Poem in math


2008.01.24 23:05 math

This subreddit is for discussion of mathematics. All posts and comments should be directly related to mathematics, including topics related to the practice, profession and community of mathematics.

2015.03.08 20:54 spreud Hot Girls in Math Class

For the Men and Women who have crushes on other Hot Girls in Math Class.

2017.03.23 18:51 Hasnep i lik the bred

Poems based on this one about a cow licking bread by Poem_for_your_sprog: my name is Cow, and wen its nite, or wen the moon is shiyning brite, and all the men haf gon to bed - i stay up late. i lik the bred.

2024.05.21 20:47 ilikegoldfishnsnakes [17m] Hi there, I am from Germany and I would love to get to know some people and exchange interests and stuff! Attached is a picture of a duck for your amusement only

[17m] Hi there, I am from Germany and I would love to get to know some people and exchange interests and stuff! Attached is a picture of a duck for your amusement only
Hey there,
You have hereby entered my post so feel free to read it and if any of this sounds good to you feel free to message me (I am sure if you are an interesting person we will get along well, yay).
I am from Germany so my timezone is the timezone of Germany!
To get the most painful thing out of the way, if you hate math or physics, that'd be a big bummer, because they are my two main passions and I don't think I would get along with you if you did not like them, I apologize :(.
So anyways a bit of information about me: As you have probably read from the title, I am a 17 year old guy from the GMT +1 timezone which means if it is midnight for you, its maybe not midnight for me, i dont know, anyways.
I have a lot of interests so I am sure some of yours will be covered by mine and I would love to hear about your interests and what you do in life, because learning about other people is f u n.
My interests include but are not limited to (sounds like an ad slogan, which i mean, this sort of is):
-Physics, Maths, I like both of them -Poetry, I write poems - Reading, I read a bit - Philosophy, metaphysics in particular - Guitar, I like guitar - History, I like history - Movies, series, romance in particular for movies, for my favorite movies you will have to message me - Filmography and music in general are really exciting subjects, if you know anything about that give me info - Learning about other peoples interests - Journalism (I like to do deep dives into various topics)
What I am not particularly interested in is food, I just eat. Thats it, really. I dont know why I mentioned that but whatever its there now.
For all of the people out there that like to know what music I always listen to:
  • The Beatles, I love them
  • Nirvana, I love them, not everything from them, but I love them
For Nirvana and The Beatles I also really love their history - Queen, because of course - RHCP, they just make good music I guess
My favorite songs are - A day in the life - Bohemian Rhapsody - The man who sold the world (Not the Nirvana cover but the original David Bowie song, you need to listen to it, its wonderful. Dot.)
Also if you can it would be nice for you to write a little bit about why you messaged me, what your interests are or something becuase I find it suprisingly difficult to respond to something such as "hey" or something similar that isnt really a conversation starter or introduction. That would be nice, yay :D
If any of that sparked your interested and you read all that stuff, feel free to message me, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
submitted by ilikegoldfishnsnakes to TeensMeetTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:57 ilikegoldfishnsnakes 17m Hey there fellow people, I am from Germany and I would like to get to know some people

Hi there I am 17 years old and from Germany thus my time zone is whatever time zone germany has yay!
I will give you a list of my interests and I hope some of yours match mine, we can discuss your and my interests in more detail while talking later!
My interests include but are not limited to: - Guitar and music - Reading and writing short stories and poems - Physics and maths - Chess - Learning new things :D - Travelling via train
A bit of my music taste: - Beatles - RHCP - Queen - Nirvana - Hozier
Hope to talk to you!
submitted by ilikegoldfishnsnakes to chat [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:21 ilikegoldfishnsnakes 17m Hey there, I am from Germany and would like to get to know some new people :D

Hi there I will spare you with all the gruesome details about myself and give you a comprehensive but shortened list of my interests that you can gloss over, since we can further discuss them while chatting yay
As you have read I am from Germany and thus my timezone is whatever timezone Germany has yes!
My interests include but are not limited to: - Guitar playing - Reading/ writing (usually short stories and poems yes) - Physics and math (I self teach myself a lot of concepts) - Travelling by train because thats very fun - Romance movies in particular - Just talking to people - Chess
My music taste is - Beatles - RHCP - Queen - Nirvana
If you like any of this, feel free to talk to me!
submitted by ilikegoldfishnsnakes to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:00 ilikegoldfishnsnakes [17m] Guten Tag fellow people Im here to get to know some other people and learn about their interests! Attached is a picture of a cute snake for your amusement

[17m] Guten Tag fellow people Im here to get to know some other people and learn about their interests! Attached is a picture of a cute snake for your amusement
Hey there,
You have hereby entered my post so feel free to read it and if any of this sounds good to you feel free to message me (I am sure if you are an interesting person we will get along well, yay).
I am from Germany so my timezone is the timezone of germany!
To get the most painful thing out of the way, if you hate math or physics, that'd be a big bummer, because they are my two main passions and I don't think I would get along with you if you did not like them, I apologize :(.
So anyways a bit of information about me: As you have probably read from the title, I am a 17 year old guy from the GMT +1 timezone which means if it is midnight for you, its maybe not midnight for me, i dont know, anyways.
I have a lot of interests so I am sure some of yours will be covered by mine and I would love to hear about your interests and what you do in life, because learning about other people is f u n.
My interests include but are not limited to (sounds like an ad slogan, which i mean, this sort of is):
-Physics, Maths, I like both of them -Poetry, I write poems - Reading, I read a bit - Philosophy, metaphysics in particular - Guitar, I like guitar - History, I like history - Movies, series, romance in particular for movies, for my favorite movies you will have to message me - Filmography and music in general are really exciting subjects, if you know anything about that give me info - Learning about other peoples interests - Journalism (I like to do deep dives into various topics)
What I am not particularly interested in is food, I just eat. Thats it, really. I dont know why I mentioned that but whatever its there now.
For all of the people out there that like to know what music I always listen to:
  • The Beatles, I love them
  • Nirvana, I love them, not everything from them, but I love them
For Nirvana and The Beatles I also really love their history - Queen, because of course - RHCP, they just make good music I guess
My favorite songs are - A day in the life - Bohemian Rhapsody - The man who sold the world (Not the Nirvana cover but the original David Bowie song, you need to listen to it, its wonderful. Dot.)
Also if you can it would be nice for you to write a little bit about why you messaged me, what your interests are or something becuase I find it suprisingly difficult to respond to something such as "hey" or something similar that isnt really a conversation starter or introduction. That would be nice, yay :D
If any of that sparked your interested and you read all that stuff, feel free to message me, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
submitted by ilikegoldfishnsnakes to TeensMeetTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:33 ixehad What are the best google alternative search engines in 2024?

Hey everyone!
I know a lot of us are feeling a bit iffy about Google's new AI overviews in search results. It’s definitely a big change, and not everyone is loving it. If you’re like me and thinking it might be time to explore other options, you’re in luck! we’ve put together a list of some top-notch Google alternatives that might just become your new go-to search engine. Let’s dive in and find something that works better for us!

