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2009.04.02 03:45 Satur /r/SAT!

A forum to discuss the SAT and forms of preparation for taking the test. Please use this subreddit to ask for and offer help and to discuss both the exam itself and news about the exam.

2011.03.16 02:32 squidgirl The Enneagram of Personality

The Enneagram is a model of the human psyche that is principally understood and taught as a typology of nine interconnected personality types.

2013.04.27 15:33 caps2526 The Dark Triad: Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and Psychopathy

Welcome to DarkTriad Explore the dark triad traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. Engage in discussions, share insights, and learn about the complexities of human behavior. Guidelines: Respect others' perspectives. Keep discussions constructive. Provide sources when possible. Report inappropriate behavior to moderators. Join the conversation and connect with others interested in understanding human behavior!

2024.05.22 02:52 streaxty just noticed these today

just noticed these today
does this mean we're getting chat soon? (keyboard on console that's why is says esc)
submitted by streaxty to RobloxConsole [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:52 Brilliant-Spirit17 [Hire Me] An Experienced and Professional Tutor for Hire

Hello. I am a professional tutor with years of experience and I will be delighted to handle your essays, online exams, assignments, and school projects.
I pride myself in my work and I guarantee top grades; I deliver pure gold.
°No plagiarism °No grammatical errors °Quick turnaround
Plagiarism and AI detection reports are provided upon the delivery of your order.
Psychology, Business, History, Government, Law, Python, Computer Science, C++, Political Science, Religion, Sociology, IT, and International Relations are some of the few areas of my expertise.
Don't see your field of study here? No worries. Feel free to enquire and I will get back to you ASAP.
You can get in touch with me through DM, email, or Discord.
My email address is and my Discord username is Brilliant-spirit#6977 (Brilliant-spirit)
I accept payments through PayPal and Crypto.
Vouches and samples will be availed upon enquiry.
I look forward to hearing from you.
submitted by Brilliant-Spirit17 to Do_My_Homework [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:51 lolxdbruh123 [UK] what’s the deal with engine size limits for first cars?

Put things simple, I’ve been told by friends and have read online that when buying a car after passing as a teenager, your engine size can’t be bigger than around 1.6L, because of something to do with insurance (i think it’s because it becomes significantly harder to find insurance, not too sure tho)
Firstly, is this true? If so, what is the actual “limit?” And what is the reasoning behind it?
I’m likely going to be taking my practical test in July, and have a few cars I’ve been looking at, but a few are above 1.6L and ive been told those aren’t worth looking at. Id like some clarity so as to know what exactly to look for
submitted by lolxdbruh123 to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:51 Brilliant-Spirit17 [Hire Me] An Experienced and Professional Tutor for Hire

Hello. I am a professional tutor with years of experience and I will be delighted to handle your essays, online exams, assignments, and school projects.
I pride myself in my work and I guarantee top grades; I deliver pure gold.
°No plagiarism °No grammatical errors °Quick turnaround
Plagiarism and AI detection reports are provided upon the delivery of your order.
Psychology, Business, History, Government, Law, Python, Computer Science, C++, Political Science, Religion, Sociology, IT, and International Relations are some of the few areas of my expertise.
Don't see your field of study here? No worries. Feel free to enquire and I will get back to you ASAP.
You can get in touch with me through DM, email, or Discord.
My email address is and my Discord username is Brilliant-spirit#6977 (Brilliant-spirit)
I accept payments through PayPal and Crypto.
Vouches and samples will be availed upon enquiry.
I look forward to hearing from you.
submitted by Brilliant-Spirit17 to AcademicAid [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:50 Brilliant-Spirit17 [Hire Me] An Experienced and Professional Tutor for Hire

Hello. I am a professional tutor with years of experience and I will be delighted to handle your essays, online exams, assignments, and school projects.
I pride myself in my work and I guarantee top grades; I deliver pure gold.
°No plagiarism °No grammatical errors °Quick turnaround
Plagiarism and AI detection reports are provided upon the delivery of your order.
Psychology, Business, History, Government, Law, Python, Computer Science, C++, Political Science, Religion, Sociology, IT, and International Relations are some of the few areas of my expertise.
Don't see your field of study here? No worries. Feel free to enquire and I will get back to you ASAP.
You can get in touch with me through DM, email, or Discord.
My email address is and my Discord username is Brilliant-spirit#6977 (Brilliant-spirit)
I accept payments through PayPal and Crypto.
Vouches and samples will be availed upon enquiry.
I look forward to hearing from you.
submitted by Brilliant-Spirit17 to HomeworkHelp_Reddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:48 Coffwee_7 Should I risk two WDs?

