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Couch to 5K

2010.01.27 21:44 tlc Couch to 5K

Anything related to the Couch-to-5K running programs or the like; open to all, noobie to pro.

2011.10.31 18:35 justarunner Advanced Running: It's a mindset

Post here for discussion about training for running, race reports, elite results and discussion, and more. AR is NOT limited to a certain competitive level or race times. It is a mindset and the community is fueled by those who want to better themselves and talk to like minded competitors. The deciding factor is the type of training you are attempting to use to improve yourself. If the answer to the post is "run more miles" or "try speed work", then that question is more suitable in running.

2019.06.05 16:52 b2trainer RunningShoeGeeks

A place for runners to share running shoe related news, releases, reviews, and deals. Please use our sister sub AskRunningShoeGeeks for all personal questions or recommendation requests. This sub is NOT affiliated with any other RunningShoeGeeks on other social media platforms.

2024.05.21 17:08 AdvancedAnything Starting Angel Bobs

I don't know if I'm missing something or if this is normal, but I cannot find a map seed that doesn't require a 5 minute walk between the first patches of saphirite and stiratite. I spent over 2 hours running back and forth between the two patches because the amount of conveyors needed was too expensive for how much ore I could mine. Everything I was mining was going toward more miners and I was only able to complete a few researches before I quit.
submitted by AdvancedAnything to factorio [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:08 Queasy_Zone9538 Welt DPS Team

I just lost my 50/50 for my Welt who is E1 now.
I want to make him shine a lot.
What team comp should I run for a Welt DPS ?
My main idea was Welt E1 / Tingyun E6 / Yukong E3 / Gepard (I have Lynx E6, Hanya E1, Asta E4)
Do you have another suggestion ? I really want to maximize the dmg of Welt
submitted by Queasy_Zone9538 to WeltMains [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:07 Bobmontgomeryknight Kicked My First Player Today

I've been playing since right about launch and normally host missions. I have never kicked, or even really felt the need to kick a player until today. Even given the circumstances, I am not sure it was the right call. I probably should have explained the situation or something but I am on PS5 and don't use a mic and typing it all out would be a lot.
This was on a level 7 mission. We were on the defense mission launching the 8 rockets, and started with only 3 of us. This guy was a level 21 or so. I was the only one who brought sentries which was a bad sign to start, but I had an EMS mortar and a regular mortar. Right away I throw my mortars down and see in the chat "I love ems mortars, I love ems mortars, I love ems mortars", obviously sarcastic. This guy then continuously runs out to the middle of all the bugs, literally trying to melee them. He gets stunned and killed by the mortars pretty quickly, and another diver joins our team with a mortar sentry and an autocannon sentry. The guy continues to run into the middle of the bugs even though the other 3 divers in the mission are up on ramps shooting down from above. He get killed a couple more times then comes over and starts blowing up the sentries. I team killed him after I saw it the first time, and threw down more mortars and he did it again, so I kicked him.
After kicking him another diver joined with yet more sentries and we all were able to watch the sentries destroy the bugs while hardly having to fire a bullet. I guess this goes to say if there are mortars being fired, don't try to fight the bugs in hand to hand combat - oh, and don't blow up my sentries.
submitted by Bobmontgomeryknight to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:07 Khoasy My EW Fan Movie Script (Unfinished)

