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[Vell Harlan and the Doomsday Dorms] 4 C4.2: The Money Trap

2024.05.01 01:46 Mrmander20 [Vell Harlan and the Doomsday Dorms] 4 C4.2: The Money Trap

At the world’s top college of magic and technology, every day brings a new discovery -and a new disaster. The advanced experiments of the college students tend to be both ambitious and apocalyptic, with the end of the world only prevented by a mysterious time loop, and a small handful of students who retain their memories.
Surviving the loops was hard enough, but now, in his senior year, Vell Harlan must take charge of them, and deal with the fact that the whole world now knows his secrets. Everyone knows about Vell’s death and resurrection, along with the divine game he is a part of. Now Vell must contend with overly curious scientists and evil billionaires hungry for divine power while the daily doomsday cycle bombards him with terrorists, talking elephants, and the Grim Reaper himself -but if he can endure it all, the Last Goddess’s game promises the ultimate prize: power over life itself.
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“Alright, that’s thirty-six bladed weapons, twenty-three blunt weapons, thirteen energy beams and or spells, six toxic gases and or liquids, two live animals, and a very large dildo,” Vell said.
“The dildo counts as a blunt weapon,” Hawke said.
“It does not and this conversation is over,” Vell said. He refused to dedicate more than two consecutive sentences spoken with his own mouth to dildos. “Are we almost there, Alex?”
“It should be in the next room,” Alex said. She pointed to a still-sealed door to the next subterranean room.
“One more opportunity for me to get hit with a dildo,” Kim sighed. Nothing she’d been hit with could damage her physically, but the dildo dealt mental damage. Kim braced herself and popped the door open. For the second time today, a whole lot of nothing got launched their way.
“Huh. No booby traps here,” Kim said.
“Correction,” Alex said, as she stepped forward. “There was a booby trap here.”
She indicated to the corner of the door, where the remnants of a tripwire still remained.
“Somebody already triggered the trap,” Alex said. “Presumably the very same imbecile who caused this incident in the first place.”
“That ‘imbecile’ is over here, you know.”
All heads turned to a dark corner of the room, and found a head staring right back at them.
“Dean?” Kim said. “Or some of you, anyway.”
“Quite so,” said the head of Dean Lichman. There was a large gray pile of ash next to the head, presumably the rest of the Dean.
“You’re the imbecile who caused this?”
“No, Alex,” Dean Lichman said, doing his best to sigh without lungs. He tilted his eyes to the left ever so slightly. “She is. Well, I suppose ‘she’ is more of a pile of ash right now, but- you know what I mean.”
“Would you like me to pick you up?”
“I would appreciate that,” Dean said, as she picked his head up and held it out at the usual height of a head. “Thank you Kim. If it’s not too much trouble I would also appreciate a scratch behind my left ear. That’s been killing me for the past half hour.”
Kim gave him a scratch, and the Dean sighed with relief.
“Thank you.”
“So, uh, Dean, not to question you, or anything,” Vell said. “But you seem remarkably unbothered by the fact a woman was disintegrated right next to you.”
The Dean was usually a caring, sensitive type, intent on caring for and acting in the best interests of those in his care. Even with booby traps hurling axes at people, Vell found Dean Lichman’s apathy towards a death to be the oddest thing happening.
“Well I will rarely say this, but the only thing wrong with that woman getting disintegrated is that she took most of my body with her,” the Dean grunted. “She was here to- well, I suppose you don’t need the whole story, I’ll-”
“No, no, actually please do tell us the whole story,” Vell said.
“Right, well, as you know the school was gifted an unusually large grant last year,” Dean explained. “Which was then rescinded this year.”
Vell nodded. Kraid had donated a large amount of money to the Einstein-Odinson last year, in hopes of funding a student who would turn out to be a looper. After the gambit had failed, he had apparently opted not to repeat it.
“Well, the Board of Directors has apparently taken umbrage with our loss of funding,” Dean Lichman continued. “They sent some pet accountant to appraise our campus and ‘identify cost-cutting measures’.”
“Already off to a bad start.”
“You have no idea,” Dean Lichman said. “I’m not opposed to trimming a bit of fat, buying a few less experimental isotopes, but that woman was intent on stripping us down to the bone! She wanted to close Piero’s Pizza, for god’s sake!”
“Get rid of the only source of pizza on an island of seven-thousand college students?” Hawke scoffed. “Was she trying to start riots?”
“One would think,” Dean Lichman said. “In an effort to distract her from all our school’s worldly pleasures, we switched to the topic of our school challenge days. On that matter, we agreed where cuts could be made. It is expensive to remove all the stairs on the island, or set up elaborate laser grids for you to dodge.”
“Yeah, I’m not too sure many people would miss those,” Kim agreed. While the challenge days were meant to test the ingenuity of students, the vast majority of the student body simply ignored them. On a personal level, the challenges also often caused daily apocalypses, so Kim would not be sad to see them go.
“As I thought. And so as we took stock of various challenge day materials past and present, our resident parasite found remnants of a thankfully-canceled challenge to booby trap every door on campus, inadvertently activated it, and got herself disintegrated trying to escape the consequences of her actions.”
“Ooh, karma, I like it.”
“There is a certain cosmic irony to it,” Dean Lichman agreed. “I just wish she hadn’t taken my body with her.”
“We’ll get her next time,” Kim said.
“Nothing,” Kim snapped. “Any chance this nonsense has an off switch?”
“Not that I am aware of, but in theory, anything that can be done can be undone,” Dean Lichman said. “On that note, Mr. Harlan, there is a rune sequence along the back wall I believe you should take a look at. I’d point, but, well…”
Even in the absence of a guiding finger, Vell found his way to the runes on the rear wall. He had to brush a thick layer of dust off the stones, and even when he did so, the tangled lines were hard to parse.
“Damn, this is archaic. Not a single rune above three lines,” Vell said. The more lines a rune had, the more intricate its effects could be, from the single-lined rune for “order” to the ten-lined mystery rune on Vell’s back, which was apparently capable of resurrecting the dead and creating intelligent life. These short, simple runes barely did anything at all, so it required dozens of them working in sequence to create a meaningful effect. “Must be late eighties, not long after runes were invented. Give me a minute, this is a lot to parse.”
Vell traced fingers across the dusty runes and tried to untangle their meanings. Each individual rune was, by definition, very simple, but they were interconnected in dozens of different ways, tangling their purposes into a complicated web. Between that and the outdated processes being used to connect them all, it was a nigh-incomprehensible mess that would take the average person hours to untangle.
“Got it,” Vell said, after two minutes. “Alex, do you know how to do a magical inversion surge?”
“Obviously. It’s child’s play,” Alex said. “I assume performing one on this rune sequence would reverse the trap summoning?”
“Drawing them all back here, right,” Vell said. “In theory, anyway. We know everything we need to know, so I figure we can try it right now. Just to see if it works.”
Alex agreed, and she snapped her fingers. Gray light snapped into the runic sequence on the wall and washed through the connected runes backwards, reversing their magical course. The air started to buzz as magical energy was drawn back into the room. Hawke’s hair stood on end, and he put a hand on his chin.
“Uh, Alex?”
“Shouldn’t we have left the room before you summoned all the traps back to it?”
“That actually would’ve been a very good idea,” Alex said, right before several hundred axes, battering rams, and angry eels catapulted back into the room.
“We’ll call that one a mutual screwup,” Vell said, as he convened the morning meeting. Alex was more than happy to diffuse the blame for once. “So, last resort, we can summon all the traps back to the storage room, but let’s try for prevention rather than a cure. Ideas on how to keep the lady away from the traps in the first place?”
“I could kneecap the finance bitch,” Kim suggested.
“Plan Z. Anyone else?”
“If finances are her concern, we could simply propose a sensible budget plan,” Alex said.
“Possible, but counterpoint,” Kim said. “She works for the Board of Directors. Historically speaking, they’re going to want to take things we aren’t willing to give.”
Two years ago, they had done just that, by trying to take Kim herself. They’d seen her as an asset to be used and exploited as they saw fit, not as a person. That incident had given Kim more than enough reason to hate the Board of Directors and everyone associated with them for the rest of her life -and she was presumably immortal, so that was a lot of hate.
“Presumably they have a mathematical goal they are trying to reach,” Alex said. “If we propose a working plan, they’d have no reason to say no.”
“Okay, well let’s start chopping, then,” Hawke said. “What’s one thing everyone on campus would be okay with us getting rid of?”
“The Marine Biology department?”
“Damn, that’s actually good,” Hawke said. That had been meant as a rhetorical question.
“I would prefer we not banish my girlfriend,” Vell said. Skye was an outlier among the Marine Biologists but still one of them.