Already dropped a course in winter (it was in-person). Should I risk taking it online and possibly have to withdraw again? I’m scared of having two WDs for the same course on my transcript. Prof is kinda nuts with tests, don’t know if it will be the same online.
submitted by Coffwee_7 to uwaterloo [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:48 Brilliant-Spirit17 [Hire Me] An Experienced and Professional Tutor for Hire

Hello. I am a professional tutor with years of experience and I will be delighted to handle your essays, online exams, assignments, and school projects.
I pride myself in my work and I guarantee top grades; I deliver pure gold.
°No plagiarism °No grammatical errors °Quick turnaround
Plagiarism and AI detection reports are provided upon the delivery of your order.
Psychology, Business, History, Government, Law, Python, Computer Science, C++, Political Science, Religion, Sociology, IT, and International Relations are some of the few areas of my expertise.
Don't see your field of study here? No worries. Feel free to enquire and I will get back to you ASAP.
You can get in touch with me through DM, email, or Discord.
My email address is and my Discord username is Brilliant-spirit#6977 (Brilliant-spirit)
I accept payments through PayPal and Crypto.
Vouches and samples will be availed upon enquiry.
I look forward to hearing from you.
submitted by Brilliant-Spirit17 to homeworkforcashreddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:48 Desperate_Version602 Amazon OA for SDE and Grads

I have applied for 2 positions at Amazon one as Grad SDE in Berlin and the other as SDE in Test in Taiwan. I have received OA for SDE consists of two parts, the first was coding and SDE Work Simulation and Workstyles Assessments.
So far, the portal didn't updated any of the positions status, how could I know which one I am doing its interview. PS. the SDE in Test is no longer receiving application, does it refelct its interviews invitations?
submitted by Desperate_Version602 to leetcode [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:47 Brilliant-Spirit17 [Hire Me] An Experienced and Professional Tutor for Hire

Hello. I am a professional tutor with years of experience and I will be delighted to handle your essays, online exams, assignments, and school projects.
I pride myself in my work and I guarantee top grades; I deliver pure gold.
°No plagiarism °No grammatical errors °Quick turnaround
Plagiarism and AI detection reports are provided upon the delivery of your order.
Psychology, Business, History, Government, Law, Python, Computer Science, C++, Political Science, Religion, Sociology, IT, and International Relations are some of the few areas of my expertise.
Don't see your field of study here? No worries. Feel free to enquire and I will get back to you ASAP.
You can get in touch with me through DM, email, or Discord.
My email address is and my Discord username is Brilliant-spirit#6977 (Brilliant-spirit)
I accept payments through PayPal and Crypto.
Vouches and samples will be availed upon enquiry.
I look forward to hearing from you.
submitted by Brilliant-Spirit17 to HomeworkAider [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:47 walkingongravestones At a loss with unblocking my Citi/UB CC

Hey everyone, just wanted to try my luck here in case anyone has advice for me on what to do. 🥹
I recently moved to Australia and have a Citibank Simplicity PH CC I've been regularly using for online purchases (I receive my OTPs via my Globe roaming number). I made a purchase via Paypal last March 31st - no issues there but UB decided to send me a text 3 days later where I need to confirm my transaction by replying YES/NO. I missed out on this text which led to them blocking my card.
I have tried all means to contact Unionbank on how I can unblock my card and it has been so frustrating. Already tried the ff channels:
  1. E-mail - they said due to security reasons they cannot manually unblock my card via email.
  2. CS Call - tried calling their international toll-free number but it kept saying that the number has already been disconnected.
  3. UB App - tried filing a ticket on the app, cannot submit for some reason.
  4. Twitter - just told me to try email/CS call again
Should I just give up nalang and cut this CC off? Would appreciate if anyone would have an idea what to do from here or if let go ko nalang. Thank you so much! 🩷
submitted by walkingongravestones to PHCreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:46 Brilliant-Spirit17 [Hire Me] An Experienced and Professional Tutor for Hire

Hello. I am a professional tutor with years of experience and I will be delighted to handle your essays, online exams, assignments, and school projects.
I pride myself in my work and I guarantee top grades; I deliver pure gold.
°No plagiarism °No grammatical errors °Quick turnaround
Plagiarism and AI detection reports are provided upon the delivery of your order.
Psychology, Business, History, Government, Law, Python, Computer Science, C++, Political Science, Religion, Sociology, IT, and International Relations are some of the few areas of my expertise.
Don't see your field of study here? No worries. Feel free to enquire and I will get back to you ASAP.
You can get in touch with me through DM, email, or Discord.
My email address is and my Discord username is Brilliant-spirit#6977 (Brilliant-spirit)
I accept payments through PayPal and Crypto.
Vouches and samples will be availed upon enquiry.
I look forward to hearing from you.
submitted by Brilliant-Spirit17 to ExamHelpers_Tutoring [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:46 Acrobatic_Freedom289 Rate my workout routine, (beginner) Upperbody/lower body split

For context I workout 4 days a week, on an AB AB routine with two days rest at the end.
Im training for calisthenics skills and am about 6 months into my journey, (16M). I loosely made this routine based off what I saw online and what I am currently capable of, and what my goals are currently (pistol squat, front lever, muscle up and free standing handstand)
Is this bad (I’ve been following it for around 2 months). And any suggestions?
Upper Body day (A little more than an hour)
3 sets of diamond push-ups (8-10 reps
2 minute rest between sets
3 sets of decline push-ups (number changes week to week as I get stronger but currently around 15 reps),
2 minute rest between sets
3 ets of pull-ups, switch to 2 sets of chin ups (band assisted) 10-12 reps goes down as the sets progress.
2 minute rest between sets
3 sets Tuck Front lever Holds (20+ second)
2 minute rests between sets
3 sets Handstand on wall holds (30+ seconds)
————- Lower body day (Around 50 minutes to an hour)
5 sets of Bulgarian Split squats (low to no weight) within 3 reps of failure
2 minutes
Pistol squat negatives (3 sets) 10-12 reps
2 minutes
Jump Squats, light to no weight (10-15 reps) 3 sets
2 minutes
Superman (3 sets) 10-12 reps
submitted by Acrobatic_Freedom289 to bodyweightfitness [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:45 SuperSecretSpare How I've made over half a million dollars working online in under six years