Act 1 Scene 1
Int. Edd's Apartment Room - Bedroom - Morning
Edd (In sleep bed) SNORE, SNORE, SNORE- (EDD’S face is sprayed with Cola) I SUREDDER! (Looks around room) Oh.
(Cut to) Edd Int. Edd's Apartment room - Closet - Morning (Edd Choses which Hoodie to wear) [Hoodies references to different Hoodie designs] (Picks his Modern Hoodie design)
(Cut to) Int. Edd's Apartment Room - Bathroom Edd (Grabs toothbrush) (Zooms in to show that's it’s Cola flavored) (Brushes teeth) (Grabs cup of Cola) (Gurgles it) (Spits it out) (Makes a big wide smile showing his horrible teeth)
(Cut to) Edd Int. Edd's Apartment Room - Kitchen - Morning (Edd takes bacon in a Oven) (Puts it on a plate) (Edd sits at his table) (Holds up fork and spoon and licks his lips before shoving the entire plate into his mouth) NOM, NOM, NOM MM! The plate is always the best part! Act 1 Scene 2
(Transition to) Int. Edd's Apartment Room - Living Room - Morning Edd (Sits on couch) Ah.. it is a good day to watch Return of the Insane Zombeh Pirates from Hell 4! SLAM (The door goes as MATT and TOM come in)
Edd SHUT UP! (Matt and Tom look at each other) What is it…
Matt He broke mirror #1028!
Tom Nuh Uh!
Edd (Sigh) Tom, did you break the mirror?
Tom No!
Matt Liar, Liar, Dance on Pliers!
Tom (re: notice) Uh, Edd I found this by your door. (Hands to Edd)
Edd (Grabs) Blah, Blah, Blah. Your landlord will require possession of your apartment in 16 days, if rent is not paid! Oh no, I can't afford to paid rent!
Tom Don't worry- well actually do worry bc we all got it.
Matt Can't we mooch off of that crackhead down the street again?
Tom I’ve run out of crack to give to him, and I don't got enough to buy any either.
Edd Can't we get a job?
Tom Don’t you remember what happened last time we got a job!
Edd Oh yeah, we got fired for “immaturity, and irresponsible” or whatever bogus they said.
Matt We’re perfectly mature! They have to have a screw loose!
Tom One time I agree with you Matt. Right Edd… Edd?
Edd (Face plants onto couch) It’s hopeless…
Tom Come on Edd, things could be better!
Edd Do you mean worse?
Tom No, I meant better.
Matt Yeah, you could be friends with a stupid, narcissist and an unsupportive, alcoholic.
Edd (Annoyed, or disappointed face) Well… I guess- TOM WHAT ARE YOU DOING!
Tom (Standing on a chair with a hanging rope hanging from the ceiling fan) Who’s going second bc I'm going first.
Edd Tom, we promised to commit suicide when we get kids!
Tom Oh yeah.
Edd Tom, do you remember that safe in our old house?
Tom Yeah, the one that we left behind when it got destroyed?
Edd Yeah, that one. I was thinking we could go back and break into it. There’s bound to be some cash left in there.
Matt But what if the cops catch us?
Tom Relax, Matt. We’ll make sure no one sees us.
Edd We’ll go at night and make sure to cover our tracks.
Edd But we have no mask- (Tom, Matt are suddenly in Goofy Villain outfit) Edd Where did you even get those
Matt Dumpster!
Edd There's no way I'm wearing one of those! Act 1 Scene 3
(Cuts To) Ext. Old House - Backyard
The three friends stand in the backyard, wearing their goofy villain outfits, as Edd adjusts his costume with annoyance.
Edd (Cont'D) "This is ridiculous. I can't believe you two made me wear this."
Matt (Excitedly) "You look great! We're like the Three Stooges of crime!"
Tom (Grinning) "Yeah, but instead of just being fools, we're gonna be rich fools!”
Edd Matt did you cover our tracks?
Matt Yeah, look. (Shows an path of purple path leading right up to their location)
Tom Matt you know when I said I hated you?
Matt Yeah?
Matt Aw...
Edd "Alright, let's just get this over with. We break into the safe, grab the cash, and get out. Simple enough."
Tom (Cocky) "Piece of cake, guys. We're professional criminals now."
Matt (Excitedly) "We're going to be rich!"
(The friends approach the safe and begin trying to open it.)
Edd Uh, does anyone remember the code?
Tom Not me!
Edd Matt?
(Camera pans to Matt admiring a picture of himself)
Matt I thought I lost you forever baby (Matt says as kissing it)
Tom(drunk) My idea is to blow up an orphanage!
Edd How do you get drunk off of Smirnoff in 4 seconds!?
Tom(drunk) Idk ask the unicorn in the sky!
Edd (Sigh) I'm going home.
As Edd turns to leave, Tom comes to his senses.
Tom "Guys, hang on. What if we try a brute force attack? Like, really give it a good ol' college try?"
Edd (Sarcastically) “Oh yes, because that's so much better than blowing up an orphanage.”
Tom (Ignoring the comment) “Just hear me out. We all know that safes have a maximum number of combination attempts before they lock us out. So, what if we just brute force it?”Edd But what brute force would... (Edd's eyes spark up with an idea, and a devious smile form's on his face)
Tom So... what's the idea?
Edd (Raises his eyebrows)
Tom I don't speak eyebrows?
Matt (Raises eyebrows)
Tom What!?
Edd (Overlapping Matt) THROW TOM!
Matt (Overlapping Edd) THROW TOM!
Tom Did I ever tell yall I HATE ALL OF YOU!As Matt and Edd start shoving Tom towards the safe, he starts resisting and shouting obscenities at them.
Tom (Yelling) "What the hell is wrong with you guys?! I'm not a goddamn battering ram!"
Matt (Laughing) "Oh come on, it'll be fine! What's the worst that could happen?"
Edd (Shoving Tom) "Just go with it, Tom. You'll thank us later."
Tom (Reluctantly) "Fine, but if I break anything, I'm suing you two.”(Edd and Matt lift Tom over their head and chuck him head first into the safe making a extremely loud smash)
Edd See Tom, that wasn't so bad!
Tom I think broke one of my hair bones
Matt Is it open?
Edd Nope. It's dented tho!Edd Still dented.
Matt Again-
(The gang hear police sirens)
(The police pull up and get out of the cop car with gun)
(The entire gang puts their hands up with a ton of Matt's pictures falling out of his clothes)
(The police officers look confused as they witness the sight in front of them.*)
Officer 1 (Perplexed) “What the hell happened here?”
Matt (Innocently) “We were just trying to break into a safe. No big deal.” Act 1 Scene 4 Int. Cop Car - Midnight
Tom (Drowsy) “Why do my eyelids feel like heavy rocks…?”
Matt (Looking confused) “Hey, does anyone else smell pickles?”
Edd (Snickering) I knew I shouldn't have put on pickle deodorant!
Cop 1 (Driving) “Quiet, back there!”
Edd (Mumbling) Sorry Angry Mcgee!
Matt (Whisper) Pss, Edd!
Edd What?
Matt Get this! (Quickly throws a picture to Edd with his mouth)
Edd What is- Holy S**t I thought I lost this forever!
Camera pans down to show Edd, Matt, and Tom when they first moved in, including a old friend named Tord)*As the camera pans down to the picture, we see a glimpse of a time long ago. Three friends – Edd, Matt, and Tom – are laughing and smiling, with a fourth boy, Tord, standing beside them. They're holding balloons and standing in front of a house they recently moved into. Act 1 Scene 5
(Transition to) Jail - Cell - Midnight
Edd is dramatically lying on his back, holding an empty Cola can, pretending to have a heart attack. Meanwhile, Tom is sitting on a bunk bed and rolls his eyes.
Tom (Sarcastically) “Oh, yes, because your Cola addiction is definitely the biggest concern here. Not us being thrown in jail overnight.”
Edd writhes around on the bed in despair, while Tom just sits there, clearly agitated by Edd's melodrama.
Tom "Edd, you've been going on about your cola running out for hours now. Can you give it a rest, please?"
Edd (Frantically) "You don't understand, Tom! My cola was my life! How am I supposed to survive here without it?"
Tom (Tired) "Perhaps you should try sleeping or something?”Matt Uh, guys why is there a dude in helicopter trying to shoot us with a bazooka?
Edd (Sarcastically) Well thats just great.
(The group is flung back as the cell window is blasted open)
The man with the bazooka comes through the smoke.
Paul Hello, uh sorry I don't know your names. The Red Leader only refers people as code names.
Tom The Red who?
Matt My name is the beautiful Matt-
Edd covers Matt's mouth
Edd Don't tell him your name idiot!
Paul My name is Paul.
Camera Pans to Matt
Matt Why are your eyebrows 20 feet tall?
Camera Pans back to Paul
Paul They aren't even that big are you blind!?
Camera Pans back to Matt
Matt suddenly wearing blind glasses
Matt Yes
Patryk Hi my name is Patryk-
Patryk Oh.
We hear a Helicopter explosion from outside. Paul and Patryk look down from the exposed cell wall, showing the burning half-destroyed Helicopter.
Patryk Don't worry I'll fix those scratches!
Paul Whatever.
Edd So, are you here to save us?
Paul Nah, we're gonna capture you!
Edd Aw, Bugger
Paul pulls out a "Super cool taser gun" as the label on the taser gun says.
Tom Lame.
(Tom is shocked and knocked out by the taser gun)
(The group watches in shock as Tom goes down from the taser-gun.)
Matt (Panicking) "Oh no, Tom! Edd, do something!!"
Edd (In shock) "What can I do? There's two nut jobs with a taser gun and an assault rifle who are trying to capture us!"
Paul (Casually) "Don't worry, if you don't resist, you'll be safe. The Red Leader just wants you guys for a special project.”
Edd Whatever.
Edd blacks out
(Cut to) Helicopter - Backseat - Morning
Edd wakes up
Edd (Distraught) Ow my head hurts!
Tom (Confused) What happened?
Edd (Deep Voice) Hey Babe.
Tom (Angry) Wtf Edd!
Matt is making muffled sounds because of a mask on his face that says "Beware ugly fish monster behind mask." Edd takes the mask off of Matt.
Edd (Disturbed) EW, the mask was right!
Matt (Angry) Hey!
Paul So you finally woke up!
Matt Uh, yeah
Edd This reminds me of when I flew a Helicopter when I was in the Uk Army!
Paul (Confused) You were in the army!?
Matt We all were can't you tell just by looking at us!
Camera pans to show all of the three boys looking exaggeratedly more stupid than usual.
Paul No.
The three friends look at each other in annoyance, feeling belittled by Paul's remark. Tom speaks up.
Tom (Sarcastically) "Oh wow, thanks for the compliment. Nice to know we look like a bunch of army rejects."
Matt (Defensively) "Excuse me, we are actually highly trained and intelligent individuals... in our own special way.”
Tom (Sarcastically) At least two of us are!
Tom and Edd high-five. Matt not realizing that they are inferring that he's the stupid one, keeps a smile on his face
Edd (Amused) Wait didn't your Helicopter crash like a few hours ago?
Patryk (Proudly) This is my 857th Helicopter!
Edd's Amused face goes to worried.
Edd (Unsettled) “Oh boy, this is going to be one bumpy ride…”
Edd At least we're away from the HELI-COP-TER
Everyone looks at Edd because of the horrible pun.
Tom So, where are we going?
The camera zooms out of the Helicopter to show that the place is actually called "SUPER EVIL EDGY VILLAINOUS BASE!"
Edd Well that's just silly.
submitted by Khoasy to Eddsworld [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:07 plumsandmelons How to transition from beauty services to a more office/corporate role?

Hello! I have spent the last 5 years working full time as a nail technician and esthetician. I worked my butt off taking night classes to get my bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a minor in HR management during this time. While I’m so proud I finally graduated in January I am at a loss on how to transition my career to use my degree but also the skills I have built the last few years. I’ve had to market myself via social media, build lasting client relationships (years long), run on a schedule, collaborate with a team for product testing, train and mentor new employees etc. Any advice on types of jobs to apply for would be great! Unfortunately I can’t take a pay cut and I make around 55k a year now- so thats holding me back from applying to some jobs that are posted that say no experience. But your girl needs to finally have a benefits package, growth opportunities and maybe some PTO would be nice so I dont have to work 6 day weeks after taking a vacay- lol.
submitted by plumsandmelons to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:06 Debbieeeeeeeee Two takes I have from last nights episode

I find it very funny that they gave all 3 of Spencer’s storylines to Jordan. They took away Spencer’s hiseman storyline and gave it to Jordan, they recycled Spencer having the best season of his life storyline and gave it to Jordan and now Jordan’s supposed to have the thinking/declaring for the draft storyline…. The show's need to try to elevate Jordan to Spencer's level is nauseating, why can’t Spencer have shit to himself like they been doing this shared storyline shit between the two of them since season 3.
“He’s not just a number guy” He wasn’t just a numbers guy when he was backing your ugly ass up, he wasn’t a numbers guy when he helped you tank Spencer’s stats, wasn’t a number guy when you and Mac actively took Spencer out the offense, the hiseman running, and worsted YOUR FRIENDS chances in the draft. He was Mrs. Numbers guy all season since it was helping him and now Mac turned on you like he did Spencer now it’s a problem… interesting. Not saying he shouldn’t be mad but I find it funny how he talks a big game about Mac sabotaging him like he didn’t do the same to Spencer.
And knowing the writers because they’re so predictable Jordan takes it personally so that leads him to start passing to Spencer all game to spite Mac which will ultimately end up hurting the team. They go into halftime loosing with the coach Kenny on their ass telling them that this is the championship blah blah blah then Spencer’s confronts Jordan and talks him off and ledge and says something along the lines of get your head in the game and forget about Mac this is about us we’ve made it this far because of you blah blah blah. They come out of halftime start dominating on both sides when Jordan gets hurt and now they have to come up with another plan and have a unreal comeback and win the game 🤷🏾‍♀️
submitted by Debbieeeeeeeee to AllAmericanTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:05 Significant-Usual-98 Noah The Pilgrim - Chapter 1-3: Northstar