1. Bing

Bing is one of the top unblocked search engine and the best Google alternative. According to Similarweb, Bing is one of the most visited american search engine. It is owned and operated by Microsoft. First launched in 2009 as a replacement for live search, and since then, it has been a popular search engine with millions of people using it around the globe.
Bing is designed to assist users in finding a wide range of information on the web. This includes everything from images and articles to maps and videos. In general, Bing is great for searching for broadly available information on the internet, such as details about a specific topic or person.
In 2023, Microsoft Introduced an AI-powered Bing chat bot (Co-pilot) in the search engine that can provide more personalized results for users.
Read more How to Use Bing AI?

Features of Bing

2. Yahoo

Yahoo is a web search engine founded in 1994. It is one of the prominent and earliest search engines that provide users with a great search engine experience.
Yahoo is a web services company that offers a variety of products and services, including search, news, finance, sports, and entertainment.

Features of Yahoo

3. DuckDuckGo

DuckDuckGo is one of the best search engines you can use instead of any leading search engines for privacy. Its prime appeal is to give you search privacy. It does not track or collect user data and aims to protect users' online privacy.

Features of DuckDuckGo

Related Read: Best AI Search Engines
There are more... read the full article from here- https://dorik.com/blog/alternative-search-engines
submitted by ixehad to Dorik_newsletter [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:13 Important-Plum-7112 I need serious help - Year 9 EOY

Ok so basically my year 9 EOY tests have just finished and I fucked up big time. For biology i got 64% physics 73% and chemistry 48%. I really tried studying the stuff we learnt but a lot of it was stuff we have rarely ever seen.
For my language Spanish it was a multiple choice reading test. This test was very difficult as my fellow peers said but some of the really dumb ones got extremely lucky and got 30 out of 45 and more meanwhile, I got a 16/45.
I am in the middle set for english and i fucked up the poem analysation test and got a 7/15 because I read the question wrong.
The only thing I didnt royally screw up was math were i got 85% and 92% on the two tests.
I have been really de-motivated and I really hope these don't go on my record. Just so you know I started studying the week before these tests.
Is there anything I can do better next time or any study habitats I should learn? And do these tests affect anything about my college application or anything?
Thanks for reading :)
submitted by Important-Plum-7112 to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:02 john_doe_smith The Scottish Cafe- Heartbreaking poetry, FOR MATHAMETICIANS!

The Scottish Cafe was a cafe in Lvov Poland (modern day Lviv Ukraine) in the 1930s, where a huge boom of intellectual activities took place. Chief among these was mathematics, centered largely around Banach. Not only were the mathematics developed here foundational, specially in my field of functional analysis, but it also fostered a brilliant social environment. Indeed, legends of 17 hour math+drinking sessions and tabletops vandalized by math survive to this day. It is also a story mired in tragedy: the Nazi invasion ended with many deaths and the decimation of the math culture there. Today I shall review a poem book on this topic by Susana H. Case, which I felt did this large part of our mathematical history justice.
Check out the book at: https://susanahcase.com/the-scottish-cafe-kawiarnia-szkocka/ . It is a bit expensive at 20 USD, but hopefully I can convince you that this is worth it. I want to say here for younger people reading this, who maybe love math but don't really know what math research is like: this is worth it. Doing math is only half of math research, the rest involves things like socializing, conferences, paperwork, presentation, getting drunk etc. I think reading about our academic ancestors' activities in the cafe will help paint a fuller idea of math research for you. Here is an article by the owner’s grandson: https://inria.hal.science/hal-02386544/document
The poem feels like it was written by and is for mathematicians, which impresses me because the author doesn't seem to have a mathematical background. There was a poem which captured the beauty i see in abstraction, and the pain I feel when people (*cough* physicists) question the validity of the abstract math we do. It was really cutting.
It also captures the human quality of math. Indeed math is something done by humans, and the traumas and issues that face humans affect the math. The poem does a good job of showing how the invasion and holocaust corrupted math for the survivors. I will not spoil it, but the poem ``fusion’’ is genuinely one of the most heartbreaking things I have ever read. Math means everything to me, and if math was corrupted for me like that I wouldn't know what to do.
I have never before consumed such poignant work that appeals to the mathematician me. I urge everyone to get this book.
submitted by john_doe_smith to math [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:00 CptBlackBird2 Secrets of Grindea: Great, but flawed (no story spoilers)

I finally finished Secrets of Grindea on the hardest difficulty, getting the true ending and 100% completion ingame, took me about 30 hours which I think is very reasonable, doesn't overstay its welcome. Here's a short review in case anyone is thinking of getting it, no spoilers of course.
As the game tries to emulate SNES JRPGs, the story consists of you collecting various macguffins to achieve your goal that becomes clear as you progress through the game. That's all I can say without spoilers.
It's very good, one of the game's strongest parts. You got cheerful songs that make you forget about your worries, you got spooky songs, you got desert theme, you got sick orchestral songs. It's overall very good, one issue is that most of the songs are roughly a 1 minute loop so you will get tired of them eventually.
They are not the tightest, I often found myself shielding in the wrong direction because the shield came out slightly too late or using a skill in the wrong direction, it just doesn't feel tight enough especially for the later bosses. The hitboxes in the game are also very bad.
As the name implies, there is grinding. As I said at the start it took me about 30 hours grinding included, multiple retries at bosses to learn them so it's on the lighter side of JRPG grinds. The gameplay has a lot of variety with 2 melee skill trees, 4 magic skill trees and 9 utility skills that are neither and 3 separate passive skill trees so there is a decent amount of variety and player expression. I tried out a bunch of the skills and they all mostly felt good, I played a melee tanky 2 hander.
The main thing you will be grinding for is cards which give you small stat boosts that add up, for 100% you will also be grinding for enemy specific drops which are usually 1% or less droprate or materials to craft every item for completion. Cards start at a very low droprate depending on the enemy, some enemies start at 1% but most start below 0.5%, however there is a pity system that slowly increases your chance and I don't think I needed more than 400 kills of any enemy to get their cards.
The balance is very questionable. In my experience 2H was significantly worse than 1H but I'm stubborn so I refused to switch, I never used basic attacks on 2H because they are very slow and their damage does not make up for it, I bonked everything to death with the slam attack. Armor is kind of useless unless you specifically stack it. Hybrid builds are not very good because you will just not deal enough damage, you can also only max out 2 spells completely by level 40 which is the soft level cap. Skills past a level need Gold Skill Points which you don't get a lot of.
Utility skills are amazing so they will be taking up majority of your hotkey slots, they also only cost 3 points to max out so their value is massive.
I think balance needs some work but it's not gamebreaking.
I'm not a puzzle guy but the puzzles were pretty fun. You got usual sokoban, you got bouncy mirror puzzles, you got math puzzles, you have treasure maps with images and poems. They are mostly easy and don't take a lot of time to do with the exception of a few optional puzzles.
You got basic things like slimes, rabbits, boars, but there is also sand golem, ghosts, yetis, stone statues, teleports behind you man. The overall enemy design and roster is very varied and they are all unique but there is one problem. During grinding, the longer you stay in a room the more enemies will spawn and this gets really bad after halfway into the game because there is a lot of enemies that got massive attacks or shoot projectiles nonstop so the entire screen will be covered in projectiles and you cannot see. Enemies can also interrupt your spellcasting if you get hit, there is a passive that gives you a chance not to get interrupted the more armor you have but if you are a spellcaster, you don't have enough armor to use that effectively, even my melee bonker with 150 defense often got interrupted which is very annoying.
The part I'm the most mixed about. There is a lot of gimmicky bosses, some normal bosses that are just dodge checks and some bosses that will make you want to turn the game off. There is a lot of bosses that take from the enemies in filling the screen with projectiles nonstop but the lack of tightness in the controls makes dodging them very annoying. There are bosses that are multiple bosses so you have to pay attention to 4 different things and try to block all of them at once which you can't so you will get hit unfairly because you can't look at everything at once. Of course every boss can be beaten with a little trying or grinding but majority of them wasn't very fun, the rest of the game is but the bosses feel like they were made for a different game.
The game also has an issue with insane difficulty spikes out of nowhere.
True Final Boss:
This needs its own section.
It took me about 3 hours to beat him and he was incredibly hard but for the wrong reasons. Its attacks are randomized and they can overlap in various ways, some way harder to dodge than others so it becomes a really RNG heavy fight when the fight is supposed to be pure skill with no cheese strats. On the highest difficulty, the fight takes away your health potion and your magic bubble so you cannot use them, it's meant as a fight to show your mastery of the game. It requires really split second parries and turns and really tight dodging but as mentioned above, the controls aren't the greatest so you will get hit when you thought you blocked the attack combined with dodgy hitboxes.
It's a very cinematic fight though and I am 100% happy that I spent the effort into getting the fight and actually learning it despite all of its issues.
I think the game is a very solid 7/10, it has its issues but it's still a great game even if it pissed me off in a couple of places and I would definitely recommend. I haven't even touched the arcade mode yet which has its own story and own gameplay, I'll do that later.
submitted by CptBlackBird2 to JRPG [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 09:18 Aliximery I'm 16 and feel like I'm wasting my life