As of this week, I have just cleared over half a million dollars gross from working online. I will first start this by saying that I am both extremely lucky and have found myself in a position that most people never will. I acknowledge both of those facts and and am very grateful, but I say that to outline that my story is probably not something that most people can replicate. While that is true, it is also true that there is still success and money to be made working online if you focus on multiple different facets of making money and diversify your time, energy, and resources. I still invest around 40 hours a week to these side hustles on top of my 9-to-5.
I started my work online journey in the middle of 2018 just clicking around. At the start I was only really making a few hundred bucks a month and investing maybe 20 hours here and there. As time went on I got deep into the online work world and picked up more hours, as well as some fully remote jobs that I was doing at home after my day job. I have been blessed in not having any desire for hobbies other than making money. I have continued to grow and build on my core competencies and have streamlined what I work best at, focusing on that still everyday.
I want to acknowledge that a big portion of these earnings are from click through over the course of the six years I've been doing this. I wrote a pretty successful post on Reddit that kind of blew up all over the Internet, and to date has gotten over 10 million views. I would probably say from all the money I have made working online, about 25% is from this alone. I sincerely appreciate each and every person that has clicked on any of those, and I hope I have provided enough individual information to make your individual contribution to me worthwhile.
Other than this I would say the next biggest portion is from what I do on the lending subreddit borrow. I won't disclose specific numbers on there but it makes up for an equally large chunk. There is definitely inherent risk in this and it is not meant for everybody but I have found it to be extremely successful and one of the better Investments of time and money out of all of my working online endeavors.
About 30% has come from all of the stuff that I list in my work online guide and just hustling and hitting the internet every day and finding work. I am still investing a substantial amount of time doing online work and always looking for new revenue streams and ways to make money.
On top of all this I have other side hustles that I do in person that involve going and picking up stuff that is listed for free on Craigslist, Offer Up, or very cheap on other bidding websites, cleaning up or improving the items that I get, and reselling for a good amount of profit. My biggest money maker has been furniture.
All of this is definitely not for most people but I feel like I have found several good revenue streams that fit for my personality that have allowed me to thrive working online in ways I never would have imagined when I first started back in 2018. I wish you all luck.
submitted by SuperSecretSpare to sidehustle [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:45 Brilliant-Spirit17 [Hire Me] An Experienced and Professional Tutor for Hire

Hello. I am a professional tutor with years of experience and I will be delighted to handle your essays, online exams, assignments, and school projects.
I pride myself in my work and I guarantee top grades; I deliver pure gold.
°No plagiarism °No grammatical errors °Quick turnaround
Plagiarism and AI detection reports are provided upon the delivery of your order.
Psychology, Business, History, Government, Law, Python, Computer Science, C++, Political Science, Religion, Sociology, IT, and International Relations are some of the few areas of my expertise.
Don't see your field of study here? No worries. Feel free to enquire and I will get back to you ASAP.
You can get in touch with me through DM, email, or Discord.
My email address is and my Discord username is Brilliant-spirit#6977 (Brilliant-spirit)
I accept payments through PayPal and Crypto.
Vouches and samples will be availed upon enquiry.
I look forward to hearing from you.
submitted by Brilliant-Spirit17 to Essayprowriter [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:44 Brilliant-Spirit17 [Hire Me] An Experienced and Professional Tutor for Hire

Hello. I am a professional tutor with years of experience and I will be delighted to handle your essays, online exams, assignments, and school projects.
I pride myself in my work and I guarantee top grades; I deliver pure gold.
°No plagiarism °No grammatical errors °Quick turnaround
Plagiarism and AI detection reports are provided upon the delivery of your order.
Psychology, Business, History, Government, Law, Python, Computer Science, C++, Political Science, Religion, Sociology, IT, and International Relations are some of the few areas of my expertise.
Don't see your field of study here? No worries. Feel free to enquire and I will get back to you ASAP.
You can get in touch with me through DM, email, or Discord.
My email address is and my Discord username is Brilliant-spirit#6977 (Brilliant-spirit)
I accept payments through PayPal and Crypto.
Vouches and samples will be availed upon enquiry.
I look forward to hearing from you.
submitted by Brilliant-Spirit17 to essay_assists [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:43 ar_david_hh CIA and Soros: Armenia on May/21/2024

16-minute read.

pro-West party leader says they met PM Pashinyan and discussed a referendum to solidify Armenia's shift to EU

