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Fallout 76 Reddit

2018.05.29 20:09 VaultOfDaedalus Fallout 76 Reddit

The Fallout Networks subreddit for Fallout 76. Guides, builds, News, events, and more. Your #1 source for Fallout 76

2018.11.28 23:04 CertifiedBagel The Outer Worlds

This subreddit is dedicated to The Outer Worlds; a single-player first-person sci-fi RPG from Obsidian Entertainment and Private Division

2016.09.01 07:58 MudMupp3t Starfield

This subreddit is dedicated to Starfield, a role-playing space game developed by Bethesda Game Studios.

2024.05.21 23:14 doedobrd How to fix my CustomTkinter YT downloader .exe file

I made a small project using CustomTkinter and Pytube to download YouTube videos with a simple GUI.
the program has zero errors when run as a .py file in the IDE and Windows if I double-click or use the terminal.
I then proceeded to use auto-py-to-exe to convert the file into a .exe file. I followed the instructions on the CustomTkinter website and although I had some trouble I managed to get through the process.
the final .exe file, however, does run but only for a moment before closing itself again. By running the .exe from a cmd terminal based in the directory of the file I was able to get an error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "PyInstaller\hooks\rthooks\pyi_rth_pkgres.py", line 158, in
File "PyInstaller\hooks\rthooks\pyi_rth_pkgres.py", line 36, in _pyi_rthook
File "PyInstaller\loader\pyimod02_importers.py", line 419, in exec_module
File "pkg_resources\__init__.py", line 77, in
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pkg_resources.extern'
[55288] Failed to execute script 'pyi_rth_pkgres' due to unhandled exception!
I was unable to find a solution to this and so I have ended up here.
Do you know what could be causing this error? or if indeed this is the reason the program does not properly function?
Full code:
import tkinter
import customtkinter
#from pytubefix import YouTube
from tkinter import filedialog
from moviepy.editor import *
from pathvalidate import sanitize_filename
#from pytubefix import Playlist
#from pytubefix.cli import on_progress\
from pytube import *
app = customtkinter.CTk(fg_color="black")
app.title("YouTube Download")
app.after(201, lambda :app.iconbitmap("normally this is the path to the file but i have removed it for privacy"))
font = customtkinter.CTkFont(family='Trade Gothic LT Bold Condensed No. 20', size=30)
font2 = customtkinter.CTkFont(family='Trade Gothic LT Bold Condensed No. 20', size=20)
menu = ''
currenttype = ''
def MainMenuGUI():
menu = 'main'
app.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
app.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=1)
app.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=1)
app.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
app.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
WhatLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=100, pady=50)
Videobutton.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=customtkinter.W, padx=50)
AudioButton.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=customtkinter.E, padx=50)
PVideobutton.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=customtkinter.W, padx=50, pady=50)
PAudioButton.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=customtkinter.E, padx=50, pady=50)
def mp4_to_mp3(mp4, mp3):
mp4_without_frames = AudioFileClip(mp4)
mp4_without_frames.close() # function call mp4_to_mp3("my_mp4_path.mp4", "audio.mp3")
def DownloadGUI(dtype):
global menu
menu = dtype
global currenttype
currenttype = dtype
app.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=100)
app.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=10)
app.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=1)
app.grid_rowconfigure(3, weight=100)
title.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.S)
link.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2)
download.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N)
finishLabel.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N)
backbutton.grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=1)
if currenttype == "Video" or currenttype == "Audio":
title.configure(text="Insert a YouTube link")
download.configure(command=lambda: startdownload(dtype=currenttype))
title.configure(text="Insert a playlist link")
download.configure(command=lambda: startdownloadP(dtype=currenttype))
link.delete(0, customtkinter.END)
def startdownload(dtype):
ytlink = link.get()
ytobject = YouTube(ytlink, on_progress_callback=Vprog)
global menu
menu = str(dtype) + 'Download'
path = tkinter.filedialog.askdirectory(initialdir="/", mustexist=True, parent=app)
pPercent.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.S)
Vprogbar.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N)
if dtype == "Video":
video = ytobject.streams.get_highest_resolution()
elif dtype == "Audio":
audio = ytobject.streams.get_audio_only()
if os.path.exists(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4"):
audio.download(output_path=str(path), filename=sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4")
clip = AudioFileClip(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4")
clip.write_audiofile(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4"[:-4] + ".mp3")
if os.path.exists(str(path)+"/"+sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4"):
os.remove(str(path)+"/"+sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4")
audio.download(output_path=str(path), filename=sanitize_filename(audio.title)+".mp4")
clip = AudioFileClip(str(path)+"/"+sanitize_filename(audio.title)+".mp4")
clip.write_audiofile(str(path)+"/"+sanitize_filename(audio.title)+".mp4"[:-4] + ".mp3")
if os.path.exists(str(path)+"/"+sanitize_filename(audio.title)+".mp4"):
finishLabel.configure(text="downloaded", text_color="white")
finishLabel.configure(text="Download has failed", text_color="red")
title.configure(text="Insert a YouTube link")
link.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2)
def startdownloadP(dtype):
vcount = 0
vccount = 0
playlink = Playlist(link.get())
path = tkinter.filedialog.askdirectory(initialdir="/", mustexist=True, parent=app)
pPercent.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.S)
ppPercent.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N, pady=20)
Vprogbar.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N)
Pprogbar.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N, pady=10)
for _ in playlink.videos:
vcount += 1
Pprog(vcount, 0)
for vid in playlink.videos:
vccount += 1
Pprog(vcount, vccount)
global menu
menu = str(dtype) + 'Download'
if dtype == "VideoPlaylist":
video = vid.streams.get_highest_resolution()
elif dtype == "AudioPlaylist":
audio = vid.streams.get_audio_only()
if os.path.exists(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4"):
audio.download(output_path=str(path), filename=sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4")
clip = AudioFileClip(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4")
clip.write_audiofile(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4"[:-4] + ".mp3")
if os.path.exists(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4"):
os.remove(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4")
audio.download(output_path=str(path), filename=sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4")
clip = AudioFileClip(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4")
clip.write_audiofile(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4"[:-4] + ".mp3")
if os.path.exists(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4"):
os.remove(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4")
finishLabel.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N)
finishLabel.configure(text="All videos downloaded", text_color="white")
def Vprog(stream, chunk, bytes_remaining):
total_size = stream.filesize
bytes_downloaded = total_size - bytes_remaining
percentage_complete = bytes_downloaded / total_size * 100
per = str(int(percentage_complete))
pPercent.configure(text=per + "%")
Vprogbar.set(float(percentage_complete / 100))
def Pprog(total, current):
percentage_done = current / total * 100
per = str(int(percentage_done))
ppPercent.configure(text=per + "%")
Pprogbar.set(float(percentage_done / 100))
def Back():
if 'Download' in menu:
urlvar = tkinter.StringVar()
title = customtkinter.CTkLabel(app, text="Insert a YouTube link", fg_color='White',corner_radius=10, padx=50, font=font)
link = customtkinter.CTkEntry(app, width=350, height=40, textvariable=urlvar)
finishLabel = customtkinter.CTkLabel(app, text="", text_color="white")
pPercent = customtkinter.CTkLabel(app, text="0%", text_color="white")
ppPercent = customtkinter.CTkLabel(app, text="0%", text_color="white")
Vprogbar = customtkinter.CTkProgressBar(app, width=400, progress_color="red")
Pprogbar = customtkinter.CTkProgressBar(app, width=400, progress_color="red")
download = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text="Download", command=lambda: startdownload(dtype=currenttype), fg_color="#e8e6e6", text_color="black", hover_color='#c0c0c0')
backbutton = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text_color='black', text="back", width=50, height=50, fg_color='#333333', hover_color='#c0c0c0', command=Back)
WhatLabel = customtkinter.CTkLabel(app, text="What would you like to download?", fg_color='White',corner_radius=10, padx=50, font=font)
Videobutton = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text='Video', width=250, height=150, font=font2, fg_color='#b01214', hover_color='#590404', command=lambda: DownloadGUI(dtype='Video'))
AudioButton = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text='Audio', width=250, height=150, font=font2, fg_color='#b01214', hover_color='#590404', command=lambda: DownloadGUI(dtype='Audio'))
PVideobutton = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text='Video Playlist', width=250, height=150, font=font2, fg_color='#b01214', hover_color='#590404', command=lambda: DownloadGUI(dtype='VideoPlaylist'))
PAudioButton = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text='Audio Playlist', width=250, height=150, font=font2, fg_color='#b01214', hover_color='#590404', command=lambda: DownloadGUI(dtype='AudioPlaylist'))
submitted by doedobrd to learnpython [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:14 Next-Flower-6161 [Game Thread] (11) Washington Mystics (0-3) vs (10) Los Angeles Sparks (0-2) ~ Tipoff - May 21st, 2024 10:00PM ET ~ WNBA League Pass

[Game Thread] (11) Washington Mystics (0-3) vs (10) Los Angeles Sparks (0-2) ~ Tipoff - May 21st, 2024 10:00PM ET ~ WNBA League Pass

Game Information

Washington Mystics vs Los Angeles Sparks

Game Information

TIME MEDIA Location Broadcast
Eastern: 10:00PM Game Preview WNBA.com Walter Pyramid US: League Pass
Central: 9:00PM ESPN Gamecast Long Beach, CA Canada: NBA TV Canada
Mountain: 8:00PM WNBA League Pass Local Home Team Broadcaster: Spectrum SportsNet
Pacific: 7:00PM Local Road Team Broadcaster: MNMT

Road Team

Washington Mystics

Team Homepage Team Roster & Coaching Staff
Social Media Local Television & Broadcast
Twitter NBC Sports Washington
Instagram Monumental

Home Team

Los Angeles Sparks

Team Homepage Team Roster & Coaching Staff
Social Media Local Television & Broadcast
Twitter Spectrum SportsNet
Want to use my 2024 WNBA Templates and help contribute posting game threads for wnba? Download here!. A potential 255 Game Threads for the entire for 1 person is a lot of work. Ahayling needs volunteers so he cannot be relied upon.
Read The Flow Chart if you're Watching Games Courtesy of @cwetzel31 on Twitter for those if you're planning to watch the games.
submitted by Next-Flower-6161 to wnba [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:11 vern-vern not enough free memory for american rising 2

im currently having trouble with american rising 2 and it refusing to download i have deleted multiple mods from my load order and uninstalled multiple stuff off of my xbox harddrive and it still wont let me download the mod does anyone know what i can do to fix this?
submitted by vern-vern to Fallout4ModsXB1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:07 Kazzhian Should I try installing windows 11?

