Westinghouse walkie talkies

Walkie Talkie style name things

2018.06.21 02:34 putinreal Walkie Talkie style name things

Walkie talkies have a great name BUT, what if everything was named like the walkie talkie?

2019.09.18 15:53 McSHUR1KEN Atharva College of Engineering

All things related to Atharva College of Engineering. Read the rules, keep it cools.

2018.05.22 14:52 TotalMayhemGames We Were Here Series

The We Were Here series is a collection of first-person cooperative puzzle adventures. You and a partner take the role of Antarctic explorers who find themselves trapped in the mysterious Castle Rock, split up from each other. All you have are your walkie-talkies – can you and a partner figure out the puzzles together and discover the secrets of the castle? And can you both escape?

2024.05.21 16:50 Impossible-Key-5872 Regentag gut nutzen 👌

Regentag gut nutzen 👌
submitted by Impossible-Key-5872 to HandOfMemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:42 GTAinreallife Verkeersregelaars rondom drukte

Ja, het is de zoveelste rant op deze subreddit, maar ik wil deze heerlijke frustratie delen.
Gisteren waren wij, zoals velen van ons, in het lange weekend er even lekker op uit. Daarbij besloten wij om naar de outlet in Roermond te gaan. Uiteraard hadden wij wel drukte verwacht in het Pinksterweekend, dus dat er file zou staan of dat de winkels druk zouden zijn, was geen verrassing geweest.
Wij kwamen aanrijden en keken al verrast naar de lange file die van de snelweg afkwam. Op de borden richting de outlet stond vermeldt dat P1 vol was, maar dat P2 nog 400+ plaatsen had en P3 ook nog zo'n 300+ plaatsen. Aan de borden te zien, wist ik dat wij dus sowieso al de rechterbaan moesten hebben. Bij de inrit stond ook netjes een verkeersregelaar met pionnen mensen te seinen dat ze af moesten slaan naar P2. Afin, beetje trekken en duwen (3 banen moesten naar 1 baan samenvoegen), reden wij rustig door naar P2.
Echter stond hier ook een mannetje met pionnen een beetje voor zich uit te staren en werden wij met z'n allen richting P3 geleid. Vreemd, want P2 had volgens meerdere borden nog 400+ plaatsen. Prima, dan maar P3. Maar ook hier stond een regelaar met pionnen ons te wijzen om door te rijden. Zou er dan nog een onbenoemde P4 zijn? Wij reden zenuwachtig, inmiddels stapvoets, door. Ondertussen kon ik op de navigatie zien dat er zeker 5 kilometer file rondom de inrit was ontstaan. Her en der gingen mensen al keren die het wachten zat waren. Immers, we waren nu al zowat 3 kwartier stapvoets aan het rijden naar een mysterieuze P4.
Op de navi zag ik echter dat wij om de outlet heen zouden rijden en dat daarachter geen parkeerplaatsen meer zijn. Eenmaal aan de achterzijde aangekomen staat er nog een 4de verkeersregelaar niks te doen. Wij voelde het aankomen, we hebben zojuist een uur in de file gestaan om stapvoets om de outlet heen te rijden. Tijd voor een praatje
"Hoi, kunnen wij hier nog ergens parkeren?"
Nee, het is hier vol
"Nou, volgens de borden zouden er nog 700+ parkeerplaatsen zijn"
Dat lijkt mij sterk
"Oke dan niet... Je kunt beter bij de inrit gaan staan, iedereen staat hier in de file voor jan lul"
Dat kan ik niet zien vanaf hier
"Je hebt toch een walkie talkie om met collega's--- Laat maar, waar zouden wij nu wel kunnen parkeren dan?"
Geen idee, maar niet hier
Allemachtig man, wat is de functie van zo'n verkeersregelaar dan? Hij staat daar een beetje met z'n oranje hesje zich af te vragen waarom er honderden auto's stapvoets langs rijden? Heel Roermond in een verkeersinfarct omdat niemand zich bedenkt om bijvoorbeeld de inrit in z'n geheel dicht te gooien en mensen niet onnodig in de file te laten staan.
Uiteindelijk konden wij de auto met gemak 10 minuutjes verderop parkeren, er was ruimte zat op de meerdere parkeerplaatsen in de stad zelf. Ik vond het ook niet erg om een stukje te lopen, ik vond het ook niet erg dat het gigadruk was, ik vond het ook niet erg dat ik niet bij de outlet kon parkeren. Maar man man man, wat had het een hoop mensen een hoop frustratie en tijd gescheeld als zulke regelaars de boel zeg maar... regelen... Dus de oprit dicht gooien en op de borden vermelden dat het vol is. Ze hadden die verkeers'regelaars' net zo goed naar huis kunnen sturen
submitted by GTAinreallife to nederlands [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:28 Severe-Technician-43 My experience with Kindercare 🥱

So let me tell yall about this job I was working at before I made the ultimate decision to leave. Bare with me because it’s a long ride…
So for starters, I was working at a daycare not long ago, it wasn't too bad. The job itself was good and the pay wasn't so bad either. I'd work 80-90 hrs bi weekly. So l'd get paid biweekly but my Manager? OOUUUUU she is just, idk how to explain it. Shes just one of those managers who believes she’s above everyone including her employees. My coworkers? Worse. They all literally compete against each other. It’s weird asf if you ask me. I was a teacher aid. At the end of the day, teacheteacher aid. We’re all getting paid the same and working the same hours (besides part timers) nevermind the fact, The amount of incidents that occur in the center is ABSURD.
So if you know Florida, you know Florida is hot AS FUCK ALL YEAR ROUND (majority of the time) a parent comes to pick up their child in the classroom and the child isn't present and they not checked out on the CSR (Child Supervision Report) To better explain, Anytime a child leaves we have to mark the time they left on the paper. So basically, for better understanding… Arrival times and departure times. Including if they were moved to a different classroom also if we take children outside. That is also marked on the CSR. CSR’s also have something called “Name-to-face” which has hourly times where us as the teachers or teacher aids have to mark the minute within the hour so for example: 12PM so for that we would check the time once it’s 12PM and then add the minute which for example would be: 12:43. After we do that we have to check every child off that they are still in the classroom within that time. At the bottom we have to count the amount of children and the amount of teachers and initial at the bottom. It’s basically to help teachers keep track of when children leave or if a child is missing. Well, said child isn't checked out on the CSR. parent goes crazy trying to figure out where kid is because no one else picks child up besides parents. Turns out the kid is outside on the playground sleeping. IN THE HEAT, So parent goes to my boss and goes completely bazurk. Which I don't blame them. Parent mentions how they are worried about the child maybe having had a heat stroke and that’s maybe why they are on the playground sleeping but that’s what the CSR is for.
Another kid, in the toddler Classroom. Probably the cutest child. Little Cuban/Puerto Rican baby if I’m not wrong.I kid you not, that child HAS STACKS ON TOP OF STACKS ON TOP OF STACKS of incident reports from them biting kids. Child bit a another child in their sleep. When parents were told about the behavior they looked at us and literally laughed and said "well my child is being provoked to act that way” PROVOKED BUT THEY WAS SLEEPING? manager wouldn’t kick them out the center but was quit to kick another child out for hitting another child ONCE. Should I also add that this specific child had to be put in a classroom with the same gender be they attack the other gender. Not to mention, some of the teacher (not myself included) be spanking the child who likes to bite. My boss has no idea but I have indeed seen it first hand and may I add that obviously us as the teachers aren’t supposed to be hitting and or spanking but…. NOBODY and I mean nobody wants to deal with said child. Everyone refuses to be in the classroom with that child. May I also mention that the spanking includes pulling their ear, pulling their hair, pushing them on the ground and pinching their body.
One of coworkers, has a medical condition apparently but long story short, coworker falls asleep very easily. You can be talking to them about something important and they are literally ASLEEP. Coworker was in the infant classroom with me and was rocking one of the babies to sleep. Coworker started falling asleep so l asked them politely to hand me the baby. They refused so I said "whatever if they get in trouble that's on them” sure enough they dropped the baby on their head. A 3WEEK OLD BABY. Causing the soft spot to become misplaced. Now said coworker has an open court case for that with the family and they're trying to sue the center for neglect.
My daughter came to work with me one day. While being there she did good but a child slapped her straight in her face and that was enough for me to say "yeah she's never coming back" and she hasn't since. I never told my boss about it because even then, what would be done? Nothing but an incident report would be written. Also, while on the playground. My daughter was trying to reach the water and couldn’t. For those who don’t already know, my daughter is a little person so she often times needs assistance. She was standing there for I KID YOU NOT, 15 mins waiting on said teacher to help her reach the water. Teacher was standing around gossiping with other teachers. That was a red flag for me.
The worse thing about it is, it's said to be a learning center right???? Well sad to tell you but they do no actual curriculum with the kids, kids sit in a classroom majority of the time playing with broken toys or toys that are missing pieces. Fight with one another or sleep. They eat lunch and snack and other stuff but they only go outside twice a day for 30 mins. They (the teachers) have a whole book to read from and figure out curriculum but they don't do it so most the time the kids are over stimulated being locked up inside. They're also supposed to potty train the kids but NOPE, not even that. There are 4-5 year olds in the center who still wear diapers. It's crazy honestly. I’ve never seen more lazy and neglectful workers A DAY IN MY LIFE. Diapers are supposed to be changed every two hours but they don’t check them or change them accordingly. Children have gotten back to back rashes due to the neglect of diaper changes.
Now about my boss, her son, he is the absolute cutest being ever. He's literally a chunky monkey. We all call him Babybear, chunks or chunka monks. Unfortunately, he has a lot of medical conditions so my boss is constantly in and out of the center but when she is in the center she does NOTHING all day besides yell at us or sit at her desk on her phone. Not engaging with parents, not helping out in the kitchen, NOT NOTHING. Just on her phone on TikTok or Instagram or on FaceTime and this is facts because I have indeed seen it while on my lunch break.
There was an incident that occurred while I was on the clock with the preschool kids. I was outside with them on the playground. I was helping a child pour water into the cup and another kid was on the playground on the slide. I hear crying so I turn around to see who it is and I notice bleeding so I run to the child to figure out what happened. Child won't tell me just only saying their mouth hurts so I call someone on the walkie to take the child up front for proper care. They take child and whatever boom, they get the care they need. I make an incident report and that's it. Anytime a child hurts themselves or they injur one another. An incident report had to be made for both parties. May I also add that our form of communication within the center is WALKIE TALKIES. NOWWW, Weeks after the incident my boss brings me into the kitchen and starts yelling at me I mean like screaming. Saying she can't trust me because I have yet to tell her what happened that day on the playground. Saying I'm an outsider to everyone within the center and I have to redeem myself to them. Anything I say to them (coworkers) will be ran back to her. I like “instigate” things with coworkers according to her. She also mentioned how she had multiple complaints about my coworkers saying that all I do my entire shift is sit in which I explained that I suffer from Vertigo. I have it written on medical papers and medication doesn’t help half the time. I sated that me sitting is me giving myself the opportunity to stop a dizzy spell from occurring and or progressing. She really just said a bunch of bullshit and that's really when I realized that I was done working there. I was being overworked for one and two, I really wasn’t appreciated so I left.
Sorry for the rant but moral of the story is…… DO NOT TAKE YOUR KIDS TO ANY KINDERCARE LEARNING CENTER AND OR WORK THERE. THEY ARE HORRIBLE, And I mean ALL of them. Keep your babies safe and yourself included stay blessed 🥹🩷
submitted by Severe-Technician-43 to ECEProfessionals [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:11 shaidos Walkie Talkie Phone

Walkie Talkie Phone
Been looking into new phones and this phone seems to be the ultimate phone and have literally every feature. VHF/UHF, IR, giant speaker, night vision camera, 120mp camera, 120hz screen, waterproof 15600 mAh battery, reverse charging and heaps more.Thought it may make a great short circuit video to put it to the test.
submitted by shaidos to LinusTechTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:02 lilslutfordaddy husband’s walkie talkie app uses wrong email address

his S9 got in today, and whilst i was walking the dog he went to use the walkie talkie app i definitely didn’t force him to set up. it called from the wrong email, and whilst it worked, it’s still confusing and frustrating as it’s not the icloud-associated email address. i at least assumed it would use his phone number by default.
anything helps!
submitted by lilslutfordaddy to AppleWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:46 TamiGoGo HALLUGREG theory (There’s evidence to suggest that the mimic used Dittophobia gas on Gregory while he was GGY)