KHZMALYAN (European Party of Armenia): The referendum is our suggestion and demand. We presented it to Pashinyan and expect a response within a reasonable timeframe. We advised making a public statement soon. A referendum would also make Pashinyan's job easier by allowing the people's will to decide Armenia's direction.
REPORTER: How did Pashinyan respond?
KHZMALYAN: He suggested the meeting be held in a closed format so I can't reveal all details. We hope that our voice, our offer, our demand, was heard. If we do not receive a positive response, we will take measures by employing the same methods currently used by anti-European forces [the ongoing protests led by pro-Russian ex-regime]. We will take to the streets and demand a referendum for Eurointegration if necessary.
REPORTER: How long are you ready to wait before taking action?
KHZMALYAN: A few months. Georgia will hold parliamentary elections in October, and Moldova will hold a similar Eurointegration referendum - also in October. The U.S. will hold presidential elections in November which will be important for Armenia's future. Even if the worst scenario unfolds in all three countries, Armenia must stand firm and not take a step back. Armenia could become the leader in democracy in all of Eastern Europe if you consider the situation in Georgia, Hungary, and Slovakia [pro-Russia populist leader]. Armenia could receive an unprecedented level of assistance from Europe under those circumstances.
REPORTER: Did Pashinyan say he plans to leave CSTO?
KHZMALYAN: We did not demand specific dates but we urged him to complete all these processes this year, preferably by November.
REPORTER: Did Pashinyan agree?
KHZMALYAN: The participants of the meeting are under the impression that we were able to present convincing arguments but time will show what actions he takes. The government functions very poorly but nevertheless, they are doing something, they are taking steps.
REPORTER: On May 9, Bagrat Galstanyan gave Pashinyan 1 hour to resign but it's May 21 and he is still here. Why wasn't the opposition able to remove him?
KHZMALYAN: The 3 former presidents and their surrogate forces, backed by 30 years of power, were unable to bring forward a figurehead, a single ideology, that could win the hearts of the people. They used various political technologies, they switched between black and white robes, and they extended the 1 hour to 7 days, but none of that helped because the Armenian people hate them more than they hate Nikol Pashinyan.
REPORTER: You used to be a lot harsher on Pashinyan but something appears to have changed in your tone after your recent meeting with him. What is the reason?
KHZMALYAN: We were able to present our demands and the timelines to accomplish them. Unlike the archbishop and the former regimes surrounding him, we did not give "one hour" for Pashinyan to accept our demands; we did not make ultimatums. We believe the current government is carrying out and will carry out the will of the people to overcome the status of a Russian colony and join the ranks of free nations. We did and do see steps [taken by the government] towards this; we cannot ignore this. We saw the Strassbourg, but also Moscow. We saw the [April 5 meeting in] Brussels, but also [the recent meeting between FMs in] Almaty. We are told this is an attempt to "balance" and we understand where they are coming from, but our factions speak on behalf of over 60% of Armenians who view Russia's policies as deadly for Armenia. We expect concrete actions and we have formed a platform to continue this work; there will be petitions and other actions from us. We are ready to assist Pashinyan, who may be constrained due to ongoing negotiations, by being the public voice and saying the things he cannot say. We will continue to work, to pressure, to influence, to demand. Our meetings also continue abroad. We will press on until we reach our goal - the Eurointegration of Armenia. //
Several prominent Western-oriented political parties recently formed an alliance to promote Armenia's Eurointegration.

Pashinyan appoints a ruling party member as a deputy head of the newly formed Foreign Intelligence Service - the Armenian "CIA"

After the 2020 war, Pashinyan said Armenia will need a modern intel agency to gather information and analyze foreign threats, while the NSS -- described as historically a "pro-Russian" agency by many -- will focus on internal matters.

Pashinyan met the deputy head of the United States CIA to discuss bilateral, international, and regional issues

A delegation led by David Cohen is in Yerevan. Cohen also met NatSec Armen Grigoryan.
source, source,

Armenia's Investigative Committee chief hosted U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs

Qyaramyan and Yoder discussed bilateral cooperation, the recent retraining for Armenian agents and technical assistance, cooperation between law enforcement agencies of Armenia and the United States, anti-narcotrafficking, and the fight against gender-based violence.
Yoder also met Armenia's Interior Minister Ghazaryan to discuss the ongoing police reforms and formation of new divisions, the fight against narco-trafficking, technical assistance for rescuers, and retraining courses. Yoder emphasized effective cooperation, noting that the achievements within the framework of sectorial reforms are exceptional. The US wants to expand the agenda of cooperation.
source, source,

Armenian army officers continue to take part in NATO exercises titled Regex 2024 held in Moldova

GOOGLE TRANSLATE: The exercise is organized with the support of the NATO Joint Forces Command in Naples, Italy, and aims to train the military according to Western standards for planning and conducting exercises, crisis management, strengthening and assessing the level of interoperability of forces in a multinational environment.
We remind you that the exercise "Regex 2024" consists of several workshops during the current year. The first workshop took place between February 16 and March 1, and the second between 22 − April 26, 2024. //
source, source,

NATO and Armenia strengthen cooperation in defense education

Armenia's defense ministry representatives recently visited NATO headquarters to discuss NATO’s Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP) for Armenia.
NATO: The DEEP programme is an excellent tool to support Armenian military education system reforms and strengthen the country’s cooperation with NATO.
ARMENIA: With the support of DEEP experts we implemented major changes in all levels of our educational curriculum at Military Academy, starting from cadets up to the most senior levels. It helped us to establish cooperation with many international partner institutions.