Hi, I’m a PC noob and have tried everything I could by searching online but still couldn’t solve the problem with my PC.
My PC broke a couple of weeks ago saying to reboot and select proper boot device. My friend advised me to buy a new hdd since my mobo is not reading my previous hdd.
After a week, I bought a new hdd and freshly installed windows 10. Pc worked fine overnight as I installed and played league for over an hour. I tried installing Honkai Star Rail overnight as I went to bed and left it downloading, only to find out it wouldn’t open past the troubleshooting window. I tried restarting and it kept going through repair mode and back to the troubleshooting window.
I tried wiping the drive clean and making a new install of windows 10, all went well and again I installed LoL and was able to play for a couple of hours. I tried installing HSR again and I noticed that at some point the downloading stops and my pc freezes. After this, I stopped the download and immediately uninstalled HSR.
Over the past few weeks I tried installing HSR again while checking online possible causes of the freezes and the only thing that I saw was that windows 10 was seeing HSR’s anti cheat as a malware which was causing the random freezes then eventually crashing windows.
I got frustrated since previously, before my hdd broke, I was able to play any game without any issue and without changing anything settings such as firewall. Still, I decided not to install HSR again since it might cause another BSod and make me install windows again.
However, since Wuthering Waves is coming a few days from now, I tried pre downloading hoping that the same thing won’t happen. I was pretty optimistic since hoyoverse and kuro are different companies after all. And well to my surprise, now my pc froze and again BSoD. I can’t get past the troubleshooting window again and might need to reinstall windows.
I’m thinking, should I just clone my sister’s windows 11 and pray to god I can play wuthering waves upon launch? Does anyone have any idea on what might be the issue here? or If anyone has any suggestion?
PC specs: PROCE : RYZEN 5 3600 MOBO : B450 Mortar Max RAM: 2 X 8Gb DDR4 3200mhz GPU : 1650 super palit 4gb SSD : 480gb Kingston PSU :Corsair 450W
submitted by Kazzhian to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:02 placidSine CRUMPTON SMP [Modded] {1.20.1} {Java} {Create} {Prox Chat} {16+} [CONTENT CREATORS WANTED]

HEY. We are looking for active members who are 16+ and preferably make content. Harassment, stealing, bullying, hacking, and griefing aren't allowed obviously. Server will be a dedicated Java one, and the modpack is downloaded through curseforge (we can help anyone struggling to download it). We are mostly chill but the mod has guns and other special features which bring a fresh and interesting take on the SMP genre. Our modpack includes NEW and IMPROVED
If you are interested apply for the server here! https://forms.gle/61dpE6RnHKdm5iteA
submitted by placidSine to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:00 placidSine CRUMPTON SMP [Modded] {1.20.1} {Java} {Create} {Prox Chat} {16+} [CONTENT CREATORS WANTED]

HEY. We are looking for active members who are 16+ and preferably make content. Harassment, stealing, bullying, hacking, and griefing aren't allowed obviously. Server will be a dedicated Java one, and the modpack is downloaded through curseforge (we can help anyone struggling to download it). We are mostly chill but the mod has guns and other special features which bring a fresh and interesting take on the SMP genre. Our modpack includes NEW and IMPROVED
If you are interested apply for the server here! https://forms.gle/61dpE6RnHKdm5iteA
submitted by placidSine to MinecraftSMPs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:59 GalacticCalamity Skrowell LV.4 - Burning Star [Burn Out] +HR (7.89*) 97.00% 1xMiss 747/1800x #9 322pp

Skrowell LV.4 - Burning Star [Burn Out] +HR (7.89*) 97.00% 1xMiss 747/1800x #9 322pp submitted by GalacticCalamity to osugame [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:54 Spartanlocke4 Xenia help?

Xenia help?
Everyone says to exit out of the screen and a config file will show up but nothing ain’t showing up.
submitted by Spartanlocke4 to PiratedGames [link] [comments]


VANCOUVER, BC , May 21, 2024 /CNW/ - Kootenay Silver Inc. (TSXV: KTN) (the "Company" or "Kootenay") is very pleased to announce results from the first six drill holes targeting the eastern extension of the D-Vein target.
Four of the first six holes (CDH-24-148 to 151) were deliberately drilled at shallow levels to establish dip orientation of the vein before testing the deeper productive zone. Outcrop exposure is limited in the drilling area and initial holes drilled for structure followed by holes CDH-24-152 and 153 that drilled for grade at a significant 200 meter step out from previous intercepts at a comparable depth.
Holes CDH-24-152 and 153 targeted D-Vein at or below the important elevation of 1750 meters above sea level below which, as a rule of thumb at Columba Project, high silver grades are encountered. These two holes are on the same fence and are both very large step outs of 200 meters from the nearest intercept below 1750m elevation (CDH-23-147). and both intercepted mineralization in the D-vein. The two holes are 150 meters apart in the dip direction.
Holes CDH-24-152 to 153 increase the previously established 450 meter strike length to 650 meters between holes CDH-23-136 to 137 and CDH-24-152 to 153.
  • 435 gpt silver over 11 meters drilled width/3.52 meters estimated true width within 183 gpt silver over 40 meters drilled width/12.96 meters estimated true width
  • 920 gpt silver assay high over 1.35 meters drilled width/0.43 meters est. true width
  • Very large lateral step out along strike from nearest holes at similar elevation around 1600 to 1675m
  • ~325 meters from CDH-23-145 (22 meters/15.4 meters est. true width of 174 gpt silver with 6 meters/4.2 meters est. true width of 435 gpt silver and 1 meter of 814 gpt silver ) 1
  • ~375 meters from CDH-22-128 (20 meters/13.6 meters est. true width of 136 gpt silver with 2 meters of 520 gpt silver) 2
  • Large step out along strike of previous drilling.
  • Tests the upper edge of high grade zone near 1775 meter above seal level
  • ~ 200 meters along strike of CDH-23-147 ( 532 gpt silver over 8 meters drilled/4.96 meters est. true width within 219 gpt silver over 28 meters) 3
  • ~ 150 meters up dip of CDH-24-153
  • 347 gpt silver over 5.6 meters drilled/3.36 meters est. true width within 240 gpt silver over 9.0 meters drilled /5.4 meters est. true width.
  • 492 gpt silver over 2.65 meters drilled/1.59 meters est. true width.
The current drilling program is designed to find the strike extent of D-Vein mineralization in preparation of infill drilling and a now fully funded follow up program of 20,000 meters, aimed to delineate a maiden resource expected in late 2024. In addition to the D-Vein, the Company maintains a priority list of new vein targets and known vein extensions all warranting drill testing.
Kootenay's President & CEO, James McDonald states, "We increased the magnitude of step outs on the D-Vein with 100 to 300 meter step outs to great success on the first few holes. These large step outs along strike and down dip are rapidly building volume of mineralized vein. We are very excited to continue stepping out and are preparing to add a drill rig to test high priority targets while one will remain dedicated to step out then infill drilling of D-Vein."
Drill highlights, maps and sections from the project are tabulated on the Company's website at the links below
Click to view the , , and cross sections
Table 1. D Vein Intercepts from shallow drilling
Table 2. Highlights of Drill holes Targeting D-Vein Below 1750m elevation
As previously mentioned, results discussed herein represent the first series of holes designed as aggressive step outs along the D-Vein structure in a region where the structure is not visible at surface. Holes CDH-24-148 to CDH-24-151 successfully intersected the target at shallow depths, above the projected upper horizon of strong mineralization. These holes will provide invaluable information for subsequent drilling targeting high grade mineralization. Holes CDH-24-152 and CDH-24-153 intersected the D Vein at a deeper levels and silver grades returned were correspondingly higher.
The company has completed over 30,000 meters of diamond drilling in 153 holes at Columba since 2019 and intercepted numerous veins with high silver grades and widths indicating excellent resource potential. Prospective veins on the project are hosted within a volcanic caldera setting, the surface extent of mapped veins measuring roughly 4 kilometres by 3 kilometres. Management believes that Columba may be a newly recognized vein district that is nearly entirely preserved from erosion.
A comprehensive list of drill results completed on the Columba Property since 2019 may be viewed here: Columba Drill Results
Sampling and QA/QC at Columba
All technical information for the Columba exploration program is obtained and reported under a formal quality assurance and quality control ("QA/QC") program. Samples are taken from core cut in half with a diamond saw under the direction of qualified geologists and engineers. Samples are then labeled, placed in plastic bags, sealed and with interval and sample numbers recorded. Samples are delivered by the Company to ALS Minerals ("ALS") in Chihuahua. The Company inserts blanks, standards and duplicates at regular intervals as follows. On average a blank is inserted every 100 samples beginning at the start of sampling and again when leaving the mineral zone. Standards are inserted when entering the potential mineralized zone and in the middle of them, on average one in every 25 samples is a standard. Duplicates are taken in the mineralized intervals at an average 2 duplicates for each hole.
The samples are dried, crushed and pulverized with the pulps being sent airfreight for analysis by ALS in Vancouver, B.C. Systematic assaying of standards, blanks and duplicates is performed for precision and accuracy. Analysis for silver, zinc, lead and copper and related trace elements was done by ICP four acid digestion, with gold analysis by 30-gram fire assay with an AA finish. All drilling reported is HQ core and was completed by Globextools, S.A. de C.V. of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Qualified Persons
The Kootenay technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with the Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43-101 (Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects) and reviewed and approved on behalf of Kootenay by Mr. Dale Brittliffe, BSc. P. Geol., Vice President, Exploration of Kootenay Silver, is the Company's nominated Qualified Person pursuant to National Instrument 43-101, Standards for Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has reviewed the scientific and technical information disclosed in this news release. Mr. Brittliffe is not independent of Kootenay Silver.
About Kootenay Silver Inc.
Kootenay Silver Inc. is an exploration company actively engaged in the discovery and development of mineral projects in the Sierra Madre Region of Mexico Mexico , Kootenay continues to provide its shareholders with significant leverage to silver prices. The Company remains focused on the expansion of its current silver resources, new discoveries and the near-term economic development of its priority silver projects located in prolific mining districts in Sonora , State and Chihuahua, State, Mexico , respectively.
*The information in this news release has been prepared as at May 20, 2024
Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of factors and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by Kootenay as of the date of such statements, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies. Many factors, known and unknown, could cause actual results to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made. Except as otherwise required by law, Kootenay expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any such statements to reflect any change in Kootenay's expectations or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based.
Cautionary Note to US Investors: This news release includes Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources classification terms that comply with reporting standards in Canada and the Mineral Reserves and the Mineral Resources estimates are made in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (" NI 43-101 "). NI 43-101 is a rule developed by the Canadian Securities Administrators that establishes standards for all public disclosure an issuer makes of scientific and technical information concerning mineral projects. These standards differ significantly from the requirements adopted by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the " SEC "). The SEC sets rules that are applicable to domestic United States reporting companies. Consequently, Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources information included in this news release is not comparable to similar information that would generally be disclosed by domestic U.S. reporting companies subject to the reporting and disclosure requirements of the SEC. Accordingly, information concerning mineral deposits set forth herein may not be comparable with information made public by companies that report in accordance with U.S. standards.
View original content to download multimedia: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/drilling-dramatically-increases-strike-length-of-d-vein-with-highs-to-920-gpt-silver-and-4-1-lead-zinc-at-columba-high-grade-silver-project-302150753.html
SOURCE Kootenay Silver Inc.