I know that the title sounds ridiculous and that many will say that 16 is still very young. But for some reason it doesn't feel like it. I feel like I'm just constantly trying to catch up with time. I don't have anything that I'm passionate about. Sometimes I'll get intrested in something, daydream about becoming some great next thing , and then the flame just burns out. I'm so jealous of people who have a passion that they can stick to. I know many people around me who have something like this, and I feel like I'm behind them because I don't. In fact, many people in my class are very accomplished people. Two girls in my girls do ballet and dance in a theatre. Another girl in my class does competitive dancing. A guy from my class plays football and is also a math genius. Another plays tennis and travels a lot. I have a few people in my class who draw. Some sing and play instruments. A girl from a higher class that I'm acquaintances with plays in theatre. Another girl that I know, was awarded last year by our city as the most accomplished student. She was also the school president last year, was a part of the debates team, and a part of youth city council.
I could probably list more but I think you get it. Everyone around me is so accomplished, has something that they are passionate about while I feel like I have nothing. Whenever I find something that I think must be it, I end up losing intrest after awhile.
I took swimming classes for about 7 years. ( wasn't really something that I was passionate about. It's my parents that signed up ). I have tried learning a new language but always end up quitting for some reason. Currently I can only my native and English.
I used to draw a lot back when I was like 10/11 and watched a lot of tutorials on yt but nothing ever came out of it. I kind of stopped being intrested in it and now I'll draw something once every few months.
I also wanted to write my own book. ( I kind of still want to tbh ). But I feel like I can never form a good enough idea. In terms of writing, I also songwrite sometimes. I don't do it super often. And I'm more often than not dissatisfied with what I write.
Took guitar classes for about 2 years. I quit as the classes focused mainly on playing classical music. While I just wanted to know enough to be able to play the songs that I like. Right now, I barely play. I go through phases when I play guitar non stop for a few weeks , put it down and then won't even touch it for the next few monts. Not to mention my playing is extremely mediocre.
I used to sing too. I was in the church choir from when I was 8 up to when I was 10. I started taking singing classes when I was in 5th grade and resigned this year. It was a hard decision but next year I'll be starting the IB program. And I know from my teachers , and people in classes above me how hard it can be. I'll be taking chemistry, biology and english for HL and math , native and psycholoy for SL. And unfortunately with chemistry, I've heard that the two teachers we have are not the best at teaching. Which means that I'll have to study a lot on my own. This year I already struggled with trying to with mingling singing with all my school work and other responsibilities. And at the end decided that it's just not possible for me.
I was in the debates team this year. We managed to get second place in a national tournament. Unfortunately, I also won't continue next year. This was extremely time consuming and caused me a lot of stress. And next year I want to focus mainly on my studies. Maybe I'll take part in some single competitions but I'm not too sure about it yet.
Everything that I do just seems to ends after sometime. And it just frustrates me so much. I always wanted to be an accomplished person. When I was little, I used to be a " performer ", that's what my family memebrs always tell me. I would sing, dance, recite poems and make my own plays for them too watch. I remember some of them joking that I'm going to be a star. From people in my elementary I heard similiar things.
Nowdays I just hear that I used to be more out there. That I don't sing anymore. That I'm not as loud as I used to be. Sometimes I think that the reason why I can't get into anything is because my true passion is just trying to impress other people.
After I graduate, I'd like to study medicine to become a psychiatrist. My dream univeristy is Oxford. Which I know sounds ridiculous, knowing that I don't have the money to pay for the tution. I've heard of something called a full ride scholarship. Which apparently covers all the school expenses. But I've also heard that it's almost impossible to get. And that you really need to stand out to be able to get it. So as much as I want it, I know that it's probably not possible for me.
Right now, I'm trying to learn japanese. And I've also been thinking recently of learning how to figure skate. I'm not thinking of signing up to any class, I just want to try it on my own so I won't have anything obligations. I'm hoping that this time it'll work
I know this post is all over the place probably but I just wanted to say everything that's on my mind.
submitted by Aliximery to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:30 Ok-You5223 What careers would you suggest me?

What Im passionate about:
drawing (semi realism/ abstraction) painting character design hand crafting designing (creating things) writing (poems/ stories/ screenplay) human psychology reading (philosophy) indie game design decorating sketching (anything)
attention to detail good at sketching natural skill when it comes to most art related things a lot of fantasy/ creative can be persuading doesn't give up easily likes giving good advice
unfocused/ gets lost easily can be slow with math unorganized bad at memorizing things stubborn/ will only do things my own way problems with procasination runs out of energy quickly when it comes to social interactions hates small talk
Career and lifestyle goals:
How much money is enough?
Enough to keep a family living a standard life without stressing out about money I guess? (I can be really good at saving up) Some guy said $70 000 a year is great so lets go with that (this kind of thing is different for each country though) Its better not to focus too much on money for now.
What type of jobs do you like?
Any job that involves creating things, it makes my existence feel meaningful. (Thats why I've been thinking of architecture for a long time. Buildings last centuries.)
Do you want a leadership position?
I wouldnt mind leading others but I dont really care about that. I would just prefer not to be one of those workers who have to do what someone else says all the time. I want to use my own creativity. Id like working with a group of equals or alone. I like working alone.
Do you want to eventually become an entrepreneur?
That idea doesnt seem so bad, in a way I like it, but it would probably be wayyy too tiring for me. I just want to create things and live a calm life. Constantly networking and thinking about business would be too overwhelming for me. But the idea of becoming an entrepreneur eventually might grow on me with time since it gives off a feeling of independence and like every day will be different, which I really care about. I just know that if I were to open a buisness Id invest all of my time and thought in it which wouldnt be ideal if i also want to live calmly and take care of my family.
As of right now, I've only had Architecture in mind. Although it has many issues, I cant think of anything else. What careers would you guys recommend? (Im 16F)
submitted by Ok-You5223 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:30 Ok-You5223 What careers would you suggest me?

