Funny things to write birthday card

This Isn't Who We Are

2017.10.23 22:11 chongoshaun This Isn't Who We Are

Does it piss you off when someone gets caught doing something wrong, and during their 'Mea Culpa' they utter the most ridiculous phrase ever... "This isn't me" or "This is not who I am". Does it drive you crazy like it drives us crazy? Well then, WELCOME! CLEARLY IT IS WHO YOU ARE! YOU DID IT!

2013.01.24 15:13 KarmaAndLies Shit Americans Say

Shit Americans Say: we can't make it up.

2010.07.02 05:48 geoviedo Spider-Man

The subreddit for the Marvel character, Spider-Man

2024.05.21 15:43 Nervous-Tax4592 Yesterday was a great day...

Yesterday was a great day...
The biggest publisher in Serbia brought Steven Erikson as a special guest for an Epic Fantasy convention. He was there for 4 days, during which he held panels, Q&A, book signings...
He was his usual self, characteristic and charismatic, serious and prepared for every comment, question, remark you throw his way.
We were told he was gonna sign books, so I took two dearest ones with me.
I was there one hour earlier, to get the best seats possible and WITNESS the great, for the first time ever.
I have been amazed by many different people in my life so far: actors, sportsmen, directors, writers...but no one comes close to Mr. Steve Rune Lundin himself. There is something about his style of writing, his characters and ideas, that makes me think I will NEVER adore another series as much as I do Malazan.
Back to the event:
He came to a big applause. The bookstore is not a big one, but surely one of the biggest ones we have in Belgrade. As soon as he showed up, people formed a line and the man signed those books for one hour and a half.
I regret to say, but some people brought all 10 books for him to sign. I could not believe my eyes. He made two short pauses and signed those books away without complains.
He did his best to speak to every person that brought his book. I was fifth to sit down next to him and have him sign my books, and I was very nervous and awe-struck. Didn't really have a plan to speak to him anything other than sincere THANK YOU, but he was the one who started commenting on the editions I brought. You will see in the photos.
He liked the original cover that it took me ages to find, but he was clear he does not like the red, hardcover one, with mysterious couple. I even asked him if it was Paran or Whiskeyjack, and he told me he did not know. Then he proceeded to complain that writers get no say in the matter, and I just nodded in agreement.
The best thing is, the guy that I asked to take a couple of photos of the two of us, actually filmed the entire conversation. My favorite video to day, ever made, needless to say.
After the signing, we got to ask him a couple of questions. Around hundred people were in the room. That's about the capacity of the bookstore-venue.
There were no spoilers.
My question was about Malazan universe, how many books would there be. He told me he does not really know, but for sure there will be another prequel (Light-related), and instead of Witness trilogy containing 3 books, there will be 4 actually.
He spoke about the power of AI, gave his opinion on it. Also, someone asked him about the writing process, his past as a young writer, influences, the usual stuff.
At the end, he thanked us, and proceeded to play D&D in a dice arena above the bookstore. People that went there told me they were honestly surprised by how simple and friendly he can be in a conversation with regular person.
My day that started by me almost being fired, then entering a huge traffic jam, going sweaty and nervous, ended with a memory I will forever take with me: I got to meet the greatest person I admire.
submitted by Nervous-Tax4592 to Malazan [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:43 Glad_Pack2436 EAE Help

Hi everyone, I am a sec 4 and I wanna apply eae for IT course in nyp. I'm not a coder who's that experienced, I only made some Roblox cheats before and even that I made it from watching planning to just make a basic app like a calculator or something for my portfolio since that's probably the only thing I can accomplish. Is something like that really enough for me to get accepted in the eae? My ECG counsellor said my write up is fine. It's just I'm now thinking wether it's worth it to pour in the hardwork to make a app that seems basic but still takes effort and time for me since I'm not really a super expert coder. If I do the thing and not get accepted it's a waste of time. I mean there are people who are like super good at it and got awards at competition and stuff applying so is it really possible for someone like me to get it. Pls advise everyone, thanks.
submitted by Glad_Pack2436 to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:42 prolelol Finally watched the Cars movies for the first time! Here are my thoughts on them.

Cars (2006): This is the first time I've ever seen the movie, so I didn't feel any nostalgia value, but I thought it was really fun overall. Refreshing and visually stunning!
The plot is quite fantastic so it definitely hits my emotions, and it gets better as the story develops. The animation quality is simply excellent and gorgeous, with all sorts of beautiful details everywhere you look. I also really enjoyed the car characters and their designs. Lightning trying to help The King finish the race made me cry. I also loved the Monsters, Inc. reference.
Honestly, a good movie overall! 7.5 out of 10.
Cars 2 (2011): I enjoyed the first film, it was something special. This one, however, feels like it fails in so many ways.
The animation quality and its details are nice and all, but the plot about the British spy is a complete mess and doesn't almost have any part of the story that I cared for. The weak scenario makes it even worse. This movie feels like it has only two original characters, but we got more screen time for Mater than for Lightning. It's not that I don't enjoy Mater, but it should be about them together because they shared a lot of fun moments together in the first film. They barely shared scenes together in this movie, which was a problem for me.
Honestly, I felt I just kept watching it minute by minute without being overly entertained. Not much of a fan of this one, and it's quickly becoming my least favorite Pixar film so far.
The funny thing is, I've watched all the episodes from Mater's Tall Tales, which take only between 2-7 minutes, and most of these episodes actually had more potential for being feature films than this one. 5.5 out of 10.
Cars 3 (2017): Despite all the hate it got, I had a great time watching it. I found it entertaining and a significant improvement over Cars 2.
The visuals are wonderful and smooth, honestly feeling almost realistic and giving me GTA vibes, and that's definitely a highlight for me. The plot is also pretty good, and the ending is satisfying too. It didn't evoke strong emotions, I admit, but I enjoyed it because of the great visuals, animation style, and well-crafted plot. That's a plus.
Overall, people probably expected it to be a masterpiece, given that it was released over a decade after the first film, but honestly, it's just a fun ride. And that's what matters in the end. 7 out of 10.
I'm excited to be new here, and I'm curious if people love Cars 2 and 3?
submitted by prolelol to Pixar [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:42 MyInnerCulture Living Well With Chiari - Without Surgery - Untethering / What do we get out of being sick?