Noah The Pilgrim
Previous First Next
You can't feel your body, you try to move but receive no feedback from your arms and legs. You open our eyes, or were they always opened? It's difficult to tell when only darkness surrounds you.
'You're here again.'
It's that same voice you heard before waking up in that pod. You try to speak but fail. It feels like you left your body behind, existing only inside your mind.
'Allow me.'
From the dark, a circle of light emerges, filling your vision. The light is not blinding, nor is it too bright to obfuscate the dark, it's just bright enough to reach your eyes without prompting discomfort.
It's the Star. That much, you know for certain.
Normally, you'd feel hopelessly scared, but somehow, all you feel is soothed by its light.
'I remember telling you we wouldn't see each other for a long time. Why are you here?'
Although you wished to answer the question, you could not. Both because you have no control over your body, and because you don't know the answer.
You recall the AI telling you the purpose of the ship you're in. It was to study this star.
Why? What's so special about this particular star? Sure, it's on the very edge of the ever-expanding universe, but aside from that, it's just a star. A very odd-looking star, but a star nonetheless.
'What's so special about me... Nothing.'
A shiver runs down your spine. It feels as though you've forgotten a significant thing about yourself, and you're sure this star has something to do with it.
'How are you feeling, Noah?'
Like shit. That is what you wanted to answer.
You've been going with the flow ever since you woke up in that pod, not asking yourself neither how or why you've been put in that place, only nodding your way to the bridge.
You've been bombarded with memories that you're sure aren't yours, but your own memories also feel shrouded in a thick haze, and yet, you didn't bother to even think about why it was, only accepting that as truth without understanding this strange phenomenon.
When confronted with things beyond your current knowledge you refuse to acknowledge it by not asking yourself what it is, or by illuding yourself into thinking it's a dream.
Even now, you refuse to acknowledge this impossible place you've found yourself in.
'Why is it that you turn away?'
What to blame for that? You didn't even feel the need to ask anything about yourself. Randomly remembering things as though you were reading them off a manual, taking whatever FYARN says as an absolute truth, and not even reacting to the abhorrent state of the Odyssey.
When FYARN told you about the relationship between the alien and the human races, it told you how superior humans were, and it also told you that the human race lost the war. You didn't bother to call out that clear discrepancy then because you felt as though it didn't concern you, despite being clearly at the forefront of that conflict.
When FYARN asked what you remembered, you simply stated you didn't remember nearly anything, and yet you've made no strive to fix that issue, accepting it as the absolute truth.
All there was left to blame was yourself.
'You're doing it again, turning away from the truth.'
Was it because your situation was impossibly bizarre?
Waking up in a half-blown spaceship could be enough to drive a man to the brink with how random and impossible that notion was. Especially when that man was just a salary man, living month to month, working an unfulfilling job, all while being called the best.
'Perhaps. But I believe that the issue lies much, much deeper.'
The utter darkness shifts and contorts unexplainably. Moving shadows take formless shapes before you. From black to grey, and from grey to different shades of it. Those shapes of impossible geometry cast shadows downwards, as the star stared at you from above.
The shapes expanded and contracted into euclidean and understandable structures. Tall rectangular towers filled the horizon, decorating a path akin to buildings in a busy city.
On the foot of one of those structures, you see a man dwarfed by the sheer size of the scenery.
'Who do you think that is?'
You approach him.
You see a young man that looks to be in his mid-twenties. Your brown eyes stare back at it, analyzing the bags beneath his eye sockets. The dark hair is neither too long nor too short, hastily combed to hide the laziness behind his look. You see a beard that has not been trimmed for weeks, but also lacks thickness, each singular hair isn't particularly long either; and some even appear to be in-grown.
He's wearing a white tuckered-in buttoned shirt with a pair of jeans. A black backpack weighed on his back as he walked through this empty street.
A position you could imagine yourself in, every day of the week.
If you had failed to piece together who that was, it became clear once you noticed the empty look on his face.
It's obvious who that is.
He is a man whose bright dreams have been crushed under the weight of mankind.
How cruel, to be forced to gaze into a dirty mirror...
'You are starting to see it. Let's go further.'
The ractangular towers floated away, as the man continued to walk into the grey void.
Four white walls covered both you and the man, grey shapes transformed into a chair and desk, inviting the man to sit on it.
It was a plain desk and a plain chair, and when the shapes stopped transmogrifying themselves, a plain computer, monitor, keyboard, and mouse rested atop the desk.
Fitting for a plain man. You watch him sitting down in the chair, putting his backpack on the floor beneath the table.
From the backpack, he conjured a notebook and a set of pencils and erasers. He quickly turned the computer on.
This was his job.
The monitor remained grey despite how the man typed on the keyboard. The notebook remained grey despite how the man scribbled on it with the pencil.
A humanoid figure came to be from the geometric mess of grey nearby. It passed by the working man. "G'day Noah." It spoke, as he vanished into the white walls that surround you.
The man didn't bother to respond, he didn't bother to stop his work, and he didn't even bother to look up from his notebook.
Another humanoid figure passed by, holding what looked to be sheets of paper. "Hey Noah, could you sort these documents out for me? I'm swamped today..."
The man looks at the thick collection of papers in the figure's hands. He just started his shift and already lacks the energy and motivation to keep going with his day.
And despite that, he did not want to disappoint.
He points to the empty space on his desk, motioning for the figure to leave it there.
The figure places the paperwork on the man's desk. "Thanks, I owe you big time for this!" After saying that, the figure disappeared into the white walls of the room.
He did not speak a singular word.
You recall this... Feeling.
'Do you remember their names, Noah?'
You could not.
'Do you remember their faces, Noah?'
You could not.
'These people, you used to see them every day. Why do you not know who they are?'
What was the point of it? Why did it matter? Why did they matter?
'Because they are people.'
To you, those figures were nothing but placeholders for those who did the same thing as you. They were nothing special, just like you. So why bother to recall their faces?
'We must go further.'
The white cubicle ceased to be, alongside the man in plain clothing.
The towering rectangles swiftly returned, and with it came a young adult in his early twenties.
Your brown eyes stare back at his. The short dark hair looked as though it was combed for hours until it was perfect. You see a trimmed beard, neatly cut with a blade most sharp. You see that his face has been recently subjected to a daily skin-care regime.
This young man looks to be full of energy.
He's wearing a white tuckered-in buttoned shirt with a pair of jeans. A black backpack was strapped to his back as he walked through this empty street.
Again, you know who this is, yet you don't have the guts to accept it.
The ringing tune of a cell phone came from the young man's pockets. He promptly picked it up.
"Hey, Noah!" You hear the voice coming from the other side of the call. "The boys and I are going to throw a party today in my place to celebrate finishing high school. You better show up tonight!" It sounds like the voice originates from a man. He is yelling at the phone.
You watch as the young man smirks. "You can bet I'll be there." He answered. "I'll be done with today's interview and head there as soon as possible."
"Great... Something came up, catch you later bud!" And just like that, the call ended. The young man pocketed his phone.
You know how the rest of that day went. The young man passed the interview and secured his spot in a large IT company, then he went to his friend's place and had the best night of his life.
Those memories were the ones you revisited endlessly.
The grey shapes and humanoid figures vanish, returning to utter blackness.
Once again, all you see is the star.
'What happened, Noah?'
You couldn't say. Maybe it wasn't some big thing that happened, but rather a large quantity of small things that eventually crashed down upon you like an avalanche that built up for a long time.
Friends leaving to live their own lives.
Underappreciation of your career.
Your incapacity to form meaningful relationships.
The feeling of being small in the greater scheme of things.
The notion of your life being wasted for nothing.
A lack of accomplishment that was caused by a lack of problems.
You letting your physical appearance go.
But, even amongst all of those aggravating motives, there was one thing that always pained your heart to even recall. For that reason, you refused to acknowledge and even think about it. A trend that would continue for the upcoming years of your life.
Your dream.
Once adulthood came and expectations weighed on you, you had to choose. Live a comfortable life, or throw it all away in exchange for an idea that probably wouldn't even work, to begin with.
You refused to let go at first. Holding unto what little hope there was left for that dream of yours.
In three short years, your life shifted completely.
Friends grew distant, and now all you had as a replacement for them were faceless figures who spoke to you about a job you never really wanted.
Those very same figures held you in high regard, always saying how talented you were or how impressive your skills were. In truth, you never felt like what you did was worth the effort or the praise.
All you ever did in that company was half-assed at best, yet they praised you like their savior. You grew complacent under those who put you on a pedestal.
Your salary increased, and so did the responsibilities, but never were it challenging or engaging. It felt tasteless and odorless.
You refused to even respond to small talk from those people. How could you? If you did, they would shower you with praises you didn't deserve. That theory was proven time and time again.
All you did every day was sitting on a chair, eyes glued to the screen to meet an assortment of numbers and labels. This was nothing. There were people out there, changing the world, fixing the real problems, and you're there, sorting out numbers for a company created to sort out data for a company created to sort out data.
A null uroboros.
Twenty-eight years of a human's life, and for what? To waste away like a gear on a machine?
You remained ignorant of your ignorance. There were no problems since you had more than enough money from your ever-increasing salary you felt you didn't deserve.
You couldn't even bring yourself to quit, afraid to face the consequences, afraid to be replaced. A fact you understood fully well, yet you refused to acknowledge.
Clinging to a feeling of guilt, you couldn't help but hold on to this life. Your life, Noah.
You longed for a change, but wouldn't bring yourself to change it.
Your dream that you lived for so long ago, is something you couldn't even remember. You hid it away in a dark corner of your mind, hoping to never face it again, or else you would break down.
That is what happened.
The coldness of the world is what happened.
You wouldn't go as far as to say that you were a victim of fate.
Instead, you'd say you were a victim of yourself.
'And yet, you're here now. In an impossible place. In an impossible life.'
Are you to waste away on this place as well?
'You had conviction, but lacked guidance.'
Can you even muster that much courage? You fear what the future could bring.
'I presented you this chance for a reason, so you may show them that your soul is the brightest of them all.'
Fear is born for there is hope, but bravery is born for there is fear. You recall someone telling you that once, but...
'Remember this, Noah.'
Where does the courage to take a step forward come from? When it's so dark that you can't see the path ahead, how should one muster enough courage to make the right call?
'Whenever you feel lost, or alone; Whenever you feel like there is no way forward;'
Your vision starts to blur. The star begins to fade.
'So you may never lose your way again;'
Looks like it's time to return to reality.
'I, am your...'
This is my first HFY story, and also my very first OC story. I plan to post at least one of these per week while also posting it on my Patreon. Noah The Pilgrim will always be two to three chapters ahead in there, so if you'd like to directly support this writer, or just want to read more, feel free to check it out.
This has been Lushi, and I'll see you next week.
submitted by Significant-Usual-98 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:05 SadMathematician7799 If Minnesota win the chip would Anthony Edwards be the Wolves GOAT over KG?