“Well if we can’t get rid of them, I don’t think we’ll find anything we can all agree on,” Hawke said. “What about swinging the opposite direction? Instead of getting rid of costs, we add value.”
On paper, the Einstein-Odinson had always operated at a loss -the budget for experiments (and repairs) was well beyond what the college drew in from tuition. The Board considered those losses an investment, as the supergenius students always went on to invent incredibly useful (and profitable) new technology. While that technical deficit had gotten much larger this year, dangling a sufficiently impressive invention in front of the Board might cause them to remember their long-term goals.
“Then we run into an equal but opposite problem,” Kim said. “What do we show them that’ll impress them, but that they won’t try to steal or co-opt for their own dumb schemes?”
“Money this, money that,” Samson said. “What if we just run this lady off the island entirely?”
“Back to kneecapping, I see,” Kim said. She clenched her fists.
“No kneecapping,” Vell said. “Obviously if we could just scare her away, that’d be great, but without involving physical pain or property damage, that’s almost impossible. We'd have to come up with some way to delay her-"
The door to the lair lurched open as their usual latecomer came late.
“Hello all, thank you for starting without me again,” Helena said, as she hobbled through the door. “Not sarcasm, by the way, I hate when people sit around and wait for me to limp my way in twenty minutes later than everyone else.”
"Hi Helena," Vell said, before continuing. "And even then, chasing her off would take something deeply, incredibly unpleasant, something absolutely no one could ever like-”
Helena made it to the table and took a seat right next to Alex. It took her a few seconds to realize everyone was staring at the two of them.
The finance expert arrived via the teleportation circle -the most expensive possible way to reach the island, an irony Dean Lichman silently noted. She had barely stepped through the glowing circle of magic before she started appraising the island with an overtly critical eye, already hawkishly looking for anything that drew her ire.
“Welcome to the Einstein-Odinson College,” Dean Lichman said, as insincerely as he could. “You must be the Board’s representative?”
“Elizah Song, yes,” the rep said. “From the partial decomposition, I’d say you’re Dean Lichman?”
“You are correct, but we do have other undead students and faculty, mind you,” Dean Lichman said. Already off to a bad start.
“Excellent. Shall we begin, then?”
“Actually, there has been a small change of plans,” Dean Lichman said. “I’m overwhelmed with...other school responsibilities, but I will entrust our cost cutting tour to some of my most trusted associates.”
Dean Lichman gestured to the side, and Alex and Helena stepped forward. Mrs. Song raised a sharp eyebrow as the two students approached.
“These two will assist you,” Dean Lichman said. He was trying not to smile too hard. Duplicity did not come naturally to him, and he was trying to fool both sides of the conversation right now.
As far as Alex and Helena knew, they were there to help provide alternative financial measures -Alex would emphasize potential profits, while Helena focused on making small, unobtrusive cuts to the budget. In reality, they were both there to annoy and obstruct the financial representative so thoroughly that she could never complete her objective. Dean Lichman was in on the latter plan, and while he had mixed feelings on weaponizing Alex’s ego, he did want to keep his school’s funding secure.
Elizah took a long look at her two “tour guides”, and her eyes lingered especially long on Helena’s crutches.
“Is this an official position? Are you two being paid for this?”
“Nope, volunteer.”
“Fine, then, let’s get started,” Elizah said.
“Alright then,” Helena said. She waved one of her crutches to gesture to campus, and intentionally swung it close enough to Elizah that she had to step back. “Where would you like to begin?”
“You’re the tour guides, you tell me,” Elizah scoffed. “And hurry, I need to have a full report typed up before the office closes.”
“Then let’s not waste time,” Alex said. “I know exactly where to begin.”
“Here we are,” Alex said. “The most important department on campus.”
“I assure you it’s entirely coincidental that it happens to be Alex’s department,” Helena said.
The Theoretical Science department, as its name implied, was more vague in its purpose than most other classes, but that lack of purpose did not come with a lack of skill. The department was a home for people like Freddy and Goldie whose intellect spanned multiple disciplines, and often knew more than the faculty could teach. The students were more focused on experimentation than education, and so they produced some of the most impressive (and weirdest) technology on campus.
“It is coincidental,” Alex said. “I’m a recent arrival, none of my projects have advanced enough to have tangible results. My seniors have more to show.”
Alex led the way across the lab to one senior in particular.
Freddy had been in the middle of organizing his desk when Alex approached, a process that immediately got reversed as he dropped papers everywhere, snatched a random tablet off his desk, and spun around. He held the tablet between himself and Alex as if it were a shield.
“H-hi, Alex,” Freddy stammered. “You’re here. Why are you- what’s up?”
Alex did a quick recap of the school’s financial situation and introduced Freddy to Elizah. Freddy’s already fraught nerves got even more frayed when he realized Helena was involved, and they had some kind of auditor in tow to boot.
“I imagine you can make a demonstration of something you are working on to impress our guest,” Alex said.
“Please do,” Elizah said. “It’s been some time since this department produced a breakthrough worthy of its budget.”
Had Freddy been a braver man, he might have glared angrily at Alex. All she’d managed to accomplish was invite even more unwanted scrutiny. Since he was not a braver man, Freddy settled for a noncommittal shrug and some awkward mumbling.
“We haven’t really had a lot of time to start our big projects,” Freddy muttered.
“That seems to be a common refrain,” Elizah said. “How long do you need to get things started?”
“We’re working with things particle accelerators and hypermagic power cells, ma’am,” Freddy said. “These things have certain safety standards that need to be applied.”
“On that note,” Elizah said. “Your equipment is beginning to glow.”
Freddy did a quick double-take over his shoulder. A set of metal rods near his workbench were starting to glow bright red.
“Oh, no, that’s fine, that’s, uh, normal,” Freddy said. “Just venting heat, totally normal.”
“Entirely exposed like that?”
“It’s for observational purposes,” Freddy mumbled. Though his acting skills were less than stellar, Elizah didn’t seem to be focusing on Freddy enough to see through the act. She made a few notes on her tablet and prepared to move on, until the door behind them opened.
“Got the hamburger,” Goldie said, as she wandered into the lab. “How’s the grill, Freddy?”
Elizah raised an eyebrow into an almost daggerlike point.
Freddy silently grit his teeth while Goldie approached, ground meat in hand.
“Yeah, you want a burger?”
“I’ll pass,” Elizah said coldly. Goldie was too focused on her lunch to notice the steely attitudes all around her.
“Helena? Can you eat red meat?”
“No, a hamburger would kill me,” Helena said. “But thank you for asking.”
A pointed and notable silence followed in which Goldie deliberately did not ask Alex if she wanted a burger. She would’ve said no anyway, but Alex filed away the slight into a growing list of grievances against Goldie.
“You said this was a heat sink,” Elizah snapped.
“And it is,” Freddy stammered. “It’s just a heat sink we’ve turned to, uh, alternative applications.”
“Harnessing heat that would’ve otherwise been radiated out into the air and wasted,” Alex added. “It’s energy efficiency in action.”
Elizah paused her note-taking long enough to sigh.
“I suppose that’s mostly true,” Elizah admitted. “What is all this power coming from, anyway?”
Goldie and Freddy exchanged a nervous glance.
“What powers the reactor?”
“Uh, alternative energy sources,” Freddy said. Elizah tapped one of her long, talon-like fingernails into her tablet.
“Tell me exactly what powers this reactor,” she demanded. Freddy was the first one to buckle under the pressure.
“A dead demon.”
“A dead demon?”
“It was dead when we got it,” Goldie protested.
“Where did you get a dead demon?”
Goldie crossed her arms and looked over Elizah from head to toe.
“What are you, a cop?”
“I’m a financial resource officer,” Elizah said. “And I need to know if you’ve been misappropriating school resources to purchase illicit demon corpses.”
“We didn’t buy it,” Freddy said. “It’s a long story, but the demon showed up, it got killed, and we needed a safe way to store the corpse. If we don’t keep that thing contained while it decomposes it’s going to be leaking harmful corrupted mana all over the island.”
“And in the meantime you’re using it to make hamburgers?”
“It powers the lab,” Freddy said. “And, yeah, we make hamburgers. But like Alex said, all that heat would still be there, might as well use it.”
Elizah tapped her fingernails a few more times, and appeared to contemplate writing down a few more notes. With one final resigned sigh, she gave up on her tablet and rolled her eyes.
“I suppose this all evens out, somehow,” Elizah said. “Your decaying demon corpse is lowering the energy bill, at least.”
“Let’s move on,” Alex said. Elizah agreed. Goldie and Freddy waited until she was a few minutes out before putting the burgers on the grill.
submitted by Mrmander20 to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 01:46 Klouder12 Advice regarding Car’s A/C Compressor