Hello...again. I'm still crusading with everything that has helped me live (mostly) Chiari symptom free for many years, and the next idea I want to share is uncomfortable. It won't feel good to read but if you think it doesn't relate to you I promise you--it relates to everyone and anyone who has a chronic condition or is sick in any way.
Little info about me:
Type 1 Chiari, 20mm. Diagnosed 2016; surgery was offered but not taken. My primary symptom was/occasionally is debilitating head pain from strain/pressure.
Links to my previous posts on the subject:
Living Well With Chiari - Without Surgery
Take a Life Inventory
Reducing Triggers
Improving Overall Health
Don’t hate me for asking, but…what do you get out of being sick?
No one consciously likes being sick. No one longs for the skull-splitting pain that can accompany a Chiari malformation. No one relishes dizzy spells and nausea and eye sensitivity and poor coordination or the other twenty dozen symptoms that our doctors may or may not take seriously, that there may or may not be treatment for, and that may or may not rule our lives BUT with every illness there is always some kind of advantage.
At my worst, Chiari was the BEST at getting me out of things. Excruciating pain excused me from everything. Family gatherings, friend parties, work events…cleaning the house, taking care of myself, or doing anything other than watching TV and drinking wine. I didn’t have to do SHIT. Because I couldn’t. And the Chiari was permission to give no fucks what anyone else wanted or needed or how they felt about my withdrawal from life. It was the ultimate get-out-of-jail-free card.
I mean, I was miserable…but I was basking in that misery.
I was in so much pain I couldn’t think about how to live better. I couldn’t worry about such things as my weight or the future of my writing or how filthy my floors were. I was barely living. And it was awful.
It was also a way out.

i was a sick person.

To my core, that was me: SICK. I didn’t realize how bad it was until my husband—who never gets a cold—complained of a virus and my internal dialogue went something like this: What? He thinks he’s sick? What a laugh! He’s not sick. NOBODY is sick like me.
I owned illness above all else. I hated it, but it was MINE. Every coughing fit, every spike of head pain, every wall I stumbled into, every night I cried myself to sleep. Being sick was who I became.
And I would never get well until I stopped being a sick person.
The Chiari had its sneaky tendrils snaked into every facet of my life, like we were woven together in a most elaborate tapestry of illness and pain. To begin healing, I had to untether from it. I had to separate myself from every Chiari strand until every fiber of my being was free.
If it sounds metaphorical, it’s not. It’s literal and simple (though seldom easy). Every time Chiari became a thought or an excuse, that was my cue to change the dialogue. For example, when I was contemplating changing jobs, I remembered my brief stint as a bartender in 2011 and immediately my brain said: I can’t do that anymore; what if I have a coughing fit behind the bar? Limiting beliefs running rampant in my brain needed to get shut down and rewritten into something more supportive, like: I would love to work with animals or in nature. That’s the kind of job I should be looking for!
In that kind of rewrite, I’m not denying that I might encounter pain or discomfort, but I’m choosing not to let pain or discomfort be the focus or run the show. Instead of looking at what I don’t want to experience, I’m putting my attention on the things that I do.
More than changing my thoughts, I had to stop using Chiari as an excuse to get out of living…and everything else…which meant showing up one minute at a time in all the places that I used to avoid, being present with all the people and situations the Chiari had shielded me from.

if i wanted to live without its pain, i also had to live without its protection.

