Farting mucus

I sing opera when i'm holding in a poo

2024.05.21 01:35 I-am-the-Nightsoiler I sing opera when i'm holding in a poo

As a bit of a back story, i love holding in a massive log and riding the clutch for as long as possible. A few months back I started pushed beyond the ahhh stage, through the mucus fart stage on through the the shit shivers stage and then discovered a place that was almost hallucinatory and I started panting.
My abdominal muscles were spasming like hell to push the loaf out and I let out a small groan. I really liked the sound so I kept going with the humming and then moved onto mi,mi,mi,mi. Well the abdominal contractions made me hit notes I didn't know my voice could do and I didnt even have a tune in mind. For a 6ft 240lb man, hitting soprano notes is impressive.
For me the sound was astonishing and it has taken my shitting to the next level in terms of pleasure. I think if I could take some maracas and recording equipment into the toilet with me people would see something unique. A bit like the Yoko Ono Chuck Berry solo.
submitted by I-am-the-Nightsoiler to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:22 stiffboy2000 Colon C fear + anxiety

Hi, i am a 23 year old male and i am pretty sure o have health anxiety. For about 4 years now i had on and off problems with my digestion. It started with some bloating and mucus in my stool - sometimes after a bowel movement, sometimes it just came out like a wet fart. The color was orange/brown. I noticed blood on my stool (not a lot and never on toilet paper) a few years ago but it went away fast. The problems came back now. Blood on stool, mucus, more daily bowel movements (1 larger one and then 2 or 3 smaller ones with literally 1 or 2 pieces of stool with some mucus), discomfort in stomach area, some blating. I fear for the worst especially because my brother had a colonoscopy a few years ago and they found a 2.5 cm poylp (he was bleeding for about a year or so before he decited to visit a doctor). They removed the polyp and he is fine now. He had a follow up colonoscopy last year and everything was fine for what i am really grateful because i was scared for him. I am writing this here because i don't have anyone else to say it to. I told my brother but he thinks it's nothing major, maybe hemmeroids or a small polyp but i fear for the worst. No one knows i have health anxiety, i haven't told anyne, hell i don't even know for ceratin i have it but reading about it and reading this subreddit gave me enough info to be quite certain i do. I am venting. I am really scared, i try to handle this as best as i can. I have a colonoscopy scheduled in about 5-6 month but i just don't know if i can wait that long. I don't think i can handle the constant worrying it is so tiresome. I'm thinking of going to a GI specialist for a talk (on my expences) so he can maybe calm me down a little bit. I'm really scared and i just decided to write this on here couse it seemed like a good idea. Maybe someone with similiar experience can talk to me i would really aprecciate it.
submitted by stiffboy2000 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:40 frenchynerd In such a bad dark place

I have posted a lot in the past days to try to understand how to make this better.
I'm a 40 yo male. In the past, I went down to 103 pounds and was hospitalized for that. Recovery took YEARS. Last year, I was at a healthy 135 lbs. I was so extremely proud of myself. My digestive symptoms were fairly under control and my diet as varied as it has ever been in the last years, while continuing to avoid some known trigger foods.
I lost a big chunk of weight with a stupid stomach bug.
Then. I work as a front desk agent in a hotel and we had hockey groups every weekend. Extreme stress. Lost weight.
My roommate caught a stomach bug in March. Extreme major stress as I was very very scared of catching it.
And I continue losing, because I can't eat as much as before. I'm now down to 118 lbs. I recognize all the symptoms, having already been this underweight: lack of appetite, more digestive issues, anxiety, effects on libido, cold all the time and a feeling of fragility and vulnerability, increased depression and anxiety. Brain fog will kick soon in the next pounds melting away.
What happens: frequent bowel movements in the afternoon, with cramps and abdominal pain lasting in the evening until my bedtime on my worse days. The BMs are made of soft pieces of stool or longer ones, but only one stool. Sometimes, I will have larger BMs. I will have to go to the toilet 10 times with those small poops. People told me it may be lack of fiber, so I ordered Metamucil.
I had lots of mucus and wet farts too, but this reduced down since I started taking Align probiotics. I saw blood, bright red blood once in the middle of mucus.
I went to see a doctor. My regular doctor is on maternity leave until September. Walking clinic doctor ordered a colonoscopy, which will be in two months..can stay in my condition for two months.
I'm not interested in getting tons of tests with weird liquids and all. I did them all in the past, don't want to redo them.
I just went to get back to where I was a few months ago.
I tried Nerva hypnotherapy, not doing nothing for me for the moment.
I don't know what to do. I'm scared of what will happen if I lose more weight. I'm very depressed right and struggling a lot šŸ„ŗ
I wanted to go to the lake tomorrow with my roommate to enjoy the nice but with me spending my whole afternoons a the bathroom, it will be not possible.
submitted by frenchynerd to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:02 Prestigious_Hat_5111 Trapped gas won't go out after anal play with toy