I drive a 2014 Acura TL 3.5L technology package with 102,000 miles, and recently my car has been making a squeaking sound when it’s running. I took it to a mechanic and they said it was the A/C compressor making the sound. They said when they tested it by taking the belt off of the A/C clutch, it didn’t squeak. They recommend I replace the whole A/C compressor. The A/C itself works fine, I get cold air and there’s no leaks. Would it be better to replace the whole compressor, or just the clutch? I could afford doing both, but the more money I save the better. Thanks for any help!
submitted by Klouder12 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 01:39 AtlanticBayern How do I clean these turbodrks?

How do I clean these turbodrks?
I got these rick converse from a housemate and he said this should be good to machine wash and tumble dry. Online said machine wash and air dry and other stuff. What do you guys suggest?
submitted by AtlanticBayern to Sneakers [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 01:37 Icantbowla200 Car AC not as cold as it was last week

2019 Ford F150 blows cool on max AC setting but the air just feels stale even though it is cool. When I leave for work in the morning the AC is extremely cold like it normally always is.
After sitting in the sun at our work parking lot it is just not getting as cold as it does in the morning. It definitely is cool and blowing hard but I used to have to turn it down after a few minutes even in 105 Texas.
I typically have the Max AC on most of the time now to cool the car off but there are times over the last 7 days the highest setting will suddenly kick into what seems like overdrive and the air gets to be freezing like it has run the last 5 years. It sounds like the internal fan/fans just suddenly kick on and it’s very very cold.
I don’t know enough about condensers or compressors to know to answer any questions you might have here or if they are turning on. Would being low on refrigerant only effect the car on hot days and not cooler ones or mornings?
I am at a loss and other than getting an AC check done, what might be the issue here? What might cause to work still like it normally does but only occasionally. How much should a true AC diagnostic cost. I have a coupon showing a place will do it for $10… does that sound right or correct? Is that simply someone eyeing it or actually hooking it up checking for leaks for 20/30 minutes as recommended?
Thanks so much in advance, trying to avoid getting ripped off here.
submitted by Icantbowla200 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 01:37 StarlightMoon1111 What is this?

My sibling (45m) has always been an intense and challenging to be around person. He is charismatic, funny and fiercely intelligent, but his mood can shift in a nano second and he is easily angered. He lashes out at even the faintest perceived slight, is harsh and disparaging of opinions that don’t align with his own and bares horrible grudges for even the most minor offences.
He is seemingly outraged and infuriated when we don’t live up to his expectations and sets impossible standards for us (his family), but he doesn’t hold himself to them. He has deep irrational hatred for his whole family, in his eyes we have all let him down in some way, but the reasons he gives aren’t even related to how we treat him (with love, but admittedly a lot of frustration too and eventually avoidance because none of us knows how to handle him). As an example, one of the reasons he hates my other sibling is because he claims she got thrown out of her apartment for not paying rent and had to borrow money from my dad, this didn’t even happen! All of us have told him it didn’t happen, but he accused us of lying to protect my sibling. Even if it were true, it’s so strange to me that making a mistake warrants such hatred and disdain. It’s a massive projection of his own failings, as he moves home every 6m to an entirely new place, we suspect because he leaves behind a trail of debt and just starts over in a new foreign city where no one knows him.
I find myself walking on egg shells with him, no topic of conversation feels safe. He assumes our thoughts and intentions and will get into the scariest rage if we dare suggest he is wrong, always citing he knows us better than we know ourselves. He has no filter, no consideration or comprehension for other people’s feelings or needs. He feels wholly entitled to annihilate our character but explodes if we dare to call him out on his own misgivings. He is so overbearing and intense that it is impossible to reason with him. He demonstrates zero self awareness and has no concept of how his behaviour impacts others or his role in conflict, it’s always everyone else that is wrong.
Every family event is marred by his outbursts, it’s like he sees every gathering as an opportunity to air his imagined grievances, it was so bad and ruined every Christmas. I was so desperate to not traumatise my own kids with it all that I stopped inviting my family. I was too scared to exclude only my sibling, I knew it would start a war I did not have the nervous energy to fight if I was to exclude him alone. He accused me of destroying our family christmases and could not comprehend that his behaviour was distressing for me and my kids and accused me of all manner of nefarious intentions.
I’m exhausted, but also worried and terrified for him. The older he has got the more intense he has become, he has isolated himself more and more, and now lives abroad, alone, he had never had a romantic relationship that lasted more than a few weeks. I can see he is lonely and hurting, even when I am gentle and careful with my words he cannot accept any help or support, claiming everyone else is the problem and we only complain about him because we have victim mentality and are traumatised and mentally ill - basically, we’re the problem and he’s the only sane member of the family.
He has never held down a regular job and jumps from project to project, all the while claiming he is soon to be a millionaire and has won coveted government contracts and works with very important people. In the past most of his projects were highly illegal and outright fraud. So he changed his name. He has no long term friends.
Even writing all of this down scares me, because I know he sounds wild and unhinged and I don’t even know how to begin making sense of it. How do you help someone like this? I love him very much, but I don’t know how to reach him. He will not entertain any kind of intervention and is apoplectic with rage at the mere suggestion he might have mental health struggles of his own. I don’t know what it is, but all my internet searches keep leading back to bpd and npd.
submitted by StarlightMoon1111 to personalitydisorders [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 01:27 moniOXxo AC question

So I got my used 2017 Chevrolet Sonic back in January. My ac work fine for both cold and warm. But recently I try putting it to cold but it keeps blasting hot air.
submitted by moniOXxo to carquestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 01:20 pleated_calico Shawn grosses us out again with the Airplane Tinkle Moment