1x MVP
4x Rebounds Leader
19.8 PPG career average with Wolves
KG 03-04 playoff run to WCF - 24.3 PPG, 14.6 REB, 5.1 AST, 1.3 STL, 2.3 BLK, 45.2FG%, 31.3 3pt%,
Ant accolades:
Ant 23-24 playoff stats - 28.9 PPG, 6.2 REB, 5.9 AST, 1.7 STL, 0.6 BLK, 50.4 FG%, 39.8 3pt%
Even some people that replied to that comment said that KAT could make a case to have a better Wolves career than KG.
So what do you guys think could Ant be the Minnesota Timberwolves GOAT over KG if the Wolves in the Chip? Or is it too early?
submitted by SadMathematician7799 to NBATalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:05 Rusty99Arabian Zombie horde for 1 player?

My players will be visiting Neverwinter this week for a low-stakes 'beach/shopping episode', and splitting up to look at the things of interest to them in the city. The necromancer PC, who has been chafing at the bit at the fact that they haven't yet acquired enough skeletons to animate, will go to the graveyard teeming with undead along with a DMPC. I plan to let them sneak in for a chance to get some extra-fun flavored skeletons I've stocked the place with, like centaurs, bone nagas and ankylosaurus - ones that will still have skeleton stat blocks once re-resurrected, but just look cool. (This PC lovingly decorates and cares about each of their skeletons.)
The general concept I came up with is that as the area is filled with undead, they can take down and nab *some* of them before the hordes descend, and then once they escape those, they have to scale the giant walls and avoid detection from the city guards. I plan to have most of this be rolls/theater of the mind, but I'm stumbling a bit on the undead hordes - namely whether to have an actual battle map that fills up with pieces, not to mention having them take down the undead that they plan to grab. It would be so much cooler if they had to choose between an undead horned cambion and an undead giant spider when they can only grab one safely.
On the one hand, the idea for this all is to be a fun and rewarding lite session after some very difficult (and unrewarding) battles the team went through and, most importantly, this is all happening to one PC. The last thing I want is to have an hour-long battle for one player while the others sleep at the table.
Buuuuut the second to last thing I want is for skeleton-nabbing from the forbidden graveyard to feel trivial and consequence-free. I think that there's some line I can walk between "roll to see if you get the kenku skeleton. Okay, roll to see if you avoid the skeletons next to it" and "someone hand me the second box of minis, this battle is about to go into its 15th round." How would you handle this?
submitted by Rusty99Arabian to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:05 bebechase Let’s get nutty and probably bite off way more than I can chew!

So, as of right now my group is about 3-4 sessions in but hasn’t technically started the campaign (had to wait to officially start because of some scheduling, so I made what I thought was a quick “how you all met” mission which has lasted much longer than expected). But to get me in a pumped headspace I have been watching the Stream of Many Eyes to get some inspiration for the upcoming campaign. During one of the round tables Chris Perkins made a comment that I thought was interesting. That WDH’s downtime is setup in a way where you could run another module right in the middle of it. That got me thinking, that could be very interesting depending on what other campaign you chose. So I started thinking and had the “brilliant” idea that I could work in Tyranny of Dragons into this and have a urban heist romp that bleeds into this sprawling epic with dragons. I think for my table especially they’ll enjoy this and have the best of both worlds.
So here are the changes that I am planning on making in both modules to make them mesh and jive.
  1. I am running the Alexandrian Remix first off to add depth to the city and give my party a reason to want to resolve things in the city and not just run off looking for dragons.
  2. I will be replacing the Grulhunds with a sect of cultists and a Purple Robe. There will be a few correspondents in the villa vaguely describing some of the goings on of the cult in other regions. This will also be taking the place of the Grulhunds in the Grand Game and they are currently track the Stone of G. With the ultimate goal of acquiring the cache of dragons to offer to Tiamat. (The goal here is to shroud these cultists in mystery and not directly tie them to the Cult of the Dragon. Just like WDH we want the PCs to be unsure of the intentions and not give too much away.)
  3. This Purple Robe will be responsible for the fireball at the start of chapter 3, and will have a Nblewright with a necklace of fireballs that steals the Stone of G. The encounter at Grulhund villa with commence in a very similar fashion to what is laid out in the Alexandrian and depending on who the PCs talked to will determine who is there.
  4. Once the PCs have the Stone, or at least have an idea where it is the progression will resemble the Alexandrian. The difference being the Cassalanterns involvement and the faction missions. Most of these missions will be geared toward odd cult like activity in the city and surrounding areas. All of these will culminate at the Asmodean shrine as added by the Alexandrian.
  5. The Cassalanters will be worshipers of Tiamat and will be trying to recruit the PCs to get them the 500k dragons for the offering to Tiamat under the same ploy that their children were cursed at birth etc. They know of the other cultists taking the place of the Grulhunds, but the others don’t know about them.
  6. Per the Alexandrian the inserted shrine to Asmodeus will be the Dragon Egg hatchery from chapter 3 of HotDQ. Here we will basically have the same encounter as the original chapter. There will be vague correspondence letter between Mondath and Victoro and with high enough rolls the PCs could potentially find the connection. Also held captive here will be Leosin Erlanthar from HotDQ and this will be where the PCs get filled in on much of the info regarding the Cult of the Dragon (as provided in the first 2 chapters of HotDQ) and presumably what their intentions with Neverembers embezzled gold. After his rescue Leosin says he must go meet Ontharr Frume to gather more intel but he will rendezvous with them back in the city. This will give the players a pause enough from HotDQ storyline to focus on the cache of dragons.
  7. The rest of WDH should play out as normal, with a few smatterings of cultist announcements from town cryers as the PCs walk in the streets.
  8. Other mechanic changes is Aurinax does not have the dragonstaff. What wards off all potential dragon attacks on the city is the black staff and the Walking statues of Waterdeep who are the sentries of the city.
  9. The ultimate goal is the PCs give over the gold to the Cassalanterns, in the process of the game to potentially sow distrust towards Vasraj via the Cassalanterns and make the PCs turn on her or if that is unlikely to happen have her assassinated and the black staff destroyed. With the statues rendered useless Victoro initiated an adult from a chromatic dragon and cultists on the city. The gold is taken away and then the proceedings of Tyranny of Dragons can proceed.
Clearly this is still in the early stages of being worked out and there will definitely be some balancing that needs to take place along with working in some more of the early chapters of HotDQ along side the storyline of WDH (maybe as faction missions?). and you can probably tell that we remove the first couple of chapters of Hoard to interstate the story into our Waterdeep session.
I know this is wild, and will probably bite me in the butt, but I think this might have potential to be something real fun, and keep Waterdeep at the heart of the story.
Let me know what you think, if you have any suggestions that could potentially help with laying the foundation and making everything cohesive. And I will try to update this as the game progresses!
Happy rolling guys!
submitted by bebechase to WaterdeepDragonHeist [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:05 Citron92 Kill la kill: I spit on your grave (Part 44: Rat Bael and friends on the other side)

