Weight loss poems encouragement


2020.01.03 18:34 cinnamon_or_gtfo Loseitbaby

Postpartum weight loss and exercise support and encouragement

2018.11.15 00:28 Eating Disorders Anonymous

A public subreddit for discussing the struggles of having an eating disorder. Much like an Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous group, we offer emotional support and harm reduction but no encouragement of furthering ED behaviors. This subreddit is not officially associated with the support group Eating Disorders Anonymous. We are not exclusive to or trying to “force” recovery on anyone.

2018.04.07 05:30 ForgottenLoreInAutum Weight gain/loss journeys

Do you want a safe place to talk about your weight goals? Whether you’re looking to lose or gain and be healthy we are here for you! Let’s share tips, recipes and some laughter... and maybe hangry tears

2024.05.21 17:58 Storm_Bunni Fell off the wagon & can't get back on...

I was doing so well! I ended up losing 38lbs in 90 days. I had work trips every other week for the last 2 months and couldn't keep up with my calorie counting. I ended up stopping & haven't gone back. I still try to make health conscious choices. I didn't binge eat like I normally would. I tried to stick within my calorie range yesterday but I couldn't do it. I'm still losing though. 6lbs down in 2 months is better than 6lbs up!
Can you share an accomplishment you recent reached during your weight loss journey? Or perhaps something that keeps you motivated? I'm really going to put in my best effort and hearing how well you're doing might help propel me in the right direction!
submitted by Storm_Bunni to CICO [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:57 rokhead22 New diabetes, possible LADA, I guess my story is just starting

I've been reading the stories here and didn't want to be a "me too" poster, but I realize that some people may benefit (as I have) by others sharing their story.
I am male, 56, fairly healthy eater, moderately active and at my best weight in 15 years due to intentional portion control and increased physical activity through yardwork and treadmill (in hindsight, I may have gotten some weight loss "help" from undiagnosed diabetes as well). Honestly, I've been feeling great until 2 weeks ago when I got a slap-in-the-face diabetes diagnosis as a reward for my diligence. GP said diabetes, but he refuses to give a type 1/2 clarification - he said "we'll let the Endocrinologist determine that". My research and test results seem to indicate LADA (negative autoantibodies, mildly positive GAD (39), DKA symptoms, strong auto-immune family history). A recent visit to a dietician sort of supported my suspicions, when she printed out a LADA info sheet and handed it to me without much comment.
It started with a variety of symptoms that you all know, but I was able to write each of them off with a shrug:
Distance vision started degrading (I had perfect vision all my life - hmmm...I must be getting old)
Overnight cramps in my legs and feet like they were in a vice (must have pulled something working in the garden or on the treadmill)
Ankle swelling (whats that about? twisted ankle maybe?)
Rapidly increasing desire for water like I could not get enough (well, its a healthy habit right? and I \have* been trying to drink more*)
Peeing at night - as much as 6 or 7 times at the peak (well, I'm drinking all that water before bed - of course I need to go at night! I'll just shut my water drinking off at 8pm)
These last two are the ones that got my wife noticing and urged me to see a doctor.
By the time I was seen, the vision got even worse to the point I was thinking about not driving myself. Blood test came back glucose 284, A1c 12.1. Urine glucose and Ketones were high as well. I guess that was DKA? By the time I got home, my hands were filled with pharmacy bags of insulin pen, tips, test kit, etc, and my brain spinning with questions, confusion, anger, disbelief and more questions. I have watched my T1 daughter-in-law and a few friends over the years jab themselves and thought "oh thats an unfortunate burden", but I never thought it would be me. How can this be? Surely this is temporary!? Over the next several days, I went through the various stages anger, depression, frustration, denial, etc, but my wife was there by my side researching and supporting me - and still is. I feel bad for those who are going through this alone.
I was literally afraid to eat for several days. I got in early to a dietician and she talked me down from the cliff, telling me I was causing more ketones by fasting and showed me what 15g of carbs looked like in various forms and set a 45g target per meal. I am still hesitant, and I am probably hitting more like 15-30 for "most" meals but not all.
Lately, my feelings have been mostly guilt about feeling bad for myself. I mean, this could have been a cancer diagnosis or something. There are plenty of people out there who have more than this to deal with, so "stop whining" I tell myself. I am not sure where I am emotionally at this point - I guess "acceptance" of a sort, but there are still a lot of unanswered questions. It seems like LADA is not even recognized in some places (if that is even what this is). It will be several more weeks before my endocrinologist appointment.
I'm on 12 units of the long acting insulin each night (almost 2 weeks now), and testing each morning. Glucose is dropping daily and is down to 122 fasting this morning, and ketones have dropped to "none" on the strips. All of the DKA symptoms have gone, but my vision is still wonky. Optometrist saw no retinal damage, so that is good, but last week, my vision went from nearsighted to farsighted in about 4 days and I'm wearing glasses for the first time in my life. I hope the fluctuating eyesight is temporary or at least settles down.
So yeah, thanks for reading. I had to get this off my chest.
submitted by rokhead22 to diabetes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:55 Low-Design787 Plane turbulence