View original content to download multimedia: http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/May2024/21/c8788.html
Universal Site Links
submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to Treaty_Creek [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:45 KiraWinchester H: trades (list below) W: items off wish list

Rare apparel
Overeater's Civil Engineer 1S/WWR (chest, left arm, right arm, right leg)
Overeater's FSA 1S/WWR right leg
Overeater's Excavator 1S/WWR (left arm, right leg)
Vanguard's Scout 1S/WWR (left arm, right arm, right leg)
Vanguard's Excavator 1S/WWR (chest, left arm, right leg)
COMPLETE TRADE LIST: (Thank you for your time browsing this huge list!!!)
FIXERS: AA/25/15r,,, AA/25/15v,,, AA/50c/15v,,, AA/50vhc/25,,, AA/50L/25,,, AA/AP/25,,, AA/E/Dur,,, Ari/25/15r,,, Ari/E/15r,,, Ari/E/25,,, As/E/25,,, B/25/15v,,, B/50L/25,,, B/E/Dur,,, B/25,,, Exe/AP/25,,, Exe/E/25,,, GouE/25,,, GS/E/25,,, H/50c/25,,, Jug/50c/25,,, Jug/AP/25,,, Junk/25/15r,,, Junk/50c/15v,,, Junk/50L/25,,, Junk/AP/25,,, Junk/E/15v,,, Med/25/25,,, Med/50c/25,,, Med/AP/25,,, M/25,,, MS/50c/25,,, MS/AP/25,,, N/AP/25,,, N/E/25,,, Q/25/15r,,, Q/25/15v,,, Q/AP/25,,, Q/E/15r,,, St/50c/25,,, St/AP/25,,, St/E/25,,, S/25,,, Su/AP/25,,, Su/E/25,,, T/50c/25,,, T/AP/25,,, TS/25/15r,,, TS/25/15v,,, TS/50vhc/25,,, TS/AP/25,,, V/AP/25,,, Z/25/25,,, Z/50c/25,,, Z/E/25
HANDMADES: AA/E/15v,,, I/E/25,,, Junk/25/15r,,, Junk/50c/25,,, MS/E/25,,, M/25,,, M/25,,, Q/50c/25,,, Q/E/15r,,, Q/E/50
HEAVY WEAPONS: AA/25/15r AGL,,, AA/25/90 AGL,,, AA/25/15r Cryolator,,, AA/E/25 Gatling Gun,,, AA/25/90 Harpoon Gun,,, As/25A/90 Fatman,,, As/25/15r Gatling Laser,,, As/25/90 Gatling Plasma,,, B/25/15r 50cal,,, B/E/Gho 50cal,,, B/50L/90 AGL,,, B/25A/90 Cryolator,,, B/50L/90 Cryolator,,, B/25A/90 Missile Launcher,,, B/50vhc/90 Missile Launcher,,, B/25/90 Ultracite Gatling Laser,,, B/25/Dur Ultracite Gatling Laser,,, B/90 Gatling Gun,,, Exe/50c/15r Flamer,,, Exe/25A/90 Gatling Plasma,,, Exe/E/25 LMG,,, F/50c/25 Cryolator,,, Jug/25/15r Cryolator,,, N/25/15r 50cal,,, Q/50L/90 Minigun,,, Q/E/Gho Minigun,,, Q/50L/15r Pepper Shaker,,, T/25/15r Cryolator,,, TS/25A/90 Broadsider,,, TS/25/15r Gatling Gun,,, TS/E/90 LMG,,, TS/E/25 Minigun,,, TS/25A/15r Missile Launcher,,, V/25/15r 50cal,,, V/25/25 Broadsider,,, V/25A/90 Cryolator,,, V/AP/15r Flamer,,, V/25/25 Gatling Gun,,, V/50L/90 Harpoon Gun,,, Z/E/90 LMG
LEGACIES: Stalker's SS/1S melee: Bowie Knife,,, Chinese Officer Sword,,, Cultist Dagger,,, Guitar Sword,,, Revolutionary Sword,,, Walking Cane
MELEE: AA/SS/1S Cultist Blade,,, AA/SS/1S Death Tambo,,, AA/SS/1S Deathclaw Gauntlet,,, AA/40P/1S Gulper Smacker,,, AA/SS/1S Meat Hook,,, AA/SS/1S Pole Hook,,, AA/50c/15v Power Fist,,, AA/SS/1S Revolutionary Sword,,, AA/50L/1S Ripper,,, AA/SS/1S Spear,,, AA/SS/1S Super Sledge,,, Ari/40P/1S Drill,,, Ari/SS/1S Sledgehammer,,, Ari/SS/1S War Drum,,, As/40P/1S Chainsaw,,, As/40P/1S Drill,,, As/SS/1S Sheepsquatch Staff,,, B/50L/1S Chainsaw,,, B/AP/1S Chainsaw,,, B/SS/1S Chinese Officer Sword,,, B/SS/1S Deathclaw Gauntlet,,, B/50c/1S Drill,,, B/SS/25 Gulper Smacker,,, B/SS/25 Meat Hook,,, B/SS/90 Power Fist,,, B/SS/1S Power Fist,,, B/50c/25 Spear,,, B/1S Combat Knife,,, Exe/40P/25 Drill,,, Exe/SS/1S Fire Axe,,, Exe/SS/1S Pitchfork,,, Exe/50c/1S Power Fist,,, GouSS/1S Hatchet,,, GouSS/1S Super Sledge,,, GS/SS/1S Chainsaw,,, I/SS/1S Death Tambo,,, I/40P/40 Drill,,, I/SS/1S Golf Club,,, I/SS/1S Pitchfork,,, I/SS/1S Shepherd's Crook,,, I/SS/1S Super Sledge,,, Junk/SS/1S Assaultron Blade,,, Junk/SS/1S Rolling Pin,,, Junk/SS/1S Security Baton,,, M/1S Deathclaw Gauntlet,,, M/1S Gulper Smacker,,, M/1S Switchblade,,, MS/SS/1S Baseball Bat,,, MS/SS/1S Shishkebab,,, MS/SS/1S Shovel,,, MS/SS/1S Switchblade,,, S/1S Assaultron Blade,,, S/1S Cultist Blade,,, S/1S Revolutionary Sword,,, S/1S Spear,,, S/1S Tire Iron,,, T/SS/1S Baseball Bat,,, T/SS/1S Bowie Knife,,, T/SS/1S Golf Club,,, T/SS/1S Machete,,, T/SS/1S Sledgehammer,,, V/SS/1S Combat Knife,,, V/SS/1S Deathclaw Gauntlet,,, V/SS/1S Pole Hook,,, V/SS/1S Shishkebab,,, V/SS/1S Sledgehammer,,, Z/SS/1S Buzz Blade,,, Z/40P/1S Chainsaw,,, Z/SS/1S Fire Axe,,, Z/SS/1S Knuckles,,, Z/SS/1S Pipe Wrench
RAILWAYS: AA/50c/25,,, AA/50vhc/25,,, AA/E/15v,,, AA/E/25,,, Ari/25/15r,,, B/50vhc/25,,, B/E/15r,,, B/E/90,,, F/50c/25,,, F/E/25,,, GS/50c/25,,, H/50c/25,,, I/25/25,,, I/50c/25,,, Junk/E/25,,, Q/25/15v,,, Q/50L/90,,, Q/E/1P,,, St/50c/25,,, S/25,,, TS/50L/25,,, TS/50vhc/25,,, TS/50c/15r,,, TS/AP/25,,, TS/E/Dur,,, V/25/25,,, V/50c/25,,, Z/E/90
TESLAS: AA/25/15r,,, AA/AP/25,,, AA/25/25,,, As/25/25,,, B/25/25,,, B/25/90,,, B/25/Dur,,, B/25/Gho,,, B/15r,,, B/25,,, Exe/25/15r,,, Exe/25/25,,, Exe/25/90,,, Exe/50L/15r,,, Ext/25/15r,,, F/25/15r,,, GS/25/25,,, GS/25/90,,, GS/50c/25,,, H/25/15r,,, I/25/15r,,, Junk/25/15r,,, Junk/50L/15r,,, Med/25/25,,, MS/50c/25,,, M/15r,,, M/25,,, N/25/25,,, Q/25**,,, Q/AP/25,,, St/25/25,,, St/25/90,,, S/90,,, S/25,,, T/25/15r,,, TS/25/15r,,, TS/25/25,,, TS/50L/15r,,, V/25/15r,,, V/25/15v,,, V/25/90,,, V/25/250,,, V/25/Dur,,, V/50c/15r,,, V/50L/15r,,, Z/25/15r,,, Z/25/90
AA/25/25 Assaultron Head,,, AA/50c/15v Crossbow,,, AA/50c/25 Crossbow,,, AA/50L/25 Enclave Plasma Rifle,,, AA/25/25 Gamma Gun,,, AA/50c/25 Pipe Bolt Action Pistol/Rifle,,, AA/25/15r Plasma Pistol/Rifle,,, As/50c/25 Crossbow,,, As/25/25 Gauss Rifle,,, As/50c/25 Laser Pistol/Rifle,,, B/AP/25 Compound Bow,,, B/25/25 Gauss Rifle,,, B/25 Bow,,, B/25 Crossbow,,, B/25 SMG,,, Exe/50L/25 Alien Blaster,,, Exe/50c/25 Blunderbuss,,, Exe/50c/25 Combat Rifle,,, Exe/50c/15v Compound Bow,,, Exe/50c/25 Double Barrel,,, Exe/25/25 Gamma Gun,,, Exe/E/25 Hunting Rifle,,, Exe/E/25 Lever Action,,, Exe/50L/25 Plasma Pistol/Rifle,,, F/50c/15v Compound Bow,,, F/E/25 Double Barrel,,, F/50c/15v Thirst Zapper,,, GouE/25 Assault Rifle,,, GouE/25 Double Barrel,,, Gou25/25 Lever Action,,, GS/50c/25 Gamma Gun,,, I/50c/25 Combat Shotgun,,, I/50c/15v Compound Bow,,, I/50c/25 The Dragon,,, Jug/E/25 Combat Rifle,,, Jug/50c/25 Laser Pistol/Rifle,,, Junk/50c/25 Enclave Plasma Rifle,,, Junk/25/25 Radium Rifle,,, M/25 10mm Pistol,,, M/25 Crossbow,,, N/25/25 Enclave Plasma Rifle,,, N/50c/25 Enclave Plasma Rifle,,, Q/50c/25 Assaultron Head,,, Q/25/15r Combat Shotgun,,, Q/25/1P Enclave Plasma Rifle,,, Q/AP/25 Enclave Plasma Rifle,,, Q/25/15r Plasma Pistol/Rifle,,, St/50c/25 Crossbow,,, St/E/25 Single Action Revolver,,, S/25 Radium Rifle,,, TS/25/15r Combat Rifle,,, TS/50c/25 Combat Rifle,,, TS/E/15r Pipe Revolver,,, V/50c/25 Bow,,, V/50L/25 Compound Bow,,, V/AP/25 Crossbow,,, V/50c/25 Enclave Plasma Rifle,,, V/50c/25 Gauss Rifle,,, V/25/25 Pipe Pistol/Rifle,,, V/50c/25 Pipe Pistol/Rifle,,, Z/25/25 Enclave Plasma Rifle
ARMOR: Aristocrat's Civil Engineer chest AP/Cavalier
Aristocrat's Civil Engineer chest LED/Cavalier
Aristocrat's Civil Engineer chest LED/HTD
Aristocrat's Heavy Robot left leg LED/Sentinel
Aristocrat's Heavy Robot left leg LED/WWR
Aristocrat's Marine right leg AP/Cavalier
Aristocrat's Marine right arm LED/WWR
Aristocrat's USA left leg LED/WWR
Assassin's Civil Engineer chest Strength/JWR
Assassin's FSA chest LED/FDC
Assassin's FSA left arm AP/FDC (2)
Assassin's FSA left arm AP/Sentinel
Assassin's FSA left arm LED/HTD
Assassin's FSA left leg AP/FDC
Assassin's FSA left leg Strength/HTD
Assassin's Heavy Leather left arm AP/WWR
Assassin's Heavy Robot chest Strength/WWR
Assassin's Marine left arm AP/Cavalier
Assassin's Marine right leg LED/Sentinel
Assassin's Sturdy Combat chest AP/Sentinel
Assassin's Trapper right arm Poison resist/Sentinel
Assassin's Trapper right leg Strength/Sentinel
Assassin's USA left arm LED/WWR
Assassin's USA left arm Poison resist/Sentinel
Assassin's USA left leg LED/HTD
Assassin's USA left leg Strength/WWR
Auto Stim Civil Engineer chest LED/FDC
Auto Stim Civil Engineer chest Poison resist/Cavalier
Auto Stim FSA right leg LED/WWR
Auto Stim Heavy Metal chest LED/Sentinel
Auto Stim Heavy Raider right leg LED/Sentinel
Auto Stim Heavy Robot chest LED/Sentinel
Auto Stim Heavy Robot right leg Cryo resist/Sentinel
Auto Stim Marine left leg LED/Sentinel
Auto Stim Ultracite left arm LED/Sentinel
Auto Stim USA left arm AP/Cavalier
Auto Stim USA left arm AP/WWR
Auto Stim USA left arm LED/FDC
Auto Stim USA right arm LED/Sentinel
Auto Stim USA right leg LED/WWR
Auto Stim USA right leg Strength/Cavalier
Auto Stim USA right leg Strength/Sentinel
Auto Stim USA right leg Strength/WWR
Bolstering FSA left arm AP/Sentinel