Shawn has dragged QVC down again with her gross comments on air. Just the other day she talked about having hemorrhoids while on the Over 50 and Fabulous "The Age of Possibility" QVC broadcast from Las Vegas. She's gotten a huge amount of criticism on social media for that stunt. But Hemorrhoid-Gate wasn't enough. Now we have the Airplane Tinkle Moment.
You may ask, what was the Airplane Tinkle Moment? During the Monday, April 29 fashion show with Kim Gravel, Shawn told a story about a fellow passenger on her plane peeing in her seat. This conversation with Kim was on the product video for A643969 Belle by Kim Gravel Regular Flexibelle Sailor Boot Cropped Pants at the 7:30 mark. If you want to see it, hurry before Q replaces it with a more recent presentation.
Here's part of the conversation (edited for space reasons) :
Shawn: Did you hear what happened on our airplane on the way out there?
Kim: No...
Shawn: ... I think someone had a few too many drinks on board the plane. We’re getting really excited to go on this vacation, and they got a little tipsy, and had trouble holding their bladder, so they had a little tinkle moment while in their seat, and –
Kim: Was it you?
Shawn: No, it wasn’t me!
Kim: Okay, okay. Checking anyway. Well, you know what, Shawn, I don’t even need to drink too much. I could laugh or sneeze and pee all over myself...
Kim: Was it one of us?
Shawn: No! It was no one related to QVC. It was just an unfortunate bystander...
Kim: Gals over 50 can’t hold it, people!
Shawn: I’m gonna leave it there, because this was more than just a little bit. I think hazmat had to come in there –
\[video ends\]
submitted by pleated_calico to QVC [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 01:12 StarlightMoon1111 What is this?

My sibling (45m) has always been an intense and challenging to be around person. He is charismatic, funny and fiercely intelligent, but his mood can shift in a nano second and he is easily angered. He lashes out at even the faintest perceived slight, is harsh and disparaging of opinions that don’t align with his own and bares horrible grudges for even the most minor offences.
He is seemingly outraged and infuriated when we don’t live up to his expectations and sets impossible standards for us (his family), but he doesn’t hold himself to them. He has deep irrational hatred for his whole family, in his eyes we have all let him down in some way, but the reasons he gives aren’t even related to how we treat him (with love, but admittedly a lot of frustration too and eventually avoidance because none of us knows how to handle him). As an example, one of the reasons he hates my other sibling is because he claims she got thrown out of her apartment for not paying rent and had to borrow money from my dad, this didn’t even happen! All of us have told him it didn’t happen, but he accused us of lying to protect my sibling. Even if it were true, it’s so strange to me that making a mistake warrants such hatred and disdain. It’s a massive projection of his own failings, as he moves home every 6m to an entirely new place, we suspect because he leaves behind a trail of debt and just starts over in a new foreign city where no one knows him.
I find myself walking on egg shells with him, no topic of conversation feels safe. He assumes our thoughts and intentions and will get into the scariest rage if we dare suggest he is wrong, always citing he knows us better than we know ourselves. He has no filter, no consideration or comprehension for other people’s feelings or needs. He feels wholly entitled to annihilate our character but explodes if we dare to call him out on his own misgivings. He is so overbearing and intense that it is impossible to reason with him. He demonstrates zero self awareness and has no concept of how his behaviour impacts others or his role in conflict, it’s always everyone else that is wrong.
Every family event is marred by his outbursts, it’s like he sees every gathering as an opportunity to air his imagined grievances, it was so bad and ruined every Christmas. I was so desperate to not traumatise my own kids with it all that I stopped inviting my family. I was too scared to exclude only my sibling, I knew it would start a war I did not have the nervous energy to fight if I was to exclude him alone. He accused me of destroying our family christmases and could not comprehend that his behaviour was distressing for me and my kids and accused me of all manner of nefarious intentions.
I’m exhausted, but also worried and terrified for him. The older he has got the more intense he has become, he has isolated himself more and more, and now lives abroad, alone, he had never had a romantic relationship that lasted more than a few weeks. I can see he is lonely and hurting, even when I am gentle and careful with my words he cannot accept any help or support, claiming everyone else is the problem and we only complain about him because we have victim mentality and are traumatised and mentally ill - basically, we’re the problem and he’s the only sane member of the family.
He has never held down a regular job and jumps from project to project, all the while claiming he is soon to be a millionaire and has won coveted government contracts and works with very important people. In the past most of his projects were highly illegal and outright fraud. So he changed his name. He has no long term friends.
Even writing all of this down scares me, because I know he sounds wild and unhinged and I don’t even know how to begin making sense of it. How do you help someone like this? I love him very much, but I don’t know how to reach him. He will not entertain any kind of intervention and is apoplectic with rage at the mere suggestion he might have mental health struggles of his own. I don’t know what is up, but all my internet searches keep leading back to npd or bpd.
submitted by StarlightMoon1111 to AskPsychiatrist [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 01:10 StarlightMoon1111 Can anyone relate?

My sibling (45m) has always been an intense and challenging to be around person. He is charismatic, funny and fiercely intelligent, but his mood can shift in a nano second and he is easily angered. He lashes out at even the faintest perceived slight, is harsh and disparaging of opinions that don’t align with his own and bares horrible grudges for even the most minor offences.
He is seemingly outraged and infuriated when we don’t live up to his expectations and sets impossible standards for us (his family), but he doesn’t hold himself to them. He has deep irrational hatred for his whole family, in his eyes we have all let him down in some way, but the reasons he gives aren’t even related to how we treat him (with love, but admittedly a lot of frustration too and eventually avoidance because none of us knows how to handle him). As an example, one of the reasons he hates my other sibling is because he claims she got thrown out of her apartment for not paying rent and had to borrow money from my dad, this didn’t even happen! All of us have told him it didn’t happen, but he accused us of lying to protect my sibling. Even if it were true, it’s so strange to me that making a mistake warrants such hatred and disdain. It’s a massive projection of his own failings, as he moves home every 6m to an entirely new place, we suspect because he leaves behind a trail of debt and just starts over in a new foreign city where no one knows him.
I find myself walking on egg shells with him, no topic of conversation feels safe. He assumes our thoughts and intentions and will get into the scariest rage if we dare suggest he is wrong, always citing he knows us better than we know ourselves. He has no filter, no consideration or comprehension for other people’s feelings or needs. He feels wholly entitled to annihilate our character but explodes if we dare to call him out on his own misgivings. He is so overbearing and intense that it is impossible to reason with him. He demonstrates zero self awareness and has no concept of how his behaviour impacts others or his role in conflict, it’s always everyone else that is wrong.
Every family event is marred by his outbursts, it’s like he sees every gathering as an opportunity to air his imagined grievances, it was so bad and ruined every Christmas. I was so desperate to not traumatise my own kids with it all that I stopped inviting my family. I was too scared to exclude only my sibling, I knew it would start a war I did not have the nervous energy to fight if I was to exclude him alone. He accused me of destroying our family christmases and could not comprehend that his behaviour was distressing for me and my kids and accused me of all manner of nefarious intentions.
I’m exhausted, but also worried and terrified for him. The older he has got the more intense he has become, he has isolated himself more and more, and now lives abroad, alone, he had never had a romantic relationship that lasted more than a few weeks. I can see he is lonely and hurting, even when I am gentle and careful with my words he cannot accept any help or support, claiming everyone else is the problem and we only complain about him because we have victim mentality and are traumatised and mentally ill - basically, we’re the problem and he’s the only sane member of the family.
He has never held down a regular job and jumps from project to project, all the while claiming he is soon to be a millionaire and has won coveted government contracts and works with very important people. In the past most of his projects were highly illegal and outright fraud. So he changed his name. He has no long term friends.
Even writing all of this down scares me, because I know he sounds wild and unhinged and I don’t even know how to begin making sense of it. How do you help someone like this? I love him very much, but I don’t know how to reach him. He will not entertain any kind of intervention and is apoplectic with rage at the mere suggestion he might have mental health struggles of his own. I don’t know if it is even bpd or if that means I’m not allowed to post here, but all my internet searches keep leading back to it and I find the posts here so relateable and comforting to read. My apologies if it’s not allowed.
submitted by StarlightMoon1111 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 01:08 Future-Philosophy889 PART 2: Adding a activated ability to all units (Part 1 of the coin unlocked units)