I was just reading this ongoing story:
Some quotes from passengers.
There was no turbulence prior to that. It went from no turbulence to this one turbulence. No plane shaking at all and then I was hitting the roof. All of a sudden, I was up like that.
My son was thrown down on the floor two rows behind me. I heard that there was a guy hitting the roof in the toilet and he was injured quite badly, too.
Reportedly the plane “sharply dropped 6,000 feet in five minutes” which if I’m working it out right is 1828 metres in 300 seconds, about 6 m / s.
What goes on during turbulence (*)? If the plane was just free falling, the passengers would be weightless followed by extreme weight when control was regained? But no one would “hit the roof”. So is the plane accelerating downwards due to loss of control, is it pogoing (rapidly losing and gaining altitude) in some fashion?
Edit (*) in general, obviously too soon to know in this specific case.
submitted by Low-Design787 to AskPhysics [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:54 slozos Symptoms don't match test results - looking for insights.

Symptoms don't match test results - looking for insights.
Hi friends! My 16-year-old cat Rocky (also the love of my life) was diagnosed with moderate chronic kidney disease (CKD) in November 2019, which retreated to mild 6 months later. He has fluctuated between mild and moderate over the years but has retreated in the disease 3-4 times because he is a tenacious little nugget. Last year, he suddenly lost 4 pounds in six months, but tests revealed that his kidneys were stable and there was no sign of cancer. It turns out he has IBD. We changed his food accordingly and he put some weight back on. No matter what health issues come his way, he continues to defy the odds, showcasing his incredible strength and resilience. One wouldn’t know he has any health issues at all; he has always maintained a high level of energy, appetite, and affection, and has stayed as healthy as one could be with these ailments.
Rocky has always been a dry food guy and SO food-motivated, maintaining a weight of 17-18 pounds most of his life. A couple of weeks ago, I noticed he stopped eating his dry food, but devoured wet food when given to him. My hypothesis was that he maybe had a tooth that was bugging him. A vet visit indeed revealed a possibly diseased tooth, but we also discovered a 2-pound weight loss in 3 months. Blood tests showed his kidney numbers were through the roof, despite being stable at his last check up in February. However, his blood pressure was PERFECT, which doesn’t quite gibe with those kidney values.
His vet has been taking care of him for almost half his life, and she is almost as emotionally invested in Rocky as much as I am! She felt that, even though CKD can move fast, it didn’t feel quite right to her. She theorized it could be kidney stones or an infection. They obtained a urine culture to determine if bacteria was present, which would indicate an infection. They ruled out kidney stones with an x-ray, started him on antibiotics, and gave him an IV drip (this is last Wednesday, 5/15). Throughout the day, his appetite improved, and his creatinine levels dipped. His blood pressure remained perfect. I continued his treatment at home with antibiotics, anti-nausea meds, and subcutaneous fluids while we waited for the urine culture results. His appetite and energy increased quickly, and he even gained 0.3 pounds. He’s not only back to his old self, but it almost seems like he’s better, with even more energy and more appetite than I’ve seen in some time. So of course this has to be an infection, the antibiotics are doing their job, right?
Here is the kicker: we got the urine culture results back today, and they showed no bacteria, ruling out an infection. So we’re a bit baffled. The vet says his kidneys might be failing, but the sub-Q treatment is perking him up. But wouldn't his blood pressure be high if his kidneys were failing? And how would his creatinine levels and weight improve so quickly? We have a follow-up appointment next Tuesday to do another blood panel, and of course I’ll bring him in sooner if he appears to decline before then. His vet says that his behavior is our main gauge in the meantime. I'm wondering if it could be his thyroid, which was checked and found normal a few years ago. I rang his vet back earlier today with that question, and I’m just waiting to hear back from her.
Has anyone experienced something similar or have any insights into what might be going on? The test results don't seem to align with his symptoms. Thank you!
submitted by slozos to catcare [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:53 Fragrant-Dirt-1597 Small changes

