled and no pre authorization needed so could be shipped directly, or in a pinch by my wife. It’s super cheap also ($16 for 90 day supply).
But whatever would be 10-11 month stop gap till able to get back on injections.
What do yall think?
submitted by Professional_Mix_596 to trt [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 08:47 waltamason Modafinil and sleepless nights

Hello all! I apologize for her long post coming.
In 2010 I was diagnosed with mild sleep apnea. A few months before that time I started noticing a major increase in daytime sleepiness and fatigue. I’ve been successfully managing my sleep apnea since 2014, but still suffered from excessive sleepiness and fatigue during the day. In 2023 I was diagnosed with IH and started 100mg of modafinil daily.
Until I started modafinil I had no trouble falling asleep any thing during the day or night. It did help with my focus a bit, and a lot with making me alert. I never had the daily boosts that others have, I had to wait for it to build up to start seeing the effects. But I’m almost a year in and I have a different issue.
I take modafinil every morning around 6:30. I stay moderately sleepy during the morning. Then I start getting excessively sleepy during the mid/late afternoon, lasting into the evening. So much that at times it’s hard to function. If I go to bed by 8pm, I can sometimes sleep through the night. If I wait until 10pm or after (which is usually the case), my mind becomes more alert, awake, and focused than at any point during the day. This is slightly offset by the fatigue I feel from being awake all day, but I still can’t sleep.
Falling asleep earlier isn’t really a good solution because I often wake up at 11pm or so and can’t go back to sleep for hours.
I’m typing this at 1:40am. I went to bed at 11pm, and have been lying here trying to turn my brain off ever since. I finally decided to grab my phone an do some research a few minutes ago. I’ll be getting up in 4 hours. Again I’ll be draggy during the day, but super alert tomorrow evening. I’ve even stayed awake all night long before, been so sleepy I couldn’t function the next day, but found myself almost unable to sleep the next evening.
My sleep dr doesn’t really have an answer. Any one else have similar experience with modafinil? It’s like the effects are 12-16 hours being schedule for me.
submitted by waltamason to idiopathichypersomnia [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 11:12 Far_Bridge_2178 Help please guys

Help please guys
Hi all, need some help if possible. I started TRT around 5-6 weeks ago and it has been incredible up until week 4-5. I’ve experienced high oestrogen symptoms like a small amount of gyno, hot all the time, heavy anxiety, poor sleep and very achey joints. I was on 100mg/5days of C200 and have now reduced it to 80mg split into two doses every three days to see if that will reduce symptoms. It’s been a week and I’ve got progressively worse.
My pre trt levels were T 290 and E2 was 45 pmol/l - low for a 28
I had bloods after 4 weeks but 48 hours after pinning so my levels were crazy. 1700 Test and E2 was 250 pmol/l. That’s when I reduced dose.
I’ve tried not to add an AI or any other compounds to the mix until I get my bloods done again in two weeks.
Any advice or is it just wait it out and bear the awful side effects until I see my next bloods. These will be taken at the nadir, just when I should be taking my next dose.
I have Clomid on hand, I’ve read mixed reviews on taking it with exogenous Test. Could this save me from the awful effects I’m getting right now?
Thanks in advance
submitted by Far_Bridge_2178 to trt [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 17:02 nattydaddyswife clomid question!

last month i was prescribed clomid 100mg, i ovulated but we were unsuccessful in conceiving. while i was on the medicine i felt so off and out of it, my doc said that was normal. fast forward to this month, taking it again, and i feel nothing? i was so worried i would feel the same way but i don't. has this happened to anyone else? is it because my body is use to the medicine from last month?
submitted by nattydaddyswife to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 17:17 Individual-Soft-6191 Bleeding 4dpo/3rd clomid round

I wanted to see if anyone has any experiences like this:
I'm 4dpo but last night started experiencing bleeding and not light bleeding but more like a regular flow and crimsonin color. I know it's too much and too early for implantation, but I thought it was also too early for my period to start? I'm just so confused as to what is happening and I know that may sound really stupid but for background:
I have not had a period on my own in about decade (maybe longer?) other than one very short random one 2 years ago. I have to take medroxyprogesterone in order to have one so I know when it's going to happen. I'm also on my 3rd round of clomid 100mg, and this is the first cycle my levels actually spiked, the others were pretty up and down all cycle. Peak this cycle- lh 22.5, with a bbt of 98.67.
submitted by Individual-Soft-6191 to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 19:49 MarchingOn9 Clomid & Estrogen