Kill la kill: I spit on your grave (Part 44: Rat Bael and friends on the other side)
New Orleans, USA, April 25th, 1926
So looks like the waitress in that cafe was lucky enough to get enough money from Charlotte LaBoeff to buy her restaurant. When we left the cafe, we followed her to the real estate office of the Fenner Bros. and we waited about an hour, sitting on a bench. Every second I spent on Isaac's shoulder as a frog was me sunbathing, contemplating life, and daydreaming about torturing and murdering Nonon. As Tiana ran out of the office, she beckoned us to follow us.
Tiana: Come along! I gotta show you guys!
We followed her down the street for a couple of blocks before we found the old dilapidated building she was planning to buy. Only seeing the outside of the building, the Fenner brothers came up to the realty sign and removed it.
Tiana: Everything looks peachy keen Mr. Fenner, and Mr. Fenner.
Fenner 1: We have the paperwork ready to sign first thing after Mardi Gras.
Tiana: I'll do you one better. I'll sign them tonight when I see you at the Labouff masquerade ball!
The two brothers ignored her, putting the wooden sign into their car and driving off with it. Suddenly, an older black woman appeared behind Tiana.
Tiana's mother: Table for one please!
She was holding a big sauce pot with a red ribbon on it.
Tiana: Mama!
Tiana's mother: Here's a little something to help you get started.
Tiana: Ah! Daddy's gumbo pot. Oh.
Tiana hugged her mother and she spoke again.
Tiana's mother: I know. I miss him too. Well now, hurry up and open the door.
Upon opening the door, Tiana shut the doors immediately and both her and her mother began to hyperventilate. Something was terribly wrong.
Isaac: T-Tiana is it? Is something wrong?
Suddenly, a hole was smashed through the door by a big furry arm as Tiana and her mother ran over to Isaac and his behind him, screaming!
Tiana: What the hell is that?
Isaac reached for his plasma saw and turned it on. It whirred loudly before both doors were slamme open and a dozen of those rat-humanoid monsters barged out!
Ryuko: Shit! Rat bastards! Come on Isaac, you can take them down! Tell Wiz and Boomstick who's boss!
Issac: Oh I will. I'm an exterminator too on top of being an engineer!
Nonon never seeing these monsters before put her hands on her ears and screamed "Oh my G-d" over and over again as Isaac ran into the fight with me and Buzz as frogs on his shoulder!
Isaac: Mourir monsteurs!
Isaac slashed through the horde, swinging quickly and broadly as he cut them down multiple at a time! He jumped high into the air and used his summoned swords magic to shoot two rat bastards, impaling them before clapping and blowing them along with any nearby rat bastards up!
Nonon: What are those things? Oh my G-d!
Gamagoori as a big bullfrog woke up and climbed out of Nonon's pocket.
Gamagoori: Rats! The monsters Wiz and Boomstick created to try and slow Ryuko down so she can't save Mako! Come on! We gotta fight them!
As Isaac cut them up, we saw two cheese pukers emerge from the open door, I called it out to him but saw a big mass of bricks on the roof.
Ryuko: Cheese pukers! Don't let them get close! I'm gonna take them down!
Isaac: Ryuko wait no!
I hopped off his shoulder with Buzz and we hopped onto the wall, climbed up before hopping over to the mass of bricks, me and buzz then began to push them off all at once slowly before they all fell onto the stationary cheese pukers, causing them to explode! Blood, guts, and rotten cheese slurry splattered all over the street, the sight and sent caused Tiana, Nonon and her mother to puke.
Gamagoori hopped out of Nonon's pocket and hopped over to the wall and climbed up with us.
Gamagoori: I'm gonna help! Isaac! More are coming!
More rat bastards charged at Isaac, but he began to cut them all down as they got close. The ones that tried to swipe and swing at him were easily dodge as Isaac was very fast. He dodged, dashed and even did backflips to avoid their attacks all while cutting them down with one swing of his powerful plasma blade! Emerging from the door once more was a big, muscular rat monster with crusty, disgusting fur with dead, diseased rat fetuses stuck to it. It ripped one out and threw it at Isaac, he dodged it quickly!
Isaac: Tiana duck!
Tiana, Nonon and her mother ducked as the diseased rat-humanoid corpse flew over their heads, mere inches from their scalps. Isaac then used his summoned swords magic again and threw two glowing blue swords into it before clapping and blowing it into bloody chunks! None of it's diseased biomass hit us or our human friends bellow.
Isaac: That's not all...
We heard a tapping sound, it became more rapid as Tiana, Nonon and her mother squeaked in fear and all three got rolled into a ball to protect themselves. Out of the doorway was the last rat bastard, but the most horrific looking one. It was as big as the doorway, it had six spider legs, it's body was a big mass of gray fur with two rat bastard heads and a human head wearing a crown in the middle. The human head was familiar however, with the burned scar over it's left eye and brown hair.
Ryuko: Santa told me... Those rat bastards are from a mix of rodent DNA and DNA from Z-Zuko! That's Zuko's head?
The Zuko head stared at Isaac for a moment before it's mouth opened up, revealing hideous, rotten needle-like teeth!
Zuko head: Rarrgggghhhhh!
It ran over to Isaac, trying to get one of it's disgusting heads to bite him, but he jumped around and avoided it! He whirred his plasma saw loudly before jumping behind it but before he could cut it's three heads off, the new rat bastard spun around and bit his plasma saw, holding it in place. One of it's spider legs swept Isaac's legs and he fell to the ground. It then slowly began using it's heads that bit onto the plasma saw while having it's mouths avoid the cutting blue blades press on further, as the plasma saw was pushed further to Isaac's neck, he sweated profusely!
Isaac: You! Mon-steur! Rrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Isaac struggled with it before Tiana ran up behind it with a random wooden plank she used as a club and hit it over the human head! It let go and pulled back and turned towards Tiana, hissing at her before Isaac began to slowly overpower the two rodent heads still pushing on! The two head's teeth accidentally slipped on the blade and Isaac soon cut through their heads, killing two of them. Tiana jammed the wooden plank down the human Zuko head's throat but it bit down and bit the plank in half! Isaac's plasma saw then cut the human head off after cutting through the two other rodent heads from behind! Isaac then kicked the newly killed monster off of him high into the air before Isaac dropped his plasma saw, grabbed it by the legs and swung around with it like a track and field throwing ball before releasing it and it flew high into the sky, so high as a matter of fact that we eventually lost visual contact with it as it travelled so high.
Isaac took some deep breaths before picking up his plasma saw, turning it off and holstering it on his side.
Tiana: Are they gone?
Nonon: What were those things?
Isaac: You didn't run into them? They're the race created by Wiz and Boomstick to kidnap Mako. They're monsteurs me and Ryuko fought. If you want to travel with us, you better not be dead weight. You did nothing to help. Ryuko, Buzz and Gamagoori can't fight at their best right now because of you. So you can do your part or get out.
Nonon: Yes sir. I'll-gulp try.
Tiana: T-thank you for saving me. You are very strong and handsome!
Isaac: Ma plaisir.
Tiana: Did you fight in the great war? You are French after all.
Isaac: Great war? World War o- oh... No I didn't. What year is it again?
Tiana: 1926!
Isaac: 1926! I'm only 26. I... I was 18 in-
Tiana: 1918. Did you fight?
Isaac: Errrr... That's not important. Anyway, I'm going inside your new restaurant. I'll check for any more of those rat bastards.
Tiana: Thank you. Can you tell me when it's clear?
Isaac: Oui.
Isaac proceeded into the ruins before me, Buzz and Gamagoori hopped down a hole from the ceiling, landing on his shoulder.
Isaac: I should of known we travelled back in time in this world. We're in 1926. I wouldn't be born until 1992.
Ryuko: Dang. We're 92 years in the past. Yet again we were in the 15th century months ago.
Gamagoori: What are you talking about?
Ryuko: Me and Isaac going through these worlds, some of them are in the past, one was in 1482! This is the second historical world we've been sent into to find the next dimensional stone.
Buzz: Interuniversal and time travel I see. Your civilization is more advanced then I thought.
Ryuko: Well, it's magic really.
Buzz: Magic! Interesting. I wonder if I can use any.
Ryuko: We'll find out.
Gamagoori: I hope you guys know what you're doing. Will the dimensional stones lead us to Mako?
Ryuko: Yep! Sure will. It will lead us to Mako, we'll save her from Death Battle and we'll kill Wiz, Boomstick and their raping ringmaster.
Gamagoori: I just hope we don't get stuck in the past. I hope you know what you're doing. Also I want to be human again.
Ryuko: We'll get there eventually.
Meanwhile, in the streets of New Orleans, Prince Naveen was joining a street band playing Jazz as everyone was surrounding him, the women were especially fawning over him. His fat servant ran over to him!
Lawrence: Prince!
Naveen: Dance with me, fat man!
The prince took his servant's hand and began to dance around with him for a minute before he announced a proposal to the crowd.
Naveen: Drinks are all on me!
Everyone was cheering, but the servant grabbed the prince and pulled him closer to question him.
Lawrence: How are we going to pay for all of that? You have no money! Either you go and slip out when nobody's looking, or get a job!
Lawrence pointed over to a man behind a horse shoveling it's poop into a bucket.
Naveen: Eugh, fine Lawrence. But first, we dance!
He pulled Lawrence even closer and began to dance with him. The prince let go of Lawrence and he stumbled into the band and his head ended up inside of a tuba!
Naveen: Ha ha! You're finally in the music! Get it? Because your head is inside of a tuba? Ha ha!
Lawrence: Get me out of here!
Naveen and a member of the band pulled at Lawrence before both the prince and his servant were flung out of a tuba and up against a wall!
Lawrence: Agh! How degrading! This is... Oh hello?
Looking up, a slender figure in a black suit and black top hat appeared, he had a top hat with a skull and crossbones on it. This man looked suspicious but he greeted both of them kindly.
Dr. Facilier: Gentlemen! Enchante?
He lowered his walking stick, allowing the prince to grab on so he can be lifted up.
Dr. Facilier: A tip of the hat from Dr. Facilier! How y'all doing?
He handed the prince a purple business card.
Naveen: Tarot readings? Charms? Potions? Dreams made real?
Naveen and Facilier began to walk around a corner into an alleyway.
Dr. Facilier: I'm in the business of visiting royalty. Lawrence followed him.
Naveen: Lawrence! Lawrence! This remarkable gentleman has just read my palm.
Lawrence: Over this morning's newspaper. Sire, sire, this chap is obviously a charlatan. I suggest we move on to a-
Dr. Facilier: Don't you disrespect me little man! Don't you derogate or deride! You're in my world now. Not your world. And I got friends on the other side!
An echo was heard, saying "Friends on the other side".
Dr. Facilier: That's an echo, gentlemen. Just a little something we have here in Louisiana, a little parlor trick. Don't worry.
Dr. Facilier led the two to a door under a sign saying "Dr. Facilier's voodoo emporium", and once leading them in, him and his shadow sat them down at a table as Dr. Facilier high-fived his shadow then took a seat and continued his singing.
Dr. Facilier: Sit down at my table, put your minds at ease, if you relax it will enable me to do anything I please. I can read your future, I can change it 'round some, too, I'll look deep into your heart and soul. You have a soul too, don't you Lawrence?
Lawrence: Yes?
Dr. Facilier: Make your wildest dreams come true! I got voodoo, I got hoodoo, I got things I ain't even tried! And I got friends on the other side.
Dr. Facilier pulled out a deck of tarot cards and shuffled them before the duo as he continued to sing at them.
Dr. Facilier: The cards, the cards, the cards will tell the past, the present, and the future as well! The cards, the cards, just take three, take a little trip into your future with me!
Naveen and Lawrence picked three cards before Dr. Facilier took them and told them to the duo. He started with the prince first and continued to sing about his tarot card readings.
Dr. Facilier: Now you, young man, are from across the sea. You come from two long lines of royalty. I'm a royal myself on my mother's side. Your lifestyle's high but your funds are low. You need to marry a lil' honey whose daddy got dough! Mom and dad cut you off, huh playboy?
Naveen: Eh, sad but true.
Dr. Facilier: Now y'all gotta get hitched, but hitching ties you down. You just wanna be free, hop from place to place But freedom takes green! It's the green, it's the green, it's the green you need. And when I looked into your future it's the green that I see!
He then turned to Lawrence and read his tarot card results to him in a musical fashion.
Dr. Facilier: On you little man, I don't wanna waste much time. You been pushed around all your life, you been pushed around by your mother and your sister and your brother, and if you was married, you'd be pushed around by your wife. But in your future, the you I see is exactly the man you always wanted to be!
Dr. Facilier crossed his arms and expected the duo to shake his hands.
Dr. Facilier: Shake my hand, come on boys. Won't you shake the poor sinner's hand?
Naveen shook reluctantly as Lawrence shook with a mischievous grin on his face. Once they did that, the curtains came down and an army of singing masks began to sing as Naveen and Lawrence were suddenly bound to their chairs!
Dr. Facilier: Yes! Are you ready?
Voodoo spirits: Are you ready?
Dr. Facilier: Are you ready? Transformation central!
Voodoo spirits: Transformation central!
Dr. Facilier: Reformation central
Voodoo spirits: Reformation central!
Dr. Facilier: Transmogofication central!
Dr. Facilier then pulled out a talisman and clipped Naveen's finger with it, getting blood into it and initiating a curse with it.
Can you feel it? You're changin', you're changin', you're changin', all right! I hope you're satisfied, but if you ain't, don't blame me! You can blame my friends on the other side!
The musical number ended as Dr. Facilier danced around with the voodoo spirits!
Voodoo spirits: You got what you wanted! But you lost what you had!
Dr. Facilier then dashed forward on his knees before blowing, and everything went dark.
Back at Tiana's new restaurant, Isaac emerged from the doors, me, Gamagoori and Buzz were in his pockets as he approached Tiana.
Isaac: Good news Tiana, it's all clear!
Tiana: Oh thank you! You're my hero Isaac! Now, I just need to make some changes around here, so I may turn this into my dream. It will have to wait. I have to eventually go to the masquerade ball tonight.
Isaac: Oui.
submitted by Citron92 to Dbmlore [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:05 dj-emme Went to my first city council meeting last night.