Armenia is an emerging destination for UK and global investors: Armenia's Ambassador to London Business Matters

👔 Armenia is committed to building a knowledge-based, export-oriented, and inclusive economy.
👔 Armenia is diversifying its growing economy with pioneering sectors, creating ample investment opportunities.
👔 Armenia’s investment legislation grants equal treatment to foreign investors
👔 There are no restrictions on remittances and repatriation of profits, free exchange of foreign currencies and no limitations on staff recruitment
👔 The country’s favorable business climate and ‘open-door’ policy is also reflected in international reputable rankings where Armenia is ranked one of the highest in the region.
👔 Although Armenia has a relatively modest internal market, it offers different models of economic cooperation and serves as a gateway to major world markets
👔 Armenia has maintained a high level of cooperation with the EU through CEPA
👔 Armenia and UK will soon have a CEPA-like agreement
full article, source,

Turkey modernizes an Azerbaijani Su-25ML jet with guided bombs and Teber missiles

It uses KGK laser guidance for missiles and increases the reach to 110 km.

Pashinyan's Chief of Staff hosted the French Ambassador to discuss defense, economy, infrastructure, and humanitarian topics

... also the upcoming events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Charles Aznavour.

Parliament Speakers of Armenia and Ukraine discuss the situation in the South Caucasus and Ukraine


Q&A with ruling party MP Vahagn Alexanyan about the ongoing protests led by pro-Russian opposition

REPORTER: You continue to criticize the "holy movement"...
ALEXANYAN: The what now?
REPORTER: ... the "holy movement", by calling it a "pagan" movement. What is the ruling party's stance and do you discuss this internally?
ALEXANYAN: Of course we do, although I don't think Kocharyan's decision to name this movement "holy" is helping them. It's comical.
REPORTER: Do you have proof that Bagrat srbazan is [tied with Kocharyan]?
ALEXANYAN: Bagrat Galstanyan is surrounded by the entire political team of Robert Koharyan, he was a member of Kocharyan's 2022 protests and gave similar speeches he gives today, he received a praise from Russian propagandists, and he was named by a Russian propagandist Aram Gabrielyanov as a potential candidate for a new protest movement just a few months prior to these events, so it's beyond reasonable doubt that Bagrat Galstanyan is part of Kocharyan's team.
REPORTER: You were earlier accusing Galstanyan of being a Russian agent, and now Kocharyan's agent?
ALEXANYAN: Same thing.
REPORTER: The opposition gathered many thousands of supporters on May 9. What does the size of the crowd indicate?
ALEXANYAN: It was similar to Kocharyan's final rally before the 2021 elections. And?
REPORTER: The opposition created a video of "Pashinyan's lies" and broken promises. Will you respond?
ALEXANYAN: The clip itself is a lie and manipulation. For example, one of the supposed lies was Pashinyan's promise of an amnesty for overdue fines and penalties. You are a journalist, you tell me, was there an amnesty or not?
REPORTER: Pashinyan had also said that POWs could wait "just a few more months" and that he wouldn't "sacrifice Armenia's sovereignty" in exchange for bringing them back sooner. Why aren't they back?
ALEXANYAN: Dozens of POWs returned home in December, and efforts continue to bring back the rest. Literally 1-2 days before the POWs' return, the opposition claimed that the POWs were "forgotten" by the government. "Ոչ մի բան չեք անում:"
REPORTER: What about the Nagorno-Karabakh leadership?
ALEXANYAN: There are efforts to return them as well.
REPORTER: Why did the police form a wall to block entry to village Kirants [for nonresidents]?
ALEXANYAN: I think the NSS said they had to take action to prevent interference with the border work. From what I can tell, the protest leader himself went there yesterday and returned only 15 minutes later so there wasn't a big desire to stay there apparently.
REPORTER: They plan to hold a big rally on May 26 where they might nominate Bagrat srbazan as the PM's candidate to replace Pashinyan.
ALEXANYAN: Why not go straight for [alleged narco baron] Mihran Poghosyan [who publicly praised the protests]?
REPORTER: There appears to be a consensus around Bagrat srbazan after a meeting between several forces.
ALEXANYAN: Consensus minus one, where "minus one" is the people. Or to be more precise, "minus two", because the Constitution also prohibits Bagrat from serving as a prime minister. Congratulations on an initiative that's dead on arrival. It's absurd. They suggested replacing the Constitution to allow a dual citizen to serve as PM. Okay... To get Canadian citizenship you have to take an oath to serve the best interests of Canada. To allow dual citizens to serve as PM in Armenia we have to accept for the PM to have loyalty towards another state. The alternative is for the candidate [Bagrat] to admit that his word [oath to Canada] wasn't worth a dime. Երևի մատերը խաչ արած ա երդվել։
REPORTER: But don't you think you are manipulating because Galstanyan received Canadian citizenship just to be able to serve in the church in Canada? He didn't go there to live or conduct business.
ALEXANYAN: It doesn't matter why he went to Canada. He is a citizen of Canada and took an oath. Even religious leaders with dual citizenship cannot become prime ministers. I don't have an issue with him being a dual citizen, but it limits his office options. He still hasn't renounced his Canadian citizenship even after all these talks about a possible nomination.
REPORTER: Galstanyan said he is ready to renounce it as soon as there is a need for it.
ALEXANYAN: In other words, he seeks "guarantees" that he will be the candidate in order to renounce it?
full,source, source,

opposition churchman Bagrat Galstanyan demands the Armenian government compensate the damage done to the church during USSR and "return" the properties "legally belonging" to the church