HALLUGREG theory (There’s evidence to suggest that the mimic used Dittophobia gas on Gregory while he was GGY)
HALLUGREG THEORY: The Mimic used the gas from Dittophobia on Gregory while he was being controlled as GGY
GGY: Gregory under the control of the mimc
‘GGY’: Book from Tales from the pizzaplex
TFTP: Tales From the Pizzaplex
CC: The Crying child (fnaf 4 protag)
SB: Security Breach
The premise behind HalluGreg theory is the idea that The Mimic used the gas featured in the last TFTP book, Dittophobia, on Gregory while he was GGY. Using evidence from the book itself, parts of the game, and ‘GGY’, it is implied Gregory endured the same torture Rory experienced under William Afton. To understand why this is the case, it’s necessary to understand the experiments in Dittophobia themselves.
To summarize, the Dittophobia experiments, or hallucination experiments, were a series of studies designed to gauge how children react under intense amounts of fear. The subjects in this study were unwilling, and all those who participated were kidnapped or manipulated into it. The experiments were conducted by William Afton and it’s implied that he even used the gases administered in the study on his own kids, most notably CC and Michael Afton. We see in Michael’s logbook that he knows what the nightmare animatronics look like, concluding that he must have been under the influence of the gas at some point. For cc, we play as him in fnaf 4, experiencing the nightmares caused by the dittophobia gas.
Connecting this, it has long been theorized that the mimic is copying some parts of William. Most notably with its digital persona, Glitchtrap, and its construction of the Afton family in the sticky note room. This theory speculates that the mimic gained access to yet another part of Afton’s life, the part of his life torturing young children in the Sister Location Basement.
First, I’d like to emphasize the clear connection Gregory has to one of the victims of the experiment, CC. Gregory is a near perfect copy of CC, carrying many of the motifs that make up CC’s character. Both boys are fighting against robotic entities or what they perceive to be robotic entities, both have a bear companion, and both were used to further the main antagonists’ goals (GGY for Mimic and the dittophobia experiments for cc). It’s also been pointed out that they have extremely similar appearances. Gregory and cc both have brown hair with a strand falling down the middle, they also wear similar shirts with Gregory copying the two striped shirt that was unique to cc originally.
By definition, they are parallels, however, I’d like to emphasize that them being parallels does not mean they cannot coexist. With this in mind, there is a suggested connection between them. Not all parallels mean correlation, but it allows for a base to structure this theory which will further be supported by hard evidence. With that in mind, I’d like to point out another character that Gregory parallels too, that being David Murray. For the sake of keeping this concise, Gregory and David are parallels to each other due to their appearances and their relationship with the mimic. I won’t go into detail as the David parallelism is not a massive part of this theory, however, AnotherDavid theory explains the connection between the two quite nicely. There is a thread that goes more in depth about this linked below:
Reddit link: https://www.reddit.com/fnaftheories/s/pR2UqkFFeN
Twitter thread link (recommended because there is more visual evidence): https://x.com/gregorysarmy/status/1741712311344308356?s=46
The connection between David and Gregory is important because there are direct references to David in Dittophobia, which in turn, relates Gregory to Dittophobia as well. In the book, both Rory and David wear the exact same zebra pajamas. In fact, there is a lot of emphasis placed on these specific pajamas because Rory puts them on twice during separate occasions in the book (unfortunately, I cannot attach images in the manner I would like to, so I will use MLA cited quotes from the book. Scroll up to the images above to see the visual evidence)
Quote 1: “Then he put on his favorite pjs-they were black-and-white zebra striped.” (Dittophobia pg 120)
Quote 2: “Edwin looked at David’s rumpled bed and the zebra pajamas that lay crumpled on the floor next to it. As David started to skip past Edwin, who grabbed Edwin’s shoulder. He pointed at the pajamas. “What have I told you?” Edwin asked.” (The mimic pg 142)
The zebra pajamas that Rory wears are also noted to be the only pajamas that fit him in his teenager form, implying that they are big. This could be a reference to the fact that David was tall for his age before he died and he also wore that brand of PJ.
Quote 3: “David, remarkably big for his age, in spite of having two short parents, wasn’t an easy carry. He weighed close to fifty pounds, and he was three- and-a-half-feet tall. Pretty soon, Edwin, only five-foot-five himself, wasn’t going to be able to cart his son around. Perhaps he could build a robot to do the job for him.” (The mimic pg 126)
To add on, Rory also says things that are eerily similar to what David says in “the mimic”. In “the mimic”, David is described to talk about fairies in the walls of Edwin’s factory. Rory describes a similar thing in dittophobia when exploring the ‘house’. They both talk about imaginary “pipe fairies”.
Quote 4: “It’s the pipe fairy, Daddy.” (The mimic pg 121)
Quote 5: “The knocking sound wasn’t a knocking like a person would do. There wasn’t some little trapped fairy or something in the walls. (Although the idea of that made Rory smile.)” (Dittophobia pg 126)
To clarify, I’m not trying to push the claim that David WAS part of the experiment. However, the zebra pajamas are symbolism for David in general. The same can be said for the “pipe fairies”. Due to the fact that Gregory is heavily related to David Murray, and there’s multiple David references in the book, Gregory is implicated in the dittophobia experiments.
Moving on to more direct evidence regarding Gregory himself, there is evidence that these experiments took place within the pizzaplex. This means the mimic would have access to them and would have the ability to reenact them itself. In the endo nursery, there is a picture of a young girl in the same exact bed used in the fnaf 4. Rory ALSO has this same bed in dittophobia which implies this specific design was part of the experiment. This means that whoever was involved in the construction of the pizzaplex somehow had access to the details of the experiments and went as far as to place imagery of an experiment in progress in the endo nursery. Considering that the mimic is the only one who seems to be copying William, it’s safe to say that it was the reason that this imagery was put up. Even if it wasn’t, it obviously saw the image considering the graffiti placed on the walls displaying Glitchtrap. (Image 1) With that in mind, the way that the fear experiments work in general would explain why there are numerous active endos in the same location that this picture is found in. When the gas in dittophobia stops working, Rory realizes that his nightmares were simply moving mannequins on a set course. For the pizzaplex, these mannequins could be replaced with the naked endos.
“Even though it made no sense, Rory was still terrified of the creatures. Knowing they were nothing but motorized mannequins didn’t take away his terror. He guessed that after so many years, the dread was too much a part of him to go away that quickly.” (Dittophobia pg 149)
It’s also a possibility that the staffbots themselves could have also been used. Numerous staffbots in the game have the words “in your dreams” (image 2) inscribed on them which seems to be referencing dittophobia in the way the experiments were simply illusions in the children’s minds, not based on reality. Hence being in their dreams. Ironically, the endo section is also the section that Gregory seems the most scared of. We get some of the most characterizing dialogue out of him here.
It’s also ironic that the reason Gregory has to go through the endo section in the first place is because Moon kidnapped Freddy. Moon, a character who makes it their goal to put Gregory to sleep, might be yet another reference the experiments as well, perhaps even enforcing them considering the endo section is heavily Moon themed.
Besides the bed in endo nursery, there are other references to fnaf 4 as well. For example, littered throughout Ruin and SB there are various nightmarionne plushies. Nighmarionne is a character who originated from fnaf 4 (image 3)
As a side note, it’s also notable that Rory’s name is extremely similar to Gregory’s. While that’s not concrete evidence, it’s an interesting detail to include.
Another important detail to mention is that the mimic was looking for ways to induce compliance in its followers. While it seems like the mimic was originally looking for ways to make Vanessa submissive, it may have also been looking for ways to make Gregory submissive as well. It’s not confirmed when Gregory was kidnapped and made into a follower, and it’s possible that he was kidnapped before the pizzaplex was made. This could mean that the email sent in AR by Luis talking about Vanessa’s search history may have occurred not just because Vanessa was resisting the mimic, but because Gregory was being defiant as well. (Image 4) Using the hallucination gas on Gregory would crush this defiance as seen in Dittophobia. Rory can barely function, let alone escape when the fumes are being expelled into the house. This means that Gregory would be trapped in a constant state of exhaustion and confusion which is exactly what the mimic wants.
“Rory risked slipping an arm from beneath his covers to turn off his bedside lamp. He closed his eyes, letting the steady hiss from the vents lull him to sleep as the drowsiness he’d felt all day finally claimed him.” (Dittophobia of 121)
Even with all this evidence, there’s not enough to conclude that Gregory experienced these experiments without a reliable location for them to be preformed. Even though the endo nursery may seem like a good place for them to occur because of all the cameras and children toys, there’s no actual bed for Gregory to sleep in nor a way for the nursery to be gassed. It’s also pretty obvious the children toys present in the nursery are for the endos developing their intelligence, not actually for real kids.
However, there is another location that matches all the criteria needed for these experiments to be performed, and that would be in the mimics lair. (Image 5) In the book dittophobia, Rory describes the layout of his room as having 2 doors, a vent from above, a closet in the middle, and a bed behind him. (Basically a copy of the fnaf 4 room) In the mimic’s lair, as seen in the burntrap ending pre-Ruin, it is set up similarly. There is a small bed directly under the sinkhole, two doors, a vent from above, and an interactive camera station that would replace the closet. (Image 6) The blue bed with stars present in burntraps lair is heavily theorized to be the bed Gregory used as GGY because it is child sized and the mimic seems to make its followers sleep in the pizzaplex considering the existence Vanny’s room in Fazerblast. (Image 7)
With that being said, the mimic has cameras on the opposite side of the lair which it could use to observe Gregory like Afton did with his victims. We see the mimic utilize these cameras to hack into Freddy during the boss fight. (Image 8) Additionally, there is a vent that leads to Gregory’s ‘room’ could be used to administer gas similarly to how it’s administered in Dittophobia. (Image 9)
Inside the Burntrap room, there is also a gas canister where the Dittophobia gas would be held for use. (Image 10) There’s also the fact that Gregory doesn’t really recognize the mimic in Ruin or SB. It’s possible the gas made the mimic look entirely different in Gregory’s eyes. Additionally, there’s evidence to suggest that Gregory is being gassed DURING the burntrap fight. When burntrap leaves its charging station, purple fumes are present, meaning that Gregory could have been hallucinating the entire time. (Image 11) This could explain why the fight itself is so nonsensical. It’s all being made up in Gregory’s head, Gregory is experiencing a nightmare he has had over and over again during his time as GGY. This would also WHY Gregory draws Burntrap after SB and why Burntrap is so inaccurate to the mimic. He is drawing the fake nightmares only he remembers experiencing. (Image 12) It would also provide some insight as to why Gregory doesn’t remember anything relating to hacking into the animatronics, killing counselors, or the mimic. His mind is foggy because the mimic keeps gassing him. Dittophobia gas has been shown to make people FORGET things.
At the end of Dittophobia, Rory, despite finding out the truth about his situation, turns back on the gas. As a result, he seems to forget everything that happened. He’s reduced back to the state he was in when the gas was first administered when he was seven.
“Rory’s gaze landed on his red backpack. He frowned. Hadn’t he gone to school today? He chewed on the inside of his cheek. He couldn’t remember. Rory sighed and shrugged. It didn’t matter. What mattered was that he needed to get in bed. Rory left the great room and started scampering down the long left-side hall, eager to get to his room. His hand trailed along the curved wood chair rail as he went. Pausing by the bathroom door, Rory canted his head and tried to remember whether he’d brushed his teeth already. He was pretty sure he had. So why had he been in the kitchen?” (Dittophobia pg 156)
Dittophobia doesn’t just make people sleepy or hallucinate, it makes people FORGET. The mimic utilized this to make sure Gregory couldn’t wander away or disobey him. It used the same strategy Afton used to manipulate his victims.
Finally, I’d like to bring up the fact that we seemingly get extra insight into Gregory’s hallucinations in the book ‘GGY’. In ‘GGY’, Gregory writes an interesting story related to his situation. (Image 13) He claims that he was the most favored apprentice of some wizard and that he was involved in fighting a conspiracy on another planet against a tangled entity. This, obviously, didn’t actually happen, but it’s clearly a dramatized version of what is ACTUALLY happening to Gregory. The story he writes is based on reality but it is distorted to make it seem nonsensical. This mimics the nightmares Rory experiences. The mannequins that visit him during the night DO exist, but they are distorted by the gas. It’s possible that the same thing happened to Gregory.
Perhaps the gas truly did make him believe he was fighting some wild, nonsensical tangled villain on another planet. After all, the blob, otherwise known as the tangle, is right above where Gregory sleeps. It’s possible that it too, was involved in torturing Gregory and guarding his prison.
To conclude, it seems that the mimic set up a room in its lair that copies the Dittophobia room so it could experiment on Gregory. It was made to reduce Gregory’s will and make him submit to the mimics control. As a result, the gas made Grgeory forget many of his actions in “GGY” and beyond. It also made it incredibly harder for Gregory to escape due to the sedating properties present in the gas.
TLDR: The mimic made a mini FNAF 4 in its lair to sedate/control Gregory like Afton did to kids while he was alive.
Additional info: I didn’t want to clog up this post but here are a few other pieces of evidence that are notable but not important enough to include in my opinion. Mostly just color and physical similarities.
1.) Rory talks on a walkie talkie like device to his friend Wade when contacting the outside world for the first time in ten years. The first conversation they have mimics the conversation Gregory and Cassie have when they reunite in Ruin. 2.) The elevator to escape to the outside world is broken due to a lack of power. Could be slightly referencing the elevator ending in Ruin 3.) Both the mimic’s experiments and Aftons experiments would take place underground according to this theory. 4.) There’s a lot of pieces of furniture that match Gregory’s color scheme in dittophobia. One of them is even blue with white stripes. 5.) both Rory and Gregory are described to be some of the shortest in their class. 6.) Both Rory and Gregory seem to be fond of bunnies. 7.) In the bad ending, Gregory draws himself sleeping next to a green leaking gas. This could be a reference to the experiments where a gas would be leaking into his room while he slept normally.
Additional quotes:
“All he needed to do was get the radio working. If the batteries were still good (please, please be good, he silently begged), he could at least try to reach Wade. If Wade was real, maybe he’d still have his radio. If he wasn’t, maybe someone else would answer Rory.” (Dittophobia pg 145)
“The radio spit a couple of buzzing sounds, then Rory was able to hear a voice clearly. “Rory! Is that you? Really?” “Wade?” “Yeah, dude,” Wade shouted. “Where are you?” “You’re real?” Rory asked.” (Dittophobia pg 145)
“-was labeled UNDERGROUND TESTING FACILITY. So that’s where he was! He was underground!” (Dittophobia pg 143)
“The fact that this monster was bunny-like made it the worst of the three for Rory because he loved bunnies.” (Dittophobia pg 110)
Cawthon, Scott, et al. B7-2. (Five Nights at Freddy’s: Tales from the PIZZAPLEX, Vol. 8.). Scholastic, Inc., 2023.
Cawthon, Scott, et al. Nexie. (Five Nights at Freddy’s: Tales from the PIZZAPLEX, Vol. 6.). Scholastic, Inc., 2023.
Cawthon, Scott. The Bobbiedots Conclusion: An AFK Book (Five Nights at Freddy’s: Tales from the Pizzaplex #5). Scholastic Inc, 2023. 
Original thread from Twitter: https://x.com/gregorysarmy/status/1791966831844196585?s=46
submitted by TamiGoGo to GameTheorists [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:01 Stolen-Carry-On Someone took my carry-on luggage by mistake

