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2009.01.02 05:47 Finding A Podcast

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2015.04.16 20:40 smokevapors Grand Theft Auto 5 PC Modding

Modding for PC version of Grand Theft Auto 5 as well as mod programming and reverse engineering the GTA 5 engine. Here you can find all about Grand Theft Auto 5 Modding. Here you can discuss GTA 5 Modding and the Modding tools used.

2012.03.16 19:19 YouTube Haiku

Poetic and/or funny YouTube videos under 30 seconds. Brevity is the soul of wit. Videos 14 seconds and under are known as Haiku videos and 15-30 seconds are Poetry.

2024.05.22 03:27 bluenova25253 41/M - Your break from the mundane

21 & older only. Messages/chats only. Won’t respond to comments. State your age & location in your first message & a little about yourself.
I’m not here to make a best friend or hear about your mundane 9-5. I live a unique life where I can do what I want,when I want. I’m at a point in my life in every aspect where I can do what I want. I travel,buy what I want. I enjoy my life & I’m very to the point about who I am & how I am.
I’m very open about myself & my lifestyle. I’ve learned over the years to not waste my time talking to people that are close minded or who don’t fit what I am looking for.
I know what I want & I go for it. I don’t sit back & wait. I am not a huge fan of the “Alpha” label but I think it fits me for the most part. I can be laid back & chill but when I’m motivated I am focused. I lead a strict lifestyle in many ways.
If you’re curious to learn more feel free to reach out.
submitted by bluenova25253 to chat [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:27 Nixosbroken How to dynamically resize in TkInter?

This is what I have so far for my assessment task so far. Don't mind the comments:
import sys
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
# Okay, I'm just going to hardcode the values. The assignment doesn't say that I can't, so why overcomplicate it?
# In essence, each function sets which radio button activates which burger; then makes the text box writable; then deletes the previous recipe; writes to it with the new recipe; and then makes it readonly again.
def byte_burger_recipe():
burger.set("Byte Burger")
recipe.config(state = 'normal')
recipe.delete(1.0, END)
recipe.insert(END, "Burger name: Byte Burger \n Bun type: Milk \n Sauce type: Tomato \n Number of patties: 1 \n Number of slices of cheese: 0 \n Tomato included: No \n Lettuce included: Yes \n Onion included: No \n price: $5")
recipe.config(state = 'disabled')
def ctrl_alt_delicious_recipe():
recipe.config(state = 'normal')
recipe.delete(1.0, END)
recipe.insert(END, "Burger name: Ctrl-Alt-Delicious \n Bun type: Milk \n Sauce type: Barbecue \n Number of patties: 2 \n Number of slices of cheese: 2 \n Tomato included: Yes \n Lettuce included: Yes \n Onion included: Yes \n price: $11")
recipe.config(state = 'disabled')
def data_crunch_recipe():
burger.set("Data Crunch")
recipe.config(state = 'normal')
recipe.delete(1.0, END)
recipe.insert(END, "Burger name: Data Crunch \n Bun type: Gluten free \n Sauce type: Tomato \n Number of patties: 0 \n Number of slices of cheese: 0 \n Tomato included: Yes \n Lettuce included: Yes \n Onion included: Yes \n price: $8")
recipe.config(state = 'disabled')
def code_cruncher_recipe():
burger.set("Code Cruncher")
recipe.config(state = 'normal')
recipe.delete(1.0, END)
recipe.insert(END, "Burger name: Code Cruncher \n Bun type: Milk \n Sauce type: Tomato \n Number of patties: 3 \n Number of slices of cheese: 3 \n Tomato included: Yes \n Lettuce included: Yes \n Onion included: Yes \n price: $15")
recipe.config(state = 'disabled')
# This is what the example was called.
root = Tk()
root.title("Welcome to Codetown Burger Co")
# David Paul used this padding, and I liked it. I also kept the "content" variable because it works. If it's not broke, don't fix it.
content = ttk.Frame(root, padding = "3 3 12 12")
content.grid(column = 0, row = 0)
# I felt it nice to add a minimum size. This is the smallest possible size where nothing is overlapping or compressed.
root.minsize(600, 300)
recipe = Text(content, height = 10, width = 50, state = 'disabled')
recipe.grid(row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 4)
# I made them strings. I tried booleans, but they can only be on or off, where as the strings can say different things.
# I also set the left-most burger to be first.
burger = StringVar()
burger.set("Byte Burger")
# These are the different radio buttons. They have text on the button specifying the burger, then they run a command, which is to write the recipe, I made all of the variables the same so that they couldn't all be activate at the same time, but I gave them all different values so that you can't have two active at the same time.
# I also got bored and added a "Done" button.
bb_button = ttk.Radiobutton(content, text = "Byte Burger", command = byte_burger_recipe, variable = burger, value = "Byte Burger")
bb_button.grid(column = 0, row = 1)
cad_button = ttk.Radiobutton(content, text = "Control-Alt-Delicious", command = ctrl_alt_delicious_recipe, variable = burger, value = "Ctrl-Alt-Delicious")
cad_button.grid(column = 1, row = 1)
dc_button = ttk.Radiobutton(content, text = "Data Crunch", command = data_crunch_recipe, variable = burger, value = "Data Crunch")
dc_button.grid(column = 2, row = 1)
cc_button = ttk.Radiobutton(content, text = "Code Cruncher", command = code_cruncher_recipe, variable = burger, value = "Code Cruncher")
cc_button.grid(column = 3, row = 1)
done_button = ttk.Button(content, text = "Done", command = sys.exit)
done_button.grid(column = 5, row = 2)
root.columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
root.rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
content.columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
content.columnconfigure(1, weight = 1)
content.columnconfigure(2, weight = 1)
content.columnconfigure(3, weight = 1)
content.columnconfigure(4, weight = 1)
content.rowconfigure(1, weight = 1)
How do I dynamically resize the widgets upon resizing the window?
submitted by Nixosbroken to learnpython [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:27 NoRealQuestions Could this be a scam apartment? This seems a little suspicious.

Could this be a scam apartment? This seems a little suspicious.
I applied for an apartment on zillow and this is what the manager for the apartment said:
This looks a little suspicious to me. Why would they not be able to see my application?? The apartment also has been on the list for like 80 days and has 5 applications on it already.
submitted by NoRealQuestions to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:26 Ssunny- I lost my cat of twenty years a few days ago and i feel guilty