Suffice it to say, it was not a pleasurable experience - and now I can't unsee the truth of who and what runs this city. I have tried so hard to stay positive about Greensboro this past year, despite the numerous comments from people here that i had previously chalked up as "bitter" - my apologies to all of you that tried to tell me.
I'm an urban planning nerd. I've combed through the 2040 plan in depth and a lot of my academic work has been about the history of suburbia and retrofitting. I'm also halfway finished with a business degree and am the owner of two small businesses. I'm not coming at this entirely uninformed. But I'm currently watching the city redline a community and destroy the peace and property values of people who've worked their asses off to get what they have in hopes of building better lives for their families, all in the name of "making the city more vibrant and livable" (for anyone who doesn't live where we do, anyway). I have lived all over the world, and in multiple places in the US, so while I know that this isn't just specific to Greensboro, it was still so, so painful to witness officials just completely wave off concerns of tax-paying residents.
Anyway... someone please tell me something happy.
submitted by dj-emme to gso [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:03 mazldo for anyone wondering. i‎ worked out the last question for the OCR computing paper, and this seems to be the correct answer.

for anyone wondering. i‎ worked out the last question for the OCR computing paper, and this seems to be the correct answer. submitted by mazldo to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:03 LowGap13 Prior Authorization

Hey all, I’m new here so please delete if not allowed. I just need to vent to people who’ve maybe gone through what I’m going through..
I’ve been on 36 mg generic concerta in the AM and 27 mg in the afternoon. For almost a year. As you can imagine, it’s been a pain having to pay for, pick up (at 2 different times) and take, 2 meds. I figured something else would be nice. He had a med that he said would be perfect for me.. Azstarys.
It sounded perfect on paper and he said the prior authorization should only take a few days and we should be good by Friday. Friday came and went and nothing. Monday came and I decided to check on the insurance side of things and come to find out the insurance cancelled the prior authorization because my name was different on the paper?!?!? (Maiden name used at doctors, married name is on insurance But it’s not my legal name.) The interesting thing is, all the other meds went through with the wrong name EXCEPT the new one. Yesterday the insurance called my doctor’s office to initiate the PA. That’s awesome!! I appreciate that!!! But it says I’ll have to wait up to 10 business days for a decision to be made.
I’m on my last few 36 mg and I’ll only have my 27’s for a few more weeks. I called my doctor’s office to basically let them know I’m running out of my AM meds and a decision won’t be made before that I fear. (It already feels like my insurance made their decision)
Sorry for the long, first world rant. I just wonder if anyone else has been in a similar situation..
Thank you for reading!
submitted by LowGap13 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:02 Cyberfury The Patronizing Saints Of Poppycock selling false 'Awakening'

In this episode of Q&Q with Cybersurf we take a look at another empty platitude folks will throw around under the guise of wisdom, awakening or - dare I say it - Truth Realization.