Throwaway. I played with two dildos yesterday and used saliva as lube (i know not adequate). I did anal play for 10-15 times and got used to it but I almost always used lube. Yesterday it seemed to be going in smooth and i was somewhat rough but mostly gentle. I finished, showered and packed up. But a few hours later I had to go number 2 and i saw some blood come out with mucus but no poop. I felt bloated ever since then. I did poop before sleeping and didn't notice blood in the stool, just darkish brown. Went to sleep hoping the bloating would go away but I woke up this morning feeling the same. I feel some air moving around inside and i do fart but not much. Could this be a rupture? I have no fever no chills no pain just bloatness. And I didn't notice any more blood. Hope someone answers. Thanks
Edit: I feel theres a good amount of trapped gas/air but I can't release anything.
submitted by Prestigious_Hat_5111 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 03:14 charliet_1802 Please help. At my wits end

Hi, 22M sufferer from Mexico here. Long context here (I mix tenses because, yeah haha) :
Height: 172 cm, Weight: 54 kg (I've always been skinny, you know, that kind of person who can eat a lot and don't gain weight, well, I also think that's because besides my genetics, I had always been an active person)
I was going to the grocery store before lunch and suddenly started feeling like I couldn't breathe and a huge pressure on my chest. I managed to get to the store and came back home. I started eating and immediately started burping and feeling kinda trapped gas in my esophagus and I could feel how it was burning and swallowing caused the most terrible pain I've experienced. I tried Alka Seltzer and sodium bicarbonate and didn't feel relief, so my parents took me to a GP and I was diagnosed with GERD and gastritis and was prescribed omeprazole, carafate and Riopan (don't know the name in other places). This was really weird because I had never experienced GERD nor digestive issues, just a bacterial infection when I was 17, but that's it. After a week I started feeling better and I could eat normally again, I was burping less.
He told me that since I was young, going under surgery (Nissen fundoplication) would be a good option for me to get rid of symptoms and be off PPIs. My dad and I agreed, but since I didn't have insurance before, I'd have to wait 2 years until the surgery was covered. So we decided to wait.
I dropped out from school because I couldn't keep going. I was kinda okay, but going out and doing stuff made me feel nauseous and tired, for the first time I couldn't take a bus because I felt dizzy and about to throw up. So I usually stayed home and only went out to the store or to my gf house or sometimes to somewhere else, but not frequently. During this year I switched careers and got back to what I've always loved, programming, so I worked as a freelancer and made some money that way.
She also prescribed me digestive enzymes, which for some reason also contain ox bile here in Mexico and I've been taking them since then. I can tell they have actually helped, but can't tell when I'm doing the same and feeling like s*it.
I buy zinc-carnosine and Thorne's GI Relief to see if they help with GERD and gastritis. They seem to help, but can't tell really. I finish the bottles and don't refill. Don't feel noticeable changes.
I also tried ginger and artichoke for weeks, but I felt more cramping and gas. I've also tried Iberogast to no avail
Here's a list of my symtopms, I didn't mention some on the story
I also want to say that between August and December I managed to gain my weight back from 43 kg to 54 kg (don't know how, I guess I was absorbing more, which make sense since I didn't have this weird diarrhea situation)
I really don't know what to do because my parents have no money for tests nor treatment and I don't have either (I don't earn much, besides I have to buy my own food and meds). I can't stop Dexilant because I've tried and my esophagus just doesn't handle it well (cold turkey, wean off, I've tried it and it's the same in the long-term). Here where I live nobody knows about SIBO and aren't tests available, so I can't say if I have it. The public system health in Mexico is terrible also, I tried it for my GERD at first and I received the worst treatment and I obviously wasn't rude by any means :(. I haven't tried more extreme approaches such as ED or carnivore since I don't know what's the best for me because as I said, I just suppose that my glucose levels go down easily. I can eat high-protein and high-fat and low-carb and still feel weak. Is it the PPI? Is it leaky gut? Is it stress? I don't know.
I've thought about getting a better job where they give me a nice private health insurance, but besides it isn't that easy to get a nice job, I get discouraged by these symtopms and not being able to focus properly and have to fight all day with these symptoms. I know stress is a huge factor for me, but how not feel that way when I don't know a s*it about life and since this age I have to deal with a lot.
I've felt suicidal a lot of times. You should understand, it isn't like I want to die, I just don't know how to get better and stop suffering while trying to do every single thing you're supposed to. I just want to be able to hang out with my friends, have fun and live a life as the young person I am :(.
Thank you for reading :)
submitted by charliet_1802 to SIBO [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:54 Active-Tap8070 My fix