This was said as a response to the critics of the church leadership who accused the church of turning into a political party and suggested taxing the church like a business.
BAGRAT: We have 19th-century churches that were forcefully confiscated and turned into ruins. The properties of the Armenian church must be returned to the church. The area of Moscow Cinema belongs to the church, half of the Katoghike Church was demolished and belongs to the church, and part of the items in Matenadaran were taken away from the church. Instead of threatening us with taxes, they must think about how they plan to return our properties, fully renovated and ready for service.

the church is actually paying taxes but they do have some exemptions

The church paid $1 million in income taxes last year.
There are tax exemptions to import certain goods deemed for charity. They also don't pay property tax, and taxes on income generated from the sales of ceremonial accessories. The latter two are the frequent targets of church critics.

Armenia's Constitutional Court has a vacant seat. Pro-Russian opposition criticizes Pashinyan's ruling party for favoring a "George Soros-linked" judge who worked for U.S. State Department.

A Serj-era judge is leaving the Constitutional Court after receiving a job offer elsewhere so one seat is vacant. It is the judiciary's turn to nominate a CC judge, so hundreds of judges recently held a meeting and voted for Judge Balayan as their candidate. Balayan's father was a CC judge during Kocharyan's tenure. He was accused in the Wikileaks report of having inappropriate deals with President Kocharyan. Pashinyan's ruling party did not vote to approve Balayan. This led to a second gathering of hundreds of judges where they voted to nominate Judge Khachaturyan as their candidate. The parliament summoned him for Q&A on Tuesday.
SPEAKER: We invite the representative of the judiciary to present their nominee for CC.
JUDICIARY REP: 267 judges voted. Judge Davit Khachaturyan, a member of the Criminal Chamber of the Court of Cassation, won the majority votes.
2000-2005: [blah blah blah]
2003-2006: Legislative Assistance Project Manager at Southern Caucasus Anti-Drug (SCAD) Program, sponsored by European Union and implemented by United Nations Development Program
2006: Program Assistant at U.S. Embassy in Armenia, Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL)
2007-2013: U.S. Embassy in Armenia, U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Legal Specialist
2014: Academy of Justice of the Republic of Armenian-Russian, Vice-Rector and Lecturer
2015-2016: Council of Europe Office in Yerevan, Program “Strengthening Health Care and Human Rights Protection in Prisons in Armenia”, Legal Expert
2016: EU project “Development and Strategic Studies”, Expert on Judiciary and Human Rights field reforms
2015-2017: EU project “ENP Progress Reports and Assessment Reports on Armenia´s Compliance with GSP+ obligations”. Expert on Rule of Law/Justice.
2013–2020: Law Faculty of Yerevan State University. Lecturer. Development and teaching of courses for the Master Program: “European Standards for the human rights protection in criminal proceedings”, and “Professional Skills of a Lawyer”
OPPOSITION MP: The ruling faction earlier chose not to confirm the appointment of Judge Davit Balayan; they obviously prefer Davit Khachaturyan. Can you explain why you didn't mention that Khachaturyan served on the board of directors and later as the president of the board at George Soros's Armenia-based Open Society Foundations? How will this record impact his work at CC?
JUDICIARY REP: I presented parts of his professional activities available on the court's public platforms. You can ask the candidate directly.
OPPOSITION MP: The Soros Foundation publicly listed him as a member so I don't understand why it's being hidden now. In your opinion, how will his work at the Soros Foundation affect his impartiality?
JUDICIARY REP: The majority of judges chose him and it's up to Parliament whether to confirm or reject.
RULING MP: Was the voting held in a closed session or can you see how each judge voted?
JUDICIARY REP: It's a closed format. My duty here is to present the candidate. [basically, leave me alone I'm just doing my job]
RULING MP: Why not make the court voting and internal discussions more transparent for the public to see so we will have fewer conspiracy theories on why one judge was preferred over the other?
JUDICIARY REP: I share the view that it needs to be as public as possible but the majority of judges voted to keep the session closed to the press.
RULING MP: Just because the discussions and the vote were behind closed doors that doesn't mean it was anti-democratic, but still, it's better to publicize the process. We hope to see a change in this approach.
JUDICIARY REP: The ballot casting will always be secret and I think that's the right approach in order to allow judges to express themselves without constraints, but I agree that the discussions and speeches should be public. Either way whatever we discuss behind closed doors always reaches the press so in practice there isn't really a major transparency issue there.
CANDIDATE KHACHATURYAN: First, every part of my biography has always been public and part of public discussions. Second, I have always voted in favor of making internal discussions open to the press; it's the best way to avoid incorrect assumptions. Full speech here.
OPPOSITION MP: Congratulations. The ruling party intends to approve your candidacy just as they voted for you in the past for other positions. In all of those instances, you didn't mention your work at the Сорос Foundation. Now, a very interesting coincidence [drumroll... are you guys ready for this bombshell?], during the same time while you worked at Сорос foundation, in 2006-2013, you were also a U.S. Embassy employee [got 'em]. //
Nikol Pashinyan has resigned.
Tavush stretches all the way to Russia.
Bagrat srbazan becomes the Supreme Leader of Historical Soil & Water and the Generalissimos of Slow-Melting Candles... and of course removes the speed cameras from highways.
OPPOSITION MP (continues): With this biography, how do we know you are not an agent of foreign influence?
CANDIDATE KHACHATURYAN: I was not an "employee" at the Soros Foundations. Other famous figures have served on the Board [mentions a famous doctor]. Everyone who was part of the Board had duties but it was not really an "employment". As for my simultaneous work with the U.S. Justice Department, there was no conflict with my membership or presidency at the Board because the latter was fully a public activity and we were only given a symbolic sum to compensate for our expenses; we are talking about less than $100/mo. I will let you be the judge regarding an agent of influence. There is a lot that's missing from my biography that read here [lists some boring constitutional research work, etc.].
OPPOSITION MP: You keep being "promoted" by the ruling party without having the chance to finish your terms. The longest job you've ever held was at the Сорос Foundation - 8 years. The brother of the head of the Anti-Corruption Committee, who is about to join the CC, cannot be impartial. Again, what guarantees can you present that you are not a [Western] agent?
CANDIDATE KHACHATURYAN: Your expectation for guarantees stems from the assumption that the [Open Society Foundations] were engaged in activities other than the ones they were actually engaged in. I won't present any "guarantees" because there is no "threat" to begin with. As I've said, that part of my biography has always been discussed publicly and the activities were public and covered by the press.
RULING MP: In your speech you spoke about the judiciary in the U.S. and brought examples. The U.S. doesn't have a Constitutional Court. Don't you think we should also merge the Constitutional and [Cassations Court] with the upcoming referendum to have one Supreme Court with corresponding chambers?
CANDIDATE KHACHATURYAN: I support having one unified body like in the U.S., or clarifying the duties to prevent each body from interfering with the other. Lengthy answer.
OPPOSITION MP: A person [in Kirants] received permission [from USSR] to build a house and live in it. Then the [Armenian] government told him there was a mistake [after the clarification of borders]. Some 50 years after this incident, what would your verdict be in this case?
CANDIDATE KHACHATURYAN: I understand the context. This issue is the task of the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister and we cannot interfere in each other's institutions. I assume there will be a peace agreement eventually that will be sent to the Constitutional Court for examination, therefore I will refrain from making prejudgments now in order to be allowed to take part in future processes.
full video, source, source,