Now, it’s true that there are plenty of legitimate physical limitations that accompany illnesses, Chiari included, but the problem comes when you talk yourself out of anything and everything because of them. I could get out of bed, I just chose not to. I could show up in life, I just chose not to. I could write a book or clean my house or have a kid…I just chose not to.
Or, rather, the Chiari chose for me.
Pandering to Chiari’s whims wasn’t limited to thoughts. It was in every decision I made, every choice to live small, every act to hide and shut down. It was in the purse that I carried (will it fit a water bottle to stave off a coughing fit?), the places that I went (can’t go there, the air in that store is guaranteed to tickle my lungs), the way I spent my time (I can’t visit those friends…I’ll have too much fun and want to laugh and laughing hurts so my head so much), and plans for the future (how can I have children when I can’t even take care of myself?).
Untethering from Chiari took work. And it’s still ongoing. Most of the ways that I have used Chiari to limit myself have been eradicated. My life, as a result, looks vastly different than it did in 2016 at the height of the pain. Today I’m a stay at home mom with a son, I have energy, I take Zumba classes, I write every day, my fiction has been produced by podcasts, I spend time outdoors every day, I laugh (sometimes it still hurts), I go into stores (sometimes) without bottles of water, I don’t drink wine every night (I don’t need to), and I’m free from the anxiety and depression that was once as crippling as the head pain that I only seldom experience. I am living.
If there’s one strand that I haven’t untethered from yet, it’s the fear around getting sick. I am terrified of being around sick people. I can’t even blame COVID, though it certainly contributed to the anxiety. I don’t know if I’ll ever be comfortable with someone coughing in my vicinity, knowing how bad it will hurt my head if I catch whatever they’re hacking up, and I don’t know if it’s necessarily a bad thing to keep my distance when I know someone is sick (I mean, shouldn’t we be doing that anyway?) but I’m trying to be less afraid. Or, at least, I’m trying to be less of a jerk about it when that fear takes over and people don’t understand why their cold is literally my kryptonite.
What I don’t do is use Chiari as an excuse to get out of living. I show up every day in every way and life keeps getting better. Bigger. Chiari Free.
submitted by MyInnerCulture to chiari [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:41 FeatherSim rule

rule submitted by FeatherSim to 197 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:41 Linuxologue VFIO success: Linux host, Windows or MacOS guest with NVMe+Ethernet+GPU passthrough

After much work, I finally got a system running without issue (knock on wood) where I can pass a GPU, Ethernet device and NVMe disk to the guest. Obviously, the tricky part was to pass the GPU as everything else went pretty easily. All defvices are released to the host when the VM is not running it.
Hardware: - Z790 AORUS Elite AX - 14900K intel with integrated GPU - Radeon 6600 - I also have an NVidia card but it's not passed through
Host: - Linux Debian testing - Wayland (running on the Intel GPU) - Kernel 6.7.12 - None of the devices are managed through the vfio-pci driver, they are managed by the native NVMe/realtek/amdgpu drivers. Libvirt takes care of disconnecting the devices before the VM is started, and reconnects them after the VM shuts off. - I have set up internet through wireless and wired. Both are available to the host but one of them is disconnected when passed through to the guest. This is transparent as Linux will fall back on Wifi when the ethernet card is unbound.
I have two monitors and they are connected to the Intel GPU. I use the Intel GPU to drive the desktop (Plasma 5). The same monitors are also connected to the AMD GPU so I can switch from the host to the VM by switching monitor input. When no VM is running, everything runs from the Intel GPU, which means the dedicated graphic cards consume very very little (the AMDGPU driver reports 3W, the NVidia driver reports 7W), fans are not running and the computer temperature is below 40 degrees (Celsius)
I can use the AMD card on the host by using DRI_PRIME=pci-0000_0a_00_0 %command% for OpenGL applications. I can use the NVidia card by running __NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia %command% . Vulkan, OpenCL and Cuda also see the card without setting any environment variable (there might be env variables to set the prefered device though)
This was quite a lot of trial and error. I made a lot of changes to make this work so I can't be sure everything in there is necessary, but here is how I finally got macOS to use the passed through GPU: - I have the GPU on host bus 0a:00.0 and pass it on address 00:0a.0 (notice bus 0 again, otherwise the card is not visible) - Audio is also captured from 0a:00.1 to 00:0a.1 - I dumped the vbios from the Windows guest, sent it to the host through ssh (kind of ironic) so I can pass it to the host - Debian uses apparmor and the KVM processes are quite shielded, so I moved the vbios to a directory that is allowlisted (/usshare/OVMF/) kind of dirty but works. - In the host BIOS, it seems I had to disable resizable BAR, above 4G decoding and above 4G MMIO. I am not 100% sure that was necessary, will reboot soon to test. - the Linux dumped vbios didn't work, I have no idea why. The vbios dumped from Linux didn't have the same size at all, so I am not sure what happened. - macOS device type is set to iMacPro1,1 - The QXL card needs to be deleted (and the spice viewer too) otherwise macOS is confused. macOS is very easily confused. - I had to disable some things in the config.plist: I removed all Brcm Kexts (fro broadcom devices) but added the Realtek kext instead, disabled the AGPMInjector. Added agdpmod=pikera in boot-args.
After a lot of issues, macOS finally showed up on the dedicated card.
When passing through the AMD gpu to the guest, I ran into a multitude of issues: - the host Wayland crashes (kwin in my case) when the device is unbound. Seems to be a KWin bug (at least KWin5) since the crash did not happen under wayfire. That does not prevent the VM from running anyway, but kind of annoying as KWin takes all programs with it when it dies. - Since I have cables connected, kwin seems to want to use those screens which is silly, they are the same as the ones connected to the intel GPU - When reattaching the device to the host, I often had kernel errors ( ) which means the host needs to be rebooted (makes it very easy to find what's wrong with macOS passthrough...)
All of that can be fixed by forcing the AMD card to be bound to the vfio-pci driver at boot, which has several downsides: - The host cannot see the card - The host cannot put the card in D3cold mode - The host uses more power (and higher temperature) than the native amdgpu driver I did not want to do that as it'd increase power consumption.
I did find a fix for all of that though: - add export KWIN_DRM_DEVICES=/dev/dri/card0 in /etc/environment to force kwin to ignore the other cards (OpenGL, Vulkan and OpenCL still work, it's just KWin that is ignoring them). That fixes the kwin crash. - pass the following arguments on the command line: video=efifb:off video=DP-3:d video=DP-4:d (replace DP-x with whatever outputs are connected on the AMD card, use for p in /sys/class/drm/*/status; do con=${p%/status}; echo -n "${con#*/card?-}: "; cat $p; done to discover them) - ensure everything is applied by updating the initrd/initramfs and grub or systemd-boot. - The kernel gives new errors: [ 524.030841] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes [drm_kms_helper]] *ERROR* No EDID found on connector: DP-3. but that does not sound alarming at all.
After rebooting, make sure the AMD gpu is absolutely not used by running lsmod grep amdgpu . Also, sensors is showing me the power consumption is 3W and the temperature is very low. Boot a guest, shut it down, and the AMD gpu should be safely returned to the host.
WHAT DOES NOT WORK: due to the KWin crash and the AMDGPU crash, it's unfortunately not possible to use a screen on the host then pass that screen to the guest (Wayland/Kwin is ALMOST able to do that). In case you have dual monitors, it'd be really cool to have the right screen connected to the host then passed to the guest through the AMDGPU. But nope. It seems very important that all outputs of the GPU are disabled on the host.
submitted by Linuxologue to VFIO [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:41 Least_Morning2698 Isn't MBTI draining?