Changes I am/going to make:
What other things can I add to help my weight loss journey? I also wanted to ask if there was a way to calculate how much walking I'd need to do to het to my goal?
submitted by Fragrant-Dirt-1597 to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:50 OkJob6797 My life is falling apart 🫠

Just looking to vent and get some encouragement.
Going into 2024, I was feeling so confident and secure in myself as a person. I was working on my marriage, ethically exploring my queer side, continuing to make strides in therapy, had an awesome job with great people and a solid salary… then it all started falling apart.
I realized that I was tired of working on my marriage because I wasn’t getting the same effort back. I wanted a divorce. Husband decided to start putting in a ton of effort and I was wondering if we could make it work. Then, I realized I’m much gayer than I thought. Comp-het is strong in this one. So I began questioning if working on our marriage even mattered if I was just a lesbian. Next, the woman I was exploring with abruptly ended things. It hurt way more than I expected it to. And the final gut punch… I got laid off. When I got laid off, my husband and I decided to pause the divorce/sexuality discussions so I could focus on finding a job. I’m trying to take it one step at a time but I’m also just like, what the fuck is going on lol. I can’t handle anymore shit.
I feel like I’ve lost my sense of self. I’ve lost confidence in my ability to make the hard decisions and to be independent. I’m grieving so many losses and life changes at once, it’s very overwhelming. I know it’ll get better. It’s just hard to see that right now.
submitted by OkJob6797 to latebloomerlesbians [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:46 bluethecoloris Replicas of weight loss drugs like Ozempic to be banned in Australian crackdown

Replicas of weight loss drugs like Ozempic to be banned in Australian crackdown submitted by bluethecoloris to TheColorIsBlue [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:46 No_Worry_2873 Anybody else grow up obese?

Ever since I can remember ive been obese. I was obese since I was at least 4. I was raised by My grandparents on my dad's side from the time I was little bit under a year and half old both of my parents at the time were in active meth addiction and had been for years. A lot of my Memories of doing fun things as a kid seem to revolve around food. I also used to sneak into the fridge and cupboards and get food. My grandparents took me out to eat a lot and kind of spoiled me with food and looking back used it as a reward. I did always eat my fruits and vegetables and was encouraged to eat all my food and as I got older I'd ask for seconds or I'd sneak food after being told I couldn't have more. I also snacked a lot looking back in hindsight I think I was just bored a lot so I snacked I also had a bad habit of just putting random things in my mouth and chewing on them without thinking like my hair, shirt collar and plastic bottle caps. Now I'm just trying to get back into and staying focused on doing CICO and losing weight.
submitted by No_Worry_2873 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:43 NoLavishness424 How to stay on track on weekends