I was recently on a connection flight last week from SNA to ORD. During the boarding process, I was one of the last groups to board the plane (I believe Group 5). When I entered the aircraft one of the flight attendants told me to put my carry-on in one of the open bins I was standing next to, which was above row 24. She said to do this because bins in the back were already full. I took a mental note of where I put my carry-on and proceeded to my seat towards the back of the plane. Once we landed in ORD my "carry-on" was the only one left in that section above row 24. I picked it up and walked out of the plane. Once I was outside the gate, I noticed the luggage had some stains on it (my luggage was brand new) and I opened it up and found out it was not my luggage. It was the exact same brand, color, size, etc. I told the gate attendant where we deplaned that someone had accidentally taken my luggage by mistake. She made some quick call on her walkie-talkie and then inspected the luggage, but unfortunately the luggage did not have any personal info for us to identify whose luggage I got. She instructed me to leave the luggage with them since it was not mine, which I did. I asked her what I should do since I am still missing my luggage and she mentioned I should file a Lost and Found claim with the airline website. I have filed a claim with the airline and got a Chargerback claim number. I have also filed a Lost and Found claim with TSA. So far it’s been a week and I’ve gotten 3 calls from the airline mentioning they found my luggage but it’s the one I had turned in at ORD.
Any other steps I should take? I had some valuables on my carry-on and hoping the person who took would have turned mine in by now but no luck since I have not gotten a call.
submitted by Stolen-Carry-On to unitedairlines [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:46 RobotDonut2023 Brink Traveler - photogrammetry perfection

This is one of my go to apps for demoing to people new to VR. Stunning photogrammetry from incredible natural locations from around the world. Has had two major updates so far, including an AI walkie talkie that is not actually useless! Great interface, interesting facts - in my Quest Top 10 since it launched. Enjoy 25% off.
submitted by RobotDonut2023 to MetaReferrals [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:20 Contactunderground Contact Network History Project: Were “psychotronic” attacks against contact activists in the 1990s a precursor of the “Havana Syndrome”? Directed Energy Weapons not only affect the human body but might be targeting human consciousness itself at the level of what is called the astral body.”

Contact Network History Project: Were “psychotronic” attacks against contact activists in the 1990s a precursor of the “Havana Syndrome”? Directed Energy Weapons not only affect the human body but might be targeting human consciousness itself at the level of what is called the astral body.”
Contact Network History Project:
Joseph Burkes MD 2024


In my judgment, flying saucers threaten all terrestrial elites, but not necessarily the planet’s people. Given what is a perceived threat to the status quo,
both corporate and Executive Branch Intelligence operatives have historically been compelled to deal with UFOs as a non-human intelligence counterintelligence challenge.

As a Working Group Coordinator in the 1990s for the Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind Initiative, I observed signs of obvious surveillance of our contact efforts. Young men in civilian clothing with a military bearing were frequently present at our research sites. Team members were blatantly photographed on arrival at a fieldwork location. On one occasion, military helicopters and on another F-14s buzzed us during our investigations.

Contact activists who are staging Human Initiated Contact Events (HICE) aka CE5, might in some ways be ideal targets to try out what are now called Directed Energy Weapons. This is because we already are under surveillance and the effects of such non-lethal technology can be readily monitored via telephone conversations and email.

Importantly, as the result of a de facto policy of ridicule and denial, most people imagine that those attempting to contact aliens” are probably mentally ill. Once targeted and attacked, contact activists would find little sympathy from the larger society, including police and medical authorities, if they dared to complain about such attacks. Thus, the technology can be developed with little interference.

“The Havana Syndrome”

During the past few years, current and former US government employees have reported being targeted by are called “Directed Energy Weapons.” The failure of US Executive Branch to identify the precise source of these alleged attacks and to adequately deal with the long-term health consequences of them, has led to charges of a coverup. The victims describe experiencing a wide range of symptoms: headaches, dizziness, blurred vision and memory loss and insomnia.

Shari Adamiak, a Prominent Leader in our Human Initiated Contact Network
Shari Adamiak was a Working Group Coordinator in the CE-5 Initiative from 1991 until her death in 1998. She played an immeasurable role in the formulation of the CSETI Contact Protocols and the development of contact teams that operated primarily in the Western United States during the 1990s. Several times Shari also accompanied the CSETI Director Dr. Greer to Southern England to investigate the relationship between UFOs and Crop Circle phenomena.

Shari Adamiak
Directed Energy Weapon Attack in the United Kingdom

As a fellow contact team leader, I always paid close attention to what she shared with me about her work. If memory serves me correctly, after returning from the UK in 1994(although it might have been 1993) I heard a very disturbing account from her. While in Southern England, Shari and two other crop circle investigators were sitting at an outdoor café. A commercial van of some sort pulled up and parked about twenty yards away. Suddenly all three women developed the following symptoms, vertigo, nausea, light headedness, muscle ache and headache. According to Shari all were feeling perfectly fine before the onset of the symptoms which lasted perhaps ten or fifteen minutes and then gradually resolved. Shari stated the van then drove away.

“Psychotronic” Weaponry Appears to Target Human Consciousness
In 1994 both Steven Greer MD and Shari Adamiak reported to our network that they had been targeted with what Greer called “psychotronic” weaponry. (In Shari’s report posted below she used the term “psychoelectronic.” In his oral history book “Hidden Truth Forbidden Knowledge,” the CSETI leader described a series of attacks starting in the fall of 1994. One reportedly occurred in New York City after a meeting with a member of a European royal family.
“After falling fast asleep, I awakened hours later. I couldn't raise my arms; I couldn't roll over; I couldn't move! I was in a state of complete physical paralysis. I
knew what was going on; a directional electromagnetic weapons system hit me. It was coming through the window above my bed. Projected into the room was the single most extreme sense of evil and terror I've ever felt in my life. I could tell they were attempting to extract my astral body out of my physical body.”

This appears to be different from what Shari described above in the UK attack but is similar to what she stated happened to her in New Mexico in October 1994 during a UFO investigation. I have posted a portion of her official CSETI report on that mission below as part of my Contact Network History Project.

Readers please note that "CTS" is the abbreviation for "Coherent Thought Sequencing. This is the term Steven Greer MD coined for group meditation involving either thought projection to, and /or remote viewing of "extraterrestrial spacecraft", combined with the group's intention to interact peacefully with the non-human intelligences piloting those craft.

The high desert near Roswell was where Shari was reportedly attacked again

OCTOBER 1- 7. 1994


A small Rapid Mobilization Investigative Team (RMIT) of three CSETI members met in Albuquerque, New Mexico to investigate activities in the state, and to take a reconnaissance trip to the Roswell area. Members of the team for this mission included: Steven M. Greer, M.D., international director of SETI; Shari Adamiak, CSETI executive council, coordinator for the RMIT, the working groups, and the Denver, Colorado group; and Patrick Sullivan, a CSETI member from Pagosa Springs, Colorado.

The starting date of the mission followed immediately after Steven Greer's appearance on the Larry King Live special the previous night near Area 57, Rachel, Nevada.

We traveled to the Roswell area after joining up on October 2nd. Here we spent time in prayer and thought to help heal the area and the energy from the crashes of space craft in New Mexico in the late 1940s and 1950s.

Our trip was primarily of an investigative nature. Besides wanting to do research around Roswell, we were also following up on activity reported in Midway, outside Roswell. We also wanted to investigate the White Sands area, as it had been the site of extreme activity in the past and is also an area that Dr. Greer feels may be the site of a future, cooperative landing and meeting between extraterrestrial intelligent beings and representatives from this planet, including government, military and civilian (a small CSETI team).

The report that follows is real-time dictation and field notes from this mission.

Respectfully submitted,
Shari Adamiak
CSETI Executive Council


Real-time dictation from the field each night follows:
~October 2, 1994:~

We are outside of Roswell, New Mexico on our first night of a RMIT. Present are Steven Greer, Patrick Sullivan, and Shari Adamiak. We have just camped out on a road of a county road between Midway and Dexter. We have seen one anomalous object flying in the East, very low to the horizon headed towards the North. Did not appear to have any strobing lights. When Steven signaled to it, the object rose up a little bit and became noticeably brighter, changing from red to white. Also, as that was occurring, I saw a shooting star at about 25° above the Eastern horizon headed North.

10:50pm and two shooting stars just seen in the zenith by Patrick and Steven. Patrick just reported a very brilliant shooting star, shooting from East to West by the Milky Way. It's about 11:00. Patrick said it was the fastest "shooting star" he's ever seen. Just a moment later a second shooting star was seen by Patrick almost parallel to the other. It's just a minute or so after 11:00 and we have just been observing in the SE a very unusual strobing object visible only through the night vision scope, moving very low to the horizon with a rapid strobe to it. We can't see it with the naked eye.

At 11:40pm we had an experience during Coherent Thought Sequencing (CTS) where Steven and I both felt there was something directly over us and at the same time Patrick reported seeing a strobing above us. Steven then felt they were directly behind his head. The hair on the back of his neck stood up. He got up and on the very low Northern horizon was able to see the red-amber colored light.

It's about midnight. We're having an unusual sighting over in the East. We've been watching an object that moved South and then became stationary. Now it looks as if it could be a planet rising. It has a red-amber look to it or the object could be just totally stationary. We did signal to it. It seemed to flare up. It's about 5° above the horizon, directly across from us in the East. This object that we were looking at appeared to have positioned itself in front of either Regel or Betelgeuse in Orion, which that was a part of and is now fully risen and is beautiful in the Eastern sky.

~October 3, 1994:~

We are out at a site East of Roswell. It's just a minute or two before 7:00pm. We're getting something to east. It’s partly cloudy. It’s in the 70s. It looks like it will be fairly clear for most of the night. West. We are directly across from the mountain Capital to the West. To our East there is a vent for a gas well that's burning.

It's 7:50 and in the East towards Midway we are observing some twinkling, strobing type lights. There are two or three of them. They seem to be like the lights described that Mr. Escamillo has on video from Midway. About a minute later, we don't see them at all. Oh, I just saw one flash farther to the East. We are not sure if these could be aircraft or something anomalous. They are dim to bright and white. These white blinking objects have continued on to the East, traveling in the South part of the sky. They are continuing to do strobing and flashing but in no regular pattern. They appear to be chasing each other randomly across the sky, rather slowly.

It's 10:15pm and there is one single white bright light appearing in the South that is signaling back to us. It is very low on the horizon, maybe even on the ground. The object just signaled back twice after a signal sent to it of two flashes. It is in the area of Bottomless Lakes State Park, which is due South of us. It's about 5 or 10 minutes later and this light in the South is again signaling. It's moved just a bit. It moves a bit to the East or the West, but it's still completely low, right on the horizon. We don't know if it's terrestrial or extraterrestrial at this point. It is 10:35 when this signaling has reoccurred again. Steven is now looking at it through the night vision binoculars and he says it is a continuously illuminated object that's on right now, even when it is not signaling to us. It just now flashed again faintly. We will continue to signal to this and report. The sky has also become completely clear except for around the very far edges and just in the East. Through the night vision scope, Patrick is seeing that there is also a corresponding strobing light in the sky about 10° above the horizon that's in synch with the one that's here on the ground. But we cannot see the one in the sky without using the night vision scope.

It's 11:00 and the light across the road in the South by the Bottomless Lakes has just illuminated itself about 5 or 6 times to us. It definitely seems to be under intelligent control. The last round of signaling that's going on now started up just after we broadcast the tones out over the walkie-talkie. It's just a few minutes after 11:00 and Steven saw an extremely fast moving "meteorite" just to the East of zenith. He said it was faster than anything he's ever seen move. Also, it happened to Patrick last night - that same type of extremely fast moving object.

It's 11:55 and we were just hit from behind to our East by some beam that was low and on the ground that swept right across the field encompassing us.


Narrative Report:

Soon after this round of light signaling, we did a Coherent Thought Sequencing. I was in a deep state of unbounded mind when I felt my body struck by an invisible beam of negative energy. It caused nearly total paralysis except that my body was wracked with small convulsions from what I sensed to be a psychoelectronic, non-lethal weapon. I could hear myself moaning slowly. I felt that the beam was coming from my left, towards Bottomless Lakes. I sensed three shadowy figures that appeared to be human men. The beam had the effect of separating me from my teammates. Since I only had the faculty of mind at my disposal during the attack, I mentally asked where Patrick and Steven were. I finally could sense Patrick out I front of me, distance away. I could not see or sense Steven. I kept asking mentally, “Where is Steven?” in as authoritative tone as I could manage while under attack. Receiving no response, I began to mentally call to Steven. He must have mentally picked up my thoughts because I felt him take my hands even though he was not there physically. He then hugged me and the attack ended. I sensed that it was our combined energy that was able to break the beam. I then rather passed out for a few minutes.