I wonder if someone on this sub have similar thoughts about it, but i find mbti more and more psychically draining for couple of reasons and some are connected strictly to our personality type, so it seems more comfortable and proper to write about it on INFP sub, cause i think we might carry this burden together.
Firstly it is how some users take mbti tests to their hearts despite of its low scientific credibility and try their hardest to fit into the stereotype of their type to not be called "fake" or smth. Sometimes it follows entitlement over other types that are not as "powerful" personas as them, which is bananas, i have no other words for it. When it comes to this i tried to ignore it and don't care+didn't ask, but when you see it often, it gives just irritation and cringe.
I know it's not a great discovery to tell, but how limiting it is to see other people as types, when everyone is a complex being? It may seem helpful at first, cause someone from the outside suggests who you are and who are you compatible with, but it's still just a stereotype based on a theory, a bubble. You're not your functions, others aren't either. Some time ago i've seen a post from mbti, that speaks about it in more detailed way, i will link it here:
Other reason is how the INFPs are portrayed online and this is our burden to carry, like i mentioned in the beginning. Every type sucks when it's unhealthy but i have the impression that our type and ESTJ type are the most demonized ones when it comes to the topic of unhealthiness, like people have no pity over us like they have for other types and although it can sound like a victim mentality on my part, cause well, i'M aN iNfP, it's really not the case. I'm concious about my flaws, most INFPs i know are also concious of theirs and well, we take the responsibility like mature people, it's basic societal norm i would say. But from what i've seen on reddit, instagram and quora it's just a lot of people writing stereotypical and straight up offensive shit about a whole type, because of one or two INFPs that had made a mess in their lives. The stereotyping is a different topic but it's also irritating, that on many posts or memes we are portrayed as shy, lazy crybabies, unambitious, dumb or boring, like it's easier for others to find our negative traits than the positive ones, cause from the description of stereotypical INFP we might be seen as a perfect black sheep for venting frustration from someone's life. Also the portrayal of someone as "an artist driven by emotions" is super limiting and depressing for a person who has an ambition to f.e. find a good paid scheduled job or try to master new skills like programming, but it's also connected to my former ramblings about seing people as types and the bubble it creates.
Ok, the last thing i want to mention are golden pairs. I have a problem with golden pairs and tbh any compatibility suggestions, it's kinda personal, but maybe someone has similar observations. I woudn't be in a relationship with someone who is said to have completely different values, what i've seen for my entire life is that similar values and goals are what connects people to each other. And then i open app like Boo and see that they show me the biggest compatibility with ENTJ - i know it can be explained with functions, but THE WHOLE THEORY IS INVALID. So these ships doesn't make any sense outside of this bubble and only thing they do is romanticising pairs of stereotypical people that don't exist for others who define themselves as they mbti type to just end up heartbroken, cause they have discovered the person they're dating is not this stereotype they were into- and on the stage of dating they would probably supplement their lack of knowledge of a person with stereotype, cause f.e. they have met on Boo or other MBTI dating site, so the idealization might be hard to ignore for anyone who meets people that way. Or to think that the other person owes them some form of relationship cause they could be a golden pair....
Wow, it was a lot. If someone read all this angry stream of conciousness, i'm thankful but also sorry, cause it was a lot of negativity here. I'm curious if someone will agree on this or maybe show me other side of MBTI that i missed here, but i just wanted to vent. Probably will take a break from MBTI for some time and tbh i totally recommend it if you feel similar way with mbti community.
submitted by Least_Morning2698 to infp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:41 black_sunshine_03 Looking for friends! Anyone play Pokémon Scarlet?