Hi I am a woman 5’7 and honestly pretty healthy. I walk 10K+ steps daily most days, strength train 3x per week and do tennis/pickleball 1-2x per week & cook mostly at home. I started my weight loss journey in college bc I was very unhealthy and drinking a ton at 178lbs and went down all the way to 142lbs a year after I graduated and felt my best at that weight (trying to get back there). During the pandemic I gained some weight I think bc I was home most of the time and it’s easier to snack (compared to going to the office) and now I weigh 155lb. I am just trying to lose 10 pounds but it seems impossible and I am getting unmotivated. It seems like during Monday until Thursday I do really great but then Friday till Sunday I let loose and my weight does not move. How do you plan for weekends? Also especially when eating out at restaurants when you’re not really sure about calories? Help lol
submitted by NoLavishness424 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:43 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Replicas of weight loss drugs like Ozempic to be banned in Australian crackdown Guardian

[World] - Replicas of weight loss drugs like Ozempic to be banned in Australian crackdown Guardian submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:43 Abencze1 Starting!

(27) F Finally getting to start wegovy! Super excited and nervous all at the same time! Any tips or encouragement! I have insulin resistance PCOS and starting weight at 345lb 5”5!
submitted by Abencze1 to WegovyWeightLoss [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:41 littlegreenwillow The worst pain (including resources)

I helped my precious girl end her pain yesterday and I’m really struggling to cope. About a month ago, she started limping and holding her paw up. After a month of tests and things only getting worse, she was diagnosed with Feline Lung-Digit Syndrome which is a rare and very aggressive form of lung cancer that first presents as swollen and painful paws.
We made the heartbreaking decision to help her die with dignity. As a mental health professional with a history of complex PTSD, I’m no stranger to pain and loss, but this is the most painful loss I’ve ever experienced and it has truly rocked my world. I simultaneously feel like I can’t move but also like I need to crawl out of my skin. As many of you would agree, our pets are our family. We are their entire world and they are also an integral part of ours. I don’t have close bonds with a lot of humans, and she taught me so much about connection, unconditional love, and loving myself.
I’m realizing as I scroll through the posts in this community and sob with you all, we as a society do not talk about or validate pet loss enough. I want you to know that if you are grieving the loss of a beloved soulmate, whatever you are feeling is real and important and deserves to be felt. Everyone’s grief journey is different so I encourage you (and myself) to be gentle and patient with yourself, no matter who you have lost or how long it has been.
If anyone is interested, I have found a few helpful and validating resources:
HonoringOurAnimals on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/honoringouranimals?igsh=MXRsYmdydjliMDl2aQ==
Short but validating podcast episode with Coleen Ellis: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3fPBxf7y8MYgo65iyE59e0?si=DF-pcRJLRKKE8468P_7_Cg
I know this is a long post, but I would love to share a eulogy that I wrote for my girl. I have also attached pictures if interested. Thank you all for sharing your hearts and your stories. I’m feeling it with you.
To my sweet Eva
My baby muffin. My little lovebug. My beautiful baby girl.
When we first met, you went by the name Mrs. Weasley. You were just a little thing who had just had a couple of kittens of your own. You were residing in a room at the humane society with a bunch of other kitties. The moment I sat down, you hopped up in my lap, gazed up at me with those big blue-green eyes, and I knew you were the one. We brought you home and gave you the name Eva Marie. You quickly got to work as a professional biscuit baker, always making sure that we had fresh baked goods, even when your sharp claws made them a little spicy. As good of a baker as you were, you were an even better snuggler. You had the softest fur and the hardest headbutts I had ever felt. Your purr could be heard from across the room. You loved everyone you met, even the folks who poked and prodded you at the vet. You became a big sister when we brought your doggy brother home but you made sure we all knew that you were still the queen of the house. You loved to play with your toys but your most favorite was trash. You gave your papa and your brother baths because no matter how well they cleaned themselves, they were forever your stinky boys. You were an indoor kitty, kind of afraid of actually being outdoors, but curious enough to lounge in the window and watch the birds. I hope that your sweet soul is free and part of all the flowers and grass and trees and stars, soaking up all the sunshine you could ask for.
We loved you so hard and you loved us right back. I wouldn’t trade the time we had together for anything in the world. Thank you for blessing us with your beautiful life.
submitted by littlegreenwillow to Petloss [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:40 Rottenapple83 [Crossplay] [ASA] [PVE] ARK-TURUS // 2x Harvesting, 2x Exp, 4x Taming, 20x Maturation