When our CTS ended, I clearly recalled everything that happened and knew I had not dozed off and had a dream. It was ultimately real. I was still a bit weak from the attack. Steven asked if something happened. I said, "you won't believe this" and proceeded to tell Steven and Patrick most of what occurred. Patrick had been unaware of any of this during our CTS. When I finished, Steven said, "wait until you hear this". During the CTS, he heard a voice that said, "are you ready to go?" He then felt that the energy was instantly scrambled and he lost the connection. He could hear me faintly moaning and sensed that I was in distress. He then came to me etherically and hugged me. The dove tailing of our experiences was incredible. For some days, I pondered on this event. It had a profound effect upon me, and still does to this day. I knew it was highly significant that we were able to break the attack with combined positive energy. I also instinctively and absolutely felt that the attack had come from human beings. I knew that it was not sent by extraterrestrials. The beam carried with it fear and terror which I knew were being projected upon me by an outside force. I did not feel that fear and terror from within my own being, but I was forced to experience it.

We then saw the ground-based lights at Bottomless Lakes flashing randomly again. It was nearly 1:00 by now and we decided to pack up. And drive over there to investigate. As we were in a flat open area, and anyone at Bottomless could have seen us coming for literally a mile. We drove around the Bottomless Lakes State Park, shining our 1.5 million candle power light all about. No traces of anyone or any vehicles were seen. There is a county road that cuts out of Bottomless Lakes which could make for an easy get-away for any one in that park.

End of Narrative Report

Links to articles supportive of themes outlined in the above report:
If flying saucer intelligences threaten all terrestrial elites, but not necessarily the Earth’s people, then it is understandable that governmental response to UFOs is a counterintelligence one.
“Science, Counterintelligence & UFOs”
Researcher Val Germann wrote this important multi-part article in 1997. He has given me permission to repost his work on my blog site.

Staging Human Initiated Contact Events adjacent to a high security research lab involved challenges of surveillance for my team. https://contactunderground.wordpress.com/2022/05/19/did-a-fateful-phone-call-trigger-the-appearance-of-blackhawk-helicopters-during-contact-work/

During fieldwork in the high desert, my contact team was blatantly photographed on two separate occasions. We had UFO sightings first in the west, then in the north. We anticipated the next would be in the east. Instead three waves of jet fighters heading east buzzed us.

submitted by Contactunderground to Experiencers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:16 TamiGoGo HALLUGREG THEORY: The Mimic used the gas from Dittophobia on Gregory while he was being controlled as GGY

HALLUGREG THEORY: The Mimic used the gas from Dittophobia on Gregory while he was being controlled as GGY
Key: GGY: Gregory under the control of the mimc ‘GGY’: Book from Tales from the pizzaplex TFTP: Tales From the Pizzaplex CC: The Crying child (fnaf 4 protag) SB: Security Breach
The premise behind HalluGreg theory is the idea that The Mimic used the gas featured in the last TFTP book, Dittophobia, on Gregory while he was GGY. Using evidence from the book itself, parts of the game, and ‘GGY’, it is implied Gregory endured the same torture Rory experienced under William Afton. To understand why this is the case, it’s necessary to understand the experiments in Dittophobia themselves.
To summarize, the Dittophobia experiments, or hallucination experiments, were a series of studies designed to gauge how children react under intense amounts of fear. The subjects in this study were unwilling, and all those who participated were kidnapped or manipulated into it. The experiments were conducted by William Afton and it’s implied that he even used the gases administered in the study on his own kids, most notably CC and Michael Afton. We see in Michael’s logbook that he knows what the nightmare animatronics look like, concluding that he must have been under the influence of the gas at some point. For cc, we play as him in fnaf 4, experiencing the nightmares caused by the dittophobia gas.
Connecting this, it has long been theorized that the mimic is copying some parts of William. Most notably with its digital persona, Glitchtrap, and its construction of the Afton family in the sticky note room. This theory speculates that the mimic gained access to yet another part of Afton’s life, the part of his life torturing young children in the Sister Location Basement.
First, I’d like to emphasize the clear connection Gregory has to one of the victims of the experiment, CC. Gregory is a near perfect copy of CC, carrying many of the motifs that make up CC’s character. Both boys are fighting against robotic entities or what they perceive to be robotic entities, both have a bear companion, and both were used to further the main antagonists’ goals (GGY for Mimic and the dittophobia experiments for cc). It’s also been pointed out that they have extremely similar appearances. Gregory and cc both have brown hair with a strand falling down the middle, they also wear similar shirts with Gregory copying the two striped shirt that was unique to cc originally.
By definition, they are parallels, however, I’d like to emphasize that them being parallels does not mean they cannot coexist. With this in mind, there is a suggested connection between them. Not all parallels mean correlation, but it allows for a base to structure this theory which will further be supported by hard evidence. With that in mind, I’d like to point out another character that Gregory parallels too, that being David Murray. For the sake of keeping this concise, Gregory and David are parallels to each other due to their appearances and their relationship with the mimic. I won’t go into detail as the David parallelism is not a massive part of this theory, however, AnotherDavid theory explains the connection between the two quite nicely. There is a thread that goes more in depth about this linked below:
Reddit link: https://www.reddit.com/fnaftheories/s/pR2UqkFFeN
Twitter thread link (recommended because there is more visual evidence): https://x.com/gregorysarmy/status/1741712311344308356?s=46
The connection between David and Gregory is important because there are direct references to David in Dittophobia, which in turn, relates Gregory to Dittophobia as well. In the book, both Rory and David wear the exact same zebra pajamas. In fact, there is a lot of emphasis placed on these specific pajamas because Rory puts them on twice during separate occasions in the book (unfortunately, I cannot attach images in the manner I would like to, so I will use MLA cited quotes from the book. Scroll up to the images above to see the visual evidence)
Quote 1: “Then he put on his favorite pjs-they were black-and-white zebra striped.” (Dittophobia pg 120)
Quote 2: “Edwin looked at David’s rumpled bed and the zebra pajamas that lay crumpled on the floor next to it. As David started to skip past Edwin, who grabbed Edwin’s shoulder. He pointed at the pajamas. “What have I told you?” Edwin asked.” (The mimic pg 142)
The zebra pajamas that Rory wears are also noted to be the only pajamas that fit him in his teenager form, implying that they are big. This could be a reference to the fact that David was tall for his age before he died and he also wore that brand of PJ.
Quote 3: “David, remarkably big for his age, in spite of having two short parents, wasn’t an easy carry. He weighed close to fifty pounds, and he was three- and-a-half-feet tall. Pretty soon, Edwin, only five-foot-five himself, wasn’t going to be able to cart his son around. Perhaps he could build a robot to do the job for him.” (The mimic pg 126)
To add on, Rory also says things that are eerily similar to what David says in “the mimic”. In “the mimic”, David is described to talk about fairies in the walls of Edwin’s factory. Rory describes a similar thing in dittophobia when exploring the ‘house’. They both talk about imaginary “pipe fairies”.
Quote 4: “It’s the pipe fairy, Daddy.” (The mimic pg 121)
Quote 5: “The knocking sound wasn’t a knocking like a person would do. There wasn’t some little trapped fairy or something in the walls. (Although the idea of that made Rory smile.)” (Dittophobia pg 126)
To clarify, I’m not trying to push the claim that David WAS part of the experiment. However, the zebra pajamas are symbolism for David in general. The same can be said for the “pipe fairies”. Due to the fact that Gregory is heavily related to David Murray, and there’s multiple David references in the book, Gregory is implicated in the dittophobia experiments.
Moving on to more direct evidence regarding Gregory himself, there is evidence that these experiments took place within the pizzaplex. This means the mimic would have access to them and would have the ability to reenact them itself. In the endo nursery, there is a picture of a young girl in the same exact bed used in the fnaf 4. Rory ALSO has this same bed in dittophobia which implies this specific design was part of the experiment. This means that whoever was involved in the construction of the pizzaplex somehow had access to the details of the experiments and went as far as to place imagery of an experiment in progress in the endo nursery. Considering that the mimic is the only one who seems to be copying William, it’s safe to say that it was the reason that this imagery was put up. Even if it wasn’t, it obviously saw the image considering the graffiti placed on the walls displaying Glitchtrap. (Image 1) With that in mind, the way that the fear experiments work in general would explain why there are numerous active endos in the same location that this picture is found in. When the gas in dittophobia stops working, Rory realizes that his nightmares were simply moving mannequins on a set course. For the pizzaplex, these mannequins could be replaced with the naked endos.
“Even though it made no sense, Rory was still terrified of the creatures. Knowing they were nothing but motorized mannequins didn’t take away his terror. He guessed that after so many years, the dread was too much a part of him to go away that quickly.” (Dittophobia pg 149)
It’s also a possibility that the staffbots themselves could have also been used. Numerous staffbots in the game have the words “in your dreams” (image 2) inscribed on them which seems to be referencing dittophobia in the way the experiments were simply illusions in the children’s minds, not based on reality. Hence being in their dreams. Ironically, the endo section is also the section that Gregory seems the most scared of. We get some of the most characterizing dialogue out of him here.
It’s also ironic that the reason Gregory has to go through the endo section in the first place is because Moon kidnapped Freddy. Moon, a character who makes it their goal to put Gregory to sleep, might be yet another reference the experiments as well, perhaps even enforcing them considering the endo section is heavily Moon themed.
Besides the bed in endo nursery, there are other references to fnaf 4 as well. For example, littered throughout Ruin and SB there are various nightmarionne plushies. Nighmarionne is a character who originated from fnaf 4 (image 3)
As a side note, it’s also notable that Rory’s name is extremely similar to Gregory’s. While that’s not concrete evidence, it’s an interesting detail to include.
Another important detail to mention is that the mimic was looking for ways to induce compliance in its followers. While it seems like the mimic was originally looking for ways to make Vanessa submissive, it may have also been looking for ways to make Gregory submissive as well. It’s not confirmed when Gregory was kidnapped and made into a follower, and it’s possible that he was kidnapped before the pizzaplex was made. This could mean that the email sent in AR by Luis talking about Vanessa’s search history may have occurred not just because Vanessa was resisting the mimic, but because Gregory was being defiant as well. (Image 4) Using the hallucination gas on Gregory would crush this defiance as seen in Dittophobia. Rory can barely function, let alone escape when the fumes are being expelled into the house. This means that Gregory would be trapped in a constant state of exhaustion and confusion which is exactly what the mimic wants.
“Rory risked slipping an arm from beneath his covers to turn off his bedside lamp. He closed his eyes, letting the steady hiss from the vents lull him to sleep as the drowsiness he’d felt all day finally claimed him.” (Dittophobia of 121)
Even with all this evidence, there’s not enough to conclude that Gregory experienced these experiments without a reliable location for them to be preformed. Even though the endo nursery may seem like a good place for them to occur because of all the cameras and children toys, there’s no actual bed for Gregory to sleep in nor a way for the nursery to be gassed. It’s also pretty obvious the children toys present in the nursery are for the endos developing their intelligence, not actually for real kids.
However, there is another location that matches all the criteria needed for these experiments to be performed, and that would be in the mimics lair. (Image 5) In the book dittophobia, Rory describes the layout of his room as having 2 doors, a vent from above, a closet in the middle, and a bed behind him. (Basically a copy of the fnaf 4 room) In the mimic’s lair, as seen in the burntrap ending pre-Ruin, it is set up similarly. There is a small bed directly under the sinkhole, two doors, a vent from above, and an interactive camera station that would replace the closet. (Image 6) The blue bed with stars present in burntraps lair is heavily theorized to be the bed Gregory used as GGY because it is child sized and the mimic seems to make its followers sleep in the pizzaplex considering the existence Vanny’s room in Fazerblast. (Image 7)
With that being said, the mimic has cameras on the opposite side of the lair which it could use to observe Gregory like Afton did with his victims. We see the mimic utilize these cameras to hack into Freddy during the boss fight. (Image 8) Additionally, there is a vent that leads to Gregory’s ‘room’ could be used to administer gas similarly to how it’s administered in Dittophobia. (Image 9)
Inside the Burntrap room, there is also a gas canister where the Dittophobia gas would be held for use. (Image 10) There’s also the fact that Gregory doesn’t really recognize the mimic in Ruin or SB. It’s possible the gas made the mimic look entirely different in Gregory’s eyes. Additionally, there’s evidence to suggest that Gregory is being gassed DURING the burntrap fight. When burntrap leaves its charging station, purple fumes are present, meaning that Gregory could have been hallucinating the entire time. (Image 11) This could explain why the fight itself is so nonsensical. It’s all being made up in Gregory’s head, Gregory is experiencing a nightmare he has had over and over again during his time as GGY. This would also WHY Gregory draws Burntrap after SB and why Burntrap is so inaccurate to the mimic. He is drawing the fake nightmares only he remembers experiencing. (Image 12) It would also provide some insight as to why Gregory doesn’t remember anything relating to hacking into the animatronics, killing counselors, or the mimic. His mind is foggy because the mimic keeps gassing him. Dittophobia gas has been shown to make people FORGET things.
At the end of Dittophobia, Rory, despite finding out the truth about his situation, turns back on the gas. As a result, he seems to forget everything that happened. He’s reduced back to the state he was in when the gas was first administered when he was seven.
“Rory’s gaze landed on his red backpack. He frowned. Hadn’t he gone to school today? He chewed on the inside of his cheek. He couldn’t remember. Rory sighed and shrugged. It didn’t matter. What mattered was that he needed to get in bed. Rory left the great room and started scampering down the long left-side hall, eager to get to his room. His hand trailed along the curved wood chair rail as he went. Pausing by the bathroom door, Rory canted his head and tried to remember whether he’d brushed his teeth already. He was pretty sure he had. So why had he been in the kitchen?” (Dittophobia pg 156)
Dittophobia doesn’t just make people sleepy or hallucinate, it makes people FORGET. The mimic utilized this to make sure Gregory couldn’t wander away or disobey him. It used the same strategy Afton used to manipulate his victims.
Finally, I’d like to bring up the fact that we seemingly get extra insight into Gregory’s hallucinations in the book ‘GGY’. In ‘GGY’, Gregory writes an interesting story related to his situation. (Image 13) He claims that he was the most favored apprentice of some wizard and that he was involved in fighting a conspiracy on another planet against a tangled entity. This, obviously, didn’t actually happen, but it’s clearly a dramatized version of what is ACTUALLY happening to Gregory. The story he writes is based on reality but it is distorted to make it seem nonsensical. This mimics the nightmares Rory experiences. The mannequins that visit him during the night DO exist, but they are distorted by the gas. It’s possible that the same thing happened to Gregory.
Perhaps the gas truly did make him believe he was fighting some wild, nonsensical tangled villain on another planet. After all, the blob, otherwise known as the tangle, is right above where Gregory sleeps. It’s possible that it too, was involved in torturing Gregory and guarding his prison.
To conclude, it seems that the mimic set up a room in its lair that copies the Dittophobia room so it could experiment on Gregory. It was made to reduce Gregory’s will and make him submit to the mimics control. As a result, the gas made Grgeory forget many of his actions in “GGY” and beyond. It also made it incredibly harder for Gregory to escape due to the sedating properties present in the gas.
TLDR: The mimic made a mini FNAF 4 in its lair to sedate/control Gregory like Afton did to kids while he was alive.
Additional info: I didn’t want to clog up this post but here are a few other pieces of evidence that are notable but not important enough to include in my opinion. Mostly just color and physical similarities.
1.) Rory talks on a walkie talkie like device to his friend Wade when contacting the outside world for the first time in ten years. The first conversation they have mimics the conversation Gregory and Cassie have when they reunite in Ruin. 2.) The elevator to escape to the outside world is broken due to a lack of power. Could be slightly referencing the elevator ending in Ruin 3.) Both the mimic’s experiments and Aftons experiments would take place underground according to this theory. 4.) There’s a lot of pieces of furniture that match Gregory’s color scheme in dittophobia. One of them is even blue with white stripes. 5.) both Rory and Gregory are described to be some of the shortest in their class. 6.) Both Rory and Gregory seem to be fond of bunnies. 7.) In the bad ending, Gregory draws himself sleeping next to a green leaking gas. This could be a reference to the experiments where a gas would be leaking into his room while he slept normally.
Additional quotes:
“All he needed to do was get the radio working. If the batteries were still good (please, please be good, he silently begged), he could at least try to reach Wade. If Wade was real, maybe he’d still have his radio. If he wasn’t, maybe someone else would answer Rory.” (Dittophobia pg 145)
“The radio spit a couple of buzzing sounds, then Rory was able to hear a voice clearly. “Rory! Is that you? Really?” “Wade?” “Yeah, dude,” Wade shouted. “Where are you?” “You’re real?” Rory asked.” (Dittophobia pg 145)
“-was labeled UNDERGROUND TESTING FACILITY. So that’s where he was! He was underground!” (Dittophobia pg 143)
“The fact that this monster was bunny-like made it the worst of the three for Rory because he loved bunnies.” (Dittophobia pg 110)
Cawthon, Scott, et al. B7-2. (Five Nights at Freddy’s: Tales from the PIZZAPLEX, Vol. 8.). Scholastic, Inc., 2023.
Cawthon, Scott, et al. Nexie. (Five Nights at Freddy’s: Tales from the PIZZAPLEX, Vol. 6.). Scholastic, Inc., 2023.
Cawthon, Scott. The Bobbiedots Conclusion: An AFK Book (Five Nights at Freddy’s: Tales from the Pizzaplex #5). Scholastic Inc, 2023. 
Original thread from Twitter: https://x.com/gregorysarmy/status/1791966831844196585?s=46
submitted by TamiGoGo to fnaftheories [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:06 WintersDoomsday The Walkie Talkie Convo