anti-corruption: Armenian authorities conclude that luxury Dubai property belonging to former regime MP's relative was not obtained illegally by him therefore will not be sized as part of an asset forfeiture case

Mher Sedrakyan (Tokhmakhi Mher) is a Serj-era MP whose family is going through an asset forfeiture case worth ֏7.5 billion ($19.3 million) that includes 22 real estate properties, cars, and company shares registered under his name and the names of immediate family members.
Additionally, investigative journalists recently found a luxury property in Dubai registered under the ex-MP's relative. Authorities have concluded that he is not the true ownebeneficiary of this Dubai apartment, therefore it won't be seized.

the army concludes exercises for commanders

Context in May 14 news digest. The defense ministry says they have noted improvements and deficiencies and will take steps to correct them.

Defense Minister Papikyan visited the frontlines and the newly built fortifications: PHOTO

The army continues to dig, asphalt, and build.

Armenia's Foreign Minister met the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency during an international forum

ROSSI: Effective cooperation has been established between Armenia and the IAEA. We discussed several issues on the bilateral agenda, oncology and radiation medicine, safety, and reliable operation of the Armenian NPP.
MIRZOYAN: We plan to extend the lifespan of Metsamor NPP until 2036 while exploring new opportunities.

Armenian lawyers went a strike on Tuesday to protest a bill that would move them from a turnover tax-based system to a VAT-based taxation

Context on the gray economy and why the government wants to gradually abolish the turnover tax system in May 2 news digest.
A group of lawyers said on Tuesday that their 5% turnover tax [for annual turnover under ֏119M] will become 10% this year, and in 2025 they will be required to switch to a 20% VAT/18% profit tax. The cost of legal services for many clients could increase by over 38%, they warned.
The Ombudsman and the Justice Ministry reportedly oppose this bill by the Finance Ministry.
source, source, source, source,

video shows the new payment terminals in Yerevan subway station

They plan to replace all gates next month. The Soviet-era tokens (zheton) are being replaced with QR codes, an app, and later - bank cards.
All stations will have payment terminals to purchase QR tickets. It prints out a paper with QR. Telcell's app lets you buy a ticket and instantly get a QR on the phone's screen.
Seniors who can't use "high-tech" can approach the token sellers and get a QR paper instead of a token.