Bolstering FSA left arm Luck/WWR
Bolstering FSA left arm Strength/WWR
Bolstering FSA left leg AP/Sentinel
Bolstering FSA left leg LED/Cavalier
Bolstering FSA right leg Strength/HTD
Bolstering Heavy Metal left leg AP/Cavalier
Bolstering Heavy Metal right arm AP/Sentinel
Bolstering Heavy Metal right leg LED/HTD
Bolstering Heavy Robot left arm Strength/Cavalier
Bolstering Marine right arm Cryo resist/Sentinel
Bolstering Marine right arm Strength/FDC
Bolstering Raider right arm AP/Sentinel
Bolstering Sturdy Combat left leg LED/Sentinel
Bolstering Sturdy Leather right leg AP/Sentinel
Bolstering Trapper chest AP/Cavalier (2)
Bolstering Trapper right arm LED/Sentinel
Bolstering USA left arm LED/FDC
Bolstering USA left arm LED/Sentinel
Bolstering USA right arm AP/FDC
Bolstering USA right arm Intelligence/Sentinel
Bolstering Wood left leg LED/WWR
Chameleon FSA chest LED/Cavalier
Chameleon FSA left arm Strength/Sentinel
Chameleon FSA left leg AP/Cavalier
Chameleon FSA left leg LED/Sentinel
Chameleon Heavy Combat right arm LED/Cavalier
Chameleon Heavy Raider right leg AP/Sentinel
Chameleon Marine left arm AP/Cavalier
Chameleon Marine right arm AP/Sentinel
Chameleon Marine left leg AP/WWR
Chameleon Robot chest LED/WWR
Chameleon USA chest AP/WWR
Chameleon USA chest LED/Cavalier
Chameleon USA left arm AP/JWR
Chameleon USA left arm LED/Sentinel
Chameleon USA left leg Cryo resist/Sentinel
Chameleon USA right arm LED/WWR
Chameleon USA right leg AP/FDC
Cloaking FSA chest AP/Cavalier
Cloaking FSA right arm AP/WWR
Cloaking USA chest AP/Sentinel
Cloaking USA right leg AP/WWR
Exterminator's Civil Engineer chest AP/Sentinel
Exterminator's FSA right arm AP/Sentinel
Exterminator's FSA right arm LED/Cavalier
Exterminator's FSA right leg LED/Cavalier
Exterminator's USA chest AP/Sentinel
Exterminator's USA chest LED/WWR
Ghoul Slayer's FSA right arm AP/WWR
Ghoul Slayer's FSA right leg AP/Cavalier
Ghoul Slayer's Heavy Metal left arm AP/Sentinel
Ghoul Slayer's USA left arm AP/WWR
Ghoul Slayer's USA left leg AP/WWR
Hunter's Civil Engineer chest AP/Sentinel
Hunter's Heavy Metal right leg AP/Sentinel
Life Saving Civil Engineer chest LED/HTD
Life Saving Combat left leg AP/WWR
Life Saving FSA chest AP/Sentinel
Life Saving FSA left arm LED/WWR
Life Saving FSA left leg LED/Sentinel
Life Saving FSA right leg Strength/Cavalier
Life Saving Heavy Combat AP/HTD
Life Saving Heavy Raider chest LED/WWR
Life Saving Heavy Robot chest AP/WWR
Life Saving Heavy Robot left arm AP/WWR
Life Saving Marine chest LED/Cavalier
Life Saving Marine left leg AP/WWR
Life Saving Trapper left leg AP/Sentinel
Life Saving Trapper right leg LED/Cavalier
Life Saving USA left arm LED/WWR
Life Saving USA left arm AP/Cavalier
Life Saving USA left leg Strength/Cavalier
Life Saving USA right arm Poison resist/Sentinel
Mutant's Civil Engineer chest AP/WWR
Mutant's FSA left leg LED/WWR
Mutant's Heavy Combat right leg AP/FDC
Mutant Slayer's FSA left arm AP/Cavalier
Mutant Slayer's FSA right leg AP/Sentinel
Mutant Slayer's Heavy Raider right leg AP/Sentinel
Mutant Slayer's Trapper chest AP/Sentinel (2)
Mutant Slayer's USA chest AP/Sentinel
Mutant Slayer's USA left arm AP/Sentinel
Mutant Slayer's USA left leg AP/Cavalier
Nocturnal Heavy Combat right leg Strength/Sentinel
Nocturnal Heavy Robot right leg AP/Cavalier
Nocturnal Robot left arm AP/Sentinel
Nocturnal Trapper chest AP/Sentinel
Nocturnal USA left leg LED/WWR
Nocturnal USA right leg AP/HTD
Nocturnal USA right leg LED/Cavalier
Overeater's Civil Engineer chest Agility/WWR
Overeater's Civil Engineer chest Antiseptic/WWR
Overeater's Civil Engineer chest AP/Toxic
Overeater's Civil Engineer chest Fire resist/Cavalier
Overeater's Civil Engineer chest Fire resist/FDC
Overeater's Civil Engineer chest Intelligence/Sentinel
Overeater's Civil Engineer left leg AP/AWR
Overeater's Combat chest AP/FDC
Overeater's FSA chest Endurance/Sentinel
Overeater's FSA chest Poison resist/Cavalier
Overeater's FSA left arm Charisma/FDC
Overeater's FSA left arm Intelligence/Sentinel
Overeater's FSA left arm Perception/Sentinel
Overeater's FSA left leg AP/HTD
Overeater's FSA right arm AP/JWR
Overeater's FSA right arm Strength/FDC
Overeater's FSA right arm Strength/WWR
Overeater's FSA right leg LED/AWR
Overeater's Heavy Combat chest LED/HTD
Overeater's Heavy Combat left arm LED/JWR
Overeater's Heavy Combat right leg Perception/Sentinel
Overeater's Heavy Leather right arm Glutton/Sentinel
Overeater's Heavy Metal left leg Strength/Sentinel
Overeater's Heavy Metal right leg AP/Sentinel
Overeater's Heavy Raider left arm LED/Cavalier
Overeater's Heavy Raider left leg Charisma/WWR
Overeater's Heavy Raider right arm Fire resist/FDC
Overeater's Heavy Robot chest Endurance/Sentinel
Overeater's Heavy Robot chest Rad resist/Sentinel
Overeater's Heavy Robot left leg Agility/WWR
Overeater's Marine chest Rad resist/FDC
Overeater's Marine chest Rad resist/Sentinel
Overeater's Marine left arm Strength/FDC
Overeater's Marine right arm Rad resist/Sentinel
Overeater's Marine right leg Fire resist/Sentinel
Overeater's Marine right leg Luck/FDC
Overeater's Marine right leg Perception/WWR
Overeater's Metal left arm AP/FDC
Overeater's Metal left leg Agility/Sentinel
Overeater's Metal left leg Cryo resist/Sentinel
Overeater's Metal right arm AP/Sentinel
Overeater's Metal right leg Poison resist/Sentinel
Overeater's Raider right arm Cryo resist/Sentinel
Overeater's Raider right leg LED/WWR
Overeater's Sturdy Metal chest Strength/FDC
Overeater's Trapper chest Rad resist/FDC
Overeater's Trapper left arm AP/HTD
Overeater's Trapper left arm Cryo resist/Sentinel
Overeater's Trapper left arm Perception/Sentinel
Overeater's Trapper left leg Perception/WWR
Overeater's Trapper right arm Luck/WWR
Overeater's Trapper right arm Rad resist/WWR
Overeater's USA chest Cryo resist/HTD
Overeater's USA chest LED/WWR
Overeater's USA chest Poison resist/FDC
Overeater's USA left arm Antiseptic/Sentinel
Overeater's USA left arm AP/HTD
Overeater's USA left arm Endurance/FDC
Overeater's USA left arm Endurance/WWR
Overeater's USA left arm Fire resist/FDC (2)
Overeater's USA left arm LED/AWR
Overeater's USA left arm LED/FDC
Overeater's USA left arm Poison resist/Sentinel
Overeater's USA left arm Rad resist/Sentinel
Overeater's USA left leg Fire resist/WWR
Overeater's USA left leg Intelligence/FDC
Overeater's USA left leg Strength/FDC
Overeater's USA right arm Luck/Sentinel
Overeater's USA right leg AP/FDC
Overeater's USA right leg Intelligence/HTD
Overeater's USA right leg Poison resist/Sentinel
Overeater's USA right leg Rad resist/Sentinel
Overeater's Wood left arm LED/Cavalier
Regenerating Civil Engineer chest AP/Sentinel
Troubleshooter's Excavator right arm LED/Cavalier
Troubleshooter's FSA chest AP/WWR
Troubleshooter's Heavy Robot left arm AP/Cavalier
Troubleshooter's T-60 left arm LED/Sentinel
Troubleshooter's Trapper right leg AP/WWR
Troubleshooter's USA left arm Strength/Sentinel
Troubleshooter's USA left leg AP/WWR
Unyielding Civil Engineer chest AP/Electrified
Unyielding Civil Engineer left arm Antiseptic/FDC
Unyielding Civil Engineer left leg AP/Electrified
Unyielding Civil Engineer right leg Intelligence/Burning
Unyielding FSA full set AP/Cavalier
Unyielding FSA chest Cryo resist/FDC
Unyielding FSA chest Intelligence/Acrobat
Unyielding FSA chest Intelligence/Dur
Unyielding FSA chest LED/JWR
Unyielding FSA left arm Cryo resist/AWR
Unyielding FSA left arm LED/Sentinel
Unyielding FSA left arm Poison resist/AWR
Unyielding FSA left leg AP/Acrobat
Unyielding FSA left leg Endurance/Sentinel
Unyielding FSA left leg Fire resist/AWR
Unyielding FSA left leg Luck/AWR
Unyielding FSA right arm Cryo resist/Cavalier
Unyielding FSA right arm Poison resist/WWR
Unyielding FSA right leg AP/JWR
Unyielding FSA right leg Intelligence/JWR
Unyielding FSA right leg LED/HTD
Unyielding FSA right leg Luck/JWR
Unyielding FSA right leg Rad resist/AWR (2)
Unyielding Heavy Combat chest Strength/HTD
Unyielding Heavy Combat left leg Cryo resist/Cavalier
Unyielding Heavy Combat right arm Poison resist/JWR
Unyielding Heavy Combat right arm Poison resist/Sentinel
Unyielding Heavy Leather chest Cryo resist/HTD
Unyielding Heavy Leather left arm Rad resist/HTD
Unyielding Heavy Leather left leg Luck/Cavalier
Unyielding Heavy Metal right arm LED/Cavalier
Unyielding Heavy Metal right leg Endurance/Sentinel
Unyielding Heavy Raider chest Agility/Sentinel
Unyielding Heavy Raider left arm Poison resist/FDC
Unyielding Heavy Raider right arm AP/HTD