I lost my cat of twenty years a few days ago and i feel guilty
Im twenty three years old and cannot remember a time before we had her, lucky was her name. She was put on the streets by a divorcing couple who did not want to deal with a kitten, my parents adopted her and i immediately fell in love with her. She was my cat and no matter how big of a bitch she could be, it never detered me from loving her.
I think that a big part of me going on to study, and now work with, animals is a due to me caring so deeply for her.
She always had clear boundaries and wasnt afraid to put me in my place if i overstepped, she was playful but also filled with stress. She had always had minor health issues and was so prone to stress that we all never imagined she would live to the ripe age of twenty. But she was tough as nails, never let anything stop her even in her old age. Riddled with arthritis and plagued by dementia she still would never relent, always determined. Climbing onto the counters to steal a treat or onto my childhood loft bed just because she did not want to leave my side.
She got sweeter in her old age, more tolerant and less prone to swiping, hissing and biting. She started doing this thing a few years back which just melted my heart, where she would walk up to my head whilst in bed purring loudly as she would wait for me to lift the blankets so she could crawl under there and steal my body heat.
She was so clever and knew how to tug our heartstrings perfectly, purring at the correct intervals whilst patiently seated at the dinner table prompting us to relent and give her some of our food.
I knew her health was deteriorating over the last year or so, having been diagnosed with dementia and arthritis. But she had always been so strong and almost never showed signs of true destress and pain. (Keep in mind that i have studied animals for over 6 years, i knew how to read her behaviours perfectly) yet the last time i visited home i noted signs of pain, destress and discomfort. In a degree which was worse than she had ever showed before.
She was prone to showing these swings in health so i thought and hoped this was just a particularly bad swing and she would be fine like she always was. But she wasnt.
I went back to my own place naively thinking my girl would be alright, though i always said my goodbyes to her. Fearing that perhaps one day i would not beable to return back to my parents to see her in time, for if something where to happen.
Last Saturday my mom called me in the morning, she explained that lucky had taken a turn for the worse after the being on her new meds for a few days. Anti depressants which would help her with her pain also, tough these meds mainly proved to cause severe exhaustion as she slept for the majority of the days.
Not being able to phantom her taking a turn for the worse, i brushed it off. Only for mum to call me that night with the news that it had gotten very bad. Mum was crying as she explained that she did not want to see her in pain, it broke me completely as it finally sunk in that this was it.
I mainly stayed quiet as i sobbed on the phone, aware of the fact that i had to leave for work not ten minutes after the call. I told mum i would be coming home tomorrow morning first thing after my night shift to see her one last time and accompany my parents to the vet.
I allowed myself to be mad and cry for a few minutes before burrying everything and getting ready for work. My dinner, which i had made prior to the call, forgotten after i took one bite and almost puked. The next morning after work i took the train home, almost 4.5 hours back to my parents as i kept feeling as though it wasnt real, yet the closer i got to my home town the more i struggled to keep my tears at bay.
Dad picked me up from the train station, i got into the car and he just looked at me with a kind smile and asked me if i was alright. I broke and sobbed all the way home, gathering myself in order to get out of the car in one piece as i did not want the neighbours to see me like that. Before immediately breaking down again once i got inside, as i saw her lying on a chair in the living room. She just looked so tired and foreign, it broke me to see her like that. So still and unresponsive, even as i went to her and hugged her carefully.
Lucky would call for me and search the house whenever i would leave, she would greet me with purrs and i always spent the first few minutes after getting home with her in my arms. To return home and see her so unresponsive broke my heart and i knew it was time.
Mum called the vet to let them know i had arrived and we would be on our way. I hate myself for not calling off work the previous night and getting just one more night with her, i hate that within an hour of me returning home i held her as they gave her the sadetives. I hate how lively she got once put in the crate, how she yowled and reaches through the bars to get out. How confused and stressed she was in her final moments. How i feel like i betrayed her by being the one she saw the entire ride, how i was the one that held her as she went to sleep.
I know it was her time and that she was tired and her body was too broken but seeing her so lively in that crate, her trying to get off the vet table as i held her. It feels like i betrayed her in her final moments.
It had to be me, i would never have forgive myself if i hadnt showed or simply stood by. But i dont think i can forget the stress emitting from her either, i dont think i can forgive myself for bringing her to a place where she experienced so much stress, to a place where she tried to get away. Tried to press her face into my elbows to desensitize herself before she got the injection. It feels like i dod her a great disservice in her last moments and it pains me so much that she did not understand what was happening. I brought her to her place of death and she had no idea, she trusted me and i brought her death.
It was the right thing but it doesnt make it hurt any less.
The medicine caused her to get ill and she puked, i so hope she was gone asleep before she could experience that discomfort. I hope she did not have to feel the nassua or how her body was too weak to expel all the vomit properly, how my parent and i had to aid her in getting all the vomit out of her mouth and throat as i feared she might choke before she even got euthanized.
This cat meant the world to me and i cannot remember not having her in my life. She was there when i lost faith in all people, she was there through my depression and she was one of the reasons i never killed myself or self harmed more seriously. I studied hard to be able to understand her better and care for her better, i developed a real passion for animals and i am truly grateful to her and all she has done for me and meant to me.
After she died on the vets table we went back home and allowed the dog to see her, giving him closure before we took her to the pet crematorium. It took about two hours before we went there, two hours of her lifeless body lying in her crate in the living room. Since that moment (except for a brief moment at the crematorium) i have felt numb. I kept crying but i feel nothing and i feel so bad due to it. She meant everything to me and yet i felt nothing about seeing her dead.
I spent the time looking at urns and mom and i found a beautiful one handblown glass in the shape of a droplet with white snow like features within, it looks regal, elegant and it has the colour of her fur. It suits her perfectly.
Monday i forced myself to speak to her in my mind, i apologised to her and told her what she meant to me. I cried yet i dont know if i felt anything else. I have been ignoring everything yet i feel so guilty but i just dont know how to deal with it. Which is why i wrote this, now being the first time since saturday night that i actually feel. I feel so profoundly sad, lost and guilty. I dont want to believe she is gone and i dont want to accept that ill never see her again. I dont know how to deal with this and i dont know how to talk to people about this, she was a cat but she was family to me. Im afraid that people wont understand or think im making too big a deal of this. I dont want people telling me that its alright and that it was the right thing to do, i know those things. She was sick and in pain and we did the right thing but that doesnt lessen the guilt.
I dont know how to reach out to people about this and really have an indepth conversation, i want to talk about her but i dont want to burden people with my issues. I could easily bury this, i have with enough trauma in the past, but im working on becoming healthier regarding my mental health and lucky deserved to be remembered fondly by the one that loved her the most. She doesnt deserve to be burried and put in the fartherst corner of my mind simply because its hard to think about her.
I really dont know what i wanted to accomplish with this, except for me to feel something, but if you read this then thank you for allowing lucky to be known by one more person.
If there are any spelling mistakes, i apologise, i wrote this through tears and it's a bit blurry haha
submitted by Ssunny- to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:26 understand-the-times The number 7 in Creation and in the Holy Bible. Everyday reasons to believe in God.

The number 7 in Creation and in the Holy Bible. Everyday reasons to believe in God.
7-day week.
"In all, the number 7 is used in the Bible more than seven hundred times. If we also include the words related to seven(terms like sevenfold or seventy or seven hundred), the count is higher. The first use of the number 7 in the Bible relates to the creation week in Genesis 1. God spends six days creating the heavens and the earth, and then rests on the seventh day. This is our template for the seven-day week, observed around the world to this day." "Thus, right at the start of the Bible, the number 7 is identified with something being “finished” or “complete.” From then on, that association continues, as 7 is often found in contexts involving completeness or divine perfection."
7 last words of Jesus Christ on the Cross and the meaning.
1) “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” Luke 23:34
2) “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise" Luke 23:43
3) “Dear Woman, here is your son!” and “Here is your mother!” John 19:26-27
4) “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” Matthew 27:46
5) “I am thirsty” John 19:28
6) “It is finished!” John 19:30
7) "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." Luke 23:46
Music has 7 foundational notes. C-D-E-F-G-A-B
“The reason music is such a wonderful blessing is because God Himself designed music. It seems there is a spiritual version of music that exists apart from and transcending our physical universe. The Bible describes glorious music in God’s very throne room in heaven (Revelation 15:1-4).” “In Colossians 3:16 Paul wrote, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”
Rainbows are commonly described as having 7 colors.
ROYGBIV or Roy G. Biv is an acronym for the sequence of hues commonly described as making up a rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
"I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of my covenant with you and with all the earth.” Genesis 9:13
What Is the Meaning of the Rainbow in the Bible?
"1 The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. 2 Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known. 3 They speak without a sound or word; their voice is never heard. 4 Yet their message has gone throughout the earth, and their words to all the world. God has made a home in the heavens for the sun." Psalm 19:1-4
"All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” John 1:3
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
"Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12
"The Romans Road to salvation is a method based on the biblical principles found in the New Testament book of Romans to explain how a person can come to faith in Jesus Christ. Shared with millions of people around the world, the Romans Road explains why we need salvation, how God provided salvation, how we can receive salvation, and the results of salvation.” The Romans Road to salvation - What is it?
More reasons to believe, learning more about the Bible, and encouragement if interested is in previous posts and here.
submitted by understand-the-times to SimulationTheory [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:26 WizardFox4000 Max passive perception (Without Magical Items/Boons) is 42, the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