*All units with activated abilities will be skipped*
  1. Mechanic: Fixer-upper (He will deploy a old scrap level 1 turret that will function with 50% of the damage and health but for every kill the turret gets it will improve by 10% with a cap of 250%)
  2. Firefighter: Fire-Fought (He will drop a flaming piece of trash that will then smoke up the area lowering the ac of all enemies by 95% and make ranged enemies unable to target him and give him a 30% damage boost)
  3. Glenn: Lifesaver (If any unit is about/is close to die he can dash to them knocking them back starting to fight the enemy attacking then with a 40% damage boost)
  4. Policemen Diaz: Arrest (He will throw out 3 pairs of handcuffs cuffing the 3 units based on distance from the bus any cuffed enemy has a 98% speed debuff and a 100% damage reduction with a 30% weakness to all damage)
  5. Grenader: Boom goes the weasel (He will throw out a super sticky grenade to stick onto a enemy near a group of enemies or the strongest enemy the grenade does 250% to the unit its stuck to and 150% to any nearby unit of the damage his old ability did)
  6. Sniper Polina: Headshot (Polina will load 3 red bullets into her sniper that do 2x damage and can attack 1.5x faster)
  7. Welder: Armored up (He will armor the bus up with 25% of its health as a shield and a new medium range turret)
  8. Carlos: Border Blaster (He will jump into the air kicking off the nearest enemy pushing them back before unloading both uzi's into them doing 350% damage)
  9. Guard: Sacrifice (He will call causing all zombies in front of where he is to come to him before he slams down a powerful attack doing 1000% damage to all of them before he falls to the ground and dies)
submitted by Future-Philosophy889 to DeadAhead [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 01:04 paleandsarcastic Urgent: How should we insulate while the attic finished ceiling is open??

Urgent: How should we insulate while the attic finished ceiling is open??
Questions for a 1930 3-story stucco Tudor-ish house that had the walk up attic finished poorly in the late 50s. We have passive gable vents on each end above the flat ceiling, and a ridge vent with no soffit venting. The lovely people before us put tan asphalt shingles over an existing layer of gray asphalt shingles. We live in Maryland, so we get snow and also sweltering heat. Sometimes in the same week!
After an emergency rewire in our finished attic (soon to be our bedroom), we have the failing slanted/pitched ceilings mostly down and tomorrow is the day our drywall folks are putting new insulation along those roof slants. The slants held a large quantity of old blown in (unknown R value) which is now bagged for disposal. It smelled horrible and it all fell out anyway. There is newer blown in on the flat ceiling in the center of the room. Kneewalls have some blown in but also a radiant bubble wrap type thing between the wall batts and the blown in stuff on the kneewall floor.
Our drywall guy has rolls of faced R19 fiberglass ready to put in but now I’m thinking that isn’t good enough or even correct.
We are missing some batts in the walls, which will get corrected with the R19. Probably still not enough but whatever. My concern is the insulation against the roof deck. I feel like it needs to be much more than R19, but now I’m worried about potentially losing an air gap we might need.
I guess my questions are as follows:
1) Looking at the pictures, we have about 6” of bay depth and then another 1” of like furring strip behind that, against the rood decking. Can the 1” behind be the air gap? I know the insulation shouldn’t touch the roof decking directly.
2) Should this be a higher R value batt with an air baffle in every bay?
3) Does any of this really matter all that much if we’re getting a mini split up there soon? On an AC day we see the attic get up to 85° or so. There are two central AC supplies in the floor but no returns, and that isn’t getting fixed. Never should’ve been extended up there anyway considering it’s all one zone, and I’m pissed that it was because it steals from the 2nd floor for no reason.
Thanks for any insight you can offer. I’m just trying to take advantage of having unfettered access to the underside of my roof!
submitted by paleandsarcastic to Insulation [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 01:04 HiCZoK Air purifier for 50m2 flat - dust

Hey, I live in a small city. Mostly want to combat dust and some allergies (dry nose).
usually my humiduty is around 50%, so it's rather fine.... although the air seems much drier. Maybe I've got a bad meter.
Anyway - I've been to the store to look at some models and read tons of opinions but I have some questions if I may:
-Does formaldehyde filter really stink after few months?
-How loud are these? Seemed rather quiet in the store but hard to tell (they had tp09 and ph03.
-Do Air purifiers really lower dust levels and smells after cooking?
-Do I actually want the model with humidity control? I know I don't want warming but humidity maaaybe would be nice. Except I have very hard water and it would probably clog it and just be an issue to get demineralized water. Also, I noticed the ph03 got rotating blades and not the whole base.... and it's smaller in height.
-I don't think I care about formaldehyde whatever it really is.
-I've also been to ikea and check their air purifier (the round one) and while it's cheap, it seems much louder and stats are lower
At the start, I just wanted an air purifier.... but since the summer is upon us and I don't have an ac, some fan function would be nice too.
submitted by HiCZoK to dyson [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:58 ive_doomed_us_all Car AC blower sometimes only works when the engine gets to a higher RPM

2014 Mazda 6, Touring, no engine lights.
So I recently have been having trouble with my A.C. Sometimes when I start the car everything works, but half the time there is no air going through the vents. It would turn on most of the time when I rev the engine above 4k RPM or when I get above 40 MPH. Once it is on, it would stay on the rest of the time, even if I slow down or get back to idle. Also, sometimes theres a loud sound coming from what I think is the compressor? Like a rattling sound. What do you think this is? What can I look at to diagnose this? Thanks in advance!
submitted by ive_doomed_us_all to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:52 Ralts_Bloodthorne Nova Wars - Chapter 55