What Im passionate about:
drawing (semi realism/ abstraction) painting character design hand crafting designing (creating things) writing (poems/ stories/ screenplay) human psychology reading (philosophy) indie game design decorating sketching (anything)
attention to detail good at sketching natural skill when it comes to most art related things a lot of fantasy/ creative can be persuading doesn't give up easily likes giving good advice
unfocused/ gets lost easily can be slow with math unorganized bad at memorizing things stubborn/ will only do things my own way problems with procasination runs out of energy quickly when it comes to social interactions hates small talk
Career and lifestyle goals:
How much money is enough?
Enough to keep a family living a standard life without stressing out about money I guess? (I can be really good at saving up) Some guy said $70 000 a year is great so lets go with that (this kind of thing is different for each country though) Its better not to focus too much on money for now.
What type of jobs do you like?
Any job that involves creating things, it makes my existence feel meaningful. (Thats why I've been thinking of architecture for a long time. Buildings last centuries.)
Do you want a leadership position?
I wouldnt mind leading others but I dont really care about that. I would just prefer not to be one of those workers who have to do what someone else says all the time. I want to use my own creativity. Id like working with a group of equals or alone. I like working alone.
Do you want to eventually become an entrepreneur?
That idea doesnt seem so bad, in a way I like it, but it would probably be wayyy too tiring for me. I just want to create things and live a calm life. Constantly networking and thinking about business would be too overwhelming for me. But the idea of becoming an entrepreneur eventually might grow on me with time since it gives off a feeling of independence and like every day will be different, which I really care about. I just know that if I were to open a buisness Id invest all of my time and thought in it which wouldnt be ideal if i also want to live calmly and take care of my family.
As of right now, I've only had Architecture in mind. Although it has many issues, I cant think of anything else. What careers would you guys recommend? (Im 16F)
submitted by Ok-You5223 to Careers [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:28 Ok-You5223 What careers would you suggest me?

What Im passionate about:
drawing (semi realism/ abstraction) painting character design hand crafting designing (creating things) writing (poems/ stories/ screenplay) human psychology reading (philosophy) indie game design decorating sketching (anything)
attention to detail good at sketching natural skill when it comes to most art related things a lot of fantasy/ creative can be persuading doesn't give up easily likes giving good advice
unfocused/ gets lost easily can be slow with math unorganized bad at memorizing things stubborn/ will only do things my own way problems with procasination runs out of energy quickly when it comes to social interactions hates small talk
Career and lifestyle goals:
How much money is enough?
Enough to keep a family living a standard life without stressing out about money I guess? (I can be really good at saving up) Some guy said $70 000 a year is great so lets go with that (this kind of thing is different for each country though) Its better not to focus too much on money for now.
What type of jobs do you like?
Any job that involves creating things, it makes my existence feel meaningful. (Thats why I've been thinking of architecture for a long time. Buildings last centuries.)
Do you want a leadership position?
I wouldnt mind leading others but I dont really care about that. I would just prefer not to be one of those workers who have to do what someone else says all the time. I want to use my own creativity. Id like working with a group of equals or alone. I like working alone.
Do you want to eventually become an entrepreneur?
That idea doesnt seem so bad, in a way I like it, but it would probably be wayyy too tiring for me. I just want to create things and live a calm life. Constantly networking and thinking about business would be too overwhelming for me. But the idea of becoming an entrepreneur eventually might grow on me with time since it gives off a feeling of independence and like every day will be different, which I really care about. I just know that if I were to open a buisness Id invest all of my time and thought in it which wouldnt be ideal if i also want to live calmly and take care of my family.
As of right now, I've only had Architecture in mind. Although it has many issues, I cant think of anything else. What careers would you guys recommend? (Im 16F)
submitted by Ok-You5223 to FinancialCareers [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:28 Ok-You5223 What careers would you suggest me?

What Im passionate about:
drawing (semi realism/ abstraction) painting character design hand crafting designing (creating things) writing (poems/ stories/ screenplay) human psychology reading (philosophy) indie game design decorating sketching (anything)
attention to detail good at sketching natural skill when it comes to most art related things a lot of fantasy/ creative can be persuading doesn't give up easily likes giving good advice
unfocused/ gets lost easily can be slow with math unorganized bad at memorizing things stubborn/ will only do things my own way problems with procasination runs out of energy quickly when it comes to social interactions hates small talk
Career and lifestyle goals:
How much money is enough?
Enough to keep a family living a standard life without stressing out about money I guess? (I can be really good at saving up) Some guy said $70 000 a year is great so lets go with that (this kind of thing is different for each country though) Its better not to focus too much on money for now.
What type of jobs do you like?
Any job that involves creating things, it makes my existence feel meaningful. (Thats why I've been thinking of architecture for a long time. Buildings last centuries.)
Do you want a leadership position?
I wouldnt mind leading others but I dont really care about that. I would just prefer not to be one of those workers who have to do what someone else says all the time. I want to use my own creativity. Id like working with a group of equals or alone. I like working alone.
Do you want to eventually become an entrepreneur?
That idea doesnt seem so bad, in a way I like it, but it would probably be wayyy too tiring for me. I just want to create things and live a calm life. Constantly networking and thinking about business would be too overwhelming for me. But the idea of becoming an entrepreneur eventually might grow on me with time since it gives off a feeling of independence and like every day will be different, which I really care about. I just know that if I were to open a buisness Id invest all of my time and thought in it which wouldnt be ideal if i also want to live calmly and take care of my family.
As of right now, I've only had Architecture in mind. Although it has many issues, I cant think of anything else. What careers would you guys recommend? (Im 16F)
submitted by Ok-You5223 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:27 Ok-You5223 What career would you suggest me?

What Im passionate about:
drawing (semi realism/ abstraction) painting character design hand crafting designing (creating things) writing (poems/ stories/ screenplay) human psychology reading (philosophy) indie game design decorating sketching (anything)
attention to detail good at sketching natural skill when it comes to most art related things a lot of fantasy/ creative can be persuading doesn't give up easily likes giving good advice
unfocused/ gets lost easily can be slow with math unorganized bad at memorizing things stubborn/ will only do things my own way problems with procasination runs out of energy quickly when it comes to social interactions hates small talk
Career and lifestyle goals:
How much money is enough?
Enough to keep a family living a standard life without stressing out about money I guess? (I can be really good at saving up) Some guy said $70 000 a year is great so lets go with that (this kind of thing is different for each country though) Its better not to focus too much on money for now.
What type of jobs do you like?
Any job that involves creating things, it makes my existence feel meaningful. (Thats why I've been thinking of architecture for a long time. Buildings last centuries.)
Do you want a leadership position?
I wouldnt mind leading others but I dont really care about that. I would just prefer not to be one of those workers who have to do what someone else says all the time. I want to use my own creativity. Id like working with a group of equals or alone. I like working alone.
Do you want to eventually become an entrepreneur?
That idea doesnt seem so bad, in a way I like it, but it would probably be wayyy too tiring for me. I just want to create things and live a calm life. Constantly networking and thinking about business would be too overwhelming for me. But the idea of becoming an entrepreneur eventually might grow on me with time since it gives off a feeling of independence and like every day will be different, which I really care about. I just know that if I were to open a buisness Id invest all of my time and thought in it which wouldnt be ideal if i also want to live calmly and take care of my family.
As of right now, I've only had Architecture in mind. Although it has many issues, I cant think of anything else. What careers would you guys recommend? (Im 16F)
submitted by Ok-You5223 to Career_Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 15:12 Dry_Bar_5847 NJC DSA HELP