It goes like this (10) Base + (5) Wisdom Modifier + (12) Expertise in Perception + (5) Observant Feat + (5) Advantage + (5) Hearth of Moonlight and Shadow = (42) The Answer to life, the Universe, and Everything
Don't even need to multiclass, and your maxing out the main stat for your class, You can achieve it as a Circle of Dreams Druid while resting and wild shaped to something with a keen sense (or seeing through the senses of a familiar) (you could also get magic imitate/ritual caster feat for find familiar to make that advantage permanent)
Also did you know a custom lineage wizard can get a passive perception of 26 at lvl 1? (10+ PB (2) + Adv (5) + Wis (4) + Observant (5)
submitted by WizardFox4000 to dndnext [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:26 unknowntosociety I need help my bloodhound fang not working with blood flame blade

I need help my bloodhound fang not working with blood flame blade
So my bloodhound fang +5 and bloodflame blade are attached as you can see picture and everything looks good also have 12 fai and 10 arc as required but won’t let me use it I don’t why tho because everything looks correct ? So if anyone can help would be greatly appreciated
submitted by unknowntosociety to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:26 squidwardtesstickles Star Trail questions

Hey y'all, I planned a trip to Monument Valley in a couple of weeks and want to shoot star trails for the first time with the cool formations in the foreground. I did a good amount of research on how to do this (I am still fairly new to photography), but the weather is showing that the night might be pretty cloudy. I know not to trust the weather this far out, but it has me worried since this is my one opportunity. Does anyone know how much cloud cover could affect my star trails or any tips in this situation?
Also, I will be using 2 film cameras (Canon EX Auto w/ 50mm f/1.8 & Nikon N60 28-80 f/3.3-5.6g), Ilford HP5, Gold 200, Portra 800, Cinestill 400D. I know lower iso films are better for star trails, but if anyone would recommend any of these over the other let me know or drop example photos that would be a great help so I know what to expect. Thank you very much!
submitted by squidwardtesstickles to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:25 ThrowRAjj7 I don’t know what to do?

I don’t know how to start this or how to explain my situation, but I am a Muslim women (28) and in my country we have arranged marriages so about 2 months ago I got engaged to a 29 years old man, Engagement means he is my husband but we need to do a wedding after several months in order for us to live together or do anything else.
Anyways, in this phase we are only allowed to talk to each others through phone or he can visit me occasionally.
What bothers me is that I just discovered that he is a workaholic, he works in 5 jobs in which he stays overnight in some, he has a huge debt, maybe I can live with that? I haven’t made my mind to it yet.
When we discussed pregnancy he told me that he wants me to be pregnant at least after 3 months after the wedding in which I told him that I don’t want to have kids until a at least a year has passed, he said considering my age (28)!!!! I should have kids as soon as possible because and I quote “ it is hard for women to have kids after the age of 35 , if you were like my niece who got married at the age of 24 then I wouldn’t mind waiting” OMG I was furious at him.
On top of that he told me that we will live next to his parents for at least 2 years now he says it will be 5 years
I don’t know if this is normal between spouses or what? Because I’m not feeling ok with these things
submitted by ThrowRAjj7 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:25 bluenova25253 41 [M4F] #Delaware Let’s cut the nonsense

21 & older only. Messages/chats only. Won’t respond to comments. State your age & location in your first message & a little about yourself.
I’m not here to make a best friend or hear about your mundane 9-5. I live a unique life where I can do what I want,when I want. I’m at a point in my life in every aspect where I can do what I want. I travel,buy what I want. I enjoy my life & I’m very to the point about who I am & how I am.
I’m very open about myself & my lifestyle. I’ve learned over the years to not waste my time talking to people that are close minded or who don’t fit what I am looking for.
I know what I want & I go for it. I don’t sit back & wait. I am not a huge fan of the “Alpha” label but I think it fits me for the most part. I can be laid back & chill but when I’m motivated I am focused. I lead a strict lifestyle in many ways.
If you’re curious to learn more feel free to reach out.
submitted by bluenova25253 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:24 x317293 Job hopping in niche market.

I have had two new buildings reach out to interview me on LinkedIn, do I interview? Do I ask for a raise at current property? Do I wait for an offer letter? Am I a trader for leaving so soon and leaving a mess or is that my leverage?
Background: I have been with this management company for 5 years. I was promoted to the highest level in my field, taking over a building with major construction defect issues only a year and a half ago. I love my boss here and work well with the team. My residents are a nightmare but I am one of the best at navigating tough conversations.
I also have influence at the corporate level with this growing mangment company as well. Current offers would be competitor mangment companies.
My only negative is I want to make more money. I live paycheck to paycheck and would like to afford vacations and have investments.
Situation: Our city has a waive of high rises opening this year and the coming few years. It’s a very niche market and these buildings are head hunting to fill positions. I have had phone interviews for 2 so far and have a set date for the next round for 1.
My friend in my same position and received a 15% raise when his current position heard he was interviewing.
What is my best play? I know the grass isn’t always greener but I need more money for my family to feel comfortable.
What advice can you give me….
submitted by x317293 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:24 stranger_tangs Hey Devs

You reckon you could stagger the 3 musketeers fire time a fraction so they don't all shoot at one target at the same time? 3 musketeers all shooting at 1 bat x 5 of them is a bit silly.
submitted by stranger_tangs to ClashRoyale [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:24 lordchrome10 Why Moji's Rework Won't Work

I've read people's opinion on it and why it makes sense vs the one's who don't like it. Watched gameplay from different people. played multiple games with this rework trying out different strategys. No matter what is going on it's just awful to play. I genuinely don't see why they did this and most of the people who like it can't even explain why. Most just like it because it's a (new) support because it's a support without caring about the character. Others want it to happen whether because they hate going against Moji or the low pickrate excuse even though kinnesa and strix exist. So like the other actual Moji mains or people who know how she operates and her history. I'm going to explain everything wrong with this rework and why it shouldn't happen.