[First Contact] [Dark Ages] [First] [Prev] [Next] [wiki]
Despite any number of arguments to the contrary, the do exist some true successors to the Builders scattered across the Arm.
Between Telkan’s immutable bravery, Leebaw’s undying resistance, Hesstla’s boundless resourcefulness, and Tukna’rn’s unyielding resolve, it is easy to forget that these particular qualities of the older additions to the Confederacy were largely unrealized or otherwise genetically suppressed before the brief intervention of the Builders in their defense against the Atrekna incursion across known space. The same holds in various degrees for the Mantids, Treana’ad, Pubvians, Lanaktallan, Wemtarrans, Converted Atrekna, Logical AWM, and every other race, construct, or group that ever came into contact with the Builders over their brief ten millennia among the stars.
In this way, even though the Builders themselves may have departed the cosmos after spending such a startlingly short time within it, their legacy lives on in the friends they found, the bonds they forged, and the remnants of the vast fleets of warsteel and wrath they commanded in the righteous crusades of the Confederacy of Allied Systems against those forces that would endeavor to defile and strip and maim the Malevolent Universe of its beauty against its wishes.
It is as if every instance of intelligent life in this Malevolent Universe carries deep within themselves some of the same qualities that made the Builders so uniquely perfectly suited to thrive within it, and yet the Builders somehow held the sole key to unlocking that final potential. One might even argue that this development was no accident, that the Malevolent Universe as a living organism had some hand in guaranteeing its own survival with the Builders functioning as some sort of self-propagating fire-and-forget antibody, designed solely to counter and repel the venom of the first Atrekna incursion in the First Precursor War. That is conjecture at best, and falls entirely beyond the scope of this discussion.
All we may know for sure is that our continued existence within the Arm, and indeed the Malevolent Universe as a whole, is that much safer for it. - Builder Scholar tannenbanannen in his foundational work The Builders Effect Upon Surviving Races, New Telkan Press, 22,893 PC3
"Come to me now in my time of need, Saint Jenkins, patron of the berserk charge. Guide my hands this day, make my aim straight and true, that I may gank these mobs and partake of thy blessing of the fried chicken of victory. In the name of the DPS, and the Tank, and the Healer. Buffs plz!" - Unknown, Third Phasic War, end of the Second Precursor War (est)
"My people believe that, so long as a name is spoken, the named is never truly gone. Whatever you are, wherever you are... if a J'tar'ka of questionably sound mind may ask a boon of you... please speak my name sometimes, that I may continue to be long after I am gone. Speak it wherever and whenever you are, so that, wherever or whenever I am, I will receive the strength to ensure your future.
"My name is Wuugndra Ax'mnev, and I love you." --Combat telemetry voice recording, discovered in rubble during reconstruction following the final TPS Breakout Event in System RH-8162. Dated to the last fifth of the Third Phasic War (confidence: 85%) Fate of either speaker has not been determined. (As transcribed by u/daviskendall)
"As Planetary Director For Life, it is my solemn duty to care for all of you within my sphere of authority. Are you or someone you know a Terran in distress? Help is available 30 hours a day, 8 days a week, at any time! The New Tnvaru Psychiatric Services can provide grief counseling in addition to many other services. Call or text at any time for an automated, digital sentience, or live being crisis counselor call, a counseling appointment at a clinic or other comfortable location or even a home visit! Let us help you as you have helped us. Call 800-273-8255, operators are standing by!" - Planetary Director For Life Namtotum speaking for the Terran Assistance Program, Post Terran Xenocide Event
It isn't fair, I didn't do anything to deserve this!
My dog didn't deserve to get eaten by a bunch of Okies but here we are. - From "Conversations in Hell", author Bhro'oms'mo'o the Mad, Lanaktallan Great Galloping Press, 28,978 Post 2PW
Naxen sat, tapping the cutting bar against his armored leg, staring at Emry as the Digital Sentience highlighted the path through the massive space station.
"It's a stupid plan," Wrixet grumped, polishing the grav emitters on his grav-fist. He had the safety cover taken off so he could get at the emitters with the soft cloth.
"What's stupid about it?" D44 asked.
The Telkana still had not remembered her own name or anything about her life, while Naxen and Wrixet had remembered bits and pieces.
"We have to bring the main computer core online," Emry said. "This isn't a space ship, it's a non-orbital forward operations base."
"For a war that's been over for forty-thousand years," Naxen said. He ejected the salt block and shoved a new one in place, slapping it twice to seat it.
"Look, we get to the main computer arrays, we get them online, that will let us run the shade defenses according to the messages," Emry said. He shook his head. "And we have to blow the ansible. That's where the Shades are coming from."
Wrixet just picked up the high impact polyalloy cover for the front of the grav fist, buffing it on his pants leg.
"Once this hazard frame passes the tests, I'll be able to go with you," Emry said. He gave a smile. "I'll be robotic, so I'll have the advantage of strength and speed on my side."
"If you say so," Wrixet said. He snapped the poly-alloy cover back onto the grav fist, then snapped the maintenance plate back into place.
"Look, we get to the primary computer core, we fire the whole thing up," Emry said. "There should be copies of the dogboi howl in the computer, we can use that to get rid of the shades."
Wrixet just nodded. Naxen thumbed the trigger to check the telltales on the cutting bar, nodding along.
D44 looked doubtful, but nodded along.
"It's almost thirty kilometers to the computer core array section," Wrixet said without looking up. "Are we running the whole way?"
"It's a kilometer to the tram," Emry said. "We get on the tram, we ride ten kilometers, then we head through the passages for a kilometer."
"This sounds great," Naxen grumbled.
"It'll be fine," Emry said. "We've already got the red lights on, we've got salt and iron oxide doped H2O mist in the hallways. Nothing can go wrong."
"Great, now we're all going to die," Naxen grumped.
"It'll be fine. Trust me," Emry said.
Wrixet just grunted.
"See, no Shades. The red is keeping them back," Emry said as the doors opened to reveal the tram-station pad.
Wrixet looked around the cavernous chamber. There were four monorail mag-rail tracks at this level, two more levels up, one level down. Each had a platform as well as an encased waiting room. Holograms winked and danced and flickered, the lights were dim and red.
There were no trams.
"No red," Naxen said.
Emry nodded. "That's why we're wearing armor," he said, his voice more confident than it had been.
A tram went by, the speed making the air shudder and thunder.
For a moment, Wrixet thought he saw... Wrathbound? Warbound?
Big blocky war machines all bound in chains inside the six cars that raced by.
"We'll go over to the covered waiting area, call a tram, then head to the core arrays," Emry said.
Wrixet just nodded, tapping the grav-fist against his thigh pauldron.
He kept looking around, looking at the dark areas, checking out the gaps between the red lights.
He could see things shifting, shadows warping and twisting.
While Emry and D44 went inside, Wrixet grabbed Naxen's arm, holding him at the entrance.
"See that?" Wrixet asked, nodding at the upper levels, where the walls of red hologram were tinged by something that made the red become streaked with wide strips of blue.
"Yeah," Naxen said. He thumbed the activation rocker switch on the Mark II Cutting Bar and the engine growled.
"Emry's forgetting, you can change the color of light with a different color light," Wrixet said.
"Same way we used to spoof the... the..." Naxen reached up and rubbed his face shield between his eyes. "Color. We'd spoof something with color and it would pop out... pop out..."
"Fizzystimes and narcobrews," Wrixet said. He looked at the Telkani he knew, just knew deep inside, was his lifelong friend. "I don't think we were Marines, Telk."
Naxen shook his head. "I don't think so either. I mean, I remembered some stuff about some fancy rifle, a grenade launcher, but beyond that, I don't remember any training or anything like that."
"Memories of military hardware feel more like school hypnotapes, you know?" Wrixet said.
Naxen nodded. "Yeah, yeah, you're right. Has that weird slick feeling to the memories."
"So... how did we end up here?" Wrixet asked.
There was a low humming noise as one of the tram-lines went live.
"Don't know, but whatever it was, someone hated our asses," Wrixet said. He chinned the button and started chewing the piece of stimgum. It felt like someone else's reflex that had been pushed into his brain.
"Tram Delta-Seventeen arriving on Track Nine-Alpha," a female voice said.
"Doesn't matter," Wrixet said. "All that matters is right now."
Naxen nodded. "Yeah," he looked back slyly and then at Wrixet. "D44 got some big milkers, don't she?"
Wrixet chuckled. "Yeah, yeah she does."
"Maybe after all this is over I can convince her to show them to me," Naxen said, smiling. Wrixet could hear the smile in his voice, even though the other Telkan was staring up into the darkness.
Emry and D44 rushed up, stopping next to them.
"Tram is five minutes out. Battery has to fast-charge and the power station has to load emergency reactors in it," Emry said. He smiled. "See, told you, no problem."
"Stop saying that," Wrixet snapped.
Emry frowned but went quiet.
"There's another ship docking," Emry said suddenly. He shook his head. "No transponder," he frowned. "Hellspace distortion is really making it hard to get any data," he shrugged. "Well, he have the Hellspace shields up now, so that'll help."
Nobody answered. D44 shifted over to stand closer to Wrixet and Naxen.
"Drali'imna," she said softly. "My name is Drali'imna. My friends call me Imna."
Both males nodded.
"Nice to meet you, Imna," Wrixet said.
The tram pulled in.
"Hold open the door, I'm going to attach a pair of emitters to the tram," Emry said.
Imna boarded, with Naxen, and Wrixet held the door open. Emry moved up to the front, slapping one low and one high, turning them on so they projected a hologram of a wall of crimson. He moved to the tram.
"Hold open the door, Wrixet," he looked inside. "D44, hold open the door for me on the other side."
Imna nodded, moving to the door and opening it, then leaning on the sensor.
Emry repeated it, ensuring that the front of the tram was covered by a red wall. He got on and motioned. "Get onboard."
Wrixet nodded, moving over and standing by the wall.
The tram pulled out, gaining speed rapidly. Wrixet kept one eye on the front of the tram, where he could see the red wall in front of the windows of the automated tram.
Naxen and Imna had their face shields together, using vibration conduction to talk to each other. Wrixet could tell Imna kept laughing. Emry kept staring at the map, tracking the blinking dot of the tram as it moved through the tunnels.
He wasn't sure what warned him. Maybe a slight color shift, maybe things had been going too well.
He reached out and grabbed Naxen and Imna, yanking them both back so they slammed into the wall next to him. Imna let out a squawk.
Naxen thumbed the cutting bar to life, looking around.
There was a wide blue streak through the middle of the red hologram.
Shades whipped through the middle of the car, screaming, scrabbling, trying to grab the quartet as the tram swept through them. Wrixet felt the outer muscle of his thigh erupt in pain, like someone had stuck a frozen knitting needle into the muscle.
Then the shades were gone.
"Must have been a cyan hologram emitter," Emry said. He lifted up one arm, an access panel open, and began tapping the keys. "Dammit, the tram uses a laser that's acting like cyan."
"Fix it!" Wrixet yelled as another group of shades swept through.
"I'm trying!" Emry yelled back.
The tram suddenly slid to a stop. The blue streak vanished.
Wrixet looked.
There were still some shades at the back of the far car. They were milling around, but Wrixet knew it would only be a few minutes before they spotted the quartet.
"Get off the tram!" Wrixet yelled as the doors snapped open.
Imna didn't even flinch, throwing herself out the door. Naxen grabbed Emry, pulling the heavy robot behind him.
"Door Charlie-Three!" Emry yelled, pulling loose of Naxen and running for the door.
Wrixet dropped a smoke grenade behind him as he ran, hearing it hiss as it put out reddish smoke laced with sodium and ferrous powder.
The run to the core computing array left him gasping, trying to breathe, the armor seeming to squeeze his chest.
Still, they reached it in less than ten minutes.
Emry hurried over to the main control panel that sat in front of a macroplas window, the computer server arrays behind it dark and silent.
Naxen was bent over, hacking and coughing. Imna had one hand against the wall, gasping, her other hand pressed against her belly. Wrixet was down on one knee, one fist pressed against the floor, head lifted, grav fist tight by his waist, as he struggled to control his breathing.
"Come on, come on," Emry said, hitting the buttons and switches. A screen flickered to life and the lights came on, dim, but still on. "Yes!" Emry put his hand against an induction port.
Data started streaming down the solitary active screen. More screen started powering up. The computer arrays started spooling up, the vast server farm warming up and coming online.
Emry turned to the trio of Telkan.
"I need the three of you to go down to Airlock Nineteen-Sigma," Emry said. "A ship's docking."
"How far is it?" Wrixet asked.
"Two kilometers," Emry made a tossing motion and Wrixet's helmet beeped. A map of crimson and silver appeared with a dotted line moving through the twisting labyrinth. "There, you'll be able to get there."
"What do you want us to do?" Naxen asked, slowly straightening up.
"Find out who it is. Let them know what's going on. Get them up to speed," Emry said. He smiled. "Be nice to have some more help."
"Yeah," Wrixet said.
It's never that easy, Telk, went through his mind. Not for people like us.
"We better get moving," Naxen said.
"Hurry," Emry said.
The trio moved out, Naxen still breathing hard. Imna was fine, recovering quickly.
Telkana were faster and recovered quicker from running than Telkani.
"Easy for him to tell us to hurry, he doesn't have to breathe," Imna griped.
Naxen just nodded, lifting his arms up over his head.
Wrixet just grunted.
They moved quickly, keeping an eye out for any shades.
"Airlock is cycling. Probably a Confederate Space Force vessel," Emry said in their headsets right as they reached the door for the interlock zone that was between the interior airlock door and a corridor.
"Right," Naxen said. He looked at Wrixet. "Be good to have some other people."
"It will," Imna said.
"Yeah," Wrixet felt cynicism well up. Not something new, but something that felt old and comfortable.
"Opening the door," Emry said.
"Wait, can you see..." Naxen started.
The door opened.
Inside the interlock zone were creatures.
Spikes on the shoulders, on the forearms, down the back.
Fang toothed maws.
Black skin or shell, cracked all over with dark crimson burning sullenly deep in the cracks.
Red, malevolent eyes.
All staring at the trio.
"Inside?" Naxen finished.
The creatures inside all shrieked at the same time.
The grav fist snarled as Wrixet extended his arm out at a 45 degree angle to his body and activated the melee weapon even as he yelled.
[First Contact] [Dark Ages] [First] [Prev] [Next] [wiki]
submitted by Ralts_Bloodthorne to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:37 xNewendyy 19M looking for friendship