To start the main thing with bad breath is consistency with your hygiene even when you feel like itā€™s doing nothing. This is what Iā€™ve done to notice a dramatic change in smell and peoples reactions. To start:
I then started to incorporate the water pick but what I do is dump the NeilMed sinus rinse salt with xylitol into it to clean any infection and again help with that nasty mucus. On top of all that and my favorite part is the Sinus Rinse.
What I noticed is my main cause of bad breath is that my sinusā€™ are usually infection or irritated with leads to inflammation trapping all that nasty mucus. Sometimes I need to use a nasal spray to decrease that inflammation and then nasal rinse and you should see all that nasty yellow mucus come flowing out.
Now by any means is this going to change overnight, absolutely not you need to stay on top of it and stay strong. The only opinions that should matter are you, and yours only.
Thereā€™s light at the end of the tunnel I promise, there was a time people at my work wouldnā€™t even speak to me or stand within 10ft of me, my own ā€œfriendsā€ outed me and Iā€™ll be honest I tried to play victim, that mindset is what is going to keep you down. Wake up, smile, and get to work on that nasty breath lol, thereā€™s a positive in everything in this life.
submitted by Active-Tap8070 to badbreath [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:30 iamthebest1234567890 How common is it to ONLY cut dairy?

I believe my 10 week old has some kind of intolerance/allergy to something Iā€™m eating but I am confused about what it may be. From birth he has had painful gas/ poops and I assumed it was normal but it really seemed like he was in a ton of pain. Consistently got worse and I thought it would be getting better around this point but the last week or so has been horrible. He tenses, arches, thrashes and screams like you are beating him. He farts non stop and seems to be uncomfortable 90% of the time.
He also has congestion or reflux issues that are worse after eating but does not spit up or vomit. You can hear the congestion in his chest and throat when heā€™s breathing though. His stools have been mucusy occasionally and I thought normal besides that until I started looking at the photos on this sub after looking into CMPA. I based ā€˜normalā€™ on my older son and now after seeing this sub Iā€™m realizing the extreme mucus and super liquidy was not normal. When it turned dark green and got dark spots I was told he was teething so I never thought to look further into it.
Over the last week his sleep has gotten drastically worse and itā€™s because of the gas. He wakes up screaming and inconsolable and will stay that way until he farts and go right back to sleep. Sometimes it takes 10 minutes, sometimes it takes hours. He canā€™t even contact nap without waking to fart now.
None of this feels normal but when I reached out to my ped I was told it possibly sounds like CMPA but they donā€™t recommend eliminating dairy unless there is blood and I just donā€™t want to wait for it to get worse before trying something. Plus I really need to be able to sleep more than 4 hours at night so itā€™s worth a shot if it helps with that at all.
So my question is how likely is it that I will be successful by just eliminating dairy? I see many eliminate soy as well but Iā€™d rather not do that unless I have to.
Second question is sometimes he seems super uncomfortable, kicking and arching and screaming until I pick him up and then he has an easier time passing gas or pooping. Would this still happen if it was an intolerance? Or am I wasting my time by eliminating dairy?
submitted by iamthebest1234567890 to MSPI [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:59 chloelooloo switched from enfamil infant yellow can, to enfamil gentlease weird poops