Spit & Sparkle

\ \ I have multiple problems with this change. Let's start with the fact that sparkle now self slows you for 20% when used. It used to be 10% which was one of the main issues that we wanted to be removed but kept it now it's at 20%. So now Moji has a ball and chain on her and anyone with extra speed will outrun Moji's heals and damage. Thought supports was supposed to stay with the team. Not have a hard time keeping up with them. No wonder Moji she tells Po-Li to go faster. In order to do it you have to stop healing, then heal, and do it again which means you have less healing. Unless of course they're glued to the point which won't happen in most cases since people have to constantly move in different areas because of what's happening.
Also when it comes to attacking and running away you might as well stay still. Where are you going while being self slowed for 20% while having a big hurtbox? Everyone in this sub just forgot about her big hurtbox which makes Fighting even more of a issue. Even if you use morning breath which takes off 4% of self slow. You still have the big hurtbox issue and less options for better cards which most of them suck that I'll slightly explain later as well. Self slow should be gone in general. It should have never stayed especially when they decided to remove it for everyone else.
Second issue is her damage. There was a reason why she did 1,000 damage and not 450. Not only that but they removed her ability to mark enemies by default. You can with a talent but I'll get to that later. Spit does the main damage and now sparkle does limited tickle damage which also means you're wasting your heals. Who thought this made sense in the slightest. You have to use that in order to kill your enemies faster. When your done you have to wait for it to refill to attack the next enemy coming when no one else comes to help making you helpless. Or you somehow kill the enemy because it's hard to do unless low health. You have to use the rest of it to heal your team which you won't have enough of. This is painful to use.
Third issue is it has heal ammo like IO that runs out quick. Yes you can mark your team but it still isn't enough and doesn't fix the main problems. Her main healing is short range. Name one healer in the game that has a short range in healing. They also have to manually heal with sparkle which other manual healers especially auto or assisted aim healers can do way better. God forbid if they have to come back into battle and try to heal a low health teammate with spit which you will miss multiple times. So what's the point of healing with this character. Moving on to Magic Shield

Magic Shield

This ability doesn't do much for her team or herself and she should have kept magic barrier. This ability feels like a worse version of Torvalds removed talent alternating current. Instead of delaying your death by 1.5 seconds you delay it by one attack and take the next few shots before being able to run away. The only possible use of it is a niche build and team where you run with a flank while having the card harmonious. With the card you are basically a walking dispenser that shoots with the flank you will hug through most of the game. We already have enough niche things that can be pretty boring and are hardly used. Torvalds had multiple of those. Moji doesn't need it too.


\ \ You can now run indefinitely with it. They removed bunny hopping but then they brought it back when they realized that she was a literal bunny. When they brought it back though they nerfed the speed and the bunny hops. It's so noticeable that it's not any different from the scamper ability when it comes to speed. The only good thing about it is when you do the advanced tech when trying to spray. That is until that 20% self slow puts a ball and chain on you. This doesn't fix her main issues and they made it worse beilieve it or not. Here's there reason on doing it.
Due to changes to how Scamper functions, Bunny Hopping will be weaker at base than it was prior. In order to feel similar to how it did on Moji prior, you'll want high levels of both Boop and Morning Breath to allow those same flings across spaces.
This is completely wrong because when did we ever had a card that decreases self slow. Your really trying to tell me that Moji players, grandmaster Moji players, and bot Moji didn't know anything about it??? Guess it was hidden in the game the whole time. Plus it doesn't even change the speed of bunny hopping because you nerfed it and nothing in her cards effects it. So in order to maintain any kind of speed I have to put points into morning breath which is pretty a forced have too in game. Also who uses boop to increase the speed after using scamper. No one used it because bunny hopping was way better than that because you're able to move while attacking and defending yourself. Anyone running it was basically throwing without knowing. Not even maxing out scoot will save you. Your just delaying your death with that maxed out 20% damage reduction and giving them more ult. Seriously if using regular scamper made you die when trying to escape. What's making it indefinitely going to do?

Bon Appetite

\ \ This one really amazes me because they actually put part of yummy into base kit that we asked for halve what. Except there is no ult percentage and gives 50% of maximum health instead of 1000hp and ignores anti-healing. Problem is. This ult is now basically worse than pips ult and atlas setback. They changed everything else but the ultimate in order to keep the old Moji play style that is pretty much dead. They clearly want her to be glued to her team and with this ultimate you make them have to run to the opponent to eat it. The main use now for it is to use it for defence which is horrible because it's so easy to predict it. Most characters can either block, CC immune, dodge, and other things to ignore being ulted. Even with the cancels it won't work. You had a better chance of using it because you can attack regularly, use the magic barrier combo, and other methods to make people take the ultimate. Without magic barrier she less uses for her ultimate. It's now a long charging ability and is terrible. Now for the talents.

Spit Shine

\ \ Spit now heals them for 350 and increases their Movement Speed by 20% for 2s. Why is this reworked Moji's only true support talent. This talents fine until you realize that it's also goes against Moji and the team. Let me explain. Remember how Moji has 20% self slow when she fires. Well now that the team is moving at 120% now you're basically moving at 60% and they're outrunning you. Some characters can move even faster and you will basically be at a speed of 40%-60%. So if you felt forced using morning breath you will using this talent and have to make it 5 points. Even with morning breath maxed out. You will be moving at 60%-80% and will be forced to use scamper and may get attacked by a enemy and can't run or hurt them enough. You're just a bad assist healer with some use that is not enough.


\ \ Reworked to "Magic Marks are now instead applied to enemies. Detonating at least 7 stacks of Magic Mark deals bonus damage, up to a total of 800". I'm aware that she is a support but they still don't know why she did 1,000 damage in the first place. With this talent you no longer have the ability to use the secondary to heal people. This talent will bring these types of players.
The ones who like old Moji and then realizing that they changed so much that flank Moji is not possible. Instead they may go damage and heal from time to time. Another one is that someone uses it for defence while mainly healing the team and forcing two supports to play in the match. The last one is someone you will see more often is someone not able to play Moji or the talent well. Youthought grohk going damage and seris flanking on the same team was bad. Get ready for her to join the team. Your going to ask them so who is going main support and who will play tank and it's television static. The seris will stand around too much and do a bunch of questionable things. Grohk only has some heals because they were there when they played damage. The Moji is struggling to do anything with it. The seris will plug and the bad grohk player will say something crazy before leaving a millisecond later.
No matter what you do with the talent based on your skill. Nothing just works for reworked Moji including the cards. The damaged worked because she had magic barrier and damage combos with it. Without it she can't do anything when she's is in danger including running away with the giant hurtbox.

Realm Runner

\ \ When entering Scamper, leave a magical dust cloud behind that applies a lingering heal for 600 over 3s. Dust cloud lasts 4s.
Moji mains have been wanting toot I mean realm runner in base kit for awhile because it's not a real talent. It's a better version of scurry and when it's in base kit then she would actually be able to use the other two talents and do better without ruining gameplay for anyone. Instead they kept it as a talent to play the old Moji. What old got rid of almost everything Moji who is basically just a echo champion at this rate. You turned a forced talent into a throw talent.
The dust cloud we wanted back is just a sparkly circle on the ground that people won't be able to see. Plus is like back then where the team can see it and no one else. Otherwise people will know where she is and take her down. Why.


\ \ None of the cards have any synergy with each other at all. You're basically forced to use morning especially with the healing talent at 3-5. Since default ammunition for sparkle is terrible you will definitely need 3-5 points for symbiotic. Dense woods never needed any points above 1 and was a decent filler card for old Moji. However since this is reworked Moji. Don't think it's worth using since you will try to be around the team constantly and should already be enough. Now we have 5-9 points for ourselves so what can we do. Uhhhh. Well damn.
Oh I didn't mention this earlier but remember how spit shine and Moji's 20% self slow makes the team run away from her. Well the card natures blessing gives allies 5% extra speed when they get hit by spray for 3 seconds. So you can max this out at 25%. Instead of being 40-60% slower than faster teammates being healed with there speed cards and abilitys. 60% slower when trying to healer teammates without anything making them move faster besides you. This is how fast you will be moving compared to them.
You will be moving at 15% at worst to 55% when trying to heal teammates while trying to heal them as they really outrun your heals. With morning breath maxed out you will mainly be moving at 35%-75% while healing. No one has tested this character at all.
Anyway you can look at the cards and get some ideas as we move on to the long time Moji bugs. So for the people who been playing Moji or about to with support Moji. Get ready to deal with these long time annoying bugs.