Hey, I’m looking for a friendship. Since my friends ghosted me and my friendgroup kicked me out before covid. I feel “alone” sometimes sooo i would love to met someone new.
Now I’m at last year of high school and hopefully I will graduate in one month. Im not a good student and also im not that “smart” or “nerdy” in school subjects. I study Graphics and Webdesign but im not that creative person 😑
My main hobbies are cars and motorcycles. Since I live in Village near town i used to drive a car when i was like 10 😆. But dont worry, I’m not such a villager :D I like town life I study in town and i think that I have a good dress style. The next hobby i have is music for sure! I love listening to music I always have headphones in my ears and blasting some bangers like Post Malone, Blackbear, MGK, Morgan Wallen or some old s**t like AC/DC, Queen… or some old old stuff like Beethoven, Dvořák etc. Ahhah.
Tbh with you I dont watch films or series it us mostly because I work a lot or just do other things like repairing my car which I hate and love at the same time 🙂‍↕️. So I havent seen any Marvel and any series besides Peaky Blinders.
And yeah I work. It is normal in my country that after turning 15 youre expected to make your own money and slowly start living on your own. I work as a Barista at local Café. I love the job but the salary is very poor.
I also love traveling. I love driving and o dont mind flying a plane. My best trip was a trip to Madeira which is the best moment of my life (well one of the best). I could be there for hours just to describe the trip hahahh
I like photography, playing guitar (im super beginner), I’m sporty person - i did football (soccer) and floorball but nowadays i dont have time to do these sports on daily basis so I’m mostly at the gym or I do running in the forest near my house. And I also love to explore. Prepare that I will ask you about life in your country and stuff like that 😆
Im really chatty in general but i have days where i dont feel like chatting and sometimes im really busy so please keep this in mind 🙌🏻
Some facts about me
Im 183cm(6ft) long. Im 19 yrs old. Got blue eyes. I do like smart casual dress style but I dress myself like a “cool kid” - messy hair, slightly oversized too and jeans. My favourite pair of shoes are AJ1 Rookie of the year and Air Force 1. I got brown and light brown straight hair. I invest in stocks (beginner) Never had broken bone
What do I expect from you?
Well, I would love to meet someone, who is friendly, who can take me as I am. Who would have passion in some of my hobbies so we can talk about them and maybe learn something from each other.
I would love to meet someone without mental problems… I know its kinda rude but in not your doctor and I’m not really good at it. Of course you can reach me out when things fuck up and se can try to talk it over.
I hope that my english skill haven’t bother you. Thanks for reading this. If you are interested please HMU in DMs or in coment section. I would prefer chatting via snapchat or IG.
submitted by xNewendyy to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:35 CynicuIt Black Mold in Apartment