Between Bear and Tiger….
Was the show trying to imply that Tiger and the guy with her were the last two Animal Army members left after the fight?
She was lying to Bear to not get her scared that they were losing?
submitted by WintersDoomsday to SweetTooth [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:41 Alarming-Track9442 Is 2-3% battery drain per hour normal for an s9?

I’ve seen people report 1.5% drain per hour and I’ve never been able to get that level of efficiency. I have a 41mm S9 that I picked up brand new from Best Buy a week ago. I did use clockology on day one, but deleted it (from the watch only) after seeing an average drain of 3%+ per hour. I still have meridian faces on my watch that used custom complications from the app, but since deleting it the complications no longer appear — I keep the faces because any time I reinstall clockology it remembers the custom complications for each face. For settings, I use wake on wrist rise and have background refresh turned off completely. Environmental Sound, Cardio Fitness notifications, Irregular rhythm notifications, Handwashing timer, Walkie Talkie, and non-essential notifications are also turned off. I’ve also restarted both my watch and iphone, and disconnected/reconnected the watch at multiple points with no real effect. Despite all these measures I average around 2.5-2.7% battery drain per hour. I’d like to get closer to 1.5% per hour. Should I delete the watch faces from clockology that no longer function?
submitted by Alarming-Track9442 to AppleWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:28 Opposite-Till-104 Mother's Day Signal Jammers Discount Promotional Code

Shop jammers this Mother's Day through, use promo code: MOM to get 12% off and free shipping on any jammer purchase over $500 at Perfect Jammer.
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Product URL: https://www.perfectjammer.com/handheld-16-bands-5g-jammer.html
Product price: $779.99
Discounted product price: $686.4
Product Description: The latest all-in-one design portable wireless 5G signal jammer, 16-band jammer for all types of Android phones, tablets, smartphones, iPhone, Win phones and other mobile phones using 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G and CDMA 450Mhz, Block LOJACK GPS, Wi-Fi 5G, walkie-talkie UHF/VHF and 315, 433, 868 and other radio frequency signals.
submitted by Opposite-Till-104 to Extradeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:04 BobSaget3002 Anyway to stop Chat from interrupting me?

I’ve been using 4o voice input for spitballing story ideas, world-building, etc. and find it incredibly helpful, but when I pause to think or even say, “Ummm,” it immediately jumps in with suggestions and ideas completely derailing my train of thought.
I spent way too long yesterday trying to get it to only speak when I state that I’ve finished speaking. It would promise me that it wouldn’t interrupt me and then immediately do so. I tried establishing a code word that would indicate I’ve finished speaking like you would with a walkie-talkie and Chat would agree and say OK I’ll wait for the code word and then at my first long breath or pause it would come busting in like the Kool-aid man.
Is there anyway to stop the madness?
submitted by BobSaget3002 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 16:47 Stock_Journalist_335 Bluetooth isnt connecting help

Hi, my cousin was updating drivers and two for bluetooth didnt update, then it stopped connecting to any headphones. I tried alone and with friends to fix it, spent hours, i think we updated all the drivers we could find and just did lots of things i dont understand and the best we got is if i delete the headphones then pair them again it either works but the sound is horrible, like through a cheap walkie-talkie, or just no sound whatsoever + a window pops out and basically if i go to the "device properties" it says that theres no connection key or something like that (my laptop is not in english so im just trying to translate)Please help me because i have no knoledge on this and no money to go to a specialist
Its windows 10 on laptop and yes i obviously checked and my headphones work fine with phone amd any other headphones have same issue connecting to my laptop
submitted by Stock_Journalist_335 to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 16:00 Equilibrium404 [The First Rule of Scrap Collection] A Crack in Time Fanfic by me!