We could also play other games too, like Dead By Daylight, Minecraft, Fortnite, and Rocket League. I also play a ton of story games. Outside of games I love art. I crochet, paint, draw, play with makeup. It's a whole thing. I also really love animals and swimming. Which is great since I live near a beach. I read occasionally, write a lot more. I collect stuffed animals and seashells. I like fashion and interior design. Pinterest is my beloved XD.
Anyway if I seem interesting, hmu! Name, age, pronouns, and timezone are required. Other information is optional but the more you give, the more I'm inclined to respond. Thanks for reading!
submitted by black_sunshine_03 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:40 Der_YoshperatorV2 FIELD TRIP WOOOOOO:D (21.05.2024) (happy screaming)

FIELD TRIP WOOOOOO:D (21.05.2024) (happy screaming)
Dear Diary, Dear Readers,
I am soooooooooo HAPPY rn:D Mood is up I'm happy, happy, happy()
Having a work related field trip. I'm doing a social Year. Basically works like that: For one Year you dedicate yourself to work somewhere to get some experience in a specific field you want to work later.
(A thing here in Germany)
Anyways, you also have a Field trip at the end of the social Year and mine is now:) The train ride, as I write this, will still be taking me 2 hours but that's fine. Just made a Diary entry in my physical Diary and now I'm listening to music enjoying this lovely train ride to the northern Sea of Germany!
Nothing can stand in my way of me and my happiness! Today is good, I'm full of energy and veeeeery exited for this week! Because the field trip is until Saturday! Many days of fun activities. Now I'm hungry, unfortunately there is no food in this train and I haven't eaten much today. I guess I have to be patient until we arrive.
Until then
submitted by Der_YoshperatorV2 to TheBigGirlDiary [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:39 Ifyouliveinadream I have 0 idea what to do after high school

Everybody knows where they're going, but I have no clue. I wanted to be an electrishion, but I don't have good hands. I wanted to do tech support but I have no idea where to go for that, and it doesn't pay good.
I like writing and making stories, but again I have bad hands.
I love doing tech support, but doesn't pay great (also I don't want to stare at screens all day)
I love helping people
I like fixing things
I'm very bad with money amounts
I like geography
I hate dealing with kids
submitted by Ifyouliveinadream to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:39 Aliex013 BlackVue DR970X hardwire battery questions

Hi all,
I'm looking at installing a BlackVue DR970X into my car and hardwiring the camera to my fuse box.
I am a little concerned with my car battery being drained due to parking mode, but I definitely want to have parking mode enabled... so looking to get more information at this point.
I know there is a voltage check cut-off which will turn the camera off if the camera doesn't detect a level of power, but I don't think this is what I want as the camera will then basically turn off within a couple of minutes of me turning off my car and not record events after this.
My questions:
  1. Will the camera constantly draw power while my car is turned off/parked? From what I've read, parking mode just stops the camera from writing to the SD card memory unless there is an event but it is constantly drawing power in order to be ready for these events.
  2. If the above is true: If I decide to not drive my car for two days - will the camera have drained my car battery since it was in parking mode constantly for those two days?
  3. Is there possibly less power draw while in parking mode?
If anyone can answer the questions above or If anyone has their own personal experience to share, that would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Aliex013 to blackvue [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:39 montgomery2016 Tell me your old/current Ninjago fanfic ideas

Way back when, when the LMBs were a thing and I didn't have a job, I'd write a lot of Ninjago fanfics. Here's a few concepts I wrote about;
Zerminator: Evil build of Zane turns evil and tries to take out the ninja, this one was actually developed with my siblings and re-written maybe four times.
Ninja Kids: The nina had kids and they go on goofy little adventures
Ninjago 2099: Criminal descendants of the ninja are trained by a dilapidated Zane that was found in an abandoned ninja base, ninja were killed years ago by the now-dictator of Ninjago, an evil Lloyd Garmadon
I'm sure there were a few others but these were the main ones. What ideas/stories/OCs did you guys create? I'd love some nostalgic fandom content
submitted by montgomery2016 to Ninjago [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:38 saltedwagyu AITA and a snitch because I want to come clean?

warning: tl;dr, grammatical errors Note: a bit messy, please bare with me
I have a friend (A) with whom I share the same vibe and interests in all aspects. We've never had a fight or disagreement in our friendship. However, as we got closer, I noticed some traits of hers that didn't align with my morals. I gave her the benefit of the doubt and observed whether she would change, and luckily, she somehow did. As we moved into our senior year, we became even closer, to the point that I hadn't noticed that her attitudes, which I dislike, were starting to resurface. And I hadn’t realized that I was also being influenced by her attitude. We would judge this girl (ex of our guy friend A.K.A ‘B’) for being loud and “pick me” in and out of the campus, and for staining our friend’s reputation. In this part, we had no idea who is at fault during their break up and just took our friend’s side. However, as the time passed by, I’ve realized that the traits that I considered goes against my morals were the traits that I was doing towards that girl and to other people. There was also this instance that occurred wherein she spilled the “darkest” secret of her closest friend’s family matter. This made me realize that I bonded and shared too much information with the wrong person. Coincidentally, another friend (C) also felt off in the group, so we both distanced ourselves, reflecting on our actions and resolving not to repeat them.
We (Me and C) kept things civil in our old friend group, but it's ironic that the ex-girlfriend A and I used to judge became an acquaintance of mine and C’s. Then, the realization hit me hard that I was really at fault for judging her without entirely knowing the whole story about their breakup. To summarize, both of them are at fault, but what our ex-guy friend did was worse. Since B and I distanced ourselves, C didn’t invite the group to her 21st birthday; instead, she invited me, B, and her other friends. The issue here is that B told us that she had a hunch about A’s attitude and wrongdoings towards her. This is when I confessed that her hunch was true and told her the things that we (A and I) said about her. I confessed that I’m also A’s accomplice in doing those things to her and to other people. I deeply apologized to B and told her the reason why I distanced myself from the group. B told me that I was a pushover and was easily influenced by A’s attitude. I didn’t say anything and just accepted her remarks, continuing to apologize. In the end, B accepted my apology and advised me not to be too close to A again.
So, am I TA and a snitch because I want to keep my conscience clean?
submitted by saltedwagyu to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:38 sillycats_1995 How do I (28F) tell my brother (40M) I'm getting married without inviting him?

