Pokemon emerald gameshark steal pokemon

Pokemon Emerald

2012.02.27 08:22 Pokemon Emerald

Pokemon Emerald game content posted here, enjoy.

2023.03.09 20:57 Nervous_Musician_300 PokemonEmeraldRogue

Welcome Pokémon lovers to the Pokémon Emerald Rogue subreddit! Please join and share your Emerald Rogue accomplishments, failures, or any experience you have!

2018.07.17 03:41 johnny2s Pokemon Emerald Videos

Videos related to Pokemon Emerald gaming.

2024.05.21 17:57 Single-Wear-4985 Where and how to get stuff graded

Where and how to get stuff graded
We recently got some old family Pokémon cards and need them graded, but we have no idea how or what to do. Some of these seem very expensive and we don't feel comfortable sending them though the mail What should we do, we do live near the TGC Player office in syaracuse if that matters.
submitted by Single-Wear-4985 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:56 twatterfly A few misprints :)

A few misprints :)
Shadowless Bulbasaur and Charmander. Vulpix with HP 50 instead of 50 HP
submitted by twatterfly to PokemonMisprints [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:55 GoodSoup2222 I got the matpatify extension recently

submitted by GoodSoup2222 to lastweektonight [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:55 Cynsthetic From which IV do you start investing legendaries?

I started playingn in 2022 and so far I have 67 legandaries. Some have IV's from 70 to 80%, a couple 80-90 and some 90+ %. I'm wondering what I should invest in. Do I look at everything with 14 or 15 attack but lower defense/HP? I mainly want to use them for raiding if the pokemon is even useful for raiding. I have a Terrakion for example which is a 10/15/10 and although it's a strong pokemon, I don't think it's worth investing in. What is the main criteria for investing? The attack stat or overall IV?
submitted by Cynsthetic to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:53 danifunker [USA-MI][H]Paypal/Zelle [W] Pokemon Violet Switch (CIB)

Looking for a copy of Pokemon Violet on the switch for $35 with shipping included.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by danifunker to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:52 TheCerebralBore Any way to have sound playing from Delta and Spotify / ios Music simultaneously ?

There’s an option in Pokemon Unbound to leave only sfx on, that would be neat with a custom playlist (and a cool way to avoid the annoying fast music in FF mode).
submitted by TheCerebralBore to Delta_Emulator [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:51 Team_RDM Adding physical romhacks to the library

I have a few physical cartridge pokemon romhacks that I got, ie(crystal clear, unbound, radical red) and I was wondering if it’s possible to not have the games directly boot after hitting play. Like a way to add them to the pockets library so I can track my playtime and have them in the list with my actual pokemon games. Any info on if this is possible would be awesome, thanks!
submitted by Team_RDM to AnaloguePocket [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:50 robloxpickuplines Starting Out

Hey! I just graduated highschool, and I'm going to have a discussion with my college ambassador soon to discuss my plan for college. Problem: I don't have a plan.
I'm going into freshman year with 2 years worth of credits under my belt (thank you AP Collegeboard for letting me collect college credit like pokemon), which means I don't have a lot of time to decide what I want to do. My main options are Computer Engineering or Mechanical Engineering, and I'll be doing a CS minor either way. I've done plenty of research into Mechanical, so now I'm trying to find out what Computer Engineering entails.
Here are the questions:
  1. What is the difficulty/main topic of the classes? Are they related to electrical or CS classes?
  2. I've heard CE is a relatively new major in the recent decade, so are there less opportunities internship-wise compared to other disciplines?
  3. How physics-related are the classes? Physics has always been something I am capable of, but am not a natural at. I am very good with Math, so there is no concern there.
  4. What are the industries CE majors most commonly work towards?
Thank you so much! (Also bonus question: is a basic understanding of chemistry necessary for this major?)
submitted by robloxpickuplines to ComputerEngineering [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:49 zww2000 Where do I start?

Lifelong pokemon fan who stopped playing games after BW and has only played BDSP, Eevee, and SWSH since then. I've started a living dex in Pokemon Home because I had a living dex in BDSP and found myself enjoying SWSH more than I thought I could. When this started for me again, the SV 151 set was fading out of availability and was getting very very expensive at 3rd party sites/sellers. What would you all recommend I do if I want to create a living dex of the original 151, maybe 493, in TC that doesn't break the bank too much? I do not want to go to eBay and just buy someone else's collection.
submitted by zww2000 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:49 tckmac Got this the other day. Took a chance but i think it’s fake. Any help appreciated

Got this the other day. Took a chance but i think it’s fake. Any help appreciated submitted by tckmac to IsMyPokemonCardFake [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:47 TemporaryMix8615 My team is gonna love volkner

My team is gonna love volkner
Guess it will be up to eve
submitted by TemporaryMix8615 to nuzlocke [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:47 MidnightStrider27 Transfering save files, help needed

So i recently learned Delta is available for IOS, and i saw it could play N64 games, so i grabbed both Pokemon Stadium games. Honestly surprised at how smooth it ran but i encountered an issue.
I dont want to use the rentals cause they're notoriously bad, so i hopped on Project64 to grab a save file with some of my own pokemon registered on it, but the save file types are different. (P64 is a .Fla, Delta is a .Sav) so i was wondering if there is a converter i can use, or a workaround?
submitted by MidnightStrider27 to EmulationOniOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:45 darkoburi Pokemon - Misty - Egg Studio

Pokemon - Misty - Egg Studio submitted by darkoburi to u/darkoburi [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:45 Electrical_Cup_8243 Looking to trade for SP exclusives

I need all SP exclusives except for Purugly. I have extras of all BD exclusives to trade. I would like the Bagon to be jolly, none of the other Pokemon's natures matter. And I would also like to touch trade the legendary exclusives.
submitted by Electrical_Cup_8243 to PokemonBDSPTrades [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:45 ZestycloseRaisin9864 What pokemon cards would Gamestop buy?

submitted by ZestycloseRaisin9864 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:44 MekaKushy I think I might got something for the first time

I think I might got something for the first time submitted by MekaKushy to PokemonCardValue [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:44 Cammyvs Lusamine (Pokemon) Matchup Tier List

Lusamine (Pokemon) Matchup Tier List submitted by Cammyvs to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:43 Popular-Highlight-16 New retroarch update

submitted by Popular-Highlight-16 to RetroArch [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:42 StandardUS Made an extended art the best i could for the feraligatr 2/12 box topper i just purchased. Going to frame it. Let me know which version you prefer.

Made an extended art the best i could for the feraligatr 2/12 box topper i just purchased. Going to frame it. Let me know which version you prefer. submitted by StandardUS to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:42 serendipitybot [Self] Why the pokemon move surf is stronger than hydro pump. [X-Post From /r/theydidthemonstermath]

[Self] Why the pokemon move surf is stronger than hydro pump. [X-Post From /theydidthemonstermath] submitted by serendipitybot to Serendipity [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:41 darkoburi Pokemon; Misty x Egg Studio - Darkoburi Unboxing

 Pokemon; Misty x Egg Studio - Darkoburi Unboxing submitted by darkoburi to u/darkoburi [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:41 UnderstandingOk2399 Sorry for no pokemon blanket updates. I’ve been on a roll with tops 😅

Sorry for no pokemon blanket updates. I’ve been on a roll with tops 😅
Spiral Celtic sun top💙💛
submitted by UnderstandingOk2399 to crochet [link] [comments]