“Local officials are calling it a “disaster of unprecedented proportion”, and a “tragic loss of life”.
"Despite investigative efforts producing only guesswork regarding the identity of who could be responsible for such an attack, confirmed casualties are already rising into the hundreds. The devastating loss of life has resulted in waves of tragedy and outrage among those affected by the disaster. Families mourn for relatives that will never come home, and crime rates have skyrocketed in the surrounding areas since the chaos first unfolded. "
"Despite the sorrow, it’s clear that the community is united by a single burning question: why wasn’t this tragedy stopped before it started? We’ll be bringing you coverage of the event live on air, as investigative efforts continue to go underway. Coming up next: A glimpse into the mind of a Tachyon apologist. Thirty-four-year-old Daniel Lloyd was arrested during a violent protest, demanding the release of Drophyd forces involved in the now mysteriously-vanished tyrant’s former attack on Kerwan - But why? All this and more right after the break. Channel 2 News”.
“Hey, would you mind turning that off, little outsider?” A metallic voice like a cheap walkie-talkie called out behind the counter. “Went through the trouble of fixing that box and all it does is shout bad news.”
“Sure thing.”
A small blue humanoid with wide eyes nodded, and swung down from the counter to flick off the radio. His workshop clothes were grimy and stained with oil, and small stubs of what would soon be horns poked out the sides of his head.
“Still, it’s nice to know what’s happening out there. Right, Rasper?” He said, turning back and jumping up to grab the top of the counter.
“You don’t need the news to see that the galaxy’s going down the drain.” The figure replied, stretching upwards to place a chunk of scrap on a high shelf.
His hunched shoulders and long neck easily identified him as a Vullard, with reptilian spines running down his back to the tip of his red, spottled tail. As was trademark with Vullards, his head was enclosed in a carefully constructed metal case equipped with vocal synthesizer, oxygen respirator, and mp3 player. The case stretched vertically like a cylinder, with two blue lenses sticking out the sides to function as eyes. A pair of flaps covered the lenses and occasionally flipped up and down to wipe off dust and debris. The bottom end of the helmet lifted up and down when he spoke to mimic a mouth. After reaching the shelf, he groaned and reached a hand to his hunched back, rubbing it sorely.
“The Agorians are running rampant, that Nefarious guy made an alliance with the Valkyries, and now there’s rumor of not just one, but TWO Lombaxes running around? The world’s going crazy, I tell ya…”
“What’s a Lombax?” The smaller figure asked.
Rasper shrugged. “Truth be told I don’t really know either, little outsider. But they’re bad news, apparently.”
The smaller figure looked back out into space. Despite having told Rasper that his name was Junpo, the Vullard wouldn’t call him anything but outsider. From what he’d heard from passing travelers, that seemed to be a social norm with Vullards.
Leaving Rasper to his work, Junpo walked out of the shack and into the grassy field beyond. Their pitstop “Sell-n-Soar” rested on a meager 30 foot wide asteroid dotted with grass, that remained positioned in space outside of orbit through some gravitational force he didn’t understand. The asteroid was wide on top with a flat grassy surface, and tapered down to a sharp point of dirt and stone at the very bottom, as if the entire space had been violently ripped from the surface of some other planetoid. On the far side of the asteroid was a landing pad and a spherical Grummelnet weapons vendor that Junpo was too young to legally operate. On the opposite side was a makeshift playground Rasper had cobbled together for him in his spare time.
The Sell-n-Soar shack stood in the center of the grassy plain, and occasionally bits and pieces of the hodge-podge structure would chip off of the building and float into space, merging with the thick rings of junk that littered the sector. Fastened to the side of the shack was a large claw, attached to a crane. The claw was hooked up to a sturdy tether system, and could be used to shoot out and grab at orbiting scrap. The shack used to have a bright neon sign stapled to the top to attract travelers, but it was shot through by a drunk Agorian speeder one night, and went careening into the depths of space.
Junpo loved sitting at the edge of the asteroid with his feet dangling over the edge, looking into the great wide plane of space beyond. The Vela sector was painted with swathes of bright lime greens and teal blues that swirled through the dense rings of junk that always orbited by. The trails of scrap seemed to collect the unwanted litter and debris from across the universe, ending up in massive streams of cold metal that twisted and curved between the planetoids of the Vela sector like immense rivers of scrap. When the rivers wound their way across the face of stars and suns, it would create thick ribbons of shadow which danced cold beams of frigid darkness across the depths of space. Junpo let out a breath to marvel at the majesty of what was just beyond their tiny little shack. It never failed to remind him of how small he was, and how large the universe could be. Out there, somewhere…
“You really think my parents are still looking for me?” Junpo asked, turning his head back to look at Rasper.
The Vullard stopped in his tracks, as the flaps over his eyes blinked rapidly.
“…They’ll come back one day, little outsider.” He said. “Now come over here, I got a job for ya.”
Junpo followed as Rasper led him into the tiny back-room of the shack. The newest harvest of scrap from the junk rivers cluttered most of the room, nearly filling it up to waist level. There was only a thin path carved through the junk to walk and catalogue the haul.
“Alright, let’s go over this again. What’s the most basic rule of scrap collection?”
“All scrap has value”. Junpo parroted in a clear voice.
“Exactly. Now look, we got scrap up to our ears out here, but it’s not as simple as collecting it and selling it again. Figuring out how to best cultivate the value of each scrap collection is the tricky part. That takes the keen eye of an experienced collector. And… that’s what I want to start teaching you, little outsider.”
Junpo blinked wide. “Really? You mean-”
“Yeah, I’ll let you in on some trade secrets. If you want any chance of getting off this rock someday instead of inheriting my shack, you’re gonna need a way of making bolts. Plus, it’ll be nice having more help with the business, my back’s been killing me.”
Junpo jumped excitedly. “When do I start?”
“Right now, if you want.” The Vullard replied, gesturing to the scrap. “The very first thing you gotta learn about scrap collection is how to sort it. When you get enough experience, you can tell its potential use and profit margin at a glance, but we’ll start slowly with what we got here, for the time being. It looks like a decent haul, so it won’t be a waste of time either.”
Rasper began to teach Junpo the difference between tools and widgets, and decommissioned devices of all kinds. He instructed him on the basics of potential value, both past and present, and who would want which scrap and why. When the little boy grew bored of the sorting, Rasper began to teach him the basics of operating the scrap tether, and Junpo became quickly enamored with shooting the massive claw out into space, pulling back potential treasures in its grip. As the hours went by, Junpo quickly lost track of time, and it was only when he heard the deep hum of a spacecraft docking at their landing pad that he realized they had been working late into the night.
“Sounds like we got a customer, little outsider. You just wait here for a minute.”
As soon as Rasper left the room, Junpo dropped the scrap and followed him out, being careful not to get swept off his feet by Rasper’s lumbering tail. The arriving vessel was sleek and sporty, with a shiny chrome exterior and a deep red under-glow along the belly and wings. As the engine whirred to a stop, two figures leap out the side. One was a large black and blue robot with red visor, wide shoulders, and massive brick-like hands. The other was a smaller reptilian humanoid with pale purple skin, dressed in a crisp business suit. His scales gleamed in the starlight, and a long sail-like fin ran down his back to his tail. The robot’s steps made the asteroid rumble underfoot, while the reptilian figure’s bright pink eyes shone hungrily, as his serrated teeth parted in a grin.
Junpo looked to Rasper and saw him frozen stock still. It appeared as if he were trying to blink, rub his back, and run away at the same time, but could instead do nothing at all.
“Little outsider, you better stay inside for a bit, alright?” He said, looking back inside the shack. When his head swiveled down to see Junpo by his side, his mouth gaped in horror.
“Rasper G. Carver, my my… It’s been a while!” The lizard said, as his serpentine tongue slid between his serrated teeth. His words were greasy and smooth. “I trust the business has been treating you well?”
“Oh… You know how it is, outsider. New haul, more work…” Rasper said, trying to subtly shoe Junpo back inside the shack. “Pretty quiet around here, since the Agorians stopped coming by.”
“Am I still considered an outsider, after all the business we’ve done together? My name is Zarnoc. Use it, please.” The lizard said. “But yes, without those bumbling muscle-bound brutes wandering about, this stretch of space is almost peaceful. Who do you have to thank for that, I wonder?”
“O-Of course, I’m eternally grateful for all that you guys’ve been doing, keeping them away and s-”
Rasper was interrupted as the lizard whipped his head back with a shout to see the large robot clutching the Grummelnet vendor in one hand, shaking it upside down like a bag of candy. The vendor was shouting a ceaseless stream of profanity from its awkward position, although its insults seemed to go completely over the head of the giant sentinel.
“Get over here! You’re supposed to be intimidating!”
The robot flinched in surprise before setting the vendor back down, daintily swiping the dust off the cursing sphere’s sides before shuffling to Zarnoc. The Grummelnet vendor clamped tightly shut, muttering more curses under its breath.
“Now where was I? Ah, yes.” The lizard began, clearing his throat. “It’s been quite a lot of trouble for us to keep the Agorians out of this part of the sector, and it’s only gotten worse. From our perspective, such a transaction is purely business. We extort- I mean, bargain with you thriving settlers to hand over some of the proceeds from your operations, as a protection fee. Simple enough, right? Well, the Agorians aren’t seeing it that way. Our thriving collaborative business has been treated as an act of war by those dumb brutes, and our master has been hindered in his own business because of Agorian retaliation. Not that they could do much to Lord Vorselon anyway, but it’s definitely pricked the master’s ire. You understand what I’m saying?”
Rasper nodded, his eye-flaps blinking rapidly.
“Good. This is where we reach another point of negotiation in our fine, civilized discussion: Lord Vorselon demands an increase in tribute.”
“How much?”
Zarnoc pretended to count on his claws. “Mmm… about ten thousand bolts per month?”
“Ten thousand?!” Rasper echoed. “I don’t make ten thousand in a year, let alone a month!”
“I don’t care, and neither does Lord Vorselon. If you can’t pay up now, we’re ordered to raise this sad rock to the ground.”
“Now w-wait a minute there, outsider. Can’t you give me some time?”
“Oh, you’d rather talk with the Agorians instead? I’m sure they’d make excellent negotiators.”
“Look, I’ll give you everything I have; all the scrap I’ve got. Take it. It’s yours.”
Zarnoc laughed. “Why don’t we wrap it all up in a pretty red bow and take it to the master on a silver platter? No, there’s nothing of value here, except your bolts. Now hand them over.”
Junpo grabbed hold of Rasper’s hand, but the action caught the lizard’s notice.
“Who’s that?”
“Oh, him? He’s a, uh… Well, his parents left one day and…”
“Hmm... Another orphan, abandoned by incompetent parents who couldn’t provide any better. I understand, truly.” Zarnoc said, closing his eyes in a mock prayer. “Mine treated me no better. Now look where I am…”
“My parents didn’t abandon me!” Junpo shouted, still clutching to Rasper’s hand. “They’re coming back someday! I know it!”
Zarnoc’s mouth lit up in a wicked smile. “That’s what they all say. Trust me kid, I’ve seen it a hundred times. I’ve lived it. You’re abandoned. You’ve got nobody. You were left here to die alone.”
Junpo leapt forward, but Rasper’s usually frail arms pulled him back with shocking force. Junpo looked up to the Vullard’s metal head, but it was locked on to Zarnoc’s own face. The lizard appeared deep in thought, before his wicked eyes trained back on Junpo.
“Say, that kid’s got no attachments, and besides you there’d be no witnesses. Why don’t you hand over him this month in lieu of your payments and we’ll call it a day? He’s still young – there’s limitless potential. Lord Vorselon can brainwash him into a killer assassin, or something. Yes, that would please him very much.”
“Now hold on just one second there, outsider!” Rasper said as the large robot bent down to drag Junpo away. “I can’t let you do that! He’s under my protection!”
“Too bad. You’re under our protection.”
The large robot scooped up Junpo by the scruff of his collar and firmly swung him over its broad shoulders, knocking the breath out of his chest as he gasped for air. Rasper hobbled after him on wobbly legs, but was forced to stop and clutch his back with heaving breath.
“Rasper!” Junpo cried out as he was thrown into the cruiser.
As the door to the cruiser closed, Junpo was enveloped in blackness as bright red logistics panels popped up to illuminate the darkness. The robot gave him a light pat on the head, and Junpo heard Zarnoc cackling from the cockpit seat, out of sight.
“We’ll take the kid, and blow this scrap-heap to bits. Activate the turrets!”
As the robot stood up to flick a switch, the entire ship jerked to the left from the force of a massive impact, causing the left-hand door to peal open.
The Vullard had shuffled back inside and aimed the scrap-tether claw directly at the cruiser, trapping it in its grip as the door tore wide open.
“You give back the little outsider and leave! Now!”
Junpo saw Rasper standing at the landing pad, and was astonished to see a bright yellow ‘Negotiator’ Missile launcher cocked over his right shoulder.
“That Vullard’s insane!” Junpo heard Zarnoc cry in disbelief as the ship’s safety alarms whirred to life.
Taking his chance, Junpo ran for the opening in the door, dodging a swipe from the massive robot to stand on top of the tether claw. The ship was hovering about fifteen feet above the landing pad, with the tether cable running to it like a tightrope. Rasper stood below the ship, with the Negotiator pointed right at it.
“Jump, little outsider! I’ll catch you!”
Junpo’s knuckles turned teal as he gripped the edge of the cruiser. The robot grabbed at his foot from behind and clenched it tightly, but at the same moment, the ship lurched to the right, sending them both tumbling out into space. For a brief moment, Junpo and the sentinel soared through space at alarming speed. Junpo kicked away at the robot before landing in Rasper’s arms. The behemoth robot’s head collided with the edge of the asteroid, tearing it clean off as the lifeless body floated into deep space. The Vullard sighed.
“This is gonna get me in all kinds of trouble, but…”
Rasper pulled the trigger, and a high velocity missile shot out with a trail of smoke. The torpedo appeared for a brief moment as a blindingly bright comet, before exploding next to the shuttle. The blast caused a deep rumbling boom and a massive shockwave to peal out through space, causing the tether hook to come undone by its very force. The ship wobbled mid-air before plummeting below the asteroid, until it eventually stabilized a distance away. Junpo thought he could still hear Zarnoc’s distant cursing as the ship retreated.
Junpo and Rasper sat still on the landing pad for several minutes, breathing heavily.
“This means we’re gonna have to move.” Rasper muttered, tossing the Negotiator into the grass. “I was just starting to like it here, too…”
“Thank you, Rasper.” Junpo said. “You saved me.”
His wide eyes paired with a massive grin as he beamed up at the Vullard, who’s troubled hunch softened at the sight.
“Anytime, little outsider.”
They sat that way a while longer, breathing heavily as they looked out into space. Rasper kept turning his head to the boy and opening his mouth, before closing it again. Eventually, he spoke.
“Look… I’m gonna be honest with you, little outsider. Your parents probably aren’t coming back. You got a whole life ahead of you; I don’t want to see you waste it waiting on some deadbeats that don’t care about you. You deserve better than that.”
Junpo’s mouth sunk in a frown as he looked into his lap.
“No, you’re right… I guess I knew that already. I just thought - maybe…”
“What’s the first rule of scrap collection?” Rasper said softly.
Junpo stared at Rasper in confusion, tears welling in his eyes.
“All scrap has value.” The Vullard said. “And even if your parents couldn’t understand that, you’re priceless in my eyes, Junpo. Now, I know I’m probably not what you imagine when you think of a father, but you can call me family anytime.”
Junpo leapt at Rasper and hugged him close.
“Thank you.”
submitted by Equilibrium404 to RatchetAndClank [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 13:27 Chaotic_Apollo Looking to purchase my own earpiece for my walkie-talkie, anyone have any recommendations?

My store is being lazy about ordering me a new one
submitted by Chaotic_Apollo to WalmartEmployees [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 12:33 IllAd5785 Is this correct?

So i was sitting beside a police station sipping chai a traffic cop was doing his duty issuing challans to people who were nor following rules so a guy was coming towards us and saw the policeman so he just made a uturn midway and went driving back where he came from suddenly the policeman used his Walkie talkie to tell someone that a guy is coming from wrong side and after 5-10 mins they brought him back towards us and were telling him that a FIR will be registered against him for driving on the wrong side (for those who don’t know driving on wrong side in nagpur attracts an FIR not fine or some petty chaalan) And i was sitting there for almost half an hour and i saw the same thing happening 5-6 times now if you see legally they are not doing anything wrong but the other two policemen who are hiding and waiting on the opposite side waiting for a call that someone is coming their way is what made me feel uncomfortable Now no one wants an FIR so most probably they would take a Huge bribe from them Also those guys were released within 15-20 mins
submitted by IllAd5785 to nagpur [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 12:09 uri998 Can uv-k6 connect to these simple walkies?

OPPXUN OPX-C51 MINI Handheld Walkie Talkie
It transmits in the 400-470MHZ range. If my friend has it, will we be able to communicate? (I will be using the uv-k6) How can I tell which frequency he transmits?
submitted by uri998 to Baofeng [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 11:35 GuiltlessMaple Best Chest Rig With Pouches

Best Chest Rig With Pouches

Whether you're a seasoned outdoor enthusiast or a first-time camper, having the right equipment can make all the difference in your outdoor adventures. In this article, we take a closer look at the Chest Rig With Pouches, a versatile and functional piece of gear that's perfect for carrying essential items while on the go. From its sleek design to its practical features, this chest rig promises to be your go-to companion for all your outdoor adventures. So sit back, relax, and let's dive into the world of chest rigs with pouches!

The Top 5 Best Chest Rig With Pouches

  1. FHFGEN2: Premium Modular AR Chest Rig, USA-Made Multi-Use Foundation Rig - The FHFGEAR Chest Rig GEN2 in First Lite Fusion Camo is a versatile AR Chest Rig, designed for all-season use with MOLLE panels, a modular skeletonized shoulder harness, and enhanced 4-way stretch nylon, making it perfect for a wide range of activities.
  2. Four-Pouch RRV-Style MOLLE Chest Rig for Tactical Use - Get ultimate comfort and flexibility with the DLP Tactical Molle Chest Rig Vest, featuring four pouches for optimal organization, adjustable fit, and multiple MOLLE attaching points.
  3. Adjustable Tactical Chest Rig with Removable Pockets and Medical Supplies - Stay prepared with VISMIX Tactical Chest Rig's 5 adjustable pouches, ideal for medical supplies and other essentials, and easily customizable with morale patches and compatible pouch inserts for ultimate versatility.
  4. Multi-Purpose Chest Rig Bag with Adjustable Straps - Stay organized and hands-free with the versatile Chest Rig Bag, perfect for outdoor enthusiasts and daily essentials, featuring a multitude of functional pockets and adjustable shoulder straps.
  5. High-Speed Gear AO Chest Rig: Versatile, Lightweight, and Ready for Action - Efficiently designed for ultimate versatility and comfort, the High Speed Gear AO Chest Rig enhances your tactical performance with a wide variety of included features and accessories.
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🔗FHFGEN2: Premium Modular AR Chest Rig, USA-Made Multi-Use Foundation Rig

When I first tried on the Chest Rig - Gen2 in First Lite Fusion Camo, I was immediately impressed by the sleek, compact design. Made in the USA, this rig is a versatile foundation for any outdoor activity. The laser-cut, laminated MOLLE panels on both the front and underside of the rig allow for endless accessory attachment options.
The new modular airframe shoulder harness has a skeletonized design that makes it lightweight and comfortable. It also features a large zippered internal pocket, three additional internal sleeve pockets, and lanyard attachment points. New GEN2 features include a full MOLLE panel on the front of the rig, a large rear pocket for extra storage, and two slim sleeve pockets for storing small equipment.
One aspect I truly appreciated was the compatibility with the new Foundation Wings (sold separately). The upgraded air mesh materials also make it perfect for all-season use and the integrated rear loop for the net catch adds functionality for anglers. However, I did find that it may not be suitable for people using pacemakers or other similar medical devices.
Overall, the Chest Rig - Gen2 in First Lite Fusion Camo has been a reliable and versatile addition to my outdoor gear collection.