Hi guys , so i want to apply for DSA to NJC via TLL or Science research , i need some help
Ok so some context : i take Math , Comb Sci ( phys , chem ) , Pure Lit , Elect Hist , Tl and Eng . Im not the brightest student when it comes to humans and languages ( except tl) , i got a D7 in the last WA . but i got super high A1s for Math , Sci and Tl . so i decided on focusing on my main strong points : Sci and Tl for which i have entered competitions . So is grades on Prev exams rlly a factor or a turning point for DSA? , coz its only WA. I have alot of thing to show for when it comes to TLL and Sci ResearcH
For Sci research : I have entered Phys and chem olympiad , ntg much , oni participation . entered Sci buskers ( innovation competition) , made 3 research papers about neutrinos , polynomers and neutron decay. not only that but i do plan on going on a 1 month internship to a research related job , so is this enough to stand a chance ? ik many have shit ton of accolades but idk .
For TLL : I have entered two competitions : Tamil Oratical competiton and Comic writing competition , my grades for TL is always an A1 , i have done a book reports , poems . etc . not only that but i plan on going on an internship to a newspaper company to be a intern tl media assitant . i do hope that this good coz i heard TLL is not very competitve thus for my option , im okay wif doing h2 TL
submitted by Dry_Bar_5847 to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 06:49 omegacluster Album Anniversary List 2024-05-10

Today's anniversaries are:
submitted by omegacluster to ctebcm [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 00:59 Zaki_1052_ My Senior AP Week Reflection - Extremely Long (5 exams, 9 total)