my baby was super constipated, sheā€™s almost 3 months and a few weeks ago she was pooping straight pebbles adult looking poop everything. I switched her to gentlease as the doctor stated I should as well, and her poops have been very frequent.. A little too frequent Iā€™m worried lol. she will have a huge dark green poop every single morning, and then throughout the day she will have these excessively seedy yellow, a bit runny poops, and looks like a bit of mucus in some of her poops too, but she is a drooler. she drools excessively as she is already getting a tooth in, and when she farts she will poop a little too. she probably poops about 3-5 times a day now, and before she would go once or skip a day. but she seems a lot more happy, she can actually sleep through the night now. Iā€™m assuming because sheā€™s not in pain, no more straining or having to help her go, she does it all on her own Iā€™m just really hoping all this pooping is normal, itā€™s almost after every feed. and omg her poops stink horribly too. just worried about her getting dehydrated. any advice?
submitted by chloelooloo to FormulaFeeders [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:13 Livid-Corgi-1436 What were your symptoms?

Our baby is just over 2 months old and EBF. Around the 1 month mark she was diagnosed with silent reflux and uses a small dose of Pepcid currently. Around the 1 month time she also has mucus / green poops for a while. These then changed to yellow/orange and improved in consistency.
Today she had a big green mucus diaper with some blood in it. Her 2 diapers afterward have been green with mucus, some seeds etc but no blood. She is overall very happy baby, hardly ever cries. She does grunt sometimes, has had congestion off and on, seems to strain for pooping and farting but never cries out in pain. Good weight gain. Spits up a moderate amount (has good and bad days) that I would attribute to the reflux.
Communicated this with her pediatrician today who recommended eliminating dairy and soy from my diet at this point due to the bloody diaper. Unfortunately for me, I eat a lot of dairy and soy and worry if this will impact my supply as well as my sanity. I have a bit of an oversupply (have worked on this with LC) and very much want to keep feeding my baby. I feel sick to my stomach that my breastmilk freezer stash wonā€™t be usable now??
Anyway, my question is for those with MSPI diagnoses - does this sound like your baby? Is it jumping the gun to do elimination diet with one bloody diaper? On the flip side I donā€™t want to cause my baby discomfort and understand the elimination diet is a small price to pay.
How soon can I reintroduce dairy and soy into my diet?
Thanks in advance for the help.
submitted by Livid-Corgi-1436 to MSPI [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 02:18 thatboimartle 25M - went on vacation to the Dominican Republic and have had stomach issues since, any advice helpful

So I went on a trip to the DR and got back on April 28th. Since then, I have had stomach cramps, diaherrea originally which has since become very small loose bowel movements upwards of 15-20 times a day. The reason itā€™s so high is I get this urge that I need to go to the bathroom and feel like Iā€™m going to explode, and nothing comes out. At one point I felt like I was constipated, so I tried a mineral oil fleet enema and nothing came out. I tried taking Imodium one day originally for the diaherrea, and it did help but only short term. I tried taking laxatives for the constipation that followed, for 2 days, to no avail.
I was lucky enough to get a doctors appointment late this week, but it is not getting better after over 14 days. Any opinions on treatment and good practices before my appointment are helpful, as itā€™s difficult to work with this. Thank you
submitted by thatboimartle to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 22:27 Old-Raspberry9807 What does a mucus plug look like?