🔗Four-Pouch RRV-Style MOLLE Chest Rig for Tactical Use

I recently had the pleasure of trying out the DLP Tactical RRV Chest Rig Molle Vest, and I must say, it exceeded my expectations. The ultra-low profile design provided maximum comfort and mobility, allowing me to move freely without any restrictions.
One of the standout features of this vest is its incredible lightweight nature, coupled with its full adjustability. The one-size-fits-most feature ensures that it caters to a wide range of users, enhancing its versatility.
The vest boasts an array of MOLLE webbing on both the front and sides, which is perfect for attaching various accessories. Additionally, the MOLLE loops at the rear of the belt enable users to attach a magazine dump pouch or other MOLLE accessories as needed.
What sets this vest apart from others is its ability to fold down the bib, creating an even lower profile setup. This feature adds an extra touch of convenience, making it perfect for everyday use.
When I received the DLP Tactical RRV Chest Rig, I was impressed to find that it came equipped with four useful pouches. These included a double stack triple 223 magazine pouch capable of holding up to six magazines, an IFAK bleedeblowout first aid pouch, a PRC-152 compatible radio pouch, and an admin pouch.
In conclusion, the DLP Tactical RRV Chest Rig Molle Vest has proven itself as a valuable addition to my gear arsenal. Its exceptional comfort, lightweight design, and versatility make it a top contender for anyone seeking a reliable and functional chest rig.

🔗Adjustable Tactical Chest Rig with Removable Pockets and Medical Supplies


As a tactical enthusiast, I've been on the lookout for a quality chest rig that can accommodate my medical supplies and gear. I recently came across the VISMIX Tactical Chest Rig, and I must say, it has exceeded my expectations.
One of the first features that caught my attention was the adjustable H-Strap harness. It proved to be a perfect fit for my chest circumference of up to 45.27 inches. The high-quality UTX-DURAFLEX buckle ensured a secure, yet comfortable fit.
The chest rig comes equipped with five pouches, perfect for storing essentials like medical supplies, tools, or even a flashlight. The additional two front utility pockets provide extra storage for more items, such as notepads or small walkie-talkies.
One of the standout features is the compatibility with other pouch inserts via the hook and loop design. This allows me to customize my setup with additional pouches tailored to my needs.
However, I noticed that the chest rig is not the lightest option in the market. It is made of durable materials, which adds to its weight. Another thing to consider is the hook and loop design may not work well for larger items like gloves.
Overall, the VISMIX Tactical Chest Rig has proven to be a reliable and versatile addition to my tactical gear collection. Its adjustability, compatibility with other pouches, and storage capabilities make it a worthwhile investment for those seeking a high-quality and customizable chest rig.

🔗Multi-Purpose Chest Rig Bag with Adjustable Straps

I recently gave this chest rig bag a try during an outdoor excursion, and it proved to be quite the versatile accessory. Whether I was jogging, cycling, or exploring a new trail, this bag kept my hands free while securely holding onto my phone, wallet, and other essentials.
The high-quality polyester material made the bag durable and weather-resistant, which was especially beneficial during my outdoor pursuits. However, it also felt a little heavy on my chest and hips, which may not have been an issue during a less active day.
The adjustable shoulder straps allowed for customization based on my height, fitting comfortably while still providing ample support. A nice bonus was the MOLLE system, which allowed me to attach additional gear with ease and further expand the bag's usefulness.
The front pocket was perfect for storing my small phone, and the pouch's organization was a lifesaver. I was able to easily locate my wallet, sunglasses, and keys without any hassle. While this bag may not have been ideal for every situation, its wide range of applications made it a smart choice for any outdoor enthusiast or traveler.

🔗High-Speed Gear AO Chest Rig: Versatile, Lightweight, and Ready for Action

I recently had the chance to try out the High Speed Gear AO Chest Rig and I must say, it's a game-changer. The rig's front panel is meticulously crafted to provide an excellent three-row, eight-column layout of PALS webbing, which made organizing and storing my gear a breeze.
One feature that truly stood out was the side openings. They allowed me to quickly store paperwork, maps, and even a water bottle - making it perfect for an outdoor adventure. The carry handle sewn into the top was a lifesaver, especially when I needed to grab and go in a hurry.
What I appreciated most, however, was High Speed Gear's small H-harness included with the chest rig. It evenly distributed the weight, providing me with a level of comfort that I hadn't experienced with other small chest rigs.
I particularly liked adding the three Taco Magazine Pouches and a Bleeder Blowout Kit, turning this rig into the perfect setup for my outdoor excursions. The HSGI H-harness and the chest rig's construction made it the ideal choice for someone looking for a solid, reliable, and user-friendly product. High Speed Gear has certainly earned its reputation as a trusted brand, designing gear that performs exceptionally well in terms of comfort, functionality, and versatility, no matter the user's needs.

Buyer's Guide

A chest rig with pouches is an essential piece of equipment for any outdoor enthusiast or professional. It allows you to carry all the necessary gear and supplies conveniently and securely while keeping your hands free. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss the key features, considerations, and general advice for choosing the right chest rig with pouches to meet your specific needs.

Materials and Durability

One of the most important factors to consider when purchasing a chest rig with pouches is the materials used. Look for durable, lightweight materials such as nylon or Cordura. These materials are resistant to wear and tear and can withstand the rigors of outdoor use. Moreover, the stitching should be strong and reinforced for added durability.


Adjointability is a crucial factor to consider when choosing a chest rig with pouches. A good chest rig should offer a perfect fit that is both comfortable and adjustable. Look for models with adjustable straps, waist belts, and shoulder pads to ensure a snug, secure fit. This will help distribute the weight evenly and prevent the chest rig from bouncing or shifting during movement.

Pouch Design and Configuration

The number, size, and configuration of pouches are essential factors to consider when purchasing a chest rig with pouches. Different pouches serve various purposes, such as carrying extra ammunition, water bottles, maps, or other gear. Look for a chest rig with the right balance of pouches to accommodate your specific needs. Additionally, consider the accessibility of the pouches, ensuring they are easy to open and close quickly.


Weight and Balance

When selecting a chest rig with pouches, consider the overall weight and balance. A well-designed chest rig should distribute the weight evenly across the chest, shoulders, and waist. This will help prevent strain and fatigue during prolonged use. Moreover, consider the balance of the chest rig, ensuring it does not lean too far forward or backward.

MOLLE Webbing

MOLLE (Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment) webbing is a standard attachment system used in many chest rigs and tactical gear. It allows for easy customization and adaptation of the chest rig to different carry configurations. Look for chest rigs with MOLLE webbing, as it will provide you with the flexibility to attach additional equipment as needed.

Brand and Reputation

When choosing a chest rig with pouches, consider the brand's reputation and customer reviews. Trusted brands typically offer high-quality, reliable products with excellent customer service. Additionally, customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the product's performance, durability, and overall satisfaction.


Finally, consider your budget when purchasing a chest rig with pouches. While more expensive models may offer higher quality and advanced features, there are still excellent options available at more budget-friendly prices. Determine your budget and research models within that range to find the best chest rig with pouches for your needs.
By considering these factors, such as materials and durability, adjustability, pouch design and configuration, weight and balance, MOLLE webbing, brand and reputation, and budget, you will be better equipped to choose the right chest rig with pouches to meet your specific needs. Remember to always try on the chest rig before purchasing and test its features and fit to ensure complete satisfaction.
Now that you have a better understanding of what to look for in a chest rig with pouches, you are ready to make an informed decision and find the perfect one for your outdoor adventures.



What is a chest rig with pouches?

A chest rig with pouches is a type of tactical gear designed for carrying various items such as ammunition, medical supplies, and other essential gear. It sits on the chest and is typically worn under body armor, providing quick and easy access to these items.

What are the benefits of using a chest rig with pouches?

The benefits of using a chest rig with pouches include improved organization, easier access to gear, reduced burden on the user, and the ability to distribute weight across the body more evenly.

What are some features to look for in a chest rig with pouches?

  • Durability: The gear should be made of strong, high-quality materials that can withstand rough usage.
  • Adjustability: The chest rig should be adjustable to fit different body types and to accommodate varying gear loads.
  • Comfort: The gear should be designed to be worn comfortably for extended periods.
  • Storage capacity: The number and size of pouches should be adequate for the user's needs.
  • Ease of use: The gear should be easy to operate, with quick-release or snap-lock mechanisms for easy access to the stored gear.

How do I choose the right chest rig with pouches?

Choose the right chest rig with pouches by considering the following factors:
  • Your specific needs: Identify the type and amount of gear you need to carry.
  • Comfort: Ensure the gear fits well and is comfortable to wear.
  • Durability: Select a chest rig made of high-quality, durable materials.
  • Adjustability: Look for a chest rig that can be easily adjusted to fit your needs.

Can I use the chest rig with pouches for other purposes besides tactical use?

Yes, a chest rig with pouches can also be used for outdoor activities such as hiking, hunting, or camping, as well as for carrying photography or communication equipment.
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2024.05.20 09:12 GuiltlessMaple Best Cheap Molle Pouches

Best Cheap Molle Pouches

If you're in search of affordable and versatile gear to keep your supplies organized, look no further than our roundup of the best Cheap Molle Pouches. These pouches provide the perfect solution for storing your essential gear while on the go. Read on to discover our top picks and learn why these pouches are a must-have for your next adventure. Prepare yourself for excellent value and exceptional performance with our Cheap Molle Pouches review.

The Top 9 Best Cheap Molle Pouches

  1. Versatile Tactical Pouch for Gear Storage on MOLLE Webbing - Savior Equipment's SP-9X5MOL-PLAIN-TN tactical pouch offers durable and versatile storage for your gear, with MOLLE-ready attachment that fits battle belts, vests, and more.
  2. Molle Utility Pouch for Tactical Gear Storage - Upgrade your EDC with the versatile and customizable WYNEX Tactical Molle Utility Pouch, perfect for storing essential tools and adding a touch of style.
  3. WYNEX Molle Admin Pouch: Versatile Tri-Fold Tactical Tool Pouch for Outdoor Adventures and Wilderness Survival - Stay organized and secure with the versatile WYNEX Tactical Molle Admin Pouch, featuring removable MOLLE straps and a tri-fold foldable design for convenience and compatibility on various tactical systems.
  4. Multi-Purpose Admin Pouch with MOLLE System - The Atwilltap Tactical Molle Horizontal Admin Pouch is a versatile and durable essential gear pouch designed for camping, hiking, and emergency medical situations, with multiple colors available and compatible with molle systems.
  5. Durable MOLLE Pocket for Tactical Gear - Secure and organized access with the Chase Tactical Folding Admin MOLLE Pouch - lightweight, zipper mesh pocket, and versatile ample storage for military and law enforcement use.
  6. Military-Grade Tactical Molle Pouch for Outdoor Gear and Survival - The ProCase Tactical Admin Molle Pouch is a versatile and durable outdoor gear storage solution, featuring a MOLLE system for easy attachment and three interior pockets for customizable organization, perfect for hikers, campers, and survivalists.
  7. MOLLE-Compatible Mini Tactical Utility Pouch for EDC - This compact tactical Molle pouch is perfect for EDC items and offers easy access with its two-way zippers, making it an essential addition to any backpack or vest.
  8. Lightning X Premium Nylon MOLLE Accessory Pouch - Experience the ultimate versatility and organization with the Lightning X Products Premium Nylon MOLLE Pouch, designed for IFAK use and seamlessly attaching to any MOLLE platform.
  9. Dual-Action Harness and Utility Pouch Kit for Adventure - The WYNEX Tactical Molle Admin Pouch offers ultimate organization, featuring a combination of a combat suspender and admin pouch, ideal for various activities and convenient carrying of handguns and essential tools.
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🔗Versatile Tactical Pouch for Gear Storage on MOLLE Webbing

This tactical pouch from Savior Equipment is a game-changer for those of us who just can't seem to keep up with the gear clutter. Constructed with a 600D heavy-duty industrial PVC shell, it's definitely the unsung hero of my kit. You can just throw in all your extra items, and it's ready to strap onto your tactical backpack or vest.
It's so lightweight, I barely feel the difference when I've got the pouch on. Not only does it provide additional storage space, but its rows of double-stitched MOLLE also allow me to bring other accessories as needed. The versatility of this pouch just can't be overstated.
I love the fact that I can attach it onto any MOLLE webbing, tactical backpack, vest, or battle belt. It gives me the peace of mind that comes with knowing I'm ready for anything. Overall, it's a reliable addition to your tactical gear, and it makes it super convenient to have more carrying options.