My eldest brother and I have a strained relationship. We don't hate each other, in fact I feel bad for him because he's in an abusive relationship with his wife (40F), who's been draining him like a vampire (emptionally, financially etc). Short version is his wife threatened to call immigration on my fiance if we so dared as to set foot in the same city where they live (which is dumb, because my parents live in the same city). Something bad happened in the family 4 years ago and his wife decided to blame my fiance and turn the whole family against him, even though in the end her allegations turned out to be false. He doesn't have the backbone to stand up to his wife, so I've quietly just avoided him and his family, it's almost a mutual thing. Every now and then we talk but it's only if it's necessary. It's civil, but very strained.
I'm getting married next month, and I've basically invited everyone in my family except for him. I'm having an intimate wedding, 20 people maximum, and that's including my family and my little nieces already. I just assumed it wouldn't be a big deal since I don't get invited to any of his daughter's birthdays (they're doctors, so they always throw a huge birthday bash for her and I'm never invited), or I also don't attend other relatives' weddings if my brother and his wife are coming just to avoid tension. I learned from my sister and my mom, however that while he understands why I wouldn't invite him, he still feels kind of bad about it. I'm the first girl in the family to be getting married, so I guess it's a big deal.
I don't have any ill will towards him, my family has been asking me to at least tell him I'm getting married (even though he knows, I just haven't talked to him about it). I just don't know how to inform him while also maintaining that I don't necessarily want him to come, just because he hasn't been the nicest person to my fiance and I want to be surrounded by only people who love and support the both of us.
TL;DR: I have a strained relationship with my brother because he wasn't always the nicest person to my fiance, and I want to let him know I'm getting married but without inviting him to the wedding.
submitted by sillycats_1995 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:38 LoonstersBoomsters Still seeking! I’m still open for a fandom rp!

Seeking for a great rp request! Not replacing..
Ciao! I do rp lotta stuff! From animated tv shows to movies I like, games and more! They are mostly cartoons because I’m a huge die-hard toon fan. I rp as canons and I only have one oc to play as I’m looking for someone who can rp as canons. I am mainly looking for a cartoon/fandom roleplay! I am 19 so I comfy to rp those around 18+. . I write in third person btw, but sometimes I do first person.
Genres I am comfy with: -slice of life -casual -comedic -fandom -romance?
RP Pairings: MXF/MXM
Literacy: Semi lit to lit, and possibly novella. One liners aren't my thing. :p
There so many things I rp, so many, that I had to make it into a google document so here are some of these ones if anyone knows but I can send my rp list once you dm me if you want or I dm you if you are really interested in my idea. I like to do OOC too! I’ve been rping since 2020, also.
Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
Super Planet Dolan
Bojack Horseman
Little Dogs on the Prairie (I love that series of episodes!)
Animal Crossing
Bremen Avenue Express Experience (Look it up!)
Zorori (If you know the anime, with the fox.)
If you know any of these, I'll be extremely happy with you to be my new friend or rp partner! I know you don't know some of these fandoms, but I promise you, you are going to like my rp list, since I keep updating it now and then if I forget some cartoon I have to put. Anyway, if you read it, that's good! I hope you get to see me soon! If you have any favorite cartoons you like to rp on, ask me! We might have something in common!
submitted by LoonstersBoomsters to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:38 midazolam4breakfast Massive resistance to seeing doctors

I have some physical issues going on, lots of fatigue, coming and going for several months. I had initially assumed they're psychosomatic, but my therapist urged me to seek medical assistance because she suspected otherwise. Back then, I didn't have medical insurance so I postponed it. Now I have medical insurance but I seem to have great inner resistance to booking any sort of check up. I've also become somewhat better meanwhile which just fueled my postponing. And now I seem to have covid. Covid was how all of this started for me, I think, and I am probably in an emotional flashback too now.
Sometimes, I am scared they will find something medical that requires changes I'm not ready for, or even can't be cured. Sometimes, I am scared they will think I am malingering, especially when it comes to these fatigue-y symptoms.
Logically, I know I simply need to start the process, but practically, I always find reasons not to in the moment, or "simply forget". It doesn't help that I'm in a country where I have never navigated the medical system before. But the bottom line is that I need to do this. It's been 2 weeks since I set myself a deadline to do so, and I simply didn't.
I've had some mild to moderate medical trauma. In my country of origin doctors can be terribly dismissive and unhelpful and this definitely contributes to my block. But I am in a different place now, with allegedly one of the best medical systems in Europe.
There is definitely something structural dissociation-like going on. A part of me silently plans writing out a timeline of all of my symptoms, things I'd like them to check via bloodwork and being very organized for seeing the doc, while in reality, nothing actually happens. Dafuq!
Please send advice and support. Tell me how you overcame similar issues. Hell, tough love me if you must, but don't forget the "love" part of it.
submitted by midazolam4breakfast to CPTSD_NSCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:37 Human_Dog1732 AITA for ruining family therapy pt 2