Unyielding Heavy Raider right arm Charisma/FDC
Unyielding Heavy Robot chest Cryo resist/Cavalier
Unyielding Heavy Robot right arm Endurance/Sentinel
Unyielding Leather left leg LED/WWR
Unyielding Marine chest Perception/Sentinel
Unyielding Marine chest Luck/WWR
Unyielding Marine chest Strength/HTD
Unyielding Marine left arm Cryo resist/HTD
Unyielding Marine left arm Strength/Cavalier (2)
Unyielding Marine left leg AP/FDC
Unyielding Marine right arm AP/Acrobat
Unyielding Marine right arm Rad resist/Cavalier
Unyielding Marine right leg Fire resist/WWR
Unyielding Marine right leg LED/AWR
Unyielding Marine right leg Luck/FDC
Unyielding Marine right leg Rad resist/AWR
Unyielding Metal chest AP/HTD
Unyielding Metal left arm LED/Sentinel
Unyielding Metal right leg AP/Cavalier
Unyielding Raider chest Luck/Cavalier
Unyielding Robot left leg Poison resist/Sentinel
Unyielding Sturdy Combat chest Strength/Sentinel
Unyielding Sturdy Combat right arm AP/AWR
Unyielding Sturdy Leather left leg LED/Sentinel
Unyielding Sturdy Metal chest AP/WWR
Unyielding Sturdy Metal left arm Rad resist/Sentinel
Unyielding Sturdy Raider chest Intelligence/FDC
Unyielding Sturdy Raider right leg Intelligence/FDC
Unyielding Sturdy Robot right arm LED/Sentinel
Unyielding Trapper chest Luck/FDC
Unyielding Trapper left leg Cryo resist/WWR
Unyielding Trapper right arm Cryo resist/Cavalier
Unyielding Trapper right arm LED/HTD
Unyielding Trapper right arm Luck/Cavalier
Unyielding USA chest AP/JWR
Unyielding USA chest Fire resist/AWR
Unyielding USA chest Luck/HTD
Unyielding USA chest Intelligence/Cavalier
Unyielding USA chest Poison resist/Cavalier
Unyielding USA chest Rad resist/JWR
Unyielding USA left arm AP/Sentinel
Unyielding USA left arm Cryo resist/WWR
Unyielding USA left arm LED/Acrobat (2)
Unyielding USA left arm Perception/FDC
Unyielding USA left arm Poison resist/AWR
Unyielding USA left arm Poison resist/HTD
Unyielding USA left arm Rad resist/Cavalier
Unyielding USA left leg Luck/AWR
Unyielding USA right arm Cryo resist/WWR
Unyielding USA right arm Intelligence/JWR
Unyielding USA right arm Luck/Cavalier
Unyielding USA right arm Poison resist/HTD
Unyielding USA right leg AP/Cavalier
Unyielding USA right leg Charisma/WWR
Unyielding USA right leg Fire resist/AWR
Unyielding USA right leg Perception/FDC
Unyielding Wood chest AP/FDC
Unyielding Wood chest Luck/Cavalier
Unyielding Wood chest Luck/Sentinel
Unyielding Wood right arm AP/Sentinel
Unyielding Wood right arm LED/WWR
Unyielding Wood right leg Strength/WWR
Vanguard's Civil Engineer chest LED/Cavalier
Vanguard's Civil Engineer chest LED/HTD
Vanguard's FSA full set Strength/Cavalier
Vanguard's FSA right arm Strength/Cavalier
Vanguard's FSA right leg Strength/Cavalier
Vanguard's Heavy Leather right arm LED/HTD
Vanguard's Heavy Metal chest Strength/Cavalier
Vanguard's Heavy Robot right arm LED/HTD
Vanguard's Marine right arm Strength/WWR
Vanguard's Marine right leg Strength/Sentinel
Vanguard's Sturdy Robot left arm AP/Sentinel
Vanguard's Sturdy Robot right leg LED/WWR
Vanguard's Trapper left arm LED/Cavalier
Vanguard's USA full set Strength/Cavalier
Vanguard's USA chest Luck/Sentinel
Vanguard's USA left arm AP/FDC
Vanguard's USA left arm Intelligence/Sentinel
Vanguard's USA left arm LED/Sentinel
Vanguard's USA left arm Strength/FDC
Vanguard's USA left arm Strength/Sentinel
Vanguard's USA left leg Strength/Cavalier
Vanguard's USA right arm AP/Cavalier
Vanguard's USA right leg Strength/Cavalier (3)
Vanguard's Wood chest Strength/Sentinel
Weightless Civil Engineer chest AP/Sentinel
Weightless Civil Engineer chest Strength/WWR
Weightless FSA left leg Strength/Sentinel
Weightless Marine right leg AP/Cavalier
Weightless Trapper chest AP/Cavalier
Weightless Trapper left arm AP/Sentinel
Weightless Trapper left leg AP/Sentinel
Weightless USA chest Strength/Sentinel
Weightless USA right leg AP/Cavalier
Weightless USA right leg LED/WWR
Zealot's Trapper left arm LED/Cavalier
Zealot's USA chest AP/Sentinel
Zealot's USA left arm AP/Cavalier
Zealot's USA left arm AP/Sentinel (2)
Zealot's USA right arm AP/WWR
Zealot's USA right leg AP/WWR
PLANS: Alien Blaster,,, Alien head lamp,,, Alien table,,, Alien target practice poster,,, Assault rifle,,, Assault rifle wraith's wrath paint,,, Barbed walking cane,,, Baseball bat rocket,,, Baseball bat searing puncturing rocket,,, Bear arm,,, Bear arm heavy mod,,, Bear arm puncturing mod,,, Bloody curtain door,,, Bloody rug,,, Boxing glove lead lining,,, Camo Backpack,,, Cave cricket tube,,, Chainsaw ghostly grinder paint,,, Chainsaw septikill paint,,, Cultist adept hood,,, Cultist adept robes,,, Cultist enlightened hood,,, Cultist enlightened robes,,, Cultist eventide hood,,, Cultist eventide robes,,, Cultist incarnate helmet,,, Cultist neophyte hood,,, Cultist neophyte robes,,, Deathclaw gauntlet,,, Dense marine armor torso,,, Dense trapper armor torso,,, Dr. Bones,,, Dried wildflower bouquet,,, Electro Enforcer,,, Enlightened lantern,,, Executioner mask,,, Fire station bell,,, Flannel shirt & jeans,,, Fluttering moths,,, Fuzzy enlightened plushie,,, Fuzzy mothman plushie,,, Giant red dinosaur,,, Glowing flatwoods monster lamp,,, Hatchet electro fusion,,, Hazmat suit teal,,, Honeycomb paper blue mothman,,, Honeycomb paper brown mothman,,, Honeycomb paper ghost lantern A&B,,, Honeycomb paper green mothman,,, Honeycomb paper holiday tree A&B,,, Honeycomb paper icy snowflake,,, Honeycomb paper jack o'lantern A&B,,, Honeycomb paper jolly target,,, Honeycomb paper mothman globe,,, Honeycomb paper red mothman,,, Honeycomb paper ribbon bell,,, Honeycomb paper snowman,,, Honeycomb paper spider lantern,,, Honeycomb paper standing santa,,, Junkyard fountain,,, Machete sacrificial blade,,, Meat Tenderizer,,, Mutant hound diagram,,, Mutant hound taxidermy,,, Nuka girl area rug,,, Pepper Shaker,,, Peppino pig plushie,,, Pitchfork flamer,,, Plastiform Candle,,, Plastiform gingerbread,,, Plastiform nutcracker,,, Plastiform santa,,, Plastiform santa sleigh,,, Princess backpack,,, Protective lining marine underarmor,,, Protective lining raider underarmor,,, Puncturing pole hook,,, Punty pig plushie,,, Rad skull rider helmet,,, Radioactive barrel,,, Raw cement barricade,,, Sacred mothman tome,,, Scorchbeast queen plushie,,, Scorched tube,,, Shielded lining casual underarmor,,, Shielded lining marine underarmor,,, Shielded lining raider underarmor,,, Ski sword skate blade,,, Skiing outfit,,, Sledgehammer heavy searing sharp rocket,,, Small vault girl statue,,, Snallygaster plushie,,, Spiked walking cane,,, Star light,,, Straw goat,,, Super mutant diagram,,, The Fixer,,, T-60 BOS knight paint,,, TV Aquarium,,, Ultracite emergency protocols,,, Undershirt & jeans,,, Vintage water cooler,,, Wilber McPigg plushie,,, WV state bird rug,,, Yao Guai tube,,, Zenith alien blaster paint,,, Cutting fluid recipe,,, Fasnacht donut recipe,,, Fasnacht sausage recipe,,, Healing salve Ash Heap recipe,,, Healing salve Cranberry Bog recipe,,, Healing salve Mire recipe,,, Formula P recipe,,, Stimpak Diffuser recipe,,, Tato salad recipe
APPAREL: Asylum Uniform Blue,,, Asylum Uniform Forest,,, Asylum Uniform Pink,,, Fasnacht Brahmin mask,,, Fasnacht Buffoon mask,,, Fasnacht Crazy Guy mask,,, Fasnacht Deathclaw mask,,, Fasnacht Demon mask,,, Fasnacht Fiend mask,,, Fasnacht Hag mask,,, Fasnacht Loon mask,,, Fasnacht Raven mask,,, Fasnacht Winter Man mask,,, Emmett Mountain hazmat suit,,, Garrahan Foreman Outfit and Helmet
CHEMS: Addictol: 264,,, Berry Mentats: 3600,,, Buffout: 2065,,, Calmex: 857,,, Daddy-O: 1404,,, Day Tripper: 1142,,, Disease Cure: 539,,, Mentats: 1000,,, Overdrive: 498,,, Psycho: 3865,,, Psychobuff: 1907,,, Psychotats: 1885,,, X-cell: 658
FOOD: Canned meat stew: 75,,, Pepper: 3321,,, Salt: 2933,,, Spices: 1658,,, Sugar Bombs(w/rads): 1239
MODS: Enclave Aligned automatic barrel,,, Enclave Aligned short barrel,,, Enclave Aligned sniper barrel(3),,, Enclave Aligned splitter(2),,, Enclave Refined beta wave tuner(3),,, Enclave Severe beta wave tuner(2),,, Enclave Stabilized automatic barrel(2),,, Enclave Stabilized flamer barrel(2),,, Enclave Stabilized Sniper Barrel,,, Enclave True automatic barrel(2),,, Enclave True capacitor(4),,, Enclave True flamer barrel(2),,, Enclave True sniper barrel(3),,, Enclave True splitter(2),,, Enclave Vicious capacitor
submitted by KiraWinchester to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:40 Tasty_Rain9178 ScammerPayback Reverse Connection Method Revealed