Yerevan will host an exhibition on Charles Aznavour’s 100th anniversary

Hundreds of rare artifacts will present the life and legacy of the legendary artist.
Location: National Museum-Institute of Architecture
Date: May 22-July 22

Germany wants to purchase an Armenian man

Dortmund Borussia is interested in the services of Armenian national Edward Spertsyan as a replacement for departing Marco Reus.
During this season, midfielder Spertsyan has played 32 matches, scored 11 goals, and made 7 assists. His ass is worth €18 million.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:43 Brilliant-Spirit17 [Hire Me] An Experienced and Professional Tutor for Hire

Hello. I am a professional tutor with years of experience and I will be delighted to handle your essays, online exams, assignments, and school projects.
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Psychology, Business, History, Government, Law, Python, Computer Science, C++, Political Science, Religion, Sociology, IT, and International Relations are some of the few areas of my expertise.
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2024.05.22 02:42 Brilliant-Spirit17 [Hire Me] An Experienced and Professional Tutor for Hire

Hello. I am a professional tutor with years of experience and I will be delighted to handle your essays, online exams, assignments, and school projects.
I pride myself in my work and I guarantee top grades; I deliver pure gold.
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Psychology, Business, History, Government, Law, Python, Computer Science, C++, Political Science, Religion, Sociology, IT, and International Relations are some of the few areas of my expertise.
Don't see your field of study here? No worries. Feel free to enquire and I will get back to you ASAP.
You can get in touch with me through DM, email, or Discord.
My email address is and my Discord username is Brilliant-spirit#6977 (Brilliant-spirit)
I accept payments through PayPal and Crypto.
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I look forward to hearing from you.
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2024.05.22 02:42 Brilliant-Spirit17 [Hire Me] An Experienced and Professional Tutor for Hire

Hello. I am a professional tutor with years of experience and I will be delighted to handle your essays, online exams, assignments, and school projects.
I pride myself in my work and I guarantee top grades; I deliver pure gold.
°No plagiarism °No grammatical errors °Quick turnaround
Plagiarism and AI detection reports are provided upon the delivery of your order.
Psychology, Business, History, Government, Law, Python, Computer Science, C++, Political Science, Religion, Sociology, IT, and International Relations are some of the few areas of my expertise.
Don't see your field of study here? No worries. Feel free to enquire and I will get back to you ASAP.
You can get in touch with me through DM, email, or Discord.
My email address is and my Discord username is Brilliant-spirit#6977 (Brilliant-spirit)
I accept payments through PayPal and Crypto.
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submitted by Brilliant-Spirit17 to homeworkhelpNY [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:41 Brilliant-Spirit17 [Hire Me] An Experienced and Professional Tutor for Hire

Hello. I am a professional tutor with years of experience and I will be delighted to handle your essays, online exams, assignments, and school projects.
I pride myself in my work and I guarantee top grades; I deliver pure gold.
°No plagiarism °No grammatical errors °Quick turnaround
Plagiarism and AI detection reports are provided upon the delivery of your order.
Psychology, Business, History, Government, Law, Python, Computer Science, C++, Political Science, Religion, Sociology, IT, and International Relations are some of the few areas of my expertise.
Don't see your field of study here? No worries. Feel free to enquire and I will get back to you ASAP.
You can get in touch with me through DM, email, or Discord.
My email address is and my Discord username is Brilliant-spirit#6977 (Brilliant-spirit)
I accept payments through PayPal and Crypto.
Vouches and samples will be availed upon enquiry.
I look forward to hearing from you.
submitted by Brilliant-Spirit17 to PaidHomeworkHelp__ [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:40 SeaCaummisar Help me please with a few titles

Horror Fam, I please need your help (remembering movies, but not based upon much info)Hubby is trying to remember a movie about people with collars around their necks, thick chains keeping them in place until they escape; and then he remembers one or two of them escaping and seeing whoever (villain) it is watching them on a TV screen...I was thinking one of the Saw movies, but he doesn't think so..but then, trying to help him, I vaguely remember a couple movies, and CANNOT for the life of me think of the names.The first one about people (maybe teens, in a warehouse or something doing some sort of tests, live streamed online in the era b4 the net was what it is today) dying. One I recall was with acid or something..Another movie I can only vaguely remember is some weird cult/ high class people. Each cult member takes a date out for a night of partying (think techno/ cheesy music/ bar scene). The cult people drug their dates (unwilling participants), the dates wake up in some warehouse and have to try and escape some traps.. In the end, the winner (sole survivor) is pulled into the cult...Yeah, it'[s vague, but any help with any of these movie titles would be excellent PLZ. Thanx bunches
submitted by SeaCaummisar to horror [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:40 megmermegmer CPE - Surgent/Other CPE Program On-Demand Webinars

Hi folks,
I'm a CPA and my licensure is up for renewal at 6/30. I have been chipping away at my requirements over the past few months. I'm RI based, so I need 120 credits over 3 years. I was nearly complete with my credits (or so I thought), so went to start filling out the renewal form. I noticed that there is a new requirement (put in place last year, I believe that is not listed on their FAQ about requirements that I had been referencing) that says only 80 of the 120 can be self-study. All of my credits have been self-study through CPE Depot up to this point.
I found out that 40 need to be considered live or on-demand webinars with "Reasonable and Reliable Attendance Verification Mechanisms", i.e. - interactive testing/polling questions, pop of screens that require you to click to show attendance, etc.
I am seeing a lot of options for on-demand webinars online (looking most closely at Surgent). If you have used Surgent on-demand webinars before, do you know if these attendance verifications are included in them? Or if you've used another company that uses these verifications, please let me know!! I am a bit desperate at this point as I am about a month away from needing to submit my application and need nearly 40 hours of non self-study hours (on top of an insane workload and personal life things going on!)
Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by megmermegmer to Accounting [link] [comments]