"Stop hating yourself for guilt blaming others!"

Of course what this particular Patronizing Saint does not realize is that he is talking to (and at, and from) the very Self he is pretending to have transcended. It get's worse with gems like "Be compassionate to yourself. It is ok." but I digress. The gist of it is of course promoting self-healing and not self-transcendence under the guise of Awakening.
It cannot be done. It really pains me to keep repeating the same words but your skulls are literally that thick by this point in the whole self erected self perpetuated 'community driven' circus act of false awakening talk.
What folks hate (and fear) the most while dreaming their lives away is some real Truth Talk. On top of that they love to play these semantic games never realizing that 'Truth Talk' is all that is possible from within the dreamstate. That even as I speak/write/pontificate I am rubbing these throat noise together we have all agreed upon should mean this or that or the other thing.
The reading in between the line is actually where all the magic happens. Or - in the case of this sub - where it never seems to be happening at all. For the fast majority of non-so-serious seekers holding themselves and others down in a two dimensional graphite-like bond. Imagine trying to rip a piece of Graphite with your supposed bare hands. Good luck! ;;)

"letting go of this hate of other people is hard!"

It sure is, but nor for the reasons you might believe. Who is there letting go of what exactly? How many of you are in there. What is the mechanism behind this split identity talking to itself, holding shit tight.. with what!? hands? What? It is simply impossible to 'let go' of something you are not holding with hands it does not even have. You are investing everything in a case of mistaken identity and the Patronizing Saint is going to cater to it with his own case of mistaken identity he crowned 'wise'... or compassionate.. or 'understanding'. It's a self perpetuating circus act of tear jerking nonsense.
I'm not even trying to sell you about some proprietary version of Truth or Truth Realization or self inquiry here at all.. It is 'YOU' who are whipping up one. Acting all enlightened and claiming nonsense about the whole damn thing. You let ego run the show and so of course it will do you like that. With great fervor as well it will go about knitting that rug of illusion and pull it from under you 365 times a day. With giddy delight! It's not even evil as such. Just the way this reality works. It will go as far as feeling sorry for itself too if that is needed 'while doing it' ....this is the podium where the 'teacher-student' monkey dance of epic proportion is carried out actually... where one dreamer will tell the other to "chill out.." ;;)
Just drop the fucking charade already. ;;)

"Be compassionate to yourself. It is ok!"

There it is; incessant patronizing. But are you even awaken yourself friend? No. Still you want to dole out these Mickey Mouse tips? I don't get it.
Keep patting everyone on the back with some soothing narrative of "it's okay buddy' this is exactly what Maya WANTS you to be doing.
There is no one there to hate another. Even when you manage to turn the Hate Ship around; that would still be the you that is not you at all. But now you have some virtues ...or so you believe. Now you are 'healed' or so you believe. Now you are ...A GOOD PERSON (as opposed to no-person at all).
Now you have another notch on the very belt that was already choking the life out of you.
It is no use. In the context of awakening we don't prop up the dream nor the dreamer.. Not before and certainly not 'after'. I'm looking at you 'Buddhists' ;;)
You don't prop up the dream nor the dreamer: we SLAY IT!
Then life will stand explained. Whatever is left there is simply the natural functioning and rhythm.. and 'righteousness' of the organism. It does not need 'you'. A name will do. A place 'to belong' will do. Food, clothing and shelter is all it ever needs. Anything beyond that is where the organism ends its sphere of influence and is actually the beginning of Self delusion. The birth of tumors on the ego. Outgrowths that WANT all kinds of nonsense. Believe all kinds of BS... NEEDS all kinds of things that are not needed at all. EVER.
It is ego that loves virtue, to preach to talk morals, ethics and whatnot. It is ego that exalts the guru and declares some teaching sacred. ALWAYS. You have no idea of how it is intertwined with Maya's power.
Her favorite puppets of them all is these spiritual puppets. Because they have 'the power' to drag other's down to their sub-level and beat them with 'spiritual experience' ..there. Collective 'Sue Icide' sold as a virtue. Lemmings headed for the cliff. In droves.
I don't understand how the gist of you are still talking the same nonsense in the context of awakening year after year in here. Why are you so stagnant? How come there is not a even a shoe lace dropping.. How many left turns do you have to make to see that you are lost in a maze of Self?
Just take the biggest L of them all on your so supposed chin and you may start to awaken for real.
submitted by Cyberfury to awakened [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:02 Shakysif Please help me find this story

Its a Kakashi x reader story in wattpad
I dont remember the name of the author or story but it was in wattpad and it followed the same plot of the anime naruto. I remember that the main character was put in team 7 and he stayed waiting at the academy with Naruto Sakura and Sasuke waiting for Kakashi like in the anime. I also remember that in the first mission to protect the bridgebuilder, Kabuza kidnapped y/n and kissed her? In one part where she was injured, Kakashi carried her to the old man's house and there more or less the romance began and also in the fanfic the fight on the bridge with Kabuza and Haku appears, all following the anime only with Y/n included in a romance with kakashi. Please help me find it, I've been looking for it for years and I can't find it, it was my first fanfic and I would like to be able to read it again.
submitted by Shakysif to FanFiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:02 Advanced_Ad_8583 The reunion doing more harm for some peoples careers

Imo- I think the reunion did a lot more harm than good for some of them (christi, kendall, kalani, kira, and of course obviously jojo and jess even though they seem to do a lot of harm to their names without the reunion). but i think they may have went into it thinking it was going to gain them some popularity again but in reality people seem more over them now more than ever. No body wants to see them continuing to blame eachother and be shitty on tv. People like the unity between the girls and their moms , they like all the fun moments especially now. They should have went in that direction of them being a team/family/shared experiences instead of talking poorly about Melissa maddie and kenzie and leaving holly and nia out. Not saying they cant address the trauma they went through and talk about the experience( obviously its their story to tell)but could have been done without being mean to their teammates who were also traumatized and didnt want to rehash it.
submitted by Advanced_Ad_8583 to dancemoms [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:02 nalbright36 Marcell Ozuna hit streak 🎰🔥👀

Marcell Ozuna hit streak 🎰🔥👀 submitted by nalbright36 to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:02 SannaMariah Is it worth staying? f23 together with a m25 that keeps on lying to me