[Join our discord](https://discord.gg/Txa57W54xY)
Server Info
* Active Admins/Mods & Community support
* Cave Flyer Disable
* Max Wild Dino- 150
* Dedicated hardware for lag-free experience
* 2x Harvesting
* 2x Exp
* 4x Taming
* 20x Maturation
* 5x Weight
* 10x Fortitude
Starter Kit
• Arkitect Structures Remastered
• Pelayori's Cryo Storage
• Awesome Spyglass!
• Awesome Elevators!
• Speedy Rhynio [Crossplay]
• MarniiMods Hairstyles
• Atlas Creatures: Felis
• Custom Dino Levels
• W Shop
• Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay)
• Crafting Skill Potion
• JVH Landscaping Mod
• Wall'n'Floor Decor
• Klinger Additional Rustic Building
• JVH Garden Decor
• Any Colour Sets (not all the time)
*All official maps
[Join Our Discord](https://discord.gg/Txa57W54xY) for more information about our server, we are a growing community of people who does prefer rates that are not game breaking, similar to vanilla but with quality-of-life improvements. We highly encourage those returning veterans & new beginners to the game to join our servers, our admins/moderators have more than 5k hours into ark officials & are an open encyclopedia to our community. Our community is very helpful & active, either going through the map as story mode or just surviving, you'll find folks around to help out.
submitted by Rottenapple83 to ARKServers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:40 Rottenapple83 [Crossplay] [ASA] [PVE] ARK-TURUS // 2x Harvesting, 2x Exp, 4x Taming, 20x Maturation

[Join our discord](https://discord.gg/Txa57W54xY)
Server Info
* Active Admins/Mods & Community support
* Cave Flyer Disable
* Max Wild Dino- 150
* Dedicated hardware for lag-free experience
* 2x Harvesting
* 2x Exp
* 4x Taming
* 20x Maturation
* 5x Weight
* 10x Fortitude
Starter Kit
• Arkitect Structures Remastered
• Pelayori's Cryo Storage
• Awesome Spyglass!
• Awesome Elevators!
• Speedy Rhynio [Crossplay]
• MarniiMods Hairstyles
• Atlas Creatures: Felis
• Custom Dino Levels
• W Shop
• Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay)
• Crafting Skill Potion
• JVH Landscaping Mod
• Wall'n'Floor Decor
• Klinger Additional Rustic Building
• JVH Garden Decor
• Any Colour Sets (not all the time)
*All official maps
[Join Our Discord](https://discord.gg/Txa57W54xY) for more information about our server, we are a growing community of people who does prefer rates that are not game breaking, similar to vanilla but with quality-of-life improvements. We highly encourage those returning veterans & new beginners to the game to join our servers, our admins/moderators have more than 5k hours into ark officials & are an open encyclopedia to our community. Our community is very helpful & active, either going through the map as story mode or just surviving, you'll find folks around to help out.
submitted by Rottenapple83 to ARKSurvivalEvolved [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:40 Rottenapple83 [Crossplay] [ASA] [PVE] ARK-TURUS // 2x Harvesting, 2x Exp, 4x Taming, 20x Maturation