My Senior AP Week Reflection - Extremely Long (5 exams, 9 total)
I took AP Gov, Chem, Lit, and CSA. I have Calc AB on Monday still (I’m a Senior). I got 5s on APUSH, Lang, HuG, and a three in Bio.
Predicting: Gov-5, Chem-3, Lit-5, CSA-4, Calc-3/2 (hopefully the former). This is going to be an extremely long post of a lot of thoughts, so if you want the tldr, paste it into an LLM.
  1. AP Chem:
The MCQ could really have been a LOT better, I don’t think I did well on that at all, but I think I did alright on the FRQ; I only skipped one part on the second to last question because I was running out of time. But yeah, everyone says the MCQ was just...not it.
Predicting a 3 for this one. Regrets: I wish I had gone over a bit more calorimetry; I thought I knew it but I was a bit rusty on thermo and also equilibrium. This was probably my worst of the four I took so far. I need a 3 for any course credit but a 4 will mean I place into OChem.
I’m used to answering a lot of MCQs like they’re math questions, so some of those definitely threw me off. But just generally, most people seem to have found the MCQ difficult so I think the curve will be decent this year.
Oh! Also, I should mention that this is my teacher's first year teaching - I think at all - as she mentioned having to shadow others at my school. She wasn't particularly good or bad, just kind of there. Kind of like AP Bio. This is the shortest one; there isn’t much to say except that it was difficult, but I passed.
I just regret not taking it last year because it was apparently super easy (and had an amazing teacher at my school). This was probably equivalent to my AP Bio Sophmore year (3), accounting for how much I studied of course (maybe not as much as I should have). Overall: decent, could've been better.
  1. AP Gov:
This was probably my best one, the MCQ was, like, insultingly easy. I took AP Human Geography a few years ago and thought that was the easiest possible exam, but this definitely takes the cake (same teacher btw). I’m probably just used to my teacher’s really bad wording and slightly opinionated multiple choice tests, but this was extremely clear and intuitive in comparison.
Can’t think of any I got wrong, but for the practice I got a few points off the final, this seemed slightly easier. I finished in just under half the time (40 minutes or so). Napped.
For the FRQ, I was pretty much relying on my experience from APUSH last year because we didn't do any in class (weird last minute schedule changes at my school and my teacher ran out of time to practice or really talk about it at all). Even so, I found these a lot easier than APUSH.
A lot of it was either common sense or something I just felt confident in. Humanities have always been my strongest (5 on HuG and APUSH), which is ironic because I'm a STEM major, but these FRQs were just easy.
Had a little under half time left when I finished and spent another 20 minutes looking over it, but I filled out a (kinda cramped) page per question for 1-3 and then an extra 2 pages on that last essay. Looks like I got Question Set 2 (they just released).
I used all the documents (apparently you don't need to, and there's not even a sophistication point??), and argued for social moments, using pluralism and factions from Fed 10 as my counterargument, and talking a LOT about the example of the CRM and MLK with the right to assemble and such.
Protests were already on my mind because I'm going to a UC and I just happened to argue with my parents about this for hours over the weekend, so I got lucky that was my Prompt. Overall definitely predicting a 5, would not be surprised if either I or my friend who I usually compete with got a perfect score (they're going to an Ivy).
  1. AP Lit:
I took this one online, and I already got a 5 on Lang so I apparently didn't even need to take it (found out after I submitted college apps and was looking at credit charts lol). Oh, taking it digital, we started about an hour late due to tech problems, which was annoying. But…
I thought it was pretty decent! I really loved my teacher this year (hopefully my friends don't know my reddit account, but if so, yes I'm sorry he's very terrible). Overall just an amazing class experience.
Seriously though, the guy literally has a PhD in British Literature, he's amazingly insightful and I felt like I learned a lot this year; I definitely would not have gained as many skills as I did analyzing poetry without such a good teacher, and even my big prose essay happened to benefit, so it all worked out!
It just so happens that his two favorite pieces of literature are Hamlet and Madame Bovary. I used the latter for the prompt about missing something (specifically love), but Hamlet would have been great for indecision as well. I reused a lot of my points from our final about how when we think we achieve our desires we're never really satisfied, and how Emma was living in a fantasy world of fairy tale romance.
I also went over the blind beggar and how he saw the missing void in her heart, and how discomfited she was that he recognized that which she refused to — all her relationships were never true love — they were always purely sexual and all her spending and debt that she used to fill that piece of her spirit that was missing in marriage and religion would eventually drive her to suicide.
My teacher's honestly a bit Freudian (sorry, it's true!), but Hamlet obviously is probably even easier to talk about though I don't have the energy to plan another essay rn. Anyways, I'm fairly confident in a 5 for this one as well, even if a couple of the poems from the MCQ (dreams?) kinda threw me off.
Luckily, my teacher gave us a decent framework for setting up complex theses, and forewarned us that they'd ask us to connect the literary technique with the theme (literally our final), so I felt pretty prepared for the other FRQ. He suggested that we say something like:
"While on the surface, the poem appears to be about …, it is actually a vehicle for the author to…", or: "While most readers might conclude that …, on further inspection, the author actually...", which I thought was really smart for forcing yourself to think in complexity rather than giving an easy answer. I know it's a tad bit pretentious though!
My best friend is in the other AP Lit class with a different teacher, and his experience was vastly disparate to mine. Sounds like she tried -futiley- to teach to the exam, while mine went the approach of enhancing our overall Literature and analysis skills. I think you can infer which one I prefer.
Anyways, that one really all came down to the teacher, and I can definitely see how this one (especially the MCQ) could've been harder than last year, especially because while Lang was more SAT-like (790/800), this was decidedly not.
It's like, not even the questions that were bad, the answer choices were just such that you had to choose the least bad answer. Oh, and the nature/summertime thing was weird in that it was way too simple to talk about, but I managed like everyone else did.
  1. AP CSA:
This one was probably the one I'm most disappointed in myself for. I kind of expected a 3 on Chem (even if I was previously gunning for a 4), but I need a 4 for college credit in CompSci. Over the past year, I had gotten really into ML/AI, the former for my final Bioinformatics project on DNA Methylation, and the latter of which I actually learned JavaScript for. I already knew Python from my own curiosity, though I'm rusty and never took the class or exam.
That being said, I was pretty turned off by the teaching of CSE in general, though I'm not sure if that's the CSA class/exam or a more broad failing of just not knowing how to impart programming and make students want to do it (10 people took the exam at my school; there's a problem.).
Just the methodology of testing for it kinda made me hate it, even though I have a lot of fun coding on my own. The fact that MCQ is all about tracing code and is essentially math, where you're the computer and you're calculating what would be put into the compiler just seems stupid to me.
Regardless, from a student perspective, the MCQ was fine, as in I did well enough on it, not that I think it's a valid way to test, though I have no idea how else it would be. I was running slightly low on time, but I knew I would be, mainly because I hate how tedious it is even if the MCQ is technically easy (which it was).
Anyways, enough complaining. Onto the FRQ! It was...OK? Usually I'm pretty decent at writing code, classes and the like, but I wasn't quite expecting the specifications to be so weirdly worded. I guess it parallels the unclear expectations you receive doing CS jobs irl though, so that's fine. Also, last year was apparently harder?
Oh, I should mention that my teacher is retiring next year, so she was extremely checked out and the whole class was basically self-study on Runestone. I'll admit that as a Senior taking CSA as a 7th period, I found more important things to do than to practice writing code I thought I was pretty decent at, so that's definitely on me.
With that said, I didn't fully finish the last question of the FRQ, and while they weren't overly difficult generally, as in I could figure out the concepts they wanted (like math.random) and I managed to remember most of the syntax I had neglected, I definitely should have reviewed Arrays a bit more, as time was a big issue on this one.
Overall, I'm still predicting a 4 for CSA, but if I get unlucky with the curve I could get a 3, which would suck but still give me some course credit for college, just no exemption. My general review would be that it wasn't bad, it was even decent; the test on average was kinda like the Chem FRQ. That's all.
  1. Calc AB:
Obviously, this one is on Monday, so I haven't taken it yet, but I'd like to offer my predictions and thoughts. Math has always been my worst subject by far, but I'm trying for a 3 for college credit, as my Uni is offering a full ride for a month of summer where I can take the rest of Calc 101.
After that, I plan to just take a Semester's worth more of Math (up to Linear Algebra), and then be done. But to do that, I need to place and get a 3. When I took the final practice, I was exactly a point and a half below, so I have some more studying to do.
I should mention that my teacher this year for Calc AB is widely regarded as one of, if not the most, worst/hardest teacher at my school. It's definitely a weed out class, and most of my friends took it over the summer to place into BC with a good teacher rather than suffer my current one.
While I would usually differentiate between a bad teacher and a hard one (my Lit is the perfect example of the latter but not the former), Calc AB is both. I've never felt comfortable asking questions to her, she frequently blows off students, and her attitude just generally makes me hate math even more than I already did.
This year has been a lot of self-study and torture, so I'm really gunning for that 3 to prove her (and myself) wrong. I'm actually taking the class P/F because it does horrible things to my GPA (4.3 instead of 4.66). Anyways, wish me luck on this one!
  1. APUSH:
I took APUSH and Lang last year, and while I didn't really feel the need to study for my 5 in Lang, APUSH was my most difficult class that I probably studied for the most, but my teacher Junior year was probably the best I've ever had, or at least my favorite of all time (my current AP Lit might be technically better).
Yeah, my APUSH teacher really encouraged me to push through on that class and sincerely made me interested in US History. He's also probably why I did so well in AP Gov, so I owe him a “Thank You” when I get back. I ended up applying UCs, which doesn't take rec letters obviously, but if I had requested one, he would definitely be it!
Anyways, I know an amazing teacher isn't possible for most people, but I wish everyone luck on their APUSH Exam on Friday; you can do it!! I got a 5 when I worked for it, and you can too!
7-9. Other APs: Bio, etc,
There isn't much to say about Lang or AP Human Geography. I found them both pretty easy, intuitive, and common sense. Prepare, of course (specifically for the course content of the latter), but they're both guarenteed 5s if you put the work in.
For AP Bio, that was the biggest regret of my high school career. It's actually my major (Biology: Bioinformatics), and I got a 3. I just know I was close to a 4, but also that it was partly my fault for letting bad study habits from COVID bleed into the beginning of my Sophmore year, and I never really caught up.
AP Bio is one of those courses where you need to be prepared from the get-go, especially if your teacher has a somewhat lax but competent teaching style. Not to make excuses for myself or anything, but I actually got COVID the week before, missed my AP HuG Exam (had to do the retake), and recovered the day before the AP Bio.
My brain and studying were just not up to par at all, and I'm confident that if I had worked as hard as I did for APUSH the year after, I definitely would've gotten a 4 or even a 5. So, I wish everyone luck as well on Bio next Thursday, and hope you're prepared!
For everyone else, I'll be lurking next week around this sub after I take Calc, and I'm confident in everyone to do their best! I'll probably turn off my notifs tomorrow afternoon, so if anyone has questions before then feel free to ask and I'll attempt to respond! Congrats if you got this far in the post, lol, and I hope it was helpful!
submitted by Zaki_1052_ to APStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 23:33 Desperate-Recipe-509 Music

Y'all I need help I'm 17 and I wanna become an artist Im in high school and i do maths, English, life science, business and computer science, and when I'm done with school idk if I wanna go to university or college idk what to study😭 I write songs and poems evey week and it sounds Soo good I'm learning how to play a guitar too but idk how it will benefit me in the future coz I really love music and songwriting and the music industry is crazy 😭 I feel so lost I don't know what else I like but all my heart is screaming music music pls help mee
submitted by Desperate-Recipe-509 to Songwriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 23:32 Desperate-Recipe-509 Music

Y'all I need help I'm 17 and I wanna become an artist Im in high school and i do maths, English, life science, business and computer science, and when I'm done with school idk if I wanna go to university or college idk what to study😭 I write songs and poems evey week and it sounds Soo good I'm learning how to play a guitar too but idk how it will benefit me in the future coz I really love music and songwriting and the music industry is crazy 😭 I feel so lost I don't know what else I like but all my heart is screaming music music pls help mee
submitted by Desperate-Recipe-509 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 20:25 SeniorZebra 5 Best Websites to Pay Someone to Do My Homework for Me

Hey everyone! I've been checking out various homework help websites lately, and I wanted to share some insights on those that really stand out for their writing assignments and problem-solving services across different subjects.