Sorry for the story being all over the place.
I do not know where to start with this post. When I, F23, (lets call him Ryan) started meeting up with Ryan, 25y/o (january 2023, we are in a long distance relationship), i was in a deep depression from experiencing severe trauma and Ryan was the first man that ever made me feel loved. He gave me gifts, his time and energy and just made me feel loved in a way i had never experienced before with a man. This lasted for a while before I noticed that he pulled away a little from the affection (which I thought was normal since I was so depressed and probably a bit of a burden to be around). Him being cold only lasted a little before the affection was back and I felt calm. I then noticed that he had hid important information away from me for months. This included aggressive behaviour and the use of illegal substances. I was clearly upset and he said he had hid this from me because he did not want me to leave him. Being with him felt and feels like a rollercoaster. He is very hot and cold and it used to give me loads of anxiety. I then found out numerous posts about me on his reddit page which included topics like: "i keep getting obsessed with girls and sometimes it only takes a Hi from a girl to become obsessed, im in love with a girl i only spoken to on the phone and i sent this girl gifts to her house after only talking for a few days (im the one he sent gifts to)". This year went by including loads of ups and downs which I guess is normal for a first healthy relationship. He still showed me and shows affection but it was a lot less than in the beginning which i also thought was normal.
This year he has been affectionate, loving and caring in periods of time, not always but it has unfortionately been enough for me to stay. Things have happened this year as well. I´m a strong advocate for not watching porn in a relationship and we both agreed not to watch it. I then found out that he had been watching porn behind my back and I got so upset because I feel like it is cheating. After crying so much, i know for a fact that he has done it again. I feel like staying in this relationship is not taking care of myself. By him being hot and cold like this, ive been having to really struggle and build myself up to become an individual that will feel fine on my own, so for that I have to thank him for. When I tried to talk to him about something that was bothering me because it keeps happening even though i mention it to him (his constant critisism, micromanaging, no compromising, stone walling and selfish behaviour) he fell asleep during the day and during this conversation. I left the apartment because I felt deeply hurt and had to go for a walk and then he came up running after me in the forest which scared the living shit out of me. He says I´m overly sensitive.
I´ve been trying to have deep conversations with him and I´ve tried to talk to him about what is bothering me but he never apologises, validates me or even listens to me. It makes me not even bother to talk to him anymore after the incident I mentioned above. He does not even feel like kissing me. He knows how traumatised I am and the fact that I hate abrupt screams and abrupt physical movements but he has done it either way. He also screams at his mom sometimes because he wants to be heard first. His mom is an angel and I´ve had to tell him to stop treating his mom like that.
I feel like I´m a shell of the person I used to be. My self confidence have been at an all time low and I forgot who I was before him. I have been doing hundreds of hours researching how to be a better girlfriend, how to understand him better, how to communicate efficiently because i always felt like i was the issue and that it was my fault for being so anxious and sensitive. I feel happier when I´m not around him because I really enjoy my own company and the way I´ve let myself flourish on my own.
His selfishness includes the lack of compromising, that he expects hours of massages but sighs if I want it returned, our activities has to be of his liking and he would never do something just because it´s something I want to do. I rarely feel stimulated by our conversations either. I feel like he loves me for what I do for him and the fact that he is not alone but not for me as a person and that is why he keeps me around.
Is it worth staying with him or not?
TLDR: My boyfriends lack of respect for me and his lies makes me doubt that I want to stay in this relationship.
Thanks for reading. I appreciate it a lot.
submitted by SannaMariah to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:02 nalbright36 Marcell Ozuna hit streak 🎰🔥👀

Marcell Ozuna hit streak 🎰🔥👀 submitted by nalbright36 to sportslabalgo [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:01 rotsihylop [WTS] Glaive LTI $370, Endeavor Masterset 2018 LTI $1250, Kastak Arms Custodian SMG Citizencon 2947 Edition $20 ◄ Many LTI ships and packs Inside ► Aurora LN SQ42+SC Game Package $65, Referral Code STAR-TGVR-RMW9

Standalone Special-Offer Ship
Name Insurance Price (USD) CCU from
pack of 5 Ares Inferno LTI 1010 pack of 5 Aopoa Nox LTI
Glaive LTI 370 Dragonfly LTI
Polaris LTI 750 Dragonfly LTI
Original-Concept Combo-Pack Ships/Vehicles
Name Contents Insurance Melt (RSI) Price (USD)
Caterpillar & Dragonfly Pack Caterpillar, Dragonfly (Black & Yellow) LTI 300 375
Endeavor Masterset 2018 10 Modules (2 Bio Dome) LTI 1000 1250
X1 Three-Pack X1 (Baseline, Velocity, Force) LTI 130 170
Race Team Pack X1, Dragonfly, Nox LTI 115 150
Drake Dragonfly Ride Together Two-Pack Dragonfly (Black, Yellow) LTI 65 110
The Tortoise and the Hurricane Hurricane, Terrapin LTI 345 450
600i Series Combo Pack 600i (Touring & Exploration), G12, X1 LTI 835 1000
Air and Space Pack Terrapin, Cyclone-AA LTI 250 290
All-terrain Vehicle Mega Pack Cyclone (Standard, AA, RN, RC, TR), Rover (Ursa, Lynx), Greycat PTV LTI 405 500
Offroad Vehicle Pack Cyclone TR, Ursa Rover, Greycat PTV LTI 110 150
Tumbril Cyclone Pack Cyclone (Standard, AA, RN, RC, TR) LTI 255 320
Starfarer + Nox 2 Pack Starfarer, Nox (Standard, Kue) LTI 365 425
Top Secret Bomber Pack Eclipse, Gladiator, Retaliator Bomber LTI 670 770
Banu Combo Pack Defender, Mechantman LTI 515 615
Ground Vehicle Pack VIP Dragonfly Yellow, Nox, X1, Ursa Rover, Cyclone, Nova Tank LTI 320 420
Deluxe Ground Vehicle Pack Dragonfly (Black, Yellow), Nox (Black, Kue), X1 (Standard, Velocity, Force), Ursa Rover, Cyclone (Standard, TR, RC, RN, AA), Nova Tank LTI 725 850
Standalone Original-Concept Ships
Name Insurance Melt (RSI) Price (USD)
Freelancer LTI 110 150
Vulcan LTI 200 240
X1 Velocity Edition LTI 45 70
Hawk LTI 90 115
Hammerhead LTI 650 800
Polaris LTI 750 900
Sabre Comet LTI 185 225
Gladius Valiant LTI 110 140
Hornet Wildfire LTI 175 210
Avenger Titan Renegade LTI 75 100
Origin 85X LTI 50 75
Prowler LTI 425 500
Esperia Vanduul Blade LTI 250 315
Prospector LTI 140 185
Buccaneer LTI 110 150
Dragonfly (Black or Yellow) LTI 35 65
Terrapin LTI 195 250
Vanguard Hoplite LTI 225 275
Razor LTI 135 170
Hurricane LTI 175 215
Banu Defender LTI 185 230
Eclipse LTI 275 340
Nox Kue LTI 40 65
600i Luxury LTI 400 475
600i Exploration LTI 435 525
Standalone Original-Concept Vehicles
Name Insurance Melt (RSI) Price (USD)
Cyclone LTI 50 75
Cyclone-AA LTI 70 95
Cyclone-RN LTI 55 80
Cyclone-RC LTI 55 80
Cyclone-TR LTI 55 80
Nova Tank LTI 105 130
Original-LTI Game Packages
Ship Insurance Games Hangar Starting Melt (RSI) Price (USD)
UEE Exploration Pack LTI SQ42 + SC VFG Industrial 20,000 UEC 495 700
Exploration Mega Pack LTI SQ42 + SC VFG Industrial 20,000 UEC 895 1100
Game Packages requiring referral code: ►STAR-TGVR-RMW9◄ +5,000 UEC bonus
Ship Insurance Games Hangar Starting Melt (RSI) Price (USD)
Aurora LN 3M SQ42 + SC SelfLand 1,000 UEC 45 65
Hangar Flairs Subscribers Exclusives
Name Melt (RSI) Price (USD)
Kastak Arms Custodian SMG Citizencon 2947 Edition 5 20
UEE Calendar 5 15
Stellarsonic Jukebox 5 15
Locker from Another Universe 5 15
Mr. Refinement's Cabinet 5 15
Patron of the Arts Award 5 15
Puglisi Collection Planet Artifact 5 15
Puglisi Collection Vanduul Scythe Armor 5 15
Puglisi Collection Vasli Fragment Stone 5 15
Puglisi Collection Kamposi Magnus Skull 5 15
Puglisi Collection AV8 Battle Armor Replica 5 15
Space Flower - Emperor Blossom 5 15
Space Cactus - Kavische 5 15
Space Plant - Ophelia Vine 5 15
Conner's Beard Moss 5 15
Opera Mushroom 5 15
Revenant Tree 5 15
"Tears of Fire" Painting 5 15
Hitbox Magazine 5 15
Icarus One Holographic Model 5 15
Takuetsu RSI Constellation Phoenix 2944 5 15
Takuetsu MISC Freelancer MIS 2944 5 15
Takuetsu Mini Reliant Kore 5 15
Takuetsu Mini Aegis Sabre 5 15
Takuetsu Mini Hornet F7C-R 5 15
Takuetsu Series Mustang Beta 5 15
Takuetsu Series Aurora ES 5 15
Takuetsu 350R Ship Model 5 15
Takuetsu Starfarer Model 5 15
Takuetsu Aegis Avenger Model 5 15
Takuetsu Khartu-Al Model 5 15
Takuetsu Aegis Gladius 5 15
Takuetsu Mustang Delta Model 5 15
Takuetsu Origin M50 5 15
Takuetsu Mustang Gamma 5 15
Takuetsu Golden Herald 5 15
submitted by rotsihylop to Starcitizen_trades [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:01 KEOSWGOH 540M+ GP Guild - Speeder Bike Raid 424 Mill Plus - Looking for 2 New Members - ROTE 37 ⭐️ - 33 Reva Shards - Competitive in TW - Great Leadership & Active & Social Members - See Comments for More Information

Knights of Eternal Order
49/50 Members, 540M+ GP
16:30 PST / 19:30 EST / 23:30 GMT Guild Reset
submitted by KEOSWGOH to swgoh_guilds [link] [comments]