[Join our discord](https://discord.gg/Txa57W54xY)
Server Info
* Active Admins/Mods & Community support
* Cave Flyer Disable
* Max Wild Dino- 150
* Dedicated hardware for lag-free experience
* 2x Harvesting
* 2x Exp
* 4x Taming
* 20x Maturation
* 5x Weight
* 10x Fortitude
Starter Kit
• Arkitect Structures Remastered
• Pelayori's Cryo Storage
• Awesome Spyglass!
• Awesome Elevators!
• Speedy Rhynio [Crossplay]
• MarniiMods Hairstyles
• Atlas Creatures: Felis
• Custom Dino Levels
• W Shop
• Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay)
• Crafting Skill Potion
• JVH Landscaping Mod
• Wall'n'Floor Decor
• Klinger Additional Rustic Building
• JVH Garden Decor
• Any Colour Sets (not all the time)
*All official maps
[Join Our Discord](https://discord.gg/Txa57W54xY) for more information about our server, we are a growing community of people who does prefer rates that are not game breaking, similar to vanilla but with quality-of-life improvements. We highly encourage those returning veterans & new beginners to the game to join our servers, our admins/moderators have more than 5k hours into ark officials & are an open encyclopedia to our community. Our community is very helpful & active, either going through the map as story mode or just surviving, you'll find folks around to help out.
submitted by Rottenapple83 to playarkservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:39 vancongthinhIsReal2 Well, random build post

Well, random build post submitted by vancongthinhIsReal2 to deadline_roblox [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:38 Responsible-Drama772 $40 off Felix promo code

Use this code for $40 off initial visit for weight loss, menopause assessment, ED,
submitted by Responsible-Drama772 to u/Responsible-Drama772 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:37 grammy110703 Really?? I find that hard to believe you asked anything!!! She hasn’t been to the vet yet

Really?? I find that hard to believe you asked anything!!! She hasn’t been to the vet yet submitted by grammy110703 to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:37 slozos Symptoms don't match test results - looking for insights.

Hi friends! Just want to start off with letting you know that I have been in close contact with my cat's vet throughout this entire process, and we do have another appointment scheduled. Just looking for some info and insights in the meantime:
My 16-year-old cat Rocky (also the love of my life) was diagnosed with moderate chronic kidney disease (CKD) in November 2019, which retreated to mild 6 months later. He has fluctuated between mild and moderate over the years but has retreated in the disease 3-4 times because he is a tenacious little nugget. Last year, he suddenly lost 4 pounds in six months, but tests revealed that his kidneys were stable and there was no sign of cancer. It turns out he has IBD. We changed his food accordingly and he put some weight back on. No matter what health issues come his way, he continues to defy the odds, showcasing his incredible strength and resilience. One wouldn’t know he has any health issues at all; he has always maintained a high level of energy, appetite, and affection, and has stayed as healthy as one could be with these ailments.
Rocky has always been a dry food guy and SO food-motivated, maintaining a weight of 17-18 pounds most of his life. A couple of weeks ago, I noticed he stopped eating his dry food, but devoured wet food when given to him. My hypothesis was that he maybe had a tooth that was bugging him. A vet visit indeed revealed a possibly diseased tooth, but we also discovered a 2-pound weight loss in 3 months. Blood tests showed his kidney numbers were through the roof, despite being stable at his last check up in February. However, his blood pressure was PERFECT, which doesn’t quite gibe with those kidney values.
His vet has been taking care of him for almost half his life, and she is almost as emotionally invested in Rocky as much as I am! She felt that, even though CKD can move fast, it didn’t feel quite right to her. She theorized it could be kidney stones or an infection. They obtained a urine culture to determine if bacteria was present, which would indicate an infection. They ruled out kidney stones with an x-ray, started him on antibiotics, and gave him an IV drip (this is last Wednesday, 5/15). Throughout the day, his appetite improved, and his creatinine levels dipped. His blood pressure remained perfect. I continued his treatment at home with antibiotics, anti-nausea meds, and subcutaneous fluids while we waited for the urine culture results. His appetite and energy increased quickly, and he even gained 0.3 pounds. He’s not only back to his old self, but it almost seems like he’s better, with even more energy and more appetite than I’ve seen in some time. So of course this has to be an infection, the antibiotics are doing their job, right?
Here is the kicker: we got the urine culture results back today, and they showed no bacteria, ruling out an infection. So we’re a bit baffled. The vet says his kidneys might be failing, but the sub-Q treatment is perking him up. But wouldn't his blood pressure be high if his kidneys were failing? And how would his creatinine levels and weight improve so quickly? We have a follow-up appointment next Tuesday to do another blood panel, and of course I’ll bring him in sooner if he appears to decline before then. His vet says that his behavior is our main gauge in the meantime. I'm wondering if it could be his thyroid, which was checked and found normal a few years ago. I rang his vet back earlier today with that question, and I’m just waiting to hear back from her.
Has anyone experienced something similar or have any insights into what might be going on? The test results don't seem to align with his symptoms. Thank you!
submitted by slozos to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:37 naivenelly1234 Injection + Weight Lifting (heavy!)