🔗Molle Utility Pouch for Tactical Gear Storage

I recently came across the WYNEX Tactical Multi-Purpose Molle Admin Pouch and it's been a game-changer for my everyday carry needs. The laser-cut front and loop material allow for endless customization options, whether it's adding your favorite patches, mounting additional MOLLE gear, or showcasing your tactical ID.
One of the best features of this pouch is that it can easily be attached to a variety of MOLLE/PALS systems, making it incredibly versatile. Not only is it perfect for your everyday bag or backpack, but it's also great for outdoor activities and travels. I particularly love the premium and durable copper snaps that keep my gear secure.
However, I do notice that the space inside the pouch could be a bit more spacious to accommodate larger items. Still, this small pouch is a valuable addition to anyone's EDC gear. Overall, I'd recommend giving the WYNEX Tactical Multi-Purpose Molle Admin Pouch a try. It's a functional and stylish way to keep your everyday carry organized.

🔗WYNEX Molle Admin Pouch: Versatile Tri-Fold Tactical Tool Pouch for Outdoor Adventures and Wilderness Survival

During my quest for a durable and versatile pouch to organize my EDC essentials, I stumbled upon the WYNEX Tactical Molle Admin Pouch. This Molle-compatible pouch proved to be everything I needed and more.
Upon first glance, I was drawn to the removable MOLLE straps which allowed me to easily attach it to various Molle systems or tactical bags. This feature provided me with the convenience of consolidating all my pocket-carried items in one central location.
The laminated shell design of the pouch caught my attention too. By using strings to adjust the angle of the closure, I could easily transform the pouch into a chest-mounted desk or fully open it for optimal gear loading.
In terms of organization, the pouch offered one zipper compartment and one large compartment. This combination allowed me to securely store multiple items such as maps, knives, and flashlights. Additionally, elastic loops and instrument holders within the pouch catered to a plethora of tools, making it perfect for outdoor sports or wilderness survival.
One downside I noticed was the weight of the pouch, which came in at around 0.85 pounds. However, the high-quality 1000D Nylon material assured me that the pouch would withstand the test of time.
Overall, the WYNEX Tactical Molle Admin Pouch exceeded my expectations in terms of organization, versatility, and durability. Despite the added weight, I highly recommend this pouch for anyone seeking a practical and reliable Molle-compatible solution to manage their EDC essentials.

🔗Multi-Purpose Admin Pouch with MOLLE System

When I first laid eyes on the Atwilltap Tactical Molle Pouch, it was love at first sight. Its sleek design and versatile nature caught my attention immediately. I decided to test it out during a camping trip and was pleasantly surprised by how seamlessly it fit into my outdoor gear.
Being a tactical pouch, it was a perfect size to carry all my essential tools like a flashlight, multi-tool, and compass. The pouch was sturdy enough to keep these items secure during my trek. The MOLLE system made it easy to attach to my belt or tactical backpack, ensuring I was always prepared for any situation.
However, while the pouch was large enough for its purpose, it lacked any internal organization. This made it a challenge to find specific items when I needed them. Additionally, it would have been great to have more color options available, as I prefer to match my gear colors.
Overall, the Atwilltap Tactical Molle Pouch is a handy and functional tool pouch for outdoor enthusiasts. With a few minor adjustments, it could be even better.

🔗Durable MOLLE Pocket for Tactical Gear

Last week, I had the chance to try out the Chase Tactical Folding Admin Molle Pouch. It's a game-changer for anyone who needs easy access to their essentials. The fold-down design is perfect for critical items, and it's super lightweight. I particularly love the zipper mesh compartment - it's incredibly useful for storing and organizing smaller items.
The MOLLE webbing is a bonus, making it perfect for securing to various tactical gear. This pouch can be used by so many professionals, like combat trainees, medical professionals, military personnel, and law enforcement. The added security of the Velcro and internal tie-down points is a great feature for keeping your items safe on the go.
Overall, I've been incredibly impressed with this Chase Tactical pouch. It's well-made, functional, and stylish, making it a must-have for anyone on the go.

🔗Military-Grade Tactical Molle Pouch for Outdoor Gear and Survival

When I first set my eyes on the ProCase Tactical Admin Molle Pouch, I knew it was going to be a versatile tool for all my outdoor adventures. This pouch stood out to me because of its good size, providing enough space to store a variety of items like my walkie talkie, ammo, GPS device, and more.
The high-quality 600D Oxford fabric used in its construction impressed me, making it both durable and water-resistant, ensuring my gear stays safe from the elements. I loved that it's lightweight, yet sturdy, allowing me to carry it with ease without worrying about it tearing apart.
One of the things that made this pouch even more useful was its multi-functional nature. With three interior pockets, I could easily create my own EDC kit, or even a survival kit. Additionally, the MOLLE carrying system made it easy to attach the pouch to various MOLLE platforms like my backpack, vest, or waist.
Although I found the front Velcro for patches convenient, the two-way zipper sometimes seemed a bit cumbersome. Nonetheless, the large size of the pouch allowed me to accommodate a wide array of gears, making it a worthy companion for hikers, campers, survivalists, and outdoorsmen like myself. Overall, the ProCase Tactical Admin Molle Pouch exceeded my expectations and proved to be a valuable addition to my outdoor gear collection.

🔗MOLLE-Compatible Mini Tactical Utility Pouch for EDC

I recently tried this compact EDC tool pouch and it quickly became one of my favorite on-the-go accessories. The Molle system allowed me to easily attach it to different gear, making it perfect for use in camping, hiking, and any other outdoor adventures.
I particularly loved the main pocket, which had two-way zippers that made it easy to open. Plus, the mini side buckle strap allowed quick access without fully opening the pouch. With a total of five pockets, there was enough room to carry all the essentials, and the mesh inside was great for organizing smaller items.
However, it's worth mentioning that the pouch is a mini version of a three-day assault backpack, which might not be enough space for everyone's needs. Also, while the compact size is perfect for outdoor activities, it may not be the most discreet option for everyday carry.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I found this EDC tool pouch to be an excellent addition to my gear collection. Its versatility and utility made it a reliable companion on my adventures, and the numerous color options allowed me to match it to my taste.

🔗Lightning X Premium Nylon MOLLE Accessory Pouch

The Lightning x Products Premium Nylon MOLLE Pouch is a sturdy accessory designed to carry various supplies for an IFAK or similar use. Its rear features thick double layer webbing bars that can attach to any MOLLE platform, while the front has webbing loops and a hook and loop patch for customization.
A mesh pocket, a fully enclosed zippered pocket, and a drainage grommet are also included. The pouch's unique design allows for a 90-degree angle when open, making it easy to access and secure.
The top has a comfortable handle and two D-ring loops, making this MOLLE pouch a versatile and practical companion for outdoor adventures.

🔗Dual-Action Harness and Utility Pouch Kit for Adventure

I recently came across the WYNEX Tactical Molle Admin Pouch in my daily life, and it's been nothing short of a game changer for my organization and storage needs. When I first took it out of the package, the combat suspender and admin pouch set felt well-built and sturdy, making me confident it would last me a long time.
One of the features that stood out to me was the functional ultimate organization of this pouch. It's incredibly versatile and allows me to keep all my essential small items within reach. I particularly enjoyed the front compartment, which has a 7" x 10.5" vinyl sleeve for maps or documents. The horizontal elastic loops on the back of the pouch were also a great addition, as they made it easy to take and store things like glow sticks, tactical pens, and flashlights.
Another great aspect was the front laser-cut hook & loop Molle/PALS system. It's been fantastic for storing additional tools, mounting patches, customizing the pouch, and adding tactical ID. The free U. S. A flag patch even makes the pouch more conspicuous and stylish.
The WYNEX Admin Pouch made from 1000D Nylon measures 25.5cm*19cm*9cm/10"*7.5"*3.5". The paracord inside can be adjusted to accommodate a chest-mounted platform or fully open. In my experience, this pouch has been great for a variety of usage scenarios, including construction sites, wild jungle adventures, and mountain biking.
Overall, I'm extremely pleased with the WYNEX Tactical Molle Admin Pouch. It's a great product with a combination of features that fit various needs. The only downside was that the pouch is a bit snug on the Molle system, which can be a bit annoying when trying to remove it. But, overall, this is a great addition to my daily life that I would recommend to anyone in need of a well-organized storage solution.

Buyer's Guide

If you're looking for versatile, affordable, and stylish pouches, then cheap Molle pouches are the perfect choice. These pouches are designed to fit into Molle systems, offering a wide variety of storage and carrying options. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss the essential features, considerations, and advice related to cheap Molle pouches, helping you make an informed decision when purchasing.

Quality and Durability

An important factor when choosing cheap Molle pouches is their quality and durability. These pouches should be made from strong, wear-resistant materials and be able to withstand daily wear without tearing or breaking down. The stitching should also be strong and secure to ensure the pouch maintains its shape over time.

Size and Capacity

Molle pouches come in various sizes to suit different storage needs. You should consider the intended use of the pouch and the items you wish to carry to determine the appropriate size. Larger pouches are suitable for carrying bulky items, such as water bottles or first-aid kits, while smaller pouches are perfect for holding essential items like maps, compasses, or a multitool.

Material Compatibility

Molle pouches are designed to fit into Molle systems, which are commonly found on military backpacks, vests, and belt systems. Ensure the pouches you choose are compatible with your Molle system to achieve a secure fit and optimal functionality. You should also verify that the pouches are available in the Molle grid size required for your system.


Pricing and Value for Money

Affordability is a significant factor when choosing cheap Molle pouches. However, it's essential not to compromise on quality to save a few dollars. Look for pouches that offer good value for money, without sacrificing essential features or durability. Comparing prices and features from various sellers can help you find the best deal.

Brand Reputation

While cheap Molle pouches might not carry a well-known brand name, it's still essential to purchase from a reputable seller. This ensures you're getting a quality product and helps protect your purchase from any potential warranty or returns issues.

User Reviews and Feedback

Before making a purchase, it's always helpful to read through user reviews and feedback. This provides valuable insights into the actual performance and durability of the pouches, helping you make an informed decision.
When choosing cheap Molle pouches, it's essential to consider factors such as quality, durability, size, compatibility, pricing, brand reputation, and user reviews. By doing so, you can ensure you're getting an affordable, reliable, and functional solution for your storage needs.


What are Molle Pouches?

Molle (pronounced MOH-lay) pouches are modular lightweight load-carrying equipment pouches. They are designed to be attached to MOLLE (MODULAR LIGHTWEIGHT LOAD-CARRYING EQUIPMENT) compatible vest, backpacks, and other gear. Molle pouches offer versatility in organizing and carrying various items like ammunition, medical supplies, and other gear.


Why are these Molle Pouches considered cheap?

These Molle pouches are considered cheap due to their affordable pricing and their high quality. They are designed to be budget-friendly while offering the same functionality as more expensive options. The prices on these pouches are quite competitive with other manufacturers.

What types of Molle Pouches are available?

  • Small gear pouches - designed to hold ammunition, batteries, or other small items
  • Medium gear pouches - larger in size, good for holding first-aid kits, radio equipment, or more significant items
  • Large gear pouches - available for storage of larger equipment such as hydration bladders or tactical accessories

What material should I look for in a cheap Molle Pouch?

When searching for a cheap Molle Pouch, you should look for high-quality nylon or military-grade canvas. These materials are durable and long-lasting, making them great choices for Molle Pouches. Nylon is lightweight and easy to maintain, while canvas is incredibly durable and resistant to wear and tear.

Where can I find the best cheap Molle Pouches?

Some of the best places to find cheap Molle Pouches include online stores, military surplus shops, and gun and ammunition retailers. You can also check out websites specializing in outdoor and tactical gear for options.

How do I attach Molle Pouches to my gear?

MOLLE pouches use attachment loops, called PALS (Pouch Attachment Ladder System) that connect to the Molle webbing on the gear. The attachment is simple and straightforward, just align the loops with the Molle webbing and securely snap them together.

Can I modify or customize Molle Pouches?

Yes, some Molle pouches can be easily modified or customized. You can add, remove, or rearrange the internal pockets or even add additional PALS webbing to create more attachment points. Check with the manufacturer for specific details or consult with a tactical gear expert to ensure modifications are possible and safe.

How do I maintain and care for my cheap Molle Pouches?

Maintaining Molle pouches is simple. Regular cleaning, especially if the material is exposed to dirt and dust, will keep them in good condition. Make sure to avoid washing pouches in strong detergent or bleach and use mild soap to maintain the waterproof coating if present. Always dry them out before storing. For more detailed maintenance tips, you can consult the manufacturer.
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2024.05.20 08:04 submissivekitty2828 PSA: We have far more concrete dates than people let on.

At one point I was thinking about the timeline of FNaF, and decided to write out every concrete date we have. The dates we know for certain are:
And doing this made me realize something. With the number of dates we have, a lot of people are just guessing instead of working around them. Most notably, the reuse of certain weekdays/months can help us understand dates that aren't confirmed. For example:
Now that we've covered every possible point from the Clickteam games, let's take this information and form a timeline. Please note that not all of the specifics will be agreed upon, but I believe the general dates are correct.
And that's it. This post took me all day writing out and double-checking to make sure I didn't get anything incorrect, but I'm sure there are a few typos or inconsistencies and that there are pieces of information I've missed. After all, no one knows all the answers about FNaF except Scott himself, and even Scott makes mistakes. But I feel confident in this and hope that it leaves some sort of impact.
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