I never experienced losing mine with my other children so Iā€™m not sure lol. I get pretty bad Braxton hicks when I have to poop or fart, so I went to the bathroom but of course nothing came out besides a little bit of pee. I wiped and looked at the tissue and it was a yellow snot looking streak on the tissue. Not super thick maybe the thickness of a spaghetti noodle. Was that the mucus plug or just discharge?
submitted by Old-Raspberry9807 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 23:51 Apprehensive_Hat3349 Please help. At a loss

Baby is a month old today! He is sometimes really fussy and gassy and it can be quite hard to calm him. sometimes on the boob he screams and unlatches and other times he feeds well. I think I have a strong letdown and sometimes it overwhelms him. he sometimes coughs a little.
last night was awful he screamed most of the night and this morning his poo was green. we have had little bits of green and mucus in his poo but he was so upset last night and then we had green poo I feel it may have even related. he wees plenty sometimes vomits a lot sometimes not at all.
He always seems to be trying to get his farts out. Idk what to do breastfeeding is not enjoyable anymore because he seems upset at it most of the time now. I tried feeding him upright and thought it was working really well but then last feed he got upset again.
I really would like to stick with breastfeeding if possible. when he eats probably and doesnā€™t seem upset afterwards itā€™s a really good experience
submitted by Apprehensive_Hat3349 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 23:50 Apprehensive_Hat3349 Please help! Breastfeeding troubles!

Baby is a month old today! He is sometimes really fussy and gassy and it can be quite hard to calm him. sometimes on the boob he screams and unlatches and other times he feeds well. I think I have a strong letdown and sometimes it overwhelms him. he sometimes coughs a little.
last night was awful he screamed most of the night and this morning his poo was green. we have had little bits of green and mucus in his poo but he was so upset last night and then we had green poo I feel it may have even related. he wees plenty sometimes vomits a lot sometimes not at all.
He always seems to be trying to get his farts out. Idk what to do breastfeeding is not enjoyable anymore because he seems upset at it most of the time now. I tried feeding him upright and thought it was working really well but then last feed he got upset again.
I really would like to stick with breastfeeding if possible. when he eats probably and doesnā€™t seem upset afterwards itā€™s a really good experience
submitted by Apprehensive_Hat3349 to breastfeeding [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 18:27 Efficient-Pie5230 Is IBS common with GERD?

Hi guys. Just curious what may be going on with my healing process at the moment.
It was about a month ago when i started feeling both my stomach and throat go a bit strange. A few years ago I had what was loosely diagnosed as gastritis for a few months, because of that, I quickly went on to a very strict diet to get on top of things asap.
For the first week or so I had bad difficulties with my throat and breathing. I was getting a tight throat, which felt like I had a lump in the throat, constantly clearing my throat for mucus, and general difficulty talking and breathing. So I diagnosed myself with LPR, or silent reflux.
Luckily this cleared and for the past couple of weeks my breathing has been fine. During that time my stomach was generally okay on my strict diet too, at the start I would get bloating, but in combination with taking omeprazole (which I still am) and gaviscon, I never felt too much discomfort or any sickness. It was really just a case of feeling full. But like I said, my throat was 90% of my issues and my stomach didn't really bother me very much.
Last week, I did have a good few days of actually feeling quite normal which was amazing. I stuck to the strict diet, but slowly introduced and tried some small things just like some cheese, soya milk etc. However, since then, my stomach has been feeling more bloated than it ever has during this month, and I seem to have taken on all of the symptoms of IBS. Very bloated, very windy (farting and burping), constipation, some mild stomach pains, mucus in my poop.
So I was just wondering if this sounds normal? Because then maybe I should be changing how I'm going about treating this, as Ive had these IBS related feelings for about a week now and they don't seem to be shifting no matter how well I eat.
Many thanks!
submitted by Efficient-Pie5230 to GERD [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 03:32 -Dthrowaway- If you got ibs from infection,share your experience please