\ \ Fluffy
Increase your maximum Health by {5050}.
Generate {0.40.4}% Ultimate Charge when triggering a max stack Magic Mark.
Increase your Sparkle capacity by {66}%.
Increase your Movement Speed by {55}% for 4s after getting an Elimination.


\ \ Dense Woods
Increase the duration of your Magic Marks by {0.80.8}s.
Greater Good
When an ally receives max Magic Marks, they gain a {2020} Health Shield while marked.
Morning Breath
Reworked to "Decrease self-slow of Sparkle by 2020%"
Nature’s Blessing
Allies gain {55}% Movement Speed for 3s after being hit by Familiar Spray.

Magic Shield

\ \ Cozy
Magic Shield Heals allies for {66} every 0.25s while its being channeled.
Reduce Magic Shield’s Cooldown by {0.10.1}s when detonating a max stack Magic Mark.
Regenerate {31}% Sparkle and Ammo for affected allies every 0.25s while channeling Magic Barrier.
Allies affected by Magic Barrier gain {33}% Crowd Control resistance for 4s.


\ \ Boop
Increase your Movement Speed by {88}% for 2s after using Scamper.
Reduce the damage you take during Scamper by {44}%.
Heal for {2020} every 0.3s during Scamper.
Gain {1010}% Slow resistance while using Scamper.

The Bugs

\ \ It isn't a paladins games without mentioning the bugs. Here's what to expect when playing her so you don't get confused.
If a seris or Kasumi is on the team and attack the same enemy as you. Your marks will reset back to zero everytime they attack. Now can this somehow happen when trying to heal the same teammates. No idea but anything goes with paladins.
If you mark a enemy, shoot spit at them and die. Despite the mark being there the game will for some reason make you do zero mark damage.
A enemys hurtbox when turned into a cookie is really weird. You can touch them multiple times and still won't be eaten until they finally do. Sometimes they may turn back to normal even though you clearly deserved it. Last part hasn't happened to me and I hope it doesn't. What's even weirder is that even though you can't eat them from the front from time to time. Even when they're literally on your head and jumping around. You can definitely eat them from behind with no misses. Why has this not been fixed.
When being ulted by furia that's supposed to give 30% extra damage. You will instead receive 9% extra damage. I don't think this happens to no one else besides maybe jenos too.
These bugs are still relevant for reworked Moji. The other ones are not there like snack attack so I won't mention them. I even have videos for these bugs too. Don't think because these videos are old it means that it no longer happens. The horse bug is old and that has been going on for years including other things.


\ \ I know they want to do something with her but I don't buy it that they did this because they cared about Moji. Moji hardly got any changes for years and I mean rarely a update to anything about her even though we're telling them what to do and then they rework them. They did thid because they didn't have funds for a echo champion since that was mentioned in the exact same post when talking about changing moji. Paladins has a history of someone who works on the game saying they will do this or mention a thing. Whether or not people like it or not which most of them we didn't like. They will still do it like echo champions.
This is the wrong way to go about it and no warning was ever given. To people who think well people ask for support/tank in the past. Those people now see that Moji is actually better than how people depicted her in late season 2. Plus those people no longer play the game and had a whole different idea when paladins was different back then. It's one thing to say I want a support. It's another when it comes to a type of support and what they have but everyone can't explain it because they simply hate Moji based on the comments. There are some characters I hate going against and when there character gets gutted I don't cheer in excitement. I would hate that to happen to my favorite characters. I simply want a certain thing nerf if it's clearly too much but without ruining them. I only suggest a rework or change to a certain thing if nothing else can work and is something people can agree on that benefits everyone.
These changes don't benefit anyone including the ideas since no one asked for these specific things. I would just revert it and actually listen to Moji mains needs to make her a better character. Not just Moji but every character. Especially the non human characters because they stay ignore them including people wanting ruckus Aerial Assault in base kit. Rather you guys fix the actual issues than do stuff like this. Including finishing unfinished maps instead of a unnecessary map rework making them worse to play on and never fixed.
That's all I have to say. Please let me know your thoughts on this. Actually have a real opinion and thoughts and not repeat the same thing over and over without making a actual point or I'm ignoring it.
submitted by lordchrome10 to Paladins [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:24 Stravask Is there a mod to slow/limit the effectiveness of unit summoning?

Hello all, I had a great time with my first few runs, but I've only gone through 5 campaigns now and each time it plays out the same way:
Get massively overpowered, summon in a bajillion units every fight, be done.
Now, sure, I could just limit myself to not using summoning spells, but that seems a little lame. I was wondering if there's a mod of some kind that might make summoning not the absolutely dominant method every game?
I would like to play some longer games on the larger maps with more factions, but even on Challenging+ it becomes a cakewalk, particularly when there's a Mage Tower to turn units into Spellpower
I like that you can go a bit crazy, sure, but regardless of which faction I'm playing the dominant strategy involves me just summoning enough units to bog down my high-end rig to a slog. I've gotten up to tens of thousands multipliers on spells in any game on Huge or Sprawling maps and while the novelty of being busted was fun the first couple times, it's a bit bland to have army composition just not matter after a certain point.
I could literally walk around with a Hero wearing Mesmer set with no units and Summon in thousands of Horrors each battle if I wanted to, which sorta removes any strategy or reason to use any spells but the summoning ones. I was hoping there was a mod out there which would lessen the effectiveness of such spells, or how heavily they scale with Spellpower or something along those lines.
Thank you for any clarification.
submitted by Stravask to heroshour [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:23 Pawys1111 Lenovo gone

G,day everyone
So about 12 months ago i did everything to make my house as smart as i could that was worth doing. With google home.
One issue i keep having is devices like google mini will just disconnect from the network and wont re connected even after a reboot, i have to reboot the router and the mini to restore it, but geez its annoying having one device not connected i can be in another room with its own mini and the one that isn't working goes of its head again.
But my reason for this post is i bought about 18 Lenovo smart bulbs for the whole house, all top of the line colour changing one's, Now one has blown its connected to wifi but no lights on. Tried everything to reset it but failed. One bulb isn't the end of the world. But when i tried to buy a new one i couldn't find any one that sold them. So i called Lenovo tech support and they said yes they no longer make smart home products, so i would be unable to buy another one of any kind. Very helpful Lenovo, they did say if i sent it back i would get a refund but that does not help me. And i also had the issue of my Samsung fold 5 would not open the lenovo app, would just say there is a bug in the software and closing it. I think that because their old shitty app hasn't been updated in years that it now doesn't support new devices. So i had to get my old shitty tablet just to remove the device from the app. But then when i tried the app on the tablet it kept saying server is busy try again later, took me about 10 goes before i could get in once, just to remove that one light. And i can no longer control the app or settings on my new phone.
So i bought a Tp link bulb to replace it and a cool little ptz camera they also made and both claim to work with google home.
After unlinking the lenovo app to remove just one device i added the new TP link light bulb and it works ok now but the colour temps are different, its bright white is different to the Lenovo light next to it. So I've got different colour lights now next to each other, so that's a pain, or start replacing them all with TP link bulbs.
The camera connects to the google home app ok but when you go to view the camera or do anything with it, you just get a notification that you cannot view or control the camera in google home, has to be a separate software or has to be display screen like chromecast or a nest device. Is it really that hard for google to show me whats going on within the app? All the other cameras work on with google like the doorbell camera why cant it show another camera.
Sorry rant over.
TLDR: Lenovo have stopped making smart products so tough luck if you need something replaced, and TP link stuff doesn't work well with google home.
submitted by Pawys1111 to homeautomation [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:22 ThrowRAjj7 I don’t know what to do?