ScammerPayback Reverse Connection Method Revealed
2:11 . It seems like pierogi makes them download a 'screenconnect.client.exe' which is most likely a RAT and how he 'reverse' connects to them. anyways any opinion on this?
submitted by Tasty_Rain9178 to ScammerPayback [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:36 Dardroth Build Help (Vats, Planing, Stats, Allrounder)

I want to play Fallout 4, i know a bit of the early game, how it work etc. etc.
I want to play the whole Story + all DLC from Game of the Year Edition.
My Idea, i want to close to only play with VATS, like a Old School RPG.
My Problems now. 1-2 Questions about Perks and a good Start Stats Chasing Perks i need for a healthy and good play.
The Perk Gunslinger says it increase the Range of Pistol (i think in Vats too) but what is with the Perk Commando (the Automatic Dmg Perk) it says it improve the Hip Fire Accuracy of Automatic Weapons this would increase the Accuracy in Vats Mode (with Google i didnt find a answer)
Now the Build First i want to play the whole game I think Local Leader is needed? 6 Charisma Aside of the Perk more Charisma is need or is it a "useless" stat outside of more Money and exp?
Next i want VATS only, Precesion, Agi and Luck is needed what is the most wanted of them. Fav Perks i think are Concentrated Fire, Action Boy, Ninja, Critical Banker, Critical Dmg, Grim Reaper, Four Leaf and high Base Stats of P, Agi and Luck for Accuracy, AP and Luck.
Next Steps i think is Armourer (Str 3), and Gun Nut + Sciene (Int 6) for Weapon Mods + Access for all Content in the Game (Settlement Crafting)
So with that the SPECIALS are S:3 P:10 E:1 I:6 A:10/11? for max AP? L:9 -1 for all because of Bubble Heads, but that are way to many points. What are soild Start Stats for my Plan? and how will Int 6 work with Idiot Savant (without abusing)?
My Idea is Str: 1 Pe: 9+Boubble Head E:1 Charisma: 5 + Chasing Bubble Head early + Cha Clotes most checks should be possible? Int: 1 Agi 6+1 Special Book and Luck 5 for Idiot Savant
Focus on put 1 point in needed perks and start increase Int for more Exp and Gun Nut/Sciene, followed buy Str (Armourer) and than start going Luck.
I hope i make my idea clear and u understand me and can help me.
submitted by Dardroth to Fallout4Builds [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:34 Sweet_Mycologist_523 Farmhouse Interiors not Displaying Correctly

Farmhouse Interiors not Displaying Correctly
Hi! I'm trying to download farmhouse interior mods, but they aren't appearing correctly (shown below). I was wondering if anyone knows a fix?
submitted by Sweet_Mycologist_523 to SMAPI [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:34 justauz Where did Ps4 mods go?