How long has it been? What do you eat and what's your absolute trigger food?Did you got better?
Here's my story: Early last year, I cooked some meat for myself which ended up with serious food poisoning. I had water diarrhea longer than a month, It hasn't been long I finally got occasional somewhat normal poop. For first 4~5months my left abdominal hurt every morning, now it's occasional thing(But my stomach still hurts in different way lol)
Still, there are tones of things i can't eat. I can't eat cheese, cream,bread, raw veggie, anything oily or spicy and etc. I didn't try many things because even small flare-ups are so wild, I can't eat anything for one or two days when flare up starts.
My safetest foods are banana, white rice,eggs and fish. But those still causes problems. My stomach always hurts. I visit toilet multiple times everyday.
(TMI: These aren't my daily symptoms but i also got mucus fart,undigested food in stool, stomach noise time to time)
Compare to the beginning, this got so much better, but i'm not normal by any meaning. How about you?
submitted by -Dthrowaway- to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 14:44 AdClean9755 Worsened gastro issues after surgery

I am a 36 year old male, I am 5'6" and weigh 125 lbs currently. I apologize for the length of this post, but I have been having gastro problems for a while now so I figured including this background information would be relevant/helpful. For some background information, I have been eating one meal a day for the last 15 years. I also have obsessive compulsive disorder, and this caused me to do a lot of over wiping in years past after bowel movements. As such I have mild hemorrhoids. For reference I would be on the toilet anywhere from 45 mins to an hour and a half or more. Starting around 2019 this started to get better for me and I was no longer on the toilet that long. Time it took to get poop out varied, but in general the wiping portion only took 10 minutes, and still does to this day.
Now, last year I began experiencing some difficulties getting everything out when I poop. I would again be on the toilet for 45 mins + every day, and only 10 of that was for wiping. I brought this up to my gastro doctor (who I am seeing because of elevated liver enzymes numbers; they run bloodwork every 3 months and see me every 6 months) and he suggested laxatives, he steered me in the direction of Miralax. This was around Sept-Oct of 2023. It was just after that appointment that I developed shingles on my face so the medications for that had me a little messed up in the stomach as well, and I was having worse difficulties getting to go. Anyways, I took Miralax for a week or so. My time on the toilet went down from like an hour to 40 minutes on average, but it still felt like I wasn't getting completely cleaned out. Then one night I got up to urinate, and on the way there I farted and poop came out in my underwear. As you can imagine for someone with OCD this is a problem that I couldn't risk happening again, so I stopped the Miralax immediately, as it was giving me minimal help anyways.
In June of last year I had my PSA tested. It was elevated to 4.6 from 2.7 the previous year. As such my general physician referred me to a urologist to have testing for prostate cancer. I got an MRI in October, and before doing a prostate biopsy my urologist put me on a month long antibiotic to clear up a possible prostatitis that might have been indicated by the MRI. This antibiotic really messed with my bowel routines. The first couple days were fine, but the third day on it I couldn't go to the bathroom at all. I ate that night, but then late that night (like midnight) I got horrible cramps and rushed to sit down on the toilet. The only thing that came out was clear mucus. I didn't eat the following day because I was still crampy as hell. The day after that I couldn't go again so I didn't eat again as I didn't want to give myself more cramps and more poop that wouldn't come out. The following day I finally pooped, so I ate some bland food and going forward I was able to go better. However it was at this point that I started eating only every other day, because otherwise my stomach felt like it was bloated and uncomfortable all the time. By the end of the antibiotic, I was doing much better with toilet time; I was regular again, and I was only on the toilet an average of 20-30 minutes total including cleanup, and some times were less than 15 minutes. Still I was only eating every other day from then through the present. Not the healthiest thing, but I felt better and I was drinking lots of gatorade and juices on my off eating days to stay energized.
Fast forward to more present. I had my prostate biopsy in February of this year (2024) and it came back positive. I had robotic prostate removal surgery 2 weeks ago on April 23. I came home from the hospital the day after the surgery and didn't poop which was expected. The following morning I woke up with terrible cramps and went on the toilet but only gas came out. That evening I took 1 Colace that was prescribed by my urologist. The following morning I pooped fine although it was very loose and mushy. This continued for a few days until it started to form up and return to somewhat normal. I was on Oxycodone in the hospital, but since being home I only took the Tylenol + Motrin combo that they recommended, and the past three days I haven't taken any pain meds. I was also on an antibiotic for a week, but I took my last dose of that on April 30.
Around Sunday though I started getting bad cramps when I wake up in the morning and I would have to get on the toilet right away. If the cramps came in while I was standing, I couldn't move, I just had to wait for them to pass. After a BM they felt better and went away. On Wednesday of last week (May 1) I had my catheter from the surgery removed. I pooped in the morning before that happened so that I wouldn't have any cramps while at the appointment. A day or 2 later the cramps started becoming more prevalent and I would sometimes have to go poop twice in a day. The one day I was standing waiting for a cramp to pass to get things ready before sitting on the toilet and some came out in my underwear. One day I was on the toilet a total of 3 times. One of those times the only thing that came out was clear mucus.
The past few days I've had to poop twice a day every day and that's despite still only eating every other day. This is a big problem for me for a few reasons. I need to shower after every time I poop, so I'm wasting water. I'm wasting wipes cleaning up multiple times a day. And finally it is making my hemorrhoids worse having to poop and wipe 2+ times a day even though I'm only on the toilet 20 or so minutes each time. I don't know what to do though. I am going to the bathroom (too much) so it's not like a laxative will help my situation. I don't want to take anything like Imodium either because I don't want to get backed and the reprieve from that would only be temporary until the effects wear off.
Is this a temporary side effect of the surgery? Has anyone else experienced something like this after surgery? For reference I've told my gastro doctor about all of this except for the post-surgery stuff as I haven't seen him yet after that. I have an appointment with him in 2 weeks.
submitted by AdClean9755 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 17:04 Unlucky_Web5477 Levofloxacin permanent damage