I don’t know how to start this or how to explain my situation, but I am a Muslim women (28) and in my country we have arranged marriages so about 2 months ago I got engaged to a 29 years old man, Engagement means he is my husband but we need to do a wedding after several months in order for us to live together or do anything else.
Anyways, in this phase we are only allowed to talk to each others through phone or he can visit me occasionally.
What bothers me is that I just discovered that he is a workaholic, he works in 5 jobs in which he stays overnight in some, he has a huge debt, maybe I can live with that? I haven’t made my mind to it yet.
When we discussed pregnancy he told me that he wants me to be pregnant at least after 3 months after the wedding in which I told him that I don’t want to have kids until a at least a year has passed, he said considering my age (28)!!!! I should have kids as soon as possible because and I quote “ it is hard for women to have kids after the age of 35 , if you were like my niece who got married at the age of 24 then I wouldn’t mind waiting” OMG I was furious at him.
On top of that he told me that we will live next to his parents for at least 2 years now he says it will be 5 years
I don’t know if this is normal between spouses or what? Because I’m not feeling ok with these things
submitted by ThrowRAjj7 to AskMen [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:22 Pocket_Pretzels **Must See Videos** Counter-Attacking Short Sellers & Potential Timeline?

What's going on $FFIE family. I just wanted to post this video here and hope you all can check it out because the gentleman in it brings up some really interesting points that I wanted to outline.
Before we begin just a quick disclaimer:
**Disclaimer: I am in no way a financial advisor, nor am I giving you financial advice by writing this post. This post is just a reiteration of the YouTube video I'm posting here and am essentially just reiterating what this gentleman is suggesting in this video. So at your own discretion, please use this information for educational purposes ONLY and not to guide you in your financial decisions. As always, investing involves lots of risk. Any decisions you do make regarding investing is done at your own will and accord. I'm am making this post just to open up communication and discuss what you all think about this video and the information presented.
**Disclaimer 2: I am some random guy over the internet and the individual in the video is too. This is just one individual's thoughts on the matter and he or I could be totally wrong.
(please watch the original video from yesterday then watch the video attached to this post) -
(please watch the video from today that I reference in this post) -
Essentially, he discussed in a previous video that possibly millions of shares that don't exist are floating around out there, there was 95% short interest on $FFIE currently; however, these CAT numbers are likely not true and its possible that the short interest is actually a lot higher - while the short sellers are saying that they can sell off all of these shares in anywhere from 30-60 minutes. If you are paying attention to the price, we all know that these clowns cannot do this because they would:
a) have to take a massive loss if they did this.
b) this great community is gaining momentum over them and are owning more and more shares, which is causing us to control the supply of the shares available on the market
Part b) is very important because what the man in the video is explaining is that, the amount of shares that are being reported available are much more than what is actually in circulation. Why does this matter? Its possible that these guys are doing something called 'naked short selling'. This is an illegal practice which involves market manipulation. How does it work? Let's take the scenario we are in.
So to briefly summarize what the normal short sellers hope for is:
1) borrow $FFIE shares from their brokerage at a high price, with expectations price will fall
2) They sell off the shares for the high price
3) They buy the number of shares they need at the price the shares dropped to, return the borrowed shares back to the broker and profit the difference.
Where we get the drop on the short sellers:
1) short sellers borrow $FFIE shares from brokerage at a high price, with expectations price will fall
2) We buy lots and lots of shares and control the supply amount of shares that are available on market by holding them
3) short sellers need the price to come down, otherwise they sell at the higher price and lose money, but get the borrowed shares back to return to their broker to make them whole
What the man in the video is explaining may be happening:
1) short sellers originally and illegally said they had 'borrowed' shares from a broker and are looking to sell them (prior to our large movement or during and up until the present moment)
2) they then 'sell' the shares (that again they don't have) to a potential buyer. That buyer pays these naked short sellers money but they never receive the 'borrowed' shares they were promised.
Just a note before I go on:
I see a lot of people giving each other shit for panic selling. I'm not saying that this wasn't happening or called for, but some of these drops could have been from these naked short sellers who were manipulating the stock price downward illegally? How?
3) the hope of the naked short seller is that in general, they will do this to drive the price down forcibly, buy the stock back at the lower price and then provide the original buyer with the stock to make everyone whole. In turn, they pocket the difference. As you can tell, there is fraudulent behavior in this method and its also manipulating the stock negatively (which is of course an SEC no no).
Here is why: If these sellers come around and tell people they have stock that they don't actually have, this creates more supply of stock (although this isn't the case and this 'stock' that they 'own' doesn't exist. If we look at simple supply and demand, this means there is more supply of the stock, so this causes the price of the stock to drop, as a result).
So in our situation that we are in right now, is unique and as the days go on, we're exposing these naked short sellers. The reason for this is because we are getting to a point where volume is stabilizing and we are owning more and more stock as a community. So then you have to ask yourself, if this is the case, where are they even getting stock to sell and still bringing the price down at these levels? The answer is that they likely are naked short selling and bringing the stock price down illegally and manipulating the price.
Now before you all freak out (too late I'm sure) - this information may actually be a really great thing for us and these people who are working against our efforts. As Sun Tzu said in the Art of War, 'If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.'
Why is this difficult for us:
Obviously, whether we hold or not, these individuals can drive the price down (so long as they can keep this charade up - BUT and its a big BUT - there is a time limit and problem with this (this is the good news, I promise)).
Why is this beneficial for us:
**Remember: Those who are doing naked shorts are doing so illegally. They literally are telling people to give them money for shares that they don't have, with the hope that they will buy lower priced shares after they've driven the price of the shares down from a top, by introducing shares that don't even really exist into the market. They are in trouble if they cannot hand over the shares to the seller who gave them the money. That won't really last long. The pressure is definitely on because they are committing fraud. So there is that for them to deal with too.
So to summarize:
Naked short sellers are potentially working against us by illegally driving the price down through selling shares that they don't have. Given that the amount of shares being short sold (in the hundreds of millions) probably cannot be delivered in general because they aren't real, the stock having very high short interest % (probably much more than what is actually being reported) and the CAT numbers are telling us that these individuals can buy the shares they borrowed back in anywhere from 30-60 minutes (despite us all owning, holding and in some ways controlling more and more of the supply of the stock), this is hard to believe that any of this is true. Since we now have this information, we can anticipate what these mfers are going to do, which is illegally drive the price down so that they can try and delist the stock from the Nasdaq and buy back the stock for cheap, and eventually get their way.
What can we do?
1) Keep the price above a dollar to avoid Nasdaq delisting.
2) Keep buying and holding shares to wait these fuckers out until sometime around June 4th or 5th because at that point, they will start feeling the pressure and according to FINRA, this would be 13 consecutive days of them not paying their shares back, which can result in potential margin calls and their brokerage may liquidate their assets to buy the shares back at the higher price or slap them with a loan against the naked short sellers, if it ever gets to that point (at a later date) - remember though, this may drag on past this point, its not a guarantee but something I'd like to ponder with you all more about.
3) Pay attention to any other news regarding the company and keep up to date with the fundamentals as well
I may have completely misinterpreted this video because the gentleman takes us in a legal direction and looking at the matter in that way. However, I feel that this information could still be favorable for us all, but you all tell me what you think.
Let's discuss further!
P.S. I'd like to give a shoutout to ProfessionalAd's post (find it here:\_swearif\_everyone\_would\_just\_read\_and\_comprehend/), where he discusses how to shut off lending of $FFIE and to set buy limits on orders to prevent short sellers from under bidding us. Please check it out whenever you have a minute.
submitted by Pocket_Pretzels to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:22 DOOMD (Somewhat) Long Time O- Donor Just Wanting to Say Hi