Top 5 Recommended "Do My Homework" Websites

These websites can help you with a wide range of assignments. Here’s what you can expect:

PaperHelp - Best “Do My Homework” Service Overall

I found PaperHelp when I was searching for help with my homework. It's the top service on my list for many reasons. From my own use of their website, I've experienced their professional, reliable, and supportive environment firsthand. They're really great at what they do.
Available Services Analysis
PaperHelp covers everything from essays and research papers to dissertations. I've used them for various subjects at different academic levels and have always been impressed by the quality and consistency of their work. They always deliver on time and meet all the academic requirements, making my homework tasks much easier.
Unique Features
Summary I've relied on PaperHelp for various academic tasks and they've never let me down. Their focus on quality and customer satisfaction has made my academic journey smoother. I recommend them highly if you're looking for dependable academic support.

SpeedyPaper - Best for Paper Writing

Among the many academic services out there, SpeedyPaper has been a standout for paper writing. Using SpeedyPaper has been a really positive experience. They've been a huge help with my paper writing needs.
Available Services Analysis SpeedyPaper is my go-to for help with a pile of papers. They're synonymous with quality and reliability, and the user reviews back that up. They handle everything from high school term papers to complex postgraduate research papers.
Unique Features
Summary SpeedyPaper has been essential for me, especially when it comes to specialized paper writing. They are reliable, punctual, and really focus on customer satisfaction.

EssayPro - Best for Simple Essays

EssayPro has been my go-to for straightforward essay needs. It's easy to use and reliable, making it my first choice for any kind of essay task.
Available Services Analysis EssayPro handles a wide variety of essays effectively and maintains high standards of quality. Their good reviews reflect their solid reputation.
Unique Features
Summary If you need dependable essay help, EssayPro is worth checking out. They focus on delivering quality and meeting student needs efficiently.

ExtraEssay - Best for Fastest Delivery

ExtraEssay has been a lifesaver when I've been up against tight deadlines. Their ability to deliver quickly and maintain quality is what sets them apart.
Available Services Analysis They are the perfect choice when time is short. They handle everything from essays to complex research papers fast without compromising on quality.
Unique Features
Summary ExtraEssay is ideal if you need quick and reliable academic help. They've consistently been a reliable choice for me during crunch times.

Grademiners - Best for College Level Papers

Throughout college, Grademiners have been a consistent help with more complex, college-level assignments.
Available Services Analysis They provide fantastic support for a variety of college assignments. Their expertise and attention to detail have been clear in every task they've helped me with.
Unique Features
Summary Grademiners has been a critical resource for me in college, providing excellent support and understanding the demands of college-level work. Highly recommended for students who need robust academic support.

Do My Homework Services FAQ

Can these homework help services assist with any subject and academic level?

Yes, these homework help services are very versatile. They cover a wide range of subjects at different academic levels, from high school to postgraduate studies. Services like PaperHelp and SpeedyPaper have experts in various fields, so no matter the subject or the complexity of your assignment, they can help. Whether you need assistance with science, humanities, arts, or technical subjects, these platforms can provide comprehensive support.

How do these writing services ensure the quality and originality of the work provided?

Reputable writing services have a strict process to ensure the quality and originality of their work. They have qualified writers who make sure the content is well-researched and accurate. To ensure the work is original, they use advanced plagiarism detection tools. Additionally, many services have quality assurance teams that check the assignments for adherence to instructions and overall quality before delivery.

Are the services confidential?

Will my personal and academic information be secure? Yes, confidentiality and security of your personal and academic information are priorities for these services. They use strong data protection policies and encryption technologies to protect your information. You can use their services confidently, knowing your details are handled with the utmost care.

What if I am not satisfied with the work received from the homework help service?

Top homework help services are committed to customer satisfaction and offer free revisions. You can request changes until the work meets your expectations. If you're still not satisfied, some services offer money-back guarantees, so you won't be at a financial loss.

How are the prices determined for assignments on these homework help websites?

The prices for assignments depend on the complexity of the task, the level of expertise required, the word count, and the urgency of the deadline. More complex or urgent tasks will cost more. Many services offer different pricing packages to fit various budgets, allowing you to choose what best fits your needs.

Can I communicate directly with the tutor or writer assigned to my task?

Yes, many services allow you to communicate directly with the person working on your assignment. This helps clarify any doubts, provide additional information, and stay updated on the progress. Direct communication ensures that the final output meets your expectations.

How quickly can I expect to receive the completed assignment from a homework help website?

The delivery time depends on the urgency of your task. While services offer various deadline options and are committed to meeting them, it's wise to order well in advance. This gives you enough time for revisions and to review the work before submission.

Are there any additional resources or learning materials available on these platforms?

Yes, many services offer additional resources like blogs, articles, tutorial videos, and sample assignments. These can help deepen your understanding of subjects and improve your skills, providing more than just homework assistance.

Can I seek help for editing and proofreading my assignments on these platforms?

Yes, many services also offer editing and proofreading. Professionals will review your work for any errors and enhance its quality, ensuring it's clear, coherent, and meets academic standards.

Do the platforms offer any discounts or promotional offers for new or returning users?

Yes, many platforms offer discounts and promotions to make their services more affordable. Look for introductory discounts for new users or loyalty programs for returning customers to help manage costs better.
How can I ensure that the service will meet my specific requirements and preferences for the assignment? To ensure the service meets your needs, be clear about your requirements when you place your order. Specify your expectations about the structure, format, and details. Regular communication and review of drafts will help ensure the final product is exactly what you want.

Who will do my homework for me?

When you buy homework help, your assignments will be handled by professionals with expertise in the subject area. These experts often have advanced degrees and plenty of experience, ensuring high-quality results.

What are homework help websites?

Homework help websites are online platforms that assist students with their academic work. They offer a variety of services, like writing help, tutoring, and editing. These platforms provide access to experts who can help students manage their academic challenges effectively.

How can I pay someone to do my homework for me?

Using a homework help service is straightforward. You'll detail your assignment requirements and then use a secure payment gateway to complete the transaction. Choose the payment option that works best for you, and always ensure the platform has secure and transparent payment
submitted by SeniorZebra to HomeworkHelpSites [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 12:46 Clarissa0571 Do My Homework: Top Websites Where I Can Pay Someone for Homework Help

Hey fellow Redditors! We've been testing different homework help websites that excel in writing assignments and problem solving tasks across multitude of disciplines. Here's the list of websites that stand out:
  1. PaperHelp 🥇: Best for Essays and Research Papers
  2. EssayPro 🥈: Best for Urgent Homework Help
  3. BBQPapers 🥉: Best "Do My Homework" Website for Technical Tasks
Homework help websites can assist you with a variety of assignment types across multiple subjects. Here are some common types of assignments you might find help with:

PaperHelp: Best for Essays and Research Papers

PaperHelp is a writing company that provides expert assistance to those who need assignments created for them. They offer writing help on a huge range of areas, including rating assignments, essay rewriting services, grading, and more.
Whatever kind of assignment writing help you require, PaperHelp should be able to offer assistance. It specializes in STEM assignments, and you'll get expert assistance from highly qualified academic writers.
If you don't know whether PaperHelp would be suitable for the assignment help you need, you can place an inquiry and they will get back to you with more information.
You will also get a title page and the references completed for free. The essay will be in the proper format, and there is no plagiarism.