25M After 5 days of oral levofloxacin 500mg, I developed non-constant heart pain radiating to left arm, colon paralysis (like inserting an enema and never feeling to evacuate)/ barely pooping (once daily), milk intolerance (nausea, brain fog & complete appetite loss if drinking), heart related tiredness (I can barely take a shower), no more lubrefiated stools (absence of mucus like I had before), lack of farts and abdominal & pelvis computed tomography & full colonoscopy revealed only swollen aortic lymph nodes. EKG revealed SVES and QRS +60. I have been prescribed pantoprazole daily. The only pill I take. Tried probiotics and prebiotics, a lot of brands, nothing helped.
Please help me if you have any suggestions, thanks! The heart pain happens even when resting. I note that my grandmother had very severe heart & left arm pain/ numbness when she had clostridium difficile (diarrhea & blooded stool) and completely fixed after 7 days of oral vancomycin 250mg every 6 hours. I (hope & think) do not have clostridium difficile, salmonella, h. pylori, e. coli or shigella. Tested stool multiple times against these (negative results).
submitted by Unlucky_Web5477 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 02:31 HelpfulAd4795 "Weird" symptoms of GERD?

Do you guys and girls have any other symptoms, other than the usual heartburn and coughing? I have a type 2 HH along with gerd and gastritis for 2 years...so here is my list.
-flatulence/bloating. Started in the last 6 months, sometimes i had to fart each 15 minutes, loud and smelly farts. Somehow it calmed down by itself. Cant say it was food related.
-light itching at random places but no rash. Didnt notice this before the diagnosis. Happens rarely and lasts few days to few weeks at most. Liver enzymes are ok...
-heart palpitations that last few seconds. Annoying, i guess connected to HH?
-light "pain" or pinching sensation under left or right rib, sometimes both in the same time. Usually after eating, or drinking cold yogurt the moment i take a sip.
-mid to upper back pain
-weird stools. Maybe i had this before but didnt notice. If i eat cooked vegetables my stools are kinda shiny (mucus?) mushy and soft, often floating. If i eat rice instead they are harder, formed and usually sink. But also they are kinda light brown in color, i guess because of carbs in rice? I dont eat too much meat, if i do stools tend to be more brown. Few times on the beginning of my "journey" i had really yellow floating stools, freaked me out honestly.
The bowels related stuff sounds like ibs to me but i dont know. Honestly it can get really tiring to experience new symptoms (like excessive farting for me) and listen out to your body all the time wondering whats wrong and why. Btw i dont take any medications at the moment. I just try to be mindful of what i eat and drink, exercise, dont lay down after eating etc.... Out of 24 months i took PPIs maybe 5 months altogether.
submitted by HelpfulAd4795 to GERD [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 06:25 OutlandishnessNo1371 Is this SIBO Die off?