I started 100mg clomid on CD 2 (5days) and began 375 Gonal-f CD 5. I went in for bloodwork this morning CD7 and my estrogen was only 52. Am I screwed? I go back in 3 days.
This is my first time using clomid in a stim cycle. Do those 5 days of clomid count as stims? Or do my follicles still have time to wake up?
submitted by MarchingOn9 to DOR [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 23:46 Iris-4-lyfe Clomid

I have been trying to get pregnant for a while now so my Dr finally prescribed me Clomid. I read a 2010 Harvard study that women who used clomid had double the risk of having a child with autism. If you took clomid can you tell me if your child turned out autistic or not please. TIA. If your child is autist, how many rounds of clomid and dose did you take? Now I’m scared to take Clomid. I’m wondering if this is true because my friend took Clomid and she does have an autistic child.
submitted by Iris-4-lyfe to breastfeeding [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 15:39 Worldly_Link_2180 Noticing a change!! Feeling hopeful.

Thought I'd share this to give some hope for those who need it.
I've had PCOS forever but have really been struggling with it since TTC a year ago. I lost my first pregnancy in February, which I coped with by pouring all my energy into managing my PCOS (I'm terrified by all the increased miscarriage rates, don't think I could live through it again.) I've lost about 13 pounds since September. I ate in a calorie deficit, avoided gluten and dairy about 70% (I cheated A LOT) of the time, and walked 8k steps a day. I've been taking Myo Inositol for about two months and have recently added on Vitamin D 4000units, Berberine 1000mg, CQ10 200mg, R-Liphoic 200mg, Prenatas w/ methyfolate (I have MTHFR). I reduced my caffeine consumption but did not give it up. I went from about 400mg a day to now about 50-100mg. I reduced alcohol consumption but will still average about 4 drinks/week. I mediate for at least 5 minutes/day which has really improved my sleep.
This past month I switched to low carb and allowed dairy. I also started drinking two cups of spearmint tea a day. I don't know what did it or if it's a combination of all my efforts- but this past week I've noticed my hirsutism has really slowed!! This is amazing for me because it has always been my MOST persistent symptom, even when my weight was well managed. The only thing that has ever worked for me is my hirsutism is spironolactone, which I can't use while TTC. The scale is also moving faster since switching to low carb. I can't speak to my cycles because I never got a period after my miscarriage, so I took Clomid. If this cycle does not work I am going to allow my body to try to ovulate on it's own.
I have felt so overwhelmed by this condition and struggling with fears I'll never be a mother. I still have an uphill battle for my fertility but I'm feeling way more in control and hopeful at this point. Don't give up! I think it's really important to understand that PCOS is not one size fits all, especially with diet. People have different carb tolerances and I have realized mine is on the lower end (I wore a CGM for a couple months that confirmed this). Also, not everyone can tolerate dairy. So far, I have no issues but if I notice any worsening symptoms I will cut it out again.
submitted by Worldly_Link_2180 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 18:42 Tough-Locksmith-3804 Pain in joints and tendons

Hey guys
I ran a short Test E cycle (it was supposed to be trt, but I was forced to stop for a reason) followed by pct where I took hcg 2000ui every 3 day for 2 weeks. Clomid for 4 weeks 100mg first week, 50mg second week, 25mg 3 week and 12.5mg the last week. Nolvadex for 4 weeks 40, 30, 20 and 10mg.
I started having pain from my tendons - shoulders and knees. And pain from my spine. I also have pain from some muscles on my back, especially the neck.
I have now started on trt again because of the pain (testosterone has helped me with pain and recovery before), but not this time! The pain is still there and there are days where the pain is unbearable! My shoulders and knees sound like there is sand inside! Every time I move everything cracks and pops!! My mood, sexdrive and all those things are just not like before on testosterone! I have no clue what is going on! Could all that be because i have killed my estrogen with the nolvadex and clomid!? Why isn't it coming back now that I am on trt 150mg ew! I hope you can help me, because the pain I am living in is killing me!!!
submitted by Tough-Locksmith-3804 to Testosterone [link] [comments]