I'm booting up skyrim again after a year of not touching it and I'm noticing that I can't find any of my mods. The option is gone from the menu too. What did Bethesda do? I still have some active like roadside lampposts, but I can't see the list of what all I have downloaded from my last save.
submitted by justauz to skyrim [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:34 RangerHikes Manual G70 Ownership Experience

Two summers ago, I drove 7 hours one way to buy a 2019 Manual Genesis G70. It was used, not certified preowned, with just under 12K miles. The OEM tires were approaching the end of their useful life. It had one scratch on the rear passenger door and an annoying dealership permanent sticker on the trunk. It also only had one key. The head unit infotainment screen also had a small delamination crack - visible if you looked close but not perceptible if you ran your fingers across it. I bought it as is, though Genesis has a stellar warranty that transfers to the second owner so I still had 2 years warranty remaining. It was too far away for me to get it to a trusted mechanic to PPI, so the warranty was a huge factor.
On a long drive to the beach, the screens began to flicker. The car still ran mechanically fine, but it was alarming. I also noticed I couldn't get the Genesis Connected Services to work. A few weeks later, the screens were flickering again in my driveway. I shut the car off thinking if I just shut it off and turned it back on it would fix itself - for about 5 minutes I couldn't restart the car. It was as though it had a completely dead battery. I took it to my local dealer which unfortunately is an hour away but fortunately is reached through a combination of great back roads and highways. They were unable to replicate the issue but decided to attribute it to the head unit and replaced the entire thing on the basis of the delamination crack being covered by warranty. A week after I got the car back, the screens flickered again. I tried doing an over the air software update with Genesis Corporate over the phone and it kept failing, so we went back to the dealership. They manually did the update. After a few more weeks, the screens flickered again. I took it back down and they decided to go nuclear, completely uninstalling all software and updates from the car and then reinstalling the latest software as a clean slate. When I got it back - my genesis connected services were working and the screens never flickered again. BUT. My backup camera would now randomly stop working. I took it back and they tried a patch update to the backup camera software as well as replacing a crush washer that's apparently a known failure point for the backup camera. The problem persisted. They informed me there is a sensor in the transmission that tells the backup camera when the car is in reverse and when to turn on. That sensor apparently failed, and the solution is apparently to replace the entire transmission. I personally found that insane, but a new clutch and transmission covered fully under warranty? Sure, I'll enjoy your courtesy car a little longer. Yeah, on that note. Having the car in and out of the shop so often was annoying, but it was all covered under Genesis phenomenal warranty, the dealership was surprisingly patient, understanding and communicative, and since they're an hour away I had an opportunity to enjoy some courtesy cars on a good mix of backroads and highways. The courtesy cars I had in no particular order...
I got my car back and I haven't had any issues with screens or backup cameras or anything else since the transmission replacement. So what's to love? Small, sporty, rear wheel drive car that has the power to break traction but isn't so powerful that you can't use all your gears. To me this car is straddling the line of slow car fast. It's incredibly comfortable, has a great stereo, looks cool, and it's got enough room for me, my spouse, my dog and a child seat. Also so glad I got the manual when I did - manual G70s are not easy to find. This was one of four for sale within 500 miles of my zip when I bought it. The rear seat is actually usable, but the foot room is tight. I'm 5'11 with a 32 inch inseam. If I take my shoes off, I can sit behind my driving position. I have the knee and hip room - but the foot room is very tight for an adult male. Decent gas mileage if you're not driving it like a hooligan. Feels light and eager to turn, even at speed.
What's not so good? The trunk has a high load floor so even though you have a good opening and footprint, it's shallow. It's not unusable, it's just not as deep as you'd expect it to be. I was still able to fit everything my spouse, my dog and I needed for a week at the beach. Speaking of long trips - no spare tire. That pissed me off. Not even a space saver? Come on. I think it should be a legal requirement that all cars have at least a space saver. In any case, this car can accept the same space saver spare kit the 3.3 model comes with or the Kia Stinger comes with. I ordered the parts online and installed a space saver spare myself. The backup camera shuts off as soon as you're out of reverse, even if you're rolling backwards in neutral. This is a nitpick, but I do wish the backup camera would stay on until I was rolling forward. Speaking of reverse, the pedal box is tight and I usually wear an 11 or 12 shoe depending on the brand. With certain shoes, I have to modify my left foot motion because my toe will catch the arm of the clutch pedal. Not impossible, but it can be annoying in certain pairs of shoes or if you have big feet.
Clutch and Transmission :: I'm gonna give this it's own section because I feel like this is a very case sensitive matter. Manuals I drove before this - a 2011 Subaru Outback. First manual car I bought and I drove it for 120K miles before an old dude in a Yukon totaled it. Some people have said they don't enjoy the feeling of this transmission, I don't have much to compare it to. I think the stick feel is fine. The actual clutch is a toss up for me. It's hydraulic, so on one hand it's buttery smooth and easy and very forgiving if you're doing a drive through or in stop and go traffic - things I took pains to avoid in my outback. The flip side is, the pedal gives you very little feedback. The bite point is harder to feel and it definitely numbs the experience a bit. If you're looking for a very raw, analog feeling transmission this is not it. This feels much more like an entry level luxury sport sedan that was given a manual just because it would be cool to have a manual, but also trying to do one in such a way that it wouldn't alienate luxury car buyers who generally find manuals to be a nuisance.
Would I go through it all again? Absolutely. The dealer trips were annoying but it let me test drive some cool stuff and I never paid a dime. The only thing I paid for was an oil change, a new set of tires (not from the dealer) and a new key cause I wanted to have two. The key was $700 which is offensive but unfortunately not unheard of with modern cars. The car is a blast. If you want a smallish, luxuryish, sportscarish vehicle that gives you a lot of nice stuff without being too expensive or too harsh, check out a G70. If you're a manual purist, you may love it or hate it - the clutch is definitely a sticking point for many people. Genesis Dealer? Mine is great, thank god. But I have heard plenty of horror stories from other owners who went to more Hyundai focused dealers. Maintenance? No mechanical issues at all, just weird software related glitches that were all covered under warranty. Mods? Not really planning anything big. I added a sun strip to the windshield, a dash cam and wiring for my radar detector. Also the spare tire. And I put PS4s on it. I plan to keep it stock - at least until it's paid off and the warranty is out.
Questions for reddit :: Catch cans! Should I have one on this car? Is there a recommended brand? Do your mechanics charge you more to empty them or do you empty them yourselves? What does a catch can do that the OEM air oil separator doesnt?
TL;DR :: I like my manual G70. It isn't very fast, but I like it.
submitted by RangerHikes to cars [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:30 Maximovlol MCO causes crash during load screen, after I can hear the in game music

Hello! I recently downloaded MCO and a few other combat related mods, I followed all the instructions on the website, and thought to have everything in order. However, as long as I have MCO checked in MO2, the game will crash before my save is even loaded, nor can I start a new game. Where as when de-activated, the game loads, it just has no animations with my character T-posing. Please help, I've spent hours trying to fix it and I cannot figure it out. I have attached the crash log below
submitted by Maximovlol to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:28 Sweet_Mycologist_523 Farmhouse Interiors not Displaying Correctly

Farmhouse Interiors not Displaying Correctly
Hi! I'm trying to download farmhouse interior mods, but they aren't appearing correctly (shown below). I was wondering if anyone knows a fix?
I have downloaded all required files.
submitted by Sweet_Mycologist_523 to StardewValleyMods [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:28 Prestigious-Focus387 I want to put custom audio on a music disc on Bedrock Edition. (IPhone) Help.

I am trying to make a mod to put custom audio onto a music disc. I have downloaded multiple mod maker apps on both pc and phone but cant find anything to change the audio for a music disc. I already have the song I want in an OGG file but don't know how to put it onto a music disc. If you can tell me any method that would be helpful.
submitted by Prestigious-Focus387 to Minecraft [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:27 RebelHeartXO Team Liquid in Mobile Legends Bang Bang Esports

For the rest of the world this should be a normal Tuesday, but in Southeast Asia this is a monumental day as Team Liquid enters the biggest and currently most watched (not counting Chinese viewership) Mobile Esports title in the world, Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB).
For those who are curious what's going on, why TL in SEA is a big thing and all you need to know what's going to happen moving forward.

What is Mobile Legends: Bang Bang?