I am 21M, Obese, was not active at all for the past 9-10months. So mid march I started with a very violent cough and it was treated with some medicine from my GP and by April 1st week it was gone. But from April 1st week I started continuously burping throughout the day, after some acid and gas reducing medicine from my GP it was under control but I would still burp 20-30 times a day.
Slowly it started affecting my throat and my voice would break while speaking as I feel my throat being pulled. Also after eating I would feel a little pain in the stomach that would go only after burping / farting and I would feel normal.
So I went to a GI on 19th April and he diagnosed me with GERD/ Drug induced dyspepsia; dysbiosis and gave me the following and said it's not SIBO otherwise my stomach would become inflamed like a balloon:
1 month of
So yesterday I finished the 14 days Rifaximin and was also eating really bland diet. Till now major incident that happened are:
On Day 4: I continuously burped which included dinasour burp, vomiting burp (nothing came out apart from burping) for 6-7 hours and next day my BM was dark brown mixed with yellow (like 2 separate clay just joined into one)
On Day 12: After eating Idli (Rice Cake) + Coconut chutney I burped for 20-30min.
On Day 14 1st dosage: I started burping in 10 min, and later after 1 hour of eating I burped till I slept.
On Day 14 2nd dosage: I started burping after lunch (curd rice), also some gas pain in the stomach and today (Day 15), I had a loose brownish stool and some same color mucus.
So are these die off symptoms of SIBO?
submitted by OutlandishnessNo1371 to SIBO [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 08:59 daviskrappenschitz 13 weeks Post OP. Still draining. What is it?

I had a fistulectomy. The would had been draining since the surgery. It has decreased significantly but it is still releasing a transparent, sticky jelly like substance. I donā€™t know why.
I am certain itā€™s not pus. Itā€™s mucus from my intestinal lining but I donā€™t know why would it come out at fart?
I donā€™t have fecal or wind incontinence but it still makes its way out.
Do I need to be worried or is this normal at 13 week mark?
submitted by daviskrappenschitz to AnalFistula [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 03:39 Letoilehairstylist Linzess? Help

Hi there,
Last year around March I was prescribed Linzess 290 highest dosage and it worked like a charmā€¦I felt cured. Then throughout 2023 I took it as needed. End of December, I started feeling constipated and March until now Iā€™ve been taking linzess 145 everyday. The amount of mucus I generate is unreal and sometimes mucus with no stool. My bowels explode when the linzess starts working.. the poop faucet turns on and doesnā€™t stop for a couple of hours. Then towards the evening I get nausea, Butthole fullness, and a crampy stomach and then comes the desire but inability to fart or poop, maybe cause my bowels are empty but really I donā€™t know Iā€™m always thinking itā€™s a blockage, even though my GI doctor gaslights me like crazy and says itā€™s not. My appetite decreased and I wake up every morning feeling like a full hot air balloon. Anyone have similar experiences?
Also I have crazy brain fog
submitted by Letoilehairstylist to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 20:01 tofucoconut Get the Botox !!!

Iā€™m now 2 weeks post Botox and burping like a champ. Now just have to work to keep the ability.
At first, I thought I wouldnā€™t make it out of the misery of the first couple days post-op and would never stop having uncontrollable micro burping.
My slow swallow is almost all gone (still need water at meals, but not nearly as much). And the feeling of mucus constantly in my throat is almost gone as well. My burps are now bigger (and less frequent), but more satisfying.
The only thing I still have trouble with is sometimes feeling nauseous at night, but I find that a big burp eventually provides relief. Just gotta get used to the feeling of gas coming out being a positive thing.
Itā€™s so nice not feeling miserable and bloated (and farting) all the time šŸŽ‰
submitted by tofucoconut to noburp [link] [comments]