Looking for some input from anyone on a similar path. First - a little background. I started out on compounded Tirzepatide from a local med spa, and had awesome results! At their encouragement I also started intermittent fasting around that time and I continued my regular workouts - mostly strength training via Peloton.
I was happy with my results, but the cost was no bueno! So I searched around for some alternatives. Ultimately I ended up with Push health and now receive my compound through them via Hallandale pharmacy. Since the local spa didn't follow the recommended titration (I was on 10mg), the Push doc made me titrate back down to 7.5mg. My hunger suppression via the local spa was excellent - I genuinely had to force myself to eat to reach my daily calorie goal. When I switched - I didn't feel like my hunger was suppressed similarly. Whereas before I didn't have to work to say no, I felt like I had to exert a little more will power.
I still lost weight though, at a lower rate than previous; and that's fine weight loss isn't linear! After 4 weeks I did express to my provider that I felt like my hunger wasn't being suppressed as much as before. Since I still was losing weight - she recommended that I stay on 7.5mg as long as I was still losing. I was fine to do that, because ultimately I figured I still need to learn self control right.
FF to now (almost 6 weeks on compound from Hallandale) - I feel like I'm battling hunger cravings again. BUT I've also transitioned from a more endurance based weight training to a more heavy (hypertrophy) program. I know I need to fuel my workouts, but I'm struggling a bit with determining is my increased hunger now due to my workout habits or is this dosage just not enough anymore. At my local med spa my hunger was nil on 2.5 - the syringes were pre-filled so they automatically titrated up. I actually asked at my re-up if I could stay on a lower dose and they didn't recommend it so I went with it.
So I know I have a lot of variables in play - switched pharmacies, at some point switched my workout regimen so hard to know what's the cause! I think I have 1 or 2 more doses at my current dosage so I'm trying to figure out if I should push to titrate up.
Anyone else lifting heavy and see an increase in appetite? Do you eat more to fuel your workouts? Or would you titrate up to reduce your hunger?
And for reference - using BMI (I don't think it's the best metric, but you know in the absence of something else!) I easily could still lose 50+ lbs to reach a healthy weight range per BMI.
submitted by naivenelly1234 to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:35 tennesseehoney3366 Well D lost 15 lbs in 2 days because of work. So in a month she will be down by 150. That’s some kind of weight loss plan

submitted by tennesseehoney3366 to scissorsistersdrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:33 GRMarlenee OZEM

Roundhill released an ETF holding the top weight loss companies.
I wonder if it will pay a fat dividend?
We'll have to wait until December to see, it's paid annual.
submitted by GRMarlenee to dividendgang [link] [comments]