What Does PaperHelp Cost?

PaperHelp charges according to assignment length and turnaround time. The prices are also based on the complexity of the work.
High school projects start from $10 per page, while undergraduate papers cost $13 per page. Bachelor papers cost $19 per page, and Professional papers cost $21 per page.
You can also select your writer based on how much you are prepared to pay. There are three tiers: basic writer, advanced writer, and top writer. Advanced writers and top writers are native English speakers, but they cost more to hire.
You should enter your assignment details into the site so you can get a full idea of the costs before you pay someone to undertake your project.
It's also worth noting that you can get discounts on big orders (5 percent off orders over $500, and 10 percent off orders over $1000). If you use PaperHelp frequently, you'll build up credits with the company, and with this, you'll enjoy extra savings. Sometimes, you may be able to get as much as 15 percent off.

EssayPro: Best for Urgent Tasks

EssayPro is another assignment service that helps students manage their assignments online. It's a particularly good option if you need an academic level assignment on a short deadline.
The site offers assignment help service options in all the following areas:
No matter what academic subject you're struggling with, you can get your college assignment completed with online assistance from EssayPro.
You can also ask experienced writers to rewrite your own essays, or do your homework for you.

What Does EssayPro Cost?

EssayPro costs from $10.80 per page, which is a fairly affordable price. However, the price will go up if you have a tight deadline, so if you're looking for timely delivery, you are going to have to pay more for it.
To get started, you have to make a deposit to the website, but the writers won't get this until you have actually hired someone. When you have, the deposit goes to the writer, and the rest of the funds will be held by the site.
You can then release the full payment when you are happy with the writing help you have received.

Can You Talk To The Assignment Writers?

EssayPro makes a point of personalizing its writers, so you can view all the applicants that you might end up working with, and decide who is right for you. To select a writer, complete an order form with the details of your assignment.
You can read the writer's reviews and their "about me" information before you settle on your assignment helpers, ensuring you get a great match for your assignment.

Is EssayPro Confidential?

Like other online assignment help services, EssayPro keeps its user information confidential to prevent discovery. You should be able to have someone write your assignment online without anybody being able to tell that you have done this.
You can upload samples of your own writing so that the assignment helpers are able to see your style. They can then copy this to create a university assignment that sounds exactly like your work.

What If There Are Issues With The Assignment Services?

One of EssayPro's biggest draws is that it offers unlimited free revisions. You can simply request that the assignment helpers change things, and you'll have a professional assignment that you are satisfied with in no time.
You should also receive plagiarism free work, and you can request a free originality report if you are concerned about this.
However, there can still be issues when you get your assignment online, and if you do have problems, you can get in touch with the customer support team. This offers 24/7 support, so you don't have to panic if you need assignment help in the middle of the night.
The site also offers a team of QA experts who will step in if something goes wrong with the academic writing services. They can review the assignment online and make sure that it fits the criteria that you provided.

When Do I Need To Submit The Assignment?

If you want a cheap assignment, you need to submit it as soon as possible - but you can get very quick turnaround times with EssayPro. Papers can be completed in less than 6 hours, which is very important if you have a university assignment due soon!
The success rate is likely to be higher if you give the writers time to complete the assignment to your satisfaction.

BBQPapers: Top-Rated Do My Homework Website

This assignment writing service provides plagiarism free content, and offers expert writers with broad knowledge in an enormous variety of subjects.
Whatever assignment type you are working on, you should be able to find the right person on this website.
It's important to note that BBQPapers offers quite a few kinds of assignment help services.
You can request writing, or just editing or proofreading if you want to do the assignment yourself but you just want a little bit of assistance making it shine.
This is worth bearing in mind if you want to pull your grades up, but don't want to fully depend on somebody else to write your essay.
Each essay will involve in-depth research, proper citations, formatting, and a thorough analysis of the topic.
The writer will conduct research according to the assignment requirements, and only the best writers are permitted to work for BBQPapers.

What Does BBQPapers Cost?

If you are in higher education, you should expect to pay more, because of the increased complexity level.
The site charges $5.85 per hundred words for high school papers, $6.77 per hundred words for college papers, and $10.64 per hundred words for Ph.D. papers.
That can add up quite fast, especially for assignments with high word counts, but you'll still get access to experienced professionals that are capable of writing good academic essays.
If you fill in an order form on the website, you'll be able to get an idea of what your paper will cost to write.
One of the nice features of BBQPapers is that it offers a loyalty program, so if you frequently use the site to create research papers for you, you'll pay smaller fees.
Every writing assignment you send in will earn you 1 point per dollar spent.
When you have 750 points, you'll get 5 percent off, while 1500 points will give you 10 percent off, and 3000 points will give you an impressive 15 percent off.
For somebody who regularly gets assignment help online, this can make the process more affordable - so it's worth considering this.

Can You Talk To The Homework Helpers?

One of the nice things about this service is that you will be put in touch directly with the academic writers working on your assignment.
You can then discuss the requirements of the assignment with the writer to ensure that you get a high quality assignment at the end of the process.
The team at BBQPapers will work on finding you the best writer for your academic paper. The site claims to take only the most qualified writers from the US, UK, Canada, and Australia.
When you put in a request, you can tick a box that requests native English speakers work on your assignment - or you can just ask for a fluent writer if you think that will suffice for your piece of work. Either way, you can get the perfect writer for your assignment.

Is BBQPapers Confidential?

Yes, BBQPapers makes efforts to ensure that all data is kept confidential, only giving the necessary information to the online assignment helpers to minimize the risk of discovery.

What If There Are Issues With The Assignment Services?

If you have any problems with the service you receive, you can contact the customer support team.
There's also a 10 day window for requesting free revisions, so if students raise concerns, these can be addressed. Furthermore, you have a 60-day money back guarantee, meaning that you can recover the costs if the assignment isn't up to your standards.

When Do I Need To Submit The Assignment?

It's important to make sure you are submitting your assignment in a timely manner, so that the writers have enough turnaround time to give it back to you.
Although BBQPapers says it can take as little as 3 hours to return a project, it will sometimes take longer, and you don't want your important uni assignment to be late because you haven't got it back yet.
Make sure you create assignment deadlines so the writer knows how long they have to complete the piece.
submitted by Clarissa0571 to MyHomeworkDone [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 04:11 Tannhausergate2017 AI and NDEs

I am deeply interested in both AI and NDEs. I think that AI is really going to upend out already very hyper-changing society even more so. Much more so, esp as AI gets to be exceptionally advanced, which, by most expert accounts, is not far off.
As such, I truly think mankind will soon have a gigantic crisis of confidence and struggle against feelings of inferiority and even worthlessness as AI easily and quickly outstrips our best and brightest in pretty much every endeavor. Math, science, law, medicine, athletics, ballet, and even art, writing, music, sculpture, etc.
When I was a kid in the 1980s, the old Hollywood bromide about AI is that it couldn’t compose a poem or a sonnet, and that things like that is what makes us “human” and thus “better” than a machine.
Actually, AI can now compose poems and sonnets and it does arguably much better than we do.
For the actual NDE-ers, do you have any insight/perspective from your NDE to counter AI’s likely effect on us as to our worth as humans? I think the NDE-er perspective is now needed more than ever in this arena.
submitted by Tannhausergate2017 to NDE [link] [comments]