Update because a lot of people were worried about me not being able to get my things from my bio father's house and going back to therapy. Turns out it's not even necessary. After my last post my step mother (SM) wanted us all to go to the lake house. That's her happy place/safe space/sanctuary she says and it's her answer to everything. Wants the boys out. She sends my bio father and her sons to the lake house. Time with her daughter. Lake house. Time alone. Lake house by herself. She does photography there & she's right. It does look like a post card. Two story 'cabin' style. They never took me for the girls trips or boy trips only when everyone went together. My stepsiblings won't call bio father dad anymore. My SM said if he isn't their dad and she isn't my mom why are they even married. Bio F asked if she wanted a divorce & she said she didn't sign up for the drama. They argued and we went hang out by the lake. We've been getting along great now "against the parents" which I didn't see coming. Any way we went back to therapy yesterday and my step sis brought up are they getting divorced. Bio F said not if they can work it out in therapy. Therapist asked if it could be amicable cause it's obvious they're cold to each other. SM said her kids could see Bio Father but she would just want "her place." He said that wasn't possible bc it's actually mine bc my mom had it before they were married & it's part of the prenup. SM was LIVID & ugly cried. Mad all the way home. Then asked about the house we live in. BF tried to get her out of the kitchen but she screamed & he admitted that my grandpa gave it to my mom as a wedding gift BEFORE they were married. Turns out he won't let me move out bc the house is actually mine since I turned 18. She said split the savings bc they had been living 'way below their means'. He told her most the savings/Certificates of Deposits were accounts set up for me by moms parents. She has been crying in her room and says I'm selfish for not letting her have the lake house my great g-pa built & gave to my g-pa who gave it to my mom.
submitted by Human_Dog1732 to u/Human_Dog1732 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:37 LemmeGetATaco 401k question for my folks out there

I read an earlier post about someone mentioning taking a loan out against their 401k.
Any of you guys ever done that or know the ins and outs of doing such a thing? I was considering it to pay off a credit card so that in theory I’d be paying myself back instead of a credit card company but I also don’t wanna shoot myself in the foot. Any input is graciously appreciated 🙏
submitted by LemmeGetATaco to FritoLay [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:37 Normal-Oil1524 What’s a genre that you think will really explode in 2024… and keep booming later?

Personally, I think the hat goes off to roguelites. Just going off my personal example, it’s a genre that I totally disregarded up until I played Hades last year. It’s the noobish answer, I know, but something about the artstyle and character design fit my tastes perfectly. I’m sure I’m one of a small million who felt the same, even if it wasn’t their first roguelite.
Starting this year though, I got into so many top-notch roguelites that I can’t help but feel that the genre is absolutely exploding. To name but a few, Astral Ascent has to be my personal favorite. It has good character design and character options, an original spell shuffle system, the runs are *very* satisfying and the boss fights some of the best in any game of this type (their design especially + later interactions in the playthrough which I’m not going to get into). Of course, I can’t go without mentioning Balatro either — I saw a funny review calling it better than crack and better still if you’re ON crack, and the review hits the mark lol. Super addictive, super replayable, and easy to get into.
That’s just some 2 popular ones right now, but there are literally tons of more niche indies out there that are doing their own thing and more often than not, succeeding really well at that. The most release that caught my eye is Throne of Bone which is like a roguelite with auto-battles with card building. It’s EA now but thought I’d mention it. And speaking of card builders — another one that I gave me a good run for my money is Duelists of Eden. More or less a PvP-only interaction of One Step From Eden, but so smooth and lagless that it puts some other “bigger” games with a multiplayer component to shame (looking at you, Elden Ring). I mean, the very fact that it came out says that there’s a demand for these hybrid roguelites and that they’re becoming a staple of gaming really fast… or I think so?
With Hades 2 out in demo, and Slay the Spire 2 announced as well, I’m pretty happy with the way this genre at least is expanding its horizons. This is just my two cents on the topic I guess, but what do you think? Any other genres that you think have bright times in store for them?
submitted by Normal-Oil1524 to ItsAllAboutGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:36 LoonstersBoomsters I am still seeking so come and get while you’re at it!

Seeking for a great rp request! Not replacing..
Ciao! I do rp lotta stuff! From animated tv shows to movies I like, games and more! They are mostly cartoons because I’m a huge die-hard toon fan. I rp as canons and I only have one oc to play as I’m looking for someone who can rp as canons. I am mainly looking for a cartoon/fandom roleplay! I am 19 so I comfy to rp those around 18+. . I write in third person btw, but sometimes I do first person.
Genres I am comfy with: -slice of life -casual -comedic -fandom -romance?
RP Pairings: MXF/MXM
Literacy: Semi lit to lit, and possibly novella. One liners aren't my thing. :p
There so many things I rp, so many, that I had to make it into a google document so here are some of these ones if anyone knows but I can send my rp list once you dm me if you want or I dm you if you are really interested in my idea. I like to do OOC too! I’ve been rping since 2020, also.
Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
Super Planet Dolan
Bojack Horseman
Little Dogs on the Prairie (I love that series of episodes!)
Animal Crossing
Bremen Avenue Express Experience (Look it up!)
Zorori (If you know the anime, with the fox.)
Yeah, golly, that’s a lot of fandoms I have on my document. These are just ones I can show. Because there’s a character word limit here.
If you know any of these, I'll be extremely happy with you to be my new friend or rp partner! I know you don't know some of these fandoms, but I promise you, you are going to like my rp list, since I keep updating it now and then if I forget some cartoon I have to put. Anyway, if you read it, that's good! I hope you get to see me soon! If you have any favorite cartoons you like to rp on, ask me! We might have something in common!
submitted by LoonstersBoomsters to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:36 CheckFun An inkling into why I personally have a love/hate relationship with Emily Axford. (And how it isn't tied to sexism at all!)