Just wanted to pop into here and say hi since this is a topic I try to talk about somewhat frequently and am always encouraging other people to donate.
I've donated as regularly as I can for the past several years. I'm at 2.5 gallons, so in NY I get a new card at 5 gallons (so about 2.5 years away). I believe I have donated a total of 17 or 19 pints (one time I didn't have enough iron to give double reds but they badly needed blood and took a single O NEG). So been going for a few years REGULARLY now. I always w ent when I could since I turned 18 but I had a few personally bad years where I wasn't going. Hoping to make that up as much as I can going forward. You guys are probably the only people that understand HOW BADLY I want to upgrade from my 1 gallon card to my 5 gallon card. I'm already planning it 2-3 years out...not weird!
I'm O- so I feel morally obligated to an extent. Additionally I have had a family member receive an organ transplant, and feel again obligated to give back in the way I can.
I do double reds as frequently as I can. The drawback is the past several years I have had to travel overseas to be with my fiance. The area she lives it excludes me from donating blood for a certain period after my return. Therefore, this year for example I am making my schedule tight: donating TWICE this calendar year before going (literally donating not even days before my flight) and since it's double reds, it's 4 units.
I try and spread the message to as many people as possible. Even if I get just one of them to donate once I feel it's worth it. As I'm sure everyone on this forum is aware, the blood supply is always low and stock is hard to keep. I fortunately live in an area of the country where we have still have enough donors despite how few people donate (NYC) and the hospitals regularly have more than enough blood. However, the reason I try to push people so much is, as I know you all know: the blood supply issue in the USA is one of "longevity," or a better word would be consistency: we need more people donating YEAR ROUND to prevent any shortages. What instead ends up happening (again, as I'm sure you all are aware) is that tons of people donate in the wake of some sort of emergency or disaster, but because SO MUCH is donated during those times a lot of it ends up wasted.
Anyway, sorry for the spiel. I figured if there was any place to give that little rant it's here. Once again: O NEG donor here (I think I'm CMV negative too, unsure) who donates DRBC as much as possible because I feel morally obligated from both a societal standpoint as well as somewhat of a personal one.
To everyone on here: THANK YOU ALL FOR DONATING. Everyone here is hero in a small way for committing to doing this multiple times. Even if you only go once a year to a blood drive, that is more than the average person in the USA. I hope more people sign up to donate CONSISTENTLY, and I also hope more people sign up to be organ donors (again a close loved one got a major organ, more than a kidney). I wish we had an opt-out system like Australia in that regard, but that's a topic distinct from blood donation.
THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO DONATES! I'm hoping I can get ONE MORE IN before the year ends, if I have enough time pass after returning the last week of August. Unlikely, but I'll keep my plan to give two DRBC a year before my trips (we all know the max is 3 but if I can only do 2 I'll do 2).
THANKS TO ANYONE WHO READ THIS! THANKS TO ALL FELLOW DONORS! I HOPE YOUR JOB AT LEAST GIVES YOU SOME TIME OFF FROM WORK TO DO IT! I get 2 hours a year to donate blood (can't be split into two one hour chunks as much as I'd like, as I could then leave work 1 hour early twice without it counting against me to donate), and I HOPE TO GOD your job offers something similar. If you're unsure, I highly suggest you ask, as it's becoming more common than before.
submitted by DOOMD to Blooddonors [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:22 johnsengg HEPATITIS

[1] Sexual intercourse (Unsafe sex).
[2] Donating sharp objects. such as a razor, a knife, a toothbrush and a needle.
[3] Touching fluids from the body of a person with hepatitis virus infection, Examples of such fluids:- Sweat, saliva, semen and Blood.
[4] Transfusion of the blood of a person suffering from hepatitis infection.
[5] Dialysis for Kidney patients are at high risk of getting infected with the INI type of Hepatitis virus.
[6] A person living with HIV infection is at high risk of contracting hepatitis.
[1] Avoid unsafe sex (Stop fornication).
[2 ] Avoid sharing sharp objects, such as needles, toothbrushes and razors.
[3] Avoid touching fluids from anyone's body, such as Sweat, Blood, Semen, and Saliva.
[4] Be careful with the blood you receive when you are in the hospital (Do not stress the doctor about the safety of the blood you receive).
[5] GET the right solution to treat your Kidneys without Dialysis.
It is good that you visit the hospital regularly to check your health as soon as you feel various symptoms of hepatitis.
📌 Frequent fevers, such as headaches and body aches.
📌 Abdominal pain especially on the lower right side.
📌 Joint pain, especially knees.
📌 Loss of appetite.
📌 Eyes and skin have a yellow color (This condition is caused by INI failure to produce red blood cells in abundance).
📌 Feeling nauseous and sometimes Vomiting.
📌 Itching of the whole body at night.
📌 Urinating very dark yellow urine with Coca-Cola secretions.
📌 Eruption of boils in armpits and legs.
📌 Stomach and legs swelling.
For advice and treatment Contact us by WhatsApp or call
submitted by johnsengg to reditr [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:21 Hightargets PK stock undervalued!! Don’t miss this opportunity, you’ll regret it. (read for once you regard)