Hi all, thanks in advance.
So I am in Phoenix, AZ and I recently (April 2nd) discovered an infestation of black mold in my apartment under and around my AC unit. We contacted management and let them know. They refused to acknowledge it as mold and strictly referred to it as “discoloration,” which I assume is to cover their ass in legal matters. After two weeks of hounding them, they got a mold company to come and the team placed two extremely loud machines they called dehumidifiers around the apartment; these were loud enough for us to get awful sleep. After another week of little to no communication, we contacted the office again and they had the same company come out and do nothing but remove the drywall. There is just plastic taped to the wall where the drywall used to be; this is a 5 or 6 sq ft area around the air conditioner.
Everyone in this unit has randomly gotten sick way more frequently than we used to before this apartment. We chalked it up to be the weather but now we suspect it was an underlying effect of the mold. I requested the mold be tested and the results sent back to us, which they did not comply with. Based on research I’ve done, the apartment should have been condemned upon the discovery, but they show so little attention to this issue and won’t do anything about it unless we call and email nonstop.
Should I contact a lawyer? What could even come of the situation?
submitted by CynicuIt to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:27 Ok_Offer9580 AC not blowing cold air

Hello everyone just as the title suggests my RS is not blowing cold air. It worked fine last summer. Is there a way to check freon? I’ve also read that these cars have issues with the AC. Figured I would ask here first before I go crazy. 2016 RS, thanks in advance!
submitted by Ok_Offer9580 to FocusRS [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:14 mister_f1ks_ Scams selling van? He bought it, asked for guarantee, then claimed next day it broke down and wants either 2k for repair or for us to take it back

Hey, I recently sold a van in the Miami area to a Cuban. I've had it for a year, but quit the job so decided to sell the van, only problem van had was air conditioner was broken. Before buying, the buyer asked for a one month guarantee, which we agreed, but I wrote for only pre existing conditions. Two days later he said the engine exploded and he says that we need him to give 2000 dollars or take it back. Now he is adding a bunch of other things as well. Is this some kind of scam? I had no problems at all with the van other than the AC.
submitted by mister_f1ks_ to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:13 yhandi Lemon law question for a 24 GT.

I took my car to a piece of shit dealership (the one I purchased it from) for a routine oil change. They somehow managed to ruin my AC- only hot air blows out. They give me a piece of shit explorer as a loaner car, and called me today to say the part they need is on a national backorder and might take months to come in and they’ll have to keep my car until then.
I told them I want to the car back and to fuck all the way off. I’m just wondering if lemon law works for something like this, or is it a completely different legal issue? I damn well will not be paying the monthly payments on a car that doesn’t work, especially a brand new one. My blood is fucking boiling right now and I want to screw them over as much as possible.
submitted by yhandi to Mustang [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:05 Existential_Lurker For Sale: 2003 Jeep Wrangler TJ - $10,250 OBO

Looking to re-home my 2003 Jeep Wrangler TJ: * Model: 2 door / 2.4L 5-Speed Manual * Mileage: 182,440 Miles * Engine replaced @ 172,100 miles - Only 10k miles! * Transmission replaced @ 182,280 miles - Brand New! * Transfer Case Master Rebuild @ 182,390 miles
Located in North Austin, Texas - right next to Navarro High School (Rundberg & Lamar)
Clean Title on Hand - Well Maintained & Runs Great!
We still drive it so expect mileage to creep up :)
Ready as a daily driver or keep building as a project Jeep: * 5.13 R&P gears & ready for 35” Tires * Tummy Tuck Skid Plate Kit ready for install
Powertrain: * G2 Front and Rear Dana 44 Axles with upgraded 4-Wheel Disc Brakes * ARB Locker with Engine Bay Mounted ARB High Output Onboard Air Compressor * Custom Tom Wood's Drive Shafts with Slip-Yoke Eliminator Kit * Transfer Case Cable Shifter Kit * Teraflex 2Low 2wd Low-Range Shift Sector Kit (Shifter Map Pictured)
Suspension: * 3" Teraflex Suspension Lift * JKS Adjustable UppeLower & Front/Rear Control Arms and Trackbars * Savvy Offroad 1.25" Body Lift Kit - Prep for Tummy Tuck & LS Swap * JKS Swaybar Link Disconnects * OME Steering Stabilizer * Bilstein 5100 Gas Shocks * Heavy Duty Tie Rod & Drag Link Kit
Exterior: * Brand New Bestop Trektop Soft Top and Door Windows * 130W 6" Hella KC Lights w/ Windshield Brackets * Rear Dropdown Tailgate * 33" Goodyear Wrangler MT/Rs w/ Kevlar Sidewall * Teraflex CB Antenna Mount w/ 4' Firestik CB Antenna & Firestik Quick Disconnect * U-Haul Class 3 Towing Hitch * 4-Pin Trailer Hitch Wiring Kit * Front Bumper Bike Rack
Interior: * High Tier Kenwood Excelon Headunit (w/ XM radio & Bluetooth) with Polk Audio and Infinity Speakers * Clean OEM Style Switches for All Accessories * Headunit I-Vault Locking Cover * Rockford Fosgate 4ch Amp Mounted Inside Dash * 80A Fused Battery Connection Under Dash - Ready for Subwoofer Amp or Auxiliary Devices * Under Dash / Hidden Subwoofer Amp Mounting Bracket * Overhead Rollbar CB Mount * 40 Mil Truck Bedlined * Ceramic UV Resistant & Waterproof Coating * Ram Mount Phone Mount * Upper Dash Tray
Extras: * Savvy Offroad Under Armor Modular Skid Plate Kit ($850) * Door Storage Wall Hanger Kit * Flat Tow Bar Kit * Cobra 29 CB Radio (New In Box - Not Pictured) * Trailer Ball Hitch * Extra OEM Front Bumper (Not Pictured) * Many OEM spare parts
submitted by Existential_Lurker to AustinClassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:04 Iamthehottestman [Hublot] meow

[Hublot] meow
Once upon a sunny afternoon, I decided to embark on a luxurious adventure to the famed Hublot store, a place rumored to be as enchanting as the watches it housed. The gleaming glass facade of the store was just the beginning of a world where time danced on diamond-studded dials and golden bands gleamed under spotlights.
As I stepped through the door, the air shimmered with the soft ticking of countless timepieces, each telling its own story of craftsmanship and allure. I was greeted warmly by Alex, a charming employee whose knowledge of watches was as extensive as their smile was infectious.
Alex guided me through the latest collections, their enthusiasm making every detail fascinating. As we discussed the fusion of traditional Swiss techniques with futuristic materials, the world outside seemed to slow down, leaving just the two of us amidst the ticking of time.
Our conversation drifted from the technical to the personal, sharing stories of the places we had been and the dreams timed by our own watches. Laughter filled the air, blending with the soft music playing in the background.
Drawn to a particularly stunning piece, the Big Bang Meca-10, Alex took it out of the display to give me a closer look. As our hands brushed while passing the watch, there was a spark—not of romance, but the thrill of a newfound friendship, ignited by our shared passion for the art of horology.
We spent the rest of the afternoon chatting, laughing, and exploring the world of Hublot, forgetting the passage of time itself. As the day came to an end, I left the store not just with a new watch but with memories of a delightful day and a promise to return, not just for another watch, but to continue our engaging conversations.
It was a visit to remember, marked not by the watches alone, but by the connections made, timed perfectly like the finest of Hublot’s creations.
submitted by Iamthehottestman to Watches [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:01 Sufficient_Plane_392 Amiga

A charming personality like I’ve never met before
A friend I can call whenever I get bored
Whether it’s a night out or just good conversation
I enjoy our memories together filled with elation
It usually takes time for me to make friends
But the night I met you I felt a special predilection
You are a breath of fresh air in a land of strangers
A true friend to the end from now to later.
submitted by Sufficient_Plane_392 to poeticgarden [link] [comments]