Okay, I love D20, I love all 3 campaigns of naddpod, I love Emily Axford even just as a comedian from back in college humor days like 2012ish era... but she also gets on my nerves quite often.
I'll try to keep this short but I know I need to phrase this correctly. Emily loves the game, she is incredibly clever and has an outstanding comprehension of 5e rules and mechanics. However, the recent AP reminded me of one of my main issues with her; She treats the game like she is losing or winning, and often she acts like the DM is singling her out or actively working against her.
She acts like it's players vs DM and Brennan has had to remind her personally that they are collaborating on a story when she refuses to share her plans (FHSY, FHJY). Idk if any of yall DM, but Brennan NEEDS to know so he can be prepped, and at the end of the day withholding information won't make The Bad Kids chances of "winning" any better.
I know we see BLeeM as a god, but he has feelings too, and having to hear Emily tell Lou "oh well that's an idea he probably likes so he won't punish you for it" is insanely insensitive and petty. The amount of prep that goes into making a dnd campaign cohesive is staggering, and to have a player accuse me of "punishing" them would infuriate me.
There was a time in Starstruck where she asked plug for rocket boots... he didn't have any. She didn't like that so the next day when they went back to plugs, she literally rolled to search for rocket boots like 2 more times until Brennan gave them to her.... relentless, and not in a fun Loose Duke kinda way.
She also had a mini temper tantrum when Reuben didn't take her side in the fight since she looked like Wanda Chillda stating "wow I seriously wasted my whole campaign" and a few other grumblings.
As a DM you want good things to happen for your players, but your also trying to simulate something that follows your established world's rules. When I have a player miss a big spell or fail a charisma check, trust me I'm upset too, I'm rooting for them! I can only imagine Brennan feels the same, but Emily can sometimes have these petty outbursts.
When the other IH's have an unfavorable outcome they accept and move on. She on the other hand, will have to complain, wince and moan for the rest of the episode. Those are wack vibes for a table and I wish she would relax.
To be fair I can understand it's just because she loves the game so much and is very immersed, but she's inconsiderate to other people's experience sometimes.
There are other examples and if I get attacked in the comments I'll show my sources but I just think people ignore her flaws to say everyone only hates her for being a woman. Again she is clever and really fun to watch, but when she gets petty it's a buzz kill.
P.s. I love the entire Dropout cast, and i watch literally every dropout original. I think that the Women and NB cast members make up some of the funniest on the roster. My issue with Emily is real and valid, however, I don't want her to go anywhere. She is a vital part of the IH chemistry and is funny as hell.
submitted by CheckFun to Dimension20 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:36 albert1165 Analysis of a Vinfan's VF3 pumping argument

Analysis of a Vinfan's VF3 pumping argument
This is a fun excercise. Vuong Phan let his army of keyboard warriors to spread the false narrative that VF3 performance in Vietnam is great and this peformance is what drive the VFS's jump. Not. The truth is: VF3 performance is dismal, non-material, and the VFS's jump is pure Vuong Pham's pumping, spending some seed money to pull it up creating FOMO.
Facts and figures: Assume all 27K VF3 have got the deposit and all will be bought when VF3 are delivered (not likely), that amounts to about $270-300M in revenue and $27M gross profit (generous 10% margin), tiny compared to $2.4B in yearly loss and $9.3B in debt, immaterially, and if depreciation is counted, VF3 has $270M revenue but $54M gross loss using 20% gross margin loss (for reference, Vinfast gross loss in Q4 and Q1 is about 40%). So the 27K VF3 does not change the financial health of Vinfast a single bit, and it will incur even more loss.
Now on to the comment of a Vinfan pumping the narative:
1/ The writer first states a fact that VFS is volatile due to small float and low price, which is true, trying to create a "credential"
2/ Then he jumped to the false narrative by asserting that the rise is due to "impressive performance of VF3 in the domestic market". This is his claim and is further from the truth. VF3 performance is immaterial to Vinfast's financial to justify the magnitude of the jump: it was a Vuong Pham's pump.
3/ Then he continued the pumping with big empty words: "offer stability in a context of macroeconomic instability". What the hell is this, exactly what does this mean "offer stabilty in macroeconomic instability?". Just big words scrambled together without a clear meaning.
4/ He continued with the same trick: "effectively exploit the domestic even within the global landscape". Big words again: exploit domestic market, even within global landscape. Exactly what does it mean by "exploited domestic even within global landscape"? Just incoherent empty big words without a clear meaning. By the way, exploit has a negative meaning, Vinfans.
So to Vietnamese not fluent in English and to the untrained eyes, the comment sounds serious, but in reality, it employs the simple trick of asserting false things as if it is true and the trick of using big words scrambled together meaninglessly to scare Vietnamese.
Just a fun exercise. I have never run out of material to write. Shadiness of Vuong Pham and stupidity of his fans / ilks.
submitted by albert1165 to VinFastComm [link] [comments]