(Overview at bottom)
Ticker PK is Park Hotels & Resorts Inc. Sitting at a 3 billion dollar market cap with average daily volume of a few million, it has come to my attention that this stock is completely undervalued!
Park is one of the largest publicly traded lodging (REITs) Real-Estate Investing Trusts with a very diverse portfolio. This portfolio has Waldorf histora hotel properties, Conrad hotel properties, Hilton hotel properties: Double Tree, Hampton, Embassy, and Garden. Did I forget to mention as well that it has a 4.31% divided yeild. Besides day trading the impact of current interest rates on hospitality estates, we are about to enter travel season with this upcoming summer which may be a catalyst for revenue growth YOY (year-over-year for the regards) given we just got out of quarantine 4 years ago and people are starting to look at Covid as a thing of the past. Moreover, it’s next earnings report is currently scheduled in the end June, and it’s last quarter report was a beat where the previous 2 quarters have been exactly what analysts expected. Robinhood analyst are expecting at growth of 10 cents per share at (estimate: 0.63) in comparison to its previous quarter of 0.53 cents per share. That’s a 19% revenue growth projection from an arguably reputable Brokerage.
Recent news
Last week PK had an overall gain of 1.87%, the stock price moved from 16.02 to 16.32, last week's high was 16.58, the low was 15.6850, and the cumulative volume was 10.87M.
Recent technical It is up 1% since last week as we kickstart summer. We see a bullish change in its Williams %R on the 15th of this month towards a bullish % indication. It crossed 21 day moving average the same day. And pumped past a bottom triangle wedge the same day as well.
Overview: Entry foundation: 4 short term technical indicators signaling bullish momentum Catalyst: short term revenue growth because we are entering travel season Ticker Choice: A Portfolio with reputable hospitality companies- did I mention hospitality is considered an evergreen niche given that people with never not love to travel.
Position: extremely bullish
Most recent trending article:
Park Hotels & Resorts Announces Final Results of Tender Offer
TYSONS, Va., May 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Park Hotels & Resorts Inc. ("Park") (NYSE: PK) announced today the expiration of and the final results for the previously announced offer to purchase for cash (the "Tender Offer") commenced by Park's subsidiaries, Park Intermediate Holdings LLC, a Delaware limited liability (the "Company"), PK Domestic Property LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, and PK Finance Co-Issuer Inc., a Delaware corporation (collectively, the "Issuers"), for any and all of their outstanding 7.500% Senior Notes due 2025 (the "Notes"). The Tender Offer expired at 5:00 p.m., New York City time, on May 13, 2024 (the "Expiration Time").
On May 16, 2024, the Issuers purchased $311,473,000 in principal amount of the Notes that were validly tendered and not validly withdrawn or with respect to which a properly completed and duly executed Notice of Guaranteed Delivery was delivered at or prior to the Expiration Time.
According to information received from Global Bondholder Services Corporation, the Tender and Information Agent for the Tender Offer, the following table sets forth details regarding the total aggregate principal amount of the Notes validly tendered and not validly withdrawn or with respect to which a properly completed and duly executed Notice of Guaranteed Delivery was delivered at or prior to the Expiration Time and the principal amount of the Notes that will be accepted for purchase by the Issuers today:
Title of CUSIP Principal Principal Principal Security Numbers/ISINs: Amount Amount Amount to be Outstanding Tendered Accepted on 5/16/2024 7.500% Senior 144A: Notes due 70052LAA1 / $650,000,000 $311,473,000 $311,473,000 2025 US70052LAA17 Reg S: U7013LAA8 / USU7013LAA80
In addition, on May 16, 2024, the Issuers issued a notice of redemption for all of the Notes outstanding following the settlement of the Tender Offer at a redemption price of 100.000% of the principal amount thereof, plus accrued and unpaid interest to, but excluding, the redemption date (which is expected to be June 1, 2024) pursuant to the terms of the indenture governing the Notes. Following the redemption on the redemption date, the Issuers will no longer have any Notes outstanding.
Wells Fargo Securities, LLC served as Dealer Manager for the Tender Offer. Global Bondholder Services Corporation served as the Tender and Information Agent for the Tender Offer. Questions regarding the Tender Offer may be directed to Wells Fargo Securities, LLC at 550 South Tryon Street, 5th Floor, Charlotte, North Carolina 28202, Attn: Liability Management Group, (866) 309-6316 (toll-free), (704) 410-4759 (collect) or by email to
This press release is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to purchase or the solicitation of an offer to sell any securities, including the Notes.
About Park Hotels & Resorts
Park is one of the largest publicly traded lodging REITs, with a diverse portfolio of iconic and market-leading hotels and resorts with significant underlying real estate value. Park's portfolio currently consists of 43 premium-branded hotels and resorts with over 26,000 rooms located in prime city center and resort locations.
Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements related to the effects of Park's decision to cease payments on its $725 million non-recourse CMBS loan secured by the 1,921-room Hilton San Francisco Union Square and the 1,024-room Parc 55 San Francisco -- a Hilton Hotel and the lender's exercise of its remedies, including placing such hotels into receivership, as well as Park's current expectations regarding the performance of its business, financial results, liquidity and capital resources, including anticipated repayment of certain of its indebtedness (including the Notes), the completion of capital allocation priorities, the expected repurchase of Park's stock, the impact from macroeconomic factors (including inflation, elevated interest rates, potential economic slowdown or a recession and geopolitical conflicts), the effects of competition, the effects of future legislation or regulations, the expected completion of anticipated dispositions, the declaration, payment and any change in amounts of future dividends and other non-historical statements. Forward-looking statements include all statements that are not historical facts, and in some cases, can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as the words "outlook," "believes," "expects," "potential," "continues," "may," "will," "should," "could," "seeks," "projects," "predicts," "intends," "plans," "estimates," "anticipates," "hopes" or the negative version of these words or other comparable words. You should not rely on forward-looking statements since they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which are, in some cases, beyond Park's control and which could materially affect its results of operations, financial condition, cash flows, performance or future achievements or events.
All such forward-looking statements are based on current expectations of management and therefore involve estimates and assumptions that are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results expressed in these forward-looking statements. You should not put undue reliance on any forward-looking statements and Park urges investors to carefully review the disclosures it makes concerning risks and uncertainties under "Risk Factors" and in Park's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, as such factors may be updated from time to time in its periodic filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), which are accessible on the SEC's website at Except as required by law, Park undertakes no obligation to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
submitted by Hightargets to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:21 GeologistSensitive69 24 [M4F] #Nebraska / #Online / #Anywhere Lover boy looking for my player 2 <3

Hey! Im a 24 year old man from Nebraska looking for a relationship! Id love to find someone i can discord call and game or even just spend some time together! Im a bit awkward so it can be kind of hard to keep a conversation going but I do my best
If you're just going to ghost me please dont bother. It's bad for my heart
I am white and a bit overweight but i started going to the gym so im working on it :). I have purple hair past my shoulders and I am around 6 foot tall. Willing to trade photos upon request.
I'm a big gamer and i mostly play overwatch and valorant (Maybe we could duo 🥺👉👈), but i own a bunch of other single and multiplayer games. When im not doing school stuff or working im probably gaming, watching anime/reading manga, or listening to music, I also sing and would love to sing you something. I love to sing watch musicals and hang with my cat as well. Im also happy to trade pet photos!
I'd love if you were into games and anime but it's not necessarily a dealbreaker. Im a pretty open guy and willing to talk with anybody and see if we vibe. I love being a bit clingy and messaging/flirting a bunch so i hope ur into that.
So go ahead and shoot me a message. Tell me your favorite animal if you made it this far.
Looking forward to hearing from you ❤️
submitted by GeologistSensitive69 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:21 8fin Playoff Pick 'em Challenge Conference Finals


Hello, and welcome to the /hockey Pick em' Playoff Pick 'em Challenge! I'll be running the Playoff Challenge on a round-by-round basis, and I'll be making one thread per round. You'll be picking multiple variables for each series, with varying point values. This is the thread for the third round, the Conference Finals.

2nd Round Results:

1st Place: ghost_curse123 with 23 points.
2nd Place: kk451128 and Kroger453PredsFan with 22 points.
4th Place: ChopinBallades, lHansBrix, and Morderator94 with 21 points.
Second round results can be found here.

First Round Results:

These are only being announced now because of the first and second rounds overlapping.
1st Place: ajhockeystar with 30 points.
2nd Place: RedSlider18 with 28 points.
3rd Place: Kroger453PredsFan with 27 points.
First round results can be found here.

Overall Results:

1st Place: Kroger453PredsFan with 49 points.
2nd Place: ajhockeystar and Morderator94 with 46 points.
4th Place: ChopinBallades and kk451128 with 43 points.
Alphabetical overall results can be found here.

Round 3: Conference Finals

Here is what you'll be picking this round for each series:
6 Points:
4 Points:
2 Points:
1 Point:

Submitting Your Pick:

Picks can be submitted for all series that have yet to start. Once a series starts, those picks will be locked. If you decide to make a change in one of your picks, that's fine, just edit your post. However, picks for a series will be locked once the series starts (even if you make an edit).
Feel free to post your picks however you’d like, but feel free to use, or modify this simple table template:
Series Winner Games GWG Goal Diff OT TOI PP Trophy Touch?
Rangers/Panthers 4/5/6/7 XXX # # XXX Rangers/Panthers Yes/No
Stars/Oilers 4/5/6/7 XXX # # XXX Stars/Oilers Yes/No
If you have any questions, please leave it in the comments below. More questions will be added as the rounds go on, and I am taking suggestions for a few additional (fair) prop picks. Thank you everyone and Good luck!
Live Standings can be found here. I will try to update as soon as I can, to make them as updated as possible.

Matchups & Lock times:

New York Rangers vs Florida Panthers
Series Preview Picks will lock on Wednesday May 22nd at 8:00 PM ET.
Dallas Stars vs Edmonton Oilers
Series Preview Picks will lock on Thursday May 23rd at 8:30 PM ET.
submitted by 8fin to hockey [link] [comments]