Mobile Legends Bang Bang or MLBB is a 5v5 Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) that is played on mobile devices. The game itself is easily accessible whenever you are in the world, except for certain areas due to various reasons (mostly geopolitical due to the game being developed by Moonton, a gaming company based in China) but generally it's available in Google Play or in the App Store. It has a average player base of over 70 to 80 Million users monthly and has made over a billion downloads. The game quickly took Southeast Asia by storm and has ever since took over as the biggest game particularly in Indonesia, the Philippines, and in other SEA countries.

What is Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Esports? Why has the esport have gotten that big?

Competitive MLBB got underway in 2017 with tournaments in Southeast Asia eventually leading up to the inaugural MLBB Southeast Asia Cup (MSC) held in Jakarta and was won by I DONOTSLEEP ESPORTS of Thailand. Soon after, in 2018, the MLBB Pro Leagues or MPL were launched in Indonesia, the Philippines, and jointly in Malaysia/Singapore. From there on other regions in SEA slowly grew and more competitive regions develop particularly in regions outside SEA leading up to its inaugural World Championships, now labeled as the M-Series, in 2019. Held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the first edition won by Evos Legends of Indonesia.
The boom in popularity happened in the pandemic when people were engaged on their phones playing the game and eventually found themselves watching the competitive scene after to look how the best players play and do it on their own in ranked games or to get some codes flashed to grab themselves some juicy in game diamonds or skins to show off.
Eventually viewing numbers were growing so fast that it reached to millions particularly in Indonesia where their MPL is averaged to almost a miilion viewers and peak to around two to three million come playoff season.
Today, MLBB Esports is considered to be the most watched mobile esports based on the data from Esports charts with its peak viewership reaching over 5 million during Game 7 of last years World Championship (M5) held in the Philippines between Indonesia's Onic Esports and the Philippines AP Bren. The game became the third most watched of all time (Only surpassed by T1 vs DRX game 5 and T1 vs Weibo Game 4, both at Worlds Finals in suceeding years).

Why Indonesia and the Philippines? Who are Aura and Echo?

Indonesia and the Philippines are considered as the most popular and competitive regions of MLBB. Think of it as the LCK and LPL of the esport as they are the most successful in international competitions. The Philippines, in particular, has won four (4) consecutive World titles and has considered to be the "Korea" of the scene with Filipinos imported to so many regions across the world. Indonesia on the other hand has the biggest viewership as its marquee MPL matches often top the viewership charts even beating out the LCK and the VCT based from data from Esports charts.
Aura and Echo are MLBB teams based in Indonesia and the Philippines. Aura Esports was founded in 2018 and became a part of MPL Indonesia in 2018 when the league adopted a franchised system (similar to how League teams worked at the same time). Unfortunately the team haven't found great success with its highest finish was in season 10 when they placed third, However they have won 2 domestic cups, known as "Piala Presiden" in 2021 and 2023.
Echo on the other hand, stared as a qualified stacked in MPL Philippines Season 3 as No Limit. They placed sixth that season. The following season, the roster was acquired by Sunsparks, a local team in the MLBB scene and took the league by storm. Eventually winning back to back titles including an epic 5 game series against Onic Philippines in the grand finals in Season 4 and a backdoor clincher in season 5). The stack was acquiored by Aura and rebranded as Aura Philippines in seasons 6 and 7. When MPL Philippines adopted the franchise system, the team did another rebrand to distinguish themselves separately from the Aura brand and named themselves Echo.
The team finished in 5th-6th in back to back seasons which was particularly painful especially in Season 9, when they were dominant for majority of the regular season as a Super team comprised of big names in the Philippines scene including KarlTzy and Yawi (a little more about them later). In season 10, many considered Echo as a middle of the pack team compared to RSG Philippines who were crowned MPL Philippines and MSC Champions and was considered the best team in the world mid season, and Blacklist International, the World Champions of 2021. The team made another promising run with 2 rookies in Sanford and Sanji however, resulted to a different ending. After finishing second in the regular season, they never turned back as they beat RSG Philippines twice in the playoffs to secure the regions second seed in the M4 World Championships to be held in Indonesia.
Both Echo and Blacklist, the regions first seed, found themselves in good forms and eventually met in the upper bracket finals where Blacklist dropped Echo to the lower bracket after a 3-2 win. Echo held themselves on and finally got it all together to steamroll both the lower bracket finals beating Indonesias second seed RRQ Hoshi and in the grand finals, they finally scatter the code with authority by sweeping Blacklist 4-0 in the grand finals to become M4 World Champions. Echo followed that success win a domestic title in Season 11, beating Blacklist again with a 4-0 sweep in the grand finals.

What exactly did TL acquire?

Team Liquid basically acquired the company who handles both Aura and Echo, Stun.GG as they secure not only the MPL teams of Echo and Aura but also they acquired its developmental teams. (similar to TL having an academy in the NACL) Aura and Echo have their respective teams in the MLBB Developmental Leagues or MDL in their respective regions. This means TL have four teams playing in top two competitive regions in MLBB .

So why did TL acquired Aura and Echo in the first place?

As we all know, TL is one of the 30 participating orgs in the Esports World Cup (ESWC) in Saudi Arabia and MLBB is one of the participating titles in this two month long event. Organizations such as Gaimin Gladiators, Team Falcons, Twisted Minds, Band lacklist International do also have MLBB teams which are a part of the ESWC. Team Falcons and Fnatic have also partners with some teams in MPL Philippines with the goal of qualifying to MSC 2024, now rebranded as the MLBB Mid Season Cup as a part of the ESWC. Qualifying to the ESWC means orgs have a shot in gaining points to determine who will be ESWC Overall Champions and acquire financial bonuses from the program. Also MSC 2024 will have the biggest prize pool ever in the esport with three million dollars on deck.
Apart from the ESWC, the acquisition will be historic not just for TL but also for MLBB and Southeast Asian Esports as TL with finally expand their reach in APAC, particularly in SEA as the MLBB teams will be the first TL teams based in SEA. this will also mark the First set of Indonesians to represent the organization. Unfortunately for the Filipino players they aren;t the first from the Philippines as that title belongs to the legendary jungler of the back to back to baclk to back LCS Champions and 2x MSI Runner up Xmithie who is hailed in Iloilo province in the Visayas Region in the Philippines?

So who are the players in TL Aura and TL Echo?

For now I'll only rundown the players of MPL teams of TL .
Before that a quick explainer on MLBB player roles. Its basically composed of an EXP laner (solo laner who plays in the EXP lane, to get more EXP or in League terms the Top laner), Jungler, Mid laner (in MLBB jargon it is also known as Position 4 or Pos 4), Gold laner (the one who plays in the bot lane or ADC. that player plays in the Gold lane for more gold) and Roamer (Support in league)
TL Aura is composed of Aran (EXP), Gugun (jungle), Syndrome (Mid), Kabuki (Gold) and Yawi (Roam) with High (JungleRoam) as sub.
Players to watch will be Gugun, a super rookie who is very high skilled and touted as one of Indonesia's best junglers coming from the developmental scene, and Yawi, the team's Filipino import , who is hailed as one of the best roamers in the World. His signature hero, Chou (modeled similar to Lee SIn in League), was chosen as the signature skin when he won M4 as a part of Echo. He is known for getting pick offs at the right time and great initiator for team fights especially in contests for the major objective
TL Echo is composed of Sanford (EXP), Karltzy (Jungler), Sanji (Mid), Bennyqt (Gold) and Jaypee (Roam) with Zaida (Jungler) and Outplayed (Gold) as subs.
Players to watch will be KarlTzy, known widely as a prodigy who entered the scene at aged 14, and now recognized as one of, if not, the greatest MLBB players of all time, being the first two-time World Champion, first with Bren Esports in 2020-21 then with Echo in 2022-23 and he is only 19 (turning 20 in August). He is initially known as one of the most lethal assassins in the game but eventually expanded himself to a utility player with a team first mindset as the teams shotcaller and leader. Also to watch is the duo of Sanford and Sanji as being the main carries for Echo . They are recognized as the one of the best in the world for their roles in the EXP and Mid lanes. When the team needs a big play ahead, you'll be counting on them on the clutch.

So whats coming up for TL Aura and TL Echo?

The main focus for both TL MPL squads is to qualify for MSC 2024 as top two seeds in MPL Philippines and Indonesia will make the cut, however it wont be that easy.
TL Aura finished fifth in the regular season of MPL Indonesia season 13 and will be facing Evos Glory in the play in round of the playoffs in a do or die best of 5. The winner faces top seed Bigetron Alpha and the loser ends its road to Riyadh. The series will happen on June 5th at 18:15 local time (GMT +7)
TL Echo on the other hand are in a much better spot finishing second in the regular season of MPL Philippines Season 13 and will be facing the dangerous RSG Philippines in their opening round of the double elimination bracket scheduled this Thursday, May 23rd at 16:00 local time (GMT +8)
There you have it, now you're in the loop in what's up with TL MLBB and we hope for to support their journey towards making it to MSC 2024 and later in the year, the ESL Snapdragon Pro Series and MPL Philippines and Indonesia Season 14, a qualifier for the M6 World Championship in Kuala Lumpur


submitted by RebelHeartXO to teamliquid [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:27 Imaginary-Roof-793 Cant join server requires arclight 1.16

I downloaded a modpack on my steam deck and when i join the server it trlls me arclight 1.16 is required but I thought that was a server side plugin. My question is if i download it where would i put the file? Would it be in mods with the other mods or a specific one?
submitted by Imaginary-Roof-793 to feedthebeast [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:26 neopod Making History req for orchestra?

Making History req for orchestra?
This is for Making History set 11 and I only have Orchestra set 21. Both ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thanks if you wanna trade.
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/XEVeNfpF82I https://mply.io/XEVeNfpF82I
submitted by neopod to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:25 PerskiD Starting game

Starting game submitted by PerskiD to Voicesofthevoid [link] [comments]
